
What's New?
Theme of the Day

Osho, Enlightenment, Satanism,
New World Order
and Quantum Transition

Dec 7, 2012.


Even in the Old Testament, it is said

(Exodus, Ch. 20):

"4, 5. Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth (Islam adopted the second part of this commandment literally!).

Do not bow down to them or serve them ... ".

Admit it, that even this shortened version of the Commandments shows that one can not serve anyone except the Creator, and the creation of any idol (broker, "servant") is an obstacle to direct communication with God, ie separates a man from the Creator, for any MEDIATOR always alienates, and therefore, distorts the truth.

He hath blinded their eyes, and hardned their heart, that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.

- John 12:40, King James Version (1611)

15. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

16. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17. Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

20. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Matthew 7 - King James Version (KJV)

Osho - Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh ashram gate with an equilateral triangle turned upside down - symbol of Satanism

Osho - Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh ashram gate with an equilateral triangle turned upside down - a symbol of Satanism and Underworld, and also of the material world - the belly.

A strange symbol to chose for those, following the path of "enlightenment". The dot in the middle of the triangle is the same as the eye of Lucifer on the back of the U.S. one dollar bill, where top triangle is separated from the rest of the pyramid symbolizing the "ruling elite", known as Venerian (planet Venus) "power line" - the representatives of the "group soul Lucifer" - true "rulers" of the planet Earth.

Star of David and an equilateral triangle

Kabbalistic tetragram - "Solomon's seal" and at the same time the state seal of the World Freemasonry.

It represents the introduction of the negative aspect and seduction of Eve in the Garden of Eden, symbolized by the downward pointing triangle, the meaning of which is denial.

The upward pointing triangle represents the hierarchy of The One, The Creator, known as God, The Father in the New Testament. It is a process of merging all, starting from the base, where the majority of "regular" people are, into ONE at the top, which is God. Out of many becomes The One. It is the process of learning and growth of Intelligence.

The downward pointing triangle symbolizes the negative aspect, introduced by Lucifer as a result of his rebellion (Urantia Book and New Testament) and denial of "The Father", The One, The Creator. It is alleged that turning things upside down, denials and lies ultimately brings the world domination and control of the material world and over the planet, just as promised to "god chosen" people in Deuteronomy and Talmud. Today, its name is the NWO (New World Order).

Thus, the tetragram, from the standpoint of negative aspect, is the complete representation of existence, combining the "positive" and the "negative" aspects as two necessary and opposite polarities of existence. Thus, the Dialectic Materialism of Karl Marx and modern binary logic used in computers, where everything is represented by only two values, "true" and "false", thus removing the infinite variety of colors in a rainbow and reducing Life itself into "black" and "white".

This is a foundation of Fascism and of the "elite" and the "slaves". Thus, Theory of Evolution of Charles Darwin and a "superman" ideology of Frederich Nietzsche, which was adopted by Chandra Mohan with his ideology of a "new man" and classification of his disciples as "true elite" of the world, an ideology of totalitarian dictate, in which Chandra Mohan denies the existence of God and replaces Him with his own image, as the "ultimate" expression of human consciousness, represented by the idea of "enlightenment" borrowed from the Eastern systems of "transcendence of the material world of illusion" and attainment of the "ultimate" state of consciousness, called seedless samadhi or nirvana in Indian systems - the state of ultimate and immeasurable bliss of "arriving to the other shore".

There are two varieties of the same seal, sort of medium and small seals of Freemasonry. The medium seal is depicted as two overlapping equilateral triangles, the so-called six-pointed star of David. The small seal is an equilateral triangle directed top down. It reflects one of the major principles of Satanism - turning things upside down.

The triangle pointing downward also symbolizes "the material" - the belly, as being the ruling aspect of existence. Later on it became the foundation of Dialectic Materialism of Karl Marx and Theory of Evolution of Charles Darwin, both created per order of Rothschilds - worshippers of Lucifer as true "god" of this planet, known as "the fallen angel of light" in the Christian Scriptures, and symbolized as "the morning star" in Freemasonry.

Thus, darkness of the "negative approach" of evil is presented as "light" of "liberation" and "salvation of mankind" from the "dark ages", caused by the absence of Free Choice and Free Will in the world of Yahweh, as presented by the "Hidden Hand" and in the "Revelations of the Insiders", who classify themselves as a "group soul" Lucifer, the "ruling" family over the planet Earth.

So, these are the major things that will be discussed in this book in as complete of a way as possible, with plenty of citations.

Then it goes:

Chandra Mohan showing a "Neronic cross" or "reverse broken cross" Satanic hand sign

Chandra Mohan showing a "Neronic cross" Satanic hand sign signifying death of man. This symbol is known as Teutonic rune of death.

"Known as the 'peace sign' throughout the 1960's and into the present day, this symbol is the Teutonic rune of death.

"V" is the Roman sign for the number five and Adam Weishaupt used it in the Illuminati to symbolise the "Law of Fives", but there's more. In the Cabala:

"the meaning for the Hebrew letter for V (Van) is 'Nail.' Now, 'The Nail' is one of the secret titles of Satan within the Brotherhood of Satanism.

Satan is letting us know that this is one of his favourite signs. Why else does he like the PENTA-gram (Penta = five!) and the FIVE-fold salute used in Masonry and Witchcraft?"

"Throughout the last 2,000 years this symbol has designated hatred of Christians. Nero, who despised Christians, crucified the Apostle Peter on a cross head downward. This hideous event resembled the Teutonic cross and became a popular pagan insignia of the day. Thereafter, this sign became known as the 'Neronic cross.'

"The symbol's origin in history proves it to be the visual mystic character for 'Aum' (the split 'Y'). This is the sacred word to the Hindu. Chanting 'Aum' is supposed to help awaken 'the serpent power of Brahma' at the base of the human spine. Occultist Albert Pike also identifies this symbol as mystical in his book on Freemasonry Morals and Dogma.

The peace symbol (also called the "broken cross," "crow's foot," "witch's foot," "Nero Cross", "sign of the 'broken Jew,'" and the "symbol of the 'anti-Christ'") is actually a cross with the arms broken. It also signifies the "gesture of despair," and the "death of man.''

"In fact, the inverted 'Man-rune'--the figure encircled in the common sign which the Communists tell us means 'peace' - has for centuries been a favourite sign of Satanists."

"It is an ancient and powerful symbol of Antichrist. During the dark ages it was used in Druid Witchcraft and by Satanists of all sorts during the initiation of a new member to their order. They would draw the magic circle and give the initiate a cross. The initiate would then lift the cross and turn it upside down. He would then renounce Christianity in all three dimensions (sic) of time (past, present and future) and break the horizontal pieces downward forming the design of the 'Raven's Foot.'

This ugly symbol is nothing short of blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. For one to wear or display this symbol is to announce either knowingly or unknowingly that you have rejected Christ. Remember, symbolism is a picture language, and a picture is worth a thousand words.''

The Peace Sign and Satanism

Satanic hand signs

New World Order - Baphomet - "Nero Cross" - symbol of the 'anti-Christ'

Baphomet - fingers on the right hand - symbol of the 'anti-Christ'.


Boris Yeltsin showing a "Neronic cross" or "reverse broken cross" Satanic hand sign

Boris Yeltsin of Russia, the Illuminati/ZioNazi puppet that destroyed Russia

What can I say? The same smile, the same subconscious use of Satanic symbology. "They know not what they are doing".

The most grandiose funeral in the entire history of Russia was organized by ZioNazis for him. There has been no Tsar in the entire history who was buried with such honors. The budget for that operation was of a staggering magnitude. It was televised and promoted full time on all the channels of media for several hours and days. Just the TV budget to promote it was beyond belief.

And that is after he was totally disgraced in the eyes of people and had to abandon his presidential post in the middle of his second term. According to what kind of miracle the traitor of his land, who ought to be judged and punished for treason, just like that other traitor Gorbachev, and quite a few co-conspirators, instead, he receives the most grandiose send-off with full military honors?

There has never been, in the entire history of mankind, a destruction of such a powerful empire like Russia in such a short time. And WHO gets a credit? Well, Chabad Lubavitch ZioNazi sect, called Chabad Mafia by the most prominent rabbis even in Israel itself.

This is just a warning to you all. Remember it well.

Chabad rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh showing the Satanic hand sign

Chabad rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh showing the Satanic horned hand sign - Mano Cornuto

"If a Jew needs a kidney, is it allowed, in order to save his life, to take the kidney from a Goy (non-Jew), passing by, even if he is not guilty of anything?

In my opinion, Torah allows it.

The life of a Jew is priceless"

-- Chabad Lubavitcher rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh

See: Quotes by Chabad leaders

Also: Quotes by Rabbis


Prince William said to become "the ruler" showing "Mano Cornuto" Satanic hand sign

Prince William showing the Satanic horned hand sign - Mano Cornuto

Remeber this face - he is said to become the "ruler" of the Earth, taking a seat in Lucifer's throne of NWO in Jerusalem.

Prince William The Lamb

Official Antichrist communication Buckingham Palace on May 31, 2004 released photo of Prince William and lamb (Lamb of 'God' symbol) holding lamb's hind cloven hoof (Baphomet symbol).

Prince William is the Antichrist ... Future King of One World Government.


Thus Spake Mahasattva Anand Veeren


It is I who is going to have the last laugh

"... I always want to say the last word myself. Even in my grave I will sit up and say, "Okay, close it." If it is a funeral... but if it is done as it is in India, I will say, "Okay, start the fire!"

"But I want to have the last word.

If you bug me I can be terrible.

"It is I who is going to have the last laugh."

Date: Fri, 1 Jan 1984 00:00:00 GMT
Book Title: Osho - Notes of a Madman
Chapter #: 1

Note: this book was dictated under influence of nitrogen oxide administered by Swami Devageet.


A: ... "Fuck you."

Dhammapada, Volume 2, chapter 6


How do we know you are who you say you are?


Mahasattva Anand Veeren

Not good enough? You want to see some paper? - No problem.

Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) Certificate logo

Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) Certificate logo

Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) Title Certificate issued to Mahasattva Anand Veeren (Viren), Acharya

Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) Certificate Title information.

Please remember one thing: anyone who does not have such a certificate, has no authority to represent Osho - Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, nor to make any claims they continue his work. They can only do it in their own names. This specifically applies to "Osho Rajneesh", who calls himself an "enlightened master", and all those of his kind.


A public statement by Mahasattva Anand Veeren, Acharya

What is the "inner circle"


First, and foremost, do not take ANYTHING written here for granted and do not accept any of it on blind faith. This book is nothing more than a stimuli for you to look at things from a different angle.

You may consider it an entertainment, a theatre of roles and forces that are at play on the grand stage of Life. And it is also a warning to you all as to what may happen if you blindly accept what they tell you in some "spiritual school". You will be presented with plenty of citations which you may verify if you wish. And I can assure you, some things will shock you and shake your very roots if you are ready and willing to see That Which Is - The Truth, even though it has been said: The Truth can not be spoken.

In 2010 I accidentally came across a few things that were going on around Chandra Mohan - "Osho" or his name and I could not believe how insane the whole thing had become. It looked like an ugliest form of a cult, and what was being taught or preached in his name was pure grade garbage, manipulation and lies. And some of it looked so obvious to me that I simply could not believe my own eyes. How could this be that they are feeding you all this garbage and you do not even see it for what it is?

As a result, I decided to look into some things and the more I looked the more obvious it was that this poisoning can not go on. So, I decided to do what I can to level the whole thing to the ground. Because it simply lead people astray and deluded them with all sorts of religiously looking nonsense. And some of it was of an outrageous kind and was full of utter lies and manipulation and you will have plenty of opportunities to look at it and decide for yourself.

So, some things in this book are of negative nature. When you read it, try not to get affected in a negative way. Just stay aloof. You don't have to get emotionally involved. But precisely that information may be vital for all those, who are affected by Chandra Mohan the most and who are left uprooted. Plenty of people were left in a state of confusion and hopelessness as a result of of all sorts of ugliness and destruction done to them in his name. This may be the kind of book that may help to brake their chains and clarify many things for them.

Unfortunately, not many people took their time to investigate what he said on all sorts of issues and accepted whatever he said on faith, and it is understandable. Because he produced so much information that it is overwhelming. You would have to spend a tremendous amount of time if you decided to verify any of it, and most of it could not be verified even in principle. Because the issues of consciousness and Truth can only be verified if you "have eyes to see". And on a "religious" path, one has a tendency to trust, which could be used as a trap as you can see with most religions or cults. People are simply trapped and manipulated and their minds are stuffed with all sorts of myths and lies in the name of Truth or God.

The whole thing looked like a desperate situation where many people were being deluded into believing all sorts of things that are not true and can not possibly be true. And some of it is so subtle that you are pretty much guaranteed to "fall into a ditch". Because very little of those "advanced" concepts of Chandra Mohan could be verified. The most subtle and most fundamental laws of Life and Intelligence are so illusive that they can hardly be recognized and very little of it can be verified unless you stand on a firm ground in the roots of your being.

So. My humble friends and seekers of all kinds, look, I am not here to tell you any "truth" or teach you what is what or who is who. I do not make any claims to be "enlightened" or accept any "disciples". I do not conduct "therapies", "meditation" or zombification sessions. I do not charge a penny for what I have done and I have done more than most of them combined, just to be blunt.

I am simply telling you how I see it. But you need to verify it for yourselves, and I will go out of my way to make sure it is as simple and as clear and as detailed as I can manage. That is all I can do.

You might want to take a look at this book:

Nirvana and enlightenment - The Law Of One: Book I

There are some things in it that may help you to get a more complete picture on what we are dealing with here. For example:

Ra: I am Ra. The proper role of the entity is in this density to experience all things desired, to then analyze, understand, and accept these experiences, distilling from them the love/light within them. Nothing shall be overcome. That which is not needed falls away.

The orientation develops due to analysis of desire. These desires become more and more distorted towards conscious application of love/light as the entity furnishes itself with distilled experience.

We have found it to be inappropriate in the extreme to encourage the overcoming of any desires, except to suggest the imagination rather than the carrying out in the physical plane, as you call it, of those desires not consonant with the Law of One, thus preserving the primal distortion of free will.

The reason it is unwise to overcome is that overcoming is an unbalanced action creating difficulties in balancing in the time/space continuum. Overcoming, thus, creates the further environment for holding on to that which apparently has been overcome.

All things are acceptable in the proper time for each entity, and in experiencing, in understanding, in accepting, in then sharing with other-selves, the appropriate distortion shall be moving away from distortions of one kind to distortions of another which may be more consonant with the Law of One.

It is, shall we say, a shortcut to simply ignore or overcome any desire. It must instead be understood and accepted. This takes patience and experience which can be analyzed with care, with compassion for self and for other-self.


This is strange. Years have passed since the original writing of this book and no thought even passed my mind about guilt. And, all of a sudden, on Sept. 2, 2013, - boom!

This idea started knocking on my door early today. But it is too complex of an issue to discuss, or even to attempt to discuss. But when it came, it came with a framework, the basic outline. So, in a certain way it was complete and undeniable. Nevertheless, I tried to "forget about it" and went about my day.

And, all of a sudden, boom. Again. It is knocking at the door. So, fine, let us look at it.

First of all, guilt, unlike anything in this world, is probably the most powerful thing of all, strange as it is. Just look around: what most people are doing all day long and their entire lives? Well, manipulating GUILT! Can you imagine this?

For what? - EXCLUSIVELY to control and dominate and to impose THEIR world view on YOU. Simple as that.

The whole world is manipulated by guilt, the whole nations engage in guilt manipulation morning to night accusing other nations of all sorts of things. Your lives are ruled by guilt mostly, or at least to a large degree.

Guilt is EVERYWHERE! There is more guilt in this world than anything else. Just look around and look inside. But why is it so powerful and so all-pervasive? How much Love there is in the world compared to guilt? How much compassion and understanding is there compared to guilt? How much clarity is there compared to guilt? And we can go on and on, and the end result will be "guilt RULES"! How could this be?

If there is such a thing as "original sin", or "fall from grace", then there is such a thing as the "original poison", and that is GUILT! Poison that poisoned humanity unlike anything else. Because is it not constructive in nature. It is DESTRUCTIVE. Its very purpose is to destroy your integrity as a Human Being.

What is this struggle of "me vs. you"? Well, it is GUILT based! How could this be? Well, nearly everyone you know is doing what in relation to you? - Projecting GUILT! They are trying to oppose your ego to theirs by trying to "prove" that you are "guilty" of something.

You SHOULD have done something they expect you to do according to their understanding. But what does it have to do with YOU, as far as YOU are concerned? - Well, nothing much. You simply do not fulfill all sorts of their expectations as far as "what is the RIGHT thing to do", and even worse, they do not even have particular expectations, they simply try to manipulate you into submission and are trying "to get on the top of you" in order to control you, in order to dominate you, in order to prove to themselves that they are "higher" than you. And even that is not quite complete.

But what is the nature of guilt and where did it come from?

First of all, you are not guilty of ANYTHING, no matter what you have done or doing. How could this be?

Guilt is a matter of CONTROL and DOMINATION of others. Otherwise it has no productive or creative purpose. Guilt manipulation is the oldest game in the history of man. What happens to you when you feel guilty? Does it help you to SEE something MORE clearly? - Nope. Does it help you to understand the situation more deeply? - Nope. Does it help you to solve some problem? - Nope. And we can continue this list and the answer will be the same - NOPE!

So, how come it is so powerful that it not only rules your own life and life of others, but it even rules the worlds - the politics, the international affairs, the business and the rest of it?

What does it mean "you are guilty of"? Does it mean you should have done something other then what you have done? Well, they say so when they throw this charge at you, but they are not even interested in you doing the "right thing". They are simply interested in MANIPULATING you into submission, into showing you their "superiority" over you and your "inferiority" compared to them.

Why are you not guilty of anything, at least as long as you do not hurt others and do not do some nasty things to them in full knowledge of what you are doing?

- Well, because there is no one there but you to harvest the fruits of your deeds. Whatever you have done, you have done to YOURSELF, even though you might have done something to others. Because "at the end", all that counts is YOU. Not that you are the most important thing in the world, by ANY means. But the "final examination" you are going to have is in front of YOU, looking at yourself and asking: "in what respect do you think the things you have done are justifiable from the standpoint of GROWTH of your Being, growth of your consciousness, of your awareness"?

It is utterly irrelevant how others "judge" you or misjudge you. "What counts at the end" is YOU. There is only you and Truth, with all due respect to the rest of it.

Guilt does not help to solve some problem, if there is any to begin with. It simply constricts your energy, shrinks your being, puts you on defensive and blinds you with fear of some "reprisal" from whatever, be it the law of Karma itself.

Fear and guilt. This is how the world is ruled to a large extent. Both ugly and most negative forms of energy created originally for the purpose of controlling the world as is recorded in Torah and the Talmud that are the original recipes of world domination. It has nothing to do with rectifying some situation or improving upon something. It is created by the parasites so they could milk you, control you and dominate you.

Guilt and fear are some of the most potent tools in the satanist' toolbox of world domination and submission of all and roots of it lie in the "negative approach" allegedly introduced by Lucifer as described for example in the "Revelations of the Insider" from the "Hidden Hand".

Guilt is an artificial method to control, dominate and oppress.

Yes, there is an evaluation, or rather SEEING aspect of what may look like guilt, out of which you learn not to hurt others or do some nasty things without consideration of the point of view or interests of others. If you do something nasty, sometimes you may be able to look at the situation from the standpoint of those who were on a receiving end and you might feel that hurt they have experienced as a result of your nasty deed. And then the realization comes: why did I have to do it? It was utterly unnecessary. It could be my own "fear of survival" or my own insensitivity and disregard for others, or an attempt to "prove myself", my "power" over them and so on.

From the standpoint of your growth, the only thing that matters is your SEEING, seeing the very essence of Life, the very Laws with the help of which the Life can continue to go on and has directions and dimensions to expand and enlarge into.

You are "guilty" only to yourself and that "guilt" consists of you not being honest, sincere and trusting enough to stand for something that creates harmony and facilitates Life as such. May be you have done something out of fear, be it "fear of survival" itself, not trusting yourself and Life as such, or simply being lazy to investigate, or had not enough courage and Trust towards Life.

Guilt is a poison to your being. It constricts you and does not help you to find some creative solution.

Those, who manipulate your guilt are not your friends and their purpose is not to help you in any way and not even to make you realize something. But to control you, to get on the top of you, and you can see this nearly everywhere you look.

You are "responsible" ONLY to YOURSELF and Life as such. There is no "judge" there to judge you but yourself. There is no one to "punish" you but yourself for your misunderstanding and blindness.

And even if you realize that you have done something that hurts others and does not promote Life and Harmony, what can guilt help beyond constricting your energy and lowering your evaluation as to how valid you are as a human being?

It is not via guilt you can grow. It is through your awareness and SEEING. Via guilt you can only get lower and lower. Condemning yourself, even from your own realization, achieves nothing productive.

So, whenever someone projects guilt on you or you yourself do it to others, ask a simple question: what do you need it for?

Death is the ultimate orgasm

Keep this in mind when you read this book. Chandra Mohan spoke about death in 3343 out of about 4000 of his lectures. That is in over 80% of his lectures. Why? What is the obsession? Is death something so significant that he had to talk about it in vast majority of his lectures? Strange.

From the standpoint of reincarnation, "death" is nothing more than changing the camouflage of your soul before selection of the next shape or form to experience a different set of aspects. There is no such a thing as "death" in Existence. It is nothing more than changing forms to enlarge the experience of the Soul, the Essence of an entity. It is like in a theater at the end of the act. The curtain closes, the stage set is changed and then the next act begins.

He basically called death "the ultimate orgasm". You can see it for yourself:

Search: Death

Just one quote before we begin. Keep that in mind.

A dissatisfied people are the pawns in our game of world conquest

We have converted the people to our philosophy of getting and acquiring so that they will never be satisfied. A dissatisfied people are the pawns in our game of world conquest. Thus, they are always seeking and never able to find satisfaction. The very moment they seek happiness outside themselves, they become our willing servants.

Your people never realize that we offer them only worthless baubles that can not bring fulfillment. They procure one and consume it and are not filled. They procure one and consume it and are not filled. We present another.

A dissatisfied people are the pawns in our game of world conquest

(from "The Hidden Tyranny", the Interview with Harold Wallace Rosenthal.)

It would not be such a bad idea to read that interview before you even read this book. Because that will put quite a few things into proper perspective, as that is what we are going to be dealing with here - the roots of Satanism and the "negative" approach of self-serving versus the "positive" approach of service to others and Life as such, and recognition that "we are all one and undivided by any kind of illusion", just as stated in the Ra Material.

Ra Material - The Law Of One: Book I


One thing I'd like to address right at the top is that Chandra Mohan, who called himself "Osho", was obsessed with the idea of communism which is evidenced by his "commune" in Oregon, a "grand" experiment to create a "new man", a kind of "paradise on Earth without God".

That "commune" operated exactly according to principles of communism outlined by Karl Marx (Mordechai Levy, Mardochai Levi), a Jew and a "lucid Talmudist".

Karl Marx was born into a progressive Jewish family in Prussian Trier (now in Germany). His father Herschel, descending from a long line of rabbis, was a lawyer and his brother Samuel was - like many of his ancestors - chief rabbi of Trier.

The family name was originally "Marx Levi", which derives from the old Jewish surname Mardochai. In 1817 Heinrich Marx converted to the Prussian state religion of Lutheranism to keep his position as a lawyer, which he had gained under the Napoleonic regime.

"The Rulers of Russia, then, are Jewish Politicians, and they are applying to the world the doctrine of Karl Marx (Mordechai Levy).

Marx, was a clear and lucid Talmudist... full of that old Hebrew (sic) materialism which ever dreams of a paradise on earth and always rejects the hope held out of the chance of a Garden of Eden after Death."

(Bernard Lazare, L'antisemitisme, p. 346; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, p. 47)

Please note that Karl Marx and his theories, including the idea of communism and revolutions, was a project of Lucifer worshippers - Rothschilds, who financed him, in order to promote their agenda of world domination, just as promised to "god chosen people" in Deuteronomy and other "scriptures", as expressed in the concept of the NWO (New Wold Order). So, the very roots of the communism lay in the Talmud. Marx was nothing more than a puppet in their hands to provide the "scientific" foundation for the NWO groundwork.

The ideas of world domination were expressed in the concept of "dictatorship of the proletariat" of Karl Marx, which is a lie. Because there is no and can not possibly be such a thing as "dictatorship of the proletariat", which is plain hard working people. Dictatorship may be imposed ONLY by the "rulers", not workers.

World Domination 401

When death approached, old Amschel Rothschild called together his children, in Frankfort, and having read the satanic Talmud, he proclaimed:

"Remember my children, that all the Earth must belong to us, Jews, and that the Gentiles being mere excrements of animals, must possess nothing".

Explaining this, Amschel compelled them to swear most solemnly that they would always stick to one another and never undertake anything separately. This they did and it was repeated on Amschel's grave twenty-four years later, when Nathan for material reasons consented to become a "Christian" and "suddenly" died ...

Secret World Government by Cherep-Spiridovich

The NWO Agenda

Chandra Mohan also advocated the idea of the "borderless world", which is exactly the same idea as the NWO.

What is interesting here is that if you accept "Osho", you'd have to accept the NWO agenda. Because this is essentially what he taught. Most points are the same.

And you'd have to also accept that you are nothing more than an animal, or even worse - feces, or "useless eaters" as they classify most of you. Chandra Mohan's doctrine is a bit more intricate even though he also considers you nothing more than unconscious entities, even though he does not openly call you animals of feces, at least blatantly, even though he does, only on a subtle level.

One of the biggest lies of Chandra Mohan is that you as you are virtually have no chance to find your own way in life and come to a state where Life "makes sense" and things reconcile, unless you become "enlightened". And without a "master" you are doomed to oblivion. Only a "master" can "help" you to become someone possessing "superconsciousness", which is quite a subject in itself. Otherwise, you have no chance to "solve" your own "problems" and achieve that state of SEEING.

These are some of the most potent lies he produced as they deny your own validity and Intelligence inherent within every single one of you to learn and SEE the ultimate meaning of life if there is any to begin with. Those lies make you dependent on him and literally disable your own intelligence which you posses no matter what you might think. That intelligence is inherent in you down to the smallest cell in your body.

And once you accept the position that you as you are are nothing but some blind fool, according to Chandra Mohan teachings, and no different than an animal, according to the NWO doctrine, and you simply have to, as you have no choice, then you have to accept that ANY of you may be simply killed as some useless biorobots, taking up some space, consuming the resources and producing nothing more than stink, unless you can be exploited "for the good of the empire" of NWO.

Thus, the "herd" needs to be "thinned out" once in a while, and so you see all these utterly senseless and utterly destructive wars, revolutions and "regime changes". And so you see these "reduction of population" programs, seemingly for the benefit of mankind as such. Interestingly enough, the queen Elisabeth II has recently announced her commitment to reduction of population to one billion people. Can you imagine the scale? And HOW are they going to do it?

Interestingly enough, the biggest chain of concentration camps in the entire history of mankind, able to contain more than a million people, has already been built in the USA under the guise of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and millions of caskets for the corpses have already been manufactured as per order of the same FEMA. What do you think is next in the "agenda"?

A list of about a million of people has already been compiled. It is called "the red list", the list of those to be exterminated first. Then they have the "yellow list" of "useless eaters" to be exterminated next.

And you also have to accept that you will be zombified and you will have to submit to the overruling doctrine, and more than that - to take an oath to serve Lucifer, that "wolf in sheep's clothes", who will be presented as the "savior of mankind". Or do you think this is some kind of bad joke? What happened to your minds? Whose words did you accept without even looking at it while listening to their promises of "freedom and democracy" and "bright future of mankind", do you know?

Basically, the NWO is an extreme, or rather the extremist version of the "negative", self-serving approach of the Luciferian doctrine, commonly known as satanism, literally. It is a doctrine of "elitism" of "god chosen people" who are given the right by their birth to rule and dominate others and to parasite on the fruits of their labor. All others are to slave away and serve this "elite". Interestingly enough, Chandra Mohan also called "his people" the "elite", and he also had a concept of the "inner circle", just like the Illuminati.

According to Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati secret society of world conquest, the goals of the NWO are:

  • Abolition of all ordered governments.
  • Abolition of private property.
  • Abolition of inheritance.
  • Abolition of patriotism.
  • Abolition of the family.
  • Abolition of religion.
  • Creation of world government.

Now, at Chandra Mohan's commune there was no such a notion as a family, no money and no such a thing as personal property. But, the only one who swam in luxury was that very "leader", Chandra Mohan. He had his own "Olympic size swimming pool" and his own fleet of Rolls Royces and extensive collection of diamond watches.

The SAME EXACT idea as a "world ruler", a servant of Lucifer, sitting on his throne and ruling the world with absolute and unquestionable power and god-like authority.

You could not question ANYTHING Chandra Mohan did or said. The very idea was beyond comprehension as he was considered to be infallible, "the greatest master ever". About the ONLY thing you were allowed, is to ask what is to be done and where and how you are stupid so he could "fix" your "misunderstandings" and correct your "wrong" ideas, so you could finally attain that sweet fruit of enlightenment, which is exactly the same thing as what the Illuminati ideology states, which is exactly the same thing as obediently following the Talmudic "laws", without questioning, which is exactly the same thing as Luciferianism - worshipping "the fallen angel of light", all of which is precisely the same ideology of total control and domination over the "herd", down to the last dot and comma. Or is it not?

Communism is exactly the model of the NWO

Chandra Mohan has spent several years on extensive study of Communism. According to him, he had a complete library on it, and there wasn't a single book of any significance that he did not have in his collection as he stated on record.

And Communism is exactly the model of the NWO and it comes directly from the Talmudism, from ancient times, and his idea of a "commune" is exactly the same thing as Jewish ghettos - a self-imposed isolationism for the purposes of control and domination over the herd. Communism and "permanent revolutions" are the central concepts in this entire doctrine of most profound evil, that looks like some "ultimate reality", and those revolutions are to happen until the Prophecies of Torah are fulfilled and a servant of Lucifer finally takes his place on a throne in the Third Temple to rule the earth as a single superstate.

The model of hell on earth that is, or the same exact thing as Christians call "the paradise on Earth without God".

Osho - Porno Avatar

At his commune, there was no such a thing as family, EXACTLY the NWO agenda. Just go screw with anyone you meet on the streets and that is the end of it. That is why he was called "a porno Avatar" by UG Krishnamurti.

And destruction of family is one of the central principles to uproot you so you never learn real love and real friendship, as that is where you learn it first, unless your family is pretty sick, which, unfortunately, we can see everywhere nowadays. And precisely because of this very agenda of destruction of family, that has been advocated for hundreds of years from all the channels of media and communications, nowadays they are zombifying you with the idea that a family is something "outdated". So you have no roots left.

All these "sexual freedoms" and "non-conventional sexual orientation" are exactly designed to uproot you by destroying your family institutions. This is done primarily for the population reduction purposes of the NWO agenda. That is why you see so much promotion of homosexuality and lesbianism, which are even legalized by now in some states. Because in such "families" there will be no children born. That is why you see it everywhere you look. It has NOTHING to do with "freedom of choice" as they peddle it.

He has spent an immense amount of time trying to destroy all the religions, just like the NWO plan states. He has mentioned Jesus in half of his lectures. About 2500 lectures mentioned Jesus. Initially, he praised Jesus as someone "enlightened", but at the end he viciously, yes, viciously, attacked the same Jesus, and not only Jesus but virtually all those masters before him.

And we can go on for a while like this. And the bottom line is that his program was EXACTLY what the NWO is. His grand experiment to create his commune is EXACTLY in the benefit of the NWO agenda.

All others simply slaved away 12 hours a day not getting paid a penny and not owning anything.

And the reason I claim it all happened is because he did not have a real life, forever being alone from his early childhood, never playing with other children and experiencing the genuine joy and appreciation of life.

As a result, he could not relate to other people in any other way but to give the orders and instructions. He could not even conceive of an idea of being equal or a friend to anyone. He simply could not do it as he never learned it. And he stated it on record very clearly by saying HIS word is to be the final one, and if someone "bugs" him, he could be TERRIBLE, just like the totalitarian dictators of Joseph Stalin or Adolph Hitler's kind. Not only that, but he had guts to call Jesus a "megalomaniac", "fascist", "psychotic" and "schizophrenic", while previously calling him "enlightened".

His work was destruction of everything

His work was destruction of everything and that is what he forever did, criticizing and "exposing" everything under the Sun and mostly religions. He did address all sorts of religious corruption, political corruption, corruption in power structures and government, and the rest of it. And indeed, much garbage was accumulated in the name of religions and much violence was done by all those religious politicians as that is who they really are. Very few of them believe a single word they are saying.

Yes, religious fanaticism is all pervasive. But the issue is not the religions as such. You can find the same thing happening in any area of human activity.

And my effort is to try to show that it leads you nowhere else but hell, which is confusion inside of you, which is bound to create the distortions and represent the unreal as real and a lie as Truth. That is what hell is to me.

So, Chandra Mohan shows you all the garbage in your mind, you have been programmed with, and what I am interested in is to show that you can not throw a baby with the bathwater. Else you are doomed. And it is to show that all these flashy and blindingly bright concepts are exactly the same thing as Jesus said: they blind your eyes with seeming light, but the roots of that "light" is evil (not a literal quote).

And when I say "Jesus" it does not mean what you might imply. It means the ESSENCE that stood behind him. There is no direct historical evidence of him existing. But SOME of those things that were said in his name can be verified to be valid. The simplicity of the message remains uncorrupted regardless of who or what stood behind creation of it in the books.

So, the circumstantial evidence exists directly in the New Testament and his argumentation with Pharisees, who were not able to defeat his arguments even once, and to this day. Furthermore, the compelling Truth of his parables and their simplicity is self-evident. Moreover, with him, the most fundamental conceptual change took place - the replacement of ideas of violence and revenge with the ideas of Love. No one was able to express that message like Him in the entire history of mankind with all due respect to all others.

And it is to show you the Chandra Mohan's never ending lies and cowardice. Because he has never once spoken of the most significant issues facing the world, such as the Illuminati and that "hidden hand" that rules the world for at least 300 years now.

And probably the worst crime of his was to run away from Oregon and abandon "his people", like a coward, instead of staying to the end, just like Jesus showed you with his life. And the miracle is, he still could not run away. But what he COULD do instead is to make a public statement before his people and explain why does he want to go away from it all. Just running away in secrecy, like a thief can only achieve discreditation, doubts and confusion. If he has done nothing, why should he try to run away from his own creation? Is it what honest and courageous people do, not even mentioning the enlightened ones?

And if you still can not see it, well, at least I tried.

And I will try to PROVE those things with exact quotes and references for you to do any further study in case it is still not clear enough. What I am saying is not just some theories, and if you do find some things that look like a theory, no need to even bother. Just skip it and go on to the next thing. Who knows what tomorrow may bring. But the "messages" still remains.

When I did some review of what is going on with all this "Osho" trip, my hairs rose. I could not believe my eyes, so corrupt it looked to me. So, what am I to do? Just say: well, screw them, "they get what they deserve"? Sorry, this is not my way. Can not be done even if I wanted to, and there are reasons for me even to be alive, and those reasons are beyond my individual trips.

There are also other things at work here.

Walking on thin ice

The problem with all this "enlightenment" stuff and all this "no-mind" trip is that it is very easy to "fall into a ditch" with it and waste the rest of your lives chasing carrots of all kinds, none of which you can possibly reach. And you can not afford it from what I see. Not now. Now the game is totally different. We are past that point of "new age" and that "Lucy in the sky with diamonds" delusion.

It is like walking on thin ice. One wrong step is all it takes.

This work is actually a research and investigation with plenty of quotes and citations. Once I have done all that needed to be done to benefit whatever "message" he had, and seeing things of utter disgust propagated in his name nearly everywhere I looked, the same exact religious fanaticism and parasitism, and the same lies, I have decided: and now it is time to get to the bottom of it, and once I make such a decision I do not leave a single stone unturned. That is the way I like it.

And now you have access to his word as easily as it gets. All you have to do is to push the link below and enter any question you have and the rest is up to you. There are no ads, no pretty pictures, no fancy looking pages and no pipe dreams or flashy effects. There are no logins, no passwords, no requirements to register or provide ANY of your private information. You simply enter the REAL world of Osho, and that is all I can do for you.

I can guarantee you one thing, if you read this book to the end, if you have enough patience that is, there is no way you may be deluded or blinded by anything. And if you still have your faith in Osho, it will only be strengthened and matured. Because Truth can not be corrupted, no matter what anybody says. It is simply impossible. What will remain in the end is "That Which Is", which is also known as Tattvartha sutra, the very essence of Jain religion of India, which Osho borrowed from them in his definition of Truth, just like most of what he told you. Do not forget this.

My last word is: if you decide to go back to this book and read it again, save it on your computer because the nature of evil is destruction and it always makes its move. This is simply inevitable.


What is Truth? Is there such a thing? Truth is one of the most illusive notions there is. Chandra Mohan used a Jain definition - That Which Is. Well, sounds deep, but what does it mean?

My own understanding is that reality is multi-dimensional. There exists an infinite number of points of view and ways to look at anything. So, strictly speaking, truth may be asserted when you look at something in very limited context, depending on what you are trying to achieve or what are you trying to see. But then it can not be called truth because you simply artificially isolated a limited set of events or objects and have cut them off from the infinite Whole. In a largest sense, you can not ever define Truth regardless of whether you are a "master", "enlightened" or anybody. Nor you can speak truth because words are way too limiting, even if you "knew" it. How can you describe a song? Sure, you can try, but all it is is distortion and limitations of all kinds.

Basically, the way I see it, Truth is that which is ultimately valid, undeniably there, no matter who you are and what you are trying to look at. Thus the definition of That Which IS. One thing we all know - there is life. Does it come from somewhere? How did it come to be? All the "theories" you know, such as "theory of evolution" are fakes as far as I can see. They are nothing but lies and concoctions invented for particular purpose, and that purpose is to control and dominate you, leading you away by claiming that all of it is a result of some random process, utterly unconscious and utterly without any reason.

But if you DENY Truth, well, not very smart I'd say.

And that is all I can tell you.

What is mind?

This is one of the central points in this "enlightenment" trip - the concept of "no mind". And all sorts of religious parasites and inferiority driven idiots or fools and all sorts of con-men made lots of money and built "careers" and "spiritual empires" exploiting this idea of "no mind". And many people have fallen victims to their sticky traps, accepting something inherently absurd as some kind of "ultimate reality", which in itself is bluff at best. Because there isn't such a thing.

So, what is mind? How can you understand what is "NO mind", if you don't know what is mind?

Well, if you are in the mood for some "wild" ideas, you can read this Short essay on nature of the mind.

There is one interesting hint provided in the book of Chandra Mohan named "Bodhidharma The Greatest Zen Master". And it had quite a shocking statement about the mind. It basically said that whatever you think, perceive or imagine, or think yourself to be, - it is all mind! Chandra Mohan went berserk trying to disprove it, discredit it or humiliate and insult the author of those words, that allegedly belong to Bodhidharma himself. But he failed in his complicated attempt to discredit it. Because he did not really present his substantive argument about it.

Here is a quote from that book:








A pilgrimage to your own being
(Bodhidharma The Greatest Zen Master)

Chandra Mohan goes as far as to say:

... wherever in these sutras you find the word 'mind', a meditator would put just its opposite, 'no-mind'.

Sorry, but this is below the belt. You can not do such things. "Yes" can not become "No". It is too much of a stretch.

And the shocking consequence of it is that the very concept of "no mind", therefore, is invalid. There is no such a thing.

Let us take a quick look at that.

Again, what is mind? Well, a mind is not only a plain thought process. Like there is a thought, and there is state of "no thought", the absence of thought, or "no mind". Because it is much more complex than that.

Mind is probably the most complex concept there is. Because it has many aspects. There is an idle mind, which is the most common manifestation of the mind. It simply means that you always "think" about something. Basically, even as you walk on the street, seemingly doing nothing, you mind keeps chattering. Most of the times it does not even have anything to do with you walking and seeing something or hearing something. The chatter may be your past memories, your worries, your expectations, the analysis of some situation, and ad infinitum.

And it is not an ACTIVE process in a sense that you are not necessarily trying to solve some problem. But it is basically totally passive. You do not necessarily even realize that you are "thinking" and that thinking is not meant to solve something. It just "keeps you busy" without any purpose, at least as it seems. And yet there IS a purpose in it.

Because it is basically reevaluating your past and enumerating your past experiences and in that process it may suddenly find some "solutions", or at least take a look at something that happened in the past, or projection into probable future, be it even some fear of something, even without your effort. So it is not that entirely "useless" as a plain grinding procedure.

The thing is, in order for you to resolve some issue or misunderstanding, you, most likely, need to look at it from all possible angles, even repeating some aspects again and again and again, until something clicks. So, your mind is constantly grinding and reevaluating things. Not that it necessarily brings some solution. But still, anything unresolved needs your attention, no matter how many times or lives does it take to fully realize the significance of it.

There is no such a thing in life as something utterly useless, even this non-ending grinding process in your mind. In that respect, no things or events are merely accidental or random or useless. Otherwise, there would be no need for them. The passive mind grinding process is an attempt at reconciliation.

Then there is "active" or directed mind. Meaning you are consciously thinking about some problem or trying to resolve some issue in some practical matter. In that state, you consciousness "controls" the mind, well, at least to some degree.

Then there is a creative mind. Meaning you are consciously, or even sub-consciously trying to create something, play with something in a creative way - composing music, writing a poem, sculpting or painting and so on. It that state, your "rational" mind, or "thinking" mind is not necessarily functioning. Because you do not "THINK" in a way. You let your imagination fly and try to connect to the higher levels of existence where things may be revealed to you that are of creative nature - something that did not exist before, at least in your understanding or perception.

Then there is "intuitive" mind. It is where you are trying to reach into the higher levels of Being without necessarily having any goal or doing something to create something or to solve some problem. Intuitive mind is the most abstract aspect of the mind. It does not necessarily even look at something. It is rather trying to reach out for something higher.

Then there is a "mystery" mind, the "ritual" mind, or "symbolic" mind. It is activated when you perform some religious or occult rituals. They all have the underlying symbology of abstractions. For example, some doll or some object symbolizes some god, or some power, some aspect or whatever that symbol reduces to. This is an active process and it requires concentration and tuning yourself into it. You can not just walk into a ritual. You have to bring your attention to in and "get into it". Otherwise it won't work.

And, finally, there is "meditative mind", and that is what that book was talking about as far as I can see. When it said: anything you do or see or know is mind. In that respect, such a concept as "no mind" is simply an invention. It does not exist. It is not possible. Because "no mind" implies no perception, which implies absence of consciousness. You, as you are, as an entity, can not exist in that state. For all "practical" purposes you are dead.

And these are just few aspects of the mind. There are more.

This implies that even when you are in meditation, there is still a mind. Except it is not an idle chattering mind and it is not the creative mind and it is not a ritual mind and it is not even the intuitive mind. Yes, there is no active or even passive thought process in meditation. You do not THINK. But you STILL perceive, and to perceive triggers the mind, that gathering and integrating process that creates the very notion of identity.

While in meditation you do see a tree in front of you and you DO identify it and recognize it as a tree. Sure, there may be more aspects of a tree revealed to you in meditation because there is no hindrance from the chattering or analytic activity of the mind. You may start feeling its coolness, its peaceful energy radiating upon you, you may see its dancing on the wind and so on.

But there IS recognition of a tree as a tree. Otherwise, you have chaos. You can not even perceive anything or recognize anything. Because there is no mechanism that gathers and integrates things and thus creates an identity.

That is why Chandra Mohan "gets caught with his pants down" when he says: "enlightenment is permanent cessation of the mind", but with the other side of his mouth he says: "but when I speak to you, I have to use the mind". But the question is inevitable: how can you use something if it ceased to exist?

So, be forewarned, those who "teach" you about "no mind" may simply want to take away your intelligence in order to submit you, in order to parasite on you, in order to enslave you, or they are simply deluded, clinging to some dogma. Because they are lying and they know not what they speak of.

Because "no mind" means no consciousness. No consciousness means no intelligence. Because intelligence is not possible without consciousness and awareness. It is not just a pool of energy where everything is one and indistinguishable. "Being aware" simply means being present. But it does not mean you don't recognize a tree in front of you. Presence is the same thing as what Jesus spoke about when he was talking about SEEING and HEARING. This is EXACTLY the same thing. And it means AWARENESS as J. Krishnamurti called it.

Therefore, your trip to "no mind" is your trip to DEATH. Death of you as your own Being with your own Intelligence, with your own unique set of aspects and characteristics, and with your own set of "problems", or rather challenges for you to evolve, learn and increase your intelligence, and with your own set of aspects that interest you and "turn you on" and make you want to go on, to continue to BE.

And there is no one who knows your "problems", issues, challenges or interests better than you yourself. Because it is impossible to know the other Being in its completeness.

And if something is known not in its completeness then there exist a chance, if not certainty, that all that knowledge is invalid, because some things were missing in it and there is no way to know if those missing things were in fact not the most essential aspects of that Being. Only when one knows something it its fullness and entirety, which, by itself is impossible, there may exist a confidence that that knowledge is true and undistorted.

And to know something in its entirety is impossible because of open nature of existence. It is not static, like an object. As soon as you know it in its entirety it has already changed, as everything changes every instance. Therefore, to know something in its entirety is theoretically only possible on the level of the HIGHEST intelligence, the ULTIMATE Intelligence, and even that can not be true. Because that would imply the END, which is impossible from any point of view conceivable. There are no limits to Intelligence in any aspect or manifestation conceivable, as there is no "end" to infinity.

Yes, some people may give you some advices or examples out of their own experience or understanding and it could be valuable and actual to you. But no one, mind you, no one, may know you as you do, simply because it is not available to others. Your being is way too complex for others to perceive it as a whole. It is simply impossible, no matter how much of you they can see or recognize or give you an advice on.

And that is "the bottom line" in "religious search", which is bluff. The proper name for "religious search" is LIFE itself. And it is not "religious". You are not looking for some "god" somewhere. You are looking for YOURSELF and trying to find that Ultimate Infinite Intelligence, Ever Unfolding and All Permeating sitting right smack in the middle of your Being. And it is the same Intelligence that is sitting in all other people, regardless of who they are or who they THINK they are. And the common name for that Intelligence is God - the most abused and misunderstood word in the whole history of mankind.

Because YOU are the manifestation of that Infinite Intelligence. Undeniably so, even on a genetic level, even on a particle level. And the "job" or a "search" or "religion" of your Grand Life is to recognize it finally for what it is. Because it is undeniable, no matter what you do and how much time will it take for that recognition to mature. It does not matter all.

That is the whole fun of it: To look in the mirror one day and exclaim: "Oh, My GOD, look who is reflected in the mirror!". Is it what God is? And I ask you: what ELSE do you think? And if you do not think it is, you need to go search for more, and experience more, and crave for more.

Until you stand there one day and exclaim: Oh My God! How Glorious You are!!! How playful you are! How inventive you are, which all turns out to be ME!!!

Short essay on nature of the mind

As far as I can see, the mind is the most glorious multi-functional mechanism of translation between different levels of reality - subtle and gross (mater) used for the purposes of manifestation in order to experience reality and a process of Creativity which we know as Life.

