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John Todd, the Illuminati and Witchcraft!
John Todd, the Illuminati rulers comic

Image created during the Cold War! Copyright 1980 © by Jacob Sailor



"We are all ignorant; just about different things."

-Mark Twain

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."

-Thomas Jefferson

"Governments do not govern, but merely control the machinery of government, being themselves controlled by the hidden hand."

-Benjamin Disraeli

There is no such thing in America as an independent press. You know it and I know it...

The business of the Journalist is to destroy truth; To lie outright; To pervert; To vilify; To fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his county and his race for his daily bread.

-John Swinton, newsman and former editor at The New York Times

"If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it."

--Edward L. Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud who studied his uncle's work. (Quote gleaned from "Flat Earth News" by Nick Davies

"We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst."

--J. Edgar Hoover (Elks Magazine, August 1956.)

"A holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown. Your churches will be used to teach the Jew's religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry."

--British General Charles Cornwallis to General George Washington

"The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers."

--Thomas Jefferson

"It's not the votes that count, it's who counts the votes."

--Josef Stalin --

"There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears so to speak. Producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution."

--Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961

"We are in a process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy to get people to actually love their servitude. A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors, and school teachers....The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth."

--Aldous Huxley

"Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don't want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship ... Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger."

--Leading Nazi leader, Hermann Goering, at the Nuremberg Trials before he was sentenced to death

"Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have."

--Richard Salent, Former President CBS News.

"One cannot wage war under present conditions without the support of public opinion, which is tremendously molded by the pressand other forms of propaganda."

--General Douglas MacArthur

"If you give a man the correct information for seven years, he may believe the incorrect information on the first day of the eighth year when it is necessary, from your point of view, that he should do so. Your first job is to build the credibility and the authenticity of your propaganda, and persuade the enemy to trust you although you are his enemy."

--A Psychological Warfare Casebook Operations Research Office Johns Hopkins University Baltimore (1958)

"The first casualty of war is truth."

--Rudyard Kipling

"Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government."

--Henry Kissinger speaking at Evian, France, May 21, 1992 Bilderburgers meeting. Unbeknownst to Kissinger, his speech was taped by a Swiss delegate to the meeting.

"People only see what they are prepared to see."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

"The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight."

--John F. Kennedy, at Columbia University, 10 days before his assassination.

"It is also important for the State to inculcate in its subjects an aversion to any 'conspiracy theory of history;' for a search for 'conspiracies' means a search for motives and an attribution of responsibility for historical misdeeds."

--Murray N. Rothbard, in The Anatomy of the State

"The secret to success is to own nothing, but control everything."

--Nelson Rockefeller

"I want to own nothing and control everything"

--J D Rockefeller I

"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent."

--Larry P. McDonald, US Congressman, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets

"The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self created screen....At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oilinterests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically controlboth political parties."

--John F. Hylan, 1922, then mayor of New York City

"The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, and more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces as public enemies, all who question it's methods or throw light upon it's crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the Bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe... corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money powers of the country will endeavor to prolong it's reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few, and the Republic is destroyed.

--Abraham Lincoln

"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

--Woodrow Wilson, from his book The New Freedom (1913)

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world -no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

--President Woodrow Wilson (The president whose administration passed the Federal Reserve Act)

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations which grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

--Thomas Jefferson

"The hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency: their sole object is gain."

--Napoleon Bonaparte

"The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes."

--Felix Frankfurter, Supreme Court Justice

"The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."

--Benjamin Disraeli, first Prime Minister of England, in a novel he published in 1844 called Coningsby, the New Generation

"Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves."

--Attributed to President Andrew Jackson, who in 1836 forced the closing of the Second Bank of the U.S. by revoking its charter.

"The Federal Reserve Banks are one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever seen. There is not a man within the sound of my voice who does not know that this Nation is run by the International Bankers."

--Congressman Louis T. McFadden (Rep. Pa)

"We have, in this country, one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board. This evil institution has impoverished the people of the United States and has practically bankrupted our government. It has done this through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it".

--Congressman Louis T. McFadden in 1932 (Rep. Pa)

"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ... The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply."

--Baron Nathan Mayer de Rothschild (1777-1836)

"These are the rules of big business. They have superseded the teachings of our parents and are reducible to a simple maxim: Get a monopoly; let Society work for you; and remember that the best of all business is politics, for a legislative grant, franchise, subsidy or tax exemption is worth more than a Kimberly or Comstock lode, since it does not require any labor, either mental or physical, for its exploitation."

--Frederick C. Howe, in Confessions of a Monopolist (1906)

"If we were merely dealing with the law of averages, half of the events affecting our nation's well-being should be good for America. If we were dealing with mere incompetence, our leaders should occasionally make a mistake in our favor. We . . . are not dealing with coincidence or stupidity, but with planning and brilliance."

--Gary Allen, from his book None Dare Call It Conspiracy

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."

--Franklin D. Roosevelt

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear."

--Marcus Tullius Cicero 42 BC

"As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there's a twilight where everything remains seemingly unchanged, and it is in such twilight that we must be aware of change in the air, however slight, lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness."

--Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas

"Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"

--Joseph Stalin

"When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."

--Dresden James

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

--George Orwell

"If 50 million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."

--Anatole France

Do you have a quote from one of the movers and shakers of either the present or past that you would like to add to this page? If so please send it in and if I think it's applicable, I'll post it!

james @

There are more quotes on the next page.

John Todd's main message about his experience in witchcraft and the Illuminati Another transcript ofJohn Todd's message posted on my blog site. (Received July 2, 2010)

Audio MP3 downloads of more of John Todd's talks Frequently Asked Questions about John Todd Links to related websites


The following is a talk by John Todd to the Elkton Maryland Baptist Church when Dr. Tom Berry was pastor in Autumn of 1978.

Here is a quote from Todd's talk in this article that may interest you to read further! Phillip Rothschild ordered one of his mistresses to write an 1100-page book that would describe to all witches how they would take control of the World through the Illuminati: It's called Atlas Shrugged. (By Ayn Rand)

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

One of the things in it is happening on the front pages of the newspapers across the United States right now. In fact she spent a third of the book describing how they would raise the oil prices and then later destroy the oil fields & then they would also completely shut down the coal.

IT ALSO DESCRIBED HOW THEY WOULD BLOW UP GRAIN MILLS, how they would derail trains. Their sole purpose is to bankrupt their own companies and destroy their own companies until they destroyed the currency of the whole World, and still be so financially strong they would withstand it!

Note: Send any comments about this page to: james @ But before you ask about John Todd's whereabouts or how to contact him, please read the FAQ on this page!

John Todd's testimonial of his experience in witchcraft and of the Illuminati

John Todd

ONE THING I'D LIKE TO SAY BEFORE I GET STARTED, it never seems to fail that when I'm done a few of my brothers and sisters in the Lord have fear in their hearts. There is no reason to have fear in your heart. It seems like every time we talk about the Enemy, Christians become afraid rather than stirred up and fighting mad! So I just ask that if you have this fear in your hearts when this is over, that you just simply get in your prayer chamber or up front or someplace alone with the Lord and discuss the matter with Him.

THERE IS NOTHING TO BE AFRAID OF WHEN IT COMES TO THE DEVIL; HE WAS DEFEATED 2,000 YEARS AGO! And that's why I'm here; he was defeated 2,000 years ago! I think the thing that made me the most mad when I got saved was that I'd served somebody since I was a child, for over 20 years, that was defeated over 2,000 years ago! And I guess the only reason why I served him was that I didn't realize who he was until I got saved, it took that enlightenment.

AS BROTHER BERRYPREACHED THIS MORNING ON THE DEVIL BLINDING GOD'S PEOPLE'S EYES and THE WORLD'S EYES, take it for a fact, he can do it! For some 20 years I served him as a priest and as a high priest, and later as a Grand Druid and had many thousands of people serving him under me, and never once did I even realize who I was serving.

THERE WERE MANY THINGS THAT I LEARNED IN WITCHCRAFT, I'm not going to tell you what they were, but there were many things that I learned and many things that I taught as a standard teaching in Witchcraft. As you go through apprenticeship or as you go through what we call the "Outer Court," you are told to do things and you don't ask why you do them. If you do ask why do them, they tell you that you're being naughty and that you shouldn't ask, mainly because they don't know!

I NEVER DID KNOW WHY I WAS DOING THE THINGS I WAS DOING OR WHY I WAS TEACHING THE THINGS I WAS TEACHING. They worked, so we did them. After I got saved, it took salvation for me to find out why they worked. And I guess after knowing that, there is no way you can go back to what you came out of. Very quickly tonight - well, I can't be really quickly, but I'll try -- I want to give my testimony, and then I want to turn it over for questions and answers.

I'VE LEARNED THE HARD WAY, AFTER FIVE YEARS, and IT'S NORMAL FOR ME TO SAY THE THINGS THAT I SAY, but it's astounding for you to listen to them. And I realize that when the meetings are over that many things I say are strange to Christians. Most of you grew up in Christian homes,or even if you were in the World, you were not very close to what I was into, so when I say things, to me they are everyday things.

I GUESS THAT'S WHY WE HAVE SUCH A SUCCESSFUL MINISTRY WITH THE PEOPLE IN DRUGS and THE PEOPLE IN THE OCCULT, because they tried to tell Christians for years the things they'd been into and the things they've experienced, and they look at them like they're crazy. Then I come along and I say, "Oh! Oh, sure I'll listen to you, I've been there!" I know the same things, and I'll sit there and I'll listen and they find it very outstanding that I believe in them, because I've experienced them too.

SO I DON'T GASP AT SOMEBODY WHEN THEY TELL ME THEY'VE SEEN DEMONS or floated things through the air or received answers on Ouija boards or made people do their own will by spells, because I was there and I know it's so, but at the same time I know how weak it is compared to what I have now.

WE WENT TO ST. PAUL WHEN THEY WERE GOING TO HAVE THEIR CONVENTION THIS YEAR, which they called off.They're having it right now in Washington, D.C., this is the last night of it, and it was in all the front pages of the newspapers down there. Christians throughout the United States say, "You don't really expect us to believe that witches are that organized!"--No, they've just got Senators and Congressmen and top witches down there all in one convention, they're not organized, not at all!

BUT ANYWAY, WE WERE THERE, and MANY WITCHES CAME UP TO ME and ASKED ME WHY I WOULD BECOME A CHRISTIAN. See, witches have the opinion that Christians are either the most evil thing that ever lived or they're the most foolish people that ever lived. They wanted to know why I would become a Christian. I said, "Because I'm more powerful now than I was when I was a witch!"--That's not the real reason, but I said it in words they would understand. And they couldn't grasp that. I know how they feel.

WHEN I WAS IN WITCHCRAFT I NEVER CONSIDERED CHRISTIANITY UNTIL THE NIGHT I GOT SAVED. I never once considered it was an answer, I never considered that Jesus was an answer and thought that the things in the Christian church were foolish, at the least, and dangerous at the most - and I guess they are dangerous to Witchcraft. But to explain what I'm talking about very quickly:

I COME FROM A FAMILY CALLED THE COLLINS. Some of them on this side of the Atlantic Ocean from England have changed their name to Todd back prior to the Civil War. That's not to say that all Collins are Todds or the family that I came from, but this family brought Witchcraft to the United States.

I WAS IN PHILADELPHIA THE OTHER NIGHT and I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT IT WAS ALL ABOUT, but after I left there the newspaper decided that their greatest campaign would be against me, and many things I said in my testimony they said they checked out and weren't so. It's funny, we checked them out and they still were so!--Like many things that I'll mention tonight.

WE EVEN WENT AS FAR AS TO SAY THAT WITCHCRAFT STARTED OUTSIDE OF SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS, and EVEN NAMED THE BAY THAT THE WITCHES LANDED AT that they named after the head witch, my ancestor, Frances Collins, and the newspaper said that place didn't exist. It exists. We looked at the map and it was still there! We don't quite understand quite what they were up to, but I guess they confused enough people to disregard it. We were wondering when people were going to get around to this, but anyway, I came from the Collins Family.

LET ME QUICKLY REMIND YOU, NO WITCHES WERE EXECUTED IN SALEM. There will be a book coming out shortly on this from Chick Publications. Except for one prostitute, everybody executed in Salem were Christians, and they were tried and convicted by a jury and by a pastor who was not a pastor but a slave trader hired by the Collins. The church was built by the Collins and the jury were all members of the Collins' church. Needles to say, they weren't Christians, they were Witches. We went back there and researched it!

