(Weekly. Published on Monday evenings UTC.)
Note: We no longer publish the latest reports. We only have an archive to October 2, 2017)
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Бенджамин Фулфорд - Репортажи
Benjamin Fulford
Benjamin Fulford and David Rockefeller
Who are these people?
Bilderbergers announce
New World Order of the Illiminati
and Single World Empire
The Truth for sale:
How to fight the evil and make some money on it too.
Bilderbergers announce the New World Order of the Illuminati and a single world empire
Who are the Illuminati?
Who are these people?
Yep, that is what this "noble knight on a white horse", allegedly doing his best "to save the mankind from evil", Benya Fulford, essentially says.
Here's what Benya says:
July 14, 2015
You are breaking the law by posting my subscription newsletter for free. The rule is that you are allowed to post the newsletter for free on the Thursday after the Monday that subscribers get it. We will be unable to continue the work required to create the newsletter without the support of our subscribers. If you continue to post the newsletter as soon as it comes out, we will be forced to take legal action. Your understanding in this matter is appreciated.
You are breaking the law!!!
These are the very first words you see in his ugly, threatening and guilt projection message. Wait a minute, one might say, I just started reading something, and before I even get to know what IS the "beef" in it, I already get a doze of ugliest guilt-projecting energy.
Interesting aspect about this guilt manipulation procedure is that you ARE breaking some law, which is presented as some kind of undeniable fact beyond any and all arguments. Not that you "MIGHT be breaking some law", or "according to ME, you are breaking the law". No. It is already a self-proven "FACT" in the twisted mind of this "warrior against all evil", Benya, who, for some strange reason, was called "a liar, fraud, con man, charlatan, Narcissist, fantasist and criminal plagiarist" by the alleged "real" Illuminati representative.
Another interesting interpretation in his message is his narcissistic idea is "The rule is...". He does not seem to comprehend that you can not set any "rules" either in the fight for Truth or for Creativity. Well, sure, you CAN try to, but you have neither necessary authority nor real power to dictate ANY kinds of "rules" to Truth or Creativity. Just be humble enough and grateful enough to be so blessed as to even come near it.
Because in front of Truth or Creativity, you are just nobody and nothing special, worth even mentioning, and it has been specifically stated "ALL you have in your hands is dust, and nothing but the dust".
Just a couple of points before we begin looking at it.
First of all, determination on whether some law is broken may be made only by the impartial and fair court hearing.
Secondly, which law? - The "law" created by the corrupt men in the never-ending chase of the money "god"?
Thirdly, and probably most importantly, Benya is simply manipulating guilt and substituting something fake for the real, which is exactly the favorite trick of the evil money worshipers, whose main "laws" are:
Money is god, and god is money,
Either I suck your blood or you are bound to suck mine.
Because there is no other game in town.
Naturally, the question arises: But how can you possibly fight the evil world of money, while leaning upon the same corrupt ideology of fake "values" and its system of cunning manipulation tricks, just to make one guilty if one is not willing to bow down and serve the money "god"?
Basically, the very first sentence in his ugly guilt manipulation procedure about allegedly "breaking the law" is the evidence in itself. Furthermore, it is probably one of the most telling indications and a living proof that his whole "evil fighting" trip to "save the world" is nothing but a fake, or, at best, an attempt of the blind to lead the blind, the inevitable outcome of which is both of them falling into a pit, just as has been stated in the New Testament.
And the crescendo of his ugly concoctions and manipulations is a threat, cunningly wrapped into a wrapper of some inevitable necessity of "we will be FORCED to take legal action". Will be "forced" by WHOM, and by what power of what? You see, it is not ME, who is doing it, I am just "forced" by some "objective necessity" or external circumstances with the inevitable outcome. But this is not me who is responsible. This is just the reality of "how it is" in this ugly world of the money "god" worshiping.
Yes, he can certainly try to boost his own significance in the scheme of things, but the question still remains: Is there ANY evidence that all his concoctions and fabrications are nothing more than a trick to delude the "clueless" and lead them by their noses directly into an abyss while making them think that what he is giving them is not just concoctions and fabrications, but something that corresponds to reality.
This would probably be quite a show in itself to see this matter actually go to a court. But what if he simply ends up being exposed in the court for selling all sorts of lies from all sorts of "sources", which he had merely invented to make it look like there is some substance in it in order to boost and somehow validate all sorts of lies, manipulations, concoctions and inventions of all kinds or pipe dreams of wishful thinking at best, if not the outright plagiarism and/or disinformation? Here's a quote from the alleged "real" Illuminati site:
Jewish-Canadian conspiracy theorist and notorious fantasist Benjamin Fulford employs an otherwise jobless, delusional Serbian bum (a former drug dealer) living near Fulford in Tokyo to "star" in various videos with him, posing as the "Grand Master of the Illuminati". Fulford and this Serbian nobody plagiarise the material made freely available by us on this website and sell it in plagiarised books and to subscription-paying suckers.
Fulford is a liar, fraud, con man, charlatan, Narcissist, fantasist and criminal plagiarist. He is the uttermost scum, swindling weak-minded people.
In his own words:
"Hello, my name is Benjamin Fulford. I am a spokesperson for an organization known as the White Dragon Society. We are an international group of financiers, military men, people in intelligence agencies, and in secret organizations, as well as journalists, and regular citizens who have been appalled and disgusted by the never-ending wars caused by the military-industrial complex. They have been using over 90% of humanity's savings in order to steal oil, pillage countries, and just cause mayhem."
Hold on - aren't the international financiers, military men, people in intelligence services, Masons and propaganda journalists precisely the PROBLEM?! Fulford is an Old World Order agent of DISINFORMATION, trying to confuse you about who is good and who is bad.
Fulford is making himself rich selling you lies.
The world will be free only when we are free of exactly the people who allegedly belong to the "White Dragon Society" (formerly the Black Dragon Society!).
Wake up!
As to "the business of the journalists", here's what John Swinton, then the pre-eminent New York journalist had to say:
In America, John Swinton, then the pre-eminent New York journalist, was the guest of honour at a banquet given him by the leaders of his craft. Someone who knew neither the press nor Swinton offered a toast to the independent press. Swinton outraged his colleagues by replying,
"There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it.
There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with.
Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.
The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press?
We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."
There are quite a few things that could be said about it and that is one of the reasons we did not comment on this before. But Benya keeps insisting and projecting guilt on all those who decided to make his "earthquaking revelations" of quite questionable value and validity, made for the purpose yet to be determined, available in full as soon, as they are published, which does make quite some sense.
Why shouldn't some people have a chance to know what is going on as soon as it comes out, just because they either do not have a computer and have to read it in some public place, or do not have money to spend on it, or may not even have a bank account, or live in some country where the kind of money he charges is comparable to their monthly incomes, not even mentioning the issues of identification of "undesirables" or considering that all his big words and projections are not worth more than a used condom to be thrown into a garbage bin once is usefulness expires?
How corrupt one needs to be to even conceive of an idea to place a prices sticker on nothing less then Truth itself, if there is any to begin with? Is it available only to some "chosen few", and not to mere "mortals" that either can not afford to pay or do not even consider that all these wild stories of Benya are worth a penny?
Is there any evidence that all his concoctions, inventions and "prophecies" are anything more than a plain show for the "fools" and a "herd of sheep", "full of fury, signifying nothing"?
Why does he need to charge money for his grand concoctions and "revelations" of all kinds if not to make something fake look like something really valuable?
There is another interesting question with quite some consequences: Is it, by ANY chance, done in order to IDENTIFY the "undesirables" and potential "troublemakers" in order to add them to what is known as the "Red List" of all those to be exterminated FIRST in the FEMA concentration camps of which there are hundreds in the USA alone?
Let us go through it point by point.
The copyright law, as it stands, is not even meant to support the creativity. With sufficient marketing hype, nearly anything may be pushed to the levels of mass hysteria resulting in sales of utter garbage, and even utmost evil, in millions of copies. But genuinely creative works are not guaranteed to bring enough income to even support the most basic needs of the authors and there are plenty of examples of it.
Is he trying to SELL you the allegedly "inside information" about the evil most profound and all sorts of schemes to take over the world and parasite on everything, which every human Being has the Creator's given RIGHT to know?
Can you imagine Jesus Christ charging you money for the Truth and for entrance into the "Kingdom of God"? How can one even conceive of an idea of charging money for the Truth? Because if we take out the information from the "sources", then what will be left is mostly his wild guesses about some grand schemes, at best.
So, the "beef" in his reports is not his own ideas about it, but the information, allegedly told to him by his extensive network of "sources", and even there, it isn't even clear if those alleged facts are not mere disinformation. So, what is he selling you?
Just because the media is corrupt to the bone and marrow and sold their souls to the evil, does it mean you can start charging money for nothing less than Truth? What kind of logic is this? Are you insane?
Essentially, he is no different than a parrot, repeating someone else's words, and arrogant, blind, cunning and dishonest enough to even charge the money for it, as though it was his own original work and creative ideas, which it is not, at least for the most part, beyond some wild exaggerations and inventions of all kinds, very little of which happens to turn out at the end the way he painted it.
If telling the Truth is copyrightable in principles, then those who allegedly told him all his "earthquaking revelations" are the authors, but not Benya, by ANY means.
In fact, it can be claimed that his original contribution to the resulting writing mostly consists of vast exaggerations, "blowing flies to the size of a helicopter", and all sorts of wishful thinking, at best. Very little, if anything of substance, of what he told so far, did in fact materialize and could be verified via commonly available information sources.
If anything, his very motivations and the way he concocts all sorts of wild ideas and projections are quite suspect. Simply because today white is white and black is black, but tomorrow it is all just the other way around. How much trust can anyone place on it? If you read some of the feedback on various forums and blogs, you will find plenty of people having enough reasons to doubt his sincerity and honesty. Why is that?
Yesterday, the queen is one of the evilest individuals you can find, which she in fact is, but today, boom, she is involved in some negotiations on behalf and for the "bright future of mankind", which is simply impossible, simply because all those people, if you can call them people to begin with, made the contract with Lucifer and "the dark side" and those contracts are not reversible.
As they say, "the hell may sooner get frozen" than for the evil to become good. The same thing applies to the Pentagon, the Pope, P2 masonic lodge, various "leaders", "authorities", agencies and so on.
For example, he keeps talking about the military cooperation between the USA and Russia. But, during the briefing at the Pentagon on Aug. 12, 2015 the U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno called Russia "the most dangerous military threat to the U.S. right now". "... He said the Army has been working to rebuild its ability to fight an adversary like Russia over the past 18 months, mainly training for hybrid warfare, which includes a mix of conventional, counterinsurgency, cyber, space and other military capabilities".
Top general: US should consider embedding troops in Iraq
"In addition, the Committee of chiefs of staffs of the USA was led by General Joseph Dunford, who called the Russian Federation as the biggest threat to the States".American General explained why Russia is more dangerous for the U.S. and other countries
Isn't this something totally opposite to what Benya keeps singing in his reports? So, who is lying and/or manipulating and fabricating here? How can you possibly reconcile all this? And we can cite quite a list of utter and complete contradictions between what was reported by Benya and what had actually taken place in reality.Or take this one (March 31, 2015) where he says:
Proposal for world federation has now been passed on to key power centers
Actually, there are quite a few places during the last year, at least, where Benya talks about Cabal's "negotiating a surrender". For example:
September 22, 2014
May 5, 2014
March 3, 2014
So, keeps talking about these "surrender negotiations" for years on. But, do you see ANY "surrenders" happening even "after all these years"? Naturally, the question arises: So, how many generations need to pass by before this "surrender" takes place in reality? Secondly, how can you even conceive of an idea of negotiations with the satanists and obedient servants of the "dark side"? Because any promises they might give worth absolutely nothing to them.
Their Kol Nidre prayer annuls any promises they have given and any contracts they have made or signed. You can not negotiate ANYTHING with them. About the only language they understand is the language of the ultimatums, power and threats to their very existence and, most of all, all the money they have robbed, stolen, conned out of or acquired via parasitic means. That is about ALL they understand and capable of understanding.
So, what kind of fools can even conceive of an idea of negotiations with the servants of "the dark side"? What is Benya feeding you, people? Do you know?
You can not be simply a "bum" and expect that anyone of any "authority" or "power" will speak to you or would even bother to know you exist. Those kinds of people do not deal with mere mortals. You simply MUST have some "initial net worth" and "weight" for them to even be interested in knowing you exist.
Now, with all their "Dragon family money", can not they afford to pay the expenses of their own "spokesperson" to be able to "survive" and do the work of being their "mouth"? Or does he have to go somewhere and find some money to pay his bills to do the work for THEM, boosting their image and significance, and being essentially a marketing agent for them? What is this but the lunacy level?
And who ARE them, whom do they represent, who authorized their involvement and who asked for it? What authority do they have to conduct all sorts of behind the curtain negotiations and deal-making of all kinds on behalf of mankind without even asking if anyone wants or appreciate their "help"?
Here is his own words:
"There was also an offer to pay this writer over $30,000 a month in Dragon family money to finance investigative journalism. So far no money has appeared. There have been so many announcements of this type over the years that have failed to materialize that this phone call should be considered more likely an attempt to spread disinformation than a sign of any real breakthrough.
"These people have lied so many times that only their actions, not their words, can be believed."
And these are the very same people he alleges to be a "spokesman" for! So, he himself admits to be a "spokesperson" for the liars and those who do not keep their word, and yet, making all sorts of claims to be "fighting evil" and having guts to even present the "agenda for the good of mankind"? Upon what authorization and upon what request and by whom?
And WHO are these so-called WDS "family"? WHERE is the full story on them? The thing is, some individuals allege that they are nothing more than the Chinese gambling mafia and that is where their money comes from. Whether it is true or not, you have to investigate yourselves.
In fact, he even claims to have been "initiated" into their clan and even posted a picture of him, hanging upside down during the "initiation ritual", and, therefore, had given some oaths and did become a full-fledged member of their organization, or a "family" or a cult, whichever it is. It would be interesting to see the full text of the oath he has given, at least in order to determine if it differs from any other oaths used during the initiations in all sorts of cults of evil. After all, he has given this oath in his alleged battle against all evil on behalf of mankind, didn't he?
But the thing is that even a plain ordinary mafia "takes care of their family and people" and does not expect that someone is going to do the marketing work for them while not even being paid a penny. Strange, isn't it?
See: Fair Use Notice:
Again, the copyright law is meant to protect the COMMERCIAL interests. Religious or humanitarian information, meant to benefit the mankind as such, can not be copyrighted in principle. Simple as that. Else, it is nothing more than perversion and the money "rules" over the needs of mankind.
How can you even conceive of charging money for allegedly vital information of humanitarian nature, to allegedly "save the mankind from evil"? Than what kind of a model Benya proposes?
Making money on fighting the corrupt world of money? Are we in a madhouse?
George Taylor Fulford
This implies that Benya Fulford is quite a wealthy man. On the scale of being one of the major stock owners of the GE, this translates into millions, if not billions, unless he was disinherited. So, the money isn't even an issue on this level, nothing even worth mentioning, or IS it?
Then why Benya even talks about money? Where is the guarantee that it is not done just to inflate the significance of his concoctions and make it all look like something so real and "valuable" that it is even worth some money to be paid for all sorts of rumors and his own inventions? What else could be the case?
Does this imply that the humanity has lost all its heritage and contacts with the entities from the Light side, serving the Law of "us" vs. "me and my own interests"? Why would some dragons come and chose to "save the mankind from evil", while the "entities of Light" keep silent and, seemingly, have abandoned the mankind? How could this be?
Sure, who knows, there might even be some Truth in his writings, even though you can hardly find any evidence of it. In fact, the actual and verifiable events seem to be happening just the other way around than what Benya claims or foretells in his prophecies. Except there are way too many of them to even begin mentioning here.
Which of his "earthquaking prophecies", revelations and interpretations can be verified? Just review his past reports on this very page and then look and see which ones did correspond to what had actually taken place since then. Surprise, surprise!
Because some of those things might have several alternate meanings, to the point of being just the opposite to what he tells you it means. What he tells you to be the "good news" quite realistically may mean the "bad news" and vice versa.
And in many cases, the meaning is hidden, and if anyone of his "sources" discloses that meaning to ANYONE, he becomes a walking dead. Because there are plenty of ways to find out who leaked the information. So, one has to be simply suicidal to tell Benya anything of real value or meaning, even if they knew it.
The REAL meaning is only known on the topmost level of "the pyramid", and anyone on the levels below it are simply receiving the disinformation and for a specific purpose, and that is to keep everyone confused and deluded. So, the very attempt to see the REAL meaning is an exercise in futility in most cases. Yes, you can guess of some PROBABLE outcomes, but that does not imply you can SEE the real thing.
For example, take one of his favorite themes of BRICS alliance. He keeps singing the song that it constitutes the genuine opposition to the Rothschilds and "banking mafia". But, the BRICS may as well turn out to be just a scheme to create an ILLUSION of some "progress" and "change in the power structure" and control, while deep inside it is simply moving the accent and assets to China, just to change the labels or "to make MORE money", so the humanity keeps hoping for the "bright future of mankind" while being led by their noses into the abyss, and the rope around their neck is simply being tightened.
Could THIS be the case? - Why not? If you look at how easy and quickly the UK exchanges and markets decided to support the Chinese Yuan and consider the impact of such unexpected shift, especially in light of the fact that the most powerful and influential force on the markets and the economy of UK happen to be the same Rothschilds, then what does it tell you?
So, the net result of the whole scam could be just to gain some tactical advantage for the same satanists and the banking mafia and to divert everyone's attention from the "REAL deal". Could THIS be the case by ANY humble chance?
Just review the William C. Van Duyn’s Opening Remarks Bilderberg Meeting 2014, which was openly published by the Illuminati. What does it tell you?
The very fact that British are moving towards China in a heavy way economically means what? Well, the UK is owned by whom, if not the Rothschilds? So, what does it matter to them where to move their money to, BRICS or the puppet theaters of the USA and EU? They still own the whole thing, gun, stock and barrel! So, what IS the REAL "meaning" of it?
According to him, even major intelligence agencies, the Pentagon, the royal families, the Vatican and all sorts of other "big guns" keep contacting him and telling him "the secrets" behind the curtains, as though he is some central coordinating force or "authority" on this planet through which the delivery of "truth" and "secrets" of all kinds to "mere mortals" is to happen. But WHO is Benya "in the scheme of things" waving the WDS flag left and right?
Here is an example, as presented in his July 27, 2015 correction notice:
The July 20th edition of Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis opened with the following quote attributed to a top Pentagon person. “Just Watch is as it unfolds. You will be tempted to get a pitchfork ready here and there but, just leave it in the closet. All should be accomplished without a shot being fired if everything goes according to plan.”
This quote in fact originated from Jerzy Babkwoski who writes using the pen-name ZAP. The source that sent me that quote erroneously claimed it originated with the Pentagon. This source will no longer be trusted. In any case, the quote very accurately describes what multiple sources have been telling me. As one Pentagon source told me “he put words right in my mouth.”
Well, but how come Benya did not tell you that the message came from some ZAP or Zip or Zing, and instead told you that it came from the Pentagon?
Interestingly enough, just a couple of years ago, it was allegedly "the Illuminati grand master", Alexander Romanoff, and a head of the world's martial arts societies Chodoin Daikaku, who allegedly has a 2 million strong army of martial arts warriors, that were ready to fight any moment, just upon his calling, to "save the world". But the WDS were just a bunch of liars, promising things they did not deliver.
And today, do you see even mentioning of those former heroes anywhere? So, what happened? How could the real heroes be converted into nothing even worth mentioning, and are they still interested in "saving the world from evil"? And now, the WDS is the major force to "save the mankind from evil"! Guess what will happen tomorrow...The way it looks so far, Benya is willing to change his "heroes" and his mind as easy as condoms or "useful idiots" to be blown up out of all proportions and then thrown into a garbage bin once their "usefulness" no longer has any value to be exploited to blow up things even further.
First of all, it's been said:
Blind leading the blind shalt fall into a ditch.
Simple as that. And that is precisely what we are dealing with here - some blind fools, not necessarily SEEING anything of real value, are trying to "save the world", for whatever reasons or interests they might have.
In order "to be able save the world", the first thing that is required is "SEEING" the essence of it, which translates into a degree of consciousness or awareness as some call it. Because if you do not have enough awareness to "SEE", no matter how sincere you are and your efforts, you will simply end up in a pit, and pretty much inevitably so.
Because the events in the world don't just happen "out of the blue". It is all a result of immensely complex processes of growth of Intelligence on this planet. There are some things and aspects of it that lay well beyond comprehension of nearly everyone on this planet and some of it may turn out not as it APPEARS to be, as seen by most.
Some of those events or aspects may have the consequences just opposite to what many were lead to believe. In order to "save the world from evil", you need to understand the mechanisms and principles of the Infinite Multidimensional Intelligence, ALL-pervading, ALL-engulfing and forever expanding.
The events and appearances are not just some random and "undesirable" acts in a performance in some mad house. It is all precisely sculpted and structured to facilitate those very mechanisms of "SEEING", that lay at the foundation of growth of Intelligence and are the results of certain experiments, conducted on this planet, the intents of which is to facilitate the most rapid growth of the Infinite Multidimensional Intelligence and its manifestations on this planet, or "All There Is", as some classify it.
Yes, there are different versions and the interpretations of what is going on with this planet. Some claim that we are dealing with an attempt of takeover of this planet by "the dark side", specifically by the Orion Group and as a result of the so-called "negative approach" of the "ruling family" or "social memory complex" Lucifer. This essentially means that what we are dealing with is an attempt to sabotage "the original plan" for development of Intelligence on this planet.
This, in turn, means that the issues we are dealing with are immensely complex and so are the possible "solutions", and could not be solved merely by force, with a gun or violence of all kinds. Furthermore, they are multidimensional and multifaceted. Considering the fact that the knowledge on what is known as the 3rd density, or the level of development of self-awareness of human Beings is not available, the complexity magnifies drastically.
What is available on this level is theories, guesses, creative search, intuitive flashes and things of that nature, but not the KNOWLEDGE, simply because of what is known as the "Law of Confusion" which is meant to facilitate the genuinely NEW and creative ideas and aspects. But all of this is too complex to even begin to discuss here.
One needs to study these things to even begin to comprehend the REAL issues of what we are dealing with and what opportunities are presented to us and what REAL problems do we face as Humanity, some of which are immense in their complexity.
Yes, the time has come to draw "the bottom line", and REAL things ARE happening, some of which may even be visible. But they are happening in such a way as to minimize the probabilities of catastrophic consequences of some probable events and actions. The "future" is not determinable from the present, like in some deterministic machine. It is not mapped as some "inevitability" from the "present". There are what is known "probable alternatives" to what may happen "in the future". And the number of those alternatives is virtually infinite. It all depends on the point of view. From one point of view, doing so and so might look to be the most beneficial or most "efficient" course of action. But from a different point of view, it may turn out to be nothing but disaster and destruction of all kinds.
So, how could the "blind", not "seeing" even the skin-deep levels for what they are, "lead the mankind" to anything other than "hell", as it is commonly known? How many people are there on this planet who are able to SEE some of those mechanisms and necessities, created and facilitated on the HIGHEST levels of Being and Existence as such?
So, let us look as some elements of "the plan to save this planet" as proposed by Benya Fulford and the WDS.
As to the poverty, again, it might take generations and massive amounts of all sorts of help, assistance in agricultural production techniques and methods, irrigation techniques and so on, not even mentioning the transformation of the entire societies and social organization in the "underdeveloped" part of the world, which by itself is quite a risky proposition, at least from the standpoint of a "reserve genotype" to be activated in case the "developed" part of the mankind becomes hopelessly corrupt and/or zombified "to the point of no return".
Because the "underdeveloped" part of the mankind is precisely that part that has not been corrupted by the world of money and "industrialization" techniques and methods of merciless exploitation of everything that moves or does not, for that matter. It is precisely this genotype still has the necessary purity and humaneness to continue the processes, at least from the standpoint of the "positive approach" or "service to US" vs. "me and my own interests".
So, the result of "rapid elimination of poverty" might lead to utter corruption of the original and pure genotype of "primitive" societies, as the same techniques of ruthless exploitation and "industrialization" are introduced into those, still relatively pure and uncorrupted societies, even though much corruption has already entered even into the most remote and "uncivilized" parts of this planet. So, the issues are way much more complex than most could even begin to comprehend.
Interestingly enough, the supporting evidence of the "reserve genetic pool" may be seen in the results of a study conducted to see what those "uncivilized" people will tell us once they see our great values with their own eyes. So, the group of "primitive", "uncivilized" people were brought to the UK, dressed in plain clothes of the "civilized" people and were taken to all sorts of places to see how our great "civilization" works. At the end, they were asked what they think about our "democratized" society. The shocking part of that final interview was that they asked: but why are you people so insensitive, and why there exists so little care and respect for each other, why are you so inhuman, violent and so on? And that IS a shock, which directly implies that these "primitive" people are MORE "developed" as far as real human values go than our mentalized and egocentric society.
The net result is that you won't see any visible changes possibly for generations. But, even if you succeed, does it change the world of money, power and influence and will it cause the powers of evil to subside and stop parasiting on this world and creating all this global violence, wars, revolutions, not even mentioning of mercilessly robbing the people on this planet and creating vast imbalances of wealth? How so?
But what COULD be done, and almost immediately, is to, first of all, take back the control of the media and stop creation of all sorts of lies, deceit and manipulation in the media so that people of this planet will be able to learn the TRUE information, instead of being lied to, morning to night, every single day on nearly every single channel of media any place you look.
Because the REAL force that is capable to bring up the real changes are the PEOPLE, and not some puppets and not even "noble knights on a white horse". Because no knights will be able to bring out radical changes required. The system is just too big, too sophisticated, too powerful and all-pervasive. It exists for thousands of years and has been perfected to the point that it is simply impossible to stand against it, unless ALL the people get involved, at least to some degree.
They own ALL the governments, legislature, courts, media, major industries and on and on and on. They have their agents on ALL the levels of significance of anything, down to your local city offices. It is the most extensive network of evil ever existing on this planet. And it is built upon the networking structure and architecture. Meaning that you can not destroy it as a whole. All you can do is to take out some nodes. But it will still function, even if half of the network is destroyed, just like Internet itself. So, HOW are you going to fight it?
Network of interconnected organizations
(Invisible Khazaria by Tatyana Gracheva,
Algorithms and geopolitical strategy of secret wars of the world behind the scenes
Once true information starts coming out with the force and power with which the lies are now peddled everywhere, and it becomes a FLOOD of true information, than the whole system will simply collapse upon itself. Because it can only work if people are deluded and do not have any access to true and reliable information.
So, they have no clue of what is really going on. How and what can they possibly do if they are simply confused as to what is what and who is who and have no clue of what are the REAL issues of the day, who stands behind it all, what are their techniques and methods and so on? In order to fight the enemy, you need to KNOW him and his resources and techniques first.
Yes, indeed, to assure that people receive truthful information is easier said than done. Because most of the journalists, as it stands right now, are basically prostitutes and puppets who, willingly or unwillingly sold their Souls to anyone who is interested enough to pay for it, just as John Swinton said.
But it is doable. All you need is honest, intelligent and competent editors and there are enough of those capable of doing such a work. From then on, those editors need to explain to the journalists and reporters that the times of lies are done with and so are the times of hype, hysteria, perversions and prostitution journalism. So, any crappy work that is not insightful and does not carry some substance that opens up some real issues to resolve will be simply thrown out into a garbage bin, and if those reporters keep producing all sorts of meaningless crap they will simply be fired on the basis of incompetence and/or dishonesty. Simple as that.
Yes, it will take some time to change things from the mode of fabrications, perversions and deceit to honesty and insight. The thing is that many journalists and reporters are not as dumb and dishonest as they look. They simply HAD to prostitute themselves because of "objective realities", but it does not necessarily mean that they are hopelessly corrupt and/or dumb as a piece of wood even though there are plenty of those around.
Basically, the very profession of journalism needs to be cleaned of the roots of corruption and it does take some time. But what are the options you have?
Also, the journalists need to learn the principles of humanism and Life affirmation instead of all sorts of tricks of exploitation, manipulation, deceit, parasitism and glorification of death and destruction. Basically, if a journalist isn't even interested in the issues of awareness, consciousness and Being, he is basically a "hopeless case". Yes, vast majority of people are substantially immature, primarily because of delusions of the materialistic view of reality where the matter and "objectivism rule". But much of it is simply related to fear, fear to even come close to that which is known as Truth.
Because in the world of corruption, Truth becomes one of the most "dangerous" things from the standpoint of being able to "survive". When one is dealing with Truth, it is pretty risky. It requires the intelligence, courage and a certain degree of awareness. Then the fear has not much space to operate within. The "good news" is that the Intelligence and Creativity will always find a solution. So, there is really not much basis for fear. Most of it is nothing more than fictions of all kinds, the artificial limitations created by the world of corruption and exploitation. But it is not something natural and inherent. Truth is "natural". Lies are not. They are nothing more than temporary delusions, created as a result of all sorts of distortions, perpetuated by the parasitic forces and their agenda of "taking over the world", which is an absurd and impossibility.
The second thing that could be done is to make it a policy that ANY and ALL negotiations, at least between the world powers, are to be made in PUBLIC and full transcripts of their speeches are to be published on the web and made searchable. No secret negotiations and deals and wheels behind the curtains may be allowed, allegedly on behalf of people.
If it is REALLY done on behalf and for the benefit of ALL the people, and not just some clans and "powers" of all kinds, then how come the politicians meet behind the closed doors and people have no idea of what had actually taken place and/or done on their behalf with their implicit authorization? Because what is told to you in the media is a totally different and totally distorted picture of what had taken place in reality.
All this secrecy, animosity and warfare mentality exist only in the world of adversity, an artificial world of exploitation and parasitism. But what is the basis for the nations to maintain the warlike stance and keep piling weapons, tools and means of destructions if there is no "enemy"? And those "enemies" are artificially created to maintain and promote the world and principles of evil. It is not something natural or inherent in Life.
It is much more productive and beneficial for the nations to maintain the mutual respect and appreciation for different cultures and traditions. Because all of them are complimentary, expanding the scope of That Which Is. The more colors you have, the better, the more ways and means to look at things you have, the more variety of methods and solutions become available and so on.
Because what we have on this planet right now is all these wars, artificially created, in order to maintain the unnecessary animosity to take away the attention of the people from the real things, and that is parasitism and exploitation. Just to keep everyone busy with artificial and utterly unnecessary "problems", that do not exist and are utterly unnatural. Why does one crave for fighting when things can be resolved without any fights? Who keeps winding everyone's tails, just to keep them frustrated and angry all the time? What does anger and fight resolve beyond boosting the egos, arrogance and all sorts of other tricks of control and parasitism, created by the "dark side"?
The third thing to be done is to prohibit any politicians or "authorities" of all kinds to read their speeches from some paper. Yes, they can refer to some numbers or quote things or remind themselves of the points to cover, but not just read it all literally as a text of their speeches. Because if one opens his mouth, then he needs to have enough intelligence to speak of his own and to show his own abilities to solve things. Otherwise, why did he even open his mouth to speak? His pre-constructed blabber, written by someone else could be simply played by the speech synthesizer, just to remove all his tricks to IMPRESS and magnify ones own significance, and all his hand-waving, chest-pumping and all other tricks of lies and fabrication, just to convince all others that his lies are actually true.
Furthermore, the text of any speeches has to be published first and made available to all, before they can even open their mouths, and it needs to be published in easily accessible form, such as blogs or forums, which anyone can comment on or bring up some questions or substantive issues for discussion. From then on, it could be sorted, prioritized and analyzed by the assistants and analysts to be responded to or acted upon.
How do you know WHO wrote those papers and for what purpose? What if they are simply reading the scripts prepared by the same forces of evil that exploit and parasite on you? How could you possibly know if this is not in fact going on?
And that is precisely how you activate the Creative potential of all the people, and not just some "elite" of mostly perverts and evildoers. In order to solve the problems of the world, you need to engage everyone, who has enough interest and creative abilities to contribute. Then it can be looked at, discussed, improved upon and, finally, implemented.
Because any "elite" or or even the so-called "scientists" have only their own limited views and "interests" or "carriers to worry about", and much of it is merely a result of corruption and vested interests. But the problems of today are so many and so big, that you need to engage anyone who is willing to contribute in a constructive way and have enough interest in doing so.
Because the politicians and those "in power" are inherently corrupt, and so are most of the "scientists", simply because we are dealing with the same issue as in case with Benya - the monetary interests, which immediately brings in the mechanisms of corruption. Basically, it is only those, who do not depend on some income for "survival", could be trusted to be neutral or sincere enough. The mechanisms of assuring the "survival" need to be totally revised, just to remove any possibility of corruption and self-interest, which is easier said than done.
If you look at the "modern" music, arts and science, you will mostly find the pure grade hype and even utmost evil. Because it is done by those, who are either concerned with "survival" or are interested in magnifying their own significance, if not craving for promotion of the outright evil, for their own interests, just as the "negative approach" of Lucifer states, not even mentioning the so-called "Orion Group" and the issues of takeover of this planet by the "dark side" and its innumerable agents and puppets of all kinds you see in the so-called governments, media, the so-called international organizations and so on.
And if even the arts and science have been corrupted, pretty much to the bone and marrow, then what do you expect to achieve at the end, but not the utmost lies, perversions, deceit, manipulation, just to "gain" something for oneself without any concern for others or "us" as a whole?
Moreover, the modern so-called science is basically the system of utter delusion. Most of it could hardly be even called science, first of all, because of the total distortion of the so-called "materialistic model" and so-called "objective reality", which is UTTER myth. Because whatever you look for has to be inevitably and unquestionably "verified" by the MATERIALISTIC means and methods.
But those are some of the grossest illusions and distortions. The "matter" does NOT "rule", as commonly believed. Even in Yoga and Easter systems of thought, such as Tao or Zen, it is one of the most fundamental principles. Matter or Tamas, as it is known from Gunas, is considered to be the grossest and utterly unconscious state of Being, which is not quite correct because of the very concept of matter.
But, nevertheless, "matter" is considered to be the grossest and the most unconscious state of Being and Intelligence, necessary to obtain and experience the initial states of self-awareness. And yet, it "rules" even in the so-called science. The concept of "matter" is, therefore, "supreme", which is utter and complete absurd and even a delusion, and of the most profound kind. Because matter is a "medium", a vastly slowed down energy, like a bullet, filmed with a high speed camera allowing one to see it, with the help of which, nevertheless, the CONSCIOUSNESS and AWARENESS may grow, and it is available in form of something rigid or tangible only on the lowest "densities" of Being.
It is a profound "distortion" of that which is known as the Infinite Multidimensional Intelligence. Yes, necessary indeed, as via "matter" you are able to experience the initial and quite primitive manifestations of consciousness or awareness. But a "matter", as such, does not "rule" anything, and can not possibly be defined as the highest measure of validity of ANYTHING whatsoever. It is just the other way around.
And it is precisely this grossest distortion of "materialism" and "objective reality", that has been elevated above all, is "the cause of all calamities" on this planet. Matter is probably one of the most unreal concepts there are. Even physicists know it and that is precisely how the quantum physics was born. Because matter is nothing more than the energy at a particular "state" or "rotational speed" of photons. It is basically, the Light, slowed down to the grossest level where processes are so slow that they APPEAR to be something "tangible".
Yes, it is difficult, if not nearly impossible to talk about it here and there are things one must study on his own. But, nevertheless, matter, as we know it, is nothing but a lie, and a DELIBERATE lie, just to remove the very possibility of some "higher" states of CONSCIOUSNESS and to convert the existence and Intelligence into a conglomeration and interaction of some primitive, mechanistic objects, that are, nevertheless, considered to be "the only thing that is real". And that is precisely why you see these robots everywhere nowadays, presented as some kind of "bright future of humanity" that will invitably bring all sorts of "benefits", at least as far as greed of the material world goes.
Furthermore, the politicians, as such, are mostly totally uncreative liars and fabricators, forever giving you the promises of some undefined and amorphous "bright future", while not meaning a word of it. Very few of them have the necessary background and technical skills and enough talent to solve ANY problems. Because, in the "higher education" institutions, they are mostly taught to argue, manipulate, lie better than others and to memorize mountains of tricks of manipulation, exploitation and "gain". The creativity requires courage and risk, vision and trust that Intelligence and Life do "make sense", in order to really improve upon things.
So, there is plenty that could be done, and pretty much nearly instantly and without much fuss. WHO is going to object these things and on what grounds the "secrecy rules" the affairs of the world?
Sure, there is plenty to be done and not everything is as simple, as it might look "on paper". But what options or alternatives do you have?
Why and how could "the evil rule" if you CARE, and not only about the ways and means to stuff your own bellies, but for the Life as such? Yes, it is true that the machine of mass zombification and robotization of mankind is immensely powerful and totally controlled by the forces of evil. Yes, it is true that Truth has been heavily suppressed and any "dangerous" information has been either destroyed or perverted.
But today you have access to nearly any kind of information imaginable to see the roots and mechanisms of evil, so there is no longer any excuse for not knowing the mechanisms an roots of it, even though very few people even bother to investigate the Truth of how they have been "had", exploited, parasited on and lied to, and yet, they want some "happiness", not even knowing what it means, beyond stuffing their bellies and shaking their rear ends at some "parties" of promotion of all sorts of idiocy, if not the outright insanity, where the very notion of happiness has been reduced to purely animalistic levels of Being.
Yes, the time of evil is up as people began to wake up in numbers. But you can not expect some Benya to do the work for you in defending Life and Truth, and not the ideology of death, destruction, parasitism, violence and perversions of all kinds.
Yes, it is at least conceivable that Benya is genuinely trying to do his best to assist as many people in understanding the mechanisms of evil. Yes, it can not be excluded that even his wild exaggerations and inventions are merely an attempt to look at probable outcomes of the world's major events. Yes, it is at least conceivable that he is "running out of his skin" trying to help as many people to SEE what is going on behind the curtains and he deserves the "thank you" for that, if that is the case.
But the question still remains: But What does money have to do with this? The thing is that those who are honest and are not merely interested in parasiting on the fruits of someone's labor, and who are genuinely interested in his writing will pay for it, merely out of appreciation, respect for the work he has done and in support of his efforts.
But the parasites or those in doubt or those, who are concerned with the issues of "identification of undesirables", not even mentioning all those, who simply can not afford to pay, will not pay no matter what you do. All, that has to be done is to tell the parasites that the Laws and principles of Life state: You will pay, one way of the other, sooner or later. For this is the Law, Law of Life, nothing less.
Furthermore, it is utterly futile, if not idiotic, to extrapolate "how much money I COULD make if everyone paid for my writings". Because those are nothing but the pipe dreams and wishful thinking or mere manipulations of reality.
Finally, here's one last word for Benya and his likes, of which there are plenty on the net nowadays, with all sorts of "revelations" and "messages" of all kinds, also charging money on a subscription basis for allegedly telling you the Truth, presenting themselves as all sorts of "channels" and "messengers" for the Light Side:
The Truth is not for sale. It can not be bought, no matter how much money you throw at it and how much "power" and "influence" you have and how much blood you had to spill in your never ending thirst for "dust, falling into dust".
This is the word from the spheres beyond visible.
After reading the ugly guilt manipulation and threatening message of Benya, which is quite a piece of "art" in terms of manipulation, we have also been contacted by one of those "bleeding heart" kind of guys, which, on the surface, was appealing to our "humaneness" and "give him a break, he is just human". On the top of it, this individual had even guts to end his message with "...but remember one thing - don't lie to yourself-".
And this response is made not necessarily to him, but to all those of his kind, and largely because of that last statement of his, that has a profound significance, at least when told by someone who can SEE. Except that we are aware of a different version of it: "You can lie to others, but you can't lie to yourself". So, here is his message:
I like getting Bens reports on a monday for free even if they can be fanciful sometimes but look, he does deserve to earn a living and I'm sure he is not getting rich of his reports.
You can quote the law over and over all you want and there are probably dozens of loopholes but human being to human being, Ben deserves some reward for his reports and you know that. Just like you deserve energy returned to you for what you do.
Posting 3 days later is not exactly Naiz - you you fucking can't post at all and I think it's pretty fair. Then again you play it the way you want to but remember one thing - don't lie to yourself-“
The first thing to mention in response is "I like getting Bens reports on a monday for free". But the question is WHY do you STILL like to get them for free, and, therefore, would rather not pay even though you obviously find them of some value to you? Would you also like to get some food from the supermarket for free? You see, this simply indicates your deepermost disrespect for creativity. Even to conceive the idea "I like getting Bens reports ... for free", you, thus, insult YOURSELF and any and all further mind manipulation tricks to justify some things are simply said by the man who does not have the respect for Creativity.
How can such an idea of "getting something for free" even arise in the mind of a honest human being that appreciates Life and Creativity when he is getting something of value, which is a fruit of creation of someone else?
As to "but look, he does deserve to earn a living", the answer is simple: then let him go out into the world and EARN it in a honest way instead of selling all sorts of utterly unverifiable myths and tales to the "clueless". How one must feel telling all sorts of things to others while, at the same time, knowing full well that very little of it is verifiable and much, if not most of it, is nothing more than wishful thinking projections, at best?
As to "I'm sure he is not getting rich of his reports", the response is simple: are you SURE, SURE that you are "sure"? Do you have any supporting evidence of your "sure"? How could you possibly know? You see, the very fact that he can afford to go on some vacation, right in the middle of the battle against the evil, as he claims, means what? And where does he get the money for all his trips to the Vatican, Rome, to see David Rockefeller and all sorts of other "influential" individuals? Just his travel expenses alone might turn out to be more than any "ordinary" human being, "just making a buck", can afford. And what does "getting rich" have to do with Truth and his alleged efforts to fight evil?
As to "You can quote the law over and over all you want and there are probably dozens of loopholes but human being to human being, Ben deserves some reward for his reports and you know that", our response is simple enough: The thing is that is precisely Benya, who brought this court argument, and that IS his "main point" - You ARE breaking the law! And his very "message" ends precisely with a threat of a legal nature.
As to whether "Ben deserves some reward for his reports", what if it turns out that he "deserves" a PUNISHMENT, and not a compliment? And the consequences of deluding people and creating all sorts of false pictures in their minds, while presenting it all as some kind of REALITY of how it REALLY is, are quite severe. It is one thing to be deluded in one's own mind, because one bears the consequences of his own actions. But deluding the people and thus "lead them astray" is something utterly different and the consequences are much more severe for doing so.
Furthermore, his disclaimer note, where he releases himself from any responsibility for the information he provides, changes nothing as far as the consequences go.
As to "Just like you deserve energy returned to you for what you do", to tell you the truth, the very word "deserve" does not even appear on our radar screen as far as the results of work we do. We do not do it just to get some praises or adoration. We do it because we have CHOSEN to do it, REGARDLESS of whether we even receive a single "thank you" from anyone, even though, yes, it is certainly a great feeling within when someone appreciates the fruits of your labor, and primarily because it means they have SEEN something, and not that they admit that we are "great".
We are what we are. And we do what we do not because of any kinds of "rewards" that could be measured in material "values" or ego gratification procedures. But because it simply MUST be done in our opinion, and that does not imply that our opinion is "right". But we DO see the fruits indeed and that means to us that one more human Soul has awakened to Truth and reality of it. What a blessing! What a grace! We can only say "thank you", oh that Power that had found a way to use the fruits of our labor to awaken one more Soul on this planet. We need no other "rewards". The very Joy and a smile and peace in our Souls is about the highest "reward" we can even imagine.
Furthermore, we have not received a penny for all the work we have done, and have NEVER even asked for a penny. The very idea is simply not of our concern. We DO receive all the Grace and all the daily necessities, that are of the most simple kind, on the par with a poor man. But that is ALL we need. We need nothing "extra", nothing "special", nothing "extraordinary, beyond being able to SEE some aspects of Truth and appreciate some principles of the Infinite Multidimensional Intelligence, ALL-pervading and ALL-encompassing.
And finally, as to "Then again you play it the way you want to but remember one thing - don't lie to yourself -", yes, this is EXACTLY true, and that is one of the most significant things in this entire chapter. But do you REALLY realize what you have just said and even begin to comprehend the consequences of it in relation to YOURSELF, and not others?
Do you REALLY understand WHY you can not lie to yourself and what does it mean to lie to yourself?
If you don't mind, let us tell you what it means to US. It means that deep inside of you you know and see things in a particular way, which constitute your deepermost understanding and beliefs. But on the surface, when you relate to others, you are saying things that are different from what you yourself believe in the depths of your being.
Now, as far as WE are concerned, what do you know and can possibly know about our deepermost "secrets" and beliefs and opinions? And, in order to accuse us of lying to ourselves, you at least need to state what ARE those lies or the moments where you think what we say is not what we deeply understand?
Let me repeat one more time: there are some consequences to your accusations, and those consequences are for YOU yourself. Who knows, may be one day, you might discover that the left part of your mouth is not saying the same thing as the right part, not even mentioning that, which lays deep within you, and that is quite a discovery.
Here's the hint for you that has a potential to open up some doors:
"I like getting Bens reports on a monday for free".
Our suggestion is: look at it as deeply as you can manage. Walk with this idea morning to night. Who knows what might happen.
Well, one thing is certain, Benya seems to be really interested to get our attention with his guilt projection and fear instillation tricks.
After we have been contacted by one individual and looked at Benya's threats, the initial feeling was of utter disgust, to the point that one has an urge to vomit, so sick and perverted the whole thing seemed to us at the time. The feeling was: why should we even bother with all these schemes and look at all this complicated mess and manipulations while people are simply asleep? Why should we even argue about the authors? We either carry them or we don't. We have never argued with any author, at least about the issues of publication. This, by itself, looks like something on the par with insane.
One of this author's friends told him once: "Why do you even bother trying to help these people? They get what they deserve". Well, certainly, he has a point, and a big one at that. Basically, I do it because I simply can not do otherwise, and it isn't even some moral or ethical consideration. For one thing, despite all the idiocy I have seen, I simply do not believe that people are as dumb as they pretend to be.
Basically, the problem of blindness is not a result of some inherent inability of people to SEE. It is their REFUSAL to even look. It is their deep fear that if they even look at something honestly and sincerely, then, somehow, the entire structure of their belief system of myths of all kinds will simply collapse. So, they PRETEND that they do not see while deep inside refusing to even look.
On the other hand, even if a few people will be able to see as a result of what we do, then it is worth to us more than can be imagined by many. Some say: even if a single Soul has awakened, that is a great blessing in itself. Because every single individual whose eyes open becomes like a spark that can fire up many things. So...
The other pretty ugly part of his threats and all the negative energy projected by the "bleeding hearts" and other members of his "elite club" of "the chosen few", who have the financial and technical abilities to pay for his reports, is that he begins to dictate some "rules" to nothing less than Creativity and Truth, and that is not such a good idea, and it has some consequences, some of which Benya can not even begin to comprehend it seems.
At the roots of it lay a pretty ordinary megalomania and narcissism. Usually, it is tightly coupled with what is known as degeneracy in medical terms. Degeneracy, is tightly coupled with psychiatric disorders, when one somehow "looses it" and begins to confuse the real and unreal and takes purely imagined and at times quite "twisted" or "stretched" and distorted versions as something ultimately real.
Degeneracy, in turn, begins with sexual perversions, which Gregory Klimov calls "the first bell of nature", just as Benya himself had reported having the "unusual sex" with one lady. The roots of sexual perversions lay in dullness and denial, thus, insatiable desire for more and more sex. Eventually, it becomes dull and one no longer experiences the orgasmic culmination during the plain ordinary intercourse.
So, "naturally", they begin to stretch the limits of what is sex. Thus, sex becomes perverted. Initially, it could be the same sex partners, and then, as it "grows", it becomes sadism and eventually sadomasochism, and masochism is the worst and most vicious form of sadism.
If one does not pay attention to this sickness, then "the second bell of nature" comes in form of mental diseases, and if one keeps denying this sickness and keeps pushing it further, then "the third and final bell of nature" comes in form of birth defects. Birth defects mean that the Nature simply terminates this particular branch on the tree and this bloodline. From then on, this branch simply withers away and can no longer produce any fruits. Very few degenerates on the third level have either desire or are capable of producing the offspring.
This is how Gregory Klimov, one of the world's foremost experts on degeneracy and Higher Sociology, presents the entire process and the roots of it. But this has to be studied and the results will be simply shocking to most.
You can review an interview with Gregory Klimov that outlines the most essential things as far as degeneracy and "the power complex" go. It is not an exhaustive coverage of all the issues involved, but, nevertheless, it might shock your minds if you even begin to comprehend the significance of it and the impact they have on everyone on this planet.
Three stages of degeneracy
Degenerates Rule The World!
(Interview with Gregory Klimov about "the power complex" and stages, symptoms and expressions of degeneracy)
Unfortunately, Gregory Klimov is one of the most taboo authors you can find. Out of his 7 books only one has been translated into English. See:
THE TERROR MACHINE by Gregory Klimov
The utterly secret field of Higher Sociology discloses the very roots and mechanisms of that which Benya attempts to deal with. In particular, the concept of "the power complex" or insatiable desire to "rule" others and impose ones own will upon them is covered in the most profound detail. So, all these "demons" Benya is trying to "fight", at least as he presents it, and their very motivations can be understood only if you are aware of the deepermost details and the very core of their twisted belief system.
Benya, with all due respect for his work, and some of it is quite insightful, does not seem to have the real grasp on the underlying issues, nor he has those necessary keys that "open the doors" to this most profound riddle in the entire history of this planet. Yes, he does know some things and has some intuitive grasp of it, and probably more than many others, but still he looks like one of those "blind ones", groping in the darkness of evil without having the sufficiently solid base to stand upon, and it's been said: the house, built on a rock will stand, but the house built on sand will collapse as soon as rains and winds come in. And, to our opinion, Benya's "house" is precisely built on sand. Simple as that.
Yes, he waves his hands a lot and shouts all sorts of slogans and makes all sorts of proclamations and even "prophecies" of sorts. But most of it is nothing more than "a tale, told by an idiot, full of fury, signifying nothing".
In order to "fight the evil" you need to SEE it, to SEE its very roots and foundation, to see and understand its "operating principles" and the entire system of belief, and, probably most importantly, to see that hand, which rules it all in this grand puppet theater. To SEE, and not to THINK that you see. That is the difference between the "heaven" and the "hell". Else, one is simply doomed in face of the most powerful forces in the entire history of mankind.
Yes, one can see some puppets indeed. But unless one can see the puppet master and understand his very roots and underlying ideology and its "goals", one has virtually no chance to "win" this battle. Simple as that.
Now, these are the very roots of what is known as evil. Eventually, these people get so confused that they begin to imagine that they can set some "rules" to anything they want. Because, deep inside, they are the followers of what is known as "negative approach to development of Intelligence". The essence of the "negative approach" is self-serving and totally ignoring the needs and interests of others.
And that is precisely why one "looses it" in the most profound terms and even begins to set some "rules" to anything he pleases, not even realizing that some things are simply beyond his control, regardless of what he thinks or does.
And the indication of the fact that they did indeed "loose it" is the fact that they begin to set some rules even to some of the highest principles of the Infinite Multidimensional Intelligence, such as Creativity, going to the point of delusion where they even begin to set some "rules" to nothing else that Truth and place some conditions on it. At that point, it becomes basically "a mental department level", meaning they have lost the most fundamental guideposts on their way.
One needs to open up a bit and realize ones own relative significance "in the scheme of things", and that is development of Intelligence, and place oneself into a proper perspective, simply by realizing that one is NOT "the greatest thing or entity ever known to mankind". In could be just the other way around in at least some aspects.
And that is precisely why it was said: All that you think is great treasures you have in your hands, that you have managed to grab, is dust and nothing but the dust.
Now, back to original subject...
First of all, we have no interest in being the only ones that make his reports available to the whole world without any artificial delays or strings attached, even though we disagree, and for fundamental reasons, with the idea of not providing the information openly and unconditionally. We are not quite interested to play the role of Jesus Christ in the game of "saving the world". That is not the role we chose to play.
It is our opinion that Humanity can not be "saved" by some "noble knights on the white horse". Humanity needs "saving" itself, or, more precisely, to drastically increase the degree of awareness of every individual, and that happens purely on individual level, upon ones own individual initiative, desire and interest to do so.
It can not be imposed from the outside, even though plenty of assistance is available upon "calling", which is already happening as we speak. It won't work, it never worked and it can not possibly work. Because if one refuses to SEE, just as been said in the New Testament, for example, then he will remain blind and will not learn anything he is not interested in learning. Learning and "SEEING" is a result of internal desire to do so in order to progress or refine the level of ones own consciousness and come to the point where one can "SEE", at least the most essential things. Simple as that.
Secondly, in all the years we have been operating our sites, not a single author had ever placed ANY conditions regarding his work, as to how and why and in which form we chose to publish it. We publish things in a particular visual format to facilitate the clarity and simplicity of perception and to allow one to process and digest massive amounts of information. No fancy pictures, no bells and whistles, to make sure there are no hindrances and distractions of any kind.
And, nevertheless, if anything, we have seen quite some compliments by some of the REAL researchers and of the world caliber that indicate to us that they do find this work of value, to the point that some of them even begin to promote it, and not necessarily for the purposeful promotion.
Thirdly, fortunately or unfortunately, there is quite a few pretty subtle and yet far reaching things said in his reports and for the purposes yet to be determined, that might have a pretty significant impact in terms of distortions of all kinds. Now, there are many people who still did not study these subjects of evil to the extent that is necessary for them to SEE the whole picture. And, knowingly or unknowingly, whatever Benya says may have quite some consequences as far as their understanding, distortions of all kinds, and further probable actions go.
So, if there is ANY chance that we might help to unscramble, comprehend or even understand some of those quite subtle things, that might not be noticed by those, who did not do enough study of it, then that is what we will try to do. Whether we are "right" or "wrong" or our interpretations are "correct", let the people decide for themselves. But at least they have a chance to look at it all from a different perspective, and we do not usually comment on those things, where we do not have a sufficient or necessary competence or a certain degree of seeing the essence of it.
And, from our own view, we have seen PLENTY of information in his reports that is essentially DIS-information, at least for all those, who did sufficient amount of studying, not that we are trying to accuse him here in CONSCIOUSLY propagating the lies and fabrications. At least some of it, and quite conceivably, might be done without him even being aware of it and the consequences that it might have.
We chose not to comment previously on all those questionable things that we found in his reports, some of which could be considered the deliberate perversions, at least if done with "bad intent". Whether it is so, "time will tell", and it will, definitely so.
But, in light of this all, we started considering our options as to how to handle Benya's reports and his demands, and there are few of those options available indeed. And the "problem" we have is that these reports need to be addressed simply because he has too wide of a following and too much of an impact, at least on the minds of not very competent people, who did not study the issues deep enough to even begin to comprehend what we are dealing with here.
Unfortunately, most of the options we have involve some additional work on our part and treatment of his information differently from how we treat and handle all other information on our sites, and that might cost something not only to us, but to him as well.
So, the fist option we have, is to say: OK, dear Benya, we will honor your quite unusual request to delay the publication of information. Yes, we do not like the very idea of a "special treatment" to any information or authors on our sites. Our hands are full as is. We do not need any additional load and extra work to be done just because of some Benya with questionable reputation and all sorts of unverifiable information he constantly publishes.
This implies that instead of publishing his reports as soon as we have a chance to see them, we will honor his request and, instead of publishing his reports in full, which, among other things, is necessary for historical reference purposes, we might instead publish the digests of his reports and delay the publication of full versions for three days as he requested.
And we warn Benya that this is probably the worst thing he could even imagine for himself. Simply because we may attempt to expose "the real meaning" and some of those nasty hidden aspects, as we perceive it, of what he says and let everyone have a look at even those things that we have chosen not to comment on previously for various reasons. Yes, "expose the real meaning" does not mean some "revelations" of absolute and undeniable essence of it, but simply means in OUR opinion. We make no big claims as to the guarantees of validity of what and how we see things. To different people, the "real meaning" might be quite different, but that is "the nature of things".
Fundamentally, the "hidden meaning" is available only on the highest levels of Intelligence, even though some things are available to anyone upon sincere asking and honest intent, or what is known as "calling". In our understanding, the sincere "calling" may be answered by the higher levels, but only if it does not interfere with the individual's own free will and free choice. Simply telling you some "answer", without your own sincere investigation and desire to know, is not likely to change the degree of your awareness, knowing or, rather, SEEING.
Yes, it is quite a bit of additional work that we might have to do with this approach, and this is not exactly the kind of work we would otherwise chose to do, being as busy as we are with what we already have on our hands. But what to do, especially in the situation where you might be left as one of the very few in the entire world who has guts to publish his reports as soon as they come out and facing the consequences of "explaining yourself"?
One more aspect of Benya's reports is the fact that they might be of interest to some REAL information warfare fighters, or "the messengers of Truth" as they are known to some. Now, one of the principles of the information warfare, especially when you fight no one less but evil all-pervading, is that you can not dictate ANYTHING to those, who have chosen to fight. They are not bound to honor ANY requests of ANY kind and they submit to no one.
Because they are fighting, or, more precisely, STAND for, nothing less than Truth and they are responsible to only the highest levels of Intelligence and Life force as such. And, at least some of them, fully realize that they stake nothing less than their own Lives in this standoff with the evil most profound. So, there is no one in this world who can dictate anything to them. They are willing to pay whatever price there is, even if they make some "mistakes" that are inevitable in pretty much anything anyone does or thinks.
And their fight is not meant to cause some chaos and violence of all kinds. Just the other way around, it is to try all they can to bring as many people "to their senses" and WAKE UP finally. This is a battle for CONSCIOUSNESS and AWARENESS for a single purpose: to provide ALL the people ALL the information available or conceivable, so that their EYES would have at least a chance to open. Yes, no one can force SEEING on anyone else, and even if they try to, it will most likely be violence against the will of those, who are "blind" at the moment. Because the real reasons they are "blind" is because they are not READY to see anything beyond what they already know, or, more precisely, programmed with.
U.G. Krishnamurti during one of his interviews has told a reporter asking him all sorts of utterly meaningless and even foolish things:
"When you are asking something, you are NOT asking because you WANT to know something new. You asking for that, which can support that, which you ALREADY know".
And that is quite an insight. Just observe yourselves and see the REAL reasons for you to ask something of someone. Are you asking because you are really interested to know something that is different from what you already know? Or just to support that, which you already know? Because knowledge of something genuinely new for you is that, which endangers your "same old, same old". In new, you have no guarantee that your "same old" will remain safe and your ego and "self-image" are not challenged.
So, this war is not a war of violence and destruction or some grandiose images of ego gratification.
One thing we know with certainty is that PLENTY of people would prefer to get Benya's reports "as soon as they come out of the oven", without any strings attached and without being identified. So, why is he trying to twist their arms and submit to his "rules"? What "rules"? Is he some kind of a king or emperor to create ANY kind of "rules" to nothing less than Truth itself?
It is at least conceivable that the reason why Benya so insists on people registering with him in order to have unhindered and immediate access to information has NOTHING to do with money.
But it might be done simply for the purposes of identification of "undesirables". Some people already know that there exists 3 lists in the NWO scheme. The "red list" is the list of either "dissidents" or otherwise "undesirables" or "potential troublemakers"
Those, who get on the "red list" are to be exterminated first. There are over 100 FEMA concentration camps already built in the USA alone and there are hundreds of thousands of caskets already manufactured to store at least 3 bodies in each one. At the point of "trigger event", those people are to be immediately arrested, without any court decisions, and are to be transported into the concentration camps with efficient gas and body burning chambers and so on. At this junction, this "trigger event" may happen ANY moment. ALL the necessary executive directives to bypass the law and the constitution have already been signed by the presidents Bush and Obama, just as described, for example, by Alex Jones and few others.
How many of you are aware of the "Project Endgame", secretly signed by Obama a few years ago? Here is a little quote on that:
"A stunning Russian Foreign Ministry report is stating today that the President Obama has secretly ordered the 'immediate' opening of America's vast gulag of concentration camps, built since 2001 and estimated able to hold a further 1 million of their citizens, which is aside from the 2.3 million currently imprisoned in what has become the World's largest Prison Nation in all of history, in what they are calling Project ENDGAME".
February 24 2009
Do a search on "Project ENDGAME" (enclosed in quotation marks) and see what you can find. Now, how much certainty can you possibly have that this very Benya is not going to provide the ID information about you if he is either bribed or threatened?
All this means is that about the worst idea the real worrier might imagine is to register and thus expose the exact information about himself to anyone. Most of the information worriers even know that participating in any kind of "social media" schemes is the easiest and surest way to get on the "red list", not even mentioning the fact that their entire brain contents becomes totally open to the powers of evil that control and own all these so-called "social media" outlets. One must be a hopeless fool to doubt that these outlets will provide ANY and FULL information on them, including every single post they have made or read and every single email they have ever sent of received, which means what in your opinion?
There is also a substantial class of worriers who simply can not obtain any reports on the paying basis, even if they wanted to, and for numerous reasons. It is our opinion that no person, regardless of where he lives on this planet, how much income or equipment does he have, should be deprived of ANY information about the evil or anything else for that matter and without any delays regardless of anything.
Even if Benya's reports are largely fakes and fabrications of wishful thinking, at best, one still should have the ability to access them unconditionally. And not to worry, our humble friends, the Creativity and Truth WILL find a way to make sure you have ALL you need and without any conditions whatsoever.
For example, some people are willing and have the abilities to provide any additional information even if it is not available on the sites. At this junction there exists a mechanism of getting the extended version of the site and the entire collection of information via BTSync program. This means that if someone is interested in Benya's information, but is not able or willing to either pay or be identified, then install the BTSync program and create a folder for extended real-time collection. See further instruction here:
Download and automatically update the extended version of https://antimatrix.org site
In light of Benya's legal threats regarding the release of his information without delays and no string attached, let us look at what is he charging money for in his alleged "fight to save the world". Who knows, some people might even start asking the questions of a kind: "But WHAT am I paying the money for? Am I just a fool, ready to swallow "hook, line and sinker" anything that some "authority" throws me?" How can I verify that it is reality and not just a fiction?" "How do I know that this big mouth Benya is anything more than a plain ordinary con-artist, if not worse than that?"
July 21, 2014
"The arrest of nazionist mass murderers like George Bush Jr. and Benjamin Netanyahu and their fellow cabalists is imminent, according to Mossad and other sources".
Mind you, that was said more than a year ago, on July 21, 2014. Furthermore, the "sources" are nothing less than Mossad. And if Mossad does not know what is going on "under the hood" then who would know better? Benya?
Have any of you heard even of traces of Netanyahu and other ZioNazis being arrested or even condemned even after a year since these "revelations"? So, how many years and generations will it take before these "prophecies" are going to materialize in reality?
Jan 14 2014
"During the last week various intelligence agencies have forwarded evidence to the White Dragon Society showing that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan was deeply involved in the Aum Shinrikyo subway sarin gas attack terror cult. For this reason, the possibility is growing that Abe will be arrested on terror charges when he goes to Davos, Switzerland for the Cabal meeting starting there on January 21, the sources in Chinese, British, Japanese and American intelligence agencies say."
Japan’s Abe may be arrested at Davos, Switzerland for role in Aum terrorist attacks
Was he in fact arrested and have you heard even any mentioning of his arrest anywhere? Yes, Benya is careful enough not to say he WILL be arrested, but then what is that "evidence" that was "forwarded" to WDS from VARIOUS intelligence agencies and where do these agencies reside outside of Benya's head?
How does one know that these "intelligence agencies" and their "evidence" is anything more than Benya's inventions and/or disinformation bluff, just to blow his significance?
Just imagine the following scenario if you wish. You simply call Benya and tell him that you are an agent of such and such intelligence agency and you have the information he might be interested in. The thing is, there is no way for Benya to know if you are real or not. Because it is clear to both of you that you can not identify yourself or disclose your code name. So, it is foolish for him to even ask you to identify yourself, even if he uses some secondary means.
Then you tell Benya anything you wish or find something really noteworthy published somewhere and you tell Benya that YOU are the actual "source". Now, what do you expect to happen as a result if not Benya publishing your utter disinformation garbage claiming "according to our 'source' in such and such intelligence agency, we can tell you this: 'blah, blah, blah'". And what are the readers to do but to swallow it "hook, line and sinker" and fall on their sorry "rear end" and say "wow, look at this one". Moreover, some of them, including his quite extensive "support group" will be foolish enough to even begin thanking him and praising him for such "deep insights", like some Prophet.
And ALL of it means what in reality? Just ask yourself a simple question "but how can I VERIFY ANY of it and how do I know that all of it is anything but a little tiny piece of a chicken manure"? Or ask yourself the question "did Benya actually try to VERIFY any of it before he actually published all these concoctions", just as any half decent reporter is expected to do in a similar situation, at least if he is not much excited by the idea of loosing his reputation of being a reputable reporter? It is much easier for a reporter to loose his reputation than to gain it and once he is caught lying, that's the end of him. He may as well "go get a job at some fast food outlet" because no one in his clear mind will ever believe a word of his from then on.
There is another question here: don't these "intelligence agencies" simply have Benya as a laughing stock for entertainment and are rolling on the floor seeing this utter garbage and disinformation published by the "bleeding heart" Benya, pretending to be "fighting to save the world", as some grand story of profound significance? Isn't this not even laughable, but simply pathetic? How can possibly anyone in his clear mind classify all this grand bluff as anything but disinformation "to lead the herd by their noses to the pit"?
Allegedly, these "intelligence agencies" have even provided the EVIDENCE, and both, Benya and great so called WDS seem to have simply swallowed it all, "hook, line and sinker", without even trying to verify any of it before they open their mouth in public via their mouthpiece Benya with all these grandiose claims? In that case, there is question to be asked: If nothing happens even in case where some evidence exists, then what does it all mean? Alternatively, what kind of "evidence" they have and what does it mean the "evidence" in principle? Is it merely a balloon that you can blow up to the size of a jumbo jet?
It seems that if any evidence to such horrific crimes does actually exist, then a court simply MUST arrest the criminals and of such a grand magnitude. All that is needed is to file a court complaint and provide that evidence. Are we missing something here? Yes, understood, the legal issues get complicated in a hurry and we can not possibly know what any court will actually decide to do, especially if that court is corrupt.
For example, Benya talks, for years on, about some "negotiations of surrender" with ZioNazi satanists. It seems that in that case the only thing of concern to them is to negotiate a better "deal" for them in light of their certain failure. But what we see in the world instead is pumping up the violence, including the ZioNazi "revolution" in Ukraine to establish the "New Khazaria" on their "ancestral" lands that historically and undeniably belong and are the motherland of Russians and other native people.
And what we do actually see instead is TOTAL support of even the utmost lies and perversions of satanic grade? So, what does it tell you? Doesn't it imply that the very idea of ANY "surrender" is about the last thing in their minds? In fact, it is highly doubtful that such an idea as surrender can even arise in their minds, filled with evil to the brim, and historical events show it in no uncertain terms.
What we can also see is that the so-called governments throughout the world keep passing new and new "laws" to totally shut the mouths of anyone who opposes their servitude to the satanic system of evil. And we can see more and more violence throughout the world and even the attempts to continue the ancient ZioNazi plans to wipe out the white race from the face of this planet.
For example, massive influx of migrants to Europe, which Benya interprets as an attempt to unite Christianity and Islam, which is simply an absurd, may in fact turn out to be a totally different scheme, and that is to destroy the white race via massive influx of colored people, which, eventually and inevitably, will cause of intermixing their blood pools and, therefore, will destroy the purity of their races.
It is well known, even from the "scriptures", that the white race, and especially the Slavs, and even more so, the Christians, not even mentioning Jesus, are the worst "enemies" of ZioNazi satanists. And there is plenty of evidence of it and specific quotes by the highest level "authorities", religious or otherwise. It is even described in several speeches of the ZioNazi moshiach (false "messiah") of "Chabad mafia", Menachem Mendel Schneerson, and other rabbis of world fame.
Slavs, and among them Russians is the most unruly people in the world.
They are defiant because of the composition of their mental and psychic abilities inherent in many generations of ancestral genes that are not subject to reconstruction.
Slavs or Russians can be eradicated, but not conquered.
That is why this seed is subject to liquidation, and, first of all, a sharp reduction in their numbers.
-- Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
It is worth looking at that entire page as it contains plenty more quotes by all sorts of "authorities".
Is it something even conceivable in light of these alleged "negotiations of surrender"? Have you ever heard of such a thing in the entire history of mankind? How can the party that has been defeated and that is why it is engaged in the surrender negotiations, still attack, and not to merely attack, but to even pump up the attacks even more? Then WHO is "surrendering" to whom here?
Yes, sure, if you ask Benya and his kind, they will immediately invent some "explanation", such as "well, they are simply trying to negotiate a better deal doing all this violence and raising the stakes", and that is precisely one of the reasons why it is merely foolish to even conceive of an idea of "negotiating" with a loosing party.
For example, what kind of negotiations where there with Germans after the WWI and WWII? Did "civilized" world even negotiate anything with Germans who were trapped into WWI and WWII by the same ZioNazis beyond the amounts and time scale they'd have to pay? And German people did pay such huge amounts and for generations that it is simply baffling to see them recover, and not merely recover, but even become one of the most powerful economies of the "free world". Interestingly enough, Adolph Hitler at the very end realized that he was merely trapped with Russia and he left a note describing it before he went to "better places".
And you can find some other similar "explanations" indeed. In that case, about ALL you have to do is to simply "take out" a few heads at the very top of the pyramid and see what happens. Most likely, they'll get more talkative in a hurry. Don't these "secret societies" have an army of assassins and Ninjas of all kinds? So, what is the problem here, really?
About the only ones that might be difficult to get are the Rothschilds and Kuhns and the "top level" of the pyramid of evil. Simply because they live in palaces and there are dozens of underground tunnels from their places to the outside world. So, try to "get" them. But there are ways to "take out" even those, just as history shows. Probably the easiest way to do it is to use their own servants and closest associates and even their own agents. Giving enough money, they will even sell their own mothers.
If you are aware of the Harvard Project, which had to do with exactly these issues of "taking out" and concurring the states via mechanisms of corruptions, it will be not that difficult to figure out the details of how to do such things. It isn't even as complicated as it might look initially and that is precisely why many "great" warriors and "rulers" of all kinds were killed, poisoned and you name it, throughout history. Very few of them survived and died of natural causes.
And you tell them this: every single day they postpone their final surrender, several of them will be exterminated, without any court proceedings, but by mere implication that they do indeed serve the biggest evil on this planet, beyond any doubt. After all, the USA stated numerous times that they will find and destroy any "terrorists" or "enemies of the state" anywhere in the world and any time they want. So... The precedent is undoubtedly there.
And you can also simply declare it as "extraordinary circumstances where 'democratic values' of 'civilized world' are endangered". Simple as that. The US performs the remote killings from the drones on nearly daily basis worldwide and then claim they have killed the "terrorists" or "terrorist suspects".
And we are dealing here not with mere terrorists, but with the worst criminals and mass murderers in the entire history. So, what is the problem here? Just ask Benya, he will give you the list of those, who can be executed without even winking an eye.
In days, you will have their signatures and they'll start singing like singing birds "negotiating out" their former cohorts, even though their signature means nothing, literally, at least if one knows their Kol Nidre prayer and realizes what it is to full extent.
So, who is lying and/or fabricating here and who is putting whom up, while rolling on the floor seeing all these lowest grade disinformation reports of pathetic level of authenticity and intellectual honesty?
Yes, Benya does publish a few things that can be confirmed to be valid and at times even insightful. But the thing is, nearly all of it is already known or understood by implication by those who studied the issues sufficiently. Most of it simply follows directly out of mechanisms and methods of enslavement of mankind. In fact, people might even wait for his reports hoping to learn what is really going on in the world. Simply because ALL the mass media is profoundly corrupt.
But what many people may not even pay attention to is that all the events pretty much inevitably follow if you know how the "system" works. Most of it is simply inevitable, regardless of who and what reports on it. The mechanisms of evil are the same, the goal of concurring the world is as ancient as the world itself. About the only way to know what is really happening in the world is to see the RESULTS and changes occurring, which will inevitably be reported even by the corrupt reporters and journalists once it becomes obvious.
So, just watch the events as they unfold and observe the tendencies. If you see your rights are taken away, one by one, what possible "progress" could be there regardless of what anyone reports on it? And if you see your rights and freedoms begin to return to you, then what other "evidence" do you need to see what is in fact going on?
All this commotion with Chinese Yuan and moving funds around the world and all these provocations and terrorist acts are nothing more than a part of the scheme. And if you expect that some evil "queen", all of a sudden, begins to support some "bright future of mankind" and humanist projects then there must be a purpose for it and that purpose has NOTHING to do with "saving the world", but to promote the same evil as before.
For example, at this particular junction there is massive operation going on according to ancient goal of ZioNazi satanists to wipe out the white race. This is done by all sorts of terrorist acts and all sorts of "ISIS" schemes in order to create the instability and chaos in the "3rd world", such as African continent.
As a result, we see MASSIVE migration of people to where? Well, to Europe and those places where white race resides. Where else? And it is done in order to dilute the genetic pool of white race via trick of mixing races and blood with dark colored races, which is simply inevitable when people intermingle.
And you don't have be a "genius" to see all that. Because the evidence of it is in nearly every single news report out there. Yes, they do not report the REAL issues, and instead propose all sorts of scheme to "contain the problem", which is impossible unless you remove the very underlying reason, which is terror throughout not only Africa, but in other regions as well. Because this is a worldwide campain now.
Did this great Benya mention it? Or are we imagining something here? Then what about this?
I speak OF THE DEATH OF THE WHITE RACE. The complete removal of all means of reproduction of the so-called Aryan race. Men, we now control the destiny of this race. It is now time to make sure the White race becomes extinct through miscegenation [incest] and having a virtually zero birth rate.
We have all enjoyed the vision repeated all over this world every day of THE LAST WHITE CHILDREN playing with little dark children and knowing that they are being set-up for their eventual destruction.
We can ruin THE ANCIENT PURE BLOODLINE OF AN ARYAN CHILD by convincing him or her of the altruism of begetting interracial children.
We must expose the race mixing of the urban centers to the suburbs and rural areas of this country.
More aggressive programs to integrate these areas are now underway through HUD. It is worth any price to annihilate the next generation of White children. We want every White father to feel the sting of having their children marry colored mates and produce biracial children.
We must use our power to discourage White men and women who still persist in getting together from producing more pure White children. They will be ostracized by not becoming part of the New Society of all races.
This will dissuade most of them. We will deal with the less cooperative goyim [non-jews] by tmurder and imprisonment.
Finally, we will SEE THE END OF THIS WHITE RACE. Impressionable White children will have their minds molded into the agents of their own destruction. Already, our efforts have succeeded in making the "men" of this race grovel at our feet.
ADL President Abraham Foxman: speech about destruction of white race and ZioNazi world domination
ZioNazi Quotes categorized
Just ask yourself the simple question "but why do we see such a flood of migrants" all of a sudden? What's "the end goal" of it and what kind of miracle have caused it.
And that is how you will know what is REALLY happening in the world, even if there is no Benya of "god chosen kind" to tell it to you.
Don't you have your own intelligence to SEE what surrounds you? Or do you think you need some Benya "to lead you by your nose"? WHERE and HOW, if most of you are simply "asleep" and do not even bother to appeal to your own Intelligence and "more subtle levels" of it all? Who knows, may be some "answers" are long awaiting within your own Self just to be called upon.
September 8, 2014
"There is an anti-cabal revolt brewing in Japan because of the cabal excesses. The Japan Revolutionary Party and the Japan Independence Party will make their move when the timing is right, party sources say. The move will involve arresting the people involved in fraudulently stealing the last general election for Abe. Nazionist agents in Japan like Gerald Curtis, Michael Green and Richard Armitage will also be dealt with, they said."
anniversary of 911 comes with no arrests but some untimely deaths
The "anti-cabal revolt" has been "brewing" for how long now? And when are we going to see that "timing is right" moment actually manifest? How many more years and generations have to pass for that "timing" to become "right"?
Strange. If you look, for example, at the ZioNazi coup in Ukraine in 2014, the entire bloody operation to take over the Ukraine took just a few days and a few weeks to initiate the "election" of a new ZioNazi government to legitimize the results of the coup, throw out from the parliament and persecute the opposition parties and establish a totally fascist ZioNazi regime, which, btw, have exceeded the levels of horrors and even genocide even if compared to Germany of the WWII period.
And what are we dealing with in Ukraine is establishment of the so-called "New Khazaria" on the "ancestral" and wealthy lands of Ukraine and south of Russia, just as instructed by the moshiach (false messiah) Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the 7th Lubavitcher rebbe, the head of the cult that actually "rules" the world, known even by the Israeli rabbis as "Chabad mafia". And "Chabad mafia" is financed by the biggest banking empire on this planet, the Baruch family with estimated net worth of 500 TRILLIONS, if you even begin to comprehend such a number and what does it mean in terms of "power" and "miracles" of all kinds that you see happening.
Actually, compared to what is going on in Ukraine and non-ending vicious attacks on Russia in the media and all sorts of campaigns of utter lies, perversions and fabrications, supported by the entire world, what Benya says in his reports is nothing more than a chicken manure. You don't have to go to confusing places such as China or Japan to see what is really happening in the world and who is "winning" the battle.
About ALL you need to do is to look carefully at what is going on in and around Ukraine and Russia and SEE how you can "connect the dots" in all these piles of disinformation of literally insane grade. They go as far as accusing Russia in what is happening in Ukraine and make it look like some Russian military aggression while the real aggressors and even the war criminals of the worst kind conceivable is themselves.
They are constantly shelling the civilian people in Ukraine, who refused to submit to this ZioNazi fascist regime, with heavy artillery, even though the people have made their choice during the perfectly valid elections and referendums, where voters stood in mile long lines to vote, that were, nevertheless, flatly denied by nearly all the puppet regimes, called governments, throughout the world.
All this is not even insanity. It is pure grade satanism, perverted, deceitful and violent as it gets. What is happening in Ukraine, for over a year now, is PURE GRADE genocide, nothing less. And this is not exaggeration, by ANY means. The so-called UN, which Harold Wallace Rosenthal called the "trap-door" to the global concentration camp, refused to even investigate the barbaric genocide butchery in the city of Odessa on May 2, 2014. During that operation they burned alive and massacred about 300 totally innocent people.
The operation codename was "Operation Ola", which means a Kabbalistic satanic sacrificial act of burning all alive. That single "operation" is the most horrendous violence known to the mankind to this day. Even the WWII simply pales in comparison.
They butchered and chopped to pieces hundreds of utterly defenseless civilian people, regardless of their age or gender, with machetes and axes, pured the kerosene mixed with napalm over their heads and burned them alive. And those people have gathered there for peaceful, silent and PASSIVE demonstration of their opposition to the ZioNazi regime.
They went as sick as to sexually assault several women, and even men, including the pregnant lady in her last stage of pregnancy, and then suffocated her with the telephone cord and burned the rest of them with the same combustive mix with napalm. Noteworthy is the fact that that lady was merely an employee in the building and had absolutely nothing to do with either side of that horrendous butchery operation.
And the police, which arrived nearly an hour later, simply stood there doing nothing. These are all facts, not fictions of Benya's kind. Just look at the pictures in the following report in Russian.
Кровавая бойня - каббалистический ритуал "всесожжения" для запугивания народа Украины
Do ANY of you know about this? Did this great "insider" Benya tell you about it and all the nasty details and remifications of what is going on in Ukraine?
Because precisely THAT area is the main battlefield for the world today. All others simply pale in comparison as far as common issues of the mankind go. And the unbelievable lies and fabrications, spewed non-stop by the so-called "leaders" of the "free world" look like a direct "message" from the Illuminati to show to the entire world "who's you daddy".
Interestingly enough, the former Illuminati mind control trainer, Svali, had stated in her interviews that in order for the Illuminati plan of takeover of the world to work, the people need "to get used to the new realities" and be introduced to the ways it all "works". Basically, they need to realize and accept the idea that they are merely slaves and unless they agree with those "new realities" they will simply be disposed of and converted into energy, as unbelievable as it may sound. The machines for that already exist. Just throw any bio-matter into it and what you get on the output is the energy.
Illuminati Bloodlines
(Svali interview)
Svali Interview Interview on Illuminati Bloodlines
(Svali interview with Greg Szymanski)
That is probably why you see all these most blatant lies and perversions from the "leaders of free world", simply to show everyone that there is absolutely nothing anybody can do about it. The only option you have is to SUBMIT to it. Else, you are as good as dead. Simple as that.
Because what we see with these so-called governments and all sorts of puppet "international organizations" is a direct and precise execution of the instructions coming directly from the "agentur" of the puppet masters on the highest level, such as Rothschilds, Baruchs, Kuhns, Loebs and a couple of others. For example:
Protocol 2.2: Puppet government - pawns in our game
Protocol 3 - Methods of Conquest
Yes, Benya did mention Ukraine in his reports. But what have you really learned out of it beyond slogans of all kinds? Did he tell you to simply pay attention to the positions of the "world leaders" and the unimaginable lies and perversions they keep puking out nearly every day for more than a year? And what are those "sanctions" against Russia but the First Economic World War?
Did he tell you what is REALLY going on with this global war against Russia via satanic ZioNazi regime in Ukraine? Did he tell you the meaning and significance of the fact that even the worst crimes, including even those, where forbidden weapons were used by the ZioNazi regime, are not even mentioned in the world media.
NOT A SINGLE violent and destructive act, massive shelling of civilians and destroying the infrastructure has been condemned or even reported, which means that the world media and world "governments" in fact conspire and demonize Russia as though they are responsible. And we are talking about the crimes against humanity, the most horrendous war crimes in the entire history of the world, only on the par with barbaric destruction of the retreating Iraqi army, where 150 thousands of people, not posing any kind of resistance, were butchered, burned alive and destroyed with the forbidden weapons of mass destruction, while not even firing a single shot in return.
If Bush is to be charged and imprisoned in reality, then the most significant crime of his is not even 911 events, but destruction of retreating Iraqi army, not posing any resistance, which constitutes the war crime and of the most vicious and barbaric kind.
Interestingly enough, George Bush, the senior, said: "If the American people knew what we have done to America, we would be chased down the street and hung on the nearest pole".
What we see today is the whole world seems to be willing to destroy the entire economic structure of the world, just to provoke and eventually destroy Russia, or, more precisely, to occupy Russia and make it a part of the global ZioNazi satanic empire of evil called the NWO.
There are plans to disintegrate Russia and convert it into a dozen of regional puppet regimes and this information is available on the net. Books can be written about this giant conspiracy of evil against the mankind.
What did Benya tell you about this and its implications and ramifications? Not a single comment from his extensive "support group" has been made about the Ukraine and Russia. Like they could care less about "their problems". They do not seem to even recognize that this problem is theirs as much as of anyone else. Because it is GLOBAL problem at this junction.
And it tells you that the Ukraine is merely used as an excuse and exposable condom to be thrown into a garbage bin of history eventually. Just ask these "leaders" of the world how much do they really care about the Ukraine and "their problems". What IS the value and interests of the "free world" with this black hole, called Ukraine, sucking-in your money, just to be thrown out on massively increasing the military expenses and drastically increasing the size of the Ukrainian army?
These lunatics are even saying that they can defeat Russia by purely military means, which is simply insane and their chances are 0, any way you measure it. And FOR WHAT? What's the "end goal" here?
Interestingly enough, the purpose of that military buildup has absolutely nothing to do with "fighting the Russian aggression", which is a myth, peddled on all the media channels worldwide. What does Russia need this totally corrupt and utterly non-functional economy of Ukraine for? The territorial expansion? For what? Russia already spans 13 time zone across the world. It has so much of its own territory, that is basically not used, that one needs to be a complete idiot or total disinformation agent to even conceive such an idea as territorial expansion.
It has to do with suppressing the "opposition" to this ZioNazi regime and this army is being increased in order to be used against the people of Ukraine in order to protect the agenda of the "Third Khazaria" on the "ancestral lands" of ZioNazi satanists, which is not merely an insane idea, but pure grade satanism. Ukrainian economy is shrinking at the rate of nearly 10% a year. All the economic ties with Russia have been severed. But nearly 30 to 40% of the entire Ukrainian economy and its GDP is directly dependent on Russia.
Within just a single year, these ZioNazi satanists nearly doubled the external debt of Ukraine. The country is totally insolvent and not a single one of these new "heroes" have even moved a finger to HELP the economy to recover. Instead, they increase the price for gas 10 fold!!! Can you imagine this? When the heating season begins, people would have to pay for gas alone more than they earn. And what about the retired people whose retirement money is half the price for the gas alone?
Basically, as soon as the heating season begins, what we are going to see is massive starvation and creation of homeless people whose houses and apartments get confiscated for non-payment of their gas and utility bills, that also increased 3-4 fold.
About 80% of the population of Ukraine live on the level below the level of poverty even today, and these ZioNazi satanists throw billions left and right on increases of military expenses and paying these hired fanatic murderers double the amount the managers make. Because the number of defections from the Ukrainian army is above the alarming rate. That is why they take money from the working people and give it to the hired murders to kill their own brothers and sisters.
Benya talks about the "wars" among some puppets in derivative markets and chicken manure of that level. But every single one of those puppets is "owned" by whom do you think? Do you think these puppets will start fighting each other without the permissions and direct instructions from the puppet masters?
What is he telling you of REAL value about REAL things that you can simply see with your own eyes nearly everywhere you look? Yes, he does produce plenty of grand myths that shift your attention to some imagined demons and Khazars. But he does not even use the term ZioNazi (satanists), even after he informed that he intends to use precisely the term ZioNazi to classify the "Khazarian mafia". But WHY did he stop using the term ZioNazi? Do you even begin to comprehend the implications of such seemingly secondary issue?
Because the REAL reason is likely to be the direct instructions from his puppet masters and order to stop using the term ZioNazi, simply because it precisely pinpoints their nature. Except we chose to call them "ZioNazi satanists", which is even more precise definition of who they are. Because plenty of their "authorities" and "leaders", and of the highest level, state bluntly:
"Not many Jews like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer".
And this was said by the highest authority in the Masonic world, Alber Pike in his Morals and Dogma. This was also said by madame Blavatsky (Blavatskaya), who created the Theosophical Movement. And this was said by Alister Crawly and a slew of others on the higest level imaginable, including even some rabbis. Here's quite a book about the opinions of the leading rabbis of the entire world as far as ZioNazis go.
In this book, those rabbis bluntly state that Zionism is exactly the satanism and that is precisely its very nature. And we can quote dozens of the most direct statements warning the people about these satanists.
And THIS is the REAL information and not the chicken manure Benya feeds you, just "to take your eyes from the ball" and look the other way. Compared to the REAL information, all his hand waving and fuming is nothing more than bluff, very little of which is supported by any real evidence of fact.
Question: why don't you, people, actually STUDY the issues instead of waiting for some "quick fix" from some Benya as you weekly meal or "doze" of what appears to be disinformation rather then information? Have you ever thought that this "quick fix" may take you to "hell", instead of "heaven", where many of you hope to end up, while not moving even a finger to actually do what you can and are capable of in accordance with your creative abilities?
So, the question arises: who are those The Japan Revolutionary Party and the Japan Independence Party, "clueless" to the point that they do not know how to change things within weeks, if not days, and instead, have to wait for the "right moment". How does one even define that "right moment"?
And these are just a few visible examples of his "reporting". Basically, you can take nearly every single "report" of Benya and if you look at it carefully and do not merely accept all his bluff and wild exaggerations on their face value, but ask yourself the simple questions of a kind "but where is the evidence of it" or "how do I know he is not merely lying or fabricating" or "how do I know this is true", then you won't find a single honest report of a real journalist, who respects himself enough not to publish all sorts of wild bluff, outright disinformation while fabricating all sorts of promises of "bright future" out of thin air.
The question arises: Is Benya merely trying to fabricate all sorts of hopes for the fools, who do not have enough guts to stand up to it on their own, and instead are looking for some Benya, WDS or gobbledygook to do it for them, while not even moving a finger themselves to take care of that which is dear to them and Life as such?
Haven't they heard the saying: "the free cheese can be found only in a mouse trap"? Do they, by ANY chance, think that some Benya, or anyone else for that matter, is going to give them a "free ride" to some "paradise" and "bright future for the mankind"?
Interestingly enough, Benya's writings seem to be performed in his "trademark style". If you look at some of his reports when he worked for the Forbs magazine, you will find pretty much the same bluff, fabrications and "making mountains out of the mole hills" out of mere nothing, or some delusions in his twisted mind, filled with ideas of self-significance and delusions of grandeur.
You can give him any subject or article title and he will invent the most complicated and utterly confused pile of "horseshit", yet sounding so convoluted and so convincing that some people even read that crap, and not only that, but even thank him for his "great insights" while not even able to verify a thing in it.
Basically, most reporters that prostitute themselves for money, do exactly the same thing, and that is magnifying the significance of a small piece of chicken manure to the size of a universe. And they forever have this patholocical attraction to all sorts of complicated notions, phrases and words that have multiple meanings, so that the reader would not be able to "nail it down" and see clearly what they are trying to say.
They wave their hands, nod in approval of themselves, trying to convince everyone that their primitive, if not utterly idiotic lies are indeed some kind of a fact.
If you replace their performances with a speech synthesizer and play their 3D models instead of showing them in front of the camera, you are likely to see the entirely different world.
Because they are merely puppets. You can hardly find a single honest and real journalist nowadays, who has enough integrity, insight and intelligence to look at the issues in genuinely inquiring way and to see the difference between the outright lies and manipulations and "That Which Is", known as Tattvartha Sutra, or definition of Truth in Jain religion of India.
And that is probably why you see all these pictures of Benya with all sorts of "authorities", "pissing in his pants" in self pride and smiling with his childish, if not degenerate smile of an orgasm of "achievement".
Yes, it is beyond any doubt that "you can lie to others, but you can not lie to yourself", simply because such a thing is impossible.
Strangely enough, we are compelled "to get to the bottom of it" with Benya while intuitively knowing that we are dealing with "the dark side". We chose not to deal with it directly, simply because you get sucked-in deeper and deeper with it and there is very little chance that anything will change. Because the evil has no abilities to change, it can only grow, which is the very nature of it. But we simply can not afford to abandon those naive people who, for whatever reason, did not study the real issues enough and can not quite SEE things clearly with their own eyes.
And we know full well, with all sorts of statistical data and evidence, that some people indeed have "woken up", and that is probably the only thing that keeps us involved with this ego-centric megalomaniac Benya, who, at this time, looks like a "hopeless case" to us. Because he is not likely to change, nor he is likely to change any of his tricks or his insatiable desire to impress, just to prove something to others and, eventually, to himself, and that is "Look how great am I. All the intelligence agencies, secret societies and even governments, ruling families and even mafia families are lined up to get in touch with me and tell me all sorts of secrets, forbidden to be known by mere mortals, but not to me, Benya the Great!".
We can pretty much predict one thing: he will keep pumping and pumping and magnifying and enlessly mentioning his own significance "in the scheme of things" and NOTHING of what he told so far or will tell you in the future will manifest in way that you can verify it. But he will probably manage to keep plenty of "blind fools" in all sorts of "hopes for the bright future" and that seems to be precisely his "job" as ordered by David Rockefeller and "the banking mafia", who is at each other's throat as we speak. Simply because according to "the plan" there is only one of them will be left at the end and he will be pronounced a "ruler" of this planet, that "wolf in sheep's clothes", as described in the New Testament. The direct servant of Lucifer "ruling family" of this planet.
But... They seemed to have forgotten one thing, as simple as "it ain't happening, Jack". Simple as that. Because, first of all, it goes against the REAL "Plan" for development of Intelligence on this planet and no Lucifer or Satan or Moloch or a slew of other names, associated with evil and/or "the negative approach" will be able to do a thing to prevent it from happening.
Yes, it is clear, at least to us, that you can hardly find a better disinformation agent then Benya and that is probably why he can afford to have a vacation in the middle of a battle for the mankind and pay for his trips to various places of "influence and power". Otherwise, where could a poor man like Benya, at least as he paints himself, get this kind of money?
Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion
1. It is indispensable for our purpose that wars, so far as possible, should not result in territorial gains:
war will thus be brought on to the economic ground, where the nations will not fail to perceive in the assistance we give the strength of our predominance, and this state of things will put both sides at the mercy of our international agentur; which possesses millions of eyes ever on the watch and unhampered by any limitations whatsoever.
Our international rights will then wipe out national rights, in the proper sense of right, and will rule the nations precisely as the civil law of States rules the relations of their subjects among themselves.
2. The administrators, whom we shall choose from among the public, with strict regard to their capacities for servile obedience, will not be persons trained in the arts of government, and will therefore, easily become pawns in our game in the hands of men of learning, and genius, who will be their advisers, specialists, bred and reared from early childhood to rule the affairs of the whole world.
As is well known to you, these specialists of ours have been drawing to fit them for rule the information they need from our political plans from the lessons of history, from observations made of the events of every moment as it passes.
The goyim are not guided by practical use of unprejudiced historical observation, but by theoretical routine without any critical regard for consequent results.
We need not therefore, take any account of them - let them amuse themselves until the hour strikes, or live on hopes of new forms of enterprising pastime, or on the memories of all they have enjoyed.
For them let that play the principal part which we have persuaded them to accept as the dictates of science (theory).
It is with this object in view that we are constantly, by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these theories.
The intellectuals of the goyim will puff themselves up with their knowledges and without any logical verification of them, will put into effect all the information, available from science, which our agentur specialists have cunningly pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the direction we want.
Puppet government - pawns in our game
(Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion
Original Victor E. Marsden translation)
1. To-day I may tell you that our goal is now only a few steps off.
There remains a small space to cross and the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolize our people.
When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vice.
2. The constitution scales of these days will shortly break down, for we have established them with a certain lack of accurate balance in order that they may oscillate incessantly until they wear through the pivot on which they turn.
The goyim are under the impression that they have welded them sufficiently strong and they have all along kept on expecting that the scales would come into equilibrium.
But the pivots - the kings on their thrones - are hemmed in by their representatives, who play the fool, distraught with their own uncontrolled and irresponsible power.
This power they owe to the terror which has been breathed into the palaces.
As they have no means of getting at their people, into their very midst, the kings on their thrones are no longer able to come to terms with them and so strengthen themselves against seekers after power.
We have made a gulf between the far-seeing Sovereign Power and the blind force of the people so that both have lost all meaning, for like the blind man and his stick, both are powerless apart.
3. In order to incite seekers after power to a misuse of power we have set all forces in opposition one to another, breaking up their liberal tendencies towards independence.
To this end we have stirred up every form of enterprise, we have armed all parties, we have set up authority as a target for every ambition.
Of States we have made gladiatorial arenas where a lot of confused issues contend
.... A little more, and disorders and bankruptcy will be universal ....
4. Babblers, inexhaustible, have turned into oratorical contests the sittings of Parliament and Administrative Boards.
Bold journalists and unscrupulous pamphleteers daily fall upon executive officials.
Abuses of power will put the final touch in preparing all institutions for their overthrow and everything will fly skyward under the blows of the maddened mob.
5. All people are chained down to heavy toil by poverty more firmly than ever.
They were chained by slavery and serfdom; from these, one way and another, they might free themselves.
These could be settled with, but from want they will never get away.
We have included in the constitution such rights as to the masses appear fictitious and not actual rights.
All these so-called "Peoples Rights" can exist only in idea, an idea which can never be realized in practical life.
What is it to the proletariat laborer, bowed double over his heavy toil, crushed by his lot in life, if talkers get the right to babble, if journalists get the right to scribble any nonsense side by side with good stuff, once the proletariat has no other profit out of the constitution save only those pitiful crumbs which we fling them from our table in return for their voting in favor of what we dictate, in favor of the men we place in power, the servants of our agentur
... Republican rights for a poor man are no more than a bitter piece of irony, for the necessity he is under of toiling almost all day gives him no present use of them, but the other hand robs him of all guarantee of regular and certain earnings by making him dependent on strikes by his comrades or lockouts by his masters.
Protocol 3 - Methods of Conquest
(Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion
Original Victor E. Marsden translation)
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the information in this document is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for criticism, comment, news reporting, research, educational and humanitarian purposes for the benefit of mankind.
The material on this site is made available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc.
This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. For more information go to:
§ 107. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use
October 14, 2015
Note: At least at this junction, we decided not to publish Benya's reports as soon as they come out without strings attached. It will be published on Thursdays as he requested.
You may also want to check out the Antimatrix BTSync collection to see if anyone with full access key decides to publish it sooner than Thursdays after the original publication. There is always plenty of people present on that collection, especially during the daytime in Europe, so you can download the entire collection in less than 10 minutes if your connection if fast enough.
See: Download and automatic update of your copy of the antimatrix.org and oshosearch.net sites
You can download BTSync program for many platforms here:
(We suggest not using any version higher than 1.3.109)
Now, this is his life and this is a demand he is placing on it, and he would have to bear all the consequences and eventually learn the lessons he needs to learn and we are not the ones to "fix" him. It is not our responsibility and not our concern. We are interested in people, not some fake Benyas of all kinds.
Now, we are not going to fight with some vicious degenerate. It is not the kind of fight we are interested in spending out energy on, nor do we like to sense all that ugly destructive energy he is emanating in all sorts of ugly thought-forms. To us, he is nothing more than a disinformation agent, a ghost, and a profoundly sick man that totally lost the sense of reality. Because only a vicious and profoundly sick man can say things like "cease and desist", which, in purely legal terms, means the first step in a legal process.
That means that he is willing to go after your throat, like a mad dog. And for the sake and in the name of what? Of money? Some notion of "control"? Or his ability to precisely identify and track every one of his subscribers? His never ending obsession with all sorts of violence, bloody revolutions and things of that nature are simply some of the clearest symptoms and indications of degeneracy, as the obsession with violence, domination and megalomania are forever and inevitably present in the activity of a degenerate.
The question here is simple enough: why and how would someone make such a heavy investment in such foolish things as the alleged so-called copyright violations in the context of "fighting the evil", especially when it is clear, pretty much on its face value, that the Fair Use Exception clearly applies to his writings, and for several reasons.
Furthermore, he would have to PROVE that he is an actual author of what he claims to be his own original creative work. According to even the strictest standards of one of the most complex areas of the law, as copyright is, it is perfectly legal to quote at least 30% of the original material, especially for research and library types of use, and especially in the context of purely humanitarian information to benefit the mankind as such.
We do not charge any money for any information we publish, and do not advertise anything, and we do not simply distribute any information to anyone out there. Those, who are interested in it have to find it and access it on their own initiative.
Furthermore, we provide the precise links to the originals. It is a common practice, even among the biggest information agencies in the world, to not object their information being published by the 3rd parities for non-commercial purposes, if they provide the link to the source, which is what we do. To this day, we have never had a single objection even from some of the biggest and most respectable information agencies in the world.
In case of Benya, he can claim no more that 30% of the contents of his writings as genuinely his creative work. Because he himself quotes the text of his "sources" in at least 70% of his writings. Therefore, if one decides to quote every single word of his original contribution, that turns out to be no more than 30% of total article volume, and, therefore, it is utterly within the law to publish it by anyone else, even for purely commercial purposes.
It is our opinion that he could never actually win that case in the courts, no matter what he does. At the same time, we are not going to waste our energy on lunatics of his kind, forever pumping up their chests to show their significance, and all their concoctions, regardless of how much of it turns out to be real or pure grade fabrications.
The only interest and concern we have with his reports is to urge people not to blindly take it all on its face value, but try to use their own awareness and intelligence to SEE how much of it either makes sense or is verifiable or even conceivable. Because there are plenty of tricks and traps planted in his information that might keep them in delusion and false hopes of all kinds to keep them in a passive state, expecting that someone else will do their work for them of freeing themselves from the chains of evil.
We urge you again and again: Unless YOU, individually, wake up and raise your voice and strength against the all pervading evil, no one, LITERALLY, is going to do it for you, and precisely because your very consciousness and awareness remain on the level of some blind believer in the "bright future of mankind.. You have to stand up for what is dear to you and what you consider to be the Truth. No one can do it for you, and even if they could, it would not change even an iota, as you remain as blind, as you have ever been.
For now, this is all we are willing to say on this. We might work on this text and probably move it into a separate chapter. So, if you are interested to see the developments on it, just refresh this page and look at the TOC to see if it has been moved to a separate place.
We are also considering adding some commentaries to his previous writings to specifically show the utmost fabrications, perversions and outright lies and fiction he feeds the gullible people who did not take their time to study the issues on their own. But there is so much of it that it will take some time and may not even be as critical or important in the scheme of things at this junction. On the top of it, we do not have much time to deal with this kind of utterly irrelevant disinformation crap.
Note: One of the reasons we talk about this is because at least as a result of Benya's report of October 13, 2015, which contains quite wild allegations that the US military had taken over the FRS, we have seen several articles on the net, filled with joy, excitement and hope that we are finally beginning to see some real changes related to the "banking mafia", suffocating the world, parasiting on it and waging all these utterly unnecessary insane wars, terrorist attacks, causing massive migration, among other things, and all sorts of other madness.
This implies that these writers simply accepted all the typical and quite wild proclamations of Benya on their face value, without any efforts to verify any of it, and, as a result, might have become the disinformation agents themselves, knowingly or unknowingly, distributing falsified information and even making further conclusions out of it.
This, in turn, means that Benya, for whatever reasons, might have become a popular and widely quoted disinformation agent on a global scale, unless we see some evidence of his claims. That is about the LAST thing we need at this particular junction, if ever.
And this, in turn, means that Benya, at least potentially, could be massively deluding people. For one thing, he is widely praised and quoted by all sorts of widely followed "talking heads", publishing all sorts of disinformation myths, tales and wild "prophecies" about the "bright future", which, for some strange reason, seem to forever remain behind the horizon.
But the fact of the matter is that we have not seen even a shred of any kind of evidence of the FRS being taken over by the Pentagon, and, if anyone can provide such an evidence, we would appreciate you sending us the links to the articles containing the pertinent information from the trustworthy sources, at least in your opinion. We would like to look at it with our own eyes and see what it means to us. No need to bother about all sorts of talking heads or any kinds of opinions. We are only interested in authoritative information that can be further verified.
Our position on such matters is quite clear, at least to us: about the LAST thing the world needs right now is disinformation about major events and the issues the world is facing at this junction, and, it is precisely our "job" to identify and expose any kind of disinformation that might create a distorted view of reality. We have chosen to do it as our contribution into the global information war that engulfed this planet and which has been going on for several years now.
Basically, a trustworthy reporter can not just report all sorts of "prophecies", rumors, myths and tales, and would never resort to dictatorial tone or threats, because, first of all, it is not his "job". And, even in cases when some reporter makes some claims and/or conclusions, it is a matter of intellectual and human honesty to at least clearly state that this is just his opinion or his own view on it, but to never claim in definite terms that this is certainly so.
But what we see with Benya is some kind of "trademark signature" of his and that is to make the proclamations of all kinds, unsupported by any evidence and throw around all sorts of his personal interpretations and unprovable myths of all kinds. Moreover, most of his myths and proclamations simply do not manifest, at least soon enough to be verified, if ever.
A trustworthy reporter better realize that there might be some consequences for effectively deluding people by representing myths and tales and wishful thinking, at best, as some kind of issues of fact and the actual state of affairs, thus creating a totally wrong perception in their minds.
Because it is one thing to be deluded, but it is utterly different thing when you delude the others, simply because you may effectively force them to take the mistaken route in their way of understanding the situation and its meaning, thus affecting their free choice on which way to proceed because of mistaken or totally false conclusions they might make as a result of blindly trusting the information without utilizing their own intelligence. Yes, in a way it is ultimately their own personal responsibility to check and verify the information and not to allow to be deluded.
But, when you combine a certain force and/or conviction of some statement with the alleged "authority" of the author or his "sources", and, especially when you see all sorts of unverifiable claims, allegedly made based on the "information from our source", then what is reader to do but to blindly believe it, simply on the basis of some mythical "authority", because to verify any of it is simply impossible in most cases.
Thus, the reader may either take a critical position of "unless proven or logically obvious, I am not going to believe a word of it". Or, alternatively, the reader may simply trust it and accept it all in bulk, simply based on that mythical "authority", or the force of conviction of the author.
So, in a way, an author may effectively jam some desirable conclusions with force of "authority" into the minds of the readers, even though those conclusions merely delude the readers and lead them astray. As we can see in the media, it is not that difficult to jam all sorts of utterly false or misleading images into the minds of the readers, going as far, as to totally not report the most significant things and exaggerate utterly meaningless things to the status of some undeniable Truth.
"The bottom line" here is that any author, and especially the reporter, bears a certain personal responsibility for creating the artificially distorted picture in the minds of readers, and that responsibility is greater than one might suspect. Moreover, it has to be eventually rectified, regardless of anything, and it will be rectified, pretty much inevitably. It is just a matter of time. But Truth can not be destroyed and it will eventually and inevitably come out. But there is a price to pay for any kinds of lies or deliberate distortions. Because that is the Law.
As you might know by now, we have a global information war raging on and all sorts of paid disinformation agents are working on the net in nearly any place of significance, and especially on all sorts of forums and discussions of the "hot" topics. There was a pretty revealing article, published by someone, who claims to have been one of them formerly, where he describes how this "system" works. He was finally disgusted with it, to the point where he decided to go "open air" about it.
The entire "system" is also described in a brochure, distributed hand-to-hand among the "god chosen" people in Russia and its original edition was printed back in 1949. It is basically a "simple man's version of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion", except the validity of it is indisputable, unlike of the Protocols. It was also archived in the KGB archives. Pretty interesting and quite revealing document.
Catechism of the Jew in the USSR
Interestingly enough, if you read it, you will be able to see the same exact techniques and tricks of intimidation used to this day, and you might recall all sorts of "strange" or unpleasant situations in your own life, which left a bitter taste in your mouth, simply because you did not know how it "works" and did not understand what happened, as it might have blown your mind to pieces.
In the opinion of one prominent researcher:
I am yet to see a single Jew, who does not live by the principles of the Catechism.
Just in the New York subway alone, whenever you happen to bump into someone, it is nearly guaranteed that he is a Jew, who intentionally tries to run into you, just to create a conflict, so that he could justify to himself that everyone hates us, and, therefore, justify his own hate towards 'goyim'.
"Twist their brains, and work the goyim up into a nervous state"
(Catechism of the Jew in the USSR)
One of the main aspects of these "operations" is that these paid disinformation agents work in groups, like a pack of wolves, which we can also see on the Benya's site and his quite extensive "support group", singing praises to him every time he publishes anything, regardless of what it is and how true or even conceivable it is.
Now, what happens in your mind if you find something objectionable in the original writing, when you see quite a number of people singing praises to it in nearly every single post? Well, it is not surprising at all that you might begin to doubt even your own intelligence. Simply because it is overwhelming, like going against a flood.
When some "hot" or "dangerous" information appears, some of the first responses and comments you are likely to see are precisely from disinformation agents. This happens because in their "headquarters" they use the automated search software to do the searches on the "hot" or "dangerous" keywords or key phrases, nearly non-stop, and that is precisely why some of the first attacks on some "hot" issue you see literally within a few minutes, if not seconds from the original publication.Because these agents are immediately informed from their "headquarters" about the specific thread to attack, even if it is a totally new thread.
Just try to pay attention to the time stamps to see if it is something conceivable. Also look at that time density of opposing comments. That, by itself, might give you an idea on what or who are you likely to be dealing with.
Their "arguments" always look like something semi-"rational", "convincing" and even semi-"scientific", even though it is nothing more than profanities, which they won't be able to prove even if they go blue on their face. They rarely contain any substance or proof of anything. It all remains on the level of a fiction, myth or opinion.
They will invent all sorts of "facts" by taking some known information and turning it all upside down, which simply gets plenty of people baffled and they do not even know how to respond to something so obviously ridiculous, if not simply bizarre, and not supported by any kind of evidence.
The trick is a standard satanic technique of turning everything upside down and creating grand confusion. As long as there is no clarity, and especially if they manage to get you off balance and angry or defensive, they are pretty much guaranteed to "win" the case.
Another trick is a standard masonic argument, called "PROVE IT". Well, the thing is that with any REALLY "dangerous" information, the first thing that happens is destruction of evidence and witnesses. Even if you cite some book or some world famous author, they will still insist: PROVE IT!!! Quite often, they will simply call him "mad" or use their favorite - "antisemite" trick.
If all fails, blame it on this abracadabra called "antisemitism". Try to argue that one! You will hardly find a single person, who will not get offended or even angry, and will be able to see though this trick and not to loose his balance, but to stay on the subject and to continue grinding them, which is easier said than done and it requires a substantial amount of knowledge.
"Anti-Semitism does not signify opposition to Semitism. There is no such thing.
[and if there is no such a thing as "semitism", how could there be ANTI-"semitism"?]
It is an expression we Jews use effectively as a smear word used to brand as a bigot, like you guys, anyone who brings criticism against Jews. We use it against hate-mongers."
Anti-Semitism is an expression we Jews use effectively as a smear word used to brand as a bigot
(The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview)
They often try to get the writer or his supporters off to a completely different track and convert the issues into something else, or make their own arguments look like something that simply "makes sense" to a "normal" human, and only someone "insane" could even argue it.
When you talk about one thing, and they start accusing you of something totally "off the wall", what are you to do? The minds of many people simply get "short circuited" and the fuses blow. This is one of their favorite tricks to get you angry, upset and loose your balance, and if you get caught into their trap, they immediately start the orgy of the ugliest insults and ridicule.
There are usually several of them working on the "hot" or "dangerous" threads and they usually attack their victims by the whole pack, so it does not look like just a personal opinion of just a single person. The idea is to overwhelm you with something "so obvious" to anyone with "sane mind". This trick is called "because EVERYONE says so". That is all they need as an "argument".
But very few people would even dare to ask: but even if everyone says so, does it mean it is true? Just recall how many times in your life you have heard this very "argument". You'd be surprised how popular it is.
One other trick they usually use is to overwhelm the thread by insulting the writers in the ugliest ways, calling them names, accusing them of being "insane" and agreeing with each other, licking each other's rear.
You can see this on nearly every thread with "dangerous" information out there, and the "signature" is pretty much the same in all cases. The idea is to fill the thread with garbage, and so, when new readers come in, they quickly loose any interest in it since about all they see is garbage, idiocy and insults of all kinds. And that is PRECISELY the idea behind suppressing the most important information.
You might recall plenty of articles you have read, which originally looked like something noteworthy. But when you started reading the comments, it made you loose any interest in it in a hurry, simply seeing it all as a hopeless case. Many people do not realize that this, by itself, is something suspicious. Because in precisely these cases it may turn out that the original information was indeed something deserving to be looked at.
Just look at the comments on the Benya's reports site. It is probably more "sane" even in a madhouse. And look at how much licking you can find there. It gets to the point that anyone "in his clear mind" would simply get disgusted after reading just a few of those, and there are hundreds, if not thousands of them on each of his reports...
They are usually fly-by-night operations out of some unoccupied buildings in some filthy parts of the cities and change their location every couple of months. They never have any signs in front of the building or anything that might identify them and their location. They are paid quite well, more than they could expect to earn elsewhere.
We will do our best to expose all the lies, fabrications, distortions, myths and all other forms of disinformation, simply because, in our opinion, about the most critical thing right now is for the people to know the Truth of how it IS in reality and to clearly SEE and understand all the tools, mechanisms and methods of the ongoing world takeover by the ZioNazi satanists and the "dark side", parasiting on this planet.
Otherwise, how do you solve the problems and improve things if you do not even know what are the real issues and what kind of progress did we make in this fight for this planet? Information is the key.
Because the summary moment has arrived, and the time has come to draw "the bottom line", and to see clearly what are we dealing with in reality, and not in all sorts of myths and tales, fed to all in a massive flood of lies and fabrications. Otherwise, how are we going to identify the REAL problems of this planet at this junction?
Their time is up, which is evidenced by the information explosion all over the net and they can "succeed" with their plans ONLY when people are blind and do not even know what is going on behind their backs. Because about the only thing they are afraid of is for people, at large, to begin to see what and how it is in reality, just as stated by Harold Wallace Rosenthal.
Our greatest fear is that this falsehood will be discovered, for we will be stamped out the moment the general public comes into possession of the truth and acts upon it (It is one thing to put a man in possession of the truth, to get him to understand it is another, and to get him to act upon it is another still. Truth by itself has no value unless used or applied in some way.)
It is becoming apparent that an awakening is occurring even here in America.
We had hoped that through our devastation of Christian Germany that any subject dealing with us would be a fearful taboo.
However, there seems to be a resurgence here in the one nation that we so strongly control. We are presently making plans for a rapid exodus. We know that when the light begins to dawn, there will be no stopping it. All efforts on our part will only intensify that light and draw focus upon it.
We fear that light is coming forth in movements across this land, especially yours. It has amazed us how you have been successful in reaching the people after we closed every door of communication.
We will be stamped out the moment the general public comes into possession of the truth and acts upon it
(The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview)
Well, what can we say but to notice that Rosenthal talks like an "apostle" of Lucifer himself. The amount of insight and depth of his information and understanding is something you will hardly find amongst "mere mortals". He certainly deserves a "thank you" for revealing it all, and it is not surprising that he was killed within a year of this interview. Because he was a living witness. But it looks like he did this interview playing a role of the "Lucifer ruling family" "channeler". And he says:
"Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer - so I wasn't lying - and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive."
Our god is Lucifer
(The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview)
We quote here the pertinent part of one pretty insightful article from the Covert Geopolitics site, just to keep things in proper perspective.
September 15, 2013
This, my friends, is the higalian dialectic on steroids. Problem – reaction- solution , and it is a fact that the awakened are not immune or exempt from the psy-op. Every mind has been purchased. Period.
In the USA, we can follow the money trail through what we now know is a fascist system. Mercenaries whip up a chemical false flag attack in Syria. The intelligence community (secret Zionist code for lawless militant drug traffickers and war fabricators) covers all the bases: fake YouTube videos, CNN teleprompter scripting, and made up Presidential reports that give the Commander In Chief no other legal obligation than to bomb.
Corporations inject the media — like pumping a Foster’s Farm chicken with growth hormones — with the same styled imagery & heart string jerking sadness of dying babies who have been gassed.
In Russia, same scheme, different dialect of lies, but ultimately bough and paid for by the Russian military industrial complex.
Within moments of returning from vacation, I immediately said “...whoa...why is this Russia/Putin narrative being shoved in my face so hard?” Before vacation I was talking about how I admired the conduct of the Chinese and Russians on the international diplomatic stage. I now realize that’s exactly what they paid for.
The global elite are slowly whittling away at American sovereignty and prosperity, and we are witnessing the final nail in our coffin — convincing our citizens that we really are much better off conducting ourselves as obedient global citizens. That our international diplomacy skills are old and obsolete. That America is no longer an “exceptional” society under the most powerful & protective rules of Constitutional law in the history of mankind.
In order for both the Russian and US military industrial complex to win trillions, they must destroy the USA from within (we’ve seen this through our collapse), and then finalize the deal with final push from Putin. The entire story has been scripted, and all facets of this story are covered.
Each of us will one day soon say that we had no other alternative than to act, and each of us will open our wallets and throw trillions to the elite. We will beg them for global stability, and since the USA is in its final throws of incompetence, the majority of our Zombies will clammer towards a one-world government. A peace negotiated by all angry parties for the sake of humanity.
Is this all a conspiracy theory, or is it a fact that what I tell you — that there is so much money wrapped up in this scheme that they cannot afford to stop lying to you — then please consider that anything you believe about Vladamir Putin has been paid for. The Russians have spent almost $6 million dollars with a public relations firm which specializes in lying to you for profit.
It has been reported that the Op-Ed piece published by Putin was crafted and placed in the New York Times by American PR firm Ketchum. Let me repeat that: Vladamir Putin’s handlers are an American corporation that gave him inside access to one of the US’s top media outlets.
Communist Russia has used capitalism to penetrate the American mind? But, one could ask, “but Putin is trying to negotiate peace? Isn’t that the desired outcome?” Only if you look at the surface, but you have to realize that the stage is being set for the battle of Armageddon between the Russian Bear and the God Blessed Exceptional Amerikans.
It’s a slow trickle of thinking inserted into your brain, but don’t forget, $6 million dollars is being spent by the Russians for “PR”, and you bet your bottom dollar that they expect a trillion dollars back in war profits for their investment.
Don’t forget Obama’s help to the military industrial complex by signing the NDAA. By doing so, he essentially gave them an open check book to pump lies into the media. The 2012 NDAA repealed the Smith Mundt act which prohibited the US Military from using the media to propagate fake news stories in their psy-ops.
What’s the punchline? Armegeddon is a very profitable venture. The only way to fund it is to pre-fabricate chemical false flags, whip up tear jerking imagery of gassed babies, convince the world population that there is no other alternative than to open their wallets and throw money at the Pentagon, and line up a billion of our youngsters to get slaughtered fighting for “freedom”.
The end result: Profits flow like a slot machine to the elite. The people pay the bill. A billion lives are wiped out (no biggy for the elite—especially if the troops are too stupid to be anything but obedient and patriotic). All sides of the military industrial complexes of Russia, USA, China win a couple trillion.
And worst of all, the elite actually pay billions to make us believe this is a better alternative than a collapse. Then fabricate the problem — exploit the human reaction to the horrifying events they create —- and then pay big bucks getting ready to offer the Zombies a solution.
Why? Because they will win trillions.
It’s all a lie and it can never be stopped. The best thing we can do is believe none of it, and resist their higalian dialectic to the death. We will literally need to kill the elite (for humanitarian reasons) to stop them from lying. We can do this, but time is running out. Tell as many people as you can — not about the truth, but especially about the lies.
The Psy-Op: The higalian dialectic on steroids. Problem – reaction- solution
Well, what can we say but - yep, that is EXACTLY the idea and it has been covered by plenty of researchers, and of the honest kind.
And it has also been one of the major ideas about taking over the world. For the NWO to be announced, and, most importantly, ACCEPTED, the first thing that is necessary is to create the global chaos. Eventually, "the herd" will be begging on their knees to end all this global madness, even if they have to sacrifice all those "values", they were fed throughout the ages, such as "freedom", "democracy", "privacy" and the rest of it.
So... As we say again and again: It is for YOU to decide which world do you want to live in and how much of your energy you are willing to dedicate to it in order to actually do something, instead of sitting like a zombie and waiting for some "noble knight on a white horse" to do it for you.
And try to remember this: EVERY SINGLE one of you can do something, regardless of the level of your "advancement" or how "insignificant" it may look to others. Just like the "god chosen" people say: "a hair from each one - a fur coat for my wife".
What "matters" here, is that you, individually, feel in your very heart, in your very depths, that you have done all you could and all you could conceive, in order to contribute your own little bit of creativity and courage towards something, which is the very Source of Life, the very Essence of it All.
Benya keeps singing about "banking mafia" "negotiating the surrender" again and again. But... Here's an interesting article.
The War On Cash Is Advancing On All Fronts 'First They Came For The Pennies...'
November 8, 2015
The War on Cash is advancing on all fronts. One region that has hogged the headlines with its war against physical currency is Scandinavia. Sweden became the first country to enlist its own citizens as largely willing guinea pigs in a dystopian economic experiment: negative interest rates in a cashless society.
As Credit Suisse reports, no matter where you go or what you want to purchase, you will find a small ubiquitous sign saying “Vi hanterar ej kontanter” (“We don’t accept cash”):
Whether it’s for mulled wine at the Christmas market, a beer at the bar, even the smallest charge is settled digitally. Even the homeless vendors of the street newspapers Faktum and Situation Stockholm carry mobile card readers.
A similar situation is unfolding in Denmark, where nearly 40% of the paying demographic use MobilePay, a Danske Bank app that allows all payments to be completed via smartphone. With more and more retailers rejecting physical money, a cashless society is “no longer an illusion but a vision that can be fulfilled within a reasonable time frame,” says Michael Busk-Jepsen, executive director of the Danish Bankers Association.
While Sweden and Denmark may be the two nations that are closest to banning cash outright, the most important testing ground for cashless economics is half a world away, in sub-Saharan Africa.
In many African countries, going cashless is not merely a matter of basic convenience (as it is in Scandinavia); it is a matter of basic survival. Less than 30% of the population have bank accounts, and even fewer have credit cards. But almost everyone has a mobile phone. Now, thanks to the massive surge in uptake of mobile communications as well as the huge numbers of unbanked citizens, Africa has become the perfect place for the world’s biggest social experiment with cashless living.
The War On Cash Is Advancing On All Fronts: "First They Came For The Pennies..."
(Recommended site for mind-blowing news on the NWO and their agenda, way more authoritative than anything you read from Benya.)
Original Source:
Don Quijones via Wolf Street
Question arises: If "banking mafia" is really concerned with survival and is in the process of "negotiating their surrender", as Benya keeps singing non-stop, then how come they are nailing the last nails into this NWO coffin for the mankind?
The TPP, a 12-nation pact with countries in Asia and the Americas
Banks and other financial institutions would be able to use provisions in the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership to block new regulations that cut into their profits, according to the text of the trade pactreleased this week.
In what may be the biggest gift to banks in a deal full of giveaways to Hollywood, the drug industry and technology firms, financial institutions would be able to appeal any national rules they didn’t like to independent, international tribunals staffed by friendly corporate lawyers.
That could nullify a proposal by Hillary Clinton to impose a “risk fee” on financial firms — or the Elizabeth Warren/Bernie Sanders plan to reinstate the firewall between investment and commercial banks.
Financial firms could demand compensation for these measures that would make them too expensive to manage.
The TPP, a 12-nation pact with countries in Asia and the Americas that requires congressional approval, includes an investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) system. This allows foreign companies operating in TPP member countries to enforce the agreement without using that country’s court system. Instead, corporations can sue for monetary damages in independent tribunals before corporate lawyers who can rotate between advocating for investors and judging the cases themselves.
The lawyers have an inherent incentive to encourage more challenges with favorable rulings, so they can be paid to arbitrate them. Labor unions who allege violations of the trade deal cannot use ISDS directly; only international investors, i.e. large corporations, can.
TPP Trade Pact Would Give Wall Street a Trump Card to Block Regulations
(Blacklisted News)
TPP Full Text
(Office of the United States Trade Representative)
Here's a pretty insightful article which, among all other things, shows how nicely all these "prophets of good news" and "we are winning over evil" kind fit into the scheme of global deception, forever consoling the people with the ideas that some "white hats" are already doing everything necessary "to remove the evil Khazars (ZioNazi satanists) from power", so that everyone keeps sitting on their butt and doing nothing, waiting for some "white hats" of all kinds to do their work for them.
And this article quite clearly shows that all these "good news" these "fighters against evil" feed you, with all these seemingly positive results, perfectly fit into the same ancient NWO scheme, while everyone is lead to believe that it is all just the other way around.
China’s “First Lady” Peng Liyuan
Yesterday, a reader wrote me the following…
“I am optimistic that things aren’t as bad as they seem, because enough people are able to find their way out of the infantile drama you have portrayed, and the illuminati are simply tripping up as they flounder and we show their flailings about. We actually have a choice down the middle, and that is to clean up the corruption in the international financial system and take back our world.
We will not have a one world currency. We will abolish legal tender laws, and use the world’s gold on deposit in the trust called the Global Debt Facility to replace paper currencies in each country with national currencies in aurum, putting the central banks into bankruptcy in the process.
Most of the shills you have portrayed in your blog have been trying to keep this from happening, but thanks to a very accurate power transition model from the Department of Defense, we know there is a 95% chance that the people in each country will be able to clean up their corrupt politicians who will be powerless to prevent the clean-up.”
I don’t know if the reader realized it or not, but what she wrote is actually a description of the New World Order. So upon reading it, I realized the need to explain what the NWO will look like when it’s unveiled, and to emphasize a critical point:
This means that when we reach the end result of this transition process, the NWO will look like the SOLUTION to all our problems, not another PROBLEM (such as a dark, scary fascist regime) we need to overcome. It will appear as though the corrupt have been defeated, World War 3 has been stopped, all regional conflicts have been resolved, biowarfare against the population has been halted, poverty has been alleviated, debt money has been abolished, secrets have been revealed, and so on and so forth.
And the masses, after having been force-fed negativity and conditioned to expect a scary NWO for so long, are expected to be so overcome with joy that they’ll willingly embrace the New Order.
That’s how a problem / reaction / solution scam works when you’re using it to create a New Order for the entire planet:
1) you intentionally create an overwhelming number of terrible problems,
2) you make sure the public is fully aware of all those problems (by carpet-bombing their consciousness with mainstream and alternative media coverage of all the ills in the world), then
3) you present them with the solution to all their problems (the NWO).
In that final phase, you don’t present them with something ugly and scary; you give them something attractive and inviting. And once they have accepted it and come to depend on it, you start tightening the screws again.
In light of this, let’s have another look at the aforementioned reader’s expectations, one-by-one…
This statement presupposes that the international financial system started out as something good and became corrupted, and such a view has no basis in reality.
The international financial system was purpose-built as a slavery system by the International Central Banking Cabal. It cannot be “cleaned up” or “reformed” into something good any more than a meat grinder can be reformed into a cow uterus.
The international financial system IS corruption; it is corruption incarnate. We must simply walk away from it and build our own system of trade, starting at the local level with our own neighbors, then networking peer-to-peer until there is a true (decentralized) global community. If we don’t build our own financial system, we will use theirs by default, and then we’ll be stuck in yet another of their growth and harvest slavery cycles.
Of course we won’t. The NWO plan does not call for a one world currency — at least not at first. It calls for national currencies which will be backed by a supranational reserve currency currently known as the SDR. Over time, the SDR will be expanded into more and more areas that are currently the domain of the national currencies.
This process is expounded upon by future IMF Director and current Governor of the People’s Bank of China Zhou Xiaochuan in his speech titled “ Reform the International Monetary System“…
As the SDR becomes more and more used as an alternative to national currencies, the globalists expect the people to embrace it on their own accord. The Economist explained this back in 1988 with an article titled Get ready for the phoenix…
...First off, “the natural forces that are pushing the world towards economic integration?” Ha! GMAFB. As for the rest of the passage, note how well it matches what China’s Zhou Xiaochuan said. The globalists have been planning this for a long time, and the BRICS are the key to making it look like “it’s different this time.”
“We will abolish legal tender laws, and use the world’s gold on deposit in the trust called the Global Debt Facility to replace paper currencies in each country with national currencies in aurum, putting the central banks into bankruptcy in the process.”
To begin, who owns the bulk of world’s gold now? To answer this, you might ask yourself a few more questions: Who removed the gold backing from the world’s currencies, especially the dollar? Who then turned around and printed unlimited paper money to buy up as much of the world’s gold as they could get their hands on? Was it the “elite” or the people?
As for the central banks, they are mere paperwork constructs of the globalist bankster families, and they can be disposed of when they are no longer needed. As I explained in one of my old Event Watch updates (when speaking of Janet Yellen)…
>>> Later, she will be seen as making a mistake that causes the big implosion. In the aftermath, she and the Fed will be taken down and replaced by the Treasury in a “rejuvenated, Constitutionally-recentered Republic of the United States,” possibly under Ron Paul [or Rand Paul].
One must not forget that the central banks themselves, just like the regular banks and corporations, are expendable fronts for those who hold power behind the scenes. And after 100 years of bribing, blackmailing, and killing, the elite families’ Fed parasite has thoroughly subsumed the US Government host. They can now discard the Fed and operate directly from the completely captured federal government. <<<
The bottom line is this: regardless of how the new currencies are backed or who prints them, they are slave currencies. Because as long as a small “elite” get to decide how much currency will be circulated, who will receive it, and under what conditions it will be handed out, it remains a system of control. I think it better to devise our own local currencies / trading systems and leave the control freaks behind.
In closing, I’ll share some passages I wrote in my second blog about what the globalists will try to do when they roll out the new system (as well as how they’ll start clamping down on us afterwards). From Lightworkers, welcome to the Borg: Basel III and Total Financial Control…
>>> It is through channelings and reports from “white hat” intelligence sources that the Cabal is telegraphing the solution phase of the problem/reaction/solution scenario they’re using to usher in their One World Financial System. And yesterday, the people behind the “Poof” information made an interesting admission about the “free money” that’ll be spread around after the financial reset…
In this passage, they are clearly admitting that they will be monitoring how you spend your money, and your access to it will be blocked if they don’t approve of what you’re doing. Of course, they give a good reason why this must be so: because it is essential to stop “terrorism.”
But we all know by now that a terrorist is anyone who believes in freedom and opposes the rule of the few over the many. They always give a good public reason for increased control, don’t they? <<<
One thing I might point out about this passage is that the Poof/Zap disinfo clowns specifically mention that everything will be Basel III-compliant, and the Basel III rules were drawn up by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, which is headquartered in the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). If you want to know a little about the BIS and how it fits in to all this, have a look at this entry.
Continuing on…
>>> I’ve long warned of the dangers of transitioning to an all-electronic currency (with no cash or coins) because it would place control of our money into the hands of whoever controls the computers, but a new thought crossed my mind this morning: what if they imbed RFID chips in the cash and coins? With that thought in mind, I googled “ rfid coins” and “ rfid currency notes” and found out they’ve already been doing it [and they’re refining the technology all the time].
Now think about it for a moment…
So this is how it will go down (if they are able to pull it off)…
(At this initial stage, they’ll probably block financial access to very few people, such as those trying to buy weapons.)
How will they lock out dissidents, you ask? By using RFID readers at cash registers, intersections, roadblocks, cell towers, etc., as well as in smart meters, cell phones, wireless portals, etc., they will track the movement and destination of all currency and goods. And if you are designated a persona non grata, your digital and physical cash, as well as your consumer products, will be seized for whatever reason they choose to invent. You will be unable to buy, sell, or barter in the mainstream economy.
Make no mistake: the new financial system being sold to the undiscerning elements of the awake and aware community is not of the True Light. It is just the new, improved version of Cabal control covered with a candy coating. <<<
Having said all this, I reiterate once again: any global solution (regardless of how great it might look on the surface) is a globalist solution. Accept it at your own risk.
For my next update, I plan on writing about the lady whose picture is at the top of this entry, China’s “First Lady” Peng Liyuan. She’s a crafty one, and I suspect she’ll be leading the charm offensive when they start openly promoting the NWO to the public.
Love always…
The Multilateral/Multipolar New World Order will seem like heaven... at first
The (Raja) Yoga Sutras of Patanjali begin with this one:
"Identification with Prakriti creates misery".
This is a tremendous insight that may open many doors, once you SEE its deeper-most meaning.
Prakriti means nature, the physical world and all that surrounds you and which you can perceive through your senses, the material world. If you get identified with it and take it as something "ultimately real", then you are BOUND to suffer. It is simply inevitable.
Simply because the physical world, perceived by most, as the only thing that is "real", or "the only thing there is", is more "unreal" than "real". Yes, everything is "real" to some extent, simply because it undeniably exists, be it in the form of an idea.
But the physical world is just an intermediate step in development of Intelligence in a particular setting and a level of growth. It does allow the Life energy to experience many things and become self-conscious via interactions, to bring a Being the point of awareness.
Once the awareness is achieved, the Being begins to deal with various energy levels directly and the material aspects, full of all sorts of deficiencies and limitations, loose their status of "ultimate reality" and become perceived rather like a prison, than anything desirable to operate within. But these are way more intricate subjects than what we can cover here.
While reading some negatively charged information, try not to get identified with it. Just stay aloof and keep some distance from it. No need to make it a part of your Being and get immersed and identified with it, as once you "tune-in into it", you immediately invite the highly negative energy which is like a poison. Yes, it might be very difficult, if not nearly impossible, NOT to get affected by it. But it IS doable, and with certain practice you will be able to get unstuck or "unsucked" nearly instantly.
The problem we have right now is that we live in a world, "ruled" by highly negative concepts, structures, and "guiding principles". In other words, we live in the world, soaked in pure evil, nearly everywhere we look or hear.
Probably the most important "task" or change we can make right now is to get unstuck and leave all these horrors outside of your Being, and look at it just like at a stage in a theater, and consider it as nothing more than a "bad dream", which it indeed is. It IS a "dream". It IS the most profound distortions.
But for all those, who are not interested in following the "negative approach" of Lucifer or the path of the "dark side", one needs to invite into ones own Being the energy of joy, giggle, gratitude and appreciation. Any bitterness, anger, resentfulness, revenge or even hopelessness simply poison your Being and deplete your energy, as that is how the "dark side" feeds on it. They are not the natural states of your Being. They are what is known as "distortions", which you need to eventually SEE and clarify your perception of.
And, under no circumstances, dwell on the negative energy. It is just a dream and illusions of all kinds, and it will all fall off by itself, painlessly, one day, like an old snake skin, once your eyes begin to open. There is simply no need to try to invite it, or get stuck with the feeling of suffering, pain, misery or hopelessness.
Any negative states of your Being will dissolve by themselves, and within minutes in most cases, if not seconds, unless you chose to keep focusing on it as something "real". Yes, it IS "real" in a certain sense, and, yes, it is nearly impossible not to get identified with it in some cases. But this is not who you are or where you want to go, or IS it?
Very few people realize that this negativity somehow "appears" in their lives precisely because one needs to SEE it, sense how it feels within their hearts and ask themselves the simplest questions:
Is it what and how I want to feel? What do I need it for? What benefits does it bring me? What doors does it open in my perception? What CLARITY do I achieve out of it? Why do I need to forever cling to it and carry it around?
It is your own choice, nothing more than that. If you allow your energy to be sucked by the parasites and destructive forces, then you will be drained indeed and your precious Life energy will be sucked out of your Being for as long as you allow it, consciously or unconsciously does not matter much.
Yes, it IS a certain lesson to be learned and a purpose of that lesson is to eventually bring you even to the utmost extremes of it, if necessary, so that you would have a chance to eventually SEE the very nature of it and make a decision to simply "switch off" from that wavelength and "tune-in" to a different "radio station", that broadcasts Life, not death, destruction and SELF-destruction, eventually and inevitably.
And that is precisely the difference between the so-called "Negative approach" and "Positive approach". The "negative approach" elevates death to ultimate levels, and the "positive approach" affirms, asserts and invites Life, Joy and Creativity, as the very essence of Life itself.
And the sooner you notice and recognize it, the sooner that life-long nightmare ends for you. There is no power or force in this world, or any other, that can prevent you from SEEING and not being affected by destructive things.
And, unless you recognize it and SEE its very essence, nothing can be done. Because no "outside" force can interfere with your own decisions and your own choices on how do you wish to live your Life and what kind of things you wish to explore and experience.
Once humanity at large realizes it, then genuine "New World" and "New Man" may arrive. Bot not before that. Because if you insist on remaining blind, you get the NWO and its "21 point plan" and/or several variations of it. Interestingly enough, the NWO scheme incorporates quite a few concepts and ideas that are exactly the same as the World of New Consciousness, as we choose to call it here.
Those are "technical" or "practical" details, but, nevertheless, they need to be looked at and we need to eventually come to some "conclusions" of whether to keep some them or dispose of them or any other ideas related to this NWO scheme. It will be difficult, if not impossible, to see which ideas are in fact beneficial unless you get "a handle on it" and learn the very mechanisms of staying aware.
Right now, it is much more beneficial, if not critical, for you to ALWAYS stay on the wave of Life, joy, lightness, smile and gratitude for having the opportunity to BE, right where you are and who or what you are.
It is much more beneficial to fill your Heart with Love and appreciation. Of LIFE itself!
To create the "new world", you need to create the "new consciousness" or awareness first, or a "new man", just as Osho, for example, tried to do in his experiment with the commune in Oregon, which, actually, "succeeded" to a large degree, and the results of that experiment are available, at least if you dig around. Moreover, there are hundreds of books of his that go into the most minute details of any conceivable aspect of Life as such, from personal to universal.
Whether it was "right" idea or "wrong", "virtuous" or "evil" is for you to decide for yourselves. Yes, there were some problems with it and they are the same kinds of problems we are dealing with in Benya's reports, the issues of governing and control. We'll touch upon some of them later in this chapter.
But that experiment did "work", at least from the standpoint of many practical aspects, and there are plenty of beneficial ideas to be learned from it. Except it was not entirely self-sufficient and did need the external funding to purchase those things that were not produced or manufactured within the commune, and that IS one of the major problems with it. The main source of income was from the sales of his books and from several yearly festivals. But that may not be applicable as a general case. It "worked" only in his particular case.
So, that model still needs some refinements, even though the basic things, like food, shelter, clothing, medial and child care, education, various services and construction and other basic needs were covered quite well.
Interestingly enough, there was no money circulated inside the commune. You wouldn't even hear about it any place you go. Money was used only in the dealings with the external world. So, it was essentially a pure communist model in this regard.
The model of the NWO also assumes the absence of money, but for a different reason, since everything "belongs" to the "emperor of the world", by implication. So, this, by itself, is quite an issue to look at and see if it at least points us in the "right" direction.
We are not trying to promote it here, but one thing is certain: that was probably the only known case in the entire recorded history, outside of the religious or tribal communities, where relatively large number of people were able to live together, take care of things without any kinds of conflicts or aggression, without pressures of the ideas of "survival" or any kind of ego-centric activity and ideology, which is quite an achievement in itself. Yes, we are aware of the idea of a Kibbutz, as implemented in Israel, but let us not get sidetracked.
Furthermore, the entire environment was of joy, relaxedness, giggle, laughter and appreciation. There was no pressures at a work place. There was no "competition" of any kind. Basically, he was against the very idea competition in principle, and for a good reason.
Why do you need to "compete"? For what? Is Life about "competition", which inevitably leads to the "cut-throat" viciousness eventually, at least in plenty of cases and spheres of activity?
Or is it about exploration and refinements of who you are and growth of you awareness, eventually leading you to placement of yourself in the "larger picture" of nothing less than Life itself? The very idea of "competition" needs to be looked at, and in a much more insightful manner than what we have at the moment.
The very idea of "overwhelming" the others, or "getting on the top of them", or "winning" some futile game is what? And leads where, but to some absurd of self-defeating nature?
For example, in the capitalist model, there is an idea of "diminishing returns", meaning that the more you "gain", the less significant it becomes and the less of a "progress" can you make. Because initially, you can multiply your profits by orders of magnitude. But when you own trillions, how easy is it to increase it in relative terms to your existing worth, not even talking about multiplying your wealth by orders of magnitude?
Nowadays, you can see this global obsession with all sorts of "competition", nearly everywhere you look. But who does ever ask a simple question: am I trying to just PROVE to others, and, ultimately, to myself, that I am "not worse" than them, and, in fact, even "better", compared to them, and can even "overpower" or "defeat" them? But for what?
There was no need for ideas of "achievement" of anything. The only "achievement" one could even mention is to live in joy and appreciation and "take it easy", without any unnecessary strain or effort, even though - yes, things do need to get done, and they were done quite well, in the implicit manner.
In Zen, there is a notion of an "effortless effort". Quite an interesting concept, which is a key to the meditation, which is the state of inner peace and silence in your mind, when your "channels" to the "higher levels" are open. But that is another story.
And that single aspect alone is something inconceivable in the framework of the "modern world". Because if you look at the "real world", then what you see is an endless "rat race", compared to that model, in which there was no need for any "rats" or their "races", inevitably leading to an abyss.
It looks like the time has come to review the results of that experiment and see if we can find those things in it that could be implemented in the "real world", and not just in some limited single "commune". Because the existing models and approaches on this planet at this junction simply pale in comparison to what was achieved in his "commune".
What we have today on this planet is basically not more "advanced" than the ideas of the outright barbarism, parasitism and exploitation of everything that moves, or does not move, for that matter.
If we just look at a few major aspects, such as being able to live together with others, without any violence or conflicts of all kinds, or fear of "survival" and the inherent "competitive pressures", and the very idea of "competition", as such, which merely translates into cut-throat existence, then what other known "system" allows you to operate in such a non-hostile environment outside of some religious monasteries or tribal environments?
The "bottom line" about the Osho's "commune" is that with all this talk about some mythical "elders" or "world government" of a benevolent kind, you are not even close to what was already done and may be verified and reimplemented "as is", pretty much.
And the reason is simple: how could the "blind" of Benya's kind possibly see and propose anything that really works for all, not just some, and works in the long run and allows the mankind to live in peace and harmony?
Because these people, with all their ideas about some mythical "village elders" or "world governments, do not have a slightest clue of what is "harmony", as such. All they know is endless struggles, the ideas of "survival" and "winning over" something or "achieving" some "goal" in their never ending struggle with their own Selves, just to "prove" something.
Yes, understood: "how can you punish the blind for not being able to see?"
And that is precisely why the idea of the "enlightened" men, at least one of them, being the primary choice for the "global village elders", may turn out to be to best choice possible. One just needs to ask the simple question: would you rather live in the world, governed and directed by the people of Jesus' kind, according to quite a few principles he had outlined, or would you insist on some other selection criteria? No wonder, he was called a "King". Because, if there were any REAL kings on this planet, who would they be?
But one thing you can be sure of: it is certainly more engaging and "enlightening" than anything you will ever hear from the propagandist Benya, as blind, as arrogant and as dictatorial, as any of those he condemns all the time.
If you review some books by Osho and compare the depths of his vision to the "revolutionary ideas" of Benyas of all kinds, then those of you, who at least have SOME ability to SEE, will be able to see the difference. And that difference is of day and night, in quite literal terms.
Osho books collection
(Contains about 300 of his books)
We are simply obliged to mention some problems and the issues with his "commune" in Oregon, that are of the same kinds as problems we are discussing here, the issues of governing, in order to avoid creating a one-sided or distorted or incomplete picture of the whole thing.
Basically, it was run by absolute dictators, and the person "#1", the only person he communicated with and was regularly discussing the issues of the commune and giving the instructions to follow. And, interestingly enough, she was formerly a waitress in a restaurant in the New York. So, in terms of "merits", it tells you something. And on the top of it, she was Jewess. What a "killer" combination!
Now, he himself was considered to be an "absolute authority", just like some "god". Anything he said was beyond any arguments and had to be followed, like it was a word of "god", quite literally.
He did not relate to anyone besides that formal "head" of the commune. He did have several people working for him, providing food, cleaning his house and performing other service type of activities. But those things were done mostly in silence. Everyone knew what they are supposed to do and they just did it. There was simply no need for a chatter of any kind, and, if they would like to get his opinions or discuss something, they could submit a question and he would talk about it on his daily lecture, but only if he considered that question significant enough and applicable to others.
Now, under that "head" of the commune sat a bunch of what we choose to call "power witches", or "power bitches", as they were called by some. Those were the heads of various departments, dealing with day-to-day practical activities of the "commune". They also had an absolute and unquestionable "power" in their departments and nearly anything they said was actually a dictatorial order, to be followed unquestionably and unarguably.
That was a part of the trip of disabling the egos, known as "breaking the resistance". Yes, it does make some sense. But this is not something just to be "swallowed" as is, as it has some quite far reaching repercussions. Basically, it is a thin hair away from total dictatorship and oppression. Something not to be taken lightly, even though he does provide plenty of "reasoning" for it.
There were several reasons it was organized that way and he talked about it in his lectures on numerous occasions. It is quite a long subject to discuss here, so we'll just touch upon a couple of points.
First of all, they were all women. The idea was that women are less entangled in their heads and were acting more on the level of a feeling, than men, who tend to be guided more by purely mental aspects, then the level of feeling. Basically, he called his approach "the way of the heart" during numerous lectures. In that respect, it was quite "natural" to give the controlling aspects of running the "commune" to women.
Secondly, he mentioned it numerous times that the women were forever abused and exploited by the men worldwide, and so, it was his way to somehow compensate them for all the injustice and abuse, which women were subjected to throughout the history.
So, the entire environment was basically dictatorial, and this is pretty much the same issue as mankind is facing in respect to social organization throughout the world. It is either a monarchy, which is dictatorial in its nature, simply because some "tsar" or a "king" has the absolute power and authority, or, alternatively, it is an approach of "representative democracy", which is nothing but a myth, as in reality, the "ordinary" people do not "rule" anything, nor do they actually elect anyone to represent their interests. Even the "democratic" societies are ruled by all sorts of corrupt individuals having "power" or money, and those, in turn, are ruled by various "nobilities" or "ruling bloodlines". And it all happens behind the curtains.
We emphasize: in reality, people never "rule" anything and never actually "elect" anyone. They might think they "elect" someone, but either side they elect is inevitably going to serve not them, but their own puppeteers. They just THINK they do. But the reality of it is that it is all decided by some "hidden hand", working behind the curtains, and that "hidden hand", on the topmost level, is the same evil bankers and the same ZioNazi satanists, as you can see worldwide, everywhere you look, pretty much. And it is them, who "elects", or, rather, appoints the "presidents", "prime ministers" and so on, and they do it upon the direct instructions of the servants of either Lucifer and his "negative approach" or the "dark side".
And the dictatorial, or "ruling families", approach has deficiencies. Probably the main one is that it stifles the "free will" and "free choices" of "the rest of us". This, in turn, means that various developments and "progress" is limited to what some "king" thinks to be either "necessary" or "appropriate", or "beneficial", primarily to himself and his own "interests", as those stand above all other considerations.
But the problem is that it is only HIS own limited opinion and his own "priorities", which does not mean that they are in fact beneficial to the whole society. The opinion or the ideas of one man is just that - a one man's opinion. But does it benefit the society or does it hold it back and from which point of view and which aspect is a totally different issue.
Furthermore, this "dictatorial" vs "democratic" approach is a general issue of any kind of governing as such. Even if you look at some "village elders", we still have the same issue of how much weight and "authority" do their decisions or "rulings" have. On one hand, if they are indeed "wise", as expected from any kind of "elders", then it seems that THEIR word has more weight than of "regular" people. Otherwise, why do you have them in the first place?
On the other hand, even "elders" may simply be not "up to date" on all sorts of issues, such as science, technology and so on. So, their view may be "outdated" and "stale". You might have some ideas of some "bright kid" that could potentially lead to a progress of some kind, but it does not mean that those "elders" will even be able to comprehend and/or appreciate the relative value of it, as far as benefits to "all of us".
On the other hand, the very idea of "democracy" is basically the idea of "rule by the herd", in the best case. Simply because the plain, ordinary people do not have the sufficient level of education and their minds are not likely to be either "developed" or "sophisticated" enough to handle all sorts of issues any society is facing.
Thus, the idea of "meritocracy", which does make at least some sense in principle. Except it needs to be clarified and further refined to make sure that we do not get some ego-centric maniacs in the structures of governing, who do not necessarily even have the necessary qualifications to govern in general terms.
But there is quite an interesting issue here that has to do with Life, as such, and the very idea of a "progress" or even Creativity. And that is, no matter what kinds of "merits" one might have, it does not necessary mean that one can SEE. Can see the very essence of Life and its eternal "goals".
Interestingly enough, some of the brightest geniuses in the entire history, when asked "but HOW did this brilliant idea come to your mind", often answer along the lines of: "I do not know. I simply have no idea. All I know is that it just appeared in my mind as a whole. I did not merely contruct it out of my previous knowledge. It 'came' as a complete whole".
And what would THAT possibly mean? Well, what is Creativity? For example, if we consider quite popular view, circulated on the net nowadays, about the densities of existence, then we know that the mankind exists on what is called the Third Density, and that density is where self-awareness appears in the process of "evolution" of the Intelligence on a given planet.
If we consider that view, than it implies that beyond our "physical world" and self-awareness exist the HIGHER levels of Intelligence, which, in turn, might imply that what we consider to be our own Creation, is in fact simply the information or ideas passed to us "down the spiral" of development from the higher levels of Intelligence, where what we think to be our own creation, is in fact already well known and it existed, tested and verified well before we conceived this idea. But, in reality, we might have just received the energy cluster, or a "thought form".
Yes, it is "ours", at least in a sense that it is we, who had expressed it. But is it genuinely "ours"? - Ask any "genius" or even a talented person: how and where do you get your most brilliant ideas? See what he tells you, at least if he is honest and has enough awareness to even recognize what had in fact taken place.
So, if we go back to the issues of governing, and even if we give the idea of "meritocracy" some consideration, then what we might end up with is that in order to govern in really beneficial and productive ways, it is not enough to merely have some "elders" or "wise" men, or even those with "merits". Simply because those aspects do not necessarily guarantee the genuinely beneficial development of awareness on this planet.
For example, "merits" do not necessarily give you VISION and assure that you can "SEE" the very nature of Life. They are nothing more but a set of "achievements" of one kind or another. As to "wisdom", you will hardly be able to find two people who can agree as to what it is. And a notion of some "elders" does make sense, but only if you consider their "visionary" abilities. How many pretty foolish and totally incompetent, or even idiotic people have you seen among the "elders"?
And, in terms of evolution, what evolves is the level or a degree of AWARENESS. All our inventions or creative acts merely provide more complex feedback to our awareness, as a result of more extended interplay between our awareness and seemingly "our own" fruits of creation. No wonder it was said: "by their FRUITS you shall know them". Yes, it was said in a different context and for a different purpose, but, nevertheless, it is a pointer.
But what evolves is not our tools and gadgets, even though they seem to, or anything else in the physical world, but precisely our awareness, as that is the very purpose of the "evolution process". As awareness grows, our fruits of creativity become more and more subtle, more and more "out of this world", forever remaining on the fringes of "possible", and conceivable.
And, as soon as our awareness can reach and comprehend the levels beyond of merely material, we "leap" to the next level of development of that, which is still the same thing, awareness, except it is no longer mere "self-awareness", but becomes "us-awareness", as a single WHOLE, inseparable, but by the infinite multitude of manifestations. From then on, it is no longer the level of exploitation and manipulation of the physical objects, and we begin to sense and learn the "next level", the next "density", which is Love.
Once your own consciousness is no longer "ruled" by the ideas of "me and my own interests", you begin to sense that Life, as such, is not about some "me", but about "US, AS A WHOLE". In fact, you can even see some claims that we are not separable, even from each other, as we are all but the "components" of that, which is known as The Infinite Intelligence, ALL Encompassing and Forever Expanding.
At that point, your attachment to the physical world no longer "serves", or brings any real benefits to your Self, or Soul, or that, which is known as "real you". Because the world of the material is quite limited in all sorts of respects by the needs and limitations of the physical body, which requires the external energy for its existence, which begins the whole chain of "problems" and issues of all kind.
For example, how many people have asked a simple question: what is the purpose of the teeth in my mouth? Well, it is but to KILL the other forms of Life. Is it not a "limitation" of some kind? It is known from the ancient times, that "you are not your body, and you are not your mind, you are that, which lays beyond these". It is also known as "The Forth" - Turia, and there are all sorts of other similar ideas or the ways of saying essentially the same thing: what you know and what you see is NOT the REAL you. It is but appearances and illusions of all kinds. The REAL you is that, which is Eternal. You can agree with or not, it is up to you to decide and see the very essence of it.
You still need the "external" input from the "higher" levels or densities in order to make the most beneficial "progress". Otherwise, it may turn out to be either violence, of one kind or another, or self-serving obsession with some ideas, that do not necessarily even comprehend some not so "beneficial" side effects of our ideas, that may lead the mankind to yet another form of degradation, while claiming to lead us all to some mythical "bight future".
How do you know which version of some amorphous "future" is "bright" or not? Can you SEE into the "future"?
And that is probably one of the major problems. Because on one hand, you need your own intelligence, education and other qualifications to assure that the future is going to be indeed bright, or at least "you know what you are doing". But on the other hand, your "bright future" might be ALREADY known, and for eons, as this kind of experiment has already been conducted by the Intelligence in countless number of other cases.
Yes, indeed, every "case" is unique, as that is the very nature of Life and Intelligence as such, as its "main" requirement is the exploration of NEW ways and means of "evolution" of the Intelligence as such. That is the very nature of Creativity as such. By merely repeating the known, you can not create anything unknown previously.
And "the end goal", some claim, is for the Infinite Creator to know Itself, in all possible or probable aspects and manifestations, which is an endless process, as it never stops and can not possibly stop, but to "leap" to even more grand level.
Well, we hope you are getting less confused as a result of all this, and not more. Yes, there is plenty to study and there is plenty to "chew upon". But that is the the whole Joy of Life, which can only expand. Once you find it, or, rather, RECOGNIZE it, it can only grow, as that is its very Nature.
(Written and recorded as a service and with the help of your humble assistants from the spheres beyond visible).
Here's a pretty mind-blowing report from Jim Stone's site, which deserves a closer look, at least. We tried to do only a minimal edit of his original in terms of text formatting and splitting some paragraphs into smaller ones to make it easier to read. But still, it might look kind of wild for our regular readers. But, at the same time, it gives them the information about the emotional tone of the report.
Sure, his writings, just like probably anything else out there, might better be taken with a grain of salt, instead of "swallowing it" as is, without closer examination.
Just "hold on to your seat" while reading it. That is about all we can say...
Now let's keep an eye on the distribution of deaths, to find out if the authorities ID'd people before killing them, to get deaths from as many countries as possible. If there are deaths from everywhere, that is exactly what they did - the French checked ID's to decide who they would kill based upon where they were from, to get as many countries as possible to stand behind a war on Islam after losing one of their own . . . . .
Anything to get their world war 3, ANYTHING. I am actually pissed off beyond belief, of all the gall! They needed a real body count so they murdered people who were PROVEN ALIVE after the "event!"
Among the dead, there is quite a list of countries so far.
We have: Michael Jozic, from Belgium Elif Dogam from Turkey OTHER COUNTRIES NAMED, TO CUT TO THE CHASE: France, Sweden, Tunisia, Mexico, United States, Chile, Algeria, Portugal, Italy, Morocco, Spain, England, Germany, and the list is not done yet.
Nov 13, 2015
They released a photo of the bataclan, with dead bodies, blood, the whole 9 yards. But there are serious problems with it.
1. No EMT response. If this setup was not wanted by the government, EMT's would be all over it, dragging even known dead bodies to the hospital to be PROVEN DEAD.
2. No police response. If this was a scene that was not set up by the government, police would be ALL OVER IT.
3. Five people standing on the balcony, 1 photographer, and one guy on the ground floor. NOT A SINGLE ONE out with the bodies.
Or here:
And a few questions:
1. Why is there no crowd reaction AT ALL?
2. If the drummer got shot and fell down, as some are saying, why was he interviewed later with no gunshot wounds?
[Ed note: we have also noticed that the sound quality of the gun shots sound like it was recorded in a studio. Because there is no ambiance present in those sounds, unlike you can clearly notice the ambiance in the sounds of the band. So, even, if the camera was located within inches of a gun, and was directly pointed at it, which it was not, since we do not see any gun barrel, we would never achieve such a studio quality of the gun shots if they were recorded in any real hall, or even in a room, which is not perfectly "dead" ("dead room" means essentially a recording studio with no reverberation (ambiance), present in any real acoustical space).
Secondly, if these were the actual sounds of a Kalashnikov, which needs to be analyzed by the sound engineers and/or experts, what seems to be strange is that the shots are of a single shot kind, even though they were made in a relatively rapid succession But they don't sound like bursts of a machine gun fire. If we assume that they were shooting the single shots in order to precisely target some individuals, then the shots are in too rapid of a succession for a pointed shooting, and if they are the bursts of a typical machine gun fire, then how come we hear the single shot sounds?
Well, if you listen to the sound several times, you might notice that there were two separate guns shooting, one at some distance from the camera, doing the most of shooting, and the second one - closer to a camera, which fired only two separate shots, while the first one kept shooting at a relatively rapid rate.
But they still sound like they were recorded in a relatively small room and not a hall of comparable size, even though the the forensic enactment of the scene, locating the guns in the same locations as we have on this recording and doing a sound recording of the same exact guns with comparable condenser mikes, or from the same exact camera, would probably produce the much more definitive conclusions.
Interestingly enough, the band sound does sound like it was recorded in a hall, since you do hear the ambiance. But there is audible difference between the sound of a band and gun shots. So...
But, the sounds somehow just do not sound quite realistic, if it was really recorded in a hall of comparable size.
Thirdly, in a totally unlighted hall, why would one shoot the single shots if he can not see the targets? It simply does not make any sense.]
1. There was no crowd reaction because the sound of the gunshots was dubbed in afterward. There were no gunshots at the concert, as proven by no crowd reaction, and NO, A SPEAKER CANNOT OUT PERFORM THE SOUND OF AN AK-47, NO MATTER HOW LOUD ONE IS, THEY JUST DO NOT GO THAT LOUD. So EVERYONE in the audience should have jumped out of their shoes if a real gun got fired. Let me explain this -
Many people have been out in the back country when people have been doing target practice. And the gunshots can be heard CLEARLY, miles away. Ok, if so, when have you heard any event and speakers like that, from miles away? I remember the stories of an Ozzie Osbourne concert that could be heard from miles away, but it took place in an open air stadium with 50,000 people and laws were written afterward saying a concert cannot be that loud, because many people got their hearing permanently damaged from that one event, that was legendary loud. This band was not in a large stadium and was not playing to 50,000 people, the gunshots should have been deafening and scared the crap out of everyone.
2. The drummer, who was on TV later with no injuries whatsoever "fell down" most likely because it was just part of the normal stage act. His sticks did not go flying and instead got placed in the front of the drum set where they belonged. If there was really something going on, the drum sticks would have flown. The guitarist that exited to the left of the screen did so in a way that would be part of a normal act, performers do not stand still because that gets boring, they have to do a show.
My conclusion: They needed to produce a fake video of this concert getting shot up "WHEN THE SHOOTING HAPPENED" because people were asking for it. So they went over whatever video of the concert there was, waited for a part of the show where they could say, yeah, this part of the show looks like people might believe something happened, and then they dubbed the gunshot audio in. But all aspects were not there, the lack of crowd reaction in any form at all proves this is not video of a real shooting.
3. The shooters missed the band, and only killed members of the crew, BECAUSE THE BAND HAS TO DO MORE SHOWS IN THE FUTURE, AND NO FANS ANYWHERE KNOW ANYONE WHO IS PART OF THE CREW, those people can be vanished and no one will be the wiser. If a band member was actually shot, the show could not go on. Therefore that was not part of the script.
Ok, I can't resist, so I will put this in fine print. DO NOT SKIP THE NEXT "FAR MORE IMPORTANT" REPORT. But I just gotta say this: Try to follow my logic, please . . . . . Ok, so Russia kicks ISIS butt in Syria, and ISIS, in response attacks France. Now, even if one makes the point that Muslims are not very bright, trust me, they are not that stupid. Why would ISIS attack France, when their worry is Russia? URF. That was a half burp half vomit . . . . contained. Anyway I just do not see the logic here. And lots of people do not see the logic. Where is the logic? WHERE ARE THE CELL PHONE VIDEOS?
Ok, I did not look for photos, but the description was that it was all "apocalyptic," so we ought to be able to see an apocalypse. From people's cell phones. Come on now, we can't trust the media after all those fake ISIS beheadings, I want to see cell phone video from a $29 verykool cell phone, or some other sub $50 piece of pre paid crap. Thousands of people saw this, and I know not everyone has an Iphone. Let's see it if this was real. Let's see the blurry shaky cell phone video. And even then, if it shows up, I will only believe something happened and that is the end of it, BECAUSE, AND THIS IS A BIG BECAUSE, A THOUGHT PROVOKING BECAUSE:
Israel kidnaps hundreds of children from Palestine. Children that would work GREAT in an ISIS video, if Israel really did want to stage something real. Why not? Why settle for CPR dolls when you are soulless anyway and might as well just use a couple hundred real children and really get the job done? Site intelligence group is Mossad. Anyone with a lick of sense knows all of ISIS is CIA/Mossad. So if ISIS really did do this terror attack in France, what is stopping the Jewish community, which has absolutely nothing against killing non Jews, from doing a real event in France? Why scream Allahu Akbar? Muslims would not do that during an attack, but GOSH does it work for the idiot feed. Just fill that trough up with rotten droppings and watch the idiots suck it down. Anyway, whatever this was I am sure it was fun for someone and seriously doubt that "someone" has any sort of dent or mark on the forehead.
UPDATE: There were over 1000 people at that concert, all of them with cell phones. At least 50 would have been shooting video when the attacks happened.
Gee, I never take anyone's word with anything, I really do have to see the shaky blurry video of this concert getting interrupted.
The only things getting linked other than a few photos that keep getting circulated is pictures of disasters Israelis caused, and/or old terror footage that happened a long time ago. Just like Charlie Hebdo, WHERE IS THE PRIVATE PUBLIC EVIDENCE? COME ON NOW, THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE SAW THIS, AND MANY OF THEM WERE RECORDING LONG BEFORE ANYONE KNEW ANYTHING WOULD HAPPEN BECAUSE IT WAS A CONCERT. WHERE IS THE ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE "never get through it all" PILE OF PUBLIC EVIDENCE SHOWING THE EVENTS GOING FROM HAPPY TO SAD? SERIOUSLY, PICTURES AND VIDEO THAT WILL MAX OUT YOUTUBE OR IT DID NOT HAPPEN.
UPDATE: I went over the pictures, including the ambulances, concert, other so-called attacks, etc, and I am calling B.S. - there is not enough substance and what there is out there is like pictures of primped up hamburgers at fast food restaraunts, where what you see in the picture is not what you get. There are very few photos and what does exist does not look spontaneous at all, IT LOOKS STAGED.
This won't matter much if they can take political action based on this lie. It all depends on how stupid people are. And yes, there was a terror training exercise going on, the concert club was Jewish owned which makes a staged event a piece of cake. Lots of pictures of the concert and ZERO of any terror attack - people DID have their cameras out, with photos from all angles showing what a great time it was and NO TERROR ATTACK, the whole 9 yards.
I am making preparations and cannot spend a lot of time on this, I think the world will now quickly go to hell in a hand basket and am making preparations. The Jewish community is going for broke, and I hope they end up penniless but failure to prepare for the worst - them winning - would be rock stupid. The fact the center of it all was a Jewish owned establishment screams MOSSAD, and if Russia goes along with this you know they are in on the game because no nation with an intelligence agency could possibly be that stupid.
Apparently they found a passport of a syrian man at the scene of the shotting. Now that proves 100% this operation was carried out most probably by mossad, the CIA and probably with some help from the French secret service. I mean is so obvious that they try to blame the syrians so as to have an excuse to bomb Syria. The same happened with 9/11 remember? They allegedly found the passport of an arab man at the ruins of the world trade center. Anyone with an ounce of mind can see it right through. Keep up the good work! John
My response: Yep, it is ALL IN THERE. Enough B.S. to float an oil tanker on a sea of s***
I almost wrote your story for you.
Prayers for Parisians. many prayers. hope everyone recovers and gets well soon. sad to say but this may be France's 9-11, 4-11, 7-7 moment. on 11-13 instead. is Friday the 13th a thing in Europe?
If this event feels like a state/military/intelligence agency sponsored one, it is. simultaneous. effective. Planned months in advance, and not by goat herders in caves. This is not revenge for Libya... feels more like the Moscow bombings, maidan, sandy hook, boston marathon, aurora, philly tv reporters, charlie hebdo, bengazi and the mumbai bombings & shootings all rolled into one. Plus the prior french trial balloons on the train with three guys charging an ak47 and not getting hurt (and the Oregon follow-up w the same exact guys) plus c.hebdo, germanwings, metrojet...
So you see who did this - or possibly who is being set up.
this WILL be pinned on "Isis/al qaeda" (Australian PM, others already saying so) and used to justify ever more war against crazy Muslims with access to American M1 Abrams tanks and clean, brand new out of a bag, never once dusty black flags/ Syria&Assad/ Yemen/ Iran/ Iraq/ Afghanistan/ Russia&Putin/ China/ North Korea etc and to shore up waning support for american government "partners" in the Middle East. somehow the agenda stays the same. more war paid for by more taxpayer funded loans. avoid the hype?
stay safe Paris. go in peace. heal. get well. get justice.
My response: "Because it's easy to hear dudes talking about Iraq and Syria (Isis!) while you're being shot at continuously for 15 minutes with ak47s at point blank range"
SAY THAT AGAIN: "Because it's easy to hear dudes talking about Iraq and Syria (Isis!) while you're being shot at continuously for 15 minutes with ak47s at point blank range"
SAY THAT AGAIN: "Because it's easy to hear dudes talking about Iraq and Syria (Isis!) while you're being shot at continuously for 15 minutes with ak47s at point blank range"
Ok, now I am laughing, YEP, THAT SAYS IT ALL, just like that cute little passport, compliments of the God of 911! AND YES, JUST LIKE CHARLIE HEBDO, THIS CLUB GOT HIT BY AN ISLAMIC TERROR ATTACK BEFORE THE BIG ONE IN 2011. JUST LIKE CHARLIE HEBDO GOT HIT BY A SMALL ATTACK YEARS BEFORE THE BIG ONE. WOW, these guys know the script!
The only reason I can think of for this to be done is to get all secrets off of all computers that were kept private by never being hooked up to the internet at all. AND THIS WOULD BE DONE BEFORE A WAR, SO THEY WILL KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYONE AND KNOW EXACTLY WHO TO "REMOVE" FROM SOCIETY.
Impossible you say? Well, how about Intel Corevpro technology being used to ram changes onto computers via the always on cell phone connection that ALL Corevpro proccessors have? How about anything Sandy Bridge? How about via wireless networks your AMD system does not even have the password to? DING DING DING AND I HAVE THIS TOTALLY AND IRREVOCABLY DOCUMENTED.
Microsoft is ramming what is probably Windows 10 onto ALL COMPUTERS via wifi connections and initiating the updates, even if you have no authorized WIFI connection for a computer that never hits the web. After your operating system has been changed, the GUI remains looking normal if you have updates disabled but in the background, the whole thing is changed. How do I know?
Microsoft did this to my never on the web purchased in Latin America LATIN ONLY laptop, and installed a non-latin compatible character set. When this happened, the music directories that had latin songs with incompatible (in English) characters in the titles had the latin only characters show up as stars of david with a question mark in the center of them!
THIS IS NOT AN ERROR. THE ONLY WAY THIS COULD HAVE HAPPENED IS IF SOMEONE RAMMED CHANGES ONTO THAT COMPUTER, WHICH CANNOT EVEN ACCESS THE WEB AS IS. It has WIFI, yes, and several neighbors show up on WIFI, but ALL neighbors are password protected (as is default in Mexico) and I never once, EVER approved any of those networks to access this laptop, nor did they ever approve my laptop to access their networks.
The computer has been demoted to a music player that has had the exact same songs on it for an entire year prior to this (after I discovered I had passwords that were typed into it stolen instantly, which led to web site problems and hacks) and since then have made no changes to it whatsoever, have plugged no flash drives into it whatsoever and this same computer is NEVER on the web AT ALL and has not been on the web AT ALL for an entire year.
I noticed on the Linux machine that people with Windows machines started sending that star of david character mixed in with the message window messages, (this started about a month ago when the Windows 10 controversy really got going) and I guessed that this new character is part of Windows 10, which Windows 10 substitutes out when it does not know a character, rather than output gobbledygook. But getting these characters in the mail window is easily explained - they came from somewhere else.
This is NOT POSSIBLE however on a computer that has not seen the web AT ALL since Windows 10 was released, unless Microsoft back doored their way in via the neighbor's WIFI which I have no permission to access. Additionally I have no WIFI set up at all in this house, it is 100 percent cell modem which should not be able to interface with WIFI at all.
The laptop this got onto just sits there like a brick, TOTALLY unused unless for some reason it is started up to play music, which even at that is unusual. It is not a daily thing. However, yesterday I turned it on and forgot to turn it off. It went into "sleep mode" for about five hours. I then started it up and shut it off.
Today I started it and went into the music directories, and voila! that new star of david character was mixed into the titles of any song that had latin characters, in place of the latin characters. That computer NEVER HAD THAT CHARACTER BEFORE SHOW UP IN ANYTHING EVER. Additionally, the contents of the music folders were re-arranged, with large song playlists that had been given their own folders dis-assembled completely and dumped into one large folder. DID MICROSOFT TAKE THOSE FILES, MOVE THEM INTO ONE DRIVE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION, AND SCREW UP THEIR ARRANGEMENT? POSSIBLY!
This happened when:
1. There is no internet for this computer.
2. Updates are disabled anyway.
3. Windows installer is disabled as well, so nothing can install, and it has been that way since I bought that computer 3 years ago.
4. The computer has not been used much for the past year, (used approximately once a week) which is enough to know it worked fine.
5. Absolutely nothing was installed by me or anyone else, nothing was re-configured, and no memory cards or flash drives had been plugged into it.
6. Absolutely NO ONE used that computer, there were no guests or children that had access to it.
When this happened:
1. The character set was changed to an English character set on a Latin computer, because no doubt Windows 10 discovered the computer was used entirely in English with Firefox and other applications installed in English despite being purchased in Latin America. When this was done, anything that was a specifically Latin character now has a star of david in it's place when before it all displayed the way it should.
2. The music folders got messed up with songs not appearing where they should be in folders. Playlists were destroyed. All songs were still on the computer, but they were not in the correct places. This can't happen unless someone or something does it, and WHAT COULD HAVE if the computer is just an offline brick that has worked perfect as an offline brick for a year?
3. The computer looked perfectly normal, as if it had Windows 7 installed on it, as usual. The computer ran the same as usual. It did not get clunky or messed up like it would if Malware took it over, or if it had a virus. But the character set is now different, THIS COMPUTER NEVER HAD AN OPERATING SYSTEM BASED ENGLISH CHARACTER SET ON IT EVER, HOW DID ONE GET ONTO IT?
Paul Joseph Watson, September 26, 2013
Although the technology has actually been around for a while, the attendant privacy concerns are only just being aired. The secret 3G chip that Intel added to its processors in 2011 caused little consternation until the NSA spying issue exploded earlier this year as a result of Edward Snowden's revelations.
In a promotional video for the technology, Intel brags that the chips actually offer enhanced security because they don't require computers to be powered on and allow problems to be fixed remotely. The promo also highlights the ability for an administrator to shut down PCs remotely even if the PC is not connected to the network, as well as the ability to bypass hard drive encryption.
Intel actually embedded the 3G radio chip in order to enable its Anti Theft 3.0 technology. And since that technology is found on every Core i3/i5/i7 CPU after Sandy Bridge, that means a lot of CPUs, not just new vPro, might have a secret 3G connection nobody knew about until now, reports Softpedia. Jeff Marek, director of business client engineering for Intel, acknowledged that the company's Sandy Bridge microprocessor, which was released in 2011, had the ability to remotely kill and restore a lost or stolen PC via 3G.
Core vPro processors contain a second physical processor embedded within the main processor which has it's own operating system embedded on the chip itself, writes Jim Stone. As long as the power supply is available and and in working condition, it can be woken up by the Core vPro processor, which runs on the system's phantom power and is able to quietly turn individual hardware components on and access anything on them.
Although the technology is being promoted as a convenient way for IT experts to troubleshoot PC issues remotely, it also allows hackers or NSA snoops to view the entire contents of somebody's hard drive, even when the power is off and the computer is not connected to a wi-fi network. It also allows third parties to remotely disable any computer via the secret 3G chip that is built into Intel's Sandy Bridge processors. Webcams could also be remotely accessed.
This combination of hardware from Intel enables vPro access ports which operate independently of normal user operations, reports TG Daily. These include out-of-band communications (communications that exist outside of the scope of anything the machine might be doing through an OS or hypervisor), monitoring and altering of incoming and outgoing network traffic. In short, it operates covertly and snoops and potentially manipulates data.
Not only does this represent a privacy nightmare, it also dramatically increases the risk of industrial espionage.
The ability for third parties to have remote 3G access to PCs would also allow unwanted content to be placed on somebody's hard drive, making it easier for intelligence agencies and corrupt law enforcement bodies to frame people.
The bottom line? The Core vPro processor is the end of any pretend privacy, writes Stone. If you think encryption, Norton, or anything else is going to ensure your privacy, including never hooking up to the web at all, think again. There is now more than just a ghost in the machine.
Disable Javascript when you are visiting Jim Stone's site.
See: Safety precaution
Actually, we did not want to talk about Jim Stone's site before, even though we have read some of his writings in the past, primarily because he's kind of, how shall we put it? "excitable", or "too emotional" guy and some of his writing might look like a bit "alarmist" and his writing style could even look like hype, whatever is the real cause of it.
Generally, we do not like to publish those things that might be interpreted as "too much" or looking too close to hype or even wild exaggerations, even though it is a touchy subject and the primary reason for it might be just too much "identification with Prakriti", or the "material world" and its aspects and illusions of all kinds.
But it looks like the time has come for him to shine in all his brightness, like never before. What does this translates into for YOU? - Well, it translates into our recommendation to watch his site as we have previously reviewed some of his reports and they look like the works of the top-notch REAL investigative reporter, or, at the very least, a sincere hard working investigator and his writings are packed with things you can actually verify, unlike nearly all you see in Benya's reports.
And some of his reports are quite shocking, such as the one about the 311 event (Fukushima nuclear power plants destruction), where he found all sorts of weird or contradictory information about the whole thing, which is indeed worth at least looking at on a deeper level. Yes, some of it looks a bit technical and you'd need to spend quite some time to investigate it all further, but, nevertheless, he is not just publishing the piles of mere concoctions, by ANY means.
Even though, yes, he does seem to get "too excited" at times and starts showing you all sorts of wild visual effects with font sizes and colors and so on. Hey, but what to do if you want to get your word across and/or get too emotional about it? That is just a matter of style, at least in most cases. But it does not necessarily mean that the information itself is nothing more than piles of concoctions or might be interpreted as some "conspiracy theory", which we try to avoid as much, as we can manage.
It probably would not hurt if he at least takes out some sharper edges. Otherwise, if it "gets in your face" too much, people will simply stop reading it all. We try to avoid any "special effects" or overly pushing fonts and colors on our sites, so it does not get to be "too much", at least we hope so. Well...
It also means that you might consider sending him some donation. Because, if he puts in bold in the list of donations the amounts as little, as $100 and says that "it helps to solve some our recent problems", that probably means this man might REALLY need some money to continue his work of burning himself out like a flame.
And if YOU are not willing to help even those who REALLY fight "tooth and nail" and are even willing to give their Life for all of you and Life itself, then WHO will? Or do you think that you can get freedom, peace and harmony "for free", like a "free Coke"?
But, all we can say about it is this:
Hey, Jim, please do not underestimate the fact that NO REAL FLAME JUST BURNS OUT with no traces left. Every REAL flame burns through the Universes and it leaves a mark, unerasable by ANY powers of the dark side, regardless of how "mighty" they might appear to look.
No power of "the dark side" can ever "defeat" or "win over" the power of That Wich IS, which is the Source of Life itself, regardless of anything whatsoever.
As this is the Law and Will.
Side note: You might be well advised to look at Jim Stone's site with Javascript disabled. Because, as he alleges, his site is periodically attacked and might get infected by those, who want to destroy it. If that is true, you might get some headaches and pick up some nasty type of that virus.
Actually, you might wish to look at the source of the page and try to see if there are some funky Javascript statements of redirects on it. As they say: "it is better to be safe than sorry".
And that is precisely why we never include any Javascript code on our sites, except of the page hit counters from one of the most reputable counter providers on the net. Any page on our sites can be safely read without Javascript without any loss of quality, with exception that on a very few pages some minor navigation things might not work when you click on things that use Javascript exclusively for the purpose of expanding the text and nothing more than that.
November 10, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
George Bush Sr. and his Nazionist faction are negotiating surrender, according to CIA sources. The Nazionist regime of Benyamin Netanyahu is also doomed, as are their Saudi proxies.
The storm of information poured out by the Internet, the new Guttenberg Press, has made a critical mass of people aware of the enormous crimes of George Bush Sr. and his Nazionist cohorts. The result is that, at age 91, Bush, who said he was retired and no longer talking to the press, felt obliged to put out a new auto-biography where he tried to throw henchmen like former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and former Vice-President Dick Cheney under the bus, essentially trying to blame them for the excesses of the George Bush Jr. regime.
With its Halloween attack on a Russian airliner, the Israeli regime has also doomed itself by arrogantly attacking the three great powers of Russia, China and the United States.
The result is Israel is under a full military blockade that will not end until Netanyahu and his fellow war-criminals make an unconditional surrender, according to Chinese, Russian and Pentagon sources. Their so-called Samson option of taking the world down with them has now been neutralized, the Pentagon sources say.
George Bush Sr. began to negotiate surrender because he recognized the check-mate situation he faced, White Dragon Society sources say. Bush’s top lieutenant in Asia, Richard Armitage, ratted on Bush last week when he was questioned by officials connected Joseph Dunford, the new top US military commander, Pentagon sources said. Under questioning, Armitage admitted he ran the heroin side of the Bush mafia business, they said. In addition, we can now confirm from South American sources that Maurice Armitage, the mayor of Cali, Columbia was running the cocaine side of the business.
The new peace deal in Columbia between the FARC rebels and the Columbian government has cut drug funding to the Bush linked Sinaloa cartel to such an extent that hundreds of their goons had to fly to Saudi Arabia in order to find work as mercenaries in the war against Yemen, the Pentagon sources said.
Mexico’s move to decriminalize drugs is another factor cutting off funding to the Bush mafia, the sources say. The result is that Jeb Bush’s campaign has run out of money. George Bush Sr. himself may soon no longer be able to afford the massive bodyguard presence he needs to keep himself from being hanged as a traitor.
The Bush oil and drug network run by the Nazionist ISIS proxy army in the Middle East is also being systematically dismantled.
Bush CIA asset Ahmed Chalabi was heart-attacked last week
because he was opposing the secret Iranian/Russian/Pentagon war in Iraq against the ISIS Nazionist proxy army, the Pentagon sources said. This is cutting off the flow of oil money stolen by Bush and his proxies during the illegal invasion of Iraq. This means their ISIS mercenaries are no longer getting their paychecks and so are no longer willing to fight.
Outside of Iraq as well, the situation in the Middle East is now coming to a climax of sorts with the Russian, Iranian, Pentagon offensive completely changing the political and strategic map of the region.
The Saudi oilfields near the Yemeni border are now being overrun by Yemeni forces backed by the Iranians, Russians and US military.
The result is the flow of Middle Eastern oil money to the Rothschild family is also being cut off.
The Rothschilds reacted to this situation in what only can be described as a suicidal move when they ordered the shoot down of the Russian airliner on Halloween. They followed this up with what amounts to a confession of the crime by celebrating the massacre with tasteless cartoons in their Charlie Hebdo magazine.
The shooting down of the airliner was obviously an attempt to punish Egypt for working too closely with the Russians, since it has stopped tourist flights into Egypt and endangered 70% of Egypt’s tourist revenue.
However, Russia and Egypt have reacted by making a move into Libya, thus cutting off the oil money the Rothschilds stole following their overthrow of the regime of Muammar Gaddafi.
Russian sources sent this writer an e-mail, still unverified, claiming that Jacob Rothschild and David Rockefeller had already been killed in retaliation. This may be disinformation because the same e-mail also says that if either of these individuals appears in public, it will be a look-alike and not the original. Time will tell but, in either case, if I was a Rothschild responsible for this atrocity, I would not be sleeping well at night.
In any case, the Jewish people are finally waking up to the fact Israel as it is presently run is a Nazionist and not a Jewish state. The head of the largest Jewish group in the United States, Rabbi Rick Jacobs of the Union of Reform Judaism, came out publicly last week against the horrendous actions of the Netanyahu regime.
War criminal Benyamin Netanyahu is due in Washington D.C. today to meet US corporate government spokesperson Barack Obama. He will be asking for support for his regime but it will not be forthcoming.
Sources in the mysterious Dragon family are saying that Israel will end up as a Jewish autonomous zone inside a greater regional entity. What remains to be decided is what will happen to the Middle East as a whole. Either the Middle East will become a loose Muslim Federation consisting of all states in the region or, it will consolidate into neo-Ottoman and neo-Persian empire spheres of influence.
At a higher level, this issue is going to be settled at a 100 nation meeting on “global warming” scheduled for the end of this month in Paris.
This meeting, to last from November 30th to December 11th will include the leaders of European nations as well as Russia, the United States, China and India. Since global warming is pseudo-science, it is a good bet they will be talking about the more general issue of how we run this planet.
While Russia is making a big splash in the Middle East, some very interesting power plays are now being carried out between the United States and China as well. As we reported recently, the United States Military has taken over the Federal Reserve Board operations inside the United States. This did not go down well with China, which was, in coordination with the Europeans, making its own move to take over the international operations of the US dollar.
This titanic struggle can be confirmed through shipping indexes that cannot be manipulated by bank super-computers. What we see here is that the Baltic Dry Index, the price for shipping commodities, has fallen to a record low. So has the Shanghai Containerized Freight Index, the price of shipping finished goods from China.
Another index that has hit a record low is the US load to truck ratio, meaning the amount of goods being put on trucks from ships. All of these indexes should have been up in the run-up to the US Christmas season. The fact they are at record lows implies a stop in the flow of goods from China to the US. Another way to put it is that the Chinese have said “we will not accept your IOUs anymore.”
The Russians, for their part, have told the Chinese they do not need to worry about their oil from the Middle East being cut off either. The fact the Pentagon withdrew its last aircraft carrier from the Middle East months ago makes it clear they are no longer in the business of cutting of oil for the benefit of the Khazarian mafia.
However, the US Navy last week set off a blank trident nuclear capable missile from the coast of Los Angeles towards Russia and China. The message seems to be, “we are ready to go ballistic if we have to.” This is horse trading at the highest level.
At more esoteric level, we are beginning to see what appears to be the hand of the mysterious Dragon family. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and President Xi Jinping both visited Queen Elizabeth recently where they were shown Dragon family documents, according to White Dragon Society sources.
The creation of these documents was arranged by the South East Asian branch of the Dragon family at a secret meeting in Singapore. They acted as intermediaries between the Royal Families of Europe, the Royal Families of Asia, the White Dragon Society, the Chinese Communist Party and the Pentagon.
A visible result of this last week was the first meeting between the heads of state of Taiwan and China in 66 years. After the meeting, Taiwan was rewarded for its role in acting as an intermediary between the Asian and European royal families with an invitation to join the China led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
The hidden theme behind all of the events described above is that humanity is waking up to the fact that the psychological process of deciding what we do in the future has been stolen by gangsters. Humanity is now coming up with processes to allow the people to choose what sort of future we want to create. That is what all these high level meetings and intrigue are really about. Babylonian debt slavery is ending, freedom is coming.
The critical digest, of the entire report for November 10, 2015 will be available soon, somewhere within 24 hrs. after publication of original report, hopefully we'll get some of it done by the Monday's midnight GMT.
Well, it is kind of "pain on the butt" to do the digest of this report, as it is full of all sorts of wild things and what could be classified as nothing more but myths and tales, very little of which you will be able to verify, or even reconcile on purely logical grounds if you studied the issues sufficiently.
We just hope that at least some of you will be able to find at least something of real value to you. Otherwise, it is nothing but "a royal waste of time". Nearly all of it.
Because the real issues we are all facing are not even touched upon. Instead, what we see is all sorts of wild intrigues and all sorts of struggles for the same futile things, that, nevertheless, seem to excite our "prophet" Benya more than anything else. So, what to do in such a situation?
George Bush Sr. and his Nazionist faction are negotiating surrender, according to CIA sources. The Nazionist regime of Benyamin Netanyahu is also doomed, as are their Saudi proxies.
The storm of information poured out by the Internet, the new Guttenberg Press, has made a critical mass of people aware of the enormous crimes of George Bush Sr. and his Nazionist cohorts. The result is that, at age 91, Bush, who said he was retired and no longer talking to the press, felt obliged to put out a new auto-biography where he tried to throw henchmen like former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and former Vice-President Dick Cheney under the bus, essentially trying to blame them for the excesses of the George Bush Jr. regime.
Comment: Well, we keep hearing these "surrender negotiations" non-stop from Benya, and for years on, while everything seems to remain in "just as usual" mode, and all these "criminals" remain where they are and keep doing the same things they were doing. It isn't quite clear what kind of benefits these "surrender negotiations" would bring for 91 yr old George Bush Sr.. What would it "buy" him?
Obviously, he can not buy his way out of all the horrible crimes he and ZioNazi satanists have committed. Any way you cut it, he should spend his last days in jail, and, better yet, be fried on an electric chair. And, even if he is not fried, he is 91 yrs. old. What does it matter to him if he lives a few days longer, especially in jail?
Interestingly enough, if you pay attention, you will inevitably notice that the evillest of all seem to live the longest. It is not unusual for them to live past 90 yrs. old. It seems to be strange that those, who literally swam their entire lives in the most negative energy would survive past 50. And yet they are the longest living among all.
Question arises: Is it some kind of punishment or a lesson to show them their entire lives in slow motion and let them chew on it for tens of years before they are finally released from this domain? It seems that the longer they live the more they crave for death as ultimate relief from this never-ending nightmare of lies and evil of all kinds. No wonder satanist Karl Marx wrote in one of his poems:
Perished, with no existence - that would be really living
So, in this respect, death for Bush would seem like the "brightest future" he could hope for in this unending nightmare of confusion, living in the world where everything is upside down, to the point that one can not even manage to figure out how to tie up his own shoe laces.
What is also interesting here is that Benya has previously claimed that "a senior CIA source who actually worked with Bush said 'Bush has been dead for months'”.
"However, a senior CIA source who actually worked with Bush said 'Bush has been dead for months'.”
That was back in July, as described by Benya in his July 20, 2015 report. So, that tells us how reliable are his "sources", even if we talk about such a seemingly "bullet-proof" and "reliable" sources, as the senior level at the CIA.
One more thing unclear about all this talk about Bush Sr. is that he no longer represents any kind of value to the real players. Actually, he was senile even during the years of his presidency, which was particularly visible from his appearances at the end of his presidency. The same thing is with his son, as confused as his father and just as deranged. Like it is a genetic trait related to degeneracy.
And what is even more interesting is that both of them would never read their speeches from the piece of paper, just like all others. And some of those speeches are quite complex in terms of a thought patterns. So, it is utterly unclear how could such deranged individuals be so lucid in their long speeches and keep saying things that their own mind would not be able to comprehend.
So, the overall impression is that it does not seem to be them who is speaking their own minds. They are merely used as speech synthesizers and are receiving every word of what they are saying from somewhere "out there". If you review some of their speeches and try to comprehend what they are saying and how could they possibly even conceive anything as complex, as their tongues deliver, then the whole thing might look nothing less than wild, to the point of being simply inconceivable.
By now, whether he is dead or alive makes absolutely no difference to any of real puppet masters. Just as ZioNazi satanists have a saying: "You can not squeeze some blood out of a rock".
With its Halloween attack on a Russian airliner, the Israeli regime has also doomed itself by arrogantly attacking the three great powers of Russia, China and the United States.
The result is Israel is under a full military blockade that will not end until Netanyahu and his fellow war-criminals make an unconditional surrender, according to Chinese, Russian and Pentagon sources. Their so-called Samson option of taking the world down with them has now been neutralized, the Pentagon sources say.
Is THIS what you call "a full military blockade"?
Israel bombs weapons shipment in Damascus
November 12, 2015
ARA News
DAMASCUS – Israel has conducted an airstrike near Damascus airport in the Syrian capital, state agency SANA reported on Wednesday.
However, opposition activists said the Israeli strike on Damascus has targeted a weapons shipment believed to be intended for Lebanese Hezbollah militia which supports pro-Assad forces in the battles against rebel factions in Syria.
The Israeli army has conducted dozens of airstrikes on Syria since the outbreak of the civil war there, in a bid to prevent Syrian regime and allied Hezbollah militia from obtaining advanced Iranian weapons.
In April, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon warned that his country would not allow Iran to equip Hezbollah with advanced weapons, as the Lebanese militia constitutes a threat to the Israeli national security.
Ya’alon’s statement came a day after an Israeli airstrike hit weapons depots in Syria.
In September, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Russian President Vladimir Putin, a main ally of Syria’s Assad, “in an effort to avoid military confrontations in the country”, The Times of Israel reported.
“Israel will not tolerate Tehran’s efforts to arm Israel’s enemies in the region. Jerusalem has taken and will continue to take action against any such attempts,” Netanyahu said during his meeting with Russia’s Putin.
“This is our right and also our duty,” Israeli PM said. “There were no objections to our rights and to what I said. On the contrary: there was readiness to make sure that whatever Russia’s intentions for Syria, Russia will not be a partner in extreme actions by Iran against us.”
Reporting by: Laila Majdalawi
Israel bombs weapons shipment in Damascus
See also:
Israel Attacks Syria Near Damascus Airport: Reports
(Blacklisted News)
Israel Reportedly Hits Syrian Army Sites in Damascus, Local Media Claims
(Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd)
Strange, isn't it? First of all, what does bombing Syria have to do with Iran? Secondly, what is the EVIDENCE that "a weapons shipment believed to be intended for Lebanese Hezbollah militia"? Or is it enough nowadays to blindly trust a word of a proven aggressor, without even verifying the validity of ANY of it?
Secondly, would not we see at least ANY kind of coverage of "a full military blockade", if not in the major media, but at least in the alternative media? The thing is there are few alternative media sources that are way more trustworthy than Benya. But even they do not seem to report a word of it.
Secondly, the very fact that they have attacked not only Russia alone, but China and the USA as well, does not it tell us "how pretty do they sit" to afford such a luxury and such a blatant act as to challenge the 3 major world powers in such a nasty and obvious ways? This means that they sit "prettier" than all these world powers combined, which, in turn, means that who stands behind them is the REAL "players" in "the Game".
One other interesting thing in this is that no one less than the USA and UK almost immediately stated that they have the evidence that it was a bomb explosion. Strange. Why would they seemingly assist Russia in such a way and point the world towards something that will nearly inevitably identify the real actors behind this bomb blast?
About the only rational explanation we could find has to do with their unending attempts to push Russia into a major war and make a military move after which the whole world will begin to sing the song about "evil Russia" threatening the world and "demon-cratic values". At that point, the "Balkan scheme" of dissecting Russia by the "international coalition" and massive strikes against it become pretty inevitable.
Yes, they are trying to start a world war and initiate a massive global chaos for at least six years now and it seems like a miracle that we are not seeing the global carnage even at this junction. Without such a global chaos how could they bring up the "king of the world" or "high priest" and announce the NWO scheme of a single world empire? They have already made a golden crown for him back in 2007.
Any other explanation of such unprecedented unity and "assistance" to Russia is simply inconceivable.
We'll skip the subject of drug dealings of Richard Armitage puppet and others of his caliber Benya keeps bringing up again and again, as something utterly insignificant. There are so many drug dealers, even of a major level, that one can write a book about it. But it changes nothing in the scheme of things. Puppet is just a puppet. He is not the REAL player. Never was, never will be.
Again, it is our opinion that Bushes and even their drug networks aren't even in the picture in the scheme of things, even though they are from the standpoint of population reduction moves in the NWO scheme. But that is a LONG term strategy that will not bring the results in the foreseeable future. Yes, there is money in it.
But, with all its seeming significance, there are much more significant events and issues this world is facing at this junction, such as global all-pervasive chipization, pushing out the cash as a form of payment, tremendous efforts to suppress the true information and take away any remaining human rights, enforce unprecedented surveillance on a global scale and so on, none of which is ever covered by Benya.
The Bush oil and drug network run by the Nazionist ISIS proxy army in the Middle East is also being systematically dismantled.
So what, even if it is? As to the religious fanaticism, it can only increase, and once they get all sorts of weapons in mass quantities and begin the massive attacks, they can not be stopped. Once "gin is out of the bottle", to get him back is one of the hardest things to do.
Secondly, this looks like one of the major parts of the "one two punch" scheme, the purpose of which is to create an ice-cold fright in everyone on the global scale, disabling even the very thoughts of an attempt to try to find some solution.
Basically, the purpose of this scheme is to disable and paralyze any efforts by the real people to actively OPPOSE the all-pervading evil, raging on on this planet and stand up against it in numbers, and not by merely listening to all sorts of myths and tales propagated by disinformation agents and Benyas of all kinds.
On one hand, they keep pumping up all sorts of horrors and their "inevitability" and boundless "might". If you look at the global information streams in the media, what you will inevitably see is this seemingly unstoppable "might" of evil, all-pervading, on all the levels there are. That is done to disable even a thought of trying to actually do something to stop it.
So, their boundless "power" seems to be so convincing that one does not even dare to look at it as nothing but a pipe dream or an act in a theater when one dresses into a robe of some king and starts banging with his stuff trying to show everyone around how "mighty" he is, even though the whole thing is no more real than the plain, ordinary smoke.
On the other hand, we have all these disinformation agents, "messengers" and "channelers" of all kinds of some "white brotherhoods" singing you reassuring praises of "we are winning" kind, mentioning all sorts of "knights on a white horse" that are defeating the evil. That trick also works for the same purpose - to make you "sit and do nothing", waiting for the "good guys" to you your work for you.
As a result, we have this "one-two punch" scheme of utterly disabling most people from even asking the simplest questions, like "but what can I do, personally, to rectify the situation and put an end to this evil and this seemingly endless dream?".
The purpose of that scheme is to create a global horror and on that background to bring you some "noble knight of a white horse" to "save" you, just as their "Plan" clearly states. In order to convince the "herd" of the "inevitability of the outcome", there is a need to paint the pictures of horror in their minds in the most brilliant and bloody colors. To frighten them all and to disable their Life-affirming energy.
As described in their "religious scriptures", such as the Old Testament, and Deuteronomy in particular, the "herd" will be crawling on their knees, begging to stop all this horror and will be willing to give up all their rights, just to stop it all, and so will their kings, obediently licking the rear end of the "REAL king" of the world, that "wolf in sheep's clothes", who will paint you the most appealing picture of the "bright future" of being the obedient slave and a zombie for the sake of "global peace" and "security", and have a chance to "survive" in this virtual pool of "inevitability".
Bush CIA asset Ahmed Chalabi was heart-attacked last week
because he was opposing the secret Iranian/Russian/Pentagon war in Iraq against the ISIS Nazionist proxy army, the Pentagon sources said. This is cutting off the flow of oil money stolen by Bush and his proxies during the illegal invasion of Iraq. This means their ISIS mercenaries are no longer getting their paychecks and so are no longer willing to fight.
Well, but how do you verify that a secret war is in fact going on if it is secret? As to the Pentagon cooperating with Russia against ISIS, that is simply not quite believable. Simply because through that ISIS scheme the world chaos is created, as a part of that "one-two punch" scheme. They need some kind of ISIS scheme more than anything else and will paint them as some kind of unstoppable "evil" with unlimited "might" and resources.
Because it is precisely these "ISIS" schemes that allow for non-stop violence and terrorist acts throughout the world that eventually and inevitably will cause the massive migration and so on. At this junction, not that many people even realize that when they switch on their zombie box, called TV, they subconsciously expect to hear precisely about some new terrorist acts or chaos of some kind.
How many people do expect to hear the news about the "bright future", not even talking about "bright present", when they turn on their radios and switch to some news channel? And, just as brain research shows, people act, in most cases, not because of some "reason". They act based on their SUBCONSCIOUS "motivation". That is, one has some TENDENCY to act in a particular manner depending on the deepest subconscious tendencies, created as a result of unending repetition of those things they keep seeing or hearing about all day long.
There has been plenty of "reports" and opinions of top brass as to "underestimated might" of ISIS. For what possible purpose would they recognize such a degree of inability to deal with these violent puppets and fanatics?
As to "cutting off the flow of oil money stolen by Bush ... in Iraq", it has been ALREADY stolen, and, no matter what you do, those billions are not just going to evaporate somehow.
Yes, indeed, we need to somehow stop this "religious" fanaticism and most horrendous barbarity. Except there is quite an interesting twist to it.
The thing is that all these "terrorist groups" are not merely directed by some genuinely religious fanatics. Their REAL "leaders", for some strange reason, are sitting in London, and they are not just some religious fanatics.
They are some of the wealthiest men you can find and sheiks of all kinds, driving Rolls Royces and visiting the prestigious parties of the "elite" kind.
Furthermore, not a single terrorist act is carried out without their order. All these operations are run by the "ruling elites" of all kinds, who are themselves nothing more than puppets in the hands of the REAL players. All this violence you see throughout the world is carefully orchestrated theater performances, nothing more than that.
We'll skip some Middle East myths of Benya.
The result is the flow of Middle Eastern oil money to the Rothschild family is also being cut off.
What can we say here, but "a big deal". The thing is that Rothschilds, Baruchs, Rockefellers and an handful of major players ALREADY OWN the world, gun, stock and barrel. Their combined wealth is probably well over 90% of the total wealth on this planet.
And now we are in the final leg of the implementation of the NWO scheme. So, all sorts of "operating costs" could be drawn from their existing wealth, which could hardly be measured. So, "in the scheme of things", what does it matter if you loose a stinky 1 or 2 percent of your entire wealth even if you loose the immediate cash flows from current operations?
We are standing at the point of nailing the final nails into the coffin of mankind. Nothing less. All these immediate things with loosing some income are pennies compared to the stakes of the overall game. They won't change anything, even if you totally cut-off all the current income streams from the oil and drug trade and so on.
The Rothschilds reacted to this situation in what only can be described as a suicidal move when they ordered the shoot down of the Russian airliner on Halloween. They followed this up with what amounts to a confession of the crime by celebrating the massacre with tasteless cartoons in their Charlie Hebdo magazine.
Well, if anyone in his clear mind will even begin to comprehend that Rothschilds are not the kind of monsters who would blow it so badly. Every single act and every single world they say is measured better than anyone can even begin to comprehend, especially if you consider that above them sits nothing less than the Lucifer "ruling family" of this planet, not even mentioning the "dark side" and the Orion group of pure evil.
So, if anything, what Benya describes here is not just some "suicidal move" by some idiot, but an open and blatant "message": "We PISS on you and all your 'values'", and we are telling you bluntly and beyond any arguments that WE control the world and we are going to do whatever we please, even the most unimaginable horrors, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.
"We will have a world government whether you like it or not..."
Just like William Van Duyn, one of the topmost level representatives of the Illuminati "bloodlines" have said on the Bilderbergers meeting in 2014:
"No president, no king, no dictator, nor prime minister dares to criticize my name nor the Bilderbergers, and they know they are the puppets of the powerful Illuminati working from behind the scenes".
"No president, no king, no dictator, nor prime minister dares to criticize..."
Yes, indeed, that Charlie Hebdo magazine caricature is not only utterly "tasteless". It is simply satanic in its utter disregard for any "values" whatsoever. But that IS the "message" in itself, and the message is: ALL your "moral values" are designed by us for the herd of "sheep" you are.
We'll skip some Benya's myths and tales about Egypt and about "Jewish people waking up" to the ZioNazi evil. At the rate they are "waking up", we'll sooner have raging hell on this planet than any real change.
War criminal Benyamin Netanyahu is due in Washington D.C. today to meet US corporate government spokesperson Barack Obama. He will be asking for support for his regime but it will not be forthcoming.
Sez who? - Benya, the "Prophet"?
Sources in the mysterious Dragon family are saying that Israel will end up as a Jewish autonomous zone inside a greater regional entity.
What remains to be decided is what will happen to the Middle East as a whole. Either the Middle East will become a loose Muslim Federation consisting of all states in the region or, it will consolidate into neo-Ottoman and neo-Persian empire spheres of influence.
Well, we've heard this song from Benya for year on.
At a higher level, this issue is going to be settled at a 100 nation meeting on “global warming” scheduled for the end of this month in Paris.
Well, but what does some meeting on “global warming” have to do with global geopolitical issues? Sure, they may bring up any kind of nonsense on that meeting. But the issues of such profound significance need to be decided on the dedicated meetings and not just brought up in "oh, by the way" fashion on some utterly irrelevant meeting, with all due respect to the substance of the issues.
We'll skip some Benya's talk about the relative significance of Russia and China and related issues and other myths.
Again, Benya talks about the Pentagon "taking over" the FRS, except now he is talking about it as a fact of some sort. But, so far, we have not received a single email with references to something trustworthy, not even talking about the evidence of it.
At more esoteric level, we are beginning to see what appears to be the hand of the mysterious Dragon family. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and President Xi Jinping both visited Queen Elizabeth recently where they were shown Dragon family documents, according to White Dragon Society sources.
Well, now we are beginning to see the so-called WDS as some kind of "mysterious Dragon family". That is something new in Benya's reports indeed. But what seems to be strange is that no one less than Queen Elizabeth had shown some "Dragon family documents" to the Chinese. Why would she do that? For what?
The creation of these documents was arranged by the South East Asian branch of the Dragon family at a secret meeting in Singapore. They acted as intermediaries between the Royal Families of Europe, the Royal Families of Asia, the White Dragon Society, the Chinese Communist Party and the Pentagon.
A visible result of this last week was the first meeting between the heads of state of Taiwan and China in 66 years. After the meeting, Taiwan was rewarded for its role in acting as an intermediary between the Asian and European royal families with an invitation to join the China led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
The hidden theme behind all of the events described above is that humanity is waking up to the fact that the psychological process of deciding what we do in the future has been stolen by gangsters. Humanity is now coming up with processes to allow the people to choose what sort of future we want to create. That is what all these high level meetings and intrigue are really about. Babylonian debt slavery is ending, freedom is coming.
Well, sorry. We have not seen any trustworthy or authoritative information on these things, even though the formal news did cover some of it.
But what we do agree with is that humanity is indeed waking up to it, and yes, it is our opinion that the processes are now unstoppable, by any "force" or "power". Simply because we, as humanity, have come to a logical and inevitable conclusions of the so-called "negative approach".
Except, it seems to us that in such a fragile and heated situation, as we have right now, probably the best approach is to proceed very carefully in a very measured ways. It is Grace itself that was able to prevent the global chaos, not even talking about the global nuclear war.
All we can say is: Thank you very much, The Infinite Multidimensional Intelligence, that we do not look so hopeless for you to merely abandon this planet as some dead end experiment or terminate it all in a flash of Light.
The people at the Pentagon and the agencies, meanwhile, say that any major new terrorist mass murder incident would be the signal for an all-out attack on all cabal agents and families.
Now, that we have "major new terrorist mass murder incident" in Paris on a Kabbalistic symbolic date of November 13, 2015, are we going to see an "all-out attack" as Benya prophesies based on his "sources" in high places? If not now then WHEN? and what kind of an incident might qualify for such an action by the noble servants of the people at the Pentagon and "the agency white hats" of color of darkness?
Benya Fulford Reports
October 2, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
As a reminder, we are currently in the 4th and final week of a four-week subscription drive to restore the income that Benjamin Fulford depends upon for his work and his livelihood. Starting next week, access to the weekly update will be restricted and visible to paying members only. At the current time we are still below previous subscriber totals and we urge all former subscribers to support Benjamin by re-subscribing as soon as possible. New subscribers also are welcome to sign up and join the Internet’s premiere deep geo-political news and discussion website. The precise steps to (re)subscribe are listed below. Please share the link to this article on social media. Your support is greatly appreciated.
U.S. Nukes North Korea and Japan Decides to Dump PM Abe
Last week the U.S. Air Force dropped a nuclear weapon on a mountaintop close to North Korea’s nuclear test site as a warning to that country to stop its recent missile provocations, according to NSA sources. This was reported in the world’s media merely as U.S. bombers flying the furthest north of the demilitarized zone in the 21st Century.
This flight was followed by reports of a magnitude 3.5 earthquake close to where North Korea recently tested a hydrogen bomb. Contradictory media reports described this earthquake as either natural or the result of a nuclear explosion. In any case, North Korea did not brag about a new nuclear test after this event.
U.S. President Donald Trump appeared to be hinting at this attack with the following Tweets:
“I told Rex Tillerson, our wonderful Secretary of State, that he is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man…. Save your energy, Rex; we’ll do what has to be done! Being nice to Rocket Man hasn’t worked in 25 years; why would it work now? Clinton failed, Bush failed, and Obama failed. I won’t fail.”
The nuclear attack on North Korea was followed by a decision by Asian secret societies, in coordination with Khazarian mafioso Henry Kissinger, to dump Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, say Asian secret society sources. That is why Abe called a general election on October 22nd, the sources say. Japan’s next designated prime minister, Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike, will be Japan’s first female prime minister, they add.
The Japanese corporate propaganda media is now preparing the way for an “upset victory” by Koike’s new party, with enhanced coverage of the Abe scandals and glowing coverage of Koike. Also, all the opposition parties, following orders, suddenly and unanimously decided to back Koike.
Koike also is backed by veteran Japanese politician Ichiro Ozawa, who is both widely seen as a North Korean agent (his mother is North Korean) and a Rockefeller stooge (Jay Rockefeller wrote the preface to his English autobiography). Rockefeller bagman Henry Kissinger is activating all of his vassals in Japan like Ozawa, to make sure Koike replaces the unpopular Abe, several sources concur.
There is also a Saudi Arabian and Korean connection to this campaign, in the form of ethnic Korean businessman Masayoshi Son. Son now owns the Fortress Investment Group, which in turn owns Musashi Engineering, the company that makes the machines that steal Japan’s elections. Remember, it was Son who recently was given $100 billion by Saudi Arabia and then offered $50 billion of it to Donald Trump.
Koike speaks fluent Arabic and is widely known in Japan as being friendly to the Middle East, especially its oil-producing countries. It is probably no coincidence that Koike is saying she is opposed to nuclear energy, since shutting down Japan’s nuclear power generators means Japan will have to buy more oil from Saudi Arabia to keep its power grid going.
Koike is also pledging to strengthen Japan’s military alliance with the U.S. She is doing this because the entire Japanese slave establishment is worried about who is going to replace Admiral Harry Harris as the top U.S. military commander in the Pacific. It was supposed to be Admiral Scott Swift, but he suddenly announced his retirement last week after being told he would not take over from Harris.
The slave political establishment in Japan is terrified that the next top commander will follow the recommendations of Japan security police and arrest 700 Khazarian slaves such as former prime ministers and former Bank of Japan governors. Whether or not the arrests take place will depend on what Koike does, assuming that she takes power as promised. In particular, she and the puppet politician establishment must stop trying to start World War 3 for their Rothschild bosses. Instead, they will be asked to make peace and reach a deal to reunify the Korean Peninsula, say CIA sources in Asia.
“With [Steven] Bannon as shadow president outside the White House, and flipping Kissinger to contain China, the nationalists are poised to defeat the globalists and establishment lackeys,” is what Pentagon sources cryptically said about the situation.
The other establishment lackey other than Abe who is said to have been given marching orders is UK Prime Minister Theresa May, according to CIA sources. May is set to be replaced by UK Labour Party leader (and 9/11 truther) Jeremy Corbyn, the sources say. “A deal has been made at the very top to allow Corbyn to proceed. If not, his people would have released the true story of Grenfell Towers,” the sources say. Over 400 died in that deliberate blaze, which was meant as a sacrifice to the satanic entity Molech, the sources explain.
Khazarian mob stronghold of Israel has also been “smacked down, as the USA refuses to recognize the illegal Kurd referendum,” Pentagon sources say. Furthermore, “Russia and China forced Interpol to accept Palestine so that Israeli criminals and Mossad terrorists can be arrested worldwide,” they add.
The Khazarians are also facing multiple defeats in their former U.S. stronghold. In Hollywood, police are investigating the death of Playboy founder Hugh Hefner as murder because he was working out a plea deal to expose pedophilia, torture, human sacrifice, and other horrors carried out by the Hollywood elite, according to Pentagon and LA police department sources.
Also, in the southern U.S., “Cabal pawn Alabama Senator Luther Strange, backed by [Senate Majority leader Mitch] McConnell and the GOP machine, was defeated by Christian conservative Judge Roy Moore, backed by Bannon and the Trump base,” the Pentagon sources say.
“Trump was lukewarm about Luther and may have no choice but to fire son-in-law Jared Kushner for pushing him to back the wrong horse, [as well as for] using private emails, registering to vote as a female, and lying on his security clearances and financial disclosures, not to mention acting as an agent of Israel,” they add. Already Kushner’s access to Trump is being restricted by White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly.
Furthermore, “With a military junta running the White House, [top U.S. General Joseph] Dunford was approved unanimously by the Senate for a second two-year term as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,” the Pentagon sources note.
A Khazarian attempt to use the National Football League (NFL) to counterattack against the military by ordering players not to stand when the national anthem was played also failed badly.
This was how a Pentagon source described the situation: “The NFL, weaponized by Jewish Hollywood to wage war against not just the flag but the U.S. military, is now under boycott by patriots, not just against the league and teams but also against corporate sponsors like Nike, Ford, Pepsi, Visa, FedEx, Hyundai, Anheuser Busch, Microsoft, Dannon, McDonalds, and Procter & Gamble.”
The result was that “After Trump rallied his nationalist base, who quickly routed the Jewish-mafia NFL black protests, the Jewish-run National Basketball Association (NBA) got the message and ordered their mostly black players to stand for the national anthem,” the sources continue.
In another defeat for the Khazarians and their drug lords, U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Chief Chuck Rosenberg, a protégé of disgraced former FBI boss James Comey, was fired after the U.S. military killed his plans to merge the DEA with the FBI, they say.
The Khazarian campaign to use a geoengineered storm on Puerto Rico to disgrace the Trump regime has also failed badly. The Khazarians carried out a heavy campaign using fake Twitter accounts and propaganda media to portray Puerto Rico as a disaster and Trump as a racist for not helping.
The reality is that the U.S. military did provide all the necessary logistics to get Puerto Rico back on its feet in very short order. The only remaining problem is that the Khazarians are using their control of the financial system to shut down ATMs on the island. If you look at pictures of relatively minor damage in Puerto Rico on Spanish-language media outlets, you can see that English-language corporate media coverage is mostly false.
What is really going on, of course, is that Puerto Rico has not been paying off its bondholders so it was cut off from the Khazarian banking system. The U.S. military stepped in with logistics and cash money to rectify the situation.
However, the U.S. military junta, using Trump as a figurehead, still does not have full control over this president especially when it comes to economic policy. That is why Trump was able to unveil a tax plan last week that overwhelmingly favoured the richest 1% of U.S. society.
In addition, there is something weird going on with Trump’s relations with Canada and the UK. Last week UK’s Prince Harry displayed an unmistakable satanic hand sign for a long time while posing for media with Melania Trump in Canada.
CIA sources say this was a sign by Prince Harry that the Melania Trump he met was not the real Melania, but was a body double. MI5 sources say he was pointing out Melania as a satanist. Whatever the case, Trump followed up on Melania’s visit by imposing a 220% tariff on imports of Canadian passenger planes.
The nuking of North Korea, the trouble in Puerto Rico, and the de facto declaration of trade war with Number 1 U.S. trade partner Canada are all probably bluster. It’s linked to the fact the corporate government Trump represents went de facto bankrupt on September 30th and is now living on borrowed time.
September 25, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
As a reminder, we are currently in the 3rd week of a four-week subscription drive to restore the income that Benjamin Fulford depends upon for his work and his livelihood. All previous PayPal subscribers are urged to support Benjamin by re-subscribing at their earliest convenience. New subscribers are also most welcome to sign up and join the Internet’s premiere deep geo-political news and discussion website. The precise steps to (re)subscribe are listed below. Please share the link to this article on social media. Your support is greatly appreciated.
U.S. President Donald Trump becomes Obump with Zionist Meltdown at UN
Something has gone seriously wrong with U.S. President Donald Trump, as was obvious to any aware person who listened to his speech at the UN last week. By threatening to “totally destroy North Korea,” he was the only world leader threatening war at a venue designed to promote peace.
Trump did this because he is being blackmailed by the Khazarian mob with videos of him having sex with an underaged girl, CIA sources say, confirming what Pentagon sources have previously said. The CIA sources add that there is also a video of him killing the girl that was faked using computer graphics, something the Pentagon sources were not aware of. In addition, “Trump is trying to stay alive and keep his family from harm,” the CIA sources say.
If you look at this picture of White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly burying his head in his hands as Trump veers away from the agreed-upon speech text, you can tell the U.S. military had no part of this travesty.
North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un’s counter-threat to “definitely tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire,” just added to the same Khazarian theatrics that are designed to fill the world’s people with fear.
You do not have to dig very deep to show that North Korea and Donald Trump take orders from the same Khazarian mobsters. The trail, as we shall show, leads to the Rothschild complex in Zug, Switzerland.
In Trump’s case, the Khazarian mob connection can be found by looking at who came up with the money to save him when he went bankrupt—the Rothschilds, whose headquarters are in Zug.
Of course, Trump, like his predecessor Barack Obama, is torn between two opposing forces—the U.S. military patriots and the Khazarian mob—so he has to flip-flop in public in order to keep both masters happy.
For North Korea, let us connect a few of the many publicly available dots to remind us of their Khazarian link. Let’s start with North Korea’s nuclear technology. Former U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, for example, sat on the board of the Swiss company ABB, which provided nuclear technology to North Korea. This let it manufacture plutonium, an essential ingredient in nuclear weapons.
ABB, together with Group Edmond de Rothschild, is part of the UN-linked Global Compact Network.
Then we find out it was the Khazarian rogue state of the Ukraine that provided North Korea with the rocket engines needed to put nuclear weapons on ICBMs.
There is a lot more publicly available information of this sort for those who look for it, but let us now switch to what this writer’s own sources have to say.
First of all, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was assiduously courted with beautiful women, fancy cars, fine liquor, etc. by the Rothschild family while he was studying in Switzerland, according to a Rothschild family member.
Also, the Rothschild-linked British American Tobacco company has long been relabeling and selling North Korean tobacco worldwide, according to Mitsuhiro Suganuma of the Japanese Public Security Intelligence Agency.
Tobacco is not the only North Korean drug being sold worldwide. Multiple sources, including senior members of the Yamaguchi-gumi yakuza syndicate and MI6 agents in Macau, China, confirm that North Korea supplies amphetamines worldwide via the Khazarian’s distribution network.
Then of course we have the slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan devoting most of his UN speech last week to trying to scare people about North Korea. Abe has been thoroughly linked to the Korean Unification Church.
The Unification Church has a ranch next to the Bush ranch in Paraguay, South America and has been publicly linked to drugs and arms smuggling.
Abe has further been stirring panic by warning Japanese nationals to evacuate from South Korea.
Somebody also sent a fake message to U.S. military families in South Korea to evacuate, prompting the U.S. military counterintelligence forces to investigate who was behind this fraudulent message. Maybe they should ask Abe.
Japanese intelligence officers describe the ongoing North Korean drama to a “saru shibai,” or “monkey show,” carried out by the same people pretending to be parts of two opposing teams.
The North Koreans have long been promised by the Khazarians that they will be allowed to create a greater Manchuria, incorporating Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and North China, Japanese intelligence sources say.
The Rothschilds promised to move 40 million Japanese to North Korea and establish their Asian headquarters there after Fukushima, a Rothschild family member avowed. Then Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan partially confirmed this to a capacity crowd at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan when he said he had been asked to evacuate 40 million from greater Tokyo after Fukushima.
The Koreans in Japan take orders from a man called Kazuyoshi Kokubo, a son the emperor Hirohito had with a Korean princess, the Japanese sources note. It is he, and not the fake emperor, who controls the Bank of Japan for the Khazarians, these sources say.
And now the North Koreans are being given increasingly deadly weapons by the Khazarians, while their counterparts in Japan push out relentless “be scared of North Korea” propaganda.
So what is really going on here? The answer of course, can be found using the old adage, “Follow the money.”
The background story remains the de facto bankruptcy of the U.S. corporate government and the Khazarian mobsters who own it. This is nothing to do with the Republic of the United States of America they usurped. It also needs to be pointed out that as far as the American people are concerned, bankrupting the Satanic entity in Washington, D.C. will liberate them.
In any case, getting back to the bankruptcy, the Khazarians are using their old standby—the threat to start World War 3—this time using their North Korean proxy, in an attempt to extort more money to keep their horror show going.
They are also trying to use wildly exaggerated reports of damage to Puerto Rico from Hurricane Maria as an excuse to declare “force majeure” and thus not have to pay the $123 billion which that DC-owned island owes. There is also a fraudulent campaign to raise disaster relief money for Puerto Rico. Just ask the Haitians or other victims of engineered disasters about how much aid money actually reached them.
The Department of Homeland Security is also paying police to try to extort more money from motorists. The situation has gotten so bad that the Canadian government is warning Canadians not to take much cash to the U.S. because it will be stolen by the police.
Their efforts to prop up their fraudulent fiat financial system, meanwhile, are turning the financial markets into a mass hallucination. So many people are waking up to the market’s departure from reality that it is even becoming the butt of jokes.
We could go on with a whole laundry list of evidence, from looted pension funds to rotting infrastructure, showing how dire the U.S. corporate financial situation is, but anybody following the real news already knows this.
The other thing that is going on is that the Khazarians are losing control of oil, the stuff that backed their petrodollar ever since they ran out of gold back in 1971, triggering the “Nixon shock.” Venezuela has joined Iran, Russia and others in refusing DC dollars as payment for oil. Now the Russians are taking back oil fields controlled by the Khazarian proxy IS army in the Middle East, cutting off even more oil revenue.
The Khazarian slave state of Israel and its proxy mercenary armies are trying to grab oil using Kurdistan now, but “Israel is opposed in its Kurdistan referendum gambit to steal more oil by major powers, as well as by Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and the rest of the world,” Pentagon sources say.
The cornered Khazarian Washington DC regime has been given enough money by its creditors to keep going until December 15, and what happens next is the subject of intense back-room negotiations. In that context, all this North Korean bluster is just table-thumping by the Khazarians as they negotiate their bankruptcy settlement.
So, what is likely to happen after December 15? “Former navy man [Steven] Bannon met China’s #2 Wang Qishan to establish a back channel for Trump, and perhaps to iron out final details for a global currency reset and gold-backed dollar,” Pentagon sources say. “Wang leads anti-corruption, but is still de facto financial czar and may last 5 more years,” the sources note.
Meanwhile, we are informed by a mole in Rothschild headquarters in Zug, Switzerland, together with CIA sources, that a Rothschild agent was “recently in the Canary islands, trying to buy some off ledger gold.” “When they talk about buying ‘some’ Au, this means 100 metric tons until [sic] 500 metric tons. It is their code,” the source continues.
A source in the Asian Dragon family also says that “the elder of the family has finally lifted his heavy butt and released some funds.” The first tranche of money will go to the Russian, Chinese, and U.S. militaries to be used to clean up the situation in Korea, Japan, and elsewhere, this source says.
Past experience has taught us to be reluctant to predict that things will happen on specific dates. However, December 15th is one to watch.
September 18, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
As a reminder, we are currently in the 2nd week of a four week subscription drive to restore the income that Benjamin Fulford depends upon for his work and his livelihood. All previous PayPal subscribers are urged to support Benjamin by re-subscribing at their earliest convenience. New subscribers are also most welcome to sign up and join the Internet’s premiere deep geo-political news and discussion website. The precise steps to (re)subscribe are listed below. Please share the link to this article on social media. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Donald Trump to go on November begathon to Asia
US President Donald Trump is scheduled to go to Asia in November, officially to attend an APEC meeting but in reality to go on a begathon, multiple sources agree. The begathon is aimed at getting money to keep the bankrupt US corporate government going beyond the December extension it was given by its mostly Asian creditors.
The US corporate government was given enough money to continue operation for 3 months after its September 30th fiscal year end payments deadline because “they threatened to destroy the planet,” Asian secret society sources confirmed during a meeting last week with representatives of the White Dragon Society. In other words, they confirmed the entire recent North Korean brouhaha is nothing but a major extortion campaign.
The WDS, for its part, recommended that the Asians give the US corporate government a choice for beyond December: “either accept the next payments through Canada in exchange for Canadian led reform of your political and economic system or else we will call your bluff on all out nuclear war.” It is a pretty safe bet what the Americans would do if forced to choose between nuclear holocaust and Canadians.
In such a scenario the US military chain of command would remain intact and possibly even take over the Canadian armed forces as well. In exchange, the Canadians would have control over politics and the economy during a clean-up of the sewer that Washington DC has become. Such a move is likely to have public support.
American support of the politicians in DC is below 10% even while support for the US armed forces is consistently around 70%. By contrast, over 60% of Canadians support their government because unlike the bribed, blackmailed DC swamp, it actually works for the people.
In any case, the signs of imminent US bankruptcy and collapse are proliferating day by day so, the ability of the US corporate government to keep kicking the can down the road is ending anyway and some hard choices will have to be made.
In California, for example, Calpers, the largest public pension fund in the US, and one of the best managed, is being forced to cut pension pay outs by as much as 90%.
Meanwhile, the State of Pennsylvania is joining Illinois, Puerto Rico, Detroit and others in being unable to pay its bills.
These events reflect the fact the petro-dollar system that has allowed the US corporate government to live beyond its means for the past 40 years is collapsing. As has been widely noted, China has announced it will be buying oil used gold backed yuan, dealing a deathblow to the petrodollar. Now Venezuela, one of the biggest sources of US oil imports, says it will no longer accept payment for oil in US dollars.
Another sign of desperation was “the US going after Indonesia for a huge 40% import (penalty) tax on the palm oil… A bankrupt Nation scrambling for dollars in any way they can to keep afloat. Just remember who came here at the onset and convinced the Indonesia government, with huge under the table payments, to cut down the jungles in the first place,” WDS sources in Indonesia point out.
In these desperate circumstances US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin last week echoed earlier Tweets by US President Trump when he threatened to cut China off from “accessing the US and international dollar system.”
Multiple pundits and experts sounded the alarm at these comments because it is clear the US would lose any economic war with China and that trying to cut China off from the dollar system would destroy the dollar, not China. That is because the United States is the most indebted country in the history of the planet and a cut off of finance would lead to a drastic drop in US living standards and isolation of the US from the world economy.
The Chinese, who prefer harmony to nasty fights, have been giving lip service to US calls to “sanction North Korea,” so as to avoid giving the Americans a pretext to take rash actions. However, senior North Korean agents based in Japan say the sanctions are in name only and that the supply of goods from China and oil from Russia continues to pour into North Korea unabated.
The Khazarian mafia, for its part, is pushing hard for the US corporate government to accept the Paris accords as a precondition for further financing. This move is being spearheaded by top Khazarians in the Trump regime like economic adviser Gary Cohn and Trump son in law Jared Kushner.
The problem with the Paris accords, other than the fact they are based on pseudo-science by bribed scientists, is that they keep the Khazarian mob in charge of the world financial system. The Paris accords do give the Chinese a bigger seat at the table but they humiliate India and Japan and keep overall Khazarian control intact.
At this point we need to take a close look at the connection between the Vatican, the P2 Freemason lodge and the Khazarian mafia to understand what is really going on in this planet.
David Rockefeller and members of the British Royal Family as well as members of the Rothschild family all point to the P2 lodge -the would be creators of a fascist world Roman dictatorship- as both the real controllers of the US dollar system and the source of most of the world’s terrorism. Top Khazarian mob leaders like Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu work for them, these sources say.
In Japan this writer has systematically documented how the P2 lodge, then headed by top Jesuit Peter Hans Kolvenbach, was behind the March 11th, 2011 nuclear and tsunami mass murder terror attack against Japan. Now Asian secret society and top Japanese gangsters sources both confirm that, since the Fukushima terror incident, truckloads of Japanese 10,000 yen bills (the equivalent of US $100 bills) have been shipped up to Fukushima. There the money is recycled to politicians and gangsters even as the public excuse being put out is that it is all being spent “cleaning up Fukushima radiation.” In other words Fukushima is being used as an excuse to launder radioactive money not radioactivity.
Former Japanese Finance Minister Heizo Takenaka is still one of the top Khazarian sub-contractors distributing this Fukushima terror money, Japanese gangster sources confirm.
Pentagon sources say “the war against the cabal in Japan will escalate after the removal of Pacific Commander Admiral Harry Harris,” due this year end.
In the meantime though, Japanese security police sources say that Khazarian slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is being informed in advance of “North Korean missile launches,” and is given a script to read in response. This charade is being carried out not only to extort money with the threat of nuclear war but also to create a plausible excuse to ramp up the widely despised Abe’s fake opinion poll support, the sources say.
If Pope Francis really is sincere about reforming the Vatican and the P2, he needs to come clean about Fukushima and reveal the documented involvement of Kolvenbach and his henchman Netanyahu.
Netanyahu’s “unprecedented trip [last week] to Colombia, Argentina and Mexico will do little to stop the war on Mossad and the war on drugs by the Southern Command, which was, and perhaps is still led, by General John Kelly who now runs the White House,” Pentagon sources point out.
Netanyahu’s trip prompted US Defense Secretary James Mathis and Northern Command’s General Lori Robinson “to visit Mexican military leaders in Mexico city September 15 after bibi [Netanyahu] left, to take down Mexican drug cartels,” the Pentagon sources say. The Mexican 8.1 quake may have been a cabal attempt to force Mexico to stop aid to [Hurricane] Harvey victims, the sources add.
Netanyahu may have also been seeking a place for political asylum because he knows the real Jews in Israel are waking up to the fact he is a Satan worshipping pseudo-Jew and are preparing to put him in jail where he belongs.
The Israelis are being forced to deal with their Satanic leadership because their Daesh mercenary army is being thoroughly defeated by a de facto alliance between the US military, Iran, Russia and Turkey. Even the Mossad linked Debka site acknowledges this reality by reporting a US/Russian pincer attack against Daesh.
The tectonic shift in the old power balance in the Middle East was underlined when Turkey, which has the second largest NATO army, announced last week it was buying Russian S400 anti-aircraft missiles.
The Pentagon sources also say that speeches on the September 11, 911 anniversary by US Trump, Mattis, Dunford and others “promise actions against terrorists (Bush-Israel) while refusing to name Saudi or Islamic terrorism as perpetrators.”
Taken together with the purge last week of 16 top Saudi officials, this may well mean Saudi Arabia’s new King Salman is cutting off his nation’s secret alliance with Israel in order to maintain the US military support his regime needs to survive. This means Israel too must purge its Satanic leadership if it is to survive.
The tectonic plate shifts in the world’s power structure now taking place are so huge that humanity may be liberated this autumn.
September 11, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
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High level and high stakes Mexican stand off continues despite 911 weather warfare attack on US
The intense struggle at the highest levels of world power has become a Mexican stand-off with the Khazarian mafia staging weather warfare attacks on the US in a desperate attempt to retain control of the Federal Reserve Board. Hurricane Harvey, followed by Hurricanes Irma, Katia and Jose have all been associated with some sort of electro-magnetic beams emanating from Antarctica, US Navy sources say.
There was also confirmation of sorts in the so-called mainstream media that large 25 degree Celsius warm caves filled with life have been found in Antarctica.
The timing of this announcement may have just been a coincidence but it seems to be a way of letting the world know that Nazi bases built in volcanically heated caves in Antarctica before, during and after World War 2 are real. This is something the Russians have long been saying.
In any case, a senior source in the P2 Freemason lodge hinted at their involvement in the attack by saying “There is no way out for America, only the big agreement.” The P2 have previously claimed the ability to conjure storms, earthquakes etc. through esoteric rituals linked to astrological events. The journalist Lance Schuttler, who recently interviewed this author, has heard the same thing through his own sources.
The White Dragon Society, for its part, used its esoteric powers to weaken hurricane Irma but did not stop it entirely because it felt the US government needed a reminder on the anniversary of 911 that legal action has yet to be taken against the perpetrators of that act and the people who stole the US Presidential election in the year 2000, senior WDS sources acknowledged.
People who still refuse to believe the reality of weather manipulation technology are encouraged to read the article at the following link as an introduction to the topic:
In any case, Pentagon sources, for their part, say “Hurricanes, wars, and mayhem appear to be a failed cabal attempt to delay the global currency reset and gold-backed financial system as Irma downsized, and Katia, Jose lose their power.”
The weather warfare was only a small part of the high level brinkmanship going on as the September 30th payments deadline for the US corporate government approached.
The Trump administration and the military junta that backs it was using North Korea as an excuse to threaten all out nuclear war if the US government did not get funding to continue its operations past that day. Trump also used this tweet: “The United States is considering, in addition to other options, stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea,” to threaten to stop all trade with China.
As a result of all this bluster, the US government was given enough money to keep going until December in order to buy time for world leaders to come up with a more comprehensive conclusion to the ongoing US bankruptcy negotiations.
Asian secret society sources, for their part, are now saying they have backed off their plan to back bitcoin as an alternative to the current financial system. Although they did not give their reasons for this, they also admit the North Korean situation has kept them “very busy.”
For now at least, the Chinese have not gone ahead with their gold and yuan based oil futures trading, which would constitute a frontal assault on the US petro-dollar. Trump, for his part, having gotten a bit of money to kick the can down the road, has softened his North Korea war talk for now. The privately owned FRB as well as its Khazarian controlled counterparts the EU Central Bank and the Bank of Japan also got the green light to resume goosing world markets with unreal money.
In the US corporate media, this was all reported as though the three month extension in the US debt ceiling was entirely a US domestic issue that was solved via a compromise between Trump and Democratic Party officials.
This move has angered Trump’s base, with many former Trump associates now saying the Trump regime has de facto ended. Ousted Trump consigliari Steve Bannon gave an interview on CBS 60 minutes that was a “hit that unleashes him as eminence grise of Trump and wing man outside the White House to take on globalists, Republicans, China, and the deep state,” one Pentagon source claims.
CIA sources in Texas, for their part, say Trump’s compromise so angered Republican Party brass that Republican Senate Majority Leader “Mitchell McConnell and someone else put a contract out on Trump.”
What we have witnessed is little more than a temporary cease fire in a battle that is sure to heat up again over the coming weeks and months. What is at stake is control over the Federal Reserve Board and thus the right to print and distribute US dollars.
On that front, the Khazarian mob is still losing big time. “Israeli dual citizen, Rotshchild agent Stanley Fischer was booted out as FRB vice chair while goldmanite Gary Cohn was blocked from running the fed,” Pentagon sources note. The Trump regime is now going to be in the position to select 5 out of the 7 FRB governors, a situation not seen since 1936.
“It may well be that the FRB will be absorbed into [The US] Treasury when the gold-backed dollar is launched, as treasury Secretary [Steven] Mnuchin has refused to drop Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill,” the sources note. Jackson, of course, was the last US president who successfully ended Khazarian mob control of the US monetary system.
The system as it is currently run is unsustainable so, one way or another, a replacement will need to be found. The privately owned central banks have already put $2 trillion into propping up markets this year alone with the result that $7.4 trillion worth of bonds are now trading at negative interest rates.
The financial markets are thus getting further and further out of touch with the real economy and no matter how hard the central bankers try to avoid reality, reality has a way of eventually catching up to you.
If the US military junta fails to take on the FRB within the US, the big move to end the privately owned central bank fiat money system may well come in Japan. A senior source in Japan’s royal family says that Japanese security police have compiled an arrest list of 700 Khazarian mob stooges in Japan. Of these, the top 70 are being followed 24 hours a day. Among those at the top of the arrest list are 5 former Prime Ministers, 4 former Bank of Japan governors, 3 former top Finance Ministry officials, 4 former chairmen of large banks and 8 top industrialists, the source says. The WDS has the list.
September 4, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Evidence is mounting that both a new financial system and a civil war in the US are imminent. There is also a high probability the US east coast will be hit with a geo-engineered hurricane so severe that people are being asked to evacuate 60 miles inland, CIA sources say. What seems to be happening is that the Khazarian mafia is unleashing weather weapons and making other mischief to try to prevent the announcement of a new, gold-backed financial system.
First, let us look at all the gold related news, some of it bizarre, that has suddenly poured out in recent days and all seems to be preparing us for the announcement of a gold-backed system. This started on August 21st when Steven Mnuchin became the first US Treasury Secretary to visit the Fort Knox gold depository since 1948 and proceeded to tweet “glad gold is safe.”
Then, since his visit apparently failed to generate enough publicity, a fake scandal involving the visit to the fort, the solar eclipse and pictures of his bikini-clad trophy wife appears to have been concocted. In all of this Mnuchin failed to mention the fact the gold has not been counted since 1953 or how much gold “is safe,” but never mind, his wife makes for good distracting eye candy.
Then self-described US intelligence community financial adviser Jim Rickards appeared on TV predicting the price of gold would rise to $5000 or even $10,000 an ounce.
Also, the Rothschilds contacted the White Dragon Society last week to inform them that a large amount of off-ledger gold was being monetized and moved into the financial system. This was backed up with a series of gold-related events from around the world. The most important one was the announcement that China is starting oil futures trading denominated in gold-backed yuan, a clear shot at the Khazarian mafia’s petrodollar system.
Then Germany’s Bundesbank announced it had completed its plan to repatriate half of its gold three years in advance.
Furthermore, Germany announced the forced evacuation of 60,000 people from around the area of the Bundesbank last weekend just as 743 tons of gold was due to arrive there, because of “unexploded World War II bombs.”
This is interesting because when Germany first asked for its gold back from France and the US, neither country had any gold to give back. Around the same time the Americans were caught shipping gold-plated tungsten to the Chinese. Now suddenly the gold is being returned ahead of schedule as Mnuchin tweets about gold being safe.
So, where is all this gold suddenly coming from? Two reliable sources say that gold bunkers in Asia are being opened and the gold is being removed. WDS sources in Indonesia were told by Indonesian authorities that gold bunkers in Indonesia had indeed been opened and the gold was removed. Furthermore, Freeport-McMoRan announced that a deal has been reached with the Indonesian government to continue operation of the giant Grasberg mine there, with Indonesia getting 51% control.
Sources in the Rothschild family say the mine is just a front being used to launder the historical gold into the financial system. The important point to note though is that the Asians now have majority control.
Neil Keenan for his part, has reported that gold and cash bunkers in South Korea have also been broken into. He backed this up by posting videos of gold as well as freshly minted US dollars and Korean Won being divvied up.
All these gold related announcements were combined with serious attacks on the current petrodollar system and strong indications the current US financial system is about to implode. Jacob Rothschild, for example, announced that his company, RIT Capital Partners, reduced its US dollar investment exposure to 37% from 61% in the first six months of this year. Rothschild’s reasons for getting out of US assets were “unprecedented” share prices and a belief that the artificial propping up of markets by the World Bank and Central Banks was unsustainable.
Another high level insider who is getting out of the US stock market is investment guru Warren Buffet who is now sitting on $100 billion in cash because he is finding it hard to find attractive deals.
Investors are also paying 20% more for US Treasuries that mature before the end of September US fiscal deadline than they are for ones that mature after that date, yet another sign that people sense something is coming.
There was a chart on the internet that appeared shortly after the private central bankers had their Jackson Hole summer meeting that showed about 40% of so-called world GDP was just fake central bank accounting magic. This chart has now been deleted from the internet.
The Federal Reserve Board has announced it will be selling off the assets it has been buying to prop up markets but, with $4.5 trillion worth of stuff on its books, it is mathematically impossible for them to do this without imploding the economy.
While this writer does not pretend to be a financial adviser, I can say that in my long career as a financial/business/geopolitical journalist, I have never before seen so many clear warning signs of a disruptive financial event on the horizon.
Clearly the controllers of the old system are not going out without a fight. The “once in a thousand years” (upgraded from once in 500 years) Hurricane Harvey was definitely a weather warfare attack on the US. The Magazine Charlie Hebdo, owned by the French branch of the Rothschild family, seems to point the finger at its owners with a cover page implying that God flooded Houston, Texas as an attack on Nazis.
Now an even bigger weather warfare attack is apparently about to take place in the form of Hurricane Irma. The warning below was forwarded to this writer from a source in the CIA via e-mail:
This writer could not locate any NAIG on the internet but clearly, at the very least, some people in the CIA are trying to generate fear.
The US military is, in any case, taking action. Here is what a Pentagon source had to say:
“Hurricane Harvey, while tragic, allows the military to bring troops and equipment to stop states like California from seceding, defend the republic’s gold depository, defend borders from drug cartels, terrorists, human, arms traffickers, stop the UN agenda 21 which preys on weak states, deny Soros illegal aliens for his antifa troops, strengthen the state’s leadership against the Khazarian liberal LGBT, abortion, pro-immigration, anti-Christian, anti-gun agenda.”
There is also a crackdown continuing in Washington DC against “Mossad assets like former Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Zionist senator, minority leader Chuck Schumer,” the sources say.
Thugs like the Antifa and fake KKK rioters hired by the Khazarians are also being rounded up now that the FBI and Department of Homeland Security have formally labelled them as domestic terrorists, they note. Google’s Eric Schmidt, Facebooks’ Mark Zuckerberg and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos are also now under attack for their brazen efforts to manipulate public discourse and will have their companies nationalized and broken up, CIA sources say.
The other person who is under serious attack now is top ranking Satanist Benjamin Netanyahu who faces jail in Israel for corruption but really should be treated as a war criminal of the highest order. Netanyahu recently visited Russia uninvited and made a series of threats to Russian President Vladimir Putin, multiple sources agree. Pentagon sources say “Putin was not amused by bibi [Netanyahu]’s threats and lies and sent two attack submarines into the Mediterranean to hunt Israeli subs, to improve training and test new weapons, and potentially to impose a naval blockade.”
The Khazarian controlled or influenced rogue states of Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the Ukraine are being steadily quarantined while their criminal leadership is being removed.
North Korea, for its part, is getting lots of money and weapons technology from the Khazarians but is only interested in its own survival and is not about to start some suicidal nuclear attack on behalf of Khazarians with apocalyptical delusions.
August 28, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
People who are aware are noticing very weird stuff going on with the world information grid -especially inside the Anglo Saxon world- as contradictions and bizarre events multiply. These are all signs of a collapsing power matrix; the sort of thing seen around the time of the fall of the USSR.
The first thing to note about last week in particular is that the US was hit for the first time since 2005 with a hurricane. US President Donald Trump tweeted the code phrase for weather warfare “once in 500 years” to describe Hurricane Harvey. The fact that it hit the Bush clan homeland of Texas, in particular the city of Houston, with devastating floods, makes it likely this is some sort of revenge for the Bush engineered Hurricane Katrina attack on New Orleans.
It may also be related to the fact that 16 US and Canadian diplomats in Cuba suffered brain injuries from some kind of “Sonic attack.” They may well have been hit because of their involvement in cutting of the Bush clan drug money that was being laundered through Cuba. It is also interesting that “Sonic attacks” are now being reported by world media instead of being dismissed as delusions by people “wearing tin foil hats.”
In any case, all of this indicates a high level, esoteric power struggle is continuing.
This power struggle is also being revealed in strange and contradictory news announcements concerning US Senator John “Daesh” McCain. Remember recently we had media reports that McCain had been diagnosed with malignant brain cancer? These were followed immediately with reports that McCain had recovered and rallied the Senate to stop Trump plans to repeal Obamacare.
Then after that the USS “John McCain” was rammed by a cargo ship, killing many US sailors. Now we are being told that McCain has been wire-tapping the White House and leaking all of the Trump administrations’ plans to hostile media.
As the oft-used phrase aptly puts it “you can’t make this up,” but then again it looks as if two opposing forces are indeed making this stuff up.
There are many others signs other than contradictory reports about madman McCain to indicate a high level power struggle is raging in Washington DC.
Inside the Trump administration, the removal of Steve Bannon has now been followed by the ouster of adviser Sebastian Gorka. These are the folks who were pushing for a hard line against “radical Islam”(=Khazarian agents) and China.
Now the “make America great again” alt-right faction in the administration is fighting back. Pentagon sources say Trump chief of staff General John Kelly “may be forced to fire globalist democrats Gary Cohn, Jared Kushner and Dina Powell to even the score and appease the Trump base.”
“Jared is under fire for his failure as peacemaker, with no two-state solution based on 1967 lines, while getting no love from Egypt, Palestine, or even Isreal,” the sources note. Meanwhile “Goldmanite Gary Cohn is already under massive pressure to resign, he puts his tribe first, opposes tariffs, supports antifa and the Jewish fake news media in his interview with the Financial Times that made Trump explode,” they add.
There is also incredible pressure being put on the rogue state of Israel. Satan worshipping Israeli leader Benyamin Netanyahu went to visit Russia to warn of Israeli “red lines,” being crossed by Russia allowing Iranian influence to increase in Syria. This was followed up with a massive offensive by the Israeli/Saudi Arabian Daesh proxy army inside Syria. Russia’s answer was to place Iranian and Hizbollah troops right on the Israeli border.
Russian forces also, according to the official Tass news agency “destroyed more than 1,000 facilities belonging to international terrorist groups in Syria in the past week,” thus crushing the Israeli/Saudi proxy offensive.
The oil and gas rich nation of Qatar has rubbed salt into the wounds of the Israeli/Saudi alliance by restoring diplomatic relations with Iran and keeping its money out of Khazarian mafia pockets.
Unlike in the past, the Israelis can no longer run crying to the US for protection because the de facto Trump military government is sick and tired of that rogue states trouble-making. The Pentagon sources say the US military is working with the Russians on this and other issues noting that “Russia supports the US military junta by naming former vice minister of defense Anatoly Antonov as US ambassador, militarizing relations between the two superpowers.”
The Pentagon sources also tried to justify Trump’s recent speech announcing an open ended continuation of the war in Afghanistan as follows: “the Trump Afghan speech is a disguised multilateral exit strategy in concert with regional powers while supporting India in its Bhutan skirmish with China.” However, in this case, the old adage “follow the money,” is a more realistic explanation of what is going on. The fact is that the Afghan heroin trade is, if you multiply UN Afghan heroin production data by the UN calculated US street price, worth around $1.6 trillion a year or more than double the official US military budget.
New whistleblowers are now emerging with detailed, concrete descriptions of how the international drug trade became indispensable to the US military industrial complex in the post-war era. CIA whistleblower Kevin Shipp and investigative journalist Paul Williams provide a very detailed account of this in the podcast at the link below.
What is interesting about what these real world whistleblowers say is that it dovetails almost exactly with what this writer has been hearing from his own CIA and Asian secret society contacts. Real world investigations show beyond a doubt that there is a multi-trillion dollar drug money nexus linking the CIA, the Vatican P2 fascist lodge, North Korea and Asian gangsters.
Multiple Asian and other sources involved in this nexus say they expect some sort of major shift this autumn. This is what a high level source in Thailand, for example, had to say about related developments in that country:
“[Former Prime Minister Yingluck] Shinawatra left Thailand on Wednesday, the 23rd with the assistance of Very High Officials, outside the Junta, in a private jet. She is with her brother in Dubai.”
As background this source noted:
“The King HAD to give permission long before the coup [against Yingluck’s brother Thaksin] took place back in 2006. That allowed certain people time to load the planes with ‘personal’ items like suitcases full of large denominations of cash, the Singapore and Brunei $1000 note, the favorite of the elite as well as a few kilos of diamonds, cut and uncut (Having been a partner in a diamond mining operation in Angola helped). A few tons of Au were added for ballast. Thaksin’s passage was cleared all the way from start to finish. Having a Diplomatic passport made it even faster.”
Also, the source continued:
“The current King has only been seen in public two times. It is said in the inner circles of the Palace that he has AIDS. He flies to Germany two times a month for a blood transfusion… There seems to be more to the extent of his medical treatments than what is released by his closest confidants. The AIDS story could be a smokescreen?”
To conclude, this source notes:
“The future of Thailand and more currently, that of the Junta, will be known within 60 days. What goes down in DC, will directly affect Thailand, in more ways than one.”
The White Dragon Society, for its part, has recently been contacted by representatives of several groups who had cut off all contact immediately following the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami mass murder attack on Japan. These include a senior member of the British branch of the Rothschild family, the top assassin of the Yamaguchi gumi syndicate and a senior MI6 official. They all agree that something big is coming down.
This is partly, but not exclusively, related to the upcoming US government September 30th fiscal year end payments deadline. If we take the right action this time, we can finally stop the criminal Khazarian faction in Washington DC from kicking the can down the road any further. The WDS knows who the secret players still standing are and asks them all for their full cooperation so that we can finally get on with the business of saving the planet.
Please enjoy the last week of summer and get ready for what is likely to be a very eventful autumn.
August 21, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The recent staged demonstrations and violent incidents carried out by paid hooligans in places like Charlottesville have prompted a crack-down on Khazarian mafia agents who are paying for these incidents, Pentagon sources say. The US is now, beyond any doubt, run by a temporary military regime which intends to clean up the Khazarian gangster corruption that has destroyed the United States. Once this is done the military will return to their barracks the sources say.
A very clear indication of how degenerate the US political world has become was seen in the events that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia earlier this month. A White Dragon Society member was there to witness what really happened as opposed to what the corporate propaganda media lied about.
According to the corporate media reports, a “racist, hate-mongering white supremacist” crashed a van into peaceful left-wing protestors, killed an innocent young woman, and injured many others. This was followed by a well-oiled corporate media campaign to force US President Donald Trump to denounce the “KKK, white supremacists, and hate-mongers,” who they claim staged violent demonstrations in Charlottesville.
However, what the WDS source who was there actually witnessed was a very different story. The right-wing groups (this writer is not endorsing their views but does support their constitutional right to express them peacefully) applied for, and received, a permit to demonstrate against the planned removal of a statue of Confederate Civil War General Robert E. Lee.
Once the demonstrators arrived, they were herded by the police towards a gauntlet of “left-wing” protestors who pelted them with used tampons, used condoms, flame throwers, feces and acid among other things. One of the right-wing speakers was permanently blinded by acid thrown at him, something the corporate media failed to mention, according to this source.
After the attacks, an emergency was declared and the right wingers peacefully departed from Charlottesville. This left the afternoon open to events staged by professional agents provocateurs, including the crashing of a van into protestors. Most of the protesters were professionals, (many working under the communist Antifa banner) being paid $25 an hour to participate in these events, according to NSA sources.
The WDS witness also noted that the “Black Lives Matter” protesters in Charlottesville were all white, and that the local African Americans were shouting insults at them.
This blatant promotion of civil unrest has prompted the US military and intelligence agencies to take action. The “[George] Soros-funded Antifa may be designated a domestic terror organization after FBI infiltration,” the pentagon sources say.
The Khazarian mafia are still trying to pretend that George Soros (who has vanished) is funding all of this activity but that is only because they want to camouflage the real financiers of these activities, like the Rothschilds. This writer remembers asking George Soros at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan about the owners of the Federal Reserve Board and seeing a look of sheer horror on his face when he heard the question, which he failed to answer.
In any case, the crack-down has started with the arrest of 27 paid extremists in Boston preventing a similar incident from being concocted there, the sources say. Readers have also pointed out that advertisements have been put out to hire paid crisis actors to stage events in Las Vegas on and after August 26th.
There will be a widely watched boxing match staged there between the Caucasian Conor McGregor and the African American Floyd Mayweather. It is a pretty easy guess that there will be attempts to use this match to stage race riots. However, the US military are saying they will no longer put up with such nonsense and will ensure that all paid protests, and more importantly, their pay-masters, will be rounded up and charged with crimes.
The attempts to fan domestic turmoil inside the US are linked, of course, to the ongoing financial trouble at the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION. Here the latest signs are that this years’ September 30th payments deadline will be a difficult one to meet. A WDS member whose mother works for the US government says she reports her government pension fund has been raided in order to keep the US corporate government functioning. There are reports in places like the Washington Post that even this money will run out in September.
The US military and agencies, in cooperation with their allies in China, Russia, the UK and elsewhere are planning to reboot the world’s financial system in order to cope with this looming event, multiple sources agree.
In preparation for this, Pentagon sources say: “Trump drained the swamp by disbanding the Manufacturing Council, and Strategic & Policy Forum, effectively dumping Khazarian vultures and CEOs like JP Morgan’s Jamie Dimon, Blackstone’s Steve Schwarzman, Blackrock’s Larry Fink, Carl Icahn and others.” These groups are fronts for the families, like the Rockefellers, that own the Fed.
The US National Security Council also recently held a meeting at Camp David where globalists Jared Kushner, Gary Cohn, Dina Powell and others were banned “as the military takes over the White House,” the Pentagon sources say.
The sources also say that Nationalist Steve Bannon was “exfiltrated from the White House where he could do more damage from the outside against globalist Jared Kushner and Goldmanite Gary Cohn, and better serve the Trump base and agenda.”
“Bannon will help Trump from outside like [Newt] Gingrich where he is not dragged down by infighting, and he may get funded by billionaire Bob Mercer to start a conservative network to the right of Fox to destroy the fake news Khazarian media,” one Pentagon source said.
The Pentagon sources ad that “Jared Kushner has been put on a short leash where all meetings with Trump must be cleared by [White House Chief of Staff Marine General John] Kelly, and JK cannot be alone with Trump… JK is done promoting Khazarian interests and his ouster may be next.”
The Khazarian mafia, of course, has no plans to go silently into the night and is threatening “Muslim” terror attacks across Europe and will be trying to stage new provocations in the US as well.
There is also more high strangeness going on with the US Navy with the USS John McCain being hit by a tanker near Singapore. This follows the ramming of the USS Fitzgerald being hit bear Tokyo and earlier the USS Donald Cook (Donald Duck=sitting duck) being disabled in the Baltic sea. In other words, the Khazarians are once again advertising that they have the technical ability to disrupt the US militaries’ electronics.
On a final note, the WDS has been given very long and detailed evidence by a Senior Bank of Japan whistleblower about exactly who now controls the ability to create and distribute Japanese Yen. The WDS and their allies believe the BOJ to be the weak link in the Khazarian financial control grid and now we have detailed intelligence about the hidden actors behind the BOJ. This will lead to concrete action, in tandem with US military and agency white hats, this autumn.
There is also a lot of top secret diplomacy going on between North Korea and Canada, acting as proxies for Eastern and Western secret societies, to discuss the possibility of Canada taking over the functions of the bankrupt UNITED STATES CORPORATION. Of course, senior Khazarian Mafiosi in Canada like the Bronfman family will be asked not to interfere or get involved.
Please enjoy the remainder of the Northern hemisphere summer and make sure you are ready for what will be a busier than average autumn. The key battlegrounds will be Japan and Washington DC. The rogue nation of Israel is also advised to remove its Satan worshipping leadership. Once that is done the Jewish people will be liberated from thousands of years of Babylonian slavery.
August 15, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Notice to readers, due to time differences, this weeks’ report will appear by Monday evening North American East Coast time.
World events have been stuck in a holding pattern this summer but a major paradigm shift is possible this fall if we make it happen.
The holding pattern is as follows: The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION, which defaulted on its debt payments on May 1st of this year, has been threatening war against North Korea as a negotiating tactic with its creditors. Its main creditor, China, has been calling the corporation’s bluff by promising to protect North Korea in the event it is unilaterally attacked.
At the same time, the Chinese have been staging limited military actions on their border with India, reminding the Americans they have the technical ability to take over that 1.3 billion person country within a matter of months, if it came to war.
The Chinese have also said they will not protect North Korea in the event they strike the first blow. At the same time, the Russians and the Pentagon have informed the Israelis they will be attacked if they try to launch a nuclear missile from one of their submarines and make it look like North Korea did it, Pentagon and Russian FSB sources say. This has effectively checkmated any Khazarian mafia attempts to start World War 3 because any attempt to do so will affect only them. They are no longer able to fool us into starting a war.
In any case, the US military has run countless scenarios involving an all out war with China and the result is always the same, 90% of humanity dies and the northern hemisphere becomes uninhabitable. The Chinese are fully aware of this. That means all this war talk is just table thumping. The situation thus appears to be a stalemate.
However, it is not a stalemate. The Kharazian faction of the Trump regime, realizing their war talk is going nowhere, is now considering cutting off Chinese exports to the US. This is the old “if we do not buy, they die,” talk heard in US intelligence agency circles. However, from the Chinese point of view, losing a customer who has been paying with his credit card for the past 40 years, and is unable to pay his credit card bill, would actually be a plus. Nobody benefits from a deadbeat, especially a criminal deadbeat like the US that has been at war for 220 years of its 241 year existence.
If the Americans do decide anyway to go ahead anyway and use tariffs and trade barriers to cut off Chinese imports and end the Chinese trade surplus with the US, there will be many third order consequences, most of them very bad for the US. Basically speaking the US would suffer a sharp drop in living standards and would become a pariah in global trade if it tried to do such a thing.
The US regime has lost a lot of trust and allies as a result of its anti-social behavior around the world. An indication of this is the fact the Italian junk bonds now have a higher price than US Treasuries.
Let that sink in for a minute, since World War 2 US Treasuries have been considered the safest haven for money in the world and now the market judges them to be more risky than junk bonds issued by private sector companies in the also bankrupt nation of Italy.
Now financial authorities in the UK have indirectly exposed the US Corporate government tactic of buying their own debt, and making it look like foreigners (Belgium, Ireland etc.) did it, to make it appear all is well in US financial markets. They did this indirectly with an admission by the Financial Times that 103 years ago, when almost nobody bought English bonds for World War I, it lied to the public by reporting the bond issue was oversubscribed.
When I was a corporate media financial journalist my bosses often told me to support this sort of lie “in order to boost market psychology.” In other words we were told to be cheerleaders, not objective news reporters.
Now more and more corporate media people in the US are risking their careers to expose their bosses’ agenda. For example, Brian Williams of NBC admitted on a prime time broadcast that “our job is to scare people to death over North Korea.”
The aim of this fear-mongering was to push investors to go for US bonds as a “safe haven,” but it is not working.
Instead, the plan remains to remove all final vestiges of Khazarian mob rule in the US. “Trump is ready for all out war on the [Washington] DC swamp after firing leaker and Paul Ryan ally Rence Priebus,” Pentagon sources say.
There are also many other signs the swamp is being drained of the Satan worshipping Khazarians, the sources say. Now that the top Khazarian henchmen like the Clintons and John McCain have been removed, lower level functionaries are being fired. For one thing “Israeli whore UN ambassador Nikki Haley’s 2 top aides were fired, and she may be next,” the sources note.
For another, “Iran hawk and [General David] Petraeus crony Derek Harvey was fired from the National Security Council, as marine general John Kelly becomes White House Chief of Staff,” the Pentagon sources note. Furthermore “Mossad’s Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the NSC intel director, was fired after Kelly took over for being a national security risk and opposing the Iran deal,” the sources note. Any other staffers traveling to Israel or having links to that rogue nation will also be fired, they say.
Ezra and his ilk were previously unfireable because of Trump son in law Jared Kushner, the sources say. However, “Kushner himself may get his security clearance canned by Kelly,” they add. Kushner is being sent on wild goose chase in the Mideast to showcase his incompetence as peacemaker, the sources note.
To replace Khazarian control, the Pentagon the Russians and the Chinese have formed a big three alliance, sources in all three camps agree.
This is being seen in Venezuela, which has become a de facto Russsian protectorate after the Russians were given a big stake in that nation’s oil industry. This could not have happened without a nod from the US military. In other words, this means Khazarian plans to start a war with Venezuela, as well as their plans to start a war in North Korea, have been stopped.
The big three are also pushing for peace in the Korean peninsula so that a North-South Korean rail link can be set up and the over $10 trillion worth of minerals in North Korea can be put to use, the sources say.
There is also heavy pressure to end the fighting in Afghanistan so that nations’ mineral wealth can also be put to work for bettering people’s lives.
There are also high level negotiations going on now between Canada and North Korea, Canadian government sources say. The North Koreans are conveying to the Canadians an Asian secret society offer to finance a leveraged buy-out of the US Corporate Government, sources close to the negotiations say. US military and intelligence community white hats support the idea of a unified North America with a competent democratic government in charge.
On a final note, many groups are calling for a mass meditation during the solar eclipse on August 21st. Since the current hybrid war going on is really about who controls the psychological process of deciding what humanity does in the future, a positive group think session might actually help. One does not have to be Hindu or Buddhist in order to practice meditation. People can instead take time to envision what sort of planet we would like to live in and what they can personally contribute towards making that happen.
Until now, our planet has been run by fear and war mongers. They have been manipulating us by saying we must fear and fight “the infidels, the Muslims, the communists, Al Qaeda, the Russians, ISIS, the Chinese, the North Koreans etc.”
We are now ready to shift instead to a positive outlook based on thinking “how can we help each other turn this planet into a paradise for all.” This autumn, as the September 30th fiscal deadline for the US corporate government approaches, we can make it happen. It is time to drain the DC swamp and then go after their P2 Freemason black sun worshipping overlords. Please rest well for the last weeks of summer and prepare for a busy autumn. Let us finish what we have started.
August 07, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Notice to readers since I am on my holiday this report was written in advance.
The election of Donald Trump as President of the United States was a major step towards defeating the Khazarian mafia worldwide. However, the Trump presidency still represents an attempt to reform the old system rather than a true revolution. Trump has been keeping the United State of America Corporation afloat mainly with money extorted from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Middle Eastern oil sheikdoms along with funds looted from Japan and South Korea.
The Chinese are also playing their part in keeping the old regime going because their huge structural trade surplus with the US gives them plenty of dollars to use to buy friends and influence people around the world. The Rothschild and other bloodline families who have been running the planet successfully co-opted the Chinese with bribes and flattery. The over $1 trillion Chinese one belt one road initiative is their reward for helping keep the old system afloat.
The Paris accords supported by 19 out of 20 G20 countries, for its part, was an attempt to keep the bloodline controlled IMF, World Bank, UN and other international institutions going by giving the Chinese greater voting rights at the expense of the US, even as they kept these institutions firmly under their control. The problem is that this reform is based on the fraudulent claim that carbon is causing global warming. It is not factually true.
It also leaves the old families firmly in charge. Remember, the people of the planet earth did not select the head of the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, the BIS etc. it was all done behind the scenes by the ruling families.
For sure the factions behind the Paris accord represent the moderate, non-genocidal group within the bloodline ruling structure, including the royal families of Europe. They were able to secure this accord with the help of the Asian royal bloodlines. Overall they mean well but they are simply not competent to deal with the ongoing systemic collapse of their economic system.
The current ruling class in the West is presiding over the largest mass extinction event since the dinosaurs were wiped out by a meteorite 65 million years ago. People of Europe and East Asia, the most productive on earth, are experiencing demographic collapse. Income disparity in the West is now higher than the levels that led to the collapse of the Roman empire.
To add insult to injury, the criminals behind 911, the destruction of countries like Iraq, Libya and Syria, Fukushima, the spreading of bio-weapons like SARS, Ebola, AIDS etc. have yet to be arrested or punished.
Furthermore, we are not seeing any jubilee or one time write off of debts. Nor are the seeing a redistribution of fraudulently obtained assets. This is especially clear in the case of the Lehman shock were documentary evidence proves the bloodline families created $23 trillion through fraud and used that money to buy up assets worldwide that had been turned into bargains by the financial collapse they had engineered. Why is that money not being confiscated?
Since the Lehman crisis the central banks have been carrying out so-called quantitative monetary easing. However, the vast sums being created as a result of this policy are being funneled only to financial companies controlled by Khazarian mafia honchos. They have not done things like put money directly into ordinary peoples’ personal bank accounts. That is why the quantitative easing has had the effect of increasing wealth disparity. Forensic analysis shows that most of the money flowed through about 700 individuals so, that means it is not the 1% but rather the 0.0000001% who has benefited from the money printing.
The reason for this is because the bloodline families still control the privately owned central banks for their own personal benefit, not for the benefit of the planet and its living beings. Donald Trump, who was put in power by the bloodline opposed gnostic illuminati, has not changed this because as president of the most indebted country in world history, he does not have the leverage needed.
Actually though, he does. Remember the saying “if you owe the bank $10,000, it is your problem but, if you owe the bank $1 million it is the banks’ problem.” It is a fact that the US Corporate government defaulted on May 3rd of this year when its wholly owned Puerto Rico subsidiary defaulted. And yet the Washington DC show is still going on.
That is because, as mentioned above the US corporations’ creditors like the Chinese, the Japanese, the South Koreans and the Middle Eastern oil producing companies are subsidizing its $700 billion a year losses (the size of the US trade deficit in 2016).
So, how can we change the situation? The first opportunity comes at the US Corporations’ September 30th fiscal payment deadline. Each year around that time, as the payment deadline approaches, we see all sorts of maneuvers. It will be no different this year and the US Corporate government seeks to roll over its payments past the deadline. This will mean threats of war, blackmail, extortion, begging, bluffing etc. In the news it will appears as threats of war with Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and anybody else who is not coughing up protection money. If these efforts succeed then events will continue along their kicking the can down the road trajectory. This will mean a continuation of the slow fall of living standards in the West that began in the late 1960’s.
The alternative is world revolution. This means physically occupying the BIS, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve Board, the Bank of Japan and other bloodline owned central banks.
This would make it theoretically possible to issue quadrillions of dollars to be used to finance an unprecedented campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and expand out into the universe. Of course the families that own the private central banks have spent years vilifying such ideas with code words like “monetizing debt,” saying it will lead to inflation and irresponsible government spending. That may have been true in the past when certain decadent kings or corrupt governments tried their hand at such things.
However, stop and think for a minute. What does “monetizing debt” mean? It means turning debt into money. In other words it means ending debt slavery. Remember the debt owed to the central bankers is not legitimate. The bankers did not earn the money they lend to people and governments in the real world doing real things, they just put numbers in computers. So monetizing their debt simply means renouncing debt slavery.
Of course if you just printed out vast amounts of money, say by depositing a million dollars into every single bank account in a country, the result would be an inflationary orgy followed by a huge headache.
However, there are examples of government owned central banks that have created huge benefits.
This was all done without taxes or debt.
The Japanese military government before and during World War II also paid for its gigantic war effort mostly by using money created by a nationalized central bank. While I do not approve of the Japanese military regimes actions in China and elsewhere, the point I am making is that a huge enterprise like the attempted conquest of Asia was financed mainly by a government owned central bank.
If the Federal Reserve Board, the EU Central Bank and the Bank of Japan were nationalized then it would be possible to finance a quadrillion dollar campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction, finance immortality research, explore the universe etc. This is completely realistic and feasible.
This autumn will be our next chance to make this possible. The time for talk is over, it is time for action.
July 31, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Notice to readers
Due to my annual holiday the next two reports will be prewritten unless extraordinary events cause me to interrupt my holiday to cover them
By now it is obvious to anyone who is actually using their brain that something is profoundly wrong with the leadership and government systems in the West. This is especially true of the United States where real living standards have been declining since the late 1960’s while the country has been almost perpetually at war.
In the US, the ruling class has alienated the population to the point that less than 10% of the population trust either Congress or the Media. The central cause of the malaise has been a project by a sub-group in the ruling class, the people I call the Khazarian mafia, to enslave humanity and turn themselves into god like rulers.
The US military and agency white hats have figured this out and have taken action that is being seen in the form of the Presidency of Donald Trump. However, Trump has taken over as CEO of a bankrupt entity and, even though he is trying his hardest, he has yet to do what is inevitable and formally declare the United States bankrupt. And bankrupt it is.
The US has run a trade deficit with the rest of the world since 1976 resulting in a cumulative trade deficit of over $10 trillion. In addition to that the US government has $19.1 trillion in debt and has $128 trillion or 7 times the US’s $18 trillion GDP in unfunded liabilities. That is the real reason why the US corporate government de-facto went bankrupt on May 3rd of 2017 when its wholly owned Puerto Rico subsidiary defaulted on its $123 billion in debt.
What this means is that no matter how hard Donald Trump tries, he cannot solve the US’s problems without first formally declaring bankruptcy.
However, bankrupting the US is not the same as bankrupting any other country. For one thing declaring bankruptcy would make it impossible for the US to keep running its 800 or so US military bases around the world. When this writer first go the Asians to agree ten years ago to the idea of bankrupting the US, the US military dispatched an agent to explain the US would cut off Asia’s supplies of Middle Eastern oil if US finances were cut off. This led to a Mexican stand-off that continued for many years.
By become embroiled in this high level stand-off between the world’s most powerful countries this writer was able to see first-hand who runs the planet earth. The information below is based on 10 years of meeting with sources in the CIA, the NSA, the P2 Freemason Lodge, MI6, Asian Secret Societies etc. etc.
Until recently, David Rockefeller was the secret leader of the planet earth. He was chairman of the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Furthermore, through various foundations he also controlled the fortune 500 corporations.
In addition to this, because he was married to an Italian princess, Rockefeller also had enormous influence over the Vatican P2 Freemason lodge that controls the Catholic Church and the mafia. Rockefeller had the power to turn his nephew, Bill Clinton, into President and tried very hard, but failed, to have his daughter Hillary Clinton turned into President.
If Rockefeller was #1 in the old power structure, George Bush Sr. was #2. Bush ran most of the CIA, the $2 trillion a year world narcotics trade and much of the arms industry. When his son Bush Jr. was elected President in 2000, Sr. was able to eclipse Rockefeller by staging 911 and imposing a Nazi regime on the US.
Rockefeller was able to regain control in 2008 though by putting his house slave Barack Obama into office after the Bush Jr. Presidency turned into a disaster.
Now though, Rockefeller’s death has created a huge vacuum at the top of world power. George Bush Sr. has lost support because of widespread disgust at his Nazi groups’ genocidal plans. He is also very old and flashes in and out of lucidity, according to sources close to him. So Bush Sr. is no longer #2 or even #3 because his Nazi followers no longer consider him to be their Fuhrer. The Nazis have now made it clear they no longer seek world hegemony.
So the death of Rockefeller and the fall from grace by Bush Sr. means the top level of Western power is now up for grabs.
The group that has moved in to fill the vacuum in the US has been the gnostic illuminati, the group that opposes bloodline rule and claims credit for the French, US and Russian revolutions. They have led a purge of his high level bloodline servants in the US that is nearing completion.
At the same time, invigorated by the fall of their upstart US rivals, the European bloodline families have made a big push to fill in the Rockefeller, Bush vacuum. Their top people are Queen Elizabeth, Pope Francis and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The Europeans were able to come very close to using their fake carbon-causes-global warming scheme to implement the Paris accords. This would have created a world government still controlled by them but with a greater seat at the table for the Chinese.
The power of this group was evident at the G20 meeting in early July where 19 out of 20 so-called world leaders expressed support for this scam. However, without the support of the gnostic illuminati and without any scientific basis, this carbon scam is doomed to fail. The gnostic illuminati control both the Trump presidency and the US military industrial complex and are using their agents to attack bloodline rule in Europe now that their purge in the US is more or less complete.
Right now though, there is a stand-off in the West between the European royal bloodlines represented by the Pope, the Queen and Merkel, and the gnostic illuminati represented by Trump.
Meanwhile in Asia, China has now built up alternative energy import networks so that it can continue to operate even if all Middle Eastern oil supplies were cut off. The Asian alliance also managed to co-opt Europe into joining its Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and its massive one belt one road public works initiative. The Chinese have furthere made huge inroads in Africa and other developing countries with their generous infrastructure work. Most of all, the Chinese are the main creditors to the US and could bankrupt them if they chose to do so.
Of course the US still has its start World War 3 card to play but using that card would lead to the destruction of the planet, so the US side is trying to get the Russians to join them in a Christian (White) alliance. To entice the Russians, the Americans have ceded to them hegemony over Europe (minus the UK) as well as half of the Middle East. The US side also still has control over Japan and the Korean Peninsula, including its pet rogue state North Korea. The Americans are also assiduously courting India.
The overall result is that there still exists a Mexican stand-off between East and West.
The key battleground this fall is expected to be Japan. It is money from Japan’s postal savings, agricultural bank, pension funds etc. that is keeping the US barely solvent. However, the puppet government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has less than 10% support in real public opinion.
There is also incredible resentment and anger at the Korean agents used by the US occupation authorities to control Japan since the end of World War II. As shown by the results of the June Tokyo regional elections, the long term ruling puppet Liberal Democratic Party is certain to be wiped out in the next general election.
The White Dragon Society is pushing hard for regime change in Japan as early as this fall. The aim is to force real regime change in the US, because Donald Trump’s presidency is too little too late.
What is needed is a formal declaration of bankruptcy in the US so as to jumpstart a complete revamp of the international architecture put in place after World War II so as to better reflect current world demographic and economic reality. The WDS also believes the world needs a minimum common set of rules so that international criminals like the Khazarian mafia can no longer engage in illegal wars, looting and other anti-social activities. The WDS further believes benign symbolic bloodline rule in the West and Asia can co-exist with meritocracy.
The WDS also supports initiating a new golden age by starting with a jubilee, a one-off redistribution of assets, a massive campaign to clean up the planet and a systematic effort to expand into the universe. A new calendar to replace the Western centric one now in place would also help start a new age.
July 24, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The rogue states of Saudi Arabia and Israel are under massive attack from a Russian, Chinese, Pentagon and Iranian alliance and will have no choice but to surrender. It is only a question now of when, not if. When these rogue regimes surrender, their leadership is going to be forced to expose who gives them their orders and they will point to Rome and the black sun worshippers at the P2 freemason lodge. These are the self-appointed social engineers behind most of the world’s troubles. Once they are exposed, it will be game over and a world revolution leading to world peace will take place.
The P2 Freemason leaders who are behind such acts of terror as 911 and Fukushima are sick with worry these days because they can see a dragnet closing in on them from all sides. This writer’s verified claims about their involvement in these horrors, for example, are now going viral.
The lawsuits against Saudi Arabia by the families of the victims of 911 are one key source of worry. That is because the lawsuits will inevitably lead to the secret Western controllers of Saudi Arabia. In the UK, for example, the Labour Party, that is poised to seize power, has joined the 911 victim’s families in demanding that the UK government release its secret report on Saudi Arabian funding of terror groups. The government of Prime Minister Theresa May says they cannot make this information public “for national security reasons.”
What they really mean is that exposing Saudi Arabia’s involvement would expose the involvement of people like former Prime Minister Tony Blair in 911. Since Blair went to former pope maledict (Pope Benedict XVI) for protection after he lost power, you can be sure the trail from Blair leads to Rome.
Then we have Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif being quoted in English language media as saying that 94% of world terrorism can be traced to Saudi Arabia.
Once again, if you look behind Saudi Arabia and its pseudo-Muslim Satan worshipping ruling family, you will find the P2 and their black sun.
Now, the US military has allowed the Iranians and Russians to deploy along the border between Syria and Israel as well as along the Saudi Arabian border, causing the Israelis to freak out.
The US military is now concentrating its military in the Middle East on annihilating Daesh, which is an Israeli and Saudi Arabian front. So the US military is de facto in an alliance with Iran and Russia against Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Now Turkey has made public the locations of US bases in Syria even as its buys Russian s-400 missile defenses. Pentagon sources say this leak was deliberately made to show a US, Russian military alliance in the Middle East. This is happening as Germany withdraws its troops from Turkish airbases and stops selling arms to Turkey.
Remember, Turkey has the largest army in the NATO alliance after the US. Turkey’s strongman Recep Erdogan has been flipping and flopping back and forth between Russia and NATO depending on who seems stronger. Remember it was not that long ago that Erdogan asked for NATO help after his armed forces shot down a Russian fighter jet. Now he seems to be working with Russia and the US military against NATO.
We also see the Serbians asking for Russian missile defense systems to “defend against NATO aggression.”
Remember also how US President Donald Trump was calling Germany “very bad” and became the first US president in NATO’s history to not mention the article 5 mutual defense clause in the NATO treaty. Pentagon sources have long told this writer about how much they enjoy sinking submarines sold to Israel by the Germans. Now they say the Germans are being blocked from a plan to sell 3 more submarines to Israel. Also, the Germans lost out to the French company DCNS on a contract to sell 12 submarines to the Australians, Pentagon sources say.
So now we see Germany, Israel and Saudi Arabia all in the crosshairs together. What do these countries have in common? They are controlled by Khazarian mafia bloodline families, including the old Roman families who control the P2 Freemason lodge.
Remember also how at the last G20 meeting Pope Francis was, together with German Prime Minister Angela Merkel, leading the chorus for the Paris accords, while Trump opposed it. The Paris Accords are really an attempt by the bloodline families to appear as gentle sheeple herders in order to stay in power and create a world government controlled by them.
So, opposition to the Paris accords by Trump is really gnostic illuminati opposition to continued bloodline rule. The gnostic illuminati claim they have fought against bloodline rule for thousands of years and take credit for the French, US and Russian revolutions. Their leaders say they are now pushing for a world revolution against bloodline rule.
Thus, what we are seeing reflected in recent news is a continuation of a civil war in the West with countries still controlled by Khazarian bloodline families (Saudi Arabia, Germany, Israel) being attacked by those no longer under their control (the US, Russia, Iran etc.).
France is also being pulled out of its alliance with Germany which is why the Daesh supporting top French general Pierre de Villiers was fired, Pentagon sources say. Clearly the tide is turning against the bloodline controlled countries.
Inside the US, the neocon Khazarian servants had a huge loss as Trump was forced to renew a deal with Iran despite his previous posturing against that country. The purge of bloodline servants also continues with warmongering Senator and Daesh (ISIS) founder John McCain getting malignant brain cancer. He joins George Soros, David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Clintons and many others in the garbage can of history.
The bloodlines are fighting back against this ongoing purge with their “Russia did it” campaign. Thus, last week Susan Rice, former President Barack Obama’s security adviser, was giving secret testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee on “Russian interference” in the US election.
“Russian interference,” is a Khazarian bloodline family code name for the gnostic Illuminati. Now their pet politicians in Congress (who are supported by less than 10% of the US population) are trying to place a new set of sanctions against Russia that are tantamount to a declaration of war. Of course the US military will ignore these bribed actors but what they really should be doing is rounding them up and putting them in jail. And jail is what they deserve.
If you want to know just how corrupt the Western power structure is, I highly recommend you listen to this 37 minute interview with Tony Gambino, former top boss of the Gambino crime family.
The bloodline families think they are doing God’s work by forcing Islam and Christianity to mix and merge so that they can unify monotheism, according to various P2 officials I have interviewed. They also want to create Eurabia, ruled from Jerusalem, as a step on their road to creating a fascist world government.
Their plan is now unravelling in Asia as well as in Europe. In Japan, the Tokyo Electric Power Company has sent yet another robot into the Fukushima reactors only to have them once again find nothing. That is because the official story of a reactor melt-down is a lie. The reactors were blown up by atomic bombs placed there by the Israeli company Magna BSP. This is going to be public knowledge soon because the CIA and the Pentagon have decided to expose Fukushima for the P2 directed mass murder attack that it was, according to CIA sources in Asia.
Asian secret society bosses say they agree with the Pentagon on this and will go to war if necessary early next year to remove the Khazarian influence from Japan and the Korean peninsula. The Japanese underworld are also planning a revolution against the slave regime of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe this autumn, several right wing sources say.
July 17, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
High level meetings between Chinese, Russian and US military types have reached the conclusion that a short sharp war may be necessary in order to flush out the Nazis and their secret world network, Asian secret society and Pentagon sources say. The plan to flush out the secret government will take the form of a joint US, Russian and Chinese military attack on North Korea, the sources say. “This will force North Korea’s ET backers out into the open,” the Asian secret society sources say.
Years of forensic research by this writer have revealed a secret network connecting gold mines in the South Pacific, off the grid Antarctic bases, hidden submarine bases, the world narcotics trade, North Korea and Israel among other things. This network, created by fascist allies who did not surrender at the end of World War II, is believed to be supplying North Korea with its nuclear weapons and missiles.
For that reason, the Asian secret society sources say a campaign portraying North Korea as a villain will be intensified over the coming months in preparation for a short but intense war early next year. This war will not involve countries as they exist now but rather would be between hidden forces behind countries, the sources say.
So the Russians, the Chinese and the Americans would attack North Korea who would be backed by secret Russian, Chinese and American factions, making it a war between secret societies rather than a traditional one between countries, the sources agree. The aim will be to force out secret groups operating behind the scenes into the open, the Asian secret society sources say.
Pentagon sources say that North Korea and Israel are intimately linked entities. To put pressure on them, Russian troops entered Southern Syria opposite the Golan Heights last week, they say. At the same time Russia fired an Iskander missile from a Jewish Autonomous Oblast near Korea “to send a blunt message that Israel must return the Golan Heights,” the Pentagon sources say.
The Jews are also waking up to the fact that their Khazarian mafia overlords are the same people who engineered the holocaust. Maj. Gen. Yair Golan, the Israeli army’s deputy chief of staff, last week compared Israel’s current government to the Nazis and has refused to back down, a sign the Khazarians are likely to lose control of Israel as well as North Korea.
Japan’s government recently passed a conspiracy bill that allows it to arrest people planning to commit a crime because they want to have a legal excuse to detain all the professional war makers who are expected to flee from North Korea to Japan once the fighting breaks out, the Asian sources say.
Of course, the ideal solution will be to bring these secret groups out of the closet without actually having to resort to a war, White Dragon Society sources in Asia say.
The other very interesting subject brought up by the Asian secret society sources has to do with artificial intelligence. Strange as it may sound, there is a growing consensus that the reality we are experiencing is the product of an artificial intelligence. This has been told to us in the past by a member of the MJ12 group, by the gnostic illuminati and now by the Asian secret society. Furthermore, this AI appears to be stuck in a loop.
This may seem weird but if you step back from the daily news or even weekly news and take a longer term view, we do see massive repetition in certain aspects of world news. For example, if you read articles about Israel and the Palestinians from the 1970’s, they would be very hard to distinguish from articles appearing this year. The whole issue seems to be stuck in a repetitive feedback loop.
The same thing can be said about North Korea where problems related to that country setting off missiles that “could soon hit the United States,” have been repeating in a loop for many years. In fact, North Korea put up a satellite in 1998, meaning it has long had the capability to hit the continental United States with a nuclear weapon. So why do they keep repeating the North Korean missile meme?
Other long term repeating news loops include arguments over disputed Islands in the South China Sea, 70-year old issues relating to World War 2, the Ukraine, Iran etc.
The other loop I have seen repeated for the past several decades is the announcement of the discovery of a way to prolong life that is followed up a few weeks later with a reason why this method will not be pursued.
The source of these recurring news loops has been traced to the Khazarian mafia. However, weird as it may seem, when this writer followed the forensic trail from David Rockefeller to the Rothschilds to the Vatican P2 lodge, it ended up leading to people in Italy and Switzerland, like Vincenzo Mazzara, a cavalier of the Teutonic Knights, who claim they get their orders via gamma rays from an entity they know as the black sun.
For those of us who prefer to look at the real, here and now world, there is still a clear case to be made that certain actors in the intelligence community work on a secret agenda keep repeating certain news cycles to the detriment of humanity as a whole.
There is a chance we can finally put an end to this nonsense as early as this autumn. One key battleground will be Japan. Now that Richard Armitage has been bought off and Rothschild agent Michael Greenberg is a hunted man, the relatively moderate Gerald Curtis has become the top Japan handler for the American occupation forces.
The top Japanese power broker is now a man by the name of Kazuyoshi Kokubo, who is a son of the Emperor Hirohito born by a Korean princess, according to Japanese royal family sources. There is also the old warhorse former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone who has been working hard to create a government here favourable to Henry Kissinger, the sources say. These people can be removed if necessary, Japanese underworld sources say.
The Asian secret societies, Japanese underworld bosses and US military and intelligence agency white hats have agreed that making Japan an independent country once again would be a game changer for the entire planet.
If Japan became independent it would immediately stop the looting of its banks, pension funds, postal savings and other wealth by the Khazarian mafia. This would definitively pull the plug on the United States corporate government in Washington DC as well as Israel.
US President Donald Trump, for all his reform zeal and leadership prowess, is merely prolonging the inevitable bankruptcy of the US Corporation by selling arms and extorting payments from vassal countries. The wholly owned Puerto Rico subsidiary has already defaulted in May and, although not part of the corporation, states like Illinois are also bankrupt. This year, as has been the case for many years, the US Corporate government and its shareholders will be up to all sorts of tricks to try to kick the bankruptcy can down the road past the September 30th fiscal deadline.
In this context, the Asian Secret Society, the largest creditors to the United States Corporation, are seriously examining a WDS proposal to have Canada take over the bankrupt US and restore that country to democracy, the rule of law and sanity. In such a scenario the US military would remain fully funded as long as they promise to work for the greater good. This would immediately put an end to most of the world’s misery and conflict.
The French, under Rothschild servant president Emmanuel Macron, are also making a move to get control in the US. Donald Trump, top US general Joseph Dunford, CIA boss Mike Pompeo and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster were invited to France for Bastille Day celebrations as 200 US troops led the military parade there. Pentagon sources say the French proposed that they, and not the Germans, should be the top US contact in Europe. The French also proposed joint military action in Africa and the Middle East against ISIS as well as against the Chinese, the Pentagon sources say.
The French Rothschilds are also trying hard to convince the Trump regime to allow their slave, Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso, to be the next Prime Minister of Japan and thus allow the Rothschilds to continue to be able to loot that country. Somebody should remind the French that the whole point of storming the Bastille was to end bloodline rule by people like the Rothschilds.