Sorry for this mouthful of big words and concepts. But how do you formulate it in one sentence? Ok, let us look at it in a more detailed way.

First of all, the mind is a sophisticated communication system between different levels of reality. It receives, transmits and translates the energies from more subtle, non-material levels of existence into more gross, material world level thought constructs, or "thought forms" as they are called by some.

The purpose of Life is Creativity, and as far as man is concerned, that Creativity is allowed full expression in a free and unhindered manner, without any influence from the more subtle and more developed levels, unless it is specifically asked for by you from more subtle levels, and even there, the assistance may not slant your perceptions in ways that contradict you desires or intents, or that are unnatural to you.

The "purpose" of Creativity is to explore in new ways, never seen before. And that is what Life is, the very nature of Being versus death, which is the biggest illusion there is. Because it is the only thing that is impossible. Because once something is born it can never die. It can only transform into something else.

The very birth and life experiences have consequences and are transmitted throughout Existence in all possible directions. Those consequences in their turn give birth to other alternatives and probabilities and thus manifest further. Even if the "original" entity has perished, the consequences still remain.

The results of your personal experiences and creative discoveries, and even your pains and blindness are then translated and transmitted back to the more subtle levels of Life and are incorporated into a bigger whole, into a "bigger picture" of reality. Even your blindness contributes to the whole in a sense that it presents it probably a new "problem" to try to resolve.

In that respect, there is no such a thing as "bad" experiences. Because all and all contributes to Intelligence and that is how It learns how to deal with it and how to resolve those conflicts, contradictions and avoid the unnecessary waste of energy on all sorts of pain and misery creating experiences that seem to lead nowhere, even though that is not quite true.

Because everything, no matter what, inevitably leads to resolution. It simply presents a new challenge and that challenge sooner or later will be resolved. This is inevitable process, regardless of "how long" will it take. It may be called one of the main Laws of Life as such. Because that is "what life is for". It is the very fun of BEING - the Impetus To Be. That is why YOU exist and that is why EVERYTHING exists. To SOLVE all those nasty issues and contradictions and to see "what else is there to see", ad infinitum.

So, if we take it "to the limit", even evil itself is contributing to Good. Because through it, the Whole learns how to deal with that blindness of evil. Evil is a desperate attempt at "absolute freedom" as attributed to Lucifer and his rebellion, as recorded, for example, in the Urantia Book.

The Lucifer Rebellion
(The Urantia Book: Paper 53 )

That is why you are here, as through you, new aspects, manifestations and forms are learned by the higher levels of Life. In a strange sense, it is because of YOU the Whole exists. It "depends" on you as much as you depend on It.

Man does not exist only on a material level. Some say that the matter is the objectified thought constructions, slowed down to the gross level of matter, created in order to experience on the 3rd level of density, which is the level of Human Intelligence.

Below the 3rd density, there is the 2nd level - the animal world, where Intelligence does not possess self-awareness.

Below it is the 1st level - mineral, rocks and so on.

Above the 3rd level of density the material no longer applies. Because Intelligence grew up sufficiently in order to operate on a much more unrestricted level than that of a matter. Matter is kind of "heavy" and it has inertia and all sorts of limitations. But through matter the Intelligence learns how to manifest.

So, the mind is also a mechanism of manifestation through translation of different levels of density, just like a book translates reality into words and ideas. The book itself is not a reality, but its description in terms of symbols, associated with different words.

And symbols are abstractions, used to replace many things and aspects with one - its symbolic representation, a symbol, in order to minimize the expenditure of energy. Instead of you describing something in many words and notions, you simply use a symbol that represents it all as an aggregate, as an integral whole. Otherwise, there is an energy loss of enumeration of different things to describe what they all represent as a whole.

So, the "bottom line" in all this talk about the mind is that if you condemn it, just like Chandra Mohan did by saying things like: "the mind is the biggest problem there is", you, effectively, commit a suicide.

Now, yes, it is true that the mind may be as "stupid" as you want, and as "blind" as you can imagine, and is so wrapped up in the matter, that it may even convert you into a 2-nd level density being - the animal world. That is why the "god chosen people" classify all non-jews as "animals", in a literal sense of the word, and there is some validity to that if you look at how unconscious and blind some, if not most people are.

Some go as far as to lower themselves to the 1st level, the mineral world, the vegetable world. Yes, mind can do that too.

Because mind is the most flexible and sophisticated system that is capable of bridging different levels and performing various translations between the "languages" on those levels.

Take for example the favorite subject of the modern world - the NWO. What it really means and what it reduces to? Well, it means purely the MATERIAL world and the matter is considered to be the "ultimate reality" in that world. Anything and everything else is considered a fiction in it, just like, for example, states dialectic materialism and "objective" view in science, that requires rigid, matter oriented interpretations and "evidence" of everything and anything, even though it is not quite true, because they have a perverted from of religiousness, which is occult, and they perform various rituals of manipulation, especially related to death, to allegedly learn to "control" the material world.

But the NWO, basically, is purely MATERIAL world view and domination and violence are the necessary components of ideology of controlling the material world. Thus, their "god" - Moloch and child sacrifice ceremonies of throwing children into fire into a pit below the feet of half-man, half-beast statue of moloch.

Or take, for example, Luciferian model, which is also a purely material model of "controlling the material world" with the help of so-called "negative aspect" of "serving ones own interests". The same exact things. They are obsessed with material things - gold, money, diamonds, expensive cars, castles, thrones and so on.

And the mind can be used for that as well. In a sense, mind is "anything you want it to be". It can lower you to the level of an animal and it can raise you to the level of angels and non-material levels of Intelligence. Because it is a BRIDGE between the levels of density.

But to condemn the mind as such, just because it can make you a religious or political fanatic, or an idiot, a zombie, a biorobot, a criminal, or a murderer or utterly blind and insensitive Being, is a crime, a crime against YOU as a Glorious Being.

Mind can take your Being to the level of meditation where no thought of the material world and no comparison or evaluation exist. On that level you reach out to the higher levels of Life and Being and that is a comforting reminder to you as to "where you are going" and "who you REALLY are". Yes, your "past" is the gross level of the material world, down to minerals. But your "future" is the non-material world of pure energy projections and thought forms that instantly manifest into reality in order to explore further, to explore that, which is called Life and Being.

What is logic?

Chandra Mohan used logic extensively, to the point where by use of logic he arrived at the conclusion that there is no God, which is a false conclusion even by principles of logic itself.

Let us take a quick look at what is logic.

Logic is a system of interrelationships and comparison that eventually leads to some conclusion of "yes" and "no" kind.

In a modern, primitive logic, the entire logical conclusion is arrived at by inevitably using binary system of values - "yes" and "no", "black" and "white".

But existence has the infinite spectrum of values. "Yes" and "no" are only mental constructions representing the endpoints of a spectrum.

So, by following a chain of logic, each step of which is resolved by either "yes" or "no", you effectively kill life. Your intelligence becomes dumber and dumber. If you insist on resolving the issues with the help of binary logic of "yes" and "no" as a final determinant, you will eventually turn into a zombie, a biorobot - a programmed functional machine. All the colors will be gone.

You can not learn new aspects on the foundation of what is known to you. By recombining the known, you can not come to something new, even though, strictly speaking, it can be argued. At best, you can create a question - something unresolved. Sure, this can be argued ad infinitum. But the basic idea is that you need a new, never seen before input for you to create something genuinely new. Recombining the old does not necessarily create anything new.

You can not derive anything new based on logic, which operates exclusively with things that are known, the past. By comparing the known things and coming to a conclusion of "yes" and "no", you will not be able to see the new aspects of life in a larger sense of it. You will forever remain in the old. And so, logic eventually locks up if you use it to investigate the new aspects.

Basically, logic "works" with things of materialistic, mechanical and utilitarian nature in deterministic systems, where all the components and states are known.

So, logic kills creativity, regardless of how sophisticated it is and how true those known elements seem to be, which is false in itself, as it implies that there exists a complete definition of something, outside of which exists nothing new, nothing more, which is simply impossible. No matter what you know and how much you know and how valid those known things seem to be at the moment, there exists no certainty that you definition is ultimately valid. Not possible. Tomorrow it will break. INEVITABLY so. That is the very nature of life and Creativity itself. Otherwise, life would have not purpose whatsoever and would turn into operation of some machine.

As you progress and evolve, you notions and definitions are expanded, corrected and new aspects of All There Is are added to your picture of reality.

In order to learn new aspects, which is what creativity is, you need to be open and accept the unexpected events or aspects, even though you have no evidence of their validity by definition, as you can not prove them by operating the old notions or concepts.

You need to see that there are aspects in life and existence that are above your level, no matter how "smart" you are. Even from logic itself, it follows that if there is something below, there must be something above, just as scriptures state: "as below, so above". Ad infinitum.

This means that you can not take what you know and classify it as something ultimate, above which exists nothing, unless it is derived with the help of your logic.

You are not ultimate in anything. There are people who are more stupid than you are, more blind than you are, and there are animals and insects, whose intelligence is well below yours, and whose level of development is more primitive than yours. Can not you see that there simply MUST be some entities more developed than you, no matter how "sophisticated" is your mind and your system of belief?

Life forever presents you with new aspects and those aspects will not fit into your system of logic, based on the known. When new information arrives you need to be able to SEE it and HEAR it directly, in unprejudiced manner, putting aside your analysis and comparisons based on logic. If you force the new into the boundaries of the old, you will simply kill it. It will no longer be new.

Essentially, logic kills creativity and keeps you zombified with your present system of belief and knowledge, which is limited by definition. But the new never reconciles with the old even though some aspects of it will fit with the old.

Basically, you accept the validity of the new because it is simply compelling and undeniable. Initially, you do not even know where to fit it into your existing system of logic and knowledge as it breaks some of your notions and beliefs. But to deny it just because it does not fit with the old will simply cripple your intelligence and will prevent you from learning new aspects. As a result you artificially limit your intelligence.

One of the most damaging aspects of modern, primitive logic is its binary nature. Out of infinite number of values on the scale, only two values are accepted - "yes" and "no". This is most damaging to intelligence. As a result, "modern" society has become most primitive and prohibitive of any genuine creativity. When the only two colors in your paint are black and white, the whole picture of life looses its very juice, its very grandeur, its infinite variety of manifestations.

Being open means not to fight with the new, trying to fit it into the old. It won't fit. This is simply impossible. At the end, you will simply become rigid, inflexible and fanatic, the ultimate fruition of which is fascism and totalitarian dictate, the ultimate fruition of which is inevitable self-destruction. Life and intelligence do not support rigidity and narrowing of scope. Just the other way around.

When new information arrives, simply taste it, suckle on it. It did not arrive for no reason. It arrived precisely because that is what you need. It means you are ready to perceive such new aspects. Otherwise, you would not even perceive it and would not end up in such a situation. You simply became ready to see something new. Yes, it will break some of your existing notions and even your system, held together with logic of the interrelationships of the known. But the more you pay attention to the new, without fear that it will break some things or aspects of what you know, the sooner you will be able to RECOGNIZE the validity of at least some of its aspects.

Remember, in existence there is a mechanism to assure validity. It is called Truth. According, to Jain tradition of India, Truth is That Which IS. Yes, it is very subtle and not quite definable because of its open, multidimensional nature.

What remains at the end is Truth. Only lies and misunderstandings and blindness can die. Truth can not possibly die or loose it luster.

So, even if that new information will turn out to be not exactly and completely "correct" in your view, at least SOME of its aspects will remain - simply because they correspond to That Which IS. Eventually, it will become as undeniable and as valid, as your own five fingers. Just like a photographic picture appears in a developer out of blank paper.

In creativity, there is no danger that you will end up being deluded, and even if you are, it will simply present you a different path to investigate and will INEVITABLY bring you to That Which IS.

Yes, logic IS useful in many practical matters. But even there, you can not assume that logic is a final determinant. Otherwise, you will remain blind as you are. The ultimate determinant is Truth and not the logical conclusion, limiting the scope of That Which Is.

The "bottom line" is: avoid using logic in the "spiritual" domain as much as you can. Because it is way too limiting and craves for the known, the artificial "stability" of the old. This domain is the domain of creativity, where every moment, however mundane it may look, carries the NEW information, new vision and new insights and revelations as to the nature of Life and creativity.

Yes, we are used to our primitive binary logic and use everywhere. It is a habit, an addiction. Like a drug. But it is deadly. Because it is a profound distortion of Reality, of That Which IS.

But it is time we learn a new kind of logic, the logic of Infinite, multidimensional and simultaneous nature of Existence. The linear, sequential and binary nature of the present system of logic no longer works in the domains we are entering. It "works", at least to some extent, only in the most primitive and utilitarian situations of the material, mechanical nature.


There is nothing much I can say about God. Yes, the very word "God" has been corrupted and manipulated unlike anything else. All sorts of violence, crimes, manipulation, perversion and all sorts of evil was done in the name of God.

But, does it mean there is no such a thing as God? Nope, it does not. Just because there is distortion it does not mean there is nothing that stands behind it.

The definition of God I like is: The Infinite Multi-Dimensional Intelligence, All Permeating, Ever Unfolding. So, when you see a word "God" in this book, just replace it with this definition as far as I am concerned. That traditional definition of "god" is a swearing word to me.

In this sense, there IS such a thing as the Source of it all. It is not accidental and is not a result of some random process where things become something out of nothing just by enumerating all the infinite possibilities. There is some organizing and integrating force behind it all, something that gathers those seemingly random particles into something, some object or some entity. In that respect I do not believe in theory of probability.

The "original sin" and "saving the mankind"

This is a difficult and arguable issue to cover. But it has been one of the foundations and key points of Chandra Mohan in his, shall we say, war against the Christianity. He continuously laughed at this concept presenting it as some kind of insanity and fanaticism.

But let us look at this concept in the context of Lucifer.

What is the concept of "the original sin" and where did it come from and what does it signify? Well, if we consider, for example, "The revelations of the insider" from the Hidden_Hand, who claims to be a part of "group soul Lucifer", we can see that what is known as seduction of Eve in the garden of Eden was done by Lucifer in order to introduce the "catalyst", the "negative aspect" on this planet to allegedly facilitate the development of intelligence. It is a long subject to cover, but you can look at it yourself:

Window of Opportunity

The seduction consisted of a promise to become "wise" and "free" and would not have to depend on Father. You yourself would become like him. It was basically the same hope as we have seen with "the hippie revolution" and "flower children" in the 60's of the 20-th century promising people all those incredible "freedoms" (of going insane without the roots).

In essence, what is called "the original sin" or "fall from grace" in Christianity is this exact issue of seduction of Eve by the snake. That was that "original" "fall from grace".

What it means is that the Providence or "the Plan" of Creation and development of Intelligence for this planet was violated by Lucifer with introduction of the "negative aspect" of self-serving. As stated in the "revelations of the insider", it had to do with introduction of negativity on this planet, and thus, as he claims, bringing in "freedom of choice" and "free will", which, according to him did not exist at that point and that was the precise reason why mankind could not evolve in terms of intelligence.

But why is it called "the original sin"? - Well, precisely because it created the biggest problem on this planet conceivable. This is also described, for example, in the Urantia Book. One of the chapters that deals with it is Lucifer Rebellion.

The Lucifer Rebellion
(The Urantia Book: Paper 53 )

Because once this "gin was out of the bottle", that was it. The consequences would be impossible to eliminate as they would grow on their own, achieving further permutations of manifestation. And once anything is created, it can not be destroyed, as even if it were, the consequences would continue to exist as the inevitable outcome and develop into the future alternatives and probabilities. In order for it to ever end, it has to come to its full fruition to the point of unbearable inevitability, which is what we see today all over the world with this NWO scheme of most profound evil, which is simply INEVITABLE with the "negative approach".

Basically, what it all means is that the mankind was subjected to the outside and unplanned interference in its growth, which caused the immense suffering and violence on this planet with introduction of "negative aspect" of Lucifer, allegedly to help the growth of Intelligence.

"The negative approach" was not planned and it was not only utterly unnecessary and totally useless, but it was extremely damaging. Because once "the Pandora box" is opened, all the snakes come out.

In the New Testament, the devil or Satan as it is known is called "a wiper on the road" that bites the stranger's horse so it falls down and dies and the stranger can not rich the destination.

So, when Chandra Mohan ridicules this concept of the "original sin", he is lying, or he is hiding the original meaning if he even knew or could comprehend it. Because it is not ridiculous of a concept at all. It is the very cause of all the misery and evil on this planet.

And it did not help the development of Intelligence on this planet. Just the other way around, it led the mankind "to seek light in the valley of darkness". It simply deluded the man with all those incredible promises of "freedom", "democracy" and the rest of it, ALL of which was simply lies for the Lucifer to take over this planet as a sole sovereign and the only "ruler" there is, which nowadays is called the NWO.

Jesus, the saviour

And now we come to this concept of "Jesus the saviour". What does it mean? Chandra Mohan claims it is just plain insanity and fanaticism, and its only possible reason would be to help the monkeys to come from the trees, as ugly of an interpretation as is conceivable. But let us look at it.

First of all, what Jesus introduced on this planet is delivering a message of "positive approach" in order to counteract the problems created by Lucifer with "negative approach". The negative approach claims that you can only learn who you REALLY are by denials of that which you are not. Well, actually it does make sense, and in India, for example, there is a similar concept of "neti, neti", meaning "not, not". Whatever you THINK you are, you are NOT. Because those are all illusions.

So, the more you "progress", the more you recognize that all those things and aspects you THOUGH you are, you are not, which is true to a large extent. So, by denials of that, which you are not, you eventually come to Truth of that which you are.

But there is a poison hidden in this approach, and the poison is that it focuses your consciousness on NEGATIVITY and DENIALS of "that which you are not", allegedly eventually leading you to that which you ARE.

The same is applicable to Yoga with the concept of "pealing the onion". With pealing the onion, the next layer opens up, which is just the same illusion as you had before, only on a little deeper level. And what is the END of this "trip"? Well, the end is when you peal ALL the layers from the onion and what you have left on your hands is NOTHING, emptiness, "shunya", which is the same concept as "death", ALL of which is either outright lies or blindness. Because there is no such a thing as "death". It is simply impossible. This is essentially the same thing as Lucifer approach.

So, the poison is that you are lead to seek the Truth by DENIALS and negations, instead of assertions and affirmations.

And this is EXACTLY the essence of the work of Jesus. The "wiper on the road" symbolizes the snake that changes its appearance after shedding the old skin. It looks like a new snake while it is the same snake as before. This is the nature of lies and deception.

The work of Jesus of "saving the mankind" consists of introduction of the "positive approach". He is not saying or teaching you what you are NOT. He is teaching you what you ARE. That is the whole difference. When he says: you are like a branch growing from a wine, he is telling you that you have roots in existence which you can not see. But, nevertheless, they are undeniable, starting from the molecular level and going up to the planetary and cosmic levels. In EVERYTHING, up to infinity, there is a ROOT.

And its name is The One - The Infinite, All Pervading and Ever Unfolding Intelligence, The Creator of all the worlds and planetary systems - The One, The Source.

There is no possibility of infinity having the end value on any end of the scale. The man is not the ULTIMATE neither in intelligence, nor in any other aspect for that matter, and materialism and the "objective view" is just a small, infinitesimal part of Existence and not the end, by ANY means.

Jesus mostly spoke in parables and there are various reasons for it. But his parables were telling you not what you are NOT, they were telling you what you ARE, with all his examples of a farmer, a fisherman and the rest of it. Because he talked to very simple people at that time. They could not possibly understand such things as Infinite Intelligence.

So, the meaning of "Jesus, the Saviour" is EXACTLY this. He came to SAVE the mankind from the "negative approach", that leads directly to hell as we can all see all over the world today.

And we are going to drop this subject at this point. Because if you "have eyes to see", you WILL see what it means, and if you do not, well, "good luck" as they say. Keep digging at what "you are not" hoping to eventually find what you ARE in some infinitely remote future.

Thus I declare that all the ugliness pronounced by Chandra Mohan about idiocy of the very concept of "saving the world" and making it all look like some ridiculous story about the monkeys, coming down from the tree, is lies, perversions and deceit, or UTTER and COMPLETE blindness, even though he presented it all as some "enlightenment" trip of Lucifer, "the bearer of Light", who actually turns out to be the bringer of darkness and evil to this planet.

Buddha's message

  • "Do not trust what you hear;
  • do not trust the traditions, because they are passed on from generation to generation;
  • do not trust anything unless it is a rumor or opinion of the majority;
  • do not trust, if it is only recorded statements of some old sage;
  • do not trust the guesswork;
  • do not trust what you feel true to what you're used to;
  • Do not trust a naked authority of your teachers and elders. After observation and analysis, when it agrees with reason and promotes the welfare and benefit of one and everyone then take it and live according to it".

-- Gautama Buddha (400 BC)

Nirvana and enlightenment

Questioner: Thank you. I have a question here that I will read: "Much of the mystic tradition of seeking on Earth holds the belief that the individual self must be erased or obliterated and the material world ignored for the individual to reach 'nirvana,' as it is called, or enlightenment. What is the proper role of the individual self and its worldly activities to aid an individual to grow more into the Law of One?"

Ra: I am Ra. The proper role of the entity is in this density to experience all things desired, to then analyze, understand, and accept these experiences, distilling from them the love/light within them. Nothing shall be overcome. That which is not needed falls away.

The orientation develops due to analysis of desire. These desires become more and more distorted towards conscious application of love/light as the entity furnishes itself with distilled experience.

We have found it to be inappropriate in the extreme to encourage the overcoming of any desires, except to suggest the imagination rather than the carrying out in the physical plane, as you call it, of those desires not consonant with the Law of One, thus preserving the primal distortion of free will.

The reason it is unwise to overcome is that overcoming is an unbalanced action creating difficulties in balancing in the time/space continuum. Overcoming, thus, creates the further environment for holding on to that which apparently has been overcome.

All things are acceptable in the proper time for each entity, and in experiencing, in understanding, in accepting, in then sharing with other-selves, the appropriate distortion shall be moving away from distortions of one kind to distortions of another which may be more consonant with the Law of One.

It is, shall we say, a shortcut to simply ignore or overcome any desire. It must instead be understood and accepted. This takes patience and experience which can be analyzed with care, with compassion for self and for other-self.

Questioner: Basically I would say that to infringe upon the free will of another entity would be the basic thing never to do under the Law of One. Can you state any other breaking of the Law of One than this basic rule?

Ra: I am Ra. As one proceeds from the primal distortion of free will, one proceeds to the understanding of the focal points of intelligent energy which have created the intelligences or the ways of a particular mind/body/spirit complex in its environment, both what you would call natural and what you would call man-made.

Thus, the distortions to be avoided are those which do not take into consideration the distortions of the focus of energy of love/light, or shall we say, the Logos of this particular sphere or density.

These include the lack of understanding of the needs of the natural environment, the needs of other-selves' mind/body/spirit complexes. These are many due to the various distortions of man-made complexes in which the intelligence and awareness of entities themselves have chosen a way of using the energies available.

Thus, what would be an improper distortion with one entity is proper with another. We can suggest an attempt to become aware of the other-self as self and thus do that action which is needed by other-self, understanding from the other-self's intelligence and awareness. In many cases this does not involve the breaking of the distortion of free will into a distortion or fragmentation called infringement. However, it is a delicate matter to be of service, and compassion, sensitivity, and an ability to empathize are helpful in avoiding the distortions of man-made intelligence and awareness.

The area or arena called the societal complex is an arena in which there are no particular needs for care for it is the prerogative/honor/duty of those in the particular planetary sphere to act according to their free will for the attempted aid of the social complex.

Thus, you have two simple directives: awareness of the intelligent energy expressed in nature, awareness of the intelligent energy expressed in self to be shared when it seems appropriate by the entity with the social complex, and you have one infinitely subtle and various set of distortions of which you may be aware; that is, distortions with respect to self and other-selves not concerning free will but concerning harmonious relationships and service to others as other-selves would most benefit.

See: Nirvana and enlightenment - The Law Of One: Book I

If you meet me on the way, kill me

This is the very essence of the matter. The very core of it.

Much garbage has been gathered on the windows in the house of God as related to this man, Chandra Mohan Jain, and there is so much of it, one can not see any longer. So the time has come to clean it up, and clean it up REALLY well this time. And so to clarify some issues that are undeniably there, no matter how you cut it.

According to Chandra Mohan, who gave himself all sorts of God-like titles, Buddha said:

"If you meet me on the way, kill me".

He talked about it several times, and what he essentially said is that this message is applicable to "disciples", so they get detached from the "master" finally, as he has become a hindrance because they keep clinging to him.

Book: Osho - The Guest
Chapter: A play with the devil

Book: Guida Spirituale
Chapter: Guida Spirituale

Book: Om Shantih Shantih Shantih
Chapter: When you meet me just say good-bye

Yep, nice and dandy indeed, especially if it were the case in reality, and not just another attempt to explain it all away or make something totally different than what it says.

If you understand what it means, you do not have to read the rest of this book.

But if you don't, here is what I think it means.

One thing that can not be denied, is that for some strange reason, plenty of "his closest people", that eventually left him for whatever reason, did not merely say "Good bye. It was a nice trip. But now it is time for me to do my own thing. I have learned from you enough to stand on my own feet, just as you say. Thank you very much".

What they said instead is something along these lines:

"This man simply screwed me. Lied to me. He was not the man he was pretending to be, at least in public".

And some of those people have spent years of their lives, being with him constantly and were involved in some of the most important things.

How is this possible? You mean someone, who really received something of any kind of value from the "master" would be so ungrateful as to not even say "thank you" at the end? Sounds a bit fishy to me. Or were they so "evil" or "infidel" as he made them look like, pouring all sorts of garbage on their heads, trying to discredit them in every possible way once they left? And for what? "What is the need to bother about the spilled milk" as he would say?

What most of them would claim is that this was the man with a double face, a man of profound dishonesty. Honesty wasn't something to bother about. It was all about usefulness in order to achieve his grand agenda. There wasn't even such a notion as Good in his "system". About the only "good" there was is a state of "enlightenment", a state of "superconsciousness", and a man that achieved that state can do only "good". So, unless you are "enlightened" you can not possibly do Good deeds. Because blind are just that - blind, and all they can do is all sorts of foolish things. Sure, it is not as simplistic as this, but this is an overall idea.

He would talk all these grand things on his lectures, but in private, it was a totally different man, according to them, and that information would never get disclosed to the public. It was like some clandestine operation of utter secrecy, denials, and manipulation of facts to fit whatever agenda he had at the moment, which was one of his favorite tricks.

He would deny anything you can possibly throw at him, or change its meaning, or simply avoid it by perverting it to look like something entirely different. Because he was cunning enough to never leave any traces of any compromising information on him. He would never do anything with his own hands. "It was all not me. It is all THEM, and I can not be held responsible for their deeds" kind of thing. For all he cared, he was sitting in his room all day long in a state of meditation. Can you imagine this?

The way I see it is all these so called masters and "enlightened" people, leading others by their noses in endless chase of the "enlightenment" carrot, are nothing but the REAL problem for anyone, even though they themselves often claim "Life is not a problem to be solved. It is a mystery to be experienced" as Chandra Mohan states, which turns out to be borrowed from Eckhart Tolle apparently.

Because they lead you AWAY from yourselves and your own dignity and self-worth by creating the IDEAS of some "superstate", the state of utter bliss, out of this world, some "ultimate freedom" (from yourself), which is probably the biggest lie there is.

As far as I can see, you are here to do EXACTLY what you do and to experience and desire exactly those things, which you experience and desire. It is not accidental that you have those "problems" of yours. Sooner or later, you will see that those "problems" are simply a result of your blindness and denials. Denials of That Which IS.

Because that is PRECISELY how you learn from things that are ACTUAL to you, and not merely invented as a result of some idea of a carrot to be chased, trying to jump over your "problems", "limitations" and misunderstandings. And once you learn some lesson and SEE the essence of some aspect, it no longer has a grip of power over you.

And you are the only one, who has the rights and the abilities to chose which "problem" or experience you chose to work on. Because no one knows you better than yourself with all due respect to those, who "have eyes to see". Ultimately, it is YOU, who is going to solve some "problem" and your misunderstandings, and it is YOU, who is going to see the results of your solution by SEEING the very essence of it.

And it is YOU, who is going to arrive to the state of peace, balance and neutrality, which is your reward for a truly learned lesson. You give yourself the rewards and you create your own "punishments" in the form of pain and negative life experiences.

The learning process is completely voluntary and it needs to be initiated from WITHIN you, not from the outside. No one has the right to interfere in this process except by your own request for assistance, and even there it is quite a risky proposition. Because those, who make it look like they are here to "help" you, are responsible for affecting your being in a way that is not necessarily natural to you. That is why the "distortions" of Free Choice and Free Will are some of the most primary distortions of Oneness of All.

Thus, anyone's "help" towards you, which you did not ask for, and which leads you in unnatural way for your particular Being, incur the Karmic consequences of their action.

The very fact that he constantly contradicted himself and in the most profound ways, creates a confusion in your minds and eats away on your very roots. Your being becomes fragmented, fractured and poisoned. This is known as the "negative approach", an approach of conflicts, denials and struggle. Between the "inner" and "outer", "lower" and "higher", the "elite" and "the rest of us". It has been said that this approach is a result of DENIAL of ONENESS, the inevitable outcome of which is evil and destruction, and, ultimately, self-destruction.

Furthermore, leading someone away from the Creator, The One, is one of the worst "sins" there are, and so leading one away from himself by creating these artificial separations between your "lower self" and the "higher self" with the ideas of the "superior", the "elite", and the "inferior" being you are right now, which is a lie.

Because no one is "superior" and no one is "inferior" to anyone else. These are all nothing but illusions, if not delusions. In fact, there is no way to even measure how "superior" is one to others except in some practical skills of the material world. And even there, it all depends on context. Every individual has his own unique and incomparable context and focus and his unique needs as far as HIS growth goes, which is not necessarily applicable to others. That is why you are who YOU are. And it is YOUR unique contribution to the Whole.

These "masters" will screw with your mind and would fill it to the brim with millions of "answers" and templates. And you will never be able to verify most of it, if anything at all, beyond some most rudimentary things, obvious on their face value more or less.

They will be feeding you all sorts of "spiritual" ideas, explaining just about everything there is, like they are Gods, all knowing, even though most of it they either do not know themselves, or could not even possibly know, or have zero competence to even open their mouth about it.

Or, there may be all sorts of interpretations of it, each applicable to some specific situation, specific individual, time frame and other context. You can not boast about life in general. There is no such a thing. Life is almost infinite series of events, all in their very specific context.

It consists of the infinite universe of these seemingly small and insignificant things that, nevertheless, have to reconcile with each other eventually. Otherwise, the whole thing simply deadlocks and your car engine would simply explode.

Or do these so called masters think their spiritual ideology is not subject to the law of gravitation? They can stick it on just about anything they want, and it still works?

How? Show me! I've Never seen such a thing in my entire life.

I am not even sure there is such a thing as a universal recipe in principle. It is all "special cases", and I saw this nearly everywhere I looked. You take some rule and try to apply it in a similar situation, and boom, it does not work for some reason.

Just ask them: do you have ANY evidence of that, which you assert, just like this man, Chandra Mohan, obsessed with death and driven by all sorts of megalomaniacal tendencies as a result of reading too many books and living too little of REAL life? You see, instead of living his own life "totally" as he suggests to others, this man spends all his time in a library, studying ALL sorts of things, just like Karl Marx or that megalomaniac, Lenin in Russia, who organized the Russian revolution and have spilled rivers of blood. Interestingly enough, Lenin is said to be a member of the Illuminati cult. But we will talk about it later.

For what?

Why do you think someone would spend his entire life with books, studying anything that looks important on paper?

Looks strange. He forever talked about living a spontaneous life, but he himself was about as rigid, as it gets, forever getting stuck in a library, morning to night. Why? What for? Well, about the only reason that seem to reconcile with other things is in preparation for his megalomania trip of total domination and his God-like image he projected everywhere he showed up, and the evidence of it lies on the very surface, in this "Bhagwan" self-given title, which is only given by others to God, such as Krishna, according to J. Krishnamurti.

"Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh" - the ultimate in megalomania

Interestingly enough, his "awakening of the world" trip starts with his first title - Acharya, meaning the spiritual teacher. Then, he changed his name to "Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh", which is the clearest indication of his megalomaniacal tendencies.

The title "Bhagwan" equates someone with God, and is only given to someone by others, as the highest form of honor, and not to oneself, as it would be the utmost form of arrogance. "Shree" means Holy, radiance, light, beauty, prosperity, power. Rajneesh comes from the root Raja - the king. "Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh" is probably the most dense combination of megalomaniacal symbology of self promotion conceivable, and the very fact that he himself finally rejected it and started to call himself "Osho", stating that the term "Bhagwan" is disgusting, is a living evidence of it. The question arises: why did he use the title Bhagwan for tens of years? Could not he see the "ugliness" of it well before?

Interestingly enough, he even had guts to talk about Jesus not being humble, which we will discuss later in this book.

As recorded in the scriptures, it is exactly the same signature as attributed to Satan - proclaiming himself to be "god" and rebelling against The One, The Creator, with his ideas about "the absolute freedom" for himself and his company of co-conspirators. There are some quite revealing and mind boggling citations about this on record and it ultimately leads to the Illuminati secret society of world domination and the rule of their "god" - Lucifer, which is precisely the roots of the NWO ideology. How much you can trust these interpretations is for you to decide.

Illuminati means the "illuminated ones". Thus Lucifer, "the fallen angel of light", or "the morning star" as they call him in Freemasonry. We are going to look at this thing quite extensively later on. So, get used to it and keep it in mind, as this is the very crux of it all. - The "elite", "superiority", "power", control, world domination and a takeover of the planet Earth by the forces of evil, most profound.

In February of 2012, I have come across some pretty bewildering information, allegedly a communication from the "elite ruling family" of not only the world, but well above it, the bloodline of Lucifer "family", or "group soul", or "social memory complex" Lucifer as they call themselves. This could be the most sophisticated and bewildering story about Lucifer you have ever seen.

Because it is such a subtle of an attempt to turn all the known information about Lucifer or Satan and the nature of evil upside down, and make it all look like a "heroic act of self-sacrifice to help the man to evolve" by introducing the "catalyst" - Free Will and Free Choice to the "imbecilic" world of Eden, created by Yahweh on the planet Earth. He makes a pretty compelling story out of it and it makes plenty of sense, except there is no way to verify it. But you can see it for yourself. One thing I can warn you: watch out! Things are not as simple as they look on paper, just like with Chandra Mohan. Here:

Window of Opportunity - A Lucifer ruling family priest speaks to his subjects.

Chandra Mohan was probably obsessed with power, control and domination from the early days of his conscious life, and, if taken in the context of his very poor health, that could turn out to be just a revenge with life as such, in preparation to dominate anyone and everyone, who simply lives his life as he pleases. He tells plenty of stories from his life and his interference in the lives of others runs as a common thread through those stories, just as a theme of his "superior" intelligence and superiority as such. Basically, he was obsessed with interfering in the lives of others against their will or wish throughout his life, which is a signature of the "negative", self-serving approach.

But he makes it all look like some great "compassion", as though he was some kind of a messiah, whose purpose was to "open the eyes" of everyone who comes his way. Except compassion and interference are incompatible.

According to Gregory Klimov, one of the most prominent experts on the issues of degeneracy and "syndrome of power", the in-born birth defects are an indication of degeneracy. This is an immense subject to cover. The end result is all sorts of perversions, domination, "will to power" of Nietzche, sadomasochism, violence and utter ruthlessness as a subconscious result of a "revenge" against the normal, non degenerate people and life as such. There are tons of it on record if you take your time to investigate these issues. Something worth paying attention to. Because it is about the only thing that makes the whole information base to reconcile.

Basically, in the spiritual domain, about the only way to verify some information is for it to reconcile with other information. Because very little of it, if anything, can be proven, verified or validated. Otherwise, you'd have to take it on faith or even worse, some belief. And, no matter what the idea you might have, how can you possibly know that it is not just a mind projection, just like some drug trip, where you start "seeing" things that only exist in your mind?

And that could be the reason Chandra Mohan was learning ALL these "recipes" and "tricks of the trade" in a library and accumulating the immense amounts of all sorts of knowledge. So he could stuff anyone under his belt, and beat anyone's argument about anything they can possibly think of.

Significantly enough, this is precisely the approach of Talmudists who are to study those library size "scriptures", full of recipes of all kinds, every day of their lives in order to get the "answers" on anything and everything imaginable, down to the most ordinary and even obscene things in life. Everything is taught to be contained in their books. Going back to the times of Jesus, they were known as Pharisees and, later on, the "learned elders of Zion". The same system.

And that is PRECISELY what Jesus stood against and he showed them that with all their knowledge, learned from the "scriptures", they knew nothing of God. So when they came to argue with him after carefully preparing for it, they were defeated in every single case. I am not aware of a single example of them being able to defeat his arguments.

Yes, it can not be denied that the amount of knowledge Chandra Mohan accumulated is mountainous. Yes, he was smart enough and even brilliant, forever allowing himself to invent ALL sorts of things, most would not even dare to try. And that does take courage, just to try.

But using all these inventions as THE "answers" every single step of the way is a totally different matter. To me, they are not the "answers", but nothing more than ATTEMPTS to answer, at best. Fine and dandy, if you don't wrap it all up as some kind of word of God, all-knowing, to whom the law of gravitation does not apply in principle.

But. You see, life is not just some grand library. It is a bunch of all those little nasty things that seem to bite you all the time.

And what all these "enlightened" "masters" are offering you is a universal pill, that is going to solve all your "problems". All you need is this "enlightenment" pill, and from then on, boom, everything is magically nice and dandy. Utter bliss and "orgasm with existence" as Chandra Mohan preached.

He even gets arrogant when he talks about his obsession with shiny objects, using this "I am a rich man's guru" excuse, and even laughs at the very question, when someone asks "But what about those 90 Rolls Royces"? He would tell them "do you think I need them? Do you think I have them out of greed? Why do I need more Rolls Royces? One is enough".

But... Then why do you HAVE them? And not only have, because some people keep bringing them to you as presents, "out of love and gratitude". Nope. You DEMAND them, at the rate of one per week or so, even when there is no money to run your own "commune" and feed "your people", which you claim to be your grandest experiment to create a "new man". And I heard this from Sheela with my own ears. She was nearly crying when she said this. Was she just lying? Sorry, I don't buy that one.

Basically, from what I have seen, avoidance and perversion of the very essence of those nasty questions was one of his favorite tricks.

These so called enlightened people will always talk with absolute confidence about anything and everything you ask them, as though they know it all, in and out. This fanaticism and rigidity of their inventions can only create all sorts of "issues" and "problems" in the minds of their listeners. Problems that do not exist in reality.

They keep telling you to be "humble" and "open". But that, for some reason, is not applicable to themselves, boasting about their "superior" powers of an all-seeing eye and all-knowing mind, which happens to be "no-mind", which happens to be an impossibility, as there is no such a thing if you are conscious and not dead, just as recorded in the book "Bodhidharma, the greatest Zen master" by Chandra Mohan.

They claim that meditation is a state of "no-mind". Well, but how do you even know you are in "meditation"? You see, even to recognize you are in meditation, you need that mind. Because even to distinguish one thing from another, or even to recognize a tree in front of you, for that matter, while you are in deep "meditation", you need this problematic thing called the mind, which is manifestation of consciousness.

Yes, certain aspects of the mind are not present during meditation, such as endless grinding and chatter. But there is one question: does perception operate when you are in meditation? Well, it clearly does. But what is perception a result of? What is "no-mind"? Is it some kind of a black hole?

Do you recognize a tree in front of you when you meditate? In that case, what happens to your "no-mind"? Isn't the very fact of recognition a result of a mind process on a more subtle level?

As long as you are conscious, there is mind. Everywhere you look, or in any way you look. Yes, its analytical and reevaluating chatter, that goes on almost all the time, is not necessary during some moments. Yes, it IS a tendency of the mind, forever trying to "solve" everything and reconcile everything. No question about it. And yes, some of those little things will not reconcile, at least at the moment. They MAY reconcile tomorrow, when new conditions are brought in.

Chandra Mohan claims that "enlightenment" is a permanent cessation of the mind, which is utter and complete nonsense. Because if that mind would permanently cease, he would not be able to utter a word, at least a word that is different than a blabber in some madhouse. In fact, he himself states "When I speak to you, I have to use the mind". But what about the "enlightenment" being a permanent cessation of the mind?

He says:

"No-mind is the final stage, when mind disappears forever and the thoughtless gap becomes your intrinsic reality."

But, with the other side of his mouth he says:

"When I speak to you, I have to use the mind."

But how can you use it if it permanently ceased to be?

Book: Satyam Shivam Sundram
Chapter: A beautiful servant, a dangerous master

As a result, he goes on justifying something, no self-respecting philosopher would even conceive of uttering such self-contradictory inventions. When things do not reconcile even within themselves, then what can you possibly expect to be the result of it?

In reality, if you walk on a mine field, how long would you remain alive for, if you allow THIS kind of sloppiness and utter disregard to that very thing, he claims to be representing, the Truth, or "that which is" as he calls it? And I claim, no more than few steps, if you are lucky. There is no such a thing as "hey, lets try it and see what happens" on the mine field. It is a real test of your intelligence and degree of your consciousness. Anything else is bluff. He says:

"When I am speaking to you, it is in fact the universe using me. My words are not my words; they belong to the universal truth. That is their power, that is their charisma, that is their magic."

How do you like THAT for breakfast?

What a keg of gun powder, ready to blow up!

Let us do some dirty work here and disassemble this "mystically" looking pile of great sounding words and notions and associated flashy images and look at all the greasy nuts and bolts and smallest pieces of this grand, fantastically sounding concoction.

First of all, in "fact"? WHAT "fact"? You mean every word you utter is a fact of some kind? You have to prove it first to call it a fact. For starters, what authority does anyone have to speak on behalf of nothing less than Universe itself?

And how did he know the universe is using him? What constitutes the universe? In order to use something, there needs to be some kind of entity, having its own identity, and a name for such an entity on the level of the universe is God or Creator or the entities "below" It (Him) in the hierarchy of beings existing on a more subtle plane of existence.

Because to use something, there needs to be a willful and directed action by some ENTITY, which has some purpose representing some INTENT.

So, what authority does this man have to proclaim that God or universe is using him? How can he possibly know what God is doing, why and how? In order to do that you need to be God yourself. Any levels below IT can not be proven to know it in its completeness. They can only see a part of the picture.

What if God intentionally hides certain aspects, just for the sake of you chasing something and eventually discovering it on your own? How do you know which ones? How can you possibly know for what purpose? How can you even BEGIN to comprehend such things?

Otherwise, how do you know it is God and not just a projection of your own mind? How can you possibly verify it? Do you have ANY evidence?

Or should we just accept such assertions on faith? Just because some Chandra Mohan makes some claims it MUST be true because he is such a great authority, and, therefore, every word he utters is some "universal Truth"? Why? According to what principles of what? To say such things as "the universe using me" and even to attempt to make it look like some fact, looks like arrogance to me, if not an outright lie and fabrication.

What does it mean "the universal truth"? Is there non-universal truth? What is Truth? Is it some kind of condom you can blow to the size of a helicopter?

Under what authority does he claim that his words BELONG to Truth, universal or not, and are not merely the outright lies? And I claim they ARE lies. EVERY WORD in what he said is a lie and a manipulation, unless you look at the whole thing from the standpoint of some artistic expression or a kind of "spiritual entertainment".

"My words are not my words" - lie, no matter how much he tries to hide behind some grand notions, such as nothing less then Truth. He simply tries to do two things here:

1) To pretend to be humble. He uses the ideas of a kind "I am just a vessel" quite often. You see, in that case there is no ego involvement on his end, and if there is no ego involvement, then trustworthiness of information is increased by implication.

This is a pretty subtle trick to tell a lie and implicitly make it look like truth. Because, no matter what he tells you, those are HIS words and no one else's. Otherwise, he is just a puppet and has no Freedom of Will of his own, and is merely under the influence of some force, which submits his will and forces him to say what he says via projection of some thought-forms.

And if that is the case, then it is likely the name of that force would be something along the lines of "group soul" or "social memory complex" Lucifer, or "The Orion Group". Both are negatively charged groups, craving for planetary takeover and enslavement of mankind.

Because the positive forces of Infinite Intelligence do not force you and do not make you LOOSE your own identity. Everything that comes out of your mouth, even if it is a suggestion or advice from the "higher" levels of existence, comes as YOUR OWN ideas, fully accepted by you and which became a part of you and your identity. Nothing can be given to you without your conscious asking as it would be a VIOLATION of one of the primary laws or "distortions", Free Will and Free Choice.

2) To implicitly give validity to his words by using the implied Godly authority, such as the "universe". You see, if these are not HIS words, and, therefore, he has no personal interest in all this, then they must belong to someone else, and who could that be?

"They belong to the universal truth" - lie. No one alive has sufficient authority to make such grand claims. Alternatively, everything belongs to the universal truth and not only your words. As far as "the universal truth", it can neither be spoken, described, nor even defined. Because ALL your definitions will be insufficient, at the very least. Which means you can not possibly claim what "belongs" to it, without being called a liar or manipulator or lunatic. Because, what "belongs" to It may be known only on the highest levels, above and more subtle than physical manifestations or expressions.

Yes, there is also a notion of so-called "my Truth", a kind of a "personal" truth. It is Truth to you, simply because you SINCERELY see it as such and are not merely trying to "carve" some "benefit" for yourself or extract some "gain" out of it. It is Truth to you because this is what you see as a result of doing your best with all sincerity and genuineness of your effort. So, it is not the same thing as "universal truth" and is only applicable to your own case at some given junction.

Furthermore, if there is any definition of Truth, it must, by necessity, be Life-affirming, Harmonizing and non-conflicting. If anything, Truth represents the CREATIVE or constructive aspects. Thus Life-affirming and not Life-denying. Even when it is applied towards the destructive aspects, it is still constructive and clarifying, by its very nature. Truth can not conflict with anything, but those things may conflict with It, without changing or impacting it in the smallest degree. It is like the bones structure of a human body upon which everything hangs. It is impossible for the body to exist without It.

In Jain religion of India, it is the very foundation of Life as such - "That Which Is". The reality aspects. It is that, which "remains" at the end, regardless of anything whatsoever. Lies come and go, but Truth remains. Because it is ALL-pervading and all inclusive. That is the difference.

The very attempt to define Truth will limit its scope, and, therefore, will make a lie out of it. Because it can not be limited as it has no limits or boundaries. That is why in Christianity, for example, Truth and God are interchangeable. Truth IS God, The One, The Creator, and God IS Truth. Only in God Truth can be expressed in all its completeness and in undistorted ways, even though it can never be complete, by definition. Because that would imply the END of Existence. Because of the Infinite Creative aspect, which could never be complete in principle.

Therefore, anyone, who attempts to define what "belongs" to it is either naive or a fool or a liar. We can only intuitively sense it and observe the feeling inside our chest to see if it feels GOOD and joyous. Because that is that direct and our own private channel to the Higher levels of Existence, which we may never known being human. Because there is no knowledge of this level available to humans. We may only guess and intuitively feel. We have no other means of verification. No logic, no thought process of any kind is capable of comprehending and validating Truth. Because those are inherently limited and limit the Scope of All There IS.