BUT TO GO ON QUICKLY SO I DON'T CONFUSE YOU TOO MUCH ... OF COURSE I'VE ALREADY DESTROYED YOUR HIGH SCHOOL HISTORY LESSON, I have a habit of doing that. I'll destroy more than that before the night's over! But when I was a youngster I started practising Witchcraft. I cast my first spell when I was eight, and I started studying for the Priesthood when I was 13. I was asked to join the Outer Court of the coven there in Columbus, Ohio, where I grew up, and at 14 I was initiated.

I WOULD LIKE TO ADD THIS BEFORE I GO ON, WHEN THE SERVICE IS OVER I WOULD BE GLAD TO TALK WITH ANY MASONS PRESENT, and I will compare my initiation to Witchcraft word for word, action for action, with yours. They are identical without change, and I'll be glad to discuss the matter with you.

AFTER THAT AT 18 I WAS INITIATED A HIGH PRIEST. This made me the ruling pastor, more or less. You see in Witchcraft, church is a little different, only the ministers meet, and they meet once a month. The congregation doesn't even know who is in it. They only go to their particular priest and ask for a favor, they never come together. But at 18 I was made the High Priest.

THAT MADE ME DRAFT-EXEMPT FROM THE U.S. ARMY OR FROM THE U.S. MILITARY SERVICE, because all of the denominations or Brotherhoods of Witchcraft are Federally recognized tax deductible churches and therefore their ministers do not have to serve! I stayed 4-D status, but a lot of us at that time thought it was important to get Witchcraft started at the different military bases, so we enlisted anyway, and that was in 1968.

WHEN I WAS DISCHARGED IN 1970 THERE WAS A COVEN IN EVERY MILITARY BASE IN THE UNITED STATES and EUROPE IN ALL FOUR BRANCHES OF THE SERVICE! So it grows very quickly. But I served Vietnam, flew back and re-enlisted for six years and served 30 days of my six-year term, went to Germany for that time. And up until this time I thought Witchcraft was just like being a Baptist or being a Catholic, it was a religion. I didn't realize there was anything to it except Witchcraft, and this is where most Witches are at. In fact at this time I believed in a godhead system ofgods and goddesses and believed in it very devoutly, I'd been raised in it all my life. I believed in the psychic powers and that's all I believed in.

SO WHILE I WAS IN GERMANY ONE NIGHT, AFTER TAKING SOME DRUGS and DOING A LOT OF DRINKING, I GOT IN A SHOOT-OUT in the middle of downtown Stuttgart with an officer, and the officer got killed. Now the Army has a strict no-no about shooting officers, they don't like it, so they placed me in solitary confinement, and there I am, waiting for Leavenworth more orless.

WE'D ALREADY OFFERED A PLEA TO THE JUDGE THAT WE WOULD PLEAD GUILTY IF HE WOULD GIVE ME 30 YEARS and CALL IT QUITS, and he tore it up and laughed at us. So I was pretty sure what was in for me, and I just sat there. And eventually through a riot that had happened at the stockade just a few days prior and a man being placed in solitary confinement with me and then released from the stockade, I got word back to the U.S. by phone of the predicament I was in.


START A COVEN IN STUTTGART, and I had no way of getting the word out. So the man placed a phone call to Los Angeles, collect, to my foster mother and told the predicament I was in. I had told him to tell her to cast a spell on the jury so they'd think I was a real nice person, and that's all I thought they would do. I'd seen spells like this work many times - I've seen them work recently many times in courts - but I was not expecting what took place!

ABOUT THREE DAYS AFTER THE MAN MADE THE PHONE CALL, MY CELL DOOR OPENED and THERE STOOD A SENATOR and A U.S. CONGRESSMAN, a couple of Generals and an Honorable Discharge. The Honorable Discharge gave no reason as to why I was being discharged; I just had an Honorable Discharge like I'd served all my time. I had all my time and rank and grade, even my top-secret security clearance.

I WAS TOLD THAT MY COURT-MARTIAL RECORDS HAD BEEN DESTROYED and that my military file would be placed with a top-secret security clerk so nobody could get into it, and that was the end of it. The Senator and the Congressman left, I went to Ft. Dix and drew the rest of my papers and stuff, and headed for Columbus, Ohio, scratching my head the whole time wondering what type of spell was so good that it had Senators and Congressmen doing its bidding!

I STILL DIDN'T KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON, SO I ARRIVED IN OHIO and I AGAIN BEGAN ASKING QUESTIONS THE DAY I ARRIVED THERE. I was told they had been expecting me and here was an envelope with a one-way first-class ticket to Kennedy Airport in New York City, $2,000 for spending money, and I was to get on the next flight and they would make a phone call and tell them I was coming. That was fine except I wanted to know who "them" were. They said I would find out when I arrived, so I got on the plane, took off, landed at the airport and sure enough, somebody was waiting to meet me.

--A PERSON WHOSE BOOKS I HAD READ and WHO I HAD THOUGHT WAS ONE OF THE GREATEST WIZARDS, MALE WITCHES, THAT HAD EVER LIVED, and I felt very privileged that I could be staying with him learning more about Witchcraft from him. Now I gave his name - which I'm going to give a minute - in Philadelphia last Sunday night. I even gave his job at the time that I was staying with him, except the newspapers called the university that he was supposed to be working for and the university denied he'd ever been there.

IT'S FUNNY, I EVEN SAT IN HIS CLASSES AT THE UNIVERSITY. They have a way of covering things up. He has his own college now for Witches, and his name is Dr. Raymond Buckland, and at that time he was head of the Anthropology Department at Columbia University, although Columbia University likes to say that he never existed now.

BUT I LEARNED WITH HIM FOR AWHILE, LEARNED A LITTLE MORE IN MARYLAND, WENT TO CALIFORNIA and STUDIED SOME MORE. During this process I began to learn what most Witches don't know, and that is that the gods they've been worshiping don't exist, that they're imitated by what we call "familiar spirits" or spirit guides, demons - witches don't call them demons, they like to call them spirit guides - and that there is only one god and his name is Lucifer.

NOW THIS WAS A SHOCKING THING TO ME SINCE I WAS RAISED TO BELIEVE THAT THE DEVIL DIDN'T EXIST. You see witches aren't Satanists, they don't believe in Satan, and I was quickly explained to that Lucifer was a good god and not an evil god, and that Jesus was the imitator. So I learned, and I learned many things, both of Witchcraft, and I also learned why the Senators and Politicians were there!

THEY WERE THERE BECAUSE WE WERE THE RELIGION OF A POLITICAL ORGANIZATION CALLED THE ILLUMINATI, and I was told all about the Illuminati and its history. I was schooled in the things that it had done, and the things that it was going to do, and the things that I was going to do. And before I go on, I want to show you a few things that will help explain. (Charts:)

THIS THING YOU SEE UP HERE IS ON THE BACK OF YOUR ONE-DOLLAR BILL, and WHAT IT IS IS THE SEAL OF THE ILLUMINATI. America tells us it's the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States, the only problem is that the United States has never sealed one document with it, ever, and never intends to! It was in existence before the United States was in existence, and I invite you, if you know your Latin, to look at your one-dollar bills later, and down at the bottom you will see some Latin.

IT SAYS: "THIS NEW ORDER THAT BEGAN 1776" -- THAT MEANS NOT THE 4th OF JULY, BUT MAY 1st, 1776, THE CREATION DAY OF THE ILLUMINATI. It consists of three pyramids ina sphinx, which I'll go through very quickly. We've put a few blocks up here, but there are hundreds of blocks in each pyramid. This is the political organisation. This is the middle pyramid. This is some of the political and police organisations that they use, and we've put up ones that mainly concern the United States.

ON THE TOP OF EACH PYRAMID YOU WILL SEE A CAPSTONE WITH AN EYE IN IT. The capstone is the Rothschild Family or Tribunal that rules the Illuminati, they were the creators of it. The eye is Lucifer, their god and their voice. The first 3 top blocks are on every pyramid. (See above photo.)

THE TOP BLOCK IS WHAT I WAS INITIATED INTO, THE COUNCIL OF 13 CALLED THE GRAND DRUID COUNCIL. They only take orders from the Rothschilds and nobody else. They're their private priesthood. The Council of 33 is directly under them, that is the 33 highest Masons in the World. The Council of 500, some of the richest people in the World - there are 500, actually, some of the richest people and conglomerates in the World - it's their real power as I'll show you in a minute.

I DON'T THINK YOU CAN SEE MUCH OF THE WRITING ON THIS, BUT THIS IS THE ORGANISATION OF WITCHCRAFT. The Golden Dawn is the 4th block up there, and it's the Rothschild's private coven. The Aquarian Arts Festival is the organization that ties all of the Occult Brotherhoods together in St. Paul, The Witches Church of America I was a member of. The Church of All Worlds is located in St. Louis. These are denominations like Northern Baptist, Southern Baptists, Independent Baptists, etc.

THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES, THE SATANIC BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICA, SCIENTOLOGY, UNITY, is the main platform for Witches to be speakers at towards what they consider to be Christian people. The Church of Wicca is another denomination; it's in Greenfield, North Carolina.

THE AQUARIAN ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE IS AN ORGANIZATION THAT WAS FORMED BY ONE OF THE GRAND DRUIDS, ISAAC BONOVITZ, and the American Civil Liberties Union. Its purpose is to pass laws and to sue Christian churches in Federal court for defaming Witches and the Occult, and they have been winning millions of dollars in the Federal courts.

THE GARNARIAN BROTHERHOOD IS THE TRADITIONAL WITCHCRAFT IN ENGLAND. The Order of the Rose Cross - another word for it isRosicrucians - they are a sacrifice order. And the Holy Order of the Garter is another traditional English Witchcraft group. (Points:)

THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SYMBOL: THIS IS THE POWER OF THE ILLUMINATI. Without the Sphinx the mystery of the Illuminati would have no power. This is where all of its power comes from. You will notice the head of it is the Rothschild Family and the Council of 500. Under that, the Rockefellers, Duponts, Kennedys, Onasises and other families. Queen Juliana is also on the Council of 500.

OVER IN THE CENTER IS ITS HEART, THE BANK OF ENGLAND, THE BANK OF FRANCE, THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT. Most people feel the Federal Reserve Act is a government organization. It is not! It has nothing to do with the Government of the United States; it is a stockholder company owned by individuals. Much of the stock is owned by non-Americans.

MANY BANKS and FAMOUS CORPORATIONS ARE OWNED OR CONTROLLED BY THE ILLUMINATI. We tell Christians across the U.S. that housewives and husbands cannot shop any day or any week without buying from a company that the Illuminati owns, it is impossible.

PHILLIP ROTHSCHILD ORDERED ONE OF HIS MISTRESSES TO WRITE AN 1100-PAGE BOOK that would describe to all witches how they would take control of the World

through the Illuminati: It's called Atlas Shrugged. (By Ayn Rand) One of the things in it is happening on the front pages of the newspapers across the United States right now. In fact she spent a third of the book describing how they would raise the oil prices and then later destroy the oil fields and then they would also completely shut down the coal.

IT ALSO DESCRIBED HOW THEY WOULD BLOW UP GRAIN MILLS, how they would derail trains. Their sole purpose is to bankrupt their own companies and destroy their own companies until they destroyed the currency of the whole World, and still be so financially strong they would withstand it!

NOW TO GO BACK TO MY OWN TESTIMONY WHILE EVERYBODY GETS A BREATH! I know you thought you were going to hear a lot about spell-casting or spooky ghosts, but I surprised you, I've got something more spooky to tell you! Anyway, as I learned all this, I was taken up to Colorado Springs, outside of NORAD Center about a mile in the same location, and placed through an initiation for the Council of 13, and then I moved to San Antonio where I lived until I was saved and ruled a 13-state area that I had from there.

WHEN I WAS SAVED I HAD 5000 COVENS, IN OTHER WORDS, CHURCHES, TOTALLING 65,000 PRIESTS and PRIESTESSES. That's just the ministers, not the congregation, so it is quite large. This State wasn't one of them, this is run by Mrs. Buckland, but Ohio was one of them, so it's close enough. I lived there until I was saved on Labor Day of 1972. And what led to my salvation was this:

THE GRAND DRUIDS MEET EIGHT TIMES A YEAR ON THE WITCHES' SABBATH AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN THE WORLD. I hosted the last meeting that I attended, it was held in San Antonio at the Casino Building. A courier from the London Embassy, a member of our State Department, brought a sealed courier pouch - so Immigration couldn't touch it - to the meeting and left it. It had never been opened from the time it had been sealed at the London Embassy.