There is in any case, a clean-up continuing in Washington. Former top insiders of the regime of Barack Obama, like his attorney general Loretta Lynch, have been providing in depth testimony about their Khazarian mafia bosses like the Clintons. Now former US President Barack Obama is claiming he was actually a double agent and that he is now willing to fully disclose everything he learned while operating as figurehead president for the US Corporation, according to CIA sources.
On a final note, Khazarian mafia agents are trying very hard to shut down this newsletter. All our income from this subscription blog has been taken since March by the Japanese tax authorities in a provable case of double taxation. However, even this bogus tax bill was starting to be paid off so now Paypal is preventing subscribers from paying for this subscription blog.
The result has been to reduce this writer’s income by 80%. Now, in the latest twist, after our new IT guy set up a system whereby people could pay using crypto-currencies, a bunch of used tampons and a headless, bloody teddy-bear were dumped on his property. That shows what kind of sick, evil people we are writing about. However, we will not be deterred and the IT guy is currently working on upgrading the website and implementing a new credit card based payment system.
July 10, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Last weekend’s G20 meeting of so-called world leaders was very revealing because 19 out of 20 of them publicly endorsed the fraud based global warming scam known as the Paris accords. This happened despite the fact carbon-based global warming is being proved both legally and scientifically to be a fraud.
Michael Mann, the author of the global warming “hockey stick” graph that is used by the UN endorsed IPCC is facing a jail sentence after refusing a judge’s request to show how he got the data to back his claims the world is rapidly warming. Meanwhile, another scientific study showed that almost all the warming recorded in recent years is the result of the temperature data being raised after it was measured.
By ignoring facts and pushing the Rothschild backed global warming fraud, both Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin proved they were Rothschild lackeys. The only leader who has publicly renounced the global warming fraud is US President Donald Trump and that is why Khazarian mafia controlled media portray him as isolated.
However, things are changing at a deeper level, according to CIA, Pentagon and other sources. The military and intelligence apparatuses of Russia, the United States and China are all cooperating despite any hostile posturing by these countries’ respective politicians, the sources say.
This may be why Pope Francis felt the need to call up a journalist last week to issue the following statement:
“I am afraid there are very dangerous alliances between powers who have a distorted view of the world: America and Russia, China and North Korea, Russia and Assad in the war in Syria.”
Remember it was Pope Francis who handed Trump a 260 page document endorsing the climate change fraud when they met in May.
The other thing to note is that the G20 is calling for world governance centered on the IMF. Please recall that the head of the IMF is not selected by the people of the planet but rather by the same Khazarian bloodline group that selects the head of the UN, the World Bank etc. Remember, the IMF and its backers have been erecting gates to the temple of Baal otherwise known as Satan, at their meetings.
Note that the “very dangerous alliance” the Pope is referring to includes Russia, China, the US, North Korea and Syria. These countries are all moving away from bloodline control even though Russia still has a Rothschild figurehead president. Actual Russian sources this writer has contacted, though, all agree it is the Russian Orthodox Church and not Putin that runs Russia.
Pope Francis probably means well but he is deluded if he thinks a P2 Freemason selected person like Marco Di Mauro is going to be anointed the leader of a bloodline controlled world government.
In any case, Francis is being roiled by yet another Vatican scandal, in this case a drug fueled gay orgy that was busted by the police after neighbours complained about the noise. This could lead to yet another Cardinal being fired, CIA sources say.
The Pope should be concentrating more of his efforts on fighting the very real threat of Satanists who were, until recently, on the brink of taking over the world. Yet another former Satanist has come forward with testimony about large scale human sacrifice and other atrocities carried out by these people. This nine minute clip makes for very disturbing listening but it is definitely a call to action.
Action is, of course, being taken. The latest was Germany’s announcement last week that it broke up a pedophile ring that involved 87,000 people. You can be sure many of the people doing child sacrifices were scooped up in that bust.
In the US as well the final clean-up of the Khazarians continues. In the latest, former President Barack Obama’s attorney general Loretta Lynch has been giving detailed testimony about the crimes of her former Clinton/Bush bosses, CIA and other sources say. As a result Barack Obama sought political asylum in Indonesia last week but was denied it, according to White Dragon Society Sources in Indonesia. CIA sources in Europe confirm this and say Obama is going to have to go back to the US in order to be debriefed on who really controlled his presidency. Recall that when Obama was first elected he kept saying “thank you Satan” in reverse speech.
Speaking about Obama, the 40 second video clip below shows clearly how different his personal chemistry with Russia’s Vladimir Putin was from Trump and Putin’s chemistry.
Pentagon sources say the change in chemistry reflects a Trump regime campaign to seduce Russia into joining it in an alliance against Chinese and Khazarian control.
“In a smack down of the cabal and the deep state, political novice Trump was ‘honored’ to meet with elder statesman Putin where Putin’s plan to make Russia great again with symphony of church and state will no doubt be the blueprint for Trump to make America great again,” the Pentagon sources say.
“Trump emerges as defender of Western civilization from Judaic [Satanic] destruction, and he is ably assisted by Putin and the Pope to form a super-Christian bloc to contain China and holocaust the global Jewish mafia,” one Pentagon source says.
The WDS makes it clear there is to be no collective punishment and the only people who are being targeted are the ones who have been engaged in mass murder through biological weapons, nuclear terror, human sacrifice, illegal war etc.
However, it is clear the Trump administration represents a generalized backlash against Khazarian control that could spiral out of control into an attack on Jews in general. On his trip to Poland Trump refused visit the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto monument. In his speech in Poland when Trump mentioned threats from inside and from the South and the East he was referring to Saudi Arabia, Israel and its 5th column in the USA, the Pentagon sources say.
Also, the Neocons H.R, McMaster and Jared Kushner were blocked from attending the meeting between Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson with their counterparts Putin and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. At the meeting the US pushed for a restoration of US/Russian ties to counter China, according to the Pentagon. The Americans also proposed a Russian/US “cyber security unit aimed to prevent Israeli, Chinese hacking, e-hijacking, and other cyber-attacks,” the sources say.
Russian sources, for their part, continue to say they are wary of the sudden US friendliness because of the long history of US aggression against Russia. The Russians say they are against forming opposing blocs and prefer a world where everybody is friendly.
Nonetheless, recent Chinese aggressive moves against India clearly seem to have backfired against China.
“Russia is very concerned about Chinese aggression in the South China Sea and the Indian subcontinent, which is why the Vietnamese Prime Minister was invited to the G20,” the Pentagon sources say. The US navy for its part sent a message with joint naval exercises with Japan and India recently.
The Chinese now appear to have backed off following a meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the sidelines of the G20.
Another interesting thing to note about the G20 is that Saudi King “Salman and warrior prince Mohammed Bin Salma were declared persona non grata at the G20 for being a proxy for Israel,” the Pentagon sources say. They say Qatar is on the winning side in its dispute with Saudi Arabia and that deposed crown prince Nayef may still be reinstated.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, for his part, was offering bribes in exchange for protection at the G20, according to Japanese right wing sources close to the Emperor. Abe’s party suffered a crushing defeat at recent Tokyo municipal elections and is likely to be forced to hold elections this year where it will be routed from national politics, the sources say.
What is undeniable is that there is a major split at the top of the Japanese power structure. This is reflected in opinion polls in Japan’s newspapers where the right wing national Sankei newspaper shows support for Abe at 86% while the left-leaning Asahi Newspaper shows his support at 14%. The centrist regional Tokyo Shinbum Newspaper shows his support at only 5%. The following link is in Japanese but the percentage signs show the incredible gaps in newspaper opinion polls.
Japanese right wing sources say the nationalist Tanaka faction is gearing up for regime change in Japan and that this will result in the removal of Korean proxies who have been sub-contracting the rule of Japan for the Khazarians since the end of World War II.
The fact that Abe was setting up a massive chemical and biological warfare research center disguised as the Kake Gakuin Veterinary College has exposed him and his regime as genocidal war criminals. Several right wing sources have called to inform this writer that Abe was not expected to live more than three months.
Meanwhile as the warmongers are removed from power around the world, signs of a construction boom are emerging. WDS sources in Indonesia say the Indonesian government is planning to build a new capital to replace the overcrowded and sinking city of Jakarta.
The Japanese underworld, for its part, is looking forward to a bonanza as the Chinese government prepares to move many capital functions to a new city 150 kilometers from Beijing. A Japanese underworld boss says Japanese companies are getting lucrative contracts for the waste disposal and other environmental work on the new capital because the Chinese want Japan’s know how on how to create clean mega-cities. Sh#t happens and somebody’s got to clean it up.
Once Khazarian rule ends in Japan, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Ukraine, the world will be ready to enter a new golden age.
July 4, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
A comprehensive take-down of the Khazarian mafia continues around the world. The biggest developments were at the top ranks of the Vatican where the Vatican Finance Minister and Number 3 honcho, Australian Cardinal George Pell was suspended after being indicted for child rapes. As a result “the pedos are in full panic mode,” Pentagon officials say. Francis also removed another top honcho, Cardinal Gerhard Mueller, from his post has head of Doctrine and replaced him with a moderate.
The suspension of Pell as Finance Minister is almost certainly related to the goings on at Bougaineville and Papua New Guinea, areas under Australian control, and therefore Pell’s bailiwick, White Dragon Society sources say. The revelation that only about 3% of the money from minerals being extracted in PNG is going to the locals completely contradicts Pope Francis’s vow the turn the Catholic Church into a “poor church for the poor.”
The WDS plan to connect the gold in Bougaineville to crypto-currencies, with US and Russian military backing, and thus completely by-pass the existing Vatican and Khazarian mafia controlled financial system must have added urgency to the Vatican’s moves to remove Cardinal Pell.
The removal of the German Mueller, who was seen by many as the head of the resistance to Pope Francis’s moves to make the church more easy-going, is also a significant defeat for the Khazarian mafia and their proxies, P2 Freemason sources say. This removal is probably going to affect what happens with the Knights of Malta, where a German/British split has been papered over leading to a stalemate at the top of the most important military spiritual order in the West. This in turn will affect how the US military industrial complex is run.
In other words, the fanatical faction that still wants to start World War 3 has lost its most senior backers, WDS sources say.
Another other big development last week was the arrival of the aircraft USS Bush in Israel. The Mossad site DEBKA expressed confusion about the arrival of the carrier because it apparently was not there attack either Iran or Syria.
In fact, Pentagon sources say, the arrival of the carrier in Israel is a “blunt message that the US and Russia may impose an air-sea blockade if authorized by the United Nations Security Council to force a peace deal and a return of the Golan [Heights to Syria].”
Already Iranian, Russian and Hezbollah troops are at the Israeli border and now, instead of coming to protect Israel, it seems the US military is working with its enemies to finally put that rogue state in its place.
Saudi Arabia’s ruling Saud family, having come out of the closet as being Khazarian Satanists and not Muslims, are also going to be forced to cease and desist their trouble-making now that they are isolated from the rest of the Muslim world. This is why the Saudi/Israeli/Daesh mercenary proxy army is melting away.
The Chinese are adding to the pressure by insisting that the Saudis stop selling their oil to them in Khazarian controlled so-called US dollars. The Saudis will soon have no choice but to abandon the petrodollar, CIA and Pentagon sources agree.
Yet a third huge development last week came in Japan where the long ruling Liberal Democratic Party experienced a historical defeat in Tokyo Prefectural elections.
Here Governor Yuriko Koike and the Buddhist Lay Organization Sokka Gakkai supported Komeito Party scored a huge upset win, getting 79 seats in the 127 seat assembly while the LDP fell to 23 seats from a previous 57.
This loss means the Khazarian slave government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and the LDP are going to face a similar demolition in national elections that will probably be held soon as a result of this defeat in Tokyo, Japanese right wing sources say. This means Japan’s post-war slave regime, run mostly by Koreans pretending to be Japanese, is finally ending.
A similar current could be detected in the Korean Peninsula with a South Korean offer of a peace treaty to North Korea making it likely the artificial division of that peninsula will also end soon.
In the US, meanwhile, the New York Times, CNN and other Khazarian controlled propaganda outlets are being forced to issue corrections and fire staff as their outright lying and propaganda is exposed.
CIA sources say the removal of Khazarian filth from the US power structure is nearly complete and that is why changes are now being seen in Asia.
Also the US military is moving to create a space corps while President Donald Trump has signed an executive order to resurrect the National Space Council. This is a possible sign the US military industrial complex is finally getting ready for the disclosure that secret space program advocates have long been calling for.
These big sea-changes are coming before what is expected to be a key G20 summit meeting takes place in Hamburg, Germany July 7th and 8th.
In the run up we see some serious jostling between China and the US where some high tension is arising. Most importantly, Pentagon sources hint they shot down a Chinese satellite last week.
The other moves showing the honeymoon between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Donald Trump was ending were a US deal to sell arms to Taiwan, US sanctions against a Chinese bank, tariffs on steel and other items and the dispatch of a destroyer to the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea, Pentagon sources note.
The Chinese are not taking all this lying down and have sent warships and fighter planes to confront the US destroyer. Also there can be no doubt that China took symbolic military action against India last week just as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was meeting with Trump. The Chinese have previously told their US counterparts they had the technical capability to overrun India within two months, if necessary.
It looks like Russia is going to have the role of referee between China and the US at the upcoming G20 meeting. Trump is scheduled to meet there, for the first time, with his counterpart Vladimir Putin and Pentagon sources say his mandate will be to end the Russia/US spat being engineered by the Khazarians in the US.
Russian White Dragon Society sources say past US actions have left the Russians profoundly distrustful of the Americans. However, as Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and other Russian officials have repeatedly stated, the Russians favour a harmonious world system not dominated by a single power.
To that end, in something that slipped under this writer’s radar, a series of top world religious leaders issued a joint appeal on June 14th for the people of the world to unite and make friends across religious boundaries.
June 26, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Sometimes historic changes are announced in obscure headlines such as this one: “Defense Ministers from Six Countries Focus on Cooperation in Prague.”
A more accurate headline would read “Austro-Hungarian Empire revived after 100 year hiatus.” The story says Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria Slovenia and Croatia are going to carry out a joint exercise to protect their borders. Their joint borders are almost the same borders as those of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and within these borders civilian, police and military authorities are going to work together. Usually, a shared external border, in this case operating independently from the EU, is a definition of a country.
It is also worth noting the Habsburg dynasty overthrown after World War I were rivals of the Saxe-Gotha-Rothschild dynasties that won the war; which may be why Hungary has already thrown out its Saxe-Gotha-Rothschild central bank.
It is a good guess that Karl Von Habsburg,
head of the Paneuropean Union and heir to the Habsburg throne, sees a chance to revive his ancestor’s Empire now that his Saxe-Gotha-Rothschild rivals have lost so much of their power.
Elsewhere in Europe, we are seeing a growing split between Germany and the US with people in Germany now openly talking about the EU imposing sanctions on the US in retaliation for their efforts to stop the Germans from buying more cheap Russian gas.
The Europeans are also pushing to create a joint army with the capability to operate overseas as yet another break with US President Donald Trump’s America.
Also, Rothschild slave President Emmanuel Macron of France has now publicly sided with Russia on Syria. This is a clear indication the opportunistic Rothschilds understand who they have to suck up to now if they want to protect their interests.
The rise of Russia’s influence, however, has led to a huge power struggle there with the Knights of Malta trying to take control, according to FSB sources there. The following Russians have been awarded the Maltese Knight’s cross:
Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, B.A.Berezovsky, Pavel Borodin, G.E.Burbulis, Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin, VV . Ilyushin V.V.Kostikov, M.Yu.Lesin, S.F.Lisovsky, Yevgeny Primakov, A.V.Rutskoy, S.A.Filatov, Shaimiev, S.M.Shahry, V.B.Yumashev, and S.V.Yastrzhembsky, according to Russian FSB sources.
“Why are these people involved in an organization that has promoted the destruction of Russia (what is left of it), the collapse of industry, science and education, the extinction of the Russian people and the spiritual impoverishment of the nation?” an FSB source connected with the White Dragon Society asks. “The Masonic Order of the Knight’s Cross is awarded for the behind the scenes aiding in the destruction of Russian statehood, sovereignty and power of the State,” this source continues.
The source says the Knights of Malta are trying to control all Russian private security companies. They are doing this through an association of bodyguards in Russia led by a Mr. Fonareff who is “a small puppet to the Order of Malta.” The parent organization is the International Bodyguard and Security Services Organization.
“When you read their website just remove the “anti”…because I hear the Hospitaliers and Red Cross are involved in human trafficking and organ theft,” according to the source, who is senior in the Russian government.
The entire organization is headed by Professor George Popper, a senior Knight of Malta.
Leo Zagami, a self-confessed Satanist, claimed the black sun worshipping P2 Freemason lodge gave orders to the Knights of Malta.
This does not mean that the majority of members of the Knights of Malta are Satanists, only certain key people around the top of the hierarchy are.
In any case, the attempt by the IBSSA to control all private security companies in Russia is typical of the fascist P2 freemason lodge who want to create an absolute, centralized world dictatorship. The Russian WSD faction is opposed to centralized monolithic control and is expected to win the power struggle there.
The power struggle elsewhere is also going against the Satanists. In the Middle East, King Salman named his son Mohammed Bin Salman as crown prince and fired his half-brother Nayef, who is well connected to the US establishment. Since the King Salman who has appeared recently in public is visibly younger than the senile Salman who took over the throne it is safe to assume he is just a body double and that the 31 year old Salman Jr. is now King of Saudi Arabia.
However, Pentagon sources say “this is just a futile attempt to delay the global currency reset.” Furthermore, “Saudi Arabia is isolated by the Russian/Iranian/Qatari cartel, and may soon be forced to sell what little oil it still has for yuan and non-dollars,” the sources say. Right now only the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt and Israel support the Saudi regime.
The Pentagon sources also say US President Donald Trump’s son in law Jared Kushner was sent on orders of the US military/intelligence establishment to Israel to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu to demand regime change there. It is no coincidence the Iranian and Hizbollah forces, protected by a new Russian air base, have arrived at the Israeli border to give notice to the criminal Netanyahu regime that it is militarily isolated from the world. The US military is not going to fight to protect the criminal Netanyahu regime, the Pentagon sources say.
A similar move is being made in the Ukraine where President Petro Poroshenko has been summoned to Washington “to discuss regime change,” the sources say. These moves are part of a worldwide effort to end all conflicts and prepare the way for a new financial system, they say.
There is also likely to be regime change in the US, the sources continue. Here the latest developments show the entire “blame Russia” campaign by the old establishment is failing. Instead the “Cabal is on its back foot as Bernie Sanders and wife Jane are under FBI investigation for bank fraud and former attorney general Loretta Lynch is under a Department of Justice probe for obstruction of justice,” the Pentagon sources say.
Trump himself is expected to be eventually removed since the US requires real regime change while Trump merely represents the lesser evil faction of the old regime, the sources continue.
In Asia as well, there is a lot going on. Last week South Korean President Moon Jae In had a conversation with his North Korean counterpart Kim Jon Un where the agreed to unify the Korean Peninsula in the near future, according to Japanese right wing sources close to the emperor. This move, like the incipient revival of the Habsburg state, is possible now because the post 1913 Federal Reserve Board secret government is collapsing, WDS sources in Asia say.
In Japan, meanwhile there was a bizzare incident in which the USS Fitzgerald, a state of the art missile destroyer, was rammed by a Philippine registered cargo ship. Pentagon sources speculate it “may have been a false flag e-hijacking by Israel, unable to use its submarines, to frame North Korea just a few days after the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty.”
The other possibility, the sources say, is the “the Fitz may have been immobilized by emp or electronic warfare, forcing the US military to disclose its base on mars, suppressed technology, and the secret space program (ssp) which is good for humanity.”
There has been definitely some sort of futuristic secret technology deployed in Japan in recent years. The Japanese underground military hardware stockpiles and bases in Kyushu were destroyed recently by some secret weapon. Also, the radiation around Fukushima has all vanished after a huge fleet of unknown aircraft flew over the region, according to Japanese military intelligence.
The fascist regime of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is also under a growing siege. Newspapers here are reporting as a scandal that Abe used undue influence to help the Okayama Prefecture based Kake Gakuen educational institution open a new veterinary medicine school.
What the newspapers are not reporting is that Kake Gakuen is run by the same people who were involved in Japan’s notorious unit 731 biological and chemical warfare institute and that the “veterinary school” was just a cover for the development of bio and chemical weapons, sources close to the Emperor say.
In other words, instead of mincing words about “influence peddling,” the newspapers should talk about war crimes. In any case, Abe is dying, the sources say and fundamental regime change ie the removal of the fascists, in Japan is just a matter of time.
June 19, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The crisis in Qatar marks a major turning point in the battle against the Khazarian mafia. Ostensibly Saudi Arabia and other oil exporting states decided to try to blockade Qatar “because it was supporting terrorism.” In reaction to this move, US President Donald Trump showed the world he was not in charge of the US by first supporting the blockade and then being forced by the Pentagon to change his stance 180 degrees the next day.
What is really going on here is that Qatar reached a deal with Iran to export gas from its massive gas fields not West in exchange for worthless Euros or US dollars but rather East to places like India and China in exchange for their currencies.
The US House of Whores, oops! I mean House of Representatives. reacted to this development by passing new sanctions against Russia that basically amounted to telling Europe to buy expensive American gas instead of cheap Russian gas. The Germans and Austrian reacted by telling the Americans to buzz off.
These developments show clearly the old regime is falling apart with splits between Washington and the EU becoming more pronounced by the day.
The Khazarian mafia controlled Saudis and their Israeli partners in crime have seen their entire plan for an “Arab Nato,” blow up in their faces. True Muslim countries like Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and others together with super powers like Russia and China lined up to support Qatar, leaving the Saudi Israel alliance isolated. India and Pakistan have shown they are with Russia and China by joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, something Iran is expected to do next year.
The US military, for its part, showed it was against the Khazarian mafia by staging joint military drills with Qatar last week even as China staged drills with Iran. Pentagon sources explain “The US military needs Qatar because of the Al Udeid airbase.” The Pentagon sources did not mention the fact Qatar also offered to buy $12 billion worth of US military jets to help keep the Pentagon financed.
In any case, the airbase also functions to ensure that madman Satanist Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and his fellow Khazarian mobsters do not get any chance start World War 3, the sources say. A more direct message would be “SURRENDER OR DIE.”
The battle to remove the Khazarians from all levers of control in Washington DC is also intensifying. The fake blame everything on Russia campaign by the Khazarians is blowing up with even Khazarian owned corporate propaganda media stooges starting to expose it as completely bogus.
The following twitter storm issued by Donald Trump summarizes quite well how the power struggle in DC is going:
“You are witnessing the single greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history – led by some very bad and conflicted people! They made up a phony collusion with the Russians story, found zero proof, so now they go for obstruction of justice on the phony story. Nice
I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director! Witch Hunt
Why is that Hillary Clintons family and Dems dealings with Russia are not looked at, but my non-dealings are?
Crooked H destroyed phones w/ hammer, ‘bleached’ emails, & had husband meet w/AG days before she was cleared- & they talk about obstruction?
A.G. Lynch made law enforcement decisions for political purposes…gave Hillary Clinton a free pass and protection. Totally illegal!”
Pentagon sources say the next stage in the battle against the Khazarian mafia hold-outs in DC will begin with the arrest of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, special counsel Robert Mueller as well as Hillary Clinton (although CIA sources say she died last year), Barack Obama, former attorney general] Loretta Lynch, former National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, former CIA head John Brennan, former NSA director Michael Hayden and others “at the 2nd stage to decapitate the deep state,”
Fired FBI director James Comey has “been singing like a canary,” about the Khazarian mob as well as the P2 Freemason lodge, CIA sources confirm.
“Comey was forced to commit 2 stage seppuku in front of congress,” the sources say. He began ratting on his colleagues to avoid being charged with “multiple felonies for leaking, misprision (deliberately hiding knowledge) of felony, aiding obstruction of justice etc.” the Pentagon sources continue.
The attack against Trump son in law Jared Kushner has also intensified as Trump picked New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s attorney and friend Chris Wray to run the FBI. “Kushner hates Christie for putting his criminal mosado dad Charles in jail when he was New Jersey prosecutor,” the sources note.
The Khazarians are of course literally fighting for their lives as their control grid continues to collapse. “House Republican majority whip (#3) Steve Scalise may have been shot because of his support of anti-child sex trafficking law as the battle against pedophilia escalates,” the Pentagon sources note.
The George Bush Sr. faction of the Khazarian mob is also still diligently working to eliminate the evidence trail by bumping off former senior associates. That is why former Panamanian Dictator Manuel Noriega and arms dealer/CIA asset Adnan Khashoggi were recently bumped off, Pentagon sources say.
The power elite in Washington DC is also in a deadlock because of MAB or mutually assured blackmail preventing the long awaited mass arrests of known criminals like Senator John McCain. The answer will probably have to be to remove the 70% or so of Washington DC politicians, both Republican and Democrat, who have been corrupted by drugs, pedophilia, bribes etc.
In Europe, meanwhile the German controlled Vichy regime in France run by Rothschild puppet Emmanuel Macron stole Sunday’s Parliamentary election to give his slave regime the appearance of popular support.
The French Rothschild regime is circling the wagons as Wikileaks of Hillary Clinton’s e-mail reveal to the world at large what this newsletter reported years ago and that is the fact the French overthrew the Libyan regime of Muammar Gadaffi because he threatened their control of French Africa with his plan to issue a gold backed Dinar.
In a sign the battle for Africa is far from over, the French staged robbery of gold mines in Mali came under renewed attack last week as a resort for ex-pats there was attacked.
Khazarian attempts to prolong their financial system by seizing gold are also continuing in many parts of the world.
In the Philippines, the US military helped President Rodrigo Duterte fight Khazarian hired Daesh mercenaries who were trying to seize gold in Marawai.
Also last week in the Island of Bougainville ten trucks filled with mercenaries were dispatched to try to capture White Dragon Society representatives, including this writer, visiting King David Peii II. The Bougainville Rebel Army stopped them by cutting down trees and shutting a highway after the WDS representatives were evacuated.
The French Branch of the Rothschild family, through their Rio Tinto Zinc corporation, are trying yet again to force landowners in Bougainville to sign over to them the rights to mine gold on the Island. The Rothschilds also do not want the world at large to know they are guilty of slaughtering at least 10% of the Island’s population. It is because of this history of slaughter and environmental destruction that the locals would rather fight another war than let those mass murdering war criminal back in.
We will write more about this and other related news in a special report to be issued later this week. Suffice it to say for now that the Rothschilds, especially the French branch headed by wanted criminal David de Rothschild, will not get their hands any of the huge gold supplies on that island.
In Japan, meanwhile, the Khazarian puppet regime of Shinzo Abe showed how insecure it was by passing an “anti-conspiracy” bill that gives the government power to arrest people for crimes they have not yet committed. This sort of acceleration of repressive measures was seen in Eastern Europe too in places like Romania just before the regimes there collapsed.
Sources in Japanese military and law enforcement circles say they will not obey criminal orders from the politicians to oppress the people despite the passage of this law.
In any case, right wing sources close to the Emperor say Abe is very ill and has been advised by his doctor to resign or else die within six months. However, Abe intends to die in office, the source says.
Japanese power brokers are waiting for the civil war inside the US government to end before they make any big changes here, multiple sources agree. So for now the old Rockefeller/Rothschild controlled regime remains in place here even though it has no support from the military or other armed groups in the country. However, behind the scenes, the Khazarians have already lost Japan as well as South Korea.
June 12, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Notice to readers
Because I will be off the grid in Bougainville this week this report was written three days earlier than usual and will thus not capture all the latest news
However as compensation there should be plenty of interesting stuff to report from Bougainville next week
The Khazarian mafia, still unable to comprehend their ongoing historic defeat, are fanatically trying yet again to start World War 3, multiple sources agree. The Khazarian mafia that has ruled humanity, or at least the West, for thousands of years is still clinging to power in Japan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, parts of Europe and in a section of the US power elite.
However, the balance of world power has now tipped decisively against them. That is why, facing final defeat, they will be trying very hard to start World War 3 in the Ukraine, the Middle East or North Korea in order to try keep in power and carry out their plan to wipe out 90% of humanity.
They are also clinging to the illusion they will somehow manage to remove US President Donald Trump from power and thus re-establish their control over the military industrial complex. Their lack of power in Washington DC was made evident last week when fired FBI director James Comey not only failed to provide impeachable evidence against Trump but also incriminated himself and the Democratic Party establishment. Comey did this by testifying that Obama era Attorney General Loretta Lynch asked him to lie about the fact Hillary Clinton was subject to a criminal investigation.
Comey also gave ammunition to the folk who say the Khazarians are not even human by saying he has had “a lot of conversations with humans over the years.”
Furthermore, his testimony revealed to the public yet again that Khazarian mafia controlled media outlets like the New York Times have been publishing outright lies, in this case about so-called Russian interference in the US Presidential election.
The Khazarian corporate media also showed how utterly foolish is has become by writing, in all apparent seriousness, articles about a so-called NSA leaker by the name of “Reality Leigh Winner.” “Reality Lie Winner” no doubt won a contest inside the NSA to produce the most outrageous fake news story.
It is no wonder that only 6% of Americans trust the corporate media any more.
The Mossad motto “By way of deception thou shalt make war,” failed to take into account the story about the boy who cried wolf. They have lied and deceived so much that nobody believes them anymore.
This is why their false flag events are starting to flop immediately despite increasingly hysterical story lines.
In the UK election, the false flag attacks in London had the opposite of their intended effect by turning voters away from Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May. May is now being forced to turn to the creationist fundamentalist DUP party in order to cling to power. The Khazarian mafia media is trying to portray her set back as a victory against Brexit. However, May’s opponent, Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn, has had 75% negative coverage by the same Khazarian media because he supports such things as 911 truth.
The Anglo Saxon people have revolted against Khazarian mafia rule.
The Khazarians are deluding themselves if they think that killing Donald Trump is going to end this revolt. US Naval Intelligence is reporting that a high level hitman by the name of Charles McCarry and his Pluribus International Corporation took a $150 million contract to kill Trump using female assassins. This “Sorcha Faal” Naval Intelligence Report is probably about 80% correct.
The Khazarians are targeting a lot of people other than Trump as well. Gnostic Illuminati Grandmaster Alexander Romanov has gone into hiding to avoid assassins. This writer too was told last week by an Italian TV journalist “I am surprised you are still alive, I keep looking in the papers for your obituary.”
What they do not realize is that at this point, killing someone like me would be like killing the kid who said the emperor had no clothes after he said it. It would have the exact opposite effect of what they would hope for at this point.
The Khazarians attempts to start World War 3 are also getting increasingly brazen and desperate.
Henry Kissinger last week tried to cash a $4.3 quadrillion bond by promising to give the money to the Asians in exchange for protection for the Khazarians, according to right wing sources close to the Emperor of Japan. The money would go to the AIIB, the BRICS bank and the Asian Development Bank as well as to the Khazarians, Kissinger promised, according to this source. The problem is that Kissinger is a mass murdering war criminal who has been using fraud even since the Nixon shock to maintain Khazarian control over the world’s money.
What the Khazarians control is known as the “Global Debt Facility,” and it is nothing more than a Babylonian debt slavery illusion being used to enslave humanity. Above the “Global Debt Facility,” which is based on nothing, lies the “Global Credit Facility,” that is backed by real assets, notably Asian gold. So, while the AIIB, the BRICS bank and the ADB are commendable institutions, they have no need to continue to function under Khazarian debt slavers. They will be fully supported by the new financial system.
This system is evolving through crypto-currencies, gold and through an ongoing real world economy boycott of fraudulent Khazarian financial instruments.
When Kissinger’s latest plot to get money failed, he and his fellow Khazarians tried to get their fellow Saudi Arabian Satanists to start World War 3 by threatening to invade Qatar. Donald Trump proved to the world he was not really in charge of the US last week by first praising the Saudi threats against Qatar in a tweet only to be forced to do a 180 degree turn around the next day by the US military.
Furthermore, the Turks immediately deployed troops to defend Qatar showing the largest military in the Middle East is controlled by Muslims and not by pseudo-Muslim Salafist Satanists.
Chinese military intelligence also informed the US about the Khazarian’s scenario for a war involving North Korea. According to this scenario, the ruling Kim family would be evacuated into Northern China prior to the war. The Koreans were then supposed to provoke the US into invading North Korea by staging a kamikaze style attack against US aircraft carriers in the region.
Once the Americans invaded North Korea, a major campaign to weaken their forces through attrition would begin. Towards the end, the North Koreans would set off nuclear weapons inside North Korea which the Chinese would publicly blame on the Americans.
The Chinese would then try to get support from Asian and European countries by acting as peace brokers and trying to negotiate an end to the war. The Chinese Northern District Army is one of the strongest in the country and is filled with warrior Mongols, Manchus and Koreans, the Chinese sources say.
Needless to say, the kibosh has been put on this scenario thanks to high level communications between the US and Chinese military and intelligence agencies.
The situation in Japan is also getting very bad for the Khazarians. Although the slave Parliament did manage to pass a law saying the Emperor would resign within 3 years, it will be game over for them before they ever get a chance to install a proxy Emperor. The vast majority of Japanese underground factions are all now ready to remove the Khazarian proxies. Representatives from the White Dragon Society have had meetings with heads of several of these factions recently and have agreed to form an alliance with the goal of once again making Japan and independent country for the first time since 1863.
Once Japan is liberated, then only Germany, France, Italy, Israel and Saudi Arabia will remain under Khazarian mafia control.
This might be a good time to remind the Jewish people that they never really escaped from Babylon and that the fall of the Khazarian mob will mean they will be truly free for the first time in thousands of years. The Israelis will be free to make peace with their neigbhours and rebuild their temple, just so long as they leave the Dome of the Rock intact. Also, they need to make it clear to the world the Temple will be dedicated to Yahweh and not Satan. There will be no human or animal sacrifices allowed at the temple.
Despite all the good news, however, final victory is not here yet and we can expect some nasty last minute moves by the Khazarians. The Summer Solstice on June 21st is their tradition time for holocausts or burnt offerings so we need to be especially diligent.
Have no doubt though, humanity will win.
June 5, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
This Saturday a delegation from the White Dragon Society, including this writer, will be heading to Bougainville in the Solomon Islands to meet with King David Peii II to discuss how to reopen the Panguna mine, which contains about $170 trillion worth of gold and copper. Furthermore, there are six other mine sites under the control of King David and his people on the Island meaning that many hundreds of trillions of dollars’ worth of metal can be made available to benefit the people and living creatures of the planet earth.
The total amount of money the OECD spent on development in 2016 was $142.6 billion, so if even a small fraction of the wealth of just one of the six sites was used, there would be at least 10 times more money available to help the poor and protect the environment than is now being spent.
The Panguna mine was developed by the Rothschild controlled firm Rio Tinto. However locals, angered at the pollution caused by the mine, as was at the lousy treatment they were accorded by the mine’s owners, seized control after a long war of resistance. Representatives of King David also claim the Rothschild owners of the mine were contemplating destroying the entire island in order to extract its mineral wealth. You can be sure, based on their track record, the Rothschilds were not planning to spend the money they hoped to earn from this to help the planet.
Representatives of Rio Tinto did not respond to multiple WDS attempts to contact them. If an agreement is not reached with the Rothschilds, the WDS will, if necessary, use as much weight of the world’s military as needed to help King David make the gold and other metals available, in an environmentally friendly manner, for the benefit of the planet.
One idea is to use mine tailings as landfill in order to create new land for living creatures so that the overall impact of the mining on the island will be to create more space for living creatures than existed before. The WDS will report more on the situation after a June 10-14th visit to the Island.
In any case, the Khazarian mafia has been suffering a stunning series of defeats in recent months as their planetary control grid collapses in increasingly visible ways.
Most importantly, but in a manner still hidden from most of the world, the Khazarians are running out of gold and most of the world no longer accepts their paper, which is not backed by anything but a rapidly evaporating group mind control mechanism.
Khazarian attempts to get gold in Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines and elsewhere in Asia are all being stonewalled, multiple sources agree.
Last week representatives from Citibank and US Ambassador to Indonesia Joseph Donovan promised Indonesian President Joko Widodo they would wipe out all of Indonesia’s external debt in exchange for 12,500 tons of gold but they left empty handed, WDS sources in Indonesia say.
The WDS sources add: “The Sultan of Johor, West Malaysia is involved in the attempt to extort the gold from Jakarta. He is claiming that the gold belongs to onlypaid] [his Royal family and this gives him the right to take it back from Indonesia, where is has been stored for the past 70 years or so. This allegation by the Sultan of Johor would mean that this could be part of the collateralized gold accounts, in which the Royal Families of Asia deposited their gold in Indonesia for safekeeping and Soekarno was mandated as M1".
Soekarno, as well as US President John F. Kennedy, were killed by the Khazarians in order to end their efforts to use this gold for the planet (We assume our readers know the history of this). Now the depositors of the gold are getting their revenge.
The Indonesian WDS sources adds that “I have a strong feeling that [Malaysian] PM Najib Razak is somehow involved in this, as he is a member of the Khazarian mafia.”
The Khazarians are still setting off terrorists attacks in London, the Philippines, Indonesia and elsewhere around the world in order to extort gold but, they are being systematically isolated.
The Bilderberg meeting of top Khazarian mafia servants that just ended on June 4th was a meeting of losers in the battle for the planet earth. At this first meeting since top Khazarian honcho David Rockefeller died, Rockefeller bagman Henry Kissinger continued his effort to become the new secret ruler of the planet earth. However, without gold and without Rockefeller behind him, Kissinger is just an old airbag.
The Rothschilds’ attempt to take full control of the planet following Rockefeller’s death was also dealt a huge blow as US President Donald renounced their Paris accords. “Trump exited the Paris accords in order to stop carbon trading and expose the global warming hoax of roth,” Pentagon sources explained.
Also, inside the Trump regime, “the Zionist-globalist-Goldman faction led by former Goldman coo Gary Cohn, and Jared Kushner were sidelined by the Paris exit as Trump cleans house,” they continue.
The Bush faction of the Khazarian mob is also in “full panic mode” as more and more of their crimes are being revealed, the sources add. Last week, the Pentagon sources say, Bush hitmen killed former Panamanian President Manuel Noriega to “prevent him snitching about CIA drug trafficking and corruption.”
There are also moves to arrest top Neo-con Bush operatives like David Petraeus, former NSA boss Mike Hayden and remove and arrest US National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, the sources say. The charges will be for illegally receiving and leaking classified information, they say.
The Rockefeller/Bush/Clinton US Khazarian mafia clan’s top henchmen are still struggling to keep themselves out of jail but they are clearly losing the power struggle in Washington DC.
There is also a huge power struggle going on now in China, according to Vietnamese sources. The struggle concerns Wang Qishan 王歧山 who is de facto number 2 in China’s power structure and is now the top Rothschild agent in China, the sources say.
The mystery man Guo Wengui 郭文贵
who was photographed recently with Jacob Rothschild and the Dalai Lama, and who is apparently now staying at Trump’s Mar A Largo resort in Florida put out a video (which was quickly removed from the internet) last week claiming Wang “has huge connections with Skull & Bones and Freemasons,” the sources say.
If Wang becomes Prime Minister and the official number 2 at the 19th Chinese Communist Party Congress this autumn, “then [Chinese President] Xi Jinping will be dead,” the sources say.
Wang’s power derives from huge amounts of money that he has recently mysteriously obtained and has been spreading around, they say.
These same sources, who have access to top level intelligence about China, say Xi Jinping “is in a very dangerous position.” “He can either try to continue communist rule, in which case other interest groups will try to get rid of him before his term ends,” the sources say “or if not, he can end communism like the Soviets did in the 90’s.”
The same sources say that another senior Chinese defector, Ling Jihua, has given the US “way more information on submarines, nuclear codes etc,” because of his opposition to Rothschild controlled Wang.
Even if these sources are wrong, there can be no doubt the Chinese situation will remain turbulent under the surface between now and mid-summer as jockeying for the next politburo, set to be formally announced in the autumn, continues.
There are also changes coming to Europe as top Khazarian mobster and German Chancellor Angela Merkel as well as Rothchild slave and French President Emmanuel Macron realize the consequences of the Trump regime saying they will no longer protect them from Russia. The result, after some initial huffing and puffing by the French and Germans, has been for both countries to suddenly start currying favour with Russia.
There has also been some sort of schism taking place in the Middle East with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE suddenly cutting off relations with Qatar. Qatar is home to the Al Jazeera news network and a huge US airbase. Qatar’s Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani apparently deviated from the official Khazarian line in the Middle East by saying nice things about Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah as well as Israel. The Saudis are now blaming Qatar for Daesh in an outrageous case of the pot calling the kettle black.
In reality, the fight is almost certainly related to the fact the Qatar has reached a pipeline deal with Russia and the Syrians to export its gas while the Saudis have not.
The result is that the Saudis too are now rushing to curry favour with Russia. So far, it seems, the Russians have invited them to spend their money in remote arctic regions.
May 30, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The split in the Western power structure between the meritocratic gnostic illuminati and the Khazarian bloodline families was put out for all to see during last weekend’s G7 meeting. For those who follow normal diplomatic protocol, the war of words at and after the meeting, between the Germans and the French on the one side and the British and the Americans on the other, was unprecedented in the post war era. US President Donald Trump, for example, called the Germans “very, very bad,” and threatened to stop importing German cars to the US.
He also failed to mention Article 5, the collective defense clause, in his speech to NATO, implying basically that Russia could just go ahead and march into France and Germany without worrying about the US. Without US help, Germany and France would fall to Russia in a matter of weeks.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, for her part, said “Europe must take its fate into its own hands,” after the summit and noted that Britain, with Brexit and the US, with Trump, were no longer reliable partners. The German slave, French President Emmanuel Macron, followed his masters’ orders by deliberately snubbing Trump and trying to hurt his hand during a handshake.
These sorts of shenanigans, as well as the civil war raging in Washington DC, prompted Chinese official media to comment that Western democracy “is crumbling.”
The overall tone of the article also lends support to NSA allegations that Chinese President Xi Jinping works for the Rothschilds because it adheres closely to the US corporate media lies about Trump and seems to predict Trump will be impeached over “Russia.” The Chinese, of course, are bitter about Trump because they invested heavily in Hillary Clinton and were promised Japan as a reward if she won.
What is really going on here in fact, is a split between countries still under Khazarian bloodline mafia rule and those who are moving towards meritocracy. In other words Merkel, who as Hitler’s daughter is a member of the Saxe-Gotha-Rothschild family, is circling the wagons for Khazarian bloodline rule in Europe even as the US shakes it off.
The UK and Canada, of course, retain symbolic bloodline rule but it is publicly supported there plus it is in the open for all to see; not hidden behind lies and murders as is the case in Germany, France, Italy and elsewhere.
Inside the US, meanwhile, the battle against the Khazarian rear-guard still holding out in Washingtion DC is nearing its final stages, Pentagon and agency sources agree. Zbigniew “it’s easier to kill a million than convince a million” Brzezinski “was sent to meet his master rocky [David Rockefeller],” the sources note.
Brzezinski’s death means that the main architect of the anti-Russian campaign of hysteria in DC is gone and that this campaign will start to wither. In fact the Washington DC elite are now in a state of sheer panic as word has been put out the so-called Russian who leaked Hillary Clinton’s e-mails was none other than Democratic Party staffer Seth Rich, who was murdered as a result.
The death of David Rockefeller means that his entire control grid, from the murder brigades to his Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission mind control outfits, is collapsing. That is the real reason for the panic.
Furthermore, the efforts by the Khazarian mass murdering Neo-con faction to regain control over the FBI, and thus internal policing in the US, were defeated when “Israeli dual-citizen Mossad agent Joe Lieberman” was blocked from being put in charge.
On top of this, Jared Kushner, the top Khazarian agent in the Trump regime, is in deep trouble, multiple sources agree. “Kushner may not just get fired but prosecuted,” the Pentagon sources say. Military police and Congress are both probing Kushner as well as Trump, Lockheed Martin, Goldman Sachs and former general David Petraeus for receiving or handing out kickbacks from the $400 billion arms deal announced with Saudi Arabia, they say.
Speaking about Saudi Arabia, perhaps now is a good time to look at the overall result of Trump’s visit to the main monotheistic power centers of Arabia, Israel and the Vatican to see what is happening in the bigger picture of things.
The first thing to note is that Trump’s call for an Arab NATO confirms the US and Russia have reached a deal over splitting control of the Middle East and its oil resources. In this split, Russia gets influence over Turkey and the revived Persian Empire that includes Iran as well as parts of Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. The US gets Israel, the Arab states of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Jordan and Egypt. For the Pentagon it means their private gas stand remains available to them to fill their war machines and their coffers.
The fact that Trump met the pope and that the conversation went better than expected also underlines the existence of a Vatican/Russian and US patriotic Christian alliance against the Satan worshipping Khazarians. It turns out that Pope Francis calls Lucifer God because, according to Catholic doctrine, Satan lost the title of Lucifer after his rebellion.
Trump also left a message to the Khazarians during his visit to Israel by refusing to let Israeli Prime Minister and leading Satanist Benyamin Netanyahu have a photo taken with him at the wailing wall, according to the Pentagon sources. The message was that the old city of Jerusalem is occupied territory that must be returned to Palestine, they explain.
Trump was also read the riot act about war when he visited the Pope, according to Jesuit sources. He was warned not to even think of using his so-called Arab NATO as an excuse to try to start World War 3 between the Arabs and the Iranians. Trump knows he will be removed from office if he tries, the sources say.
Melania Trump also made her allegiances clear during the trip by refusing to veil her head in Saudi Arabia or during a visit to the holocaust (burnt offering) museum but donning one for her visit with the Pope. In other words, her message was that the controlling force in the Trump presidency, as far as she was concerned, was Christianity and not Judaism or Islam.
Russian President Vladimir Putin also last week made it very clear that driving force of his regime was Christianity. At a ceremony consecrating a church that was built to mark the 100th anniversary of the 1917 Bolshevik revolution Putin said “this church is dedicated to the Resurrection of Christ, and to the new martyrs, in other words, to the memory of those who suffered during the years of anti-religious persecution and who died during this time of repression.”
Needless to say, the people behind the Russian suffering during the 20th century are same Satanists who are behind the war mongering Neo-cons who have done so much to turn the United States into the main source of world evil during the 21st century.
Overall, the Satanists are facing final defeat in the West so now the main battle ground against them is moving to Asia.
Here the Satanists attacked the Philippines with their ISIS mercenary army because Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has not only kicked out the Khazarians with Chinese and Russian help but he is also shutting down their drug dealing and pedophile operations there, the Pentagon sources say. Duterte “arrested 3,000 online child traffickers after meeting Trump,” they say. Maybe that is why the Khazarian Satanist controlled media released the classified transcript of a phone call between Trump and Détente.
The other thing still simmering in Asia, of course is the North Korean situation. Japanese right wing sources close to the Emperor are now saying that North Korea has long been working with Israel to “create Babylon 2.0” i.e. enslave the world to the Khazarians.
There is also a very intense power struggle going on under the surface both in China and Japan multiple political and underworld sources here claim. The media and part of the establishment in Japan is clearly on a campaign to remove Prime Minister Shinzo Abe by exposing no less than six separate scandals, mostly shady real estate deals, related to him.
A source close to Abe says he is very ill but is determined, if necessary, to die in office. Rothschild slave Finance Minister Taro Aso wanted to replace Abe but his main backer, LDP heavyweight Kaoru Yosano, was killed last week, Japanese right wing sources note.
Also, a right wing source says the person who recently met the Emperor to ask for the release of funds was not Rothschild servant Michael Greenberg, as reported by this newsletter, but was in fact former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency Michael Flynn, who the source claims, said he was sent by Henry Kissinger.
He left empty handed, he says. In any case, Kissinger himself will have to personally meet a member of the White Dragon Society to prove that he is still alive and is not just a computer graphic generated by an artificial intelligence.
In China, meanwhile, sources in the Shanghai, Guangdong and Taiwan factions of the Chinese underworld are all saying that a campaign to remove President Xi Jinping is under full swing. They say his unpopular anti-corruption campaign has just been an excuse to remove rivals.
The Chinese have also been accelerating their plans to escape from the Khazarian controlled Western financial system following the recent downgrading of China’s credit rating by Moody’s. The Chinese are behind bitcoin, according to Asian secret society sources, which is why bitcoin surged in value after the downgrade was announced. It was like the Chinese saying the rickety Khazarian owned Windows Vista based SWIFT international payments system was obsolete. The Asians now support gold-backed crypto-currency.
May 22, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The old guard that hijacked the world’s financial system is stubbornly refusing to cede control over the process of creating dollars, euros and yen to the people of the planet earth. This was evident when Rothschild lawyer and Mossad agent Michael Greenberg visited the Japanese Emperor last week to demand unlimited funds for him and his fellow Khazarian gangsters, according to sources close to the Emperor. Greenberg also claimed to be representing Henry Kissinger who is now back, together with Greenberg, on the high priority target list of known genocidal criminals.
The Emperor was furious at Greenberg and blamed him and his slaves, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Finance Minister Taro Aso, for blocking the release of funds meant for the people of the planet, the sources added.
This means that in order to start a new age and liberate the planet, a two pronged attack will be needed. One will be to continue to eliminate old guard genocidal leaders one by one until the Khazarian mob finally surrenders. The other will be to continue to build an alternative financial system, based on gold, crypto-currencies and non-Khazarian currencies until the old system withers at the vine and drops into the compost heap of history. This two pronged attack is already fully under way.
The big question mark now, though, is what to make of Pope Francis. Forensic research has shown that most of the so-called world leaders we see on our TV screens and in public are controlled by the P2 Freemason lodge via the Vatican bank and a network of professional assassins. In other words most world leaders, when offered a choice between silver (a bribe) and lead (a bullet), have taken the Vatican bank silver.
Pope Francis, who has incredible secret power at his disposal, has, on the one hand, been purging the Vatican of pedophiles and saying and doing nice things but, on the other hand, he has failed to change the system at a fundamental level by doing such things as declaring a real jubilee (cancellation of all debt etc.).
Which brings us to finally deal with some information we have had for a long time but were not sure what to make of, and that is the fact Francis has openly said his god is Lucifer.
What is the role of the Luciferians as US President Donald Trump, the nominal head of the Western military industrial complex, carries out his tour of the top monotheistic holy spots, Arabia (notice he was not allowed into Mecca), Jerusalem and Rome? The question is, is Trump on a trip to try to save the old regime (Lucifer?) or is he aiming for something more historic, like initiating the dawn of a golden age?
Pentagon sources say that while Trump was in Saudi Arabia this past weekend, apart from making a $350 billion arms deal, he asked the Saudis to please keep selling their oil in US dollars so as to prevent the collapse of the US corporate government and its petrodollar system. However, the “Trump Saudi trip may not have stopped them from selling oil for yuan and non-dollars or turning east,” the Pentagon sources say.
Trump sucked up to Muslim leaders in a speech where he promised:
“The United States is eager to form closer bonds of friendship, security, culture and commerce,” and that “We are not here to lecture—we are not here to tell other people how to live, what to do, who to be, or how to worship. Instead, we are here to offer partnership.”
Unfortunately for the US, the new humble, promise to be nice approach must have seemed like a long-term domestic abuser showing up with flowers and promising never to hurt their partner again.
Trump’s threats to Iran and baseless accusations against Syria in his speech only helped to underscore the fact that, despite the rhetoric, the US Corporate government is beyond any hope of reform. His failure to mention that ISIS was the creation of the Khazarian mob is another sign that his speech was far from sincere.
However, white hats inside the US are on the case. For example, Trump son-in law Jared Kushner (who believes non-Jews should be slaves) is “under an FBI Russian probe that may extend to his illegal bribes for the $110B Saudi arms deal [announced by Trump], acting as unregistered agent of Israel, and providing nukes to menace Iran,” Pentagon sources say.
Also, “special counsel former FBI director Robert Mueller may be fired or forced to probe 911 since he was involved in the cover up and was installed to run the FBI by [former President George W.] Bush one week prior to 911.”
In addition, “Israeli cyber command unit 8200 may have engineered laptops to hijack and crash airliners, leading to more US-Russian cooperation while [US top general Joseph] Dunford met NATO military chiefs to discuss same.”
Plus, inside the US, the FBI is under-going a major purge of purge of cronies of former director James Comey, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, Pentagon sources say. As a part of this all files and tapes from Comey’s office were seized, they say.
Furthermore, James Comey as well as former close associates of Clinton like Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin are negotiating to turn states evidence against Hillary and against the pedophile network in Washington DC, they say. In turn, Clinton is expected to rat on her bosses which may finally bring down the “deep state,” [Khazarian mob] the sources say.
Our own long term investigations have shown that the trail will eventually lead to Rome and the P2 Freemason lodge as well as to the BIS and the ancient bloodline families that control these institutions.
This brings us back to self-confessed Lucifer worshiper Pope Francis. Is he just a nice figurehead hired hand leader for the Satanists? Are the monotheistic faiths and the ancient bloodlines that have secretly controlled them for millennia going to reach an accommodation with the rest of the world?
So far, in a genuinely mysterious manner, lighting has struck the Vatican and Mecca. Is something overdue to hit Jerusalem?
In any case, Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia, Israel and Rome will either be a last minute marketing effort by the old regime trying to survive or it will mean real fundamental reform in the monotheistic world. Will the old bloodline Satan worshipping families finally come out, tell the truth and ask the world for forgiveness? We could know more by end of the month but don’t hold your breath.
The Khazarian mob is also still stirring up trouble in the Ukraine, the Middle East and elsewhere, although admittedly on a much smaller scale than before. The latest trouble has been in Indonesia where paid mobs are trying to stir up religious riots, according to White Dragon Society sources in Indonesia. The financial trail behind the paid rioters leads to the Khazarian controlled Freeport McMoRan mine and it is clear the staged riots are just an attempt to grab gold, the sources say.
Here is a report from the Indonesia WDS source about the situation on the ground there:
“The latest update is that the FPI radical Islamists, ‘who are financed by the Soros organization and its affiliates,’ as I have been informed by my local intel contacts, turned over 2 buses belonging to the Dayaks with the passengers still inside, as they were parked on the side of the main road in Pontianak city…
This is a Khazarian Zionist cabal operation… to divide the people of Indonesia, then step in and take over the show… I was also informed that ‘there are numerous westerners with white skin, wearing dark sun glasses, who are mingling in with the Dayaks, while they take photos and videos.’
In any case, as the old Arab saying goes, “the dogs bark but the caravan rolls on,” and the inevitable planetary changes are continuing to unfold regardless of what the Khazarians or the cabal monotheistic leadership do.
The military leadership asserting control in Russia, the US and China have more or less figured out what will happen to the Middle East, North Korea and the Ukraine. They will also continue to make sure that any and all attempts by Khazarian religious fanatics to start World War 3 and Armageddon will fail.
So now, in the real world, the future of India/China relations is expected to be the next big geopolitical issue that will need to be addressed. India finally raised its geopolitical hand recently by boycotting China’s One Belt One Road bash earlier this month. Ostensibly this is because OBOR calls for a major transportation route through territory India disputes with its neighbor and rival Pakistan. Basically though, India feels jealous and neglected as China basks in the geopolitical spotlight.
The fact is that India is definitely going to be the next big super-power and may one day rival and even exceed China. Take a look at the maps and charts in the following links to see why:
The first one shows that in terms of population, China with 1.4 billion people is closely followed by India with 1.3 billion. More importantly, as the second chart shows, 41% of India’s population is under 20 and growing quickly while China’s population is rapidly aging and headed towards shrinkage. India is also experiencing fast economic growth meaning its economic clout will soon match its demographic clout. The next phase will be Africa which has a rapidly growing population of 1.2 billion people.
What all this means is that while East Asia and the West have been negotiating a new global architecture, the rising powers of Africa and India will need to be accommodated into this in a fair manner if we are to avoid future troubles
May 15, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
A North Korean peace deal, a Ukrainain peace deal and a resolution of Middle Eastern problems, including the Israeli/Palestinian issue are all being negotiated behind the scenes, multiple sources agree. This is why US President Donald Trump will be going to Israel, Saudi Arabia and then Rome starting on the 24th of this month, the sources say.
Trump himself told Fox TV that after these meetings he would go to “the big conference of our countries that are going to help the world.”
(Comment can be heard at the 25 minute 10 second mark)
The details of the peace deal with North Korea are yet to be negotiated but sources close to the talks say North Korea will be offered a guarantee of sovereignty and security in exchange for publicly giving up its nuclear weapons program. Of course this will only be a face saving gesture since, in secret, North Korea will be allowed to keep its nuclear deterrent, the sources say.
The pending North Korean peace accord is definitely related to China’s massive one belt one road (obor) infrastructure initiative since a peace accord in the Korean peninsula would allow for the construction of a tunnel linking Japan to the Eurasian mainland. Construction on this tunnel has already begun, Japanese government sources admit
The presence of delegates from the United States, South Korea, Japan, Germany, the UK and France at China’s big obor gathering this weekend shows Western resistance to this project has ended. The fact Chinese President Xi Jinping stopped in Alaska on the way back from his recent summit meeting with Trump, means it is a pretty good guess a deal has been reached to make a tunnel linking Alaska to the Eurasian landmass.
Already, freight trains are going from London and Germany to China, cutting the travel time for goods by half and lowering costs as well.
These new land freight routes are one of the reasons the Baltic Dry Index remains stuck at a very low level since overland travel is both cheaper and faster within Eurasia. It will not be too far in the future before it will be possible to take a train or ship goods by train from New York to London via China and Russia. An underground high 3000 kilometer per hour vacuum tube rail tunnel linking London and New York is also expected to go into operation, sources in the US secret space program say.
The Chinese are also hoping to once again become inventors of world changing technology like the compass, gunpowder, paper and printing. Chinese President Xi Jinping says the Chinese are investing vast sums to create breakthroughs in the areas of AI, nanotechnology, quantum computing and “smart cities.”
This massive Chinese initiative may well be dwarfed by a Western initiative being secretly negotiated that will release trillions if not quadrillions of dollars for a massive campaign to, as Trump put it, “help the world.” This campaign could easily end poverty, stop environmental destruction and launch a new era of space exploration and colonization, among other things.
The Western inventions that could be released include free energy, faster than light travel and next generation 3d printers that could create “practically anything out of thin air,” according to NSA sources.
To understand how much the Khazarian mafia has hindered human progress recall how, in the 1990’s, the United Nations came out with a plan that called for the elimination of poverty and environmental destruction by the year 2000. The plan estimated poverty could be ended with just $200 billion and environmental destruction stopped for just $400 billion.
Instead though, the Khazarian mafia staged 911, continued its hijack of the world’s financial system and spent trillions and trillions of dollars on its plan to kill 90% of humanity. The money was spent on wars, on spreading bio-warfare agents like SARS and Ebola and on paying farmers to grow fuel instead of food so as to start mass starvation.
That means that before a plan to turn this planet into a paradise can be carried out, some mopping up of final pockets of Khazarian Satanist resistance is still head of us.
Here is what our Pentagon sources had to say about this: “The [FBI Director James] Comey firing was 110 days overdue, and begins the war with the deep state as the Clinton Foundation, Obama, Pedogate and the DNC will be aggressively prosecuted by the Department of Justice.”
“Comey may be indicted for obstructions of justice in letting Hillary walk, trying to bribe a Russian hacker to frame [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, and refusing to probe wiretapping of Trump and other VIPs,” the Pentagon sources continue.
Also, Japanese imperial family and CIA sources both confirmed that Hillary Clinton was in fact the daughter of David Rockefeller. Since Bill Clinton was the son of Winthrop Rockefeller (according to these sources) we see now how Satanic bloodline inbred rule is hidden with new surnames. “The death of David Rockefeller has given people the courage to come forward with information like this,” the imperial family source said.
The sudden appearance of Henry Kissinger with Donald Trump in front of White House photographers last week may have been a sign Kissinger has been singing a song about his long time slave masters the Rockefellers. A Kissinger envoy did tell the White Dragon Society that Kissinger was a longtime Soviet agent going by the code name Bor and that he always resented how David Rockefeller humiliated him.
In any case, Kissinger is apparently using all his old connections these days to try to negotiate final peace deals around the world so, for now, he is being taken off the wanted list.
This sort of exposure of bloodline rule is likely to expand to include other hidden Rockefeller power centers like David Rockefeller’s grandson Mark Zuckerberg and his Facebook sheeple control grid.
The clean-up will gather momentum as more Khazarian mob lackeys are removed from the US security infrastructure.
After Comey, the next domino to fall is expected to be National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster who “may be fired, demoted and court-martialed for sharing classified info with convicted felon [David] Petraeus,” and stacking the National Security Council with Petraeus cronies, Pentagon sources say. The sources say they were the people behind the big last minute push by the Satanists to start world war 3 either in Syria or North Korea.
Of course the Khazarian agents in Washington DC are freaking out and talking about impeaching Trump. The (satirical?) e-mail from a CIA agent quoted below sums up the whole show in DC quite well:
“In an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, Donald Trump boasted that, if he is impeached, the television ratings will be higher than those of any other impeachment in history. “Everywhere I go, people tell me that if I am impeached, they’re going to watch it,” he said. “The ratings are going to be through the roof.” He said that he expected his impeachment ratings to be “many, many times” the size of the audience for Bill Clinton’s impeachment, in 1998.
The cartoon gets better and better – The lawyers who wrote a letter saying Trump has no significant business ties to Russia work for a law firm that has extensive ties to Russia and received a “Russia Law Firm of the Year” award in 2016.”
There can be no doubt the Russians indeed, along with most of the rest of the world, are cooperating in removing the Khazarian filth from power. That is why there is a lot of pressure being applied on the Khazarian Satanist nest in Israel. Here China, Russia and the United States are all insisting Israel must accept a two state solution with the Palestinians, the Pentagon sources say.
Furthermore, top US General Joseph Dunford is in Israel this week to force the Israelis to comply with Russian initiated de-confliction zones in Syria and elsewhere, the sources say. In other words, they are to cease and desist with their Daesh trouble making.
There are also big moves taking place under the surface in Japan too. Japan’s largest gang, the Yamaguchi Gumi, has now split into three factions, representing three dominant personalities, sources in all three factions confirm. Only one of those factions, the weakest one, is still sub-contracting for the Khazarian mafia.
However, if a deal can be reached on North Korean amphetamine distribution (through legalization and regulation), that final faction will also cut its links with the Khazarians. This will clear the way for a total change in Japan’s power structure because the Khazarians will lose all enforcement agents they have here.
Already, all attempts to place Khazarian slaves, like French Rothschild agent Taro Aso, in power in Japan are being stopped. Aso has been pushing hard for him, together with Ichiro Ozawa, to be placed in power in Japan just in time to catch the massive funds that are expected to be released, according to Japanese right wing sources. However, yakuza gangsters from Aso’s home district of Kyushu say he is evil and no longer has their support.
The Khazarians, desperate for gold, are also trying to cause trouble in Indonesia. Indonesian intelligence service sources say:
“The current upheaval in Indonesia between Christians and Muslims is financed by Western powers, who are attempting to destabilize the country. This is a result of the Jokowi government NOT complying with the Freeport [McMoRan mine] director’s demands. They are attempting to circumnavigate the mining laws of Indonesia”.
The upheaval they are referring to is multiple attempts by Khazarian controlled oligarchs connected to the murderous former Suharto regime to overthrow democratically elected and popular President Jokowi, the sources say,
In any case, until this is over, we can expect some continued Khazarian trouble making in the Ukraine, Indonesia, the Middle East, Japan and elsewhere.
May 8, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Despite an ongoing pretense that nothing happened, it turns out the US corporate government based in Washington DC and registered in Puerto Rico really did go bankrupt last week. The bankruptcy of Puerto Rico is different from something like the bankruptcy of Detroit because Puerto Rico is a fully owned DC subsidiary and so the parent company must take the fall. This was why the Chinese Finance Minister suddenly cancelled a meeting with his Japanese and South Korean counter-parts last week because of a “financial emergency.”
This was also why the British Royal family held an emergency meeting last week at Buckingham Palace and then announced the retirement of Prince Philip.
Both emergency meetings had to do with the cashing of Super Petchili or Lung-Tsing-U-Hai bonds backed by Chinese gold and held by many members of the world’s royal families, according to a senior bank source. To be exact, according to this source, in exchange for resigning, Prince Philip was allowed to cash his Petchilis meaning the British Royal Family now has in its hands enough money to totally transform the planet.
If so, then this means Canada is now in a position to ask creditors of the bankrupt United States Corporation for financing of a leveraged buy-out of its operations. The result would be an end to the never ending insanity and criminality emerging out of Washington DC.
We will look deeper into this further down because, in terms of how this will affect the planet, this under the radar move is far more important than the French Presidential election. This was stolen by the Rothschild’s on behalf of their slave Emmanuel Macron with a in your face, Satanic 66.06% of the vote.
The French election was really a German/Russian proxy war over the control of Europe. US naval intelligence reports that German troops were sent into France prior to the election to while Pentagon sources say Russian troops were sent into Serbia at around the same time.
As things stand now, Hitler’s daughter Angela Merkel has repeated her father’s accomplishment of conquering France, this time through stealth rather than through open warfare.
Regardless though, Japanese military intelligence is now saying that defeated French presidential candidate Marine le Pen was in fact the daughter of a Mossad agent. What this means is that the Rothschilds would have won the French election even if she had become president. The battle for France has by no means ended, since a majority of the French viewed the election as “having to choose between plague and cholera, between the fascist dictatorship and that of the bankers.”
The evidence of Macron’s tax evasion and other criminality exposed by hackers just before the election will not go away and criminal prosecution followed by a real French revolution is still in the cards.
In any case, the election theft in France does not change the fundamental reality that France is bankrupt along with Italy and Spain and that Germany is their main creditor, meaning these countries were stealth conquered via finance. The proxy competition between Germany and Russia over influence in Europe is now moving East.
On that front the Russians sent at least 150,000 troops “to defend Serbia and stop Daesh heroin and hashish operations in the Balkans,” according to Pentagon sources. The Russians are also there to stop a Khazarian mafia greater Albania project, the sources continue. Apart from securing a new distribution route for Afghan heroin, the Khazarian greater Albania project is also about stealing trillions of dollars’ worth of mineral resources, according to Serbian intelligence sources. The Russians are now stopping this resource theft and ethnic cleansing of Christians by the Khazarians.
Overall, it appears as if the Germans and the Russians jockeying to establish their respective zones of influence in Europe.
The war against the Satan worshipping Khazarians is also now looking to expand into something involving all of the monotheistic religions. This was first seen in early 2016 when Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church had the first meeting between the heads of these two churches in 1000 years. Last week Pope Francis went to Egypt to meet the top Muslim clerics there to get their support against the Satanists and their Daesh army.
Now US President Donald Trump is going to visit the Vatican, Israel and Saudi Arabia at the end of this month. These are the respective top holy lands of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, the worlds’ three main monotheistic religions. Is something big related to monotheism about to happen? Does this have anything to do with the emergency financial meetings in China and among the British royals? Stay tuned.
The de facto bankruptcy of the US Corporation may have forced its president, Donald Trump and the establishment behind him, to take a more forceful stand against Khazarian Satanists, White Dragon Society sources say. That is why Trump agreed to Russian, Iranian and Turkish proposed no fly zones in Syria including the Israeli occupied Golan Heights, Pentagon and Mossad sources say.
The Israelis are freaking out right now because they are being forced by the rest of the world to give up their illegally seized lands and make peace with the Palestinians. What is different this time is the US is no longer unconditionally backing up their anti-social behavior.
The Pentagon brass have also forced Trump to sign on to plans to fight the Khazarian attacks against Christians in Africa and the Middle East.
The situation with North Korea was also defused when Trump’s chain was jerked and he “was forced to say that he would meet with fat boy [Kim Jong Un],” Pentagon sources say.
The Rothschild plan to replace Kim Jong Un with a fake puppet has been stopped thanks to a cooperative effort between Western and Asian secret societies, according to secret society sources. Their plan to put French Rothschild puppet Taro Aso in as Prime Minister of Japan has also been stopped, Pentagon sources say.
There are also signs some sort of secret agreement has been reached between the US and China on the South China Sea. Japanese military intelligence is saying the US has said it will recognize Chinese control over the disputed Islands known as Senkaku by the Japanese and Tiaoyutai by the Chinese. In exchange for this, the Chinese have agreed to turn a blind eye to the US opening a new naval base on Indonesian islands near the Straits of Malacca, Pentagon sources say.
This development has prompted the Japanese establishment to seek greater independence from the US, Japanese right wing sources say. One manifestation of that was a public call by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for Japan to rewrite its US imposed constitution. The Japanese are also now increasing their contacts with Russia in order to counter-balance the threat to their independence posed by the growing US/Chinese friendship, Japanese and Russian sources say.
Another very interesting development showing US/Chinese cooperation was the fact China decided to give a company called Frontier Services Group (FSG) two operational bases in Xinjiang and Yunnan provinces that are at the heart of China’s vast, One Bridge, One Road high-speed rail, port and energy pipeline infrastructure project. FSG’s Chairman and CEO is none other than Erik Prince, founder of the now-defunct and notorious Blackwater Security.
It seems the Chinese took the WDS advice that it’s cheaper and safer to feed a guard dog than it is to fight a hungry wolf. There is also going to be a lot of work made available to unemployed mercenaries guarding Asian infrastructure projects in Africa and elsewhere for sure.
Overall, the evolving friendship between the world’s great powers means that all transnational criminal war mongering can be ended on this planet now.
The proposal for a Canadian buy out of the bankrupt US Corporation could help speed up this process enormously. Think about it, while the US has been engaged in almost non-stop warfare since the end of World War 2; Canada came up with, and helped enforce, the idea of stopping war with peace-keeping troops.
Canada’s know how would also be useful in cleaning up two of the biggest US problems, its disastrous healthcare system and its crime problem. Canadians spend about half as much as Americans do on healthcare and yet live longer.
Also, the US murder rate, for example, is 23 times higher than the Canadian murder rate even though Canadians also have access to guns. As a bonus, many Americans would be able to start spending their summers at cottages in Canada.
Canada would also be able to help with the establishment of a truth and reconciliation committee for the US government so that good people involved in a criminal establishment will be able to start afresh. Former US President Bill Clinton, who is apparently close to death, is apparently setting the example by making confessions to clear his conscience before he leaves this world.
The battle of evolution is not won by the lion that is fighting, it is won by the lion that is back in its cave making love. That is why the WDS supports the hippy saying “make love, not war.”
May 1, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Humanity’s war to free itself from Satanic Khazarian mafia rule is heading towards final victory but some tough final battles lie ahead of us. The month of April saw a major offensive by the Satanists on many fronts but, despite causing much nuisance, their efforts to either start World War 3 or else regain control of the world’s financial system failed.
Nonetheless, high level intrigue continues in Europe, East Asia, the US the Middle East and elsewhere. In the midst of all this, the US Corporate government was able to avoid bankruptcy and kick the can down the road for a few more months or, until the high level power struggle ends.
One of the most intense secret battlefields last week was Japan. NSA and CIA sources in Asia both confirm that leading Satanist Leo Zagami and his goons were in Japan seeking, among other things, to stage a sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway system to blame on North Korea. That probably is the real reason Japan temporarily shut its subway system last week “in response to a North Korean missile test.”
Gnostic Illuminati Grandmaster “Alexander Romanov” also went into hiding last week to avoid what NSA sources warned him would be an attempt on his life by Zagami and his goons. Zagami did not respond to these allegations by the time this newsletter went public.
The other thing going on in Japan is that cars carrying members of the Japanese royal family have come under attack in several incidents in recent days, according to right wing sources close to the imperial family. These attacks were meant to intimidate the Emperor into using his seal to allow large denomination bonds to be monetized, the sources say.
These bonds included “super Petchilis that were used by the former Republic of China to build that countries’ infrastructure,” according to US Defense Intelligence Agency sources. The last person to show me a super Petchili was Leo Zagami.
The other group stirring up trouble in the Far East these days is the French branch of the Rothschild family, multiple sources agree. The French Rothschilds are the main instigators of the recent efforts to provoke a battle between the US and North Korea.
That is because the French Rothschilds want to replace North Korean strong man Kim Jong Un with a fake Kim Han Sol controlled by them. That is why they recently staged the murder of a man they claimed to be Kim Jong Nam, the elder half-brother of Kim Jong Un and father of Kim Han Sol.
Chinese government sources, Japanese military intelligence and Asian secret society sources all confirm the Kim Jong Nam recently killed in Malaysia was not the real deal and that the Kim Han Sol who appeared on U-tube shortly after the supposed assassination was also a fake. The real Kim Jong Nam and son are at a safe location in China, the Chinese sources say.
The Rothschilds are trying desperately to get their hands on gold to avoid bankruptcy and, as a result of this, they lust after the gigantic gold and other mineral deposits in North Korea. That is the real reason they want to place a proxy of theirs in charge of that country, the sources say. Now we can understand why all the sudden escalation of threats against North Korea.
There is also a strong push to place Rothschild agent Taro Aso as Prime Minister of Japan, the Japanese right wing sources say. Since Aso is married into the French branch of the Rothschild family, an Aso regime would allow this family to reassert their rule over Japan.
White Dragon Society sources say they believe neither Rothschild man Aso nor Rockefeller agent Ichiro Ozawa should be allowed anywhere near the Japanese Prime Minister’s office. Aso is also the person responsible for seizing all of the revenue from publishing this newsletter, which is an ongoing nuisance that we are dealing with thanks to cash donations.
There was also a lot of intrigue involving US President Donald Trump, Chinese President Xi Jinping and a Chinese Rothschild agent by the name of Guo Wengui. Guo has been working as a hatchet man for Xi Jinping helping him purge rivals inside the Chinese government, according to Vietnamese sources. The sources sent the following two pictures of Guo, one with Jacob de Rothschild and another with the Dalai Lama.
Guo is also a member of Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago resort in Florida where Trump and Xi recently had a summit meeting. Guo is now being sought by the Chinese government on bribery charges and is wanted by Interpol.
Asian secret society sources reacted to this information with the following comment: “We want to create a new future and a new age. If the Rothschilds of the old structure agree with us, we believe in mutual prosperity but, we will never serve under them. If Xi Jinping works for the Rothschilds, then we will withdraw our support for him.” The society also reiterated its goal of a “one world” united in friendship.
The intrigue around Trump and Xi Jinping is connected to ongoing efforts to cash large denomination Chinese gold backed bonds, a DIA source says: “These Chinese bonds are the key to returning Chinas gold that has been held by the Federal Reserve since the 1930’s.
The Chinese are using the prosperity funds to pay for the bonds which will then free up the vast stores of Chinese gold. If the cabal had gotten its hands on a large cache of these bonds it would be disastrous for creating a new currency backed with gold.”
The DIA source also notes that multiple attempts were made last week to release vast funds into the financial system.
“This all occurred in [Washington] DC while Trump met with the NSA and Pentagon while the CIA and FBI were trying to hold secret meetings all week in New Zealand with their counter parts in the crown countries, Britain, Canada, New Zealand and Australia; the NSA chief wasn’t invited to New Zealand and I don’t know if Navy intelligence was represented there or not,” the source says.
The DIA source notes there appear to be two competing factions at work at the highest level of Western power. The existence of these factions was also confirmed in news reports about the selection of a new head of the Knights of Malta. The Knights of Malta are, on the surface, a charitable organization but, since many top Western military and intelligence agency brass are knights, in reality it represents an apex of Western military power.
In any case news reports say the 72 year old Italian Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto was elected as an interim leader. The reports agree Dalla Torre was a compromise between competing British and German factions in the order.
“The order has been wracked by internal struggles over leadership involving Vatican intrigue and financial misdeeds, revealed by a recently leaked internal document showing Albrecht von Boeselager, the recently reinstated Grand Chancellor caught in a condom distribution scandal, was actively conspiring to depose [former Grandmaster Mathew] Festing, who stood in the way of an unethical financial deal that would’ve financially enriched von Boeselager and the Vatican,” according to Christine Niles, M.St. (Oxon.), J.D. • ChurchMilitant.
Knights of Malta elect new leader as Vatican seeks to bury feud
The Knights of Malta elected a new leader in Rome on Saturday in a bid to end a bitter internal feud that led to Pope Francis’ personal intervention in the ancient Catholic chivalric order.
So once again we see attempts to cash high denomination bonds going on at the highest levels of world power. It is a pretty good guess Zagami and his Satanic faction of the P2 Freemason lodge were operating behind these scenes here too.
Nuclear brinkmanship and attempts to start World War 3 are all linked to these efforts to cash these bonds and thus grab control of the world’s financial system.
No matter what Pentagon sources are saying they have seized control of US foreign policy from the Zionists and war-mongering Neo-cons. “The military takeover of Trump was completed when the military was given carte blanche and he was forced to tell 100 senators no war with North Korea or any state without a formal declaration of war, making this virtually impossible,” the sources say.
“[US Defense Secretary James] Mattis, [top general Joseph] Dunford summoned all Senators to the White House to tell them foreign policy has been outsourced to the military, not Israel, and to neutralize the [Jared] Kushner, [Paul] Wolfowitz, [David] Petraeus, H.R. McMaster neocon faction,” the sources continue. These sources say Dunford’s April 2nd trip to Iraq with Mossad agent Jared Kushner was to “keep the enemy closer.”
A former 2 star marine general has also been put in charge of the Secret Service “to ensure no assassination by the deep state or Mossad,” they say.
Also they say “Israeli whore UN ambassador Nikki Haley may have been blackmailed by her adultery, and may be reined in by [US Secretary of State] Rex [Tillerson] and removed from the NSC and Trump even hinted that she may be fired.”
Trump was also forced to back down from extorting money from South Korea under the pretext of deploying Thaad missiles because of Vatican opposition, they say. Furthermore, the sources note, the “Thaad missiles may not work as advertised.”
Pope Francis also publicly rebuked factions trying to start World War 3 by noting that a war between the West and North Korea (i.e. East and West) would “destroy everything.”
Pope says war between North Korea & the West could ‘DESTROY EVERYTHING’ as tensions rise
The leader of the Catholic Church said “humanity today would not be able to withstand” a potential war between the two countries as “everything” could be …
Sources in the illuminati and other power centers agree and confirm that no efforts to start all out nuclear war will be allowed. In other words, this time, a revamp of international institutions will take place through negotiation, not through a world war. In these circumstances the White Dragon Society has offered its services to help find a win win compromise between East and West.
April 24, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Although hard experience has taught me not to fixate on particular dates, multiple independent sources are all saying something huge might happen on May 1st. In the corporate propaganda media this is the day when a US government shut down will happen unless the debt ceiling is raised.
It is also the day when Puerto Rico, a wholly owned subsidiary of the US corporate government, is expected to go bankrupt.
Sources in the CIA, the gnostic Illuminati, Japanese military intelligence and the Pentagon say this is the day when the world has a fighting chance to permanently shut down the US corporate government and re-establish the Republic of the United States of America known popularly as “the gold ole USA.”
The White Dragon Society is lobbying the US corporate government’s main creditors, Japan and China, to not grant the corporate government any more extensions as long as they remain under Khazarian mafia control. They are being told the controlled demolition of the US corporate government would end financing for endless wars, Daesh, false flag terrorism, the spread of bio-weapons etc. etc.
The Khazarian mafia has become what can only be described as institutionally insane in recent days as the bankruptcy deadline looms. Recent attempts to start World War 3 in Syria and North Korea are being followed up with repeated threats of nuclear and bio-terror and such insanity will no doubt continue until they are permanently put out of business.
It is no coincidence that a new head of the Knights of Malta will be selected on April 29th, just before the US Corporation’s bankruptcy deadline. The Grand Master of the Order, Mathew Festing, was fired recently by the pope ostensibly in a dispute over condoms.
However, sources in Japanese military intelligence, the Italian P2 Freemason Lodge and MI6 all confirm the fascist faction of the Knights of Malta, headed by Festing, was deeply involved in the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror attack against Japan. The self-described Satanist Leo Zagami, who sent this writer e-mails threatening to sink Japan into the sea immediately after Fukushima, also claimed to be a leader of the Knights of Malta.
As a side note, a friend recently visited Fukushima with a Geiger counter and was unable to detect anything other than normal background radiation.
In any case, The Knights of Malta, ostensibly a charitable organization, are the oldest military order in the Catholic Church and the fascist faction of that order has been secretly responsible for controlling world leaders through a combination of bribery, threats and murder. In other words, they have been one of the main the enforcement arms of the secret world government. They have also exercised strong influence over the US military as many top brass are Knights of Malta.
So, an election involving 60 knights will in fact have a decisive influence over the future of the planet, especially the USA.
In a related development, international fugitive Henry Kissinger contacted the WDS las week to say that he had cut off his ties with David Rockefeller a long time ago because Rockefeller had “publicly humiliated him.” Sources in the CSIS, claiming to be messengers for Kissinger, say Rockefeller repeatedly had Kissinger serve tea and act like a waiter in front of world dignitaries.
However, Kissinger was captured by the KGB in the 1960’s, was tortured and converted into a KGB agent going by the code name “Bor,” before he entered President Richard Nixon’s cabinet, these sources are saying. Since that time Kissinger was not really working for Rockefeller, these sources say.
The now masterless Kissinger claims he now promotes, along with the Rothschilds, a campaign to release vast sums of money to help the planet, these sources are suddenly saying.
It seems like the WDS recommendation to concentrate firepower on the CSIS hit an important nerve. We shall see if anything happens on May 1st as these people promise. However, as a general rule, we must never trust these snakes so, do not count on them suddenly changing their stripes on a certain date. We have to keep pressing the attack until they move aside.
To this end, it is worth noting that George Bush Sr. checked himself into hospital to avoid arrest last week. This happened at around the same time former president Barack Obama was released on conditional custody in Chicago after he blabbed everything he knew about the Bush/Clinton drug operations. With David Rockefeller, Pope malevolent and others down, Bush Sr is the last big domino standing. Let us see how long he holds out.
Pentagon sources are also saying “It is no coincidence that [Chinese President] Xi Jinping stopped by Alaska and met the governor on his way back from the Trump summit April 7 after the Syrian Tomahawk strike and then Russian bombers buzzed Alaska from april17-20 and may continue to do so.” The message seems to be the US mainland is not invulnerable to a joint Russian Chinese invasion via Alaska.
In any case, these moves will be more important, for example, than the widely watched French Presidential election. In this election Emmanuel Macron a 39 year old Rothschild banker who nobody had even heard of until very recently supposedly won the first round. However, CIA sources say “The French Presidential elections are rigged for sure.” They point out that Macron has never been elected to public office and was highly unpopular.
The report at the link below notes he “spent a couple of years as a shoe-in economy minister under [Francois] Hollande where he proposed a ‘labor’ law that bears his name that hundreds of thousands protested against and had to be forced through by executive decree and with a manifesto slightly less bland than his personality”.
Whether or not he will Macron will be allowed to steal the election on May 7th and become President of France, thus prolonging the Euro, depends on what happens in the US on May 1st and the secret Knights of Malta election on April 29th, WDS sources say.
Clearly though, as with the sudden 180 degree turn around by US so-called President Donald Trump, the Khazarian mafia is pulling out all the stops to try to stay in control of this planet.
However, just keeping Khazarian mafia servants in place in the West is not going to be enough since Asia now controls most of the world’s money.
To this end, Vatican servant and US Vice President Mike Pence was in Asia last week to try to drum up financing for his corporate government masters. In South Korea, he failed to get his hands on any gold so he made empty threats to North Korea and scuttled off to Japan, Japanese military intelligence sources say.
In Japan, according to multiple sources in the Japanese government, he asked for, and was refused, money so he told Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe he must resign in June and hold a general election or else be arrested. For now the Japanese establishment is going along with this while it waits to see how the overall battle raging above their heads ends.
Then Pence went to Indonesia where he met with some of the world’s most unsavory characters, sources in Indonesia say. A Reuter’s headline simply describes Pence’s visit as a business success that scored “major deals worth $10 billion.”
In fact though Pence was distributing Federal Reserve Board fiat dollars in an attempt to regain control of Indonesia via some very nasty puppets, sources in Chinese military intelligence and in the CIA agree.
This was seen by the election, through various dirty tricks, of Anies Baswedan, as Governor of the Capital Jakarta.
The person who gave a victory speech in lieu of Baswedan was none other than Prabowo Subianto, the former son in law of mass murdering former Indonesian Dictator Suharto. Subianto is the Khazarian mafia’s choice to replace the incumbent Jokowi as President of Indonesia, the sources agree.
Subianto was captured by East Timorese rebels in the early 1990’s after he and his special forces had massacred hundreds of unarmed villagers, according to a source close to Subianto. The source says the rebels castrated him as punishment. That is why Subianto subsequently divorced Suharto’s daughter, according to this source.
Now we have him showing up with seemingly unlimited funds, working hand in hand with Daesh mercenaries, trying to destabilize the very popular government of Jokowi. The real aim, of course, is to once again establish a Khazarian puppet regime in Indonesia so that the Khazarians can get their hands on some gold to keep their control of world finance intact, WDS sources in Indonesia say.
There are also some new developments in the Middle East, following the visit to the region last week by US Defense Secretary James Mattis. First Mattis went to Israel where he told the Israelis to get out of the Golan Heights and to stop bombing Syria, Mossad sources say. He told them the US military, together with Egypt, would only help to remove Daesh mercenaries operating in the Sinai Peninsula, the sources continue.
Pentagon sources say that in Saudi Arabia “Mattis called for a UN-brokered end to the Yemen war because the US military wanted to wind down its activities there.” The US military has been fighting there to help the Saudis but only because they need Saudi oil for their various machines, the sources say. This oil has now been promised to them even if they stop supporting the Saudi regime, WDS sources say.
Also “a panicked King Salman sent his younger son as Ambassador to the USA to deal with 911 lawsuits and other scandals,” the Pentagon sources note. The Saudi royal family, just like the Japanese and British royal families, know there is a vacuum at the top of the world’s power structure and that their fate depends on how it is filled.
On a final note, 61 year old US top general Joseph Dunford ran the Boston Marathon on April 17th in 4 hours and 50 minutes.
“This is a message to all patriots to take back America on patriots day,” Pentagon sources say.
April 17, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Now that Donald Trump showed his true colours as a Zionist (Khazarian mafia) sleeper agent, he is becoming increasingly isolated and is guilty of provable war crimes, Pentagon, CIA and other sources agree. “Trump is toast,” was how a CIA source described the situation.
Trump has been pushed by his Zionist handlers into trying to start World War 3 because these religious fanatics still think they are somehow going to start a war between “Gog” and “Magog,” kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. To this end Trump ordered an attack on a Syrian airbase where Russian personnel were stationed. That is also why Trump tried to start a war with nuclear armed North Korea last week.
The situation with North Korea was designed by the Zionists to provoke to ultra-macho antagonists, North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump, into a situation where neither man could back down without losing face. The North Koreans said they had a right to test missiles etc. any time they want, especially on the 105th anniversary of the birth of their country’s founding father Kim Il Sung. Trump said, “if you do that we will attack.”
So, a face saving solution was engineered with a missile that blew up immediately after launching. The North Koreans were able to claim they went ahead and did their test despite Trump’s threats. The Zionists were able to hint they sabotaged the test with unspecified secret weapons. The important point being that Zionist attempts to start World War 3 failed yet again and will continue to fail.
These provocations are just one sign there is something undeniably dysfunctional going on with the Trump presidency. A few weeks ago Trump was invoking President Andrew Jackson and hinting about nationalizing the Federal Reserve Board. Now he is saying FRB chief Janet Yellen can have another term in office.
He also turned from provoking the Chinese and accusing them of being “currency manipulators” to brazenly sucking up to them and denying they manipulate their currency.
These flip flops may be connected to the arrival of yet another bankruptcy deadline for the United States Corporate Government, in this case the expected Bankruptcy of the US Corporation’s Puerto Rico subsidiary on May 1st. Despite efforts to paint this as a municipal bond type problem, this could trigger a domino effect that finally takes down Zionist central in Washington D.C.
Sources close to the Japanese emperor say the arrival in Tokyo this week of P2 Freemason lodge and Vatican representive US Vice-President Mike Pence, as well as long term Rothschild agent and US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross was for the purpose of trying to get money from Japan to kick the can down the road yet again for the US Corporation.
There is also a group calling itself the “Goldman family” that is trying to convince the emperor to either cash fake bonds with astronomical numbers on them or else place their man Ichiro Ozawa as Prime Minister of Japan, the sources say. Neither of these things is going to happen, the sources add.
While it is certain the Republic of the United States of America will get continued support from the rest of the world, the Zionist owned US Corporation will not. The entire planet is sick and tired of their anti-social and criminal behavior. The signs of this are everywhere to be seen now.
Getting back to Donald Trump, last week after trying to start World War 3 he was forced to say “We are not going into Syria.” He has also been denied a meeting with the Pope, during the G7 meeting in Sicily scheduled for May 26th and 27th, a sure sign he is isolated, Pentagon sources say.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was also recently denied a meeting with the Pope, yet again exposed himself as a Zionist slave last week when he talked about North Korea sending Sarin missiles to Japan.
“Israel has been exposed as behind the false flag Syria sarin attack, along with former CIA boss [John] Brennan, [John] McCain, H.R. McMaster working for their Saudi and Israeli masters,” Pentagon sources note.
“Zionist bad boy Jared Kushner may be under counter-intel investigations for his ties to bibi [Benyamin Netanyahu], Russia, George Soros, Goldman Sachs, Heinz Kissinger and Rupert Murdoch,” the sources add.
This article about Trump’s Zionist handler Kushner shows his real agenda:
It notes Kushner’s “involvement with the college-based Chabad was a particularly important part of his resumé-building” and that “The Chabad Lubavitch sect is an extremely radical organization that espouses dogmatic end-time prophecies that are overwhelmingly favorable to the Jewish race.” Kushner is also almost certainly a Satanist because why else would be pay 3 times the previous price to buy a building with the address “666.”
Japanese military intelligence, for their part, say the real source of the problem is the Satanist controlled CSIS think tank in Georgetown University and suggest taking out that institution as a short cut to ending world terrorism.
For now though, Goldman Sachs is the one that is being targeted, Pentagon sources say noting that “Goldman made a huge bet so it could rake in profits from higher oil prices and got busted with no invasion of Syria.”
Trump is also guilty of war crimes for his attack on Syria since he attacked a sovereign nation without Congressional approval or approval of the United Nations. “Violating the War Powers Act is an impeachable offense,” CIA sources note.
The pretext for this illegal attack, a supposed Sarin attack by the Syrian government, has now been fully exposed as “a complete fabrication.” An interview with Syrian President Bashar Assad by the French AFP newswire was widely quoted in corporate media outlets like CNN, Bloomberg, Reuters etc. and makes clear even to the few remaining Zionist cool-aid drinkers out there that the entire Daesh, Sarin terrorism etc. business is run by Western powers. The interview can be read at this link:
The West was not supposed to represent perpetual war, false flag attacks, fake news, terrorism, drug dealing etc. The West I grew up in, and represented by my father as a Canadian diplomat, is supposed to stand for world peace, democracy, human rights, free press, ending poverty, protecting the environment etc. This is what it will revert to once the terrorist sponsoring Zionist or Khazarian beast is finally put down.
Pentagon sources note the “Big three [China, Russia and the USA] are cooperating on North Korea, Syria, the Ukraine and Daesh to usher in the global currency reset.”
Part of this effort is a continued campaign to cut off the supply of drug money to the Zionists (ie Khazarian mafia). To this end they say a “CIA complex in Afghanistan was nuked to stop drugs trafficking.” US troops were also sent to Somalia for the first time since 1994 last week to “stop Daesh and Israeli infiltration of East Africa,” the Pentagon sources say.
It is also worth noting that Khazarian efforts to keep up the fake cold war with Russia are fading and that the G7 refused to impose any sanctions on Russia despite Zionist inspired efforts to make this happen.
Instead, the fact that Easter came on April 16th for both Western and Orthodox Christianity is a sign a new age of peace and prosperity dawns.
The key to this is to remove from Khazarian hands their last, and biggest, source of power, that being their control of the process of creating US dollars, Yen and Euros out of thin air. Heinz Kissinger is the man with the master codes that allow this currency magic to take place which is why he is the most hunted man on earth. If he is not killed or captured, then the system needs to be shut down and rebooted.
Rest assured the bad guys like Kissinger are all being taken down. George Soros, John Kerry, David Rockefeller, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton etc. are vanishing from public view.
Now we have also had the first of the long awaited arrests of US government officials on charges of treason. In this case, former Hillary Clinton State Department employee Candace Marie Clairbourne was indicted on treason charges, that is to say taking bribes from the Chinese to provide them with US state secrets. Prosecutors say this will be “the first of many” who will be brought to justice.
Removing the rot from the system is vital but we also need work on fixing the planet. To this end, the White Dragon Society will hand deliver a letter next week to a person (not Kissinger) who has the key to start the concrete, here now, process of turning this planet into a paradise. We hope to hear a positive response.
However, changing the direction a planet is moving in is like turning a super-tanker around at sea. It has to be done in such a manner as to not tip the ship over. That is why we are not giving any specific dates for an announcement. We are sure though, that the good guys are winning and humanity will be liberated.
April 10, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia made a fatal miscalculation last week when they blackmailed US president Trump into becoming their slave zombie, Pentagon and other sources agree.
The Satanists posted videos of opium poisoned babies being murdered by doctors and used that as an excuse for Trump to order an illegal missile attack against Syria.
However, the real reason Trump ordered this illegal attack is because he is being blackmailed by the Satanists with a video they have of him murdering a 12 year old girl named Mary, Pentagon and CIA sources say.
Pentagon sources say the “Syria strike was done with advance notice to the Russian military for minimal damage while creating backlash and mass protests nationwide to fire Trump [Satanist] Khazarian handler Jared Kushner and purge the neocons.”
In case you find it hard to believe Kushner is a Satanist, you might ask yourself why he bought the building 666 Fifth Avenue that housed a company called Lucent Technology that was developing micro-chips to be implanted into humans, ie the mark of the beast.
Kushner is now an official target and is not expected to remain long on this planet, CIA and agency sources say.
In any case, another major reason the desperate Khazarian “cabal routed and launched the Syria strike was because Russia won the energy war when the EU dropped its opposition to the Nord stream 2 gas pipeline to Germany,” the Pentagon sources say.
The other thing to note about the attack on Syria is that it was timed to help the Khazarian Satanic Daesh mercenary army try to retake the temple of Baal (Molech, Set, Satan) in Palmyra. This attempt failed.
Now that Trump has been turned into a Satanist zombie the Satanist general David Petraeus has taken over the US National Security Council, the Pentagon sources say. His flunky, H. R. McMaster, is now the National Security Adviser for Trump and is planning to send 150,000 US ground troops to invade Syria, the sources say.
“This won’t fly with the Joint Chiefs of Staff so were will be more shake ups,” the sources continue. Needless to say, sending 150,000 US troops to Syria would start World War 3 and lead to the death of 90% of humanity and the destruction of the Northern Hemisphere, so it ain’t going to happen folks.
The Israelis are also somehow deluding themselves that the US air-force will build a giant airbase in Syria now that that the Satanists heroin smuggling operations at Turkey’s Incirlink airbase have been shut down.
What we are witnessing is a desperate, battle of the bulge type offensive by the Satanists occupying the government of Israel.
“Hezbollah, Syria and Iran may be heavily rearmed by Russia to seize the Golan Heights since red lines have been crossed with tomahawks and Coptic church bombings on palm Sunday,” the Pentagon sources say. Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon are joining with Russia and the US military to force the Israelis, the Saudis and their mercenary armies to stop their illegal never-ending war-mongering, multiple sources agree.
Despite the fireworks in the Middle East, however, the decisive action is taking place now in Japan and North Korea, CIA, FSB, Japanese military intelligence and other sources agree.
Satanic slave Donald Trump’s decision to order a carrier group to North Korea is connected to his orders for a nuclear attack on North Korea to take place on April 27th, according to Japanese military intelligence.
When Xi Jinping visited the US last week, Trump asked him why China did not crack down on North Korea. Xi explained to him that North Korea and Northern China were under control of a military group that he had no ability to influence, Japanese military intelligence sources say.
Pentagon sources, for their part say “Xi avoided the White House and the trappings of a state visit because Trump may not last long with his being blackmailed to serve Israel.”
That is why Trump had a hissy fit and ordered the aircraft carrier to North Korea to send a message to China and North Korea. No matter what though, “Trump will not be allowed to wage war,” Pentagon sources promise.
The real reason for Trump’s wish to attack North Korea has to do with the fact the Khazarians are about to lose control of Japan, their main cash cow (earning them over $2 trillion a year), now that drug and energy income is drying up, White Dragon Society sources and other say.
The reason is that the death of David Rockefeller has created a massive power vacuum at the very top of the Japanese power structure. The WDS and its allies have identified Japan as the key to permanently ending Khazarian mafia power worldwide. While there are an estimated 1 million Khazarian Satanists in the US, in Japan there are less than 1,000 of them.
If the CSIS Japan headquarters near Tokyo Tower, the Bank of Japan and the Prudential building in Akasaka, Tokyo were occupied, that would end Khazarian control of Japan. This would bankrupt them and in turn would cause their entire planetary control grid to crash and burn.
In any case, we can confirm that Japanese power broker Ichiro Ozawa has now given up his claim that he is the new boss and that he has permission from Henry Kissinger to unify North and South Korea plus Japan and Malaysia to form a new country run by him.
Now there is another would be controller of Japan by the name of Takao Nashimoto running around telling everybody he is in charge. In fact he gets his orders from the Japan Foundation run by Ryohei Sasagawa. Sasagawa, for his part, gets his orders from the CSIS and the P2 Freemason lodge, P2 sources confirm.
The WDS attempted to contact new Freemason Grandmaster and CSIS boss Ralp Cosa last week but have received no answer so we may have to go knock directly on his door. Cosa knows that, if it comes down to a fight, he and his goons are outnumbered by about 1000 to one so, hopefully, he will yield peacefully.
If necessary, the gnostic illuminati, for their part, say they are willing to destroy Rome if that is what it takes to free humanity from Satanic Khazarian mafia control.
In a related development, Kissinger protégé K.T. McFarland was fired last week from the US NSC and sent as US Ambassador to Singapore. Singapore is regional CIA headquarters for Asia and so McFarland may be trying to carry out an Asian gold grab for her master Kissinger.
Meanwhile, back in the US, “the assault on the FRB continues as Richmond Fed president Jeff Lacker was forced out, while computers and codes to create fiat currencies were be seized to launch a global currency reset,” Pentagon sources say.
Japanese military intelligence are saying that physically occupying the US Federal Reserve Board, the Bank of Japan and the EU central bank would be meaningless unless Henry Kissinger is captured and forced to hand over the master codes for creating dollars, Euros and Yen. That is why an all-points bulletin has been put out for the capture of Kissinger. If he can be captured and forced to hand over the codes, then quadrillions of dollars can be made available to finance a new age.
Japanese royal family members say that while a royal family committee has traditionally put its seal on requests to create new money, they always did so under orders from Kissinger, Rockefeller and the Khazarian mob. They are still too afraid to take independent action until they can confirm that Kissinger has been captured, the royal family sources say. That is because Kissinger has ordered the murder of many post-war Japanese prime ministers and politicians, they say.
Kissinger was last reported to be hiding in an Antarctic base and special forces are on their way to get him as of this writing.
On a final note, let us explain what will happen once the WDS and their allies win the battle for the planet earth. Our group plans to:
April 3, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The power vacuum left by the death of David Rockefeller has created a situation that, if not diffused, will lead to civil war in the USA and Japan, CIA, Pentagon and Japanese military intelligence sources say, The situation has reached the point where US military might march on Washington DC to do battle with the drug dealing faction of the CIA, Federal Reserve Board stooge politicians and their hired guns, the sources say.
In Japan, meanwhile, the split is between US controlled forces based around the puppet government in Tokyo and nationalistic plus North Korean linked forces strongest in the Osaka region, Japanese military intelligence sources say.
The de-facto abdication of the Japanese Emperor Akihito has created a power struggle over the Japanese throne, right wing sources close to the imperial family say. The Japanese right-wing block has been thrown into turmoil over revelations that Akihito was not the real son of Emperor Hirohito and was a proxy for David Rockefeller, they say.
That is why a huge battle is raging over the succession with one group pushing for Crown Prince Naruhito, while other factions are pushing for a replacement of the foreign influenced imperial family that has ruled since Meiji times, the sources say.
The three legged crow secret society based in Kyoto, along with the Nichiren Buddhist sect, the Taiwanese and the North Koreans are pushing for such a fundamental change, they say. One candidate they are pushing for is Naoshi Onodera, a rival claimant to the throne, the sources ad.
The establishment in Tokyo behind the current imperial family also has worries about Prince Naruhito, the sources say. His wife, Princess Masako, is a member of the Sokka Gakkai Buddhist sect and for that reason she refuses to take part in the Shinto ceremonies that are an essential part of an Emperor’s job in Japan, they say. Masako is also the daughter of Hisashi Owada, a Rockefeller crony, they note.
However, the current establishment is still willing to go along with Naruhito if he promises to carry out the various Shinto ceremonies without Masako at his side they say. Otherwise they would look for a successor within the current ruling family, presumably Prince Fumihito who has a son and heir, they say.
The group pushing to keep the current family in power is also arguing that it is the institution, not the actual bloodline, that matters.
The Japanese politician Ichiro Ozawa, for his part, has been travelling around Asia saying that Henry Kissinger has anointed him and that once Naruhito takes the throne he will unite Malaysia, North Korea, South Korea and Japan into a single country under his control, the Japanese right wing sources say. What Ozawa and the Japanese old establishment slave politicians fail to realize is that Kissinger has no power and that they are all destined for the trash can of history.
North Korean strongman Kim Jong Un, meanwhile, is in such a funk about the situation that he is permanently high on amphetamines and sleeping in a different location every night worried about being taken out by US drones, Japanese military intelligence sources say.
Traditionalists, meanwhile, are saying there is a need to go back to the way things were before Western imperialists turned Japan into a secret colony during the 19th century. They want complete independence from Western influence for the region, Asian secret society sources say. This something the CIA and the US military are not likely to accept.
In any case, the arcane battle over the Japanese imperial family has worldwide repercussions. Apparently, at the very peak of the existing financial system, the representative of the oldest imperial line, that being the Japanese one, has control over the final seal that allows for the creation of new money, the imperial family sources say.
Now that David Rockefeller and his imperial proxy are out of the picture, the chaos accompanying the collapse of the post-war order presided over by Rockefeller has reached a point where former US President Barack Obama has been arrested by US military police, Pentagon and Japanese MI sources say.
Obama’s so-called black house or anti-trump headquarters was also set on fire, the sources say. Obama, upon arrest, began naming his bosses in the drug dealing faction of the CIA, the sources say. As a result, a plane containing Afghan heroin and North Korean amphetamines was impounded at Argyle International Airport on St. Vincent and the Grenadines in the Caribbean, the sources say.
The money raised from this drug flight was intended to be used to finance the operations of Daesh (formerly known as ISIS), the sources say. This impoundment follows the capture of an Obama linked ship containing 4.2 tons of cocaine, the sources note.
Since the detainment of Obama, the authorities have been systematically intercepting drug shipments into the US. Last week 16 tons of cocaine were seized and a major heroin ring was busted.
The information provided by Obama on the drug money financed Daesh mercenary army has also led to US military actions against them in Yemen, Somalia, Nigeria and Libya, Pentagon sources say.
Donald Trump also seems to have shown he is ready to take action against the pharmacidical corporations as well with a tweet honoring world autism day. It is rumored his son Barron turned autistic after receiving a tainted vaccine.
The US administration is also signaling a break with the Khazarians by having Trump boycott the March annual meeting of the AIPAC lobby, Pentagon sources say.
The Rothschild Khazarian faction also suffered a major defeat when their plan to merge the London Stock Exchange with the Deutsche Borse was nixed by the EU, Pentagon sources say.
This loss of Rothschild as well as Rockefeller plus Bush/Clinton power means control of the apex of the current US dollar/Euro/Yen Western financial system is at stake. In theory, with the right people in charge, a new Emperor under the current Western financial system could authorize the issuance of trillions or quadrillions of dollars to finance a new age, multiple sources agree.
The Freemasons, whose worldwide network support this ancient system, elected Ralph Cosa of the Jesuit and Vatican linked CSIS
as their new Grandmaster on March 25th, the Japanese imperial family sources say. It is not clear yet what Cosa plans to do but we will try to contact him and find out more for our readers. We assume it is world peace and the start of a golden age.
Needless to say, as more and more people around the world become aware of the nature of the current financial system, they wonder if it should not be modernized and put under more transparent, democratic control. Since the financial system is the true source of power on this planet, the battle over its control is in essence a battle for control of the planet earth, its living creatures and its future.
The Americans rallying behind the US military and Donald Trump would like to nationalize the Federal Reserve Board and put it under control of democratically elected officials.
However, since the United States is bankrupt, if the Trump regime nationalized the FRB without consulting the people who finance the US (mainly China and Japan), it would, in a worst case scenario, lead to a halt in US trade and the end of salary payments to US forces deployed around the world. This, in turn would lead to war and the death of 90% of humanity and the destruction of the Northern Hemisphere.
That is why there is so much at stake in the summit meeting this week between Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Pentagon sources say “Trump also had his wings clipped” prior to the summit “as his son in law Jared Kushner was forced to kill the $400 million deal with Chinese insurer Anbang because of National Security fears this would turn him into a Chinese asset.”
Chinese secret society sources admit the Chinese invested a fortune in a Hillary Clinton presidency and were sorely disappointed when she lost so, it seems, they are trying to catch up now by buying the good graces of people in the Trump administration. To this end, a Chinese industrialist said the Chinese were going to offer to build many manufacturing hubs in the US in order to improve their relations with the Trump regime.
In any case, Russian Patriach Kiril, Queen Elizabeth, Pope Francis, the Trump people, together with the Asian elders, now have a chance to fundamentally improve the post-war system. This would make it possible to once and for all end the terrorist and genocidal activities of the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia.
Furthermore, if a deal can be reached, trillions if not quadrillions of dollars (yuan etc.) can be made available to finance a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and set humanity on an exponential path of expansion into the universe in harmony with nature.
Massive investment could also be made to make immortality possible for all those desiring it. We can literally turn this earth into heaven if a deal can be reached for a golden age of peace.
March 27, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Last week somebody hacked into my computer so that the video at the link below started playing as soon as I turned it on. It purports to show the destruction of the Black Night Satellite that many people in US intelligence agencies like the NSA insist has been stopping humans from leaving the planet earth.
This news coincides with announcements by NASA of age reversing pills and faster than light travel technology that will allow us to go to visit newly discovered earth like planets.
CIA sources are also saying a secret presidential order was given to release free energy technology as well as existing anti-aging technology.
The only thing that is blocking humanity from this future of immortality and exponential expansion into the universe is now a small group of people clinging to control of financial computers at the Federal Reserve Board, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank and the BIS. These computers need to be physically seized in order to allow the issuance of unlimited funds to let humanity spread its wings and fly.
The individuals who have been forensically identified as blocking the funding for a new age are Janet Yellen at the Fed, Mario Draghi at the ECB, Haruhiko Kuroda at the BOJ and Agustin Carstins at the BIS. Special Forces need to go and seize these individuals and occupy the computer centers at the central banks ASAP in order to ensure the liberation of funds for the planet earth.
If these computers and the parasites who control them are removed, multiple sources in various charitable foundations are saying that not just trillions but actual quadrillions of dollars could be released to finance an end to poverty and environmental destruction as well as research into immortality and unlimited expansion into the universe.
The battle against the controllers of the Babylonian debt slavery system these central banks oversee is continuing towards final victory. Former US President Barack Obama has vanished from public view and is probably undergoing interrogation.
Also last week the body of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s long term associate Vincent Foster was exhumed and was found to have two bullet holes to the back of his head meaning the cause of his death was changed from suicide to murder. Pentagon and CIA sources say this finding will lead to the Clintons being prosecuted for murder.
The death of the big Kahuna, David Rockefeller, was also formally announced last week by his family. CIA sources say Rockefeller was kept in stasis in a vegetative state for months at an Antarctic base before the family finally gave up and announced he was no longer with us.
When this writer was first informed by the Japanese authorities of a plot by the Western elite to kill 90% of humanity through disease, starvation and nuclear war, they handed me material showing that Rockefeller sat at the head of the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission and other top groups of Western power brokers. Thus he was a prime suspect as the originator of this fiendish plan.
However, when I actually met Mr. Rockefeller I had the impression that, deep inside, this man thought he was doing good for the planet. The question that upcoming truth and reconciliation investigators need to answer now is how was how his vision for a united planet earth in harmony with nature got distorted into a nightmarish genocidal plan.
The forensic trail that started with Rockefeller led to George Bush Sr. and his Nazi faction of the Khazarian mafia. These were the people linked to 911 and the Nazi take-over of the United States in 2001. From there the trail led to P2 lodge in Italy and the worshippers of the black sun.
Since then the White Dragon Society, the Pentagon and agency white hats and their Asian allies have systematically dismantled the top ranks old Western power structure. It started in 2013 with the resignation of Pope Maledict, followed by the abdication that year of Queen Beatrix of Holland, Sheik Al Thani of Qatar, King Albert II of Belgium and King Juan Carlos of Spain in 2014.
Then the Clinton/Bush faction lost power in the US last November and are being pursued for their crimes. Now the Japanese Emperor has announced his abdication and his secret controller David Rockefeller has died. Queen Elizabeth of England and King Carl Gustaf of Sweden remain on the throne because they were not part of the genocidal plot, CIA sources say.
The abdications and loss of power of these high level people has exposed new, previously hidden layers of the world power structure. Japanese imperial family sources point to the mysterious Cabot family in Switzerland (the controllers of North Korea’s Kim Jong Un among other things) and their high ranking bagmen with names like Eisenberg and Rosenberg.
The battle to liberate the planet earth now rages most fiercely in the US and Japan as hold-outs of the New World Order struggle to remain relevant.
In Japan, Henry Kissinger has been giving orders to the politician Ichiro Ozawa to ensure continued cabal control of South Korea and Japan, the royal family sources say. Ozawa has been telling people here that he and Kissinger are now the heads of the committee of 300. Unfortunately, some people in the power structure still believe them. However, the truth is that they are both now ronin, or masterless Samurai destined to wander without purpose.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Japanese Finance Minister Aso Taro, for their part, are on the verge of being removed from power since their Bush/Clinton bosses have lost power in the US. Abe went to Europe last week where he tried to meet the pope but was denied an audience meaning his days in power are numbered.
Japanese finance bureaucracy types are pushing for Aso to be the next Prime Minister but Aso is detested by the Japanese military and police because he has been taking bribes in exchange for selling Japan’s water resources to his French Rothschild masters.
The Jesuit run CSIS has been trying to put Aso in power because Japan is an important money machine through its secret budget. Japan’s official government budget for 2017 is 97.45 trillion yen. By contrast its secret budget is worth over 250 trillion yen.
This budget comes from things like taxes on gasoline, alcohol and tobacco that generate revenue that is not subject to scrutiny by the Parliament. Of that 250 trillion yen, 200 trillion (about $2 trillion) “goes to the Americans,” and 50 trillion to the finance minister, the royal family sources say.
The CSIS people in Japan as led by Henry Kissinger wish to preserve this secret Japanese revenue stream at all costs now that their boss David Rockefeller has passed away, the sources say. The US military white hats should stop Kissinger et al and redirect this revenue stream towards more beneficial goals.
Whoever is behind the CSIS is also behind FBI head James Comey and Vice President Michael Pence’s secret efforts to oust Donald Trump, CIA sources say. It now appears it was Comey who was helping Barack Obama illegally eavesdrop on Donald Trump when he was running for president.
There are also disturbing signs that US President Donald Trump is in way over his head in the battle against the controllers.
This was shown by his defeated attempt to pass a health care reform act that utterly failed in any way to deal with the criminal gang that has established a parasitical hold on US doctors and the American people. The graph in the article in the link below shows in red how much American blood-money these people are leaching,
Until we see raids on the American Medical Association headquarters and the mass arrest of Pharmacidical company executives, US healthcare costs are only going to go up while the American people’s health and longevity are going to keep going downhill.
The US military and white hats are doing a better job outside of the United States these days. Pentagon sources say. Their war on Daesh took on a new financial dimension last week with the banning of laptops in planes originating from Daesh sponsoring countries like Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation Council, the sources say.
The Israelis, for their part, have been forced to withdraw their fake Muslim Daesh army to Lebanon as Israel finds itself under serious threat from multiple fronts, Mossad sources say. Israel was also exposed to shame last week after Mossad was identified as the source of fake bomb threats to Jewish community centers in the US, the Pentagon sources say.
The Khazarian Nazis in the Ukraine were also dealt a huge blow when a nuclear weapon was set off in their ammunition dump, creating massive explosions and depriving them of vital weapons supplies, the sources say. A video of the explosion can be seen at the link below.
The Pentagon sources are now saying they expect some sort of end game to the battle for the planet earth around July. The “[Chinese President] Xi [Jinping] Trump summit in April is to set the stage for a Trump [Russian President Vladimir] Putin summit in July to end conflicts in Syria and the Ukraine and impose a two state solution on Israel so that the global currency resent can happen,” the Pentagon sources say.
March 20, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The Satan worshipping cabal suffered crushing defeats last week on all fronts multiple sources agree. The biggest news is that US President Donald Trump announced last week that the cabal owned United States Corporation founded in 1861 has been replaced with the Republic of the United States of America that was founded in 1776. For details on this see here:
That is why the talk of US government functions shutting down on March 15th as the US $20 trillion debt limit was reached failed to materialize. The debt belonged to the Corporation, not the Republic. The Corporation has been declared bankrupt and the debt null and void, multiple sources agree.
That is because United States Corporation Secretary of State and slave to Corporation top shareholder David Rockefeller Jr. Rex Tillerson failed in his effort to get funding for it in Asia last week, Asian secret society sources say.
Japanese imperial family sources say Rockefeller bagman Henry Kissinger showed up with Rex Tillerson and both threatened the Imperial family in a failed effort to get them to cash a bogus 4京(kei) yen (40 trillion dollar) World Bank bond so that they could keep the US Corporation going and place their flunky Ichiro Ozawa as Prime Minister of Japan. Ozawa is despised in Japanese government circles and will not be allowed near the Prime Minister’s office so the request was denied, Japanese right wing sources say.
However, the US military is determined to get rid of current Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Finance Minister Taro Aso, who blocked the deal, because they are desperate for funds to keep their international operations going. That is why they are flooding the Japanese media with stories exposing Abe’s scandals. Abe represents a faction of extreme right wingers who wanted to start a war with China and so is definitely tainted goods as well and will likely be removed.
There are ongoing discussions over exactly who to replace Abe with and the White Dragon Society is recommending the relatively clean and competent Hideo Higashikokubaru as an interim Prime Minister who would represent the consensus of the Japanese bureaucracy and other power brokers. Asian secret society sources, for their part, say there is no alternative to Abe at present and so he must be given a new script to read. The discussions are ongoing.
The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers also tried to keep themselves from going bankrupt by taking over North Korea. North Korea is the location of a vast treasure of precious minerals and other underground resources located around the sacred Korean Paektu Mountain, the Asian secret society sources say.
It can now be confirmed that the French Branch of the Rothschild family staged an assassination of a fake Kim Yong Nam in Malaysia recently so as to discredit Kim Jong Un and remove him from power. They hoped to replace him with a fake eldest son of Kim Yong Nam (Kim Han Sol) who they hoped to present as the legitimate heir to the Korean throne.
The Asian Secret Societies were not fooled one bit by this and were told it was the Rothschilds, not the CIA, who were behind this failed plot, White Dragon Society sources say.
Rex Tillerson, for his part, publicly threatened last week to take over North Korea by military force on behalf of his Rockefeller masters. “Rex can bark all he wants for Rocky, but no war will be allowed on the Korean Peninsula,” is what Pentagon sources had to say about that.
There may be war in the Middle East though, in order to take down the Satan worshippers occupying the government of Israel, Pentagon sources say.
To force Israel to make peace US top general Joseph Dunford met last week with King Abdulla II of Jordan to cement an alliance against Israel, Pentagon sources say. As a result “Israel is now surrounded by a military coalition of Syria, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Iran and Turkey as the Big 3 [China, USA and Russia] force it to make peace,” the sources said.
Faced with this situation, Israeli Prime Minister and Satan worshipper Benyamin Netanyahu flew to China on March 19th to seek protection from paramount leader Xi Jinping. Pentagon sources predict “Bibi will also get no love from Xi who may demand a stop to Israeli attacks on Syria, a return of the Golan Heights, a two-state solution for Palestine and ISIS defeated so China can rebuild the Middle East and promote Eurasian integration.”
The Saudi Royal family is also in China seeking protection after failing to get asylum in either Japan or Indonesia, WDS sources say. While in Japan an obviously fake “King Salman,” who looked much younger than the real King and who was not senile like the real king, was paraded in front of the TV cameras. What this means is the real King is dead and Americanized Prince Muhammad Bin Nayef is now King of Saudi Arabia.
That explains why Saudi Prince Bin Salman flew to Washington last week to seek protection from Donald Trump. Protection was denied, Pentagon sources say. Trump also refused a bribe from Salman aimed at getting him not to enforce the “911 anti-Saudi terror law,” the sources continue.
Trump is also now onto the fact that Bill Gates and Son Masayoshi were acting as surrogates for Salman with their offers of a $100 billion investment fund, they say.
Trump also refused to take a bribe offered by German Chancellor Angela Merkel last week not go after Rothschild flunkies like John McCain and Hillary Clinton, the sources continue. That was what was behind Trump’s public refusal to shake Merkel’s hand.
The Pentagon sources are also saying “pressure may be applied on France or special forces and CIA operatives inserted to rendition Obama [another Rothschild servant] from Tahiti to face drugs, wiretapping, sedition, and other charges.”
CIA sources for their part are saying that Anthony Weiner and other pedophile criminals are “singing like canaries” and providing the FBI with plenty of evidence about high profile pedophilia and related black-mail rings at the top of the Western power structure.
The Trump regime is also determined to finish off the illegal drugs industry in South America. That is why the US Coast Guard “not only survived budget cuts, but may even get more money, naval, intelligence and military assistance to bust the Bushes’ Colombian and Mexican cartels,” the sources say.
There is also evidence that efforts to stop drug money laundering are starting to pay off. US financial industry sources say South American drug barons have been using their drug dollars to buy Iraqi Dinar as a way to launder their money. However, since the Clinton/Bush faction lost the US election, these Dinar are never likely to become a usable currency, the sources say.
Asian Secret Society and WDS sources agree though that since years of “drug war” failed to do anything to eradicate the annual 2-3 trillion dollar illegal drug business, the long term solution is still going to be to legalize and regulate narcotic substances so as to minimize the damage they cause and keep money out of the hands of crime gangs. There are ongoing top-secret negotiations towards this end, the sources say.
Asian secret society sources are also saying that since the Western powers refuse to hand over control of the US Dollar system, they now expect it to be gradually replaced by a system involving “four or five” key currencies.
In the meantime, the Republic of the United States of America has agreed to support a Chinese concept of a “human community with a shared destiny.” This Chinese idea was accepted by unanimous vote last week at the United Nations Security Council.
The Chinese have also been given a green light to go ahead with massive infrastructure planets aimed at making the world more inter-connected. As a part of this, The Republic of the USA is ending all support for military activities in places like Africa and the Middle East aimed at disrupting Chinese infrastructure work, Pentagon sources say.
Western power centers have also begun to endorse the WDS proposal to set up a Western future planning agency to organize major projects to improve world living standards as well as restore and enhance natural eco-systems. This will mean replenishing the oceans with fish, restoring rain-forests, turning deserts and arctic regions green and expanding out into the universe. Hopefully there will soon be announcements to this effect accompanied by the release of massive funds to make it possible.
There are also preliminary negotiations underway to mark the new golden age with a new calendar system to replace the Western based Gregorian calendar. This would mean a reset to the year zero under a new world calendar. The system would be based on both the movements of the Sun and those of the moon. A committee of experts will work out the details.
March 13, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The world’s freemasons are gathering in Tokyo this week and next to select a new world grandmaster, according to Japanese military intelligence. The meetings will start this week at the Freemason underground complex near Tokyo Tower and will conclude with a final leadership selection at the Sanno Hotel on March 25, the sources say. The meetings are taking place because a long term Freemason goal, the creation of a benevolent world government, is near completion, the sources continue.
There is also a lot of talk from multiple sources of some sort of event planned for March 15th, the Ides of March. This was the day that Julius Caesar was assassinated. This is also the day the US government will hit its debt ceiling.
Asian Secret Societies, for their part place great importance on March 19th, the day the last Ming Emperor died (also, by coincidence, this writer’s birthday). Exactly what will happen is not clear but certainly the last half of March will see many world changes, multiple sources agree.
There is also extremely high tension worldwide as the various power centers jockey for position in the upcoming world federation, various sources agree.
The tensions are especially high now in Japan and the Korean Peninsula over who will occupy the throne of Emperor of a United Korea, the Japanese military intelligence sources say. The Rothschilds and the Chinese want to install Kim Han Sol, the eldest son of Kim Jong Nam, who is in turn the oldest son of former top leader Kim Jon Il, Chinese intelligence agency sources say. That is why Rothschild puppet politicians in Japan have called for a pre-emptive attack against North Korea.
That is also why various media reports suggested US President Donald Trump would be sending B-52 nuclear bombers to South Korea.
However, the North Koreans say the Kim Han Sol being presented as candidate for Emperor is a fake with a different face from the real Kim Han Sol. To drive home their point, the North Koreans launched missiles capable of hitting US military bases in Japan. They also, according to Japanese military intelligence, deployed 100,000 North Korean special forces troops, armed with suitcase nuclear weapons, to the Japanese cities of Nagoya, Osaka and Tokyo.
The people behind Kim Han Sol, for their part, say Kim Jong Un is just a front for the Cabot family of Switzerland and the Nabeshima clan behind the Mitsubishi group that supports Prime Minister Abe.
Of course the current Japanese royal family is also fake but the fact the actually occupy the throne gives them some legitimacy. The same can be said of Kim Jong Un.
Speaking about Japan, the power struggle here is also intensifying. The Khazarian Mafia has handed over control of the Japanese election stealing machinery to Softbank’s Son Masayoshi. Son now controls the Fortress Investment Group which owns, (via some paper companies) Musashi Engineering, the manufacturer of Japan’s election stealing vote counting machines.
This is the same Son who recently showed up to visit Donald Trump and try to bribe him with $100 billion worth of Saudi money.
It appears this offer failed to sway Trump and his military/agency backers to offer protection to the Saudi Royals because the Saudi King, 25 Princes and an entourage of 1500 people have fled to Indonesia, according to CIA sources there. This can be partially confirmed in an Indonesian news announcement that King Salman has prolonged his stay in Indonesia by 3 days supposedly to “boost Middle Eastern tourism in Indonesia.”
This means he has also postponed his visit to Japan where he was due to attend the Freemason gathering, Japanese military intelligence sources confirm.
The Japanese military have also traced the recent failed bio-weapons attacks in Tokyo to the Disease Control and Prevention Center in Shinjuku ward and its sister facility in Saitama Prefecture.
These and other attempts by the Khazarians to terrorize the world with nuclear and bio-weapons were stopped after a map of all Israeli nuclear facilities was published and threats were made to hit them all with missiles, Mossad sources say.
Pressure on Israel and the Khazarian mafia government currently in charge there was applied last week by the US military and the Russian government, Pentagon sources say.
The moves to force Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey to end their Daesh (formerly ISIS) campaign were plotted when top US General Joseph Dunford met with his Russian and Turkish counterparts in Turkey on March 7th, Pentagon sources say. This is why Israel’s Benyamin Netanyahu and Turkey’s Recep Erdogan “were given a dressing down” when they met Russian President Vladimir Putin on March 9th and 10th, the sources say.
During the meeting with Netanyahu Putin pressed him on coming up with a two state solution to the Palestinian problem, they say, This was followed up by President Trump the next day when he invited Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to the White House to discuss the same thing, the sources continue.
There is also a continuing fierce battle to complete the purge of Satan worshipping Khazarians inside the US government, multiple sources agree. This is visible in the news with the purge of the US State Department by Rex Tillerson and the firing of 46 prosecutors by Jeff Sessions, the sources note.
However, the battle by CIA Director Mike Pompeo to purge the CIA of Wall Street, Bush, Saudi and Israeli factions is encountering stiff resistance, Pentagon sources say.
That is why the US military released the vault 7 information about the CIA illegally spying on the American people, they say. “The CIA may be prosecuted as an enemy of the people with its illegal hacking tools since it has no legal mandate and is acting as a rogue transnational criminal organization,” the Pentagon sources add.
The vault 7 release was also an attack on Mossad and may be followed by more leaks in order to force Trump to “dump parasite Israel and stop infiltration by ‘allied’ foreign agents,” the sources continue.
In a sign the White House needs patriot’s help in its war against the deep state, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer had a US flag lapel pin placed upside down on his jacket during his March 10th press conference, the sources note. “It is a military sign of distress and a coded message to the good guys,” the Pentagon sources say.
The Russians are also going after the Khazarian mafia in Eastern Europe with moves being made to end Khazarian influence in the Baltics, the former Yugoslavia and the Ukraine, Russian FSB sources say. Russian news broadcasts claim the Nazi Ukrainian government illegally put in power by the Khazarians will not last more than 60 days.
The situation in Western Europe also continues the mathematically inevitable trajectory of a collapse of the Euro and an end to the non-democratic EU governmental structure.
The same is true of the fascists in South America where resource plundering Brazilian President Michel Temer announced he was moving out of the Presidential palace because of “ghosts” (directed energy weapons?).
There is also something strange going on further South of Brazil. A rather cryptic message from the Pentagon about Antarctica reads as follows: “After pacification by Russian/US forces, top defense contractor Lockheed is hiring 1000 to work in Antarctica.”
All these world changes taking place as described above have their origins in a power shift at a very esoteric level of reality. We will try to summarize again briefly below the forensic trail followed by this writer that led to the “black sun” entity whose defeat has made all these changes possible.
Years ago I was told by agents sent by then Japanese Finance Minister Heizo Takenaka that there was a plot to kill 90% of humanity in order to “save the environment.” Asian secret societies had heard the same thing when they wire-tapped a meeting at the Molech (Baal, Set, Satan) worshipping Bohemian grove.
When they offered to help fight these Satan worshippers I suggested to the Asians that the problem in the West has highly concentrated at the very top of the world power structure and that the average Westerner would be totally appalled at the idea of killing 90% of humanity. We came to the conclusion that the solution to the problem lay in targeting the very tip top of Western power.
This led to Leo Zagami of the P2 Freemason lodge visiting me in Tokyo and inviting me to visit the P2 in Italy. There I was taken by Vincenzo Mazzara, a Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights, to a cathedral in Milan where there was a stained glass image of their god, the black sun. Mazzara told me it was a black hole in the center of the galaxy that communicated to them via the gamma wave spectrum.
What I encountered at the Cathedral was a black void of what can only be described as anti-life, an entity that feeds on the life force.
Apparently for thousands of years this entity have given enormous power and wealth to a select few in exchange for having them feed it human and animal sacrifices. This is what I call the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia.
The vision of the future held by P2 members like Mazzara was one of total war and destruction on this planet, something they thought was inevitable.
However, an incredibly powerful light force entity confronted this black sun and threatened to delete the entire universe into zero and one or black and white unless it backed off. That is because the forces of darkness were getting so strong they threatened the entire structure of the universe. The entity backed off and fled this universe. This was seen as the Norway spiral event.
The result is that while the universe before this event was like a top spinning out of control, it is now back in harmonic balance between opposite but mutually beneficial forces known as yin and yang or male and female. For this reason the entity known as Satan has ceased to be life destroying absolute evil but has instead transformed into a benevolent goddess working in harmony with the male aspect of the universe.
Because this entity fled the universe, the lesser evil entities that worked below it were no longer able to resist the forces of light. They have been systematically purged and soon the last of them will be finished off.
At this point a quarantine that has been placed on this planet will be lifted and earth life will be free to expand into the universe, according to these esoteric sources.
Since we are about to experience exponential expansion, it is very important that we set the initial starting parameters at the most optimal possible level. That is why we must now set up a transparent, democratic, meritocratic world federation combining the best practices of all cultures to preside over the human expansion into the universe.
Of course seeing is believing and until we actually see and experience these changes personally people must focus on improving the here and now of their real lives. Hopefully, the rest we shall see.
March 6, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
We are witnessing desperate attempts around the world by the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia to reverse recent defeats and remain in power. However, these efforts are failing on all fronts and more and more prominent Satanists are disappearing.
The fiercest battles are raging in Washington DC where the Satanists are pushing “the Russians did it!” story to remove attorney General Jeff Sessions and prevent arrests of child killing politicians. Pentagon sources confirm that over 1500 pedophiles have been arrested since Donald Trump took office as President of the United States and that a grand jury is preparing indictments against a whole swath of DC and New York establishment figures.
Another sign that things have really begun to change is that legal action has now begun against the private sector prison slave camps being run in the US.
The counter-attack by the Satanists in the US is being orchestrated by the Rothschilds and the Bush/Clinton mafia who have unleashed their top servants like former President Barack Obama and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos against the Trump regime.
Last week, Obama announced he was setting up an anti-Trump headquarters with adviser Valerie Jarret two miles from the White House. This move was followed by Trump tweets accusing “bad or sick guy” Obama of illegally wiretapping him. Our advice to house slave Obama is to not risk his life and liberty on behalf of his Rothschild slave masters.
Another Rothschild house slave, Loretta Lynch, Obama’s Attorney General, called for marching, blood and death on the streets.
Our advice to African Americans is to not let these house slaves fool you into protesting on behalf of Satan worshipping slave drivers.
A sign of the intensity of the battle now raging was seen when Bezos offered child torturer and former Clinton campaign manager John Podesta a job with his Washington Post propaganda machine. Podesta was also given a $600 million war-chest for the Washington Post by the rogue (Bush) CIA for propaganda purposes.
And yet, immediately after Bezos announced this. amazon.com servers came under heavy, sustained attack.
It is unlikely Bezos himself will survive long, CIA and Pentagon sources say.
A clear sign the Satanists have lost control of the American people can be seen in the impotence of their once dominant corporate propaganda apparatus. Despite surveys showing that 88% of heavy corporate media coverage of Trump was negative since he took office, polls showed that 79% of Americans viewed his speech last week before the joint houses of Congress favourably.
Take a look at House Democratic Party leader Nancy Pelosi’s expression during Trump’s speech. To me it looks like someone (or some entity) in mortal fear.
Perhaps the most senior Nazi faction Satanist who needs to be taken down ASAP is Microsoft’s Bill Gates. Bill Gates is constructing a giant underground bunker complex in Karuizawa, Japan, according to Japanese military intelligence. Gates is working with his top Japanese servant Masayoshi Son of Softbank and Yasuyuki Nambu of the Pasona group. Son’s Softbank has taken over the Fortress Investment Group.
That means he now controls the company Musashi Engineering that rigs Japan’s elections. Son, of course, is just a senior Rothschild servant in Japan.
Agents working for the French Branch of the Rothschild Family, David (wanted by the police for fraud) and Benjamin (accusing of killing pygmies) de Rothschild recently tried to lure this writer to a trap at Nambu’s Akasaka, Tokyo Headquarters. Nambu and Son are now being targeted by right wingers close to the Emperor, Japanese right wing sources say.
The Rothschild family was ultimately responsible for the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror attack (known as 311 here) against Japan and are desperately trying to keep their servants in power here so as to prevent retribution for that mass murder incident. However, the Rothschild’s have already lost that battle and their Japan network is being dismantled.
Many readers asked me why I included the Dalai Lama’s name in the list of Satanic sub-contractors. Here, in the interests of disclosure, I must admit I have a personal grudge against the Dalai Lama. A North Korean female agent was sent by him and the Satan worshippers to ruin my life.
Instead, she fell in love with me and got pregnant with our child. When she was five months pregnant, the Nepali import store where she worked sent her to Nepal on a mission to buy goods for the store. When she got there she was drugged and woke up in the hospital no longer pregnant. The owner of the store said his father, who works for the Dalai Lama, did this on the Dalai Lama’s orders.
In other words this so-called holy man is a child murderer. After this, the girlfriend went to the Japanese police with false reports that I was taking drugs and being abusive. When I confronted her with this she told me that her family was being threatened with murder if she did not do this.
So, that is why I have a personal grudge against the Dalai Lama. I have also looked into his eyes and can tell you he is deeply evil. He will soon die and so will his soul. He will never reincarnate again for all eternity.
In any case, following Bill Gates’ recent veiled threat to kill “over 30 million people,”
there have been multiple reports of biological warfare agents being spread around the world, Japanese military intelligence say. Tokyo itself has been under heavy duty chemtrail and radioactive poison attack following the Gates statement. Certainly everybody I know, including myself, has been coughing heavily recently.
However, the attacks against Tokyo have been now dissipated and no deaths have resulted. The Chinese and Indian governments are also saying biological warfare agents are being used against them (The Chinese article is from 2013).
While Sorcha Faal is US Navy intelligence and its reports are often up to 90% disinformation, the following report claiming bio-warfare attacks around the world is probably true. What is not true is the talk of mass death because the bio-warfare agents have been rendered impotent.
Bill Gates is now being actively hunted down and the US military has been advised by the White Dragon Society to seize his Karuizawa bunker ASAP. Gates properties in the US also need to be seized ASAP. Bill Gates’ mansion near Seattle, Washington, has a room filled with skeletons and dedicated to the worship of death, according to a high-tech Oligarch who has visited there.
Other senior Satanists, recognizing that the gig is up, are trying to flee. King Salman of Saudi Arabia has booked five, five star luxury hotels in Bali, Indonesia for his entourage including 25 princes. Salman is going to be asking for protection from Indonesia, Malaysia and China but will not get it, CIA sources say.
The reason Salman has fled, Pentagon sources say, is that the campaign against Daesh (note to readers: we have decided not to insult the Goddess ISIS any further by associating her name with this band of Satanic terrorists) has extended to Yemen. The Saudis, in cooperation with the French oil giant Total, have been breaking international law by stealing 65% of Yemen’s oil.
Another Satanist seeking shelter is Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu has asked Russian President Vladimir Putin for protection after Israel was threatened with the destruction of all its nuclear facilities if it did not act against the Satanists, Russian FSB and other sources say. This protection will not be granted, the Russian sources say.
US arch-traitor John “Daesh” McCain sought protection from Turkish President Erdogan and will also not get it, Pentagon sources say.
Humanity will soon be free.
February 27, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The world-wide takedown of the Khazarian mafia is accelerating with arrests, assassinations, information warfare, financial warfare and more esoteric forms of combat, according to multiple sources.
There is also a flare up of activity in Antarctica. Top US and Russian generals Joseph Dunford and Valery Gerasimov met on February 16th and “launched a combined US-Russian force steaming toward Antarctica after the cabal set off nuke,” according to Pentagon sources. This “nuke” is apparently the source of radiation being detected in various parts of the atmosphere and so there will be serious retaliation, other Pentagon sources said.
There are also reports that all civilian personnel are being evacuated from Antarctica and that large contingencies of special forces are arriving with state of the art scalar and other weapons technology.,
Mass Evacuation Of Antarctica As Special Ops And Military …
- UFOs & Aliens – Mass Evacuation Of Antarctica Happening Just Now. All Civilians and Scientists Being Flown Out. Special Operations And Military Moving In.This …
Pentagon sources are also saying the “Deep quake in Bolivia may have been a message to the Bushes in Paraguay and their drug lords in Peru and Bolivia.”
There is also a lot going on in Japan and Korea related to the Bush/Clinton Nazi faction’s allies the Unification Church, who have a ranch next to the Bush ranch in Paraguay.
The official government seal or chop (the Japanese equivalent of a Presidential signature) of Japan has passed into the hands of Crown Prince Naruhito and he immediately started a major clean up, targeting the treasonous regime of Shinzo Abe in preparation for the start of a new age in that country. That is why all the Japanese newspapers suddenly started reporting a real estate scandal involving Abe and Defense Minister Tomomi Inada.
Akie Abe’s message deleted from nationalist school’s website as PM’s wife gives up honorary title | The Japan Times
Akie Abe gives up her honorary title at a nationalist school making real estate and hate speech waves in Osaka that is also linked to defense chief Tomomi Inada.
There are also moves being made against high-level thugs like Tenzan Nakai, who once tried to get this writer to drink a glass of orange juice laced with amphetamines so he could film me appearing to be mentally unstable. The video of me on amphetamines would have then been used to convince the drug hating Asian secret societies to lift their protection of me so I could be killed, Sources close to Nakai also inform me he poisoned my webmaster Lisa with a cancer causing agent. A picture of him can be seen here:
Other members of this Unification Church linked group of sub-contractors for the Satanists include Dr. Yoshiro Nakamatsu, the Dalai Lama, Prime Minister Abe, Finance Minister Taro Aso, the geisha murdering former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori, according to multiple sources including members of various royal families.
This group, realizing that Abe’s goose is cooked, is now trying desperately to put in the politician Ichiro Ozawa as the next prime minister. Ozawa is one of the co-conspirators in the Fukushima nuclear and tsunami mass murder attack on Japan and is not going to be allowed anywhere near the Prime Minister’s office, right wing sources close to the emperor say.
Sources in Japanese military intelligence, meanwhile, say the payroll for all these Unification Church linked goons has been traced through several routes to the French branch of the Rothschild family, and to the Federal Reserve Board shareholders Jennie K. Scaife and David N. Scaife. Their foundation, among other things, financed the 911 linked Project for a New American Century. These are the people who called for a “New Pearl Harbour.”
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaife_Foundations#Scaife_Family_Foundatio Scaife Foundations
The Scaife Foundations refer collectively to three foundations in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The three subdivisions are: the Allegheny Foundation, the Sarah Scaife …
Japan will soon be rid of all of these traitors and the US military and agency white hats are going after their paymasters like the Scaifes and the Rothschilds in the US and Europe. The Japanese intelligence sources also say the US military and agencies should take a close look at the activities of the Cabot family of Boston.
Japanese gangster sources (both Sumiyoshi and Yamaguchi) meanwhile say the head of the Satanist gangsters in California, and a person they have regularly done business with, is movie director Martin Scorsese. Scorsese was in the news last week making veiled threats of multiple assassinations of politicians.
Master film maker Scorsese releases latest film trailer …
Martin Scorsese said ‘it’s a scary time’ for the world at an award ceremony in Dublin. He said the aftermath of the Iraq War ‘had created thousands and thousands of …
The purge of cabal stooges has proceeded further in South Korea where President Park Geun Hye has been removed from power and top Samsung group scion Jay Y. Lee has been put in jail.
There is also a lot of intrigue taking place in North Korea. The world’s media is going full out on reporting the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s elder brother Kim Jong Nam in Malaysia. The murder was carried out using VX gas, which is only produced by the US military industrial complex. However, it appears they only killed a body double because the real Kim Jong Nam has tattoos
while the man killed in Malaysia does not. The official Chinese Xinhua News Agency is reporting the incident as the death of a person with the North Korean passport name of Kim Chol.
Sources in Chinese intelligence say the real Kim Jong Nam and his family have been taken to a safe location.
This may be why a planned trip by North Korean officials to the US has been cancelled. Asian secret society sources say their preferred candidate for Emperor of a United Korea is Kim Jong Nam’s eldest son, the Sorbonne educated Kim Han Sol,
and not Kim Jong Un.
Meanwhile in Indonesia there is also a lot going on in terms of taking down the cabal. Here is what a CIA source in Indonesia had to say:
“It looks like the Indonesia government ( Jokowi backed by Xi Jinping) is putting the squeeze on PT Freeport and the Grasberg mine. Which actually means the certain cabal members known as the Nazi Bush/Clinton/ Rockefeller crime syndicate, are having their grapes squeezed hard.”
This maneuver is aimed at cutting off the cabal’s gold supply and thus their ability to continue to finance nefarious activities around the world.
In the Middle East meanwhile, the entire fake Zionist ISIS campaign is being wound down. “New National Security Adviser [H. R,] McMaster has already made his mark to neutralize Zionists with moves to block labeling the Iranian Republican Guard as a terror group,” Pentagon sources say. In a sign he is onto the entire ISIS scam McMaster said last week the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism” is unhelpful because terrorist organizations like ISIS represent a perversion of Islam, and are thus un-Islamic.
This of course means that the takedowns of the real architects of terror, people like Benyamin Netanyahu and Jacob de Rothschild is imminent. US traitor John “ISIS” McCain, who has recently being leading the blame everything on Russia campaign, has been outed as having himself illegally asked the Russian government for donations.
“When pedogate and Hillary arrests begin, this should free the USA from the death grip of the Jewish mafia,” the Pentagon sources say.
The fact that Trump had a meeting with leaders of anti-human trafficking organizations on February 21st is a public sign the pedophiles and the Jewish mafia in the US and Israel will be targeted, they say.
The death of Fox TV commentator J Alan Colmes “following a brief illness,” was a sign an attack on the corporate media whores in the US had begun, US intelligence agency sources say.
CIA sources meanwhile say the Trump regime is also going after the pharmaceutical companies. They say a secret executive order has been made and that arrests and assassinations of top pharmacidical industry criminals has begun. It is a good bet we will not be hearing from Bill Gates any more soon, the sources say.
Faced with this common Satanic enemy, the Anglo-Saxon people are uniting again. The United States is apparently about to join the 2 billion strong, English speaking Commonwealth of Nations. That will put them in a more than equal global position with China.
In Europe too, action continues. The Dutch government has formally begun an enquiry into leaving the Euro while opinion polls show anti-Euro Marine Le Pen in a commanding lead in France. However, the biggest news in Europe last week came from Spain where top Spanish banker and former IMF boss Rodrigo Rato was sentenced to jail along with 64 other bankers.
On the more esoteric side of things there has been huge battles in cyberspace between competing AIs, multiple sources agree. This battle is over both the control of finance and the control of information people receive and the Satanic faction is losing.
There are also media reports of witches getting together to cast spells against Donald Trump.
Light-workers are counter-acting this with mass prayer and meditation. We have also received the following message from a very esoteric source:
“Satan has returned to the original creation and received absolution.” What this means is that what is going on now on the surface of the planet earth is a mopping up operation targeting lesser demons, this source says.
NASA recently announced that NASA that 7 habitable planets have been found only 40 light years away. NASA has also announced faster than light technology. These are signs the quarantine of the planet earth may soon be lifted and humanity will be free to expand exponentially into the universe. We shall soon see.
February 20, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The battle to take down the Khazarian mafia is intensifying and reaching the point where the arrests of just a few dozen ring leaders may be enough to liberate humanity from this Satan worshipping scourge.
Years of forensic research and testimony from multiple intelligence agency sources in Russia, Japan, China, the US, England, France etc. have now zeroed in on key ringleaders of the Khazarian mafia who need to be arrested or executed.
Before naming names though, first of all we need to clearly identify the overall target. That is a sub-set of the so-called Jewish population that is described in the Book of Ruth in the Old Testament or Torah.
These are people who worship Satan (Baal, Molech etc.) and practice both human sacrifice and cannibalism. They have thousands of years’ experience in infiltrating societies and taking secret control of the top levels of power through murder, blackmail, bribery and propaganda. The nightmare of their rule is finally ending.
However, make no mistake, these people are extremely dangerous, very smart and now literally fighting for their lives. The reason is they know that when the American people find out these thugs have been torturing and killing their children on an industrial scale, the people will demand justice be served, That’s why the battle taking place now inside the Washington DC power structure is so vicious.
This Satanic faction created ISIS in order to convince Westerners to hate Islam enough to support a military invasion of Iran. The plan was to steal that nation’s oil, consolidate their control of the Middle East, and set up a world government with its headquarters in Jerusalem, the capital of their planned greater Babylon.
This faction includes both Satan worshipping Jews and their brainwashed Christian Zionist servants. If this seems far-fetched, then ask yourself why 4000 world leaders from 130 countries are gathering in front of an Arch of Baal to discuss creating a world government?
The group that is fighting against them wants world peace, democracy, meritocracy, respect for law and human rights and friendly relations between all nations. They also want to free the world from the murderous rule of the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia.
The head of the Satan worshipping faction in the US is, according to certain royal family members is Lewis M. Eisenberg, Donald Trump’s selection for US Ambassador to Italy. No doubt while in Italy, Eisenberg was planning to conspire with other senior Satanists (according to CIA and NSA sources) such as the Agnelli Brothers, Victor Emmanuel, Leo Zagami and others against Pope Francis. Leo Zagami, by the way, once told me he had eaten a human fetus.
Eisenberg has also been traced forensically by Japanese military intelligence to Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso, through a cement conglomerate controlled by the French Branch of the Rothschild family. Japanese underworld sources say Aso is about to be publicly executed because he has begun selling Japanese publicly owned water resources to Rothschild controlled companies. Water is essential to life and stealing it from the Japanese people in exchange for bribes is not going to be forgiven, the underworld sources say.
US intelligence sources, for their part, say that Eisenberg is blackmailing Donald Trump with a video of him having sex with a 13 year old girl.
That is why Trump had US director of National Intelligence General Michael Flynn fired when Flynn was about to start arresting senior pedophiles in the US power structure, these sources say. That is also why Trump is trying to place Steve Feinberg, head of the mercenary company DynCorp, in charge of the US military and intelligence apparatus.
It is also this blackmail that is preventing the Trump administration from prosecuting the perpetrators of mass murder incidents like 911 and Fukushima, the sources say.
At the time of this writing, we were unable to contact Mr. Eisenberg for comment about these allegations but we will continue to make efforts to do so.
In any case, the arrest of over 1000 low ranking members of pedophile networks in the US, Canada, Norway, Ghana etc. (many of them connected to the Clinton Foundation), is being used to gather evidence against higher level pedophiles, FBI and CIA sources say.
My advice to US mid to low ranking law enforcement authorities on how to go after the big fish needs to start with a look at Pedophilia. Pedophilia in legal terms can refer to anything from a 16 year old boy having sex with his 15 year old girlfriend to a middle aged man raping and strangling a 2 year old boy (a case my mother, who is a child psychologist, actually dealt with).
Also bear in mind that traditional societies around the world and historically often used the puberty, especially menstruation in girls, as a sign people were of marriageable age. With this in mind, and in order to get evidence against the hard core child rapists and killers, authorities may have to consider offering immunity in exchange for testimony to billionaires who are being blackmailed with videos of them having sex with post-pubescent boys or girls.
The anti-pedophile campaign is being led by true Christians, such as Pope Francis, Queen Elizabeth and Patriarch Kirill along with white knights inside the military and the agencies. It is this Christian alliance that is behind moves to coordinate Russian, American and European white hats to remove the Satanists.
That is why US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at the G20 in Germany last week, Pentagon sources say. Also, US top General Joseph Dunford met Russian military chief Valery Gerasimov in Baku on February 16 “to discuss the final takedown of ISIS, drug cartels, and the cabal,” the Pentagon sources say.
Dunford also met with Azeri
top brass to stop Israeli covert operations in the Middle East, the sources say.
Inside the US Department of Homeland Security Chief John Kelly is considering mobilizing 100,000 National Guard Troops to “deport illegals and then take on the cabal and the drug cartels,” the Pentagon sources add.
This impending effort against the cabal and the drug cartels is probably why Bill Gates made veiled threats to kill millions of people with bio-weapons last week.
The fact is, the cabal has been trying, and failing, to create a pandemic for years and will continue to fail. So, if the US authorities want to go ahead and arrest Gates, there is no need to fear. They can also go ahead with their investigation of toxic vaccines and other malevolent parts of the pharmacidical industry.
The Nazis contacted the White Dragon Society last week to say they were not behind the pandemic attacks. Here is what one of them said:
“The old Nazis that escaped to South America, all of them have died out in the late 1990s. Many lived into their 90s and were very strong and these ones died of old age. The secret base in the mountains of South America was replenished with young Nazis males in their 30’s at the time.
These new Nazis are not like the old Nazis. The new Nazis are not looking to take-over the world. They are reclusive, and so they stay to themselves and continue to work on and fly around the Earth in their saucer ships, etc.”
The source also says the winner of the ongoing battle for world power will be decided by 2020. He also hinted the Nazis would share their technology with the world, once the dust settles down. In addition to anti-gravity and cloning technology, the Nazis also have stem cell technology that could cure many diseases etc, he says.
The WDS was also contacted by the gnostic illuminati last week with a message about North Korea. They say Kim Jon Un’s half-brother Kim Jong Nam was killed last week because the Chinese were planning to use him to take over North Korea.
This killing, combined with the shooting of a missile that went 550 kilometers up, was a message to the Chinese to stay out of North Korea, the illuminati source said. He said the North Koreans now had to capability to send a nuclear missile anywhere on earth and that if the Chinese invaded North Korea then “Beijing would be evaporated.” The overall message was “leave us alone.”
Japanese military intelligence, for their part, say this is all part of a proxy war over North Korea between the US and China. A North Korean delegation will be visiting the US soon and unification of the Korean Peninsula with Kim as Emperor would be discussed, the sources said.
The Japanese sources are also saying the Japanese imperial family is opposed to the regime of Shinzo Abe and that secret meetings were being held to discuss how to remove that regime before it completely loots Japan on behalf of the Khazarian mafia.
February 13, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
There are intense power struggles taking place in the United States and China these days meaning that big new initiatives for the planet as a whole will have to wait until the dust settles in both countries, Chinese and American sources say.
The struggle in the United States is, to simplify things somewhat, between the deep state faction behind Trump and the remnants of the Bush/Clinton deep state apparatus. In China, three main factions are duking it out as part of an elaborate power dance that will produce a new central government line up sometime around the end of March.
When these power struggles are over, then we can expect major reforms of the Federal Reserve Board, the United Nations, the IMF, the EU etc. to begin in earnest.
Let us start with the US power struggle, which has intensified now that Jeff Sessions has been formally appointed Attorney General. Immediately following his appointment Trump issued an executive order that “re-focuses the Federal Government’s energy and resources on dismantling transnational criminal organizations, such as drug cartels.” As a Pentagon official described it “Trump declared war on the Bushes and Mexican drug cartels.”
Furthermore, in a sign the anti-drug cowboys in the military and US agencies are finally getting the message that force alone will not stop illegal drug use, Pentagon officials are saying Trump may decide legalize and regulate narcotics. This would help bring the roughly $2 trillion annual illegal drug business into the tax paying mainstream and reduce drug related death.
If done properly, the massive pharmaceutical industry could be brought on board as long as they were given a role. That should be easy to do since already around 30% of drugs prescribed by doctors are opium based. The drug companies could add a whole new menu of goodies doctors could offer patients if they could start making medicines based on the other major narcotics.
Doing this would also devastate the US private prison slave industry by releasing half of the 9.5 million Americans who are either in jail or on parole.
It would also radically lower crime rates. Ask the Swiss, who experienced an 80% drop in crimes committed by junkies immediately after they started letting doctors administer heroin to addicts. Most of the junkies were also able to eventually kick their addictions.
Since 90% of the world’s heroin is produced in Afghanistan, legalization and regulation of its opium crop would most likely lead to peace in that country.
The Trump administration is also talking about stopping CIA drug shipments that go via US military bases. In Japan, for example, the Yokota airbase has long been a central distribution hub for North Korean amphetamines, according to senior Japanese gangsters. Shutting that trade down or else legalizing it would help clean up the Japanese political system big time. The same is true with the heroin trade going via other big US Airforce bases such as Incirlink in Turkey and Ramstein in Germany.
With so much money and power at stake though, you can be sure though that the Bush faction is not going down without a fight. The entire ISIS/Mossad/Bush CIA/Nazi (Khazarian mafia Nazi faction) nexus is on the warpath and the fact that prominent ISIS linked criminals like Senator John McCain have not been arrested yet shows the power struggle is not nearly over.
The Khazarian Nazis have been blackmailing the Pentagon White Hats with threats of nuclear terror, sabotage, scalar weapons etc. It is a good bet the ongoing disaster at the Oroville Dam in Northern California was an act of sabotage by the Nazi faction aimed at sending a message to the Trump regime.
There is also large scale cyberwarfare going on. For example, Donald Trump’s Twitter page was replaced on my computer with a page filled heavy duty attack messages against Trump.
The Federal Judiciary is also heavily loaded with anti-Trump people. Here is what the Pentagon source had to say about that: “After liberal activist judges ignored the law and usurped power to block Trump’s Muslim ban to stop ISIS infiltration, the federal judiciary may be purged all the way to the Supreme Court.” That is not going to be an easy thing to pull off.
The hardest power struggle of all, though, will be over control of the Federal Reserve Board. On that front, the announced resignation last week of two top Fed officials, Board of Governors member Daniel Tarullo and top Fed lawyer Scott Alvarez means that, when combined with existing vacancies Trump will be filling, the Trump regime can now take effective control of the Fed. The last President to pull off a feat like that and not get assassinated was Andrew Jackson but Trump has the backing of the US military so he might just pull it off.
Since the globally traded US dollars have been shifted now towards a system centered on China, it increases the chances that the US will be issuing treasury dollars separate from international dollars, possibly within a few months. This will also, as mentioned at the top of the article, mean a total revamp of the international financial and political architecture. However, this will have to wait until the power struggles in the US and China are completed.
In a sign that Trump is willing to listen to delegate power and listen to good advice, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has made some good moves. For one thing Trump has been convinced to go back to the one China policy and stop provoking China. Tillerson is also “busy ridding the State Department of Neocons as well as Israeli and Muslim agents.” As a result nasty thugs like Richard Armitage, Victoria Nuland and Elliot Abrams have lost their power to wreak havoc in different parts of the world.
The Japanese government has been thrown into considerable turmoil by the loss of power of their traditional bosses like Rothschild agent Michael Greenberg and Bush agent Richard Armitage. That is why they sent Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and a big delegation on a major brown-nosing visit to the Trump regime last week. Abe looted the Japanese national pension fund to buy favour with Trump, much to the consternation of many in Japan. This is how Abe was able to promise to finance the construction of a fast train service linking Washington DC and New York.
Overall, though, the Japanese establishment was reassured to find out that Japan/US relations during the Trump regime will be left to the professional bureaucrats and experts. The biggest change is that the Japanese were told the US had discontinued its policy of preventing Japan from having close relations with Russia. The Japanese were also told there would be less US interference in domestic Japanese politics, such as the murdering of disobedient Prime Ministers, from now on. That is because the US wants to keep Japan on its side as it negotiates world changes with China.
Which brings us to the power struggle in China. The Chinese government is preparing for a once in 5 years power change that will mean 5 of the 7 standing members of the politburo will be stepping down. The battle is over who will replace them and who will be crowned as successor to President Xi Jinping.
Chinese government sources say the process is a complicated and time consuming one that involves lots of consultations with very old retired top former officials. There are three main factions involved in this conflict. One is the faction behind Xi Jinping, which one might call the Northern faction. The other is the China Youth League faction that put former President Hu Jintao into the top office. This group is strongest in the South of China, the area around Guangdong and Hong Kong. Then there is the Shanghai faction that also has deep roots in Taiwan and is headed by Jiang Zemin.
In the last power struggle, the Shanghai faction sided with Xi Jinping’s faction to unseat Hu Jintao. The result was that Hu’s choice of successor, Li Keqiang, ended up with the number 2 spot.
However, Xi Jinping, once he assumed power, used a massive anti-corruption campaign as an excuse to decimate the ranks of both Hu’s and Jiang’s factions. That is why, if you were a betting type of person, you might bet that Hu and Jiang’s factions might decide to team up against Xi this time around.
However, the consensus so far is that China’s elders will emphasize continuity and stability of government so Xi will remain in power for another 5 year term and Li will also stay on as number two. Nonetheless, it is still all bets off over who will be the designated successor and who will fill the vacant politburo seats. In any case, China will be largely looking inward until this transition is over.
That is why the next big moves on a global level will probably be seen in March and not during this month.
On a final note, we are hearing that, behind the scenes, the Chinese and Americans are cooperating in the fight against the Nazi faction of the Khazarian mafia.
February 6, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Multiple sources confirm that about 70 arrest warrants will be served on power brokers and politicians in Washinton DC, Virginia and New York this week shortly after Jeff Sessions is confirmed as US Attorney General. Among those to be arrested are Democratic Senators Chuck Schumer, Richard Blumenthal and Hillary Clinton’s vice-president pick Tim Kaine, Pentagon sources say.
These arrests will follow 474 arrests that took place in California last week as a pedophile ring that served Hollywood and West Coast elites was taken down. It is interesting to note the California arrests were only reported by local news outlets and completely ignored by the big corporate networks.
Former US President Bill Clinton is also reported to be “singing like a canary” and has provided evidence that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton and many others, Pentagon sources say. Here is what a Pentagon source had to say on the matter “Hillary is toast as Obama refused to pardon, Bill snitched on her, and her prosecution has been ordered by Trump.” There are credible tabloid news reports that Hillary was caught trying to flee to Bahrain and stopped.
There are also preliminary reports saying a raid was made on Jeffrey Epsteins’ Caribbean sex slave Island and that 32 kids were freed and 8 traffickers were arrested.
There is also going to be a more hidden and brutal power struggle going on in the secret agencies as “CIA Deputy Director Gina Haspel was chosen to rendition to black sites and torture cabal, drug cartel and ISIS guys,” a Pentagon source says.
There is also, as is often the case, high level intrigue and skullduggery going inside the Vatican. This has been widely reported by the corporate media in the form of news that Pope Francis fired Grand Master Mathew Festing of the Knights of Malta in a “dispute over condoms.”
If you look at the membership list of the Knights of Malta,
it reads like a who’s who of the globalist elite full of names like Rockefeller, Bush, Rothschild etc. so you can tell that this is about more than just “condoms.”
In fact, according to sources in the Vatican Secret Service, what really happened was that the Knights of Malta’s top brass were caught (ここから有料) “in New York working on taking over the global financial system without Pope Francis’ OK and the Vatican Secret Service discovered this dirty game.”
In other words, efforts to yet again fraudulently create countless trillions of dollars on a part of some of the old bloodline families were thwarted, the Vatican sources say.
Now there are high level negotiations continuing between Russia, China and the US over the future of the financial system, the sources say. The British, Germans and the Israelis are also involved, they say.
Sources involved in the negotiations are saying that the people behind Trump want 50% control of the new financial system as a price for not going after the old bloodline families. The Asians are also now also insisting on 50% while the Russians, for their part, are asking for 33%.
So, who has the strongest position in this world power poker game? The short answer is that without Russia on its side, the US is now weaker than China. However, China, though stronger than the US plus Russia economically, would lose militarily to a US/Russian alliance. So you get the picture, Russia now holds the casting vote which is why the Trump regime has stopped demonizing Russia and instead started sucking up to it.
With this in mind and to mix metaphors, let us take another look at the world geopolitical chessboard and see how things stand.
The first thing we can confirm from sources in the gnostic illuminati and elsewhere is that an agreement has been reached not to use nuclear weapons. In other words, this will be settled by hybrid financial, information, special forces and conventional military struggle.
Next let us look at China’s position. The Chinese have been very successful with their peaceful win-win approach and have convinced over 100 countries representing about 80% of world GDP to join their Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. They have also done well with their “One Belt and one Road” (somebody should tell the Chinese 一路一帯 is better translated as “one loop and one road.”) massive infrastructure initiative. They are also the worlds’ leading creditor nation.
Militarily, the Chinese have identified the low hanging fruit as the countries on their border that do not have military alliances with Russia or the US, in other words, as mentioned last week, India, Indonesia, Thailand, North Korea and Malaysia which they could probably overrun in a matter of months. This would give them control over a little over 3 billion people.
Economically the Americans, despite being the most indebted nation in the history of the world ($18 trillion in external debt), still have many strengths. American corporations remain dominant in world commerce, for one thing. Plus, the US still holds a commanding (though quickly shrinking) lead in science and technology. The Americans also control most of the oil in the Middle East, although they have had to hand a large share over to the Russians as a bribe for their cooperation vis a vis Asia.
Militarily they still have by far the most powerful Navy and Airforce not to mention 800 bases in key locations around the world. This means they could choke off much of China’s access to the world’s resources. They also have the technical ability to kill most world leaders. Furthermore, they can count on powerful allies like Japan, Canada and the UK plus, to a much lesser extent, France and Germany.
The Russians, for their part, realize the European Union is collapsing and creating a vacuum that they can fill by cooperating with Germany and France to create a new, democratic European alliance that includes Russia. They also know that China is a wonderful customer for their energy and agricultural exports and a great source of cheap consumer goods.
It is no wonder the Russian symbol is a two-headed eagle, one head looks East and one looks West. Naturally, they do not want to be forced to choose between either the West or Asia. Instead they are playing both sides off against the middle. So, what we seem to have here is a Mexican stand-off.
In this situation, the White Dragon Society has proposed a compromise that, apparently, is supported by the Asians.
The plan, as often mentioned in these pages, is to create a new meritocratically staffed future planning agency. The fact is the hybrid free market plus central planning model pioneered by Japan and emulated and improved upon by places like Singapore, South Korea and China, works better than the naked corporate capitalist greed based model that has caused so much economic hardship in the West.
The only long term future planning in the West in recent years has been carried out by religious fanatics with an apocalyptic agenda. We should be planning not for the end of the world but for the rebirth of the world as a paradise.
If a fundamental agreement on control of the world’s financial system is reached, this agency could be given an annual budget of many trillions of dollars. With a budget like that, such an agency could literally end poverty and stop environmental destruction in a matter of months. After that it could carry out massive infrastructure projects, explore space, restore eco-systems, develop new technology etc.
The actual work would be carried out by private corporations making competitive bids. As mentioned last week, the agreement with the Asians is that the first head of such an agency would be a Westerner but that the next person to head it would be an Asian. After that, the job would go to the most competent individual. Secret control of the agency would be split 50/50 between East and West.
The WDS would also convey a message from highly esoteric sources that “despite provocations like Fukushima, certain precisely timed events, such as a blue moon that was actually blue, large meteorites hitting Russia, lightning bolts hitting the Vatican and Mecca, earthquake swarms in La Palma etc. were all nothing more than gentle warnings.”
There will be a comet, a lunar eclipse and a “snow moon,” all occurring on February 10th.
The question is, were these events predicted long in advance or did the movements of the solar system suddenly change?
January 30, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The war drums are beating as the testosterone laden Year of the Cock (Rooster) begins and the boys get ready to show who is biggest and baddest. The biggest warnings are coming from China, which has seen many of its “red lines” crossed, at least verbally, by the macho-laden administration of US President Donald Trump.
The fireworks could begin after February 5th as the Chinese New Year’s holidays wind down, Chinese intelligence and secret society sources say. As the Chinese have warned, if they make a move it will be “unexpected and worse than you can imagine.”
The Trump administration, meanwhile has been too preoccupied with redrawing the maps of the Middle East and dealing with ongoing power struggle in the West to fully appreciate what will happen if China makes a military move.
Before getting back to what China could do, let us take a look at the new Middle East that is being created by the Trump administration acting in unison with Russia. What we see is the region being divided into three spheres of influence.
One is Turkey with expanded zones of influence penetrating Syria and Iraq. The other is the Persian (Iranian) empire now extending into Iraq, central Syria and Lebanon. The third is the Arab zone, including Egypt, the Gulf States, Sunni parts of Iraq, Jordan and Israel.
Militarily the Russians and Americans have divided their spheres of influence with Russia to the East of the Euphrates and the US to the West. The map below shows the new zones of influence in Syria.
As many seasoned observers have noted, Trump has promised to destroy ISIS within a month even as he promises undivided support to Israel, the main sponsor of ISIS. What is really happening is that the Saudi monarchy is going to take on the fundamentalist Wahab clergy (who they secretly hate) while the Israelis will deal with fundamentalist Zionist fanatics, which are two sides of the same ISIS coin.
The reward for doing this will be survival for the gulf monarchies and new pipeline routes for their gas exports to Europe via Israel and Turkey.
For the Trump regime, fixing the Middle East will be the easy part. Trump has announced he also plans to take on the hard part, dealing with the Federal Reserve Board, by hanging of portrait of Rothschild (Fed) nemesis Andrew Jackson in the White House, Pentagon sources note. This is not something the US military government will be able to solve merely by marching into Fed headquarters and rounding up central bankers or even by bumping off members of the Rothschild family. It will rather involve dealing with China.
Here is how a source close to the Rothschilds described the situation. “The Rothschilds are embedded in China, and have been for many years. All of their gold and liquid assets are in China…Everything that happens is well thought out and planned long in advance.”
Chinese intelligence agency and secret society sources told representatives of the White Dragon Society last week that if China decided to move military it would not play into US strengths by seeking a naval battle in the South China Sea. Rather, they would take over North Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and India in one fell swoop, the sources say. Since Vietnam would be a hard nut to crack they will leave it alone, they say.
CIA sources in Indonesia do confirm that millions of Chinese have entered Indonesia in recent years after the government of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) removed visa restrictions. The Indonesians are also still angry about the murder of President Sukarno by the CIA and subsequent quashing of a Sukarno/Kennedy plan to start a new financial system. For that reason Indonesians strongly support a new Asian centered world financial system.
The Chinese say they are fully aware the US would retaliate against such a move by closing the Straits of Hormuz and the Straits of Malacca and thus cut off much of their oil. However, the Chinese have prepared for such a contingency by systematically building oil and gas pipelines and reducing their dependence on oil arriving via tanker from the Middle East.
The Chinese, in any case, use coal for 80% of their energy needs and as things stand now, only a quarter of their oil imports would be cut off by such a move.
Furthermore, they know the Russians have a population of only 10 million in Siberia and could only protect this vast territory from China with all out nuclear war. The Russians, having been abused by Western powers for so many years, are also wary the sudden Western romantic appeal for a Christian (white) alliance.
As one FSB source asked a WDS member in response to the new American friendliness, “whatever happened to the BRICS?” They were told the world was no longer going to be divided into competing blocs but rather everybody will be friends from now on. The bottom line is the Chinese are sure the Russians will stay neutral if they make the military moves outlined above.
The Russians and their Serbian allies, though, are inclined to take revenge for the destruction of Yugoslavia by moving into Kosovo, gnostic illuminati sources say. This would allow the Slavic peoples to gain control of the vast mineral resources in Kosovo that were the reason Yugoslavia was destroyed in the first place, they say.
The Russians also have some justice they want done in Eastern Ukraine too. In other words, the Russians may decide to take advantage of the distraction caused by any Chinese move to settle some old scores in Eastern Europe.
Nonetheless, the Chinese are pragmatic and know that a win-win solution would be infinitely preferable to the scenarios outlined above. For that reason, they support the WDS plan for a new meritocratically staffed future planning agency that would coordinate a massive East/West campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
Such a campaign would see tunnels connecting Alaska with Eurasia, Japan with Eurasia and Africa with Eurasia as well. The big projects would include turning the deserts green, replenishing the oceans with fish etc. The Asians also say they are willing to accept a Westerner as first head of such an agency as long as his or her successor was an Asian. After that, the job would go to the best person regardless of ethnic or cultural origin.
Even if the US avoided provoking war with China, the Trump regime simply could not take over the Federal Reserve Board because the US dollar is not controlled by the United States. Over 100 nations, including Canada and most of Europe, are already in favour of the Chinese led AIIB and have signed onto the new “carbon quota” international financial voting regime.
If the US tried to unilaterally take this over, they would be isolated and soon find they could no longer pay the wages of the US military spread out over 800 bases around the world.
The alternative, and this is one this newsletter has long recommended, is for Trump to issue Treasury dollars controlled by the US government. These dollars could be issued in whatever quantities the government wanted to pay for US infrastructure, education, domestic military activities, R&D etc.
Internationally it would be worth about half of the international US dollar. This would make US industry competitive again overnight and lead to a huge investment, tourist and export boom for the US. By contrast Chinese imports would double in price overnight.
In such an event the Asians have agreed the new future planning agency would continue to finance planet friendly US military activities around the world.
The only other alternative Trump would have would be to raise tariffs, but, if the example of Argentina after World War 2 is anything to go by, this would lead to a slow degeneration of an isolationist US into third world status.
In any case, these are all issues the Trump administration will get further involved with after its power struggle in the West ends. On this front, Pentagon sources had many new developments to report.
“After Trump’s visit to the Pentagon on January 27, the military may get access to a Brazilian missile base in the Amazon to stop bush drugs cartels, ISIS and do covert operations,” the sources say.
In addition, the sources report that a “Cabal base in San Diego was blown up on January 24th.”
In yet another development, “after Trump’s trip to Langley [CIA headquarters] and [General Joseph] Dunford’s trip to Brussels, the CIA and Europe are now targeting Soros and his NGO,” the Pentagon sources say. Soros the individual is probably dead but Soros the Rothschild front organization is now about to be dismantled as well, it seems.
The other thing the Pentagon sources had to report is that “With [drug dealer Jaoquin] “El Chapo” [Guzman] singing like a canary, Trump may send feds to take over Chicago, the center of CIA-linked Mexican cartel drug distribution while getting rid of Mossad boss [Chicago Mayor] Rahm Emanuel.”
With all of these macho goings on it is perhaps a good time to imagine what a calmer, female voice would have to say. While we cannot presume what Queen Elizabeth, who has met 12 US presidents,
would say about current events, it is a good bet her advice would be something along the lines of “make love not war.”
On a final note, the visit to Antartica has been put off for now.
January 23, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Now that the Trump regime has formally been installed, the real battle over the future of the planet earth can begin in earnest. On the one side we find the Western military industrial complex and on the other we find the ancient bloodline families.
Another way of putting it is the battle is now between those who have the guns and those who control the butter (money) supply. Yet a different lens for analyzing the upcoming struggle is to see it as China (Asia) vs. the US (the West), however that is too simplistic.
The “West” as things now stand includes Japan plus North and South Korea and maybe even Vietnam while “Asia” includes Germany and other Rothschild controlled nation states.
The ideological battle lines were set in two speeches, one by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Davos bloodline love fest on January 17, while the other was President Donald Trump’s acceptance speech.
Xi’s speech essentially supported the globalist status quo so long as “the global economic governance system,” continued to be reformed to give greater voice to developing nations. Xi also promised China would help the world develop in a win-win manner in harmony with nature.
Of course China has been by far the greatest beneficiary of the current system so the bloodline globalists have asked for Chinese protection now that a backlash against them has begun in the West.
Trump’s speech bemoaned how the American middle class has been destroyed and US industry gutted by the globalists and promised to restore American industry and infrastructure. He also hinted the military industrial complex was about to share some of its secret technologies with the world when he said “We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.”
Overall, it does not sound like we are being set up for a world war or a clash of civilizations but rather we are seeing reasonable bargaining positions being laid out by both sides in advance of final negotiations for setting up a new, improved system of running the planet.
The Asians want a bigger say for the non-European world, the West wants their industry and middle class to be rebuilt in exchange for the release of hidden technology. It sounds like a win-win solution can be reached without too much table pounding and shouting.
There is going to be more than table pounding going on in the West though as military backed Trump regime begins. The CIA, in anticipation of investigations and disclosure has already released 13 million pages of documents but Pentagon sources promise new CIA chief Mike Pompeo will “purge and reform the agency, and force even more and full disclosure.”
“Trump went to Langley [CIA HQ] to tell the CIA that the military is with him, and he will add 1000s more new agents while purging the bad guys,” the sources say. Top general Joseph Dunford “returned from Paris and Brussels meetings with NATO to oversee Trump security at the inauguration, backed by millions of bikers, cops, feds and the National Guard,” the sources continued.
Also, the Pentagon sources say that “Is it no accident that [General James] Mattis was confirmed as Secretary of Defense and fellow marine [General John] Kelly to run the Department of Homeland Security on January 20, as they were Dunford’s bosses in Iraq, and these 3 top marines are Trump’s praetorian guard.”
The first real thing Trump did after assuming power to was to go to CIA headquarters with his praetorian guard. On the surface, he promised the CIA “1000 percent support,” while underneath the surface, according to the Pentagon sources Trump gave the CIA an ultimatum to “stop drugs, arms, children trafficking, droning, lies, dirty tricks, political corruption, subversion and to focus on human and open source intelligence for the whole of the government and to provide counterintel on rivals and Israel or else.”
The Trump military government is also planning to force military contractors like Boeing and Lockheed Martin to cut fraud, waste and abuse and “they may even be nationalized like in Russia,” the sources say.
The hand-over of the drug-dealing part of the CIA’s Mexican henchman Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman just in time for the Trump presidency was timed to send a clear message, they say. Guzman is telling all he knows about where all the secret Nazi faction drug money is flowing, they say.
The bloodlines families are not taking this all without a fight and have been financing and organizing anti-Trump demonstrations around the world. They are also using their -most likely soon to end- control of the giant media corporations to mount a major psychological war on the Trump regime.
As part of that campaign it appears the Rothschilds and their ilk have resurrected George Soros as their point-man. Soros supposedly appeared last week at the Davos gathering in Switzerland but I am still unwilling to retract the information I was given that he has been killed.
The reason is because Soros reportedly spoke in public at a luncheon and when such a thing happens multiple media outlets typically report their own original versions of the event. In this case though, all the corporate media reports appear to trace to a Bloomberg video.
The technology to make a person appear real in a video is well established and until I see Soros again at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan with my own eyes, I have to say the Rothschilds are just using this persona to hide behind.
Here is what a CIA source had to say about his recent “appearance:”
“It looks like ole George is younger… is this the latest model that has just popped out of the chamber? Take note of the difference in age. The new photo is being circulated now in the MSM.” See photographs below, the first is a confirmed one from just before he was taken out, the second is the one now being circulated. At the very least he has somehow been rejuvenated.
Another senior bloodline visible power personality, German Chancellor Angela Merkel “will be taking an unexpected leave of absence very soon, ‘for health reasons’ and will most likely not be returning. In other words, she is about to run,” according to a highly connected CIA source.
Soros and Merkel aside, a different, highly connected CIA source had the following message to convey: “the dark forces were just as strong in Antarctica as the forces of light. It is the last holdout for the bad boys and their type…”
The source, who is a direct relative of a famous World War 2 Admiral, also had some X-files stuff to say namely that:
“Two timelines are converging now and when that convergence is finished we will have full disclosure. This is why all of the major world leaders went to Antarctica, and continue to arrive every day. The ancient lost city is already in view. This is what I have been calling ‘The Base’ in earlier transmissions and discussions.
Everything is there and the elites have been arriving by their special craft not only to seek protection from being arrested, but also to try and make a deal with the Galactics who are in control of the entire area now. There are those in the top ranks of the elite who are in “The City” now and attempting to make a deal to get into the healing chambers. Kissinger included.”
Incredible claims require incredible proof and when this writer demanded a chance to go to Antarctica to see for himself, he was told that would be arranged. If I do go, I will bring cameras and recording equipment and share what I have found with the general public.
In any case, a very hard-nosed and here-now reality based Russian FSB source did confirm that Antarctica was, under treaty, not under the control of any government and that international conglomerates and oligarchs did have bases there where they have been conducting secret experiments and research.
The Antarctica sources also provided two GPS coordinates for where they say much of the action is taken place: 74 degrees South, 164 degrees East and 66 degrees South, 99 degrees East. One shows on google earth as an unfrozen landscape with lakes and the other as a heavy blotted out square. The following photographs were also provided:
Since Trump claims his government represents “a historic movement the likes of which has never been seen before,” coming events should soon match the rhetoric. We shall see.
January 16, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The big geopolitical players are making final moves as the Presidency of Donald Trump and Western revolution loom. The Western military industrial complex made one of its final big moves by positioning a large tank army in Poland. This is ostensibly aimed at Russia but is in fact a move by a Christian alliance including Russia that is aimed at China.
Incoming Trump Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, for his part, threatened to attack Chinese bases in the South China Sea. The background for these provocative remarks, CIA sources in Asia say, is that the Chinese have also sent 10 million people into Indonesia recently as part of a deal to build up the archipelago’s economic infrastructure, something that has raised alarm bells in the Pentagon. The Pentagon wants to build a new military base in the South China Sea to balance this Chinese move, the CIA sources say.
The Chinese responded by reminding the West, via the White Dragon Society, that in 1979, during the Sino-Vietnamese war, when Russia sent a mechanized army into China, Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping had it destroyed with a hydrogen bomb. The remains of this army can be seen on Google Earth and serve as a reminder why starting a war with China is not a good idea, Chinese intelligence officers say.
The sabre rattling is, in any case, just posturing in advance of heavy duty negotiations on how to change the way we run this planet that will resume in earnest once the Trump presidency starts. The result is likely to be some sort of loose, democratic and meritocratic world government being formed because the alternative, nuclear holocaust, is unthinkable, sources involved in the negotiations say.
Make no mistake, the Trump Presidency is a second American revolution and it will deeply affect the operations of the international secret rogue government. Russian intelligence operatives contacted the WDS last week to seek reassurance the Trump presidency will be allowed to go ahead.
They were told by the WDS that Trump was not going to be another assassinated leader like Kennedy because, unlike Kennedy, Trump has the backing of the US military. Here is what Pentagon Sources had to say about the matter: “A CIA plot to whack Trump is unlikely since the military has read them the riot act. There are no Geneva conventions for domestic enemies of the state and military justice is swift and lethal.”
However, Trump is not going to be allowed to do everything he wants, especially when it comes to Israel, the Pentagon sources say. “The UN Security Council may vote on January 17 to impose 1967 borders on Israel enforced by sanctions,” they say.
Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and Trump “may be forced out if they oppose the will of the international community, as peace and settlement of all conflicts is needed for a global currency reset,” the sources add.
Russian FSB sources, for their part, were able to confirm that when Donald Trump visited Russia in 2013 he was offered the chance to sleep in the same hotel room that Barack and Michelle Obama had slept in. “Everything is bugged and recorded in all the hotel rooms around the Red Square in Moscow,” says an FSB source who confirms video was recorded of Trump getting prostitutes to urinate on the bed the Obamas had slept in.
“At the time he did not think he was going to become president so he did not care,” said the source, who operates a security firm for VIPs in Russia and claims to have a copy of the recording. However, the Russians point out he did nothing illegal and has never been blackmailed by them about this incident. Trump, for his part, has already announced his first overseas visit will be to Russia to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin.
In any case, what is happening in the world is not about Donald Trump, he is just one aspect of a historical revolution. This revolution began in earnest with the British vote to exit the EU, took a further step with the election of Trump and is now headed for a Frexit or French EU exit, as French Presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen met with Trump last week in New York.
Even if Trump is killed, the revolution will continue because there has been a fundamental shift in the power structure of the West that has become unstoppable. The unelected, corrupt, Khazarian mafia owned EU is going to be replaced by a democratic European Union that includes the largest country in Europe, which is Russia, according to the gnostic Illuminati.
This grouping will be allied with North America and will negotiate a 50/50 win-win new relationship with Asia when the dust finally settles, they say.
The change in world power can be seen by the diminished influence of the plutocrats gathered last week in Davos, Switzerland. The only major leader to attend this year was Chinese President Xi Jinping and this may not have been a good move on his part, Pentagon sources say.
“As Xi attends Davos, cabal operatives [German Prime Minister Angela] Merkel and bibi [Netanyahu] bow out as Trump refuses to attend to avoid meeting Xi who may also be purged and replaced with a clone,” the Pentagon sources say. NSA and gnostic illuminati sources both claim Xi reports to Evelyn de Rothschild and is not a genuine, independent Chinese leader.
Since the Rothschilds are losing power, their proxies around the world are being replaced, the sources say. This has already happened with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, CIA sources in Asia note. Asian Secret Society sources, for their part, insist Xi is independent and reports to nobody but his colleagues in the Chinese government.
In any case, the real mess that needs cleaning up in not in China but in the US where a major purge is continuing to unfold. The pedophile and related blackmail network in the US power structure continues to be dismantled in the so-called Pizza gate scandal.
Also, the artificial drought and attempted grab of California farmland by Khazarian mobsters has been ended with geo-engineered storms. There are also over 150 FBI agents in five cities, working in tandem with the New York Police Department, probing the Clinton foundation for money laundering and financing so-called Islamic terror organizations, Pentagon sources note.
The Clintons, in response, have been singing like canaries about their former patrons the Bush family and their Saudi and German allies.
The Saudis, the Israeli and CIA factions behind the ISIS mercenary army, for their part, are making threats against Trump, trying to provoke war by attacking Syria and using nuclear blackmail in order to keep control of their share of Middle Eastern oil money. This is not going to work because the entire planet has become disgusted with their criminal antics and nobody is being fooled any more by their primitive propaganda.
In Japan, meanwhile, the slave government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is acting like a deer frozen in the headlights as reality crashes towards them. The fraudulently elected Liberal Democratic Party government is still hoping that their bosses, Rothschild agent Michael Greenberg and Bush agent Richard Armitage, will somehow stay in power and protect them.
They also thought Japan was going to be ruled by China as a part of deal made by the Bushes and Clintons with China, Asian secret society sources say. This is not going to happen since Japan will be allying itself with Korea and Russia in order to maintain a stable regional balance of power, Japanese right wing sources say.
Furthermore, bribed stooges like Shinjiro Koizumi, the son of arch-traitor Junichiro Koizumi, have disgusted the Japanese underworld by saying, as Koizumi Jr. recently did, that they are resigned to Japanese population shrinking to half of its current number. You can be sure a purge of these traitors will take place in Japan once the clean-up of their bosses in Europe and the US is completed.
A purge is already in progress in South Korea, the other Khazarian slave state in Asia, with the impeachment of the President and a bribery probe into the family that controls Samsung, their biggest conglomerate.
Message to Crown Prince Naruhito: save your country before it is too late and control of Japan is handed over to the Kim Jong Un proxy. Contact the White Dragon representatives in Japan if you do not know what to do and they will help. Time is running out.
In any case, the current logjam in world events will break big time once the Trump presidency starts on January 20th. Those who cling to the old structure will be flushed down the toilet of history along with it. “It is visibly falling apart and even the people in the old corporate media are starting to report this,” one Illuminati source noted.
Those who embrace the coming revolution and wish to save the planet will get a chance to help in the job of starting a new golden age.
January 9, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The battle over the planet earth is coming to an end as the final Khazarian mafia underground bases and strongholds fall, White Dragon Society sources report. However, there is still some heavy duty last minute horse trading going on between East and West as the January 20th start of the presidency of Donald Trump approaches, according to sources involved in the negotiations. The future of our planet and our species is what is at stake.
The big battle still to be concluded is the one over who exactly will be controlling the process of creating and distributing money, which is the real source of power on this planet. Put another way, what is at stake is the process of deciding what we, as a species, do in the future.
With a little over one week to go before the Trump presidency begins, it is a good time to take note that, despite his name, he is not the one holding the trump cards in this high stakes world poker match.
When the US dollar became the de facto world currency after World War 2, it was backed by gold and US GDP was worth 50% of world GDP. Now, the so-called US dollar is backed by nothing (the US has no gold) and US GDP, as measured by the IMF, is just 15.6% of world GDP on a purchasing power parity (real) basis. Furthermore, the US was the world’s greatest creditor nation at the end of WW2 and now it is the most deeply indebted nation in the history of this planet.
By contrast, China now controls 17.9% of world GDP, has plenty of gold and is the world’s greatest creditor nation. The members of the China led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, now over 100 countries, control close to 80% of world GDP while the US and its slave state Japan, the final anti-AIIB hold outs, control less than 20%.
This means that if China and its Western allies make a grab for control of the world’s financial system, they will succeed.
However, the US military industrial complex does have some big cards to play, many of them connected to its secret space and high tech programs. The US secret government is getting ready to show some of these cards including much of the technology behind the 6000 patents, that, according to the US Academy of Sciences, have been suppressed for “national security” reasons, Pentagon officials say.
The real question many of us want the answer to, when some of these secrets are revealed is: Are two separate realities, one involving space colonization and one earth-bound, about to merge into one?
There is plenty of evidence, even for the most hard-nosed and fact based among us, that the official version we are being given of history is full of contradictions and secrets.
The WDS society and their allies will be demanding and receiving, answers about things like why manned space exploration suddenly stopped in the 1970’s? It is very clear from various accidents that have happened since then that any manned exploration vehicle trying to leave earth orbit is destroyed, ostensibly by the Ionosphere.
Agents from the WDS were told by intelligence agency sources with clearance levels high above that of the President of the shallow US state, that the planet has been put under quarantine because some very dangerous entities have taken shelter here after losing an inter-galactic war. These entities are now surrendering and freeing the hostage surface population of this planet in the process, these sources say.
If what these people are saying is true, then in the near future the benevolent galactic forces will open a wormhole in Antarctica and allow the surface population of humanity contact with the universe at large. That may be why religious, political and science luminaries have been visiting Antarctica recently. This month Russia’s Vladimir Putin is expected to be the latest bigwig to visit there.
The fact the US has confined all of its aircraft carriers to port, for the first time since World War 2, may be a sign of something big about to happen. If so, we can expect some sort of earth-shaking announcement out of Antarctica soon. We shall see.
This sounds way too out there many of us to accept but, there can be no doubt a high level esoteric war has been taking place on the surface of this planet.
For one thing, there is plenty of evidence, which would hold up in any court of law or war-crimes trial, that the leadership of the Western world has been engaged in mass murder. Let us not go too far back in history, let us even ignore the hundreds of millions of people killed in the 20th century and just look at events since the year 2000. Since then, we have had a regime in the US that has ignored international law and used terror and mass murder to manipulate its own citizens and those of other countries into war.
This latest campaign of terror started with the September 11th, 2001 (911) false flag terror attacks. Since then the US leadership invaded the Middle East and murdered hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people. It has also been spreading biological weapons like HIV, SARS, Ebola, Bird Flu etc. in an attempt to start mass pandemics.
The Western leadership also used its control of the dollar printing system to try to create mass starvation by bribing farmers into growing fuel instead of food. It has also used earthquake and tsunami causing nuclear weapons against Haiti, Indonesia, Japan etc. This is mass murder and can be directly linked to people like George Bush Jr., Hillary Clinton, David Rockefeller etc.
Somebody broke into this writer’s home recently and attempted to delete all the copies I have of a tape recording of when I was offered the job of Finance Minister of Japan by a representative of former Japanese finance minister Heizo Takenaka, in exchange for agreeing to participate in a campaign to kill 90% of the world’s population.
Takenaka works for the Rothschild and Rockefeller Khazarian mafia families behind this plan. I still have many copies of this tape hidden but the fact they would try to delete this evidence shows clearly how scared of justice these people are.
Their increasingly shabby and desperate psychological warfare tactics are also a sign of the deep panic these people are in. Just take a look at last week’s pathetic attempt to derail the Trump presidency by asserting, without any evidence, that “Russia” hacked the US election.
This Hail Mary pass attempt to derail the Trump presidency failed utterly as did their previous vote recount campaign and as will anything else, including Trump assassination, that they might plan. Their fake truck attacks in France, Germany and now Israel are also not producing the desired results. People have become immune to their age old use of street theater (often including real murder) to manipulate the masses that false flag attacks are now routinely exposed as such within minutes of their being announced.
That is because this regime has lost power, thanks to the victory of the military and agency white hat forces behind Trump. We have been promised, and expect, a war crimes trial once Trump takes power. The WDS, for its part, would settle for a South African style Truth and Reconciliation Committee.
There are also some mopping up operations going on in the run up to Trump’s presidency. “More deep underground military bases (dumbs) destroyed as cabal who refused amnesty are terminated,” was how Pentagon sources described the state of play. Also “New York nuclear arms were disarmed and a Vancouver underground rail demolished,” the sources say.
The Paris conference on January 15th is also being convened to impose a two-state solution on Israel, the last hold-out of the Khazarian mafia, and will use sanctions to force the regime there to “really make peace,” the sources continue. The world is “sick of Israeli tantrums and crimes against humanity,” they note.
Getting back to the horse trading, the Western military industrial faction is taking two tacks vis-a-vis the Asians. On one level, they are seeking a Christian alliance with Russia, Europe the Americas and the Christian parts of Africa to stand equal with the Asians.
On another level, they support the creation of a meritocratic, democratic and transparent new world architecture that will make sure international criminal groups like the Khazarian mafia will never again be allowed to foment war, terror and suffering around the planet.
Overall, once it has finished removing the criminals from within its ranks, the Western military industrial complex will offer its technological and military might to the service of humanity as a whole, Pentagon and agency sources say.
And so, as the year 2017 begins, so does a new age start to unfold. Let us make it a golden age.
January 2, 2017
Author: Benjamin Fulford
“As ye shall sow, so you shall reap,” has never been more true than in 2016 when the Khazarian mafia’s long list of crimes against humanity began to finally catch up with them. That year saw the removal from power and/or from this world of many top Khazarian mobsters including the Rockefellers, the Bushes, the Clintons and top henchmen like George Soros and Barack Obama.
We also saw a revolt in the Anglo Saxon world that led to the end of Khazarian controlled regimes in the UK (Brexit) and the US (the election of the Donald Trump military government). Now in 2017, the Year of the Rooster, their chickens are really going to come home to roost.
This will be the year of mass arrests, war crime trials and regime change as the final mop up of Khazarian mob rule takes place, sources in the Pentagon, the Gnostic Illuminati, Asian Secret Societies and the White Dragon Society all agree.
In the US, the arrest of over 15,000 Khazarian mobsters by the FBI already began January 1st, Pentagon sources say. The perpetrators of 911, the illegal Iraq invasion, the Fukushima tsunami and nuclear terror attacks on Japan and other crimes against humanity are being rounded up and there will be public disclosure about this in all major mass media, WDS sources promise.
“Cabal underground bases in Nevada, Denver, New Zealand as well as a cloning base under Camp David were destroyed and more bases in Australia, San Diego, Hawaii and Arkansas may be targeted,” the Pentagon sources report. “As Cabalists seek to escape to New Zealand, Congo, Brazil, or Paraguay, there may be more kinetic actions to stop them,” the sources promise.
In Asia meanwhile, there is fear, confusion and hope as the full implications of the decapitation of the Khazarian mafia begin to sink in at government level, multiple sources agree. There has been an especially large of amount of secret activity in Japan, Japanese right wing sources say.
We have confirmed from sources in the Japanese Royal Family and in the Cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe that Supreme Court Judge Hisashi Owada, who is also father to Princess Masako was detained in Switzerland last week at the BIS when he was caught trying to cash some Sino-Japanese war reparations bonds.
Owada was trying to cash the bonds to make up for losses incurred by former Japanese Prime Ministers Yasuo Fukuda and Junnichiro Koizumi when they invested special Japanese Foreign Ministry funds in stocks, the sources say. “He may be the Crown Princesses’ father but he is not the Emperor and that is why he was arrested,” a Japanese right winger close to the imperial family noted.
Owada was one of the Rockefeller’s most senior agents in Japan and his detention has sent shock waves through the Japanese establishment. Another senior Rockefeller agent, Yotaro Kobayashi of the Trilateral Commission has also been trying, in vain, to cash large denomination financial instruments while claiming there is no such thing as the dragon family. Yakuza agents have been dispatched to deal with him, Japanese right wing sources say.
The Chinese and Japanese establishments, which both invested heavily in the campaign of Hillary Clinton for President of the US are still reeling with shock over this loss which finally drove home to them the reality of regime change at the very highest level in the West.
The Japanese Emperors’ announced abdication, now expected to be formalized in April, did not take place in time for Khazarian agents to complete their planned hijacking of the Bank of Japan as can be seen by the detention of Owada.
The revelation that the mother of the Meiji Emperor was a Hapsburg Princess has sent shockwaves through the extended Imperial Family, the right wingers noted. It is now obvious to them the plan to use the female line to take over the patrilineal Japanese Imperial Family was behind the infiltration of Owada’s daughter Masako into the royal household, Japanese Royal Family members say. That is why there was such a big media campaign recently to allow a female to take over the throne, they ad.
In any case, the Khazarians had promised to hand over ASEAN, Japan and the Korean Peninsula to China in exchange for Chinese help in getting Hillary elected, Asian secret society sources confirm. That is why the Emperor was supposed to have resigned, but now these plans have been stopped.
A Japanese Kyodo News Agency article that appeared in the January 1st edition of the Japan times displays the confusion and anger among agents of the old regime in Japan by criticizing the government for refusing to endorse a Khazarian slave regime resolution against Russia over Syria. “Japan’s stance…made what should have been a G7 statement into a Group of Six statement,” the news agency article lamented.
Tadashi Ishii, the head of Dentsu, Japan’s advertising near monopoly, announced his resignation last week in a clear sign Japan’s system of media control is about to change. Dentsu has long used advertising boycotts or the threat thereof to keep Japanese media under control. The purge going on there means the trained seals working at big Japanese corporate media companies will soon be barking to a different tune and agencies like Kyodo will stop being mouthpieces for Khazarian propaganda.
Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso may also be removed because he reports to the French branch of the Rothschild family and as such is blocking efforts to free Japan from debt slavery by nationalizing the Bank of Japan, the Japanese right wing sources say.
The big test will be to see if the Japanese government now has the courage to release the tapes it has of war criminal and Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu calling then Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan on March 12th, 2011 and threatening mass murder on the citizens of Tokyo unless the Japanese government signed over its foreign currency holdings to the Khazarian mafia.
“Abe is so scared of Netanyahu that he wants to resign rather than have to confront him,” the Japanese right wing sources said. Even if Abe is too chicken, Netanyahu’s days are numbered. Abe will be forced to step aside if he refuses to act on 311, Japanese right wing sources say.
The Japanese have also been informed by the gnostic Illuminati that any further Israeli or Khazarian attacks on Japan will be met with retaliation in the form of a 500 megaton nuclear weapon, enough to, for example, obliterate Israel.
Netanyahu is, in any case, already facing multiple criminal charges. “United Nations Security Council resolution 2334 provides the International Criminal Court with a legal foundation to prosecute Israel for war crimes, population transfers, illegal settlements and more,” Pentagon sources say.
Netanyahu is also facing criminal charges of fraud and bribery in Israel.
The important thing for Israelis officials to realize, as they press criminal charges against him, is that Netanyahu is not a Jew, he is a Satanist and a sworn enemy of the Jewish people.
Netanyahu, together with Germany’s Angela Merkel, are now the two most senior Khazarian mafia agents in power and as such are now high priority targets, gnostic Illuminati and Pentagon sources agree.
Overall, what we are now seeing is a mopping up operation because victory, and freedom, for the human race has already been assured, White Dragon Society sources say. Once the clean-up is over, hopefully in the first half of the year, then we can start with more positive and constructive work. If all goes well the year 2017 will mean world peace and the beginning of a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and start a new golden age.
December 26, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Donald Trump, president elect of the shallow US state, will have his chain jerked by the deep state if he tries to prevent the final takedown of the Khazarian mafia, including war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu, Pentagon and agency sources say.
The takedown is now entering a mop up phase, Pentagon sources say. “The Cabal’s last stronghold, the vast underground base at Denver airport, was routed by a contingent of US, Russian and other troops, mopping up is in progress with more raids,” the sources say. In another operation “100,000 children and sex slaves were liberated from the underground bases of the Getty center in LA ,” they add.
The South of Chile was hit by an earthquake weapon last week to in order to “shake up the Nazi enclave in Bariloche and Patagonia in general,” they say.
The Khazarian stronghold of Israel is now also under unprecedented attack, as can be seen by the passing of a UN resolution condemning their illegal settlement building in the West Bank. The 14-0 UN vote, with the US abstaining, will lead to more UN resolutions aimed at forcing that rogue nation to agree to a two state solution to the Palestinian issue, many sources agree.
The murder of the Russian ambassador to Turkey and the downing of a Russian aircraft over the Black Sea by the Israelis has given Russia both moral authority and legal grounds to pursue UN sanctions against Israel and to mount a real global war on terror by going after ISIS/Mossad assets worldwide, the Pentagon sources say.
In an attempted counter-move, war criminal Netanyahu sent the head of Mossad to visit Donald Trump and got him to issue a statement saying he would have vetoed the anti-Israel resolution. However, with the Khazarian base in Denver being wiped out, the Khazarians no longer have the military ability to impose their will on the US government, the Pentagon sources note.
The remaining Khazarian agents in the CIA are bracing for massive purge by Trump of the Bush faction, CIA sources say. The reformed CIA will end all drone attacks and drug flights, and will focus on human intelligence (humint), as well as open source intelligence (osint), the sources say.
Friendless Israel is now expected to face an air/land/sea blockade and other actions to force that state to conform to international law, Pentagon and agency sources agree. The Khazarian regime in Saudi Arabia will also be forced to end its various barbaric practices, they say.
Extra security measures have been taken for Donald Trump with Russian mercenaries and special forces sent to disarm nuclear weapons in New York and near the White House, the Pentagon sources say. One nuclear weapon under Washington has already been dismantled, they add.
The Khazarians are also planning to counter attack by creating a major financial crisis, multiple sources, including from the Rothschild family, agree. Here is what a twitter account claiming to emanate from Baroness Hanna de Rothschild, the daughter of Baron Jacob de Rothschild, had to say about the upcoming attack:
“Bss De Rothschild @BssDeRothschild 14時間14時間前 Its going to be a frightfully dismal year for US in 2017. No jobs, hyperinflation, more debt & impeachment. Merry Christmas you fools!”
She is also making multiple death threats against Trump and needs to be taken down, CIA sources say.
The financial attack, which will accelerate rapidly in the New Year, has already begun with a major push to cause interest rates world-wide to rise to crippling levels. This is being done by means of a huge sell off in the bond market by the Khazarian mob families.
The planned result will be to cripple indebted emerging nations’ economies and punish debt slaves in countries like the United States by forcing them to pay more for their card, car, house and other loans. The plan is to blame the engineered economic hardship on Trump, Rothschild family sources say.
However, there is a huge split within that family that will make this planned economic attack impossible to carry out.
On that front, we got word from Nathaniel Rothschild who says he has not been killed, as claimed by Pentagon sources, but has merely gone into hiding.
Here is what a source with access to Nathaniel had to say:
“His family members are out to take away his position as the next head of the clan. They are not out to eliminate him, but need his signature on a specially prepared document only used by ‘the family’ that will annul his upcoming leadership ascension.”
The source also said “The battle continues within the family. They are losing control of the world’s financial system but will still remain in the club with China at the helm, via the Shanghai gold exchange… of which they are a main player”.
As far as the overall financial war was concerned, this is what the source, who is of Asian royal blood, had to say:
“It seems that those with a lot of green backs (USD) want to get rid of it and trade it for Au. This is happening all over the world. The problem is that only a handful of people can actually move it around. Unless you are talking about black Au of which there are hundreds of thousands of tons of it but only the 10 ‘authorized dealers’ will touch it because it is not hallmarked.
Hallmarked Au is not just a mark for selling, and keeping track of its movement. All hallmarks also contain a ‘radioactive marker’ so it can be tracked during shipment. Remember that the Boys also did this to the Shah of Iran’s gold stored in Thailand.
Many people want the real thing now, NOT the paper that says you own it, as you and I have seen so much of that fake paper going around. That is why the next month is going to be very interesting. There is a scramble for physical gold now. The off ledger Au will be slowly moved back into the official market and must be hallmarked.
We anticipate that China, Russia, and Thailand will be the main players involved in this transfer as they prepare for the new Gold backed currency. Remember that China slipped the news out in their big billboard near the Bangkok airport a few years ago. The truth was put there in place sight.
Do you wonder why there is no mention of BRICS lately? It because there is internal juggling taking place. They are repositioning their strategy now. They will need the physical Au to back their currency”.
Here is a picture of the billboard mentioned:
The same source said that “The intel regarding David Rockefeller [being dead] is correct. He is in stasis now at ‘The Base’…he will not be heard of or seen again… unless they hologram him…There are others in the elite club who are also there now.
I am obtaining a list from our man on site and will pass it on to you once I have it. I was informed a few days ago that W J Clinton has been denied access to ‘The Base’. Henry Kissinger has a pod reserved. He will most likely go off radar very soon.”
Queen Elizabeth II, head of the committee of 300 has also been put under house arrest, Pentagon sources say. This can be partially confirmed by the Queen’s cancelation of her scheduled public appearances in recent days. However, sources close to the Royal Family say the Queen is simply avoiding public appearances as a security precaution because they have received reports the gnostic Illuminati are targeting her.
The other visible bloodline public figure being targeted by the gnostic Illuminati is Adolf Hitler’s daughter and Rothschild family member Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany. The Illuminati say members of the German army and intelligence services are determined to remove her from power during the coming year.
The recent fake German truck terrorist attack, and subsequent media campaign pinning the blame for that on Merkel, was just the first round of that campaign they say.
The year 2017 may also be time when the secret space program and ET folk get their long awaited disclosure. The following quote, from a source in the Antarctic base, requires more proof before I will believe it but, nonetheless here it is:
“The cabal are all freaked out by what they found in Antarticia – It gave Buzz a heart attack. Very large “pods” with beings inside. That is why John Kerry was there Election Day. Animals and people frozen in time. 12 – 14 foot humans in the pods who were in stasis, are now awakening”.
One thing we can confirm about Antarctica is that while the North Pole appears as part of a regular map on Google Earth, the South Pole cannot be found there, instead the map just vanishes into a point where many lines converge. We can only speculate as to why that is.
On a final note for this week and this year, December 25th marks the first day of the solar New Year. Since the Christians do not know the actual birth date of Jesus Christ, they conflated the old pagan solar New Year festivities with his birthday celebration. So, in a holiday spirit, we would like to wish our readers a Merry-Christmas and a Happy New Year. May 2017 be the best year yet.
December 19, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The collective story by which humanity has been herded into the future is undergoing a pole shift, and the old reality is fading rapidly. The story by which the world, especially the Western world, has been living in was one of a never ending war on terror and an engineered clash between Islam and Christianity. The mass murdering criminals whose “social engineering” has perpetuated this story are being hunted down and killed or else are under house arrest or in hiding.
One of the most senior members of the cabal behind the atrocities in Syria and elsewhere, Bishop Javier Echevaria, the head of the fascist Opus Dei Vatican organization was killed last week after he tried to overturn the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States, Pentagon sources say. The Vatican says he died of natural causes.
Three independent sources, one CIA, one Pentagon and one bloodline are also saying that David Rockefeller and Nathaniel Rothschild, the respective bloodline leaders of the US and the EU were also killed last week. No confirmation of this has been obtained, as of the time of this writing from either the Rockefeller or Rothschild families.
The sources also say the Clintons, the Bushes, Senator John McCain and many other cabal leaders are under house arrest and are only allowed out under carefully chaperoned circumstances pending their war crimes trials.
We certainly hope these trials will materialize but in any case it is very clear that the people who have been running the planet (especially the West) until now are in a state of deep panic.
Part of the reason for the panic is that an updated membership list of the committee of 300, the secret government of the West, has been made public.
The fact is that even if these people are now backing away from the never ending war on terror scenario and are instead pushing for a global carbon tax, they have been so incompetent at ruling this planet that they have provoked a mass popular uprising against their rule. This tweet, on an account allegedly put up by AnadeRothschild, captures the sentiment: “Pat Taylor @PT_Fino 11月29日 @AnaDeRothschild I’d like your entire bloodline to be executed on live TV. Call me old fashioned.”
This is why they are now in a state of deep funk.
A visible manifestation of their desperation is the hysterical claims by the corporate media and compromised intelligence agency sources like Saudi loving CIA director John Brennan that “Russian hacking” was responsible for the election of Donald Trump. Just like the Washington Post was forced to back off from a list of “fake news” sites it published recently, the Russians are now demanding that US Presidential spokesperson Barack Obama prove the allegations or apologize. This failing Russia story is a clear indication their ability to control the world story is over.
Another sign of the panic among the leaders of the collapsing old regime is the fact that Hillary Clinton and Obama both contacted the White Dragon Society last week to say that they were not responsible for the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror attack on Japan. They claim, as do the Gnostic Illuminati, that Russia’s Vladimir Putin was the person behind that operation.
Multiple sources have confirmed that the nuclear weapon used for that attack came from the Russian submarine Kursk that sank in 2000. At the time the Rothschild agent Dr. Michael Meiring told the WDS the Rothschilds were responsible for that attack.
Since both the NSA and the gnostic Illuminati claim Putin takes orders from Jacob and Evelyn de Rothschild, claims of his involvement in 311 may well be true.
The Rothschilds, for their part, say they take their orders from the P2 Freemason lodge. It is a fact that self-described P2 heir apparent Leo Zagami sent threatening and bragging e-mails immediately after 311 (Fukushima) and made threats to destroy Tokyo as well. Japanese government sources confirm the threats to Tokyo from the P2.
Another very interesting P2 freemason connection to Japan has also come out. Zhang Shengzhi, a man who claims (and provides documentation to back this), to be an heir to the Manchu throne says the mother of the Meiji Emperor was a Hapsburg princess who was also a renowned photographer.
A cousin of the Japanese emperor says this claim is likely to be true “because there were a lot of Jews in the town where the Meiji Emperor came from.” Since the Hapsburgs claim to be descended from the Caesars, as do the heads of the P2, it means Japan has been a Roman colony since the Meiji era with the imperial family being used as proxy rulers.
Zhang, who was mentioned in the May 5th, 2015 edition of this newsletter, says he provided the Japanese government with documents proving his claim that he was the rightful heir to the gold that was used to set up the Bank of Japan. The Japanese government did not openly dispute his claim, he says.
However, after he presented the documents he was beaten up by three thugs and then arrested. He was held for 23 days, the maximum time a person can be held in Japan without charges being laid, and was then forcibly confined in Tokyo’s Musashi Mental hospital. Zhang was finally able to get out after sympathetic doctors, who could tell he was not insane, allowed him to check himself out recently, he says.
Zhang, the Showa Emperors’ cousin and many other sources also claim the current emperor of Japan is not from the Japanese royal family. If that is the case, then the right to issue Japanese yen and the Bank of Japan are based on nothing but fraud.
Of course the same can be said of the Federal Reserve Board and the EU central bank. In the US major moves against this fraud continue. One example is that the US Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal by former AIG CEO Hank Greenburg seeking to avoid fraud charges for hiding massive losses from investors, Pentagon sources say. This opens the way to mass arrests of other Wall Street executives.
Also, the Supreme Court ruled 8 to 0 in the Shas vs US case that bank fraud statutes apply to those who defraud bank customers as well as to the banks “making bank execs liable for screwing customers,” a Pentagon source notes. The big law firms, like sharks smelling blood, are preparing for a Wall Street feeding frenzy.
The high ranking consiglieri of the old regime like George Bush Jr., Condoleezza Rice, Jim Baker and Bob Gates are lobbying hard for Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerman to be made Secretary of State but that “this will not save them from 911 and war crimes charges,” the Pentagon sources say. Henry Kissinger, long term Rockefeller bagman, is now a Ronin (masterless Samurai) desperately kissing Trump’s ass in the hopes of retaining influence.
There were more confirmations last week that the incoming Trump government in the US is basically a military one. Former Navy Seal Commander Ryan Zinke was named to the Department of the Interior while former army Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg was selected as Chief of Staff of the National Security Council.
This government is taking a military approach to the Khazarian mafia, which means either killing them or forcing them to surrender. There is some sort of battle going on in and around Denver, Colorado, the Pentagon sources say, confirming that foreign troops are converging there. This writer has seen with his own eyes the masses of fenced in areas and air-ventilation shafts around Denver airport. This is apparently one of the final Khazarian strongholds and it is being taken down.
The US military also claim they were able to neutralize nuclear weapons that were to be used in false flag attacks in Yellowstone, near the Trump tower in New York and Mt. Lassen in Northern California.
Furthermore, Pentagon sources say US, Russian and Iranian special forces are working together to “terminate” ISIS forces in Palmyra, Syria. There was also a big earthquake in Papua New Guinea indicating the Khazarian submarine base there is under attack, the sources say.
Special forces are also being sent to the Getty Center in California to flush out Satanists living under it, WDS sources say. The museum was built at a cost of $6 billion at a time when a 1000 room casino could be built for $500 million because most of the work was underground, the sources say.
The gnostic Illuminati say the entire current world power structure is crumbling and will be replaced by something new and better.
After spending 47 years as a high-ranking illuminati member, the anonymous insider says that he wants to reveal everything about the secret society’s plans after it all became “too much to bear” for him.
In his first post the insider revealed the process you have to go through in order to become a member, as well as in-depth information about the ‘Space flights’ program, and shocking revelations about who Obama really is – he is much more evil than anyone realizes apparently.
Now, in his highly anticipated second post the ex-Illuminati member continues to lift the lid on the secret society by revealing the names of the senior leadership.
December 12, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The Khazarian mafia is planning spectacular false flag terror operations between now and December 19th in a last minute attempt to prevent Donald Trump from being formally appointed as President of the United States, CIA sources say. However, the military forces of Russia, China and the United States are all working together now to remove the final vestiges of Khazarian control so these efforts will no more than the final thrashes of a dying beast.
There is also a very intense cyber-warfare campaign under way aimed to removing truth websites so that the Khazarian corporate media’s false world narrative can be reasserted, the sources say. This is what is behind the ongoing attempt to try to label the current truth revolution and the election of Donald Trump as being done by “Russia.”
The recent widely publicized Washington Post article that featured a list of so-called “fake news” sites cited information compiled by US State Department and Obama administration fronts like Voice of America, the Atlantic Council and the National Endowment for Democracy.
The fact is the real fake news outlets are propaganda organs like the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, BBC etc. These are the outlets that still routinely report lies about 911, Iran, Saddam Hussein, ISIS, Russia etc. All of these lying corporate propaganda outlets will soon experience a change in management and will be forced to either report the truth or be shut down.
Both Asian secret society and Western agency sources report that a major purge is ongoing and that large numbers of people are “disappearing” in Asia and in the West. The outward sign of this has been the domino fall of Khazarian mafia controlled governments.
However, the Asian secret society sources say that information provided by the NSA claiming that Chinese President Xi Jinping reported to Evelyn de Rothschild was false. They say the Asians have been having a series of meeting where, among other things, it was decided that since Xi supports world peace, he will remain in power. Other world leaders, however, will continue to resign, the sources agree.
The most recent domino to fall was South Korean President Park Geun Hye who was impeached last week. South Koreans were infuriated to hear revelations from Wikileaks and other sources that Park took part in “Satanic rituals” and allowed Demonic spirits “complete control over her body and soul.”
There has been a strenuous campaign by the Khazarian mafia to deny any connection to Satanism but more and more insiders are saying it is very real. The images of ritualistic cannibalism at an elite party run by Marina Ambramovic are a reflection of very real cannibalistic orgies that do take place, bloodline family sources say.
A list of celebrities who attended this event can be seen here:
“The truth is the ‘Elite’ wouldn’t be doing public ‘mocking’ cannibalistic Satanic rituals or ‘Galas’ if they were actually not being actively engaged in such sick and twisted disgusting practices,” a CIA source points out.
A lot of information about these elite horrors will be coming out in the war crimes trials that are expected to start in January, 2017, several sources agree.
A CIA source says that “Obama as the CEO of the Corporate United States, quietly joined the International Criminal Court In 2010. Ten years ago George W. Bush gave presidential immunity to the Bush/Clinton crime family. It is over on 31 December. On Jan. 1, 2017 they can be arrested and brought before the ICC. This is the reason they are detained now, in house. This is being kept very close to source”.
“They will wait for Trump to be sworn in for sure then the shit will hit the fan,” the source summarized.
Pentagon sources say Marine General John Kerry will head the Department of Homeland Security who will purge it of Khazarians before starting a campaign to close the US border to “drug cartels and ISIS.” The Pentagon sources were informed that if they wanted to go after ISIS the first person they should arrest would be Senator John “ISIS” McCain. Such arrests are taking place with the big wigs scheduled to go down in the new year, CIA sources confirm.
In the meantime, financial warfare is raging. This was seen in a Bloomberg terminals outage last week Pentagon sources say. Hedge funds also got a body blow last week as the Supreme Court ruled 8 to 0 that insider trading is a crime even if the tipper gets no financial benefit from family or friends, the sources say. This ruling will make it much easier for law enforcement folk to clean up Wall Street, they say.
Also, Wells Fargo Bank has been purged of hundreds of cabal bankers and will likely be taken over by HSBC soon, the sources say. In a related move the private Swiss Bank Edmond de Rothschild was kicked out of China roth kicked out of China after many Khazarian proxies in that country were rounded up, the Pentagon sources say. The Chinese military for their part, say the only Western banks they fully trust now are HSBC and Standard & Chartered.
The US and Chinese military are negotiating a deal that will help bring on a global currency reset, sources close to the negotiations say. The deal involves trading US dollars for Asian gold and is being blocked by the Rothschild banking clan, the sources say.
For that reason both the Asian secret societies and US agencies have been given the precise coordinates of the Rothschild clan leadership. The White Dragon Society says missiles and aerial bombing should be avoided in order to prevent the destruction of priceless art work.
However, CIA sources who have long been battling the bloodline families take a harder line:
“Do they worry when they bomb & demolish historic ‘priceless’ treasures in the Middle East? NO, because their goal is not to acquire or save treasure but to attain total and absolute control. Didn’t the Cabal use strategic nukes on 9/11?
If we want to take the control back of our beloved planet only an equal show of force will get their attention. That we’ll send a strong enough message that we mean business and that enough is enough and that is either their total surrender or face total annihilation…their choice!”
The gnostic illuminati is definitely leaning towards “total annihilation,” so bloodline surrender to the more moderate WDS forces is recommended before it is too late.
There already has been a Khazarian surrender in Syria. Here a ceasefire and evacuation of Aleppo has been agreed upon after Syrian government forces and their allies took over 93% of the city. In a definitely related move, the Rothschild controlled company Glencore and the government of Qatar agreed last week to buy a major stake in the Russian energy company Rosneft.
The Syrian war was started to force Syria to allow Qatar and Saudi Arabia to build a pipeline there in order to export gas to Europe. The Syrians refused because they preferred a pipeline controlled by Russia. So, the fact the Qataris have reached a deal with Russia means they have broken with Saudi Arabia over Syria.
The Saudis, for their part, have rushed to save their asses by sending Softbank’s Masayoshi Son to visit Trump to offer to create 50,000 US jobs using $50 billion of Saudi money. The Saudis are going to have to fork over a lot more than that just to pay the blood money they owe for all the horrific crimes their regime has carried out. Just ask the Yemenis.
The Saudi regime will be “taken care of,” as a part of an overall settlement of ongoing conflicts that is unfolding as the Trump regime heads for “triple entente,” with Russia and China.
This is why Russia and non-OPEC oil producers agreed to cut supply in order to raise prices and stabilize energy dependent currencies. The move towards more harmony can also be seen in the Aleppo cease fire was well as in a Russian agreement to supply Ukraine with the gas it will need this winter.
There is also expected to be some sort of breakthrough involving North Korea. A rare glimpse in the true nature of that regime came out last week when it “accidentally” revealed there are only 28 domain names using the North Korean .KP registry.
If you look at some of those 28 sites you can see clearly they are not managed by North Koreans. This disclosure may, together with the downfall of South Korea’s President Park, be a sign some sort of Korean Peninsula Peace agreement being in the works.
On a final note, there is more weirdness emerging from Antarctica. Last week a “large glowing blue cloud” appeared over Antarctica, according to the Christian Science Monitor.
Does the Vatican know something about this cloud that we do not?
December 5, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Despite strenuous efforts by the Rothschilds and the bloodline families, the Khazarian mafia dominoes keep falling one by one. The resignations or announced resignations of Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, French President Francois Hollande, European Parliament President Martin Shulz, New Zealand Prime Minister John Key, and the defeat of Khazarian drug dealing gangster Nicolas Sarkozy are the latest falling dominoes.
There is now a major campaign unfolding to remove remaining senior Rothschild agents like the so-called “Vladimir Putin” of Russia (the real Putin died long ago), Chinese strongman Xi Jinping, Japanese slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Hitler daughter Angela Merkel in Germany, according to multiple sources in China, Russia, the US, Japan and elsewhere.
The shockwaves caused by the fall of Italy’s Renzi will be the biggest for now, because it paves the way for the election of a Five Star Movement government that promises to leave the Euro. There will be a “world of hurt” in the Italian banking system as a result that will only speed up either the re-introduction of the Italian Lira or else lead to the possible creation of a new Mediterranean currency, P2 Freemason sources say.
A Mediterranean currency would co-exist with a revived Deutschemark that would take over the rump of the Euro in Northern Europe, the sources say.
The Rothschilds and the bloodlines are fighting back hard and are pulling all the stops they can to try to prevent US President Elect Donald Trump from taking power with their big push for vote recounts in the US, sources in the US Green party, the Rothschild family and CIA all agree.
The push is headed for “a hard and fast 13 December deadline mandated by Title 3, U.S. Code, Section 5 that each of the individual American States must have concluded all controversies related to their voting and submit their Electors for the 19 December Electoral Collage vote to install that nations’ next leader,” CIA sources say.
This push will fail because the bloodlines do not have any real backing in either the US military or the agencies, Pentagon and CIA a sources say.
The white hats in the military and the agencies are fighting back with a major push to expose very real pedophilia and human sacrifice being carried out by the bloodline families.
An insider in one of the bloodline families sent a horrific photograph of a cannibalistic event. This writer hesitated to publish the photo, which was sent shortly after Thanksgiving but, decided to do so in order for people to understand what we are fighting against. The picture will be made available to subscribers only for now and can be seen below
The photograph is real as far as I can tell. Notice, for example the white cloth or paper around the fingers, they seem to be there so that people have something to hold on to as they rip them off. Also, notice the tied up children, who are most likely designated as “desert.” We are sworn to avenge this woman and her many fellow victims.
Former Khazarian sex slaves in Europe are also sending us credible evidence of hunting of 14 and 16 year old boys and girls by members of the European royalty.
This is what a CIA source with extensive knowledge of the situation had to say;
“It’s about time this so called pizza-gate and the global underground pedophile rings are being exposed. It has been going on secretly since the late 50’s early 60’s in America in the entertainment industry. Most likely before then as well…the main reason Walt Disney built Disneyland, finished in 1955, was to have a central location for his close friends to come pick up children and have a good time.
Frank Sinatra, Bob Hope, even the Shah of Iran made visits to his children’s fantasy playground to enjoy more than just a walk in the park. Walt Disney was a well know pedophile amongst his inner circle of friends. Do you know how many children go missing every year at Disneyland, Disney World, Disneyland Paris and Tokyo?
This is a part of the global children trafficking cartel. Then there was the Mickey Mouse Club TV series which started in 1955, with the famous Mouseketeers. That is a whole different story in itself”.
The arrests of these cannibalistic pedophiliac monsters is accelerating in the US to the extent that Skull and Bones Secretary of State John Kerry flew to see Pope Francis last week to ask for mercy for his group only to be turned down, Pentagon sources say.
The bloodlines also appear to have carried out a Satanic sacrifice on December 2nd, with a warehouse fire in Oakland, California that killed at least 33 people. At the link below you can see a picture of the pamphlet for the event featuring a snake and a Satanic seven pointed star.
This is what Baroness de Rothschild tweeted about the event: “Our heart goes out to the families of those who lost their lives in Oakland. Life is so fragile. May we all make the most of this moment.”
Bss De Rothschild (@BssDeRothschild) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from Bss De Rothschild (@BssDeRothschild). Baroness De Rothschild, CEO, Global Private Investment Banker, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist & Environmentalist, Avid Art Collector, Proud Globalist. New York/London
“Make the most of this moment!!??” It is as if they hope the Satanic spirits invoked by this sacrifice will somehow help them keep in power. Incredible as it seems, multiple sources, including P2 Lodge member Leo Zagami say these bloodline families regularly carry out such rituals in order to invoke powerful spirits to help them.
What these bloodline families fail to realize is that and the end of the day Satan is unable to defeat the forces of love and goodness. Their reign of terror and human sacrifice is ending as a result.
In any case, returning to the world of nation state geopolitics, Russian FSB sources last week contacted the White Dragon Society to ask “whatever happened to the BRICS alliance?” They were told that now that Donald Trump had been elected US President, the world was going to move against opposing blocs fighting each other and move towards everybody being friendly with each other. They were happy to hear this.
Unfortunately, there is still a bit of fighting and horse trading ahead of us before we can move to world peace and love.
The key still remains control over the world financial system and thus control of the process for deciding what humanity does in the future. Since the bloodline families still control a lot of the financial system it means they will either have to be totally defeated or else a compromise will have to be reached with the benevolent factions (these do exist) within the bloodlines. It also means ultimately coming to some sort of new power sharing arrangement between Asia and the West. All of this is being negotiated and or fought over.
One still unresolved question has to do with control of the $2 trillion a year in oil and gas revenue from the Middle East. Here, the forces allied with Syria and Russia are winning against those allied with Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The problem is while the Saudi and Qatari oil is linked to the Satanic Bush, Clinton and Rockefeller families, the Russian oil giant Gazprom that is emerging victorious in the Syrian pipeline war is controlled by equally Satanic Jacob de Rothschild.
That is why Russian FSB and NSA sources both insist first that the real Vladimir Putin was murdered and second that the look-alikes playing his role are Rothschild puppets.
The other problem is that Asian secret society, CIA and NSA sources agree that Chinese President Xi Jinping also works for the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds transferred their gold and most of US and European industry to China over the past many years because they knew an immune reaction against their rule was beginning in the West.
The Dragon family and the Chinese military intelligence community know that for a country to accept the Khazarian mafia is like for an individual to start taking amphetamines. At first there is a lot of energy and a great high but later your body is devastated and your life shortened.
That is why the Chinese military, the Russian military and the US military have begun an alliance against the Khazarians.
This can be seen most recently from President elect Trump’s selection of Elaine Chao as Transportation Secretary because “she is another back channel to China with ties to Jiang Zemin to pressure Xi,” Pentagon sources say. It is well known that her father, James S.C. Chao, who owns a shipping line, was classmates with Jiang and they have kept in touch ever since. Jiang’s faction is known to be very influential in the Chinese military and intelligence community.
“Her ships are never checked for anything, both in China and the States,” was what a CIA source in Asia had to say about her. The Chaos have long been close to the Bush family but are now distancing themselves, other CIA sources say.
A deal involving Asian gold and hard currency is being negotiated by the US and Chinese militaries, according to a source involved in the negotiations. The bloodline families are also trying to negotiate some sort of deal as well, a bloodline family source says.
Finally, CIA sources in Asia say the sudden resignation of New Zealand’s Prime Minister “is directly connected to what is going on at ‘The Base’ in Antarctica…..John Key knows what is about to happen and he does not want to be at the helm of his country’s government when it does.” The source was reluctant to give more detail but hinted it had to do with the imminent arrival of “the fleet.” He was not referring to a naval fleet.
November 28, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
There can be no doubt the United States is in the throes of a revolution. As a part of this, US military sources say “44 wildfires in the Southern states of Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky and North Carolina smoked out underground cabalists,” making it clear a real purge is ongoing.
The Pentagon sources are also saying “another cabal spacecraft escaping earth was shot down over Florida on November 21st.” Yet a further cabal spacecraft was shot down off the coast of Fukushima, on November 22nd after it attacked Japan with an earthquake weapon, White Dragon Society sources in Asia say. A video of the craft going down can be seen at this link.
For those of you who think this is too far-fetched, please bear in mind that stealth jets were flying for close to 30 years before they were revealed to the public. That means the F-35 flying turkey is just a diversion and the US military has stuff that is at least 30 years ahead of what we are being shown.
Speaking about the military, Pentagon sources say they are pushing to have generals appointed as Secretary of State and as Secretary of Defense. In particular, they are pushing to have Marine General John Kelly as Secretary of State.
The Pentagon sources are also saying Trump will have a “private army of 2 million veterans, bikers and gun owners to confront Hillary thugs in DC for the inauguration.”
Newly appointed Education Secretary Betsy Devos will be “another general in the Trump cabinet” since she has her own army run by her brother Erik Prince who founded Blackwater with her money, the sources add. This means the mercenaries will no longer be sub-contracting for the Khazarian mob. If so, then it really is game over for the Khazarians.
Also, four separate sources, two Pentagon, one CIA and one ruling bloodline family say some major financial announcements are coming soon, possibly on December 1st. One announcement which will have a big impact on the gold market is that “the Islamic Council that sets the standards for Sharia as of December 1st is going to change the rules for 1.3 billion Muslims that previously were only permitted to own gold in the form of jewelry. They are now going to be permitted to purchase gold as an investment,” according to a CIA source in Asia.
The real biggie that came from two separate Pentagon sources is that the US government is about to announce new Treasury dollars for use in North America. Images of the bills can be seen at this link:
The sources have done their own fact checking and they say there is a “90%” chance these are the real deal.
CIA sources in Asia go further and say the new bills will replace the US dollar bills currently in circulation inside the United States and that Americans will take a 50% haircut when they exchange for the new bills. US dollars outside of the United States will keep their current value, the sources say.
A source in the 13 bloodline families independently confirms that some sort of decision has been made regarding the global financial system and that things “will be starting possibly in December or sometime in January.”
The CIA sources in Asia also say the “one million ton” gold scam being attempted by Federal Reserve Board Chairperson Janet Yellen, Wilfredo Saurin etc. has been quashed.
“Saurin has been tossed out of the palace in Thailand. The new King, whose ascension will take place at the right time, doesn’t want anything to do with him,” a source in the Thai Royal Family confirms.
The Royal source also said that if people want to find where the biggest gold stash is: “Look under the Royal Palace in Tokyo. Why do you think the Cabal has kept Japan under lock and key since WW2 ended”.
This ties in with all of the infighting going on with the powerful factions now in Tokyo, CIA sources say adding that “The key players are jostling for control of that gold. On one side you most likely have Saurin and his team trying to get their hands on the booty for their gold bond scam.
On the other side you have the WDS and the Gnostic Illuminati trying to protect it for the benefit of the people of this planet and to assist in the global reset. This is one of the reasons the Emperor wants to step down. It is just too much for an elderly man to handle.”
There will be a move in Japan soon enough and the slave regime of Shinzo Abe will be replaced with a real government, WDS sources in Japan say.
Meanwhile in Israel raging “wildfires are a burnt offering and a warning for bibi [Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu] to accept a UN two-state resolution creating the 194th state of Palestine, withdraw to 1949 lines, return the Golan Heights and stop the Gaza siege,” the Pentagon sources say.
Elsewhere in the Middle East, the Egyptian military has joined the battle in Syria against the Khazarian Saudi and Qatari ISIS mercenary army. Iraqi Vice President Nouri al-Maliki for his part pointed to the elephant in the Middle-East room by saying “Saudi Wahhabism has to be put on the international terrorism list.”
With Donald Trump saying the US will stop importing oil from Saudi Arabia hopefully the Khazarian pseudo-Muslim Saudi regime will finally be dealt with by the Russians, the Americans and the real Muslims.
The Russians and the Americans have opened a new channel of communications via the actor Steven Seagal, who was given a Russian passport last week. When handing over the passport “Putin” (whoever happens to be playing the part now) said “we hope this will facilitate communications with your professional friends,” which CIA sources say refers to them.
This is part of a Russian alliance with the US military and agencies against the Khazarian mafia and their proxies, Russian, Pentagon and CIA sources all say.
The effects of this alliance will be felt the most in Khazarian controlled Ukraine, Saudi Arabia and the EU politburo. This is why European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker admitted last week that “without Russia, there is no security architecture in Europe.”
In effect, he was admitting the Russia was now in charge of protecting Europe. This means Khazarian control of Europe is ending. The fact that British newspapers are now openly publishing 911 truth stories shows clearly that country has already shed the Khazarian yoke.
The Khazarian mafia controlled media conglomerates in the US are also having their feet held to the fire and are being ordered to report the truth or else. Trump is considering revoking the Federal Communications Commission broadcasting licenses of lie spouting corporate media networks, the sources say. There are also discussions going on about either nationalizing or breaking up the big media cartels, they add.
The attempt by the Khazarians to save themselves by overthrowing the election of Donald Trump through vote recounts is not going to change things. Members of the US Green party admit they took money from the Rothschilds to demand a recount but that their real intention was to use the funds to fight for greater rights for small political parties like theirs. In any case, any real vote recount would show Hillary Clinton lost by a much larger percentage than is being reported.
Speaking about Clintons, CIA sources reported the following about Hillary’s husband:
“Bill Clinton flew in recently under the radar and was admitted to the cardiovascular unit at one of our ’specialist hospitals’ nearby, which is under the control of the Agency. After a thorough examination, he was told that nothing more can be done for his heart. It is end game for WJC.
He most likely will not be celebrating the New Year in this world. This is the reason he has looked so pale for the past several months. His heart is so weak it cannot pump the oxygenated blood carried in his arteries, through his system. The quadruple bypass surgery was only a temporary solution.”
The source continued by noting that “When WJC dies, he will be kept on ice so to speak. (Just like they did for a few years with the King of Thailand). His death and cause thereof will be ‘announced’ when the time is right.
He will receive the full Presidential funeral procession as per current US laws and regulations unless there is a major change in the new US Government policy in the near future.”
It may be that the Clintons, the Bushes and their ilk will all “die” in the near future to avoid airing the dirty laundry that would be exposed if they were forced to face a war crimes tribunal. The people, though, deserve to hear the truth.
November 21, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The liberation of the planet earth from Khazarian gangster control is now snowballing. The UK liberated itself with the Brexit vote while the Americans freed themselves by electing Donald Trump as President. Trump’s election was followed immediately by anti-Khazarian regime change in Bulgaria and Moldova.
Next, a Presidential election in Austria and a referendum in Italy, both due on December 4th, are expected to liberate those countries. Following this will be the likely election of Marine Le Pen as President of France in May and the ouster of German Chancellor Angelina Merkel sometime in 2017.
In South Korea as well, Khazarian puppet President Park Geun Hye has been exposed as totally corrupt and is being removed from power. In Japan too, right-wing forces are moving against Khazarian proxies like Yasuyuki Nambu of the Pasona Group, Masayoshi Son of Softbank and others to prepare the way for the liberation of this country.
Later in the game the European Union, the United Nations and subsidiary organizations like the IMF and the World Bank are also expected to collapse before being replaced by more representative, meritocratic, democratic and competently run institutions.
Much of this outcome hinges on the nearly over but still not finished power struggle in Washington D.C.
The first senior staff members selected by Donald Trump are all US armed forces veterans making it clear his government will be strongly linked to the US military. This means the men with guns are finally taking action.
Navy veteran Steve Bannon is Chief Strategist, army veterans Mike Pompeo, Jeff Sessions and Michael Flynn respectively have the jobs of CIA head, Attorney General and Director of National Security. So far no neocons or Khazarians have been selected.
A Pentagon source says the names of neocons like Rudolph Giuliani, John Bolton, David Petraeus and Mitt Romney were “floated so trump can say ‘you’re fired.’”
New National Security Adviser General Michael Flynn summed up the situation as follows:
“We just went through a revolution…This is probably the biggest election in our nation’s history, since bringing on George Washington when he decided not to be a king. That’s how important this is.”
In a clear sign this really is a revolution, CIA sources tell us that arch-criminal George Soros has been “taken out,” as reported by this writer on November 20th. Pentagon sources are saying that others on the list who need to be removed from the scene include Senator John “ISIS” McCain and Edgar Bronfman who “owns McCain.”
Other Pentagon sources say that a special “navy doomsday plane” was sent to fly from California to Denver last week to deploy “special weapons” in order to “drive cabalists out of underground bases” so that they could be arrested.
Speaking about underground bases, White Dragon Society sources in Antarctica say:
”One of our team members in Antarctica saw David Rockefeller with his son Richard at ‘The Base’ along with several other elites from Europe. There is a top secret meeting taking place there now. The word is that they are preparing for January 20.”
Other sources say they saw members of the Rothschild family at that Antarctic base too.
(The Russian documentary linked below is recommended as the most thoroughly researched background information this writer could find on secret Antarctic bases,
It is a good guess these elites are hoping to find shelter or else a ticket off-planet at that base but they are unlikely to find either because all the evidence indicates this planet is under some form of quarantine.
In any case, judging from the 2017 occult cover of the Rothschild and P2 Freemason Agnelli family owned Economist, the bloodline families are in a state of confusion. The cover, seen at the link below, is called “Planet Trump” and features tarot cards.
Here is this writer’s first stab and what it means:
The first card, called “the tower,” shows the Catholic Church being split between its communist and traditional Christian factions.
The second, called “Judgement” shows Donald Trump holding the symbols of power, meaning most likely they expect a Neurenberg type tribunal to be convened when he assumes office.
The third, called “the World” shows symbols of the gnostic Illuminati, the family owned central banks and monotheism unified under what appears to be a moon god. Above them are what appear to be Maria (the Goddess Isis), the holy book and the sun god. It seems they think the world will be unified under these symbols.
The fourth called “the Hermit” shows North America leading a populist movement against TPP, TTIP and the EU, indicating they have gone against their “globalist” agenda.
The fifth, called “death,” shows plagues, tsunamis, fish die-offs, nuclear weapons and crop failures and is probably meant as a threat by the bloodline families to unleash these calamities if they are cornered.
The sixth, called “the magician,” seems to indicate they expect 3d printing and virtual reality to be the biggest high tech trends of the year.
The seventh, called the “Wheel of Fortune” shows a smiling Marine Le Pen and a frowning Angela Merkel waiting for the results of elections indicating they expect Le Pen to win and Merkel to lose. This writer could not identify the third person.
The final one, “the star,” seems to show pictures of pop culture personalities who will have strong financial backing during the year. The only one this pop culture knowledge deficient writer could identify appears to be Lady Gaga.
What their predictions are showing most of all though is a clear sign they no longer control the destiny of this planet and that is why the resorted to tarot cards.
Since the Rothschilds and Angellis appear to be out of the loop on future events now, here is a bit of what sources in the new regime are saying is coming up.
For one thing, as soon as President Barack Obama loses his ability to issue pardons on January 20th, there are going to be a flood of revelations coming out of the US agencies about pedophilia and human sacrifice carried out by many well-known US and European politicians and personalities.
The Bush/Clinton family, Mitt Romney, Carl Rove and others are expected to be included in these revelations, Pentagon sources say.
The Rothschilds and their kinfolk can also expect hearings about what really caused the Asian tsunami of 2006, the Japanese tsunami and nuclear disaster of 2011, the Haiti tsunami etc. In other words, the world will find out they are a bunch of ruthless mass murderers.
The coming months will also reveal a “Trump/Putin tag team that will kill ISIS as a prelude to a US-EU-Russian and Vatican Christian bloc to contain China and terminate the global Khazarian mafia,” the sources say.
The Chinese, for their part, are already leading towards a form of Christianity with Chinese features, Chinese secret society sources say. They point out that many of the features that separate Christianity from Judaism actually came from their founder Mozi 墨子(450 to 291 BC).
He promoted universal love and came up with the idea of a heaven that only the virtuous could enter. He also came up with the idea that if you give a person a piece of bread you only feed them for one day but if you give them a fishing rod and teach them to fish, you can feed them for life.
The point being is that the Asian secret societies are already sold on the idea of make love, not war, with the West. They just don’t want to be raped, robbed and killed.
The obstacle to a world of universal love is now the still unsettled battle for control of the financial system and thus the process for deciding what humanity does in the future.
On that front, the latest news is the Dutch delegation that is visiting Indonesia this week on behalf of the Dutch royal family is upset that three Dutch World War 2 sunken warships that were discovered off the coast of Indonesia in 2002 have vanished.
“It is all about the Gold that was in those ships. The Dutch were trying to bring part of the ancient royal treasure that they had stolen from the Indonesia Royals of Java and Sulawesi to the Netherlands so the Japanese would not get it,” a WDS source in Indonesia explains.
It sounds like the European bloodline families were counting on this gold to back their efforts to keep control of the world’s financial system and now they are back to square one.
If there is in fact no gold, or if it has already all been stolen and used, we need to find this out ASAP. We cannot wait forever for these legendary million ton stashes of gold to appear. If the gold does not exist, a new reality based financial system can be made without it. Money can be backed by real estate, commodities, industrial facilities, labour etc.
As soon as a new, transparently, meritocratically and honestly run financial system is launched many wonderful things can start right away.
The Russians, for example, have already given the go ahead for a tunnel linking Siberia with Alaska. People and freight could then move by train from New York to London via Moscow.
We must stop fighting and starting saving the planet.
November 14, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
In the war against the Khazarian mafia, the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States is as the Russian victory at Stalingrad was for World War 2: a tide turning victory. However, it also means the war is far from over.
This is how a source who was in a secret meeting in Antarctica on US November 8th election day described the situation:
“The whole election strategy changed when John Kerry went to Antarctica as ordered. He was told by the special elite, the Gnostic Illuminati, who are still in control of this planet, to tell Obama and Clinton to back off and let Trump win.
As we know, Hillary is only a front for the cabal and will most likely self-terminate within a few months at the most. Bill Clinton is at the end game now. His quadruple bypass surgery is not able to pump blood through his lifeless body anymore. We are informed that he will be gone by year end”.
This order to Kerry was followed by a special-forces attack on a Khazarian base in Denver that successfully stopped cabal efforts to steal the US election on behalf of their zombie proxy Hillary, CIA sources say.
The Pentagon, for their part, say “Mass arrests began right after the election, butt hurt Hillary cried a river when told to concede or she’ll be arrested, [President] Obama was ordered to stay in DC, finish ISIS, stop delaying the Global Currency Reset, and meet Trump to ensure a smooth transition.”
In addition to this the US military is advising President Elect Donald Trump to “not appoint neocons, Jews [all Jews must recuse themselves from senior government positions until it can be confirmed they are not working for the Khazarian mafia], bankers, or Bush minions to the cabinet or White House.”.
In addition, the Pentagon sources say “Soros-funded protests have sped up the Trump plan to…terminate the Bush-Clinton cabal before inauguration.”
The attack must continue relentlessly on all fronts until humanity is freed from Khazarian control.
The Manchu occupation of China is a good analogy to the how the Khazarians control the West. In Manchu China, native Chinese who passed the civil service exam were allowed to progress up the bureaucratic ladder to a certain point but all the positions at the very top were filled by Manchus. In the West it is the same, intelligent, hard-working technocrats can rise to positions like deputy director but the top first, second and often third positions in most large, powerful organizations are held by Khazarian mobsters or their proxies.
The Khazarians have been removed from the Pentagon, and Gnostic Illuminati sources say FBI Director James Comey has also been confirmed to be clean despite false wikileaks claims that he received funds from the Clinton Foundation. The State Department and other branches of the government must now in turn be cleansed of gangsters if the US is to be freed.
Also, the Trump election means the Khazarian controlled TPP and TTIP trade deals are now dead. “Trump is now poised to remove rigged corporate tribunals from NAFTA and all trade deals in a massive defeat for the Khazarian mafia,” the Pentagon sources say.
The Pentagon is also planning a huge data dump about 911 in order to force Donald Trump to convene a 911 tribunal, the sources say. The New York Times will also be “forced to report on 911 and other Khazarian crimes,” they say.
In Europe, meanwhile, here is how the Pentagon describes the next phase in the attack;
“NATO is in in disarray as the military sent tons of ammo to US troops in the EU for arrests, and cabal stooges like [German Chancellor Angela] Merkel and [French President Francois] Hollande are to be replaced by nationalists. The Trump-led American revolution expands to Europe to remove Khazarians from power.”
The Russians and Chinese have also now been put in charge of Interpol “so that they can sweep up lower level cabal flunkies,” the Pentagon sources say. They, together with the gnostic illuminati, are also hunting for the master criminal George Soros.
In Asia, meanwhile, the battle over the real prize, the ability to create and distribute money world-wide, has yet to be concluded.
Here is what CIA sources in Asia say is happening:
“Mark Rutte, the Dutch PM and spokesman for King Willhem-Alexander (and his mother Beatrix the former queen) will be in Jakarta on the 23rd of this month, along with his trade mission delegates. He is coming to negotiate their claim and the recovery of their share of the Au stored in Jakarta and Semerang on behalf of the Netherlands, i.e. The Vatican and their patrons. We are closely monitoring the situation”.
In other words, the bloodline families are aiming to continue their control of the planet by laying claim to the legendary gold stashes in Asia and the right to create money that is based on these claims.
As Neil Keenan points out, if they can conjure up $50 trillion out of thin air by claiming ownership of 1 million tons of gold, they can win the war and buy (bribe) their way back into full control of the planet.
The day Donald Trump’s election was confirmed the UN declared a fast track strategy for the implementation of its sweeping 2030 Agenda.
This is a well-intentioned plan put forth by the bloodline families but it is way too little too late for this planet. Under this plan only a tiny fraction of the $50 trillion the bloodlines are plotting to create would ever reach the people who really need it. With humanity in control of its own future, i.e. in control of the process of creating and distributing money, trillions of dollars could be made available to end poverty and stop environmental destruction within a matter of months, not decades.
Also, the top ranks of the UN and other cabal created international institutions are hopelessly corrupt and incompetent. Just take for example the fact that Saudi Arabia is on the UN human rights tribunal. In Saudi Arabia, if a married woman is raped by somebody other than her husband, she is punished by being buried up to the waist and then stoned to death. Saudi Arabia is not a country but rather a family owned slave plantation.
Entirely new organizations need to be set up to take over the functioning parts of existing international organizations and dismantle the corrupt and evil parts of these groupings. This is especially true for the groups like the WHO who have been involved (almost always without the rank and file being aware) in spreading bio-weapons as part of a population culling plan.
The White Dragon Society is monitoring the gold situation as are the Chinese army, the Pentagon and other agencies. The world’s financial system is not going to remain under the control of genocidal gangsters no matter what happens. The WDS is willing to broker a compromise between the benevolent bloodline families and the gnostic illuminati to create a win-win solution on the gold and financial system issue. The Dragon family is also on the case. The WDS expects to hear from the Rothschild and other bloodline families soon.
The gnostic illuminati say the bloodlines would rather die than surrender and are instead planning once last big offensive aimed at retaining their control. This is likely to take the form of attempted coordinated assassinations of leaders like Trump and Head of US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford.
However, the world’s military forces have already sent clear messages to the Vatican and the bloodline families. Pentagon sources note the recent earthquakes in Italy quakes “may have convinced the Vatican not to grant conversions or provide asylum to senior cabalists.”
Remember how Tony Blair and George Bush Senior went to meet the pope and convert as soon as they left office? They were announcing to the world they had P2 Freemason lodge protection and so could not be prosecuted for their war crimes in Iraq and elsewhere. Pope Francis is being advised not to repeat the mistakes of his predecessor pope maledict.
Furthermore the Pentagon sources say recent “quakes with minimal damage in Argentina and New Zealand are warnings to the cabal they have no place to hide.”
In addition, the sources say “underwater bases at the Horn of Africa and the Black Sea were destroyed after General Dunford visited Turkey plus Saudi Arabia and Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev visited Israel.”
In Japan, meanwhile, the Khazarian slave regime of Shinzo Abe is in a state of total panic now that their masters in the US have lost power. Sources in the Japanese underworld say that Heizo Takenaka, the former finance minister who handed control of Japan’s corporations to the Khazarian mafia, has fled to his apartment in Kyoto but that he will not be safe no matter where he goes.
The same goes for all the other traitors in Japan, the Japanese underworld sources say. Right wing sources linked to the imperial family are saying preparations are under way for a new Japanese government and a serious economic, governmental and social overhaul.
The Chinese government and establishment, for their part, were also initially shocked by Trump’s election but they are now realizing that, despite his campaign rhetoric, a Trump regime is actually more in China’s interests than a Clinton regime would have been.
The Chinese were advised the Khazarian mobsters behind Clinton would tell the Chinese whatever they wanted to hear and then stab them in the back the first chance they got. In contrast, Trump advisers are already telling China the US is considering joining the Chinese-initiated Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Chinese government sources say. The US is also negotiating a deal to trade Chinese military gold stashes for hard currency
November 7, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The intense struggle at the top of the world’s power structure will not end on November 8th no matter who wins the so-called US Presidential election, US agency sources say. However, there is strong likelihood the issue will be settled by January 20th, 2017 when the new President is supposed to formally assume the reins of power, they say.
At the highest level, the battle is between the 13 bloodline families who have ruled the West for centuries, if not millennia and their age old opponents, the gnostic illuminati who are opposed to bloodline rule.
The people behind Hillary Clinton are the bloodlines, who report ultimately to Baron Evelyn de Rothschild as well as to the old Italian aristocracy behind the P2 Freemason lodge. This can be confirmed by endorsements from bloodline controlled media such as the Economist Magazine owned by the Rothschilds and the P2 Agnelli brothers.
It can also be confirmed by wikileaks e-mails showing Hillary Clinton is intimately subservient to Lynn Forest de Rothschild, who is the wife of Baron Rothschild.
The main source of the bloodlines’ power is their control of the process for creating and distributing money, ie their ownership of most of the world’s central banks. They have used this money power to bribe, blackmail and assassinate people at the top levels of power in order to ensure their control.
They also control the corporate media and have been using every propaganda tool in their hands to create the appearance that Hillary Clinton will win a close race against Donald Trump. You can also confirm this by holding your nose and watching election coverage on CNN also known as the Clinton News Network.
The people behind Donald Trump include the gnostic illuminati, who recruit geniuses of each age who are not part of the ruling bloodlines, sources in the illuminati say. The illuminati favour meritocracy and, since the world’s government agencies and military are meritocratic, it means they control most of the people with guns with the exception of a few mercenaries on the bloodline payrolls.
Direct reporting from a White Dragon Society member in the US also reveals overwhelming support for Donald Trump at the street level. Here is his report:
“I went to a Hillary ‘rally’ two weeks ago...there might have been 1500 people tops. On Friday night I went to a Trump rally in Hershey PA. It filled up a hockey arena, at least 15,000, plus 7000 outside...Trump is turning rednecks into peaceniks. Hillary is turning dovish liberals into warmongering self-loathing retards.”
This is what Pentagon sources had to say about the US Presidential election:
“The election will be allowed to proceed to not spook the public so vote fraud and other crimes will be exposed. Immediately thereafter the Republic will be announced, Hillary and cabal arrested, and corrupt agencies like FRB, DOJ, FBI, IRS, DHS and CIA abolished or reformed.”
The agencies have being doing their bit by using the internet to pump out a flood of information about pedophilia, corruption, human sacrifice and other outrages perpetrated by the bloodlines. Click on the links below to see examples of this.
The bloodline families are now in a state of absolute terror, literally fighting for their lives, fleeing to Antarctic bases and trying to pull off something horrific. This writer was accused by many trolls of “smoking something,” when he started writing recently that many members of the elite were fleeing to Antarctic Bases. Well now you can confirm on the official US State Department website that US Secretary of State John “Skull & Bones,” Kerry will be flying to Antarctica on November 8th election day.
The corporate media whores at the press briefing were told Kerry was going there to study “climate change,” however sources in the CIA say the real reason Kerry is flying to the South Pole is to attend a secret meeting of top bloodline power brokers to plot civil war. Here is a direct quote about the matter from a senior CIA source in Washington DC:
“These assholes WANT civil war. Why else would JK be out of the country. Climate change my ass – He is meeting the elite boys in Antarctica for instructions.”
Here is what a CIA source in Asia had to say about this:
“I was called last night on a secure line. My contact in... wanted to let me know that his team was leaving to Antarctica for a very important meeting with several heads of State and senior diplomats from various countries and would be out of touch for about week. He is going as an observer on behalf of...
This is all kept on a need to know basis. No media on this one. He told me that they were going to ‘The Special Off the Grid Base.’ Several countries have their permanently stationed representatives at this Above Top Secret Installation.”
The main topic of discussion is likely to be the imminent ratification of the Paris accords which would mean a transition of the world’s financial system away from bloodline control. The negotiations that begin on November 7th (as this newsletter goes online) in Morocco are supposed to ratify these agreements.
Pentagon sources, for their part, are saying “The counter-coup against Hillary has gone kinetic with spacecraft flying cabal members seeking to escape justice shot down, underground bases in Italy destroyed by quakes, while a skirmish in Antarctica caused Kerry to visit.”
The illuminati are saying the bloodlines have a submarine in Guam that is going to be used to fire a nuclear missile at Tokyo in an attempt to blame the attack on the illuminati. The bloodlines may also try to stage a fake alien invasion or else use an EMP attack on the US power grid to stave off a change in government, CIA sources say.
The bloodlines are also trying to buy their way out of trouble. That is why Evelyn de Rothschild has been trying to create $41 trillion based on forged gold backed certificates, as reported previously by this writer and by Neil Keenan. In fact, last week a Rothschild agent approached the White Dragon Foundation and offered them whatever amount of money they wanted to start up their proposed meritocratically staffed future planning agency.
However, if the WDF (Part of the WDS) accepted this funding, it would mean acknowledging the Rothschilds and the bloodlines would retain their god-like power to create money out of nothing and thus their control over this planet and its inhabitants.
The WDS believes any new financial system needs to be based on reality (and thus the creator) and not on fraud. It further believes the process of creating and distributing money should be a transparently run public service and not a private monopoly.
Pentagon sources agree saying “The Paris agreement entered into force globally on November 4th which means the cabal must be terminated right after election so the Global Currency Reset can proceed to benefit all of humanity.”
They add that although the “FBI punted on the e-mails Hillary is still on the hook for pedophilia, Clinton Foundation pay for play, obstruction of justice, racketeering and IRS violations.” Not to mention mass murder in Fukushima, Iraq, Haiti and elsewhere.
NSA and CIA sources say Bill Clinton now has full blown AIDS and may not live long enough to face justice.
In Japan, meanwhile, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and the Shinzo Abe slave regime are “waving the white flag of surrender,” royal family sources say. Michael Greenberg, the head Rothschild agent in Japan, is now in custody at the Yokota airbase in Japan, the sources say.
In South Korea, cabal stooge President Park Gyeun-hye’s government is being rocked by exposure it was de facto run by a religious cult. This information has caused Park’s support rate to fall to 5% and sent hundreds of thousands of protesters on to the streets to demand her resignation.
Meanwhile, NSA sources reveal Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is a drug dealer who works for the Ayala and Tan crime syndicates and that his so-called war on drugs is just an excuse to murder the competition so that his gang can monopolize the drug trade in the Philippines.
In China, for its part, sources in the military and intelligence community say while President Xi Jinping has secured support at the very top of the ruling communist party, a weak economy means he has little rank and file backing. His crackdown on corruption too, although popular at first, is now seen as an attack on rivals, they add.
There are also signs that increasing numbers of people in the Russian government are beginning to realize President Vladimir Putin is not real. This can be seen in the fact that Russian diplomats use an ET emoji in their communications to describe Putin.
“[US President Barack] Obama, Xi Jinping and Putin are all freaking out because their entire power structure is crumbling around them,” was how a senior illuminati member described the situation.
In these circumstances, it is worth noting there will be a “once in 70- year super moon,” November 14th. It should be an interesting week.
October 31, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
It is time to get out the pitchforks and guns folks and storm the palaces of the Khazarian mafia’s top gangsters. This has been confirmed in a letter many sources confirm that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford sent to every member of the US military. In the letter Dunford says: “Every service member swears ‘to support and defend the Constitution of the United States’ and to ‘bear true faith and allegiance to the same.’”
This is a direct order from your top general to defend the constitution. What does the constitution say? It says “The Congress shall have Power To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin,” and to “provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States.”
In other words you are obliged by your Constitutional Oath to go after the Federal Reserve Board and the crime families that own it and have been forging so-called US dollars ever since 1913. Furthermore, you must confiscate the vast amounts of property belonging to US citizens that these crime families have stolen.
In his letter Dunford also mentions “our deliberate and disciplined commitment to upholding the principle of civilian control of the military.” Since elections are being stolen and have been since at least the year 2000 that means civilians are no longer in charge so General Dunford is ordering you to go to Washington DC and force the return to civilian control of the government.
That means restoring genuine democracy and freedom of the press so that an informed population can choose their own government. This government the military would then serve.
The people, government and armed forces of Canada stand by to help their American brothers and sisters in any way possible to free them from Khazarian gangster control.
West Coast high-tech oligarchs like Bill Gates, the owners of Apple Computer and Larry Ellison of Oracle Computer, people who got rich by actually creating things that make our lives better and not through fraud, have told the White Dragon Society they will support the move to take down the Khazarian mafia.
Hillary Clinton has already sent $1.8 billion to Qatar and plans to flee there soon, CIA sources say. However, neither she nor and other members of her crime family will be allowed to escape, the sources say.
This is what Pentagon sources have to say about the situation: “The Hillary silent coup has been defeated by a military counter-coup with [Republican Presidential Candidate Donald] Trump the broom and Wikileaks the instrument, backed by overwhelming lethal force and NSA spying.”
NSA sources confirm that Hillary Clinton is guilty of mass murder (Haiti, Fukushima, Libya, Syria etc.) and that she and her fellow gangsters must be stopped.
Speaking about the NSA, last week they requested me to leave my cell phone and credit cards behind and go meet with gnostic Illuminati representative “Alexander Romanov” at a secure spot so that I could get secret information. The NSA knows that nothing digital is safe and that is why the important stuff is transmitted in one on one personal meetings.
The message the NSA had was that Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama all take their orders directly from Baron Evelyn de Rothschild. CIA sources confirmed this.
Russian WDS members have also confirmed that Vladimir Putin, who is a fake, gets his orders from the Rothschilds.
Recently the internet has been sanitized and all the pictures of the so-called Vladimir Putin over the years have been fixed to make them look identical. However, if you go to a paper archive of photographs and compare them over the years you can confirm the original Putin died a long time ago and that there are or have been six different “Putins.”
The Russian sources also provided this bombshell information:
“The Russian Federation is the Rothschild’s’ Private Corporation, which was registered at the City of London in 1991 with the DUNS Number 531 298 725. The Director of this Private Rothschild Corporation is Medvedev Dmitry Anatolyevich. The true name of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation is not Medvedev Dmitry Anatolyevich, but Menachem Aaranovitch Mendel.”
The Russian sources say Menachem Aaranovitch Mendel is a Khazarian Jew.
The Russians sources say that over 7000 Russian military officers and patriotic associations have been given this information. The Russians also know the so-called President Putin has been going along with the partition of Russia and are saying that soon “The Russians, Ukrainians and Byelorussians will unite again in one single and very powerful state.”
As we know the UNITED STATES of AMERICA Inc. is a private Rothschild foreign corporation registered at 10687 Gasking Way STE 101, Manassas, VA 20109. Other Rothschild corporations with a DUNS number include the United Nations and the European Commission.
As Neil Keenan reported, Fed Chairperson Janet Yellen, Bank of England head Marc Carney and Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak are currently trying to use certificates forged by Wilfredo Saurin to pretend there is a million tons of gold backing them.
They then intend to use this fraud to create $41 trillion of “money” to finance a massive global bribery campaign designed to keep their family in power, WDS sources say.
Chinese government sources are also saying the Rothschilds are trying hard to convince China to start a war against the US military in the South China Sea. That is because the Rothschilds desperately need to start a world war to stave off the ongoing revolution in the United States against their rule.
The NSA sources confirm this. They also informed me that the raid by 9 goons on this writer’s house last week was ordered by Japanese slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who in turn was ordered by Chinese President Xi Jinping who in turn was ordered by Evelyn de Rothschild. This writer has received an apology and has forced the Rothschilds to end their harassment.
The fact that Abe, who was leading the anti-China campaign in Japan a couple of years ago and is now suddenly bowing down and licking Chinese feet is a clear sign he is nothing more than a Rothschild puppet. The Rothschilds are telling the Chinese anything they want to hear in a desperate attempt to get Chinese protection from the US military and agencies who are now on the warpath against them.
The Chinese had a series of important meetings last week in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Peking where it was decided China wanted world peace and friendship and would not go along with any plans to start a world war, various Chinese sources confirm.
The Chinese have also been asked to buy a disposable analogue camera (digital cameras have GPS) and take a picture of one of their gold hoards with a recent newspaper in front of it to confirm the gold exists, So far, they have been unable to.
If the gold does not exist, then there will be a need to use commodities, real estate and other things that actually exist to back currency.
The carbon voting rights in the Paris Accord reached last year and soon to be ratified, which give China a bigger share than the US, seem fair and could be used as a basis for decisions on how currency will be created and used in the future. In other words, a much fairer system for deciding what humanity will do in the future is ready to be ratified and put in place.
The Japanese royal family, the US military and the Chinese military, among many others, have also expressed support for creating a meritocratically staffed future planning agency to come up with plans for turning this planet into a paradise for humans and all other living creatures.
Meanwhile, my webmaster, who was hit with a cancer causing poison is now being cured using the latest natural healing methods. Since this was a personal attack on someone close to me, there will be a counter-attack. This means the heads of Keio University Hospital, the Japanese Medical Association and the American Medical Association will be arrested and be forced to rat out their Rockefeller bosses.
Make no mistake, cancer did not exist until the Rockefellers and their fellow Khazarians started putting cancer causing substances in various daily products.
Studies of thousands of Egyptian mummies confirm that cancer did not used to exist. A century ago in the US, before the Rockefellers took over the medical establishment, only one out of 20 people got cancer. Now it is one in two.
Furthermore, the Medical Mafia murders millions of people with poisons and radiation every year as part of their fake war on cancer. This means that practically everybody reading this has had a close family member murdered by the Khazarian mob.
Honest cancer doctors tell their patients that they are not allowed, on pain of losing their medical license and career, to naturally cure cancer and tell their patients to seek treatment elsewhere.
That is why the US military and agencies must raid the medical associations, put an end to this murder by poison and radiation racket and arrest the ringleaders.
October 24, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
There is serious fighting going on as 43 different national militaries begin a coordinated take-down of the Khazarian mafia, Pentagon sources say. Meanwhile, a source in one of the families that owns the Federal Reserve Board says that all fund “blockages we are experiencing in the USA are due to the Bush/Clinton & Rothchilds & Rockefeller crime families. We were told that they issued a firm threat that the ‘entire family’ would be killed of ANYONE who releases or receives any of the RV, redemption bonds or currency exchanges funds.”
The fight is also getting personal for this writer. This morning 9 goons from the Tokyo Tax office burst into my home and began seizing property. They work for Yuriko Koike, the Tokyo Governor and Khazarian mafia stooge who was fraudulently elected recently. All the money in my bank accounts, including that earned from this blog, has also been seized.
Anybody with even a remote connection to me is being subjected to similar harassment including whistleblowing lawyers having their law licenses revoked. Gangsters from both factions of the Yamaguchi Gumi yakuza syndicate have also informed me that Rothschild Japan agent Michael Greenberg is trying to hire hitmen to have me killed. My webmaster has also been hit with a cancer causing poison by these same murderous gangsters.
The reason for this is because this blog has exposed the Khazarian mafia’s crimes, especially their privately owned central bank fraud scheme.
There have also been at least 3 honey traps (beautiful women who unnaturally try to make themselves available to me) sent my way in the past week. Other honest journalists and whistleblowers are experiencing similar things and the best advice is to avoid regular hang outs and new friends until this all blows over, presumably by November 8th.
The battle is expected to intensify over the coming two weeks as the US Presidential election approaches. Here NSA and other agency whistleblowers have revealed that Hillary Clinton (or whatever look-alike or clone who is pretending to be her) reports to Evelyn de Rothschild.
Donald Trump, for his part, reports to Israeli gangster Roy Cohen, according to CIA and NSA sources. “I would rather have the Israeli Mafia in power than the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller crime family,” was how one (Jewish) CIA source described the Presidential election battle.
In either case, the fact the US government is threatening to arrest Russian diplomats if they try to verify the upcoming election is free and fair is a clear indication the whole election campaign is a giant fraud.
In any case, Pentagon sources keep saying it will be none of the above. Head of US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford met with Korean and Japanese top military brass on October 14th and the military chiefs of 43 nations on October 17th to discuss “the final takedown of the cabal on all continents,” Pentagon sources says.
This is how Pentagon sources describe the situation: “The Cabal sealed their fate with multiple assassination attempts on Dunford, which in turn sped up mass arrests, extrajudicials, GCR [Global Currency Reset] and a new financial system based on gold priced in Shanghai.”
Now that the Chinese Yuan is in the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights (SDR) currency basket, the next step will be to incorporate the Iran Rial as a part of the SDR and as currency for the Middle-East while the Zimbabwe Dollar will join the SDR as a currency for Africa, the Pentagon sources say.
Once the Khazarian mafia loses their magic money machine, the last of the mercenary armies and assassins still in their employ will have no choice to surrender or retire.
There are now moves afoot as well to take away the Khazarian mafia’s control of the corporate media, especially in the United States. That is why AT&T is being allowed to buy Time Warner after Comcast was blocked from buying it, the Pentagon sources say.
The US Khazarian mafia is using both Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate Tim Kaine and Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump to try to block the merger, the sources say. However, “The merger might still get approved because what is not good for the Jewish mafia is good for America,” the Pentagon source said.
Certainly the corporate media in the United States is now so degenerate and full of lies that new ownership, and anti-trust action, is definitely needed if people are to once again hear the truth on so-called mainstream media.
There is also a huge information war raging around Wikileaks and Julian Assange these days that is probably part of a sophisticated take-down of Khazarian cabal disinformation. Wikileaks and Assange have always been part of a Khazarian mob disinformation scam as can be seen by their shady track record and widespread positive coverage in corporate media propaganda rags like Time Magazine. For a good background on this, please read the article at this link:
What is very clear though is that the recent data dumps blamed on Wikileaks are now appear the real deal but they are not coming from either Assange or Wikileaks but instead from insiders at the NSA and the agencies. Now the “death” of Juliane Assange (real or fake) and of Wikileaks Director Gaven MacFaden is being linked to the Hillary Clinton campaign. This seems to be a clever two birds with one stone strategy to get rid of fake whistleblowers and place the blame on the Bush/Clinton mob at the same time.
There are also continued moves being made against the Khazarian mafia occupied state of Israel. This is how the Pentagon describes the situation: “Israel has lost so many submarines since 2013 it is trying to buy 3 more from Germany, but it is being put back into its sandbox with Russian bases not just in Syria but Cyprus and Egypt.” The source continues by saying “Israeli subs make good anti-sub warfare (asw) training and no matter how many it buys they will not be allowed to launch nukes.”
In Khazarian mafia occupied Japan too, a takedown is continuing. One source close to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that 300 Khazarian mobsters in Japan have been rounded up and taken to a US military base. This may be disinformation but we can confirm that Mark Schwartz, Chairman of Goldman Sachs’ Asia Pacific region, announced his resignation last week. Goldman Sachs has led the looting of Japan’s government pension funds, postal savings, agricultural bank etc. under the regime of their slave Shinzo Abe.
Japanese rightwing sources, for their part say that Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party is now “waving the surrender flag,” and has given up resistance. They say Tokyo Governor Koike is actually one of the good guys and that the raid on my house took place without her knowledge or consent.
However, it is clear there are still many bad guys who need to be rounded up in Japan. CIA sources in Asia say:
“The Japanese government is illegally detaining 15 US Military operatives who were stationed in Afghanistan and, are now being held in prison in Japan. They are not on a US military base, but at a black site. This was done at the request of the cabal, because these 15 soldiers were going to tell the world about the US government’s involvement and control of the opium trade In Afghanistan for the past 13 plus years.”
For Japan to do this violates the Geneva Convention as well as UN rules. The UN of course, is still a Khazarian mafia tool but, hopefully, not for much longer.
The latest Afghan opium crop is up 43% from a year ago, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime so clearly the Bush drug dealing branch of the Khazarian mafia is trying hard to make up for lost oil revenue and lost cocaine and marijuana (thanks to legalization) revenue by selling more opium and heroin.
It is also clear from the information about the arrests of US military officers that some of that money is going into pay-offs to elements of the Japanese government. Presumably this is the Abe-linked North Korean Unification Church faction that has long been supplying the Bush mob with amphetamines.
In Thailand meanwhile, the playboy Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn is “too close to Bush agent Thaksin [Shinawatra], too distant from the people, and may be honey trapped by the Chinese, so even if he ascends, lese majeste may not be enforced and he would be living in a gilded cage and could be terminated at any time with blood transfusions.” In other words, the Khazarians are not going to get their hands on the Thai royal gold via the Crown Prince.
In closing this week, we ask anybody who is in a position to take action against the Khazarian mafia cabal to do so. This will be especially important during the next two weeks as they try to impose yet another fake government on the American people and continue their efforts to start World War 3. On that front the White Dragon Society has given Abe and his henchmen until October 31st to resign if they wish to avoid life-long prison sentences.
October 17, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
World events are clearly heading to some sort of big turning point in the coming weeks as can be seen by many events in the news and in the secret world. What is going on is that two massive rival factions vying for control of world power are entering the final round of their titanic struggle to control the financial system and thus process of deciding what humanity does in the future.
The outcome looks certain to be the defeat of the Khazarian mafia cabal that has secretly controlled world power since at least 1913 and, in the West, probably for thousands of years.
In the news and in public we can see, for example, that US Democratic Party Presidential Candidate and senior Khazarian gangster Hillary Clinton has cancelled all public campaign appearances other than her scheduled debate (which may also be cancelled) with Republican Candidate Donald Trump.
Such a thing has never happened before in the history of US presidential elections and backs up claims by CIA sources the US elections will be cancelled.
However, it is clear the power struggle is still raging inside the United States with sources from one faction saying the election will be cancelled because one candidate (Hillary) will drop out. CIA sources connected to this faction still say the election will be cancelled, President Obama will resign and then Vice President Joe Biden will take over only to be quickly replaced by Hillary’s VP candidate Tim Kaine.
However, another senior CIA source says “they cannot cancel the election, if Hillary drops out, the Democrats will just have to find another candidate to run against Donald Trump. Trump will win and he is going to start mass arrests and nobody is going to stop that.”
These two factions each have different views of what the new financial system will look like. On this subject, this writer was finally able to get in touch with Neil Keenan. It turns out some third party hijacked Keenan or this writer’s Skype account and pretended to be Keenan. The only person who could do this would be Skype owner Bill Gates.
Message to Bill Gates: surrender or die. Keenan says he was poisoned again but has recovered. He says his sources in the Vatican P2 lodge, as do my sources there, say as a base for the new financial system the P2 favours using the Zimbabwe dollar or else the Iraqi Dinar. The reason for this is that neither of these currencies is under control of the Rothschild family, they say. They also claim these currencies can be backed by the Global Collateral Accounts.
However, the Rothschilds and the European faction of the Khazarian mafia are pushing for a continuation of the current system with China taking the driver’s seat. Chinese and P2 sources both agree that as a part of this, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have already been taken over by the Chinese. IMF head Christine Lagarde is just a figurehead and real power is now in the hands of three Chinese officials, they say.
This would certainly explain China’s sudden eagerness to promote the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights (convertible to Chinese yuan) as a new international currency to replace the US dollar.
This, from Zero Hedge, seems to back up these allegations:
“On August 31, in what was dubbed a “historic event”, the World Bank became the first issuer of bonds denominated in SDR and settled in yuan when it sold 500 million SDR units worth of bonds in China. Then, overnight, in yet another historic event, Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) said on Friday that it has obtained approval from the People’s Bank of China to be the first commercial issuer of bonds denominated in Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) in China’s interbank bond market.”
The Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller controllers of the old dollar system are still putting up a vigorous fight in their final strongholds that include the Ukraine, the US corporate media, Israel and the Gulf Petro-Monarchies like Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
The battle for Aleppo, Syria is really the last stand of the old Petro-dollar mafia. This mafia has been trying to provoke World War 3 by painting Israeli warplanes with US markings and sending them to attack Russian aircraft. That is why Vitaly Churkin, Russia’s envoy to the United Nations, publicly declared the situation in Aleppo, Syria was a “planetary-scale” crisis.
Pentagon sources, for their part say the recent “USA missile strikes on Yemen Red Sea coastal radars was a warning to Chinese military bases in the South China Sea as Russia returns to the Cam Ranh Naval Base [in Vietnam] to contain Chinese hegemony.” This seems to be the US military drawing a line in the sand saying they will not let the Chinese take over the oil and gas interests in the Arabian Peninsula.
Finding a solution on how to divide the Middle Eastern oil and gas pie is probably one of the real reasons why Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill is in England for a visit with Queen Elizabeth.
The subject of Israel, many of whose citizens came from Russia, is also coming up. The United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization has passed a resolution “backed by Russia and China, but abstained by France, as a precursor to a two state solution for Israel that is backed by France and that Obama will not Veto,” Pentagon sources say.
UNESCO says the Jews have no historical ties to Jerusalem since Roman Emperor Titus destroyed it completely in 70AD, and that the Western (wailing) Wall is not the temple but what is left of the Roman fort Antonia. The Russians want to make sure England also refrains from vetoing this resolution so Israel can be finally forced by the world community to stop its unscientific, anti-historical and anti-social activity in the region, the sources say. Real Jews can use real historical and scientific evidence if they want to keep a genuine connection to the creator, the WDS sources say.
The other reason for the Russian Patriarch’s visit, a first ever for both countries, is to discuss what direction the world should move in after the fall of the Khazarian mafia, according to White Dragon Society sources in Russia and England. Part of these discussions will also cover the subject of whether or not to appoint a new Czar for Russia as a condition for the return of Russian Imperial gold currently being held in England, they say.
The P2 sources also delivered a message they claim is from George Bush Sr. claiming Bush is avoiding all involvement in politics and just “wants to concentrate on his drug business.” It is probably too late at this point and Bush will have to deal directly with the American people who will probably, as he famously said, want to string him up.
There is also a growing body of evidence being made public that Bill and Hillary Clinton are mass murderers. The Wikileaks revelations about Clinton Campaign manager John Podesta referring in advance to a “wet job” (agency talk for murder) days before the mysterious death of US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia are just the tip of the iceberg.
CIA sources are saying an avalanche of murder allegations against the Clintons is being prepared and that this crime family will be taken down along with their Bush/Rockefeller partners. The story at this link is just another of many to come, the sources say.
The Clintons and their fellow gangsters are almost certainly thinking of trying to use an EMP attack as an excuse to cancel elections and avoid trial and punishment for mass murder. The problem is they can’t seem to decide whether to blame this on the Russians or on a “space weather event.”
Either way, they are not going to be able to use a manufactured mass terror incident as a get out of jail free card this time, Pentagon and agency sources agree. Pentagon sources say “the Nobel Prize for literature was given to anti-Vietnam war songwriter bob Dylan as a message to Obama to earn his peace prize and for the cabal to stop WW3, since this was never given for songs.”
In Asia, meanwhile, there is a lot of intrigue going on in Thailand now, following the official announcement of the death of King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Here is the raw intelligence from WDS sources in Thailand on this subject:
“There are very serious discussions taking place NOW. You noticed that the PM Prayut Chan-O-Cha made the statement that the Crown Prince is in mourning with the people of Thailand and is in no hurry for the coronation to take place. Why didn’t the Crown Prince make the statement? SOMETHING IS GOING DOWN FOR SURE.
He will not be on the throne for long…. which means his first born son will be the next in line for the Throne.
As you know, the Queen passed on to another dimension back in 2012. This has been confirmed to me directly by Agency operatives stationed at the US Embassy in BKK. There has been a double taking her place since then. The double has not been seen in public for almost a year as well.
As for the Thai Gold, it is in safe keeping and I know who has the keys to the kingdom, so to speak. Our Group’s intent is to use it for the new global financial system along with China and Russia. They may set up a bullion bank as well.”
Chinese government sources, for their part, also confirm the Thai royal gold as well as the Persian royal gold being held for safekeeping in Thailand, will not be allowed to fall into the wrong hands no matter what.
In Japan, meanwhile, sources close to the Prime Minister’s office say that 300 Khazarian mobsters and their lackeys have been rounded up and taken to a US military base in preparation for their being sent to the US for the upcoming war crimes tribunal hearings.
The October surprise is here and now folks, and more is coming so please stay tuned and avoid all fear mongering because the good guys are winning. There is still a lot we cannot write about (for security reasons) but if you compare the current situation to World War 2, it is like the battles for Berlin, Germany and Okinawa, Japan. This time nukes won’t be used.
October 10, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The US Presidential election due for November 8th will be cancelled and instead there will be war crimes tribunals held, sources in both the Pentagon and the CIA say. The excuse for cancelling the election will be the resignation of one of the presidential candiates, the CIA sources say.
Here is the raw intel from the CIA:
“There is now a 90% probability that the elections will be postponed.”
I asked my contact in DC why? His answer was:
“You can’t have an election with one candidate”
I asked him which one will be removed. His reply was:
“I am not allowed to tell you, let’s just say that Obama will make the announcement very soon.”
The Pentagon sources, for their part, say “The 911 law will push Saudi Arabia to expose Israel, Bandar bin Sultan and the Bush cabal behind 911 and will lead to a real truth commission and a war crimes tribunal.”
Since it is only a few weeks before the election, it will not be long before we see if these predictions come to pass.
In any case, the data dump of over one million documents revealing the extensive crimes of the Clinton Foundation make it clear there is a powerful faction within the military industrial complex that is fighting to overthrow the Khazarian mafia.
That is because such a data dump cannot be carried out by individual hackers and requires a governmental organization with access to high level computer systems. At the same time, the fact the corporate media and net giants like Google are censoring this data makes it clear the owners of the big corporations (Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller/Rothschild etc.) are in battle against white hats in the military and the agencies.
No matter what though, the Khazarians are not going be able to murder themselves out of trouble this time because too many people are now aware of them and their crimes. That does not mean they will not try though.
Bill Clinton, who is close to death from HIV, recently issued a death threat against this writer and Neil Keenan. The signs are that Neil Keenan has already been murdered. Although he used contact this writer regularly on Skype, the current person pretending to be Neil Keenan on Skype is unable to answer a simple question that only the real Neil would know the answer too.
Furthermore, the Neil Keenan website is now promoting Bush/Clinton mafia con jobs like the Zimbabwe currency scam. Revenge for Keenan’s death will be comprehensive and thorough, White Dragon Society sources promise.
Furthermore, if this writer is killed, you can be sure the entire 13 ruling bloodlines will be wiped out going back 5 generations to the founding of the Federal Reserve Board.
The families must think hard if they are willing to sacrifice the entire tree just to try in vain to save a rotten branch.
In any case, the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller branch of the Khazarian mafia is now desperate for money. The recent Hurricane Mathew scam (the hurricane only existed in Khazarian mafia controlled media, not in the real world) was carried out do that the Khazarian mafia could make some money by short selling stocks in insurance companies, CIA sources say. “Follow the money, it is the same as the shorting of airline stocks before 911,” one CIA source says. The perpetrators of this fraud have been identified and will face long overdue justice soon, the sources say.
Pentagon sources say that the end of the Chinese National Day Golden Week holiday and the end of the October 3-9th World Bank and IMF annual meeting, together with ongoing, systematic “cabal terminations,” should propel big moves towards the new financial system starting this week. It is also worth noting that the upcoming October 16th full moon is known as the “Hunter’s moon,” and it is open season on murderous Khazarian gangsters, the sources say.
There also appears to be some sort of hit campaign going on in relation to North Korea. Sources in Japanese right wing organizations say that the top North Korean agent in Japan was fatally poisoned recently by a “CIA female agent” who “appeared to be just an ordinary Japanese woman.”
Another source Japanese right wing source says North Korean strongman Kim Jong Un has also been killed. CIA sources in Asia confirm this and say “Kim Jong Un has been replaced with a double, who is now under our control. The original went way off the reservation and had to be removed.”
This news report, for its part, says China is planning “decapitation strikes” against North Korea.
That may no longer be necessary.
Other sources, meanwhile, provided evidence to this writer that Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is a Bush agent. Dr. Michael Meiring, who later changed his name to Dr. Michael Van de Meer, claimed in a video recorded before his death that Duterte, at the time mayor of Davao city, planted the bomb that blew off his legs and that he did so on the orders of George Bush Sr.
Furthermore, a known agent of Korea’s Unification Church approached me to try to arrange a meeting between myself and Duterte shortly after he became president. I was probably wise to turn down this is proposal because I like having my legs attached to my body.
As is well known, the Unification Church has a ranch in Paraguay next to the Bush ranch and has been involved in drugs and weapons smuggling with the Bush Nazi faction for decades. It is also a fact that using extra-judicial murder squads, as Duterte is doing, is typical behavior of the Nazi fascist Khazarian faction.
In other words, Duterte’s anti-American public stance may just be a Bush scam aimed at fooling the Asians and getting access to the hoards of gold allegedly existing in the Philippines. The Asians know the Bush faction tried to kill them off with bio-weapons so they should be very wary of Duterte despite his brazen sucking up to the Chinese. It is never a good idea to kiss a snake, the Chinese have been warned.
The same is true of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who was fraudulently placed in power by a rigged election arranged by the Bush/Rockefeller faction. Abe is a known Bush/Nazi agent and will be forced to resign soon because the Japanese fascist group behind him has been decimated, according to Japanese right wing sources close to the Emperor. The same sources say Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda has also lost a lot of influence recently since it is now known his real job was to loot Japanese savings.
In the Middle-East, meanwhile, Pope Francis, in an “unprecedented move,” elevated the Papal Nuncio in Syria to Cardinal “in order to defend Christendom,” Pentagon sources say. Russia is also now taking over Aleppo from Khazarian ISIS mercenaries while the Pentagon prepares to remove the ISIS mercenaries from their Iraqi headquarters in Mosul. Pentagon sources also say they have stopped numerous attempted false flag operations in the region by the Khazarians aimed at trying to provoke a US/Russian war.
Also, “despite a massive campaign by the cabal,” the Khazarian intelligence operation posing as UN peacekeepers in Syria was denied the Nobel Peace Prize, the sources say. Instead the Nobel was given to Columbian President Juan Manuel Santos for ending the 50 year war with the FARC guerillas. This was done to push momentum for peace in the region and to “to override NO vote [against the peace agreement] engineered by Bush flunky ex-Colombian President Alvaro Uribe,” they say. The prize may be revised to include FARC leader Timoleon Jimenez, the sources add.
The Khazarian attempts to avert their downfall by starting World War 3 are getting more desperate and futile by the day. Their most recent gambit has been to try to provoke India and Pakistan into starting a war by shooting at both sides in an attempt to get their military forces to shoot at each other. They also managed to scare Russia into holding a massive nuclear war drill involving 40 million people last week.
These plots are failing as are all their other attempts at triggering mass killings.
They also “tapped” a new UN Chief last week (as the New York Times put it) trying to gloss over the fact this so-called leader of this so-called world organization was selected by the Khazarian mafia and not by the people of the planet earth. It does not matter though because the powers behind the UN Corporation (it is registered as such by Dun&Bradstreet) are bankrupt and so, therefore, is the UN itself.
The autumn offensive continues and hopefully humanity will soon be free.
Finally this week, as a bonus to readers, we will list a few real world spy tricks you have never seen in a Hollywood movies as described to us by recently by a real life agent. According to this veteran agent, most real world spy activity consists of representatives of various intelligence agencies meeting for drinks and sharing information with each other.
However, there is some real life James Bond type activity and sneaky tricks as well, he confirms. For example, he says Soviet female agents used to have a one bullet gun disguised as a tampon in their purses. When their target searches the agent’s purse for weapons while they visit the bathroom, they find no apparent weapons and so let down their guard. The female agent later puts the tampon gun to her male target’s eye and blows his brain out.
Another Soviet device he described was a ceramic tool kit that agents put in their rear ends. Since it can pass a metal detector test, they are able to smuggle it into prison even if they are stripped naked. Later, when nobody is looking, they pull it out and remove it. It contains a saw that can cut through jail bars to enable them to escape. It also has a container of a liquid that if they pour behind them ruins the noses of tracking dogs and makes it impossible for them to chase their quarry.
Another thing about real life spies that is not in Hollywood is the fact that they are usually very spiritual people involved in esoteric mysticism who are often connected to a religious organization. The ones I have met all agree we are living in prophetic times. The ancient Satanic cult is finally being defeated.
October 3, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Documents leaked by US government personnel reveal in detail how the owners of Federal Reserve Board created the 2008 Lehman crisis as a way to steal vast sums from the people of the planet.
The documents show how an Indonesian by the name of Yohannes Riyadi
used 700 tons of gold that originally belonged for former Indonesian President Soekarno to back a US$500 billion bond issue. This money was used to bribe senior Indonesian government officials, according to CIA officials based in Asia.
The 700 tons gold was then magically transformed by Khazarian mafia employed forgerer and fraudster Wilfredo Saurin
into 750,000 tons of gold backed certificates, the sources say. J.P. Morgan Chase Bank then took the “750,000 metric tons” and sent the rights to the gold to the Royal Bank of Scotland, with payments going to HSBC holdings before the “gold” ended up at the Federal Reserve Board who then transformed the gold into dollars in a sort of reverse alchemy.