Secondly, nothing may "belong" to Truth, because it is not an entity, which could possess something. Yes, you may ATTEMPT to be as authentic and as sincere, as you can manage, HOPING to get in touch with Truth and SEE and HEAR the essence of it. And your own soul and heart may give you the hints on whether it is Truth or not by your observation of FEELING in your chest in a positive, negative or a neutral way. The Positive is life-affirming, harmonious and blissful. It is that, which creates the impetus to be, makes you want to be and to continue.

This is how I see it, and not necessarily you.

"That is their power" - lie and manipulation by invention of some "power", that is implicitly and intrinsically present in the "universal truth". But the very notion of "power" is inapplicable to Truth. Because Truth is not about "power", but about IS-ness, about how it IS, regardless of "power" or any other aspect of Being.

"Power" is quite a strange and fuzzy word that has several quite different and not even compatible aspects, ranging from brutal to subtle and sublime. For one thing, the language and terminology of "power" is mostly used by those, who are obsessed with power, control and domination. But Truth is not necessarily compatible with "power". It may be utterly silent and unobtrusive, and "in fact" it is. Only lies are "powerful", intrinsically so.

Yes, Truth is compelling and undeniable when you SEE it. In that sense, Truth is the ONLY "power" there is. All other "powers" are just a dream.

"that is their charisma, that is their magic" - lie and manipulation. Words do not have "charisma". Charisma is an energy field, which influences the perceivers in a powerful and overwhelming or tangible and penetrating ways. Words, by themselves, mean nothing in a larger sense. They are symbolic constructs, creating the associations, meant to activate the energy.

It is ENERGY, carried by thought forms and projections, which carry the TRUE or REAL information. Information is energy and not letters on your screen or book or words. It is mental constructions manifested as energy by expression.

Basically, what Chandra Mohan is doing is blowing up his image and authority to stratospheric levels and using grand notions to justify his lies, manipulations and fabrications. And all his words are connected in a subtle way to create logical associations in your minds, that will inevitably lead to a grand symbolic conclusion - Chandra Mohan is a great "master" and his words posses magical qualities. And they are undeniably true, because, according to his "logic", they BELONG to nothing less then Truth, and not just "plain" Truth, but "UNIVERSAL" Truth, just to make it look like something ultimately valid and "bullet proof".

Yes, indeed, his entire statement is masterfully crafted and is filled to the brim with poison, which he tries to make look like a nectar. It is that sticky sweet substance to which flies and mosquitoes get glued, not realising it is their death.

Yes, Chandra Mohan indeed was a master of lies and manipulation. He could twist and turn anything into anything else. And he forever used all sorts of grand notions, very little of which you could verify, to attach the notion of trueness to his inventions. And inevitably, in most of his statements, there was an underlying goal - to make himself look like the greatest man that ever walked this planet, the greatest "master" ever lived, the "carrier" of "truth" unlike his listeners, who are blind by definition, because of sheer fact that they came to him on their own will and intent. Little did they know that they are being caught on a sticky sweet paper of self-denials.

Even if one has glimpses of "God is using me" or "God is helping me in this situation", how can you be certain it is so? From what I see, God forever plays these hide and seek games. That is the whole point of the game of life - for you to discover it on your own initiative and out of your own freedom, without any imposition. Because then it has some genuine value.

So, let us play this logic game to the end. In order for you to know whether it is God using you, you need to know ALL the aspects of Him/It. Every single one of them. Otherwise, your information base is incomplete and you can not have a necessary degree of certainty. And once you know all the aspects, you become IT. There is no longer anything hidden or missing in your information base.

And once you become IT, there is no longer a separation between the knower and the known. And once there is no separation, then comes the Ultimate Unity of One and one only. And once there is the Ultimate Unity, the very notion of God does not apply as that Unity is the Beginning and the End.

How do you like THAT chain of thought for breakfast? We might even call it "Returning back Home"...

And here is a shocker kind of a side-conclusion:

WE ARE ALL ONE in Its Infinite, Multidimensional Manifestations, Ever Unfolding, complementing each other as small particles and aspects of the Whole!!!

Can you disprove this? Try!

And the problem is that he forever denied the existence of God. But the Universe is not an entity, not a human being, not an animal. It is an Infinite, Unlimited reality and it encompasses ALL, including planets, entities, objects and you name it.

Unless there is God, some entity-like BEING that can be identified, the statement "universe is using me" is utter nonsense and bluff. Because non-entity can not "use" anything. For that, you need the WILL.

If someone is "using you" it means you have no freedom. And if you have no freedom, then creativity disappears, and if there is no creativity, then you have no value. Because your contribution to Life becomes net zero. That is the greatness of man - his inherent freedom out of which he can create NEW aspects never seen before.

The Man is not an object to be "used" for some purpose or a goal.

The Man has FULL freedom and that is precisely his contribution to the Whole. Because only in full freedom one can evolve, develop new aspects and contribute to the Whole. If he is merely "used", there is no intrinsic value in his existence. He becomes merely an object of manipulation, a biorobot at best.

Yes, the results of creative expression of every human being are "used" by the Whole and are added to all known and do enlarge the scope of All There Is. But it is entirely voluntary. It is not merely a manipulation of playing you like some puppet for some grand purpose, which you do not know.

In this respect a man, in the very depths of him, is a Co-Creator and he "knows" this purpose inherently, in the very fact he IS. Yes, he only knows the small part of the whole picture, may be infinitesimally small, but without him, the Whole could not exist. That means that he carries within himself the grandness of the Whole. He IS it.

And that Purpose is Life itself, the Infinite interplay, never ending and ever evolving into something grander.

Yes, it can be argued that EVERYTHING in the Universe is alive and is, therefore, an entity with its own identity, even rocks and minerals, and even particles. But even there, you still need a united identity, something integrated into oneness of some kind, to "use" something.

Then, to proclaim that what you are saying represents the "universal truth", you must be TOTALLY out of your mind or UTTERLY dishonest. This is arrogance of ultimate level. How does one know what does and what does not represent the "universal truth"? Which component of the mix belongs to "universal truth" and which isn't?

Secondly, there exists no one alive who can speak on behalf of "universal truth". This is not possible. Even theoretically. Everyone, no matter who he is and how "great" he thinks he is, can only speak in terms of his own LIMITED understanding. And that is precisely why Socrates said: "The only thing I know is I know nothing". Just to be blunt. Because all the knowledge is but a drop in a bucket compared to "universal truth".

These kinds of statements look like nothing more than concoctions, if not delusions, NONE of which can be proven, verified or validated. Bluff is a compliment. Deceit and zombification of that very mind, and disablement of your own intelligence, to gain something from the clueless, forever parasiting on their fallibility and sincerity of their intent and openness of their heart, to learn something new, is an intent.

And that is how I see it.

And you can find the TRUCKLOADS of such utterly unverifiable concoctions, that look like some "great mystical insights and revelations" on paper. But in any kind of reality, in ANY kind of system I know of, it would simply crack your car engine. Even the most rudimentary things do not tolerate such a gross violence to those very laws of existence, these "masters" blabber about, as though it was all nothing more than a condom, you can blow to the size of some zeppelin or make some Micky mouse out of it.

And eventually, Chandra Mohan was caught in his book "Bodhidharma - The greatest Zen master". It started with him claiming that Bodhidharma is what the book title says. But ended with a proclamation that the same exact man is simply a fool, if not insane, blabbering all sorts of lunacy. And yet, he constantly praised Bodhidharma as a great Zen master. He spoke about him in 421 of his lectures.

He even stated in one of the last lectures in that book: thanks God it ended. It is such a pile of delusions, that it is nothing but torture to speak about it. Nice, eh? So, the "GREATEST Zen master" turns out to be just a blind fool! And Zen happens to be "the only religion alive" according to Chandra Mohan!

And the problem with that book is that it was essentially invalidating ALL the Chandra Mohan's "teachings" by making statements that essentially said that you, and everything you know about you, is nothing but the mind.

So, he had to "explain" it all away by saying it is all just an interpretation by some clueless disciple of Bodhidharma, who did not know what he was talking about. How did he know those words are not the literal quotes of Bodhidharma? How did he know it was not a dictation? How did he know the person who wrote this book was just some clueless fool? And why did that book become one of the most significant books on Zen? And if it was not, then why did the "greatest master ever" speak on it, if the end result, the very conclusion, is nothing but an idiocy?

Chandra Mohan made claims that when he speaks on some master he becomes him, which implies he should have no difficulty of stating why Bodhidharma said what he said, and not from the second person, but the first one, as he became that very master. He said: when I speak to you on Jesus, I BECOME Jesus and so with any other "master". Nice, eh? Did he at least ask their permission to invade their essence?

Yes, I agree:

"If you meet me on the way, kill me". Just about the best advice to all those "spiritual seekers". BY FAR.

The "bottom line" is this:

If you allow some "master" to control your life and make decisions for you, as to what is what and who is who, then get ready to eat any of their inventions like a slave or a zombie who surrendered his own intelligence to some "authority".

You see, THEY are the most "evolved" beings as they present themselves to you. And you are nothing more than dummies, utterly incapable of solving your own problems, and are to be fed ALL sorts of spiritual concoctions by ALL sorts of con-men, impersonators and parasites.

Yes, Chandra Mohan WAS a "master", a master of giving you all these sweet illusions and all sorts of hopes.

And the very reason they do that, as far as I can see, is because they are totally uncreative and unable to manifest something tangible, and religions happen to be the easiest way to parasite on the fruits of labor of others. Because most of whatever they blabber can not be either proved or disproved, which makes it all about the easiest way to "make a buck" and to "survive", and not only "survive" but to RULE like kings in spiritual "kingdoms" they have built around their egos, elevated to the status of "gods".

As a result, they resolve to parasitism, producing nothing more than fear and guilt, subtle or gross, just to control their victims. Yes, victims, which is what most of those "seekers" are, seeking for something that beats their hearts and pumps their lungs, sitting right smack in the middle of them. You want to find GOD somewhere "out there"? Then welcome to the lands of confusion, "seeking shadows in the valley of darkness"!

And if you can see that, there is no need for you to read the rest of this book. Because it is not going to be nice and pretty. It will disappoint the most fanatical of you and may even make some of you utterly angry.

What is Freedom and who is Lucifer?

A lot of things in this book are going to deal with Lucifer in one way or the other. It may be thought of as nature of evil or the negative, "self serving" approach. It is an immense subject and there exist several versions of the story of Lucifer. For one thing, Lucifer is "god" of the NWO "elite". So let us look at one quote to keep things in perspective.

This is a quote from The Urantia Book.

Paper 54

Problems of the Lucifer Rebellion

(613.1) 54:0.1 EVOLUTIONARY man finds it difficult fully to comprehend the significance and to grasp the meanings of evil, error, sin, and iniquity. Man is slow to perceive that contrastive perfection and imperfection produce potential evil; that conflicting truth and falsehood create confusing error; that the divine endowment of freewill choice eventuates in the divergent realms of sin and righteousness; that the persistent pursuit of divinity leads to the kingdom of God as contrasted with its continuous rejection, which leads to the domains of iniquity.

(613.2) 54:0.2 The Gods neither create evil nor permit sin and rebellion. Potential evil is time-existent in a universe embracing differential levels of perfection meanings and values. Sin is potential in all realms where imperfect beings are endowed with the ability to choose between good and evil. The very conflicting presence of truth and untruth, fact and falsehood, constitutes the potentiality of error.

The deliberate choice of evil constitutes sin; the willful rejection of truth is error; the persistent pursuit of sin and error is iniquity.

1. True and False Liberty

(613.3) 54:1.1 Of all the perplexing problems growing out of the Lucifer rebellion, none has occasioned more difficulty than the failure of immature evolutionary mortals to distinguish between true and false liberty.

(613.4) 54:1.2 True liberty is the quest of the ages and the reward of evolutionary progress. False liberty is the subtle deception of the error of time and the evil of space. Enduring liberty is predicated on the reality of justice - intelligence, maturity, fraternity, and equity.

(613.5) 54:1.3 Liberty is a self-destroying technique of cosmic existence when its motivation is unintelligent, unconditioned, and uncontrolled.

True liberty is progressively related to reality and is ever regardful of social equity, cosmic fairness, universe fraternity, and divine obligations.

(613.6) 54:1.4 Liberty is suicidal when divorced from material justice, intellectual fairness, social forbearance, moral duty, and spiritual values. Liberty is nonexistent apart from cosmic reality, and all personality reality is proportional to its divinity relationships.

(613.7) 54:1.5 Unbridled self-will and unregulated self-expression equal unmitigated selfishness, the acme of ungodliness. Liberty without the associated and ever-increasing conquest of self is a figment of egoistic mortal imagination. Self-motivated liberty is a conceptual illusion, a cruel deception. License masquerading in the garments of liberty is the forerunner of abject bondage.

(614.1) 54:1.6 True liberty is the associate of genuine self-respect; false liberty is the consort of self-admiration. True liberty is the fruit of self-control; false liberty, the assumption of self-assertion. Self-control leads to altruistic service; self-admiration tends towards the exploitation of others for the selfish aggrandizement of such a mistaken individual as is willing to sacrifice righteous attainment for the sake of possessing unjust power over his fellow beings.

(614.2) 54:1.7 Even wisdom is divine and safe only when it is cosmic in scope and spiritual in motivation.

(614.3) 54:1.8 There is no error greater than that species of self-deception which leads intelligent beings to crave the exercise of power over other beings for the purpose of depriving these persons of their natural liberties. The golden rule of human fairness cries out against all such fraud, unfairness, selfishness, and unrighteousness. Only true and genuine liberty is compatible with the reign of love and the ministry of mercy.

(614.4) 54:1.9 How dare the self-willed creature encroach upon the rights of his fellows in the name of personal liberty when the Supreme Rulers of the universe stand back in merciful respect for these prerogatives of will and potentials of personality!

No being, in the exercise of his supposed personal liberty, has a right to deprive any other being of those privileges of existence conferred by the Creators and duly respected by all their loyal associates, subordinates, and subjects.

(614.5) 54:1.10 Evolutionary man may have to contend for his material liberties with tyrants and oppressors on a world of sin and iniquity or during the early times of a primitive evolving sphere, but not so on the morontia worlds or on the spirit spheres.

War is the heritage of early evolutionary man, but on worlds of normal advancing civilization physical combat as a technique of adjusting racial misunderstandings has long since fallen into disrepute.

2. The Theft of Liberty

(614.6) 54:2.1 With the Son and in the Spirit did God project eternal Havona, and ever since has there obtained the eternal pattern of co-ordinate participation in creation - sharing. This pattern of sharing is the master design for every one of the Sons and Daughters of God who go out into space to engage in the attempt to duplicate in time the central universe of eternal perfection.

(614.7) 54:2.2 Every creature of every evolving universe who aspires to do the Father's will is destined to become the partner of the time-space Creators in this magnificent adventure of experiential perfection attainment. Were this not true, the Father would have hardly endowed such creatures with creative free will, neither would he indwell them, actually go into partnership with them by means of his own spirit.

(614.8) 54:2.3 Lucifer's folly was the attempt to do the nondoable, to short-circuit time in an experiential universe. Lucifer's crime was the attempted creative disenfranchisement of every personality in Satania, the unrecognized abridgment of the creature's personal participation - freewill participation - in the long evolutionary struggle to attain the status of light and life both individually and collectively.

In so doing this onetime Sovereign of your system set the temporal purpose of his own will directly athwart the eternal purpose of God's will as it is revealed in the bestowal of free will upon all personal creatures.

The Lucifer rebellion thus threatened [with] the maximum possible infringement of the freewill choice of the ascenders and servers of the system of Satania - a threat forevermore to deprive every one of these beings of the thrilling experience of contributing something personal and unique to the slowly erecting monument to experiential wisdom which will sometime exist as the perfected system of Satania.

Comment: This is a key point. As stated by the "ruling family" or "group soul Lucifer", their attempt was to introduce the negativity and Free Will and Free Choice to those "imbeciles", living in the garden of Eden to stimulate the growth of their intelligence. Because they could not make any progress as they did not have those freedoms. Thus, by introducing those freedoms they have sped up the process of evolution and the mankind was able to progress. So they say.

But it was a seduction and infringement on their free will and free choice. It is said that no one has the right to interfere in the natural process of development regardless of anything. Because it creates the distortion in the natural process. This is one of the prime laws.

This is what is called the "negative" or "self-serving" approach. And their point is that in order for intelligence to arrive, the negativity has to be brought to the extreme levels, and so it was, and so you see all this most profound evil all over the world as a result, to the point that the entire planet has turned into hell and is standing at the brink of self-destruction and destruction of the entire planet. Their idea, according to them, was that you will start craving for positivity as a reaction to all-pervading negativity.

But the problem here is that they deprived the mankind of NATURAL development, maturing and obtaining the Wisdom out of their own intent and their own discovery. What is the need to "speed things up"? Is Creator in a hurry to get somewhere fast having the infinite potential and unlimited time frame?

See: Window of Opportunity
(a Lucifer "ruling family" priest answers the questions)

Thus does the Lucifer manifesto, masquerading in the habiliments of liberty, stand forth in the clear light of reason as a monumental threat to consummate the theft of personal liberty and to do it on a scale that has been approached only twice in all the history of Nebadon.

(615.1) 54:2.4 In short, what God had given men and angels Lucifer would have taken away from them, that is, the divine privilege of participating in the creation of their own destinies and of the destiny of this local system of inhabited worlds.

(615.2) 54:2.5 No being in all the universe has the rightful liberty to deprive any other being of true liberty, the right to love and be loved, the privilege of worshiping God and of serving his fellows.

Problems of the Lucifer Rebellion - from The Urantia Book

New meditation - Remembrance of Who You REALLY Are

This is a new meditation that is happening to me naturally lately. I did not invent anything and did not try to concoct anything. This is something entirely natural and a very powerful way to recognize the basic states of ones being - positivity, negativity and neutrality, and it is available to anyone any moment and does not require any special skill or practice.

It is not really new in a sense that the essence of it was already described in various ways by telling you about your relationship with Life by how you feel with your heart. It simply brings those concepts to the practical and tangible level, verifiable by direct observation.

The Heart has been condemned as something "inferior" by the so-called scientists, psychologists and the followers of that grand delusion called the "theory of evolution", where everything evolves merely by random permutations of the movements of the particles in a matter. It was specifically done in order to remove the very concept of God, The Creator as something ultimately valid.

Some of them say that the Heart and feelings are nothing more than a byproduct of the mind. So, it is nothing more than the idea in your mind and Heart is nothing more than a pump to pump the blood.

But WHY did they insist on it so much? Well, it turns out that the Heart is at the much "higher" level in your Being than the mind. Because the mind may be manipulated and deluded very easily, by simple repetition of the same lie morning to night, everywhere you look. So, you begin to believe that the ugliest lies are actually "true", just because "everybody thinks so" or "everybody says so". But what kind of PROOF is this?

But you can not lie to a Heart. Because it FEELS the very energy behind those lies DIRECTLY, like a measurement instrument. Because at the very core of any lie or any thought, for that matter, lays the ENERGY projection, and the Heart, like a radio receiver receives the most fundamental aspects of that thought, the very essences of it.

When mother loves her child or when she feels her child is in trouble, while she is thousands of miles away from him, then how is it possible, especially considering that the Heart is so "primitive"?

Basically, the very essence of any communication is found on a telepathy level. Just look at the politicians, for example, and listen to all their lies. But, for some "strange" reason, you KNOW they are lying. How? Well, simply because your very Heart FEELS, or, more precisely, perceives and decodes that very energy carrier that carries that lie.

So, back to the subject here.

Some of you may consider it not to be a meditation in a strict sense, since they are lead to believe that in order for you to meditate, you have to sit, close your eyes and essentially become totally separate from your immediate life, which is not necessarily true. You may sit and try to meditate, but deep inside of you there are all sorts of worries, concerns and things waiting to be done. So, the mind keeps spinning while you are essentially FORCING yourself to be "out of it all", which is an illusion, if not the outright delusion. And so, your meditation will be fake, at best. Because it is nearly impossible to simply suppress all those "problems" your mind is filled with to the brim.

This meditation is about you becoming aware of your feeling right in the middle of your chest. Simple as that.

There are two distinct and diametrically opposite states of your soul - positivity and negativity. And there is the third state - neutrality. Actually, there are infinite number of states in reality. But we will only look at the most visible ones. Here is what happens:

When that feeling in your chest is of lightness, joy, peace, love and appreciation of the very opportunity TO BE, that means you are on the "right wavelength". You are tuned in to Divine Essence - the Creator, or God as it is commonly known. And in that state you ARE that very essence that constitutes you, and it is not separate from the Highest of the Highest - the Creator, the Infinite Intelligence, All Pervading and ALL Encompassing.

In that state, your being receives tremendous amounts of Life Affirming energy and the most subtle insights that transform your very Being, without any effort on your part.

When you are tuned in to the negative side - destructive energy of confusion, heaviness, anger, aggression, hate, revenge or jealousy, self-pity or greed, that feeling in the middle of your chest will be like trembling, shrinking, or full of fear, which may look like your own aggression or anger. The negative is inherently and inevitably destructive. This is its very nature. And the ultimate state of it is SELF-destruction. Inevitably.

ALL that is needed is for you to pay attention to that feeling in your chest, pretty much all day long. Because that is your main "measuring instrument" that tells you whether you are progressing in Life or just the other way around. With every act and every word, FEEL how it feels in your chest. Because your Heart "KNOWS" it DIRECTLY. The mind may interpret or justify it in ANY way imaginable, just to justify that you are "right" and things like that, or may be deluded by all sorts of promises on purely mental level.

But the Heart can not be deluded that easily, because it can sense the underlying energy, the very essence of it.

Just become AWARE of it. The rest is automatic and if you recognize the difference in those opposing states, your choice will become obvious.

So, what you do with this meditation is the simplest thing imaginable. You ALWAYS pay attention to how it feels in your chest, as much and as often as you can manage, no matter what you are doing at the moment, especially if it causes a strong emotional response in you. Just be aware of it. That is ALL that needs to be done.

It is a simple matter of remembrance, and, after a little practice, it will become nearly automatic. The very fact you become excited or upset, will "ring the bell" for you to remember to become aware of how does it feel in your chest. Simple as that.

Now, when you feel lightness, joy, peace and love radiating from you, that's the whole point of your life - to find that STATE. This is the very purpose of your "religious" "search".

When you feel your chest is shrinking and feeling bad or heavy, become aware of it. But no condemnation of ANY kind is necessary or helpful. Nothing to be done. Most likely, you do not even know why it happened. Sometimes, it will happen not of your own doing, but as a result of aggression and negativity towards you from others, for whatever stupid "reason", and ALL the "reasons" for negativity are stupid. They are nothing but blindness.

Because they are essentially self-denial an self-destruction. You will never see your True Essence by feeling "bad", heavy, angry, aggressive or pitiful or complaining. Not possible. It will simply perpetuate your confusion. The negative "motivation" is like burning your finger against a hot pan. Is it something you want to feel? No need to condemn yourself for feeling bad or heavy. But just observe it. It is nothing more than a lesson for you to notice and learn your unnatural state.

So, once you are attacked in this psychic way, first of all, remember, in a couple of minutes after your remove yourself from that situation, it will all dissolve. Don't worry for the "results". It will all happen automatically, by itself, even if it takes minutes, hours or even days. If you SEE how and why you were affected, great, now you can avoid those situations or readjust your response to it to not get engaged in it in a highly emotional way.

Just ask yourself a question: "Do I need to feel this way"? This is all it takes. And the answer will be self-evident. What do you need to waste your precious life on things like these for? To where can it possibly lead you? It simply states that you are still confused as to who you REALLY are. And I tell you, you are not that, which experiences such negative states. At best, they are lessons as to who you are NOT.

Just DON'T CLING to that negativity. Do not try to cherish it and rationalize about it as though YOU were "right". All rubbish. It does not matter who is "right" and who is "wrong". The very fact YOU are affected by that negativity is of your own doing, and your own clinging to it, whether you realize it or not.

Otherwise, you will recognize that the reason for that aggression on your being is because of confusion and blindness of those, who attacked you. They simply can not do otherwise because THAT is what they think they ARE. Just have mercy on them and simply try to minimize the destructive impact of it. Who knows, may be you can even manage to switch their attention from aggression to realization. And even if you can not, at least try the Tai Chi way of "passive fighting" - just move slightly on the side of that aggressive energy and let it fall under its own weight.

If you can, just try to go back to your NATURAL state of lightness, cheerfulness and appreciation of Life. Simply remember those moments of bliss. THAT is your NATURAL state. Negativity is not a natural state. At best, it is a temporary state of learning. Out of it, you can recognize that you end up in that negative state again and again for some reason. That means there is misunderstanding in you. You do not see something in your life.

It is a state of blindness, confusion, misunderstanding and denial. Denial of nothing less than Creator Itself, that Ultimate, Infinite Intelligence, All Pervading and All Encompassing, and, by implication, denial of your own True Self. You are not that anger, pain, jealousy, revengefulness and so on.

If you find yourself to be in a negative state most of the time, for whatever reason, just try to remember some event in your life that made you feel great and made you want to be. And then recognize that feeling in your chest so that you remember that state. Isn't that where you want to be?

The natural state of your being is Love, appreciation, lightness, joy, gratitude, brotherhood of all beings, sharing and appreciation and respect for all the manifestations of life, no matter what color or creed they are. No matter how "smart" or "stupid" you are. No matter how "rich" or "poor" you are.

The REAL Wealth is not of the material world. It is of the world of BEING - your own. Winds and rains come and go, and even the earthquakes end. But what remains is YOU as a particle of Creation and intrinsic part of Life as such.

No power in this world can prevent you from seeing your true nature - that, which you REALLY are, no matter how blind or "insignificant" you yourself may think you are, forever comparing yourself to others with those templates, ingrained in your mind.

You don't need any "superpowers" to know yourself and your true nature. It is all very simple, as simple as it gets.

And meditation, which is simply silence, is simply a natural state. It is not a "miracle" of some sort, for which you have to struggle all your life. And out of meditation, your connection, your channel to the energy of the Infinite Intelligence, All Pervading, the very source of life, is opened. And it is yours to claim and has forever been, only if you paid attention to it and allow it.

Do not EVER underestimate your own significance or try to degrade yourself comparing yourself with other "great" people. That is just foolishness that will only accumulate and will eventually become a perversion of jealousy, greed and aggression.

CLINGING to that negativity will only perpetuate it and will keep your confused. Do not be afraid that you are "stuck" with it because of some "objective" circumstances outside of your control. That is not true. Even if you face nothing less than death itself, there is no power in this world to prevent you from claiming your NATURAL state of Love and Light. Do not forget this.

Yes, Love is a subtle word and easily misinterpreted. To me, it is Love of Life itself. When Love is directed at others, they are not the "goal" or a true target. At best, they may be a sparkle, a stimuli for you to experience that state. Very often, when people say "I love you", that is not true. If you dig deeper, there is some mercantile interest involved.

So, to me, "true" Love is not directed at anyone or anything, even though it may look like it. It is a STATE of your being, the ultimate fruition, the ultimate recognition of Oneness, and not only of "you" and the "other", but ALL.

And if you find yourself in that state of negativity, frustration, finding your soul aching all the time, just ask yourself a simple question: WHAT DO I NEED IT FOR? Is THAT want I want to BE? - That is ALL you need to do. The rest is automatic. Within minutes, if not seconds, you will be in your NATURAL state of Love and "Understanding", or, rather, SEEING, just like Jesus told you.

Another thing you can do when you are attacked is to just try to smile to yourself and into the face of the attacker and ask him: Why are you feeling so upset? YOU DO NOT NEED IT! And you might get surprised with the result. I just saw it yesterday. Could not believe it. Some utterly angry lady, who was involved in something highly negative, talking to a man she was walking with, after me asking her this question, as they were walking towards me on the street, all of a sudden, her face just lit up like a flower with the REAL smile of joy, and she said: "yes, I KNOW".

And that was one of the great presents to me lately, although all sorts of things like these seem to be happening all the time now. I see beggars smiling at me like angels in heaven after I give them a little money and smile to them and remind them to smile at life, if I see them looking sad or upset. One very old lady - a beggar, who used to be so miserable that I could hardly look at her face, now, when I approach the place where she usually sits, and before she even notices me, once in a while, I see an inner smile on her face. That is a miracle unlike any other I know of.

And just today it was a shock. I gave her a little money, and she said: you know, so much life has been wasted in misery, it is hard for me to even comprehend. And she was sad. She did not realise that it was her greatest achievement in her entire life. Finally, she started seeing something she could not have imagined in her wildest dreams. So, I just told her: great, you don't need that misery of waste, do you? And the most shocking thing in it is that I did not ever hope that she could see THAT far, and she herself did not even realise what has happened to her. She is like a "newborn" now, although she can not quite grasp it yet as far as I can see. There is still doubt, there is still clinging to her 78 years old suffering.

So, that is all you have to do with this meditation. Now, morning to night, no matter what kind of situation you are in, and no matter what you are doing, REMEMBER. Remember about your soul, about your heart. Simply pay attention to it. You do not have to force yourself to do it during the moments when you are busy with something that takes away your attention from this remembrance. There are forever GAPS in ANY activity, when you can have a moment to REMEMBER about your chest.

So, why not make it a PERMANENT state of meditation in your life? Actually, this IS what your life is. Isn't it? This recognition and paying attention to how you feel IS your REAL life. So, why not live it all day long? What prevents you?

All you need is just a glimpse, a passing moment, a recognition. You don't need to sit there for hours trying to force yourself into some meditation. That is not meditation, but rather a masochism. That is the major problem with nearly all the meditations out there.

If you FORCE yourself, into utterly artificial situation of "meditation", separated from the "real life", no matter what kind of meditation it is, do you think all your "problems" just evaporate, just because you sit there and try to "meditate"? That is why they do not work. Because you intuitively and quite correctly feel that this is just some mental exercise, utterly isolated from reality of life. And you sit there for hours trying to "meditate" while your mind is spinning like crazy with all those "problems" inside it. It is like trying to pull the grass, forcing it to grow faster. That does not work.

And you will find your whole day is FULL of those gaps, no matter what you do, and so the more you try to focus yourself so that your entire life becomes joy, lightness, love, and appreciation, the more ways your will find to keep in touch with the very essence and the purpose of Life - Knowing Who You REALLY ARE.

Ultimately, you are not here to "suffer". That is just an intermediate step to recognise that which you are NOT. Just say to that suffering: go away, you silly tiger, this is not who I am. Thank you very much for your services as it helped me to see who I REALLY am. But enough is enough.

And, as you find more and more of those moments of lightness, wouldn't you want to rather be in THAT state? Or would you rather suffer? WHOSE choice is this? WHO is forcing you to suffer? WHO is depriving yourself of your own NATURE, your own natural STATE? Is it not YOU yourself? Do you see this?

Let me tell you: if there IS such a thing as Truth, this is what it is from what I see. Truth is a recognition of your NATURAL state. Sure, ultimately, Truth is Unlimited in its dimensions and aspects. But that comes later, and it comes ONLY if you recognize who YOU REALLY ARE.

So, you just keep living the way you do and keep doing all the things you do, and every time you remember, just pay attention on how it feels in your chest. What could be simpler than this?

So, the essence of this meditation is Remembrance of Who You REALLY Are.

And it DOES work. Just try.

Finally, you will come to the a state of neutrality - neither positive, nor negative, and that is really something. It is a state of peace, with yourself and with the world.

When you come to that state, "the fruit has matured". It means the conflict is gone and now you sit firmly in "the seat of your Soul". Nothing can knock you off it, except for a short passing moment, which will be a test for you.

You can throw an atom bomb at us and my people are going to be dancing on the streets

Can you imagine this picture? I can not comprehend anything sicker than this one. The very idea of it does make me sick. On the ranch in Oregon Chandra Mohan made this proclamation just before the whole thing with his "commune" was going to blow up and the FBI was working pretty hard on that whole trip.

First of all, WHY would anyone even conceive of an idea of "dancing on the streets" when you throw an atom bomb on them? What kind of a celebration is this? Celebration of death? Well, in that case it is called Satanism. What kind of ecstasy could it possibly be? What is the point of it? What is the reason for it? What does it solve or clarify?

Yes, I can comprehend you sitting in deep meditation as anything else at that point is not only futile, but simply idiotic. What's the fun of "dancing on the streets"?

And what is the point of even saying such things? Are they going to announce on the radio: we are going to throw an atom bomb at you tomorrow at 10 a.m. So, all the satanists among you should go out on the streets and have a last dance celebrating their own death and death of the world.

Another sick thing about it is: how did he know this is what "his people" are going to do? Is it some kind of order, just like those cult leaders ordering all the members of their cult to commit a mass suicide?

Do "his people" have freedom to decide what are they going to do or is it some kind of order to be followed no matter what anybody thinks or does?

And what kind of a delusional idiot is going to decide to throw an atom bomb on his "happy commune"? For what? Is he some kind of a world power threatening the free sucking world?

What is this I ask you? WHO are you following, like blind fools, being led to slaughter when "blind are leading the blind to fall into a ditch"? Or even worse, being led by the Satanists to nothing less then hell of utter submission to the doctrine the "NWO", ruling you and your minds just like a herd. Who did you allow to control your consciousness and make the decisions for you? Do you know?

J. Krishnamurti called Chandra Mohan the biggest criminal there is and his crimes are of the worst kind - the crimes against your very consciousness. He also called his "commune" a "concentration camp". Strange, isn't it? And, according to Chandra Mohan, J. Krishnamurti was "enlightened". So...

Yes, Chandra Mohan fed your minds with the most appealing ideas of "paradise on earth without God", this "enlightenment" carrot. And he painted the pictures of such a blissful state, that many have fallen into that trap, purely out of greed. Yes, he gave you the ideas of some "elite", of some "chosen few". Chosen by whom, especially if there is no God in his picture? So, everyone felt like someone "special", and, meanwhile, worked their rears off for 12 hrs. a day, not being paid a penny, all for the "common good" - the communism. Ruled by a dictator, just as Chandra Mohan admitted himself to be on record, who has an absolute and unquestionable authority over your minds and lives.

Jesus Grove

When your wings are clipped, what do you do?

I'd like to bring a little blip in here. It has to do with apparent aspect and hidden aspect. And it also has to do with freedom.

At the ranch in Oregon, USA, there was a small stream running by the side of the road. One thing that seemed to be weird about it is that you could see the Canadian geese in it even during summer, which was strange, as that is not the kind of lands they visit during the summer, nor winter for that matter, as that was their intermediate stop at best.

So, the whole thing was meant to look like some paradise with all these happy geese swimming in "harmony with nature" in that "beautiful commune", a model of "paradise on earth without God", unless you really look into it. And that stream also ran by another road on the other side, the main road to the whole city of Rajneeshpuram as it was called at that time, so the first thing anyone driving in would see this "harmony with nature".

One day, returning from my work late at night, and it was a pretty cold winter at that time and the stream was frozen, I saw these geese crying in desperation, running around on ice. You could hardly see them as it was dark. I also heard coyotes howling as this was the land of coyotes. And I was shocked to realise these geese were basically sacrificed to coyotes as there was nothing they could do to save themselves. Their wings were clipped so they could not fly away from that "paradise on earth without God". I never thought the Canadian geese could be domesticated as freedom is all they know. The whole thing was simply bizarre. It was a kind of sadness you remember your entire life.

There was another thing around the house where Chandra Mohan lived. I had to visit the place several times without getting into the house. What I saw is these peacocks. It was a totally strange picture. They seemed to be totally out of place. It was the weirdest version of "paradise on earth" imaginable. They were basically imprisoned, just like those Canadian geese. But on the surface, to some passerby, who could not see what it means underneath, it would look like what it was meant to impersonate - a "paradise on earth without God".

Peacocks are commonly known as "the birds of paradise". That is why he had peacocks right in his house. Or did someone FORCE them on him? Did not he know they represent the Paradise, and, since he was against God, therefore, there could not possibly be any trace of anything related to Paradise, as the very notion of paradise is Creation of God. Do you see this?

And so I am telling you that the word of Jesus can not be interpreted directly. There is an obvious aspect of it, on its face value, and there is a hidden aspect of it, and that hidden aspect is what it is all about. Not that it was necessarily hidden for purpose to hide something, even though it could be the case at least in some cases. But those hidden things could not be seen by someone "who does not have eyes to see".

Interpreting the word of Jesus directly, from the obvious meaning on its face value, is profanation, vulgarity, lies and concoctions, perversion and deceit. So I claim.

And so when you hear about "freedom", beware. They might feed you poison, most potent poison there is.

Just one quote before we start on this:

Jesus was enlightened

"And if Jesus had said no, he could not have been an enlightened man. Then he would have just been seeking after social respectability. He was NOT seeking after respectability."


"They were playing a trick, because if Jesus would have said, "No, don't kill this woman, don't be the judges," then they could say, "You are against the scriptures." And if Jesus would have said, "Yes, kill this woman, stone her to death," then they would say, "Where has gone your message 'Love your enemy' and where has gone your message 'Judge ye not that ye should be not judged'?"

So they were playing a trick. They were creating a dilemma - a logical dilemma. Whatsoever Jesus would have said, he would be trapped.

"But you cannot trap an enlightened man, it is impossible. It is impossible, and the more you try to trap him you will get trapped with him. So Jesus said, "The scripture is absolutely correct. But come forwards only those who have never sinned. Take these stones in your hands and murder this woman, but only those who have never sinned." The crowd started disappearing. Those who were standing in front went back - because who will stone this woman?"

The potentiality of the seed from Vigyan Bhairav Tantra Volume 2

So, if you paid attention, what Chandra Mohan said here is that Jesus was enlightened, and that is the key to this puzzle of Jesus. And if Chandra Mohan condemns him later on, more than anyone else, that means either that "enlightenment" is nothing but worthless crap, or Chandra Mohan is a shameless liar and manipulator, twisting and perverting things to fit whatever agenda he had at the moment, which means the show is over, you can all go home.

Because of this in particular: Jesus is a "mental case" ... he is a fascist

You cannot prove that Christ attained

I'd like to plug in a quote by Chandra Mohan here. He talks a lot and makes plenty of accusations. This needs to be responded to in kind. But not at the moment. There is a lot of ground to cover here. But just a couple of things:

First and foremost, you can not read what is said about Jesus using its literal meaning. Because it is all encoded. Interpreting it directly, on its face value, is vulgarity and prostitution, if not worse. And I claim it is even worse than that.

We do not even know if what is written about Jesus has not been modified, distorted, perverted or some things were added to specifically disgrace him. Actually, as far as I know this is exactly what happened.

Here is just one example: Jacob H. Schiff, the leader of Zionists, finances the complete rewriting of the Bible

"You cannot prove that Christ attained". Attained what? How do you PROVE someone "attained"? I claim no such proof exists unless they do some miracle, which plenty of those "masters" claim to be able to, just like Chandra Mohan for example as shown on his videos when one woman simply falls unconscious when he touches her getting out of one of his Rolls Royces and just before he entered a lecture hall. Interestingly enough, that video shot was done on the backstage, and was specifically included in that video to show his "powers". It was strange to see the video shot from the backstage. Because the main show was in the hall, not the backstage. So, what was the purpose of it I ask you?

Secondly, it is pretty much the same thing as those ZioNazi puppets claiming to be Christians, having stadiums full of fools showing them the "miracles" of people falling down when they touch them. The same exact trick that discredits him just as we all know from those Satanists claiming to be the Christian seers. It is nothing but spiritual garbage and zombification. If I were in a video department, I would never release this to public unless I wanted to expose that man. Because this was nothing but disgrace, such a cheap shot it was.

Did ANYONE "attain" around Chandra Mohan even though there are some claims? Can I see their names and hear what they have to say? Chandra Mohan claimed numerous times "there is nothing to attain".

Attain means to reach, to make an effort of some kind to get somewhere, to finally "attain" it. You can not "attain" instantly. You can BECOME something, but that is not attain.

There is also Yoga, the "ardours path", which takes many years to "attain". Samadhi and Nirvana that is. Yes, in Yoga you "attain" it after many years of work. It is not even clear what he means by "attain". So...

It all may look like too much of semantic analysis, but the very notion of "attain" means to me there is you and there is something to "attain", which is the very crux of the matter.

You cannot prove that Christ attained. Thousands of books have been written, but nothing has been proved yet. For two thousand years more books have been written on Christ than on anybody else, but what has been proved? There are still people who think that he was insane. There are still psychologists who think that he was neurotic, psychotic, schizophrenic - and they think so very seriously and they have many arguments to prove why it is so.

He used to hear voices, which only insane people hear. He used to talk to the sky, which only mad people do. And he was a megalomaniac, according to these great scholars, psychologists, psychiatrists, because he suffered from a very puffed-up ego. He declared that "I am the only son of God." Now, what pretentiousness! He declared that "I have come to save the whole of humanity."

What ego! And this man talks about humbleness, humility, and goes on saying, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" - and he was not a meek man at all!

So the people who want to prove that he was schizophrenic have enough proof. One day he says, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth," and another day he enters into the temple of Jerusalem, beats the moneychangers and throws them out of the temple. Can you think that this man is a meek man?

He talks about humbleness, humility, poverty of the spirit, and declares that "I am the king of the Jews," that "I am the real king." That is enough proof that this man has many minds, split minds.

He talks about forgiveness, he says that God is love - and becomes so angry with small things. Not only with people, he became so angry with a fig tree, because his disciples were hungry, he was hungry, and there was no fruit on the tree.

Now this man is insane, because the tree is not in any way willfully preventing the fruits from growing at this time; it is not the time for the fruits. They come up to the tree with great expectation, and there is no fruit. Jesus takes it as an insult. The son of God comes, and what kind of fig tree is this? No respect!

He goes into a rage, he curses the tree. The tree burns because of his curse: a green tree turns into a dead tree immediately. Now what kind of man is this? He must be mad! Can you think of him as a buddha?

Truly Right from "The White Lotus"

Just a quick comment on some points:

First of all, using psychologists and psychiatrists as ANY kind of an argument is simply a disgrace, especially after condemning them so much as he did. What do they understand of any meaning, which is hidden? Are they some kind of experts on such issues as what Jesus talked about? Chandra Mohan disgraced those as some kind of lunatics forever, and even I can do that. So, this is just a plain vulgarity, as low of a grade as it gets pretty much.

"... he enters into the temple of Jerusalem, beats the money-changers and throws them out of the temple".

Sorry, I am not aware of the fact he beats them or "throws them out of the temple". Was he a wrestler or a bully of some kind to "throw them out"? We could look into it, but I am not in the mood right now. Yes, he overthrew their tables as they were converting "a house of God" into a market place worshipping the golden calf and reducing the highest, the house of God into the lowest, the house of a belly, the material. This is the worst violation of the very religious aspect as it is nothing more but an arrogant insult to your very soul and Truth. And that was their central "message", taught to them by Pharisees - you are nothing but beasts and a belly, the material world, the tangible world, is all there is. There is nothing higher. You can trade your souls and make money on it right smack in the "House of God".

What was Jesus to do? That was their central doctrine, a doctrine of evil most profound perverting and insulting the very notion of God and deluding the people that it is all OK as the HIGHEST there is is money and gold.

And yes, he told them "get out of my house". But he did not THROW them out. There was simply no need for it. Secondly, they could simply beat him if they wanted to.

And what would Chandra Mohan do in his place? Tell them: "everything is nice and dandy, you can even empty your bowels here if you want?" WHO? Chandra Mohan? Well, if you know him well enough you would think better.

Did not Chandra Mohan understand the very essence and a meaning of what Jesus was saying? Then he is not a "master" of ANY kind. If anything, this is the language and a mindset of "a master of lies, speaking of his own".

Meaning of Salvation

One of the most disgusting ways Chandra Mohan viciously attacked Jesus was the idea of Salvation. I do not want to even bring up some quotes of him on this. It disgusts me too much.

But... What does it mean - Salvation? Well, it is that TRANSFORMATION of you from the level of a beast, vast majority of you are, driven by the animalistic desires of a belly, into realising that every single one of you is inseparable and indivisible part of the grandest thing There Is - God, the Creator.

And I do not mean to be insulting here. It is just to bring your attention to what you have allowed to be done to you by those, who try all they can to reduce you to some mechanical biorobot, filled with "imperfections" of all kinds, to be "transcended", and who lives by the laws of the belly and a wallet. The Material world is a Gross level. A necessary one, but heavy and dense. It is neither the Beginning nor the End of Existence, which is God. It is an intermediate step. Beautiful, and yet limiting like a prison, with all its diseases, starving of your body, tiredness and all sorts of brute force attacks on each other, "just to survive, just to survive".

Eventually, you become CONSCIOUS and AWARE of the Grandest Reality of Existence - The Infinite Multi-Dimensional Intelligence, Ever Expanding, All Encompassing and All Pervading.

This is what Salvation means.

You ARE that Manifestation of God. You ARE that immeasurably small particle which is a part of God. Without you, God could not exist. He is DISSOLVED in EVERY ONE OF YOU. You are INSEPARABLE from the Whole.

Yes, there is a subtlety here. Lucifer started imagining to be God-like and was advocating the absolute freedom and independence of the local planetary systems, so that he can create his own world that will run according to HIS rule and command and not according to the Providence of The One - Creator. But he forgot one thing - he IS the part of God, no matter what he does and no matter what kind of "freedom" does he crave for, which is nothing but Illusion. Because he himself was created by God. How can creation "defeat" the Creator who knows its internals like a plan and a schematic. He knows how your heart beats.

Who are you trying to run away from? And how can it POSSIBLY be done? I can just flip a switch in any gadgets I have created and I can plant a virus which will destroy it, if I want to and ANY time I want. Because I am the only one who knows how it works. It can not possibly have the same knowledge as I do. Except on a more subtle level even that can not be done. Once something is created it can not be destroyed as from then on it becomes a part of greater reality. It ENLARGES the scope of that Reality.

So, the subtlety here is SEPARATION. Once you separate yourself from God, who is hiding in ALL others, who ARE the INSEPARABLE WHOLE, then you are doomed. You went WAY too far and started imagining that you are on your own, a separate whole, which can not possibly be. There is only one Whole, no matter what you start imagining.

So, Salvation is that very REALISATION of Oneness, which Jesus called SEEING and HEARING, or the Great Masters, the real ones I mean, called Enlightenment, the REAL one I mean. You can not deny the ultimate state of the 3rd Density, the level of the Mankind, when you FULLY see the 3rd level, its limitations and its ultimate potential.

It also means awareness, or the state of Presence as some call it. The state when you are aware of what is happening in the moment. That is what Jesus called SEEING and HEARING. The same thing.

Enlightenment as such can not be denied because all it is is the Ultimate Level Of AWARENESS, and you can not deny Awareness as such. And so, if there IS such a thing as Awareness, then how come there is no Ultimate State of it? There is virtually infinite number of grades of awareness, from the most primitive to the most evolved and subtle, the Peak of it.

What is that state called Enlightenment? It is that state when you are dissolved in the Whole and your individuated state of consciousness is no longer separate from God in its fullest expression. At that point, you do not belong to this gross plane of 3rd density. You become something much more subtle that this dense physical body.