DR. BUCKLAND CUT THE SEAL ON IT and TOOK OUT SIX LETTERS THAT WERE SEALED WITH THIS ILLUMINATI CREST. The first four were just business, money that we were to pay here and there and so on. Actually, the Grand Druid Council is nothing but glorified bankers, they write millions of dollars worth of checks to people in political and religious fields every month. But the last two letters led me to want to get out.

I HAD, AS A CHILD, ACCIDENTALLY ATTENDED A FEW SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES because I had nothing better to do, and during those classes I heard about the Book of Revelation and a few things in it - which was very strange, being back in the early '60s to hear anything like this, at least in the particular kind of church I was going to which was kind of liberal. So I had a little background of what the Christians felt was in their Bible. I thought it was foolish, but I had a little background.

NOW EVEN THOUGH I WAS A PART OF SETTING UP A WORLD GOVERNMENT, I ALWAYS KIND OF SNICKERED THAT THAT WAS EVER GOING TO HAPPEN, that we were serious, that it was kind of a little game we were playing. As long as the Rothschilds had all of the money to spend on our plans, we went ahead and spent the money. So I never took it seriously until we opened the last two letters.

NOW IN THE FIRST LETTER THAT WE OPENED OF THOSE LAST TWO, WAS A CHART, and IN THAT CHART IT LISTED AN EIGHT-YEAR PLAN FOR WORLD TAKE- OVER ENDING IN THE DECEMBER MONTH OF 1980. Since I have gotten out, I have not seen one thing fail or be delayed on that time chart. I'm not saying that it won't be delayed, but it's going to take a lot of Christians doing a lot of serious praying which I haven't seen yet. Next, the last letter we opened contained - now I'll have to quote it and then I'll have to explain, it, since witches say English but they say words that may not mean anything to you - it said:

"WE HAVE FOUND A MAN WHOM WE BELIEVE TO BE THE SON OF LUCIFER. We believe that through his works and our backing he can become ruler of this world, stop all wars, and bring peace, finally, to this war-stricken World."

Now that literally meant that we had found a person so fantastically-powered that he could convince people he was their only salvation. Now that literally meant in Christian terms, he was demon-possessed like nobody had ever seen! (Ed: The Antichrist, 1 Jn. 2:18; Rev.13.)

AFTER READING THAT ON AUGUST 1, 1972, I DECIDED IT WAS TIME TO LOOK ELSEWHERE TO GET OUT. Now this hadn't been a new idea, before I was made a Grand Druid I had thought about getting out.

-- So had a young actress in California that was ordered executed and left hanging with her throat cut by one foot - which is one of the tarot cards - to tell all witches that she had betrayed witchcraft and this was her death. And after seeing this and what happened to Sharon Tate, I decided I'd stay in. But now I wanted out. I didn't know how to get out and I didn't consider Christianity at all a way out, but I wanted to get out.

SO A MONTH ROLLED AROUND and I GOT DEEPER INVOLVED IN DRUGS. In fact, the night I was saved I weighed 149 pounds because I was doing $150 a day worth of methedrine speed - mainlining it - what the street people call "crystal." So I was literally in a paranoid mess anyway because of this drug, and all these plans hadn't made me any more restful.

SO ONE SATURDAY AFTERNOON A BAPTIST PREACHER CAME ACROSS ME IN ONE OF OUR OCCULT STORES. He was there because overnight, just about, he had come to realize that Witchcraft was real, when he had always considered it a fable about witches flying on broomsticks with warts on their noses and pointed hats. The way he'd found it was he'd found his daughter an initiated priestess of a Witchcraft coven! He'd caught her casting spells in her bedroom one night.

SO IT BECAME VERY REAL TO HIM, and AFTER MUCH PRAYER and FASTING, HE DECIDED TO TRACK DOWN A FEW WITCHES and see if he couldn't witness to them. He wasn't getting through to his daughter so he though he'd go to the head of it and if they got saved, maybe his daughter would get saved. So he found me in one of our occult stores called "The Spanish Bazaar" there in San Antonio and started to witness to me.

(Next to Part II )

John Todd in MP3 audio format!

I received a gift of audio tapes of John Todd's testimonials from a person who visited this web site. I had them converted to MP3 format which makes them small enough to download using a broadband connection. You can also hear them play as streaming audio in Internet Explorer. The talks are of similar content to this page, but also contain some new information! You are welcome to download these talks and post them on your own web site without asking for my permission, but I would appreciate a donation toward my work if you do so.

Tape 1A John Todd's testimony of deliverance from the Occult, evils of witchcraft 24.5 megabytes in MP3 format with 43 minutes of audio. The sound quality will improve after the first couple minutes.

Tape 1B Music and Spells, 44 minutes / 4.3 megabytes

Tape 2A Dangers of fortune telling, familiar spirits, CS Lewis, JRR Toiken, etc etc! 43 minutes / 4.2 megabytes

Tape 2B Charles Manson, Sharon Tate murder, Process Church, epilepsy, UFOs, demon possession, Jimmy Carter etc! 40 minutes / 3.8 megabytes

Tape 3A What is the Illuminati? CFR? Trilateral Commission, what 33rd. Degree Masons believe about Lucifer, etc! 43 minutes / 4.2 megabytes

Tape 3B Continuation of what is the Illuminati? Who leads it? The Charismatic movement / Chuck Smith / Jesus Rock / John Birch Society / Freemasons, purpose of Rock Music, etc! 40 minutes / 4.4 megabytes

Tape 4A How to survive, etc! 43 minutes / 4.6 megabytes

Tape 4B Masons, Salvation message by pastor 1 hour 16 minutes / 9.1 megabytes . It is the largest of all the files of this set. The audio quality is not very good but still audible.

Tape 5A Todd's testimony about the occult world, the Illuminati, the Collins family, introduction of witchcraft to America, etc! 41 minutes / 6.1 megabytes

Tape 5B Salvation testimony, deliverance from fear based on 2Tim1:7, Rock Music, Book of Mormon based on the Witchcraft bible Book of Shadows, witchcraft symbols used in jewelry, Catholic mass compared to witchcraft, why JFK was killed, etc! 39 minutes / 4.3 megabytes

Tape 6A History as a witch, doctrine, evils of television, 43 minutes / 4.7 megabytes (was 24.4 megabytes)

Tape 6B More details of his life in the occult, evils and addiction of rock music, purpose of rock music-to get Christians cast spells on themselves! etc.36 minutes / 3.5 megabytes

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What happened to John Todd? Where is he now?

To fully answer this question, please read the following pages consecutively:

Question: Can I order copies of the audio tapes to share with other Christians?

I do not have the equipment to do a good job to make quality audio tape copies. I think that it would be much better for you to download the MP3 files yourself and listen to them rather than me try to make copies of the tapes for you. You can burn the files on a CD in data format and listen to them from your PC. Or you can transfer them to a MP3 player. Or you can use software such as Nero Burning ROM and make actual audio CDs from the MP3 files which can be played on any audio CD player.

You can even make your own audio tapes from the MP3 files by recording them from your computer to a audio recorder. The MP3 files on this web site are even better audio quality than the tapes I had them made from because some of the background noise has been removed with special software. If you say that you are "technically challenged" and don't know how to do any of the above, I am sure that there is somebody in your church or area who does know how and who would be willing to help you or make them for you.

Question: Don't you think John Todd was wrong about some things?

Yes I do. He got out of his realm and anointing when he started to take up leadership and teach his interpretation of certain Christian doctrines. He should have stuck with his testimony and majored on what he did actually see and hear.

However I still firmly believe that Todd was right about certain things and has a lot to say that the devils of this world don't want to be made known! For example:

So I encourage you to read John Todd's testimony with an open mind and see if it doesn't apply to things you experienced in your own life! Even if you think he got some of his facts or figures wrong -- such as "We've been doing it for 8000 years...." when the world is no more than around 6200 years old - (contrary to the false so called "science" of evolution), if you believe 1 John 2:15 and 16 verses of the New Testament, you KNOW, or should know if you are a Bible believer, that it is better to be on the leery side of what the world offers, and tend to shun its treats (films, music, etc) much more than to let yourself be polluted by them!

Question: Where to order a copy of the John Todd and Illuminati comic book?

There has never been a "comic book". The illustration on the top of this page was on the cover of an internal publication sent to members of my Christian fellowship. There were some other illustrations in it such as the symbols that Todd talks about. But it was never a full fledged comic book. This seems to be rumor circulating the Internet.

Question: Where can I order a hard copy of this article about John Todd?

Nowhere. If you want a hard copy of it, just print it out!

WWW links related to John Todd's testimonial of the Illuminati

It's not good to believe every article about the Illuminati that you may find on the Internet. Below are some of the most trustworthy. All of the authors have a clear testimony of knowing Jesus Christ as Lord. Some have even been killed for their testimony! Beware of those authors who receive little or no opposition for their message!

If you find any broken links in the following list, please do report them to me.

Pages on James Japan

Pages on James Japan's Deep Truths site

Links to external websites

Jack Chick's testimonial about John Todd - Letter #1

Jack Chick is an artist. He is known for his comic-style tracts (informally known as Chick Tracts) and larger comic books for the purpose of Christian evangelism from a fundamentalist point of view.


PO Box 662
Chino, California 91710

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is in regard to my association with John Todd.

I first met John in 1973. I found his information on the occult fascinating. We worked together on a Crusaders story entitled, "The Broken Cross." Since its publication I know of witches coming to Christ through this story. A police captain visited a friend of mine and told him the book was the most factual he had ever read on the subject.

John Todd began winning young people out of the occult. His ministry started growing. When John took these young people to a church called "Melodyland" in Southern California, I was told they announced from the platform that no witch could be saved. That was disaster to John's ministry. He was involved with churches and Full Godpel Businessmen and all of them were of the charismatic persuasion. John was promised support that never came.

When attempts were made on John's life, the Christians shied away from him. In those years witchcraft was avoided like the plague. Everything turned sour. No Christian would touch John, so he went back to the only thing he knew, the occult. He and his wife, Sheila, opened up an occult bookstore.

I kept calling John, telling him he was saved, but he believed the Armenian doctrine that once he went back to sin he was lost forever. I kept at him. He pushed the occult religion at me, but I wouldn't give up and I told him he still belonged to Jesus. I called him my brother and he told me to stop calling him that. When I almost gave up, John called me and told me that he and Sheila had come back to Christ.

John remembered when he was training for the position of a Grand Druid priest that a huge sum of money supposedly was passed from the Illuminati to the organization called "Melodyland," and John believes that is why his ministry was hit.

Since coming back into Christian work, John has had many attempts on his life, verified by his wife. John is exposing Masonry which has infiltrated our churches. It's an unseen enemy. John has given me valuable information on 2 new publications, "Angel of Light" and "Spellbound". The latter on rock music will have a devastating effect on Christian rock music. I thank God John is risking his neck to warn us of the dangers and techniques used by the Illuminati.

John was attending Faith Baptist Church in Canoga Park, California. On my word, Pastor Roland Rasmusson helped John get speaking engagements. John has made mistakes from the platform. It's understandable. He is in a new line of work. Both John and his wife have used extensive drugs and are still suffering from the effects. Some of the mistakes were deliberately fed to John to make him look bad. I can verify that through his wife, Sheila.

Pastor Rasmusson was caught in a hard place when John quoted the wrong input from the platform. Then, one of his church members was given an old tape to re-use. On it was a message John had made while instructing classes in the occult when he had backslidden. The tape was played to the deacons, andI believe pressure was put on Dr. Rasmusson to disassociate himself from John. They knew John had been backslidden because he told them that. I got the same material from John on the phone when I was trying to win him back to Christ.

I was assured the tape would only be played to the deacons, but since then, copies have fallen into various hands, and this is now being used as a club. Pastor Rasmusson still calls John his brother and he told me he believes John is saved. When John preaches, pastors tell me of revival and the most difficult to reach came to Christ, including Masons.

My question is: Who is behind John's attackers? I know the Masons are delighted. So is the Illuminati. Are the ones attacking John winning souls? Why is it aired publicly? IfJohn goes down because of the pressures from Christians, it will be a day of rejoicing for the occult.

I back John up 100% with all his faults. I know this brother is doing his best to advance the kingdom of God. We must keep one fact in mind. John is not a minister, but a Christian layman sharing what he knows about a very explosive subject. We should be eager to know about what is going on in the enemy's camp, and to my knowledge, John Todd is the only one qualified to give us that information. I encourage you to stand with him in the face of this onslaught.