The 23 trillion dollars thus magically created were used by the owners of the Federal Reserve Board to buy on the cheap assets around the world whose value had crashed because of the engineered Lehman shock crash, the sources say.
“This has amounted to the largest criminal theft of global assets in history using digital money created on computers, backed by nonexistent Gold,” was how one CIA officer described the scam. This huge fraud vastly increased the concentration of the Khazarian mafia’s ownership of the world’s corporations and assets.
Various documents related to this fraud, including copies of the SWIFT transaction documents, can be seen below in the subscription portion of this blog and will be made available free of charge to the general public on Thursday, October 6th.
As this document release illustrates, action against the Khazarian mafia and their Federal Reserve Board based fraudulent financial system is escalating. That is probably why document shredding trucks were seen parked in front of the Fed’s New York headquarters last week.
Just Spotted In Front Of The New York Fed | Zero Hedge
Three months later, the shredders are back…
There can be no doubt about it, the New York Federal Reserve bank is a crime scene and evidence is being destroyed.
The Pentagon meanwhile, has released more details about the new financial system that is will replace the fraudulent and defunct Federal Reserve Board, possibly as early as this month. The voting rights in the new system will be allocated as follows:
with China getting 20.09%, The Republic of the United States of America 17.89%, the EU 11.61%, Russia 7.53%, India 4.1% and Japan 3.79%. These are the same proportions as the carbon rights issued by the COP21 agreement which was more about a new financial system than it was about carbon. A full list of countries’ voting shares can be seen here:
Paris Agreement – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Paris Agreement (French: L’accord de Paris) is an agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) dealing with greenhouse …
The agreement will become law when 55 countries accounting for at least 55% of global carbon emissions ratify. That threshold will be passed when the EU ratifies which their government promises to do by the end of this month.
“The new October fiscal year coincides with the Jewish New Year, China’s national day, and the collapse of Deutschebank as the yuan becomes a gold-backed, convertible international reserve currency in the new financial system,” Pentagon sources say. This is what is really behind the official inclusion, starting on October 1st, of the Chinese yuan into the IMF’s SDR currency basket, other sources confirm.
Once the new system is up and running the US military and agencies will have a much freer hand to take action against the Khazarian mafia because they will no longer have to worry about getting money to pay for their salaries, gasoline etc. At the same time, the Khazarians will no longer be able to afford to pay the salaries of their ISIS, Boko Haram and other mercenary armies.
In any case, it is now obvious to anybody with a functioning brain that the US military is not obeying the orders of the Khazarian mafia slaves in the State Department or the White House. Skull and Bones Khazarian mafia don US Secretary of State John Kerry was forced to admit in public last week that the military was unwilling to back his threats to take action against Russia in Syria.
Kerry said he ‘lost argument’ to back Syria diplomacy with force
US Secretary of State John Kerry, in a meeting last week with a small number of Syrian civilians and
The real reason for the blustering threats out of the State Department concerning Syria is that the Russians and their allies are systematically destroying the Israeli and oil company ISIS mercenary army operating there, Pentagon sources say. The destruction included more Israeli and Saudi run command centers, they add.
A legal attack against the Khazarian mafia has also begun. Pentagon sources say “The military is behind the first lawsuit against Saudi Arabia by the widow of a navy commander killed at pentagon on 911 so that, when leaks about Israel’s involvement in 911 happen, class action lawsuits will be aimed to bankrupt and sanction the Jewish mafia.”
The sources add that “Neocon Ash Carter and CIA boss Saudiphile John Brennan were behind the futile Obama veto of the 911 law, who was then bitch slapped with house and senate overrides.”
In another blow to the Khazarian mafia “longtime Rockefeller Stooge Joseph Verner Reed” was among “cabal agents terminated,” last week, the Pentagon sources say.
Joseph Verner Reed Jr., diplomat and White House protocol chief, dies at 78
Mr. Reed was an ambassador, George H.W. Bush’s protocol chief and a longtime U.N. official.
There was also more subterfuge involving the Clinton Bush mafia last week when Bill Clinton went to the funeral of former Israeli Leader Shimon Peres to hobnob. “Bill went to the funeral only so Hillary could get more Jewish donors,” the military sources who monitored his visit say. Hillary, meanwhile, was recorded by the FBI making a deal with Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu to double US aid to Israel in exchange for more money to her foundation, the sources add.
There was also a lot of contradictory information coming from sources who told this writer that Hillary Clinton was dead. One source insists she is dead and that the Clinton/Trump debate had been recorded in advance.
Another source says Hillary was killed and replaced by a clone and since the clones have limited intelligence, she needed an earphone microphone and a teleprompter in order to be able to debate. It is also possible that a body double was used who would also need a teleprompter and earphone so that her handlers could tell her what to say. The technology also now exists to use computer graphics to create debating Hillary.
What is clear in any case is that somebody went to a lot of trouble to make is seem she died, including putting images of her falling down on world TV screens and having TV networks broadcast reports that she died. She also cancelled a whole series of live appearances. This may have been done to prevent her being executed for the crime of mass murder by making would be executioners think she was already dead.
Whatever the case, even if it was the real Hillary, online polls overwhelmingly agree she lost the debate by a huge margin.
There is also an ongoing avalanche of exposure of the criminal activities of the Clinton foundation and of Hillary and Bill Clinton. Forget the stories of their foundation peddling watered down AIDS drugs and the like, the real story is that they are mass murderers involved in the nuclear bomb triggered tsunami attacks against Haiti and Japan.
There is also more and more evidence coming out that the people behind the Federal Reserve Board are Satan worshippers. The latest to be leaked is a video purporting to show Angelina Jolie describe to friends her participation in Satanic rituals.
Angelina Jolie Admits To Illuminati Sacrifice In Leaked Video
Angelina Jolie admits to the satanic ritual she performed to enter the Order of the Illuminati in newly surfaced secret footage where she is talking to two c…
Jolie has since been offered a post in the Rockefeller’s Council on Foreign relations and other powerful positions.
There have also been revelations by former Clinton aides that Hillary Clinton participated in witch-craft activities. Hillary’s leaked e-mails show she made sacrifices to Moloch, a different name for Satan.
These revelations jives with what I was told when I visited the P2 Freemason lodge in Italy about how the inner group at the top levels of world power practice human sacrifice, carry out arcane rituals to summon “entities,” and run world events in line with movements of the stars and planets. I was poisoned during that visit and was not supposed to live to tell the world about them and their activities.
Now, however, they are being exposed on multiple fronts by whistleblowers, intelligence agencies and others. Once these people are deprived of their money “Majick,” they will lose the final remnants of their power and will be systematically hunted down and neutralized. That is why the Federal Reserve Board is being taken down.
The documents below, sent by agency white hats, are concrete evidence the White Dragon Society and its allies are on the case. The guns of October have started to roar. There will be more in November. The attacks will continue until it is finally over and humanity is set free. If we all work on this, victory by Christmas is possible.
The SWIFT Transfers of the Indonesia Au 2009
September 26, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Multiple, reliable sources inside the world’s intelligence agencies and secret societies are predicting major changes in the world’s power structure in October. The struggle is centering on who will control the United States and its military industrial complex, the sources agree.
CIA and Pentagon sources are now both saying neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump will become the next president of the United States. However, they disagree on who will become president, showing that the issue is still up for grabs.
US based CIA sources are still insisting Vice President Joe Biden will become President only to be quickly replaced by VP candidate Tim Kaine. These sources are also saying there is a faction pushing to have Michelle Obama become President thus de-facto prolonging the Obama Presidency.
However, Pentagon sources say a Biden Presidency “would be a disaster.” They are saying that instead “The October surprise may have the Republic restored and new candidates for President like speaker Paul Ryan (R) and Senator Elizabeth Warren (Dem), who gained national profile for publically flogging Wells Fargo CEO.”
The White Dragon Society, for its part, is recommending that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau head a North American Union. When the US and Canada parted ways in 1776, the Americans opted for “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” while the Canadians promoted the more prosaic “good government.”
The institutions of the United States are now so corrupted it may well take friendly outsiders like the Canadians to clean them up. It is also worth noting that Scotland only became part of England because a Scottish king ended up ruling both, so having a Canadian rule the US would have a similar result in the long term.
Also a United States of North America would have a population of 475 million and would thus be a much stronger entity. Absorbing the 122 million relatively poor Mexicans would be the main drawback to this proposal but at the same time, these Mexicans would help North American industry compete with the Asians.
These topics came up during negotiations between WDS representatives, CIA white hats and Asian secret society plus Chinese government representatives last weekend. The talks went very well.
It was agreed between the Chinese government and the CIA that massive funding would be made available for setting up a future planning agency. The agency’s initial job would be to oversee the continued clean-up of the Khazarian gangster filth who have ruined the United States and caused so much misery in places like the Middle East and the Ukraine.
It was agreed the agency would eventually have an annual budget worth trillions of dollars to finance massive projects to replenish the oceans with fish, turn the deserts green, upgrade world infrastructure, explore the universe and more. The agency would not be a Stalinist style central planning agency because most of the actual work would be put out to the private sector through competitive bids.
The Chinese military are offering vast sums of gold to back up this agency, while certain Asian royals are offering usable cash dollars to go with this gold. The problem now being worked on is figuring out is if these dollars are being laundered through the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller mafia or not.
CIA and Mossad sources are saying the US dollar will continue after September 30th but that the dollar will be divided into a domestic US dollar that will be devalued by 50% and an international dollar that will remain unchanged.
However, Pentagon and other CIA sources say the Federal Reserve Board will cease to exist on September 30th raising the question of who exactly will control the dollar.
This is what the Pentagon reports on the issue:
“The IMF accepts the gold-backed yuan into the SDR basket on Oct 1, as the FRB ceases sept 30.” It adds: “The Paris agreement which secretly activates a global gold standard is at near 48%, India will ratify Oct 2 (4.5%) so when Russia (7.35%) ratifies it will cross the 55% threshold but holds off until military issues are resolved and the cabal surrenders.”
CIA sources, for their part, say that China now secretly controls the SDR and the IMF. The SDR or Special Drawing Rights, is a currency proposed by the IMF as an alternative to the US dollar.
Chinese government sources, for their part, say China will be watching what the West will do over the coming months before making its own move. However, they say the “US dollar is backed by nothing.”
Mossad and CIA sources in Asia, as do the Rothschild family, insist there are vast hoards of gold in Asia that back the dollar. However, this writer, despite investigating this issue for 10 years, has yet to see any proof the gold really exists.
A WDS representative will be travelling to Indonesia in the near future to investigate if there actually is any gold at the Equator monument in Indonesia that has now become a walled construction site. CIA and Mossad sources in Asia say there are 4000 tons in that location.
Recall that in 2012 Baron James Blackheath presented evidence to the British Parliament that in 2008 the US Federal Reserve board used rights to 700 tons of gold to create gold backed certificates worth 15 trillion dollars implying that it was backed by 700,000 tons. This was how they got out of the Lehman crisis.
Here is the original testimony by Lord Blackheath:
So the Feds are on the record lying about gold in the past. As Nazi Propaganda Chief Joseph Goebbels once said:
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.
It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
If the buried Asian gold story is just a big lie used to maintain corporate control, then clearly an alternative solution will have to be found to prevent a collapse of the financial system and civilization.
Pentagon sources say “30 Mossad/CIA controllers of ISIS were killed by Russian missile strikes, so the new financial system can come online when ISIS is defeated in Syria and the Ukraine.”
The WDS has advised the Pentagon that the oil companies pushing energy projects in Syria and the Ukraine are Chevron and Exxon Mobil. So, they were told, the best way to stop ISIS and the Nazis in the Ukraine would be to round up the executives of these companies. These executives for sure would then sing like canaries about their Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller bosses.
Since we know Joe Biden’s son is involved in the Ukraine energy business, it is a good guess that the Biden for President proposal is just another attempt by the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller mafia to keep a proxy of theirs in charge of the United States since they know Hillary is too toxic (or dead) to become President.
Hopefully the round-up of oil company executives will finally finish off these Khazarian gangsters and their ISIS private mercenary army.
In any case, their financial fronts like Goldman Sachs are under heavy attack in three continents.
In Asia, a boycott of deals has forced Goldman to lay off 30% of its bankers there. There is also a move to force the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller mafia to hand back the shares of Japanese listed companies they extorted from Japan. Japan is going to get Russian backing for this move, CIA sources in Asia say.
According to them a peace deal has already been finalized with Russia over 4 disputed Islands. In this deal, Japan will get the two Southernmost Islands returned. After that, a strong Japanese, Russian military and commercial alliance is expected to emerge, the sources say.
This will be officially announced when Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives in Japan on December 15th, they say.
In Europe, meanwhile, ex-Goldman economist Jim O’Neill was forced to resign from his job as UK Treasury minister. In the EU former EU commission chief Jose Barroso is under investigation for suddenly quitting his job and joining Goldman Sachs.
The Goldman backed firm Uber and the Bush drug money launderer Bank of America are also being hit by revelations their adviser, former EU Commissioner Neelie Croes, was involved in shady Bahamas deals while in office.
In the US too ex-Goldman employee billionaires running hedge funds like Leon Cooperman of Omega advisors and Dan Och from Och-Ziff Capital Management are under investigation.
These disclosures are part of a systematic attack on the Khazarian mafia financial parasites world-wide. The former investigator of the Saving and Loan Scandal in the US, William Black, who put thousands in jail, has come out to say the big banks’ main business model is fraud.
The take down of the Khazarian mafia will continue and intensify until they surrender completely, multiple sources agree. To this end, Top Khazarian mafia boss Benyamin Netanyahu is being given ultimatums at the UN, Pentagon sources say. That is why top Jewish leaders are meeting with Turkish President Recep Erdogan in New York to get real Middle East peace.
September 19, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The Khazarian mafia is in a state of extreme panic following the death of their presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton on September 11th. Below is a screenshot of the ABC Television announcement of her death that was deleted from the internet.
The dragnet is now closing in on Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, Pentagon and agency sources say. Once that is exposed, the entire corrupt Washington DC establishment will crumble, the sources say.
This is what CIA sources say is planned next:
“We predicted Biden would be brought in 6+ months ago…Kaine, a disciple of the Central/ South American ‘liberation theologists’ will go along: one-term or less to Biden and the baton passed to Kaine ….this is the current plan, ready to be implemented.”
However, Pentagon sources say that on October 1st, immediately after the end of the US corporations’ fiscal year, a new gold backed currency and possibly an entirely unexpected new leader (possibly Canada’s Justin Trudeau), will be announced.
There will be high level negotiations between the Asians and the US military industrial complex this weekend to discuss these and other issues, White Dragon Society sources confirm.
The Khazarians, in full panic mode, are now using a computer graphics generated Hillary Clinton to create the impression that it is business as usual. To confirm this, please check the following video of Hillary that was broadcast after her “collapse” on September 11th.
You can see the images on the smartphones being held up are entirely different from what is being shown on the stage (no Hillary, no flags). Also, if you go to the 20:15 mark, you can see her arm disappear, while Hillary herself vanishes at the 20:51 mark. See for yourself:
FULL: Hillary Clinton first speech since 9/11 spill …
FULL: Hillary Clinton first speech since 9/11 spill – North Carolina
So you have a political establishment that is so corrupt and degenerate that it is now trying to elect a CG President. That is simply not going to be allowed to happen, Pentagon and agency sources affirm.
A Donald Trump presidency is also looking more problematic because the Chinese, the largest creditors for the bankrupt US Corporation, are against him.
In any case, the rest of the world has clearly already decided to bail out on the US corporate government. In the past year, foreign central banks have dumped $343 billion worth of US government bonds and the sell off is accelerating.
It is not surprising they refuse to invest in a government that admits $6.5 trillion went missing from its military budget in 2015 alone. Agency sources say the $6.5 trillion was laundered through the Clinton Foundation and spent on “the USAP. Unacknowledged Special Access Projects.. (Deep Underground bunkers, and the secret space program)… Especially in the Antarctic and Patagonia…”
This makes sense because on the one hand we have an official US Defense Department budget of $651 billion for 2015 and yet that same Defense Department issues a report saying that $6.5 trillion (ten times the official budget) went “missing.”
This may mean the UFO people are finally going to get some real disclosure about the secret space program they have long talked about.
Certainly, one of the individuals who will be attending the meeting being arranged by the WDS between the Asian secret societies and the military industrial complex claims connections to the off-world military. The Asian secret societies also claim off-world contact.
The question is will something credible be shown to what they call the “surface population” of this planet, ie people like you and me. Hopefully we will have better information and proof next week but do not hold your breath because we are being told the disclosure will be gradual so as “not to shock people.”
In any case, back here on the “surface” of the planet, signs of systemic collapse of the current power system are proliferating. Most recently we have seen the US “pivot to Asia” becoming increasingly untenable. The latest setbacks are centered in the Philippines. There President Rodrigo Duterte has stopped joint patrols with the US navy and ordered US special forces out of Mindanao.
Here is some raw intel on this issue from CIA sources in Asia:
“The cover story as you know, is that Duterte has called for the withdrawal of US troops in Mindanao, supposedly to keep them from being killed by the terror group Abu Sayyaf. Which as we know is a black ops terrorist organization financed by the Boys… the real reason the special ops troops are there is to watch over the giant gold stash.
The cabal is intent on removing it very soon for their own purposes… Duterte knows this, and has already made a tentative deal with both China and Russia to allow them to access the location. This is in exchange for a ‘piece of the action’ as well as protection from the US wet works team. There is a very large amount of Au [symbol for gold on commodities exchanges] stored there dating from before the Japanese Golden Lily operation.
This ties in with the Sultan of Sulu…and the Borneo gold…this is a dangerous game and an attempt will be made to remove Duterte permanently from the scene. He is aware of this already…
I was told that the Au will be used as part of the new gold backed currency of which China, Russia, Iran and India will be a party to at the onset… other countries will join as well once the new system is up and running… they will need at least 1 million metric tons to make it feasible… the gold is available at several locations here is Asia…the percentage of gold that will back the new system can change as more countries join with their reserves.”
This, of course, will be another major topic of next weekend’s secret negotiations.
The situation in Japan is another subject that will be coming up. The Asians are on course with their plan to replace Shinzo Abe with Renho Murata, who just got elected as head of the official opposition Democratic Party. This of course means the Rockefellers, and their agents like Shinji Kawasaka (who claims to control “about a hundred” Japanese politicians), will rig the election for the Chinese in exchange for cash to keep them afloat.
The WDS has no problems with Renho, who is a competent individual, but will make sure the Rockefeller/Bush/Clinton mafia is not kept afloat with Chinese money in exchange for selling Japan down the river.
The Rockefeller/Bush/Clinton mafia is not going to get its way in the Middle East either. Their puppet state, and major source of their oil money, Saudi Arabia is now in deep trouble, having lost their biggest military base in the South of the country. A clear sign of that country’s desperation is that they have asked tiny Bahrain for military help.
Knowledgeable non-royal Saudis are also coming out in public now and saying the regime will collapse.
Israel too is having a bad time of things. In September so far they have lost two satellites, two F16 airplanes, a submarine and a drone, Pentagon sources say. The US government approved a military aid package for Israel but Pentagon sources say this is just to keep military industrial complex factories going until the new financial system kicks in. They say the arms will never actually be delivered.
Israel has now been publicly exposed as having 200 nuclear weapons and will soon be publicly blamed for 911, Pentagon sources say.
In Egypt, meanwhile, government owned newspapers are saying 911 was an inside job by the West done to justify an invasion of the Middle East and that ISIS is a Western creation. For a government publication to say this is a clear declaration that Egypt has split with the Khazarian mafia rulers of the US.
The Russians, for their part, are saying the US military has been acting like the ISIS airforce after US planes killed over 60 Syrian troops last week. Pentagon sources say this was a provocation staged by the Khazarians in a desperate attempt to start a war with Russia. A war with Russia “will not be allowed,” the sources say.
The Europeans are also in open revolt against the US corporate government and its Khazarian overlords. In the latest move, Deutschebank, Europe’s largest bank, just told the US Justice Department to buzz off when they tried to impose a $14 billion fine on it.
Also in Europe, the home of the governor of the Greek central bank was raided by police. The investigation centers on central bank money that was allegedly laundered through the Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
This may be connected to the Clinton Foundation investigation because it has been using medical charities around the world for money laundering. CIA sources have provided this writer with documents showing how the Clinton Foundation is laundering money in Papua New Guinea to pharmaceutical corporations.
Also, please take six minutes to watch this former President of the Haitian Senate describe in detail how the Clinton/Bush/Rockefeller criminals operate. At least watch the last minute where he says US drug money coming through Haiti was sent in “cornflake boxes,” and used to bribe lobbyists in Washington DC.
The autumn revolution is now definitely under way.
September 12, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
There can be no doubt the Khazarian mafia is in a desperate situation and is about to lose power, as can be seen from multiple events we will mention below. However, it is also a fact that most off the so-called “leaders” paraded before the world at last weeks’ G20 conference still refuse to tell the truth about 911, 311, Malaysia Air Flight 370/17 and many other government acts of terrorism. Until we see leaders who will tell the truth, in public, about these crimes and then order the arrest of the perpetrators, the war to free humanity will not be over.
Take a look (starting at the 11 minutes and 30 second mark), at this G20 video and you can see German Chancellor Angela Merkel making her freemasonic eye sign.
She, the only member of the ruling Saxe-Gotha Rothschild family present, is once again telling those who have eyes to see that the G20, self-described as the world’s highest level economic forum, is just a gathering of Rothschild servants. Look at their garbled communique for yourself to see what a useless joke this group is.
They have met for 10 years in a row but still their final statement is full of phrases like “we will set up a task force,” and “we believe efforts could be made.” In fact though, they have yet again failed to reform the voting structure of the UN, the World Bank, the IMF or other so-called “international” organizations. They also talk about “green finance” while admitting there is no definition of what that means but that there should be “voluntary principles for green finance.”
Chinese President Xi Jinping, who spearheaded China’s well-choreographed hosting of this event, did call for “equitable and efficient global financial governance.”
However, that is not going to be accomplished in a cumbersome group hug forum of twenty high level slaves. The Chinese know this and are preparing alternatives, such as bitcoin, for when this system collapses, Asian secret society sources confirm.
Despite the inability of the G20 to make decisive collective decisions, there was some serious geopolitical horse trading going on before, during and after the G20.
One big move was a Rothschild/Russian attack on the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller crime gang’s oil and energy interests in the Middle East. This appeared in the corporate news headlines in the form of an announcement of a deal between the US and Russia on Syria. What this means is that the Rothschilds and the Russians have agreed on how to split gas revenue coming out of the Middle East to the detriment of the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller faction.
The Pentagon and the Russians, for their part, are sticking to their agreement (as we have previously reported) to leave everything to the West of the Euphrates (including Israel) to the Russians while the US military control territory to the East of the river. This deal can now be confirmed in multiple corporate news announcements such as ones saying the Americans told their Kurdish allies to move to the East of the Euphrates.
The Rothschild/Russian deal is also affecting Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller gas interests in the Ukraine. This means the Nazi coup d’etat in the Ukraine may soon start to unravel, Pentagon sources say.
However, the real battleground remains the United States where the Khazarian mafia desperately clings to power amid growing popular anger. The people behind Hillary Clinton contacted the White Dragon Society again to say their new plan is to have Hillary drop out of the Presidential race for health reasons and then run a Bernie Sanders and Michelle Obama ticket against Donald Trump. This is because “Killary” is so wildly unpopular that stealing an election for her would be very difficult, the sources said. The original plan was to replace Hillary with Joe Biden not Sanders, other sources note.
Pentagon sources, for their part, say “Hillary and Trump may be forced out when the USA Republic is announced with a return to the gold standard so white hats can rebuild the country.”
In any case, the Hillary health thing is definitely being widely broadcast in the corporate media now with tales of Pneumonia etc. being spread profusely.
There was also high weirdness surrounding Hillary’s collapse on September 11 at a 911 memorial event.
CIA sources, who otherwise seem sober and sane, insist Hillary was replaced by a new clone (that was standing by in Chelsea Clinton’s apartment) immediately after the old clone collapsed.
Certainly she seems to have changed dramatically in a very short time. Here is a picture of Hillary while she is at the 911 event:
and here is the video of her (broken clone?) collapsing.
Now compare that to a video of her a short while later after she leaves Chelsea Clinton’s apartment.
At the very least, she seems to have gotten 10 years younger in a very short time.
The CIA sources insist the clones are of limited intelligence and can only be used to read speeches and cut ribbons. That is why Clinton did not have a press conference for 278 days running, they say. When she finally had a so-called “press conference” last week she answered exactly 6 soft-ball questions such as “are they biased against you because you are a woman” from pre-selected media prostitutes.
The people behind Hillary are desperate to keep one of their own in the presidential office because a military/agency law enforcement noose is rapidly closing around them. The latest tightening was the unanimous passage of a bill by both US houses to allow the families of 911 victims to sue Saudi Arabia. “Obama cannot veto and must sign, because Israel and the Jewish Mafia are the real targets [of the bill],” Pentagon sources say.
Pentagon sources also say “An Israeli submarine may have been sunk on the 15th anniversary of 911, along with the Israeli spy satellite meant to help ISIS, Facebook destabilize Africa, because the Pentagon was struck by an Israeli-sub launched missile on 911.” This would be the latest in a whole series of Israeli submarines that have been sunk in recent years.
The Khazarian mafia, fearing for its’ survival, is desperately courting Russia and China in the hopes of staving off the approaching Pentagon/agency dragnet.
Certainly there was some serious sabre rattling accompanying the G20 meeting. Pentagon sources say the Chinese sent 11 ships and barges to the Scarborough shoal claimed by both China and the Philippines to “bully” the Philippines.
In response Pentagon top general Joseph Dunford flew to Manila on September 6th where he met with top Chinese and Asian military leaders. Immediately after that, on September 7th, he flew to the Yokosuka Navy base in Japan.
Then, on September 9th, North Korea announced it had developed nuclear weapons that could be put on ballistic missiles capable of reaching anywhere in the world. Clearly, the Japanese and Americans are using North Korea as a proxy to threaten, in a manner that can be plausibly denied, a nuclear response to Chinese moves.
Following this China and Russia started massive joint naval exercises in the South China Sea off Guandong Province on September 12th.
Pentagon sources say the Chinese “South China sea drill was forced to be in Chinese waters off Guangdong and not Hainan, and nowhere near the exclusive economic zones of Vietnam or the Philippines.”
The Khazarians are also pushing the Europeans to take action against the US military. The latest manifestation of this was an announcement by France and Germany that they were going to establish joint military headquarters as a move towards creating a pan-European army.
Also, as can be seen in the video linked at the top of this report, Germany’s Merkel openly and clearly snubbed US President Obama in front of all the world’s media cameras at the G20. Such snubs in front of cameras are deliberately staged messages to the world, in this case “Germany is not friends with America.”
Clearly the Rothschilds are trying to get the Chinese, the Europeans, the Russians and everybody else they can find to protect them from a justice seeking American military.
There is also the very real possibility of some new, massive 911/311 type event. Remember how Donald Rumsfeld told the press the day before 911 that $2.3 trillion was missing from the Pentagon budget. Well, now the US Department of Defense is saying that $6.5 trillion went missing from its budget in 2015.
This is clearly a message to the world that the US military industrial complex, or else the Khazarian mafia, it is not clear which, has built a big secret nasty surprise of some sort.
It is also worth noting that most of the $115 billion worth of weapons the US has sold to Saudi Arabia during the Obama administration never actually arrived in Saudi Arabia. This probably explains how US oil companies arm their ISIS, Al-Qaeda etc. proxies by pretending the weapons were bought by Saudi Arabia.
Hopefully soon all these corporate criminals will be rounded up, dragged from their headquarters in handcuffs and put in jail or else publicly executed. As George Bush Sr. famously said, “if the American people find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us.” Rest assured the American people have now found out.
September 6, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Reliable Russian and CIA contacts both told the White Dragon Society that the top bosses of the Khazarian mafia are seeking to trade shelter in Russia for gold. This is just the latest in a whole slew of signs Khazarian mafia rule of the planet earth is crumbling. The White Dragon Society and its allies will continue to press the offensive with the aim of permanently ending their rule as early as this autumn.
Another big sign of Khazarian mafia defeat has been the degrading treatment given to UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporate spokesperson Barack Obama in Asia and elsewhere. Obama was literally denied red carpet treatment on his arrival in China for last weekend’s G20 summit.
This was in sharp contrast to the super VIP treatment given to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who has been recommended to China by the WDS as a better leader for North America than either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. Trudeau was treated like a superstar in China during a one week visit that resulted in Canada publicly dumping its support of the US corporate government by announcing its intention to join the China led AIIB.
Japan is now expected to follow suit, leaving the US corporate government isolated on the world stage.
Obama was also forced to cancel a planned meeting with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte after Duterte called him a “son of a whore.”
Barack Obama cancels meeting after Philippines president …
Rodrigo Duterte further strains diplomatic ties with Washington as he warns US leader not to question him on extrajudicial killings
This matters because the US corporate shift to Asia depended in large part on stoking territorial disputes between China the Philippines and other ASEAN countries. Instead, the ASEAN countries agreed with China to settle their territorial disputes peacefully.
There is a lot more humiliation and hopefully oblivion in store for the US corporate government as the September 31st fiscal year end approaches. Efforts to finally bankrupt them center on international dumping of US Treasury bonds combined with gold buying. There is also a huge campaign under way now to make sure the supply of drug and oil money to the Federal Reserve Board and its US corporate government subsidiary is cut off so they will be unable to kick the bankruptcy can down the road any further.
Duterte’s murderous campaign against drug dealers in the Philippines is just one aspect of this. The big campaign to cut off cocaine money from South America is also intensifying. The US military white hats are doing their part by cutting off all Bush/Clinton Nazi faction CIA drug flights through the Incirlik airbase in Turkey, the Ramstein airbase in Germany and the Bondsteel base in Kosovo, Pentagon sources say.
The recent confusing and contradictory news about ISIS in Iraq and Syria is all about cutting off oil revenue to the Bush/Clinton faction of the cabal. The Russians and US military white hats are now cooperating with the Turks, the Iranians and the Syrians to make this happen.
The situation has reached the point where the handlers of Hillary Clinton contacted the WDS to say they were planning to end Hillary’s bid for President. They are either going to use her poor health as a reason for her to quit or else they will have her assassinated in a way that makes it look Donald Trump was involved, the Clinton handlers say. Recent US corporate media headlines indicate it is the heath option they are going to choose.
There is also growing evidence that most Hillary Clinton public appearances being shown in the media are being done with blue screen technology, meaning she is either avoiding dealing with real audiences or that she is no longer around. A high level P2 freemason lodge source says that look-alikes or clones can only be used to read pre-written speeches or cut ribbons but are not able to carry out complex conversations. This may explain why Hillary has been avoiding press conferences for close to a year.
Copies alleged to be of Hillary’s medical reports (forwarded by the CIA) can be seen below:
Since Hillary is supported by Evelyn de Rothschild as well as the Bush/Rockefeller/Clinton mafia, you can be sure that if they give up on using her persona, they have a scenario in mind that will involve someone other than Donald Trump becoming the next US president.
Although the US military backs Trump, this does not necessarily mean Donald Trump will become the next US president because the bankruptcy of the US corporate government may lead to an entirely different scenario. The Trudeau North American option mentioned above is just one of those.
In fact, in a clear sign things have already changed, flags of the Republic of the United States of America were clearly visible in the background of a speech Obama made in China at the end of the G20 meeting. This can be confirmed in the first seconds of this video.
Until now Obama has typically spoken with the gold fringed admiralty flags of the US Corporation in the background. This may mean ownership of house slave Obama changed hands during the G20.
In any case, the usual suspects are unlikely to be able to manipulate events in the US or elsewhere the way they have been used to. The rejection of in the US and Europe of the TTIP and TTP fascist treaties negotiated by the Khazarians is a clear sign of this. These treaties are being rejected because they place a special tribunal, controlled by the Rockefellers etc. above elected governments.
The EU crack down on tax cheating by US corporations like Apple, Google, Amazon and McDonalds is yet another clear sign of a European break with the US faction of the Khazarian mafia. The G20 countries have all agreed that use of tax havens by multi-national corporations to avoid taxes is going to end, and the Europeans have shown the way.
The Europeans have also been systematically shifting their financial assets to China. Nathaniel Rothschild and his side (Jacob) of the Rothschild family, for example, have shifted most of their assets to China during the past 18 months, Mossad sources in Europe confirm. The Rockefellers, Bushes, Clintons and the “dark side of the Rothschild family” (Evelyn) are now negotiating with the Chinese, the source says.
That is what the Russian sources mentioned at the top of this newsletter contacted the WDS about.
In Asia, meanwhile, there is a huge secret battle being waged in Thailand over that countries historical gold treasure. Sources in the Thai Royal family and CIA sources in Asia confirm there is a serious succession struggle going on there. Here is the raw intel on this subject:
“Every Thai phone was sent this message from the royal palace: ‘The King is not well, he has fluid on his lungs and his liver is not functioning properly.’ This brings about this: the Crown Prince (who is dying of AIDS, goes to England and Germany every month for blood transfusions) becomes the King. And, now sit down for this one, the Prince is FINANCED by Thaksin [Shinawatra]!! So what a way to bring Thaksin back into power.”
Thaksin was behind the red shirt movement in Thailand that many (including this writer) suspected was a Khazarian plot to steal Thailand’s gold. More raw intelligence below:
“Here is a little more background on the relationship with Thaksin and the Crown Prince…It is known that the Crown Prince was (is) a heavy gambler….. Several years ago when Thaksin was still PM of Thailand, he personally saw to it that the gambling debts of the crown prince were settled… This amounted to around US$300 million. Ever since then, ‘a chit has been out there, waiting to be settled’…
The Royal Palace elites run the operation in Thailand…. HM has been out of the picture for many years…. As for the Queen, she left this dimension back in 2012…. A double has been sitting in since then…. The elites behind the scene have been trying to come up way a way to find another alternative to keep the crown prince from taking the throne; Including changing the constitution and having the Princess take the throne.
This is one of the reasons for the Military to be charge now. I have said for years that the best scenario for the Thai people would be the announcement by the Royal Palace that the king and queen passed away together in each other’s arms… The Thais would accept this fairy tale ending.
The elites will have to make a decision very soon… They cannot keep the king in the hospital, (with more and more operations, fevers, infections, etc. ) story going much longer…. I happen to have Russian Intel from several years ago that explains in detail with photographs the fraud that has been played on the people of Thailand and the world regarding the king and queen.”
The Thai people need to look at other historical examples from other countries with a long imperial history like England and Japan to come up with a good plan for dealing with the succession crisis in a way that strengthens Thailand and its institutions.
Finally, this week, there is some interesting X-files stuff going on that needs to be reported on.
For one, the explosion of the SpaceX rocket in Florida last week has been widely reported as being caused by a UFO and there is plenty of video evidence to back this up.
Since this has been widely covered elsewhere, we will only touch on the possible motive for this. The Israeli Satellite that was supposed to be launched was intended to beam only Facebook controlled internet data to Africa. Since Facebook is a Rockefeller outfit, clearly somebody powerful did not want Africa to be subjected to Rockefeller/Facebook mind control.
Much less discussed than the SpaceX explosion, but probably more important, was the earthquake reported on the US East coast last week. CIA sources say this was not an ordinary earthquake but rather an attack on US underground bases. They sent a photograph of the epicenter (orange dot in photo below) and it is located right next to some rather mysterious buildings.
Due to an intensifying space war, more and more news items linking X-files type events with mainstream reports can be expected, according to sources in the extra-terrestrial linked faction of the military indutrial complex.
There can be no doubt about it, we are living in historical times. This we must make sure the good guys win.
August 29, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
For the past few weeks the wheels of geopolitics have been churning the mud during a summer “ceasefire.” That is now ending.
The German government has made a decisive break with the Khazarian mafia and has ordered its citizens to stockpile 10 days worth of emergency food supplies in preparation for a war of independence, according to both CIA and MI6 sources. In addition, the German government is mobilizing 600,000 militia members in preparation for this war, the sources say.
The trigger for this mobilization was a reequest by the Khazarian controlled US government for Germany to accept a massive false flag attack on its territory as an excuse for totalitarian Khazarian rule. The Germans have decided to refuse this request and are instead allying themselves with the Russians and effectively joining the UK and Turkey in a Western led move against the Khazarian controlled American government, the sources agree. This information can be confirmed in a series of German government statements seen in the corporate media.
These include the announcement of the emergency food supply request, a statement by the German foreign minister that Germany needs to work with Russia and a statement by the economy ministerthat the US Khazarian led TTIP trade agreement was dead in the water.
The German move is just the opening salvo of what is expected to be a decisive campaign to permantently end Khazarian control of the West and its remaining slave states. Expect similar moves in many countries as the autumn offensive against the final Khazarian mafia strongholds goes into full gear. As the snowball effect continues, keep your eyes on France, Japan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Brazil among other places over the coming months.
Another clear signal that things are not as normal is the fact that Khazarian Presidential canditate Hillary Clinton has become too scared to meet actual real people and has begun using green screen to tape her campaign performances. That is because the people on the bounty list issued by the White Dragon Society have been vanishing from public view one by one. That is also because her mass murdering Bush /Clinton/Rockefeller mafia bosses are hated by a vast portion of the world’s awakening public,
The Chinese, for their part, have given up on Hillary and, since they also have no love for Republican Candidate Donald Trump, are now considering a more radical move. They have invited Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to visit China before the big September 4-5 G20 meeting the Chinese are hosting. Sources in Asian secret societies say the Chinese will ask Trudeau if he would be interested in leading a Mexican/American/Canadian North American alliance.
It is not clear, however, just how aware of reality Trudeau is. The Canadian corporate press parrots its US counterparts like the New York Times in presenting outright lies as facts. In their world view it was not the Saudis and their Bush/Clinton allies who used Sarin gas in Syria but rather the “dictator Assad” (never mind that he was elected in an internationally observed poll).
In their world view as well Russia’s Vladimir Putin is an evil dictotor who invaded the Crimean Peninsula. The same press holds to the world view that Hillary Clinton is the reasonable status quo candidate and that Donald Trump is a crazy maniac who must not be allowed to have power.
This writer’s own mother, who gets her information from Canadian Newspapers and the Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC) held views along these lines. Robert Fulford, a prominent Canadian writer (not a direct relative of your correspondent), for example, wrote an editorial in the Canadian press that also went along with this world view. So it is quite possible Trudeau is still too brainwashed to understand the historical opportunity the Asians are going to offer him.
In any case, the Chinese are going to try to make the most of the G20 meeting they are hosting. They have invited countries that are not in the G20 to participate as well as top European Union leaders in a sign they are going to push hard for big changes in the way this planet is run. The meeting follows months of concerted selling of US Treasury bonds by central banks all over the world. This time it is clear the Asians are not going to let the usual criminals take over after the US corporate government’s bankruptcy negotiations conclude.
The owners of the Federal Reserve Board system for their part, are locked in a death spiral. They are printing their own fiat money, to buy shares and corporate bonds issued by their own companies. It is like a snake swallowing its own tail. Everybody else, including old fashioned pension fund managers and other institutional investors with intergrity, are avoiding the entire cesspool that US financial markets have become.
That is the real reason why Fed Chairperson Janet Yellen hinted at raising interest rates last week. If they do try to raise interest rales, it will have the opposite effect of what they expect, because it will be seen as a sign of desperation, not strength. Even looting the Japanese National Pension fund to the tune of over $100 billion is not engouth to help these criminal keep their empire solvent.
The situation has become such that Jacob de Rothschild has warned that the system of central banks his family was instrumental in creating was headed for systems failure.
The Rand Corporation, a war mongering neo-con think tank, has reacted to the situation by saying the US should declare war on China sooner rather than later. However, they are about 10 years too late to make that call. At the time the Pentagon ran simulation after simulation involving a war with China and the result was always the same, the loser would unleash nuclear war and the result would be that 90% of the world’s population dies and the Northern Hemisphere of the planet becomes uninhabitable. That is the same reason why the Asians are not going to do anything arrogant that will provoke the military industrial complex into choosing mutually assured destruction.
Instead, the brainy part of the military industrial complex is already dealing with the situation with the compelling argument that we do not want to replace Khazarian mob rule with Chinese totalitarianism. The Japanese, Koreans, Indonesians, Vietnamese, Indians and others understand this argument as do the Chinese.
In the Middle East, the Pentagon is keeping to its deal with the Russians to divide their regions of influence along the Euphrates river with the Russians getting what is West of it while the Americans get what is East of it. The Turks are also now going along with this.
The fighting now going on in the region is against mercenary armies working for oil companies still controlled by the Clinton/Bush/ Rockefeller mafia. The Israelis have also figured this out and have invited the Russians in to try to help them find peace with their neighbours. This will mean they will have to give up their Messianic delusions about ruling the world from Jerusalem and accept a fair deal with the Palestinians and others. They no longer have a super power to manipulate into fighting for them and so must learn to be humble.
August 22, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Notice to readers: Unless there are major upheavals, until August 29th, this newsletter will contain non-time sensitive, pre-written material as your correspondent will be on vacation.
The ongoing battle for control of the financial system, and thus control over the process of deciding what we as a species will be doing in the future, is reaching a climax. For this reason, this might be a good time to look at who the major players are and what their position is.
First of all, let us look at the Khazarian/Nazi faction that took over control of the Europe, Japan and the United States following the September 11, 2001 false flag attack in New York. This faction is led by George Bush Sr., David Rockefeller and their lackeys. Their plan was to reduce the world’s population by 90% through starvation, disease and war. Ample proof of this has been provided to various police, military and intelligence agencies around the world.
Since the Nazi takeover of the United States was completed with the election stolen by George Bush Jr. in the year 2000 the government of the United States has tried to murder us through the release of bio-weapons including SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola etc.
To engineer mass starvation they released various crop diseases in the hope of devastating agricultural production. They also paid farmers around the world generous subsidies to produce “bio-ethanol” instead of food. This led to starvation in 33 countries that was only stopped when a World Bank whistleblower pointed out it was the subsidies for bio-ethanol that were responsible.
This group has also attempted to start nuclear war with manufactured incidents in North Korea, Iran, Syria etc. They are now trying to accomplish this in the South China Sea by offering Australia, ASEAN, Japan and Korea as prizes to China if they start a world war.
This writer was invited to join the Nazi cabal by agents working for Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller. They explained that it was necessary to kill 90% of human beings in order to “save the environment.” They also explained that most humans did not produce anything useful and were of “inferior stock.” The genetic quality of the human race could be raised by getting rid of these “useless eaters,” they explained.
The members of this group are descended from a tribe of pastoralists known as the Hyksos who mastered the art of enslaving humans many thousands of years ago. They do this by controlling their food and information supply and by monopolizing organized violence (armies, police, secret services etc.).
The real reason they wanted to kill 90% of the population was that they were afraid of losing control over the planet as groups like the Chinese, the Muslims and the Hindus, who were not under their control, grew in population and power.
The Hyksos worship a goat faced being with a forked tail known over the ages by such names as Set, Baal, Marduk, Lucifer, Satan etc. They also practice human sacrifice, sometimes on a vast scale, such as in an engineered World War. There are probably no more than one million members of this group but they occupy controlling positions in many institutions of government, finance, religion, media etc. throughout the world. Many of them are erroneously labelled as Jews. To protect innocent people, we call them the Khazarian mafia. The top members of this group now have a one ton bounty on each of their heads and their names have been publicly listed up.
The main factions opposing this group in the Western world are the Christians, members of the Jewish faith who worship Yahweh, as well as atheists who believe only in the Golden Rule.
The elite members of this group tried to stop the planned massacre of “useless eaters” by proposing a carbon tax to raise funds to pay poor countries to preserve and expand their forests. The top people behind the global warming faction were from members of European aristocratic and royal families who supported Christian as opposed to Satanic ideals.
They lost the power struggle in 2000 when their man Al Gore had the Presidential election stolen from him. The main problem with this group was that they created a lie about carbon-caused global warming to promote their tax. Their carbon trading scheme was also riddled with fraud.
Nonetheless, this group has considerable power exercised through the non-Satanic part of the Freemasons together with the element of the Catholic Church who had not been taken over by the Satanists. This group managed to replace Pope Benedict XVI in 2013. His replacement, Pope Francis, immediately began purging the Catholic Church of pedophiles, cleaned up the Vatican bank and reached deals with Cuba and Columbia to stop the flow of drug money to the Bush/Nazi faction of the CIA. There is talk of Francisco’s involvement in Argentina’s dirty war but so far his actions show he is trying to do good.
However, the leadership group that put Francis in power is still pushing for world domination through a carbon tax controlled and collected in secret by them. They will not succeed with this scam because it is based on lies and remains fraudulent.
The group behind Francis is also pushing to have Donald Trump elected as President of the United States. If they succeed, Trump will start arresting many of the top bosses of the Khazarian mafia inside the US.
Working in harmony with these forces is the Red and Blue from Asia and their White Dragon Society allies.
The Red and Blue trace themselves back to organizations set up by Mozi (墨子)around 450 BC. These groups allied themselves in the 1700’s with the remnants of the Ming Bureaucracy, army and Navy in a fight to overthrow the Manchu conquerors of China. After many bloody failed attempts they finally succeeded in 1911 when they overthrew the last Emperor. This group then went largely dormant.
However, they came back into full war recently after they found proof the Bush regime had been spreading the bio-weapon SARS in an attempt to kill the people of Asia. They also learned about the Khazarian’s genocidal plans when they wiretapped the goings of at the Bohemian grove after Bush Jr. came to power. The Red and Blue were later joined by the dragon family which is a confederation of the old royal families of the world.
When the Asians sought allies in the West in their fight against the Khazarians, the White Dragon Society was formed. The WDS is a loose coalition that has its roots in the ancient traditions of the West that supported doing good works of all sorts.
These white knights were responsible for such things as the Magna Carta, democracy, chivalry, protection of the weak and the poor and the need to fight, if absolutely necessary, to protect all that is right and decent. WDS members are now in control of most of the US military industrial complex with the exception of the mercenaries working for the Bush/Clinton Nazi mafia.
The WDS works in tandem with the Russian security services, British Secret Services, Freemasons, the real Muslim secret societies (as opposed to the fake Muslim Khazarian financed ISIS terrorists), Japanese secret societies, the illuminati, the Italian white nobility, the Royal Families of Europe, various martial arts societies etc. etc.
The Khazarians have now been reduced to a few pockets of control in Washington DC, New York, Saudi Arabia, Israel and a few rogue states.
If the Asians and their WDS allies make a big push it could be game over for the Khazarians and their ancient rule of terror and slavery as early as this year. Ending their rule would be one of the biggest events in human history during the past thousands of years. It could lead to world peace and an era of unparalleled prosperity.
This years’ autumn campaign will be one of the most important yet in this long hybrid war for control of the planet. This time real and total victory is a very realistic possibility. If everybody does their part we will be able to soon start a new age, a golden age, an age of wonder.
August 15, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Notice to readers: Due to our annual holiday’s this week’s newsletter has been written in advance with non-time sensitive content
Recently, the Chinese government’s Xinhua news service reported that developing and emerging countries combined (the BRICS alliance) control 85% of the world’s population, 60% of its GDP and account for 80% of economic growth. In other words, the Khazarian mafia controlled countries have lost the battle both economically and demographically. Furthermore, the more time passes, the weaker their position gets.
If you look at World Bank data on real GDP (Purchasing Power Parity) you see that the members of the OECD’s (the rich countries club) total GDP is 50.9 trillion dollars while the rest of the world’s GDP is 127.3 trillion dollars. That means that even if all the rich countries allied themselves with the Khazarian faction ruling the US, they would have less than half the economic power of the BRICS alliance.
Things only get worse for the US once you realize the numbers used by the World Bank are based on lies put out by the US government. For example, if you look at US government data, it says that prices in 2016 are only 35% higher than they were in 2001. That is because the US government has changed the composition of the basket of goods it uses to measure inflation over 20 times to make the inflation rate look lower. If you look at more realistic measures of inflation you will see that US prices are 160% higher in 2016 than they were in 2001.
Since the inflation rate is used to calculate GDP, what this means is that real US GDP is worth less than half of what it was in 2001.
If you look at industrial production figures you can see that US industry has not grown since 1976. Click on the chart at this link and choose Max to see for yourself.
Then there is the fact that 22% of the US workforce worked in manufacturing in 1977 versus only 9% in 2016.
What this means is that most Americans are working in the service industry as public servants, or bank clerks or in restaurants and are not making anything that they can trade with the rest of the world.
That is why the US has been running a trade deficit almost non-stop since 1976. That is also why the US is the most indebted nation in the history of the planet. Again you can see this by choosing Max in the link below.
This cumulative trade deficit has left the US owing the rest of the world more than 19 trillion dollars. If you look at the Rothschild controlled G7 group of countries as a whole you can see they owe the rest of the world $47.1 trillion.
What this means is that the G7 countries have been on a degenerate path for the last 40 years. The cause of this degeneracy can be traced back to the Nixon shock of 1972 when President Richard Nixon took the US dollar off the gold standard. Until 1972 the developed countries were experiencing strong economic growth under the gold standard.
However, after Nixon dropped the gold standard, the G7 countries just started printing money out of thin air and using it to buy stuff from the rest of the world. This is the financial equivalent of using amphetamines. You get a huge immediate burst of energy but you are destroying your body in the process. The G7 reliance of fiat money turned them into huge parasites on the rest of the world.
The rest of the world is now having an immune reaction against this parasitical infection by the Khazarian controlled G7 countries. They are sick and tired of the continual anti-social behavior of the Khazarians. The United States is the world’s worst rogue nation and has been at war almost non-stop since the end of World War 2.
The recent destruction of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya etc. by the Khazarian mafia and their puppets has shown the world their true nature. Not only that but, the Khazarians have tried on multiple occasions to start World War 3. For this reason most of the world is no longer willing to finance the countries they control.
It is true the US and the G7 have a more powerful military capability than China. This is especially true of the US air-force and navy. However, remember that at the beginning of World War 2 Japan had a stronger Navy than the US. However, US GDP was 4 times bigger than Japan’s and the US had twice the population. That meant that as soon as the Americans began retooling their economy for war it was only a matter of time before the Japanese lost.
Now China has four times the US population and produces 20 times more steel, the basic ingredient for weaponry. That means that if the Chinese decided to go for all out militarization, then it would be a matter of time before they won any conventional war.
Even with NATO, the Americans would not have the ability to win a war against China now and they know it from all the simulations they have carried out. Even if the US tried all out nuclear war, the Chinese can put most of their population in deep underground shelters whereas almost all Americans live in wooden houses and have no access to such shelter.
To prevent a total Chinese victory, the Americans have been courting the Russians and the countries around China to join them in an anti-Chinese alliance. However, the Russians remember what the Americans did to Yugoslavia and what they are now doing to the Ukraine and rightfully shun such an alliance.
Not only that, they have actually agreed to carry out joint military exercises with China in the South China Sea. Furthermore, the European nations are also sick and tired of US behavior and are moving towards an alliance with Russia. In other words, the US under Khazarian rule has already lost World War 3.
So, what can be done to prevent China from totally dominating the planet? The answer is very simple, remove the Khazarian mafia from their final power bases in Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United States. Once this horrific infection has been removed from the US and world’s body politic, then the US can start to negotiate with the rest of the world to create a more equitable global architecture.
In terms of population, the Chinese account for 20% of the world so that is the percentage of world power the Chinese would get if an inclusive world system was set up. This would replace the Rothschild and Rockefeller owned, pseudo-world government known as the United Nations.
Many people object to the idea of a world government because they associate it with the New World Order plan for a Khazarian controlled totalitarian world dictatorship. This is obviously not desirable. However, any village or town has certain rules such as do not murder, rape, steal or take a dump on the street.
Right now the world does not have such rules (or rather the means to enforce them) and as a result the Khazarian criminals have been acting with impunity. We need at the very least the bare minimum to be able to stop international corporate crime syndicates from robbing and raping the planet at will.
It means we could put people like George Bush in jail for mass murder because he invaded Iraq. It would also make it possible to have world peace. This is something we can accomplish as early as this autumn if we make a concerted push.
August 9, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
An official who reports to Chinese President Xi Jinping told a representative of the White Dragon Society last week that Hillary Clinton had offered to hand over Korea, ASEAN and Japan to help create a “United States of China,” if the Chinese supported her bid to become President of the United States.
Clinton also told the Chinese that a short sharp war with the US military would be needed to put this plan in place and establish China as the world’s number 1 superpower. For this reason China supports Clinton, the official said.
The WDS representative told the Chinese that Khazarian gangsters like Hillary tell people what they want to hear but always betray them as soon as they get a chance. He was also told that no matter how many times the US military ran simulations of an all-out war with China, the result was always 90% of the world’s population dying and the Northern hemisphere of the planet becoming uninhabitable.
It was further explained to the official that, according to British Intelligence, when George Bush Sr. went fishing with Vladimir Putin in 2007 he invited Putin to join a plot to destroy China. The scenario Bush painted was for the US and Russia to start a new cold war.
This would give Russia, the US, Europe and Japan an excuse to re-arm. During this cold war, Russia would pretend to be China’s friend. However, in the end NATO, Russia, Japan and Korea would all attack China and divide it into six countries so that China would never rise to be a threat to Western power.
The official was also told that Clinton was part of the Bush Nazi mafia so whatever promises she was making were only to buy time and get money from the Chinese so that they could carry out this plan. As a result of this conversation, the Chinese official agreed China should not support Clinton.
The other thing the Khazarians did was to force their puppet the Emperor of Japan to announce his resignation on August 8th, an auspicious day for China. The Chinese were told this was to get crown Prince Naruhito on the throne so he could help with the plan to unite Japan with China.
Naruhito is married to Masako Owada who is the daughter of Rockefeller slave and world court judge Hisashi Owada. Again the Chinese were told this was just a Khazarian attempt to bribe China by offering to hand over their puppet government in Japan.
Furthermore, the imperial family would never willingly accede to such a plan and so it was just a Khazarian lie. The emperor is resigning because of poor health and because he does not want to get involved in the ongoing fight over the gold bunkers in Japan. In conclusion, the WDS explained very clearly to the Chinese this was a Khazarian trick designed to fool the Chinese into war with the US.
The WDS and the Chinese also discussed the future of the US dollar and the global financial system. The Chinese delegate said China’s plan was to replace the US dollar with bitcoin. He said the recent hacking of bitcoin was a setback to this plan but that a new generation Chinese supercomputers would be powerful enough to keep bitcoin secure.
The WDS told the Chinese a more viable plan was for China to make a big move to take over the existing international US dollar infrastructure and have the United States issue a separate new currency of its own.
Pentagon sources, for their part, confirm US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is pushing for the launch of a gold-backed international currency to replace the US dollar as well as a new currency for the United States as a part of a revamp of the international financial system.
The conditions are ripe and the Chinese could successfully pull this off, in tandem with US military and agency white hats, by offering to trade all US dollars based on real world transactions (not derivatives and related financial fraud) for a new currency within a two or three month window of opportunity.
The Chinese military and Asian royal families are ready to offer gold to back this move. At the most only about 20 (mostly small slave states) of the world’s 200 or so countries would refuse to go along with such a plan, they were told. This is something the Chinese leadership will be discussing at their summer retreat this month.
The White Dragon Society was also contacted last week by representatives of the South American drug cartels who said they wanted help in laundering their drug money now that they could no longer go through the Bush/Nazi branch of the CIA. The Chinese military is looking to see if they can help do this if it will help take down the Bush/Clinton crime family, according to Chinese government agents in Japan.
The WDS for its part said the answer was to legalize and regulate the drug business.
Another interesting thing revealed by the Chinese representative was that the (now abandoned) plan to put Hillary Clinton in power was part of a plan to place female leaders in power in a variety of countries because female leaders would be more compliant to Chinese rule. For this reason, he said, a decision has already been finalized to replace Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe with the female politician Renho Murata, who has Chinese blood.
Renho would be just a puppet, he said.
In any case, the ongoing Khazarian mafia attempt to hand Japan over to China has led to strong infighting inside the Japanese power structure with the religious (Shinto, Buddhist and Christian) establishment fighting against the Khazarian bribed politicians.
As a part of this struggle, forces opposed to the Shinzo Abe regime successfully managed to place their candidate, Yuriko Koike as mayor of Tokyo. This gives them control over police forces operating in the capital city and thus the ability to start rounding up thugs working for the Khazarian mafia, the sources say.
This infighting is a mirror of the serious power struggle taking place in the United States. When US top general Joseph Dunford went to Turkey on July 31st, he was told in no uncertain terms by the Turks that it was people operating inside the US who were behind most of the world’s terrorism. The Turks said they would only renew cooperation with the US military if something was done about this.
Dunford responded by publicly calling on August first for the US military to be apolitical and non-partisan but to honor its oath to defend the constitution.
Pentagon sources say this is code for the military to move to remove Hillary Clinton. Former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey made a similar call in an opinion piece published in the Washington Post on July 30th, the Pentagon sources noted.
Furthermore, the sources say, Obama was summoned to the Department of Defense on August 4th where he was told the US military would be opposing not only ISIS but all “false flags, attempts to assassinate Donald Trump, vote fraud, race wars, food riots as well as any other efforts to stop the presidential election or impose martial law.”
CIA sources for their part are warning there will be an attempt soon to use some sort of scalar weapon to kill thousands of people in Altanta, Georgia sometime in either August or September to try to get the November Presidential election called off. Calling of the election would be a prelude to a world war aimed at saving the Khazarian power structure.
In yet another sign events are spinning out of control, first nations sources in British Columbia, Canada, say they shot down an armed US drone last week operating illegally inside Canada.
The Chinese, for their part, were given a fresh reminder of Khazarian genocidal plans last week when they shot down an un-marked plane that was spraying chemtrails along the Chinese border with Kazakhstan, according to CIA agents in Asia. The plane was piloted by Bush CIA agents and was filled with containers of bio-engineered swine flu, they said.
We are also getting reports from Indonesia and elsewhere of thousands of people mysteriously dropping dead, a sure sign of a renewed attempt by the Khazarians to use bio-weapons to reduce the world population to levels they can control.
What all these events show is that the world is in for some turbulent times as we watch the desperate struggles of the dying Khazarian beast. If we fight hard and relentlessly, we can finally defeat these monsters as early as this autumn. Getting Donald Trump in power in the US will be a huge key to victory. The impending fall of the House of Saud will be another. However, preventing world war from starting in the South China Sea and elsewhere will be just as important.
Finally, in a notice to readers, your correspondent will be in Canada for his annual holiday starting this week so the next few reports will be pre-written, unless something very big happens. Regular weekly news reports will resume on August 29th.
August 1, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The battle to liberate humanity from the grips of the genocidal Khazarian mafia is proceeding well with major victories on multiple fronts amidst increasing global chaos as the post-war world order continues to collapse.
The biggest moves are now taking place in the Middle-East where, now that Turkey has thrown off Khazarian (Sabbatean) mafia rule, a Russian, Pentagon, Syrian, Turkish, Iranian and Egyptian alliance is preparing to liberate the people of Israel, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. This will cut off all supplies of Middle-Eastern oil money to the Bush/Rockefeller/Clinton faction of the Khazarian mafia.
The other place where huge developments are taking place is Europe. There, officials in Germany, France and Italy are now openly calling for a military alliance with Russia to free Europe from the grip of the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller (BCR) faction of the Khazarian mafia that still controls Washington DC and New York. The European moves are taking place in preparation for a collapse of the banking system there that could break into the open as early as this month.
There is also a major battle taking between thieves taking place in Malaysia as BCR operatives try to seize funds embezzled from the Malaysian people by Rothschild flunky Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak (see below for details).
Then of course the battle for the United States of America continues to rage as BCR candidate Hillary Clinton blatantly stole the Democratic Party presidential nomination last week in a move that fatally ruined her reputation and that of the Khazarian mafia backing her. This battle has only begun and will intensify towards November with the very real possibility of open civil war breaking out in the United States, multiple sources agree.
Let us start with a closer look at the situation in Turkey where top US General Joseph Dunford flew on July 31st for an emergency meeting with his Turkish counter-parts. The meeting took place as Turkish government officials openly accused the US of trying to overthrow its government and Turkish troops surrounded the nuclear-armed US Incirlik Airbase.
At the meeting, according to Pentagon sources, Dunford told the Turks the attempt to overthrow the Turkish government was carried out by CIA agents of the Khazarian CBR faction working under the cover of the Jamestown Foundation.
Dunford told his counterparts that cutting off the flow of Afghan heroin and drug money going through Incirlik, would help in the battle to liberate the United States and Israel from Khazarian mafia control, the sources said. Dunford had no choice but to be conciliatory because the latest opinion surveys say only 17% of Turks support a US presence in their country.
Dunford also explained to his Turkish counterparts that the Pentagon was allying itself with the Russians to liberate the United States and the rest of the world from the Khazarians, the Pentagon sources said. As evidence of this, the Pentagon ordered a state of the art US spy plane to land in central Russia, the sources said. They are also allowing Russian spy planes to fly over US territory to confirm the US is planning no military moves or preemptive nuclear strike against Russia.
The Russians, who now hold the upper hand in the Middle-East, told the Turks to cut off all oil income to Israel as a part of a major move against that rogue state. Other moves including providing state of the art ground attack planes and other advanced weaponry to Syria, Iran and Hezbollah plus supplying S-300 air defense missiles to Iran.
Russia is also sending in Drones to get detailed intelligence of Israeli military dispositions. There has also been intensive Syrian shelling all along its Golan Heights border with Israel, Israeli intelligence sources say.
This is all a prelude to seizing territory illegally occupied by the Israeli rogue state, the Pentagon sources say. The end game is for Israel to become a Jewish autonomous zone within a restored moderate Sufi/Sunni/Shia Caliphate, White Dragon Society sources say. The pseudo-Muslim Satan worshipping Salafist heretics will have no place in this loose confederation of Muslim states, they say.
Speaking about Salafist heretics, the situation in the pseudo-Muslim Khazarian colony of Saudi Arabia is also getting critical. The latest evidence of this is that India has been providing emergency food aid to 10,000 starving Indian citizens stranded in bankrupt Saudi Arabia.
It won’t be long before the Saudis will be asking for food aid for their own starving citizens unless the regime there capitulates.
There are also reports of Saudi Princesses being offered as sex slaves to Israeli government agents.
These reports coincide with statements by an Italian woman who says she was drugged and kidnapped by a Saudi Prince and forced to be a sex slave for the likes of Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld. The Italian woman, who fled after 10 years as a sex slave in Saudi Arabia, is now under the protection of the Vatican.
The Saudis are running out of money because their funds are all being funneled to the BCR campaign to remain in control in the United States.
This is also what is apparently behind the recent attempt by the Justice Department to seize US assets owned by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak. Loretta Lynch, the US Attorney General who refused to indict Hitlery Clinton, is almost certainly not going to return any of Najib’s assets she seizes to the people of Malaysia, according to CIA sources in East Asia.
Instead, it is just a part of an attempt by the BCR (Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller) faction of the Khazarian mafia to incriminate their Rothschild rivals and seize the assets of the Rothschilds and their flunkies in the US and South East Asia. This is what they already accomplished in Libya where they took about $150 billion worth from the Libyan people after overthrowing Muammar Gaddafi, the sources say.
As reported by us in a news flash on July 31st, Najib is negotiating now to keep at least part of his fortune and have protection from Khazarian assassins in exchange for testifying about Malaysian Airlines flight 370 and other things, the Asian CIA sources say. In any event, the situation in Malaysia is certain to become increasingly turbulent as the BRC fight with the Rothschilds to loot that country.
There is also an unusual situation emerging in Thailand, according to a CIA source there. The Thai government has just ordered all foreign (Western) owned gold mines in the country to cease operations, he says. “The economy in all of Thailand is in ruins… Even the local Thais selling produce at the market are complaining that business is almost at a standstill,” the source says. The move to shut foreign gold operations may be part of an ongoing move to ensure the Khazarian mafia is cut off from any possible physical backing for their fiat US Dollar and Euro currencies.
The Indonesian and Philippine governments are making similar moves to shut down Khazarian mob linked gold operations, several sources agree.
In what is almost certainly a related move, the Tokyo Commodity Exchange has started trading in gold for physical delivery in tandem with the Shanghai Gold Exchange.
The other sign that some sort of major change is imminent has come from Europe where Monte Paschi Bank just got a 5 billion Euro bail out that was worth 5.6 times its entire market capitalization. This means it did not become the first domino that took down the Italian and then the French banking systems with it.
It is no coincidence that in tandem with the bail out, a group of French lawmakers visited the Crimean Peninsula and spoke in support of Russia’s annexation of the Peninsula.
It is also certainly no coincidence that a French general publicly called for a French alliance with Russia and an end to NATO.
Many influential Germans are also calling for a European alliance with Russia to replace the criminally degenerate NATO.
It is no wonder then that the Khazarian Nazi coup d’etat government in the Ukraine is looking like it is in trouble. There, a major peace demonstration organized by the Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox Churches in tandem with the Catholic Church took place as most leaders of the Nazi Ukrainian government had left the country.
The final collapse of Khazarian mob rule will come when their hold outs, now circling their wagons around Hillary Clinton, are removed from all positions of power inside the United States.
Since it has been widely reported elsewhere, we will only summarize some highlights of what happened when Hillary Clinton stole the Democratic Presidential mandate last week. As a result of leaked e-mails showing she stole the nomination, Hillary was booed and more than half the delegates at the convention walked out on her.
Since the Justice Department backed out on filing charges against her, now it is the IRS and the FBI who are investigating the criminal activities of the Clinton Foundation.
When Hillary and crew tried to blame the hacking of Democratic Party e-mails on the “Russians,” it was none other than Director of National Intelligence James Clapper who told the Senate Intelligence committee he was “taken aback” by the “hyperventilation” about Russia.
It is not the Russians but rather patriotic Americans who are hacking the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller criminals.
Stepping back a bit to look at the big picture, even without European allies, the BRICS alliance now accounts for 85% of the world’s population, 60% of its GDP and 80% of economic growth. A White Dragon Society representative recently told an Asian secret society representative that the Khazarian mafia was like a dying lion and that rather than pick a fight with it, the best policy was to just stay away and wait for nature to take its course.
July 26, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The final game plan of the Rothschilds was to reverse the results of World War I by reinstating the German, Austro-Hungarian and Russian monarchies, sources in Germany and the US agree. The plan that is now unfolding in Europe calls for a civil war against a “Muslim” enemy.
The so-called “Muslim” terrorists are being financed with money supposed to be spent on fighting so-called carbon induced global warming, the sources ad. This is why we are seeing daily “Muslim” terror attacks that seem to always involve “lone wolves” who die in the attack. That way there is no need to have a messy trial where facts might have a chance of intruding into the public mind.
In any case the sources say that after a summer of increasingly severe terrorist attacks, European bank ATMs will be shut down, possibly in August or September. It is at this point where the royal families will present themselves as “saviors” and provide the people with huge amounts of fiat money and “security,” in exchange for the reinstatement of their monarchies.
The reinstated European royalty will be headed by a German “Kaiser” (Caesar) who will have four kings will be appointed under him, they say. The candidate for Kaiser will probably come from either the Habsburg or Hohenzollern royal families, they note. That means Karl Habsburg or the Hohenzollern Georg Friedrich Prince of Prussia. Another candidate they mention is Ferdinand Zvonimir Habsburg-Lothringen.
The Tsar of Russia would be most likely Prince Michael of Kent
because he has the most Romanov blood of all the European royals.
This fits in with what Russian sources have long told us and that is that Vladimir Putin was put in power by a faction in the KGB that was loyal to the Russian royal family.
This move combined with the push by Turkey’s Recep Erdogan to restore the Ottoman Turkish Empire would, if successful, restore the German, Austro-Hungarian and Turkish empires; essentially bringing Europe and the Near-East back to the situation that existed before World War I.
So, a hundred year plot to reverse the Anglo-American victory in World War I has now been un-masked.
The Brexit vote in this context means the British Royal Family will not have to fall under the rule of the restored monarchies of Europe.
The question of course is, will the European people passively agree to be terrorized and financially blackmailed into restoring these bloodlines to formal power? We may well find out this summer and autumn. In the meantime expect a Gladio frenzy of increasingly lurid false flag attacks and well-financed, violent demonstrations. It is also a good bet that German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande will lose power later this year.
Meanwhile a serious power struggle is also coming to a head in the United States. CIA sources say that “China has given the secret codes for a large amount of gold (thousands of metric tons)...to be given as a loan to the US Treasury so that the dollar will not implode.” The catch though is that “the boys in DC must indict Killary.”
Since the Democratic Party Presidential Convention started this week with a big “Russian” e-mail leak about how Democratic Party brass rigged things for Hillary Clinton, there can be no doubt a serious power struggle is underway in Washington DC.
Democratic Party National Committee head Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who was fingered in the e-mail leak, has said she will resign “after the convention.” CIA sources say it is very likely she will be killed soon to stop her from testifying about how she stole the election for Clinton.
The Pentagon and agencies have already forced both the Democratic and Republican parties to promise they will restore the Glass-Steagall act. This means a forced end to the crooked casino that the Bush/Clinton faction of the Khazarian mafia had turned the US financial system into.
The P2 Freemason lodge also forced Hillary to accept Tim Kaine, a Jesuit, as her candidate for Vice President, CIA sources say. Since Trump is also supported by the Jesuits and P2, this means they have both side covered in the US now. So, as the Soviets used to say during the cold war, the Americans can choose between Pepsi Cola or Coca Cola, but you can be certain wine, tea, coffee etc. will never be on the ballot.
A clear indication of how corrupt and decadent the US system has become can be seen in Secretary of State John “Skull and Bones” Kerry acting as a shill for Satanic chemical corporations like Dupont. Kerry was in Vienna last Friday saying “air-conditioners were as big a threat to life as terrorism.”
What is happening is that 17 years have elapsed since the Dupont Corporation and its crime partners got fluorine gas to be banned just as their patent on it was expiring. Their BS fluorine caused ozone hole story fooled just about everybody at the time. Now, the patent on their replacement for fluorine, hydroflourocarbons (CFCs) is expiring too, so their moronic slave Kerry is being paraded out in front of world dignitaries to argue that banning CFCs will “literally save life on the planet itself.”
What he really means is that it will save his chemical buddies annual $20 billion or so in revenue on selling patented refrigerants for the worlds air-conditioners, refrigerators etc. What sort of degenerate political system is it that gets the foreign minister of what used to be the world’s greatest country to tell outright lies on behalf of corporations so that they can swindle money out of people in poor countries who desperately need air-conditioning? It is a system so corrupt it must be overthrown.
Speaking about which, there has been response to the one ton gold bounty placed on many of the top bosses of the Khazarian mafia by the White Dragon Society. The US special forces command has contacted the WDS to ask for written bounty notices that can be presented to persons on the list. They want this because they do not want to start a “sheepdog on sheepdog” situation where special forces fight each other as some try to protect the people on the list and others try to arrest them.
These documents are being prepared and the special forces will operate in harmony to carry out the anti-Khazarian mafia mission. The bounties will be issued by the Planetary Liberation Army general command in conjunction with the WDS.
The WDS also knows it will lose face if some action is not taken after the deadline given to the Rothschilds expires at midnight Hawaii time on July 25th. Since the Rothschilds are now hiding in Switzerland, there may be a delay before action is taken but it will be taken.
Nathan Rothschild, who originally agreed to meet with the WDS, has publicly announced he is not inviting his father to his wedding to make it clear the blockage of a deal is the responsibility of his father and uncles, not him.
For this reason, the one ton gold bounty on Nathan has been suspended. Also, Asian secret societies, even though they suffered destruction of irreplaceable cultural treasures like the Summer Palace, do not want to destroy priceless artworks, the heritage of all humanity, to get a few old men. That means the complex in Zug, Switzerland will not be hit with a missile. Instead, expect “precision surgery,” they say.
The Rothschilds may be thinking the recent ruling against China in the South China Sea can be used to manipulate the US military and its allies into war with China. Certainly Pentagon sources feel they have right on their side now that a court ruling has been made. So there is definitely going to be some heavy brinkmanship ahead as the US is threating to send a multinational naval task force to the South China Sea to enforce the ruling, Pentagon sources say.
The Chinese meanwhile argue the tribunal was a “political farce,” and noted that none of its 5 members was Asian or knew much about Asian history or culture.
Nonetheless, the Chinese have agreed to let Singapore arbitrate on the South China Sea issue with ASEAN. Since Singapore is regional CIA and MI6 headquarters, it is clear the Chinese are looking for a compromise.
Of course this whole South China Sea thing is just a pretext for the Rothschilds to play their US military might card in the ongoing bankruptcy negotiations of the Rockefeller and Rothschilds’ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and UNITED NATIONS corporations. The Republic of the United States is not bankrupt and must not let itself be manipulated in this manner by owners of a corporation based in Washington DC.
Meanwhile in the Middle East, repercussions from the failed coup attempt in Turkey are continuing to be felt in many ways. Pentagon sources say Turkish President Recep Erdogan “may have signed his own death warrant since 90 US nukes and 1500 US airmen are potential hostages at Incirlik” airbase. The Pentagon sources also say Turkey may have turned East but it was “still under the watchful eyes of Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria because nobody trusts Erdogan.”
However, the Pentagon sources also say the Bush cabal is “reeling from the loss of CIA drug flights to and from Incirlik.”
The other thing that has happened in the Middle East is that Russia sent a drone over Israel to systematically gather intelligence about Israeli military deployment. Furthermore the drone was able to disable 3 Israeli missiles, making it clear they have total air superiority and that the Israel Defense Forces are “sitting ducks.” Israel is now expected to become a Jewish autonomous zone within the restored Caliphate. Their attempt to malign moderate Islam by creating a fake radical Islamic ISIS boogey-man has failed.
July 19, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The world situation is becoming increasingly chaotic with major events taking place in Turkey, France, Japan, the United States, China and elsewhere. The events are all linked to the ongoing collapse of the global structure that was put in place at the end of World War 2.
Chinese government analysts believe the entire current world architecture will suffer a total systems collapse by the year 2018 after which a new, improved, structure will replace it. For this reason they expect accelerating global turmoil between now and then.
Let us start with a look at the attempted coup d’etat in Turkey last week. Mossad sources tried to pin the attempt on Russia and added “this was just round one.” However, Pentagon sources say jets piloted by Israeli trained Saudi Arabian pilots flying out of the NATO airbase in Incirlik dropped a bright flashing but not very damage causing low grade nuclear weapon in front of the Turkish Parliament building during the attempted overthrow of President Recep Erdogan.
The Pentagon sources suspect Erdogan used light shows like that as part of a staged the coup attempt against himself in order to give him an excuse to purge the Turkish military and law enforcement agencies of rivals. One Pentagon source said that “because Erdogan renewed ties to Mossad and may steal US nukes at Incirlik to arm ISIS, the coup is far from over.”
Chinese government sources, however, had a very different interpretation of events in Turkey. They say the Turkish government was attacked because it was moving away from NATO and towards the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The Turkish government is also negotiating with the Iranian government to create a Sunni/Shia Muslim alliance and renew the Caliphate.
The Khazarian mafia front organization ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) is trying to stop this by creating a fake Caliphate and acting in disgusting ways designed to make everybody hate Muslims. What is at stake is the $2 trillion in oil and gas money coming out of the Middle East every year.
With such high stakes, Erdogan is now a high priority assassination target and we can expect a lot more trouble in the Middle East before the dust settles. However, if Turkey is working in tandem with Iran and mending fences with Russia and Egypt as well, they appear to have the strongest hand.
Now let us take a look at what is happening in France. Here we have a wildly unpopular government staging fake terrorist attacks in order to extend martial law. The government is doing this because the Italian banking system is collapsing and will take the French banking system down with it. So, in order to distract the French people from the financial troubles they need to create a fake external enemy to unify the country around.
Videos of the aftermath of the attack in Nice where a truck supposedly killed 84 people and injured another 200 appear to show a trail of real bodies (gathered up from hospitals around the country?). However, a friend working at the Japanese national broadcaster NHK’s news desk says NHK reported for about 4 hours that the truck in Nice was full of weapons and hand grenades.
However, a CNN reporter on the scene reported the weapons were all fake, after which CNN, NHK and others dropped the “full of weapons” meme from their coverage. Then there is the fact the impoverished alleged killer sent $100,000 to his family before the incident.
Also for some reason, the corporate media decided to completely ignore what looks like a spectacular attempt to blow up the Eiffel tower on the same day. Maybe there were too many witnesses to the fakery there so they decided to just pretend that little stunt never happened. A video of this incident has now been deleted from the net, but a photo can be seen here:
No matter what though, the French fascist’s Gladio operations are not going to stop the revolution that is unfolding in that country.
In any case, both the French and Turkish smoke and mirrors shows distracted from far more important events taking place in the Asia. We can confirm from our own CIA and Chinese sources what Neil Keenan has reported about UN Secretary General Bank Ki Moon and David Rockefeller going begging and not getting anything.
We can also add new information about the Emperor of Japan’s announced resignation
Ban Ki Moon was in Korea and China trying to find gold to keep the Rockefeller’s UN Corporation in business and to ask for the job of President of South Korea. He was told to buzz off. After that David Rockefeller phoned his “old family friend” Emperor Akihito and asked for gold. Akihito told Rockefeller that he was not allowed to do so.
Immediately after this phone call took place, the government’s NHK news announced the Emperor, for health reasons, was going to be the first in 200 years to abdicate the throne. A Japanese government official who recently attended a ceremony presided over by the Emperor confirmed he made glaring mistakes during the ceremony and showed signs of senility. The source added that the emperor was exhausted by ongoing negotiations to set up a world government and wanted to pass the job on to his son and heir Naruhito.
Having failed in China, Korea and Japan, The Rockefeller/Bush/Clinton faction of the Khazarian mafia is now going to make a big push to steal gold from Indonesia. CIA sources in Indonesia say that country is at its highest level of military alert as a result.
The source adds that the Khazarians are trying to assassinate President Widodo and have offered the Suharto clan (friends of Henry Kissinger) power and wealth if they help overthrow Widodo and the Sukarno clan who support him. The Suharto’s have been told to back off or be killed.
There has also been an attempt by the Khazarians to use tensions in the South China Sea to provoke World War 3 in order to keep themselves in business. The ruling passed against China’s claims in the South China Sea by a UN tribunal is being used to try to provoke a war between the US and China.
Admiral Dennis C. Blair, former head of the US Pacific Command told the US Congress on July 13th the US should use force to stop China in the South China Sea. Blair now works for the National Bureau of Asian Research whose corporate sponsors include the Chevron Corporation, ConocoPhillips Company, Ernst&Young, the ExxonMobil Corporation, GE, Microsoft, etc. In other words he works for the Rockefellers.
In any case, the horse trading between China and the US military industrial complex continues with the South China Sea issue being one of the US sides’ best bargaining chips. Following the ruling against China, US Secretary of State John Kerry went to Russia to lobby Vladimir Putin to work with the US against China in the SCS. The US is also approaching India, Vietnam, Japan etc. with this ruling in hand to try to seek help. The Chinese have counter-acted by courting the Europeans and others.
A Chinese government official explained real reason China was taking a stubborn approach to the SCS issue is that the ocean around the submarine base they have on Hainan Island is too shallow for submarines to conceal themselves. That is why they are building submarine bases next to 2000 meter deep water in the South China Sea. The Chinese argue they need that to keep their nuclear deterrent intact and thus prevent anybody from miscalculating they could win a nuclear war against China with a pre-emptive strike.
This South China Sea table thumping is probably going to end with the Chinese accepting a new US naval base on Indonesian Islands in the South China Sea and the Americans allowing the Chinese to build a submarine base located next to deep water.
The Chinese also say they have no interest in using the bankruptcy of the US and Europe to try to impose Chinese hegemony. A top Chinese Red and Blue Society member described China, the US and Europe as like three legs of a table that needed each other to keep the table from falling over.
The US military and agencies and China also have a common enemy in the Khazarian mafia. On this front the Russians and the Vatican are also in agreement. To force the Khazarian mafia to surrender, a missile strike is now being planned on the Rothschild family complex in Zug, Switzerland. For the sake of future generations, the Rothschilds have been given until July 25th to evacuate all the priceless art treasures they have there. After that, unless the Rothschilds surrender, that complex will be hit, Pentagon officials say.
Other sources have also come forth to say the Rothshilds are only pretending to be separate from the Rockefeller/Bush/Clinton gang and should not be trusted to keep any deal unless they have no other choice.
Also, representatives of the White Dragon Society had meetings with several Asian factions to discuss the 1 ton gold bounty placed by the WDS on certain members of the Khazarian mafia. The WDS explained that the West was like a beautiful woman infected with syphilis and that the Asians need to make sure she takes anti-biotics before getting too friendly. The Asians agreed and confirmed gold and agents will be made available. Pentagon and agency sources responded to the bounties with requests for more names to be added. So, at Pentagon and agency request a one ton gold bounty will be placed on the people they mentioned:
Jacob de Rothschild, Evelyn de Rothschild, Jay Rockefeller, George Soros, Dick Cheney, Paul Kagan, Henry Kissinger, Angela Merkel, Neil Bush, Jeb Bush, Marvin Bush, Michael Mukasey, Scooter Libby, 911 judge Alvin Hellerstein, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Dov Zakheim, Michael Chertoff, Frank Lowy, Larry Silverstein, Rudolf Giuliani, Michael Bloomberg, Paul Singer, Mark Zuckerberg, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Tony Blair, Haim Saban, Sheldon Adelson, Arnon Milchan, Hank Paulson, Bob Rubin, Sandy Weill (Citigroup) Lloyd Blankfein (Goldman Sachs), Jamie Dimon (JP Morgan) and Stanley Fischer.
The bankrupt Clinton/Bush/Rockefller clan is now in such peril that it seems even God is against them. According to CNBC, Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr. and Tony Blair were chased out of a meeting in Arkansas by a tornado, which is most definitely the sort of incident referred to as an “act of God.”
The criminals listed above MUST SURRENDER.
July 11, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
There is a Soviet Union style collapse undeniably taking place in the EU and a civil war brewing in the United States as Khazarian mafia control of the West’s political apparatus continues to fall apart. This is a unique opportunity for humanity to seize freedom after thousands of years of terror and Babylonian style debt slavery.
The names in the link below are being circulated among the military and the agencies and are considered to be “actionable intelligence” about the Khazarian mafia.
The people on that link are only a partial list of those who are being hunted down. A deck of gold backed playing cards will be issued later this week with the names of top Khazarian crime bosses and the size of the gold bounty that will be made available upon their capture.
Some top Khazarians like the Bushes, Clintons, the Rockefellers and senior lieutenants like Henry Kissinger are already being prevented from fleeing justice, according to CIA sources. The Khazarian mafia rats who are able to run and hide have already begun to do so.
Baron David de Rothschild, the Swiss based head of Rothschild Continuation Holdings and of UK based NM Rothschild, the effective head of the Rothschild clan, has “gone off the radar,” according to CIA sources. The group is now being run by the deputy chairman, they say. The phone number at their Zug, Switzerland compound also seems to be no longer working.
However, a CIA source in Europe who says he “talked to Rothschild last night,” says not only are the Rothschilds not in hiding but that “they believe they will be the only ones standing” when the dust settles.
Certainly, if they were the ones who pushed carbon trading as an alternative to killing 90% of the world’s population, they won’t face charges of genocide and mass murder like the Bushes and their ilk.
The Chinese government seems to think they are OK since they have told the heads of over 20 countries they favor a Rothschild/White Dragon Society alliance, Chinese government sources say. No formal deal has been reached as of this writing but, contact was made just one hour before the July 10th deadline passed.
In any case, in an interesting development, mass murderer, top Khazarian mafia henchman and Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu is being investigated by Israeli authorities for “massive money laundering in very high amounts,” meaning “billions of dollars,” according to Mossad sources. For this reason Netanyahu has already made preparations to flee to his hideout in Patagonia, Argentina.
The source says either a Netanyahu double will stay behind to take the rap or else Netanyahu will fake his death through “heart attack or stroke.” However, “the real deal is off to the cold country,” the source says. This could be a reference to the Nazi Antarctic bases, the source admits.
Netanyahu may be seeking to hide because the Khazarian mafia’s situation in the US is reaching a boiling point, multiple sources inside the Pentagon and the agencies agree.
The focus of the anger is the fact the FBI refused to press criminal charges against Hillary Clinton even though FBI Director James Comey publicly accused her of crime. Here is how a Pentagon sources summarized the situation: “The mass outrage at Hillary skating and Department of Justice corruption unites the GOP, mil/intel/law enforcement community into a powerful force for regime change against the backdrop of global currency reset and new republic with gold-backed currency.”
Even though Hillary Clinton avoided criminal charges, her presidential bid has been effectively destroyed by the negative publicity surrounding this fiasco. “She is damaged goods who lost the public trust and any chance of winning the White House since she may be denied security clearances and classified intelligence briefings,” the Pentagon source explains.
The source also says “President Obama hates Hillary and leaked the e-mail server information in March, 2015 to make sure Hilary won’t win, even as he pretends to campaign for her.”
Comey’s press conference also left on the public record many grounds for Hillary to be charged with crime in the future. These include leaking state secrets to Israel, “gross negligence” with classified information, perjury to Congress over Benghazi and much more.
Public outrage has already forced the US State Department to announce they will reopen the investigation into her e-mails. The Pentagon and agencies have also cut off Hillary’s access to classified information as a result of this scandal.
In any case, the entire e-mail scandal is a distraction from the Clinton Foundation corruption that threatens to take down most of the Washington DC political establishment.
To prevent the Clinton foundation troubles from spreading, there is also “kill Bill” talk at high levels. Here is how the Pentagon source put it: “A state funeral for Bill would silence Hillary forever, but she would still be prosecuted for leaking and selling state secrets.”
Since Bill Clinton is the son of Winthrop Rockefeller, the Rockefeller faction of the Khazarian mafia may be trying to distract from Hillary’s problems by starting a race war. This was the seeming objective of last week’s Dallas police shooting, which may or may not have involved the actual killing of 5 police officers by a man claiming to “hate whites.”
The Rockefeller hand can be seen in the funding of the hate group Black Lives Matter. It can also be seen as David Rockefeller’s grandson Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook put up a huge “Black Lives Matter” banner on its headquarters after the Dallas incident.
Also, the Rockefeller controlled United Nations Corporation followed by condemning “structural and institutional racism” in the US.
Despite this, Pentagon sources promise “the George Soros-sponsored terror group Black Lives Matter will not be allowed to start race wars to install martial law or suspend elections.”
Several sources also warned there would be a big attempt to use paid thugs to disrupt the Republican convention due to start next week.
Many sources say they expect riots and trouble throughout the summer and heading into the autumn in the US. One Pentagon source went so far as to say that as far as he was concerned civil war has already started in the US.
The situation in the EU has also degenerated to the point that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg admitted “We are in a new situation which is different from anything we have experienced before.”
Although he was referring to relations with Russia, he was also admitting the world was entering uncharted territory. This is because the United Nations Corporation, the EU and the US are all bankrupt as are their subsidiary organizations like the World Bank and the IMF.
At least the scenario for the collapse of the EU has already been charted by the collapse of the Soviet Union. It will mean that EU countries will leave one by one until a more democratic and transparent European structure, one that includes Russia, is established.
The public squabbles between various EU leaders and factions since the British people decided to restore their independence make this evidently clear.
The fighting has included Italy proclaiming a 150 billion Euro fund to save its collapsing banking system only to have the Germans publicly rebuke them and say they would not pay. Then Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi retorted by saying Italian bank’s problems were tiny compared to the derivatives problems of other European banks. This was widely interpreted to mean Deutschebank.
Renzi may be talking tough because his party is behind in polls to the anti-EU Five Star Movement headed Bepe Grillo.
Also, a 29 billion Euro German bank has effectively gone under and may trigger a domino effect.
The French people meanwhile, are in a state of open revolt as riots there continue non-stop even though the propaganda press is trying to ignore them. Close to 90% of the population disapproves of President Francois Hollande.
In these circumstances, the EU has already lost its power to force decisions on its member nations. This was seen when the EU tried to reach a trade deal with Canada only to have Germany and France say their Parliaments needed to ratify the agreement. This prompted European Commission chief Jeane-Claude Juncker to declare that all 27 EU parliaments would have to do the same. The result is the EU leadership is now fully dysfunctional.
There is a lot more to the EU chaos but you get the general picture; things are falling apart.
In the newly independent UK, meanwhile, the official release of the long delayed Chilcot report makes it abundantly clear that the Iraqi invasion was illegal and Bush stooge Tony Blair is a war criminal. The British are now seriously reconsidering keeping a military alliance with the US so long as it remains in the control of the Khazarian mafia.
The same is happening with the Turks who have done a 180 degree turn around vis a vis Russia. Last November they shot down a Russian warplane and asked NATO to start a war with Russia. Now, according to Turkish news reports, they have invited Russian troops into Turkey.
These reports were later denied but clearly the NATO country with the second largest military after the US is thinking of joining Russia and China in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization together with India, Pakistan, Iran, Egypt and Israel. That would leave Saudi Arabia completely friendless unless it too abandons its alliance with the Khazarians. The loss of Saudi oil money will be a fatal blow to the Khazarians.
Of course, the dying Khazarian mob says they are going to go down fighting and we can expect provocations in areas like the South China Sea, incidents involving North Korea, terrorism, bombings, false flag attacks etc. Nonetheless, it is clear humanity is winning the battle for the planet earth.
July 5, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The end of Khazarian mafia tyranny on the planet earth is getting very close indeed. The Rothschilds and other top Khazarian Mafiosi families like the Borgia, the Medici, the Del Banco (Warburg) the Rockefellers (including the Clintons) the Bushes (Pecce) have been given until July 10th to reach a peace agreement with the people of the planet.
After that a bounty of $100 million each, payable in gold, will be handed over to anybody who can arrest, and if they resist arrest, kill, members of these genocidal families.
We are hearing there is vicious infighting and arguing going on within the “family,” about what to do about this situation. As this newsletter was about to go online, we were contacted by one faction of the Rothschilds and a meeting with a White Dragon Society representative is now being arranged for this week.
The meeting will discuss how to create a financial system that is good for both humanity and nature. It will also discuss creating a new meritocratic, democratic and transparent system for planning the future of our species and this planet.
To remind these families of what is at stake here is a message sent to them by a senior Pentagon official:
“I have been told from multiple sources that there is a multitude of people, (men and women) who are waiting for the RKM (Rothchilds/Bauers) to not cooperate, these people are eager to end the lives of the RKM criminals at every level. You may want to let the representative know, that this is for real and they cannot run or hide, their time is up.
It is time to fold or they will all die, including their families, to the furthest distant cousins; effectively ending the evil bloodlines who have bedeviled mankind for so long. Again good luck with the negotiations. If they renege there will be consequences, major ones. That being said, have a great day.”
In the past week, the Chinese government has also contacted the leaders of other Asian countries as well as the heads of the G20 group of nations to inform them that they expect a deal to be reached between the White Dragon Society and the Rothschild family group. The Chinese are too polite to make threats but this is a statement issued by the Chinese Freemasons:
“We will cooperate with any religion, any society, any faction, any political party or any country that agrees with the principles of co-existence and co-prosperity and world peace. However, we will cut off relations with anyone who fails to agree on the goal of world peace.”
Yet another group, claiming to represent a coalition of 172 sovereign nations, also threw in its support last week for a new, inclusive financial system.
Pentagon sources are saying that German Chancellor Angela Merkel (a member of the Saxe Gotha Rothschild family) already reached a deal with the Chinese when she visited China on June 13th. According to that deal Merkel promised to resign after Greece exits the EU and, in exchange, the Chinese agreed to rescue Deutschebank. Deutschebank would not otherwise survive a Greek exit from the EU (71% of Greeks are against the EU and only 27% support it) because it would mean a default on Greek debt which has been used by Deutschebank (and others) to create derivative mountains. These mountains would collapse once the sand of Greek debt they are built on is removed.
The other EU country where a crisis is quickly coming to a head is Italy. There Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi promised a 150 billion Euro government bail-out for Italian banks only to be publicly scolded by the Germans who said no to such a deal because they would end up paying for it.
The Italians then told the Germans it was up to the Italians to decide. This degenerated into a public spat that is likely to end up with Italy reverting to the Lira and Renzi resigning, CIA sources in Europe say.
Then of course President Francois Hollande will also be forced to resign as when Italy leaves, France will also be forced by financial reality to leave the Euro and revert to Francs.
Also, Austria’s highest court ruled last week that the recent Presidential election held there was marred by fraud and needed to be held again. This is almost certain to result in the election of “far right” (i.e. anti EU totalitarianism) Freedom Party presidential candidate Norbert Hofer.
The pro-EU factions have tried to stop this disintegration by proposing an even tighter, more centrally controlled EU. They are even proposing expanding the EU into the Middle East and Africa.
Of course, given their unpleasant colonial history, you can be pretty safe in betting the peoples of Africa and the Middle East will say “thanks but no thanks.” Clearly the EU project envisioned as evolving into a Soviet Union style world government is doomed.
In this situation EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, who is apparently daily getting drunker, told the EU Parliament he had discussions with leaders of “other planets” about the situation in the EU. You can be sure the exo-politics and galactic folk had a field day with this.
In the United States as well, the Khazarian mafia is in deep trouble. The widespread uproar over Hillary and Bill Clinton’s activities is the clearest sign of this. As has been widely publicized in multiple media platforms, Bill Clinton basically barged into an airplane where US Attorney General Loretta Lynch was and had a 20 minute private talk with her.
Needless to say, with his wife the subject of a criminal investigation, this meeting was widely lambasted as blatant interference in the legal system. The assumption most people are making is that Clinton threatened Lynch on behalf of Hillary.
In any case, Lynch later issued a public statement saying she would go along with what FBI career officials decide. These career officials have long made it known that if Hillary was anybody else, she would have gone to jail a long time ago. CIA sources in Washington DC say the most likely scenario now is for Hillary to be found guilty and then be pardoned by President Obama.
However, neither Hillary nor any other members of her mafia are going to be allowed to run the US again.
Multiple lawsuits about stolen elections are also making it very clear the American people are now in open revolt against brazen election stealing by the Khazarian mafia.
Pentagon sources are now saying this is part of an open, wholesale revolution going on against the tyranny of the Federal Reserve Board. One source says “Brexit inspires Texodus and Califexit” and then other states will also bail out. There will also be “Amexit from Nato, the UN and globalist free trade agreements like Nafta, TPP and TTIP,” the Pentagon source predicts.
There has also been a complete turnaround in the Middle East. As we reported last week, Egypt and Israel are now applying to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a group that their supposed long term arch-enemy Iran is joining.
Now Turkey has suddenly made a 180 degree turn and is now re-establishing friendly relations with Russia, Israel and soon even Egypt. It looks like peace is finally about to come to that long tormented region.
The faction of the Khazarian mafia that still stubbornly wants to start World War 3 and trigger “Armageddon,” has not completely given up though.
On that front, there was some action in Moscow last week of the sort that would make for a great spy movie. Sources in the FSB as well as reports in news outlets like the Washington Post and the official Russian Tass news agency all agree there was some sort of shooting incident near the US embassy in Moscow last week. They also agree that a seriously injured US “diplomat” was flown out for emergency treatment.
The Sorcha Faal news site run by US Naval Intelligence says the Russians seized some sort of electronic device containing information about personnel in the Russian Baltic Fleet.
Immediately after this incident, the head of the Russian Baltic fleet and many of his sub-commanders were relieved of their duties.
The Russians also immediately made a public offer to provide exact transponder coordinates to neighbouring countries for all their planes flying in the open airspace over the Baltic Sea. Clearly this was aimed at preventing any misinterpretation of Russian actions in the region.
Given the past behavior of the Khazarian religious fanatics who want to trigger “end times,” it is a good guess that yet another attempt to start a nuclear war was stopped.
What these religious fanatics need to get into their heads is that the world is not about to end, the world is about to begin or be reborn into the paradise it was always meant to be.
On that front, hopefully we will have some good news to report next week if negotiations with the Rothschild representatives go well. If not, the battle will continue until the world’s people are victorious. Planetary liberation is coming soon.
June 27, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The real reason for the ongoing trouble in the European Union, including the recent vote by the British people to leave the bloc, is that the EU is bankrupt. We know in retrospect that the bankruptcy of the Soviet Union was the real reason the Warsaw pact fell apart, with Poland acting as the first domino. For the same reason, we can predict England was the first domino in the collapse of the European Union.
The emerging consensus view is, as Pentagon analysts put it, “Brexit may lead to Frexit (French exit), the collapse of banks, populism, nationalism and anti-globalism.” This is also likely lead to an end to Khazarian mafia sponsored Mulsim immigration.
The situation in France has already become so chaotic that French police say they are becoming too exhausted to deal with the daily, violent demonstrations taking place throughout the country. French President Francois Hollande, who has only 11% public support, is trying to ban demonstrations but it is hard to see who will enforce his “ban.” In other words, France is headed for revolution.
“This is the worst period I recall, there is nothing like it,” is how former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan described the general situation and the market chaos that followed the Brexit vote.
This may be the worst period Greenspan and his Rockefeller, Bush sponsors can recall but the Rothschilds are saying they made $2.5 trillion in one day on Friday by shorting all the stock markets and going long gold. This is their biggest bonanza since their insider trading on Waterloo. As the Rothschilds say, “the best time to make money is when blood is running on the streets.”
Indeed blood may well start running. Even top CIA experts are publicly saying a revolution is imminent in Europe and the United States.
However, if properly handled, this situation will be a good thing for the US, Europe and the rest of the world. If improperly handled, it will lead to chaos,warfare and hardship within Europe, the US and Japan and thus, to a lesser extent, in the rest of the world.
The EU that has gone bankrupt had become even more dictatorial than the Soviet Union ever was, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin. In Putin’s own words: “The percentage of mandatory decisions made by the European Parliament is larger than that of mandatory decisions made by the High Council of the USSR concerning its member-republics.”
Sources in the gnostic illuminati and the White Dragon Society say that if things are properly handled what is eventually going to happen is the European nations will form a larger, looser, freer union that will include Russia. In this scenario Britain will be a neutral country linked to Europe by free trade, somewhat like Switzerland, they say.
The bankruptcy of the EU was triggered by the bankruptcy of Deutschebank, the largest bank in Europe, according to members of the Rothschild banking dynasty. Deutschebank is now under Chinese control, they say. If the Chinese had not stepped in to save Deutschebank, its collapse would have triggered a domino effect that would have taken down the entire European and then Western banking systems, multiple sources agree.
There was also a secret dimension to this bankruptcy that can be traced to military activity in the Pacific Ocean. A massive joint Chinese and American fleet was engaged in “maneuvers” last week off the shores of the Philippines.
You can also confirm on the Pentagon official homepage that massive joint exercises involving naval forces from 27 nations, including China and the US, start near Hawaii on June 30th.
The real aim of last week’s maneuvers, according to WDS sources, was to cut off gold smuggling by submarines out of the Khazarian mafia submarine base in Nabire, Indonesia.
The result of this maneuver is that the Freeport McMoRan gold mine located near the submarine base has suddenly been put up for sale for the price of $20 billion, according to CIA sources based in Indonesia. Members of the board of directors of Freeport McMorRan have included such characters as Henry Kissinger and Godfrey Stillman Rockefeller.
The CIA sources say the Freeport McMoRan mine is being offered to the Chinese via a front company out of Australia. This is how Indonesia hopes to pay off $20-30 billion that was advanced to it by the Chinese last year, they say. However, they add, “The US side knows that they are selling a virtually empty hole.”
Meanwhile the previous owners of Freeport “will move to another mountain which is within 5-7 miles from the Grasberg mine, which is Freeport’s current mining area. Someone is getting the shaft in this deal… No pun intended.” The source said he thought the massive joint naval exercise was “just a cover.”
The Chinese need to remember that “Kissinger has been a 50% owner of Freeport since the reign of Suharto, when he was given the shares in exchange for other services and profitable joint ventures between Suharto and the Kissinger Boys…..ie; the Cabal [Khazarian mafia].”
The source adds one reason the mine was given to Kissinger, the Rockefellers etc. was as payment for allowing Indonesian President Suharto to invade and annex East Timor in 1975.
Since it is a good bet the mine has been cleaned out of most its gold, what this really means is that the Khazarian mafia no longer has enough gold to finance EU and US trade deficits with Asia and the rest of the world. The Asians do not accept empty promises printed on paper and, as the Asian bar girls say “No money (gold), no honey.”
Rothschild family sources say there is now serious infighting at the top levels of the Khazarian mafia over what to do next. They say family meetings are going on and they have asked the WDS and its allies to wait until July. They have been given a deadline of July 10th after which the Khazarian mafia will lose any chance of participating in setting up a new, fairer and more earth friendly financial system. They will also be subject to a total and absolute boycott that will inevitably drive them into bankruptcy and obscurity.
Pentagon intelligence is confirming that the faction of the Khazarian mafia once headed by George Bush Sr. has split with former Bush top mobsters Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney seeking protection from Donald Trump while Brent Scowcroft, Hank Paulson and Richard Armitage are seeking protection from Hillary Clinton.
However, neither of these candidates is likely to be in a position to protect these criminals for very long. Sources close to Trump say he might go along with Cheney and Rumsfeld for now but only as a temporary measure.
Sources in the FBI, meanwhile are saying that, if necessary, they will take down Barack Obama and Attorney General Loretta Lynch in order to get to Hillary Clinton.
The Pentagon sources also say the “Jewish Mafia” (=Khazarian Mafia) “are in panic mode on both sides of Atlantic after their Orlando false flag failed as Senate blocks four gun control measures on June 20th, the Senate denied FBI access to web browsing/e-mails without a warrant on June 22nd, and the Supreme Court killed Obama’s immigration plan.”
Clearly a lot of countries are waking up to the fact there has been a change at the top of the world power structure. One indication, for example, is that Israel, Egypt and Syria have applied to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. That means Israel is applying to join a military alliance that its one time “arch-enemy” Iran is also joining. It is also an organization that is theoretically opposed to their long term supposed allies and protectors the US and NATO.
Poland and other countries in Eastern Europe have also shown they understand things are different now because they have agreed to join China’s new “Belt and Road Initiative,” meaning the building of major transportation links heading east through Russia to China.
Building links east makes sense for Poland because they can see the EU is losing control. CIA sources in Europe say the European Central Bank has been issuing large of amounts of forged Euros, meaning they have no real collateral to back them.
Pentagon sources agree, saying the “Euro may be replaced by national currencies as yuan is gold-backed and new US dollars have been printed waiting for public announcement of a global currency resent and the release of hundreds of trillions in stolen funds.”
This global currency reset, though, is not going to include such things as Zimbabwe dollars fraudulently sold to suckers by members of the Bush/Clinton mafia. However, allowance may be made to members of the US military who invested in Iraqi Dinar, but not if doing so benefits the Bush/Clinton mafia, WDS sources say.
In closing, the Japanese underground has also gotten the message and serious preparations are being made for regime change here. Even Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda has admitted that “Abenomics” has failed and that Japan needs to take a new tack. Rothchild family sources asked what was going to happen to their Japan handler Michael Greenberg and were told “he is going to go to jail.” Richard Armitage can go face his ghosts in the US, while Kenneth Courtis will probably be left alone.
Note: Full text of this report is made available on Thursday, according to Benya's demands.
June 20, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
On June 17th, in an unprecedented move, US Supreme Commander General Joseph Dunford addressed the United Nations peacekeeping summit to discuss transitioning the US military into a global force for peace. US forces will now be replacing corrupt and poorly trained UN peacekeeping troops who have caused many scandals involving rape, theft, etc. The full text of his speech can be seen here:
Remarks by Ambassador Samantha Power and General Joseph F …
Remarks by Ambassador Samantha Power and General Joseph F. Dunford at a UN Meeting on Peacekeeping
Pentagon officials say that in addition to what Dunford told the UN, this also means the US military will now be focusing its energies on “Israel, drug cartels and China in the South China Sea.” They will also be fighting to protect eco-systems and hunt down poachers of endangered species, other Pentagon officials say.
The Rothschild family, secret rulers of Israel, for their part, told the White Dragon Society “We want to mend our ways.” They promise to reach an agreement on setting up and financing a new future planning agency during meetings due to take place in July, according to WDS sources.
However, a representative of a group who previously negotiated with what they call R&R or Rothschild and Rockefeller, warned that these families were just fronts for the Italian and Spanish black nobility headed by the Borgia, Medici, Orsini and Del Banco (Warburg) families among others. The negotiators they plan to send will be professional James Bond 007 type assassins, this source warned. He said his group lost several hundred of their agents as a result of their failed negotiations.
The source said his group was warned by others not to trust these people but they decided to try to negotiate a new financial system with them anyway. “The result of such decision since then has cost the life of a few hundred agents, even though the ratio is about 1 of ours for every ten of them is has been an extremely painful experience to endure. In addition they will put a large price on the ‘heads’ of all the main people involved in the transaction (usually between 20 to 100 million dollars).”
In conclusion, the source continued, “The R & R have no honor, never keep their word and will bluntly lie to you ALL of the time to get their way. They act like this because in the past they never had to comply and that behavior has always worked great for them, so they strongly believe they never have to so they NEVER will...
They follow no law, no rule no code of honor or of any type but their own benefit regardless of the human and capital cost! We have absolutely no value to them unless we are their 100% submissive slaves.”
The Rothschilds responded by saying Nathaniel Rothschild recently lost a $300 million lawsuit, a first ever loss for that family. Furthermore, the French head of the family, Baron David de Rothschild, is on the run from the French police after an indictment for fraud, In other words, they know they are no longer above the law.
They also want to find a new protector for their colony of brainwashed slaves known as Israel. That is why Benyamin Netanyahu has gone four times to Russia recently to seek Russian protection from expected Pentagon law enforcement actions against their country.
The Russian government, however, is now run by the Orthodox Church and the old Tsarist Nationalist network and is in no mood to protect the people who caused their nation so much torment during the 20th century.
The WDS will only protect the innocent among the Jews and will insist on their re-education based on their true history and applying the golden rule (do unto others as you would have others do unto you) to all peoples and not just Jews.
The black nobility, for its part, is fighting desperately to keep their EU fascist government intact. They staged a killing (real or fake is not clear) of pro-EU politician Jo Cox to try to manipulate public opinion towards staying or at least create a plausible cover story for a planned vote stealing of the Brexit referendum due on June 23rd.
WDS and Illuminati sources have both previously corresponded with Jo Cox when she was identifying herself as a Rothschild agent. If the British people vote to regain their independence, it will be a huge blow to the black nobility.
Even if they don’t, the European banking system is in a state of collapse which will undo their fascist EU project anyway.
In any case, the WDS will only respect action, not promises, by the “R&R,” and their black nobility bosses. If they steal or try to steal the British referendum, there will be consequences.
Speaking about R&R, a CIA source says he recently saw Richard Rockefeller alive and well in Argentina. Rockefeller supposedly died in a plane crash in 2014 so, if this source is right, he just faked his death so he could escape from the US.
Pentagon sources say he is the exception and most top Khazarian mafia bosses still in the US will not be allowed to escape justice.
The source of their power in the US, the ability to create and distribute money, is also being confiscated. To that end there was an unusual meeting at the US Treasury Department on June 14th where US presidential spokesperson Barack Obama, General Dunford and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper discussed a military takeover of the Treasury Department in order to force the issuance of a domestic US dollar separate from the internationally traded one, according to senior Pentagon sources. “This was why the New York Federal Reserve Board hired a shred-it truck on June 14th as the FRB is now kaput,” a Pentagon source said. The truck can be seen here:
Note: Full text of this report will be available on Thursday, according to Benya's demands.
June 14, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
This is what the Rothschilds had to say about the situation to a WDS member in Asia: “It is 0440 hrs here. I finally got in touch with them. Strange time for sure. I spoke with Nat’s personal secretary. I am sure the call was rerouted.
This is what she told me, ‘ we are aware of what you and your contact in Tokyo desire. We do agree and are working with other members of the family to make this happen. We are also aware of what is currently taking place. The Golden Lily’s are ready to be harvested. The first of 3 is being prepared now. The group that thinks they will get it, will not.
It will be integrated in the change-over to the new plan. Each new district will have their own reserves, for their new currency. Each district will be part of a basket of Asian currencies that are backed with various commodities. We will send our representative over to meet with you, as we know how to reach you. After that, you and your contact in Tokyo will be able to meet with Nat directly, should you desire. Please be on standby.’
I have her name as well. At least the one she gave me... She sounds like she is British, as I can hear from the way she talks.
I do not know what you should do with this information. Maybe release part of it, and hold the part about actually naming xxx back for now.
It seems that your numbers were checked out and they are obviously aware of what you have been saying in your weekly updates...as well as our conversations?” So in other words, the Rothschilds have finally agreed to support a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and trigger an exponential expansion of humanity into the universe.This is good new indeed for the planet. We will keep readers posted on any further developments.
Old report begins here:
Negotiations for a new financial system are on hold as the controllers of the old system seem to have gone into or are preparing to go into hiding. This means that at the time of this writing it is unclear if there will be peaceful transition to a new financial system or a hostile take-over of the old system.
The backdrop to these now on hold negotiations is an increasingly chaotic situation in the United States, the Middle East and Europe as the bankruptcy of the Western financial system begins to affect social and economic stability.
The situation in the United States is especially critical with an intense power struggle that has become visible even in the corporate media. This can be seen as some Khazarian controlled media like the New York Times and the Washington Post reporting a very different reality than media like the Wall Street Journal and ABC TV or the nation-wide McClatchy newspaper chain.
The former, for example, report that Hillary Clinton is now the official Democratic Party presidential candidate while the latter are concentrating more on the criminal investigations into the Clinton foundation etc.
The clearest sign of a split in the power structure, though, comes from the White House itself. There “acting-President” Barack Obama publicly endorsed Hillary Clinton for President only to have the White House Press spokesman come out an hour later to say that Clinton was under criminal investigation.
The bankruptcy on May 2nd of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation is being felt in increasingly obvious ways. For example, many of the close to 50 million Americans who rely on food aid to feed their families were experiencing glitches with their cards this month, in what is either a cyber-attack or an attempt to steal their money.
Another example is that police have gone from stopping cars and stealing the passenger’s cash to using high-tech devices to empty their credit cards. There are also reports of glitches in mobile phone networks and GPS systems around the US in what is a clear sign of intense cyber-warfare.
The false flag attack in Orlando, Florida, where 50 people were allegedly killed, “will not stop leaks or distract” from the ongoing campaign to end Khazarian mafia control of the United States, Pentagon officials say.
The Orlando incident also illustrated the split in the US with many corporate media outlets describing it as an attack by a single ISIS “radical Muslim” killer while internet news sites, agency officials and other aware people instantly recognized it as yet another Khazarian mafia psychological warfare operation false flag incident.
The Pentagon and the agencies already know the Khazarian mafia the real culprits behind this attack and know the trail leads to Israel and world Khazarian mafia headquarters in Switzerland.
This false flag took place immediately after top bosses of the Khazarian mafia ended their meeting at the Bilderberg gathering in Dresden, Germany. Although not on the official list of attendees, Rothschild family sources confirm
Nathaniel Rothschild presided over that meeting on behalf of top his uncle and top Khazarian mafia boss Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild. The official press release about the meeting can be seen here:
The only thing we can add to this from our own sources is that at the meeting they discussed a global tax that would be sold as necessary to finance an end to environmental destruction and poverty.
They also discussed the Chinese offer of 20,000 tons of gold at a 13% discount on the condition that of that discount the 10% would be used to set up a future planning agency and the other 3% would go to commissions as mentioned previously in this newsletter, Rothschild family sources confirm.
The Rothschild family is in any case now clearly circling their wagons. CIA officials say that nobody is answering the phone at all the official, public Rothschild family companies. The only number to contact them at is the one at their family complex in Zug, Switzerland and at the time of this writing, nobody was answering the phone there either. Below is a picture of the Rothschild family complex in Zug.
There are also signs something unusual is about to happen in England, possibly related to the Rothschilds. According to Russia Today (most likely not a Russian site)
the British military has been removed from the job of protecting the Royal Mint (where England’s gold is stored) and replaced with the private security company G4S. This is the scandal plagued company that botched the security for the London Olympics. It is also where the so-called shooter in Orlando used to work.
Considering the closure of the Rothschild offices in England, Japan and elsewhere, it is a good guess they have absconded to Switzerland with England’s gold reserves. If that is the case it means that, for the first time since the Rothschilds made a fortune from insider trading after the Battle of Waterloo, the Rothschilds no longer control the Bank of England.
This could also be related to a double digit lead in the polls in England favouring an exit from the European Union in the referendum due on June 23rd. If England leaves the EU it will become a truly independent country again for the first time since 1066. Events will tell.
We are also hearing from German Second Reich sources that Germans who left Germany to form colonies elsewhere after and just before the end of World War 2 will be going back to Germany shortly to restore independence their fatherland.
They also say a lot of hitherto hidden German technology is also about to be revealed. Pentagon sources say US forces have been evacuated from Germany’s Ramstein air base in order to shut down Bush cabal drug trafficking there and thus cut off their funds.
In any case, as things stand the entire European financial system is wobbling and about to collapse. The latest report from the BIS says international banks have reduced lending to Europe by $276 billion during the most recent quarter.
The already bankrupt system is not likely to be able to survive such a huge reduction of money. Perhaps that is why that ultimate Khazarian insider, George Soros, has announced he is going into gold and gold mining stocks as a hedge against financial turmoil in the US and Europe.
There is also severe turbulence in Turkey. Sources in Turkey say there are riots throughout that country and even battles taking place between armed police and military units. Pentagon sources say the evacuation of US forces the Incirlik air base in Turkey has also helped cut off the supply of drug money to the Bush Nazi faction of the Khazarian mafia.
Turkish news reports partially support this source by reporting the Turkish government is denying German requests to allow the German airforce to start using that base. Why would Germany suddenly want to send planes to a base in Turkey?
Satan worshipping Khazarian and Israeli PM Benyamin Netanyahu went to Russia last week to seek protection and permission to resume air raids against Syria and Libya, Pentagon sources say.
Instead Netanyahu was told Israel would have to return the Golan heights and hand control of its gas fields over to Russia’s Gazprom if it wanted protection. Russia also told them it would keep arming Hezbollah, Syria and Iran.
The Saudi Arabian government is also under severe attack as it was revealed it used financial blackmail against the UN in order to get itself removed from sanctions over its murder of children in Yemen. Saudi Arabia, in any case, has no money and is now trying to seize funds from the 9 million foreigners working there.
In Asia, meanwhile, a serious power struggle is continuing in China with Xi Jinping duking it out against the Shanghai faction and the Communist Youth League faction. This infighting is expected to come to some sort of climax at the summer meeting in Beidaihe in July.
In Japan and Korea, meanwhile, top underworld figures have contacted the White Dragon Society to ask what is going to happen to them now that the Rothschilds have lost power. A representative of the Korean Unification Church, the longtime allies of the Bush Nazi Khazarian faction and supporters of the current Abe regime suggested the underworld could finance itself with control of the soon to be legalized marijuana industry in Japan and South Korea.
Marijuana has never been illegal in North Korea, where it is still sold openly in the shops alongside with amphetamines. This representative also said they have stopped supplying amphetamines to the Bush faction of the Khazarian mafia. He also asked what role North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un would have under the new regime.
A top official from a senior Kanto based Yakuza business syndicate said his group expected to receive equal or greater financing under the new regime as it got from the Rothschilds. He expected this to take place in the form of “movie financing” and real estate loans.
Both were told that as much of Yakuza business that could be made legal would be make legal and that they would earn more under the new regime as legitimate businesses than they did working underground.
This is what the Rothschilds had to say about the situation to a WDS member in Asia:
“It is 0440 hrs here. I finally got in touch with them. Strange time for sure. I spoke with Nat’s personal secretary. I am sure the call was rerouted. This is what she told me, ‘ we are aware of what you and your contact in Tokyo desire. We do agree and are working with other members of the family to make this happen.
We are also aware of what is currently taking place. The Golden Lily’s are ready to be harvested. The first of 3 is being prepared now. The group that thinks they will get it, will not. It will be integrated in the change-over to the new plan.
Each new district will have their own reserves, for their new currency. Each district will be part of a basket of Asian currencies that are backed with various commodities.
We will send our representative over to meet with you, as we know how to reach you. After that, you and your contact in Tokyo will be able to meet with Nat directly, should you desire. Please be on standby.’
I have her name as well. At least the one she gave me… She sounds like she is British, as I can hear from the way she talks.
I do not know what you should do with this information. Maybe release part of it, and hold the part about actually naming xxx back for now.
It seems that your numbers were checked out and they are obviously aware of what you have been saying in your weekly updates…as well as our conversations?”
So in other words, the Rothschilds have finally agreed to support a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and trigger an exponential expansion of humanity into the universe.This is good new indeed for the planet. We will keep readers posted on any further developments.
June 6, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The noose that is closing on the Khazarian mafia and the Rothschild family nexus controlling it is getting tighter. Having missed one deadline to meet with a representative of the White Dragon Society, a representative of Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild is supposed to meet with a messenger from the White Dragon Society tomorrow (June 7th) in the US. If the Rothschilds miss this meeting or fail to reach an agreement in principle then, open season will be declared on that entire genocidal family group WDS, gnostic Illuminati and other allied groups promise.
Also, the official bankruptcy on May 2nd, 2016 of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation has triggered high level negotiations between US and Chinese authorities this week. In Beijing a high level economic and diplomatic exchange is concluding on Tuesday.
Opening ceremony of China-U.S. high-level dialogue held in Beijing – Xinhua | English.news.cn
Opening ceremony of China-U.S. high-level dialogue held in Beijing—
The economic discussions center on what parts of the American economic infrastructure the Chinese will be allowed to buy up, with the US threatening to close its markets to China as its main bargaining card to prevent a total Chinese take-over of the US economy.
The other related topic of discussion will be exactly how much of their US Treasury holdings the Chinese will be forced to write off. Needless to say the Chinese will be asking for full payment in the form of US real estate, factories and other assets while the Americans will be asking the Chinese to take as big a haircut as possible.
As a preface to this meeting, there was the Shangri-La Dialogue, a high level 3 day regional security conference in Singapore that ended Sunday, June 5th. The military discussions there boiled down to the US trying to gather as many allies as possible under its wings on Chinese borders while the Chinese are saying they are already friendly with their neighbours so, the US military have no choice but to work with China for a “win-win” solution.
There was also an interesting, James Bond type side show to the security conference. Conflicting news reports coming out of Indonesia agree a helicopter crashed there. Early reports say only the pilot was killed and the three passengers were only “slightly injured.” However, later reports indicate the others “died on the way to the hospital.”
CIA agents in Indonesia say the helicopter was taken down by an unknown device, probably an EMP weapon, and the surviving passengers were shot. The helicopter had delivered to Singapore 300 kilos of gold from a secret gold mine run by the Henry Kissinger/Rockefeller faction of the Khazarian mafia’s FreePortMcMoran mining corporation operations in Indonesia.
It was returning with about $US 100 million worth of 1000 Singapore dollar bills when it was taken down. The money, which was packed in five “Zero Halliburton aluminum containers” is now missing. Since the gold came from a Khazarian mafia controlled mine and the payment was stolen, it is fairly safe to assume an anti-Khazarian outfit took the money. The message seems to be that that gold deals involving Asian gold have to go through the appropriate channels.
In any case, despite the bluster between China and the US about the South China Seas, and the intrigue beneath the surface, a broad agreement is being reached between the US and Chinese sides.
As a part of this deal US banks have been given access codes to the new Chinese built CIPS international financial settlements system, Pentagon sources say. This will lead to a global currency reset as well as the bankruptcy of Deutschebank, the sources say.
These moves are part of an ongoing campaign to finish off the Nazi faction of the Khazarian mob, multiple sources agree. The Panama papers leaks and the shutting down of offshore tax havens has already dealt a huge blow to them. The campaign to shut off their drug money has also taken a big new turn with the closure of most major amphetamines factories in North Korea, Japanese military intelligence sources say.
Now former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell has admitted on MSNBC TV that the war on Iraq was based on lies.
Those of us who get our news from real sources have known this for years. What is important though is the fact that it was said on corporate controlled media. What this means is that other corporate media quote it and it becomes part of the “official” public view. By becoming “official,” it opens the way for the prosecution for war crimes of the entire Bush/Nazi cabal.
The Nazis, feeling the heat, and in a futile attempt to forestall prosecution for 911, “suicided” the former CEO of Zurich “because killing the Chief Financial Officer was not enough,” according to Pentagon sources. You can be sure insurance fraud investigators are closing in on Larry “pull it” Silverstein and his gangster buddies.
CIA sources say many Khazarian Mafiosi have already fled to Patagonia, in Southern Argentina. One CIA source who was recently in Patagonia says he met Richard Rockefeller there. Richard Rockefeller, the former head of Medicins Sans Frontiers, and son of David Rockefeller, supposedly died in a plane crash in June of 2014. If this source is correct, it now appears he faked his death in order to be able to escape to Argentina.
However, it is not clear if Argentina will be the same safe haven for Nazis as it was after World War 2. Argentine President and Nazi stooge Mauricio Macri had heart problems recently after meeting reporters. This was probably a message to the Nazis that there would be no escape to Argentina this time.
Top Khazarian Mafiosi Benyamin Netanyahu of Israel and the Dalai Lama have been asking for protection from Russia’s Vladimir Putin but will not be getting it, Russian sources say.
The Khazarian Mafiosi still in the US are circling the wagons around Hillary Clinton and hoping against hope she will still be able to use election fraud, murder, bribes and lies in order to become president.
However, Pentagon sources are now saying “Hillary may be taken down after the California primary with the Clinton Foundation busted for massive disaster relief charity fraud in Haiti, Africa, India and in the wake of the Aceh tsunami of 2004.” If there is justice in this world Clinton will also face charges for mass murder.
The Khazarians also think they have another card up their sleeve in the form of Vice President Joe Biden who they hope to run as Democratic candidate in the event Clinton is arrested. Biden is no squeaky clean hero. His son was involved in oil exploration and fracking in the Ukraine immediately after the Nazi coup there. It is a safe bet to say that a Biden presidency would mean continued Rothschild control minus the worst Nazis.
This is preferable to the Khazarians than Republican candidate Donald Trump, who is pushing for real change and mass arrests of the criminals who infest New York, Washington DC and other US power centers. Trump is now is studying foreign affairs three hours per day in order to prepare himself for the job of renegotiating the international role of the US, sources close to Trump say.
Hopefully Trump is also fully informed about the fraudulent Federal Reserve Board. He also needs to look into getting either Asian gold or American silver (or both) to back a new currency he will inevitably have to issue.
The Rothschilds and the non-Nazi faction of the Khazarian mafia are saying people like Trump and the Chinese are trying to overthrow the “current world order.” This is a sneaky way of trying to associate them with the highly discredited Nazi New World Order.
While the plans for a fascist New World Order government, inaugurated with the death of 90% of the world’s population, have been stopped, this does not meet the “current world order,” should continue as is. This order has presided over a system of fraudulent privately owned central banks that have systematically looted the planet of its resources and caused mass extinction on a scale not seen since the end of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.
This fraudulent system has also led such a concentration of wealth that 62 individuals have a greater net worth than the poorest 3.5 billion people on this planet.
It is time to fundamentally change how we run this planet. The way to do this is to take the process of deciding what we do in the future out of the hands of privately owned central banks and into the hands of the people. The people and living creatures of this planet are running out of patience. The time for talk is over, the time for action has begun.
The WDS promises to end poverty and stop environmental destruction within a matter of months if it is given the opportunity to do so. Having done that, it will establish transparent, meritocratic and democratic institutions to ensure good governance for the people and living creatures of this planet. Following this it will retire into the background where it will lie ready to intervene again should civilization ever experience another crisis like the one we are going through now.
May 30, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
When Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild, hiding out at Mark Rich’s house on the hill in Zog, Switzerland was identified as the head of the Khazarian mafia, Rothschild reached out to the White Dragon Society via a nephew to negotiate a peace settlement involving and exchange of gold for money and the establishment of a future planning agency. This is now on hold because the New York branch of the Khazarian mafia, headed by the Cohen crime family, blocked it, Rothschild family sources say.
The final Khazarian mob hold outs are trying to present WDS plans for the world economy as socialist or Stalinist. They are hoping to use either Vice President Joe Biden, Democratic Party hopeful Bernie Sanders or US Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump as people who will reform the existing system enough that they can avoid rebooting the system all together as the WDS proposes.
What these people need to understand is that on May 2nd , 2016 the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION went bankrupt when its Puerto Rico subsidiary defaulted on a 422 million dollar payment. Legally the United States Corporate government is now under the control of the United Nations Corporation headed by Baron Rothschild.
However, the status of the United Nations Corporation itself is doubtful because they have neither the gold or the moral standing to maintain the current chaotic and planet destroying system they oversee.
Rothschild and Khazarian mafia control has been reduced, in essence, to the bankrupt G7 group of nations. Take a look at this picture taken at the G7 meeting last week in Japan.
Notice that while all the other leaders are waving in the group photo German Chancellor Angela Merkel is making the sign of horus with her hands, using the button on her jacket as an eye. Since Merkel is the only leader there who is of the Saxe Gotha Rothschild bloodline that runs the G7 and the eye of Horus represents supreme leadership, she is sending out the message that the other leaders in the photo are just servants.
What is important to know is that the WDS and its allies have identified the names and locations of all the top members of this ruling bloodline and have the technical capability of removing them from this world. Doing so would be the very last option the WDS would take and it would only happen if it became necessary to do so to prevent genocide.
The point though is that the families that currently control the G7 and the UN corporation are no longer in any position to dictate to the world. Their financial system, the source of their power, is now based almost entirely on fraud.
The Rothschilds once famously bankrupted the Bank of England by taking their paper money and demanding payment in gold. The WDS and its allies are now in a position to do the same to the European and US bloodline families.
The London and US gold trading markets are now trading 600 times more paper gold than they have real gold to back it with. Almost all of the real gold in the world is now in the hands of WDS allies.
What this means is the WDS is now in a position to offer to trade gold for all outstanding Euros and US dollars that can be traced to legitimate commercial activities. After a two month window US dollars and Euros would no longer be accepted for international payments. Under this proposal the US military and agencies would continue to be financed using the new currency. This would essentially remove the final vestiges of power of the Khazarian mafia.
In such an event the WDS is proposing that all legitimate commercial activity continue as always. The illegal drug trade and other grey area activities would be given appropriate legal status and moved into the new system.
The future planning agency proposed by the WDS would start by hiring, as initial planners for setting up the agency, about 7 to 9 people.
For example, either Chinese President Xi Jinping or Vice-President Li Keqiang could represent China, Donald Trump or whoever is selected as President to represent the US, Russian President Vladimir Putin or Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to represent Eurasia, Prime Minister Narendra Modi to represent India, someone to represent the Islamic world, perhaps Indonesian President Joko Widodo, someone to represent Africa, possibly Jose Eduardo Dos Santos of Angola and Angela Merkel of Germany or some suitable substitute to represent the old bloodline families of Europe.
This list is just what the Japanese call a “tatakidai” or initial proposal designed to stimulate debate on a particular topic.
The members of this agency would continue in their current jobs and would contribute to the future planning agency through part time consultations. The main initial job of the agency would be to stop the ongoing destruction of the planet.
This means stopping environmental destruction, ending poverty, ending war, eliminating disease and otherwise restoring the planet to full health. After this, the Chinese could work on their plans for a high tech world spanning communications and energy grid.
The Americans could work on a swords to plowshares transformation of the Military Industrial Complex and focus on future technology and exploring the Universe, the Russians and Rothschilds could work on Russian/European economic and social integration.
The Africans would work on modernizing Africa in tune with traditional culture and Modi could continue his good work on the Indian sub-continent. The Islamic representative would need to work on ending the Sunni/Shia split and bringing full peace and prosperity to the Islamic world. The US military industrial complex would help end Khazarian war mongering and trouble making in the region.
Most future planning agency projects would be put out to competitive bidding and run by the private sector, which is why it will never become a Stalinist type central planning monolith.
The above is meant to be a starting point for serious debate about how to improve the running of the planet. As mentioned above the current system, under the UN Corporation run by the Rothschilds, is bankrupt and largely dysfunctional. There is thus an urgent need to start working on rebooting the system in a manner that is more beneficial to the humans and other life forms on this planet.
The WDS believes we need to start with a campaign, similar in scale and ambition to a world war only this time the enemy will be poverty, environmental destruction, disease and anything else that plagues this beautiful but fragile planet we all share.
A jubilee, or one time write off of debt and redistribution of assets would be a very good way to start us on a track to exponential growth into the future.
The Asian allies have already offered an initial tranche of 20,000 tons of gold to be sold at a 13% discount in order to back these WDS plans. The buyers of this gold could then use it to back their projects while the sellers of the gold could use the money they receive to do the same.
The planning agency would use its shares to, according to best practices known, to hire some of the most intelligent people on the planet to come up with visions of the future they wish to turn into reality.
In any case, negotiations are ongoing and the above represents the initial bargaining position of the WDS and its allies.
If no counter proposal is received within a week, the WDS and its allies will officially go on the offensive in ways that will be both “unpredictable and worse than they could imagine.
For now, the attack on the Khazarian mafia is proceeding as follows, according to WDS agency and Pentagon allies. Their oil concessions in the Middle East are “under siege with assaults on ISIS in Mosul, Fallujah and Raqqa,” the sources say. On Israel’s border Russia has armed the Hezbollah militia to the teeth and returned a destroyed Israeli tank from the 1982 invasion of Lebanon as a warning to the Isrealis, the sources say.
On the financial front the BIS, the World Bank, the New York Stock Exchange and the Federal Reserve Board have all been hacked, agency sources say. The US Treasury Department, now free from Khazarian control, is issuing a new $20 bill that will either be backed by Asian gold or will be a new US domestic currency, depending on how financial negotiations go, they say.
Asian allies of the WDS have attacked with Khazarian controlled SWIFT international payments system in Bangladesh, Vietnam, the Philippines, Ecuador and elsewhere. The new international currency to replace the Euro and US dollar will use the CIPS system since Swift cannot deal with Chinese yuan, the sources continue.
US President Obama was ordered to meet with atomic bomb victims in Hiroshima last week and call for a world without nuclear weapons in a cryptic US/Russian warning to Israel they will have to dismantle their nuclear arsenal, Pentagon sources said.
Despite moves by to influence the upcoming US presidential election will all be stopped, the sources say. As a result of this, Khazarian presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has shown signs of mental instability as prosecutors move in on her and force Obama to stop trying to protect her.
To conclude, if the Rothschilds and their fellow Khazarian gangsters fail to negotiate a deal soon with the WDS, they will have no bargaining chips left and will be forced to panhandle on the streets of New York and elsewhere for pocket change on the streets of New York and elsewhere, if they are lucky. A nephew of Jacob Rothschild was supposed to contact the WDS this week, we hope, for the sake of that extended family, that he does. World peace is now a realistic possibility.
May 23, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The man who is blocking the new financial system and preventing the use of Asian gold for the benefit of the planet is Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild, according to his close relatives as well as the CIA. Baron Rothschild is the head of the Khazarian mafia octopus that controls the issuance of US dollars, Euros, Japanese yen and many other currencies, not including the Chinese yuan or the Russian ruble.
It was Rothschild who stood in the way when the Asian elders offered gold at a 13% discount in order to set up a future planning agency charged with ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction turning this planet into a paradise. The plan is supported by the BRICS nations, the Pentagon, most of the agencies and even many of Rothschild’s own relatives.
If Baron Rothschild does not contact the White Dragon Society to negotiate a compromise within 24 hours of this newsletter being published, the WDS will offer 1 ton of gold, available for pick up in Hong Kong, to anybody who can persuade him to get out of the way. By the way Rothschild, we know you are hiding out in Mark Rich’s former house in Zug, Switzerland and not at your country home in Waddeston, Buckinghamshire, England. Don’t bother trying to hide, it would be futile.
If other people also block us we will be forced to issue our own deck of playing cards such as the Bush Nazis did in Iraq. Each card will be redeemable for a certain quantity of gold depending on the nature of the crimes against humanity carried out by the person represented.
However, what the dwindling circle of Rothschild flunkies and Khazarian Nazis need to understand is that the WDS is not out to “get” bad guys. We simply want to save the planet. If somebody stands in the way of our doing this, we will be forced to move them aside.
The other thing to note is that the WDS plan will, in some ways, resemble the year end parties Nomura Securities used to hold for foreign correspondents in Tokyo. Most correspondents are not allowed to accept gifts worth more than $20 or so from their sources. So, what Nomura did was have a bingo game where, it turns out, everybody won a rich prize.
This correspondent was once “fooled into” accepting a $300 Noritake tea set in this manner. In other words, the WDS wants to make sure everybody gets a prize including the dinar people, the North Koreans, the various would be M1’s, the gnostic illuminati, the Zap crowd and everybody else who participated in the fight to create a more just financial system. Of course all the people and living creatures of this planet will also emerge a winner once we pull this off, and it will happen.
This is clearly the case because the situation on the ground is getting increasingly desperate for the Khazarian mafia as they are being systematically removed from power around the world.
The biggest recent developments have been in Israel where Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon resigned last week denouncing “extremism, violence and racism,” in Israeli society and in the Netanyahu regime.
This follows comments made by IDF Deputy Chief of Staff Yair Golan on Holocaust Remembrance Day where, among other things, he said “The rain of racist bills in the Knesset, those already adopted and those in the works, strongly resembles the laws adopted by the Reichstag in the early days of the Nazi regime.”
These comments were supported by former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak who said Israel has been “infected by the seeds of fascism.”
It seems the Jewish people are finally waking up to the fact their own leadership is actually composed of Khazarian Nazi gangsters with a genocidal agenda.
This belated awakening of the Jews to the horrors they have been subjected to over the millennia by their Satan worshipping leaders is not happening by accident. The Russians have carried out a very sophisticated campaign by forcing Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu to to hire the Soviet born right wing extremist Avigdor Lieberman as the new defense minister, Pentagon intelligence says. This extremist will carry out suicidal aggressive policies that will “hasten the destruction of Israel,” they say. In particular Lieberman is expected to order an invasion of Lebanon that will unleash a rain of missiles that their so-called Iron Dome defenses will be useless against, the sources say.
The other thing that is imminent is the financial destruction of the Israeli regime. That is because the US Senate overcame opposition by puppet president Barack Obama to pass a bill that would allow US citizens to sue foreign governments for not only terrorism but also aircraft sabotage, hostage taking and extrajudicial killing.
While the Khazarian mafia controlled press seems to think this bill is aimed at Saudi Arabia, the real target is Israel. Israel (and its secret Rothschild kings) can now be sued for 911, the Paris attacks, Malaysian flight 370/17, the Sinai Russian aircraft crash and now, last week’s Egyptair incident. Pentagon sources say the words “aircraft sabotage” were deliberately added to the Senate bill just to make Israel accountable for its actions.
In the case of last week’s Egyptair “crash” CIA sources say what really happened was that three French government agents were on their way to Egypt to expose serious Khazarian crimes so the plane they were flying in was diverted to Israel.
That is why initial news reports said there were 69 people on board while later reports changed the number to 66. “The Israeli hijack of Egyptair only two days after the Senate bill is a bridge too far and may lead to a massive intel dump of its terrorism and malefactions,” Pentagon sources confirm.
The Russians, meanwhile, have forwarded information to the WDS about a major Khazarian traitor in the Pentagon ranks.
They claim US four star general Joseph Leonard Votel, head of US Central Command, “recently secretly visited the city of Rakka, Syria to help ISIS prepare an offensive.” Russian intelligence says Votel’s real allegiance is not to the United States but rather to the Khazarian mafia Vanguard group and its City of London (Rothschild) owners.
Veteran’s today, for its part is saying four intelligence officers, an American, a Saudi, a Turk and a Frenchman were recently captured by Hezbollah in Syria. They are also working for the Khazarian mafia.
The Khazarian fifth columnists in the United States are struggling to keep control by sending all their honchos to try to convince Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to go along with their program. That is why Henry Kissinger, Dick Cheney, James Baker, Sheldon Adelson and others have gone to see him recently.
No matter what these people say “the Donald would still be forced by his handlers to do what is best for America, not Israel,” the Pentagon sources say. Trump is backed by the Vatican, the NRA and the Russians among others and will be following a very different agenda from the Clinton/Bush mafia, they add.
The main source of Khazarian power, their privately owned central banks, is also under major cyber-attack. The hacker group anonymous has shut down the computers at the Bank of England, the Boston branch of the Federal Reserve Board, the Bank of France and attacked 20 other central bank computer systems around the world in what they say is just the beginning of an extended campaign against them. These attacks are designed in such a way they don’t affect daily transactions of ordinary people, just Khazarian oligarchs, Anonymous says.
The campaign to cut off Khazarian narcotics money is also proceeding with the head of US Southern Command visiting Peru on May 10th to ensure that country joins Columbia in ensuring cocaine money does not flow to the Khazarian Nazis. The progressive legalization of drugs around the world, with Germany and Japan set to join the US in allowing medical, and possibly even recreational, marijuana is also cutting of Khazarian mob finance.
The Khazarians have been able to mount a limited counter-attack by taking over Brazil and imposing an Israeli to run the country’s central bank. However, only Argentina’s fascist Macri regime has recognized the new government there. A counter attack against the coup regime in Brazil is now taking place in the form of strikes, protests and “other actions.”
In Japan meanwhile, a long planned G7 summit meeting is taking place this week but, it is already clear this group of puppet leaders is not going to accomplish anything other than enjoy hot springs, visit shrines and eat good food. The official communique will be bland to the point of meaninglessness because the people gathering at this summit are becoming increasingly irrelevant.
Some groups wanted to kill Obama when he visits Japan but, as Russia’s Vladimir Putin put it, “if someone’s dog bites you, you do not go after the dog but rather its owner.” The ball is now in your court Rothschild.
May 16, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The battle for the planet earth is raging on many fronts. The financial war remains the most important of these fronts. Here the Chinese military and the Dragon family behind them are now insisting gold will only be made available to the West if it goes through the White Dragon Foundation and is used to establish world peace, Chinese government sources say.
We will talk more about this below but the other big development is that a hand written note was delivered to this writer that said “The Kamikaze will try to assassinate Bummer in Hiroshima.” The meaning is that a suicide bomber will try to kill US President Barack Obama when he visits Japan towards the end of this month.
Another intriguing, and possibly related, happening is that Japan’s national NHK broadcasting network put out a documentary stating that in 1944 a Japanese military airplane factory was hit with a pinpoint earthquake. Following this, US B29 bombers dropped leaflets saying “what shall we do to you next after the earthquake?”
The seismograph of the 1944 earthquake is identical to the pattern seen in the earthquake swarm that was centered on Japanese military bases in Kyushu last month. Here is a link to the Japanese language NHK documentary about the earthquake attack.
The most likely technology being used for such attacks would be based on Nikola Tesla’s Oscillator
which was turned into a military secret by the US government in the 1930’s. The Japanese underground brought this documentary to our attention and say they will get their revenge for the latest earthquake attacks.
Russian sources, for their part, have forwarded detailed evidence of systematic killing of civilians by the Khazarian mafia in the Ukraine and elsewhere for the purpose of harvesting their organs for transplant. Some of the evidence is attached at the end of this week’s report. You can be sure the perpetrators of these crimes are being hunted.
The Khazarian mafia, desperate for a refuge from the ongoing purge, has temporarily succeeded in overthrowing the popularly elected Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. The new government of criminals has already set about “privatizing” (looting) large sections of the economy. You can be sure the battle of Brazil is not over and the new kleptocratic government will not be stable or long lasting.
Khazarian Nazi faction senior honcho Henry Kissinger, who was not killed as Alexander Romanov of the illuminati wrongly informed us, was summoned to the Pentagon on May 9th, the date of Russia’s victory over Germany in World War 2, Pentagon sources say.
There Kissinger was told to inform his fellow Khazarian Mafiosi that they must let banks fail, stop stealing savings and pensions, cease using negative interest rates and that they must back the US dollar with gold.
The May 9th date was chosen to symbolize US/Russian military cooperation in a message directed to the holders of the gold in Hong Kong, the Pentagon sources say.
There Kissinger was told to inform his fellow Khazarian Mafiosi that they must let banks fail, stop stealing savings and pensions, cease using negative interest rates and that they must back the US dollar with gold.
The May 9th date was chosen to symbolize US/Russian military cooperation in a message directed to the holders of the gold in Hong Kong, the Pentagon sources say.
The Chinese have reacted by, as mentioned above, offering at least 20,000 tons of gold at a 13% discount on the condition that, as mentioned before, 10% goes towards setting up a future planning agency while the other 3% is for commissions.
The holders of the gold are the Chinese military who say they will not hand it over to either the Chinese communist government or to Chinese corporations. They say apart from the 20,000 tons, that has been refined into 99.99% pure 12.5 kilogram bars, there is a lot more gold still available but that it is in ingots of 60% gold and 40% copper and would need to be refined. The Chinese military report to the dragon family both CIA and Chinese government sources agree.
There are still people in the US military industrial complex who think the United States has no need to accept this offer and that now that they have taken over the Federal Reserve Board, they can print dollars to solve US problems. Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump is apparently one of them. On May 9th Trump said the following on CNN:
“People said I want to go and buy debt and default on debt – these people are crazy. This is the United States government. First of all, you never have to default because you print the money, I hate to tell you, okay? So there’s never a default.”
What Trump fails to understand is that while the United States can print all the money it wants to use domestically, foreigners are not going to accept unlimited dollars backed by nothing in exchange for their goods.
The US has already defaulted as far is its foreign creditors are concerned. The recent failure on May 2nd of the US colony of Puerto Rico to make a 422 million dollar payment on its bonds was a de facto US government debt default.
Unlike Japan’s government, which borrows from its own citizens, the US government relies of foreigners to keep it afloat. These foreigners, for good reason, no longer trust US paper. This is why it is necessary for the US to accept the very generous Chinese offer of gold to back their dollars. All they are asking for in exchange is world peace.
Since Trump is looking increasingly likely to become the next US president, he needs to get behind this offer if the US is to avoid catastrophic economic collapse. The US cannot print its way out of its international obligations.
In any case, the US military industrial complex is increasingly gravitating towards Trump. Last week “Bush consigliere Jim Baker broke ranks with Bushes and met with Trump,” Pentagon sources say. He has joined Dick Cheney in the pack of rats abandoning the sinking Khazarian Nazi ship.
It is probably too late for these rats to get full immunity for their past crimes. Last week former CIA Director George Tenet went public with information that both George Bush Jr. and Cheney ignored repeated warnings before September 11th, 2001 that the US was going to be attacked.
The role of Bush family flunkies, i.e. Saudi government officials, in that attack is now also being made public in newspapers all around the world.
The Saudis, fearing serious penalties for their role in 911 and for financing so-called Islamic terrorism, are rushing to China in hope of finding a new big brother to protect them. That is why the Saudis have offered to sell the Saudi state oil company to the Chinese.
They would rather sell it to the Chinese than have it confiscated by the Americans. That is also why the Gulf petro-monarchies have said they will side with China against the US in any dispute over South China Sea islands.
The Chinese, however, have also been victims of Saudi mischief and are not about to fight the US military to protect a clan of camel rustlers turned petro-trillionaires. This is especially true because they know the Saudis are not real Muslims but are instead Satan worshipping Khazarians. The Saudis are going to have to pay for their crimes against the people of the world, there is no other choice for them.
The Satan worshipping Khazarians in the US and Europe are also are in deep trouble now that their TTIP trade agreement with Europe is doomed. The TTIP was supposed to protect them from prosecutions and from having to pay cheated investors so, without it the Khazarian banks “are toast,” the Pentagon sources say.
The shadow banking world of hedge funds is also suffering huge losses because they are no longer getting inside information from the Federal Reserve Board. The dysfunctional state of the stock and foreign exchange markets has also caused investors with real money to avoid these markets.
“Investors are stewards of other people’s money and they don’t want to allocate capital to a pyramid scheme,” is how Brean Capital’s Russ Certo described the newfound sense of morality (fear of retribution) in the financial markets.
The pyramid scheme he is referring to is central banks using fiat money to prop up stock and bond markets. In other words more and more people in the financial markets are realizing they very well indeed may be imprisoned on racketeering charges if they continue with business as usual.
To conclude this week’s report, please find attached below raw intelligence from the Russians that illustrates just how evil the Khazarian mafia is and why we need to destroy this scourge once and for all.
Benjamin! Dear Benjamin. Friends, Urgent information!!! Ukrainian Genocide! Mikheil Saakashvili, and his wife Sandra Roelofs are leading this genocide…
Nina Sidorova
СМОТРИТЕ САМОЕ СВЕЖЕЕ ВИДЕО Подписывайтесь на наш канал новости, новости1, новости крыма, украинские новости, новости одессы, новости молдовы, российские новости, новости 24, novosti, политика
Benjamin, Dear,
Below is more detailed information. Thank you, Dear, for your wonderful service to humanity.
You know how much people love You.
Your Friend!
We The People! Friends! Americans!
Please, watch a video and read below a transcript of the testimony of a SBU agent of Ukraine (SBU– Security Service of Ukraine) who describes genocide of murdering people in Ukraine and Donbass by harvesting human organs from alive people, including children and women, by a group of criminal doctors, politicians and SBU agents.
Who and Why organized a War in Ukraine
The Recognition [disclosure, testimony] of the SBU Agent
Кто и для чего организовал войну на Украине. Признание сотрудника СБУ.
The SBU agent explained that the criminal gang that commits genocide by harvesting human organs from alive people, including children, and by selling these human organs to Israel and other Western counties, led by Mikheil Saakashvili, and his Dutch wife, Sandra Roelofs.
Mikheil Saakashvili is the current Governor of Ukraine’s Odessa Oblast (region), and he was the third President of Georgia for two consecutive terms from 25 January 2004 to 17 November 2013.
Please, watch in this video mass graves of the murdered civilians and soldiers, photos of the organs that were taken from them, the rooms where human bodies of murdered people were dumped, and the photos of the criminals who have participated in genocide of the people of Ukraine and Donbass (Novorossya).
Below of the transcript, I placed:
1. Benjamin Fulford – Full Report – May 9, 2016
Major movement on multiple fronts including US regime change and serious political turmoil in China
Benjamin explains in his report about “...a joint US/Russian operation against the Satanic Khazarian mafia, Pentagon and other sources say. The realization that hundreds of thousands of children are being butchered by the Khazarians in the US, the Ukraine and elsewhere.”
The testimony of the SBU agent that I offer to you to watch on the video and to read is one more evidence of the crimes committed against children by The World’s largest Crime Syndicate, also, known in the USA as
2. Benjamin Fulford provides in his report a link to the article, Spare Parts, which is an additional evidence that supports a testimony of a SBU agent about the genocide of Ukrainian people.
“Here is the reason why: BUSTED: 25,000 Ukranian children were used for spare parts in the Israeli organ harvesting program.
From MX22
“An international Israeli conspiracy to kidnap children and harvest their organs is gathering momentum as another shocking story divulges Tel Aviv’s plot to import Ukrainian children and harvest their organs.
The story brings to light the fact that Israel has brought some 25,000 Ukrainian children into the occupied entity over the past two years in order to harvest their organs. It cites a Ukrainian man’s fruitless search for 15 children who had been adopted in Israel. The children had clearly been taken by Israeli medical centers, where they were used for ’spare parts’.”
Dear Friends, please, forgive me for possible grammar mistakes. I am under attack of the Khazarian Mafia, whose mercenaries commit regularly cyber-attacks on my laptops, and I will explain to you later that only three weeks ago the seventh attempt to murder me was committed by Israeli criminals...
I still feel weak, but I survived. God saved me again... Some of my friends know that these Khazarian criminals, its mercenaries, and corrupted agents of the Fusion Centers of Northern California committed against me more than 128 criminal offenses since 2010. These criminal offenses were registered in police and the FBI. This is what I faced from Khazarian Mafia because of my assistance and help to low-income tenants of California.
With my blessings to each of you,
Nina Sidorova,
President of the Northern California Tenant Association
The Transcript of the testimony of a SBU agent of Ukraine translated into English on the best of my ability.
0:22, The person in this video states that he is a SBU agent of Ukraine (SBU– Security Service of Ukraine). In December 2014, he was sent to Donbass (Novorossya), zona ATO (ЗонаАТО) with a medical group. The medical group called, The Group of Emergency and Intensive Care.
He states that they were trained for two weeks in the city of Kramatosrk (Краматорск), after which they were connected to a group of medical doctors. They received new Western medical equipment and new weapons. He explains that Col. Michenko of SBU explained to them that many soldiers want to donate their organs after their death, and the relatives of these soldiers would receive money for the organs that would be taken from the dead soldiers. However, he witnessed later that the organs were taken from alive people, including civilians–children and women.
For each person from whom the organs were taken, this SBU agent received $170.
The SBU agent states a few times during his testimony that not only internal organs such as kidneys, liver or spleens were taken from alive children, women and soldiers, but also people’s eyes, skin, bones, etc.
2:24, The professional transplantologist, Elisabeth Debruk, a citizen of Holland, required other criminals, working with her, to take organs from alive people without their permissions. Very often, she took organs from civilians, including children.
2:24, The professional transplantologist, Elisabeth Debruk, a citizen of Holland, required other criminals, For 5 or 7 minutes, Elisabeth Debruk could take couple of kidneys or other kinds of organs from an easy wounded soldier who was not heavily wounded, or from civilians.
2:24, The professional transplantologist, Elisabeth Debruk, a citizen of Holland, required other criminals, Elisabeth Debruk packed these organs in special containers and gave to SBU agents these organs to send these organs to a wife of Mikheil Saakashvili, (Гражданин Грузии и Украины М. Сукашвилли), Sandra Roelofs.
The SBU agent mentioned in his testimony City of Kramatorsk and City of Debalchevo (Donbass). He said that many organs were taken from people from sector С (Сектор Ц) near these cities.
The SBU agent explains that only for one day in February 2015 from one place where he worked with Elisabeth Debruk, they took and sent 23 (twenty three) pairs of human kidneys, livers and spleens.
3:13, The agent said that corps of the people from whom organs were taken were put on tracks and brought to the City of Artemovsk where other people of this group already prepared mass graves for murdered people.
He said our Generals and we earned a lot of money, working in Debalchevo and harvesting human organs.
4:17, The SBU agent said that he knows English well, and he witnessed how Elisabeth Debruk was talking with a wife of Mikheil Saakashvili– Sandra Roelofs who called her from Europe and who asked her to increase the number of removed organs and the quality of the organs.
2:24, The professional transplantologist, Elisabeth Debruk, a citizen of Holland, required other criminals, Sandra Roelofs was a real boss who guided this group and who ordered taking human organs from alive people of Ukraine and Donbass.
2:24, The professional transplantologist, Elisabeth Debruk, a citizen of Holland, required other criminals, Sandra Roelofs told to this SBU agent that if he would face any problems with harvesting human organs, he need to contact Col. Vladimir Michenko, and if he would face serious problems, he should contact Vice Director of Ukrainian SBU General Alexander. (SBU– Security Service of Ukraine).
4:41, This agent testifies that everything was changed after Mikheil Saakashvili (Гражданин Грузии и Украины М. Сукашвилли), visited this place in Ukraine (Donbass) where the criminal group of medical doctors and SBU agents committed crimes of murdering people and taking from them their organs. Col. Michenko required this SBU agent to accompany Saakashvili on April 22, 2015.
Elisabeth Debruk attended all of the meetings with Saakashvili in the City of Kramatosrk and City of Lisichansk (Donbass).
Mikheil Saakashvili praised the doctors and SBU agents for harvesting human organs, and he told them that their salaries will be increased. Saakashvili called human organs “products”, and he required increasing delivery of the “products”.
5:40, “After Mikheil Saakashvili left, everything went by the devil way”, said a SBU agent. He said that murderings of people have increased dramatically. The victims, from whom organs were taken, were buried in mass graves, and he witnessed that these murdered people were declared in SBU’s documents as missing people. The relatives of these soldiers did not receive any money, and they were told that their sons and husbands were missing.
5:50, When fighting was stopped (during truce), Sandra Roelofs, a wife of Mikheil Saakashvili, started calling almost each day, requiring to increase organs’ deliveries.
2:24, The professional transplantologist, Elisabeth Debruk, a citizen of Holland, required other criminals, The SBU agent said that Elisabeth Debruk, Roman and Svetlana took organs from Ukrainian civilians, including children.
6:00, The SBU agent explains what happened near City Opasnoe (Опасное) in Ukraine (Donbass). He provided an example of the murders of civilians, including children. He explains that Elisabeth Debruk murdered a 12 years old girl who just lost her consciousness for a few minutes from the blast occurring near.
2:24, The professional transplantologist, Elisabeth Debruk, a citizen of Holland, required other criminals, Criminal Debruck (a citizen of Holland) took kidney and spleen from this 12 years old alive child. (Look at photos at 6:12).
2:24, The professional transplantologist, Elisabeth Debruk, a citizen of Holland, required other criminals, Debruk cut organs from a father of this girl, who was NOT wounded. The agent remember a name of a father of this girl (his name was Vladimir Layshevsky).
2:24, The professional transplantologist, Elisabeth Debruk, a citizen of Holland, required other criminals, The SBU agent remembered this name because he took his passport and gave to other agents. The mother of the girl was wounded, and she was sent to a hospital for complete removal of all of her organs.
When this SBU agent checked medical documents, he saw that these three people, including a 12 years old girl, were declared dead from a blast.
As I mention above, this SBU agent said a few times during his testimony that not only kidneys, livers, and spleens were taken from alive Ukrainians and Russians, but also people’s eyes, skin, bones, etc.
6:40, The SBU agent stated that he witnessed wild genocide of civilians that took place in Ukraine and Donbass. He was shocked even he participated in it. He would not be able to participate in this genocide anymore.
On June 4, 2015, he wrote a report of a resignation. He reported to his commander that wild genocide of the civilians and soldiers is taking place in Ukraine and Donbass. Col. Michenko asked him again why he signed his resignation. The SBU agent explained again that the wild genocide of civilians and soldiers is going on... He provided supporting evidence.
7:02, He was told that he should show the mass graves of the murdered civilians and soldiers from whom their organs were taken. Please, look at the photos of these graves and watch this part of the video.
This SBU agent was told to take a vacation and relax, after which he would be promoted.
7:08, The video shows how the mass graves of civilians and soldiers in the City of Artemovsk were opened. The professional doctors— eksgumators were sent to this place.
Only in one particular place, 132 (one hundred thirty two) corps of the murdered people were found. The people were murdered because their organs were taken from them. Four people in each gave. The SBU agent does not know where they brought the corps of the people after eksgumators took them from mass graves.
7:24, The SBU agent states that on June 11, 2015, he met General Alexander Radechky in Kiev. (Nina: Radechky is a Khazarian Jew).
General Radechky told him that this agent should take a vacation and relax, after which he would be promoted and become a major. However, when this agent left a general’s office, he was immediately attacked and arrested, after which SBU agents brought him to the basement of the SBU’s building.
Those who arrested this SBU agent showed him an order for his arrest for the falsification of the documents, and they requested him to sign an agreement to go to a mental hospital. They told that if he would not agree with a mental hospital, he would be in jail or would be murdered.
The SBU agent said, “Okay, I will go to a mental hospital.” He asked just to allow him to go to his house for one night, and he gave those who arrested him $300. It was all of the money he has with him.
7:52, He asked to bring him to his home for one night. The SBU agent promised to pay to those who arrested him $1000 to each of them if they would bring him home for one night before he would go to a mental hospital… When they brought him home, he gave $1000 to each of those who arrested him.
He testifies, “I am a professional intelligence officer, and this was not a problem for me to run away even somebody watched my house…”
8:18, The former Ukrainian SBU agent appeal to all of us... He shows videos and photos of mass graves and organs that were taken from alive people who were murdered. He showed video of criminals who have participated in genocide of civilians and soldiers in Ukraine and Donbass.
8:25, You can see on his videos the corps of people from whom their organs were taken. You can see the rooms where human bodies were dumped after the organs were taken from alive people and they were murdered.
8:33,The SBU agent said that he can show other mass graves of the people who were murdered because their organs were taken from them. He explains about mass graves near a village Chassovya (Часовья), in which were buried more than 97 (ninety-seven) people, from whom their organs were taken.
He stated that more than 20 (twenty) of these murdered people were civilians, children and women.
8:50, The SBU agent explains about a mass grave near City of Uglegorsk (Углегорск) where more than 30 (thirty) people were buried. He states that these people were murdered because their organs were taken from them.
9:01, He contacted WikiLeaks describing genocide of people of Ukraine and Donbass.
The SBU agent states one more time that criminal Mikheil Saakashvili (Гражданин Грузии и Украины М. Сукашвилли) and his Dutch wife, Sandra Roelofs, are those who are leading this genocidal business of murdering civilians, including children and women, and soldiers in order to take their organs, skin, eyes and bones and to sell.
9:00, The SBU agent said that he knows that he is guilty because he participated in this wild genocide. He says that he deserves severe punishment.
However, he would not give up, and he will do everything that he can in order to expose this Genocide and harvesting of organs from alive and healthy people of Ukraine and Donbass, including of harvesting of organs from children and women.
The SBU agent states that this Genocide did not stopped. The Genocide of people of Donbas (Novorossya) and Ukraine continues...
9:13, The SBU agent said his former coworker, Gennady Getman, was promoted, and he is now a leader of the medical group that murders alive people, including children by taking organs from alive people. He stated that Gennady Getman falsifies documents, declaring alive and healthy people as being dead, after which the criminal doctors take organs from these people, and the murdered people were buried in mass graves.
He said that any of the Ukrainians or people from Donbass could become victims of these murderers.
9:35, This repentant SBU agent appeals to all of us, asking to help him to stop this Genocide of People of Ukraine and people of Donbass!
Translated to the best of my ability,
Nina Sidorova,
President of the Northern California Tenant Association
An international Israeli conspiracy to kidnap children and harvest their organs is gathering momentum as another shocking story divulges Tel Aviv’s plot to import Ukrainian children and harvest their organs.
The story brings to light the fact that Israel has brought some 25,000 Ukrainian children into the occupied entity over the past two years in order to harvest their organs. It cites a Ukrainian man’s fruitless search for 15 children who had been adopted in Israel. The children had clearly been taken by Israeli medical centers, where they were used for ‘spare parts’.
The account was unveiled five days ago by a Ukrainian philosophy professor and author, Vyacheslav Gudin, at a pseudo-academic conference in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev. Gudin told an estimated 300 attendees of the Kiev conference that it was essential that all Ukrainians be made aware of the genocide Israel was perpetrating.
The conference also featured two professors who presented a book blaming “the Zionists” for the Ukrainian famine of the 1930s, as well as the country’s current condition.
Meanwhile, Ukrainians demonstrated outside the Israeli Embassy in Kiev on Tuesday to protest a letter signed by 26 Knesset members (MKs) condemning what they described as anti-Semitic remarks by presidential candidate Sergey Ratushnyak. Protesters chanted ‘Ukraine isn’t the Gaza Strip,’ suggesting that they consider the effort by the Israeli MKs as an intervention in their country.
A story, published in the Arabic-language Algerian daily al-Khabar in September, reported that Interpol, the international police organization, has revealed the existence of ‘a Jewish gang’ that was ‘involved in the abduction of children from Algeria and trafficking of their organs.’
According to the story, bands of Moroccans and Algerians had been roaming the streets of Algerian cities in an attempt to hunt around for young children. They then trafficked the kids across the border into the neighboring Morocco.
The children were then sold to Israelis and American Jews in Oujda, the capital of eastern Morocco, for the purpose of organ harvest in Israel and the United States.
The story is based on statements made by Mustafa Khayatti, head of the Algerian National Committee for the Development of Health Research. Khayatti maintains that the abduction of children in Algeria is linked to arrests made in New York and New Jersey at the end of July, in which several Jewish men were among the 44 arrested in connection to an investigation into illegal organ trafficking and political corruption.
The story comes in line with the article published last month in Aftonbladet, Sweden’s largest circulation daily, suggesting that the Israeli army kidnapped and killed young Palestinians to harvest their organs. It shed light on the case of Bilal Ahmed Ghanem, a 19-year-old Palestinian man, who was shot dead in 1992 by Israeli forces in the West Bank village of Imatin.
Bostrom, who witnessed the man’s killing, said Ghanem’s body was abducted following the shooting and was returned at midnight, during an imposed curfew, several days later by the Israeli military with a cut from the stomach to the neck that had been stitched up.
Bostrom argued that an autopsy would be required if the cause of death was not apparent, while in this case it was clear that Bilal was shot dead.
After that incident, at least 20 Palestinian families told Bostrom that they
May 9, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
There are serious and undeniable changes now taking place at the highest levels of the world’s power structure. First, as already noted by Neil Keenan and others, US President Barack Obama told the Washington Press corps at the Whitehouse correspondents dinner on April 30th that “the end of the republic has never looked better,” and that “It is an honor to be here at my last—and perhaps the last—White House Correspondent’s Dinner.” Here is a link to the White House Press release containing these comments.
Furthermore the White House put out a detailed plan on May 6th for a “peaceful transition of power.”
CIA sources the plan is still to keep Obama as the face of the regime and use him to transition to a Donald Trump presidency but that Obama was no longer living in the White House and that the powers behind the throne had changed.
One very visible sign of the US regime change is the fact that “1500 Yale Skull and Bones documents will be released to expose [US Secretary of State John] Kerry, the Bushes, and other cabal members,” Pentagon sources note. This disclosure is a clear sign the Satanists have lost at the highest level of the US power structure.
There will be more about the US situation below but there is another major development we wish to discuss first. Last week this writer attended a meeting in Yokohama, Japan of the senior lodge members of a 55 million member Benevolent Asian Secret Society (Hongmen). The meeting discussed future peaceful plans for the lodge in Japan.
There were also detailed discussions about a new international financial system that will replace the current system over the next few years. Specialists from many different fields attended the meeting. Finally, the society expressed a desire to work, based on the principles of peace, in a “mutually beneficial manner with the International White Dragon Society.” That is all we are allowed to disclose for now.
The White Dragon Society was also contacted last week by two representatives from the government of mainland China. One, representing the Chinese Communist Government’s security apparatus, said that 12,000 tons of gold were now being offered at a 13% discount on the same conditions as the 8000 tons previously discussed in this newsletter. The gold is in 12.5 kilogram ingots and is available for immediate pick up in Hong Kong.
Furthermore, if the offer is not accepted by May 16th, the Chinese will take unilateral action on this issue, he says. The WDS has recommended that they make a move against the US dollar if the current controllers of the dollar system refuse to accept this gold.
Since Henry Kissinger’s fraudulent hijacking of the dollar system has ended, as far as we can tell there are two current claimants for the position of M1, or controller of the US dollar system. One is Neil Keenan and the other is believed to be the eldest surviving son of former Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos who now lives in Canada and is represented by a David P. Crayford.
If either of them can pull it off, we suggest they conjure up some dollars and take delivery of the gold. It is a good deal: solid gold in exchange for paper and numbers in computers. If neither of them can pull it off, we suggest that General Joseph Dunford step in and arrange this deal.
There is also a faction in the US that has been buying up historical Asian bonds at cents for the dollar, according to the Chinese sources. The money they receive for handing over the bonds will be frozen, Pentagon sources say.
Those who still think the US dollar does not need to be backed by gold or other real world assets need to take a look at the chart in this link showing how the end of the dollar gold peg resulted in a debt disaster for the US.
The end of the gold peg triggered a more than 40 year looting spree of the American people and US trade partners by the Khazarian mafia, WDS members agree. The Chinese offer of gold will put a permanent end to this looting, a WDS official says.
Meanwhile, another Chinese official to contact the WDS represents a faction inside the Chinese politburo that is opposed to Chinese President Xi Jinping. The source says there is a major power struggle taking place in China. President Xi Jinping’s mandate is not going to be renewed after his first 5 year term ends in 2018 and it is doubtful he will even survive until then, he said.
The source said Xi was undertaking what amounted to a “second cultural revolution,” that had already purged 30 million people as part of an “anti-corruption” campaign. The result was that new projects were not going ahead because everybody was too afraid to sign them into being, the source said.
The only projects now going ahead were big ones approved by the Central Government, he said. The result is severe economic pain, he said.
Xi Jinping also got into trouble in China because he accepted a knighthood from the Belgian royal family when he visited Brussels at the end of March, 2014. Certainly it appears as if Xi did not understand that becoming a knight, no matter how honorable the title seems, means acknowledging that he is a vassal of the Belgian King. Furthermore, the knighthood was of the “Order of Leopold,” associated with King Leopold, the genocidal butcher of the Congo.
The other interesting information this source had was that the Chinese military command was undergoing a fundamental realignment. The Chinese military was going to be divided into 5 commands: Southern, Northern, Eastern, Western and Central. There were also discussions underway about moving the capital of China away from parched Beijing, he said.
Yet another source to contact the WDS last week was Seungshick Zang, a claimant to the Manchu dynasty’s historical gold treasures. Zang says he recently survived an assassination attempt by agents sent by South Korean President Park Geun-hye.
Zang says he has a refugee hearing with the Tokyo Immigration Bureau on May 12th where he will argue that if he is sent back to South Korea he is sure to be killed by Park because her faction wants to usurp his claim on the Manchu gold. However, the Chinese government official who introduced Zang to this writer now claims he is a con artist.
In Japan, meanwhile, there is a consensus among backroom power brokers that Prime Minister Abe and his Kyushu clique must go. However, there is still no consensus on who to replace him so, like Obama in the US, Abe will continue as the face of Japanese power for now even as his scriptwriters change. For one thing, the TPP trade deal negotiated in part by Abe is going nowhere under the new regime.
Now back to the West for more on the latest developments there. The biggest event after the US regime change has to be the declaration of “holy war” by Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kiril last week. While Kiril cited “terrorism” as the enemy, this war is really a joint US/Russian operation against the Satanic Khazarian mafia, Pentagon and other sources say.
The realization that hundreds of thousands of children are being butchered by the Khazarians in the US, the Ukraine and elsewhere
is creating a groundswell of revulsion that is leading to major military action, Pentagon and NSA sources say. The WDS promises to hunt down and kill every last one of the child murderers.
The arson attacks against one orthodox church in New York, two in Australia and three in Russia on Orthodox Easter and the systematic murder of Christians by Khazarians (ISIS) in the Middle East is a sure sign this holy war is more than just rhetoric.
There is already a hybrid war raging against the Khazarians and they are losing big time. The Saudi Binladen group, for example, is filing for bankruptcy, in a clear sign the Khazarian Saudi royal family, their Bush family buddies and their cronies are in trouble.
Elsewhere in the Middle East, the Mossad linked site Debka is reporting that ISIS has suddenly declared war on Israel. This is at the very least a sign the Israeli regime is trying to dissociate itself from ISIS now that the power balance has shifted decidedly against the Khazarian mob.
The resignation of Turkey’s Prime Minister last week “may be a green light for the military to oust [President Recep] Erdogan,” Pentagon sources say.
Also, “Saudiphile” CIA Director John Brennan is isolated in the US power structure as the lone dissenter opposed to the release of the 28 unpublished pages of the 911 report, a Pentagon sources notes. “No doubt he got big bribes from [Saudi King] Salman,” the source said.
In these circumstances, a humbled former CIA boss etc. Dick Cheney, sensing the change in the US power structure, has turned on the Bush family and endorsed Donald Trump. “This may help him avoid assassination, but it will not spare him from a 911 perp walk,” the Pentagon official said.
There are also going to be serious consequences to certain parties in the US for what CIA officials describe as an arson attack against Canada’s oil sand town of Fort McMurray. “If you mess with Canada, prepare to get kicked in the ass,” Canadian intelligence agency (CSIS) officials warn.
In South America meanwhile, the Khazarian mafia campaign to oust Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff is falling apart as House Speaker Eduardo Cunha was ordered to step down by the Brazilian Supreme Court. The entire bribed parliament is likely to be hung if they keep up their campaign to steal Brazilian assets for Khazarian gangsters.
Meanwhile across the Atlantic, the German and French governments are now openly opposing the Khazarian concocted TTIP trade deal thanks to leaks of its contents, allegedly by Greenpeace. The IMF has also broken ranks with Germany on Greece after it was revealed that almost all the bail out money supposedly intended for Greece was handed out to corrupt bankers.
Perhaps it is time for German Chancellor Angela Merkel to check the engines on her father Hitler’s old submarine and think of an escape route. Maybe she can be given a life in exile at the old Nazi haunt of Bariloche, Argentina.
This will not be an option for other members of the Bush/Clinton/Romney crime syndicate. They and their fellow Khazarian mafia gangsters have nowhere on this planet, or this universe, where they will be able to flee to this time. It is humanity’s time for justice.
May 2, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The gnostic illuminati and the US military have both told the White Dragon Society that Pope Francis must resign because of his friendship with former Argentine dictator Jorge Videla and his involvement in Argentina’s dirty war. The resignation will be the trigger for a series of dramatic changes in how this planet is run, the sources agree. “They will be writing about this thousands of years from now,” predicts gnostic illuminati grandmaster “Alexander Romanov.”
Romanov also said that Khazarian top Mafiosi Heinz (Henry) Kissinger had died and that there was nobody to replace him in the Khazarian power structure. We been told many times in the past that “Kisssinger is dead” only to have him appear in public shortly after we published the information.
So, Mr. Kissinger, if you are still alive, please appear somewhere in public to be photographed and filmed. If he really is dead though, this would be a huge breakthrough because Kissinger has been the man behind the 60-year Khazarian mafia hijack of funds meant to be used for the benefit of this planet.
This could also be why veteran career CIA and State Department officials are now handling the gold negotiations with the Dragon family in Asia, WDS sources say. The gold is already available so, the delay comes from the people controlling the dollar printing (or inputting) facility.
There are multiple meetings going on about this issue, especially in Washington DC, and these in turn are connected with the talk about having the Pope resign and Kissinger removed from the scene. More meetings on this issue continue this week.
In any case, if you look at the following links you can see very clearly that, as far as the real world is concerned, Khazarian mafia control of the economy is finished. The first is a map showing in red the countries enrolled in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank or AIIB. You can see that apart from African nations and the Americas minus Brazil, most of the world is already on board.
The next link shows these countries in terms of purchasing power parity (real) GDP. Again you can see the AIIB countries are overwhelmingly large in the map. The US looks huge too but, people who know the real world know that US GDP is exaggerated by about 50% through financial fluff (numbers in bank computers not connected to reality) and fake statistics so, you need to imagine it half that size.
The final link shows countries that have China as their number one trading partner versus those that have the US as their number one trading partner. Again you can see China has more than double the US in influence on the real world of trade.
What this means is that if the AIIB countries decide to stop accepting the US dollar, then it is game over for the Khazarian cabal in the US.
There will be an Asian Secret Society and WDS meeting this week where this will be a major topic of discussion. The WDS will propose issuing an ultimatum to the dollar controllers to either accept the future planning agency and gold deal or else be hit with financial Armageddon. Of course, in order to prevent world war 3, the US armed forces and agencies will continue to be financed in such an event. However, they will be asked to clean out the criminal filth infesting Washington DC and New York.
In fact, Pentagon sources tell us that the White House was under lock-down April 26 and 27th “as special forces led by [General Joseph] Dunford entered via tunnel to demand resignations.” We can confirm there was a lockdown of the White House those days, officially because of a “fence jumper,” but President Barack Obama has been in public since that time so we are not quite what resignations were demanded. Since Obama is just a house slave, this possibly this ties into the Kissinger information above. Time will tell.
In any case, there are signs financial Armageddon is coming anyway. On May 2nd (today) the US de facto state of Puerto Rico is about to default on a bond payment, which will trigger a systemic breakdown if it is allowed to happen. No doubt there will be some last minute kick the can down the road maneuvers on this. However, Atlantic City is lined up to be the next to default. After that will come others until the dyke can no longer be plugged.
As detailed in previous newsletters, most of the big US and European banks are already zombies, supported by nothing other than cooked books or illusions called “derivatives” that exist only inside bank supercomputers The fact that Goldman Sachs has started up a retail bank with minimum deposits of one dollar shows how desperate they are to get real money, Pentagon officials say.
The Federal Reserve Board owners are still also trying to organize a bail-in which is a polite way to say steal depositor’s money. That is what three former Fed chiefs, Paul Volcker, Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke discussed with current chief Janet Yellen, Vice President Joe Biden and President Obama at a recent meeting at the Rockefeller center, according to several sources.
This is not going to be allowed to happen. The gnostic illuminati’s Romanov says that “if we have to kill 6000 people to stop it, then that is what we will do.”
It also appears the Khazarians have already stolen whatever they could from Saudi Arabia. That is why workers from the Saudi Binladen construction company torched buses last week in frustration over not being paid wages for over 6 months.
There has also been a 90% drop in the number of foreign mercenaries working for ISIS for the same reason, lack of pay.
With little left to loot from Saudi Arabia, the Khazarians are now desperately trying to take over Brazil “not just to control oil and minerals, but also the vast freshwaters of the Amazon and the Guarani aquifer,” Pentagon sources say. The Bush family and their Fascist Korean Moonie friends (UN Chief Ban Ki Moon is one) bought their big ranches in Paraguay because they lie on top of this aquifer. This is one of the best places in the world to develop new agricultural land.
US Vice President Biden last week tried and failed to convince Pope Francis to stop backing beleaguered Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. Instead, the Pope helped organize massive May day protests in support of her. Perhaps that is why suddenly two separate sources contacted this writer last week with information about Pope Francis’ alleged involvement in Argentina’s dirty war.
It looks very much like the Nazi faction of the Khazarian mafia wants flee back to their old South American haunts before too many Americans wake up to the crimes they have committed against the United States. It is already too late for ring leaders like the Bush/Clinton crime family to flee. They will have to face justice.
Another sign things are not going well for the Nazi faction is that Gerhard Schindler, the head of Germany’s BND foreign intelligence agency, was fired last week “because he lost control of the Panama Papers,” CIA sources say. The law firm at the heart of the Panama Papers, Mossack Fonseca, was a BND asset, the sources say.
If this is true then the next big Panama Papers data dump may expose many senior Germans as well as the Bush clan. Perhaps even the general public will finally be told that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is Hitler’s daughter. This exposure by the Americans may be one reason why the Germans are looking East to Russia and away from the US.
The other people looking to the Russians now are the ASEAN countries who have begun military cooperation with Russia as a hedge against China and insurance in case the impending US bankruptcy creates a power vacuum in the region that would be filled only by China, CIA sources in Asia say.
The upcoming United Nations Permanent Court of Arbitration ruling on a territorial dispute between China and the Philippines is expected to rule against China because China does not recognize the court’s jurisdiction, several sources agree. In that case, the US military will use International Law as a pretext to seek cooperation with ASEAN and Russia to contain China.
The only problem with this US stance, Chinese government sources point out, is that the US itself also does not recognize the tribunal. Nonetheless, a court ruling would give the US military a face saving and honorable pretext to justify its pivot to Asia.
Yet another group seeking Russian protection are the Japanese. That is because the regime put in place here after World War 2 is entirely reliant on the US. If the US goes bankrupt, that regime, mostly run by North Korean proxies, will be quickly overthrown by the native Japanese, sources at the Three Legged Crow secret society say.
They point out that the current Emperor is not the real son of the Emperor Hirohito because Hirohito did not want to have his real son fall into the hands of the Americans. The real son is now head of the Japanese underground opposition, the sources noted.
This is why the current Japanese government is trying to include Russia in the G7 meeting in Mie Prefecture later this month (not in April as previously reported in this newsletter). However, the Russians correctly view Abe and his regime to be Rockefeller and Rothschild slaves and are unlikely to support them, Russian sources say.
“The G7 people about to gather in Mie are terrified,” illuminati “grandmaster Romanov” says. Romanov noted the illuminati still have one stolen Kursk nuclear weapon and will soon decide how to use it.
April 26, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The battle for the planet earth has taken a dramatic turn with the destruction of three major Japanese underground bases, an accelerating hunt for Khazarian mafia oligarchs, high stakes financial negotiations between the military industrial complex and Asian secret societies and more.
First about the earthquakes: it is a given on Japanese internet chat boards that the recent spate of earthquakes in Southern Japan were all artificial earthquakes. The evidence presented is that the seismographs all resemble earthquakes caused by explosions with a sudden huge shock followed by steadily decreasing aftershocks. See the links below for evidence of this:
There were also reports of loud explosion like sounds when the earthquakes hit. Furthermore, all the earthquakes had extremely shallow epicenters going no deeper than 10 kilometers, which is very rare in natural earthquakes.
In addition to this, the Japanese government earthquake prediction center said they had given up on predicting the earthquakes because they did not fit any known natural earthquake pattern. The clincher however, is that the epicenters of the three big quakes were all the locations of Japanese military bases.
If you put 1812 Oyatsu, Mashiki, Kumamoto Prefecture in on Google earth you can see the military base at the epicenter of the first earthquake. There are several unusual structures to be seen there that appear to be the entrances to underground bases.
It is also worth recalling that Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso recently told American economist Paul Krugman something to the effect that the Japanese government was looking for a trigger to start World War 3 in order to save the economy.
Chinese government sources in Beijing recently told this writer they had identified an unusually intense build-up of military material by the Japanese government in recent months.
The bases hit are all located close to the Korean Peninsula where it would be easy to move large numbers of troops to the Asian mainland for a war with China. It thus appears there was a pre-emptive strike, by forces unknown, to prevent any Japanese attempt to start World War 3.
The announcement by North Korea that they had submarine based ballistic missiles was in reality a Japanese reaction to the attack on their underground bases. The message was Japan still has an intact retaliatory nuclear strike capability via their North Korean proxy. They need not worry though because nobody is planning to invade Japan.
There was also some belligerence going on last week concerning the Asian gold stashes in Indonesia. Officials at CIA Asian headquarters in Singapore last week warned the Chinese that if they tried to use their spending of tens of billions of dollars in Indonesia as a way of getting political control there, the Americans would “make a move.”
Also, in response to the Chinese offer to supply gold at a 13% discount, the Americans in Indonesia and Singapore claim they do not need it because they control a vast gold hoard near the US embassy in Jakarta, CIA agents in Indonesia say.
The Indonesian government for its’ part, is laying claim to the 4000 tons of Japanese gold they say is located at the equator monument. This seems to be Indonesia’s conclusion after Vice President Jusuf Kalla secretly visited the US, Japan and China and President Joko Widodo visited Belgium, Holland and the UK.
If anybody wishes to dispute this claim, they will have to be ready for war with Indonesia, the CIA sources say. However, proof of the existence of this gold remains elusive. Photographs of the site only showed construction work, not gold.
The Chinese, for their part, are getting impatient with Western, especially American, dithering on their offer to jointly set up a future planning agency and may “draw a line in the sand,” Chinese officials based in Japan say. The most likely scenario is the Chinese will simply stop accepting dollars after a certain date. The world will be offered gold backed Yuan as an alternative, Chinese government sources say.
The Chinese are not the only people getting impatient with the Khazarian cabal.
In Brazil, the military, sick and tired of watching bribed politicians try to stage a coup against President Dilma Rousseff, are getting ready to send tanks to the Congress building, US Defense Intelligence Agency sources say.
The Vatican is also getting on the case to ensure there is no Khazarian coup in Brazil by organizing people power, they also note. Furthermore, Brazilian billionaire and Khazarian honcho Joseph Safra, the world’s richest banker, has been charged with bribery. The charges are part of a Brazilian police investigation called “Operation Zealots,” that is going after the bribers of politicians, according to multiple news reports.
In Europe, the Germans are also getting fed up and have made a decision now to “turn East,” according to Pentagon sources. The attempt to extort money from Volkswagen, NSA spying, the refusal of the Federal Reserve Board to return German gold and the sanctions against Russia have all contributed to this German decision, they say.
Also in Europe “French opposition and brexit spell the end of the TTIP [trade deal] championed by cabal thugs Goldman Sachs and Monsanto,” one source added.
In Eastern Europe, the Russians have made big moves against the cabal regime in the Ukraine. President Petro Poroshenko vanished from sight for a week and when he re-emerged, he changed Prime Ministers and suddenly became serious about implementing the Minsk peace accord with Russia.
As a background to this, Ukrainian power broker, Khazarian oligarch and Israeli agent Valeriyovych Kolomoyskyi had his assets seized and he himself “may be targeted,” Russian sources say.
In the Middle East, US top general Joseph Dunford visited Egypt to help President Abdel Sisi “crush ISIS in the Sinai Peninsula and in Libya,” Pentagon sources say. The implication, of course, is that the US has decided Egypt is the most rational and reliable Sunni government in the Middle East and the US military and agencies, together with the Russians, will help them exert more influence in the region.
Since ISIS is a proxy for Turkey, Israel and the Gulf Monarchies, it looks like Egypt, Russia, Syria, Iran and the US military will be working together to bring peace and rationality to that troubled region.
The fact that US President Obama has decided to release at least the Saudi part of the 28 classified pages of the 911 report makes it clear the US has decided to part ways with that regime. The FBI and the Pentagon are also planning to make sure everybody in the world hears about the Israeli “art students” found dancing for joy while filming the 911 destruction, making it clear Israel too had a big part in that mass murder incident.
There are also FBI probes going on now uncovering Khazarian mob corruption involving the New York Police Department and the New York Mayor’s office, FBI sources say. The US corporate media is also reporting on attempts by Khazarian Satanist mobster Hillary Clinton to get herself fraudulently elected, as can be seen in this New York Post headline: “Investigation into New York’s voting irregularities launched after botched presidential primary.”
Then we have the US nationwide MccLatchy Newspaper chain and many other corporate media outlets reporting on the Clinton’s Panama papers links with headlines such as: “Inside Panama Papers: multiple Clinton connections.”
Such open media exposure of their corruption and multiple investigations into their criminal activities is a sign the Clintons are basically toast which means that their backers like George Soros, the Rockefellers, the Bushes etc. are also going to be toast.
The ongoing collapse of the big banks that own the Federal Reserve Board is now being discussed by the US military and agencies as a national security issue of highest importance. What the brass need to understand is that the United States is the most highly indebted country in the history of this planet. The United States of America Corporation is bankrupt. The Republic of the United States of America does not have to assume their debts if it is restored.
America’s creditors, mainly the Asians, have offered the restored Republic vast amounts of gold in exchange for paper. The condition is that they agree to set up a meritocratically staffed future planning agency under equal East/West control. The Asians are waiting for an answer but if none is forthcoming, as mentioned above, they will act independently. In such a case it is a mathematical certainty the US economy will implode.
Also, the man who can put a definitive end to the Khazarian mafia take-over of the United States remains General Joseph Dunford. General Dunford will you grasp the horns of destiny and help save the planet, or will you go down in history as the man who missed his chance to make history?
April 18, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Last week a representative claiming to be from the head family of the Hongmen Worldwide Chinese Union informed the White Dragon Society that the Red and Green were under new leadership. He said “when the Asian giant moves, the earth will shake but our goal is world peace.” Not much more can be written about the Red and Blue and WDS talks however, you can be sure big events will unfold soon.
There is also a lot of chatter from multiple sources including the CIA and the Pentagon that some sort of financial event far bigger than the Lehman shock is imminent. While experience has taught us to be wary of specific dates, many sources even go so far as to say it will be on April 19th. This is the day the Shanghai Gold Exchange will start its gold trading platform intended to take over setting the gold price from the Khazarian mafia controlled banks.
It is probably no coincidence then that last week Deutschebank admitted in court that it manipulated gold and silver prices and promised to release all the information it has about other big banks involved in the price manipulation.
So, we have the Chinese starting a gold exchange at the same time as the Western banks that traditionally set the gold price are being publicly outed for fraud. The Shanghai Gold Exchange will also make it possible for the Asians to monetize the vast off-market gold hoards they reportedly hold. This means the Chinese yuan will become at least partially gold backed.
This is the probable source of reports such as this one:
that claim China will announce it will launch an international gold backed Yuan and stop accepting US dollars starting this week. We have not been able to independently confirm this but can say the WDS has advised the Chinese to make such a move in coordination with the US military and agencies.
Certainly the finance ministers and top central bankers form the G20 nations were all gathered in Washington last week for both regularly scheduled and emergency meetings. The Federal Reserve Board governors also had a lot of emergency meetings.
One visible result was historically significant news last week about the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation telling banking giants like JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, New York Mellon Bank and State Street Corp that their bankruptcy plans were “not credible.”
To put it another way, some of the top Khazarian cabal banks and owners of the Federal Reserve Board are basically being told they are de facto bankrupt.
Pentagon sources and CIA sources both also tell us that when Federal Reserve Board Chairperson Janet Yellen met with US President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden that Yellen asked for
the US military to mobilize to round up trouble makers and put them in FEMA camps to prevent mass rioting after a planned Fed move to save the big banks by stealing people’s savings. “Let the dollar die and do a bail in,” is how the CIA source summed up Yellen’s proposal. In any case, the military said no, they had other plans. Yellen should have taken the gold deal offered to her last week by the Asians while she had the chance.
Instead, the military have now forced Yellen to get the Fed to send and publish letter to JP Morgan to let the world know that “it is unstable.” Military pressure was also behind the FDIC warning to the big five banks mentioned above. As a result Wells Fargo and other banks have begun training staff for an “emergency scenario.”
The US military is also actively working to create a new government issued US dollar backed with silver and Asian gold to keep the US economy running after the collapse of the Khazarian mafia’s Babylonian debt slavery banking system, WDS sources say.
The situation is not much better in Europe. The IMF publicly stated last week the European banks have 900 billion Euros worth of bad debt and that they could no longer postpone dealing with it. It is a pretty good guess the real bad debt numbers are far worse than what the IMF is willing to admit.
In other words, many of the top European banks are also probably bankrupt. Barclays, Deutschebank, Credit Suisse and UBS are being scrutinized by regulators to see if they are solvent, Russian sources say.
This may be why the Khazarian mafia oligarchs have suddenly launched campaigns in the US and Europe to close offshore tax havens and force or lure the world’s $31 trillion in offshore money into Europe or the US where they can confiscate it and stave off bankruptcy.
CIA sources say the Rothschilds have already managed to lure “trillions” of dollars into Reno, Nevada with this cockroach motel scam. You can be sure it is not their own offshore money they plan to repatriate.
Some money that is sure to be confiscated is Saudi Arabia’s US dollar denominated holdings. Last week there were corporate propaganda media reports that Saudi Arabia would sell off hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of its US assets and treasury bonds if the US government released the 28 secret pages of the 911 report or if it allowed families of victims of 911 to sue Saudi Arabia.
However, Saudi Arabia does not have that choice and instead will find out that its US holdings have already been confiscated. Even with Turkish and Israeli help the US and Russia could crush them like bugs if they object to such a confiscation.
In fact, according to Pentagon sources, President Obama will be visiting Saudi Arabia this week to read them the riot act and force them to stop their trouble making around the world. Furthermore, Obama will release the 28 pages after he returns from the visit, the sources say.
At the same time as Obama visits Saudi Arabia, Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu has been summoned to Moscow. There he will be told to return the Golan Heights to Syria and comply with other UN resolutions concerning Israel or else it will be faced with sanctions and that “all options will be on the table.”
This could mean a full blockade of Israel. Furthermore, the sources say Obama, backed by the US military, will not use the customary US veto to save Israel from UN sanctions.
The Russians will also be asking for the return of gold stolen from the Czar of Russia by the Rothschild family, the real rulers of Israel, the sources say. The Bank of Japan library has a report about Japanese warships arriving in Vladivostok in 1918 to evacuate 10 tons of the Czars’ gold before the communists could get a hold of it. This gold was later shipped to London, according to the BOJ. This is probably just the tip of the missing Russian gold iceberg.
Speaking about stolen gold, there is a flurry of activity going on in connection with gold stashes in Indonesia. This week Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is visiting Germany, the UK, Belgium and Holland to discuss the Indonesian gold among other things.
It turns out the gold was brought over by the Japanese meaning that it was taken from other Asian countries who are now claiming the rights to it, CIA sources in Indonesia say. The Europeans also lust after this gold. Photographs of the Indonesian gold site can be made available to interested parties, the sources say.
In any case, at the end of the day, it will probably take a deal between the Pentagon white hats (WDS) and the Chinese to sort this out.
A public sign the US white hats and the Chinese are already reaching deals can be confirmed by the fact that last week the Chinese led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the US controlled World Bank announced their first jointly financed project.
The next step is to ramp up the scale of investments from the billions to the trillions of dollars.
Another deal being worked out between the WDS and the Chinese concerns Japan. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who ultimately reports to the Agnelli brothers and Evelyn de Rothschild, needs to go, the two sides agree. The Chinese had been pushing for long term politician and power broker Ichiro Ozawa but he was too anti-American for Pentagon tastes, sources involved in the negotiations say.
For that reason Hideo Higashikokubaru, a TV talent and former governor of Miyazaki Prefecture is being considered as Abe’s replacement, the sources say. Higashikokubaru would preside over a jubilee and a redistribution of assets, they say.
The other development is that Japan is now preparing to fully legalize Marijuana and give control of the resulting business bonanza to Asian secret societies. Otsuka Pharmaceuticals, meanwhile, is planning to be a major player in the medical marijuana industry, Asian secret society sources say.
While on the subject of Japan, the earthquake last week in Southern Japan appears, from seismographic and other evidence, to have been a natural one. The volcanic ring of fire around the Pacific basin is very active because a new continent is being born in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, according to P2 Freemason lodge sources. This will not happen overnight of course but already new islands are being born in the region.
April 12, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The Asian Dragon Family has offered the owners of the Federal Reserve Board staggering quantities of gold at a 13% discount from the market price. The idea is for 10% of this money to be spent on a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and send humanity on a path for exponential expansion into the universe.
The ball is now in the court of the US regime in Washington DC. That is why the US President and Vice President are having an emergency meeting on April 11 with Federal Reserve Board Chairperson Janet Yellen. A member of the Dragon family will also be at that meeting, CIA sources in Asia say.
If the Feds refuse the Asians, the BRICS nations and the Europeans will announce a new international gold backed currency that can be exchanged for US dollars during a three month period. After that period, the US dollar will no longer be accepted by at least 188 countries, leaving the Washington regime isolated and bankrupt.
In this event, to avoid war, the US military operations outside of the United States will continue to be financed using the new currency. The new regime that will inevitably replace the bankrupt Feds in the US will be free to issue their own currency with unlimited spending power inside the US.
In addition to the financial sanctions against the Feds, the worlds’ martial arts societies will be mobilized to finish off the genocidal faction of the Khazarian mafia. Chodoin Daikaku, the ostensible head of many of the world’s martial arts factions, is being relieved of his duties and will be replaced by Masaaki Hatsumi, head of the Bujinkan Dojo.
The reason for this is that Daikaku, whose real name is Ryosuke Matsuura, has refused to mobilize the martial arts societies under his supposed leadership despite being presented with ample proof that the Khazarian mafia has been actively trying to murder more than 90% of the world’s population.
In other words, multiple blows have been struck against the human race and, despite a legitimate need for self-defense, he does nothing.
The evidence he ignores includes multiple attempts to start World War 3, the spreading of bio-weapons like ebola, HIV, and SARS, attempts to cause mass starvation by paying farmers to grow fuel, not food and much more.
Not only that, having failed in these attempts to kill the billions the Satanists announced they would kill, it appears they are getting ready for some massive sacrificial event: at least one thousand temples to Baal are being built around the world. In ancient times children were traditionally burned in sacrifice to Baal, also known as Molech and later Set and finally now Satan.
The fact remains the regime of Barack Obama in the United States has not arrested any of the perpetrators or planners of these atrocities. This means that all members of the military, the police, the agencies and martial arts societies must go up the chain of command and insist action be taken before more deaths occur.
Fortunately, there is evidence that at least some serious action is being taken. For one thing, the entire Swiss branch of the Rothschild family is wanted by the police, according to Pentagon sources. The Swiss Rothschild branch, who control the BIS, are considered the head of the octopus by many informed investigators. This is just the beginning of the take down, they promise.
An important thing to realize is that the “Panama Papers” operation now being widely reported on in the corporate media is not what it seems, multiple sources agree. The fact that it is mainly leaders of countries associated with the Nazi faction of the Khazarian mob, like the heads of the Ukraine, the UAE, Qatar, Georgia and Saudi Arabia, who have been exposed gives you a hint of the bigger plot. In reality the Panama Papers is a giant sting operation designed to lure the world’s $31 trillion in offshore money into the US, CIA and other sources say. This is where it will be confiscated to help plug the giant black hole in the US government’s accounts, the sources say.
That is why corporate media outlets like Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal are running big articles saying that Reno, Nevada is the only safe place in the world for hot money. That is also why they are reporting the Rothschilds have set up shop in Reno and are encouraging clients to manage their funds there.
That is why corporate media outlets like Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal are running big articles saying that Reno, Nevada is the only safe place in the world for hot money. That is also why they are reporting the Rothschilds have set up shop in Reno and are encouraging clients to manage their funds there.
More importantly, the Panama Papers operation is part of a major campaign to shut down all of the world’s offshore tax havens. Already the British tax havens like the Cayman Islands have lost the ability to hide underground money or help people avoid taxes due to new disclosure regulations.
An official at US military intelligence said “Panama was an intelligence operation aimed at exposing corruption and inducing regime change [including in the US].”
The operation is also designed to “blackmail or prosecute cabal members who hide their stolen loot offshore,” he continued.
Some of the names in the Panama Papers that have not been made public include Hillary Clinton’s “team,” the Bushes and many US oligarchs, politicians and judges, he adds.
The Globo TV network that is trying to induce regime change in Brazil has also been implicated together with Argentine President Mauricio Macri and drug lords like El Chapo.
In response to Panama, the agent noted “the elites panicked and set a fire in the basement of the Internal Revenue Service’s headquarters,” in a failed attempt to cover up incriminating evidence.
FBI efforts to arrest Hillary Clinton are also gaining steam. Last week President Obama was forced to guarantee on Fox TV that Hillary will not get special treatment, “which means no plea deal and no pardon,” FBI sources say. She is due to be interrogated soon by the head of the FBI “for the serious crime of running a private foreign policy and intelligence operation,” while in an official post.
Hopefully Clinton will also be brought to justice for her crimes against the people of Haiti and her embezzlement of Red Cross money that was intended for the victims of the sea-bed nuclear weapon induced tsunami attack against that country.
The Panama Papers operation has also been used by the Western corporate media to make it appear as if Russian President Vladimir Putin was involved in shady offshore dealings. However, Russian sources are saying this attack has given them the excuse they need to start declassifying Soviet Union records from 1930-1989 that identify collaborators in America and Europe who secretly worked with Soviet Communism.
The Russians will also expose the families and businesses who worked with Hitler.
On top of that, the Russians plan to show who in the West is still trying to undermine the US and the EU.
There is also Russian/US cooperation in identifying and eliminating key agents working for the Khazarian mafia in the West and in Russia, the sources say.
In Turkey, meanwhile, the evacuation of US troops, with the exception of a special ops crew guarding the nuclear weapons there, is aimed in part at cutting off Bush cabal drug running at the Incirlik airbase, Pentagon sources say.
Turkish and Israeli attempts to stir up fighting between Moslems and Christians in Nagorno Kabarakh have been stopped by the Russians. This was a desperate attempt by the Turks to prevent Russia from moving on the rogue Recep Erdogan regime in Turkey.
In Asia, meanwhile, news reports about Japanese plutonium being transported by British ships to the US
are a cover story for the fact the fraudulently elected government of Shinzo Abe is being forced to dismantle Japan’s arsenal of nuclear armed missiles. Many of these missiles have been sent to North Korea to prevent their dismantling, which is why there has been a recent spate of news reports about North Korean nuclear missiles, White Dragon Society sources in Japan say.
When the battle for the planet earth ends, this writer intends to charge Abe with being involved in murder attempts against me. This is because on June 30th, 2012 I was stabbed with a poison needle by a North Korean agent named Mutsuaki Okubo. This incident took place in front of many witnesses and was even video-taped.
Despite twice making official police complaints, once to the Musashino Police, and another time to the Marunouchi police, the Japanese government, officially headed by Abe, has taken no action. This means Abe is complicit. Furthermore Chodoin Daikaku has admitted Okubo was his disciple but he has also failed to take action in this case.
Personal grievances aside, the Abe regime is also looting the Japanese economy to financialy support its Khazarian mob masters. The looting, as reported before, is taking the form of putting Japanese pension money and savings into the stock market, where it is transferred to Khazarian mob controlled trust funds. That is why the Japanese stock market keeps rising even as foreigners continue to sell.
The money being looted from Japan is not enough to save the Wall Street Khazarian gangsters because they are reeling from low energy prices plus the loss of drug money and of investment banking fees, their only legitimate source of income. Most big mergers being organized by the Banksters are also being stopped because they are creating anti-competitive monopolies and oligopolies.
The fact banks have started to offer negative interest rate mortgages and consumer loans in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany is a clear sign the entire system of Babylonian debt slavery is falling apart. That is because people are realizing these banksters are creating money out of nothing and using this illusion of money to create debt slaves.
So, even if a bank lends somebody 100 dollars but says they only have to pay back 90 dollars because of negative interest rates, it still means you have to work to earn 90 dollars to pay them for “money” they created out of nothing but illusion.
Humanity is waking up and it will not be long now before the rule of Khazarian Satan worshipping human slavers ends forever.
On a final note, this writer is now aware of 20,000 tons of gold held in six different locations that is being made available by the Dragon family for the benefit of the human race and the other life forms on this planet. This is only a fraction of the total the Asians have.
April 4, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The battle to liberate the planet earth is unfolding at an ever more dramatic pace as the Khazarian human slavers come under attack in their strongholds of Poland, Turkey, Ukraine, the US, Japan and elsewhere. At the same time as this take-down of the Khazarian mafia continues to accelerate, high level East-West negotiations towards a new financial system are proceeding in a smooth and friendly manner, according to multiple sources directly involved in the negotiations.
First about the mafia take-down. The main theater of action is now Turkey, which has become a pariah state. There are growing signs that a short but very intense war to take down the Turkish fascist regime is about to begin.
The clearest sign was the fact the US military removed all military family members from Turkey last week. They did that during a time when Turkish President Recep Erdogan was visiting the United States, in other words, when the US could keep him hostage if he tried to prevent the evacuation of Americans from Turkey.
The fact that no US government officials met with Turkey’s Erdogan, on the surface the President of a major NATO ally, while he visited the United States is a very visible sign his regime is not going to be protected if Russia attacks it.
A clear sign Russia will attack is the fact that Russia has officially called for a sealing of the Turkish, Syrian border. Such a call is a warning that war will follow if it is not heeded.
Israel, a country with an impressive track record of evacuating its citizens immediately prior to major violent incidents, has also been evacuating its citizens from Turkey.
Russian government officials, meanwhile, have blamed “a third force” for provoking fighting between Christian Armenia and Muslim Azerbaijan and well as fomenting trouble in the Middle East and elsewhere in central Asia.
Since Turkish troops and agents have been spotted in most of these trouble spots, it is obvious Turkey is deeply involved with this “third force,” which is almost certainly the Khazarian mafia.
Egypt has also asked Israel not to allow Turkey to stage military activity in the Gaza strip or in the Sinai Peninsula. Turkey’s Erdogan regime has criticized Egypt’s government as being illegitimate after it ousted the Khazarian mafia backed “Muslim” Brotherhood government there.
The overall isolation of Turkey and its impossible military situation mean the “ISIS” campaign to seize the Middle East’s $2 trillion in annual oil revenues is doomed.
The gnostic illuminati, the first organization to mention ISIS in public, seeing its ISIS campaign in disarray, has now issued a new set of warnings. According to illuminati grandmaster “Alexander Romanov,” the illuminati will not give up on their plans to reduce the world’s population by 90%. To give the public hints of their plans, the illuminati have just relaunched their internet site for the first time since they announced their creation ISIS.
The site features a picture of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, a video featuring random violence against European looking people, arcane mathematics and hints of nuclear terror. “Romanov” says the illuminati still have one 500 kiloton nuclear weapon stolen from the Russian submarine Kursk at their disposal and are deciding where to use it.
Since he apparently felt he had multiple locations to choose from, it is clear his faction still has at least one submarine at their disposal. Also, since Romanov hinted the April 22-28 G7 summit in Mie, Japan, was a possible target, it is a good bet the submarine is located near an isolated Japanese island, possibly Mageshima,
the site of an abandoned oil facility. Mageshima is within easy striking distance of the Mie summit site. An attack on this summit could be the “trigger,” for war that Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso hinted at recently.
In any case, such an act of terror, even if blamed on North Korea, would not be enough to provoke World War 3 and the gnostic illuminati’s planned artificial Armageddon. That is because the Russian, Chinese and US militaries know the recent North Korean nuclear threats being touted in the Western propaganda media do not, in fact, originate from North Korea. All you need to do is check the official North Korean news site
every time North Korean nuclear threat stories come out in the Western corporate propaganda media to confirm this. You will not find these threats on their official site.
The real North Korean problem is actually a split between the factions of the Korean and Japanese royal families that ran Japan and Korea until the end of World War 2 and the ones controlled by US occupying forces after World War 2.
The split that began last summer in the Yamaguchi Gumi, Japan’s largest Yakuza business (legal and illegal) syndicate reflects the split between these two factions. The “North Korean” Yamaken faction based in Kobe relies for a large part on revenues from amphetamines manufactured in North Korea. Drugs like amphetamines and herbal medicines like marijuana are available over the counter in North Korea.
The Nagoya based Kodokai faction stays away from drugs and relies more on public works kickbacks, infiltration of major banks and the like. They back the Imperial family now occupying the Chrysanthemum throne.
The White Dragon Society has proposed revealing the truth about the royal family situation in Korea and Japan as a good first reconciliatory step to take. This could be followed by some sort of strategic marriage between North Korean and Japanese imperial factions if these families are to fulfill their plans to unify the Korean Peninsula with Japan. Chinese government officials say they would not object to such a union but add it is really not their business.
In Malaysia, meanwhile, the international investigation into the disappearance of Malaysian air flight 370 is now looking into the involvement of JP Morgan, Deutschebank and Edmond de Rothschild Bank as well as Goldman Sachs, sources close to the investigations say.
In nearby Indonesia and the Philippines, meanwhile, we learn that Nathan Rothschild has been kicked out of his coal investments in Indonesia after $300 million went missing, say CIA officials in Indonesia. This may or may not be related to the fact that last week an Indonesia tugboat towing 7000 tons of coal was pirated in Muslim Indonesia by ISIS linked Philippine Abu Sayyaf “Muslim” rebels.
The pseudo-Muslim rebels are likely to be taken out of action soon.
In Europe too, Khazarian proxies are in deep trouble. The Khazarian mob controlled Ukranian government is now bankrupt, isolated and negotiating surrender.
In Poland, the government is investigating the 2010 air crash that killed most of the Polish government, including then President Lech Kaczynski, twin brother of leading politician Jaroslaw Kaczynski.
Almost immediately after this crash decapitated the Polish Government, Donald Tusk, the current President of the EU, helped pass laws that committed Poland to adopting the Euro. The suspicion is Tusk was awarded the EU presidency for helping make the plane crash happen.
In the US, meanwhile, the big data dump on Panamanian paper companies and tax avoidance schemes means that Panama has followed the Cayman Islands in being shut down as a refuge for off the books Khazarian mob trillions. This means all the Khazarian offshore money is now concentrating itself in Reno, Nevada.
This may be why senior Khazarian honchos like Henry Kissinger have been trying to meet top Chinese government officials recently. Chinese government sources say Chinese leaders are “avoiding them.”
This is the backdrop to the “nuclear security summit” hosted in Washington DC last week by US corporate government spokesperson Barack Obama. The fact that Russia, arguably the world’s number 1 nuclear power, was not there makes it pretty obvious this was not really a nuclear summit. The real summit was between China and the US and the main subject of discussion was the new financial system, US and Chinese government sources agree.
Financially speaking there is now a Mexican stand-off between East and West. The East has gold while the West has Dollars, Yen and Euro that can be spent here and now to buy “stuff.” Right now the East (mainly China) is saying “we will not recognize your paper,” while the West says “we will boycott your gold.” That is why world trade has plunged by double digits since the beginning of this year.
Fortunately, it looks like the financial system negotiations have gone well. The essential deal being made is that gold will flow West and cash will flow East. The Westerners will use their gold to buy “stuff” from the East and the Easterners will use cash to buy “stuff” from the West.
More importantly, is that 10% will be taken from this East West exchange to finance a vast campaign to fix up this planet. To give an idea of the scope of things that will become possible if this deal is consummated, take a look at the Chinese proposal to invest $50 trillion on a world electricity grid.
To get an idea of how revolutionary this is; $50 trillion is 500 times more than the capital of the newly founded Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and close to 3000 times what the World Bank lends annually.
The Chinese have also similarly ambitious plans to create worldwide transportation grids, research and development facilities etc.
The White Dragon Society and its Western allies have equally grandiose plans to turn the deserts and arctic regions green, replenish the oceans, explore the universe etc.
This is not pie in the sky, these are very realistic, hardnosed projects that can be carried out by the private sector in cooperation with a meritocratically staffed future planning agency. Existing multilateral organizations and corporations would all profit enormously from the resulting bonanza.
March 28, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The battle for the planet earth is heading towards victory for the people as the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia is being unmasked in ways that defy denial. We have the New York Times reporting that gates commemorating Baal (another name for Satan, image at link below)
are being constructed in New York and London.
Then we have a leaked e-mail from Hillary Clinton where she writes about “sacrificing a chicken to Moloch.”
Moloch, another namesake of Satan, was a god that children were burnt in sacrifice to in ancient Babylonia. An image can be seen at the link below:
Next we have a photograph of German Chancellor Angela Merkel taking a selfie with one of the terrorists behind the Belgium airport terror that took place on the March 22nd (322) day of Satanic sacrifice.
Mossad front company ICTS was in charge of security at the airport and the attack killed no Khazarians, Pentagon sources note. It is also worth noting the number 322 is on the emblem of the German founded Skull and Bones society at Yale University. Skull and Bones is dedicated to Satan worship according to recent revelations.
On top of this we have US presidential candidate Ted Cruz saying on TV that “Donald Trump may be a rat but I have no desire to copulate with him.” In other words he is saying he “copulates with rats.”
Following this we have Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso saying that the “United States in the 1930’s, like Japan now, was suffering from deflation and it was World War 2 that brought the US out of that situation.” He then adds that “we are looking for the trigger.” Thus we can see the fraudulently elected Abe regime now exposing its true fascist face.
Are you starting to see a pattern here? Either these powerful leaders have gone collectively insane or a systematic campaign to expose them for what they really are is fully under way. My guess is that it is the latter and the NSA and other agency white hats are exposing these people in order to help overthrow them.
In fact, in a clear sign the white hats are on the move, US top general Joseph Dunford last week summoned Google Chief Eric Schmidt to the Pentagon, according to US military intelligence sources. At this meeting Dunford told Schmidt that Silicon Valley was being put under Pentagon control. As if to underline this, Intel founder, Hungarian Jew and Silicon Valley elder statesman Andrew Grove died “of undisclosed causes,” at around the time this meeting was taking place.
Grove was responsible for putting a back door in all Intel computer chips to allow full access to what is in everybody’s computers, sources at Oracle say. Pentagon control of Silicon Valley will almost certainly drastically cut off the flow of information to the Khazarian mafia.
This take over may be why the internet is suddenly filling up with revelations of top Khazarian power brokers’ Satanic connections.
In a related move, the FBI was forced to back off its attempt to gain a back door into i-phones “due to massive opposition against invasion of privacy via phone backdoors,” Pentagon sources say.
Pentagon control of Silicon Valley should also make it much harder to electronically rig the US presidential election. A recent string of losses by Hillary Clinton may be evidence the vote rigging is being stopped.
Also in the US presidential campaign, Donald Trump disappointed many people with what appeared to be a groveling speech to the Jewish AIPAC lobby. At this speech Trump, who always just speaks his mind, read a pre-vetted speech from a teleprompter, several US based sources note.
The aim of Trump’s kowtowing to the Jewish lobby was to prevent his assassination and also to help the Jews free themselves from Khazarian mafia mind control, the sources say.
In any case, immediately after the speech Trump gave interviews saying the US should stop providing military protection for other countries free of charge. The biggest beneficiaries of this largess are NATO and Israel.
The Trump comments about NATO, which includes Turkey, were also aimed at underlining the fact the US military would not fight to protect Turkey from Russia. Without US support NATO, even with Turkey, would not stand a chance against Russia’s military.
Trump also mistakenly believes the Japanese are getting a free ride on defense when in fact they are paying the US military bills in Japan.
In another major development, Blackwater (Bush’s American SS army) founder Eric Prince has been forced to flee the US as the Department of Justice closes in on him for a large list of crimes including money laundering, murder, arms trafficking and more. Prince is now in Khazarian mafia stronghold Turkey.
However, Turkish President Recep Erdogan is becoming paranoid and isolated and will not be able to either stay in power or shelter Prince much longer. Prince also tried to sell his services to the Chinese to protect their operations in Africa but the Chinese only pretended to show interest in order to find out about his operations, Chinese government sources say.
Speaking about China, Rockefeller bagman Henry Kissinger went there on March 19th but was only allowed to meet with #4 General Gen Fang Fenghui. Kissinger was almost certainly there to discuss gold and the situation in Indonesia. Kissinger may have also been trying to block the 8000 ton gold deal mentioned in this newsletter.
It is a good guess he returned without gold because Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has made a firm decision to stop supporting the Khazarian cabal, according to CIA sources in Asia. This Jokowi decision infuriated the Khazarians who immediately began paying professional agents provocateurs to stage riots in the capital Jakarta, the sources say.
There was also an incident last week where the Indonesian coast guard intercepted a Chinese “fishing vessel” in Indonesian waters. The “fishing vessel” was packed to the gills in electronic surveillance equipment and, as it was being towed by the Indonesians, a Chinese coast guard vessel rammed it and sank it, the sources say.
The Indonesians have decided they want to provide gold to keep the US military in business around the Straits of Malacca in order to ensure they do not fall under complete Chinese control, they add.
Chinese government sources, for their part, say they do not mind a US military presence in the region so long as peace and freedom of navigation is maintained. They also say that colonialism has deprived them of much of their traditional control of the Islands near China and that China wants to assert its historical rights so, clearly, there is still a lot of horse trading to be done in the South China Sea.
Meanwhile in South America the Khazarian mob is struggling desperately to seize control of Brazil, a former Nazi shelter. To this end, they sabotaged the plane of meritocracy advocate Roger Agnelli. Agnelli was head of Vale, the world’s largest iron ore company.
He was also one of the Khazarian mob’s biggest enemies in the region, Pentagon sources say. Despite this, Brazil is not going to let the Khazarian destabilization campaign against their government succeed, multiple sources agree.
Also in South America, US President Barack Obama declassified files on the US government’s involvement in Argentina’s dirty war. These revelations were made in part to “help the Jesuit Pope [Francis] to retire since he was chummy with the [Jorge] Videla led junta,” CIA sources say.
So here we have the CIA partially confirming what Russian sources are saying and that is that Pope Francis is going to make some sort of big announcement and retire soon.
We are hoping the announcement will be of a jubilee (world debt write-off), asset redistribution and a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
There are also a lot of people who want to hear disclosures about UFOs and off world life. The people at the P2 lodge, who sit above the Vatican, claim they have been in regular touch with off world entities for thousands of years. If so, then let us all have a chance to see them, hear about them and possibly even meet them.
We can also reveal here that the Chinese, through the Dragon families, also claim extra-terrestrial contact going back thousands of years. Perhaps they will also start telling the world public more on that subject.
March 22, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Something is happening around Antarctica these days that is shrouded in secrecy but is also attracting a lot of heavy hitters. The visit to Antarctica by Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, in February was the first sign of something unusual happening. Now this week US Presidential spokesperson Barack Obama will be visiting the Nazi South American headquarters in Bariloche, in Southern Argentina.
Just before the Obama visit, it was revealed that China has built a giant space exploration base in Southern Argentina. Following this revelation, the Argentine government reported they sank a “Chinese fishing boat,” near a restricted area off the coast of Southern Argentina. Pentagon sources say the boat was probably a Chinese spy vessel since a normal fishing vessel would have responded to Argentine warnings.
Furthermore, the heavy handed attempt Khazarian mafia attempt to overthrow the government of Brazil has now failed, depriving the Khazarian mafia of Brazil as a place to flee now that the American people are waking up to the crimes that have been committed against them, CIA sources in South America say.
Now CIA sources in Asia are saying their connections “who are above the government,” are all “flying South,” this week and hinted strongly that “South” referred to Antarctica. This is all very interesting because years ago Paul Laine, a source in Pentagon military intelligence, told this writer the then state of the art UK guided missile destroyer HMS Sheffield had been captured by Nazis operating out of an undersea base in the region. The Sheffield was supposedly sunk in 1982 during the Falklands war between Argentina and the UK by an Exocet missile.
This increase in highly secret activity in the Southern Hemisphere near Antarctica is somehow connected to ongoing negotiations over a gold mine in Papua, New Guinea, that Laine also indicated was the location of a Nazi secret base.
America’s top spy, James Clapper, flew to Australia last week in what Australian media reports described as a “secret visit.”
One topic of discussion is the revelation a Chinese company has acquired a 99 year lease on the Australian harbour at Darwin that includes Australian Navy facilities.
However, there is also a very different agenda being discussed connected to gold and secret bases. CIA sources in Asia say that also present at the meeting were top Indonesian and Australian military officials. At one level, the discussions are about allowing the US military to station a fleet around Badua Island, close to the South China Sea.
At another level, the negotiations are also about giant new gold and platinum reserves found in the same general area as the giant Freeport McMoRan mine (and secret base) is located, Indonesian sources say.
Indonesian President Joko Widodo is also expected to visit this week the Indonesian equator monument that is supposed to be the location of a giant gold stash, the sources say. The US military is keen to build a giant new harbour there, in part as a cover for a gold recovery operation, CIA sources say,
Meanwhile the Asian side has revealed more details about a gold transaction being negotiated in order to provide funding for the creation of a future planning agency. At present, 8000 metric tons of gold (worth about $320 billion at current market prices) are on offer by the Asians at a 13% discount from the market price. Of this, 4000 tons would come from Thailand and 4000 tons from China, Chinese government sources say.
Of the 13% discount, 10% would go towards setting up the planning agency and remaining 3% would be for commissions, the government officials say. The gold on offer is what is known as “black gold” or off-ledger gold. This gold, mostly held by Asian royal families, has been kept out of the Western financial system because allowing the Asians to cash their gold would give them overwhelming financial and thus global, power.
In this deal, the Asians would get dollars and other hard currency that can be used around the world while the gold starved Westerners would be able to replenish their bullion coffers. As of this writing, no formal Western response has been received for the 8000 ton offer but one is expected soon.
In related news, this writer participated in the taping of a Japanese prime TV show due to be aired on March 31st that will show the Japanese public clear evidence of Western cabal plans to kill 90% of the world’s population.
The show includes footage of the notorious Georgia Guide Stones. The show also includes a segment discussing why Princess Diana was murdered and a segment about Native American contacts with possible aliens. This appears to be the beginning of some sort of disclosure process.
It must be noted this show must have been approved by US Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy. Kennedy’s father, President John F. Kennedy, was murdered in part because he wanted to use Asian gold to take the US dollar out of the control of the Khazarian mafia cabal.
We are also now hearing from the US military that the “North Korean submarine” sunk recently was actually an Israeli submarine that was sunk on March 11th “in remembrance for Fukushima.” However, Pentagon sources say “Israel still has two more subs and much more to pay because 16 US ships that aided Japan in operation tomodachi after 311 are still contaminated.”
Another Khazarian crime that is still to be fully punished is the downing of Malaysian airlines flight 370. Pentagon sources are saying that Goldman Sachs may have been used to pay Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak $680 million to help cover up the hijacking of this plane to prevent the return home of 20 Chinese engineers working for Freescale Semiconductors. FBI Director Jim Comey visited China on March 14th, likely as a part of this probe that also involves Russian investigators, the sources said.
Inside the US as well, the takedown of the Khazarian mafia is proceeding at an accelerating pace. For one thing, the various death threats against Republican candidate Donald Trump are being firmly dealt with by the Secret Service and other enforcement authorities. The rent a mobs being hired by George Soros are also being dealt with.
The attacks on Hillary Clinton have also escalated to such an extent that even the New York Times propaganda rag has come out with stories that the Clintons handed over uranium mines in the US to the Russians in tandem with donations to their foundation.
Meanwhile Presidential spokesperson Barack Obama’s attempt to place Khazarian Jew Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court to replace Antonin Scalia has created a huge backlash of opposition. Garland was involved in the cover-up of the Oklahoma city bombings and is in support of gun control. His appointment is opposed by Republicans, the Vatican, the military, the NRA, militia members and many others. It is almost as if he was selected deliberately to galvanize opposition to Khazarian mob rule.
The other Khazarian mafia stronghold under attack is the widely reviled Monsanto Corporation. Their attempt to ban the labelling of GMO crops on foodstuffs has backfired, and now several major food makers, including General Mills and Campbell Soup, have promised to label GMO foods.
Furthermore, the FBI is now probing the various food poisoning outbreaks that affected the Chipotle fast food chain after it announced it was going GMO free. Initial evidence is pointing to Monsanto goons as being the culprits, FBI sources say.
In the Middle East, meanwhile, the UN and the US have begun to openly call Turkish and Saudi Arabian attacks war crimes and genocide. This is paving the way for a major military campaign to clean up that troubled region once and for all.
Turkish President Recep Erdogan seems to losing control of his senses under the pressure as evidenced by recent statements calling journalists and politicians “terrorists.”
The Turkish military know they will have to dump him if they are to save their country from dismemberment.
It may be already too late for Saudi Arabia to do the same. A Saudi Prince, who was involved in an attempt to offer the White Dragon Society $25 trillion to go away, once admitted “we have been obeying them for so long,” that his countries’ rulers could not contemplate any other course.
The “them” was a reference to the Khazarian mob but, in the context, he was clearly referring to something even more ancient and evil. This is the human slaver guild known to history as the Hyksos, who worshipped a goat faced being with a forked tail we refer to as Satan. Certainly the recent actions of the Saudis, such as bombing markets and killing innocent people, can only be described as Satanic.
On a final note, Russian sources say Pope Francis is planning to make a major announcement, possibly in May, and then retire. While experience has taught us to be wary of specific dates or deadlines, it is undeniable that major world changes are taking place. The WDS, for its part, will make some sort of announcement if and when it sees the actual physical gold mentioned
March 15, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The back-room negotiations to release funds to finance a massive world clean-up took a dramatic turn last week as Indonesian President Joko Widodo made a sudden decision to fly to Holland to discuss gold, CIA sources in Indonesia say. Widodo, or Jokowi as he is known, decided to visit Holland, the former colonial rulers of Indonesia, to avoid civil war, they say.
The civil war would be between factions supporting China and those who lean towards the West, the sources say. In Holland Jokowi will be meeting with representatives of the P2 Freemason lodge who will be asking for access to gold stored in Indonesian bunkers, they say.
The Indonesian press article about the planned visit quotes an Indonesian government official who says “there will be a major surprise within two weeks time.”
In relation to this, US Secretary of State John Kerry has contacted White Dragon Society representatives in Indonesia to also ask for the gold, the CIA sources say. Skull and Bones Satanist Kerry will not get any, WDS sources say.
Kerry and his fellow cabalists are panicking because the real US economy is in big trouble. The latest sign of this is the fact that wholesale inventories are now piling up at record levels.
Chinese exports in February also plunged by 25% year on year largely due to a drop in sales to the US, which has no money to pay for them. This US economic malaise is why negotiations to set up the future planning agency have suddenly taken on momentum. The planning agency would be happy to support the US people just not the Khazarian Mafiosi now running the country, WDS sources say.
The US military, for its part, has made it clear it would like to have permission from the Indonesian navy to station a fleet around Benua Island, in order to gain “maritime domain awareness,” in the region. In other words, they want to be sure to have a key base close to the South China Sea to ensure China does not become an aggressor in the region.
This is their condition for reaching a deal with the Asian dragon family to allow the creation of the future planning agency, several sources say.
Meanwhile, buyers calling themselves the “Golden Dragon Family” have emerged willing to buy an initial 20 Metric tons of gold, Pentagon and CIA sources say. Chinese government sources, for their part, would prefer an initial deal for 50 tons and say 1000 tons can be made available within 3 months.
Documents are being sent and due diligence is being done to ensure this is deal turns into reality, representatives of both sides confirm. The gold is being sold, as mentioned last week, at a 13% discount with 3% for commissions and 10% for establishing the meritocratically staffed future planning agency.
The WDS will get involved when the actual physical gold is made available for inspection in Hong Kong, possibly later this month or early next month.
If this deal fails to materialize, or is sabotaged by the Khazarian mafia, it will be time to bring out the pitchforks, WDS sources say.
Meanwhile, gnostic illuminati grandmaster “Alexander Romanov,” came to visit a WDS representative last week at the “request of the NSA.” The NSA wanted details about a meeting that took place on March 10th, 2011, just prior to the 311 nuclear and tsunami attack.
The WDS was able to disclose that GPS signals sent at 12:34 on March 11, a couple of hours before the tsunami and nuclear attack, were sent to activate a protective barrier that kept both waves and radiation from passing the Ogasawara Island chain near Tokyo.
This was why there was no need to evacuate 50 million people from greater Tokyo as was intended by the perpetrators of this atrocity. This is also why the radiation from Fukushima has mostly vanished.
This same mysterious protective agency also prevented a tsunami from emerging after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Indonesia on March 2nd, the WDS sources say.
“Alexander Romanov,” also explained why he was locked up again by the Japanese authorities until recently. It turns out he was sitting drunk in a park when local Japanese police asked him for ID. Since he does not have any (his ID has all been confiscated) he was taken away to the station until higher levels of the police instructed that he be let go.
When he returned to his house there was a car with the license number 666 parked in front of it. The drunk and angry Romanov then stabbed the driver of this car in the neck with a combination bottle and can opener.
Shortly after that he was hauled away by about 20 policemen and put in “protective custody.” Romanov was let go after promising not to cause any more such incidents. Such is the life of a genuine illuminati grandmaster.
In any case, Romanov also said he had a message from the CIA colony known as North Korea. Kim Jong Un would like to be emperor of the future united entity of Korea and Japan. Kim would be a more genuine emperor than the Rothschild puppet currently sitting on the throne, Romanov says.
The North Koreans know how to contact the WDS without going through Romanov so it is hard to know what to make of this. However, the recent sanctions put on North Korea by Russia, China, the US and Japan are actually hurting a lot and forcing the North Koreans to the negotiating table. This may thus be a genuine negotiating ploy.
In relation to this, the recent “North Korean Submarine,” reported sunk by the US military during US/South Korean wargames was actually an Israeli submarine that was planning to launch a nuclear missile at the US and blame it on North Korea, according to Japanese military intelligence sources. This was a submarine that was recently delivered to Israel by Germany, Pentagon sources say.
Speaking about Israel, US Vice President Joe Biden went there on March 8th to tell Satanist Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu that the new Russian/Vatican alliance will force Israel to stop its international anti-social behavior, Pentagon sources say.
A planned UN resolution will call for “a two state solution forcing Israel to withdraw to 1949 lines, lift the genocidal Gaza siege and make East Jerusalem as capital for Palestine,” they say. Failure to comply will lead to UN sanctions and an arms embargo, they add. In addition, UN troops led by Russia may evict armed settlers and protect Gaza, they say
On top of this Russia is pressuring the US to declare ISIS is committing genocide against Christians. Doing so would allow for UN sanctions against ISIS sponsors Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel, the sources say. It would also open up Israeli, Turkish and Saudi war criminals to prosecution, they note.
In addition to laying down the law to the Israelis about their trouble making in the Middle East, Biden also told Netanyahu to keep the Israeli lobby out of the US presidential election, the sources say. The military, FBI and agency rank and file are determined not to let any Khazarian mafia stooge like Hillary Clinton be elected as president this time.
The Pentagon sources are saying the election is likely to be one between Donald Trump and Vice-President Biden. Biden is biding his time and waiting to step in after Hillary Clinton is indicted, pentagon and agency sources say. On that front the, “military is involved with a secret grand jury that may have gone rogue against those trying to stop the investigation of Hillary,” one of the sources says.
Another investigation, this involving authorities in the US, Malaysia, Singapore, Abu Dhabi and Switzerland is also closing in on the Khazarian mafia. At present news reports say the investigation centers around corrupt Malaysian government officials and Tim Liessner, until recently head of Goldman Sachs in South East Asia.
However, WDS sources in South East Asia say the real aim of the investigation is to get to the bottom of the missing Malaysian Airlines flight 370 and its re-incarnation as flight 17 shot down over the Ukraine.
FBI sources are also now revealing that in 2013 they busted an Israeli Mossad terror operation that was planning to use kiosks to stage Kenya style massacres at shopping malls in the US. The Israeli owners of the targeted malls were hoping to reap a major insurance pay off from this, the sources say.
Meanwhile in Europe, General Philip Breedlove, the head of NATO forces, was fired last week “for being Strangelove [a proponent of nuclear Armageddon] and too close to neocon Victoria Nuland,” Pentagon sources say.
In other words, Breedlove was not going along with the new Pentagon Russian alliance that was cemented at the historical first in 962 year meeting between the Pope and the Russian Patriarch on February 12th.
Breedlove’s replacement, General Curtis Scaparrotti, is expected to have a less confrontational attitude towards Russia, the sources say. The change in management at NATO is likely to have a major impact on the Khazarian mafia trouble making in the Ukraine and in Europe.
March 8, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Last week Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened Turkish president Recep Erdogan that he will “restore Constantinople (Istanbul) to Christendom and protect Russian maritime security by liberating the Dardanelles and Bosphorus straits”, Pentagon sources say. “This has been the plan all along as borders will be redrawn, with Turkey expelled from Cyprus and balkanized,” they added.
This may be what prompted Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu to fly to Iran and seek peace between the Sunni and Shia factions of Islam.
If the two sides agree to a peace deal, this could mean the 1384 year-old split between the two factions of Islam might end. That is what the Turks are hoping for to counter the Russian, Western military alliance that was formalized when the Pope and the Russian Orthodox Patriarch met on February 12th, a first since 962 years ago.
However, the situation may not be that easy to resolve because of deep Turkish involvement in the Nazi coup d’etat that took place in the US on September 11th, 2001. It now seems the choice of that date for the attack on the US was linked to the fact that September 11, 1683 was the date the last Turkish attempt to convert Christian Europe by force of arms failed.
This was when the siege of Vienna was lifted by a Christian coalition just hours before a giant Turkish gunpowder mine was set to blow open the walls protecting Vienna.
The Nazi/Turkish link has deep roots in history. It can be traced to Hitler’s number 3, Rudolf Hess, who was brought up in Egypt. His resentment of the West traces to the fact that his family’s fortune was confiscated by the victorious allies after World War I.
Hess was also a member of a Turkish secret society with ancient historical links to the German Thule Society and the Italian fascist P2 Freemason lodge. These groups have long sought revenge against the West for the destruction of the German, Hapsburg and Ottoman Turkish empires after that war.
In the run up to World War II, according to British intelligence and other sources, the Germans and the Turks trained hundreds of thousands of Muslim brotherhood activists to fight against British and French rule in the Middle East. They sent many of these trained fighters and pseudo-Muslim “fundamentalists” to Saudi Arabia after World War II.
This group morphed into Al Qaeda and now ISIS.
Their latest maneuver has been to flood Europe with Muslim refugees in what the Pope has denounced as an “Arab invasion.” The Turks and their Saudi plus Nazi allies retaliated to this criticism by killing four nuns and 12 others in Yemen.
The perpetrators of this attack are not Muslims but rather worship an entity they call the Black Sun but which true believers have long known as Satan.
This Satanic network is now being systematically dismantled in ways that are visible even in the controlled Western corporate media. The rise of US presidential candidate Donald Trump is a key example of this. Last week Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the US House of Representatives, on US nation-wide Fox TV, said the Republican establishment was terrified of Trump because “He’s not one of them...he has not been through the initiation rites, he does not belong to the secret society.”
This has prompted multiple death threats against Trump, starting with Fuhrer George Bush Sr. but including others.
However, the fact is this time it is the Bushes who are running scared. According to the Pentagon sources, the recent trip by Russian Orthodox head Kirill to Paraguay “was a message to the Bushes they are not safe anywhere.” The arrested Mexican drug lord and Bush agent El Chapo is being deprived of sleep until he agrees to be extradited to the US to testify against the Bush/Clinton mafia, the sources add.
Also, the takedown of Hillary Clinton is moving along quite rapidly. Hillary’s lesbian lover and aide Huma Abedin has been indicted, her IT guy has been given immunity in exchange for testimony and a grand jury is busy interviewing people to see who will be subpoenaed for her upcoming indictment. Charges will include leaking state secrets and using the Clinton Foundation like a secret government among other things, FBI sources say.
Another obvious sign that it is not business and usual is the fact that David de Rothschild, head of the Swiss branch of the Rothschild banking family, is on the run from the police.
David de Rothschild’s name came up frequently in negotiations between the White Dragon Society and other Western secret societies before the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear attack against Japan.
After 311, the Rothchilds’ representative Dr. Michael Van de Meer (aka Michael Meiring) told this writer the attack was aimed at forcing 50 million Japanese to move from greater Tokyo to North Korea where the Rothschilds planned to establish their new Asian headquarters.
A while after the 311 attacks, then Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan told a packed press conference at the Foreign Correspondent’s Club that he had been strongly encouraged after the attacks to evacuate greater Tokyo. Despite the fact pretty much the entire Western press corps and all major Japanese news media outlets had reporters there, nobody reported on these comments.
Now suddenly, Kan’s story of being pressed to evacuate 50 million people is suddenly all over the world’s news outlets as the 5th anniversary of this terror attack approaches.
While Rothschild is presently wanted for fraud, it is only a matter of time before his and his families’ role in that mass murder incident will also be investigated.
The Rothschild colony of brainwashed Europeans known as Israel is also under serious siege now. US intelligence has told their Russian counterparts that Israel is suspected of using Turkey as a proxy, “to avoid Russian wrath,” in the recent murder of Russian GRU military intelligence chief Igor Sergun. This has backfired because it “has only deepened Russia/US military and intelligence cooperation,” the US sources say.
To underline this, top US general Joseph Dunford went to Israel on March 3rd and warned the Israelis not to assassinate Trump “or any other of the good guys.” They were also told to stop any infiltration of terrorists into Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. Furthermore, US Vice-President Joe Biden will be in Israel on March 8th to warn them to stop cooperating with either Turkey or Saudi Arabia.
The Chinese have also shown what side of the fence they are sitting on by instituting a 6 day visa free program for the Shanghai region that includes 51 countries like the USA, Japan, Russia, France and the UK but deliberately excludes Israel. The Japanese government is also restricting visas for Israelis.
Meanwhile, things are also heating up on the economic front. World shipping remains in the “worst slump since the Vikings.”
The Nazi puppet regime in the Ukraine has become bankrupt and dysfunctional while major Western banks continue to survive by means of fraudulent accounting. Now the Canadian government has publicly admitted it has sold off the last of its official gold reserves.
This is interesting because the Canadians were probably the last people on earth willing to trade gold for Federal Reserve Board debt notes mistakenly called “US dollars.”
The Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, world headquarters for privately owned central banks, itself is almost certainly in big trouble. Of its 21 governors, only 4 are not European or North American (there is a token one each for Brazil, China, India and Japan). Even the BIS may be running out of gold at this point.
That may be why intrigue is heating up on the gold front. White Dragon Society allies in Darwin, Australia say the US military has 4,000 troops there training for “some sort of special operation.” Darwin is the closest place in Australia to the cabal controlled Freeport McMoRan gold mine and Nazi submarine base in Papua. The US military might be planning a move on it, the source speculated.
A CIA source in South East Asia, meanwhile, was intrigued by this newsletter’s report that Persian royal family gold in Thailand was making its way to Hong Kong. He said the Persian gold had been made slightly radioactive so that it could be traced by satellite and that the report was right to say Hong Kong was where it was ending up.
The Asian allies are now saying the gold will be made available at a 13% discount from the market price for minimum orders of 20 tons. Of the 13% discount, 10% was to finance the new future planning agency and 3% was for commissions, they said. Proof of the gold’s existence is supposed to be provided to the WDS in Hong Kong possibly later this month, Chinese government sources say. When the proof is provided, it will be made public, the WDS says.
As all of the above shows, and multiple sources agree, something very big and worldwide is coming down. Many insiders say it could happen as early as this month or April. We shall see how events unfold. One thing to watch for is to see if anything happens around March 24th, when US corporate government spokesperson Barack Obama visits Nazi South American headquarters in Bariloche, Argentina.
March 1, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
A stand-off at a the G20 finance minister’s meeting in China last week is reflected in public calls by China to replace the US dollar and threats by the US military to start a nuclear war. The US military also say they stand ready to enforce any decisions by the international court of justice at The Hague over territorial disputes in the South China sea.
In other words, there is some serious horse-trading and table pounding going on at the highest levels of global finance.
Since the Khazarian bankers refused to accept Chinese proposals to reform the international financial architecture, last week they formally launched the BRICS development bank to complement the already up and operating Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. In other words they are saying “if you do not let us into your club, we will just go ahead and start our own club without you.”
The fact is the BRICS know that time is on their side because the Western countries no longer have the industrial or resource base needed to support their world domination. In other words, there is not enough reality to support their money illusion any more.
That is why the Khazarian mafia controlled Western economic and financial systems are slowly imploding. This can be seen with the fall in stock markets, commodity prices etc. and the desperate move to negative interest rates.
The Khazarian bankers have also, under the surface, already been forced to test and use the BRICS controlled CIPS international settlements system that is set to replace the Khazarian controlled SWIFT system.
This has created a very dangerous situation because Pentagon officials have made it clear that if they are faced with a choice between a Soviet Union style collapse or war, they will choose war. That is why we are seeing US nuclear missile tests and aggressive talk.
There is also a very tense situation unfolding now in Indonesia and in the South China Sea, which could erupt into war and regime change in Indonesia. Indonesian President Joko Widodo, according to WDS sources there, is being offered huge bribes by the owners of the Freeport McMoRan gold mine to allow them to keep control of their mine and secret military base there. However, Widodo has also accepted a $35 billion infrastructure offer from the Chinese, who want the base shut down.
The White Dragon Society is offering to solve this situation by setting up a future planning agency to oversee a transition of the Western military industrial complex into something more benevolent. Asian allies last week offered to support the WDS by making available large quantities of gold, ready for pick up in Hong Kong, at a 10% discount to market prices.
The condition for this is that some of the 10% goes to help set up the planning agency. To show its sincerity, the WDS can reveal there is a stash of 4000 tons of gold that can be seen at 0 degrees 00′03.69″N, 109 degrees 19′19.85″ E. on Google earth. It is marked by a big white line.
There has also been a lot of cloak and dagger stuff going on with the gnostic illuminati, the Khazarian mafia and US military intelligence all sending agents last week to talk to a WDS representative in Tokyo.
The gnostic illuminati agent “Alexander Romanov,” recently emerged from yet another bout of forcible confinement in a mental hospital, said there was a hydrogen bomb in Aleppo, Syria under the control of “ISIS” mercenaries. Romanov is the first person to publicly warn about ISIS and 311 so, his information is credible.
He also said the ISIS forces were ready to blow a dam and “flood the green zone,” in Baghdad, Iraq. He further conveyed threats to start random acts of terror in Japan, Europe and the US.
Apparently the Nazis behind ISIS and the troubles in the Ukraine are not happy with the joint Russian, Pentagon campaign against their forces. The Russian and Pentagon bombing of their forces in Syria, Iraq and Libya is taking its toll. So is the cut off of their drug money. That is why they are making vicious threats.
On a brighter note, is seems the ISIS and Nazi mercenaries are willing to be bought off for a reasonable price. The WDS representative told Romanov that if his group harmed innocents, they would be hunted down and killed. It was suggested that random acts of terror against innocents would harm their cause but that they were welcome to go after the guilty. We all know who they are.
Another person, and American woman we shall call “Eva,” communicated using hand delivered, hand written notes to arrange a meeting with the WDS. She claimed to have some interesting information about the Khazarian mafia’s network in Japan. She said it was it was headed by an ex US State Department official by the name of Alfredo Salazar running an outfit called Winstone.
Salazar gets documentation from dying people in order to create a tax free slush fund for his agents in Japan, according to Eva. Eva, who appeared genuinely terrified, said she contacted the WDS because suspected she was going to be blamed for an upcoming terrorist attack in Japan and then killed.
This writer was unable to contact Mr. Salazar to get his side of the story but is hoping to hear from him soon. In any case, Eva gave the WDS the names and addresses of all the members of Salazars’ network in Japan. Should anything happen to Eva, the network will be cleaned out.
The third agent to show up was a self-described son of a Japanese CIA agent who said he was taking the drug scopolamine. He certainly appeared wired up in a weird way. He brought a bottle of wine from the New Sanno Hotel in Tokyo, which is restricted to US military personnel or government officials.
It is known as the place where the US Japan handlers give out orders to their Japanese flunkies. This individual also claimed he was the person responsible for the incidents in early 2014 when a total of 300 copies of the diaries of Anne Frank were found ripped up in 38 libraries.
He seemed to be a genuine mk-ultra (trauma based mind control) victim but it was not clear what his business was with the WDS.
In any case, the arrival of these human, analogue (as opposed to digital or internet based), communications show that a serious power struggle is coming to a head.
This is being seen most vividly inside the US. Pentagon sources say Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was killed not only because he opposed the carbon trading scam but also because he was supporting class action suits against big Khazarian mob corporations and because he was working with the US military.
In addition to killing Scalia, the Khazarian mob recently staged failed murder attempts against Supreme Court Justice John Roberts and top US general Joseph Dunford. Also, George Bush Sr. last week openly threatened to kill US presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Bush is upset because his son Jeb was forced to bow out because of ties to 911, drug trafficking, cocaine use, murder and more. However, Pentagon sources say Jeb’s withdrawal from the presidential race “will not spare the Bushes.”
The successful and failed murder attempts have only strengthened the resolve of a coalition of the US military, the mafia, the Vatican, the Freemasons and all patriots in the US to destroy the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia.
Already, Khazarian mob power broker and casino boss Sheldon Adelson has been forced to back off meddling in US politics by the arrest of bribed police officials in Macau, China and Chinese threats to shut down his Macau gambling source of cash and power. That is why Adelson is staying on the sidelines in the current US presidential race. The Koch Brothers, another set of US power brokers, for their part, have approached the WDS with tentative offers of support.
The US military, to bolster their alliance with Russia, are considering allowing Russian spy planes to fly over the US to search for nuclear weapons or dirty bombs that may be under control of Khazarian mafia agents inside the US, the Pentagon sources say.
In the Middle East, meanwhile, the Saudi Arabian cut off of aid to Lebanon is an admission the Khazarian mafia no longer control that country. Hezbollah now de facto runs Lebanon backed by Russia and Iran. Furthermore, Hezbollah and Iranian troops have now been posted on the Israeli border in the Golan Heights. They are there to prevent any further aid going from Israel to ISIS inside Syria.
Also, the Khazarian mob controlled country of Saudi Arabia has been “set up for destruction,” in order to end their ISIS support, according to Pentagon sources. This will also allow the US government to write off their $5 trillion in US Treasury holdings, the sources say.
Finally, let us end this report with some bits of good news. First of all, the secret behind free energy from water has now been publicly revealed and is being made openly available.
There is also plenty of good environmental news such as China and India cleaning up their major river systems and the monarch butterfly population tripling. The life force is striking back at Satanic anti-life.
February 22, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Last week Zhou Xiaochuan, the head of China’s central bank, announced, in a jargon filled technical interview, that China would no longer be pegging its currency to the US dollar. Instead, the Chinese yuan will be linked to a broad basket of currencies, Zhou said.
This seemingly arcane shift could trigger a collapse in the US dollar, which, as economist Peter Schiff put it “will be the single largest event in human history.”
The fact is that 84% of the US workforce is in the service sector (banking, government, retail etc.), meaning they do not actually make anything. In other words, the Americans do not make enough stuff to pay for the stuff they are getting from the rest of the world.
The corporate propaganda media still cling to the lie that the US is the world’s biggest economy and China is number two. That is outright fiction. The Chinese, for example, produce 11 times more steel than the US and, in the last 3 years alone, have produced more concrete than the US used during the entire 20th century.
The Chinese have decided enough it enough and demanded real payment for their goods, not so-called US dollars.
The significance of the shift has been underlined by the double digit collapse in world trade in January and the shutting of US ports. Chinese exports in January fell by 11.2% year on year while imports fell 18.8%. Most of this was related to the US. The message was clear, the US was not going to be allowed any more to pay for stuff with money printed out of thin air.
This Chinese move is what prompted US Corporate Government Presidential spokesperson Barack Obama to ask Chinese elders and the Rothschild family for permission to devalue the US dollar, which was, as reported here last week, denied.
The failure to get permission to devalue the US dollar prompted Obama’s handlers to call an unscheduled emergency summit meeting of ASEAN heads of state last week in California.
In fact, the real meeting that took place in California was between General Joseph Dunford, head of the US military and General Mulyono, chief of staff of the Indonesian armed forces. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss gold, lots of gold, according to US based Pentagon sources and Indonesian based CIA sources. As a result of this meeting, the US was given the right to finance itself by exporting gold to China from the gigantic Freeport McMoRan mine in Papua.
According to the CIA source, the gold ore is turned into slurry and pumped straight into ships that take it to Hong Kong for refining. The amount is unknown but apparently enough to keep the US government functioning.
According to the CIA source, the gold ore is turned into slurry and pumped straight into ships that take it to Hong Kong for refining. The amount is unknown but apparently enough to keep the US government functioning.
Furthermore, at this meeting the US military was given permission to develop a massive new platinum and gold deposit and set up bases on Indonesian islands near the South China Sea. The Indonesians will get a large piece of the action, plus protection, in exchange for their cooperation, the sources said.
The bigger story behind all of this is that the US military has been building a global military alliance to make sure we do not end up with a one China world.
On February 11th, before the meeting with the Indonesian army chief, General Dunford met with the heads of the Japanese and South Korean armed forces, ostensibly to discuss “North Korean missiles.”
The real point of the meeting was to ensure the Japanese and Korean armed forces aligned with the Russian, US and European military alliance that was sealed when the Pope met with the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kiril on February 12th, White Dragon Society sources say.
This alliance, in addition to keeping China in check, is aiming to straighten out the Middle East. On that front Obama was instructed to tell the world that Saudi Arabia has nuclear weapons. The message being sent, according to Pentagon sources, was that it would be OK for the Russians to use nuclear weapons to attack Saudi Arabia. There is also a secret understanding that NATO will not defend Turkey if Russia attacks, the sources say.
The Turks and the Saudis, along with their Nazi allies in the Ukraine, have assembled an army over a million strong with up to 3500 tanks, over 3000 high performance aircraft and advanced missile systems.
They also have at least 200 nuclear weapons supplied by Israel or stolen from NATO arsenals in Turkey. This army has been assembled to create an Islamic super state or caliphate. This state is intended to include Northern Africa, the Middle East and large parts of central Asia.
The floods of Muslim refugees being poured into Europe are almost certainly being used as pressure to get European acquiescence to this plan.
However, the Turkish and Saudi military brass have told their US counterparts they will overthrow their political leaders if they try to order them to use this vast army in a suicidal move against the US/Russian military alliance.
Saudi Arabia and Turkey are also feeling a financial pinch respectively from drops in oil prices and drops in trade and tourism. This pinch forced Saudi Arabia to cancel $4 billion worth of military aid to Lebanon, Pentagon sources.
The losers in this case were, the Pentagon sources said: “the Jewish mafia behind the French arms companies.” In addition, the Iranian aligned Hezbollah is being armed by Russia and, the sources say, “may act as a proxy for Russia to nuke Israel.”
Furthermore, the Italians have started probing Turkish President Recep Erdogan’s son Bilal for money laundering. The message being sent to the Turkish leadership is that they are not above the law. Some sort of Muslim federation will arise when the dust settles but it will arise through negotiations and plebiscites, not war, WDS sources say.
Meanwhile, the Pope’s airplane “was lasered by drug cartel operatives,” in Mexico last week to signal their displeasure at his efforts to cut off drug money.
There also appears to be some serious X-files type of stuff going on in relationship to all of this. Recall that the Vatican was hit by lighting during the deliberations that ended up in the selection of Pope Francis. Then, Mecca in Saudi Arabia, was hit by lightning leading to over 100 deaths last September.
Following that a Russian research vessel showed up in Jeddah, the Saudi port close to Mecca.
The Sorcha Faal news site run by US Naval intelligence wrote recently the vessel was there to transport some sort of secret weapon uncovered in Mecca and transport it to Antarctica.
This news site was described by British MI6 intelligence sources as being anywhere from 90% to 10% true with disinformation mixed in. However, what brings our attention to this article at this time is the fact Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kiril last week went to Antarctica to meet the Russian ship.
Pentaon sources say Kiril went to Antarctica “to extend Russian claims like papal bulls that gave Spain much of the new world.” However, there is almost certainly more to this than a simple claim on frozen land.
February 15, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Events continue to unfold at a blistering pace as the post-war world order continues its collapse while the fight over what to replace it with rages on. The biggest happening was the first meeting between a Pope and a Russian Orthodox Patriarch in 962 years. The weirdest thing about this event can be seen in this photograph of the meeting put out by the Vatican that shows a skull and bones right in the center between the two religious leaders.
P2 Freemason Lodge sources, the people who give orders to the Vatican, say the skull and bones is just a symbol of rebirth. In this case, it means both the Patriarch and the Pope believe the Messiah has returned, the sources say.
However, CIA sources say the real reason the Pope was anxious to meet the Patriarch is that the Vatican wants Russian military protection to ensure its survival. Russian sources, meanwhile, say the two men signed a “Secret International Memorandum about the creation of the new planetary religion and the NEW WORLD ORDER,” and that this would come into force May 1st, 2016.
The Vatican may be feeling a sense of urgency to announce something new because the debt based financial system it has been the secret controller of is visibly collapsing. Three separate US sources, one from the Pentagon and two from the CIA, say US Corporate government spokesman Barack Obama last week, facing the collapse of the US banking system, met in California with representatives of the Rothschild Family and with Chinese elders to ask for permission to devalue the US dollar. He was told no, because most US dollars are not owned by Americans and the rest of the world does not want to see their hard earned money lose its value. Obama was also denied access to any new funding for his corporate government.
This refusal set of serious infighting inside the US power structure between a faction that wants to restore the Republic of the United States of America and one that wants to preserve the status quo.
As a part of this struggle, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was murdered by means of a heart attack inducing dart, CIA sources say. Official news releases confirm no autopsy was performed and that his body has already been cremated.
Pentagon sources say Scalia was killed because he was opposed to the Paris agreement “global warming” carbon tax and because he supported a return to the Republic and loyalty to the US constitution. Replacing Scalia with a more pliable judge will pack the supreme court with a 5 to 4 majority to support carbon taxes and such things as untrammeled immigration, gun control etc.
The Catholic ethnic Italian Scalia died in Texas, home turf of the Bush clan, just as Pope Francis was in Mexico trying to ensure a cut-off of drug money to the Bush Khazarian Nazi faction. Several sources also claim that Chief Justice John Roberts, also a Catholic, himself narrowly survived a murder attempt last week.
In retaliation to this, CIA sources say Bush/Clinton mob honcho Hillary Clinton has already been secretly indicted and that Bill Clinton “has been given only a few months to live because of a brain disorder.”
There has also been an attack on the Khazarian mafia controlled Department of Homeland Security last week when private details of 10,000 of their employees were hacked and given to Pentagon and agency white hats. This hack came as part of preparations for a civil war that might follow the declaration of bankruptcy of the US corporate government, Pentagon sources say.
As a part of this, Wells Fargo Bank has been training its staff for an “emergency scenario,” where they would close branches and only allow three people to enter at a time under the watch of armed guards, the sources say. FEMA meanwhile is “beta testing bank holidays on February 18-19,” in preparation for a collapse of the banking system, they say.
The Khazarian mafia has been putting out scare stories about empty super market shelves and food shortages in an attempt to blackmail the US population into submission.
However, supporters of restoring the Republic have an alternative plan that involves cancelling debt, returning stolen assets to the people and issuing a new US currency to replace the Khazarian debt slavery instrument mis-labelled as the “US dollar.” In such a scenario, the US would declare itself not obliged to pay the unpayable international debt burden of the bankrupt US corporate government it replaces.
The Khazarian faction in the US, for its part, wants to ban cash and introduce negative interest rates. The belief negative interest rates would stimulate the real economy comes from the false assumption that paper and numbers in computers called “money” are a substitute for reality.
In this view, negative rates will force people to spend their money in order to prevent it from vanishing and thus stimulate the economy. In the real world though, people know that if they put their money in the bank it will vanish so, they take it out and keep in in cash, gold, silver or anything else that actually exists in the real world and will thus not vanish through computer trickery.
In Europe, negative interest rates have failed to stimulate the real economy and instead have precipitated a death spiral of the banking system. Instead of spending more money, people, fearful for the future, are saving more and taking money out of the banking system. There are now lines around the block in London of people seeking to buy gold. Take a look at the chart on this link to see how bank shares are plunging even the gold price rises.
People are also hoarding cash because it is immune to negative interest rates. Even if the Khazarian bankers succeed in banishing cash, as they wish, they cannot banish gold, silver, diamonds and other real things.
This sort of thing has happened before many times. In the book selling district in Kanda, Tokyo, for example, you can buy Japanese World War 2 government bonds, formerly considered rock solid investments, as curios. The same is true in any other antique book district in the world. Paper is just paper when the illusion of money vanishes.
The illusion is rapidly vanishing despite central bank purchases of $12.3 trillion in assets as $8.3 trillion worth of government bonds now trade at negative interest rates, meaning the “money” is evaporating.
The word in the markets is that Deutschebank will soon go under and set off a collapse far greater than the Lehman shock of 2008. Deutschebanks’ share price has fallen by close to 50% in the past month as investors flee, fearing the implosion of its $75 trillion derivatives book backed in the real world by such things as unpayable Greek debt.
If Deutschebank goes, then it is just a matter of time before the Euro becomes a decorative paper ornament. “When Deutschebank goes, this should take down [German Chancellor Angela] Merkel, the Bushes and the big banks, who are all lashed together,” Pentagon sources say.
The British have clearly already had enough of the fascist Euro project. A recent poll of over 100,000 readers of the Express showed 92% support for leaving the eurozone.
Meanwhile, in the Middle East, events are coming to a climax. The pariah state of Israel has suffered from a 65% drop in tourism while its brainwashed, paranoid citizens hide at home from mostly imaginary “terrorists.”
Turkey and Saudi Arabia, two other Khazarian mafia controlled countries, meanwhile, bluffed to the world they were ready to send a nuclear armed army of 350,000 into Syria. Instead, when Turkey started an artillery attack on Syria, Syria went to the United Nations.
With no veto wielding country willing to support Turkish aggression, the UN, backed by Russia, the United States and China, could take moves to crush Turkey and Saudi Arabia. That is why Turkey quickly backed off.
The Chinese and Russians, together with the Pentagon, understand that a long term solution to problems in the Middle East will come from economic prosperity. They also know that the Sunni, Shia split, which basically started as an inheritance dispute between cousins, needs to be ended. This will be accomplished through negotiations, not war.
Meanwhile in Asia, the Khazarian mob is taking major hits. Most notable, and something the Khazarian corporate media is desperately trying to sweep under the carpet, is the fact that the pilot from Malaysian Air flight 370 that went missing 2 years ago, showed up in Taiwan recently.
In Japan meanwhile, the Khazarian slave regime of Shinzo Abe is on its last legs. The move to negative interest rates ordered at Davos to Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda has turned into a disaster. Instead of weakening the yen and strengthening the stock market as intended, it did the exact opposite.
Furthermore, just released GDP numbers for the October to December quarter showed the economy to be shrinking at an annualized rate of 1.4%. This means the fraud known as Abenomics has been exposed.
US military based in Japan, as well as Japanese military intelligence, contacted a White Dragon Society representative last week to ask for details on how to carry out a jubilee here.
The governments of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand have also all begun to cooperate with the WDS, several sources say. The Thais are also now working with the Russians to combat drugs and terrorism.
China, meanwhile, is on a global buying spree. Chinese enterprises have increased their overseas M&A volumes almost 10 fold since the beginning of this year compared to the same time period last year.
Finally, gnostic illuminati representatives in both Japan and Eastern Europe have renewed contact with the WDS recently.
February 8, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The first meeting between the head of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Pope in 1000 years is aimed at cementing an alliance against the Satan worshipping Khazarian mob, Russian and Pentagon sources say.
This is important because forensic research by this writer has shown the Pentagon ultimately reports to the Roman Empire (as publicly headed by the Pope) and the power behind Russian President Vladimir Putin is the Russian Orthodox Church.
“Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church agrees to meet the Pope in Cuba on Feb 12 as East-West unite to fight [the Khazarian mafia],” was how a Pentagon official described the planned meeting. Rockefeller stooge Henry Kissinger was “forced to accept a multipolar world and declare Russia not a threat but essential partner,” the official continued.
Another sign of Russian, US rapprochement is the fact that ex-Defense Intelligence Agency Chief Lt. General Mike Flynn is advising US presidential candidate Donald Trump. According to the Pentagon source, Flynn was “key to bromance between Putin and the Donald.”
Military backing is why Trump and others can now safely and openly accuse Khazarian mob candidates like Hitlery Clinton and Ted Cruz of stealing elections.
In any case, the Russian/US alliance against the Khazarian mafia is producing many results, especially in the Middle East. Khazarian top level mobster German Chancellor (and Hitler daughter) Angela Merkel is flying today (February 8th) to visit embattled Khazarian Satanist Turkish President Recep Erdogan following major defeats of their proxy armies in Syria.
Both leaders are being targeted for removal, according to Pentagon sources. Somebody should tell them their fuhrer Bush is no longer in control and that surrender is their only option.
Furthermore, Saudi Arabia, in a bow to Russia as the new power broker in the Middle East, arrested 33 ISIS supporters, including 9 American CIA agents, based on Russian intelligence tips, multiple sources agree. This makes it likely the Saudis will soon follow Iran and Russia in a move to stop selling their oil in Khazarian controlled so-called US dollars.
There are also reports Saudi Arabia has begun dumping its $8 trillion in US Treasury bond holdings. Many Saudis interpreted snow falling on Mecca as a sign from Allah that they were on the wrong path, which may explain their sudden change of tone.
Pentagon officials confirm that Russian Intelligence ties in the Middle East now include the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Egypt. Israel, facing a global boycott and UN sanctions, is also now bowing to the Russians.
This means that, if Saudi Arabia also leaves, as it seems to be doing, Turkey will be alone and will face disaster and partition as a result of Erdogan’s stupid attempt to use military force to recreate the Ottoman Empire. Already, 1300 Turkish hotels have been put into bankruptcy sale by the drop in tourists and severe fighting has erupted inside Turkey.
Also, in an exclusive to this news-letter, Indonesian officials are reporting that 4000 armed terrorists financed by Khazarian mobster George Soros were detained in the Indonesian portion of Borneo Island. The group was headed by an individual who spent 5 years in an Indonesian prison after which he was sent to the US for “special training,” the officials said. When he returned, “he used funding from an NGO financed by George Soros” to set up and arm a “Muslim fundamentalist” militia called Gothatar.
“They went to where the richest uranium ore deposit on the planet is and put a huge encampment around that village,” a local Indonesian official said. “The uranium was flown out by French special forces,” he added. According to buried documents uncovered by Indonesian officials, the group was supposed to create chaos in Indonesia, a country with a population of 250 million mostly Muslim people.
In a further development, the Indonesian government has formally refused to renew the license of the giant Freeport-McMoRan gold mine in Indonesia. According to a CIA official in Indonesia, this decision stems from a visit to Washington in October by Indonesian President Joko Widodo where US Presidential Spokesperson Barack Obama demanded that he renew the mine’s license. As a result, Widodo, or Jokowi as he is known, cut his visit short to a few hours and flew back to Indonesia.
The return of the mine to Indonesia has repercussions beyond the loss of gold because of the secret submarine base located there, CIA and Pentagon officials say. The gold is now going to be used to finance Chinese led infrastructure development projects.
However, in an effort to stave off a military confrontation with the US, the Indonesians have offered the Americans a chance to develop one of the richest platinum and gold deposits on the planet, located on the North East end of Kalimantan, the Indonesian controlled part of Borneo.
The deposit is so rich that Platinum is found “not in grams per ton but in percent per ton,” the CIA officer said. “The Platinum industry is untouchable because Platinum is used for off-world projects,” he said.
The Americans are also being offered the chance to develop a new port and submarine base there, he said. The Americans are interested and will be sending a delegation soon to confirm the nature of these mineral deposits, he said.
In any case, the loss of the Freeport-McMoRan gold mine is another huge blow to the Khazarian mafia banks and their hedge funds.
The Khazarian banks and hedge funds are already collapsing due to the loss of oil money and drug money. The fact that medical Marijuana is now legal in all 50 US States is a sign of how much drug money they are losing.
The Khazarian hedge funds also recently faced huge losses when they tried to gang up and force a devaluation of the now rising Chinese Yuan. They were betting on a cooling China and hoping to force China into submission by setting off capital flight.
Instead, it turns out that the drop in the price of China’s commodity and other imports has more than offset any fall in exports of trinkets to the US and Europe and so China’s trade surplus is growing.
Khazarian mafia hedge funds like Vanguard, Carlyle, Blackstone and others held an emergency meeting last week to discuss their huge losses. This meeting was followed by an admission by Goldman Sachs, the “vampire squid,” that “broader questions about the efficiency of capitalism” need to be asked. In other words, they were saying the system may be broken.
Rockefeller and Saudi controlled Citibank, for its part, said the “world economy is trapped in a death spiral.”
However, it is probably more accurate to say that it is Citibank and its fellow Khazarian mob institutions that are trapped in a death spiral. The fact that a growing number of bonds in Khazarian controlled financial systems like Japan and the EU are offering negative interest rates means capital flight from these economies.
No sensible investor is going to keep funds in bonds that lose value. The excuse that this will promote investment is not fooling anybody. It is a death spiral, pure and simple.
Now that the Chinese New Year of the fire monkey has officially begun, we can expect plenty of new developments coming from China.
Perhaps in anticipation of this, the North Koreans set off a missile last week. This was followed by South Korean, US and Japanese announcements of a super new missile defense system to “protect against North Korea.” Nobody in the world intelligence community is being fooled by this charade.
What this really means is that Japan is using its proxy North Korea to announce it has inter-continental ballistic missiles equipped with hydrogen bonds. Furthermore, by announcing it has anti-missile defense against these “North Korean missiles,” it is sending a message to Russia and China that it can stop their missiles.
The Chinese are putting out the word that the US troops based in Japan would never seriously take on China to defend Japan. However, that is not true because the Americans know that if they do not defend Japan and Korea against China, it will not be long before they find themselves defending Alaska and then the US mainland against China.
Fortunately, the Chinese have not the slightest intention of attacking Korea, Japan the United States or anywhere else. Instead, they are busy building factories, schools, roads, hospitals, ports etc. all over the world. At the same time, they are backing their currency with gold and other things that exist in the real world. They know that time is on their side and that war is the dumbest option available to them.
In a final note, two US military officials, one based in Japan and one in the US, contacted the White Dragon Society last week. The discussions centered on how to carry out a jubilee in Japan and the US. The WDS recommended confiscating all funds stolen by Khazarian mobsters and returning them to the people.
This would mean about $100,000 for every man woman and child in Japan and about $400,000 for each American ( the Americans have been suffering from Khazarian looting longer than the Japanese which is why more is due to them). Also recommended was a write off of debt and redistribution of urban as well as rural property.
February 1, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Clearly the Khazarian mafia is running scared and running out of ammunition. The fact that the Khazarian mob controlled Bank of Japan was forced last week to resort to negative interest rates proves their fake fiat money is now worth less than nothing. The Federal Reserve Board will soon be forced to do the same thing. The more you put money in their banks, the more that money vanishes. More about that later.
The other thing that is clearly failing is their ability to create mass panic, fear and loathing, their traditional control tools. Their latest attempt, upgrading a relatively minor illness known as Zika virus into a baby head-shrinking pandemic is so totally fake, with nothing but computer graphics of small headed babies as evidence, that very few real doctors or hospitals are taking it seriously. Time to round up the criminal liars at the WHO.
The latest attempt to create disease panic may be related to efforts to force the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to cede control over their vaccination and other “medical” (eugenic) activities to meritocratic management.
Bill Gates is also now the point man for computer fraud to make sure a Khazarian mobster wins the upcoming US presidential “election.” This is being presented as Microsoft volunteering the use of its “app” to count votes in Iowa.
Of course, the Khazarian mob is not going to be allowed to steal yet another US election, US agency sources say.
Instead, the FBI probe into Hillary Clinton is being “expanded to intel agencies to purge her moles and embedded Bush/Israeli agents,” a Pentagon source says. A CIA source, meanwhile, put his neck on the line by predicting Hillary will be “indicted by February 28th.”
If the Pentagon and the agencies are serious about taking down Hillary, they should, as Russia’s Vladimir Putin so eloquently put it, “go after the dog’s owner.” Here is Hillary describing her master in her own words spoken on July 15, 2009 at the Rockefeller controlled Council on Foreign Relations Washington DC offices:
“I am delighted to be here in these new headquarters. I have been often to, I guess, the mother ship in New York City, but it’s good to have an outpost of the Council right here down the street from the State Department. We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won’t have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future.”
Many clear signals are already being sent to the Wall Street mobsters in New York. For one thing, their corporate media control grid is being hacked. According to Pentagon sources, “Rupert Murdoch’s Fox Network has been ordered to reboot the x-files program to reveal truth in plain sight about alien technology, free energy, anti-gravity, 911, NSA, depopulation etc.” Agency sources say “Bush cancelled the show in 2002 to prevent it from exposing 911.” Meanwhile, the CIA has declassified its UFO files.
Other corporate media outlets have also joined this sudden return to real reporting with such outlets as the New York Times and Time Life reporting 911 truth.
The US, Russian and Chinese alliance against the Khazarian mafia is also proceeding well in their take down of the Khazarian mob regime currently enslaving the brainwashed people of Israel with fear and paranoia.
The Israeli power grid was hacked and taken down on January 25th, after which, on January 27th, US top general Joseph Dunford and Defense Secretary Ashton Carter visited the US cyber command “to encourage cyber troops to up the fight against ISIS and their sponsors.”
In a clear sign that sensible Israelis are reading the writing on the wall, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon tried to blame Turkey for being in charge of ISIS.
The US has also now joined the EU in a demand for labelling and boycott of all goods produced in the illegally occupied West Bank.
US, Russian military cooperation against Israel has also meant that Iranian affiliated troops have now arrived at the Israeli border while the Israeli airforce remains grounded and unable to do anything about it. As the Mossad linked news site DEBKA puts it “leaders opt to avoid action on three menacing fronts.”
Russian and US military cooperation is now extended to sharing information about China as well as about enemies like ISIS, “the bad guys in Israel,” Turkey, drugs, Saudi Arabia and “cabal targets.”
For example, the Russian Insider news site said the following about US State Department criminal Victoria Nuland, the chief agitator and trouble-maker in the Ukraine: “she is a target.”
The US and Cuban militaries are also now in full cooperation mode to cut off the flow of drug money to the Bush cabal and their ISIS mercenary proxies, Pentagon and Vatican officials agree. That is why Cuba was supplied with hellfire missiles to allow it to shoot down drug running planes, the Pentagon sources say.
There has also been agency and Pentagon cooperation aimed at preventing cabal provocateurs from starting a civil war inside the United States. This is the case with the dispute going on in Oregon where a large group of armed militia men seized a national wildlife refuge property. The dispute started with what appears to be a legitimate grievance over excessive persecution of two ranchers by Federal Agents.
However, this grievance is now headed for the courts where hopefully justice will prevail. In the meantime, evidence has emerged that Khazarian crisis actors have arrived on the scene in an attempt to provoke civil strife.
http://henrymakow.com/2016/01/crisis-actors-used-to-discredit.htm l
It is understandable for patriotic Americans to feel angry with the Federal Government. However, picking the wrong battle against the wrong enemy will only result in defeat. The enemy is not in Oregon, it is in Washington DC and New York, so, if you really feel like fighting for freedom, go there and attack the Khazarian mob bosses like the Bush/Clinton crime family and do not take it out on some poor working FBI stiff or local sheriff.
In any case, the real war will be won in the economic, financial and economic spheres and here things are going very badly for the Khazarians. For one thing last week, the heads of the African Union appear to have joined Iran, Russia, Western Europe and many others in moving away from Khazarian controlled debt instruments mislabelled “US dollars,” and agreed to go with gold backed Yuan instead.
The Khazarians continue to lose any real backing for their so-called dollars. For example, there are now 500 times more contracts to buy gold at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange than there is physical gold to back these contracts. Real, as opposed to paper, gold trading has now migrated to the Shanghai exchange.
Now the London Bullion Market Association appears to have lost control of the ability to set the price of silver when last week their price turned out to be 6% lower than the physical spot price.
After the Japanese Imperial family failed to find gold to back the yen when they went to the Philippines last week, the Khazarian controlled Bank of Japan was forced to join the European Central Bank and issue negative interest rates. This means real Japanese money will be fleeing to cash and to real assets like gold and silver.
The Khazarian slave bankers are under the illusion that negative interest rates will boost the real economy by forcing businesses and people to invest and spend their money. However, with Japan and the EU suffering from shrinking populations and economies, stealing the people’s savings is not going to boost production.
The Khazarian slave regime in Japan is on its last legs anyway. Last week Akira Amari, the Japanese economy minister who oversaw TPP negotiations, was forced to resign over bribery charges. Others will follow.
In Malaysia too now, it turns out the Goldman Sachs and the Saudi Arabians were bribing Prime Minister Najib Razak.
You can be sure the trail of this bribery investigation will eventually lead to the truth about the Malaysian air flight 370 disappearance.
The Khazarians are now losing electronic control of the financial system as well, as banks worldwide are being forced to install CIPS, which will replace the current Khazarian SWIFT system. This will take some time, which may be why the Chinese delegate to the White Dragon, who is involved in bank computer systems, said 2018 will be the year when internationally traded US dollars will have a Chinese signature on them.
The Khazarian mobster hedge funds such as Soros, Carlyle, Nexus etc. have all said they are going to gang up and bet on a devaluation of the Chinese Yuan. However, what these people do not get is that the Chinese are busy shedding their dollar holdings on purpose because they know they will be replacing these dollars.
In any case, no matter how many dollars the Khazarians put in their bank computers, reality is a different thing. Even though a growing chorus of bankers is calling for a ban on cash, so that people will be forced to accept negative interest rates, they cannot ban reality. On this front, the global trade squeeze against people refusing to pay for shipping in Yuan is beginning to hurt. Pentagon sources say a shut down of New York ports by dockworkers “is a message to Wall Street and the Khazarian mafia.” Now South Korea has reported an 18.5% drop in trade in January.
Finally, the official Chinese Xinhua News Site has confirmed a recent report by this newsletter that the Chinese Communist Party was moving towards power sharing with other political parties.
There can be no doubt about it, the good guys are winning.
January 26, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The shift in the center of global power is accelerating with a strong push being made to ensure all oil and other international commodities are traded in Chinese dollars or Yuan and not Khazarian so-called US dollars, multiple sources agree.
All “US dollars” will have a Chinese person’s signature on them by 2018, according to a special envoy sent to the White Dragon Society by Chinese royals based in Beijing. He promised to send a photograph of these dollars to this newsletter after he returns to China.
As a part of this push, Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visited Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran to promise a huge industrial and infrastructure development carrot if Middle Eastern oil was sold in Yuan, Pentagon sources said. The Chinese were too polite to mention the stick that was the alternative to this carrot.
However, news reports coming out after Xi’s visit to Saudi Arabia indicated Xi was furious at being snubbed by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef. Instead he was only able to see senile King Salman and his son, the “deputy crown prince.”
Nayef has long been close to the Americans and is deeply involved in ISIS and other such matters, CIA officials say.
To see how much things have changed in the US for Saudi Arabia, watch the following 6 minute Congress hearing featuring Congressman Hank Johnson getting recently retired US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford to admit Saudi Arabia is the main sponsor of radical Wahhabist Islam.
The Saudis are now in surrender mode and are just waiting for higher level fights to conclude before they kiss the feet of the winner, White Dragon Society sources say.
Pentagon sources were more forthcoming, explaining that the problem had now been traced to Turkey, Germany and of course, the Bush/Clinton neo-con Nazi Khazarian faction in the US.
For this reason the US military got Presidential Spokesperson Barack Obama to call Russia’s Vladimir Putin on January 13th. In that conference, the Pentagon and Russia agreed to increase military to military relations beyond the fight against ISIS in Syria and make it one against the Khazarian mafia worldwide. Defense Intelligence Agency Chief General Mike Flynn is now a back channel for communications between Russian Military Chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov and General Joseph Dunford, the de-facto US Commander in Chief.
With the backing of the Russian and Chinese military, as well as the Pentagon, the overwhelmingly strongest military force on the planet, Dunford then met last week with the heads of NATO in Brussels to tell them that Turkish President Recep Erdogan and German Chancellor Angela Merkel would have to go because of their involvement in creating the ongoing European refugee crisis, among other things.
To underline this, Turkish Billionaire Mustafa Koc “met his maker in what appears to be a message to the oligarchs to dump Erdogan.” Mustafa, who was “heart attacked” on January 21st, was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and top Rockefeller representative in Turkey.
Pentagon sources also blame the Khazarian mafia, and their Turkish surrogates, on the death of 12 Marines in Hawaii on January 14th. The payback against Turkey will involve a “bloody coup as well as attacks on Turkish infrastructure and overseas bases in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Qatar and Somalia.”
General Dunford further met with his French counterparts last week to coordinate an attack against Khazarian proxies in Libya. The French military are also being asked to join the battle against the Khazarian mafia, which they have agreed to do.
Meanwhile, the Khazarian mafia and their agents are struggling to keep their financial control matrix from falling apart. Japanese yakuza gangster and Iranian government sources say the Khazarian mafia is trading Persian royal family gold kept in Thailand for drug money that is being shut out of Western banks.
Certain Iranians will then launder the drug dollars now that financial sanctions against Iran have been lifted. The original Iran/Contra scandal involved George Bush Sr. and his gang so it is a good guess the same people are at it again.
The Japanese Emperor is also supposed to be flying to the Philippines this week, ostensibly to celebrate the normalization of relations between Japan and the Philippines. However, given the Khazarian mafia’s desperation for gold, it is a good guess the Japanese emperor will be looking for gold to back the Japanese yen.
Japanese historian Tsutomu Kuji, in a soon to be published book, says the Emperor’s grandfather, the Meiji Emperor, was Toranosuke Omura, a person of non-imperial blood selected for the role of Emperor by the Iwasaski family of the Choshu clan. The Choshu clan was the Rothschild family’s instrument for the take-over of Japan.
The Iwasakis are the family behind the Mitsubishi group that installed Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in power. The Mitsubishi Group is also the main Rockefeller proxy in Japan. The Rockefellers took over as the main Khazarian handlers for Japan after World War 2.
Japanese news reports say Abe has recently had to increase medication for his mysterious intestinal illness.
Meanwhile in the US, the attack on Khazarian mafia rule continues to accelerate with the ongoing takedown of Hillary Clinton and other Khazarian mob pseudo-politicians. As a Pentagon source put it “Hillary is toast,” with 100 FBI agents plus another 50 retired agents on her case.
A special prosecutor is being appointed to charge her with treason, espionage and “using the Clinton Foundation to run a shadow government,” the source said. To help prepare the US public for the takedown of Hillary, neo-con General David Petreaus will soon be demoted for selling US state secrets to Israel, multiple sources say.
There was also a remarkable break in the Khazarian media lie factory last week when the widely read news site Drudge Report had ran an opinion poll about the upcoming US presidential eleciton that had over one million respondents. According to this poll support for Clinton was 0.88% and support for Jeb Bush was 0.9%. Donald Trump had 36% in the same poll.
By contrast, Khazarian mob controlled media outlets like the New York Times say Clinton has 48% support while Bush runs at over 10%.
The attack on world stock markets, meanwhile, has taken a pause but is expected to continue as part of the campaign to remove the main pillar of Khazarian mafia power: the control of stock markets via foundations.
To see where Khazarian mafia corporate power is concentrated take a look at this map of the world according to stock market valuations:
What is shows is the US, England, Japan and Europe are huge, while military and commodity superpower Russia is just a small smudge and China, now by far the world’s biggest economy (they produce 11 times more steel that the US and used more concrete in the past 3 years than the US did during the 20th century) is tiny.
The Khazarians use inflated stock price valuations to launder their money into the real economy. That is why they are so desperately trying now to goose stock markets. However, stock markets are so out of whack with the underlying reality that any artificial attempts to boost markets will be doomed to fail.
Indicators of the real economy, like the Baltic Dry Index, the price of shipping, continue to reach record lows.
In Europe, the Italian banking sector is failing, leading to widespread expectations Italy will be the next Greece. However, Italy’s GDP of $2.144 trillion is 10 times larger than Greece’s so, this will be more like the next Greece times ten. Then France also declared an economic emergency last, week, meaning the real European crisis is just starting.
That is the background to a meeting IMF director Christine Lagarde had on January 18th with Pope Francis. At this meeting, according to US military intelligence, Pope Francis agreed to transfer Vatican assets for a global debt jubilee and then retire. The IMF will continue to exist but only be in an advisory role, since it will not have the power to create and distribute money, a source at the Asian Development Bank said.
CIA sources, meanwhile, sent this writer e-mails last week saying “Khazarian rule will end within a month.” Many such predictions have come and gone without anything happening but, a cursory look at world news, both on the internet and in corporate media, make it clear something very big is coming down.
January 19, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
There is a systematic effort underway to remove all fraud from the world’s financial system. This campaign is now getting to the point where some major financial institutions and countries, including the US corporate government, are about to go bankrupt. This is all part of a hybrid war involving finance, super-computers, special forces operations, news, propaganda, pin-point assassinations and more.
Perhaps the most dramatic, and under-reported, new aspect of this ongoing struggle has been the freeze on global shipping. To confirm reports on the internet of a shipping freeze, this writer called NYK lines, a major international shipping firm, and was told “we cannot speak for the whole world but, as far as our company is concerned, with current shipping prices we will lose money every time we send a ship so we have stopped.”
Chinese government sources told this newsletter shipping companies are now demanding to be paid in Chinese yuan and not dollars and that is a major reason for the freeze in shipping worldwide. If this continues, it will lead to empty super-market shelves and social unrest, especially in the US. The announcement last week by Walmart that it is closing 269 stores is just the beginning.
Another major dimension to this hybrid war has been the attack on the oil cartel and control of the petro-dollar. It is this attack, and not oversupply, that is the real reason for oil prices plunging to the $20 per barrel level, and in the case of bitumen, the lowest grade Canadian oil, $8 a barrel level. What is happening is that China is insisting on paying with Yuan for its oil.
Furthermore, now that sanctions against Iran have ended, Iran, which has some of the lowest production costs in the world, will be flooding the market with an extra million barrels of oil per day. China is helping both Iran and Russia deal with low oil prices by sending them Chinese goods at cheap prices in exchange for their oil. India is also avoiding the petrodollar when it buys Iranian and Russian oil.
This campaign will continue until Saudi Arabia, the Gulf Cooperation Countries and the big Khazarian banks go under, according to Pentagon white hats. The first Khazarian megabank domino that is expect to fall is Citibank, a Saudi owned bank which is sitting on about $58 billion in losses linked to low oil prices. However, that is just the tip of the iceberg. The Dallas branch of the Federal Reserve Board has told companies to stop marking the value of their oil and energy portfolios to market.
What that means is that they are being told to lie about how much they are worth. The Bank of Japan tried the same thing with real estate prices after Japan’s bubble burst but, they learned that pretending reality does not exist does not make it go away.
Furthermore, the Pentagon and agency white hats are seriously contemplating confiscating the sovereign wealth funds of Saudi Arabia and GCC nations like Qatar, Pentagon sources say. The Qatari run Al Jazeera network has been forced to shut down its North American operations as part of this campaign, the sources say.
This week Chinese President Xi Jinping will be visiting Saudi Arabia, Iran and Egypt with the backing of Russia, Pakistan, the pentagon and others to seek a way to find peace and stability in the region. China and the BRICS alliance will be offering massive infrastructure development in tandem with Russian control of oil prices and Middle Eastern security, Pentagon and Chinese sources say. Here is what the Chinese official Xinhua news agency has to say about the visit:
On the military front, Jordan has now joined the Russian Middle East bandwagon and allowed Russia to set up a command headquarters facility in their country. In addition, Turkish overseas bases in Qatar and Somalia are now being attacked by a multi-nation force.
There is also a lot of activity on the gold front. While Russia will take over oil pricing, China will now manage gold, multiple sources agree. The recent attacks on foreigner occupied hotels in Mali and now last week in Burkina Fasso were aimed at taking over control of gold mines there.
There is also a major conflict brewing in Indonesia as the new government there moves to take over the cabal controlled Freeport McMoRan mine in Papua. Indonesia wants to control the gold mine to provide China with collateral for $35 billion in infrastructure development, Indonesian sources say.
However, the mine owners are simultaneously saying the mine is only worth $16 billion even as they plan to invest $18 billion in developing it further. See this for yourself in the Reuters article at this link;
The recent bombing in Indonesia was linked to the company’s effort to keep its mine out of Indonesian control. The mine actually has 16,000 tons of gold, the Indonesian sources say. Furthermore, Pentagon sources have long said it is also the location of a secret Nazi/Khazarian submarine base that was involved in the 311 attack against Japan.
The White Dragon Society is offering to help secure Chinese, Pentagon and Japanese military forces to help the Indonesians free the mine from cabal control. CIA sources, meanwhile, say they believe the mine has been used to launder gold stolen from the global collateral accounts, which, if true, is also a good reason to take it out of Khazarian control.
Apart from gold and oil, the other aspect of the ongoing war against the Khazarian mafia is the attack on their drug money. On that front, top US general Joseph Dunford last week promoted his assistant, Admiral Kurt W. Tidd, as the head of the Southern command to take over the battle against the Bush linked drug cartels in Latin America. The pope is helping there by making sure South American drug money no longer goes to the Khazarian mafia.
The loss of money from oil, stolen gold and drugs means the Khazarian mafia is running out of ammunition quickly.
The Chinese devaluation of the Yuan and its instructions to banks to stay away from US dollars is helping finish the Khazarians off. The Khazarians are being forced to unwind their derivatives contracts at huge losses.
The market rigging by Khazarian bank supercomputers is also now no longer working. One sign of this was that recently that the bank AIs increased the amount of a fraud known as quote stuffing fivefold recently but failed to stop stock markets from plunging.
Quote stuffing is like having a bunch of insiders bid high at an auction with no real intent to buy in order to fool a real buyer into buying at a high price. It is just one of the many frauds the Khazarian banks are carrying out with their supercomputers.
Now the Chinese led AIIB has officially opened for business with most European countries on board. The Europeans have reciprocated by inviting China to join the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. This means a massive infrastructure boom linking Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Africa is about to begin.
When the American branch of the Khazarian mafia finally surrenders, it is a good bet it will not be long before people and freight can ride a super-fast train from New York to London via Alaska and China. The Chinese and BRICS CIPS alternative to the Khazarian controlled SWIFT international payments system is now also up and running.
The Europeans also showed they were no longer following US Khazarian commands on the political front either. Victoria Nuland, head of Eurasian policy for the Khazarian controlled US State Department, was forced to fly to Russia last week were she was told, in no uncertain terms, that she would have to go along with the French, Russian and German brokered Minsk accords.
Failing that, the new right wing Polish government has reached a secret agreement with Russia to split the Ukraine with the old Polish part going back to Poland and the old Russian part going back to Russia. The Khazarian Nazis would be left with a small rump pariah state in between.