But if you CRAVE for Enlightenment directly, trying to bypass your limitations and misunderstanding and "jump" into some ultimate state, it is the biggest mistake you can make, the biggest illusion there is and your life will turn into hell, quite literally. Because you do not accept your "limitations", your misunderstanding, thinking that there is something "WRONG" with you and you should "transcend" you sicknesses and your stupidity. This is basically self-denial. The denial of that which you are, just as you are.

There is no way you can reach anything but hell with this approach. Because you DENIED that very God that beats your heart and pumps your lungs of which you are a part, perfect in its infinite number of manifestations representing ALL possible ways of Self-Expression and Co-Creation.

And that is precisely the biggest crime of all those who feed you this "enlightenment" carrot, which is a poison, and which you start chasing from then on and waste your entire life being caught in the Ultimate Contradiction. Because you can not CRAVE for it DIRECTLY. That is the worst possible trap you can fall into and a result will be all sorts of misery and frustration. INEVITABLY.

Enlightenment is like a fruit that has matured, and matured on its own, and according to the Laws of Creation. You can pull the grass all you want. But it won't get taller as a result. You will simply break it. And you can not force the fruit to grow faster. There is simply no need. It happens by itself. And all the acidity and bitterness disappears from it AUTOMATICALLY and the sweatiness comes by itself and the sweatiest juice, the juice of life will be there when it is matured and was cared for and given enough LIGHT and Life Giving Energy coming from the Sun, which is alive being, just like you, only on a much more subtle and much more powerful level.

Yes, there IS such a thing as Salvation, no matter what people of Chandra Mohan's kind tell you. There is just way too much evidence of it with all the Great Masters of the past and ALL the Religions - every one of them.

Salvation means taking you out of the state of confusion and "identification with Prakriti" as it is known in India.

No religion is invalid. There is no such a thing as invalid religion. Because ANY and ALL religions is the PEAK of your consciousness. Yes, indeed, there is ALL sorts of blind fanaticism and biorobotic, mechanical submission to some doctrine, ritual and dogma. Because of DENIAL, denial of your own validity that is. And yes, there is corruption, resulting from that blindness, and there is plain parasitism, arising out of self-denial and rejection of ones own creative potential. But does it mean that if you found one fruit rotten, it means all the fruits are rotten?

And I tell you: yes, plenty, if not most people, simply perform a ritual, going to some temple and performing all sorts of "religious" acts or rituals as some kind of a deal, hoping to get something out of it, some benefit, some money, some fame or whatever they are hoping to "get". And yes, it is an exercise in futility. Because they simply repeat the zombie program of others. But even there, being essentially blind, they still keep the door open. They may not see the essential meaning, but at least they TRY to look somewhere beyond ordinary, beyond their bodily concerns of "survival". It will take some time for them to see their self-denial and learn that rituals only work when you already have a certain degree of awareness. But at least it is their appeal to something "out of this world".

Rituals are simply tuning yourself on a particular wavelength, or, as it is popular to call nowadays, some egregore. By themselves, and IN themselves, they are meaningless. If you merely believe that performing some ritual you become closer to God, without even being aware of what exactly happens, then it is an exercise in futility. Even the meditation, if performed as a ritual, becomes meaningless. But they did the first necessary step - to try to look if there is something else in life beyond their ordinary concerns, and that counts.

And so EVERY SINGLE master of the "past" is as real as your own fingers. ALL of them, for as long as they are sincere and not merely parasite on others.

ANY sincerity is manifestation of God. There is no "imperfect" insincerity, just as there is no "imperfect" Love, or "imperfect" Creation.

And that is what Jesus implied, as far as I can see, when he stated:

"He has blinded their eyes and deadened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor turn -- and I would heal them."

John 12:40

Healing is EXACTLY the same thing as Salvation.

Healing means OPENING YOUR EYES. It is exactly the same thing. When you are healed you can see and are aware of what is happening at the moment, and when you can see you WILL see there is the Grand Root in Existence and that is what is called God. It is not a matter of religious fanaticism of all kinds, nor some blind BELIEF in something you can not see and you can not prove the existence of.

When you are healed, you can see what is going on in your life like you can see your own fingers. You enter into the state of the greatest orgasm of them all, the Orgasm Of ONENESS with that very Existence, which is God in its infinite manifestations, in Its Infinite Beauty and Wisdom, in Its Infinite, All Pervading Love which knows no limits of ANY kind.

YOU - ARE - ONE. Inseparable by any kind of Illusions.

The greatest orgasm there is is a recognition of your Grand Nature and you connection to ALL and The One - the Creator. And it never ends. That joy of recognition of all pervading intelligence can only grow. From then on, you entire life becomes an orgasm and that "dancing and singing" Chandra Mohan spoke about. Except now it is real. The fruit has fully matured. What can be higher than that? Just eat it then and be filled with God, All Pervading - The Source of All Creation, the Infinite and Undeniable Intelligence, immortal and undefeatable by ANY force of Evil.

Jesus is the REAL King of The World

Chandra Mohan says: "... and declares that 'I am the king of the Jews,' that 'I am the real king.'"

I am not in the mood to pull that quote and see what did Jesus actually say, but I can tell you right off the top of my head: Yes, He WAS.

First of all, the real king runs the empire for the people. What is empire without people? Indulging in sexual orgies, getting drunk out of your head, stuffing your belly and flushing your diamond watches left and right? Is it what the king means?

He is to protect it, to maintain peace, facilitate prosperity, promote art and education and do other deeds to make sure that empire lives on, prospers and is operated based on principles of Good for ALL, not just some, and does not fall apart, rotting from within. What is empire without the people, and what is empire where only a few people receive the benefits of all, while all others simply slave away? Such an empire will inevitably fall, like "a house, built on sand".

The REAL kings are about life, not death and domination, which is what Judahites had.

The REAL kings are those who are supremely responsible, and not only with their muscle, might and gold, as that is all about death, sooner or later. And when Jesus says he is the King, he takes upon himself that supreme responsibility for the entire empire, his motherland. It was his commitment and a burden upon himself, unlike any other.

Was he ever interested to sit on the king's throne and rule the land LITERALLY? Where? Show me.

And if there was a king, it was him and no one else, as no one else cared for his land as him. No one else had attempted to make sure his land is ruled by Truth and Good instead of rotting away from within, just like it did once he was gone.

And I tell you even more than that. I claim he is not only The King of Israel. He is The King Of the WORLD! So I claim. There has never been a King of his kind, a king of GOOD, virtue and Love. NEVER EVER. Not even possible, as vast majority of those so called kings are not really kings, but violent and corrupt monsters who eventually and inevitably bring their empire down and it self-destructs, just like they all did.

Yes, there were some real kings in the history of mankind, who were honest and sincere and were not merely interested in parasiting or exploiting others. But even among those, there were not that many, who could SEE, and not merely guess or suspect that there is something higher than the world of material.

So, WHO is The King of the world? Adolph Bush, Obama, Rothschilds or Kuhns, those Satanists and members of secret societies of evil destroying their own land? Or is it Chandra Mohan, just as he behaved and posed as all the time, every moment of his life once he started "building his own empire", just as he himself claimed?

Well, as far as reality goes, the ONLY "kings" on the face of this planet are Baruchs and Rothschilds and a few others from the "banking mafia", as they are the ones who own the world gun, stock and barrel, down to a stapler on your table. They are the ones who stand behind the puppet kings, the "presidents" and prime ministers.

"...He used to hear voices, which only insane people hear."

Not true. This is simply ugly, to the point of being a disgusting perversion, and nothing more than the lowest grade cheap shot. Dig up the Chandra Mohan's discourses and there will be enough examples. For example, according to Chandra Mohan, Koran has been delivered this way, and so were the five books of Moses, and plenty more. Secondly, I'd like to see the quote where Jesus heard voices so we can look at it and see what is the meaning of it.

I just did a search on the entire Bible and this is what I found:

25. Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.

27. And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man.

28. Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,

37. And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.

-- John 5:25, 27, 37

So, after spending some time, I did not find a place where Jesus have heard voices as alleged, and even if he did, let me see first.

Actually, this is quite an interesting subject. Let me stop on it for a second. You see, I can also claim "I hear voices", except it is not quite true. I do not hear "voices". But what I see is the ideas appearing in my mind, all perfectly aligned and coherent structures, which is pretty much the same thing to me in meaning.

First of all, "hear voices" is a poetic form. It means it comes from above, from somewhere you can not identify. Many creative people make claims "it came from above, it is not my creation", and I mean the BEST of them all. EVER. This is the same essential thing.

Just ask this of a great poet: where did your poetry come from? What do you think he is going to answer? Well, how about "I do not know. I just heard it. I do not even know what I am talking about. I just let my tongue speak and it speaks with the voice of something of the beyond. That much I know". See? And THAT is the REAL poetry I claim. Anything else is just concoctions, mind projections and mental constructions of all kinds, utterly dead. Unless you "hear voices" all you have to say is bluff is what I claim. Here is the kicker:

"Your father is the devil, and you want to fulfill the lusts of your father.

He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the Truth, because there is no Truth in him.

When he lies, he speaks from his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies"

(John 8:42-44)

Did you pay attention? When Truth is spoken from your mouth, it does not come from YOU. It comes from "above". As long as you "speak from your own", you are a liar. The creativity is given. Your greatest ideas are GIVEN to you. They are not "your own".

Yes, this can be argued, and yes, eventually, you are here to create something, never seen before, and that is why you are here - to investigate new aspects. But when something genuinely creative happens in your life, try to pay attention and see - where did it come from. Sure, you may say: it came from ME. True. But look and see whether it was some logical conclusion, based on your your existing knowledge, or was it something like a discontinuity with your past. Surprise, surprise. And if it was a discontinuity, then how can you claim it came from YOU? Otherwise, it would be based on your past knowledge and experience.

The Truth is not something you invent or construct out of dead matter as some kind of concoction. It COMES to you when you are ready to perceive it and to receive it.

And it is given to you from the grandest foundation, the very source of Life, from the level of Intelligence, light years ahead of your primitive state. And the REAL scientists are those who can receive it, as no matter what they did and "invent", it was GIVEN to them. They did not invent a SINGLE law. They simply DISCOVERED it. But the law functioned regardless of whether they saw it or not.

This is the meaning of "hearing voices", and not all those perversions of Chandra Mohan, who, just as it says ...

"...thou canst not make one hair white or black."

-- Matthew 5:36-39

This is a tremendous reminder, telling you about the limitations of the physical world of matter. Just look and see, would it be possible for you to create even a cockroach or an ant or even a bacteria? Do you comprehend the complexity of even an ant? Can you imagine the amount of interactions of ALL sorts of things for that ant to exist? More than that: "thou canst not make one hair white or black." Yes, it is blunt, but very pointing.

Except Chandra Mohan started imagining things that eventually and inevitably lead to the ideas like "you are enough onto yourself", which is UTTER and COMPLETE lie, very subtle one and yet a lie. I do not know where this idea, peddled by the "inner circle", came from, but I know it was an inevitable outcome of his work. You never were, and never will be "enough onto yourself" as I claim. And you can not be. It is just a denial of your roots, thinking that you are on your own, as though life begins with you and ends with you. Because you are nothing but a mad man, seeking that which beats your very heart, and, being arrogant as you are, you can never find it.

Moreover, "you are enough onto yourself" is the pure grade satanism, utterly false and utterly self-destructive. If you are "enough onto yourself", then just fly away into outer space. What do you need anything else for?

For example, Jesus specifically addressed this point saying that God is like a vine from which grows a branch. This is merely an indication that everything in life has roots, and everything is interconnected. Life does not begin with you as an individual, and it does not end with you.

Chandra Mohan forever tried to disprove God as the Creator by using the principles of limited binary logic of a kind "if God was the Creator, then what was before him? WHO created him?" The problem with this simplistic argument is that at that grand scale of initial creation, our two dimensional and highly primitive binary logic of "yes" and "no" and "black" and "white" does not work. First of all, there is no such a thing as black and white in the infinite scope of a rainbow. And there is no such a thing as "yes" and "no" in the infinite variety of choices. These are all most primitive illusions of a dense plane of physical existence. They are not applicable to the Infinite, Multi-Dimensional Intelligence. So all his arguments against God are simply futile. They can not be proven.

"...He used to talk to the sky, which only mad people do."

Not true. Plenty of poets do, and I mean the greatest poets that walked this planet. The greater the poet, the more chance he will be talking to the sky I claim. Because he can see the highest of the highest.

Those poets that tried to talk not to the sky but to people around them were mostly laughed at as some "mad men". Because to the mundane, the poetic is something totally "irrational". That is why poets talk to the sky as it is about the only place left for them to talk to as they know they can be understood there, understood by utter silence and no condemnation of any kind, by that silence that later on will become their greatest fruit of creation.

"...And he was a megalomaniac, according to these great scholars".

If anyone would talk about being a megalomaniac that would not be Chandra Mohan, as this is exactly what he was I claim. Secondly, WHICH "great scholars"? Are they, by ANY chance, the same people he called insane plenty of times?

Thirdly, what does scholarship has to do with such a level as where Jesus is, the level of Truth itself? His whole work was showing that those Pharisees, the greatest scholars of the day, were simply blind believers, peddling the worst kind of garbage to simple people, none of which they could prove with their own lives, just as he showed them with every single argument with them. And they were totally defeated with his arguments, that were so simple, that even a child could see the validity of it. Their whole system of scholarship was totally disabled by his arguments.

What could these scholars possibly analyze, which is what scholarship is, as the very notion of scholarship means something learned, like those "learned elders of Zion", who were known as Pharisees in Jesus' time, those very murderers of him, those very Satanists who preached the so called "rational" way, and that is the way of a belly, the way of material as the only way there is?

To use ANY kind of scholars and their opinions as to the essence of the work of Jesus is simply a disgusting perversion. Truth has nothing to do with scholarship or the amount of books you study. It is a totally different matter, a matter of SEEING and HEARING just as Jesus stated.

Who are those "great scholars"? Can I see their names so we can have a friendly chat to see how "great" they are?

Finally, why hide behind some imaginary scholars? Could they be any kind of an authority to "the greatest master ever" even in principle? What matters is what Chandra Mohan states and on his own authority and not someone else.

"...'Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth' - and he was not a meek man at all!"

If anyone, it is not Chandra Mohan to talk about meekness. His Rolls Royces and diamond watches are enough of an evidence. Secondly, how do you define a meek man? The one who does not say a word? When Jesus says to his disciples: "You are my friends", and I tell you that I abide in you as you abide in me, is it not "meek" enough, to go down to the level of fishermen and most simple people?

Did Chandra Mohan EVER lowered himself to your level by identifying with you as a friend? Did he ever tell you he can be your friend? Where? He explicitly stated: your are my "friends" but do not begin thinking me to be YOUR friend as that will prevent you from being a good slave of mine. And this is what I claim the meaning of what he told you is.

Was Chandra Mohan meek? Where? What does he know about being meek? On what basis does he make the proclamations of this kind getting up on his king-like throne to brainwash you in a new king-like robe, flashing his diamond watches every day and having slaves working morning to night to make these robes for him, a new one for every single day? Was THAT meekness? What is he feeding you?

"...this man has many minds, split minds."

If anyone, it is not Chandra Mohan to talk about this. How many times had he changed his mind and contradicted himself? If anything, this was clearly one of his greatest "achievements". I do not know of any other "master" who did it to such an extent as him in the entire history. Not even the most professional liars - the politicians. Even those were more consistent than him. Not only that, but the same people he used to call "great masters" became some "megalomaniacs", "sick men" and you can continue this list for quite a while.

So, what kind of argument is this?

"...Now this man is insane".

Does this need a comment? To me, only an insane and utterly dishonest person can assert insane things like this.

"...He goes into a rage".

Are you sure it is him and not you, Chandra Mohan? What is the purpose of all this fuss you are trying to create? What's the "end goal" here? Who are you trying to discredit and who are you trying to delude? The one, whose word lives on for thousands of years? Don't you know better?

And the thing is, the parables of Jesus do not even need any evidence. They are self-evident. Even a child can see the trueness of it. You don't need to be a "scholar" or a philosopher to see the validity of it. And THAT is the difference.

And so on, and so on, and so on. ALL UTTER garbage I claim. Not a word of Truth in it. All Satanic lies, perversions, manipulation and deceit is what it is to me.

And that is going to cost Chandra Mohan his empire and his name.

Because this is nothing more than a signature of Satanism, and I mean in a literal sense of the word. This is not just something symbolic or theoretical. Nope, this is factual and you can verify it and see with your own eyes. Lying, perverting and denial, and denial primarily of the very concept of God. It is not about Truth of any kind but about the most profound evil as only evil operates this way. Truth does not and can not possibly operate this way.

And what is interesting in this context, he never spoke about the most profound evil of the NWO and ZioNazi and Illuminati world domination and that single global empire of evil, ruled by single ruler, who is a servant of Lucifer. LITERALLY. Just the other way around, Chandra Mohan and his doctrine perfectly aligns with the doctrine of the NWO and their plan, and his preaching about the "borderless world" is exactly what the NWO model is.


The heartbeat of Chandra Mohan empire - Jesus Grove

Surprise, surprise. There were two most important locations and two most important symbols related to Chandra Mohan in his "commune" in Oregon, and those were the Buddha Hall and Jesus Grove.

Well, there was one more house, called Lao Tzu, where Chandra Mohan lived. But that is a slightly different story. Interestingly enough he insulted Lao Tzu in the most disgusting way at the end of his "grand experiment" on the ranch in Oregon.

Therefore, these were the greatest masters in the entire history of mankind. There can not possibly be any argument on this, no matter how hard you try. We can interpret it this way: Jesus is the heart, and Buddha is the mind of Osho empire and his entire doctrine. Keep that in mind.

Buddha hall is where you get zombified, and I do not mean to be insulting, but just for picturesque aspect of it. But, nevertheless, it is literally true. This is where lectures were given.

And there was also Jesus Grove - the place where the world headquarters of Osho (known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh at that time) empire was located. That is where the elite of the elite lived and operated from, making any decision of any significance related to Rajneesh empire, and I mean all of the most powerful people. And that is where I used to hang out whenever I wanted. So, I have some idea of what that was all about, although I was not involved in all that jazz, and thanks God for that.

So, according to Chandra Mohan type of logic, he named his world headquarters in the name of a "psychotic", "fascist" and "megalomaniac" as he called Jesus eventually, and, therefore, the whole thing was nothing more than mass psychosis, at least as far as his ruling bitches were concerned, which actually makes sense. Because most of them were absolute Nazi dictators and ruthless, violent and perverted liars and manipulators that had absolute power to do or order anything they please and it would be done exactly the way they have ordered.

But when you look at them, you would not notice anything. They spoke in quiet voice and would never get visibly angry, first of all because they had all the power there is. But what was interesting to me is that the most "powerful" of them would be whispering into each other ears quite often. For what? What is the "secret"? That was pretty bizarre to me. Every time I see someone whispering something into someone's ear, I do not want to deal with those people. I avoid them like a plague.

Much more can be said about those who sat in Jesus Grove, and some of the things I say in this book I have heard in Jesus Grove with my own ears. Because I was there every day and for years. And I was also present on all the private interviews with world press, given at Jesus Grove, every one of them. Not a single member of the "elite" except a couple of them, have heard all I heard when he talked to the world media. Just trust me on that one if you can.

So, how come the "greatest master ever" named his heartbeat structure, his main offices where the CEOs of his empire sat and ruled from, in the name of some "psychotic" as he classified Jesus eventually?

Do you see how it works? And if it is not the works of God, than what is? And, miraculously enough, not a single one of those power bitches, including Sheela, could touch me or to order me a single thing, except Sheela asking us to play for few minutes on some of the most important meetings with some powerful visitors. And I am telling you this just to put things into proper perspective. Otherwise, all this jazz is utterly meaningless to me.

So, the man, Chandra Mohan called a "psychotic", and that is Jesus, was the man in whose name "Osho" world headquarters were named. Do I have to say more?

So let us start working on Jesus here.

Jesus - The Only Begotten Son of God

"In certain ways you are psychotic: you have decided the ultimate, that Jesus is the only Son of God, the only begotten Son -- this is psychosis."

You Have My Marrow from "Ancient Music in the Pines"

This is such an ugly perversion of the very meaning and the essence of the work of Jesus that it is simply disgusting. Let us take a look at it closer, because, first of all, this is one of the examples of how the Scriptures were deliberately distorted to pervert the most essential meaning of the entire teaching of Jesus.

It is not clear which exact statement in the Scriptures Chandra Mohan refers to regarding "the only son of God". There is an article that talks about that statement, and, surprise, surprise, Chandra Mohan is simply manipulating and perverting its meaning. Because it is not quite what he tries to make it look like, and, furthermore, this is the only place in the entire bible where it is stated, and even more than that, it was stated in John 3:16, who was said to be the only one among the disciples of Jesus who could understand the triple encoding used by Jesus. So, the LAST one to be questioned about this would be the John's testament.

That article provides several translations of John 3:16 and the original meaning in Greek. And the author brings up an example of the same Greek word "monogenes", mono-genes, "one of a kind", "one and only", or "unique", used in case of Abraham and his son, Isaac, who was also called "monogenes", while Abraham had more than one son, which clearly proves that what Chandra Mohan is trying to make it look like is not what it means. There is no corresponding word to "monogenes" in English. If John meant "the only son", then it could be translated without distortions.

"Abraham begat Ishmael as well as Isaac. But 'one of a kind', 'one and only', or 'unique' would fit because Isaac was special".

Jesus The Only Begotten Son of God

So, let us stop on this for a minute.

First of all, there exists an opinion that the reason Jesus was called "the only son of God" is a result of deliberate distortion by the Pharisees, who modified the scriptures. The reason it was done is to prevent people from feeling they are also sons of God. Otherwise, the Pharisees would simply loose power over them. If you are also a son of God and are a particle of God, created in God's image, then what do you need the Pharisees for? Everyone has direct access to God.

Secondly, since they interpreted Jesus as the ONLY son of God, and he was killed, then there remains no "official representative" of God besides Pharisees, which would transfer the power over people into their hands.

But let us look into the Scripture closer.

For God so loveth the world,
that he hath given his only son,
that none that believe in him, should perish:
but should have everlasting life.

- John 3:16, Tyndale translation, 1534 version (modern spelling).

Adam, the son of God.

- Luke 3:38

You are ALL sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus

- Galatians 3:26

As you can see, just a few small distortions like these can change the most fundamental meanings of the entire teaching, just as Chandra Mohan was doing in many cases. Just changing a few words, the nectar turns into poison.

As far as Truth goes, one Son is enough as the fruits of his work shalt never die for as long as there is man and as long as there is life. Once the Truth is revealed, it can not be destroyed from then on. Truth can never die. How much have they tried to destroy the Truth of words of Jesus? How much have they perverted the scriptures to discredit him and his message and try to make him look like some lunatic, just as Chandra Mohan did? And what is the result? The Truth of His message is still as alive as it ever was, and even more alive in the light of Quantum transition.

There is no other way but the way of Truth. All other ways lead directly to hell. Even a poor guy like me can understand this.

When things like these are said about the man like Jesus, and especially by John, who was allegedly the only one who understood the triple encoding, I'd have to pull out my magnifying glass and look at it with a microscope.

For one thing, from the standpoint of triple encoding, even if Jesus said he is the ONLY Son, what he might mean is that there is no other way. He is the only way there is, and it is not even him he was talking about. Triple encoding. Because no matter how you cut it, Truth is Truth. He knew his mission and he knew who stood behind him and he knew that HE was chosen to transfer the message to those confused and primitive people.

Jesus' life was about Truth and that is why Pharisees were trying to destroy him. To misrepresent, misinterpret and pervert the meaning of the work of Jesus you need to be not only corrupt to the bone and marrow, but to be a servant of that very evil Jesus stood against and gave his life in it. As every word of such a man is not only worth in gold, but in life, just as he said. YOUR life that is. And he gave you an example of how to stand for Truth and what kind of game it is to stand for it, and what is the price of an entry ticket into this game of Life and Love. Some think that by sitting on their rear end with never ending wide smile, frozen on their face, is what this is all about. Are you sure?

And here is a quote by Chandra Mohan from one of his lectures:


This statement is of immense importance, and has been tremendously misunderstood by Christians, misinterpreted.

...I AM... That has to be understood. It does not mean Jesus, it simply means the inner consciousness:

'I am' - the inner life. This consciousness inside you, which you call 'I am', this 'I am' is the only way.

If you can understand this 'I am', what it is, what this consciousness is, you have found the way. It has nothing to do with Jesus, it has nothing to do with Krishna. When I say to you 'I am the gate' it has nothing to do with me! That I AM is the gate. The gate is within you, the way is within you, the truth is within you. You have to understand who this is calling himself 'I am' within you, what this consciousness is, what it consists of.

... Please be careful. When Jesus says I AM THE WAY, he means the one who calls himself I AM within you is the way. It has nothing to do with Jesus.

Ye Shall Live Also from "I Say Unto You Volume 2"

And Chandra Mohan even had guts to call Jesus a megalomaniac, fascist and you name it. Because of THIS VERY STATEMENT!!!

Hang on. But where is the "psychosis" here? Do you see how these "masters" manipulate you like puppets? One side of their mouth does not seem to know what the other is doing.

And here is the other side of Chandra Mohan's mouth speaking:

...Jesus is a mental case.

...He carries the same kind of mind as Adolf Hitler. He is a fascist. He thinks that only those who follow him will be saved; anybody else who does not follow him is going to fall into eternal hell.

Now, only a simpleton can say such a thing. Who is he to save anybody?

But he says he is the only begotten son of God.

Jesus is a "mental case" ... he is a fascist

The word "begotten" is significant. It means direct manifestation of God Itself, which is confirmed by several other sources, such as the Book of Urantia.

"Who is he to save anybody?" And who are YOU to question it?

How can you possibly reconcile these self-contradictory statements by Chandra Mohan and what would you call it but utterly disgusting zombification garbage? And I tell you - you can not. It is not possible, no matter what you do and what kind of trick you use.

Yes, Chandra Mohan eventually got really carried away to the point of insanity and could care less about what he said just the other day. Whatever he said today was the "truth", just as he stated.

He just considered "his people" to be so dumb and so zombified with his "fancy" talk that he probably never thought that one day someone is going to look into it and realize that only the most dishonest person, utterly corrupt, could possibly say things that contradict each other to such a degree.

Actually, this is known as a nature of Satanism - denials, perversions and turning things upside down. In a LITERAL sense.

My position on these things is clear and simple enough: There is no, and can not possibly be, even in principle, any justification for all these lies and manipulation of Chandra Mohan, regardless of what he thought his "purpose" was in doing it.

Truth and lie do not reconcile, and so is life and death.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"

Here is some quotes from Jewish Bible.

Show no pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.

-- Deuteronomy 19:21

Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,

burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.

-- Exodus 21:24-25

Mind you, Deuteronomy is the Satanic teachings and the origins of nationalism come directly from it as some researchers claim. And here is what New Testament says:

36. Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.

37. But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.

38. Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:

39. But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

-- Matthew 5:36-39

There is an interesting point in the above statements that puts things in proper perspective:

"Thou canst not make one hair white or black."

And that is the extent of your, or anybody elese's "power".

As to "give them another cheek", this is tremendous insight. Whosoever attacks you is absorbed by the forces of evil, forces of negativity. If you attempt to hit him back, you fall into domain of negativity and evil yourself. The very idea of revenge is no different than evil. Because it only accumulates violence. Here is what it essentially means:

If you react or get involved with it, you will get sucked right into it. You will become affected by it, and you will BECOME it. There is no way to win the evil by getting engaged with it directly. The more engaged you are, the more affected you will be. Once you engage with it, it will penetrate your very being. And there is no end to it. It NEVER gives up. So, you end up in its clutches. This is one of key points while dealing with evil.

But life presents you these challenges of someone attacking you in order for you to learn to stand firmly on your roots and not be affected by it. If you come into situation of evil out of a state of balance, you will immediately feel how it affects you and poisons your being. Why would you want your very heart to be filled with poison once you get engaged with evil directly? It simply does not make sense from purely rational standpoint.

It is only when you are not affected by the negativity, you sit firmly on a seat of your Soul, and, just like Jesus said, nothing can knock you out of it. Because you are with God, with the very root of Life. Even if they try to kill you, you still remain with that Root. And that is the meaning of "you are Home". Nothing can affect you from then on. You yourself had become God. You are a part of It and It is dissolved in you. No power can defeat you from then on.

This is the ultimate test of your learning and your spiritual seeking. Once you come to this state, that is the very purpose of your life. You are now ONE and indivisible from the very essence of Life.

Do not let anyone or anything distract you from your Unity with God - The Creator. Stay with that feeling of lightness in your chest no matter what.

When you make an attempt at revenge, pay attention to your chest. How does it feel? Confusion, trembling, contraction, pain, fear, anger? What do you need that for? Do you know?

Because Jesus spoke of love and they preached hate and destruction. Their doctrine was "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth", an ideology of revenge and vicious violence, that can only accumulate and magnify. There is no end to violence. It can only beget MORE violence as that is its nature.

And this is one other point where Chandra Mohan gets caught with his pants down. A revenge never solves anything. At the end, you yourself get hurt, if by nothing else but a poison to your very soul. Strangely enough, Chandra Mohan himself talked about revengefulness and its evil nature.

You will never come to peace in your heart in your life if you live according to principles of revenge and violence.

Once you start a revenge procedure you are going to be wasting your most valuable life energy and get entangled into side effects of evil deeds more and more. Basically, you will just get sucked in right into hell.

Jesus says: no need. Don't do this. You will simply be killing yourself as no matter how much of a revenge you will be able to manage, the other side will do just the same to you. And so there is no end to it but self-destruction essentially.

In the East there are passive schools of fighting, such as Tai Chi in China. When attacking energy comes, you just move out of its way to the side, and at the moment it reaches you, you simply push it slightly and it will fall with its own energy of aggression, caused by inertia of an effort. Karate is a totally opposite approach, an approach of projecting the energy of aggression.

Jesus is simply saying: do not get sucked in into the evil energy. There is no way out of it. The more you get involved with it, the more damaged you yourself will be at the end. Forget about the attacker. He is already doing it to himself. He does not even realize he is attacking himself, not you. He is already getting his punishment by the very fact he attacked you. No need to worry about the revenge. He is already getting it by his own action. Except he does not even know it.

Furthermore, violence and revenge is just a part of the satanic ideology of those liars and manipulators and servants of evil, the Pharisees, or, as they were later known as "the elders of Zion", or even later, the "committee of 300", ruling this world, even though the whole structure of evil is much more invovled.

The way they control the "herd" is via energy of negativity. As soon and as long as you are affected by the negative energy, you can be controlled like a puppet. You become totally unconscious and utterly blind. You are no longer on the wavelength of God. You are thus separated from your very roots. You merely become a puppet in their hands. This is their deepest secret of control and domination.

And this is precisely what Jesus warned people about. He gave them the KEY not to get sucked in into the energy of evil. THAT is his message.

There is one more significant aspect of this statement by Jesus. It has to be understood in the context of their teaching of violence. The historical record of their violence and genocide is clear as a bell. A single incident of slaughter of 75 thousand innocent civilians and hanging of Haman and all ten of his children is the first example of genocide in recorded history. The very idea of genocide comes from Judaism as recorded in their "scriptures".

And, interestingly enough, it is not only something ancient, arising from the primitive state of consciousness of those times. The same exact thing happens to this day as evidenced by the vicious slaughter of the retreating Iraqi army during the Gulf war. As a result, 150,000 people were killed, and in a horrific manner, by using weapons, forbidden by the international conventions. Such a barbaric slaughter was absolutely unnecessary from the standpoint of military objectives or necessities. Secondly, attacking the retreating army that does not pose a threat is a war crime. And, interestingly enough, it happened on "happy an joyous holiday of Purim". And even more interesting is the fact that the war had started also on Purim. Coincidence?

Revenge, viciousness, murder and even the ritual sacrifice of babies was the background of this statement of Jesus. Their scriptures are full of most horrendous violence and blood thirst. Violence and revenge were and are some of the central concepts of their ideology of evil and self-serving interests. And it is justified by their "god-chosen" status and classification of all others as animals and feces. It follows, that killing the non-"Jews" is no different than killing the animals, literally speaking.

That specific incident of mass murder of innocent civilians by the Judeans became the foundation for the "happy and joyous holiday of Purim". An eternal reminder of their revenge and a celebration of death. Purim is a celebration of revenge and death, an orgy of death and destruction. LITERALLY.

How can one eat the pastries with minced meat symbolizing the body of Haman or triangular pastries symbolizing his ears on a "happy and joyous holiday of Purim", and why is this holiday considered to be one of the most beloved Judean holidays? Do not they know the symbolic meaning of what they are doing?

That "holiday" of disgust and murder symbolizes a vicious revenge, murder and rivers of blood and historical events are the living proof of it. That is why the ritual sacrifices and horrendous torture and draining of blood of Christians and their children are made specifically on Purim and Jewish Passover. And symbolic meaning of it is to replay the Crucifixion of Jesus. This is all on record.

The story of that genocide is one of the key stories in the entire human history, which simply shows where the roots of genocide come from. Check these quotes out and see:

The foundation of Genocide

This is what Jesus stood against and tried to show them that the solution to violence is not violence.

Their so called scriptures, Deuteronomy, Talmud, Shulchan Aruch and Tanya, which is the latest version of their "Mein Kampf", as it was called by Eduard Hodos, one of the world's foremost experts on this, are full of hate, violence and Nazi ideology of such horrendous proportions that the mind can hardly even perceive it. It looks like pure grade Satanism.

Again, keep in mind, this is not about "Jews" as nationality. This is about the particular ideology of Satanism followed by the the Talmudists and Pharisees, the "elders of Zion" and, nowadays, fanatical ZioNazis. Leave the plain "Jew" alone.

Which other religion preaches ritual murder, ritual sacrifice of children, and even making it something obligatory?

Judaism Permits Child Sacrifices to Moloch

And THAT is the context of this "give them another cheek" statement. It simply means - stay away from evil. Do not become like it. Else you are in hell.

If you feel affected by it or attacked, just move away. Do not give it energy and do not fight it. Because the evil is inherently parasitic. It will feed on your energy of engagement, sucking it like vampires do. Just immediately close off your channel to it.

There is another aspect of "give them the other cheek" statement. According to some interpretations, those, who attack you are also sons of God, except they PLAY the negative role so you could learn from it. That is how the "world of duality" works. In order for you to really recognize the positive and life affirming aspects, you need to see the opposite of it. Otherwise, how do you learn what is "good" unless you can see what is "bad"? Those, who attack you are also your brothers, except they took upon themselves a role of playing a "bad guy" in the theatre of Life, for both of you to learn. And they do not even realise it in most cases. They are simply identified with evil and confuse it with "good", being zombified with the materialistic ideas of "self-service" as the ultimate "good". You may agree with it or not, but that is another story.

So, what is so hard to comprehend? Tell me, how many times in your own life being revengeful brought any peace into your life and solved any of your problems?

At that time, Jesus was the only man alive, at least in their lands, who spoke about Truth and love, while those beasts were engaged in ritual sacrifice to Moloch, obligatory ritual murder of children, violently murdering them and drinking their blood according to the commandments of their satanic "scriptures". Not only that, but it is happening this very moment.

There are about 800,000 children missing each year with no traces left. Where did they go?

Interestingly enough, Osho spoke highly about the Hassidim, the ultra-orthodox sect of Talmudism.

See: Hassidism and blood rites

Yes, sect, just like Chandra Mohan's. And he praised them so much, including one of their most pominent ideology peddlers, Martin Buber, who is known as one of the key founders of Nazi ideology according to experts, that he basically said: unless you read Martin Buber [Nazi writings], you know nothing of value.

See: Martin Buber ideology

Hassids burning Hassid in New York for changing the synagogue

The Hassids burning a Hassid in New York for changing a synagogue

Now, are you going to tell me that Jesus was merely some ego-centric megalomaniacal idiot or manipulator of Chandra Mohan's kind, who did not understand his own relative significance in the scheme of things?

So, what is so difficult to understand to the "greatest master ever" even if a poor guy like me can see the meaning of it without even digging deeper than the skin level? Again, remember, Jesus was talking to the fishermen and simple people and not to Bertrand Russell kind of satanists or Pharisees. And it was two thousand years ago, at the time when they pissed next to their door. It was basically a stone age and slavery, barbarity and the rest of it.

At that time, the level of their intelligence was not much higher than of an animal. Jesus was teaching them something light years ahead of their primitive state. What could he possibly teach them, considering they were told to sacrifice their own children to Moloch and let them be thrown into a fire alive?

Do you see the context of Jesus' statements?

What is this shameless manipulation of Truth I ask you? For what? It is going to blow into your face sooner or later. It is just a matter of time. And now it blows from all the holes in the Chandra Mohan's system, like a steam from a steam engine.

I can not conceive Jesus was lying or fabricating like Chandra Mohan. Not possible. There is no evidence so far of him ever lying, and when he says things like these, assuming it was him and not the satanists that modified the scriptures, you can bet your rear end there is some meaning to it.

And you can also bet Chandra Mohan is manipulating it to his advantage to advance his own agenda when says something, and the very notion of Truth is about the last item on the list of his concerns.

The man of Truth can not pervert, lie, manipulate and distort. Not possible.

But he does not know that Latifa is a psychotic, and neurotics and psychotics make good marriages. They fit perfectly.

The Last Testament Volume 2, Chapter 7

Mind you, he is talking about his own disciples. How do you like THAT kind of treatment from your "master"? And what is interesting about it is that he called this kind of abuse and insults, which was his favorite occupation by far, a "device" to "break your ego" and "resistance". And so what he did to "his people" is to insult them every day. Nice, eh? And he called it a "device"!

So, instead of showing you something grand in you, he shows you that you are simply insane and belong to a mental institution, which is done in order to keep you in a state of dependence and under his total control, forever feeling that there is something "wrong" with you that needs "fixing". Can you even begin to comprehend the net effects of such a manipulation of your being? What is going to happen to you in a long run with such "teachings"?

Is this how you treat "your own people"? No wonder there are so many zombies around this man that would not even think of standing for themselves in response to such a disgrace and utmost insult.

They just kept taking all this abuse since he forever zombified them with the idea of "total trust" and "total surrender". So, they thought even this insult was something of some "ultimate" meaning they can not see at the moment. So he kept abusing them nearly all the time, and very few of them even suspected what that Satanic trip of domination was all about. They were told that he is doing it out of "love", and not only love, but the HIGHEST kind of love, love of a "master" (of disaster).

Good, keep working. You are not far away from...

My people are not like Jesus' twelve fools that he called his apostles. Any of my sannyasin would have defeated Jesus in discussion, an illiterate man, uneducated, a carpenter's son.

The Last Testament Volume 2, Chapter 7

Every word of it is a lie and manipulation, and of disgusting and even despicable grade.

By the way, those "twelve fools" are just like you, in case you did not notice. Except he called "his people" seekers, not "fools". But I tell you, it is just the other way around. "HIS people" are actually fools, and those, that followed Jesus are actually the real seekers, which is evidenced by the fact that dozens of them "attained" and their word lives on for thousands of years. And HIS word will not survive. Because it is lies and deception.

"Any of my sannyasin would have defeated Jesus in discussion"?

WHAT? And who am I then?

No way in hell I can "defeat" Jesus. I would not even try. For what? The whole thing is just a purely Satanic concept. To defeat JESUS? How, you donkey ass? If Pharisees themselves could not "defeat" him in their arguments, then what does it tell you? Well, compared to Pharisees, nearly every one of Chandra Mohan followers are nothing more than gorillas, parrots and blind fools of all kinds, utterly deluded with piles upon piles of his lies.

Just look at them now. Look at that "inner circle" that had guts to pronounce such satanic things as "I am enough onto myself". Just that single thing is enough of an argument. Because that idea simply destroys your roots and your connection to life, to something greater than you, and you become nothing more than a brainless animal, and even that much is an insult to animals.

And what does it mean to "DEFEAT" Jesus? What is this, a wrestling match of some kind between some sick satanists, trying to prove they can "defeat" Jesus? Is this what Truth is all about - to "defeat" each other?

"Twelve FOOLS". Pay attention. Because this is the Chandra Mohan's time to meet The Diamond Sword finally.

These people think they are Christians and they had come to save my people.

They were saviors. Jesus had given such a rotten idea as to people that if I get this man I'm not going to hit on his one cheek, because he will offer another.

Why waste time? I'm going to hit on both his cheeks and ask him, "Where is your third cheek? Give it to me."

Osho The Last Testament Volume 2, Chapter 7

How can one fall so low as to ask "Where is your third cheek? Give it to me." To misinterpret a statement of such profound significance and present it in a literal sense, one must be TOTALLY corrupt, to the bone and marrow.

Can you even begin to comprehend the significance of these kind of perversions and satanic sickness? It is such a cheap shot that no wonder Chandra Mohan basically went insane at the end of his life.

As it was said:

"Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they make them mad first".

"Any of my sannyasin would have defeated Jesus in discussion"?

Well, I am right here. Do you remember me? I am Mahasattva Anand Veeren, Acharya, just as your own certificate issued to me says, and I am to take your head off and to grind your whole empire of evil and your Satanic doctrine down to dust in the name of Jesus. Just watch me now. But REALLY carefully.

What is left of you but corruption, deceit, crimes, perversions and "Olympic size swimming pools" and the stadium size podiums for your grand performances, not counting those diamond watches and Rolls Royces of a sick degenerate Satanist? Interestingly enough, the "inner circle" "elite" is now destroying some of the most potent symbols of association with him and distancing themselves from him, and their statement of "I am enough onto myself" is the living evidence of it.

Except, being the fools they are, they do not even realise that about the ONLY thing they have in their "spiritual empire" is him. Remove him, and they will turn into a bunch of blind fools, deluded with all sorts of his tricks. Let me tell them: if THAT is the case, then remove his name and everything related to him from anything you do, just to prove that you can stand on your own feet and are not merely interested in capitalizing on his name and fame.

Just the other day one Germany journalist was asking me, "Why don't you use Mercedes-Benz?"

I asked, "Why should I use Mercedes-Benz? I have tried all the models of Mercedes-Benz, I have the latest Mercedes 500, but they don't come even close to a Rolls Royce."

Freedom from blind biology from "From the False to the Truth"

And what car can you provide for me? Just for a hundred yards I have one Rolls Royce - the latest.

But it is the 1980 model and now it is "81, so the "81 model is coming within a week. Just in case it does not work I have a Mercedes Benz. So, two cars in front of my porch for one hundred yards.

Life: Let it have it's Dance from "Zen Zest, Zip, Zap and Zing"

And this man has even guts to talk about meekness and Jesus?


A: I left in my Rolls Royce, and not in the dead of the night. I left Poona in the day, in the midday sun, with two Rolls Royces, three Mercedes Benz. With five cars I left in the middle of the day. I left BOMBAY at midnight, because the plane leaves at midnight. What could I do?

America Is A Hypocrite from "The Last Testament Volume 1"

On your knees, sinners! Talking about real meekness here.

Now. He was going to America for his grand mission of building his model of a "commune" and a "new man". And what was in his mind but the ugliest mercantile interests of a typical crook or a showman, bragging about his fleet of expensive cars and trying to elevate his status to a level of a head of state or a Pope? What a humble man, who even tried to accuse Jesus of not being humble enough, while Jesus wore the same kind of sandals as everyone, or even walked barefoot and slept in the same kind of house as everyone!

And he was going to America to build a new model of COMMUNISM. Can you imagine this? Going to build the communism on a fleet of Rolls Royces and Mercedeses? Just like Lenin and his gang, who were transported in a sealed train car of the most luxurious kind from the Switzerland to Russia before the Russian revolution, and carrying tons of money with them, all paid for by Rothschild and Schiff. The same exact story.

Is it what the communism is all about? But what about the main slogans of communism: "the equality and justice for all" and "take the land and wealth from the rich and give it to the poor"?

Communism in America? How sick and idiotic can one get to even CONCEIVE such an idea? Even Lenin did better. He did not go to America to build the communism there. Why? Interestingly enough, Chandra Mohan had stated that America is the most fertile ground for growth of consciousness and a "new man". Because it is a rich country, and only rich can be interested in development of consciousness according to him. So, what happened with his "commune" in America? The explosion of consciousness on a global level?

What was he hoping for by trying to build a communist commune in the lands of of raging capitalism of the extreme kind, especially at a time when the most radical fanatic of the extremist kind, "the prophet of capitalism", Reagan, had become the president, who had convulsions just hearing the word "communism"? It was simply suicidal to even conceive of such a thing in such an environment. Reagan even invented the term "evil empire" for Russia, and precisely because of their communist ideology.

Interestingly enough, when Chandra Mohan started speaking at the ranch in Oregon, he spoke about Reagan during hundreds of his lectures, insulting him like a deranged idiot and calling him a "gorilla". For what? What did he expect to happen as a result? Then why did he decide to go to America where the president is a "gorilla" and a complete idiot? Is it a responsible or rational action? And why did he need to speak about some gorilla in over 300 of his lectures? What was so significant about it and what kind of value do gorillas represent as far as consciousness or a "new man" go?

More than that, he pumped up Sheela to provoke and attack anyone in order to create as much hype, publicity and controversy as possible. He just loved to be called "the most controversial person". At some point, this whole thing was in the major news nearly every single day.

Can you conceive such a suicidal idiocy? What did he expect to happen at the end but total destruction of his communist trip in the middle of America? One thing was certain and inevitable - this thing would be INEVITABLY destroyed, especially when people like Reagan were in power, at least on paper. Was it anything more than a self-destructive tendency of someone obsessed with death?

I claim he needed a medical treatment in the mental department even at that point, because those were the words of a sick degenerate obsessed with himself and hiding behind shiny objects, just to dazzle the minds of clueless, so they would shiver in jealousy and adoration of worshipping a golden calf, which is precisely a model of Pharisees at the time of Jesus.

And "his people" are complete zombies as far as I can see. Not every single one of them. But vast majority of them, just to be blunt, and I am saying this out of specific information available to me.

Otherwise, how could one swallow all that zombification crap as some kind of "ultimate truth"? To eat THIS kind of garbage he fed them, who do they think they are then? How I ask you, unless they are utterly blind and deaf?

Yes, it is not as simple as it looks on paper, especially if one is zombified morning to night with the ideas of "surrender to the master". People start suppressing their own minds and disabling the rational parts of their intelligence hoping to see the "ultimate" in "self-growth", which is a myth, fed to all the clueless, who deny the validity of their own beings and accept some external "authority" as the "ultimate". A sad story indeed.

So, that's the scoop on meekness and Jesus as far as Chandra Mohan is concerned.

Burden of perception

This is pretty wild. What it has to do is the energy required to perceive. You might have never realised it, but to perceive is a burden. It requires energy, concentration, attention, like a load on you.

People waste their lives on all sorts of things throwing their energy left and right like it is some kind of a free ride. Just because you can talk you talk. Not that you have anything to say of any significance, but just because you can open your mouth so you do it, as though life is some kind of unlimited ocean of energy that has no end and no limits to its resources. Well, is it? Have you ever paid attention to it?

Just recently I decided to calculate how much attention do I have to pay to most ordinary things of life. The experiment was really simple. I wanted to know how many times do I have to concentrate on things once I get out of the bed and have a seat on my chair for the first time. And I was shocked. Just counting the number of different things I have to concentrate on, I found it was about 50 times. And what have I done to waste so much effort? Well, nothing anybody would even mention.