JACK T. CHICK, PRESIDENT, Chick Publications, Inc.

Next:Chick's letter about Todd written Oct. 26, 1978

Jack Chick's testimonial about John Todd - Letter #2

PO Box 662
Chino, California 91710

To Whom it May Concern in the Lord:

This letter should be a warning to us on how subtle the enemy can be as an angel of light. I consider John Todd a friend and a brother in Christ.

On Sunday evening, October 22nd, I received a phone call that gunfire hadhit John's house. My wife and I drove to his place at about 9 pm. There were five squad cars in front of his house.

John's face was gray. Someone had fired a shotgun through the baby's window aiming at John reading in the front room. It missed the children sleeping in the front bedroom and sprayed through the hall, hitting John's arm and breaking part of the front window. John jumped up, ran to the back of the house, and as the man went over the back wall, he responded to John's command to halt by firing his shotgun at John. Todd fired two shots.

Eight neighbors saw the man going over the wall. No one could say this attempt on John's life was self-inflicted as they claim the others were. I saw the blasted window, the torn curtains, and the pellet wound in John's arm. The oldest girl, age 6, told me when the shooting started she put the babies on the floor to protect them. What a price to pay for exposing the occult!

New disturbing material has arrived in the mail with letters and newspaper clippings covering a period of time when John Todd had pulled away from the Lord, from July 1975 until March 1976 and beyond. In John's defense, I would like to give the other side of the story.

As some of you know, when John and Shiela backslid, I called them many times trying to get them to come back to the Lord, so I'm familiar with much of what happened during this time. The pressures John Todd faced after working with me on "The Broken Cross" in 1974 contributed to his backsliding. When the occult put the heat on John, Christians didn't want to become involved. His support vanished. The incident that broke the camel's back took place in the Midwest.

A pastor asked John to refurbish an old building which belonged to his church, telling John he would use it as a retreat forex-witches and for drug rehabilitation. John and Shiela put in 18 hours a day plus $2000.00 of their own funds as well as their furniture into this place. The night it was finished John said the pastor changed his mind and wanted someone else to run it. And argument took place. The pastor pushed Shiela and she had a miscarriage that night.

Everything was gone. They headed for Ohio in a Greyhound bus with only two suitcases and three boxes of clothing. They were broke and hungry when they reached Shiela's folks. Because of their past history with the occult in that area of Dayton they were not welcomed in the churches. By now they were very bitter.

The occult world would never forgive John Todd for writing "The Broken Cross." He was branded a traitor. Too many witches got saved reading that book. John's Catholic

Landlord, Mr. James Seifer, wanted to invest his money either in an adult or an occult bookstore. He decided on an occult store and offered John and Shiela 50% if they'd run it. They agreed. This wasSeptember 9, 1975. They had gone back into the world. The Illuminati was outraged. It was like some cheap hood trying to set up a prostitution ring in an area controlled by the Mafia. John Todd, the outcast had moved into their territory. He had to be destroyed. I used to call the occult store and tell them I loved them and that Jesus loved them and wanted them to come back to Him.

Now we come to the insidious plot to wipe out John Todd as I believe it happened. Most of the people involved were directly tied to the Illuminati via the pope of the occult called Gavin Frost. I've been told the enforcer, who wants the Christians destroyed, is Isaac Bonewits who head up the Aquarian Anti-Defamation League. These were some of the heavyweights John was facing. The others were high priests and priestesses in local covens as well as Masons. Now understand, no legitimate witch was allowed in John's store. It had been boycotted.

John was surprised when two real witches came into his store bringing a 16-year old runaway named Karen Schnipper. She had been beaten by her father. Immediately John felt sorry for her. He had been a beaten child. They asked for John's help. Here's where it gets interesting.

The two witches were Bob and Julie Pritchet (not sure of spelling). They were known as "Terror" and "Albarros" (not sure of that spelling either) which means the Black One, or Undergod, or the devil. These two were leaders in the local Church of Wicca, under the control of Gavin Frost, the pope of the occult. The girl, Karen, was a witch from Chicago. John estimated her to be a second level witch. She had a history of incest and heavy drugs. She offered John $200.00 to drive her to Chicago to get away from her brutal father. He had a broken hand from hitting Karen. John agreed to take her.

Before he got to Chicago, John stopped and called Shiela. She told him there was an all- points bulletin on him for kidnapping. The police were waiting for John in Chicago, the father had made the charge. I believe the witches plotted the whole set-up. The police offered John immunity if he'd bring the girl back. The deal was made through John's boss. All charges were dropped. John admits he and Shiela were deep into sin. They were away from the Lord and miserable.

In January 1976, a 13-year old girl was missing from a children's home in Dayton called "Shawen Acres," located about a block form the occult store. A police officer by the name of Robert Keen who handled hundreds of cases singled out this girl. He accused John of killing her. According to police reports, John says this 13-year old girl was a habitual runaway because her father raped her at age 10 and she had become a member of the motorcycle gang called "The Outlaws." She was a known prostitute.

Officer Keen searched John's house and pushed one of the employees around, breathing threats of a murder charge against John Todd. This officer claimed to be a Christian. I called John on the phone that day and he told me about some of this man's actions. He was bitter. I said, "John, from what you're telling me, he isn't a Christian." There was no love. After a while the case was dropped.

In February of 1976 John was arrested for the Karen Schnipper kidnap case again. It was a shock. He applied for bail. At the same time he was hit with a warrant for his arrest in Carlsbad, New Mexico for forgery. Bail was denied. The warrants for his arrest from New Mexico turned out to be phony. John was not wanted. They finally gave him bail.

Now the Illuminati made a deal with him. On February 21, 1976 at7 pm John and Shiela were invited to a dinner with Gavin Frost, the pope of the occult and his associate Isaac Bonewits. They warned John to never mention the Illuminati again. John refused. They were furious. The next day in a Unitarian church, Gavin Frost denounced John. A "wanted" poster was to be issued for John raising the price on his head by the organization.

An interesting meeting took place. Gavin Frost, the pope of the occult who despises Christianity, and Isaac Bonewits, his enforcer who seethes with hate for the believers in Christ, met with the Christian police officer as friends. Isn't that strange? The other man was Wes Hill, the man who reported all the stories on John Todd and for some reason always misquoted him. It looks like they all had something in common.

In March, 1976, I got a surprise call from John. He called me "Brother." I praise the Lord because John and Sheila had come back to Christ. They closed the occult store and burned its contents. He was still on bail. The trial was coming up. Unknown to John, his lawyers were Masons. They told John if he agreed to say he was guilty of driving Karen across the state line he would be released. John agreed. For some reason a visiting judge from Tennessee presided. He also was a Mason. He gave John the maximum sentence of 6 months with no probation.

The first night in the institution, the nurse insisted that John get a shot of phenobarbital and Vallium, claiming his records showed at one time he had been an epileptic. They pumped so many drugs into John that by the end of three months he was in critical condition, moving him from the Veterans' Hospital to the General, and back again. They were also hitting him with 6 shots a day. He was being overdosed purposely. A specialist was only allowed to see John once. He took a blood sample and said John was critical and in a toxic state, poisoned by Dilantin in his body. John didn't recognize Shiela. He was having 10 to 12 seizures a day.

Shiela got on the phone and begged me to help her. I told her to get a lawyer. She did. The Lord was with her. The lawyer contacted a Judge Shields and said that John Todd through the lawyer would file a suit in inhumane punishment against this court. The judge ordered John released. John's life was saved. The Illuminati lost that round. God had answered our prayers.

Interesting note: While John was in jail that little 13-year old runaway that John was accused of murdering by Officer Keen called up her mother to say she was out of the state of Ohio and that she was alive.

John was released on December 23, 1976. After the first of the year Judge Shields gave John permission to go to Phoenix, Arizona for a job. Later, John moved to Alabama and called his probation officer to see if it was all right. The officer said it was fine.

John and Shiela told me they would try to warn the churches one more time what the Illuminati is doing to our churches and what they have planned for us. It takes guts to tell what's coming. John makes mistakes on certain statements and he'll admit it. He is a Christian layman, not a minister.

Part of the material being circulated includes letters from ex-police officer Keen and part of the news clippings from that area. All this was when John was backslidden. John points out the letters ex-Officer Keen sent were secret within the occult organization. Only witches or Masons could possibly get their hands on them. The last people on earth I would believe would be Galvin Frost, the pope of the occult and his enforcer, Isaac Bonewits who I've been told commit animal sacrifices and who knows what else to the prince of darkness. These men are not my brothers in Christ. They hate the ground we walk on. God help us when we have to rely on witches for information.

At least John has given us the warning. He is being blasted by witches and Christians alike. As far as I'm concerned, his past is under the blood. John has confessed all this to the Lord Jesus.

It would be easy to compromise and give in to these pressures, but I won't. I believe and love both John andSheila. They are fighting for survival, never knowing where the next shotgun blast will come from.

I know that as a result of his messages revival is breaking out. Pastors have called me by phone and told me that the kids are burning their rock music and getting saved.

I believe the dear brothers in the Lord who are sending out this material have made a mistake in not knowing who they are lining up with. I pray these attacks cease and that we may all be in much prayer about this. John and Shiela need our support as they face an unbelievable powerful force who would stop at nothing to destroy them. They are counting on Christians to help them silence John. If I thought for one minute John was a phony, I would not hesitate for a second to expose him. I've prayed and sought God about this matter and I believe John is a true brother in Christ who has been given a very difficult ministry.

Yours for the lost,

JACK CHICK, President, Chick Publications, Inc.

Next: Fritz Springmeier's Testimonial about John Todd

Fritz Springmeier's Testimonial about John Todd

Fritz Springmeier is probably the world's foremost authority on the bloodlines of the Illuminati and the techniques they employ to create a mind controlled slave. His books on mind control (co-authored with former Illuminati programmer Cisco Wheeler are without peer in depth, rigorous detail, and uncompromising accuracy. JOHNNY TODD

Johnny Todd is reported to have converted to Christ on Labor Day, 1972 according to one person I talked to. It seemed like the talk I heard Johnny Todd give indicated 1973 as his conversion date. He was of the Collins family Todd's and at some point after coming to Christ, told people he had been a member of the Grand Druid Council of the Illuminati. Before proceeding to tell about his life lets interrupt to discuss about whether Johnny Todd is for real or not. Johnny Todd has been discredited as a fraud within much of the Christian community.

If I had heard all the negative things said about Johnny Todd first, I might not be writing anything about him, because some of the people against him don't have anything good to say. However, I heard tapes of Johnny Todd speak before I heard the negative things about him. What has taken me years to understand, he went item by item and discussed. I have tried to understand what Johnny Todd did to get discredited, and the central issue seems that a tape he made after he was converted had his voice saying a satanic ritual. I must warn the readers that I haven't gotten to the bottom of who Johnny Todd is, but I was able to ascertain several things.

Even the people who feel Johnny Todd was a fraud admit he had to have been in Satanism-they simply claim he wasn't as high as he thought.

Every negative thing that has been said toward Johnny Todd that has any substance that I have been able to hear can be explained away very easily if a person understand MPD. If Johnny Todd was who he claimed he was, then it is an absolute given that he had MPD, because that is part of the "training", part of the preparation necessary to become part of the Illuminati hierarchy. In other words, the negative things which appear to be insurmountable obstacles to his credibility, may actually if people knew what being involved with the Illuminati is like be items showing his authenticity.

Further, it appears that after his conversion to Christ, he received so much lack of understanding and persecution from Christians that he back slide for a period of time, but was brought back to Christ by the repeated message "Jesus loves you." The clincher was listening to the man. After having done years of research and hearing someone tell me much of what I learned the slow and hard way, was very exciting.

The man speaks like someone who knows Satanism and the Satanic hierarchy, and knows it first hand. I have listened to many Christians speak on Satanism, and on a scale of 0 to 100 most of them are about step 1 Todd in my opinion, from the talks I have heard rates around an 80.

If he is such a fraud, why is what he is saying such superior information than all the other people? People claim he simply borrowed from other people, but that doesn't hold water. I know of no one else who has openly talked about the Collins family. I could be wrong -- he may not be legitimate -- but I feel so strongly from what I have experienced that I honestly believe that the man is just what he says he is. And in that case, he is one of the highest Satanic hierarchy people to defect to Christianity who have been willing to talk. Johnny Todd is not talking now - the establishment got him put into prison in South Carolina.