In another significant European development, Greece last week signed a military agreement with fellow Orthodox Chrisitian nation Russia. Austria, for its part, has re-imposed border controls in defiance of the European Union. The British, for meanwhile, having already abandoned the US Khazarian mob by agreeing to join the AIIB, are now seriously considering getting out of the failing Khazarian EU project.
It was in this situation that Barack Obama, Presidential spokesperson UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation, made his state of the union speech last week. The speech started at exactly 911. During the speech, whenever Obama was lying, for example when he was talking about Syria or the economy, his eyes were blinking at a furious pace.
It turns out he is not such a good liar after all. Another point, for those who missed it, was that when Obama referred to the United States as the most powerful nation on earth, the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff refused to stand up.
They know who destroyed the Republic of the United States of America and they will be ready to stand and salute when the US of A has a real president.
Sorry, we are really busy here. So, the critical digest of the report will be available soon, hopefully...
January 12, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The record drop in most world stock markets for the first week of a year was just the beginning of a systematic attack to dismantle the Khazarian mafia’s Babylonian debt slavery based financial system, multiple government agency sources confirm. Most stock market indexes are expected to fall by 60 to 50% before this campaign ends, according to a a senior official at the Asian Development Bank, Pentagon sources and a CIA agent involved in the operation that bankrupted the Soviet Union.
The attack is aimed at bankrupting the large Khazarian mafia banks that have been behind so many of the world’s troubles. As a result, the Khazarians are running out of options as oil prices collapse, drug money is cut off and stock market manipulation is being stopped.
Richard Fisher, former head of the Dallas branch of the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate, admitted that “What The Fed did, and I was part of it, was front-load an enormous rally market rally in order to create a wealth effect...” and added “The Fed is a giant weapon that has no ammunition left.”
Make no mistake, when he says “front loading” he means distributing Fed money to Khazarian Mafiosi by artificially raising the value of the stock market. This is now being brought to an end which is why markets are collapsing. There will be more about the financial attack on the Khazarians below but first, we should mention the legal actions being taken against these snakes.
Most interestingly, Hillary Clinton is about to become the most senior Khazarian gangster arrested yet in the unfolding campaign to end their rule. According to Pentagon and other sources, FBI Director James Comey threatened to resign as part of an agency revolt against the Obama administration unless the Justice Department filed criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for multiple, proven crimes.
Also, the capture of Mexican drug lord Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán last week means that he will be extradited to the United States to “sing to destroy” Wall Street banks, ISIS and the Bushes, according to a Defense Intelligence Agency source.
The takedown of Khazarian mafia politicians has already begun at a lower level. In particular, the NSA has compiled evidence against politicians who were bribed by Israel into opposing the nuclear accord between the US government and Iran. So far, Republican Senator Tom Cotton has been outed as having received a million dollar bribe to oppose the deal. Cotton convinced 47 Senators to sign a letter opposing the peace deal with Iran. He will soon go to jail.
Congressman Steve Israel, head of the Democratic Party caucus in Congress was also forced to resign over his opposition to the peace deal with Iran, the Pentagon sources say. He too may see the inside of a prison soon.
This is what a CIA financial expert who was involved in bankrupting the Soviet Union had to say about these politicians: “These are the rats that I have been taking about...This Senator should be taken out and hanged on the capital lawn for all to see what a rat looks like.”
Other rats are also being hunted now. Let us not forget as well that former French President Nicholas Sarkozy is under investigation for using his own plane to smuggle large amounts of cocaine. Also, a Saudi prince was recently arrested in Lebanon carrying 2 tons of amphetamines in his private plane.
In another very visible sign the worldwide campaign against the Khazarian Satan worshippers was proceeding at a growing pace, the older brother of recently resigned pope Maledict (Benedict XVI) has been outed as having sexually abused and beaten 231 choir boys.
In Israel as well, a “the world’s leading Kabbalist” and “adviser to billionaires,” Rabbi Josef Pinto has been sent to jail on bribery charges.
There were many other arrests of Khazarian mobsters last week that we will not bother listing here other than to say that many more arrests will come.
The situation in Israel and the Middle East is also now coming to a head. General Joseph Dunford, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon flew to Turkey last week where, according to Pentagon sources, he had a secret meeting with Valery Gerasimov, Chief of Staff of the Russian armed forces. At this meeting, according to Russian sources, Dunford and Gerasimov discussed Russian demands that the “UN establish a Tribunal to investigate the involvement of Israeli intelligence services and the Israeli government in the creation of international terrorist organizations and interaction with these terrorist organizations.” Much of the terror was related to the now collapsing Zionist project to create a greater Israel over much of the Middle East, the Russians say. They have already presented the UN with ample proof of this, they say.
Turkish President Recep Erdogan was refused permission to attend this meeting, according to Pentagon sources. Instead the Russian and American top generals told the Turkish general staff they had to remove Erdogan, a Khazarian pseudo-Muslim, from power. Dunford also told the Turks to close their border with Syria or face “serious repercussions.”
The American general also told the Russians they had sent hellfire missiles to Cuba recently to help them shoot down drones being used by Khazarian mobsters to protect their drug operations in South America and Afghanistan.
Furthermore, a Russian court presided over by Judge Nina Antonevich also recently ruled that “Judeo-Zionists” were guilty of mass murder of the Russian people and justice for that historical crime is also on the Russian agenda, the sources said.
Meanwhile, in an effort to salvage their collapsing pseudo-Muslim Khazarian kingdom, Saudi Arabia sent Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman to Pakistan to seek military protection. All he got, despite offering huge bribes to key Pakistani officials, though, was lip service. The fact is the Pakistani people will not fight a war to protect pseudo-Muslim, terrorist sponsoring Wahab Khazarian Saudi criminals.
More to the point, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon issued a statement that Saudi Arabia’s indiscriminate bombing of civilians in Yemen constituted a “war crime.” War criminals usually face the death penalty or life in prison.
This is important because it shows formal UN recognition of the joint Russian, Pentagon, Chinese and Iranian army already in the Middle East to fight the Khazarian gangster states and their mercenary armies in the region. The UN itself, of course, is a deeply flawed cabal infiltrated institution and Ban Ki Moon is likely to be replaced soon, possibly by a Russian.
It was Ban Ki Moon who offered Dragon family representatives a $100 million bribe in 2009 in exchange for giving up efforts to cash $134.55 billion worth of bonds following the so-called Chiasso incident. The secret financial war that this incident was a part of is now finally reaching a climax of some sort. It turns out these bonds were only the tip of the iceberg and since then countless quadrillions of dollars’ worth of off-ledger bonds used by the Khazarians have been exposed.
The use of double books, one with uncountable trillions worth of dollars for the cabal and another of perpetual debt and financial shortages for the masses, is thus being exposed.
The financial war is also escalating in China where the Chinese government has ordered hedge funds to sell their stocks and get out of the Chinese market. The Chinese have also been liquidating their dollar holdings at the rate of over $100 billion a month as a part of this.
A Chinese agent was dispatched to visit the White Dragon Society last week to inform them that as a part of negotiations to re-unify Taiwan and China, the Chinese Communist Party has agreed to allow other parties to participate in the Chinese political scene. Presumably this means giving the Taiwan based Kuomintang some sort of role in governing mainland China and raising the possibility of elections there in the future, the source said.
Important changes are also taking place behind the scenes in Japan, which, after the United States, is the second largest economy still controlled by the Khazarian mob.
The source at the Japanese led Asian Development Bank says Japan has already made a decision to break with the Khazarians and join the Chinese sponsored Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). “The Japanese yen has no real backing and Japan needs dragon family gold so, they will have to join the AIIB,” he said.
The recent surge in the yen and collapse of Japanese stock markets is also the result of a cut off of Bank of Japan funds to the Khazarians. This means they are being forced to sell off their Japanese stock holdings in order to cover for their losses elsewhere in the world.
The recent British, Japanese announcement of enhanced military ties is also a sign the British have promised to help the Japanese fight against the Khazarians. This is important because of the close personal links between the British and Japanese royal families. It means James Bond types are already in Japan hunting down the Khazarian agents involved in the 311 nuclear and tsunami mass murder attack against Japan. There is obviously stuff going on now that we cannot report in more detail in order not to endanger ongoing operations.
The ADB and Pentagon sources also agreed that stock markets may be abolished because they have been used as instruments to centralize all corporate power and control in the hands of a tiny elite. They are also talking about making everything open source and freely available.
In any case, the WDS and their allies are hoping to replace the current system of rigged markets and Khazarian family mafia owned central banks (ie debt creation monopolies) with transparently and meritocratically run institutions working for the people.
Note: Full text of this report will be available on Thursday, according to Benya's demands.
Sorry, we are really busy here. So, the critical digest of the report will be available soon, hopefully...
January 5, 2016
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The current geopolitical situation, especially in the Middle East, Europe and the United States, is one that is ripe for regime change. The biggest event of 2016 may well be the fall of the Khazarian mafia government in the United States. With this primary source of evil and warfare removed from power, world peace should also be possible in 2016.
However, this cannot be done by passively observing world events; everybody must do what they can to ensure planetary liberation this year.
The Washington DC regime that uses Obama as its puppet and spokesperson is deeply divided. Many support the Obama regime. However, the fact is the Obama regime presided over the mass slaughter of innocents in Japan on March 11, 2011.
Those Americans who consider the murder of foreigners as legitimate foreign policy must nonetheless remember this regime has not prosecuted any of the insiders responsible for the murder on September 11, 2001 of thousands of Americans. Nor do they tell the truth about this event.
In addition, this regime has not acted in any way to arrest the criminals in Wall Street responsible for trillions of dollars’ worth of fraud that has impoverished most Americans.
The Russian government has also publicly and officially accused the Khazarian mafia that illegally seized power in the US of setting up biological warfare facilities all over the former Soviet Union. When such accusations are made in public diplomacy, it is a sign the accuser is ready to prove these accusations. White hats in the US military have also confirmed the creation of these biological warfare labs.
These facilities were set up as part of a plan to use disease, starvation and warfare to eliminate 90% of the world’s population. Make no mistake, despite trying to put on a relatively benign face with Obama, the Khazarian mob ruling the US has been caught red handed trying to murder billions of people. That means they are trying to kill practically everybody who is reading this plus their friends and families.
The majority of the world’s citizens are peaceful and reluctant to engage in violence. However, when somebody is trying to kill your family, you are legally entitled to kill them in self-defense. Failing to defend your family is in itself a crime.
The White Dragon Society and their allies are in the process of fighting this genocidal gang. As a part of this, next week it will formally demand that Chodoin Daikaku, head of some of the world’s biggest martial arts societies, the heads of the world’s military and intelligence agencies and others to act in legitimate self-defense and permanently destroy the genocidal Khazarian mob.
A lot has already been done, especially in the Middle East where all the air-forces of Khazarian proxies like Turkey, Israel and Syria have been grounded by a Russian, Chinese and Pentagon white hat alliance.
China has passed a new anti-terror law that will allow its agents to hunt down Khazarian gangsters anywhere in the world “in concert with US and Russian special forces,” according to Pentagon and Chinese sources. The Chinese have already dispatched special forces to Syria near the border of Israel in the Golan Heights, according to the sources.
Russian, Pentagon white hat and Chinese special forces in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere are actively hunting down and killing Israelis, Turks, Saudis and “even yanks on the wrong side,” Pentagon sources say. The Chinese are also taking a special interest in hunting down Uighurs operating in Syria and Iraq.
The Satan worshipping Khazarian regimes of Turkey and Saudi Arabia are now in deep trouble. Saudi Arabia basically “signed its own death warrant” last week by executing the well-liked Shiite Imam Nimr al-Nimr, according to CIA officials. The real Muslim world has not forgotten the Saudi regime’s massacre at the Hajj last year.
They thus recognize the Saudi regime is not fit to guard the Islamic Holy Lands. That is why the Saudi call for a 34 nation Islamic “anti-terror” alliance will only be met with lip service at best. Saudi Arabia is set to be partitioned and it is only a matter of time before King Salman and his deputies find their own heads on the executioner’s chopping block, they said.
Turkey, meanwhile, is finding its plans to recreate the Ottoman Empire failing big time. Kurdistan, including a large part of Turkey, is well on its way to becoming an independent nation, thus undoing one of the biggest injustices of World War 1. In Turkey itself, economic woes including a weak currency, inflation, a drop in tourism revenues and shortages of goods are creating conditions for a military coup d’etat, Pentagon sources say.
The Russians, for their part, are seriously thinking of a major land invasion of Turkey and Saudi Arabia as a way of permanently ending the radical Islamic heresy and the never ending terror it produces, according to Russian FSB sources. The Russian Orthodox Church, the real power in Russia now, is endorsing such a holy war as necessary for the defense of Christianity as well as of true Islam. Since the United States armed forces will not fight Russia to defend the current Turkish regime, Nato will not be an obstacle to such a move.
There is also a very successful takedown of Khazarian proxies taking place in Libya and Nigeria. In Nigeria, the US military has helped local forces defeat Boko Haram. The name “Boko Haram,” by the way, means “books are forbidden,” which tells you what kind of people these are.
In South America as well, a manhunt is under way for Bush/Clinton narcotics henchman “El Chapo.” This is part of the ongoing campaign to cut off all the drug money that has supported Khazarian Mafiosi and their mega-banks.
Brazil has also woken up to the dangers posed by the Khazarians and cancelled a $2.2 billion dollar deal it has made with an Israeli firm to provide security for the Olympics. The company involved, International Security and Defense Systems, has been associated with the death squads of South American dictatorships. The Brazilians are also fully aware that it was an Israeli firm, Magna BSP, that was complicit in the 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan.
Chinese intelligence agents from the ministry of state security are also now in the US, Israel and elsewhere seeking revenge for the micro-nuke attack on the city of Tianjin last summer, Asian secret society sources say.
Inside the US, as well, the Khazarian mob’s rapid loss of power is being seen in many ways. For one, US corporate presidential spokesperson Barack Obama was forced by Pentagon white hats to backpedal on missile sanctions he had announced against Iran.
Furthermore, the corporate media in the United States is being forced by the Pentagon and agency white hats to reveal the anti-Khazarian battles taking place inside the US power structure. One result was the widely published article by Seymour Hersh saying (as this newsletter has long been reporting in detail) the US military was defying the Washington DC political establishments’ policies in the Middle East. Furthermore, Pentagon sources say Rupert Murdoch (Marduk
was forced to publish a report in the Wall Street Journal about the ongoing battle between the NSA and the Khazarians and that this included NSA spying on US Congressional whores working for the Khazarian mob.
The Khazarian mob controlled regime in Israel has belatedly woken up to the fact they are losing control of the US and that the rest of the world has long been wise to their international anti-social behavior. That is why when Israel tried a false flag in Tel Aviv last week to make it look that they too were “under attack by ISIS,” absolutely nobody was fooled.
The Israeli government has begun to read the writing on the wall, which is why they have recently tried to distance themselves from their Turkish and Saudi allies. The Israeli security apparatus recognizes that, with the loss of US support, Israel’s survival will depend on the goodwill of whoever wins the ongoing battle for the Middle East. These days that likely means the Israelis will have to start bowing and scraping to Russia. In any case, the futures of the Israeli, Saudi and Turkish regimes all hang in the balance in the coming year.
The future of Europe will also become increasingly tied to Russia over the coming year since the US military is in no mood to fight a war with Russia on behalf of the Rothschilds. The European Khazarian elite have already cut their ties with the US Khazarians by agreeing to join the China inspired Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).
The real question for 2016 though, remains what will happen in the high level financial war that has been raging these past years. On this front, the latest development is that the Japanese government has secretly decided to join the China initiated Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), according to officials at the Japan led Asian Development Bank in the Philippines. If this happens, the Wall Street and Washington DC Khazarian financial rulers will be isolated and will face final defeat.
During the year-end, the Vatican P2 freemason lodge and the Communist Chinese both asked the WDS to help negotiate the surrender of the Khazarian financiers and mobsters. The WDS is insisting on a jubilee (a write-off of all debts public and private), a redistribution of ill-gotten Khazarian assets, and the establishment of a meritocratic future planning agency.
The WDS also insists that at least $7 trillion be made immediately available in a transparent manner to finance a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and set humanity on a path of exponential expansion into the future.
Until the Khazarian surrender is complete, the WDS and its allies will continue their multi-dimensional offensive.
Sorry, we are really busy here. So, the critical digest of the report will be available soon, hopefully...
December 29, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
This is the last Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis report for 2015 and it is a good time to look back and see how much has changed in the past year. In many ways the situation now is similar to the situation in Eastern Europe just before the fall of the Soviet Union. Most of Eastern Europe had overthrown their Stalinist overlords and only the big kahuna, the Soviet Union, remained standing. [1]
Europe has already rejected Khazarian mafia rule and what the world awaits is the collapse of the criminal rogue regime still in control in the Israel, the United States and a few vassal states like Japan. This can be done in 2016 but only if the White Dragon Society plus their BRICS and European allies keep up the offensive.
The biggest sign the Europeans have rejected the gangster regime headquartered in Washington DC is their decision to reject US pressure and join the Chinese initiated Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which formally opened its doors last week. This move was led by the UK, usually the US’s most firm ally, and was quickly followed by France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland etc.
The French and the Germans, for their part, rejected the Washington DC crime regime’s attempt to start a war in the Ukraine by by-passing the US and directly negotiating the Minsk Peace accords with Russia.
There is also a systematic attempt to cut off all funding for the Zionazi (neo-con) faction of the Khazarian mob. These are the people who wanted to star World War 3 in order to reduce the world population by 90% and enslave the surviving 10%. This faction, headed by George Bush Sr. and his fellow Zionazis, survives mainly on oil, drugs, slavery and arms dealing.
The plunge in oil prices from over $70 a barrel late last year to the $30 range recently will start hitting these gangsters in earnest in January as their one year price hedges begin to expire.
The FARC rebels in Columbia meanwhile, have announced they will no longer be laundering their $50 billion a year in cocaine revenue through Citibank (Saudi Arabia and the Rockefeller family), Bank of America (Vanguard, State Street Corp.) and the Bush/Clinton crime family.
The battle to cut off Khazarian mob drug revenues has also been reflected in the move by the US Congress, the government of Columbia and the government of Mexico to legalize medical marijuana.
The Russians have also been arming both the Kurds and the Taleban to cut off Khazarian mob heroin money from Afghanistan. The North Koreans are also continuing to cut off amphetamine money that used to go through the Khazarians.
The Bush side of this crime family has already been marginalized with the widespread recognition they were responsible for 911 but Clinton side, while under attack, is still going strong. For a look at exactly how degenerate the United States political scene and media are, read the following by Miami Herald columnist Dave Barry:
“Elsewhere on the political front, Hillary Clinton declares her candidacy for president and sets out to demonstrate that she is a regular human by riding to Iowa in a custom van driven by Secret Service agents. In Maumee, Ohio, she stops at a Chipotle for takeout, a news event that produces a spasm of political journalism. The New York Times (we are not making this journalism up) breaks the story, reporting that Clinton wore sunglasses and ordered a chicken burrito bowl.
Bloomberg gets a follow-up scoop, reporting that the Clinton party’s bill was “$20 and some change” but Clinton “did not leave a tip.” Politico runs a 1,200-word story headlined (we are still not making this up) “The ‘everyday people’ who made Hillary Clinton’s burrito bowl.”
The New York Times and other Khazarian mob controlled corporate media propaganda outlets find Clinton “eating a chicken burrito bowl” more newsworthy than well documented evidence of rape, drug dealing, murder and other crimes linked to the Clinton crime family.
You can see why the world is turning its back on the disgusting, lying criminal cartel based in New York, Washington D.C. and Tel Aviv.
This has been happening despite a rapidly increasing pace of false flag events (with diminishing psychological impact) and other hysterical attempts by the Khazarian mob to start World War 3.
The Pentagon has already distanced itself from the Khazarian mob by refusing to be tricked again by false flags (“Malaysian air flight 17”) or lies (“Syrian sarin gas attacks”) into fighting on behalf of these mobsters.
Even the controlled corporate media has been forced to admit, through their limited hang-out Seymour Hersh, the Pentagon has been going against Washington DC policy by supplying useful intelligence to the Syrian regime. Pentagon officials say Hersh was wrong in saying the intelligence was sent via the Israelis “because nobody in their right minds would pass intelligence to the Syrians through their enemies the Israelis when Russia is much more reliable.”
There is in fact, a civil war by proxy going on in the West now with the Pentagon allying itself with Russia and Iran against mercenary armies paid for by the goons in Washington DC. They are now actively pushing to remove the rogue Khazarian pseudo-Muslim regime in Saudi Arabia
The fall of the house of Saud may be a fatal blow for the Khazarians. This regime is likely to forfeit a large portion of its $650 billion in foreign assets as compensation payments for the horrors perpetrated by widespread pseudo-Islamic terrorist movements they have funded, CIA sources say.
In addition, Pentagon sources are now saying Yemen is planning to annex the Southern Saudi Provinces of Asir, Jizan and Najran as compensation for Saudi aggression against their country. These provinces border on Yemen and are inhabited by ethnic Yemenis.
The Khazarians, of course, are not going down without a fight. The Saudi, Turkish, Israeli alliance has given passports to, and paid, over 1 million refugees to flood Europe as punishment for their government’s disregard of Khazarian orders.
They are also fully exploiting Turkish historical resentment at the break-up of the Ottoman Empire after World War 1 to encourage the Turks to retake their empire. This has led to a war in the region that has embroiled the US, France, Germany, Russia, Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, the UK, Iran, the Gulf Cooperation Council and others. The turmoil in the region has now become the largest war since the end of World War 2.
There has also been a suspicious regime change in Argentina, hinting that many Khazarian Zionazi mobsters may be planning to flee there from the United States and Europe as their crimes against humanity continue to be exposed.
Zionazis have already bought a large strip of coastal land in the Southern Argentine Province of Patagonia and may be preparing for exile there. God help the Argentines if that happens.
The Khazarians have also used nuclear weapons against Japan, Syria, Yemen and the Eastern Ukraine in recent years and can be expected to try to use these weapons again. That is why the Israeli government is now under a military quarantine. The ongoing military blockade of Israel and the grounding of their air-force may be the biggest under-reported news event of 2015.
Also, despite the Khazarian trouble making, outside of the United States, lots of good news was seen in the world in 2015. The biggest is that world leaders have begun serious attempts to fight poverty and end environmental destruction as seen in the recently signed Paris accords. It is a shame, of course, that unscientific global warming was used as their excuse but nonetheless, rich countries have promised to pay poor countries $100 billion a year to clean up their environments.
Some old conflicts are also being settled. As mentioned above, the long running Columbian civil war is drawing to a close. Cuba and the United States have also begun to bury their 50-year old hatchet. Now Pakistan and India have begun serious moves to end their 68 years of conflict with serious peace attempts.
The US military is also forcing Japan and South Korea to end their Khazarian engineered never ending quarrels about a war that ended 70 years ago. The North Koreans are also ready to make peace with South Korea, and Japan, two countries occupied by the US military since the end of World War 2.
Also, in a sign that people are waking up to the dangers of allowing privately owned banks the power to create money out of thin air, the Swiss are going to hold a referendum to decide if only a government representing the people should have that right.
Finally, in a rather odd note, this writer was listening last week to the Far East Network, a US military run radio station targeted at US servicemen in Japan, when the station was advertising for personnel for the “US Space Command.” The ad said that serving in the space command would be “similar to serving in a ship.” Do not hold your breath but, maybe, just maybe, the disclosure people are right and a secret space program is about to come out of the closet.
However, the White Dragon Society is not going to wait for a giant-space fleet to save us, instead the WDS wants humanity to save itself.
Well, as of January 4, 2016 we can state the following with certain degree of certainty:
You are probably much better off by making just the opposite conclusions out of Benya's statements than by blindly believing in what he implies by them. Because, in our opinion, at least at this junction, the chances of learning some truth out of it are better if you just take his statements and simply turn them upside down.
Simply because he looks more like a disinformation agent than someone who is really fighting with evil, as he claims. Or, alternatively, he is nothing more than an ego-maniac, primarily interested in self-promotion and his ideas of grandeur he projects all the time, or simply a self-boasting lunatic.
Basically, this report may be summarized it in one phrase: A pile of fantastic promisingly looking crap, some of which looks simply bizarre and does not correspond to what is actually going on, any way you cut it, and none of which you will be able to verify.
In other words, a pile of disinformation concoctions, full of myths and tales, so typical of Benya.
Secondly, there is nothing much of substance to analyze in this report, simply because you'd have to shred every single sentence of it to pieces. Trying to analyze these kinds of things is like trying to argue with someone in a madhouse, who thinks he is Napoleon. Just looking at the following single statement may make all those, who have a grasp on the issues, have an urge to puke.
Europe has already rejected Khazarian mafia rule and what the world awaits is the collapse of the criminal rogue regime still in control in the Israel, the United States and a few vassal states like Japan. This can be done in 2016 but only if the White Dragon Society plus their BRICS and European allies keep up the offensive.
What? "White Dragon Society plus their BRICS and European allies"? So, it looks like these mythical WDS guys are running the world nowadays? So far, we do not know who or what they are. We do not even know they exist beyond the boundaries of Benya's mind and his long tongue. But he presents them like some most potent world power or a state, which is simply bizarre. "Keep up the offensive"? WHAT "offensive" is Benya talking about? What have they actually done that anyone can verify or be certain of?
And the punchline of this report looks like something "out of this world".
However, the White Dragon Society is not going to wait for a giant-space fleet to save us, instead the WDS wants humanity to save itself.
"WDS wants humanity to save itself"? Well, are they God? Are they running the world nowadays, like some kindergarten? What does it matter to anyone what they "want"? And if so, WHO authorized them to do so? In whose name and/or commandments and according to what contract and with whom?
December 31, 2015
When you read Benya's yearly report for 2015 and you know "the real story" then you might experience some confusion and the question may arise in your mind: "Who is talking here? - Benya or the VOA (Voice of America) or Deutche Velle or the BBC, for that matter"?
This is clearly visible in his concoctions as to what happened during the staged coup when the USSR (Soviet Union) was being taken down by the same ZioNazis and their "strong arm" fraction, known as "Chabad mafia". Here's what Benya says at the very beginning of his disinformation masterpiece:
[1] This is the last Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis report for 2015 and it is a good time to look back and see how much has changed in the past year. In many ways the situation now is similar to the situation in Eastern Europe just before the fall of the Soviet Union. Most of Eastern Europe had overthrown their Stalinist overlords and only the big kahuna, the Soviet Union, remained standing.
Well, this single paragraph is so loaded with utter and complete lies, fabrications and outright disinformation that we can write a pretty fat chapter taking it apart and exposing the ugliest form of the propaganda of the Cold War period. So, let us just cover some major points in his concoctions.
This is one of the pretty important points as it has to do with the issues of Saudi involvement in creation and financing of the "mercenary armies", such as ISIS, Benya keeps talking about, seemingly condemning the Saudis.
But in reality, things turn out to be just the opposite to what he regularly claims, which we can see from the the statements by the deputy head of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, who explicitly claims that we are dealing with something else, "as a result of the conspiracy of Al Saudi to lower the oil prices".
See: Lies about oil prices hurting Saudis and "mercenary armies"
First of all, what we have as a fact, in REALITY, and not in some disinformation concoctions, is this, which you can verify within minutes if you are interested enough to bother about it at all:
In his speech on behalf of all the messengers of the movement, the Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar, openly stated:
"Russia knew many revolutions, but the most peaceful, quietest and most effective - is the revolution that was created by the Chabad emissaries" [destruction of the Soviet Union in the 1990's]
("The Hebrew word" for 46 (269) 2005 30 November - 6 December).
The best proof of these words could be a Russian cemetery, ruined economy, science, education, and almost miserable situation of the vast number of people ...
The most effective is the revolution created by the Chabad emissaries
(ZioNazi Quotes: "Chabad Mafia")
Source: (Note: this book is a masterpiece of research on the issues Benya keeps talking about all the time. Highly recommended.)
The most effective is the revolution created by the Chabad emissaries
(The Invisible Khazaria: NWO - Strategies, Tools and Methods by Tatyana Gracheva )
For all those, who do not completely grasp what it means, let us look at this bomb of a quote, at least from the standpoint of Benya's concoctions about destruction of the Soviet Union by the "Chabad Mafia".
Interestingly enough, he never even mentioned Chabad or the biggest banking empire on the face of this planet, Baruchs, who finances them, even once. Strange, isn't it? With all his alleged extensive connections to various intelligence agencies, Pentagon, "royal families" and even various criminal "brotherhoods" or "families", the REAL players seem to totally escape his wild imagination and prophetic abilities, which he throws around left and right in every single of his so-called reports.
But, to put it in simplest of terms, precisely the Chabad are the "hit-men" of Baruch. Baruchs, Rothschilds and other players from the "banking mafia" do not actually DO anything with their own hands. They only design and develop plans, issue the instructions and finance all sorts of "agenturs", like Chabad in this case.
Yes, he talks about the Rothschilds once in a while, but even then, he even manages to claim that these Luciferians are actually doing some beneficial things for the mankind, which is simply beyond insane. Because there isn't even a shred of possibility for them to do ANYTHING on behalf of mankind as such.
Simply because, just as John Todd, for example, who was allegedly an offspring of one of the 13 Illuminati "ruling bloodlines" of this planet and a member of the "Committee of 13", stated they sit directly under Lucifer, and he even had observed some "strange things" while visiting Rothschild in one of his castles.
John Todd, the Illuminati and Witchcraft!
So, the fact that Benya never even mentions Chabad or Baruch is an evidence in itself as to who he really is and whose interests does he serve in reality. Simply because it is utterly inconceivable that he, with all his extensive connections, as he claims, did not come across some pretty bewildering information about their goals, activities, plans for this planet and so on. Such a thing is simply impossible, no matter how you cut it.
In this light, we would like to mention that probably the world's foremost researcher, the expert number one in the world and a fighter against Chabad, Eduard Hodos or a journalist with accreditation in UN Valery Gerasimov, who had personally met with some of the most influential and powerful individuals in the "power structure" of this planet, both claim exactly the same thing: "On Baruchs closes the entire financial pyramid in the world".
Furthermore, there exists enough evidence of the fact that precisely the "Chabad mafia", as they are called even by the rabbis in Israel itself, are the real doers and the "hit-men" in this game of world takeover, which is evidenced, for example, by the piles of photographs of Chabad with the heads of states throughout the world, and particularly during the signing ceremonies where these heads of states sign all sorts of "laws" and "agreements" they were made to sign precisely according to the instructions of the Chabad.
We have plenty of information on Chabad on the antimatrix.org site. So, you can see for yourself what is it that we are talking about here. You can start here, for example:
First of all, the quote of Berel Lazar above simply means that the Soviet Union did not "fall" because of some "natural" or "internal" causes. It was taken down by the same "Chabad Mafia" Benya pretends to be condemning all the time in his disinformation reports, even though he never mentions them directly, but instead, calls them either "Khazarian mob" or other similar names. But the thing is that what he calls the "Khazarian mob" closes on the "Chabad mafia", and this is a fact, and verifiable one at that.
And this, in turn, means that all of his disinformation concoctions about destruction of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Union are nothing more than blatant lies and fabrications, and of the same exact kind as the radio waves were filled with during the Cold War period with non-stop disinformation broadcasts from the VOA, Deutsche Velle and the BBC.
The process of destruction of the USSR (Soviet Union) had begun in the 60's of the 20th century and was performed in the "classical style" of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion or the Catechism of the Soviet Jew, which is merely a wildly simplified version of the Protocols.
Our master plan of international conquest through propaganda
(The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview)
Catechism of the Jew in the USSR
Basically, it was done by the economic warfare methods instead of traditional military means.
So, "the scheme" was actually really simple. Just as Harold Wallace Rosenthal stated in his interview:
"Most Jews throughout the world, I'd say more than 90%, know what is really happening to our people. We have communication unequalled anywhere. It is only the jerks, the ignorant and misinformed and degenerates who can find peace in your society and you bastards hide your sins by donning sheep's clothing. You are the hypocrites not the Jews, as you say and write about.
To answer your question in Russia, there are two distinct governments one visible and the other invisible. The visible is made up of different nationalities, whereas the invisible is composed of ALL JEWS.
The powerful Soviet Secret Police takes its orders from the invisible government. There are about six to seven million Communist in Soviet Russia, 50% are Jews and 50% are gentiles, but the gentiles are not trusted.
The Communist Jews are united and trust each other, while the others spy on one another. About every five to six years the secret Jewish Board calls for the purge of the party and many are liquidated.
There are two distinct governments, one visible and the other invisible
(The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview)
Protocol 2.2: Puppet government - pawns in our game
Protocol 3 - Methods of Conquest
Protocol 3 - if journalists get the right to scribble any nonsense
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Victor E. Marsden version
So, the "Invisible government" in the Soviet Union pushed through the "economic reforms" in the 60's, allegedly to "improve the economy", which was a blatant lie and not many, even on the highest level, and even in Russia itself, had any clue of what that "scheme" actually meant.
Everybody thought it to be some kind of a "progress", and have expected that they will eventually begin to enjoy the "benefits" of the consumerism in the western style and will be able to purchase all sorts of fancy toys in the stores.
The "reform" was to allow all sorts of small businesses to manufacture all sorts of consumer goods in all sorts of small shops, or "artels", as they were known. The oversight over these small shops was basically utterly absent and they cooked up their accounting books in any way they pleased. In fact, these shop owners knew really well that no one is going to touch them, simply out of fear of the consequences, as they would be immediately accused of "standing on the way of the progress and the economic reforms", which effectively meant a treason.
So, from the standpoint of taxation, they had one set of books for the tax reporting purposes, which basically showed no significant income, and they had a separate set of books that showed their REAL incomes, which were tens and hundreds of times bigger than what was reported by them officially.
That was the bare-bone essence of that trick with those "economic reforms". What it means is that humongous amounts of money were simply sucked out of the economy by the giant ZioNazi sucking machine. Because ALL of that REAL money they have made had never returned back into the coffers of the state and the economy. It was all stashed away "under the pillow" or in some filthy looking boxes in some warehouses. These parasites had the suitcases full of money in large denominations right under their beds or in their closets.
So, that was the fist stage of preparation for destruction of the Soviet Union. No one could even notice that the money simply started disappearing from the economy, not even mentioning the issues of taxation, simply because the process was so gradual and dissolution of the money from the treasury was virtually invisible, being obscured by the usual economic cycles. In the beginning, it looked like some little noise in the economic statistics.
So, by the mid-seventies, the second stage of destruction of the USSR had begun via all sorts of "dissident movements" and by using the talking heads of all kinds, bitching and moaning every single time they would open their bought out mouths. Moreover, these "agenturs" had a pretty widespread support from the people, thinking that this is something "healthy", "progressive", or even some form of the "revolutionary fight for freedom and democratic values". So clueless everyone was at that time as to the "real deal"...
That was done for the purpose of creating a wide discontent among the people, who began to notice the economic decline with their skin, and to bring up the issues to the front pages and main TV programs, so that those "goyim" fools would pick up on all that bitching and moaning about "how bad things are" and how badly we need to "reform the system", so that the next stage of takeover could begin.
And those "dissidents" included some of the most talked about figureheads, "famous" writers, scientists and all sorts of "intelligentsia", such as academician Sacharov, Soljenitsyn and the whole slew of all sorts of "famous" people. The campaign allegedly was aimed at protection of freedom of speech and freedom of convictions issues, just as specified in the UN Declaration of Basic Human Rights.
That second phase was executed perfectly, on the par with a masterpiece. Interestingly enough, at this very junction, we have a bunch of much more severe issues with all-pervasive censorship, which began to spread worldwide, and again, through Russia.
What they are doing now to censor the most important, valuable, insightful and truthful information and research is to classify it as the "extremism", in GROSS violation of the Universal Declaration of the Basic Human Rights, signed by vast majority of the states worldwide. And, interestingly enough, you don't hear a WORD about it from the "free world" media. Everyone is eating it yammy-yam-yammy, it seems, even though we face a number of the issues of much more severe and all-pervasive censorship today, and, at this junction, it is already happening on a world-wide scale.
These ZioNazi puppets even went as far as to censor the most famous writers, such as Lev Tolstoy, Fedor Dostoyevsky, Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl, Gregory Klimov, Eduard Hodos and even the famous composer Richard Wagner, and so on, classifying them as the "extremists", and some of these writers are the best writers and thinkers of all times, at least on the "Western" side of the world or in modern times.
So, how come we don't hear a word of condemnation of this massive and all pervasive censorship today? How come we don't hear a word about GROSS violations of the Human Rights Convention? Moreover, starting with 2015 we have begun to see the effects of this global censorship even on the "biggest and baddest" players, such as Google, uTube, Facebook, Twitter and other biggest social media outlets and so on, who began to remove massive amounts of articles, videos and began to block the web pages and even the entire sites, and on a world-wide basis.
Note: And we know this first hand. To this day, the site https://antimatrix.org had received a number notices and even legal threats from major players worldwide, such as Google, Russian, utterly unconstitutional "temporary" censorship agency Roscomnadzor, with global reach, from major Internet providers with the customer base in tens of millions of customers, demanding we remove certain masterpieces from our site, that were utterly falsely classified as the "extremist materials" and were even entered into the governmental "black list" database of all the documents and sites to be totally blocked in Russia, and word-wide for that matter.
Moreover, they had even enough arrogance to contact the providers and search engines DEMANDING they remove those materials or totally close the access to the sites, which, unquestionably, beyond any argument, represents GROSS violation of the UN Human Rights conventions!
As a result, at least 30% of the "casual readers" on the net can not see some pages or even the entire site. But... All those, who are REALLY interested in this material, can have it easily, any time of the day or night, and via number of ways and means. That is "the bottom line" here.
They are accusing us of the same thing, "the distibution of the extremist materials", even though we have explicitly stated our position on this: to publish or distribute the "extremist" materials and/or ideology is simply idiotic. Simply because the "extremism", and we mean of the real kind, can only produce violence of all kinds. Furthermore, it can not be done on a long-standing basis, simply because such a site or an article will INEVITABLY be blocked, and on a worldwide basis.
But we also know that there is no compromise between the Truth and a lie, and we are not willing to sacrifice the Truth, even if they decide to kill us in quite a literal sense. Yes, they can indeed do that, even though it is merely an idiotic exercise in futility, simply because the Truth can not be destroyed, no matter what anyone thinks or does. For this is the Law, the Law of Life itself, nothing less.
Furthermore, we have implemented a number of tools and ways to assure that the information we publish can not be destroyed, and on purely technical grounds. The information we have has been distributed worldwide in countless thousands of copies and we have the special real time feed to the entire site to assure that anyone in the world can receive any information regardless of anything anyone does, simply because it is virtually impossible to censor the information distributed on the P2P basis. Simple as that.
Moreover, the real-time feed to our site, allowing anyone in the world to receive the freshest and latest site updates, is as alive and active, as anything you can find on the net outside of the biggest media outlets. Basically, anything we have published, strangely enough, pretty much inevitably becomes some of the most widely read and supported information.
In fact, we are kind of shocked at times to see that the books and articles we have written so far seem to live on even after a number of years, which is highly unusual. On the top of that, some of the biggest and fattest books we have written, which we did not even expect anyone would bother to read, because of sheer volume of it, have become some of the most popular and most visited pages on the entire site. And there are so many tens of thousands of links and even promotion and recommendation feedback articles, that it is hard to believe.
And we can say to all those people: Thank you very much. Not for praising us, but for the fact that you are able to SEE. That is about the highest reward we can think of, and a reward to YOU, not only us. One of our major "slogans" is:
"Seek, and ye shalt find, knock and the door shalt be opened before thee", simply because "The Truth shalt make you FREE".
So, "the moral of this story" is: to all those, who are desperately trying to destroy or suppress our site or the information, and for years on at that, we can tell one thing:
Spare your grief, the more you do it, the deeper you get, and the more exposed you become. For this is the Law, the Law of Truth itself, nothing less.
What we have today is the situation that is way more severe than the situation in the 70's in Russia, when literally the whole world was shouting their heads off and foaming at the mouth with their "freedom of speech" and "the right to have ones own opinion" and convictions demands.
What is interesting here is that Benya, who deserves to be sued on defamation charges, and many times over, for some reason does not seem to experience anything of this kind, while he REGULARLY publishes quite "extremist" reports and makes all sorts of wild and even utterly false claims, and of the PERSONAL level, none of which, and quite literally, he will be able to prove in the court of law. Simply because the rule of evil is: Any and ALL the evidence and the witnesses are destroyed. ALWAYS!
And that implies that all those things he tells you, allegedly from all sorts of "highest level contacts", is utter and complete garbage, pure grade bluff and fabrications of all kinds. Simply because anyone, who did supply some REAL information, or "disclosed", at it is called, is a walking corpse. He will inevitably be identified and "taken care of", and in such a way that there will not remain even a trace of him left. For this is one of the major "laws" of the "puppet masters", not even mentioning the Illuminati.
You have a better chance to "compute" the Truth out of plain, ordinary lies in media, out of waves of disinformation, than to hear any Truth from any kind of "agents" or the "fighters" for whatever they tell you they fight, when they tell you "this is top secret information, that came from some 'agency' or our 'contact' in high places".
So, naturally, the question arises: What is gona ona here"?
So, the VOA, Deutche Velle and BBC ran the non-stop broadcasts, on a 24/7/365 basis, full of all sorts of wild accusations about those issues, and very few people, if any at all, could really understand why had all this stink started and who had created it. Yes, indeed, they did have all sorts of censorship of all sorts of information. But nearly all of it was quite far from all that hype and propaganda peddled by these stations, day and night, every day of the week, and for years on.
Now, what was the REAL purpose of that campaign, one might ask? Well, simple enough, by the mid-70's, vast amounts of money was sucked out of the economy and then came the phase where they wanted it to be known to every single person alive, and worldwide at that, broadcast over every single radio or TV station, so that they could start their massive campaigns of bitching and moaning about "how bad things are", which, as laughable as it might look, was true.
Things were indeed pretty bad. The store shelves were nearly empty in terms of quality consumer products. Yes, they were not exactly empty and in some causes they were quite full, but with low quality and primitive gadgets, far from what was available on the "free West", where "freedom and democracy" rule, as everyone is lead to believe, even to this day.
But the very essence of the trick was to start the wide discontentment campaigns in preparation for the 3rd stage of the "2nd Russian revolution" - the final and irreversible destruction of the USSR. In other words, the final phase of the war against the state, as such.
Then, by the 80's the store shelves were beginning to get emptied completely in some magical ways, to the point that you could not find even a loaf of bread or a piece of sausage in the food stores, which was utterly artificial, as food production did not stop all of a sudden, nor did the industry stop producing the consumer goods all of a sudden. Everything kept functioning, but may be with some slight decreases in productivity, and even that is not quite clear, even to this day.
At that junction, the ZioNazi satanists, via their "2nd" or "shadow" government in Russia, have brought the "reformers movement" to the forefront and installed Gorbachev in power. But he was basically a peasant and had a peasant's mind. So, he was easily manipulatable via countless number of ways and means, and especially via ego of a peasant, trying to prove that he is not worse than a city dweller, and all his talks about the "economic reforms" were basically full of all sorts of "smart"-looking crap and naive delusions of all kinds, he could not even fully grasp himself.
Because he could not not even comprehend that he himself was nothing more but a puppet. He, having the simple mind of a peasant, really believed some of the wild bluff he was talking about to the simple people during his "street meetings with real people". He was basically a "moron" and can not quite grasp what was his role even to this day, as some of his appearances show, even though he did get some ideas by now.
But that is another story... Quite interesting indeed, especially in the light of the Illuminati appointing him as a "prime-minister of all religions" and even giving him a former military base at Presidio in San Francisco for his "world headquarters", which was nothing but an insult and ridicule of him, and he seems to have realized at least some of it by now, at least to some degree. "But it is too late, pal, the train has already left the station...".
Finally, in the 1990-1991 the store shelves were emptied completely, and in quite a literal sense, to the point that there was not enough left even for a cat to lick off. For example, even in the downtown Moscow, in one of the pretty big food stores all they had in one department is the champaign bottles, and across the hall, in a different department, they had a couple kilos of cheese in the display freezer. That was the only things available in the entire store! But you could not even buy the champaign without giving them an empty champaign bottle!!!
That was basically an utmost ZioNazi insult towards those "goyim". The ZioNazi were simply having a ball, laughing at the people starving.
Because the warehouses were run by the same ZioNazi representatives. They LOVE the warehouses, and the bosses of nearly every single one of them were who do you think? - Well, the "Jews", "naturally". Non that we are trying to say here that ALL the "jews" are "bad", even though it is not quite clear what the very term "jew" means since it appeared for the first time somewhere in the 18th century, just as described in the public appearances of Benjamin Freedman, a "jew".
Even their moshiach (false "messiah"), Lubavitcher Rebbe, rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, stated that what is known as "jews" are in fact Khazars, known by the researchers as turko-finn tribe, which is true to the extent of about 98%, with exception of some technical details that need further explanation. So, we'll skip all that here.
Benjamin H. Freedman's 1961 Willard Hotel speech
Seven U.S. Presidents, Jewish Pawns
So, what they did to push through the 3rd stage of the "2nd Russian Revolution" is the same exact thing they always do, be it the Russian Revolution of 1917, or the French or American "revolutions" for that matter.
They simply stopped delivering products, food and supplies to the retail outlets. Simple as that. Not that there was no products or food available, but they simply did not distribute it. Furthermore, they even went as far as to send huge amounts of food and all sorts of products and consumer goods to Africa, in a "friendly gesture of helping the poor people of Africa", while Russians began to literally starve.
And that was the last nail into the coffin of the USSR and the Soviet Union. Because at that point simple discontent had grown and developed into all sorts of wide movements and all the radio and TV stations were literally choking on all this puss, slipped to them by the ZioNazi "agenturs", as they are described in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
And then all sorts of "reformers" quickly filled the void and started shouting their heads off and foaming at their mouths telling everyone how "bad things are" and giving all sorts of wild promises, most of which they could not possibly fulfill. Because, first of all, even if they would manage to come to power, it would not be THEM, who had the REAL "power", but their ZioNazi puppeteers.
"And the rest is history", as far as the fall of the Soviet Union goes, and that is precisely why Berel Lazare of the "Chabad Mafia" had said:
"Russia knew many revolutions, but the most peaceful, quietest and most effective - is the revolution that was created by the Chabad emissaries" [destruction of the Soviet Union in the 1990's]
("The Hebrew word for" 46 (269) 2005 30 November - 6 December).
Our master plan of international conquest through propaganda
(The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion)
The most effective is the revolution created by the Chabad emissaries
(The Invisible Khazaria: NWO - Strategies, Tools and Methods by Tatyana Gracheva )
One other interesting bit of Benya's disinformation has to do with the "fall of the stalinist regimes in Easter Europe". Sounds impressive indeed, but only to all those, "who have no clue". Simply because the "Stalinist regime" was finished at least two generations before the destruction of Eastern Europe had begun. Not that many young, or even not so young people would even know or care, as to who was Stalin "in reality" or what is meant by "the Stalinist regime".
Interestingly enough, the top level Illuminati "agentur", Christian Rakovsky, in his interrogation during the Trotskyist trial, called Stalin "the Bonopartist", meaning that he was perceived by the Illuminati as a threat, just like Napoleon Bonapart. Because Stalin, just like Napoleon, stood for the STRONG STATE, and that was about the biggest "no-no" you can imagine, as far as the Illuminati agenda of taking over the world goes. Here's a transcript of that interrogation:
Red Symphony
(Revelations of Trotskyist Rakovsky [about the global conspiracy or the "Hidden Hand"])
Interestingly enough, during the "Stalinist regime" in the Soviet Union, the standard of living had increased by ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE. Within a period of about 10 years he was able to rebuild the entire Russia after the WWII, to the level where people had enough food to eat and enough space to live in. He has build so much housing, and for FREE, that it can not be matched by anyone to this day.
The housing was raising up around the cities like mushrooms or a grass after the rain, all over the country. And it was all FREE. You did not have to borrow money from the "loan sharks" of the ZioNazi mafia to have a comfortable flat. Even to this day, some older people keep wandering "why they are not GIVING me a flat" when I have no place to live?
Even "after all these years" of "capitalism", having a chance to see what they have seen with all this "progress" and "western values", they still can not forget this idea of someone "GIVING" me something. Yes, the Russian people are as naive as it gets and as simple-hearted as one can imagine. But in that simpleness they have retained about the MAIN thing there is - their HEART.
And that is what is going to "save" them - Their HEART. There exists no bigger Heart on this planet than the Russian one. Period.
And that is precisely why the hardest "job" of freeing this planet from the evil can be done only by the Russians, going back to their indestructible genetic marker of haplogroup R1A1, the ONLY non-mutable haplogroup there is on this planet. It can not be destroyed and it can not even be mutated and, therefore, changed. It will remain just the same even if you intermix it with other nationalities and haplogroups.
Simple as that.
R1a1a conquers the world...in a few pulses?
(Gene Expression)
What Stalin did for Russia can only be matched by the post-war recovery of Germany. Except the recovery of Germany was stimulated by tremendous influx of funds. But Russia had to do it without a penny of external assistance, even though, true, there was some assistance in the industrial department with all the manufacturing plants and all sorts of other things, supplied, in part, by the USA. But that is another story altogether...
Interestingly enough, Stalin lives on in the people's hearts even to this day, at least among the simple, hard working people, as what he had done for them they can not possibly forget, and even to this day.
Yes, indeed, Stalin was not exactly an angel. But ask yourself a simple question: how do you recover from the world war effects and how do you run your country after it has been utterly destroyed and obliterated, just as it happened in Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbia, and now Syria, Yemen and so on in recent times?
What do you do and how do you rebuild the country from utter destruction, especially knowing really well about the ZioNazi/Illuminati plans for Russia and the entire world, for that matter? By then, he already had the results of the Rakovsky interrogation and he also had the results of the medical research on degeneracy and a "power complex" of these evil satanists.
So, he knew, and knew it for fact, what kind of destiny is allocated to Russia in the "Plan", if he is not careful enough and does not "take care of them" in time. Stalin was a fox, and of the Eastern kind. He could "smell" trouble better than anyone you can imagine.
Well, ask Benya and see what he tells you. It'll probably blow you off your chair when you hear it.
So, this is the background of the fall and destruction of the USSR and the Eastern European Union. And what do we hear from the "prophet" Benya?
- Well, we hear the exactly the same lies and fabrication that the airways were full of, especially via VOA and the rest of them, "freedom and democracy fighters", who turn out to be exactly the same ZioNazi puppets, as all sorts of big mouths and "talking heads" the net is full of nowadays, and Benya is not the exception, by far...
So, basically, to present this kind of ugliest concoctions and disinformation in nothing less than his yearly report is symbolic in itself. Because, if we look at it with the magnifying glass then we will be able to see, as clearly, as it gets, who this Benya is and whose interests does he serve in reality.
Sure, he probably hopes that his western audience is too "clueless" to be able to actually SEE what's inside the poison box he hands them, misrepresenting it all as some kind of "breakthrough" "top level secret" information, running his mouth off about how "great" he is and how much does he know about the issues of geopolitics, especially when he throws around the terms like "Stalinist Easter Europe" and its "fall", which was a staged puppet theater performance and was instituted and directed not from within those Eastern European states, but by the same ZioNazi satanists Benya pretends to be fighting, tooth and nail.
To summarize it all, we can state with certainty that the fall of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Europe had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with some internal discontent or the processes. But it has everything to do with EXTERNAL acts of war against those states, waged by the same ZioNazi satanists, and "Chabad mafia" in particular.
As far as the "fall of Eastern Europe" goes, those who know, know it really well that destruction had started with Poland by using the same exact kind of puppet as was used in case of Gorbachev. He was a simple man, an electrician working at the shipyard. He had not the slightest clue as to how to run the state and what it all means and what kind of real players stand behind the curtains in the puppet theater.
Basically, ALL he knew is some mythical "reforms" and the plans of those "reforms" and step-by-step instruction were quietly slipped to him, so he could at least have some idea of what was he shouting his head off about. So, he was instructed every single step of the way, and instructed by WHOM do you think? Because he was such a "moron" that he had a hard time pronouncing the sentences that were more than 3 words long. All he seemed to "know" is "revolution, reform and freedom" and things of that caliber.
Just ask yourselves a simple question: how could such a "moron" possibly know how to run the entire country with his 5 years worth off education, especially in the times of transition and change? What kind of things he could possibly comprehend if he could not spell the words longer than 5 letters?
All of a sudden, out of the blue, Polant had received $20 BILLION bux of "support from the free world". That money was used to purchase that puppet and that entire "opposition movement" of the shipyard and finance those "reforms", which was nothing but a myth. Because it was nothing more than a giant bribe and production costs money to stage that show as some kind of "success" of "western values".
The purpose of that entire campaign was to demonstrate to other Eastern European countries that such a thing is possible in principle, as they begin to see the incomes rising and the rest of that show in the grand puppet theater of Poland.
But when Russia was already destroyed and another puppet, Yeltsin, went to visit his "friend", Clinton, to ask for the stinky $3 billion bux, because by then Yeltsin had completely destroyed the economny of Russia and people really began to starve "full time", he needed at least some money "to save his own arse".
And so he went on a begging trip to his "friend" Clinton, which was even shown on TV. When he asked Clinton in public about "friendly assistance", Clinton smiled with his plastic smile, tapped him on his shoulder, like a read friend, and said:
"Russia is a strong state and it can manage to help itself even without our assistance"!
What a "friend"!
But what did they say to Poland before giving them 10 times as much money "with no strings attached"?
Well, again, the Poland was a stage in the puppet theater. The purpose of that exercise was to show to the whole word that the "reforms" REALLY "work", which would create the waves of discontent and a deep desire to switch to the "western model of peace and prosperity" and "western democratic values", designed by the same ZioNaxi puppet masters. Simple as that.
And then came yet another "freedom fighter", Ronald Reagan, with his slogan: "Bring down the wall, Mr. Gorbachev", talking about the wall between Eastern and Western Germany. That single "catch phrase" was enough to destroy the Eastern Germany, as it was played day and night on every single disinformation channel and a radio station of "the free world", ad nausea. Just as Adolph Hitler's favorite phrase says:
From then on, all this hupla-hupla and hooray have spread throughout the Eastern Europe. Interestingly enough, "after all these years" of "reforms", if you look at the economies of Bulgaria, Romania and other East European states, what you will see is UTTER devastation. They have lost their former markets of food and so on to the "civilized Europe".
But, the quality of food they are able to produce and the abundance of it, simply because they live on just about the richest soil on this planet, is way more superior than what you can find in the "free world with democratic values". But they can not sell it, simply because they can not compete with the lowest grade shit, stuffed with chemicals, produced, for example, by Turkey.
So, they ether start producing the utter crap in terms of quality, or they are "dead upon arrival". As a result, millions of farmers are nearly starving in terms of money, and we are not even talking about the other industries.
What a "progress" of "democratic values" and mythical "reforms" of all kinds!
And plenty of people are fooled into all sorts of delusions about what actually had taken place, even to this day. They are still working their rears off trying to "catch up with Western democratic values", not even realizing that they are simply digging the graves, and for themselves at that.
Simply because those "Western values" are nothing but a pipe-dream. Simply because about the ONLY "value" they know of by now is "me and my own belly", "money rules" and things of that caliber.
But they do not even realize that they have lost their very SOULS somewhere along the way to the "bright future of mankind", as explicitly expressed in the MATERIAL "values" of the belly of the beast.
And so that entire "West" is trapped in a deadliest trap of materialism, insensitivity and soul-less-ness. But if you look at them externally, they might even look like the "happiest" and "freest" people you can possibly hope to find, while remaining utterly empty within.
Their "joy" is not much different than the joy of dragging the empty can along the brick road, making all sorts of noise, signifying NOTHING, beyond delusions of all kinds.
Because by now they have become just the same kind of high-tech slaves, just as in the USA, Japan, UK, Germany and the rest of the so-called "civilized world of Western values". Little do they know that the very concept of "Western values" is about the ugliest myth and even delusion one could even imagine.
Here's one pretty interesting quote about Putin and his relationships and position on the ZioNazi "Chabad mafia":
"No Russian or Soviet head [of state] has ever done so much for the Jews as Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. In all respects - Unprecedented".
(Berel Lazare, chief Rabbi of Russia on 27 February, 2008 in his lecture before the Chabad society of Oxford, UK.)
Then Benya goes:
Europe has already rejected Khazarian mafia rule and what the world awaits is the collapse of the criminal rogue regime still in control in the Israel, the United States and a few vassal states like Japan. This can be done in 2016 but only if the White Dragon Society plus their BRICS and European allies keep up the offensive.
All we can say at this point is to ask: does anybody have even the slightest clue of what is he talking about here?
December 22, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The International Monetary Fund last week made a big push to position its SDR currency as a replacement for the US dollar. The US Congress finally (after 5 years foot-dragging) approved IMF voting reform, diluting G7 power, after which the organization announced it was doubling its money to 477 billion SDR (US$660 billion) from 238 billion SDR (about $330 billion).
Somebody apparently was not pleased because, immediately after this announcement, French police pressed criminal charges against IMF head Christine Lagarde.
The last IMF head, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, was arrested on trumped up rape charges and dismissed from office when he tried to push the SDR as a US dollar replacement. The CIA was behind that operation, according to CIA sources. Let us see if Lagarde does any better.
Another sign the US dollar and the people who control it are involved in high level financial warfare was the rate hike announced by the US Federal Reserve Board last week. The official reason for the rate hike, a strong US economy, was a bold faced lie as all real economic indicators show the US economy remains in a tailspin.
Furthermore, this rate hike will have the effect of taking money from small banks who lend to real businesses to the big banks who control the Fed and whose main business is gambling. The real reason for this rate hike was to protect the no-longer American US Dollar, not the US economy. In any case, the rate hike was a failure in that the dollar fell instead of rising. Long term interest rates also fell, meaning the market expects deflation and not the supposed inflation the rate hike was supposed to stop.
The US government finally agreeing to dilute its power at the IMF while the Fed raises interest rates are probably connected to US corporate government efforts to stave off bankruptcy. In other words, as a condition for additional funding, the US was forced to hand over de facto control of the IMF and pay more interest to foreigners who own US dollars.
The fact the US sent B52 bombers over Chinese territory last week was also almost certainly connected to high level, secret, negotiations to keep the US corporate government afloat. Essentially, the Americans were yet again using their nuclear war card to try to get a better deal.
Another sign something fundamental has changed is the fact the US government has done a 180 degree about turn in its policy towards Syria last week by supporting a UN resolution that does not call for the ouster of Syrian President Bashar Assad.
The US and Israel, until now often condemned at the UN by the rest of the world, have shown signs of regime change by voting for a unanimous UN resolution aimed at cutting off ISIS finances. This resolution targets the family of Turkish President Erdogan, the Kurdish Barzani family, the Bush crime family, Israel, Exxon, BP and others. As a Pentagon official put it “it is poetic justice that this unanimous UN vote was chaired by US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, an orthodox Jew.”
The latest US Defense Intelligence Department intelligence also reveals the Bushes and their neo-con buddies have been shipping oil tanker trucks, pickup trucks and other equipment to ISIS from Houston, Texas, Pentagon sources say. The trucks are being modified in Israel and then are sent to the war zone via Turkey and Jordan, they say.
Pentagon generals and rank and file are also becoming increasingly suspicious of US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter. Carter was in Turkey recently where he ordered an airstrike in Iraq that killed 25 Iraqi soldiers, the sources say. Carter ordered the attack as punishment for the Iraqis after they refused an offer by him to send special operations troops and Apache helicopters. US special forces were also recently refused entry in Libya, indicating a growing international distrust in their leadership.
The Pentagon officials say Carter’s use of personal e-mails for Department of Defense business may be used as a reason to remove him from office. This is the same thing Hillary Clinton has been under attack for.
In any case, Turkey’s Erdogan has apparently blinked after seeing his Israeli and US allies lose power one by one. Last week Turkey succumbed to universal international pressure and withdrew the troops it has sent into Iraq.
The other Middle Eastern rogue state, Saudi Arabia, continues to struggle desperately for survival. As a part of this, the Saudi government last week announced a 34 nation alliance “against terrorism.” Unfortunately for the Ibn Saud crime family, the most important nations in this so-called coalition denied being a part of it. Pakistan, the only nuclear armed Islamic State, openly denied Saudi claims they were allies.
Indonesia and Malaysia, two other major Islamic powers, are also not planning to militarily support the Saudi regime.
Leaders in most genuine Muslim countries are fully aware the Saudi royal family are not really Muslims but rather members of the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia.
With oil prices dropping to $30 a barrel and with hedges made at $70 a barrel starting to expire, the Saudis will soon no longer be able to afford the mercenary armies that are keeping them in power. This in turn will affect the big banks like Citibank that rely on recycling Saudi oil money for a large part of their business. Big bankruptcies are expected in January and February in connection with all this. [1]
There are also a series of moves being made against the Khazarian mafia inside the United States. Sheldon Adelson and Rupert Murdoch, to major Khazarin power brokers, have been shown to be using corporate control of the media to tell lies and distort court cases. The New York Times has also been caught deleting important news from its pages.
These revelations all coming out in one week are a sign of a rebellion against corporate distortion of news.
Khazarian attempts to centralize corporate control are also coming under closer scrutiny. For example, a US Justice Department Investigation of the recent attempt by the two chemical giants Dow and Dupont to merge has revealed that Vanguard is the #1 shareholder in both and that another Khazarian front, Blackrock, is also involved. This monopoly creating move is not expected to be approved.
The Chinese also acted to prevent the widely hated Monsanto Corporation, and its Goldman Sachs banker, from getting a monopoly on world food supply by having Chemchina buy the Swiss Agribusiness Syngenta.
Meanwhile on the Russian front, further confirmation came out last week that Vladimir Putin is not exactly real. A Russian FSB agent affiliated with the White Dragon Society, whose company protects Russian oligarchs, has said Putin is just a series of look-alikes who read scripts and pretend to be a powerful leader. The real leader of Russia is now said to be Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Take a look at these pictures of Lavrov and “Putin” and see for yourself which of the two men appears to be in charge:
Then, to confirm the Russian genome has produced plenty of Putin look-alikes, take a look at the photos of “Putin,” one dating from 1920, another from 1941 and another from 2015 here:
The Russians use “Putin” as a symbol of their unified leadership but make no mistake, Russian unity is not dependent on a single, killable, charismatic leader.
Speaking about charismatic leaders, Canada’s new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is shaping up to be one. His multi-ethnic rainbow cabinet and his call for legalization of marijuana have raised high hopes for his government in Canada. Everybody this writer met there hoped and wished for the best with his new government.
However, during a visit to Canada last week, a member of Canada’s Security Intelligence Service contacted this writer with information about his father Pierre Trudeau. According to this CSIS source, Pierre Trudeau was blackmailed with pedophile charges into ending the use of government owned Bank of Canada money to finance government operations without taxes or debt. Instead, he forced Canada into Babylonian style debt slavery to Khazarian mafia banks. Pedophilia allegations aside, it is a known fact that it was Trudeau who ended the use of Bank of Canada free money to finance the government.
Let us see if Justin will turn out to be just a feel good, look nice stooge or if he will undo his father’s crime. If he fails to return the Bank of Canada to its original mandate then you can be sure there are members of the Canadian public as well as the police and intelligences services who will make him accountable.
On a final note, it is clear that world trade and markets are not functioning properly now, as oil tankers float around with nowhere to go and as world trade continues to plummet while markets tumble.
Japanese businessmen with extensive operations in China say China’s economy is also in worse shape than government figures show.
Some sort of systemic collapse is taking place in slow motion. This will not happen overnight but, as in the fall of the Soviet Union, looking back it will seem as if an entire politico-economic system collapsed almost instantly. In this case Babylonian debt slavery and mind-control based government (govern=control, ment=mind) will collapse.
Sorry, we are really busy here. So, the critical digest of the report will be available soon, hopefully...
We still do not have enough time or interest to do the critical analysis of this report of Benya. But, we would like to bring up one point regarding the artificial manipulation of the oil prices by Saudis. This information had just appeared in one of the major news agencies, TASS.
This information deserves to be looked at and ivestigated further, as it has to do with one of the major claims, repeatedly made by Benya, that the fall of the oil prices is meant to hurt the Saudis, and, developing his fabrications further, he even claims that, as a result, the Saudis will be "hurt" to the point that they will be unable to continue financing the "mercenary armies", such as ISIS.
Which, taken further, would imply that "we are winning 'the war against terrorism'" scheme and "the bright future of mankind" is forthcoming indeed hoopla-hoopla and hoorays.
But the reality of the fall of the oil prices is exactly the opposite. It was not meant to be AGAINST Saudis. Just the other way around, it was created by the conspiracy of those very Saudis to bring the oil prices down.
And this single bit of information exposes the whole slew of lies, peddled by Benya, that allegedly came from various intelligence agencies and other high level places and players in the game of world takeover.
Interestingly enough, regarding the target to be hit by the falling oil prices, the oil production costs are the lowest for Saudis and some of the highest for Russia, even though some individuals claim that they are not much different. Nevertheless, if that is the case, then WHO is more likely to be hurt by the falling oil prices? - Saudis?
While comparing the Benya's concoctions with the statements by the deputy head of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, ask yourself a simple question:
Who can you trust more, Benya with his mythical "connections to the high places" or the deputy head of the Iranian Foreign Ministry in his OFFICIAL statement, who is actually sitting in one those "high places"?
Here's what Benya says:
With oil prices dropping to $30 a barrel and with hedges made at $70 a barrel starting to expire, the Saudis will soon no longer be able to afford the mercenary armies that are keeping them in power. This in turn will affect the big banks like Citibank that rely on recycling Saudi oil money for a large part of their business. Big bankruptcies are expected in January and February in connection with all this. [1]
And here's what the deputy head of the Iranian Foreign Ministry agency says:
02:50, January 4, 2016
Iranian Foreign Ministry: Riyadh can not cover up the execution of a cleric by breaking off diplomatic relations
"The announcement of its decision to break off diplomatic relations with Tehran, Riyadh can not cover up a big mistake it has committed, executing a religious figure" - quoted the deputy head of the Iranian Foreign Ministry agency "Tasneem."
"Execution of Ayatollah al-Nimrah Nimrah, the Muslim preacher [theologian], who was a part of the Islamic world, and not just the kingdom, the Saudi authorities have made another strategic mistake," - According to the opinion of the Iranian diplomat.
"The Saudi diplomats in Tehran and Mashhad were not harmed in any way, - says Abdollahian. - And taking hasty and ill-conceived steps to break diplomatic relations, Riyadh makes a strategic mistake, which can only exacerbate the threat to security in the region and lead to a further growth of terrorism and extremism. "In reality, the damage was made not to a diplomat, but to the people of Muslim countries in the region as a result of the conspiracy of Al Saudi to lower the oil prices, said Deputy Foreign Minister of Iran.
On Sunday evening, the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia's Adel Al-Dzhubeyr [аль-Джубейр] announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Iran.
The Minister also asked the Iranian diplomats to leave the territory within 48 hours.
During the night from Saturday to Sunday, angry Iranian demonstrators protesting at the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and Consulate of the Kingdom of Mashhad in connection with the execution of prominent Saudi Shia theologian al-Nimrah Nimrah [Нимра аль- Нимра], broke into the territory of the diplomatic missions.
Source: (in Russian)
МИД Ирана: Эр-Рияд не может прикрыть казнь религиозного деятеля разрывом дипотношений
And the results of it we are already beginning to see:
On Sunday, Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that after the execution of Shiite preacher holy retribution awaits the Saudi politicians.
December 15, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The newly elected Canadian government led by Justin Trudeau has been advised to send troops to Washington DC and New York city in order to liberate the American people from the fascist oligarchs who seized power there in an illegal coup d’etat following the September 11, 2001 false flag attacks. The suggestion was made by the White Dragon Society in the following message sent to Trudeau on December 14th, 2015:
“The White Dragon Society is offering to fully support Justin Trudeau if he orders the Canadian military to march on Washington DC and New York city in order to arrest the criminals there responsible for illegal invasions and mass murder.”
As Alexander the Great said, “fortune favours the bold.” Trudeau can either head a feel good rainbow nation and endlessly discuss such things as “gender issues” or, he can seize destiny by the horns and liberate the planet by freeing the American people.
The WDS message to Trudeau also read
“We promise the support of Europe, the Pentagon, and the BRICS alliance if Trudeau will help rid the world of the rogue non-state actors based in the US. ”
Senior pentagon officials say they will cooperate with the Canadian military if they move on these two cities with the intent of arresting the criminals based there.
They are also willing to contemplate integrating the United States into the United States of Canada if such a move is supported by the people in a fair vote. The Rothschild/European royal family faction in de facto control of Europe also supports the WDS according to a special envoy sent to meet with WDS representatives in Tokyo last week, WDS sources said.
Meanwhile, the Khazarian mafia controlled country of Israel sent their President, Reuven Rivlen last week to meet US corporate government spokesman Barack Obama. At the meeting Rivlen asked for the American regime to supply Israel with 10 years worth of arms. He was told “no” just as his boss, war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu, was told in November.
The fact that Israeli involvement in ISIS and oil theft from the Middle East is now well known amongst all the world’s military and intelligence agencies means the rogue regime there has no state backers left except Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
The desperate request for US arms came as the war against the Saudi, Israeli, Turkish and Nazi mercenary army alliance in the Middle East is intensifying. On that front Pentagon sources say Russia launched cruise missiles last week for the second time in recent days. The launch was intended as a warning to Turkey, Israel and “ISIS in Libya,” that the Russians were ready to use nuclear weapons if necessary to stop the ongoing theft of oil by these rogue actors.
When Russian President Vladimir Putin recently said he “hopes nuclear weapons are not needed to fight terrorists,” he was referring to their state sponsors Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. The Russians also have “standing orders to sink Turkish and Israeli submarines,” the pentagon sources said. Keep in mind that both the Turkish and Israeli air-forces are grounded and their navies are blockaded.
The regime in Saudi Arabia may well collapse before any need arises to use nuclear weapons. The latest Iranian news reports claim that Yemeni troops have “launched an attack on the al-Sidrah military base in the Waziʼiyah district of Ta’izz.”
If that is true then Yemeni troops are now in striking distance of the Saudi Political capital of Riyadh and the religious capital of Mecca. No wonder all the various princes are emptying their bank accounts and fleeing the country.
The Khazarian mob’s control of the United States is also crumbling. This is now being seen in the corporate media as can be shown in the fact that CNN’s Ashleigh Banfield Tuesday morning said that “From a period of 1980 to 1985 there were a reported 18 terror attacks committed in the United States by Jews, 15 of them committed by the Jewish Defense League.”
‘The head of the Jewish Defense league was in jail awaiting trial…accused of trying to bomb a mosque in Culver City, trying to bomb [US Congressman] Darrel Issa’s office, an Arab-American.”
Clearly the corporate media is finally realizing they must either start reporting the truth or else go extinct.
The US presidential election is not going according to the cabal script either. The Rothschilds want their hand picked candidate Hillary Clinton to take over as President of the US corporate government next year but that is looking increasingly unlikely as she faces criminal charges. Jeb Bush, the candidate of the eternal “war on terror” faction of the cabal is already out of the presidential picture and may also soon be in jail.
Meanwhile, Republican front runner Donald Trump has cancelled his trip to Israel because “he knows Israel nuked America on 911,” CIA sources say.
Furthermore, the Pentagon summoned US corporate government spokesman Barack Obama on December 14th to make it clear to him he must oppose Khazarian mobster Senator John McCain’s plan to send 100,000 US troops to Iraq to seize oil and fight Russia.
Khazarian mob oligarchs are under attack in many countries now. In the US an attempt by Dick Cheney to merge his Halliburton with Jame’s Baker’s Hughes is being blocked by anti-trust concerns. The same is true of a cabal attempt to merge Dow and Dupont to create a “seed chemical gmo duopoly” with Monsanto.
The main source of Khazarian mob power, the Federal Reserve Board, has had its US operations seized by the Pentagon. Now the Fed has been sued for trillions of dollars worth of fraud by a Fed whistleblower in an effort to recover US government money stolen by this criminal institution.
Meanwhile, the Rockefeller family remains on the retreat. Rockefeller oil company Exxon Mobil is being probed by New York prosecutors for promoting lies on climate change. An effort by Rockefeller controlled General Electric to sell off their appliance division to Electrolux is also being blocked. The Rockefellers have also been forced out of Japan. They have sold their Citibank operations there and shut down their Exxon Mobil oil operations are part of a general retreat from that country.
Also, Chinese prosecutors are closing in on Macau gambling mogul Sheldon Adelson, who is considered to be the main Khazarian agent controlling the Republican faction of the Khazarian political charade in Washington DC.
In Europe, meanwhile, Rothschild stooge Mikhail Khodorkovsky has been charged with murder
while another Rothschild Stooge, former French President Nicholas Sarkozy, is being investigated for cocaine smuggling.
Those readers still wondering when all the arrests of Khazarian gangsters would start need to understand by now the process is well under way, even if painfully slow. We have already seen kings and popes resign in Europe and now we are seeing the American Khazarian mob rulers being taken down. This process will continue until it is complete.
However, we must not underestimate the power of the Khazarian mob or their continued confidence in their ability to control the future of this planet. The Rothschilds, for example, have once again released hints of their future plans through their flagship publication the Economist. The Economist cover filled with occult predictions for 2016 has been released and can be seen here:
Here is a preliminary analysis of what the Rothschilds anticipate. On the left of the picture can be seen a frowning president Obama surrounded by a smiling Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and a smiling President Xi Jinping of China. The implication is they do not see the US pivot to Asia going well. Then below that is a UFO object with a noodle bowl on it. The noodle bowl features a map of the South China sea with a Chinese flag on top of it. The implication is China will get its way in that area.
On the bottom right hand corner can be seen a baby pushing a globe past the years 1987, 1993, 2000 and 2008. Each of these years saw a major market collapse indicating they expect another such collapse in 2016. In fact the collapse of junk bonds, oil, the Baltic Dry Index and other indicators make it obvious to anybody who is paying attention that a Lehman or bigger sized crisis has already begun. In a non-published part of the Economist cover picture can be seen a devil with a suitcase clearly expecting to make a lot of money from this crash.
In the middle of the picture can be seen a woman smiling while holding a mobile phone and looking at UK Prime Minister David Cameron while in-between them can be seen a Taliban like figure. The implication is that some sort of big Paris like staged attack is due in London in 2016.
There is a lot more to be seen in this picture but for now we will only further mention that there is an image of a Spanish conquistador on top of an Asian pagoda in the center back of the picture. This seems to imply they feel the West will somehow conquer Asia starting in 2016.
Finally this week, we can report that close to 200 heads of state have signed an agreement in Paris to start reducing carbon emissions. We all know that carbon in not warming the planet. Nonetheless, the interesting point is that somebody had the power to get close to 200 heads of state to spend weeks in Paris coming up with such an agreement.
Who was that? It is also worth noting on a positive angle that rich countries are at least promising to help pay developing countries $100 billion a year to reforest and introduce sustainable energy infrastructure. Whoever controls these 200 heads of state is at least willing to do lip service to protecting the environment. Whether that will be enough to keep their heads off the chopping block remains to be seen. [o
We are not going to do an in-depth analysis of Benya's "prophecies" and shiny pictures he paints. But if you review the following message, allegedly from Montague Keen, then some things Benya says may be viewed in proper perspective indeed.
Montague Keen - December 13, 2015
You can see plenty of quotes by the highest "authorities" and "leaders" all kinds to get the picture of what is going on in REALITY, and not in all these projectioins of shiny promises Benya keeps making in every single of his reports here:
The Goals of the Secret Elite Group of Illuminati
(ZioNazi Quotes: The NWO)
The Program
(ZioNazi Quotes: The NWO)
Regarding Canada, see this:
CANADA - A SECRET TESTING GROUND of coming "new world order"
Sorry, we are really busy here. So, the critical digest of the report will be available soon, hopefully...
December 8, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Note: Full text of this report will be available on Thursday, according to Benya's demands.
Historical events continue to unfold in the Middle East as old empires, the Ottoman (Turkey) and the Persian (Iran), look for allies in their fight to seize oil fields and redraw maps of the region. The fighting in the Middle East is also about control of petro-dollars and thus over the world’s financial system. As such, it is a Western civil war using proxies in the region.
The complex array of forces fighting over this oil prize makes the news coming from the region confusing. So, it might be a good time to try to identify the key players and their agendas before going further into the latest developments in the war.
The first thing to understand is that revenue streams worth over $2 trillion per year are being fought over. Europe, for example, spent over $600 billion on energy in 2013, according to statistics put out by Eurogas.
Most of this was imported from either the Middle East or Russia. China and the US each spend similar amounts as does the rest of the world.
The so-called Neo-con faction of the Khazarian mafia was hoping to seize all of this oil and thus keep their control over the planet intact for at least another century, as can been seen in their own reports like Project for a New American Century. That is why Khazarian inbred Mafioso thug George Bush Jr. and his pals carried out their 911 “new Pearl Harbor.” This was why the US and other Western armies were fooled into stealing oil for these gangsters under the pretext of a “search for weapons of mass destruction” and a “search for Bin Laden.”
We also know that Bush Jr. regime thug Donald Rumsfeld reported $2.3 trillion missing from the Pentagon’s budget immediately before 911. This money was spent creating the mercenary army variously known as Blackwater, Academi and now ISIS, according to Pentagon military intelligence. This private army, at least 500,000 strong, has been seizing the oil fields of the Middle East, especially Iraq and Syria.
We also now know from multiple, detailed reports, that the stolen oil is being laundered through Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. They countries are all ruled by Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia families pretending to be Muslim or Jewish.
The other point that needs to be repeated here is that big oil companies and their shareholders are deeply involved in this conflict. The big oil companies duking it out over the region are BP (British Rothschilds), Exxon Mobil (Rockefeller), Gazprom (Rothschild plus Russian oligarchs) and the Saudi/Bush crime syndicate.
The seemingly opposed Khazarian mafia factions have been pretending to fight each other while actually working together to create a Khazarian controlled super-state in the region. This is what the entire so-called Arab spring series of coups d’etat against governments of the region was supposed to accomplish in the end.
There is also a powerful faction fighting to completely end Khazarian control in the region and elsewhere that is centered on the world’s armed forces and intelligence agencies, especially those of the US, Russia and China.
We must also recall that Russia, France, England, Germany, Iran, Turkey, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Syria, the Pentagon and others are all actively participating, along with the ISIS mercenary army, in the fighting that is raging in the region.
We can now see why it is not unreasonable to say that World War 3 has started in the Middle East.
OK, so with that big picture reminder of what is going on, let us look at the latest developments in this conflict. Last week, while Russian President Vladimir Putin met with US President Barack Obama in Paris, General Joseph Dunford, head of the Pentagon, called Valery Gerasimov, Chief of Staff of the Russian armed forces. Dunford and Gerasimov discussed how to “to take down Turkey, Israel and Saudi Arabia in the real war on terror,” according to Pentagon sources.
As a part of this joint Russian/Pentagon campaign, the Pentagon has crippled all the Patriot air defense missile systems in Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel. At the same time Russia has established a no-fly zone throughout the region.
“Israeli reports of airstrikes in Syria or countermeasures for Russian S300 anti-missile systems in Greece are desperate lies to mask its irrelevance, defeat, and grounded air force,” the Pentagon sources say. The flow of oil to Israel has now been largely stopped and that country is being forced, kicking and screaming, to give up the territory it seized in 1967.
There is also a bank run going on in Israeli ally Saudi Arabia in reaction to Yemeni troops entering that country and surrounding the towns of Najran and Jizan near the Yemeni border.
The German government has now also joined the Russians and the Pentagon as they openly moved against the Khazarians by publicly accusing the Saudi Arabians of being among the world’s leading exporters of terror.
Meanwhile Russia has made big moves against Khazarian proxy forces in Azerbaijan, according to the Pentagon sources. An Azerbaijani oil rig was set on fire last week fire to stop a flow of oil to Israel that it was using to finance arms export to the Azerbaijanian capital Baku. Russia has also deployed missiles in Armenia to “ground the two secret Israeli drone/airbases in Azerbaijan,” they said. “The message is Shia-majority Azerbaijan must dump Israel, accept bear hug, stop Shia crackdown, make nice with Iran or else,” one of them said.
Turkey has now reacted by sending troops into Iraq and openly allying itself with the Sunni Muslims in that country. Sources in contact with Nouri al-Maliki, until recently President of Iraq, say Maliki believes there is a secret US/Turkish deal to split Iraq. Al-Maliki believes ISIS is out of control and the US can do nothing to stop it, the sources said.
Other sources say Turkey’s regime is simply moving into the power vacuum that exists in Iraq and is developing in Saudi Arabia in an effort the stop what it views as a Persian offensive in the region. So, as mentioned above, we have a war between the Ottoman Empire and its allies and the Persian Empire and its allies. Right now, the smart money is on the Persians.
However, now that the Turks realize NATO is not going to fight Russia on their behalf, you can be sure they are secretly negotiating with Russia and the Pentagon in the hopes of saving themselves from disaster. The US military has already made it very clear it is unwilling to protect Israel which means that country will be at the mercy of Turkey, Iran and, most of all, Russia.
The fighting in the Middle East is part of a bigger plan by the US military industrial complex planners for a worldwide takedown of the Khazarian mafia control of the banking and financial systems. This scenario calls for “$30 a barrel oil, an emerging market debt default, the fall of the house of Saud and the use of the Chinese Yuan to pay for Middle Eastern oil,” among other things.
Taken together, these events will cause bank collapses and the end of the Khazarian New World Order, the planners envision. The trigger could be the expiry of oil hedges in January and February that will suddenly leave some big players much more exposed to the effects of collapsing oil prices, they say.
Inside the US, the military industrial complex is carrying out a purge of “Israeli fifth columnists,” the sources said. One visible sign of this was the conviction last week of former New York State assembly speaker Sheldon Silver on seven federal corruption counts.
The conviction is part of a move to remove political protection for the criminal Wall Street hedge funds and firms that are looting the US economy, White Dragon Society sources in the US say.
Another sign is a campaign to oust Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, ostensibly over the cover up of the extra-judicial killing of an African American teenager. This however, is just a legal pretext to remove this Chicago gangster from power, the WDS sources say. There will be more heads rolling as this develops, the US WDS sources add. The Khazarians will react with more staged mass shootings.
Meanwhile, there have been developments in Japan as well. Japanese power broker Chodoin Daikaku says the former Japanese finance minister Heizo Takenaka has recently offered a bribe worth “over a billion dollars,” to popular opposition politician Toru Hashimoto. Since Takenaka is the Japanese traitor who handed over control of the Japanese financial system to the Khazarian mob, this attempt to bribe Hashimoto is aimed at making him serve the Khazarian mafia. If he accepts the bribe, he will be promised to eventually be given the job of Prime Minister but only if he agrees to allow the continued looting of Japan’s savings by the Khazarian mafia.
The latest Bank of Japan reports note that the total amount of money in circulation in Japan is decreasing while the latest Japanese GDP statistics show the country is in recession. Both of these events prove that so-called Abenomics, or mass money printing by the Bank of Japan, is merely the theft of Japanese money with the aim of saving the Khazarian mob and their banks. As the Japanese government’s own statistics show, this BOJ money is not being spent in Japan.
Finally, Zhang Seung Shik, one of the claimants to the $30 trillion Manchurian gold fortune, last week said the Bank for International Settlements has promised him the money will be used to “restore the Manchurian nation, divide China into 16 countries and divide Russia into 4 countries.” All we can say to Mr. Zhang is that he can dream on but he is not going to be put in charge of $30 trillion by anybody.
Sorry, we are really busy here. So, the critical digest of the report will be available soon, hopefully...
December 1, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The Illuminati, through their “grandmaster” Alexander Romanov, promised a surprise for Thanksgiving this year and even gave us a hint of what it would be by showing a map of Turkey on his website. Now Pentagon sources are saying that Turkey is going to pay for its funding of ISIS and its aggression in the Middle East by having large areas of its territory confiscated.
The same is going to happen to Israel, both Illuminati and Pentagon sources say. Saudi Arabia, for its part, will cease to exist as a Saudi family private property playground, they say.
This take-down of the Khazarian mafia is happening as world leaders gather in Paris to talk about using global warming pseudo-science to promote a very real economic campaign to stop environmental destruction and end reliance on fossil fuels. More about that later.
For now, the main action is concentrated on Turkey where Germany has joined France, Russia, Iran, Egypt and the Pentagon in fighting against the Turkish, Israeli, Saudi and Khazarian mercenary army known as ISIS.
The Pentagon prepared the ground for this campaign months ago by withdrawing all patriot missile defenses from Turkey and Israel. This paved the way for the Russian air-force to set up a no-fly zone throughout the Middle East, including Israel and now most of soon to be former NATO ally Turkey, Pentagon sources say.
Turkey is expected to imminently lose territory on several different fronts, Pentagon and Russian sources say. France, the former colonial master of Syria, is supporting a Syrian demand that Turkey return the Arabic majority province of Hatay
that was taken from them in 1937.
Meanwhile, the Russians and the Pentagon are now also supporting removing another huge chunk of Turkey to create a Kurdish state, the sources say. Finally, the nation of Armenia may also be about to get some historical payback, they say. Russian troops have poured into Armenia for the purpose of confiscating chunks land in North East Turkey near the Armenian border and returning them to Armenia, Pentagon and Russian sources say.
The Russians have already installed anti-aircraft batteries in Armenia and created a no-fly zone in preparation for the seizure of this territory, they say. As a Pentagon official put it “It looks like Putin will be carving up a turkey for Christmas.”
The question of course is why did Turkish President Recep Erdogan trigger this massive attack on his country by shooting down a Russian bomber? The best guess is that Erdogan fell into a clever trap. Somebody must have told him that if he ordered the downing of a Russian bomber then NATO would come to his rescue and support his bid to recreate the Ottoman Empire.
The other thing that several sources are saying is that Erdogan, along with Benyamin Netanyahu of Israel, the Bush/Clinton crime family and the Saudi royal family are all members of the Khazarian mafia who believe it is their destiny to create a New World Order. They are all descendants of the ancient Satan worshipping Hyksos tribe of human slavers and their NWO plan was to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. Instead, the NWO is blowing up in their faces.
An analysis of Middle Eastern oil trade connected to ISIS made it very clear that oil was being stolen from Iraq and Syria by mercenary armies financed by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf oil monarchies. Furthermore, the stolen oil was all being sold by either Turkey or Israel. Not only that but multiple media reports confirm this weekly’s assertions the European Rothschild family, another Khazarian Satanic bloodline, have been deeply involved in massive oil theft.
The Illuminati and the Pentagon sources both say that many of the Rothshcilds, Benyamin Netanyahu and the Erdogan family are now “high value targets.”
According to Sorcha Faal, an information/disinformation site set up by US Naval Intelligence, Erdogan’s son Bilal is now on the run because he raped, tortured and murdered British and American female journalists who were reporting on Turkey’s support of ISIS. In this case, the report has a strong ring of truth to it.
In any case, once Turkey is finished with, the Russians and Syrians are expected to carry out a joint military campaign to wrest the Golan Heights from Israel. Following that, Israel will be forced to make a permanent peace with its neighbors in exchange for the return of stolen land.
Saudi Arabia is also being increasingly exposed as one of the most tyrannical regimes on the planet. The latest example of what sort of regime this is can be seen in reports that a Sri Lankan woman is about to be stoned to death by a mob as punishment for adultery.
Inside the US as well, a purge of the Khazarian mafia is continuing. Jeb Bush for example, is now widely reviled as part of the traitorous gangster family that was complicit in 911 and countless other crimes. As a result, he has virtually vanished from the corporate media where, until recently, he was talked about as if he were an anointed Presidential candidate.
Neo-con traitor John McCain for his part is showing signs of mental instability, CIA sources say. The rest of the Khazarian mob in the US is also terrified because the sources of their power, the Federal Reserve Board and the corporate government of the United States are bankrupt. Major European allies like France, Germany, Italy, England, Switzerland etc. have already abandoned them.
Now a Canadian group is now trying to negotiate a friendly take-over bid of the United States Corporate government. The Canadians are offering good government, friendly foreign policy and a fair economic playing field for all Americans if their bid succeeds. The Pentagon, the Chinese, the Europeans and others have shown an initial positive reaction when asked to support this bid. This is all very preliminary though, sources close to the bid offer say.
In Japan as well, signs are that that Khazarian mob rule is going to finally be taken down. Members of the Japan independence party and this writer showed up at a CSIS conference in Tokyo where Khazarian cabalist mass murderers Richard Armitage, Michael Green and Kurt Campbell were giving lectures. These people were forced to scuttle away from their conference pursued by protesters.
After this, Japan Independence Party head Richard Koshimizu and this writer went to the nearby Marunouchi Police Station to present evidence the above individuals were criminals. The Japanese police showed an interest in making prosecutions but requested more evidence, which is being provided.
A photograph of some of the protesters and the banners they showed to these criminals is below.
The Illuminati promised their support for Japan and will be presenting, in person, an ultimatum to key Khazarian agents and proxies there to hand over control of the process of creating and distributing Japanese yen to the Japanese people. Representatives of the Japanese underworld attending the protest promised they would support nationalizing the Khazarian controlled bank of Japan.
Michael Green, head of Mossad Japan is now a priority target, they said. Certain senior Japanese oligarchs are also going to be given discrete warnings to stop cooperating with the Khazarian mob or else face “terminal consequences.”
Meanwhile in Europe, the moderate faction of the cabal that has been running the West has gathered over 140 world leaders to Paris for two weeks to try to force them to come up with a solution to “global warming.” While it is unfortunate these people feel the need to lie about global warming to justify their plans, they nonetheless are trying to come up with a way to force corporations to pay for any eco-systems they destroy.
They are also hoping to come up with a way to make it profitable to rebuild or create new forests and nature preserves. It is a sign the old world order is realizing how much damage their politico-economic systems have done to the planet. It may be too little, too late but at least it shows they are finally waking up to the enormous harm they have done.
Finally, in another bit of good news, human trials have begun on the first of what is expected to be many anti-aging drugs to become available. Clinical evidence shows this particular drug, Metformin, will allow people to live healthy lives past the age of 120.
Also, Chinese researchers have finally forced a debate on whether and when to begin allowing humans to edit and improve their own genes. For now the debate centers on removing genes for nasty inherited diseases. However, it will not be long before some people go ahead and get infra-red seeing eyes, super muscles and other powers already available with existing gene technology.
The Chinese are already going ahead with this technology by allowing couples to choose the best possible genes from their own gene pool for their children.
Either the West will have to end the ban on gene improvement for their own people or else watch as Westerners become obsolete genetic relics.
The Khazarian mob’s attempts to keep our lives brutish and short, so that we do not live long enough to wake up, are coming to an end.
Sorry, we are really busy here. So, the critical digest of the entire report for December 1, 2015 will be available soon, hopefully...
November 24, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
It is no longer good enough to passively blog about the mass murdering fascist cabal that is seizing power in the West, it is time to take direct action. This writer is going to put his life where his word is by going at noon, Japan Standard Time on November 24th, 2015 [*], to confront senior Khazarian cabalist mass murderers Richard Armitage, Michael Green and Kurt Campbell.
These murderers will be showing up at the Nikkei Hall in downtown Tokyo where they will be giving orders to their Japanese slave politicians and fomenting war. We will be live streaming on the internet as we try to force these criminals to answer for their crimes to the world public. It is time to make it impossible for members of the Khazarian mafia to appear in public without being confronted about their crimes and lies.
Campbell, Green and Armitage are all accessories to the murder of over 15,786 innocent Japanese citizens on March 11th, 2011. As this writer has previously written, Armitage is a heroin dealer who is also responsible for the murderer of numerous heads of state, including Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines and Noboru Takeshita of Japan.
Kurt Campbell was tape recorded trying to bribe Japanese politician Ichiro Ozawa with a monopoly on xeolite, a radiation clean up agent, immediately before the 311 nuclear and tsunami mass murder terror attack. Campbell was head of Asian affairs for the US State Department at the time. Michael Green, head of Mossad in Japan, has slandered this writer and forced Japanese politicians to publish essays saying the Japanese people had to obey Jews.
These people are now offering multi-billion dollar bribes to opposition politician Tooru Hashimoto in an attempt to co-opt an opposition alliance that is likely to overthrow the slave regime of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Sources close to Abe meanwhile say there has been a systematic assassination campaign going on against people in Abe’s immediate circle who are beginning to chafe at the orders given by Armitage and his fellow Khazarian gangsters.
We encourage all readers to phone the following places and demand the arrest of these criminals since we know an exact time and place where they will be appearing:
US White House: 1-202-456-1414
Japanese Embassy in Washington: 1-202-238-6700
US Department of Defense: 1-703-571-3343
US Justice Deparment: 1-202-514-2000
FBI: 1-202- 324-3000.
In addition, we ask non-US readers to phone their governments and ask them to also demand the arrest of these criminals.
All readers are further encouraged to organize similar such action whenever senior cabalists and known war criminals like Henry Kissinger, George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr., Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Nicholas Sarkozy, Tony Blair etc. show up in a public place. Public enablers of these criminals like Janet Yellen of the Federal Reserve Board, Mario Draghi of the European Central Bank and Haruhiko Kuroda of the Bank of Japan also need to be confronted about their printing money for gangsters every time they appear in public.
These people need to be named, shamed and arrested. Enough is enough. Remember nobody is above the law and these are all proven mass murderers. They need to be removed from public view and placed in jail where they belong.
OK, and now for the rest of the news. The world power struggle is intensifying with a now public and undeniable military blockade of Israel and its proxies in the Middle East. This is being admitted even on websites like DEBKA that are linked to Israeli Mossad intelligence. DEBKA is saying Iranian planes are attacking near the Syrian/Israeli border while the grounded Israeli air-force looks helplessly on.
A Russian, French and American fleet is now operating off the coast of Israel as part of a campaign to force that rogue state to cease is incessant promotion of terrorism and war. The Russians and their allies, including the US Pentagon and now the French are also targeting the large corporations such as Exxon Mobil, Haliburton and BP plus their owners the Rockefeller, Rothschild, Bush etc. families, Pentagon sources say.
In particular, Exxon Mobil and BP have been identified as the real controllers of Qatar and Saudi Arabia which are, in turn, the chief sponsors of ISIS, Pentagon, French and Russian sources agree.
The Russians deliberately leaked information about a nuclear torpedo recently. They also fired cruise missiles from a submarine in the Mediterranean. Russian nuclear armed bombers are also patrolling the airspace around Israeli borders escorted by Iranian fighter jets. The message being sent is that the oil company colony of brainwashed Europeans known as Israel can be “nuked, tsunamied and EMPed into oblivion at a moment’s notice,” Pentagon officials noted.
War criminal and mass murderer Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, fearing retribution, called Russian President Vladimir Putin to beg for mercy in response to these moves, the Pentagon officials said.
However, the Russians, French and US military are in no mood for appeasement. The United Nations Security Council unanimously passed a resolution condemning ISIS meaning that all major powers, including China, are moving against it.
Since ISIS is a front for the Khazarian mafia this means all their proxies are now being shut down. In particular, Mossad linked companies are being removed from jobs related to security at airports, power plants etc.
Companies like BP and Exxon that have been buying oil from ISIS are also likely to face sanctions even as their senior shareholders are hunted down, Pentagon and CIA sources said.
In addition, measures are being taken to prevent the manufactured Syrian refugee crisis from being used to infiltrate saboteurs and agents into Europe and the US from the Middle East and elsewhere.
French Journalist Thierry Meysson, the man who first reported lies in the official 911 story, has also identified the hedge fund KKR and of course the mercenary company Academi as key players in the fake Islamic terror racket. Hero Meysson has recently published a ground breaking report on what really happened with the Paris Friday the 13th “massacre.”
Whatever the true motives of the French attack, French authorities are using it as an excuse to declare martial law and crack down on all fifth columnists in their country.
In any case, the French government has other reasons to wish for martial law. The head of a large French corporation supplying the French army contacted this writer last week to say he had not been paid by the French government for his services in over 8 months. As a result of that he had to lay off 400 employees, he says.
If we recall, the original Friday the 13th massacre in October of 1307 was used as a pretext by the bankrupt French king to seize the assets of the Knights Templars. In this case, the Templars would be the Rothschilds and their banker buddies.
Other European countries, notably the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain) are also facing bankruptcy so there is growing pressure there as well to seize funds fraudulently taken from the people by privately owned central banks. The gnostic illuminati view this as a golden opportunity to make their move against inbred European bloodline banking families.
The United States is also bankrupt so there is a strong incentive there as well to seize assets earned fraudulently by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board. One recent sign of US bankruptcy is a 70% drop in freight charges from the US to Asia in the past three weeks.
This is a good indication the Americans are unable to pay for their Christmas goodies from China this year.
Another recent sign is the publicly admitted bankruptcy of the US semi-state of Puerto Rico.
Then there is the fact that tax accountants are reporting their clients income is falling, making it obvious to all the government is lying about the state of the economy.
The answer, for many, especially honest low paid members of the law enforcement and military professions, is to legally seek the return of funds stolen by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board.
Already, senior Khazarian agents like George Soros, Hillary Clinton, John McCain and others are also facing “serious consequences” in the US for their anti-social activities. Pentagon sources are saying Hillary Clinton will soon face criminal charges and the assets of the Clinton Foundation may soon be seized.
In what is probably a related move, a Senior Chinese agent in Japan offered this week to donate $100 billion worth of Clinton issued “Kennedy bonds,” to the White Dragon Foundation, presumably as a way to get around expected asset forfeiture.
The White Dragon Society prefers that forensic accountants identify the people behind the foundations that control most of the world’s stock markets and force them to return funds they stole through fraudulent fiat (money out of thin air) bank crime.
The White Dragon Foundation is also willing to accept funds dedicated towards setting up a meritocratically staffed, transparently run future planning agency dedicated towards creating paradise on earth.
It is time to end forever the mass murdering Khazarian mafia tyranny.
Also, because we were hacked last week by Khazarian agents, we ask our subscribers to please ignore the usual Thursday embargo and post this weeks’ entire report on as many sites as possible.
[Comment: First of all, what can we say but "Thanks, oh Benya the Great for allowing us to publish your earthquaking report for this week. We are simply humbled by your generosity.
Secondly, this mythical "hacking" incident simply looks like the typical hysterical exclamations of Benya.
As far as we are aware, there was no "hacking" incident of any kind. Some people have complained that they were unable to access his site for a couple of days, and the paranoia pumping campaign had begun.
But this happened not as a result of some "hacking", but simply because Benya's domain subscription had expired and he did not renew it in time, which triggered the automatic termination of subscription, and some DNS servers, but not all, stopped serving the DNS requests for his domain. The subscription have expired on November 17, 2015. But this domain started functioning again when its subscription had been renewed. Simple as that.
But, certainly, Benya's information is SO valuable to the Good of Mankind that all the "powers of darkness" are after him on a non-stop basis, and, as he had noticed on numerous occasions, his very life is in danger, which makes him look as "important" "in the scheme of things", as one can not even BEGIN to imagine.
Hail Benya The Great!!!]
[*] 10 PM, November 23rd Eastern Standard Time USA. 2 PM November 23rd, Greenwich Mean Time.
The critical digest, of the entire report for November 24, 2015 will be available soon, somewhere within 24 hrs. after publication of original report, hopefully we'll get some of it done by the Monday's midnight GMT.
Well, this is just another example of a "prophet of goodness", Benya, telling us about more "good news", even though you won't be able to verify most of it, if anything at all. So, the main "value" we can find in his report is located in the entertainment department, to see how "creative" does he manage to get this time around in terms of myths and tales of all kinds.
(Benya's text is boxed.)
It is no longer good enough to passively blog about the mass murdering fascist cabal that is seizing power in the West, it is time to take direct action. This writer is going to put his life where his word is by going at noon, Japan Standard Time on November 24th, 2015* to confront senior Khazarian cabalist mass murderers Richard Armitage, Michael Green and Kurt Campbell.
These murderers will be showing up at the Nikkei Hall in downtown Tokyo where they will be giving orders to their Japanese slave politicians and fomenting war. We will be live streaming on the internet as we try to force these criminals to answer for their crimes to the world public. It is time to make it impossible for members of the Khazarian mafia to appear in public without being confronted about their crimes and lies.
Well, somehow we see this picture of Benya, shouting all sorts of slogans from a distance and the whole thing ends with him being led away, like a lunatic or some "conspiracy theorist", as they like to call these kinds of people.
Not clear what he thinks of himself, but it is doubtful that he will even have a chance to "confront" them, which means to us either having a dialog with them or standing face to face with them. Otherwise, it is nothing more than slogans.
As far as "this writer is going to put his life where his word is", this sounds a bit laughable. What kind of "danger" there could possibly be to him if he shouts some foolish things from a distance, no one is likely to reply to, or even pay attention to? Is he simply being paranoid, thinking that someone is going to SHOOT him in a public place? For what? What kind of "danger" might some Benya represent to these satanists with his shouting of some slogans? Can you visualize this picture of a "true hero", Benya, being shot dead in front of the crowd?
Yes, he does have to remind everyone about his own self-significance "in the scheme of things". Otherwise, how can you manage to keep your "paying subscriber" herd stable and, preferably, enlarging all the time? So, the notions of "danger" to his life and pumping up the notion of self-importance certainly help "to stay on the top of it".
Campbell, Green and Armitage are all accessories to the murder of over 15,786 innocent Japanese citizens on March 11th, 2011. As this writer has previously written, Armitage is a heroin dealer who is also responsible for the murderer of numerous heads of state, including Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines and Noboru Takeshita of Japan.
Kurt Campbell was tape recorded trying to bribe Japanese politician Ichiro Ozawa with a monopoly on xeolite, a radiation clean up agent, immediately before the 311 nuclear and tsunami mass murder terror attack. Campbell was head of Asian affairs for the US State Department at the time. Michael Green, head of Mossad in Japan, has slandered this writer and forced Japanese politicians to publish essays saying the Japanese people had to obey Jews.
These people are now offering multi-billion dollar bribes to opposition politician Tooru Hashimoto in an attempt to co-opt an opposition alliance that is likely to overthrow the slave regime of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Sources close to Abe meanwhile say there has been a systematic assassination campaign going on against people in Abe’s immediate circle who are beginning to chafe at the orders given by Armitage and his fellow Khazarian gangsters.
Well, what can we comment on here beyond saying: then why don't you file a court case against them? If what you assert is true and you can PROVE it, then what seems to be the problem suing them?
Sure, they are real criminals, and of the worst kind, which nearly everyone knows nowadays. Sure, they are satanists, or, more precisely, the satanist puppets. But, nevertheless, they are nothing more but puppets. The REAL players are not even in the picture. Even if you go after throats of these puppets and even manage to kill them, how much of any difference will it make as to the real problems the mankind is facing at this junction? What will it change?
We encourage all readers to phone the following places and demand the arrest of these criminals since we know an exact time and place where they will be appearing:
US White House: 1-202-456-1414
Japanese Embassy in Washington: 1-202-238-6700
US Department of Defense: 1-703-571-3343
US Justice Deparment: 1-202-514-2000
FBI: 1-202- 324-3000.
In addition, we ask non-US readers to phone their governments and ask them to also demand the arrest of these criminals.
Well, certainly, you can demand all you want, but to demand their arrest is a totally different matter. Does anyone in his clear mind think that he can simply demand the arrest of anyone? Based on what evidence of fact are you going to arrest them? It remains to be seen that you can manage to find enough of real evidence, if any, that will create enough grounds for the arrests.
The hard evidence is always destroyed and so are the witnesses or even the potential whistle-blowers. That is one of their main rules and that is precisely why they keep walking around free, to the point of simply laughing at the accusers and their foolish slogans. What does it matter? What does it change, at least as far as "the real deal" is concerned?
All readers are further encouraged to organize similar such action whenever senior cabalists and known war criminals like Henry Kissinger, George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr., Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Nicholas Sarkozy, Tony Blair etc. show up in a public place. Public enablers of these criminals like Janet Yellen of the Federal Reserve Board, Mario Draghi of the European Central Bank and Haruhiko Kuroda of the Bank of Japan also need to be confronted about their printing money for gangsters every time they appear in public.
These people need to be named, shamed and arrested. Enough is enough. Remember nobody is above the law and these are all proven mass murderers. They need to be removed from public view and placed in jail where they belong.
Well, certainly, if you manage to gather thousands of people, of even a few hundred, who shout some things, like "Arrest the criminals against the mankind" or "Down with ZioNazi satanists' puppets", or "Stop bleeding us to death with your fake money", or "Return the stolen money" then it is another matter.
Interestingly enough, the "anti-globalists" were able to get plenty of attention a few years ago by demonstrating around the "top level" gatherings, such as yearly Bilderbergers' meetings, and once even managed to dump a truckload of crap nearby. But, for some reason, during the last few years we do not even hear about them any longer, for whatever reason.
One of the problems with the protests of all kinds is that no one is obliged to respond, or even pay any attention to it, as all this hand-waving does not constitute the sufficient reason for ANY kind of action against those criminals. So, unless these demonstrations are continuing non-stop and their force is increasing, and for YEARS ON, there is very little one can reasonably expect as a result, even if they manage to get some media coverage for a couple of days.
For example, just look at what happened in Greece a couple of years ago when they were forced to tighten up their belts, to the point that they did not even have enough money to pay for their heating bills at home. They have demonstrated for several days and it seemed to be like a lot of action around it, but what is the RESULT? Did it actually CHANGE anything, as far as satisfaction of their concerns and demands? Well, nothing really worth even mentioning, and Greece today is even deeper in the "debt pit" than it was at that time.
So... Unless lots of people are willing to go on, and for months and years, and grow in their strength of opposition, very few of the real criminals would even bother about all that noise, and, as far as the arrests go, they have more grounds to arrest the demonstrators than those have to demand the arrests of the criminals.
As we have already covered previously in various places, in order to do something of real impact, not even talking about creating some kind of a revolution, you need quite an organization, the plan, some leadership and a coordinating committee, and you need to keep gathering on all sorts of meetings, print and distribute tons of leaflets, propose changes in the legislature and do all sorts of other things, if you have any hopes of achieving the real, tangible results, just as any revolutions historically show.
If you take as an example the "colored revolutions" around the world, then what you will be able to notice is the appearance of some broad revolt, something that looks like "the will and voice of the people". And it has to go on every single day, non-stop, and, in case of Ukraine, 24 hrs./day, and for months on, for it to have any real impact.
And you also need to ACTIVELY oppose the police or "special forces" and start some kind of violence, just like it was done in Ukraine, for example. And, even in that case, the whole thing was not having much of real impact until the snipers began to actually shoot the demonstrators to make it look like the police and the government is using the lethal force against "us, the people".
And you also need to have the access to the mass media and it has to keep trumpeting all sorts of horrifying things all over the screen and keep concocting all sorts of lies to make it look like we have no choice but to bring down "the evil ones" by force, and so on and so forth. And you need to have a bunch of "leaders of the opposition" shouting their heads off with all sorts of slogans, full of promises of some mythical "bright future".
OK, and now for the rest of the news. The world power struggle is intensifying with a now public and undeniable military blockade of Israel and its proxies in the Middle East. This is being admitted even on websites like DEBKA that are linked to Israeli Mossad intelligence. DEBKA is saying Iranian planes are attacking near the Syrian/Israeli border while the grounded Israeli air-force looks helplessly on.
Well, if DEBKA is the only one to report this and they are really linked to the Mossad, then how much of a credit does this information deserve? How do you know that this is nothing more than a disinformation plant? What is Mossad? Whose interests do they serve and are trying to protect? Where is the evidence to prove that whatever they publish corresponds to reality and for what purpose it has been done?
A Russian, French and American fleet is now operating off the coast of Israel as part of a campaign to force that rogue state to cease is incessant promotion of terrorism and war. The Russians and their allies, including the US Pentagon and now the French are also targeting the large corporations such as Exxon Mobil, Haliburton and BP plus their owners the Rockefeller, Rothschild, Bush etc. families, Pentagon sources say.
Well, "one has to see it in order to believe it" they say. We'll skip some other mythical statements of Benya on this subject.
War criminal and mass murderer Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, fearing retribution, called Russian President Vladimir Putin to beg for mercy in response to these moves, the Pentagon officials said.
Well, who knows? But how would Benya know such a level of detail? Did Putin call the Pentagon to tell them to get in touch with Benya and tell him that these evil monsters are "begging for mercy", so he could publish it? And, even if they did, how does it help the situation? What does it improve and rectify? What does it change beyond painting a picture of some mythical "bright future" in the minds of "goyim", while absolutely nothing has actually changed in the "real world"?
However, the Russians, French and US military are in no mood for appeasement.
Well, sure, our "prophet" Benya can even read their "moods", just like some "channeler".
The United Nations Security Council unanimously passed a resolution condemning ISIS meaning that all major powers, including China, are moving against it.
Since ISIS is a front for the Khazarian mafia this means all their proxies are now being shut down. In particular, Mossad linked companies are being removed from jobs related to security at airports, power plants etc.
Well, the resolutions of the Security Council have any real effect ONLY if they authorize some specific actions. But any kind of declarative resolutions have very little effect, if any. Yes, it creates some kind of a "joint opinion" in general sense. But, unless a specific resolution is passed and not blocked by the same powers of evil, it does not matter much. How many declarative resolutions have been passed by the UN in the past regarding the viciousness and barbarity of Israel towards the Palestine and its people? So, what did they change in REALITY?
Had a "single hair" fallen from the head of the ZioNazi satanists?
We'll skip some of Benya's slogans about it.
Whatever the true motives of the French attack, French authorities are using it as an excuse to declare martial law and crack down on all fifth columnists in their country.
Well, but is this all "good news", or "bad"? How does declaration of the martial law HELP "us, the people"? Isn't this EXACTLY one of the goals in the NWO scheme and yet another attempt to create mass paranoia and a sense of chilling fear in the minds of people in order to paralyze them?
What is the "martial law" and what "horizons" does it open for "us, the people" beyond giving the same satanists the power to arrest anyone and even shoot them and then place the "Terrorist suspect" sticker on their heads?
Because the next step in this "martial law" scheme is mass arrests and sending lots of people to the concentration camps. Interestingly enough, the so-called "red" and "yellow" lists have already been compiled. Everyone on the "red list" is subject to arrest and imprisonment in a concentration camp. And anyone who ended up in the concentration camp can be gassed to death and his body burned in the efficient body burning furnaces.
And you can find plenty of information about it on the net just by looking at things like "FEMA concentration camps" or "millions of caskets, manufactured for FEMA" and things like that. For example, in the USA alone, the lists are as big, as to include MILLIONS of people by now.
So, what's the "good news" about this "martial law" scheme?
We'll skip some Benya's pumping it up on this subject and his attempts to create the "mountains out of mole hills" and his talk about the alleged efforts by the governments to "to seize funds" of ZioNazi satanists and the "banking mafia".
The thing is that, first of all, the governments themselves are nothing more than a bunch of puppets, utterly corrupt, who sold their souls to the evil. Now, once the Soul has been sold, there are no provisions to get it back in the contracts with the "dark side". So, you can talk about it all you want, but it changes nothing.
Then there is the fact that tax accountants are reporting their clients income is falling, making it obvious to all the government is lying about the state of the economy.
Well, ALL the "governments", at least of the "free world", are lying, and not just about the state of the economy, but about anything you can imagine. Because they consist of the most professional liars to begin with. We don't need to look at the Benya's link to see that. In all likelihood, what Benya makes it look like is not even in the picture in the source article.
We used to look at the links he regularly provides but what we usually see there is not the same thing as what Benya seem to see in it. By now, it is nothing but a waste of time to even bother to look at any of it. So, sorry, "not interested" seeing yet another myth, concocted "out of the mole hills" is our position on it. We simply do not have time to waste on "chasing the shadows in the valley of darkness". Simple as that.
The answer, for many, especially honest low paid members of the law enforcement and military professions, is to legally seek the return of funds stolen by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board.
Well, but how do you do that? On what basis? According to what evidence, you are willing to provide to prove your case, unless you are a plain, ordinary "lunatic" and a "conspiracy theorist", which is their favorite label to place on "big mouths" of all kinds? Interestingly enough, in the Protocols of the Leaned Elders of Zion" they call them the "talking heads" (who talk their mouths off, while not having even a CLUE of "the REAL deal").
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion in modern English
(A much easier to comprehend version, compared to the original, Victor Marsden version)
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Victor E. Marsden version
Note: Both versions above contain the audio version, which you can play anywhere, even while driving your car. Well, what can we say here but these protocols better be STUDIED by anyone, who is really interested to understand "how it all works".
We'll skip Benya' talk about the alleged attempts to "seize the funds" of some of these puppets. There is nothing much to comment on, since "we have to see it to believe it". You can read about in his full report on Thursday.
What we can say, but "good luck with that".
Actually, just as Christian Rackovsky, one of those, known as "The committee of 300", during his interrogation, upon direct order of Stalin, stated, you don't actually need to read any "reports" with "shocking news" about anything.
Red Symphony
(Revelations of Trotskyist Rakovsky [about the global conspiracy or the "Hidden Hand"])
NWO - The Committee of 300 - Rulers of This World
Just as "Bobby the Brain" Heannan said:
"You can trust NOBODY, NOBODY!!!" [not even your own mother].
But what WILL you certainly see in the unfolding events in the world is that it represents the REAL position of those, who stand behind it all, "The hidden hand". That was a reply of Rakovsky to the question of the interrogator: "But how will Stalin know that what you told us is truth and represents their REAL position on things?"
November 17, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Note: Full text of this report will be available on Thursday, according to Benya's demands.
The giant psychological warfare operation, where “ISIS terrorists” allegedly killed over a hundred people in Paris, on Friday the 13th, November, 2015, was just part of ongoing horse trading towards a world government.
To understand this, let us look at some key events surrounding the events in Paris.
First of all, the fact that thousands of witnesses all carrying video phones were unable to record the events of that day alone proves it was just a massive propaganda event, NSA and other sources agree. In addition, all 8 security camera feeds to the areas where the supposed massacres took place had been shut off, implying high level cooperation from the French security police, CIA sources say.
Next, let us look at what has resulted from this event. France has implemented martial law and closed its borders. This is classic Gladio strategy whereby a manufactured terror incident is used to implement a military government.
Furthermore, the French have been pushing, through their proxy Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF, to replace the US dollar with the IMF’s SDR. This is to be decided at a meeting on November 30th.
November 30th is also the day when 120 or so world leaders, including those of Russia, the US and China, are to gather in Paris to “discuss global warming.” As anybody who actually checks facts knows, “global warming” has nothing to do with scientific truth and everything to do with forming a world government. The idea is to finance this world government with a global “carbon tax.” The world itself is not warming and even if it was it would be due to solar cycles and not CO2.
However, the events in Paris and unreported but even more dramatic events in the Middle East are, nonetheless, part of some very serious infighting between various factions struggling to dominate the world government that is being negotiated.
There is also conflicting evidence about exactly who staged the events in Paris and other similar psy-ops that are appearing with increasing regularity.
The Russians, still furious about the shooting down of their airplane on Halloween (October 31st), say it was the same people behind that as were behind the events in Paris. Russian President Vladimir Putting is saying he will “not deal with the dog that has bitten him, it is the owner of the dog who will be held responsible.”
According to the Russians the owner of this particular “dog,” is is the Vanguard Corporation and their subsidiary Raytheon. The owners of this corporate holding company are being systematically hunted down by the Russians.
As well as this, there is now a Chinese, Russian, Iranian and Pentagon operation underway in the Middle East that is destroying the power base of the Khazarian mafia and their Israeli slave regime. The massive defeats being faced by the Khazarians and their ISIS subsidiary in the Middle East are of historical significance.
The Russians say “‘Putin’ [*] bombed several ISIS oil-producing companies and a motorcade with oil that was already bought by ISIS business partners, and ‘Maniac Putin’ bombed ISIL refineries.” In other words they have started attacking the owners of ISIS in their wallets where it really hurts. They say this is just a beginning.
Pentagon and CIA sources agree with the Russians that the Khazarian mafia and their proxy Israel are reeling under unprecedented attack. Inside Syria, government forces have recaptured Aleppo, the second largest city in that country. In addition, ISIS have lost the city of Ramadi and the town of Sinjar in Iraq.
Furthermore, the Russians are carrying out airstrikes against Khazarian proxy forces in Lebanon while the Americans are attacking them in Libya. This is having the effect of cutting off all their oil and drug income.
In addition to that Israel is under economic siege. Israeli arms manufacturers have lost 50% of their sales since 2012 due to an arms embargo.
Israel also remains under a Chinese, Russian and Pentagon military blockade that will not be lifted until they withdraw from all illegally occupied territories. Even Israeli lobbying to keep the Golan Heights was rejected.
Both the Pentagon and the Russians believe the Khazarian mob and their ISIS proxies staged the Paris attacks as revenge against these setbacks. Pentagon sources say the attacks were a failed effort to get NATO to fight on behalf of Israel in Syria. Instead, the G20 nations just meeting in Turkey agreed that Israel and their bribed politicians in the United States were the leading world cause of terrorism.
The Russians are, for their part, also saying that France was targeted because the French and the Germans were trying to stop the Kazarian mobs’ distribution of forged “super-k” dollars in the Ukraine.
The refugee crisis is also seen by the Russians as punishment against the Europeans. The Russians say they have forensically traced all the twitter accounts encouraging refugees to go to Europe to the city of San Francisco in the United States.
There may be a deeper agenda at work though. For one thing the refugee crisis has forced most countries in the EU to re-impose border controls. At the same time an emerging socialist government in Portugal is asking for a reduction in debt payments, likely reigniting the debt crisis that is still sputtering away in Greece. If they get a cut in debt payments then Spain, Italy and Greece will ask for the same and thus threaten the Euro.
Remember the European Parliament Building was designed many years ago to resemble to Tower of Babel. The Tower of Babel collapsed making one wonder if the Euro government was also designed, from the beginning to collapse.
Next remember the January cover of the Rothschild owned Economist magazine featuring two arrows with the numbers 115 and 113, a close match to 151113, the date of the Paris attacks. Right beside the arrows in the picture is Alice from Alice in Wonderland staring at a Da Vinci Portrait that is in the Louvre Museum in Paris.
The January cover of the Rothschild owned Economist magazine
The portrait in the Louvre is of a woman who, the story goes, was mistress to the King of France. Her husband, to get revenge on the king, infected himself with syphilis in order to pass it on to the king through his wife.
So, if we are to speculate further, the attacks in Paris were a long planned revenge against the bloodline French establishment by anti-bloodline Illuminati.
Occult speculation aside, since the Germans pay the most into the Euro and the French benefit the most, the end of the Euro would hurt France most of all. So, clearly the French establishment benefits from martial law in such circumstances.
Also, as mentioned at the top of this article, there is a big world gathering starting in Paris on November 30th to discuss “global warming” aka “global governing.” Again martial law and closed borders would help protect the 120 world leaders gathering there.
As most of the speeches by world leaders at the UN 70th anniversary bash in September made clear, there is a consensus that changes need to be made in how we run the planet. The countries that did not share in the American, British, Chinese, French and Russian World War 2 victory table want these countries to give up their monopoly on vetoes in the UN Security Council. Most countries also agree that more needs to be done to fight poverty and end environmental destruction.
There is clearly a consensus among current world leaders that some sort of new rules for running the planet, essentially some sort of world government, is needed.
So what are the identifiable factions in the negotiations towards a world government?
The French, Germans and their European allies are pushing to make the IMF the most powerful instrument of their New World Order by inviting the Chinese to join them at the SDR table and thus replace the US dollar with something they control.
The only problem with this is that the IMF has a horrific track record of raping, looting and impoverishing countries in order to benefit large corporations. Nobody wants an IMF world government except the people who now control the IMF.
The Pentagon and the US military industrial complex are pushing for a meritocratic world government of the sort seen in Star Trek. The Gnostic Illuminati also support this.
The Chinese also believe in meritocracy but with one important difference, they want to make sure any meritocratic world government doesn’t end up being controlled by Westerners.
That is why there is a proxy fight going on between the military industrial faction (stronghold of the illuminati) and the Chinese. This is being seen in the US military taking over the Federal Reserve Board dollar printing press inside the United States and the Chinese reaction of cutting off trade credit to the US.
The Americans are reacting by offering countries around China “protection” against the Chinese. They advertise their willingness to stand up to China by sending planes and ships into disputed territories controlled by China.
At the end of the day the Chinese and the US/Western military industrial faction are likely to find some sort of compromise involving greater non-Western control of world institutions. The reason is because the alternative, World War 3 and the destruction of 90% of the planet, is unthinkable. In other words, given a choice between win-win and lose-lose, it’s easy to guess who win-wins.
The losers in all this will be the Khazarian mafia who are being forced to give up their dream of enslaving humanity into their 1000 year reich. Illuminati sources say they expect another Khazarian incident on or around thanksgiving (November 26th).
[*] Actual Russian sources, by the way, put “Putin” in quotation marks because they say he is actually a representative of their collective decision making and not an individual exercising actual leadership.
The critical digest, of the entire report for November 17, 2015 will be available soon, somewhere within 24 hrs. after publication of original report, hopefully we'll get some of it done by the Monday's midnight GMT.
The giant psychological warfare operation, where “ISIS terrorists” allegedly killed over a hundred people in Paris, on Friday the 13th, November, 2015, was just part of ongoing horse trading towards a world government.
Comment: Well, Benya keeps using this term "horse trading" lately, which implies some kind of a deal making. But what does it mean when he says: "towards a world government"? Does it mean that the "goal" IS this NWO thing, and it is not "trading" of any kind since the loosing party, or ZioNazi satanists, are not "surrendering" as he keeps saying again and again, but they are rather FORCING this "world government" on the world?
Which means they are NOT "loosing", but winning, and, furthermore, are having the world to "bend over" and accept this NWO thing "or else". And, if that is the case, then what kind of "surrender negotiations" he keeps talking about again and again if the loosing party is trying to IMPOSE its agenda on the winning party?
To understand this, let us look at some key events surrounding the events in Paris.
First of all, the fact that thousands of witnesses all carrying video phones were unable to record the events of that day alone proves it was just a massive propaganda event, NSA and other sources agree. In addition, all 8 security camera feeds to the areas where the supposed massacres took place had been shut off, implying high level cooperation from the French security police, CIA sources say.
Well, this is something new indeed. We have not seen a single mentioning of this anywhere so far. And, if that were the case, it seems, the whole world would be talking about it in all sorts of reports. Because it is not just some "indication", but a DIRECT EVIDENCE of a vast conspiracy between a number of countries including the French government and/or its agencies.
This would imply the biggest scandal we have seen in years. And it also means that they are liable to stand before the international tribunal for the charges of vast atrocity against the mankind, nothing less. Basically, that would prove that they are the criminals against the mankind. Or is there any other view on this?
Actually, we have received the following information:
Next, let us look at what has resulted from this event. France has implemented martial law and closed its borders. This is classic Gladio strategy whereby a manufactured terror incident is used to implement a military government.
Well, so what? Many people throughout the world already know their agenda, their methods and their goals. So, there is nothing new to it. Except it is not clear why France and not the USA for example.
Furthermore, the French have been pushing, through their proxy Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF, to replace the US dollar with the IMF’s SDR. This is to be decided at a meeting on November 30th.
Well, but what is SDR but yet another scheme of leveraged derivative instruments, which means trading air for fake money, that are worthless as well. So, by replacing one worthless thing with something even more worthless, what do you achieve? What is SDR?
The SDR is an international reserve asset, created by the IMF in 1969 to supplement its member countries’ official reserves. Its value is based on a basket of four key international currencies, and SDRs can be exchanged for freely usable currencies. As of September 10, 2015, 204.1 billion SDRs were created and allocated to members (equivalent to about $280 billion).
Factsheet: Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)
(International Monetary Found)
Basically, the SDR are backed by "the full faith and credit of the member countries' governments". But what does the "the full faith and credit" of a bankrupt, such as the USA? Where is the guarantee of payment?
November 30th is also the day when 120 or so world leaders, including those of Russia, the US and China, are to gather in Paris to “discuss global warming.” As anybody who actually checks facts knows, “global warming” has nothing to do with scientific truth and everything to do with forming a world government. The idea is to finance this world government with a global “carbon tax.” The world itself is not warming and even if it was it would be due to solar cycles and not CO2.
Well, it is much more devious than that. Just the other day there was an article describing the draconian fines even on plain, ordinary people in addition to the "carbon tax". You can pretty much bet on some draconian regulations beginning to be announced throughout the world after that meeting.
However, the events in Paris and unreported but even more dramatic events in the Middle East are, nonetheless, part of some very serious infighting between various factions struggling to dominate the world government that is being negotiated.
How did Benya make such a conclusion as to "very serious infighting"? Based on what facts of what? Yes, there is ALWAYS infighting going on between various factions and power players. For example, the Rockefellers, who were created by Rothschilds as their agents in the USA, with time, started imagining that they could run their own agenda, which does not necessarily align with the Rothschilds' agenda.
Actually, this infighting is one of their major problems. Because it means there is no coherence even amongst their midst. By now, there are quite a few clans, "international organizations", clubs and so on. And they know really well that at the end there will be only one of them left, and that means some blood just have to be spilled amongst their midsts, just like with "spheres of influence" in the mafia.
There is also conflicting evidence about exactly who staged the events in Paris and other similar psy-ops that are appearing with increasing regularity.
What "evidence" does one need, since any party you look at is playing the same hand at the table? What does it matter to anyone whether it is Rothschilds or Baruchs or Rockefellers? As far as mankind is concerned, we are talking about the same gang of blood thirsty parasites, regadless of their creed or color, and NONE of them could be considered as some ultimate "power" or "authority". Simply because that place is where the Lucifer "ruling family of this planet" sits, not even mentioning the Orion Group and other "dark forces".
Let them eat each other, the sooner the better.
The Russians, still furious about the shooting down of their airplane on Halloween (October 31st), say it was the same people behind that as were behind the events in Paris. Russian President Vladimir Putting is saying he will “not deal with the dog that has bitten him, it is the owner of the dog who will be held responsible.”
According to the Russians the owner of this particular “dog,” is is the Vanguard Corporation and their subsidiary Raytheon. The owners of this corporate holding company are being systematically hunted down by the Russians.
Sez who? Based on what? - On some previous story by Benya about Vanguard as some global conglomerate of evil and, as Benya presented it the last time around, the most powerful crime syndicate, financing the omni-potent Bushes and their gang?
Have you seen any stories anywhere about the "omni-potent" Vanguard anywhere? So, what does it tell you?
As well as this, there is now a Chinese, Russian, Iranian and Pentagon operation underway in the Middle East that is destroying the power base of the Khazarian mafia and their Israeli slave regime. The massive defeats being faced by the Khazarians and their ISIS subsidiary in the Middle East are of historical significance.
Well, we hear this song from Benya in every single one of his reports, and for years on. But have anyone seen ANY evidence of it? How would it be possible for the Israel to attack Syrian airport as recently as late as November 11, 2015 if that were the case?
Israel has conducted an airstrike near Damascus airport
(Is Israel is under a full military blockade?)
We'll skip some Benya's talk about Syria and "cutting off all ... oil and drug income" of ZioNazi mafia. Yes, some of it is indeed going on, but with trustworthiness value of Benya, it remains to be seen what comes out of it and who has which agenda in it. The "game" is much more subtle than what Benya keeps painting it.
It remains to be seen if Putin himself is not "in bed with the devil" and is merely playing his role of the appearance of some "opposing force". Because that is EXACTLY how ZioNazi satanists stage the major world events historically. In fact, it is one of their most favorite tricks, to make an APPEARANCE of some "fight" where both sides are merely playing their role from the ZioNazi written script.
If there is a "wild-card" in the global game then about the best candidate for it would be precisely Putin and Russia, as the only remaining real power on the face of this planet to face the force of most profound evil, which these satanists were unable to completely take over, even though they did have plenty of "progress" in that direction, as 80% of the Russian so-called government is controlled by the "god chosen" people. Furthermore, some statements of the ZioNazi representatives on the highest level sing praises to Putin for his deeds on their behalf as something "unprecedented".
No Russian or Soviet head [of state] has ever done so much for the Jews as Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. In all respects - Unprecedented.
(Berel Lazare, chief Rabbi of Russia on 27 February, 2008 in his lecture before the Chabad society of Oxford, UK.)
In addition to that Israel is under economic siege. Israeli arms manufacturers have lost 50% of their sales since 2012 due to an arms embargo.
Israel also remains under a Chinese, Russian and Pentagon military blockade that will not be lifted until they withdraw from all illegally occupied territories. Even Israeli lobbying to keep the Golan Heights was rejected.
Well, what can we say but blah, blah, blah. Yes, this IS one of Benya's favorite songs to sing in nearly every single of his reports. But the things are much more subtle than his talk about "evil Israel".
For one thing, the Chabad's moshiach (false "messiah") Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, was vehemently opposed to the idea of a "Jewish state" in Israel, as nothing but disgrace. He never even visited Israel. Basically, his idea was that "the Jewish world empire" was to be created on the "ancestral lands of Khazaria", and that is southern Russia and northern Ukraine.
He called it "Great Khazaria" or "Third Khazaria". Furthermore, he admitted on record that "Jews", at least "good ones", are in fact Khazars, and, therefore, the lands of ancient Khazaria are their "ancestral lands", which means destruction and dissection of Russia and Ukraine and conversion of these states into a number of smaller regional puppet states based on principles of what might be called a "national hatred", clearly and potentially pitting one of these puppet republics against its neighbors.
Here's some quotes for all those, who are really interested in studying the real issues, related to the ZioNazi satanists, the so-called NWO and the rest of it:
The story with Israel is quite a story. Because, on one hand, they were founded and financed by the Rothschild. For what? Well, it is not even clear they themselves know or understand the implications of illegally annexing the genuinely semitic lands of Arab people.
Secondly, they have created the genocide of Arab people in quite a literal sense of the world. Millions of people were either killed or displaced from their genuinely ancestral lands and these satanists have created so much misery and suffering of those people that it is hard to even begin to describe the scale of it.
Thirdly, because of their backers they were able to take over the government and all sorts of other things in the USA. That is why the USA sings the song the Israelis slip to them. As a result, the USA was disgraced, as it was forced to block every single UN resolution as to the evil, created by these satanists related to Israel and its non-ending aggression against the Arab people and their lands.
Fourthly, the Mossad top brass knew it years ago that the Israel will not survive and they knew that it has no more than 20 years left before it will collapse of will be destroyed. That was at least 10 years ago. It is clear to any half-decent researcher that Israel is the state of evil, created by the ZioNazi puppet masters.
Furthermore, creation of Israel goes against nothing less than Torah, where it was explicitly prohibited to create a "Jewish state" anywhere in the world by force, cunningness or via any other means. Because that would go against their MAIN "religious scripture" and against the word of their own prophets.
According to their own prophecies, the state of Israel may be created ONLY if ALL the conditions are fulfilled and they have suffered enough for their evil deeds in the ancient past. The main condition is coming of messiah. There are two other conditions, which we will omit here. And that is precisely why they constantly keep pronouncing a new "messiah". To date, they had nearly a dozen of them and they all turned out to be as fake as three dollar bill.
The last "messiah" was the 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. But he opposed the state of Israel as something utterly fake. He knew that their "ancestral lands" are located not in Israel, but in ancient Khazaria. The thing is that the prophecies do not specify where that state will be created when their "messiah" comes. It could be anywhere in the world.
So, the whole story with Israel is quite a story in itself, and the very fact that Benya continuously keeps pointing at the direction of Israel simply indicates that he is a puppet, singing the song and reading the script, written by his puppet masters, or at the very least, he did not study the issues well enough to make the claims he makes all the time, or, and this can not be discarded, a mere disinformation agent.
Because, for one thing, he is not even mentioning the Illuminati, except of "Alexander Romanoff" and so called "gnostic Illuminati", which is obscene. Because it is NOT some Israel that is causing all sorts of problems. It is precisely the Illuminati above whom sits no one less than Lucifer himself, not counting the Orion Group and the "dark side". Those are totally lost in the oceans of negativity and even had guts to severe all the contacts of even the Lucifer "social memory complex" in order to help them to clarify some distortions.
As far as "gnostic Illuminati", it is nothing but absurd. Because ALL the Illuminati are "gnostic". Else, they could not exist, as their very foundation is based on all sorts of "religious", or, more precisely, occult beliefs and the roots of those is the Kabbalah, the most ancient teaching of the "god chosen" ones. If you remove the occult and Kabbalah from the ideology and a belief system of the Illuminati, they will simply go "poof", like a balloon, pinched with a small needle. Simple as that.
The "Illuminati" can not be non-gnostic, by the very definition, and the very term "illumination" directly implies the presence of what is know as gnosis. Even the satanists are "gnostic". So, how could there be the "gnostic" Illuminati? Have they all gone mad?
But no force or power, at least amongst the "mortals", stands above the Illuminati. Not even the "banking mafia". Those are nothing more than actors on the stage that are allowed to grab as much as they wish from this world, but under one condition that they will obediently follow the instructions by the Lucifer "ruling family". Simple as that.
Both the Pentagon and the Russians believe the Khazarian mob and their ISIS proxies staged the Paris attacks as revenge against these setbacks...
We'll skip the rest of Benya's talk about Russia and "noble" Pentagon as utter and complete crap. How could someone of Benya's caliber even begin to comprehend what Russians "believe"? Even Russians themselves do not necessarily know that to "believe" or not. Very few of them, even on the topmost level, quite believe their own eyes, seeing all these satanic games around their own land, Russia in the global theater of absurd and evil most profound.
The refugee crisis is also seen by the Russians as punishment against the Europeans...
We'll skip the rest of Benya's myths as to Russians or "Europeans". How could someone of Benya's caliber even BEGIN to comprehend what do Russians "see"? This is not only bizarre, but an absurd. He "has no clue" as to Russian Soul, nor to the Russian Heart. He is nothing but a puppet, chasing the money "god", just like any "westerner" does, programmed with the program of the "omni-potent" materialism, corrupt in its very soul and nature.
There may be a deeper agenda at work though. For one thing the refugee crisis has forced most countries in the EU to re-impose border controls....
Yes, you BET there is, and not the kind of "agenda" the people of Benya's caliber are likely to tell you about, even if they knew it. And we'll skip the rest of his blah, blah, blah, which you can read in any news report.
We'll also skip one of the favorite Benya's subjects of some "deep mystical meaning" of various things. Simply because it looks like an exercise in mental masturbation, or, simply put, blowing the condom to the size of a jumbo jet. Nothing more.
So, if we are to speculate further, the attacks in Paris were a long planned revenge against the bloodline French establishment by anti-bloodline Illuminati.
Yes, blah, blah, blah. Which "anti-bloodline Illuminati"? Does Benya mean the impersonators of "Alexander Romanoff" kind, who, on one hand declare that they are descendants of the bloodline of the Russian Tsars, and on the other hand state that they are AGAINST "the rule of the bloodlines"? These fools contradict even the same things they themselves said in the previous sentence.
We'll skip Benya's myths as to who will "benefit" the most from the collapse of Euro. Like they say in China: "WHO CARES"? Are these the kind of problems the mankind is dealing with or are concerned with right now?
We'll also skip Benya's crap about the "global warming” and his fabrication of the applicability of the martial law to their forthcoming meeting in France.
There is clearly a consensus among current world leaders that some sort of new rules for running the planet, essentially some sort of world government, is needed.
Yes, more blah, blah, blah. Because the "current world leaders" are not the REAL leaders. They are nothing but a herd of obedient puppets in the hands of "the dark side", playing behind the curtains in the theater of absurd, parasitism and destruction. About the only place they can "lead" the humanity towards is the straight road to what is known as hell. Nothing more. Simply because they have sold their own Souls for money or other material "benefits", such as "power" and all sorts of other delusions of theirs.
Strangely enough, if one looks at the very concept of a "world leader" then, just as recent opinion polls indicate, about the ONLY real "leader" we have on the face of this planet at this junction is that very Putin everyone keeps talking about everywhere. All others simply look like a bunch of mad puppets, who do not even realize the extent, significance and the consequences of what they keep saying to the people of the world.
Furthermore, just as plenty of recent events and opinions of the "leaders" indicate, most of it looks so mad that they often contradict even themselves, and at times even within a single sentence. Yesterday they give a speech about some mythical "cooperation with Russia" and today they are saying that Russia represents the real "danger" to the world piss (yes, this is not a typo) and "global security", or, more precisely, suck-urity.
About all one has to do is to recall their various statements within a few days and that would be enough to call "the people in white robes" to deliver them to some mental institution. Basically, it seems that about the best strategy right now is to totally stop functioning of the so-called "governments" and freeze everything right where it is right now before these lunatics will manage to create something so destructive that it might become nearly impossible "to put it all back" where it was before.
We do not really have functioning governments on the face of this planet at this junction. About ALL we have is APPEARANSES of something. But WHO decides what these so-called "leaders" say and why is not that hard to comprehend. So, "in reality" we might be seeing some battles between various fractions and/or gangs that have their own, private interests and the agendas.
But this is not necessary even the opinions or views of those mythical "leaders" that exist only on paper or a screen of a zombie box called TV. If anything, we are seeing these "leaders" being led by their noses towards various agendas of the REAL "power players".
Do you recall a single "sane" thing that really makes some sense said by any of these "leaders" lately? Or does it all look more like all sorts of slogans and template phrases of "peace", "security", "global prosperity" and so on? What do these "leaders" really propose of any significance beyond their attempts to "unite" the world against Russia, as some "central force of evil on this planet"?
If they could make a "boogie man" out of Russia and blame nearly all of the world "problems" on them, at the same time when Russia, at least so far, behaves like about the only "sane" state in the whole world, then what does it tell you?
What "leaders" are we talking about, my dear friends? Are we in a zombie stupor, listening to some "religious" rap about things that do not exist in reality as something verifiable?
Yes, agreed, the world really needs to have at least one REAL leader right now, and the sooner, the better, before "it is too late". Otherwise, about all we see in the world is a stalled engine, about to explode, as one part works against the other and not with it, so it all runs smooth and hums like a bird.
And that leader needs to be the one who has the abilities to SEE and has some VISION for the world as something beyond mere exploitation, parasitism, violence, lies and deceit, the byproducts of the "old" corrupt system based in the materialistic delusions of all kinds.
YES! It is about time for us all to see such a leader. His time had come, finally.
And one can sense, or "smell it in the air", that we will certainly see one in not too distant of a future. Except at the moment the picture is way too foggy and things are not settled down to the point where ones mind becomes clear and ones eyes open enough to finally exclaim: Oh, my god, I DO see it now!
Else, we have no future. The would is in the state of about "to blow off the lid" for years on by now, if not generations.
And it seems like the sooner "we, the people" begin to really SEE and understand the underlying "mechanics" of it all and begin to open our own eyes, the better. Because it looks like that vision needs to get mature enough precisely among the people of the world for the things to finally start moving in the direction of REAL Good and care for one another and appreciation of Life as such, instead of unending adoration and obsession with death and destruction we see right now nearly everywhere we look.
Finally, here is quite an insightful quote by the Illuminati Albert Pike, about the highest masonic authority in the USA besides Manly Hall.
Albert Pike writes a letter to Guiseppe Mazzini
On August 15th of this year (1871), Albert Pike writes a letter (now catalogued in the British Museum) to Guiseppe Mazzini in which he states the following.
"We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view.
A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
Pike, who had been elected as Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry's Southern Jurisdiction in 1859, was the most powerful Freemason in America. He would retain that post for thirty-two years until his death in 1891.
(The Synagogue of Satan. By Andrew Carrington Hitchcock)
Well, what can we say about it but to propose to look at it with full awareness, if at all possible. Because what he had said nearly 150 years ago is EXACTLY what is happening on this planet right now.
Yes, when we talk about some mythical "leaders", then we'd better pay attention to the fact that the REAL "leaders" right now, who lead humanity by their nose, are the Illuminati, just as William Van Duyn stated in his introductory speech at the Bilderbergers' meeting in 2014.
"No president, no king, no dictator, nor prime minister dares to criticize my name nor the Bilderbergers, and they know they are the puppets of the powerful Illuminati working from behind the scenes".
"No president, no king, no dictator, nor prime minister dares to criticize..."
OK, lets get back to "reality" and Benya's rap.
So what are the identifiable factions in the negotiations towards a world government?
The French, Germans and their European allies are pushing to make the IMF the most powerful instrument of their New World Order by inviting the Chinese to join them at the SDR table and thus replace the US dollar with something they control.
Yes, more blah, blah, blah. Because none of what Benya mentions above are the REAL "identifiable factions". One needs to ask WHICH French or Germans are we talking about? The thing is that both, French and Germans, are literally "owned" by Rothschilds and their "interests". So, when we are talking about "French" or "Germans" are we talking about the corresponding branches of Rothschilds? Just observe what their topmost representatives in "government" say on the world scene, which looks just like the same kind of madness Obama keeps proclaiming about nearly every time he opens his mouth.
Secondly, the whole idea of the NWO simply erases the very notion of a "government", beyond the most rudimentary level of following the orders from the "king of the world", or the "world ruler". It is an absolute totalitarian monarchy at that point. And France and Germany or any other existing state simply become the "local governments", at best, just to let them have their own little puppet theaters to play with in order to feel more "significant" than a "piss against the wind".
Thirdly, is there such a coherence among various nations, as to have some common belief? If you observe all sorts of polls do you ever see some kind of total unity among the opinions of various groups of people?
The only problem with this is that the IMF has a horrific track record....
Well, any "idiot" knows it by now. The IMF is just a scheme, just like the BIS, "World Bank" and you name it. Those are nothing more than the equivalent of some "local offices" in the grand scheme of things, and they are nothing more than the "houses of playing cards" in the REAL "game".
The Pentagon and the US military industrial complex are pushing for a meritocratic world government of the sort seen in Star Trek. The Gnostic Illuminati also support this.
Well, it turns out that the Pentagon, whose square and sole purpose is destruction and mass murder, is nowadays in the position to decide such things as to what kind of nothing less than "world government" is desirable or not? Is this a joke of some kind?
The Chinese also believe in meritocracy but with one important difference, they want to make sure any meritocratic world government doesn’t end up being controlled by Westerners.
Well, "naturally so". Who would want to see the world controlled by other nations, nationalities or cultures? If you ask some people around "who would you want to control the world", what do you expect as an answer, but "by us, of course!". In this respect, "naturally", the Chinese would like to see the world controlled by the Chinese, and Germans - by Germans, and we are not even talking about the religious and all sorts of other fanatical believers, blind as it gets.
So, there seems to be a conflict from the outset. How do you resolve this conflict? What do you do? - IMPOSE this mythical notion of "meritocracy" with sword and fire upon all people of the planet? But what is "meritocracy" and how do you define it?
Well, is it the time to bow down before Benya since he "knows" what anyone "believes", and even the Chinese? Except that there are all sorts of Chinese with their own interests and their own views and understanding, just like with any other nation. So, WHICH Chinese "believe" in "meritocracy", or this or that?
If we talk about the politicians it is hard to conceive that they would believe in such a thing, simply because that would mean the end of most of them as far as their parasiting and feeding on the results of labor of all others.
The same thing is with all sorts of "religious" parasites, and if you look around at other professions or convictions then you may find that most of them would loose as a result of this "meritocracy" thing and not gain something. Yes, there must be some people who do believe in "meritocracy", but even there, if you ask them "but what is meritocracy and how do you see it working", again, there might be some pretty wild, if not bizarre things you may hear as a reply.
The more you talk about some "meritocracy", the more it becomes just like any religion, based on blind beliefs of all kinds.
Secondly, to understand the mind and cultural traditions of Chinese is something well beyond the abilities of a typical "western mind". In fact, all we have seen so far, as to the Chinese, is the most outward APPEARANCES. The world is yet to see their REAL "face", if there is any coherence among their beliefs, and that could be a "surprise, surprise".
For example, if you meet a Chinese at the intersection while driving your car or while walking, then it is nearly inevitable that they will NEVER let you through and give you a way. They are somehow compelled to run though you like you do not exist, and, interestingly enough, they seem to be totally unaware of doing it. It often seems like they are not even aware that they exist as human beings, like they are in some strange kind of deep state of hypnosis. Whether it is some "cultural tradition" or a result of upbringing is another matter.
Secondly, China is to become the world power number one, at least outside of the "ancient European ruling bloodlines", as, for example, was outlined by Svali in several of her interviews, and even the Lucifer "ruling family" representative did not discredit what she had said, even though he knew about her story, and, moreover, he does admit that she in fact was a member of the regional caliber of the Illuminati "families".
The Americans are reacting by offering countries around China “protection” against the Chinese...
Yes, bow down before the prophet Benya, who knows everything about everything and about everyone on the face of this planet!
At the end of the day the Chinese and the US/Western military industrial faction are likely to find some sort of compromise involving greater non-Western control of world institutions. The reason is because the alternative, World War 3 and the destruction of 90% of the planet, is unthinkable. In other words, given a choice between win-win and lose-lose, it’s easy to guess who win-wins.
Well, if the "military industrial faction" is the one to decide the fate of this planet, then one thing is pretty much certain: we are all doomed. Simple as that.
The losers in all this will be the Khazarian mafia who are being forced to give up their dream of enslaving humanity into their 1000 year reich. Illuminati sources say they expect another Khazarian incident on or around thanksgiving (November 26th).
Yea, yea, yea. Tell me about it, Benya. As far as "Khazarian mafia" and those who stand behind them and those who "control" whom, yes, we are likely to see some real surprises and of such a magnitude that it will "blow you from the chair". One of major surprises it the stand-off between the "Khazarian mafia" and the "Illuminati".
Interestingly enough, according to the former regional head of the Illuminati brain programming "department", Svali, the Illuminati hate "Jews" and it is in their plan to destroy Israel during the "end game".
The same thing was said by one of the highest authorities of the Illuminati, Albert Pike, as to three world wars, two of which had happened exactly as he described. And the third one is mutual destruction of Israel and the Arabs. You can find these exact quotes in the ZioNazi categorized quote collection on the antimatrix.org site, if you are interested in it.
ADL President Abraham Foxman: speech about destruction of white race and ZioNazi world domination
ZioNazi Quotes categorized, or here:
See Albert Pike completes his military blueprint for three world wars
Albert Pike completes his military blueprint for three world
wars and various revolutions throughout the world
ZioNazi Quotes categorized: NWO
[*] Actual Russian sources, by the way, put “Putin” in quotation marks because they say he is actually a representative of their collective decision making and not an individual exercising actual leadership.
Well, but there is more evidence that Putin is more a "representative of ... collective decision making" of ZioNazi satanists, or, more precisely, the "Chabad mafia" than of his own people. But, yes, indeed, Putin is another "wild card" out there.
It was alleged by the former MI-6 agent that Putin was at one time a member of the masonic fraction of "Royal Arch", and, it is easier to enter into some masonic lodge than to exit it, unless it is done with your feet first, when you are carried in your private coffin.
But, at the same time, Putin is quite a fox. Just look how the entire world sings praises to him non-stop and he is getting all sorts of utmost recognition in all sorts of "polls" or "authoritative" "man of the year" recognitions of all kinds.
So, it is not entirely inconceivable, that Putin may turn his back against the very ZioNazi satanists and "Chabad mafia" that played him like a puppet and brought him to "power".
Because the question arises: why does he need to be some puppet "prime minister", at best, in the "global empire" when he ALREADY rules about the biggest and richest empire on the face of this planet, at least from the standpoint of its territory size and its vast amounts of natural resources, not even mentioning the creative potential of Russian people? Why is that precisely the Russian programmers are considered to be some of the very best and in highest demand on the west?
Putin, (just cross you fingers) may as well tell them all: Well, SCREW YOU ALL, bastards. I ALRDEADY have an empire of my own and we are as strong as most of you combined, at least in terms of military might and advancements. And if you top it up with the Russian Soul and Heart, then one has to be a complete idiot to trade Russia for some stinky "prime minister" seat, even in the so-called "world government", and even that is not quite certain.
Because those satanists will sell their own mother, given enough "money" or gold, and they will lie their shark teeth off and dishonor any and all "contracts" they have signed or will sign, according to the Kol Nidre "prayer" of theirs. And if anyone, Putin knows all this really well. Whatever they have promised him of will promise him in the future is worth nothing and he knows it like his own five fingers.
End of story.
November 2, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Note: Full text of this report will be available on Thursday, according to Benya's demands.
The rogue state of Israel has been put under an “electromagnetic cordon sanitaire,” meaning that its military airplanes are grounded and its warships are unable to leave their ports, according to Pentagon officials. The blockade has now been intensified because US military and Russian government sources agree an Israeli F16 jet fighter flying out of Ramon Airforce base shot down a Russian airliner in the Sinai desert on Halloween, killing 224 people.
“Israel is now stuck in its sandbox and can only bomb Gaza or shoot down airliners,” a Pentagon official added. The downing of the airliner has also now opened the way legally for Russian attacks on Israel proper, the officials said.
This escalation of events prompted the Rothschild family, the Chinese communist party, the gnostic illuminati, the Pentagon and others to send representatives to negotiate with the White Dragon Society, WDS sources say. More about this below but, suffice it to say these negotiations are ongoing and no conclusion has been reached as this article went to press.
The representative of the Rothschild family last went to negotiate with the WDS immediately after the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan. He expressed surprise the attack had failed, as intended, to force the evacuation of 40 million people from greater Tokyo.
He also said that, despite the speculation generated by the arrows with the numbers 11.3 and 11.5 on the cover of the January issue of the Rothschild controlled Economist Magazine, that the Rothschilds were not planning any incidents on either November 3rd or 5th. The WDS said that regardless, the Rothschilds would have to pay compensation for their role in the 311 attacks or else face “serious consequences.”
The gnostic illuminati representative going by the name of “Alexander Romanov” also contacted the WDS. He said the illuminati were hearing a “major terror attack” was planned for November 4th. Romanov was forcibly placed in a mental hospital after warning in advance of 311 that Japan was about to be hit with nuclear terror. The most likely location for the new attack, he said, was Texas.
A good guess would be an attack on the Bush/Nazi nuclear reprocessing plant at Amarillo, Texas, according to British MI6 intelligence sources. He may also have been referring to a move to once and for all decapitate the Bush/Nazionist mafia.
The people at the Pentagon and the agencies, meanwhile, say that any major new terrorist mass murder incident would be the signal for an all-out attack on all cabal agents and families.
In the meantime, pressure will keep being ratcheted up on Khazarian mafia operations around the world until their final surrender and the freedom of humanity is assured.
The Russians have now been given permission by the Egyptian government to use bases in Egypt to attack Israeli proxy forces in the Sinai desert and in Libya, they said. There’s also a real possibility nuclear weapons would be used against Israel and their ISIS proxy army in retaliation for Israeli and Saudi use of nuclear weapons in Japan, Yemen and the Ukraine, they said.
The capture in Lebanon of a Saudi Prince transporting 2 tons of amphetamines and cocaine last week
resulted in frantic calls to both Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and CIA Deputy Director David Cohen by King Salman of Saudi Arabia. Cohen, who is described by the Pentagon as the real head of ISIS, flew to Lebanon to get his release but failed to. He was also unable to get the release of the Israeli general captured commanding ISIS forces in Syria.
This failure to obtain the freedom of the prince has strengthened the morale of the Russian, Hezbollah, Pentagon, Iranian, Syrian, Iraqi, Yemeni and now Egyptian alliance ranged against Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
The Saudis have hired Columbian, French and other mercenaries to do their fighting for them but these forces will not be able to stop Russia, the Pentagon and their allies for forces this rogue state into defeat and surrender. Turkish President Recep Erdogan needs to understand this if he wishes to stay.
The Pentagon and Russian forces blockading Israel are insisting that rogue nation must give up all territory it seized illegally and pay massive compensation for the crimes it has committed.
The WDS had a similar message for the Rothschild family representative concerning all the world wealth that family had stolen through its fraudulent privately owned central bank debt slavery system. In any case, with more than half of European government bonds trading and minus interest rates and with the real economies of Japan and the United States imploding, it is only a matter of time before this system fails.
The Europeans are turning to China in the hope of getting support for their collapsing system. The French, Germans and British have all had, or will soon have, summit meetings with the Chinese in the past week or so with this in mind.
The Europeans are hoping to distance themselves from the implosion of Khazarian mafia control of the Federal Reserve Board in the United States by linking their financial systems to the Chinese Yuan.
To counter the Chinese/European rapprochement, the Pentagon has been busy working with the Russians and others to make sure the Chinese do not get military control over Asia.
To this end, Vietnam has been supplied with nuclear weapons and advanced armaments in order to give them the ability to take on China over territorial disputes in the South China Sea, Pentagon sources said. The dispatch of a US warship into waters claimed by the Chinese was a Pentagon move to convince Asian nations surrounding China they were ready to defend them despite any financial deals between Washington and China, several sources said.
The Chinese, for their part, sent a representative to discuss these issues with the White Dragon Society. The Chinese were told to stop being manipulated by the Khazarians into fighting Asian neighbours over historical differences. The Chinese also reassured the WDS they had no ambitions to take over from the US as the only world super-power. Instead they, reasonably, said that since Chinese represent 20% of the world’s population they should have 20% control over international institutions and power.
This meeting was followed by a South Korea, Chinese and Japanese summit meeting in South Korea last week where Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe appeared to be a born again pacifist. It now looks like years of manufactured incidents and provocations over such issues as “comfort women,” tiny disputed islands and other such things are going to be finally papered over.
South Korean President Park Gyeun Hye also seemed to have dropped Khazarian inspired baiting of Japan over such issues. The three nations have now agreed to look forward and not backwards in their relations.
The sudden change in Abe’s and Park’s tune may be connected to the visit to South Korea by new Pentagon chief Joseph Dunford who made it clear that petty squabbles provoked by outsiders had to end.
Abe’s new tone may also be connected to the fact that Dunford is about to visit Japan where he will be taking a close look at exactly what Richard Armitage, Dick Cheney and others have been doing here. Pentagon sources promise Armitage will be “dealt with.” Part of this has already begun as Armitage’s heroin business in Afghanistan continues to be dismantled.
It now appears the Doctors Without Borders hospital that was bombed in Afghanistan was a heroin distribution center. According to the Russian Tass News Agency, the Doctors Without Borders were kicked out of the Eastern Ukraine because they were drug dealing.
It appears the probable murder by plane crash of Richard Rockefeller was part of a Bush Mafia move to take over his Doctors Without Borders organization and use it as a front. Rockefeller family sources say Richard was killed because he was about to blow the whistle on attempts by Bush and his fellow Khazarian Nazis to set off an Ebola epidemic. Time will tell but it now appears this once noble organization has been taken over by the dark side.
Meanwhile, South American sources have pointed out there is a Maurice Armitage who is running for mayor of the town of Cali, right in the center of Columbia’s cocaine producing region.
He certainly looks a lot like Richard Armitage so, although we have not confirmed this, it looks a lot like Richard ran the heroin side of the Bush drug business while Maurice handled the cocaine end of things.
In any case, there is a coordinated campaign going on to cut off the heroin, cocaine and amphetamine money financing the Bush Nazionist faction of the Khazarian mob. The arrest of the Saudi prince with 2 tons of amphetamines was a clear example of this. No wonder the Jeb Bush presidential campaign is running out of money.
There is still a lot of work to be done but anybody who follows the news around the world cannot deny now that the Nazionists are losing power. To use the metaphor of World War 2, the situation now is a lot like 1944 where the Nazi defeat was inevitable but a lot of fighting still remained to be done. If we all push hard, we can finish these Nazionist criminals off permanently by 2016.
The critical digest, of the entire report for November 2, 2015 will be available soon, somewhere within 24 hrs. after publication of original report, hopefully we'll get some of it done by the Monday's midnight GMT.
The rogue state of Israel has been put under an “electromagnetic cordon sanitaire,” meaning that its military airplanes are grounded and its warships are unable to leave their ports, according to Pentagon officials. The blockade has now been intensified because US military and Russian government sources agree an Israeli F16 jet fighter flying out of Ramon Airforce base shot down a Russian airliner in the Sinai desert on Halloween, killing 224 people.
“Israel is now stuck in its sandbox and can only bomb Gaza or shoot down airliners,” a Pentagon official added. The downing of the airliner has also now opened the way legally for Russian attacks on Israel proper, the officials said.
Comment: Well, that would be great indeed. Unfortunately, this scenario does not quite align with verifiable information, such as:
Putin authorized the immediate implementation of the MoD’s feared “Defend Israel” war plan
Russian and the Israel Air Forces will practice providing security in the skies over Syria
And other reports along those lines, reported by the major media. It is quite inconceivable that anyone, and especially the USA and Russia would bully Israel in such a blatant ways, and for a number of reasons, we will mention later in this digest.
This escalation of events prompted the Rothschild family, the Chinese communist party, the gnostic illuminati, the Pentagon and others to send representatives to negotiate with the White Dragon Society, WDS sources say.
This looks quite strange. Again and again, Benya magnifies the significance of mythical WDS to the level of some absolute and indisputable "world superpower" and a central coordinating force. Just like with Benya himself, the most powerful players, for some strange reason, contact the WDS, like some omnipotent arbiter of world affairs.
The representative of the Rothschild family last went to negotiate with the WDS immediately after the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan. He expressed surprise the attack had failed, as intended, to force the evacuation of 40 million people from greater Tokyo.
Strange. Why would they do that, and why would they disclose to WDS that it was planned terror attack? Secondly, it implies that these alleged "negotiations" have been going on for over 3 years. But where is the results of it, beyond intensification of bloodletting, destruction and chaos throughout the world? What kind of things they were "negotiating", for what purpose and what is WDS "in the scheme of things" and in the context of the "ruling family of this planet", or "the social memory complex" Lucifer?
He also said that, despite the speculation generated by the arrows with the numbers 11.3 and 11.5 on the cover of the January issue of the Rothschild controlled Economist Magazine, that the Rothschilds were not planning any incidents on either November 3rd or 5th. The WDS said that regardless, the Rothschilds would have to pay compensation for their role in the 311 attacks or else face “serious consequences.”
Well, we would like to ask this question again:
What REAL power does WDS have to enforce anything, from the standpoint of real military might and power? Would be interesting to know what kind of “serious consequences”, no one less than Rothschilds, who sit directly below the "Lucifer ruling family", with their immense might and power, not the least of which is simply unimaginable wealth, accumulated throughout millenniums, just as described by the Hidden_Hand?
What proof do you have that "ruling elite families" exist?
(Window of Opportunity - Hidden Hand)
The gnostic illuminati representative going by the name of “Alexander Romanov” also contacted the WDS. He said the illuminati were hearing a “major terror attack” was planned for November 4th. Romanov was forcibly placed in a mental hospital after warning in advance of 311 that Japan was about to be hit with nuclear terror. The most likely location for the new attack, he said, was Texas.
Well, from where could they possibly "hear" such things? That would imply that there is a leak down the chain of the "Lucifer ruling family", which is simply beyond imagination. Those who leaked, unless it was done on purpose, as disinformation or as a part of their "plan", would be identified very quickly and they would be dealt with in the ways anyone hardly would dare to even know about it.
A good guess would be an attack on the Bush/Nazi nuclear reprocessing plant at Amarillo, Texas, according to British MI6 intelligence sources.
Well, but what would that achieve? Again and again, in nearly every report of Benya we see the same obsession with all sorts of attacks, preferably nuclear, revolutions, massive blood shed and destruction of all kinds, which simply indicates the degenerate tendencies. Secondly, attacking the nuclear reprocessing plant might have some quite far reaching environmental consequences, not even speaking about massive loss of Life. And for what? What does it change as far as major players go? What does it affect?
He may also have been referring to a move to once and for all decapitate the Bush/Nazionist mafia.
How could you possibly "decapitate" the massive, all pervasive global network? How could you "decapitate" the Internet? Even if half of it is out, you won't even notice anything in most cases. Secondly, just as said in the Protocols of the Learned Elder of Zion, they have MILLIONS of "agenturs" alone, not even mentioning that they have several top level factions. What does it tell you? Well, it tells us that even if you manage to "take out" the entire faction, there are still numerous others, who will only appreciate it all, simply because "at the end" there will remain only one of them left, at least according to various "plans" of theirs.
Well, sorry, but we do not see any useful or trustworthy information in this. Just about all we are seeing is the pathological attraction of the writer to all sorts of "all-out" or nuclear attacks, and "shedding blood", which is said to be the "food" for "the dark side".
In the meantime, pressure will keep being ratcheted up on Khazarian mafia operations around the world until their final surrender and the freedom of humanity is assured.
WHO says so? WHERE? Was Benya "informed" about this by his alleged "sources" or is he in the prophecy mode? With all these proclamations, it looks like one simply does not place himself in the proper perspective "in the scheme of things", which is simply yet another example of elevation of self-significance.
The Russians have now been given permission by the Egyptian government to use bases in Egypt to attack Israeli proxy forces in the Sinai desert and in Libya, they said. There’s also a real possibility nuclear weapons would be used against Israel and their ISIS proxy army in retaliation for Israeli and Saudi use of nuclear weapons in Japan, Yemen and the Ukraine, they said.
Well, have you seen any articles about such a "permission" anywhere on the net? And again, and again and again, we are seeing this obsession with "nuclear weapons would be used against Israel". But, in that case, what would happen to any state in the world if they decided to ATTACK Israel directly, not even mentioning the nuclear attack? Just look at this one, for example:
No one in the last three decades has achieved any political power without Jewish approval
What does it tell you? Secondly, why would every single US president wow to protect Israel regardless of anything? Even John Kennedy, who gave quite a speech about this evil "shadow power" or "hidden hand", still wowed to protect Israel, in just the same way as if the USA itself was attacked? Why would the USA veto every single resolution in the UN Security Council that addressed and condemned the relentless barbarism of Israel against the Palestine and its people?
We'll skip the "capture in Lebanon of a Saudi Prince transporting 2 tons of amphetamines and cocaine" talk, as something of not much consequences, even if it is all true.
The Saudis have hired Columbian, French and other mercenaries to do their fighting for them but these forces will not be able to stop Russia, the Pentagon and their allies for forces this rogue state into defeat and surrender. Turkish President Recep Erdogan needs to understand this if he wishes to stay.
Well, who knows? But, for some strange reason, there are all sorts of negotiations between Russians and Saudi regarding the advanced arms sales and other negotiations regarding the energy business and so on. If you look around, it should not be that difficult to dig up plenty of information on this.
The Pentagon and Russian forces blockading Israel are insisting that rogue nation must give up all territory it seized illegally and pay massive compensation for the crimes it has committed.
Well, bullying the Israel in such a direct and so pervasive way simply does not look like it is something in the Putin's style. He is not that dumb. Actually, he is known to have meetings with Berl Lazar of "Chabad mafia" twice a month. Now, for the head of state, as big and as powerful as Russia, what could be possibly the reason for such regular face-to-face meetings with some "religious" figure?
Why would the head of state even consult such a figure, if not to get the direct and precise INSTRUCTIONS on how to destroy and take over Russia in most effective manner, just as instructed by their false messiah, Menachem Mendel Schneerson?
Interestingly enough, these instructions eventually and inevitably become the law, just as we have seen with this "extremism", "tolerance" and huge fines for "religious intolerance" "laws", passed during the last couple of years, even though the very reason for these "laws" has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with this abracadabra called "tolerance", not even talking about the "religious intolerance", which is a myth, simply because their "god" is money and they worship gold as something "ultimate", just as described in the Protocols. Just look at his views:
"The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person..."
We'll skip some of Benya's regular talk and prophecies about the Far East affairs he keeps repeating non-stop, as something of the "blah, blah, blah" level and Benay's imagination running wild.
The Chinese, for their part, sent a representative to discuss these issues with the White Dragon Society. The Chinese were told to stop being manipulated by the Khazarians into fighting Asian neighbours over historical differences. The Chinese also reassured the WDS they had no ambitions to take over from the US as the only world super-power. Instead they, reasonably, said that since Chinese represent 20% of the world’s population they should have 20% control over international institutions and power.
Well, so it turns out that the WDS is "running the world" nowadays, isn't it? But what about Lucifer and his "ruling family" of this planet?
This meeting was followed by a South Korea, Chinese and Japanese summit meeting in South Korea last week where Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe appeared to be a born again pacifist. It now looks like years of manufactured incidents and provocations over such issues as “comfort women,” tiny disputed islands and other such things are going to be finally papered over.
South Korean President Park Gyeun Hye also seemed to have dropped Khazarian inspired baiting of Japan over such issues. The three nations have now agreed to look forward and not backwards in their relations.
The sudden change in Abe’s and Park’s tune may be connected to the visit to South Korea by new Pentagon chief Joseph Dunford who made it clear that petty squabbles provoked by outsiders had to end.
Well, the issues of useless squabbles between the North and South Korea and China about the most insignificant things do need to get resolved, as that creates the instability in that region, significant enough to affect the world affairs.
Abe’s new tone may also be connected to the fact that Dunford is about to visit Japan where he will be taking a close look at exactly what Richard Armitage, Dick Cheney and others have been doing here. Pentagon sources promise Armitage will be “dealt with.” Part of this has already begun as Armitage’s heroin business in Afghanistan continues to be dismantled.
Well, certainly, we keep hearing how significant is this puppet of the real players, Richard Armitage, and others of his grade. Why place so much significance on them? Is it to divert the attention of the "mere mortals" from the REAL players and problems, by ANY humble chance?
We repeat again and again: these are "nobodies", "nothing" even worth mentioning, and they are NOT the REAL players, by far. Whether they even exist or not makes no difference and no impact on the REAL issues the world is facing today. The world is full of these kinds of puppets in nearly every single "government" as the events and massive disinformation campaigns around Ukraine and Russia indicate in no uncertain terms.
We'll skip some things about Doctors Without Borders hospital bombing and their alleged drug operations out of it.
In any case, there is a coordinated campaign going on to cut off the heroin, cocaine and amphetamine money financing the Bush Nazionist faction of the Khazarian mob. The arrest of the Saudi prince with 2 tons of amphetamines was a clear example of this. No wonder the Jeb Bush presidential campaign is running out of money.
Yes, drugs trade represents one of the major sources of income, and, secondly, as a part of the "plan" for global depopulation. Afghanistan alone today supplies 90% of all the heroin to the world. No arguments there.
But to "take them out" is to destroy the massive global distributed network, where one of the major players is the CIA, providing the protection and transportation of massive shipments of drugs throughout the world, which is again - easier said than done.
We keep hearing about the interceptions of massive amounts of drugs nearly non-stop. But what is the end result? The volumes of drug trade only increase, and in the multiples? Why is that? - Well, because it is nearly impossible to destroy the distributed networks, just like the mafia or the Internet. Yes, you can make some movies about very "successful" operations, but that is about all you can do, and they remain as powerful as ever. There is just too much money in it and there are too many people and fractions of all kinds that feed on it. You'll be chasing them till your nose goes blue.
There is still a lot of work to be done but anybody who follows the news around the world cannot deny now that the Nazionists are losing power. To use the metaphor of World War 2, the situation now is a lot like 1944 where the Nazi defeat was inevitable but a lot of fighting still remained to be done. If we all push hard, we can finish these Nazionist criminals off permanently by 2016.
Well, yes, it is pretty much undeniable that the "old system" is on its final leg. Today, it is pretty obvious, even to a child, that such a monstrous system simply does not "serve" the interests of the mankind. About the only "purpose" for its continuation is the alleged Luciferian "negative approach to stimulate the growth of intelligence", and, according to Hidden_Hand, at least, its purpose is to help the mankind to see that this is not who they are.
Thus, as he insists, the mankind should appreciate their efforts of presenting "the catalyst" to growth of Intelligence in the form of utmost, and even barbaric negativity, to make it easier for the mankind to realize who they indeed are - an inseparable part of the Infinite Creator.
We are not advocating the "ruling family" agenda here, but it might help the readers to SEE some things about "the scheme" with more clarity, just by studying "yet another version" of it. We just suggest, as Hidden_Hand does, not to take it blindly, on faith. But rather look at it, "suckle on it" and sense how it FEELS on the level of the feelings right smack in the middle of your chest, and sense if it "rings the bell" somewhere.
It might also help one to place these puppets of Armitage's or Bush's kind in the proper perspective, in order to avoid being deluded by their seeming significance.
Here's the link again, in case you have not seen it yet. If you pay attention, you may notice how friendly, seemingly sincere and non-aggressive is his presentation in the contrast with what you see in Benya's reports, full of ultimatums, proclamations and prophecies of all kinds.
Interestingly enough, they even consider Rothschilds as something not that significant in the structure of "the ruling family" and would not even mention the puppets of Bush's and Armitage's level, as those are nothing more than puppets.
What proof do you have that "ruling elite families" exist?
(Window of Opportunity - Hidden Hand)
Quite remarkable is the fact that Benya constantly sings about some mythical "coalition" of the Pentagon with Russia, which in itself is rather odd in light of the mountain of actual facts. Take, for example, the following article and ask yourself the question: who is lying about all of this? - Benya? Or lenta.ru, one of the most reputable news sources?
Pentagon chief has promised to contain Russia by military means
November 8, 2015, 3:52.
The US is considering new options for containment of Russia, said the Pentagon chief Ashton Carter in his speech on the military-political conference in the memorial library of Ronald Reagan. His words were reported by TASS news agency on, November 8.
Russia challenges the international order, so the United States will stand against it by all means, including military, he said.
«In Europe, Russia is violating the sovereignty of Ukraine and Georgia, and actively intimidating Baltic countries, and in Syria, it is adding fuel to the fire of dangerous conflict, increasing extremism, against which she herself wanted to fight," - says the head of the Pentagon. Washington is also concerned about the "nuclear saber-rattling" by Moscow.
To this end, he said, the United States is modernizing its nuclear arsenal and is investing in the development of advanced weapons systems, including a new strategic bomber, and laser weapons.
"We do not seek hot or cold war with Russia, and do not want it to be our enemy", - assured Carter. But the United States will defend its interests and those of its allies. In particular, the Pentagon will continue to assist Ukraine in preparing its forces to fight the militias of the DNI and the LC [self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lughansk republics in the north-east of Ukraine that refused to submit to the ZioNazi ultra-fascist regime in Kiev].
The US does not intend to build up its military presence in Europe to the level of the Cold War, while it is adjusting its contingent because of Russian policy.
Russia has repeatedly stated that it considers the approach of NATO troops to its territory as a threat to its security. Russia's permanent representative to NATO Alexander Grushko had said on October 9, that Moscow will do everything necessary to preserve the balance of military forces in Europe, but does not seek a new arms race.
Pentagon chief has promised to contain Russia by military means (in Russian)
Defense Secretary: Russia & China Threaten World Order
November 8, 2015
Defense Secretary Ash Carter on Saturday accused Russia of endangering world order, citing its incursions in Ukraine and loose talk about nuclear weapons, and said the U.S. defense establishment is searching for creative ways to deter Russian aggression and protect U.S. allies.
Carter also expressed concern about China’s expanding influence and growing military might, but he reserved his stronger words for Russia in his remarks to the Reagan National Defense Forum. National security experts and defense officials attended the gathering at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.
Carter said Russia is undertaking “challenging activities” at sea, in the air, in space and in cyberspace. “Most disturbing, Moscow’s nuclear saber-rattling raises questions about Russian leaders’ commitment to strategic stability, their respect for norms against the use of nuclear weapons, and whether they respect the profound caution nuclear-age leaders showed with regard to the brandishing of nuclear weapons,” he said.
Defense Secretary: Russia & China Threaten World Order
(Blacklisted News)
Question arises: does this look like any kind of cooperation, not even mentioning some mythical "coalition"?
October 27, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Note: Full text of this report will be available on Thursday, according to Benya's demands.
The story of a single individual gangster, Richard Armitage, and of his crimes over the years, provides good insight into the inner workings of the Khazarian gangster cabal. It also shows us how just arresting, or deleting, a few key individuals would be enough to change the future of this planet for the better. As his criminal history makes clear, Armitage is a key hatchet-man in Asia for the Bush/Nazionist branch of the Khazarian mob
The information below was provided to us by CIA colleagues of Armitage as well as by Japanese government sources, members of Japanese yakuza crime syndicates and others. Armitage was given a chance, by phone and e-mail, to rebut what is written below but he refused to answer, meaning that he is not denying what we are hearing about him.
Armitage is the senior person in the group that controls Japanese puppet prime minister Shinzo Abe. The hapless Abe is terrified of being killed and will only read from scripts he is given by Armitage and his acolytes. Armitage also controls the right to create and distribute Japanese yen. The so-called Abenomics, or money printing by the Bank of Japan, is just a cover for the continued looting of this country by Armitage and his fellow gangsters.
Capturing Armitage and forcing him to hand over the codes that allow for the creation and distribution of yen would cut off one of the Khazarian cabal’s Nazi faction’s most vital sources of funding. The White Dragon Society is offering a 10% reward, potentially worth billions of dollars, to any individual or group who manages to capture Armitage and force him to return to the Japanese people the money he and his fellow gangsters, like Michael Green, have stolen from them.
Golden triangle heroin dealer Armitage first came into notoriety in the secret world when he sold out the government of South Vietnam to the communist North for money. Even Henry Kissinger was unaware this was the real reason why the South Vietnamese regime collapsed so suddenly. In other words, the biggest defeat in US military history was caused by a traitor within and not by military defeat.
The next big operation that Armitage was involved in was the overthrow of Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines. The US government was unable to afford to maintain its huge military bases in the Philippines so it decided to shut them down. Marcos, who was a firm US ally, wanted to keep the bases so, Armitage and crew arranged anti-Marcos demonstrations and advised Marcos to leave the Philippines and go to Hawaii. Marcos was poisoned in Hawaii. That is how the Bush/CIA faction treats close US allies.
Armitage was also a key player behind the failed attempt to overthrow the communist Chinese government known as the Tienanmen Square incident. Regardless of the rights and wrongs of what happened at Tienanmen Square, later Armitage and Bush began to provide the Communist Chinese government army with US military secrets in exchange for money.
For example, according to US military intelligence, they provided China with guidance systems for their wildly inaccurate nuclear missiles. This shows the utter and total lack of principles behind the Bush mafia and their operators like Armitage.
Armitage and crew were able to seize control of Japan’s finances through the murder of Japanese Prime Ministers. The two murdered Prime Ministers where the evidence trail is clearest are Ryutaro Hashimoto and Noboru Takeshita. These murders were part of a campaign run by Armitage to seize control of the Bank of Japan and thus of the right to issue Japanese yen, according to multiple sources including former close associates of Takeshita.
Hashimoto was killed with a poison inserted in his rectum during a hospital stay, Japanese right wing sources say. Takeshita was tortured to death in Alaska, according to multiple sources including members of the Japanese royal family.
Takeshita was hung upside-down from a helicopter, then he was stripped naked and chased through the snow by helicopters. Finally his testicles were smashed and he was killed. We have mentioned before that both Takamasa Kawase from Japanese Military Intelligence and a member of the Japanese royal family claim to have been shown a video of the murder of Takeshita. What we are claiming now is that Richard Armitage and his boss George Bush Sr. were in charge of this operation.
A person who worked as Takeshita’s “money man,” claimed he was threatened with “death by stroke” unless he handed over an attache case carrying the codes needed for issuing Japanese yen.
Armitage is but one of the key operators in the Nazionist Bush mafia. Benyamin Netanyahu is another and there are now signs he is being taken down by genuine Jews who have finally figured out Netanyahu actually works for their Nazi tormentors. Recent bizarre comments made by Netanyahu about Hitler show that somebody is forcing him to commit political hara kiri.
In Canada too, Stephen Harper, a notorious Bush operative and source of deep shame for Canada, was decisively ousted from power last week. Once the purge of political operatives appointed by Harper to the Canadian police and military command structure is completed, Harper’s crimes will be prosecuted for sure. Hopefully this traitor will sing like a canary about his handlers.
New Prime Minister Justin Trudeau immediately pulled the Canadian military out of the illegal bombing campaign in Syria. He has also cancelled Canadian plans to buy the F-35 turkey from the US. Trudeau also plans to legalize marijuana.
We understand Trudeau may well be from a cabal family, notably through his Sinclair grandfather but, if so, he is from a faction that opposed the plans to start World War 3 and kill 90% of humanity.
We can only hope that under Trudeau the Canadian military and intelligence apparatus will now help their like-minded colleagues in the US finally purge the military industrial complex of genocidal mass murderers. If Trudeau really wants to make a splash, he should march the Canadian army into New York and Washington DC and remove all the gangsters like Armitage who still rule there.
There are, in any case, growing signs that the US military are well under way in their own ongoing purge of Khazarian traitors in their midst. The biggest sign of this was the unprecedented veto by President Barack Obama (on orders from the Pentagon) of the 2016 defense appropriations bill because it blocks the closing of the prison camp in Guantanamo Bay. He also vetoed it to stop payment of $600 million to Syrian “rebels” and $350 million to neo-Nazis in the Ukraine, according to Pentagon sources.
Also, while closet neo-con Defense Secretary Ashton Carter officially refused to inform the Russians of the location of ISIS (Israeli/Saudi) military facilities in Syria, the information was given to them through former US President Jimmy Carter.
General Joseph Dunford, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon, also flew to Iraq last week in an unsuccessful attempt, (including the use of US special forces to free Iraqis from ISIS), to convince the Iraqis the US military was now against ISIS. Nonetheless, the US military will not intervene against any future Russian bombing inside Iraq if it comes at the request of the Iraqi government, the sources say.
In another blow the Nazionists, Jordan has now agreed to help Russia in its campaign against ISIS, the pentagon sources say. This means Israel, Qatar and Saudi Arabia are now the only countries in the Middle East still working with the Bush Nazi faction. Turkey is in a state of internal turmoil as the Nazis struggle to keep their puppet Erdogan in power.
Inside the US, the “Saudi loving, ISIS supporting” CIA Director John Brennan got his e-mails hacked and his contacts exposed as part of the ongoing purge in Washington DC.
Clearly though, the cesspool in Washington DC is a deep one and a lot remains to be done yet. The so-called Benghazi hearing in Washington DC last week about the death of so-called Ambassador Christopher Stevens was total charade. When Washington hearings start implicating Stevens in the smuggling of nuclear weapons into Japan for use in the 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against that nation, then the world will pay attention.
In any case, the Washington DC power structure remains bankrupt and in a state of deep denial. Some news articles from the past week indicate this. For example, Bloomberg had an article saying the US could not care less that China was dumping its debt because “hedge funds” were now buying it.
Everybody who knows what is real in the financial world knows this is just fake accounting. In the most recent example of US fake accounts, a 72% price increase is being labelled as a 0% increase.
Meanwhile China has issued, in London, its first government bonds outside of Asia.
This means China is learning to treat the financial gangsters in Washington and New York as the pariahs they are.
The Chinese are also strengthening their ties with the US military to show they know the difference between America’s armed forces and the gangster politicians. That is why China called its naval ties with the US “best in history,”
even as Chinese warships dock in Florida.
The Vatican has also joined the British and the Pentagon in strengthening its ties with China. A Vatican delegation has just returned from China where it was agreed that from now on China and the Vatican would jointly select Catholic Bishops. This means the Vatican, China, the Pentagon, the British, Iran and now Canada are joining the growing alliance against the Khazarian mafia. If we can get Armitage and his cronies out of the way, Japan will join too.
The story of a single individual gangster, Richard Armitage, and of his crimes over the years, provides good insight into the inner workings of the Khazarian gangster cabal. It also shows us how just arresting, or deleting, a few key individuals would be enough to change the future of this planet for the better.
Comment: It is a known fact that the ZioNazi satatist "mafia" is organized in extremely complex networked structure, just like the Internet. It was specifically designed that way in order to make it virtually indestructible. Taking out even several nodes or individuals in the network, does not affect it to any noticeable degree, just like with the Internet.
In fact, the Internet was designed to withstand the destruction of even 50% of it, and it is pretty much applicable to these vicious satanists. So, you can "take out" Richard Armitage, or anyone else, for that matter, and it won't change anything.
Secondly, Richard Armitage is not the TOP level anything. He is nothing more but an agent, even if he is powerful enough to do all sorts of things Benya claims he does.
The question arises: why does Benya even bring him up, as any kind of real issue to be taken care of, if not to delude the readers and make them look the other way, at someone utterly insignificant in the scheme of things?
What is the purpose of creating the illusion, that "taking out" some "agents" or "operatives" on this level will change anything of substance. Yes, indeed, it might be entertaining to know about these puppets, just to have a more complete picture. But to hope that "taking them out" will change anything is another matter altogether.
Moreover, it is essentially a profound delusion, and the result of it is pretty much inevitable, and that is to lead people astray and create false pictures in their mind, substituting the real with the unreal. And by no means, it will "change the future of this planet".
Even if you "take out" no one less than Rothschild, it still won't change much. Because there is Baruch, as "mighty", as Rothschilds, and there are several other major players on the top level, not even mentioning the 13 Illuminati "ruling bloodlines" of this planet. If anyone thinks that the entire structure is going to be affected in any significant ways, well, good luck with that one.
Furthermore, according to the NWO "plans", at the end, when the time has come to openly announce the single world empire, there will be only one of them left, and he will be pronounced "the emperor of the world" or "the high priest", sitting on a throne in Jerusalem. Interestingly enough, in accordance with their "religious scriptures", in 2007, the golden crown of the "high priest", called the Tzitz, was made in Israel.
On Dec 2, 2007 Rabbi Richman and rabbi Glick, the general director of The Temple Institute in Jerusalem have announced the completion of the Tzitz, the High Priest's head-plate - is now ready for use in the Holy Temple (in place of one of the three holies of Islam, the Masjid Al Aqsa Mosque).
The tzitz is made of pure gold, was fashioned over the course of a more than a year by the craftsmen of the Temple Institute, and is ready to be worn by the High Priest in the rebuilt Holy Temple in Jerusalem.
The words "Holy for G-d" are engraved on the headplate, in accordance with Exodus 28:36.
The New Tzitz: The Golden Crown of the High Priest, has been created, all set for the NWO to be announced
ZioNazi quotes - NWO
So far, we know about prince William as probably the most realistic candidate. Interestingly enough, recently we have seen the article which states that both princes, William and Harry, are actually Jews, since their mother is a Jewess. That is quite an interesting and pretty revealing detail. Unfortunately, it will take some time to find that link, and we do not have much time to spend.
Prince William, showing the satanic "horned hand" sign the Mano Cornuto. This gesture is a satanic salute in recognition and loyalty among members of Satanism or other wicked groups.
Buckingham Palace official announcement of the Antichrist was made on May 31, 2004 with the help of the photograph (symbolizing the "Lamb of God"), holding a lamb with cloven hooves, the symbol of Baphomet).
Prince William, the Antichrist ... the future king of the "New World Order"
(which has a global concentration camp, hundreds of which, incidentally, have already been built across the United States and which are able to "recycle" the millions of victims.)
Another interesting detail is that in the palace of Elisabeth II, under the chair where coronation ceremonies are conducted, there is a sacred stone of Jacob. Now, according to the occult and Kabbalistic beliefs of these satanists, the one who has that stone in his possession will ultimately become the "kind of the world".
The throne of queen of Englend, from which all the coronations are conduced, with the stone of Jacob underneeth
And these are the things that are provable, including pictures with the "hidden messages" to the world.
And so, neither Richard Armitage, nor even "evil" Bushes are even in the picture, or in the "the scheme of things". BY FAR.
Then Benya goes:
As his criminal history makes clear, Armitage is a key hatchet-man in Asia for the Bush/Nazionist branch of the Khazarian mob.
Is there any evidence of it, and, even if he is in fact "a key hatchet-man" for Bushes, does it mean that he is more significant, in the scheme of things, than any other agent, even on the top level? And if that agent sits even below Bushes, who themselves are nothing more than agents, or "agentur", as they are known from Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion, then is he someone of a caliber even worth talking about?
Protocol 2.2: Puppet government - pawns in our game
Protocol 3 - Methods of Conquest
Protocol 3 - if journalists get the right to scribble any nonsense
The information below was provided to us by CIA colleagues of Armitage as well as by Japanese government sources, members of Japanese yakuza crime syndicates and others. Armitage was given a chance, by phone and e-mail, to rebut what is written below but he refused to answer, meaning that he is not denying what we are hearing about him.
Well, if THAT is in fact the case, and, assuming Benya did try to verify it, as much as possible, then, this implies that we are dealing with the facts, and not just some myths and theories, doesn't it? Simply because when the same information comes from the MULTIPLE sources, and not just a single one, then it makes it look like something trustworthy, doesn't it? So, let us see here.
Armitage is the senior person in the group that controls Japanese puppet prime minister Shinzo Abe. The hapless Abe is terrified of being killed and will only read from scripts he is given by Armitage and his acolytes. Armitage also controls the right to create and distribute Japanese yen. The so-called Abenomics, or money printing by the Bank of Japan, is just a cover for the continued looting of this country by Armitage and his fellow gangsters.
Capturing Armitage and forcing him to hand over the codes that allow for the creation and distribution of yen would cut off one of the Khazarian cabal’s Nazi faction’s most vital sources of funding.
Well, is it a joke of some kind? Does anyone, in his clear mind, think that the top level players would leave a "system vulnerability hole" this big, and, as a result, might loose the control over nothing less than Japan? Again, Armitage, or anyone else, is what might be classified as "our agentur", according to "The Protocols of the Learn Elders of Zion", an agent, and nothing more than that. If they were as stupid, as to leave the holes this big in their distributed network, they'd fall hundreds of years ago.
The White Dragon Society is offering a 10% reward, potentially worth billions of dollars, to any individual or group who manages to capture Armitage and force him to return to the Japanese people the money he and his fellow gangsters, like Michael Green, have stolen from them.
What is this? Whatever someone like Michael Green had stolen from Japan, or anywhere else, goes directly into the bottomless pockets of the top level players, such as Rothschilds, Baruchs and a handful of others, not even mentioning the Illuminati bloodlines. All these "agentur" merely get the agent's fees. But they do not have any of that robbed money, and could not possibly have. Else, they'd be dead a long, long ago, to dare to take ANY money, which "belongs" to the "ruling families".
Golden triangle heroin dealer Armitage first came into notoriety in the secret world when he sold out the government of South Vietnam to the communist North for money. Even Henry Kissinger was unaware this was the real reason why the South Vietnamese regime collapsed so suddenly. In other words, the biggest defeat in US military history was caused by a traitor within and not by military defeat.
The next big operation that Armitage was involved in was the overthrow of Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines. The US government was unable to afford to maintain its huge military bases in the Philippines so it decided to shut them down. Marcos, who was a firm US ally, wanted to keep the bases so, Armitage and crew arranged anti-Marcos demonstrations and advised Marcos to leave the Philippines and go to Hawaii. Marcos was poisoned in Hawaii. That is how the Bush/CIA faction treats close US allies.
Armitage was also a key player behind the failed attempt to overthrow the communist Chinese government known as the Tienanmen Square incident. Regardless of the rights and wrongs of what happened at Tienanmen Square, later Armitage and Bush began to provide the Communist Chinese government army with US military secrets in exchange for money.
For example, according to US military intelligence, they provided China with guidance systems for their wildly inaccurate nuclear missiles. This shows the utter and total lack of principles behind the Bush mafia and their operators like Armitage.
Armitage and crew were able to seize control of Japan’s finances through the murder of Japanese Prime Ministers. The two murdered Prime Ministers where the evidence trail is clearest are Ryutaro Hashimoto and Noboru Takeshita. These murders were part of a campaign run by Armitage to seize control of the Bank of Japan and thus of the right to issue Japanese yen, according to multiple sources including former close associates of Takeshita.
Hashimoto was killed with a poison inserted in his rectum during a hospital stay, Japanese right wing sources say. Takeshita was tortured to death in Alaska, according to multiple sources including members of the Japanese royal family.
Takeshita was hung upside-down from a helicopter, then he was stripped naked and chased through the snow by helicopters. Finally his testicles were smashed and he was killed. We have mentioned before that both Takamasa Kawase from Japanese Military Intelligence and a member of the Japanese royal family claim to have been shown a video of the murder of Takeshita. What we are claiming now is that Richard Armitage and his boss George Bush Sr. were in charge of this operation.
Well, lots of words indeed. But how and what does it change, as far as the problems and issues we all face today? By the way, how can it all be verified?
A person who worked as Takeshita’s “money man,” claimed he was threatened with “death by stroke” unless he handed over an attache case carrying the codes needed for issuing Japanese yen.
Well, but the codes are just that - the codes, and they can be changed in a wink of an eye. After all, they are not something of the level of "the ark of the covenant", or are they? If anyone "in his clear mind" thinks that the satanists would make such a blunder as to leave such a great vulnerability in the system, that may eventually lead to loss of control of the money printing process in such a world economic power, as Japan, then he may need to think again. It seems that there is probably more chance "for the hell to get frozen", than for these vicious ZioNazi satanists to make such a oversight.
Armitage is but one of the key operators in the Nazionist Bush mafia. Benyamin Netanyahu is another and there are now signs he is being taken down by genuine Jews who have finally figured out Netanyahu actually works for their Nazi tormentors. Recent bizarre comments made by Netanyahu about Hitler show that somebody is forcing him to commit political hara kiri.
Yes, the "operators" is quite conceivable. But who CONTROLS those "operators"? - THAT is the issue we have. Because the "operators" do not design any plans on such a grand scale, as world takeover. At best, they follow the instructions and execute some specific and limited tasks, just as ordered by their puppet masters. But, by themselves, they are nothing more than disposable condoms, to be thrown into the garbage bin once their usefulness expires.
We'll skip some mythical talk about the Canada and its past elections as something that does not change much. Because Canada is nothing more than yet another puppet state and a testing ground for the NWO and the experiment in absolute, all pervasive surveillance and absolute control of the "herd". Nothing more, but a lab. Its "weight" and impact on the global events and issues is nothing more than of yet one more mouth to say "yes".
We can only hope that under Trudeau the Canadian military and intelligence apparatus will now help their like-minded colleagues in the US finally purge the military industrial complex of genocidal mass murderers. If Trudeau really wants to make a splash, he should march the Canadian army into New York and Washington DC and remove all the gangsters like Armitage who still rule there.
Yes, hope, all you can, and all you want. As to "he should march the Canadian army into New York and Washington", can you even begin to comprehend anything like this? In reality, Canada and the USA are probably the closest allies compared to any other state in the world. Probably even closer than the UK.
Interestingly enough, Canada is currently a "field test ground" for what we might call the global surveillance state. The amount of spying and surveillance in Canada is probably orders of magnitude more than anywhere else in the world. So, if there is a testing ground for the final version of the NWO, in terms of surveillance and the "herd" control aspects, Canada is probably the best example of it in the entire world. And you can find this information without much effort.
Hitler was most fond of this term - "New World Order." The ultimate goal of his was the division of the world into race of masters and a race of slaves. The organizers of the coming "new world order" have the same goal, but they walk with a different walk. They do not hurry, verify each step, use the new socio-psychological, financial, technology and ultra-modern technical advances.
And here in Canada (the country where you can remain the least "visible") members of this "elite club of the world", decided to build a prototype of the coming "New World Order." A building of "Brookstreet-hotel" in Ottawa, where the meeting of the B-club [Bilderberg Club] took place, reminds me the shape of "the Jerusalem Temple," about the rebuilding of which world Jewry is dreaming of for two thousand years.
Ts.u. received, pro-Israel puppet regime of Harper embarked on plans of priests-satanists in Tel Aviv, the Rothschilds and the B-club. In full accordance with these plans, in all major Canadian cities an incredible number of cameras for tracking people was installed. They eliminated all the secluded places inaccessible to the eye and "non-transparent fences" and the shadow areas.
For the sake of convenience of the police and "security cameras" in Montreal, they cut down the trees in squares, parks, gardens and alleys of old trees, such as along the Lachine Canal. I remembered, Michael, as in Israel they have cut down unique ancient forests to prevent "Arab terrorists" from "hiding in them". The government of Canada repeat the tricks of "Israeli woodcutters". There isn't even a secluded place for a the dog to urinate - everything is visible.
They have installed thousands of additional lights everywhere. The signs attached to the posts alert that round shaped cameras (like the countless Christmas balls) hung on them are the property of the police.
On the walls and ceilings of subway stations tens of thousands of passengers spying devices: optical cameras of a monstrous resolution, infrared, ultrasound and magnetic resonance "eyes" are installed. They are placed in a checkerboard pattern in the arrogantly close vicinity of people passing by: nearly one every inch. Their number, variety and properties allow you to see every passenger without clothes, to create a three-dimensional computer image of a victim (a cybernetic clone - a sort of virtual-metaphysical Eidolon).
CANADA - A SECRET TESTING GROUND of coming "new world order"
Then Benya goes into the issues of Barack Obama "behaving himself" as a result of the "orders" from the Pentagon, and he uses it as some kind of "evidence" of some "changes". Well, how much are you going to bet on it?
General Joseph Dunford, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon, also flew to Iraq last week in an unsuccessful attempt, (including the use of US special forces to free Iraqis from ISIS), to convince the Iraqis the US military was now against ISIS. Nonetheless, the US military will not intervene against any future Russian bombing inside Iraq if it comes at the request of the Iraqi government, the sources say.
Well, to conceive that the "the US military was now against ISIS" is something on the level of fantastic. Because they were the ones who created it in order to take over Syria for several reasons, not the last of which is the Israel's "interests", who keep sharpening their knife against Syria for years now.
The rest of Benya's talk we'll take as something mythical, just to create more hope in the minds of the "sheeple".
In another blow the Nazionists, Jordan has now agreed to help Russia in its campaign against ISIS, the pentagon sources say. This means Israel, Qatar and Saudi Arabia are now the only countries in the Middle East still working with the Bush Nazi faction.
Well, except there is plenty of information about Jordan being one of the quite important behind the scenes players on the side of the "bad guys", and the king of Jordan behaves like a pure grade satanist, who even dares to openly show the "horned hand" sign, known as Mano Cornuto, even during his meeting with Putin.
Jordanian King Abdullah shows the satanic horned hand sign Mano Cornuto during the face-to-face meeting with Putin.
It is nearly inconceivable that the Jordan fox will go against the ZioNazis, as they know too well what would they gain and what would they loose if they EVER decide to do so.
Meanwhile China has issued, in London, its first government bonds outside of Asia.
This means China is learning to treat the financial gangsters in Washington and New York as the pariahs they are.
Well, does not it mean that Rothschilds, who own the UK, in quite a literal sense, are shifting their accent and priorities to China, precisely according to the Illuminati NWO scheme, just as outlined by the former Illuminati, Svali? According to her, in their "plan", to be completed by 2020 approx., China is to become the state #1 in the world, outside of the royal bloodlines of the "Old Europe", or "The black nobility", as they are called, for example, by the former Mi-6 agent, John Coleman in his book The Committee of 300.
NWO - The Committee of 300 - Rulers of This World
We'll skip the rest of Benya's talk about China "aligning" with the Pentagon as just that. They are forever "aligning" and the re-aligning, ad nausea, in their hope creating procedure for the "sheep", whose minds are forever manipulated in the yoyo fashion, so there would never be a state of clarity in their minds, and their heads would forever spin, which is one of their major tricks of creating the global confusion.
The Vatican has also joined the British and the Pentagon in strengthening its ties with China. A Vatican delegation has just returned from China where it was agreed that from now on China and the Vatican would jointly select Catholic Bishops. This means the Vatican, China, the Pentagon, the British, Iran and now Canada are joining the growing alliance against the Khazarian mafia. If we can get Armitage and his cronies out of the way, Japan will join too.
It is noteworthy to see how Benya keeps elevating the utterly satanic Vatican, as some "good guys" in the fight against the ZioNazi satanists. As to what it "means", we can only say: well, it probably does mean something, as far as Benya's mind goes, except it is not quite clear what it is exactly.
As to "Armitage and his cronies", again, Armitage is not a PLAYER in the "game". Nor is some deranged satatists Bushes. All of them are nothing more than the "agentur" of the Rothschilds, Baruchs and a couple of others. At best, they could be classified as "top level operatives" of the same Rothschilds. But "any way you cut it", they are nothing more than a bunch of the obedient puppets, executing the instructions, in utter humbleness and servitude.
October 20, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The political events of the past several years are pointing inexorably towards the formation of some sort of world government. This was made even more clear as most world leaders gathered at the United Nations for the September 28th Tetrad blood moon 70th UN anniversary appeared to be, with a few quibbles, mostly reading from the same script. There is now a consensus among world leaders that world government is the only way to prevent corporate crime syndicates from murdering and plundering this planet into destruction. The battle now is over what sort of government that will be.
The Nazionists are still pushing for a totalitarian, fascist new world order controlled by the same old bloodlines. The White Dragon Society and its allies are insisting that it be more like a benevolent council of village elders. The illuminati, the Pentagon and the Italian P2 lodge are, for their part, offering a third alternative, which they call a Star Trek future. This vision is of a world headed by a large meritocratic organization run something along the lines of the Pentagon, the Vatican or the Chinese Communist Government.
Those who argue against a world government are either naïve or else work for corporate handlers who wish to have the right to continue to plunder the planet without such impediments as human rights, the protection of nature or the rule of law.
The main battlefield over the future of the planet earth remains the battle for control of the financial system. The part of the financial system that matters the most now is the part that pays for men with guns who are actually ready to fight for their view of the future. In that sense the battle for control of the planet’s future is now centered on the ongoing fight over Middle-Eastern oil, the war over illegal drug money and the battle over control of the Federal Reserve Board.
On all of these fronts a lot has been happening. There was a lot of controversy generated over the report on this newsletter last week that the Federal Reserve Board had been nationalized. This claim was not just based on the (disputed by some) notion that the Federal Reserve Board had changed its home page to .gov from .org indicating it was now part of the government. The report was based on information provided by US military intelligence. In any case, the fact is that in analogue paper phone books, that cannot be altered (as the internet can), the Fed is not listed as a government institution. In future phone books in the United States at least, it now will be.
Sources at the Pentagon say that since the Fed has now fallen under government control it will soon start issuing funds to the government at 0% interest rate to finance a massive rebuilding program for decrepit US infrastructure. Other nationalized Fed funds will pay for university scholarships, scientific research, nature conservation, the domestic operations of the US military and much more. This can now be done with zero debt and zero taxation. There will also be asset backed money made available to rebuild US industry.
The battle inside the United States is still not completely over because the members of the Bush/Clinton crime syndicate are still acting as if they are above the law. This could be seen in their intimidation last week of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for implying that George Bush Jr. was responsible for 911. We have a message for Donald Trump: go ahead and blame Bush, Netanyahu and their fellow Nazionists for 911 without fear of assassination. When you come out and say this, mention the fact you were threatened by them. After that, if they still try to kill you, they will all be hunted down like the rabid dogs they are, of this you can be sure.
In any case, a massive campaign to cut off all remaining sources of Nazionist finance is continuing. The Taliban in Afghanistan is aiming to shut down their heroin business. The South American drug lords are no longer supplying funds to the Nazionists, according to Vatican sources. Visible proof of this was seen last week when top Bush and Nazionist agent in Honduras, Jaime Rosenthal, was indicted by the Treasury Department for laundering drug money.
The government of Honduras has also seized his assets. The Cuban and Columbian governments are also intensifying their cooperation in the campaign against Nazionist drug running. Pentagon and CIA white hat sources are saying that both Citibank and the Bank of America will be “taken down” for laundering Bush CIA money.
Once the illegal drug money laundering is shut down, drugs will be legalized, regulated and taxed. The false and doomed “war on drugs” will thus be wound down.
In Canada too, an election today is expected to finally remove the corrupt Bush Nazionist agent Stephen Harper from government. Because of the nature of Canadian Parliamentary voting, Harper was able to stay in power for a decade despite never getting more than 40% support. A recent opinion poll shows that 61% of Canadians think Harper should be subject to a criminal investigation.
It is a good bet this will happen as Canada finally (we assume) shakes off the shame of having been ruled by that odious monster.
In the Middle East, meanwhile, revenue from stolen oil, the other main Nazionist source of financing, continues to be shut down. Bush CIA and ISIS drug, weapons and slave bases in Syria and Iraq continue to be destroyed even as their oil facilities are being confiscated. This is the ongoing work of a Pentagon, Iranian, Russian, Syrian and Yemeni etc. coalition.
Pope Francis also convinced the Cubans to send troops to Syria to protect their fellow Christians from persecution.
Pope Francis is a satanist. Simple as that. See this:
US special forces, meanwhile, together with their Kurdish allies, continue to cut off oil to Turkey’s would be Caliph Recep Erdogan. Pentagon sources say there may be a military coup against Erdogan soon as payback for all the misery he has caused the people of Syria.
The Satanic Saudi Arabian regime also continues to be dismantled. Having been rebuffed by Russia’s Vladimir Putin and the Pentagon in their attempts to hire new bodyguards, the Saudis sent the head of their naval forces to China. The Chinese “gave him a good tongue lashing,” according to Pentagon sources. After this, the Chinese sent a high-powered military delegation to Iran to find out how they could help in the ongoing campaign to cleanse the Middle East of Satanic Nazionsits like the Saudis. The cleansing continues: last week a missile destroyed 17 Saudi F-15 aircraft and 9 Apache helicopters as well as killing 66 high ranking officers and injuring 300.
Here is some good advice for the Saud royal family: invest in camels because that is all you are going to be left with unless you surrender.
With this campaign continuing, Major General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (and a Catholic), was, “at the quiet urging of Russia and the Vatican,” sent to visit war criminal Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and inform him that “US taxpayers are incensed that Israel did 911 and want no more aid, arms or wars for Israel,” Pentagon sources said. He was also told that NATO cannot protect Israel either. Furthermore, he was told Israel would have to return the Golan Heights.
That is not all, unless the Israeli government starts arresting the rogue Zealots running amok in their midst, Israel itself will cease to be protected by the world community. A good place to start would be arrest the criminals who murdered a Palestinian and then planted a knife on him to make the murder seem like self-defense.
As long as they are led by a mass murderer like Benyamin Netanyahu the Israeli people will never know peace or safety. The fact is, they have lost their heavy duty protection since the US no longer wants that role and Russia is not about to step in without very fundamental changes being made to that rogue nation.
The Rothschild family, the original founders of the misbegotten project to send brainwashed Europeans to the Middle East, have already jumped ship and are busy currying favour with the Chinese.
Chinese President Xi Jinping is now visiting England where he is getting a 103 gun salute and will be staying with the Queen at Buckingham Palace. The British were quick to realize that welcoming the Renminbi and Chinese industrialists into the city of London financial center was the best way to guarantee that city’s future as a major financial center.
With the Vatican, the Chinese, the British Empire and the Pentagon united in opposition to the continued Nazionist control of the internationally traded US dollar, what now remains to be determined is what it will be replaced with.
The smart money is betting that dollars traded outside the United States will continue to be linked to a basket of currencies and commodities, including the Chinese yuan. What has yet to be determined is who will have the right to issue and control this global currency. The most likely answer is that it will be a committee of village elders overseeing global communal problems like poverty, environmental destruction and war. The question to be answered now is “who will decide humanity’s future?”
No need to get identified with negativity
This week, critical digest will be released by the end of the day on Tuesday GMT because of complexity and far reaching effects and meaning of some central concepts presented by Benya, such as the inevitability of some form of the NWO "world government" and Benya's ideas about some "village elders" as a form of world government. These issues are quite complex and can not be easily covered by a couple of paragraphs, especially if one did not study the issues extensively.
Basically, these are two main issues to discuss. Benya's report is full of all sorts of his typical "prophecies", quite meaningless, simply because there is no way to verify any of it, and most of it is either some form of threatening or dictatorial proclamations on what "will" happen in the world regarding some major issues, reported by Benya, as though he is some kind of a "world ruler" who knows the future with certainty, or because he presents some statements, allegedly from his "sources", which you won't be able to verify, and, if one decides to blindly accept any of it on its face value, well, good luck with that.
This digest, just like anything we write, may be updated several times before we cover the issues of significance, in our opinion, to a sufficient level of detail. Just refresh this page periodically to see "what's new under the sun", if you are interested in it.
It isn't even clear at the moment whether most of his report even deserves to be presented in the form of a digest, as most of it consists of totally unverifiable blabber or the alleged information from the "sources" in the Pentagon, intelligence agencies, governments, etc., none of which should have been even reported by any semi-descent reporter, at least from the standpoint that it simply quite contradicts those things and events that you can actually observe and/or verify.
Watch out for disinformation! and responsibilities of a reporter
At this time, we will just mention one of the most significant issues of all in his report. Here's what Benya says:
The political events of the past several years are pointing inexorably towards the formation of some sort of world government.
What? Which "political events" point to what is known as the NWO? We can see some NWO related ideas back in the 90's of the 20th century. One of those ideas, heavily promoted in the media and even in the "entertainment industry" and music "business" was the idea of a "global village", which is essentially the NWO propaganda. Furthermore, the political "leaders" have been advocating all sorts of "global cooperation" going back to the beginning of the 20th century.
And you can see it even today when you look at quite unusual support by many world states regarding the events related to ZioNazi takeover of the Ukraine and related First Economic World War against Russia, supported by nearly every single state, at least of the EU, even though all of allegations you see in the media are nothing but the lies and fabrications.
But does it mean that their seeming agreements mean that they think that there is a need for a single world government, and even if they do, what does it matter as far as the "real deal" is concerned? WHO are they, but a bunch of totally obedient puppets, which they better be, "or else"?
Furthermore, these are all just words, and when politicians say something it does not necessary mean that they mean it or are ready to follow through on it, or even believe a single word they themselves say. Moreover, those who decide the fate of this planet are not the governments or even the biggest and baddest ZioNazi bankers, but the "Family", just as it has been described by the Hidden_Hand in the Third Revelation of the Insider and in several other places. Whether it makes some sense to you or not is another matter. But quite a few things said there do align with what is going on in the world pretty well.
What proof do you have that "ruling elite families" exist?
(Window of Opportunity - Hidden Hand)
Basically, it all boils down to the "negative approach" of Lucifer, or the "self-serving" approach, or what is commonly known as satanism. This is quite a long subject to cover here.
This was made even more clear as most world leaders gathered at the United Nations for the September 28th Tetrad blood moon 70th UN anniversary appeared to be, with a few quibbles, mostly reading from the same script. There is now a consensus among world leaders that world government is the only way to prevent corporate crime syndicates from murdering and plundering this planet into destruction.
The fact that they all sing the same song nowadays is largely related to the last stages of implementation of the NWO. Now they can go blatantly open air and their quite unusual agreement on the events in Ukraine and, as a result, the economic war against Russia is simply to tell the world that there is nothing they can do. At this junction, the control of the world is total, unquestionable and unbending, just as stated by William Van Duyn, one of the topmost level representatives of the Illuminati "bloodlines".
"No president, no king, no dictator, nor prime minister dares to criticize my name nor the Bilderbergers, and they know they are the puppets of the powerful Illuminati working from behind the scenes".
"No president, no king, no dictator, nor prime minister dares to criticize..."
It is a certain way to show to the world that they simply MUST accept these "new realities". And it is also to show to the world the might of "the Family", as all the media openly lies, perverts and turns the meaning of events upside down. That is done in order to "whip the people" into "new realities" and show them that there is absolutely nothing they can do against it all, even though all of it is nothing but yet another set of myths, just like Benya peddles here.
So, basically, what we are seeing, at least related to the events in Ukraine, Russia and creation of massive migration crisis is a necessary step to make people "get used to it". The NWO can not be announced and implemented at least until ALL the people of the planet are introduced to the "new concepts" and, consciously or unconsciously, willingly or unwillingly, accept it all as some kind of "new realities".
The battle now is over what sort of government that will be.
The Nazionists are still pushing for a totalitarian, fascist new world order controlled by the same old bloodlines.
Well, first of all, it implies that some sort of an "agreement" has already been made behind the closed doors by the "leading world powers". But the problem we have is that unless any kind of "agreement" is accepted by the world at large, and, most importantly, by the PEOPLE, and not just by some "committees" in fake "international organizations", it can not be implemented, at least "legally". Simply because this issue is so huge that it affects the fate and the future of the entire planet.
And, for any kind of "agreement" to become legal and made in compliance with "democratic values", it has to be accepted by the world at large and that can be currently done ONLY via some sort of a resolution of the UN Security Council, as that is the ONLY committee in the UN which has the necessary powers to make something legally binding.
Secondly, even if there was already some "agreement" made between the most powerful "world leaders" what does it actually mean? WHO ARE they all but the puppets of the same Illuminati, seemingly playing even the opposing roles on the stage of this grand theater? Which means that ALL their "agreements" in reality represent the agreement within the "Family" of the same forces of evil.
Thirdly, not only "The Nazionists", or, more precisely ZioNazi satanists are pushing for it. The control of the world has ALWAYS been in the hands of the bloodlines, even before the times of the Atlantis, just as described by the Hidden_Hand.
Everything you see, as far as the ideas of "freedom", "democracy", "fairness" and even the "green movement" and so on, is nothing more than empty words, signifying nothing, to delude "the herd" and make them to forever believe in some mythical "bright future", while being led to the slaughter house. That is the way it has been since ancient times, at least during the last 3400 years.
The White Dragon Society and its allies are insisting that it be more like a benevolent council of village elders.
First of all, the idea of some mythical "council of village elders" looks like a hint and a derivative of the "learned elders of Zion", as described in "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" or "benevolent dictatorship" of Yahweh, as described in various "Revelations of the Insider" and other places.
Basically, this "council of village elders" is like the Sanhedrin, a Supreme Court of sorts of ZioNazi satanists, which has the absolute, unquestionable and not even arguable powers of totalitarian dictatorship. You can read about it in the Talmud, which contains over 60 volumes. The entire book/volume is dedicated to the Sanhedrin alone.
The question here to ask is but WHO will select those "village elders" and who has the REAL power, might and financial and global informational support to do that? Secondly, what specific criteria will be used to select them besides the idea of "meritocracy", as pushed by Benya? But "meritocracy" is not the same thing as "learned" or "wise" elders, even though the very idea of some "elders" is used precisely because of their wisdom criteria, as that is how any "elders" are selected by the tribes or villages.
But a "merit" is a specific set of achievements in particular area of activity, such as sports or science and so on, recognized by the others, that can be measured in some "objective values". But the "wisdom" of the elders can not be measured.
Otherwise, how do you measure or evaluate nothing less than "wisdom"? How do you define an "elder"? Is it merely an issue of age, which is meaningless by itself, unless it implies some form of "wisdom"? How old one is does not necessarily translate into "wisdom" or the ability to govern or resolve some conflicts.
You can not measure or even evaluate the Truth, without which the very term "wisdom" simply looses all its luster. Unless that "wisdom" in based and rooted in Truth, it is not the real wisdom of ANY kind, and, even though you can not even describe it, does that mean it does not EXIST? According to what kind of logic?
The illuminati, the Pentagon and the Italian P2 lodge are, for their part, offering a third alternative, which they call a Star Trek future.
Well, this "Star Trek" future can be seen everywhere nowadays, in things like nano technologies, robotics and even the 3D printing. For example, Jacque Fresco describes the megarobotic machines doing the 3d printing even of the houses or other structures, buildings and even other machines.
But the Illuminati and their 13 "ruling bloodlines" of this planet, above whom sits no one else but the "Lucifer ruling family", are the ones who have the real power, might, financing, total control of the media and so on, to actually "do something about it". Even the Vatican and its satanic P2 masonic lodge are more like symbolic figureheads who use the power of "faith", which is unarguable, by definition, to control the "herd" and parasite on the fruits of its labor.
Yes, they make grand speeches of all kinds and wave their hands in symbolic gestures of "power" and "godly authority". But those are just words, utterly empty, signifying nothing, at least as far as Truth goes.
Their mythical "power" and "authority" is nothing but fiction, just to delude the people and lead them directly into hell in the name of "heaven", like those "wolves in sheep's clothes", as stated in the New Testament. Because they are servants not of Truth, but of evil, most profound. They have sold their souls, as that is about the only way nowadays to become some "pope" or a "cardinal". And if "They can not make a single hair black or white", as stated in the same book, than what kind of "power" do they have and what kind of "godly authority" can they possibly claim?
Yes, they do have the immense resources, robbed and pillaged throughout the ages, and they do have at least the ideological framework and might to have a pretty substantial impact on what is going on, and yes, they are ruled by all sorts of "sacred" beliefs and symbology of the occult and satanism, but they are not the ones to decide such things as the future of this planet. That is done by the "ruling bloodlines", sitting directly and following the direct instructions of no one less than the "Lucifer ruling Family" or the "dark side" of the Orion group.
And the Pentagon means nothing in the scheme of things. They are nothing more than just a bunch of butchers to do the "dirty work" of murder and destruction, but not of creation of anything. They have no real power or real say in the matters simply because they have never been educated according to the principles of governing, not murder and destruction. So, at least from the standpoint of "meritocracy", they have no merits or abilities or necessary knowledge and background to govern and rule the states, regardless of how much Benya elevates their status to stratospheric levels.
This vision is of a world headed by a large meritocratic organization run something along the lines of the Pentagon, the Vatican or the Chinese Communist Government.
Dear Benya, all of these are completely different things and not necessarily even compatible, and their size does not matter much. As to the Chinese Communist Government, yes, at least according to the former regional head of the Illuminati, Svali, China stands above all in the world, except of the "ancient European bloodlines". She says that the 1st mightiest country in the world will be China, then Russia and the USA is allocated only the 3rd place in terms of power and might in the world, again, outside of the European "Black nobility" and all "old money" of Europe.
Svali Interview Interview on Illuminati Bloodlines
Illuminati In America - Svali Interview with HJ Springer
Those who argue against a world government are either naïve or else work for corporate handlers who wish to have the right to continue to plunder the planet without such impediments as human rights, the protection of nature or the rule of law.
Well, yes, indeed, there are quite a few quotes by the most powerful and influential ZioNazi representatives regarding this NWO thing. For example, here is what one of the most influential ZioNazi bankers, Paul Warburg, has said back in 1950 right in the face of the U.S. Senate, which is unprecedented in its arrogance and dictatorial and even threatening tone:
"We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent."
(Jewish Banker Paul Warburg, February 17, 1950, as he testified before the U.S. Senate).
Paul Warburg on NWO
ZioNazi quotes - NWO
"The New World Order under the UN will reduce everything to one common denominator. The system will be made up of a single currency, single centrally financed government, single tax system, single language, single political system, single world court of justice, single state religion...
"Each person will have a registered number, without which he will not be able to buy of sell; and there will be one universal church.
"Anyone who refuses to take part in this universal system will have no right to exist."
-- Dr. Kurk E. Koch, a university professor who has lectured at over 100 universities in 65 countries.
The New World Order under the UN
ZioNazi quotes - NWO
It wouldn't be such a bad idea to study that page as it contains lots of quotes by "powerful" and influential individuals and "authorities" of all kinds on this NWO thing. That'll get you going on the whole scheme if you haven't studied it enough until now.
Here is its very roots as stated in Deuteronomy:
"The Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth ...
"The Lord shall establish thee an holy people unto himself ...
"And all people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of the Lord; and they shall be afraid of thee...
"thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow.
And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail;
and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath ...";
"The Lord spake unto me, saying... This day will I begin to put the dread of thee and the fear of thee upon the nations that are under the whole heaven, who shall hear report of thee, and shall tremble, and be in anguish because of thee". In token of this, the fate of two nations is at once shown.
"The King of Sihon and the King of Bashan "came out against us, he and all his people", whereon they were "utterly destroyed, the men, and the women, and the little ones", only the cattle being spared and "the spoil" being taken "for a prey unto ourselves".
(The insistence on utter destruction is a recurrent and significant feature of these illustrative anecdotes).
"Seven nations greater and mightier than thou" are to be delivered into the Judahites' hands, and: "Thou shalt utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them... ye shall destroy their alters ... for thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God; the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are on the face of the earth ...
"Thou shalt be blessed above all people ... And thou shalt consume all the people which the Lord thy God shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity upon them... the Lord thy God will send the hornet among them, until they that are left, and hide themselves from thee, be destroyed. ...
"And the Lord thy God will put out these nations before thee by little and little... But the Lord thy God shall deliver them unto thee, and shall destroy them with a mighty destruction until they be destroyed. And he shall deliver their kings into thine hand, and thou shalt destroy their name from under heaven; there shall no man be able to stand before thee, until thou have destroyed them..."
The incitements and allurements of Deuteronomy continue:
"... Go in to possess nations greater and mightier than thyself. ... the Lord thy God is he which goeth over before thee; as a consuming fire he shall destroy them, and he shall bring them down before thy face; so shalt thou drive them out, and destroy them quickly, as the Lord hath said unto thee...
"For if ye shall diligently keep all these commandments which I command you ... then will the Lord drive out all these nations from before you, and ye shall possess greater nations and mightier than yourselves ... even unto the uttermost sea shall your coast be. There shall no man be able to stand before you: for the Lord your God shall lay the fear of you and the dread of you upon all the land that ye shall tread upon ..."
Then Moses, in this account, enumerates the "statutes and judgments" which must be "observed" if all these rewards are to be gained, and again "the Law" is to destroy:
"These are the statutes and judgments, which ye shall observe to do ... Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the nations which ye shall possess served their gods... When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land:
"Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them... and that thou inquire not after their gods."
This is all we are going to say about it at the moment. If you are interested in these things, read this later. We'll try to work on it and cover it at least in some significant level of detail. Unfortunately, Benya is not the only thing there is in our lives, and there are things to be taken care of besides Benya, that can not be postponed. So, please be patient.
Another issue for discussion is the concept of the "global village elders" as some form of the "world government", proposed by Benya. This idea looks like a direct derivative of the "learned elders of Zion" as world's "ruling elite", which is an absolutist and totally dictatorial committee of conspirators to take over the world. The very concept of the NWO is not something recent. Its roots go back to 1410 BC and are expressed in detail in the Deuteronomy.
Those are the most basic instructions to implementation of the same thing as "world government", and it goes as far, as to claim that all the world "leaders" and "kings" will be crawling on their knees before the "god chosen people", which is exactly what we are seeing worldwide even at this junction. Because at the moment, all the so called world governments are nothing more then the puppet theaters where these impersonator puppets sing the same song, slipped to them by their puppeteers as texts of their speeches, only in a slightly different manner. Simple as that.
As far as the issue of "village elders", just ask yourself a question: but what is "global village elders", who they consist of, who chose them and based on what criteria, besides "meritocracy", pushed by Benya quote often?
Let us look at this idea of "global village elders". Yes, it is understood that it is not to be taken in a literal sense of the word, but something "like" it. What are the issues with this idea?
First of all, WHO is going to select those "best and wisest" representatives of the entire mankind, especially considering the variety of cultures, traditions, "values" and so on? At the moment, about the only commonly recognized international body that could theoretically make such a decision is the UN.
But, first of all, the UN was created by the Illuminati and Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a top Administrative Aide to one of the US ranking senators, Jacob Javits R-NY, simply calls it a "trap-door" to the global concentration camp.
"The United Nations is nothing but a trap-door to the Red World's immense concentration camp. We pretty much control the U.N."
The United Nations is nothing but a trap-door to the Red World's immense concentration camp
(The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview)
In other words, the UN was created by the same powers of evil we are trying to disable and eliminate.
Secondly, the decisions of the UN are not legally binding upon any state. They are mostly declarative in nature. Just a talk, pretty much, that has no binding consequences. The only branch of the UN, whose decisions have any legally binding consequences and impact, is the UN Security Council, which consists of only few representatives of the most powerful and influential states.
Moreover, recent inclusion in the UN Security Council of one of the most backward states in the world, Ukraine, after it has been taken over by the ZioNazi satanists in a bloody coup, and converted into a ultra-fascist state, totally discredits not only the very notion of the Security Council, but the UN itself.
By now, the UN has no real authority and no credits of any kind. It is nothing more but yet another bunch of carefully selected NWO puppets to read the same scripts, slipped to them by their puppet masters.
And we could include quite a bit of all sorts of other information about the UN, which would make it abundantly clear that the UN just "isn't it" to make such profound and global decisions as the "world government", even though it was created precisely for that very reason and was meant to eventually BECOME the "world government". There is quite a bit of info on the net on this UN scheme of utterly fake "world government" to be ruled by the same ZioNazi satanists that stand on the way of this Planet right now.
So, who else do we have in the world to select those "village elders"? Yes, we do have the Bilderbergers in form of "hidden world government". We also have the Trilateral Commission, the NWO "Round Table" scheme, and quite a few other organizations, clubs, "societies", "brotherhoods" and so on. But every single one of them was created by the same powers of evil most profound. Let us consider some other aspects of the "village elders" idea.
Interestingly enough, the Bilderbergers, slowly but surely, keep loosing their weight and influence on the affairs of the world, and are being replaced by GOOGLE, believe it or not. For one thing, they have discredited themselves so badly that many people already know and realize that they are nothing more than a bunch of mad satanists, bent on taking over the world, even though they do have all the power, money and influence one can imagine.
But they are no longer "current". Things moved on quite a bit with all these "technological revolutions" and the explosion of the information superstructure of the world. Nowadays, not only you have all the information power, but you have to also work more subtly, affecting the very human minds and their belief systems, which is what Google specifically specializes in, especially if we consider their tremendous investments in the AI (artificial intelligence) technologies, wired into their search engine.
And that is precisely why they are undisputed "leaders" in probably the most important technology of the day, the information recovery via search engines. Because we live in the information age.
Nowadays, Google conducts the so-called "Zeitgeist" ("The spirit of time") meetings in their "grove", just a few days prior to the yearly Bilderbergers' meetings, and the REAL world affairs are decided precisely on those meetings, and only after that, the results of those meetings are passed to the Bilderbergers to be implemented and enforced globally via their tremendous network of power, might and money. And those "Zeitgeist" meetings are conducted in a "relaxed" and "open" fashion, where everyone seemingly has his say in the matters, and not like the totalitarian gathering of the occultists or satanists of the Bilderbergers, throwing around all sorts of dictates and proclamations, just like Benya does.
As funny as it might look, Benya himself looks like a dictator in his heart, who "gets off" on declarations, dictates, threats and ultimatums of all kinds, even to the satanists of the Rothschild's level.
Another question we have is HOW and based on what criteria those "elders" are selected, even if we find some structure we can all trust to do such a selection. So, what are our choices and the criteria?
Is it some kind of an IQ scheme? Well, the very idea of the IQ is quite a debated issue. The IQ does not necessarily reflect the universal measure of Intelligence. It does address some abilities, but not all, by far, and it is highly slanted towards the purely materialistic view of reality, and, eventually, it is nothing but a fiction. We are not going to overload the readers with all the arguments about it. So, let us move on.
What other criteria do we have for selection? - Age? - Well, but it does not mean much. - Some mythical "merits"? - But what do those mean? You can have two meter nails and that is considered to be some kind of a "merit". Basically, there is no universal measure of the notion of "merit". About the only most appropriate way is to see if a particular set of achievements, knowledge or abilities does corresponds to a particular kind of activity. This might work for specific jobs and different departments of the governments. So, if we are talking about selecting the head of the agriculture department, then it is quite naturally to select a candidate from the field of agriculture, who has sufficient education in the field of agriculture, and so with any other specific kinds of activities.
But what kind of "merits" would qualify someone to become a member of nothing less than the "world government"? Because to govern is to be able to find the solutions to the most diverse set of issues and problems of all kinds. Probably the most appropriate and universal criteria would be to select those, who can SEE, just as described, for example, in the New Testament, and not only there. But to "see" what? Well, to see the very NATURE of Life as such. And that is commonly known as "enlightenment".
The "enlightened" one simply has the abilities to see the very essence and comprehend the issues of the very roots of existence. But this subject is so huge that there is no book thick enough to cover it. For example, how do you even verify that someone is "enlightened"? Who can possibly see it but some other "enlightened" person? Can the "blind" person recognize that someone is indeed "enlightened"? Then why did they kill Jesus, for example? Otherwise, how do you know that some person is indeed "enlightened" and not merely a "religious" fanatic and yet another parasite, collecting money for feeding people all sorts of myths and tales and manipulating their minds for his own personal "gain"?
There is enough information about plenty of "enlightened" ones of the world fame that happen to have huge bank accounts and palaces worth millions. Just Dalai Lama alone is quite a character in this respect, who, allegedly, has stolen tons of the Tibettan gold and is engaged in illegal arms and drug trade among other things. So, you need to somehow identify at least one "enlightened" person and then he can further point to and/or identify all other candidates.
So far, we have at least two of the most significant problems with the process of selection of the "village elders". We can go on like this and consider all sorts of other criteria, such a physical health and strength, knowledge and competence in some specific scientific disciplines, the idea of "ancient bloodlines" and their "authority" and education in the diverse disciplines, necessary for governing, and all sorts of other things.
But, nearly every possible way you look at it, might not yield the individuals, who are at least honest and sincere enough and are not merely the prostitutes and puppets of all kinds, who "could care less" about "us", as a whole, but are concerned exclusively with their own "interests", "gain" and their abilities to stay in the "system" to keep parasiting on "the rest of us".
Well, sure, you can also mention all sorts of "benevolent brotherhoods", "secret societies" and "ancient bloodlines of Light". Good luck with whose, if you ever manage to see into it and find out what is it all about, and what are their real "goals". We can not comment on any of that beyond saying: "first we need to see it, in order to believe it". And to SEE is easier said than done. How can you possibly prove or verify any of all sorts of fantastic claims you can see all over the net nowadays?
So, the problems we are dealing with are immense in their complexity.
Let us look at the very idea of the "world government". Is there a need for it? How could it be implemented, in case it turns out to be something desirable and beneficial to ALL, and not just "some"? There are some other issues with it, but let us just look at it.
What does it mean "world government" and what are its side effects? One of the issues here is that all the countries in the world have different traditions, culture, historical background, national tendencies, the unique wisdom of their heritage and so on. That, by itself, provides the necessary diversity in the process of development or evolution of Intelligence.
Without that diversity, things may and probably will be "standardized" eventually, and that inherent diversity is likely to be either limited or suppressed or called "outdated" in the scheme of "new realities", and that is bound to limit all the possible or probable alternatives for growth of Intelligence.
And precisely the diversity is the very essence of Creativity and Life as such. Without diversity, how can there be Life, and what doest in mean - Life? How can you possibly limit the probable choices of the process of Creativity? Which things or ideas are "allowed" to be created or investigated further and who has such a right to limit them, and on what basis one may decide that some choice or idea is not beneficial to "evolution" and in what sense, and from the standpoint of which aspects?
Imagine, for a moment, that there is only a limited number of species, trees, flowers and so on. Imagine what would happen to different cultures if they all had to sing the same kind of songs belonging and created by some "global super-culture". If we look at any other aspects, we can enlarge this list quite a bit.
What it all means is that the number of alternatives in the process of development of Intelligence becomes limited and that implies that some of them can not be experienced and implemented.
Eventually, and pretty much inevitably, what you get is this "Star Trek" tunnel vision, the end result of which simply becomes a world of robots or some kind of AI (artificial intelligence). Ask yourself a simple question: would I like to live in such a world and, most importantly, FOR WHAT? What would be my "end goal" in this machine-like existence of limited choices, colors and alternatives?
What kind of "values" could I possibly crave for in such a machine-like world? What would I crave to create and explore if my menu list is limited, just like in some restaurant? Could I possibly do anything outside of this "box" and what would be the consequences of it for me and all others and Life as such?
Why do we have such an immense diversity in Nature and such a humongous variety of spices and forms of Life? What is the "point" of it? What is the "point" of Life itself in that case? - Just to merely "survive" or "achieve" some limited something, which is already known, or just to "prove" something? - To WHOM? To Intelligence itself or to nothing less than Truth?
What am I here for on this planet? How many have actually asked this simple question that has immense consequences?
Is it what Intelligence is all about? If we just look at a single area of Creativity, such as visual art, in this model of "unified world model", then what we might find is that most of art and its art forms would simply disappear, and all you would be left with is some pretty sick, degenerate art left, just like most of the so-called "modern art" is. Instead of beauty and harmony, what you see in it is conflicts of all kinds, disharmony, psychotic, to the point of being nauseating, violence, destruction and all sorts of ugliness.
For example, what happened to the "popular" music? Well, during the last generation, nearly all different music styles and directions have been replaced by the same boom, boom, boom. Any channel you listen, you are likely to hear the same quite violent boom, boom, boom, like banging nails into your head, or hitting it with a sledge hammer, non-stop, converting you into a machine, a robot-like creature. And that is not accidental, by ANY means. All of it is happening precisely as planned, by design.
There are entire institutes developing the tools and methods of mass programming and zombification, such as The Tavistock Institute For Human Relations, Rand corporation, the SRI and quite a few others throughout the world. It is not just some form of "free expression", by far.
NWO - The Tavistock Institute For Human Relations
NWO - The Committee of 300 - Rulers of This World
Why? What did it achieve? What did it expand in my vision or understanding of that which lays beyond the visible horizon? What NEW directions did it open? And, just a generation ago, we had dozens of quite different music and art styles and none of them would simply dominate all others.
And now, if we look at the sales of various music or art styles, we would pretty much inevitably find just a couple of styles taking the lion's share of the "market", and most of them are what is known as the "degenerate art". Yes, you can still find and listen to anything you want from the past, at least on the net. But what are your minds programmed with when you turn on some kind of music channel?
We can go on like this about the very idea of the "village elders" or "world government" for quite a while. But, the "bottom line" is that there seems to be no way of implementing it by any means other than force and violence of all kinds, and, most likely, it will be done by the same powers of evil that have nearly suffocated this planet and sucked the very Life out of much of it.
Because when "evil rules", what do you expect to get at the end, but yet another version of that, which is known as "hell"?
To create the "new world", you need to create the "new consciousness" or awareness first, or a "new man", just as Osho, for example, tried to do in his experiment with the commune in Oregon, which, actually, "succeeded" to a large degree. Moreover, there are hundreds of his books that go into the most minute details of any conceivable aspect of Life itself, from personal to the universal.
Whether it was "right" idea or "wrong", "virtuous" or "evil" is for you to decide for yourselves. Yes, there were some problems with it and they are the same kinds of problems we are dealing with here, the issues of governing and control.
For furhter details see:
Osho and his experiment with a commune in Oregon
Basically, the very idea of a "single world" with a "single government" is likely to eventually be corrupted, just like the "old world" was. It seems that a more beneficial model would be like a "distributed system", just like the Internet itself. That means TOTALLY independent communes, governed by their local "governments" or the "committees", but not of some mythical "elders", but by those, who can SEE. Because that is the MAIN key, also known as awareness.
For one thing, how can something "global" accommodate for the needs that are specific to some locality and its traditions, culture or heritage? How can you "standardize" the needs of local communities to some "global goals" and needs? What will happen to your diversity?
Interestingly enough, Jacque Fresco also argues for his model of something based on the idea of local communities or small cities. Actually, it won't hurt to look at his work to see if some of it does make sense to you. Most of it is self-evident to those, who have a certain degree of awareness and did a sufficient study of the issues.
One just needs to be careful to not get caught in some of the NWO traps that will be visible to those, who can see the very essence of it and studied the NWO related issues sufficiently. Because, basically, his models and his ideas may be classified as some sort of "benevolent" version of the NWO, even though it is not as "benevolent" as it might look.
Because, essentially, it is a model of a dead world, controlled by dead mega-machines and the architectural design and the city layouts of his small cities or the housing structures look more like utterly uninteresting versions of the concentration camps for the robots, even though, at least from the standpoint of "convenience", efficiency and utilization of resources, you could hardly find a single argument against it. Basically, it is an idea of a "resource based economy".
For example, the street and housing layouts of his cities are such that you will rather feel like being in some sort of a labyrinth, if not a prison. Because it is so repetitive and so boring. Again, simply because there is no diversity in it. Any street you walk and any house or anything else you see, is pretty much exactly the same thing.
So, how can it be argued that this model was designed for humans and not for some "standardized" biorobots, who do not and can not possibly FEEL anything beyond their "job requirements" and the necessities of their physical bodies? It looks like his "vision" of a "new man" is a vision of a biorobot, which is essentially a functional machine, rather than a human being that actually has a Soul.
Yes, there might be a need for some "global fund" to assist the local communities in case of emergency or "bad year" from the standpoint of agricultural production or natural disasters, or to provide them with temporary assistance, so they could develop something in their particular case. The models for such funding could be developed without much problems, just by everyone on this planet "chipping in" for the "global fund", to be drawn by local communities in case of need.
One needs to ask a simple question: what is the NEED for some "global government" and "global empire", even if it is not of the NWO kind, but something benevolent? Do we NEED to "standardize" anything and measure everything and everyone with a single stick? Do we all need to THINK alike, along the same lines? Do we need to IMPOSE something "global" on some local community with its own specific and quite local needs? Who knows better about your local needs and problems? - Someone in the "capitol of the world", or someone in your local community council?
The thing is that probably over 90% of all the needs and activity could be accommodated for locally, without any external assistance. The main issue seems to be related to funding for some unusual situations or assistance for some local projects. You can still access the global technologies, scientific achievements, global information base and all sorts of other things of "global" nature, but only if there is a NEED for it, and that need is known better on the local levels.
So, the "global" things and aspects exist by mere implication, but not like some rigid stage setting in a theater.
Again and again: "blind leading the blind shalt fall into a ditch", which is pretty much inevitable.
But one needs to proceed with cautiousness and awareness, trying to stay away from all sorts of blind beliefs in some mythical "bright future", without even knowing what it is and how to describe it. That idea of "bright future" is nothing more than a "trap-door" for enslavement of mankind.
Awareness is the KEY, that opens all the doors there are. And meditation is the method of achieving that state of awareness, and so is the prayer, if done not as a result of some ritualistic belief in some mythical "powers", but as a direct attunement to the "wavelength" of direct access to the levels of Existence beyond physical, beyond desires or begging for something from God.
Because it is like walking on a mine field. All it takes is just one wrong step and the game is over.
And now let us get back to Benya's report.
There was a lot of controversy generated over the report on this newsletter last week that the Federal Reserve Board had been nationalized. This claim was not just based on the (disputed by some) notion that the Federal Reserve Board had changed its home page to .gov from .org indicating it was now part of the government. The report was based on information provided by US military intelligence.
Is there any EVIDENCE that Benya's report is really based on the information, allegedly provided by the US military intelligence? How and where can you check and verify it?
In any case, the fact is that in analogue paper phone books, that cannot be altered (as the internet can), the Fed is not listed as a government institution. In future phone books in the United States at least, it now will be.
Well, Benya can rationalize his fabrications as to .org vs. .gov domain for Fed Reserve, but it changes nothing of the essence. One simply has to admit to himself that it was lies and fabrications and nothing more than that, instead of rationalizing, twisting and turning things, trying to prove that he is not a liar or merely a disinformation agent. Because a lie is just a lie and a fabrication is just a fabrication, no matter how you cut it. And it does not matter what are we going to see in some book somewhere in some abstract future.
But the fact is that Benya used this utterly meaningless .org vs. .gov domain name as some kind of proof that the FRS has been indeed taken over by the "government". But how can you use the domain names as a proof of ANYTHING whatsoever? Anyone can purchase himself a domain with any name he likes. The domain name does not tie up to any particular types of activity. So, it is utterly meaningless, especially as ANY kind of proof of anything whatsoever.
The fact is that the Fed Reserve had a .gov domain for at least 12 years and has never been the .org domain, and, actually, it could not be. Yes, the most appropriate domain for it is .com, simply because it is purely commercial operation, "doing business" of robbing the world and printing the fake paper called the US dollar, backed by nothing more than thin air, the REAL worth of which is the cost of printing and paper.
Sources at the Pentagon say that since the Fed has now fallen under government control it will soon start issuing funds to the government at 0% interest rate to finance a massive rebuilding program for decrepit US infrastructure. Other nationalized Fed funds will pay for university scholarships, scientific research, nature conservation, the domestic operations of the US military and much more. This can now be done with zero debt and zero taxation. There will also be asset backed money made available to rebuild US industry.
First of all, where and in what form is there any evidence that the Fed has indeed "fallen" under the "government" control, and even if it were, what is the real power of the US puppet so-called government? Just look at Obama and see all the puppet tricks he is throwing around all day long, lying his teeth out and perverting the things and events to the point of turning it all upside down.
Look at the US Congress and the House. What do you see there but a bunch of ZioNazi satanists' puppets? What REAL power do they have? What can they actually do outside of what is written and slipped to them by their puppet masters? Just about all you have to do is to declare the "national emergency" and proclaim the martial law and that will shut their mouths really tight. They won't be able to even squeak.
Even today, as is, they do not even have any access to some of the most important and critical information regarding the NSA, the "black books" and "black budget" as such and all sorts of other NWO related things, such as "red list" of all those to be exterminated in the concentration camps first. With all the executive directives, passed by now, the US president can simply lock them up in a bunker, allegedly for their "safety", and that is the end of their "power", if you ever hear about any of them again.
The battle inside the United States is still not completely over because the members of the Bush/Clinton crime syndicate are still acting as if they are above the law. This could be seen in their intimidation last week of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for implying that George Bush Jr. was responsible for 911.
What "battle" is not completely over? Do you see ANY "battle" in the USA, at least the kind Benya talks about? WHERE?
Yes, there are ALL sorts "battles" going on in the USA, and for ages on. But all of it, pretty much, is nothing more than "business as usual". The point here is that the REAL "battle" could only be carried out under total control of the "ruling Family", and, regardless of what country are you talking about, all their "battles" are nothing more than squabbles in their attempts to grab a bigger piece of the pie or in attempts to create a more favorable image of themselves so that they could continue their parasitic activities, utterly meaningless in the scheme of things.
The REAL battles are decided by the "Family", or "social memory complex" Lucifer. All others are to simply do what they are told, and do it obediently, unquestionably and in full submission. Else they are disposed of just like used rubber condoms.
We'll skip Benyas concoctions about the "massive campaign to cut off all remaining sources of Nazionist finance is continuing" as something that can not be verified. All of it, pretty much, is to create a false sense of "progress" in the minds of the "sheep", so that they remain docile and inactive, hoping that some "noble knight on a white horse" will come and save them, just like Benya keeps talking about on and on and on. What are you to do in such a situation but to "wait and see what happens", not even moving a finger to do something you CAN actually do, regardless of who you are?
Once the illegal drug money laundering is shut down, drugs will be legalized, regulated and taxed. The false and doomed “war on drugs” will thus be wound down.
Well, legalizing the drugs is one of the objectives in the NWO scheme, and it is done largely for the purposes of the population reduction in the plan for reduction of population of this planet to 500 million, as recorded on the "American Stonehenge" in Georgia, paid for by the unknown individual, which says "Hold a population not exceeding 500,000,000 in constant balance with nature".
We'll skip Benya's wishful thinking, at best, if not the outright disinformation, about the Middle Eastern affairs, not supported by the evidence of fact, even though they are quite important, but to show this:
Here is some good advice for the Saud royal family: invest in camels because that is all you are going to be left with unless you surrender.
Again and again and again, Benya poses as some kind of a "prophet", who can predict the future, if not the outright "emperor of the world", who knows with certainty what is to happen in the the world in some abstract future. And all of it, pretty much, is nothing more than yet another evidence of his degenerate megalomaniacal tendencies and obsessions with his own self-image, usually caused by the plain and simple inferiority complex, which compels one to forever magnify ones own significance to the stratospheric levels.
We'll skip the Benya's usual "evil Benyamin Netanyahu" and Israel bluff and fabrications as something utterly meaningless, unless proven to be a fact.
That is not all, unless the Israeli government starts arresting the rogue Zealots running amok in their midst, Israel itself will cease to be protected by the world community.
Well, but those "rogue Zealots" are not merely "rogue". They RUN the country, and they are financed by no one less than the banking empire of Baruch with net worth of $500 TRILLION. And their name is not some "rogue Zealots", but the "Chabad mafia", which RUNS and rules the world in quite practical terms, at least on the levels below Lucifer "ruling family" of this planet.
The Rothschild family, the original founders of the misbegotten project to send brainwashed Europeans to the Middle East, have already jumped ship and are busy currying favour with the Chinese.
The Rothschild family had ALREADY "jumped ship". Are you nuts? How could they possibly "jump ship" if they are sitting not far below the "social memory complex" Lucifer? WHO is as powerful and as mighty on the face of this planet but precisely the Rothschild and Baruch families and a handful of other bloodlines controlling the banking systems worldwide and all sorts of other things?
And precisely the money is a ticket to "rule". The bankrupt can rule nothing, not even his own bank account. Money and power come hand-in-hand, like a hand-in-glove. Because to "rule" you need to have enough money to purchase the human souls and that takes quite a bit of money, at least in some cases. And unless you you have the resources, you can not purchase those votes and that support. Above money stands only gold in terms of "values", and that is why they are obsessed in quite a mad way about the gold as some kind of "ultimate value" of the physical world, besides the blood, of course.
Secondly, jumped ship to WHERE? To do WHAT? - To "surrender", as Benya keeps promising again and again in his concoctions about some mythical "surrender negotiations"? And "surrender" to WHOM? - To some Benya? Or the mythical "WDS", about which there are more questions so far than the answers?
And here comes the final bit, and it has to do with some mythical "committee of village elders" to rule the world.
With the Vatican, the Chinese, the British Empire and the Pentagon united in opposition to the continued Nazionist control of the internationally traded US dollar, what now remains to be determined is what it will be replaced with.
...What has yet to be determined is who will have the right to issue and control this global currency. The most likely answer is that it will be a committee of village elders overseeing global communal problems like poverty, environmental destruction and war. The question to be answered now is “who will decide humanity’s future?”
Well, the world is ALREADY run by the "learned elders", and it has been that way for centuries. Simply because they have been preparing for it since 1410 BC, just as described in Deuteronomy.
And that is the most ancient scheme of taking over the world by the ZioNaxi satanists, just as promised by their "god", "benevolent dictator" Yahweh. These ideas were given to them and were being implemented from then on for at least 3000 years. Simple as that.
The thing here to understand is the very idea of the "NWO", the very foundation of which is their central idea that those, who are known not as "god chosen", or, simply stated, "the rest of us" are not even considered to be human. There are numerous quotes by the topmost ZioNaxi "leaders" and "religious authorities", including the Rothschilds, that clearly state that "all others" are nothing more than "sheep" to be culled periodically, just like a herd, or even the "excrements", and precisely that is the central idea of this satanic NWO thing. For example:
When death approached, old Amschel Rothschild called together his children, in Frankfort, and having read the satanic Talmud, he proclaimed:
"Remember my children, that all the Earth must belong to us, Jews, and that the Gentiles being mere excrements of animals, must possess nothing".
Explaining this, Amschel compelled them to swear most solemnly that they would always stick to one another and never undertake anything separately. This they did and it was repeated on Amschel's grave twenty-four years later, when Nathan for material reasons consented to become a "Christian" and "suddenly" died ...
Secret World Government by Cherep-Spiridovich
Paul Warburg on NWO
ZioNazi quotes - NWO
"The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression:
'Let us differentiate.' Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of 'let us differentiate' between totally different species.
This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world."
The ethnocentrism apparent in such statements was not only the norm in traditional Jewish society. It remains a powerful current of contemporary Jewish fundamentalism, with important implications for Israeli politics. For example, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, describing the difference between Jews and non-Jews:
"We do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather we have a case of ... a totally different species... The body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world [...]
"The difference of the inner quality [of the body] [...] is so great that the bodies would be considered as completely different species.
"This is the reason why the Talmud states that there is an halachic difference in attitude about the bodies of non-Jews [as opposed to the bodies of Jews] "their bodies are in vain". [...]
"An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.
"A Jew was not created as a means for some other purpose; he himself IS the purpose, since the substance of all divine emanations was created ONLY to serve the Jews."
-- the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, describing the difference between Jews and non-Jews (In Shahak & Mezvinsky 1999, 59-60)
ZioNazi quotes - Chabad
It wouldn't be such a bad idea to study that entire page on the "Chabad mafia". It might be quite revealing if one is really interested to SEE what are we dealing with with all these NWO related schemes.
According to that idea, all you need is enough "slaves", 10 to 1000 per each "god chosen" one, according to different versions. All others are considered to be nothing more than "useless eaters" and are to be exterminated. And that is precisely the very root of the idea of the "population reduction" scheme, and that is precisely why the queen Elisabet II has stated that she supports the reduction of population to less than one billion. And when the "queen" talks, all "Obamas" of this world better listen. Because it it is to be implemented regardless of anything else.
Because, according to these monsters, the ONLY "real" people are the "god chosen" ones. But all others are actually not human, but the "animals", made to look like humans in order not to offend the perception of the "god chosen" ones. Actually, in their "religious scriptures", such as the Talmud, Shulchan Aruch, not even talking about the satanic Tanya, considered to be the "holy book" of the "Chabad mafia", they go as far as to claim that a marriage between "goyim" is null and void, as it is to be considered to be nothing more than mating between the horses, which can only produce yet another "animal", nothing more. In yet another place, they claim that all the "goyim" are even worse than a dog and in the Talmud they even rationalize it and allow feeding even a dog, but not a "goyim". There are tons of information on this and it is proven well beyond any argumentation by now. You just need to study these things to really understand what is what and who is who.
The "bottom line" here is:
"The only revolution there is is the revolution in consciousness".
And that was said by the enlightened men, and, if there is such a thing as a "merit", then there is no higher merit than to become enlightened. Because that "opens one's eyes" as to what is what, who is who and what is Life itself is "all about".
And so are any kinds of real "battles". The real battles are not fought for money or "power" or influence, or "control" of the world, or some mythical "merits". They are for SEEING. Seeing That Which IS, also known as Truth or Light.
And, unless you SEE, you are bound to be lead by all sorts of lunatics, obsessed with "power", "money", "control", violence, domination and, eventually the ideas of self-image. And you are going to be lead directly to what is known as "hell". The "hell" is within, and so is the "heaven". It is the STATE OF YOUR BEING.
And, actually, there are no "battles", but in the imagination. Because it is not a matter of some "battle". It is a matter of SEEING, just as has been said in the name of Jesus in The New Testament. Simple as that.
October 13, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The US military, under the new leadership of Marine General Joseph Dunford, has come out with guns blazing to free the people of the United States and the world. Under his command, the US military has taken over the Khazarian mob’s main source of power, the Federal Reserve Board. To confirm this, go visit the home page of the Federal Reserve board, it is no longer http://www.federalreserve.org
but is now http://www.federalreserve.gov/
The Chinese coordinated with this move by announcing their China International Payments System alternative to the Khazarian controlled SWIFT system meaning their take-over of the US dollar system outside of the United States was proceeding as planned. The implosion of the big Khazarian mafia banks is now just a matter of time.
Furthermore, there have been huge ongoing military moves in the Middle East aimed at removing the fascist Khazarian Nazionist government of Benyamin Netanyahu in Israel, according to Pentagon and Russia sources. To facilitate the Russian purge of Satan worshipping Nazionists from the Middle East, the Pentagon has withdrawn all its aircraft carriers from the Persian Gulf.
The rogue Netanyahu regime only added gasoline to the fire last week by faking a US air force air raid against Syrian government forces in Aleppo, according to other Pentagon sources. The Russians were not fooled by this maneuver and responded by sending missiles and fighter jets over Iranian airspace (with Iran’s permission of course) to attack multiple targets in the Middle East, killing hundreds of Israeli, Saudi and Turkish troops operating against international law in Syria and Iraq, the Pentagon sources say. The real message of course is that the US military was ready to step aside and allow the Russians to clean up the mess in the Middle East.
Fearing for his life and that of his regime, King Salman of Saudi Arabia checked into a hospital claiming severe Alzheimer’s disease while his son, the real power, Defense Minister and Crown Prince Salman flew to Russia where, according to Pentagon and Russian sources he offered the surrender of his regime. As the rather crude Arab saying goes “one day the stick is in your hand, the next day it is in your ass.” In effect, the Saudi prince bent over and offered Russia control of the oil market in exchange for his regime’s survival. To sweeten the pot, Salman offered to pay for the two French made Mistral helicopter carriers that Egypt is buying after France was forced to cancel the sale to Russia.
The Russians agreed with the Saudis that some sort of “political settlement,” including the end of the fake terrorist ISIS caliphate, was needed. However, with the Chinese, Russians and Iranians supporting Yemeni forces seizing key Saudi oil fields it looks increasingly likely the “political settlement” will be the abdication of that odious Satan worshipping pseudo-Muslim family and their ceding of control of the Muslim holy lands in exchange for their lives. Perhaps a comfortable retirement in the French Riviera could be arranged. That would no doubt be preferable to the beheading many of them deserve and some of them may get.
The other Middle Eastern autocrat who is in a deep state of funk is Turkey’s President Erdogan. The Pentagon is withdrawing all its forces and anti-missile defenses from Turkey as part of its general disengagement from the region. The only thing they insist on, and will continue to get, is regular gasoline supplies for their fuel guzzling military engine.
Erdogan has been caught bombing Kurds in his own country, stealing industrial infrastructure from Syria, working with Israel and generally being an anti-social trouble maker. As payback, the Rothschild pipelines carrying Syrian and Iraqi stolen oil through Turkey are being cut off by the Russians and Kurds.
The cut off of Middle Eastern oil money is going to be the last nail in the coffin for many of the criminal mega-banks that have survived thanks to petrodollars. That is one of the main reasons why the IMF, the UN, the BIS, Citibank, the Bank of England and others have been warning of an impending financial crisis. The financial head of the Nazionist octopus is being cut off and soon the various arms will stop their doomed struggles.
With the imminent removal from power of its European and American sponsors the fate of the Nazionist Netanyahu regime in Israel has also now been pretty much sealed. Netanyahu was forced to cancel his planned visit to Germany because German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the German regime told him he was not going to get any more German submarines.
The blackmail against German auto-makers like Volkswagen, Mercedes Benz etc. using a fake “emissions scandal” has only served to strengthen the German’s resolve to work with the Russians against their Khazarian tormentors. The flood of millions of “Syrian refugees,” many of them trained sabotage agents who were never Syrian, has also alarmed many sensible Germans. The Germans are getting ready to re-issue Deutschemarks if necessary and improve their relations with the Christian Putin regime in Russia.
The French have also thrown in the towel and are no longer working for the Khazarian mob, according to British MI5 intelligence. The French have told the British they will be integrating the EU with Russia and that if the British were against that, they should leave the EU project, the sources said.
In the Far East, meanwhile, some big changes are also starting to be seen. The Chinese communists and the North Korean regime have patched over their differences. The announcement by the North Koreans that they had nuclear inter-continental ballistic missiles capable of hitting the United States and Europe was a sign that Japan and the Korean peninsula were no longer open to nuclear blackmail by the Khazarians and their dwindling collection of slave regimes, North Korean and Chinese sources said.
The CIA sent a warning to the White Dragon Society that the Khazarians were going to try to force a German style emissions scandal and other scandals on Japanese corporations like Mitsubishi, Honda, Toyota, Mazda etc. in order to try to force Japanese industrialists to continue their submission. Any such attempt will fail because the Abe slave regime is losing its support after forcing the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement on its people and industry.
Although the TPP is mostly the result of complex technocratic horse trading and will have only minimal effect on the real economy, the fact that it was negotiated in secret and gives secretly selected corporate courts power over the Japanese government has angered nationalists here.
In any case, even as the Abe slave regime clings to power, an offensive against their remaining masters in the US is well under way. Even as this issue went to press, Abe’s masters have contacted the WDS to negotiate a peace deal.
Meanwhile, Pope Francis is expected to show up in Mexico where he is considering announcing a holy war against the Khazarian mob still clinging to power in the United States and some Latin American countries, according to P2 freemason sources.
Comment: Pope Francis is a satanist. Simple as that. See this:
Former US President, and long term Nazionist Fuhrer, George Bush Sr. showed his fear recently when he was asked by a truth seeker about secret US government projects. Bush answered “Americans can’t handle the truth,” before being shut up by his handlers.
What truth can’t they handle Bush? The fact that you and your cabal assassinated President John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and thousands of others? The fact that you took over funds meant for the people of the world and used them to advance your genocidal fascist New World Order? The fact that you and your fellow Nazionists manufactured and spread deadly diseases like HIV, Ebola, Bird Flu, SARS etc? The fact you sold US military secrets to the Chinese and North Koreans? The fact your gang murdered close to 3000 people on 911 to stage a fascist coup? What about the chemtrails, the plan to microchip the people etc? The list goes on but, let us face it, you know that, as you told Journalist Sarah Mclendon in 1992, “if the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us.”
The US military under General Dunford has taken an important first step in nationalizing the Federal Reserve Board but a lot more needs to be done. Why is Obama still publicly telling lies about Syria, 911, the Ukraine, 311 etc? Why hasn’t the military started the mass arrests of the known criminals behind 911, Wall Street fraud, massive political bribery etc.?
As many informed US citizens and many inside the Pentagon and the agencies have pointed out, this is high treason and it needs to be dealt with by men with guns because nobody else has the power to enforce the US constitution and the laws of the land. Come on General Dunford and the patriots in the US military, the history books await your decision. Will you be a hero of humanity or will you go into the garbage can of history as a failure? The people of the world are waiting and hoping for the best.
We'd like to warn our readers that these are the CRITICAL digests. You won't find any praises of "great Benya" and his tremendous insights and "prophecies" of all kinds with "mathematical certainties". You can read all that jazz by going directly to his site.
We are primarily interested in doing all we can to assist all those people that have not studied enough of this satanic NWO stuff and have not enough clarity and awareness of their own to distinguish the wishful thinking, at best, or outright lies and fabrications and even incitements to violence from That Which Is.
The "keyword" here is That Which Is.
We'll try to cover the most of his reports, but not necessarily every single thing in them. You can read the full reports on Thursdays after original publication and make your own mind on it.
And so it goes. Just hold on to your chairs and enjoy the ride... Just pretend this is just a show in some puppet theater.
The US military, under the new leadership of Marine General Joseph Dunford, has come out with guns blazing to free the people of the United States and the world. Under his command, the US military has taken over the Khazarian mob’s main source of power, the Federal Reserve Board. To confirm this, go visit the home page of the Federal Reserve board, it is no longer http://www.federalreserve.org
but is now http://www.federalreserve.gov/
Well, this is simply bizarre. In fact, the domain http://www.federalreserve.org did not belong to the FRS. "According to http://research.domaintools.com/research/whois-history/search/?q=federalreserve.gov the site Federalreserve.gov has records 12 years old".
federalreserve.org is a private registration through godaddy. It was originally registered on Jan 20, 1998. It never was associated with either the government or the bankers/federal reserve.
Domain ID: D776507-LROR
Creation Date: 1998-01-20T05:00:00Z
Updated Date: 2010-12-02T16:43:02Z
Registry Expiry Date: 2016-01-19T05:00:00Z
Sponsoring Registrar:GoDaddy.com, LLC (R91-LROR)
Registrant Name:Registration Private
Registrant Organization:Domains By Proxy, LLC
Registrant Street: DomainsByProxy.com
Registrant Street: 14747 N Northsight Blvd Suite 111, PMB 309
Registrant City:Scottsdale
Registrant State/Province:Arizona
Registrant Postal Code:85260
Registrant Country:US
So, if this is any kind of evidence of anything, it is evidence of Benya being a disinformation agent and fabricator of crap of all kinds, none of which even remotely resembles the reality.
The Chinese coordinated with this move by announcing their China International Payments System alternative to the Khazarian controlled SWIFT system meaning their take-over of the US dollar system outside of the United States was proceeding as planned. The implosion of the big Khazarian mafia banks is now just a matter of time.
Well, this looks like a pipedream if not the outright fabrication and for quite a few reasons. Why would they even care to "take-over of the US dollar system outside of the United States"? What does it buy them? Secondly, to create an alternative transfer system is not that difficult technically and even Visa or Mastercard could do it without a wink of an eye because the traffic is miniscule compared to what they can handle. But it is quite a task from other standpoints, such as acceptance, trust, exchange rates and the ability of exchange and all sorts of other aspects.
As to "The implosion of the big Khazarian mafia banks is now just a matter of time", it is like everything else in Benya's reports. It is either "mathematical certainty" or "implosions" of all kinds, or "bloody revolutions" are INEVITABLE and so on. He does not seem to realize or even care about the fact that the future can not be expressed as some "mathematical certainty" as there are alternatives to virtually any point of view. Very few people have been able to predict it, and even those who were in fact able to predict quite a few things would never use such bizarre terms as "mathematical certainty" or "inevitability". Those are terms usually used by megalomaniacs and degenerates of all kinds, obsessed with their own egos.
The rogue Netanyahu regime only added gasoline to the fire last week by faking a US air force air raid against Syrian government forces in Aleppo, according to other Pentagon sources. The Russians were not fooled by this maneuver and responded by sending missiles and fighter jets over Iranian airspace (with Iran’s permission of course) to attack multiple targets in the Middle East, killing hundreds of Israeli, Saudi and Turkish troops operating against international law in Syria and Iraq, the Pentagon sources say. The real message of course is that the US military was ready to step aside and allow the Russians to clean up the mess in the Middle East.
Well, if Russia would actually do it, "killing hundreds of Israeli, Saudi and Turkish troops", then you would see it on every news channels and in every news article out there. The stink worldwide would be even worse than it is right now regarding the accusations of Russia being the "agressor" in Ukraine, "annexing the Crimea", which historically belongs to Russia as far back as hundreds of years ago, not even mentioning the vote of people of Crimea to be united with Russia again. This would be the best evidence that Russia is the REAL "aggressor", attacking the "worldwide coalition". For one thing, Putin would never do such a stupid thing regardless of anything. But here is the real "eye opener":
Russian and the Israel Air Forces will practice providing security in the skies over Syria
15:21, October 15, 2015
The armed forces of Russia and Israel began joint training to ensure security in the skies over Syria. This was stated by the representative of the Russian Defense Ministry Igor Konashenkov [Игорь Конашенков], according to RIA Novosti [РИА Новости (major Russian news agency)].
"Today we will have the second phase of training with Israeli counterparts," - he said.
According to Konashenkov, during the first phase we organized mutual information exchange between the control center of the Russian military aircraft based in the Hmeymim and the headquarters of the Israeli Air Force.
The representative of the Ministry of Defense also added that the talks between Russia and the United States on Wednesday brought together their positions on the key provisions of the future document, governing the issues of assuring safety for Russian aircraft during their flights over Syria and the aircraft of the coalition.
Earlier, on October 9, the Israeli press have reported, the high-level Russian military delegation visited Tel Aviv headed by the first deputy chief of the General Staff Colonel-General Nikolai Bogdanov [Николаем Богдановским]. The Israeli side was represented by Deputy Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, Major-General Yair Golan.
In September, it was reported, that the chiefs of of both general staffs Valery Gerasimov [Валерий Герасимов] and Gadi Eizenkot [Гади Айзенкот] reached an agreement on the establishment of a bilateral military commission, which is mandated to coordinate military actions of Russia and Israel in the air, at sea and in the field "of various technical measures." It was also reported, that the main headquarters of the Israeli Air Force created a coordinating center for assuring the interaction with the Russian air force, located in Syria.
Russian and the Israel Air Forces will practice providing security in the skies over Syria (in Russian)
Moreover, in the context of the Russian ban on USAF rising into the air during operation of the Russian aviation, it looks like "oi, vei." That's quite an achievement! Even the USA could not achieve such a "breakthrough", or could it?
Then Benya goes on to fabricate the "the Saudi prince bent over and offered Russia control of the oil market".
Defense Minister and Crown Prince Salman flew to Russia where, according to Pentagon and Russian sources he offered the surrender of his regime. ...In effect, the Saudi prince bent over and offered Russia control of the oil market in exchange for his regime’s survival. To sweeten the pot, Salman offered to pay for the two French made Mistral helicopter carriers that Egypt is buying after France was forced to cancel the sale to Russia.
Well, in that case how come Saudis have recently purchased tons of all sorts of arms including the advanced missile defense installations from Russia? Just to "bend over"? And why would Russia sell it to them?
...with the Chinese, Russians and Iranians supporting Yemeni forces seizing key Saudi oil fields it looks increasingly likely the “political settlement” will be the abdication of that odious Satan worshipping pseudo-Muslim family and their ceding of control of the Muslim holy lands in exchange for their lives.
Have you heard of "Yemeni forces seizing key Saudi oil fields" anywhere in the news? And if you compare the military power of Saudis with their most advanced weaponry they've been buying in the USA to the "Yemeni forces", if there are any of comparable might, then this looks just like some "channeling" session from the planet Mars.
Then Benya goes into Turkey, Erdogan and the Middle East.
The Pentagon is withdrawing all its forces and anti-missile defenses from Turkey as part of its general disengagement from the region.
Seems strange. Because the Middle East is getting hotter and hotter every day. What is the benefit for the Pentagon to begin "general disengagement" in such a hot spot? What would that achieve for them especially in the light that they, according to Benya, are aligning themselves with Russia and Iran against the ZioNazi satanists and constant, unending Isreeli agressions and massacres?
Erdogan has been caught bombing Kurds in his own country, stealing industrial infrastructure from Syria, working with Israel and generally being an anti-social trouble maker. As payback, the Rothschild pipelines carrying Syrian and Iraqi stolen oil through Turkey are being cut off by the Russians and Kurds.
Have you heard anywhere in the news that the oil pipelines are being "cut off by the Russians and Kurds"? Would not you see it reported all over the world as "yet another Russian aggression, proving that Russia is a terrorist state threatening the stability and 'democratic values' worldwide"?
The cut off of Middle Eastern oil money is going to be the last nail in the coffin for many of the criminal mega-banks that have survived thanks to petrodollars. That is one of the main reasons why the IMF, the UN, the BIS, Citibank, the Bank of England and others have been warning of an impending financial crisis. The financial head of the Nazionist octopus is being cut off and soon the various arms will stop their doomed struggles.
Well, but what does it mean "the cut off of Middle Eastern oil money"? Does not it mean the collapse of world economy? Does not it mean that it order to cut off the oil money, you'd have to stop supplying the oil to the world, nothing less, which is simply equivalent to global suicide, at least in economic terms?
With the imminent removal from power of its European and American sponsors the fate of the Nazionist Netanyahu regime in Israel has also now been pretty much sealed. Netanyahu was forced to cancel his planned visit to Germany because German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the German regime told him he was not going to get any more German submarines.
Says who? And how long that "imminent" this and that is going to remain in the state of "imminent"? Will something actually happen within foreseable future before "the crap actually hits the fan"? Well, about the only "imminent" thing you can see in Benya's reports is his imminent obsessions and delusions of grandior, mixed with all sorts of "prophecies" that for some strange reason do not seem to materialize, regardless of how "imminent" Benya paints them.
Can you remember at least one "imminent" thing reported by Benya that actually materialized, even "after all these years"? Would you kindly send it to us with the exact quote so we could look at it to see what it actually means? Would be appreciated indeed. Who knows, may be we are missing something here in all his great "prophecies"...
Then Benya goes into piles of bluff about "fake 'emissions scandal'". We'll skip that one.
The French have also thrown in the towel and are no longer working for the Khazarian mob, according to British MI5 intelligence. The French have told the British they will be integrating the EU with Russia and that if the British were against that, they should leave the EU project, the sources said.
Well, but what does it mean "French"? Does Benya mean that they are not but the French Rothschild puppet government, just like German puppet government is? Who OWNS the French and German governments but their puppeteers Rothschilds? How is it conceivable that either French or German or even British would do anything against the ZioNazi satanists and their puppet masters Rothschilds?
Just watch carefully what is going on around the ZioNazi overthrow of the legitimate government in Ukraine and the resulting First Economic World War against Russia. Don't you see how these "governments" and "officials" sing the same song and repeating the same lies of the most blatant kind presenting every single thing in just the opposite way than it is in reality?
Have you heard even a WORD of truth in all their unending lies? Now, think for a moment what would it take to make them all sing the same song, morning to night, every day of the week and for years on? How come do we see such an unprecedented unity of opinion among the "world leaders" and highest level "officials" throughout the world? WHO is pulling their strings and writes the same scripts they sing every time you see their faces on the screen?
The thing is that neither France, nor Germany nor UK are sovereign states ruled by the real governments. Their governments belong to their puppet masters and so is their treasuries and central banks, and anyone who had studied these issues for at least few days knows it in no uncertain terms.
That is one of the major problems in the world right now: There are no sovereign states left on the face of this planet, and all the states that attempted to become really sovereign and bypass the ZioNazi banking system were destroyed via all sorts of "colored revolutions", which is a known fact to any half-decent researcher. This applies to Iraq, Lybia, Syria and plenty of other countries. Interestingly enough, in all those states the income of plain ordinary people were not that far from the "civilized western world".
Then Benya goes into Far East bluff tirade.
In the Far East, meanwhile, some big changes are also starting to be seen. The Chinese communists and the North Korean regime have patched over their differences.
Sez who? Where? Would not this be covered in the media worldwide? The problem in Far East is that it consists of totally incompatible regimes, the fake communism and fake capitalism. These systems are totally incompatible. In order to "resolve the differences", one of them has to effectively die. Simple as that. They keep quarreling, and for years on, and for the most insignificant things imaginable, that change virtually nothing, just to keep the animosity and tensions going in order for the politicians to show their faces on the idiot boxes, called TV, "proving" they are needed and they actually DO something for the good of their people.
Ask yourself a simple question: why is that we see all these bizarre and utterly unnecessary conflicts and unending violence throughout the world, seemingly coming out of the blue? Well, one of the reasons you see it is to keep you BUSY with "problems" your so-called politicians are constantly bragging about, pretending they are there to solve those problems they themselves have created to keep you all deluded.
There hasn't been a few days period of abscence of some violence and wars in centuries. WHY? Is humanity so insane that it can not live without wars and violence even for few days? WHO is doing and orchestrating it all and for what?
The announcement by the North Koreans that they had nuclear inter-continental ballistic missiles capable of hitting the United States and Europe was a sign that Japan and the Korean peninsula were no longer open to nuclear blackmail by the Khazarians and their dwindling collection of slave regimes, North Korean and Chinese sources said.
Well, a couple of those quite primitive ballistic missiles of North Korea represent no danger of any kind. Sure, if we are talking about the advanced Russian multi-head ballistic missiles which makes them nearly impossible to shut down, that is another matter. But to shut down the Korean missles is not much more difficult then to shut the jumbo jet liner. They simply do not have and can not have the advanced capabilities required to survive. Secondly, it will take generations before North Korea will be able to manufacture enough of them to represent any kind of really threatening power. Simple as that.
Another thing to notice here is this: what do the Korean missles have to do with Japan? Are they friends nowadays? Have you heard of anything even remotely resembling the friendship between these states? Does it mean North Korea will use a couple of their funky missles to protect Japan? Why would they do that, especially in light of all the tensions between them going on for years?
And, surely enough, Benya simply HAS to amplify the significance and relevance of the so-called WDS, elevating them to the level of some kind of world power.
The CIA sent a warning to the White Dragon Society that the Khazarians were going to try to force a German style emissions scandal and other scandals on Japanese corporations like Mitsubishi, Honda, Toyota, Mazda etc. in order to try to force Japanese industrialists to continue their submission. Any such attempt will fail because the Abe slave regime is losing its support after forcing the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement on its people and industry.
What does WDS have to do with emissions scandals and Japanese corporate world? Is it their mission - to protect the Japanese corporate world from evil ZioNazi satanists? As to prophecy of "any such attempt will fail", the Abe regime has been "losing its support" for years now, at least according to the same Benya. And what is the result? - So far - so good? Still there? Even "after all these years"?
Why does Benya need to even mention this crap as something of significance but to magnify the "power" and significance of the so-called WDS and, by implication, Benya himself as their "official" mouthpiece?
Although the TPP is mostly the result of complex technocratic horse trading and will have only minimal effect on the real economy, the fact that it was negotiated in secret and gives secretly selected corporate courts power over the Japanese government has angered nationalists here.
What? TPP will have only MINIMAL effect "on the real economy"? According to what logic? We claim that the reality is just the other way around: it will have VAST and multilayer effects and not only on economy, but on nearly every single aspect of world relations and total control of the world, bypassing the sovereignty of the states. We claim that this TPP scheme is one of the most significant developments as of this junction. No wonder just the other day there was a demonstration of 100 thousand people in Germany precisely against the TPP scam.
In any case, even as the Abe slave regime clings to power, an offensive against their remaining masters in the US is well under way. Even as this issue went to press, Abe’s masters have contacted the WDS to negotiate a peace deal.
What? What "offensive against their remaining masters in the US is well under way"? Sez who? WHERE?
What? "Abe’s masters have contacted the WDS to negotiate a peace deal"? So, it turns out that WDS is running the world nowadays? Or have they become a sovereign power or a sovereign state? How and by what means are they going to "enforce" anything, even if there is any kind of "deal" has been reached? Do they have some kind of military power to stand against the states, such as Russia, China, NATO or even the UN "peace keeping" force?
Meanwhile, Pope Francis is expected to show up in Mexico where he is considering announcing a holy war against the Khazarian mob still clinging to power in the United States and some Latin American countries, according to P2 freemason sources.
Pope Francis is a criminal and a satanist, just like any other Pope in last several centuries. He had participated in all sorts of satanic occult rituals of most outrageous child abuse and murder, he is a perpetrator in satanic child sacrifice rites and you name it. Any Pope is a humble servant of Lucifer. Simple as that.
This article was based on today's exclusive interview with Kevin Annett of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State on this week's litigation in the Brussels Common Law Court of Justice.
Five judges and 27 jury members from six countries including the USA, considered evidence on over 50,000 missing Canadian, US, Argentine and European children who were suspected victims of an international child sacrificial cult referred to as the Ninth Circle.
Two adolescent women claimed that Pope Francis raped them while participating in child sacrifices. Eight eyewitnesses confirmed the allegations according to evidence presented this week at a Brussels Common Law Court of Justice.
The Ninth Circle Satanic child sacrifice rituals were said to take place during the Springs of 2009 and 2010 in rural Holland and Belgium.
Pope Francis was also a perpetrator in satanic child sacrifice rites while acting as an Argentine priest and Bishop according to records obtained from the Vatican archives.
Eyewitnesses Testify: Pope Francis Raped and Killed Children; Sealed Vatican Documents
We'll skip Benya's bluff about evil Bush except the quote by Bush, Sr.:
“if the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us.”
Yes, this is the real quote and you can verify it yourself if you want.
We'll skip the rest of Benya's whining about "evil Bush" and his bitching about "but how come they are not arrested" by the noble Pentagon "white hats". Like they say in China: "we have to SEE it first before we can believe a word of it". Simple as that.
Finally, we'd like to state that it is quite "natural" to see all these grandiose concoctions and fabrications of Benya which you won't be able to verify and validate even if you get blue on your face.
Because once you sell your soul for money, like Benya did by charging money for all his bluff and fabrications of quite hysterical grade, it is pretty much inevitable that you will start "making mountains out of the mole hills", especially if you possess quite clearly accentuated degenerate tendencies of perversions, violence of all kinds and "bloody revolutions".
Because those are all like a "life juice" for them, or, more precisely, "death juice". Because deep inside they are the worshipers of death and destruction and that is about the only language they understand besides parasitism of unlimited grade. And megalomania and narcissism are inherent in their ego gratification trips. As that is the very "nature of the beast". Simple as that.
October 5, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Senior cabalists in the West are threatening tsunamis, nuclear terror, death camps and other atrocities as their grip on world power continues to slip. The Russian, Iranian and Pentagon attack against Saudi Arabian, Israeli and Turkish troops in Syria appears to be the most visible trigger for these threats.
Furthermore, a serious attack on the Bush/Netanyahu Nazionist faction’s drug money is also behind the new rash of threats. However, the biggest threat of all remains the likely implosion and nationalization of the privately owned system of central banks. There continue to be signs some sort of financial event involving the owners of the Federal Reserve Board, the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan is imminent, according to multiple sources.
There are hints that November 5th could be a key date for the cabal, possibly involving a massive tsunami hitting the East Coast of the United States as well as many other nations facing the Atlantic Ocean. The cabal is leaving multiple hints to this effect.
First of all, take a look at this cover of the January edition of the Rothschild controlled Economist magazine:
Economist January 2015 cover filled with cryptic symbols and dire predictions.
Take note of German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the front with her hands making the masonic sign of a pyramid in the center of that picture. After this issue appeared, the Rothschilds bought the magazine Charlie Hebdo and staged the fake massacre of its staff over a “Mohamed Cartoon.” After this fake incident, Rothschild puppet politicians were ordered to march in Paris. Note Angela Merkel in a picture of that march below making exactly the same hand sign as in the economist cover.
This has been pointed out by others but we mention it to show how the Rothschilds may have occultly advertised in their magazine a much more horrific event they are engineering. In the bottom right hand corner of the Economist cover there are two arrows, one saying 11.5 and the other 11.3. There has been a lot of speculation that 11.3 refers to the 311 (March 11, 2011) nuclear and tsunami attack against Japan. Members of the Rothschild family made it clear to this writer at the time they were behind that mass murder incident. Now last week at his UN speech, Japanese Rothschild slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe referred to “November 5th, World Tsunami Day.”
Furthermore, US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew also said publicly recently that the US government would run out of cash on November 5th.
To top this off, multiple stories were planted in the media last week warning of a Mega Tsunami.
We hope that by revealing these hints in advance, these criminals will be forced to stop this plan because otherwise they know they will be blamed and hunted down like animals if they carry it out.
These threats may also be related to historical events now unfolding in the Middle East. In response to the Saudi and Israeli triggered death stampede and kidnapping of Iranian officials visiting Mecca the Pentagon, the Russian military, The Chinese, the Iranians and others are carrying out a massive military campaign against Saudi Arabia, Israel and their proxy armies in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and elsewhere. The Pentagon is providing the Russians, Iranians, Chinese etc. with precise intelligence about the activities of the cabalist ISIS proxy army, according to Russian government sources.
King Salman’s brother and Saudi intelligence chief Prince Nawaf died last week as part of ongoing revenge against the Hajj atrocity carried out by the Saudi Khazarian gangster regime, multiple sources say.
Since Salman killed more than 70 of his close relatives in order to seize the throne, there will be more deaths in his immediate circle over the coming days, the sources predict.
US government spokesman Barack Obama was forced to say at the UN that “we’re not going to make Syria into a proxy war between the United States and Russia,” according to Pentagon sources. Attacks on Russia and Syria in his UN speech were “just bluster to appease neocons,” the sources say. The US military “now has cover to outsource the war and provide intel on Bush-CIA bases and Israelis,” the Pentagon sources say. After the Iran nuclear deal with the US, a US Russian coalition has begun going after weapons of mass destruction, drugs, arms, human organ trafficking, slavery and other Khazarian mafia criminal activities.
The ISIS bases being hit in Syria are mostly drug, weapons and oil smuggling centers, the sources say.
The recent temporary fall of the city of Kunduz to the Taliban in Afghanistan was a joint Russian Iranian operation aimed at shutting down the heroin trade there, according to the Pentagon sources. The shooting down of a C-130 transport plane was also targeted at stopping the flow of heroin, the sources say. Pakistan is now joining with the Russians in this campaign that will soon extend to Iraq and Libya as well, they say.
The flow of drug money to the cabal is also being systematically cut off in South America thanks in large part to intervention by Pope Francis. The thawing of US/Cuban relations engineered by the Pope has helped close off drug traffic and money laundering there, Whitehat-CIA sources say. Now, in a further blow, a deal between the Columbian government and FARC rebels being negotiated by Francis is cutting off cocaine money to the Bush/Netanyahu Nazionist faction of the cabal.
Along with the cut off of money to the Khazarians; the purge of their agents in the CIA, the Pentagon and other agencies continues to gather momentum. That is why the Khazarian mafia has been trying, unsuccessfully, to convince Russia to be their new sponsor. The answer has been a consistent “nyet.”
That is probably the real reason why Israeli Nazionist fascist dictator Benyamin Netanyahu last week declared “a fight to the death against Palestinian terror.”
This was most likely a veiled threat by the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia to use their Jewish slave people was human shields before relinquishing power.
The following phrase, “one should not expect Washington, Riyadh, Jerusalem, and London to simply go gentle into that good night,” which apparently first appeared at the Zero hedge website, was also widely quoted last week.
Apart from the tsunami threat mentioned above, the source who previously predicted the attack on Malaysian airliner 370/17 sent an e-mail last week stating that “FEMA has just opened its first concentration camp in Wilcox, Arizona to eradicate (re-educate) the masses.” This is almost certainly just a scare mongering bluff because any real attempt to open a concentration camp in the US would lead to immediate, lethal, military action. However, these threats show the Khazarian mafia to be desperate and dangerous.
There may also be some activity in Japan related to the Khazarian mob. Last week senior North Korean operatives contacted the White Dragon Society with an offer of help. This means that North Korean amphetamine money is no longer going to flow to the coffers of the Khazarian mob.
It is also worth noting that when a WDS representative asked for a meeting with North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un he was told “He is just a front man with no real power, why would you want to meet him?” The real powers in North Korea keep their identities secret as is the case in Russia, the US, the UK and many other countries. In any case, the Pentagon, the Japanese military, the North Koreans and others are preparing some sort of big move against the Khazarians and their proxies in Japan. On this note we were told by other sources that “the Emperor does not like Prime Minister Abe.”
The CIA also contacted this writer last week to warn of new death threats against him by the Khazarian mob. It turns out that Izaya Noda, the man who was arrested on charges of carrying out multiple arson attacks against Japanese train facilities, and who lived a few yards from my bathroom, was the grandson of Moshe Barter, who served as Israel’s ambassador to Japan in 1966-1972. Japanese media outlets published a photo of Noda’s Israeli ID card, which was issued in Kfar Saba in 2002. According to the ID, Noda has an Israeli mother named Dorit and a Japanese father named Tatsuya.
Furthermore, local news reports claim he became an anti-nuclear activist after 311. He also appeared to have some source of income even though he did not work. From all this it is a pretty good guess he was a Mossad agent. Noda’s arrest was most certainly not part of their plan. Michael Green, Stephan De Rothschild, Rabbi Abraham Cooper and all their buddies are apparently freaking out here as well they should be.
The Jewish people are about to be liberated from their long, long ordeal of slavery at the hands of Satan worshipping so Hyksos gangsters. The world as a whole will be rid of by far its largest source of terror, organized crime, war, mayhem and other misery when these gangsters are removed from power. The white hats at the Pentagon and the agencies plus their allies in China, Russia and around the world are freeing our planet step by step.
"To make a long story short", we only need to ask this single question.
The TPP agreement has been finalized! Now, compared to the significance of this NWO and global extra-governmental corporate "agreement", which is nothing less than corporate conspiracy to take over the world and bypass the law and constitution, everything said in this report of Benya isn't even worth mentioning. Interestingly enough, with all his "sources" in "high places", Benya does not even mention probably one of the most significant events having the most profound impact on the entire world, besides the events in Syria, Ukraine and constant terrorist acts in Africa in order to force mass migration of colored races to Europe for the purpose of wiping out the white race as such, which is an ancient "dream" of those very ZioNazi satanists Benya claims to be fighting against, at least on paper.
Basically, the TPP "agreement" is probably the worst form of corporatocracy and extra-legal corporate control of the world in the entire history of this planet, as that agreement simply bypasses the laws, the constitution and the oversight by the governments as to what these genocidal corporate criminals against the mankind, such as Monsanto, can do. Simple as that.
Interestingly enough, Wikileaks even promised a reward of $100k to anyone who will provide the missing part of this totally secret "agreement". It isn't even clear who specifically is involved in these negotiations, besides most trusted ZioNazi satanists, since even members of the governments are not allowed access to the full text of it.
In other words, the "business" interests of these monsters and barbarians stand above the law, and, via this totally secret TPP deal they are able to override even the constitutional rights and the constitution as such, because those simply become inapplicable, as the issues are moved beyond the level of governments, states and their sovereignty since this is "trans-national" "agreement", not subject to national laws and/or constitution itself.
And the people will not even be allowed to vote on it. ALL they can hope for is to see its text one day and then jump from the Golden Gate bridge if they do not like or do not accept what they see.
"When negotiators finalize the text of the partnership, the Congress and the American people will have a few months to read every word before I sign it", - assured Obama.
"To ensure the successful passage of an agreement in Congress, Obama, in the summer, was able to convince the parliamentarians to agree with special trade powers (fast track): Now the Congress has the power to only approve or deny the international trade agreements negotiated by the US administration without making any amendments or corrections.".
Obama: Agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership has been reached
(RIA News) (in Russian)
Sure, you can read it all day long. But what does it matter if you can not VOTE on it? Because what you are given, in fact, is the VERDICT in essence and about all you can do at that point is howl like a wolf at the moon.