Just as you open your eyes in the bed and get to have a seat what does it take? Well, first of all you have to open up a blanket. That is perception. It needs your active participation. Then you have to get off from the bed. That is perception and requires attention. Then you have to find your sleepers or shoes. Then you have to put your feet into them. Then you have to stand up. Then you have to walk. Walk where? Well, you need to pay attention. Then you come to a bathroom. Then you have to look at your bathroom door knob. Do we have to continue?

So, by the time you have a seat in your chair you have wasted quite a bit of your energy, attention concentration and life. And you have not done ANYTHING yet as far as your "real" life goes, right?

And if you go on like this and see how you waste your life you might be shocked. So mush life energy is wasted and on things you do not consider to be of any significance as you take it all for granted, as something automatic and, therefore, "free", kind of free ride of life. But IS it?

But why am I telling you this, right? Well, can you even BEGIN to imagine what does it take of your life to follow some system of belief in terms of your life resources that are limited no matter what anyone tells you?

This is your LIFE you are paying with when you play with all these fancy mind game toys and trips, and if you think, hey, that's just a fun of it, well... Are you sure?

And we are going to drop this subject right then and there. The rest is up to you to see what are you doing to yourself and how do you waste your own life and on what, and then evaluate a "payback". Simple as that. Good luck.


How many times and how often have you been grateful for what you have in your life? Tell me.

How many times and how often have did appreciate all that has been given to you. Do you know?

How many times have you even thought of paying something back for all you have? Did you EVER paid any attention to it?

How many times have you said: Thank you, God, for giving it all to me and me being able to experience all that I had experienced in this life?

Do we have to go on with this?

No, my humble friends. You have to do it on your own. NO ONE can do it for you.

"I am enough unto myself" - an Osho "New Wave" trip

Well, "to make the long story short", this is the very essence of Luciferian doctrine of "total freedom". According to the "Urantia Book", this is exactly a declaration of Lucifer and the essence of his rebellion. This is one of the key questions of modern world.

What is Freedom and who is Lucifer?

This is a bit subtle but equally as significant. The proclamation by the "inner circle" - "I am enough onto myself" is a bomb. In this case, they should stop using Chandra Mohan, capitalizing on his name and fame. What do you need HIM for if you are "enough"? You should remove his name, pictures and everything about him and close down your shop and go home. The show is over.

You should also stop accepting tens of millions of dollars from the Rothschild controlled IBM corporation and BMW as it has been reported. Because if YOU are "enough onto yourselves" then those IBM employees to whom you sell these "stress release" programs are ALSO "enough onto themselves". Are they NOT? Or, are you trying to say that YOU are MORE enough than others? Under what authority, if you denied "the greatest master ever" - Chandra Mohan, with this very proclamation.

Yes, in a larger sense such statement may be made and it has some validity. But only on a superficial level. Because on ultimate level it is nothing but a poison. You are "enough" in a sense that every human being has the ability to see deeper and has all the necessary mechanisms within himself to progress. But even that is not quite true. Because there exist some people who have walked a longer path than any of you. Those "masters" before you, for example. And they did discover certain things that most of you are not aware of. Plus, they provide you with a wider choice of colors or tools at your disposal. If you ignore their insights, you would have to reinvent the wheel again.

But most importantly is that saying "I am enough unto myself" is one of the most potent poisons. Because by this very assertion you denied your very roots, and if you do so, all your activity will be nothing more than making all sorts of commotion getting nowhere fast. Where are you going to go from then on if there is nothing to grow towards? Where are you going to take your energy from if you deny your very roots by saying "I am enough unto myself"? If you are "enough", then what do you need God for?

What does it mean "I am enough to myself"? Do any of those, who gave you this idea know? Do they have a SLIGHTEST clue of what they have done to you and to themselves by saying it? Ask them! Go to their forums, visit their sites and write them some emails asking what does it mean. You can use me and state: "Mahasattva Anand Veeren, Acharya is asking you for an explanation on what do you mean by 'I am enough onto myself'". Then write me an email, if they ever answer, and we will include their explanation in this very book, with comments, of course. I would like to see a single one of them even open their mouth about that statement.

Here is what you have with this assertion:

"Aleister Crowley - Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole of Law"

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."

Hymn to Lucifer
by Aleister Crowley 33° mason.

"Ware, nor of good nor ill, what aim hath act? Without its climax, death, what savour hath Life? an impeccable machine, exact.

He paces an inane and pointless path To glut brute appetites, his sole content. How tedious were he fit to comprehend Himself! More, this our noble element Of fire in nature, love in spirit, unkenned Life hath no spring, no axle, and no end.

His body a blood-ruby radiant With noble passion, sun-souled Lucifer Swept through the dawn colossal, swift aslant On Eden's imbecile perimeter.

He blessed nonentity with every curse And spiced with sorrow the dull soul of sense, Breath life into the sterile universe, With Love and Knowledge drove out innocence. The Key of Joy is disobedience."

Aleister Crowley - Freemason

Aleister Crowley - Freemason

Aleister Crowley - Rebellion, Rock and Heavy Metal

Aleister Crowley - Rebellion, Rock and Heavy Metal

"Because of his total disregard for imposed social values and his legendary rebellion toward authority, Crowley became a hero for young people especially rock musicians of the 60s and 70s and through to the Heavy Metal acts of the 80s and 90s."

Now, Aleister Crowley was an occultist and a satanist in a literal sense, and of the most outrageous kind, to the point where he used a fecal matter mixed with blood for his occult rituals. You can hardly find a more influential representative of the Luciferian doctrine then Crowley, besides Manley P. Hall, Albert Pike and Yelena Blavatsky, all of whom were Lucifer worshippers and considered HIM to be the "true god".

I have not done any investigation on how this poison of "I am enough onto myself" proclamation came into being as far as the "inner circle" of Chandra Mohan goes, and this is the last thing in my mind to even bother about. But the very smell of it is nauseating to me. One must be UTTERLY blind to make such a proclamation and I will try to explain why do I say this.

But this has to be rectified. It has to be fully understood. Otherwise, no matter what you can do for your "spiritual growth", it is nothing more than an exercise in futility.

What I have heard is that nowadays they dumped "Osho", destroyed his samadhi (the grave of the master) and built a pub to sell the hard liquor to the "seekers" in its place and declared - "I am enough onto myself". In a subtle way, they tried to distance themselves from Chandra Mohan and minimise the impact and significance of what he has done and taught by saying it, and tried to substitute his authority with that of the "inner circle". This is beyond belief. The utmost insult to him and his work, if it was something real to begin with. Who ARE they but a bunch of blind fools compared to him, who do not necessarily even realise the full extent of what was his trip all about?

Thus, they effectively tried to destroy him by this single statement and say "hey, we are not responsible for what HE has done, we are on our own". How much more cunning can one get to do such a thing and what does it change? And I say: I changes NOTHING! What he has done can not be erased, no matter what anybody does, and what they are doing is not even close to HIS level. All they are is nothing more than "chicken shit impersonators" compared to him and his work, which is significant no matter how you cut it and what point of view you adopt.

But these "inner circle" idiots do not seem to have enough intelligence to conceive that such a statement is utterly self-destructive. Because if that were the case, then the whole thing becomes a scam. Why do you need to go to some "spiritual resort" in Pune if you are "enough onto yourself"? Do you know? Why do you even need to bother about people like "Osho" if you are "enough onto yourselves"? Can you tell me?

They simply destroyed themselves with this single statement, and more than that - they insulted all the masters and wise men before them, who tried to do all they could to help the blind.

Now. I can tell you one thing - this is exactly the message of Satanism. It is that very message of rebellion, denial and turning things upside down, they are so obsessed with, which is a trademark of this trip. In Christianity they call it "heaven on Earth without God". It is exactly the thing with Lucifer, who proclaimed himself to be God-like and demanded absolute freedom from The One - The Creator of All There Is, as a record goes. Just don't jump on me. Do some investigation. I am not peddling Christianity here although some things are simply undeniable because it is a historical record and it precisely addresses the most urgent issues of the day, and if you still have some part of your brain functioning, who knows what may come up? Do you?

Yes, you'd have to dig into this, but this is what you are going to come to inevitably as I claim. It will take quite some time for me to cover, even though I am not a babysitter to do the work for you and chew it for you, so you could swallow it and then spit into my face, making the most delusional claims conceivable, trying to justify your idiocy of anarchy, self indulgence and self-boasting lunacy. Sorry, not interested. I have done more than enough for you all.

Secondly, I only have my own opinion and about the only thing I can do is to show you some obvious pitfalls many innocent minds and hearts are likely to fall into, and try to stimulate that desire in you to learn how it REALLY is. I am not here to "teach" anyone, but to trigger something within you and break some stale patterns. If you see something out of it, sure, it would be great. If not, does not matter to me.

I just beg you on my knees NEVER EVER, under ANY circumstances buy into this delusion of "I am enough unto myself". Else you are dead. Nothing less. You have nowhere to go in that case.

Just briefly, once you declare "I am enough onto myself", you are doomed. Why? Well, because you, fools, with this very assumption, or rather zombification message, have denied your own roots, little did you know, and the hell will sooner get frozen before you see the light of day, the simplest and most obvious thing there is. Yes, it is a bit drastic. But what to do?

The thing is, no matter who you are, you are still like little children playing with fire and not realising the consequences until it is too late. Unless there is a mother or father to help you and to guide you in your actions, do you know how much of a chance you have not to get burned as a result? Guess!

You are blind to such a profound magnitude that your chances to find a way "home" on your own, without external assistance by those "who can SEE" are as slim as it gets. They are not much more than the chances of your kitten to get "enlightened".

Even on the materialistic level, if you live alone with nature, somewhere in the woods, you still need the roots, be it your garden and a tree, birds, your cow or your dog. Those are the things through which you connect to life, be it beauty of a flower or total love and dedication of your greatest friend, your dog, who is a carrier of love, the very essence and a source of life, just like you are if you can see with your own eyes. What is that "you" you think you are but a pipe dream?

The whole life experience in the physical world exists via interactions with other selves, with other forms of life, with other opinions even if they contradict your own. Because that is precisely how you learn. Remove those interactions and "opposing" opinions and your life is an exercise in futility. How can you learn without your "enemy" or without those you "hate" or without those you disagree with? They are that very stimuli for you to learn what IS eventually. Without them, you only have that which you already know. But with them, you start looking at all those contradictions and "unpleasant" things they represent and bring into your life.

You see, all they are is something that adds to the colors on your palette. You think what YOU know is "true", but then boom - something totally different. So you begin to figure out why is it so different and which point of view is valid, at least as applicable to you and your quest. So, it adds the new dimensions to your search of who you really are. If you just sit on some Himalayan mountain and "meditate" all your life - you learn nothing of physical domain. Your entire life will be a waste.

This is the very nature of physical domain - contradictions, no matter how uncomfortable or even destructive some of them are. Without contradictions how can you learn? They provide the very stimuli to learn how it IS in reality. Without them, what is the stimuli to learn something new? You just sit and vegetate like a vegetable in some garden. Everything is nice and kosher. What do you need to do and for what? There is nothing to reconcile. This is the very crux of the matter of the physical domain and this is the very nature of "good" versus "evil".

So, learning comes from contradictions. If there is no contradictions and everything is "nice and kosher" what are you going to learn and why? You see, you learn when something does not "fit", does not reconcile. And those contradictions come from interactions with others, who have different views than yours.

There are only two major things in life - learning and creation, that will inevitably bring you to Love, no matter how long will it take. Except, in a certain way, Love is a result, not a goal, even though it is inherent in the very life. Yes, it may be said that Love is that very primary motivation for you to create something and yearn for something. Except, initially, it is subconscious. But once you learn all the lessons for you to learn, it becomes fully conscious. That is the difference. Subconscious love is just a potential and it is often misguided and misused.

That is the very purpose of it as far as I know. You learn and create, create and learn new aspects that were not even known before your creative act. In learning there is creation, in creation there is learning. And it does not matter how "grand" or how "insignificant" is your learning or creation as it PRECISELY corresponds to your level. FOREVER.

There is no such a thing as "insufficient" learning or "insignificant" creation. All of it is Grand, down to the last dot and comma. You have created something new, at least in your own view. And that learning and creation brings joy, and that joy is what makes you want to continue. It reinforces life and makes it ultimately valid, at least in your own view, at least in your own context. And that is ALL that counts "at the end", even if others deny the validity of it or try to minimise its significance, most likely because of their own "problems".

If you do not appreciate even the smallest and seemingly "insignificant" acts of your creation or learning - that is probably the biggest mistake you can make as far as I know. All other "mistakes" can be "forgiven". But not these. The very reason they seem "insignificant" or even "futile" is because you have been programmed with all sorts of ideas of others and you start comparing your "achievements" with those, for example, of some "great authority", and you say: well, what have I created compared to some great artist, poet or whatever? But why do you need to compare yourself with others? Are you supposed to be nothing more than a copy of someone and behave like him? Or are you merely greedy? What YOU have created or learned is not "enough" for some reason? Strange. You are UNIQUE and that is precisely why you ARE. If you were like others, there would be no rational reason for you to exists. Duplication is not CREATION. At best, it is optimisation of resources.

And there is FOREVER something grander than you, no matter who you are and how great are your "spiritual" achievements, no matter what kind of a "master" you are. Learning and creation never stop. It simply can not as once it stops you are dead, you don't belong to this world.

And this is precisely the biggest crime of Chandra Mohan, as this is simply inevitable outcome of his entire doctrine of "fuck it all and let the world go to hell, as long as I get my enlightenment carrot to chase forever". "All I care is to 'enjoy' myself". "All I want is 'freedom'". And they sing about this "freedom" in your Rock and Roll so called music. And they zombify you with it on all the shows of "liberal" kind. And they print it all over the place on their slogans of "freedom and democracy", while, at the same time, waging wars with sword and fire.

What kind of freedom a zombie or a biorobot may even imagine, being programmed like a puppet? What is freedom in the mind of a slave, which is what most of people are, because they allowed it and even helped to enslave themselves by blindly submitting to the doctrine fed to a majority, without even examining any of it?

What is love? Do you know? If you are enough unto yourself, what do you need love for beyond sex, which isn't even love in most cases? Just screw them all and stuff your belly, shake your ass and expose your big bronze balls in self-pride. What do you need anything else for beyond yourselves and your mercantile interests and petty, animalistic desires?

What do you need that "greatest master of all times", Chandra Mohan, for, if you are "enough onto yourself"? Why do you need to pay attention to what people like Jesus said if you are "enough"? And I would like to see a single one of you who would be able to come up with things as compelling as what he said. Not every single word of what is written about it, indeed. But there are all sorts of reasons for it, and the main one is that his message was deliberately distorted and scriptures were rewritten to discredit him and his message.

What counts is if there is ANYTHING true in it, even if it was said by Chandra Mohan himself, who spilled more poison than all of them combined. But it does not matter. At least you LEARN something from it, and probably the most important thing to learn is not to be merely a fool, accepting all sorts of wild and even destructive ideas of his on their face value and accepting them blindly without examination. And that is probably his greatest contribution. Because he turned the whole table upside down and left you in utter confusion.

But he did present you with a certain point of view, with certain perception. Except now you have to carefully separate the bitter fruits from the sweet ones. At least he provided you with STIMULI, with something that upsets your entire system of zombification and all the rot you have gathered within yourself while not even knowing it.

And that is what the "negative" aspect is for, commonly known as satanism. You STILL learn from all those contradictions, denials and all sorts of evil it forever creates to confuse you, thus providing a "catalyst" as they classify it.

The purpose of evil is for you to learn Good as the highest "authorities" of their world state. But seeing all this violence, separation, hate and monstrosity, you may start craving for the Ultimate Law - the Law of One, and it states:

We are all one - inseparable by ANY kinds of illusions. Me is not separable from you and you are not separable from your dog for that matter.

So, by saying "I am enough onto myself" you deny the highest peak there is. Because you make yourself separated from others, as though you do not need anyone or anything, which is nothing less than suicide. You are finished with that assertion.

Do you see how they screwed you in your very soul? First, they took away your roots, and then they made you think that you are "enough unto yourself", so there exists nothing else but you. There are no roots of any kind in you beyond your self-image. The whole world turns around you, right? All you need to do is to sit and masturbate all day long. Is it what you are saying to yourself by accepting this poison?

You get drunk or stoned out of your head or go shake your ass at some zombification party, utterly unconsciously, and that is all most of you care for, because this is all there is to life if you denied your very roots. You become a tree uprooted.

And WHO are you? Unfortunately, most of you are nothing but zombies and biorobots, programmed with some materialistic doctrine of self-service, utterly brainless animals, brainwashed to oblivion, and I do not mean it to be insulting. The sorriest thing conceivable. And it is very unfortunate, but one has to agree with ZioNazis and Freemasons who do not even consider you to be human, as there is not even a trace of anything rational in most of you. Otherwise, how could you be lead by your noses and accept the most obvious and blatant lies as truth?

According to Gurdjieff, as quoted by Osho, vast majority of people are not even conscious. He said there are two kinds of people, those who have consciousness and those who do not. Not that I agree with this definition, but it certainly makes a point. Even going back to ancient Rome it was known that all that the herd needs is "bread and circus".

And this is essentially what most of you are. Not that it is inherent in you, something intrinsic. I, personally, do not accept this concept and many times over I was told by the people who have brains: why are you trying to help them? Why waste energy on it? This is what they are and they get exactly what they deserve. But I just do not see some biological or genetic foundation in it.

People are slaves simply because they allowed it as far as I can see. There is no such a thing as inherent slavery in my mind. They simply denied anything else. They simply made no effort to even look. Just look at the simplest thing there is, the work of Jesus. What he said is so simple and so obvious, pretty much on its face value, that I can not conceive a kind of idiocy that would prevent anyone from understanding it, even a five year old child.

Because he was talking to the simplest people, who had no concept of of fancy philosophy. And the proofs he provided could be verified in their own lives. Even when he said "my father", which seems to be a strange concept, he was saying it so they could understand. Because even a child knows that a father is the source of him. What could be simpler and more obvious than this? He did not use the terms like the infinite, all pervading intelligence, or the very essence of existence, because they would never understand it.

And he warned them SPECIFICALLY about this very issue, saying that even a branch needs a wine to grow from. So they could understand it in simple terms they could relate to. His simple analogies with the real life issues are nothing but pointers to the grandest laws of life as such. Even a child could see the truthness of it. And that wine is what God, or rather, Creator is. And, no matter how you look at, it is still the same, be it the most futile thing conceivable. There is still a SOURCE of it. God is hiding everywhere so you could find It. The Infinite Ever Unfolding Intelligence is inherent in the smallest and most "insignificant" thing there is. It is that very root from which Life springs into Being.

And that is what he argued with Pharisees, the book worms, whose books were full of flashy concepts no one can even really understand but everyone was to submit to, and submit under most horrific threats of being stoned to death. More than that, those concepts were all lies and manipulations of your minds. And he did provide the actual proofs, and such compelling proofs that even the sophisticated and educated Pharisees, who studied those scriptures morning to night, every day of their lives, had no argument and were forced to retreat. What does it tell you?

What do you need ten thousand lectures, filled with sophisticated mind manipulation tricks, for? Just read the New Testament. But read the earliest version on record as the later versions were perverted and distorted. For example, the William Tyndale's Translation of 1526. It has been said that all the versions after King James have been corrupted and the meaning was distorted and perverted.

Bible - William Tyndale's Translation (1526)

At least it was spoken by someone, who was never caught being a liar or manipulator. And yes, some of it could have been misunderstood, mistranslated and even perverted deliberately. So you need to be watchful and not merely accept it as some kind of religious fanatic. But the information base is there and plenty of it could not be disproved to this day. How many have tried?

He did not even try to hide while he knew perfectly well that they will destroy him, and, knowing who they were, it was pretty much inevitable that he will be tortured and ritually sacrificed to their idol, Moloch. As if he did, he would be accused of being simply a coward. He is not like Chandra Mohan, who ran away from the ranch abandoning "his people", trying to save his own skin, afraid to face the truth of all that has been done in his name. Interestingly enough, he said even if you throw an atom bomb at us, "my people" are going to dance on the streets. In that case, why did not ye stay with them to the end, no matter what, and even come out on the streets with them to have a last dance? Was he trying to save someone but his own skin?

And what does it mean "my people"? What are they - some objects to be possessed like puppets? How can anyone be someone else's man or a woman?

And Jesus told those Pharisees "Your father is the devil. He was a murderer from the beginning and a father of lies. When he speaks, he speaks of his own". Meaning, he speaks of his own authority, and not that which is Truth. He speaketh not of the word of God, the very essence of existence. He could care less about Truth as such.

This "he speaks of his own" [authority as something separate and self-sufficient, on the par with God] is the greatest insight imaginable, the deepest "secret" there is. It is the same thing as "thou can not make a single hair white or black". And unless you SEE this ultimate mystery and realise its significance, all your "seeking" will be nothing worth of even mentioning. What he is hinting at here is the Infinite All Pervading Intelligence, the Creator, the One and All, and the One IN All. This is the ultimate level of SEEING.

All you need to read is one small book called the New Testament instead of wasting your life on all these shiny objects and concepts, and piles upon piles of masters, ideas and you name it. What do you need all those piles for? Do you think Truth can be described in so many words and so many books?

And it IS a puzzle, a puzzle of your Life, nothing less, and if you will be able to resolve that riddle and SEE and HEAR, that will be like an explosion within you and all the mysteries of Life, no matter what they are, will be revealed to you. There is no need to BELIEVE ANY of it. Unless you SEE and FEEL it in your very heart, it is nothing more than worthless propaganda of religious kind.

How many of you read that small book? Are you THAT closed in your mind that you will not even allow any other concept to enter, and instead, get blinded by all these promises of some "paradise on earth without God" and all these "far out" ideas that simply blind you with their seeming brilliance?

How many years of your lives many of you have spent on this "Osho" trip? And what is the result? What I see nearly every place I look is such a disgust, it is beyond belief. I simply do not believe all the idiocy I see. And that is what Jesus said about it - they dazzle you with shiny objects and concepts. But that light has no roots as it comes directly from darkness. And that darkness is this very idea of "you are enough onto yourself" we are talking about here. Because what you are left with with this assertion is darkness and separation as you have denied the very root from which the juice of life flows into your being, and you closed your window with thick cloth, which does not allow the Light to come in.

And this is an exact idea of Lucifer, and the very root of his proclamation "I AM God myself", also shared by The Orion Group, as some claim, that rule the earth through their puppets of Rothschild and the Illuminati kind. All the evil you see, all the violence, wars, domination, greed, lies and deceit and the rest of that which rules the world is the result of this exact idea of "I am enough onto myself". This is the root idea of so called materialism, which is an ancient idea of a belly being the only real thing in existence.

It is not light, but radiation with the rays of death, nothing less. What is so difficult to grasp? What is it that you can not see? What prevents you from seeing?

You can read the entire New Testament in a couple of days, so small it is, and, as far as I can see, it eventually reduces to a few of pages representing the most essential Truths that are self-evident. His whole teaching can fit in just those few of pages. It is not a mountain of concoctions of all kinds such as the Talmud. And you can simply ignore those things that look like something impossible, such as all those miracles, about which Jesus explicitly said: "but do not tell this to anyone". How many even know what all those miracles mean? Are you THAT sure there is no hidden meaning even in those seemingly impossible things? I am not so certain.

Furthermore, it has been said that the New Testament and the Bible were perverted and some things were added, modified or misinterpreted for the square purpose of discrediting Jesus. So, no need to be fanatic about it.

Here is just one example: Jacob H. Schiff, the leader of Zionists, finances the complete rewriting of the Bible

But I tell you one thing: no matter what they did to it, they could not distort some of those things, and that is precisely why John's version is said to have been encoded with a triple key. So even if you try to pervert it, it won't work. It will simply break, and those things that look like there is nothing to it, will, all of a sudden, spring to life after thousands of years and all the attempts to corrupt it. It can not be done. That is one of the reasons for encoding - to make sure the message survives for as long as the man remains primitive. But, sooner or later his intelligence will grow to the point where he can decode the hidden meaning.

If there is Truth, there is no power or force to prevent it from springing into life one day. Not possible. It will lay there latent for thousands of years, until you are ready to see. Nothing can be done if you are blind and can not see even having eyes and can not hear even having ears.

All you need to do is to read it and see if you can find those obvious things with which you can agree with in your very heart, those things that are obvious to you on their face value. And I claim there exists those couple of pages with undeniable Truth and the hell itself will sooner get frozen than it can be disproved, and I mean PROOFS, not just concepts and abstract ideas about God. How do you know what he meant by God? Can you tell me?

And you read it again, and again, and SEE. No need to believe anything. Why should you? All you need is to pay attention to that which "rings the bell" within you and you begin to SEE. All you need is a key with which to decode it, and that key is expressed in a SINGLE word. Do you know that word, which is a key to decode all the mysteries of Life? That word, by itself, contains the entire message of Jesus.

Yes, that word, that key may look as something insignificant, if used by itself. You may not even recognize that there is a deeper meaning to it. Because it is multi-layered - within the meaning there is deeper meaning, and within that meaning there is still a deeper meaning. But once you SEE, you will recognize the triple encoding and only then the Grand nature of that ultimate meaning will reveal itself to you. And that is precisely why the most significant Truths remain uncorrupted. No one will even suspect or pay attention to it and won't notice anything unusual or "dangerous" in it, if one is interested in destroying or perverting the Truth.

To me, what is said there constitutes the most fundamental truths to which you will inevitably come no matter what kind of system you follow, be it Yoga, Zen or Chandra Mohan, or what path you travel. Everything eventually reduces to those things Jesus outlined in his short message, no matter what system you follow. At the end, either you will see those things via different path, or you have wasted your whole life following all sorts of systems promising you the "paradise on earth without God".

You can not exist without roots. That is the LAW of existence and not just some fancy theory. Don't get blinded by all those shiny ideas and concepts that are meant to zombify you with the ideas that there are no roots in existence. That is a fatal flaw, and what will happen at the end, and inevitably so, is death and destruction, which is only possible if you deny the very roots. Otherwise you can not destroy. Not possible. You will understand that you are connected and to many things and people, just like your friend for example. Can you destroy your friend?

So, this is not something intrinsic to me, but a result of never ending assault on your very soul, the non-ending zombification, which eventually convinces you to give up even looking for something grander than the most futile, animalistic desires of egocentric kind.

But all you want to hear is some doctrine of happiness and "freedom", and you will be doing exactly as you are told and following exactly the things they told you to follow. You will swallow any crap they feed you, all thousand volumes of it, never even checking and verifying any of it with your own eyes, and getting sucked in deeper and deeper and deeper. You are in crap up to your ears by now is what I see. Did any of you even pay attention to what has been done to you, to your intelligence or your very soul?

And they will create such a hell for you that you will eventually and inevitably be willing to sacrifice that very "freedom" just to end that hell on earth which broke loose, just as it is happening right now, this very moment.

And you do not even realize they have done this to you all starting at about 250 years ago, which is when the machine of evil most profound went into a full swing with Rothschilds creating the Illuminati secret society of evil, and, by now, very few of you can even recognize that you are in hell, LITERALLY. Just look around. And that hell is not somewhere "out there". It is sitting right smack in the middle of your confused being, deluded by all sorts of lies and cunningest tricks to control and dominate you and anyone else for that matter, with very few exceptions. And those satanists that perverted every single thing that was forever considered to be sacred, are laughing their asses at you. Because they have you by your balls, no matter what kind of a "revolutionary" system of "religion-less religiousness" you adopt or follow.

Without roots you are nothing, and that is what Jesus told you, but you did not listen. You just howled "kill him, kill him!" For what, you fools? What had he done to deserve to be killed? Telling you that you are in crap up to your ears? And how many centuries have passed and you still do not even see it to this very day?

What else did he tell you that deserves to be killed for? To tell you:

4. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

12. This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.

13. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

15. Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.

(John 15:4,12-15)

What is so difficult to comprehend? Try to compare just these few statements with all the hundreds of volumes of Chandra Mohan and try to find a single place where he respects you like Jesus did and which is as obvious on its face value as these few statements.

And these are the most fundamental truths there are. If you can not even understand the simplest possible language used by Jesus, then what do you think can be done to your mind, zombified for hundreds and thousands of years? What could be simpler and more true than what he told you? Do you know?

And I tell you: those who told you this biggest lie: "I am enough unto myself", throw them into fire. They are the servants of Lucifer. They are not even human, even though at least some of them do not even suspect it.

When I saw it, I could not believe my own eyes. How could this be? Is it the continuation of the work of Chandra Mohan? Well, yes it is, as unfortunately as it looks. This is what INEVITABLY happens when "blind lead the blind". They both "fall into a ditch", just as Jesus told you all.

All that they said with this idea is exactly the same thing as Chandra Mohan did forever - condemning all and everything but himself and his "far out" ideology of "enjoy and let the world and anyone else go to hell". "Do not worry about others". "Just do your own thing", screw with anyone that comes your way. Laugh like an idiot. That is all there is to life. In other words: welcome to hell.

What is the meaning of life?

Before we start on this one, I can tell you, as far as I can see, the "meaning of life" is simple - to learn, and to create and learn out of it, and what Chandra Mohan will be talking about below - "dancing and singing", is a fruit of that learning. That joy is not a joy of some unconscious "dancing and singing", it is a joy of learning something new and seeing how life springs out of mere potential.

That is the real "freshness", freshness of forever learning when new aspects are revealed to you if you pay attention, and that is the REAL "dancing and singing" to me. Otherwise that dancing will be nothing more than shaking your ass just like all others, while being utterly unaware of what is that you are doing in fact.

I'd like to look at one the most profound issues and show you how the mind manipulation and mind conditioning techniques work. This is just an example case. We could look at nearly all of his teachings and the end result will be along the same lines more or less. In the following quote everything looks nice and dandy, and you can look at it this way indeed. But is it true what Chandra Mohan says and to what extent? Here is the quote. We'll comment in place, meaning the comments will be intermingled with the quote:

When people are young, they don't ask, "What is the meaning of life?" Their youth, their overflowing energy, is enough meaning, is enough significance. They are still capable of love. They are still capable of a dance, a song, a celebration. Death has not overshadowed their lives yet.

First of all, what does death have to do with it, and how death can overshadow nothing less than Life itself? Is it possible? Are you doing things because of concerns with death or Life?

Secondly, one is capable of dance and song and celebration regardless of anything. Even if you can barely stand on your feet, you can still dance. Just look at Chandra Mohan himself. Because of his extremely poor health and back problems, he could not really dance because that would hurt too much. But he still danced with his hands and I have seen it with my own eyes, standing face to face with him at a distance of reach of one's hand.

Even when you are laying in your death bed, you can still dance and sing and celebrate, without even moving a finger or a toe.

So, as far as "They are still capable of a dance, a song, a celebration. Death has not overshadowed their lives yet", not necessarily.

First of all, the youth and overflowing energy have no meaning or significance as such, beyond the fact that you are young and are still full of energy, which you will inevitably dissipate as you go on. What is the meaning of you having a meal and filling full? What is the meaning of you having sex, for god's sake? What is the meaning of meaning in that case? Sure, you can extract some meaning even from a street pole, if you want to. You can even extract some "meaning" from nothing.

So, basically, what he said here is utter perversion of the very essence of the term "meaning". That is for starters. Trying to stick some meaning on some utterly meaningless things is what means a lie. And if you start with lies, what do you think you are going to end up with?

When you are young you are simply unconscious for the most part. You just run around doing whatever comes to your mind or your senses, throwing your energy left and right, as though there is an infinite pool of it available to you. You do not even realise that you are throwing the most precious and limited resource of yours - your life energy, as if there is no end to it.

Largely, as UG Krishnamurti calls it, it is a "sensual response". Whatever comes into your senses, you respond or react to, thinking "hey, this is what life is all about". In fact, you do not even stop to think for a moment in most cases. You just run around. You do not even consider whether you should even bother with it, as it may turn out to be a pure waste of time and your very life energy, which is not unlimited, which is simply an exercise in futility, some utterly meaningless thing. Just look around and within yourself and see isn't how far do you think you deaththis exactly what is going on?

Otherwise, you may claim "this is what enlightenment" is - just running around, "singing and dancing under the stars". But IS it? Just running around and bumping into things achieves what and in what sense? Yes, this IS your freedom, but the real learning happens when you bump into something that does not reconcile, something that stops you in some way, something that prevents you from your mindless running around. If you just keep running around, what is the difference between you and an animal, or even an amoeba? You see, an amoeba also runs around and bumps into things and consumes them or gets consumed by other amoeba and "becomes one with them", just like in "enlightenment". But where is the meaning in it?

As far as "their overflowing energy, is enough meaning, is enough significance", it is nothing but bluff, or, rather, a deliberate attempt to delude you and reduce the very notion of meaning to nothing of meaning and significance. Have you seen a child, full of overflowing energy, who, all of a sudden, started to run across the street, not even realizing that he or she could be killed by a car?

The overflowing energy carries no meaning in itself beyond the fact that when you are young, your energy resources are at their peak, which means nothing. Energy is just an energy TO BE USED. The meaning comes when you use that energy in a meaningful way and LEARN something out of it. Otherwise, what is the difference between you and an idiot, running around and making all sorts of noise, signifying nothing? It simply means you have a lot of energy.

Secondly, what it means is that you are still not as corrupt and programmed with stale ideas of submission like the older people are. But where is the MEANING in it? - Well - none, other than you have a POTENTIAL and a life resource. Otherwise, the very notion of "meaning" looses its meaning and becomes meaningless. You may as well attach some "meaning" to your table. After all, it is there and you do some things sitting at it. So it must have some "meaning".

So, to claim that the very fact you have lots of energy in itself has some meaning is nothing more than manipulation of your minds in order to destroy the very notion of meaning and reduce it to nonsense.

The moment a person starts asking, "What is the meaning of life?" it means he has become old -- it does not matter at what age. His question emphatically shows that he has lost touch with life, lost touch with love, lost touch with vitality, and wherever he looks it is all emptiness. The question has become significant to him -- why is he living? In fact, he has died; his life is posthumous.

Not necessarily. I remember myself looking for a meaning since I was a child and it could be expressed very simply "but what and how it REALLY is? What is hidden behind the appearances?"

I have noticed from early childhood that some, if not most people seem to lie all the time and even in the situations where there is no need to. They APPEAR to be something which deep inside they are not. Many, if not most of them are cowards and chameleons. They PRETEND to look like someone who they are not. They forever teach you about "good" or "smart" or "honorable" things and deeds, but then turn around and do exactly the opposite of what they teach you. They teach you the virtues of honesty, but most of them are profoundly dishonest, to the very core of their beings.

So, the question was simple: "but how and what it REALLY is"? And it has absolutely nothing to do with death. In fact, as I tell a story from my life in this book, I was given a lesson about the very essence of death when I was about six years old, and the "answer" or "meaning" of it was quite shocking. Essentially, it meant death has no meaning by itself beyond fear of loosing your identity, your sense of "I". There is no inherent pain or fear in it, unless you bring it in artificially with your mind projections.

When you run around long enough, doing all those mostly useless and meaningless things, thinking this is what life is, after a while, you start noticing things begin to repeat. They no longer have that freshness of the first take on it. They are no longer that "fun" you thought they were. After a while, it simply gets boring. Doing the same stupid things forever. What's the "end goal"? What is the point in all that unconscious activity? It turns out to be nothing more than some meaningless routine of unconscious behavior.

Unless you learn something new out of it, unless you notice that what you do is all but waste, waste of your life energy for nothing. Well, not exactly for nothing, as no matter for how long have you been running you still learned quite a bit, even out of utterly spontaneous situations where you did not have any particular intent. You still learn.

As far as "it is all emptiness", that is how and why Buddha Gautama has become enlightened. When he saw a dead man by the road, his whole life has been short circuited. It lost its meaning, which it did not even have to begin with until he saw that dead man by the road. Only then, the very issue of meaning came up in his mind. It was a full stop.

Only after realization of that "emptiness" and "futility", you obtain certain capacity "to separate the burgers from the flies", to recognize which actions of yours lead you nowhere and which actions bring satisfaction, fulfillment and learning something new. So you start using your life energy wisely and not merely throw it left and right doing this unconscious "dancing and singing" number, which in itself signifies nothing. How could it help you to grow and learn things? If you "dance and sing" all your life without doing anything else, you will remain a totally brainless idiot, not different from a monkey. Even monkeys learn.

Life of an unconscious being is not life, but "walking dead". The potential has to be actualised in order for any meaning and significance to come into picture.

The moment a person asks, "What is the meaning of life?" it is the question of a dead man -- who still breathes, whose heart still beats, but it is all like a robot. All poetry, all rainbows have disappeared ... no sunrises at all. It seems the night is eternal. It seems that he must have dreamt about the days when he had seen the light; they were not real.

Just the other way around.

What Chandra Mohan is feeding you here is a propaganda of meaninglessness of the NWO agenda, just as you see on all the "shows" any place you look. This is exactly the methodology to make you a thoughtless biorobot and a zombie, shaking his ass in utter ecstasy of idiocy of a slave, whose brains are washed so well, that the only "meaning" he knows is how to shake his ass.

This is a pure grade lie and I mean it. An ugly lie, manipulation and perversion of the very essence of Life. I claim when you wasted enough of your life energy, your resources, and have seen that you seem to be running in circles with all this unconscious activity, you are BOUND to ask this question. If you are a painter, would you simply throw a tube of your paint on a canvas without seeing how much of it do you need and in what place on your painting?

In fact, I claim this is one of the most significant questions there is. The other one is "who am I and what I am doing here".

Yes, those are not the kind of questions that have some easy answers, as it indicates that you have come to some point of maturity after running like a fool all your life, not knowing what is he seeking and what for and what was he doing his entire life. Just running around, "dancing and singing"?

What makes you different from a giggling baby? What is the difference between you and a bird singing all day long?

I happen to live next to one of the most prestigious clubs and I see this "innocent dancing and singing" nearly every day as crowds of these teens gather by my window for some reason and shout, laugh hysterically at 2 o'clock at night, some of them being drunk out of their head to the point of being unconscious. It is simply insanity. There isn't a word or idea in their mind worth even listening. Just utter insanity. Now, according to Chandra Mohan, this is what "real" "dancing and singing" is. THIS is what "joy" is. UTTER idiocy of an unconscious animal-like creature who isn't even aware of what he is saying or laughing about. The most primitive state of a human being bordering on lunacy and psychosis.

And they gather like a herd right by my windows, a step or two away, well over midnight and shout so loud that it will wake up even the dead ones. So, their "enjoyment" creates a hell for all the people that are asleep. Can you imagine being asleep and, all of a sudden, hearing the shouts like someone is getting killed?

I do not even see these people alive even though formally they are alive. He says "robots"? WHO? They are dead to me, just like zombies and biorobots, whose brains were washed so well that they can not even think or see anything beyond their programming of unconscious convulsions they call dancing and singing.

"All poetry, all rainbows have disappeared ... no sunrises at all"?. - Pure grade crap, and so is the rest of that paragraph. A "poetry" of an unconscious is nothing but a noise. And once you ask these questions then the REAL "surprises" begin to happen to you, as you start being sensitive to those things you have never paid attention to.

Old age, when death is just standing close to you, creates the question, "What is the meaning of life?"

Crap. It is not an old age, but maturity, which is quite a natural process. No matter who you are and what you do, it comes eventually unless you are a totally blind fool that never paid attention to the results of what he did his entire life. And to deny it is to deny your very life and a learning process. And be grateful you have come to this point when you are mature enough to ask these questions. Otherwise, you whole life is a waste. Not that you will necessarily find some simple answers of "yes" and "no" type, but the very fact you asked is an indication of your maturity. Now you can start looking at life from a totally different angle and not that unconscious running of yours, throwing your energy left and right thinking it to be just a "fun" of life.

Secondly, ALL the phases of life have their purpose and significance. You can not deny and minimise the significance of an old age just as you can not do it for a young age. Those are different stages of growth, each having its own purpose. If the fruit does not grow to its "old age", all you get is bitterness and acidity in it. You can not even eat it. The old age is your fruition and it is your "examination" moment. It is the summary of your entire life. And if you can remain joyous in the old age, it means your Life was not a waste and you have learned the lessons of it. Only then your "dancing and singing" become meaningful. It means you have learned from Life the most precious lessons.

Sooner or later, if you have any degree of intelligence and awareness, you are bound to ask these questions, and that is precisely where REAL life starts I claim. All your unconscious running was nothing more than a preparation for something real, something that distinguishes you from an animal or a giggling baby.

What is fulfillment? Is there such a thing? The fulfillment comes as a result of maturity of a fruit. Only then the real sweetness comes. When the fruit is young, it still has bitterness and acidity. Yes, it does have all the POTENTIAL to become sweet and fully mature. But is is just a stepping stone, a potential.

But when you are alive, when death is far away beyond the horizon of your vision, who cares about the meaning of life? -- you live it, you have it, you sing it, you dance it. It is in every breath, it is in every beat of your heart.

First of all, death is NEVER "far away". It is there every moment, and it does not depend on how young you are and what kind of ideas you have in your head. You can be hit by the brick falling from a building or killed in a car accident. And your "vision" is irrelevant. If you ask a young soldier on a battle field "how far do you think your death is", what do you think he is going to answer? Or ask the same question of someone who climbs the Himalayan mountains or is trying to cross an ocean on a piece of wood, or is a car racer. They LIVE with death! It does not matter how "strong" or how young you are.

Seconly, what do you need that "enlightenment" carrot for? Just "sing and dance under the sky" all day long. What's the point of this "enlightenment" trip that will take all your life? Or do you think you can just jump into it with this "dancing and singing" trick while remaining a blind fool you are? How? What is "enlightenment" then?

Do you see how these "masters" feed you this crap? What do you need a "master" for? You danced and sang and ran all over the place when you were a child. There was not even a need for you to bother with anything. Does it mean you were "enlightened"?

I claim unless you ask these questions you whole life is a waste. You will never come to focus and can not possibly learn what is Truth and what is God. Not possible. You don't bother with those things out of unconscious activity, utterly unfocused. You only bother with them when you mature enough to even ask.

Once something really profound happens in your life, such as loosing your friend or your mother, or getting screwed out of all you had and see this utterly unnecessary violence and insensitivity, you are bound to ask these questions, finally realising that life is not just some unlimited pool of "free" energy and unconscious shaking of your ass, leading you nowhere but a state of confusion.

I claim this utter grade crap he is feeding you here with all this "sing and dance" idiocy can only be said by someone who has never created anything in his entire life. No creative person who has ever brought anything to life out of nothing, out of mere potential, can possibly agree with all this utterly irresponsible blabber, or even worse, a zombification procedure. Those things that I have seen created in my own life and with my own hands were not just "singing and dancing under the starts", even though true, without a joy of it creativity becomes just a business. But the amount of work, necessary to create something alive is monumental. You pay with your life for all those little bits of your own creation and creativity as such. And if someone tells me it was all just "singing and dancing", I'd take it as an insult of sorts. No, it is not. You have to pay the topmost dollar for it, your life.

One thing has to be understood clearly: that the people who have asked so-called great questions about the meaning of life, about the meaning of the very existence, about the meaning of love, about the meaning of beauty, are thought to be great philosophers but they have one foot in the grave. Just before slipping into their graves, they are raising all these questions.

No other path but life from "Beyond Enlightenment"

- Utter crap. I am not trying to say what I say is how it really is. You'd have to check it out on your own. All I am saying is that your mind may be manipulated with these "explanations" Chandra Mohan gives you and you won't ever suspect that his motivation for telling you his version was something utterly different then what you thought it is.

Can you be certain that the reason he tells you these lies is not because of simple mercantile interests of his? You see, this idea of simply "dancing and singing" will keep you an easily manipulatable idiot. Because you have no depth. You become like a puppet in his theatre.

What I see in what he says is an attempt to disconnect you from your roots, to remove the very possibility for you to ever ask the questions of the most profound significance and thus open up a doorway for you to find something of real value. Instead, he offers you these delusions of "dancing and singing", just like a totally unconscious fool who has "no eyes to see and no ears to hear".

The very purpose of such explanations as Chandra Mohan provides is to prevent you from ever seeing anything beyond ordinary self-indulgence and most futile idiocy.

And this is how these "masters" screw you. And screw you in your very soul, while presenting it all as some kind of a way to "enlightenment". I claim the only possibility is for you to fall into utter darkness with all this "spiritual" garbage that was not even meant to serve your own interests and needs, or to open your eyes on something of grand significance.

Finally, I have to mention - yes, there is such a concept as "dancing and singing" in all the traditions of the world. For example, in India life is called Lilah - playfulness. It is true that unless there is JOY in your life, it is but a waste. Yes, life IS playfulness. But even there, playfulness without awareness is simply stupidity. Unless playfulness leads to CREATIVITY, or a result of it, it is nothing but a waste. Unless playfulness brings fulfillment it means nothing.

Fulfillment is the fruit. Creativity, which is that, which brings fulfillment is the way. Awareness, which is presence, is a methodology. Recognition of the grand nature of existence is the goal. Realisation of oneness of all is the ultimate in your search and in your life.

That is how I see it.

Domination - you are nothing but a slave!

And remember, sometimes similarities happen... If a Buddha moves amongst you, you will be dominated by him, although he is not dominating you. He is not trying to dominate you, but you will be dominated because he is the master of himself.

And he is such a master that all around him whosoever moves will become a slave. But there is no conscious effort on his part. Rather, on the contrary, he will continually insist, "Be your own master - remember this." And this insistence is because of this knowledge.

Buddha knows that whosoever comes around him will become a slave. He is not doing anything; he is not trying to dominate anyone, but he knows this will happen.

His last dying words were, "Be a lamp unto yourself." He was dying, and Ananda asked him, just a day before his actual death, "When you will be no more, what shall we do?" He said,

"It is good that I shall be no more. Then you can be your own master. Be a lamp unto yourself; forget me. It is good, because when I am no more you will be freed from my domination."

... This was the case with Rasputin, who dominated Russia, before Lenin, just through his eyes. He was an ordinary peasant, uneducated, but with very magnetic eyes, and he came to know how to use this. The moment he would look at you, you would forget yourself, and in that moment he could send any suggestion to you telepathically and you would follow it. That is how he dominated the Czar and the Czarina, the royal family, and through them, the whole Russia. Nothing could be done without his will.

The third eye and psychic eye power from: Vigyan Bhairav Tantra Volume 1

To make a long story short, Chandra Mohan was zombifying you with the idea that in order to get "enlightened" you have to be a slave. And the ugliest thing in this is that he is manipulating no one less than Buddha to justify his own totalitarian tendencies of a dictator. Would be interesting to hear Buddha's opinion on this.

This is called the joy of slavery! Or, in order to become "enlightened" you need to become a slave first. Only out of genuine slavery you can achieve true freedom (from life)!

Interestingly enough, J. Krishnamurti, whom Chandra Mohan called not only "enlightened" but even claimed they are like buddies, they do the same work, only in different ways, had this to say about Chandra Mohan:

"I have received thousands of letters from all over the world asking why i do not speak out in public against this man. but i will not, as it is not my way.

"The man is a criminal. You have to understand this very clearly. What he is doing to people in the name of spirituality is criminal.