This article comes from a tape which was made by someone who is part of the Collins Bloodline, one of the top 13 Illuminati bloodlines. I transcribed this tape onto paper, because I feel it deals with an important person and some important issues. Christians need to realize that what happened to this man who left and tried to expose the illuminati, is what is in store for many other Christians, that is prison. The Be Wise As Serpents book had an entire chapter on the Concentration camps that are already built for Christians. There are friends of mine who feel very convinced this ex-illuminatus is the real thing, and that he was really part of the Illuminati.

Then, there are some who feel he is not for real. There has been an intense program of discrediting this man which was orchestrated by the illuminati and their plants within the Christian people. I have listened to both sides of the issue, and then listened to the man himself, and I am convinced he is for real. I believe he was really part of the illuminati. That was this author's conclusion, although I'm not so firm that I wouldn't bend if new evidence confirmed differently.

I have listened to hours of accusations that were leveled against this ex-Illuminatus even before he was framed, and most if not all amount to nothing. When I have asked people what their objections were to this man, they have said they are convinced he is was a Satanist, but that they doubt his illuminati credentials.

But the man is part of one of the most powerful bloodlines in the world, the Collins family. Whether he got high in Illuminati can be debated, but if he were in Satanism, which many acknowledge, he would have - almost certainly - been taken into an Illuminati coven.

Next: John Todd's message from prison

John Todd's testimonial while in prison

Feb. 26, 1991

This was transcribed from a tape John Todd secretly recorded while in prison in South Carolina. I got it from one of Fritz Springmeier's. I hear that Mr. Springmeirer is now suffering a similar fate as Todd's!

I am John Todd, and this tape is being made in a prison cell in South Carolina, it is very late at night. All the inmates are locked down in their cells, but you will still hear noise off and on. And if the guard comes by, I have to stop and be very quiet. The reason for this tape is that I have been framed and put in prison by orders of U.S. Senator from South Carolina Strom Thurmond.

I'll go into all the reasons for that, and what happened to me. And only recently, in fact just about a week and a half ago did I find out how it was really accomplished. As I started to say, the reason for this tape is to get the word out about where I'm at.

I've been in custody almost four years now. I've been in a prison cell for three years, and that time is a very closely guarded secret by the government, by the Illuminati and definitely by the conspirators. The word of what has happened to me has not gotten out of the state of South Carolina. Here you have religious magazines that are run by the Illuminati, speakers who are members within their organization, or collaborators who have been bought by them over the years.

Many of them who would consider themselves to be personal enemies of mine because of exposes which came out about them by me in the '70s-early '80s. Yet, not one of them has said a word, although they all know about it for fear that the true believers that are out there will find out what has happened to me.

When I was arrested, one of the few things that was taken from my apartment was my files containing my mailing list. These were taken by the police although they had nothing to do with the case I was supposedly being charged with. And two years later when we went through a law suit to get everything back, this was one of the few items that did not come back. They Just vanished, just disappeared.

The reason for it, a was the reason for taking the two personal address books that I had. One I carried in my billfold for such an emergency and one was in my library shelf were taken by SLED also. This was hopefully to keep me from contact with anybody who could help me obtain legal services or whatever. I want to go into the case very carefully, very diligently.

One of the things that seems to be very frightening to Christians is that such a thing could actually take place. Many who knew I was innocent could not believe that I had been found guilty. Not so much that -because-, it just wasn't there, it didn't take place, so therefore even the manufactured evidence wasn't even there. They just couldn't believe that a child of God in this country could go to prison. (I had stopped and came to the door. I can't let this tape be known that it is being made or it would never get out of here.)

I want to say this now before I go on, whoever receives a copy of this tape I'm asking you to make a copy or copies and get the word out. Make phone calls. Let people know what has happened to me. Let them know that they can be of service to get me out of here. This is what is most feared about putting me in here, that the word will get out. Let me tell you what all has happened here.

We need to go back to 1987 in Columbia, South Carolina where I was living. I had been hurt. I had been doing labor, construction work, carpenter work for several years. I had stopped speaking publicly after my divorce to the woman who had stood beside me for years and years and years, headquarters. Give me a polygraph." Immediately in the form of a scream, I can assure you, not a statement, the SLED agent, a Lt. Carleton Meddle, who is now a captain, who was made captain three days after I was convicted, over promoted - promoted over people in front of him, screamed out loud, "No, we're not going to give you a polygraph." That was their stance all the way through.

I took a polygraph after my conviction. I paid for the polygraph. I -the polygraph. But it's not admissible in court. Now they took me - Pm going to go through this all so you can see. Immediately, I knew this whole thing was a frame. I wasn't sure what they were up to1 but let it go. The solicitor said he wanted to have my apartment searched for evidence of the rape, And that he could get a search warrant, but they would prefer that I allow them to search.

"Well," I said, "I have an attorney who is representing me in the lawsuit. He is also a criminal attorney if you allow me to call him, you allow me to ask his advice and he says "yes", I will allow you to do it."

They really didn't have a choice in this matter. I was asking for my attorney and they were supposed to. They took me in the hospital downstairs to the security room. I didn't know this at the time, but out of the 17 arresting officers that were SLED there five were lieutenants in the room with me out of the 26 Lieutenants la the state. That's unheard of. Plus the head solicitor.

It gets better. They take me into a room. The solicitor calls my attorney. I still didn't realize who he was or anything. He called my attorney. I spoke with my attorney. He told my attorney that if he allowed me to sign this thing. and then again he told that they didn't have a search warrant, which was a lie. The search warrant was limited as to what they could have took from my apartment.

They weren't interested in anything in the rape, as you will find out. They were interested in other materials, which they could not have took under the search warrant. So they told him they will take me straight to Jail, they will go to my apartment, and search it. I signed it. They took me to my apartment. They had lied to my attorney.

They proceeded to box up three 30 gallon plastic trash bags and four boxes with material. Nothing, except 3 knifes-that they claimed they were trying to find the knife which was used in the rape. I showed them where all my knifes were and some business stationary with the publishing company. Other than that knife nothing that went out of there was used during the trial. Nothing was used except what I just said. Everything else was business material, printing concerning my past ministry, or the ministry I was involved in

which was the newsletter. The whole time I was there I was not questioned about sexual assault as they put it, I was only asked questions about the Christian underground.

I want to stop and explain that. There is, though some of you might find it shocking, there is an underground in the United States, a Christian underground. It was formed over the trials in Nebraska, where Christians, pastors, ministers of the church were sent to prison. Where we started seeing non-passed laws about child abuse being put into effect by the federal and state governments without ever being passed as law. Children were being taken from their parents without a chance for the parents to be allowed to speak in the trial.

All it took was some child psychologist, "I suspect child abuse, blah blah blah." We started seeing how 90% of the people being tried were fundamentalist Christians, so an underground was formed. It contained Christian survivalists but it contained everyday people also. And all they wanted was where these safe houses were, where these places of refuge were, what the underground conductors who they were. That's all they were asking me. And yet nothing was in South Carolina, So it was out of their jurisdiction. So I knew they were asking for the federal government.

I was taken from there to SLED and for the first time I was questioned concerning the so- called rape. I realized, you would have to be arrested to understand the shock you go through, I was just numb. But as my head started clearing and I realized that they held in their hands evidence that they had took from the apartment which would clear me, I told them. I also told them about my whereabouts that night. I told them people they could go question.

And here's their statement, "it is not our job to go question witnesses that will prove your innocence." While I was at SLED headquarters the solicitor who had left us after we had left the apartment went and held a press conference. This was his story: I was arrested for one rape, I was suspected in three maybe, as many as eighty. That's right. Family members on their way home from work at five thirty in the evening were hearing this on the radio.

Never before was anybody that wasn't a murderer ever given this much publicity and never before in the history of SLED had a person who was charged only with criminal sexual assault ever been investigated or charged by SLED.

Before I was even booked in the jail, I realized that these folks did not believe I was guilty. They were only interested in something else. I wasn't sure quite yet what. The next morning I was brought before a state magistrate for a bail hearing and to be arraigned. I was denied bail on the following.

Now listen to this. The solicitor tells the magistrate the following, I'm not a resident of South Carolina. But he had just searched my apartment. I had several businesses in South Carolina and had lived here for years. Further, they said I had no residence in South Carolina. And yet they had just searched it.

Three, they said I had a passport and they were worried I'd flee the country. The passport had been taken from my apartment and had expired on that very day on my birthday of 1967 and they knew it. The next statement was that I had no visible means of support. And yet they knew that I did. And the last one was that I had no family members in South Carolina, and yet, I had children right here. As I tried to tell the magistrate this was all incorrect he wouldn't hear it. I had not yet realized that I was on the front cover of the state newspaper. Now the

state newspaper is the newspaper in Columbia. It had a co-owned newspaper called The Record which does not exist now. They have combined them. The newspapers print whatever the authorities want them to print in this state. The interesting thing in this was that it started to go into my military record.

Now the Illuminati and collaborators in the Christian church have led to discredit me for years. Mainly they have said that I have lied about my participation in the military, what I was involved in, that I was in Vietnam, or any of this.

During the next several days, the state became very upset at the U. S. military because the US. military said I was involved in a military group in Vietnam called Phoenix and that all members who were in Phoenix their military records were sealed and in Langley, VA. with the CIA. That is what I have said for years and years and years. And after all this, thousands and thousands of dollars paid to the collaborators within the Christian Church to Illuminati collaborators and plants have put out about me.

This newspaper, which was trying to harm me, destroyed it in a matter of days. I became known as the survivalist rapist or the green beret rapist and it all came out about me being ex-special forces green beret. All this stuff denied by Christianity Today, and Logos and all these others for over a year was Just blown away in a matter of moments. Over the next two weeks, it went from I was suspected of 80 rapes to 100 rapes. Everyday the solicitor was holding a news conference. Everyday I was smeared in the news.

In fact when they realized that either what they could frame me of, was falling apart on them they proceeded to take my picture and put it on the television. "We know he has done all this would anybody who has been followed by this man please come forward."

They broadcast my picture all over the state. And I imagine - I was told - hundreds of crank calls but nothing ever came out because nothing had ever happened. And the problem was, and we're only guessing here, is the solicitor had been tricked by SLED. The solicitor really believed this. And he thought it was a high publicity case and it blew up on him and he was embarrassed. But he was being asked, we uncovered this.

This is how it went before my arrest. And I think you will be surprised by the lies [?or irony?] in all this. SLED took statements from Meryl Blackburn 2:30 a.m. Sunday morning 17th -I'm sorry-May 18th Monday morning -- (l'm sorry.) It was actually Monday morning May 18th at 2:30 in the morning. They arrested me at 3:30 in the afternoon.

After taking statements, a close friend of Strom Thurmond who was sexually involved with the woman, who was all these women's bosses, came down to SLED headquarters went with them to solicitor James Anders office, and told Anders he wanted me sent to prison; he didn't care how. He then went to the state magistrate and got a warrant signed.

This politician, who lived hundreds of miles away, came down here for that precise purpose and was involved. His name was Larry Martin. Now the reason that Strom Thurmond hated me, in case you're familiar or not familiar with this, is that when I was living in California working with Chick publications and preaching very heavily in '87 and doing mostly exposes on everybody it had come out about Strom Thurmond being the highest ranking Mason in the world, and that he was also a member of the voting Board of

Regents for the Bob Jones University. Now the first thing that Bob Jones University did was to deny that Thurmond was a Mason. But Thurmond wouldn't go along with it. He knew he was too well known as being a Mason. So he came out and tried to defend Masonic beliefs that Christians can be that. It blew up on him. And he became so outraged that even though Bob Jones University was always calling me a liar, constantly trying to hurt me; they had to ask him to step down.

The lie was not removed. He was only placed to the non-voting board of regents, and., believe me, he still had all of his power. At that time, I was told he [Thurmond] is going to get you for this. I made a major mistake. I didn't pray about this. I met, and I let people supposedly Christian people talk me into moving to South Carolina. These were the first people to desert me when all this happened.

Now the interesting thing about this was all through this the only thing they had was this woman's statement. And it came out that woman had first went to the sheriff's department and the sheriff would not believe her because it had been -- she was talking about so far back that she admitted on the stand that she never had told anybody, that she had never sought medical help.

There were some things that I don't want to testify - I don't want to say on this tape because it might offend people but things she described that night would have required her to receive emergency treatment in order to stay alive if it had really taken place, and yet she said she was not hurt, not damaged, was not bruised. She was not cut. She was not harmed in any way.