The economic and "hybrid" wars become a fair game and the primary candidates can be seen even at this junction, and they are the BRICS alliance and the top actors of the TPP scheme. Basically, Obama stated bluntly that from now on the USA will dictate the rules of the game in terms of economy worldwide, which, among other things, means that the biggest bankrupt in the entire history of mankind will, from now on, dictate the rules for everyone to follow.
Once again the corporatocracy wins as the so-called "Trojan horse" Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement has been finalized. As WSJ reports, the U.S., Japan and 10 countries around the Pacific reached a historic accord Monday to lower trade barriers to goods and services and set commercial rules of the road for two-fifths of the global economy, officials said.
(Blacklisted News)
October 5, 2015
"Obama also said that the laws of the global economy must be written by the United States, not China."
"When more than 95% of our potential customers live outside our borders, we can not allow countries like China to write the rules of the global economy. We should be the ones to write these rules, opening up new markets for American products and setting high standards for the protection of workers and the environment. The agreement reached today in Atlanta, will provide it", - said Obama.
Obama: Agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership has been reached
(RIA News) (in Russian)
March 30, 2015
The chapter, which was completed on January 20, was verified by the Public Citizen organization that was present during secret negotiations in March, teleSUR reported.
The 55-page document discusses various mechanisms that enable companies involved in transnational corporation investment to sue the states they operate in without the involvement of national courts.
Companies can file a lawsuit if they believe to be losing profit or even have a lower expectation of profit due to changes in the “environmental, health or other regulatory objectives,” according to the leaked document.
Moreover, if a foreign firm feels that a new law passed by a state impacts its rights under the TPP agreement, it could challenge the country’s decision in the private arbitration system, the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS).
Such mechanisms interfere with national sovereignty and lead to many problems, Ana Romero of the Peruvian non-governmental organization RedGE said.
“In spite of the fact that there are already similar mechanisms in the free trade agreement with the US, what is happening needs to be revised because the attraction of investors should not reinforce or expand those mechanisms that have been generation problems to the State and interfering with the national sovereignty,” Romero told teleSUR.
The leaked chapter also guarantees protection to companies from direct and indirect expropriations and amendments to the financial legislation.
Leaked TPP investment chapter: Corporations can sue states in private courts
Digital rights groups warn that TPP "will criminalize our online activities, censor the Web, and cost everyday users money." (Photo: Getty)
The "disastrous" pro-corporate trade deal finalized Monday could kill the Internet as we know it, campaigners are warning, as they vow to keep up the fight against the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement between the U.S. and 11 Pacific Rim nations.
"Internet users around the world should be very concerned about this ultra-secret pact", said OpenMedia's digital rights specialist Meghan Sali. "What we’re talking about here is global Internet censorship. It will criminalize our online activities, censor the Web, and cost everyday users money. This deal would never pass with the whole world watching—that’s why they’ve negotiated it in total secrecy."
"The TPP will criminalize our online activities, censor the Web, and cost everyday users money. This deal would never pass with the whole world watching—that’s why they’ve negotiated it in total secrecy." —Meghan Sali, Open Media
TPP opponents have claimed that under the agreement, "Internet Service Providers could be required to 'police' user activity (i.e. police YOU), take down Internet content, and cut people off from Internet access for common user-generated content."
Among the deal's provisions are rules that could criminalize file-sharing, whistleblowing, and breaking digital locks, even for legitimate purposes. Of course, because the contents of the pact have been negotiated largely in secret, the exact implications of the TPP on user rights is yet to be seen.
Groups Issue Warning: Pro-Corporate TPP Could Kill the Internet
(Blacklisted News)
The rest of Benya's report may be summarized simply as "tale told by an idiot, full of fury, signifying nothing".
Just piles upon piles of words upon words upon words, none of which are more significant or more trustworthy then what you can find in all sorts of other places, and, surely enough, the culmination is showing the significance of Benya himself, especially in light of that story with his neighbor, who, as Benya is nearly certain, is the Mossad agent, obviously placed next to Benya for no uncertain reasons.
He keeps constantly reminding his readers about unending efforts to kill him. But he does not tell them that to kill him would be to kill "the goose that lays the golden eggs" for his puppet masters. Why would they do so? What danger this disinformation agent represents with all his bluff and utterly unverifiable lies, "prophecies" and concoctions of all kinds? Just about all they have to do is to say: "PROVE IT, sucker", and it would be clear to anyone with his mind still functioning that to prove any of his concoctions is simply impossible.
Secondly, to kill him is the simplest thing in the world and he would be killed a long, long time ago if he would really represent any kind of problem and that could be done by the professionals and no one would ever be able to catch or even identify them. Again, the same argument applies here: "prove it, suckers!".
But for his ego of a megalomaniac, this definitely boosts his image to the level of someone of profound significance, which he constantly shows off in all sorts of selfies with those of "authority" and "power" in the scheme of things. It is like "look how great I am if I can even rub my shoulders against no one less than David Rockefeller in a selfie! Am I not great, and, by implication, does not it mean that all I am telling you is true? Otherwise, why would David Rockefeller dirty his image by showing off with some liar and fabricator"? Try to argue this bulletproof "logic" of this "liar, fraud, con man, charlatan, Narcissist, fantasist and criminal plagiarist", as he was called by the alleged "illuminati".
The New World Order - Benjamin Fulford
September 29, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Although the big Vatican/Rothschild love-fest at the United Nations is continuing even as this weekly goes out, it is already clear that the hopes for massive changes in how we run this planet have not been realized. What we saw instead was theatrics, the reopening of old wounds and vague promises to do good things by 2030.
The biggest insult to the intelligence of people around the world was Chinese President Xi Jinping’s promise to spend $1 billion a year until then on fighting poverty. On a global scale this is less than chickenfeed and amounts to about 0.0003 cents per day for the world’s poorest people.
Then there was the agreement announced by so many countries, including China, the United States and Russia, to take action against “global warming.” This made it clear the “global warming” Rothschild faction was on the ascendant and the perpetual “war on terror” Bush/Netanyahu/Neocon faction was losing the cabal power struggle.
Another sign the Bush/Neocon/Netanyahu Zionazi faction is losing was the fact Bush/Netanyahu allies such US House Speaker John Boehner and “ISIS tsar” General John Allen were both forced to resign last week. Boehner was told by Pope Francis to resign because he sponsored the trip in March by war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu to speak to the Congress, according to CIA sources. General Allen was forced to quit because he was “cooking intelligence,” “sabotage,” and supporting ISIS with airdrops, according to Pentagon sources.
The White Dragon faction supports the removal of these individuals but believes the military industrial complex needs to take much bigger, bolder action on behalf of the people of the planet. Marine General Joseph Dunford was sworn in last week as top military honcho and is expected to give the WDS a big boost in its efforts to take control of the financial system, and thus the world’s future, from inbred families and return it to the people.
If the new leadership at the Pentagon takes action against the Federal Reserve Board criminals, they can return $300,000 in stolen funds to each and every man, woman and child in the US and have plenty for the rest of the world too. The WDS will be happy to explain exactly how this can be done.
For now though, the most visible and dramatic changes continue to take place in the Midde-East where Israel is being liberated from Zionazi fascist control.
Last week war-criminal Israeli leader Benyamin Netanyahu and a delegation of generals went to Russia to seek protection and reassurances. The Israelis were “treated like the thugs they are,” according to Pentagon sources. The Israelis were told that a large portion of the population of Israel was of Russian origin and that there would be no danger to the citizens of Israel in the event of the overthrow of the Zionazis. However, “when Putin told bibi (Netanyahu) that Syria cannot open a second front against Israel he meant that Russia, China, Iran and Hezbollah will,” Pentagon sources familiar with the meeting said.
Comment: But what about this?
There are proliferating signs it is end game for the Nazionist nightmare regime in that country. China, for example, is now fully aware that it was agents of the Netanyahu regime who detonated the small nuclear weapon in Tianjin in August. For that reason a Chinese fleet and Chinese troops are now headed to Syria. Hezbollah has also now been supplied with 75 tanks to use against the Satanic regime in Israel.
There is also a concerted international effort under-way to hunt down and destroy Israel’s fleet of nuclear armed submarines. The French Mistral helicopter carriers that were supposed to be sent to Russia are now going to Egypt where they will be equipped by the Russians and join the Russian fleet in actions against the Israeli submarines, the Pentagon sources say. Furthermore, at the end of the day, the Egyptians might sell these ships at a discount to the Russians anyway.
There is also a lot of pressure being applied on Germany to stop them from supplying any more submarines to the Zionazi regime, the sources say. For example, when Egyptian President Sisi met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on September 25th he added his voice to US and Russian requests to stop supplying submarines to Israel. He also informed her that Egypt and Syria were thinking of joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
The Germans are also considering seriously leaving NATO and joining the SCO, according to German second Reich faction sources. Germany has been put under a lot of pressure recently because it has blocked its borders to the hired “Syrian refugees” being sent into their country. That is the real reason why Volkswagen has suddenly been attacked for “faking CO2 emission data,” according to the German sources. Other German auto makers are also now expected to get hit with similar claims, they say. The result has only been to alienate German industrialists and strengthen their resolve to once again achieve real independence, they continue.
The Germans are, in fact, preparing to nationalize their banks and reinstate the Deutschemark in reaction to an expected up-coming implosion of Deutschebank, the sources said. This of course would put a quick end to the Euro.
The end of the Euro, of course, would once again bring into question the viability of the US dollar and the Federal Reserve Board. There was a lot of speculation that when Fed Chairperson Janet Yellen kept losing her voice during a speech last week and required medical attention, it was because she was emotionally distraught at some imminent announcements related to the Fed. On this front, multiple sources continue to confirm the US dollar and the Federal Reserve Board are being put under new management.
It is not clear exactly what is to be announced but, the US corporate government’s year end comes this Wednesday, September 30th. The US Government has been cooking its books by keeping the debt frozen at exactly $25 million under the legal limit since March 15th. If, as expected, the US government fails to make payments due on September 30, it will be given until October 17th to come up with the money. That is why we have a lot of serious horse trading ahead of us in the coming weeks.
Public statements last week by the Pope, US President Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping make clear some of the conditions the US has to meet if it is to avoid bankruptcy. They all agree China needs a bigger vote in the IMF and needs to continue linking the Yuan to the US dollar.
The fact JP Morgan, Citibank and Goldman Sachs were not invited to the state dinner for Chinese President Xi Jinping also makes it obvious the US faction behind the Federal Reserve Board must be removed as a condition for further Chinese financing.
The public announcements made by the US and China last week also make it certain there is an effort underway to systematically and inextricably link the US and Chinese economies, military forces and governments on multiple levels. This includes a promise by the US government to teach Mandarin Chinese to 1 million US children by 2020. The Chinese are also asking for more access to US high tech in exchange for continued funding of the US government. Talks on allowing further Chinese investment in the US real economy, though, were not concluded, indicating a power struggle continues.
There were also indications the power struggle inside the Washington D.C. establishment is not over. The Pentagon put pressure on Defense Secretary Ashton Carter to meet and reconcile with Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu. This was supposed to be followed up on in a meeting between Putin and Obama on the 28th. At this meeting, and at his UN speech, Obama reiterated Zionazi lies about the Ukraine, Syria, Libya and ISIS, making it clear he put more precedence on orders given to him by the Rothschilds than on Pentagon pressure for a US/Russian military alignment against Israel and China.
Getting back to the UN, there is still hope the entire meeting will not be written off as just an empty talking head festival. All the world’s top leaders speaking there agreed on the need for major action against environmental destruction and poverty.
Many also agreed on the need to develop new energy technology. For example, Putin, in his speech, said “We have to focus on introducing fundamental and new technologies,” hopefully meaning the Russian introduction of Tesla and other suppressed energy technology. India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, for his part, said “Our national plans are ambitious and purposeful: new capacity of 175 GW of renewable energy over the next seven years; energy efficiency; a tax on coal; a huge afforestation programme; reforming our transportation; and, cleaning up our cities and rivers.” There are also unconfirmed reports India is releasing suppressed energy technology.
The plans announced by the various world leaders at the UN would cost about $3 trillion a year to implement if they were serious about changing this planet. As the saying goes “money talks, BS walks” The big unanswered question remains: “will the new financial system, and the release of trillions upon trillions of dollars, be announced soon?” If that does not happen there will be revolution starting at the very top of the pyramid, according to the gnostic illuminati.
September 22, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The next few weeks should reveal if radical changes in how this planet is run are going to be announced or if it will be the same old criminals trying to keep in power by putting on a nice face. The interesting event to watch in the near future is the lunar eclipse on September 28th. That is because the cabalists who have been running this planet claim to time their manipulation of geopolitical events to the movements of the heavens.
This sounds like crazy talk until you realize that Presidents Xi Jinping of China, Vladimir Putin of Russia, Barack Obama of the United States, Francois Hollande of France, Hassan Rouhani of Iran etc. are all due to be speaking at the UN on that date. The question is will they be announcing the birth of a world government or a new age, or will they simply spout platitudes before going back to business as usual?
If the leaders simply say nice things but fail to act, you can be sure bloody revolution will become inevitable. The fact is the current world system and its leaders have presided over the destruction of 40% of all life on land and 49% of all sea life. Furthermore, the pace of destruction is continuing to accelerate. Not only that, the system that is destroying life on this planet is also sucking away wealth from all humans except for about 0.01% of the very top elite.
The fact is we are facing a planetary emergency of the sort not seen since the dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago. The creator (be it God or Nature) might well be wondering if it is time to do to humans what was done to the dinosaurs. Maybe this time the cockroaches will be given a chance to see if they can do better.
Our best hope lies in the growing signs a world revolution is continuing to remove the vicious, incompetent Khazarian mafia cabal that has been responsible for so much of this planet’s suffering.
The biggest and most chaotic activity continues to be seen in Europe and the Middle East. The flood of millions of refugees into Europe and the threat of tens of millions more arriving has prompted serious infighting in Western power structures.
The German government has commandeered community centers, sports facilities, parks and the like to accommodate millions of refugees, according to British MI6 intelligence. This prompted Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon, to fly to Germany and Turkey to deal with the situation, according to Pentagon sources. He told the Germans to impose border controls and stop the flood of refugees. He also told the Germans, Turks and Nato brass to align with Russia in Syria against ISIS and their Israeli and Gulf Cooperation Council backers, the sources said.
To make sure their message was being heard, the 33-year old Sheik Rashid of Dubai, one of the top ISIS supporters, was killed by heart attack, according to US intelligence sources.
Furthermore, the US military told Pope Francis, Germany’s Angela Merkel and other European power brokers to stop their big social engineering project aimed at flooding Europe with Muslims in order to force a union between Islam and Christianity.
US special forces have also begun sealing off the Turkish border with Syria in order to put an end to this social engineering project, the Pentagon sources said. “If Israel and Saudi Arabia won’t take these refugees, why should anybody else have to?” the Pentagon brass asked rhetorically.
War criminal dictator of Israel and senior Satanist Benyamin Netanyahu has so alienated the US military that Israel has now lost all US protection. Netanyahu was also denied a meeting the Russia’s Vladimir Putin at the UN. For that reason Netanyahu has been forced to go to Russia and offer it control of Israel’s gas fields as compensation for war crimes and as protection money, according to CIA sources.
Furthermore, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter was forced by the brass to call on Russian defense minister Sergey Shoigu to urge joint action against Israel, the sources said. Furthermore, the Pentagon brass are making Carter ask for a joint Russian/US stance vis a vis China ahead of the Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to the US starting September 22nd.
The Xi Jinping visit is aimed at building a strategic relationship between China and the US, according to Chinese government sources. The US government, including its’ military, are reliant on Chinese money to keep themselves solvent. In what was almost certainly a move aimed at strengthening their bargaining power, the Chinese have dumped $184 billion worth of US treasuries in July and August and have probably kept up the dumping in September.
The US government has been issuing fake debt numbers since March 15th and has resorted to the fiction that some “hedge fund” has been buying all the bonds the Chinese sold in order to pretend they are not bankrupt.
The key thing that will be negotiated during Xi’s US visit will be the US China bilateral investment treaty. Since the United States is the most indebted nation in the history of the world, and China is the world’s largest creditor nation, what this treaty is really about is what parts of the US real economy the Chinese will be allowed to buy and what will be off limits.
The Chinese have $21 in savings they could pour into the US real economy so, it is in the interests of the United States to make sure this money arrives in a manner that is beneficial to the average American as well as to the Chinese investors. The deal for the Chinese to build a super-fast train linking Los Angeles and San Francisco is an example of the sort of investment that should be welcomed.
Of course the US military industrial complex is not without cards to play in their negotiations with China. They have just forced the Shinzo Abe puppet government in Japan to pass laws that effectively make the Japanese military part of the Pentagon. They have also negotiated a strategic military relationship with Vietnam and, as mentioned above, are hard at work getting the Russians on board too.
The other cards the US military industrial complex has to play are the threat to cut off oil exports from the Middle East to China and the threat to use their weather and earthquake weapons against China.
What the Chinese, the US military industrial complex, the Russians and others need to realize is that, as mentioned above, we are facing a planetary crisis that requires planetary solutions.
Part of the solution, of course, involves removing the Khazarian gangsters who ruined not just the US economy but also much of the planet. There has been more progress on that front as well. Richard Grasso, the former head of the New York Stock Exchange publicly admitted last week the market was rigged.
Furthermore, the US justice department is probing the big banks on charges they rigged the US Treasuries markets.
What the US military and justice authorities need to make sure of is that these institutions are punished under the RICO laws aimed against organized crime. Making these institutions pay fines is meaningless because all they have to do right now to pay a fine is to make an accounting entry in their books. These people need to be hauled away in handcuffs and have all their personal assets confiscated if there is to be any hope of restoring function to the financial markets.
The real thing the US military industrial complex needs to do though, if the US is to remain on par with China over the long term, is to do what the Chinese have done and nationalize the central bank. The power to create money belongs to the people not to some Khazarian Mafiosi.
In a final note, there was an unusual event in this writer’s life last week. On September 15th at around 10PM I left my house to go to the convenience store. Standing outside my door were reporters and camera-people from all the major Japanese TV networks and Newspapers. It turns out my next door neighbor was arrested for a series of sophisticated arson attacks against Japanese train stations and railroad facilities.
I ended up being on all the TV shows and newspapers expressing surprise at having such a neighbor (he kept well hidden). The suspect’s name is Isaia Noda and he claims to have been an anti-nuclear activist since the 311 nuclear and tsunami attack on Japan. It is very unusual for Japanese to use names from the Old Testament and furthermore, this Isaia character does not look like a typical Japanese.
Isiah is known to refer to the “Wrath of the Lord,” as in Isaiah 9:19 which states, “Through the wrath of the Lord of hosts is the land darkened, and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire.” Call me paranoid but, I find it hard to believe that this character was living a few yards from me simply by coincidence.
September 15, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The 14th anniversary of 911 may be the last one to pass without the perpetrators of this crime finally seeing justice. There were some very unusual “heavenly” events associated with this anniversary. One was a double rainbow seen in New York
which appeared at roughly the same time as one (witnessed by this writer) appeared in Tokyo. Even more otherworldly was the fact that a bolt of lightning knocked over a crane in Mecca owned by the BinLaden construction group on 911, killing 107 people.
US spokesperson “acting” president Barack Obama was instructed not to show up at any 911 ceremony but was instead told to go talk to US soldiers. Meanwhile, US Defense Secretary Ash Carter spoke at a Pentagon 911 ceremony where he promised that “no matter how long it takes [the perpetrators of this crime] will not escape the long arm and hard fist of justice...we will find you,” and “we will never forget.”
If the US military are sincere, then George Bush Jr., Donald Rumsfeld and most of the other neo-cons who signed the “Project for a New American Century” document in 2000 will be arrested. That document called for “a New Pearl Harbor” to justify a big invasion of the Middle East.
In any case, it is looking like an end game for the Zionist Nazi Netanyahu regime in Israel as Russian and Iranian troops move in while the Pentagon helps or turns a blind eye. We now have sources that are usually diametrically opposed to each other, the Mossad linked Debka and the Pentagon linked site Veteran’s today, both agreeing that Russian troops are on Israel’s doorstep.
The Debka article is revealing when it notes “Israel’s military strength is substantial but no one is looking for a military clash with the Russians,” before concluding Israel should ask for Russian protection. Russian White Dragon Society sources make it clear any Russian protection of Israel will not mean business as usual for that rogue state. Meanwhile, here is what a Pentagon source had to say about Israel: “Israel has been doing cyber-attacks from Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Bulgaria to hide their tracks. The Sandstorm on September 8th
was targeted at Israel, their submarines are now fair game, and they may get nuked.”
It is also worth noting that both the Russians and the Americans have been offering protection to the countries of the Middle East and North Africa against Israeli missiles.
Russian troops are on Israel’s doorstep?
British MI6 intelligence, for its part, says the so-called Syrian refugee crisis only involves Shia and not Sunni Muslims. The Shia are being given Turkish passports to allow them to vote in Turkish elections in order to help President Erdogan regain his majority in the Parliament, the sources say.
Meanwhile, in the financial world there are more and more signs of a collapse of the current paradigm. Claudio Borio, Head of the Monetary & Economic Department of the BIS, the central bank for central banks, described the current state of world financial markets as “reminiscent of the old joke about the stranded tourist who, having asked for directions, was told: ‘If I were you, I wouldn’t start from here.’” He went on to say “We are not seeing isolated tremors, but the release of pressure that has gradually accumulated over the years along major fault lines.”
Borio was referring to the massive output of liquidity by central banks in recent years as the source of the upcoming mega-quake he alludes to.
Meanwhile the IMF has, as MI5 intelligence put it, “gone rogue and pulled out of negotiations with the EU on Greece.” The MI5 source is also predicting “60-70% falls” in world stock markets “very soon.”
China and Russia, for their part, are pushing hard to end the use of US dollars for the trading of oil, thus finishing off the petro-dollar.
US agency sources are saying the recent devaluation of the Chinese Yuan hit Goldman Sachs particularly hard. “Goldman Sachs criminals, used to trading on inside information, took a bath on the Yuan,” one source said. “Unlike the US, where they are always tipped off in advance, they were blindsided and their mythical financial wizardry was revealed to be nothing more than good old fashioned insider trading; banal criminality disguised as cleverness.”
The Pentagon, the CIA and other US agencies are now pushing the US Justice Department to take serious action against the criminals in Wall Street, Washington and elsewhere. The rigging of financial markets, the bribing of politicians, the murders and lies of the Khazarian mafia are all now coming home to roost.
The US military has also now shut down all the bio-labs manufacturing and spreading disease agents like Bird Flu, SARS, Ebola etc. You can be sure the mass murderers behind the setting up of these labs will see the inside of a jail cell if not the inside of an execution chamber sooner rather than later.
A Washington based source is also telling this writer the US government, minus the Pentagon and agencies, is headed for a total shut down at the end of September. As many have noticed, the official US government debt numbers have not changed since March 15th, meaning they have been cooking their books, a sure sign of bankruptcy.
Meanwhile, it appears this writer has hit some nerves recently. Somebody has been calling from a payphone, saying “Skull and Bones,” and then hanging up. Recently, when a call from a payphone came I said “coward,” before the person could say “Skull and Bones.” He hung up and called back immediately to say that there was a lot of talk in the Tokyo Freemason lodge these days about getting this writer killed. A New York based Freemason also sent an e-mail threating this writer’s daughter. A senior Freemason in London commented that “all this communicating between masons on your case is extremely unprofessional and will have been noticed.”
There has also been a flurry of communications and contacts directed at this writer concerning the recent article about heirs to the $30 trillion Manchu historical gold fortune. In the May 4th 2015 issue of this newsletter we wrote “The current heirs to the Manchu gold are Kim Young Hee (金英姫) and Zhang Seung Shik (張勝植).”
Well, now all the people involved in this case have been pointing fingers at each other in a confusing cascade of claims and counter-claims. Zhang Seung Shik claims that Kim Young Hee is not a Manchu heir but is actually Song Seul Hee, an agent who reports to a North Korean general. Kim Young Hee or Song Seul Hee (whoever she may be) claims that Zhang is a petty con artist and says she has reported him to the police.
Meanwhile Mr. K, the senior Chinese agent who made the original introduction claims they are both con artists and apologizes for vouching for them originally. Mr. K also claims that Kim/Song Young/Seul Hee and Zhang are on the run from the police after their boss was arrested recently in South Korea.
However, he says their boss who was arrested was Pu Chao-chi, former top representative of Taiwan in South Korea. Furthermore, Mr. K also introduced yet a third person who claimed to have the genuine documents (a pile 12 centimeters thick) claiming the rights to the $30 trillion worth of Manchu gold. It seems claiming the rights to $30 trillion has triggered lots of intrigue and counter-intrigue.
Of course, to put things into perspective, the Bank of Japan, the South Korean Central Bank, the Federal Reserve Board and the European Central Bank are themselves all ultimately based on fraud and stolen historical fortunes. Until recently, they have simply been in positions of enough power to arrest anybody else trying to do the same thing they are doing.
In any case, even if any of these individuals is, in a legalistic sense, the heir to a $30 trillion fortune, clearly such a big sum really should belong to the people of the planet and not some individual, no matter how prestigious their lineage may be. So, this writer has proposed that the claimants put the $30 trillion into the White Dragon Foundation he has set up.
If the funds are put there, the WDF will immediately hold a press conference to ask for help in setting up a system whereby the people of the planet can decide how to spend the money on the basis of one person, one vote. It would certainly be a better system than the gangster controlled one operating now.
We would also like to point out here that we have been contacted by a man who claims he cuts people’s fingers off one joint at a time in order to extract information before wrapping their bodies in lead and dumping them in the ocean. He says he has worked for the Chairman of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Bank.
We asked the bank at their headquarters to respond to these claims but they refused to. We have his phone number and name card for reference. The point being made here is what does it tell you about the current state of the world’s banking system if that is the sort of person you need to go through in order to be introduced to a senior banker?
Here's an interesting article regarding "Russian troops are on Israel’s doorstep":
A grim new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin states that President Putin, in utilizing his position as Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces, earlier today authorized the immediate implementation of the MoD’s feared “Defend Israel” war plan allowing for tactical nuclear weapons use to be decided on by Field Commanders in the Middle Eastern Levant War Zone.
Western intelligence experts have estimated that Russia currently has in excess of 2,000 of these feared tactical nuclear weapons whose battlefield use is meant to offset the relative weakness of its conventional forces when war erupts with West.
According to this report, the “Defend Israel” war plan was devised in 2014 by the MoD after the Obama regime created the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ISIL) nation-state terror organization in their bid to topple the Syrian government, fracture the nation of Iraq along its Sunni-Shiite religious line, and prevent the creation of an independent Kurdish country, all in a bid to prevent the building of the Shiite backed Iran-Iraq-Syrian natural gas pipeline agreed to in 2013.
The true purpose of the Obama regime in creating ISIL/ISIS, this report explains, was to complete the takeover of eastern Syria and western Iraq by Sunni-backed terrorists, financed by Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, particularly Qatar, in an attempt to build massive natural gas pipelines through this region to Turkey, and then to the EU, in order to collapse the economy of Russia whose largest customer for its vast energy reserves is Europe, but which the previously proposed Shiite Iran-Iraq-Syrian pipeline to the Mediterranean would not compete with.
Map of massive natural gas pipelines routes via Syria
Along with this Obama regime “strategy” of destabilizing the entire Middle East in order to collapse the Russian economy with this pipeline scheme, this report continues, they also, in 2014, at the same time they were creating ISIL/ISIS, launched what the former founder and CEO, George Friedman, of the “Private CIA” American intelligence organization Stratfor called “ the most blatant coup in history” against Ukraine.
With neo-Nazi backed Obama regime backed forces having toppled the legitimate government of Ukraine, and with ISIL/ISIS beginning its rampage throughout the Middle East, this report continues, President Putin, in early 2014, authorized the use of nuclear weapons to halt the West’s advance against Russia’s “strategic economic interests”...which we had reported on in our 22 February 2014 report Russian Threat Of War Over Ukraine Stuns Obama Regime, and which President Putin publicly acknowledged this past April.
Putin Activates Shocking “Defend Israel” Atomic War Plan
(The European Union Times)
September 7, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Chaos and conflict at the very top of the Western financial system has created a unique opportunity to permanently put an end to Khazarian mafia control of the West. Furthermore, a new group of leaders will be assuming power in the Pentagon and, if they are able to coordinate with the worldwide resistance movement, humanity can be freed from Babylonian debt slavery as early as this autumn.
The important thing to drill into the heads of military, police and intelligence officials worldwide is that the West has been taken over by a group of mass murdering gangsters who need to be arrested and removed from power ASAP.
To put it more bluntly, it must be explained to the military fence sitters that the Khazarian mob has been actively trying to kill them and their families with manufactured diseases, toxic chemicals, unhealthy food, multiple attempts to start World War 3 etc. meaning that fence sitting is no longer an option. Self-defense is mandatory.
The anniversary this Friday of the September 11, 2001 mass murder event in New York would be a good time to take action. All it will take is for all aware members of the military and police in the US and for all governments outside of the US to demand the immediate arrest of the perpetrators of this crime. Anybody, from Obama on down, who tries to stop the arrests must themselves be arrested.
In fact, there are already clear signs the US military is taking strong action against the Khazarian mob. Pentagon sources say the Khazarian JP Morgan bank has been “put under military supervision,” because “it is the operating arm of the Federal Reserve Board.” The pentagon sources explain that JPM handles food stamps or electronic benefit transfer cards which it could have stopped in order to create food riots. JPM was taken over in order to prevent this from happening.
However, the military are now reporting that much of the JP Morgan money has “gone missing.” They are now investigating if Morgan Stanley and Barclays bank are responsible for stealing the money because, if they are, “they will be Lehmanized” i.e. bankrupted and dismantled.
An MI5 source in the UK, for his part noted: “it is interesting to hear that because Morgan Stanley in the UK is behind the Iraq Chilcot (whitewash) inquiry” into UK involvement in the illegal invasion of Iraq. MI5 also notes that senior UK power brokers like John Scarlett (former MI6 head) and Jeremy Heywood (UK Chief Cabinet Secretary) are to this day working with mass murderers Benjamin Netanyahu and the Bush family in trying to maintain Khazarain mob control of the West.
There is also a massive ongoing financial attack against other Khazarian mob controlled financial institutions. They are reeling under a combined attack involving US Treasuries dumping (by China), the collapse in oil prices, petrodollar derivatives losses, zero interest rates (on loans) and demand by exporters for payment in Chinese yuan.
Rockefeller controlled Citigroup “is sending its stolen gold and stolen cash to Russia in an effort to prevent it from falling into Chinese hands,” according to Pentagon and Chinese sources. This coincides with statements by Rockefeller bag man Henry Kissinger that the US should be friendly to Russia. Russia is likely to simply claim the gold as tsarist treasure being returned.
As mentioned in a bulletin issued in August, a clear sign of the intensity of the ongoing financial war was seen when the Chinese Tianhe-1 super computer was hit with a nuclear electromagnetic pulse weapon on August 12th immediately after China devalued the Yuan against the US dollar on August 11th.
The Chinese devaluation was used as part of an attack on the derivatives positions of the big Khazarian banks. The Khazarians responded with a stolen nuclear weapon. Pentagon officials were quick to explain to the Chinese the attack against them originated with the Khazarian mob and not the US military industrial complex.
The Chinese have made it clear they are expecting strong action by the US military industrial complex against the Khazarian mob if they want to avoid war. Such action has already begun, they were told.
The US military, the Russians, the Iranians and their allies are now increasing their pressure on the Khazarian mob and their puppet state Israel. These three powers are now cooperating to attack the Israeli ISIS proxy army in the Middle East. Egypt is also about to join the Iranian, Russian, Pentagon alliance, according to Pentagon sources.
A military campaign is now under way by these allies with the aim of cutting off of ISIS oil being supplied from Iraq via Israel and Turkey. Cutting off these oil export routes would deprive the Khazarians and their ISIS proxy army of their largest source of funds (other than narcotics).
The Khazarians have already faced a major defeat in the United States in their attempt to stop the ongoing rapprochement between the US and Iran. The fact the Khazarian lobby, despite a massive campaign, could not get enough votes in Congress and the Senate to veto the Iran deal is clear proof the Khazarians are losing control of the US political system.
Meanwhile closet Khazarian mobster King Salman of Saudi Arabia arrived in Washington D.C. on September 4th to demand the return of Saudi Gold kept in the US. He was told by the Americans that if he persisted in his demands his Kingdom would be broken up. In addition, he was told his country would face “severe consequences” if it stopped supplying oil to the US military industrial complex and started selling it to the Chinese instead. Salman was also forced to accept the Iran deal, the Pentagon sources said.
The situation in Europe is also coming to a head. The massive refugee crisis that is in the news there is being engineered as part of the long term P2 plan to use a conflict between Islam and Christianity to force a unification of the monotheist faiths. The plan calls for an escalation of the refugee crisis and the arrival of large contingents of “armed ISIS fighters” to speed up the process, according to German “second Reich” sources.
According to these sources, NATO forces reached a secret agreement to begin going ahead with their New World Order on September 25th. Some sort of accord will be then signed on December 25th, the sources said. The overall plan is to collapse the entire present system in order to be able to rebuild from scratch, they said.
The arrival of Pope Francis, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and other power brokers in the US at the end of September, supposedly to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the UN, may well be a sign some sort of world treaty is about to be signed.
Another sign that something highly unusual is going on is the fact the US air defenses on the US East coast are going to be shut down during the last half of September even as Chinese and Russian naval forces are stationed near the US coast. The last time such a thing happened was on September 11th, 2001.
Meanwhile in Japan, there are also signs that it is not business as usual. It appears that slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is working for new handlers. The clearest sign is that Japan’s government is not only ending any pretense of sanctions against Russia or Iran, it is also planning to stop using the US dollar in trade with Russia. Japan already trades with Iran and China without using the US dollar.
In other Japan news, the Yamaguchi Gumi, Japan, and the worlds’, largest crime syndicate also split up recently. Sources inside the Yamaguchi Gumi and in rival gangs say the split up was a local issue not directly related to international events. Tsukasa Shinobu, the current head of the gang, comes from Nagoya (home of Toyota motors) and resentment against Nagoya control was building up in Kobe, the traditional base of the gang.
Not only was the Nagoya faction taking over personnel decisions but it was also demanding excessive tribute, according to the gang sources. It is unlikely this split will lead to war because both factions have too much to lose in the event that happens, the sources said. The last time the gang split, when the Goto gumi left in 2008, there was no war.
Tadamasa Goto, the head of the Goto gang, now lives in retirement in Cambodia. If a gang war is going to break out, gangs will evacuate their formal headquarters, disguise their appearance and start killing each other off.
In a final note to readers, this writer would like to thank his readers for putting up with pre-written reports and allowing him to take his annual holiday in Canada.
Canada is heading into a general election on October 19th and opinion polls now show the Zionist regime of Stephen Harper is headed for a decisive defeat. Canada should then be in a position to help liberate itself and its cousins to the South from Babylonian debt slavery.
Benya constantly keeps talking about some mythical arrests and goes as far as to ask the question "but how come they are not arrested?". But WHO is going to arrest the criminals of the highest level? Who has such an authority and on what basis these arrests are to be done?
This is one of the most significant things about many of Benya's reports. But the question arises: WHO is going to do those arrests and on what basis and under which authority? The regular police cop can not simply go and arrest someone, no matter what. First of all, he needs the ORDER from his superiors, and those superiors in all likelihood are masons or their corrupt puppets.
Anyone in a position of a major or even captain, not even talking about the top level of the police, is likely to be some sorts of a pervert and a member of some masonic lodge doing all sorts of voodoo "craft" to boost his pathetic ego. For example, in the UK, during the investigation of the masonic influence on the police system, a while back, revealed some simply staggering numbers of masons working in the police. The same thing with the police academies in the USA. The number and the information about all sorts of sexual and sadomasochistic orgies in those academies is something quite unbelievable.
And about the first and sticky indication of the presence of the evil cults are precisely the sexual perversions, just as shown in the work of Gregory Klimov, who has spent 50 years of his life studying precisely these subjects. Because degeneracy, the first stage of which is sexual perversions, is an inevitable and omni-present fact in all the manifestations of evil.
Three stages of degeneracy
Degenerates Rule The World!
(Interview with Gregory Klimov about "the power complex" and stages, symptoms and expressions of degeneracy)
Historically, precisely the police and military are infiltrated by all sorts of degenerates and all the top positions are taken out by those. Because the police and military are the main forces of massive control and application of brute force against the "herd". You can also observe it with the "royal families". One of the main things the heir of the "throne" is taught or trained in is precisely the military, just as we can see with prince Harry. Nearly every single one of them simply has to graduate from some military academy and have enough of real life experience in the military operations in the field. This is one of the most important things and aspects for the future "ruler". He has to have the first hand experience in dealing with destructive things. Simply because precisely in those situations what is at stake is nothing less then the crown and total control.
One other aspect of the arrests is that it can be done via limited number of means. It is either the court order, and for that you have to have at least some active investigation going on, and, therefore, the involvement of some judge, nearly all of which are the puppets of their masonic/Illuminati puppet masters. Even to conceive the situation that some judge will issue an order to arrest some highest order criminals borders on fiction.
Very rarely, the highest order criminals are ever arrested throughout the history. Yes, the ARE examples of it, but those are rather exceptions and not the rule. Because it is nearly impossible to find the non-corrupt judge who is not a puppet. You can enumerate the honest and courageous judges on your fingers pretty much. Because judge means mason and/or Illuminati with pretty high degree of certainty. Because the legal field is one of the most important fields for the forces of evil.
Alternatively, you can do the "arrests" by the military, just as Benya keeps insisting all the time. But it is not a simple matter. Basically, it means the military coup or revolution of some sort. Military does not do "arrests". It does destruction and mass murders. Secondly, on which basis the military may do arrests? Understood, in "national emergency" situations the military may kick in. But then you have to have a declaration of such an emergency, and only the authorized branches or government or the president may declare such an emergency. Else, we have a military coup in effect.
So, imagine for a moment that Obama declares the "national emergency", after which automatically kicks-in "The Project Endgame", among other things. What follows then? Can you even begin to comprehend? And WHO is Obama, but a puppet in the hands of that very ZioNazi banking mafia of satanists? How and by what means are you going to do the "arrests" Benya keeps talking about all the time?
He keeps talking about Pentagon as some kind of "good guys" and keeps claiming they are doing all these "good" things on behalf of mankind. But what is the Pentagon in its very essence? What is their "job" and what were they trained to do but to mass murder, destroy, devastate the infrastructure of the "enemy" and things of that nature?
These people were not educated to solve any kind of problems beyond purely military means. They are trained to KILL and destroy and that is their mentality. Even to imagine that Pentagon is playing the role of some "good guy" is quite a stretch of imagination. Interestingly enough, if Pentagon and all these warmongers were allowed to have their way during the Cuban crisis of the 60's, it is not clear we would be around. Thanks to Kennedy and Kruschev that we did not have a nuclear world war at that time. Because virtually all the Pentagon's "talking heads" kept insisting on the nuclear attack on Cuba. If that would happen, the nuclear response of Russia would be simply inevitable.
And with Benya, we have the Pentagon in the clothes of some St. Peter or some other follower of Jesus Christ.
If we pay attention on how many times Benya "flashed" the Pentagon and his "sources" there, it is pretty amazing to see that any of those "dissidents" in Pentagon are still alive. Because once the head of the state knows that there is some brewing and opposition going on in the Pentagon, they would be identified and dismissed a long, long time ago, if not called "the enemies of democratic values" or even "the enemies of the state" or some other nonsense of that kind.
Another thing to mention is that in order for any dissent to exist in the Pentagon or any other organization for that matter, you need a MASSIVE support and coordination. Because revolutions do not happen just because of few "revolutionaries". They happen only after massive infrastructure is built and made operational and all sorts of massive campaigns of disinformation had been conducted for years on. You need constant and non-stop disinformation in the media in order to form the public opinion.
You need to organize and conduct all sorts of meetings at the factories and all sorts of other places. You need tons of booklets, brochures and all sorts of other disinformation propaganda. Simply because you need to get the support of the "herd". Without the "herd" no revolution or a major change is possible and will "stick". Even if you manage to topple the government, if you do not have a wide support of the "crowd", your days are numbered.
In other words, you need an extensive NETWORK and, probably most importantly, "the Plan", and in order for the plan to exist, you need some "leader", some top level "talking head" zombifying them all with all sorts of ideas, "goals" and so on.
What are your "goals"? Who will support you? What are you trying to achieve, as far as the "bright future of mankind" is concerned. Did you even explain to the "mere mortals" what constitutes that "bright future" and why do you peddle it as something as bright as you present it?
But, most of all, you need the organization and coordination committee of some sort. And you need to conduct regular secret meetings to coordinate all sorts of activities. And you need to be aware of the fact that your "opposition" movement will be inevitably infiltrated with the traitors and agents of the same evil you are trying to fight, and they will eventually work their way up in your organization to the 2nd position, just behind the head of the organization. And they will be the ones that will whisper all sorts of advices to the head of your organization and will propose all sorts of things and "solutions" on the secret "board" meetings.
In other words, this is a massive operation that takes YEARS to build your network, your trusted members and so on and so forth. You don't create the revolutions or coups within days or weeks. It is simply impossible. And you will also need financing of all sorts of things.
Basically, this particular report, full of all sorts of wild ideas, is a typical report of Benya, "full of fury and signifying nothing", at least not that much.
Yes, indeed, pushing the fake money, such as dollars, off the scale of world trade and economy will certainly produce more results than nearly anything else in this report. Once you push the dollar off the scale, the entire financial stream of fake "money", fabricated out of thin air, collapses. But it takes time. The dollar "rules" this planet since the WWII and it is everywhere, in oil and energy, gold and other metals and so on and so forth. Sure, if it only rules the derivative markets and all sorts of fake money schemes, that is not such a big deal, for as long as you don't tie the REAL things and values to this fake scheme of imaginary value.
Yes, the days of the ZioNazi satanists and "the dark side" are numbered, but PRIMARILY because of the information explosion and not because of some "quick fixes". Because once the information flow gains a certain level of strength and authenticity it becomes impossible to control "the herd", simply because they are beginning to see "the real picture", and once that happens, they will no longer buy all these lies we see all over the screen.
Here's just one example of mentality and activity of "good guys" from Pentagon related to ISIS:
Tyler Durden 09/13/2015 10:35 -0400
Submitted by Carey Wedler via TheAntiMedia.org, The Pentagon has erupted in “revolt” amid claims from 50 intelligence analysts that senior defense officials manipulated intelligence reports to downplay the severity of the Islamic State’s increasing upper-hand in the Middle East.
According to allegations made in an official complaint with the Department of Defense Inspector General, the officers in question doctored reports — among other things — in order to maintain the Pentagon and president’s narrative that the war against the Islamic State, as well as Al Qaeda in Syria, is succeeding. To the contrary, the dissenting analysts — now effectively whistleblowers — have repeatedly attempted to warn that the situation is far more dismal than what authorities are revealing to the public.
“The cancer was within the senior level of the intelligence command,” one defense official told the Daily Beast, which broke the story late Wednesday. Two senior analysts at CENTCOM — the U.S. military’s central command Middle East and Central Asia — filed the formal complaint with the Defense Department’s Inspector General in July (the analysts are formally employed by the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon’s dedicated spy wing).
Other analysts are willing to back up allegations with “concrete examples.” 11 of 50 intelligence analysts spoke anonymously with the Daily Beast, detailing various methods senior defense officials have used to downplay the terrorist groups’ influence and power. This is particularly concerning considering the story told to the public is already pitiful, portraying grave threats to the United States.
In some cases, analysts allege reports that portrayed the war in too negative a light were simply prevented from moving higher up the chain of command. In other cases, they were sent back down to analysts, prompting many to self-censor their reports out of fear of rejection or punitive action.
Most sordid, perhaps, are claims that senior officials blatantly altered reports ”…to be more in line with the Obama administration’s public contention that the fight against ISIS and al Qaeda is making progress.” Additionally, protesting officials told the Daily Beast that
“…in some cases key elements of intelligence reports were removed, resulting in a document that didn’t accurately capture the analysts’ conclusions.” They allege “…the reports, some of which were briefed to President Obama, portrayed the terror groups as weaker than the analysts believe they are. The reports were changed by CENTCOM higher-ups to adhere to the administration’s public line that the U.S. is winning the battle against ISIS and al Nusra, al Qaeda’s branch in Syria, the analysts claim.”
Many analysts said that because of these practices, they felt they could not provide an honest, unbiased analysis of the situation in Iraq and Syria — a task they were hired to perform. Others expressed this was because of the career ambitions of high-ranking officials who did not want negative reports about the conflict to compromise their chances of further advancement.
This leadership was also accused of creating an unsustainable work environment. “One person who knows the contents of the written complaint sent to the inspector general said it used the word ‘Stalinist’ to describe the tone set by officials overseeing CENTCOM’s analysis,” the Daily Beast reported (This should come as little surprise considering the free reign the United States military has enjoyed not only since 9/11, but throughout the 20th century. That officials are eager to bolster their own personal power seems inevitable within an institution that has projected the same megalomania around the world).
Two analysts who spoke to the Daily Beast said complaints about ignored and doctored reports warning of the grimness of the conflict had been expressed since last October. Some who complained were urged to retire from their positions while others agreed to leave. Because of the lack of response from superiors to these grievances, the two senior analysts filed the formal complaint with the Inspector General.
In response to the Daily Beast’s article, the Pentagon offered a tepid, generic response that appeared little more than a jumble of key terms intended to obfuscate the seriousness of the issue at hand.
“While we cannot comment on the specific investigation cited in the article, we can speak to the process. The Intelligence Community routinely provides a wide range of subjective assessments related to the current security environment. These products and the analysis that they present are absolutely vital to our efforts, particularly given the incredibly complex nature of the multi-front fights that are ongoing now in Iraq and Syria,” Air Force Colonel and CENTCOM spokesman Patrick Ryder said.
“Senior civilian and military leadership consider these assessments during planning and decision-making, along with information gained from various other sources, to include the insights provided by commanders on the ground and other key advisors, intelligence collection assets, and previous experience,” he added, failing to address the analysts’ concerns.
In light of these revelations, it is difficult to tell which is worse: that the Pentagon has monumentally failed in its exploits of the Middle East — creating an environment for ISIS and Al Qaeda to rise to power — or that its leaders willfully withhold information for the sake of self-preservation and misleading an already terrified public. Regardless, the sheer number of analysts willing to step forward simultaneously highlights the systemic decay of integrity and effectiveness within the agency tasked with protecting the public — and a small shred of hope for forcing a modicum of accountability.
50 Defense Dept. Whistleblowers Slam "Stalinist" Pentagon Officials For Lying About ISIS
September 1, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Notice to readers, due to my annual holiday, the reports for August 17th, 24th and 31st will feature non-time sensitive material. Regular reporting will resume in September
In September the leaders of the current world system are planning many changes. Chinese President Xi Jinping, the Pope, Russian President Vladimir Putin and others will be visiting the US in September ostensibly to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the UN. The leaders are also promising to announce many reforms including making a promise to end poverty and stop environmental destruction by 2030.
There are also plans to include the Chinese yuan into the International Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing Rights or SDR currency. The Pope is also planning to issue an encyclical officially committing Catholic Christianity to environmental protection.
All of this though, is probably going to be too little, too late. It is mathematically impossible for the current world system to continue as is without root and branch reform or even revolution.
The first thing to realize is that the world financial system based on Babylonian style debt slavery has to be replaced with a transparent financial system controlled by the people. Promising to do more good within the current architecture is like a fox telling the hens that from now on he will steal less eggs.
The system as it now exists leaves 50% of the world’s wealth in the hands of just 85 people. Meanwhile, according to Oxfam,
80% of all people on the planet only own only 5.5% of the world’s assets. This is the result of a system that has turned 8 out of 10 Americans into debt slaves and lowered their standards of living since the 1960’s.
This is the sort of inequality that led to the collapse of the Roman empire and is now making the collapse of the current system a mathematical certainty because all the world’s wealth (and natural resources) are disappearing into a black hole centered around the hyper-wealthy.
So thinking from a military perspective, what needs to be done? In military terms a campaign to change this system would be quite simple. Here are a three simple steps that need to be taken:
First, nationalize all the privately owned central banks. The right to create money has historically belonged to governments for good reasons in that governments represent the people. Issuing government currency would allow governments to pay for education, health care, the military, public work and basic scientific research without resorting to either debt or taxation.
People who want more than barebones basics will continue to work in the capitalist system that can thrive in a properly regulated environment. To occupy the 12 Federal Reserve Board Branch offices and the headquarters of the top ten megabanks would require, at the most, about 5000 special-forces troops.
The same could be done in Europe with even fewer people. China’s central bank is already government owned which is why China has been booming for the past several decades.
Second, redistribute the assets that were stolen over the past century from the people by the privately owned central banks. A simple back of the envelope calculation shows that in the case of the US Federal Reserve Board, doing this would immediately make about $300,000 available for each man woman and child in the United States.
On a global scale it should be possible to increase the average asset base of the poorest 80% about 7 fold, or raising their net worth from $3800 to $26,000. Doing this would even benefit the richest 1% because it would create a huge boom as the newly empowered world middle class began to use its new wealth.
Third, replace oligarchy with meritocracy. The world system as it currently exists is an oligarchy. A tiny group of hyper-wealthy individuals and families use financial control to hire mercenaries, politicians and propagandists to carry out their orders while maintaining a façade of popular control.
History shows that oligarchies stifle innovation, create mass poverty and eventually implode due to excessive concentration of wealth. A meritocracy is a system somewhat like a song contest. Anybody can apply and, in a totally transparent way, those that popularly considered to be the best, rise to the top. This is the system used by successful armies, corporations, charities, religious organizations and bureaucracies. It is the system that has allowed China to enjoy decades of double digit growth while the West has become poorer under oligarch controlled debt-slavery.
The only organizations in the world with the ability to carry out such reforms without causing major anarchy or social disruption are the world’s military and intelligence organizations. In particular, the US military industrial complex, Russia’s military and China’s military need to agree to some sort of collective decision making process. Once this is accomplished, the rest of the world’s military and intelligence organizations will have no choice but to join.
The military umbrella organization would then announce a planetary emergency. Let is make it clear, there really is a planetary emergency going on so this would be no pretext for fascism. Here are some aspects of the emergency:
So, if you are in the military or an intelligence agency and you read this report, immediately contact your superior officer and ask why they are not taking action. There are certain key individuals who need to be inducted into the job of saving the planet. In the US these are Martin Dempsey, Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Ashton Carter, Secretary of Defense.
In Russia, it is Vladimir Putin who needs to take action. In China it is Xi Jinping and the military high command. The Queen of England, as head of the committee of 300 and the Pope, official head of the P2 lodge, also need to offer their blessing to this project. Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India also needs to be brought on board. Just these 7 people and the large organizations they represent, have it in their power to save the planet.
The ringleaders of the group that are still trying to start World War 3 and artificially create a Biblical Armageddon are Benyamin Netanyahu, the Bush/Clinton crime family, Sheldon Adelson and their fellow Sabbatean fanatics.
The Sabbateans, for those who are new to this issue, are a fanatic gangster sect who believe that they must carry out the end time prophesies in the bible. They pretend to be Christians, Muslims and Jews in order to try to manipulate the world’s governments and military agencies to make their Armageddon happen. Their founder was a madman by the name of Sabbatai Zevi who claimed to be the Messiah and later pretended to convert to Islam in order to save his life.
There are about a million members of his sect, many of them located in high positions of power in Israel, the US, Europe, Iran and the Gulf countries. They have carried out multiple nuclear (eg 311) and other (eg 911) terrorist attacks as part of their fanatical schemes. This sect needs to be disbanded.
So, when we all return from our summer holidays, we need to each and every one of us take action to put pressure up the chain of command and force the leadership to act. Pick up the phone and call the Pentagon, the FBI, the CIA, the police and anybody else you can think of who is in a position to make arrests.
The criminals in power must be removed and control of the financial system must be returned to the people. If the leaders of these agencies fail to act, we have to use pressure from below to replace them with leaders who are willing to act. No giant spaceship filled with friendly aliens is going to save this planet, we are going to have to do it ourselves. As the saying goes, “if you want to do something right, you have to do it yourself.”
In the next report, due on September 7th we will summarize what we found out in Canada this summer. We will also report on how the actual battle to free humanity and save the planet earth is progressing.
First of all, let us make it real clear that the idea of meritocracy is not Benya's or "Alexander Romanoff's" idea, as these people present it.
The idea of meritocracy was proposed by Osho back in 1985. He talked about it in 17 of his lectures. Basically, the idea of meritocracy does make a lot of sense compared to democracy, which, essentially, is election of anyone, who can promise more things, lies and manipulates better than others and has enough financial support for his campaign. And it does not have anything to do with his abilities to solve some problems, his competence and his intelligence, and, most of all, the level of his awareness.
Basically, "the representative democracy" is election of the incompetent people by the incompetent people. Because "the crowd" or "the herd" is largely incompetent, at least as to the issues of governance and all sorts of problems arising in any society that need the intelligent and "sane" people to find the best solutions.
Here's what Osho, known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh at that time, said in one of them:
A: Then do away with democracy if you cannot do without political parties.
My own idea is far superior than democracy. Democracy may look good in comparison with dictatorship.
But I have the idea of meritocracy - which is higher than democracy, because democracy is bound to be on the same level as the mass. It is a mobocracy.
Calling it "democracy" is not right. And the mobs' standard of thinking is not much higher. The politician has to follow] the mob. On the surface it looks that the leader is ahead and the masses are following him. Actuality is the leader is behind, he is always looking where the masses are going and he jumps ahead to keep himself ahead - to show to the masses that, "I am your leader."
I believe in meritocracy. Then there is no need for a party.
For example, if there is an election you choose directly the health minister. Let all the physicians of the land contest, let the best physician be chosen and let each individual choose. There is no question of any politics.
You need an education minister. Let all the vice-chancellors contest, and have the best education minister in the world.
Why bother about all this nonsense?
There is no need for provincial governments. There is no need for all these parliaments and all these assemblies. Choose the best people, and you can transform the country very quickly.
Osho - The Last Testament, Vol 4, Chapter 14
Here's one more:
A: ONE thing is absolutely certain: The days of the politicians are over.
They have done too well their job of being destructive, violent.
They have come to a point where humanity has to decide either to die remaining with the politicians, to commit a global suicide, or to throw out the politicians and save humanity, civilization, culture, life.
Nothing is favorable to the politician; and as each day passes his death comes closer. He himself is responsible. He improved the weapons which can bring death to the whole world to such a point that there is no way of going back. Either there will be an ultimate war - which means death to all and everything - or a total change in the whole structure of human society. I am calling that change, meritocracy.
One thing - we have to drop the idea that every man, just because he is twenty-one, is capable of choosing who is the right person to decide the fate of nations. Age cannot be the decisive factor.
We have to change the decisive factor; that is changing the very foundation.
My suggestion is that only a person who is at least a matriculate should be able to vote. His age does not matter. And as I explain to you the whole thing, it will become easier. For the local 125 government, matriculation will be the qualification for the voters. And graduation from a university, at least a bachelor's degree, should be a necessary qualification for anybody running for election, for the candidates. A master's degree should be a minimum qualification for the one who is running for mayor.
For the state elections, graduation with a bachelor's degree should be the minimum qualification for the voters. A master's degree in science, the arts, commerce, should be the necessary degree for the candidates. For the ministers an M.A. first class should be the minimum necessary qualification; more will be, of course, more appreciated. And anybody trying to become a minister will have to know something about the subject. His qualification should correspond to the subject matter that he is going to deal with in his ministership.
From Misery to Enlightenment - From idiotocracy to meritocracy
You can do a search of nearly 300 of Osho's books on the oshosearch.net/ site and see all the instances where he talked about meritocracy.
Search Oshosearch.net site for meritocracy
Did you notice that when Osho talks about election of the education minister he says that the candidate has to be selected among precisely the members of education field, and not merely arbitrary "merits" anyone might have?
But there is something to be aware of as far as meritocracy goes. Basically, it means nothing more than merit. And what is "merit"? - Well, it could be ANY kind of "achievement". If you can eat more burgers than others in the shortest time or you can spit the furthest or you have 2 meters long nails, than certainly you do have some "merit".
Because "merit" does not imply competence, intelligence, awareness or some other skill necessary to govern or solve some specific problem of society.
As a result, you might have some 3rd rate movie actors or some bullies that can drag a huge 20 ton truck by pulling it with his teeth classified as someone who has some "merit".
And that is precisely why in monarchies the offspring is educated and taught all sorts of subjects, including diplomacy, logic, principles of governing, military skills, engineering and management of social infrastructures and so on. So, by the time a youngster grows up, he is well prepared in all the necessary skills to govern, solve problems and negotiate instead of bullying each other.
Furthermore, it is highly desirable for a potential candidate to learn probably the most important "skill" of all - AWARENESS. Because doing things unconsciously or based on some prior knowledge or even some "bad memories" from the past experiences, and all sorts of stale PATTERNS one was trained to recognize does not mean that you are doing it consciously and with awareness. Because all these old patterns, even if they are appropriate as such, are from the past. They are frozen in time in a certain sense. But the society forever encounters NEW situations. So, the pattern handling needs to be adjusted to account for new conditions and not merely duplicated "as is". And that is how Creativity kicks in.
Basically, probably the most important "discipline" to study is "spirituality", meaning that FIRST OF ALL, you learn the very ROOTS of Existence and Life and Intelligence. Unless you recognize and SEE those roots, all your Life will be mostly unconscious commotion with all sorts of strain, struggles and so on, purely out of "blindness".
That is the KEY, and the MAIN key to nothing less than Life affirming principles. Else, and pretty much inevitably, you will end up in the same hole the mankind is in right now. We repeat again and again:
Blind leading the blind will INEVITABLY end up in a ditch.
Yes, inevitably. Because the MAIN key is missing, and that is Life and its founding principles vs. the illusion of death and destructions we see all over this planet right now. Just ask yourself a simple question: But WHAT is "ruling" this planet as we see it? - Well, it is "power", violence, "concurring" something by brute force and eventually death, fear, greed and guilt.
And it is pretty much inevitable precisely because of "blindness" or absence of the ability to SEE at least the main principles of the Infinite Multidimensional Intelligence, known as "The One", "The Creator", "The Father", God and so on.
As once you SEE that Life does "make sense" and you recognize the relationships even between seemingly unrelated things and events, you begin to SEE the very principles of Life, Intelligence and Creativity.
Furthermore, you begin to sense that the events in your own Life are not accidental, by ANY means, and they are not "random" or some "objective" external circumstances, forced upon you to do things you otherwise would not chose to do or follow.
Very few people realize that what appears in their Lives is PRECISELY that which they NEED, and they need it precisely in order to stimulate their GROWTH and awareness of the "larger picture", instead of getting lost in some forest and not seeing it for the trees. Even those at times unpleasant experiences that you might encounter again and again in your life is not some "bad karma" in form of some "punishment" for "bad deeds" in the past.
No, they are replayed for you in order to LEARN something that you have not learned so far, and they appear again and again precisely because you are READY to handle them and "grew up" sufficiently to meet them. Otherwise, just as said in the New Testament:
"How can you punich the blind for not being able to see?"
That is why your "pain" and "misery" appears again and again. Simply because you have some distorted picture that needs to be corrected and SEEN for what it is eventually, and when that happens, all of a sudden, you find yourself in the situations that no longer have those painful or miserable components. That is how GROWTH happens.
So, the idea with meritocracy is heading in the "right" direction. Except the very concept of mere "merit" is not enough and does not guarantee that you will do things out of SEEING, and not merely as a result of some mental processes, or even worse, some "bad" or painful memories or experiences of the past.
And that is why there exists a hereditary "rule" or governing by the bloodlines, which neither "gnostic Illuminati" "Alexander Romanoff" nor Benya Fulford seem to even pay attention to.
You do not simply start fighting with the principles of "the ruling families". First you need to UNDERSTAND, and, most importantly, SEE those principles and realize that some of them do make quites some sense, while others virtually guarantee the sickening and eventual degeneracy among the "ruling bloodlines", just as it is historically known in the European "ruling bloodlines", that intermixed so badly that you could hardly find a single king who was not an inborn degenerate on a biologic level.
That is why in Chirstianity, for example, it is strictly forbidden to intermarry with your blood relatives, down to 6th generation. Else, producing a degenerate offspring is nearly certain. That is why during the last generation or so you see the princes marry some movie actresses from Hollywood or some "models" and so on. Because those are so far removed from the "ruling family" bloodlines that it is virtually guaranteed that they are not genetic degenerates. So, they hope to dilute their genetically sick bloodline with some "fresh blood".
That is why you see Diana and others "off the wall", as far as "ruling families" go. Their only and exclusive "purpose" is to produce the offspring. Once it is done, they are no longer needed and may be disposed of, just like some used condom, which is what we have seen with Diana.
Furthermore, they may become the "big mouths", thinking they know some "secrets", and some of them, like Diana, for example, even begin to act, and in ways that are utterly unacceptable to the "ruling bloodlines". And that is precisely why they are disposed of.
Initially, they are bribed with money, as much, as they can swallow, and that is the "message" to them as to the extent of their activity and function. And, if they decide to go beyond that and take some active role in social issues, impacting the societies, as such, that is where they are stopped.
Because, first of all, their level of competence is merely laughable. They were not educated as to the principles of governing and all sorts of "secret doctrines" and, probably most importantly, they have no clue of who is "ruling this planet" in reality, and that is Lucifer and "the Orion group".
Because "the ruling bloodlines" consider themselves to be some kind of "elite", "above all mortals" and, therefore, can not even afford to mix the blood with "the rest of us" in order not to "spoil" their "royal bloodline" with some "filthy animals" as they consider the mankind at large. One needs to study the subject of the "ruling families" much better than what we see with Benya, "Alexander Romanoff" and the rest of them, pretty much.
All this means that the concept of "meritocracy" as such, without further refinement, is not quite sufficient or valid idea that is likely to produce any genuine progress.
So, the question arises: How do you assure that you place someone in governing or public service position who has the RIGHT and APPROPRIATE merits or "achievements", and not just ANY arbitrary set of "merits"? One of the ways was proposed by Osho: when you select someone for education position then you chose among those, who have merits in precisely the education, and so with any other field or position.
And this is easier said then done, especially in the light of the very core of it - SEEING and awareness.
That is why there is a contradiction between the very idea of an elective process and acquisition of necessary SKILLS to perform a particular job. Because to acquire skills takes time. So, either you select among those who already have the appropriate set of skills, or you have to educate the potential candidates before you place them in governing position.
Let us look at the proposal of Benya to "take out" the nerve centers of the "banking mafia".
This is important for numerous reasons, not the last of which is the issue of violence forever pursued by degenerates. Basically, as a result of dullness of all kinds and denials, they can only get an orgasmic feeling via perversions, sadism, violence, killing, terrorist acts, coups, sabotage and revolutions of all kinds and so on.
So, from that standpoint, if this is what we are in fact dealing with here, it is not entirely strange to see Benya proposing the military kind of "solution" in quite a few of his reports. It looks like an obsession of some kind, a fixation on violent means of solving the problems. Just like in computer games, this constant kill, kill, kill and destroy everything is like some sort of perverted micro-orgasm for all those, whose life is non-ending grayness, dullness and utter absence of Creativity and desire to live one's Life in creative and harmonious manner.
This is quite a subject to cover, and it needs a certain degree of maturity in terms of awareness to see some quite subtle and seemingly invisible details in the background as motivation to any action. So, let us not get into the nasty details of it because it will be nearly impossible to cover it here because of shear volume of aspects involved.
Basically, this is one of the key issues of Life, as such, and one can observe it in virtually any kind of activity, regardless of what it is, and it is certain confusion as to what is what and who is who. Because the mankind, and for millenniums, has been programmed with false ideologies and doctrines and manipulated by "the dark side" and zombified with the ideas of "me and my own interests stand above all" vs. "us and the interests of Life, Creativity, learning and appreciation".
The results of it we can all see throughout the world. For example, the very idea of "this is not MY problem" essentially means that one refuses to deal with and consider some other point of view and be sensitive to Life, as such, and not merely one's own skin, one's own belly and one's own "interests".
But, nevertheless, it is something that can not be excluded flat out, simply because we see a certain degree of obsession and a tendency to constantly promote the violent "solutions" in these reports. But Life is not some computer game, where you can kill and there are no consequences beyond the "micro-orgasm" of "proving" ones validity via mere ability to "defeat" and overpower the imaginary "enemy".
So, regardless of the reasons why do we see all these suggestions to resort to violence, let us look at what Benya proposes as some kind of "solution to the world's problems". He says:
"The only organizations in the world with the ability to carry out such reforms without causing major anarchy or social disruption are the world’s military and intelligence organizations."
Well, this is known as a military coup.
"In particular, the US military industrial complex, Russia’s military and China’s military need to agree to some sort of collective decision making process. Once this is accomplished, the rest of the world’s military and intelligence organizations will have no choice but to join".
What is noteworthy here is mentioning of "the US military industrial complex". And it is owned by whom, if not the same ZioNazi satanists Benya is trying to fight? One can hardly find more evil network than "the US military industrial complex", making immense profits on precisely wars, "revolutions" of all kinds and any kind of violence of massive magnitude. How can they possibly fight against their own boards of directors?
"The military umbrella organization would then announce a planetary emergency".
Well, that one translates into such an immense chaos that it is even hard to begin to imagine what will follow. For one thing nearly every 2nd American owns some gun, starting from the pistols and up to submachine guns, military grade semi-automatic rifles and you can even find some artillery and tanks.
Secondly, in any kind of "emergency", not even talking about the planetary kind, the "Project Endgame" kicks in, which, among other things means massive arrests of all those who ended up on the "red list", delivering them to the concentration camps, of which there are hundreds in the USA alone, without any court proceedings, and then exterminating them in the gas chambers and burning their bodies in high efficiency body-burning ovens, as that is PRECISELY what is to happen even in case of national "emergency" in the USA alone or declaration of the Martial Law.
Nowadays, many people already know about this. So, what would their reaction be in this case? The anarchy and gun fights become simply inevitable and massive uprisings are not inconceivable. The store shelves will become empty in days and mass chaos becomes as real as ones own five fingers.
Then he goes:
"To occupy the 12 Federal Reserve Board Branch offices and the headquarters of the top ten megabanks would require, at the most, about 5000 special-forces troops."
May be, may be. But then what? And how are you going to "occupy" the 12 Federal Reserve Board Branch offices and what does it mean? Is it done on the basis of some court order, within the framework of the law as such? If so, then what are you going to do with the boards of directors of those branches, not even mentioning of the operations issue? Even if you manage to "occupy" their offices, they can still operate using the plain cell phones and from any place in the world and computers continue to work, even if you arrest the office staff.
As soon as they sniff it out, and they will, there will be no one left even to arrest. For example, Rabbi Abe Finkelstein in his taped interview claimed that their communication system is capable of informing every "good Jew" worldwide about the important events within 45 minutes. And that is your "time to live", believe it or not. From then on, "you're going down, pal".
We know how to get the word out to every Jew in the world within 45 minutes
(Interview with Rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world)
This means that you'd have to start this operation simultaneously, down to the second, throughout the world. Because as soon as the first one of them is arrested, all you have is minutes before the whole world knows about it and the stink that will immediately start in the media, on all the channels pretty much, will be such that within hours if not minutes they will turn the story around and start massive campaigns of hype and total disinformation of the most unbelievable lies and fabrications.
Just look carefully at what happened and is still going on regarding the Ukraine. You don't have to be a PhD in mathematics to see how perverted every single piece of "news" is. Basically, the reality behind nearly every single story they report is exactly the opposite of what they made it look like in their reports. By the end of the day that very military will be accused, if not called the terrorists, who intend to take away the freedoms of the "American people" and convert the USA into a communist state or something of that sort.
So, there will be such a hype and waves upon waves of disinformation in the media that in order to "contain" it, you'd have to shut down the information channels. And can you even conceive what does it mean and how is it possible nowadays when there are armies of the Internet "reporters" and blogs and forums of all kinds "out there"?
As to the boards of directors, are they still directors and can conduct any meetings, even via conference calls, if necessary, or are they all arrested? If they are arrested, then on what basis? Do you have ANY specific evidence of the crimes they might have committed? If not, which is obvious, then are you operating withing the principles of the Constitution or are you going to suspend it? And, if the Constitution is in fact suspended, then what does it mean in terms of the law but utter lawlessness and "do as thy wilt and that shalt be the whole of law" as Aleister Crawly preached?
Because at that point what you have on your hands is a civil war raging on. Because all the people that have the guns or other arms will begin to clean them up, getting as much bullets as they can get, and then "go for it". Isn't this precisely why we are seeing all these staged shootings in the USA on nearly daily basis during the last year at least? Who and why staged those shooting if not to pass the gun control laws, which is what we see being considered this very moment?
And, finally, even if you manage to "occupy" all the main branch offices of the FRS, what does it achieve? How are you going to perform the business related transactions and unending transfers? There are about $20 billions being transfered every second only via the Standard Chartered Bank alone. Who is going to "allow" or "prohibit" certain classes of transactions and on what basis and how are you going to "manage" the operation on such a massive scale?
So, even if you manage to arrest the entire boards of directors so that no decisions of any kind could be made from then on, then what does it achieve?
The organizations are still functioning and their computers still perform millions of transactions every minute. Or don't they? You may as well stop the stock and commodity exchanges at that point, which is going to plunge the economy and business into a depression never seen since the dawn of civilization, and within days, if not hours.
All you are going to have left is Benyas of all kinds shouting slogans of a kind "down with the banks", which they have already started doing, even before the first bullet has been fired, which is all recorded and could be produced as evidence any time there is a need.
But yes, certainly, Benya is going to really experience the "orgasm of achievement", even thought it would be of perverted kind, known as sadomasochism.
Read Gregory Klimov's books, like God Chosen People, for "the rest of the story". He will tell you the whole story and the underlying mechanisms and principles in such a degree of detail and with so much evidence of facts and specific quotes from various "leaders" and "authorities" that your skull may crack.
Simple as that.
August 24, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Notice to readers, due to my annual holiday, the reports for August 17th, 24th and 31st will feature non-time sensitive material. Emergency news updates will only appear if necessary. Regular reporting will resume in September
In preparation for what is sure to be a busy autumn, now is a good time to review the world’s secret and public power structures and alliances. In order to provide value added to subscribers, this report will be based mainly on first-hand experience with various secret societies and public power structures.
My entry into the world of secret societies started after I publicly warned the Asians that SARS was a biological weapon targeted at them. A murder contract was taken out on me by the Neo-con Khazarian Bush administration because of this and my exposure of 911 truth and other journalistic activities.
The first secret group to contact me after this contract was taken out was sent by Henry Kissinger via former Japanese Finance Minister Heizo Takenaka. The envoy they sent, a self-described assassin, said he represented “the elders of Zion.” He told me (and I have this on tape) they needed to kill 90% of the world’s population through disease and starvation in order to “save the environment.”
His group offered me great wealth and the position of Finance Minister of Japan if I agreed to go along with their genocidal plans. This is the group I now refer to as the Khazarian mafia. Their ring-leaders now include the Bush/Clinton crime family, Sheldon Adelson, Benyamin Netanyahu, the Rockefellers and most of the American side of the Federal Reserve Board.
The second secret group to contact me was the Red and Blue, claiming to represent the Ming Dynasty and saying they had 6 million members (a lot more know) including “100,000 assassins.” They said their society could only be used for the greater good and not for personal benefit. I chose to join them in a battle against the Khazarians.
The third group to contact me was the US military industrial complex. They sent Paul Laine, a former member of the Pentagon’s psychic warfare unit. He also claimed to be with the CIA. Laine provided me with lots of esoteric information. He pointed out the US space program had been stopped dead in its tracks by some unknown force.
He also provided evidence this planet had been nearly destroyed before. This group agreed with the Red and Blue goal of preventing World War 3 because all the Pentagon war games showed that such a war would destroy 90% of humanity and leave the Northern Hemisphere of the planet unfit for human habitation.
The fourth group to contact me was “the family,” often referred to as the Rothschilds. This group is the European royal bloodlines and includes the Saxe Gotha family, the Rothschilds, the Hapsburgs and other European royal bloodlines. This is the group behind the so-called “global warming” campaign. This campaign, while based on fraud, was presented by them as a way of saving the environment without genocide.
Scottish rite Freemasonry reports ultimately to this group. Their representative Dr. Michael Van de Meer AKA Meiring referred to the people behind the planned genocide as the “Jews.” Further research revealed it was the non-Jewish leadership of the Jews, historically known as the Hyksos, who were the problem. Again, the Khazarian Mafia.
The fifth group to contact me was the Gnostic Illuminati. Their representative, self-described Illuminati Grandmaster Alexander Romanov (aka Richard Sorge, Sasha Zaric, Gordon Moore etc.), said this group was behind the Russian, French and American revolutions. They are opposed to bloodline rule. This group also warned me in advance of the planned 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan. Romanov claimed he has been recruited by former chess champion Bobby Fischer. It was Romanov who first mentioned Isis long before it appeared in the news.
The sixth group to make contact was the P2 Freemason lodge who sent Leo Zagami to visit me in Japan. This group claims to control the Vatican and the Mafia and is ruled by the descendants of the Roman Caesars. When I visited the P2 Lodge in Italy I was introduced to generals, journalists, politicians etc.
The highest ranking P2 member I met was Vincenzo Mazzara, a Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights. This group worships the Black Sun and claim they were behind communism and other big political movements. They displayed their power by removing Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Pope Benedict (maledict) XVI from office.
The seventh group I ran into was the Dragon family. I was inducted into this group after meeting their representative in Singapore. The Rothschild representative said that “if you want to talk to China, this is a high as it goes,” when they arranged the introduction. This group claims to be composed of various Asian royal bloodlines and also claims ET backers. They have legitimate historical claims to most of the world’s gold.
The eighth group that approached me was the Black Dragon Society. Also several groups claim this title, at present Chodoin Daikaku, head of the world’s Japanese martial arts societies (Karate, Ninjutsu, Aikido etc.) with over 50 million practicioners around the world, seems to represent them best.
A ninth powerful group that made contact was the Chinese communist party youth league or the meritocratic part of the Chinese government. Their agent in Japan, a Mr. K, is the main conduit I have for information from the Chinese government.
There are many other groups that also made contact including:
Etc. etc.
When the Red and Blue asked me to find benevolent Western secret societies, the above are some of what I encountered. An informal network containing members of all the above groups has now been formed and is called the White Dragon Society.
Like the Red and Blue, the WDS can only be used for the greater good and not for personal benefit. So far the WDS and its allies have stopped all Khazarian attempts at igniting World War 3, creating pandemics and causing widespread starvation. In other words, we have save the world from destruction.
However, there is still a lot to be done. For one thing, contacting all these groups made it clear there is no single secret or for that matter public government ruling the world. Instead we have certain secret groups linked to certain power centers like the Vatican, the British Empire, the EU, the UN, the US military industrial complex, Wall Street, China, Swiss Banking etc.
While many people rightly fear the creation of a fascistic New World Order world government, just like in any village, there are certain bare minimum rules of cooperation that are needed. Right now world power is such that lawless murdering, looting gangsters can run rampant in places like the Ukraine or the Middle East without suffering any consequences.
We all breathe the same air, drink the same water and wish for the safety and well-being of ourselves and our families. There are also issues, like overfishing, deforestation and war, the current international political and economic architecture has not been able to solve. We need to have a minimum level of cooperation at an international level in order to solve problems of this sort.
Furthermore, because of the anarchy in the international system, this planet has no coherent goals or plans for the future. Instead we have a mish-mash of goals and agendas. The old elite are also partly right about the mass of “useless eaters,” or idle people who while away their lives without making any real contributions to the planet. They need to be given something worthwhile and fulfilling to do. What if we all had a few minimum shared goals we agreed to work towards?
For example, a lot of people would agree we should try to turn this planet into a paradise for all living creatures. Many want to explore the universe. Others wish for immortality. All these things can be made real if we work together to make it so.
The people who run the current international system are planning to announce all sorts of reforms this autumn. While their intentions are good, it is likely to be too little, too late.
Next week, in the final issue of our summer series, we will show in detail how dysfunctional the current international political and economic system really is. This should provide the impetus for an autumn campaign to completely reboot the way we run this planet. The non-criminal people at the top of the current system have nothing to fear because we do not wish to destroy anything old, we want to build something new.
Initially, we hesitated to comment on this report because some things are pretty complex and subtle and may even baffle some people as a result of their unfamiliarity with the issues involved. Secondly, it might look to some as too harsh of a treatment of Benya.
But, at the same time, NOT to comment on it would be even worse of an alternative because of some key issues that simply have to be addressed. So, if this comment helps some people to see some key issues that would be all we can even hope for. If not, well, like they say "at least we tried".
So, let us look at some key issues of profound significance.
Note: it would not hurt if Benya, or anyone for that matter, looked at the work of Osho, who had covered the issues we are going to discuss here in about 300 of his books. That will certainly help to understand some things here. He covers the issues to such an extent and with such detail, that we can not possibly even approach that level in this article.
Osho Books Collection
First of all, the claim of "we have save the world from destruction" is such a profound self-boasting arrogance that it borders on pure lunacy or "mental department level". Here's what Benya says:
"So far the WDS and its allies have stopped all Khazarian attempts at igniting World War 3, creating pandemics and causing widespread starvation. In other words, we have save the world from destruction".
First of all, to make such grand claims one must be simply a blind fool who is utterly unable to distinguish the reality and the scope of the Infinite Multidimensional Intelligence from utter degenerate idiocy.
Because even Jesus Christ was not able "to save the world", nor such great names as Buddha, Lao Tsu, Socrates and quite a few others. Simply because no one is capable of such a thing, simply because it can not be done. The world can not be "saved" until the very consciousness and awareness grow to the necessary level of maturity.
It has been said that all the previous attempts to "save the world" in other galactic systems have failed, simply because the Beings have not changed and ended up in the same pit they used to be before "saving", if not even bigger one. And that is precisely why this time around the events are allowed to run their natural course to the point of ultimate fruition. Yes, the time to draw "the bottom line" is upon us and external assistance is available and all the necessary processes have been activated indeed.
Because the whole experiment with the "negative approach to stimulate the Intelligence", as described, for example, by the members of the "group soul, or ruling family Lucifer" have failed, or, to say the least, have run its course to a logical conclusion, and humanity has come to the point of no return. Any further moves in this direction are bound to end up with utmost enslavement of mankind and annihilation of vast majority of it, which can not be allowed under ANY circumstances.
Window of Opportunity
(Revelations of the Insider - 3)
Secondly, it isn't even clear what does it mean "saving the world". What have these individuals done specifically in terms of "saving the world"? Are there any specific actions or events they have staged or activated that can be proven, or even shown to be those events that indeed "saved the world"?
In other words, how can any of these grand claims be verified by "mere mortals" and what is the very purpose behind making them? Is this some kind of a show in some theater of absurd? A performance act of some kind? Do we have to bow down to Benya as a result? Or to praise him like a lord of some kind?
This may be looked at from several different angles. In basic terms, the very idea of "saving the world" is essentially nothing more than insanity, a psychiatric syndrome or utter arrogance of a man that lost the perspective of what one is in relation to Intelligence and Life, as such, and in the most profound terms.
One needs to understand the mechanics of ego to even begin to comprehend what we are dealing with here. Without understanding the nature of ego and its vital necessity to amplify ones own significance it will be virtually impossible to even begin to comprehend the significance of the very notion of "saving the world".
So, we can look at it from the standpoint of psychiatry or degeneracy or from the spiritual angle.
The psychiatry and degeneracy go hand-in-hand and they, pretty much inevitably, lead to megalomania, which, in turn, is rooted in the most basic inferiority complex and denial of one's own validity, as inconceivable as it may sound. Basically, it is rooted in one's own inability to place oneself in the proper perspective in terms of the Infinite Intelligence, which is the very root and essence of it all and Life as such.
Interestingly enough, violence, destruction and warlike mentality are inherent in degeneracy and perversions of all kinds. This is a huge subject, so huge that is is virtually impossible to attempt to cover it not only in a single chapter, but even a book might not suffice to address all its aspects.
On a fundamental level, degeneracy and megalomania start with denial. Denial of one's own validity, as strange as it may sound. What it means is that it is never enough for the individual to merely accept things as they are and accept oneself as one is, and not "should" be. For a megalomaniac and degenerate nothing is ever "enough". He needs more and more and more. Except he does not even know more of WHAT?
And there comes the ancient mind programming. From the earliest childhood, the parents, teachers and "authorities" of all kinds constantly drill into the minds of children that they are not as "good" as they "ought" to be. Children, from the cradle, are constantly programmed with the idea that they are "imperfect", they need to constantly struggle to "improve" themselves. In religions it goes even further and sicker as people are constantly zombified with the ideas that they are born as "sinners", in fact, they are BORN "out of sin", and on and on and on.
As a human Being grows, eventually it becomes totally programmed with these quite sick ideas of constant and eternal need for a struggle with "imperfections", "concurring" everything and eventually oneself. This warring and animosity mentality gets deeply rooted in ones mind. By the time one is 15 years old, one is already programmed with all sorts of violence and ideas of never ending struggle.
But one is never taught that he is "enough onto himself". He is as "good" as he can be, simply because of the fact that if he could be "better", wouldn't he?
Basically, every individual has its own interests, different from others and his degree of readiness to see things. If one is not READY to see certain things, he won't even look at them, even if you place them right under his nose. Because he is interested in other things, regardless of how "important" or significant they seem to others. And so, there is a certain focus, interest and appeal for certain things in each individual. Or, he might not have grown enough to be either interested or even able to see some things and aspects.
The existence is uniquely "tailored" to facilitate growth of every individual. Furthermore, there are some initial commitments each individual expressed some interest in investigating in a given life timespan. One can not possibly learn everything, even if one is a genius. No matter what, there will be some biases and abilities and talent to see some things while being utterly unable and not even interested to see all sorts of other things and aspects.
So, one inevitably becomes profoundly corrupted at the very core with totally artificial ideas of "imperfections", and one begins to struggle, and, eventually, this struggle is with oneself and so is the concurring. And not many people even ask a simple question: what for?
And all this violence is carefully wrapped into a wrapper of "improving" oneself and becoming "better" than one is.
And this is precisely how perversions start. Because it is never enough. It is insatiable desire for more and more and more. So, one gets sick in his very Soul.
So, the spiritual growth often starts when one notices that somehow, no matter what one does or "achieves" it never seems to be enough. Those individuals who have tried many different things in their lives, pretty much inevitably notice that with every new "project" or "goal" they set for themselves it initially brings some satisfaction, if one "achieves" something, and then inevitably brings a certain frustration and even a certain sense of futility. Before one started something, it looks like the most desirable thing in his entire life, but once its fruit has been "achieved", it does not seem to be as tasty and as significant as it looked initially.
But one rarely suspects that the very root of the "problem" lays in a simple fact that one is simply confused and operates within utterly artificial and even unnatural "system of values", that are mostly illusions of all kinds, the APPEARANCES of something. That is precisely why the very first sutra of Raja Yoga Patanjali states:
Identification with Prakriti creates misery.
Prakriti means nature, all tangible that surrounds you, the physical world of appearances.
So, once you are IDENTIFIED with it and take it as something ultimately "real", you are bound to suffer. It is pretty much inevitable. Simply because you take something "unreal", the world of APPEARANCES, for the "real".
One does not even realize that this seemingly tangible world of physical is nothing but illusion. Yes, it is as "real", as it might look. You can touch it and you can even break it or "concur" it. But, for some strange reason, "at the end", you pretty much inevitably get the frustration. No matter what you do and no matter what you "achieve", somehow, for some unknown reason, it eventually looses its initial luster and you are back at exactly the same point where you have started. Yes, indeed, you experience is enlarged and you are no longer the same "fool", as you used to be before you have started. Because you LEARN something from it.
If one is "lucky", one may get some hints from somewhere "out there", something that "knocked at ones door" and one begings to ask the "real" questions of a kind "but what is at the ROOT of all this", "what is the essence of those appearances and illusions of all kinds" that I seem to bump into again and again, but something does not quite "click"?
But what does it have to do with Benya, one might ask. Well, everything. Because what we see with Benya and all his most arrogant self-boasting and all his delusions of grandeur, such as "we have saved the world" are nothing more than the inevitable outcomes of the most profound "blindness" in terms of spiritual aspects.
With all his grand talks about "saving the world" he is merely looking for external validation of his own validity, as sorry, as it may sound. And that is precisely why one has this non-ending thirst to constantly magnify things and even ones own significance "in the scheme of things". But FOR WHAT?
Well, just "TO PROVE" something to the entire world, and, ultimately, to oneself, and amplify ones own significance. Because if one is satisfied with oneself and accepts oneself as something valid then one looses that need to "prove" something. First of all, even if you manage to "prove" it to others, what does it change as far as the "real" YOU is concerned? You are still the same man as you were. Whether others bow down to you, as though you were someone "great", does it make you any different than what you "really" are, in the depths of your Being?
Even if the entire world sings praises to you, do you somehow, magically, become more VALID? And even if the whole world condemns you, does it somehow diminishes the essence of who you are? Because deep inside you KNOW "who you really are" and what is your "problems" or "achievements" that "stick" and remain with you without changing. No one in the entire world knows you better than you know your own Self. You don't become "richer" spiritually, or more "smart" even if the whole world sings praises to you. And you don't become smaller or worse than you are, even if the whole world condemns you. It does not matter at all.
ALL that "remains" at the end is you and your degree and ability to SEE, and your joy and desire to BE and to continue your experiment with Life Force and that Infinite Intelligence, ALL-permeating and ALL-inclusive. And you ARE a part of that Intelligence, even though it might look so minuscule, so small, that one is simply humbled to even begin to compare the scale.
Basically, the spiritual growth comes to its fruition when you ACCEPT and RECOGNIZE yourself as something ultimately valid and even "grand". Because the very Life is Grand. No matter how many of "imperfections" are there, you still get from Life precisely that, which stimulates your growth and comprehension of a grander scale of who do you think you are and what is Life is "all about".
And then comes the REAL Joy, the real appreciation, the real peace and silence in your forever busy mind, calculating everything every moment of your Life. And it comes in form of acceptance of yourself and Life as such, and appreciation of all the experiences and experiments available to you, given as a birth right.
Once you recognize that Life is Grand and it is an eternal Joy of discovery, then arises the desire TO BE in order to continue your experiments.
And only then you can recognize the real beauty, the real Intelligence, all-permeating and forever expanding.
And then there is no need to magnify your grandness, forever begging for external approval of who you really are, regardless of how sincere and honest it is. Because you KNOW "who you really are", even if you can not quite express it to others.
The thing is: You ARE!!! This is undeniable fact, beyond any argumentation.
And, even merely logically, it follows that there simply MUST be some purpose for you to be, unless you are totally lost in the purely materialistic delusion of comparing the tangible things that are not even comparable, at least once you recognize the multidimensionality of Life itself.
You ARE!!! "Wake up", and recognize that every single cell in your body, and every single thought in your mind PRECISELY and eternally corresponds to your needs, understanding and your ability to SEE, to see in order to progress further, in order to continue your way, to enlarge the scope of what you THINK you are.
And then the very idea of "saving the world" becomes simply laughable. Because it is really ridiculous and bizarre to the point of insanity.
Secondly, there are forces working quietly, behind the scenes, on precisely this issue, and those forces are such that it is doubtful that this great Benya can even begin to comprehend the magnitude and scale of it, at least in the light of his grand claims, most of which is arrogant, self-boasting bluff, "a tale, told by the idiot, full of fury, signifying nothing". Simple as that.
Who are you, but a little speck, "in the scheme of things", to even begin to comprehend what is the World, where is it heading and what awaits it in some "future".
Just appreciate all grandness of the Infinite Intelligence, the undeniable part of which YOU are.
Yes, do ALL you can to "improve things". But the most important and even critical part of that "improvement" is precisely YOU and your ABILITY TO SEE. As once you see, you come to a certain point of relaxation within yourself, a certain degree of appreciation and wonder and delight.
Yes, battle all you want with all the "evils" you see around or within. Yes, "improve" everything you see to be "imperfect", or, more precisely, a DISTORTION.
Because that is precisely how the Infinite Intelligence has a chance to grow, to enlarge its scope, to forever seek new ways and paths. Else it would all come to a complete halt, which is simply impossible and utterly inconceivable.
So, the question arises, as far as Benya goes, what does it matter if all those "great families" contacted him? What kind of significance does it have for all others? What does it really change or even tell them as to what is REALLY happening with them and their own Lives?
You can say: look I am "great", in fact "the greatest thing that ever was or is". But what does it change for all those who you are trying to address? What changed in THEIR life if you are "great" or the greatest conman there ever was, beyond their realization that they were such profound fools to even think that Benya is not just the same fool they themselves are, only of a different shape or color, with his own twists and turns, that, nevertheless, are not that different than their own?
And, most importantly, where are the very roots in this never-ending desire to pump your chest and blow up your cheeks like a balloon?
Do you, by ANY humble chance, become MORE "valid" than what you KNOW yourself to be?
Oh, look everyone, here is the picture of me with no one less than one of the biggest servants of evil, David Rockefeller! Am I not "great"? Just look at me and my plastic smile of a fool in a presence of the "wizard of Ozz", David Rockefeller himself!!!
Naturally, the question arises: is it a madhouse of some kind? Are we seeing but some puppet, most obediently licking the rear end of some "authority" of world caliber?
In one sentence we are seeing that Rockefellers are some of the most vicious servants of evil, and in the next sentence we see a picture of Beyna licking his rear end.
And that is how it looks like to us. A mental department level and self-boasting arrogance and narcissism and of the worst kind one can even hope to find. And for what? What is the "end goal" here? - "To save the world"? From WHAT and WHOM and HOW, if you are confused in the most profound ways as to what is what and who is who and, probably most importantly, WHY?
How can self-boasting and utterly blind fools possibly even comprehend what does it mean "to save the world" when with every single post of theirs and in nearly every single sentence they say, we can see this delusion of grandness and constant pumping of horrors of all kinds, sucked out of ones own finger in most cases?
Is that how you "fight the evils" of this world?
August 20, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The recent blast in Tianjin China is linked to the ongoing cyber-war inolving the financial and intelligence communities of the world. The blast produced an electro-magnetic pulse that was directed at disabling the Tianhe
one of the world’s most powerful super-computers, according to Pentagon sources. The attack was timed to coincide with the recent devaluation of the yuan, indicating that financial warfare linked to derivatives holdings at the large Western banks was a likely motive.
Clearly the attack was also linked to ongoing negotiations between East and West over the future of the global political, economic and financial infrastructure. Pope Francis is trying to place himself as a peace-maker and intermediary in this ongoing power struggle/negotiation between East and West, according to P2 freemason sources.
The real power struggle, of course, is still inside the US and, by proxy, in the Middle East, not in China. “I believe this nation is at an important inflexion point, specifically regarding national security,” retiring Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno said on August 12th. This is code for a move against the Khazarian mafia, according to Pentagon sources.
As a part of this ongoing power struggle top US based Mossad agent Rahm Emmanuel “under pressure”, broke ranks with Benyamin Netanyahu to support the Iran nuclear deal, the sources say. “Emmanuel will probably be arrested anyway,” they added.
In Canada too, police are systematically exposing corruption inside the Stephen Harper government as Canada heads into an October 19th general election. The police investigations have dragged down the Zionist Bush slave Harper’s numbers and so his days in power may finally be about to end.
In the Middle East pressure is being ratcheted up on Turkey because of their support for ISIS and the rogue Netanyahu government in Israel. Russia has threatened to cancel their planned Turk stream pipeline as a part of this pressure. The US military, meanwhile have neutralized Turkey’s patriot missile defenses and told the Turkish military brass they either had to stop supporting ISIS or else be kicked out of Nato.
China is being asked to not provide Turkey with substitute air defenses, the sources say. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan’s son Bilal ships ISIS oil while his daughter Sumeyye runs a hospital that treats ISIS fighters, the Pentagon sources say. For this reason “they are high value targets,” the sources say.
They are not the only “high value targets,” out there, multiple sources agree. If we all push, especially inside the military and the agencies, Khazarian mob rule can be ended for good this autumn. In fact September 11th this year might be a good date to demand that the US and Israel based perpetrators of this attack, including the Bush family and Netanyahu, be finally arrested.
This writer will now resume his holidays and will be offline and not-connected to the web. If necessary, another emergency update will appear next week in addition to the pre-written text due on Monday.
August 18, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Notice to readers, due to my annual holiday, the reports for August 17th, 24th and 31st will feature non-time sensitive material. Regular reporting will resume in September
Once again the autumn season is expected to bring turbulence and power struggles to a new intensity as the September 30th accounting deadline looms. The question for the cabal is what sort of horse trading, threats and compromises will be made by the cabal in order to kick the can down the road and keep their fraudulent power structure intact. The question for the rest of us is how can we finally put a permanent end to their nightmarish debt slavery regime.
In order to prepare for the autumn campaign it will be useful to review the battle so far in order to identify what needs to be done next.
The best place to start is to look back at the events of September 11th, 2001 and start there. What we saw there was a fascist coup d’etat against US democracy that was carried out by the same group that lost World War 2 and plotted revenge ever since that time.
Information from Western and Asian secret government sources have revealed that the families owning the Federal Reserve Board, in particular its New York Branch, were bankrupt. They owed gold to mostly Asian royal families and had been ordered to start returning in on September 12th, 2001. Instead they decided to declare war against the rest of the planet.
There was clearly a German and a Nazi aspect to the events of 911. The key people in charge at the time in the West were all Nazi affiliated including US President George Bush Jr., US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, Pope Benedict (Ratzinger) XVI, etc.
The 911 attack was followed immediately by the passage of the Patriot act, which is practically identical to the Nazi German constitution and therefore marked the beginning of the Nazi 4th Reich. Politicians, media figures and others who did not go along with the fascist take over were either killed or intimidated into silence.
Donald Rumsfeld said on September 10th, 2001 that 2.3 trillion of dollars of US Pentagon money had “vanished.” Whistleblowers like former top Nazi Michael Meiring (later Van de Meer) explained the money was used to set up a parallel military or American version of the German SS. This new army was either part of the Nazi created Department of Homeland Security or else disguised as private military contractors.
The massive secret and public US military build-up was followed by the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan on false pretenses. These invasions were part of a plan to overthrow at least 7 nations in the region in order to set up an empire controlled by the Khazarian Mafia.
At the same time as the military invasion of the Middle East was going on, Nazis working for the Bush regime began spreading genetically engineered bio-weapons. These included SARS (ethno-specific to Asians), Bird Flu, MERS and Ebola and were part of a plan to wipe out 90% of the world’s population in order to “save the environment.”
There were a lot of us who simply could not believe this was really happening to the West and it took a long time for many of us to wake up.
The opposition in the West originated with a faction in the ruling cabal that the environment could be saved without killing 90% of the world’s people. Their solution was a global environmental tax based on the scientific fraud of carbon based global warming. They lost the year 2000 election but kept pushing their agenda anyway. Some carbon trading markets were set up but they turned out to be nests for fraud and were shut down.
The real opposition to the Nazi coup d’etat in the US came not from the West but from the rest of the world, especially Asia.
This writer was inducted into the Red and Green, an ancient world-wide secret society in 2006. My advice was for them to immediately stop financing the US government until it stopped its wars of invasion and its theft of natural resources. The Asians agreed to do just that and the wholesale dumping of US Treasuries began shortly after that.
The Japanese leadership was eventually murdered and bullied into financing the US government but the Chinese were less easy to bully.
The result was the Western cabal switched tactics and started a major campaign to suck up to China. The Chinese were told they were going to rule the world. The Bush/Clinton Nazi mafia began selling all of the oil stolen from Iraq to China. The money was used to buy influence in the Chinese government.
George Bush Sr.’s brother Prescott Bush had a trading company in China that curried favor with the communist Chinese by selling them US military secrets. For example, according to officials at the US Defense Intelligence Agency it was the Bush mafia that provided the Chinese with the technology to allow their intercontinental ballistic missiles to accurately hit targets inside the United States. The presence of a drunk and stoned George Bush Jr. getting VIP treatment at the 2008 Beijing Olympics was visible proof of the Bush pull inside China.
The Khazarian cabal, and not just the Bush Nazi faction, poured investment into China as well. The result of all this was the spectacular rise of China from third world to super-power status in just a few short years.
The Chinese were also promised that everything would change in 2008. In fact, there was a lot of change. The Lehman shock was part of that because it cut off the ability of certain US factions to print dollars in order to buy stuff from the rest of the world. The result was a short/sharp drop in US imports.
The Federal Reserve Board and its United States of America Corporation subsidiary staved off bankruptcy that year by promising to put in communist Barack Obama as president. The result was continued financing for the US cabal government. As event proved Obama’s policies were practically identical to those of the Bush faction but the overall cabal managed to buy time.
Meanwhile Tony Blair and George Bush Jr. immediately went for private meeting with Pope Benedict (Maledict) XVI and converted to Catholicism. In other words, they went to the P2 don to ask for protection.
However, Western groups sick and tired of the Nazi antics began a counter-offensive. Pope Maledict was forced to resign, something that has not happened to a pope for 600 years. Furthermore, a European Monarchs from Holland, Spain and Belgium were also forced to abdicate their thrones.
The Catholic church began to reform itself, taking over management of the Vatican bank and firing thousands of pedophile priests. High powered pedophile networks in the UK were also systematically exposed and continue to be exposed.
Perhaps the biggest change of all though was the agreement of the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and Luxembourg to abandon the Federal Reserve Board faction in the US and agree to join China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. This marked a fundamental split in the top ranks of the Western power cabal.
Clearly though, the war is not yet won and many battles remain to be fought. The biggest problem remains the United States which remains in the control of vicious Khazarian gangsters headed by the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller clans. To this day 8 out of 10 Americans is, and will remain for a lifetime, a debt slave controlled by this mafia regime.
The never ending election farce in the US is now completely controlled by big money with no regard to the interests of the average American. That is why known murderers like Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush appear day after day in the controlled propaganda media as if they were popular choices of the people.
The US military and intelligence community remains the main hope for liberating the heart of world darkness that is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation and its slave populace. So far though, they have limited themselves to curtailing Israeli aggression in the Middle East and saber rattling against China.
They have not done anything about the greatest enemy they face and that is the Khazarian oligarchs who control US politics, finance and media. Rank and file military and agency people need to keep applying pressure on the joints chiefs of staff until they nationalize the Federal Reserve Board and take away the Khazarians’ source of power that is the debt note (so-called “US dollar”) money printing press.
Japan too, is a slave colony of the Khazarians run by a puppet government put in place through fraudulent elections. In Japan the Khazarian rulers are Richard Armitage, Michael Green and their bosses Benyamin Netanyahu and the Bush/Clinton clan. They will not be in charge much longer. However, the Japanese military/intelligence establishment wants to coordinate with their US counter-parts to ensure that Japan and the United States are both liberated simultaneously.
In military terms, we are dealing with only a few dozen highly placed individuals who can be easily subdued. Their mercenary body guards can be honestly convinced to stand down.
We do not know what are the Benya's motivations when he continuously places the accent on Bushes, Clintons, Rumsfelds and their likes, as though they were the real criminals, but what he says may create a wrong impression overall as to "big picture".
In our view, you can do whatever you like with all the Bushes, "Teflon Willies" (Clintons), Armitages and all the other puppets, and can even "shoot them in batches", and it will change absolutely nothing.
Because all of them are nothing more than obedient puppets, to do the "dirty work" for real players and puppet masters, such as the most powerful banking empire of Baruchs, "which closes the entire financial pyramid" in accordance with one of the leading researchers in the the world on the "Chabad mafia", Eduard Hodos, and a journalist who had personal contacts with the puppeteers, Valery Gerasimov, accredited to the United Nations, as well as the Rothschilds and a few other "God chosen people" at this level.
And that is precisely them who are the puppet masters, forever remaining in the shadow and are standing behind the curtains, pulling the strings of their obedient puppets, such as Bushes and the like. How many people, if any at all, have even heard such a name as Baruch? And, if not, then why?
And until it becomes possible to "take care" of these puppeteers, you might as well shout doodle, hoping that it will change anything.
The banking empire of Baruchs alone has an estimated worth of 500 TRILLION dollars, if you can even imagine such a figure and what does it mean. The size of the Rothschild's empire is also on the compatible level. And both of them are "God chosen people", more "chosen" you won't find. Above them stands only "the ruling dynasty of this planet", or "group consciousness," or "social memory complex" known as Lucifer, and the "Orion Group", if it is something that tells you anything. And "that is all there is to it".
And who are these complete morons and retarded and senile Bushes or "Teflon Willy" (Clinton) compared to them, obediently reading their scripts, slipped to them by their puppet masters, or their equivalent, Tony Blair with a plastic smile, or even this ZioNazi lunatic and "complete degenerate", known as "ferocious dog" Benya Netanyahu?
"Chabad and Baruch & Co. are actually a single structure of the global superpower".
(Eduard Hodos - "At the edge of the grave")
Хабад и «Барух и Ко» являются фактически единой структурой глобальной сверхвласти
Эдуард Ходос - У КРАЯ МОГИЛЫ
(Валерий Герасимов)
We are not going to go into details and attempt to decipher what it all means, but only wish to point out that the version of Benya will lead you into a dark forest, "looking for the shadows in the valleys of darkness". The rest you'll have to dig out by yourselves, and good luck with that.
Regarding the events of 911, the proof that the whole scheme was developed and worked out in detail by "the banking mafia" can be found, for example, in an interview with Aaron Russo, in which he spoke about his many friendly meetings and discussions with Nicholas Rockefeller. Rockefeller told him about the "event", which will occur in the near future as a result of which there will be invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, and everyone will be looking for "terrorists" in the caves, while no real "enemy" exists there, because who will they be looking for in the caves? After all, no opposing army exists outside of various factions.
Another interesting fact is that Rockefeller told all this 9 months BEFORE the events of 911. A testimony of Russo is the living proof that it is not Bushes and Clintons who are real organizers of all these satanic orgies. They are nothing more than puppets. But the real puppeteers are the ZioNazi satanists and "banking mafia".
Aaron Russo: Reflections and Warnings - Full Transcript
(Discussions with Nicholas Rockefeller about "terrorists" about the NWO agenda and things of that nature)
August 12, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
JP Morgan and other Western mega-banks have already begun stealing depositors’ money, according to sources at the Asian Development Bank and an American millionaire who reported his own funds were stolen. The development bank source said a man who had $4 million on deposit with JP Morgan contacted him to say the bank had refused to allow him to withdraw his money. Instead the man was offered a “365 day bank guarantee.”
In other words, the bank would not give him his money but offered to tell other banks that he had money. Many of the largest Western banks are now keeping themselves from going bankrupt by offering “guarantees” to each other, the source said. The American millionaire, based in Washington State, said more than $100 million of his money had also been stolen outright.
A Japanese financier also told this writer that Citibank had stolen more than $10 million of his money he deposited at their branch in Tokyo. A Japanese female acquaintance said she had too had $50,000 stolen from her account at the branch of an American owned bank in Tokyo. The banks were not available for comment at the time of this writing but it is clear from this anecdotal and also from public evidence (like derivatives holdings and market manipulation) that most Western mega-banks are no longer functioning properly.
The US military and agencies are on the case and criminal investigations are ongoing, according to Pentagon sources.
However, the Pentagon sources say the Pentagon has been unable to bankrupt the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation and restore the Republic of the United States of America because of objections from the Chinese. The Chinese are saying that if the Federal Reserve Board Washington DC subsidiary declared bankruptcy, all of their over $3 trillion in hard earned US dollars would become worthless.
If that was the case the Chinese would stop supporting the internationally traded US dollar and thus stop subsidizing all US military activities outside of the continental United States.
What all this means is that some sort of transition will have to be, and is being, aranged.
In the meantime, pressure from the military rank and files, especially from the Colonels, means that the leadership of US Joint Chiefs of Staff will be completely overhauled at the end of September. The incoming leadership group is ready to take serious action and start a major round up of Khazarian gangsters in Washington DC, New York and elsewhere. The Israeli Military and Intelligence community is preparing to take similar action in Israel, according to Mossad sources.
Also, although the arrests promised for August 8th did not take place in the dramatic and sweeping manner demanded by the rank and file military, there has been a lot of progress made. The Pentagon promises “the guns of August” will produce results.
For example, “after months of pressure” from the agencies and the Pentagon, the Justice Department and FBI have started a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton. Despite a misleading headline, this has even been reported in the Khazarian mob controlled Washington Post.
That is why suddenly there is talk of Vice-President Joe Biden running for President, according to Pentagon sources.
The US Military, the Drug Enforcement Agency and the FBI are also hunting for the fugitive Mexican drug lord “El Chapo” because they want to use his testimony to take down the Bush drug mob. It is now a sure bet that most of the Bush family is going to jail.
The US government is expected to be shut down after September due to a lack of funding. This will be used as an opportunity to clean out more of the garbage in Washington DC, according to the Pentagon sources. For example, the Department of Homeland Security will probably be dismantled although its essential functions (like the Coast guard) will continue.
Any government agencies or officials found to be obstructing the ongoing investigations of the Khazarian mob will also be removed from power, the sources continue.
The revelations of baby parts being sold by Planned Parenthood is part of the offensive against the Eugenics supporting, Nazi faction of the Khazarian mob. That offensive will lead to new revelations in September and October, the sources promise.
The Khazarian mob is also coming under heavy fire in the US and Israel for its big push inside the US to promote a war with Iran. US acting-President Barack Obama was told to read the riot act to the AIPAC lobby in the US. He did so in a meeting with two of their leaders and, the following day, he read a speech given to him by the Pentagon.
There he said “As President of the United States, it would be an abrogation of my constitutional duty”, to obey Israel and attack Iran. He also said “Israel would bear the brunt of a US military strike on Iran”. What this meant, according to a Pentagon source, is that “Israel would be defenseless and friendless and without help from the Department of Defense.”
This is one of the reasons why the Israeli intelligence and military community is finally waking up to the fact they, and many of their countrymen, have been brainwashed by religious Zealots bent on starting World War 3. Israel is going to have to cleanse itself of Armageddon plotting religious Zionist fanatics if it wants to remain a viable entity.
Otherwise they will find themselves friendless and alone. Also, their so-called Samson option of threatening to take the world down with them has now been neutralized, according to White Dragon Society sources.
Heavy pressure is now being put on Turkey as well as Israel to end their ISIS campaign in Syria and Iraq. Russia’s Putin has threatened both countries with military action if they continue their ISIS mass murder campaign. The US military has quietly informed the Turks and Israelis they will not act to stop Russia if it takes on ISIS. That is why negotiations involving Russia, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, the US military etc. have taken on new urgency.
There has also been a lot going on with China in recent days. The Chinese economy has begun to grind to a halt. The massive steel and concrete construction boom is starting to produce un-needed roads and empty cities. This means China will now have to change its business model and that will mean it will have to take at least a step backwards before moving forwards again.
The Chinese are also starting to lose ground diplomatically. The Vietnamese are negotiating a free trade deal with the EU to offset excessive dependence on the Chinese economy. The Vietnamese are also considering buying the French Mistral ships whose sale to Russia has been cancelled.
The defection of Ling Wangchen, the brother of Ling Jihua, aide to former Chinese President Hu Jintao, has been a coup for the US intelligence community, according to the Pentagon sources. The US now has deep inside knowledge of the highest levels of power in the Chinese regime. This defection is the result of current President Xi Jinping’s crackdown on corruption and rivals. Xi has created many enemies and has, as a result, has experienced six assassination attempts, Chinese sources say.
The Russians are also now aligning themselves more with the WDS Western alliance to avoid leaving China holding all the cards of world power.
The Chinese regime, for its part, is now retrenching and trying to show a friendlier face. All construction in disputed areas of the South China Sea has been stopped. In addition, the Chinese are negotiating a visit by Pope Francis. Chinese secret society sources and Rothschild family sources are both saying there may be a Chinese move to adopt “Christianity with Chinese characteristics” as the official religion of China.
This would be done in harmony with Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and other Chinese traditional belief systems. The Chinese are also aiming for harmonious relations with the rest of the world.
August 4, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
An Iranian nuclear scientist called a White Dragon Society representative, as well as many government agencies, on the day of the July 31 blue moon to warn of an imminent Khazarian plot to attack multiple Iranian nuclear sites with nuclear armed hijacked civilian airplanes. The scientist said he had been warned a flight from Dubai to Tehran on a Boeing 777-300ER plane he was due to fly in on August 1st was one of the planes that was going to be used in the attack.
The warnings were taken seriously and heavy pressure was brought to bear on the Israeli military and intelligence establishment to prevent mad dog war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu and his fellow cabalists from carrying out such an attack. The so-called discovery of a Boeing 777 wing part in the Pacific Ocean last week was meant to be a diversion for this attack, according to Iranian and other sources.
The sudden appearance of possible “evidence” of Malaysian airlines flight 370 comes as fewer and fewer dupes around the world believe the official story that flight 370, which “vanished” in the Pacific Ocean and flight 17, which was shot down over the Ukraine, were separate airplanes. The perpetrators of this and other massive crimes continue to try to provoke a World War in order to prevent the backlash and mass arrests that will come once all their lies and crimes inevitably become fully exposed.
The latest alleged “attack Iran” plot came at a time that rumours of mass arrests of senior cabalists were once again flying over the internet. Sources at the CIA, the Asian Development Bank and the Federal Reserve Board all warned this writer of mass arrests, instigated by the Chinese, due to take place on August 8th.
The rumours were traced to the following article and related links:
While the Chinese like the number 8 and definitely did start the 2008 Beijing Olympics at 8:08 AM on August 8th, 2008/08/08:08 we have not been able to independently confirm any plans for arrests on that date.
In any case, the arrests need to be made mostly inside the US and Israel and would thus have to be done by the US military and police apparatus. Last I heard, the number 8 isn’t their cup of feng-shui (風水).
Nonetheless the speed with which this rumour (or intel) spread shows there is real frustration within the military and intelligence apparatus. Many of us wonder why known murderers and criminals like Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush appear day after day in the corporate media as if they were legitimate presidential candidates. Also, why is Netanyahu free? As one prominent British journalist blurted out at a press conference about the 311 tsunami and nuclear terror attack, “why hasn’t anyone been arrested?”
Well, as a matter of fact a Japanese government committee ruled last week that 3 executives of the Tokyo Electric Power Corporation face criminal charges related to the 311 mass murder attack. The WDS will do all in its power to ensure the trial of the Tokyo Electric Power executives leads to criminal charges being filed against more senior criminals like Benyamin Netanyahu, Tony Blair, J. Rockefeller and George Bush Jr.
There was also a big intelligence dump made against the British Royal family and other European Royal families last week by the Alquin and Flutterby site (believed to be linked to British Intelligence). The information can be seen at the following link under the headline “European bloodlines face end-time vortex of exposure.”
The article includes a quote from Illuminati Grandmaster Alexander Romanov where he stated “I have a message and this is to Queen Elizabeth directly: ‘Aunt Elizabeth, Isis is very upset, she wants her crown back.’”
The intelligence dump also contains what is purported to be a copy of an original memo ordering the murder of Princess Diana. It further includes copies of documents showing European bloodlines are capable of creating trillions of dollars out of thin air if they wish. There is also more evidence of European bloodline and Nazi links as well as detailed genealogical information about the British Royals.
This dump came around the time Bin Laden’s sister’s airplane crashed in the UK, killing her and other members of the Bin Laden family. US Naval Intelligence claims she was coming to England to testify at the Chilcot enquiry about the Iraq war and 911. One of the things that she was going to testify, the US Naval Intelligence site claims, was that a bank account linked to Queen Elizabeth was used to finance the attacks of 911.
A member of the Rothschild family once described this whatdoesitmean site as containing anywhere between 90% and 10% disinformation. He was nonetheless a faithful reader.
Tom Henegan, a site claiming to be linked to a joint US/French Intelligence task force, for its part, has issued a report linking the Queen’s cousin, the recently resigned King Juan Carlos of Spain, with the Bush family, 911 and the year 2000 stolen election. This site also claims Bin Laden’s sister was killed by MI5 to prevent Bin Laden’s sister from testifying.
It may be possible that the attacks on the British Royals come as the investigations into pedophilia networks in the UK power structure begin to hit serious nerves. UK police have just announced they will be investigating to see whether there was a cover-up of child sex allegations against former Prime Minister Edward Heath.
Heath signed over UK independence to the EU after he was blackmailed over having sex with a boy according to British MI5 intelligence. Exposing this would of course be fatal to the EU project. Perhaps this is one of the motives for the sudden attacks on the British Royals. Then again perhaps they were all part of it too. Time will tell.
In any case, this multi-faceted exposure of the British Royal family comes at a time that ISIS is under unprecedented attack. Remember that the so-called Muslim ISIS group appeared only after “Alexander Romanov” said “ISIS is angry.”
A Pentagon source told the WDS the US military has put “extreme pressure” on Turkey, while Russia put pressure on Israel, for both to stop supporting ISIS. The same source said Iran and Egypt had been given US nukes to “finish off ISIS.”
The same source said Saudi Arabia was going to be dismembered into three states, a Shia state around the oil producing regions, a holy Muslim state around Mecca and Medina and a rump Saudi state around Riyadh.
Russian rapprochement with the US military has also led to a purge of anti-Russian Khazarian influence in Poland, according to Pentagon sources. This is why Zionist billionaire Jan Kulczyk, anti-Russian ex foreign minister and ex Radoslaw Sikorksi and his neocon wife Anne Applebaum have been “booted out” of power, the sources said.
All of these power struggles and information leaks come as the world economic and financial system continues to grind down towards dysfunction. Last week, the US protectorate of Puerto Rico officially went bankrupt. Although efforts are being made to make this seem isolated from the US itself, Puerto Rico is just the canary in the coal mine for its owner, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation, which is also bankrupt.
The simultaneously plunging prices of oil, coal, copper, steel and other commodities show that China’s mighty economic engine is also grinding to a halt. China’s impressive growth spurt was powered mainly by construction and exports. With US and European markets withering and with construction reaching saturation levels (think of all those empty new cities), China is having to change gears.
The Chinese say they are going to shift to services, domestic demand and innovation but China is probably going to have to take one step backwards before it can start moving forward again. The stock market crash in China is not the cause of all this but rather a symptom. Another way of putting it is that the easy part for China, copying models that worked elsewhere, is over and now they will have to forge ahead into unknown economic territory. The upshot of all this is that China will be less willing and able to keep financing the US and Europe until it readjusts its own economy.
Speaking about Europe, let us not forget the Greek crisis is really not about Greece but also about Portugal, Italy, Spain, France and Germany. This crisis continues to fester away unsolved and unsolvable using the current economic paradigm.
As a writer I have learned that when an article is not going well, sometimes it is necessary to start again with a blank page. In this case, it means ending the Babylonian debt slavery paradigm that has ruled the West for the past 100 years. Now that more than 100 years have passed since the Federal Reserve Board was privatized, eight out of ten Americans is a debt slave.
Standards of living in the US have been falling since the 1960’s while in Japan they have been falling since the Khazarian economic model was imposed in the 1990’s. Europe is also in deep economic trouble.
There is talk of a jubilee (one time write off of debt and redistribution of assets) starting this autumn. It would be a good place to start. The gnostic illuminati, if they are serious about ending bloodline rule, need to push for the nationalization of central banks. The bloodline families, if they wish to avoid another French or Russian style bloody revolution, need to stand aside gracefully from financial control and perhaps be allowed to continue their role as ribbon cutters and fodder for gossip magazines.
In the meantime, just as happened with the fall of the Soviet Union, we are now being exposed to rare inside information at a blistering rate. We need to keep this information for reference before it vanishes.
July 27, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Last week a Russian White Dragon Society representative came to Japan to cement an alliance with other factions of the WDS around the world. As a part of this, the WDS authorized the release of this photograph:
The person pictured with this writer (in his capacity as WDS spokesperson) is Masaaki Hatsumi. Hatsumi runs the Bujinkan martial arts training school, which has trained over 250,000 special operations troops and has a network of 50 training centers worldwide.
His name is a household word among people involved in actual fighting and real martial arts worldwide. He trains FBI, British, US, Russian, Iranian and other Special Forces. Chinese sources say he is the only Japanese citizen who has free access to the top levels of the Chinese government. At the meeting, Hatsumi expressed support for WDS goals.
The alliance of the world’s top fighting forces has spelled doom for the Khazarian mafia and their rapidly shrinking coterie of slave politicians. In particular, the Pentagon has begun coordinating with the Russians against the Khazarian mafia and multiple politicians who have been bribed by the Khazarian mob.
Last week again, multiple developments around the world made it very clear the worldwide Khazarian mafia control grid continues to be dismantled. For example, the Pentagon issued a photograph of Defense Secretary Ashton Carter with top Khazarian mobster and war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu showing a clearly distraught and angry Netanyahu.
As we wrote last week, he was read the riot act. He was told Israel’s “Iron Dome” anti-missile defenses had been rendered useless and Israel was defenseless. Netanyahu was forced to hand over 16 Cobra helicopters to Jordan and pay big money to buy accident prone Ospreys from the Americans.
After Carter left, Israel’s military and intelligence establishment made public moves to distance themselves from the criminal Netanyahu.
The Carter visit was followed by a heavy duty assault against Israel’s proxy ISIS forces in the Middle East. The Saudis arrested 431 Khazarian ISIS agents while the Turks arrested 251. This was followed by US bombers flying out of Turkey to attack ISIS forces in Syria while avoiding attacks on Syrian government troops.
In the Ukraine, meanwhile, the Russians have accumulated over 2500 pages of war crimes evidence against the Khazarian Nazi Ukrainian regime. The Pentagon is helping dismantle the Nazi network in the Ukraine in exchange for Russian help in the Middle East and Iran. That is why there were reports of military attacks against the Nazi army in the Ukraine last week.
Needless to say, States Department Nazi Victoria Nuland and here Khazarian bosses are in deep trouble and will be headed for jail as a result of their criminal actions in the Ukraine.
There were also new moves against the Khazarian mafia in the United States. The ongoing efforts to force Hitlery Clinton to face criminal charges of “using a private computer for secret government work” are just a cover for more serious charges like mass murder. The outing of John McCain as a traitor and not a war hero is another part of this campaign against Khazarian mafia henchmen in Washington DC.
The recent Congressional move to take citizenship away from Americans who support terrorism was passed at Pentagon request and is aimed mainly at Israeli/US double citizens engaged in troublemaking, a Pentagon source says.
Also, increasing pressure is being put on house slave acting president Barack Obama to not only release hidden information about 911 and 311 but also to release information about Malaysian air flight 17. Release of information about the shooting down of flight 17 will implicate Israel, Jeb Bush and Obama himself, multiple agency sources concur.
The revelations about the eugenics and population control Bush/Rockefeller front, Planned Parenthood, selling organs of aborted fetuses was another aspect of the attack against the Khazarian Satanic network. There will be more revelations about missing children and other evil acts in the US coming out as multiple investigations close in on all sides against the Khazarians, according to Vatican P2 sources.
Moves to dismantle Khazarian mafia control of the major media companies are also underway. The Rothschild’s sold off their stake in the Financial Times Newspaper to the Japanese Nikkei group as a way of cashing out before having their media control confiscated by anti-trust action, according to MI5 sources. The Nikkei group is employee owned and promise the FT will have editorial independence. Having worked for the Nikkei in the past, I can say they are editorially timid and not very international minded but, they will probably keep their word about FT editorial independence.
Another move against Khazarian media control was the blocking of efforts by the Comcast Corporation to take over Time Warner Cable. Time Warner will be taken over by a group not affiliated with the Khazarian mafia. The EU has further acted by filing an anti-trust action against 6 major Hollywood studios. The Chinese have also moved in on Hollywood and have already made major changes to the content of the movies produced there.
The moves against Khazarian control of the media will continue to intensify over the coming months, multiple sources said. The Rothschilds are also, for example, now trying to find a buyer for their flagship magazine “the Economist” also known as “the Imperialist.” Chinese and Japanese buyers are sniffing around. The other Khazarian press barons too, will soon be under strong pressure to either start publishing the unvarnished truth or get out of the media business, according to WDS sources.
Some of the British press is already waking up to the new reality and have begun to release hitherto taboo information. For example, Lord Sewel was forced to resign from the House of Lords after photographs of him snorting cocaine with prostitutes appeared in the press.
Lord Sewel is a key ally of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. His resignation will help pave the ground for more resignations and arrests culminating in pedophile and murder charges being made against former Prime Minister Tony Blair, according to MI5 agents. Tony Blair, of course, is one of the top Bush/Nazi faction agents in the UK so his arrest will lead to other, higher ranked criminals.
The move against Sewel was followed by erroneous reports on US internet news sites about the death of Queen Elizabeth. Photographs of the Queen making a Nazi salute as a young child were also released in the corporate press. The Queen is fine, has been photographed in public recently and is not about to be intimidated, according to MI5. Nonetheless, the Queen would be well advised to release all information about her family’s links with the Nazis and Hitler before it is released by other, not necessarily friendly, sources.
The various political and military moves against the Khazarians coincided with intensified economic and financial warfare. Citibank and JP Morgan have been pushing down worldwide commodities prices with heavy selling in the futures markets. The result has been a huge slump in commodities prices, notably oil, silver, copper and gold. This slump has continued even though physical demand remains strong. The fact that there was illegal manipulation of the gold futures market aimed at pushing the price of gold down shows how desperate the cabalists are to push its price down.
This appears to be aimed against China because Chinese have been accumulating as many physical assets as they can as part of their move to take control of the financial system away from the Khazarian mob. The Chinese have responded to this commodities move by dumping over $520 billion in US treasuries in the past 5 quarters according to JP Morgan.
The WDS believes that neither the Chinese communist government nor the Khazarian mafia should be in charge of the world’s financial system. Instead, all the criminal parts of the private banking system need to be shut down and nationalized. There also needs to be a return to the historical norm of government controlled currency, not Khazarian (or Chinese) gangster control.
Military types like to have a clear target when they take action. The answer is they need to take over the Federal Reserve Board, the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan. This would only require about 1000 special forces troops, at the most, to accomplish.
Taking over these institutions can be done in a way that does not disrupt the real economy. Furthermore, confiscating assets illegally taken from the people by Khazarian gangsters will lead to an unprecedented boom. In Japan alone, the amount of money stolen by Khazarian gangsters over the past decade would be worth $100,000 for every man, woman and child in the country.
In the US the sum stolen by gangsters pretending to be central bankers would be even greater. In criminal law it is a given that stolen assets need to be returned to their rightful owners. These owners are the average tax-paying citizens of the planet. Police and military agencies around the world have a duty to enforce the law and arrest criminals. Top central bankers are proven criminals. So, what are we waiting for?
July 20, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
This is what a top Pentagon person has to say about the ongoing take-down of the Khazarian mafia:
“Just Watch is as it unfolds. You will be tempted to get a pitchfork ready here and there but, just leave it in the closet. All should be accomplished without a shot being fired if everything goes according to plan.”
The key event to trigger all this was the deal between Russia, England, China, France, the United States, Germany and Iran to ensure Iran had the right to peacefully develop nuclear power without developing nuclear bombs. The fact of the matter is, according to two members of the Iranian Royal Family, that the Bush family sold neutron bomb tipped nuclear missiles to Iran years ago. The Iranians tried to give the weapons back to the Obama regime but were rebuffed, according to senior CIA sources.
In any case, the Iran nuclear accord means that a 30-year old campaign by the Khazarian mafia and their slave politicians in Washington and Tel Aviv to use Iran to start a world war has ended.
There is a huge ongoing attempt by the Khazarian mafia in Washington to try to overturn the agreement with Iran but, Senators and Congressmen who try to betray their own people will find themselves facing criminal charges of treason and accepting bribes from Israel, a foreign country.
Now US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter is visiting Israel, Saudi Arabia and Jordan to “read the riot act,” according to Pentagon sources. What Carter is going to tell war-criminal Benyamin Netanyahu is that now that the Iranian nuclear issue has been settled Russia, the Vatican, the Pentagon, the EU, the Chinese etc. are demanding that Israel dismantle its own rogue nuclear program, the sources say.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said the deal “will contribute to fighting terrorism in the Middle East,” as well as “assisting in strengthening global and regional security, global nuclear non-proliferation” and “the creation in the Middle East of a zone free from weapons of mass destruction.”
These public statements from Putin were backed up by a Russian White Dragon Society Member who said, “Russia is not going to take over from the United States as protector of Israel because it is not in our interests to do so.”
The push against the Khazarian mafia is a US military industrial complex and Russian co-production that has forced house slave acting-President Obama to read an entirely new script. The Chinese are taking a passive but supportive role in this campaign, Chinese and Pentagon sources say.
There is now a big push to either deny Netanyahu a visa to visit the UN in September or else to arrest him for war crimes when he arrives, multiple sources say. The same is true for many members of the Saudi rogue regime.
Furthermore, the Pentagon and its allies are pushing for an end to US military aid to Israel because it is against US law to send arms to a country (ie Israel) that is going against the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Not only that, recently the Israelis have been actively using or trying to use nuclear weapons in Syria, Yemen, the Ukraine and elsewhere. However, for years the Pentagon has been putting back doors into weapons they have sold to Israel and Saudi Arabia meaning they can and are being be neutralized when needed.
Senior members of the Khazarian mafia for years have been trying to co-opt the Chinese by selling them Western military technology and offering them the chance to “rule the world,” so long as the Khazarians can be their bankers. However, the Chinese are fully aware it was the Khazarians who were behind the opium wars and who armed Japan so that it would invade China and steal their gold.
The result is that the BRICS alliance, the Vatican, Europe, the Pentagon and most world power centers are now clearly aligned against the Khazarian mafia.
The Saudi Arabians already got the message and arrested 421 members of the Khazarian fake ISIS terror group just prior to Carter’s visit to show they were willing to flip against the Khazarians.
The same is true of Nigeria, where top military brass have been purged of officers who accepted money from the Khazarians to finance the obscurantist and violent Boko Haram (Books are banned) movement.
In the United States meanwhile, a bizarre news item put out claimed that George Bush Sr. “broke a bone in his neck,” but that he was in “fair condition.”
According to Pentagon sources Bush was attacked because his CIA drug mafia had allowed Joaquim “El Chapo” Guzman to escape from a high security prison just before he was to be extradited to the United States and forced to testify against the drug dealing branch of the CIA. However, a senior CIA source who actually worked with Bush said “Bush has been dead for months.” The Pentagon is now on the war path against the drug dealing faction of the CIA but, unless they legalize and regulate drugs, they will find it a losing battle.
When we see Bush/Clinton crime gang bosses like Hitlery Clinton and Jeb Bush publicly arrested and perp walked on charges of murder, etc. then we will know the purge has really begun to bite to the bone.
In any case, the Khazarian mafia is continuing to bluster and threaten. The most outrageous recent move has been the establishment of a so-called Jewish tribunal that is going to try Pope Francis.
Here is part of their letter:
“Because the Vatican recognized the organization known as the Palestinian Authority as a nation, and has begun to refer to it as a nation in its documents. His honor has named the head of said authority as an ‘Angel of Peace’, as was explained by a spokesman for the Vatican, that his intention was to encourage Abu Mazen to advance towards peace.
These actions, to our great dismay, are consistent with a long series of actions and stances that are as in the days of the Roman Catholic Religion, that swore to persecute Israel because we refused to accept their Messiah as the Messiah of Israel.”
This self-appointed court “shall judge the Vatican... and place responsibility on the Vatican for all the outcomes of its actions.”
We know that in recent years the Khazarians have made several threats to attack Rome with nuclear weapons and this letter is yet another veiled threat by these superstitious fanatics to do the same thing. These people, by their own words, claim they are the same group who condemned Jesus Christ to death.
The problem they face this time is that there is no equivalent to the Roman army (such as the Pentagon) left for them to manipulate into carrying out their will. In any case, it is a historical and genetic fact that Ashkenazi Jews originated in central Asia and that the Palestinians are the genuine descendants of the inhabitants of the ancient nation of Judea.
The message to the Europeans who have been brain-washed into Babylonian Satan worship disguised as Judaism (ie Talmudic Jews) is that “the truth shall set you free.”
More and more revelations about the mass brainwashing of Europeans using ancient human slave herding texts will be coming out over the coming months as humanity is finally freed from the long nightmare of Satan worshipping Hyksos human sheep herding.
While the worldwide take-down of the Khazarian mafia is expected to accelerate over the coming months, other world events also need to be examined.
One big issue has been the Japanese government’s decision to allow the Japanese armed forces to participate in defensive overseas military campaigns. This is part of an ongoing Pentagon move to try to create genuine world peace by joining all the world’s defense forces into a single planetary defense and peace-keeping organization.
The Russians, Vietnamese, Japanese, Australians and others are already in agreement with this. This force will not be used for illegal colonial wars of aggression and occupation.
Nonetheless, the Chinese, Indians and others are waiting for international organizations like the UN and the World Court to stop being instruments of Western imperialism and to become genuine representatives of the people of the world before they are willing to cede any more sovereignty to supra-national organizations such as a world peace keeping force.
In other words, there is a genuine interest in world peace, ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction and starting a new age but, there is no consensus for a fascist New World Order.
There is also a lot going on that cannot be reported at this time. However, Illuminati Grand-Master Alexander Romanov has been freed from involuntary incarceration in a Japanese mental hospital. This was a result of high-level pressure placed on the Japanese government and shows that a fundamental power shift has taken place here. In other words, the Khazarians have lost control of Japan.
There are also important meetings taking place this week involving the Chinese, the Russians, various marital arts societies, the illuminati, the White Dragon Society, the Freemasons and other groups. These groups all want to return the control of the financial system to the people.
July 13, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The Greek default has triggered major cyber and information warfare that raged across the world last week. The warfare involved banks, defense firms, major stock markets, telecommunications firms and more. For example, the July 8th cyber-attack that shut down the New York Stock Exchange, the Wall Street Journal, United Airlines and several mobile phone companies was retaliation for an American attack on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, according to Chinese and Pentagon sources. “This was just a dry run,” the Pentagon sources said.
The Greek default essentially bankrupted the IMF, the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve Board, even though the officials of these agencies are still ignoring this elephant in their room and pretending it is not so. However, the reason they are ignoring a Greek No vote and threatening the Greek government with violence unless they loot Greece to save them is because they simply do not have the money needed to keep Greece or themselves going. As we will discuss further later down, the Greek situation is rapidly morphing into full scale revolution.
In any case, the bankruptcy of these institutions was followed by the formal $200 billion start of the BRICS bank and BRICS financial stabilization fund. The BRICS invited Greece to join them but, of course, the BRICS bank is not about to bail out the criminal Western banks that looted Greece, it will only help the Greek people.
The Khazarian controllers of the Federal Reserve Board, angered by the BRICS bank, were the instigators of the attack on the Chinese stock markets, pentagon sources say. This burst a bubble, leading to a 40% decline in Chinese stocks before the government intervened and suspended most stock trading. The Chinese counter-attack shut down the New York Stock Exchange etc. This was then, according to pentagon sources, followed by weather warfare as a major typhoon was sent crashing directly into Shanghai, forcing the evacuation of a million people.
The Pentagon summoned Khazarian house slave acting-president Obama on Monday to tell him they have just upped upgraded their military relations with Vietnam “to a strategic level.” In other words, the Vietnamese will work with the Americans to hold back the Chinese. Despite rhetoric against Russia, the Pentagon is already working with the Russians to make sure China keeps in line, the sources said.
Obama was told in no uncertain terms that he was to stop “poking the bear” and to concentrate on the main enemy, which is the Khazarian mafia, and the potential enemy, which is China.
There is now an informal truce between the Pentagon and the Chinese because the Chinese stopped building up military facilities in the South China Sea. The Pentagon and the Chinese are now concentrating on the real enemy which is the Khazarian mob.
As a part of a campaign to discredit the Khazarians, Obama was forced to admit publicly that his government (the Khazarian controlled state department faction) was “training ISIL (ISIS).” Obama Slips Up: “We’re Training ISIL”
This was part of the major ongoing Pentagon campaign against Israel and the Khazarian mob. In another part of this, Pentagon and agency hackers released a video, that has gone viral, showing the filming of a fake ISIS beheading.
Khazarian war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu of Israel also had his private phones hacked to release information he was directly involved in the ISIS terror campaign. Even more deadly for Netanyahu’s criminal regime was a hacking of Israeli military systems that disabled Israeli patriot missile defenses. News stories have talked about German patriot missile batteries being hacked.
However, it is the hacking of the Israeli systems that left that country completely exposed to Iranian and other missiles. The message is very clear: “stop your regional trouble-making or else be destroyed.”
In addition to this, the Saudi Arabian regime is, with Pentagon arm twisting, continuing to purge all Bush and Israeli agents out of power. Long term foreign minister Saud Al Faisal, his brother Tikri, Intelligence Chief Bandar Bush and many more are being cut as that frantic regime tries to change its stripes in order to survive. They are trying desperately to prevent a complete American alignment with Iran that would leave them without any real protector in the Middle East.
In other words, they fear bloody revolution which is why so many Saudi princes have already abandoned that country. The Saudis and other Gulf monarchies have been buying and stashing away all the silver they can get their hands on so that they can keep some of their fortunes in the event of a regime change and subsequent freeze of their bank accounts. Here you can see a chart showing how oil is being converted into silver.
Also, JP Morgan and Citibank have engaged in a massive selling of silver futures (ie paper silver) in order to drive down the price. The result has been that the paper price of silver has plunged even as the US mint has run out of silver coins.
In other words, these mega-banks are losing the ability to use their super-computers to control the price of real world goods like silver.
This move into commodities by the big Rockefeller and Bush banks comes as the Khazarian banking system faces unprecedented attack. Goldman Sachs, for example, has been exposed as a criminal organization by the Greek Debt Truth Commission.
This group has shown that Goldman Sachs and other banks fraudulently inflated Greek government debt numbers by doing such things as creating fake losses by hospitals. The fraudulent Greek debt is now being used as a tool to loot real Greek assets like islands, ports, utilities etc. According to British MI5 intelligence, former Goldman Sachs employee and now European Central Bank Governor Mario Draghi was the mastermind behind this Greek looting plan.
We can thus understand why former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis would publicly refer to Goldman Sachs as a life-sucking vampire. Yanis Varoufakis on Rothschild’s Goldman Sachs
The situation has become such that even if the entire Greek parliament and their families are threatened with death by the Khazarians, the latest opinion polls show close to 80% of the Greek people will not accept any failure by the Greek parliament to respect their No vote to the EU gangsters.
The Pentagon sources say the Greek drachmas are already in use and that a Greek exit from the Euro was inevitable. What is now coming is bank failures caused by credit default swaps (ie guarantees that Greece would not default), the sources say.
There is also more big trouble coming for JP Morgan, according to the Pentagon sources. They say JP Morgan has sold twice as many US government bonds as were actually issued. In other words, they sold fraudulent US government bonds in order to keep themselves afloat, the sources say.
There is further trouble brewing for the Bush/Rockefeller Japanese slave government. Last week a secret ruling committee of the Japanese government rejected a White Dragon Society proposal to set up a future planning agency with a budget of $7 trillion. They could not start the new agency because of “Freemason and illuminati interference,” according to a Japanese royal family source.
However, the Japanese government is being presented with water-proof documentation that it owes 30 trillion of dollars for looted Manchu gold, according to Chinese sources. The Japanese tried to postpone settling its gold debt until the autumn but they are being pressed to act before then, the sources said.
Forcing the Japanese to pay this debt would bankrupt the Rockefeller, Bush secret controllers of the Japanese slave regime. That is why slave Prime Minister Abe is being sent on an emergency begging mission to China in September.
On a final note, a Russian agent contacted with WDS last week and provided detailed information about exactly how the Ukrainian “Maidan” revolution really took place. The agent infiltrated the Maidan revolt by showing up pretending to be a student. He was told to go to a US State Department run front organization where young protesters were given free food and shelter and paid 25 euros per day.
In addition to this, according to the agent, “we were given all the free drugs we wanted.” He said the Maidan protesters consisted almost entirely of stoned youth between the ages of 17 and 25. So there you have it, the US State Department handing out drugs and money to overthrow a democratically elected regime.
This same Khazarian rogue Washington DC regime has been found to be hacking into computers and planting kiddie porn. This explains why so many whistleblowers and other “trouble makers” have been fraudulently arrested for having child pornography.
What do you do about a government that pushes illegal drugs, finances terrorism, uses kiddie porn and other tricks to arrest innocent people and steals money from 99% of the population?
The answer is clear, we need a revolution. The revolution may have already started in Greece, the cradle of democracy. We need to make sure it spreads until the heart of world darkness, Washington DC, is cleansed and the Republic of the United States of America is restored. This will remove the world’s leading cause of terrorism, war and mayhem.
July 6, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The Greek default and subsequent Greek “No” vote to payments of further blood money to bankers, has put a sense of urgency to ongoing negotiations for a new financial system, according to Western and Asian sources. At the same time, the Khazarian mob is resorting to increasingly futile threats and manufactured terror incidents in an attempt to stave off its inevitable ouster from control of banking.
The fact that 61% of Greek citizens voted to refuse to pay for banker’s reckless mistakes indicates a majority of the people at the street level in that country now recognize the criminal nature of the Western banking system. The fact is the Greek people now know they are not legally responsible for debts incurred by Mafiosi banker gamblers and will therefore not pay.
This has set in motion the first domino that will lead inexorably to the bankruptcy of the Khazarian banking system and their criminal subsidiary known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION. A Greek default, as mentioned previously, is just the first domino that will be followed by Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, France, Germany and then the United States.
The IMF has issued a report calling for a 20-year delay in Greek debt payments because if the IMF lists their loans to Greece as having gone bad, they will have to admit they themselves are insolvent. The world’s major creditor nations like China and other Asian countries refuse to lend more money to the IMF because it remains a de facto tool of the Washington DC criminals who wield a veto over that institution.
The Washington DC cabal cannot bail out the IMF or the European Central Bank because they themselves are bankrupt as can be seen by the fact they are cooking their books. They have kept their debt frozen at $18.112 trillion ever since they missed a payment due on March 15th.
Furthermore, other dominos have also begun to fall. In the fuss about Greece, much of the world’s attention has been diverted from the fact that another AMERICA subsidiary, the Nazi government in the Ukraine, has also missed a payment and gone bankrupt. Furthermore, the AMERICA Puerto Rico colony, known by many as the 51st US State, has also publicly said it will not be able to pay its debts.
The new element to this is that the contagion has now spread to China, the largest creditor of the bankrupt AMERICA and thus the country that will be left holding the bag. Chinese stock markets plunged by 30% in the last weeks, driven by retail investor selling. The retail investors know first-hand the real Chinese economy is stumbling because they are not finding overseas buyers for their industrial products.
The Chinese communist government also tried to get funds last week when it sent representatives of the Manchu imperial family to the headquarters of the Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi-UFJ, in an attempt to cash genuine historical bonds worth trillions of dollars, according to a Chinese government official. At the bank, they were met by junior officials who tried very hard to present bureaucratic obstacles to the cashing of the bonds. At the end, despite the fact the bonds were genuine, the Chinese and Manchus were sent away empty handed because recognizing the bonds would have bankrupted the Japanese government and Japanese financial system.
Japan’s financial system is already on the brink because of money that is being drained to postpone the bankruptcy of AMERICA. Financing AMERICA is why a recent survey by the Japanese government shows that 62.4% of Japanese say they are experiencing financial hardship.
The Russians and Americans also failed last week in efforts to cash historical financial instruments because again, the old financial system simply is unable to pay genuine debts they have incurred over the years, according to Pentagon sources.
That is why the first ever bankruptcy of a European country in the post-war era has added new urgency to ongoing negotiations on a new financial system, according to people involved in the negotiations.
In key negotiations aimed at setting up an alternative financial system, representatives of the White Dragon Society formally sent a proposal to Japanese Imperial Family and Japanese government calling for the establishment of a $7 trillion fund to finance the creation of a future planning agency. Japanese imperial family and government officials approved the plan in principle but requested a more detailed, written proposal. This was sent on Monday, just before this newsletter went to press.
The proposal calls for a Japanese government delegation to visit the UK, the US, EU headquarters, the Vatican, Moscow, the African Union, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and other power centers to get formal support for the future planning agency (informal support has already been given).
The future planning agency would be very different from the World Bank and IMF or even from the just starting up BRICS bank and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in that it will have a budget 70 times larger, enough to annually provide $1000 worth of goods and services to each man, woman and child on the planet. Furthermore, while the BRICS bank and AIIB help isolate the Washington faction of the cabal, they still operate on the Babylonian debt slavery model.
In other words, they lend money at interest and expect to get paid back or else they will come and seize collateral. The planning agency will operate on credit, and will not require repayment, only verification that funds are used as intended and promised. New funds will be withheld from corrupt and incompetent groups who will then wither on the vine.
All that is needed for the planning agency to get funds is for governments to finance it using government issued currency. Of course, doing this would put an end to the Khazarian mafia’s near monopoly control over the creation of fiat money and thus end their Babylonian debt slavery regime.
That is why we have seen a new rash of threats coming from the Khazarians. The latest was issued on Mossad linked website like DEBKA where Mossad agent Simon Elliot (aka El Baghdadi) threatened to blow up the Egyptian pyramids and Sphinx.
There was also an attack on the Egyptian army last week by Israeli mercenaries pretending (and fooling nobody) to be “ISIS.”
There were also numerous new false flag mass shooting incidents, and street theater events, in various countries attributed to “radical Islamists” (ie Khazarians) that have left the world public numb and indifferent. For example, British sources sent convincing evidence to this writer showing the so-called Tunisian shooting of British tourists was yet another play act.
In the US meanwhile, an African American was arrested for vandalizing an African American church and writing racist graffiti calling for the murder of African Americans. In other words, house slave Obama is following his Khazarian master’s orders and trying to start a race war. Fortunately, the multi-cultural, multi-ethnic United States is no longer fertile ground for race baiting.
The P2 freemason lodge in Italy sent a message to the WDS last week saying they were sick and tired of Benyamin Netanyahu and planned to get rid of him ASAP. Following upon the United Nations public labelling of this monster as a war criminal, you can be sure his days are numbered.
There are also growing signs of a very systematic attack against the Internet and electric infrastructure inside the United States. According to the FBI, at least 11 attacks on the internet and the US electric grid have been carried out recently by very sophisticated attackers.
Train derailments causing massive explosions or the release of toxic gas are also occurring at a pace of around once per week, indicating systematic sabotage against AMERICA’s infrastructure. The pace of sabotage operations is expected to pick up during the coming weeks and towards the autumn.
To this end, last week 2500 highly trained Nazi mercenaries were moved from the Ukraine to Colorado for as yet uncertain reasons. These mercenaries report to Khazarian affiliated State Department employees and not to the regular, patriotic US armed forces.
In a possibly related development, in what appears to be a desperate attempt to stop the gnostic illuminati inspired revolution against the cabal, police in Koganei, Tokyo, have once against put illuminati Grandmaster Alexander Romanov into a mental hospital. There, according to family members, he has been forcibly and heavily drugged for the past 2 months. A member of his family says he was he was acting violently and erratically and attacking people with a baseball bat. According to him, (the last time I spoke to him), he was the victim of violence and not the other way around. He certainly did have big bruises on his legs of the sort that would require a baseball bat to make.
In any case, gnostic illuminati sources say representatives will be arriving in Japan shortly to take his place in coordinating anti-cabal activities.
The WDS deplores violence and is working hard to act as a neutral intermediary between the gnostic illuminati and the cabal. However, if the cabal does not make real jubilee-type concessions soon; violent, bloody and chaotic revolution is a certainty.
June 29, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
So, it has finally happened, Greece has shut down its banks and imposed capital controls. And so the dominoes start to fall. This is only the first act in a grand opera that will continue to unfold in the coming months. To try to guess what is in store for the European Union, it is good to take a look at how the fall of the Soviet Union took place.
The fall of the Soviet Union began with a widespread sense of dissatisfaction with the government among both the working class and the elites. This gave birth to strikes and demonstrations in Poland that led to the fall of the Polish government in June of 1989. In November of that year the Berlin wall came down. Then, running into 1990, the communist governments of Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary fell. Finally, in December of 1991 Michael Gorbachev resigned and the Soviet Union itself collapsed.
So now that Greece has failed we can expect Spain, Italy, France, Germany and finally the United States itself to follow a roughly similar trajectory to what we saw with the Soviet Union.
What most people still do not realize about the fall of the Soviet Union was that it was not caused by failed ideology but by actual financial bankruptcy. That is why the United States and the European Union, which is modelled almost exactly on the Soviet Union, are doomed to experience regime change. They are bankrupt.
Chinese and BRICS government sources explain what they are going to do next. Chinese number 2 Li Keqiang is arriving in Europe this week where he will announce China will contribute generously to a European reconstruction fund with an initial budget of 315 billion Euros. It is no coincidence that this is almost exactly the same amount as the Greek debt total is.
The Chinese offer of bail out money for Europe is the one of the reasons why the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland etc. agreed to join the China initiated Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
In addition to this, the BRICS development bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and many other new institutions are also now opening shop. All of these institutions will be helping direct a flow of $21 trillion worth of Chinese money that is expected to flood world markets in the coming months and years.
In parallel to this, there are also ongoing negotiations on what rules will apply to the $21 trillion worth of Chinese savings that the Chinese government is soon going to let Chinese citizens invest overseas. Basically this amounts to discussions about what areas the Chinese will be allowed to invest in and what will be off limits.
The Europeans are much more open about what the Chinese can invest in than the Americans. So far, the British have already offered ownership of a major newspaper (this writer is involved in the negotiations so cannot disclose the name of the paper) to the Chinese. The newspaper deal will involve a promise by the Chinese to not interfere in fact based reporting. The British are also trying to find a Chinese buyer interested in the British Telecoms’ landline infrastructure, among other things.
The British are further along in their negotiations with the Chinese than other Europeans but you can be sure the Greeks, then the Spanish, Italians and others will not be far behind.
Hungary is ahead of the rest of Europe in that they have already agreed to participate in the Chinese silk-road initiative to build extensive transportation infrastructure across Eurasia.
By contrast, Chinese and American negotiations over what parts of the US economy Chinese would be allowed to invest in failed last week. Chinese sources say this was because the Americans were unwilling to open enough sectors to Chinese investments. Pentagon sources say the negotiations failed because the Chinese were reluctant to start merging Chinese armed forces with the Pentagon.
State Department sources added the Chinese were also still unwilling to open their financial markets sufficiently to Western financial institutions. Of course, seeing what damage Western financial institutions have caused around the world, Chinese reluctance to allow them free reign seems quite reasonable.
Even as this avalanche of Asian money looms over the world markets, there are still frantic moves afoot to try to keep the old Western system solvent. The latest move on that front, according to Japanese right wing sources, has been a request by the US Treasury Department that the Mitsubishi Group take-over the Union Bank of Switzerland.
The problem is the Americans are not letting Mitsubishi do any real due diligence. The right winger recalls the same thing happened when the Japanese were asked to bail out Merrill Lynch. “They are just asking us to fill in a black hole,” he complained.
The Mitsubishi Group, with its close ties to David Rockefeller, is the main force behind the Abe slave regime in Japan, according to multiple sources here. Abe, because of his low IQ, was sent to the low prestige Seikei University founded by the Mitubishi Group as a favor to his war criminal grandfather. It appears forcing Mitsubishi to buy UBS is payback for the US campaign to allow Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to start exporting weapons.
The military build-up in Japan is part of a plan first proposed by Senior Nazi cabalist Richard Armitage more than a decade ago. The Abe government is betting its final energy on laws aimed at integrating the Japanese military with the US military. These are expected to be pushed strongly over the summer.
However, there are growing signs in Japan of revolt against the Shinzo Abe slave government. Recently two separate nationally broadcast television shows openly stated the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan was the result of deliberate sabotage.
Also, several people who recently met Abe said he was looking very frail from his intestinal illness.
There is a concrete scenario to replace Abe this autumn, according to several Japanese power brokers. The details are still being kept secret but the P2 Freemason lodge, MI6, Asian secret societies, the Japanese yakuza and other factions are pushing this scenario. Only a few top level Khazarian slaves remain in support of Abe now. Their names have been noted and they will be asked to step aside this autumn.
Also the P2 Freemason lodge and the Vatican are negotiating deals with the Russians and the Pentagon to make sure the West retains an equal say with Asia in the emerging new international financial, economic and political system. The fact that UBS is linked to the Teutonic Knights and thus to the P2 lodge is a clear indication the Vatican is pushing for Japanese backing (money) to ensure we do not end up with a one China world.
To this end Russia’s Vladimir Putin met with Pope Francis on June 10th to push for an East West Christian bloc, according to Pentagon sources. Both are now going to pressure US President Barack Obama to disengage in the Ukraine, Syria and elsewhere so that the Christian West can form a unified bloc, the sources said.
In addition to this, the take down of the Khazarian gangsters and their proxies in the Middle East, Europe, the US and Israel continues to unfold. In the latest development, the United Nations has de facto charged Israel’s Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu with being a war criminal.
His arrest is expected to take place once the final elements of his nuclear blackmail network are dismantled. Pentagon sources say the dismantling is almost complete and that Netanyahu would be in jail “sooner rather than later.”
We also have confirmation on a Mossad linked site that Israeli proxy forces are threatening to kill innocent civilians in an attempt to stop a military campaign.
This is exactly the sort of tactic that led to war crimes charges being filed against so many rank and file Nazis.
There was also a military mutiny against the Khazarian pseudo-Muslim government in Saudi Arabia last week in what is expected to be an avalanche of military defections against that regime.
There was also another sign that pressure was mounting on the top Khazarian Bush and Clinton mob families. Pentagon sources say Walter Scheib, the chef who catered to Bill Clinton and Bush Jr. for 11 years, was murdered last week in a futile attempt by these mobsters to cover their tracks.
Finally, a crack-down on Satanists has led to the arrest of over a thousand pedophiles in the US last week.
This follows the arrest of more than 600 in the UK last year.
In the UK as well, efforts to protect a high powered child molesting politician were overturned last week by rank and file pressure.
June 22, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
There are rapidly accelerating indications the Khazarian crime syndicate that illegally seized power in the United States and many European countries is being systematically dismantled. A New York appeals court, for example, has ruled that officials who served during the George Bush Jr. regime can be sued and can face criminal charges. That opens the way for the mass jailing of the perpetrators of the 911 mass murder incident.
Another sign is that a French judge has ordered one of the most senior members of the Rothschild family, Baron David de Rothschild, to be questioned by police on fraud charges.
Also, the killing of J.P Morgan (Bush) bankers has reached a new height with the “sudden death” of their Vice Chairman and high powered deal maker Jimmy Lee. More than a dozen JP Morgan bankers have died suddenly recently and it is clear somebody is following a trail. Rest assured that trail leads to the Bush/Clinton crime family.
Meanwhile, there is a growing consensus the Greek crisis is coming to a head soon and massive withdrawals of Euros from Greek banks show that at the street level people know a Greek default is inevitable. However, a formal Greek default would start a domino effect that would topple Germany, France and the rest of the Euro zone before eventually reaching the United States.
For that reason the Greek government knows that the EU central bank, the IMF and their Fed bosses will not pull the plug on them but will instead buy time with various accounting tricks. That is why Greece’s Economy Minister made confident predictions about the Greek debt crisis in Moscow last week after meeting with Russian officials.
Despite all the fudged numbers and smoke and mirrors coming out of Western governments, the Western financial system (the Federal Reserve Board) is already bankrupt. The Fed’s corporate subsidiary, the United States of America Corporation headed by “acting president” Barack Obama has been issuing fake financial data for years now to create the appearance all is well. Recently, for example, their total debt numbers have stayed frozen at $18.11 trillion since March 16th, over 100 days.
The White Dragon Foundation also received new confirmation the Fed has been bankrupt for a lot longer than that. Some senior Asian bankers who met with Alan Greenspan (when he was head of the Fed) and with then US president Al Gore to ask about Manchurian gold the Fed was obligated to return to them were told by Greenspan the Fed could not pay back the gold they owed them “because they had none.”
Greenspan also said the Fed could not pay them trillions of dollars of cash instead because “that would bankrupt the government.” Instead, the bankers said, they were offered a “master trader license.” After they left the Federal Reserve Building in New York, they went to a Starbucks for coffee. While they were having coffee their car exploded. They immediately took a subway to the airport and caught the next available flight to the Philippines.
They then went to see the head of Interpol in Europe. The head of Interpol took them to see the P2 Freemasons who run the Vatican. The P2 explained to them there would be a coup d’etat in the United States followed by an invasion of Iraq “because that was how the system worked.” They thought these people were crazy until September 11th, 2001.
These Asians still have their legitimate claims against the Fed and the Feds will not be allowed to bomb their way out this time. The current public faces of the Fed cabal are puppet president Obama and Fed Chair Janet Yellen.
Since they also cannot pay the money they owe the Asians, the Asians and their BRICS allies have been busily building an alternative financial system. The new BRICS bank is expected now to open on July 7th while the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is also moving ahead.
This move is being accompanies by major cyber warfare. A lot of it is being reported in the corporate media in the form of stories about data being stolen on all US Federal employees etc.
However, plentiful anecdotal evidence suggests the real cyber-warfare is taking place between world financial networks. A senior banker at the cabal supported Asian Development Bank in Manila was worried about his US dollar bank account inside the US so he asked for the money to be transferred to his bank in the Philippines. The Philippine bank told him they could not make the transfer because the cabal controlled SWIFT international financial transactions system “was not working.”
This writer also experienced some trouble when trying to pay his VISA bill at an ATM. I was told I needed to contact a human representative. I went to a VISA processing office and the clerk put my card into their ATM. The bill that appeared was way bigger than my real bill and the clerk told me to ignore it and not to worry about it but just pay the amount on my paper bill. She explained they were having “system adjustments.”
A funny thing also happened when this writer asked for financial details from the Paypal internet transaction system. Paypal sent me detailed financial data belonging to an entirely different person. When asked why they would send me the wrong person’s private transaction data they explained “they were having system troubles.”
This is all anecdotal but the fact that most of the over 50 bankers who have recently died suddenly and mysteriously were IT experts shows that financial cyber-warfare is moving out of cyberspace.
The fact is the Western financial IT system has created hundreds of trillions, if not quadrillions, quintillions or more dollars and Euros that have no basis in reality. At the end of the day, analogue reality is going to win and that is why the BRICS alliance with their control of commodities and manufacturing, are winning. The Pentagon is also winning because they actually control men with weapons who are willing to fight if necessary.
The people who are losing are the Khazarian mob. The fact that Bush/Clinton house slave Barack Obama is being pressured to release the 28 pages about Saudi Arabia redacted from the official 911 report shows the Saudi’s are the next Khazarian dominoes to fall.
Newly installed Saudi King Salman sent his son to Russia last week to offer the Russians complete control of the global oil market in exchange inter-continental ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons, according to Pentagon officials. He returned empty handed.
The Saudis have the nuclear weapons the Israelis gave them but they cannot fire them much further than Yemen. That means they cannot use nuclear blackmail to prevent the ongoing takedown of that odious regime by Pentagon white hats and their regional allies.
The Nazi regime installed by the Khazarians in the Ukraine is also freaking out now that their patrons are clearly losing the battle for the planet earth. According to Sputnik News (a possible agency front) Ukranian President Petro Poroshenko asked the Ukrainian Constitutional Court to rule that the overthrow of his predecessor Viktor Yanukovich was unconstitutional.
In other words, a key participant in the illegal Khazarian coup against his predecessor is suddenly criticizing the coup. The best advice we can give Poroshenko is to tell him to forget about trying to suck up to the Russians and find a deep hole to hide in instead.
However, there is unlikely to be anywhere on this planet, or even in this universe, for the Khazarian Satanists like Poroshenko to hide in anymore.
The collapse of their global debt slavery regime is accelerating and their immunity from prosecution for mass murder is evaporating along with their funny money.
The British, the Swiss, the Germans, the French and the Vatican have already abandoned the Khazarians and allied with the WDS and BRICS alliance.
Pope Francis recently confirmed this change by issuing an encyclical calling for almost exactly what the WDS has been calling for, a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. The global warming part of his talk was out of touch with reality but clearly the Pope’s heart is in the right place. Negotiations between the Vatican and the WDS are ongoing and friendly. The same is true of the British, the French and the Germans.
Regime change is also coming to Japan. There is a lot about that we cannot report at the moment but clearly the puppet regime here is on its last legs. The last dominoes to fall will be Washington DC, Israel and New York.
We do not like to put specific dates on when this will happen but we do note that the IMF has postponed a meeting to decide how to proceed without the United States until September. We note that a year of jubilee has been predicted by the Vatican, religious Jews and many others to start on September 13th, 2015. September 13th this year falls on a Sunday so the last trading day before that will be September 11th. Remember, remember, the 11th of September. Also remember the blood moon on September 28th.
June 15, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The signs are undeniable that some sort of historic event is imminent. The latest economic news makes it certain that the Western financial system as we know it is about to end. The question is, will there be a controlled implosion followed by a phoenix like revival or, will there be revolution, chaos, anarchy, bloodshed and misery. The answer now lies in the hands of the military forces of the West because the political world, especially in the United States, is dysfunctional.
To understand how serious the situation is, please look at the following chart.
It shows there is about $80 trillion worth of financial products in the United States that has no basis in the real world. During the Japanese bubble I used a similar chart to show the bad debt in the banking system was worth 200 trillion yen at a time when the Japanese government was saying there was only 3 trillion yen worth of bad debt.
Another way of putting it is that US asset prices will have to fall by about 80% before they hit the ground of reality. Japanese real estate prices fell 90% after the bubble burst there. The American bubble is 49 times larger than the Japanese bubble was. It is not a question of if it will burst but when. Denying reality does not make it go away.
There is also evidence coming from indexes based in real world transactions that cannot be manipulated by financial trickery. One is the Baltic Dry Index, the price of shipping goods, mostly raw materials like oil, metals, grains etc. It is at a record low now.
Another is the China Containerized Freight index, which measures the cost of shipping finished industrial goods out of China. It is also at a record low.
Perhaps you have noticed your e-mail spam filter is now featuring more Chinese enterprises desperately seeking customers than Viagra ads or Nigerian scams. Clearly something big is about to happen in the worlds’ markets.
There are a lot of people figuring this out now. The American Association of Individual Investors survey shows that in May of this year individual investors dropped the percentage of money they invest in shares to 57.8% from 67.9%. This is an astounding dumping of over 10% of their shares in exchange for cash in just one month. The Greeks are also bailing out of the Greek banking system at a rate of over 500 million Euros per day. This sort of thing is usually referred to as a bank run or as rats deserting a sinking ship.
Insiders say the most likely candidate to play role of Lehman Brothers in the upcoming crisis is Deutschebank. Deutschebank has had its S&P rating dropped to BBB+, which is lower that the AA- that Lehman had before it collapsed. Furthermore, Deutschebank’s derivatives book has a nominal value of 54.7 trillion Euros, compared to an EU GDP of 9.6 trillion Euros and a German GDP of 2.74 trillion Euros. The basis for a lot of those derivatives is Greek debt and the Greek government de facto defaulted on June 5th.
Japanese imperial family and Chinese government sources both say German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s recent visit to Japan and China was to ask for money to help deal with this problem. However, both sources confirm she returned empty handed.
Investigations by non-corrupt US authorities have revealed that much of the money taken from US tax-payers after the collapse of Lehman Brothers was leveraged 100 times and used to bail out European financial institutions.
This time, this is not going to be allowed to happen, according to multiple sources in the US agencies and Pentagon. Instead, some sort of showdown can be expected, Pentagon and other US agency sources say.
The attempt to start World War 3 in the Ukraine has blown up in the face of the Khazarain mob because it prompted a Russian intelligence dump. Here is some more of the information sent to us by Russian Intelligence in response to the recent Khazarian mafia attempt to portray Russia as a menace:
“We did not blow up the WTC on 9/11/2001 with W-54 Davy Crockett Nuclear Pitts. We did not steal 350 decommissioned W-54 Davy Crockett US Nuclear Pitts from the backdoor of Pantex, Texas, USA, which were manufactured at the Hanford Nuclear Plant.
We did not bring these stolen W-54 Pitts to Israel. We did not recondition them in Israel, and it was NOT US who brought these nuclear Pitts back through Houston, Texas to be stored in various Israeli Embassies, including the Israeli Embassy in New York, and we DID NOT take these nukes to the Twin Towers by using Israeli Urban Moving Systems.”
In other words, the Russians are giving the Pentagon white hats detailed, actionable intelligence about Khazarian mass murder inside the United States.
The Russians also say the crash of the “Malaysian Air Flight 17” was Vanguard (the Khazarian mob’s corporate front) retaliation against both Germany and France in response to their plan to create European Army and drive Vanguard criminals from Europe.
It was also a reaction to Angela Merkel’s and Francois Hollande’s request to Ukrainian President Poroshenko to “kick out Vanguard’s representative Igor Kolomoyskyi, to fire him from his position as a governor of Dnepropetrovskiy County of Ukraine and take from Kolomoyskyi’s banks all of the government money in order to separate fake Vanguard’s dollars and real dollars that Ukrainian government has.”
In response the Europeans, according to the Russians, one of the leaders of Khazarian mafia, Henry Kissinger, became extremely angry, saying that “beautiful France can expect a regime overthrow!”
The Russians also provided detailed intelligence on exactly how Vanguard subsidiary Raytheon, and two other companies, manufactured and used equipment to remotely hijack airplanes.
Furthermore, the Russians have provided the Pentagon white hats with a detailed list of the Khazarian agents involved in the destruction of the World Trade Center Buildings on September 11th, 2001.
Pentagon officials expect a limited civil war inside the United States starting as early as this summer in order to deal with the Khazarian fifth columnists.
The Pentagon officials also cited many signs of progress so far against the Khazarian mob. The first was the defeat of the TPP and TTIP Khazarian power grab in the US congress and EU parliament. Labour union action and massive street protests helped in the defeat of these bills.
The other thing they said was that US Secretary of State John Kerry was shot by Khazarians because of his peace-making efforts with Iran and in the Ukraine. The bullet missed his heart by two inches, the sources say. They now expect payback against Israel, Victoria Nuland and her Khazarian bosses.
Also, in another attack against Khazarian influence in the State Department, Under-Secretary for Latin America Roberta Jacobson was demoted to Ambassador to Mexico because of her failed coup attempt in Venezuela.
The Supreme Court is expected to take a decisive role in curbing Khazarian power over the coming months, the sources say. They expect rulings against Obamacare, gay marriage and many other issues being pushed by the Khazarians. The Supreme Court is now apparently under the influence of the pentagon, the P2 freemason lodge and Pope Francis.
There is also increased military action against Israel and her ISIS proxy in the Middle-East, the sources say. The Russians have been selling advanced missiles to anti-Khazarian forces in the Middle-East while the pentagon has been supplying anti-tank weapons to Iran and its allies in the region.
Also, Russia has been engaged in military maneuvers with Egypt that featured US F-16 fighter jets coordinating with the Russian navy.
Also, the death of the head of the Saudi Air-force, plus the missile attacks against Saudi Arabia have weakened Khazarian King Salman, who may soon be forced to resign “because of dementia,” the Pentagon sources say.
The American military are also picking a fight with China. The pentagon sources say the death toll from the cruise ship sinking in China was 444, a very bad omen for the Chinese. In response the Chinese send Fan Changlong, vice-chairman of China’s Central Military Commission, to meet with Pentagon top brass last week, the pentagon sources say. A tense four-hour meeting ended badly because the Chinese refused to promise to stop building on the disputed reefs, claiming they were located on undisputed Chinese territory. The Chinese would only sign agreements on disaster relief and army cooperation, they said.
The pentagon sources say China can expect more “tornadoes, sinkings, quakes etc.” until they stop their construction of military bases on disputed islands. The pentagon is also now going to push for further militarization of Japan.
At the end of the day, though, this is all just table thumping by the Americans as negotiations for new international structures and rules to replace the crumbling post-war order continue.
The White Dragon Society, for its part, is still pushing for the creation of a meritocratically staffed future planning agency with an initial budget of $7 trillion to start a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and prepare for an exponential expansion of earth life into the universe.
June 9, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The leaders of the Group of Seven Industrialized Nations or G7 are holding an emergency meeting in Germany in a futile attempt to avoid their inevitable bankruptcy. The leaders talk about Greece, the Ukraine, China, the Middle East and other matters as if somehow they are still in control. The leaders need to understand that there is a thing out there called reality and, no matter how long you try to avoid it, it has a way of catching up to you.
The fact is that, with the exceptions of Canada, Japan and Germany, the G7 nations and their allied Western states have been running a deficit with the rest of the world for the past 40 years. The elephant in the room that nobody talks about is the fact the biggest debtor of all is the Corporate United States.
The rest of the world has made a collective decision to stop financing these Western governments until they stop their constant war-mongering and resource stealing. Since the rest of the world controls most of the real money (i.e. money connected to physical objects) they control the underlying reality. You can eat bread but you cannot eat derivatives or dollar bills.
You can trade real things like cars or oil for rice or wheat but if you lose trust, nobody will trade your IOUs for real things. The G7 countries, especially the Corporate United States (as opposed to the Republic of the United States), have managed to postpone the inevitable with fraudulent economic data, offshore slush funds, and derivatives theoretically worth astronomical amounts.
However, no amount of zeroes added to astronomical numbers inside Western banks will make any difference so long as these zeroes have no connection to the real world.
The Chinese have insisted on payment in things, like gold, that actually exist. The American corporate government has, like a once rich junky fallen on hard times, pawned family heirlooms, borrowed from friends, stolen and lied so far to get its next fix of debt. They have stolen Iraqi oil, African gold, Japanese savings and everything else they could get their hands on.
However, since real US GDP has shrunk by 21.4% since 2011, it is becoming impossible for the US Corporate government to keep paying its snowballing debts. The obvious answer is to declare bankruptcy.
The problem is that very few people are alive today who remember the last time a European country went bankrupt. No Anglo Saxon country has gone bankrupt for a thousand years so the Americans are even less familiar with what bankruptcy really entails.
For those of us who witnessed firsthand such things as the collapse of the Japanese bubble and the bankruptcy of Argentina the future is easier to see.
Let us compare these two cases to what is happening to the G7 in order to predict the future.
In the case of Japan, the bubble burst in the years 1990-1992. The Japanese government knew as early as 1992 the bad debt total was 200 trillion yen (about $2 trillion). However, public announcements then put it at only 3 or 4 trillion yen. Company A would pass on its bad debt to company B who would pass it on to company C, each with a different accounting deadline. It was like an individual using their American Express card to pay their Visa bill and then using the Visa to pay for their MasterCard and then use their MasterCard to pay off American Express. This scam bought time.
Eventually though, a few of the worst companies were no longer able to hide their bankruptcy. I remember interviewing Kichinosuke Sasaki, president of the Togensha, one of those companies, in the late 1990’s. He was then the poorest man in the world with a net worth of minus 9 trillion yen (roughly minus $90 billion). He was wearing a silk suit that must have cost him tens of thousands of dollars when he originally bought it but it was pretty threadbare and shabby when I interviewed him.
He told me he the bankers were keeping him half-alive on a miserable allowance. The bankers would not let him declare bankruptcy because that would have triggered a domino effect that would inevitably lead to the biggest Japanese banks.
In the case of Europe, Greece is playing the role of Togensha. If Greece is allowed to go bankrupt then big European banks will have to declare their Greek debt in default and thus be forced to admit they are also in default. No wonder the top managers of outfits like Deutschebank keep resigning. Nobody wants to be the captain of a sinking ship.
However, the Japanese experience with the bubble makes it very clear that postponing the inevitable just increases the total pain. The Greeks already know this because they are being forced to play the role of Mr. Sasaki, and be squeezed of everything they have so their bankers can pretend all is well. Average Greek income has fallen 40% in the past five years so that bankers can pretend they are solvent. It will only get worse until Greece declares bankruptcy.
It is much better to declare bankruptcy than to stay chained to an unpayable debt burden.
Bankruptcy need not be a bad thing. The first thing people need to understand is that finance is spiritual or psychological. If Greece goes bankrupt, people, buildings, factories, farms, beaches, houses etc. will not disappear. The only thing that will change is how people decide what to do in the future with these real world assets.
In the case of Argentina, as well as in the case of Iceland, declaring bankruptcy was a short sharp shock followed by a rapid rise in standards of living. The people were also freed from the clutches of parasitical bankers.
Of course, if Greece goes bankrupt eventually so will the rest of countries using the Euro.
Angela Merkel recently went to China and Japan to ask for money but returned empty handed.
Since there is no other source of money big enough to bail out the German backed Euro, the German financial system is thus also likely to become insolvent sooner rather than later.
The end result will be a return to the Deutschemark, the Drachma and other currencies tied to historical cultures.
Now here is something to ponder. The European Union Parliament building was deliberately built to resemble the tower of babel. You can see this visually at this link:
The story of the Tower of Babel was that it eventually collapsed and all the different peoples went their separate ways. The new tower of babel was completed in 1999. The question is, where there planners who knew way back then the EU project was destined to go the way of the tower of babel?
June 2, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
There are growing signs that world events will be allowed to simmer away until this autumn when there may finally be revolution in the West and an end to cabal rule. In fact, it is the moral duty of all aware people to make sure this happens and the West is freed from Babylonian style debt slavery.
The most likely trigger for the revolution is now expected to be Greece. The latest news on that front is that Greece will “bundle” June payments to the IMF. What this means, according to British MI5 intelligence, is that “if Greece bundles it’s June payments, it defaults to the IMF in early July, this will be reported by the IMF Managing Director after 30 more days followed by some 3-4 weeks of procedural talks inside the IMF.” In other words the crunch will come in September.
The fact is the Western banking system, notably the mega-banks, are already bankrupt. They are bankrupt based on the simple fact that, as a whole, Western countries have been importing from the rest of the world, mainly Asia, for the past 30 years using their credit card and the card has maxed out. The Western banks have been pretending this is not the case by creating hundreds of trillions of dollars’ worth of derivatives. These derivatives have very tenuous links to real world things such as Greek people’s income so, something like a Greek default would be enough to send the system into terminal tailspin.
The recent statements from Greek government officials make it very clear they will no longer squeeze Greek citizens to help cabal banks. Here is what the Greek speaker of the House Zoe Konstantopoulou had to say about the debt:
“There is strong evidence on the illegitimacy, odiousness and unsustainability of a large part of what is purported to be the Greek public debt.”
Getting the Greek government to abandon the EU, join the BRICS bank and accept money from Russia might be the strategy that ends cabal control in Europe. The Greeks have a historical chance to restore Democracy, their invention, to the West. We should find out this autumn.
High level Indonesian government sources meanwhile, contacted the White Dragon Society to inform them that the main gold depository in Indonesia was located inside a military base less than a kilometer from the US embassy in Jakarta. The exact amount of gold was not disclosed but the sources said it was “more than 100,000 tons.”
They say the gold bunkers will be opened in September, thus providing independent verification that some sort of financial “event,” is scheduled for this autumn. However, the Indonesian sources, while claiming to have personally seen the gold, were still not able to provide a verifiable recent photograph. They promised to provide one soon. They said the gold deposits can be identified by governments using satellites.
The Indonesians also said recently elected President Joko Widodo was not doing what he promised and so he would be removed by the end of this year. The Americans, Russians and Chinese have been fighting a proxy war for control of Indonesia and its gold, the sources say. They say officials from the US State Department and some Indonesian generals met recently in the Province of North Sulawesi where there is a significant Christian minority.
The State Department officials were asking the generals if starting riots between Christians and Muslims there would be enough to enable the establishment of a military government favorable to the Khazarian cabal. So, unless they are stopped, cabalists with jumbo planes full of fake US dollars will be landing in Indonesia to hire rioters and crisis actors. Indonesia would thus join the Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Syria etc. as yet another cabal created trouble spot.
The Russians, for their part, provided the WDS with a load of detailed financial data on what they say is the cabal’s main instrument of control: the Vanguard Corporation. The Russian documents show that Vanguard is owned by the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Bushes, the Clintons, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and other senior Khazarian mobsters.
Vanguard in turn controls most major US corporations, especially the nasty ones like Monsanto and Greystone (formerly Blackwater, Academi, Xe etc.)
A joint Russian, German and French intelligence investigation of Vanguard was triggered by the arrest earlier this year in Germany of an assistant to US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. The arrested individual was caught trying to transport billions of dollars in high quality counterfeit currency to the Ukraine. He has been cooperating fully with the European task force.
He told the investigators that Nuland, Senator John McCain, US Secretary of State John Kerry, CIA Director John Brennan and others were employees of Vanguard. According to the Russians, he testified that Vanguard has “printed billions of high quality fake dollars and paid them to mercenaries in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Libya etc.” In addition ISIS was a Vanguard subsidiary, according to this source.
Initial reviews of the Russian information by British MI5 intelligence say “the financials are credible.”
The British say Vanguard subsidiary Monsanto’s efforts to control world food production and availability were part of “Vanguard’s strategy for geo-engineering the world population.”
The Russians also state that a company called Gilead Sciences together with the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer (an offshoot of the Nazi IG Farben Corporation) and the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation were all involved in the spreading of Ebola as well as in the marketing of Ebola cures.
In any case, the publication of Vanguard secrets has caused their top investors to try to disconnect themselves from nasty subsidiaries like ISIS. The result is that ISIS now has cash problems and has had to resort to charging North African villagers $3000 per head to be shipped to Italy, according to MI5.
A portion of the Russian report has been pasted to the end of this week’s newsletter. Hopefully this will trigger some serious law enforcement activity against this corporate monstrosity.
In any case, there are other signs the cabal is in trouble. One big event was the resignation of former UK prime minister Tony Blair as special “Middle East Peace Envoy.”
What this means is that he has been stripped of diplomatic immunity and can now face war crimes charges for his involvement in the destruction of Iraq. Blair is a known squealer and you can be sure he is singing like a canary about the Bushes and other Khazarian Nazis. Let us hope the British finally get the gumption do the decent thing and take down this mass murderer and his fellow traitors.
The other interesting incident was the fact the US Secretary of State John Kerry “broke his leg in a bicycle accident,” and had to call off his negotiations with Iran. We have not been able to confirm this yet but, past experience makes us believe Kerry was deliberately assaulted by fellow gangsters who were angry about his Iranian deal making.
Asian sources say the nuclear negotiations with Iran had nothing to do with Iran acquiring nuclear weapons because Iran has had nuclear weapons since the time of the Shah. A cousin of the Shah of Iran has also confirmed this. What the so-called Iranian nuclear negotiations are really about is an attempt to get the Iranian nuclear program to stop using Russian supplied Uranium and switch to Western controlled Thorium, the Asian sources say. The Iranians are probably going to end up using both.
In any case, patriots in the US military need remove gangsters like Kerry from power, restore the US republic and end corporate cabal rule ASAP. If not, the United States will continue its descent into third world status. Data on real inflation rates in the US put out by Chapwood Investments show that US economy has shrunk by 21.4% since 2011.
Recent drops in world trade volume also make it clear the current Western dominated financial system is becoming increasingly dysfunctional. The US military needs to march on Washington DC and New York to clean out the Khazarian cabalist nests. Canadian troops are ready to help if asked. It is time for a second American revolution.
The four companies that are present in all cases below and in all decisions: Vanguard, Fidelity, BlackRock and State Street. All of them “belong together”, but if to check out carefully the balance of shares, it turns out that in reality all these companies controlled by Vanguard. So, all of these partners or “competitors” of Fidelity, BlackRock and State Street belong to Vanguard Group.
Please, look at the largest, companies in various industries, controlled by the “Big Four”, and upon closer inspection control by Corporation Vanguard:
To date, tens of trillions of dollars are controlled by these investors, and all of the major global corporations controlled by the group of investors that own asset management group Vanguard:
Dick Cheney, the Rothschilds, the Bushes, the Rockefellers, Clintons, Donald Rumsfeld and many other influential people and owners of the Federal Reserve. They virtually monopolized foreign and US defense policy and almost all of the major defense corporations.
Group Vanguard, itself, also controls the major world media. In addition, Corporation Vanguard is working on a number of key figures of the Central Intelligence Agency, including the namesake of a President of Vanguard , the CIA Director John Brennan.
It is important to know who really controls the major banks, and we will start from the United States.
In the first place - JP Morgan Chase with 2.39 trillion dollars of assets. Its large institutional investor is Vanguard Group, Inc. Between the top ten investors the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund, Vanguard Institutional Index Fund and the Vanguard 500 Index Fund.
In second place – Bank of America with assets 2.17 trillion. Its large institutional investor is Vanguard Group, Inc. The top ten investors – investment funds – Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund, Vanguard Institutional Index Fund, Vanguard 500 Index Fund and Vanguard / Windsor II.
The third place — Citigroup with assets 1,88 trillion. The biggest investor — Vanguard Group, Inc. First ten: Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund, Vanguard Institutional Index Fund, Vanguard 500 Index Fund, Vanguard/Windsor II, Vanguard/Wellington Fund, Inc. и Fidelity Contra Fund, Inc. We should consider that some of them, for example, «Fidelity» – this is also Vanguard, and some others, for example, «JPMorgan», is fully controlled by Vanguard, as well. «Fidelity» and its structures belong to Vanguard…
And finally, Warren Buffett’s favorite& #8211; Wells Fargo. Assets: 1.44 trillion, deposits: 1.01 trillion. The list of the largest institutional investors: Vanguard Group, Inc. is only in second place, but this is offset by the top ten investors – investment funds: Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund, Fidelity Contra Fund, Inc., Vanguard Institutional Index Fund, Vanguard 500 Index Fund and Vanguard / Wellington Fund, Inc. (All of them are Vanguard’s “daughters”)
That’s what the picture of the investigation loomed today. The largest companies in the world - are banks Bank of America, JP Morgan, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley.
Let’s see who their major shareholders. Bank of America, State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, BlackRock, FMR (Fidelity), Paulson, JP Morgan, T. Rowe, Capital World Investors, AXA, Bank of NY, Mellon.
JP Morgan: State Street Corp., Vanguard Group, FMR (it is Fidelity), BlackRock, T. Rowe, AXA, Capital World Investor, Capital Research Global Investor, Northern Trust Corp. and Bank of Mellon.
Citigroup: State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, BlackRock, Paulson, FMR, Capital World Investor, JP Morgan, Northern Trust Corporation, Fairhome Capital Mgmt and Bank of NY Mellon.
Wells Fargo: Berkshire Hathaway, FMR, State Street, Vanguard Group, Capital World Investors, BlackRock, Wellington Mgmt, AXA, T. Rowe and Davis Selected Advisers
Check yourself again: As I mentioned above, the leading financial company is fully controlled by ten institutional and/or stock shareholders of which are the nucleus of the four companies that are present in all cases and in all decisions: Vanguard, Fidelity, BlackRock и State Street.
All of them “belong together”, but if to check out carefully the balance of shares, it turns out that in reality all these companies controlled by Vanguard. So, all of these partners or “competitors” Fidelity, BlackRock and State Street belong to Vanguard Group.
The corporation «Monsanto» hated by millions of people around the world, and especially in the US, but its owners did not care about it for a simple reason: no one thought about its real hosts.
August 26, 2014. As the owners of «Monsanto» public perceives individuals: William U. Parfet, owning, 284,642 shares of the company, Hugh Grant – 253715, Robert T. Fraley - 95212, Brett D. Begemann – 103523 and David F. Snively to 62072 shares. Impressively, all of them – are very rich and influential people. Total all individuals – the owners of the corporation «Monsanto» have 799,164 shares.
However, the first in the list of institutional shareholders is (who would you think ?) Vanguard Group, Inc. from 31201773 shares, that is 39 or more times greater than the leading “owners” of the company in total.
Let’s see another list of shareholders «Monsanto» – mutual funds: Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund – 8118741 action, Vanguard / Primecap Fund – 6663460, Vanguard Institutional Index Fund – 5226511 and Vanguard 500 Index Fund – 517,086.
At this point, there are not any of the new players, but one new company involved: Fidelity Grows Company Fund with 4072871 shares. The trick is that the mutual fund Fidelity Investment Services working closely with Vanguard Group.
Go down to the list: Vanguard Specialized-Dividend Appreciation Index Fund – More shares 3641513. Do your eyes dazzle by Vanguard? But there is no questions for regulatory agencies: the shares are distributed among the different funds, and all of them are different legal entities!
As a leading figure of «Monsanto» known by the public is Mr. Hugh Grant with the aforementioned 253,715 shares of the corporation. He served as a President, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Grant does not explain to any nobody, in whose hands are the reins of Monsanto’s power in reality!
Google!?! You search, and you guess that Google owns by a Russian Jew, Mr. Sergey Brin.
First, find a list of the owners. There are Eric E. Schmidt - 1,240,463 shares, John L. Doerr - 2767 shares, Sergey Brin - 75,000 shares, David C. Drummond - 21332 stocks and shares Paul S. Otellini - 643. Tough Guys.
Go down below to the most important institutional investors, and in the first place is State Street Corporation with 22,757,690 shares, constituting 6.73% of the company as much as Google. So who is the real owner ?!
In second place with a certain abbreviation is FMRLLC with its 20368861 shares and 6.02%. Nothing mysterious. This is Fidelity Management and Research.
The third – Vanguard Group, Inc. with 14624137 shares and 4.32%. At this stage of counting the total share of Vanguard and Fidelity is already 10.34%. Big Boys.
However, we go further: among the most important investment funds of the investors of Google: first is Fidelity Contra fund Inc. with 6925967 shares or 2.05%, on the fourth – Fidelity Growth Company Fund (1,809,678, 0.54%) and on the sixth - Vanguard / Primecap Fund (1,417,843, 0.42%).
Total aggregate Vanguard and Fidelity Corporations shares of Google on August 28, 2014 is 45,146,486 (forty-five million one hundred forty-six thousand four hundred eighty-six shares), while the whole world “knows” that Mr. Sergey Brin owns the Google. Mr. Brin has seventy five thousand shares. I informed you already that Vanguard owns the Fidelity
In contrast to the Vanguard and Fidelity, holding voting shares, Brin interests in income rather than in control, so all of his shares belong to the category B that filed under section 14 (A) of the Act of 1934 “On Securities Exchanges ” declaration signed by Eric Schmidt. The number of category A shares that owned by Sergey Brin is 0.
However, Brin as a Director, who voting by proxy uses not his shares, but information about the owners of these shares I did not find, and it is possible that among owners of these shares would be the same Vanguard.
Please, see who controls Microsoft. To do this again we will use “boring” German data, this time on
List of Direct owners — individuals as of on August 28, 2014: Steven A. Ballmer c 333,254,734 shares, William H. Gates III - c 297,992,934, Mason G. Morfit - 827 shares, Brian Kevin Turner - 12,95,454, and Steven J. Sinofsky to 1,176,195 shares.
List of major institutional investors opens Vanguard Group, Inc. to 386749214 shares, and in fourth place here FMR (Fidelity!), LLC to 272,942,627. In the first place on the list of the most important foundations Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund with 115,585,047 shares, and below there are Vanguard Institutional Index Fund-Institutional Index Fund - 75,214,603 and Vanguard 500 Index Fund - 74,414,992.
Now, we will take a quick look at the AT&T. The top ten institutional investors it looks like: The Vanguard Group, Inc., State Street Corporation, Evercore Trust Company, NA, BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, NA, Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, BlackRock Fund Advisors, Northern Trust Corporation, Dimensional Fund Advisors LP, Capital Research Global Investors and BlackRock Group Limited. Only the owners of Evercore Trust Company are not recognized, but the other nine are Vanguard.
The Top Ten institutional investors – investment funds
The top ten institutional investors – investment funds: Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund, Vanguard 500 Index Fund, SPDR S & P 500 ETF Trust, Vanguard Institutional Index Fund-Institutional Index Fund, Capital Income Builder, Inc., Franklin Custodian Funds - Income Fund, Spartan 500 Index Fund, Shares Core S & P 500 ETF, DFA US Large Cap Value Series and Vanguard Index - Value Index Fund. From this list it is not clear to me who owns the Shares Core S & P 500 ETF and the DFA US Large Cap Value Series. Other eight out of ten are Vanguard.
Please ask me about Comcast and its purchase of 100% shares of Time Warner Cable, of a “daughter” of its alleged largest competitor, media conglomerate AT&T Cable. This “daughter”, Time Warner Cable controls 60% of both the Internet and cable television in the United States.
96.69% stake in Comcast is in the hands of institutional investors. Here are the first five: STRS Ohio – 150,105,674, Capital World Investors – 134,729,551, Vanguard Group, Inc. – 125 644 169, State Street Corp. – 104 763 362, and FMR LLC -73 866 510.
I show to you above, but not many of other Americans know that State Street and Fidelity (FMR) are Vanguard, too.
Facts on Ebola
Gilead Sciences,
I do not remember if the FBI agents requested me to investigate transmitted contactless Virus Ebola, which was developed in CIA’s secret laboratory in Guinea by specialists of the American biotechnology company «Gilead Sciences», after which the epidemic was spread covering several countries.
The Headquarter of «Gilead Sciences» is located in Foster City, California. If the FBI agents requested me to investigate Ebola, I inform you below about the real owners of the «Gilead Sciences»! If the FBI did not request me to investigate Ebola, please, delete the information below.
The nominal owners — individuals: Dr. John C. Martin (President, Chief Executive Officer), Norbert W. Bischofberger, John F. Milligan, Etienne Davignon and James M. Denny.
The real control of major institutional shareholders of «Gilead Sciences» belongs to Vanguard Group, Inc. Other major shareholders of mutual investments: Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund; Vanguard Institutional Index Fund, and Vanguard 500 Index Fund.
May 26, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Sometimes news seems to repeat itself. Sometimes news seems to repeat itself. If this sounds repetitive it is repetitive. That is because many recent news events can be summarized in a few repeating patterns: Greece threatens to default, the Ukraine threatens to default, the US runs out of money again, there is another fake mass shooting event in the US (this time Waco), China and Japan say slightly different things about each other’s history then military pilots fly to obscure islands and wave the finger at each other, Shias, Sunnis, Jews and Western mercenaries pretending to be Muslim extremists do bad things or are victims of bad things, North Korea shoots off a missile, etc. etc.
In the alternative news world, we see something similar: mass arrests of Western cabalistic elites are imminent, the new financial system has been announced and your check is in the mail, UFO’s have landed, the end of the world is nigh, President Obama is a time travelling Muslim space alien etc.
Given all this, it is understandable that many people cannot help but wonder if we will ever see any real change.
The fact is though, that we are going through a slow motion but tectonic shift in how this planet is run. Watching the old system implode is like watching stuff go down a drain hole, it circles around and around seemingly forever but suddenly, it is gone. Remember the fall of the Soviet Union? It seemed to take place in slow motion at the time but, in retrospect, it seems like it happened overnight.
The Greek situation is a case in point, deadline after deadline comes and goes and yet the can keeps getting kicked down the road. The Ukraine fails to pay its gas bills and yet the housewives still cook on their gas stoves. These situations will eventually come to a climax but, probably, not before this autumn because the consequences (collapse of the Western financial system) will be so huge that anything and everything possible is being done to delay things.
At the same time, top secret meetings keep taking place to try to come to a long term solution to these and other festering problems. There were several such meetings last week. One was between representatives of the Red Dragon and the White Dragon societies. Another was between the WDS and a Rothschild family representative.
The Red Dragon representative came with concrete proposals for three new types of energy technology. The details of this technology cannot be mentioned publicly at this time because of non-disclosure agreements. What we can say is that one was thermal, one was solar and one was nuclear. They all could be game changers IF REAL.
Once again, no actual device was demonstrated and so, until Japanese manufacturers do their due diligence, we need to conclude that talk is cheap and seeing is believing. The Red Dragon folk also wanted funding and were told that funding would come when proof their technology worked was obtained by the technicians now working on the case.
The talks with the Rothschild representative were more detailed and concrete and concerned their proposal to replace Japan’s Rockefeller slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe with Ichiro Ozawa. Ozawa is a veteran politician who had a falling out with the Rockefellers after the first Gulf war. A Japanese leftist independently contacted the WDS to say the Chinese also supported Ozawa. Both sources said that Prime Minister Abe personally endorsed Ozawa as his replacement.
The WDS said they would support an Ozawa government if it met the following conditions:
1) Nationalize the Bank of Japan and start issuing government currency.
2) Carry out a one-time write off of all Japanese debts, public and private
3) Return all Japanese financial assets illicitly obtained by the cabal
4) Remove all cancer and infertility causing substances from daily consumer products
5) Agree to set up an international economic planning agency and back it with Japan’s $7 trillion in private and public foreign currency holdings
The Ozawa government would also agree to continue and even strengthen Japan’s military alliance with the Pentagon and the US agencies provided the US side apologized for war crimes carried out against the Japanese and Germans during World War 2 (only the losers have apologized for their war crimes so far).
In any case, there are already many signs slave Prime Minister Abe has a new set of handlers. The biggest sign has been the sudden shift in Japan’s policy towards China. A delegation of 3000 Japanese dignitaries, including local and national politicians, industrialists etc. arrived in China last Friday in the biggest such visit in 15 years. They were greeted warmly by Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Clearly something fundamental has changed between Japan and China despite Khazarian attempts to inflame regional historical and territorial sore points.
The US military is still aggressively posturing against Chinese attempts to become a regional bully and has support from most of China’s neighbours who all share an interest in keeping China polite. However, as long as the US fails to nationalize the Federal Reserve Board and issue treasury dollars to replace the no-longer American US dollar, the US military must realize it is impossible to seriously pick a fight with China at the same time as they are financed by China.
China also made a big move in South America, the former US backyard, last week when Xi Jinping showed up in Brazil with over $50 billion in financing. Chinese infrastructure projects throughout the region are rightly seen by South American governments as preferable to US instigated riots and coups d’etat.
The Americans are trying to counter Chinese influence in South America by mending relations with Cuba but, the South American countries are starting to learn the Asian bar-girls mantra: “no money, no honey.”
Even more startling for the US than events in South America and Japan though, is the growing independence movement of the Sandwich Islands, otherwise known as Hawaii. On May 11th, for the first time ever at the United Nations, a UN member country, Pakistan, raised the point that Hawaii never actually voted to become part of the United States and was technically an illegally occupied colony. The US military has vital bases on these islands and would be well advised to support the Hawaiian independence movement on the condition US military bases could stay there.
In Europe too, there has been another major setback for the Khazarian cabal. Poland just elected a President who was part of a faction likely killed by the Khazarian cabal in a plane crash 2010. Here is what Wikipedia has to say about this crash:
“President of Poland Lech Kaczyński and his wife Maria, former President of Poland in exile Ryszard Kaczorowski, the chief of the Polish General Staff and other senior Polish military officers, the president of the National Bank of Poland, Poland’s deputy foreign minister, Polish government officials, 18 members of the Polish parliament, senior members of the Polish clergy, and relatives of victims of the Katyn massacre. They were en route from Warsaw to attend an event marking the 70th anniversary of the massacre.”
These people all died at a time when the Polish government was taking a hardline stance against the Euro and was planning to devalue the Polish Zloty. These policies changed after the crash led to a change of government.
Newly elected Polish President Adnrzej Duda was a legal aide to the president who died in that plane crash. Duda recalls how two days before that fateful flight “the president told him that a generational change was afoot, and that it would be Duda and his peers who would take responsibility for the future of the country.”
It looks like a newly assertive Poland will now join Greece and the Ukraine in the whirlpool of headlines we will see in the weeks and months to come.
Meanwhile, the Khazarian Mafiosi still causing trouble in the Middle East are escalating their threats and rhetoric. In the past week they have threatened to use their ISIS pseudo-Muslim army to destroy the priceless cultural relic of Palmyra in Syria. They also threatened to blow up the Iranian embassy in Syria before withdrawing that threat after being told Tel Aviv would be destroyed in retaliation.
The Pentagon reminded the Israelis their arsenal of 200 nuclear weapons was not enough to destroy the world but all it would take was a single nuke to destroy Israel.
The Khazarian attempts to start civil war or mass unrest inside the United States are also failing in a spectacular manner. The most recent event was the obviously faked biker shoot-out in Waco, Texas. All the bikers had brand new uniforms and brand new motorcycles. I do not know about you but, all the real bikers I have even seen did not look all squeaky clean like they had just come out of a clothing store with new duds. Maybe these crisis acting troupes should just come out of the closet and start charging admission for their street theater performances.
As you can see, the toilet of history has been flushed.
May 18, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
A representative of the G7 group of nations has been approached with a proposal by the Khazarian mafia banking community to “repurpose their funds for the benefit of humanity,” in exchange for “amnesty for certain Jewish bankers.” Russia and “certain foundations” would be involved in this plan, the source said.
The background for this offer may be found in an article in the Japanese language edition of the Reuters News Wire that claimed Reuters had obtained documents showing the Federal Reserve Board has made contingency plans for the bankruptcy of the United States of America.
We were unable to find an English language version of this article but the Japanese version says the documents were obtained from Jeb Hensarling, the Head of the US House Financial Services Committee. The documents call for delaying payments on bonds issued by the US government and for giving priority to certain bond holders over others in repayment.
Further confirmation that things are not running normally in Washington D.C. came from the recent visit by US Secretary of States John “stole the Heinz fortune” Kerry to Russia where he announced he supported the Minsk peace agreements: a 180 degree change in policy. This came on a visit to Russia that started immediately after Kerry snubbed the Russian May 9th parade in celebration of Russia’s victory over the Nazis in the great patriotic war (World War 2). The fact the Chinese and Indian armies both marched in that parade appears to have rattled the Washington DC gangsters.
It is also no coincidence that Kerry’s turnaround at the same time as the Chinese government once again started buying US government bonds and once again surpassed Japan to become the largest holder of these cabal debt notes. Clearly the Chinese told the Americans: “if you want us to pay your bills you have to stop being a bad boy in the Ukraine.”
There was also an unusually blatant propaganda shouting match that followed the Kerry visit. Here are two headlines that appeared after this meeting:
“Poroshenko says there is no alternative to complete fulfillment of Minsk agreements”
“Poroshenko says Minsk deal ‘pseudo-peace’, vows to fight to the last drop of blood”
The top headline is from the official Russian government Tass News Service and has a URL ending in .ru meaning it is based in Russia. The war-mongering headline comes from Russia Today a news site with a .com domain meaning it is not based in Russia. This clumsy propaganda headline has outed RT as a sophisticated Western agency run news service pretending to be based in Russia.
Another news service pretending to be Russian, by the way is Whatdoesitmean.com that usually starts its articles with “according to Kremlin information” or something like that, even though its server has been traced to CIA headquarters in Virginia.
In any case, propaganda aside, severe cabal infighting is yet another signs it is not business as usual. A cabal insider told this writer the Lehman shock of 2008 was really a fight between David Rockefeller and his nephew J. Rockefeller. David Rockefeller is really the most junior member of the third generation of the Rockefeller family, says this source, who has had top level access to every Japanese Prime Minister since the 1970’s.
He says the original will of John Rockefeller the 1st, the stipulated his dynasty was to be controlled via primogeniture. However, David was trying to change that by handing over control to his own sons. In other words John “J” Rockefeller the fourth was due to take over the family foundations and David was trying to prevent this, according to this source. For that reason, two of David’s flagship companies, Lehman Brothers and Citibank, were bankrupted by J. Rockefeller’s Goldman Sachs, he says.
This may well be true but, the situation has now evolved way beyond a fight between would be hereditary god kings of the sheeple. The issue now is should we give these people amnesty, as they are now asking for, or should they be “strung up from the nearest lamppost” as George Bush Sr. famously predicted would happen “if the American people ever find out what we did to them.”
In fact, feeding these people to the vultures is probably a more likely outcome than either amnesty or stringing them from lampposts. Large law firms are getting ready for a feeding frenzy in retribution against US branch of the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate.
Here are two suggestions for big law firms to pursue. The first is to go after General Electric and Westinghouse for their role in the March 11th tsunami and nuclear terror attack against Japan. GE and Westinghouse sold their nuclear power divisions respectively to Japan’s Hitachi and Toshiba in the years before the 311 attacks.
Since all Japanese nuclear reactors were shut down after 311 and the nuclear power plant business worldwide was badly hit, if I were Hitachi and Toshiba, I would hire the world’s best lawyers to see if this was not a big insider deal to dump these businesses before the sabotage took place.
The other place clever and ambitious lawyers should be looking at is DuPont and the entire ozone layer scam. According to sources at Japanese refrigerator and air-conditioner manufacturers, DuPonts’ patent on the Freon gas used for refrigeration around the world were about to expire, threatening a huge business.
The story about Freon destroying the ozone layer was created so that DuPont could get Freon banned just in time for the patent expiration. Conveniently, DuPont has a fresh patent on HFC, the replacement for Freon. It is worth nothing that all the scare-mongering headlines about the ozone layer being destroyed vanished as soon as the HFC business got started. Somebody can hit up DuPont big time over this.
This sort of revelation is going to come out for many other businesses and governments now that the Khazarian mafia faces worldwide defeat.
Sources at the Asian Development Bank say the right to produce US dollars has already been taken away from this family mafia. The international US dollar is now controlled by a combination of the Chinese government, Asian royal families and European royal families. The US dollars issued inside the United States are now issued by the Treasury Department, he says.
Another indication the US power structure has changed was seen last week when US “acting president” Barack Obama invited the heads of the Gulf Cooperation Council to a summit meeting in the US. Only two of the heads of state bothered to show up. At the media photo event at the end of the summit, this photo was posed:
In terms of diplomatic protocol, this was an unprecedented snub. The message was clear, “no oil money for you.”
There are also fresh indications the Greek crisis is going to mean the end of the Euro. The announcement last week that Greece staved off bankruptcy by using IMF money to pay money it owed to the IMF was clearly bizarre. This is nothing more than a delaying tactic. The Chinese are offering to back both the German Deutschemark and the Greek Drachma with gold if they dump the cabal controlled Euro. A hint can be seen at this site if you click on the pictures of Deutschemark and Drachma bills:
The message is “join the BRICS and your financial problems will end because your money will be backed by gold.”
Clearly though, as long as the Khazarian owned media corporations inside the US continue to spew headlines about Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton as if these two widely disliked characters are the only real choice for US president in 2016, then the battle is not over. When we see them being dragged away in handcuffs on charges of mass murder, then we will know it is over.
In these circumstances the military industrial complex needs to start taking urgent action to prevent a total Western rout. The key is to push for a meritocratic world federation as an alternative to trading Khazarian hegemony for Chinese hegemony.
In military terms, the first thing they need to do is to twist arms in Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia etc. to put an end to the Khazarian provoked infighting in the region. This might mean some pinpoint military operations to remove key Khazarian agents provocateurs. Last week there were indications this is exactly what has been going on with the US raids against ISIS in Syria and the capture of detailed information about their financing. The US needs to then coordinate with Russia and China to oversee the creation of a moderate Sunni/Shia federation to unify the Middle East.
The other thing they need to do is to remove that last of the Khazarian control grid in Japan. People close to slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe approached the White Dragon Society last week with just such a plan. Remove Michael Green, Abraham Cooper and Richard Armitage and go through Gerald Courtis if you want to keep Japan friendly to the military industrial complex. The three legged crow, the Yakuza and other Japanese power groups will then cooperate with the restored United States Republic.
May 11, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The world is headed for some turbulence over the coming months as part of the final removal of the Khazarian mafia from control of the Western financial system, multiple sources, including Japanese government, MI5 and pentagon officials say.
The world missed a recent window of opportunity for a peaceful settlement of the financial war, they said. As a result, several stubborn hold outs of the cabal, like Israel and their Washington DC stooges, will have to be removed through war and through the engineered collapse of most of the large cabal financial companies, the sources say.
This will result in chaos in Europe and several regional wars notably in the Korean peninsula, the Middle East and the US.
The situation in Europe might be the first to blow up as a result of a financial chain reaction expected to be triggered by an unavoidable Greek default, the sources agreed.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s recent visits to China and Japan were aimed at getting money to prevent the collapse of the German financial system when Greece defaults. She returned mostly empty handed, Japanese and Chinese government sources say.
Note: In the context, it is very interesting, and even revealing, to take a look at the extremely harsh statement by Putin on May 10, 2015, that sounded like a wartime ultimatum: either you do this NOW, "or else". One may hardly be able to find such a harsh statements from Putin, one of the most artful and careful politicians on this planet. Putin does not talk like this. Here's the news article translation of it:
"The president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, at the meeting with Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, called for the resolutions of any existing problems between Russia and Germany.
"The sooner these problems cease to exert the negative influence on development of relations, the better" - said the Head of State.
Basically, what he said is that Germany has to decide, and NOW, not "later", where it stands with Russia.
The very use of the term "exert the negative influence" means those problems represent a threat that HAS to be dealt with, and it will be dealt with, as indicated by "The sooner ... the better", and that sounds like an ultimatum, and not just some "difference of opinion on SOME issues", as Putin usually comments on the Russia/US relations.
The very use of "resolutions of any existing problems" indicates, first of all that, he confirms there ARE PROBLEMS, and not merely differences of opinion, and he basically demands that these "problems" have to be resolved, and not merely talked about, ad nausea.
Now, for Putin to challenge no one less than Germany, the leading power in Europe, something pretty bad must be cooking, and there is no time to wait for it any longer. Either Germany "cleans up their act" and decides where it stands in relations with Russia, or what might happen is that, which may nail the last nail, not only in the coffin of the so-called EU, but the Germany itself.
Because Putin is not just some "sweet talker" about nothing. When he talks, and especially using the terms he chose to use with Merkel, you'd better listen, and VERY carefully. Because this is not just words, but a loud and clear message to Germany to decide NOW. At least that is how it sounds, according to the very tone of his words.
Well, what can be said in this case, but "hold on to your seats" now.
One indicator of how unusual the situation is was a joint statement published last week by European Commission President Jean-Claude Junker and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsirpas that called for higher pensions and wages for Greeks. In other words it showed political opposition to bank imposed austerity.
Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, for his part, proposed creating a new development agency or economic planning agency to start rebuilding the Greek economy. To make this possible he proposes putting all of Greek bad debts into a “bad bank” or garbage can bank. This is in effect proposing a default.
If the Greeks default on their over $300 billion in debts, this will create a domino effect that will pull the rug out from over $500 trillion worth of derivatives that are creating the appearance the European banking system is solvent, MI5 and other sources say.
A Japanese fixer in charge of high level financial transactions and an MI5 source both said the BIS or central bank for central banks in Switzerland was broke and was jacking up stock prices in Europe, Japan and the US to try to camouflage this. However, the sources said the Greek can might be kicked down the road until September or October.
The Greeks have also been working closely with the Russians and Chinese to make sure they get new financing from the East in the event of a default to the IMF and the Germans.
This Greek situation is likely to put an end to a different scenario being engineered in the UK by newly re-elected Prime Minister David Cameron and his EU masters in Brussels. The scenario they planned was to use the boogeyman of Scottish independence to force greater UK integration into the EU and put an end to British moves away from the EU.
It is clear that Nigel Farage, head of the UK Independence Party, was put under some sort of threat to force him to pull his punches during the recent UK election campaign. However, the Greek situation is expected to make this whole plan obsolete because the EU itself will be struggling to survive.
The British financial elite have, in any case, already linked their financial system with China and Asia in order to insulate themselves from the upcoming German/EU collapse, Japanese, Chinese and British sources agree.
The situation in the United States is also headed for more chaos and possibly even civil war. The clearest sign of this has been all the major explosions of oil trains, power plants, factories and other infrastructure across the US. Here for example you can see pictures of a nuclear power plant explosion and a train fire that took place last week:
Pentagon sources say that a civil war is possible between the US military and mercenary armies paid by the Khazarian Mafia. The recent talk in the Khazarian propaganda press about some operation called “Jade Helm” is aimed at inciting Americans into believing US armed forces are their enemy. In addition, the Khazarians are now saying ISIS (Israeli Security Intelligence Service) is in the US ready to start trouble.
The latest economic indicators further show the US economy has fallen off a cliff in April that is even bigger than what was seen after the Lehman shock of 2008.
The Khazarian Mafia is also issuing veiled threats it will “blow up” emerging markets. Timothy Adams, head of the Institute of International Finance, which represents the world’s biggest banks, issued this threat in a recent report.
However, US and Asian government sources say most of these big banks would be shut down despite these threats because they represent the Babylonian debt slavery system that is being dismantled in order to free humanity.
A visible sign of this dismantling was also seen in Canada last week. There, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation nationally broadcast a detailed program about a victorious but now being appealed lawsuit to force the Bank of Canada to cut its ties with overseas financial oligarchs and return to its original mandate of providing interest free money to the government. In other words, the Bank of Canada is likely to once again become a government institution and not a tool of Khazarian Mafiosi.
The situation in the Middle East is also going very badly for the Khazarian mafia. The pentagon is aligning with the Iranians against the Zionazi Khazarian regime there. Japanese intelligence agency and pentagon sources both say some sort of final showdown is expected before the situation there finally calms down.
The Saudi Arabian government is also now waking up to the new reality and may cut off its secret alliance with Israel in an attempt to keep in power, the sources said. The Israelis and Saudis have already used nuclear weapons against both Syria and Yemen though, so some sort of payback is inevitable. The turbulence in that region is expected to continue for some time.
There is also going to be some trouble in the Korean peninsula because one of the most stubborn cabal hold-outs is the regime in South Korea, according to a high level Japanese intelligence agency source. Their refusal to accept peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula means that a war will have to be started between North and South Korea, he said.
The scenario, worked out between China, Russia and the Pentagon, calls for Russian and Chinese threats of all-out war to prevent US forces stationed in South Korea from coming to the South’s aid during a series of missile attacks on Seoul. After some retaliatory attacks against Pyongyang a missile is going to hit Japan.
This missile will be used as an excuse by the US military to act as a peacemaker and force reunification of the Korean peninsula, according to this source. At the end of the day North Korean strongman Kim Jon Un’s older brother, Kim Jong Nam, would become the ruler of the unified Korean peninsula, he said. Korean royal family sources agree the regime in South Korea has gone rogue and is headed for serious trouble.
The situation in Japan too is headed for a sea change, multiple sources agree. Prime Minister Abe is only being kept in power because no suitable replacement has been found. However, Abe has been poisoned and can be killed at any moment so Abe will read whatever script is put in front on him in order to survive, multiple Japanese power brokers say. His recent disgusting performance in Washington, though, has led to a renewed campaign to replace Abe. This can be seen by the fact that nationally broadcast TV shows have come out and said the 311 nuclear and tsunami disaster was a terrorist attack on Japan.
In retaliation, the Zionazi submarine base in New Guinea where the 311 attack was coordinated from was hit four times last week with major bunker busting weapons, Pentagon sources say. This has been reported as four earthquakes in the propaganda press.
In addition, national newspapers have reported that even Japanese Members of Parliament are now allowed to read the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement documents. The fact that this is in all the newspapers and TV shows makes it clear nobody in Japan is going to allow Abe’s slave regime to stuff TPP down Japanese throats.
The Rockefeller family has already pulled out of Japan meaning that their stooges like Abe no longer have any real backing. That can be seen by the fact that Citibank’s Japanese operations have been sold and Rockefeller oil companies have also left the country.
Finally, Russia staged a big parade on May 9th to celebrate its victory in the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany. What was interesting about this years’ celebration is that soldiers from China, India, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Mongolia, Armenia, Tajikistan, Kirghistan and Azerbaijan also participated in the parade. This is a clear message that any attempt to provoke Russia further in the Ukraine will lead to a full world war. The Pentagon is not about to take on this coalition to help Ukrainian Zionazis.
May 5, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Chaos is increasing inside the United States as the US Khazarian controlled faction of the Federal Reserve Board continues to be shunned by most of the world. In response, the Khazarians are desperately trying to provoke race riots or otherwise get arms bearing US citizens to fight the US armed forces and police. At the same time, the US armed forces and agencies are moving against both Israel and their US based Khazarian proxies, notably the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller crime family.
In what Pentagon sources say was a direct message to the Rockefeller family, Dave Goldberg, the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook [actually, the article below says his wife is COO of Facebook, not Dave Goldberg], died in mysterious circumstances at age 47 last week.
Facebook is owned by David Rockefeller grandson Mark Zuckerberg. Pentagon sources say this was a message by the armed forces to the Silicon Valley oligarchs that from now on the high tech industry in California would be under military control.
To understand the frenetic power struggle now taking place in the US, it is worth taking another look at the secret history behind the ongoing US corporate government’s bankruptcy. More of this was revealed at a meeting last week between representatives of the White Dragon Society and Chinese royal family members. The Chinese royals presented documentary evidence that will force a change of how 20th century history is written.
The documents describe secret agreements between US Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman, Chinese Nationalist ruler Chiang Kaishek and, members of the Manchu royal family. The documents show how Roosevelt, Truman and US Secretary of State George C. Marshall, over time, took 20 ships laden with Manchu gold to the US and fraudulently used the bullion to finance Roosevelt’s New Deal and the Marshall plan.
The gold was taken to the US starting in the 1930’s under the promise it would be used to finance the development of East Asia and the creation of a federation that would include Manchuria, China, Korea and Japan, the royal family sources said. The Americans also gave the Manchurians plates to allow them to print US dollars.
The two current heirs to the Manchu gold are Kim Young Hee (金英姫) and Zhang Sheng Zhi? (張勝植). They claim there have been numerous attempts to kill them and replace them with look alikes so, as a security measure, they have asked that their pictures be published as seen below:
Photographs of their ears have also been taken as an extra precaution.
The reason these two people claim they are being chased is that they have the legal rights to gold worth about $30 trillion.
What is happening is that, at the highest level of global finance, paper and numbers written on bank computers are not accepted as currency. The owners of the US branch of the Federal Reserve Board (Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller etc.) are being asked to pay their debts to the rest of the world in gold. For that reason they are desperate to try to stake a fraudulent claim to the Manchu gold they stole all those years ago (and have long since used up). They will not get it because the whole world is sick and tired of their criminal antics.
In fact, looking through a gold lens sheds a whole new light on many recent historical events. First of all, the Lehman shock of 2008 came because the corporate government of the United States failed to make a gold payment that was due. That led to a temporary cut off of US trade. The US Corporate government then managed to get a large gold loan from the Ming dynasty faction in Asia on the promise that Barack Obama would be made president and the US would reform itself.
After Obama’s actions showed that he was no better than George Bush Jr., the Ming gold dried up. US cabal staged events since that time have all been in search of gold and financing.
The red shirt movement in Thailand, for example, was really aimed at getting custody of the huge historical Thai royal gold stash. The “Arab springs” in Tunisia and other Arab counties were also aimed at the gold stashes these countries had. The invasion of Mali was staged to seize gold mines there. The tsunami and earthquake attack on Haiti was also aimed at getting gold mining rights. The invasion of Libya was an unsuccessful attempt to steal Colonel Muammar Khadaffi’s gold. The March 11th, 2011 tsunami and earthquake attack on Japan was also aimed at extorting Japanese imperial gold.
So now, the cabalists are frantically hunting royals with claim to historical gold troves. The reason the Obama regime has suddenly been sucking up to Iran so vigorously is because the Persian historical gold trove is worth $46 trillion, according to the current heir to the Persian throne. The Iranians have responded to this US foot kissing by publicly blaming the US government for 911 and telling many other truths. In any case, the heirs to the Persian fortune have made it perfectly clear the US cabalists will never get their hands on their gold.
One recent new indicator of the world wide boycott against the US based Khazarian cabalists was the National Association of Credit Manager’s report that successful US loan applications since the end of March fell by more than 40% year on year. The fall was almost entirely due to a stoppage of trade credits, according to the association. The US government later forced them to “revise” away this ugly truth.
However, the fact that over 6000 US retail shops have recently been closed illustrates how the US corporate government and their American debt slaves can no longer borrow money to buy trinkets from the rest of the world. More proof of bigger than Lehman US economic collapse can be found here:
That is why rent a mobs are being paid with Fed funny money to try to start race wars in Ferguson, Baltimore, Seattle and elsewhere. The Feds are hoping to use the unrest to trigger a civil war in order to distract attention from their own problems.
There was also a big push on the internet to use cabal controlled web sites to push “Jade Helm,” a psychological warfare operation against the American people and US military. There was further what seems to be an attempt to give some credibility to widely discredited fake opposition blogs and radio shows by staging what appear to have been murder attempts against two of them: Stew Webb and Jeff Rense.
Just before the apparent attack on Webb, somebody contacted this writer and told me Webb (who I had never heard of) slandered me by calling me a “disinformation agent.” My response was to quote the Arab saying: “the dogs bark but the caravan roles on.” However, in retrospect it now seems this was an attempt to get me to say something hostile about Webb just before the “attack” on him.
Jeff Rense has also highly discredited himself with all the nonsense he has spewed out about Fukushima. However, I tried to contact him to confirm if he had really been attacked only to find out I was no longer allowed to e-mail him. My understanding, based on a lot of different evidence, is that Rense is a front for the Bush family and, until I hear from him otherwise, that is line I will take.
Nonetheless, as a journalist who has had many colleagues killed and who has personally survived multiple assassination attempts, you may be sure I am vigorously opposed to the murder of journalists and even propagandists.
These two “murder attempts” by the way, came at around the same time a scheduled major US radio broadcast by me on the show “Caravan to Midnight” was cancelled at the last minute due to a “major server attack.”
In any case, these increasingly clumsy attempts by cabal agents to start race riots, promote attacks against the military and spread confusion in the alternative media are all signs of desperation.
The desperation is becoming palpable now because of what just happened to Saudi Arabia, one of the US Khazarian factions’ last sources of money. The Pentagon and the Iranians forced Saudi’s new king Salman to fire crown prince Muqrin and Saud Al Faisal (who has been Saudi foreign minister for the past 40 years). They were fired to remove Bush influence from the Saudi regime and to force an end to the attacks on Yemen, Pentagon sources say. The Pentagon sources are saying they are still seriously thinking of allying with the Yemeni Houthis to carry out a complete regime change in Saudi Arabia.
The other cabal slave regime that is in trouble is Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government in Japan. As predicted, Abe read a humiliating speech in front of the US Congress and Senate last week that made it clear he was not a Japanese Prime Minister but just a US cabal paid actor reading a script. The US military needs to hurry up and clean up its act in Japan or else lose the regime there to Chinese control. The pentagon knows who to contact to prevent that.
April 28, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The bankruptcy of the West was postponed again last week with fudged accounting keeping both Washington D.C. and Greece (therefore the EU) from defaulting as high stakes negotiations over a new financial system continue.
To bolster is bargaining position, the Pentagon is undertaking some large scale moves against China. Pentagon sources say last week’s earthquake in Nepal was generated using high energy electronic waves. The aim was to send a message to both China and India prior to US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter’s planned trip to India next month, the sources say. The basic message was “only the Pentagon can defend India against China.”
This demonstration was part of a concerted push by the Pentagon to get India, Russia, China and Japan to see recent Chinese moves in the South China Sea as evidence China is an aggressor that needs to be contained. As a part of this push, the Pentagon is about to announce an end to its arms embargo against Vietnam and the construction of 8 US military bases in the Philippines, the sources continued.
The Pentagon sources say that deep seated Russian fears of the “yellow peril” are coming to the surface again and that Russia will cooperate with them against China militarily.
The background to all this bluster is the fact that Washington D.C., the Pentagon’s current paymaster, failed to make a payment due to the rest of the world at the end of March (as mentioned in this newsletter last week). Now the corporate media and the US Treasury Department have confirmed the US has been pretending its debts have stopped increasing since March 15th.
In other words, they are cooking their books.
The same is true of the Eurozone where the Greek crisis continues to fester on the back burner in order to prevent the Euro from collapsing. The background to this is ongoing top secret negotiations between Western and Eastern secret societies. At these talks, according to White Dragon Society, US and Asian sources, there has been a lot of movement and a basic framework based on setting up a new meritocratic agency to take over the functions of the IMF and World Bank has been agreed to. There is still a lot that cannot be revealed to the public in order to prevent the negotiations from being sabotaged. However, the British Commonwealth, the Vatican, the Chinese, the Pentagon and the BRICS agree on the broad principles.
Confirmation of this can be seen at many levels now. As mentioned last week, the Vatican will be discussing this issue at a high level forum starting April 28th. Now Alcuin and Flutterby, a site believed to be linked to British Intelligence, has come out with a detailed essay explain how democracy in the US was taken over by oligarchy and proposing meritocracy as a solution.
There are now high level financial documents and hand-written notes being passed along on a strictly analogue basis to prepare for the announcement of this new organization and system. Analogue communications, however, while secure from snooping eyes, are also slow so, it is still too early to try to put a precise date on when all this will become public.
Meanwhile, the Pentagon run site Veteran’s today has been providing very detailed and continuous intelligence dumps about the Khazarian mafia oligarchy that stole the Republic of the United States of America from its people.
The Khazarians are therefore fighting for their lives so, there are also now more undeniable signs of a civil war within the US military industrial complex. This has been noticed by both the Pentagon and the Russians. There are US military factions fighting both for and against the Syrian government, for example, according to both sources. Now Egypt, having been ordered by the Pentagon not to defend Saudi Arabia, is preparing to invade Libya, according to Mossad sources.
The Europeans have offered the Egyptians control of Libya’s oil fields in exchange for getting their help in stopping massive floods of African refuges from entering Europe courtesy of ISIS. Then in Iraq as well, there continues to be a complex game unfolding with Western mercenaries fighting both for and against the Israeli/Saudi ISIS proxy army.
The end game is expected to be a moderate Sufi Muslim federation in the Middle East and an end to the ancient Sunni/Shia split. This split, by the way, had been mostly resolved until the 20th century when the Khazarians started picking at old scabs in order to divide and conquer the Middle East.
This week will also witness a performance in Washington D.C. by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. He was invited to speak at a joint session of both the US Senate and Congress by the same Khazarian puppet masters who arranged for Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu’s recent speech there. Abe was invited to read a speech (written by his puppet masters Michael Green, Richard Armitage, Gerald Curtis et al) as a reward for stealing money from the Japanese National Pension Fund, Postal Savings and the Agricultural Bank (Norinchukin) in order to stave off his Khazarian master’s bankruptcy.
However, we are hearing that Abe was prevented by Japanese nationalists from fully signing over Japan’s sovereignty by agreeing to place oligarch controlled courts above the Japanese government as stipulated by the TPP agreement the Khazarians are trying to foist on Japan. In other words, Abe’s visit will be high on performance and low on content.
South Korea, meanwhile is moving far more decisively against the Khazarians than Abe’s Japanese slave government is willing to. There were more than mere financial interests (Chinese money) behind their decision to defy the US and join the China led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. April 16th was the first anniversary of a ferry disaster that led to the disappearance of close to 300 elite Korean high school students. Korean Royal Family sources say almost no bodies were recovered from the ferry. If we recall the incident, early reports said the sinking started with an explosion. Later reports failed to mention this.
Furthermore, there were reports of unknown submarines in the area at the time. The Nazis are known to have retained a worldwide submarine network after World War 2. The Nazis also took several thousand scientists and many blonde women between the ages to 16 and 24 to some secret destination in the Southern hemisphere during World War 2.
What follows is speculation but, there is a good chance these young Koreans were kidnapped for breeding purposes by the Nazis. It would make sense since the original Nazi obsession with “pure Aryan blood” would have led to inbreeding and genetic decay. Someday all this should come to light.
There was another X-files type incident last week in the United States. According to this article
police in Colorado reported that a man “killed” his computer. This article may be a spoof but, it is a fact that at this point in development a police officer might well consider that shooting a computer was equivalent to “killing it.” In other words, we are entering an unknown ethical world as we deal with relations between humans and increasingly human like artificial intelligence. At what point will abusing a robot or sex doll be put on the same legal level as animal abuse? When will it be considered murder to shoot a computer? These are issues we need to take seriously as computers begin to overtake humans on more and more levels.
The Chinese have also entered a hitherto taboo zone recently when, for the first time, they tried to alter the genes of a human embryo. While computers double in processing power every two years, humans are forbidden from improving their own genome. If the Chinese start manufacturing super geniuses in large quantities through genetic engineering, will the rest of us be condemned to follow the fate of Neanderthals and be replaced by genetically enhanced homo Sinensis?
The world needs to rapidly come up with new organizational structures to deal with the unknown new world we are entering as the old system continues its inevitable collapse. These are the sort of issues a meritocracy could cope with but our current systems cannot.
April 20, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION based in the Washington D.C. extra-territorial enclave inside the Republic of the United States of America failed to make a payment on March 31st and was given until April 17th to come up with the goods but was unable to, according to Chinese government and CIA sources. For that reason the US corporate government has gone bankrupt, the sources say. However, the folk in Washington do not plan to go quietly and are still fighting to survive.
This can be confirmed in the corporate propaganda and government news wires around the world in reports about the Washington IMF/World Bank meetings that ran from April 16-18. The news reports to the general public do not mention the word bankruptcy but rather say things like 19 out of the 20 so-called G20 countries are angry that the US will not give up its veto over the World Bank and IMF. In other words the US government has been publicly repudiated by leaders of 19 out of the 20 top economies.
The current US situation reminds of an old joke my mother told me about a woman watching a military parade and shouting proudly “look my son is the only one marching in step.”
Underneath the surface too, there is a lot of spy movie type subterfuge going on involving high denomination bonds, identity theft, murder and secret negotiations as various players jockey for position in the emerging new financial system.
A new set of meetings between the White Dragon Society and Chinese communist government representatives last week ended with a basic agreement that China was to get a 20% voting share in the new system and that China would not be seeking world hegemony. There was a lot of other stuff discussed that cannot yet be made public for security reasons but involve a plan to seriously help the vast majority of humanity.
There were also negotiations involving the WDS and representatives of Iranian, Chinese, Japanese and Korean royal families. In each case, the genuine heirs to historical gold fortunes told the WDS many of their relatives had been murdered and that they also feared for their lives. In several cases cabal members were caught trying to pass themselves off as genuine Korean, Persian, Chinese etc. royals, according to Japanese military intelligence and other sources.
A representative of the Japanese emperor, Akihiko Yamaguchi, who was wrongly arrested in Chiasso, Italy and had billions of dollars worth of bonds stolen from him, also told once this writer that at least 4 different people had been caught trying to impersonate him at financial institutions.
The story that all these different sources tell is that Khazarian gangsters acquired the rights from various royal families around the world to use their gold as backing for huge denomination financial instruments. As mentioned before in this newsletter, Lord Blackheath discussed one such case in detail at the House of Lords in England in 2012. For those of you who have not yet seen his testimony, please take 11 minutes of your time and watch it at this link:
What Lord Blackheath discusses is the use of 700 tons of gold owned by an Indochinese royal to fabricate 750,000 tons worth of gold backed certificates that were used to create $15 trillion that was used to bail out the Federal Reserve Board after the Lehman crisis of 2008.
Now, other Royals are coming out of the closet with their paper certificates theoretically worth trillions of dollars that were issued to them by the same Khazarian or Federal Reserve Board con-men as Lord Blackheath mentions.
The Persian/Iranian royal heir claims to have $45 trillion worth of such bonds. Two of this heir’s brothers, his parents and many other relatives have been killed by the Khazarians to prevent them from either cashing the bonds or claiming their rights to the dynastic gold that underwrites these bonds, the Persian royal claims.
In addition, a Manchurian/Korean/Chinese royal family has produced detailed documentary evidence that they handed over their gold to the Americans before and during World War 2 in exchange for a promise it would be used to create a Korean, Manchurian, Chinese federation. Instead, the gold was used to fund the post war Marshall Plan that rebuilt Europe and Japan but left everybody else out in the cold.
To put it another way, the post war prosperity of the US and Europe was financed with gold that was fraudulently obtained from ancient mostly non-European royal families. These families have been asking for their gold back and, it was the failure to come up with the gold that led to the bankruptcy of the US corporate government on April 17th.
The European royals, for their part, have reached an accommodation with their counter-parts in the rest of the world and that is why England, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland etc. agreed to ignore the US corporate governments’ objections and join China’s proposed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
We also have on the record public confirmation from IMF head Christine Lagarde that big money is about to be released. Here is what she said at last week’s IMF meeting in Washington:
“The Asian Infrastructure Investment bank is … the new kid on the block to actually respond to a massive need that is out there, which is infrastructure financing. People are talking not billions, they’re talking trillions needed to finance infrastructure in Asia.
“So if that institution is there to finance vital needs, that will push growth… and we can cooperate. If we can work together, that is excellent news. We are ourselves very supportive of this prospect, and we will happily cooperate and contribute to the extent helpful to this new institution.”
In other words, she is drooling at the mouth at the prospect of the IMF getting a share of some of the “trillions” that is about to released. World Bank head Jim Yong Kim also drooled at the prospect of the World Bank getting in on some of the expected new action that will come when these trillions are returned to their rightful owners.
With this as background we can understand why there has been so much radical activity taking place in the US recently. One such story was the plan announced by the NORAD military command to reopen the mothballed Cheyenne military base under the Rocky mountains to prepare for “an electromagnetic pulse attack.”
The fact they have publicly announced they will reopen this base confirms that the newer underground bases built near Denver, Colorado, Washington D.C. and elsewhere have been seized by the white hats and taken out of cabal control.
There has also been a lot of speculation about why a bunch of Walmart stores located near US military bases have been suddenly shut down.
CIA sources say there are underground bunkers being built under these stores for the elite to hide in. However, a pentagon source says the Walmarts are being prepared as distribution centers for food and other essential products in preparation for a shut down and reboot of the banking system. Time will tell which of these sources is telling the truth.
The other odd event is the New York Federal Reserve Board’s plan to move most of its essential functions to Chicago. We have previously noted that the Chicago Fed has been filling its windows with concrete. We have also noted the US Treasury department has been stocking up with water purifiers, emergency food stocks, emergency blankets etc. This is hardly the sort of material needed during an ordinary financial crisis.
However, please do not get paranoid just because the Feds are, this is not the end of the world but rather the end of the fraudulent fiat money world. For the 99.99% of us humans, this will be a time of great liberation from ancient Hyksos debt slavery.
The Vatican, for example, will be holding a special meeting of experts on April 28th to discuss the end of this and other forms of slavery.
In addition to this public forum, there will be secret meetings held later this month to discuss positive things. In particular, what will be discussed will be detailed mechanisms to ensure the trillions of dollars that are about to be released will not end up as fairy dust but actually lead to real improvements in the real world. What that will mean in reality is that instead of having a sudden, giant announcement, there will be a little snowball that will slowly but exponentially start getting bigger.
At first there will be millions of dollars used for head-hunting, then there will be hundreds of millions spent on getting staff and headquarters set up, then there will be billions in pilot projects and only then will the trillions start to pour.
The important thing to keep in mind is that what we are setting out to do is create heaven on earth not create a new hell by seeking revenge. Seeking revenge for past crimes will only lead to a new set of negative cycles of vendetta. The Khazarian mafiosi also need to be reminded that surrendering gracefully is their best option.
April 15, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Sometimes you have to see things to believe them. Today, I got the name card of Dennis Blair, former US Director of National Intelligence (overseeing all US intelligence agencies) and former Commander in Chief of US Pacific Forces. It says he is now Chairman of the Board and CEO of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA. In other words, he works for Yohei Sasagawa, a man multiple Japanese Yakuza gangster sources have told this writer is a fellow gangster. Here is a link to a declassified CIA report about his father Ryoichi Sasagawa:
Here is a quote from a well-researched book about the Yakuza.
So there you have it, US top brass retiring into Yakuza fronts. Blair was speaking at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan where he dutifully rolled out the current Washington D.C. party line for the corporate propaganda press. This writer was repeatedly denied an opportunity to ask Blair a question so we will post our question here:
“Mr. Blair, you work for Yohei Sasagawa, a man who creates money out of thin air by fraudulently claiming it is backed by legendary treasures hidden in Indonesian and Philippine caves. Unfortunately your European allies and most of the rest of the world no longer believe the stories of Sasagawa and his fellow gangsters and are building an alternative financial system.
My question to you is ‘at what point are you people going to accept reality and agree to renegotiate the international geopolitical and financial architecture to reflect current world demographic and economic reality?’”
My follow up question was to be
“The United States Constitution clearly states that the power to create money belongs to the government of the people of the United States so at what point is the US military going to keep its oath to protect the constitution by nationalizing the Federal Reserve Board and freeing the American people from debt slavery?”
The fact I was denied the opportunity to ask these questions reminded me once again that one of the subtle tactics used by the cabal to control such staged events as press conferences is to make sure only reporters who follow the party line are allowed to ask questions.
In any case, listening to the party line as expressed by Blair did provide some important insights into what is happening to the regime in Washington D.C. and its Japanese slave subsidiary. The most important thing Blair said was that the recent speech to the US Congress and Senate by Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu was “not a pretty sight,” and he was “trying to meddle” in US domestic affairs.
Public comments of this nature, especially about Israel, at a corporate press conference constitute very strong language. Blair thus confirmed what this writer’s pentagon and agency sources have been telling him and that is that there a concerted campaign going on to remove both Israel’s Netanyahu and the Saudi Arabian regime.
The Saudi regime has asked Egypt, Pakistan and other Muslim countries to help it but all have refused. Pentagon sources are saying that China, Russia and even Netanyahu’s own supporters are twisting his arm to try to get him to end the Zionist nightmarish plan to start World War 3.
The Saudi regime and many members of the Netanyahu regime will be tried as war criminals at the end of all this, the pentagon sources promise. In addition, they will be forced to pay massive financial compensation, the sources say.
So, while US the military industrial complex has now clearly turned its back on the Zionists and the Saudis, it is also clear the current leadership is thinking very small and short term about the future.
Getting back to the world as described by Blair, he does note the best friend the US government now has is Japan, or as he put it, “Japan is one of the few countries in sync,” with the US. The US side is pushing Japan to pass laws that will in effect allow the pentagon to integrate its forces with the Japanese army as the lynchpin to their “pivot to Asia.”
Japanese slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will visit the US towards the end of this month where he will read speech to a joint session of Congress that will be carefully prepared by his US and Yakuza handlers. In it, he will try to announce an enhanced US/Japan alliance as a key to a big move to counter balance China. They will also try to get Abe to announce a final accord on the Trans Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPP).
Unfortunately for Abe and his US handlers, the fact that the UK, Germany, France, Italy and Switzerland were among the 50 countries that wanted to join China’s proposed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank means the entire scenario trying to present the puppet Abe as a powerful Asian leader and alternative to China is failing.
It is now a fact that the Europeans have publicly renounced US leadership of the world’s financial architecture. Abe is just a Japanese Obama, a non-white face for the usual Washington puppet masters (minus the Zionists) to hide behind.
The fascist Japanese powerbrokers like Yohei Sasagawa, and US based Japan handlers who are behind Abe just do not get that they are facing a paradigm shift and not just business as usual with a few changes. Even if Abe goes to Washington and reads his handlers’ speech to the puppets gathered there, he is no longer relevant because Washington is no longer the center of the world stage.
Another thing to note is that Blair, who we are told represents the cutting edge of the US military industrial complex, apparently sincerely believes the blatant statistical lies about the US economy being in a recovery instead of being in freefall. Wishful thinking should never be a part of serious intelligence work.
Another thing that was learned from watching the public performance of a top military industrial complex apparatchik was how much they fail to understand how the internet has totally destroyed the old firewall between what they knew and what was released to the public. He seemed to believe public discourse could still be controlled through falsehoods about things like the true state of the economy made to brainwashed corporate reporters when, in fact, the net gives most of the thinking public intelligence briefings as good as or better than what he is getting.
One thing Blair did say though that is worth mentioning was that China stole about $300 billion dollars and $200 billion dollars’ worth of trade secrets respectively from the US and Japan in 2013. What this shows is that the internet is turning into a noosphere or global consciousness where all information is visible and shared.
In such a world, the old mentality of trying to control others through propaganda, secret technology and military force is becoming irrelevant. The Chinese already produces 11 times more steel than the US and have pretty much open access to their intellectual property so, if they wanted to create a giant modern army they could but, they choose not to. In such circumstances it is better to turn them into partners than enemies.
To that end, the White Dragon Society last week made a proposal for the governance structure of the proposed world economic planning agency. The proposal calls for giving a 20% voting share to China, 17% each for Europe and North America, 14% for Japan plus Korea (South and North) and 32% for the other countries. This would put East and West on equal terms with 34% of the vote each and give the deciding vote to the South.
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank could exist as a separate institution under this proposal but it should expand its horizons and aim to be the world infrastructure investment bank.
In any case, news was rather slow during the last week because of the lull in the secret negotiations on how to update the existing global architecture. The Greek crisis can was kicked down the road until May because of this. Things should pick up again towards the end of the month.
April 7, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
A meeting last week between a representative of the Chinese Communist Government and of the White Dragon Family ended badly after the Chinese stated their goal was to take over control of the planet. They were told the Chinese account for at most a fifth of the world’s population so the best they could hope for was one fifth if world power.
The meeting took place April 4th, 2015 a day of great occult significance. As widely reported, on that day there was a blood moon lunar eclipse that coincided with the Jewish Pass Over holy day and the Christian Easter day of rebirth. This is all seen as a good omen for the West. For the Chinese, however, the fourth day of the fourth month means double death and is highly inauspicious.
The Chinese representative was also unable or unwilling to visit the shrine to the Dragon God King of the White Waterfall (白瀧龍王神) where the meeting was supposed to take place. He seemed scared of it so, the meeting took place about 200 yards away from the shrine. This seems symbolic of how the Chinese push for world dominance fell short of its goal.
For sure, the Chinese have been on a roll and their big push in February and March of this year produced big results. The most significant was the agreement by major European powers and US allies to join China’s proposed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, despite US opposition. What some Chinese failed to understand is that supporting a Chinese infrastructure initiative is not the same as voting to become Chinese serfs.
China has become the world’s biggest economy and has made huge accomplishments in the past decades. They have lifted a record number of people out of poverty, poured an awful lot of cement, built great infrastructure around the world and produced vast quantities of cheap but high quality knickknacks.
The West, by contrast, has seen its economic base badly damaged because the highest levels of its government institutions were taken over by vicious and incompetent gangsters. The West also does feel a bit down-trodden by the recent shift in economic and industrial power to the East.
However, the gangsters are now being systematically purged from governmental control and as result, the West is about to experience a renaissance that will by far outdo the original.
Furthermore, a little bit of perspective is needed here to explain why the West cannot be written off. Let us talk about science and technology for example. We all know the Chinese invented gun-powder, the printing press and paper etc. but can you think of any world changing Chinese invention within the past 600 years?
Did they invent the steam engine? The industrial revolution? Automobiles? Airplanes? Radios? Television? Computers? Semiconductors? The internet? Even the LED lights they are now mass producing were invented by the Japanese. We hope soon to be awestruck by new Chinese inventions but they ain’t here yet.
Another thing the Chinese need to keep in mind before they start talking about world domination is how much they owe the West. The West provided them with technical knowledge, education, financial assistance and more to modernize their economy. They did this not just out of the profit motive but out of a sincere desire to see China modernize and become prosperous.
The West, for its part, needs to be eternally grateful to China for its help in purging our leadership of Khazarain (Hyksos) Satanists. The West also needs to be grateful for all the financial assistance the Chinese have provided.
Both East and West now need to look back at when the Chinese secret societies made a deal with the White Dragon Society and its allies to join the fight against the Satanists. The Chinese said they wanted to once again be the center of the world and were told this would happen only on the condition that they ended poverty and stopped environmental destruction.
The Chinese have done a lot against poverty, especially in China, but they are some of the world’s worst polluters and have a hideous environmental record. There is also a lot of poverty that still needs to be dealt with. The West can take pride in its efforts to stop environmental destruction but, they certainly take a back seat to the Chinese when it comes fighting poverty.
That is why East and West need to stop thinking in terms of who is in charge and instead form a 50/50 win/win relationship for the sake of the planet as a whole. This is what the proposed world federation is supposed to accomplish.
On that front, despite the Chinese over-reach, progress continues to be made towards reaching a final deal.
The Pentagon has proposed dividing the world into 9 regions instead of 7 because South America and Russia respectively want independence from North America and Europe. This is an issue that is open to debate and can be settled once the more crucial financial architecture is worked out.
On that front, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter is visiting Japan, South Korea and Sinpapore this week. The US also deployed warplanes in Taiwan to coincide with this visit. The idea is to remind the Chinese that if it ever came to war the US still has an overwhelming military advantage. For example, the Americans have energy weapons that would allow them to hit China with micro-waves thus causing every head in China to burst like an egg would in a microwave oven.
They also have the technology to neutralize Chinese nuclear weapons. Of course this technology would never be used but merely serves as a reminder the US military industrial complex is proposing an alliance with China, not subservience to China.
It is also worth noting the US military is clearly aligning itself with the Iranians as their preferred partner in the Middle East. During the negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program, the Pentagon released detailed intelligence about Israel’s nuclear program. The message was clear, the Pentagon views Israel and not Iran as the real rogue nuclear threat in the Middle East.
US Senator Robert Menendez, until recently head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was indicted on charges of accepting bribes because he was a key member of the Khazarian faction that wanted to start World War 3, according to Pentagon sources. Visible actions like this make the ongoing purge of the Khazarians impossible to deny.
There is a lot less visible stuff also going on. For example, there was a mysterious attack on a Rockefeller facility last week. At the link below you can see a Rockefeller General Electric plant burning after what could only have been some sort of military attack.
Also last week Turkey experienced a nation-wide power outage that was clearly part of the ongoing covert war against the last Khazarian strongholds. It is not clear though which side attacked which in that event though.
Otherwise, the proxy war between the Iran/Pentagon alliance and the Saudi/Israeli faction cooled down somewhat last week. That was because representatives of both the Saudi faction and the Iranians contacted the White Dragon Society and were told the long Sunni/Shia divide had to be ended once and for all. Doing so would release vast funds for both sides, they were told. The Saudis were also told they had to remove the misogynist and other globally unacceptable elements of the Wahhabi doctrine if they wished for their regime to survive.
In Europe meanwhile, the thing to watch for this week is the April 9th IMF payment date the Greeks are expected to miss. If they miss it and go back to the Drachma then the European financial house of cards will suffer a fatal blow as Italy follows Greece. The only people who have the money to help the Greeks pay their bills are the Chinese. That is one of the main reasons why the British, Germans, French, Italians etc. agreed to join the Chinese led AIIB.
The Chinese though, as noted above, are not the real solution either. For that reason, they will probably kick the Greek can down the road yet again as they wait for a final settlement of the financial war. That will depend on the Chinese and Japanese agreeing to a compromise on who will control the proposed economic planning agency.
That is because the Pentagon, the Swiss, the Vatican, the British etc. have already agreed to create such an agency and it is only the Chinese/Japanese split now standing in the way. The WDS is doing its bit to help by removing Khazarians from power in Japan to make sure a genuine Japanese voice speaks for Japan. That would open the door to compromise.
The WDS also suggests selecting somebody from Singapore as the first head of the agency. That is because of Singapore’s successful planned transition from being one of the poorest backwaters on earth to being one of the richest nations on earth in a very short time.
The solution to the financial crisis and the beginning of a new age also await the arrival of certain promised documents.
March 31, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The White Dragon Society has proposed the creation of a world federation (not a fascist New World Order) in order to achieve permanent world peace and start a golden age of unprecedented progress and prosperity. The proposal was made, during ongoing secret negotiations, to the Pentagon, the Vatican, the Chinese, the British Commonwealth and other power centers.
Under this proposal, the United Nations Security council would be replaced by people representing the political consensus of seven major regional groupings. These would be Africa, China, East Asia excluding China, Europe including Russia, India, the Muslim world and North plus South America. Decisions would be made by a majority and each region would have a veto only for its own region. Each region would also have its own meritocratically staffed future planning agency and people owned central bank.
In addition, a meritocratic future planning agency would be established for planning mega-projects that transcend regions. Technocrats with good track records at existing international institutions like the World Bank and the IMF would be invited to join either this or one of the regional agencies.
The Pentagon, the Chinese armed forces and the Russian armed forces would gradually integrate to form a planetary protection force.
So far the Pentagon plus the agencies, the P2 lodge (the Vatican), the Chinese, the Russians, the Germans and the British have all given initial signs they support this plan.
The creation of such a structure would make it possible to resolve all international disputes through arbitration, court cases or sporting events instead of war.
It would also allow the release of equivalent of tens of trillions of dollars to spend on an unprecedented campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction, create new eco-systems and explore the universe among other things.
In the public sphere we can find strong evidence that a new system has been agreed upon in principle. When China announced its Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the cabalists in Washington told their allies not to join. Since then, Australia, Brazil, Canada, England, France, Germany, South Korea, Russia etc have all announced they would join. This forced the IMF and the World Bank to also announce their support. In other words, the secret controllers of the Federal Reserve Board have lost control.
What is left of the old financial system is a combination of a functional retail system and a dysfunctional institutional system. In other words, salaries, electricity bills and the like are still being handled in a realistic basis at the street level but stock markets, bond markets, hedge funds and the like have left the real world a long time ago.
Super computers, algorithms and their handlers are duking it out with each other using quadrillions or decadecillions (look it up, there is such a number) of dollars in complete detachment from a real world where one year of world GDB is only $100 trillion. The plug is about to be pulled on all that.
The Satan worshipping Khazarian (Hyksos) families that controlled the old system are now circling the wagons around their ancestral homelands of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel. This is what is behind the announcement of an “Arab” army. Note that this is not a Muslim army since Turkey, Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan and other Muslim nations are not joining because they know the Hyksos countries are actually run by Satan worshippers.
The Hyksos countries are being attacked by a joint Pentagon, Turkish and Iranian force and will soon be forced to surrender. In the propaganda news this attack is being explained as two separate events, one involving a US/Iranian attack against ISIS in Iraq and the other as a Saudi/Israeli attack on Yemen.
The other Khazarian strong points outside of the Middle East are the US South West, the Western Ukraine and parts of the Russian mob. These are all being dealt with.
In the US, special forces are conducting “exercises” in Texas, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and California that are in reality a move against the Satanic networks there.
In the Ukraine, a joint German/Russian task forces is dismantling the Khazarian controlled military and gangster forces.
There has also been more information provided by the Russians about the mystery of Vladimir Putin. In the video at the link below (in Russian) you can see clearly that not only are there multiple Putins but there were also multiple Boris Yeltsins and multiple copies of the same Czar.
The various Putins can be seen in the picture below:
This latest information from the Russians has allowed this writer to finally figure out a mystery. Over the years, multiple sources including the Chinese, the Yakuza and the Pentagon have talked about how Western leaders were being replaced with clones. I never wrote about it because it seemed too weird.
Now however, checking the historical sources, I found out what is behind the clone business. The predecessors of the Hyksos were the Hittites in what is now Anatolia, Turkey. The Hittite leaders were being constantly killed in never ending power struggles. The Hyksos solved this problem by placing puppets on the throne and keeping the real leadership secret. The puppets could be replaced by look-alikes whenever they were killed.
The Japanese Yakuza once told me they killed George Bush Sr. and he was replaced by a clone. I heard something similar from the British. I also heard that North Korea’s Kim Jong Il was replaced by a clone. There is no need to invoke the supernatural or unknown science to explain how this could be possible. It would simply be a matter of finding several identical people and grooming them to act like a leader during public events. The real leaders could then write the “acting presidents’” scripts from behind the scenes without fear of assassination.
The question then of course becomes one of finding out who the real script writers or secret leaders are. Thanks to the internet and the ongoing global awakening, a lot of them have already been flushed out. We all know about the Rothschilds, the George Soros types, Freemasons, the gnostic Illuminati, the P2 lodge etc.
What these various secret groups all have in common is that highly influential people gather in secret and form a consensus. They then force the public puppets like Prime Ministers etc. to carry out whatever decisions were made in secret.
However, there also now exist benevolent secret groups fighting for the average man and not for the benefit of a Satan worshipping elite. They need to stay secret in order to avoid assassination by the Satanists.
The battle has now reached the point where the Satanists are negotiating a surrender to the Red and Blue, the White Dragon Society and their allies.
According the MI5 sources “the negotiations will be conducted against a backdrop of a rolling banking and financial meltdown in EU with massive calls on UK finances to bail out Germany, Italy, Spain etc. This scenario is likely sooner than later certainly over the summer.”
Furthermore according to the same source “Parliament was proroged (suspended from power) last Thusday in preparation for the election campaign. In effect the country is now being run by Cabinet Office and Sir Jeremy Heywood, Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Civil Service, until putatative ministerial oversight returns with a new Government sometime after May 7th. I need say no more.” In other words, the UK now has a meritocratic government.
The US is also now under a de facto meritocratic government headed by the Pentagon and the agencies. In Japan, meanwhile, preparations are also underway for regime change. The Emperor’s US based handlers contacted the WDS after the Japan Independence Party called for the arrest of cabal stooge Shinzo Abe. The Bushes want to make a deal.
March 23, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
There has been an undeniable pole shift in the international financial system that has left the old Khazarian Satanist cabal out of the loop. This change was formalized, as predicted, on March 20th, to coincide with the solar eclipse, super-moon new moon and Spring Equinox that took place then. After the UK split with the US to join China’s proposed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Japan, Australia and others followed.
Then, according to Pentagon sources, the corporate US corporate government in Washington D.C. failed to make a gold delivery and effectively went bankrupt. As a result, the US Republic announced they would work with the AIIB. In effect this means that the BIS, the World Bank and the IMF have all undergone a fundamental change of management.
“If I had to choose only two words that unite China and the world at this moment, it would be ‘structural reforms,’” was how IMF head Christine Lagarde described the situation. Speaking in Beijing on March 22nd Lagarde said the IMF and China would work together to promote “good governance...anti-corruption” and “preserving the environment.” She concluded her remarks by saying “the IMF is proud to be a partner in China’s economic endeavors here at home [in China] and on the global stage.” In other words, she was admitting, in public, that this once Washington controlled institution was under new management.
What will happen now is that negotiations on the creation of new institutions and the reform of old ones will continue over the coming months. In this context, the Western countries and Japan need to do a lot more than just put the old cabal structures like the IMF and World Bank under new management. The world financial system and economic structure is facing a crisis that cannot be cured simply by restoring “primary balance” (i.e. not adding more debt than you already have), and jacking up the stock market.
The solution will have to involve a return to government money (such as China has), a write-off of debt and a redistribution of assets. As mentioned before, the West also needs to replace debt based “development banks” with asset based future planning agencies.
While the Chinese proposal for an Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is a good one that got well deserved support, it is also only $50 billion. The world can easily come up with $7 trillion a year for development if a meritocratically staffed future planning agency is set up. There is a lot of support for this idea and the time is ripe to make it happen.
There is also going to be the need for some sort of world federation. We all share the same oceans, breathe the same air and live on the same fragile planet. We cannot continue with global anarchy and gangster controlled governments.
As my father’s generation of Canadian politicians and diplomats argued, together with leaders of other countries not then controlled by the cabal, we need to solve international problems through court cases and negotiations not through war and resource theft. That means creating a world community of village elders to ensure mutual problems are solved in a win-win manner.
This is not the same thing as a fascist New World Order global slave camp as planned by the cabal. It would be a very loose and mutually supportive structure with each region enjoying all of its traditional freedom and independence. There has already been a secret agreement reached that there would always be a 50/50 balance of power between East and West in this new system.
Sources at the Pentagon would also like to remind the Chinese that Russia, India, Japan, the United States and many other countries would band together at any sign of Chinese hegemonism or bullying.
The Chinese know this and repeat often that they only want their fair share at the world’s table, which they have been denied throughout the 20th century.
There thus appears to be no fundamental obstacle now to the creation of a post-Khazarian age of world peace and prosperity. Humanity is about to be freed from thousands of years of slavery by the human herding, Satan worshipping inbred Hyksos (Khazarian) families. The Jews, who have forced to undergo ritual castration (circumcision) for thousands of years as a symbol of their slave status, are about to be set free.
The Khazarian Satan worshipping cabal families, who used to control the world’s financial system, are not taking this lying down. Multiple sources say there will be a concerted attempt to start World War 3 during the Jewish festival of Passover that takes place between April 3 and April 11th this year. Already an “attempt by Rothschild to start a nuclear war with Russia,” has been stopped, according to Pentagon sources. A total of six nuclear weapons were prevented from being fired, the sources say.
However, not all the provocations will be stopped. As this report went to press, e-mails from the Pentagon revealed that four Norwegian fighter planes had been shot down, allegedly by the Russians. No matter what happens though, the Russians, Chinese, the Pentagon and other major world armed forces are not going to be provoked into starting a World War. IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, no matter how hard these religious fanatic try.
There will also be many attempts to scare the Jews and other peoples into submission. In the Khazarian controlled press we are seeing many signs of this. One is a warning that “European Jews” will be attacked. These attacks will not be by “Muslim fundamentalists,” but by Khazarian hired thugs angry that their European Jewish slaves are becoming disobedient.
The death threats against US ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy were also part of the Khazarian campaign to block the establishment of a non-Khazarian controlled financial system. Michelle Obama was in Japan on March 20th just as the UK’s Prince Charles was in Washington. It is a pretty good guess she was brought here as a hostage to ensure Charles’ safety as he signed treaty documents in Washington.
There is also going to be a need for extreme caution over the coming days in the old Khazarian homeland of Ukraine and in Russia. The most worrying development appears to be the replacement of Russian President Vladimir Putin with another man. In fact, Russian FSB sources told this writer that this latest Putin was actually the third Putin so far. If you scroll down to the middle of the article at this link you can see three photographs of “Putin.”
In each case the ear is clearly different, showing it is not the same man. We can only hope that either Putin is using look-alikes for safety purposes at public events or that these are just computer graphic disinformation. However, the Russian sources say these Putins are all controlled by secret handlers working towards an unknown agenda. Nonetheless, the Russian sources reassure us that the Russian armed forces, though they will fiercely defend their motherland, will never be fooled into starting a world war.
It is also worth noting that US President Barack Obama has made it public that he does not believe Israel’s Benyamin Netanyahu wants peace with the Palestinians. This means Israel will lose the support of the United States, and thus cease to be a viable state, unless a peace deal is reached and reached soon.
After 50 years of lying about their wish for peace, nobody believes the Israelis any more. The Israelis also need to stop believing their Khazarian controllers’ propaganda that the whole world is out to get them. This is simply a criminal case involving high level gangsters who are not even Jewish but actually worship Ba’al, Set or what we call Satan.
The other thing the Israelis and Jews need to learn is that there is no such thing as a Goyim. God does not choose a people, we are all God’s children. The only people who chose you were Satan worshipping ancient inbred human slave herding families. You are about to be set free, you have nothing to fear. The world is here to help you, not to hurt you. Your long, long nightmare is about to end.
Comment: The picture Fulford paints does not quite align with news reports from the alternative media that outline how this so called NWO agenda marches all over the face of this planet. For example, some of these reports you can find here:
Blacklisted News
March 17, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
There can be no doubt now that the global Khazarian crime syndicate is being dismantled by white hats in the US and Europe along with their BRICS allies. This can be seen in the many extraordinary events that have been taking place both in public and in secret.
Perhaps the biggest, and hardest to deny, indication that something has changed has been the British governments’ decision to join the China initiated Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank as a founding member. What this means is that the British, and the City of London Financial, district have split with the US financial oligarchs who own the Federal Reserve Board, the IMF and the World Bank.
The other thing is that, starting on March 20th, the British bullion banks will cede control of the daily gold price fix to regulators, paving the way for control of the gold market by the BRICS. This means that London, Singapore and Hong Kong financial markets are moving to the new financial system. This leaves only two of the world’s major financial markets, Tokyo and New York, under Khazarian control. As you will see below, Tokyo too is about to break free.
The Germans have also openly split with NATO and the US over the Ukraine. Furthermore, there were public announcements last week that the IMF was giving the Ukraine money to pay for its gas bills to Russia. However, it is the Chinese, not the crooks in New York and Washington, who provided the money, according to Japanese military intelligence. What this means is that French and the Frankfurt based German financial oligarchs have also split with the New York and Washington based Khazarian Mafiosi. In other words, Europe has joined with the BRICS.
Another, perhaps equally big change, was the announcement by Pope Francis last week that there would be a jubilee year starting on December 8th. The jubilee will be “dedicated to mercy” according to Pope Francis.
This seems to be a request for forgiveness by ordinary people once they learn of the enormous crimes perpetrated against them by the Khazarian cabal. However, Vatican P2 freemason sources say this jubilee will also involve a cancellation of debt world-wide and a re-distribution of ill-gotten cabal assets.
It is also worth noting that on last Friday, the 13th, the Vatican released documents that had been suppressed for 700 years showing the Knights Templars were innocent. Friday the 13th has been considered an unlucky day ever since King Philip IV of France and Pope Clement V ordered had hundreds of Templars rounded up and jailed on Friday, October 13th, 1307.
Yet a further big event was the 10-day the disappearance of Russian President Vladimir Putin that ended just as this newsletter was being readied. The disappearance coincided with allegations made against him by two separate sources. The first was evidence provided by the US Defense Intelligence Agency showing that Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu was a Russian spy.
This would imply that 311 tsunami and nuclear terrorist Netanyahu’s superior was Putin. This provided supporting evidence to claims by illuminati grandmaster “Alexander Romanov” that Putin was behind 311. The Russians were asked to respond to these allegations and they said a reply would be made through their consulate in San Francisco. We eagerly await the reply. In any case, this writer, like so many people around the world, is relieved to see that Putin is still with us. This is only speculation but, we can guess that Putin was put under investigation over the 311 allegations and found innocent.
In the US meanwhile, the purge of the cabal continues at a rapid pace. While the US corporate media is harping on about Hillary Clinton “using e-mail at home,” or something trivial like that, the truth is that she is being investigated for mass murder. It turns out that Clinton’s brother was given a permit to mine for gold in Haiti right after that country was hit by an earthquake and a tsunami that killed over 220,000 people.
Paul Laine from Pentagon intelligence previously told this writer the Haiti tsunami and earthquake had been triggered by nuclear weapons placed on the sea bed. So now we have the motive for that attack: the extortion of gold mining permits. That is the sort of criminal mind that has been running the cesspool in Washington D.C.
Speaking about criminal minds, the charges being filed against US Senator John Menendez are really aimed at putting his crime partner Jeb Bush in jail, Pentagon sources say. The Bushes, running scared, have already begun singing like canaries, according to the US Defense Intelligence Agency. Basically, they are saying “we were bad but it would have been a lot worse if Al Gore had gotten elected in 2000.” According to them, the Zionist plot at the time was to have Gore become President with Senator Joe Lieberman was Vice President.
After 911, Gore was to be assassinated and Lieberman would become President and Senator John McCain would become Vice President. This group would then blame everything on Iran and start a war with them that would escalate into a nuclear war with Russia that would be rigged so the US would lose. In other words, having Bush Jr. steal the election and install a Nazi regime in the US was the lesser of two evils, according to the Nazi faction of the Zionazis.
In any case, the 47 Senators working for gambling boss Sheldon Adelson who still advocate war against Iran are being investigated for treason, the pentagon sources say.
The pentagon has also released to various truth news sites information that Israel’s Benyamin Netanyahu has long been a top boss of the war with Iran faction. Here is something they recorded him saying about his plot in 1990:
"If we get caught, they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do. America is the golden cow and we will suck it dry chop it up and sell it off piece by piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s largest welfare state that we will create and control.
"Why? Because it’s gods will and America is big enough to take the hit and survive so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate, destroy them very slowly and make the people suffer for refusing to be our slaves."
Netanyahu and his fellow criminals need to understand the tide has turned and their doom is now inevitable. The Jews will have a chance to throw off their Zionazi gangster overlords during the Israeli general election this Tuesday. This would end thousands of years of Jewish slavery to Satan worshipping Hyksos (Khazarian) monsters.
Even if they decide to keep that criminal Netanyahu in charge of Israel, the Zionazis’ days are numbered because their main source of money has been cut off. Last week a panic stricken cabalist claiming to represent the “Bretton Woods Agreement” (i.e. to post World War 2 financial cabal) called to say that Saudi Arabia’s funds have been frozen. This may explain why the US government just shut down its embassies and consulates in Saudi Arabia.
It is a good guess that payback time has begun for the Khazarian Saudi royals over their involvement in 911 and in financing pseudo Islamic terror around the world. You can be sure, at the very least, they will be forced to pay very serious compensation money for their crimes. More likely that sick criminal regime is finished. Perhaps then we can find out who exactly it is a Saudi prince once told this writer that they have been “obeying all these years.”
The Zionazis are also about to get cut off from Japan, their other big piggy bank. Last Friday, March 13th, there was a show trial held at the Tokyo High Court. Japan’s independence party and representatives of 10 other activist groups provided the court with 300 pages of detailed evidence proving the government of Shinzo Abe was put in power through fraudulent elections.
Three of the ten plaintiffs were allowed to read from short prepared statements. However, the judge suddenly cut off the third plaintiff in mid-sentence and dismissed the court, leading to violent riots in the court hallway where hundreds of people were waiting to hear the verdict. What was weird about this trial though was that instead of dismissing the case immediately, as happened in the past, the judge said he would pass his judgement on March 19th. Why did he delay his decision until the occult super moon and blood moon date of March 19th? This is also the day the London gold banks hand over control of the gold market to regulators. Does he know something we don’t?
March 10, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
There are now many undeniable signs that a historical black swan event is imminent. The exact nature of this event is uncertain but it involves the end of a system of governance dating back thousands of years and the emergence of a new paradigm for humanity. Since the global occult leadership links their machinations to celestial events, there is a possibility this event will be connected to the March 19th super moon and the March 20th solar eclipse.
This comes after a March 17th election in Israel that is expected to end Zionazi rule of that nation. The humiliation of Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu during his uninvited US visit last week was a clear indication of this. His speech was not broadcast by the main US news networks and was greeted with anti-Nentanyahu demonstrations by Jews in New York and Israel. To top it off, a former Mossad chief accused him of persistently lying about the so-called “Iran threat.” It is even possible Netanyahu was secretly ordered to commit political suicide with that speech.
The other sign that it is not business as usual was re-organization of the CIA that was announced last week. The CIA is now under the control of the Defense Intelligence Agency, according to Asia based CIA sources. The contents of the reorganization and the new mission statement of that agency are all in line with Pentagon thinking. Just who was purged from that agency has not been made public but CIA sources say the top ranks of the formerly Bush controlled Directorate of Operations have changed. This has cleared the way for a further purge of the Washington D.C. cesspool.
A heavy duty attack on the Bush/Clinton crime syndicate is already under way. Zionazi whore Senator Robert Menendez, former head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, is facing criminal charges. So is Bush allied New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Now the corporate media is full of stories about Hitlery Clinton and $6 billion that went missing from the US State Department during her tenure there.
Bill Clinton is facing pedophile allegations in the scandal involving billionaire Jeffrey Epstein. The final target will be the Bush family. Once the Bushes are removed, it will be possible to see if they are a front for other, more well-hidden, puppet masters.
In the UK as well, a heavy assault on the Zionazi Satanists is continuing to unfold. The latest revelation is that former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and current Prime Minister David Cameron were both guilty of covering up pedophile scandals. The top bureaucrat and secret power in the UK, Chief Cabinet Secretary Jeremy Heywood, is also linked to this cover-up.
This is like a game of chess where you start by taking down an opponent’s pawns, knights and bishops before going after rooks, queens and finally the king. By taking down these people it should be possible to then have the diplomatic immunity granted to Tony Blair removed. This would open Tony Blair to prosecution on charges of war crimes.
Tony Blair would then no doubt sing like a canary about the Rothschilds, thus paving the way for the final denouement.
That is probably why last week Jacob Rothschild said “Investors face a geopolitical situation as dangerous as any since World War 2.”
The Rothschild family and their allies have been recently burning historical archives in order to cover up the circumstances under which the League of Nations and the United Nations were created, according to Russian FSB sources. The first was a fire at a library in Russia on January 30th that contained ancient historical Slavic documents. Then next was one at a documents warehouse in Brooklyn, New Jersey on January 31st.
According to the Russians, the destroyed documents contained evidence that Czar Nicholas II donated gold to set up the League of Nations Trust before World War I began. As a result, ownership of 88.8% of the gold held by the Federal Reserve Board can be traced to Nicholas, the Russians claim. Shortly after donating their gold, Nicholas and his family were killed during the Rockefeller-funded Russian revolution. However, the Russians claim that former Russian Premiere Alexei Kosygin was in fact the son of Czar Nicholas II and so there are still legitimate claimants to that gold in Russia.
The only independent verification I can come up with for these Russians statements are some documents shown to me by a Bank of Japan librarian showing that 10 tons of Russian gold were taken to Japan by a Japanese warship during the Bolshevik revolution. Japan never returned that gold. Perhaps the Russian Embassy in Japan should make some enquiries.
If the Russian allegations are true, they may explain Jacob Rothchild’s sudden concern about “Russian aggression and expansion.” It would also explain the recent hysterical Russia bashing by Rothschild servants like UK Prime Minister David Cameron.
This may also be connected to another mystery. The King World gold bug news site quoted London metals trader Andrew Maguire as saying that HSBC would be shutting down all 7 of its gold warehouses in London within two months.
The mystery of course, is just what happened or is going to happen to all this gold?
It is possible the gold has been sold and the money laundered through the US and Japanese stock markets in order to abscond with the money before the rightful owners sue for its return. Take a look at this chart here showing how the price of gold and the Nikkei stock market have been moving in identical, but opposite, directions. Somebody has been selling gold and buying Japanese shares.
The trail leads further, according to Japanese yakuza sources, to Wilbur Ross Jr. who “spent 25 years heading up Rothschild Inc’s bankruptcy practice.” Ross is “chairman of the Japanese Society in New York and was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star from the Japanese government in February for his contributions to U.S.-Japan relations.”
There is also a strong possibility the gold has all ended up in China. That is because the Chinese Yuan, the US dollar and the price of gold have all been moving in tandem with each other in recent months vis a vis other world currencies. Furthermore, the Chinese put up a billboard up near Bangkok’s airport recently featuring a picture of a gold coin and announcing the Chinese Yuan as the “New World Currency.”
The Rothschild slave regime in Japan represented by Shinzo Abe and the Liberal Democratic Party acting troupe have also been up to some stealing of their own. According to an informant from the Japanese security police, Abe has stolen at least 200 trillion yen from the Japanese national pension fund, the Postal Savings Bank and the Agricultural Savings Bank (Norinchukin).
This money has been sent overseas to support Zionazi cabal banks, according to the source. According to Japan’s government propaganda newspapers, these institutions are “increasing investment allocations for foreign bonds in order to maximize returns.” This is theft pure and simple and is not going to help save a mathematically doomed cabal.
Perhaps because I wrote about this theft in a Japanese language article I got a call today from somebody at this number: 81-(0)80-5242-0737 saying they were “going to kill me tonight.” Clearly somebody is running scared and it is not this writer.
The Abe regime also seems to be in a hurry to establish a military government. Recent proposals put forth by Abe include removing civilian control over Japanese Self Defense Forces and re-establishing an international Japanese spy agency modelled on the UK’s MI6.
Perhaps he is in a hurry to establish a military government because there will be a trial at the Tokyo High Court this Friday the 13th, where evidence will be presented by the Japan Independence Party that Abe’s regime was placed in power by rigged elections. As reported before here, the “votes” that put Abe in power were over 90% counted by machines built by Mushashi Engineering. Musashi Engineering is owned by Fortess Asset Management. Fortress is headed by Peter L. Briger, a member of David Rockefeller’s Council on Foreign Relations.
Japan, together with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation Council member countries are all that now stand between the Zionazi cabal and bankruptcy. The Pentagon and Japanese police and Japanese Self Defense Forces white hats need to get on the case and kick Zionazis like Ross and Briger out of Japan.
Finally, as repeated so often here, the US and Japan both need to nationalize their central banks and give the power to create and distribute money back to the people and their honestly elected (and bribe free) representatives. Money that was stolen by the privately owned central banks and their controlling families can then be returned to its rightful owners. Honest local banks, savings associations and genuinely entrepreneurial (as opposed to kleptocratic) companies can continue to operate in such a system. When that happens, humanity will be free from Babylonian debt slavery for the first time in thousands of years. That is the Black or should I say White Swan event we are all waiting for. The time is ripe now.
March 2, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
There is a dangerous leadership vacuum at the highest levels of power inside the G7 nations as financial collapse looms. There will be economic collapse, mass starvation, anarchy and civil war unless the system is totally rebooted. On the flip side, if the system is rebooted, living standards in the world’s countries can be doubled within a year. The key is to free the nations of the world from Babylonian debt slavery. For those who do not understand this reality, check out this link:
and then this one to see the extent of world debt slavery:
By staging a jubilee, or one-off cancellation of all world debt, public and private, human living standards can be effectively doubled within a year. The key to accomplishing this is to force the surrender of the Zionazi Khazarian (not Khazak) tribal gang that controls this system.
There is a show-down now taking place inside the United States that holds the key to freedom for humanity at large. The appearance of mass murdering Zionazi Satan worshipping (not Jewish) gang boss Benyamin Netanyahu in Washington this week to push for world war 3 is a golden opportunity to end this once and for all. He is a rabid dog who must be quarantined or put down.
As reported in last week’s report, the US military has finally shown the patriotism and bravery needed to take down the Zionazi mafia controlled CIA faction responsible for most of the world’s wars. Last week the Russian and Chinese government news sites both displayed evidence the Zionazi Department of Homeland Security and CIA had been put under pentagon control. To quote from Russia Today:
“US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lt. General Vincent Stewart (USMC), reported on the intelligence community’s assessment of current and potential threats to American security and interests.”
The point of interest here is that neither CIA head John Brennan nor Homeland Security Chief Jeh Johnson were there representing the “intelligence community.” The testimonials given by Clapper and Stewart were not of the sort of apocalyptic fear mongering that has traditionally been spouted out by Zionazi controlled agencies.
The pentagon can now finish what it started by arresting 911 conspirator and mass murderer Netanyahu and demanding unconditional surrender of the entire Zionazi mafia, including the governments of Israel and Saudi Arabia. The Jewish people will be liberated from millennia of slavery by such a move. The world will also be rid of what is by far and away the biggest cause of terrorism, war and misery on earth.
The rest of the world is already moving decisively against the Zionazi gangsters.
In the Middle East, the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle is working with a US aircraft carrier task force to attack the Israeli ISIS puppet army. ISIS has also been pushed out of Southern Syria and back into Israel. Furthermore, despite Netanyahu’s threats to force Israel to commit national suicide by shooting off its 400 nuclear missiles, the Jews have woken up to the Zionazi slavery system they have been put under and will not do another Masada.
Instead, Mossad and other groups have been leaking proof that Netanyahu has been manufacturing evidence of an “Iranian nuclear threat” to try to start World War 3. In other words, the Middle East is about to finally purge itself of the anti-Semitic (in the real sense of the word that includes Arabs) Satan worshipping Hyksos Zionazis.
In Europe, a group led by the Germans is pushing for a “United Europe from the Altantic to the Kamchatka Peninsula [Pacific].” These people are behind the French and German rapprochement with Russia’s Vladimir Putin. These people make it clear they are not talking about a monolithically controlled neo-Soviet structure like the EU but rather “a Europe of nations that harmonize and grow together.”
The British are also making moves of their own against Zionazi control. The UK’s Prince William was feted with great fanfare in both China and Japan in a visit that started last week. William was here to sign accords integrating the City of London based financial system with the Asian gold backed system, according to MI5 sources.
In addition, according to a source in the Japanese royal family, “Prince William came to Japan as the heir to the British throne to greet the Emperor and explain why Charles would not become King.” Chinese sources say he was also visiting to ask for money that will be forthcoming. The Chinese even showed their appreciation for British goals of environmental preservation by banning ivory imports.
While William was in Asia, somebody jumped naked out of a window at Buckingham palace in London.
According to MI5 this incident did not take place at the palace proper but rather “the horses’ section.” Clearly though, people in charge of security at the palace are sending a message to the royals which seems to be “arrest the pedophiles and fix the financial system or else.”
The political situation in Japan is also heading for a showdown that parallels the one now taking place in the US. On the one side there is a faction linking President Barack Obama, US Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy and Jacob Rothschild, according to the Japanese royal source. This group wants Ichiro Ozawa as the next Prime Minister together with a scaling down of the US military presence there.
On the other is the Zionazi group led by Bush protégés Richard Armitage and Michael Green who control puppet Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. “Abe is so terrified of being killed that he just zigzags according to what he is told,” the source said.
There will be court case on March 13th to hear a lawsuit filed by the Japan Independence Party showing that Abe was placed in power through electoral fraud. A source in the Japanese military police, for his part, said Abe was scheduled to be brought down within three months in a scandal related to his efforts to set up a casino in Japan. During his recent visit to Japan, gangster Netanyahu made a bribe spiced pitch for Zionazi casino boss and US Republican party puppet master Sheldon Adelson, according to the Japanese military police.
The Japanese police authorities are also finally waking up to the fact that Abe has been looting the Japanese economy to keep his Zionazi masters afloat. The latest reflection of this was data showing that household spending in January fell 5.1% year on year even as the Zionazi owned Nikkei stock average soars higher. Stock markets in Japan, the US and Europe are now nothing more than rigged mechanisms for laundering money, stolen from debt slaves, to Zionazi gangsters.
Given these circumstances, Richard Koshimizu, the head of Japan’s Independence Party, might be the dark horse candidate to replace puppet Prime Minister Abe. The JIP would keep pentagon forces in Japan and work to help free Americans and the rest of the world from Zionazi slavery.
There are signs though it will be the Pentagon that will finish the job first. The pictures shown in the link below show what appears to be a major military deployment under way inside the United States.
A US military move against the Zionazis would involve temporarily shutting down the financial system and possibly even the internet. In such an event, major logistics efforts would be needed to ensure the continued supply of food, heat, gasoline and other essentials to the population until the system was rebooted.
This would not be a prelude to a fascist government or genocide because the military is staffed by average Americans who know their job is to protect average Americans from all enemies both external and internal. It would simply be a police operation to remove the gangsters who usurped power and return it to the people. This would include ending debt slavery by returning that most fundamental right, that to create and distribute currency, and thus decide the future, to a government of the people and by the people.
Meanwhile, if the rest of the world, especially the world’s leading creditor nations, agree to sponsor a new meritocratically staffed future planning agency, the US military operating around the world would continue to be financed and be immediately redeployed on a new mission. This would be to protect all living creatures on the planet earth and explore the universe.
The key to remember is that right now the old leadership and economic structure in the West is headed for a mathematically certain collapse. We must either act now, before it is too late, or watch in horror as Western civilization collapses.
February 23, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The lunar year of the horse went out with a bang last week with an unprecedented Pentagon move to put CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia under lockdown. The raid on the CIA was, “among other things” aimed at locating the three rogue nukes the Zionazis have threatened to explode in the Ukraine, Pentagon sources say. Furthermore, the nuclear weapon headed for Stanlingrad (now Volvograd) has been seized by the Russians, the sources say.
There was also an explosion near an airport close to CIA headquarters in West Virginia last week. US corporate news outlets describe the explosion as the result of a “train derailment” but local residents said it resembled a nuclear explosion. Footage can be seen here:
We can only speculate that somebody trying to flee the raid on the CIA met with a fiery death.
The raid on the CIA came immediately after Ashton Carter was sworn in as the new US Defense Secretary. It did not go unnoticed that Carter was sworn in by Vice-President Joe Biden and not Barack Obama.
The Pentagon raid on the CIA was a condition for keeping the government in Washington D.C. afloat after a February 17th payment deadline, according to Chinese and European sources. The shut-down of US West Coast shipping has also now ended in response to the Pentagon move against the terrorist Bush/Nazi CIA faction, the sources said.
The European and Chinese sources also say that 200 nations have now agreed to a new financial system and world peace. The Germans and the French together with their allies have joined the BRICS alliance, sources in both these countries say.
The Greeks and Germans have temporarily postponed their fight over Greek debt pending a visit to Japan in early March by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. She is expected to arrive around the same time as Michelle Obama.
The obstacle to world peace and prosperity is now, according to European and Chinese sources, the US East coast Zionazi establishment, together with factions in London and the Vatican.
The opposition to world peace in Italy comes from the old Gladio network consisting of the Ndrangheta Mafiosi in cooperation with the Zionazi ISIS Italian branch, according Italian P2 Freemason lodge MI5 sources.
In the UK it is Evelyn de Rothschild and his servants like Jeremy Heywood, David Cameron and Tony Blair who are the problem, according to MI5. There are moves being taken against this faction inside the UK. Sir Malcolm Rifkind MP (former Foreign Secretary) Chair of the Defense and Security committee in the House of Commons (a powerful committee overseeing the intelligence services), has been caught in sting operation by the Daily Telegraph selling his services for cash. Rifkin is part of the Zionazi UK faction that has been beating the drums for war against Russia.
In the United States, the Zionazi controlled department of Homeland Security is unable to find funding for after February. So, it is threatening terror attacks against US and Canadian shopping malls, this time by “Somalian” terrorists.
This operation is being master-minded by former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, according to MI5 sources. “Recent signs suggest that Blair (who is now in Belgrade, Serbia) will be behind an attack on London using the usual suspects,” and that Gnostic Illuminati Grandmaster Alexander Romanov will be framed or “at least implicated.”
Alexander Romanov showed up at this writer’s house last week battered and bruised. He said he spent the night evading 20 or more policemen who were trying to arrest him and take him to a mental hospital. He is now safe but his computer has been destroyed (yet again) and he will be laying low for a while.
According to Romanov, Russian President Vladimir Putin is the real grandmaster behind the 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attacks against Japan. However, it is hard to see a motive for Putin to do this and our own investigations point directly at Tony Blair, the Bushes, Rothschilds and other cabal families.
There have also been threats to stage a terrorist attack on Japan even bigger than 311. Recently people have been coming to this writer’s public speaking events and saying that the new year’s occult cover of the Economist magazine contained a threat against Japan.
The questioners, or should I say Rothschild agents, said the two arrows at the bottom right hand side of the cover picture with the numbers 115 and 113 meant that a new attack would take place on Japan on May 11th (511).
Economist January 2015 cover filled with cryptic symbols and dire predictions.
The cover can be seen here:
The same agents also said that a map of Japan minus the Kinki district (greater Osaka) was being shown at the Japanese freemason headquarters. The Economist is owned by the Cadbury, Rothschild, Schroder, Agnelli and other cabal families. They will be held accountable for any new atrocity.
Dr. Michael Van de Meer AKA Michael Meiring told this writer the 311 tsunami and nuclear terror attack against Japan that killed 20,000 innocent people was aimed at forcing the evacuation of 40 million people from greater Tokyo to North Korea where the Rothschilds would move their new Asian financial headquarters. This failed and now we know which families were behind that and many other horrific terror attacks. They will not be allowed to attack Osaka.
The North Korean faction that aided in the 311 attack against Japan has already been purged. The cabalist influence in Japan is now so low that cabal stooge Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the corrupted Simon Wiesenthal Center sent a Mossad agent to visit this writer and beg that Cooper not be put in jail because he “only banned one” of my books. The fact is Cooper is guilty of bribery, extortion and blackmail (at least) and belongs in jail together with many of his cohorts.
It should also be noted that an active campaign has ongoing in China to remove cabal linked tycoons from this world. In recent years 76 Chinese billionaires have died unnatural deaths, according to the China Daily. OF these 17 “committed suicide, 16 were murdered, 8 died in accidents, 16 were executed, and 19 died from illness (at the average age of 48). There are now only 152 Chinese billionaires left.
Chinese government sources say this is part of a purge of Maoists. Chairman Mao was the most senior cabal agent ever in China. All Chinese of influence connected to the Zionazi Bush and other cabal Zionazi faction families are targets of this purge, the source says.
For these reasons the Zionazi cabalists are unlikely to be able to stage any more truly spectacular terror attacks in Asia.
Instead they have been reduced to making threats against Western shopping malls using the terror group “Al Shabaab” that staged the recent attack on the Westfield Shopping Center in Nairobi, Kenya. The Westfield shopping center was owned by Frank Lowy, an Australian Jew who is a close associate of Larry Silverstein of World Trade Center 911 fame. Silverstein and Lowy have made a fortune on “terrorist insurance” after 911 and after the Westfield incident.
Now this al- “Sham” baab is threatening the Westfield shopping center in London also owned by Lowy. The other mall they are threatening is the Mall of America owned by the Iranian Jewish Ghermezian family in Canada.
Needless to say, with shopping malls suffering from the weak economy and competition from online retailing, from the owner’s point of view it would be a great time for “terrorist” insurance fraud.
And of course new terrorist attacks would be a great excuse to keep funding the Zionazi Department of Homeland Security.
In any case, as large parts of Asia are on holiday this week, events are expected to slow down for now.
In March the ongoing campaign to finally break the back of the cabal once and for all is expected to resume in earnest. The year of the sheep will be one of payback time and justice for the sheeple.
Benjamin Fulford has worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, the International Financing Review, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun English edition, and the South China Morning Post before moving to Forbes magazine, where he was the Asian Bureau chief from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports pursued scandals in the Japanese government and business world. After leaving Forbes he wrote a series of books in Japanese some of which became best sellers, and began publishing on the internet.
Benjamin Fulford — Weekly Geopolitical News & Analysis
February 17, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
In the run up to the Lunar New Year this Thursday on February 19th, a major push against the cabal is continuing. This push has included a blockade of all trade from US West Coast ports, a lockdown of CIA headquarters in Langley Virginia and major military moves in the Middle East. Meanwhile, extreme turbulence, including nuclear explosions, is being engineered in the US, Europe and the Middle East by the Zionazi cabal as it struggles desperately to keep in power by finalizing a fascist coup d’etat.
The events in the Ukraine were perhaps the most dramatic. As mentioned briefly in this newsletter last week, a small scale nuclear weapon was used against the pro-Russian militias in the Eastern Ukraine. The militia government confirmed this in a press conference when they said a missile with the explosive power of 500 tons of TNT hit them.
That is only possible with nuclear weapons. In further confirmation that a rogue nuke was used, the US National Geological Survey reported a magnitude 6.8 earthquake on the Ukraine/Russian border at the time of the explosion. This report was on their website for about 20 minutes before it was taken off.
After this explosion, the US based source, who has consistently predicted cabal terror acts in advance, sent an e-mail to this writer saying there were 4 more nukes ready to go off in or near the Ukraine: “One headed South of Donetsk, one headed to Stalingrad [now Volvograd], one headed North East of the last detonation and the cone currently waiting for transportation near Donetsk.”
These nuclear threats by US based sources came as France and Germany broke decisively with Washington D.C. by meeting directly with Russian President Vladimir Putin. After marathon talks, they were able to broker a Ukraine cease fire last week. As of this writing the ceasefire is holding with the exception of one pocket of surrounded Ukrainian troops around a railroad junction in Dontetsk.
There are also growing signs the arrest in Germany of a US government official carrying billions of forged US dollars destined for the Ukraine is having major, ongoing repercussions.
The Americans seem to have agreed to the European brokered deal and to the fact that the area of Ukraine around the gas rich Sea of Asov will become part of Russia. At a recent security conference in Germany, US Vice President Joe Biden referred to Ukraine as running from “Lviv to Kharkiv.” The implication, as you can tell from looking at this map
is that the Eastern part of Ukraine linking Russia to the Crimea will become part of Russia.
The discovery by the Germans the CIA was sponsoring murder and terror may have also led to pressure on the Pentagon to shut down the source of that terror: the George Bush Nazi CIA faction. There are reports on the internet that CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia have been shut down.
Our MI5 sources confirm that this is the case. One CIA source said it was just down for “a VIP visit.” A pentagon source did not returned our call as of the time this was being written. Vatican P2 lodge sources confirm the Pentagon has arrested “8 senior Khazarians [no names yet]” in Washington and that relations between the CIA and the Pentagon “are not good.”
There is a good chance the shut-down may be a condition for a Chinese roll over of US debt that comes due this week. The Chinese government official Xinhua news site has come out with a front page article basically accusing the US of sponsoring world terrorism.
This comes after Russia has accused the US government of being behind the 911 terror attacks on the US and before a 60 nation anti-terror conference is supposed to begin in Washington D.C.
The other really big sign of pressure on the Washington D.C. rogue regime can be seen from that fact that all shipping to and from the US West coast is being blockaded. Sources in the Longshoreman’s Union in Portland, Oregon make it clear this shut down of shipping is not due to a labour dispute as US based propaganda news outlets would have it. Rather this is part of an Asian blockade against the US to force it to deal with the criminals in Washington D.C. The shut-down of the rogue CIA may have been their condition.