"One must never give to another human being - and he is simply a human being - your ultimate manifestation of consciousness, which is your ability to make decisions for yourself.

"You have made a great mistake in giving him that power for twelve years, but understand this:

"No man has power except the power his followers give him. That is why he needs people around him all the time, and the more the better."

See: Krishnamurti

Yes, indeed, Chandra Mohan, being a self admitted dictator had to invent something of this kind just to justify his own megalomaniacal tendencies. He simply HAD to make it look like something "natural". The very fact you came to him is because you WERE looking for some puppeteer to tell you what to do, who is who and what is what. That's the whole point of this most disgusting lie about the so called masters and their "enlightenment" carrot. Unless you are a TOTAL slave, unless you TOTALLY "surrender" your intelligence to them, you will never reach that carrot.

Except they do not tell you that the very carrot is a myth and the very idea behind it is to enslave you, to submit you to THEIR will and THEIR world view, and THEIR ideas like they are some gods. But ARE they?

They do not tell you that you can NOT reach that carrot in principle, no matter what, because that is the very purpose of this carrot - to NEVER be reached and to keep you in dependence of forever seeing it and craving for it. They do not tell you that the very carrot is an artificial concoction, an illusion, a dream, which can not be fulfilled in principle. It is no different than a drug you become addicted to.

Do ANY of you know what that carrot is, what it consists of, how does it taste, and what will happen even if you achieve it? So, what are you chasing all your life? Do you even know? HOW? How can you POSSIBLY know that, which you do not know the nature of and have never tasted and have never experienced of how it feels afterwards? By simply accepting someone else's idea about it? What do you think are your bets on what you will eventually get out of it is what you expected? And what did you expect? Do you know?

Do you think you can just jump into some "superstate" called "enlightenment" bypassing all the issues and all your misunderstandings of Life? Do you think your "problems" are going to go away somehow, magically? To go away where? They are still sitting inside you, except they simply become suppressed.

To me, you don't become "enlightened". You simply and gradually GROW, day by day, step by step, SEEING that what you thought as some conflict was actually a lesson, a STIMULI for you to resolve it and clear up your eyes and your misunderstanding. When you genuinely see the roots of the issues and recognise that ALL possible and probable forms of expression are valid and are in fact complimentary, those things you originally thought as some kind of "problem" simply fall off like an old snake skin being shed off, without any misery or pain.

Learning is not a pain. Just the other way around - it is joy and appreciation or a relaxation. The attachment is gone. Learning new aspects brings genuine fulfillment and laughter into your life. When you really learn something, it is not out of pain and suffering, but SEEING the futility and foolishness of something. In painful situations you "learn" the inhibition and avoidance. By sheer fact that you experience pain, does not mean you have learned something. It is not necessarily a real learning, even though every step is learning or getting closer to seeing something you have not seen before.

Even "learning" that you haven't learned anything out of it, is still learning. Because the very fact that you recognized that "non learning", you moved further in your process of learning. Because before that, you simply hurt and got yourself into a negative and condemnatory reaction, without even realizing it. Now you can ask: "but WHY did not I learn anything out of that pain"? Which is a perfectly valid question that has a resolution. And an answer may turn out to be - because you denied something and tried to AVOID that pain. Then the next question is: WHY? And so you go deeper and deeper into the very roots of the issue.

Most of these "masters" are not to teach you anything you do not have, but to submit you in their mercantile interests or to jam your minds with those things that they have studied and accepted as something real and applicable to themselves. And that is the best case scenario. Yes, they may be real to themselves if they really helped them to SEE, but it does not mean they are real or appropriate for others.

We are all unique and our needs are unique and our ways and paths are unique and our issues are unique and the timing of those issues is unique. YOUR lessons are not necessarily MY lessons. Or may be they COULD be my lessons as well, but the timing is "wrong" because they are not "current" for me at this time.

You learn out of ACTUAL situations YOU get into at some exact point of your growth, and the reason you get into those situations is because now you are READY to learn that exact and particular aspect. You just need to recognize that the reason you got yourself into this particular situation is not accidental. It DOES have MEANING, but only for you and only at this exact junction.

And what happens with these "masters" is that they simply teach you some "general theory" and give you some abstract examples of something, that may not have ANYTHING to do with you at this exact junction. So, even if what they tell you is true, you will not be able to really learn anything out of it, and for the simple reason - because your mind is preoccupied with totally different things. So what do you do? To SUPPRESS that, which bothers you at this time and instead simply accept some abstract construction they offer you, unto which you can not really "tune in" at the moment? How can you tune in to some wave when you are distracted by some other aspect? Just look at it now.

That is why there is a law, that prohibits interference into your process of learning by others. And that is why there are laws of Free Choice and Free Will. The reason for those laws is simple. ONLY when you yourself CHOOSE something and exhibit your WILL to experience it, you have a chance to truly learn something geniune out of it and it won't simply be an IMPOSITION of something on your being and your perception. Everything else will simply be an interference, that will simply lead you away from yourself and damage you more than it helps.

Very little of what they teach you has to do with your own intelligence and the ways for you to reclaim it. They mostly teach the techniques of this and that. But even if those things do work for them it does not mean they will work for you as well.

Take for example a meditation. There are all sorts of techniques to meditate and some "master" may be able to teach some of them to you. But meditation itself is just a method to create a silent space within you, out of which your "eyes may open", and only then you yourself, out of that space of silence, may start noticing some things of significance for YOU, not for others. But those things can not be taught or imposed on you by others directly. They may simply be inappropriate at this given moment to what YOU need, and not what THEY THINK you need. When you go to a restaurant, only you can decide what would you like to eat. Or are you going to ask some "master" for his advice on what YOU should eat? Even if he knows what is the "best" food to eat in HIS view, it does not mean that it will give you the experience YOU are looking for, even if he suggests to you something beneficial to your health.

If some "master" tells you "do this or do that", he is simply manipulating you. For example, when Jesus was asked "so what shall we do, master?", he simply threw their question back at them and told them essentially that he is not here to tell you what to do or to make choices for you. You yourself should select those things you are interested in out of your own Free Will and out of your own Free Choice. Otherwise, you would merely become his slaves in effect. Why are you here? To listen to others as to what is "the right thing to do"? Then what is the difference between you and a puppet or a slave? Is it what the purpose of your life is?

Every individual being has his own "language", his own set of experiences, his own individual way to perceive things and his own set of conditioning factors that influence his life and his own unique set of experiences he is ready for and will be able to learn from at this exact junction. You can not teach a dancer the same way you teach a scientist or a criminal. It may be impossible for them to understand your "language". It is nearly impossible to know all the subtleties of his being from the outside, even though some things could be seen.

That is why it has been said: Know THYSELF. It does not say "know what someone else taught you". It does not say "know what scriptures tell you". No. It says learning is strictly an individual process, and only you yourself may be able to tailor it so it works for YOU, not for someone else. In that sense, ALL the teachings are false, as only you yourself are capable of precisely selecting those experiences and those bits of knowledge that make sense to YOU, and precisely at this given moment. Because YOU are the one, who knows his own context, with all due respect to all the authentic masters.

Because nobody knows you like yourself. Not even your parents or teachers. They simply can not. Because what is available to them is your "public" part. But your "private" part, your UNIQUE part, remains hidden from them. Even your best friends do not necessarily know all the subtleties of your innermost being, even if you are as open, as it gets. This is the Law of Uniqueness of Creation and Creativity as such, as a result of which Life exists, with all its innumerable dimensions and aspects.

Actually, the so called masters probably learn more from you than you learn from them, and they learn not ABOUT you, but about themselves, and people do not even pay attention to things like these. Because they agreed to surrender their own intelligence to these "masters", and thus became slaves, quite literally, or some religious fanatics, blindly following some dogma or doctrine, which they never took time to verify and to see the validity of it with their own eyes. They simply accepted it as a result of plain greed for those "ultimate", "spiritual" values and pleasures of some spiritual "paradise", which is a lie.

The "spiritual paradise" is a RESULT, not the CAUSE. You GROW into it. And it comes as a result of your LEARNING, where, slowly, slowly, you start experiencing JOY and APPRECIATION, and you giggle and laugh all day long and pet yourself on the head, saying: "good boy/girl" and recognize every time you feel joy, lightness and LOVE, Love for life itself. And love for YOURSELF. Why not? Are you "defective"?

When Chandra Mohan preaches "dancing and singing", he has a point, and that you need to pay attention to joyous aspects of life and try to stay in a cheerful mood as much as possible, instead of being overwhelmed by all your "problems".

But it happens as a result of your RECOGNITION, of your ACCEPTANCE of your own validity, no matter who you are and how "good" or "bad" you THINK you are. You are not "worse" than ANYBODY.

All you have to do is to pay attention to how it feels in your chest - pain, anger, or joy and lightness, and ask yourself "do I NEED this?" when you feel like crap. What do you need it for?

Your "spiritual suffering" is just crap. There is no such a thing. Spiritual is only Joy. Yes, compassion and tuning into pain of others IS spiritual and it MAY cause pain inside you. But it is nothing to brag about. It is just an unfortunate and sometimes inevitable circumstance.

That is the very purpose of awareness and "living in the moment". You live in the moment ONLY when you are AWARE of how you feel at the moment. That FEELING is your very guide, your very meter, by which you measure your "spiritual progress". And it is a PRESENT to you, directly from God - The Creator - The One, United in All.

That is why Chandra Mohan himself forever stated: "my way is the way of the heart", and that is why Jesus told you: "LOVE one another and LOVE GOD - the foundation of everything".

And again, "dancing and singing" is not a PRECONDITION. It is a RESULT of you maturing and SEEING and learning.

But is slavery something necessary, even though you can see it with almost all of these so called masters? It is simply given, it seems. But look at Jesus for example. Where did he behave with them like with slaves?

15. Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.

John 15 (King James Version)

This is a TREMENDOUSLY significant statement and I wish you SEE it one day, if you can not see it at this moment. It may simply explode if you realize what is means.

Basically, he specifically addresses this issue of "slave" of some "master". There is no such a notion in his lexicon. And that is the difference between Truth and a filthy lie.

Yes, he was a teacher and he did teach them something, and yes, even a pupil at school may feel love and gratitude to some of his teachers. That is all natural. But SLAVERY? According to which LAW?

The very notion of slavery is simply a satanic doctrine of domination by the "elite" over all others. THAT is where its roots are. Slavery is not a natural state of Life. It is not a natural Law of Life. It is a result of artificial separation and division on "higher" and "lower", "more deserving" and "less deserving", and all of it is lies, and some of the most profound lies there are.

Once you accept your slavery, that is the end of you. Most likely, you will never get out of it, unless you abandon the very idea. It will only get deeper and deeper, just like religious fanaticism, the same exact thing.

What happens in slavery is that you simply mistrust yourself as being something valid and capable of learning and seeing with your own eyes. So, instead of learning, you accept the INSTRUCTIONS from some "master" of yours. Your intelligence simply gets disabled and you allow ANY kind of programming your "master" is doing to you, even though, he can not POSSIBLY know your innermost needs, tendencies and the "end result of YOUR fruition".

Basically, he knows NOTHING of you, just to be blunt. All he knows is your "hangups", at best. Your obvious misunderstandings of those things, that are clear on their face value to someone, who "has eyes to see". But every human being is a totally private matter, and of immense magnitude, and that is precisely why every one of you are here - because of your intrinsic uniqueness, and your unique contribution to Ever Unfolding process of Creation, All Pervading and All inclusive.

And THAT is why J. Krishnamurti used such a strong term to describe who Chandra Mohan was - a "spiritual CRIMINAL", "a criminal of the worst kind". Because his crime was to prohibit you to make your own choices and make decisions for yourself as to your own consciousness. What Krishnamurti said is something not to be underestimated, but understood and SEEN as deeply as possible. Because that is PRECISELY the key to your own Life.

In slavery, your energy is inherently constricted and blocked. And you simply MUST accept ANY kind of garbage your "master" feeds you, programming your mind, or demands from you. But what can you possibly learn from it? I claim - nothing much, even though you do learn no matter what. Why? - Well, because your intelligence is not functioning. It is simply bypassed and any and all the information from your "master" goes directly into your subconscious, and most of it is of negative and prohibitive nature, so you "knew better" in the future and would behave as your "master" demands or dictates. Your evaluating abilities get disabled and you simply follow the instructions.

But, even if your "master" does not have a bad intent of exploiting you or parasiting on you, how can he know YOUR inner needs and your inner tendencies? To do that, he has to be able to see Life with YOUR eyes, and experience the same emotional states as you do. So, he becomes like a chamelion in a weird way, taking up your shape and form.

Sure, to some degree and with some limited issues your teacher or a "master" can see certain misunderstandings of yours because he has been through the same things and learned from it. But even there, YOUR perceptions and YOUR potentials and probabilities are not his. They can not be. Otherwise, you would all be nothing more then templates to make the same biorobot out of everyone. Everyone is unique in an infinite number of ways and aspects. That is the very essence of Life as such. Life is not just some factory to produce the same exact dolls at the end of production line. It can not possibly be, no matter how you look at it.

There are no two flowers in the field that are exactly the same and there are no two fingerprints that are exactly the same. It is simply impossible. No two paths of growth are the same. They simply can not be, no matter what and no matter who you are or who you think you are. And that is the very beauty of it all, and that is the very fundamental freedom you have - freedom of Free Will and Freedom of Choice. These are two primary and most fundamental Laws. And that is precisely why you can grow in ANY conceivable direction and contribute your own unique experiences, your own unique creation to The Whole.

Your "master" simply could not have been through ALL possible manifestations of Life. That is simply impossible unless he is nothing less than God - "all knowing". But some say even God Itself is not "all knowing", and this is precisely the nature of Life as such - to know ALL possible and probable potential manifestations of Itself. You may accept this idea or not, but this is simply to show you that Life is inherently unlimited in ANY and ALL possible directions and dimensions. Once all possible manifestations have been exhausted, which is simply inconceivable, then what happens is that it all comes back to Unity, inseparableness, which is the end of Life as such. It no longer has any purpose or any additional meaning, if you can even conceive such a state. Sorry, but I can not.

Yes, you do learn, if you are lucky to see it at the end, your own stupidity and your own mistrust to yourself, and your fear that you are not as "good" as others tell you you "ought" to be, and that there is something missing within you, something "inferior" to others, or something to be "transcended". Most "masters" out there are not intelligent enough to be creative and that is why they need your "slavery" as reinforcement of their validity or "superiority" which is an attempt at futility. Just because you have "slaves" does it mean you become more valid then THEM? Sorry, but this looks to me like a violation of the most fundamental Laws.

There exists no entity that is more valid than any other entity, no matter who they are or how "superior" they THINK they are to others, which is a fascist and elitist idea to begin with, and it has been said that it is precisely what Satanism is, and it has been implemented on this planet by Lucifer, who declared himself to be God-like, and totally independent of God - Creator, just as recorded in the scriptures. That is precisely the nature of this evil "NWO" model.

They are the ones who introduced this idea of the "elite" on this planet. In their model, there is the "elite", which is the same thing as "masters", and there are "slaves" to serve that "elite" and work their bones off in utter submissiveness. To me, such a model does not work and can not possibly work at the end. Because it is inherently self-destructive in nature. The only possible way it can work is that it complements the Positive aspect and provides what is called a polarity. The stronger the negative aspect, the stronger the positive aspect has to become in order to restore the eternal balance.

This is just a rough sketch of that conceptual framework. You need to study it from "Ra Material", "Urantia Book" or "Seth Material", which represent the positive view, or "The Revelations of the Insider" or "Window of Opportunity" by the "ruling family" representing the "group soul Lucifer" and a negative view. The description above is rather a hint than description. That entire framework is a system in itself and it has to be studied as a whole. It can not be described in few sentences.

So, by surrendering your intelligence to these "masters" you mostly serve THEIR need for self-reinforcement even though you MAY learn something about yourself, except it is mostly your own self-denials, which is the reason why you allowed someone to be your "master". What a sorry situation, at least in most cases.

Yes, there are those who authentically wish to give you a hand and provide you at least some clues. You won't notice much fuss about themselves. There is no need for someone strong to show his strength or "superiority". Only weak ones forever need such a reinforcement of their own self-image by having you as their "slaves".

But, for some strange reason, Chandra Mohan himself stated in Oregon that there is no such a thing as enlightenment. It simply does not exist. In that case, what does it mean a "master" and a "slave" and how do you know that whatsoever that "master" teaches you is something even applicable to your unique needs?

But that was at the end of this "happy commune" of his in Oregon, USA. Before that, he sang this "enlightenment" song in 2801 of, or about 60% of his lectures, zombifying you all with the idea that this "enlightenment" carrot is the only thing there is in reality, and, unless you are "enlightened", your life isn't worth a dead mosquito fart.

So, "naturally", you become an obedient slave especially in the context of them forever zombifying you with the ideas of "total surrender" and "total trust". The same totalitarian ideology of control and domination.

This crap is so thick that I do not feel like getting any deeper into it. Can you figure it out on your own?

Just one thing: "Buddha knows that whosoever comes around him will become a slave"? What? Why is that? Buddha and SLAVES? Jesus, have mercy on me!

How did Chandra Mohan know what Buddha knew and what authority did he have to make the proclamations on behalf of Buddha?

Why should one become a slave? Is the whole trip so sick and all these masters are such megalomaniacs and dictators that everyone that comes in touch with them MUST become a slave? What is this? Did Jesus tell you that you have to become a slave in order to achieve "the kingdom of God"? Where did Krishnamurti say it? Where did Socrates say it?

Interestingly enough, that is exactly how Chandra Mohan behaved with others, be it even reporters from the major media outlets. About the only thing he projected is his "mastership" and your inherent "slavery" once you decide to deal with him for whatever reason. There simply was no other way, even though he forever posed as someone divinely humble, which was a lie. He was not a humble man by ANY means and the evidence of it is quite obvious in his statement: "but if you bug me I can be terrible". Is THAT humble? What is humbleness then? That is ALL the evidence needed to prove this point. Sufficient enough.

He talked about domination in 1137 of his lectures. It was one of the major subjects of his "teachings". Why would a humble man be so concerned with domination? Do you know?

Even when he smiled, most of the time it was a smile AT someone, not WITH someone. It was mostly the smiles of arrogance, like "look at these idiots and their stupid questions". Yes, indeed, it looked like some divine smile of some "master", who is so at peace, that you can not imagine. But you need to look at it deeper than the skin level.

There is so much of this crap about domination in his lectures that it seems he was quite obsessed with the very idea. You can do it on your own. Here:


Actually, one of the most appropriate ways to call his "teachings" could as well be "The Art of Domination". On your knees, mortals!

Yes, indeed, Chandra Mohan was obsessed with domination and EVERYTHING around him was done in such a way as to show you that you are nothing but a slave, and I mean EVERYWHERE you look. This shivering slave-like submissiveness and adoration of his god-like image was present everywhere you look. So, eventually, most people simply had to accept it as something "natural", which is what he is preaching in this "inherent need for slavery" lecture.

And people did not even realise what has been done to them. They were simply trembling in this "godly fear" of being around the "greatest master ever", to the point of numbness and even dumbness. And that was the part of the game of total control and total domination. No wonder Chandra Mohan tried to justify it with these ugliest concoctions about the inherent need to be a slave when you are around such "great masters".

And it is true, I am aware of just a few people who did not feel like and did not behave like slaves around him. Vast majority of others indeed behaved like slaves. But what to do? That is the condition he implicitly placed on their relationship - either you are my slave or I am not interested in you as you are not a "genuine seeker". What a grace! But is this some kind of inherent requirement in order to know the Truth? Where does it say so?

As far as I can see, learning happens when your energy is allowed its expression and your mind and intuition are allowed a free flight into any direction imaginable. That is what acceptance is to me, the acceptance of your very being, of your own intelligence, the REAL trust, trust towards the greater Good in Life, which is the very nature of Life as such. Life is not a torture school of "slaves" and "masters". Most of those "masters" are the same slaves as any of you if you look at it deeper than the skin level.

Let us look at this Rasputin crap.

... This was the case with Rasputin, who dominated Russia, before Lenin, just through his eyes. He was an ordinary peasant, uneducated, but with very magnetic eyes, and he came to know how to use this. The moment he would look at you, you would forget yourself, and in that moment he could send any suggestion to you telepathically and you would follow it. That is how he dominated the Czar and the Czarina, the royal family, and through them, the whole Russia. Nothing could be done without his will.

The third eye and psychic eye power from: Vigyan Bhairav Tantra Volume 1

Yes, indeed, he was known as one of the most controversial figures in Russia, just like Chandra Mohan elsewhere. He was also a megalomaniac, just like Chandra Mohan.

Now, Rasputin DOMINATED nothing less than Russia? That is not what the closest people to the Tsar say. One of the noblest of them, Great Count Stolypin, who was regularly "hanging out in the palace", stated specifically that in five years he only saw Rasputin in the palace only a couple times. He stated specifically that Tsar did not like Rasputin at all and would never even pay attention to any of his advices, "prophecies" and all sorts blabber of a possessed. Stolypin himself was not influenced by the hypnotism of Rasputin. It simply did not work on him.

Recently, in 1973, they wrote:

"Some claim that Rasputin controlled Tsar and Tsarina. But this is only a half-truth. Truth is that pretty often Simanovitch influenced the Tsar, and Simanovitch in turn was controlled by the biggest Jewish dealers-wheelers Ginsburg, Varshavsky, Sliosberg, Brodsky, Shalit, Gurevitch, Mendel, Polyakov. In this Zionist circle were brewing the affairs affecting the destiny of the Russian empire". Know this!

"... Before the war [WWI], Simanovitch was called in by the financial oligarchy of Kahal (Zionist rulers).

"[Simonovitch was asked about Rasputin by the Kahal] What does he think about the Jewish Question?

"- He does not understand this question but he likes very much that we are always with money. This he respects in people!".

[Just like Chandra Mohan]

("The Evil Force", from "Red Cabala" by Gregory Klimov)

Tsar was a deeply religious man, a Christian, and Rasputin was a satanist on the payroll of no one less than Rothschilds. He was their puppet through the hands of Simanovitch. And the reason for some of his "prophecies" was that he was aware of the "Plan" of Rothschilds as to the war being fomented by Rothschilds [WWI], destruction of monarchy and takeover of Russia by ZioNazi Satanists. Those were not prophecies. They were the insider's knowledge. All sorts of ideas and instructions were drilled into his head as to what was he to do in order to influence the Tsar and Tsarina for the purpose of destruction of the Russian empire as fast as possible. Because that was the agenda of Rothschilds and for hundreds of years.

Tsar was surrounded by the enemies everywhere. His own government was bought by the Rothschilds, gun, stock and barrel. Nearly all of them were corrupted with money and greed for shiny objects, promises of "powerful" positions in government and advancements in their "careers" if they do what they are told. There were only a handful of real Russian patriots in his surroundings whose souls were not corrupted. Traitors where everywhere. Constant provocations, assassinations and terrorist acts were being fueled everywhere.

Russian monarchy and Russian soul were and are, to this day, a goal number one for Rothschilds and their likes and their satanist puppets. If and when Russia falls completely, they and their agents will rule the world. Because Russia is the last bastion of Good. Even America is nothing more than one of their colonies, as rich and powerful as it looks on paper.

I'd like to see this "great seer" Chandra Mohan in his place. Would be interesting to hear what HE sings in such a situation.

Just look at what happened on the ranch in Oregon, USA. EXACTLY the same thing as it happened in Russia. Chandra Mohan was betrayed by his closest "elite". Millions of dollars were transferred into private numbered Swiss accounts and I am aware of such accounts. They simply sold Chandra Mohan for 30 silver coins.

There is one name I have not mentioned so far in this book, Sally-Anne Croft - sannyas name Ma Prem Savita. She was the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) on the ranch in Oregon. All the big money went through her hands. She was the one who kept records and was aware of various accounts and transactions. Because she was the one who really understood how it all works besides one man, Jay - Sheela's fake husband, who was formerly a Swiss banker himself. She knew about the Swiss bank accounts and associated activity. If she ever squeaks and tells the truth, this could be a bomb. Except I doubt she ever will. I am not even sure she is still alive, and I would not be surprised she died "under mysterious circumstances". There was tons of money being shuffled around in that operation. I would not be surprised if she won't say a word about the "real deal" behind the scenes. I have not seen a single statement by her on all these activities, Swiss bank accounts and plenty of other equally as exciting things about this "happy commune" in Oregon.

Who is Sheela? Well, her real name is Sheela Silverman, a waitress from Jew York, as some people in the know call New York. Just like Rasputin. A slightly different flavor. Also with a "powerful" personality and a look of evil in her eyes. Everyone was afraid of Sheela, just like many were afraid of Rasputin. The same exact thing. Some simply pissed into their pants just hearing that "Sheela is coming". It was pure grade paranoia. Everyone would start running like cockroaches as soon as they heard it.

WHO were those that took over the operations of the "commune" and all the corporations, foundations and you name it of Chandra Mohan's empire once Sheela has split with "her gang" as Chandra Mohan called them - his own "elite"? Well, they were called the "Hollywood Gang", most of whom where of what nationality? Guess! Well, the same nationality as Rasputin's puppeteer Simanovich with pockets lined with Rothschild's money.

When they took over, I stopped coming to Jesus Grove, and when I had to go there a couple of times I had a feeling I am in Knesset and the fate of the world is being decided there. It was such a disgusting feeling that I never stepped a foot in that place ever since. You could not pay me enough to do it. It was an atmosphere like in a Tsar's palace in Russia after the revolution. All I wanted is to get out of that "concentration camp" as soon as I can. Except I did not even have money even for a ticket. That was a trip indeed.

And, for some strange reason, I do not recall seeing anything written about it ever since. And there were dozens of people that knew the kind of things that would blow your minds to pieces.

"Nothing could be done without his [Rasputin's] will"? Sorry, I have never heard anything as sick as this. Yes, indeed, Rasputin was known as being influential, particularly on Tsarina. At the beginning of the 20th century, all this occult crap was all over the world. It was basically a global occult madness, secret societies and "secret doctrines". Helena Blavatsky and her Theosophic Society, Aleister Crowley satanist, Gurdjieff and you name it. That was the fashion of the day. These "Prophets", witches, fortune tellers, Cabalists of all shades were everywhere. It was a big business.

Yes, Rasputin was indeed a powerful hypnotist, just as Chandra Mohan, and he has spent many years studying the tricks of the trade starting with Siberian Shamans.

But who was Rasputin, but a filthy serf from some hole in Siberia, to no one less than the Russian Tsar, who specifically disliked him, a beast, and a filthy one at that, no matter what kind of "magnetic eyes" he had, just like any conman?

His "magnetic eyes" would shine like Chandra Mohan's diamonds as soon as he would see the money in large denominations flashed before his eyes by his ZioNazi puppeteers controlling him via purse full of money. To buy such a filthy crook was about the easiest thing in the world.

Just look at the Chandra Mohan's eyes of a python, who behaved like a saint, especially after taking the 16 pills of the most potent tranquilizer, Valium, a day as I was personally informed by the people with the innermost access.

"Valium means a tranquillity trip." And THAT is why Chandra Mohan looked like a saint on his lectures. He could hardly move his tongue with such monster dozes of most potent tranquilizer. And no wonder one side of his mouth did not know what the other was saying. He was basically puking non stop and inventing the most bizarre ideas being drugged out of his head. Take some LSD or some other drug and see what happens to your mind. You can just go to Haight street in San Francisco where hippies hang out and you will see the entire streets full of these "saints" and "spiritual masters" of all kinds. I even talked to some of them. Sure, they are not quite on par with Chandra Mohan, because they did not read as much crap of all kinds as him, but you do get the idea about the trip.

Let me ask you a question: why does "the greatest master ever" need the tranquilizers in the monster dozes and those Nitrogen Oxide trips causing changes in his consciousness if he is in an internal state of "balance with nature"? According to him, he should be in "paradise". What is the need for all these drugs? What is the difference between him and any other drug addict then?

All the Satanist propaganda written in the books per order of Rothschild about the Tsar's "weaknesses" and Rasputin was nothing more than disinformation to discredit the Tsar and make him look like someone so utterly without will that he could be dominated even by some serf. And the "greatest master ever" has just used all those lies and then fed this crap, this most poisonous virus to all the clueless. And for what?

The Masonic organizations in Russia were working on Rasputin as one of the major puppets in their scheme. Because he DID have a personal access to Tsarina, through whom they hoped to control the Tsar, Nicholas II.

Rasputin was one of the pawns in unending plan of Rothschilds to totally destroy the Russian monarchy. Because one of Romanov's, Tsar Alexander I, prevented Rothschilds from taking over the world as far back as 100 years before the "Russian revolution", which was in fact a Rothschild's aggression and a military intervention, that spilled rivers of blood. It was not a revolution. It was a global war waged by Rothschilds against the sacred land - Russia.

If not the Russian Tsars, and Alexander specifically, you would all be living in the NWO even a hundred years ago. That fact alone made Rothschilds simply mad. Russian revolution was their ultimate revenge, and not only against the Christian Russia, but the entire world. Once they toppled the Russian empire, it was just a matter of time for this NWO to come to full force and fruition, just as it is today.

Even to this day, Russia is considered to be the worst enemy of these satanists, just as the Jewish "messiah", Chabad Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson states:

Chabad 108

Slavs, and among them Russians is the most unruly people in the world.

They are defiant because of the composition of their mental and psychic abilities inherent in many generations of ancestral genes that are not subject to reconstruction.

Slavs or Russians can be eradicated, but not conquered.

That is why this seed is subject to liquidation, and, first of all, a sharp reduction in their numbers.

-- Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

And this is precisely why the Rothschilds made it a goal of their life to destroy the Russian empire and totally erase a genetic pool of the Russian monarchy of Romanovs.

Because "Slavs or Russians can be eradicated, but not conquered".

And THIS is the kind of puppeteers who really stood behind that Rasputin puppet with his "magnetic eyes", who pissed in his pants when he saw their money and shiny objects, just like Chandra Mohan, hypnotized by the million dollar Swiss made diamond watches and his fleet of Rolls Royces. And, as far as I can see, that was about the only joy in his life besides the mass hypnosis sessions, filled with lies and concoctions of the most unimaginable kind during his lectures.

The evidence of it is all on record.

And, finally, what does RASPUTIN have to do with inherent need for slavery as far as "master"-disciple relationship goes? How can you use the occultists and satanists to justify such a "need" of slavery? Chandra Mohan could as well use such names as Adolph Hitler of Joseph Stalin. At least some heard about those.

How corrupt and dishonest one has to be to use Rasputin as some kind of evidence? If this is not a perversion then what is? Was Rasputin some kind of "enlightened" "master"?

And THIS is the kind of crap "the greatest enlightened master ever" fed you? Not only that, but vast majority of you simply licked it off his fingers, and took it as some kind of "ultimate truth", not to be questioned until the hell freezes over, but to be swallowed as is?

What follows then? Do you realize what can be done to you via your own mind? Guess!

ZioNazi Message

On Feb. 15, 2011 a message, signed by Vivarto, which is a sannyas name, has been received via email, which is significant. The arrogance and dictatorial tone of it simply boggles ones mind:

"I appreciate you putting Osho's books on line.
At the same time you are listing the Protocols on the same site."

"I think it is such a insult to Osho to put him on the same site with this antisemitic forgery. If you absolutely must propagate antisemitic materials, perhaps you could create a separate site for them."

"Why create connection between this smut and Osho?

This message deserves a simple response: why don't you jump from the Golden Gate bridge? Why suffer unnecessarily? But there is more to this message, much more.

First of all, I am grateful he wrote this email. Because it triggered something, that caused a large part of what you see in this book. If not him, who knows, you might not have a chance to see this book.

Now, this message of hate, intolerance, arrogance, lies, fabrications, perversion, deceit and its dictatorial tone needs to be responded to in kind. You can hardly imagine anything more dense than this pile of lowest grade crap. And ALL of it is lies. Every word of it. Blatant and utterly groundless. There isn't even a SHRED of evidence of ANY of it.

These perverts, perverting the very essence of it with these "anti-Semitism" concoctions, do not seem to understand that the REAL anti-Semites are themselves. Because it is them who create that hate towards Semites, just as "Jews" pretend to be, which is not even true. It is THEM who keep pumping up that animosity and who have vested interest in keeping it alive. Because of their cunning and perverted minds, zombified by the "scriptures" preaching hate, intolerance and "superiority" of "god chosen people", which is the very foundation of ZioNazism, fascism and Nazism as such.

It is them who feed on hate and evil they themselves create instead of simply showing their own point of view and presenting their own position on things. No, it simply MUST be hate and evil-creating in nature. And then they howl about the "prosecution" and "injustice". "And they howl and fight, fight and howl... With the WORLD!" as Gregory Klimov states.

And then they push through the "laws" to disable all those that oppose that evil with the help of their most influential lobby and pervert it all to look like "fight for justice, freedom and democracy" with the help of media, owned and controlled by them. And these are all facts. Undeniable facts.

What does one expect as a result of these kinds of messages of theirs, poking their dirty noses into affairs of others and dictating to them how to live their lives and what to do?

Well, this is how this "anti-Semitism" is born, which, by the way, is a myth invented by themselves as their own "leaders" bluntly state it on record. And so where do those "leaders" lead their own people but to an abyss, just as stated by Jesus?

They think of themselves as those who are to dictate to all others, to dominate them, and tell all those "animals in human form", or even worse, feces as they classify all non-"Jews".

What can be more anti-Semitic than that?

But the very "anti-Semitism" is a trick to disable all those who stand against the satanist evil done by the ZioNazis and rivers of blood spilled in all the wars and revolutions fomented and financed by the members of satanic cult of evil most profound.

"Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer
... - and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive."

Our god is Lucifer

So, let us take a hard look at what his disgraceful message is.

First of all, SMUT?


To call some of the most outstanding research and by some of the most respected authors, researchers and some of the most honest people you can find, "smut", what kind of a despicable animal one has to be?

And I tell you, just looking at his language and its dictatorial tone, this Vivarto, compared to any one of them, is nothing but a "smut" himself, and a dirty one at that, just to put things into proper perspective.

What kind of filthiest lies and fabrications are these? What kind of a disgusting degenerate mind one needs to have to even conceive such a thing?

And his dictatorial tone is a pretty good indication that he is some kind of a "therapist", as fake as any of them, having some vested interest in all this, or, in other words, a parasite sucking blood of all sorts of fools via his "therapy" sessions and "groups" he conducts using Chandra Mohan as some kind of commodity.

The answer was:

I appreciate your appreciation.
It is very important to me in the scheme of things.

> At the same time you are listing the Protocols on the same site.
> I think it is such a insult to Osho to put him on the same site with this antisemitic forgery.

What are your sources?
Are they as good as these?

Why don't you study those and give me your second take.

> If you absolutely must propagate antisemitic materials, perhaps you could create a separate site for them.

>Why create connection between this smut and Osho?

That covard, Vivarto, had no guts to answer it.

Here is a few more references that are even more to the point:

The following book will bring you back to your senses really fast. It is such a profound hate towards the non-"Jews" that all this "anti-Semitism" garbage simply pales in comparison.

"The evilest document in the entire human history. Hate towards the human kind. Jews - "supreme beings". - Goyim [non-Jews] are equal to animals and feces. - The "right" to rule the world. - The enemies of Judeans will be destroyed.

100 laws of Shulchan Aruch - the foundation of ZioNazism and fascism

And if you wish to understand their mind set, this book is quite reveling. It is a tape recorded interview with one of them, ZioNazis.

The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview

"Controversy of Zion" by Douglas Reed

"Red Symphony" by Dr. J. Landowsky

Some quotes about this "anti-Semitism" abracadabra

First of all, the proper definition of anti-"Semitism" is:

All those who stand against the ZioNazi evil.

So, let us see a few quotes about this "anti-Semitism" abracadabra, which is exactly what it is in essence, and there are tons more:

Anti-Semitism 002

Jewish Auschwitz Survivor Gives True Definition of Anti-Semitism:

"Formerly an anti-Semite was someone who hated Jews...
nowadays an anti-Semite is somebody who is hated by Jews."

-- Dr. Hajo Meyer.

Zionism 023

"This race has always been the object of hatred by all the nations among whom they settled ...

Common causes of anti-Semitism has always lurked in Israelis themselves, and not those who opposed them."

-- Bernard Lazare, one of the most prominent Zionist authorities, France 19 century

Leaders Ginsberg 003

"Judaism could never be satisfied with the ideals that satisfy the home, domesticated beasts" (non-Jews) ...

-- Asher Ginsberg (Ahad Ha'am), the "father" of "Eastern" Zionism

See Secret Leader of Zionism:

Nice, eh? And what do you call THAT royal kind of crap? Anti-Gentilism? Ever heard of such a term?

Leaders Ginsberg 005

"Good" is applicable to a superman or super-nation, which has the power to distribute and extend its life, and who has the will to become a master of the universe, ignoring the fact that it could cost the masses of the lower creatures, and the lower people, nor with disasters they can therefore be subjected to.

For only one superman and only one super-nation is a color and purpose of human kind, the rest were created only to serve that purpose, to serve as a ladder by which one could climb to the top of the treasured "...

-- Asher Ginsberg, "Revaluation of Values."

Pay attention to this "superman" or "super-nation", which is exactly the main idea behind the NWO concept, and which is exactly what Chandra Mohan preached with his "borderless world" and his "new man". The same exact thing. What is "new man", but the same thing as a "superman" - someone "superior" to others with his "super-consciousness"?

Interestingly enough, a "superman", as preached by Chandra Mohan in the context of Nietzsche, is someone "innocent", just like a child, which is nothing but a lie. He praised Nietzsche as some kind of "great mystic" while it is well known that he was one of the main designers of fascism and Nazi ideology. It is Nietzsche where Chandra Mohan got his idea of a "new man" as far as I can see. Because this is simply a derivative of a "superman" of Nietzsche.

"The anti-Semites do not forgive the Jews for possessing "spirit" - and money. Anti-Semites - another name for the "underprivileged".

from F. Nietzsche's - Will to Power (trans. W. Kaufmann), s. 864

In a quick note to his friend Overbeck, right before Nietzsche's insanity:

"Just now I am having all anti-Semites shot."

Do mystics create such profound evil as fascism? How could this be?

Zionism 005

"The most important and pregnant tenet of modern Jewish belief is that the Ger {goy - goyim, [non Jew]}, or stranger, in fact all those who do not belong to their religion, are brute beasts, having no more rights than the fauna of the field."

(Sir Richard Burton, The Jew, The Gypsy and El Islam, p. 73)

Nice, eh?

Leaders Herzl 006

"It is essential that the sufferings of Jews... become worse... this will assist in realization of our plans...

I have an excellent idea... I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth...

The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends."

-- Theodor Herzl, the "father" of "Western Zionism


"Once we perceive that it is Judaism which is the root cause of antisemitism, otherwise irrational or inexplicable aspects of antisemitism become rationally explicable... Only something representing a threat to the core values, allegiances and beliefs of others could cause such universal, deep and lasting hatred.

This Judaism has done..."

(Why the Jews: by Denis Prager and Joseph Telushkin, 1985)

1001 Quotes By and About Jews

During the 19th Century (as Dr. Kastein, again, records) the term "antisemitism" was born. As "persecution" could no longer be said to exist, some new word had to be found, capable of intimidating Gentiles and terrifying Jews, the second purpose being more important than the first, and "antisemitism" was invented.

"Abracadabra" might have served as well, for the term "antisemitism" is patently absurd in relation to people who are demonstrably not Semites and whose Law commands the extirpation of Semites (the Arab peoples of Palestine; any expression of sympathy with the Semitic Arabs, expelled from their native land by the Zionist intruders in 1948, in time came to be attacked as "antisemitism").

Presumably the authors of this term desired to keep such words as Jew, Jewish and anti-Jewish out of the public controversy and counted on intimidating the mass-mind by the introduction of an obscurantist word.

What the dominant sect meant by "antisemitism" was in fact a combination of lese majesty (offences against the dignity of the sovereign power) and heresy (opposition to the paramount religious doctrine); and by the middle of the present century the mass-mind had to a great extent submitted to this idea; that numerous breed which in earlier times would have doffed its cap at the approach of the squire's bailiff or have crossed itself when the priestly eye turned its way held its tongue and looked respectful when any Jewish affair was mentioned.

The word "antisemitism" was coined at the time when "men of Jewish race", as Disraeli and Bakunin pointed out, took over the direction of the world-revolution, and the main object of its invention was by intimidation to deter public discussion of that remarkable development; the events of the present century have abundantly proved that, as this book will show.

The Controversy of Zion by by DOUGLAS REED

Anti-Semitism 003

"The epithet "anti-Semitism" is hurled to silence anyone, even other Jews, brave enough to decry Israel's systematic, decades-long pogrom against the Palestinian Arabs.

Because of the Holocaust, "anti-Semitism" is such a powerful instrument of emotional blackmail that it effectively pre-empts rational discussion of Israel and its conduct.

It is for this reason that many good people can witness daily evidence of Israeli inhumanity toward the "Palestinians' collective punishment," destruction of olive groves, routine harassment, judicial prejudice, denial of medical services, assassinations, torture, apartheid-based segregation, etc. -- yet not denounce it for fear of being branded "anti-Semitic."

To be free to acknowledge Zionism's racist nature, therefore, one must debunk the calumny of "anti-Semitism."

Once this is done, not only will the criminality of Israel be undeniable, but Israel, itself, will be shown to be the embodiment of the very anti-Semitism it purports to condemn."

-- Greg Felton, Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism

Zionism 012

"As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism, and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come....

And the Gentiles, in their stupidity, have proved easier dupes than we expected them to be. One would expect more intelligence and more practical common sense, but they are no better than a herd of sheep.

Let them graze in our fields till they become fat enough to be worthy of being immolated to our future King of the World...

One of the many triumphs of our Freemasonry is that those Gentiles who become members of our Lodges, should never suspect that we are using them to build their own jails, upon whose terraces we shall erect the throne of our Universal King of the Jews; and should never know that we are commanding them to forge the chains of their own servility to our future King of the World...

We have induced some of our children to join the Christian Body, with the explicit intimation that they should work in a still more efficient way for the disintegration of the Christian Church, by creating scandals within her. We have thus followed the advice of our Prince of the Jews [Lucifer], who so wisely said: 'Let some of your children become cannons, so that they may destroy the Church.'

Unfortunately, not all among the 'convert' Jews have proved faithful to their mission. Many of them have even betrayed us! But, on the other hand, others have kept their promise and honored their word. Thus the counsel of our Elders has proved successful.

We are the Fathers of all Revolutions, even of those which sometimes happen to turn against us. We are the supreme Masters of Peace and War.

We can boast of being the Creators of the Reformation! Calvin was one of our Children; he was of Jewish descentm and was entrusted by Jewish authority and encouraged with Jewish finance to draft his scheme in the Reformation.

Martin Luther yielded to the influence of his Jewish friends unknowingly, and again, by Jewish authority, and with Jewish finance, his plot against the Catholic Church met with success. But unfortunately he discovered the deception, and became a threat to us, so we disposed of him as we have so many others who dare to oppose us...

Many countries, including the United States have already fallen for our scheming. But the Christian Church is still alive... We must destroy it without the least delay and without the slightest mercy.

Most of the Press in the world is under our Control; let us therefore encourage in a still more violent way the hatred of the world against the Christian Church. Let us intensify our activities in poisoning the morality of the Gentiles.

Let us spread the spirit of revolution in the minds of the people. They must be made to despise Patriotism and the love of their family, to consider their faith as a humbug, their obedience to their Christ as a degrading servility, so that they become deaf to the appeal of the Church and blind to her warnings against us.

Let us, above all, make it impossible for Christians to be reunited, or for non-Christians to join the Church; otherwise the greatest obstruction to our domination will be strengthened and all our work undone. Our plot will be unveiled, the Gentiles will turn against us, in the spirit of revenge, and our domination over them will never be realized.

Let us remember that as long as there still remain active enemies of the Christian Church [such as Chandra Mohan], we may hope to become Master of the World... And let us remember always that the future Jewish King will never reign in the world before Christianity is overthrown..."

(From a series of speeches at the B'nai B'rith Convention in Paris, published shortly afterwards in the London Catholic Gazette, February, 1936; Paris Le Reveil du Peuple published similar account a little later).

Enough? Or you want more? There is enough of this "anti-Semitism" deception and a decoy to fill a thick book.

Now... First of all, it is not very nice to say the the kinds of things this Vivarto said, isn't it?

Why are you trying to get into my face with your sick ZioNazi fabrications, dictates, deception, concoctions and lies? What do you expect to achieve at the end? Me becoming a zombie like yourself? What is the basis for you to make these kinds of arrogant proclamations of insulting and simply disgusting grade? Do you have ANY evidence to support your claims?

Because these issues are some of the most critical issues there are. It is not just some meaningless blabber by the fools of all kinds. These are the most fundamental issues the world is facing this very moment, down to the last dot and comma.

First of all, the very tone and underlying assumptions and fabrications is simply offensive to the point being repelling.

Who is this Vivarto to dictate anything to anyone? Anybody knows?

Secondly, instead of telling others how to organize THEIR site, why not spend some of your own life making the site you think better represents whatever you want to represent?

This individual must be obsessed with domination and manipulation, twisting facts and concocting all sorts guilt manipulating concoctions, lies and fabrications, sucked out of his own finger. Is he one of the "god chosen people"? Well, you can bet your rear end he is. Because this is EXACTLY the language and ideology of hate and destruction, drilled into their heads of "god chosen people". And what he did with his dictatorial message is simply an INEVITABLE outcome of it. Because they are not creative. ALL they know is destruction and parasitism. Venu Paswan classifies it as Alpha-2 Protein Disorder, which, among other things, results in 6 times higher rate of schizophrenia among them as evidenced by statistics by the leading experts in psychiatry.

His irritable, intolerant and utterly prejudiced mind of a dictator must have some idealistic vision of "pure Osho", and things MUST be done HIS way and using HIS reasoning as to what has to be done and why.

I bet he is obsessed with sex. Thus this disgusting "smut" terminology. Because otherwise he is utterly empty, like a bucket, dragging through life and making much stink and noise on his way.

He is probably simply threatened as his "therapy" business becomes endangered as a result of the information on that site, and, unless one is a complete idiot, he is bound to start rethinking the whole thing. Pretty much inevitable. And that endangers his zombification enterprises. Simple as that. Otherwise, why foam at the mouth so much about something that has nothing to do with you? Too much "love" for "Osho" myth? Poor you.

So, fine, DO your own thing and create your own site. Instead of running your mealy mouth talking about things you have no competence in. Who prevents you from doing your own thing, and why should others think like you? Ever thought about the roots of this problem?

Who ARE you to dictate to the world just about anything? What are your credentials? What kind of "authority" do you represent? You see, to me, the very fact you did not respond to a request to provide your full sannyas name and cite your sources with evidence to substantiate your claim, you are simply a coward and a dishonest person, obsessed with power and domination and his intolerant mind simply can not tolerate that which lays outside of its programming.

And that is the very least of it. But the way you look is not just some plain idiot. You look and talk just like a ZioNazi peddler, and guilt manipulator, just as intolerant as all of them are.

What EVIDENCE can you provide to substantiate your claims and fabrications manipulating the most disgusting prejudices, used as a weapon to destroy those views and opinions that do not fit your agenda?