The situation was this, I was held for nine months in custody awaiting trial. The speedy trial law here was totally disregarded by the judge. The reason I was held so long is this woman moved out of state didn't want to come back to the state. It was not - I believe this - it was not really a conspiracy in the beginning. This was a woman who wanted revenge for being fired.

When it got out of hand she didn't know who she was dealing with. When it had gotten out of hand and become so publicized and she saw all these people running around trying desperately to do me in, she ran away. See what happened was that when she went to SLED, they typed my name into the computer that they have there.

They have what they call a black list, a hit list that the politicians in South Carolina put people on. When my name popped up it became a field day and it just became too much for her, and she left, and they had to force her to come back. Now whether she was honest with them or whether they really knew what had happened or what I do know. But they completely changed her appearance for the trial.

They dyed her hair, they put her in different clothes, they restyled and cut her hair so that this was how much she changed. I had only seen her a couple times, but when she came into the trial I kept asking my attorney when Meryl Blackburn was going to be here. I did not recognize her. That's how much she had changed.

And so people who would have seen her that night which were alibi witnesses of mine would not have been able to perfectly identify her was the plan. And the reason for this is that there were witnesses who could have destroyed her testimony. But most important is lab tests that I happen to know the Lord was behind. I checked into the hospital within six

or seven hours from when she claims this had taken place. It was supposed to have taken place Mother's Day weekend of '87 and like in the wee hours of Saturday morning. And Saturday afternoon around lunchtime I was checking in to the hospital. The test on admittance was this test for alcohol and drugs. Now this woman didn't know that. SLED and the prosecution didn't know that.

And this woman claimed in her affidavit that I had forced her to drink and to take drugs and that I was drinking and taking drugs along with her. The urine analysis totally proved her to be lying; there were no drugs or alcohol in my system.

And yet, and let me say that (O.K.), finally it was brought to trial Jan. 21 which was a Thursday of 1988. The jury was selected. A week before I was to go to trial I had all the funds that I had left I settled my law suit out of court, which was to be $120,000. I settled it out for $10,000 and gave it to my attorney who was supposed to spend it all on a private investigator.

This private investigator was an ex-SLED agent. Supposedly, he tracked down all the witnesses I had told him There was enough evidence for, all this time I sat there and I knew I was going to be found innocent.

I knew I was innocent. I knew the evidence was there to prove it. And the lawyer came and told me they had the lab tests. That they went before the judge and argued against the solicitor and got lab tests admitted into evidence and it was going to be there. He had drawn as he put it 32 witness's subpoenas and had served most of them, and was going to have the witnesses there and it was going to be an open show.

And so all day of the 21st I watched the trial not worried, and yet not understanding what my attorney was doing. My attorney was making me out to be the bad-you see my attorney wanted me to take the stand and say I had affair with this woman and she was just upset. And I wouldn't do it. I didn't know at the time that he was in on it.

And if they lost, they really weren't going to lose this case. If they lost, they wanted at least to destroy my reputation. And I couldn't understand where the witnesses were. And I didn't know until this month that they were there, they were just segregated outside of the courtroom. And so all day of the 21st I listened to the testimony.

It was so ridiculous the jurors were laughing at the testimony, that's how ridiculous. I insisted when some nurses were up for jury duty I had insisted they get on the stand because they would have been able to believe the medical evidence. I mean the medical evidence which cleared me, we won right then and there.

I couldn't understand my lawyer put a woman on the jury who admitted, it's in the transcript, that her and her husband had seen the stories and read the stories and had already formed a conclusion. Obviously, if you had read the stories the conclusion would have been that I was guilty. Right?

And as far as the public knew, I was still being suspected of all these, you know hundred something rapes, and nobody knew these didn't exist and nobody knew they didn't go anywhere. So as this jury took, I couldn't understand it. He said, "Oh, don't worry, it will be alright, I know what I am doing."

The next day we come back, [I] still expecting to present a case, the 22nd of January, (1] still expecting to present a case. They called up a few minor witnesses. The only new witness they put on the case, they were trying to prove that the publishing company didn't exist, that it was phony, that it was a scam to draw women into it that I could rape and all

this type of stuff. This is what the prosecution was trying to prove. There was just too much thousands of dollars yeah, blah, blah, I'll come and testify and blah blah." Then he turns around and tells my court appointed attorney for the Post-conviction that he thinks James Corry, that's the attorney's name, did marvelous work for me sad did the best he could under the circumstances.

Yes, I'm innocent but no attorney could have done better for me. Making himself a witness who wasn't usable, but he didn't show up for the trial though he promised. This pastor had files [files? - word unclear] in his hand to set me free and refused to use it. I'll let you draw your own conclusions as to why. I did not know the full extent of what my attorney had done to me. I was sent to prison. Until Feb. 15, a week or so ago [?].

At the post-conviction in Columbia South Carolina the only two witnesses present were myself sad the attorney for the state. My attorney was testifying for the state. He got on the stand sad lied about several things that needed to be true, that I need personally knew to be true.

Now he had told me up until then that the reason be didn't use the lab was that it didn't show a screen for alcohol and for all these years I had believed him. On the stand however, knowing that it might come out, he revealed that it did show a screen for alcohol.

And he couldn't give a good reason why he didn't use it. That in also the time I found out that all the witnesses subpoenaed were sitting outside the courtroom the whole time for two days said he never called them. Then the court-appointed attorney asked him, "Would this witness had contradicted Meryl Blackburn? "would this one?" "Yes." "Would this one?" "Yes."

On and on for the whole time for two days, and be never [?]. And the court appointed attorney kept asking him, "Would this have contradicted Meryl Blackburn? With this one?" "yes" and with this one? "Yes." and on and on. And yet he kept saying it wasn't important to present that. It wasn't important that there wasn't any witnesses. According to law, the lawyer can refuse to call witnesses.

However, the Constitution says I have a right to have witnesses there. Under South Carolina law, an attorney can override the defendant and not call the witnesses. And that's what they did to me. So in essence my Constitutional Rights were [blank pause], so I was sent to prison without being able to produce any witnesses.

Now we left the Post-conviction hearing on Feb 15 knowing that it was lost, knowing that it was rigged from the very beginning. About the most major point why my attorney threw the case. The Judge cut me off. We could have documented it and proved it. Testify. In essence, he took our defense away by not permitting me to testify at all about it.

Again no fair trial. He said, "I will let you know in 30 days". But we knew, we knew at the time, it was pretty much open and shut. But then I pretty much. knew that in no state court would any court appointed attorney was I ever ever going to get anywhere. This attorney should have subpoenaed Rev. Randle sad put him on the stand sad be refused to do so. Again not calling witnesses.

There was another brother named Joe in Charlotte who was a major witness in the case. He would alone got me a new trial but stating that I had called him from the jail after the

first day of the trial and told him I needed him to be a witness at the next day, for him to take off work to corn on down to Columbia and testify. He then called my attorney and my attorney told him not to come. This man now won't even talk to Christians about it. When they talk to him on the phone, he's just terrified, he's scared to death. under no circumstances will be come to Columbia, South Carolina.

There is a conspiracy going on here. That could be overruled by an attorney. There are a couple of attorneys in this state who are known that they can't be gotten to. And they have all told me that my case is open and shut. I should never have went to prison.

I could have been set free by a couple court orders. But I have never been able to get these attorneys. And the reason for me not being able to write anybody, or have contact with anybody was so that funds could never be reached, could never be raised so that I could hire an attorney that could set me free.

In May, I'll have been in custody for 4 years. In January, this year I was already in prison for 3 years, for something that I didn't do, and for something that could have proved I was innocent, if I'd just been allowed to produce witnesses. In essence I have to hire an attorney who will subpoena the witnesses who will make no deal to sell me out and will let me have a fair trial.

There is something else that you need to know. Three days after I was placed in jail without bail my attorney came to me. He said the Federal prosecutor, the assistant attorney general, whatever you want to call him the attorney solicitor, wanted to make a deal. Now remember I was facing a state charge not a federal charge. But this was the Feds.

Now all I had to do was tell him where all the Christians were hiding, identify all these people in the underground, and I could go free. And I said no. It's a matter of record that a federal proffer, this is an immunity grant for testimony, was offered me - it's on record - and it was turned down.

After I was convicted in '88 I was sent to prison in Columbia - there are several. Kirkland was the name of mine. I was called up front and I was told to sit down and wait, that the secret service was coming to talk to me. The woman supervising officer who was on duty found it strange that this secret service agent who was supposed to be locally from Columbia did not know where the prison was.

And she just said, "Boy they are hiring dumb people today we had to give him instruction how to get here." When he arrived he let it slip out that he was actually a member of President Reagan's body guard staff from Wash. D.C. He said that he had to leave in a couple of days to Moscow. This was right before the Reagan-Moscow trip.

And that he had to get ready to set up for the President. What was he doing here? And all he wanted was the same information. Of course it was the information. Why was the secret service involved? He was a member of Reagan's staff. Now after that, I was left alone, everything was left alone for a long time.

And then in '90 in the winter of '90, the FBI came. I had been moved to a ah-I had been in three prisons. They keep moving me around and they are fixing to move me again is what they tell me.

The FBI came this was late at night I was brought from my cell after everyone else was locked down, and I was taken up front. There were two agents of the FBI. They said they were there to question me again, was I willing to talk? was I willing to make a deal? I said, "no."

They said all this could be behind me, I said "no". They left. They've came back three other times. Finally they quit coming. I guess they are getting the message. But I kind of expect them to show up now that I've lost the post-conviction. As soon as I get notified in writing that I've lost this post-conviction, I expect for them to show up again trying to know if I will make a deal; the answer is 'no."

Isn't it amazing that I'm supposed to be this terrible rapist on a state charge that the Feds somehow have authority over this state charge and they are willing to let me just go, wipe it off the books for turning Christians who are wanted for nothing, a lot of times nothing but misdemeanor warrants, or child custody warrants where the state wants to take the kids, or for violations of court orders.

A lot of these people are on the run, from Christian schools where the state has sworn out warrants for these Christians because they were teaching the children, and the state decided that this was not right and so on. Little stuff, and yet they are willing to let me go for all these people plus the Christians who are hiding them out.

I think you'd better wake up brothers and sisters, because I was sent to prison without the right to a fair trial and I want tell you what. It could be done real easy. It could be done real easy. They control the media. They could say anything about you they want to say. They control the governments. They control the police forces. Wake up!

I want to go into something else that is going on right now in the news. For over twelve years I have said that the goal of the United States government was to activate what is called Operation Garden Plot and its sub-plot Operation Cablesplice. Which was martial law, total military control over all police forces, governments, and so on.

I've said that in order to do that they wanted the populace out there to scream at the president that he wasn't doing his job of protecting them from acts of terrorism. And that they were willing to give up their constitutional rights.

Now we have seen time and time again in order to stop the drug wars to stop the drug dealers, and all the bloodshed that they are willing to give up Constitutional rights. People are willing to do it. People, when terrorism strikes, are willing to do it.

Now for years, the Illuminati have tried to have the Arab countries be so outraged that they would start terrorism in the United States on a great massive rate. And our country is more susceptible than any other country for the simple reason that we are not prepared for it. We don't believe it could happen to us.

And they thought they were going to be able to do it in Lebanon. They didn't pull it off. They thought by hitting Gaddafi he would act, he wasn't able to strike back. He was unable to do it. And now we are involved in a war whose sole purpose is to have those acts of terrorism launched upon us in this country. [The media has hyped every act of terrorism they could dredge up in recent years. - F.] And I will leave you with that.

Now people soon you will all be in the same danger I'm in. I'm asking for your help. I assure you in the name of our lord Jesus Christ I am innocent of this charge. I state so before the Lord and you in his name. I'm innocent of this. Is it any surprise that John Todd who did them so much damage will be framed and sent to prison? Remember that I warned everybody about it that it would happen 2 years before it happened.

I was warned. What is so agitating in this is that Christians who should have stood by me, who knew I was innocent, didn't do it. They became so afraid that they would be gone after, that they just left me here. I need your help. I need copies of this tape made. I need it passed around.

I need the word to get around. I need anybody who can help to get the word around, and to help financially. Not until I can hire these non-collaborating attorneys will I get proved and get free. I could be free at this time. I could have been free three years ago.

I never should have been sent to prison all I would have had to do was to have help and never had it. And I definitely desperately need this, I'm not very good, I wasn't very good at asking for finances when I was in the ministry. I couldn't even take my own offerings in the church.

I need your help. I have a dear brother and sister... [name given is no longer working with him - at present 1, Fritz Springmeier am] is their name who have stood with me all through this. They don't have anything. They are just an everyday couple, a married couple.