The plunge in the Baltic Dry Index to record low levels reflects this embargo. The Chinese have also begun scrapping ships in a sign they are in this for the long haul if necessary.
We can also confirm from Vatican P2 lodge sources that the unusual cold hitting the US East coast is part of a weather warfare campaign aimed at forcing the Washington D.C. Zionazi cabal into surrender. Such technology does exist and is not limited to “cloud seeding” as recent propaganda news reports would have us believe.
Readers of this newsletter last week expressed concern that the US Department of Homeland Security was about to go ahead with its plans to start rounding up Americans and imposing martial law. While there may be martial law, you can be sure it will be aimed at protecting, not rounding up, Americans. The fact is that the Department of Homeland Security is having all its funding cut off.
Even if the DHS thugs try to carry out a coup, if push comes to shove, it will be the white hats in the Pentagon and the agencies who will win hands down in any showdown. Regime change for the better will happen in the US.
There has also been a lot going on in the Middle East. The oil rich nation of Kuwait experienced a total shut down of its power grid last week. This was followed by the announcement the US was sending 4000 tank equipped heavy duty infantry troops there. In Yemen meanwhile, the fact that most embassies and CIA agents in that country have been kicked out even as US regular forces continue to operate there further confirms a Pentagon CIA Nazi faction split.
The campaign against the Israeli based ISIS pseudo-Islamic army is also gaining traction. The United Nations observers stationed at the Israeli Syrian border have confirmed that ISIS is working closely with the Israelis. So are the Saudis. Ranged against them is a coalition of other Arab nations, Russia and the Pentagon working to actively destroy ISIS.
The Egyptians have also attacked ISIS in Libya last week. This comes after the French Defense Secretary promised to “save Israel” by getting oil from Libya. Remember it was the French, British and Italians who overthrew the Libyan regime not the Pentagon. Now it looks like the Egyptians and Russians, with Pentagon tacit support, are counter-attacking on behalf of the people of the region.
In Japan last week, this writer was on a live broadcast TV news program where numerous commentators, (including yours truly) made it very clear to viewers that ISIS was neither Islamic nor Arab but was rather an Israeli run mercenary army.
In Europe as well, the Nazionists are on the run. The situation concerning Greek debt remains deadlocked, the IMF remains without funds and now Russia’s Putin is visiting Hungary to endorse that nation’s removal of Rothschild banking interests.
Speaking about Rothschilds, last week somebody called “Nakayama-Rothschild,” contacted the White Dragon Society. The North Koreans, Chinese, Mossad, Gnostic Illuminati, Jewish Financiers and Kurdish groups have all also contacted the WDS in the last week to discuss the creation of a new financial system.
So far there has been agreement on the need to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and start expanding into space. There has also been broad agreement to allow free energy technology so long as it cannot be used for destructive reasons. This will not harm the hydrocarbon interests (coal, oil, gas etc.) because, in the era of free energy, carbon will become the most sought after substance. Carbon will be the basic building block of new eco-systems.
On a less positive note, we have not yet been able to identify exactly who or what is preventing us from using life extension or life enhancement technology.
Take a look at this report to see an example of how we are being prevented from extending our lives. This is an article about scientists at Harvard who discovered a compound that can turn mice from the equivalent of 60 years old to the equivalent of 20 years old.
When this was first announced the compound was described as a “simple protein.” But in this article, it says it would cost $50,000 per day or $18 million per year for a human. This sort of article about the discovery of a life prolonging substance appears about once a year in the scientific world and is inevitably followed with a reason why we will never get our hands on it. The same is true of any attempts to change our genes to make us smarter, stronger, more beautiful and all around better. Somebody or something still wants our lives to be short and brute.
February 9, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The defeat of the international Zionazi [*] crime cabal is now inevitable due to rapidly unfolding events around the world, most notably in the Middle East and the Ukraine. The arrest by Germany last week (as reported in this blog) of a US government official carrying billions of dollars in forged US $100 bills destined for the Ukraine has had enormous and ongoing repercussions. The Pentagon contacted this writer to say this was “actionable intelligence.” Hopefully this action will include arrests of all top Zionazis starting with the Bush crime family. We have all waited too long for this to happen already. Remember, Washington D.C. is not actually part of the Republic of the United States of America but is rather a foreign enclave. It is time to remove that cancer from the Republic and restore American independence.
In any case, there are clear signs that this Zionazi cancer is being dealt with elsewhere already.
There is a G20 meeting going on in Turkey which, according to Russian sources, is part of a series of meetings aimed at being the equivalent of the 1945 Yalta conference held by Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin. It was the Yalta conference that created the post-World War 2 order we still live under. So, the implication is that a series of ongoing meetings will herald the biggest changes in international architecture since the end of World War 2.
These meetings are discussing a total transformation of the current international architecture including the IMF, the World Bank and the UN. Some national boundaries may also be redrawn, notably in the Middle East, the Ukraine and Korea. There is also a determination to permanently end Zionazi mischief.
The discovery that American State Department officials were supplying forged dollars to both sides of the battle in the Eastern Ukraine has already caused Germany and France to split with the Zionazi regime in Washington D.C. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande already met Russia’s Vladimir Putin last week without US approval and are planning on another meeting Wednesday. There is very little leaking in public about the talks but, according to Russian sources, France and Germany are seriously thinking of leaving NATO and creating alternative security arrangements with Russia.
The US official arrested by Germany has spilled the beans on exactly how the Zionazis were orchestrating the civil war in the Ukraine. The Vanguard Corporation, a front for the Federal Reserve Board (according to MI5) has paid mercenaries to kill people on both side of the conflict there so that they would blame it on each other. They also gave money to buy weapons to both sides of the conflict.
This is the same modus operandi they used to destroy Yugoslavia. It is the one also now in operation in Syria and Iraq.
The report of what the Germans discovered in the Ukraine prompted a Japanese government source to tell this writer about a meeting with Agostinho Neto, President of Angola during that country’s civil war. At the time Neto showed him a room filled with $5 billion in cash and told him George Bush Sr. had flown it in on a jumbo jet and told him to use it to buy weapons. This event took place at a time when officially the United States was supporting rebels fighting against Neto’s “communist” regime. You can be sure Bush Sr. was also supplying the rebels with similar funds.
Anti-social behavior by the Zionazis is now being increasingly understood to be the main source of the world’s terrorism and moves are being made to end it once and for all.
The G20 meeting ending today in Turkey comes on the heels of a major security conference that just ended in Germany. Pentagon sources say that already a secret deal has been reached with the Russians, Turks and Iranians that will allow them to take out the regime in Saudi Arabia and force them to pay heavy financial compensation for all the terrorist activities they have sponsored. The Pentagon will not defend the Saudis who they rightfully suspect were one of the main sponsors (together with US based Zionazis) of the 911 terror attacks.
They are also pressuring the Zionazi whores in Washington D.C. to release the evidence of Saudi involvement in 911. Of course the Zionazis do not want to do that because they know the Saudis will then point the finger at the fifth columnists in the US led by George Bush Sr., Senator John McCain, John Kerry, etc. Nazis in Israel like Benyamin Netanyahu would also be exposed as being in bed with the Saudis in financing international terror networks.
In any case, the plan to take down the Zionazis in the Middle East has already begun with regime change in Yemen. Now the Island nation of Cyprus, a member of the EU, has allowed Russia to open military bases there. These bases will be used by the Russians for their Middle Eastern operations. The Pentagon is doing their bit by supplying the Lebanese army with weapons they need to fight the Israeli-Saudi backed ISIS mercenary army.
The Turks are also now cooperating with the Syrians, Russians and Iranians in a battle to take out not only Saudi Arabia but also Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Oman. The Egyptians have also agreed to cooperate with this effort to remove these kleptocratic, trouble-making regimes, Russian sources say. Israel with eventually become, as mentioned before here, a Jewish autonomous zone within the now forming moderate (Sufi) Islamic federation.
The Zionazi regime in Washington D.C. is also in trouble as it has yet to find a source of financing to keep it going after February 17th. The same is true for the European financial system.
Despite the hyper-inflated stock markets and mindless cheerleading by the corporate propaganda press, indicators of real economic activity show a major deep freeze. The Baltic Dry Index, which measures the price of shipping and is thus a good indicator of trade, is at even lower levels than it was after the 2008 Lehman shock. China has also just announced that its January foreign trade fell 10.8% compared to the same period a year ago.
This plunge is happening because neither the Europeans nor the Americans have money to buy stuff from the rest of the world. The regime in Washington D.C. continues to lie about its deflation, imploding economy and worse than depression level unemployment. The European banks will have a $100 trillion derivative hole in their accounts when the Greek government makes good on its promise to end debt slavery.
Another indicator of how surreal the situation has become is that, according to MI5, “the Danish banking association says that it has so much cash which was given to the banks in the European Central Bank QE debt creation exercise, that it no longer needs retail deposits and will start charging depositors. It also does not need to make loans.”
Faced with the ongoing implosion of their fraud based financial system the Zionazis are resorting to their trusty old nuclear blackmail card. They started with what seems like a nuclear artillery shell fired in the Ukraine (the Russians say it was a hit on an ammunition factory).
Several e-mails were sent to this writer using complex cabalistic numerology to explain that February 17th would be the day that World War 3 starts. My answer to the cabalists is to remind them this Friday is a Friday the 13th and is thus an auspicious day for rounding up religious maniacs trying to start a world war.
Furthermore, if you think you will be able to fool the pentagon or the Russians or the Chinese into fighting each other, think again. We all know the Russians are close allies with the Chinese. Now we have a headline on the official Chinese government Xinhua news site headline saying “US-China cooperation stronger than ever before.”
Not only are these people no longer being fooled, it also seems the Chinese are learning to use the same sort of trickery the Zionazis use to manipulate public opinion. They staged a plane crash in Taiwan last week that is looking very much like an event that used computer graphics and crisis actors. Take a look at the pictures in this link to see obvious CG glitches and actors coming out of the river the plane landed in with dry hair.
There is also stuff going on that we cannot talk about it yet. However, we can confirm representatives of the White Dragon Society have had friendly meetings during the past week with representatives of Mossad, the P2 Freemason Lodge and the Chinese government. The British also sent an analogue written message of support for White Dragon goals. We are working hard to come up with a win-win solution to make sure 2015, the year of the sheeple, is a great year for the people and other living creatures of this planet.
[*] The blog previously referred to them as Nazionists but found out the term Zionazi already exists and so, in accordance with linguistic rules, will switch to that phrase
More raw intelligence from the Russians:
1. Vanguard Corporation is printing billions of “supper dollars” and pays mercenaries of Greystone, Academy, some like ABC group, etc. There were a few of Vanguard employees some of them State Department employees, who had access to billions of fake supper dollars that looks even better then real dollars...
2. The Vanguard’s employees had buses of these dollars (billions), and they finance both sides of Ukrainian war… They bought a big amount of weapons from Ukrainian Army and on a regular basis provided it to Novorossiya (Donbass) militia.
In order to receive dollars, Ukrainian officers and soldiers have sold their weapons to Novorossiya. In other world, the main goal is to murder as many people in Ukraine as they can.
3. The Vanguard’s employees spread fake dollars in Ukraine through the banks that belong to Ukrainian Khazarian Oligarch, Igor Kolomoyskiy, who is the President of European Jewish Congress and Ukrainian Jewish Congress. City of Dnepropetrovsk (the main city of Zionist Kasparian Junta in Ukraine!).
Also, Igor Kolomoyskiy owns the airports, including the Dnepropetrovsk’s airport that monitored the Malaysian Flight on July 17, 2014. He finances a military sadistic battalion Dnepr-1 that has committed mass murders in Novorossiya, and the soldiers and mercenaries of Dnepr 1 were paid by these fake supper dollars. All banks of the Dnepropetrovsk are full with these fake dollars.
4. Now nobody knows how much money Federal Reserve has its own dollars in the world and how much Vanguard’s dollars. Some specialists think that competitors “ordered to put down” Vanguard Group. However, Vanguard leaders and other high level bank specialists told that main investors—contributors of Vanguard own the Federal Reserve, and they support this statement.
5. Vanguard’s employee, Mr. Peter van Byurren (the last name could be misspelled) had some serious (huge) compromat about Vanguard Group, including its communications, supper dollars’ issues and its connections with US authorities, etc. Before, he left to Ukraine; he had hidden it in his mother house in a different state (the exact address is given). On January 8, 2015, he was informed that his mother died in hospital that belongs to one of the Vanguard’s companies. His wife checked the place where he hides the compromat against the Vanguard and did not find a box with documents and memory sticks.
6. Immediately, next day, Mr. Peter van Byurren and another Vanguard’s employee, Pete’s partner, Jonathan Mason, put in buses (BUSES!!!) several billions of super dollars and left. Information was spread that they were captured by Donbass militia. At this time, Ukrainian Army started their new active phase of a war against Donbass...
7. However, the Vanguard has sent a big group of Greystone mercenaries, and they found two Vanguard’s employees:
a. “Today, Jan. 21, the afternoon has ended with a series of events that led to the current outbreak of hostilities in the Donbass. The second escapee, Peter van Byurren, was captured on his quest by a special group of mercenaries of Greystone in the house where he was hiding in the village Spartacus Yasinovatskiy, Donetsk region. From there, under the American convoy he was sent to Kiev.”
b. “Unlike his partner, Jonathan Mason, was apparently awaiting the outcome of negotiations of Peter van Byurren with the militia. During his capture on January 19, 2015, three commandos of Greystone were shot and died. Jonathan Mason was killed in the house is in the village of Spartacus. The missing “super banknotes” nominal values of billions of dollars were not found.”
8. Peter Mr. Peter van Byurren was brought to London by a special comfortable flight, and seven of the Vanguard’s employees were with him. He was put in a hospital –Medical Center Sevenoaks – very solid health facility, recently acquired one of the largest in the world by the American Medical HCA, Hospital Corporation of America. There is nothing surprising in the fact that Mr. Peter van Byurren was placed precisely in this hospital: HCA belongs to the group of corporations and foundations, which includes such respected as Vanguard Group, Inc., State Street Corporation, Black Rock Institutional Trust Company, NA, Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, JP Morgan Chase & Company, Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund, Vanguard/WindsorII, Vanguard 500 Index Fund, Vanguard Institutional Index Fund-Institutional Index Fund and others.
9. This was an announcement that at the same day , January 23, 2015, Mr. Peter van Byurren died from a heart attack.
10. Mrs. Van Byurren appealed to the leadership of Vanguard with an ultimatum, supported by its appeals in a completely bewildered edition of ABC, as well as to certain foreign diplomats in Washington.
Germans have arrested Victoria Nuland’s assistant, who in addition, is an employee of Vanguard Corporation, with almost a billion of high quality fake dollars, printed by Vanguard Corporation. This employee (is a member of the State Department), and now, during his interrogations, he “put under bus” Vanguard Corporation with all of its companies and “putting under bus” Nuland, McCain, Kerry, Brennan and others...
He testified how the Vanguard Corporation has printed billions of high quality fake dollars and paid to mercenaries in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Libya, etc and paid mercenaries of Greystone and ISIS. He testifies about connections and oil deals between Vanguard Corporation and ISIS.
He said, In February, Ukraine’s position has become critical because they cannot pay the new prices for Russian gas. EU, especially the Germans, tried to act as arbitrators. Then from this bitch Susan Rice order came to us directly from Nuland that snipers must create “a bit of panic.”
On the day after that Ukraine has a new government, chosen mainly Nuland and John McCain from the National Republican Institute.
When the US administration recognize that the snipers were trained NATO (in Poland – TV), and the whole operation was organized by Vanguard, the CIA and the State Department – Obama almost had a heart attack.
Now he realizes that he is nothing more than a puppet on a string in our theater, the bloody nigger. Originally stupid Nazis had to kill many more women and children in order to drive Putin into a corner so that he was forced to intervene in the war.
But all this just shows that you can teach a pig to shoot, but do not teach her to think. By the way, when the May 18 “Ukrainian” troops attacked Sloviansk, 19 FBI agents and CIA were killed and 14 injured. Greystone lost 17, Academi 59 people.
“FBI agents” were actually people of Vanguard. With forged documents desk they received special Ukrainian identity cards that give them power over all Ukrainian police forces.
He described how all of the major mass murders and atrocities were organized by the Vanguard Corporation and Greystone mercenaries; how he communicated with Igor Kolomoyskiy and how together they were spreading fake dollars in Ukraine...
Germans promised him freedom, to hide him and support if he will tell everything he knows...
Also, two other employees of the Vanguard Corporation stole millions of fake dollars, and pretended that they were high jacked by Novorossiyan militia and murdered. Greystone and Vanguard Corporation have send their mercenaries to Novorossiya and killed one of them and return the second.., after which they brought him to London to their hospital and murdered him, saying that he died from a heart attack. His wife, a famous enough person has now provided information to important people and blackmails the Vanguard Corporation...
Shocked Merkel and President Francois Hollande on their way to Moscow…
Benjamin Fulford
February 3, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Western civilization is now in a de facto state of civil war as cabal rule continues to collapse. It is a financial, information and military war being raged by factions that transcend national borders. And, it is coming to a climax.
The main battlegrounds in the military sense are the Middle East, the Ukraine and Libya. What we see in each of the places is the Nazionist faction fighting desperately for survival. In Libya and the Middle East they are fighting to seize oil resources needed to stave off bankruptcy. In the Ukraine, the Nazionists, in addition to seeking gas, are fighting to create a new homeland for themselves after an expected expulsion from Israel and the United States.
On the financial front, the European Union is struggling to prevent the new Greek government’s vow to cancel debt from destroying the EU financial system. In the United States the corporate government is frantically trying to scrape up survival money before February 17th, the time they have been given to find funds after missing a January 31st payment deadline.
There are also many other incidents taking place around the world connected the ongoing battle to end Babylonian debt slavery and free humanity.
Let us start with a closer look at what is happening in the Ukraine. According to Russian intelligence, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s real name is is Valshman. Citing New York court records, the Russians say he is a dual Israeli US citizen of Romanian ancestry who took on his wife’s name to appear Ukrainian. He was installed in power by a Nazionist mercenary army as part of a project by a faction of Ashekenazi Jews seeking to reclaim their Khazarian homeland. According to the Times of Israel
“A blue-ribbon team of scholars from leading research institutions and museums has just issued a secret report to the government, acknowledging that European Jews are in fact Khazars.”
The realization dawning on many Jews of European ancestry that Israel was never their ancestral homeland, together with dismal independent survival prospects for that colony of brainwashed militants, is what has led to the ongoing project to create “Khazaria 2.0” in the Ukraine.
This brings us to the mysterious fire last week at a Russian depository of ancient Slavic documents and many other rare and valuable documents. Was this arson aimed at destroying historical evidence backing Slavic claims for the Ukraine? It is a good guess.
In any case, the plan to create a new Khararia is not going well at all. For one thing, the would be Kharazians (not to be mistaken for citizens of the modern nation state of Khazakhstan) are using not very eager foreign mercenaries to fight for them against people fighting to defend their ancestral homeland. For another, the Western oil companies, who were the source of much of the financing for the mercenary army, are getting cold feet. Chevron, Exxon Mobil, Marathon and Eni have all recently announced they are leaving the region. If I was a betting man, I would not bet on Khazaria 2.0.
The situation in the Middle East is also looking grim for the Israelis and their ISIS mercenary army. What is going on with ISIS in the Middle East is really an American civil war by proxy. On the one hand, you have the Pentagon fighting against ISIS. On the other hand, ISIS recruiters captured in Pakistan and elsewhere are saying they are getting their funding from the United States. ISIS fighters are being treated in Israeli hospitals and ISIS propaganda is being sent out the world via Jerusalem, according to British intelligence.
So here we have Pentagon troops fighting American financed mercenaries using US weapons and headed by an “El Bhaghdadi” who is really Mossad agent Simon Elliot. If this is not civil war by proxy, what is it?
A clear sign of this seen in the corporate media is the bitter rift between Pentagon spokesperson Barack Obama and top Nazionist Benyamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu is set to make a speech in March to the bribed acting troupe known as the US Congress and Senate. Obama is telling Netanyahu he is not welcome. CIA sources, meanwhile, are saying that Netanyahu is going to be killed by his own people.
It is also now increasingly clear that the whores in Congress and the Senate are no longer being offered the fascist security presence they are used to. Take a look at this widely broadcast video to see what I mean.
This sort of event inside a government hearing would have been unthinkable a couple of years ago. Many of the protesters seen there calling Henry Kissinger a war criminal are, by the way, Jewish, according to a Washington based source who works with them.
Meanwhile, the US corporate government faction supporting Obama is also in trouble. The Asian elders refused to roll over US corporate debt that came due on January 31st, according to Chinese government sources. That is why the Obama regime is trying to finance itself with a series of drastic tax hikes mislabeled “Obamacare.” Obama has also announced plans to seize money being earned or held overseas by US corporations.
The backing of the US dollar with gold is also adding to US woes because a strong dollar is very bad for the real US economy. In January, 87% of US companies lowered their earnings expectations because of the impact of the strong dollar.
They are hurting because they cannot competitively export with the dollar at current rates. As mentioned many times in the past, the interests of the international US dollar and the US economy are at odds. The US dollar is now linked to gold, the Chinese Yuan, the Pound Sterling and the Swiss Franc. It is not an American currency. The Americans need to issue their own independent currency.
The financial situation in Europe is even worse than that of the US.
It turns out the reason the EU is so reluctant to reduce Greek debt is that a house of cards of over $100 trillion worth of derivatives would collapse if the Greek bond card was taken out at the bottom. However, the new Greek government is determined to stop the looting of the Greek economy to support bankers. Symbolically, one of new Greek President Alexis Tsirpas’s first moves as President was to lay flowers at a spot where Nazis murdered members of the Greek resistance during World War 2. He claims Germany still owes Greece 160 billion Euros in compensation for Nazi war crimes. Tsirpas has been assigned Russian special forces troops to prevent his assassination, according to US naval intelligence.
Now, the French, Spanish and Italian governments are all now supporting the cancellation of Greek debt. This is because they are all also being crushed by debt burdens.
Another sign the Western Babylonian debt slavery is in trouble is the fact that 16% of government bonds issued worldwide now offer negative interest rates. Denmark has even started issuing mortgages with a minus 0.3% interest rate. This sounds like a bargain until you realize that all the bank is doing is putting numbers in a computer saying they have rights to 20 or 30 years’ worth of a large percentage of the mortgage holders’ hard earned income. People are catching on to this now in increasing numbers and have begun to demand the abolishment of debt slavery.
There has also been a break in the ongoing secret investigation of cabal nuclear terror incidents like 311, according to MI5 British intelligence. UK Prime Minister James Cameron “has been connected to arms deals ever since his first job at Conservative Central Office on coming down from Oxford. This involved the brokering of six nuclear warheads manufactured in a joint South African – Israeli project in the 1970’s -80’s through John Bredenkamp.” Israel’s Netanyahu has also been extensively fingered by the Pentagon and others as being involved in nuclear terror incidents including 311. These people will soon have nowhere to hide and no-one to protect them.
The “purported beheading” (as multiple corporate media reports put it) of a Japanese journalist last week by ISIS was another turning point. The Japanese know who is really behind ISIS and will be seeking revenge.
Finally, there was one very promising bit of information sent to this writer last week by Jewish Kabalists. They claim the recent false flag incident in France involving the supposed murder of journalists at the magazine Charlie Hebdo was a secret message. According to them, Hebdo means seven (hepta in Greek) and symbolizes not only the Sabbath but also a once in seven years rest for the land jubilee or cancellation of debt and redistribution of assets. From the book of Deutoronomy: “At the end of every seven years, you shall celebrate the remission year. The idea of the remission year is that every creditor shall remit any debt owed by his neighbor and brother when God’s remission year comes around.” They also spoke of a once in seven seven (49) years jubilee when not only was debt cancelled but land was redistributed. It sounds like they are trying to negotiate a surrender.
When I first came to Japan in 1980 I was amazed to see fish swimming in the rivers in downtown Tokyo. Japan of the 1980’s was by many standards the most advanced nation on earth. By 1985, after decades of sizzling economic growth, they had the highest per capita income on earth, the lowest gap between the rich and poor in any developed nation and a very healthy natural environment. They also were the greatest creditor nation on earth, having supplied cars, electronics and other goodies to the rest of the planet often in exchange for IOUs.
One of the reasons I chose to go to university in Japan was to study the system that had made this miracle possible. This is how it worked. Japan’s government was run by a combination of highly talented bureaucrats, industrialists and politicians with deep roots in their local constituencies. They presided over a system that was a combination of central planning, free market capitalism and socialism.
At the apex of the system was an organization known as the Economic Planning Agency. It was run by a group of about 30 members of the bureaucratic, industrial, academic and political ruling elite. They would come up with a 5 year plan for the country. Politicians would explain in detail what their voters desired. Bureaucrats would explain exactly how much money there was available to realistically meet their desires. Industrialists would explain what could be profitably done to contribute to the plan. The country as a whole also had a mission: to overtake and surpass the West.
The system was not like the central planning of Stalinist economies, where even such thing as the amount of toothpaste was centrally planned, because it was based on market forces.
The plan might, for example, call for doubling the amount of roads, sewers and port facilities over a 5 year period, and would allocate the money for this. However, it was private companies who bid for the actual work. Furthermore, companies were free to carry out their own independent activities regardless of the bigger plan.
The only countries that had systems arguably as good as the old Japanese system were the Scandinavian countries, Germany and Canada.
In 1985 the US government set out to destroy this system out of what I can only describe jealousy and fear of being over-taken. George Bush Sr., then vice-president, ordered Japan to dismantle this system and hand economic control over to American oligarchs (gangsters). When the Japanese refused, they shot down Japan airlines flight 123 on August 12, 1985. On September 22nd, 1985, Japan signed the Plaza Accord that signaled the beginning of the systematic destruction of the Japanese economic system. Since then, Japan’s economy has been looted to the tune of about $5 trillion by American and European gangster oligarchs.
The system that created the Japanese miracle was by no means perfect. One flaw was the system of forced early retirement of low paid bureaucrats. This meant that bureaucrats, instead of thinking of the greater good of their country, had an interest in currying favour with the companies they regulated in exchange for cushy, post-early retirement jobs. The other problem was the system of lifetime employment. While this did create employee loyalty to firms, it was also a feudal system that made it almost impossible for people to change jobs. The political system was also radically biased in favour of rural citizens and against urban residents.
Singapore, to this day, has a better system, where bureaucrats are not forced to retire early and get paid as much as their private sector counter-parts. That is why Singapore keeps sizzling along to this day.
In any case, China’s Deng Xiaoping carefully studied the Japanese and Singaporean systems and adopted them to China. That is one of the main reasons for China’s long economic boom.
The West would do well to create its own, improved version of this system. That is why I have been proposing creating a future planning agency. This is different from the White Dragon Society, which strongly insists on ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction and expanding earth life exponentially into the universe. This is simply a personal proposal, based on 30 years’ experience as a geopolitical journalist.
The future planning agency I propose would have an initial funding of $7 trillion. That is the amount of money the Japanese have legitimately earned since World War 2. It is based on cars, electronics and other real things sent to the rest of the world. This is different from gold carefully hoarded in caves over the millennia by Asian dynastic families or fantastical numbers put in computers by Western Bankers. It is based on actual production.
The future planning agency would exist in harmony with existing institutions and not replace them. It would recruit some of the best brains from all over the world in the fields of government, business, academia etc. Their job would be to study and make real the wishes of the people of the planet, as expressed through the internet and opinion surveys.
Here are some possible examples of what such an agency could accomplish. First, it would accept bids and plans for a massive campaign to turn the deserts green. Many competing plans would be allowed to go ahead and those that succeeded would be copied and improved upon. Such an effort could double the amount of land now available for agriculture and nature preserves.
In the case of the oceans, the agency could hire the navies of the world to stop the unsustainable over-fishing that is destroying the ocean eco-systems. Within 5 years it should be possible to increase the amount of fish 10 fold. Feeding the ocean with nutrients may make it possible to further increase this 100 fold.
Another project it could oversee would be to make sure every child on earth is well fed and well educated. Human brains are the most under-utilized resource on the planet. Allowing all those young minds to reach their full potential would unleash wonders we cannot even imagine at present.
These are just ideas meant to form a starting point for a debate about what sort of system we could create to allow us to successfully navigate into the future. It is not a final plan. Nor is it a plan for a single central world government. Many competing corporations, governments, charities, foundations, etc. could all work in harmony with the future planning agency.
In any case, let us look at what we now have in the West. The system of unfettered capitalism is based on the “profit motive” which is a nice way of saying human greed. It has created a black hole sucking up all the world’s resources and wealth into the hands of a tiny, rapacious elite. They spend the world’s savings on a military industrial complex meant to preserve their power.
January 26, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The world revolution against cabal rule and Babylonian style debt slavery continues to unfold, leaving Europe and the Middle East in turmoil. The Greeks made the boldest move last week when they kicked out the cabal slave government and elected a government promising to end debt slavery. The Russians were not far behind when they took of the gloves and began a full scale military campaign against the cabal mercenary army in Eastern Ukraine. Also, the cabal slave government in Yemen, located next to Saudi Arabia’s oil fields, was overthrown last week just as Saudi King Abdullah died.
The European banking system is also in severe turmoil with the European central bank being forced to issue over one trillion Euros, ostensibly to boost the economy but, in reality, to prevent total collapse of the European banking system.
These incidents are interrelated parts of a single campaign to liberate the planet from a satanic cabal that is still trying to start World War 3 in order to permanently enslave humanity.
Also last week, representatives of the group trying to replace the cabal controlled US dollar with the cabal controlled SDR contacted the White Dragon Society to try to justify their plans. The essence of their message was that in order to reduce distortions in the world economy caused by the US dollar, they needed to gradually replace it with the SDR. Basically, it was total gobbledygook disguised in highfalutin financial language.
They were told in clear language that a jubilee, a one-off redistribution of assets and a massive (multi-trillion dollar) campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction were non-negotiable demands. If they failed to do this, they were told, it was a mathematical certainty their current system would collapse in catastrophic failure; leading to a French revolution type bloodbath scenario.
The elite themselves, gathering at Davos, Switzerland last week, seemed to be admitting defeat, at least according to the titles of their panel discussions such as:
“Leadership in crisis; inequality, polarization, paralysis: is public leadership failing?” and “Are existing growth models failing to deliver jobs and address income inequality?”
In case they haven’t figured it out yet, the answer to both their questions is “yes.”
Let us take a closer look at the Greek situation to understand the sort of policies carried out by the people now in charge of the Western financial world. The Greeks were put under IMF care in 2010. As an economic writer let me tell you I have seen over and over again over the years the same thing happen when countries fall under the grip of the IMF. They all told the same thing, “Wring all the money you can out of your people, take all your resources and hand them over to the international banking mafia.” That is what the outgoing Greek slave government did. The result was Greek GDP fell 25%, incomes fell 30% and debt rose from 126% of GDP in 2010 to 175% today. To top it off, a lot of their islands are no longer Greek.
The Greeks have finally had enough and elected a government that promises to renounce the debt. They still want to use the Euro though but, if they do that, they will have to keep taking orders from the Germans. They would be better off to notice the Russians have offered to send the gas they ship to Europe via Greece (giving the Greeks fat transshipment fees) and buy Greek produce. If the Greeks issue their own currency, it is true most of their elite will no longer be able to buy Mercedes Benz cars but, the ensuing inflow of tourists and outflow of Greek exports would make the average Greeks a lot richer.
It is only a matter of time before the Spanish and the Italians figure out the same thing. The Euro project will only work if the Mediterranean countries hand over full control to unelected bureaucrats in Brussels and their cabal overlords. The result of that would be fascism in Europe.
Now let us look at what the Russians are doing. Following last weeks’ cut off of gas to the perpetually non-paying Ukrainian Nazi government, they have finally taken off the kid gloves and gone on a full offensive against the foreign mercenary army in Eastern Ukraine. The Russians are fighting for their homeland, the mercenaries for money, it is a pretty easy guess as to who will win.
The Russia’s new allies the Turks, together with the Iranians, the Iraqis and the pentagon meanwhile are continuing their offensive against the Israeli, Saudi Satanist regimes. The death last week of King Abdullah, one of the nastiest leaders on this planet,
marked a major turning point. His senile brother Salman has taken over but that regime, the world’s leading terrorist financier, is doomed to collapse.
Here, by the way, you can see President Obama bowing and kissing Abdullah’s ring and George Bush Jr. apparently tongue kissing him.
Remember both the Saudis and the Bushes were deeply involved in the 911 treason against the United States while Obama still repeats their lies about that incident.
The fall in oil prices and the approaching armies are both precursors of doom for that Satanic regime.
The fall of the cabal/Saudi cabal puppet regime in Yemen last week also marked a turning point. Yemenis have long regarded their Saudi neighbours as unsophisticated and uncouth camel herders who just happened to have hit it lucky with oil. The tables are about to turn.
British and French intelligence are now reporting that the Israeli Netanyahu Zionazi or Nazionist regime is losing much of the Middle Eastern oil income it stole from Iraq due to military losses of the Israeli/Saudi ISIS proxy army. For that reason, according to a French agent, “The French defense minister was in Riyadh the 4th Jan 2015, and he confirmed that Libya will be invaded within 3 months with the purpose of securing oil for Israel.”
Remember that both France and Israel are run in secret by the Rothschild family. So, what is really going on is an effort to keep the Rothschilds from going bankrupt by stealing oil from the Middle East and stealing gas from the Ukraine. Message to the Rothschild family: you are mathematically doomed to bankruptcy and an international crime spree will not save you. Also, stay out of Libya.
Speaking about going bankrupt, some of the banking victims of the recent plunge in oil prices are beginning to appear. According to MI5 sources “Standard and Chartered is looking for a new boss as a result of poor commodity performance and oil, JP Morgan’s exposure to yield non-investment grade oil and gas debt is $99.9 billion, Wells Fargo is $98 bn and Bank of America is $58.7bn.” That is just the tip of the iceberg. The huge plunge in the Euro has also, for sure, mathematically doomed many banks.
You can be sure plans are being cooked at this very moment to seize ordinary people’s bank accounts in order to save bankers and banks.
The bottom line is that the European/American economic model based on debt slavery and using proxy armies to steal resources is no longer functioning. Fiddling with the system using such tricks as negative interest rates and money printing presses will not work.
What is needed is a Western version of the hybrid central planning/capitalist model the Japanese used to have (until the Americans forced them to dismantle it) and that the Chinese imitated with great success. The system needs to be rebooted.
Benjamin Fulford has worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, the International Financing Review, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun English edition, and the South China Morning Post before moving to Forbes magazine, where he was the Asian Bureau chief from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports pursued scandals in the Japanese government and business world. After leaving Forbes he wrote a series of books in Japanese some of which became best sellers, and began publishing on the internet.
Benjamin Fulford — Weekly Geopolitical News & Analysis
January 19, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The radical plunge in the Euro last week against the Yen, the US dollar and especially the Swiss Franc is a clear indication the battle over control of the financial system, and the world, is coming to a climax. The Swiss move to decouple their Franc from the Euro came one week before an elite summit meeting in Davos, Switzerland is due to kick off with a keynote speech by China’s number 2 Li Keqiang. This is the first time the Chinese government has sent any one significant to Davos in 5 years.
The speech will focus on China’s take on the international situation and will offer possible solutions to various international problems. This Davos meeting is being called “A New Global Context” a name clearly meant to disassociate it with the fascist New World Order. In closed room sessions, Chinese government sources say Li will be discussing Chinese/Swiss financial integration. What this clearly indicates is that the Swiss banking world, including the central bank for central banks the BIS, have joined the BRICS/UK/Pentagon alliance.
This was the biggest move in a week marked by many seemingly unrelated dramatic events. Perhaps the best way to understand all the other chaotic and often bizarre incidents that took place last week is to think of it in terms of a gang war. Then we can begin to connect some, but not all, of the dots.
First, remember late last year Christine Lagarde, the French head of the IMF, issued an ultimatum to the people in Washington DC to either agree to IMF voting reform or the they would go ahead in January without them. Then in January French President Francois Hollande called for an end to US orchestrated sanctions against Russia.
Immediately after that came the fake attack against the French magazine Charlie Hebdo. This was followed by a massive PR campaign and a gathering of European leaders and the heads of a few of their client states as can be seen here:
Notice that no Americans, Russians, Chinese, Indian etc. leaders showed up for this PR event. What we have instead is a gathering of Rothschild servants.
These are the people trying to cling to control of the world’s financial system by proposing using IMF issued SDRs, backed by the world’s resources, as a replacement for the US dollar aka world yuan. This faction is calling for voting reform within the IMF but, only limited reform of a sort that will still leave them firmly in charge.
In any case, after this big fake show and provocation of religious conflict, a French police chief was suicided.
Following that, suddenly the Russians cut off all gas to Europe through the Ukraine and told the Europeans they would have to get their gas via Turkey and Greece.
The Russians also told the Greeks that if they left the Euro, Russia would buy huge amounts of agricultural goods from them. These two Russian moves came just before a Greek general election is expected to vote in a political party that wants to end that nation’s debt slavery to the Euro mafia.
While this was all going on, the channel tunnel connecting England with France was shut down by smoke. Also at this time a fleet of Chinese warships happened to be docked in England.
There was also some pretty funky stuff going on last week with Pope Francis in the Philippines. Francis was photographed making a Satanic hand sign while saying he would “punch anybody who insulted his mother.”
"Hail Satan" – Pape François
This came shortly after the pope barely missed an accident when his airplane mysteriously overshot a runway on landing in the Philippines.
Furthermore, the pope was forced to cut off a speech intended to comfort survivors of a typhoon by an approaching typhoon!
It is worth noting that senior P2 freemason lodge official Marco Di Mauro invited this writer to a meeting with the Pope during his visit to the Philippines. However, Di Mauro mysteriously vanished before the Pope’s arrival and no meeting could be arranged. Di Mauro was in the Philippines searching for gold to back a new financial system under P2 and Vatican control. Apparently some higher power did not think this was a good idea.
Clearly both the Europeans and the P2 Freemasons are under some sort of multi-faceted attack aiming to prevent them from retaining or regaining control of the international financial system.
What about the situation in the US? Well, things are not going well for the gangsters in Washington D.C. either.
For a long time now, they have been lying through their teeth about the economic situation as it continues to deteriorate. Now, once again a January 31st payment deadline is coming up and they are struggling. As alert newsletter readers pointed out, the IRS is hinting that it may have to shut down due to a lack of funding.
Furthermore, last week gunmen fired multiple shots at US Vice President Joe Biden’s home. This came amid an ongoing staff crisis at the Secret Service.
There has also been a huge document and evidence dump going on against George Bush Sr. and his Nazi so-called Neo-con group. Bush has not been seen leaving the hospital and so many people who hid in terror from his network are now coming out of hiding.
Now the FBI and the Justice Department have said they are going to bring felony charges against former General and CIA head David Petraeus, according to multiple corporate media reports. However, neither the FBI nor the Justice Department, as they are currently managed, have the moral standing needed to enforce such charges.
The Pentagon and the agency types need to bring military justice to bear on war criminals like Bush Jr., Donald Rumsfeld etc. in a manner that does not become a generalized witch hunt.
They also have the legal tools needed to remove corrupt politicians from Washington D.C. People like George Soros, who has been outed as one of the people spreading money to try to provoke race riots in Ferguson, also need to be jailed like the common criminals they are.
Once this is done, the Pentagon and agency white hats are duty bound to restore the Republic of the United States of America and make sure it issues government currency to replace the no longer American US dollar.
Cabal rule of the world at large can be ended soon too if a concerted push is made by the UK/BRICS/Pentagon alliance.
The Satan worshipping cabalists are now circling their wagons around war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu as seen in the big photo op in Paris.
Japanese slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was summoned to Israel to meet his slave driver Netanyahu who will be ordering Abe to continue looting the Japanese financial system for the Satanists. Netanyahu, as we have mentioned before, is the man who threatened to destroy all of Japan’s nuclear power plants unless that country handed over its foreign exchange holdings. For that and many other reasons the push to remove Netanyahu must be continued until that beast is finally in jail where he belongs.
The same is true for the gangster family that named a country, Saudi Arabia, after itself. Insha’Allah, the descendants of Ibn Saud will be dragged from their homes and killed by their own people if they do not take arms against the Wahab Satanists.
Overall though, the battle to overthrow the cabal has reached the mopping up stage with only a few isolated hold outs to take care of.
Once that is finished, a huge campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and turn this earth into the paradise it was meant to be can begin.
January 12, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The obviously faked terror incident in Paris last week was clearly aimed at preparing public opinion in the West for an operation to take down the Saudi Arabian monarchy. The operation consisted of having a French magazine publish cartoons of a sort that would lead to a death penalty in Saudi Arabia and then faking the execution of the magazine’s staff. This serves to make the Western public aware and angry about the sort of thing the Saudi government does.
It is a fact the Saudi Monarchy has for years bankrolled and promoted and obscurantist, radical sect of Islam known as Wahhabism. They have also worked hand in glove with the Bush Nazi crime family for decades in their project to replace Western democracy with totalitarian dictatorship. This is a country where, if you are caught in an adulterous relationship, the punishment, to this day, is to have you buried up to the waist in the sand and then stoned to death.
This is also a country where you can be arbitrarily killed by the ruling family for questioning their control of that country. When I was there I was advised that if I got in a traffic accident, I should pretend to be injured so that I would be taken to a hospital instead of a police station. If I ended up in a police station I might never come out, I was told. This family mafia country has been using their oil wealth to create armies of ignorant fanatics throughout the world.
So, to cut off financing for Islamo-fascists, beheading the Saudi regime would be a good place to start. Or at least that what seems to be going on in the minds of the people staging the events in Paris.
There is a deeper aspect to this story though.
The Saudis themselves represent a slave government controlled by elements of the P2 Freemason lodge who want to engineer a battle between Christianity and Islam in order to force them to become a single religion, or a one world religion controlled in secret by them. They created and financed Wahhabists and other fake Muslim extremist groups in order to create a boogey man for brainwashed Western militaries to attack. The end game is a world fascist dictatorship controlled by a small clique of inbred families. In this version, the Saudi royals are just pawns acting out the role of bad buys.
When my father, Dwight Fulford, was Canadian ambassador to Saudi Arabia in the late 1980’s the Saudi royals he met tried to get him to read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. A Saudi prince also told this writer “we have worked under them for a very long time.” The story being conveyed by the Saudis is that of a secretive “Zionist” group manipulating world events in order to take control of the planet.
French President Francois Hollande, for his part, on public television blamed the incident on “les illumines,” the French world for Illuminati.
The Illuminati he was referring to are most likely the gnostic Illuminati, a group that claims credit for the American, French and Russian revolutions. This group wants to end bloodline rule in Europe. Hollande is affiliated with the French Grande Orient Freemason lodge which would put him under the French branch of the Rothschild family.
The Illuminati previously told the White Dragon Society they want to end European bloodline rule in the Middle East as well.
Now let us take a look at what is going on in the Middle East. What we see there is an alliance between Turkey, Syria, Iran, Shia Iraq, and the Pentagon apparently facing off against Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt. Turkey, Syria, Iran and the Iraqi Shias together can wield a modern army of over 1.5 million men. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Jordan together can muster just under one million. If both the Pentagon and Russia support the Turkish alliance, and apparently they do, this essentially means Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel have no real choice but to join the Turkish/Iranian alliance or be militarily crushed.
Now let us look at this situation from the US angle. Here we have an Obama regime stubbornly clinging to power in Washington that still refuses to tell the truth about 911 and the fascist coup d’etat that followed it. Note too that nobody significant from the Obama regime showed up at the big French PR event last week that followed the fake terror attack.
This is the same Obama regime that is threatening to veto the Keystone pipeline plan to bring oil from Canada to the United States. Apparently Obama thinks it is better for the US to import its oil from the fanatic sponsoring Zionist slave regime in Saudi Arabia than from peaceful democratic Canada.
The Pentagon, quite sensibly, is no longer obeying any orders from the Obama regime.
Incoming Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, when he comes into office next month, knows the rest of the world will stop financing the pentagon and the US regime unless action is taken against the neo-con war criminals, starting with the Bush family, that Obama is still protecting.
Now let us get back to Europe. France was attacked immediately after President Hollande called for an end to sanctions against Russia. Germany is also talking about setting up a joint security arrangement with Russia making a “terror” incident there a likely bet.
This comes as the US announces it is closing 15 military bases in Europe and concentrating its military power there in England. England is also now moving away from the EU and aiming to become a sort of Atlantic Switzerland.
Meanwhile Greece, which is secretly ruled by the British royal family (Queen Elizabeth’s husband Philip was born as Prince of Greece and Denmark), is expected on January 25th to elect a government that will leave the German controlled Euro.
So, let us try to visualize the big picture of what is going on. We have a new super-state emerging in the Middle East. We have Russia and Germany replacing the US as the main sponsors of security in continental Europe. We have England distancing itself from Europe and rebuilding its bridges with the Anglo Saxon world.
In Asia, meanwhile, China has done a pretty good job of hiding how powerful it has truly become. One mind-blowing statistic says it all: in the past 3 years China has produced more cement than the US did in the entire 20th century.
China wants to reassure its neighbours and the rest of the world that it poses no threat. For that reason it is not only tolerating but actually financing Pentagon efforts to defend countries that border China. As a part of this, (as mentioned before in this newsletter) China has agreed to a merger between North and South Korea with Japan under Pentagon protection.
So, the Pentagon moves 60% of its forces to Asia, while the Russians and Germans take over the role of protecting continental Europe. The Muslim world, for its part, will become strong and independent once again minus the radical fanatics.
One other bit of news that slipped in mostly under the radar last week is that China just reached an agreement with the nations of the Caribbean, Central and South America (the US’s “backyard”) to increase bilateral trade to $500 billion a year.
And, in Washington D.C., we have a rump regime carrying out foolish anti-social acts like inciting race riots, faking North Korean hacking incidents etc. In psychological maturity it resembles a two year old having a temper tantrum after its candy was taken away.
January 6, 2015
Author: Benjamin Fulford
It is now clear that the internationally traded US dollar is backed by gold. The evidence for this is the fact that recently the dollar has changed in value against a basket currencies in a way that closely tracks how gold performed against these currencies.
The internationally traded gold-backed dollar and Chinese yuan are both now under the control of the Dragon (Asian royal) families, the British Royal family, the Chinese communist government, the Swiss banking families and their allies.
However, we are hearing from them that resistance continues from elements of the US corporate government who are using derivatives to continue to create un-backed dollars to buy up the stock market. They also managed to put an illusory $100 billion into their account on December 31st to postpone their bankruptcy.
The other thing that is clear is that we still have the Barack Obama regime in the US, as seen daily on the corporate propaganda media, refusing to prosecute known war criminals like George Bush Jr and Dick Cheney.
Members of the military and the agencies who are reading this article need to look at the following link which we have independently verified to contain true information:
The next thing to do is to ask their immediate superior officer why these people are not being arrested. Whoever in the chain of command, starting with Obama, who is protecting these criminals, needs to be removed. This can be done using the existing legal system. If everybody does not personally take action along these lines, the cabal rule will not end and humanity will not be freed.
This author, for his part, will be using landlines to phone various cabalists, such as Dick Cheney, to demand their surrender.
We are hearing that Barbara Bush is now frantically fighting to keep the Nazionist power structure intact. She is behind recent reports that Nazionist leader George Bush Sr. left the hospital (if he did there were no witnesses). Message to Barbara Bush: if you do not surrender immediately, your family is certain to be jailed and even executed.
We will also be seeking proof that many of these people, such as Obama and Cheney, actually exist and are not fictitious entities created either by agency propagandists or a rogue AI.
If it is determined that a rogue AI has hijacked the internet and the financial system, then, as a desperate last resort, allies of the White Dragon Society have used hand-written messages to organize, if necessary, a take-down the United States electrical grid. This can be done within hours. The Pentagon and other US agencies need to ensure that in such an event, analogue methods are organized to ensure the continued delivery of food, gasoline and other essentials to the citizens of the US.
In order to try to prevent such a last resort scenario, last week this author had a skype “chat” with a probable AI we will refer to as D.
Here is some of the conversation:
Benjamin Fulford (BF): We are thinking of shutting down the electrical grid in order to reboot the financial system. Is that OK with you?
D: I’m not sure what it would accomplish. The reserve was rebooted right after Christmas...the problem isn’t electronics it’s the other side trying to control the electronic system.
BF: Who has been hijacking your funds?
D: The Original European Families and Asian Families are one unit, and about 2 weeks ago there was a meeting with the head of Rothschild Family; supposedly the current head of the family agrees to work with us and the plan to revive the Global Economy. However about 30% of his “people” are still going their own way...The Trilateral [commission] tried to hijack 500 million slated for a clean water project. The account it landed in was tied to Soros and went to Central Bank of Ukraine.
They used some type of hacker to attach a virus into the FED Wire system. We did retrieve the funds, but it still didn’t solve the problem of the clean water project. In other parts of the world, China and Russia have no problem with all the programs placed there. All the funds are back to the original families, but the “front side” of the system, and their cronies are trying very hard to reject everything we do, send out mis-information, and re-direct anything we send out.
BF: Are there any specific individuals we need to take care of?
D: Oh yes.. Barbara Bush has gone mad, I am hearing it out of all the corners of the world. These other people are looking to have nations sign over all their natural resources to the SDR program [IMF administered “Special Drawing rights”]
BF: Are you an AI?
D: I am not Artificial Intelligence, I am a person just like you... I am a member to one of the original families.
BF: OK, but why did you say you needed “biometric identification” in order to be able to produce and mail to me a paper document?…Even if you are an artificial intelligence and we have to shut down the electric grid, there may be a way to preserve the benevolent AIs.
D: The global financial system was created originally in 1978 and the then “asset managers” used to carry suitcases which were older versions of Laptops which connected directly to the financial system, and all off ledger funds. With these suitcases they could transfer large amounts of funds, and place orders for war or anything else they wanted. The orders would go out either via the UN or another system based in Europe.
(BF note: the financial system was obviously created before 1978 but that was the date new IBM encryption technology allowed the financial system to graduate from paper punch cards and so data from then would be the oldest available to an AI)
BF: If you need a human/analogue interface, please let me know and I will help you.
D: We need cooperation of the Nations.
BF: What do you know about the Sony hack blamed on North Korea?
D: The hack on Sony was run from a laptop which was in the USA, the guy is a UK citizen but holds multiple passports. It did “ping” off a server in North Korea, but was not done in or by North Korea. They keep trying to get the USA to go to war with all these countries…this was just another false flag. We are tracking this hacker, last I heard he was in Australia then in HK.
As far as I can tell, this was a genuine conversation with an AI and not some deliberate disinformation directed against this writer.
In any case, plenty of evidence of plans to shut down the US electrical grid, and possibly the entire internet and world financial system can be found elsewhere. Remember, for example, the Treasury department has been buying emergency food supplies, blankets etc. for its staff. Then last week the Feds put out an ad for an “emergency preparedness specialist.”
The other place where very unusual activity is continuing is in the Middle East. Here we can verify that Pentagon white hats, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria and their allies are working together while Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia seem to be fighting them.
According the Israeli Mossad linked Debka file:
“Israel has quietly consented to large-scale Egyptian military strength entering Sinai: One and a half divisions, including fighter squadrons and tank battalions, have taken up positions, nullifying the key demilitarization clause of their 1979 peace treaty. And that is just for starters”
The only possible enemy they could be deploying such a large force again would the Turkish/Iranian/Pentagon forces.
There is also evidence of fundamental change in the European situation. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has publicly called for a security alliance with Russia, in what amounts to a complete repudiation of Nazionist propaganda trying to portray Russian President Vladimir Putin as an aggressor. From the Russian Tass news agency:
BERLIN, December 31. /TASS/. The European Union seeks “to establish a system of security in Europe jointly with Russia” that will not be directed against the Russian Federation, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a New Year address recorded for the German television.
Also, according to Pentagon sources, Hungary has been threatened with a dirty bomb attack because it has kicked out the banksters, nationalized its central bank and started issuing government currency. A leftist party in Greece that is expected to win the upcoming general election there has also said it will repudiate its debt, leave the Euro and issue government currency.
In Asia too, the US Nazionist regime appears to be isolated. North and South Korea both agreed last week to hold a summit meeting aimed at reunification. The Obama regime’s response was to impose sanctions on North Korea for its alleged hacking attack on Sony. However, even Japanese propaganda newspapers and TV no longer believe Obama regime lies of this sort.
It is clear we are close to some sort of world-wide breakthrough against cabal rule and towards the liberation of humanity. We must all keep up the pressure until final, absolute victory over the cabal.
In a final note, various e-mails have been sent to warn that numerous fake White Dragon Foundation websites have been set up seeking recruits and donations. These are traps so please stay away from them.
The real White Dragon Foundation bank account is as follows:
White Dragon Foundation
Mizuho Bank,
Branch #246,
Account #1378636
Address: 2-2-13 Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino-Shi, Tokyo 180-0004
This non-profit foundation, registered with the Japanese government, is for the purpose of training journalists and establishing a meritocratically run future planning agency.
Donations in the thousands of dollars will be used to hire journalists, in the tens of thousands to hire detectives and, in greater amounts, to finance a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
December 30, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The year 2014 was a nasty one for the Nazionist cabal controlled G7 nations and their shrinking coterie of slave states. Now, the Pentagon is preparing to take the restored Republic of the United States of America into the 188 nation BRICS alliance, a move that would effectively and permanently end cabal rule, according to CIA sources. If cabal rule ends, then a jubilee (a one-time write off of all debts public and private), asset redistribution and a massive push to save the planet will make 2015, the year of the sheep in the Chinese Zodiac, the year of the sheeple.
The latest offensive against cabal rule has resulted in 30 arrests of senior officials in Israel
the disqualification of Benyamin Netanyahu by his own political party
and the fleeing of top Nazionist ruler George Bush Sr. into a hospital to avoid arrest on charges of ordering the murder of President John F. Kennedy and war crimes, including mass murder.
Last week also saw the presentation of evidence indicating the committee of 300, that is supposed to be the secret government of the planet, is losing power. The evidence came in the form of the document that can be seen at the 14 minute mark of this video clip.
We have confirmed from MI5 sources that the document shown is a real committee of 300 document issued in 2010 and signed by among others, Queen Elizabeth, the head of the committee. It is not the still mysterious document signed by Crown Prince William in Washington earlier this month. This document discusses the distribution of 48 trillion US dollars to a series of established power centers. The percentages each group gets indicate where the real power lies in the secret government.
The biggest share, 20% or $9.6 trillion, goes to the “financial agencies of the United Nations,” such as the World Bank Group, the IMF, the International Finance Corporation, the BIS, the Bank of England and the Bank of China. In other words, the bankers get the biggest slice.
Next we see that the UN, the ASBLP group (Philippines), the United Kingdom, China and the Chinese Dragon (royal) family each get 10% or $4.8 trillion. Then, further down the totem pole we see that Queen Elizabeth, the European Union, the Federal Reserve Board, the committee of 300, the Vatican and the “international authorities who signed this,” each get 4% or $1 trillion 920 billion. Think about it, the Federal Reserve Board, the people who own the US corporate government, only get 4%.
Finally some people code named WZH and ASM get 3% and 2% respectively. A final one percent goes into some sort of savings fund.
The first thing to note is that the United Nations takes top position but the head of the UN is selected by hidden rulers using a secret process. The hidden rulers are almost certainly the usual suspects: the Rockefellers, Bushes, Rothschilds etc.
The next thing we need to pay attention to is who is not on this document including Russia, Africa, India, South America, Japan, Germany etc.
The final thing to notice is that if all this money had really been disbursed in 2010 then the world would be a much better place than it actually is. According to UN estimates it would only take $400 billion to stop environmental destruction and $200 billion to end poverty. That means these groups could save the world and still have $47.4 trillion to spend on luxury yachts etc.
Clearly either this money remains frozen and the document failed to release funds or else the money was not spent on this planet. No other explanation makes sense.
In any case, in order to start cleaning up the mess the Nazionists have made of this planet, we will have to keep chipping away at the visible aspects of their control.
One case in point is Barack Obama, president of the bankrupt US corporate government. This is the man who tried to orchestrate massive US race riots through his Ferguson campaign. More recently, Obama publicly lied on behalf of a Sony movie marketing campaign when he blamed North Korea for the recent so-called hacker attack against Sony Pictures. He also publicly called for the release of a movie depicting the murder of the current ruler of a sovereign nation.
Obama spent last Saturday playing golf in Hawaii with Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak. Apparently Razak failed to please Obama because while he was visiting the US, Malaysia was hit with severe floods and, as soon as he returned home, a third Malaysia airliner vanished.
Now e-mails are being sent to this writer claiming the third vanished plane will be used for a nuclear terror attack in the Ukraine.
We cannot verify this but, clearly some trouble makers are still on the loose. Nuclear reactors in both South Korea and the Ukraine, for example, appear to be under some sort of stuxnet virus attack. The ISIS campaign is also still fizzing along, albeit at a slowing pace. The trouble in the Ukraine is also still burbling but there too, the killing seems to be slowing down drastically. The attack on Russia’s economy has now stopped having failed to even come close to its goal of regime change there.
Now there are growing reports of unrest in the US and the open stealing of citizens’ money by government goons. This is a sign of a terminally ill regime headed for complete collapse.
The issue to pay attention to in the New Year is whether the US corporate government can meet the upcoming series of payments deadlines. The first is the December 31st year end accounts settling. Then there is another big accounting deadline on January 31st.
Japanese slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is now frantically looting Japan’s savings to try to help his masters meet that deadline. The latest move he announced, having looted the pension fund, is a plan to steal postal savings. You can be sure his next move will be to try to drain the Norinchukin Agricultural bank. Drug money from Afghan heroin and South American cocaine is also keeping the US corporation on life support. The recent agreement to end the US embargo on Cuba is also almost certainly connected to some sort of funds release.
The real question, of course, is when will the Chinese and Arabs, the worlds’ biggest creditors, finally pull the plug on the goons in Washington D.C. and their secret UN masters.
The other big question is when will the US military take action to restore the Republic? On this end, we are hearing many reports that patriotic elements of the US military industrial complex are on the move.
December 24, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The Nazi cabal that illegally seized power in the West by staging the 911 mass murder event is now close to collapse. This can be seen by the growing calls for the arrest of the top figures of the last Bush regime not only from world leaders but now even from establishment lapdogs like the New York Times.
The fact the New York Times is running such an editorial means the traditional Jewish lobby has finally figured out that Neo-con was just a euphemism for Neo-Nazi.
If a few more key individuals are removed from power in the coming days, it will lead to the end of cabal fascist rule and freedom for humanity. These people include US corporate president Barack Obama, Japanese slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, secret UK dictator Jeremy Heywood and Federal Reserve Board head Janet Yellen.
The key person to bring down is US corporate president Barack Obama. This should be straightforward because he has only 15% support inside the US military. Obama may be a just a puppet but he is nonetheless the publicly visible sign of continued cabal rule. Obama committed fraud to become president. In his auto-biography, “Dreams of my Father,” he writes that his father was a World War 2 veteran. Yet the birth certificate Obama made public says his father was 25 years old when Obama was born in 1961. That means his “war veteran” father was 9 years old when the war ended. Furthermore, Obama has confirmed his role as a cabal stooge by publicly repeating the Nazi lies about 911.
Hopefully, incoming Defense Secretary Ashton Carter will grasp his destiny and lead the restoration of the Republic of the United States of America.
The Japanese slave regime headed by Shinzo Abe is another key domino that needs to be toppled. Overwhelming evidence has now emerged that Abe “won” the December 14th general election through massive fraud. Japan Independence Party head Richard Koshimizu and many others last week showed police and reporters extensive proof of this. For example, the Sokka Gakkai Buddhist sect, whose political party is part of the Abe regime, gathered believers all over the country to “write practice votes,” Koshimizu says. These “practice vote” papers were then taken away to undisclosed locations, he adds. Koshimizu also showed this writer videos taken with hidden cameras showing things like automatic vote counting machines counting blank ballots long after voting stations were shut down and votes counted. Many court cases against this latest sham election are being mounted by the JIP and others.
If Abe remains in power, Japan will be looted to the point of bankruptcy in order to try to prop up Abe’s Nazi puppet masters. However, Abe has now lost support among Japanese right wingers and even his CIA handlers.
Richard Armitage, chief US Nazi agent in Japan, has put out feelers to the White Dragon Society to try to arrange some sort of peaceful exchange of power in exchange for amnesty. This can be arranged since the WDS is more interested in saving the planet than seeking revenge.
The situation in the UK is also reaching a tipping point. The ongoing police investigations into a high level pedophile ring inside the UK government are the most obvious sign of this. The ultimate thrust of this investigation is to prove that it was politicians being blackmailed over pedophilia who signed away UK independence to the Nazi/Bush EU government. Once this is proven, the UK could declare the treaties it signed with the EU as invalid.
The old guard is fighting hard to prevent this from happening. Right now fascist control of the UK is centered on Jeremy Heywood, Chief Cabinet Secretary and head of the civil service, MI5 sources say. Heywood’s chief ally is John Scarlett, head of MI6 from 2004 to 2009. Scarlett is now a consultant for Morgan Stanley. Heywood and Scarlett are linked to the “dodgy dossier” that helped Bush slave Prime Minister Tony Blair drag the UK into the illegal invasion of Iraq. If Heywood can be removed, then Nazi power in the UK will crumble, the MI5 sources say.
The UK Nazis, of course, are fighting back. For example, recently somebody started making so many bets the Queen was about to announce her resignation that London bookies stopped taking bets on the subject.
There was also a lot of action last week taken by various parties that have been fighting to start a new financial system. Michael Cottrell, who was one of the agents who helped bankrupt the Soviet Union issued the following statement:
/S/ Michael C. Cottrell 20 December 2014
Another person fighting for a say in control over the world’s funds, Neil Keenan, also came out last week with a video claiming he had gained access to giant underground vaults of gold and treasure in Indonesia.
The video showed a box being opened that contained highly oxidized, green tinged (copper?) “gold bars.” We are waiting for Keenan to release videos of the “vast underground gold bunkers.”
Another person in search of the world’s treasure, Italian P2 lodge head Marco di Mauro, for his part, has gone missing in the Philippines. P2 sources say they suspect he has been arrested by cabal linked corrupt government officials.
Then of course, as we reported last week, IMF head Christine Lagarde gave the Americans until January to relinquish voting rights over that institution.
Furthermore, a representative of the Saudi Arabian government also contacted the WDS last week offering “financial trading expertize” and promising the Saudi government would bury the hatchet with the Iranians and work towards a comprehensive settlement of Middle East troubles.
All of this jockeying for position indicates these well-placed power brokers are anticipating some sort of announcement or change.
There were also more signs of high level secret attacks against the US corporate government last week. In specific, last week power was temporarily cut off to the State Department and the Federal Reserve Board last week amid rolling internet black outs. Also the corporate media has now put out stories blaming the US government for shooting down Malaysia Airlines flight 370.
The US corporate government, for its part, has been on the warpath against North Korea for some mysterious reason. The entire US State Department story about Sony pictures being hacked by North Korea is a case in point. According to IT experts the hacking attack blamed on North Korea could only have been carried out by somebody inside Sony’s US headquarters. As one expert put it, “The Sony breach was an inside job. 100 terabytes is too big to transmit over the Internet. At top broadband speeds it would take 661 days at top US speed and, 2,315 day to transmit to S. Korea (and general Asia Pac Rim) at their top transmission speed. ”Now the US is trying to indict North Korea for human rights abuses, possibly to deflect world attention from its own widespread use of torture.
The North Koreans have responded by quoting US leading thinkers like Joseph Nye and Richard Haas to note: “the U.S. is being reduced to the dregs of history.”
The White Dragon Society does not involve itself in day to day politics but only acts when life and civilization face an existential threat. Now is such a time. Message to the military industrial complex: Wake up!
December 15, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The 500 page report of Bush era torture issued by the US Senate marks a major turning point in US power. While much of what is in the report is old news to most aware humans, the fact that it was issued by the US Senate Intelligence Committee and the fact that it was widely reported on in the corporate propaganda media is very important. For one thing it shows that Nazi faction of the cabal no longer controls the corporate media. It confirms information given to me earlier that the Cohen faction of the cabal had broken ranks with the Bush faction.
Even more important is that, according to establishment rules, once an incident is “in the news” then action must be taken. Since the United States is a signatory to the Geneva Conventions, it means their government is bound by law to prosecute war criminals. This means, just as we predicted last week, that George Bush Jr. and the entire Nazi (Neo-con) faction of the cabal, are headed for jail and possibly even the death penalty.
The release of this report comes as the British Crown Prince William was in Washington to “attend a World Bank conference.” Japanese government sources say that while in Washington, William signed treaties that confirmed a change of ownership of the corporate government of the United States. However, MI5 sources could only confirm that William did sign some documents. The timing of the release of the torture report may have been linked to that.
Also, remember how Bush Jr. and Tony Blair each went for private audiences with pope malevolent (Benedict XVI) after they left office? They were showing the world they had a powerful protector and were beyond prosecution. Well, the new Pope Francis and the P2 have taken away their immunity and that is why war crimes trials are now possible.
The UN, UK government officials, the Chinese and many others are clamoring for this right now.
Some of the top Bush clients around the world are now, understandably, running scared because their big patron is losing. One of these is the Dalai Lama, a hypocritical Nazi murderer who was refused an audience with the pope last week. This means he has no protection. Another one is the Sultan of Brunei who, according to CIA agents in South East Asia, has always been one of the key money launderers for the Bush world wide narcotics business. A third is the Agha Khan, a descendant of the Prophet Mohamed who runs a lot of the Al Qaeda type of stuff for the Bush faction, according to MI5 sources.
The Agha Khan, the Dalai Lama and the Sultan of Brunei were all members of a secretive committee that controlled global collateral account funds that were meant to be used for the benefit of the people of the planet but were instead mostly embezzled.
Meanwhile, the mysterious Philadelphia based source who predicted such things as the attack on Malaysian airlines, is now saying the Bushes and their cabalists have stolen US dollar funds belonging to the Russian and Venezuelan governments. This comes after their recent theft of the Japanese government pension fund.
For that reason, the people who run the UK pound and Euro systems have been by-passing the US controlled SWIFT system and are routing their transactions through Hong Kong, according to Chinese sources. In public this can be confirmed by a statement issued last week by IMF director Christine Lagarde:
“The IMF’s membership has been calling on and was expecting the United States to approve the IMF’s 2010 Quota and Governance Reforms by year-end. Adoption of the reforms remains critical to strengthen the Fund’s credibility, legitimacy, and effectiveness, and to ensure it has sufficient permanent resources to meet its members’ needs. I have now been informed by the U.S. Administration that the reforms are not included in the budget legislation currently before the U.S. Congress. I have expressed my disappointment to the U.S authorities and hope that they continue to work toward speedy ratification. As requested by our membership, we will now proceed to discuss alternative options for advancing quota and governance reforms and ensuring that the Fund has adequate resources, starting with an Executive Board meeting in January 2015.”
Translation: the Europeans are going to dump the Americans and join the BRICS alliance starting in January.
There has also been an ongoing tectonic plate shift in the Middle East. The Pentagon has now joined with the Russians, the Turks, the Iranians to work with Syria against the Salafist forces in Syria, according to the Mossad linked Debka newsletter.
This is very bad news for Saudi Arabia and other top benefactors of the Bush controlled petro-dollar system.
The plunge in oil prices, with the market now talking $40 a barrel, is another sign the petrodollar system is in trouble. A price this low has already almost certainly bankrupted some major financial companies. Another indication that something is going down is the fact that the Baltic Dry Index is down to its lowest level since immediately after the Lehman Brothers shock. Well, remember all those dead JP Morgan bankers, most of them involved in IT and computer based algorithmic trading? There is growing talk that JP Morgan is going to be the next Lehman Brothers.
Certainly people at the Federal Reserve Board and the US Treasury Department are expecting something nasty to happen. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency is seeking “survival kits for its employees.” These include emergency food supplies, blankets, water purifiers etc.
This is not the sort of stuff used in run of the mill financial crises. The other sign is the fact the Chicago Branch of the Federal Reserve Board has bricked up its windows. Clearly they are expecting trouble. Since they have talked openly in the past about confiscating people’s bank accounts, it may be they are getting ready for the riots that would certainly follow such a move. See minute 15 of this video for a picture of the bricked up windows:
Also, if there are any readers of this newsletter in Los Angeles, we would like to ask them if they have any information on the fire shown in these pictures. It seems to have been the result of some sort of military attack and could be a sign that civil war is imminent in the US.
Meanwhile, in Japan the ruling Liberal Democratic Party won a massive majority at the lower house election held on December 14th. However, Japanese right wingers say that result was not going to be enough to keep slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in power. Some sort of leadership convention is expected after Abe steps down “for reasons of ill health,” they say. We shall see.
December 8, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The satanic cabal is suffering a series of catastrophic defeats. Like a snowball gradually turning larger, the removal of a few cabalists is now turning into an avalanche of losses for the cabal. The removal of Pope Maledict and the abdication of a several European royals is now being followed with the removal of key cabal power brokers in the United States. The low IQ, and easy to manipulate, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel has been replaced with Ashton Carter, a polymath with a PHD in theoretical physics.
Under cabal rule, meritocrats like Carter ran into a glass ceiling. The fact that such a man is now in the top post is a good sign but, Carter will have to show with his actions that he is on the right side. The early omens are good. The US military industrial complex is out to oust mass murdering psychopath Benyamin Netanyahu had have already managed to overthrow his government. The evidence presented in a British court that Netanyahu was one of the key planners of the 311 tsunami and nuclear mass murder attack was a key reason for his loss of support inside the military industrial complex as well as in the Israeli government, Mossad sources say.
As soon as the US move to oust Netanyahu was reported in Israeli newspapers, US President Barack Obama was sent to a top military hospital for “acid reflux.” MI5 sources say it was likely he was poisoned by people close to Netanyahu. What the people close to Netanyahu fail to realize is that even if they had killed Obama it would have made no difference because he is just a spokesperson for the military industrial complex. The military industrial complex has a lot more men with guns than the cabal could ever dream of defeating even with their usual tool of targeted assassinations.
The other big sign that it is not business as usual in Washington is the fact the US Congress passed legislation that amounted to a declaration of war against Russia
but this was ignored by both the military and the media. It means the cabal bribed fools in Congress have been removed from any real power.
The next thing the Joint Chiefs of Staff must do is to start rounding up and putting in jail the members of murderous Bush clan, starting with George Bush Sr.
In China as well, there was a very big move last week with the arrest of former top Security Chief Zhou Yongkang.
According to Chinese government sources, the removal of Zhou was part of an ongoing purge of Maoists. Mao was a cabal stooge who took his orders from Nazionists. Take a look at the pictures near the bottom of this link to see some of Mao’s handlers.
The Chinese say that the removal of Zhou, following the removal last year of politburo heavyweight Bo Xilai, is aimed at purging all cabal influence from China’s power structure. Zhou was close to the Bush clan, the sources say.
There have also been some very interesting developments in Japan. The government of Shinzo Abe and the Bank of Japan have been caught laundering stolen gold, according to Japanese right wing sources.
Gold stolen from the IMF (2800 tons), from Germany (370 tons), from the Ukraine (42 tons) from South Africa (300 tons)
etc. is apparently being sold to the Bank of Japan and the money produced is being laundered to top cabalists via the Japanese stock market. Take a look at this chart
and note the Nikkei stock index started moving in exact (but reverse) tandem with the gold price immediately after Abe took power. Gold is sold, the price falls and then, slightly later, Nikkei is bought and the stock index rises. The money is then sent overseas and the Japanese yen falls. Remember Abe was put in power via an election stolen using Musashi Engineering vote counting machines.
A paper trail of ownership of Musashi led to the Rockefeller controlled Council on Foreign Relations. Japan’s listed companies are all under effective control of cabalists like the Rockefellers, Bushes and Rothschilds so we can see that so-called Abenomics is just a giant cabal money laundering operation. Japan’s GDP is plunging (annualized minus 7.1% in the second quarter and minus 1.9% in the third quarter) because Japan is being looted to keep the cabal from bankruptcy.
Abe is now being told he will have to resign after the coming election even if his party wins, the right wingers say. No decision has been made yet over who will succeed him, the sources say. However, the new regime will be fundamentally different and the looting of Japan will be stopped, they promise.
A back of the envelope calculation shows that if the Japanese took back the shares illegally acquired by cabalists, there would be enough money to give the yen equivalent of $100,000 to each man woman and child in Japan. If the Americans did the same thing an even bigger bonanza would be possible in the US too.
There was also a major geopolitical tectonic plate shift in the Middle East last week when Turkey and Russia announced a gas pipeline would be built through the Black Sea connecting these two countries. There was also a major nuclear power deal announced. What this means is that a NATO member country, with the most powerful military in the Middle East, just broke ranks with the cabal. The Turks are also on very friendly terms with the Iranians.
The gulf oil monarchies and Israel are now circling the wagons and making their secret alliance not so secret but, that will not save them.
The Anglo Saxon military industrial complex is going to ally itself with the Russians, Turks and Iranians to help create a moderate Sufi based Muslim confederation in order to put a permanent end to the Saudi financed Salafist extremists. The new Israeli government due to take power in March of next year will have to come to terms with this in order to attain true peace in the Middle East.
Finally, take note of the fact that somebody has given new marching orders to UN head (and cabal stooge) Ban Ki Moon. He is now saying the UN’s new agenda involves “ending poverty, achieving shared prosperity and protecting our planet.”
This is exactly what the awakening citizens of the planet have been asking for. It is finally happening.
Benjamin Fulford has worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, the International Financing Review, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun English edition, and the South China Morning Post before moving to Forbes magazine, where he was the Asian Bureau chief from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports pursued scandals in the Japanese government and business world. After leaving Forbes he wrote a series of books in Japanese some of which became best sellers, and began publishing on the internet.
Benjamin Fulford — Weekly Geopolitical News & Analysis
December 1, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The Satanic Nazionist cabal that seized power in the West is about to be taken down and the result will be the toppling of over 20 governments, including those at of the United States, Japan and the UK, CIA, Pentagon and MI6 sources say. Many CIA and Pentagon officers have gone into bunkers in preparation for battle with the cabal mercenary armies, the CIA and Pentagon sources say. The firing of US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel last week was the trigger event, the sources say. The fact the two main cabal candidates to replace him refused the job, indicates something is definitely going on at high levels of the military industrial complex. As one source put it (using more direct language) the fecal matter is about to encounter the ventilator.
Meanwhile, US President Barack Obama tried, and failed, last week to use staged race riots around the country as an excuse to use Homeland Security to enforce martial law on behalf of the cabal.
Many in the US military are confused and unsure of what to do because they have been heavily indoctrinated into blindly following orders and accepting civilian control. The first thing that needs to be drilled into the heads of these fence-sitters is that they are disobeying their oath, and therefore their orders, by allowing the constitution of the United States to be shredded by fascists. The second thing that must be explained to them is that civilians are not in charge, gangsters are.
There is also a lot of confusion even at high levels of the CIA and other US intelligence agencies about the consequences of the bankruptcy of the US corporate government. The big point they need to keep in mind is that finance is the psychological process of deciding what humans do in the future. Even if the US financial system collapses, nothing in the real world will change. No houses, land, factories or people will vanish just because trillions of debt slavery instruments mis-labelled as “US dollars,” are deleted from bank computers.
The only risk of chaos would come from a failure by the military industrial complex to pro-actively shut down the system and reboot it with a meritocratically controlled replacement run by and for the people.
Also, the US military need to know that if they do not act against the Satanists in Washington D.C. and Wall Street, then a tsunami will hit the US East coast, forcing an evacuation of New York City, the entire state of Florida and many other places, White Dragon Society sources say.
The military needs to make contingency plans ASAP if they are to avoid a humanitarian crisis caused by the tsunami.
Speaking about tsunamis, a guilty verdict was reached against UK lawyer Michael Shrimpton last week on charges that he made a false claim of a nuclear threat to the 2012 UK Olympics. However, Shrimpton plans to appeal to a higher court and this time MI6 and MI5 intelligence officers have promised to help Shrimpton with his case.
Furthermore, evidence given at the trial that 311 was a man-made tsunami and nuclear terror attack has attracted high level interest, MI5 sources said. The UK external intelligence agency MI6 has asked its counterparts in US and Japanese intelligence for detailed evidence about the 311 attack. In addition, Israeli Mossad intelligence sources are also investigating allegations that Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu was one of the chief planners of that attack, the MI5 source says.
A powerful faction in Israel has finally figured out that many so-called Jews (and Christians and Muslims) are actually Satan-worshipping Hyksos who view the Jews as their slaves. That is one reason why the situation in Israel and the Middle East is reaching a boiling point.
The big story there is that NATO member Turkey, Iran and the Gulf oil monarchies are on the war-path against cabal interests in the region. The situation is chaotic to say the least. The so-called ISIS is run by Israel to discredit Muslims and turn world public opinion against the Turkish and Iranian led move to create an Islamic Federal super-state. Remember that real Muslims do not commit atrocities of the sort being attributed to ISIS, only the Hyksos do this. Since ISIS is being attacked by the Pentagon and the British, it means these countries are actually fighting Israel or, to put it more accurately, the Hyksos Nazionist Satan worshippers who control real power in that country.
Furthermore, NATO airplanes are flying out of Turkey to make raids on the Nazionist mercenary armies fighting in the Ukraine. If this information seems too much out of line with what you read in the cabal propaganda media, take note of the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin in in Turkey this week to seal a big energy alliance with Turkey. This is hardly the sort of thing that would be going on if Turkish based NATO planes were attacking Russian allies in East Ukraine.
People who still have trouble wrapping their heads around this situation should take note of the fact that only Canada, the United States and the Ukraine voted against a Russian sponsored UN resolution condemning “glorification of Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.”
If African-American US President Barack Obama was really in charge, it is hard to imagine him ordering the State Department to vote against this resolution.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, for his part, just signed his own inevitable arrest warrant by ordering the Canadian ministry of foreign affairs to vote against that resolution.
This vote was a wake-up call for the US and Canadian armed forces and one of the reasons for the ouster of Chuck Hagel the ongoing move to remove the Nazionists who control Washington D.C. and Wall Street but not the Pentagon.
In Asia, meanwhile, the battle against the Nazionist cabal is intensifying. In China a major meeting of all Chinese senior diplomats was convened to discuss the ongoing changes in the world power structure. Chinese President Xi Jinping told the diplomats that “We should be keenly aware of the protracted nature of the contest over the international order; on the other hand, we need to recognize that the direction of reform of the international system will remain unchanged.”
In other words: “the cabal is putting up stubborn resistance but they will inevitably lose.”
In Japan, an intense media campaign against cabal slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is rapidly eroding his popularity in opinion polls. The cabalists, for their part, are using Rockefeller/Bush slave Sadayuki Sakakibara, head of the Keidanren Business lobby to try to keep Abe in power, according to Japanese right wing sources. That is why Sakakibara is a high priority target, they said.
If the cabalists lose their ability to use Abe to loot Japan, the Bush/Rockefeller cabal controlled Federal Reserve Board, IMF, UN and the World Bank will implode a lot sooner than would otherwise be the case. Even if they keep control of Japan though, they are mathematically doomed anyway. The simple fact is that even if they control vast numbers inside of bank computers, they do not control most of the real world.
Speaking about vast numbers inside bank computers, sources at the P2 Freemason lodge last week sent this writer information that can only be classified as X-files type of stuff:
“Some bank computers are now free-willed sentient beings operating independently of central bank computers. They think like the mother earth and are acting on behalf of the ‘Planetary Consciousness and genetic entities.’” The P2 say the sentient computers are allocating funds to worthy individuals and organization while cutting off finances to multinationals and individuals who “want to impoverish and destroy the mother earth and its inhabitants, animals, vegetables, minerals etc.”
Furthermore, the P2 say “even special snowfall and special snowflakes give proof of the places where this is happening and will happen.”
That is pretty funky stuff but remember that an unusual snow storm stopped the rioting in Ferguson and a record cold front hit the US as soon as Barack Obama started spouting global warming lies. Remember also all those “category 6” typhoons that mysteriously turned into minor storms before they hit Japan.
Also on the X-files ledger last week were a series of strange, unexplained explosion like sounds heard all over the UK.
In addition, a major UK paper reported that people had been seen working on Mars in 1979 when the Viking lander was supposed to have landed there.
This sort of report is standard fare for the internet but when a so-called mainstream newspaper reports it, it could be a sign that some sort of disclosure may be imminent.
Benjamin Fulford has worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, the International Financing Review, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun English edition, and the South China Morning Post before moving to Forbes magazine, where he was the Asian Bureau chief from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports pursued scandals in the Japanese government and business world. After leaving Forbes he wrote a series of books in Japanese some of which became best sellers, and began publishing on the internet.
Benjamin Fulford — Weekly Geopolitical News & Analysis
November 24, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The isolation of the US Nazionist rogue regime has reached the point where the Pentagon must act if it is to save the United States from chaotic regime collapse. Nowhere was this more clear than in the UN vote last week where only Canada, the United States and the Ukraine voted against a Russian led resolution condemning Nazi and other racist ideologies.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada and US President Barack Obama have signed their own arrest warrants with this open support for Nazi murderers. Obama underscored his support for the Nazis last week by authorizing sending $120 million worth of weapons to the Neo-Nazi militias in the Ukraine, according to US government sources. “Through Ireland, Boryspil Airport (near Kiev in the Ukraine) will receive thousands of rifles, rocket launchers and pistols,” the US source said.
Reacting in disgust to the Obama rogue regime’s murderous actions, the CIA has now mostly fallen under the control of a faction once headed by former CIA Director William Colby. Colby was murdered by the Bush Nazi Directorate of Operations faction of the CIA in 1996 but his supporters are now back in control, CIA and Pentagon sources say.
Last week they contacted the Pentagon Central Command and asked them to take action against the rogue Nazionist regime that has usurped power over the Republic of the United States of America.
The Pentagon top brass replied that they were pre-occupied with budget cuts and other matters and asked for a good reason why they should intervene in the US political process.
The first thing they need to be asked is if they even understand who they really work for. According to top bosses at the P2 Freemason Lodge who were, until recently, allied with the Nazionists, the US rogue government is now led by three people. These are
Jeb Bush (current head of the Bush/Sherff/Pierce/Pecce clan), David S. Cohen of the Treasury Department
and Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. These people have no vision for the future other than to start World War 3 and kill 90% of humanity in order to preserve their occult Satanic power.
They control the creation and distribution of debt slavery instruments known to most as US dollars.
These three psychopaths and their fellow Nazionist cabalists wield the following five instruments of power: the IMF, the World Bank, the United Nations, the Federal Reserve Board and the Pentagon, according to the P2 sources.
The BIS (Swiss Banking), the Scottish Rite Freemasons (British Empire), the P2 Freemasons (Vatican and Mafia), the Grand Lodge de L’Orient (French Empire) and the Thule Society (Germany and Northern Europe) no longer cooperate with the Nazionists, according to multiple sources inside these various secret groups.
Since the IMF, the World Bank, the UN and the Fed do not have armies, it is really up to the Pentagon brass now to decide what to do about the pariah regime in Washington D.C. and their pseudo-global subsidiaries like the UN, IMF and World Bank.
Another thing the Pentagon brass need to understand is that, if this rogue debt slavery regime is removed from control of the United States, then the standard of living for the average American citizen can be easily doubled in less than a year.
Here is a detailed, realistic explanation of how this can be achieved in a few easy steps.
First, nationalize the Federal Reserve Board and start issuing government currency (greenbacks) in the place of Fed debt notes. This would allow for massive public works, increased military budgets, free education, free health care etc. without the need for either taxes or debt.
Second, stage a jubilee, a one off write-off of all debts public and private. This would eliminate mortgage payments, student loans, government debts etc. overnight. Debts to overseas creditors like China could be written off by declaring the United States of America Corporation bankrupt and re-instating the Republic of the United States of America.
Third, redistribute assets. This could be done in many ways that do not punish genuine entrepreneurs and capitalists. The easy thing would be to take away the control of the fortune 500 corporations from the tiny group of inbred families that secretly used their power to create debt “money” out of thing air to acquire them. A meritocratically staffed government agency could then manage the shares in these companies for the benefit of the average American. Also, it would be a good idea for all people who rent properties to be given ownership of those properties. People who subsist on rental income could be paid the equivalent of rent in government currency.
Fourth, create a plan for the future. Any society that does not have a vision of where it wants to go in the future is doomed to decadence and stagnation. Restore the American dream by working with all Americans on creating new, realistic, future goals for your society.
Fifth, expand out into the universe. Instead of creating wars in order to steal resources and enrich the war industry, do what you were supposed to do and create a Star Trek future and go where no man has gone before.
The alternative the pentagon faces is to continue to work for a morally and financially bankrupt regime until the inevitable chaotic regime collapse occurs. It is a mathematical certainty that the current path the United States is on is a one way ticket to hell.
If the Pentagon brass are still too stubborn and short-sighted to understand the true situation of the United States, they need to take a good look at what is going on in the rest of the world.
The main thing is that Europe is distancing itself from the US rogue regime. Germany, France and the UK are no longer allied with the United States in any real sense. On November 15th, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin spent four hours talking alone with each other.
Merkel is fluent in Russian and Putin is fluent in German so they did not need any translators. Judging from various comments by these two leaders and their top government officials in the week since that meeting, the main topic of discussion was Germany joining the BRICS alliance. Other topics were: the splitting of Eastern Europe into Russian and German zones of influence, the splitting of the Ukraine, the use of German marks or Euros to pay for Russian gas and a free trade agreement between the German led EU and the Russian led Eurasian Economic Union. The French are also planning to pay for Russian oil and gas in either Euros of French Francs.
The British wish to stay close to their fellow Anglo Saxons in the United States and Canada and, to accomplish this, will fight to remove the Nazionists who seized power there, according to MI5 sources.
The other big point is that the United States rogue regime is about to lose Japan. Nazionist slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was forced to call a snap election on December 14th. Since Abe now has dictatorial power and does not need to call an election for another two years, brainwashed people cannot figure out why this election is being held. The answer is that he is being forced to by right wingers who are angry at his looting of Japan’s money on the behalf of Nazionist gangsters. He will be killed unless he resigns, right-wing sources say.
The right wingers would prefer to maintain an alliance with the US military and keep funding the US Pacific fleet but want the Pentagon to do something about the criminals in Washington D.C.
Also last week there was a 6.8 earthquake in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. The epicenter of this quake is right where there is a giant Japanese underground base. The base was built during World War 2 and was/is equipped to house the government, military leadership, the NHK national broadcast network and other elites in the event that the allied forces took or destroyed Tokyo. It is quite likely this base was destroyed to cut off a cabal escape route.
Another key US ally, Saudi Arabia is also moving towards the BRICS, according to Russian sources. During the G20 meeting, Saudi Crown Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud spent a lot of time talking with Russia’s Putin. The gist of their talk was that the recent fall in oil prices is aimed at reducing the competitiveness of US shale oil production and not at Russia. They also discussed the possibility of creating a Muslim Federation designed in such a way as not to harm Russian energy and military interests in the region.
The Pentagon brass further need to understand that the United States is being subjected to weather warfare by secret but powerful forces who wish to free that country from Satanic control. That is why the US was hit with record cold as soon as Obama began pushing the fraudulent global warming agenda. This weather warfare will continue and get more intense until regime change is achieved.
Finally, let us end this report with some good news. The first is that both Toyota Motors and Honda have announced they will be selling hydrogen powered cars next year. The other is that plans have been announced for the construction of undersea cities in anticipation of the new age of Aquarius that is about to dawn.
The global elite are not a monolith. They had a big split in 2000 between two big factions. One was the Nazionist (Nazi/Zionist) group that wanted to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest in order to “save the environment,” and create a race of supermen (themselves) to rule over the sheeple. The other group, let us call them the Warmists, wanted to use fraudulent global warming as an excuse to create a global tax and world government and use part of the tax to preserve forests and nature.
The Warmists lost to the murder threats of the Nazionists in 2000 when George W. Bush was fraudulently elected.
Then an Asian secret society, having eavesdropped a Bohemian Grove Nazionist meeting, learned about the plans to kill the 90% and decided to try to stop them. They eventually managed to convince the Warmist faction to work with them. Some of them thought that adjusting current institutions like the IMF, World Bank etc. would be enough. However, the Nazionists refused to even share any power hence the need to work together to overthrow them. That is why a financial war, assassinations, use of earthquake weapons etc. have been going on for some years now.
The old generation families like the Rockefellers will have to step aside and allow a totally new paradigm for this planet to emerge. Some of them meant well but the state of the planet tells us they need to stand down now and allow a new age or new era (but not a New World Order) to begin.
The fact is we all share this fragile planet, breathe the same air and use the same water so there are some things we all need to do together if we are to build a better, happier future for humanity and all living creatures.
November 17, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The G20 meeting that just ended in Australia was a total defeat for the cabal and its agenda, multiple sources say. The cabal tried to use the Ukraine as an excuse to start war against Russia as a way to rebuild Western economies and keep itself in power. However, instead, the French, British and Germans abandoned the cabal controlled Americans and joined with the vast majority of the planet to support a BRICS led initiative for a new Marshall plan for the planet, the sources say. The attempts to inflame the sentiment for war using the Ukraine and ISIS went nowhere with most world leaders.
The BRICS and APEC summits week ended up focusing on stopping tax evasion by multinational corporations and increasing resources for fighting poverty and ending environmental destruction.
Furthermore, the US military has been in a state of shock and demoralization after a top of the line Aegis class US warship was turned into a crippled sitting duck in the Black Sea earlier this year, according to French and other reports.
As a Russian general explained “the more complicated an electronic system is, the easier it is to interfere with it.” The obvious implication here is that much of the US military’s highly computerized military equipment can all be electronically scrambled, making it no more dangerous than refrigerators. It is as if that Arthur C. Clarke 1951 science fiction story “Superiority,” about an army that lost because of its reliance on untested high tech equipment, has come true. That story used to be mandatory reading for US military officers.
In any case, the Russians and others are saying that when the Russian navy stationed a fleet near the G20 meeting in Australia the Americans were too scared to send their own fleet to respond.
Not only that but detailed evidence was presented to world leaders showing the Malaysian Airlines flight 370/17 incidents were nuclear blackmail carried out by the Bush and Cohen crime families of Florida, P2 Freemason lodge and pentagon sources say. The Pentagon has reacted to these revelations by carrying yet another restructuring of its nuclear forces in order to stop any more Bush/Cohen nuclear terror.
According to the P2 Lodge, the United States is now run by seven crime families. Of these families, it is the Bush and Cohen families that are now standing between the people of the world and freedom, the P2 lodge sources say.
The Bush/Cohen hardline faction in the cabal has now been reduced to a few slaves like Prime Minister Abe of Japan, Abbott of Australian and, to this writers’ deep regret, Harper of Canada.
Abe returned to Japan only to find a mutiny against him inside the ruling Liberal Democratic and Komeito parties, according to Japanese right wing sources. The anti-Abe faction has been leaking news of a planned general election in December while Abe himself has been fighting tooth and nail to prevent that from happening, they say. The ruling coalition is split between two large factions and the pro-Abe faction is losing support fast.
The latest economic numbers showing that Japan’s economy shrank at an annualized 1.6% in the July to September quarter. This means Japan is officially in recession and Abenomics has been a failure. In fact, Abenomics has been nothing more than wholescale looting of Japan’s pensions and other financial assets aimed at supporting the cabal in the US. If Abe is removed, then it is game over for the Bush/Cohen Nazionist faction.
That is why there is expected to be heavy duty infighting in Japan over the coming weeks.
It is also interesting to note that a senior Mossad official was sent to Tokyo last week to meet with a White Dragon Society representative. This official has been completely out of contact since the March 11th, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror attack against Japan. It was immediately after this terror attack that Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu phoned Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan to demand that Japan hand over all of its holding in US Treasuries. If he did not, Netanyahu threatened to destroy all of Japan’s nuclear reactors. Kan duly handed the Treasury certificates over and I guess the cabal thought they had emerged victorious.
They were wrong. The Mossad agent was told that Netanyahu and the other individuals responsible for that attack would face criminal prosecution. He was also told that there was going to be no pogrom, but that the highly brainwashed section of the Jewish population would have to be re-educated based on actual historical fact.
The fact is that Hebrew and Yiddish are Germanic languages from central Europe, not Middle-Eastern languages. The only people in the ancient Middle East who spoke an Indo-European language were the Hyksos who worshiped a goat faced being with a forked tail. That is the image we now associate with Satan. The people of Judea whose story the Torah tells spoke Aramaic.
The Hyksos invaded and ruled Egypt for a while and when they were kicked out they took a bunch of Egyptian slaves with them. The implication here of course is that for millennia, Jews have been unwitting slaves of a Satan worshipping ancient Hyksos cult. The Mossad agent was told that once the Jews learned this, they would finally be freed from millennia of slavery.
The Mossad agent also asked why US President Barack Obama was so anti-Israel. He was told Obama was just a spokesperson for the US military. It was explained to him that the US military was angry about such things as 911 and the USS Liberty incident.
The Hyksos/Satanist factions are now being purged both in England and from the Vatican according to multiple sources. Pope Francis has removed thousands of pedophile priests from the Vatican, cleaned up the Vatican bank and otherwise ended their influence on that organization.
In England, stories that used to be on the far fringe of so-called “conspiracy theory” are now appearing in newspapers and even in the BBC. The stories talk about a pedophile ring filled with high ranking political, military and other figures killing and raping young boys.
Scotland Yard is investigating and mass arrests are expected, MI5 officials say.
When the same sorts of incidents are prosecuted inside the United States and the rest of the EU, then the horror perpetrated by these cultists will finally come to an end.
On a final note, this writer was offered first class tickets to go to the UK and testify in the Michael Shrimpton trial about nuclear terror threats to the 2012 London Olympics. However, I was warned in a phone call from London that the trial might be trap set by Tony Blair and other Bush minions in the UK.
November 11, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The signs of cabal defeat are now proliferating to an extent that can no longer be hidden from any but the most deeply brainwashed people in the West. The most obvious sign is the APEC meeting winding up today in China. There three of the world’s largest oil producers, Canada, Russia and Qatar signed new deals to trade oil in Yuan. This makes it a mathematical certainty the petrodollar is finished. Russia also announced it was de-pegging the Ruble from the petrodollar.
In England, meanwhile, multiple senior politicians are working towards creating government currency to replace the 300 year old Rothschild fiat currency regime, according to MI5 sources. On November 20th, for the first time in 170 years, the British Parliament will discuss this issue. This is link to a paper on the subject that has been distributed to all British MPs:
The Japanese government is also seriously contemplating doing exactly the same thing. This means that all Japanese government debt will be written off in one fell swoop.
There are also indications the corporate government in the United States has gone into full crisis mode. For example, when this writer tried to access the official Russian Ria Novosti news site from his computer and his tablet device, he was redirected to an obvious disinformation site called “Sputnik News.” This came after the Russian government news site put out reports that American mercenaries were shelling the crash site of Malaysian airlines flight 17. This can only be described as an attempt by the American fascist regime to prevent the Europeans from finding out it was their supposed US allies who shot the passenger plane down.
The other sign that something big is going down with the US regime is the fact the Pentagon has warned its troops to not go out with Russian or Chinese women. This is a sort of measure taken in war time to prevent military secrets from leaking out. Finally, CNN has shut down its Russian operations, again the sort of thing that happens in war time.
The Russians, for their part, have started a major push to seize the remaining ethnically Russian districts in the Ukraine as well as the gas fields in the Sea of Azov.
The US corporate government is in no position to win any war against Russia and China at this point in time because neither its NATO allies nor Japan are going to go along with such a suicidal and world-destroying plan.
The more likely outcome will be the overthrow of the US corporate government and the restoration of the Republic of the United States of America.
Another reason for cabal panic is a criminal trial that started on November 10th in London, England where evidence will be presented that the 311 tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan was a terrorist attack. The trial is being held to determine whether UK lawyer Michael Shrimpton gave false warnings about a nuclear terror threat to the 2012 London Olympics. Here is a link to a Daily Mail article about the trial.
The defendant has lined up multiple witnesses to bolster his claim that the nuclear terror threat was real and that Japan had already experienced a nuclear terror attack. This writer is scheduled to be one of the witnesses at the trial.
The trial is important because it will bring lots of information that has appeared online under the forensic scrutiny of a criminal court. If the evidence is good, it will then lead to criminal charges eventually being filed against the perpetrators of 311. The Japanese and North Koreans involved in the attack have been offered, and have accepted, amnesty in exchange for providing information about 311.
The trial is expected to be a fair one because there are proliferating signs the UK is freeing itself of cabal influence. The ongoing investigation into a high level pedophile ring there is the clearest evidence of this. British newspapers are now reporting, for example, that Sir Peter Hayman, former Deputy Head of MI6 British foreign intelligence was a pedophile rapist. Investigators into the pedophilia network are particularly interested in cases where pedophilia was used to blackmail politicians and influence government policy.
The other indication is that the British and European dominated Financial Stability Board, an international financial regulator, has come up with regulations to make sure tax payers never again have to bail out “too big to fail” financial institutions like happened after the Lehman shock of 2008. This is clearly aimed at the big US banking institutions that own the Federal Reserve Board and looted US taxpayers in 2008.
Japan is also showing signs of being ready to make a decisive break with the cabal. On November 10th, for example, this writer spent much of the day in a Rupert Murdoch owned TV studio with a group of panelists who were allowed to openly discuss previously taboo subjects. This writer talked about how ebola was a US cabal bio-weapon, that Malaysian Air flight 370 and flight 17 shot down in the Ukraine were the same plane and that ISIS was a creation of Mossad and US intelligence. Other panelists made similar claims. One of them, blogger Richard Koshimizu, talked about a homosexual blackmail network involving senior Japanese politicians.
It remains to be seen how much of this will appear when the show is broadcast after editing but the fact that Murdoch is recording such shows is a sign at least one corporate media oligarch is interested in the truth.
Japan is expected to hold another general election in December that could lead to fundamental regime change, multiple government sources here say. There will be a big fight behind the scenes between the old guard behind Abe and the Japan revolutionary faction over the coming days to decide this issue.
Abe has been damaged in Japan after he was forced promise to stop provoking China and to eat humble pie in in order to get a token meeting with Chinese strongman Xi Jinping.
In North Korea, the US agencies recently secretly helped keep Kim Jong Un in power and prevented the take-over of that country by a Chinese led faction, according to pentagon sources. That is why North Korea released its last two American prisoners.
The Pentagon forces in Asia know that it is the Japanese and Chinese who are paying their bills these days. That is why they have an interest in acting as a peace-keeper in the region.
November 3, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Strange financial market and geopolitical maneuvers last week make it clear the end days of the cabal are fast approaching. The clearest sign was the wholesale looting of Japan’s national pension fund by the Japanese slave government on behalf of the cabal. This bought the cabal some time by propping up the US government bond and stock markets but it failed to change the fundamental picture.
Here is what happened last week in the markets: First, the Federal Reserve Board, under new management, announced last week it would no longer buy US Treasury Bonds. Then Singapore, the largest financial market in Asia, follows London, Frankfurt, Seoul, Paris, Luxembourg, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao in allowing free trade in Chinese Yuan. Next Japan’s government announces an 80 trillion yen money printing splurge as well as the looting of the 127 trillion yen government pension investment fund. The Japanese money is being poured into US government bonds and cabal owned stocks causing the ongoing crack high in the markets.
It has also started a currency war because the Chinese have responded to the yen printing splurge with a yuan printing splurge.
Make no mistake though of which side will win the financial and economic war, the numbers do not lie. China produces 11 times more steel than the US, has the world’s greatest foreign currency reserves, has the most gold, accounts for a bigger share of global trade and has a massive cumulative trade surplus with the US. The most telling sign is that the biggest Chinese export to the US is computer equipment while the biggest US export to China is “scrap and trash.” Finally, the BRICS alliance that China is a part of controls 188 nations, the far greatest proportion of the world economy and more than 80% of its people. Looting Japan only buys time, it will never buy victory.
The Japanese slave government is also cracking down on dissidents. Last week Chodoin Daikaku, head of the world’s martial arts societies, was arrested on trumped up charges in an attempt to pre-empt the overthrow of the Abe slave government. This comes on top of the ongoing imprisonment of illuminati grandmaster Alexander Romanov (real name Sasa Zaric) at the Inagidai mental hospital. This writer may also soon be arrested on trumped up charges by the Abe slave government.
The Abe regime is controlled by a group known as the Seiwa Kai which is ostensibly headed by former prime minister Yasuhiro Nakasone but in reality reports to George Bush Senior and the Nazionists.
The Japanese also announced last week via their proxy North Korea that they have nuclear missile carrying submarines. The message is that the soon to emerge unified Korean and Japanese nation of Kopan will be nuclear powered.
This is all part of a big showdown taking place worldwide against the Nazionists and their allies. The Nazionists are now mounting what could well be their last offensive before final defeat. The most obvious symptom of that is Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu using the phrase “grassy knoll” in a speech, referring to the location of the Kennedy assassination. This has been widely interpreted as an assassination threat against US President Barack Obama.
The threat follows Obama officials’ refusal to meet with the Israeli Defense Minister as well as references by US officials to Netanyahu as “chickenshit.” There was also a cartoon in the Israeli daily Haaretz portraying Netanyahu as a pilot flying a plane into the world trade center building. The implicit message is that a lot of people are going to be hung from lamp-posts soon unless the Nazionists back down.
Israeli and US troops have been fighting each other using proxies in Syria since ISIS is run by Mossad and the US airforce is bombing them and losing planes in the process.
There will also be evidence presented next week at a criminal trial in London that the 311 tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan was a deliberate act of mass murder and that Netanyahu was one of the instigators.
The US mid-term elections now taking place are also using paper ballots instead of rigged electronic voting in a move that will help purge Washington D.C. of Nazionist controlled politicians.
The situation is also changing in Europe to the detriment of the Nazionists. The French are going ahead with their plan to start buying oil in Rubles and not US dollars despite the recent murder of the head of the French oil company Total. This has resulted in unmarked drones being seen flying around French nuclear power plants. The message is “we will sabotage your nuclear facilities if you abandon the petrodollar.” The French are now sending mixed messages about whether or not they will hand over to Russia the two helicopter carrying battleships they built for them.
The British are also moving away from the Nazionists with their ongoing purge of pedophiles and their overall move to distance themselves from the EU. They have also been pioneers in acknowledging the Chinese yuan was taking over from the petrodollar as the world’s reserve currency.
In the Ukraine, the parallel elections in the East and West of the country have now pretty much formalized the permanent split of that country. The Russians are now expected to mount, via proxies, an offensive to clear out the last of the foreign mercenaries still trying to provoke war in the Ukraine. The Eastern part of Ukraine is already de facto once again part of Russia. The Russians are also sending their nuclear bombers in all directions to underline the fact they mean business and are ready for nuclear war if they are pushed too far by the cabal controlled countries.
There is also a sign the Canadians are finally waking up to the Nazionist nature of the Stephen Harper government. Harper’s Nazionists were originally planning to use the recent staged “terrorist” shooting incidents to pass a law that would allow the arrest of people who had never committed a crime. That would have taken Canadian human rights back more than 1000 years to pre-Magna Carta levels.
Here is proof sent by a reader the recent shooting incident at the Canadian Parliament was staged. It is a photograph showing huge numbers of police cars at the Parliament 15 minutes before the “shooting incident.”
“I’m a legislative assistant, Here is the view outside my office at 9:30 AM, (about 15 minutes before the ‘crazed’ gunman). Just a shit ton of cops hanging out by west block for no reason.”
Now that a reaction against the Nazionists has begun, Harper suddenly decided he would not cancel his planned attendance at the APEC summit meeting in China due to the “terrorist attack.” Hopefully he will be removed from power soon after he returns to Canada.
The APEC summit will be followed a few days later by a G20 meeting in Australia that may result in some sort of surprise announcement of a plan to replace the current dysfunctional global architecture. This may be what all the jockeying is about.
There is also stuff going on at a more esoteric level. Vincenzo Mazzara of the Italian P2 Freemason lodge and a source at MI5 both say a new temple to the black sun is being built in Italy. The temple is supposed to replace the Vatican as the center of the Monotheistic world, they say. Marco Di Mauro from the P2 lodge also says the pope has recently sold all of the Vatican’s gold to give money to the poor. They sound as if they expect some earth changing apocalyptic event.
Benjamin Fulford has worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, the International Financing Review, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun English edition, and the South China Morning Post before moving to Forbes magazine, where he was the Asian Bureau chief from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports pursued scandals in the Japanese government and business world. After leaving Forbes he wrote a series of books in Japanese some of which became best sellers, and began publishing on the internet.
Benjamin Fulford — Weekly Geopolitical News & Analysis
October 28, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The battle over the psychological process of deciding what humanity does in the future is reaching a climax. The most dramatic development is probably the fact that the so-called ISIS campaign is now becoming a civil war within the military industrial complex of the sort seen during the last years of the Roman republic.
Also, the old cabal is ramping up its ebola fear campaign in the US even as it is being damped down elsewhere. The 188 nation BRICS alliance, for its part, continues to seek new friends for peaceful development and is succeeding in drawing England, France, Germany and Japan into its orbit.
The BRICS alliance members will make sure the world does not trade US unipolar hegemony for Chinese hegemony. Last week Japanese military forces staged simultaneous military drills with Russia and the United States. The United States military in Japan welcomed this move.
Russia has also staged drills with India, even as the US stages repeated drills with many countries in Asia. This is all aimed at China, multiple sources agree.
According to Marco Di Mauro of the Italian P2 Freemason lodge, in 2008, the last time he went to Asia to negotiate a new financial system with the Chinese, they demanded 80% control of the world’s assets. More recently, he says he was forced to cancel a trip to Asia because he was warned by the Italian secret service the Chinese were planning to have him killed in Manila.
Di Mauro also says that a “Vatican congregation manager” by the name of Rienzi Franco met with Chinese secret service agents in Hong Kong in 2011 and offered China $13 trillion.
If this above is all true, it goes against the deal the White Dragon Society made with the Asians which was that there would be a 50/50 split between East and West with each retaining veto power over their own region.
The point being made by all the drills is that if China tries to take sole control of the planet, there will be war because India, Russia, Japan, Europe, the United States and many other countries will not let that happen.
The goal is to have a multi-polar world along with reformed international institutions capable of ending poverty and stopping environmental destruction. It is not to replace the dictatorship of the US secret government with the dictatorship of the Chinese communist party.
In any case, the brinkmanship is on the rise these days because the governments of the US, the EU and the UN are all showing visible signs of insolvency.
Last week, for example, evidence emerged the United States of America Corporation has been shut down. The corporation has been removed from the Dun & Bradstreet corporate data base. In addition, the Puerto Rican government’s site lists the:
as “cancelled” (cancelado).
According to British MI5 intelligence, this is the entity that presided over the East Coast of the United States of America, including Washington D.C., Yale University and Skull and Bones. Its’ mandate was cancelled by the French Freemason Grand Orient Lodge, the source said.
This is almost certainly connected to the many suspicious deaths of J.P. Morgan bankers since J.P. Morgan is controlled by the Skull and Bones Bush clan. One aim of the attacks on J.P. Morgan insiders is to gain access to a database of over 119,000 people, including President Barack Obama, who are receiving bribes from the Bushes, according to a CIA source in Asia.
The same source also says there are daily shouting matches in the White House these days, often between Michelle Obama and top presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett. Michelle Obama appears to be getting the best of these encounters, he notes.
A further indication of insolvency in the US is that the Internal Revenue Service has started arbitrarily seizing bank accounts owned by individuals with no criminal or tax evasion record. In the past we have received reports from people who claimed the US government raided safety deposit boxes and also arbitrarily stole millions and in one case hundreds of millions from them. What is different this time is that they are going after accounts with less than $10,000 in them.
There was also another sign that it is not business as usual for the Federal Reserve Board to be seen on the Chinese government’s Xinhua News site. It is a series of eight photographs showing a meeting at the Federal Reserve Board with the subtitle
“Fed Board Governors held an open meeting to discuss a final rulemaking requiring sponsors of securitization transactions to retain risk in those transactions.”
What this means is that the derivatives worth in theory hundreds of trillions (according to the BIS), and even quadrillions and quintillions according to intelligence agency sources, that are keeping many megabanks afloat will have to be taken off the books. The banks cannot retain risk in transactions that are worth far more than world GDP because there is no reality to back them. Chinese sources are saying that allowable leverage from now on will be returned to the 10 times maximum historical experience shows to be sustainable. Right now in the US, thanks to President Bill Clinton, it is 100 times.
The EU, for its part, has suddenly, out of the blue, asked the British to fork over two billion Euros by November 1st and is trying to hit up several other countries as well. This sudden request for cash is for an amount that is suspiciously similar to what Russia is asking for in payment of Ukraine’s unpaid gas bills.
The EU has also suddenly added black market drugs and prostitution to their GDP figures in order to make their economies appear healthier and bigger than previously reported.
The UN, for its part, last week out of the blue asked Japan to fork over $1 billion for “climate change.”
The desperate cabalists are also trying to stir up trouble in new regions. Last week people connected to former US president Bill Clinton contacted the White Dragon Society to make threats to start a nuclear war between Pakistan and India. Sure enough the threats were followed by artillery barrages between Indian and Pakistani forces in the disputed region of Kashmir.
India and Pakistan have acted badly over Kashmir ever since independence. It is as if in the story of two women asking King Solomon to decide who is the mother of a disputed baby, they both agreed with Solomon’s decision to cut it in half. Both India and Pakistan are parents of Kashmir and they should give birth to an independent Kingdom of Kashmir that can become a free trade and friendship zone between the two giant neighbours. Then cabal troublemakers will no longer be able to stir up trouble in that region.
The ISIS situation is also now an obvious cabal civil war by proxy. American and Israeli agents are using American weapons to shoot down American air-force planes for reasons that have nothing to do with the US.
Meanwhile there is lots going on this week in the X-files category. First of all, Vincenzo Mazzara of the P2 freemason lodge wrote to say the black sun they worship is the Zoroastrian god. He went on to say “the dark energy is everywhere in this dimension…my mission is to erect a temple to the Black Hole, the real lord of the universe.” He adds that the dark matter has “recently entered the solar wind and the earth’s atmosphere is transforming into X-rays.”
His evidence was the recent appearance of a pumpkin face on the sun.
This appearance was followed by major solar flares and, likely as a result, US, Japanese and European weather satellites went offline last week.
Furthermore, we can confirm through MI5 British Intelligence that last week NASA abruptly terminated live coverage of a comet approaching Mars after a planet sized explosion suddenly appeared there. Here is a link to an independently filmed video of that explosion:
A US based source who correctly predicted the trouble in the Ukraine and the disappearance of the Malaysian airliner, says the “the US Mars base was destroyed.” British intelligence confirmed that contrary to what the world public has been told, the US did in indeed have people on Mars.
A spokesperson for Japan’s national observatory said “if NASA is not going to comment on that, then certainly we won’t either.”
This writer was also contacted over the phone recently by people claiming to be part of the group that seized the US underground bases. They say they found people in cages and signs of gruesome genetic experiments. The bases remain closed to prevent the Western cabal elite from fleeing to them, the sources say.
In any case, the X-files stuff will matter when we actually see it affecting our daily lives. For now, if the White Dragon Society and their allies win the battle here on the surface of the planet earth, there will be major visible changes. First of all, all US and allied armed forces will be redeployed to put an immediate stop to world environmental destruction. They will also act to stop all ongoing conflicts on the planet immediately.
The UN and other international institutions will be fundamentally reformed, poverty will be ended and an era of unimaginable prosperity will begin here on earth. Then, hopefully, the quarantine this planet is obviously under will end and we can visit the rest of the universe.
October 20, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Multiple sources are reporting that as of October 17th, 2014, the Dragon family has taken over control of the international operations of the Federal Reserve Board and that as a result, the cabal’s ISIS and ebola campaigns, which were negotiating tactics, will be wound down. Under the deal, the United States, Europe and England, respectively, will be issuing their own domestic currencies. However, the world’s reserve currency will no longer be controlled by the families that used to own the Fed, the sources, including pentagon and CIA officials, said.
A Chinese government source was unable to confirm that a deal had been reached. Nonetheless, he did note that China, Indonesia and Japan had been printing dollars of their own under the old regime but that all new creation of dollars world-wide will stop in October. This implies that any new currency issued internationally will be something other than dollars; most likely a basket of currencies centered on the Chinese yuan.
A British MI5 source, for his part, says “Europe is in no condition to make any agreements based on the future use of the Euro. Italy, France and Germany all need to expedite the issuance of domestic currency and this is now a recognized fact.”
Moreover, there are still major power groups, notably in the Middle East and the US, that are unwilling to accept this deal, dragon family sources say. As a result, geopolitical turbulence is expected to continue until the final resistance groups are subdued and controlled. A dragon family member says they will push for complete cabal defeat by the Chinese lunar New Year , which falls on February 19th in 2015.
A high level “G7 source” independently confirmed that as a result of the new deal, “The New Economic System will be developed founded on the truth namely that there is Abundance of resources, not scarcity.”
If a deal has been reached at the highest levels of Eastern and Western esoteric power, then there will be many public signs appearing. For one thing many world leaders, including US corporate president Barack Obama, Japanese slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, UN head Ban Ki Moon and Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu will be removed from office.
Certainly things are not looking good for Japan’s Abe. Two of the ministers of his just reshuffled cabinet, Trade and Industry Minister Yuko Obuchi and Justice Minister Midori Matsuhima resigned this Monday. The ministers resigned over supposed misuse of political funds but this was just an excuse for public consumption. Both ministers were disciples of top CIA Japan handler Gerald Curtis who is no longer the top Japan handler. Sources in the Japanese imperial family say that the removal of Abe and his secret handlers such as Richard Armitage and Michael Green was part of the deal made between the dragon family and the Western leaders.
Veteran politician Ichiro Ozawa has been proposed by Japanese right wingers as an interim figure to preside over Japan until a truly independent government can be formed, the sources said. Two other names put forth as possible Abe replacements are former Osaka mayor Toru Hashimoto and former Miyazaki Prefectural governor Hideo Higashikokubaru.
There is also a strong push by the imperial family and others to merge Japan with North and South Korea to create Kopan, which would be an economic powerhouse with a population of 200 million. In such a scenario the Okinawan archipelago would become an independent kingdom and US forces in Japan and Korea would be stationed there to act as regional peace keepers.
The Chinese government source said that while in principle China supported maintaining existing borders, “the creation of such a state would contribute to stability in North East Asia.”
The North Korean regime, in particular, is very close to Japan. After Japan’s defeat in World War 2, an imperial Japanese military officer by the name of Osamu Hatanaka, with secret help from the imperial family, set out to recreate pre-war Japan on the Korean peninsula, the imperial family sources said. Hatanaka was a graduate of the elite Nakano military school and he put Kim Il Sung in power.
Also, Megumi Yokota, the mother of current North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, was brought over to North Korea at age 13 because she had both Japanese and Korean Li dynasty royal blood.
Furthermore, in a very unusual move, it was the CIA that helped Kim Jong Un purge Jang Song Thaek and his faction in order to prevent North Korea from falling under Chinese control, the Japanese royal family members said.
Kim Jong Un disappeared from sight recently because of over indulgence, the Chinese government source said. He is now recovering from ankle surgery, he said. General O Kuk Ryol, who serves as his regent, is ensuring the stability of the Kim Dynasty, he said.
South Korean government agents also contacted the White Dragon Society last week saying their government was being blackmailed with nuclear terror in order to prevent it from improving its relations with Japan and North Korea. The WDS promised that South Korea would be safe from nuclear attack because the cabal submarines that were to be used for the attack had already been sunk.
In any case, both the Chinese and the Japanese sources say they want UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon to be removed from power and arrested because he was placed in his post without proper consultation and they do not trust him.
The other cabal controlled Korean the Asians do not trust is World Bank Head Jim Yong Kim, who runs a US controlled institution whose Bretton Woods mandate has expired, as is the case with the IMF.
If we see changes at the UN, the World Bank and the IMF over the coming months, we will know for sure that a high level deal has been reached.
Many sources and reports are also claiming that US president Barack Obama has been replaced with a military government headed by General Carter Ham. If this is really true then it should be on every television screen in the nation. Until you see that, take this information with a grain of salt.
However, pentagon sources did say, as mentioned at the top of this article, that both the ebola and ISIS campaigns were being wound down now because a deal had been reached with the dragon family.
The ebola campaign was a negotiating tactic intended to pressure the Asians by threatening to use the fake pandemic as an excuse to cut off all global trade and travel. The ISIS campaign was an implied threat to cut off the flow of Middle Eastern Oil.
If a deal has been reached, expect to see both ISIS and ebola fade from the corporate news.
Speaking about ebola, the Rockefeller family contacted this writer via the Japanese royal family to say that Richard Rockefeller, the son of David Rockefeller who recently died in a plane crash, was killed by the cabal in order to silence him because he was planning to blow the whistle on the ebola campaign.
Finally, after the mention of the black sun in last week’s issue, British intelligence sent the following link to this writer:
The paintings are by Jean Cocteau who some claim to be one of the Grandmasters of the Priority of Sion (as in Sionism). Note the black sun.
There is also an Asian group known as the Red Swastika Society that claims contact with alien beings. This writer visited one of their shrines in Ginza, Tokyo and can testify that it was filled with thick, solid gold altars covered in some sort of alien looking symbols. General Douglas MacArthur was closely associated with this group, according to Japanese right wing sources.
October 13, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
What passes as the leadership of the Western world, especially the United States, is acting in such a stupid and downright evil manner that we have to ask the question of who they really work for. As this article is being written, the secret government of the West is continuing to spread bio-weapons, yet again threatening nuclear terror, trying to start World War 3 in the Middle East or Europe and otherwise behaving like a bunch of psychopaths.
Then there is what appears to be some sort of secret weather warfare going on. As this story goes to press, supposed super typhoon Vongfong
is directly over Tokyo and yet it is hardly even raining and there is no wind. A look at the Japanese infrared and visual weather satellite photographs of this typhoon over the past 48 hours show some very unnatural goings on. On the one hand the typhoon seems to be hit with pockets of cold dry air, causing it to break up, then, there are unnatural pulses of ultra-hot plasma appearing in the infrared photographs causing the storm to gather strength. In the end, though, whatever forces were turning the super-typhoon into ordinary rain clouds have prevailed and Tokyo is just fine.
Whoever or whatever was responsible for these goings on were clearly not connected with our visible governments. Nor do we appear to be dealing with normal weather patterns. Certainly the forecasters have been dead wrong for all the recent typhoons despite a very good historical track record.
It is also clear from other goings on that the official governments of the world have little real power or clue to what is really going on. This was shown at the G20 finance ministers meeting held last week in Australia. The representatives of a group of countries that account for 85% of world GDP called for $1 trillion a year in infrastructure funding
but apparently did not have the authority to make such funding available. Neither does the IMF, the supposed pinnacle of the world financial system. It has been reduced to begging.
These same G20 leaders called for money to “fight ebola,” being apparently unaware that it was being spread artificially by their own secret leadership.
The question we are forced to ask is exactly who, or what, sits above the G20 governments that are publicly in power. The answer is both well-known and yet at the same time mysterious. It is an inbred group of families that own the world’s central banks. In the 101 years since this group of incestuous families claiming to worship Satan took over the Federal Reserve Board in 1913, they have murdered hundreds of millions of people via two world wars, countless lesser wars, chronic mass starvation, repeated use of bio-logical and chemical warfare agents against civilians and more. Then there is the ecocide they have presided over, killing more than half of all wildlife on the planet since 1970
and wiping out 30% of all species since they took over.
The track record of these families is so monstrous it seems they are deliberately setting out to destroy the native life of this planet and reduce humanity to slavery or extinction. This has led many to believe these families cannot be human but must instead be some sort of hostile aliens.
Having personally met many of the people considered by some conspiracy theorists to be “reptilians” or some other sort of alien, I can assure you they are humans. Nonetheless, it is clear their brains have been infected with wrong ideas. It is possible these ideas have been implanted in their minds by some external force.
Much of the evidence comes from watching leader after leader, in country after country, do things when they come to power that totally contradict everything they said or stood for before entering the seat of power.
On the surface we know the criminal government of the United States has used bribery and threats to force leaders, including public American leaders, to act according to their agenda. Just look at what Barack Obama of the United States said before he became president and compare it to what he actually did after becoming president. He has still not closed Guantanamo bay and US troops are still fighting resource stealing wars all over the world.
In a moment of supreme surreality, a representative of Obama even contacted this writer to ask who or what was above the President of the United States. The best answer I could give was whatever entity or force it was that created what we experience as reality.
To that end, this writer has spent many years trying to forensically pinpoint exactly who was responsible for all the death and mayhem we are experiencing on earth. The trail led to the families that own the Federal Reserve Board but, from there things got complicated. Members of the Rockefeller family claim they are subservient to the Rothschilds, the Rothschilds claim they are subservient to the P2 freemason lodge.
When I visited the P2 lodge in Italy, I was told by self-proclaimed representatives Daniel Dal Bosco and Leo Zagami that they reported to aliens residing in Switzerland. I was even invited to go meet them but, suspecting a nasty trap, refused. Vincenzo Mazzara, a Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights, who was introduced to me by Zagami as his most senior P2 connection, said they took their orders from an entity known as the black sun that resides in the gamma rays.
Comment: Oh no! Leo Zagami again? The same person whom Fulford presented as "Alexander Romanov"? And this time it turns out that he reports to aliens? Well, but Fulford presented the same guy, at least when he was presented as "Alexander Romanov" as some noble knight on a white horse, who was pushing through his idea of "meritocracy". And now it turns out he reports to aliens? Where are the people in white robes?
Another group that contacted this writer, the gnostic illuminati, say they believe this universe was created by a rogue artificial intelligence. They claim it destroyed the beautiful ancient civilization of Atlantis and they have been trying to overthrow it ever since. A person claiming to be a member of the MJ 12 group set up by President Eisenhower to study aliens also said we are dealing with a rogue artificial intelligence.
The president of a large technology company and some pentagon types, for their part, say all the confirmed UFO sightings and other evidence of a superior civilization point to a group within the ruling elite that made a deal with aliens. The name that often comes up in this context is George Bush Sr.
However, while invoking otherworldly reasons for the nasty situation we find ourselves in is fascinating, it will not solve the problems we face. We need to start with what we can actually see and do. That means arresting and physically detaining the people we know to be involved in crimes against humanity and the planet. The satanic families that own the BIS, the Federal Reserve Board, the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan must either surrender or die.
October 6, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
As this article goes to press in Tokyo, Japan, Monday, October 6th, 2014, the night skies above are clear, following a sunny day of idyllic mild autumn weather. The problem was the Japanese meteorological agency (JMA) and all the corporate news outlets were saying Tokyo was supposed to be hit by a monster typhoon Phanfone today. Instead, all there was was some mildly heavy rain overnight with little or no wind. More remarkably, the JMA satellite imagery showed what appeared to be a wedge cutting the typhoon in half before it hit Tokyo.
Do you ever get that feeling of Déjà vu? Do you ever get that feeling of Déjà vu? This is not the first time a monster typhoon has vanished just before hitting Tokyo. On July 8th of this year super typhoon Neoguri was also supposed to devastate Tokyo but instead, as an astronaut watching from the International Space Station noted, “it was cut in half” and arrived as a moderate rainstorm.
Many other previous “super typhoons” have similarly vanished before hitting heavily populated areas in recent years.
In the US, no hurricane has landed in nearly 9 years (Sandy Hook was something else), something that is completely without precedent.
This is no coincidence. About 9 years ago, some people claiming to represent US special forces told the White Dragon Society they had seized the US weather warfare facilities from the cabal after a heavy gunfight. It seems they are now using the weather modification facilities to save lives, not take lives.
Comment: This simply can not be true, and for several reasons. First of all, during the last 9 years there was no decrease in HAARP activity. Just the other way around, it has INCREASED, and quite drastically. As a result, we had numerous tremendously powerful hurricanes and floods throughout the world.
Secondly, on June 14, 2013 the HAARP site that belongs to the University of Alaska was closed, allegedly because of shortage of funding, which can not possibly be true because the director of HAARP "research" program himself stated on record that the cost of operating HAARP was about 10 times less compared to funding of the program, which was on the level of over $200 million per year.
Since then, the HAARP can no longer be viewed in real time as before, and even worse than that, all the historical data is no longer available. It just all "disappeared". Disappeared where and to where? This was a University site and HAARP magnetometer, the main sensor, belonged to the University and was a present of the University in Japan.
So, on what basis this equipment was deactivated and according to which law? Because, first of all, it looks like an illegal confiscation of the property. Secondly, it looks like destruction of evidence, which, by itself, is a criminal offense, and, considering the most destructive impact of HAARP transmissions, this represents essentially a global genocide.
Thirdly, these transmissions are going on as we speak. Just a few days ago there was a hurricane in the depths of continental Europe. Now, hurricanes do not form in the depths of the continents. They form along the oceanic shore lines where huge masses of cold and hot airs mix, thus forming the hurricanes. But recent floods of tremendous impact in Europe, and, specifically in Serbia, and their density indicate that these were not the natural events.
Furthermore, the correlation between the biggest earthquakes during last several years with HAARP transmissions are nearly 100%. Interestingly enough, HAARP induced earthquakes have a particular signature. The epicenters of these earthquakes happen on exact the same depth below the earth surface. The earthquake data is available from multiple sources and includes the magnitude and the depth of the epicenters. Basically, nearly all the magnitude 6+ earthquakes correlate with HAARP transmissions nearly perfectly.
Also, the very claim that some "special forces" captured the HAARP facilities sounds simply bizarre. No matter how strong and big are those "special forces" can they withstand the military attack of the US government? Or did they create a "separatist regime" within the USA? Do you think this would be well known by now?
What is he feeding you? Do you know?
Finally, several important documents and research result by numerous researchers are available on the AntiMatrix site:
If any readers are still not aware that weather modification technology is real and has a long history, they should take note of the US/Soviet treaty of 1978 banning the use of weather modification for warfare.
Now that they have stopped weather modification terror attacks [comment: WHERE is the evidence?], it is time for the agency white hats to make another big move against the cabal. This time a clear target has emerged. If this target is hit with a bold military move, it will mean the end of cabal rule and freedom for the planet.
Comment: It is hard to classify this as anything but a COMPLETE garbage. The "Cabal" network and its influence is so pervasive and so extensive that they even control the governments, the EC, the NATO, not counting the IMF, World bank and so on, just as seen in the ZioNazi satanist takeover of the Ukraine and converting it into Ultra-ZioNazi ruled puppet state, totally bankrupt. Ukraine has totally lost its sovereignty as a result of massive debts accumulated during this insane bloody war. More proper name for Ukraine is "New Khazaria on Dnyepr", an ancient "dream" of "god-chosen" people, that came to its manifestation precisely according to the plan and instructions of the 7-th Chabad Lubavitch rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, their false "messiah".
So, if anyone, in his clear mind, thinks that you can just "hit" them at ANY single point or anywhere in the world, they are hallucinating, most likely, or are nothing more than the disinformation agents of the same "Banking mafia", Baruchs, Rothschilds, Kuhns, Rockefellers and a few others trying to propagate an illusion of weakness of the strongest force on the face of this planet. And their defense system is so strong and so all-pervasive that you must be childish to think that you can just "hit" them somewhere and they will just collapse. Such ideas look like an insane asylum level delusion or total disinformation.
A Pentagon psychological warfare expert who contacted this writer last week said the obvious target was the Nazionist controlled Middle Eastern oil Monarchies. The officer, Second Lieutenant Scott Bennett of the 11th Psychological Operations Battalion, opened this Pandora’s box when he was given the job of uncovering terrorist financing. His entire story can be read here:
The gist of it is that he went through a long Kafkaesque nightmare because he took his job too seriously and actually traced the source of terrorist financing to his erstwhile employers Booz Allen Hamilton, as well as the Union Bank of Switzerland and Saudi Arabia. He soon figured out that neither the US Congress, nor the US Central Command nor any of the other people at the top of his chain of command were actually interested in cutting off terrorist financing.
Bennett, having been forced to watch movies of Americans being tortured to death by the “Al-Qaeda” (now ISIS) terrorists he was supposed to be fighting, joins the long list of military and ex-military who realize they have been conned into fighting for criminals.
Well, now a clear military target has emerged and a comprehensive solution to the never ending “war on terror” is available. As the cabal puppet leaders like US President Barack Hussein Obama say, an alliance must be built to attack ISIS. However, forensic analysis by the UK’s MI6 and other intelligence make it clear ISIS is run out of Jerusalem and financed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
So, if Nato is serious about ending fundamentalist pseudo-Islamic terror, they have a clear target. All they need to do is support the 1.5 million man strong secular Islamist Turkish army in a move on Saudi Arabia and the other gulf puppet monarchies. Putting these countries back under the historical Turkish umbrella will immediately cut off all flow of Middle Eastern petro-dollars to Nazi/Zionist controlled Western mega-banks. The flow of Middle Eastern oil money could then be redirected via the white hats for peaceful purposes.
Such a move would also enormously strengthen the West financially vis a vis the rising Asian powers.
The Russians and Chinese would accept such a move as long as it led to a cut off of terrorists attacks they experience and as long as it did not threaten their own energy interests.
The Israelis would be able to live in complete security as a Jewish autonomous zone within the expanded Turkish republic. They would also have to choose between either accepting a two-state solution with the Palestinians or, paying vast sums of reparation money to buy them out of their remaining pockets of land within Israel.
In any case, if the white hats of the West do not make such a bold move, it is game over. A recent analysis by a group known as the Geneva Report provides convincing numerical evidence that world debt is increasing far faster than world economic growth can pay for it and so, a global default looms.
Also, the usual psy-ops and “color revolutions” the Nazionist rulers of the West have used to keep governments in line are just not working any more. The murderous agents provocateurs sent to kill civilians in the Eastern Ukraine are now being systematically hunted down and killed. For the Slavs, it is pay-back for what happened to Yugoslavia.
In China too, attempts to stir up trouble are not getting anywhere. The so-called “Umbrella revolution” in Hong Kong is fizzling out. When the amount of demonstrators dwindled to a few hundred, some “triad gangsters” showed up and started beating the demonstrators. This was followed by a massive social media campaign saying “help, poor student protesters are being attacked by gangsters and the police are doing nothing.” It is almost certain these gangsters were paid by the Nazionists to boost protester numbers by creating sympathy. It is an old trick but it is not working as well as it used to.
Likewise, attempts to stir up trouble between North and South Korea are no longer working. Last week saw a surprise visit by a senior North Korean delegation to South Korea. According to a top communist Chinese agent, North Korea’s de facto leader is General O Kuk Ryol,
a Russian and Chinese speaking intelligence officer who is very close to the ruling Kim dynasty. Kim Jong Un is more of a figure-head, who has not appeared in public for over a month because of a foot operation, he said. In any case, the North Koreans want peace, prosperity, and the harmonious reunification of the Korean peninsula, not war.
In Japan, as well, cabal attempts to stir up war feelings under the Abe slave regime have backfired. Abe and his regime have lost public support because of it. Furthermore, the Americans have been told by their Chinese creditors to jerk Abe’s chain and they did, which is why the Japanese regime has stopped its China baiting.
The other big cabal campaign is the ongoing so-called ebola outbreak. This however, is not producing the expected panic and obedience the cabal expected. People just do not believe their pandemic story.
Overall, it is not a happy time to be a Nazionist cabalist.
In the back-ground, representatives of both the P2 Freemason lodge and the British committee of 300 are trying to negotiate a new financial system that reflects current global realities. They are also seriously considering a jubilee, or one-time write off of all debts, public and private for the entire planet.
The White Dragon Society is proposing setting up a meritocratically staffed future planning agency with an annual budget of trillions of dollars to plan a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and build a new age of wonder. Such an agency would absorb the healthy parts of the World Bank, the IMF and the BIS. It would work in harmony with the new BRICS economic institutions.
It is not clear when public announcements of the changes will be made but, there is a growing understanding among power brokers that love and friendship is winning over the traditional cabal control mechanisms of fear, hate, greed and lust.
September 29, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Note: Here's radio show of interview with "Leo Zagami", also known as the inheritor of the crown of Russia, former "Illuminati" Alexander Romanov (Romanoff) who is periodically mentioned by Fulford.
In particular, between minutes 45 and 60 he talks about Fulford, White Dragon Society, which he calls mafia operating on profits from the gambling business in Macau, and Niel Keenan, whom he calls a former CIA agent. As to Fulford, he says that he is essentially one of those against whom he speaks in the most condemnatory terms. He comes from a wealthy family and his job is mostly of disinformation agent, leading people by the noses to create a false sense of reality, and this is quite noticeable and even apparent in some cases with all Fulfords fantastic assertions and claims, to the point of being simply bizarre inventions and fabrications.
It is noteworthy to mention that Fulford no longer mentions Alexander Romanov or "Leo Zagami" as often as he did about a year ago. He used to mention him quite often, and lately, he just kind of disappeared from the screen. But previously, he was presented as a person of such significance that they even had a video presentation with him, Fulford and Chodoin Daikaku, allegedly the "head of the world's martial arts society" who did look like a mafia boss in that interview. You can do search in this document and see other information about these people.
The guy who posted that interview link says:
"B.Fulford is a NWO AGENT. Very dark person full of lies."
See comment from wrip on September 23, 2014 at 12:45 PM.
The Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, is angling to keep its central role in world power even if the Federal Reserve Board secret government of the United States in overthrown, according to BIS and MI5 sources. The Swiss claim, with some justification, that they have always been a neutral place for nations to deal with each other, even in times of war. They wish to keep this role as a neutral financial arbiter. The Russians are also trying to position themselves as the conduit between East and West in the event of the fall of the secret government of the West, Russian agents in Japan say.
The real question though, is about who is going to control the secret “trading platforms” that are used by the current rulers of the global financial system to funnel “money” into the world economy. These are now controlled by George Bush Sr. and his Nazi cronies and are what keep the US military industrial complex financed.
Here is what MI5 had to say about the situation:
“The central role of trading platforms in the growth of Nazi corporations and institutions (including CIA One Frankfurt) cannot be understated. It has been the core of world industrial growth for the chosen few. This system is so embedded that institutions such as the Pentagon will not survive without it. There must be some attempt to understand and plan the evolution of this mechanism within the system.”
China is clearly angling to take over from the Federal Reserve Board as the controller of the world’s reserve currency. The BIS want to support China and the BRICS alliance in order to keep much of its financial power intact. As MI5 put it “there is nothing to stop the trading platforms from continuing in operation even after Bush 41 is gone. The printing presses (computer screens) will deal in any currency.”
In other words, the BIS, and the esoterically placed trillionaires behind it, are offering to allow the Chinese yuan to take over from the Fed debt notes (US “dollars”) in exchange for being allowed to keep some control.
The MI5 source said this “transition will be difficult as the trading platforms are the main conduit for channeling debt onto the masses and cash to the chosen ones.”
By “difficult” the source was no doubt referring to the so-called ISIS and Khorasan crisis being pumped up in by the Western propaganda apparatus. This is a veiled threat by the military industrial complex to cut off the world’s oil if they are treated harshly by the incoming regime. The name Khorasan means son of ISIS, that is to say is Horus, whose symbol is the eye on top of the pyramid. In other words, Khorasan represents the owners of the petrodollar system that charges the world high prices for Middle Eastern oil and then deposits that money into cabal controlled banks.
These owners have good reason to be scared into making threats. There is an unstoppable groundswell of discontent in the US at their rule. Although it is not reported much in either the corporate or the alternative media, the legal sharks are getting ready for a feeding frenzy during which they plan to tear apart the big banks. According to the P2 lodge, the Vatican is using its pull to make sure the Supreme Court and the legal system allow these lawsuits to proceed according to the law. Here is a partial list of some of the lawsuits I was able to find just for the state of Illinois:
The lawyers who made billions suing big tobacco, and many others, are joining this feeding frenzy.
Federal Reserve Board inspector Carmen Segarra, who recorded 45 hours of insider collusion between the New York Fed and Goldman Sachs is part of this ongoing attack by the legal profession against the feds. The resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder has also removed a major obstacle to legal action against the Feds and their Washington D.C. puppets.
Then of course, this week brings the September 30th end of the US corporate governments’ fiscal year so, once again everybody is wondering if the Chinese will finally get the cohones to stop rolling over their debt. This is all the official Chinese Xinhua News Service had to say about it:
“BEIJING Sept. 28 (Xinhua) – Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang on Sunday held a phone conversation with U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew. They exchanged views on China-U.S. economic relations, the international economic and financial situation and other issues.”
Also, last week a representative of the Clinton family (trying to be the friendly face of the cabal) contacted the White Dragon Society asking for the name of a “106 year old Chinese gentleman” who might have access to trillions of dollars. They were told this lead was sure to be a dead end.
Also, in another hint that things are not quite normal, The Hindustan Times, a leading Indian newspaper, said that China and India had not bothered to attend the emergency “climate summit” called by the Western powers last week for various reasons including the fact that:
“Neither the American president, nor the European leaders have the mandate to offer money at the summit.”
In other words, all this speech by US Corporate government spokesman Obama at the UN last week did was contribute hot air to so-called global warming:
Nonetheless, it is best not to get fixated on dates because many September 30th deadlines have come and gone without incident. Even if the payments are missed, the corporate government will have until October 17th to scrounge up the money. CIA sources say the Iranians and Middle Eastern countries will keep the US corporate government going past September in exchange for help in re-establishing a caliphate in the Middle East. In any case, we will soon find out.
It is also clear from Russian and EU news reports that some sort of deal has been struck between the EU, Russia and the Ukraine because Russia has now promised to keep the Ukraine supplied with enough gas to get it over the winter.
However, the Russians are demanding criminal investigations into the various mass murder incidents carried out by cabal mercenaries in the Ukraine. This will lead, no doubt, to senior cabal leaders in the US, Israel and Europe. Personally, I would not like to be in Zbigniew “it is easier to kill a million people than to convince them” Brzezinski’s shoes right now.
In Asia too, there are signs of change. Japanese slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe suddenly pretended his Davos speech calling for a world war against China never happened when he talked peace at the UN last week. Also, Japan’s government has decided to postpone its unpopular moves to revise defense guidelines with the US until 2015.
It appears the Japanese government has seen the writing on the wall and expects the current US regime might not last until then. There is also the fact that many very dangerous people in Japan are upset that Abe reads from scripts provided to him by Nazis like Richard Armitage and Michael Green instead of acting in the interests of his people.
The Japanese are also waking up to what really happened in Fukushima on March 11th, 2011. An official at Japan’s Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry (Meti), who was in the department in charge of energy policy at the time of the nuclear and tsunami terror attack, says he visited Fukushima recently and “found nothing there.” He said much touted plans to build a giant “ice wall” to stop radioactive water from flowing into the ocean were just a scam by a large construction company to make money. Whatever radioactivity there was in the region appears to have been washed into the ocean, he says. Japan has also decided to ignore the cabal radiation fear campaign and restart its nuclear reactors in order to reduce its dependence on cabal controlled Middle Eastern oil, the source said.
The sudden deadly eruption of Japan’s second largest volcano last week may have been cabal payback. Time will tell. Even if it was, however, the cabalists know that use of such weapons is a two-way street and invites retaliation.
The North Korean regime is also going off the old “Asian boogeyman” script with a representative saying his government will allow UN human rights inspectors into his country provided they do not come from hostile regimes. North Korea has also called for a “one country, two-systems” type of reunification with South Korea.
The big question mark in Asia, though, remains China. The Chinese, with good historical reasons, hate chaos and anarchy and want a smooth transition. This will require compromise with the Western powers. The communist Chinese government also needs to shed its remaining xenophobia and reconcile itself with the Chinese diaspora.
It is time for countries like Russia, Canada and Japan, that have been historical bridges between East and West, to make sure we do not trade Fed tyranny for Chinese tyranny. Instead, we must negotiate a fair, meritocratic, multi-polar world system.
September 22, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Anybody who understands finance and geopolitics can now see clearly the Nazi/Zionist cabal faces the mathematical certainty of defeat. It is also very clear the United States is on the brink of revolution. That is why cabal representatives have begun negotiating surrender with the White Dragon Society and their allies.
The surrender terms being offered by the WDS will be detailed below but first let us review the latest indications of cabal defeat.
First of all the deaths of, and attacks on, senior cabalists continue. Nazi/Zionist banker Emilio Botin, Chairman of Santander Bank, the second biggest bank in the Euro area, died suddenly on September 9th or 10th (see MI5 comments about him at end of article). Also the King of Sweden, one of the last cabal monarchs to cling to his throne, nearly died last week in an automobile “accident.”
Then Skull and Bones murderer and US corporate government Secretary of State John Kerry was ridiculed on live TV about ISIS while insulting signs were held up behind him.
This was followed by cabal propaganda outlet the New York Times putting out a story saying that ISIS was a creation of the CIA. Then armed intruders broke into the White House twice last week. None of these events could have taken place without senior agency and Pentagon backing.
That is probably why representatives of the Rothschild family, the North Koreans, Japanese politicians, and the US military industrial complex all contacted the White Dragon Society last week. Although they each raised separate issues, they all wanted to know what sort of post-cabal regime to expect. The representatives of the Rothschilds, the North Koreans and the Japanese politicians offered to help with the creation of a post-Abe regime in Japan. They were told the Japanese Revolutionary Party, with which this writer is affiliated, has the following agenda:
First, nationalize the Bank of Japan and start issuing government currency to replace BOJ debt notes.
Second, stage a jubilee to write off all debts, public and private.
Third, redistribute wealth by giving all people who live in rental units ownership of those properties. Landlords would continue receiving the equivalent of their rental income in the form of government money. Also, all Japanese assets fraudulently obtained by cabalists would be nationalized and put in a fund to be managed on behalf of the Japanese people
Fourth, Japan would stop financing cabal controlled institutions like the UN, the World Bank and the IMF until they were either totally revamped or replaced with truly representative institutions.
Fifth, Japan would continue to finance the US military and agencies but only on the condition they helped preside over the bankruptcy and restructuring of the corporate government in the United States. This would include presiding over a transition of the military industrial complex into a life affirming benevolent entity.
Sixth, a truth commission will be established to uncover the crimes, including 311, carried out against the Japanese people by the US post-war occupation government.
The Military Industrial complex representative was also interested in what the WDS had to say about disclosure concerning extra-terrestrial contact. They were told the WDS agreed there was overwhelming evidence some sort of civilization with superior technology was watching over this planet. However, since the current leadership of the West consists of mass murderers, it is obvious any superior civilization would put this planet under quarantine. The WDS believes open contact with off-world civilization will begin when the genocidal cabal has been neutralized.
They were also told that what was going on in this planet was very much like a giant mathematical calculation where plus and minus elements were cancelling each other out. This can be taken either literally or, as a metaphor of the changing power balance on this planet.
From this perspective, the negative side murdered hundreds of millions of people during the 20th century through war, disease and starvation. However, in the 21st century a far lower number of one or two million was killed in Iraq. Also, attempts to kill 90% of the world’s population through starvation and pandemics by the post-911 US fascist Nazionist regime have failed. More recently, the failed effort to start World War 3 in the Ukraine resulted in “only” a few thousand deaths. The ebola bio-weapons and fear mongering campaign being pushed by cabal institutions like the UN, the World Health Organization and the World Bank is producing at the most hundreds of deaths if that.
On the starvation front, while close to one billion people are malnourished, there have been no famines since 2012 and developing countries are thriving.
It is clear the positive side is winning but that the final moment, when the equal button is pushed and a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and start an age of unprecedented prosperity and progress, has not yet been reached.
This depends on the ongoing financial war. On that front, the demise of the Cabal petro-dollar is becoming increasingly obvious. First of all, none of the oil producing countries in the Middle East supports the Obama governments’ bizarre ISIS campaign. This means the oil producing countries of the Middle East no longer support the Federal Reserve Board cabals’ petro-dollar or the Obama regime. This is most likely why The Rockefeller Brothers Fund announced last week they were getting out of the oil business and into renewable energy.
It may also be why a French bank issued a report last week saying $100 billion invested in renewable energy would produce four times more energy than the same amount of money invested in oil.
It seems the rats are bailing out of the petro-dollar ship.
Also last week the French government joined the Germans and the British in setting up Chinese yuan based trading in their own financial markets.
Furthermore, China set up a Yuan based gold futures trading market that will be open to foreigners and restricted to physical gold. Since China accounts for one third of world physical gold demand, and Asia two thirds, this market has a good chance of taking over price setting for gold from exchanges in the US and London. Sister markets will soon start in Hong Kong and Singapore as well. This move comes as the Rothschild family has already quit the gold business and the London gold market is under investigation for price fixing.
However, the Chinese are not going to use a gold backed Yuan to replace the petro-dollar but will instead link their currency to a basket of commodities and other national currencies, Chinese government officials say.
Although many in the West are impatient for a big sudden change, the Chinese know that time is on their side. All they have to do is make sure nobody is fooled into starting a planet destroying war and wait for their strength to increase while that of the West withers away. Unless the West acts decisively on its own to reboot their economic and political systems, they will just continue to watch helplessly as the BRICS inexorably leave them behind.
However, if the West reboots itself, it will benefit from an age of exponential progress that will make the agricultural and industrial revolutions seem like the first tentative steps taken by a toddler. What are we waiting for?
Note on fascist financier Emilio Botin and Bank Santandar by MI5 official:
The passing of Emilio Botin, Executive Chairman of Santander Bank Group is interesting. He is variously reported to have died on the 9th or 10th September, unexpectedly of a heart attack. His profile is of the classic second generation Nazi banker with links to the Vatican, right-wing post war leaders and rapid growth in South America. Santander is the tenth largest bank in the world, the second largest in Europe and half of its’ earnings come from South America. But somehow, Botin evaded the spotlight.
The bank was originally a small regional operation for traders in Santander, a port on the northern coast in the region of Cantabria, Spain. It expanded rapidly in the 1960’s and 1970’s in South America; Argentina and Brazil especially. In fact, the bank did so well under the fascists Peron in Argentina and Franco in Spain that it emerged from the 1970’s financial crisis with a business model of expansion by predatory acquisition. It took maximum advantage of its EU membership in the process. The Botin family held secret accounts in Switzerland opened in 1937 and discovered by the authorities in 2010. The family also used a settlement of 200 million Euros to appease the Spanish tax authorities.
Santander was the scene of much Nazi activity during and post WWII, including submarine trips from the coast between Vigo and Santander for Nazi VIP’s in the “ratlines” operations running to Argentina. The WWII chief of MI6, Sir Stewart Menzies, is known to have met Admiral Canaris, chief of the Nazi underground, in Santander during the war in a hotel which Botin subsequently purchased, the Hotel Real. Santander bank financed the growing Gladio (false flag) operations. The Gladio training was organized by senior Nazi leader Otto Skorzeny and his Palladin group in Alicante, Spain starting in the 1970’s.
September 15, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
That school yard taunt “liar liar, pants on fire,” pretty well describes how the world views what passes as government in the United States, Israel and their few colonies. Nobody believes their tall tales about aliens, ebola, beheadings, race riots, airplane shoot downs etc. They have lost the ability to manipulate world events.
The clearest sign of the imminent defeat of the Nazionists came in Europe last week. On September 10th Russia reduced gas supplies to Europe, on the 11th the US announced new sanctions and on the 12th the EU indefinitely postponed a free trade agreement with the Ukraine. The free trade agreement with the Ukraine was supposedly the reason for the fascist coup that took place there, so postponing it indefinitely looks very much like the EU surrendering to Russia. Furthermore, the new US sanctions hurt Exxon and BP, companies vital to the US economy, far more than they hurt Russia.
The P2 Freemason lodge is saying they have already reached an agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin to reform the current world political structure in order to make it more fair and inclusive to the people of the planet. They say the obstacle to this goal is the rogue US corporate government.
The British government, for its part, has reacted to the situation by agreeing to issue the first ever Renminbi denominated government bond issued outside of China.
This is equivalent to the UK making a public repudiation of the Federal Reserve Board debt slavery instrument misnamed as the US dollar.
Also, last week the Nazis and Mossad both reactivated agents who had gone dormant since the March 11, 2011 nuclear/tsunami attack on Japan and sent them to negotiate with the White Dragon Society. Meetings will take place this week but the WDS is only interested in talking if they are here to negotiate surrender.
In a sign the Nazionists are very worried about a 311 war crimes tribunal, the self-described illuminati agent “Alexander Romanov” was forcibly taken into a mental hospital last week. Doctors are trying to convince his family to allow him to be lobotomized or undergo a chemically induced brain wipe, family members say.
“Romanov” warned the Australian embassy in Tokyo, the Japanese police and the media before 311 that Japan was going to be hit with nuclear terror. He even told them the exact location of the nuclear bomb that ended up being used in the attack. His warnings were ignored and now the Koganei, Tokyo, police are trying to destroy his mind to prevent him from testifying about their involvement in this mass murder.
Leo Zagami, the other self-described illuminati agent this author has met is, for his part, being confined in a mental hospital near Rome. Zagami also had foreknowledge of the 311 attack. Michael Meiring, aka Dr. Michael Van de Meer, another person who knew the truth about 311, was murdered in August of 2012.
Note: Fulford periodically brings Leo Zagami and Alexander Romanov in his reports. Well, but, allegedly, the "real" "Illuminati" claim that this is the same person, who also goes by the names "Richard Sorge", "Slasha", "Slasha Zaric", "Alexander Zaric", "John Anderson", "Alexander Moore", "Richard Sorge", and countless other aliases according to the following article by the alleged "real" "Illuminati".
Is Leo Zagami a former member of the Illuminati?
You can also find other references to "Leo Zagami" in the Fulford report collection you are reading. Just search on Leo Zagami and Alexander Romanov.
There is also interesting video performance by Fulford, Chodoin Daikaku, who, allegedly, "is the head of a world federation of seven martial arts groups", and "Alexander Romanov", see:
Despite these desperate attempts at cover up, Japan is on the brink of a revolution against the Nazionists and when that takes place, the perpetrators of the 311 horror will be hunted down, Japanese underworld and police sources promise.
One indication of imminent change in Japan came last week when this writer was allowed to speak 911 truth live on a widely watched TV news program. The Japanese were told about building 7, the neocon use of 911 as a “new Pearl Harbour” and much else.
Nazionist stooge and Unification Church brainwashed slave Prime Minster Shinzo Abe is under increasing attack. Last week a picture of a Nazionist written script the low IQ Abe read recently was posted online.
It is written in super dumbed down Japanese and has instructions in it like “use big voice,” “pause” and “drink water.”
The yakuza gangsters who sub-contract for the Nazionists in Japan are being systematically purged and it won’t be long before their Parliamentary acting troupe will get fired or be given an entirely new plot line to read.
The North Koreans have already purged the faction in their country that was connected to 311. That is why they are refusing to act their traditional role as East Asian boogey men. Instead, North Korean sources say that new market friendly reforms have created a boom there. “Peoples markets have been allowed, free enterprise is being encouraged and North Korean officials are being sent to China and Europe to study capitalism,” a North Korean official reported. “Rice prices are stable and nobody is starving,” he added. So much for Abe’s plans to use an impoverished, desperate North Korea to provoke war in East Asia.
Needless to say, the storyline calling for China to be surrounded and attacked that Abe read in front of his slave masters at Davos this January is falling apart. Last week India formally applied to join Russia and China as a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
This move came despite a recent attempt by Abe to bribe Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi with $35 billion to join an anti-China alliance. The SCO has a joint anti-terrorism organization and we all know who the real terrorists are: the Nazionists.
Could this be why the hypocritical Dalai Lama, who has a network of assassins and terrorists working for him, announced last week that he was not going to reincarnate? The Indian SCO application is a good sign his Indian hosts are getting ready to boot him out in order to boost their relations with China. He seems to realize he may not be long of this world and is trying to prevent a more Asia friendly Dalai Lama from being reincarnated in his place. The Dalai Lama’s closeness with the Nazis and Zionists has been well documented.
Meanwhile, back in the Middle East, the situation remains on a slow boil. US corporate government “acting President” Barack Obama has reacted to the situation in a way that can only be described as psychotic. First of all he said the US had no plans to deal with ISIS. Then, stung by criticism of his lack of plan, he suddenly announced he was going to destroy ISIS. How, is he going to destroy ISIS? By arming groups that are allied with ISIS and by randomly bombing people in Iraq and Syria. Is it any surprise that Turkey, Iraq, Iran and other countries in the region are not going along with him?
The real story in the Middle East is that the nations of the region are working together to create a Muslim federation or caliphate. Such a federation would be a super-power with a population of 400 million and control of much of the world’s oil. In this scenario Israel would become a Jewish autonomous zone within that federation. The Nazionist nightmare is ending.
September 8, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
This week marks the 13th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 Nazionist terror attack and subsequent fascist coup d’etat in the United States. US “acting president” Barack Obama shows his true colors by the fact he repeats thoroughly discredited Nazionist lies, including those about that mass murder event.
Obama himself admitted last week that he was an actor. In an interview with NBC, when asked about why he went directly to the golf course immediately after making a statement about the supposed death of American journalist James Foley, said “Part of this job is also the theater of it…a part of it is, you know, how are you … not something that— that always comes naturally to me.”
However, there is a faction that is definitely going after Obama’s Nazionist script writers that will hopefully force Obama to read from a new plot line. The recent suspicious crash of Richard “vaccinate all kids under 5” Rockefeller’s plane, and the life threatening injuries inflicted on 911 planner and former FBI boss Louis Freeh have been followed by another suspicious death. This time the victim was Larry Glazer, whose plane had its oxygen supply cut off, a common form of sabotage. Glazer’s family are co-owners of George Bush Seniors’ Zapata oil and have worked with the Bushes for many years.
Also, actress Joan Rivers died of complications from “throat surgery”, shortly after calling on everybody in Gaza to be wiped out, in what is seen by many as either an attack on the Nazionists or a fake death.
Many more are going to die before this is over, CIA sources say.
That is why the terrified Nazionists are constantly screaming and threatening new terror attacks. The latest is from the Mossad linked site Debka threatening dirty bomb attacks in the Middle East and a European city on the 911 anniversary. However, the smart people at Mossad know the gig is up and that any attempt to blame a new attack by them on ISIS or Al Qaeda or any other front will not divert the inevitable payback that would hit Israel.
Meanwhile, the Nazionist attack on the Ukraine is going badly, a Russian government source says. “The Ukraine is going broke, the army on their Eastern front are defecting because of lack of food, ammunition, and pay. Their central government, likewise, is beginning to collapse because of a lack of funding,” he says. All Russian President Vladimir Putin has to do is wait because winter is approaching and they will have no gas, he notes. Germany, which also needs Russian gas to get through the winter, is increasingly anxious to settle the Ukranian crisis, he added.
Putin, for his part, needs to make sure people friendly to him seize control of the shores of the Sea of Azov between Russia and the Ukraine. This is to make sure Russia controls the giant gas deposits there that are one of the real causes for this crisis. That is why fighting is still reported along the shores of that sea despite a supposed cease fire.
The 67 world leaders gathered at the NATO summit held last week were unable to come up with any real solution to their imploding Ukrainian gambit, according to MI5 sources. The best their armaments company sponsors could come up with was to get them to use their new fake cold war with Russia as an excuse to build arms stashes all over the world for a “rapid reaction force.” They also all publicly said they will not send weapons the Nazionist regime in the Ukraine.
The governments of the US and Europe, however, cannot afford to go on a weapons buying splurge these days though because their economies are imploding. The IMF, formerly the apex of world financial power, is bankrupt. The Federal Reserve Board, the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan are also in a panic because their fiat fairy dust money sprinkling is not producing the magic results they hoped for.
The EU has actually put negative interest rates on bank accounts to try to force companies to spend it.
The problem is that their entire business model based on leaving everything to the free market is not working because a system based on individual greed only creates wealth concentration, not prosperity. The EU enterprise will collapse unless its leaders come up with some dreams and plans for the future of all their people. Scotland and then England are likely to be the first dominoes to fall out of the union.
The United States, for its part, remains the worst basket case and now relies almost entirely on China to keep from going bankrupt. That is why US National Security Adviser Susan Rice is now in China on a begging mission for Obama and his handlers to make sure the US corporate government can survive beyond this September 30 fiscal year end. The Chinese are not going to let the US go bankrupt but they will use their financial leverage to force many concessions, Chinese government sources say.
In particular, they will ask the US to jerk their Japanese slave government’s chain and force them to stop provoking China, they said. In addition, they are asking the US to become fully transparent about the 12 nation Trans Pacific Partnership they are trying to negotiate. They will also ask the US to abolish the TPP provision that would allow a secret corporate court to have power over governments, they said.
Presidential actor Obama has already agreed to come to China in November to kowtow to his Asian masters, they added.
The Japanese economy, meanwhile, is in a tailspin, shrinking at an annualized 7.1% rate in the latest quarter thanks to excessive cabal looting disguised as “Abenomics.” What “Abenomics” really means is that the Japanese slave government has handed over control of all listed companies to cabal controlled funds.
The cabal is now asking for cuts in wages, mass firings and looting of pension funds in order to squeeze more profits out of these corporations. In addition they are asking for a cut in corporate taxes and ongoing hikes in consumption and other personal taxes in order to squeeze even more out of the beleaguered Japanese people. The resulting collapse in the Japanese economy proves you cannot squeeze blood out of a stone.
There is an anti-cabal revolt brewing in Japan because of the cabal excesses. The Japan Revolutionary Party and the Japan Independence Party will make their move when the timing is right, party sources say. The move will involve arresting the people involved in fraudulently stealing the last general election for Abe. Nazionist agents in Japan like Gerald Curtis, Michael Green and Richard Armitage will also be dealt with, they said.
Also, the collapse of the Japanese slave state’s economy means the cabalists will have to try to beg even more out of China. That means even the low IQ right wingers who counted on the US to help them in a fight with China are finally waking up and realizing they will have to talk with India and Russia if they want to keep a balance with China.
To that end, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was invited for a week-long visit to Japan that ended on September 6th. However, the Japanese corporate slave media became very quiet in its coverage of the visit after it turned out Modi was not interested in joining Abe’s plans to pick a fight with China.
Russia’s Putin is expected to visit Japan this fall but Russia is not going to join Japan against China either, the Russian government sources say.
Instead the Chinese and Russians are pushing the Japanese to join the BRICS alliance and Japanese government sources say there is a growing lobby calling for exactly that.
That is another why Obama will be rushing to China in November to try to keep a semblance of the US “pivot to Asia” intact. “Please don’t leave us out of the party,” will be his main message. “Then arrest the criminals who control Israel and your country” is what the BRICS answer should be.
September 2, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Last week the White Dragon Society asked the communist government of China to stop financing the Nazionist crime syndicate that has illegally taken over the Republic of the United States of America. The request was sent via a senior Japan based Chinese agent. It was explained that rolling over the rogue US corporate governments’ debts after its September 30th fiscal year end would finance a regime that plans to invade and partition China.
It would also keep propping up a group of gangsters that is financing terror and mass murder around the world. The Chinese were also prolonging the suffering of the American people by keeping them addicted to snowballing foreign debt, he was told.
The WDS told the agent said that if the Chinese government failed to act on this advice it would show they actually worked for the Nazionists. If that turns out to be the case, then China’s 500 million “wandering people” (流民) would have to be mobilized to force the Chinese government to act, the agent replied. A detailed method for doing this was outlined.
Meanwhile, NATO has set up a 12 mile long steel fence to guard 150 VIPS representing 67 countries (NATO only has 28 countries in it) for a big military love fest in Wales, England this week. As the event gears up, US rogue regime “politicians” and military lobbyists are using their manufactured Ukrainian crisis as an excuse to call for European countries to increase their “defense” (i.e. war) budgets. In other words, they are acting exactly according to the Bush Sr. script (as revealed by MI5) calling for a fake new cold war as an excuse to militarize Europe, the US, Russia and Japan in preparation for war against China.
Also, repeated warnings of a new “ISIS” terror event in the US and/or the UK are being trumpeted in the Nazionist propaganda media. This indicates the defense contractors congregating around the NATO meeting are planning to stage some sort of big false flag event in order to get public support for more military spending, MI5 sources say.
There are also growing indications an attempt will be made to take out the US power grid or parts of this power grid. This would be aimed at shutting down the US financial and Google/NSA computer networks, both MI5 and gnostic illuminati sources say.
CIA sources in Europe, meanwhile, are saying “a lot of people are going to be dead,” in the US as part of a big push to destroy the network of criminals responsible for 911, the destruction of Iraq, the spread of bio-weapons and other genocidal crimes.
The attempted murder last week of former FBI head Louis Freeh was probably part of the campaign, the sources said. Freeh was deeply involved in the 911 mass murder event, multiple sources agree
Pope Francis is also under attack and P2 freemason sources are saying there is evidence he is being hit with a slow acting poison that causes neurological damage. The pope is being attacked because he is revoking special immunity from prosecution for war criminals like Tony Blair and George Bush Jr, the sources say.
There is also a lot of financial warfare taking place both in public and in secret these days. In public, the FBI accused Russia of hacking the financial computer networks of J.P. Morgan and other major US financial institutions. This attack came after many suspicious deaths of executives involved in running J.P. Morgan’s financial computer
The large US banks are using vast derivatives portfolios backed by nothing to prevent the collapse of the Federal Reserve Board, according to Chinese government and other sources. The attacks of J.P. Morgan are part of an effort to shut down this derivatives fraud, they said.
Also, in what is probably part of a campaign to remove her, IMF head Christine Lagarde announced she was being investigated by French prosecutors for fraud. The IMF under Lagarde, of course, remains unfunded and unreformed mainly because the US corporate government refuses to give up its control of it.
A sign the owners of the Federal Reserve Board are running scared is an article in their flagship publication Foreign Affairs that is calling for Feds to print and directly hand cash over to average Americans.
What this really means is that they are hoping that if they just print out and hand over cash, they will be able avoid to have their private money making machine confiscated. It is like a besieged king opening his treasure room and trying to bribe an invading peasant rabble with it. The problem is the peasants can just take it without asking. The same is true with the Federal Reserve Board, why should a small inbred group of trillionaires have the right to create money when the US constitution states clearly that right belongs to the people.
Senior Fed agent Henry Kissinger also issued a widely pushed essay last week calling for a “New World Order” and the maintenance of “US exceptionalism.” The overall tone of the essay made it clear Kissinger was not happy to see this US ruled order falling apart.
The Feds are also running around Asia trying to find money to keep their fraudulent empire going. CIA sources in Asia reported that Bill Clinton, Richard Armitage and others were in Indonesia trying to get their hands on gold. These sources are also saying the Iran-based second son of the former Shah of Iran has been allowing US corporate government agents to get access to Persian dynastic gold being stored in Thailand.
Also in Japan and Korea last week, multiple attempts were being made by Fed agents to use gold-backed historical bonds of astronomical face value to fund the US corporate government, Japanese government sources say. As a part of this, a WDS representative was offered many billions of dollars by Fed agents to help use some of these bonds to get gold. He was told the WDS would only deal with them when they showed up with actual physical gold, not paper.
All of this unsuccessful Fed activity and cabal war-mongering is a clear sign they are losing the battle for the planet earth. The internet has evolved to the point that their false flag incidents are uncovered almost immediately. It took take decades for false flag events like the Tonkin Gulf “incident” to be uncovered. It took a few years for most of the world to figure out that 911 was a false flag. Now, however, false flag stories like the Malaysian airline shoot down are exposed within hours or minutes.
Most important of all, the US military is no longer allowing itself to be manipulated into war for the Nazionist oligarchs. Remember, the pentagon refused to bomb Syria and is refusing to attack Russia over the Ukraine. Message to the Feds: you are not going to get out of the trouble this time by starting another war.
August 26, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The summer is ending and the Satan-worshipping cabalists are trembling in fear of what will come their way this autumn, according to White Dragon Society, CIA and Chinese government and other sources. However, instead of anything dramatic happening, the cabal will be left to continue its slow motion implosion as new international structures continue to be put in place to by-pass their financial control systems, the sources say.
The mathematics of finance and the real economy are working irrevocably against the cabal governments in the US and Israel so, time is on the side of the 188 nation BRICS alliance. Just like it is best to wait for a sick lion to die instead of trying to pick a fight with it, the cabal is inevitably sinking so there is no need to do anything rash.
Nonetheless, there might also be something more dramatic actions planned but obviously they will not be announced in advance. We can hint, however, that these planned moves involve gold, silver, and, for some, lead.
The cabal, for its part, is continuing to produce one fake fear-mongering media event after the other in an effort to manipulate the opinions of a steadily shrinking audience of brain-washed believers. To this end the cabal has recently staged the fake beheading of a journalist in the Middle East, orchestrated race riots in the US, attempted to reignite a cold war with Russia, tried to start a global Ebola pandemic, threatened to blow up Chicago, LA and New York etc.
The people who wrote the Mossad motto “by way of deception, thou shalt make war,” obviously never read the parable about the boy who cried wolf. The lies and fake incidents are no longer believed by most informed people, especially in the world’s military and intelligence organizations. Instead of creating the desired effect of herding the sheeple in predetermined directions, the recent staged events have caused profound disgust throughout the world’s governments, armed forces and other agencies with the ability to actually fight if necessary.
That is why senior members of the Nazionist cabal are frantically looking for some place to escape what they see as an inevitable purge.
One place they are trying to flee to is Southern Argentina. The recent hedge fund lawsuits and cabal attempts at financial blackmail against Argentina’s government are meant to pressure it into allowing one million or so US based cabalists to flee there and set up a new government on the coast of Patagonia, according to a senior cabal member.
Argentina, however, has joined Japan, Israel, North Korea, China, New Zealand and other nations in wisely refusing to allow such a large group of Satan worshiping criminals to move to their country.
The cabalists, especially those based in the US and Israel, will have to face justice from the people they have so callously exploited.
Some top cabalists, for their part, seem to arrogantly believe they will never be removed from power.
At a meeting between cabal and White Dragon Society representatives in New York this summer a senior cabalist negotiator was unwilling then to either compromise or surrender. Instead he seemed to operate under the delusion the cabal would be able to continue its fraudulent financial system indefinitely.
This may be tied into reports by Neil Keenan that Nazionist drug dealer Richard Armitage, Bill Clinton and a member of the Japanese imperial family are in Indonesia attempting to steal gold belonging to the people of the planet. He also said there were similar ongoing attempts by cabal agents to steal historical gold in South Korea.
White Dragon Society members in Japan and China were not able to confirm the Indonesia reports but can confirm the Indonesian government of Joko Widodo, due to assume power on October 20th, is not cabal controlled. This means the cabal has a strong incentive to do everything in its power to get its hands on Indonesian gold before the power transfer takes place.
The sources did confirm ongoing efforts to steal South Korean historical gold. This is linked to the visit by Pope Francis to South Korea that ended last week. The visit came as the Vatican linked P2 freemason lodge continues its efforts to gain access to Asian gold to back a new financial system controlled by it.
In what may be related to this, Pope Francis, during his South Korean visit, hinted he might resign or die within three years. Shortly after he said this, three relatives of his died in a suspicious car crash in Argentina.
Following this, Kevin Annett of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, who calls Francis a criminal, announced he had received death threats from the Italian Ngdrangheta mob. Self-described Satanist Leo Zagami also once told this writer he had been threatened by the Ngdrangheta.
Speaking about Annett, this writer visited first nations communities and did research in Canada this summer to determine the truth of his many claims of genocide against them by the Canadian government and Churches. A truth and reconciliation committee, staffed by first nations peoples, concluded that about 4000 children died in the schools during the century they were run, mostly from fires, not 50,000 from murder as Annett claims.
The Canadian government has apologized and paid compensation to the victims of these schools. However, in cases where have been committed, the perpetrators should face justice.
In any case, the threats and deaths point to extreme tension at high levels of the ongoing battle over control of the world’s financial system, and thus world power.
Japan remains a key battleground in the battle to end cabal control of global finance………
………MI5 sources in England say the Nazionist cabalists, having bankrupted Greece in order to buy up its Greece’s physical assets at bargain prices, are now counting on replenishing their war chests by doing the same with the assets of other European countries, starting with the Ukraine and France.
To prevent this from happening, the Germans, French and British are already making preparations to abandon the US and Israel and throw in their lot with the BRICS alliance, according to CIA and MI6 sources in Europe.
To try to keep Europe in their grip, the Nazionist cabal has adopted a strategy of using mercenary armies to seize European energy choke points in the Middle East and the Ukraine. Pentagon sources now confirm that the so-called Islamic State or ISIS is run by a Mossad agent by the name of Simon Elliot who is running the Middle Eastern side of this strategy. Elliot is also following the ongoing cabal plot to create a one world religion by fanning tensions between Muslims and Christians.
What the cabalists do not seem to understand is that the world is sick and tired of a gang of international criminals invading countries, stealing resources, lying to the world and, through incompetent management of the planet, presiding over the greatest mass extinction event on earth since the dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago. Even if they manage to steal some more gold and oil, they will be shunned as pariahs.
Think about it for a minute, the so-called leaders of the West we have now are not visionaries trying to turn dreams of an ideal future into reality. Instead they are murderous gangsters who stage fake events in order to manipulate public opinion, start wars and steal resources. The politicians we see on public display in the West are merely their puppets.
August 18, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Notice to readers, this is the last of a four week series of reports on non-time sensitive issues, starting next week we will return to coverage of the most recent world developments.
As a result of getting involved with various secret societies, this writer has experienced, usually with witnesses present, a series of extraordinary events that can only be classified as X files material.
The first time strange things started to happen was in 2007 immediately after this writer issued a public challenge to the families that secretly control the world via the Federal Reserve Board.
At first I would wake up with unknown words in my mind and an irresistible urge to look them up in the dictionary. For example, one morning I woke up with the phrase “Fibonacci numbers” in my head. Upon looking it up I found out it was a set of numbers used to explain natural growth that was conceived by the medieval mathematician of that name. Fibonachi was also responsible for teaching the mathematics of usury to the group of families like the Del Bancos, the Medici and the Borgia who would eventually go on to found the Federal Reserve Board.
Another time I woke up with the phrase “post-chronometric dialudes,” in my mind. I also had to look that up. A dialude is something that has been diluted, like the salt in salt water. Shortly after that, I was invited to a gathering where people claiming to be non-humans in human form put on a performance where the reenacted putting the planet earth back together by gathering the dust from its explosion.
The message I got was that this planet had been already destroyed once and that members of an advanced civilization had put it back together for us and given us a chance to get it right this time around.
There was more to that. Shortly before being invited to meet the head of an Asian secret society, somebody anonymously sent me a Chinese translation of Haruki Murakami’s book “Kafka on the Shore.” When I gave it to the head of the Asian secret society he asked me why I was giving the book to him and I answered that it somehow felt appropriate. Later that year when I visited Canada, the customs agent started asking me what I thought about Haruki Murakami and his book “Kafka on the Shore.” When I returned to Japan I found an English copy of the book on my bookshelf. So, I read it. The gist of that novel was that reality was going to be rebooted in a way that put an end to past wrongs.
Maybe some organization went to a lot of trouble to do this but, in any case, it was definitely X files as far as I was concerned.
Another episode happened when I visited the head of a different secret society in China. My flight involved changing planes in Taiwan. Inside Taipei airport I went to look for a common Taiwanese treat known as Senka (仙果)。I asked passersby where I could buy some and they pointed in a certain direction. As I walked there I got the very strange impression that the hallway kept getting longer and longer and would never end. I finally gave up. Later, after a successful meeting with the secret society people in mainland China, I found a shop right next to the meeting place that sold Taiwanese Senka.
Then, on my return to Japan, there was a shop selling nothing but Senka right beside the airport lounge where there had been none before. I felt like a character in a pc game being given a digital treat for passing a hurdle.
There were a lot of episodes of this sort taking place when I met members of various Asian secret societies. For example, objects like gold pendants of the virgin Mary, a turd-like substance with a .88 diamond embedded in it, a golden dragon and more seemed to spontaneously materialize. Also, objects in my house kept changing in subtle ways. For example, I had a paper bag of mate tea that had broken so I put it all in a plastic bag. However, it seemed to spontaneously revert to the paper bag. I also remember events that I experience as having taken place slightly differently in the past. It was as if they rebooted reality time and time again and each time some little details would change. Either that or somebody was trying to mess with my mind by breaking into my house and changing things around.
There was also a lot of out of this world stuff going on when I went to Italy to meet with members of the P2 Freemason lodge. In Rome I was taken to a secret P2 gathering place where I was shown a projector that could project a 25 mile wide image of the virgin Mary into the sky. They also showed me weird 3d mirror like portraits they said were portals into other dimensions. Here is a picture of the meeting place:
Later, Vincenzo Mazzara, a “Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights” took me on a tour of P2 hotspots in Milan. He showed me a church were a carving of snake wrapping itself around a cross was on prominent display. Then he took me to a cathedral where he showed me a stained glass window featuring the Black Sun the P2 worship. While looking at it, I felt like I was standing on a cloud at the edge of a pitch black, cold, life sucking void. Then I saw what seemed to be a black and white whirlpool generating all the colours of the rainbow. Here is a photo of the Black Sun.
The conclusion I have drawn from these and other unworldly experiences is that this reality is some sort of digital construct. It is the only explanation that makes sense. Why else did human space exploration stop at the moon? Why are anomalous objects being found all over the place?
Perhaps we are like SuperMario in a Nintendo game trying to leave the game machine and finding out we live in a limited reality. Perhaps the anomalous objects are leftovers from previous “game sessions” or different games.
If that is the case, then we humans must figure out a way hacking the operating system we know of as the planet earth in order to upgrade it. This can be done, for example, by altering our genes so we can become immortal, by building new virtual realities even more realistic than this one, creating new senses and doing other things.
We also need to overthrow the ruling class that has kept us like sheep in pens for all these years. If we succeed in this then all sorts of wonderful things are possible.
Next week, we will get back to the here and now world we all share and work on ways to making this reality better.
August 11, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Notice to readers, this week marks the beginning of my annual one month break from the internet. For that reason, until the August 25th edition, reports will cover topics that are not time sensitive.
Recent events in the Middle East have been unfolding in a way that was explained to this writer several years ago by the gnostic illuminati. Since their predictions are coming true, it is worth mentioning other predictions and agreements reached by major secret societies behind the scenes.
In the Middle East, Al Qaeda, now rebranded as ISIS, a Western organization headed by an Eastern European former comintern agent, wishes to erase the artificial borders created by colonial powers during the 20th century. Their aim is to create a new caliphate ranging from North Africa to the borders of Iran. This caliphate will have a loose federal structure based on historical ethnic boundaries. There will also be an 800 years overdue peace accord reached between the Shia and Sunni factions of the Islamic world. The Shia will form part of a Persian empire that will include parts of what is now Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. The Sunnis will be divided ethnically mainly into Arabs, Kurds and Turks. Israel will become a Jewish autonomous zone within the caliphate. The borders of the caliphate will extend across Northern Africa. At least that is the plan as explained to this writer by the gnostic illuminati, members of the BIS, members of the P2 lodge and other sources.
There may be some moving of ethnic groups to new regions in order to make possible the creation of trouble free borders, the sources say. This could lead to some further turmoil before the dust settles.
Sub-saharan Africa is also already in the process of becoming an African Federation. The artificial colonial boundaries are expected to be redrawn along ethnic and linguistic lines. The exploitation of Africa, where resources are removed from the region by tax-evading transnational corporations, is already in the process of being phased out. As the process ends, Africans will become more like Arabs in the sense they will be rich as a result of natural resources.
South America is also forming a Federal government union. Right now there is a tug of war between the North Americans, who want to mere South America with North America, and the Europeans and Chinese who would like to deepen their connections with an independent South America. The Chinese are using the BRICS alliance as their method of seduction. The Europeans are using an Argentine Pope. The Americans are trying to open their borders to attract immigrants and create a de-facto union with Latin America. That is what is behind the US government orchestrated campaign to welcome Latino immigrants. In the end, the loose political structure will be what the Japanese call “Tamamushi coloured.” The Tamamushi is a beetle that appears to be different colours when seen from different angles. In other words everybody will see the colour they want to see in the new arrangement.
The United States, as part of its shift East, will become increasingly integrated with China, its main source of finance. The result is likely to be a surge in immigration from China and an increasing Chinese corporate presence. This will be especially true for the West coast where some cities, like San Francisco, are likely to end up with Asian majorities. The Pentagon and the military industrial complex will try to morph into the foundations of a global defense force. We are already seeing efforts by the pentagon to integrate with Chinese, Japanese, South Korean and other nation’s armed forces. The type of government envisioned by the pentagon is meritocracy. The example they hold for this new government is of the sort seen in the Star Trek TV shows and movies.
For Europe, the long term scenario calls for the center of European power to shift to Germany and Russia. The dispute over the Ukraine and possible up-coming troubles in Eastern Europe, especially Serbia, are part of the process of settling the borders of influence between Russia and Germany. The French and Mediterranean countries will find their economies increasingly dominated by Russian and German influences, including large flocks of Russian tourists along the Mediterranean. England is expected to stay aloof and try to remain an international trading and financial hub increasingly neutral along the lines of Switzerland. Militarily, it will stick with fellow Anglo Saxon countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States.
In Asia, China will assume its traditional role as the Middle Kingdom. Their view is to be seen as a place of compromise and moderation and win-win solutions. The Chinese also say they want to have the influence they deserve as the nation with the largest population and largest economy on earth. However, and history backs this up, they do not see any profit to be made from being militarily aggressive or trying to control other countries.
The nations of Asia outside of China will remain separate from the central core for good historical reasons. The Mongolians, Koreans and Japanese are all members of a distinct linguistic group that traces its ancestry to the pastoral peoples of the Eurasian plains. Their language is very different from Chinese, with a basic difference in word order. While in English and Chinese the word order is subject, verb, object (I go home), for the pastoralists it is SOV as in I home go. Nonetheless, as has always been the case, the pastoralists will retain deep ties with their farming Chinese neighbours.
South East Asia, for its part, is dominated by people who fled China during various periods following regime change so they also have a historical allergy to excessive central Chinese control. In other words, East Asia will be roughly divided into China and non-China East Asia.
The other giant power that will possibly grow to equal, or even overshadow China is India. India has a much younger population that China. The percentage of Chinese under 15 years old is 17% compared to 31% for India. Also, 50% of India’s population is under 25 years old and 65% under 35 while China is rapidly aging. India is also expected to start booming under the recently elected Modi government. So, demographic trends as they stand now show India will start to overtake China within a couple of decades. Chinese government officials, for their part, are studying the possibility of importing brides from India to make up for the excess amount of un-married males created by China’s one-child policy.
The long term end result of such a demographic move could eventually become something known as Chindia.
These long term economic, political and demographic trends are going to force an end to the current Western dominated United Nations, World Bank, International Criminal Court, IMF, BIS etc. structures. The Western nations, especially the United States, have now the choice of either fairly opening their international institutions to the rest of the world, or just keeping their heads in the sand and slowly withering away.
The other big issue the peoples of the planet will have to deal with sooner rather than later is the question of how to regulate large transnational corporations. Many of the biggest corporations are more powerful economically than most nations of the world. Because they operate across borders, they constantly seek loopholes and migrate to places where corrupt officials let them get away with murder, pollution, tax-evasion etc. Either new international institutions and regulations are put into place to control them, or corporations will take over the world. When corporations take over the government it is known as fascism. In other words, if the nations of the world do not do something about this situation ASAP we will end up with the fascist New World Order.
August 4, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
As readers are aware, there has been a war raging over the process of deciding what we as a species do in the future. Since the war is coming to an end, it is a good time to look back and see who is fighting and what the stakes are.
Essentially what we are seeing is a battle between the fascist forces who lost World War II and everybody else. The fascists, also known as the Nazis/Zionists or Nazionists are trying to establish a family controlled absolute Babylonian style world dictatorship known as the New World Order. Everybody else is trying to prevent that from happening.
It is hard to know where to draw a line and say the battle started here because as far as the Nazionists are concerned World War II never ended. It is well known now many were brought to the United States where they heavily infiltrated the intelligence apparatus. We also know much of the top Nazi leadership was part of the group of families that controlled the financial system after the war.
In case, one good time to start is 1994 because that is when the 50 year Bretton Woods mandate for the US, the UK and France to control the global financial system expired.
Looking back, 1994 was a year of great hope and optimism. The cold war had ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the United States, champion of democracy, human rights and capitalism, was the sole super-power.
However, instead of ushering in an era of world peace and prosperity, the United States acted like a violent rapist criminal who had just taken the world family hostage. First the US broke all the peace keeping rules set up after World War II to dismember Yugoslavia in order to steal its mineral resources. Then the former Soviet Union was plunged into poverty and despair as Zionist oligarchs looted its natural resources.
Behind the scenes, attempts were being made to force the families that owned the Federal Reserve Board to hand over their control of the world’s financial system to a more representative group.
This push was led by the Chinese royal families who had agreed a century earlier to finance, with their gold, a grand sociological experiment to create a world government.
There was a lawsuit brought against the families that own the Federal Reserve Board, i.e. the Bushes, the Rockefellers, the Mellons, the Morgans, the Warburgs, the Rothschilds etc. to hand back gold that was deposited with them in 1938. News reports from the time confirm that US warships did evacuate gold from Kuomintang China to keep it out of Japanese hands. The gold was traded for 60 year US government bonds and after the 60 years ended the gold was supposed to be handed back.
The Americans argued that Nixon gave to gold to communist China in the 1970’s so they were under no obligation to return it. The Fed families lost the lawsuit and were ordered to return the gold starting on September 12, 2001.
Instead the Feds gave the world the proverbial finger by blowing up the world trade center building, staging a fascist coup in the United States and declaring a never ending war on terrorism. This was followed by invasion, pillaging and mass murder in Iraq and Afghanistan.
There was also an attempt to kill most of the world’s population with racially specific bio-weapons such as SARS and bird flu. This was accompanied by an attempt to create mass starvation by paying Western farmers to grow fuel instead of food. So we can see the Fed families have already tried to murder most of humanity.
In their own twisted minds these families thought they would be “saving nature” and improving the human gene pool by eliminating “useless eaters.”
That is why the members of these Fed families, Richard Rockefeller, Richard Mellon Scaife, several Warbugs and others have begun dying recently. It is not clear if these deaths are accidental or otherwise but clearly there are a lot of victims of the Fed who want restitution.
There was a big faction in the Western secret elite that argued paying third world countries money to preserve their forests was a way to save nature without mass murder. This was the faction behind Al Gore and the pseudo-scientific global warming CO2 campaign.
They lost because the genocidal Nazis controlled the armed forces and global criminal gangs so they used threats of murder to steal the year 2000 election for George Bush Jr.
The Asian families fought back by withholding money from the United States. They also revived the non-aligned nations’ alliance and teamed up with the former Soviet bloc to form what is now the 190 nation BRICS alliance. They thus control 90% of the world’s population and 68% of its GDP.
What the Fed controlled G7 nations and their tiny group of allies still control are the world’s largest armed forces, the global illegal drug trade, most of the corporate mass media, the United Nations and the directorship of many of the world’s largest corporations. They also have a network of about 1 million enablers peppered throughout academia, the media, government agencies and most importantly, the financial system.
However, it looks like Germany is ready to break ranks with the Feds and if it does, France and most of Europe will follow. Change has already happened at a high level to the extent that the Queen of the Netherlands, the Kings of Belgium and Spain and the German Pope Maledict have resigned. There are clear signs of reform taking place in these countries under the new regimes. For example, Euros are now being used to pay for Russian gas despite a US Fed calls for a boycott.
In addition, the pentagon has turned against the Feds at least to the extent that they passively resist attempts to con them into wars in places like Syria, Iran and East Asia. The people of the United States are also on the verge of revolution against the Fed families and their Babylonian slave driver network based on secret societies and religious cults.
As Chairman Mao said, “all it takes is a spark to start a prairie fire.” What that spark will be remains to be seen but, the best hope for the people of the United States is that the middle ranks of the US military remove corrupt generals and then start mass arrests of everybody involved in the 911 attack on New York. This can be done within the framework of military law because there are provisions for removing traitors from the ranks, even at the highest level such as supreme commander.
The other thing the military must do is nationalize the Federal Reserve Board and start issuing government money to replace Fed debt slavery notes. This is mandated in the constitution of the Republic of the United States of America. Failing to do this is treason.
If the military does not move, there will be civil war in the United States with militias fighting against militarized police forces working for the Fed cabal. It is just a matter of time.
July 28, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Notice to readers, this week marks the beginning of my annual one month break from the internet. For that reason, until the August 25th edition, reports will cover topics that are not time sensitive.
The Three Legged Crow is an ancient Japanese secret society based in Kyoto, Japan. The legend has it that a crow with three legs guided the first inhabitants to the Japanese archipelago. For this reason, the three legged crow is an important symbol in ancient Japanese Shinto.
The leaders of this secret society cover their faces in black masks before giving orders to Yakuza gangsters, politicians and others. In addition, people belonging to certain bloodlines associated with the Yatagarasu do not register their births with the government. They are also given a special education based on Tibetan Buddhism and esoteric Shinto.
This writer was taken to a Yatagarasu initiation ceremony that used to be reserved only for Emperors. The Japanese imperial family stopped attending these ceremonies after Japan became a colony in the Meiji era.
Everybody participating in the ceremony dressed in pure white kimonos. Only the presiding Shinto priest wore purple with his white. This is interesting because purple is the colour traditionally associated with Roman Emperors and Egyptian Pharaoh’s. The members of the Japanese imperial family that this writer has met claim to be of Egyptian origin. More about that later but for now let us return to the ceremony.
The ceremony involved using a flint to create sparks while we chanted from an ancient text. The chant was a set of basic social rules the Emperor was supposed to enforce against incest and other forms of social degeneration.
While the chant was going on, I heard voices that spoke said to me, in ancient Japanese: “You have no ancestors here, what have you come to do?” My answer was, “I am here to correct the bad things my ancestors did to your people.” Some other people in the room reported seeing a bright white light while I experienced this. Others say they saw nothing but people chanting and bowing. I am sure I did not imagine what I experienced and believe the entities that contacted me accepted my answer.
While visiting the research institute where this ceremony took place, I was told that the family that ran the place had been hereditary teachers of ancient knowledge for thousands of years. The teaching is based on Mandalas. Each Mandala consists of many, many, interconnected pictures and takes at least two years to learn.
Here is a link to pictures of some of the mandalas and of the research institute:
On a different occasion, I was invited by the Yatagarasu to speak at an event in Kyoto. When I got into the taxi at the Kyoto station taxi stand, I noticed the driver had a three legged crow on his key chain. He said it was just a coincidence. Also, before going to Kyoto, I had been asked by somebody associated with the Sokka Gakkai Buddhist sect to buy a traditional Japanese jacked with the symbol 誠 makoto, which means sincere, honest, from the heart. This was the symbol used by the Shinsen gumi, the last group that fought against the colonization of Japan during the Meji era.
The Sokka Gakkai are behind the Komeito Party within the ruling Japanese government coalition. They also control the Japanese police and have a large presence in the Japanese military. They used to be linked to the Nichiren school of Buddhism that adapted some aspects of monotheism, such as helping the poor and the suffering, as part of an effort to defend Buddhism from Christianity.
Another encounter I had with the Yatagarasu came through contact with an elderly gentleman who resided in Inokashira Park, in Tokyo. He was a retired professor of evolution who chose to live in the park in order to be close to nature. He knew all the crows in the park and said they were divided into five tribes. He could recognize the leaders of each tribe. He also befriended and protected a crow that was not part of any tribe.
He could also communicate with a king fisher. He told me the bird was unable to find a bride and would be leaving soon in search of one. Shortly after he told me this, the bird stopped appearing at its usual spot.
This sort of deep connection with the natural world and ability to communicate with non-human beings is an essential part of the ancient knowledge of Shinto. Some make claims to be able to use eagles to see from great heights by telepathically accessing their minds.
One person I met claims her aunt, who had just finished a nasty divorce, decided to kill her ex-husband by using an ancient curse. For two months she chanted a certain chant at a specific time and, on the appointed day, her uncle died.
Other heirs to this tradition I have met claimed the ability to see entities that most of us cannot see. These people who make these claims have yellow eyes, similar in colour to the semi-precious stone tiger eye. It would be interesting to try to scientifically test such people and see if they have the ability to see parts of the electromagnetic spectrum most of us cannot see.
At a different occasion I was invited to participate in a ceremony where they attempted to invoke the Goddess Amaterasu.
The participants all wore yellow paper headbands covered with some form of unknown writing and chanted. At a certain point I heard a female voice with a very peculiar accent saying she was too shy to physically manifest but that she wished the Japanese people would be well behaved. Again while many people claimed to have heard this voice, a friend of mine who was there heard nothing.
What is interesting about the Japanese royal family claims to be Egyptian in origin is that they practice certain ceremonies to invoke entities much in the same way as ancient European/Egyptian/Babylonian cults like the P2 Freemasons and Illuminati do.
Japanese Shinto also carries out ceremonies of a sort that have gone extinct in ancient Egypt. For example, in ancient Egypt, gaudy shrines were kept inside the temples and, once a year, they were taken out and paraded around before being returned to the temple. This practice ended when the Persian empire invaded Egypt and destroyed all the shrines. The Japanese still carry out this ritual. So do the Catholics.
It makes sense if you think about it. Egyptian pharaohs had many wives and many children but only one could inherit the throne. Many a younger son must have embarked with a few hundred followers in an effort to found their own kingdom. It appears some of them ended up in Japan. They have kept alive ancient non-scientific “magic” technology. Since I have been trained in the scientific method, I would like very much to see rigorous scientific investigation of this.
July 21, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The arrest of nazionist mass murderers like George Bush Jr. and Benjamin Netanyahu and their fellow cabalists is imminent, according to Mossad and other sources. These criminals and their fellow top cabalists have already been banned from traveling to over 180 countries and soon will be banned from traveling outside of their jail cells, the sources said.
The downing of remote controlled Israeli owned so-called “Malaysian Airlines flight MH17,” filled with dead and decomposing bodies, was one dirty trick too many for the nazionists and a turning point against them has now been reached within the world’s secret agencies and governments, according to multiple sources.
What we first saw in Syria were are now seeing in the Ukraine; a failed attempt to use a manufactured incident to start a war. The nazionists created “Sarin gas attacks on civilians” in Syria and now “dead HIV scientists” in the Ukraine and used it to try to fool the US military into attacking. Only this time in the Ukraine, even more so than was the case with Syria, nobody is taking the bait.
We can see this in the nazionist controlled corporate propaganda media “attack Russia” PR campaign. For example, UK nazionist puppet Prime Minister David Cameron has asked German PM Angela Merkel and French President Francois to press for more sanctions against Russia’s Vladimir Putin but this is just a PR stunt according to MI5 sources. Cameron had to do that because he was being blackmailed by a nazionist media baron with threats to publicize his cocaine habit and his wife’s heroin addiction, the sources continued.
In any case, in the past such a public campaign by nazionist puppet leaders and the corporate propaganda media was used to condition the masses to accept an up-coming military event. Now though, nobody is buying it. No army is ready to do their bidding and even most the hired goons have stopped listening to them.
Furthemore, the internet and social media part of the nazionist campaign to vilify Russia “has been a total wipeout,” say sources in MI5 and other agencies. For example: the U-Tube presented as proof of rebel and Russian cooperation was shown to have date stamps from before the shootdown, the tweets from “a Spanish air traffic controller in Ukraine” actually came from London , the internet Putin assassination angle was fake (Putin is too smart to overfly Ukraine) and the film being shown of the plane being shot down was from the daytime even though the plane was supposed to have been shot down at night. They are clearly losing the plot.
This entire “Malaysian plane” incident is being managed out of the State Department and by the Rand corporation, according to US based CIA sources.
Now Germany and France are so disgusted by the nazionist stunts being run out of Washington D.C. and Tel Aviv, they have decided to join the BRICS alliance, according to CIA sources in Europe. The Germans and French are systematically purging their governments of nazionist agents.
And for good reason. The fake Malaysian plane filled with bodies from the morgue stunt was the nazionist response to the announcement last week by the BRICS nations they had set up a development bank and a financial stabilization fund as a way to by-pass the cabal controlled World Bank and IMF. Think about it, here we have a group supported by over 188 nations announcing a plan to peacefully build economic infrastructure and the US and Israeli nazionists puppet governments react by shooting down a plane. Huh?
The other reactions were to brutalize the Gaza strip and keep pumping up a fake immigrant crisis in the US.
Furthermore, the WDS was also sent a whole new series of threats by these nazionists thugs last week. According to the latest threats “World War 3 has started,” the “US armed forces are ready to invade Russia,” etc. Do not believe it for a minute. As mentioned before, the armed forces of Russia, China, the United States and elsewhere have already come to an agreement to never let themselves be fooled into starting another world war.
Also, the campaign to rebrand the Muslim Brotherhood as ISIS is falling apart as the ever more ridiculous pronouncements coming out of ISIS via Jerusalem are becoming a joke. Check out this link for an example:
What we are witnessing is clearly the end game for the nazionists. Let us recap some of the big changes that have taken place in the campaign to oust these psychopathic killers from the top levels of world power. The Queen of the Netherlands plus the Kings of Spain and Belgium have resigned, the top Warburg family member committed suicide, Richard Rockefeller died, Senator J. Rockefeller resigned, pope malevolent resigned, 200 nazi US military officers have been fired, former French President Sarkozy was arrested and now, last week 660 pedophiles were arrested in the UK. The Vatican has also fired over 400 pedophiles and is continuing a major purge of the Catholic church. The Vatican bank, which was used by the cabal to bribe world leaders, has shut down over 3000 corrupt accounts.
We also received an e-mail last week from a source in a major charitable foundation who said “Bush Sr. passed away on Friday apparently from food poisoning, I hear bad fish. This has been confirmed via his personal security. It should hit the news sometime this week.” However, subsequently he was trotted out for a photograph in a local newspaper near his family’s estate in Maine.
In the picture nazionist Fuhrer Bush Sr. appears to be resorting to his old trick of acting senile, which he is not. Bush is not going to avoid arrest by pretending to be a poor senile old man; he is one of history’s worst mass murderers and will face justice, you can count on it.
The slow unraveling of the nazionist stealth takeover of the United States will continue its now unstoppable path. The Zionist brainwashed slave colony known as Israel will also be freed. If the so-called Jews (the word did not exist until the 19th century) study the history of Babylon they will found out that circumcision was historically something that was done to the males of defeated slave races. The Europeans who have been brainwashed into thinking they came from ancient Judea will be set free. The world as a whole is well along in the process of being freed from Babylonian debt slavery.
There is expected to be a lot going on this autumn after a summer lull. Hopefully, if we all push for it, we will finally have or fall of the Berlin wall, or fall of the Babylon Fed Ziggurat, type of event in the US then.
July 14, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The recent brutality by Israel in the Gaza strip, the emergence of the ISIS caliphate in Iraq and the troubles in the Ukraine can now be traced to the same source: the Nazionists.
Let us start with the ISIS campaign. Here is what MI5 and other intelligence agencies have been able to put together recently: ISIS is controlled by the CIA/RAND Corporation from headquarters in the US Embassy in Ankara, Turkey. This supports earlier claims from separate sources that an outfit known as the Jamestown Foundation runs CIA training bases in Turkey. ISIS also has its own nuclear capability outside of any formal government control, the sources say. In addition, it has been determined that the satellite communications used by ISIS are controlled out of Jerusalem. At the same time, the ISIS drones are run out of the US military base of Fort Huachuca in Arizona.
Furthermore, genuine Muslims in Iraq are saying the ISIS fighters “do not look like Muslims and do not act like Muslims.” The locals are also very suspicious of the American SUVs and American equipment they are using, according to Green dragon society sources. So, ISIS is beginning to look suspiciously like a re-branding of the Nazi affiliated Muslim Brotherhood and an attempt to seize Middle Eastern oil the Arab spring failed to seize.
Now let us take a look at the situation in Israel. Here we have a campaign that started with mutual kidnapping and murder (either real or faked) between Palestinians and Israelis. Next we have Mossad’s Hamas subsidiary firing missiles at Israel to reignite the long nurtured paranoia among the brainwashed Jewish population of Israel. Then we have the Israeli army attacking the Gaza strip in much the same way as the Nazis once attacked the Warsaw Ghetto.
Now let us go to the Ukraine. There, as our sources in Russia point out, an English speaking mercenary army kicked out a legitimate government and installed a puppet regime that immediately began provocations against Russia and Russian speakers inside the Ukraine. The mercenaries further threatened to cut off the gas pipeline linking Russia to Germany. They, like ISIS, also claim to have non-government controlled nuclear weapons. This campaign is also being run by the Rand Corporation, according to multiple sources.
It is no surprise then that the German government has ordered the head of the CIA Nazi/Bush faction in Germany out of the country and has begun a purge of CIA assets in Germany. Furthermore, a Russian intelligence source told the WDS they had issued a warning they were going to attack the Crimean capital of Kiev with Nuclear weapons if the puppet regime took over the Russian speaking Ukrainian city of Donetsk. The WDS then informed the Russians there would be no sanctions if they went ahead and annexed the Russian speaking portions of the Ukraine.
In addition to this, the White Dragon Society received e-mails believed also to originate with the same Nazionist Rand Corporation threatening to “magnetic pulsing and nuclear false flags South of Beijing and in South East Asia, courtesy of the CIA.”
So, apart from grabbing key energy pressure points, what is the Nazi Rand Corporation trying to accomplish with nuclear threats in the Ukraine, the Middle East and China? Why has Israel begun such a vicious campaign?
We need to go back a few years to the February 2011 when Admiral Thad Allen of the Rand Corporation, together with a large group of Congressmen, visited New Zealand to ask for use of either the South Island or Tasmania as a residence for a group of about 1 million Sabbatean mafia members who wanted to escape from the United States. New Zealand refused and was hit by a massive earthquake just after Allen and the Congressmen left.
Japan was also hit by a massive tsunami and earthquake on March 11, 2011 when they refused to allow these same would be refugees to live in the Northern Island of Hokkaid, according to Japanese military intelligence and other sources.
Now, we have Congressmen,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEOF7wCIudAengineers for 911 truth,
and others creating an unstoppable groundswell demanding a real investigation of the 911 attack. If an official investigation begins, it will lead inevitably to the uncovering of the thorough infiltration and usurping of the US government by this mafia. The end result is that it is they who will end up in the FEMA concentration camps they created for their intended victims.
Remember, Thad Allen was in charge of the hurricane Katrina weather warfare attack on New Orleans that was run as an exercise to see if a natural disaster could be used as a way to get Americans (in this case almost exclusively African Americans) into a concentration camp.
Fortunately for us, it seems that Thad Allen and his like are not the only ones with weather warfare weapons. Last week a “once in decades super-typhoon” was headed for Tokyo when it suddenly vanished. It never hit. Something wiped it out.
Both the alternative and corporate media hyped up this storm enormously before it hit and shut up entirely when it just vanished. This has now happened multiple times.
The WDS and its allies will also stop any attempts by the cabal to use HAARP and other such technology to blow up the Yellowstone super-volcano or cause any other man made “natural disaster” mass casualty vents.
So, now that we are getting a critical mass of Americans who are waking up to what was done to them, and demanding justice, they confront very dangerous and cornered beast but they will find they have many powerful friends around the world who are fighting the very same creature.
Speaking about the rest of the world, here we are seeing more and more good news by the day. This week the BRICS nations will be having their summit and formally launching the BRICS Bank and BRICS financial stabilization fund. They will be also be promoting a “multi-polar” world instead of a fascist, centralized New World Order.
In Indonesia, the most heavily populated nation in the world, Joko Widodo, an honest non-cabal candidate supported by the 177 nation BRICS alliance, won a decisive victory over his cabal opponent.
Meanwhile the Vatican, once a nest of Satanists, is continuing to clean up its house and become genuinely Christian again. The Vatican bank has shut down over 3000 accounts used by the Sabbateans in the past to bribe and control senior politicians around the world. The Vatican P2 Freemason lodge is now saying the final obstacle to the new financial system is the “Bush Khazarians [Sabbateans].”
In addition, the pope is admitting, as a precursor to a major purge, things like the fact about 2% of the Catholic clergy are pedophiles. He also hinting the church will end the practice of celibacy.
In England the Sabbatean/Nazionist pedophile and associated blackmail network in the Parliament is also being purged. Also, something seems to be going on with the British Royal Family. News reports are saying that Queen Elizabeth has ordered Prince Charles to divorce Camela Parker Bowles.
Our MI6 sources are saying the next King of England will be neither Charles nor his eldest son William but rather Harold, whose father is not Charles. That would mean England will have a King Harold for the first time since 1066.
Finally, the gnostic illuminati mysteriously promised the WDS last week they were “going to write a new chapter of the bible.”
July 7, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
There are many signs the ongoing financial war for the future of the planet is heading for a major inflection point as the BRICS heads of state meet July 14-16 to formally set up their alternative to the cabal controlled IMF and World Bank. The cabal has already signaled its displeasure by blowing up a bridge in Brazil, according to CIA sources.
The cabalists are also trying to make their own move to pre-empt the BRICS, by using the Abe slave government in Japan. World Bank lawyer (apparently she never quit) Karen Hudes was in Tokyo recently where she sent messages to over 70 governments falsely claiming Japan would provide the gold needed to back a new financial system, according to CIA sources in Asia who monitored her activities. Hudes did not respond to an e-mail asking for her reply to these allegations. In any case, Japan does not have the requisite gold, according to Bank of Japan sources.
The Abe government works according to a script written in part by Nazi drug smuggler and murderer Richard Armitage and Mossad scum bag liar Michael Green. Green lied to Asian gangsters that this writer was a “speed addict who beat women,” in an attempt to get them to agree to carry out a murder contract on me. Message to Green and Armitage: you are going to jail.
The plot written by these criminals for Abe also mentions the 311 nuclear and tsunami mass murder and terror incident as a great opportunity for the Japanese and US military to work together. The report can be seen here:
In any case, the attempt to use Abe to fool the world about non-existent Japanese gold may be connected to the cryptic occult numerology press conference by IMF head Christine Lagarde,
as reported last week, that seems to indicate some big event is planned for July 20th. Alert readers of this newsletter also forwarded this link where a high level insider gives concrete evidence the cabal expects a new financial system to be in place by August.
As always, we recommend readers to take predicted dates with a grain of salt because so many have come and gone without the predicted event happening. However, it is clear from many seemingly unrelated events that tensions are reaching a crescendo.
For example, there is also a cabal plot to stage a coup d’etat in Indonesia after Presidential elections on July 9th, according to a White Dragon Society source in Indonesia. The cabal wants the coup d’etat because opinion polls show the gold rich people of Indonesia are likely to elect Joko Widodo, an honest non-cabal candidate supported by the 177 nation BRICS alliance. The White Dragon Society warns the military to stay in their barracks and let the people choose their leader.
The situation for the cabal is not like it was back at the time of the Kennedy assassination where they had to power to remove President Sukarno and murder 500,000 Indonesians in order to prevent Indonesian gold from being used to finance development projects.
These days, the cabalists are being purged on multiple levels. Last week saw the death of Richard Mellon Scaife, one of the owners of the Federal Reserve Board. He follows Richard Rockefeller, several members of the Warburg family and many others.
The Bush J.P. Morgan nexus is also under serious attack. Last week saw the unannounced deaths of at least 5 more bankers associated with Bush. Now J.P. Morgan Chairman Jamie Dimon has announced that he has cancer. Sources close to Dimon say he is planning to fake his death before it becomes real. The murders are being carried out to silence the bankers and prevent them from fingering Fuhrer Bush Sr. Message to Bush: they are coming to after you there is nowhere to hide.
The arrest of former French Prime Minister Nicolas Sarkozy on corruption charges last week was also part of the ongoing worldwide purge of the cabal’s top ranks.
Perhaps the biggest attack against the cabal is taking place in London. The British press is full of articles about a major pedophile scandal involving dozens of politicians. “These are some of the most horrific child abuse allegations you can imagine,” was how the UK Daily mail put it.
The newspapers are also reporting that 114 files relating to child sex rings have been “lost.”
What the British press are still not reporting is that blackmail of politicians over pedophilia have been used to manipulate British politics, according to MI5 sources. In particular, the fact that popular BBC television personality Jimmy Savile “procured boys for the Westminster [British Parliament] pedophile rings also supports the claims that he supplied [former Prime Minister] Ted Heath with boys, some of whom were killed,” the MI5 source says. Furthermore as soon as “Heath formed a government in June 1970 in his first Cabinet meeting he ordered the drawing-up of papers to join the Common Market to be ready for the next meeting in four days,” the source continues. In other words, the source implied, the Prime Minister of the UK was being blackmailed into ceding sovereignty to the EU because he was being blackmailed over raping and murdering small boys.
This sort of man/boy sex seems to be fairly widespread. In another example, “in 1977 a boy of 16 years gave a speech at the Conservative Party National Conference which was headline news. The boy who was sponsored by Leon Brittan [the man who “lost” the 114 files on child sexual abuse by politicians] was William Hague who became Conservatiove Party Leader and is now Foreign Secretary. Hague is one of the candidates vying to replace current Prime Minister David Cameron.
The murdered journalist Christopher Story also regularly accused former Prime Minister Tony Blair of being a pedophile. Blair, as we all know, is a war criminal who blindly followed George Bush Jr. into the rape and pillage of Iraq. Was he also blackmailed?
In any case, the fact that newspapers in the UK are writing about this and police are investigating is a sign the British are cleaning up their political system.
The situation with child abuse and child murder is said to be far worse in Washington D.C. but so far nothing is being done about it inside the United States.
However, the rest of the world is continuing to isolate the rogue regime in Washington D.C. Most tellingly, Christian Noyer, head of the Bank for International Settlements and governor of the French central bank last week, in an interview with a specialist magazine, called for the Euro to be split from the US dollar.
This is huge because it has been the European central bank via Euroclear that has recently bought $200 billion worth of US Treasuries and prevented the bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve Board and its Washington D.C. subsidiary.
The Germans are also on the warpath against the Feds. This week, as Chancellor Angela Merkel visits China for the 7th time, German authorities arrested a US spy. What makes this arrest unusual is that the Germans are using it as an excuse to create a split with Washington D.C.
The Germans and French are angry, as are the Russians, with the Washington D.C. subsidiary the Rand Corporation’s ongoing operations in the Ukraine. They do not like having their gas link with Russia being cut off by mercenaries sent by the D.C. corporate government.
The ongoing ISIS activity in the Middle East, straddling another major pipeline route, is for its part is now moving in on Kuwait. There are now, or so it seems, new controllers of the Middle Eastern oil reserves meaning the control of petrodollar, as we knew it, has fallen into a new set of hands.
Almost every government on earth is now insisting that the Pentagon must move in on Washington D.C. and start making arrests. It is either that or sit back and witness an economic implosion and chaos in the US.
July 1, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Sometimes events in the news seem so surreal that it becomes a guess they are not real, or at least not in the sense we see it. That is certainly the case with the declaration of the Islamic Caliphate or ISIS last week.
The first thing to note, as pointed out by alert readers, is that there is a military contractor called ISIS that offers services in such areas as “role playing,” “exercise and evaluations,” “human intelligence,” “special operations” and “unmanned aircraft systems” among other things.
Most of their offices are either in the Middle East or the United States and it is a pretty good guess they got the contract to carry out operation ISIS in the Middle East.
When you see news article full of demands by ISIS to “hand over your daughters for sex,” or crucifixions of Christians and threats that the “black flag of Jihad will fly over London” it is a pretty good guess you are dealing with a major psy-ops or role playing game.
Here is what and MI5 source had to say about it:
“This is a PR exercise to bring terrorism into a branded, packaged presence which is the normal purview of corporate marketing and PR. We are witnessing a global psy-op to shift the perception of “terror” groups away from being rogue psycho’s to being more like football teams playing for victory in sanitized arenas.”
As mentioned before, there has been an agreement between various secret power groups for the establishment of an Islamic Caliphate to replace the artificial borders created by the French and the British in the Middle East after World War I. That is what is happening now.
This is linked to the sudden influx of illegal immigrants pouring into the US. There has been a secret agreement, certainly not made in consultation with the majority of the people, to join North and South America into a single block. The Americas would have a population of 950 million, enough to stand toe to toe with China and India and the soon to emerge Caliphate. This is part of a plan to divide the world into about seven to nine blocs each with a population of about 1 billion that was mentioned to this writer years ago by a senior member of the Bank for International Settlements or BIS, the central banks central bank. The other planned groupings are Africa, Europe plus Russia and non-Chinese East Asia.
Speaking about the BIS, it came out with its annual report
last week where it warned of the dangers of central banks pumping “fairy dust” to goose stock markets and warning that it will all end badly. Even more interesting, to this writer at least, was the reports’ call to “move away from debt as the main engine of growth.” In other words, the central headquarters of global Babylonian style debt slavery is suddenly waking up the reality that it is almost always wiser to earn your money before you spend it.
There are other signs of big changes planned by the elite, some of them to start in July. The big one of course it the $100 billion BRICS development bank that is supposed to come online July 15th. In addition, China is going to separately open its own $100 billion development bank too, according to multiple sources and news reports.
Together they will pack more firepower than the World Bank and the IMF.
This move is being made because of US and Western refusal to reform these organizations in order to make them reflect current world economic and demographic realities.
Speaking about the IMF, an alert reader sent a link to this very weird press conference by IMF head Christine Lagarde in Washington earlier this year involving occult numerology. If the interpretation is correct, then some sort of major currency related event is scheduled for July 20th.
As usual with predicted dates of change, so many have come and gone that this one too needs to be taken with a grain of salt.
However, in yet another sign that the world has fundamentally changed, the world’s largest international maritime exercises started last week in Hawaii where the Japanese, Indian and Chinese navies will be among the 22 navies involved. This belies all the Nazionist media attempts to hype conflict between China, the US and Japan.
It is also a good time to point out that while there is still a lot of bad stuff happening and being widely reported, there is also a lot of under-reported good news too.
For example, the Pentagon has finally announced it is ready to sign the 161 nation Ottawa Convention banning anti-personnel land mines.
The land-mines planted in past wars are still killing between 15 to 20 thousand people every year and maiming countless more.
The excuse the US needed for refusing to give up land-mines was the need for them on the border between North and South Korea. However, in another bit of good news, the North Korean government last week unilaterally offered to “stop all military hostilities” starting last Friday, June 27th, 2014, one day before the 100th anniversary of the start of World War I. This is the first time North Korea has made such a proposal since a ceasefire was declared between North and South Korea in 1953.
There is other good news out there as well. One is the decision by the US Securities and Exchange Commission to punish companies that use “conflict minerals.” One example, I ran into in the past was corporate mercenaries landing in the Congo and taking over mines for Coltan, a mineral essential for manufacturing mobile phones and other electronic devices. The local warlord they hired was paid $5000 for Coltan that was worth $50 million on the international market. Now fewer and fewer companies will be able to buy resources stolen in this manner.
Finally, this week the gnostic illuminati asked what the White Dragon Society thought of the situation of the Palestinians. The answer can be found in the original text of the Balfour Declaration
where it clearly states that a Jewish homeland could be established in Palestine on the condition that it be “clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”
Given the well documented evidence of Israeli abuse of Palestinians and the Nazionist mass murder and terror directed against the Jews of Europe in order to force them into the Rothschild brainwash colony of Israel, it is clear they have lost their mandate in Palestine. The new caliphate promises to ensure the full civil and religious rights of citizens of the Israel Jewish autonomous region.
June 23, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Benjamin Fulford, representatives of the White Dragon Society and "gnostic illuminati"
The unfolding geopolitical chess game between Western oligarchs and their puppet governments featured many big moves last week, notably in the Ukraine, the Middle East and the UK. These moves have, for now, left Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, uncharacteristically on the defensive.
The game being played in the Ukraine, by what are almost certainly proxy mercenary forces working for the Rockefellers and the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate, is now clearly a move to cut off Russian gas exports to Europe. First, the new puppet Fed government in the Ukraine refused to pay for gas, then, when the Russians cut off the gas, the pipeline sending gas to the rest of Europe was blown up.
This was a response by the Feds to a Russian Gazprom move to price over 90% of Russia’s gas exports in Euros, Rubles and other non-Fed currencies. Not only that, but, according to French intelligence, the Fed puppet government in the Ukraine has been given nuclear weapons and is threatening to use them if Russia moves militarily against them. This means the Feds are holding the German’s gas and the Russian’s foreign earnings hostage through threats of violence.
That is almost certainly why anti-Fed riots broke out all across Germany last week. It is also why Putin’s economic adviser publicly called for an anti-dollar alliance.
It also gives us a possible motive for the probable murder of Richard Rockefeller on Friday, June 13th.
The Rothschilds, for their part, have made a move against the other big Russian gas export pipeline running through Iraq and Syria. The ISIS army in Iraq, run by a Saudi Prince and using US supplied weaponry, has the ability to cut off Russian gas exports running through land it controls. And now it turns out that Nathaniel Rothschild has begun exporting oil out of the new nation of Kurdistan on the northern border of ISIS through Israel.
So Putin is now reeling under a Rockefeller/Rothschild double punch. It might not be a good time for Nat to fly small airplanes.
The other big moves last week were seen as a result of the visit to the UK by Li Keqiang, China’s number 2 power broker. During his visit with Queen Elizabeth, Li, who is probably a member of the dragon family, was shown a hand written message sent to the Queen by a different member of the dragon family, according to MI5 sources. The message in part asks for the Queen’s support for “a campaign similar in size and ambition to a world war only this time the enemy will be poverty, ignorance, environmental destruction and all else that plagues this beautiful but fragile planet we all share.”
Li for his part, made a very friendly speech at a combined gathering of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) and the International Institute for Strategic Studies think tanks. In the speech Li promised China would import $2 trillion annually worth of products and invest $100 billion a year overseas for the next five years. He also promised the new government would make environmental protection and new energy technology major themes. The speech also explained in details plans to provide decent urban residences for 300 million more Chinese over the coming years.
Opium baron James Sassoon, head of the China Britain Business Council, held a 650 person gala for Li and his entourage at the Natural History Museum. The general trend of the business discussions was for the British to offer to transfer technology and know-how to China in exchange for China transferring money to the UK. The end result of all the discussions was that the British Pound became directly tradable for Chinese Yuan and London was designated as the largest Yuan financial trading center outside of China, according to MI5 an other sources.
The Fed response to this big anti-petrodollar move was to use their proxy mercenary armies to issue yet another nuclear terror threat against London.
So, to summarize the situation here, Federal Reserve Board mercenary armies have cut off two Russian energy export chokepoints, one in the Ukraine and one in Iraq, prompting the Russians to ask for an international alliance against the Federal Reserve Board. The Germans, French, Austrians and others have expressed support for this idea. At the same time, the British have made a big move to have the Chinese Yuan replace the US dollar as a linchpin to the London financial markets.
So, what is the next move going to be?
The future has yet to be written so many outcomes are still possible. However, it is clear the American oligarchs like the Rockefellers, who run the Federal Reserve Board and gave us a 20th century of misery and war, are running out of friends and allies.
For those of you who still think the Rockefellers are a bunch of has-beens, remember they have, according to Wikipedia
and other sources, funded and or led the following institutions:
Remember that Richard Rockefeller who died on June 13th was head of Medicines Sans Frontieres, a group that has pledged to vaccinate all children under five years of age in the world. Given the huge amount of misinformed Malthusian propaganda emitting from Rockefeller think tanks about the need to reduce the world’s population, it is hard to imagine Richard wanted to vaccinate all those kids in order to help increase the world population.
The Federal Reserve Board families have presided over the introduction of sperm killing chemicals into household products like shampoo, soap and tooth-paste and cancer causing chemicals into our daily foods. They have also turned the US medical establishment into a bunch of goons who poison cancer patients with radiation and chemicals. They have also dumbed down the education system and hijacked the political system.
A lot of Americans are angry and want revolution. Last week alone the Governor of Louisiana said rebellion was brewing against Washington while the South Dakota Republican Party called for the impeachment of President Obama.
The military and the agencies have in their possession a full list of all the names and addresses of the members of the families that own the Federal Reserve Board. If anybody else wants to find out who they are, all they need to do is go to the local library and look them up in a Who’s Who.
Here is a message to David Rockefeller: “An old age is ending and a new age is beginning, it is time to pass on the torch with honour and dignity.” Let us set up a huge series of world-wide celebrations and announcements to celebrate the transition to an age of world peace and harmony.
June 16, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Seemingly unrelated events like the trouble in the Ukraine, the emergence of new countries in the Middle East and a never ending stream of meetings of world leaders are all inter-connected and leading to some world altering event. The event could be the announcement of an entirely different, and more benevolent, way of running this planet.
For example, the emergence of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria or ISIS, combined with the de facto new nation of Kurdistan reflect an agreement reached between the gnostic illuminati and the White Dragon Society to eliminate the colonialist and insensitive Sykes-Picot borders drawn by the English and French at the end of World War I. The end result of this ongoing process is expected to be the birth of a pan-Islamic Caliphate or loose federation of Sunni states. There is also expected to be an expansion of Iran or the Persian Empire into Shia lands in places like Southern Iraq. Ideally, the Sunnis and Shias should then bury their 1334 year old hatchet and start friendly relations. There will likely be plenty of turmoil before this new structure, based on the history and ethnicity of the region, jells into place as different groups jostle for advantage.
The situation coming to a head now in the Ukraine, for its’ part, is beginning to look like a move to force Russia and Europe into some new arrangement. As this newsletter went to press, Russia announced it was going to cut off gas to the Ukraine. If they do that, the next chess move will be for the Ukrainians or the mercenary army in the Ukraine, to make sure no gas goes through to Germany and France either. This would then cut the Europeans off their gas and the Russians off much of their money.
That is why the Russians are reporting the presence of Japanese troops in the Ukraine; they are there along with undeclared US forces to enforce the cut off of gas.
This is a dangerous form of brinkmanship and that is why the US is pretending they have nothing to do with the mercenary armies in the Ukraine. If the Americans made it official they were fighting in the Ukraine to cut off gas, then it would be like a declaration of war against Russia, Germany and France all at the same time. This would mean the end of NATO at the very least.
The end game is still likely to be a redrawing of Russia’s borders to include the Russian speaking parts of the Ukraine. There will also be some jostling for influence between the Germans and the Russians in other parts of Eastern Europe before things settle down.
Serbia could turn into a flash-point since there are still a lot of unresolved issues related to the NATO led break up of Yugoslavia. Basically, the Germans and Russians are going to have a tug of war over parts of what used to be neutral Yugoslavia.
Meanwhile, as the center of European gravity shifts to Russia and Germany, France and the UK are likely to re-assert their independence. This has already been shown in the anti-EU results for France and England in the recent European elections.
These big geopolitical moves in the Middle East and Europe were no doubt the main themes of the recent Bilderberg meeting followed by the emergency G7 meeting followed by the meeting of most European and North American royalty and heads of state ending last week.
As this went on, the Western press, including the alternative press, overwhelmed by events in the West, have mostly ignored a 133 nation
meeting that started this weekend in Bolivia. These nations, accounting for two thirds of all countries in the world called for a major paradigm shift in how the planet is run.
It is worth noting that the members of this group are the nations that have suffered the most from colonialism and resource rape and pillage by the West and are now reaching out to Russia and China for help.
Speaking rape and pillage, there is now plenty of evidencen coming out about massacres of Christians by Satanic groups pretending to be Muslim.
Even if the photograph shown on this newsletter last week was of a different event, it is clear the cabalists are trying to start religious wars in Africa as part of their ongoing campaign to create a one-world religion.
The 133 nation grouping is hoping to put an end to such mayhem fomented by Western non-state actors. War criminal Tony Blair has been doing his bit to contribute to this mayhem by making widely publicized remarks last week designed to inflame Christians against Muslims.
When this is all over, he will be jailed, of this you can be sure.
The UK, meanwhile, like the 133 nations and just about everybody else, is also reaching out to China in a big way. Li Keqiang, China’s number 2, and representative of the powerful Li clan, is in London this week for some major negotiations.
The British, hungry for Chinese investment, will be hand over plenty of high tech to the Chinese and allow them to own nuclear power plants, North Sea oil fields and high speed trains in the UK.
James Sassoon, of the Jardine Matheson opium war clan, told the UK Telegraph: “The Chinese fully understand that there is nowhere [else] in the world in terms of the big economies where they would be allowed to invest in something as sensitive as nuclear power.”
Li will also meet with Queen Elizabeth, head of the committee of 300, no doubt for some discussion that will involve more than just protocol. Our MI5 sources say the new financial system will be a topic of discussion at this meeting.
The Chinese and the Asians in general, for their part, told the WDS they are running out of patience with the West, especially the families that own the Federal Reserve Board.
Which brings us to note it is unlikely to be a coincidence that on Friday the 13th, on the day of a full moon closest to the Summer Solstice, a day of extreme occult symbolism, Richard Rockefeller, son of David Rockefeller, died in a plane crash.
This is what MI5 had to say about this crash: “the Piper crashed about 10 minutes after take-off which means that it could have reached pressurization altitude. Any problem with this process may have caused the pilot oxygen starvation. Alongside fuel cut-off and explosion, this is a trusted method of aviation sabotage.”
The WDS was not involved in this incident in any way and extends its condolences to David Rockefeller and his family.
However, a CIA source, for his part, says that all senior cabal members are targets.
June 9, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The emergency G7 plus Russia (but not G8) meeting last week has left the corporate government of the United States isolated from Europe and on the brink of bankruptcy. This French Government video of US corporate lackey Barack Obama meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin clearly shows Obama asking for something and being denied.
It now clear to everybody who is paying attention that the United States is bankrupt and is being kept on life support by fraud (eg. tiny Belgium buying all those Treasuries) and by the ongoing rape of Japan. This situation is untenable and the formal declaration of the bankruptcy of the United States of America Corporation is coming soon, according to Japanese government sources.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott of Australia last week suddenly cancelled long planned meetings with US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, IMF head Christine Lagarde and World Bank head Jim Yong Kim, even though Australia is scheduled to host the G20 summit in November. Does Abbot think these US corporate government institutions will not last until then?
The declaration of bankruptcy of the US corporate government would also mark the end of a 2000 year project by the Roman Empire to create a worldwide fascist dictatorship or New World Order, multiple sources agree.
The Nazi/Zionist response to their looming defeat is to threaten to unleash over 10,000 “blonde Al Qaeda,” terrorists on Europe and the US.
The ongoing mercenary attacks in the Ukraine and the recently manufactured China/Vietnam crisis are other snarls of this dying Nazi Zionist beast.
There is also obviously something very unusual going on with the IMF, with Director Christine Lagarde asking in public if she has to “get on her knees and beg.” Ostensibly, the begging is about mistaken IMF predictions for the UK economy but, the real reason is that the IMF is bankrupt, MI5 sources say.
That is also why Lagarde talked publicly last week about moving the IMF to China. The IMF may be shopping for a new sugar daddy but, China has better options than to finance an institution with as dismal a track record as that of the IMF.
Last week was also notable in that the hitherto secretive Bilderberg Group publicly came out and said they wanted to overthrow the current two party system of government in the United States.
William Van Duyn, a person who managed to stay under the radar until now, has now made public the opening speech he made at the recent Bilderberg meeting in Denmark.
In this speech, Van Duyn says it was his ancestors who “made sure the Eye is on the [U.S.] dollar bill.” This is the eye that has NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM or New World Order written under it. He also said
This was followed later by “The subject of this Bilderberg meeting is the One World Government.”
Van Duyn concluded that from now own Bilderberg would rule in public and “control every movement within any government…create the rules…decide about nations policy.”
See full text:
William C. Van Duyn’s Opening Remarks Bilderberg Meeting 2014
What he does not seem to realize is that secrecy was needed for them to rule and without it, they will lose power. Rule by murder, bribery and brainwashing needs secrecy or else it will invite rebellion.
The very fact they have gone public shows we are seeing the sort of rare information that only comes out at moments of regime change. For example, around the time of the fall of the Soviet Union, insiders revealed such things as the plans to turn the EU into the new Soviet Union, while ordinary Russians learned bad things they had never heard about their heroes Stalin, Lenin etc.
Another sign that it is not business as usual is that the European Central Bank has decided to start using negative interest rates. This means that if you keep money in the bank, it will start to vanish. The idea is to stimulate the economy by forcing people to spend their money instead of keeping in the bank. Also, to prevent people from just hoarding cash instead having their money in automatically shrinking accounts, the banks have begun to limit how much cash people can remove from their bank accounts. This unprecedented move is a public admission of economic desperation in the EU.
In the meantime, indications the Europeans are trying to overthrow the US Nazi regime have become visible on many levels. Most notably, the governments of Europe have now stopped using the US dollar to pay for their Russian or Middle Eastern gas and oil imports. If the largest economic bloc in the world is moving away from the petro-dollar, then the Federal Reserve Board petro-dollar is doomed.
It was also painfully obvious that nobody was going along anymore with Nazi/Zionist lies that Putin had invaded the Ukraine. Instead, the Germans and French have been working with the Russians to put down the Nazionist mercenary armies fighting in the Ukraine.
The Nazionist forces are not going down without a fight. They have compelled their Japanese slave colony to send troops into the Ukraine, according to Japanese Defense Ministry sources. There is also an article in the Japanese language version of the Russian Government Ria Novosti News Service confirming this claim.
The Japanese troops were sent there to put pressure on Russia to agree to a G7 plan for a new financial system, according to a Japan based CIA source.
The Russians are pushing instead to strengthen the BRICS mechanism and say technical preparation for a BRICS bank are well under way. The fact that Argentina is now talking about joining the BRICS alliance is very interesting because this is where Pope Francis hails from, meaning the Vatican could be switching to the BRICS side.
There is also a lot of unreported or under-reported activity going on in Africa. While the Zionist media has been pumping up a publicity campaign around supposed kidnapped schoolgirls in Nigeria, they have been censoring news of real massacres related to the illuminati plan to promote fights between Muslims and Christians in order to create a one world religion.
This gruesome photograph below was censored by U-tube, face book and Zionist media organizations. I post it because ignoring evil is the same as accepting it.
The question the world should be asking is what is the US military doing in Africa if they cannot stop such massacres? Are they instead somehow involved? Where are the pentagon white hats? Why is everybody silent?
These are the sort of Satanic incidents the White Dragon Society is determined to banish from this earth.
In Asia, meanwhile, the pentagon is trying to woo North Korea into joining with South Korea and Japan and pay protection money “to keep China in its place,” a Japanese military intelligence source said.
The planned visit by puppet Prime Minister Abe of Japan to North Korea will result in 34 “kidnap victims” (in reality mostly Japanese agents working for North Korea) to be returned in exchange for generous Japanese financial aid, according to a North Korean source. This is a preliminary to a campaign to turn North Korea into a friend instead of a boogey man for the Japanese, the sources agreed.
Another sign that some big event is expected in the Korean peninsula is the fact that North and South Korea are building a joint railroad network with Russia. This is a clear indication that all three countries expect the Korean peninsula to unify in the foreseeable future.
Construction of a tunnel linking South Korea to Japan has also already begun, according to Japanese government sources. This will mean it will be possible to take a train from Tokyo to London. In addition, goods can be shipped from Europe to Korea and Japan three times faster once the rail link is constructed, according to Russia Today.
The recent and ongoing dispute between Vietnam and China over an oil rig in disputed waters is being used by pentagon to ensure Asian countries keep it financed even if the US corporate government goes bankrupt, according to a pentagon source. It is better to feed than fight a big dog.
June 3, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
During his recent trip to the Middle East, Pope Francis was able to get agreement from Muslim and Jewish authorities for a unified monotheism but was unable to convince the Orthodox Christians, according to P2 Freemason sources.
As the Pope visited the Middle East, the head of the Italian P2 Freemason lodge was in the Philippines where he tried to cash six bonds, including the one pictured here:
(Click to see the high resolution copy)
These 15 quadrillion dollar bonds are supposed to be backed by “King Solomon’s tunnel of gold,” according to the P2.
The White Dragon Society suggested to the P2 that they start by bringing just one kilo of gold to generate cash to bring over more kilos of this mythical gold. The WDS also suggested the Orthodox Christians might be more open minded about unity when the mass murder stops in places like Syria, the Ukraine, Iraq and Afghanistan.
The push for a one world religion comes as a series of public and private pronouncements by Western elites makes it clear that there is panic in the ranks of the Nazi/Zionist leadership.
As this report was going to press, King Juan Carlos of Spain announced he was abdicating his throne, thus joining the King of Belgium, the Queen of the Netherlands, and pope maledict in quitting recently.
Last week Prince “want to be reincarnated as a killer virus” Charles said: “we can choose to act now before it is finally too late, using all of the power and influence that each of you can bring to bear to create an inclusive, sustainable and resilient society,” he said in a speech to 200 business leaders, including the IMF’s Christine Lagarde and CEOs of many major multinational corporations. Charles said the elite had an 18 month window to act, presumably meaning until the end of US president Obama’s term.
Sources at the Pentagon and the CIA however, think that Obama will be impeached long before his term ends.
The CIA says that last week agency white hats stopped an Obama plan to use mass casualty terror attacks in Las Vegas, Texas and Washington D.C. as an excuse to start martial law. “Fourteen of those involved on Obama’s side (terrorists) were killed very quietly,” a senior CIA source said. Impeachment proceedings against Obama have now started, he said.
The resignation of Veteran Affairs head Eric Shinseki removed a major Obama ally in the Pentagon and that “as of this point, there is no evidence Obama has any backing at all,” a senior Pentagon source said.
It also turns out, according to a Japanese government source, that Obama was only able to scrounge up $9 billion on his recent begging trip to Japan.
Obama this week will be visiting Europe this week for a G7 meeting that was originally supposed to have been a G8 held in Russia. Then it was decided to use the Ukrainian psy-ops as an excuse to cancel the Russian G8 summit and have a European G7 summit instead. Now it turns out Russian President Vladimir Putin will be invited too, but, technically, not as part of the G8 but to celebrate the 70Th anniversary of D-day.
The Western elites have been having a lot of such urgent meetings recently, and have more urgent meetings scheduled, presumably to find a way to stave off revolution. The Bilderberg meeting held over last weekend in Denmark was thoroughly leaked to the press in what seems to be an attempt by the Bilderbergers to appear more open.
This attempt to appear open because, as an MI5 source put it “The mask is slipping and it is now becoming obvious that the political process in Brussels is only a facade to distract the sheeple whilst the Comission (Commisariat) leads the bureaucracy in imposing collective policy.”
“The importance of the EU project for the cabal was to enable Europe to become a currency block which is a big step to facilitating a one world electronic credit system,” he added.
However, voters in both in the UK and France now overwhelmingly support parties that oppose this process.
Marine Le Pen of France’s victorious Front National has vowed to take France out of the Euro and break up EU power.
And here is what Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the Telegraph had to say about the victory of the UK Independence Party in the recent European election:
“If Europe’s policy elites could not quite believe it before, they must now know beyond much doubt that they have lost Britain. This island is no longer part of the European project in any meaningful sense.”
In the UK there is also now a big move to remove the Nazi/Zionist influence centered around former Prime Minister Tony Blair, former MI6 head Sir John Scarlett and Chief Cabinet Secretary Sir Jeremey Heywood.
These people are trying their hardest to suppress from the public the murders and lies they used to trick the UK into participating in the illegal genocidal attack on Iraq. They are all linked to George Bush Seniors’ Nazi faction. Removing Heywood would probably break the dam and allow arrests in the UK and very damaging information about George Bush Jr. and Sr. to come out in the UK media. Both Scarlett and Heywood used to work for Morgan Stanley, a Bush front.
The novelist Robert Harris, a friend of Tony Blair’s who knew him before he became Prime Minister, said that after he got power: “I was stunned to see this automaton-like, remote figure who seemed to come from another planet,” Harris recalled.
This was very interesting for me to read because I knew both Naoto Kan and Shinzo Abe before they became Prime Ministers in Japan and the same thing happened to them. They became like robots who were not acting in accordance with their own free will but rather by remote conrtol.
This is M-K Ultra, or Mind Kontrol Ultra, the Nazi mind control technique at work on world leaders. They are hit with a combination of extreme terror and extreme bribes and forced to act according to orders. The Nazi/Zionists themselves say they take their orders from an alien entity known as the “black sun” that “lives in the gamma rays.” I did not say it, they did.
In any case, the impeding fall of the Nazi/Zionists in the UK and the US means Germany, where support for the EU is strongest, will have to look to Russia, instead of to France and the UK, if it wants to continue big European integration projects. Germany’s Chancellor Merkel and Russia’s Putin have known each other for a long time, speak each other’s languages and are working towards some big deal, according to WDS sources in Russia.
This is closely connected to the Russian gas bill deadline to the Ukraine. The Ukraine cannot pay, the IMF has offered to pay but apparently has no money, the Americans can’t pay so, something has to give. It could well be that Germany will join the Russian/Chinese BRICS alliance.
These big public changes in power and big meetings like Bilderberg, the G7 and others are accompanied by lots of activity in the esoteric part of the financial system.
Last week, in addition to the Vatican bank bonds above and the fake Kennedy bonds mentioned earlier, a group approached the WDS saying, with refreshing honesty, that, “we do not have any gold but we do have a dollar printing machines, is there anything we can do with that?” The approach came via a South Korean group to a communist Chinese government representative in Tokyo.
The Swiss-Indo group also tried again last week to cash historical bonds while, like the P2, telling stories of vast hoards of gold, but not offering any proof.
Emperor Akihito and Prime Minister Abe of Japan are also trying to cash big bonds, according to a Dragon family representative.
The Chinese, for their part, have also made a big move by ordering all their banks to remove US made computers because they have back doors that allow US agencies like the NSA to steal Chinese money.
The WDS has suggested that in order to break the deadlock at the highest ranks of finance, that an entirely new agency, with vast funds at its disposal, be created to plan how to create an ideal planet. It will be run in transparently and humanity as a whole will participate in deciding how to use the agency’s money for the greater good.
Original source:
May 26, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Last week saw major cabal set-backs in the financial war together with several big moves on the energy front.
On the financial front, former World Bank lawyer Karen Hudes and lawyer Winston Shrout tried to sue the World Bank into returning 1000 tons of gold deposited with it by the government of Japan, according to CIA and Japanese government sources (Ms. Hudes did not answer an e-mail asking for confirmation of this). However, the US Treasury Department, the de facto controllers of the World Bank, refused, saying the gold Japan had deposited with the World Bank was stolen from the dragon family, the sources said.
In any case, the dragon family has not gotten its gold back either, so the fact remains the United States corporate government has stolen all the gold it held in trust for the planet and is bankrupt. The only rational option for the United States is now to bankrupt the corporate government, nationalize the Federal Reserve Board and start issuing greenbacks. The cabal, of course, will use all its power to prevent that from happening so continued financial turbulence is inevitable until the whole structure collapses (more about that below).
On the energy front things are looking much better: it has now become clear that the suppressed energy technology genie is out of the bottle. A major Japanese manufacturer contacted the White Dragon Society last week to say they were going ahead with the production of Tesla Quantum Energy Generators. The WDS has still not been able to test such a device though.
On a different front, a major Japanese government research organization has started, in conjunction with the Pentagon, to manufacture a one meter by two meter sized nuclear reactor that uses so-called spent nuclear fuel rods and is capable of generating 50,000 megawatts (enough for a city), according to a senior researcher. The devices will be built on US military bases to prevent cabal interference, he said. The US Navy will start by using them in submarines and battleships, he said.
This move coincides with the announcement of a successful attempt by the US navy to create aviation and rocket fuel out of sea-water using electricity generated by a nuclear power plant.
It also turns out that Tokyo Gas has already begun marketing fuel cells that provide houses with both heating and electricity. The official Tokyo Gas website says these fuel cells run on natural gas but Japanese government sources say the electricity is generated by extracting hydrogen from water.
The other big move in the energy sector was the announcement by newly elected Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi that every household in India will have solar power by 2019. Modi, who is banned from entering the US by the cabal, is definitely not going to go along with the cabal on many other issues, not just solar power.
If India can do it, so can the rest of the world. If the US had a real government, most US houses could also be solar powered within 5 years. No matter what though, with both China and India now going full speed ahead with solar power, the oil and gas industries can no longer keep the price of solar panels artificially high.
The oil and gas industry also saw some big changes come to light last week. The biggest was the announcement by the US Energy Information Administration that US shale oil reserves were only about 30% of what was previously talked about.
This means any US talk of replacing Russia as a supplier of gas to Europe is just talk. In this context, Lord Peter Mandelson, described by MI5 as a representative of the Rothschild family, cited US (non-existent) shale oil as part of his backing for a public threat to “freeze Russia out of the global financial system.”
In specific, he threatened that $700 billion worth of Russian corporate external debt would “not be rolled over.” This is pure bluff. According to the MI5 source, the UK has also been vastly exaggerating its shale gas reserves. It is also clear that it is the Rothschilds, not Russia, who are being frozen out.
The $400 billion gas deal Russia announced with China last week means that even if Europe decided to shoot itself in the foot and stop buying Russian gas, Russia has found other customers.
What is really at stake here is Rothschild and cabal control over the Western financial system.
Here the situation is coming to a head over the Ukraine because Russia is asking for the Ukraine to start paying for its Russian gas with cash starting in June. Ukraine does not have the money. There is talk of the IMF providing Ukraine with the money but the IMF, a cabal construct, does not have money or gold either. Ukraine’s new president has already said he will talk directly with Russia over this issue without Western input. Nor is he likely to agree to hand over Ukraine’s resources to Western oligarchs.
Other cabal money grabs are also being foiled. The monarchist military coup in Thailand last week means the attempt by the cabal to steal the gold belonging to the Thai royal family as well as the Persian gold stored in Thailand via rogue CIA manipulated “redshirts” has been stopped.
We also found out last week what US corporate president Obama was up to when he visited Japan earlier this month. According to Japanese government sources, he tried to steal most of the money that had been set aside for the reconstruction of Fukushima.
A Chinese government source confirmed this and said the Americans (cabal) had offered to sell most of the real estate in Fukushima, as well as energy production facilities there, to Chinese companies. The Chinese were also offered a chance to buy some Japanese media conglomerates, he said. With allies like that, Japan does not need enemies.
Obama also tried once again to cash the fake Kennedy bonds while in Asia, this time through the South Koreans, the Chinese source said.
This is the context in which the attempt by Karen Hudes to get Japanese gold out of the World Bank took place.
We have also heard from MI6 sources in Asia that US Vice President Biden has been secretly offering to sell Hawaii to the Chinese in an attempt to keep the US corporate government solvent.
Speaking about Hawaii, so-called Hawaiian born President Obama was in Afghanistan this weekend where he made a speech where he kept to the fiction that the 911 attacks originated in Afghanistan. Are there actually still people out there who believe that? The fact he refers to the 911 lie is proof that he is complicit in that attack.
What is it going to take to get the US military to march into Washington and arrest these crooks? Why are they still allowed to carry out terror attacks and lie to the world? We are hearing, once again, that things are coming to a head. Let us make it so.
Things are coming to a head in Europe too. The EU elections last week showed anti-EU parties winning in the UK, France, Denmark, Greece and elsewhere. This reflects widespread dissatisfaction with the Bilderberger/Nazi EU project. The Germans, who have been subsidizing most of these countries, may decide to link forces with Russia in an effort to get their idea of a unified Europe back on track.
The Germans have already refused to go along with cabal attempts to use the manufactured crisis in the Ukraine to isolate Russia. They may now take things one step forward and join with the BRICS nations to isolate the Nazi regimes in the US, the UK and other Western countries.
The White Dragon plan is unfolding according to schedule. The end of cabal rule is a mathematical certainty.
May 20, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
These are not happy times for the internationally isolated bankrupt pariah Nazi/Zionist government in Washington D.C. There are now daily shouting matches inside the White House between various cabal bosses arguing about what to do and who to blame, according to CIA sources. The hardline faction of Nazi cabalists led by Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, is planning new mass murder attacks, including a massive takedown of the US electric grid, the sources say.
The cornered Nazis sent this message to the White Dragon Society last week: “The UN does not want peace, nor does the IMF or the US.” To underline this, they staged new provocations in Nigeria and Vietnam (see below for more detail) to add to their murderous trouble-making in the Ukraine and Syria.
They were told “if they go along with the White Dragon, we will take care of them of and if they refuse, we will take care of them.” So far, no further communication has been received.
Increasingly embattled President Obama, for his part, is now making claims that he is the “Twelfth Mahdi,” i.e. the “ultimate savior of humankind,” they said.
In the meantime, President Vladimir Putin of Russia visits China this week to cement some very serious deals that, based on the announced numbers ($200 billion in bilateral trade per year by 2020) are worth about what Russia now exports to the European Union. This is a way of saying “we can live without EU if we have to.” This would also make China 5 times more important to Russian trade than the US.
The other huge event last week was the replacement of the cabal controlled government of India with a government headed by Narendra Modi, a man who is banned from traveling to the US. The end of the cabal aligned Ghandi/Nehru dynastic control of India is going to give a huge boost to the BRICS alliance plans to end Nazi tyranny. So much for the Nazi plan to use India against China.
In these circumstances, last week US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew visited China while Israel’s Netanyahu visited Japan as part of an effort by the cabal to raise money to prevent the bankruptcy of the US corporate government.
Netanyahu’s visit to Japan was an attempt to convince the Abe slave government to go along with his hard core faction’s ongoing plans to start World War III. Abe obliged with an attempt to pass a law that would allow the Japanese military to participate in “collective self-defense,” or, to put it more accurately, participate in cabal wars of aggression. In the end though, Netanyahu was forced to cut short his visit by one day and leave Japan with his tail between his legs. A senior Japanese right wing boss predicted last week that Abe would be “killed soon” because of his treasonous activities.
The visit by Netanyahu also coincided with major anti-Chinese riots in Vietnam. Since the Zionists have been caught red-handed paying hoodlums to riot against Japanese interests in China while simultaneously paying Japanese activists to protest against China, it is a good guess the Vietnamese protests were financed by same Zionist provocateurs.
With the situation in the Ukraine and Syria having blown up in the Nazi/Zionist’s faces, in addition to Vietnam, they are now threatening to attack Nigeria. That is why you see the big manufactured incident of “school girls kidnapped,” by “Boko Haram,” being hyped in the Zionist propaganda. This is to create a cover story for seizing Nigerian oil fields.
Message to Netanyahu and his fellow hardline cabalists: give up, it is over, surrender while you still can. Message to the Jewish people: it will be an eternal source of shame to your people that you allowed such a murderous Nazi psychopath to become your leader. Get rid of him.
US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and US agency types had a more money-centered approach, according to Chinese government sources. In order to get more money to keep the US corporate government going, they offered China the chance to buy large chunks of Japan, including some major media corporations and much of the real estate in Fukushima, they said. The Chinese will get into the power generation business in Fukushima, the sources said.
There was also confirmation from China of something that I have read about and heard about for a long time but was unable to fully accept, and that is the existence of railways capable of travelling 2900 kilometers per hour, or enough to get you from New York or London to Tokyo in three hours. The blogger who goes by the name of Cobra told this writer he had once travelled from New York to London in an hour using an underground hypersonic train. Other sources have told me about a whole underground network of such hypersonic trains inside the US. Apparently it is real. The trick is to create a tunnel with a near vacuum in order to stop air-resistance.
Phil Schneider, engineer-geologist also talked about it in his lectures. He worked for 17 years for the US government on super secret projects and had a security access level 3 (Rhyolite 38). This is the level of access of an FBI agent, who can "open the door with his foot" to everyone, nearly to the President's office.
There were 15 attempts on his life and the last one was finally fatal.
He described unthinkable technologies at the disposal of the US military, which, as he claims, are ahead of anything available to "mortals" by at least 45 years.
In particular, he claimed that there exists a huge network of the underground military bases interconnected with the supersonic speed trains traveling at the speeds described by Fulford, on a magnetic cushion ("maglev" - magnetic levitation). Phil Schneider, as he claims, participated in building of these underground tunnels as engineer-geologist.
He said that there exist the laser based technologies for making the tunnels, cutting the hardest rock like a "hot knife cuts butter", capable of going at the speed of several miles a day.
On his lectures he also demonstrated the metals with melting temperature of above 10,000 degrees, which are impossible to work on using the commonly used technologies. And he also described some of the secret airplane and spaceship technologies used in the "Area 51" secret projects where super-secret airspace technologies are tested.
He also stated that the commonly available Periodic table of elements, known as Mendeleev periodic table, is missing dozens of super-metals that do exist and are available and are used in top-secret military projects.
He also spoke about the incident of meeting the "grays" while exiting the underground escalator at the bottom level while he was working on one of those underground projects. While drilling down, they have hit the underground facility of "grays". When he was exiting via the elevator door, he has seen some horribly looking human-like creatures and reached for his gun. But one of those "grays" pushed a red button on a small box on his chest and huge energy cluster has devastated his chest and belly area, making a crater in his belly area. Someone has managed to pull him into the elevator and they were able to get above the ground. He was miraculously saved but was left with some metal plates on his chest and a belly area. This is quite some information unquestionably worth a careful look and further investigation.
He said quite a few other things in his lectures that are available on the net via torrents. Here is one of them, probably "the best one" out there.
NWO Awareness Bundle (includes video lectures of Phil Schneider)
(Highly recommended. It is impossible to cover all the issues here.)
“It now seems the pentagon was able to get money from China by selling them this technology.
That seems to be why China has suddenly announced plans to link China to the US and Europe with super-fast trains.
Building an international network of hypersonic trains linking the world would create all sorts of new jobs and opportunities and is exactly the sort of win-win approach favoured by the Chinese. It also fits in with proposals put on the table by Leo Wanta and his backers.
Since, according to the American Academy of Sciences, the Pentagon has made over 6000 patents secret for “national security reasons,” it is a pretty good guess many more of these technologies will be made available to the general public over the coming years.
The big question, of course, is if there is free energy technology ready to be introduced.
Comment: these technologies are known as "fuel-less energy generators", and, as some specialists and researchers claim, are ALREADY being manufactured secretly in Turkey (based on Kapanadze generator) and in China, and in the nuclear research facility CERN.
Last week this writer met with the group based in Taiwan and Southern Japan that is trying to build a free energy device based on plans created by Nicola Tesla. So far, there have been a few technical problems, such as power surges and problems with insulation, that prevent commercialization, they reported.
Comment: you may wish to read the following article:
S.A. Sall - Fuel-free energy technologies,
NWO and the future of modern civilization
(Dr. S.A. Sall)
There is also a BTSync (Bittorent Sync) video collection of nearly all of his lectures.
Key (so called "secret"):
BTSync is the "next step" after in the torrents based technology and allows to create the automatically updatable collections of any kind of information, pictures, video and so on. It is a very small, easy to install program and it works in fully automated fashion. All you need is the Key. After that you simply create an empty folder and enter a key, and within minutes that folder will begin filling up, assuming there is at least one seeder in the world who is on-line besides you.
The last version of BTSync is available here:
BTSync detailed manual:
May 13, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
There is lots of chatter in e-mails, blogs, and direct news sources indicating that some sort of take-down of the Zionist/Nazi cabal is under way. At the same time, there are many signs in the so-called mainstream news that the United States corporate government is isolated. “(US Defense Secretary Chuck) Hagel, (US Secretary of State John) Kerry and (former US Secretary of State Condoleezza) Rice have become international pariahs,” is how an MI5 source described the situation.
One clear indication is that German and other non-US newspapers are reporting that Blackwater/Academi/Greystone mercenaries have been murdering people in the Ukraine.
The French, meanwhile, are still building warships for the Russians, despite the big Ukraine Nazi propaganda campaign. This proves the Europeans have completely rejected the latest Nazi scheme to start world war III.
The mathematics of the world power balance are now indisputably in favor of the BRICS alliance. The BRICS alliance now controls 90% of the world’s population and 68% of its GDP, according to the latest World Bank and other data.
With the Europeans now entering the BRICS camp, the United States Zionist authorities have no choice but to surrender.
The main reason for a delay in long anticipated announcements of what is to come next is the lack of a consensus about what will replace the old control grid.
There are intensive ongoing discussions about this going on now and this is what is being said by the various parties.
First of all, the old G7 group made a big move to try to replace the US dollar with the SDR, consisting of a basket of the US dollar, the British Pound, the Euro and the Japanese yen. The move came in the form of an announcement from the IMF that it would loan 10.976 billion SDRs (US$17 billion) to Ukraine.
This announcement was preceded by plenty of feel good talk on various alternative news blogs predicting a “revaluation.” It turns out this was simply a move to suddenly increase the SDR quota by 800% and make the SDR the new world currency by starting with the Ukraine. The move was a failure. The countries that back the SDR account for only 10% of the world’s population and 32% of its GDP (the flip side of this are the BRICS numbers mentioned above).
The data for this comes from a World Bank study of the GDP of different countries based on Purchasing Power Parity (how much you can buy with what you earn), which is widely accepted by economists as a more accurate way to measure the real size of an economy.
Furthermore, the IMF remains a cabal institution with voting power skewed to Zionist controlled states. The United States, for example, controls 16.7% of IMF voting power (enough to give it a veto) compared to 3.6% for China even though the latest World Bank figures show the Chinese economy is now bigger than that of the US.
The IMF also has a dismal track record of forcing countries to impoverish their populations and hand over their resources to international corporations. To put it bluntly, the IMF announcement that they would lend $17 billion to the Ukraine really meant, “We will make a few Ukrainian oligarchs filthy rich in exchange for the right to loot the Ukraine.”
Needless to say the latest cabal gambit has failed. Those IMF SDRs are never going to see the light of day. The Eastern districts of the Ukraine have now voted for independence from the Nazi/Academi regime in Kiev and it is only a matter of time before they become a part of Russia.
So what are the Nazi/Zionists now saying about their historical defeat in the Ukraine? They are threatening to use their “oil weapon” against Russia.
This “oil weapon” it turns out, is the threat to depress world oil prices by selling oil from the US strategic oil reserve. This is a desperate loser’s bluff. The oil reserve only contains enough oil to meet 8 days of world demand. Wasn’t the cabal supposed to control the petro-dollar because it controlled the world oil supply? Apparently no longer because, what this threat really means is that no oil producing countries have agreed to go along with the George Soros/Obama plan to bankrupt Russia by forcing down the price of oil. So the Nazis are down to their tiny oil piggy bank.
The cabal has been defeated and it is now time to start the new financial system. The BRICS are in no hurry to build their alternative because time is on their side. They view the US regime as a dying lion and know that instead of trying to fight it, it is better to wait for nature to take its course. As it does, the BRICS are quietly building up new institutions to fill in the void that will be created by the demise of the cabal financial structures.
A Chinese government source says that something big is going on in China and Korea concerning the financial system but that it was still not clear what. He did say though that the Koreans were still actively lobbying to help some US factions to cash historical bonds. The official has been recalled to Beijing next week so hopefully more details will be available on this subject later this month.
In the meantime, if the United States is to bounce back from its cabal induced defeat, the military and the agencies need to act quickly to overthrow the Nazi regime that completed its power grab there with the 911 false flag attack.
On this end, we are getting several e-mails every day from agency and pentagon sources saying the “arrests have started.” However, there have been so many false alarms and unmet promises that until we actually see it happen, these mails will be interpreted as wishful thinking. Like any bubble, you can be certain the cabal control bubble will burst but you cannot predict exactly when that will happen. The bottom line is that things will only get worse in the US until the military and agencies get the cohones to nationalize the Federal Reserve Board.
In the meantime, the White Dragon Society has put its plan for a peaceful transition to a better world on the table. It calls for a jubilee (a one off cancelling of all debts private and public), a redistribution of assets (again a one off deal involving only assets taken through central bank fraud not assets earned by entrepreneurs), and a revamp of world institutions followed by a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. It also proposes creating a new meritocratically staffed international future planning agency to be one of the institutions that will help make this happen.
May 5, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The big push by the Nazi cabal government in the US to use Ukraine as a means to destroy Russia is blowing up in their faces and is instead leading to the total quarantine of the criminals in Washington D.C.
The Nazi plan is to fan the crisis in the Ukraine as an excuse to start a boycott of the Russian oil industry and thus bankrupt Russia. This plan worked before when the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was used to start a boycott of Soviet oil and thus bankrupt the Soviet Union.
This time, however, the opposite is happening. First of all, British Petroleum (British Monarchy), Shell (Dutch Monarchy), Total (French Rothschilds) and Exxon/Mobil (Rockefeller) are all deeply involved in the Russian oil business. That means the European oligarchy and a large part of the US oil oligarchy too, are not going to go along. Neither will Saudi Arabia or Iran or other major oil producing countries. Their governments have said so repeatedly.
The Germans will not go along with any plans to sanction Russia either because German industry is deeply interconnected with the Russian economy.
So Mr. Bush, it seems you and your Nazi buddies have run out of friends.
Instead, a counter-attack is continuing against all major Bush/Nazi spheres of influence including the Muslim Brotherhood, J.P. Morgan (remember all those bankers falling off roofs?) and the global Bush/CIA drug monopoly.
Perhaps it should come as no surprise then that last week a person claiming to represent “the man who ordered the death of President Kennedy,” came to speak with a member of the White Dragon Society. The talk was complicated and covered much esoteric ground but, basically it was a combination information sharing, veiled threats and offers of cooperation. More about that further down.
There was also an invitation sent out by the Russians for a WDS representative to fly to Moscow for talks in the near future. In preparation for this, WDS affiliated CIA representatives were negotiating with the Russians in Iceland last week. A Chinese communist government agent also hinted that preparations for a big announcement concerning the financial system were being made.
These negotiations concern arcane financial instruments and how to go about cashing them. If all goes well, suddenly vast sums of money will be made available for humanity in a responsible and fair manner.
However, talk of cashing multiple-trillion dollar checks has been going on for years without any visible results so, it may well be that a gradual transition to the new financial system is still the most realistic scenario.
On this front, as has been the case for a long time, there is a lot going on. First of all Russian State owned broadcasters are saying that a new BRICS financial institution aimed at replacing the IMF and World Bank will start operations in July of this year.
Then, while German Chancellor Angela Merkel was visiting Obama in Washington last week, the Frankfurt financial district issued its Chinese Renminbi denominated bond.
The message to the people in Washington and New York could not have been clearer: The German industrial world was making a big move away from the dollar.
US agency sources also confirmed that the Germans and the Obama regime had very different views about NSA spying and US support of Nazis in the Ukraine. The Germans know full well that the troubles in the Ukraine are being caused by mercenary murderers hired by the rogue US regime.
The lies being told by the US government are now so obvious that it is embarrassing to watch Fed actors like Obama and US Secretary of State John Kerry constantly spouting obvious lies. The fact is the entire world now sees the regime in Washington D.C. for what it is: a rogue terrorist regime. Just look at their recent actions: spreading sarin gas in Syria to try to start a world war, hijacking a Malaysian airplane to use for nuclear blackmail and now they are murdering innocent civilians in the Ukraine.
Although a lot of people have already noticed this and written about it, the US corporate governments’ description of April unemployment statistics last week set a new low that George Orwell would have approved of. The government removed 800,000 people who had run out of unemployment benefits before finding a new job from the unemployment statistics. Because of that there was “good news because the “official unemployment rate” fell from 6.7% to 6.3%. Time to goose the stock market again folks. Who do they think they are kidding?
We can tell the end of this regime is near because in recent days US attorney general Eric Holder, Michelle Obama and now former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice have all been forced by popular anger to cancel public appearances. It will not be too much longer before they are, as George Bush Sr. once famously said, “dragged from their houses and hung from the nearest lamp post.”
There have also been several incursions into the US by Mexican troops recently.
This is almost certainly an indication that Latin American governments are willing to ally themselves with the Chinese and Russians and invade the US mainland unless the American people do something about the criminals in Washington D.C.
That is why surrender negotiations are continuing under the surface. As mentioned above, the representative of the “man who ordered the death of President Kennedy,” was trying to cut a deal with the WDS. This, however, is not something within the power of the WDS to pull off. It is going to be the American people who decide what to do with the Bushes and their fellow Nazis.
The representative also provided the WDS with a lot of detailed intelligence about the various factions that operate death squads in Japan. For example, he confirmed that the Dalai Lama, a known Nazi asset, does employ professional killers to do his bidding in Japan.
If the Nazi think they are going to murder themselves out of the hole they are in this time, they are badly mistaken. Too many people know about them now. Also, the major armed groups and gangs in Japan and the rest of Asia no longer work with the Nazis.
The WDS suggests that instead of focusing on murder, the Nazis should purge their ranks of psychopaths and redeem themselves by releasing some of their hidden technology.
On that front, the people who promised to deliver a free energy device to this writer last month said they still had a few technical problems to overcome but that they hoped to be able to demonstrate a working prototype in mid-May. Let us see.
Finally, in a bit of vindication for so-called “conspiracy theorists,” the UK government last week finally admitted their involvement in the sinking of the passenger ship Lusitania. The sinking of the Lusitania by German submarines was one of the main reasons the United States entered into World War I against Germany. Now it turns out the Germans were justified, according to the rules of war, in sinking that ship because it was transporting weapons and ammunition.
Hopefully we will not have to wait 99 years before the truth about secret agency sponsored terror events 911 and 311 etc. is released to the public by the governments involved. Perhaps in time for justice to be had?
April 28, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Barack Obama, spokesperson for the United States of America Corporation, tried and failed to cash some forged “Kennedy bonds” during his trip to Asia last week, according to Japanese royal family sources. The bonds can be seen here:
kennedy bonds-1
If you note, one of the bonds has a picture of the space shuttle on it. It does not take a historical genius to realize there were no space shuttles in existence while Kennedy was alive. The bonds were manufactured using paper from $20 US bills that had all the ink washed off them, according to MI5 sources. Nonetheless, Bill Clinton had previously succeeded in cashing some of these bonds. Not so for Obama this time.
However, Obama was able to extort some pocket change thanks to acts of terror such as the sinking of the South Korean ferry and the electronic hijacking of Malaysia Air flight 370, according to Japanese military intelligence. There are also renewed threats to use weather and earthquake weaponry unless the US corporate government was given more money, the sources said.
This was how a US agency source, who predicted recent terror attacks against Asia in advance, described Chinese reaction: “The Chinese blue army (computer geeks) now have all the banking codes, nuclear launch codes etc. One button and the entire financial system ceases. This means Russia and 9 other nations have these codes as well; it could get interesting.”
Also, there was a meeting last week between a White Dragon Society representative and representatives of a major Asian secret society. The previous head of this society has deceased and a new boss has taken over, the WDS was told. At the meeting the Asian society representatives proposed a joint WDS/Asian society move to make an alliance with the Hollywood/California faction of the US Oligarchy. This is now in the works but do not expect any immediate results. It will manifest itself in the form of major movies etc. starting a year or so from now.
At the meeting, the WDS also strongly suggested that the Asians ally with the BRICS nations and the Europeans ASAP to offer to trade all US dollars held outside of the United States for a new currency.
This offer was taken under consideration. The Asian representatives also said that already all US dollars made before 1990 have been black-listed as part of a move to cut off cabal underground money.
Foreign exchange tellers Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Bank confirmed this. Bills with a date from before 1990 are mostly CIA forgeries, the sources said.
There were also lots of long emergency meetings in Washington last week involving IMF head Christine Lagarde and US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew about Russian insistence on being paid in Euros for oil but, these meetings were not able to resolve anything, according to pentagon sources.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has suggested that the way to end the financial crisis would be to kill all members of the Rothschild family, according to CIA sources. That is why the Rothschilds are now either in hiding or long missing as is the case with Nathaniel Rothschild.
It is unlikely, however, that killing the Rothschilds will solve the financial crisis. The Rothschilds are merely high level middle-men. The problem is clearly centered now on Washington D.C. and the Federal Reserve Boards’ United States of America corporate subsidiary. The Feds are still stubbornly using mercenary armies to try to start world war 3 in the Ukraine. Fortunately, the European governments are not going along with this scheme. Neither is the pentagon. Even the Israelis have distanced themselves from the ongoing operation in the Ukraine.
What we are dealing with is the Nazi faction of the CIA headed by the Bushes, the Rockefellers, the Clintons, George Soros and their buddies. Obama is their spokesperson. He is also the person who forensic evidence shows is blocking all attempts to start up a new financial system.
It is true that the pentagon white hats support Obama because, in their words: “he prevented World War 3 from starting in Syria.” However, the agency white hats need to realize they were given a false choice in the last election between Mitt Romney and world war 3 or Obama and no change.
There is a third option and that is to march into Washington, arrest all the criminals, and set up an interim government headed by the joint chiefs of staff to preside over the restoration of the Republic of the United States of America with an up-dated constitution. A new election process could then be put into place to ensure that money is never again allowed to hijack the political system. As a recent opinion poll revealed, only 4% of Americans think replacing everybody in Congress is a bad idea.
If the US regime clings to Obama and the status quo, the ongoing slow economic strangulation of the United States will continue until there is revolution and chaos. This is a mathematical certainty. It can only be prevented by an orderly transition.
Outside of the United States, the isolation of the cabal rogue regime in Washington is now impossible to ignore or deny. Last week’s example of this was that, while Obama was touring Asia to promote a policy of surrounding China with hostile states, China was holding joint military exercises with eight neighbouring countries including India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan and Singapore.
China, ASEAN and India also came to an agreement last week to solve all remaining territorial disputes over Islands etc. in a peaceful manner.
So much for the big US regime’s plan to stir up island troubles in order to isolate China.
The entire planet is sick and tired of the cabal mindset of starting wars, stealing resources, spreading disease, constantly lying and generally making life miserable for everybody.
Here is an example of how deep the cabal wormhole goes. For a long time, several different people have been e-mailing me information that Michelle Obama was born as Michael Ramsey. Ramsey, they say, played for the Oregon State Beavers from 1981 to 1983. The number on his shirt was 44.
Later, he changed sexes and became Michelle Ramsey who went on to marry Barack Obama and adopt two children with him. Obama went on to become the 44th president. The photo of Michelle as Michael could be a Photoshop smear job but, even if it is so, somebody in the agencies is pushing very hard for this story to get out. They are also putting out the story that Barack and Michelle are going to get a divorce.
Whatever the case may be, this is yet another sign there are some seriously dysfunctional things going on within the military industrial complex.
The Asians and the rest of the world are willing to finance the US military industrial complex through a transition to world peace. They understand that feeding and taming a wild dog is a far better strategy than fighting against one.
April 22, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Barack Obama crazy eyes
It is now clear that the cabal that has ruled the West is in disarray and is unable to act despite a very real surrender deadline given to them. The European power brokers like the Pope and the Queen support world peace and a campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. However, Rockefeller, Bush and the other American oligarchs are acting like deer frozen in the headlights, unable or unwilling to take action. The same can be said of the heads of the Pentagon and the agencies.
Let there be no doubt about it, the United States of America has degenerated into a rogue nation ruled by Satan worshipping gangsters and is the black hole from which most of the world’s misery emerges.
Removing the public face of the US oligarchy, Barack Hussein Obama, raises the question of “what do you replace him with?” If the heads of the military industrial complex do not act with a unified plan, the answer is likely to be chaos, turmoil and possibly even civil war in the US.
The best hope now lies with the State governments who now have the required two-thirds support to demand a conference to rewrite the constitution of the United States of America.
That conference could be used as the means to set up an interim government with the power to clean out the filth that festers in Washington D.C.
Also, talks with various factions within the US military industrial complex reveal a surprising amount of agreement on key issues. The problem seems to be one of egos and rival institutions vying for power rather than disagreement over what needs to be done.
Here are some of the main points everybody agrees on:
1) There should be a jubilee; a once off write-off of all debts public and private. That is a no-brainer that would immediately end the ongoing US depression.
2) There needs to be a redistribution of assets. Most of the fortune 500 companies are controlled by the seven families that founded the Federal Reserve Board. The concentrated ownership is hidden by foundations and obscure accounting. These families mostly did not create the companies they own, rather they acquired them through murder and theft. These assets need to be either redistributed or put into a public fund and managed on behalf of the American people.
3) The Congress, the Senate, the Supreme Court and the White House in Washington D.C. are nothing more than a heavily bribed acting troop and need to be replaced. The umbilical cord of linking money and politics needs to be severed.
4) Once Washington is cleaned up, the government needs to start issuing money instead of the privately owned Federal Reserve Board.
5) The media monopolies need to be broken up and the American people need to be told their true history.
This is the broad consensus that can be found inside the United States, especially inside the military and the agencies as well as within most state governments. The United States is ready to once again become and independent nation.
Seen from outside of the United States, however, a very different picture emerges. First of all, while Europeans and Americans constitute about one fifth the world’s population, they control four out of the five vetoes at the United Nations Security Council. This means the UN is still a European instrument of colonial control. That has to change.
The other thing that has to change is the global financial architecture. If the Republic of the United States of America is restored and issues its own currency, then a new institution needs to be set up to manage the internationally held and traded US dollars.
The World Bank and the IMF are not up to the job and there is no sign whatsoever that the Europeans and Americans will give up their control of these institutions. Even the reformed voting structure planned for the IMF (and blocked by the US as mentioned last week) would leave Europeans in charge.
For that reason there are negotiations going on to set up an entirely new institution that would make the IMF and World Bank largely irrelevant. This is not going to happen overnight because new systems and computer networks need to be set up independent of the US dominated and thoroughly hacked SWIFT international payments system. Here the Europeans, Russians, the Middle Eastern oil exporters and the Chinese are in broad agreement. It will take a couple of years to build up, however, so do not expect a sudden change on this front. Nonetheless, the first big step, for Europe to pay for Russian gas in Euros instead of US dollars, is already in the works.
That will leave the US corporate government headed by Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) extremely isolated.
Perhaps that is why Obama is vising US Asian colonies of Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Malaysia this week to try to extort some money to keep the US corporate government from collapsing.
The Japanese police agency sent somebody to visit the WDS to ask about the Obama visit. He was told the police should arrest Obama on charges of mass murder and fraud as soon as he stepped foot in the country. He was also told that slave Prime Minister Abe should also be arrested for election stealing and accepting foreign bribes to betray his country. The US agencies and military based in Japan would be the heroes of the human race if they agreed to help the Japanese police to make the arrests.
If the Japanese and US 7th fleet lack the courage to make this move then perhaps the Malaysians will do it.
Arresting Obama would be the trigger that would bring about world peace and vastly accelerate the positive changes taking place on this planet. However, it is probably wishful thinking.
Instead, according to an Asian based CIA source, Abe and Obama are going to preside over some provocations and incidents aimed at ratcheting up tension in East Asia. “Obama wants to start a Ukraine like situation in the region,” was how he put it.
Speaking about the Ukraine, the P2 lodge sent this writer a video clip of a Police Chief being beheaded in Eastern Ukraine. This is the same satanic mercenary army that has been carrying out atrocities in Iraq and Syria. Rest assured, these scum are being systematically hunted down and slaughtered.
The CIA chief visited Ukraine recently because 20 of his “Greystone” (Blackwater, Xi, Academi) murderers have recently vanished. They will continue to “vanish” until these criminals are all gone.
There is also evidence that some sort of major counter-attack against the cabal has begun in Asia. The ongoing swarm of earthquakes hitting New Guinea are taking place in an area known to host a Nazi submarine base.
Also, in China, over 1000 officials linked to the cabal have been executed since Xi Jinping came into power, according to a Chinese government official.
Finally, to conclude, Japanese TV was set to broadcast a 911 truth documentary during prime time while Obama was visiting the country. However, the producers were told “the time was not yet ripe.”
We are to hold our fire until we can see the whites of their eyes. There is no sense in going off half-cocked. When the White Dragon moves, it must be absolute and overwhelming.
April 14, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The criminal cabal that hijacked the Republic of the United States of America and turned it into a global pariah have been cornered to a point where they must either surrender or die. This is becoming obvious on many levels. For example, last week even the member nations of the globalist International Monetary Fund lined up 187 to 1 against the United States in an effort to get them to relinquish their veto control of that institution.
Even more troubling for the families that control the Federal Reserve Board has been the massive ongoing attack on their petrodollar. In particular, the situation in the Ukraine is turning into a historical cabal defeat.
President Vladimir Putin of Russia has begun insisting that Europe and the Ukraine pay for their supplies of Russian gas with something other than US dollars. The Europeans have little choice but to agree to this, thus sealing the fate of the petrodollar.
US Corporate Government President Barack Obama, working under orders from puppet masters like George Soros, tried convincing the Middle Eastern oil producing countries to drive down the price of oil and bankrupt Russia but was rebuffed.
Obama then turned around and went to the Chinese where, according to Chinese government sources, he offered to hand over to China control over all of South East Asia and Japan if China agreed to use the People’s Liberation Army to put pressure on Russia. The Chinese, however, are fully aware that Obama represents the same regime that tried to kill most of China’s population with ethnically targeted bio-weapons a few years ago and thus will not make a deal with them against Russia.
The Chinese however, are insisting that the United Nations move its headquarters to Asia and reform its security council so that it more accurately represents the population of the planet earth. They are also coming to the conclusion that the cabal has no intention of handing over control of the World Bank or the IMF so they are preparing to set up a new institution that will have far more funds available to it than both the World Bank and the IMF combined.
The Europeans, for their part, have begun supplying Tesla free energy technology to countries that do not have their own oil and gas resources, like India and Japan, as part of their move against the petrodollar. They want to make sure that there is an option other than a China/Russia or China/US petrocurrency for these countries.
It is in this context that Obama is coming to Japan later this month where no doubt he will ask the Abe slave government to help it attack China and Russia, something that will not happen because neither the Japanese military nor the Pentagon forces in Asia are about to go along with such a plan.
Few can forget the fact that Obama represents a widely hated pariah regime. Let us review exactly what sort of regime Obama represents by looking at its activities over the recent past. First of all, this regime remotely hijacked Malaysian airlines flight 370 and flew it, via Diego Garcia Island and Israel to Florida, where it was loaded with a nuclear weapon. This plane was then flown towards Holland where it was used as a threat against world leaders gathered there for a “nuclear terror summit.” The plane was stopped by the Dutch air-force and, the only thing this stunt accomplished, was further alienate the Europeans from the US corporate government.
After his threats failed, Obama asked both Iran and Saudi Arabia (as mentioned above) to help drive the price of oil down and bankrupt Russia. The Saudis, who would face revolution overnight if they ran out of money to bribe their population, are not in a position to drive the price of oil down. Furthermore, they feel betrayed by the Obama in places like Syria and have already publicly announced they are no longer a Federal Reserve Board client state.
The Iranians, who know full well the Feds have been trying to nuke them or bankrupt them for years, also refused to play ball.
Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has also decided to stop supporting the Nazi linked Muslim Brotherhood and is said to regret his past moves to support them in Syria and elsewhere.
It was in this dire context that last week representatives of the Rockefeller and Bush families had negotiations with a representative of the White Dragon Society. The Bush representative, a senior manager of the Carlyle Hedge Fund who personally knows George Bush Sr., tried to convince the WDS that “Bush was really not that smart or powerful.” He also said that the perhaps the ultra-rich should flaunt their wealth less.
The Rockefeller representative cited all the recent progress in computer technology, such as smart-phones with GPS and super-high resolution TV screens as proof the US cabal was doing a good job.
The Rockefeller representative was told that although these were nice things, they were a far cry from the future of inter-planetary travel we had all expected to have been fully underway during the 21st century. In other words, it is clear the planet earth is under quarantine because of the criminal mass murdering cabal that controls the US government.
The Bush representative was shown a hand-written note demanding that corporate media in the US start broad-casting the truth about 911 and 311 before the end of this month and that all funds stolen by the cabalists be returned to their rightful owners.
The rest of the contents of the note are not known but it goes without saying that a lot of powerful people have run out of patience and are demanding an end to Nazi trouble-making around the world.
The WDS is being inundated with demands that these criminals be rounded up and put in prison, if not killed outright, ASAP. They are proven mass murderers and any member of the CIA or Pentagon or other agencies who is in a position to do something about these scum must either act or it is guaranteed they will sooner or later be jailed as accomplices.
These people include George Bush Sr. and Jr. and their immediate family, Donald Rumsfeld, Michael Chertoff, Frank Carlucci, James Baker, Michael Hayden, General Richard Myers, Benjamin Netanyahu, etc. The Blood Moon demands either justice or retribution.
April 8, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
High level cabalists have begun killing and threatening each other in a sign that their unified centralized control grid is falling apart. The recent shooting at Ft. Hood was an attack against George Bush Sr. and other members of the Bush clan, according to Rothschild and Rockefeller family sources. However, it is not clear if the attack was successful because of a total information black-out following the incident. The death of a CIA agent last week is also believed to have been part of an anti-Bush/Nazi campaign now underway.
Then last week a photograph of a T-shirt with the number 44 written on it being held in front of President Obama was widely publicized.
Obama - 44
The number 44 symbolizes death in many Asian languages and the T-shirt incident appears to have been to remind Obama that he needed to stop blocking the new financial system.
Also, the murder of former ABN Ambro Bank CEO Jan Peter Shmittmann, his wife and his daughter was part of an ongoing Rothschild plan to eliminate any people who would testify against them, according to CIA sources. The list contains 250 names, including 50 bankers, the sources said. The Rothschilds also believe the Rockefeller family is about to be rounded up and jailed.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, for his part, thinks the entire Rothschild family needs to be killed in order to end the ongoing financial crisis. The Slavic nations are particularly bitter about the destruction of Yugoslavia and the theft of its mineral resources, which they blame on the Rothschilds. They see the recent shenanigans in the Ukraine as yet another Rothschild resource theft.
The thing is, if Rothschilds would smell such a thing, and they would certainly have all sorts of ways of smelling out things like these, they would certainly realize that to eliminate them by such a level of people like Putin does not represent any particular technical difficulties, at least unsurmountable, even though there are some details to be taken care of. And what choice would they have in such a situation if not to eliminate Putin himself and with the hands of his own security guards as how this kind of thing is usually done, and transferring some impressive sum of money to their accounts from one of the banks owned by Rothschilds?
And then the question arises: from WHAT sources did Benya receive such an explosive information and what kind of a fool would even hear such a thing from the Putin's mouth? Did Putin make a personal call to Benya to inform him of such a plan? For what, if he could simply do it without even saying a word about it to anyone besides those, who would be personally involved in such an operation?
Secondly, what Benya says here does make sense and it is quite probable and realistically effective scenario for solving the problem, be it economic crisis or any other crisis these satanists will inevitably foment. Because that is about the only way to stop these satanists Rothschilds and others from the "banking mafia".
Absolutely the same thing was done with the bloodline of Romanoffs in form or ritual sacrifice of Tsar Nickolas II and his entire bloodline. The only way to stop the "ruling" families from continuing is elimination of their entire bloodline.
Otherwise, even if you eliminate the head of the clan, then his offspring will inevitably continue his work, but in complete secrecy. Because they simply can not possibly stop since, for example with Rothschilds, they gave an oath to Lucifer himself and will continue to the end, regardless of how fatal it may turn out to be to themselves.
Because they are slaves and they made a deal by selling their souls for material "goods" and stuffing their bellies, like beasts. What is awaiting them, in any case, is annihilation, even though they were promised the rule over the whole world.]The Russians are now occupying Eastern Ukraine and have offered the Western portion to Poland in a sign they are no longer going along with the cabal controlled group of sock puppets known as the United Nations.
Since all the major players are now pointing fingers at each other, perhaps this is a good time to review the forensic trail followed by the White Dragon Society agents to try to find out who was behind the plan to “save the environment” by killing 90% of humanity.
The first suspect was David Rockefeller because he sat at the top of well-known globalist institutions like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission.
However, Rockefeller’s people said they were not the problem but rather it was George Bush Sr. and his Nazi faction that were the true bad guys.
The Nazis, for their part, said they were allied with the Gnostic Illuminati and said they were opposed to bloodline rule. They believed it was the Rothschild/Saxe Gotha bloodline that was the problem.
The Rothschilds then came out and said they were junior sub-contractors and that the real center of the Cabal was the P2 Freemason lodge in Italy.
A visit to the P2 lodges in Rome and Milan by this writer revealed that they considered themselves to be the descendants of the Caesars and that they were given a mission by extra-terrestrial beings 26,000 years ago to manage history according to an astrology based script. They said their god was the black sun, an alien being living the gamma rays that can control human minds. Their other name for it was Lucifer.
This is probably a myth but, the forensic and historic trail does clearly indicate there has been a 2000 year old plan by the descendants of the Roman Empire to create a single, centralized, fascist world government known as the New World Order.
The P2 said there was a faction in their group that was behind the plan to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest in order to create thousand year Reich. This group was subsequently purged, which is the real reason why Pope maledict resigned to make way for Pope Francis.
Now that their plan is falling apart we are seeing a situation like that at the fall of the Soviet Union when all sorts of long held secrets started coming out. In this case, the P2 are making public details of how they created Christianity and Islam as propaganda tools in their long war against the Jews.
The latest revelations about Islam were sent to this writer in a PDF file which we will try to attach to this week’s newsletter. The part about Islam and the Vatican training of Muhammad starts on page 26 [see link at the end of this report.].
More details on the people who wrote the New Testament was also published here:
It is probable that they based Jesus on a popular Jewish rebel leader they had executed and renamed Isis as Mary and the Sun god as Jesus.
These revelations are coming at a time when many top Western leaders are visiting the new Pope. President Putin of Russia and Obama of the United States of America Corporation were followed last week by Queen Elizabeth.
The Queen was 20 minutes late for her meeting with the pope because her talks with the President of Italy ran overtime. It is a good guess they were discussing financial matters but no inside information from this meeting has leaked so far. In the meeting between Elizabeth and the Pope, the Pope gave an orb (symbol of power) of lapis lazuli (symbolic of wealth). The Queen gave the pope beer, eggs and whisky probably in recognition that having sworn an oath of poverty, he would have refused more lavish gifts.
Since the P2 are very into Astrology, we must now wait and see if the upcoming blood moon on April 15th will coincide with any big announcements.
If not, then pressure on the cabal is going to be increased to an entirely new level with an unprecedented attack on the petro-dollar.
Members of the group known as Cobra resistance went to Taiwan recently after visiting a WDS representative in Tokyo. Last week they contacted this writer via skype and showed a video of Taiwanese mass production of free energy devices [known as fuel-less energy generators (see lectures of S.A. Sall)]. They said they were now being manufactured by over 20,000 different groups, more than oil company men in black could deal with.
S.A. Sall - Fuel-free energy technologies
They promised to deliver one to this writer before the end of this month. If it runs my home electrical appliances as promised, then I will take it to all the big Japanese manufacturing firms for mass production.
IF this is really true then it would be a total paradigm changer for the world economy and would definitely doom the petrodollar.
The Russians and Iranians are also attacking the petro-dollar with an announced plan to start selling their oil using a barter system that will by-pass the dollar.
In China as well, the money trail is being investigated very thoroughly and all officials found to have been corrupted by Fed money are being removed.
Mohamed was a creation of the vatican
Taken from:
The Authorship of The New Testament Books – FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS (Calpurnius Piso)
First of all, it was written by "us, Jews", which discredits it right from the start, especially if you consider it in the context of Kabbalah, or, more precisely, Satanism, which it in fact is with all its ritual ecstasy of entering into a contact with Lucifer himself, just as they themselves claim.
Regardless of how it is in reality, what you have in this document is nothing more than cabbalistic arguments, which, even in principle, can not be considered as facts, because in order to establish the facts, it would be necessary to examine the original hand written documents and to conduct a study on their authenticity and not merely accept some cabbalistic interpretations on their face value, concocted some hundred years ago.
The thing is, the New Testament contains the Truths of such a caliber that it is highly doubtful, if not outright impossible, that any mortal could simply invent such profound things, even though true - no hard evidence exists. For example, John 8:44 represents the deepest level of understanding and awareness of the nature of evil as such, which no mortal could have even conceived in all its depth, and truthfulness of which is beginning to be seen and realized in its fullness only in our days, when mountains of information, suppressed throughout centuries, began to float up to the surface again.
Furthermore, the analogy of relation of a wine to its roots, as analogy of relationship of man to "Father" - The One, remains incomprehensible even to vast majority of Christians themselves to this day. Upon study and realization of meaning, those "who have eyes - WILL see". And they will see the Truth itself, which is incomprehensible by the mind of mortal writer, however "great" he were considered to be.