Like these for example:

Rabbis 013

"Long have I been well acquainted with the contents of the Protocols, indeed for many years before they were ever published in the Christian press.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were in point of fact not the original Protocols at all, but a compressed extract of the same.

Of the 70 Elders of Zion, in the matter of origin and of the existence of the original Protocols, there are only ten men in the entire world who know.

I participated with Dr. Herzl in the first Zionist Congress which was held in Basle in 1897. Herzl was the most prominent figure at the Jewish World Congress. Herzl foresaw, twenty years before we experienced them, the revolution which brought the Great War, and he prepared us for that which was to happen. He foresaw the splitting up of Turkey, that England would obtain control of Palestine. We may expect important developments in the world."

(Dr. Ehrenpreis, Chief Rabbi of Sweden, 1924)

Did you pay attention to "for many years before they were ever published in the Christian press", which totally breaks the "official" version that these protocols were a fabrication by Russian Secret Police in 1905, peddled everywhere as some kind of evidence?

And who makes that statement? Well, a rabbi, and not only a plain rabbi but Chief rabbi. And, according to the Talmudic beliefs a rabbi sits higher than God and can even defeat no one less than God with his arguments.

Protocols 001

Philip Stepanov states he received the M. S. of the Protocols in 1895 from Major Sukhotin

Assassinations of key witnesses about Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion

Note: see full quote in the Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion section.

The former circulated it privately in 1897; the second Professor Sergius Nilus, published it in 1901.

This information is mostly drawn from L. Fry's work: "Waters Flowing Eastward." It is corroborated by a statement made by Philip Stepanov, Chamberlain, Privy Councillor and former Procurator of the Holy Synod at Moscow; it is witnessed by Prince DIMITRI GALITZlN.

This evidential document, delivered on April 1 7th 1927, has been photographically reproduced, and the writer of these pages owns a copy of it.

Stepanov states he received the M. S. of the Protocols in 1895 from Major Sukhotin. He had them printed privately and gave a copy to A. T. KELEPOVSKY, chief of Grand Duke Sergius' household.

After reading them, the Grand Duke sighed and murmured; "TOO LATE!" He was assassinated shortly afterward.

[This evidence clearly disproves the charge that the Protocols were created by the Russian Secret Police in 1905. Furthermore, that charge has never been proven.]

Philip Stepanov states he received the M. S. of the Protocols in 1895

Do you understand the question? I mean EVIDENCE and not just some concoctions and fabrications. You seem to be making a claim that YOU know "the answer" as to the Protocols or any information on that site. So, where IS it? Can I see it so I can grind it all down to dust?

As far as I know, and I studied some of the most authoritative research on the Protocols, there exists not a SHRED of evidence of them being some kind of forgery. Not a SHRED!

And as long as you do not cite any specific evidence, beyond comparing a couple of paragraphs of text with some existing work, which proves nothing, just the other way around, it proves that the conspiracy described in the Protocol is something that did not just appear out of the blue, but something that existed for ages, then what do you think you deserve to be called but a liar and a fabricator of totally unsubstantiated crap, and of the lowest grade?

Should anyone take your word as a word of God, all knowing?

In fact, there exist some circumstantial but compelling evidence linking the text cited by the "opposition" to the people of their own clan. Do your own research and it might turn out to be pretty shocking. Who knows?

The evidence of authenticity of the "Protocols" is much more voluminous, much more compelling, much better organized, supported with much better reasoning, even though, true, no direct evidence exists as to authenticity, except there is a little but...

The very fact that every single thing of significance has happened exactly as outlined in the Protocols and to this very day is an evidence in itself. Not direct, true, but, evidence nevertheless.

There are some testimonies by the people who state they have seen these protocols in the original version, written in Hebrew, WELL before they finally "officially" surfaced, which breaks the "official" version to pieces.

Furthermore, there are several testimonies of Great Cunts, Imperial Advisers, army generals and others that state they have seen these protocols with their own eyes as early as 1895, which is 10 YEARS before the "official version" appeared.

And WHO could be trusted more? This buffoon Vivarto, a totally clueless zombie and a pseudo-religious fanatic, as intolerant as any of them, and who does not have the SLIGHTEST clue as to the whole information base that exists on this subject, and, being an arrogant fool he is, resorts to dictates and some blatant ZioNazi propaganda and disinformation, based on fiction?

The bottom line is: by now, the authenticity of the "Protocols" has been established so well, that even if you throw billions at it, you won't be able to dispute it. The very fact that ZioNazis foam at their mouth and their blood boils as soon as they hear the word: "Protocols" is enough evidence in itself. Otherwise, why foam at the mouth at some known "forgery"? Who CARES?!? Well, apparently some do... WHY? ANY clue, anyone?

The version shown to Nilus, who published it, is a French translation. The original version is in Hebrew. It is a well recorded fact that Asher Ginsberg, the founder of "Eastern" Zionism, known by his Hebrew name Ahad Ha'am, was residing at that time in Odessa, Ukraine and that is exactly the place where protocols were first exposed in their original version in Hebrew according to a version presented in a book about Ascher Ginsberg, called "the Secret Leader of Zionism".

He was an advanced scholar of Talmudism and spoke Hebrew fluently. His extremism is well documented. Theodor Herzl, another "godfather" of so called "Western" Zionism representing the Jews living in the Western well off countries even accused Asher Ginsberg of being ANTI-Zionist, destroying the very essence of Jewish movement. But he was defeated by Ginsberg and lost his title of a "leader of Zionism" eventually. Secondly, Herzl simply did not know Hebrew. He could not possibly be the author.

There are testimonies of participants in the First Zionist Congress held in 1897 that state that Theodor Herzl have read the Protocols aloud during the breaks between the sessions and everyone around was highly impressed with it.

Interesting fact about Theodor Herzl is that he died "unexpectedly" for some "unknown causes". Sure, he was becoming a pain on the neck in the extremist ZioNazi agenda, peddled by Ginsberg, and that is what they do even to their own people if those become a problem, especially being as prominent as he was. Up to that congress, he was considered to be a man number one in Zionist movement.

And the REAL shocker is that Asher Ginsberg had family ties to no one less than "Moshiah" (Jewish Messiah) himself, Lubavitcher Rebbe, or "Great Rebbe", rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the head of Chabad Lubavitch sect, one of the most vicious ZioNazis in the entire history, preaching the ideas of world domination, racial superiority of "god's chosen people", and claiming that non-Jews are not even made out of the same substance as Jews.

And here is a "wakeup call" for all of you:

100 laws of Shulchan Aruch - the foundation of ZioNazism and fascism

"The evilest document in the entire human history."

Hate towards the human kind. Jews - "supreme beings". Goyim are equal to animals and feces. The "right" to rule the world. The enemies of Judeans will be destroyed.

Let us see a quote about Ginsberg.

Pay attention to the very first sentence below.

When he was seventeen years old he [Ginsberg] married a granddaughter of Menachem Mendel, the famous rabbi of Lubavitch. [AKA Menachem Mendel Schneerson known as the Lubavitcher Rebbe, or Moshiah (Jewish Messiah)]

[Do ANY of you even BEGIN to comprehend the significance of that statement?]

In 1878 he traveled to Odessa, where everything he had seen, has impressed him a lot...

Nothing gave a reason to suppose that the young "initiate", that came close to the highest center of Jewish power, will later on become the head and the Arbiter of this terrible Kagan, under whose decrees, throughout the world, will spread the most terrible disasters, and who will subordinate to his will and his strength, all the guns of action and power available to the Jewish conspiracy.

In 1884 Ginsberg, returned to Russia and then came to Odessa. This city was then the center of "Union Hovevei Zion", which means "Friends of Zion." At the head of the organization, as its chairman, stood Leon Pinsker.

Ginsberg was highly interested in it, and joined the Union. Soon he became the Pinsker's right hand and one of the most active leaders of the movement.

-- Secret Zionist Leader Ahad Ha'am. The authenticity of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"

Ginsberg marries a granddaughter of Menachem Mendel Schneerson

There can be no doubt that him and Ginsberg were pretty similar in their radical and racist views, and since Schneerson was not only one of the most trusted authorities, but was even considered to be Jewish "messiah", there can be no doubt that he was the main inspiration to Ginsberg, and undoubtedly transferred some of his ZioNazi and fascist ideas of "Jewish supremacy" and inherently non-human nature of "akum", "goyim", ie non-Jews to Ginsberg, and ALL of it is nothing less than PURE grade fascism.

Combined with the fact that the text of the Protocols is perfectly in line with "the most fascist writing in the entire history", called 100 Laws of Shulchan Aruch, and those, in turn, came out of Talmud, the whole chain of logic and facts align perfectly.

It is pretty much indisputable that the ideas expressed in the protocols are well in line with racist and fascist ideology of Shulchan Aruch and Tanya, the Chabad "bible", or, like Eduard Hodos, one of the most prominent experts in the world on Chabad sect, called it, the ZioNazi "Mein Kampf".

It is hard to conceive that Ginsberg, even being a brilliant Talmudic scholar and a talented writer and orator, was even on the level to formulate such a thing as the "Protocols" with such a detail, precision and confidence of someone, who not only knows how it all works in reality, but even confident enough to make such blunt statements as to "what kind of power WE have in the world, and who controls the wealth", and, therefore, power, political or otherwise.

In order to talk with such a knowledge of money and gold, one must be of Rothschilds' caliber, nothing less. Because Rothschilds', were the ones who literally owned the world, even at the time the protocols showed up. There is no one else in the entire world who could possibly have such authority or confidence to speak about the most minute subtleties of "the power of money and gold" with the exception of Baruchs, Kuhns, Loebs, J.P. Morgan, Warburgs and a couple of others, all from the same ruling "elite" of the biggest bankers ruling the world to this day.

Because Asher Ginsberg himself did not have access to the "big money". At that time he was just a young and talented Talmudist, full of hate against "goyim", peddling the ideology of Zionism, and racial superiority of "god chosen people". But the "great Rebbe" was already in the position to be honored with personal meetings with the heads of state and there could be little doubt he did have some contacts with Rothschilds or Baruch kind of guys, who controlled the biggest banks in the world, and THAT is where "big money" is.

So, Ginsberg having the family ties with "great Rebbe" and learning about the influence, power and wealth from him, would be in the position to formulate some of the key issues in the "Protocols" with such confidence, eloquence and "know how".

And this fact of such a close relation between all these elements is indisputable. And this information is a bomb. Because, all of a sudden the whole thing fits together perfectly, like a hand in glove.

Try to disprove ANY of it.

So, let us substantiate it with some quotes related to Rebbe, one way or another...


Chabad 001

...there are some powerful ironies in Chabad's new messianic universalism, in its mission to the gentiles; and surely the most unpleasant of them concerns Chabad's otherwise undisguised and even racial contempt for the goyim.

...Moreover, this characterization of gentiles as being inherently evil, as being spiritually as well as biologically inferior to Jews, has not in any way been revised in later Chabad writing.

(The New Republic) Ibid.

Lubavitcher Rebbe

The "Great Rebbe" Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson AKA Lubavitcher Rebbe, of Chabad Lubavitch clan, which is probably the most potent force in the modern world, is worshipped by many Jews as "Jewish Messiah" (Moshiah).

"Chabad claims that Rabbi Schneerson never committed a sin in his entire life, and they gathered by the thousands at his gravesite expecting him to rise from the dead. What did Rabbi Schneerson say about Gentiles?

The following quotes are taken from a book of his recorded messages to followers in Israel, titled Gatherings of Conversations and published in Israel in 1965. During the subsequent three decades of his life until his death, Rabbi Schneerson remained consistent; he did not change any of the opinions. What Rabbi Schneerson taught became official, Lubavitch-Hassidic doctrine. Regarding the non-Jew the Lubovitcher Rebbe's views were clear:

Chabad 003

"The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson of righteous memory, the seventh leader in the Chabad-Lubavitch dynasty, is considered to have been the most phenomenal Jewish personality of modern times. To hundreds of thousands of followers and millions of sympathizers and admirers around the world, he was -- and still is, despite his passing -- "the Rebbe""

Quoted from:

Chabad 004

The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: "Let us differentiate."

Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level.

Rather, we have a case of "let us differentiate" between totally different species.

This is what needs to be said about the body:

the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world...

...An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.

We therefore ask:

Why should a non-Jew be punished if he kills even a non-Jewish embryo while a Jew should not be punished even if he kills a Jewish embryo? The answer can be understood by [considering] the general difference between Jews and non-Jews:

A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews."

-- [Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky. (1999). Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel. Pluto Press, p.B8-62]

Chabad 005

"The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression:

'Let us differentiate.' Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of 'let us differentiate' between totally different species.

This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world."

The ethnocentrism apparent in such statements was not only the norm in traditional Jewish society. It remains a powerful current of contemporary Jewish fundamentalism, with important implications for Israeli politics. For example, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, describing the difference between Jews and non-Jews:

"We do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather we have a case of ... a totally different species... The body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world [...]

"The difference of the inner quality [of the body] [...] is so great that the bodies would be considered as completely different species.

"This is the reason why the Talmud states that there is an halachic difference in attitude about the bodies of non-Jews [as opposed to the bodies of Jews] "their bodies are in vain". [...]

"An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.

"A Jew was not created as a means for some other purpose; he himself IS the purpose, since the substance of all divine emanations was created ONLY to serve the Jews."

-- the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, describing the difference between Jews and non-Jews (In Shahak & Mezvinsky 1999, 59-60)

Chabad 006

"In Torah, the people of Israel were called an army only once, in exodus from the Egypt.

At this junction, we exist in the same situation. We are standing at the door steps from exadus to releaf, and, therefore, the people of Israel, every one of us is like a soldier, you, me, the young man sitting in the next room.

The most important thing in the army is discipline. Therefore, what is demanded of us all nowadays is also discipline.

Our supreme obligation is to submit to the orders. Only later on we can ask for explanations. As was said at the Sinai mountain, we will do and then listen.

But first, we will need to do, and only then, those, who need to know, will be given the explanations.

(Remember George W. Bush?

"I'm the commander. I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being the President. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don't feel like I owe anybody an explanation."

-- Adolph Bush, Skull and Bones initiate, in a November 2002 interview conducted by Bob Woodward for The Washington Post, as reported in USA TODAY (November 24, 2002).

We are soldiers, and each of us is required to do as he is told in the best way he can. The goal is to ignite the spark.

How? Not via means of propaganda and explanations. There is too little time for that. Today, we should instist and demand and not to ask and try to convince or negotiate, but demand.

Demand as much as it is possible to obtain, and the most difficult part is, everything that is possible to obtain, the more the better.

I do not want to say that it is unnecessary to discuss and explain at times. But today, we are not allowed to waste too much time on debates and explanations.

We live during the times of actions, and we must demand actions, lots of actions."

-- Lubavitcher Rebbe From the book titled "The Man and Century"

[Lubavitch Rebbe is presented as manifestation of messiah. He died in 1994 and recently, the announcement was made that "he is here with us again". That possibly implies that he was cloned using genetics means, just like Dolly.

All the preparations have been made to restore the temple in Israel which, according to various myths, is to be located in the same physical location as the most sacred place for Muslims, which implies destruction of it.]

Chabad 007

"There are three loves: the love of G-d, the love of the Torah, and the love of a fellow Jew. These three loves are united. They are one. It is impossible to distinguish one from the others, as their essense is one. And since the essense of them is the same, then each of them encomparses all three.

"This is our proclamation...

"If you see a man that loves G-d, but does not have love towards Torah or love of his fellow Jew, you have to tell him that his love is not complete.

"If you see a man that only loves his fellow Jew, you need to make all the efforts to make him love Torah and G-d also.

"His love towards his fellow Jew should not only consist of giving bread to the hungry and thirsty. He has to become closer to Torah and G-d.

"When these three loves become one, we will finally attain the salvation, as the last exodus was caused by the abscense of brotherly love.

"The final salvatioin will be attained via love towards your fellow Jew."

-- Lubavitcher Rebbe The coronation speech. From the book titled "The Man and Century"

Here is a slightly different version:

"There are three loves: the love of G-d, the love of the Torah, and the love of a fellow Jew. Of the three, love of one's fellow is the greatest, for if one possesses true love of his fellow, he automatically loves G-d and the Torah. This is not the case of the other two loves."

[Apparently, a "fellow" could only be a "Jew", since all non-Jews are inherently non-human just as their "scriptures" state. Therefore, there is no need to love non-Jews.

Lubavitch Rebbe is presented as moshiah - Jewish "messiah". He died in 1994 and recently, the announcement was made that "he is here with us again". That could imply that he was cloned via means of genetics, just like Dolly.

All the preparations have been made to restore the "Holy Temple" in Israel which, according to various myths, is to be located in the same physical location as one of the three holies of Islam, the Masjid Al Aqsa Mosque, which implies destruction of it.]

Chabad 008

"The most prominent backer of the Lubavitchers on Capitol Hill is Senator Joseph Lieberman (D.Conn.), an Orthodox Jew, and the former candidate for the Vice-Presidency of the United States. The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), has commended Chabad Lubavitch 'ideals' in a Senate floor statement.

Jewish members of Congress regularly attend seminars conducted by a Washington DC Lubavitcher rabbi.

The Assistant Secretary of Defense, Paul D. Wolfowitz, the Comptroller of the US Department of Defense, Dov Zakheim (an ordained Orthodox rabbi), and Stuart Eizenstat, former Deputy Treasury Secretary, are all Lubavitcher groupies."

Chabad 009

[Originally Posted by Eduard Hodos]

"The feud brought the reality of Jewish power out into the open, which is a big "no-no", of course...

In a March meeting in the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin congratulated those present on a significant date: the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, King-Messiah for the ages!

I think no comment is necessary here."

Chabad 010

Eduard Hodos: The Jewish Syndrome
Kharkov, Ukraine, 1999-2002

In this sensational series of books entitled The Jewish Syndrome, author Eduard Hodos, himself a Jew (he's head of the reformed Jewish community in Kharkov, Ukraine), documents his decade-long battle with the "Judeo-Nazis" (in the author's own words) of the fanatical hasidic sect, Chabad-Lubavitch.

According to Hodos, not only has Chabad, whose members believe their recently-deceased rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson is the Messiah, taken over Jewish life throughout the territory of the ex-USSR: it's become the factual "mastermind" of the Putin and Kuchma regimes.

Chabad also aims to gain control of the US by installing their man Joseph Lieberman in the White House.

Hodos sees a Jewish hand in all the major catastrophic events of recent history, from the Chernobyl meltdown to the events of September 11, 2001, using excerpts from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion to help explain and illustrate why.

Hodos has also developed a theory of the "Third Khazaria", according to which extremist Jewish elements like Chabad are attempting to turn Russia into something like the Great Khazar Empire which existed on the Lower Volga from the 7th to the 10th Centuries.

Much of this may sound far-fetched, but as you read and the facts begin to accumulate, you begin to see that Hodos makes sense of what's happening in Russia and the world perhaps better than anyone writing today.

Putin is in bed with Chabad-Lubavitch

Chabad 011

Russia's President Vladimir Putin issued a gold medal award to the city's Chief Rabbi and Chabad-Lubavitch representative, Mendel Pewzner. At a public ceremony last week Petersburg's Mayor, Mr. Alexander Dmitreivitz presented Rabbi Pewzner with the award on behalf of President Putin.

Putin reaffirmed his support of Rabbi Berel Lazar, leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement in Russia, who is one of two claimants to the title of Russia's chief rabbi.

"For Russia to be reborn, every individual and every people must rediscover their strengths and their culture," Mr. Putin said.

"And as everyone can see, in that effort Russia's Jews are second to none."

Since the installation of Rabbi Lazar as the Chief Rabbi of Russia by the Chabad Federation there have been a number of controversies associated with Chabad influence with president Vladimir Putin, and their funding from various Russian oligarchs, including Lev Leviev and Roman Abramovich.[2] Lazar is known for his close ties to Putin's Kremlin.

Putin became close to the Chabad movement after a number of non-Chabad Jewish oligarchs and rabbis including Vladimir Gusinsky (the founder of the non-Chabad Russian Jewish Congress), backed other candidates for president.

Lev Leviev, a Chabad oligarch supported Putin, and the close relationship between them led to him supporting the Chabad federation nomination of Lazar as Chief Rabbi of Russia, an appointment that Putin immediately recognized despite it not having been made by the established Jewish organisation.

According to an editorial in the Jerusalem Post the reason why Lazar has not protested Putin's arrests of Jewish oligarchs deportation is that "Russia's own Chief Rabbi, Chabad emissary Berel Lazar, is essentially a Kremlin appointee who has been made to neutralize the more outspoken and politically active leaders of rival Jewish organizations."

Putin Lights Menorah

Chabad 012

President Putin Awards Chabad Rabbi Gold Medal


In celebration of S. Petersburg's 300th birthday, Russia's President Vladimir Putin issued a gold medal award to the city's Chief Rabbi and Chabad-Lubavitch representative, Mendel Pewzner.

At a public ceremony last week Petersburg's Mayor, Mr. Alexander Dmitreivitz presented Rabbi Pewzner with the award on behalf of President Putin.

As he displayed the award to a crowd of hundreds who attended an elaborate ceremony, the Mayor explained that Mr. Putin issued this medal to Petersburg's chief rabbi on this occasion, in recognition of the rabbi's activities for the benefit of Petersburg's Jewish community.

The award presentation and an elegant dinner party that followed, was held in Petersburg's grand synagogue and attended by numerous dignitaries and public officials.


Chabad 013

All 19 Russian parliament members who signed a letter asking the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation to open an investigation against all Jewish organizations throughout the country on suspicion of spreading incitement and provoking ethnic strife, on Tuesday withdrew their support for the letter, sources in Russia said.

The 19 members of the lower house, the State Duma, from the nationalist Rodina (homeland) party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky's Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), and the Russian Communist Party, came under attack on Tuesday for signing the letter.

Around 450 Russian academics and public figures also signed the letter.

"It's in the hands of the government to bring a case against them [the deputies] and not allow them to serve in the Duma," Rabbi Lazar said.

"Any kind of anti-Semitic propaganda by government officials should be outlawed and these people should be brought to justice."

Yoev's ritual and self-sacrifice, by contrast, involved worldly matters, helping make a dwelling for G-d in this material world by waging war against the gentile nations that opposed this ideal.

-- Lubavitcher Rebbe

Let not the House of Israel be like all the gentiles, [12]

[12] The standard text of the Tanya has (Hebrew text):, ("like heathens"), which has been emended here according to its Luach HaTikkun ("Table of Corrections").

-- Lessons in Tanya

True freedom of choice can only come about when one has two completely equal choices. When two things, however, are unequal, one does not freely choose one over the other - the qualities found in one and lacking in the other compel the choice.

It is therefore impossible to say that "You have chosen us" refers to Jewish souls, for there can be no comparison between Jewish and non-Jewish souls, inasmuch as a Jew's soul "is truly part of G-d Above." Rather, "You have chosen us" refers to the Jew's material body, which in its corporeality is similar to the bodies of non-Jews.

G-d freely chose Jewish bodies to be the proper receptacle for Jewish souls, desiring that through the deeds performed by the body (for all physical mitzvot demand bodily participation) the Jew should become united with Him...

-- Lessons in Tanya

Purifying the Lands of the Gentile Nations Why is it that the Jewish people have been scattered throughout the whole world, including the remotest islands? And why does it happen that individual Jews here and there lose their way, and find themselves tramping from township to township? The underlying intent here is that they should purify the gentile lands, whose atmosphere is impure. [103]

For within the heart of every single Jew there is a simple faith which, though it may be dormant, is capable of purifying that impurity.

-- Keser Shem Tov, Hosafos, sec. 137

[103] - Gittin 8b.

The Gravity of Shabbos

The Chafetz Chaim, in his introduction to the laws of Shabbos in the Mishnah Berurah, makes the following remarks:

Let me point out the harsh punishment for desecrating the Shabbos. The Torah prescribes various punishment. for a broad range of transgressions. The transgressions, in ascending order, are:

  • the failure to perform a positive commandment,
  • the sin of violating a prohibition of the Torah,
  • the sins for which one incurs the death penalty at the hands of the Heavenly Court,
  • the sins for which one incurs kareis (to be cut off spiritually),
  • the sins for which one incurs the death penalty by strangling,
  • the sins that are punishable by beheading,
  • the sins that are punishable by burning,
  • and, the gravest of all, the sins for which one incurs stoning.

The willful desecration of Shabbos falls into the harshest category. To add to the gravity of the sin, a person transgressing any other commandment is considered a violator of that law alone - except Shabbos. One who intentionally desecrates the Shabbos is considered as having violated all the mitzvos of the Torah, equivalent to the status given an idol worshiper.

The Rambam says: "The observance of Shabbos and the prohibition against worshipping idols are each equal to the observance of all the mitzvos of the Torah. And Shabbos is the eternal sign between the Holy One, blessed be He, and us." For this reason, whoever transgresses the other mitzvos of the Torah is considered to be one of the wicked of yisrael, but a person who violates the Shabbos is considered a worshiper of idols. The laiter are considered no better than gentiles in all respects.

A person who openly and intentionally desecrates the Shabbos denies that Hashem created the world, just as an idol worshiper denies the existence of Hashem. Both the desecrator and the worshiper are punished in the same manner-with stoning.

(Mishnah Berurah, Introduction to Hilchos Shabbos)

Cool "religion", eh? The only question is: if even RELIGIONS may pronounce the DEATH penalty, then what do you expect of Bushes and Hitlers?

That much for the quotes related to "Jewish Messiahs" and Chabad clan and their connections and influence on the world's scene. Now...

I am not aware of any other who could possibly write the Protocols considering it was originally written in Hebrew. There exists an opinion that they were written by Rothschild, but I am not aware of the fact that he spoke Hebrew. This needs further research.

And this is just a minuscule part of the FACTS, and not just some ZioNazi disinformation fiction and all these disgusting labels of "anti-Semitism", sucked out of their own finger.

Why would there be "anti-Semitism" in the world? Why would people hate "Jews" as such? Anybody knows? What are the very REASONS for it beyond plain nationalist issue just like in any "civilized" country? Is there something "special" about it?

Jews as nationality have nothing to do with the Protocols. Otherwise, you could just claim that Germans wrote the Mein Kampf, and, therefore, they are to be persecuted as a NATION, which is simply bizarre.

Plain, ordinary Jews do not even know these Protocols exist and could care less. They live their lives just like anybody else and have as little involvement in all those conspiracies as one can imagine. This is pretty much self evident on its face value.

Who would even conceive of going after plain Jews as a result of these Protocols? Do you think people are THAT stupid not to see into it?

Yes, to get to the bottom of it, a much more technical analysis has to be performed and it was performed by several authors.

That little piece of information as to original being written in Hebrew and was allegedly seen by some people in Odessa, combined with other quite reasonable alignments of events and people is much more significant then all the opposing arguments that are basically utterly not convincing.

The version that the protocols are a concoction by the Russian secret police or something along these lines just to discredit the Jews and cause "pogroms" or whatever they tell you is utterly non-convincing. There were no "pogroms" after the protocols floated up. There was no widespread revolt of any kind.

The biggest amount of noise was produced in about 1920 when Protocols were published in the USA, and not in Russia. I do not recall a single piece of information about anything related to "pogroms" in Russia as a result of the Protocols.

Sure, there was plenty of noise around it in certain circles. But this is just like with anything else, just like a fashion that comes and goes, like any other news story that seems to raise some eyebrows.

There are some other pretty compelling pieces of information.

Here is just a starting point, just a minuscule part of the argument about the Protocols:

And you can search the following collection of quotes for anything you wish to learn, and, if you are not utterly blind and prejudiced, it will simply blow your mind to pieces, if you still have any of it left functioning.

And THESE are the issues the mankind if facing right now, and not this "enlightenment" carrot hung in front of your nose to forever chase and never reach.

Your very future has been decided by now, and not by you, by ANY means, and every single thing is ALREADY in place to achieve the agenda of the "Matrix society" as expressed by this "NWO" ideology of zombification and enslavement of mankind on all possible levels. NOW! Not tomorrow, and not the next year and not in some abstract future. But NOW. This very moment. It is here already, little do many of you even begin to suspect, chasing carrots of all kinds or busily watching the Illuminati produced movies like "The Matrix" or "The Fifth Element", salivating at the same time.

And what could have been possibly achieved even if the "proof of 'Jewish conspiracy'" was established? What does it change? Banks are still owned by the same people as before, and that is where the REAL power is, at least according to the Rothschilds. All sorts of other enterprises and media are still under control of the same people as before, and so is the US government and so are all other "governments" of the "free world", no matter what they tell you, and on and on and on.

If there were some facts, provable in court, it would seem to be much more productive just to persecute the individuals involved in the "Jewish conspiracy" instead of creating such an elaborate scheme of discreditation and putting some of the most brilliant minds to work in order to concoct such an appalling document, which could not possibly produce any tangible benefits to even mention.

Is there some some evidence of "conspiracy" against the Jews anywhere in the world? - Not that I know of. Never heard of such a thing in fact.

The whole "Jewish question" as they call it is a very touchy subject, full of all sorts of controversies, prejudices, lies and manipulation, fabrication and deceit. Hate, based on national origin, even among the people living in the same country, is a never ending problem, largely related to zombification and mind conditioning. It is wide spread even in the "civilized" West and evidence of it is all over. The ideas of intolerance are forever propagated by the puppeteers to raise havoc and dominate others.

What was achieved with "fabricating" these protocols? What are the results? Well, nothing anyone is even interested in mentioning apparently. So, what does it tell you?

For example, Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad operative, in his book "The Other Side Of Deception" states that Mossad, for some strange reason, was concerned that if some things become known, the controversy over the protocols may resurface again. Why? According to opposition, the issue has been resolved and the protocols were shown to be fake. So, what seems to be the REAL problem then? Apparently, in their view, the evidence of "forgery" is not that compelling. Otherwise, what are the real reasons for such a concern about the spilled milk several generations before.

Why do the ZioNazis foam at their mouth just hearing the word "Protocols" and their blood boils to the point the steam starts coming out of their elephant sized ears like from a steam engine?

Why? Why are they so afraid of some "proven" "fabrication"? By their very huffing and puffing they simply prove the validity of it all. Otherwise, why bother?

According to the world's foremost experts on these issues, such as Gregory Klimov, who worked on a super secret "Harvard Project" for the CIA and studied the High Sociology for 50 years, Eduard Hodos, chosen by Lubavitcher Rebbe as the one to continue his work, Leslie Fry, Douglas Reed, Cherep Spiridovich, Oleg Platonov and quite a few others of impeccable reputation, the conclusion is just the opposite to the "official" version, basically based on nothing worth even mentioning as far its provability and correspondence to the facts of reality go. But all of it is too technical to discuss here.

So, who are you to make such a blatant proclamation as to authenticity of it? Just leave it to the experts and enjoy your life for all its worth. Are you going to attack anyone who thinks differently than YOU? What a waste of life!

But all that is beyond the point. The point is you can not make the statements you made without utterly discrediting your prejudiced position, and you have no right to demand from others to do or see things as YOU wish, and the very fact you insult someone with these "but if you are compelled to write all this 'anti-semitic' garbage, why don't you do it on some other site?" Well, why don't you just jump from the Golden Gate bridge? Why suffer unnecessarily?

And this statement really "shines":

"Why create connection between this smut and Osho?"

Are you a pervert? Why "smut"? Where did a honorable sannyasin get this idea from?

Well, for one thing, there seems to be just way too many common points between The ZioNazi "Plan" and what Chandra Mohan taught. Here:

Osho and New World Order

To make a long story short, the "bottom line" here is simple:
Osho, at least as he forever claimed, is not for cowards, full of prejudice with their minds fixed in stone as a result of all the zombification programming.

If people of Henry Ford's caliber spend millions doing their own investigation, then do you think the results of their work deserve to be known? And what is the conclusion they come to? Well, Henry Ford and Winston Churchill among others state something along these lines:

"I do not know whether these protocols are true or not. But what I do know is that things seem to be happening exactly as outlined in the protocols, and 16 years have passed..."

And you can only add to it: "well, 100 more years have passed and things are STILL seem to be happening the way it was described in the protocols", and there is plenty of evidence and statements by the presidents, prime ministers, statesmen, and the highest level "authorities" that is simply indisputable, no matter what you make of it and what kind of conclusion you come to.

Furthermore, a competent research shows, and you can see it for yourself, that the eloquence, knowledge of statesmanship and knowledge of the inner workings of the governments and a political system as such indicate the author, whoever he was, was not merely some "forger" or fabricator of compromising information, but an extremely intelligent person with a brilliant mind of a genius, who seems to know way too much to be just some conman. Therefore, the "official version" is a pile of complete garbage having no merits whatsoerver. Not a SINGLE fact aligns with it.

Otherwise, just forget about Osho. The guy who wrote the protocols seems to be the REAL prophet being able to see at least a hundred years into the future! Down to the last dot and comma. I doubt there exists a prophet who was able to see so many things and in such a precise detail and with such a precise correspondence to what actually took place in the future. Most prophets I am aware of were able to see several major things. But none of them in such a precise detail and in such multitude of facts and events. He must be God himself as I claim! No "forger" for ANY police or intelligence agency could possibly even speak the way the protocols talk. People of that caliber are born one per hundred years and are remembered in history for ages to come.

The very fact that things happen in the world as outlined in the protocols speaks for itself. And I mean every single bit of it. I never heard of such a prophecy in my entire life!

Interestingly enough, Osho provides this definition of Truth: "That Which Is", known as the Tattvartha Sutra to Jains. So, he is not original even in his most favored definition of "truth". He simply borrowed it just like everything he said.

Yes, makes sense. Lies come and go, wars start and end. But what remains at the end is Truth. ETERNALLY so. Undeniably so. In fact, beyond the world of illusion, just about the only thing remains is Truth, and that is the very purpose of the search of a seeker. To finally get in touch with THAT WHICH IS, and not that, which is offered or drilled into your mind by all sorts of interests and zombification procedures.

That is the very definition of a sannyasin as far as I know: The one, who is in pursuit of Truth. Anything else does not satisfy him. That is the very difference between the world of illusion, the world of fiction and the world of reality.

No one forces you to believe a word of what it says, just like with anything else. You need to use your own intelligence and come to your own conclusions. But the basic tenet is the very concept of Democracy and it is expressed by the Declaration on Basic Human Rights, signed by most countries, stating in part such inherent rights as freedom of choice and freedom to have ones own convictions and religious beliefs. That convention happens to be one of the key agreements signed in the entire history of mankind. So I claim.

To call such information "anti-Semitic garbage", or even "smut", and in such unquestionable terms, and with such determination, while not providing a single shred of evidence to substantiate it, is not only intellectually dishonest, but simply disgusting in its arrogance and underlying assumptions.

Should we start burning books just like Nazis did during the WW II? And what do you expect as a result?

Which book is "real"? Which knowledge is "authentic"? Which information represents the very essence of life? Do you know? Osho himself would give totally different interpretations to the same thing depending on which way the wind blows between your ears. Today, Krishnamurti is "enlightened". Tomorrow, he is not. And after tomorrow, his "enlightenment" is not "complete"! WHY? Do you know? How could this be the case? Any idea? How is it possible that even "enlightenment" is "incomplete"? What does it mean? So, it turns out that even "enlightenment" can be improved upon. Then what is the point of the whole exercise and how does one know when enough is enough? Ever thought about this?

The "protocols" may be viewed as simply a "what if" scenario, just like the "Matrix" movie and vast majority of what is being drilled into your minds, which is mostly violence, perversions, manipulations and all sorts of disgust.

The validity of the "protocols" is disputed to this day. There are various opinions and views on it, ranging from "anti-semitic forgery" to circumstantial and compelling evidence. What do you make out of it is up to you.

Basically, all the human knowledge beyond the proven scientific laws is disputable, no matter what it is. The universe is multi-dimensional. It has virtually infinite number of aspects and points of view. Which one you decide to adopt is up to you. But denying even those things you can not possibly prove to be invalid is nothing more than limiting the scope and eventually reducing the infinite number of colors in the rainbow to black and white, which is the very foundation of fascism.

What does this book collection, he refers to, have to do with Osho? Well, every single bit of it. It is exactly the same work except from a different angle.

And the strangest thing is that these people do not even realize they simply bring back the interest in this "forbidden" subject. Why not just ignore it like all the crap you see all day long?

Another thing is, what do you think is more significant, the Matrix scheme of a two class society, the "elite" and "slaves", or "serfs" as Nicholas Rockefeller classified the mankind, which is already upon us as we speak, or these pipe dreams about "enlightenment", just to make you passive and submit to whatever agenda of the most profound evil is being implemented in exactly the same way as it was done by all the dictatorships?

What do you do when your rear end is on fire? Sing the Hari Krishna chants and dance your way to nothing less than hell broke loose?

Is it what sannyas means? Being a coward and not investigate the issues of significance?

I proclaim this individual is not even a sannyasin. He can not possibly be with such an attitude towards the most precious in life, the very purpose of it - The Truth.

Chandra Mohan was never afraid to criticize and expose anything or anybody. Otherwise, his whole life and his work is simply meaningless.

He has spent his whole life battling all sorts of lies, perversions, cunningness, corruption and violence. And that is one of his main contributions, if there are any. Whatever else he endlessly taught was already known before him. He simply borrowed every single thing in his "teachings".

Yes. To attempt to know the Truth is the most dangerous thing there is. Your very life is at stake. One thing is certain, there will be many in power who will do all they can to destroy you.

This individual was asked: "Do you think Truth can be polluted"? What is he trying to achieve with his disgraceful messages? But that coward did not reply with his deep insights.

So, what does "anti-Semitism" have to do with Osho? Well, he tells it in a story, answering a question: "Are you an anti-Semite"?

Are you an anti-Semite?

The very essence of "anti-Semitism" is expressed with the following joke.

Quoted from:

Book: The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 10
Chapter: Transcendence - the true therapy
Question 6.

Chandra Mohan was asked by Levin:


Levin, me? An anti-Semite? You must be crazy!

Louie Feldman - a traveling salesman - caught the last train out of Grand Central Station, but in his haste he forgot to pack his toiletry set.

The following morning he arose bright and early and made his way to the lavatory at the end of the car. Inside he walked up to a washbasin that was not in use.

"Excuse me," said Louie to a man who was bent over the basin next to his, "I forgot to pack all my stuff last night. Mind if I use your soap?"

The stranger gave him a searching look, hesitated momentarily, and then shrugged.

"Okay, help yourself."

Louie murmured his thanks, washed, and again turned to the man. "Mind if I borrow your towel?"

"No, I guess not."

Louie dried himself, dropped the wet towel to the floor and inspected his face in the mirror. "I could use a shave," he commented.

"Would it be alright with you if I use your razor?"

"Certainly," agreed the man in a courteous voice.

"How you fixed for shaving cream?"

Wordlessly, the man handed Louie his tube of shaving cream.

"You got a fresh blade? I hate to use one that somebody else already used. Can't be too careful, you know."

Louie was given a fresh blade. His shave completed, he turned to the stranger once more. "You wouldn't happen to have a comb handy, would you?"

The man's patience had stretched dangerously near the breaking point, but he managed a wan smile and gave Louie his comb.

Louie inspected it closely. "You should really keep this comb a little cleaner," he admonished as he proceeded to wash it. He then combed his hair and again addressed his benefactor whose mouth was now drawn in a thin, tight line.

"Now, if you don't mind, I will have a little talcum powder, some after-shave lotion, some toothpaste and a toothbrush."

"By God, I never heard of such damn nerve in my life!" snarled the outraged stranger.

"Hell, no! Nobody in the whole world can use my toothbrush."

He slammed his belongings into their leather case and stalked to the door, muttering, "I gotta draw the line some place!"

"Anti-Semite!" yelled Louie.

The End of Democracy

The corruption is total, complete and perverse!

Basically, everything is in place for the President of the USA to just get up the stage and announce an executive order and declare the Martial Law as has been reported in the media. All the necessary laws have been already quietly passed and all the executive directives have been issued for this to happen without participation of the Congress or The House of the USA.

Millions of caskets have already been manufactured to store the bodies of several million people "in case of emergency". What kind of "emergency" could possibly take millions of lives besides the nuclear war or HAARP induced global disasters causing the devastation unseen since the dawn of civilization?

All the people on the "red" and "yellow" lists of "dissidents" and "useless eaters" are to be exterminated in the concentration camps that have already been created. The extent of all the preparations and things that have already been done simply boggles ones mind.

The following quote is just one small example of what is to come, and who could possibly claim it is not specifically created in order to compile those "red" and "yellow" lists of the people to be destroyed in the concentration camps that have already been built?

"On october 16th [2004], president Bush signs into law the global anti-semitism review act, designed to force the entire world into never being critical of the Jews, whatever their actions.

"This act establishes a special department within the United States state department to monitor global anti-semitism, which is to report annually to congress.

"This act defines a person as being anti-semitic if they purport any of the following beliefs:"

  1. Any assertion, "that the Jewish community controls government, the media, international business and the financial world."
  2. The expression of, "strong anti-Israel sentiment."
  3. Expressing, "virulent criticism," of Israel's leaders, past or present. The state department gives an example of this occurring when a swastika is portrayed in a cartoon decrying the behaviour of a past or present Zionist leader.
  4. Any criticism of the Jewish religion or its religious leaders or literature with the emphasis on the Talmud and Kabbalah.
  5. Any criticism of the united states government and congress for being under undue influence by the Jewish - Zionist community, which would include Jewish organisations such as American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).
  6. Any criticism of the Jewish-Zionist community for promoting globalism or what some call the, "New World Order."
  7. Placing any blame on Jewish leaders and their followers for inciting the Roman crucifixion of Christ.
  8. Citing any facts that could in any way diminish the, "six million," figure of holocaust victims.
  9. Claiming that Israel is a racist state.
  10. Making any claim that there exists a, "Zionist conspiracy."
  11. Offering proof that Jews and their leaders created communism and the bolshevik revolution in Russia.
  12. Making, "derogatory statements about Jewish persons."
  13. Asserting that spiritually disobedient Jews do not have the biblical right to re-occupy Palestine.
  14. Making any allegations of Mossad involvement in the 9/11 attack.

One thing is certain about this unprecedented, unconstitutional and utterly anti-Semitic "law" - it is BOUND to produce waves of anti-Semitism and create hate against the plain, ordinary Jews that live their lives just like anybody else, and who have nothing to do with all the Zionist evil.

Quite sweeping and quite selective, isn't it? But even citing the FACTS and providing EVIDENCE has become illegal? That brings up a question: Are you required to tell the truth to the court or should you lie about the facts and evidence? Or this so called law has nothing to do with the law as such? Then what IS it? It does not look like a law of ANY kind. It looks like a purely totalitarian proclamation, just like in Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany.

This is what the very essence of Nazism and fascism is - elevating one nation or race above all others. This law is inapplicable to any other nationality or creed. It only applies to "Jews", who, by the way, openly claim nowadays that they are Khazars, and go even further - now they make claims on Ukraine as their "ancestral lands"!!! So, nowadays they are no longer "Jews", but Khazars who do not and can not possibly have any claims as to "holy lands", which means they lied throughout the history as to their relation to the lands of Israel, knowing full well they did, and there exists an undeniable evidence to this fact, including the statements of their own leaders and rabbis.

This is simply bizarre if not insane! No one in his clear mind could possibly sign under such a blatant and appalling concoction of the most perverted caliber unless they are corrupt to the bone and marrow.

So, what this so called law means is this:

The corruption is total, complete and perverse as in order to enact THIS kind of utterly racist "law" one has to be controlled on the level of his balls, as not even an entry level lawyer, under ANY circumstances, would consider such a "law" as something legal, constitutional or complying with the international conventions, such as the Convention on Basic Human Rights, signed by vast majority of governments of the world, which specifically protects your BASIC human rights to have your own convictions and beliefs and freely distribute them in any way you please without limitations of any kind.

No state or government has any right to prevent you from having your convictions and beliefs or to obtain and freely distribute them.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Article 18.

"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."

Article 19.

"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

Article 30.

"Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein."

Article 11.

(1) Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.

(2) No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.

Article 10.

Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.

This evil "global antisemitism review act" simply means that all your politicians and the so called governments have sold their souls and do not serve people who elected them to be their servants, but instead serve the evil most profound, and not only that, but they could care less what anybody thinks or says about it.

It simply means that this evilmost NWO agenda is at its final stages when they could care less what anybody thinks or does, and they could care less about the legality of it all and the law as such. Because we are at the concentration camp level now. The only thing that counts is orders, no matter how idiotic, illegal or anti-human they are. Because at THAT stage, there is no such a thing as law. The only thing that exists at that point is orders, proclamations and salutes of a "Seig Hail, mine fuhrer!" kind, just like in the Nazi Germany during the WWII period.

How could this possibly happen in a democratic and not a totalitarian society that such a selective treatment of one nationality over all others could possibly be allowed?

Why is this so called law has to do with "Jews" only, and not with bigotry as such? Are they some special kind of people needing a law to address THEIR concerns and no one else's? What happens if things described in this "law" become applicable to some other nationality? Well, there is no "law" for it, so it seems to be OK to do the same things towards all other nationalities.

But what about Democracy then? Is it out the door?

And about the most shocking thing about this "law" is that there exist a voluminous amount of evidence of most profound evil all kinds, committed by the ZioNazis, that this very "law" now protects in the most sweeping fashion under the cover of the so-called "antisemitism" abracadabra, invented by those very ZioNazis, to attack all those who oppose it. Simply indisputable evidence and from the highest level authorities, members of governments and you name it.

And the amazing thing about this so called law, which is utterly unconstitutional and goes against the Conventions on Basic Human Rights, and establishes a GLOBAL spy agency within the US State Department, is that it simply exposes and now protects that very evil, committed throughout history by the ZioNazi satanists, that plenty of the most respectable authors and researchers claim to be the case. Simple as that.

Do you understand? There are libraries worth of evidence, and not only some regular evidence, but the most compelling evidence and by the most prominent and respected individuals one could possibly hope to find.

I claim this so called law will be extended not only to spying activity, but to construct the lists of the"dissidents" to be destroyed, just like it was done in Russia during the Soviet era. It simply looks like a global operation to identify the "undesirables" and the "enemies of the people" as they were called during the Russian oppressions.

Later on, the "tribunals" were set up and all the "undesirables" were destroyed or sent to the death camps in Siberia.

Over 35 million of people, and up to 70 million according to some estimates, were destroyed by the ZioNazis in Russia. Have you ever heard about the BIGGEST genocide in the entire history of mankind during the Soviet era in Russia?

Have you ever heard about the REAL holocaust in Russia, compared to which all the concoctions and lies about the so-called holocaust simply pale in comparison? There are some stunning revelations as to the "holocaust" during the WWII. Simply mind shattering, and not by some "anti-Semites", but by the holocaust survivors themselves and people who run the "holocaust" museums and others who had the first hand experience with it. For example, the MAIN argument about gassing of Jews, that changed the course of history, turns out to be just a concoction according to the most reputable experts there are.

You can look at some of it keeping in mind that this is just a tip of an iceberg on it:

The Holocaust

And there is plenty more. Do your own research and see what you can find. Surprise, surprise.

Here is just one small quote by the ZioNazi Leo Trotsky, the main butcher during the Holocaust in Russia that left over 35 million people dead, and specifically, the cream of the crop of Russian intelligentsia.