The man works he works hard. He works long hours. He is not a minister. But they can't get to him. And he is willing to have this [financial help come to him. See, I can't receive money [cash & checks] I can only receive a few dollars and they have to be in a U.S. postal money order.

And if they catch me receiving a lot of mail in here again, they will come down hard on me, and it just makes it impossible. This dear brother and sister in the Lord will take money, put it in the account and whenever there is enough money, move to get my release. I am asking you to help. I am asking you whether it is five dollars or a hundred dollars, or a thousand dollars. Please, we need desperately. We need to raise the finances. We need to get me free.

I never understood before as much as I understood now Paul's writings for when he was in prison to the churches for simple things, a coat, a few belongings, some finances-people who sent to him. And others who totally neglected him yet called themselves his brother and sister in Christ. It was so clear.

I am asking for your help. I'm sending this tape to a couple of ministers, who after all these years I finally got their addresses again. And the Lord has just blessed me recently, and I will send this tape out. Now I'm hoping others will make copies and send it out. I'm hoping the word will get out.

There is no use for me giving you my address for they keep moving me around from prison to prison so much I may not even be here before this week isout. So let me give you how to send funds and how to contact me if you really feel you want to reach me.

You can write me, and they will send me your letter and I'll pray about it. And if I need to take the risk and write you, I'll do it. For those who wish to help you can send cash, money orders, whatever, since I'm not allowed to sign anything in prison they need to be mailed out to this party.

[now Fritz Springmeier] And if you would make it out to the party whose name I going to give you in a minute...[At present checks can be made out to Fritz Springmeier to help Johnnie Todd. Put a notation on the check for what it is for.]

You will be surprised for a small contribution of a gift of $5 how grateful I'll be. Right now the earliest I can get out [without winning in court] is the year 2005. That's a long time people for something you didn't do. We just don't have that long. I've got family and loved ones, and brothers and sisters in Christ that I desperately need to be out there for I'm asking for your help.

If the Illuminati, Strom Thurmond and them put so much effort to this to me, there is a reason. And I'm asking for your help. I'm asking ministers who hear this who have newsletters to just simply send out what is going on here, to make copies of thistape and to make it available.

People I don't have much time left in here. Right now there is a conspiracy going on and one of the reasons I hurry to make this tape there is a man in prison who years ago who had threatened to kill me. Amazingly, I'm just John Todd., I don't know why they would want to do that.

Because at that time they were not sure what kind of a scandal it would cause they separated us they sent us to different prisons. And they put what is called a flag on my record, saying that we couldn't ever be in the same prison together. Nine months ago, when I was fighting to gain my freedom, lawsuits and doing some different stuff myself, because I didn't have an attorney. They got upset at me, they wanted to punish me by sending me to another prison.

O.K. They couldn't do it because this man was at that prison. And they let me know they couldn't do it, that our records were flagged. Now this man was doing a life sentence without parole for murder. Since being in prison he has stabbed four people.

Three of them in the last couple years since I've known him. He has sworn to kill me. And now he is here. A few weeks ago, he stabbed an inmate an second inmate at another institution, and instead of charging him with it, and putting him into solitary, like they had done before, they dropped the charges, and sent him to this prison. When I heard that he was here, he was being held up in the lock up in solitary waiting for bed space in my unit. He will be just a couple of cells from me.

I went to the authorities here and I complained. Surprisingly guess what brothers and sisters? the flags on our records had disappeared. And there was no record of them ever being there. In fact, they went so far as to say there is no record in our records of us being in the same prison together. And yet we'd been in two prisons together and in the same building a few cells apart. And its right there. That much is in the records. O.K. Complaints were filed and so on and so forth.

And I looked right at the Captain here, Capt. Byrd over security and told him, "You did this. You got the man who will kill me. There is no big secret about this. This doesn't happen by accident.' Now at that time what was supposed to be done was that they should have shipped me. When I complained they should have shipped me. They claimed they couldn't send him anywhere else, that he's been to all these prisons and done all these things, that this was the last place they could have him. Well, they should have sent me away.

Now they are claiming that none of the other prisons want to take me. Isn't it amazing that they can't ship me when this man is scheduled to move into my unit into my prison dorm here Fri. This is Monday. They're doing this to try to kill me. What will happen? I'm in the Lord's hands... [Johnnie Todd repeats his request for help]... They are afraid that eventually I'll get my freedom....

God bless you. [end of message.] tape was made and quietly gotten out. After my September newsletter came out, toward the end of this last month, in September two inmates who were paid to stab Johnnie Todd stabbed him in the back and then while he was on the ground, they stabbed him three more times. Johnnie Todd lost a lost of blood, but he is back on his feet and has returned to the general prison population/

He is still hopeful to gain his freedom next year, because an appeal was won, and now he is to receive his fair day in court. He has an immediate need of $800 this upcoming month for a chance to get legal help. He has to meet legal deadlines.


Johnnie Todd did get moved from this prison after this tape was made and quietly gotten out. After my September newsletter came out towards the end of this last month, in September two inmates who were paid to stab Johnnie Todd stabbed him in the back and then when he was on the ground they stabbed him three more times.

Johnnie Todd lost a lot of blood, but he is back on his feet and has returned to the general prison population. He is still hopeful to gain his freedom next year, because an appeal was won, and now he is to receive his fair day in court. He has an immediate need of $800 this upcoming month for a chance to get legal help. he has to meet legal deadlines.

Next:Todd's situation at present

John Todd's present situation

John Todd has been deceased for some time, but when and how he died is a matter of debate. There are 3 different accounts listed on different posts on this page.

1. Fritz Springmeier says in his book, Bloodlines of the Illuminati, that John Todd was killed immediately after his release from prison in early 1994.

2. John Todd passed away Nov. 10, 2007 while being held in the "Behavioral Disorder Treatment Unit which is overseen by the SC Department of Mental Health".

3. John Todd was murdered in the fall of 1979. Please see the May 9, 2008 update on this page.

Take your pick! For a long time I held Springmeier's account, but now I consider the possibility of the 3rd account. I definitely do not believe the second account even though Wikipedia published that one. I like to go to Wikipedia for information that I consider uncontroversial, but I also know that it doesn't measure up to scholastic criteria of an encyclopedia, which is supposed to be truth. Wikipedia itself says, "The threshold for inclusion in Wikipedia is verifiability, not truth:"


Below lists chronologically the emails I received concerning John Todd.

Email received February 7, 2006: Former Inmate Christopher Kollyns, SCDC# 145461, AKA John Wayne Todd, was serving a 30 year sentence for Criminal Sexual Conduct 1st Degree. His sentence started in May 1987 and he was released from our agency in April 2004 due to the expiration of his sentence.

Dennis R. Patterson, Sr. Director, Division of Classification and Inmate Records South Carolina Dept. of Corrections (803) 896-8551

Mr. Kollyns was deemed a Sexually Violent Predator pursuant to SC Law. He is currently housed at the Behavioral Disorder Treatment Unit which is overseen by the SC Department of Mental Health. He has been housed there since his release from our agency.

Dennis R. Patterson, Sr. Director, Division of Classification and Inmate Records South Carolina Dept. of Corrections (803) 896-8551

On March 9, 2006 I received emails from a person named Sekhmet: John Todd is alive and well and IN PRISON. I have visited him there.

He was convicted for rape, and there are many other victims who have come forward.

He has served his prison time, but is deemed too dangerous by the State of South Carolina to be released to society, and I completely agree.

Another thing you should know is that Todd made my acquaintance when he asked for a wiccan chaplain.

* On May 16, 2007 I received an email from a man who states:

"Sekhmet is Arabic for Venus, the destroying female god with the face of a lion." Knowing how theIlluminati likes to use symbolism, I find this very significant! Also see: I sent copies of both of these emails to trusted friends. One of them said he telephoned Sekhmet and believes her story to be credible.

Please do not ask me for the full names or email addresses of my sources for I would not wish for their privacy to be invaded. If you would like to verify this information, you can call the telephone number listed.

June 21, 2007 update

I received an email on this date that stated: On page 93 of Springmeier's Bloodlines of the Illuminati, he states "reports to this author allege that the day Todd was released from prison, he was picked up by a helicopter and killed. To the best of my knowledge Johnnie Todd was killed the day he won his freedom."

"Johnnie Todd won his appeal (the Federal appeals court came down hard on the state of So. Carolina) and in Jan. 1994, Todd called this author from prison to inform him that he was to be released, but that he needed tens of thousands of dollars. This author was not able to come up with the thousand of dollars that Todd wanted immediately.

Later, Springmeier was told that the Illuminati offered to let Todd live if he could come up with a large ransom. Reports to this author allege that the day Todd was released from prison, he was picked up by a helicopter and killed. To the best of my knowledge Johnnie Todd was killed the day he won his freedom. Obviously, the Illuminati does enforce the oaths and vows that their members force d to make. The entire episode is of course a sad one for this author."

My opinion: I would certainly take the word of Fritz Springmeier above that of a Wiccan chaplain whose name means "destroying female god"!! I tend to believe that the person claimed to be John Todd in the Behavioral Disorder Treatment Unit is not really him and that John Todd graduated years ago from the sorrows of this sorry world to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus in Heaven!

Dec. 29, 2007 update

On this day I received an email that said:

I called the institute that John Todd was staying at in South Carolina. and they told me that he passed away 11/10/2007.

But again I say, it may not have really been Todd who died in that institution.

May 9, 2008 update:

On April 30, 2008 I received the following email: Back in 78 I attended Liberty University. A guy named Steve Hoffer was a John Todd promoter of sorts on campus. This amounted to simply passing out some tapes and the like not really like some sort of official promoter. I saw him last in the fall of 79. He had a letter he claimed was from Johns wife and it informed him that John had been killed that fall late. He read me the letter, I saw the letter. He was warned that he could be in danger.

He has some close relationship at least by mail with the Todds.

He left for home for Christmas break but never showed up. His car was found abandoned in Cincinnati about two weeks later. He was found around early May of 80 a few mile outside Lynchburg tied to a tree and garroted in classic style, his body still hanging there. As you may know this is a special method of death and has a history and meaning. The death of a heretic.

At the time of his death Steve had been publicly investigating Jerry Falwell while a student at Liberty. As you can figure this caused no small controversy considering Steve was a student there. As you may know Falwell was on Johns list of conspirators. Falwell publicly told the student body that he didn't know Todd, as Todd had claimed he knew Jerry personally, as well as saying Todd was off the hook mentally. Steve's death can be verified if the records are still available or if Todds wife is still living she may remember Steve.

I to am from Columbus Ohio where John claims to be from. Listening to some YouTube yesterday jogged my memory. Its been 30 years since I last listened to him. Anyway there is actually a small Druid cemetery in Columbus. The stones are in a circle and have no dates or names on them. These graves may indicate the founding members of the original lodge that apparently left Wales sometime in the 1800's. There are also a lot of Welsh and Pickish graves nearby. John claimed to be a Druid and Pickish or lowland Scottish.The name Todd means father in Cymraeg and is old Celtic. Columbus Ohio is said to have had the largest concentration of Welsh immigrants in the US. There was even a Druid Hall being used in Columbus and so known as such up into the 1940's. It may still be there and is in an old part of town and it and the name were openly known which may indicate the measure of their presents.

May 22, 2011 update

In April 2011 I received another email from the same person above:

Good to hear from you and to read this letter. Please don't publish my name although I hold out little hope that the thing isn't known anyway by the right folks. Or wrong folks. The Collins folks are very powerful and well connected around here. Not in public as it were but when one does some looking into it the truth can be found. And it's not just the Collins folks.

As I think I told you in an email that Druid grave area have vanished. The stones were moved. It was a large scale fail on my part not to get a photo of the 13 markers all numbered and in a circle. But as important someone is watching at least what goes on at your web site. While we cant produce photos of this grave area let its removal even if only between a few serve as a reminder of some realities.

More info. It may be that Steve Hoffer's style of death was not published in the news. But it was mentioned by Fallwell and I heard it with my own ears as I had made a trip back to Liberty U after boot-camp to see a girlfriend and attended a service.

Steve's body had just been found that week and Steve being of note around there Falwell talked about it. Plus it was a big mystery on campus as to what had happened to Steve. Falwell felt it was the work of God. That Steve was turned over to evil for the destruction of the flesh as a warning for attacking Falwell himself and thus Gods work.