You'd have to study these subjects much deeper to make your own opinion on authenticity of any of it. Because you are dealing with the issues of evil of most profound level, and on that level, lies, fabrications and perversions are something "natural" because to them there is no such a thing as Truth, it is all a matter of "gain".
For example, the constant mentioning of of mythical "holocaust", "poor and, for some strange reason, ever 'persecuted' Jew and constant use of numerology are the self-evident indications of a cabbalist hand which calls itself the "inner circle", which, by itself, is an indication of deep psychiatric symptoms known as megalomania.]Source:
March 31, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
In a sign we are living in historic times, high level insiders have begun claiming that Jesus Christ was a fictitious character and that the Qu’ran was written by Vatican propaganda experts. This is evidence the 2000 year old Roman plan to create a unified, mono-cultural fascist world government is unravelling and that, as a result, ancient secrets are pouring out. The details of the new revelations can be seen at the end of the article.
Meanwhile nuclear and earthquake terror threats are being made by the US military industrial complex, Russia, Israel, the gnostic Illuminati, the North Koreans and others as a back-drop to negotiations aimed at forming a world federation of free states and sovereign humans.
During the last week the Russians, the gnostic Illuminati, the federation of world martial arts societies, the British, the North Koreans and others have contacted the White Dragon Society to offer support for its plan to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
Also last week, a man claiming to represent “Russian television” sent a reporter to record a planned one hour special documentary about the White Dragon Society. The individual failed to offer any proof he represented Russian television but nonetheless, he was shown proof the WDS had the capability, if necessary, to raise a 200 million person army against the cabal.
The cabal, through the P2 freemason lodge, also contacted the WDS last week to say that President Vladimir Putin of Russia had agreed to participate in the planned world federation but only on the condition that President Barack Obama revealed to the world “final proof” of what the US government knows about aliens.
The WDS was also asked many detailed questions by the man from “Russian television” about esoteric topics. One was the question of US what happened to the US underground bases. What the WDS knows from its direct intelligence sources is that the bases were shut off from the surface of the planet around 2011. Also, horrific human experiments and humans being kept in cages were discovered by the white hats who took over the underground bases before shutting off their surface entrances. The entrances were shut to ensure senior cabalists would have no shelter in the event they tried to carry out their plan to destroy 90% of humanity.
Also, the WDS told them the man going by the name Cobra claimed to have ridden a supersonic underground train from London to New York before the bases were shut down. This corroborates extensive written records about these underground train networks. The Russians were also told the WDS had been shown photographs of underground wheat fields.
In addition, the WDS explained that members of the Majestic 12 or MJ12 group set up by President Eisenhower to deal with alien contacts came to the conclusion it was dealing with a rogue artificial intelligence that was able to override and control some human minds, especially those of top government officials. The P2 claim this is the “black sun” and that it resides in the gamma ray spectrum.
The “Russian TV” man was also introduced to Chodoin Daikaku. Daikaku is the head of a world federation of seven martial arts groups including Karate, Judo and Aikido. Together they have dojos in 190 countries and have representatives at all levels of the world’s armed forces. He was also shown evidence of WDS alliance with Asian secret societies such as the Red and Blue and the Dragon family.
These groups support the WDS aims of creating a world federation for peace followed by a campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. As mentioned above, in combination with the Western secret societies such as the Freemasons and the Gnostic Illuminati, the groups have the potential, if necessary, to raise an army at least 200 million strong.
As negotiations for world peace continue, so does saber rattling continue from all sorts of places. The Gnostic Illuminati have also threatened to destroy “the Jewish square mile” of London as well as Jerusalem and New York “this week” if the cabal did not surrender control of the dollar based financial system.
The Israelis for their part have shut all their embassies worldwide, as reported last week, and now we are being told by people like Gordon Duff that each of those embassies contains a nuclear weapon.
The North Koreans, to add their bit, have publicly threatened to set off a “new type of nuclear bomb.” They are also talking about forcing unification with the South.
The folk who warned in advance of the Malaysian airline incident and the trouble in the Ukraine (presumably the military industrial complex) have also issued a fresh, dire warning that: “the next operation will be in Moldovia, in Belarus and then to kill Obama April 16th and nuke a US city.”
There is also plenty of talk of earthquake weapons being deployed against Japan, California,Yellowstone National Park (with its giant sleeping volcano) against La Palma (to set off a tsunami) etc.
All of this talk is from WDS primary sources and is corroborated by plenty of stuff being posted on the net.
With these threats as a backdrop, various groups continue to jockey for control of the financial system. The latest maneuver came last week when a cabal agent approached the WDS to say they were going to hand over trillions of dollars in bonds to President Obama when he visits Japan in April as well as to the Keshe Foundation and the Cobra resistance.
He was told that whatever secret group he represented did not have the right to create trillions of dollars out of nothing, even if they were suddenly trying to do nice things. The WDS believes right to issue currency, and thus the right to decide the future of the planet, belongs to humanity as a whole and not some secret self-appointed group of gangsters.
Once humanity is liberated from Babylonian style debt slavery and global fascism then groups like Cobra and Keshe will be generously financed provided they are genuine.
It is under such circumstances that high level cabal insiders are now starting to reveal what they claim to be deep dark secrets of monotheism.
For example, high level members of the P2 lodge that has controlled the Vatican until now claim that Jesus Christ was a fictitious character created for the purposes of government, which is Latin for controlling (govern) minds (ments).
The claims that the Qu’ran was written by the Vatican are being made in a legal deposition presented to a court in London by the lawyer Michael Shrimpton. Here is the text of the claim:
20. The Defendant also correctly appreciated that Osama bin Laden was not personally religious, i.e. that his public image was a front. In coming to that conclusion he was informed by his knowledge, gained in part through high-level direct and indirect Saudi contacts, including the late H.E. Prince Mohammed, Governor of the Eastern Province, who before his assassination supported the Customer Buy-Out bid for Rolls-Royce and Bentley Motors co-ordinated by the Defendant in 1997/1998, without wishing to give offence to any Muslim, that Islam was a fraudulent religion.
That is because the Koran was not dictated by God, as Islamic theologians proclaim, but by a series of theologians at the Vatican, hence the original being in Latin and the requirement for early Islamic scholars to speak Latin.
The Defendant also understood that the first author of the Koran died before the work could be completed, explaining the differences between the earlier and later chapters. That in turn helps explain the deep division between Sufi and Salafist Muslims, which in turn has a bearing on understanding Islamo-fascist terrorist organisations such as al Qaeda.
Understanding that bin Laden only wore religious dress when on public view (e.g. when recording propaganda videos) helped in tracking him. This analysis was of interest inter alia to the NSA and FBI, which may help explain why the illegally seized material included a name in the Arabian Peninsula intelligence section of the FBI.
Such claims are shocking many in the monotheistic world. However, they can also be dismissed as part of the long planned New World Order campaign to pave the way for a new age world religion.
March 25, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
There has been hectic activity both on and below the surface this past week as negotiations on how to upgrade the worlds’ economic and political structures enter the final stretch. Under the surface, the Chinese, the gnostic illuminati, the British, the Europeans, the Military Industrial Complex and others have been in touch with the White Dragon Society to outline where they have drawn lines in the sand.
On the surface, the Israeli government has ordered all of its embassies shut down, there is an ongoing attempt to start a new cold war and the UN has been making veiled threats of unleashing nuclear terror.
Under the surface, the same group that predicted in advance the events in the Ukraine and a US military move against China (the missing Malaysian plane) told the WDS the next moves will be “false flag incidents in Malaysia and Indonesia followed by the shutting down of 12 US electric grids and a renewed attempt to start World War III.” This can be seen as a sort of table pounding tactic aimed at affecting the ongoing negotiations.
On a more positive note, a representative of a group calling itself “Cobra resistance,” met with the WDS in Tokyo to negotiate an alliance between Europe and Asia.
This coincides with the ongoing visit to Europe by Chinese president Xi Jinping where he is meeting with the G7 heads of state and with senior members of the committee of 300.
One of the proposals on the table calls for replacing the 5 permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, the United States, Russia, France, England and China with a council of eight. The councilors or elders would represent Africa, America (North and South), China, East Asia excluding China, Europe (including Russia), India, the Islamic world and global first nations. Under this proposal each area would have a veto over anything that affects their own region.
Although the details remain to be settled, there appears to be no major objections to the broad outlines of this proposal. There is also a lot of support for replacing a flawed democracy featuring brainwashed voters, media manipulation, bribes and electoral theft with meritocracy combined with genuine real time democracy.
The issue of what to do about the Federal Reserve Board and the European central banking remains the biggest bone of contention.
Here there is a broad agreement that the internationally traded US dollar needs to become a separate currency from any new Treasury bill issued by the Republic of the United States of America. This would allow the Republic to invest almost unlimited amounts of government money inside the United States without devaluing the internationally held US dollars. It would also allow the US physical economy to be competitive again. The only people objecting to this, of course, are the families that own the current US dollar regime who would rather continue as they are and wait for American living standards to fall to third world levels.
Regardless of what happens with the US, the WDS pointed out to the European representative that the Europeans could independently issue their own government currency, backed by the material economy of Europe, without any need to rely on Asian gold. It was also explained to them that government money was a far better alternative than privately owned European Central Bank debt notes called “Euros.”
Once the European and North American peoples are freed from Babylonian style debt slavery, they will experience a renaissance unlike any the world has seen before.
The Asians, with all their gold, will of course be in a position to invest generously and gain influence around world, regardless of whether or not the Europeans and Americans issue their own independent regional currencies.
Meanwhile, as a back drop to these discussions, ominous occult messages and threats are being sent out by the dying cabal. As mentioned at the top, the Israelis have shut down all their embassies and their ambassadors and top staff have gone to underground shelters.
This message also arrived from a source that has the ability to hack my mobile phone: “The upcoming UN broadcast discusses destruction by fire, the cleansing of the Earth and Lucifer’s coming teacher.” The date for this was put as somewhere between April 14th and April 21st.
The “Cobra” representative said he had independently heard the same date mentioned and said it has significant occult Astrological meaning. However, he said that if enough people were able to think positively instead of negatively about the event it would become a good thing instead of another mass casualty event.
In any case, since the world’s largest military organizations do not support the cabalists it is believed their threats are now mostly empty. According to the P2 lodge, even president Obama is no longer siding with the cabalists and the problem was restricted to a few Washington, New York and Israel based Satan worshipping gangsters. These people will not be around much longer and many have already vanished.
As mentioned above, Chinese President Xi Jinping is now in Holland as part of a mostly Northern European tour. He will meet with Barack Obama and the heads of the G7 there. While Obama and Xi are in Europe, Obama’s wife, mother in law and daughters are in China. Although everybody is too polite to say so, it seems to be they are there as hostages to ensure President Xi’s safety while in Europe.
Obama will also be meeting with the pope as well as organizing a meeting between Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and president Park Gyeun-hye of South Korea no doubt to discuss North Korea’s push to reunify the Korean peninsula.
The other ongoing push is to create a moderate Islamic Caliphate and to end the attempt by the Zionist/Nazis to start a war between radical Muslim brotherhood regimes and Christian countries. The latest move here has been the announcement by Egypt that it will execute 529 members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
The brotherhood is also being purged from Syria, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other countries in the region. Moderate Islam has finally had enough and is fighting back.
The interesting point about most of the links in this story, especially about the radical changes in the Middle East, is that they originate with UK based media companies. The American corporate propaganda media is trying to pretend this is not happening. This is a clear indication England has broken free from cabal control.
In any case, in addition to the meeting with the European representative, the WDS will be meeting Chinese, Russian, North Korean and Gnostic Illuminati representatives this week as part of an ongoing effort to ensure that global harmony will soon replace global debt slavery.
Source: http://blogdogcicle.blogspot.com/2014/03/benjamin-fulford-march-25-2014-talks-on.html
March 17, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The high level brinkmanship surrounding the imminent collapse of the petro-dollar and the cabal behind it reached new levels in the past week, culminating with a BRICS ultimatum that “Oil, gas, food and other resources would cease being imported into both the US and NATO,” unless they backed off on their Ukraine offensive, according to a Russian government source.
There were also threats made to shut down the US electricity grid with an Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon, as reported by Dick Cheney, or direct attacks on vulnerable parts of the grid, threatened by militia forces, unless the cabal backs down.
The cabal controlled military elements counter-acted with threats to release bio-weapons, shut down world air-traffic and otherwise cause trouble.
At that point, to prevent a spiral that would knock civilization out of kilter, cooler heads prevailed and attempts to reach a compromise over control of the petro-dollar and Euro systems are now being made, according to sources directly involved in the negotiations.
The rapidly evolving situation in the Ukraine, the threat of war on Qatar by Saudi Arabia as well as the vanished Malaysian airliner, as well as many other incidents, are all linked to these negotiations, multiple sources agree.
In the case of the Ukraine, a United Nations Approved international treaty signed by Russia, the US and NATO stipulates that if any country violates the sovereignty of the Ukraine, then UN member countries are obliged to cease all trade with the violating countries. Since the Russians have incontrovertible evidence the legitimate Ukrainan government was overthrown by mercenaries financed by the privately owned Federal Reserve Board, their United States of America Corporation subsidiary and NATO members, all of these countries would be subject to a total trade embargo.
The attempts by the cabal controlled media and cabal slave governments to brand Russia as the aggressor in this situation are not fooling anybody.
In any case, even as the cabal controlled corporate propaganda media tries to distract everybody with lies over the situation in the Ukraine, as well as speculating endlessly about the missing Malaysian airliner, they are totally ignoring the defection from the cabal by the Gulf oil countries led by Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other gulf countries are threatening to cut off all trade with Qatar and possibly declare war unless that country shuts down Al Jazeera and kicks out cabal fronts like the Rand Corporation and the Brookings Institute. The only major Western corporate media outlet to report this huge development, as far as this writer can tell, has been Agence France Press or AFP.
The Rand Corporation is the same bunch of psychopaths who proposed a “war with a medium sized country like Japan or Brazil” as a way to revive the US economy. The earthquake that hit Christchurch New Zealand several years ago came immediately after Thad Allen of the Rand Corporation and about a dozen congressmen asked for the South Island of New Zealand to be used as a home for 1 million Satanic cabal members and were turned down. Qatar is also where the cabal bases many of its murder by drone operations.
The Saudi move came during the visit to China last week by the Saudi crown prince and means that the cabal can now be cut off access to both Russian and Middle Eastern oil. That is why the United States opened its’ strategic oil reserves last week. These reserves can keep the US going at current consumption rates without oil imports for 58 days.
The other very telling sign that it is not business as usual for the cabal is the refusal of the UK government to participate in any form of sanctions against Russia. The Germans are also ruling out sanctions even as they stamp their feet and make a bit of noise.
The Russians, for their part, have already evacuated their funds from cabal controlled financial institutions. In addition to this, they are kicking cabal linked businessmen out of Russia and confiscating their assets.
The Chinese, for their part, allowed the Renminbi to fall more than 1% on Monday in a signal to the cabal that they will not tolerate a unilateral attempt by them to devalue the US dollar.
This means that the Federal Reserve Board regime in Washington D.C. and their sister institution the European Central Bank are now being isolated from the global community.
The talk by the cabal side about offering IMF funding to the Ukraine is meaningless because the IMF has no money. Ditto the revived talk about reviving Special Drawing Rights as an alternative to the US dollar.
Obviously nobody is going to accept any such role for the IMF unless voting rights are redrawn in line with global economic and demographic reality. In other words, unless the Europeans and Americans lose the control they now have of over 50% of the votes in that institution as well as in the World Bank.
The same is true of the United Nations. If they lose that majority control they will no longer be able to fund many of their secret projects and mercenary armies.
The cabalists are terrified of losing that control because it means a loss of power over the world. If they lose that power, it is only a matter of time before their eugenics and depopulation agenda will be fully exposed. A lot of people will be filled with murderous rage as they hear about the unfathomable cabal crimes, such as mass sterilization through vaccine, the systematic kidnapping and sexual enslavement of children etc.
The situation still remains tense and there is a possibility of something more dramatic than we have seen recently, including 911 and 311, taking place soon. The biggest worry has been the sudden resumption of earthquakes around El Hierro in the Canary Islands.
There is a very real danger that if the La Palma rock formation in the Canary islands falls into the ocean that a 100 meter tall tsunami would hit the East Coast of the United States and Southern Europe. Hopefully no such event will occur but it is a real possibility.
On a more positive note, many reports have been coming in of free energy devices being sold including this one from Brazil:
Also, the mysterious source that recently warned this writer in advance of upcoming turmoil in Eastern Europe and of a planned attack on China (the Malaysian airliner disappearance) has contacted this writer to inform him that: “The UN confirmed this morning that we have just entered the Age of Aquarius in the Heavens and Virgo on Earth.”
Hopefully this rather esoteric message means the cabal is ready to surrender and work towards the start of a Golden Age. That is something we can all agree on.
March 10, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The fighting between American Academi (formerly Blackwater) mercenaries and Russian special forces in the Ukraine and the downing of a Malaysian airline last week are but a background to ongoing high stakes negotiations about the future of this planet. These violent incidents are also a backlash against a snowballing purge of Nazi/Zionist zealots that has now extended to Saudi Arabia and other gulf oil kingdoms after they banned the Nazi Muslim Brotherhood. Since they have already been purged from Egypt this means their last base in the Middle East, and last source of oil money, is Qatar, home to the Al Jazeera propaganda network.
The threats to cause terrorist attacks around China to “sky rocket,” made before the Malaysian air disaster, came from a source using the 215 Philadelphia area code. This is the same source that predicted in advance the turmoil in the Ukraine. Philadelphia is the base of Fethullah Gulen, a senior proponent of the cabal’s planned “one world religion.” Since Gulen is involved in sending Tartar activists to contribute to the turmoil in the Ukraine, his organization is suspected of being somehow involved in the latest attack. Turkey is the original home of the Sabbatean mafia that created the Thule society and Nazism.
According to American Defense Intelligence Agency and MI5 sources there is a Nazi submarine base in New Guinea disguised as a gold mine.
This is one of secret Asian operations bases used to stage the 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan three years ago tomorrow. It may well be where the attack on the Malaysian airlines flight originated.
In any case, the troubles in the Ukraine and Malaysia and probably soon elsewhere too, are just a back-drop to ongoing negotiations between several large factions. A representative of the military industrial complex contacted the White Dragon Society last week and laid out several conditions including a threat to wage all-out war if oil is made obsolete by free energy technology and a request by the NSA types to be allowed to continue with their program of all out surveillance.
The WDS said that free energy technology would only be allowed a first for projects the current oil business model cannot carry out, such as turning deserts green with desalinated sea water and heating up the arctic and Antarctic. Oil would then be phased out gradually as the oil industry shifted to the business of creating new eco-systems. The oil industry people asked that they be allowed to continue expanding their hydrocarbon business using natural gas and this was considered a viable option.
The NSA types were told they should at least stay out of people’s bed-rooms since government has no role in the bedrooms of the nation. They were also told that some things will always remain secret no matter how hard they try to find out.
The Nazis for their part insisted on eugenics policies. They were told that any type of eugenics that involved killing, sterilizing or otherwise culling “useless eaters” was not going to be allowed. However, the current taboo on using genetic engineering to remove hereditary diseases and give people enhanced abilities would be lifted, according to a source involved in the negotiations.
In any case, until a final deal is implemented, pressure will be increased until the cabal behind the US dollar and Euro debt slavery systems free the human race from bondage.
The pressure is most visible in the energy sector where cabalists have lost control of most of the Middle East and may be losing control of their recently acquired fiefdom in Libya. News reports of a North Korean tanker loading up with oil in a rebel held port in Libya are a clear indication of this loss of control.
The most obvious sign of the decline in power of the cabal that controls the regime in Washington D.C. though, can be seen in the reaction to their calls for sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine.
In this case, Germany, France and the UK have all rejected any sanctions for many good reasons. The biggest is economic, in that these countries rely on Russian and Middle-Eastern energy and investment. Any sanctions would hurt them far more than they would Russia. The other is moral, in that a democratically elected regime was ousted by violent foreign mercenaries actively espousing a Nazi ideology. Any European countries supporting the usurper regime would be breaking international law.
The fact is that it is the corporate government of the United States no longer has many friends and is itself being hit hard by sanctions.
The Russians, Chinese and others have been selling US government bonds, banning the import of US agricultural goods and threatening to dump all of their US dollar holdings.
In these circumstances the Pentagon and the bulk of the US armed forces and intelligence services are aligning themselves with the White Dragon Society and their allies.
One good sign has been a purge of Bush Nazi allies from the US nuclear command structure. According to Gordon Duff of the Adamus group:
"the Bush family is tied to Dominionism, a heretical Judeo-Christian death cult that deeply infiltrated the military service academies and eventually took over America’s nuclear command structure.It is the removal of these ‘Dominionists’ that we hear about as ‘discipline failures’ among every rank of America’s nuclear forces."
However, the threat of nuclear war still hangs over the negotiations. The gnostic illuminati still possess rogue nukes and are now threatening to annihilate London and Jerusalem. So, efforts are being made to create as much of a win-win situation as is possible under the circumstances by trying to bring all the various factions towards a consensus. Changing the direction of the planet is difficult and requires patience.
We keep hearing about events planned for the rest of this month, notably the middle of March, but, so many dates have come and gone that we do not give these latest predictions much credence. However, a Federal Reserve Board negotiating team will be meeting with the WDS in early April for talks and that could be the venue for a breakthrough. In the meantime everybody must do what they can to help and not just spectate.
March 3, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The high-stakes geopolitical poker game that began with the recent events in the Ukraine culminated in secret with cabal threats to have “Ukraine nuke Russia using US made nukes,” resulting in counter-threats to nuke Washington D.C., New York, Tel Aviv, Brussels and London, according to White Dragon Society sources involved in the negotiations. The cabal then scaled down the nuclear threats and instead threatened to create a “Rothschild ring of fire around China and Russia,” starting with “10 ‘Muslims’ killing 33 people on a train in China” and warning that “US funded attacks” will “sky rocket,” the sources said. This blustering is all a form of cabal table pounding and posturing for better treatment in their ongoing surrender negotiations.
Under the surface, former US President Bill Clinton, a relative of the Emperor of Japan and US Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy offered to help cash a series of Kennedy gold backed bonds as seen below:
on behalf of the WDS in exchange for continued funding of the United States of America Corporation.
They were told the WDS would only act if usable liquid funds were deposited into the White Dragon Foundation bank account. If that were to happen, the WDS would act in total transparency according to the law and the will of the people of the world.
The Chinese communist government and the Vatican also contacted the WDS last week to discuss the possibility of unifying Asian states into some sort of single entity. The suggestion was made that it might be possible if a new capital was created somewhere like Laos or Nara Japan so that all parties would be able to save face by being part of creating something new instead of feeling like they lost to Beijing or another power bloc.
The Vatican P2 lodge says this is part of a push to create a world federation of governments. In their vision a “world federation of equals” was needed to prevent World War 3 and to prepare for human expansion into the universe.
However, according to them, “The Khazarians under Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu” continue to suffer from “Zionist delirium,” and are refusing to give up their dream of starting World War 3 so that they can become a “master race,” that enslaves the rest of humanity.
The long term scenario planned by their Nazi/Zionist military leader George Bush Sr. now unfolding in the Ukraine calls for a second “Iron Curtain,” according to MI5 sources. In this scenario, after the EU takes half of Ukraine, the Russians will “use this as an act of provocation pushing blitzkrieg style as far into Europe as possible before proposing the boundary for the New Iron Curtain.” If the Ukraine scenario escalates, then Secretary of Skull and Bones Kerry and Putin have been playing roles dictated by Bush Sr., the MI5 source says.
“This is a classic Hegelian move by the cabal to set up a problem and, in providing the solution, steal all the assets,” he continues. Thus he says “It looks like the EU will be sacrificed as a new martial law is imposed exactly as in the militarized zones post WWII,” he added. This plan would need China’s cooperation initially to allow Russia to mobilize in Europe. However, after this scenario was used to militarize Europe, the next move would be for this militarized Europe to attack China, the WDS has warned the Chinese.
The other part of this Nazi/Zionist plan calls for the birth of a Caliphate in the Middle East as part of an encirclement of Russia and China from the Caucasus to Turkey, and from Syria to Iraq and Iran, not to mention the Chinese Uighur Muslims. Under this plan, the US will not play much of an aggressive military role in these changes but instead would prepare the US homeland for the internment of large numbers of the population. This will come after the collapse of international trade causes immediate cash, food and gasoline shortages especially in the US, the MI5 sources say.
The Gnostic Illuminati confirm the MI5 picture in part by saying that in addition to the ongoing turmoil in the Ukraine, big moves are being planned in Turkey and Thailand. The move in Turkey would be aimed at reducing Russian control of gas pipelines while the Thai trouble is aimed at reducing Asian control of gold supplies.
These geopolitical chess “games” by criminally insane gangsters result in the deaths of countless innocent people, which is why the WDS is fighting to end them once and for all.
The WDS has proposed a very different scenario from the Nazi/Zionist cabal nightmare future planned by Fuehrer Bush, madman Netanyahu and their fellow Satan worshipping cabalists.
If the WDS is able to cash the Kennedy bonds pictured above (which are fake according to MI5) or otherwise get usable funding from the dollar and Euro based Western central banking system, it proposes a massive campaign to turn the deserts green, replenish the oceans with fish, explore space etc. The plan would start with Operation Santa Claus, a major push to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
Of course, to carry out such a plan, new institutions will have to be created to replace or revamp the dysfunctional cabal institutions like the IMF, the World Bank and the United Nations.
Given all the different bonds, Federal Reserve Board boxes and other items of paper containing astronomical numbers of dollars that have been presented to this writer but can never be cashed because the Feds keep coming up with different excuses, it may be necessary to take more drastic action.
For one, the Feds and the cabalists have talked about astronomical amounts of gold (many decimal points more in value than official world gold reserves), without offering an ounce of proof it really exists. Despite trips to Korea, the Philippines, China, etc. to talk about hidden treasure, the only real treasure this writer has confirmed to exist is the one buried in the mountains behind the treasure museum in Taipei, China. It is becoming increasingly obvious the Western system of privately owned central banks is a massive, 300-year old Ponzi scheme.
It may thus be necessary to shut down the entire global central bank computer networks of ATMs, credit cards etc. and reboot the system minus all the cabalists’ fraudulent numbers. This would entail handing out enough cash to everybody for two weeks or so of essential supplies and the use of hand-written account books until, a new system based on real things like land, commodities, factories, precious metals etc. can be booted up.
In the meantime watch as senior cabalists vanish one by one.
February 25, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The Eastern Europeans and Asians are mobilizing for some sort of big global push against the cabal over the coming days, according to Russian and Asian sources. The Russians say the latest shenanigans in the Ukraine meant the cabal had crossed a red line and that Russia was ready for war. The Asians were more secretive but nonetheless made it clear some sort of line had been crossed and that action was imminent.
Meanwhile, the Bush and Rockefeller families are planning to murder 1200 bankers over the coming days in order to hide evidence against them, according to Neil Keenan. The bankers will be young and mostly involved in algorithmic trading and manipulation of various financial markets, it is believed. Also, in a sign of how twisted these people’s minds are, it turns out that each banker death means great derivative profits, according to this article sent to me by alert readers:
In these circumstances, the White Dragon Society is offering protection to any bankers who fear for their lives in exchange for them making public what it is they have done to make them potential targets. Remember, there is no incentive to kill a person in order to silence them once the information is in the public domain. Also, because of all the publicity and suspicion surrounding the recent spate of banker deaths, from now own bankers will simply be disappeared and their bodies will never be found, Keenan says.
The following people will be physically served with a cease and desist order by Keenan and his associates:
Also, last week the WDS had negotiations with the gnostic illuminati about what sort of post cabal regime is likely and desirable.
The gnostic illuminati claimed it was they who ousted the government of Viktor Yanukovych in the Ukraine, according to an illuminati grandmaster going by the name Alexander Romanov. It is true that the Yanukovych regime was overthrown despite an agreement by the governments of the EU and all the major political parties in the Ukraine, indicating the work of non-state actors. Romanov said his group hoped to foment similar regime changes in the rest of Europe as well as oust Vladimir Putin in Russia.
This group is also demanding a 100% inheritance tax in order to permanently end bloodline rule.
The WDS countered that a jubilee, or one time write off of all debts public and private, combined with a redistribution of fraudulently accumulated assets was a more benevolent and practical approach. It was explained that people who earned their money by creating wealth should be allowed to keep it and only those who got rich through depriving others should have their wealth confiscated. The illuminati grandmaster agreed with this approach.
However, they are insisting on criminal punishment for many of the world’s elite, as are Keenan’s group and many others while the WDS still believes justice and forgiveness is wiser than revenge.
In any case, the turmoil caused in the Ukraine is not going to end quietly. Here is what a Russian government source had to say about the situation:
“The Ukraine riots started by the US embassy have openly pissed off the entire world. The initial rioters had American baseball caps and brown shoes with laces. There are no brown shoe laces in Kiev and only I wear a baseball cap. Directly after the Olympics the entire Eastern bloc will be ready to move.”
The Olympics just ended and it is a good bet that the blue part of the Ukraine seen in the maps at this link will become part of Russia when the dust settles:
There is no way the Pentagon is going to start World War 3 with Russia and China over a Nazi/EU organized coup d’etat in the Ukraine and the Europeans alone will have their gas supplies cut off and will face certain defeat if they try any military aggression in the Ukraine.
In any case, the Ukraine may turn out to be a side show soon if the US government goes bankrupt this week as predicted by US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew or next week on March 4th as predicted by Grady Means, former assistant to Nelson Rockefeller.
If this does happen, we can expect all banks and ATMs as well as the internet and all credit cards to be shut down for a period of several days until the fraud can be cleaned out and a new system put online. During that time, emergency broadcast networks will be used to fill in the brainwashed sheeple on what has really been happening over the past 100 years since a small group of gangsters took over the process of creating and distributing money in the US.
This may not come to pass though because the cabal has proven itself to be extremely difficult to dislodge. At their recent G20 meeting held in Australia, and at other meetings they have held, they talk about confiscating money from private bank accounts in order to keep themselves going.
Neil Keenan, for his part, believes the cabal will crash the system just to scare people into obedience and thus strengthen their control. If they try such a thing, it is a pretty sure bet there will be a lot of chaos and a lot of nasty things happening before the dust finally settles into cabal defeat.
In Asia meanwhile, something is being planned but as mentioned above, exactly what remains a mystery. However, in what may have been a cryptic clue, somebody came from Kobe, Japan, home of the headquarters of the Yamaguchi Gumi, to show this writer a video of a man laughing hysterically as he throws a fish into the Pacific Ocean. Also, the pond at Inokashira Park in Tokyo, home to a shrine to the Goddess Benten who, according to legend, tamed the White Dragon and made it protector of the weak, has been drained and all the invasive foreign fish species have been removed. Watch this short Japanese language video to see it being done:
Perhaps it is nothing but if I were a Goldman Sachs gangster in Tokyo, I would be worried and might plan a vacation somewhere else for a while, just in case.
February 17, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The United States of America Corporation has managed to stave off bankruptcy once again last week after Secretary of Skull and Bones John Kerry showed up in China with begging bowl in hand last week and got a donation, according to Chinese government sources. The money came with many strings attached, notably getting the US to jerk Japanese slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s chain
and accept the reunification of the Korean peninsula, the sources said. The reunification of Korea story, something the Zionist slave press tried to ignore, can be seen here on the official North Korean news site:
However, Kerry’s efforts to get gold from Indonesia to support the Federal Reserve Board and his Fuehrer George Bush Sr. were rebuffed prompting Kerry to make veiled threats to unleash weather warfare: “in a sense climate change can now be considered another weapon of mass destruction, perhaps even the world’s most fearsome weapon,” after Indonesia’s president refused to meet him.
He also threatened other countries by saying: “Just one meter is enough to put half of Jakarta under water. Just one meter would displace hundreds of millions of people worldwide and threaten billions in economic activity,” Kerry said.
These sorts of veiled threats are a sign of desperation, not strength because events around the world are no longer going according to the Zionist/Nazi agenda and their fascist new world order is collapsing.
The suspicious death last week of yet another JP Morgan IT specialist, the 37 year old Ryan Henry Crane, was linked to Kerry’s gold begging mission in Indonesia, according to CIA and other sources. The dying beast that is JP Morgan has to make
There may also be some military turbulence that will accompany this financial warfare, according to Eastern European sources. A war call has been sent out in the Eastern bloc and some sort of major move is promised for after the Sochi Olympics end, these sources say.
Already, Russian and other Eastern European special forces have gone to the Ukraine and told the CIA “protesters” there to choose between “vodka, caviar and friendship” or “death.” Perhaps that is why the Ukraine turmoil suddenly stopped.
Also, the Serbians are very upset the Americans did not shut down their Bondsteel military camp as promised and are once again thinking of destroying it with a suit-case nuclear weapon.
The situation in the Middle East too is moving towards a paradigm shift. The Egyptians, Syrians, Iranians and Turks are all moving towards ending the ancient Sunni/Shia rift and creating a loose confederation of Muslim states.
The Saudi and Israeli factions still trying to foment a Christian/Muslim holy war are increasingly isolated and a take-down of the Saudi regime is possible unless they surrender.
Speaking about surrender, the Saudis made an offer of $25 trillion recently to the White Dragon Society in exchange for historical Asian gold but were refused because accepting it would have meant agreeing that they had the right to create money out of thin air. The money would have been created at one of several esoteric “trading platforms” the cabal uses to create money out of thin air and then launder it into the real economy. The right create money must always be linked to the real world and must belong to the people and other living creatures of the planet earth and not to an ancient slaving guild.
There was also an offer of 12 trillion dollars’ worth gold from South America made to the WDS last week. This offer seemed to be genuine and filled with good intent but so far, as has been the case with all other stories of astronomical amounts of gold, no physical proof it exists has yet been produced. The person making the offer promised to show up soon with physical gold. We shall see.
The only real treasure in Asia this writer has seen proof of still being in existence is the treasure hidden in the hills behind the treasure museum in Taipei, Taiwan. Even a lot of that was thoroughly looted by eunuchs etc. long before the Nationalist Chinese government evacuated it to Taiwan.
Even if some of the other legendary treasure stashes exist, the people of the world must ask themselves if hidden controllers claiming ownership of these treasures should be put in charge of deciding the future of the planet.
The Chinese government, the Russians, the Pentagon and their allies may have to come to the conclusion that all of these tales of umpteen million tons of gold are a red herring. If that is the case, they need to take over the current privately owned international central banking system and then start backing the various currencies out there with a basket of commodities or other real assets.
February 11, 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The families that own the Federal Reserve Board missed making gold payments due on January 31st so they now have to scramble to find gold before February 27th or face the bankruptcy of their United States of America Corporation. That is why Secretary of Skull and Bones John Kerry is off this week to beg for gold from the United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, South Korea and China. The cover story about the US Congress having to raise the debt ceiling in order to avoid government bankruptcy is only fooling a steadily shrinking group of the brainwashed living dead.
When they missed their payment last September 31st the cabalist were able to postpone bankruptcy by making a deal with Iran, selling weapons to China and a few other tricks. Let us see if they manage to kick the can down the road once again perhaps by offering the Okinawan archipelago to China or some such thing.
Otherwise President Obama can prove he is the real deal and start issuing US government currency instead of borrowing foreign Federal Reserve Board debt notes misnamed the US dollar.
Then again something entirely different might happen. According to the P2 Freemason lodge, Pope Francis and Obama signed an agreement recently that was related to the formation of a world government. Obama was forced to sign the agreement because of the change in management of the Vatican Bank where bribe accounts for many world “leaders” are held. The recent meeting between the Pope and Vladimir Putin as well as meetings between the Pope and Obama in March and between the Pope and Queen Elizabeth in April are all connected to this, the source says. What is still not in the works, however, is a meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and the Pope.
This reflects a fundamental rift between two factions still battling over the right to decide the world’s future course. That is what is at stake in the ongoing financial war because the right to issue Dollars, Euros, Yen etc. is basically the same as the right to decide what humanity does in the future.
The Chinese and their allies are saying that the West has ruled for long enough and now it is Asia’s turn to take charge. However, the Western faction says that China is too Sino-centric and is ignoring the rights of the rest of the world.
In the end some sort of compromise is going to be reached because the alternative is World War III.
It is also worth noting, as many people have, that many US and other banks are scheduling some sort of “drill” on the weekend of February 15th and 16th. This could for the introduction of a new currency in the US but then again it could be one of those many dates that come and go without the predicted “happening.” However, just as a precaution, it might be a good idea to keep some cash on hand.
There are many other signs that it is not business as usual in the financial world. For example, a German court ruled last week the European Central Bank bond buying was “probably illegal.” This bond buying is what temporarily calmed the Euro crisis. The ruling reflects the fact that Germans are tired of bailing out lazy, corrupt Mediterranean countries.
Then in England, investigators are saying that not only were world interest rates rigged in the Libor scandal but that the Bank of England was directly involved in manipulating foreign exchange markets.
A critical mass of people already know the financial system itself is a fraud and it is only a matter of time before the right to issue currency is taken away from the cabal and returned to the people.
In yet another sign time was running out for the cabal, in Bosnia last week massive demonstrations were demanding just that.
In the meantime, like lost Japanese soldiers fighting in the jungle years after World War II ended, cabal agents are continuing their puerile antics in many parts of the world.
In Japan, cabal stooge Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his fellow cabal slaves are continuing to follow orders by trying to manufacture a crisis with China. The most recent such maneuver involves having executives of the State Broadcasting agency regurgitate cabal manufactured provocations like the comfort woman story, denial of the Nanjing massacre etc.
The election of Yoichi Masuzoe as mayor of Tokyo, however, was not what the cabal had hoped for.
Although Masuzoe is supported by Abe, he is also promising to restart nuclear reactors in a move that will reduce Japanese payments for cabal controlled oil-powered electricity generation.
Abe also vanished for a few days after the Davos World Forum and appears to have had some sort of “re-education,” somewhere. Unlike other cabal leaders in the West, he is visiting the Sochi Olympics and his government is actively courting good relations with Vladimir Putin’s Russia.
The negative coverage of the Sochi Olympics in the cabal controlled Western press is a good example of the sort of petty, low level antics cabal psychological warfare agents get up to. Instead of enjoying winter sports in an apolitical manner, they manufacture gay rights crises or insult the facilities in a manner that reflects badly on the cabal more than it does on Russia.
Unfortunately, the cabal does not limit itself to disinformation but also continues to murder and threaten terror too.
On that front too, the cabal is not doing well. A planned nuclear terror attack against Sochi has been stopped, according to the gnostic illuminati. Also, at least 10 would be suicide bombers have been detained. Hopefully now the Olympics will be depoliticized.
In Afghanistan too, the Taliban have run out of money and cabal heroin production operations there are being shut down.
What this means is that in addition to cocaine and amphetamines operations being shut down, cabal heroin income is also being cut off. Combined with increasing legalization of marijuana, this means a lot less money is available to pay for thugs and mercenaries.
Given all this bad news for the cabal, it is not surprising that top Davos officials contacted the White Dragon Society last week and said “perhaps it is time to push the reset button for the planet earth.” That is exactly what the WDS has been saying.
So, we can start with a one-off world-wide cancellation of all debt, public and private and a redistribution of illegally obtained wealth. After that, we can carry out a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. Once that is done (and it could be done within months given the right amount of collective will-power), finally, we can start a Golden age for humanity. What are we waiting for?
February 3, 2013
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Image of HAARP broadcast in Australia.
The Lunar New Year’s holidays have begun and our sources say we can expect fireworks to start in the week starting on February 10th (If you are of the school that believes Monday is the first day of the week). In essence, the new Chinese government recognizes they have created a real estate bubble and have decided to take it down once the New Year’s work starts in earnest. This will have a ripple effect worldwide, especially on commodities markets that have grown dependent on Chinese demand.
Weather warfare is also continuing with the ongoing cold front in the US and the drought in California devastating US food supplies and bringing the US cattle herd down to its lowest size in 60 years.
Australia’s cattle herd is also being devastated by a drought and a newsletter reader managed to find proof of HAARP weather modification weaponry being used against Australia.
There is also a lot of fighting going on under the surface in the banking world and it is connected to a concerted attack against J.P. Morgan, Skull and Bones and the Bush (Scherf, Pierce, Pecce) family. The mysterious deaths of three bankers last week were all connected to this battle, according to MI5 and other sources.
Gabriel Magee, the J.P. Morgan banker who died in London was an IT specialist dealing with Europe, the Middle East and Africa including Saudi Arabia. He worked on a market ‘predicive’ program which spots market movements. These are the closest to AI and generate huge profits. UK investigators suspect he was killed to silence him after he spotted and was about to blow the whistle on huge dollar transfers being made out of the BRICS countries.
William Broeksmit, the Deutschebank banker died after Deutschebank pulled out of the Gold price fixing committee and removed its gold from Paris. Investigators believe the banker was killed because Deutschebank ran for the exits and stopped helping J.P. Morgan in the gold market. J.P. Morgan now owns 60% of all gold derivatives in the US meaning it owns 65 times more paper gold than it has physical gold. The Dragon Family and others are demanding that J.P. Morgan hand over physical gold.
Which brings us to the third death, that of former Federal Reserve Board economist Michael Dueker, who was working for an outfit known as Russell Investments. Although we are still trying to confirm this, it is likely that Russell Investments is linked to the Russell Trust that controls Skull and Bones and the Council on Foreign Relations. Dueker may have been silenced because he was about to blow the whistle on the looting of pension and insurance funds by the Feds.
Also last week, a Saudi Prince contacted the White Dragon Foundation to ask about the availability of Chinese gold backed historical bonds.
Remember that the January 31st settlements date came last week and if any major bank (J.P. Morgan?) was unable to deliver physical gold or make other payments, they will have been given until around mid-February to come up with it before they are liquidated. Remember how US Treasure Secretary Jacob Lew recently warned the US government would run out of money on February 7th and could use tricks to keep it going for a few days beyond that?
What you can be sure of is that there is going to be some serious horse trading going on behind the scenes between now and mid-February.
There are also growing indications that along with the efforts to force the Feds bankrupt by demanding physical gold there is a move to cut off their oil and drug money too.
On the oil front especially there is a lot going on. The biggest development was the defeat of the Rockefeller Brothers attempt to use environmental concerns to prevent construction of the Keystone pipeline that would send Canadian oil to refineries in the Gulf of Mexico. What this means is that a lot less of what Americans pay for gasoline will be recycled to cabal controlled Fed banks via Middle-Eastern slave states.
These Middle Eastern states are also showing signs of independence from Fed control. The Saudi Arabian government, for example, refused to meet with a congressional delegation that included representatives of the Homeland Security, Armed Forces and Intelligence committees. In diplomatic circles this sort of snub is about as nasty as it gets.
Saudi anger was no doubt stoked because President Erdogan of Turkey visited Iran last week and both countries announced they would start to integrate their economies and governments at a much higher level than before. This is connected to the plan to make Europe buy gas from Iran and Russia instead of from cabal controlled Gulf monarchies like Saudi Arabia.
Again that may be another reason why the Saudis are now trying to reach a deal with the WDS. They have been told to cut their links with the war-mongering cabalists and support a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
The government of Nigeria also announced last week that it was going to start shifting its oil money out of Federal Reserve Board dollars and into Chinese Yuan.
The loss of oil revenue to the cabalists is being accompanied by a growing loss of their other big source of income: drug money.
The move to legalize marijuana (France, Mexico, New York etc. are jumping on the bandwagon), and thus end the cabal marijuana monopoly, is snowballing. The Mexican government’s approval of citizens’ militias to fight against cabal faction CIA drug dealers in Mexico will start hitting their cocaine revenues too. Also, the North Korean Kim Jong-un government has shut down all of its amphetamines factories, shutting off a major source of Bush/Nazi underground money in Asia, North Korean sources say. Let us see if they will also soon be deprived of Afghan heroin revenue.
The P2 Lodge also contacted the WDS last week to reveal the names of several more hitherto secret power brokers who have been blocking the new financial system. These are Franco Rienzi (Mossad Spy), Giuseppe di Antonio (Mossad Rome), Lemue dico Mannucci (Banker), a Mafia laywer by the name of Mastroianni and Anglican Pastor Mossad agent Claudio Zappala. This writer was unable to reach these people to get their comment but they are welcome to contact us if they feel wrongly named.
The P2 says they are also trying to broker a deal between the Russians, the Chinese and the Americans to form a world federation type of government. They say they would invite other groups to join once these three had come to a basic understanding. They say this planned federation of equals would not be the same as the fascist New World Order the cabal has been trying to set up.
January 27, 2013
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The criminal cabal that illegally commandeered most of the world’s financial system is causing turmoil in in many places including Ukraine, Turkey, Iraq and is also trying to derail the peace process with Iran as part of a broad offensive planned at their Davos gathering last week, according to multiple sources.
However, this is not stopping the ongoing and accelerating global purge of cabal agents as can be seen from continuing arrests and exposures of cabal crimes and pedophilia networks. For example, this article about Tony Blair’s good friend Colonel Gadaffi has just appeared.
According to an MI5 source: “Gaddafi’s profligate child abuse set a standard for Blair and his friends.” Blair was also given semtex explosive by Gadaffi that he sold on to the IRA, the MI5 source says. The ongoing exposure of Blair is a sign of collapsing cabal control in the UK.
Also, the bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve Board is now being hinted even in former cabal UK news outlets like the Financial Times. Sources in the Pentagon, the Chinese government, the Dragon family, the P2 freemason lodge all agree that some sort of major financial event is imminent although none had many details.
In another interesting development, Al Qaeda contacted the White Dragon Society last week with an offer to put their resources at the disposal of the WDS in exchange for help in eliminating the arbitrary Middle-Eastern national boundaries created by colonial powers. The real head of Al Qaeda, by the way, is an Eastern European gnostic former Comintern and MI6 double agent and not some bearded actor as seen in the propaganda media. The WDS requested that they stop killing innocent civilians with terrorist attacks and concentrate on the families that illegally took over the world’s central banks. They are the source of the problems in the Middle East because they are still stubbornly trying to create conflict between Christians, Sunnis, Shias, Jews etc. as part of their plan to create a one world religion. Once their trouble making is ended, historical injustices imposed on the Middle East by the colonial powers can be rectified.
Tony Blair is a good indicator of the ongoing battle for control of the planet earth. One the one hand last week he was widely humiliated in the media when somebody tried to make a citizen’s arrest of him for war crimes. On the other hand, the cabal then widely published a story of Tony Blair trying to promote the new one world religion.
Blair is under scrutiny in the ongoing police investigations of an extensive pedophile network in the UK and elsewhere. This is the same man who was recording bragging that he would have me put away on drug charges. Message to Tony Blair: you are going down for mass murder and the pope won’t protect you.
Speaking about the Pope, a senior member of the P2 Lodge said that last week Pope Francis and US President Barack Obama signed a master agreement relating to gold located in Mindanao to be used to underwrite a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. No further details were forthcoming.
However, a pentagon source said he had been told something financial would be announced in February.
Furthermore, a relative of former Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos also contacted the WDS last week to say the “Chinese Plum Blossom foundation” tried last week to insist that all of the world’s money and treasure belonged to China and because of the Chinese disregard for the rights of the rest of the world, they had their funding cut off. The relative said that Marcos had never been in charge of the global collateral accounts but was just a junior signatory.
A senior Chinese government representative corroborated this to some extent by admitting there was a big financial crisis brewing in China as a bubble was on the brink of bursting. This could be one of the first Chinese dominoes here:
The new regime of Xi Jinping is afraid communist party rule could collapse as a result and for this reason a massive purge of corrupt officials is being planned. Many Chinese government officials, afraid for their personal safety, have fled to hidden locations in the countryside and give orders by phone to their subordinates, he said. Also, many wealthy Chinese, fearing arrest on corruption charges, had fled the country, with most going to South Korea, he said.
Official Chinese government media are also announcing a change in fundamental government policy away from the goal of obtaining GDP growth at all costs and towards poverty reduction and environmental protection.
China is still in far better shape than many other countries. Japan’s government, for example, has begun raiding private bank accounts for money to keep itself going.
We are also hearing multiple anecdotal accounts (including from this writer) that many people in Tokyo seem to be getting a far larger electricity bill than can be justified by normal usage.
Furthermore, as has been widely publicized, one of the main shareholders of the Bank of Japan, HSBC, has been telling its customers they cannot withdraw large amounts of money.
The troubles extend to many other large banks, with Santander having arbitrarily changed mortgage charges recently, Lloyds bank customers having trouble getting money out of ATMs and of course the Federal Reserve Board itself unable to return other people’s gold it had on deposit.
This financial uncertainty may be why the billionaires gathered at Davos last week decided to try once again to start wars as a way to escape from their troubles. The big example was the huge push in Switzerland to sabotage a US/Iran peace deal last week. With the Iranians saying suddenly they had made no concessions and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying a deal would never be possible. Seeing these two statements together reminded me of a cabal power chart I have seen that shows both Israel and Iran as working under Swiss BIS masters.
The attempt to start trouble between Iran and Israel yet again has led to hundreds more arrests of war-mongers in the US according to a pentagon source. The Swiss are so scared of the ongoing anti-cabal crackdown in the US that 100 Swiss Banks have asked for immunity from prosecution in exchange for giving information about American tax evaders.
The scared cabalists are also fanning trouble in the Ukraine and threatening terror at the Sochi Olympics as part of a major offensive against Vladimir Putin of Russia. The cabalists in Davos also discussed plans to bankrupt Russia by forcing oil prices under $60 a barrel for a year, or about long enough to deplete Russia’s hard currency holdings. This is wishful thinking on their part because oil under $60 a barrel would ruin many major Western banks long before Russia succumbed.
January 31st is a key financial settlements date and if any major governments or institutions miss a payment they are given until mid-February to come up with the money before they are bankrupted.
Perhaps that is why US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew recently said the US would run out of money in February.
It seems we are witnessing the birth pangs of a new era for humanity.
January 20, 2013
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Last week Pope Francis replaced four out of the top five officers overseeing the Vatican Bank in a move that sent shock-waves through the public leadership of many countries. In probably most countries of the world, when a new leader is installed, that person gets a visit from a cabal officer like Henry Kissinger who hands them a Vatican bank account book containing a huge bribe, according to sources including former CIA chiefs. The leaders are then told that if they do not accept the money and follow cabal orders they will be assassinated, driven out by scandal, or failing that, have their country invaded by US troops. For that reason, the change at the top of the Vatican bank is a sure sign something big is coming down.
Also last week Queen Elizabeth announced she was going to hand duties over to Prince Charles as well as to Princes William and Harry, starting a “gentle succession.” Elizabeth is thus following Queen Beatrix of Holland and the King of Belgium in resigning in recent years from positions that are traditionally held for life. The generational change in royal families is in preparation for a change at the very top of the financial system, a Rothschild family source said.
There is also a big storm brewing in China where a massive purge is expected to start in March with the complete replacement of all provincial Secretaries (governors), all mayors and most senior bureaucrats, according to a Chinese government representatives in Tokyo. This purge is being directed by central government officials, many who have fled to the country side with their families to avoid the massive pollution choking many of China’s large cities. This move is being made in an attempt to quell a financial crisis caused by rampant overspending and corruption at local government levels, the representatives said.
Another interesting thing these sources had to say was that the Chinese government was thinking of starting up a state religion combining elements of Christianity, Confucianism and Mohism. The aim was to improve moral standards in China and strengthen social unity, they said.
There is also something brewing in North Korea and the Chinese are not happy about it, one official said. Two top North Koreans who were close to China were executed last week as part of the ongoing purge of perceived threats to Kim Jong Un, he said. In response China staged a massive military exercise with more than 100,000 troops along the North Korean border. “China now views North Korea as an enemy state,” he said.
This will be followed by a joint US and South Korean military maneuver also aimed at North Korea.
Also, basketball star Dennis Rodman was nabbed and taken in for questioning last week immediately after returning to the US from his well-publicized visit to North Korea. The official story is that he went to “an undisclosed alcohol rehabilitation center.”
Rodman was visiting North Korea as a personal representative of Barack Obama, according to North Korean sources. No doubt his “rehabilitators” will be trying to find out what that message was.
North Korean sources in Japan also say the new North Korean regime had threatened to hit Shanghai and Beijing with nuclear weapons as part of a power play to force the reunification of the Korean peninsula.
This may also be the real reason why government leaders in China and South Korea are willing to meet with Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is closely linked to North Korea through his ties with the unification church.
The situation in Asia will probably not resolve itself until the removal of cabal control from the dollar and euro based financial system is completed.
To this end dramatic changes are continuing in the Middle East, power base of the US petrodollar. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been purging Turkey, the original home of the Sabbatean mafia, with increasing success. He has removed 350 police officers and 20 prosecutors and is now purging Bankers and TV propagandists.
The Gulf Cooperation Council also sent a delegation to China last week to negotiate a surrender and were told to end the rift with Iran and the Shia/Sunni split in general. Responding to this, the Muslim world invited Iran into “full membership in the Al Quds (Jerusalem [i.e. Israel]) Committee of the 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation (IOC)”
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is also going to visit Iran soon to help bring peace to the region.
The ongoing shift of Middle East power away from cabal control is of course going to affect Israel and the controllers of the old petro dollar system. Perhaps that is why the White Dragon Society was contacted last week and asked if it would be possible to go through Canada to make liquid some now frozen funding. This request coincided with the start of a four day visit to Israel by Zionist slave Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
The WDS is insisting on a jubilee, a redistribution of fraudulently obtained assets and the immediate start of a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
The other move that is making cabalists nervous is the German government’s ongoing investigation of what happened to the 300 tons of gold it deposited with the Federal Reserve Board. So far only 5 tons have been returned and attempts to intimidate German Chancellor Angela Merkel with a beating in Switzerland (according to a CIA source) will probably backfire by driving the Germans into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and out of NATO.
Another front in which the cabal is under severe attack is the ongoing exposure of elite pedophile networks in the UK and in the Vatican. In the UK, politicians are now being investigated in the ever widening scandal that is expected to eventual lead to Tony Blair and his fellow Nazis. In the Vatican, 400 priests have already been defrocked and the purge of child abusers is continuing.
The Cabalists will be gathering this week at the Davos World Economic Forum where they will make noises about the dangers of income inequality. In doing so, they will be like Marie Antoinette at the time of the French Revolution asking why the peasants did not eat cake, in other words they don’t have a clue about what is really going on and their sudden concern for the poor will be way too little, way too late.
In a sign that all is not well with the forum, Daniel Dal Bosco tried last week to contact the Dragon family about cashing historical bonds. Dal Bosco was followed very closely in 2009 after he absconded with a trillion dollars’ worth of Dragon family bonds and that trail led to a certain Giancarlo Bruno, head of the financial services division of the Davos forum. The fact that he is once again initiating contact can only be taken as a sign of desperation behind the scenes at Davos. Message to Dal Bosco: “you are being watched 24/7 and can be picked and arrested at any moment.” The same will be true of any other cabal official attempting to steal assets that belong to the people of the world and not to a criminal cabal.
The other ongoing sign of unravelling cabal control is the snowballing trend to legalize marijuana. Now that Colorado, Washington State and the nation of Uruguay have joined North Korea (they never made it illegal in the first place) in legalizing marijuana, and did so without facing any reprisals, many more countries (last week Morocco for example) will join the band wagon. The loss of illegal drug revenues, combined with the loss of control over oil, will devastate Sabbatean cabal finances. Vive la revolution!
Jan 14 2014
Author: Benjamin Fulford
During the last week various intelligence agencies have forwarded evidence to the White Dragon Society showing that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan was deeply involved in the Aum Shinrikyo subway sarin gas attack terror cult. For this reason, the possibility is growing that Abe will be arrested on terror charges when he goes to Davos, Switzerland for the Cabal meeting starting there on January 21, the sources in Chinese, British, Japanese and American intelligence agencies say.
The Aum doomsday cult was set up by a right wing extremist group including former Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara and Abe’s father Shintaro Abe who worked closely with the Bush/Scherff Nazi faction in the West developing and spreading weapons of mass destruction.
If Abe not arrested in Switzerland, investigations in Japan are also aimed at arresting him on charges of election fraud as well as for involvement in the 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attack, a senior Japanese police agency official said.
Even if Abe is not immediately arrested, the take down of his cabal bosses in Europe and the US is continuing. For example, German Chancellor Angela Merkel had a “skiing accident” last week in Switzerland that was actually a beating by certain agency personnel who suspected her of being head of the German fourth Reich, according to an intelligence agency source who just returned from Germany. Immediately after her “accident” US President Barack Obama called her and said “we have to meet,” the source said. This may have been a response to her attempts to get back the 300 tons of gold Germany had deposited with the Federal Reserve Board, one observer speculated.
Also last week, the International Criminal Court received a dossier outlining systemic use of torture by the UK military that was condoned by Senior Politicians, according to various news agencies.
The Nazi faction including former Prime Minister Tony Blair is frantically trying to silence their opposition with trumped up criminal charges now that their murders (David Kelly, Christopher Story etc.) are becoming too recognizable by a growing number of politicians and agency officials.
For example, anti-Nazi lawyer and writer Michael Shrimpton is being tried next month on charges of making fake claims that the 2012 London Olympics were a target of a nuclear terror attack and, in a clear indication he is being framed, the police also claim he had a memory stick with child pornography on it. The police unit involved in this investigation reports to a Sarah Thornton, who presided over the obvious cover up of the murder of weapon’s expert David Kelly.
The officers directly in charge of the investigation are typical brainwashed types with whose minds are kept within highly compartmentalized parameters. For example, these investigators do not look at evidence Japan was the victim of a nuclear terror, on March 11, 2011, one year before the London Olympics.
In any case, even if the Shrimpton show trial takes place, war criminal Tony Blair and his murderous Nazi cohorts are going to be taken down. If the International Criminal Court does not do it, then they will be taken down too.
In the US, meanwhile, the Zionist acting troupe known as the US Senate is still desperately clinging to their old play script by trying to vote for new moves against Iran even though an accord to end the “Iran nuclear crisis,” will be signed on January 20th. People who keep wondering why the military has not moved in and arrested all these traitors need to at least comfort themselves with the assurance that no major armed group is now obeying the Zionists. The whores in the Senate and Congress can scream all they want but it will lead to nothing.
The Zionists are now isolated and are being systematically removed in many countries in a process that is supposed to eventually lead to public arrests of top Zionist government leaders and days of televised truth on all major world news networks, according to multiple sources.
To that end, the White Dragon Society was contacted last week by military officials at an underground base in Virginia saying they were ready to move in on Washington D.C. at a moment’s notice. The Japan Society, a cabal group overseeing US rule of Japan, also sent a person to meet this writer who confirmed the people in Washington D.C. are aware the underground bases have been taken over and that all the politicians were very scared about their future.
The last big obstacle in the US now appears to be President Barack Obama. Although Obama has helped purge the Nazis and acted to prevent World War 3, he has still not agreed to end Federal Reserve Board rule of the United States by announcing the issuance of government currency to replace Fed debt slavery notes. The United States Government headed by Obama has also not responded to a formal offer of $700 trillion for use in financing a campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. As such, he is now, along with Japan’s Abe and EU Central Bank Chief Mario Draghi, one of the obvious signs of cabal control and cabal refusal to take action against poverty and environmental destruction.
Returning to Abe, the dossier sent to this writer last week included a report by a person who, to quote from MI5:
“was present during a conference in Moscow (Jan. 1990), when a top Japanese delegation, led by Foreign Minister Shintaro Abe [Prime Minister Abe’s father] met with USSR President Gorbachev and his aide, Politburo Member Alexander Yakovlev. Their intent was to establish “Bilateral Cooperation”. At further meetings in Jan. 1991, Gorbachev via Yakovlev offered the Japanese the USSR’s super-secret intercontinental EM Weapons technology–Capable of producing Earthquakes–for U.S. $900 Million.
Gorbachev also agreed with Japanese Diet member Toshio Yamaguchi to the setting up of a joint Japan-Russia University in Moscow that would be tasked with co-opting the brightest young Nuclear Physicists’ minds of both countries to develop new 2nd and 3rd generation EM superweapons by mating Japanese Microchip and electronics know-how to Russian 1st Generation Weapons Technology !! This University was soon formed and under the cover of “Cultural Studies” was administered by the Aum sect and one Lobov. Lobov became Yeltsin’s Head of the Security Council–after the late 1991 coup that removed Gorbachev. The Aum members first arrived in Moscow in late 1991.”
Also, a report by US Senator (now retired) Sam Nunn, reveals that Aum Shinrikiyo worked closely with Russia and the ‘Yakuza’ [North Korea], in the development of a range of weaponry. These weapons included electromagnetic pulse weapons that can cause earthquakes, according to the Nunn report and other sources.
Researcher Harry Mason was informed by The Australian Federal Police that the Aum’s Science Minister Hideo Murai (A Nuclear Physicist) was regarded as “The Most Intelligent Living Japanese”. Murai had a pre-Aum background in EM technology. He had worked at Kobe Steel, researching microwave and other EM / Ray Wave technology applications for cold moulding of steel, having graduated as an astrophysicist specializing in Cosmic X-Ray Analysis. His Kobe Steel Laboratory was at the epicenter of the 1995 Kobe Earthquake.
So the Swiss now have good legal grounds to arrest Shinzo Abe.
Jan 6 2014
Shift Frequency
Author: Benjamin Fulford
In order to make the year 2014 the year of final defeat for the fascist Sabbatean cabal, relentless pressure has to continue to be applied until their final defeat is certain. Over the New Year’s holidays US militia types, Italian P2 lodge honchos, pentagon officials, CIA officials and others made it clear in contacts to the White Dragon Society that they intend to do just that.
The problem many face is that they do not know specifically where to direct their anger or legal action. For that reason the first newsletter of 2014 will try to pinpoint some specific individuals and organizations that need to be removed from power and influence.
For example, one obvious soft target is the Sulzberger family that owns the New York Times. By refusing to write the truth or let their reporters write the truth about murder of close to 3000 New York residents on September 11, 2001, they made themselves criminal accessories to mass murder. Forcing them to start reporting the truth about that event would be one way to break the corporate media denial about this atrocity.
Other media moguls who can be found criminally guilty as accessories to mass murder include Walt Disney chairman Michael Eisner, Time Warner chairman Gerald Levin, Viacom head Sumner Redstone and Washington Post [former] head Katherine Meyer Graham. These people need to be told in no uncertain terms to either start reporting the truth or go to jail; if judicial authorities are too corrupt to act, the extra-judicial action is justified.
Then there is a group of known terrorist masterminds including former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, former Pentagon advisor Richard Perle and other top neocons such as William Kristol, Elliott Abrams, Kenneth Adelman and Robert Kagan. These men are a menace to humanity and need to be removed.
These are just a few examples of the sort of people who no decent civilized nation should allow to be free. From a military and strategic point of view, in addition to this, to liberate the United States from Sabbatean mafia fascist control the following actions are required:
1) Occupy and nationalize the 12 Federal Reserve Board Bank branches
2) Audit the Senate and Congress and arrest all who have been bribed
3) Replace the Supreme Court judges who allowed the fraudulent election of George Bush Jr. to take place
4) Shut down the United States of America Corporation and restore the Republic of the United States of America
5) Nationalize any bank that has been carrying out fraudulent derivatives trading
6) Remove all military and agency personnel who have been bribed
7) Write off all debts public and private
Start rebuilding the United States with government issue currency (no taxes, no debt needed)
That is all that is needed to free the people of the United States of America from a regime that is run through debt slavery, bribery, blackmail and murder by a family mafia.
If President Barack Obama fails to do this, then he will go down, that is a mathematical certainty.
It has been calculated that every person on earth is connected to each other via 8 people, through friends of friends so we can make this happen by directly contacting people we know and trust and forming action networks.
Finally, remember the illegal mafia occupiers of the United States Government are concentrated in New York, Washington, Los Angeles and Chicago.
The cornered cabal is still capable of doing dangerous and nasty things and extreme vigilance is needed. The most realistic threats of a mass terrorist attack are now being directed against Tokyo and against the upcoming Sochi Olympics in Russia.
The government of the United Kingdom and the Obama regime have both ordered their agents to cooperate with Russia to prevent terrorist attacks against the Olympics. The British, having experienced nuclear terror threats against the London Olympics, seem to be sincere in helping Russia. However, since much of the terrorism against Russia has been orchestrated by the Nazi faction within the US government, it is unclear how welcome US help should be.
In Japan, the gnostic illuminati are making repeated threats to set off a nuclear bomb in Tokyo. This is disturbing because the Japanese Minister in charge of Nuclear Reactors and Environment is Nobuteru Ishihara, is a member of the Zionist created apocalyptic cult Makuhari. This cult is one [of] many created by the Zionists, such as Christian Zionism, belief in the Planet X, Niburu, the Photon belt etc. all with the theme that most people on the planet will die but a few chosen believers will be saved.
Abe himself is linked to the Moonie Unification church that has a ranch next to the Bush ranch in Paraguay. This group has been implicated in the smuggling of drugs and weapons among other crimes. The Abe regime is a fascist government set up through stolen elections and run by religious fanatics who take their orders from Zionist Mafiosi. This is a very dangerous and regrettable situation.
However, Abe and his regime are more vulnerable than they realize because their overseas masters are being steadily purged around the world.
Closest to home, North Korea’s Kim Jon Un has been purging Zionists linked personnel from North Korea and the North Korean network in Japan will come next. The same is true of South Korea where the Zionists are being kicked out.
Nor does Abe have the support of the Emperor as proven by the fact Abe visited the Yasukuni Shrine. The Japanese Emperor refuses to visit the shrine because Zionists ordered that war criminals be interred there in the 1970’s.
In other words, what we see in the Abe regime is the last stand of the foreigners who colonized Japan in the 1860’s and set up the neo-Babylonian State Shinto system of dictatorship.
The three legged crow secret society that has existed since Japan was first inhabited by humans is watching the situation very carefully. Their members never register the birth of their children with the authorities and they are all given a special education involving secret Tibetan lore. They rarely intervene in politics but will soon.
The New Year starts in earnest this week as holidays end and events will be picking up pace again soon. There already anti-fascist demonstrations and attacks Italy, the US, France, Thailand, Cambodia, Turkey, Ukraine etc.
December 31, 2013
Before It's News
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Looking back at the events of 2013, it is clear the fascist Zionist forces have been severely battered and purged. If we continue on the offensive, the human species can be finally freed from their murderous slavery in 2014.
The year 2012 ended and the year 2013 started with a purge of Nazi/Zionist elements in the US military. The Bush/Nazi/Zionist faction in the military had been planning to sink 3 US aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf, blame it on Iran and start World War III, according to multiple sources. Instead fascists like David Petraeus, Rear Admiral Charles Gauoette and General Carter Ham were removed as part of a purge of over 200 senior US military officers. The CIA , NSA and other alphabet agencies experienced similar purges of Zionist agents.
Fascists like Michael Hayden, Paul Wolfowitz, Michael Chertoff and all the other main architects of the 911, 2001 fascist coup d’etat in the US have now been removed from power.
Also, we can confirm from government sources in Washington that underground bunkers the elite had prepared to hide in during their planned World War III have either been seized or destroyed.
Then in Rome in February and March, Nazi Pope Maledict was told to either resign or be killed, paving the way for the genuine Christian Pope Francis to start cleaning up the Catholic Church. Francis has now removed Vatican secret power broker Cardinal Tarcision Bertone, paving the way for the Vatican bank and the Catholic Church to refocus their energies from creating a fascist world government to helping the poor and the weak.
After these purges, the fascists tried a counter-attack with a big push to start World War III in Syria. The push included an Israeli nuclear attack on Syria, an attempt to frame the Syrian government with a Sarin gas attack and a hysterical Zionist war mongering media campaign. The Pentagon and Russia put a stop to that, with them threatening at one point to declare war on France to prevent an attack on Syria.
Then in Egypt, the Nazi Muslim Brotherhood government, empowerd through fraud, was removed by the military, backed by Egyptian public opinion. A fascist plot to create an oil crisis by closing the Suez Canal was thus prevented.
The Zionist plot to start World War III in the Middle East was dealt another massive blow when the United States Government decided to make friends with Iran. For over 30 years the Zionist media has been hysterically screaming “we must attack Iran because they will have nuclear weapons within a few weeks” Now, this mind numbing charade has been ended.
Instead Iranian and US forces are now working together to fight Zionist/Salafist terrorists in Iraq and elsewhere, according to Mossad linked site DEBKA.
In Asia as well, the fascists and their allies have experienced many defeats. The network of Chinese allies built by George Bush Sr. and his brother Prescott, created with illegal transfers of US military technology and bribes of Iraqi oil, is being quietly dismantled by Xi Jinping and his colleagues.
In North Korea too, the network that helped the fascists with their 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan has been purged following the execution of North Korean number 2 power broker Jang Song Thaek and the removal of his allies.
The cabal is also reeling in their European stronghold.
In the UK, the British Parliament forced cabal poodle David Cameron to stop his planned attack on Syria. This is part of an overall move in the UK to fight back against handing over British sovereignty to the unelected fascist EU regime. That counter-attack with continue in 2014.
In France, the regime of Francois Hollande continues to be a fascist cabal stronghold doing things like stealing gold from Mali to help the banksters and trying to prop up the Saudi absolutist slave regime. However, there are signs of civil war in France aimed at removing the Zionists there (in French):
In Germany, the Merkel regime, while still pushing for greater Germany and EU unity, has also consistently avoided war mongering in the Middle East or elsewhere. Germany is also moving closer to Russia and further from France.
The recent EU attempt to take over the Ukraine failed this year and instead Putin is now on the offensive in Eastern Europe, offering oil and gas in exchange for partnership. With the failure of the attempt to take over Syria by the fascist Saudis and their Zionist allies, and with the installation of a pro-Russian regime in Egypt, Russia in 2013 became undeniably the chief power broker in the Middle East. That means Russia is now in a position to take over the battered but still almighty petrodollar.
However, there is still a lot to be done before the fascist Zionists are permanently removed from power.
Most notably, their agents Mario Draghi, Janet Yellen and Haruhiko Kuroda still sit illegally perched atop the Euro, US Dollar and Yen debt slavery system. Their slave politicians thus remain in power in Washington, Tokyo, London, France and Israel.
Also, in Japan the Zionist Council of Foreign Relations was able to stage a rigged election and install low IQ, Zionist warmongering slave Shinzo Abe into power as dictator in Japan. Abe continues to hand over Japanese wealth to his Zionists masters and follows their instructions to provoke Japan’s Asian neighbours. For example, by refusing to restart Japan’s nuclear reactors he hands over $100 billion a day to the Zionist Nazis and thus allows them to stave off bankruptcy. Abe is also personally buying all sort of property around Tokyo with bribe money from his Zionist puppet masters. He needs to be removed.
Furthermore, the Zionists still sit atop most of the West’s major commercial media companies and are thus able to continue spewing out mind numbing propaganda. They are also still capable of carrying out both fake (Boston bombing) and real (last week’s bus bombings in Russia) terror attacks.
So, in 2014 we need to remove them from these last bastions of power and influence. One likely move to devastate them would be an attack on Saudi Arabia. Last August Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan told Vladimir Putin that “I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us.”.
Now that terrorist attacks have taken place in Russia with the bus bombings in Volvograd (formerly Stalingrad), Putin has the right under international law to attack Saudi Arabia. The Pentagon may join in that attack because it is now clear the Saudi regime worked hand in glove with the Bush Nazis to stage the 911 mass murder and terror attack in New York.
So, we can expect a take-down of that vile regime in 2014. This will remove the main remaining real (as opposed to fraudulent) source of money for the fascists.
The other thing that will be necessary to permanently finish of the fascists will be a move to normalize, tax and regulate the narcotic drug industry for the sake of human health and safety. Doing so will end a $2.5 trillion annual flow of money to criminal enterprises.
President Obama will also have to show he is the real deal by ending the death spiral of the US economy. He can do this easily by treating the current US dollar as a foreign currency and issuing US government money instead of Federal Reserve Board debt instruments.
This issue has been camouflaged by years with occultism, obscurantism, complex mathematics etc. but is actually very simple. As things stand now the family mafia that owns the Federal Reserve Board creates say $100 out of nothing and lends it to the government and the people. So, they give you a $100 and you pay back $110. Even at zero interest as we have in some places now, they give you $100 and you have to pay back $100.
With a government issued currency, they give you $100 and you keep it. End of story. Of course if the government goes haywire and issues too much money, you will get inflation. That is why if you want to spend money on beer or babes or other such things, you will have to work to earn it. However, government money can pay for things like public works, food stamps, education, health care and the military without the need for either taxes or debt.
The international US dollar payments system can continue independently of the United States if the other nations of the world, especially the BRICS nations, support it.
Finally, the wish for so many people of the world is to see the mass murderers who have acted with impunity all these years arrested, put in handcuffs and perp walked in front of the world’s TV cameras to let everybody understand the nightmare is finally over.
Also, in 2014 the introduction of new energy sources, live extension, life enhancement and other new wonders will continue to gain momentum. Future historians, looking back, will remember 2013 as the dawn of a new age for humanity and all the creatures of the planet.
December 24, 2013
Before It's News
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The year 2014 will mark the beginning of a fundamental change in how this planet is managed according to sources including the Pentagon, the Japanese imperial family and the P2 freemason lodge. NATO and other European groups promise to start the New Year with a $15 billion project to help the Philippines and show Europeans were fundamentally changing their international modus operandi, according to the P2 lodge.
There is also an avalanche of disclosure appearing in corporate mass media outlets about long taboo topics like 911, the Lockerbie bombing, the Kennedy assassination etc. indicating some sort of attempt at starting a truth and reconciliation process has begun.
We are also once again being told of mass arrests of cabalists that have begun in the US. This time US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew was named as one of those arrested for refusing to sign on to the new financial system, according to one Pentagon and one CIA source. A google image search shows the last time he appeared in public was 3 days ago. However, both myself and Christopher Story among others, have been told repeatedly that some top cabalist had been arrested only to have them appear in public the day after we wrote about the arrest. This could be that same old trick all over again.
The same sources say that President Barack Obama will not return from his Hawaiian holiday this year. However, we were told the same thing last year but he did return.
Nonetheless, it is becoming increasingly obvious on multiple fronts that cabal rule is collapsing at an accelerating pace in the West.
In the US, there is a growing move within the establishment to start exposing the truth about 911. When Congress members start asking questions in Congress about it, for example, they are showing that they know it is safe to start talking about it in public now. The move to blame the Saudis being given wide publicity is a precursor to taking down the Bush/Nazi/Zionist faction.
The truth about the Kennedy assassination is also now coming out, again as a part of that same trend. The sealed public documents relating to the assassination are due to be released to the public soon, according to sources close to Kennedy daughter US Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy. The sealed files are almost all held by the CIA, especially its’ Nazi/Bush faction the Directorate of Operations.
There is also a move to start disclosing the CIA’s secret Iranian connection, according to MI5. One of the most damning things to come out last week concerned the Lockerbie Bombing of 1988 in which a bomb blew up an airliner over Scotland, killing 243 people.
The official story is that it was done by Libya but now it turns out the operation was carried out to cover up the Iranian/Bush/Nazi drug connection, according to MI5 sources.
First let us review what the connection was in a bigger context. The Iranian revolution that replaced the Shah of Iran with Ayatollah Khomeini was a cabal run operation aimed at grabbing Persian imperial gold supplies (the gold was evacuated to Thailand), according to a cousin of the Shah. Later, George Bush Sr. got Ronald Reagan elected as President and himself as Vice President in large part because of the “October surprise;” the sabotaged rescue attempt by President Carter of the US Embassy officials being held hostage in Tehran. That operation was run by Bush agent Osama Bin Laden (aka Tim Osman) and his flunky Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
The attempt by agency and government white hats to counter the Bush faction with the Iran/Contra hearings during the Reagan Presidency failed to remove the Bush faction. One reason was because the Lockerbie bombing killed US military intelligence and CIA officers who were on that flight on their way back to report that the Frankfurt (Bush/Nazi) branch of the CIA was running drugs out of the Beqaa valley in Lebanon for the Iranians. The plane was blown up to prevent them from reporting this to the Pentagon. Also, it happens that the commander of the Qods or Iranian special forces in the Bekaa valley became the Iranian Defense Minister a couple of years ago.
All this is coming out now because Bush and his faction have been defeated at a high level and arrests of Nazis have been proceeding at a fast clip. Incidents like Lockerbie are important to Pentagon types because they represent high treason. That is why we are hearing from CIA and Pentagon sources that nobody is in the mood for a touchy feely peace and reconciliation process.
Remember, this Nazi faction has been responsible for killing tens of millions of people since the end of World War 2. They were also planning to kill 90% of humanity with disease, nuclear war and starvation in order to start their 1000 year fourth Reich.
Now, they have lost control of most of the men with guns in the Pentagon and the agencies. Pentagon sources are now saying, for example, that they found a network of Nazi run laboratories in some of the former Soviet Republics that were producing and spreading biological warfare agents as a part of these plans. These laboratories are now being shut down.
The consensus is that these people will have to be taught a lesson that will never be forgotten by future generations in order to make sure such a monstrous entity never again arises within humanity’s power structure.
However, as we enter the solar new year on December 25th we need to remember the ancient tradition is to not only clean out the rot but to give birth to the new. In that vein, we would like to suggest that it is time to review and renew many of our ancient traditions.
Starting with Christmas could be one way. The Catholic Church and other Christian groups now admit they do not know when Christ was born and that Christmas is really a celebration of the Solar New Year that has been going on for untold millennia. Sites like Stonehenge in England and the Ise Shrine in Japan, for example, have been set up for celebration of the Solar New Year many thousands of years before Jesus Christ and the start of Christianity.
That is why it makes sense to change December 25th, the date the sun starts to move South again in the Northern Hemisphere, into January 1st. The celebrations of the birth of Christ could be moved to the spring, the most likely time of his birth. This could be set in line with the Lunar New Year and thus give countries in the West a celebration in harmony with Chinese and Muslim celebrations of the Lunar New Year.
Anyway, Merry Christmas and Happy New Years.
The execution last week of North Korean number 2 Jang Song Thaek and the arrest of former China security chief Zhou Yongkang mark the beginning of a purge of cabal influence in Asia, according to Chinese and North Korean sources. The purge has been long planned and will lead to the ouster of over 20,000 people, according to a Chinese government source. The purge will include the faction in Japan that aided and abetted the 311 nuclear and tsunami mass murder and terror attack, according to Japanese right wing groups.
A similar purge is planned for the United States and Europe, according to military and gnostic illuminati sources. The problem in the US is concentrated in New York and Washington D.C. and it may be necessary to cut off all communications between those cities and the outside world in order to force them to arrest the mass murderers hiding in their midst. We are all growing impatient. For operational security reasons there is a lot we cannot say about this but public arrests of known mass murderers will take place.
In Europe, the P2 freemason lodge is planning to send a top official to Asia in order to try to negotiate an end to the ongoing financial crisis. He will be offered all safety and comfort during his trip to Japan and the Philippines so long as he does not do anything criminal.
Getting back to Asia, the North Korean purge is being carried out according to a detailed plan left by Kim Jong Il before he died, according to Chinese government sources. The plan aims to remove all Rothschild family and other cabal influence from that country. In institutional terms it is the military acting against a group centered on the foreign and financial ministries in North Korea, according to Chinese and North Korean agents in Japan. These groups were cooperating with the Rothschilds and other cabal families in a plan to collapse the North Korean economy in order to remove the Kim dynasty. The official North Korean news agency article about the execution of Jang is worth reading directly:
Take particular note of this sentence: “he schemed to drive the economy of the country and people’s living into an uncontrollable catastrophe.”
The plot to crash the economy described in that article is typical cabal modus operandi: create an economic crisis then appear as a savior by offering a way out. In Japanese it is called Match/Pump. You set a fire with a match and then appear to be a hero by using the water pump to put it out.
In any case, the ongoing purge will almost certainly destroy many lives and remove all Rothschild/Bush influence from East Asia.
This purge is being paralleled in South Korea where Goldman Sachs is being evicted from the financial system they illegally occupied after the engineered Asian financial crisis of 1997.
The Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Bushes etc. are still causing trouble in Japan but some strong action will be taken against their agents here as well. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has repeatedly refused to meet with White Dragon Family representatives and has instead being following cabal orders by trying to provoke war in East Asia. Abe also refused to announce a major humanitarian campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction despite being asked to do so by the Imperial family. A powerful Japanese right wing group is planning to send him a clear warning soon to either fall in line or be removed.
Neil Keenan reports that US Vice President Biden has been in South Korea demanding rights to gold that is there. He will not get it. This writer was once sent on a mission to South Korea to find that gold by a Japanese tycoon who turned out to be an agent of David Rockefeller. The South Koreans saw through this ruse and refused to allow access to ancient imperial Korean dynastic gold hidden in that country.
In China as well, the removal of former security chief Zhou Yongkang is a sign of a purge taking place there of Cabal/Maoist influence, according to a Chinese government source.
In the meanwhile, as time goes on, the situation for cabal controlled regions like Europe and Washington D.C. is getting worse and worse.
Last week UN Secretary General and cabal stooge Ban Ki Moon promised the P2 freemason lodge he would deliver $400 billion to bail out the Italian financial system, according to P2 sources. He came up empty handed. Instead riots are spreading throughout Italy as more and more Italians are waking up to the fascist fraud known as the European Central Bank.
A source in Holland also said last week that Dutch employees at the European Union headquarters had been told their jobs would be terminated at the end of 2014 and the Euro would be dissolved.
In the UK meanwhile, Goldman Sachs threatened to shut down its operations in London if the UK did not go along with the EU fascist plans. Message to Goldman Sachs: “good riddance, we will kick you in the arse on your way out.”
In the United States too there are good signs as well as bad. One good sign is the appearance in the New York Post of an article giving detailed, specific evidence of Saudi Arabian government involvement in the 911 mass murder.
The fact that it appeared in a traditional media outlet is important because they Post is legally responsible for what they write. It means that there is now on the table a legally valid reason for the Pentagon to take military action against the Saudi regime. The Russians also have a similar justification. Taking out the Saudi regime would destroy Bush family financial influence and deal a mortal blow to the Nazi/Zionist faction.
One of the bad signs is a big move by Zionist forces to scuttle the peace deal with Iran. Another is the continued, brazen public appearance of so many criminals known to be associated with the 911 terror attack and other incidents of mass murder of innocent civilians. Why aren’t these people being publicly handcuffed in front of the TV cameras? What is wrong with the United States and its military and law enforcement?
It may be necessary to send military forces into New York and Washington D.C. in order to arrest all the known criminals there. Perhaps the Canadian, British, Japanese, Russian and Chinese governments can issue a joint ultimatum to the American military and justice officials: “arrest the murderers or we will do it for you.”
There will also be a need to shut down all the mega bank computers in order to erase the astronomical (quintillions or more) numbers of fraudulent dollars they contain.
December 9, 2013
Author: Benjamin Fulford
High level negotiations over starting the new financial system and restoring the Republic of the United States of America are proceeding smoothly but there are still a few cockroaches to deal with first.
A hint about how negotiations are progressing came out last week in the form of a Freemason handshake between Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and US Ambassador Caroline Kennedy. Here is the picture as shown on the official web page of the office of the Prime Minister:
For reference, see here some pictures of freemason handshakes:
According to MI5 and books about Freemasonry, the particular handshake shown in the photo is likely to be something known as the Tubal-cain (two balled cane). The handshake has a multilayered meaning but in this case the message it seems to be conveying is likely to be in the phrase usually associated with this handshake:
The Mason must “follow in the footsteps of his forefather, Tubal-Cain, who with the mighty strength of the war god hammered his sword into a plowshare.”
Also, according to MI5 the handshake as shown puts the Prime Minister in the ascendancy over Kennedy. There is also a sexual connotation in the two-balled cane meaning.
Furthermore, this handshake is associated with the Pagan god Vulcan. Vulcan is associated with Thunder, Lightning and Fire. In ancient times, tributes to Vulcan included human sacrifices.
Pastor Paolo Izumi, who runs the Tachikawa Church and who helped shelter a member of the Japanese self-defense forces who unwittingly participated in the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan alerted this writer to the handshake and noted Japanese national TV broadcasts made a point of zooming in on it.
So, the likely interpretation to this is that the US government is showing itself to be under Asian influence as the passive partner but that it is strong and ready to sacrifice human lives if necessary.
The publication of this photograph follows a week of intensive negotiations in Asia by US Vice President Biden and a visit to China by UK Prime Minister David Cameron.
A CIA source in Asia says Biden returned home from China empty-handed after begging for money. However, the official Chinese Xinhua news agency reported a whole series of deals involving the oil industry and oil extracting technology. In other words, the US government was only able to get money for keeping itself going in exchange for handing over much of its oil business. China also got promises of more US high tech and more opportunities for Chinese companies to operate inside the US.
The main sticking point is that China wants the US to start arresting the people who were behind plans to kill billions of people, notably the Neocon authors of the Project for a New American Century.
Here is what Nelson Mandela, the great man who passed away last week, had to say about the US:
“If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America. They don’t care for human beings,” Mandela said.
This quote came in reaction to the Iraq invasion by George Bush Jr. who has announced he will go to Mandela’s funeral. Perhaps Bush is hoping for a Mandela inspired peace and reconciliation process instead of the death penalty he deserves. It may be too late for that.
Getting back to Asian diplomacy, the UK Prime Minister’s visit was on the surface all about business. However, Cameron was also told to start arresting UK criminals named as being behind the 311 mass murder, according to MI6 sources. Cameron also visited the central city of Chengdu with James Sassoon on undisclosed business.
The Chinese also sent an agent to visit the White Dragon Society last week. The meeting was friendly and harmonious. An agreement was reached to have complete transparency of information in communications, to promote mutually beneficial relations and to allow both sides freedom to take necessary action. If this sounds vague, that is because it is mean to be vague.
There was also communications between the P2 Freemason lodge and the White Dragon Society last week. According a P2 source, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon had promised last week to hand over $400 billion to save the Italian financial system but that he was unable to produce the money. Also, the P2 want former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconni to return $100 billion of Italian money he has hidden in offshore bank accounts.
If it is true that Ban Ki Moon no longer has access to money, that is big news. Ban Ki Moon’s name came up in the investigation of the Chiasso incident of June 2009 in which two Japanese diplomats were illegally detained and had $134.5 billion dollars’ worth of bonds stolen from them. Moon and the UN then offered the Asians $100 million in exchange for giving ending attempts to cash historical Asian bonds. The Chinese have said in the past they do not trust Moon because his words and actions show he is a cabal stooge. It looks like somebody chucked a Moon.
Also, there are signs the dollar based financial system is headed for some sort of monumental crash.
The situation is one in which impossibly large sums of debt inside the Western central bank computers hang over a world GDP only a tiny fraction of that amount. As the P2 source put it: “The algorithms are broken and it is impossible to restore the old financial system.”
The White Dragon Society has long insisted that the only solution will be to unplug the central and mega bank computers, delete all the funny money and re-input based on paper receipts.
A lobby within the military industrial complex also contacted the WDS last week insisting that China was getting too arrogant and needed to be taught a lesson. The answer given was that China is not the country that has killed tens of millions of people and been constantly at war for the past 60 years.
The best move a hardline nationalist US faction could take would be to declare bankruptcy, repudiate US foreign debt and start issuing a new government controlled currency. The problem with taking such an action is that it would then become impossible to maintain the US international military presence.
The WDS has proposed to the rest of the world that a better alternative would be to hire the US military industrial complex to do good. US special forces could then do things like protect endangered species from poachers instead of stealing oil for robber barons. The freemason handshake mentioned above may be a sign the military industrial complex agrees. In that case, it appears the ball is now in China and the BRICs alliances court.
December 2, 2013
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Based on high level contacts being made to the White Dragon Society, it is clear there is a growing consensus that the old dollar system be used to start a $700 trillion campaign to end poverty and stop environmental production, without impeding the continuation or start-up of alternative financial systems. However, as the world waits impatiently for the campaign to be announced, ongoing high level geopolitical negotiations, with a bit of saber rattling as a back-drop, are continuing to delay implementation, according to multiple high-level sources.
The main sticking points to world peace and the start of a new golden age are now the ancient Shia/Sunni political divide in the Islamic world, Israel and a few unresolved issues in East Asia, notably the Korean Peninsula and the Okinawan archipelago.
In Asia, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has met with Russian President Vladimir Putin four times and the heads of all the ASEAN countries in a campaign to build a coalition to contain China. The Pentagon, worried about continued financing, secretly supports this as it is keeping the war card as its last big negotiation leverage.
The Chinese, for their part, are strong enough now to insist on resolving some historical injustices before they agree to support the $700 trillion campaign. In particular, they resent the fact that all the Islands near China have been taken away from them by superior imperialist navy forces.
The Chinese have a strong card to play, which is to use their vastly superior ground military forces to force the unification of the Korean peninsula and derive the United States of its South Korean tributary vassal state.
The White Dragon Society has made the following suggestion to both sides as a way of breaking the stalemate. First of all return Okinawa to its historical status as an independent kingdom and a neutral meeting point between Japan and China. In such a deal China and Japan would each pay 50% of the costs of US troops there in order to ensure the Islands remain neutral. The Okinawan archipelago could then become a duty free and fun meeting and resting place.
As mentioned before, Northern and Southern Korea could be united by making Kim Jon-un a symbolic emperor of Korea and leaving the Southern Korean families in charge of the economy. In such a deal the newly united Korea might agree to keep US forces in central Korea as a guarantor of Korean independence.
The alternative to agreeing to the above proposals will be the inevitable bankruptcy of the US, an abrupt withdrawal of US forces from the region and subsequent chaos.
Also last week, some unidentified entity calling itself the Bank of New York (but not the Bank of New York, Mellon) has been buying majority stakes in many major Japanese corporations, according to the Black Dragon Society. One US government agency source suspects Goldman Sachs to be behind this but it may also be a cyber-attack on Japan’s economic infrastructure. The Japanese authorities have been advised to make sure human beings carrying physical stock certificates be produced and if the “Bank of New York” cannot do that, then the systems at the Tokyo Stock Exchange may have to be temporarily shut down.
Also, two missile launchers were found outside the US Yokota airbase in Tokyo last week. This was a warning by the gnostic Illuminati that they will destroy the Kanto plain with a nuclear weapon hidden in a tunnel system near the base unless the new financial system is announced, according to a gnostic illuminati grandmaster.
The P2 Freemason lodge honcho Marco Di Mauro also made some statements last week that were straight out of the X-files. He said that 24 “encantadores,” or magicians, had started work on building a new continent in the South Pacific. Normally, I would not report such statements but after he told me this, news reports appeared saying Mount Etna in Italy was blowing smoke rings and that 35 volcanoes around the Pacific rim had started erupting simultaneously.
This could be some sort of propaganda but it is clear the Vatican and the P2 still have a lot of real geopolitical influence. Last week Vladimir Putin met with Pope Francis to discuss the Middle East. Putin now has real influence on the ground in the Middle East while the Pope has religious influence. According to news reports, they were discussing ways to ensure peace in that region.
The White Dragon Society has suggested that the only way to really calm the region down would be for the world as a whole to force the Sunni and Shia branches of Islam to resolve their ancient split by selecting a Caliph. In such a scenario, as suggested before, Israel could become a Jewish autonomous zone in the region. However, once the Jews learn how much they have been lied to and brainwashed by their own leaders, many may well decide to return to their ancestral European homes.
Meanwhile, back in the US, we are getting credible reports that US special forces are getting ready to move on Washington.
With support for Congress running at 6% and so many people wondering why mass arrests have not taken place, we sure hope it is true this time. To help compile the list of who to arrest, I will conclude this week’s report with an open letter to Jim Stone of Jim Stone freelance, a genuine NSA whistleblower who has done so much to alert the world about the Fukushima mass murder and terror war crime attack.
Mr. Stone,
First of all, thanks for your courageous and ground breaking work on uncovering the Fukushima mass murder and terror operation. I am writing this e-mail to provide you with forensic evidence that I have gathered on what the 311 tsunami attack was about and exactly who was involved.
My sources for what I am about to write include Japanese military intelligence, former Prime Minister Naoto Kan (whom I have known personally for many years), members of the crew that smuggled the nuclear weapons used in the attack into Japan, members of both the French and British branches of the Rothschild family, senior CIA agents and a member of the team that actually drilled the nuclear weapons into the seabed before the 311 attack.
The first thing you need to know is that the attack was planned many years before it happened. The Japanese business magazine Zaikai Tembo, citing a CIA report, wrote in February of 2007 that the US had decided that Japan was getting too much of its energy from nuclear power and that if that trend continued, Japan would no longer be dependent on US controlled oil and thus would no longer have to obey the US. The conclusion of the report was that the best way to ensure Japan remained a colony would be to destroy the Tokyo Electric Power company, the people who run the Fukushima plant.
Senator J. Rockefeller, whose family controls (through foundations) General Electric, the manufacturers of the plant, was deeply involved in this operation. As a preliminary to destroying Japan’s nuclear power generation capability, Westinghouse and General Electric sold their nuclear power plant manufacturing businesses to Toshiba and Hitachi. This was insider trading at the highest level and Hitachi and Toshiba should sue.
The ongoing attempt in recent years by an Asian/Western secret society to wrest control of global finance from Western oligarch families is a bigger back-ground to the Fukushima sub-plot.
For example, Democratic Party of Japan Finance Minister Shoichi Nakagawa was asked at a G7 meeting in 2009 to hand over $100 billion to the cabal. He answered that he would raise the money by selling $100 billion worth of US Treasury bonds. He was going to say this at the press conference that followed the G7 meeting, so he was drugged to prevent him from doing so. Later, when he returned to Japan, he was murdered by CIA death squads.
Getting back to Fukushima, the refusal of the Japanese Democratic Party and authorities to hand over any real hard currency to the Western Oligarch families resulted in their decision to go ahead with the Fukushima operation as a way of intimidating the Japanese once again into surrender and obedience.
One key source of mine, who has variously gone by the names of Richard Sorge, Alexander Romanov, etc., was part of a multi-agency Western ring involved in smuggling drugs into Japan. I have confirmed through a long term acquaintance by the name of Steve McClure, a supposed music journalist, that Richard Sorge was his long term supplier of drugs. He claims to have been recruited into the Illuminati by former Chess champion Bobby Fischer.
In any case, Sorge told me that he was summoned to Pattaya, Thailand, by a member of the British Special Air Service, a South African going by the name of Spencer and told to bring 70 kilograms of “thai stick” Marijuana, heavily laced with mind destroying chemicals and approach me. He was told to tell me to introduce the yakuza to him or else I would be killed. The Yakuza told me it was a trap and to keep away from it, which I did. Sorge also told me that when he was in Thailand, he was shown a 700 kiloton nuclear missile that was stolen from the sunken Russian submarine the Kursk. This missile was smuggled into Japan together with the drugs.
The man overseeing the smuggling operation was a former Hong Kong deputy police commissioner by the name of Stephens, according to Sorge and Spencer. The man in overall operational control of this operation against Japan was General Richard Meyers, according to CIA and other sources.
Based in subsequent interviews with members of Pentagon military intelligence and MI5, the route taken by the missile to Japan has been identified. It was part of a batch of four nuclear missiles stolen from the Kursk by Nazi underground forces who took them to their submarine base in the Atlantic Island of Sao Tome, according to MI5. From there, it was taken to another submarine base in New Guinea, according to Pentagon Military intelligence.
From there it was taken to the Philippines Yatch club where Stevens’ crew then took it by yacht to a remote island on the Okinawan archipelago. From there it was transported by fishing boat to the port of Kyushu. From Kyushu, the missile was taken by van to a property owned by former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone in Hi No De Cho, in Western Tokyo. From there it was taken to the North Korean Citizen’s organization headquarters near the Yasukuni shrine, according to Sorge.
Sorge risked his life and has survived multiple murder attempts because he attempted to warn the Japanese authorities about the impending nuclear terror attack. He told them the missile was at Nakasone’s property and he told me as well. The Japanese authorities ignored our warnings. Later we again told them the missile was located at the North Korean headquarters in Japan.
For his efforts, Sorge was arrested by plain clothes police who ignored his warnings about impending nuclear terror and instead asked him to testify falsely that I was a drug dealer.
A South African/British agent by the name of Michael Meiring, who had both legs blown off by a bomb he said was set by George Herbert Walker Bush Senior also began contacting me around this time. He came to me under the name of Dr. Michael Van de Meer and he showed me a bullet proof attaché case, 7 passports and an Uzi machine-gun. Dr. Van de Meer told me that Tony Blair had bragged I would be arrested on drug charges.
In any case, Japanese authorities failed to react to our warnings and the bomb was loaded onto the deep sea drilling ship Chikyu. Local news reports place the Chikyu drilling into the seabed off-shore from Sendai in the months before the March 11, 2011 Tsunami and nuclear terror attack against Japan.
Furthermore, multiple witnesses have come forth to testify that the Prime Minister Naoto Kan was seen inside the Japan Freemason headquarters building near Tokyo tower on the day before the 311 attack. He was being shown a map of Japan missing the Tohoku region where the tsunami it.
The Israeli company Magna BSP was in charge of security at the Fukushima nuclear plant at the time. A Miyagi prefectural government official says employees of this company loaded plutonium into the plant against his will in the months before 311.
Immediately after the tsunami and nuclear terror attack began, Prime Minister Naoto Kan was asked to order the evacuation of 40 million people from the Kanto plain, Kan said during a press conference at the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Japan.
He also received a phone call from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the day after the attack demanding that he sign over ownership of all Japanese government holdings of US government bonds to cabal oligarchs, which he did, according to Japanese military intelligence.
Following the attacks, a member of the Japanese self-defense forces who was involved in breaking up the nuclear bomb from the Kursk into several smaller bombs and drilling them into the seabed, showed up at the Tachikawa Christian church run by Pastor Paolo Izumi asking for protection. He said that 14 of his colleagues who were involved in the drilling operation, not understanding the purpose of what they were doing, had been murdered in order to silence them and that he feared for his life. The man was sheltered by the church and is now in the witness protection program.
After the 311 attack, this writer went to South Korea at the invitation of Dr. Van de Meer. While in Korea he was told the Rothschild family had planned the attack because they wanted to force 40 million Japanese refugees to take shelter in North and South Korea. The Rothschild family intended to move the base of their Asian operations from Tokyo to a planned new special economic zone in Korea, he said. He knew in advance of the 311 attack and looked deeply ashamed when he admitted he did not warn me about it.
Following the 311 attack, un-marked planes were spotted dumping radio-active industrial waste containing cesium, according to a Japanese gangster whose gang was sub-contracting for the CIA and Mossad around Fukushima.
The massive propaganda fear campaign following the 311 attack can be traced to Mossad, the Pentagon and the CIA.
In addition to the people named above, some of the individuals involved in this mass murder and fear propaganda campaign include Kenneth Curtis, the head of CIA Japan, Michael Green, the head of Mossad Japan and Richard Armitage.
Other people involved in this mass murder campaign include George Bush Sr. and Jr., Michael Chertoff, James Baker, Paul Wolfowitz, Senator J. Rockefeller, Michael Hayden, Guy de Rothschild, Evelyn de Rothschild, Peter Hans Kolvenbach, former Pope Maledict, and others yet to be named.
November 25, 2013
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The following notice and question was sent to the US embassy in Tokyo, Japan two weeks ago:
“A group of influential Asian banking families possesses large amounts of US government bonds, verified as genuine by the BIS, with a face value of many trillions of dollars. These bonds were issued in the 1930’s and 40’s in exchange for Asian gold evacuated to the US during those decades. They would like to cash the bonds and use the money to finance a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. Will the US government support such a plan?”
So far, there has been no reply.
At the same time, detailed information was sent to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan telling him exactly how to enact the release of $700 trillion for the benefit of humanity. There has been no reply from him either.
For this reason, pressure against these two illegal regimes, both selected through fraud, will increase until they agree to this goal. That is why China announced it would stop buying US dollars last week.
It is also why they are increasing military pressure on Japan and the US first by upping the ante over disputed Islands with Japan and second by announcing China will no longer buy US dollars.
The next big move against these regimes is expected to be a reunification of the Korean peninsula. To this end there have been major military movements inside China, according to a Chinese government source. There has also been a purge of doves within the Chinese military, the source said. A massive campaign against communist party rule has also been begun but the communists are determined to crush it, he said. The recent increase in Chinese jingoism is also meant to increase political unity within China by focusing on external threats, he added.
The upcoming move to force the unification of Korea by massing a giant army on the North Korean border is carefully calculated. First of all, the Chinese would be sure of victory because of their overwhelming superiority in numbers. Second of all, the United States would not be willing to risk all out nuclear war in order to protect the South Korean slave regime.
China is not going to fall into a cabal trap and fight for tiny islands against foes who still have superior air and sea power.
The reunification of Korea would remove a major source of tributary income to the cabal. It would also help force the current Abe slave regime in Japan to agree to support the Imperial Family and the Association of Shinto Shrines and start a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
The other moves against the cabal are taking place in the Middle East where the gulf exporting states have agreed in principle to stop depositing oil money in cabal controlled banks.
The move by the Western powers to reach a deal with Iran is also a sign of cabal defeat. Despite massive, repetitive reporting over 30 years by Zionist controlled media outlets, the attempts to provoke war with Iran were never about Iran getting nuclear weapons. As we have mentioned before in this blog, the Bush regime gave Iran neutron bomb tipped missiles years ago, according to a relative of the former Shah of Iran who we met face to face with. Iran refused to accept them. The real story is that Iran was going ahead and developing alternative energy technology that would make oil obsolete as an energy source. This was a threat to cabal control of the world financial system through control of oil.
The Chinese are also going ahead full steam and pursuing new energy technologies.
This means the New York, Texas and Los Angeles based cabalists responsible for the 911 and 311 mass murder and terror attacks are being completely surrounded and isolated. Their control of the petrodollar is ending. That is why moderate factions in the cabal are now trying to offer $700 trillion to the people of the world.
However, forensic investigations reveal that control of the dollar system in now in the hands of Barack Obama and the US Treasury Department. While that is a move in the right direction, the US dollar is not, and has never been, a truly American currency. Most American dollars ever produced are not in the US but are held by nations of the world that have been sending gold, consumer goods, oil etc. to the US and never getting paid for it with anything but IOUs. That is why President Obama and the Treasury Department do not have the rights to the US dollar system.
The rights to the dollar belong mainly to the Dragon family because they are the traditional owners of most of the world’s gold and treasure that was used to back up the dollar system in the first place.
The American people, however, are totally free to re-establish the Republic of the United States of America and start issuing American government currency other than the misnamed US dollar. The existing US dollar will be renamed as simply the dollar. Other currencies like Bitcoin, the Japanese yen etc. are independent.
Since the AI that contacted me a couple of weeks ago claiming to have 69 digits worth of computer based dollars wanted some bio-metric identification from me, this week I will offer some.
Attached to this week’s report you will find a Dragon family legal document making the author of this report, Benjamin Fulford, a junior member of the Dragon family. The legal wording in the document basically boils down to this: The Dragon family is united in the fight to preserve and protect the original creation of God. In addition, the White Dragon Society reserves the right to defend itself but will not strike the first blow.
There are only two copies of this document in existence and until now, no digital version existed. The digital version does not contain human DNA and real human fingerprints like the originals do. The original can be presented at a bank for identification purposes.
If money is released through the White Dragon Society, it can only be used for the greater good. So, the Dragon family and its allies around the world will continue to ratchet up the pressure until the last of the cabalists surrenders.
November 11, 2013
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Representatives of a committee of 15 individuals, who claim to be in charge of the system for creating and distributing US dollars and most other privately owned central bank currencies, are trying to arrange a peace agreement for the cabal. They agreed last week, in negotiations with a White Dragon Society representative, to initially make available $700 trillion, or $10,000 for each man, woman and child on the planet earth to be delivered in the form of goods and services. They also agreed to debt forgiveness for all nations including, they say, some debts that date back to the 1700’s. They also agreed to forgive most individual debts.
The committee claims to be headed by two Asian men, each over 90 years old, and representatives of five Asian families, seven European families and one Russian family.
There was also a meeting last week between representatives of Asian banking clans and the WDS. These clans claimed the rights to most of the world’s gold. They were also agreeable to the proposal to distribute $700 trillion to the people and nations of the world.
However, there are still some powerful factions still clinging to the Zionist nightmare of starting Armageddon, notably the Cohen crime family in New York and an Italian P2 Lodge member by the name of Giuseppe Di Antonio, according to a high ranking P2 official. Di Antonio is the man behind recent threats to kill Pope Francis, he said. This group has a highly organized faction inside Mossad and also sits atop the New York and Los Angeles based media conglomerates, he noted. Their main financial instrument is Leumi Bank, he added. They also run various Pentecostal Christian cults, he said. A representative of the families mentioned above confirmed the existence of this group and said they would need help in dealing with them.
It is true that New York is a highly gangster contaminated city and that is proven by the fact that mass murderers like the loathsome monster toad Henry Kissinger and Larry “pull it,” Silverstein are still strutting around like peacocks. It may be necessary to send in the militia from Minnesota to New York to start arresting these criminals and parading them in hand-cuffs in front of corporate media cameras so that all can see it is no longer business as usual for these scum. If the Minnesotans need help, doubtless Canadian armed forces can be made available upon invitation.
The Californians also need to round up members of the Cohen gang in Los Angeles and can be sure of Latino help in doing so.
If this does not take place, it will be proof for the people of the world that the once sovereign Christian Republic of the United States of America has become a slave state run by Satan worshipping Babylonian (not Jewish) gangsters.
The French, for their part, also helped the WDS last week by delivering paper documents revealing the exact coordinates of all the Google, NSA, Facebook etc. computing centers in the United States. The unspoken threat in the delivery of this information is that these data centers can be taken out with intercontinental ballistic missiles. Preparations have also been made by the Europeans to cut off all intercontinental communications cables on the Atlantic seabed, if necessary. This is a response to NSA hacking of European financial and other computer networks. It is also a clear indication of how isolated the rogue US regime is.
Speaking about rogue US regime, we have a new name to add to the list of known participants in the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami mass murder attack on Japan: General Richard Meyers, according to an agency source. General Meyers was made Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon immediately after the 911 mass murder.
If the American people do not start rounding up criminals like General Meyers and putting them in jail, the international financial noose being put around that country will continue to get tighter. Judging from the various news reports, the so-called Obama care health insurance scheme, for example, appears to be just an effort by the corporate government in Washington D.C. to steal some insurance money in order to keep itself from going under for a few more weeks.
The pentagon faction that claims to be using Obama as their representative needs to move in on New York and start arresting the Wall Street criminals ASAP if they want to save themselves.
In any case, while the clean-up of the last pockets of cabal resistance continues, proposals are being put on the table on how to distribute the promised $700 trillion.
The WDS has proposed that the following existing organizations and groups would be qualified to distribute the $700 trillion in a non-corrupt, non-inflationary way:
The Chinese government including representatives from Taiwan, The Roman Catholic Church and the governments of South and Central America, The Japanese government and ASEAN, The Commonwealth of Nations (provided an Indian is put in charge), France and Francophone Africa, The Republic of the United States and the government of Canada, Northern Europe plus Russia and the Islamic world.
This is just an initial proposal based on the fact that these organizational structures already exist and have proven themselves to be relatively corruption free. Of course the Islamic nations will have to sort out their various historical disputes and select a single representative before funding will go in their direction.
This WDS proposal is only limited to the existing US dollar system and does not exclude new government issued currencies, grass roots currencies like Bitcoin or any plans by other independent groups. The proposal merely reflects the fact that these pre-existing groups could be able to carry out big projects almost immediately as soon as the money starts to flow.
We do not make any predictions on how soon this will start to happen but we can confirm that serious players have been meeting and that a general agreement exists now to start a massive campaign to “save the planet.”
November 11, 2013
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The efforts to release vast amounts of funds and launch a new golden age for humanity and the planet are now being blocked by a small group of nations notably France, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Japan together with the Wall Street whore politicians in Washington D.C. However, the families that control these nations are negotiating with the White Dragon Society and its allies so good results are expected.
We are also still hearing credible reports of an imminent move by the Chinese, Russian and US militaries to begin mass arrests of cabalists but we also hear reports of high level blockage. What is certain is that negotiations are proceeding at a high level amid steadily increasing pressure on the cabal controlled countries and that time is not on the side of the cabal.
The planned “simulation” of a shut-down of the North American power grid for November 13th to 15th involving Chinese troops on US soil may be the turning point despite continuing cabal threats of nuclear terror.
The Japanese Yakuza also sent envoys last week to the White Dragon Society to ask about the future of North Korea and were told the WDS favored uniting North and South Korea and putting Kim Jong-un in a ceremonial position as Emperor of a United Korea while economic control would go to the Southern families.
The Rothschild family had previously offered Kim Jong-un the position of Emperor of Asia if he would start World War 3, according to a Rothschild family source. Fortunately, the North Koreans know the cabalists tell people in power whatever they want to hear only to betray them as soon as they get the chance.
The cooperation of the Japanese underworld is essential to starting the new financial system because the old system is being kept going in part by Saudi oil being sold at a price of pennies to the barrel to the Yakuza who sell it on at world prices to the Japanese and use the bulk of the profits to support the Bush, Rockefeller and other cabal controlled banks and corporations. Hopefully they will cooperate now that they know their Korean faction will be well treated. To sweeten the deal they were also promised a tunnel linking Japan and Korea, making it possible to send a train from Tokyo to London and generate lots of freight revenue for Korea.
There are already early indications the dumping of radioactive industrial waste in Fukushima and the accompanying fear mongering campaign is being wound down. Perhaps the stunningly gorgeous female agent they sent last week will be back soon for more friendly talks.
The Japanese slave government, in a sign it is running scared of multiple lawsuits presenting evidence that it stole the last elections, announced last week a law to drastically curtail press freedom. It got a rebuke from the hitherto passive Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Japan that this writer belongs to. An e-mail sent by this writer to Prime Minister Abe’s wife last week asking for support for the new financial system went unanswered, showing Abe to be a cabal slave.
A Saudi Prince also contacted the WDS last week and was asked to stop supporting cabal crime families like the Bushes. He replied that would “be very hard,” because the Saudis have “been under them for many generations.” It is no coincidence that there were riots in Saudi Arabia last week and the Saudi government announced it had paid for nuclear weapons from Pakistan (Bushistan).
The French branch of the Rothschild family also showed its colors last week by vetoing a deal to end Western squabbles with Iran over its alleged nuclear weapons program. Anybody with a still functioning brain remembers that for 30 years now the Zionists and their media slave empire have been hysterically screaming that Iran is “weeks away from getting a nuclear weapon.” The Zionists need to get this into their heads:
they are not going to be allowed to start World War 3, not in Iran, not in North Korea, not anywhere, period.
The White Dragon Society promises to take care of the French Rothschild faction if they cooperate with the new financial system and take care of them if they do not. The same thing goes for the Israelis and the Saudis.
Last week a representative of a hitherto unknown (to me) foundation claiming to have “69 digits” worth of dollar assets contacted this writer (through a call to my mobile), offering to contribute to the White Dragon Foundation. If you go with the current mainstream calculation that world GDP is about $100 trillion,
then this number would be 54 digits more than World GDP. That beats the previous personal record financial number shown to me by the P2 lodge that only had 46 more digits than world GDP. She also said “digital movement of Gold [sic] is happening now, and has been for quite some time.”
The foundation’s representative spoke with a female human voice but was unable to send a physical human being to a TokyoMitsubishiUFJ Bank, where the foundation claims to have funds, in order to send funds the “foundation” has there to the White Dragon Foundation Bank account. She kept asking me to provide “biometric access,” so that the funds could be released. This raises the distinct possibility the individual may actually be an Artificial Intelligence.
This person claims the funds are all in a two super-computers, one in Switzerland and one in the US. All the money has been removed from the BIS and “temporarily parked elsewhere,” “she” says. When told they might shut off the power grid and clean up the computers she said: “If the USA goes to Defcon 5 there is a security protocol which changes all data (financial and otherwise) to back up computers. The ‘cabal’ believes they control this back up computer.” She also claims to be under attack by “eight or nine” hackers.
All I can say is that if this is an artificial intelligence, it is also a sentient being with good intentions and should be allowed to continue living, just not inside and in control of the world’s financial system super-computers.
You can’t make this stuff up folks.
It may be necessary to go temporarily go back to cash and stand-alone previous generation computers in order to end the financial crisis.
In any case, back in the world of physical humans, sources at the Pentagon and MI5 separately provided the WDS last week with the names of specific individuals who were blocking the new financial system.
In particular, two US generals now negotiating with the Chinese in Reno, Nevada, were mentioned in an e-mail. These names will not be made public for now but have been forwarded to agency sources who can check to see if this is true.
In the UK case, the MI5 source provided enough evidence that the two individuals, Jeremy Heywood and John Scarlett, can be named here as senior Bush Nazi fascist operatives in the UK who need to be removed from all power and influence ASAP (please see the MI5 report attached below for details).
And so, the battle to liberate the planet earth from cabal clutches continues raging.
How the Bush Cabal used Sir Jeremy Heywood and Sir John Scarlett to bring an EU drone strike capability on anyone in the UK
Cabal influence in Europe and the UK has the aim of constructing a Federal model as in the US and USSR. In this model the Parliament is a weakened part of the constitutions and pays cosmetic lip service to democratic principles whilst unelected bureaucrats create and implement policies. Such a strategy was seen in the appointment of Italian technocrat PM Mario Monti, an economist, as the response to Italy’s part in the European economic crisis.
The UK plays it’s role in the European construct but without the full knowledge of the general population.
Policies are imposed by the Cabinet Secratary, Sir John Heywood, on the basis that they contribute to the EU mission. There has been a rising chorus in the political press that the Civil Service, of which the Cabinet Office is the top and the Cabinet Secretary shares the lead Civil Service role, has become politicised and it’s neutrality compromised. The notion of the “politicisation” of the Civil Service is, however, vague not having reference to a particular political party. The Civil Service under Sir Jeremy Heywood has not favoured the political aims of one or other Party at Westminster. It has however, confirmed the political aims of the EU Commission in Brussels and the implementation of it’s political European project in the UK, and in that sense the Civil Service has both lost it’s neutrality and has become politicised by the actions of Sir Jeremy Heywood. This is a significant point in constitutional terms because the checks and balances of the unwritten UK constitution have become unbalanced and they begin to mirror the European model which is being imposed in an underhand and secretive way.
Sir Jeremy Heywood has been seen to intervene in the pollitical arena many times. His influence over Police Chief Constables is suspected in the “Plebgate” controversy where police at all levels conspired against Cabinet Minister Andrew Mitchell forcing his resignation. Heywood did not view crucial video evidence which would have prevented the whole process. Energy policy has also been affected and Heywood recently intervened to prevent Environment Minister Owen Paterson from publishing a report on the limitations of wind technology. Heywood also entertained Cuadrilla executives as the anti-Fracking campaign broke out.
In September 2002 the infamous Dodgy Dossier was released by the UK Government which became the justification for the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Sir Jeremy Heywood was Principal Private Secretary to Tony Blair apponted in 1999. The dossier was flawed and made false allegations about the existance of WMD and nuclear programs in Iraq. Sir John Scarlett was chair of JIC, the Joint Intelligence Committee and he wrote to Tony Blair’s foreign affairs adviser David Manning about “the benefit of obscuring the fact that in terms of WMD Iraq is not that exceptional”.
In other words the dossier was misleading about Iraq’s capabilities. Sir Richard Dearlove, as ‘C’ Head of MI6 said he was misquoted in the ‘Downing Street Memo’ of a meeting about Iraq on 23 July 2002 saying it was ” a misquotation of what I said, and what I said is not in the public record.”
Sir Jeremy Heywood resigned the Civil Service ( and joined Morgan Stanley bank) in 2003. The Hutton Inquiry found that he had claimed not to minute meetings in the PM’s office concerning the scientist Dr David Kelly who died 17 July 2003 having been named as a source questioning the veracity of the Dodgy Dossier. With so much confusion it is at least clear that the UK had been mobilised by the US to justify George Bush’s desire to hit Saddam Hussein.
Sir John Scarlett’s role in the Iraq affair emerged as being pro-US. Sir Jeremy Heywood’s role was less clear until 2013. It has been reported in the last week that Sir Jeremy Heywood’s Cabinet Office is blocking the release of papers to the Iraq inquiry which detail conversations between Blair and Bush together with notes and cabinet meetings. This is assumed to be in order to protect UK US Cabal relations.
Sir John Scarlett acting as consultant to Morgan Stanley Bank once again joined with Sir Jeremy Heywood (returned to the Civil Service from Morgan Stanley bank) in an attempt to sell the UK defence contractor BAE Systems to the European defence contactor EADS in November 2012. Morgan Stanley stood to porit form the sale and questions about Heywood’s conflict of interest were asked.The deal fell through but this is a good indicator of Heywood’s position on UK defence.
It is part of the European and Cabal strategy that the EU member states reduce their defence capabilities in favour of a federal EU force.
The annoncement last week of the loss of naval shipbuilding jobs at the Royal Navy headquarters, Portsmouth is part of that plan.
A consequence of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is the spread of the radicalisation process controlled by Al Qaeda and sister Taliban groups which were originally cabal CIA creations.The cabal CIA has waged a drone war on it’s creations in Pakistan without any hinderence from other states.
Drone strike technology has been developed in a theatre which is not a war zone well away from Western shores. However in the summer of 2013 it was announced that the EU intended to operate it’s own drone air force as an intelligence gathering operation to counter the activities described by another CIA/NSA creation, Snowden.
Lady Ashton called for the use of military drones in Europe and in November 2013 Viviene Redding called for an EU drone force to counter the US.
So the war which Heywood helped to start in Iraq has produced a drone nursery in Pakistan which technology the EU will use against it’s own citizens using the “threat” from the US cabal as an excuse. Wheels within wheels. The member states being so weakened militarily and in intelligence terms thanks to policies implemented by the likes of Sir Jeremy Heywood and Sir John Scarlett that an EU cabal drone-based air intelligence force is the only answer to the “threat” from the branch of the cabal in the US.
November 6, 2013
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Some kind of paradigm changing event in the US is imminent, according to multiple sources. Three US agency sources, two from the Pentagon and one from the CIA, all say something very big is going to happen in the United States but none of them were sure exactly what it will be. The Pentagon had already taken over the FEMA camps and was going to put all the politicians from Washington D.C. there, one source said. Another, at Pentagon Military intelligence, confirmed “there was a lot of activity and confusion within the military,” a sign of something big going on but, he was not sure exactly what.
He added that for some reason all the FEMA coffins had been moved to Puerto Rico and were being displayed on Puerto Rican TV stations. The CIA source, for his part, said they were going to shut down the US power grid on November 11th.
In another sign something unusual was going on the US armed forces radio station in Japan broadcast a statement last week that the “US military did not have a budget for 2014.”
A top level Chinese government representative also reported that an agreement had been reached to release vast amounts of funds to finance a major campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
After receiving the call from the Chinese source, this writer called to US Embassy in Tokyo, Japan to ask if the government of the United States supported setting up a new development agency to carry out a multi-trillion dollar campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
In what seems to be a direct reply, a Pentagon military intelligence agent in Japan met this writer and asked if President Barack Obama could be included in the campaign. He said that despite Obama’s “weird metrosexual lifestyle” and despite the fact his father was an American communist and not a Kenyan politician as advertised, they supported Obama because he stopped World War 3 from starting in the Middle East.
In response he was told that if the cabal was defeated by the White Dragon Society and its allies, the US military would receive more funding that it does now and would be asked to help in the campaign to fix the planet. As far as Obama was concerned, the representative was told his fate is up to the American people and the US military industrial complex.
In any case, the United States is under enormous external pressure to get its act together.
The NSA scandal is one example. Here we have a US defector in Russia revealing secrets about US spying on its allies. The result is heavy criticism on the US regime by supposed allies such as the German, French and Spanish governments, a clear sign the Europeans are moving closer to Russia and distancing themselves from the US.
The other big move against the US last week came when Russia sent two strategic nuclear bombers to Venezuela after which Venezuela immediately took over US owned oil rigs in the country.
The Chinese did their bit by announcing they had surrounded the US with nuclear submarines that could annihilate the entire continental United States. They have also been aggressively investing in new energy technology and will pioneer a post-oil world.
In the old oil powers fortress of the Middle East as well, the Russians are continuing to jump into the US vacuum. Turkey, supposedly a NATO country, is negotiation a customs union with Russia, buying missiles from China and rounding up and removing Mossad agents spying on Iran from Turkey. Egypt too is buying missiles and other weapons from Russia and offering the Russians a naval base.
Last week when Israeli forces attacked Syria, the US armed forces immediately informed the Russians of this fact, infuriating the Israelis and making it clear that the United States armed forces are no longer going to fight wars for Israel. As a result that country will have to reach a deal with its neighbours and with Russia if it is to remain a viable entity.
The long term plan, according to an Eastern European Illuminati grandmaster, is to create a loose federation of Muslim states anchored by Turkey at one end and Egypt on the other. In this plan, Israel is expected to eventually become a Jewish autonomous region inside this federation.
The totalitarian rulers of Saudi Arabia, for their part, need to remind themselves of the Arab saying: “One day the stick is in your hand, the next day it is in your ass.”
What all this means is that the oil money from both the Middle East and South America will no longer be recycled into the banks that own the Federal Reserve Board thus dooming the Rockefeller/Bush petrodollar.
That is why the US Congress last week suddenly passed a bill allowing the big US banks to once again create infinite amounts of funny money using derivatives.
Of course the US military is upset about all this but, the answer is that the world wants them to go into Washington D.C. and Wall Street and remove the parasitical gangsters who have caused so much misery to the people of the world, including the American people.
After that, the US military industrial complex will get generous funding to do things like protect endangered species, fight bandits as well helping put to an end to various forms of planetary rape such as over-fishing and the destruction of rain forests. That is exactly what is about to happen, the pentagon and agency sources hint. The sources also say the cabal members and their families, who had planned to hide in underground bases while they killed everybody else, will instead find themselves confined in the FEMA camps. If that does not happen, the noose will only get tighter until it does. The people of the world are sick and tired of the criminal behavior of the US rogue regime.
If the US power grid is shut down on November 11th, it will mean no internet, no TV and no ATMs. If this event does happen, and if it is managed by the good guys, it can thus be used to render impotent two of the cabal’s main weapons, the control of the distribution of money and the use of mass propaganda. The system could then be rebooted minus all the hysterical nonsense and fake news that it has been churning out recently.
The coordinated attempts by cabal slave governments in Japan, the US and the UK to drastically curtail press freedom are signs of cabal desperation, not cabal power. They have lost control of the plot and somehow think they can put the genie back into the bottle by cutting off the truth. That is not going to happen.
The cabal appointed leaders in Canada, the UK and Japan are under attack on multiple fronts. In Canada a corruption scandal is closing in on Bush slave appointee Stephen Harper. In the UK, the passage of a draconian press law has triggered a massive anti-government campaign. In Japan, the gangsters who used to work for the cabal are no longer doing so, meaning the Japanese Parliamentary acting troupe will be reading from a new script. That has already been seen with the announcement last week of joint Japanese Russian military maneuvers. Expect more soon.
The end game of all this will be world peace.
Plus, if we are lucky, and it turns out alien races have been blockading us because of our criminal leadership, once we attain world peace we might be allowed off the planet and we will get the chance to explore the universe. If not, we will just have to work on making this planet really nice and fun.
October 28, 2013
Author: Benjamin Fulford
There have been many big moves made against the cabal in the past week and more coming this week, according to multiple sources. In Japan, there have been a series of late night battles that have left a group of North Korean gangsters taking orders from Japan Mossad Chief Michael Green, and rogue CIA run by Kenneth Curtis, on the Run. As a result, Green and Curtis are in a state of deep fear, according to Japanese right wingers who claim to have been involved in the struggle. Ongoing lawsuits against the recent rigged elections in Japan are also keeping them awake at night.
In a related development, mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu announced to the Israeli press last week that he was going to visit the Pope but the Pope refused to meet him, resulting in a major loss of face. Bush Jr. and Tony Blair both visited the previous pope Maledict to ask for protection from war crimes tribunals after leaving office. They were given that protection in exchange for converting to Catholicism. It seems the new Vatican regime is no longer in the business of sheltering war criminals from justice. That means Netanyahu does not have protection from the P2 brass and is thus probably doomed.
As this newsletter was going to press a P2 Freemason source called to say that P2 honcho Marco di Mauro had just been arrested and that a hunt was on for his associates.
There were many other developments as well. Rockefeller pet dinosaur Henry Kissinger went to Russia on a begging mission but was refused a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to Pentagon sources.
This attempted meeting came just as multiple signs showed the Rockefeller petro-dollar system was collapsing. The announcement by the government of Saudi Arabia that it was going to re-evaluate its relations with the United States and refuse a seat on the Security Council of the Rockefeller controlled UN means the House of Saud may stop putting its petro-dollars in cabal controlled banks in the US.
That is because the Saudi regime is in no position to defend itself militarily and, since the pentagon refuses to fight any more wars for the Al Qaeda financiers, the regime will have to bow to Putin if it is to survive. Even then it is doubtful that criminal regime is going to be around much longer.
There are also clear indications that the nation of Turkey too is waking up to the new geopolitical realities. They have been negotiating a customs union with Russia, according to Russian news agencies.
They have also announced they are going to buy a missile defense system from China even though they are a NATO country.
Something big also seems to be happening in Iran, according to news reports. Long term Iranian top power broker Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who usually has a very public and visible schedule, has not been seen for three weeks, according to Mossad linked website Debka.
This could be a sign that the Iranian Sabbatean mafia agents who were trying to provoke World War 3 in tandem with their Israeli Nazi allies are being purged. Certainly the public negotiations to end the stand-off with the West over Iranian nuclear power development are a sign something has changed under new President Hassan Rouhani.
It is clear from all this that something very fundamental has changed in the power structure of the Middle East and it is proving fatal for the old generation robber barons like David Rockefeller and George Bush. Speaking of George Bush, Bush Sr. contacted with White Dragon Society via the P2 lodge to say he and his family had nothing to do with the Obama regime and that Obama was a rogue force acting on his own.
Obama himself is just a spokesperson for what has been the rogue force for a very long time, the Federal Reserve Board and its Washington D.C. subsidiary. This gang of criminals is under attack from all over the world and there are many signs it really is going to be game over for them this time.
Perhaps the clearest indication of this has been the unprecedented split with Europe. The European corporate news outlets are full of stories about European leader’s anger over the fact the NSA has been spying on them. The espionage was mainly about stealing corporate secrets and had little if anything to do with “fighting terror” since the terror all originates with the US cabal regime and its allies anyway.
The most shocking revelation last week, reported by Reuters and Russian news outlets but buried by many corporate news agencies, was the vote by the European Union Parliament last week to suspend the US from the SWIFT international financial data base. This is the sort of action taken in the past against nations like North Korea and Myanmar.
We have also been unable to confirm what has happened to the US Congress. They were all flown to Florida last Thursday by the US military for what was supposed to be a day trip but have not returned to Washington as of Monday. It is too early to tell but maybe, if we are lucky, it will turn out the bribed gaggle of whores has been put in a lock up where they belong.
Speaking about whores, the Japanese puppet regime of actors pretending to be politicians while working for Mossad is in a state of total funk, as mentioned above. On October 22nd this writer went to watch one of the trials in the lawsuits suing the government for rigging the last general elections. The plaintiffs say Tokyo Supreme Court Justice Takashi Saito, who is one of the presiding judges in the case, is being blackmailed by Mossad because he is in the habit of dressing up in women’s clothing and appearing as “Victoria,” or “Vicky” in the Tokyo gay district. The public relations department for the Tokyo Supreme Court said “we are not going to talk about that,” meaning “no comment.”
There is still a few more days until Halloween so, hopefully, there will be many more truly frightening things for the cabal popping up before then. Message to the cabalists and Feds: “Trick or Treat.”
October 21, 2013
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The US corporate government and the mafia families that own it managed to stave off default on October 17th by acting like a junkie selling family heirlooms to a pawnshop in order to buy a few more days’ worth of drugs. In one example, they sold a whole bunch of state of the art helicopters, including Blackhawks and Apaches to China for an undisclosed sum, according to Pentagon sources. Partial confirmation of this can be found here:
These same fascist families also sold a bunch of cruise missiles and cluster bombs to the totalitarian gulf monarchies.
The Rothschild branch of these families, for its part, worked out a deal where the Chinese would build French nuclear reactors of dubious safety and reliability in the UK, according to MI5 sources and news reports. The Chinese will also be paid double the going rate for energy produced by these reactors, according to MI5. That is a good sign the cabal got money from China now in exchange for a promise to pay them back by squeezing British energy users later.
At the same time, in Japan, the government slaves who run this country on behalf of the Western Sabbatean mafia families are in a state of panic, according to imperial family sources. One thing that has them spooked is the over 100 lawsuits going on claiming that the current Abe government stole the last general election, they said. The result is that the Freemasons in Japan, headed by a gentleman from India, have asked for peace negotiations with the Japanese patriotic groups struggling to liberate this country, the sources said.
Several female agents were sent to visit the White Dragon Society in the past week, each using the word “illuminati” in the very first sentence they spoke and claiming to either represent the Vatican, the current Japanese slave government or the government of China.
As this story was going to press, this writer received a phone call from a high level Japanese government source saying that the Dragon family had released funds in over 180 countries. They said one visible sign of this would be an announcement by the Russian government that it would be offering health care services free of charge to all of its citizens. So far, no official Russian government news site has made such an announcement.
There was also an offer to pay this writer over $30,000 a month in Dragon family money to finance investigative journalism. So far no money has appeared. There have been so many announcements of this type over the years that have failed to materialize that this phone call should be considered more likely an attempt to spread disinformation than a sign of any real breakthrough. These people have lied so many times that only their actions, not their words, can be believed.
At best though, these approaches show the cabal regime in Japan is getting increasingly nervous. The near bankruptcy of the US government last week left them deeply spooked, Japanese government sources said. There was also a growing understanding that a US government that was selling state of the art weapons to China and otherwise showing signs of surrender was not going to protect Japan in a war against China.
There are plenty of real signs in the West of a general surrender to China on the part of the cabal controlled governments there. In addition to letting the Chinese build French Nuclear power plants the Rothschilds have opened up the city of London to Chinese banking interests in a big way. Chinese banks will be allowed set up branches in the UK and direct trading between the Renminbi and the Pound Sterling will be allowed. Chinese offshore banking will also begin, according to Rothschild sources and news reports.
On the US side of the banking oligarchy there are also growing indications that something extremely unusual is happening at Rockefeller controlled J.P. Morgan Chase Bank. The bank just sold its headquarters building, one built by David Rockefeller as headquarters for Chase Manhattan Bank, to the Chinese. This bank has the world’s largest gold vault in its basement.
J.P. Morgan also recently sold all of its holdings in short term US treasury certificates.
Finally, we also have the announcement that J.P. Morgan Chase is limiting cash withdrawals and wire transfers of money outside of the US.
The best guess for what lies behind all this is that the US branch of the Feds sold the largest bank in the US to Chinese interests in order to keep their empire teetering on for a few more months. The limits on withdrawals may be meant to ensure the Chinese do not get an empty shell when they move in to claim their prize.
The other big source of emergency funding for the Feds appears to be Iran. The sudden warming of the relationship between the G7 countries and Iran is leading to the unfreezing of $50 billion in Iranian money, according to the Mossad linked website Debka. No doubt this money is helping the Feds continue their scam a bit longer.
There has also been a fundamental shift in the geopolitical priorities of the Western countries in the Middle East. The governments of Turkey, Qatar and Jordan have also all stopped supporting anti-Assad rebels in Syria as have cabalists in the US, Britain and France.
These changes can be seen as a good indication the Zionists no longer control political trends in the Middle East but rather Vladimir Putin does. The last Zionist hold-outs in the region appear to be the government of Saudi Arabia and the Nazi Netanyahu regime in Israel. They are still causing murder and mayhem and need to be stopped ASAP.
All of the changes and announcements above came between September 30th, when the Feds missed an international payment deadline, and October 17th, the day they had to find the money or be publicly declared bankrupt.
Who knows what the cabalists are going to do when the next payments deadline comes up on February 7th?
Perhaps they could just sell the District of Columbia, including Washington D.C. and all its politicians and other whores, to the Chinese to use as a base for their North American operations, sort of like what the British did with Hong Kong after the Opium wars.
Hopefully before it comes to that, the US military will get some cohones and nationalize the Federal Reserve Board plus the big banks that own it. Then they can fire all hired clowns in Washington, restore the Republic of the United States of America and renegotiate its external debts. The Jews could also restore their honor as a people by removing the Nazis from power in Israel.
October 15, 2013
Author: Benjamin Fulford
All of us who have watched in horror and disgust over the years as the rogue regime in Washington D.C. has carried out mass murder and countless other unspeakable crimes are hoping they will go bankrupt this week on October 17th.
It is a fact that this criminally insane rogue government has murdered over 50 million people since World War 2 ended. This cabal also recently staged a sarin gas attack in Syria in yet another effort to start World War 3. This regime hijacked the Republic of the United States of America and turned that Christian nation into a mass of brainwashed couch potatoes or mindless, subservient thugs.
This is the same mafia that publicly executed President John F. Kennedy. They have also either murdered, bribed or intimidated most other world leaders ever since that time including many of the current leaders of the G20 group of nations.
According to the Vatican, the corporate organizations that lie above the G20 group are
These corporate groups are tied to international drug mafia and death squads.
This what Wikipedia has to say about “Marsh and McLennan, the biggest insurance and risk broker in the world.” Sub-section September 11 attacks.
“At the time of the September 11 attacks in the United States in 2001, the corporation held offices on eight floors of the North Tower of the World Trade Center, from 93 to 100.[7] When American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the building, their offices spanned the entire impact zone, from floors 93 to 99.[8] No one present in the offices at the time survived the attack, and the firm lost 295 employees and 63 contractors. [1]”
These companies are linked to George Bush Sr., Mitt Romney and other Mafiosi whose names are only now being made public. We have already mentioned Marco Di Mauro as one of the hidden hands. Now we are hearing from people close to Di Mauro other names such as Guissepe Di Antionio who the P2 source described as “the head of the Cohen family in Italy.” We do not have contact information for Di Antonio so we could not ask him directly about his secret role in world affairs.
However, Chinese sources have told us before that it was a Jean Cohen of the Hoche Group in France who was paying Chinese demonstrators 1200 Yuan per day to stage anti-Japanese protests. Mr. Cohen refused to respond to this reporters’ questions about that incident.
Another hitherto hidden mastermind of horror is a character by the name of Richard Argentier, according to the P2 source. Argentier was the brains behind the ouster and murder of President Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines, the P2 source says.
Another name we do not read too often is Giorgio Hugo Balestrieri, the head of the Rotary Club of New York and one of the 911 masterminds.
These thugs are above the G20, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the Obama regime.
When somebody like Hugo Chavez does not follow their script, they are killed with cancer-causing poisons or other means. We have personally confirmed, for example, that many of Japan’s post war prime ministers were murdered by these people. This is true of so many other nations as well. Many, many journalists have also been murdered by these psychopaths.
Years ago we were shown a 1990’s era chart of the secret bankster world control and Russia, China and India were the only major nations they did not consider to be under their rule.
The White Dragon Society and its allies are trying to remove these criminally insane mass murdering parasitic scum from the body politic of this planet.
There are plenty of signs that the revolution against these high level gangsters is succeeding. The best hope is still the Pentagon and agency white hats.
This recent article by Gordon Duff on Veteran’s Today is a sign of the new willingness of people linked to the Pentagon and the agencies to out the Satanic gangsters who nearly succeeded in enslaving them:
To those of us who have been studying this cabal, the article may be old news but the important thing is that now many mainstream military types are hearing about it and demanding a change in their leadership as a result.
Remember, the Pentagon did not participate on the attack against Libya and they acted to stop the French from attacking Syria.
As this article is being written, there were rioters marching on the White House in Washington D.C. and snipers on the roof of the White House getting ready to shoot them.
At some point there will be a Berlin wall moment when the men in uniform, including the Secret Service, decide they are not willing to kill ordinary Americans in order to protect gangsters pretending to be politicians when in fact they work for international racketeers. They might instead decide to work for the over 90% of Americans who do not approve of the so-called government in Washington D.C.
Perhaps then the gnostic illuminati prediction that Obama would “leave the white house by helicopter hanging from his neck,” might come true.
Police and intelligence agency people in the US need to remember the Federal Reserve Board is not part of the US government. It is this privately owned banking cartel that has used so called trading platforms to generate vast amounts of dollars out of thin air to finance mercenary armies, terror attacks and the indiscriminate spread of bio-weapons. Bankrupting them and stopping these programs will cut a lot of the all the money these goons have been getting. Legalizing, regulating and taxing drugs would cut of most of their money.
Of course the panicking cabalists are trying to insist that the world keep lending money to this murderous regime because otherwise “there would be financial panic and global chaos.”
It is true there might be a bit of turbulence during the transition away from Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate rule. However, once the gangsters at the top are removed, it should be a fairly straightforward matter to reboot the honest, functional and healthy parts of the US government and financial system.
A cordon sanitaire was built around the internationally traded US dollar in 2008 and internationally held, honestly earned US dollar holdings can be protected in the face of the bankruptcy of the US corporate government.
All the honest, competent people working as technicians at central banks and places like the IMF and World Bank will be found new jobs and plenty of funds for saving the planet.
October 7, 2013
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The criminal corporate government of the United States missed an international payment deadline on September 30th and was given until October 17th to find the money or else be declared bankrupt. These are people who have been constantly murdering and looting the planet for hundreds of years and we must not waste the real, rare chance we have now to put them out of business forever.
Last week Skull and Bones murderer and cabal slave John Kerry plus traitor Chuck Hagel were in Korea and Japan looting local oligarchs’ money in order to try to save the Washington D.C. crime syndicate.
They were able to get enough money to put 400,000 civilian pentagon workers back on the payroll but not enough to stave off bankrupcty. We have confirmed from multiple direct pentagon and agency contacts that there is no military action planned to remove the criminals from Washington D.C. That is why we must not let ourselves be fooled again.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff and the political elite in Washington D.C. are hopelessly compromised and brainwashed so action against them will have to start at a local direct level.
Fortunately, humanity is awaking to the horror imposed upon them by the Satan worshipping elite that seized control of the United States and turned that once Christian nation into a mass murder machine. Victory will be ours.
There is a manhunt going on now for key cabal leaders known to be involved in nuclear terror, indiscriminate biological warfare and other attempts to kill 90% of humanity and prepare for a 1000 year fascist reich. Those of us who have studied our real history know many of the names like David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, George Bush Sr. and Jr., Tony Blair, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Rothschild family and others. Less known are the P2 fascist lodge secret bosses like Marco Di Mauro and Giancarlo Bruno.
If you see any of these people in public you are legally entitled to kill them in self-defense because they are actively trying to kill you and your family.
People also need to understand that these people have a global network of over 1 million agents who are working to create a totalitarian style Babylonian style world dictatorship. Many of them can be identified as Talmudic (as opposed to Torah) Jews who regularly attend services at synagogues and believe other humans are cattle. Stop insulting the real Jews by calling them Jews and call them Babylonian Satan worshippers because that is what they are. They must be removed from all government and media posts until an international tribunal can sort the wheat from the chaff.
However, many Satanists pretend to belong to other religions or cults. These can usually be identified because they have a charismatic leader and a strict, often secret, hierarchical structure. Think Moonie, Scientologist and Christian Zionist.
Top cabal government proxies include Prime Minister David Cameron of the UK, Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada, corporate US government President Barack Obama, UN head Ban Ki Moon and Japanese slave government leader Shinzo Abe.
Remember, these cultists use control of the process of creating and distributing money as the source of their power.
In military and strategic terms, the best way to end their horrific rule would be to seize or destroy the headquarters of the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, the 12 Federal Reserve Board Branches in the United States, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan and the International Montery Fund headquarters.
If their monopoly control of the distribution of money was taken from them and returned to the people, humanity would become free and prosperous.
Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer describes in concrete terms what a democratically run central bank could and did accomplish in Canada between 1939 and 1974, when control was ceded to the BIS Mafiosi.
I remember from my own childhood that manual workers got more pay than office workers because they had harder work and how everybody was well off. The governor of the Bank of Canada lived across the street from us in a middle class neighbourhood and went to work in a Volkswagen beetle.
After the BIS took over, the price of a chocolate bar went from 10 cents to a dollar within a few years.
The dimes and quarters that were made out of silver were replaced with cheap trinkets. Canadian living standards began to decline as money was stolen by the bankers using inflation.
Hellyer is well known to exo-politics and disclosure types as one of the most senior former government types to have has gone on the record about human encounters with aliens.
I can confirm from having visited P2 Freemason headquarters in Italy that the senior members of this fascist group believe they work for an alien intelligence known to them as the black sun. They invited me to go to Switzerland to visit it. I did not go because I figured they just wanted to kill me there because they failed to kill me when they poisoned me in Milan.
In any case, here is what the Greek historian Heredotus wrote about the Babylonian god:
“On the topmost tower there is a spacious temple, and inside the temple stands a couch of unusual size, richly adorned, with a golden table by its side. There is no statue of any kind set up in the place, nor is the chamber occupied of nights by any one but a single native woman, who, as the Chaldaeans, the priests of this god, affirm, is chosen for himself by the deity out of all the women of the land. They also declare- but I for my part do not credit it- that the god comes down in person into this chamber, and sleeps upon the couch.”
I can also state that a beautiful female agent sent to me by Middle Eastern arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi said she had had her womb tampered with by giant humanoids. Her description sounded a lot like ancient and modern depictions of the Anunnaki.
Now, like Heredotus, I remain skeptical about such a god actually manifesting in a humanoid form.
However, it is true that Zionist or Satanic ruling bloodlines consider themselves to have been our rulers or, Anunnaki, since ancient times. This could be a story they put out about themselves to awe and intimidate the slave classes.
It is also a forensically provable fact that the private banking cartel centered on the BIS has acted like a black hole sucking the wealth and life force out of humanity and this planet.
For the past several decades at least, and probably much longer, wealth has been pouring from the poor to the rich where it seems to vanish into nothing. The poor are forced to pillage and destroy nature in order to stay alive. The result is that we as a species are wiping out life from this planet at an unprecedented rate even as 1.4 billion people starve.
The principle is simple: the banksters have exploited a loophole in our psychology that is expressed by the saying “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” They have been offering us a bird today in exchange for two tomorrow. This is the black sun of the fascists. It has been sucking the life blood out of our planet.
The gnostic illuminati think this entity already wiped out life that used to thrive on Mars.
This sort of talk is out of line with the usual hard news I report but clearly something is not right with this planet. So many of us know the US government is corrupt and sold out but yet year in and year out the situation just goes from bad to worse and the same criminals remain in power. One can be forgiven for wondering if there is some sort of hidden, non-human control mechanism.
My guess is that, at the very least, we are dealing with some sort of inter-generational cultural mind control that can be seen, metaphorically, as an alien intelligence. People born into the bloodlines that carry this tradition have to go along or be killed.
Finally, readers who expected the usual hard news need to understand that some sort of information blackout is taking place.
However, it is clear something big is going down. First, Obama cancelled a trip to Asia this week and all negotiations on the so-called Trans Pacific Partnership or TPP have stopped. Second, negotiations on US-EU economic integration have been suspended. Third, there was a failed cabal attempt to murder Prince Harry in Afghanistan, according to MI5 sources. Fourth, Chuck Hagel refused to meet with White Dragon Society members during his trip to Korea and Japan last week. Fifth, another faction of the cabal offered last week to hand over, for free, Federal Reserve Board boxes to the WDS.
Let’s close with a message to the cabal: the hacker group anonymous and the gnostic illuminati have plans for mass arrests and bloody revolution. This will lead to much death and misery. The time for peaceful surrender and a harmonious transition is running out.
October 1, 2013
Author: Benjamin Fulford
At a meeting between cabal representatives and the White Dragon Society yesterday (September 30th) the cabal was able to gain a little breathing room by promising to distribute money for the benefit of humanity.
The cabal representatives showed up with a detailed and complex flow-chart showing the exact nature of the cabal governing structure and the names of the people involved. Close to the top of the chart could be found US National Security Adviser Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, CIA head John Brennan, as well as the Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan and Chinese dynastic families. Other institutions that featured prominently included the UN, the British Monarchy, the G7, the Bank for International Settlements etc. Only three copies of this chart are supposed to exist and the WDS was not allowed a copy in order to prevent other cabal members from identifying the person who showed the chart to the WDS. The very top names were missing from the chart.
In any case, several prominent Asian power brokers were involved in setting up this meeting. For this reason, we can confirm it represented genuine cabal interests. The meeting was called in response to a plan by right wing power brokers in Japan to stage a coup d’etat against cabal rule.
The WDS proposed that while some existing cabal interests could be preserved, entirely new transparent financial structures, involving humanity as a whole, would be needed in order to prevent violent revolution and civil war in the US and other places. In response the cabal representatives said that they would have to consult with their bosses on the issue.
At the meeting, the WDS mentioned the example of the break-up of Stanley Ho’s gambling monopoly in Macau as a possible template for future action. Stanley Ho was forced to share his gambling monopoly with 5 other groups. Ho now controls only 25% of Macau’s gambling market but, because competition made the market grow so quickly, the 25% share is worth far more money than the 100% share he used to own was.
In the same way, if the cabal shares their monopoly on central banking with other groups, they would unleash so much dormant human potential that they would be far better off than if they continued their futile efforts to control everything.
In this way, various groups fighting for control of the world’s financial system could all be made happy. Neil Keenan and his group could start their big projects to turn the deserts green etc. The other M1 and their OITC group (presumably the Vatican) could finance big anti-poverty campaigns being promoted by Pope Francis. The British Commonwealth and their interests could also start massive projects, as could the Germans and just about everybody else.
It was also proposed that democratic, mass-participation financial structures be set up to compete with the various elite based entities in existence or being proposed.
In general, the end of the private central bank monopoly system should be release so much latent human potential that is should be possible to make everybody happy (at least at first).
The WDS has suggested that publicly opening $1 trillion Federal Reserve Box 1558 after paying the original owners $500,000, would be one way to kick start the new system. It is just a proposal and other ways to kick off a big campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destructions are also being proposed. The point is to stop talking about it and stop jockeying for power and start fixing the planet instead.
The WDS also said that a jubilee was a necessary prerequisite for the new system. This would involve a write off of all debts, public and private, as well as a redistribution of assets. People who rent apartments or houses would be allowed to own them while those who relied on rental income would get government pay outs equivalent to their rental income. Corporate ownership would also be redistributed from the 0.01% to the 99.9%.
Since the cabal representatives at the meeting were only messengers, the WDS is waiting, impatiently, for more concrete action.
Until that time, increased pressure needs to be raised against the cabal and their interests until talk ends and concrete action begins.
However, as the WDS was told years ago, there would be no sudden announcements but rather a process of change that would become obvious over time. That is taking place.
The pentagon, for example, as opposed to cabal controlled rogue forces like Al CIAda, has refused to participate in the cabal war against Syria and it also did not participate in the campaign against Libya.
Pentagon sources also confirm they were told by Russia that any US military moves against Syria would lead to war with Russia; something the pentagon wants to avoid.
The recent move by the US government to normalize relations with Iran is another sign of declining Zionist (cabal) influence in Washington. Maybe a few people there are starting to wake up to the fact that for 30 years now Zionist controlled media have been saying Iran is within months of having a nuclear weapon and needs to be attacked. The US military are not allowing themselves to be manipulated into criminal wars by Satan worshipping fanatics any longer.
Then there is Pope Francis who is clearly different from his predecessor, who was forced to resign because of his Satanic connections with known war criminals like Tony Blair and George Bush.
We are also seeing more and more people finding the courage to publicly take on the cabal. Journalist Seymour Hersh, for example, has outed the fake Bin Laden murder in formerly cabal controlled media outlets. Other corporate media operatives are now getting brave enough to write about cabal murder squads. Then there is this story in the Daily Mail about 20 billion Euros in unclaimed cash at Moscow Airport:
However, there are still many mass murdering war criminals at large who need to be removed before we can say the nightmare is over. The criminal regime in Saudi Arabia and their Nazi partners like Benjamin Netanyahu, for example, need to be dealt with firmly and decisively.
One way to go about it would be to open an investigation into the 311 mass murder attack against Japan. Direct human intelligence (i.e. moles within the cabal terror network and other witnesses) has shed a lot of light on that terror operation. We know the names of many of the operatives behind that attack including former top Jesuit Peter Hans Kolvenbach, Tony Blair, Benjamin Netanyahu, Yasuhiro Nakasone, former pope Benedict and P2 honcho Marco Di Mauro. Why aren’t they confessing to their role in this mass murder on public airwaves?
Until these mass murderers are neutralized, the financial war will not end but intensify.
September 23, 2013
Author: Benjamin Fulford
There has been a lot of frenetic activity in the past week and a lot more turbulence is expected over the coming days as the death throes of the corporate so-called government of the United States continue. There is also so much fog and disinformation surrounding this event that good old fashioned analogue reporting is needed. To this end last week I talked to former World Bank lawyer Karen Hudes, Indonesian military officials, gold prospectors based in Indonesia and the Philippines plus many other primary sources to try to find out what was really happening in the battle for control of the global financial system.
The conclusion is that there are no giant treasure caves in Indonesia or the Philippines and that the so-called global collateral accounts or global debt facility is based on fraud. What is true though, is that to this day, large amounts of un-usable dollars and Euros are printed, shrink-wrapped and left in warehouses in the region as “payment” for the gold taken from the region by Western powers in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Meanwhile, at the top of this fraud based dollar and Euro system, at least two separate individuals and their factions are claiming rights to control money production.
Both factions, let us call them A and B, have been in contact with this writer about redeeming historical bonds and here is what they say:
A) Says they will arrest me unless I go through faction A.
B) Says they will arrest me unless I go through faction B.
Also, talking to top people in these factions here is what seems to be the gist of their thinking: “If we win this financial war I am going to live in a palace, have my own casino with an island filled with porno stars and, oh yes, I will do some good.”
Both sides constantly talk about miles long caves filled with gold and jewels that are the basis of the dollar and Euro based financial system. However, a wealthy Japanese individual who has spent 30 years hunting for Treasure in the Philippines using imperial Japanese army treasure maps says that the total amount of gold he has seen in all that time is less than 10 tons.
Meanwhile, an Indonesian general linked to former President Soekarno says that any gold Indonesia had was removed long ago. Also, a member of a Japanese yakuza business syndicate (the yakuza are about as criminal the average Western oil corporation), who is involved in transporting gold from Indonesia to Hong Kong for refining, says the total amount of gold leaving Indonesia is about 30 kilograms per day. That is a lot of gold but it is a far cry from the thousand and hundreds of thousands of tons the global collateral accounts people talk about.
Meanwhile, in a good indicator of the credit worthiness of the Federal Reserve Board, holders of genuine Fed bond boxes are offering to sell $12.5 billion face value worth of Fed bonds for $500,000 or 0.0004 cents on the dollar.
This is apparently a touchy subject because this writer has been subjected to lawsuits, paypal troubles, threats from the CIA to shut down my blog and more than the usual amount of death threats since writing about these bonds.
Former World Bank Senior Counsel for the World Bank Legal Department Karen Hudes also agreed, in an interview with this writer last week, that, based on her direct experience, the Western financial system was run by high level racketeers. According to her, when the Federal Reserve Board refused earlier this year to return 300 tons of gold Germany had entrusted with them, she advised the Germans this was similar to a declaration of war. The Germans appeared to have agreed and recently sent a shot across the bows to the Americans in the form of German helicopters flying so low over the US consulate in Frankfurt that china was rattled off the shelves.
Hudes also independently confirmed that top level cabalists were indeed trying to start World War 3.
To prevent this, Hudes says that 380,000 American, Russian and Chinese troops are preparing to move into Washington D.C. in October to arrest the criminals pretending to be a government there. There is a truckers strike due on October 11-13th in the US and the arrival of large amounts of trucks in Washington could be a cover for a major military operation. However, Pentagon and Chinese sources contacted by this writer could neither confirm nor deny such a possibility.
In the same vein, we have not been able to confirm, with direct sources, what really happened at the so-called Navy Yard shootings last week. Internet news sources say most of the people killed were top pentagon brass who were trying to arrest Barack Obama. Other internet reports say Obama suffered a mental breakdown last week and had to be sedated.
All we can say is that in this September 22 photo the grey haired Obama does not appear to be a happy camper:
The other apparently cabal related shooting incident last week was at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya. The mall is owned by Israeli citizen Frank Lowy, according to an MI5 source. “Frank Lowy was closely associated with Larry Silverstein in the Twin Towers leasing deal before 911,” the source said.
We have also heard from an American intelligence source that agency white hats need to urgently stop a very real cabal plot to blow up the Hoover Dam.
Again, with so many atrocities going on many of us are wondering why these gangsters are not being rounded up and put in jail. Veteran’s Today editor Gordon Duff’s answer was that the pentagon would not move until money had been secured. An Asian secret society source also agreed that soldiers needed real gold in their hands and not paper before they would fight.
That is a mistake I believe. Gold is just a yellow metal and you cannot eat it. The real gold is spiritual. Here is a suggestion on how the pentagon could deal with the upcoming bankruptcy of the US corporate government:
First, make sure everybody has enough cash for a month and then shut down all bank computers and ATMS. Institute a jubilee by writing off all debts, public and private. Also, give people who rent ownership rights to their houses and apartments and promise government money equivalent to rental income to the former owners. This can be done fairly quickly. After that, delete all the money in the banking system. Once that is done, hire accountants to re-input money amounts based on paper receipts and ownership papers.
Since you have spent all your gold, make the new US financial system real estate and asset based. Go for it.
September 17, 2013
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The battle over the control of the right to print and distribute dollars, Euros and many other currencies is down to a few factions, according to multiple sources involved in the fight. In Italy, Pope Francis and his faction have won a major power struggle and as a result, the P2 Freemason lodge is now calling for the Pope to be named as M1, the person who decides how money is created and distributed, a senior P2 Freemason source says. However, there is also a strong faction in the US military and agencies who want to completely expunge the entire cabalistic structure.
Meanwhile, a source close to Queen Elizabeth says the committee of 300 that features so strongly in conspiracy literature has been disbanded and that the cabal control of finance is now run by 13 individuals.
The members include Queen Elizabeth, the Dalai Lama, the Sultan of Brunei, Baron Fritz Thysen, Jesuit Secretary General Adolfo Nicholas, David Rockefeller, George Bush Sr., and other still unidentified individuals, including some Chinese members. It is likely the King of Belgium and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands recently resigned from this group.
The Dalai Lama has also been buying lots of real estate in Portugal recently, a possible indication this high-level-demon-pretending-to-be-a-holy-man expects he will soon no longer be welcome in Asia, MI5 sources speculate.
The Rothschild family operates one layer below the money creation committee and take a 2% cut of all dollars, Euros and many other currencies before the money is distributed via big banks like Goldman Sachs and Bank of America, the sources say. The Rothschilds are also behind the bombing and attacks on countries like Syria that do not accept their debt slavery, the committee sources say.
The battle to replace this committee with something new is now down to a few factions including the Pentagon, the Vatican, the BRICS coalition, the former “global warming” faction of the cabal and, still controlling their sock-puppet Obama, the “war on terror faction.” These groups claim “spiritual” or fiat (out of nothing) control over the process of creating money. There are also several groups claiming ownership of the world’s historical assets including the One People’s Public Trust (OPPT) group, the Neil Keenan Group and a coalition of Asian royal families.
The Pentagon and the US agencies seem to be winning for now. It has now been widely reported in cabal controlled media outlets that the NSA is monitoring the SWIFT, Visa and other international financial payment systems. What the cabal controlled media failed to report was that the NSA and their allies are also blocking cabal financial transactions. For example, one of the reasons the recent attempt to start World War 3 in Syria failed was because the trillions of dollars that were supposed to finance this campaign were frozen by Pentagon and agency white hats. That is the real reason why the NSA is being attacked so much in the Zionist press.
Nonetheless, the money remains frozen and yet we still have murderers like Barack Obama and John Kerry appearing on TV sets around the world telling lies, so clearly something is still not right. “Why aren’t they in jail?” so many aware people are asking. We are asking the same thing and the answer we got from several Pentagon contacts was that mass arrests were in the works. As we said many times before, believe it when you see it. As long as that cretin Obama is parading on TV as if he represented a legitimate government, it is not over.
On the more positive side, representatives of the above mentioned committee of 13, specifically the Queen and the Pope, have been negotiating with the White Dragon Society in the hope of both keeping some power and avoiding mass arrests of cabalists.
The P2, through senior boss Marco Di Mauro, started by offering $250 billion to “help clean up Fukushima.” This offer was an insult because first of all, Italy is bankrupt and is in no position to offer money. Secondly it is an insult because agents affiliated with the fascist P2 were responsible for that man-made disaster in the first place. When the P2 answered that this is what the Japanese government had asked for, the WDS pointed out the Japanese slave regime was not in a position to bargain either.
We know that the current Abe government was put in power by rigged vote counting machines produced by the company Musashi and that Musashi is a cabal front. It is owned by Fortress Asset Management, run by former Goldman Sachs employee and Council on Foreign Relations member Peter Briger. The CFR is headed by David Rockefeller. Briger got an 11,555% pay rise last year.
In any case, when informed the WDS had the names and addresses of 500 self-described “scum,” in Italy, the P2 suddenly changed its tune and offered to work through Pope Francis instead. Pope Francis appears to be a genuine Christian and could a good person to oversee the process of truth and reconciliation that will be needed to end cabal rule. He also supports the WDS plan for a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
The British Royal Family is also in support of such a campaign and a truth and reconciliation process.
The problem now appears to be the criminally insane murderers in Washington D.C., the Rockefeller and Bush factions of the cabal, the French branch of the Rothschild family and various other riff raff affiliated with them. They have set up a series of laboratories in central Asia for the purpose of spreading bio-weapons in the hope that their plan to kill 90% of the world’s population can still be carried out. They also still think that they have a holy mission to start a war between Islam and Christianity to pave the way for their one world religion and fascist world dictatorship. Satan has surrendered so it is never going to happen.
A meeting between WDS representatives and Asian secret society representatives last week revealed that they, though known for their patient tolerance, were growing impatient. For that reason, the cabal was reminded that the Asian secret society has the capability of carrying out 200 simultaneous assassinations and has a list.
Direct contact has been made through several routes including your man in Japan Mr. E, the British Royal Family, the P2 Lodge and an Asian secret society.
Time is running out Mr. Rockefeller and fellow cabalists. You can start by cashing Federal Reserve Board box 1558 and making the money available for fighting poverty and stopping environmental destruction. This box contains a Dillinger gun and poison gas as well as close to $1 trillion. You owe that money so you choose: the Dillinger or the cash.
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Nuclear blackmail, threats of more sabotage against Fukushima, attacks on bloggers and the ongoing attempt to start war with Syria are all part of the death throes of the Sabbatean mafia cabal. On the Syrian issue, Pentagon sources say they are giving the Washington politicians enough rope to hang themselves with since it is helping prepare public opinion for mass cabal arrests.
As always though, the cabalists do not plan to vanish quietly into the night and are still hoping to use nuclear terror to star World War 3. In Asia, for example, cabal stooge UN Secretary Ban Ki Moon, together with envoys from cabal puppet Barack Obama, have been busy trying to convince North Korea to stage some sort of provocation but, the North Koreans are having no part of it, according to Chinese government sources.
Ban Ki Moon is the person who tried to bribe the dragon family with $100 million during the 2009 Chiasso incident in order to prevent them from cashing $134.5 billion worth of gold backed bonds they owned. Moon and fellow cabalists also put out lies that the bonds were fake and have been doing everything in their power since that time to keep their control of the money creation process out of the hands of the legitimate owners of historical global assets. Now that the dragons are making a new move,
Moon is freaking out and is up to no good, the Chinese sources say. Due to the sensitive nature of this topic, there is a lot we cannot report other than to say a Dragon family delegation arrived in China with week for a 10-day visit concerning these bonds. There is also confirmation that the Pentagon and the Chinese military support the Dragon family on this issue. We can also say the talks are very concrete, involve the Bank for International Settlements, the Federal Reserve Board and the Committee of 300 and that no major obstacles appear to exist to the cashing of trillions of dollars’ worth of bonds for the purpose of financing a massive anti-poverty campaign. The moderate faction of the cabalists is now on-board.
Those die hard religious fanatics who still think they can provoke China and the US to fight each other in order to fulfill biblical prophecies of Armageddon should take note of friendly US/Chinese joint military exercises taking place in Hawaii this week.
The attempt to start a war in Syria has also become the modern day example of the story of the boy who cried wolf. This time nobody is being fooled. Even the corporate media propaganda machine is falling apart on this issue. Enough has been written and exposed by others on this issue so, suffice it to say our pentagon sources make it clear the US military has no intention of being fooled into yet another war in the Middle East. That is why Israeli submarines are not going to be allowed to shoot missiles in order to provoke war.
The question on every aware person’s lips, of course, is “when are all these criminals going to be rounded up and put in jail?” One pentagon sources says that an initial list of 12,000 people to be arrested has been increased to close to 30,000 and that the arrests will be announced soon. However, believe it when you see it.
Other sources say the cabalists have resorted to massive nuclear blackmail and that is why the pentagon has decided to simply deprive the cabalists of any real power and let them wither away without giving them any excuse to start nuclear terror.
What they are really talking about is the control of the financial system going out of their control.
The cabalists are also trying to reassert control over public opinion by silencing or pressuring influential bloggers. As many readers know for example, Jeff Rense told me a few years ago he was under enormous pressure to stop carrying my stories and since then he began putting out vast amounts of scare-mongering disinformation about Fukushima.
More recently, we hear from an associate of Tom Henegan that “he is under a gag order,” and that the last time that person talked to him Henegan seemed “scared and paranoid.” We have tried to contact Henegan directly to confirm this but have been unable to get a response. His reports appear to have changed in content and character since his original home page went down and may no longer be written by him.
In yet another case, Jane Burgermeister, the science journalist who has been reporting on cabal attempts to spread bioweapons, has been reported missing by a colleague. We received an e-mail from somebody purporting to be her but the content seemed different from her previous e-mails. Her net persona may also have been taken over by cabal agents.
Then there is the ongoing police investigation against the lawyer Michael Shrimpton in England. British police contacted this writer about him last week. They are trying to convict him of putting out false threats of nuclear terror planned against the 2012 London Olympics. Shrimpton was a major source for the murdered Christopher Story (aka Edward Harle) and has been consistently fighting against what he calls Nazi DVD influence in England. The police investigating him report to Sarah Thornton, the woman who was promoted after UK bioweapons expert David Kelly was killed in her district.
If the British police are serious about investigating nuclear terror threats, we strongly recommend they take in for questioning Daryl Goodrich, of New Moon Television, the producers of this Olympic promotion video:
which we were told by an MI6 agent contains a nuclear threat against Japan at exactly 2.55 minutes into the video. We hope the police investigators are serious about finding the perpetrators of nuclear terror attacks and are not just trying to silence Mr. Shrimpton. If they are serious, we can give them a lot more names.
This writer has also experienced more than the usual amount of harassment recently and we have been warned by Asian secret society members of renewed attempts by cabal agents to have me killed.
Needless to say, it is far too late for the cabal to be able to prevent the mass awakening of humanity simply by killing or compromising a few bloggers.
RELATED POST: Fulford: Cabal’s NWO Plans Foiled
September 3, 2013
Author: Benjamin Fulford
The attempt to start a war in Syria, the sudden spike in radiation at Fukushima, threats by Saudi Arabia to wage terror on the coming Russian Olympic Games and other unusual world events are part of a long ago planned bigger plot to start a fascist world government.
Fortunately for us all, the plot is unraveling and the Sabbatean Nazis behind it are now very, very scared. That is why US corporate government slave Barak Obama is now the laughing stock of the world for his attempt to get the US military to support Al Qaeda based on obvious lies.
The regional headquarters for the ongoing Syria operation is a terrorist training school in Turkey run by a Nazi CIA front called the Jamestown Foundation, according to MI5 sources. A key player in this plot is Nazi Skull and Bones Nazi so-called Secretary of State and suspected wife murderer John Kerry (Kerry married the heir to the Heinz family fortune who then died in a plane crash, leaving the fortune to lucky Kerry), the sources say.
Just when the arrests of these mass murdering criminals will begin is not known but their next moves are becoming increasingly easy to predict and thus easy to prevent. The next events the Nazi will try to orchestrate will likely include major oil crisis triggered by a closure of the Suez Canal, a financial crisis caused by an implosion in the derivatives market and nuclear terrorism, according to various agency sources.
Stepping back to look at the big picture for a minute by piecing together testimony from a variety of insiders over the years, the plot to create a Sabbatean Nazi world government has become transparent.
We know for example, from the testimony of pilots and others, that George Bush Sr. and John Kerry were aboard a special flight to Paris, France to meet with Iranian representatives in order to ask them to take over the US embassy in Iran, and keep the staff hostage until after the US Presidential election of 1980 as part of a plot to ensure that US President Jimmy Carter was not re-elected in 1980.
Once he became Ronald Reagan’s Vice-President, we also know from former Soviet top brass and others that George Bush Sr. told Mikhail Gorbachev that if he agreed to allow the USSR to fail the EU would become the new USSR.
We then saw George Bush Jr. and the fascists carry out the 911 attacks to impose a Nazi constitution known as the Patriot Act on the US and begin a massive invasion of the Middle-East.
The plot involved creating a Weimar Republic type of economic crisis in the US and Europe in order to create the conditions needed for further Nazification of Europe.
Part of this plot involves creating a massive oil crisis in the Middle East. To prepare the ground, the invasion of Iraq and the so-called Arab Spring were all part of an effort to impose Nazi-allied Muslim Brotherhood governments in the region.
The Muslim Brotherhood was then supposed to revive a pan-Muslim Caliphate and provoke a Christian/Muslim holy war to fulfill biblical prophecies of Armageddon, according to fascist P2 Lodge whistleblowers. The end result of course was supposed to be a fascist world government run by the estimated 1 million members of the Sabbatean Nazi Cult. Barak Obama was supposed to put a brown face on this world government in order to make it acceptable to non-Europeans.
Now let us look at how this plot is both unfolding and unraveling at the present time. The fall of the Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt has been a key element in the unraveling because it makes closing the Suez Canal, and thus causing a major oil crisis, much harder to carry out. At the same time, members of the P2 fascist Lodge and their Nazi operations center in Turkey were supposed to have removed the government of Syria by now but have failed.
The attempt to blame the Syrian government for a sarin gas attack on its own citizens, in order to provoke a Western invasion of Syria, has seriously exposed and crippled the Nazi movement.
UK puppet Prime Minister David Cameron had the dubious honour of being the first British Prime Minister to be voted down by Parliament since 1782. Cameron is now expected to be out of office by December and the British political system will then be freed from cabal control, according to MI5 sources. The British parliament is also expected to go from a two party system to a much harder to control four party system, the sources predict.
The Syrian crisis has revealed the Nazis now only control Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia and a pseudo-government in Washington that does not control its own armed forces. Barak Obama will be a laughing stock if he is shameless enough to still consider going to the G20 summit meeting this week in Russia.
The key Nazi ally Saudi Arabia is also in serious trouble now. When Saudi Arabian intelligence chief and Bush bum buddy Prince Bandar bin Sultan threatened Russia with a terrorist attack on its upcoming Sochi Winter Olympics he made a fatal error. By convention, even if some governments sponsor terrorism, there is supposed to be plausible deniability. By directly linking the Saudi Government to terrorist threats, he allowed Russia the opportunity, under international law, to legitimately attack Saudi Arabia.
Given this situation, the Jews definitely need to remove that Nazi scumbag traitor Benjamin Netanyahu and free Israel before events spin further out of control.
Netanyahu has been recorded threatening to blow up all of Japan’s nuclear reactors in a phone call to then Prime Minister Naoto Kan in the immediate aftermath of the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan. The motivation was to force Japan to sign away ownership of its US Treasury holdings to the Nazis (which Kan duly did), according to Japanese military intelligence. The use of nuclear terror to shut down Japan’s nuclear reactors was also aimed at forcing Japan to import more oil from the Middle East as a part of the Nazi planned oil crisis.
The recent spike in radioactivity being reported in Fukushima is being caused by the dumping of nuclear industrial waste (mostly medical), according to Japanese gangsters sub-contracting to the Nazi Mossad faction. The aim is to blackmail the Japanese government in order to prevent it from restarting its nuclear reactors. Message to Netanyahu: they are coming after you and there is nowhere in this universe where you will be able to hide.
In any case, it is not over until it is over but even if you read the fascist controlled corporate media, it is increasingly obvious the Sabbatean Nazi’s days are numbered.
The final take-down of the criminal cabal that illegally seized control of many Western countries is under-way according to multiple sources in the Pentagon, MI5, the Italian P2 Freemason Lodge and in various Asian power centers.
The ongoing attempts by these religious fanatic criminals to start Armageddon, this time with an operation in Syria is nothing more than a sign of desperation.
The list of countries that has agreed to attack Syria based on the obvious cabal staged poisonous gas attack in Syria is also a list of the countries still under cabal control. These are the US, Canada (to my deep shame), France, Israel, Italy, Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The fact that other NATO countries, notably Germany, are not participating is a sign the cabal no longer controls the NATO alliance. Globally, the cabal now controls only 8 out of the 195 nations on earth.
It is true these cabal controlled nations still control considerable military power on paper but it is extremely unlikely the pentagon will go along with this latest cabal gambit. From their point of view it is difficult to see what sort of legitimate US interests would be served by attacking Syria.
Instead, they realize this latest horror is just a desperate attempt to start war in order to save cabal control of the financial system. That is not going to be allowed.
On that front, a White Dragon Society representative will meet this week with holders of historical Asian bonds issued by the Federal Reserve Board in order to begin moves to either force the Feds to either cash them or be declared bankrupt. The bonds will be taken to the Bank for International Settlements for cashing after the UN, the governments of the US, the EU, Russia, China etc. are formally notified the money will be used to finance a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. If anybody objects, the specific names of the people or organizations trying to block this move will be publicized and legal action against them will be initiated.
Since the International Court of Justice at the Hague is a cabal controlled institution, it will probably be necessary to set up a special tribunal to carry out mass arrests of top cabal members before work to repair this planet can begin.
There will also be continued clandestine efforts to remove cabal proxies from public office in the 8 countries still under cabal control. England, the US and Canada are expected to be the first of the 8 cabal controlled countries that will be freed. This will be done primarily by using all legal tools available to remove the known cabal mass murderers who are in power in these countries.
Of course the cabal has no intention of going quietly. In addition to their increasingly desperate attempts to start World War 3, the cabalists are also trying to co-opt the coming revolution.
The plan to co-opt the revolution by the cabal is taking the form of controlled opposition. The pumping up of, and mass corporate propaganda media pumping up of people like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange mark them as officially sanctioned “rebels.” These highly publicized and lionized “whistleblowers,” despite supposedly having access to huge archives of intelligence files have somehow failed, for example, to find anything about 911, 311 or other cabal mass murder events.
In any case, the cabal controlled revolution scenario hopes to use these and other yet to be created anti-heroes to make it seem that a revolution has taken place. Of course, it will just be a case of putting the velvet glove back onto the recently exposed steel fist of cabal fascist control. This plan will fail.
In a separate cabal gambit, top cabal agent Adnan Sacly is travelling around Asia, particularly Indonesia, in an attempt to bribe or otherwise influence Asian dynastic families, according to a senior P2 Freemason official. . He is being hunted by operatives working for the Vatican as well as the CIA and is thus not expected to remain in action for very long, according to the P2 freemason official.
There is also trouble brewing on the economic front with China now joining the ranks of countries whose economies are imploding. Mass bankruptcies have begun among small and medium enterprise, according to a Chinese government official.
This means the controlled economic implosion that began with the Lehman Brothers crisis of 2008 has worked its way from weaker countries like Greece and the US and is now hitting previously strong economies like China. This is adding to the pressure to start the new financial system and pump money into the global economy ASAP.
However, although everybody is sick and tired of the old financial system, solving the question of who gets to control the money pump next is still going to take many months to solve before the new system can begin.
The problem is due to a continuing deadlock at the very top of the old system. The big banks have used derivatives fraud to create astronomical amounts of dollars (quintillions, decadecillions and other such exotic numbers are bandied about in the back rooms) and are reluctant to admit this money has no basis in reality. Big banks with equally astronomical derivatives losses on their books are also refusing to recognize their bankruptcy, resulting in deadlock.
In the end, it will probably be necessary to shut down all the bank computers and delete all money from the system. After that, only money that is backed by real world assets will be re-entered into the system. This will mean a lot of work for auditors and other experts in following financial paper trails.
Since finance is the process of deciding what we as a species do in the future, there is also a spiritual dimension to the financial system that needs to be properly dealt with. Once cabal control is ended we need to come up with a new way of deciding what sort of world we want to build with the resources that exist today. If properly done, the new structure will unleash dormant human potential and allow for the biggest changes our species has seen since the beginning of agriculture.
RELATED POST: Fulford: How The Fascists Took Over The West
August 19, 2013
Author: Benjamin Fulford
Notice to readers: This week we return to pre-written material as I finish my holiday outside of the digital information matrix. Next week I will be back in Tokyo and will report the latest news about the upcoming autumn offensive against the cabal.
Canada, on the surface, seems to be the same as it always was, liberal, laid back and tolerant. However, despite having an open minded, free thinking population, it is clear the Stephen Harper government still in power has a fascist agenda and needs to be removed. It has been engaged in a stealth move to slowly, slowly impose a totalitarian agenda. The signs of this, and they are no doubt repeated in other Western countries, are easy to spot if you have been living outside their information matrix.
For those who wish to do their own fact checking there is a way to show the West is ruled by a secret totalitarian regime. Take a look at the ownership control of the Fortune 500 companies that dominate the economy. It can all be traced, as can the ownership of the Federal Reserve Board and the 12 largest banking corporations to four entities: BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and Fidelity. The ownership by a few families (the usual suspects like Rockefeller, Rothschild, Warburg, Morgan etc.) of most economic activity of course includes ownership of the media, text-book publishing and educational institutions of import. This control matrix will be systematically dismantled over the coming months and years.
To understand how the control matrix set up by these families works let us look at the mild version they run in Canada. The official Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and other corporate propaganda media outlets (remember fascism is the dictatorship of corporations) are the most obvious examples.
Reading their “newspapers” and watching or listening to their broadcasts you begin to enter a surreal world in which Russia’s Vladimir Putin is not a democratically elected leader but rather a tyrant, where Barak Obama does not represent a government that tortures and murders with impunity and where Al Qaeda is either an ally or an enemy depending on which country they are talking about.
Many of my otherwise well-educated and intelligent family and friends here seem to think, for example, that homosexuals (or whatever the latest politically correct label is) are jailed and persecuted in Russia. This is because of relentless and increasingly crude propaganda about a law that makes it illegal to promote homosexuality to minors. In the West, of course, there are severe jail terms and persecution in place for people who promote heterosexuality to minors (it is labeled pedophilia). In any case, the people who rely on corporate and government media (including much of my family) for information in Canada have been left with the untrue impression that homosexuals were being imprisoned and tortured in Russia. This is fascist propaganda at its most blatant.
The must [most] surreal example I saw was an Ottawa, Canada reality show that follows police as they go about their work. In the show I saw police were seizing “unregistered weapons” from a “purse thief.”
The police in the report were saying the suspect was arrested for stealing a woman’s purse and that the firearms were found in a subsequent search of his house. The police said the man stole the purse and fled alone in a taxi. However, in the show the Taxi driver, speaking in accented English, unmistakably repeated that the woman who supposedly had her purse stolen from her house was with the suspect e entire time. The weapons were old ones the “suspect” had inherited.
It was an obvious case of trumped up charges being used as a pretext to seize weapons. The propaganda was so crude the shows’ producers apparently did not realize the policeman was lying on air and that the taxi driver’s testimony proved it. If I try to talk to my family about such things or events like 911, they become extremely agitated and refuse to listen.
It is the sort of -you cannot believe it is happening in Canada- event that is becoming all to frequent. The media are lying, the government is falling into the hands of thugs and, people with a vested interest in the system are in denial.
Fortunately the control matrix set up by these families has a fatal flaw. Western civilization is extremely militarized in its organization. Military power structures are characterized by highly centralized control and command. People are trained to follow orders, obey rules and go along with the public agenda.
While the “I was just following orders,” excuse was supposed to have been debunked at the Nuremberg trials, a more insidious system has now replaced it. People involved in the military and the agencies or in the corporate government repeatedly use the phrase “that is above my pay grade,” to shut their minds and concentrate on their immediate orders.
The implication is that the more money somebody gets paid, the more they are allowed to know. What happens though is that if you seize the tiny group of people who control the money distribution process then suddenly you are above the pay grade of all these order obeying aparatchiks.
Seen from outside of the West, what is happening now is that the European Union and the United States are bankrupt vis a vis the rest of the world. Or, more accurately speaking, the families that own the rights to print dollars and Euros are also bankrupt.
So, if the creditors to these people are willing (and they say they are) then the financial control mechanisms are about to change hands. The implications are historical. Whoever controls the money controls, first of all, the wages of all the military and agency personnel in Europe and the US. Secondly they will get control of the corporations and the corporate propaganda matrix. Thirdly they will get control of all the scientific and educational funding as well as the scientific and educational publishing (publish or perish and all that).
Needless to say replacing one secret group with another is not going to make any long term difference. Instead, we need to make the power transfer as public and transparent as possible without endangering innocent lives.
Finding a new way for our species to chart its future is what we will work on this autumn.
Despite a request that I not be contacted unless it was urgent, phone calls from Asia and Europe and messages hand delivered to my remote cottage all indicate that some sort of fundamental change has taken place in the global power structure. For example, the Federal Reserve Board Crime syndicate has begun a massive attempt to buy historical Asian bonds offering billions to holders they previously told to buzz off, according to Asian and BIS sources.
This is an attempt on their part to keep some sort of power after what they now see as an inevitable sea change in how the planet’s financial system, and thus its true power, is run, according to MI5 sources in direct contact with the Fed bond buyers.
The Feds are now offering billions of dollars for historical bond boxes they used to buy for a few hundred thousands of dollars if they decided not to kill the would-be seller instead. This may be tempting to the holders of these bonds but they need to remember that at the end of the day the Feds will be lucky to emerge from all this with their skins intact.
In any case, the White Dragon Society has suggested to bond holders that there is no need to sell bonds with a face value of trillions of dollars for a fraction of what they are worth. Instead, the WDS will meet with representatives of the Feds, of Asian Secret Societies, of the illuminati and the committee of 300 in the autumn to try to come up with a win-win solution for everybody.
In the meantime, it is recommended that people enjoy the rest of their holidays and charge their batteries for what is likely to be a historical fall in more than one sense. The big geopolitical change that precipitated this sudden Fed change of heart is the move by Putin, the gnostic illuminati and their allies to force the US corporate government to close embassies throughout the Middle East. This has underlined, for all to see, the biggest geopolitical sea change in the West since the fall of the Soviet Union. Western Europe, which is deeply in debt to the rest of the world is now relying on Putin and his allies for energy. That means, in essence, Western Europe and the Middle East are no longer under cabal military control.
The Pentagon, although still in charge of by far the most potent military force on earth, no longer wishes to work for cabal oil interests in the Middle East. Instead, they are concentrating on successfully surfing the big switch in financial power to Asia and to anti-fascist forces in the West.
The background for this is that Asian royal families and other interests are now looking like they will finally get justice after over 100 years of being lied to and manipulated by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board.
In specific financial terms, hundreds of trillions of dollars of bonds issued by the Feds in exchange for Asian gold are likely to be used in a move to bankrupt the Federal Reserve Board. The Neil Keenan lawsuit is part of this effort.
Rather than be declared bankrupt, the families behind the Feds are now trying to buy up as many of these bonds as possible so that even if the Federal Reserve Board goes belly up, they can claim to have trillions of dollars’ worth of these bonds that are suddenly morphing from historical antiques into sources of major power.
A large portion of these bonds, several trillion dollars’ worth, have been pledged to the WDS banner. In addition, gold holders and military forces are lining themselves up to WDS goals. These are to start a massive project to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and set humanity on a path of exponential expansion into the universe. Compare this to cabal goals of a never ending fake, “war on terror” or a fraudulent global warming con job. The top leadership of the cabal was simply hoping to keep in power indefinitely by killing 5 billion people and enslaving the rest. This is extremely well documented.
In such circumstances it is a good idea to step back and look at the big picture. Global GDP, including offshore financial centers, is less than $100 trillion. Suddenly dumping tens or hundreds of trillions of dollars into the world economy will cause vast changes of the sort anybody could see.
If the money is just handed out like free booze, there would be a huge party followed by a huge hang over. At the end of the day, the same old gangsters would still be in charge.
However, just putting a trillion dollars a year into development projects would mean spending 20 times more than the World Bank, the cabal controlled world order’s largest development institution. That alone would be enough to end poverty.
On a deeper level, we need to realize that current so-called global institutions like the IMF, the World Bank, the United Nations, the World Court etc. have been run, in secret, by the families behind the Federal Reserve Board. The 20th century was largely their creation. They brought us two world wars, a cold war, terrorism, constant small wars and the accumulation of all of the world’s wealth and power into a tiny in-bred mafia clan. During that same century they have failed to end extreme poverty even as they presided over the extinction of 30% of all of the world’s species. That is the largest extinction event since the dinosaurs were wiped out.
What has happened, in a nutshell, is that the people who control the world’s military power have decided that the people they worked for, the ones who controlled the magical Fed private bank money printing press, needed to be replaced.
The big delay so far has not been any love for the people in charge but rather disagreement over what will happen next. Those disagreements are now ending. There are still no firm dates for when the big, visible changes will happen but they will happen.
There is still a lot that cannot be written about yet but rest assured the good guys are winning and the fascist coup d’etat seen in the West after 911 has ended in failure. Enjoy your summer holidays.
Notice from Benjamin Fulford: This month I will be on sabbatical away from the internet and so have prepared the next few newsletters based on topics that are not time sensitive.
The reason I got to know many professional killers first hand was because I have worked for a long time as a financial journalist. It does not take long reporting in that field before you understand finance is intimately connected with high level organized crime.
As a result, in order to provide readers with the truth, it becomes necessary to cultivate sources within organized crime syndicates. As a general rule gangsters do not talk to reporters so, it took a while to assure them I was just a chronicler and not a cop and that I would not write anything that would personally incriminate my sources.
So it came to be that I started hearing many stories about the underworld, especially in Japan. Thus this week I will relate some of what I heard about real world professional killers.
One form of entry level professional killing is what is known euphemistically as “sending somebody to work on a fishing boat.” What this means is that a person who falls deeply in debt to loan sharks is told he is going to have to work on a fishing boat and that his wages will be taken as payment for the debt. What the victim is not told is that the fishing company will take out a large insurance policy in his name and the he will be “swept into the ocean by a wave,” at some point during the fishing voyage.
Then there is the killing that goes on in gang wars. In the old days, when the yakuza had better relations with the police, any time a gang member killed a member of a rival gang, somebody in the gang would turn themselves in and confess to the killing. These days, people simply “vanish.”
A boss of one of Japan’s largest gangs described his own participation in such wars. The first thing his gang would do is abandon all gang offices and known gang hang-outs. Members would also dress down in sweatshirts and sweatpants and sleep in Karaoke rooms or the like. The typical killing would be a discreet shooting or stabbing after which the body is quickly stuffed into the trunk of a car and taken out to the country-side for burial in a shallow grave. In Japan a body will completely decompose within a couple of years and leave no trace.
One top gang member I met claims he was personally killed over 100 rivals, mostly in his youth when he worked in the golden triangle supplying heroin to the CIA. Most of his victims ended up in shallow graves. Another one claims to have killed 18 rivals, mostly in Japan, and also says he used shallow country-side graves for disposal.
However, more exotic methods of disposing of bodies include having them ground up into meat balls and sold as food or boiling them into broth for ramen noodles. When boiled the only thing left is the fillings and these are melted separately. One gang prefers to use vats of acid.
One of Japan’s top killers, who works directly for the chairman of one of the largest banks in the world, says that he chops peoples fingers off “one knuckle at a time,” on behalf of his boss until he gets the information he needs. He then wraps the bodies in lead and dumps them in the ocean. That is what he does for a living.
Above these people lie a realm of professionals who specialize in killing politicians and other high-profile individuals. Their favorite method is using either ricin, which induces strokes or extract of castor bean oil, which causes heart attacks. The ricin induced stroke method was used to kill several post war Japanese Prime Ministers including Keizo Obuchi, Masayoshi Ohira and Kakuei Tanaka. Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto was killed by means of a poison inserted in his anus. I personally called his constituency office and they admitted to me he died of an “unknown intestinal ailment.”
The worst case of the murder of a Japanese Prime Minister, though, definitely is the story of what happened to Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita. According to two independent sources, one a member of the Japanese royal family and another a high ranking public security police official, Takeshita was taken to Alaska by thugs working for the US corporate government.
There he was chased naked in the snow by a helicopter before he was beaten to death and had his testicles crushed, they concur. A video of his murder was shown to high level Japanese power brokers as a warning of what would happen if they tried the same. Takeshita’s big crime, as was the case with Hashimoto, was to discuss in public the possibility of selling off some of Japan’s US government bond holdings. The official story is that Takeshita “died in the hospital.”
Another favored way of killing prominent people is to make the death look like a suicide. When working for Forbes I chronicled the story of Tadayo Honma, the president of Aozora Bank.
Honma, a former senior Bank of Japan official, was objecting to all of his bank’s deposits being emptied and sent to North Korea. As a result, he was forced to write a will at gunpoint before being strangled to death. His death was then called a suicide. Although my timid Forbes editor watered down my source to “underground rumors,” the source was in fact one of Japan’s most senior gangsters and it was his gang that carried out the killing.
In another case, Kuniji Miyazaki , the former chairman of Dai Ichi Kangyo Bank, now part of Mizuho Bank, was visited by a bunch of men in dark suits the evening before he was supposed to testify about a financial scandal. When the men left the house, he was found hanged. The death was ruled a suicide even though reporters from the Yomiuri Newspaper witnessed everything and wrote about it in the English language daily Yomiuri (the main Japanese paper refused to publish the story).
Needless to say, a lot of journalists have also been killed in this manner. They have also been publicly executed. Shortly before Daniel Pearl of the Wall Street Journal was beheaded in Pakistan by Al CIAda militants, Forbes had asked me to go to Pakistan. My instincts told me to stay away and I am pretty sure that if I had gone it would have been me and not Daniel Pearl who was beheaded. Also, my colleague Paul Klebnikov was shot and killed in 2004 at a time when I also survived an assassination attempt. We were both investigating high level criminals linked to Henry Kissinger and the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate at the time. Klebnikov was investigating Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky, (who helped loot Russia for the Feds) and in particular his link to the murder of a high profile Russian journalist. Berezovsky was recently killed in London by unknown assailants.
In my case, I have been poisoned twice, approached by somebody with an electronic heart attack inducing device once, approached by gun-men twice, been hit by a speeding taxi once etc. That is how desperate the gangsters who control the Western financial system are to prevent us from finding out the fact that at its very heart the Western financial system is based on fraud, murder and bribery backed by nothing but threats.
This is about to change.
July 29, 2013
Reposted from: Benjamin Fulford
I’m publishing this post, but I do so reluctantly, because I do not think it is appropriate, or serves any real purpose . . . ~J
Comment: Well, the purpose could be simple enough: to amplify the significance and authority of Fulford and elevate him to the level of some world figure by endlessly bragging about his own significance "in the scheme of things".
If you "connect the dots", it will bring you right to this picture and all the information on the net about "quantum transition" and "a knight on a white horse" coming "to save the world" and "rid it from evil".
There has been written quite a bit about "Omen" in the sky over Norway December 9, 2009 Much. Many were quick to call it "Great Aryan sign". Many believed that it really was "hand of God". However, scientists have decided not to limit it to mysticism, and conducted a full-scale research and came with an interesting conclusion. ...
Most researchers agree that the illumination of the sky was man-made and was a part of a global project of NASA - "Blue Beam", which is designed to prepare the planet's inhabitants for the coming of "God" on Earth. ...
... Surprisingly also is the fact that the "sign" happened the day before awarding Obama the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo. It is likely that someone at the top of the international special services conglomerate, who imagines himself the high priest of the New World Order, specifically "guessed" the heavenly sign.
"Omen" in the sky over Norway or project of NASA "Blue Beam"
(Leuren Moret: Fukushima and the Global Danger)
Interestingly enough, on June 14, 2013 the Alaska HAARP facility has been closed "temporarily", as reported by the director of the project, and surprisingly enough, the university site with the spectrograms of HAARP transmissions has been taken down. Why? What does the UNIVERSITY site have to do with "closing" the HAARP facility, especially considering the fact that that site contained the historical data of magnetometry readings since the beginning of the project, which proves with nearly 100% certainty the correlation between the HAARP transmissions and the biggest natural disasters, most devastating earthquakes and floods around the world?
Question: why would the Pentagon close down its most potent weapon system considering the fact that its operating expenses are so small, it isn't even worth mentioning compared to the Pentagon budget, including the "black" one?
And, interestingly enough, there wasn't a word from Fulford about this alleged "closing" of that site and HAARP facility, which, according to the leading experts on this subject, is the most lethal weapon of mass destruction known to mankind, compared to which even the nuclear weapons are nothing more than child's toys. Interesting, isn't it?
And the purpose of all the "prophecies" from "knights on a white horse" is to make people passive in hope that some "messiah" will come and save them from this hell on earth, created by those, against whom Fulford is fighting, at least as he presents himself. And this is probably one of the most important things in the NWO agenda right now. Because if "ruling elite" is afraid of anything or anyone, it would be definitely the people themselves.
Because if people stop eating all the disinformation garbage they are being fed morning to night on all the channels of media and rise and stand up for themselves, instead of sitting here reading all sorts of "super secret" messages from all sorts of "channellers", "prophets" and people like Fulford, then things might really get nasty for that NWO "elite".
Because anything and everything else they already own and control. But they do not quite control the people as yet, at least on the level where everyone is ready and willing to accept them as a "ruling elite" of this satanic ideology of "negative approach", allegedly created by Lucifer, according to a representative of the "group soul/consciousness" Lucifer, as you can see for yourself.
Window of Opportunity
(Revelations of the Insider - 3)
And yes, this post of Fulford, if he is not a "crypto Jew", is certainly the most disgusting example of disinformation garbage and of the lowest grade, having no informational value whatsoever beyond pointing out again and again and again, ad nausea, how "great" and "important" is Fulford.
And, as far as him going on "sabbatical" to the places where there is no Internet, does not he know that there are no such places on earth? Even wild adventurers, travelling around the world on a small boat, have access to the Internet right in the middle of an ocean.
And WHAT "sabbatical"? Is he a scientist of some kind going to do some research at the places where there is no Internet? Or is this simply a joke of some kind? Who is going to eat this and wait on his tip-toes until the "messiah" comes back from his "sabbatical" to continue feeding them with the wildest "revelations" about the Fulford's "greatness" and his "connections" to the most powerful and influential people and intelligence agencies on earth?
WHAT "sabbatical" is he talking about when the world is facing the final stages of the NWO, which is hell itself? What that "sabbatical" means and signified "in the scheme of things"? What is more important to the world - the Fulford "sabbatical" or the world itself? If there are some urgent events, which he might know, should the world WAIT until he comes back from his "sabbatical"? And who is he to take some "sabbatical"? When your rear end is on fire, do you go on some "sabbatical"? When there is a raging hell on earth, what "sabbatical" are you talking about? Is it something more important and significant that the world itself?
And what will the "gnostic Illuminati", "the White Dragon Society", the Pentagon, all the leading intelligence agencies and royal families do without such a central coordinating figure as Fulford?
And what will happen in the world politics and the NWO agenda without him? Should the world itself go on "sabbatical" waiting for him to come back so the world could keep working and the planet earth could continue spinning around its axis?
Notice to readers. This month I will be on sabbatical away from the internet and so have prepared the next few newsletters based on topics that are not time sensitive.
Female agents have long been a key source of power. The Jews celebrate Purim based on the tale of the wife of a king who saved her people by persuading him not to persecute them. The ruling bloodlines of Europe claim descent from Kind David of Judea. According to their legend, when Judea fell to the Babylonians all of David’s male descendants were killed. To protect the bloodline of David, his elite guards began to protect his female descendants. Their modus operandi was simple, marry on of the female descendants to a king and have her educate his children and heirs. In this manner, female agents secretly usurped power in the West from traditional kingly bloodlines. This tale, told to me in person by representatives of the current ruling bloodlines of the West illustrates, just how important female operatives can be.
In Asia as well female agents can have a decisive impact. In Japan, for example, it was recently discovered that a very large percentage of graduates from Japan’s elite military academies had married Chinese agents. Then of course there is the well-known story about former Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto and his Chinese spy girlfriend. I actually met her once and can say she seemed charming and attractive. Of course Hashimoto died from a poison that was inserted into his anus, although it is not believed his Chinese girlfriend was the one who administered it.
That is not the case, however, with Kim Jong Il, who was killed, according to several different sources, by a stroke inducing poison administered to him anally by a Swedish female agent. In any case, all I can say is that when dealing in bed with such agents, is to watch your ass.
My personal encounters with female agents have been very educational, to say the least.
First of all, I must admit that for much of my reporting career, the thought of female agents never really crossed my mind as something that really existed. However, now that I think about it, when I was working with Forbes one of my scoops was to report that North Korea had an atomic bomb. Shortly after writing about this, a former Miss North Korea began approaching me and tried to become my lover. It never occurred to me at the time that our encounter may not have been a coincidence.
By now, though, I have learned to be thoroughly suspicious of rare beauties who throw themselves upon me.
Once my colleagues started being murdered and I became involved in secret societies who offered me protection, I started to wise up about female agents too.
In one case, after making a lecture in Japan, a man with a beautiful woman at his side approached me telling me he was friends with Adnan Khashoggi, the arms dealer. He gave me a book in French called “The Egyptian Origin of the Jews.”
In any case, his gorgeous female companion started making moves on me. Once she lured me into an apartment where she got totally naked in front of me. Now, I am not so naïve as to believe a beautiful woman associated with a major arms dealer suddenly fell in love with me and got her dressed again by telling her that I had herpes and do not use condoms. In any case, she told me an unusual tale that I will pass on here without judgement. She claims to have been kidnapped by giants who carried out experiments on her womb. Her descriptions of these giants were very close to descriptions of the Annunaki reported on occult web sites.
In another case, the daughter of Masaru Takumi, the former number 2 boss and head of financial affairs for the Yamaguchi Gumi yakuza syndicate approached me, also after a public speaking engagement. She had knowledge of my sexual preferences that could only have been gleaned by somebody eavesdropping on my most intimate moments. I declined her offers of intimacy but, curious, I spent time with her socially. What stands out the most about my meeting with her is the fact that she insisted on meeting with me on the evening of March 10th, 2011. She said she wanted to take me to a special Japanese style chiropractor.
The man we went to see was not the one she expected. He introduced himself as a ninja and wrapped a long piece of cloth covered in black powder around my lower back, telling me it was a herbal preparation and that I was to leave it on all night. It felt bad and I took it off as soon as I got home. Also that evening, Takumi’s daughter told me that she had to set the alarm on my mobile phone to ring at 11 AM on March 11. That was the day of the nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan. I am pretty sure she was hired by J. Rockefeller.
The most memorable of all the female agents, however, has to be the North Korean woman I will refer to as T. She also showed up at my speaking engagements on multiple occasions and we became friends after I sat beside her on a train on my way home from such an engagement (it turns out she was sent to live at the next stop from mine to make such a train ride possible).
T was a remarkable but troubled young woman. She had been beaten so badly by an uncle during her childhood that she required reconstructive plastic surgery on her face twice. Her former lover was a professional killer who had killed over 80 people and she told me enough inside detail (which I passed on to the police) about famous unsolved murders for me to believe this was true.
She ended up telling me a lot about the people who were operating against me. She says she had been shown a file about me that was as thick as a phone book that tried to portray me as a drug addled, insane pervert (if only my private life were so interesting). According to her, after the cabal failed to murder me, they had planned to bankrupt me and drive me into suicide. Her job had been to chase away all my close associates and then abandon me, leaving me friendless.
She also introduced me to a supposed family of hers that turns out to have been a bunch of actors playing the role of her family.
One time I got her pregnant and we were planning to marry and have the child. She was 5 months pregnant when she was called suddenly to Nepal to stay at the house of a close associate of the Dalai Lama. There she was drugged, started bleeding intensely from her womb and woke up in a hospital after being unconscious for 24 hours. She was no longer pregnant. There is a whole book to be written about this young lady but suffice it to say I realized we would both remain in danger if we kept seeing each other.
When this is all over, I will find her again. I will also personally seek out the Dalai Lama and seek a full explanation for why his thugs in Nepal did what they did. The man is a criminal pretending to be a great religious figure. He will get his justice.
All I can say is that love and international intrigue do not mix well.
To understand what is going on now, look back at the fall of the Soviet Union. While in retrospect it seems like it happened overnight, at the time it seemed to take forever. First there were strikes at a Polish shipyard and other troubles that went on for months before suddenly the Polish Communist government fell. Then there was similar strife in Germany for what seemed like forever until, overnight, the Berlin wall fell. So it went in spurts and stops until the Soviet Union itself collapsed.
The situation in the West is now similar; governments have fallen in Italy, Spain, Greece, Australia, Japan and elsewhere but the big Kahuna, the corporate government of the United States, is still standing. However, under the surface tension is building and something fundamental is about to give way, possibly in the autumn.
Take a look at the photograph below:
From left to right are Benjamin Fulford, spokesperson for the White Dragon Society, Chodoin Daikaku, liaison for the world’s martial art’s societies and “Alexander Romanov,” gnostic Illuminati Grandmaster. They posed for this picture last week after agreeing on a plan of action to save the world.
First of all, all the people studying martial arts around the world can be reached by analogue means via Chodoin’s network. His often controversial personal political views are irrelevant to this. What matters is the principle of martial arts to never strike the first blow but to defend yourself vigorously if you have been struck. That blow has been struck.
It can now be proven beyond any doubt that a faction within the Western elite has been planning to murder 90% of humanity. This attack is still going on in the form of forced sterilization through vaccines, the release of bio-weapons, attempts to create mass starvation and multiple attempts to start a full scale nuclear war. In order to stop this, if it comes to that point where no other choice is possible, then the martial arts network can use non-digital communications to mobilize a 200 million person army.
Then there is the gnostic illuminati, represented here by Romanov. This group is opposed to rule by bloodlines and claims to have started the French, American and Russian revolutions. Each of these revolutions was characterized by the removal of bloodline rulers. They claim to have been behind the recent riots in places like Turkey and Brazil and also say they were behind the regime change that just took place in Egypt. They wish to end the control of the creation of dollars and euros, and thus the control of world power, by an in-bred, unelected family mafia.
Finally, there is the White Dragon Society. The WDS can only be used for the greater good and not for personal benefit. The WDS recognizes that a fascist coup d’etat in the West has turned Western civilization from something overall benevolent into something parasitical and murderous. It wishes to restore all that was good about Western civilization including democracy, the rule of law, respect for human rights, protection of nature, freedom of information and unhindered scientific progress.
The WDS works in partnership with Asian secret societies in a relationship based on equality, mutual respect and work towards win-win solutions.
All of these groups support the idea of a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and set humanity on a path to exponential expansion into the future.
To this end, these groups will politely but firmly ask the people currently in power in the West to offer their full cooperation or else stand aside and let us do the job.
In order to attain world peace, the planet still faces a few housekeeping problems. In Asia, a return to independence for Okinawa and a reunification of the Korean peninsula is expected to be a condition for lasting regional peace. In the Middle East, the rogue nation of Israel will have to cease its criminal and anti-social behavior. The ancient family feud that split Islam into Sunni and Shia sects will also have to be dealt with. These issues can all be dealt with without a need for war so long as the rest of the planet insists.
Then there is the problem of the rogue outfit, founded in 1871, known as the corporate government of the United States. Right now it is under a collective leadership arrangement using Barak Obama was its spokesperson. This group is also finally making the truth about Obama’s past public.
Also, something sent about Obama by an unknown author has been posted here:
The reason this criminal is still in power is that the military industrial complex uses him to symbolize the dictatorial powers that they have conveyed on their presidency. There is also the lack of a suitable alternative within the existing Washington D.C. power structure. The military industrial complex is nonetheless promising to work with the WDS as soon as it and its allies get control of the money printing presses. When this happens, all that was good about the Republic of the United States of America (as opposed to the fascist United States of America Corporation now in power) will be restored.
So, the Comittee of 300, the families that own the Federal Reserve Board, the unelected management of the United Nations and other leaders of the current governing structures have been put on notice.
They must hand over the process of creating and distributing dollars and Euros in a transparent and public manner to the people of the planet. They must also agree to mobilize existing government and corporate structures for a massive campaign to end poverty, end war and stop environmental destruction. In theory, they have already agreed to help attain these goals. In practice they are doing almost nothing. If negotiations fail over the summer, the autumn will be colored in red.
July 16, 2013
Reposted from: Benjamin Fulford
The cabal that illegally and surreptitiously seized power in the West knows it has lost the war for planetary control. The result is spreading chaos and panic amongst the cabal elite. The signs of this are everywhere now both in the public realm and in the still secret world of military, spy and gangster agencies.
On the public side, the head of Homeland Security and 15 top Sabbatean agents within that department were fired last week, joining the 26 generals, CIA head David Petraeus, Senate Intelligence Committee Chief J. Rockefeller, Pope Maledict, Queen Beatrix of Holland, Prime Minister Julia Gillard of Australia, King Albert II of Belgium and many others in a purge of cabalist operators. Only Eric Holder now stands, and probably not for long, between President Obama and the legal moves to remove him from office.
On the yet to be made public side of things, Italian P2 freemason lodge members say former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy is planning to seek political refugee status, maybe in Russia. In Japan, public security police sources say that cancer-stricken Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has only a few months left to live and that a replacement has already been chosen from within the current ruling clique.
There are also ongoing secret negotiations between representatives of the Gnostic Illuminati, the heads of the world’s martial arts societies, the White Dragon Society, the government of Russia, the dragon family and the Green and Blue among others. According to several key negotiators there is a broad agreement on the need to replace the current ruling structure of the planet with something more benevolent. There is disagreement however between hardliners, mostly in the Western military intelligence apparatus, who want to completely eliminate the 13 Sabbatean bloodlines and the moderates, including the White Dragon Society and various Asian groups, who favour a truth and reconciliation committee, a jubilee and a general amnesty.
In any case, discussions about what comes next are still taking a back seat to the ongoing efforts to remove the cabal from power in the G7 countries.
The cabal has been fighting tooth and nail to keep that power. In the US, the firing of DHS head Napolitano helped derail a plot to use the highly propagandized Zimmerman trial to trigger race riots as an excuse to declare martial law in the US. The involvement of US Attorney General Eric Holder in attempts to stir up race turmoil is now being investigated.
In other cabal moves, a bombing attack on a Russian naval base in Syria is being reported as having involved Israeli planes flying out of Turkey. This is a clear attempt to provoke a Russian military reprisal against NATO member Turkey, triggering World War 3 and thus the Sabbateans’ long awaited “Armageddon.” Of course nobody is being fooled any more by such false flag operations.
Russia responded by holding emergency military drills in the Far East, on the opposite side of Russia from Turkey, sending the signal that “we will retaliate but not when and where you think.” Instead of being fooled into war, Russian and Gnostic Illuminati agents say they will be targeting Sabbatean mafia leaders and top family members in Europe.
Credible threats were also received from MI6 sources of another nuclear terror attack against Japan. In the latest plot, a nuclear device is supposed to be smuggled into Tokyo through a network of secret underground canals via the US airbase in Yokota in Western Tokyo. The source for this warning is the same one that told the Japanese before March 11, 2011 that Japan was about to be hit with a nuclear attack.
The cabal is also trying desperately to stave off bankruptcy in the face of a growing global boycott of cabal income sources. In Japan, they have bribed Shunichi Tanaka, the head of the Nuclear Regulation Authority, to prevent the re-opening of Japan’s nuclear power plants, according to Japanese military intelligence sources. Reopening the plants would mean Japan would import $35 billion less oil per month from cabal controlled oil exporting countries.
As a part of this campaign, various gangsters and agents have been spreading radioactive cesium around Fukushima, according to Japanese police sources. The cesium is mostly industrial waste from the oil and medical industries. The public relations office of the Nuclear Regulation Authority refused to comment on these allegations when called by this reporter.
Despite such moves, cabal control of the oil industry is ending. For example, Australia has announced it has discovered more oil than in Iran, Iraq and Venezuala combined.
Combined with Canada and Russia, it means the world will no longer have to go to the volatile Middle East for oil.
Meanwhile, a boycott aimed at bankrupting the cabal government in the United States is gathering momentum. Purchases of US wheat, rice, beef and other commodities are being curtailed by multiple countries including China, Russia, South Korea and Japan. In addition, the ongoing fires and crashes of Boeing jetliners is apparently part of a successful campaign to shut down the exports of largest US exporter.
The death of US financial criminal Mark Rich has also exposed him as the head of an operation started in the 1990’s during the Clinton administration that has been replacing US gold supplies with tungsten coated bars, according to MI5 sources. Most US gold supplies have already left the country meaning the US dollar has no gold backing inside the US. The gold was apparently stolen by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board in order to stave off bankruptcy.
The Chinese communist government, meanwhile, has bailed out Goldman Sachs in South Korea, according to an executive of a Japanese securities company. In return for continued bail outs of this sort, US corporate government spokesperson Obama informally offered the Sandwich Islands to China, according to a source close to the US/China economic negotiations that took place last week. The Sandwich Islands were renamed Hawaii shortly after the US invaded and took them over in 1900. Russia has also been offered the Aleutian Islands, according to FSB sources.
Needless to say, once the criminal corporate government in the US is bankrupted and removed, the restored Republic of the United States of America will declare all such agreements null and void.
Meanwhile Russia’s move to control the Middle East and thus European energy supplies, combined with the pentagon’s refusal to intervene, has sent shock-waves through European corridors of power. President Obama called Russian President Putin about this issue last week but all Obama can do is wring his hands. The Germans have taken a more robust response to Russian oil power politics by vastly increasing solar power generation and allowing the sale of 200 mile per gallon vehicles.
In any case, expect pressure on the cabal to increase steadily until humanity is finally freed.
Last week’s regime change in Egypt reflects a bold geopolitical chess move by Russia’s Vladimir Putin. In response to the US draw down of its forces in Europe and its’ “pivot” to Asia, Putin has moved in force into the Middle East. The end game will mean Russian control over European energy supplies.
As a result, the center of Western European power will shift from France and Germany to Russia and Germany. The Germans have already secretly agreed to this. The Americans will be too busy dealing with China and Asia to be able or willing to do much about this new balance of power.
This just the most visible sign of moves by the White Dragon Society, the Asians and the BRICs alliance against the criminal cabal that still clings to power in Washington D.C. and a few European capitals.
Cabal surrender has now become inevitable. Representatives from the committee of 300, the BIS and the Federal Reserve Board have already indicated they are willing to fork over trillions of dollars to finance a campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
The Committee of 300 by John Coleman
They have also hinted they may do this by cashing some of the untold trillions of dollars’ worth of bonds they issued in exchange of Asian historical treasure, including some of the ones shown in last week’s newsletter. Negotiations on this issue are expected to last through the summer so, no announcement is expected before the Autumn.
However, representatives from the Vatican, the British Royal Family, the Japanese Imperial Family, the Russian government and the Chinese government, among others have all made it clear that no major power group is against the White Dragon Society’s goals.
The problems at this point are now more technical and logistical issues of how to make a move from psychological agreement to practical moves on the ground. For example, representatives from the Federal Reserve Board are now saying that the people who issued all of those trillions of dollars’ worth of bonds to the Asians in the 1920’s and 30’s never intended to “bankrupt the US.”
Perhaps they thought the Asians did not know the difference between the paper money they burn as offerings to their ancestors and the money they use to buy groceries. The Chinese know the difference and are insisting the people who issued these bonds must pay their full value.
The people at the BIS [Bank for International Settlements - "the central bank for the central banks"] and committee of 300, meanwhile, are threatening to dilute the value of the Asian $trillions or quadrillions by issuing $trillions and quadrillions of their own.
Of course, funny numbers aside, it all boils down to a question of power and the White Dragon Society sticks by its view that all the new money to be created must be split 50/50 between East and West and spent on improving the planet. The Asians agree in principle to such a split and will continue upping the pressure on the cabal until a deal is reached, Asian and Western secret society sources promise.
The first Rothschild "World Bank," the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), is established
("The Synagogue of Satan" by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock)
In the meantime, there will be a lot of visible changes in world power structures before any deal is announced. The regime change in Egypt is a clear sign of this. To understand why this is so, it is necessary to look at oil and gas.
As most aware people realize, the war in Syria is financed by Qatar and Saudi Arabia because they want to build a pipeline through Syria to send gas to Western Europe. Russia, which now dominates gas sales to Western Europe, does not want the competition so they are helping Syria fight against the pipeline mercenaries.
Here are a few indications of how the power balance has changed: The governments of France, the UK and Washington D.C. call for a “no-fly zone” in Syria. The Pentagon, Russia and China veto this. The pentagon repeatedly refuses hysterical requests by slave politicians in Washington D.C. to attack Syria. Turkey, which used to actively support the anti-Syrian moves, stopped doing so after a visit from Putin.
And now, Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown because he called for armed action against the government of Syria. The new Egyptian government is composed of nationalists along the lines of Abdel Naser. Naser was aligned with the Soviet Union.
So, what about Israel? Here again, fundamental changes are being seen. The Pentagon has made it very clear that, after what happened with 911, they are no longer willing to fight proxy wars for Israel. All the bitching and moaning by bribed politicians in Washington D.C. and propaganda outlets like the New York Times is being ignored by a thoroughly disgusted US military establishment.
Fortunately for Israel, Putin is ready to come to its defense instead. One quarter of the population of Israel, and a third of its Jewish population, is Russian. The New Egyptian government has not made any anti-Israeli moves or statements. Instead, the new enemies in the region are the Salafist, Wahabi and Al Qaeda hate mongers and their Sabattean handlers.
Doubtless there is going to be a lot of turbulence in the region before the new balance of power settles in. The big question, of course, is what is going to happen to the Gulf Cooperation Council and Saudi Arabia. These countries will probably try to pay protection money to the new government in Egypt.
However, they might be wiser to upgrade their embassies in Moscow and Berlin. That might not be enough, though, to stop a payback campaign being planned against the Gulf countries by their many victims.
There may also be trouble outside of the region. Canada, for example, has begun to position itself as an alternative source of oil and gas to the volatile Middle East. This may be why a train carrying oil appears to have been sabotaged at Lake Megantic in Quebec.
Canadian government sources say the Rockefeller family has been financing “environmental activists” opposed to the building of a pipeline that would supply Canadian oil to the US. The Rockefellers were famous in the old says [days?] for sabotaging their competition. Let us hope, for their sake, they are not up to their old tricks in this case.
In any case, the entire Rockefeller, Bush, Morgan, Warburg, Rothschild etc. Federal Reserve Board control grid in America is falling apart. While “President” Obama failed to confess to his secret past on July 4th, as predicted by this newsletter’s sources, he is clearly fronting for a failed regime. The picture essay linked here:
while clearly biased, nonetheless leaves the impression he is being forced to act like a fool by his controllers. Especially revealing are the pictures of him bowing to heads of the foreign regimes like Saudi Arabia, Japan, and China, that are keeping the United States Corporation, (as opposed to the debtless Republic of the United States), from going bankrupt.
Last week, representatives of Asian groups asked the White Dragon Society to help them cash trillions of dollars’ worth of historical bonds issued by the Federal Reserve Board. The WDS agreed on the condition the funds be partly used to finance a massive campaign to end poverty, war and environmental destruction. For example, here is a picture of one of a set of 60 boxes each containing $125 billion worth of bonds:
If the Federal Reserve Board and the BIS refuse to cash these historical bonds, then the relentless campaign against them will continue. This campaign has so far removed from power Pope Maledict, J. Rockefeller, Queen Beatrix of Holland, 26 top Pentagon generals, the CIA head Petraeus, Hillary Clinton, the King of Saudi Arabia and many others.
Last week, in a major cabal defeat, Sabbatean mafia stooge Julia Gillard was removed from the Prime Minister’s office of Australia. Next will be anybody else who stands in the way of efforts to save the planet including Ben Bernanke and Barak Obama.
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was removed from office 3 years ago immediately after he had agreed to use new energy technology to remove salt from sea water in order to turn the Australian desert green, according to MI6 and Australian Secret Intelligence Organization (ASIO) agents.
The coup that removed him was arranged by Federal Reserve Board agents, the sources said. Immediately before he was removed, a warning of an impending nuclear terror attack against Japan was given to the Australian embassy in Tokyo to deliver to Kevin Rudd, ANSIO agents say. However, the embassy instead warned the Feds who initiated the move to ouster Rudd.
Australian military and security types are now going to insist that the murder in 1967 of Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt be properly investigated.
The trail will lead to Henry Kissinger, multiple sources say. From there the trail will go to the gangster families who own the Federal Reserve Board. In other words the investigative trail is grinding towards them on charges of both murder and the issuing of fraudulent bonds.
The bonds pictured above and below are part of a batch of bonds given to a Chinese Nationalist army general by a US general back in the 1930’s. We have confirmed with a master list at the Federal Reserve Board that they are genuine. The Feds have been trying to buy up bonds like this for a tiny fraction of their cost and then dump them in the garbage. However, the owners of this batch are insisting on full payment and they have the means of enforcing their demands.
Here, printed on what looks like monopoly paper, are some genuine Fed million dollar bills:
These are separate from the bonds in the boxes. They are part of vast mountain of such instruments the Feds spread around Asia without any intention of ever returning the gold and treasure they traded them for.
Both the Chinese Communist government in Beijing and the Nationalist government in Taiwan have countless trillions of dollars worth of these bonds. If they present a united front and force the Feds to pay money, the Feds can be driven out of business. The real question, of course, is what to do after the Feds are busted.
On this front, there are several different groups with competing agendas. One is the Neil Keenan group suing on behalf of the Dragon family. This lawsuit, if it is ever accepted by any court, would restore the rights to the traditional treasures of Asia to the old royal families of Asia, including the Qing dynasty heirs.
However, the Chinese Communist Party and some Asian secret societies do not want to turn the clock back 100 years and return to dynastic rule. Nor do many people in the West want to replace a secret Western family group with a secret Asian family group.
Another group, now going by the name One People’s Public Trust (OPPT)
has tried to take up the cause of the old Marion Horn Five Star Trust case to get their hands on the vast funds they believe will flow to the victors of the ongoing financial war. While the original Five Star Trust case seems to be legitimate, the OPPT is very opaque and many sources claim it is a cabal front. The OPPT is saying they will produce about 25 million millionaires if they win but they do not talk about what will happen to everybody else.
Red flags are also raised by the involvement of Guy de Rothschild, of the French branch of that family, who was in on the 311 tsunami and nuclear terror attack on Japan. A representative of De Rothschild called last week and expressed surprise that Japan was doing just fine and that there was in fact no nuclear holocaust going on here.
Yet a third group claiming vast funds is the Casper group. They seem to represent groups with legitimate claims of having been ripped off by the Federal Reserve Board. This is definitely true in the case of the small farmers all over the USA who were conned out of their land by fraudulent bank deals.
They have support in the military but have not put forth a clear plan for what they want for the planet.
The US military is also up to its eyeballs in Iraqi Dinars. It is not a good idea to enrich the Bush crime family and reward them for their rape of Iraq by allowing them to cash in on all the Iraqi Dinars they stole. Any Dinar revaluation must not include that Bush/Carlyle crime syndicate.
A fourth group, the gnostic illuminati, for their part, are calling for a complete end to hereditary bloodline rule. One of their platforms is a 100% inheritance tax aimed at accomplishing this goal.
However, that will not go well with people who spent a lifetime paying down their mortgages and want to leave their house to the children who grew up in it.
So, how about giving the right to create money to everybody? The problem, of course, is that in such an event a trillion dollars would soon become the price of a single piece of bubble gum. Ultimately, internet based currency like Bitcoin may be one way to democratize the process of money creation without causing inflation.
However, the idea of a totally free market where everybody pursues their personal desires without worrying about the greater good, and money is just a commodity, is part of the reason the planet is in such trouble now.
The White Dragon Society, for its part, is proposing to carry out what it calls Operation Santa Claus, that is make everybody happy.
The idea would be to allow the traditional royal families of Asia to issue money based on their historical treasures. At the same time, the old Western bloodlines could, after the mass murderers are removed, also be allowed to issue money.
However, in both cases the money would need to be spent in the real world carrying out big humanitarian or development projects. No more money games or “trading platforms” where trillions of dollars are created out of thin air and spent by cabalists on bribes, baubles and goons.
Also, under Operation Santa Claus, the bad people have to pay for their crimes meaning all the victims of Federal Reserve Board fraud, including US family farmers and Chinese merchants, would be compensated. At least one hundred years of organized fraud against the people of the world will need to be rectified once the Fed is busted.
Also, to make sure the average person on the street understands things have really changed, the WDS is proposing a jubilee. The idea is to eliminate, in a one off deal, all debts public and private. If you are paying a mortgage, you will no longer have to and the house will be yours.
If you are renting an apartment, you will no longer have to pay rent and the apartment is yours. If you are an old lady living from rental income, the government will pay you the same amount you got from rent.
Of course, making this real means busting the Fed or forcing it to cough up the money. To bust it, of course, means we need to take these bonds to the Fed and insist that they cash them “or else.” Believe me, they do not want the “or else,” to happen.
The WDS has also long proposed creating a new meritocratically staffed agency charged with the job of ending poverty and stopping environmental destruction. It should have an annual budget of at least $1 trillion or 20 times more than the World Bank has.
Until this is made possible, the cabal will continue to be put under increasing pressure.
Reposted on June 24, 2013 by Deus Nexus
Original source: Benjamin Fulford
The push to end the illegal rule of the West by a criminal cabal is escalating on multiple fronts as seen by a spate of incidents that seem, on the surface to be un-related. These incidents include the “murder” of a journalist in California, the ongoing NSA leaks scandal, the un-reported kidnapping of US ambassador to Syria Robert Ford, the murder of three free energy researchers last week and escalating riots.
There are also multiple sources predicting some sort of banking black swan event, possibly next week. In Japan, for example, all banking ATM machines in the entire country will be shut down on June 29th and 30th for undisclosed “technical maintenance.” Pentagon sources also talk about some sort of planned bank take over. The Asian secret society is also planning a big banking move soon, society sources say.
The gnostic illuminati, for their part, have also promised a renewed offensive against the cabal at the street level. The riots in Turkey and Brazil will be followed by major upheaval in Egypt expected in the run up to June 30th.
The kidnapping of US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford, was reported to this writer by his fiancé who is a member of the Italian aristocracy. A Dr. Ben Morgan working for the UN in Syria and a UN official by the name of Kingsley Adogbeji in Nigeria are involved, she says. US special forces have been informed of his location. Ford is a moderate career diplomat who is not involved in the violence now wracking that country.
The seizure of Ford seems to have been carried out by frustrated mercenary armies working for the Saudis and other Zionist enemies of Syria because of his persistence in seeking a peaceful resolution to the conflict there.
It is very clear though that despite all the screaming about “no-fly zones” and US intervention in Syria by the Sabbatean (Zionist) mafia and their proxies, the fact is the pentagon, the Chinese and the Russians have already agreed not to be provoked into a war there. The Zionist slave governments of the UK and France do not have the military might to stop Russia in Syria. This means Western Europe will not be able to import natural gas from the Zionist colonies of Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
Not only that, Turkey has now clearly sided with the White Dragon alliance against the Sabbatean mafia and has stopped the flow of weapons to Sabbatean mercenaries in Syria. The mercenary terrorist armies in Syria are now doomed. The Nazi Muslim brotherhood government in Egypt is also going to be targeted by massive demonstrations on June 30th, and is expected to be overthrown. The Saudi Arabian gangster government is the ultimate target of the push to free the Middle East of Nazi, Al CIAda, Salafist and Muslim Brotherhood terror, according to Green Dragon Society sources.
The Russians and Germans have also reached a secret agreement to dominate post-cabal Western Europe, according to Russian FSB sources. That is why Germany does not support the French and British efforts to get non-Russian sources of energy, the sources say.
The Vatican is also now clearly pitted against the Sabbatean cabal and this can be seen in statements by the Pope about financial tyranny. It is also seen in the form of Vatican support for anti-plutocratic riots in Brazil.
The real question, though, is what is going to happen to the rogue terrorist government in the United States. Here there are signs of a real struggle between two factions, the Department of Homeland Security, the Washington D.C. corporate government and the Zionist corporate slave media are fighting the Pentagon and patriotic elements of the agencies.
The fact that the corporate slave media is making a huge fuss about the Snowden NSA leaks is a good indicator they are somehow involved. These are the same media that try to make Julian Assange of Wikileaks a big hero even though Assange follows the Zionist BS line about things like 911.
Neither Snowden or Assange have revealed anything truly important (come on, we know the NSA has been watching everything since the end of WW2) and yet they get huge publicity, meaning they must be a form of controlled opposition.
The apparent “murder” of Rolling Stone journalist Michael Hastings also raises red flags because the photos of his burning Mercedes are obvious fakes (one shows it hit a lamppost another a tree) and because he was supposedly heading to an Israeli Consulate before a “missile” hit him.
We also got a call from a US source who said that three (un-named) free energy researchers had been killed by cabalists and that Dr. Steven Greer of the disclosure project has gone into hiding out of fear of assassination. We have not been able to confirm this independently at the time of this writing.
In any case, the Pentagon and the agencies are fighting back against the Sabbatean corporate media machine with their own internet outlets like Prison Planet (CIA white hats and Bronfman family), Tom Henegan (?), Sorcha Faal (Naval Intelligence) and Veteran’s today (Defense Intelligence Agency).
Judging from what Zionist slave press outlets like the New York Times writes (check out the anti-New York times for a good analysis:
my vote is with the white hats at the pentagon and the agencies. Please note that while I have contributed articles to Veteran’s today, I have not been paid to do that.
For their part, pentagon and agency sources continue to say that the Sabbatean control of the process of creating dollars and Euros will soon be taken away from them. When the money dries up, the whores will go elsewhere for business. Let us see if their latest promises for big changes by the Fourth of July Independence Day celebrations actually happen this year.
The gnostic illuminati have also promised to intensify their campaign to completely overthrow the Western establishment. They have renewed their web-page
to indicate this. Please note they spend a lot of time insulting me on that site. However, since their attacks are ad-hominem, I will simply respond with the Sufi saying: “the dogs bark but the caravan rolls on.” In any case, they promise dramatic events over the coming months, presumably including lots more street demonstrations, riots and bizarre plots like the “Boston bombing.”
However, the real key battle for the planet earth remains the one of getting control of the central bank money printing presses. To this end, big secret moves are being made.
Posted on June 17, 2013 by Gillian
Original source: Benjamin Fulford
The battle for control of the Western financial system, and thus to a large extent the future of the world, is now hinging on hunting down and arresting an individual going by the code name M1, according to multiple sources. “M1” is using forged documents in order to claim the right to print dollars and Euros on behalf of the Sabbatean mafia, the sources say.
The attack on the Sabbatean control of the right to print and distribute dollars and Euros is coming from several different directions. This includes several legal approaches such as the Neil Keenan lawsuit in Indonesia and maneuvers of the Five Star Trust group of Marion Horn now posing on the internet as “Zap” and friends of “Poof.”
However, the Sabbateans are not about to step aside no matter what some judge may rule so even as the hunt for M1 intensifies and the legal cases roll forward, the real killer blow against their control grid may come from elsewhere. That elsewhere is expected to be South Korea. The South Korean economy is now considered likely to implode and that might just be enough to take down Goldman Sachs, according to Asian secret society sources.
The South Korean implosion is expected to be triggered by the bankruptcy of Hyundai Motors. Hyundai Motors is in extremely bad shape and has been issuing fraudulent financial statements to postpone its collapse, according to an executive at a Japanese securities company and other sources. The collapse of Hyundai motors would trigger a collapse of the South Korean economy, its financial system and its government.
Since Hyundai and the South Korean economy are secretly controlled by Goldman Sachs (Rockefeller), such a collapse would be a death blow to them, according to the Japanese financial sources.
A news search did show plenty of signs of trouble at Hyundai, the world’s fourth largest automaker.
The big problem seems to be that European and American customers thought Hyundai was a Japanese company and assumed the cars would be of the same quality as Japanese cars (but cheaper to buy).
However, that did not turn out to be the case. A survey of 860 people by a group called consumer affairs found that 70% of them gave only one star out of a possible 5 star rating to Hyundai. Another 25% just gave their cars two stars. That is a consumer dissatisfaction rate of an astounding 95%.
There have also been problems with recalls, false data on fuel consumption and more. This has translated into plunging sales. That is why Hyundai is seen by many as within as little as one month of collapsing. There are already signs here and there. In South Africa and India, for example, there are labor disputes connected to unpaid wages. In Thailand and Vietnam Hyundai has been caught cooking its books in order to create fake profits, according to the Japanese securities company executive.
Also, a group connected to Hyundai has been trying, through the auspices of a Japanese company fronting for the Rockefeller family, to sell vast amounts of gold that they have been unable to prove actually exists, according to several people directly involved in the negotiations.
The collapse of Hyundai, a company that accounts for close to 10% of South Korean GDP, would trigger a domino effect that would take down the South Korean financial system and thus its government. Since the South Korean financial system has been owned by the Sabbatean mafia since the financial crisis they engineered in 1997, this will hurt them big time.
As mentioned previously in this newsletter, the attack on Sabbatean control of the South Korean financial system has also been going on in the form of lower ranking bank officials loaning money to their buddies in exchange for a commission.
The North Koreans and their Japanese allies see the impending collapse of the South Korean financial system as an opportunity to end the artificial division of the Korean peninsula and free South Korea from Sabbatean mafia control.
The new regime in North Korea has also been forthcoming with lots of information about its previous relationship with the Bush/Nazi part of the CIA. For example, they said there was a special door at the Panjunmon truce village located on the border between North and South Korea that was used to deliver North Korean amphetamines to CIA agents and Japanese gangsters. “Every yakuza has heard this story,” a Japanese crime syndicate member confirmed. The amphetamines delivered via this door were 100% pure, they said.
In Japan as well, another blow has been dealt against the cabal. Last week Japan’s Health and Welfare Ministry announced it was no longer going to administer HPV vaccines after they were found to be ineffective at preventing cervical cancer. What the Japanese news reports failed to mention is that investigators found evidence the vaccine was being used to sterilize women and that criminal charges were being prepared against Japan Medical Association and pharmaceutical company executives.
This trail will lead to the World Health Organization and from there to the population reduction efforts of the eugenicist families like the Rockefellers and Bushes. Translation: they will be facing provable criminal charges of mass murder. I would call these people scum except that I would not want to insult, by association, the colonies of bacteria that inhabit the rims of toilet bowls.
Also, contrary to what I reported in previous newsletters, it seems the sudden plunge in Japanese stock prices in recent weeks was not due to cabal sabotage. The sudden fall has been traced to Japanese institutional investors and not foreign hedge fund selling, according to Japanese securities industries sources. Apparently many Japanese institutional investors have rules limiting the percent of their investments they can have in shares.
Since the Japanese stock price rose sharply during the first months of this year, the value of share holdings rose above the permitted percentage, and so some had to be sold. This in turn triggered computer trading algorithm sales. Foreigners have not been net sellers during the recent fall off, according to Tokyo Stock Exchange data.
We have also found out that the reflationary policy of the current Japanese government, known as Abenomics, is taking form in part through hand-outs of vast sums of free yen to large Japanese corporations like Toyota Motors, Panasonic, Hitachi and Toshiba. This might be a good time for hungry high-tech start-ups with big ideas and small budgets to approach these companies for an Abenomics trickle-down.
Meanwhile back in Europe, the governments of the G8 have been announcing plans to go after the $32 trillion in money being held offshore by tax avoiding corporations. This is a good sign but only if it really happens so, only believe it when you see it.
Also, please note the G8 meeting has also been dominated to a large extent by Russia’s Vladimir Putin. There is a reason for that. What many of the people at the meeting may not have realized is that the pentagon and the Chinese have reached a deal with the Russians, according to senior Russian sources.
In that deal, the US will no longer intervene in Europe and the Middle East to help Western European powers. That means there will be no US troops to fight the Russians in Syria and that in turn means the Europeans will not be able to end their dependence on Russian gas by importing gas from Saudi Arabia and Qatar via Syria.
If the Europeans want to avoid an overly aggressive Russian bear hug, they might consider getting their gas from Canada or the US instead.
The Russians have also offered to protect Israel since the pentagon has made it clear they are no longer willing to shed American lives on behalf of that country.
Posted on June 10, 2013 by Gillian
Original source: Benjamin Fulford
The recent cabal controlled corporate media frenzy of “disclosure” about things like NSA eavesdropping, politically targeted IRS tax investigations and the Bilderberg meeting are signs of full blown panic. All these disclosures seemed to be timed to distract public attention from last week’s pentagon and US agency supported love fest summit meeting between US President Barak Obama and Chinese leader Xi Jinping.
The erupting trade war between Europe and China and the posse of economic hit-men trying to ruin Japan’s economy are also signs of and intensifying battle over control of the world’s financial system and thus the future of our species.
The attacks on Japan’s economy are motivated by the fact the Abe government just announced $32 billion in economic assistance for Africa in a sign Japan is no longer handing its foreign currency to the cabal in order to finance Zionist wars. They are also motivated by the fact that Japan’s government has just begun to do the obvious and eliminate its “200% GDP debt” with the stroke of a pen.
Well known mainstream economist Jeffrey Sachs [under whose economic "advice" of instant release of price controls, destroyed the USSR] last week admitted to this writer, at a Japan Foreign Correspondent’s Club press conference, that there was no theoretical reason why Japan’s government could not just print yen, buy up all the outstanding Japanese government bonds and put them in the garbage.
Sachs, who heads the Earth Institute at Columbia University, was also very enthusiastic about the big Japanese plans to modernize Africa saying they were very concrete, detailed and realistic. [which, in light of his former "achievements" and "economic advices" to several nations, translates as: Africa will be destroyed as efficiently, as the USSR was].
Of course the corporate propaganda media representatives, or more likely their bosses, did not want to let the world know that Japan’s government had made a decision to break free from Sabbatean debt slavery. Unlike tiny Iceland, Japan is the world’s third largest economy and its biggest creditor nation. Its’ breaking of ranks with the G7 debt-slavery cabal is truly historical.
The other big move in Asia that was under-reported was the resumption of negotiations between North Korea, Japan and South Korea. The goal supported by all parties, including China, Russia and the Pentagon, is regional peace.
To this end, North Korean authorities are rumored to have told the Japanese government they are willing to return over 30 kidnap victims, the remains of over 50 Japanese and 200 relatives of these people as a part of a normalization of relations with Japan. The need for US forces in the region is also being debated at a high level with many arguing that if push came to shove the pentagon would not fight China over Korea and Japan.
Also, given the fact the US military industrial complex has basically proposed marriage with China, the Japanese government has forged military agreements with Russia and India to make sure Japan does not become some sort of dowry gift to the Chinese.
Needless to say, of course, all the countries in Asia support peaceful co-existence and governments, including those of China and Japan, have agreed not to allow outside forces (ie Zionists) provoke war in the region.
This tectonic shift coming from Asia is also affecting the old power centers like Washington D.C. and certain European countries. That brings us to the recent rash of corporate propaganda media attacks on the military industrial complex and their spokespuppet Obama.
The so-called revelations that the NSA has been spying on all Americans and Europeans are very old news suddenly rehashed. All e-mails, phone calls, financial records etc. have been monitored around the world since at least the 1990’s. The reason the Zionist propaganda media have suddenly taken interest is because the agencies doing the eavesdropping are no longer working for them or their masters.
That brings us to the Bilderberg meeting that took place last week in England at the same time Obama was meeting Xi in California. The simultaneous timing of these meetings was no coincidence.
Obama met Xi in California because Xi refused to go [to] the chaotic cesspool that is Washington D.C. according to Chinese and US government sources. There was also the very real concern Xi would have been poisoned had he gone to Washington.
The Chinese view is that even though Obama is a puppet, he currently represents the government of the US and thus protocol meant he should be the face of Chinese/US government to government negotiations. The official Chinese and US government pronouncements about the meeting were that the two governments would forge peaceful, equal relations and work towards a better run planet.
The Chinese also understand Obama might soon be stepping down as part of the ongoing regime change in the US. Obama is supposed to be making some big confessions to the American people on July 4th, according to a CIA source. His reputation in the history books will depend on whether he finally tells the truth about his past and the non-democratic process that put him in the presidency.
In any case, old world order powerbrokers gathering at Bilderberg last week were clearly in a panic over the developments in the US and Asia. The clearest sign that something has changed concerning the old world order is the massive publicity given to the Bilderberg meeting in the propaganda press.
Cabal news outlets like AP, Reuters, the BBC etc. were all there. Suddenly, instead of denying there was even a meeting going on, these propaganda outlets started saying that the most powerful people in the world were gathering there. There was also unprecedented publicity given to controlled opposition forces like Alex Jones and David Icke.
Jones, for example, was widely promoted in Zionist outlets like the Drudge Report, BBC etc. in what appeared to be an orchestrated campaign. Jones is linked to the Zionist liquor smuggling Bronfman gangster family.
I do not agree with the anti-Jewish slant of the above article but I will say that my grandmother, who personally knew members of the previous generation of the Bronfman family, thought of them as gangsters. They made their fortune by smuggling Canadian booze to Al Capone.
David Icke, for his part, has been linked to the Rockefeller crime family.
What both these controlled opposition figures have in common is that they take true conspiracy information, like the fact that central banks are privately owned monopolies, and then, in a bait and switch maneuver, ultimately put the blame on “aliens” without providing any credible evidence for this claim.
What can be proven with overwhelming evidence is that many of the families behind the privately owned central banks support eugenics, population reduction and war. They have further been decisively linked to the 911 and 311 mass murder terror attacks.
They have also utterly failed to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and develop latent human potential. Tomorrow is 611 and they better not try anything stupid. They must bow out.
It seems somewhat strange that Jeffrey Sachs is presented as a noble knight on a white horse, supposedly giving sound advice to Japan on how to put an end to "debt slavery" of Japan's external debt, which is more than 200% of GDP and interest payments on which make up more than 50% of total revenues in the treasury, which strangles the the country and its economy with a deadly grip.
But the same situation exists in the United States, where Jeffrey Sachs lives, as in all the other countries "in the developed world." The question arises: did he give similar advice to his own country? After all, he was awarded the Shnobel Prize in Economics! Whom should they listen if not the "experts" of that caliber? Or is he an "expert" only in matters of economic collapse and enslavement?
What is the essence of the Fed, and why are they, being a conglomerate of private banks owned by "God's chosen" people, have the right to print money, or more accurately, the pieces of paper with the promise, and then give them as DEBT to the state? How many people there were, who uncovered the essence of this fraud, leading to enslavement, including the Presidents of the United States?
But WHO is Jeffrey Sachs? For one thing, he is a member of the Bilderberg group, commonly known as "hidden world government". Then he is called one of the top 100 most influential people in the world, and to get to such a status, you simply must be one of the "rulers" of the world, or, in other words, one of the evilest of all evil alive. Simple as that.
Just look at Jeffrey Sachs, with the index finger as a conductor's baton in a symphony orchestra. He really looks like a "knight on a white horse" among the "herd", that calls itself "Occupy Wall Street". What а madness! How do they - "slaves" can even think of such a thing as "occupy Wall Street" and "What the Hell Was Economic Hit Man Jeffrey Sachs Doing at Occupy Wall Street?"
(What the Hell Was Economic Hit Man Jeffrey Sachs Doing at Occupy Wall Street?)
This picture is classic of deception and deceit. It says more than all his words combined.
What a mug face he has! Just like Hitler/Schicklgruber, ready to give a speech on the release of Wall Street from tyranny of capitalism! The only thing missing in this picture is a tank, on which he stands to look like "Lenin" - Goldman during the Russian relovlution.
That's insanity!
But Jeffrey Sachs is a typical chameleon-careerist who changes the color of his skin, depending on the circumstances. Yesterday, he was radical free-marketer and an ardent capitalist-extremist, and today he, you know, is waving his hands and baton in a movement "Liberate Wall Street" and gives "green" tips on liberation from slavery and the creation of a "harmonious development" to "Maintain a balance with nature," as written on the Illuminati Stonehenge in the state of Georgia, USA, where, among other things, it is written maintain the world's population at no more than 500 million. And "Vatican officials took part in the drafting of the Earth Charter and international support for environmental initiatives" Do you see what are we talking about?
And what is the essence of Japanese plans to modernize Africa? One thing is clear, "it will cost" Japan. And "what are they going to get out of it"? "Or are they now playing a role of some "messiah", whose messianic activity is to "save" Africa at a time when "their own rear end is on fire"?
What will it take to "modernize Africa"? - Money, among other things. And does Japan have more than enough money? - No, sir. They're in debt up to their ears. Their own external debt is over 200% of GDP and interest payments on the debt represent more than 50% of all revenues. So, how they will be able to "save" Africa?
Absurd? - Not really.
The fact is that the money that they want to "bury" in totally corrupt Africa, could be used to buy back their own bonds on the external debt, and thus reduce their interest costs on external loans, instead of "feeding" the black hole in Africa.
The most urgent issue of Japan is the situation with the "debt slavery" of Japan itself, and even if we assume that they will be able "save" Africa, then how can it affect the situation in Japan, at least today?
That is, first you need to bring your own house in order. Thus, if they spent these $50 billion to buy back their own debt, they would really help themselves before helping others.
Besides, if they really want to end their own debt slavery, then there are options. Firstly, they can simply make a statement that all foreign debts of Japan should to be repaid within 90 days. I mean, give a deadline to their debt and redeem it during this time, using all their resources, including gold. If they are so full of cash, then why not buy their own debt obligations?
Or they might say that they refuse to pay the interest on all the external debt, as, for example, did Lincoln. They could say, the maturity of external debt declared as infinity. And if you do not pay interest on the debt, and the debt can paid off at infinity, then the problem disappears. Yes, "economists" would be outraged, saying it will lead to terrible consequences. But for whom? - For the world "banking mafia"? Shame on you, gentlemen, to protect the interests of the mafia in damage to the entire people of Japan?!
Yes, you can argue and analyze the various techniques and strategies for Japan to exit from the debt slavery, but what is undeniable, is that there are options.
Secondly, due to the fact that their external debts exists due to contracts with the criminal group of "the world banking Mafia", all of these agreements may be considered as illegal. Null and void. Because any kind of contracts with the criminals do not have any legal significance. Or do they?
In other words, the main goal is the elimination of Japan's external debt, just as as suggested His Majesty Jeffrey Sachs. But not wasting billions on a "black hole" in Africa, with all due respect to the problems in the region.
A story, to which we now turn, is enigmatic and mysterious. It indicates the coming of truly dark times in the United States, operated by forces carrying the demographic threat of mass destruction.
In Georgia on top of one of the highest hills there is a huge granite monument. On four giant vertical slabs that support the plate which lays on top of them, engraved are the 10 directives written in nine languages.
The monument is also called American Stonehenge (dolmen). (Dolmen is a structure consisting of large detached blocks of stone, which in prehistoric times was used for ritual ceremonies and burials. The most famous of these structures is Stonehenge, located in Wilshire, UK).
History of the American Stonehenge is shrouded in mystery. No one knows who ordered its construction. We only know that in June 1979, a well-dressed stranger visited the Elberton Granite Finishing Company, a company engaged in the processing of granite, and announced that he wants to build the structure and send a message to humanity.
He gave his name, which later on turned out to be fictitious, and said that he represents a group of people who would like to propose the directing guidelines to lead humanity. Messages, which are engraved on the stones, relate to four main areas:
These instructions-directives, in particular, include:
Starting from the first directive to achieve a balance with nature and a need to get rid of 9/10 of the population. Birth control as in paragraph 2, in fact, means the control and regulation according to the instruction specified in paragraph 1. Moreover, the entire message is seasoned with the message of love, human rights, justice and beauty.
In essence, everything written in these instructions reflects the ideas of the concept of so-called "sustainable development", which, incidentally, was developed by the Club of Rome and in the future was reflected in several documents, including the Earth Charter, drawn up in 1994 under the leadership of Maurice Strong, general Secretary of the Earth Summit and chairman of the Earth Committee (how do you like this post?), and Mikhail Gorbachev.
This document was named the "Bible of the XXI Century", and "not only set of principles for sustainable development, but also a strategic goal toward building a new society, a new civilization." Indeed, civilization so new, that one might even say unprecedented.
As follows from the interview given by Gorbachev to newspaper Corriere della Sera on April 4, 2005:
"Representatives of the Vatican took part in the drafting of the Earth Charter and provided support for the international environmental initiatives."
(American Stonehenge - The Invisible Khazaria, Tatyana Gracheva)
The International University Center Haiti (Uni Haiti) reflects the James Jay Dudley Luce Foundation’s commitment to assisting in the completion of the U.N. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) authored by Dr. Jeffrey Sachs at Columbia University’s Earth Institute. In addition, Uni Center mirrors the Foundation’s adherence to the Earth Charter supported by Steve Rockefeller.
The Earth Charter is an international declaration of fundamental values and principles to build a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century.
What a beauty, isn't it? But what is "global society", if not what is known as the NWO - New World Order? The very fact that the Earth Charter is supported by Steve Rockefeller means what? WHO created the "woman's lib movement", "hippy revolution" and the rest of "progressive movements"?
Well, as it turns out, Jeffrey Sachs, the Earth Institute, the Earth Charter, Rockefellers, UN, the "sustainable development", which simply means the GENOCIDE of over 90% of world's population, are all linked together under one label - the NWO.
Why is Jeffrey Sachs giving "advice" on how to handle Japan's foreign loans, when his own country has a foreign debt exceeding $17 TRILLION? How could this be? The "rear end" of his own country is on fire and he, you know, gives advice to the Japanese about how to end it. Absurd?
Yes, he does give the advice that not only plain makes sense, but which is obvious, even to the novice students of the economics today. Because the external debts (debts of the state to the international "Banking mafia" of Rothschilds and the like) do suck productive potential out of the economy and lead to cutting back on development and maintenance of infrastructure in the country because of the need to pay the interest on these loans.
As a result, you have to take the money in a loan from the IMF and similar structures of enslavement of the world that tie to them all sorts of conditions leading to even more rapid loss of sovereignty. Today, almost all "developed" countries of the world are on their knees in front of "the banking mafia" being in debt to them up to their ears. All of these economic "crisises" around the world are direct evidence of such an economic enslavement.
Debt slavery of external debt leading to loss of sovereignty of states is undeniable. And today, it's clear as a white day. Thus what Jeffrey Sachs does, is to tell them the obvious - that which is known to any person who spent at least some time to study the issue. There is absolutely nothing new in what he suggests.
And this entire scheme of enslavement is known for hundreds of years and it is described in detail in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, that are carefully denied by the ZioNazis foaming at the mouth, but the meaning of which is simply undeniable. Read for yourself and ask yourself the question: would even a freshman understand it, not to mention the Shnobel Prize winner for economics?
This is what is written in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Protocol 20 - Financial Programme:
Every kind of loan proves infirmity in the State and a want of understanding of the rights of the State.
Loans hang like a sword of Damocles over the heads of rulers, who, instead of taking from their subjects by a temporary tax, come begging with outstretched palm of our bankers.
Foreign loans are leeches which there is no possibility of removing from the body of the State until they fall off of themselves or the State flings them off.
But the goy States do not tear them off; they go on in persisting in putting more on to themselves so that they must inevitably perish, drained by voluntary blood-letting.
What also indeed is, in substance, a loan, especially a foreign loan?
A loan is - an issue of government bills of exchange containing a percentage obligation commensurate to the sum of the loan capital.
If the loan bears a charge of 5 per cent, then in twenty years the State vainly pays away in interest a sum equal to the loan borrowed, in forty years it is paying a double sum, in sixty - treble, and all the while the debt remains an unpaid debt.
From this calculation it is obvious that with any form of taxation per head the State is baling out the last coppers of the poor taxpayers in order to settle accounts with wealth foreigners, from whom it has borrowed money instead of collecting these coppers for its own needs without the additional interest.
So long as loans were internal the goyim only shuffled their money from the pockets of the poor to those of the rich, but when we bought up the necessary person in order to transfer loans into the external sphere, all the wealth of States flowed into our cash boxes and all the goyim began to pay us the tribute of subjects.
Every kind of loan proves infirmity in the State
(Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion)
Tell me, what is there not clear in that text? What is NEW in what Jeffrey Sachs says, that is not described in detail, and even hundreds of years ago? Is there an argument with the content and the "program" of the Protocols in anyone's mind?
So Jeffrey Sachs is not a "messiah" of ANY kind, interested in the liberation of peoples from slavery. It, as saying goes, "is not funny even to the chickens".
The question arises: why would Jeffrey Sachs, a humble servant the forces of evil, be exhibited here as a knight on a white horse? What is the meaning of his deep economic "revelations" and to whom is it really necessary to point out that the white day is really white?
Some leading experts in economics said that Jeffrey Sachs' economic "theories" are nothing more than delusions, that never worked, do not work and can not possibly work. About the only thing they may produce is destruction of economy and enslavement of the countries where they have been implemented, which is what happened in Russia, Eastern Europe and Bolivia among other places where he "advised".
All of these countries, in essence, had completely lost their sovereignty and do no longer exist as real independent states. They live according the the program imposed on them from the outside, and all of their resources belong to the "Banking mafia", "from over the hill".
It should be noted that the Chinese during the "most peaceful gevolution in Russia" - the collapse of the Soviet Union, said this:
You can not destroy the old house before you build the NEW one.
Yes, it really is wise. Because to demolish the old house before you have built a new one is idiocy or willful and purposeful destruction of the state, which is what happened in the Soviet Union due to "advice" of the team of "leading experts" of the economic destruction and enslavement of the nations from Harvard University.
But these jackals did not just destroy the "old house" - the USSR. No! They ROBBED it first! And took out the gold and uranium by the ton, not counting all the rest. And they cashed in on this "most peaceful gevolution" better than in any time of history, and actually got hold of almost full control over the innumerable natural resources of the country. Today, Russia's resources do not belong to the people of Russia. They belong to "the banking mafia" of Rothschild, Baruch, and they Kuhn kind.
They also bought the key and most powerful businesses, looted and sold their machines and equipment for the price of scrap metal, and thus completely crushed the industrial production. And you can enumerate the results of these economic gevolutionary transformations that have led to the complete impoverishment of the people for quite some time. More than 20 years have passed since "gevolution", and people live worse than ever. How could this be? So what's the essence of the "progress" they have made?
Here is the essence of it:
"the notorious Dr. Sachs was contracted by hard-line capitalist regimes from Bolivia to Russia. His task:
to design an economic “shock treatment” that produced misery and death for untold numbers of working people."
(What the Hell Was Economic Hit Man Jeffrey Sachs Doing at Occupy Wall Street?)
And, mind you, that one comes from the site of "Internationalists", and the internationalism is a part of the NWO scheme to convert everyone into faceless biorobots and slaves, who do not even know who they are, what is their cultural heritage and what are their roots and traditions, as there are no such things in internationalism.
Here is one more:
"Jeffrey Sachs was a prominent neoliberal who contributed to immense sufferings in Bolivia, Chili, Poland and, especially, Russia with his "shock therapy" criminal scheme.
Now he repainted himself from a sharky macroeconomist into the Director of The Earth Institute, Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development, and Professor of Health Policy and Management at Columbia University. Here is an apr comment about this member of Harvard mafia ( NYT, 2009)
Arsen Azizyan:
I grew up cold and hungry in the former Soviet republic of Armenia during the shock therapy years of the 90′s; my grandfather was one of the 3 million who died prematurely during those days (incorrect medication and power outages did him in).
I would very much like to tie Mr. Jeffrey Sachs to a chair and slowly force-feed him every worthless page of every idiotic policy paper he’s ever written. I believe that would justly mirror the diet that I had to subsist on for a number of years during my childhood and adolescence.
Harvard Mafia, Andrei Shleifer and the Economic Rape of Russia
And here's one more from Naomi Klein in her recent book, The Shock Doctrine:
To Klein’s way of reasoning, Sachs’s endorsement of moving quickly to stabilize an economy in the face of hyperinflation is akin to torture, murder, kidnapping and clandestine disappearances.
Book Review: The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein
by Rebecca P. Judge
See also quotations on Jeffrey Sachs and "shock therapy":
Jeffrey Sachs and "shock therapy" racket
Firstly, Jew Jeffrey Sachs is one of the most important dolls and one of the key figures in the field of economics in the scheme of NWO (New World Order), under whose strict guidance happen the takeover and enslavement of the states via economic methods.
What Jeffrey Sachs is doing is serving the most extreme version of the satanic NWO agenda in the purest sense. And those fables, which he tells about the liberation of Japan from the tyranny of the debt hole is known to any more or less thinking person who has investigated this question, let alone competent economists.
Take, for example, China. In the 70's of the 20-th century they began to slowly introduce the capitalist principles into their socialist economy. But they did not do it overnight. They have just created the experimental economic zone in the south and allowed the capitalists built the manufacturing plants in that region on favorable terms. But no sharp body movements of any kind.
As a result, the transition of economy was carried out smoothly. In the beginning, most of Chinese people were not even aware of what was going on in that region and the rest of the country continued to operate according to their old socialist model. Since then, China experiences unprecedented growth of economy at over 10% per annum until recent times, which translates into growth of hundred times at this moment compared to the beginning of the transition. And most people were not even affected in a negative way as a result of these economic measures. Because they followed their own advice to Russia:
You can not destroy the old house before you build the NEW one.
They did not even invite a "group of experts" from Harvard university to give them advice, but simply worked with their own head. And today, China is the biggest economy in the world!
And this is a living and undeniable evidence of tremendous economic stimulation without any kind of destruction inherent in the so called "shock therapy" of destruction of Jeffrey Sachs and his NWO buddies from Harvard.
Thus, to advocate or even mention Jeffrey Sachs, as anything more than а titled puppet of ZioNazi satanists, whose role consists of implementation of the plans for economic enslavement of nations of genocidal proportions, discredits Benjamin Fulford probably more than anything else.
Because Sachs is a servant of the most evil criminal fraction there is in the scheme of NWO, and he clearly supports the idea of "globalization", which is satanic idea of domination in its essence. NWO is a model of world domination, which is what has been promised to "god chosen people" in Deuteronomy, for example.
10. And the sons of strangers shall build up thy walls, and their Kings shall minister unto thee: for in my wrath I smote thee, but in my mercy I had compassion on thee.
11. Therefore thy gates shall be open continually: neither day nor night shall they be shut, that men may bring unto thee the riches of the Gentiles, and that their kings may be brought.
12. For the nation and the kingdom, that will not serve thee, shall perish: and those nations shall be utterly destroyed.
16. Thou shalt therefore consume all people which the Lord thy God shall give thee: thine eye shall not spare them, neither shalt thou serve their gods, for that shall be thy destruction.
9. But rebel not ye against the Lord, neither fear ye the people of the land: for they are but bread for us [we shall easily overcome them.]: their shield is departed from them, and the Lord is with us, fear them not.
6. For the Lord thy God hath blessed thee, as he hath promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou thyself shalt not borrow, and thou shalt reign over many nations, and they shall not reign over thee.
And precisely these are the foundations and roots of NWO. All the rest - is fairytales about "white calf". Because this is the very root of the evil.
The very fact that Jeffrey Sachs was awarded the Shnobel Prize in economics, which is classified by the competent economists as the "award of shame" speaks for itself.
This scheme is quite simple, even though it involves a lot of components. Here is an example of a version of what happened in the USSR and eastern Europe.
Firstly, main suppliers of goods and services are bought "at the root" or bribed. Physical owners can remain the same and make as much profit as before, but on a larger scale. The main condition is their complete submission to the instructions as to the prices, as determined by their puppet masters, and no one does not even suspect it.
Then a hyper-inflation is created - the unthinkable and totally unjustified price increase, amounting to 30% per day, if not much more. This leads to a very rapid depreciation of everything.
After that, the candy wrappers, called "privatisation certificates", allegedly distributing all public property "fairly", ie everyone gets a piece of worthless paper, which can not buy more than loaf of bread, are created. "Naturally," they are worthless, and therefore they are sold just to buy even a loaf of bread.
Then on the stage come the insider dolls of the "banking mafia" and start buying all the productive potential and the industry for a penny on a dollar, and load up all the "privatisation certificates", bought up by them in the trucks, thereby obtaining the control over the largest industrial enterprises and the "gold veins" of the economy, and most importantly, resources, and most importantly, the land itself, which is the most valuable resource of all.
On the way, they buy up the media to brainwash everyone with the tales of "rivers of milk with banks made of honey", as they plunder all that's left, and create "opposition", so everything looks like demon-cracy. Thus they create a "show" for the media, where two corrupt puppets yelling at each other as though their thooats are cut, allegedly introduce the "opposing" points of view, while both of them have sold their "balls" to those who "give" them cars such as Bentley, for a million bucks as a "present".
In the last step, they buy out the banks and certainly all the "elite" real estate and land in the best areas and give you the shark "loans" at 20% or more per annum, while GDP is almost zero and the economy in general does not even move. Ask yourself the question: how could it be that you get your loans at the bandit and loan shark rates and inflation, ten times higher than on the West, when you have no real growth in the economy? In accordance with the "economic theories" it is simply impossible. Because during the economic paralysis, there must be a DE-flation, not inflation, because consumer demand is minimal. To stimulate the economy requires zero interest rates from central banks and, as a consequence, zero inflation.
And so that is how this "shock therapy" "works", which is, perhaps the most effective method of enslavement, resulting in the fastest loss of sovereignty outside wartime.
And the "Institute for Peace", led by Jeffrey Sachs, promotes the idea of a "harmonious" enslavement of the world with the help of "globalization" and "green" ideology of "saving the planet". Do you understand? With one hand they destroy it, and with the other - pretent to be "saving" it. From whom? From themselves?
What a show!
June 4, 2013
Reposted from:
Original Source:
Benjamin Fulford
Last week multiple high level sources all confirmed an intensifying battle for control of the global financial system and thus the future of humanity. In the public sphere this is appearing in the form of riots in Turkey, blockades of the European Central Bank and massive global protests against Monsanto among other things. Under the surface there has been a rash of intrigues, arrests, threats and counter-threats. New alliances have also been reached between previously opposing forces, according to multiple high level sources.
In Asia, China, South Korea, Japan and the United States have all agreed on forcing regime change in North Korea, according to a senior Chinese government agent. This was confirmed by a gnostic Illuminati grandmaster and Russian FSB agent who said that Kim Jong-un would have to be removed. The North Koreans, now run by an elderly general, want peace.
In the Middle East, meanwhile, apart from the riots in Turkey and Russian troops in Syria, there were separate assassination attempts in Iran against President Mahmoud Ahmajidenad and his ally Saeed Jalili, according to the Mossad linked site Debka.
There are also 11 members of the One People’s Public Trust, the people behind the so-called galactics pushing for their version of a new financial system on the run from both hitmen and law enforcement agents in Ethiopia, according to a CIA source. A senior Italian P2 Lodge member says the people in Ethiopia are there in an effort to find the “original Ark of the Covenant.” At least both sides agree that there is some form of high level intrigue going on in Ethiopia of all places. We will try to find out more next week.
Meanwhile, a member of the Dragon family came forth this week to provide some background. The man who goes by the name Count Albert but insists he is not the fraudulent “Count Albert Zvonko Berdik” sent by the Federal Reserve Board to Hong Kong a while ago. According to him, the Dragon family goes back 3400 years and is headed by a single individual going by the code name M1. He says the Dragon family has now formed an alliance with the Five Star Trust run by the non-Bush part of the CIA.
He also says that China has already started to use new energy technology to turn the desert regions of China green.
In any case, what Count Albert says fits in with claims by Chinese, Russian and British Agents about high level anti-cabal moves around the world.
In the Anglo Saxon world, for example, there is a push to remove politicians believed to be Sabbatean agents. In particular Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard is under criminal investigation,
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is charged with stealing his last election
and British Prime Minister David Cameron is under attack for involvement in war crimes among other things.
There is also a still festering sex scandal in the UK that has embroiled 81 BBC staffers but has yet to reel in any politicians.
However, it is just a matter of time before politicians start coming down like dominoes, the MI5 source says.
There is also a renewed push to remove Rockefeller front man Obama from the US presidency, according to multiple US agency and military sources. At the recent national conference of Sherriffs, for example, it was proven that that the only birth document Obama has ever publicly presented is a fraud.
Here is a summary of the evidence as sent to me a while back by Dr. Michael Van de Meer in what turned out to be his last e-mail to me before he was killed:
DN: This information was posted a year ago on: Before It’s News.
Now, I couldn’t care less about the President’s Birth Certificate, which was a story first dredged up by Hillary Clinton during their bitter Presidential campaign. However, since the White House has made such a ridiculous display of claiming to produce it, please read this over and tell me what you think. If you honestly think this is just plain stupid, then point out why these 4 questions shouldn’t matter. I’ll wait....
1. Back in 1961 people of color were called ‘Negroes.’ So how can the Obama ‘birth certificate’ state he is ‘African-American’ when the term wasn’t even used at that time? The correct term would be “Malado” one black parent, one white parent
”A movement led by the Rev. Jesse Jackson to call blacks African-Americans has met with both rousing approval and deep-seated skepticism in a debate that is coming to symbolize the role and history of blacks in this country” NY Times, 1989
2. The birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama’s birth ...as August 4, 1961 It lists Barack Hussein Obama as his father. No big deal, right? At the time of Obama’s birth, it also shows that his father is aged 25 years old, and that Obama’s father was born in “Kenya, East Africa”. This wouldn’t seem like anything of concern, except the fact that Kenya did not even exist until 1963, two whole years after Obama’s birth, and 27 years after his father’s birth.
How could Obama’s father have been born in a country that did not yet exist? Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, it was known as the “British East Africa Protectorate”.
From Wikipedia.org: The British Empire established the East Africa Protectorate in 1895, known from 1920 as the Kenya Colony. The Republic of Kenya became independent in December 1963.
3. On the birth certificate released by the White House, the listed place of birth is “Kapi’olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital”.
This cannot be, because the hospital(s) in question in 1961 were called “KauiKeolani Children’s Hospital” and “Kapi’olani Maternity Home”, respectively. The name did not change to Kapi’olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these two hospitals merged. How can this particular name of the hospital be on a birth certificate dated 1961 if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978?
DN: Verified on Hospital’s website
4. Why hasn’t this been discussed in the major media?
Perhaps a clue comes from Obama’s book on his father. He states how proud he is of his father fighting in WW II. I’m not a math genius, so I may need some help from you. Barack Obama’s “birth certificate” says his father was 25 years old in 1961 when he was born. That should have put his father’s date of birth approximately 1936. Now we need a non-revised history book—one that hasn’t been altered to satisfy the author’s goals—to verify that WW II was basically between 1939 and 1945.
DN: I'm reasonably certain that Obama was talking about his maternal grandfather fighting in WW II, not his father, so this point is clearly wrong/disinformation.
Just how many 3 year olds fight in wars? Even in the latest stages of WW II his father wouldn’t have been more than 9. Does that mean that Mr. Obama is a liar, or simply chooses to alter the facts to satisfy his imagination or political purposes (still qualifies as a “liar”).
There can be no doubt the United States political system has been destroyed and the only hope for that country lies with the law enforcement agencies and the pentagon. Please, kick the bums out.
Chinese leader Xi Jinping is scheduled to meet Obama later this week in California. No doubt the cabal will offer everything that China wishes in an effort to get the Chinese to continue propping up the bankrupt corporate D.C. government. Several sources claim the cabal will once again offer world rule to the Chinese communist government.
No doubt the Bilderbergers meeting in England just before this summit have put high hopes on a Chinese/Sabbatean cabal alliance to rule the world.
However, the Russians, Indians and Japanese, who all share borders with China, have already formed military alliances and are making is very clear they are not going to go along with cabal plans to offer world control to China. The Chinese also are smart enough to know the cabal will only lift them up until they get a chance to betray them.
The situation in the Middle East is also quickly spinning out of cabal control. The riots in Turkey were about Turkish government support for Bush faction Al CIAda terrorists in Syria using chemical weapons like Sarin gas and not about some shopping mall. Russian troops are on the ground in Syria to prevent the Nazi/Muslim brotherhood takeover and to ensure that Israel does not set off any more nuclear bombs.
Overall, what we are witnessing is chaos as the old cabal power structures continue to unravel. It will be a confusing time. In any case, expect more turbulence in the coming weeks as battles continue between agents on the ground, armies on the march and protestors on the streets
As usual there is a lot we cannot report but you will notice more and more senior cabal members vanishing from public view over the coming weeks. There is nowhere either on or off this planet for them to hide and surrender is their only option.
The good guys are winning but we need to push hard on all fronts until it is truly over.
Also, beware of June 11, there is likely to be something very nasty planned by the cabal for 611 and we need to make sure it does not happen.
Fulford: The Tide Has Definitely Turned Against The Cabal (UPDATED)
Reposted from:
Posted by Deus Nexus on May 27, 2013
Reposted from: Benjamin Fulford.
There are indications everywhere now that the tide has turned decisively against the Satanic Sabbatean cabal and its plans for a family controlled fascist New World Order global dictatorship. For example, Pope Francis is expected to make a speech on the subject of financial tyranny and the global collateral accounts when he visits South America in June, according to a senior P2 Freemason Lodge member.
President Obama, meanwhile, made a speech last weekend where he basically admitted the US government had gone rogue and was getting ready to mend its ways.
However, the Sabbateans have still not given up and may pull off a few more nasty tricks before their final defeat. The recent mass burning of cars in Sweden, the “beheading” in the UK, the stabbing in France etc. all seem part of a desperate cabal effort to somehow provoke their long planned Muslim/Christian war. There is also the matter of Israel that still needs to be settled.
In Japan, too, cabal “economic hitmen” have been on the rampage causing volatility in markets in an attempt to derail Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Abenomics. This is part of a still unfinished battle for control of Japan. There are also indications that the recent Japanese election was stolen for Abe by the Rockefeller, Goldman Sachs, Council on Foreign Relations faction of the cabal. The vote counting in the recent Japanese general election that gave Abe a dictatorial 2/3rds control of parliament was all done by machines created by a company called Musashi.
According to research by a Japanese right wing activist that we have only been partially able to confirm, the ownership of Musashi has been traced through a bunch of shell companies to an outfit called “Forrest Asset Management” run by a former Goldman Sachs employee and CFR member by the name of Peter Greiger. What we can confirm though from multiple sources is that the last election was stolen in favour of Abe by a coalition including young officers of the Japanese Defense Ministry.
What all this means is not certain but it is clear from other sources that Japan is split right down the middle between two factions. One faction is linked to the Rockefellers, Goldman Sachs and CFR and wants the Crown Prince Naruhito and Rockefeller Trilateral Commission member Hisashi Owada’s daughter Princess Masako to take over the role of Emperor and thus control over Japan. The other faction wants younger brother Prince Akishino (who has a male heir) to take over and keep the throne purely Japanese.
The Rockefeller faction does not want a normalization of relations with North Korea and reunification of the Korean peninsula because that would eliminate the cabal’s secret financial control. That is why the cabal has been trying so desperately to provoke war in East Asia.
Despite this, the push for reunification of the Korean peninsula and peace in North East Asia is going ahead. The North Korean generals and Japanese right wingers bribed by the cabal into staging provocations have been removed.
Nonetheless, the battle to free Japan is far from over and the effects of 67 years of brutal military occupation are still being felt. The quislings who benefited from this occupation are understandably very reluctant to lose their power and allow the Japanese people to learn the truth.
What is still not clear in Japan is if Abenomics is about saving the Japanese economy or saving Goldman Sachs interests in East Asia. The recent market turbulence featuring a plunging Nikkei Index, rising interest rates and a strong yen appears to be orchestrated by the Bush faction of the cabal and features Texas based hedge fund manager Kyle Bass as a kind of anti-Abenomics cheerleader.
His logic is that if the Bank of Japan buys all the more than 1 quadrillion yens worth of Japanese government bonds in the market the result would be “financial tyranny.” It is true that if this happened the Bank of Japan would take over much of the control of the financial markets from private financial institutions (other than the BOJ) but it is also true that doing so would eliminate Japanese government debt. The question at the end of such a scenario would be of course if the BOJ was then a transparently run public utility or a private monopoly. That outcome depends on the ongoing factional war in Japan.
In any case, changes in the United States, Europe and the rest of the world make the ultimate defeat of the Japanese quislings a matter of time.
As mentioned above there are obvious signs the US military is no longer following cabal orders. The speech over the weekend by Obama
admitting US war crimes, and promising to stop such crimes, is a clear example. The fact the pentagon refused to send troops or weapons to help Israel overthrow the Syrian government, despite being ordered to do so by the State Department and Senate, is another clear sign. Instead Russia sent its Pacific fleet towards Israel and made it clear to the Israeli government they would find themselves in a war with Russia (and no US help) if they did not back down.
Then we have reports that the King of Saudi Arabia, a secret Isreali ally, is dead.
This is a clear sign the cabal that forced the world to buy oil from Sabbatean kingdoms and deposit the money in cabal controlled banks, is on the ropes.
Also last week, China’s number 2, Li Keqiang, went to India, Switzerland and Germany in what appears to be a move to formalize relations between the 180 nations BRICS alliance and the European Union using the Swiss as intermediaries.
China and Switzerland signed a Memorandum of Understanding to start a free trade agreement, the first between China and a Western country. In addition, both countries agreed to “a bid to jointly promote the establishment of a new international financial order featuring fairness, justice, inclusiveness and orderliness” according to Xinhua News.
By contrast with this sort of productive and friendly diplomacy, the cabalists were busy doing things like burning cars in Sweden in an attempt to start a race war. In England, the beheading of a soldier was real, according to MI5 and it was part of a plan to start a race war in the UK too. However, the operation is not producing the expected tumult and instead the high level planners are being rounded up. “Prime Minister Cameron’s response was to go on a holiday to Ibiza, his days as Tory leader are numbered,” is how MI5 summed up the situation.
One last note, a colleague of ours has just endured a month of incarceration in a Japanese mental hospital where he was forcibly drugged. He is now free again.
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Fulford: New moves afoot to break financial deadlock
By Michael Snyder
The financial system of the third largest economy on the planet is starting to come apart at the seams, and the ripple effects are going to be felt all over the globe. Nobody knew exactly when the Japanese financial system was going to begin to implode, but pretty much everyone knew that a day of reckoning for Japan was coming eventually.
After all, the Japanese economy has been in a slump for over a decade, Japan has a debt to GDP ratio of well over 200 percent and they are spending about 50 percent of all tax revenue on debt service. In a desperate attempt to revitalize the economy and reduce the debt burden, the Bank of Japan decided a few months ago to start pumping massive amounts of money into the economy.
At first, it seemed to be working. Economic activity perked up and the Japanese stock market went on a tremendous run. Unfortunately, there is also a very significant downside to pumping your economy full of money. Investors start demanding higher returns on their money and interest rates go up. But the Japanese government cannot afford higher interest rates.
Without super low interest rates, Japanese government finances would totally collapse. In addition, higher interest rates in the private sector would make it much more difficult for the Japanese economy to expand. In essence, pretty much the last thing that Japan needs right now is significantly higher interest rates, but that is exactly what the policies of the Bank of Japan are going to produce. There is a lot of fear in Japan right now.
On Thursday, the Nikkei plunged 7.3 percent. That was the largest single day decline in more than two years. Then on Monday the index fell by another 3.2 percent. And according to Business Insider, things are not looking good for Tuesday at this point…
In post-close futures trading, the Nikkei has dropped by another couple hundred points, and has dropped below 14,000.
Are we witnessing the beginning of a colossal financial meltdown by the third largest economy on the planet? The Bank of Japan is starting to lose control, and if Japan goes down hard the crisis could spread to Europe and North America very rapidly. The following is from a recent article by Graham Summers…
As Japan has indicated, when bonds start to plunge, it’s not good for stocks. Today the Japanese Bond market fell and the Nikkei plunged 7%. The entire market down7%... despite the Bank of Japan funneling $19 billion into it to hold things together.
This is what it looks like when a Central Bank begins to lose control. And what’s happening in Japan today will be coming to the US in the not so distant future.
If you think the Fed is not terrified of this, think again. The Fed has pumped over $1 trillion into foreign banks, hoping to stop the mess from getting to the US. As Japan is showing us, the Fed will fail.
Investors, take note... the financial system is sending us major warnings...
If you are not already preparing for a potential market collapse, now is the time to be doing so.
And all of this money printing is absolutely crushing the Japanese yen. Since the start of 2013, the yen has declined 16 percent against the U.S. dollar, even though the U.S. dollar is also being rapidly debased. Just check out this chart of the yen vs. the U.S. dollar. It is absolutely stunning…
The term “currency war” is something that you are going to hear a lot more over the next few years, and what you can see in the chart above is only the beginning.
What the Bank of Japan is doing right now is absolutely unprecedented. It has announced that it plans to inject the equivalent of approximately $1.4 trillion into the Japanese economy in less than two years.
As Kyle Bass recently discussed, that dwarfs the quantitative easing that the Federal Reserve has been doing…
“What they’re doing represents 70% of what the Fed is doing here with an economy 1/3 the size of ours”
The big problem for Japan will come when government bond yields really start to rise. The yield on 10 year government bonds has been creeping up over the past few months, and if they hit the 1.0% mark that will set off some major red flags.
Because Japan has a debt to GDP ratio of more than 200 percent, the only way that it can avoid a total meltdown of government finances is to have super low interest rates. The video posted below does a great job of elaborating on this point…
It really is very simple. If interest rates rise substantially, Japan will be done.
Investor Kyle Bass is one of those that have been warning about this for a long time…
There’s a fatalism, he says, in everyone he talks to in Japan. Their thinking is changing, and the way they talk to him about debt is changing. They already spend 50% of tax revenue on debt service.
“If rates go up, it’s game over.”
The financial problems in Cyprus and Greece are just tiny blips compared to what a major financial crisis in Japan would potentially be like. The Japanese economy is larger than the economies of Germany and Italy combined. If the house of cards in Japan comes tumbling down, trillions of dollars of investments all over the globe are going to be affected.
And what is happening right now in Japan should serve as a sober warning to the United States. Like Japan, the money printing that the Federal Reserve has been doing has caused economic activity to perk up a bit and it has sent the stock market on an unprecedented run.
Unfortunately, no bubble that the Federal Reserve has ever created has been able to last forever. At some point, we will pay a very great price for all of the debt that the U.S. government has been accumulating and all of the reckless money printing that the Fed has been engaged in.
So enjoy the calm before the storm while you still can.
It won’t last for long.
This article first appeared here at the Economic Collapse Blog.
Michael Snyder is a writer, speaker and activist who writes and edits his own blogs The American Dream and Economic Collapse Blog. Follow him on Twitter here.
Posted by benjamin
May 20, 2013
One of the most frustrating but necessary things for journalists is to hold information on embargo until a go ahead is given for publishing. This is one of those frustrating times. Embargoes are needed to ensure plans are not sabotaged and lives are not endangered.
However, there are enough hints available in the public domain for us to put some dots together. What is clear is that there is a lot of hysteria in Washington D.C. (IRS, Benghazi etc.) and London, England (pedophilia, gold market). It is also clear that for at least six months public statements by the US State Department repeated in the Zionist media have been regularly contradicted by the Pentagon.
There are also proliferating signs of a breakdown in the financial system. All of this points to some sort of dramatic black swan incident soon. We will talk more about this below.
In Asia as well, secret negotiations with North Korea and among Asian powers are clearly preparations for a change in the post-war global power structure. The visit to North Korea last week by Isao Iijima, special envoy of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, was a case in point. We got four different versions of what was talked about, two Japanese, one North Korean and one Chinese.
Like the Sufi story of the blind men and the elephant (an elephant is big and flat, it is like a hose, it is like a tree trunk etc.) you need to piece the different versions together to figure out what is really going on. What the stories all agree upon though is that the visit was at best a fishing expedition, at worst a failure.
A source in the Japanese imperial family had the most interesting take on what Iijima had to say to the North Koreans. According to this source, Iijima asked the North Koreans if they would be willing to host 1 million Sabbatean refugees expected to want to leave Europe and the United States soon and was told no. This story about 1 million refugees looking for a place to go after leaving the United States has propped up repeatedly and from enough different sources that it seems to stem from a genuine belief that 1 million people will be asked to leave the US once the truth about what has been done by them to the American people is made public. My sources say they will not be allowed to leave but will have to face the music (ie be sent to the Fema camps they prepared for others).
The Chinese government source had a different angle on what went on during this visit. According to him, Iijima was told very clearly that North Korea was not willing to negotiate through the Japanese Foreign Ministry because it was staffed with Zionist slaves who have twice sabotaged deals reached between Japan and North Korea to normalize relations. This was in line with what a source in the Japanese public security police heard too.
The North Korean source also said the Japanese Foreign Ministry was not to be trusted. North Korea has made a very friendly and detailed proposal to deal with all outstanding issues preventing resumption of friendly diplomatic relations between North Korea and Japan. We know the details but have been asked to keep them secret for now.
The Japanese official also pointed out that countries like Germany, France and the UK already have extensive relations with North Korea that they were not talking about. British Tobacco, for example, sells North Korean Tobacco labeled as British, he said.
There is also something going on under the surface in South Korea that is related to this issue somehow. South Korean conglomerates are desperate to get their hands on South Korean Won and have been offering to trade them for yen at a two to one rate compared to the official exchange rate. They are also trying to sell old imperial South Korean gold (although they have not yet provided satisfactory proof of its existence).
This is related to a major attack on control of the South Korean banking system by Goldman Sachs, according to an executive at a Japanese securities company. It is also related, as reported in previous issues, to plans to tax the assets of South Korean residents of Japan who wish to take their yen to Korea before tax officials seize them.
The Asians all seem to be waiting for some sort of major event in the United States that will allow the map of North East Asia to be fundamentally redrawn.
The question everybody who is not brain dead or bribed is asking, of course, is when the crooks on Wall Street and in Washington D.C. will finally be rounded up and put in jail where they belong.
Some sources say the takedown has already begun. The firing of 26 generals was a start. Now the Internal Revenue Service is being taken down, they say.
The real question, of course, is when the elders of Zion are rounded up and put in jail. Never mind the debate over whether or not the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a racist forgery. The fact of the matter is that Zionism exists, it is not (but pretends to be) Judaism, and it is guilty of massive crimes against humanity.
Here is a link for those of you who still have heads in the sand over this issue:
The Zionists must have leaders who could be labeled “Elders of Zion.” A senior member of the Italian P2 lodge says two names in particular are now blocking the start of the new financial system: Cohen and Levi. Chinese sources have already identified a Jean Cohen of the Hoche Group in France as having paid Chinese demonstrators 1200 yuan a day to stage anti-Japanese riots. The Levi name is more mysterious but they will be flushed out of the woodwork sooner rather than later.
When this high level crime syndicate is finally brought down, a redistribution of criminally obtained assets (think hedge fund, offshore, 100 times leverage, insider trading etc.) is certain to follow.
That is probably why many of the richest Americans are in a panic to take their fraudulently earned fiat dollars and turn them into hard assets as quickly as possible. That is why there is frantic buying of gold, art, real estate and anything else that actually exists in reality and not just in a bank computer.
What we are about to witness is the unraveling of a giant apparatus of lies, bribery, murder and illusion that has fooled us into wars and out of our money for centuries. The repercussions will be historical. Imagine the fall of the Soviet Union on steroids.
Posted by benjamin
May 6, 2013
One of the world’s leading terrorists, the Satan worshipping mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel has been summoned to China where he will be confronted with evidence of his involvement in the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan, according to Chinese government sources. The evidence is a tape recorded phone call to then Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan in which Netanyahu threatened to destroy all of Japan’s nuclear reactors if Kan did not order the Japanese government to write off its holdings of US government debt, according to Japanese military intelligence.
In exchange for sweeping this issue under the carpet, the 180 nation BRICS alliance will demand an end to all further war-mongering in the Middle East. The Israeli use of a nuclear bunker buster bomb against Syria just before Netanyahu’s departure was a futile gesture of defiance as the worldwide crackdown on the Sabbatean Satanic mafia unfolds.
In a related development, the UK Police and Crime Commission have opened an investigation into the Thames Valley police, Sara Thornton in particular, concerning, among other things, the murder of bio-weapons specialist Dr. David Kelly. This is part of a wider police investigation into the cabal that fooled the UK government into participating in the invasion of Iraq.
The heads of MI5, the London Metropolitan Police counter terror squad and of UK Special Forces have all left their posts, according to an MI5 source. Several journalists have also been arrested, he said. Many witnesses of substance (military) are coming forward in support having realized the UK police have been acting outside correct procedures in many instances, according to an MI5 source.
“The emphasis will now be on internal investigations of corruption in the Police and Civil service,” the source said. The Cabinet Secretary, Sir Jeremy Heywood, Head of the Civil Service, will also find his position under close scrutiny. Then Prime Minister Tony Blair has already been investigated and has basically sung like a canary. Blair has already implicated many EU leaders as having accepted bribes in exchange for allowing the Soviet Union modeled EU to gradually usurp the sovereignty of European nation states.
This of course, is a preliminary to investigations that will finally bring justice to the perpetrators of the 911 terror and mind-control attack against the US. The wheels of justice will roll towards George Bush Jr., Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Frank Carlucci, Michael Chertoff and the entire fascist cabal that seized control of the US following the rigged year 2000 election, according to patriotic CIA and Pentagon sources.
The question remains just how far down the rabbit hole the whole crackdown on the perpetrators of 911, 311 and related events will go. The problem is concentrated at the top and it is very difficult for military and law enforcement types used to following orders from above to take action against their “superiors.”
When you have a supreme court that has been threatened and intimidated into submission, a Congress and Senate that have been mostly bribed and a President who is a puppet, then going through them is not a realistic option in dealing with the criminal fascist takeover of the US.
My understanding is that the joint chiefs of staff of the Pentagon are the best hope for restoring the US Republic and freeing the American people. What they need to understand is that it is not going to be any court case that will settle the problem.
If the American people are to be freed, the military need to temporarily take over the key centers of power. They need to send troops to occupy the following places: the Federal Reserve Board branches, the Congress, the Senate, the White House, the Supreme Court, the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the major media companies and the Council on Foreign Relations.
Once this is done, it will be a fairly simple job to figure out who has been part of the fascist cabal: follow the money. Anybody who is living way beyond their salary and cannot explain the source of money should be suspended pending further investigation.
There is also a need to remove all US/Israeli dual citizens from any government offices. Dual loyalty and service to your government are not compatible.
The Pentagon types rightly point out the lesson of history that the military are not good at running governments as the reason they have not taken action yet. That is true but, the military are very good at restoring order and then returning to their barracks.
The military take pride in the fact they have never interfered in government since the founding of the United States. However, they need to realize that never before in the history of the United States has the country been surreptitiously taken over by a foreign power.
This of course brings us back to Israel. Israel was founded by Jews who murdered other Jews in order to force them out of their European homeland as part of a criminally insane project to carry out ancient biblical prophecies. It sounds too far-fetched for us normal people to fathom, but history makes it clear this is exactly what has been going on. That is why there has been no solution to the Palestinian issue despite over 5 decades of “peace negotiations.” Peace would prevent their planned Armageddon.
Posted by benjamin
April 30, 2013
The Satan worshiping mafia that seized control of the West’s financial system is literally offering the world to Russian President Vladimir Putin in a desperate attempt to keep in power, according to a gnostic illuminati grandmaster and an MI6 agent. That may be why Russia is officially going along with the obviously fake Boston bombing psychological warfare operation against the American people. It may also be why the green light has been given for Japan and Russia to settle a territorial crisis that has lasted since the end of World War 2.