I sat and listened to that knowing about and having read that letter from Todd's wife and that Steve had been warned but it didn't sink in but slowly over the years. In fact I have come to the point of seeing all this as not simply happenstance. My being from Columbus and meeting Steve etc. etc.

It was great to get confirmation that Jack and Todd's old pastor say that they had not heard from him since late 79. Great work on this guy's part. I am understanding here that Todd was killed very late in 79, his wife sent Steve a letter within weeks and Steve was dead by say 3rd week in Dec 1979.

Looks like related killings. I am also going to believe that this letter and any related paper tying Steve with Todd was taken from Steve's things. If Steve had anything at his parents home it was taken as well. His parents are most likely passed on.

Have you had any sort of traditional or otherwise demonic harassment over this? Let me just say that Columbus has some very powerful witches hereof the first order. And they know i know about them not just from this but before I ever knew of John Todd. That's one reason I perked up back in the day when first learning of John and where he was from.

By they way another guy that got a hold of me from YouTube said he was from the UK wanted to know what I knew about the Collins folks. I sent him some info about high up government appointments in state government. Have not heard from him. He wanted me to dig but these are just not the sort of folks you want to dig on outside the net. I told him even if they knew John and it's been awhile now what 30 years they wouldn't say anything if what he said was true.

John Todd's introduction to Atlas Shrugged

Forward: I received yet another one of John Todd's transcribed talks from my good friend in the USA. Because it is a transcription of an oral talk to a church, it may read a little rough in parts. This is not copyrighted material so please feel free to post it or publish it anywhere you like! Let's get the word out! It won't be long now!

It is an Illuminati book. The book was ordered written and produced by Philip Rothschild, the leader of the Illuminati in his day and age. It was ordered written by a woman named Ayn Rand. She was, at that time, one of Philip Rothschild's mistresses. She was already a well-known author and her books sell nationwide. She wrote this book, it was suppose to be a novel. It's 1100 pages.

It was written as a novel supposedly, but it is a codebook. And what's in the book, is a step by step plan to take over the whole world by taking over the United States.

Now, the power of the Illuminati and I'll give an explanation, the Illuminati did this following: First, most people have found the Illuminati in things that have crossed their path. People have found it in the occult and mistakenly they have said, "Ah ha, the Illuminati is the occult."

Then, they have found it In the Masons and they have said, "Ah ha, the Illuminati is the Masons. Then, they have found it in politics and they said, "Oh, it's politics". So they found it in the International banking system or they found it in Zionism so they list it asjust being that.

Actually, it is all these things, and much more. They found it in the Mormon religion. That's because the leaders of the Mormon religion are in high echelons in the Illuminati. They have found it in the John Birch Society, that's because the man who leads the John Birch Society is both a high degree Mason and a Mormon. It is all these things and its power is finance.

If you would take its finance away, which is impossible. I am getting ahead of myself. The book is called Atlas Shrugged. They did not want people to buy this book other than those told to buy it within the occult and within the Illuminati. They're extremely mad because just this year alone (1977?) they have sold a million of them, mostly to Christians. And they don't like that. In fact, they tried to stop printing it, but people don't want to stop printing it they're raking so much money.

The bad thing about it though, is since it is written as a novel, it has some passages I think might belong in Hustler or other places. Maybe out of 1100 pages, you might count five that are this way, you can tear them out and throw them away. They're stuck in there on purpose to keep Christians from reading the book.

So, if you get to a passage that is a little something you shouldn't read, just turn to the next page, it'll be over by then and you can go on with the story.

Now if you don't like to read, skip the first 200 pages. The first 200 pages are exactly the way most people in the world are, they're very boring. No, actually they're the conspiracy from people in all the walks of life talking about this incident happening and that incident happening and you know it's very boring to the fact that let's you know that it's the conspiracy that's planning the incidents.

It's like reading the newspaper today, you don't really know what's happening behind it. But after the first 200 pages, 8 chapters, 9 chapters something like that, it starts showing you that everything that is happening, is conspired to happen. The common name for the Illuminati is The Conspiracy, or the Great Conspiracy.

Now until we lost the school system to people within the Communist party and within the Illuminati and so on, you were taught in your history classes and some people can remember this, that history was taught that it happened because somebody conspired for it to happen.

Then, we didn't want in this nation anybody to get ideas that maybe our Government was a conspiracy, so they decided to start teaching that it happened because it happened. World War II happened because some people got mad, World War I happened because some people got mad. The Depression happened because we bought too much too soon without enough money. They did not want anybody to get the idea that it all happened because somebody conspired for it to happen.

I hope to accomplish one thing tonight more than anything, that I will change your attitude, that I will put new forms or patterns or whatever in your life that you will walk out of here and when something happens you'll go: "Now, I wonder what they're really up to." Really.

When you study Atlas Shrugged, you will find out that you are reading the front pages of the paper today. The oil shortage that doesn't exist. They state that they destroy their own oil wells, that they hide their own oil so nobody can have it. They state how they destroy the coal mines and shut the coal mines down, they shut the electricity down, they state how they cripple the country and no food is grown. It states how they pit and derail trains so that no trains go. It states how they sink and pirate thousands of ships every year.

We just recently heard down in Florida, how they're asking people not to sail out in pleasure craft in the Bermuda Triangle area, not because they believe in the Bermuda Triangle, but because over 1,000 ships were pirated last year and everybody on board was killed and dumped in the ocean. Now, they don't like to put that on the front page as you see that might cause some people to wonder about some things.

And this is all in this book that was written 12 years ago and in the book, they gain control of the world by bankrupting their own businesses. The Illuminati owns most, I would say, 99 9/10 of the stores that you walk into and shop, and the gas stations you go to and they are going to destroy them on purpose. They are in the process of buying up the last few years, all the stores they don't own.

They bought up Grants and they bankrupted it. They just bought up Two Guys and you can watch for them to go out of business and they keep in business the ones that they've always owned and they're going to bankrupt them before too long and cripple them and bankrupt them before too long and cripple them and destroy them.

The idea of taking over is to bankrupt the whole world where nothing is of any value and the currency does not exist anywhere and then come back and solve all the problems. The book Atlas Shrugged ends with the hero, John Galt, which is really Philip Rothschild, lifting his hand up in the air and drawing the symbol of his organization, never says Illuminati in the book, in the air and he says, "We shall follow this symbol back."

The symbol that he draws is the dollar sign. Now the $ sign is only used in America, by the way. Nowhere else to represent money. It's almost 8,000 years old or probably older, goes back in time to the pyramids and it means to scourge or to punish and through punishment to purify and make right. That's what it means. Funny that that's what we symbolized our money.

Now, the Rothschilds lead the Illuminati and in every country they have a family with the head of that family being the head of the Illuminati. In the United States, we have the Rockefellers.

David Rockefeller is both the head of the Council of Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Administration or Council which is the name of the Illuminati within the United States.

The main source of finance for the Illuminati and for the whole world, particularly in the United States is the Standard Oil Co. Now, I'm going to educate you about something tonight that the Illuminati hoped nobody would ever find out about. Of course, you can check out who owns Standard 0il, -- that's David Rockefeller.

Now, when we were in the Illuminati we had to learn the hieroglyphics of the Illuminati. We had to go and shop at the stores that theIlluminati marked themselves, marked their stores by. Of course, they own almost everything but their main businesses, they mark. Standard Oil is the conglomerate that owns almost everything.

I'm going to tell you the things they own. You won't believe what they own. It's that astonishing. If I ask most people today besides Standard Oil what do you say is the number one conglomerate in the United States? Besides Standard Oil, Sears, General Motors, they own Ford, they own American Motors, they own Chrysler. Now, you've got these Federal Department Stores down here. Federal Department Stores is Sears, Penneys.

A man very close, very powerful in the Illuminati, doesn't live too far from here, that owns all the Federal Department Stores. He lives in Columbus, his name is Lazarus. Now, Lazarus owns Federal Department Stores, Federal Department Stores owns Gold Circle, they own Kresges, which own Kmart.

They own just about every department store In the United States. Globe, Ontario so on. They own Woolworth, which owns Willcos. But Standard owns Mobile and Mobile owns Montgomery Wards. You getting the message? Now, you can find out what Standard owns because they mark their signs with blue and red. Everything they own. They also, with their oil companies, mark their oil companies with occult symbols.

The main symbol is the sign of their god, the five-pointed star. Now, the strongest version that I have ever seen of it was a five pointed star radiating rainbow colors because they know that Lucifer is the god of the rainbow, as they put it. And if you'll read Ezekiel 28 you'll find out he does kind of radiate like a rainbow, he's covered with different colored gills and so on.

And this thing they'll have Sunaco with the arrow through it because that's the sign of casting spells, the arrow. They use 76 because May 1st, 1776 is the birthday of the Illuminati. They use the sign of what witches practice in, the magic circle. When they write Mobil, they write everything in blue but they leave the circle in red.

Most people don't even notice that. But there's a difference. The winged horse in Marathon, Pegasus, is the messenger of the gods. It goes on and on. Holiday Inn is the star with the rainbow. You just go on and on. The age old path of what a witch must pass to become a powerful witch is the symbol of Denny's. That's owned by them.


Forward: This is yet another one of John Todd's talks. It was transcribed from audio cassette by my good friend in the USA. This is not copyrighted material so please feel free to post it or publish it anywhere you like! Let's get the word out! It won't be long now!

The Conspiracy for world takeover is as old as man himself. The Illuminati, in recent history, has twice tried to control the world -- in Napoleon's day and during World War I.

Only about 5,000 people in the entire world know the true purpose of the Illuminati and its conspiracy to rule the earth. Their plan was written down in code, as a fictional novel, in 1957.

In the mid-1950's Philippe Rothschild ordered one of his mistresses, Ayn Rand, an established authoress and philosopher, to undertake the writing of this code to the witches of the world. This novel, Atlas Shrugged, was never intended to be a best seller, although it turned out to be one.

The main characters of Atlas Shrugged are code names for individuals or companies. The code is as follows:

The Tribunal in the book went around convincing certain major corporation presidents of their philosophy and plan, getting them to bankrupt their own businesses. The owners of these companies would then vanish and leave with either Galt or D'Anconia to a retreat area in the Colorado mountain regions. "Colorado" is the code name for the "Bermuda Triangle", the place where the key figures of the Illuminati will be when the world crashes.

There are six areas of society in which the Illuminati intends to rule:

1) Religious
2) Political
3) Economic
4) Educational
5) Military
6) Social

On August 1, 1972 Philippe Rothschild sent some papers to a meeting of the Council of 13 by State courier to San Antonio, Texas. Besides the usual pay-off notes and progress reports, the papers included a projected takeover plan. It read as follows:

1) Remove the President and Vice-President

2) Republican Successor throws election to Democratic

3) Democratic President gets following laws enacted:

a) Federal gun law taking weapons away from citizens.

b) Removal of tax exemption from churches (This is House Bill 41)

c) Genocide Act --Making it a crime equal to murder to convert a person from one religion or faith to another.

d) Presidential Martial Law Act -- This allows the President in time of "National Emergency" to suspend the Constitution, Congress, and the economic system. The President, in essence, becomes dictator of America.

e) Anti-Hoarding Act --This makes it a felony to have more than 30-days supply of food, fuel or medicine stored up at one time. f) Anti-Business Acts Equalization of Opportunity Act Fair Share Law Directive #10-289

President Carter was able to get some of these laws enacted before leaving office.

Plans for America: Make every person totally dependent of the government by:

1) Creating a pseudo-fuel shortage and food shortage.

2) Confiscate all guns.

3) Calling for "Helter Skelter" (All trucks, trains, planes, and ships, except Military, will stop. An army of some 200,000 white prisoners and motorcycle gang members will create mass insanity in the streets by bombing church buildings, raping, murdering, and other fear tactics.)

4) Declaring Martial Law. Activate the National Guard to keep order, after the public cries out for any kind of help. There will be one policeman to every 5 people. Once this "National Emergency" is declared, it will never be canceled.

All countries except America will be sent against Israel for oil. The use of neutron bombs allows destruction of people while leaving all buildings, natural resources, and croplands intact. When the war is over, the world is to be ruled from Jerusalem.

In addition:

90% of the population of the US supposedly is to die in the 1st half hour of WWIII. 3,000 missiles are to hit the US within the first hour.

Most industrial cities are to be destroyed. Russian missiles placed in major US Lakes and Rivers (up to ten Nuclear Warheads/Missile); put there with American Government knowledge and approval.

To date, approximately 90% of the Conspiracy plan has been fulfilled on schedule.


What are you going to do about it?