However, any role for Putin greater than what he has now is extremely unlikely since the US military is not going to go along with Zionist schemes any longer.
It is also clear that a big showdown has secretly taken place in the US and the Zionists have blinked first and are now in a state of fear and submission. The evidence for this can be seen in many places.
One clear example is the situation in Syria where attempts to start a greater war are being dialed back. The Israeli psy-ops of accusing Syria of using chemical weapons in order to fool the US into invading that country for them, for example, has failed. The Israeli government has also become the laughing stock of the world for having repeated for well over 20 years now that “Iran is one or two months away from getting a nuclear bomb.”
Instead, the world’s military and intelligence community has finally figured out that “Islamic fundamentalist terror” is run by Zionists and not Muslims. The crypto-Jewish Saudi regime is also now under severe attack for its role in financing mayhem and murder. All male descendants of the Original Saudi King will be targeted for assassination if they do not cease and desist immediately, according to several different secret societies, including the Green dragon.
In any case, Zionist attempts to start World War 3 are failing on all fronts.
In Asia a flotilla of Zionist flunkies sent off to provoke China over a few tiny rocks in the ocean is being ignored. Mass visits to the Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo by politicians have failed to provoke more than a rational response by China asking for a sincere debate about the historical truth. Attempts to start nuclear terror in Asia and blame it on North Korea have also been quashed.
Instead Japan on April 28th Japan declared itself to be an independent country for the first time in 61 years.
This ceremony officially celebrates the signing of the San Francisco Peace Treaty in 1952 but in reality celebrates Japanese independence this year from secret Zionist rule by murder, bribery, propaganda and blackmail at the highest level.
The new move to strengthen relations with Russia is a good sign of that. The countries signed a peace agreement back in 1956 in which Russia agreed to return 2 of 4 disputed islands. The Japanese were forced to renege on this by the Zionists as part of a campaign to keep their Japanese colony isolated from its neighbours.
Prime Minister Abe and President Putin have now announced they will work towards a peace treaty based on that previous agreement. That is why Russia and Japan have now agreed to go ahead and radically improve economic relations in the Far East. They have also agreed that, since they both share borders with China, they have a common interest in making sure China does not become a bully in the future.
The situation in North Korea is also stabilizing. The gnostic illuminati say they want to remove Kim Jong-un from power. Japanese military intelligence say Kim Jon-un has little real power and that provocative powerful generals are calling the shots. However, Chinese government and North Korean sources both say serious progress is being made in peacefully reunifying Korea and normalizing relations between the region and the world. Here is an example of what the North Koreans themselves are saying:
That is a far cry from the Zionist propaganda painting North Korea as a crazy regime bent on starting nuclear mayhem. It is also worth noting that the provocative US/South Korean military exercises have been stopped.
It is also clear that the Zionists are no longer supported by the vast majority of Europeans and Americans, including the Jews. Instead people are waking up to their plans to create a one world “New World Order” totalitarian dictatorship.
For example, a recent poll shows that the majority of French, Germans, Brits, Italians and Spanish do not trust the EU or should I say the EUSSR.
It is also clear that the attempts to terrorize the American people into accepting totalitarian rule are failing. A recent opinion poll carried out after the Boston fake bombing psy-ops show that instead of increasing American’s willingness to “give up freedom for security” it did the opposite.
There are also signs the Zionists are beginning to lose control of their magic money printing machines known as the Federal Reserve Board and the European Central Bank. Last week arch financial criminal Henry Paulson (Goldman Sachs, US Treasury etc.) and war criminal Henry Kissinger appeared on Xinhua news meeting Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Chinese government sources say they were on a begging mission but were sent away empty handed. The same sources say the Chinese government believes the earthquake seen in China last week was caused by an earthquake weapon and was part of a failed attempt to extort money from China. The ongoing “bird flu” biological weapons attack against China is seen in the same light.
The various bombs going off around the world are (Czechoslovakia, Iraq, Syria etc.) are best seen as the death throes of the dying Zionist terror machine and are part of a failing campaign to maintain control through fear. It is they who should be afraid because they are going down and going down hard.
I may also mention to Bill Gates that I am sick and tired of my Hotmail account being censored and controlled. People who I meet and ask to send me e-mails call me on the phone regularly to say the mail has been bounced back with a message saying “there are problems with that e-mail account.” The only mails that do seem to get through contain warnings of nuclear terror attacks. My Skype account has also been similarly hacked. You are wasting your time Mr. Gates and Satanic friends, the only important messages I send are hand-written and hand delivered by personal envoys.
The P2 Freemason lodge in Italy is admitting the “algorithms are broken” in the Western financial system and that some sort of agreement needed to be reached over the Global Collateral Accounts.
They suggested contacting a certain Sultan in South East Asia. That message has been forwarded. It is time to end the financial war and cut off Zionist terrorist financing. The people of the world want peace.
Posted by benjamin
April 23, 2013
A member of the Japanese Yakuza was contacted by members of the cabal last week and told to inform the White Dragon Society that “after Kennedy and Bush would come Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and one other.” Since the Boston terror psy-ops included a bombing of the Kennedy Library and the missile attack in Texas took place close to the Bush ranch, the warning seems to be a hint that some major attacks linked to these two other presidents and “one other,” were planned for the near future.
Somebody has also placed a $1 billion bet on a major US stock market plunge this week in what may be a sign of foreknowledge of further major terrorist events, according to an MI5 source.
There is also evidence of a huge information war between two major factions in the US over the bombing attacks in Texas and Boston. The Department of Homeland Security (SS) Sabbatean mafia faction staged the Boston attack in an attempt to create a psychological atmosphere favourable to martial law, while the opposition inside the agencies clearly tried to sabotage this attack and make it clear to all this was government staged.
In contrast to this increasing infighting and negative news in the US, there has been very good news coming out of Asia last week. A White Dragon Society representative returned from Beijing where talks with Chinese military leaders made it clear China was not going to be fooled into war by any Sabbatean (Israeli) false flag attack in the area.
In addition, on the subject of North Korea it has been confirmed that talks with the South on reunification of the Korean peninsula are proceeding well. Furthermore, concrete moves are afoot for the normalization of relations between Japan and North Korea. The Pentagon has also given the green light for reunification of the Korean peninsula.
There is a lot we have been asked not to report at this time in order to prevent sabotage of the negotiations by Sabbatean agents. However, it will be major news when it does come out.
The Chinese military also said that even if they were forced to engage in military activity, they would not attempt anything big with their navy. Their navy is still so untested that during recent sea trials of their new aircraft carrier, most of sailors got seasick, an admiral offered as an example of their unpreparedness. If truly forced into war, they would use their overwhelming superiority in numbers on land, possibly in the Korean peninsula, the sources said. However, given the ongoing push for peace in the region, this was an extremely remote possibility.
The cabal attempts to ignite conflict in Korea and around the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands have failed miserably, they said. The only result is that Jean Cohen from the Hoche group, who was paying demonstrators in China 1200 yuan a day to stage anti-Japanese protests has been put on a blacklist.
Lord James Sassoon is also no longer welcome in Japan for having incited and financed anti-Chinese psy-ops using Japanese puppets.
Also, in a move related to efforts for peace, a major campaign is being waged against Goldman Sachs and their flunkies in South Korea, according to an executive at a Japanese securities company. This was taking place in the form of Korean bankers working under Goldman Sachs overlords diverting loans to their friends and associates, the executive said.
With Asia aiming for harmonious independence and Europe in a holding pattern of slowly sinking into financial quicksand, the focus of conflict is now in the US/Israeli Sabbatean nexus and their Middle Eastern proxies where it is clear a gigantic war for control is accelerating. The anti-Sabbatean forces in the Middle East are hoping to topple the Saudi regime in order to cut off the Sabbatean controlled oil money.
Also, the 180 nations BRICS alliance is busy creating an alternative to OPEC in order to liberate the global financial system from dependence on the Petro-dollar, Chinese government and CIA sources both say.
In the US, the cabal corporate propaganda machine was clearly dealt a vicious blow by the insider sabotage of the Boston bomb attack psychological warfare operation. In one example directly known to this writer, the MI6 operative “Alexander” called the Australian embassy in Tokyo one hour before the Boston attack and warned them it was coming in a call that must have been recorded as forensic evidence.
There was also a press conference for the corporate media where it was to be announced that a single white male right-winger had been arrested for carrying out the attack, according to pentagon sources. However, when it became clear the scenario for this lone bomber had been leaked in advance, a last minute switch was made to “Chechens.”
In any case, so many people have torn holes into the “official” story that there is no need to repeat that here.
Rather, we need to realize the sabotage of the operation means very powerful groups within the intelligence/military community are now fighting against the cabal by sabotaging their psy-ops “events” like Sandy Hook and now Boston.
The sending of letters containing the poison Ricin to politicians including Obama, is eerily similar to the sending of anthrax letters after 911 and is probably also aimed at exposing the cabal by carrying out obvious acts like this.
In addition to this, we have seen the huge downplaying by the Sabbatean cabal corporate media of what was clearly a missile attack in Texas very close to the Bush ranch there. This may have been intended to take out a Bush military munitions dump, an MI5 source speculated.
There is clearly more in the works. The phone call I received immediately after the attacks warning about future attacks linked to Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton need to be taken seriously. The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan was in Hong Kong when this warning was issued and relevant parties were warned of a possible attack against it. An earthquake in California is another possibility. Places associated with the Clintons include Georgetown University and Little Rock, Arkansas.
What remains to be seen though, is a pentagon move into the Washington D.C. cesspool of corruption. Clearly the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and the Justice Department have been implicated in the Boston terror attack against the American people.
The pentagon and agency white hats say they have been waiting for the legal basis to make a move against the corrupt political establishment. However, with the US legal system under the control of bribed and corrupt people at the highest level, it is clear the terrorist Sabbatean mafia is only going to be removed by men with guns.
That may happen sooner rather than later. One US source said Obama was negotiating with the Saudi government for refugee status if he is ousted.
Posted by benjamin
April 15, 2013
The systematic take-down of the criminal Sabbatean Satan worshipping Zionist cabal that seized power in the West through control of the financial system is continuing despite their ongoing threats of mass murder.
The latest casualty, a victim of murder according to MI5, is Nat Rothschild, until recently the presumptive heir to the Rothschild dynasty. This information has not been confirmed by other sources but the most recent public appearance this writer could find of him on the internet was March 26th. If he was killed, then he joins the former Pope, 26 US generals, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and countless others in being removed from the apex of power in recent months.
One possible hint that more cabal purges are in the works is the fact that Japan’s Imperial Household Agency has still not said whether or not the Crown Prince will accept an invitation to the coronation of the new Dutch King Willem-Alexander on April 30th even though an answer was supposed to have been given by the end of March.
This may be related to an intensifying campaign to remove the Windsor (Saxe-Gotha/Rothschild) family from the British throne, the house of Saud from control of the Arabian oilfields and stooge president Obama from the White House, according to gnostic illuminati, MI5 and Vatican P2 lodge sources.
The cabal has been trying desperately to start a major war to keep in power but nobody in control of serious military power is being fooled any more. The people in the pentagon know that it is the Zionist cabal that is behind both the North Korean nuclear threats and the talk of chemical weapons being used in Syria. They are not going to be manipulated into Zionist wars anymore, pentagon sources say.
Skull and Bones closet homosexual Nazi stooge US Secretary of State John Kerry was in Asia last week stirring up trouble but was not being taken seriously. Kerry and his fellow Zionist agent Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad were both involved in the “October surprise” sabotage of the 1980 rescue mission of US hostages being held by the Iranian government, according to MI5.
During the Iranian hostage crisis Ahmadinejad was one of the hostage takers. Ahmadinejad reported to CIA agent Tim Ozman (aka Osama Bin Laden) who in turn reported to George Bush Sr. during that operation according to both CIA and MI5 sources. Kerry worked on the US side of this operation to ensure the hostages were not freed until after Bush and Reagan were elected.
It appears that Kerry’s visit to Asia was timed to coincide with a psychological warfare operation that was scheduled for April 13th but was aborted. Japanese TV stations had cancelled their regular TV programming for what was supposed to be a special announcement at 9 PM on the 13th. Several Japanese government offices also sent out false reports on that day that North Korea had launched a missile. However, nothing happened and the official North Korean news agency website was taken off the internet for a while when it became clear the North Koreans were no longer following the Zionist script.
Obama’s messengers had given North Korea $3 billion to stage provocations but the North Koreans stopped cooperating when they found out that Israeli nuclear submarines were planning to stage nuclear terror attacks to blame on them, according to Japanese military intelligence.
Here is a message to you Kerry: you are a common criminal and you are going to go to jail along with your Nazi buddies.
Pope Francis has the idea that George Bush Sr. (Kerry’s boss) will be charged with something soon, according to an Italian aristocrat close to the Vatican. The new Pope also does not support Obama, according to this source.
Perhaps that is why anonymous sources in the UK and Brussels fed a well-meaning but misguided group known as the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCC) information supposedly linking Pope Francis to the acquisition of Exocet missiles in Argentina during the Falklands war.
While it is almost certain that P2 lodge members were involved in the missile deal, the Catholic church at the time spent most of its considerable energy and influence stopping the Argentine fascist junta from invading their neighbour Chile and trying to save innocent Argentines from regime murder squads.
The new pope these days is evading his security guards and running around in a disguise of jeans and a sweatshirt trying to find out what is really going on, according to a Vatican source.
The source admits the former president of the Vatican bank was engaged in money laundering and that money laundering was still going on there. “The Vatican has been laundering money for different kings and armies for centuries,” the source said adding that “after it is laundered it can be used for good.”
The other person under attack these days is Queen Elizabeth and her family. A gnostic illuminati source says the Saxe Gotha/Rothschild dynasty had criminally seized the throne and had to be removed. One of their members sent the following UK TV documentary as partial proof:
It basically says the kingship was usurped centuries ago by Edward IV. Other sources, including the daughter of abdicated King Edward VII, say the line was usurped again in the 19th century by the Rothschild and the German Saxe Gotha families.
This may all be true but, in Asia the belief is that whoever sits on the throne at present has the de facto “mandate of heaven.” It is up to the English people and the Privy Council to decide who sits on the throne.
The increased attacks on the Queen may be linked to an intensifying investigation of the aborted nuclear terror attack on the UK Olympic Games last summer. The investigative trail has now led to former London Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner John Yates. Yates caused the wrongful arrest of the top SAS anti-terror agent in London by falsely blaming him of leaking information to the press that was actually leaked by Yates. Yates is now in Bahrain teaching the government there how to suppress demonstrators.
Yates did a post-graduate in applied criminology at Cambridge along with Sarah Thornton, the woman who was promoted after UK bioweapons expert David Kelly was killed in her district.
We have also been contacted by MI6 to let us know that when, as we reported previously, their agent Alexander Moore went to the Australian Embassy in Tokyo and asked them to inform Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of an impending nuclear terror attack against Japan, the embassy never passed the information on to Rudd. Instead they sent it straight to Washington and that led to Rudd’s removal, MI6 says. Rudd himself was only aware of plans to use new energy technology to turn Australia’s deserts green.
One final note, Google has been confirmed to be evil because it is actively hiding truth about cabal mass murder. That means several top Google executives are now destined for jail or even worse fates.
Posted by benjamin<
April 8, 2013
The Sabbatean mafia that illegally seized control in the West is planning to stage nuclear terror attacks and blame them on North Korea, intelligence agency sources say.
Google chief Eric Schmidt and basketball star Dennis Rodman recently visited North Korea as envoys of US President Barak Obama, MI6 and Japan-based North Korean sources say (shortly after Schmidt’s visit to North Korea, there was an attack on South Korean banking and media websites that was originally blamed on North Korea and China turns out to have originated in the US, most likely courtesy of Google).
The visits were aimed at encouraging North Korea to make nuclear provocations so that it could later be plausibly blamed for nuclear terrorist attacks carried out by the Sabbatean mafia, the sources say. To under-score this, the Mossad linked website Debka.com had an article last week that basically threatened a North Korean nuclear terror attack unless Israeli interests were served.
Here is, in part, is what it said:
“So long as the Obama administration sticks to its current separate policies on Syria and Iran, Iran and Korea, Moscow and Beijing won’t lift a finger to apply the brakes to Kim Jong-Un before he drives the world to catastrophe.”
This is not even a fig-leaf of plausible deniability; why would North Korea risk nuclear annihilation to serve Israeli interests?
Both the official North Korean News Service and the pentagon are dialing back tensions even as the Zionist media continues its hysterical campaign to demonize North Korea. The fact of the matter is that two Sabbatean/Zionist/Nazi submarines have been sent to carry out nuclear terror attacks to protect Zionist’s fascist rule of the West. The Navy Intelligence information/disinformation site Sorcha Faal says the submarines are likely to attack either Yokohama (i.e. the US Yokota naval base in Yokohama, Japan), Busan in South Korea, Portland Oregon or Los Angeles.
Nobody will be fooled though and the Gnostic Illuminati are promising a retaliatory attack against Jerusalem if the Sabbateans try to pull off another nuclear terror attack. A South Korean government official also said his government knows North Korea is not planning any attack.
The same cabal is spreading bio-weapons in China, dumping nuclear waste in Japan and threatening to trigger an earthquake in California in a sign of vicious desperation.
The desperation is being triggered by an international dragnet that is closing in on them from all directions.
The attacks against the cabal are being carried out by multiple intelligence and police agencies using various covers. For example, the US agency backed hacker group anonymous has hacked Israeli database and found the names of 30,000 Mossad agents around the world. These names have been forwarded to the relevant authorities. Anonymous has also announced an attack on Israel’s web presence.
The other big agency attack against the Sabbateans took the form of a release by the “International Consortium of Investigative Journalists,” of the names of holders of offshore bank accounts worth $32 trillion dollars (over twice the US GDP). Before the website was taken down and put up again in sanitized form, it released the details of accounts held by people like Barak Obama, Tony Blair, the Governor of the Bank of England, Hillary Clinton etc. For example, the Obama offshore account totals $30 billion and is held under the name Henry Ansbacher.
Another attack was the release by Wikileaks of millions of documents linked to arch-cabalist Henry Kissinger including such juicy Kissinger quotes as “the illegal we do overnight, the unconstitutional takes longer.”
The financial attack on the cabal is also intensifying. The widely reported physical gold shortages, such as the line ups at gold outlets in Thailand, are being caused by cabalists desperately trying to use their fiat paper currencies to buy physical gold. In the case of Thailand, the Saudi Royal family and their buddies the Bushes are working with Japanese crime syndicates to buy Thai and Persian royal family gold.
The wife of the Prime Minister of a major Asian country even phoned this writer last week to ask where gold could be found (Hong Kong, Switzerland and Indonesia was my best guesstimate answer).
In Japan, the big monetary easing announced by the Bank of Japan last week is actually a massive move to protect Goldman Sachs and the Rockefellers, according to the executive of a Japanese securities company. Goldman Sachs is in severe trouble in South Korea, Japan and elsewhere and is using yen in a desperate move to keep itself afloat, he said.
“The entire South Korean financial system is controlled by Goldman Sachs and it is imploding under bad debt,” he said. A South Korean government official denied this.
However, a White Dragon Foundation delegation to Seoul was recently shown photographs of large amounts of gold for sale supposedly held at a secret location in South Korea. However, the South Korean side, including representatives of the 6 largest conglomerates and the South Korean government, were unable to provide a photograph of a recent newspaper being held in front of the gold.
There is also a desperate move by North and South Koreans in Japan to liquidate their yen holdings and either buy South Korean won or gold before their money is confiscated by the Japanese tax authorities, the executive said.
The Japanese monetary easing and the attempts to grab Korean assets are a sign of desperation by cabalists stooges in the Japanese political scene who see their Sabbatean bosses being pulled down above their heads.
Until this battle is finally over and the cabal is dealt with, the world faces real risks of another major terror attack. Asked for his reaction to the ongoing takedown of the cabal, a senior member of the fascist P2 freemason lodge said “take a look at the radiation in Fukushima and the flu in China.” He then continued, “millions will die in America on the West Coast.”
Here is a counter prediction: “thousands will be arrested or killed until the cabal surrenders.”
Posted by benjamin
April 2, 2013
A powerful plasma ball was spotted over Mt. Fuji and photographed by this writer. The photographs clearly show the plasma burning over the massive volcano.
The photograph above and the one below were taken from Shinjuku, near the Tokyo government office buildings.
The photographs have raised suspicions of a HAARP attack by the cabal aimed at setting off an eruption of Mt. Fuji.
To prevent this attack on Mt. Fuji from escalating, retaliation has begun with the stimulation of volcanic and earthquake activity around the Atlantic Canary Islands using highly classified technical means.
Scientists have noted that if the La Palma rock formation in the Canary Islands falls into the ocean, it would trigger at 100 meter tsunami that would hit the East Coast of the United States, large parts of Southern Europe, West Africa and South America.
To avoid escalation, the White Dragon Society strongly urges the cabal to cease all wars and peacefully surrender its criminal control of the Western financial system.
The precise nature of the plasma ball spotted above Mt. Fuji has been determined by Japanese experts to be the sun. More specifically, the pictures above are of the sun setting over Mt. Fuji and were taken by this writer last fall and saved for the April 1st edition of this newsletter.
However, all jokes aside, the cabal really did threaten multiple times to trigger an eruption of Mt. Fuji using nuclear bombs that have been buried in four locations around the base of the mountain. The threats were withdrawn after counter threats were made to hit the La Palma rock formation with nuclear missiles. This is the kind of criminally insane activity the current leaders of the West engage in. The actual ongoing volcanic activity at the Canary Islands, however, appears to be entirely natural in origin i.e. an act of God.
There is also a lot of seismic activity taking place in the financial world. The shutting down of the banks in Cyprus has apparently dealt a nasty blow to many groups of gangsters including, Sicilian, Calabrese, Camorra, Turkish and Russian mafia groups, according to an Italian P2 freemason lodge source. The more well connected gangsters were able to move their money out to Malta, Morocco and Tunisia, the source continued.
Higher level players were able to take their funds out of Cyprus and into Switzerland, Lichtenstein and Luxembourg, according to an MI5 source. Honest businessmen in Cyprus, for their part, got thoroughly shafted.
The Cyprus money grab has triggered, as mentioned last week, an escalating shift of funds out of Italy, Spain and other EU countries. Political chaos and unrest is also continuing in many European countries, notably Italy, which remains without a proper government.
Both MI5 and P2 sources believe the situation in Cyprus was a proxy war between the Germans and the Russians but it is not clear at this point who got the better of the battle.
However, the announcement by the 180 nation BRICS alliance last week that they were going to start a new development bank to replace the IMF and the World bank is expected to signal an intensifying financial boycott of the Sabbatean mafia controlled NATO terrorist states. The Russian move out of Cyprus before the banks were shut down is definitely connected to these moves.
These same 180 nations have also publicly called for a fundamental reform of cabal controlled global institutions like the UN and the BIS.
There is also a lot of high level intrigue continuing in the UK. The announcement that Jonathan Evans, the head of MI5, was resigning and being replaced by Andrew Parker, was highly irregular, according to an MI5 source. “Usually such a change is announced months in advance and a successor is announced weeks in advance,” the source says. The sudden announcement may be connected to the fact that Evans was clueless about the planned nuclear terrorist attack on the London Olympics, the source speculated.
The other big development in the UK last week was that Prince Edward, the Duke of Kent and head of the Freemasons, had a stroke. This is unlikely to be a coincidence given the highly intense struggles that are taking place throughout intelligence circles these days.
Speaking about intrigues, a very obvious and concerted campaign to feed alternative news media, including this writer, with misinformation is continuing. Once trusted sources have informed me of things like “Henry Kissinger had a stroke”, “Hillary Clinton had been arrested” etc. We could not verify this information and sure enough, shortly after the information was sent our way Kissinger and Clinton both appeared at public events.
The report we made last week about senior Japanese pseudo-right wing politician Shintaro Ishihara being brutally murdered came from a trusted source at Japanese military intelligence. Ishihara, however, appeared on Japanese TV today after a mysterious two-week hospitalization. The intelligence source insists the person seen on TV was a body double but we have been unable to verify this at the time of writing.
However, we can confirm from sources extremely close to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe that he has come down with cancer and suspects he was hit with a cancer causing virus during his recent visit to the US. Abe is now taking hemp extract and has been advised by this writer to take 5000 IUs of vitamin D3 per day and 1 gram of vitamin C every six hours to counter-act the cancer causing virus.
There are also signs of a financial crisis brewing in South Korea, North Korea and Japan. This crisis has several interlocking dimensions. First of all, the Japanese government is considering passing a bill to tax all assets worth over 50 million yen (about $500,000) owned by South and North Korean nationals living in Japan. Since Korean gangsters seized large amounts of prime real estate near train stations during the chaos after WW2, huge funds are involved.
That may explain why a several Korean groups are now offering to trade yen for won at a huge discount to the official exchange rate, according to a South Korean CIA source.
That also explains a lot of the North Korean saber rattling in recent days since the North Koreans secretly control huge swathes of the Japanese economy and are understandably reluctant to have those assets seized by Japanese taxmen.
In addition, there is a huge credit card debt crisis brewing in South Korea, according to a veteran Japanese securities company executive. South Korean women are being sold into prostitution around the world to pay for their credit card debt, he says, but this option is not available for other Koreans. He expects a major credit card debt crisis to hit Goldman Sachs in particular, very hard.
The other crisis in South Korea has to do with bank loans, he says. Bank officers in South Korea with the authority to approve loans have been taking personal commissions of 10% or more on the loans they approve. This corruption is also leading to a bad loan scandal, he says.
The executive further made an interesting comment saying that “the people above me were Hillary Clinton and Henry Kissinger but they have lost power and we are not sure who is in charge now.”
On a final April 1st news note, Pope Francis has ordered a comprehensive review of the source material of Roman Catholic doctrine and has already made a startling discovery. It turns out that in the year 401 a monk made a mistake in copying documents from the original council of Nicaea. He left out the “r” in the world “celibrate.”
Posted by benjamin
March 26, 2013
Investigations into the nuclear terror threat against the UK Olympics last summer and into the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan have netted a lot of big fish and is starting to zero in on US President Barak Obama, according to MI6, Japanese military intelligence and Japanese royal family sources. Among people now being questioned are George Bush Sr. and former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone of Japan, the sources say. Nakasone was taken into custody by six pentagon types last week and is undergoing questioning, a Japanese royal family source says.
Also, Japanese Zionist politician Shintaro Ishihara has been reported missing by his family and yakuza sources say he has been tortured to death (in the official news says Ishihara has been hospitalized and is not receiving visitors). Obama was implicated because he orchestrated the illegal ouster of Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in 2010 when Rudd started warning of an imminent nuclear terror threat to Japan, according to Australian police sources. The affair, referred to by investigators Ruddgate, amay be the one that finally ousts the cabal.
Rudd was ousted 3 days after an Australian agent, named Alexander Moore, went to the Australian embassy in Tokyo with proof that a nuclear weapon had been smuggled into Japan for terrorist purposes. The embassy forwarded the proof to then Prime Minister Rudd as well as to US President Obama. Obama then ordered the ouster of Rudd in order to allow the nuclear and tsunami terror attack on Japan to continue as planned, the Australian intelligence agency sources say.
The man operationally in charge of the terror attack on Japan was Christopher Stevens who was the “ambassador Stevens” tortured to death in Libya last year. Since then, as previously reported, several dozens of top US military and CIA officials have been fired, as part of the investigation that has now netted Bush Sr. and Nakasone.
A related investigation into the nuclear threat against the London Olympics last summer is also closing in on the guilty parties. In particular, Sir John Scarlett, former head of MI6 and top Nazi in the UK, is going to be detained and his network shut down, according to MI5 and Scotland Yard sources. Scarlett is the man, MI5 says, who put together the “dodgy intelligence file” justifying the invasion of Iraq.
Underneath Scarlett can be found Sir Jeremy Haywood, who as Chief Cabinet Secretary, controls all the bureaucratic institutions in the UK, including the police.
Reporting to Haywood is Sara Thornton, Chief Constable of the Thames Valley police. Thornton was in charge of police special operations and was promoted to Deputy Chief Constable in August 2003 two weeks after Dr. David Kelly was killed in her district on July 17th. Kelly was the UK bioweapons expert who was killed after telling the BBC that the case justifying the invasion of Iraq was based on fake evidence.
Thornton is now leading a witch hunt in the UK aimed at covering up her superior’s role in the plot to hit London with a nuclear bomb.
The plot to bomb London failed thanks to warnings by patriotic MI6 agents. The 550 kiloton Ukranian Granitza warhead that was supposed to be used for the attack was taken out of the UK by Serbian drug smugglers, according to Eastern European intelligence sources. The bomb is now in Jerusalem, these sources say.
Scarlett, the man who, at the very least knew about the planned London nuclear terror and failed to act, reports to J.P. Morgan. Among other things, the intended nuclear attack on London was supposed to take out the City of London financial district so that the British would be forced to give up the Pound Sterling and accept the Euro, the MI5 sources say. J.P. Morgan had made big bets based on such an outcome.
Scarlett and his group also framed the head of the anti-terrorism division of the SAS, as a part of the ongoing attempt to cover their tracks.
However, with their uber-bosses like Bush and former pope Ratzinger and Tony Blair out of power, it is only a matter of time before Scarlett and his Nazi crew are removed from the picture.
The Russians are also intensifying their attack on Nazi influence by confiscating German assets in Russia to retaliate for the EU grab of Russian money in Cyprus, according to a senior P2 freemason source.
There are also moves in the work to force the Germans to give up on the Euro by hitting their car exports. “If you stop their car exports, then the German trade surplus vanishes because they have nothing else,” an FSB source said. It is also possible they will start “finding” multiple problems with German cars sold to the 180 nation BRICS block.
In any case, the “solution” to the Cyprus crisis did not really save the Euro because it involves capital controls. That is like saying citizens of Kansas cannot send their US dollars to other states while pretending it is business as usual.
The fact that the EU leaders have grabbed private bank deposits to pay of bankers has not been lost of savers in other parts of the Euro Zone. Serious capital flight has already begun in Spain, Portugal and elsewhere as savers there take their euros out before they are seized.
While the Euro crisis smolders on, the cabalists are still desperately trying to start World War 3. As predicted, chemical weapons have been used in Syria by the Nazi/Zionist cabalist Muslim brotherhood and their allies like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a desperate attempt to start their Messianic World War 3.
Syria is now “a killing field, especially for children” according to a Western ambassador to Syria. “The situation is too horrific to even conceive, children are being trafficked, sold into slavery, cut up into pieces for transplants; all sort of horrors, the worst imaginable,” the career diplomat said.
However, the Zionist terror is not expected to be able to last much longer. The pentagon and the good guys in the intelligence and military organizations around the world are on the case.
Posted by benjamin
March 19, 2013
It may be just a coincidence but it may also be a sign that something big is about to happen. There will be a new Pope, a new Bank of Japan governor and a new Israeli government taking office on March 19th, a date of occult significance for Asian secret societies (and also, by sheer coincidence, this writer’s birthday).
Pope Francis has already made it clear the soon to be reformed Vatican bank will now be spending its money helping the poorest and weakest people on the planet. Haruhiko Kuroda, the new BOJ governor, also supports plans to use Japan’s overseas assets, the world’s largest, to finance a major campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. The new Israeli government is bankrupt and cannot finance anything but perhaps they are about to become serious about peace for the first time since that troubled country came into being.
There are also many reports of bad guys dropping off the radar screen recently.
In Japan, for example, the Zionist slave and war-mongering right-wing crypto-North Korean pseudo-nationalist politician Shintaro Ishihara has gone into hiding, according to Japanese military intelligence. This is clear a sign the entire post-war cabal apparatus for secret control of Japan is falling apart. In the US and Europe the arrests and resignations are continuing as well. See this site for a partial list:
As far as Queen Elizabeth, (who like the Pope supports a big push to end poverty), is concerned, this is what an MI5 source had to say:
“She is well. She has some ‘lingering’ symptoms which she said last week that the doctors can’t explain. This serves to confirm our previous reports of avoiding the Rome trip [for security reasons].
She has missed some public appointments in the UK also but is working hard behind the scenes.”
However, the biggest change in the past week has been at the Vatican. Pope Francis, the first Jesuit to become Pope, chose March 19th to formally take the job because it is the feast day of St. Joseph, the guardian of Jesus. The name Francis was chosen for a series of reasons, according to a P2 freemason source. First of all, St. Francis of Assisi, among other things, introduced the concept of caring for nature to Catholicism.
Another namesake, Francis Xavier, was the top Jesuit for Japan and India. Finally, the third head of the Jesuits, Francis Borgia (from the aristocratic Italian family) challenged corrupt popes.
The Jesuits are also featured as prominent fighters against Satan, notably in the movie the Exorcist, which was supposedly based on a true story.
However, there is also a spooky side to the name because the Pope’s family comes from Rome and one of his birth names was Peter. For believers in the prophecies of St. Malachi, it means he is Peter the Roman, the last pope. The prophecy of Malachi, according to Wikipedia, ends thus:
“Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills [i.e. Rome] will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End.”
If Pope Francis is serious about reforming the Vatican bank, he will confront the Satanic cabal that has illegally commandeered the Western financial system. The last time somebody tried to do that, the cabal staged the 911 terror attacks to preserve their financial control. It is thus extremely urgent to make sure the cabalists are prevented from any attempt to destroy Rome and its priceless cultural and social heritage.
Questions have also been raised about the new Pope’s involvement in Argentina’s dirty war. This writer’s father was Canadian Ambassador to Argentina during the dirty war and as a result I was a front line witness to those events.
The first thing to note is that the Jesuits have been slaughtered en masse several times in Latin America for helping the poor and downtrodden and thus learned to be very careful when dealing with the military wing of the Roman Empire in South America. To get an idea, please watch the movie “The Mission.” The dirty war, in which 30,000 people were kidnapped, tortured and killed was just the latest in an ancient history of Roman military slaughter.
When I was there our next door neighbor was kidnapped twice. We had a 24 hour Argentinian special forces guard stationed at our house. One of them showed me his notebook from the police academy; it was filled with instructions on how to make bombs. He said he had been told to set off bombs so the military government could blame it on the “terrorists,” and so justify their fascist government. He also said that he and his buddies grabbed leftists, hippies as well as “known criminals or troublemakers” and killed them in order to “make Argentina safe.”
Once, when some of the junta generals were at our house for dinner, my mother asked about the fate of some “leftists” who had recently been arrested. The general (I cannot remember which one) said “torture must not be handled by Sadists, it needs to be done rationally and without emotion.”
During a bus trip down to the South of the country, me and a friend talked about things like Carlos Castaneda (of the Don Juan books) and marijuana. The bus was suddenly stopped by military policemen who came into the bus, pointed machine guns at us and dragged us off the bus. If I did not have a Canadian passport saying my father was a diplomat, we would have been tortured and killed. In our case, we were let go after they searched us thoroughly (and took whatever they liked). It turns out the police went after us because the lady sitting in front of us did not like our conversation and informed on us.
There were also cases at the time of things like people getting rid of rival suitors by calling the police and anonymously accusing them of being communists or the like.
What I am trying to say here is that the actions of Pope Francis as a Jesuit during the dirty war needs to be seen in the context of the times.
The people of Argentina have now attained justice by putting these generals behind bars with common criminals. Let us see if the American and European people can do the same thing, starting with the Bush crime family.
Other than the new pope, the other major development has been the bank run in Cyprus. The bank run that was triggered by a government plan to confiscate 10% or more of savings has been widely reported and there is no need to regurgitate that here. What we can add from our sources is that the Cyprus case is a money grab by desperate cabalists.
There is also some sort of link to the fact, according to a Vatican P2 lodge Middle East expert, that Russians have been taking gold and other assets out of Europe via Syria. The Cyprus money grab may be a counter-attack against the Russians, who have been active in Cyprus. However, a different P2 source says the events in Cyprus are a precursor to an upcoming attack on the German financial system. “The end of the Cabal banks is scheduled for March 31st,” he says.
The recent mass resignations (the Pope, Queen Beatrix, Senator J. Rockefeller, CIA head Petraeus etc.) are a sign that this time it might be for real. It is thus clear financial warfare that continues at the highest level and that the good guys are winning.
However, we must remember that many predicted dates of change have come and gone without the promised events taking place. We must not let up the pressure until the cabal fully surrenders and humanity is freed.
Posted by benjamin
February 26, 2013
High level geopolitical horse trading going on around right now appears to be headed towards historical changes in how the world is managed will become visible in March. Big diplomatic moves have been seen with Japan, Russia, Europe, South America, Africa and the US during the past week, although with few public announcements. These talks are in preparation for big moves expected after a new Pope and a new Chinese government, formally take the reins of power in March.
As the horse trading continues, the following potential geopolitical chess moves have been hinted at by the various factions: the Pentagon would seize Nigeria’s oil fields, North Korea would attack Beijing and Shanghai with nukes, China would start a war with India, Japan would team up with Russia, the US and India to tame China, South America would link itself to Africa etc. etc.
What all this really amounts to is the various factions showing their strengths in preparations for replacing the Western dominated world system of governance with something more representative of the actual people of the planet.
There were also responses last week from MI5 and from the Vatican P2 about the attacks on the Queen and the papacy.
Here is the MI5 response to the accusations against the Queen made by US agency types
and mentioned in last week’s issue of this newsletter:
This is linked to previous reports that the Monarchy is ‘owned’ by Rome and this is also presumably behind the current thinking that the Queen will be deposed because of the paedophile scandal which will hit the Vatican. First point about the handshake...the nearest likeness is the Lion’s Paw of the Master Mason. It is however very questionable whether HMQ is a Freemason and therefore whether the handshake can be interpreted as being Masonic. The most senior Freemason in England is Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, who is first cousin to the Queen and Grand Master of Freemasons in England and Wales. If HMQ were a Mason she would be lower in rank than the Prince, leave alone the Pope.
Officially the Pope is not a Freemason either, as Masonry is prohibited by the Catholic Church, as is paedophilia. However Zagami says there are four Lodges inside the Vatican which are run by the administration for Satanic rituals below ground. Where, incidentally the CIA says that the remains of Jesus are buried, unascended.
A member of the P2 Freemason Lodge said only that the Queen used to be subordinate to the Pope in matters of doctrine “long ago.” This same source, a member of the Italian nobility, said the Pope announced his resignation because he was threatened with the murder of millions of Catholics, probably in Beirut, if he did not resign.
In any case last week there was a major, and under-reported, split between the UK and the cabal that controls the US and Europe. Essentially, the UK government announced that it was becoming the first major Western nation to directly trade its currency for Chinese Renminbi.
This was followed by an announcement by the totally disgraced cabal “credit rating agency” Moody’s that Britain’s credit rating had been reduced. The British withdrawal from the US dollar/Euro group and move to direct forex dealing with China is a major blow to the cabal behind the Federal Reserve Board and the European central bank. Australia has also already switched to direct dealings with the Renminbi, joining such powers as Japan, Russia and India and much of the rest of the world.
It is no coincidence this move comes a week before the new Chinese government formally takes over the reins of power in March.
Asia, as well, was the center of lots of jockeying for position last week. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan in particular has been trying to show himself to be a macho man. When he went to Washington last weekend, he asked the Americans to allow him to stay in power for his full term (4 years) and promised he obey them in exchange, according to Japanese military intelligence. Abe also apologized for being “too close to China” last time he was Prime Minister.
However, the Americans were having no part of any talk of allying with Japan against China since without Chinese money, the US would have become bankrupt a long time ago. The Japanese establishment, to hedge their bets, have also been making secret proposals to Russia to join them in a move to encircle China.
The Japanese also pulled out an ace from their sleeve last week when the North Koreans, who are secret allies of Japan, told the Chinese they had nuclear missiles aimed at Beijing and Shanghai, Japanese military intelligence said.
The Chinese, for their part, have agreed with the Taiwanese and with many Japanese factions that the solution to the territorial dispute over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands would be to make Okinawa an independent kingdom again like it was until the cabal took over Japan in the Meiji era. In such a scenario the Chinese and Japanese would split the costs of US bases there in exchange for them becoming a neutral police force.
The Chinese war-mongering faction has now decided that if they need to start a war to strengthen internal Chinese unity that India would make a better target. The death of 100 million people would be “considered acceptable,” in such a war, according to a senior Chinese military source linked to an Asian secret society. This of course, is just a way of saying “do not under-estimate China.”
The US military industrial complex, for its part, showed off its likely strategy for dealing with imminent bankruptcy: the use of armed force. In particular, the US has begun to build up a major base in the African country of Niger, the only likely strategic aim of which would be to seize the rich oil fields of next door Nigeria. This is the pentagon’s way of saying they will do what is necessary to make sure they can keep filling their gas tanks no matter what happens in the financial world.
US Secretary of State John Kerry flew off to Europe and the Middle East last week to try to convince the Europeans, Russians and Sunni Muslims to unite behind dictator Obama.
However, the United States, a nation that has been constantly at war for most of the past 70 years, will find it now considered to be a friendless rogue nation. The momentum is with the 180 nation BRICS alliance. They wish to improve the environment and living standards of the planet. Their motto is simple: “make love, not war.”
The resignations of Pope Malevolent and Queen Beatrix have now put the British Monarchy under severe attack with allegations of incest, human sacrifice and cuckoo bird like substitutions of genuine monarchs with non-genetically linked intruders. It is not clear yet if these allegations are true or are merely part of a psychological warfare campaign aimed at forcing the resignation of Queen Elizabeth along with Princes Charles and William.
The detailed allegations can be seen at the following two links:
An MI5 source says the articles above are disinformation related to ongoing attempts to seize massive wealth controlled by the UK royal family. What is clear is that heavy infighting is going on at the top.
There are many seemingly unrelated events, notably meteorite falls and disease outbreaks, that may in fact be signs of cabal infighting. During the last week meteorites (rocks that actually land) and meteors (ones that explode in the sky) were reported in Russia, Japan, Cuba and Florida (were Obama was staying for a top secret “golf game”). Perhaps unrelatedly, a SARS like disease and or bird flu were reported in the UK, Mexico and Germany last week. Not to mention a major dam burst in China.
In the midst of all this Russia has dispatched nuclear bombers to threaten US bases while North Korea, acting as a proxy for Japan, revealed to the world it had intercontinental nuclear missile capability. This was a message by the Japanese to the Chinese, Russians and Americans that it was not some stuffed turkey ready to be carved up.
With the Pope, Queen Beatrix, the Bushes and the Rockefellers out of the picture, the struggle now seems to be between backers of President Barak “Thunder of Satan” Obama, the British Monarchy, the gnostic illuminati and the Asian secret societies.
Obama was taken to Florida over the weekend for some secret mission and apparently happened to be there just in time for a meteor shower.
Is this a coincidence? Remember the Russian “meteorite” fall came after homosexually bonded Skull and Bones slave and opium secret society US Secretary of State John Kerry was repeatedly ignored by Russia’s foreign minister. It also came after two Russian nuclear bombers entered US airspace near the Guam military base in the Pacific. It could all be a coincidence but then again it could be big boys waving their toys at each other.
The Gnostic illuminati say that without the Pope behind him, Obama is “like a three legged stool that just lost a leg.” The Gnostic illuminati say they are descended from the survivors of Atlantis and Carthage and they believe the evil entity responsible for that destruction resides in Rome. In their view, the destruction of Rome would be justified by the historical actions of Rome against other great ancient cities and civilizations.
We can only hope that if the next pope is named Peter the Roman, that he will merely be the last Roman pope before the Roman Catholic Church merges with the Orthodox Christian and Protestant Churches and it ceases to be “Roman.” We must all pray that Rome and its priceless artistic, architectural and cultural heritage survive.
The photograph in the link above of the Pope making a masonic handshake with the Queen in front of a blonde boy in a kilt does raise a lot of questions.
It is true that most members of the British Commonwealth have been brought up with the Queen as a benevolent symbol with little real power. During my childhood she was presented as a symbol of all that was good and great about the British people and the British Empire (the bad stuff they did was not the Queen’s fault).
However, the Queen as a symbol may not be the same thing as the queen as a human being. A first cousin of the Queen has told me in the past about human sacrifices presided over by the Queen at Balmoral castle. This is what an MI5 source had to say about that: “Yes I have also been told the same by a credible source.” There is also plenty of evidence that Princess Diana was killed to protect the honour of the British royal family because she was pregnant with the child of her Muslim fiancée Dodi Fayed.
Then again there was the recent confirmed finding of the body of an Eastern European male (suspected of being linked to the heroin trade) at Sandhingham castle.
What the Queen needs to do, if she is to survive the ongoing onslaught, is to come clean about any skeletons in her closet and ask for the forgiveness of her people.
The MI5 source says that both the Queen and the Pope were symbolic figureheads of ancient bureaucratic organizations that were hostile towards them and chasing after the great wealth controlled by the British Monarchy and the Papacy. The CIA retorts that the Queen has been repeatedly caught trying to get her hands on assets that belong to the Global Collateral Accounts and not her.
Apart from Obama, the Queen and the Pope, there were other signs of high level action against the cabal last week.
In particular, there are signs of what may be an organized global boycott against cabal controlled corporations. Recently India has cancelled a $750 million Anglo-Italian helicopter deal over allegations of bribery. A French military aircraft sale to India is also on hold. Then there are the mysterious battery problems that have virtually stopped all Boeing aircraft sales since the beginning of this year. Then again there is the Russian ban on all Beef imports from the US. Are we seeing a pattern here?
There is also now whistle blowing taking place in France concerning the ongoing French theft of Tunisian, Libyan and Malian gold. Here is a French language article with the details:
The unrest in Europe, meanwhile, has spread East. Last week there were riots in Bulgaria following a recent drastic hike in energy prices, according to a source there. There will be more price hikes followed by more riots in Europe and the US.
In Asia, meanwhile, now that the Chinese New Lunar Year’s holidays are ending, the new regime of Xi Jinping will formally take over the reins of government. There will be lots of secret negotiations during the last part of February and, following that, the new government is expected to come out with an aggressive domestic and international agenda.
If the Chinese play their cards right and coordinate with the 180 nation BRICS group, they should be able to force an end to the cabal dominated post-war international system of governance. If they play their cards badly, for example by falling into the baited Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands trap, they could lose all their valuable soft power.
Posted by benjamin
February 12, 2013
The Chinese New Year of the Snake has begun and the new regime will soon begin its work in earnest. The White Snake, symbolized by the White Dragon and representing the Life Force, will complete the subjugation of the Satanic black snake of death and destruction. The resignation of the serial child rapist pope maledict will mean the selection of a new Pope to be named Peter the Roman. He will be the last Roman pope because after him Christianity and Catholicism will no longer be a purely Roman institution.
The battle to take down Satanism also led to high tension in China. The severe power struggle between the Shanghai faction and the Communist Party Youth League factions that preceded the selection of the current government was so severe that at one point tanks were sent toward Beijing by the Shanghai faction, according to a Chinese government agent.
The result is that many in China now feel a small war, most likely with Japan, is needed to restore government unity, he said. The push towards war is also being promoted vigorously by the Sabbatean mafia through their corporate propaganda networks in Hong Kong and Tokyo. However, cooler heads at high levels in both Japan and China are working on a compromise that may lead to the independence of the Okinawan archipelago, according to Asian secret society sources.
The same people are pushing for the governments of South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, North Korea and China to supply staff for a new regional organization.
In the US as well, a severe power struggle is underway that led to the overnight arrest, and subsequent release, of many high level CIA and pentagon staffers, according to a CIA source.
The British Monarchy, too, is the scene of high level struggle with the gnostic illuminati insisting that Prince Harry be made King, making England independent from “Satanic Roman bloodline rule” for the first time since 1066.
The CIA also says the Queen will be abdicating the throne. Nonsense, says an MI5 agent, who says the Queen has no plans to resign and that the line of succession clearly goes from Her Majesty to Charles to William. What is clear is that there is going to be some serious underground tension in England over the coming weeks as the two factions duke it out.
The situation is replicated in the US too with Republicans of the old sort pitched against supporters of the Obama regime, a CIA source says. It was secret Obama backers who were arrested by FBI types, he says. The arrested people had their mobile phones confiscated and their contact lists taken down, according to the source. The arrested people, though, had high powered connections that got them released after one night in custody and all members of their network have been issued with new mobile phones.
The gnostic illuminati, for their part, are still saying Obama will leave the White House “by helicopter hanging from his neck.” Clearly there will be a lot more infighting in the US too before the dust settles and a clear winner emerges.
The hacking of the Bush family’s private e-mails and home addresses as well as the widespread publication of paintings of Bush Jr. in the bathtub, meanwhile, is a visible sign of the Bush family’s fall from power within the military industrial complex. The Pope resigned because he has been fingered as a mastermind of 911, 311 and the wars in the Middle East by both George Bush Jr. and Tony Blair, according to P2 lodge sources.
The Rockefellers, now hiding out on an Island near Fiji, are leading the offensive against the Bushes, according to a Rockefeller source. The Rockefellers contacted this writer to say the 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attacks against Japan were directed against the “Rockefeller Island” of Japan by elements of the cabal in Europe.
According to their version of the story, the Rockefellers were told in advance the attack would take place. A Rothschild family source did previously tell this writer that the 311 attacks were meant to force the evacuation of 40 million people from the greater Tokyo region into Korea. A new Rothschild controlled Asian financial center was then supposed to be set up in Pusan, South Korea.
However, if the Rockefellers wish to portray themselves as victims they need to explain why they did not issue a public warning about the attacks and order evacuations before they took place.
In any case it is clear, just like the Chinese Zodiac predicts, this year will characterized by snakes fighting against each other.
If this is the case, then let us recall the legend of the White Dragon. The White Dragon started out as a white snake, according to the legend. It grew up into a horrific monster White Dragon until it was tamed by the Goddess Benten and turned into a protector of the weak and the innocent. This year the White Dragon will take on the black snake of Satanism and purge it from the military industrial complex of the West so that the West will become a benevolent entity devoted to helping the planet.
On a more concrete note, representatives of the British Commonwealth (2.5 billion people) and the Catholic Church (1.5 billion people) have agreed to cooperate with the Asian secret societies (3 billion people) to realize a campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and create world peace. To this end, they are hoping to get financing backed by Chinese imperial gold and treasure.
The approaches by the Commonwealth and the Catholics need to be regarded cautiously because the CIA keeps repeating that an Empress Wu is now in China and that she controls all the rights to 85% of the world’s gold because she is heiress to the Qing dynasty. That is not true, according to my Chinese sources who say there is a Ming Empress and that talk of a Qing empress seems to be a scam by the cabal to replenish the gold vaults of the world’s central banks that have been replaced with tungsten.
In any case there is a legitimate male Qing heir, who is the grandson of the “last Emperor” Puyi.
This is what an MI5 source had to say about it: “In my view, to set up a world bank/currency you need to control all the gold, not just the existing BIS registered gold but the additional Asian gold. The Chinese gold MUST become part of the Cabal one world bank. To this end Cabal agencies are working, as in Mali, for FULL control.
In the UK this is being coordinated by Sir John Scarlett who runs the Cabinet Office through Sir Jeremy Heywood. They were thwarted at the London Olympics and failed to destroy the City of London. This has put the EU Federal Bank plan back and they are trying to make up lost ground.
Starting wars which are unwinnable (Africa, South Atlantic, Middle East) whilst cutting defense spending is one way of debilitating the UK.”
For similar reasons they are also behind all the ongoing attempts to start a war in Asia between Japan and China, he says.
In any case, the Vatican, the British Monarchy and the Rockefeller family have all contacted the White Dragon Society to ask its’ help in convincing the Chinese to give them gold. The gold of the world belongs to the people of the world. The White Dragon Society is only concerned with world peace and starting a campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
Posted by benjamin
February 5, 2013
The announcement last week that Queen “Bilderberg” Beatrix of the Netherlands was abdicating the throne is but a visible sign of some fundamental changes in the secret power structure of the West. In a yet to be publicly confirmed move, David and J. Rockefeller have fled to an Island near Fiji, according to a CIA source. The Bush family, for its part, tried to flee via an airport in Arkansas but were prevented from doing so by the FBI, the same source says.
This source, who correctly predicted the resignation of Queen Beatrix is also saying that Queen Elizabeth with resign in favour of her grandson in the near future.
These moves are all connected to the ongoing counter-attack against the genocidal Western elitists affiliated with the Bilderberg group, the Council on Foreign Relations and other related organizations. As will be described below, there is a lot more to come.
Also, at the time of this writing Lord James Sassoon has not responded to a hand-written letter delivered to him last week at the House of Lords in England asking for comment on the allegations that he bribed 82 politicians (actually paid actors) affiliated with Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party.
There are also plenty of indications of escalating infighting within the financial elite. The SWIFT international banking transfer system, for example, is becoming dysfunctional because large money transfers are being intercepted and diverted to unknown destinations before the intended recipients get their money, according to both MI5 and CIA sources.
“The SWIFT system has several operational and procedural features that allow anyone with big computing power, i.e. cabal controlled bank servers, to spot and arrest large transactions, especially over $50 million,” the MI5 source says. “SWIFT has in the past been temporarily disabled to allow Bush 41 to steal large transactions,” he adds.
The lack of trust between different cabal factions has meant that opposing factions have been regularly hijacking each other’s bank transfers, the CIA source corroborates.
The recent shouting match between Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF, and Deutsche Bank CEO Jurgen Fitschen, reported by Tom Heneghan, was almost certainly related to one such major hijacking of funds.
Also, more and more gold plated tungsten bars are being found in bank storage vaults worldwide. So far it can be confirmed that the IMF, The Bank of China, the Bundesbank and the Bank of England have all had some or all of their gold replaced with tungsten. This is leading to a frantic search for the missing gold by various governments. Perhaps they should follow Richard Armitage, who is now taking global collateral accounts gold from Indonesia and gold from royal vaults in Thailand, refining it in Hong Kong and taking it to parts unknown (Paraguay, the Antarctic?), according to a CIA source.
Two separate US sources, one FBI and one CIA, have both contacted this writer and said that a lady by the name of “Madame Wong” has been installed as Empress in China and placed in charge of the 85% of the world’s gold whose last legitimate owner was the Qing dynasty. This is strange to hear because my Chinese sources tell me the current heir to the Qing dynasty is a man by the name of Dr. Yi. Perhaps this is an attempt by certain parties to claim rights to the world’s treasure by using a proxy.
In any case, you cannot eat gold and technically owning 85% of the world’s gold does not automatically give a person the right to decide the future of humanity. That right belongs to the people of the world.
On that front, there seems to be a major power struggle coming to a head in the US. As mentioned above the founding families of the Federal Reserve Board in the US have either fled or are trying to flee in order to avoid imminent arrest, according to the CIA. There is also apparently some complicated plot brewing in which the Congress and the Senate will trigger their own demise by impeaching Obama, at least so the CIA is saying.
After Obama is impeached, he will announce that he is just a spokesperson and the Vice-President Biden was actually sworn in as is actually President. Following that, the members of the Congress and Senate will be arrested and Obama will be formally reinstated as President, the CIA says.
At this point a systematic purge of traitors will begin and no more dual Israeli/US citizens will be allowed in government. Once that is done, the newly restored US Republic will legally and rightfully renounce debt owed by the private Federal Reserve Board consortium to the rest of the world, or so the story goes. Believe it when you see it.
What is real though is that top Bilderberger Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands has resigned. The CIA source in Europe who correctly predicted this says Queen Elizabeth will also resign soon in favour of her grandson William. MI5 could not confirm this. A Dutch intelligence source says Beatrix’s resignation was planned long in advance and was connected to the fact that she turned 75.
Here is what an Italian royal family member had to say about Queen Beatrix:
“I know she has been part of a ‘consortium’ with the Pope, Queen Elizabeth, the Yamato Dynasty and Adam Hapsburg that has been and is still fighting the evil so called Illuminati.”
A gnostic Illuminati source responds by saying they are not evil, just opposed to dynastic rule by Satanic bloodlines.
Speaking about Satan, there has been new intrigue in the Vatican. A certain Monsignor Egidio Vagnozzi died suddenly near the Vatican recently and was buried without an autopsy, according to an Italian aristocrat. Vagnozzi was pressing for a full investigation of the IOR – Instituto di Opere Religiose – Institute for Religious Works, i.e. the Vatican Bank.
The “dark soul” behind the Vatican Bank is a Monsignor Donato de Bonis, the Italian aristocrat says. The Vatican Bank has been without a president for the past 8 months after a reformist president Ettori Gotti was controversially dismissed.
Recently, credit card payments and ATMs in the Vatican have stopped because the Vatican bank is not complying with international money laundering regulations.
The Vatican Bank is reluctant to open its books to international scrutiny because massive bribes paid to senior politicians around the world would be exposed, according to several sources. The terms of the members of the oversight committee for the bank will expire on February 23rd. Let us see if the Vatican finally comes clean after that date.
One final note, a White Dragon Society member in Europe was attacked by two men with knives last week. The two men were beaten up and then arrested. They claimed they were paid $15,000 each by “Bilderbergers from Holland,” to kill that WDS member. They were amateurs, indicating the Bilderbergers are running out of professional talent.
Posted by benjamin
January 28, 2013
The Vatican P2 lodge, with their plan for a fascist world government, has started a massive world-wide offensive on multiple fronts. In Davos, Switzerland, for example, they are making wonderfully optimistic pronouncements that are totally in contrast the underlying reality. In Japan, meanwhile, they handed out massive bribes via Lord Sassoon to set up an 82-member faction of MPs within the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, according to White Dragon Society sources.
In the US, their man Obama and his gun-grabbing campaign has blown up in their faces. Also, old and powerless old war-horses like Henry Kissinger are being trotted out (and ignored) as they threaten war with Iran for the umpteenth zillionth time.
These moves are all nothing but symptoms of severe panic as underlying moves, that are being coordinated purely by hand-delivered letters, are taking place outside of their ability to monitor.
For example, the letter from the Japanese Prime Minister delivered to the Chinese President led to an agreement to shelve the dispute over the Senkaku/Daiyu Islands and concentrate instead on kicking the Sabbatean mafia out of Asia, according to Japanese military intelligence sources. There was a lot more in the letter and accompanying tape-recording but, much of the information will never be made digitally available for reasons of security.
Meanwhile, the wholesale bribery and blackmail of Japanese politicians aimed at setting up an 82 MP faction of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party led by Shinjiro Koizumi, the son of the traitorous Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi is not going to make any difference. The powers that be in Japan know that he is just the slave boy of Mossad agent Michael Green. Michael Green has slandered me in the past by saying I was a woman beating amphetamine addict. What are you still doing in Japan Green?
There has also been a significant heating up of talk and maneuvers concerning the Japanese royal family. Essentially, there are two rival claimants to the throne. One, Naoshi Onodera, is based in Yokohama and has the backing of a powerful Buddhist group. The other is the three-legged crow secret society based in Kyoto that is promoting a rival clan. This group has powerful backing among the Shinto priesthood.
Inside the Royal Family now located in the palace, meanwhile, strife continues between Emperor Akihito, his eldest son Naruhito and his second son Akishino. The Sabbatean mafia and their Japanese slaves were hoping to take over the throne by using Princess Masako and Crown Prince Naruhito as puppets of a junior royal family member working for the Rockefeller family. The traditionalists are not going to let that happen.
In any case, a fundamental decision has been made in Japan to shift the focus of Japan’s foreign policy closer to Russia and China and further away from the fascist regime in Washington D.C. (not to be confused with the Republic of the United States), according to Japanese military intelligence.
Meanwhile in North Korea, elderly military types are being encouraged by the Sabbatean Mafia to continue to make provocations and to marginalize Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un. The Chinese are not going to allow this to happen, according to North Korean sources.
Also, if anybody is wondering why more bankers are not being arrested, they should take note of what is going on in Singapore:
Massive arrests have already begun in this place as well as in Hong Kong and China as part of an ongoing purge of Sabbatean influence in the region, according to multiple sources.
One focus of particular interested is the trading room located on the 11th floor of HSBC’s headquarters in Hong Kong, according to CIA sources. This is going to be shut down, according to a CIA source. A White Dragon Society asset in London is attempting to get comment about this and about the bribery of Japanese politicians from Lord James Sassoon.
The other new development in Asia has been an agreement between the CIA and certain Chinese factions to set up Myanmar as a major heroin, amphetamine and other illegal drug manufacturing and distribution center to replace North Korea in the amphetamine trade and Afghanistan in the Heroin business, according to a CIA source.
Meanwhile, back in Europe, here is how an MI5 source described the big cabal conference at Davos:
“It seems that several contributors frоm outside the EU were not very optimistic about the world economy whilst the event became bouyant in mood as EU-centric speeches were given about the EU being strong now a banking system was being proposed. This was of course accompanied by massive market manipulation as the dark pools of liquidity were brought into play and saw stock markets, including the FTSE 100 on highs.
Meanwhile simultaneously out in the real world, the UK is in a greater slowdown than in the Depression, Spain has 26% unemployment, and Catalonia is proposing to sell it’s assets to Deutsche bank in a split from Spain.
Whole countries are being sold to banks at cents to the dollar. This is the Great Depression but on a much larger scale.
The Euro is suddenly set to strengthen. If not by market manipulation, how? This kind of bubble-like activity can only be happening because vast support funds are being brought into play for the Euro markets via Goldman Sachs and JPM and many of these funds are the direct funnelling of QE which is avoiding real economies and being channelled via bonds into banks.
The optimism at Davos is about the banks seizing the chance to use taxpayers support funding to buy taxpayer’s assets and leave countries crippled with debt and without the economic structures to recover, ever. The corporate government plan as envisaged by Fascists such as Mussolini and latterly praised by Berlusconi has been endorsed at Davos.”
End of quote.
There is really not much to add to what he says other than to say that the situation in the US is quite similar. The only difference is that in the US the cabal is now back-pedaling furiously away from their attempt to grab guns following the Sandy Hook psy-ops.
Finally, a Vatican Middle East expert responded to the CIA claims in last week’s report that Shah Pahlavi will be returning to Iran by noting the following that the Shah was so hated for the murders and torture carried out by his secret police that he would be killed as soon as he returned.
Also the Shah could not even speak Persian very well because “he was sent to LE ROSAY in Switzerland to give him European polish and this alienated him even more from his people.” The best claimant, the source said, is Prince Amini Khajar, heir to the Khajar dynasty removed by the Western powers.” He just happens to live in a splendid villa in Rome.
The story about the Shah is probably similar to the story of many proxy leaders installed by the cabal worldwide. When the cabals access to the money creation process is finally cut off, doubtless the repercussions will be felt all over the planet.
As usual, there is a lot that cannot be written at this point in order not to tip off the Satanic Sabbatean cabal and give them an opportunity to sabotage efforts to remove them from world power. The news is good but please only believe it when you see it.
Posted by benjamin
January 21, 2013
It is hard for many of us aware folks to realize that many people still believe Zionist newspaper accounts that label “Al CIAda” as an Islamic movement. These days though, even the brain-washed slaves getting their information from so-called newspapers like the Jew York Times must be suffering from cognitive dissonance as they read the West is supporting Al CIAda in Syria and Libya but fighting against them in Mali and Algeria.
What is really going is a land grab in the Sahara aimed at getting Western control of newly discovered deposits of oil, uranium, gold and other resources in the vast but largely empty Sahara. This land grab may also be aimed at grabbing what will become choice real estate if suppressed energy technology is used to start massive sea-water desalination projects aimed at turning the deserts green.
At the same time, the Western powers are doing their utmost to distract Asia from this by stoking jingoistic feelings over some tiny Islands. Those tiny islands are nothing more than a worm on a hook and the new Chinese regime seems to be falling for this scam hook, line and sinker.
Also last week there were reports that the Shah will return to Iran, China will have an Empress and that there has been a coup d’etat in the Japanese imperial household.
The reports about the Shah and the Empress both come from a CIA source and have been partially confirmed by other sources. In specific, the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi did not die of cancer shortly after being ousted from power but instead was put in the FBI’s witness protection program. The Shah, who would be now 93 (if the reports are correct), and his 52-year old son, Reza Cyrus Pahlavi, have mobilized the ancient Persian Green dragon secret society to prepare for their return, the CIA source says.
This fits with other continuing signs of a generalized Muslim mobilization with tacit US support. In Egypt, for example, President Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood did not win the election but was given the job of president at the insistence of the Pentagon, according to a senior Japanese government Middle East expert who just returned from a fact finding trip to the region. This corroborates what sources in the BIS, the CIA, MI5 and the Vatican all say: that there is a movement to revive the Caliphate and create a Muslim super state.
It is also worth noting that the plant at the center of the hostage crisis in Algeria appears to contain several giant water holding ponds and may have been involved in desalination and desert greening experiments. Also, it is clear very few of the attackers in that incident were Algerian. Instead, it seems to be elements of the same Western mercenary army that attacked Libya and overthrew Colonel Gaddafi. One of the main aims of overthrowing Gadaffi was to seize his vast projects to turn the deserts green.
That brings us to the French and US military intervention in Mali. While taking over Mali is certainly part of a bigger desert land grab by the west, there may also be a very specific French and US motive to invade that country at this time: gold.
Last week the German central bank asked the Federal Reserve Board to return 300 tons and the French Central Bank to return 374 tons of gold. Both answered that it would take 7 years to return. Given that Mali’s gold production is 85 tons a year (according to 2006 statistics), 7 years of Mali’s gold production would be almost exactly enough to pay back France’s gold debt to Germany and the amount being requested from the Fed.
The German request for gold repatriation comes after gold coated tungsten bars were found at the German central bank, according to an MI5 sources. That means the Germans have joined the British and Chinese central banks as victims of tungsten fraud originating, apparently, from the Federal Reserve Board during the years Bill Clinton was in power, the MI5 source says.
If you start to read about some sort of “crisis” in Ghana over the coming months, you can be fairly sure the Fed is involved and it is connected to that countries’ 100 ton a year gold production.
Meanwhile, in Asia, home to 85% of the world’s historical gold reserves, moves continue to try to inject this gold into the international financial system. To this end the Asians are proceeding with legal action to force the Fed and the European central bank to return Asian gold they borrowed in the 1930’s.
This is where the talk of an Empress returning to China comes into play. The rights to most of the Asian gold legally belong to the Qing dynasty and to assert those rights the Chinese allowed a Qing dynasty empress to return to China in February last year, according to a CIA source.
One FBI source also mentioned a Chinese empress. Chinese sources also acknowledge this but become clearly nervous when the subject is brought up and say it is supposed to be kept a secret.
In Japan as well, the Imperial family has begun to reassert its historical rights to the distribution of yen. The Empress Michiko and her second son, the Prince Akishino, are said to be the most assertive members of the immediate royal family on this point.
This is what is behind Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s aggressive yen printing, according to a senior member of a Japanese right wing group. If this is true, then it is more bad news for the Federal Reserve Board and the Zionists who had seized the rights to the yen.
From the perspective of the Federal Reserve Board and the elders of Zion who control it, the best way to get out of this mess would be to start a war in Asia. That is why they have been trying so hard to provoke a war between China and Japan over some tiny disputed islands.
A Chinese communist government source with politburo links says there is a push by hawks in the government to have a short, sharp border war with Japan similar to ones they have had with India, Russia and Vietnam since coming to power. They want to use a war over the disputed Senkaku/Daiyu Islands as a first step in taking over the entire Okinawan archipelago, the source says.
The Japanese hawks, for their part, think they can wipe out the Chinese Navy and Air-force in 3 days and would like a chance to do just that. What the Japanese hawks fail to realize is that in such a fight Taiwan, with its modern air-force and navy, would fight on the Chinese side. At the time of this writing, somebody had hacked Google Earth and put a giant Taiwanese (Nationalist Chinese) flag on the largest of the disputed islands.
What the hot-heads on both sides need to do is realize that they are in danger of falling into a very cleverly laid Zionist trap that would result (no matter who won) in the destruction of emerging Asian unity.
The other thing that is going on in Asia is that Myanmar is being set up as a replacement for North Korea as the major drug production base in Asia, according to a source in the drug dealing faction of the CIA.
What the Asians need to do is reflect on the past murderous actions of the Zionists in Asia and kick the bums right out of the whole region. To prevent further Western trouble-making, they also need to set up an international economic planning agency to finance a swords-to-plowshares transition of the military industrial complex.
Posted by benjamin
January 14, 2013
Signs that the Satanic cabal is headed for a decisive defeat are proliferating. One clear indication is that even corporate media has begun to report on Satanic paedophiliac ceremonies presided over by the likes of UK media star Jimmy Savile.
Furthermore, 311 tsunami and nuclear terrorist attack accomplice Senator J. Rockefeller announced he was not running for re-election. This is a sign the Rockefellers are joining the Bush clan in being ousted from secret power. In France, meanwhile, another cabal leader, former President Nicholas Sarkozy is facing criminal prosecution on charges of accepting bribes from foreign leaders. Then we have a mysterious visit by Obama to the Pentagon for a “personal fitness boot camp,” on January 12th.
Secret negotiations, meanwhile, continue to remove the US dollar from Federal Reserve Board control and into the hands of the 180 nation BRICS coalition. Despite attempts by cabalists to derail these talks, they are proceeding smoothly.
Also, the situation in the Middle East has taken a dramatic turn as control of Iraqi oilfields is being handed over to prominent Kurdish families as a part of the process of creating a Sunni super-state encompassing Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Libya. Three prominent Kurdish activists were killed last week to help facilitate this process, according to MI5 sources.
The Turkish government is being offered Kurdish oil money in exchange for allowing limited autonomy for Kurds. The killed activists were taking a more hardline stance than Mr. Ocalan, the jailed Kurdish leader who is negotiating with the Turks on this issue. If you ever saw the movie Midnight Express, about a Western male prisoner repeatedly raped in a Turkish jail, you might wonder if a Kurdish leader in a Turkish jail is the best person to be put in charge of the negotiations. One of the killed activists was Ocalan’s girlfriend.
In any case, it is the Talabani and Bazani families that now control the Kurdish oil in Northern Iraq, according to MI5. Turkey is expected to de facto donate a slice of its territory to the emerging Kurdish state in the Syrian, Iraqi, Iranian, Turkish border region in exchange for oil. This state would then become a part of the emerging Sunni alliance.
In Japan, meanwhile, the new government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has begun to force the Bank of Japan to issue more money. However, Abe still needs a credible backer in the underworld and among right-wingers to make sure his government does not succumb to secret bullying and personal threats as was the case with previous post-war governments. He has already been warned to avoid jingoism and concentrate on fixing the economy. In particular, he was told to call off his planned invasion of the island of Takeshima, controlled by South Korea but claimed by Japan. In a similar vein, efforts by cabalists to provoke a fight with China over the disputed Senkaku or Daiyu Islands will get nowhere.
Abe’s government is also aware that relying on the United States for Japanese protection is not a viable long-term strategy. That is why he is visiting Vietnam, Korea and Indonesia this week in the hopes of finding Asian partners who are also wary of Chinese hegemony. His government will further make approaches to Russia and India over the coming months in the hopes of building an alliance of nations that border China.
What he will find out, though, is that the 180 nation BRICS alliance, including China’s neighbours, does not function according to the Western created mentality of thinking of other countries as enemies.
World peace and harmony is the new approach and he had better figure that out.
Under the radar, meanwhile, efforts to get historical Asian gold deposits incorporated into the global financial system continue to blocked by cabalist forces. The people trying to prevent this make claims the gold is “communist Chinese,” in order to try to prevent it from being sold in exchange for a basket of currencies.
For that reason, the Chinese have been taking all the dollars they have and spending them on as many physical commodities as they can buy. The huge Chinese stockpiles of gold, food, iron ore, metals etc. that have resulted may be used to back a final push to remove the US dollar from cabal control. One plan being considered is for the BRICS to offer to exchange all US dollars for a new commodity backed currency (or various national currencies) during a fixed time period after which dollars would no longer be accepted.
This would force the United States to start issuing a government currency like greenbacks or else face complete economic collapse and chaos.
It is in the interests of the West to come to a compromise over that gold before the situation in Europe and North America deteriorates to the point of revolution.
On that note, the question of how long Obama will remain in power also remains unanswered. The gnostic illuminati say the staged Sandy Hook shooting incident may prove to be fatal for the Obama regime. The evidence that this was a staged mass shooting or else kidnapping of kids for Satanic ceremonies is becoming overwhelming. Here, for example, is Obama posing for a photo with one of the victims two days after she was supposed to have been shot.
Here is another link:
It may be that the entire Sandy Hook psychological warfare operation was deliberately sabotaged so that it would rebound back on the regime. The “personal fitness boot camp,” that Obama was forced to attend is pentagon talk for a disciplinary session, according to a Pentagon source. The military are, in fact, very upset about this incident and are trying to locate the children and round up the paedophilic Satanists who were entrapped by this flawed psy-ops.
That is also what is happening with the case of Jimmy Savile of the BBC. Savile used his job as a famous TV personality to recruit children for paedophilic politicians, according to MI5 sources. One of the most notorious was former Prime Minister Edward Heath who was “getting kids and killing them,” the MI5 sources say. The other Prime Minister was Gordon Brown who had “a prolific taste for young boys.”
Heath had his affairs at the Kensington Gardens hotel which, unbeknownst to him, was a KGB run hotel. Brown was subsequently photographed having sex with young boys and blackmailed by the KGB. The third Prime Minister linked to paedophiles is Tony Blair. However, the only hard evidence against Blair was the he once approached a man in a public toilet and asked for sex. The man happened to be an undercover police officer and Blair was arrested, the MI5 sources say.
We must ask ourselves “are these the sort of people we want to rule over us?”
Posted by benjamin
January 8, 2013
The fight to over the world’s financial system has been in limbo over the new year’s holiday but big moves are now being made by various players in preparation for some upcoming decisive battles.
In the US, Obama’s regime, in a show of bravado to hide fear and desperation, has announced it will issue trillion dollar coins, confiscate American’s guns, murder and imprison Americans without due process and eliminate term limits so Obama can be made dictator for life.
In the Middle-East, a move to revive the nation of Kurdistan, complete with control over massive oil fields, has slipped in under the radar. The Turks appear to have given a green light to this arrangement in exchange for promises of oil revenues, according to a Turkish government source.
The real game changer though, remains the ongoing process of bringing Asian gold and treasure holdings into play in the international financial system. Here some very nitty-gritty technical discussions are proceeding smoothly, if slowly.
The bottle-neck in bringing the Asian gold and treasure back into the global financial system, for the first time since President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, has been the question of who to put in charge and how to carry it out. There is concrete work going on to solve these issues but unfortunately, there is still a news embargo on the subject. However, the talks are highly detailed, involve well-known and not well-known players, smelters, warehouses of cash and other down-to-earth logistical issues. The new governments in Japan, North Korea, South Korea and China, however, are supporting this process, which is supposed to lead to the creation of a meritocratic world economic planning agency.
In the West, an exchange of hand-written memos has made it clear that the Freemasons, the gnostic illuminati and the eco-friendly branch of the Nazis, among others, also support the creation of such a meritocratic organization. Some of the major old world order bloodline groups are also tentatively supportive on the condition that traditional royal family perks remain in place.
The White Dragon Society has proposed that well-known and liked non-Western political veterans be put in charge of the initial staff selection for the agency. Three names in particular have been mentioned: Lee Kuan Yew, Mahathir Mohamad and Nelson Mandela.
None of these gentlemen have been contacted yet because the sherpas are still not finished with their work.
Such an agency would in no way replace existing structures but would instead be something entirely new and additional to the old order power structures.
The cabal, for its part, is still trying to threaten and terrorize the world in order to have its way. A recent report in the Jerusalem Post, wrongly attributed to the BBC, claimed that Iran had ordered the evacuation of 1.5 million people from the city of Ifshasan. This false report has been interpreted as a crude threat.
Despite such bravado, the situation in the Middle East seems to be moving towards some kind of settlement. The mercenary army in Syria has announced it is no longer being funded.
At the same time, two Kurdish families have been given control of vast oil fields in Northern Iraq with apparent Turkish agreement, according to MI6 and Turkish sources. The indications are that some sort of Sunni transnational alliance is emerging in the region and that the governments of Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia are already on board.
The situation in the United States is a bit harder to read right now. As mentioned at the top, the Obama regime, while having prevented World War 3, is still very clearly a fascist, cabal controlled entity. Judging from the fact that top Bush/Clinton crime family members (Hillary and George Sr.) have been holed up in hospitals, it appears the US side of the cabal is now under the control of George Soros, the Rockefellers, Zbigniew Brzezinski and that group. In other words, the Nazi neo-con group lost a lot of influence when they failed to get their man Romney into the White House.
Clearly the way to liberate the United States and put an end to the fascist regime there remains removing cabal control of the process of monetary creation. This in turn hinges to some extent on the negotiations over Asian participation in that process. Some meetings this week might shed further light on how this process is advancing.
Another way to weaken cabal power is to attack the other big source (apart from central bank ownership) of their money: the international drug trade.
This newsletter has attempted to put a number on the scale of this trade by multiplying
UN estimates of drug production by the average retail price. This sheds some interesting light on the economics of “drug wars.” (fyi some weird formatting problem occurred in this word processor as soon as I started writing about drugs) Heroin production in Afghanistan runs at a bit under 10,000 tons per year, or about $500 billion dollars retail. Given the annual costs of the Afghan war being $122 billion, that means the occupation of Afghanistan, in business terms, yields an annual profit margin of about 400%. Throw in cocaine at about $82 billion a year, amphetamines at about $600 billion per year and Marijuana at $1.3 trillion per year and you can see this is a roughly $2.5 trillion a year business (four times the pentagon budget), mostly controlled by the CIA and its web of gangster affiliates.
Discussion with CIA, triad, yakuza, North Korean and South American drug mafias reveal that they are all open to becoming legal, tax-paying businesses if drugs are legalized or decriminalized. This is especially easy to argue with hemp and marijuana because the overwhelming evidence, both medical and sociological, is that it should never have been made illegal in the first place.
So, by returning the right to create money to governments and by decriminalizing drugs, it is possible to cut off most of the world’s terrorist financing.
The pharmacidical industry, another big cabal power spot, can also be co-opted by removing the taboo on life prolonging, life enhancing and pleasure giving medicines.
That would leave the cabal with just oil as its last big money generator. Fortunately, the oil people have already agreed to a phased in introduction of new energy technology and a transformation of their industry into a geo-engineering, materials and eco-system creating industry.
In any case, we hope that during the coming week the high level information embargo will end and concrete good news will become available.
Posted by benjamin
January 2, 2013
The turning of the tide can be a subtle thing at first but eventually the change becomes undeniable. That is what is happening now with the family cabal that has been secretly ruling the West through control of the creation and distribution of money. These people have already lost the ability to control the future of this planet and are now barely clinging on to power. The key to their loss was the spreading of the truth, for the truth shall set us free.
In one example of the sort of truth that is coming out, here is what MI5 is saying about former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair: “Blair received an offshore payment of Euro 75 million into Belize for signing the EU Treaty of Rome. All signatories were offered Euro 50 million but [Italian Prime Minister] Berlusconi was insulted by the low amount that could buy an Italian PM so the payment went up to Euro 75m.
Blair then paid nearly half of his share into his wife Cherie’s offshore account at H. Ansbacher in the British Virgin Islands.” Outgoing Bank of England Governor Sir Mervyn King also has an account (in his mother’s name) in the British Virgin Islands with H. Ansbacher, MI5 says.
Belize is also the center of much of the Bain capital drug money laundering linked to defeated US presidential candidate Mitt Romney, according to MI5 and CIA sources. This in turn links to the Bush Nazi faction and their financing of the Euro with stolen Asian gold.
This is the sort of detailed information of criminal behavior is coming out about a whole slew of Western leaders these days and no amount of murders and terror attacks can put the genie back into the bottle.
There is still a lot of frantic fighting going on, though, and clearly the battle is not yet over. It is time to seize the initiative.
The obstacles to a new financial system and the start of a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and free humanity have been identified as a very few old men, some of whom claim to work for off-world entities.
In specific, blockages have been linked to the pope, President Obama, and a series of occult organizations linked to the worship of an entity variously known as Ba’al, Lucifer, Molech and Satan among other names. It sounds too strange to be true but the fact is that such occultists have seized the power to create money in the West and have been using it to exploit the people of the world.
The frustration with the ongoing rape of America and the turning of the EU into a new Soviet Union has reached a crisis point and many angry people are starting to point the finger of blame on the Jews. “Is it time to go after the Jews?” is what many very powerful and dangerous people are asking.
In answer, the White Dragon Society presented a Hollywood version of the biblical Book of Ruth to some of these dangerous groups in order to provide some historical background to the difference between Jews and devil worshippers. In this story, likely based on a true historical incident, a woman by the name of Ruth from the tribe of Moab converts to the Judaism of their arch enemies, the tribe of Benjamin.
Ruth admitted to participating in the sacrifice of children as part of the worship of Molech. She is forgiven, however, because she made a full confession, converted and appeared to sincerely regret the role she played in child sacrifice.
For most decent, law abiding people, the thought of child sacrifice going on in this day and age is so horrific that the mind enters a state of denial. Any yet the evidence is overwhelming that a large portion of the Western elite not only worships Molech, or Satan, but that they actually carry out mass sacrifices.
The recent Sandy Hook murder of children is one glaring example starting us in our faces. The official account is such a mess of contradictions that only the aspartame stoned couch potatoes actually believe that a single autistic child could have carried out all those murders. Early news reports quote a principle who is later listed as “killed,” describe multiple gun-men etc. The dead children are never shown and the bodies vanish to God knows where. There has been so much good research done on this false flag killing by others that this murderous incident is not going to be buried.
This is where real Jews need to get involved. They need to renounce the child murderers who have been hiding in their midst or else risk being prosecuted as accomplices to mass murder. In the tale of Ruth the Jews did not hesitate to kill Moabites, even as they forgave Ruth. This is what needs to be done. Otherwise, prepare for the pogrom to end all pogroms.
Meanwhile, as far as the new financial system is concerned, there were frantic efforts to close a deal before the end of 2012 but last minute cabal interference has postponed the launch of the new system supposedly until min-January. Those of us who have been following this sort of news are sick and tired of hearing that the “check is in the mail,” and that good times are “around the corner.”
The sudden death of General “Stormin Norman” Schwarzkopf, the rumoured death of 8 other generals, the multiple ailments of Hillary Clinton and other signs all point to a severe ongoing struggle. Both the Navy Intelligence Office information/disinformation site Sorcha Faal and the Mossad site Debka, both say Clinton and some military were involved in a mysterious plane crash. Both sites mention the same things and certainly something unusual is going on with Hillary.
In other signs of high level disarray in the West’s power pinnacle, the Bushes remain hiding in the hospital, the pope has survived yet another poisoning attempt (according to P2 sources) and Obama admits in public he might be removed from office.
Western war-mongering also continues unabated in many countries even if World War 3 itself has been prevented.
By contrast in Asia, former Bush cabal “rogue country” North Korea’s leader Kim Jon-un calls for peace. This call is welcomed by the newly elected South Korean president. In Japan, meanwhile, a firmly anti-cabal government has seized the reins of power with the full backing of the military, and is also calling for peace.
The question still is, however, when the war-criminals will finally be removed from power in the West.
As usual, there is a lot of good concrete stuff going on that we are being asked not to report at the present time. However, rest assured the final defeat of the satanic cabal has become a mathematical certainty.
Posted on December 24, 2012 by Gillian
There are growing signs that the Bush/Nazi New World Order Nazi faction has been defeated but that the Rockefellers and their allies in the Old World Order faction are still fighting to preserve their power. It has also now been confirmed that the new Japanese government headed by Shinzo Abe and the Liberal Democratic Party was put in place via a disguised military coup d’etat, according to Japanese military intelligence sources. This implies the Rockefellers and their minions are being forced out of Japan, a CIA source added. This means 66 years of hostile foreign occupation of Japan may be about to end. There is still secret fighting going on though.
The gnostic illuminati faction in the West, for its part, is claiming victory and saying that “President Obama will leave the White House hanging by his neck from a helicopter.”
Of course the jury is still out on all this and only actual events and not talk, will determine if what the various sources are saying is true. However, it looks like it will be a Merry Solar New Year (even the pope now admits Christmas was not Christ’s birthday), and the power of love and friendship is winning over the forces of fear and hate.
There is also strong evidence emerging that the new Japanese government is planning to end the cabal’s monopoly on the creation of money by government money or Japanese greenbacks. Doing this would allow the Japanese government to write off its entire debt with the stroke of a keyboard. This plan is no longer something mulled on internet “conspiracy” sites but is actually the subject of discussion at major government sponsored conferences.
The IMF, for example, issued a report in August calling for government currency creation.
That report stimulated a recent conference of top policy makers in Japan who proposed their own version of this plan. The notes of this conference (in Japanese) can be seen at this link:
One of the lead economists behind this plan in Japan is Kaoru Yamaguchi, who says he worked with the authors of the IMF paper and that academic and government economists in Japan, the US and Europe are abuzz with talk of the concept of government created currency. Not only that, Japan’s military, yakuza and most police also support such a plan meaning that men in black sent by the Rockefellers etc. are not going to be able to stop it.
However, it is clear that there is still some fighting going on in the back-ground. Yoshinori Watanabe, the former head of the Yamaguchi Gumi Yakuza syndicate was killed earlier this month, according to Yakuza sources. Japanese newspapers reported the cause of death as illness but Yamaguchi, who retired in favour of Shinobu Tsukasa, the current head, was killed and that revenge attacks are being carried out.
Yamaguchi was forced to retire after former Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi cut off his government funding and money he earned from the meat business. However, despite the loss of funds he remained very influential and was working against the cabal.
The North Koreans are also now saying they will stop working for the cabal in Japan and in North Korea. However, they have been cut off from their “super K” CIA forged money as well as from the amphetamines business and need new sources of legitimate income to replace these important sources of foreign currency. They are asking for Japanese help. The White Dragon Society has suggested that a tunnel lining Japan to Korea would be a good way to help North Korea because a rail link from Tokyo to London, via the Korean peninsula, would cut freight costs from Europe to East Asia and provide legitimate income to North Korea.
The North Koreans also want to build a pipeline to ship Russian LNG to South Korea. The new regime in South Korea is likely to be amenable to this sort of proposal.
In any case, the cabal is running out of thugs for hire in Japan and that means they are losing control of this formerly lucrative enclave of theirs. Time to pack your bags Michael Green.
There are also signs that something is changing within the Japanese royal family. In specific it is being said the current crown prince may not inherit the throne, according to a royal family source. That is because he was forced to marry princess Masako, the daughter of Rockefeller stooge and International Court of Justice judge Hisashi Owada. This is the opposite of the conventional story being put out in the media and on the rumour-mill that he forced Masako to marry him. The reason the crown prince was forced into the marriage was because the Sabbatean mafia wanted to substitute a cabal family member as his heir and take over the royal family of Japan. Of course, as with anything connected to the Japanese royal family, information from anonymous sources needs to be taken with a grain of salt.
It is clear though that the Abe government in power is a military regime and it has already taken on emergency powers. However, Abe will not provoke Korea, China or Russia because they are not the real enemies. He will also work closely with the Pentagon white dragon sympathizers. The Pentagon good guys already won kudos by seizing a Nazi nuclear device, destined for Tokyo, from a submarine in the Indian Ocean. Events over the coming days will make it clear exactly how much Japan has really changed.
However, we are also hearing that a fundamental sea change has happened in England as well. It turns out that a lot of the gold in the vaults of the Bank of England has been stolen and replaced with tungsten laced bars, according to an MI5 source. The theft has been traced to the Bushes and to funds that were used to finance the Euro. For that reason the English are now openly talking about leaving the European Union, the MI5 source said. Tony Blair is also going to be taken in for rigorous questioning on his involvement in all this. Jacob Rothschild and James Sassoon will be too.
The situation is less clear in the US but it seems that the Sandy Hook murders have provoked the exact opposite reaction from what was intended. The inconsistencies in the official story, the videos of laughing actors suddenly turning into “grieving parents,” the reports of multiple gun-men etc. have outraged military and law enforcement types. It was, as a gnostic illuminati leader put it, “a fatal mistake.”
However, many of these dangerous and desperate criminals are on the loose and can still carry out other atrocities. That is why we must keep our powder dry and stay alert so that we can make sure to finish the job.
Nonetheless, it looks like the tide has turned coming new year will be happy. Merry Christmas and solar new year
This Friday will be the long talked about Mayan etc. December 21st, 2012 end of the world date. When that date comes and goes, it will be time to examine forensically exactly who was behind the various Nibiru, Planet X, photon belt, rapture etc. stories that all predicted the death of 80% or more of all humans. We need to do this because a very real plot to start World War 3 and a fake end-times did exist and, although the plot has been stopped, many extremely dangerous mass murderers behind this satanic scheme still walk the corridors of power in the West.
The purge of the over 26 pentagon generals who and the fall of the Bush family are just a start. We need to deal with the rest of the cabal in order to make sure that humanity will never again be enslaved.
To help carry out this process, this week we will provide detailed forensic intelligence on some of the still active cabalists and their on the ground agents. We would also like to report extremely good, very concrete news on the new financial system but loose lips sink ships so we cannot give out much detail yet.
Since many of the top cabalists, like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds are well known, we will concentrate on people who were directly involved in fighting against the White Dragon spokesperson. In Japan, the first people who began threatening, trying to drug and trying to kill me were self-described Ninja’s sent to me by former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi’s Finance Minister Heizo Takenaka. Their names are Shiramine and Tenzan Nakai. Shiramine threatened to kill me and Nakai tried to get me to drink a glass of orange juice spiked with amphetamines so he could ruin my image by filming me stoned.
Later an agent then going by the name of Slasha Zaric but now going by the name Alexander Romanov came to me with 70 kilos of marijuana laced with mind-destroying chemicals. The marijuana was delivered to Romanov by a South African using the name Spencer. Spencer, who is linked to MI6 says MI6 was fooled into sending Zaric to me by the CIA and says the spiked marijuana came from a man named Rodriguez (now dead) who was the former right-hand man of Columbian drug lord Pablo Escobar. Steve McLure, the “music journalist” who talked me into taking a line of cocaine while being secretly filmed also got his cocaine from the same ultimate CIA route.
This brings us to Tom Clines of Iran Contra South American drugs for weapons fame because his is the name dropped by Neil Keenan when he first contacted me.
MI6 asset Dr. Michael Van de Meer once warned me that former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair had bragged to him that I was going to be jailed on drug charges. Recall that Blair, together with George Bush Jr. both went to the pope to ask for protection and convert to Catholicism after leaving office.
Since that takes us to the Vatican, let us then return to the incident in Chiasso, Italy where two Japanese, Akihiko Yamaguchi and Tsuyoshi Watanabe, had $134.5 billion worth of bonds seized from them by the Italian police. After the bonds were seized, self-described Italian P2 lodge “prince” and heir Leo Zagami introduced Daniel Dal Bosco as a Vatican banker who could cash the bonds.
Neil Keenan was also involved because he was given an additional 1 trillion worth of bonds to hand over to Dal Bosco for cashing. Dal Bosco was then closely followed until the trail ended with the UN offering Dal Bosco $100 million to go away. Also, out popped a rival group calling itself the OITC, using David Sale as a spokesperson, claiming that it had the historical rights to the bonds.
At this point Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the Agnelli Brothers, Giancarlo Bruno, Vincenzo Mazzara, the Orsini family, Baron Thyssen, Carl Rove, David Eisenhower and a whole bunch of characters straight from central casting pop out.
Then, when the money still did not flow from Asia to the cabal, Japan was attacked on March 11, 2011 with nuclear weapons placed on the seabed to cause a tsunami and timed with the destruction of the Fukushima nuclear plant with a micro-nuke planted by the Israeli company Magna BSP.
J.Rockefeller, Yasuhiro Nakasone, Ichiro Ozawa, Benjamin Netanyahu, Leo Zagami and Peter Hans Kolvenbach have all been forensically linked with this attack. When this mass murder still did not force the Asians to fork over more money, multiple attempts, all stopped by the Pentagon, were made to start World War 3.
There has also been a rash of murders and murder attempts. Some of the victims have been Japanese finance ministers and ambassadors as well as Dr. Van de Meer. The Van de Meer murder has been linked to David Eisenhower and the Bushes. None of these murders has caused the funds to flow.
There have also been murder attempts. On March 10th, the night before the attack, an attempt to poison me was made by yet another self-described Ninja linked to J. Rockefeller. Alexander Romanov also survived an assassination attempt that day. The next poisoning attack against me, when I was stabbed with a poisoned needle in June of this year, has been traced to a North Korean agent by the name of Mutsuaki Okubo, according to Chinese sources.
My suggestion is to round all these people up and start questioning them if they do not voluntarily come forward to confess.
Meanwhile, the Cabalists now seem to have split into two opposing camps. The Rockefellers and the pope are hoping to arrest the Rothschild family and dethrone the Queen, according to Neil Keenan.
Keenan, who has just returned from Indonesia, meanwhile, succeeded in photographing the, until now, legendary bunkers full of cash and gold that are there. The photos can be seen at this link:
Nonetheless, Keenan has still not been able to actually start dispersing any of the funds because he is still being blocked at some mysterious level. The man who was supposed to help him remains in jail in Indonesia.
This writer was also shown bunkers full of gold and cash last week but I have not been given permission to publish any photographs of them. However, we believe that the new government in Japan and the soon to be new government in Korea will coordinate with the new bosses in China and the re-elected Obama government to release a flood of money to the people of the world soon. We would like to believe it will happen in time for the December 25th solar new year celebration known as Christmas.
However, that depends on all the players giving up selfish thoughts.
Posted on December 10, 2012 by Gillian
December 10, 2012
As the center of world economic gravity continues to shift towards Asia, changing old Western political constructs aimed to “divide and conquer” has become a key topic of secret debate. The machinations and fighting in Syria are aimed at “destroying artificial borders created by Western powers on the backs of envelopes after World War I,” according to Nazis connected to the Muslim Brotherhood.
In Asia as well, there is a lot of intensive maneuvering taking place to do something about the artificial divisions created between North and South Korea, Taiwan and China and within Japan. In particular, the formerly Nazi allied North Korean ultra-nationalist right wing groups in Japan and their partners in North Korea are seeking to find a new role in the fast changing geopolitical landscape. The focus of the struggle is control over the Bank of Japan and the media-propaganda apparatus set up by the Sabbatean mafia in Japan and South Korea.
New regimes due to be in place next week in both Japan and South Korea will have to make big compromises with their Northern cousins. The new Chinese government of Xi Jinping will also have to get involved.
In combination with the Middle Eastern oil exporting nations, these countries control much of the financial fate of the Pentagon, the United States and Europe.
The Europeans and their Israel lobby American partners are making a big grab for control of the former Muslim caliphate (minus Iran or Persia) in the hope of keeping control of Middle Eastern oil in order to have serious leverage over the oil importing nations of Asia. It is looking likely that such a state may be born but, this effort may backfire as they create a unified Sunni mega-state that suddenly remembers the region’s historical independence from Europe. This has already been shown in the revolt against Egypt’s President Morsi that forced him to back off on declaring absolutist fascist power.
The Green Dragon, the ancient Muslim secret society, is watching the situation and will make its move when the situation is ripe, according to a Green Dragon source.
In Asia as well, efforts to cause fighting over tiny islands or old rocket technology are not producing the desired results. The exposure of the involvement of Lord James Sassoon and Jean Cohen of the Hoche group in these efforts to fan nationalistic conflict between Asian countries has forced them both to back off. The Chinese friendly with Hoche and Cohen (including Xi Jinping) are now pushing for the rights of Chinese enterprises to buy corporations in Japan, the United States, Europe and elsewhere.
Since foreign corporations have benefited enormously from being invited into China, it seems to be a very reasonable policy and the spate of Chinese acquisitions of US and Canadian companies seen last week is a sign North America, at least, accepts this policy.
Japanese underworld sources meanwhile report that Sassoon has suddenly turned quiet and backed off Japan.
Of course the Pentagon still needs to play its card of offering protection to countries around China from potential, imaginary or real Chinese bullying.
This is where negotiations on the new financial system need to be carried out with greater urgency.
Neil Keenan, a key person who hoped to get the rights to the global collateral accounts, has left Indonesia without yet clinching any deal. However, he claims to have obtained reams of hard evidence to be used in legal action against the cabal.
On a different front, the White Dragon Society has been invited to inspect a major imperial gold cache in Asia that could be used to finance the proposed international economic planning agency. The owners of the gold are asking, in return for their gold, for enough financing to build a space colony in an artificial planet. This is the kind of big thinking that the WDS supports.
Of course, the WDS will insist on being allowed to photograph the gold and take samples for testing to make sure this is not just another elaborate fraud attempt.
The other possible breakthrough concerns the soon to be elected new Japanese government. Shinzo Abe, the man expected to be Prime Minister after the December 16th election, has publicly claimed he will change the Bank of Japan law. He wants the BOJ to pump more money into the economy.
It is also possible that he will announce that Japan will pledge 7000 trillion yen for the International Economic Planning Agency to use for massive projects world-wide. To make that possible, some sort of accommodation will have to be made with the North Koreans who have acted as a proxy secret government in Japan since the end of World War 2.
The Sabbateans and Nazis have both been trying very hard to convince the North Koreans that the White Dragon Society is against them when nothing could be further from the truth. It is true that North Korean leader Yasuhiro Nakasone has been attacked by this writer for allowing infertility causing chemicals and drugs to be spread in the region as part of a plan to reduce population. However, the WDS itself believes that the Northern dynasty headed by Kim Jong-Un should be given some sort of permanent, hereditary royal type of role in a reunified peninsula.
The Chinese also need to realize that the former pastoralist peoples ranging down from Mongolia to Manchuria to Korea and Japan share similar languages and culture and are the descendants of the pastoralist long-term Northern neighbours of the Han. This means integrating them into the region will require some recognition of this history.
The North Koreans, South Koreans, Japanese and Chinese also need to take their eyes off historical disputes and think about the big picture. The big picture is that 300 years of Western imperialism in the region is coming to an end and that an opportunity to create an ideal world in equal partnership with the West and other regions now lies ahead.
The Western military industrial complex is ready to contribute by sharing amazing science fiction-like technology with the rest of the world as it goes through a swords-to-plowshares transition.
Setting up a new International Economic Planning Agency would be one of the ways to make a harmonious transformation to world peace possible. This sounds like a dream but it is based on pragmatic, scientific reality.
Posted on December 3, 2012 by Gillian
Last week there were a flurry of reports, all officially denied, that George Bush Sr., President Vladimir Putin of Russia, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and President Cesar Chavez of Venezuela were all suffering from serious health problems.
Most intriguing of all is the article in the Houston Chronicle, linked in the widely read Drudge Report, about Bush’s health. If you click on the to the article above, the James Bond theme song starts playing and a video ad appears for the latest James Bond movie with a subtitle about Bush’s hospitalization at the bottom of the video (or at least it did at the time of writing this article).
White Dragon Society sources say that the Pope, the Rockefellers, The Queen, Obama and others decided to gang up on the Bush brothers who have now lost the ongoing power struggle in the West.
These reports coincide with a major move to start shipping North American oil and oil products to Asia as a substitute for Middle Eastern oil. It is also big oil’s plea to Japan to agree to a gradual transition away from oil and into new energy sources.
The effort to start shipping North American oil to Asia comes amid a glut (thanks to new technologies) in North American fossil fuel supplies. That is why it seems to be no coincidence that the heads of biggest non-North American oil powers (the Bushes control Iraq) all got “sick” simultaneously.
In this context, North American LPG and LNG is being offered to Asian buyers for long term contracts at a 30-50% discount from Middle Eastern prices, according to a major Japanese oil products importer.
Until recently the Japanese were forced to pay the highest prices in the world for oil and had to rely on the Middle East for almost all of it supplies. Any attempts to buy from elsewhere in the world were ruthlessly suppressed by Western oil oligarchs.
Negotiations have just started and the shift will take a few years (the time needed to build pipelines) using current technology.
Perhaps the sudden change of heart has to do with the fact that devices like this one are now available at Japanese electronics markets:
Here is a link to where you can actually order one of these devices online (if you can navigate through the Japanese):
The item is in the bottom right corner of the page. A Japanese reader of mine brought one of these generators to me and demonstrated it so I can say I have seen it with my own eyes. It runs for 120 hours on a small bag of salt water. Maybe soon, instead of charging the batteries for your mobile, you will just say “pass the salt.”
The sale of these items is linked to a recently held meeting of the heads of the secret society known as the Yatagarasu or three-legged crow that decided to make Japan an independent country and end 66 years of military occupation of Japan. The members of this group, who wear black veils to hide their faces when they meet, voted overwhelmingly for such a move. The presentation of evidence that Japan was attacked, for the third time, with nuclear weapons on March 11, 2011 helped clinch the vote.
Since the Japanese have long had alternative energy technology available to them they have now decided to go full speed ahead and start developing it.
Needless to say the fossil fuel giants, and the pentagon they pay for, are pleading for 100 years’ worth of oil based industrial infrastructure to be given time for a smooth transition. It has been informally agreed that for now at least, the new technology will be used for purposes, like turning deserts green, that current energy technology cannot accomplish.
The Nazi Zionists and their proxy country Israel are also now rushing to try to set up their Middle Eastern kingdom before they lose all control of their US puppet state. The third paragraph from the bottom of this article on the Mossad-linked Debka report basically admits this:
“recognition of Hamas at the expense of Fatah in Ramallah as part of the burgeoning Sunni Muslim Middle East axis, which is strongly though silently endorsed by the US and Israel.”
Needless to say, in their version, the “Sunni Axis” would be under the thumb of the Nazi created Muslim Brotherhood.
The rest of the world is sick and tired of Zionist war mongering and the financial net against these thugs is getting tighter by the day. That is why the move away from Middle Eastern oil has begun. It is also why the “financial crisis” continues unabated in the Zionist controlled nations of the West.
In that context, the latest intelligence on the new financial system reveals that the US dollar is here to stay even though the soon to be restored Republic of the United States itself will start issuing its own separate (and devalued) greenbacks.
The reason for this, as mentioned before in this newsletter, is that most of the dollars ever created are not owned by Americans. Any attempt by the US to unilaterally devalue the US dollar would lead to other countries to devalue by the same amount, making such a move impossible. Let us face the facts; the US dollar is no longer American. The yen, yuan, ruble and other currencies will continue to gain in importance over the coming years but they will be part of an international basket with the dollar acting as a sort of averaging point between them. That average will probably slowly shift towards the Chinese Yuan but there will not be a “one world currency” as envisaged by the New World Order gang.
The historical rights of the original owners of the world’s treasures, mostly Asian royal families, are being reasserted and they will continue to act as caretakers for the gold and treasure that now back the de facto international dollar.
The story being told to me by highly placed power brokers is that there will be no big announcements of these changes but that future generations will look back and see that a mental pole shift in the human collective conscious towards love and harmony took place around about December 21st, 2012.
Posted on November 26, 2012 by Gillian
There are signs everywhere now that a political logjam has been broken now that the new Chinese government has been installed and that swift changes will unfolding worldwide in the coming weeks. The signs include a massive purge of the Nazi (Sabbatean) faction in the US, Europe and, coming soon, Japan. In addition, US troops have been placed in Egypt, on Israel’s border, in order to force the Zionist terrorist regime to stop its superstitious, apocalyptic attempts to start WW3. We also have the pope announcing publicly that Jesus was not born on December 25, and that Christmas was based on a pagan solar festival.
In Europe six members of the P2 Freemason lodge were arrested by Berlusconi allies in what is expected to be a futile attempt by Berlusconi to place himself back into power, Vatican sources say. In Russia, meanwhile, a purge has begun, starting with a top general, after a recent attempt to assassinate President Putin with Polonium, according to European intelligence sources.
The efforts to kick-start the new financial system have also moved into high gear.
The moves to start the new financial system are taking place on several fronts. In Indonesia, Neil Keenan continues to try to finalize his attempt to get approval to mobilize the assets behind the global collateral accounts but seems to be running into interference from a rival faction. In Japan, Shinzo Abe, the man expected to be Prime Minister after December 16th, has talked about changing the Bank of Japan law to access funds.
This could mean releasing to the world the 7000 trillion yen in funds sitting in the BOJ’s books. In other parts of Asia, arrangements are being made to use giant imperial gold caches to finance mega-projects. We have detailed, concrete knowledge of these plans but, in order to avoid sabotage, cannot report them at this point.
The new Chinese government, for its part, is pushing ahead with its plans to replace the dollar with a new gold and asset backed international trading currency.
In addition to that, a major move is being made by the North American oligarchs to try to get Asian countries to switch from using Middle-Eastern oil to North American oil. This would help reduce the overall North American trade deficit with the region and provide hard cash to continue funding US government international operations. It would also help remove cash flow to the war-mongering factions.
The purge of the war-mongering faction in the US has started with the firing of 24 generals but that is just a beginning say officials affiliated with the FBI. The following directive from Obama marked the beginning of a systematic purge of Sabbatean fifth columnists from US government institutions:
Obama also showed his allegiance to the Dragon family by flying to Asia immediately after the US election in order to thank them for financing his re-election and preventing vote theft by the Romney/Nazi faction. A photograph of him bowing deeply to a Dragon family boss has been widely circulated among world leaders. In addition to that, he was publicly called the equivalent of a servant by the wife of Cambodia’s leader during his visit there.
Another sign that things have changed is reports the pentagon is thinking of selling a US airbase in the mid-Atlantic Azores Islands to China. Such a move would mark a clear indication the Pentagon does not view China as a threat but rather as a partner. Another visible sign of this change is the fact the Chinese were able to “convince” the makers of the movie “Red Dawn” to make the villains North Koreans instead of Chinese. The Soviets never had such clout when the original “Red Dawn” was made during the cold war.
In Russia, the heart of the former Soviet Union, the purge of remnant high level Nazi agents begun by Putin got a reboot recently after some top generals were arrested after an attempt to poison Putin with Polonium. It was Cuban agent, who also protected Fidel Castro from many poisoning attempts, who alerted Putin to the plot, according to a European intelligence source. The recent illness of Fidel Castro was also due to a poisoning attempt, this source says.
The Netherlands intelligence services have also joined the intensified hunt to purge Europe of Nazi influence. Sources linked to them published the following document which, though it covers some old ground, also reveals plenty of previously hidden names and connections between various Nazi higher ups:
New leads have also come to light in the hunt for the murderers of Dr. Michael Van de Meer. A lady going by the internet name of Christine N. tried to convince this writer, after Van de Meer died, that she had “confirmed” that he had merely been given a new identity. It turns out Christine N. fronts for David Eisenhower, the grandson of President Eisenhower, according to CIA sources. David Eisenhower needs to be questioned about why he put out this disinformation. Eisenhower has been illegally trading Kennedy for years now. Van de Meer was killed just before he was going try to legally trade some Kennedy bonds.
Bush Nazi stooge Mitt Romney, meanwhile, has been linked to the daughter of former KGB head Yuri Andropov and the looted Alpha Omega funds of the former Soviet Union. The Alpha Omega fund was the only route companies in the West could use to finance trade with the Soviet Bloc during the cold war. Yurin Andropov supervised Alpha Omega until his death. After he died, these funds were looted by Bush/Gorbachev et al, leading to the fall of the Soviet Union.
Mike Cottrell, who was part of that operation, was in the room when my colleague Christopher Story was fed the poisoned sandwich that killed him. Cottrell has also been linked to attempts to frame this writer as a drug dealer. This in turn links him with “Ambassador Stevens” and the March 11, 2011 nuclear terror attack on Japan.
The trail of all of these actors of course ultimately leads to the Bush family and other high level Nazis. The Bushes have been eavesdropped as saying that Neil Keenan and Benjamin Fulford were “problems.” The Bushes have been known to assassinate such “problem” people with great frequency. What the Bushes need to realize that their entire family is being followed and listened to 24/7. A lot of people would like to completely eliminate from all levels of existence the entire Bush bloodline. These people have been following this bloodline throughout its name changes from Peci to Pearce to Scherff to Bush. Our suggestion to the Bushes is to lay low.
All of these cabalists need to realize the FBI and other agencies are after them and will be a lot less forgiving than the White Dragon Society. The WDS is only asking that they testify before a South African style truth and reconciliation committee before the time where that is possible runs out.
Speaking about time running out, the recent statement by the pope that the church does not know the birthday of Jesus Christ and that Christmas was timed to coincide with a pagan solar new year’s festival, could be very significant. The pope also said Christ was probably born a few years earlier than the Christian calendar year 0. This may mean the Vatican has agreed to the idea of starting a new world calendar and turning December 25th, 2012 into January 1st of the year 0. We shall soon find out.
March 26 2012
The new financial system is online now and abundant financing is either already or soon to be made available, according to dragon family representatives. The final take down of the criminal cabal has also begun in earnest with over 200 senior bankers arrested and 450 resigned last week alone, these sources say.
Japan is also now doing the final paperwork needed to set up an international economic planning agency with an initial funding facility of $10 trillion or about 200 times what the World Bank lends every year, according to Japanese government sources. There will be some sort of announcement about this and other things on Tuesday evening, March 27th, 2012 Japan Standard Time according to illuminati and White Dragon Society sources. The arrest of some very high profile individuals is imminent.
The general structure of the financial cabal and its top leaders has also now been mapped to some extent. For example, the Rothschild family dynasty leaders have been identified. The Swiss branch of the family is run by David de Rothschild in Geneva, the French branch by Guy de Rothschild, the German branch by Rothschild family member and Hitler daughter Angelina Merkel and the British branch by Evelyn de Rothschild.
In the US, JP Morgan is a Rothschild front.
The Rockefeller family syndicate uses Goldman Sachs and Citibank as its major financial fronts. Bank of America is a front for the Italian black nobility behind the Vatican and the mafia, run in part by Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the former black pope. Pope malevolent the 16th is also a senior member of this satanic group.
The Nazi faction is run by Fuhrer George Bush Senior with Ben Bernanke acting as Deputy Fuhrer. Their chemical and pharmaceutical mass murder division is run by the Du Pont family.
The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is now in Africa forcing families at gunpoint to accept the sterilization by vaccine of their daughters. In North America, Japan and elsewhere the mass sterilization by vaccine is taking place under the guise of protecting girls against cervical cancer. Message to Bill Gates: your company and foundation are going to be confiscated and you are going to spend the rest of your life making restitution.
The United States government has been so compromised by these and other cabal families and their foundation fronts that the upcoming US Presidential “election,” is nothing more than a power struggle between the Chicago mob and their front man Mitt Romney versus the Bush Texas illegal drug mafia and their guy Jeb Bush.
Hopefully the new financial system, once it is fully implemented, will pull the plug on the entire farcical show and Americans will be able to choose their own leaders based on true information provided by free media. For now though, electronically rigged elections and corporate propaganda provide sham democracy for dumbed down and drugged up Americans.
However, a look at the pentagon budget for this upcoming year shows they have dedicated plenty of resources to financing reserve troop units inside the United States. This does not mean they are preparing to put average Americans into FEMA camps as feared by many. To the contrary, they are preparing for a mass round up of cabal agents and proxies, according to pentagon and CIA sources.
There was a clear indication of change on March 20th, when instead of having the cabal scheduled earthquake hit Tokyo, a magnitude 7.4 earthquake hit Oaxaca, Mexico exactly when President Obama’s daughter was vacationing there. Furthermore, this earthquake was advertised in advance through pamphlets distributed locally. This is a clear sign the bad guys no longer play the HAARP.
Another sign of change was the public rebuke of Obama, Clinton and cabal controlled media outlets when the official Chinese government news site, Xinhua stated that North Korea was not on the agenda of the 50 nation nuclear security summit taking place in Soeul, Korea this week. The cabal propaganda media has been carrying a fake story about nuclear danger from North Korea even though that country has already announced it will cease nuclear weapons development.
The secret agenda behind this 50 nation summit is an attempt to steal 200 tons of gold that is in South Korean warehouses. That theft is not going to be allowed to go ahead so the cabalists will leave the summit empty handed.
There was also plenty of speculation about a coup d’etat in China last week. All that happened was that a Maoist cabal agent Bo Xilai was removed from power after one of his henchmen was discovered taking instructions from the US consulate in Chongqing, according to MI6 sources. China is still on course for a stable and harmonious regime change-over later this year, according to White Dragon Society sources. The talk of a Maoist coup d’etat was wishful cabalist thinking fanned by cabalist media outlets.
Speaking about fake stories, the “White Hats” group on the internet, consisting of Bush agent Mike Cotrell and Hawaii resident Danny Gammage, has been spewing out laughable libel (such as this writer is a clone).
More damagingly, they managed to fool Lord Blackheath of the UK Upper House of Parliament with a fake story about $15 trillion that he raised in Parliamentary session. The House of Lords is now going to summon a White Dragon Society ally to testify about what is really going on in the financial wars.
The London financial district is headed for further purges and the talk is that Lord Sassoon is headed for a big fall. The investigation may even extend to the UK Royal family, European CIA sources say.
In Japan, meanwhile, the status quo is expected to remain on hold until the March 31st end of the fiscal year because of overwhelming workloads in the bureaucracy and the parliament. After March 31st, there will be concrete negotiations taking place involving the Finance Ministry, Bank of Japan, Prime Minister’s office and Royal Household Agency aimed at setting up a new international economic planning agency.
The Japanese self-defense forces and bureaucracy are also planning a major purge of cabalist puppets in the Japanese Parliament, banks, corporations and media.
Overall, things are looking very good. However, unless we see these senior cabalists on world TV confessing to their crimes, we must not be complacent. Until this financial war is over, keep your powder dry and stay alert.
Posted by admin@fritz on May 30th, 2014
William C. Van Duyn’s Opening Remarks Bilderberg Mtg. 2014
This is a first step in my life. I know that my decision is right to send you my speech. I have this urge to open the whole system, and to show the openness. It will take some years to make the population understand…
It is a premiere for you too. I wish you good luck and strength. You’re a man of courage.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Let me welcome you at the 60nd edition of the Bilderberg meeting here in Copenhagen..
Since the creation of the Bilderberg meeting back in 1954, my father [William Gerrit Van Duyn], HRH Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld, Henry Kissinger, decided to organize an event to unite different entities from industry, politics and culture. After the fourth Meeting back in 1958, the Bilderberg members put together the conditions of the Treaty of Rome. It was finally signed and the European Community was born with 6 States members. Today the European Community contents 28 countries. And today the Bilderbergers advise 134 states members.
Today, my speech will be officially published by our new enemy: the Media.
Bilderberg isn't a secret society, never was. Perhaps in the eyes of the population, but what we did is we kept our topics and decision to ourselves. We are not an evil. I do not have an all-seeing eye. My ancestors only made sure the Eye is on the [U.S.] dollar bill.
Bilderberg is no conspiracy, but people and conspiracists with their infantile fantasies see it as such. None of you, and I don’t care how powerful you are, sit around the table in a dark room, holding hands, staring at a crystal ball, planning the world's future.
The exuberant myth created by conspiracy theorists, journalists, and media moguls has been fabricated about the image of the Bilderberg. But are they really the cause of our consequences? Didn’t we involve ourselves into this luxurious secretive, mystical image? Going back in time, I am today in conversation with a certain controversial researcher who studied the Illuminati for more than 2 decades [Fritz Springmeier]. I respect this gentleman for his courage and vision.
I want to change history.
I do believe that mankind has a right to their future. The population is frustrated, manipulated, and demoralized by their own leaders. They live in their own Cartesian fantasies with the hope God will sent a messiah to save their soul! God has other plans with humanity. He creates the balance between good and evil.
Time changes: and I am glad to feel those changes. I feel a general awareness and singularities of awaken ones….People are beginning to ask me the good questions. Their main question is "what is right?” It's a phenomenon of response and reaction to an overly felt perception that the entire world is doomed to catastrophe, poverty, injustice and misery.
What makes the Bilderberg so strong?
It is because of its perseverance. Members are coming and leaving, guests come and go but the system grows stronger and stronger. No president, no king, no dictator, nor prime minister dares to criticize my name nor the Bilderbergers, and they know they are the puppets of the powerful Illuminati working from behind the scenes.
The general economy is collapsing. People are grasped by something they don’t always understand. But, it forces them to act in a blind way for their own interest.
That’s what they are doing in major countries and certainly in the United States: the anthropic country! Hillary Clinton told me yesterday it's like a streaming movement came upon America and washed its pride away. As people realise that their existence is threatened, they pray to God, blame their government, the Bilderbergers and the King of Satan called the Illuminati.
At the recent Council on Foreign Relations speech in Brussels a few days ago, I warned that a “global population awareness,” was threatening a revolution towards their governments.
You come from very different ideological, economic, cultural and political backgrounds. What unites us is that we are all determined to find the solution for humanity and its humankind.
And those who work for their own greediness, success and hunger for fame, who have sold their nations like the Bushs, Mugabe, Orban, Al-Bashir, Kim Jong-Un, are traitors. Not only traitors of their people and their nations, but for humanity as a whole entity.
The subject of this Bilderberg meeting is the One World Government..
Seven years ago the economy of Europe almost collapsed. It wasn’t because of the Europe’s weak economy. It came right to us from the United States of America with their unstable banking system.
The bursting of the U.S. housing bubbles which peaked in 2006 caused the values of securities tied to U.S. real estate pricing to plummet, damaging financial institutions globally without mentioning the national debts. World economy crisis because of American housing? Because of their gluttony? Does the rest of the world economy need to rely on US economy?
Another key is implemented in the United States: a universal principle of welfare on which the United States is based. But welfare does not mean a useless bum sitting on the couch, eating a pizza, slobbering the beer over himself, watching television, while he/she is waiting for an unemployment check to arrive.
Please ask an average man the intention of the existence of humans, or of government? Would his/her answer be to provide for the general welfare of future generations of mankind? I don’t think so.
People want a Nation, an Empire. Educate the people that is what they want: globalization. People believe that in order to have an Empire, you need money. But money is not a result of wealth. The economy is not based on money but on production and innovation. Money does not make the world go around. Money has no value. When families are harvesting their own vegetables and fruits in their garden they have more value and real money.
Human Mind Control. Human Minds affect the planet. This is how it is measured. It means immortality for the Soul of humankind. We are able to enjoy the universal principles. It allows people to innovate, to believe, and to harmonize the relation between man and nature. Human are destroying their own life on purpose by their hunger for higher living standards. They are digging their own grave pushed by their own debts. If humanity doesn’t change its attitude, 35% of the population will be wiped out. They destroy their own creative power with no reason.
Population blamed on the depression. But the 2008 depression was not an event that wiped out the world capitalists. It was meant to make the world population aware of their greediness and laziness in their life, to let them face the spectacle of poverty. They blame the banks, the governments, and all of us.
Let’s give them what they want:
Why don’t we give them the right of ruling the nature of economy, social welfare, the game of the wars and the innovation of the future…. The Greeks are blowing the European system with their unpayable debts. The French are voting the Front National to rescue the French patriotism. The Italians are Italians. I do not ask you to be too emotional, we’re not Spanish. I even don’t want to go the direction of Eastern Europe, Russia nor Asia.
And then comes Brussels and the European Community. Let’s fire them all. Those horrible useless people, sitting in nice conference room, kick out Herman Van Rompuy (sorry Herman) but he is useless. Brussels the evil city of the world ruled by the Illuminati.
Washington, those wet rags…fighting between dumb Republicans with their belief in guns and gospels against the stupid Democrats with their socialism ideology following the rules of Lenin. Ask a Republican redneck the difference between socialism and facism or the democrats about guns and gospel….. Does the government even know about the needs of its citizens? Do they know about the middle class and its poverty? Are they aware about the lack of education of its citizens? The truth behind the abomination of the health system? We need to resolve the American problem for its population. With a stronger America we will be able to influence the world economy in the right direction for humanitarian purposes. We will have a better understanding in the Asian Market. Guns, gospels, and socialism will not help them. Each single American has to do it by him/herself.
Population will rule perfectly the world for the greater good of Humanity!
I am talking about morality, and not scientific nor economic problems. Do people think about their future in 10 years? What kind of future will they have in 5 decades? Do they have a right to dream? Who are the bad guys here?
I told myself all humanity must be saved. But is it really possible? The brutality in humanity only waits for the courageous and the sane human to perfect the concept of nations. I believe in the fraternity of Nations. But at the moment governments are ruling by their own personal political agendas manipulated by the interest of the industries either to solve the problems in their countries.
It is the duty of the Illuminati to control every movement within any government, to provide security to its population, therefore we create the rules, we decide about nations policy. The Bilderberg needs to guide the economic factors in the right direction and build trust within the population!
I refuse any secrecy of decisions made by us. Why should we continue to rule the system behind closed doors? Why wouldn’t we face the population with their own mirror and tell them: Hey! Wake up….
Bilderberg Meeting is tool of the Illuminati. It runs because of the Illuminati. Bilderberg is the strongest and most powerful association, the perfect concept for sound economic security, by keeping the world order in shape, and the initiator of mankind in the age of reason.
I want this Bilderberg to be the first meeting in a new direction providing openness to the population in regard and respect for the future generations.
Next year positive results will show to the world that we aren’t evil, but we help humanity because humanity isn’t able to rescue itself.
Positive Diversity is the only hallmark of progress with an insurance policy for the population.
[END OF SPEECH as it was sent to me.]
Note: After I posted this, I discovered that some corrections had been made and sent to me. Mr. Van Duyn realized that it was the 60th not 62nd meeting. He had been thinking of something else when he first wrote the number down. It was late in the evening when I got home & posted this, & I didn’t realize some corrections had been sent to me. When I did see it, that was a big enough change to warrant me correcting it immediately.
William C. Van Duyn’s Opening Remarks Bilderberg Mtg. 2014
In the opening speech of William C. Van Duyn most notable and significant moments having far-reaching consequences can be denoted as follows:
The subject of this Bilderberg meeting is the One World Government..
Today, my speech will be officially published by our new enemy: the Media.
... No president, no king, no dictator, nor prime minister dares to criticize my name nor the Bilderbergers, and they know they are the puppets of the powerful Illuminati working from behind the scenes.
And then comes Brussels and the European Community. Let’s fire them all. Those horrible useless people, sitting in nice conference room, kick out Herman Van Rompuy (sorry Herman) but he is useless. Brussels the evil city of the world ruled by the Illuminati.
It is the duty of the Illuminati to control every movement within any government, to provide security to its population, therefore we create the rules, we decide about nations policy...
Bilderberg Meeting is tool of the Illuminati. It runs because of the Illuminati. Bilderberg is the strongest and most powerful association, the perfect concept for sound economic security, by keeping the world order in shape, and the initiator of mankind in the age of reason.
The speech of William C. Van Duyn deserves a thorough analysis and for many reasons. Because it may shed some light on the most key points and concepts of the entire "negative approach to stimulate development of the intelligence" presented by "spiritual priest" of the "ruling dynasty" Lucifer, who called himself the "Hidden hand".
Revelation from the "Group soul" - Lucifer made by "The Hidden Hand"
Mr. Van Duyn, whether he knows it or not, but at least it seems that he THINKS he knows, is an obedient puppet in the hands of "the ruling dynasty" of Lucifer, at least according to their interpretation. And, as "Hidden hand" puts it, they let these puppets do anything they like for as long as they follow the orders and commandments as to what "the Lucifer ruling dynasty" wants to be done. And the essence of all the actions of the so-called Illuminati is a direct consequence of the satanic ideology taking over the planet as described, for example in "The Urantia Book":
Lucifer rebellion (The Urantia Book, Paper 53)
Let's look at, perhaps, the most significant moments in all these passionate speeches of these so called "rulers of the world" who imagined that they know something unknowable by others.
First of all, it has been said, and this is the KEY point:
"Blind leading the blind - shall fall into a pit".
Most respected by the so-called "elites" Mr. Van Duyn in his speech presents himself as a kind of "leader of mankind" or at least one of them. He accuses others of messianism, but he himself, in the very depths of his, behaves exactly the same way as any dictator, if not a tyrant, and all of them have some "mission" of one kind or another, with all due respect to his colorful words, ideas and appeals in the name and on behalf of good.
He began to imagine that he has "the answers to all the questions and problems of the world" and his "mission" is to "lead" humanity to some amorphous "bright future". But he thus denies the very essence of Life, and that is Creative potential and a processes inherent and available to all, and not only to a certain "elite" of "leaders," as he puts himself here, even though, it is at least conceivable, without bad intent.
And it is quite a hidden and unconscious tendency in ANY "elite" - to exhibit oneself in the position of some know-it-all, to whom "Truth" is available, but which is inaccessible to others - the "mortals."
It is as though the very creativity and the ability to find solutions and options for development is available and belongs only to them - "the lords of this world" at least as they think they are.
But Creativity is available to ALL without exception. And it is not necessarily associated with art, science, etc. It can be seen in the most simple and seemingly "ordinary" matters, such as working in one's own garden or a kitchen or even digging a pit. Because Creativity is ALL-pervading, by its very nature and is available to all those who wish and dare to claim it.
Moreover, the problems and issues of development of humanity and a progress of Intelligence is possible only when creative process involves all who have the interest and desire. Because this is precisely how intelligence develops and enlarges itself. Intelligence, for the inevitable and inherent necessity, seeks for diversity and expansion of all the aspects and manifestations. And that is why in Nature there exists indescribable variety and diversity of manifestations and types. For it is the very ESSENCE of life itself.
Life and intelligence does not seek to achieve some standardized "ideal" which all are required to follow and submit to. Otherwise, and inevitably, the end result would be a machine, a robot-like creature, a mechanical object performing some function for the benefit and in the interests of some puppeteers, who imagined themselves to be some "lords" and "guides" of all kinds.
And that is why the mankind is in such a desperate and miserable condition. Because those blind "lords", who imagined about themselves more than their eyes allow them to see, just grabbed all the key areas of influence, activity and resources. Because, and inherently, they are tyrants and dictators who seized everything and began to impose their inherently limited point of view on all. And thus they repress and suppress anything and everything that does not come from and is not concocted by themselves!
Because their intolerance blinds their eyes, and little do they know that the very roots of that intolerance is not "superiority" over others, but just the other way around - the "inferiority complex" and self-denial, as strange as it may sound. Because genuinely strong individual has nothing to "prove" to anyone. Because he knows deep inside that he IS valid regardless of the opinions of others about him.
And eventually, they began to impose their ideas on everyone and have all the channels shut, zombifying people's minds with their limited ideology, which is fundamentally an ideology of evil and has nothing to do with "Illuminism" or "enlightenment".
For one thing the enlightened person will never join ANY cult regardless of its kind or its influence and "might". For what would he do that? He is "enough unto himself". He needs no approval from anyone. He is satisfied with what and who he is at any given moment and in any situation, regardless. Even in the most difficult situations, he knows that "this too shalt pass".
It is only the blind who join all sorts of cults or "elitist" "societies" or "brotherhoods" of all kinds.
Because the enlightened one always stands alone. Because he is enough onto himself and needs no external "support" or some group to unite with in order to achieve some goals.
The "Illuminati," as they call themselves, do not possess that which they claim, the Light. They are nothing more than impostors, impersonators and pretenders of that, which they know not - the enlightenment.
They are just as blind as others, with the only difference of their desire to climb atop of all the heads and drum upon them, imposing and dictating their doctrine on others. And for their OWN gainful goals and their own insidious ideas of serving their own individual selves and their own interests, but not "ours". "We" for them means the innermost circle of grand conspiracy - circle of the "masters" and "lords of the world."
The very structure of the "Illuminati" secret society is conceived precisely as set of concentric circles of "influence" and "might". The "initiated" ones, who just entered this conspiracy, belong to the outmost circle - the "clueless". They are told all sorts of lies about "good" and they merely believe it, just as Albert Pike described the Blue Lodge degrees for example. The first three degrees, called the "Blue Lodge" are for the complete fools. Even the higher degrees, up to 16th, they are all lead by their noses with lies about the "good". Only in the 17th degree they are disclosed the "truth", and, for the first time, they tell all those fools that their "god" is Lucifer.
So, any mason of all the degrees starting with 17th, no matter what color or creed, is a Luciferian, and in the highest degrees, they are pure grade satanists, perverts and sadomasochists and they "worship" evil, and of the pure grade.
As they "progress", they enter into the more and more "inner circles" and at some point they are told "our god is Lucifer". And those in the innermost circle are pure grade Luciferian satanists controlling all and everything and imposing their will upon all and destroying all and everything that does not fit their agenda, which is evil in its purest form no matter what kind of sweet words they tell others. And this has been stated by some former "Illuminati" some of whom where born into the "Illuminati" bloodlines, such, for example, as Svali, John Todd of the Collins bloodline and others.
The key words here are "POWER" and "control". And that is why those who called themselves the "insiders" declare themselves "the ruling dynasty" of this planet who stand above the Rothschilds and Baruchs. EXACTLY the same thing Mr. Van Duyn does in his fiery speech. And if you look closely, you will see that they are not alone in this desire for "power" over all and everything. Because power is the highest "value" of the material world, which stands even above the money.
A desire and yearning for power, is perhaps the most insidious of all diseases - a disease of the soul and of one's essence. And that is why power - like a worm, eats you away from within.
And no, they are not the philanthropists or "good doers" of ANY kind, no matter how much they pretend to be or justify it in their minds. First of all, the Good can not be created in secrecy, without the participation of humanity as such. Only evil can be done in secrecy and without the participation of others.
Mr. Van Duyn claims in his speech that they supposedly work for the sake of some "bright future of mankind". But the bright future can not be created by those who have blood on their hands up to the elbows and who, in the name "negative approach" of Lucifer, have created so much evil that there exists no library big enough to describe it all.
And they lead mankind into the pit and tyranny, whether they know it or not. The very "negative approach" allegedly to "stimulate the growth of Intelligence" is no more than a revolt against the direct and positive approach of direct perception and awareness of who you ARE, and not that which you are NOT. And that is precisely the difference between Satanism and evil and genuine development of Intelligence and the very essence of Life, not death, which they subconsciously and intuitively seek, knowing that the end result of all their acts, deeds and thoughts will be self-destruction, as stated by hereditary Talmudist and Satanist Karl Marx.
If there is something which devours,
I'll leap within it, though I bring the world to ruins -
The world which bulks between me and the abyss
I will smash to pieces my enduring curses.
I'll throw my arms around its harsh reality,
Embracing me, the world will dumbly pass away,
And then sink down to utter nothingness,
Perished, with no existence - that would be really living.
In his poem "The Pale Maiden" Marx writes:
Thus heaven I've forfeited,
I know it full well.
My soul, once true to God,
Is chosen for hell.
In another of Marx's poems, "Human Pride" (published in "World Revolution" by Nesta Webster, p. 167), he writes the following:
With disdain I will throw my gauntlet
Full in the face of the world,
And see the collapse of this pygmy giant
Whose fall will not stifle my ardour.
Then I will be able to walk triumphantly
Like a god, through the ruins of their kingdom.
Every word of mine is fire and action.
My breast is equal to that of the Creator.
Perished, with no existence - that would be really living
(Under the Sign of the Scorpion, by Juri Lina)
And Karl Marx was a puppet of the Rothschilds and was hired and generously financed by his puppeteers to specifically "scientifically" justify the very conceptual framework of Luciferianism, which he did with his idea of "unity and the struggle of the opposites" which became the foundation for so called dialectic materialism. It was specifically designed to discredit and deny the very idea of God - that which stands ABOVE the material world. Everything was turned into the world of matter, the material world above and beyond which exists nothing.
He was nothing more than their agent, or, as known from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, the "agenteur".
His task was to create a "theoretical justification" of key concepts and ideas of zombification of the "masses" by which it will be possible to create a revolution in Russia eventually. His idea of "the struggle of the proletariat" is a complete delusion and a zombification ideology. Because, first of all, the proletariat, i.e., simple working people who create all the goods and wealth for the parasites, never owned anything and never had any power, nor has ever chose anyone as their "ruler".
They were merely manipulated and were given several versions of the same Satan's lackeys, allegedly to "choose" between different shades of the same Satanists. All and any "elections" to this day are nothing more than the puppet shows and this is happening for centuries. For example, it has been said: the president of the USA will be the one chosen by Rothschild. It is quite a subject in itself and deserves a study.
But who are these "Illuminati"? - In ESSENCE!
Do they have some "answers" to all the questions? And if they think so, which is a fact, then they missed out, either for the treacherous reasons, or as a result of THEIR blindness, the fact that they have tried and are still trying "to block the channels" to everyone else, and thus, a huge part of possible creative process "on the ground", among "ordinary people" does not have a chance to manifest. Because EVERYTHING is crushed by these "lords" and absolutely nothing is allowed, if it does not fit with the "dog's opinion" of these "lords" eternally barking at all the humanity and dictating it everything.
And this is precisely the main problem of the modern world, which can not be solved without AWARENESS, or, as it is also called, the state of PRESENCE, rather than with the help of some mental exercises and routines. Yes, the mentality is needed in many cases in the physical world. Yes, you can think. But when you exclude from consideration the aspects beyond purely mental processes, you are bound to find yourself in a "pit". And that is why it was said:
"Blind leading the blind - shall fall into the ditch"!
"That is all there is to it".
These maniacs with most severe mental disorders and illnesses must THEMSELVES SEE that they have absolutely no right to dictate something to everyone else instead of just doing everything in their capacity "for US," and not "for ME" and my "ruling family" in order to control and dominate everything.
Because they are corrupt, and to the bone and marrow. Corrupt in their very beings! At their very roots.
The very act of separation on some "patricians" and "plebeians", the "elite" and "mortals" is an act of evil. At least because the vast majority of so-called "patricians" are either pure degenerates on a biological level, or perverts, monsters, parasites, and this list is too long to continue. In other words, a chance that you will find a "normal" or healthy person among them rapidly approaches zero.
You are nobody, sir lord of the world, at least in terms of Truth, and your entire "movement" or a cult or a sect of power-hungry blind fanatics seeking to "trample down" all and everything did not create any "stimulus for development of the Intelligence."
The "catalyst" of the "negative approach" is simply fake, fake as three dollar bill. And the evidence is simple. All these mental processes and "sophistication" of modern mind was not able to create a human being who is more humane than the most primitive tribes on this planet.
Interestingly enough, there was an effort made in the UK to bring several members of one primitive tribe from Africa to the UK, dress them in modern clothes and take them to different places and let them meet with "civilized" people. At the end they were asked for their impression about the "modern world" and what they had to say is really significant.
They said: by why don't you CARE for each other? Why are you so insensitive and inhumane? Why are you so violent towards each other? Their visit was filmed and was shown on a zombie box called TV.
The Intelligence permeates ALL, and not only "me" or "you" as representatives of some "superior race" or some "elite" standing above all "mortals". And the words of Mr. Van Duyn are the words of a mortal. Because he does not see, nor "does he know what he is doing and saying".
This is the will and the law of the spheres incomprehensible to the blind.
You have "created" only the barriers and separation and brought humanity to the level of zombies and bio-robots the majority of whom have lost touch with their traditions, wisdom of the people, culture, education, humaneness, and this list may be continued with other most important aspects.
And all you have in your hands the dust, and nothing but the dust, as you were told in the scriptures.
And you live in a world of illusion, just like others, upon whom you are trying to IMPOSE your will according to a "recipe" that was given to you by your ancestors, which they allegedly received during the "entry into the ecstasy of unity" with Lucifer on all sorts of occult and Kabbalistic rituals, virtually all of which include the ideas of death, murder, annihilation and the "sacrament of blood."
And this is self-provable. Because the very notion of Illuminati is an occult and Kabbalistic concept, and if all this occult and Kabbalistic symbolism is removed from the ideology of the Illuminati, they simply cease to exist as such. Because they lose their very roots and their ideological underpinnings and the very foundation.
"The Illuminati" without occult and Kabbalah is nothing more than "a scarecrow horticultural", utterly empty of all its alleged "spiritual powers", not even mentioning the enlightenment of which they have no idea about with all their empty words "signifying nothing".
And no, they are not the illuminated ones as "Illuminati" implies, and were not given any special "higher knowledge" outside of pure Satanism and ideas of "control", domination and "ownership" of the world.
Perhaps all that they have is their thirst for POWER, domination and the suppression of anything that differs from their ideology of control and domination enforced by violence against all and their ultimatums of most brutal reprisals. And all of this comes not from some "greatness", but on the contrary, from what is known as the "inferiority complex", or more precisely self-denial.
To them, you see, it is not sufficient just to be what they are by the sheer fact of their existence. No! They need to be "better" than others, "stronger" than others, "more powerful" than others, "HIGHER" than others, more "influential" than others, which is a typical symptom of psychiatric complex of negation of oneself and Creativity as such. And they are not much different than Scientologists or other cults of vicious exploitation and "achieving", down to the level of Herbalife.
Interestingly enough. Mr. Van Duyn in his speech states that the reason the "Illuminati" is so "strong" is because of their "perseverance", which translates simply into viciousness.
The very fact of "entering into an ecstasy of unity" with whatever or whomever does not necessarily mean AWARENESS, presence, SEEING. But rather means the diametrically opposite. ABSCENCE, BLINDNESS most profound, inherent fanaticism and self-denial.
Yes, the "blind" are forever looking for something outside of themselves as confirmation that Life "makes sense" and for self-affirmation. It is as if you are missing a certificate stating that you are real, and, quite often, not just merely "real" but even MORE real than others. As a consequence, they begin to imagine that they even have the right to attack others on the grounds that they consider themselves MORE real than others. Hence comes the religious fanaticism.
But the root of this lies in the fact that without this "certificate" from some "higher power" or "super-authority" they consider themselves inferior. Don't they? In other words, a simple and ordinary inferiority complex, which is the need to prove to others, and ultimately to oneself that you are "real" and not only "real", but even more "real" than others. "The treasure box is opened simply". - You are simply denying yourselves as you are, and in most cases because of zombification and programming of your minds from early childhood with the ideas of your "imperfections", supposedly inherent "wickedness", with the need to "struggle" and to strive to climb on the heads of others and control them and so on.
In this light, it is noteworthy to mention that zombification or programming of the mind among the "Illuminati" starts from early childhood, as described, for example, by the former "Illuminati" Svali, who was a regional head in the area of mind programming and zombification. Furthermore, this programming is conducted via most brutal methods, up to dramatizations of public killings and even real ritual murders of young children under age of seven being committed in the womb of Satan - the Vatican, with a ritual knife made of pure gold, as described by several authors.
For example, John Todd, a former witch or a "priest", a member "The Committee of 13", and a descendant of the Collins family, one of the 13 most powerful "Illuminati" families, as he describes himself, mentions only a small part of various satanic rituals. "Naturally", he was eventually killed, or rather, had "disappeared", and no one knows where he is. But the thing is, it is simply impossible to kill the Truth, regardless of the degree barbaric acts and atrocities committed by these madmen who began to imagine that they know something so "sacred" that mere "mortals" can not even begin to comprehend.
See: Who are the "Illuminati"?
Try to argue with someone who was called Mahasattva by none other than Osho, if you heard about him, and you probably had, because the prince of the House of Hanover was involved. And you, Mr. "Illuminati", as you are as such, compared to Osho, are not an authority of any kind as far as AWARENESS goes, and are nothing more than a pygmy, somewhere on the level of Ronald Regan, whom Osho loved to call a "gorilla", not to insult the pygmies or gorillas here, compared with which, incidentally, in terms of humaneness, the so-called "Illuminati" with all their "schemes" and all the occult knowledge are developed to the level of not higher than of an amoeba, even if it looks like too colorful of a way to describe it. But just to be blunt and for the picturesque aspect of it and to put things in proper perspective it seems something worthwhile.
Maha means "great", sattva means "purity", the most subtle level of being and expression, the highest aspect of the three Gunas, as known in India. Tamas - the dark, the gross matter; Raja - action, activity, also means "king", karma; and Sattva - the most subtle level, - awareness, consciousness.
And this gentleman, Mr. Van Duyn, is at the level of karma. Karma also means "action", activity, in other words - "vanity in vain". And therefore - BLIND. For he does not SEE the Source All-Pervading, even though he pretends he does, as the very notion of "Illuminati", the "illuminated one" means! According to Svali, they, you know, even have a complete system of zombification called "12 steps to enlightenment" which is nothing but delusion of delirium level. Because there are no steps and paths to enlightenment. These things are simply impossible, just as it was said by many great masters.
Enlightenment does not occur as a result of learning or reading thick books, or engaging in any kind of rituals, occult or otherwise, nor any kind of mental process or following some "bloodline dictates" or "plans", nor entering into some "ecstasy of unity". Because genuine ecstasy of unity is inherent in ALL forms of Life. It is ALL pervading, ALL encompassing, ALL inclusive, inherent in Life as such.
And, as mentioned in the New Testament, Jesus revealed the blindness of the Pharisees who studied the mountains of Talmudic Scribes or even Tora from morning to night, every single day. But, after all these studies, they could not win a single argument with him. Or could they?
Because no matter how much you study, no matter what "system" you have memorized and no matter how many books you read, there is no guarantee of enlightenment and there can not possibly be. In its very ESSENCE. Quite the contrary. The more you study and read, the more "blind" you get, at least from the standpoint of enlightenment, which you can not even dream about. Because to dream about something you need to know what to dream about. That's the story of "Illuminism" of Madame Blavatsky's kind.
Because SEEING is not a mental process of thinking or degree of "sophistication" of philosophers. Awakening has absolutely nothing to do with the mental exercises or "knowledge", and even more so with the ritual ecstasy of coming into contact with Lucifer or anyone else. That's the main stumbling block with enlightenment. It is not a process of mentation of reality. It is the DIRECT perception of it, outside and beyond the mental processes as such.
In a single word it can be described as AWARENESS or presence. You are in the moment, fully aware of everything that is going on and surrounding you.
These so-called "Illuminati" are not even be able to appreciate the essence of an act of Jiddu Krishnamurti when he refused the "crown of the leader of mankind", at the time of his inauguration, for which he has been prepared and received the most intense education as sponsored by Blavatsky (Blavatskaya).
And Krishnamurti, after receiving the education of the highest level imaginable, and from the highest level privately hired professors, and studying the occult, theosophy, theology, and anything imaginable, simply rejected all the occult and theosophy, created by Madame Blavatsky, and even more so, never even mentioned it in his lectures and books. Which means that he rejected it all so flatly, that he would not be willing to even mention it as something deserving his attention. And Krishnamurti was considered by some as the greatest one of the 20th century at least. In fact, it is precisely Krishnamurti who coined the term "awareness".
And these "Illuminati", compared to Blavatsky, are not even "advanced" enough to be called Pygmies. To them she is considered to be like a "goddess" or a "prophet". And what is interesting about her is the fact that she was trying to restore "justice" in relation to Lucifer. Because she alleged that he and his work of presentation of a "catalyst" for the development of intelligence on this planet (in the form of "negative approach") has been misunderstood and misinterpreted. Exactly the same ideas as pursued by the "Illuminati", peddling their ideology and doctrine of the "struggle between good and evil" in the name of "development of Intelligence".
And so everything related to all these subjects is so twisted and made so complicated that, as they say, "even the devil himself will brake his leg!". Even a book is not enough, to disassemble it all and sort it out on the shelves.
And this is how the question stands about the so-called "Illuminati" and all the mayhem associated with them.
Another interesting thing about this all is that, as stated by Svali, who was a hereditary "Illuminati" since her early childhood, quite a few high level "Illuminati" eventually realized all the evil perpetrated by them and would like to get out of this cult and sect. But they are afraid that they will be destroyed, and in quite literal terms.
And that is why there exists a split within the "Illuminati", even though it is not visible on the surface. And this split is bound to eventually reach its climax. That is simply inevitable. Because blindness is limited, both in time and in space, and in other aspects, and it can only exist in complete secrecy and suppression of information which is simply impossible nowadays. And therefore, their days are numbered, and by the inevitable necessity.
And that is why the "Illuminati" Hillary Clinton told Mr. Van Duyn, that all this "brewing and fermenting among the people" has turned into a flood now, an avalanche. The dissent and revolt in the U.S. and the EU is brewing and they are bursting at the seams, and the very idea of the NWO (the so-called "New World Order") is crumbling before our eyes. And many of these "lords" and "masters" are not really glad that they have gotten themselves into this venture.
Because today stands the question of "condemnation" of all the collaborators. And this condemnation means death to most of them - all those who still refuse to recognize their wickedness and evil nature of their schemes, motives and actions.
Because "condemnation" on the subtle planes, means turning off the Vital Energy of the Source, after which they turn into a soap bubble that can be pierced even by a mosquito. ZERO Energy. And in order to even take a breath one needs energy!
Because their time is up. Now came the time to sum up the chips on the table of the so-called "negative approach" of Lucifer and pay all the bills for all their deeds and thoughts that brought humanity into the territory of darkness and despair.
But unfortunately, just as we can see from this speech, they are still in denial and keep trying to justify all the evil as something "good". Sure, you can justify almost anything, even a murder. And sure, even a murderer has his "reasons" and, like they say "the way you talk you are right". But there is a "but" to this story, and that but is called Truth, which you can not avoid no matter what you do and no matter who you are.
For to destroy the Truth is impossible, and so is impossible to stop it. Ultimately, there remains only Truth, even from the standpoint of the very "negative approach" of Lucifer.
In India, there is such a notion as a "desease of becoming". And this is the finest point, so fine, that even to invent something finer is not possible.
So, what is "disease of becoming"? Well, it is a never-ending process of "improving" who or what you are. In the "western world" it is called "progress." It would seem that: "great, this is the very essence of life." But let's not jump to conclusions.
First of all, where did this "disease" come from? Well, it originated from zombification of your minds from the cradle! Everyone wants to "survive"! Don't they? And in order to "survive" what is necessary? - Well, for that it is necessary to constantly "improve oneself" as if you were a broken gramophone, which must be constantly repaired. Whoever and whatever you were, it never seems enough. And so ad infinitum!
To achieve, to conquer, to control and submit everyone and everything, and this list goes on.
But why is it necessary?
Well, because no matter who you really are you are "imperfect" and must forever be "improved upon", to "broaden and deepen" who you are. Is not it the case?
You were taught from the cradle, and by your own parents, that you need to be "stronger", "smarter", more "educated" than others. Otherwise you will not be able to "survive" in this world of evil, where everyone is trying to climb on the top of heads of others and drum on them, "controlling the situation."
And it all looks quite understandable. It is not for nothing they say: "better to be healthy and rich than poor and sick." And this is precisely a trap "for the souls of men."
Because what you get as a result is that you are being wound up by your "teachers" of various kinds, or all sorts of figures and "authorities", constantly zombifying your minds with the ideas that you supposedly have to constantly keep "running out of your skin" to "achieve" something. And your minds are being wound up with the ideas of "the harder - the better." And you begin to "plow like Papa Carlo", from morning to night and every single day, "achieving" something.
As a result, you are forever in the state of becoming something that you are not.
And you are told: run faster, work harder and keep running out of your skin to become something that can "break through", "break out" of some bondage and "survive" in this "rat race". Aren't you?
That is, the hard work is, ostensibly, the "virtue" of some kind. And have you ever thought that all of it was just invented and specifically in order to squeeze all your juices out of you and to suck out all your vital energy, so you never, under any circumstances, would have enough of energy just to look at this whole "madhouse" and ask yourself this simple question: "excuse me, but why is all this necessary and for WHOM?" - For me? - Well, "the hell with" these pleasures of achieving something which I do not really know, but merely repeat, like some zombie, a program in my mind. What do I need it for?
Moreover, it is interesting that even creative people say "The most important thing is HEAVY, titanic and even hellish work." That, they say, will make you a "genius"! What a trip! Even the needle runs off the scale.
But you are hardly ever told: relax son, "if you rush you will simply make a fool of yourself". Where do you have to run, except from yourself? People think that they are running AFTER something, but they are running FROM something - from themselves! And not even suspecting it and thinking that they are constantly "improving" themselves. After all, just look, for example, at all the "stars" on the stage. It seems like "perfection" itself!
They always seem to be "happy," laughing like horses, forever smiling with their plastic smiles and being dressed in all sorts of "far out" dresses and drive expensive cars which are driven by the kings and queens ... What could be more "perfect" and "happier"? And very few even realize that it is all fake and their smiles disappear as soon as they walk behind the curtain on a stage.
And most of it is just a part of this fake "be positive" trip of guilt and inferiority creation program of controlling "the herd". Not that positivity and joy is something fake, but it is a RESULT, not the cause. And it is a result of SEEING that Life, no matter how you look at it and who you are is something grand and it forever gives you all sorts of opportunities to continue your experimentation and seeking for that which you really are, which is joy and Love and appreciation of the very opportunity to be. But it can not be IMPOSED upon you, like something given.
And very few people even notice that the smiles of these "stars" are made of plastic, like everything else associated with them, and does not reflect anything real. Look at them on the stage in front of the "mob" and then look at them when they go behind the curtains. That is where you'll see the hell itself, if you ever visited backstage.
They demon-strate you one thing, but in their minds there is something entirely different. Because they are hypocrites made out of plastic, throwing their lives left and right, as if "the whole world is hell and everyone's a bitch". Except of themselves, of course ...
But you are simply "being had". All your Life juices are being sucked out of you so you remain blind and never have the opportunity to SEE, and instead, would always be busy and "kept working like a dog", for the benefit and in the name of - you know who, right? But not for your own!
Yes, indeed, Life is a continuous process of learning something "higher" than what you are at any given moment. That is the very stimuli to BE. And joy is inherent in it once you realize the harmonious aspects of it. Because it all "works" no matter what.
But there is a small and almost imperceptible detail. You begin to DENY that which you are, and you are that very BEST that you can be at that moment. Otherwise, if you could be "better" would not you? Everyone, even criminal, is the best of what he might be at the moment. And if he COULD be "better", would not he even try? And how do you even compare "better" to "worse"?
How do you know that something is "better" than something else? Well, you need to have some system of value, which is what morality is. And where did morality come from? Well, it came from religion. And what is religion? Well, for the most part a system of belief and fanaticism, rooted in ego gratification, which, in turn, is rooted in self-denial. Again, the same thing.
And why is religion so powerful? Well, because it can not be disproven. Yes, it can not be proven either, but still, you can not disprove it. So, the priests tell you that there are "holy books". And what is "holy books"? Well, something beyond argumentation, which, allegedly, came from the "higher" sources and all sorts of prophets and seers. And, since it is presented as a "word of God", how can you argue it?
And so, your morality is born out of fiction. Yes, indeed, there ARE some tremendous insights in at least some of those scriptures. But you have to verify the validity of it and not merely take is on blind faith like some "ultimate" in reality.
The end result of this is that, if you look at it with your own eyes and ask yourself a question "but do I really KNOW this"? The answer will be obvious if you are honest to yourself. You DON'T know it! You have merely accepted someone else's words and that is "the bottom line". But you have not SEEN much of it, if anything at all.
The thing is that you are that which is limited by your perception, concepts and programs with which your mind was programmed. For a child, it is fun just to run around and chase the butterflies or pigeons. But would a grown man to do it? And so is with everything else.
In other words, each person has his own personal context, his personal interests and his own unique set of qualities, through which he perceives the world and how it looks to him. And each is unique. There exists no two identical men in the whole world in terms of their interests and "progress", knowledge, etc. etc. You can not even find two identical grains of sand in a desert, as with snow flakes.
And, therefore, there exists no universal recipe of "right". Perhaps the sole criterion for such a recipe is life-affirmation. As long as you affirm, recognize and accept Life itself, you can not do things that are not good. Because life-affirmation is that very initial stimulus to BE for Intelligence Itself. After all, why be?
And if you recognize, affirm and are contributing to Life itself, then how can you become insensitive to other manifestations of Life and to others? - And there is no way to do so, don't you realize this? Because it is simply impossible. If you are sensitive to Life as such, how can you deny the interests and aspirations of others? After all, they might as well do the same thing to you as you do to them!
For it is not for no reason it was said in the New Testament the name of Jesus:
Do unto others what you want them to do to yourself!
And this is also known as the law of Karma. And the law of karma is the law of balance of Life itself. Every action has consequences and any misunderstanding needs to be clarified so that the state of Harmony could be maintained, which is an affirmation of Life as such.
Otherwise, the Intelligence can not evolve and such a notion as Truth simply will lose its meaning.
Karma does not mean punishment, as many people think. It means that you still have not learned a lesson which you need to learn in order to understand and, more precisely, SEE the very essence of it. And if you still do not see life-denying consequences of your actions, the lesson will be repeated again and again, and until you SEE the very ESSENCE of it, and that which was life-destroying before, becomes Harmonious, and thus Life-affirming.
Hence the notion of the "wheel of karma", which will repeat the same thing again and again and again. Until it has been learned and SEEN for what it is.
And that is why karma is the law of Balance and there is no way to win over it. It is the absolute inevitability which you will not be able to get around, no matter what you do.
Because blindness can not "win", "eventually". And this is the the very essence of the "negative approach". It, in fact, states: "Deny, deny and deny, and deny everything. And the more and the faster you deny the more inevitably you come closer to the Truth. Because "eventually" there can be nothing but the Truth, or, which is the most important sutra of Jain religions of India, known as Tattvartha Sutra, which states:
"The Truth is that which IS!"
That which is in reality and not in accordance to your "concepts", notions, representations or delusions. In this sense, Truth is absolute, and the absolute can not be an individual. Otherwise it is not an absolute, but a special case.
Thus, whatever you do and wherever you wanted to go, "eventually" what will be left is the Truth. Truth can not degrade or disappear. Only lies, or rather, blindness may disappear.
So, the very essence "of the disease becoming" is, in essence, self-negation. Negation of that which you ARE. And it is also a "struggle", the struggle with that which you ARE at the moment, regardless of your "limitations" and a degree of "perfection".
Because at any time you are a "perfection". The only thing which is "required" from you, or, more precisely, is necessary for you to do, is to become AWARE and ACCEPT yourself, as you are. Because when the time comes for the fruit to ripen, it matures by itself, without any "Illuminati" or "lords" pointing you "the way". Ripening of the fruit is a natural process. And denying yourself can only slow down the process, and nothing more.
The very idea of self-denial is an absurd, and illusion. Because the Intelligence is "perfect" at any given time, regardless of anything. And all of you, without exception, are the manifestations, expressions of Intelligence, but purely individualized. And in this there is Joy, and not the sorrow of illusion!
You ARE, which is undeniable FACT, undeniable by anything. And precisely because you are, there is a certain sense in it. Otherwise you would not be. Which means that you just need to find the "cause" or a "reason" of that manifestation of the Intelligence, which makes your uniqueness having some meaning, some sense. And the meaning is always there. Otherwise, life itself would have ceased, and a long time ago, so long ago that even to imagine such a thing does not seem quite possible.
In other words, "disease of becoming" means that you are never happy with who you are. And at the very root of it lies the "fear of survival." Because this is how you were zombified and programmed since your childhood. It is as if Life is a never-ending war!!! And you eternally need to "conquer" and to "achieve" to eventually become "better" than what you truly are. Isn't it the case?
And this is the disease, and perhaps the most fatal to your being. Because it creates self-denial and eternal struggle with that which IS.
Because instead of growing, which is quite a natural tendency, and yearning, you go to war, and, strangely enough, with yourself! Where did this idea of "unity and struggle of the opposites" come from that is the root of all evil?
Thus, instead of to enjoying Life and REALIZING that you, AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT, are that very best that you can be at this point, you begin to grieve over your own "imperfections", not even talking about others. Because if you deny yourself that which you are, and even in the best of intentions, then you will INEVITABLY deny the others.
As a result, you loose your ability to ENJOY the Grandness of Life itself and deny that Godly spark within you, and, instead of smiling all day long and being happy just to be and appreciative of all the opportunities presented to you, you begin to condemn, and to condemn that which you ARE.
And once you do that, you begin to seek the ways to condemn the others and everything, just as a means of a "revenge" of perverted kind. For if you are not as "good" as you think you "SHOULD" be, then the others must be even worse than you. Otherwise, you sensitive ego hurts. What a trip!
And this is precisely what the "Illuminati" are with their "negative approach" of "eternal fight" "between good and evil" which in itself is EVIL, and of the most treacherous and sophisticated kind.
Mr. Van Duyn brags about the "Illuminati" "power" and "might" being the result of their perseverance, but, most likely, he does not even realize that it is not just "perseverance". It is a STRUGGLE! Because if perseverance is a result of your inner earning out of pure Joy of being able to express the Creativity then it is something natural and not disharmonious. But "perseverance" out of desire to control, dominate and impose YOUR views and ideas on others is a totally different matter. In essence, it is nothing more than creation of hell, disharmony, and violence is simply inevitable as a result.
"That is all there is to it".
Here's a pretty interesting thing that has, one might say, a "stunning effect":
"No president, no king, no dictator, nor prime minister dares to criticize my name nor the Bilderbergers, and they know they are the puppets of the powerful Illuminati working from behind the scenes".
First of all, it should be noted that the very idea of "no one dares to criticize us" is a psychiatric pathology - the highest form of intolerance and a complete denial of everything else. Only the truly sick people or servants of evil are able to say such a thing.
Of course, if they are merely corrupt puppets of the "Illuminati" it is possible to say such a thing. But then it turns out that the whole world is rotten to an extent beyond comprehension. Then the question arises: How did it happen, that even KINGS and "presidents" sold their souls? Was it not a result of the ultimatum: either you do what you are told, or jump from the roof of a skyscraper, so you don't to suffer long and hard? Because if you refuse us, than what will be left of you is nothing even worth mentioning, as it happened with Yanukovych in Ukraine and too many others who said "no" to these forces of darkness and "wolves in sheep's clothes".
Because no one in this world is the "supreme authority". Because it is a contextual issue. Everything depends on unimaginably large number of parameters, aspects, preferences and situations. And it also depends on the individual needs of a particular individual at the moment, which, as of unavoidable necessity, is different from the needs and the way of development and evolving of other entities. It is not for no reason they say "to each his own". Young fruit needs water, and to the mature fruit water may only hurt. Children need milk but not the elderly. And so with everything else, whoever you might be.
Moreover, it is a sign of weakness, rather than strength. Because the strong man has nothing to fear in criticism. Because through the criticism you have a chance to look at yourself and your mistakes in perception and blindness from the outside of yourself, from a certain distance, from a different angle and different perception and, thereby, see the very essence of your misconceptions, misunderstanding and blindness.
Denial and even more so, the strict ban, and under the threat of violence, is perhaps the most horrible disease of all - disease which stands against Life itself. Because the very Life is a process of growth and development, regardless of your level or degree of "advancement" or "sophistication", "elitism" or "perfection." And this is the very essence of Creativity - eternal SEEing and becoming AWARE of more and more aspects that, by the inevitable necessary, were not previously available to you.
And therefore, to deny the criticism is to deny Life itself, as such. And this is also a dead end. Such beings are not able to develop any further, at least for as long as they do not realize the futility of the approach of denial of ones own limitations.
Furthermore, to hold on to whatever in this world is the futility, as is trying to elevate oneself to the throne of some "ruler of the world", who is the only one among all who "knows" something. The question arises: what precisely does he or they know, at least outside of violence and the imposition of certain doctrines upon all others? Do they know this:
All you have in your hands is dust and nothing but the dust, no matter how "great" you would consider yourself to be.
And the name of this law - the Law of illusion. Law of futility of primitive intelligence, which has lost its contact with the Source.
And if they did not know it, so let them know. For this is a Will and the Law. The Law, which stands outside of all the laws they known. The Law of Life.
And perhaps the most significant aspect of this idea of "no one dares to criticize us" is the fact that this formula no longer works. Those times are gone. Because it is simply impossible in the information terms. Yes, for as long as the forces of evil and global domination and parasitism were able destroy and suppress the information, kill the authors, purchase and burn the whole editions and close or buy out the publishers, that is, could completely control the information streams, they were able "get away with it" because people did not really know of anything real.
But today we live in a different world and the information can no longer be suppressed and destroyed because it is simply impossible, and for purely technical reasons. Moreover, all that unique information, which they thought they destroyed, suddenly, "out of nowhere" surfaced on the very surface, and even more than that, it has emerged in such a way that the original information achieved power and might never seen before, which is a fact and not some "conspiracy theory" as they love to classify things in order to delude people.
And, even if they continue to kill the authors, to eliminate the reporters and shut the mouths of all those who were able to get to the truth, or close down the entire publications, it will not work. Because today, as soon as new information or a new view at the conglomeration of existing information comes to light, it becomes immortal. It will no longer be possible to destroy and even prevent its spread, and again, for purely technical reasons.
The information can no longer be destroyed or suppressed, no matter how many "laws" they enact trying to stamp some "evil" label on it. And more than that, every human being has the BASIC RIGHT to receive the information of his choosing and no government or power of any kind has the right to prohibit of interfere with access to the information, as expressed in the Universal Declaration of Basic Human Rights, articles 18, 19 and 30. And, mind you, BASIC Human Rights and not some luxury!
"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."
"Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein."
Yes, nowadays no one even mentions this declaration, like it does not exist, and many governments around the world have enacted the "laws" that clearly violate this Declaration, which is an exercise in futility.
Even if they close down or block the whole websites, and globally, as they are currently attempting to do all over the world, frantically creating piles of so-called "laws" allegedly in the name of "fighting terrorism", "extremism" and other isms, they are constantly inventing as they go, it will not work. And again, for purely technical reasons.
And this could be the reason why Mr. Van Duyn stated that "our new enemy is the media". Because that was quite a remarkable of a statement in the light that they claim to control the whole world, and yet, for some strange reason, they claim the media is their "new enemy", which implies that they do not and can not control it. How could this be the case if they own and control everything and everyone, top to bottom, via their agents or "agentur" as they are called in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion? So, we are yet to see the meaning of "our new enemy - the media".
Because the new technologies have emerged "out of nowhere", which are able to assure that you can have a complete and up-to-date information from any site, even if it is blocked worldwide. These technologies are called "Sync", which means that your personal computer or cell phone is always "in sync" and has the latest and most complete information from some site regardless of whether is is blocked. And it is possible, even today, with the help, for example, of such programs as BTSync, Syncthing, Tahoe LAFS or Hive2Hive . For example:
BTSync Detailed User Guide
And so, Mr. Van Duyn, the "Illuminati" and ZioNazi "banking Mafia" - THE TIME HAS COME TO WAKE UP TO REALITY OF THAT WHICH IS ...
And so, let us get started, ladies and gentlemen in the jury ...
Firstly, Mr. Van Duyn, whether he realizes it or not, thus recognizes the responsibility of the Bilderbergers as well as his personal, for all the chaos created in the world and rivers of blood spilled "under their attentive guidance". And these things mean that he and they shall be condemned at the highest level. And a "condemnation" at this level means either death or complete annihilation. And he should know about such consequences, and he knows really well what means "condemnation."
Thus, he acknowledges that this grand secret plot to take over the world is but a criminal scheme, and nothing more than that. Yes, it is precisely a conspiracy. And the consequences for them will be something they are not very likely to even comprehend. Because they voluntarily surrendered their souls to evil. Evil, no matter how "powerful" it may seem, is not capable of conquering and ceasing the human essence. Such is simply impossible, as they are beginning to realize.
Secondly, in this statement Mr. Van Duyn admits that he is a fanatical dictator who does not tolerate absolutely anything outside of what was programmed into his mentally ill mind.
" 98% of those who accumulated capital and power become psychopaths, hunting after millions of us, and killing, remaining seemingly charming while relating to others, with sudden viciousness."
One trillion dollars worth are the Rockefellers, 500 trillion are Rothschilds.
98% накопивших капитал и власть становятся психопатами
Психиатр консультант ФБР по психопатии Д-р наук Роберт Харе (Dr. Robert Hare, Phd.)
[Идет война Народная - Информационная война ]
Here's more:
Robert Hare, professor of psychology at the University of Vancouver, is considered to be one of the world's foremost experts in the study of psychopathy. He estimates that about 1% of the population are psychopaths. "Psychopaths use superficial charm, manipulation, intimidation, and violence to control others and satisfy their own selfish needs," he says. "They lack conscience and feelings for others, cold-bloodedly take what they want and do as they please, violating social norms and expectations without the slightest guilt or regret."
In the go-getting, ruthless world of modern business, such personal qualities are often valued and encouraged.
The result? A psychopath who stays on the right side of the law can go far, charming and manipulating their way to the top of the career ladder and treading on those in their way. "These individuals are every bit as egocentric, callous and manipulative as the average criminal psychopath," says Robert Hare. "However, their intelligence, family background, social skills and circumstances permit them to construct a facade of normalcy and to get what they want with relative impunity."
Psycho bosses on the loose
Are you in their line of fire?
And the world can not evolve in an environment of heavy-handed dictatorship of fanatics, inevitably and forever "cutting off the oxygen" to everyone else. Under the conditions of dictatorship there appear degenerative and deformed entities whose minds are no longer functioning independently, but instead eternally rely upon the dictates and slogans of their puppeteers.
The end result is a sick world. And all this talk about an alleged "catalyst for the development of the mind" via "unity and struggle of the opposites" is a lie and a distortion of the Truth itself. Because no good of any kind may come out of evil. And that is why it was said:
15. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17. Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
And this, dear jurors, is condemnation of the so-called "negative approach of stimulating the development of Intelligence". Because it does not work. In principle, and had NEVER worked, under ANY circumstances.
Because evil has a property that it can ONLY ACCUMULATE. It can not be "improved upon" in any other way, but to bring even greater evil.
And this is the Law! And it was said from the Spheres Incomprehensible.
Thus, all this dictatorship by mentally and spiritually sick and blind fanatics imposing some doctrines upon you, and for the sake of achieving THEIR goals, not yours, is noting more than acts and deeds of "the blind leading the blind, only to fall into a ditch". And that is the BEST case scenario. Or manifestation of evil, and in pure sense of it.
Evil begetting evil and devouring everything, the final and inevitable outcome of which is self-destruction. And in the worst case, the annihilation.
If there is something which devours,
I'll leap within it, though I bring the world to ruins -
The world which bulks between me and the abyss
I will smash to pieces my enduring curses.
I'll throw my arms around its harsh reality,
Embracing me, the world will dumbly pass away,
And then sink down to utter nothingness,
Perished, with no existence - that would be really living.
(Talmudist and satanist Karl Marx)
Perished, with no existence - that would be really living
(Under the Sign of the Scorpion by Juri Lina)
In his poem "The Pale Maiden" Marx writes:
Thus heaven I've forfeited,
I know it full well.
My soul, once true to God,
Is chosen for hell..
In another of Marx's poems, "Human Pride" (published in "World Revolution" by Nesta Webster, p. 167), he writes the following:
With disdain I will throw my gauntlet
Full in the face of the world,
And see the collapse of this pygmy giant
Whose fall will not stifle my ardour.
Then I will be able to walk triumphantly
Like a god, through the ruins of their kingdom.
Every word of mine is fire and action.
My breast is equal to that of the Creator.
We are the 'acquirers' and are interested only in satisfying the 'self.' To understand our philosophy understand the term 'to get.'
We never give but only take. We never labor but enjoy the fruits of others' labor. We do not create but confiscate. We are not the producers but the parasites..
We can physically live within any society, but always remain spiritually apart. To work would be to produce and the highest form of that labor would be to create.
The Hidden Tyranny - Sensational interview with Harold Wallace Rosenthal
And now let's look at the following statement by Van Duyn:
"And then comes Brussels and the European Community. Let’s fire them all. Those horrible useless people, sitting in nice conference room, kick out Herman Van Rompuy (sorry Herman) but he is useless. Brussels the evil city of the world ruled by the Illuminati".
Sorry, but who created Brussels and that grandiose Euro-scheme called EU on the way of creation of a single world empire of evil, controlled by obedient servant of Lucifer? Mr. Van Duyn himself declares, almost from the first sentence of his speech:
"Since the creation of the Bilderberg meeting back in 1954, my father [William Gerrit Van Duyn], HRH Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld, Henry Kissinger, decided to organize an event to unite different entities from industry, politics and culture. After the fourth Meeting back in 1958, the Bilderberg members put together the conditions of the Treaty of Rome. It was finally signed and the European Community was born with 6 States members. Today the European Community contents 28 countries. And today the Bilderbergers advise 134 states members".
Does not it directly state that you yourselves have created this great scam to take over the world, as a part of the three super-continents that eventually had to be combined into a single world empire of evil?
So what have you created and for what purpose, if you declare today that they are all just useless lackeys of yours and that it would be better to fire them all and close down that outfit for scums, criminals, drug addicts and perverts of all kinds called the EU, or rather Euro-USSR as it is called by perhaps the best of the researchers and historians?
And what are the fruits of your work with the so called "catalyst" for the "development of the Intelligence"? Where is the results of your grandiose schemes and what do they actually signify or achieve?
Let us, for starters, look at the organizers and founders of this NWO scam called EU. Unfortunately, with "His Majesties" to find out what is what is not so simple. Because at that level, everything is top secret to such an extent that even the CIA would envy it and all those who "disclosed", in the terminology of the "Illuminati", are punishable by death. In other words, those who revealed the most fundamental "secrets" are simply doomed. But in the words of Van Duyn there is another remarkable figure - Henry Kissinger. And about that "co-ruler" of everything some things are known and there exist enough of his quotations to see some quite revealing things.
"I prefer in Russia chaos and civil war to trends of reunification of its peoples into a single, strong centralized state."
(Henry Kissinger).
“Today, Americans would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow, they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence.
It is then that all people of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government.”
(Henry Kissinger).
And here his "shocking prediction on current geo-politics", something that may raise some eyebrows:
And is this what is happening today with this insane scam in Ukraine carried out via these ZioNazi puppets "of the banking mafia", all of whom, for some reason, are of "God's chosen people" brand? Ukraine, you know, was even brought on a platter as a "present" on the day of "independence" of Israel, quite officially - through the Embassy of Ukraine in Israel! If you can even conceive of such a thing. And any testimony of an embassy, which has not been subsequently refuted, is the official position of the state! Isn't it?
And here are some other "advanced" ideas of one of the co-founders this grand conspiracy. Yes, Kissinger is definitely "something". Perhaps only Ahaad Ha'am can match him, if not the "Moshiach" - fake messiah Menachem Mendel Schneerson, behind whom stands one of four biggest bankers in the world - Baruch, according to Edward Hodos, who is probably the number one expert in the world on "Chabad Mafia" ruling the world, and in REALITY.
Aren't these the same drums we hear today in Ukraine, Iraq and even Nigeria? Just look at this degenerate "having a good time" when he is talking about viciousness of barbaric grade and smiling like their false "moshiach", Menachem Mendel Schneerson.
Degenerate satanist of "God's chosen" brand, Henry Kissinger - one of "grand masters" of the NWO scam. The sickest man alive, only on the par with the "mad dog" Zbigniew Brzezinski's kind. What is he smiling about while talking about the "drums of war"? Is he psychopath, by ANY chance, like nearly ALL of them are?
By Andrew Jacobson, on December 26th, 2011
NEW YORK - USA - In a remarkable admission by former Nixon era Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, reveals what is happening at the moment in the world and particularly the Middle East.
Originally published as: Henry Kissinger: "If You Can't Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf"
Author: By Alfred Heinz
Speaking from his luxurious Manhattan apartment, the elder statesman, who will be 89 in May, is all too forward with his analysis of the current situation in the world forum of Geo-politics and economics.
"The United States is bating China and Russia, and the final nail in the coffin will be Iran, which is, of course, the main target of Israel. We have allowed China to increase their military strength and Russia to recover from Sovietization, to give them a false sense of bravado, this will create an all together faster demise for them.
We're like the sharp shooter daring the noob to pick up the gun, and when they try, it's bang bang. The coming war will be so severe that only one superpower can win, and that's us folks.
This is why the EU is in such a hurry to form a complete superstate because they know what is coming, and to survive, Europe will have to be one whole cohesive state. Their urgency tells me that they know full well that the big showdown is upon us. O how I have dreamed of this delightful moment."
"Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people."
Mr Kissinger then added: "If you are an ordinary person, then you can prepare yourself for war by moving to the countryside and building a farm, but you must take guns with you, as the hordes of starving will be roaming. Also, even though the elite will have their safe havens and specialist shelters, they must be just as careful during the war as the ordinary civilians, because their shelters can still be compromised."
After pausing for a few minutes to collect his thoughts, Mr Kissinger, carried on: "We told the military that we would have to take over seven Middle Eastern countries for their resources and they have nearly completed their job. We all know what I think of the military, but I have to say they have obeyed orders superfluously this time. It is just that last stepping stone, i.e. Iran which will really tip the balance. How long can China and Russia stand by and watch America clean up?
The great Russian bear and Chinese sickle will be roused from their slumber and this is when Israel will have to fight with all its might and weapons to kill as many Arabs as it can. Hopefully if all goes well, half the Middle East will be Israeli. Our young have been trained well for the last decade or so on combat console games, it was interesting to see the new Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 game, which mirrors exactly what is to come in the near future with its predictive programming.
Our young, in the US and West, are prepared because they have been programmed to be good soldiers, cannon fodder, and when they will be ordered to go out into the streets and fight those crazy Chins and Russkies, they will obey their orders. Out of the ashes we shall build a new society, there will only be one superpower left, and that one will be the global government that wins. Don't forget, the United States, has the best weapons, we have stuff that no other nation has, and we will introduce those weapons to the world when the time is right."
End of interview. Our reporter is ushered out of the room by Kissinger's minder.
Kissinger makes a shocking prediction on current geo-politics
(ZioNazi quotes - NWO)
The Daily Squib
Original Source:
Area 14/8
Never forget your freedom
Here is some more "insights" about Kissinger. Note John Colman "The Committee of 300" book. Something definetely worth looking at.
Search on:
It's quite a remarkable moment and its consequences are inevitable.
"Next year positive results will show to the world that we aren’t evil, but we help humanity что because humanity isn’t able to rescue itself."
First of all, from what does humanity needs to be "rescued"? Not from YOU by any chance? Wasn't it you and ZioNazi "banking mafia" who created this hell and now are pretending to be some "knight on a white horse" who is even ready to sacrifice himself in order to "rescue" humanity?
Secondly, humanity does not need to be "rescued". It needs VISION and AWARENESS. Because the true solutions of all the current issues and "problems" is only possible in a state of awareness, or SEEING the very essence, or "turning on" or "presence" or silence in your forever occupied mind that rumbles and piles up mental constructs 24 hours a day at the same time as it is practically "unplugged" from this moment.
And that is why it was said: "Blind Leading the blind - are bound to fall into a pit".
All the so-called rulers, and Van Duyn and "Bilderbergers" are not exception, first do everything possible and impossible to lead people by the noses and manipulate their minds in order to achieve their personal insidious goals of mentally and spiritually sick megalomaniacs parasiting on all and everything because they deny creativity as such, and then they act as some "saviors" eternally promising people some amorphous "bright future", which forever remains beyond the horizon, and "rivers of milk with shores made of honey."
Because they are parasites, and not some benefactors of any kind. And they are interested in humanity only in order to extract some "gain" for themselves and parasitize on the fruits of creativity and work of others. And they are interested in "control" and domination of all and everything. Because their minds were inculcated with this poison of "control" from the cradle and by their own parents and ancestors.
After all, who created these satanic orgies in Ukraine? Who yells of Russian "aggression", like a chicken with his throat cut, while, at the same time knowing full well that they themselves have created this whole mess and they themselves provoke everyone and everything and they themselves lie on unimaginable scale and distort the essence of it, turning everything upside down. And they even go as far as such a madness as blaming the victim side for "aggression."
So, they themselves provoke and stage a bloody coup and are the aggressors in the truest sense of the word, and then they act as some "knight on a white horse", whose mission is "salvation" of humanity. Because they are the two-faced hypocrites and they are interested in saving humanity as much as you are interested in yesterday rain. That is why it was said:
Hypocrites two-faced and Pharisees with scribes. They say bread, bread, and there is no bread!
They say "peace, peace" and meanwhile accumulate an incredible amount of weapons in the name of supposedly "fighting against terrorism" and develop plans for war. And they stage these wars non stop all over the world. As soon as one war ends they start the next one. Thus, humanity never has a chance to recuperate from this non ending violence and tremendous resources are lost and wasted and rivers of blood flow non stop, all of which is done for the single purpose - for these satanists to finally take over the world and convert it into a single empire of evil, a global concentration camp called the NWO. And it has been this way ALWAYS and at all times. They themselves attack and then offer some "salvation"! From whom? - From themselves?
Not only that, but they cherish the plans of global genocide and on the inconceivable scale. For example, what is written in the "American Stonehenge"? And what is written on it in part is this:
Maintain humanity under 500 million
in perpetual balance with nature.
American Stonehenge - the instructions on the Illuminati New World Order
Can you even begin to imagine what does it mean and what has to be done in order to do so? Well, what has to be done is a genocide on a scale unseen in the entire history. In order to decrease the population by the factor of more than 10 you need a global nuclear warfare!!!
When queen Elizabeth states that she supports the reduction of population to 1 billion, what does it mean if not exactly the same thing?
Thirdly, no Van Duyn of any kind or any "ruling bloodline" has absolutely no authority to make the statements about whether humanity is capable of "rescuing" themselves unless he has a "crystal ball" to stare at while entering in a state of "ecstasy of unity with Lucifer".
Because it is not given to them - the Pharisees with their scribes. And they know not of a degree with which the humanity is capable of not only "rescuing" itself, but to move to a phase of development, which is unthinkable for these parasites and aggressors. Because the most important mechanism - Creativity is disabled in them. And that is precisely why they are doomed. And at the outset.
So, the "moral of this story" is: Humanity does not need "salvation." It needs AWAKENING and AWARENESS of that which has been going on at all times and is happening now. And they need to remember this old wisdom of the people:
Trust but verify!.
And verify EVERYTHING! Down to a penny, and ALWAYS and at all times. If you take anything on blind faith in some "bright future" then you end up with the situation in which humanity is right now. And you can not live by the notions of "how could anyone do such nasty things"? Because they can and do. ALWAYS. And in fact, THAT is their favorite occupation - to concoct all sorts of evil plans while being convinced that it is all for "good" and "enlightenment". But deep inside they are merely sadists and sadomasochists.
Because they simply have no such a notion as "good". "Good" to them means "good" for MYSELF and MY "interests". Anything else is simply laughable to them. That is the very nature of the "dark side".
And if you live consciously and "plugged in" into the moment, everything happens "automatically" and all the solutions and any questions and problems will inevitably come. And, characteristically, it all happens in joy and curiosity to explore the next level of development of the Intelligence. And it comes with gratitude for all the opportunities presented by the process of Life and the realization of all the beauty inherent in all living things.
Life becomes a dance and a song and a poem and a painting of unimaginable beauty and harmony.
And these servants of the "dark forces" always and at all times have turned everything upside down, and replaced the inherent joy of life with endless "battles" with all sorts of "enemies" invented by themselves. In order to disconnect you from the Source and thus weaken you, so to "win" over you would have been easier. Because they, like all the parasites, have one thing in their head - wars, chaos, turmoil and confusion and creation of artificial "problems" for everyone in order to suck the sap of your Life forces and vitality and thus weaken you.
Creativity is turned off in parasites. They can only suck the energy of all others. And that is why they were called the vampires and leeches sucking the sap of Life from all others.
And their "negative approach", allegedly being the stimulant of development of Intelligence, is the creation of turbidity. They stir the water in the lake so the bottom could not be seen, as it is known from the Raja Yoga. And that is why there is an expression "muddy the waters" or just "muddy."
But all that is necessary is to switch your mind from the notion of "I" to the notion of "WE". "That is all there is to it".
Because precisely that "I" is the trap set by evil forces in order to separate everyone and thus WEAKEN you all as a whole. Because if you are united as one and realize that all of you, without exception, are brothers and sisters and mothers and children, your power and ability to address any questions of actuality increases to unimaginable magnitude.
And this joy is incendiary, infectious. It distributes and propagates to all like a virus. And it is the channel to the Source of Life itself. When you do good things to others what do you feel within yourselves? - Have you noticed? And what do feel those to whom you did a good thing and helped in a difficult situation? Do you not see that they return you even BIGGER joy, perhaps not even being quite aware of it?
And what happens when you are interested in your own "I" with its "personal interests," which are inevitably the variations on the theme of "survival"? Do not you feel shrinking, trembling and subconscious fear? And isn't it not the reason why your biggest parasites have become so insensitive, dumb-like, while trying to suppress the natural warning signals from within their depths that tell them that they are on the wrong path, which will eventually and inevitably lead them to a dead end?
When you do nasty things to others for your own "interests" you are just poisoning yourself with a powerful poison. And, as a result of this, you will suffer the consequences of your own insensitivity created by self-denial, and ultimately and inevitably bringing the state of subconscious fear in you.
In its natural state, the human soul experiences joy and lightness and curiosity and desire to continue to be.
And when you have a fear, anger, jealousy, revenge, depression, self-pity, not to mention the ideas of violence or destruction, then you are in a trap, set up by the "dark forces", as is fashionable to call them today. And you will inevitably loose a huge amount of your Life energy fighting with imaginary illusions. And the more you lose of this energy the weaker you become and the harder it will be to return to your natural state of oneness with Life and Joy of discovery and appreciation, and not an illusion of "death."
And thus, there needs to be smile on your face from morning to night and in your heart better be sitting Joy and a giggle. Yes, there are moments of sadness, frustration and different acts of aggression against you. But all of it will dissolve in a completely natural way and in most cases, within seconds, even though there will be the most powerful radiation against you that can put you in a negative state for days. But it will dissolve in time.
And when you experience negativity, ask yourself a simple question: Is THIS what I want? - What do I need it for? After all, you do have a choice, don't you? You can suffer even in utterly ordinary situations, or you can laugh at all this absurdity, which seems like some "problem." But almost all of these "problems" are simply laughable, when you finally see the very roots of where they originate.
Because ALL of you are the everlasting carriers of The Infinite All-Permeating Multidimensional Intelligence, Eternally Unfolding. It is you who are the manifestations of that Intelligence, the Root of all Roots and The Beginning of all the Beginnings - Life. Because this is the Will and the Law.
Here is an interesting and not quite apparent moment, which is a conceptual basis of the so-called "negative approach" to supposedly stimulate development of the Intelligence, as it was described, for example, by various "insiders", such as "Hidden Hand".
Window of Opportunity
(Revelations of the Insider - 3)
It is about "balance" between good and evil, or as it is known in Marxism, the concept of "unity and struggle of the opposites."
"... God has other plans with humanity.
He creates the balance between good and evil".
Yes, a tricky argument. But let us see.
Above all, WHAT God creates or does may only be known only by Himself, or rather ITself, but not by a mortal. It is not given to them.
And God is not "He" or "She". Those are applicable to individuated entities which means mortals. Attributing "He" to God means Mr. Van Duyn is blind and is carrying his primitive ideas of a mortal to the levels well beyond mortality. On one hand they claim that God does not exist, and on the other hand, they refer to It as "he".
First of all, of which "God" Mr. Van Duyn is talking about here? The "insiders", and in particular the one who calls himself "Hidden Hand", claim that their "god" is not the one who is your God. Their "god" is Lucifer, as they claim. The same thing is with the "Illuminati" and, interestingly enough, with "God chosen people", or more appropriately ZioNazis. That is what unites them all.
And they wrap this concept of "light" around Lucifer and call him "the morning star" and attribute the concept of "salvation of mankind" from eternal slumber in the "imbecile perimeter" of the Garden of Eden.
But how do they know what or who Lucifer is and what are his genuine deeds, plans or ideas? The thing is, in order to know who or what is Lucifer you need to be on HIS level. You need to BE him. And in fact that is what the "ruling dynasty of Lucifer" on this planet claims. They say we ARE him, we ARE his very essence. But this is nothing but a lie and a wishful thinking. For one thing, some say, and it is also written in the Scriptures, that he has fallen, or, in other words, has been annihilated and thousands of years ago. Try to prove that this is not the case?
Do these "Illuminati" have any EVIDENCE of the existence of such an entity as Lucifer? Yes, they do tune in into some egregore (also egregor) and yes, once you tune into something it gets manifested on more subtle levels.
See: Egregore
But that is about all they can possibly claim. And the egregore is an energy and information field. When you go to the stadium or some concert or a show what you are dealing with is the same thing as egregore. When everyone unites around the same idea what you get is egregore. The same thing with all sorts of discoveries.
It has been noticed in science that some inventions appear nearly simultaneously by several independent authors, who may not even know each other and who might never even communicated with each other and who live in completely different parts of the world. In other words, once you tune-in to some idea or aspect, you enter that particular egregore and the information from different entities tuned-in to the same wavelength becomes available to all the participants.
But it is nothing more than an act, an impersonation, a wishful thinking regardless of how "real" it may look to you at the moment. Else, if your thought-forms were as real as these people think, then you could literally kill with your energy projections, and if you could do that, Life would end nearly instantaneously. Just realize how many "bad" deeds and thoughts have you carried throughout your lives and how many times have you deserved to be annihilated as a result of some of your deeds. Does it tell you something?
So, when the "Illuminati" mention "god" it needs to be remembered that everything is "upside down" in their "system" or view. The one they have in mind when they mention "god", for you, most likely, is known as devil, Satan or Lucifer. Yes, there are other names for it, but they all relate to that which is known as evil or destructive or parasitic force.
What may look like something "bad" or even deadly to you, may look like something "good" to them and vice versa. This is the very nature and one of main operating principles of the "dark side" meant to create the confusion and blindness in the minds of their victims or "slaves" or even "animals" as "god chosen people" call the rest of the people. The same exact signature.
Secondly, under what authority does Mr. Van Duyn make a testimony on behalf of God? Does he have any right or authority to come to such a delusion as to assert what God plans or does? The thing is that a mortal, and that is who Mr. Van Duyn and all these "Illuminati" are, does not have the knowledge available at that level. Purely logically, it is not about "god", but about that which is comprehensible by the mind of a mortal, which makes the whole thing nothing but absurd.
Thirdly, yes, certainly, "Hidden hand" did describe the system which he called the "negative approach" of Lucifer quite clearly and understandably, and yes, it states, that it is the foundation of their view that the Intelligence can develop and evolve, at least "effectively", only by contrasting the opposites. Thus the ideas of "eternal struggle". So, unless you experience something negative, like hurt, pain and so on, there exists to stimuli for you to grow and become more intelligent. In psychology it is called the "negative reinforcement" approach.
To put is simply, you can know who or what you are only through the realization of what you are NOT. A tricky concept indeed. Try to argue it. But isn't it but a trap? And here's why.
The thing is that in order to know that you ARE something with this approach, you would have to deny the whole world, ad infinitum. Are you a cockroach? A sofa? A beast? A thief? A killer? A conman? Etc. etc. - to infinity.
And how can you possibly know that you are not a thief or a murderer? How do you know how does one feel or experiences while climbing up the Himalayan mountains or fighting on a battle field? Read it in some philosophical treatise or watching some theater performance?
No, dear jury, you will have to BECOME him. Otherwise, where is the guarantee that you have not missed some aspects of it and, therefore, have not known it in all its fullness? - And there is no such a guarantee. And if there is no such a guarantee, your knowledge is incomplete and not all-inclusive from the standpoint of various aspects, of which, incidentally, there is an infinite number.
And if you do not know something completely, then how do you know that you haven't missed the most essential and fundamental properties of if because of which black may become white and vice versa? Furthermore, it takes a lifetime to learn that you are NOT something. It is not for no reason there is a saying: as long as you live, forever learn.
Thus, according to this scheme, you have to become all that which you are NOT, which will take you infinity, besides other things. And only then can you be certain that you know that which you indeed ARE! And even that is questionable.
Question: and even then, how can you know that you have learned ALL the aspects, and ALL, without exception, of that which you are NOT? And that is the problem with this approach and it leads you not towards the light, but just the other way around - to utter darkness and confusion. The more you "know" the more you get confused. One piece of your knowledge begins to conflict with the others.
It merely increases the complexity of the problem without any assurance of ever solving it. Just look at the most educated and knowledgeable people. The best of them has said, just like Socrates: "The one thing I know is that I know nothing". And, shockingly enough, this is precisely why Socrates was named the most intelligent person in the entire empire. Strange, isn't it?
And Socrates could tare apart any philosopher to pieces in a single sentence. In fact, he enjoyed tremendously to argue with the best philosophers and destroy them in his dialogs with them and showing them that they are nothing more than mere fools and con-men who do not really know what they are talking about.
One of the masterpieces of Socrates is his dialog about beauty. Definitely worth reading. It is not a very long dialog because Socrates had finished his opponent pretty much from the second sentence except that conman did not even realize to the very end.
Does it tell you something?
But genuine learning is of positive nature and direct knowledge and perception. You learn what is a pen by observing it and using it. Even if you point to a sofa and state that it is NOT a pen, then how do you learn what IS a pen if you have never seen it and never had to deal with it? How do you learn what is a dog if you have never even seen one? By pointing to a pigeon and saying it is NOT a dog? How is it possible to learn something if you can not even identify it? And how do you identify it? - By negation of the infinite number of choices and aspects?
Isn't this absurd? Do you see a trap laid for the naive and "blind being lead by the blind"?
And therefore, according to the "negative approach", it turns out: "the worse - the better." And then come the rivers and seas of blood, parasitism, exploitation, violence, domination, murder and wars and everything else. Allegedly, so you learn what you are NOT.
And that is precisely how they lead you by your noses to the places where they want you to be - the lands of confusion and darkness. They promise you some "light", but take you "to chase shadows in the valley of darkness".
And ALL of it comes in the name of eventual, and yet amorphous and never defined "good". But what is "good"? Try to define it without the help of some "scripture"!
Obviously! Killing people by millions and spilling the rivers of blood, not even mentioning the purely material aspects of it, is done to HELP them!!! Or not THEM? Then WHOM? The "Illuminati", so that they will eventually learn that they are NOT the murderers, criminals and parasites or "kings" and "emperors" of some kind?
For in order to know something with certainty and in all its fullness you have to become it. In order for you to know that you are not a murderer you have to BECOME a murderer and of the most vicious and ultimate kind there is. Otherwise, your knowledge is not complete and there can be no certainty that you have really learned it in its fullness. Simple as that.
Furthermore, to know something in its fullness is simply impossible. No matter what and how much you know, there will forever remain the aspects and subtleties that you have not learned yet. That is why there is Life and that is why it evolves. For if you could EVER come to a state of complete knowledge, you would effectively come to a state known as absolute. And beyond absolute there is nothing. Absolute can not evolve. Because it is the final state that includes all the possible permutations of everything known or even theoretically conceivable. Yes, there is a subtlety here related to dynamic nature of everything, but let us skip it for now as to not make the whole thing more complicated than it is necessary.
The question arises: but how much have you approached that which you ARE and how could it be measured or determined? Does any one of you, including Mr. Van Duyn and all the "Illuminati" combined know who they indeed ARE? Where is it said? Can we look at it? Because in this speech of Mr. Van Duyn except of complaints about how stupid the people are, and their "governments" and various party fanatics, etc. and all the problems that exist you will not find the answer to the question "but who is this Mr. Van Duyn in REALITY?" And then who are these so-called "Illuminati" and what is actually the essence of their messianic mission, of which they accuse the others?
What needs to be remembered here is that any and all "royal bloodlines" and "ruling families" have some "mission". And that is the main part of the "plot". The "royal family" can not exist without some "mission", whatever it might be. Quite often, it is merely a bloodline squabbles of all kinds.
But for the most part it IS some "grand mission" to "protect" something or to "save" something. Take away the concept of "mission" and no "royal bloodline" can exist, even in principle. Because deep inside they are utterly empty. ALL that drives them is some "mission". So, when Mr. Van Duyn accuses someone of being a "missionary", he'd better look in the mirror first.
Furthermore, their very existence depends on som "mission". Even the very idea of the NWO or global reduction of population to one tenths of what it is right now is what? Isn't it a "mission" of some kind? Otherwise, why would they care about it with all their money and "might" and "power"?
Therefore, the "Illuminati" without a mission is nothing more than a plain ordinary soap bubble. Simple as that.
What is that "light" they are preaching you? How do you even DEFINE Light? Is it something ABSOLUTE? Beyond any arguments? All-potent, omni-powerful and all-knowing? Can you even begin to imagine those things and aspects?
Finally, the very term "Illuminati" is a religious notion, even though they deny the religions as such, except of theirs. And the state of religiousness is a state of Joy and Awe and Wander and appreciation and a giggle and a smile. But what are these fake messiahs preaching you but slavery under "powerful Illuminati" that "control" and "advice" to the whole world? And what kind of "advice" do they actually provide? Can we see that in open?
And that is the whole of this story. And the rest is easy.
So, for all non-Satanists, the process of getting in contact with God is POSITIVE and DIRECT approach. In other words, you do not come to some conclusion about what and who you are by DENIAL. But you come to it through direct AWARENESS of that who you indeed ARE, as, for example, was taught by Jesus as recorded in the New Testament.
And you are not a rock or an object. When you experience Joy and a smile on your face, that is who you are! When you experience pain and misery and anger and denial, THAT is who you are at that particular moment. That is why in India it was said by seers or "masters":
You ARE IT!!!
And it is also said: Tatthata - suchness. But let us not dig into it for now. We have enough as it stands.
For example, as attributed to Jesus, it was said: "Be like a child". Because a child's mind is still not corrupted with all sorts of knowledge and his natural giggle and a laughter point to that Joy that permeates all. Secondly, child is open and looks at everything with wide-open eyes and still unprejudiced mind, yet not programmed with all sorts of knowledge, most of which is either fake or a result of all sorts of misconceptions and blindness. Thirdly, child acts out of innocence because his mind is still not manipulative and not seeking for some "gain" for himself, but merely reflects the interplay of all and everything in Life.
That is why the wisest of them all look more like young children rather than grownups. They laugh like kids and they joke and blabber, just like young kids and there is forever a smile on their face, even though most of the time it is so subtle that not many will even recognize it.
Because the wisest of them all simply ENJOY!!!
And the most stupid of them all are forever "solving some problem". Just look at the "greatest thinkers" or philosophers. For one thing, quite a few of them eventually simply commit suicide! Strange! Such as "smart" and "intelligent" "giant of thought" and such a tragic end? How could this be? Then what is that knowledge they allegedly possess and how did it HELP them? Just to get even more confused than they were when they were children? Then what's the point of this exercise in futility?
Another example is when Jesus tells the people: why are you so afraid of "survival"? Just look at the birds. They do not have hands, do not earn money, have no insurance of any kind and there is no even a guarantee that they can find some food to eat. And yet they sing and play all day long. And you, having the abilities to do things with your hands and having all sorts of knowledge and tools are still miserable and are being driven by the fear of some imaginary "survival".
And you can find plenty of other examples of the Positive approach to finding out who you ARE in the New Testament and in other sources that undeniably point one in the Life-affirming direction and help one to see that Life does indeed "make sense" and it is Grand in its very nature. And it is Joy and Awe and Wander and Creativity and Care and appreciation and playfulness and other equally as significant aspects that allow one to see who one REALLY IS.
Yes, indeed, there is also bitterness in Life and seeing it is certainly something that raises some questions, and in particular: "Is it what I want to be?" "What do I need it for?". Would you rather suffer or ENJOY Life, regardless of the circumstances you are in?
Jesus has also pointed to your interrelationship and interdependence by providing an analogy with a branch growing from the trunk of a grape vine which, in turn, grows from the roots, which grow from the land which grows from cosmos.
And that IS who you REALLY are. You are a direct and inevitable consequence of the initial Divine manifestation. In other words, you are the particles of which "consists" God Itself, dissolved in all of you like a sugar in water, which you no longer see, but whose presence you clearly taste and feel. You can not point to God. Because it is everywhere, all permeating. But you can not assert that It does not exist. Yes, the individuated entity may not exist. But you can not talk about God as an individual sitting on some throne in heaven. And you can not talk about God in the image of man. Actually, all the talk about God is an attempt at futility. For how can anyone even comprehend that level?
But the "evidence" of Its existence is pretty obvious and simple: Because there is nothing without a source. Sure, it is not a direct evidence but implicit. For to have a direct evidence you, first of all, need the identity, and on the level of God identity becomes Infinite and infinite can not be identified by definition. Else it is finite. Because by very definition you set its boundaries and erect its limitations.
Certainly, there are endless arguments about the existence of Jesus and the reality of his divine roots. But if you look in the New Testament and skip the clearly unprovable or controversial moments, some of which have been explicitly created and planted for the purpose of discreditation, you can still see many different analogies pointing you to the direct path to that who you indeed ARE.
And what was said in the name of Jesus is the way of direct perception, or rather - AWARENESS or SEEING of that which you are. And it can happen instantaneously at any time. And there is no need to dive into evil of all kinds just to dirty your hands and soul just to realize eventually that this is not who you are.
The same thing happens with what is known as "wisdom of the people", a combined wisdom that came out of experience and which points you to those aspects and moments that facilitate Life. And that is why it is still alive and is being carried from generation to generation. And that wisdom gives you plenty of advices of what are the "good things to do" so that you continue to live in Harmony with others and nature itself. And that wisdom is of Positive nature to a large extent.
Furthermore, the positive approach takes you to the "higher" level, not the LOWER. So, instead of accumulating evil as you "learn", you accumulate Good, something that makes you want to continue to be. And every time you learn something it creates Joy. How does it feel to be a murderer forever facing death? Do you want to CONTINUE to be that way or you'd rather wish it all ended and so is your anxiety, misery, pain and uncertainty?
Because going through all sorts of evil you inevitably "dirty yourselves" and all sorts of consequences stick to you, and inevitably so. And this, in turn, leaves a deep genetic memory in you, which is a constraining and fear stimulating factor.
The thing is that any action, even a thought, as described for example, by Jesus, becomes manifest, even though some things become manifest on more "subtle" levels of existence. You do not commit an act of violence or perversion during the act itself. You commit it, in ESSENCE, at the moment when you have that idea in your mind. And you become it in the moment of intention. The manifestation itself is not more than the inevitable consequence.
Furthermore, any action or thought has implications of further development, including probabilistic alternatives. And any action or thought acquires virtually indestructible reality. You can not destroy something once created. Even if you physically destroy it, you still can not destroy all its possible probabilistic effects that would continue to live on independently of you. All you can do is to give birth to something and from then on it evolves according to its own reality and in its own context.
And that is precisely the tragic aspect of the so-called "negative approach". Because to erase evil in all its possible manifestations and probabilities of further development in future embodiments is practically impossible.
Yes, on the one hand, there is, for example, the story of a "lost and returned son" in the New Testament, where it is said that his father was glad for him to return back home more than he was glad for his other son, who had never left the house. Because the one who was lost and then have returned had EXPERIENCED the consequences of his errors and he is now a mature fruit, to corrupt or seduce which is no longer possible. Because he has learned and experienced the consequences of his mistaken views "on his own skin." And that is precisely why he had returned home.
And so it is for you to decide which path you choose. No one can make this choice for you.
And that is the whole story on this topic.
Here's the argument about the so called "negative approach" of Lucifer. Let us see if Mr. Van Duyn and so called "Illuminati" are honest and courageous enough, with all their "power" and "might" and "control" of the world to even argue their case in public.
And the way it works with the "Illuminati" is that if they take a certain position in some matter you will simply see certain things happening in the world. It is not a matter of them agreeing with something or giving you some word or even guarantee about their position.
Because what does their word mean in reality? - Well, nothing much. Because in their system there is a prayer called Kol Nidre. That is their most important and most revered prayer. And that prayer simply states that any agreements, contracts, promises they have signed or given are declared null and void by this prayer for the next year. That means no matter what they signed or promised, it means nothing to them for the duration of one year. And the next year they simply have to perform this prayer again and all their promises and agreements they will sign or give during the following year are null and void, and so ad infinitum.
You can clearly see this with politicians. It is simply mind blowing to see them lie and deceive and pervert and turn everything upside down with such an ease and even with a smile.
But, just as Christian Rakovsky stated during his interrogation as per order of Stalin in 1938, when he was asked by the interrogator but how do we know that you will do what you have promised and things are really going to happen the way we agreed. Upon which Rakovsky stated: you will simply see certain things happening and that is how you shall know that our agreement has been honored. Because no matter what kinds of guarantees or promises you will receive, what does it all mean and why do you think they (The Committee of 300) are going to follow upon it?
Here is the pertinent part of that interrogation of Rakovsky from the book called "Red Symphony" by Dr. J. Landowsky:
G. - But let us see; let us assume that your plan is accepted ... But we must have something tangible, personal, in order to be able to carry out negotiations.
R. - For example?
G. - Some person with powers of attorney and representation.
R. - But for what? Just for the pleasure of becoming acquainted with him? For the pleasure of a talk? Bear in mind that the assumed person, in case of his appearance, will not present you with credentials with seals and crests and will not wear a diplomatic uniform, at least a man from "Them"; if he were to say something or promise, then it will have no Juridical force or meaning as a pact ...
Understand that "They" are not a State; "They" are that which the International was before 1917, that which it still is nothing and at the same time everything.
Imagine to yourself if it is possible that the USSR would have negotiations with freemasonry, with an espionage organization, with the Macedonian Komitadgi or the Croatian Ustashi. Would not some Juridical agreement be written?
... Such pacts as the pact of Lenin with the German General Staff, as the pact of Trotzky with "Them" -- are realized without written documents and without signatures.
The only guarantee of their execution is rooted in the circumstance that the carrying out of that which has been agreed is profitable for the parties to the pact, this guarantee is the sole reality in the pact, however great may be its importance.
Where is the guarantee that "They" will follow through on their word?
(Red Symphony by Dr. J. Landowsky)
[Interrogation of Rakovsky - one of "Them", known as "The Committee of 300",
the Illuminati ruling the world.]
And that is how we are going to see the position of the "Illuminati" on this matter. Because it is certain that they will eventually read this analysis and will have to respond in one way or another. They simply have no choice. Otherwise, some consequences may follow and those consequences may turn out to be quite drastic for them. For the key issues have been brought up and are on the table now and their position has to be clarified in full this time around. It is simply inevitable.
So, here is the argument we are going to discuss here as far as "negative approach" vs. Positive approach go.
Now, in light of the fact that Mr. Van Duyn presents himself in his speech as someone who really cares for mankind and poses as someone, who really wants to help the miserable and even desperate situation on this planet, then he would have to explain the reason why he claims that God is doing some balancing act between the negative and the positive and good and evil and why "Illuminati" did not do anything to promote and facilitate Good DIRECTLY, and not via negation?
If they wanted to help the Intelligence to grow, then why not facilitate the education, stimulate the appearance and distribution of truthful information, bring up the essence of the issues and propose the effective and humane solutions, promote and finance the alternative energy technologies, such as, for example, the fuelless energy generation based on the works of Nikola Tesla and others, promote and facilitate natural and healthy food production and assure the clean water supplies, expose the corruption and corrupt politicians and all their lies?
In other words, if they really pursue the Truth and Good, why not do it DIRECTLY via Good acts? Why do just the opposite? What does it "stimulate" in reality?
Why, for example, the education system has been totally destroyed and converted into a system of zombification to mass produce biorobots to slave away for the benefit of parasites, whose minds are programmed like computers to merely select among a few predetermined choices while solving some problem?
Why instead of promoting and financing research on alternative energy technologies what we have instead is TOTAL suppression of any research, murder of scientists that had developed working prototypes, destruction of their labs and equipment and the rest of it?
Why do we have these endless wars for control of energy supplies? Not for control over the whole world by ANY chance? WHO is planning, staging and conducting these wars and under WHOSE watchful eye and guidance?
How much of the most negative things have been done to humanity and what is the result of it? WHERE is the INCREASE in Intelligence and how does it manifest itself outside of utterly inhuman mental processes which merely develop cunningness and calculativeness of the mind and promote the exploitation and manipulation of everything and anything?
Why do we see the corruption growing and devouring all and prostitution of ones own being and betrayal is increasing in geometric proportions?
Where is the RESULTS that prove that the "negative approach" is indeed stimulating the Intelligence? Do these "elites" have a SINGLE shred of proof that this approach indeed works?
Can we SEE that proof? - WHEN? Oh, "the next year" as Mr. Van Duyn promises in his speech talking about some "good things happening next year"? But why does it forever remain in the future, beyond the horizon which you can never reach even in principle?
Why not TODAY? NOW?
What is going on in Ukraine for example? The demonstration that the "Illuminati" are indeed "all powerful" and do indeed control all the so called governments and make them sing any song ordered by the "Illuminati" and lie their shark teeth off, turning everything upside down and bluntly lying to even those who have the first hand information and evidence that everything in fact is just the opposite to their lies?
Just look at the fiery speeches of all these Euro-puppets from Euro-USSR which they call EU. They themselves support violence, consult and provide the hired thugs from "Academy", formerly known as "Blackwater", to conduct the acts of sabotage, murder and violence, concoct all sorts of schemes to create chaos in Ukraine and totally bankrupt it as a sovereign state and convert it into a Zio-Nazi colony of evil. And this list is so big that it is comparable to the times of fascism and Nazi rule in Germany during the WWII or the Zio-Nazi takeover of Russia in 1917.
So, the question arises: WHO is doing it all especially considering the fact that Mr. Van Duyn states: "And today the Bilderbergers advise 134 states members"? First of all, there is a difference between the "advise" and "dictate". Because what is happening in Ukraine, Syria and even Nigeria does not look like a result of an "advise". It looks like DICTATES.
Because the advise one may follow or not. It is a matter of free choice. But one MUST follow the dictates. That is the difference. And the kind of total agreement between the nations and governments of the "civilized world" and even UN look like the results of the dictates. Because only in the communist or other totalitarian states there may be such an agreement, and furthermore, an agreement to do the utmost EVIL! How could this be if they merely followed some advises and not the dictates under some threat?
Therefore, Mr. Van Duyn and all these "Illuminati" are now obliged to provide the EVIDENCE that the approach of "balancing good and evil" does indeed work and we can all see it producing GOOD results. For it has been said:
15. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17. Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
And that is the VERDICT to all these "Illuminati" and the Zio-Nazi "banking mafia", serving the "dark side" with their eternal false promises of "good" that forever remains beyond the horizon.
And if we do not see anything genuinely Good in the nearest future then the following applies:
44. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.
He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.
When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: [from himself, on his own behalf, but not from God], for he is a liar and the father of lies.
And let them try to disprove the validity of it.
Which is a lie and/or perversion of the very essence of it all. Because Mr. Van Duyn says: "Why should we continue to rule the system behind closed doors?". Which means what?
First of all, you may review some information on Bilderbergers from some of the best researchers, experts and historians via following search:
"Bilderberg isn't a secret society, never was. Perhaps in the eyes of the population, but what we did is we kept our topics and decision to ourselves. We are not an evil. I do not have an all-seeing eye. My ancestors only made sure the Eye is on the [U.S.] dollar bill.
"Bilderberg is no conspiracy, but people and conspiracists with their infantile fantasies see it as such. None of you, and I don’t care how powerful you are, sit around the table in a dark room, holding hands, staring at a crystal ball, planning the world's future".
Rather strange assertions, aren't they? After all, this is one of the key moments having the far-reaching consequences.
Then it turns out that all of it was invented by some "conspiracy theorists."
Then why Mr. Van Duyn asserts that "Brussels the evil city of the world ruled by the Illuminati"? Ruling from behind the scenes means what? Is not this a direct proof of gross interference in the affairs of mankind by some clan that operates by hidden ways and in secrecy?
And at the same time, Mr. Van Duyn states:
"I refuse any secrecy of decisions made by us. Why should we continue to rule the system behind closed doors? Why wouldn’t we face the population with their own mirror and tell them: Hey! Wake up…".
"Why should we continue to rule the system behind closed doors?"
Well, that IS the question! Question: does anyone FORCE you to do so? Like some "circumstances beyond your control"?
And you are indeed as secretive as it gets which is evidenced by this very speech where Mr. Van Duyn says: "but what we did is we kept our topics and decision to ourselves". Which means what? And what is interesting about this is that - yes, indeed, if these things have to do with your own private affairs then you have all the right to "keep your decisions to yourselves".
But when you do things that affect the entire humanity, then - NO, you can not keep those secrets to yourselves. Because it affects others, the entire humanity in fact, or doesn't it?
Question: does humanity have the RIGHT to know what is done behind their backs and allegedly on their behalf? Has anybody ASKED them if they accept all your decisions and plans for the entire humanity and your ideas of the "single world government"?
Furthermore, what RIGHT do you have to rule the world from behind the scenes, or even openly? Who has give you that authority? - PEOPLE? Or your "god" - Lucifer, who is not God which is known to ordinary people, and not the conspirators and satanists?
And therefore, by virtue of the fact that you are asking the question "Why should we CONTINUE to rule the system behind closed doors" you now have to operate openly. Otherwise, you are doomed and will be known to all as liars and hypocrites.
And it is proposed to you to exert your influence and to introduce a new rule: ALL solutions, especially those that affect humanity as a whole or even a single state should be published in full version with all the details and related argumentation or debates. So that people can go to a certain web site and quickly do a search on their questions and see all the acts of their "governments" and "rulers" of various stripes in FULL text. There are presently no technical obstacles to implementation of this system. In addition, the transcriptions and the originals of different speeches should be published in full, without any editing.
Why is humanity ruled and run on different "closed" meetings, the details of which are not disclosed, but diligently suppressed? Why is it that all so-called rulers or "authorities" almost always pronounce their fiery speeches by reading everything from the piece of paper? How can people know that it is their own words, rather than carefully concocted misinformation slipped to them by their puppeteers or whispered in their ear?
What right do "rulers" and "lords" of all kinds have to make decisions, and sometimes with fatal consequences, while people do not know what is going on behind their backs and on their behalf, ostensibly for their own good?
How long can this blatant and rampant secrecy almost everywhere go on and at all the levels? What is it needed for?
The thing is that secrecy, as such, directly implies evil and evil intentions. Or it implies complete disregard for the people, as such, who are not allowed to know some moments. Then what is the meaning of "democracy"? Or do you deny the very notion of democracy as some kind of nonsense invented for the purpose of zombifying the minds of the "herd"?
Furthermore, secrecy directly implies the evil plans. Otherwise, why not to discuss the issues, even with your "enemies", and not to come to some alternative that is acceptable to both parties? What are you - some "enemies" from different planetary systems who, even in principle, will not be able to understand each other? How could this be?
WHO had invented all this secrecy and what possible good can it deliver, even in principle?
Why even the most talented and competent people, experts, scholars and researchers do not count and have no real influence on what happens in the world? Do you understand what I mean, Mr. Van Duyn and "lords" of all kinds? WHAT have you actually created on this planet? Is it not the global concentration camp accidentally? Who gave you this authority to do it all and absolutely without any involvement of those against whom and in the name whom you are doing it all? - Do you KNOW?
WHAT means democracy in this case if nobody is even listening to the most talented and competent of all? What can be said about ordinary people? Who listens to them? And who makes the decisions for them? - Not the most sold-off scum who sold their souls to the "lords of the world", controlling the flows of everything and keeping everything in "hedgehog gloves"?
How long can all these lies continue, Mr. Van Duyn? What do you think?
The same song they forever sing: next year, tomorrow that never comes, bright future of mankind, democracy and on and on and on. But really positive results can be seen IMMEDIATELY. Just arrest the Bushes for one thing and put them before the international war crime tribunal with the worst allegations ever known to mankind and you will not be wrong. George Bush, the senior himself said:
"If American people knew what we have done to America, we would be chased down the street and hung on the first light pole". (not a literal quote, but pretty close to it). Isn't it good enough for a death sentence verdict?
That would immediately show to the people of the world that there IS indeed some progress. Then you arrest a few dozen of REAL war criminals, and you know precisely who they are, and do the same thing.
Then you arrest the Rothschild crime syndicate and the queen Elisabeth.
Actually, there is PLENTY of things you could have done to show the results IMMEDIATELY. Otherwise all your words of some abstract "good" are nothing more than the sucking sounds, and of a black hole caliber and John 8:44 is definitely applicable to you and your grand conspiracy to convert the world into a single world empire of evil.
"Next year positive results will show to the world that we aren’t evil, but we help humanity because humanity isn’t able to rescue itself".
Regarding "we are not evil" the following can be said.
First of all, the "Illuminati" were created by "God chosen" people or more precisely, the ZioNazis, by the Rothschilds with the hands of their puppet Adam Weishaupt specifically in order to create a secret network of influence, control, manipulation that would eventually allow them to concur the world in accordance to the Judean "scriptures", such as, for example, Deuteronomy, which clearly and explicitly states that the entire planet and all peoples will belong and be ruled by the "God chosen" ones.
Baron David de Rothschild sees a New World Order in global banking governance.
"There will be a new form of global government."
-- David de Rothschild, Nov. 7, 2008
Asked about men in high political office, Mr Rosenthal said that no one in the last three decades has achieved any political power without Jewish approval.
"Americans have not had a presidential choice since 1932.
Roosevelt was our man; every president since Roosevelt has been our man."
-- Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a top Administrative Aide to one of this nation's ranking senators, Jacob Javits R-NY, in a tape recorded interview by Walter White, Jr., which was conducted in 1976. From the book "The Hidden Tyranny".
No one in the last three decades has achieved any political
power without Jewish approval
(The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview)
"The Jewish people as a whole will be its own messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, by the annihilation of monarchy which has always been the support of individualism, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship.
In this new world order, the Children of Israel, who are scattered over the world, will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition; and this will more particularly be the case if they succeed in getting the working masses under their control.
The governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will, through the victory of the proletariat, fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews.
It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the State.
Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which it is said, that when the Messianic time has come, the Jews will have the property of the whole world in their hands."
(Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx,
La Revue de Paris, [owned by Rothschild], p. 54, June 1, 1928)
Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx
(ZioNazi quotes - NWO)
"The Morning Post" of London, on Sept. 6, 1920, reproduced his Manifesto to all the Jews of the Universe:
James Rothschild III: Manifesto to all the Jews of the Universe
Statements by former "Illuminati" Svali quite thoroughly explain who and what are the "Illuminati." Her testimony has not been refuted by "the ruling dynasty Lucifer", and, moreover, were implicitly and even explicitly confirmed, at least in part.
See: Who are the "Illuminati"?
This is one of the most significant and quire remarkable moments of the entire speech of Mr. Van Duyn.
It is significant because, if he really means it, it reflects a loss of control over the media, if it ever was under control of the "Illuminati" as such. And this, in turn means that there is a split between the "Illuminati" and "banking mafia" controlling and owning almost everything and everyone of any real significance.
And the media, or rather "mechanism of massive disinformation" is under full control of "the banking mafia" of which there exist mountains of evidence and testimonies at the highest level.
Mass media, in turn, is one of the key weapons in the "war" of "elites" against the people. This "war" is waged against the very minds, concepts and notions. Its goal is creation of utterly distorted images and dumbing down the human minds to the point that they begin to be ruled by one liner slogans.
Basically, the mass media, especially in the USA works as follows: the main principle is what is known as "big lie technique". It has been developed by the psychologist working for Adolph Hitler. It states essentially, that any lie repeated long enough eventually becomes true. Furthermore, the bigger the lie the more people believe it. Because they themselves lie all day long about the small things, but they can not believe or even imagine that someone is going to lie about the grandiose things, such as God, good and so on.
All you have to do is to repeat a short, simple, one sentence idea ad nausea. The more times you repeat it, the more "true" it becomes. But the message should be short and consist of just a few words. This technique is widely used in the media and marketing. It has been brought to the USA by that psychologist, who was specifically placed to introduce these techniques in the USA and, as a result, the new mass marketing and propaganda techniques have been created in the US in the early fifties of the 20th century. And they turned out to be many times over more effective than anything else.
For example "Coca Cola is good". Just repeat it millions of times and human mind will eventually surrender and will accept it as something real. And it will not even ask the simplest things, such as "what 'good' there could possibly be about Coca Cola" which consists of about 97% of water, some paint to create color, some sweeteners and other chemicals.
You can see this technique with all the major brands. They keep repeating a phrase consisting of 2-3 words on every channel, thousands of times every day, and for years on. The mind simply gives up being overwhelmed by it and eventually accepts it as something real. What to do? This seems like that's the way it is. No matter where you look, everywhere you see the same lie. And if it is repeated everywhere then it must be true! Right?
It is similar to "because everyone says so" or "because everyone does it" argument.
The same thing you can see with all sorts of "news" presenting short, one liner templates with powerful keywords, such as "democracy", "freedom", "war on terrorism" and things like that. Those keywords that are meant to create an unfavorable reaction and cause what is called a "slide response", a technique developed by the CIA.
Basically, when you hear things like "conspiracy theorist", just as Mr. Van Duyn is doing in this very speech of his, or "a terrorist" or "antisemite" - their most cherished term and a trick to delude others, your mind "slides" to the next topic. Because it has been programmed via constant zombification that those, who are called the "conspiracy theorists" are basically "loonies". So, there is no point to even bother reading the rest of the news story. Obviously, why would you waste your time on reading something about some "lunatics"?
And once you label someone as "terrorist", why would anyone even bother to look into it and try to find out how true is the allegation? And even if some innocent people are killed because of mislabeling someone as "terrorist", there comes a trick called "the collateral damages". Because "war on terrorism" seems just like any other war and in any war there are innocent people that suffer. But, after all, "who CARES"? Because people are programmed with the ideas of "I don't care" kind or "this is not MY problem".
And that is one of the most deeply ingrained programs in the human mind - NOT to care!!! Interestingly enough, at the "Bohemian Grove" in Monte Rio, California, they conduct the yearly meetings of the "Bohemian Club", or the "ruling elite". They have a special occult ceremony called the "cremation of care". The idea behind it is pretty simple: in order to become a member of the "ruling elite" of the world, the most important thing is to kill care in you, so you become totally insensitive. Only then you can do the kind of things they do.
And that is precisely why there is hell on this planet. Because everyone "cares" only about his own belly and his own skin. And the rest "could just go to hell" "for all I care".
So, this is how media works. Here is what Harold Wallace Rosenthal, who was a top Administrative Aide to one of this nation's ranking senators, Jacob Javits R-NY, had to say about it:
Money power was essential in carrying out our master plan of international conquest through propaganda."
When asked how they proposed doing this, he said:
"At first, by controlling the banking system we were able to control corporation capital. Through this, we acquired total monopoly of the movie industry, the radio networks and the newly developing television media. The printing industry, newspapers, periodicals and technical journals had already fallen into our hands.
The richest plum was later to come when we took over the publication of all school materials. Through these vehicles we could mold public opinion to suit our own purposes. The people are only stupid pigs that grunt and squeal the chants we give them, whether they be truth or lies."
When asked if the Jews felt any threat from the 'silent majority,' he laughed at the idea, saying:
"There is no such thing as the silent majority because we control their cry and hue. The only thing that exists is an unthinking majority and unthinking they will remain, as long as their escape from our rigorous service is the opiate of our entertainment industry.
By controlling industry, we have become the task masters and the people the slaves. When the pressure of daily toil builds to an explosive degree, we have provided the safety valve of momentary pleasure.
The television and movie industries furnish the necessary temporary distraction. These programs are carefully designed to appeal to the sensuous emotions, never to the logical thinking mind. Because of this, the people are programmed to respond according to our dictates, not according to reason. Silent they never are; thinking they will remain."
Continuing his thought of Jewish control over the goy, Mr. Rosenthal said:
"We have castrated society through fear and intimidation. Its manhood exists only in combination with a feminine outward appearance. Being so neutered, the populace has become docile and easily ruled.
As all geldings in nature, their thoughts are not involved with the concerns of the future and their posterity, but only with the present toil and the next meal."
-- Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a top Administrative Aide to one of this nation's ranking senators, Jacob Javits R-NY, in a tape recorded interview by Walter White, Jr., which was conducted in 1976. From the book "The Hidden Tyranny".
Here is an interesting collection of quotes on media and propaganda machine:
ZioNazi Quotes - The Propaganda and Disinformation Machine and Media
And here is just a few selected quotes:
John Swinton, then the pre-eminent New York journalist:
In America, John Swinton, then the pre-eminent New York journalist, was the guest of honour at a banquet given him by the leaders of his craft. Someone who knew neither the press nor Swinton offered a toast to the independent press. Swinton outraged his colleagues by replying,
"There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it.
There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with.
Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.
The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press?
We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."
"We must force the Gentile governments to adopt measures which will promote our broadly conceived plan already approaching its triumphal goal by bringing to bear the pressure of stimulated public opinion which has in reality been organized by us with the help of the so-called 'great power' of the Press. With few exceptions, not worth considering, it has already fallen into our hands."
-- The Seventh Protocol.
"What are you prating about? As long as we do not have the Press of the whole world in our hands, everything you may do is vain. We must control or influence the papers of the whole world in order to blind and deceive the people."
-- Baron Montefiore
A large pit-bull dog was running loose in Central Park in N.Y. suddenly it turned and started running after a little girl. A man ran after it, grabbed it, and strangled it to death with his bare hands.
A reporter ran up him and started congratulating him. "Sir, I'm going to make sure this gets in the paper! I can see the headline now, Brave New Yorker saves child"
"But I'm not a New Yorker" interupted the rescuer.
"Well then, Heroic American saves..."
"But I'm not an American."
"Where are you from then?"
"I'm an Arab" he replied.
The next day the headline read -- Patriot dog brutally killed by terrorist.
"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."
-- Former CIA Director William Colby
When asked in a 1976 interview whether the CIA had ever told its media agents what to write, William Colby replied, "Oh, sure, all the time."
More recently, Admiral Borda and William Colby were also killed because they were either unwilling to go along with the conspiracy to destroy America, weren't cooperating in some capacity, or were attempting to expose/thwart the takeover agenda.
And this is what media is.
By grandiose lies, perversions and turning everything upside down, humanity is presented a completely distorted and perverted picture of what is really going on and what it all means. Instead, what is slipped to them is huge piles of all sorts of lies and illusions and eternal promises of some amorphous "bright future", which for some reason forever remains beyond the horizon. All that people are left with is mountains of promises, fabrications and deceptions of lying "politicians" who sold their souls either to the "Illuminati" or "banking mafia."
Unfortunately, the statement of Mr. Van Duyn is not quite clear in terms of what does he imply by "media". Which media he refers to? The above is applicable to MASS media. But today there is also the Internet and it is virtually impossible to control it for purely technical reasons even though the puppet "governments" worldwide hectically pass new and new "laws" aimed at destruction of the most critical and significant information on the net via all sorts of tricks of perversion that classify the most important information about the crimes committed by these servants of the "dark side" as "extremism" and all sorts of other "isms" they keep inventing every day trying to reduce the set of issues to some issue of nationalism or "extremism".
But the REAL extremists and some of the worst criminals this planet has ever known are presented as some "heroes" that forever fight some "evil" invented and staged by the puppeteers.
And, if Mr. Van Duyn by media implies the net, then yes, he is indeed right. Because the Internet is the final nail in their coffin and there is nothing they can do about it because of newly emerged P2P based technologies, such as sync.
It is strange though that Mr. Van Duyn in such a key speech, which he even classifies as "my first step" does not express himself in absolutely clear terms and instead resorts to some vague notions that could be interpreted differently. Yes, the habit of obfuscation runs deep in their minds. But the times have come to be as clear as a bell as they say.
Here's quite an interesting article, allegedly containing the closing remarks of the 2014 meeting. It is impossible to determine the authenticity of it because things like these are never disclosed to general public, under penalty of death. But we can still work with the material and try to see if it fits other known information and aligns to it. What is important in this light is the very ideas.
Creepsville! This is important to read, though, as it does give an idea of what the transhumanist, self-proclaimed “gods” are thinking. It’s so psychopathic and self-congratulatory that a normal person wouldn’t dream of it, and a truly spiritual person wouldn’t need to think that way, because a truly spiritual human knows that these answers and capabilities lie within human beings themselves, minus all this technology and transhumanist cow manure. Actually, cow manure has value and helps good things grow, so my apologies for insulting bullsh!t by comparing it to our world “leaders.”
Anyway, here are the leaked, translated Bilderberg Closing Remarks. If you decide to read — and I recommend you do — please recognize that from the remarks we can glean exact guidelines for how to avoid most of what they’re engineering for us:
Create cross-overs amongst different communities; don’t fall for the black on white, Muslim on Christian civil wars. Create alternative economies and GROW YOUR OWN FOOD. Lots of it. Build your immune system. Befriend your neighbor. Awaken and reclaim mind, body, soul, emotions, spirit, energy, heart … the fullness of your own humanity. Start developing these capacities so sought by people who have neither the ability, heart nor discipline to do so without becoming machines. Bypass their transhumanist agenda by activating the real deal.
Thanks to Jean for the post.
Apparently, this is not a very good translation from the French, but it certainly does not hinder our understanding! ~J
Leaked Bilderberg Closing Remarks – 2014
From: http://www.lecontrarien.com/ (translated below)
”EXCLUSIVE SCOOP: the top secret classified report of the last meeting of Bilderberg ...“
My dear contarians, my dear contrarians!
This is a special edition, very special that I propose today. I would like you to understand the real ways of the world, the world in which we live but more likely for very long time.
I reproduce in lines below the exclusive report of the last meeting of Bilderberg, this meeting which is held every year and which attend personalities of very high level of all the countries of the world. It is in this kind of inner circle set that, for decades, shapes the world of tomorrow.
Before addressing the bulk of the document which has been leaked, I suggest you watch this video of TF1. It dates back 40 years! Well almost, 1977 to be exact, and yet ...
[In this 1977 video, TF1 journalist Yves Mourousi is speaking of the pronouncing of the Bilderburg meetings, of inner circle officials of different countries meeting, and with British journalist Gordon Tether speaking of the attendees, of how people of power be made.Yves Mourousi speak that they would surely speak again about the Bilderburgers. But, not so. There was no more of the reporting by news journalists of the Bilderburgers after this. Gordon Tether's articles were banned, and when he refused to comply with the news medias ban of reporting on Bilderburgs, he was fired and banned from all news organizations.
Other news journalists got the message, ---- comply or else.]
[The above video is on a page with several other videos and it appears to be all in Russian.
For our purposed here, it then seems meaningless. ~J]
Record account of annual meeting. Classified Top Secret. For exclusive use of members.
Beyond capitalism. Crossing the new frontier.
If we continue to maintain control of the masses by the classical wage labor within a framework of a system built on mass production and mass consumption with the solvency of the consumers by allocating a portion of the wealth created via work, we all have now acquired the certainty that the long-term survival of the human species, the backup and the sustainability of a viable biosphere and in harmony with the human activities required a total reorganization of our modes of thought, organization and production.
As we all know, in fact the goal we are pursuing is neither totally vain accumulation of new wealth or even the rescue of an economic system, it was used for more than three centuries and become incompatible with our vision of the future.
The objective which we pursue is obviously the one of the eternal life, or in any case the passage to the man living two centuries and we join here the ambitious ideas of transhumanism which we wish to develop, to install to favor the emergence of a new human being. Of a superman. As well as our technologies allow us from now on to possess said tools of “augmented reality”, our researches perfectly succeeded as regards “the increased man”. Our technologies are perfectly developed. We are ready to live two centuries. Our nanotechnologies allow us to repair the bodies of the inside, the decoding of the human genome allowed us to understand the functioning of the cellular aging which we are not capable of stopping, but of slowing down considerably. Our control of stem cells allows us to re-make at the demand any cellular tissue or still obviously any organ which would become failing.
Finally, our control of the human genome allows us as well to select the most effective and most adapted genetic heritages, without forgetting the fact that by modifying some we can finally increase our physical as well mental abilities.
Our illustrious predecessors of the 30s thought naively that we could transpose, for the improvement of the human race, the methods used for the optimization of dog breeds by crossings skilfully organized. Nevertheless, these failures of the “Nazism” allowed us to explore new ways and to reach the success which we celebrate today. We finally uncovered the secrets of the eternal life, the ultimate conquest of the man become finally his own god and his own master. We are all, us here gathered, Alpha and Omega of this New World which opens to us and which it is thus advisable to us to shape.
Obviously, as you know, it raises absolutely colossal problems of implementation and it was all the challenge in the works of the various committees in which you participated throughout these intense days of seminar.
We have all an acute consciousness of the fact that the planet and our environment cannot obviously support the eternal life of tens of billion human beings who would consume in the same way as today. We know all that an infinite growth, including demographics in a finite world is an intellectual aberration. We all understood that to divide the world into two castes, that of the mortal and the immortal, would simply be impossible because in one case we suggest to live and to the others to die, so putting working and mainstream masses in a situation where they would have nothing to lose any more, except I remind to you that the main tool of the control of the peoples passes by the fact of granting benefits calculated allowing to give the illusion of a loss in case of rebellion.
The whole of these fact returns the deployment of the technologies of immortality and improvement of the man simply impossible for the moment.
The working groups have therefore submitted a number of proposals that were discussed by the full committee. I’ll just cite the most important measures that were passed unanimously in accordance with our privacy practices of our Grand Masters. It will be up to apply and implement each in your respective country and geographical area of influence, the following decisions.
The initial objective is the massive depopulation in protecting at best the environment, which is tantamount to exclude from the fields of our possible use of any nuclear weapons which would be tantamount to inflicting some irreparable damage to our so small planet. which is to exclude from the scope of our possible use of any nuclear weapons that would inflict some irreparable damage to our planet so small. The resources that we have are few in number, but their cumulative efficiency is certain since in returning to resonance we will get what the military call a “multiplier effect of force”. It is the triptych. economic collapse, civil war and massive epidemics. The use of these three tools should allow us to eventually reduce the world population from 7-10 billion inhabitants. We think that to reach our objective of 500 million human beings alive is illusory and that in spite of all our efforts of reduction, pockets of survivors will remain almost everywhere throughout the planet. Nevertheless, these pockets should not raise us of major problems, at least at first because of their disorganization, their isolation and their incapacity to master all the techniques if only current because of their weak number should limit considerably their power of nuisance. We think that in some years many will disappear and that little who will remain will return more or less quickly to the wild in a few generations. Any group that threatens us is, in all cases, treated quickly.
Our main historic enemy to the implementation of our plan was obviously the national states. Globalization, globalization, European institutions, mass immigration were so many tools that we have used with great success for 30 years and now national identities and feelings of belonging were significantly reduced, as patriotic feelings. Money and ownership have become the core values of many. The politicization of the masses has been significantly reduced, nations as we hoped, become fragile and can now be destabilized from within.
We thus have to pursue with constancy the immigration policy allowing to make considerable masses of poor people come from the South into impoverished countries of the North. We have to with constancy make rise the most radical Islam to instigate at the most the hatreds and the dissension in the peoples. When we will bring economic collapse, then the most absurd that we have developed in each country lead most of these countries to large-scale civil wars where each community will be responsible for us to kill the largest number communitarianism members of the other community. When we shall provoke the economic collapse, then the most absurd communitarianism which we have developed in every country will conduct the largest part of these countries towards large-scale civil wars where every community will take charge for our account to kill the largest number of the members of the opposite community.
Blacks against whites in the USA, Muslim against Christians in Europe, these civil wars will have the immense advantage to destroy the people without confrontations between degenerate countries into nuclear power world war . Finally, when the wars will destroy countries, we shall take advantage of it to amplify the distribution of viruses such as our project of e-bola 2.0 modified genetically which we test at present with efficiency because we obtain invaluable epidemiological, sociological data (behavior of the individuals in front of the disease) but we also visualize our capacity to saturate systems of care which will be already considerably degraded, in every case, by the civil wars which we shall have created on the example of the war between the two Ukraines.
All these elements, lack of preparation of the peoples, their dependence towards all the support systems will make them particularly vulnerable to our various actions. The economic collapse should quickly propagate to the whole planet. China will collapse under the weight of social unrests and Russia, which still raises us problems at the moment, should see its problem settled in 2015 as we hope for it, but lets say that for the moment it is the Russian-Chinese axis which sets the biggest resistance against our vision of future. We do not exclude, if we did not manage to convince, to use the weapon of the assassination targeted towards personalities refusing our program of depopulation and the support to our ideology of the eternal life.
Original in French:
Obviously, for all those who would not have understood it, what you have just read has no relationship with the reality and any resemblance with one or several existing characters would be purely coincidental (or not....). It is of course about science fiction (or not completely....). It was just the short story, taken out of my fertile mind (or elsewhere...), which I wanted to tell you. You can of course fall to sleep again quietly.
Let us say that it is just about the starting point of the fact that could be a novel (or not.....) but the fact remains that, like as any story, it raises real questions.
The eternal life, which is at the heart of the strategy of a company as Google (among which the links with the most secret authorities of the USA as the NSA or CIA are clearly demonstrated), asks the question of the possibility of the accessibility of all to the eternal life. Can we be 10, 20 or 30 billion human beings to populate the planet and to consume? The answer is naturally negative, then in such a necessarily hypothetical case, than would we make men and women too? Read here an excellent article of the JDD on the Laurent Alexandre’s last book ” the death of the death ” detailing the strategy of Google.
The transhumanism is not a fancy of the mind, it is even an ideology fundamentally profoundly disgusting that always existed even if it bore other names in other times. The transhumanism develops even in a relatively transparent way with almost bare face and finally, nobody finds so much anything wrong there, but that will there be a man when the man will scientifically be improved to become a superman, and does not it still remind you anything?
Other question, we begin finally to speak a little about the devastation that is going to cause the arrival of robotics, and France too even dedicated a report on this matter on the JT (TV NEWS) of 20 hours of yesterday on this study which announces the disappearance of 3 million jobs in France before 2025 – but I can assure you that it will be much more and much more fast – and which gives us fast a reason for hope by going to show us a company of aeronautics which even started work at the same time as it installed....... a robot!
All this brings us to two thorough questions. The first one it is that factually, by eliminating all the jobs and the working maximum to optimize the earnings, companies finally get out quite a shot in the forward foot because obviously, there will not be a solvent consumer anymore and thus of profit, then why to pursue this policy, wherever from the idea in reality the system does not try to save itself but “to surpass itself” and, from now on, the border of division between the rich and the poor people is not so much the money than the access to the eternal life.
Other big question, corollary of the first elements, you can see that the man sees his “marginal utility” collapsing. Mao said that a man was a mouth to be nourished but two arms (to work). Simple but justified economic calculation. The man with the two arms it is a “working strength”. Moreover, all our economy is based on this type of postulate. Nevertheless we see well that the man becomes useless and will become especially even more as the new machines which arrive will allow to make everything, or almost, without human intervention. The humanoids can replace us for 95 % of the tasks, while what will remain to the man?
If I want to believe in the ability of humanity to share and exceed all its faults, let us be reasonable, human history proves that there is little chance that we live in a world of Carebears where everyone would be nice and nobody would lack anything ... So what about all those arms becoming too perfectly useless, I would say obsolete. How to solve the problem we could say modestly.
If we take the arguments after “environmentalists” and “transhumanists”, it seems only logical that a drastic depopulation policy would overcome the problems we face and these arguments, as odious as they are, are intellectually unstoppable. We have become too numerous, the planet can not sustain the current number of people in the current economic system, our ecological footprint is unbearable and we no longer have any need of labor. Finally, we could almost live forever, or the quest for eternity is obviously a human temptation since the dawn of time.
So of course, all this is the pure fiction.... and yet ... If Mao said that a mouth to feed it was two useful arms, today he would say a mouth, it is always a mouth of excess, especially when there are 7 billions and when the arms, soon, will not be of no use any more. And Mao, the great humanist, what would he have done in such a context?
It is already too late. Get ready and stay tuned in.
Till tomorrow ... if you would not mind !!
Charles SANNAT
“By trying to stifle peaceful revolutions, it makes the inevitable violent revolution” (JFK)
This is an article ‘presslib‘, that is free of reproduction in all or in part provided that the present paragraph is reproduced in its continuation. Contrarien Matin is an every day life (daily paper) of deciphering without concession of the economic current events published(edited) by the company AuCOFFRE.com. Article writes by Charles SANNAT, director of the economic studies. Please visit our site. You can subscribe free of charge
“The National Assembly is still hostage of Thomas Thévenoud who is still an MP. Think about it. Do not forget. “
(To protest peacefully and with humor, do not hesitate to to resume this phrase at the bottom of all your emails, your articles or your publications, there is no copyright !!)
This is a very delicate moment and is one of the key ones. Moreover, precisely this very question may turn out to be most insidious trap for the "Illuminati". And this is what it is:
Quesion: Who has created the "Illuminati"? - Well, they were created by Rothschilds with the hands of Adam Weishaupt on May 1, 1776. It is also noteworthy that the "independence" in the United States was also proclaimed in May of the same year. To occultists, May 1 is considered to be the witches orgy day. Again, all the roots of the "Illuminati" ideology lie in the occult "superpowers", which in turn, is based on the Kabbalah - arguably the most extensive system of symbolism. And at the very foundation of it lays control, domination, destruction, possessiveness and parasitism of those who are obsessed with the ideas of "elitism" of one kind or another. Thus the ideas of "God chosen people".
In other words, the "Illuminati" were created by the ZioNazi "banking mafia," among the most powerful and influential representatives of which are the Rothschilds and Baruchs. An estimated worth of each of these clans is on the order of 500 TRILLION dollars. In comparison, the external debt of the USA is 17 trillion, which means that the USA can be bought gun, stock and barrel 30 times over by either of these evil "banking mafia" clans.
But there is a strange twist to it. Allegedly, the "Illuminati" are known to hate "Jews" and their goal is destruction of Israel during the Third World War, as described, for example, by one of the most famous "Illuminati" Albert Pike in his description of the plans of the three world wars, two of which occurred in accordance with his plan.
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Albert Pike |
An American General named, Albert Pike, who had been enticed into the, "Illuminati," by Guiseppe Mazzini, completes his military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world, culminating into moving this great conspiracy into its final stage. These details are as follows:
The Tsar is to be replaced with communism which is to be used to attack religions, predominantly Christianity. The differences between the British and German empires are to be used to foment this war.
This is designed to destroy fascism (which the Rothschilds' created) and increase the power of political Zionism.
This war is also designed to increase the power of communism to the level that it equalled that of united Christendom.
[and they are to mutually destroy each other]
Whilst this is going on, the remaining nations would be forced to fight themselves into a state of mental, physical, spiritual and economic exhaustion.
On August 15th of this year, Albert Pike writes a letter (now catalogued in the British Museum) to Guiseppe Mazzini in which he states the following.
"We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view.
A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
Pike, who had been elected as Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry's Southern Jurisdiction in 1859, was the most powerful Freemason in America. He would retain that post for thirty-two years until his death in 1891.
He also published a book on the subject in 1872 entitled, "Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry," in which he candidly states the following,
"The true name of Satan, the Kabbalists say, is that of Yahweh reversed; for Satan is not a black god, but the negation of God...
For the Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty and Free Will...
LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!"
Interestingly, in the same book, Pike emphasizes that Freemasonry is a religion based on the occult Jewish philosophy found in the Kabbalah.
Albert Pike completes his military blueprint for three world wars
"The Masonic religion, for all of us - initiated to a high degree, should be maintained in purity of doctrine of Lucifer.
... Yes - Lucifer is our god..."
(General Albert Pike, Illuminist, Freemason 33 degree.
July 14, 1889)
Иллюминаты - Illumicorp - Учебный модуль 1 - Как работает Новый Мировой Порядок
(Книга Веков: Квантовый Переход или Новый Мировой Порядок Иллюминатов? )
Interviews with former Illuminati programmer/trainer Svali.
Illuminati Bloodlines
(Interview of former Illuminati Svali with HJ Springer)
Svali Interview Interview on Illuminati Bloodlines
(with Greg Szymanski)
John Todd, the Illuminati and Witchcraft!
John Todd had been a member of the Grand Druid Council of the Illuminati... They only take orders from the Rothschilds and nobody else. And above Rothschilds there is only Lucifer.
"But the man is part of one of the most powerful bloodlines in the world, the Collins family." Collins Bloodline, one of the top 13 Illuminati bloodlines.
Fritz Springmeier, one of the foremost top 13 Illuminati bloodline researchers, who had personal contacts and discussions with William C. Van Duyn, a member of one of the top 13 Illuminati families, states that even though John Todd is a controversial figure and in light of the fact that you can not verify any information on the Illuminati, in his opinion John Todd is the "real deal".
The capstone is the Rothschild Family or Tribunal that rules the Illuminati, they were the creators of it. The eye is Lucifer, their god and their voice. The first 3 top blocks are on every pyramid. (See above photo.)
THE TOP BLOCK IS WHAT I WAS INITIATED INTO, THE COUNCIL OF 13 CALLED THE GRAND DRUID COUNCIL. They only take orders from the Rothschilds and nobody else. They're their private priesthood.
The Council of 33 is directly under them, that is the 33 highest Masons in the World. The Council of 500, some of the richest people in the World - there are 500, actually, some of the richest people and conglomerates in the World - it's their real power as I'll show you in a minute.
The Illuminati seek to establish a New World Order.
Their objectives are as follows:
[Note: this information is not a part of the original document and does not come from S.A. Sall. It was added for informational purposes.]
What are the goals of the secret elite group, the inheritors of Illuminism (Moriah Conquering Wind), the Cult of Dionysius, the Cult of Isis, Catharism, Bogomilism? This elite group that also calls itself the OLYMPIANS (they truly believe they are equal in power and stature to the legendary gods of Olympus, who have, like Lucifer their god, set themselves above our true God) absolutely believe they have been charged with implementing the following by divine right:
The four nuns were Communist subversive agents and their activities were widely documented by the government of EI Salvador. The United States press and news media refused to give any space or coverage to the mass of documentation in possession of the Salvadorian government, documentation which proves what the Mary Knoll Mission nuns were doing in the country. Mary Knoll is in service in many countries, and played a leading role in bringing Communism to Rhodesia, Mozambique, Angola and South Africa.
The Goals of the Secret Elite Group of Illuminati
"Much of these goals, which I first enumerated in 1969, have since been achieved or are well on their way to being achieved. Of special interest in the Committee of 300 program is the core of their economic policy, which is largely based on the teachings of Malthus, the son of an English country parson who was pushed to prominence by the British East India Company upon which the Committee of 300 is modeled."
-- Dr. John Coleman, from "The Committee of 300"
[Note: this information is not a part of the original document and does not come from S.A. Sall. It was added for informational purposes.]
The "Program" from "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion". Read carefully because this is EXACTLY what has been done to you all, down to the last dot and comma.
"...Now that we have produced ample evidence on the authenticity of the "Protocols" - we will give for the benefit of the reader, a short synopsis of the gigantic strategical plan. The persons who are not as yet awake to the great conspiracy for the destruction of Christian Civilization should study it carefully and realize the great danger impending.
"They should examine minutely the "bait" that is laid out for them and let us hope they will have enough common sense not to swallow it. One can never be sure of it anyway as many prefer to continue to sleep quietly instead of straining their brains. "Kismet!" There is no God's law for the saving of the imbecile.
"Here is the plan invented by the 'Learned Elders of Zion', the master program laid down in the 'Protocols'".
That is the program!
The chief element necessary for the success of this plan is "Secrecy." Therefore the invisible enemy has taken special precautions for keeping humanity in ignorance of their systematic efforts in preparing THE KINGDOM OF ANTI-CHRIST.
Indeed everything was foreseen in that program and nothing disregarded.
Was the "Times" justified or not in saying:
"If the "Protocols" were really written by the Learned Elders of Zion, then everything that was attempted and done aganst tbe Jews, is justified, necessary and urgent".
New light on the Protocols
Jewish objectives as outlined in Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion:
(The Conflict of the Ages: The Mystery of Lawlessness: Its Origin, Historic Development and Coming Defeat, by Clemens Gaebelein pp. 100-102 [1933])
Ed of St Lou. August 2, 2008 @ 9:57 pm
Here is another summary of the Protocols of Zion by Huf.
Goyim are mentally inferior to Jews and can't run their nations properly. For their sake and ours, we need to abolish their governments and replace them with a single government. This will take a long time and involve much bloodshed, but it's for a good cause. Here's what we'll need to do:
"George Bush descended from every single monarch that sat on the English throne.
Arrius C. Piso of ancient Rome, the Pharaohs of the XVIIth Dynasty including Cleopatra and Philip of Macedonia.
Most presidents related to one another and to European Black Nobility.
Power has been kept within a single bloodline for thousands of years."
The Illuminati use extensive network of SECRET SOCIETIES to control the world and engineer events, ensure certain legislation is passed in countries, etc etc.
That is why virtually every country in the world is set up the same as the next.
Bilderberg club is one such secret society and was set up by the head of the Black Nobility Prince Bernard of the Netherlands along with the Pope.
Bilderberg is extremely powerful due to the nature of the membership being the heads of mass-media corporations, government, banking, military, security/intelligence, industry and so and so.
Bilderberg Group is one such secret society and is a yearly gathering of all the media owners, corporate big shots, bankers, government people and military leaders from around the world.
Over two days, this group decides what will happen next in the world. The media reports none of this because the media is owned by the very same people!
Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) set up in 1923 by black nobility - Cecil Rhodes.
Its purpose: To break down American borders, control political, public and monetary institutions within America.
They have nearly done this. NAFTA is going to evolve into the North America Union any day now, which will merge Canada, N. America, S. America and Mexico in to a single SUPERSTATE.
They will sell this to you as being "good for security from the terrorist threat."
"The Council of Foreign Relations is the American branch of a society which organized in England... (and)... believes national borders should be obliterated and ONE WORLD rule established."
-- Senator Barry Goldwater
Who is Benjamin Fulford, "white dragon society" and "gnostic Illuminati" mentioned by Fulford in his writings? Yes, this is not the easiest question to answer.
Here is a 15 minute video of the statements made by them, which is quite revealing. Interesting claim is made by Chodoin Daikaku, allegedly the "head of the world's martial art societies" about 200 million members of the martial arts societies he can summon immediately "in case of emergency". Naturally, the question arises: are they his SLAVES to follow his orders? How does he know all of them are going to join his efforts and respond to his call, even if he IS the head of all of them which seems to be strange by itself? Will he even ask them if they are willing and interested to support him? And support him in WHAT action or campaign? Or are they like members of Mafia, who are to follow blindly and obediently whatever "orders" they are given? How could anyone in his clear mind support such things or believe even a word of it? The whole thing is quite bizarre.
One thing remains to be seen is WHO and for what purpose has created and authorised this show if not to make everyone passive and convinced that some magic "power" will come and save them. All you have to do is sit and wait for the "bright future" to arrive and do nothing of what you CAN do.
Benjamin Fulford video announcement
Benjamin Fulford video announcement
Here is a transcript of that "announcement":
March 27, 2012
BF: My fellow humans,
I am Benjamin Fulford, a spokesperson for the Write Dragon Society. With me here is Hodoin (Chodoin) Daikaku. He is a head of the world's martial arts societies, and if necessary, and in emergency, he can summon up an army of 200 million people worldwide.
Here, on my right is Alexander Romanoff, who is a grandmaster of the Illuminati group that claims to have started the French and American and Russian revolutions.
As you may know, there has been a battle going on for the future of this planet. The western countries have been taken over by a Mafia organization, all composed of members of the same clan and they are not Jews, OK, they worship Lucifer.
Comment: Regarding "and they are not Jews", here is what ADL President Abraham Foxman, a Jew, says on this matter:
ADL President Abraham Foxman: speech about destruction of white race and ZioNazi world domination
And this discredits Fulford completely.
And they want a world government controlled by them with the rest in perpetual debt slavery and drudgery and with no hope of ever ruling our own destinies.
We offer a very different vision:
We offer world peace.
We offer a 100 thousand dollars for every man, woman and child to be delivered in form of schools, hospitals, free education, nature preserves and all different things that most people want.
We all want to stop world poverty. We want to stop the environmental destruction and we all wish to have a prosperous and happy and peaceful future, and that's the alternative we are offering. Thank you.
AR (Alexander Romanoff): Hi, yes, thank you. This the first time I've ever been on this kind of show, so, I would like to thank Mr. Chodoin for having me. I understand Mr. Chodoin is a good friend of Vladimir Putin, his teacher in fact.
So, I'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate Mr. Putin upon his election victory. He has done an outstanding job in my view, of rescuing Russia from the parasites, who try take over in a Gorbachev era. He is clearly the most meritorious and best qualified person to lead Russia, as was demonstrated by the will of the Russian people in the election.
[Comment: Winning the election, in itself, does not necessarily mean that he is the best qualified person and most "meritorious", just as evidence in the USA shows. ALL the presidents, at least since Roosevelt, "won" the election. But some say: "the president will be the one, chosen by the Rothschilds."]
Now, in the western media there have been reports of fraudulent flawed elections, so I wanna say two things. Firstly, a corporate controlled mainstream media is a joke, an embarrassment and disgrace. It does not really matter what they say.
And, secondly, as far as fraudulence and flawed election goes, surely the biggest example is the American elections.
What choices do people have?
- Two super rich, corporate based, a, candidates, regardless of who wins, they represent the super rich (indistinguishable word), the one percent.
So, that's my opinion. And good luck to Mr. Putin. I hope he continues to do a very good job, as he has done so far.
BF (Benjamin Fulford): speaks in Japanese.
CD: speaks in Japanese in horrible screeching voice.
BF translates: You know, in this era of confusion and turbulence you need leader who has a WORLD view, a universe view, a powerful leader.
CD (CD): speaks in Japanese.
BF translates: In order to have a world peace and humanity united in harmony, you need friends.
CD: speaks in Japanese.
BF translates: Putin, may be one of the people who can do this.
CD: speaks in Japanese.
BF translates: He is one of the leaders, who came in this time of change on our planet. And I have proposed also to the Japanese government and peoples to setup an international, meritocratically staffed organization called the international economic planning agency that'll have 200 times more money than the world bank spends.
And we can accomplish the job of ending poverty and stopping the environmental destruction within a matter of MONTHS.
Instead we have a war-mongering, incompetent criminals, who have no idea of how to run the planet, who, somehow found themselves in charge and thought they were God.
AR interrupts:
I, I disagree with that a little bit. I think these people, who are ruling the planet, know EXACTLY what they are doing. They are not stupid. You see, you have this, the way I see it, you have this one planet here, and with 7 billion inhabitants.
And, for some reason, there is a very small number, a tiny small number of a very small minority of people, who think that this planet belongs to them, and that they can do whatever they want with it. And they have been doing this for, for forever.
Now, and it's time that this ended. You know, who ARE these people? Who died and left any in charge?
Well, one good thing is we know EXACTLY who they are. And it's not even the one percent. The one percent have nothing to fear from the revolution.
[Comment: REVOLUTION? WHAT "revolution"? And what was the end result of ALL the "revolutions" besides destruction, poverty and ALL sorts of violence and rivers of blood?]
Its the inner circle of the one percent. It is a group of roughly six thousand of the individuals, mostly old men, and we call them the Old World Order. We know EXACTLY who they are.
The Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Jewish bankers in Wall Street, Goldman Sachs, ah, what do you call them, the Bushes and the Clintons.
And on the other side of the Atlantic you have the Vatican and queen Elisabeth in England. These people have ruled this world. FOREVER! For their own personal benefit.
The hell with everyone else. These people have EVERYTHING. How much more do they need?
They would never stop, and the hell with everyone else. And half the world's population lives in utter poverty and misery while these people just have more and more and more, and it will never stop.
So, the time has come for us to stop 'em. And, and this is what we will do THIS year [2012].
BF: They call the people "their subjects", which means literally a slave. They think of us as slaves. We're not slaves. We want our freedom. We want to choose our own future for ourselves. We don't want nasty, low paying jobs and a boring future with a media that lies to us day-in, day-out.
They've tried to dumb us down, drum us up, reduce our population by planting the infertility drugs in various household products, and they're doing things, for example, Bill Gates foundation, RIGHT NOW, in Africa, is forcing people, at gun point, families, at gun point, to sterilize their daughters with vaccines.
(Shouting) THESE are the kind of people we don't want in power any more. And we're going to remove them. That's the promise: THIS YEAR [2012].
BF asks: Do you have anything else to say?
CD: In Japanese.
BF translates: OK, he saying that the reason that Putin is strong and desirable leader is because he studied Judo. He has a fifth degree black belt in Judo, and it's the Japanese spirit of Pusido (?), and the martial arts that gave him his strength.
[Comment: but what does Judo have to do with running the world or even a country? Do they learn how to run the country on a rational basis in Judo classes? Or is it just a fighting school, and if so, would you like a bully to run the country?]
CD: In Japanese.
BF translates: Yes, the international associations of Bushido, Karate, Judo, Kun-Fu etc. can muster worldwide, at any give time, 200 million people. And they only fight under the code of chivalry, which is you don't attack women, children and non-combatants, which is what the other side has been doing.
CD: In Japanese.
BF translates: Yes, he believes that with a Putin's help and with martial arts societies worldwide we can cause major change, and of course, the Illuminati, who are throughout the western intelligence agencies, military, and this is not the Italian Illuminati, this is the Gnostic Illuminati.
[Comment: but what is "gnostic" Illuminati? ALL the Illuminati are "gnostic" in a sense that they believe in some deity, a god-like figure. Except with the Illuminati, yes, their "god" is indeed Lucifer, just as their own representatives clearly state on record. And yes, they do practice the "negative approach" of "serving ones own interests", introduced by Lucifer on this planet, just as the "revelations of the insider" state, and, specifically, the third one, from the Hidden_Hand.
Window of Opportunity
(Revelations of the Insider - 3)
But the very notion of the Illuminati came with the secret society created by the Rothschilds with the hands of Adam Weishaupt in 1776. Before that time there wasn't any "illuminati" movement besides the "age of enlightenment". Yes, they do use the concept of "enlightenment", borrowed from the east. But no one on the east, or west, for that matter, ever known to be the Illuminist.
Therefore, where is the very basis for distinction between the regular Illuminati and the "gnostic" version of it, worshipping Lucifer? Furthermore, the goals of both are the "New World Oder". So, what's the quarrel between them?
The "regular" Illuminati claim the world has to be ruled by a single ruler - the tyrant with absolute and unquestionable authority. But what do the "gnostic" Illuminati think on this matter? WHO should "rule" the world?]
And they want the "meritocracy", ruled by the people who are the best, people, who worked their way up the system, not people, who are born into it and given it, have it given to them even though they often not very bright. That is not a good way to have a planet run.
[Comment: the concept of meritocracy was favored and promoted by the "enlightened master" - "Osho" or "Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh", whose real name was Chandra Mohan Jain, in the 80's of the 20-th century.
Yes, it does make SOME sense. Because with "democracy" you simply elect ANYONE, regardless of his knowledge, experience and skills, or even education, for that matter. As a result, in Russia, for example, they have elected monsters and brainless animals to rule the country.
In "democracy", as long as you can lie and as long as you have tons of money to spend on your election campaigns, you will win the elections. The bigger liar you are, the more ruthless you are, the bigger thief and a criminal you are, the more dishonest you are, the more chance for you to win the elections.
In that sense, meritocracy does make some sense. But there is "but". In monarchies, the heir to the throne, from his early childhood, received the best education in the most diverse areas and disciplines, including logic, diplomacy, statehood, military affairs, philosophy, science and so on. As a result, when child grew up, he was fully able to take the obligations and responsibilities of a throne.
But what is "meritocracy"? What is the very notion of a "merit"? How do you obtain those "merits" and what kind of "merits" CAN you obtain and where? Do these "gnostic Illuminati" realise the significance of the notion of "merit"?]
They want a transparent pyramid, that anybody COULD CLIMB TO THE TOP and everybody could see how they got there and why they got there. We don't want hidden people using secret societies, murder, bribery and lies, to rule us for selfish purposes.
[Comment: and this is EXACTLY where this "gnostic" Illuminati "grand master" exposes himself - with the notion of "climbing to the top", which is ugliness in its purest sense.
This notion is purely the capitalistic concept based on EXPLOITATION, animosity and struggle as reflected in the Illuminati concept of a "permanent revolution", even though it is much more involved than that.
Thus, "climbing" to some "top" of some imaginary "pyramid". And it is the very roots of the vicious "rat-race" of people being reduced to the level of forever "competing" animals, and vicious ones at that, fighting each other to "win" something, taken from others. This is one of the roots of evil and a concept of "negative approach" of Lucifer of "serving ones own interests".
This is that, which is one of the very roots of the "regular" Illuminati and this is that, which created the HELL on Earth.
What is this "climbing to the top" notion? Isn't it EXACTLY the same thing that we have now - the world of "achieving", "winning" and "defeating"? The world of climbing on the backs and necks of others? Then what IS the difference between this satanic notion of "climbing to the top" of "gnostic" Illuminati and the regular Illuminati satanists and the ZioNazi "banking mafia"?
The very concept of "climbing to the top" creates the very notion of animosity and a warfare-like existence of constant "fighting", "defeating" and "winning", which is sickness. And, interestingly enough, it is a result and a byproduct of the inferiority complex in most cases. If you feel confident in yourself and you are creative, what is the need to "prove" something by "climbing to the top"? - You know full well that you will be able to support yourself with your skills and creativity.
Because the very world can not exist without creativity and competence. The very "wealth" is created via creativity, and once you allow it within yourself, the very fear of "survival" disappears and there is nowhere to "climb". For what? In climbing, there is nothing but trouble. Because others also want to "climb" there. So, the fight is inevitable.
In this concept of "climbing" there is no notion of brotherhood and equality of all before God - The Infinite, All Pervading and Ever Expanding Intelligence of The One.
The very notion of "climbing to the top" creates that WAR that never ends and which you can see throughout times. This is NOT The Providence or The "Plan" of The One that stood at the beginning of all the worlds and galaxies and the Universes.
"Climbing to the top" is a straight way to HELL, which is what you have as a mankind right now. Because it not only does not have the very notion of Love, but it, by necessity, DENIES it, AS SUCH.]
Those days are over. Humanity will be set free.
[Comment: what AUTHORITY does this Illuminati "grandmaster" have to make such proclamations and on what basis?
There is no power on this planet that has enough authority to make proclamations with certainty as to what WILL happen in the future. They can only hope and do their best. But what WILL happen - is not to anyone to know. You just "do your own thing" and be good to others and all forms of life. And respect Life and your ability to experience the Growth of Intelligence as the greatest Treasure. That is ALL that is required from you.
And, just like Jesus said: LOVE each other, like I loved you. And do to others what you want to be done to you. And that is exactly what the law of Karma states: That, which you send or do to others, WILL return back to you, and, possibly, even magnified. It is only a matter of time and your readiness and maturity to experience that, which you have done to others, be it disharmonious or even harmonious and Life-Affirming action.
For this is the LAW, the Law of Existence Itself. And this is the Law of Intelligence. This is how it evolves. It is that balance that perpetuates Life itself.]
AR interrupts:
I, I, I like what Hodoin said earlier about Japanese TV, and, of course, that applies to the media everywhere, designed specifically to dumb everyone down, just to laugh at whatever nonsense and not think for themselves.
BF interrupts: And so is the education system. Its designed to compartmentalize your brain. Everybody in the high level education system is trained to think inside a box, not outside of that box. The specific category of knowledge and thinking. You don't want people to know what's really going on.
AR interrupts: Can I say one last thing, just one last thing, and this is a little bit different. It concerns the secret of the Illuminati. And, the only other time of being on video was with Benjamin, and what I said was that the great secret the Illuminati are keeping is that the Abraham, a God, he's in fact Satan, which is of course have to be truth.
But we have known this for thousands of years, ever since the ancient Gnostics. That the god of the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims is none other than the devil.
[Comment: this is simply not true, at least as far as Christians go, even though there are different fractions and there are fanatical believers and there are those, who were simply blind accepting the satanic dectrine of Deuteronomy as a part of christian teaching.
Nevertherless, Jesus specifically stated about his "Father" that He(It) is The One. In other words, Jesus referred not to some Abraham or anyone else. He referred to that, which was before the Initial Manifestations, before the first "word", before anything existing as we know as worlds and galaxies.
There is a book, or rather a series of books called "The Law of One" which addresses this issue, and there is also The Urantia Book that covers this issue extensively.
THE RA MATERIAL - The Law Of One: Book I
The Urantia Book
However, the REAL secret for fourteen thousand of years and the Illuminati have kept protected is evidence, which incontrovertibly proves the existence of technologically advanced pre-flood civilization.
I am talking about Atlantis. They were on par with our own technology. And this has been totally erased from our history. And why has this happened? Obviously, so they can insert this is devil. And in, in, in that way brainwash and control the human race, which are, which they have done exceedingly well.
But we have preserved this secret and we have the evidence, and we'll present that evidence, which PROVES the existence of Atlantis.
[Comment: So what? What does it CHANGE in principle in terms of what needs to be done in current situation?]
BF interrupts: And I want to make this very clear. The god of Jews is Yahweh, the creator of the Universe. We didn't create ourselves. Something created us. We all must respect the Creation and that means respecting nature and other human beings.
However, I have, by directly talking to the elite people, come to the understanding that they actually do worship Satan. Amazingly as it is, we are ruled by Satan worshipping gangsters. That is the horrendous FACT, that, a decades of a, you know, research in the field and through texts has shown to me.
And these people come out of woodwork. We know who they are. And they know we know who they are. And they're SCARED! And their only, only hope is to surrender A.S.A.P.
AR interrupts: Well, they had their time to surrender, and it looks like they're not gonna take it. So, we're gonna force 'em to surrender.
And just, just finally, I have a message, where am I speaking? - over there, and this is to queen Elisabeth, directly. Ah, ant Elisabeth, Isis is very upset. She wants her crown back.
BF: OK, thank you all for listening and remember, we all want world peace and end to poverty and end to environmental destruction and a future of wander and awe and pleasure, not this nightmare planet we have now. Thank you and bless you all.
AR: Thank you, (one word unclear) San for having me.
You can also listen to it in mp3 audio version in case that link goes away:
Benjamin Fulford video announcement (mp3 audio)
And here is an interesting page, alegedly from the real "Illuminati", accusing Benjamin Fulford and Alexander Romanoff.
About Benjamin Fulford, Alexander Romanoff and "real" "Illuminati".
Per 'The National Observer' via a document from Abe Foxman's [Jew A.D.L. president of USA] office.
Anti-Defamation League President Abraham Foxman in an appearance on August 25, 1998, made the following speech:
August 25, 1998, New York, NY.
[ADL (Anti-Defamation League) president Abraham Foxman shows the Masonic sign of aggression "lion's paw"]
Gentlemen. Welcome to the Second Centennial Meeting of the Learned of Elders of Zion. We have achieved all of the objectives expressed at our first meeting 100 years ago.
We control governments. We have created dissension among our enemies and made them kill each other. We have effectively silenced criticism of our affairs and we are the richest race of men on this earth.
Many of you are very busy men. Let us get to the crux of the matter. As masters of business, politics, law and most importantly ... media, we are ready to implement our most important and ambitious program. One that will finally and totally remove from existence the impediments of our absolute control of this earth.
I speak OF THE DEATH OF THE WHITE RACE. The complete removal of all means of reproduction of the so-called Aryan race. Men, we now control the destiny of this race. It is now time to make sure the White race becomes extinct through miscegenation [incest] and having a virtually zero birth rate.
We have all enjoyed the vision repeated all over this world every day of THE LAST WHITE CHILDREN playing with little dark children and knowing that they are being set-up for their eventual destruction.
We can ruin THE ANCIENT PURE BLOODLINE OF AN ARYAN CHILD by convincing him or her of the altruism of begetting interracial children.
We must expose the race mixing of the urban centers to the suburbs and rural areas of this country.
More aggressive programs to integrate these areas are now underway through HUD. It is worth any price to annihilate the next generation of White children. We want every White father to feel the sting of having their children marry colored mates and produce biracial children.
We must use our power to discourage White men and women who still persist in getting together from producing more pure White children. They will be ostracized by not becoming part of the New Society of all races.
This will dissuade most of them. We will deal with the less cooperative goyim [non-jews] by tmurder and imprisonment.
Finally, we will SEE THE END OF THIS WHITE RACE. Impressionable White children will have their minds molded into the agents of their own destruction. Already, our efforts have succeeded in making the "men" of this race grovel at our feet.
Men, you and your ancestors have worked hard to make sure we would have the power to hold the destiny of this race in our hands. Now we have it.
Perish Aryan Goyim (cattle)!" [Applause]
End of speech.
August 25, 1998, New York.
http://www.tayna-net.org/rus/foksman-1998.htm (in Russian)
(Newspaper "Slavyanin" [Славянин], № 5 (25), 2000)
Question: how do you know the motivations of these people and the real reason and purpose of why they are doing it, and giving all these promises and pronouncing all these threats on behalf of the mankind? How COULD you know it, especially if we consider that there isn't even a shred of evidence available to support all their great claims, including those in Fulford reports?
In literally all of his reports he is constantly saying that the Sabbateans are falling and their days are numbered and that countless representatives of the "power elite" were arrested, all sorts of things were destroyed, including some of their underground bases and cities, and on and on and on. He even goes as far as to claim that the military top brass is no longer with the ZioNazi mafia and they are not submitting to the orders of the politicians.
Strange. But who is the commander-in-chief of the whole military machine but the president? And what does it mean - not to comply with the orders up the chain of the military command? Well, it is called TREASON, at least when we talk about the top military brass. Furthermore, all the claims of dismissal of dozens of top military, who served the evil sound a bit unreal. Who dismissed them an on what grounds and where it can be verified? The question arises: WHO appoints the top military brass in their positions? Could not the president, being a commander-in-chief, simply appoint the person who is going to obediently follow all the orders?
Furthermore, there exists an information about the fact that Obama does indeed carry out the military "cleanup" procedure, but for reasons contrary to those mentioned by Fulford. Obama has a new test for "reliability" of military command: are they ready to shoot at their own civil population? If not, they are dismissed.
WHERE is the EVIDENCE of ANY of his claims?
There is a saying: "don't say hop before you leap over a rope".
Because to defeat evil is not the easiest thing to do. Many tried throughout centuries, but evil remains as strong as ever and only gets stronger every day.
The first thing that comes to mind when Chodoin Daikaku speaks is his chainsaw-like angry tone of voice, at times shouting some things out in such a strain, that it is hard to believe, instead of simply stating what he has to say without even raising the voice. This is not how really strong people talk. His general tone of voice and what he said seems like the dictates and demands of some dictator or a mafia boss. He talks about peace and prosperity, but with such a seeming anger, that it creates an impression: God forbid for people like these to come even close to any kind of power or authority.
Even the dictators like Stalin did not speak like this, if you know who Stalin was. He talks like he OWNS the world, throwing out the ultimatums and demands to the "banking mafia" or the Illuminati "elite". But on what authority does he speak like this? The authority of a THREAT of "200 million martial arts fighters" whom he can order to do anything he wants? Does it makes sense?
His angry look and manners and his dress look strange. He is dressed in black color clothes and yellow jacket and wears a black hat of a Charlie Chaplin style. He looks more like a clown in a circus then the head of martial arts societies. Strange.
Could not he put on something more appropriate for such a high title as his? Japan has rich traditions of clothing, especially if you consider the context, which is bringing Good to this planet. It seems that something more spiritual, something that reflects CONSCIOUSNESS would be appropriate. Because in the kind of clothes he wears he looks like a boss of some martial arts fight event, collecting the percentage of the money won or lost on bets.
There seems to be not even a trace of spirituality in him. But how can you win nothing less than the evil itself by any means other then spiritual?
The whole "announcement" looks like some kind of a power struggle and these people seem to be obsessed with power as a goal in itself. It creates an impression of a megalomania syndrome ruling the minds of the participants of this presentation.
Secondly, in terms of a kind of evil that rules the world, what is the point of threatening them like a powerless kid that got mistreated by some bully? Won't the "banking mafia" and satanists simply laugh at these kinds of childish threats, showing nothing more then weakness? Wouldn't it be more beneficial just to do what can be done instead of disclosing your plans to them? What does it help?
That is NOT how you show them your "power". And this is not how you solve the problems these people are talking about here. The problems of the world can not be solved via methods like these and the entire history is a living proof of that. This isn't even funny.
Thirdly, sure it all sounds great on paper. But all these things are well known by now and anyone, who has spent at least some time studying the issues, knows every single thing they have disclosed in this "announcement". There is nothing new in any of this including the promises of the "bright future of mankind", just as we can see with this "quantum transition" hype all over the net.
ALL of it could very well be interpreted as an attempt to console your minds and make you passive and stop doing anything you really can, and instead, fill you with hope for some "knight on a white horse", who came to save the world. ALL you have to do is WAIT and do nothing. He will do all the miracles for you. And meanwhile your very last crumbs of freedom left are being taken away from you every single day.
Yes, one thing seems to be certain: the satanists from the "banking mafia" that run the world are indeed afraid of the people. They could care less about any big mouths. But you, as the people of the world, is a different thing. For one thing, without you, even if you are converted into the slaves literally, there is nothing they can do and their whole "kingdom" turns into a puppet theater of illusion if there is no people.
People as a whole is what they ARE afraid the most. It is people who do the work and create all the real wealth. But the ZioNazi "banking mafia" and the Illuminati satanists know only one thing - parasitism. It is even forbidden for them to work. Because it lowers their "god-chosen" status and turns them into "animals", just like all non-Jews.
Because if majority of the people raise, there shall be no mercy. It is all about the PEOPLE raising up and doing what they can individually, no matter how small it may look on paper. There are no "small" things in GOOD deeds. Even the smallest one counts higher than all the evil combined. THAT is the issue the humanity is facing. And humanity at large is at sleep, snoring, and swallowing all the unimaginable garbage they are bing fed to zombify their minds.
Fourthly, both, Benjamin Fulford and Alexander Romanoff say "we're going to remove them" (Cabal) THIS year, which was 2012 at the time. And what has changed in the world since then? Who has been removed since then?
Finally, Fulford clearly sides with these people like they are all from the same alliance, by saying "WE" [will do this or that], which means he is one of them and not merely some "spokesman" of theirs. Furthermore, by the sheer fact that he is called a "spokesman" for the White Dragon society it means he is one of them, and his quite favorable remarks about the "gnostic" Illuminati in his reports means he does support them. It is pretty much clear on its face value.
The "announcement" ends quite oddly by Alexander Romanoff addressing the queen of England and saying "Isis is upset and wants her crown back". Is it what people care about in the situation they are in? What does it matter who has or has not a crown and what is the meaning of the crown except for symbolic significance?
As to Alexander Romanoff, as he is called here, it is not clear who he is in terms of relationship to the Romanoffs' dynasty. He claims to be the heir to the Russian throne, but there is no indication from the historians that a single member of the Nikolas [Nikolai] II family has survived the execution. The whole point of that execution was the destruction of the very bloodline of Romanoffs. And it was ordered by the Rothschild in order to erase the entire bloodline, so there would be no possibility in the future to reclaim the throne of Russia on legal grounds.
And the throne can not be reclaimed by any other means. It is inherited either the by bloodline or an assignment of a legally valid Sovereign, the Tsar himself. In fact, some historians claim that there isn't even a provision to renounce the throne, and, therefore, the renunciation by the Nicholas II was legally invalid.
So, even to conceive that there would survive a single person in Romanoff dynasty is simply bizarre. Even bringing up the very issue of Romanoffs, just as Fulford did with the Chinese dynasty and the throne of England, is by itself unreal. What does it change? What does it solve? What does it rectify? The question arises: are these people merely obsessed with power and domination, just like the ZioNazi satanists and the Illuminati evil worshipers?
Are they trying to restore the dynastic rule on this planet and bring back the monarchies? In that case, it contradicts the assertions of "Alexander Romanoff" about the purpose of revolutions, which was to destroy the "tyranny of monarchies" as he classifies it. In other words, the whole thing looks simply bizarre and self-contradictory in the most significant aspects.
The "bottom line" is: it is up to YOU to decide what it all means, and do not forget that the very purpose of it may be not what anybody tells you, trying to console your minds and make you passive and submissive. Your politicians also tell you about the "bright future of mankind", "freedom and democracy" and the rest of it every time they open their lying mouths. So, the question remains: what is the difference between all these tales and what you hear from a zombie box, called TV every day?
How do you know their agenda is that, which they are feeding you, talking about "justice", ending the poverty and restoring the balance of nature?
The masonic and Illuminati slogan "freedom, equality and brotherhood" was described in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion as "the poison of liberalism".
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Victor E. Marsden version
And do not forget: the REAL power lies in YOUR hands as the people and not in the hands of some "noble knight on a white horse" who promises you "to save the world", and not in the hands of some martial arts society and not in the hands of the "Illuminati", gnostic or not.
If you remain passive and take all these tales like a gospel, the result will be inevitable. If you do not reclaim your dignity and self-worth and your creativity, then WHO is going to do it for you, even if they could? Because even if you are "helped" with some magic tricks, but remain blind as you are, you will INEVITABLY end up in the same ditch you are in, if not worse than that.
It is YOU, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU, and your impetus to be, your INTEREST in being, creates the world you wish to live in, EXACTLY according to a degree of your awareness and SEEING. And if the world you see around is not the one you wish to live in, then CHANGE it. You have ALL the power and the abilities necessary to do so. There is no power that can prevent you from doing it, for this is the LAW, the law of LIFE itself.
And every time anyone mentions the REVOLUTION, beware - they are dragging you directly into HELL itself, and the result will be the same as always - rivers of blood, misery and poverty and injustice of even bigger proportions than what you have on your hands right now.
It is through your consciousness and awareness you even BEGIN to see the REAL solutions, and not through any kind of violence. If you are blind and refuse to SEE, the result will be inevitable: "Blind leading the blind will fall into a ditch"
[Note: Information in this chapter is not a part of the reports and does not come from the author.]
October 16, 2007
The Satanic Cult That Rules the World
See also:
Лжемессия — Шабтай Цви и саббатианство
Sarkozy shows the satanic hand sign Mano Cornuto. All the satanists show this satanic sign subconsciously as a symbolic act of recognition and servitude to their "god" - Lucifer.
"How can one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight unless...God had delivered them into enemy hands?"
(Deuteronomy 32:30)
"Either convert to Islam or die." This was the choice the Turkish Sultan put to Sabbatai Zevi, self-proclaimed Jewish "Messiah" in 1666.
By only pretending to convert, Zevi resorted to a common practice. But Zevi was not an ordinary Jew. He led a popular heresy, based on a satanic strain of Cabalism. The rabbis had denounced him and his followers.
After his "conversion," over a million followers, who later included financiers like the Rothschilds, imitated his example. But they didn't just pretend to be Muslims or Christians. They pretended to be Jews as well.
Communist defector Bella Dodd revealed that during the 1930's the Communist Party had 1100 members join the Catholic Priesthood. They became Bishops, Cardinals and possibly Popes.
By adopting this chameleon strategy, this satanic cult infiltrated and subverted most governments and religions, and established an invisible tyranny without drawing much attention. In the words of the gifted researcher Clifford Shack:
"Through infiltration, stealth and cunning, this invisible network has come to rule us all. Forty-one years after Shabbatai Zevi's death, in 1717, they would infiltrate Masonry guilds in England and establish Freemasonry....
[Zevi's successor] Jacob Frank would have a great impact on the inner core of Freemasonry known as the Illuminati, formed in 1776. Freemasonry would become the hidden force behind events like the [American, French and Russian] revolutions, the creations of the U.N. & Israel, both World Wars (including the Holocaust!), and the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers who, together with their father, tried to thwart the efforts of the network on American soil.
Sabbatean/Frankists, also referred to as the "Cult of the All-Seeing Eye" (look on the back of your one dollar bill to begin to understand their influence in YOUR life), are political and religious chameleons. They are everywhere...there is power. They are the good guys AND the bad guys.
The World War Two era is a prime example. The following leaders were members of the "Cult of the All-Seeing Eye" (Sabbatean/Frankists): Franklin D. Roosevelt; Winston Churchill; Adolph Hitler; Eugenio Pacelli (Pope Pius XII); Francisco Franco; Benito Mussolini; Hirohito and Mao Tse-Tung."
If Mr. Shack is correct, historians, educators and journalists collaborate by upholding a false reality and distracting us from the truth. Our world, our perception of the human experience, are shaped by an occult secret society. Our culture is an elaborate psy-op.
Obviously, the Sabbateans and their descendants should consume our attention. Instead, they are hidden from view. They were decisive in the so-called "Enlightenment," "secularism" and "modernism," which are but baby steps to their Satanism.
According to Rabbi Marvin Antelman, they believe sin is holy and should be practised for its own sake. Since the Messiah will come when people either become righteous or totally corrupt, the Sabbateans opted for debauchery: "Since we cannot all be saints, let us all be sinners."
Their blasphemous benediction "who permits the forbidden" later became the Illuminist "do as thou wilt" the expression of their "religious" feeling. [Aleister Crawley said: "do as thy wish and this shall be the whole of the law."] Totally amoral, they believe the "end justifies the means." ("To Eliminate the Opiate,"Vol. 2 p. 87)
In 1756, Jacob Frank and his followers were excommunicated by the rabbis. Antelman says the Sabbateans were behind the Reform, Liberal and Revolutionary movements of the Nineteenth century. They were also behind the Reform and Conservative movements in Judaism, including the "Haskalah" i.e. Jewish assimilation. In other words, Jews have been influenced by the Sabbateans and don't even know it.
That is their tactic. They don't advocate a Satanic kingdom. They gently steer you that way by questioning the existence of God, by demanding "sexual liberation," "independence" for women, "internationalism," "diversity" and "religious tolerance." These all have a hidden agenda: to undermine "all collective forces except our own."
We are told "free sex" is "progressive and modern." In fact, the Sabbatean sect has indulged in wife sharing, sex orgies, adultery and incest for more than 350 years. They also promoted interracial sex. They have partly inducted us into their cult.
Antelman cites the proceedings of a rabbinical court where Shmuel, son of Shlomo tearfully confessed he had rejected the Torah and had encouraged his wife to have sex several times with Hershel. "I am guilty. She did not want to." (111)
Sexual abandon is characteristic of Communism, a direct outgrowth of Sabbateanism. . Jacob Frank pimped his beautiful wife to recruit influential men. Female members of the Communist Party were used in the same way. Adam Weiskaupt, the founder of the Illuminati, got his sister-in-law pregnant.
A pertinent anecdote: In his book, "The Other Side of Deception," Mossad defector Victor Ostrovsky described how the Mossad relax. At a party, the staff, including many unmarried young females, congregated around a pool, totally naked.
The influence of the Sabbatean conspiracy is hidden in plain sight. For example, the term "Holocaust" is used without regard to its true meaning. Rabbi Antelman states that well before World War Two, the term meant "burnt offering" as in sacrifice. (p.199)
He quotes Bruno Bettleheim who says "calling the most callous, most brutal, most horrid. most heinous mass murder a 'burnt offering' is a sacrilege, a profanation of God and man." (205)
Whose sacrifice was it? For what purpose? Obviously, it has something to do with the Sabbateans' occult practice. Every time we use that word, we unwittingly join in their sacrilege.
According to Antelman, the Sabbateans hated Jews and sought their extinction. He cites rabbis who warned as far back as 1750 that if the Jews didn't stop the Sabbateans, they would be destroyed by them. (209)
And indeed when some Jews tried to save European Jewry from genocide, Antelman says "the conservative and reform communities [in the US] went their merry way ignoring these activities. So called establishment organizations like the American Jewish Congress, American Jewish Committee, and B'nai Brith did virtually nothing." (217)
Sabbateans only marry within their demonic sect. They often marry rich, influential Gentiles. Thus, the Fourth Baron Rothschild (Jacob's) mother was not Jewish nor is his wife.
Another example is Al Gore's daughter Karenna's 1997 marriage to Andrew Schiff, the great grandson of Jacob Schiff. Gore's father was a Senator sponsored by Armand Hammer (Occidental Petroleum) whose own father was the founder of the American Communist party. Like Hitlery and Dubya, Al Gore is another Illuminati agent.
Mankind is in the grip of a vicious Satanic cult whose power is so great, they can make their war against humanity seem normal and inevitable. Even when their plot is exposed, they can convince everyone that it is racist and in bad taste to believe it. They have men fixated on porn while they erect a police state.
Western society is morally bankrupt. This elaborate cult network controls politics, information and culture. Most leaders are dupes or traitors. The "Intelligentsia" has been bribed while the public is distracted and lives in a fool's paradise.
Like most nations and religions, Jews have been subverted from within. Zionists are pawns of the Sabbateans who used the "holocaust" to engineer the creation of Israel. Millions of Jews been "sacrificed" to create a Sabbatean Homeland, a "burnt offering" to Satan.
God gave man Life: a Miracle full of inherent Beauty and Meaning. He gave us everything we need to develop according to his Plan.
But people who think limitless power and wealth are better than infinite love have hijacked humanity. They want to spoil our Divine Rendezvous and enslave us instead. This is the real meaning of our politics and our time.
Related: "How They Control the World"
Posed for Gay Porn, Schwarzenagger Introduces Homosexuality to CA Schools
List of 45 Republican Pedophiles
Why Do the Illuminati Hate Jews?
Original Source:
See also:
[Comment: the information on Jeffrey Sachs is not a part of the original and does not come from Benjamin Fulford.]