Listen to the sermons of the Jewish communist leader, Leia Davidovich Trotsky (Bronstein) during the revolution:

"We have to transform Russia into a desert populated with white niggers, to whom we shall give such a tyranny, that even the worst despots of the East have never even dreamed of ...

"This tyranny will not be from the right, but from the left, not white, but red.

"In the literal sense of the word red, as we shall shed such rivers of blood, before which shall shudder and pale all the human losses of the capitalist wars ...

"By means of terror and blood baths, we will bring the Russian intelligentsia to complete stupor, to idiocy, until the animalistic condition ...

"our boys in leather jackets ... know how to hate everything Russian!

"What a great pleasure for them to physically destroy the Russian intelligentsia - military officers, academics, writers"

Compare the words of Trotsky's bloody texts with those of the Torah. You will see that the revolutionary Trotsky was a worthy disciple of Moses, David and the Jewish God, the Devil - Yahweh. Let the leading psychiatrists read the Old Testament and the various statements of Trotsky's, and the diagnosis will be the same - sick psychopaths and sadists.

Have you ever heard of the Holocaust in Russia compared to which everything else simply pales in comparison in the entire history of mankind? Apparently that is a "non-issue". There was no such a thing it seems. Never happened. Right? Well, the only problem with this is there are libraries worth of evidence of it, and no one ever heard of such a thing. How come? ANY idea?

The Story of The Inner Sanctum

I do not know why I am telling you this. Must be some reason somewhere. This is one of wildest stories I can tell you. Somehow, it just popped up in my mind and there is a strange feeling about it. I can not even describe it to avoid distortions. I do not remember if this was one of my dreams as it seems to have happened years ago. May be it was one of those recurring dreams. Or may be it is something some of you may be familiar with. Anyway, it isn't that important. What does look important is two aspects.

I recall myself meeting some woman and after us having a little chat, she told me: come with me. And the feeling was strange. I did not even ask where and for what. I just said OK. That is actually how I do many things that happen to cross my way. I do not like to argue or find some "reason" for events unless something clearly does not feel right.

She took me to some filthy street and then we opened some door and I got shocked. It was a big hall full of people having some party. They were all well dressed like some upper class "elite". Beautiful women, lots of best food you can imagine. It was kind of noisy and they were all mixing and chatting with each other in small groups, laughing and having a ball. And the feeling was anything I ask it will be immediately delivered no matter what I ask. So, it was like "paradise on Earth". But, somehow there was no "God" in it. It was like some self-indulgence party of bodily and material pleasures.

So, I felt a bit weird. There was something I was not interested in. It all looked pretty boring to me and their laughter and "friendliness" somehow felt like something superficial, something phony, something unreal. So, I kind of felt sad and had a thought that I'd rather like to leave that place. It was all utterly uninteresting to me even though you could see some pretty "sophisticated" people among them, like some kind of "elite", quite literally.

And then she told me: follow me, and so I did without asking where and why because I usually like to take things to their logical conclusion. We came up to a wall, which seems to have been made in form of panels, and then she pushed one of those panels and it opened like a door. Interestingly enough, no one seemed to be even aware of us going through it.

When the door opened, it was a shock. It was total contrast with the hall. It was a large room with a very big table and about twenty people in simple white robes standing around it and looking attentively at something on the table, like some map, not saying a word. They seemed to have been in high concentration mode. No one even paid any attention to us entering, like they could care less we exist.

That room was pretty simple, no bells and whistles, no fancy anything in it and nothing that catches your eye. Except that group. They all seemed like a group of the most powerful beings you can even begin to imagine in your wildest dreams. But it is hard to describe that feeling. But they did look like day and night compared to that crowd in the first hall. Like they had absolutely nothing to do with that crowd. That crowd in a big hall looked like a bunch of foolish children playing with themselves not even knowing what they were doing, just like biorobots of some kind, in the eternal state of self-indulgence. It was like a different world altogether.

What they were looking at on the table seemed to be so important that now I recall it was like they were involved in some galactic war and their decision at this moment was a matter of survival of the planet Earth or something of that caliber. But this is how I interpret it NOW. I do not remember the exact feeling at the moment as it seems to be from somewhere way in the past and I do not know how far that past goes.

So, basically, that is all I remember about that visit. That company was much more interesting to me. But it seemed like I am totally "out of place" there, like some fool, utterly uninteresting to any of them from the way they looked. It was like me visiting some museum of some kind in order to learn something. Like we were from some totally different time/space continuum.

Then, I recall myself appearing in the same hall again. That time it was all different. The same people were sitting around that big table in a relaxed atmosphere. I was pointed to one empty chair at the table and was asked to have a seat. After I did that, they told me in a pretty warm way with inner smile somewhere inside them: welcome, these are your brothers. I do not even recall if it was purely telephatic communication. But the meaning of it was clear.

I could not believe it. Somehow, I felt like such a spec of sand "in the scheme of things" that the whole thing just did not make any sense. What could I possibly contribute to people like these? Why was I invited? And why was there one empty chair at the table? They looked like they can see through me like I was totally transparent to them, every cell of mine and the entire contents of my mind no matter what it is without even asking me a single question or saying a word. But they seemed to understand my feeling and kind of told me telepathically - don't worry, everything is fine. You are not out of place here, even though the whole thing seemed like out of some fiction movie. But the feeling was that I knew them all on some level, but just forgot it, like I was absent for long enough to even remember who they were.

And that is how this story ends.

The Story of The Diamond Sword

A strange story indeed, no matter how you cut it.

A few years ago, all of a sudden, an idea appeared in my mind, out of the blue.

"You have The Diamond Sword".


"Sorry, I am a technical man. I don't deal with crap of all kinds. There is no such a thing as a diamond sword. Because it is not possible, even in principle" was the next thing in my mind.

How can there be a diamond so big as to make nothing less than a SWORD out of it? Even the queen of England never heard of such a thing.

So I said to myself: screw this one.

Then, in the next few days, the same idea came back.

What da funk!

Then, as I began to consider what it might possibly mean, the next one came into my mind:

"But you can not use it".

Cool, eh?

Just as I started to consider such a possibility, it turns out I can not use it.

"Because you are going to be hurt".

Hey, sounds like something of Chandra Mohan's caliber!

Jesus funk!

Then, it came to my mind:

"The Diamond Sword can destroy anything in the physical domain, no matter what it is."


Then, in subsequent months, as I got used to this idea, as it kept coming back, and, beginning to sense what it might be, I started playing with that diamond sword idea.

When I got into some shitty situations, that were so insignificant, that I can not even remember what they were, I pulled the sword out of the sheath.


And I got hurt. It was about the shittiest feeling I ever had. Just like trying to hurt someone, it comes back, only magnified many times over.

And I could understand it. Because if that "diamond sword" was any real, then it should never be used on some crap.

Every time I had an urge "to get even" with someone, it was the same thing: "you can not use it".

After a couple of years, that "you can not use it" message just evaporated.

And, in some dire situations, when I had to pull it, I simply could not believe its power.

And one other quality The Diamond Sword has:

Once pulled out of the sheath, it MUST be used. There can be no doubt, and no consideration.

"The Diamond Sword knows no mercy".

The very fact it is pulled, the immense energies are engaged, the energies that can destroy anything in the physical domain with a simple flash of light. ANYTHING that exist as a physical matter.

At that point, it is a dire situation, and it MUST be used. All the training and learning is finished. Now is the time to...

Otherwise, you would never get it in the first place. Toys like these are not sold in some toy store. You can not buy them for any kind of money this world has to offer. You can not get it no matter how many people you have to kill and how many countries you have to destroy, and it does not matter what kind of "president" you are and of what, and it does not matter if you control the world's banking system or oil supplies, or the gold reserves, or the diamond industries, or control the printing press for dollars.

It does not matter all.

And when I had to engage it, the evillest powers of this world would simply subside. There wasn't a SINGLE thing they could do, and those were the powers that run this world of fiction. Nothing less.

You like?

The story of a seeker

When I was 25 years old, I used to play a flute. Now, in order for you to be any kind of a flute player, you need to be able to play six major pieces of Bach, specifically written for flute. If you can not play them, you are not a flute player. It is a must.

And those pieces are pretty complicated and intricate. So, you have to practice every day by the book. And it is a royal pain on the neck. Too complicated. Mind is hardly dragging along to be able to follow it all.

One day, out of the blue, when I was reading those notes during the daily practice, all of a sudden, boom! My mind would not even have to strain to be able to read the notes and playing would be happening by itself, without me making a single effort to understand it. I was just watching those notes, but my conscious mind did not mentalize it. I did not have to think: oh, this is such and such a note and this is how long it should last, and this is how loud it should be. It was all there without any conscious thought or effort.

It lasted for about a minute or so. After that, the same old drag of trying to concentrate on it and trying to follow all those notes came back.

That experience was like a shock. I immediately recognized it as something profoundly significant. By then, I already had enough of everything in my life, like money, fame, sex and all sorts of things. But that state of utter bliss was something thousand times more valuable compared to all I "had".

So, I had a pretty large book collection with all sorts of "advanced" books. I opened up one of the books on Indian philosophy in order to see if I could find something on this phenomenon. Very quickly, I found this notion of "Atman" or "atma", the "ultimate" blah, blah, blah.

And so I started digging. Started doing Yoga exercises and you name it. And so it took several years chasing those 30 seconds of utter silence, filled with the biggest miracle I ever saw.

Why do I tell you this? Well, you see, it turns out those 30 seconds were undeniably true. There IS such a state where the most amazing things happen without you making ANY effort.

The story of enlightenment

The story of enlightenment, the story of significance for anyone, who seeks something they think they do not have:

When I was 6 years old, there was a beautiful winter with lots of thick, fluffy snow. The snow was so immensely beautiful, you could not miss a moment of it. So I played with it outside all day long.

When the night has come and I have gone to bed, my temperature has risen to near death level. As I felt asleep, I had this dream:

I was standing on the top of a huge hill, like a mountain. When I looked down the hill, all of a sudden, I saw a lion, walking very slowly up the hill in my direction. It was a frightening experience.


I looked to the right to see if I could escape that way, and I was shocked. There was also a lion, coming up to me very, very slowly.

Then I looked to the left. The same thing. And so when I looked in the back.

At that point, it was it. There was absolutely nothing I could do. Death was a certainty.

And the lions kept walking up the hill toward me. As slowly as it gets. So I still had some time. Probably a minute or so.

I knew one thing. Once they reach me, that is the end of me.

There was nothing left to be done. I could not do a single thing, no matter what. But I knew I had a little bit of time left, just to look at the whole thing.

And I stood there.

There was no fear.

There was no pain.

There was no suffering.

There was no anxiety of any kind.

It was total silence from it all.

And the question appeared in my mind:

What is that, which you are afraid to loose?

And realization came:

All you have to loose is your own identity. The sense that you are something to be lost, which is just an idea of you about yourself. Beyond it, death carries no meaning.

It is not a matter of physical pain and suffering of all kinds. It is not even a matter of you and your own identity to be projected into the future, or even remain in any way, shape or form.

It is nothing more than cessation of your idea about yourself, which you think your life is.

Finito. Bas. The show is over. Simple as that. Nothing to it to even mention.

And from then on, I was not the same man. That FEAR was no longer there. The fear of "not surviving", the fear that I may disappear as something that represents me. I went through life doing all sorts of things no one in their "clear mind" would even dare to and nothing touched me.

So, let me tell you this:

The ONLY thing that constricts you is that fear, the ABSTRACT fear, a shadow of something that does not exist.

The story of a spider

Just the other day, all of a sudden I have noticed a spider web between my clothes chest and a wall, about 5 inches wide. And for the first time in my life I was shocked by such a thing. What I saw is a fine mesh. Initially I though it is a spider web. But it wasn't. It was much finer and much more dense, like a finest grade silk, as vulnerable as you can imagine.

It was like a shock. My mind still did not have enough time to fully comprehend what I saw. It was just a strange feeling that it was something beautiful and miraculous like some sort of Temple, so beautiful and so organized its structure was. The strangest thing is that it stretched horizontally. So, how this could possibly happen that you could create a thread of 5 inches wide, going HORIZONTALLY, unless you are a spider? HOW, I ask you? I do not even understand how spiders can do that. What about gravitation then?

Then, before I even had a good chance to realise what it was, I, mechanically, tried to remove it in order to "clean" the place. As soon as I touched it with my finger, it was basically destroyed, about a half of it. And I was shocked. Because what was the most beautiful and elaborate, Temple like structure before, became something I can not describe in terms of destruction. It was like a thunder stroked me.

The feeling was: I have destroyed the Temple of God!!!

Can you IMAGINE this?

I am a simple man, just like you

This one was really something. Does a simple man change his robes every day and every time it is a new custom made robe of a designer kind? Interestingly enough all those robes were designed to look like king's mantia.

Does a simple man have a collection of diamond watches, some of which worth millions. He had Jay - Swami Jayananda (John Shelfer), a former swiss banker, going to Switzerland on a regular basis to purchase the custom made diamond watches for him. Simple as that.

Does a simple man have a collection of diamond encrusted PENS?

What a simple man!

And we are not even talking about his simple man's collection of Rolls Royces.

This "simple man" even had his private road on the ranch in Oregon, built specifically for him to have his daily high speed rides in one of his simple Rolls Royces. That road was several miles long leading nowhere and having no other purpose whatsoever. The amount of resources to build such a road among the Oregon hills was quite something. In the beginning, he used to have his daily rides on public roads. But one day he was stopped by the police for speeding and was given a ticket. He was going at about 100 Mph. Then he decided that they should build him his own private road just for the simplicity of his daily rides.

Nivedano, a musician, has told me that he was invited to go with him once on his daily ride. Chandra Mohan was driving so fast that Nivedano simply freaked out as they could have been killed any moment. Now, why would an enlightened simple man drive so fast? He had "arrived". There was no hurry to go anywhere as once you "arrive" where is there to go for you? What's the hurry? Or was he trying to make Nivedano "enlightened" really fast? What's the point?

And there is even something more interesting than this. He told Sheela on the ranch in Oregon that if they do not provide him with a new Rolls Royce every week or so, he is going "to leave this shore", meaning to die. That is a threat. In legal terms, it is called extortion - demanding something under threat. How do you like THAT for simplicity? So, it turns out that such things as mercantile interests are powerful enough to keep the "greatest master ever" on "this shore". Simple as that!

Has anyone ever seen a simple man like this?

What is interesting about these Rolls Royces, it turns out this simple man simply wanted "to make America jealous"! Simple as that. He even had guts to state that no one less than Rockefeller was JEALOUS of him. How do you like THAT kind of crap for breakfast. Unfortunately, our simple man did not place himself in proper perspective. The thing is, Rockefeller could simply buy the Rolls Royce factory and have stadiums filled with Rolls Royces if he wanted to. Rockefellers happen to be some of key players in the global NWO game, on the par with Rothschilds, if you can even comprehend their resources which are immense and so is their influence. Compared to them this simple man looks like nothing more than a funky chicken dancing on a hot pan with his head off.

And if someone would dare to disagree with this simple man, he would go vicious and would spend hours, days and years trying to grind his rear end to dust. What a simple man!

And what is a kicker in all his simplicity is sometimes, when he was pinned down during some interview by a reporter about all these things, he would say: "I am a rich man's guru, and I want my people to be rich", and chuckle at that. But how do you make "your people" rich by ripping them off, and DEMANDING a Rolls Royce once a week even when there is no money to run this simple man's commune as Sheela stated? Where did all this money come from?

Another thing this simple man used to brag about all the time is his "messages" to prominent politicians, heads of state, the Vatican and on and on, telling them how to run the world, forever bragging about his contacts with the most powerful and influential politicians and others of influence, power and wealth. What a simple man!

I am a simple man, and I simply tell you that you have to run your country and the entire world according to my simple commandments. Or else! Because I am a simple man and you simply must listen to a simple man to learn how to run the world. That is called modesty of a simple man.

The only thing unclear is how does a simple man know how to run the world or a country? Understood, if he was a businessman, that could be of some value, or if he was a diplomat or a statesman with lots of experience on making all sorts of agreements or solving the specific problems. But merely a simple man?

This simple man said: "but if you bug me, I can be terrible". Simple as that!

And a record of his simplicity is so long that this book won't fit it all in.

Praise the simple man, sinners!

God does not exist, Faith

Before we start, what is "enlightenment"? What is "reincarnation"? Can you prove any of it? Can you verify it? How? And if you can not, then what you have is faith based something. And it is not even faith. It is a BELIEF. A blind belief based on nothing even worth mentioning.

For starters.

I have never spoken against God for the simple reason that God does not exist. How can you speak against someone who does not exist in the first place? I have never spoken against Christianity either, because there is no such thing in the world as Christianity.

What exists in the name of Christianity I have always called Crossianity. It is the worship of the cross, not of Christ. It is fear of death, not love of life. Just take a few things out of the life of Jesus and Christianity disappears. If he is not crucified can there be a Christianity? Jesus is not important; what is important is crucifixion. Even more important is the fiction of resurrection, but that is possible only if first Jesus is crucified. It is a corollary.

These so-called Christians worship Jesus because of resurrection. That is a great consolation against death. That's why I say they are worshiping the cross, the crucifixion, the resurrection - not for any love for Jesus and his teachings but because of a deep fear of death. This fear of death makes them believe in things which they know are impossible. But when you are in a psychological turmoil of fear you can believe anything, just as a temporary consolation.

The sweet taste of corruption from "From Darkness to Light"

Can you belive this? Is there a word of truth in it?

To claim that "so-called Christians worship Jesus because of resurrection" is simply ugly, if not insane. First of all people are not merely the carbon copies of each other. Every single one of them do things because of their particular reasons or prejudices, be it fanaticism. How did he know why different people consider themselves Christians? How did he know it is because of "fear of death"? Did he at least ask them?

"There is no such thing in the world as Christianity"? How can one say things like these? But is there "Rajneeshism" and what IS it?

"Jesus is not important; what is important is crucifixion". How do you like THAT for breakfast? Well, but what about this:


Love connects you with the source of all the energies. That source is God. Without love we live in a disconnected state, hence a very tiny amount of energy remains available to us. That too is in spite of us, because we cannot be absolutely disconnected from God, otherwise we will die. So a little bit of connection continues, but if one is consciously rooted in God, grows his roots in God... That's what love means: growing your roots in God.

Becoming more and more love-full is becoming more and more God-full. And the more you love, the more you see God everywhere.

...There is only one phenomenon in life which is beyond death, and that is love; because God is beyond death. God means eternity, immortality. And love makes you divine, makes you part of God; it helps you to transcend time and move into eternity.

...Knowledge knows the many; wisdom knows the one, but that one contains all. The name of that one is God.

...God is at the very center of your being: he exists in you as you.

Darshan 12 September 1979 from "Dont Let Yourself Be Upset by the Sutra rather Upset the Sutra Yourself"

Upset Sutra? Too much drugs?

Mind you, Chandra Mohan spoke about God in nearly all of his lectures! So, it turns out he has spent most of his time talking about something that does not exist as he declared in Oregon finally. So, it turns out he was lying during most of his life, for years on, when he was telling you things affirming God, while he did not believe a word of what he was saying.

I would not want to touch a subject of God or faith, but I just came across something in Chandra Mohan's lecture related to sex where he says God is somehow "stupid", he should have created a man this way and a woman that way and he should have done this and that, and things of that sort. Under what authority was he making such statements about noone less then God?

First of all, my argument is simple: God is not a clown to show you some tricks or acts of "magic". This is basically the entire argument. I don't have to say a word beyond it. Noone has any authority to speak on why or what God should have done or not.

If you are sick and deny the life affirming aspects, who is obliged to help you or assist you while you are denying the very ground you stand upon? You need to learn the "hard way". Nothing will help until you see with your own eyes.

Secondly, It is one thing to say: If I were God I would create a woman this way and a man that way so they would do this and that. But we already had a chance to see what Chandra Mohan was able to create when he was a god-like figurehead. Oregon is a perfect example of what he was capable of. The end result is crimes, murder attempts and actual murders of some poor innocent people that had nothing to do with any of it, total abandonment of "his people" leaving some of them without a penny when that whole house of playing cards came down on itself, and ALL sorts of things equally as creative, including but not limited to him denying the most fundamental concepts of his programming - "enlightenment" and "reincarnation", denying his "Rajneeshism" "religion", denying his own mala, orange uniform he forced his people to wear and this is not the end of the list. By far.

Rajneeshism "religion"

Let me stop for a moment on this "Rajneeshism" "religion". It was invented on the ranch in Oregon for political and tax evasion reasons. Because once you are classified as a religion, there are certain protections for you under the law. So, this "Rajneeshism" fiction was invented in order to first of all, classify him as some kind of God, and, therefore, he could obtain a residence status on religious grounds according to the law, and so he can not be deported for one thing. There were some other considerations and benefits for purely political reasons mostly.

Secondly, the religious organisations can claim the tax exempt status and avoid taxation, which was one of the very important things. Very few things were done, as far as money is concerned, without considering the tax related issues, strange as it may sound.

But what is most significant here is that he was willing to lie and to the utmost magnitude as he knew perfectly well that this "Rajneeshism" thing is not only not a religion, but it is utterly disgusting lie that goes against his very battle with the very notion of religion. Once he accepted "Rajneeshism" as a religion, all his house of playing cards was bound to fall on itself. Because he denied his own most fundamental argument against all religions as such.

The point here is that he did not have a slightest notion of morality as such. There was no such a thing as "good" in his mind. There was only "goals" and "agendas" to be reached, and reached no matter what, regardless. Even if you have to deny your own ideology. As long as you can achieve, that is ALL you care for, just like in Scientology.

That god-like "Bhagwan" just tried to run away like a thief, abandoning "his people" some of whom were left without a penny. There was no general announcement of him leaving on a hired business class jet. There were only a few people of the "elite of the elite" who were present at the airport in Rajneeshpuram when he was leaving. And I was there, standing at a good distance watching that grand show from the outside of it.

And it was my "message" to him even though I did not intend to send him any "messages" at that time. But he saw me and he knew who I am. So, the fact that I did not even come close and stand with all others, shivering with adoration, could be the "message" of his life. It was basically a verdict: "You are leaving on a trip, from which you will not return", and I mean in a larger sense of it. It was the end of him and his entire "system". I knew he was leaving for good even though no one told me and the whole thing seemed to me quite pathetic.

It was like a show that was a flop, as it failed flat on its face. It was like bankruptcy and the one who was a bankrupt was simply trying to "split" that show. HOW, I ask you? How can you split the show where you are the main actor? No... You can not do that, no matter how hard you try to run away from something you yourself have created. It will ripple through time and space, and you WILL have to face all that "music" you yourself have ordered.

So, does a person like him have ANY right to attribute to God ANYTHING whatsoever?

It is amazing to see how much of a hard time Chandra Mohan had with a concept of God. What seems to be the problem?

Anyway, in order to deny the existence of God, first of all you need to specify what is that which you are denying. And this is a trap for the smart ones of Chandra Mohan's kind. You simply have to describe that which you deny the existence of.

But he did not specify what is he denying when he denies God. Is it some properties of Him? Which ones? And WHO says God has to have these properties? Some actions of His? Which actions? And WHO said God has to act this way or other? Some ideas about him? WHOSE ideas? What ideas specifically?

How can a honest person do these kind of things especially being a professional philosopher?

His position on religion is exactly the same as of satanists of Lenin and Karl Marx's kind, who say:

Religion is an opium for the people.

Well, but what did Chandra Mohan preach but religion? And what is the very essence of his "religionless" "religiousness" abracadabra? There is no such a thing as far as I can see. Simply because they are nothing more the derivations of the same Root - religion. Can you deny the very root? HOW? If there is no religion, how can there be "religiousness"? What is it about? At least use a different word. Or is it some kind of marketing where you would like to use the very root word to attract the customers that are accustomed to it while not believing a word you say?

And I mean nearly every word of his is religion, except it is a "religion" of anarchy, and that "freedom" he preached all the time ends up in chaos in your very soul. Because what he was doing all the time is destruction of all religions and, eventually, all the masters before him, which is simply suicidal since all his ideas more or less were a result of their ideas. Which specific ideas were invented by him?

Actually, he claimed that anarchy is the "final state" of man. And what is anarchy but a rule by the mob resulting in rivers of blood and destruction of all kinds just as it has been shown in Russia with "Daddy" Machno, the most famous anarchist in Russia, who actually implemented it in practice with his "commune" of thugs, murderers and robbers?

The hierarchical nature of existence is not merely accidental. By far. In the most primitive level it could be interpreted as optimisation of resources. It is much more difficult to do things and create something if everyone crawls up the stage and tries to grab the mike. The result is nothing more than noise of insanity. Unless there is someone who has the intelligence and responsibility to dedicate himself and SERVE as a Unifying Entity, all you have is a madhouse that can produce nothing more than "revolutions" and ALL sorts of violence and idiocy.

Secondly, to rule you need intelligence and education. It is a tedious process, and it is not surprising that in monarchies a future emperor is specifically educated from his childhood in all sorts of things including military, diplomacy, argumentation, logic, law and so on. Do you think that giving someone power by merely voting, as it is done in "democracy", you can simply select the most appropriate individual who will be able to do a good job of running the country or even to comprehend the complexities and find the most rational solutions? Just look at all those "leaders" elected via "democratic" means. For one thing, nearly every one of them eventually gets corrupted. Because most of them are merely the careerists, who were struggling for power for self-serving purposes, such as material acquisition or ego gratification.

Chandra Mohan, even though he denied God all he could, still used the term "existence". Existence wants this or that, it does this or that and on and on and on.

Yes, there are laws of existence. Some things inevitably happen in the same way regardless. But what does it mean? Well, what it means to me is that there is some unifying force behind it. Something that integrates things. And what could it be?

There are the integrating forces that constitute existence, being. What is beauty? Do you know? What is harmony? These are the things that integrate the existence and perpetuate it. They make you want to be, known as impetus to be. You are compelled to be because of those things. Harmony brings joy into your being and shows you how entities and aspects work together as a whole in total cooperation, adding to each other without conflicts, and that is why you want to continue to be. Basically, harmony is the very essence of life, born out of Love. It is one of the most powerful aspects and stimuli that reinforce Life as such. Disharmony is the essence of destruction and death. It will inevitably lead to destruction and conflict. These are the utmost mysteries of life, the laws of being, the principles of life as such.

Are you just automatons, some machines to perform some action according to your program? To achieve some goal? Goal of what? Ultimately, you are all going to be "dead" as a physical body. So that "goal" of yours is just a temporary abode of yours, just a flicker in eternity of All There Is.

Are you going to tell me life is just some exercise in futility, performed by some bio-robots programmed according to a limited set of instructions in the CPU between their ears?

Are you going to tell me it has no meaning and significance?

Are you going to tell me there is no purpose of you being here?

Are you going to tell me Love is nothing more than idea in your mind?

Then why are you here? For what?

What is this "enlightenment" thing but a denial of life as such? Sure, there is such a notion as "self-realisation", but what does it mean? Does it mean some "final" state of your being, beyond which no progress is possible? Can you "self-realize" more after "enlightenment"? If so, then the very notion is false. Because it is not complete and final. There is no certainty that you can not be improved upon. What is the difference between "enlightenment" and a carrot hung in front of your nose?

"Enlightenment", as far as progress of your being, reduces to a death-like state. It means total and final achievement beyond which no progress is possible as there is nothing left to explore because you know it all in and out. There is nothing left for you to do. And what would you call that state but death, even though it is not death of your physical body? Interestingly enough, Chandra Mohan states that once you achieve "enlightenment", you die, which makes sense from this point of view. Because there is nothing left for you to improve upon, to grow towards, to enlarge.

About the only thing left is to share your "light" with those, who are blind. And that is precisely the place where all the pseudo-masters hide behind, pretending that the very purpose of their lives is to help all those poor "seekers" to achieve the same state they are in. But, if that is the case, how come most of them empty your pockets and build themselves palaces and dress in king-like robes, trying to look like "gods" of some kind, trying to impress others with their "superiority"?

What is the EVIDENCE of their "enlightenment"? How do you even measure it or evaluate it? According to what principles? Well, for one thing, such a person should not look extraordinary or "superior" in ANY way. He should wear the simple clothes and demonstrate no attributes of wealth, "power", "authority" or anything that may look him different or "superior" to others. That proves his sincerity. It says he is not in it for money, power, fame or self-gratification.

Look for example at Jesus. He wore a simple robe and even walked barefoot. He did not even have a place to live in. That means he was doing what he was doing for other purposes than wealth and the rest of it. And that evidence builds TRUST. And trust is like a water to a small, virgin plant. Regardless of whether you accept his teachings or not, at least one thing you know - he is not a crook.

Let us talk about faith now

Let us talk about faith now. What is faith? Simple - it is your roots in existence. Everything you do is based on faith, no matter what you do and no matter who you are if you look at it deeper than a skin level.

Basically, faith has to do with the issue of completeness, strange as it may sound. Because in order to come to a final determination of anything whatsoever you need to have a COMPLETE definition or evaluation, to have the complete picture in its fullness. It means you need to consider ALL the aspects. Otherwise, you can not have confidence in correctness of your definition. If you missed something, then how do you know that what you thought of as insignificant is not that very "corner stone", that lays at the very foundation?

But the complete definition or evaluation is not possible, even in principle. Even if you manage to define the whole existence at some point, the next moment new elements will come into play and you would have to reevaluate the whole thing again. That is why you need faith, that final leap between you and Divine, the Creator, the Ultimate of All There Is. Faith is that bridge between you and Infinite, Ever Expanding and All Pervading Intelligence that will make your picture MORE complete, even though you can never reach full completeness, even if you ARE that very Essence, that Infinite Intelligence.

Full definition means death. It means the END. It means nothing else is possible. No development is possible, and, therefore, the very purpose disappears. Life turns into death, which is impossible under ANY circumstances whatsoever.

So, faith is that, which fuels Life itself.

First of all, faith is what you have with Chandra Mohan to a large extent, just to be blunt. Because most of what he said is not verifiable beyond things obvious on their face value, given a little effort, a little focus. It is either you accept it on faith, as is, without examination, via "trust" and "surrender to the master" trick, or vast majority of what he said has to be junked upon arrival. Because very little of it, if anything of significance, can be proven and validated. Vast majority of what he said were inventions, concoctions or recombination of those things that were said before him by the other "masters". And the more wild those things were, the more chance was there to achieve the "wow" response and impress others.

Yes, plenty of things he said were insightful and that can not be denied indeed. But I tell you: every single one of you, if he trusted himself and were open and knew what silence is, would be able to do the same thing. No one in existence has a private access to Truth. That is not how Truth "works". It is available to everyone and anyone, without exceptions, REGARDLESS of ANYTHING. This is the LAW, not theory, and you might see it one day, and I wish you it happens to you. The ONLY one, who stands between you and Truth is YOU. No power of anything can prevent that. Truth has no secrets. It all depends on your sincerity and your perceptiveness and openness, and not on the amount of knowledge you have gathered.

What is faith really? Well, what is "good"? What is love? What is creativity? What is being considerate to other people and not merely exploit them or parasite on them? Well, it is also based on faith, believe it or not.

Let us look at the notion of "good", which is the very basis of morality, which, in turn, is the basis of religion. Can you prove there is such a thing as "good"? Sorry, you can not. Not possible. You simply accepted it as a religious concept. In the Western world it goes back to Ten Commandments. Yes, there IS such a thing as FEELING good in your chest when you do something, think something or receive some energy from someone. But how do you know it is "good"? Just look at the murderer or a butcher killing someone. Does he not also feel "good", at least as HE thinks of it? Look at the sadist. Does he not feel "good" torturing someone? Does not the warrior or a king feel "good" winning a war? What is the difference then?

When you say "good", you need to consider the standpoint, specific situation, the purpose and other context. What is "good" for one, may turn out to be "bad" for others. What is "good" in one situation, may be deadly in other. What is "good" for one purpose, may be horrible for other.

So, the very notion of "good" is not self-sufficient. You need to bring in some other criteria to fully evaluate its goodness. They told you there is such a thing as "good" and so you accepted it without looking into it. Because "good" and "bad" are religious concepts. You won't be able to prove it or even fully define it, as to even define it, you need to consider the infinite number of aspects, the whole of Existence, which is dynamic and ever changing.

Everything eventually reduces to religion and is based on faith, even if you think yourself to be an atheist. Just look at it now, without judgement one way or another.

And it is based squarely in morality. And where does morality come from? Well, from religion. And thus you accepted your most fundamental assumptions based on faith.

Faith is one of the most illusive things there are, if not THE most illusive thing. Because eventually everything you do is rooted in faith. You can prove or verify very little of it if anything at all. At some point you simply trust your basic assumptions such as "good" when you do something or believe something.

It is either you do things for mercantile interests of your own belly, or you do it for some "greater" purpose, such as "good", which is beyond any individual entity and its private concerns.

When you try to do something new, why are you doing it? Is there any EVIDENCE that you are going to succeed with it? That it is going to work the way you expect it? How do you know? And so, vast majority of what you do is based on faith, faith that it will somehow work out in your favor or for some "greater good" at the end. This is what faith is. You might think that faith is something related to existence of God. But it is in your every step, in your every breath.

Why are you here? Can you prove the rationality of it? Can you prove there is some purpose for you to be here beyond stuffing your belly and shaking your rear end in ecstasy of idiocy? Just look at it now.

And God can not be proven or disproved. It is a matter of faith. So, what Chandra Mohan was doing all the time is trying to destroy the very notion of faith within you to reduce life to some kind of logic system or a mathematical formula that can be computed and some grand result calculated.

And the most shocking aspect of it is that he was not really trying to destroy faith in you. He was simply trying to replace one faith with another. Instead of you having a concept of God, some source of Good, he demands that you have faith in HIM as some kind of "master", except it is not clear of what.

Do you think you need an agent or an interpreter between you and Existence, between you and God? Then why are you here if you are defective and can not resolve the issues in your life? Are you but a puppet of someone to play you like a doll? What is the purpose of your life? To listen to sweet stories of others about God that does not exist? Isn't this ridiculous? Do you think someone else knows YOUR "problems" better than you yourself? How would they know it? Did they live YOUR life? Can they possibly know all the subtleties of your situation and your individual needs better than you? How is this possible?

And that is why, as far as I can see, U.G. Krishnamurti stated it so bluntly about the "enlightened" "masters" by saying:

"Throw them into a fire"!

Because they are nothing but a hindrance. They do not and can not "help" you but in some rudimentary ways, even though it would be better for you to find YOUR own way, which is why you are here as you are. They can only damage you by taking away your freedom and your dignity, denying you your inherent abilities to resolve the issues in your life with your own intelligence and with the help of the Infinite Intelligence, which stands at the very root of Existence. You will simply grow dependence on these "masters" and become weaker and weaker every day, more and more confused with piles upon piles of THEIR stories and "explanations" about Life as such.

But ALL they are telling you is THEIR own understanding, mostly applicable to themselves. Sure, some rudimentary things are universal and applicable to many. But that does not necessarily mean that YOU need it, at least the way they present it and at the time they did so. Every river flows its own way and so grows every flower, even though many things are common.

Because you are unique and incomparable and that is precisely why you are here - to express it. No one either knows "your path" or walks it. They can only walk their own path, at least if they are honest. At best, they can "help" themselves, and even that much is not so certain. Otherwise, there would be no need to call oneself a "master" thus elevating oneself above others, and for the others to accept it as some kind of reality, not to be questioned.

The very term "master" is the highest order of INSULT to every one of you, unless it has to do with some practical skill. How do you even measure or evaluate the mastership of someone? You may be a "master" in one skill and totally clueless in the other. So, when you say "master", you need to specify of what, in what context and to what extent. But people even tremble in the presence of some "master", accepting every word they say as though it was a word of God, not even looking at its essence and meaning. Yes, eventually it is themselves, who are responsible for getting screwed in the end. Who forced them to accept every world of someone unquestionably, without any examination of its validity, applicability or trueness?

You are here as you are and that is how God expresses Itself in its Infiniteness, in all possible and imaginable ways. There is no need for you to be if you are just a puppet, repeating someone's words or ideas and following someone else's path. What for? God needs no puppets. He/It needs CREATORS - those, who have courage to try something new, putting all their efforts into making it alive, out of mere potential.

The biggest crime of Chandra Mohan is that he tried to destroy the very concept of God, in every way possible. Because it was a hindrance to "his work", in zombifying you all that is. His never ending battle with the very concept of God simply does not make sense, unless it was some kind of a "competition" for the "supremacy" and the ultimate control over some herd.

Most of what he had to say about God is bluff, unless it was obvious on its face value pretty much. Sure, he was a brilliant and pretty inventive guy and so he went all over the scale trying to explain everything and anything. But those most fundamental things he said were based on faith. Just reexamine what you adopted from his speeches and you will be shocked. Vast majority of it is totally unverifiable, and totally unprovable, a pure grade "faith based initiative" just like that deranged satanist George Bush peddled.

See? So, let us leave it at that for now. Chew on it. Digest it well. Because that is the very ground you stand upon.

Christianity is the biggest evil there is

Chandra Mohan has spent an enormous amount of time trying to discredit the Christianity and to show that it is "the biggest evil there is". Well, let us see first.

Yes, it is beyond argument that Christianity is corrupt to the bone and marrow by now, and nearly all those priests are nothing more than servants of most profound evil, forever manipulating people via all sorts of "miracles", manipulation of fear and guilt, or the act of crucifixion, all for the purpose of parasiting on others and their gullibility, and to maintain a deadly grip of control and domination over everyone. They dress like the kings and behave like Gods, just like Chandra Mohan did. They are essentially the same Pharisees of modern day as Jesus argued against. They speak to you with Godly authority and pose as the only ones, who could understand and interpret The Scriptures, which is a lie.

Yes, there exists plenty of information that indicates that the Vatican is not even Christian by now. It is essentially a Masonic/Illuminati conspiracy, a secret society serving the NWO agenda and practicing nothing more than occult and satanism, just as symbology in Vatican itself shows. The ritual murders of babies with a golden knife are reported to be conducted in the Vatican itself.

We are not even talking about their sexual assaults on children, which is prevalent in this satanic organization called the Catholic church. Because they were corrupted centuries ago by the servants of evil of Rothschild's kind, and by now, they are corrupt to the bone and marrow. And the very fact they became corrupt indicates that they had nothing to begin with.

It indicates that they had some mercantile interests when they began their "religious" trip. To most of them, it was nothing more than "an easy way to make some money doing nothing" beyond brainwashing people and leading them AWAY from God - the Creator - The One. It was not a genuine search for Truth or God, that brought them into the church. Truth can not get corrupted. It will still remain, no matter how much corruption is there to distort it. But one day, sooner or later, you will see that spoonful of tar that spoils the barrel of honey.

They are perverts in their hearts, perverting and manipulating the message of Jesus and betraying him. This can not be denied indeed.

Their purpose was and is to destroy the Christian Church from within, just as planned, organized and financed by Rothschilds. Perverting and destruction of the Vatican and the Christian Church was one of the most important projects of Rothschilds as evidence on record shows in no uncertain terms. It was a part of their "grand plan" to rule and own the world. Nothing less.

That is, in a single statement: Vatican is satanism and occult, and we are not even talking about the global drug and arms trade, they are involved in and being at the top of, according to the prominent experts. Some claim they are the most powerful hand in the global drug trade, only comparable to the "queen", who represents the ancient bloodline and the Luciferian doctrine.

Pope - satanic hand sign Mano Cornuto

Pope showing the satanic hand sign Mano Cornuto.

No argument there. But...

But first of all, Chandra Mohan's own organization became as corrupt as it gets. His own expression "I am a rich-man's guru" is the very root of that corruption and of utmost grade. He just wanted to milk those "rich men" and buttress their egos with this kind of a "compliment" and ego gratification. Was he trying to deny the validity of the "poor men"? Why is that? Are they "defective"? Less deserving? Based on what criteria? Parasitism?

He even had guts to claim that only a rich-man could be truly "religious". Because his belly is full, and only when your belly is full, you can bother with things like religion. Because poor people are too much concerned with "survival" and have no time and energy to get into things like religion. Well, sounds logical. Hard to argue about it.

But it is a LIE nevertheless. Simply because, for example, most of the rich men only go to the church on Sunday, and screw the poor men the rest of the week. But the poor man LIVES with God. Because he is screwed all the time, and about the only one he can turn to in the world of evil is God. Who else, when everyone is corrupt? Yes, you can claim that the poor man is simply begging for help. Yes, but even that is not in all cases.

But the poor man is not corrupt. That is why he is poor. And corruption is the worst hindrance of them all, and that is why Jesus said: it is easier for the camel to get through a hole of a needle, than for the rich man to enter the Kingdom of God (not a literal citation). Because he does not have the most deadly attachment there is - money, power, influence, control and domination. Does THAT worth something? How many rich men are willing to give up their attachments in the name of God? Then why are they "rich"? Is it a necessity of some kind? Is it something required to have your dignity and live in Harmony with ALL?

As to me, the rich men should build the palaces not for themselves, but for the libraries, hospitals, universities and schools, theaters and museums. But not for themselves. That would be their recognition that everything they have come from the people who work for them and create this wealth, and who, therefore, are the ones to be honored for their work.

THAT is what Life affirmation is to me. And that would be the real evidence to everyone that we all live in a world of sanity and mutual respect and recognition that every human being is as valid as any other. Everything else is an INSULT to God and His/Its creation, where every single entity is as equally important as themselves.

In fact, from what I see, it was corruption from the day one, when Chandra Mohan created all those foundations, corporations and schemes of all kinds. And well before it. It was in his heart from day one of his "acharya" trip. There is enough evidence of it in his single statement to his father asking him "what do you need this thing for", to which he answered "watch me build my own empire". That single statement is enough.

Corruption is pretty much inevitable once the organisation grows to proportions of significance as all the parasites start gathering around it sensing they can have their share of parasiting on all the fools, seeking something they think they are missing.

For one thing, as per order of Rothschild, ZioNazi satanists were ordered to convert to Christianity, join their seminaries to get a religious education and penetrate the Christianity from within in order to destroy it.

As a result, most of the scriptures were perverted. The Talmudic satanist messages were added to the Bible. Bible and New Testament were perverted, not even mentioning the distortions during several translations.

Here is just one example: Jacob H. Schiff, the leader of Zionists, finances the complete rewriting of the Bible

Actually, the scriptures were perverted well before the Rothschilds. According to some prominent ZioNazis, like rabbi Abe Finkelstein for example, they were perverted back in the 15th century. Most of the originals were destroyed and the rest were rewritten specifically to distort the message of Jesus and to minimize or distort its significance. But, the miracle is, they were unable to distort the most essential parts of the message. It is still alive, to this day.

But, "throwing a baby with the bath water" is what? Does it mean that what was attributed to Jesus is invalid, just because Christianity is corrupt to the bone and marrow? Sorry, that does not follow from the rules of logic.

How many of you did look at what Jesus have said as reported in the New Testament? Which things did he say are invalid?

Let us just take a single quote from the New Testament:

4. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

5. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

9. As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.

12. This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.

13. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

15. Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.

16. Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

17. These things I command you, that ye love one another.

18. If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

19. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

20. Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.

23. He that hateth me hateth my Father also.

John 15 (King James Version)

Now. Is it something you throw away with a bath water just because Chandra Mohan makes some claims trying to invalidate it?

Interestingly enough, Chandra Mohan borrowed quite a few things from Jesus. Just a single quote above is enough. "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you" is the same exact thing as Chandra Mohan preached. But whose idea it was? Do you know?

And what he did by condemning Christianity is to tare away from the depths of your soul the life giving aspects of Jesus' message to you all. Nothing less. Just to replace it with his own image of omni-potent "master" trying to replace Jesus as I claim.

Even the communication from the "ruling elite family" of Lucifer admits there are things that are valid in the message of Jesus even though they claim that a lot of it was corrupted and perverted, which is not surprising at all.

If you had a choice of who would you stand with - Jesus or "Osho", what would you do? Think well before you answer.

If you ask me: who is the bigger evil - Jesus or Chandra Mohan, what do you think I will answer? And if you ask me: who is bigger evil than "Osho", I would keep silent. Because his name is nothing less than Satan, or Lucifer, whom these ZioNazi satanists worship. There is no other bigger evil than that in my mind. Not even possible in principle. Simple as that.

What Chandra Mohan was doing is to peddle the NWO ideology of the Illuminati and ZioNazi satanists. In that ideology, religion, and especially Christianity, is the biggest danger to their entire ideology of chaos, confusion, idiocy and enslavement of mankind and conversion of it into a herd of bio-robots and zombies, brainwashed to literal oblivion, whose purpose is to blindly and obediently serve the "elite" being the slaves they are. Just look around. What do you see all over?

Two of the key points of their "program" are destruction of religion, and specifically Christian Orthodoxy in Russia as the most "dangerous" force as it is incorruptible, and promotion of religious cults of Chandra Mohan's kind. All these songs about "freedom" he sang is what they call "the poison of liberalism" as reflected in the Protocols of Zion and affirmed in quite a few different documents and by some of their key authors.

See: 21 Goals of the Illuminati and The Committee of 300

Also: Protocols: The Plan

In order to control you, you have to be uprooted and shaken. All the ideas of good are to be erased from your mind and replaced with the ideas of "freedom and democracy", just like these satanists brainwash you on all the channels with all their "shows" of utter disgust which they make look like "freedom of choice", while waging wars and committing the horrendous crimes of genocidal proportions, spreading these lies about "freedom and democracy" throughout the world with sword and fire.

Here is one mind blowing book:

Invisible Khazaria - NWO - Strategies, Tools and Methods by Tatyana Gracheva

What they call the progressive forms in art, music and literature is in fact a destruction of the last patches of the ground for you to stand upon. And this is one of the most damaging aspects of the whole thing. Because art and sense of beauty and harmony are some of the most powerful defense mechanisms within you, your last guards.

It can not be manipulated via reason. Because art does not deal with reason or logic. But it can be manipulated directly via imposition of ugliness and disgust. With time, those guards simply get overwhelmed and shunned with unending jamming of your senses with utmost sickness. If the only thing you hear and see is sickness, eventually you forget all about genuine beauty, and if it is done to you since your childhood, then you never even learn the real beauty of structures and proportions in music, art, literature and the rest of art forms.

All this convulsive satanic sickness you see all over is nothing but promotion of utmost ugliness and disgust, utter tastelessness, filling your mind with all sorts of utterly meaningless noise of a madhouse, so you forget about anything genuine and life affirming.

And the purpose of it is to bring you down to animalistic level of a beast, which, by now, is what most of the people are. This massive campaign of zombification took its final shape and the zombification machine went into full swing in the seventies of the 20th century, even though it started centuries ago, pretty much from the ancient times.

They feed you sexual perversions and disgust everywhere you look, and call it "freedom" and "progressive" art. Gregory Klimov calls it a "degenerate art", which is exactly what it is in essence. It isn't even any kind of art as far as I can see. It is nothing but zombification procedure.

This is some of the deadliest stuff of all, and, by now, they got it down pat to the level of some science. These things are designed and developed by organizations such as the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, the SRI (Stanford Research Institute) and few other of their "think tanks" where complete systems and methods of mind control are designed and developed.

I was shocked to learn that Jazz, hard rock, heavy metal, rap, techno are nothing more than pure grade satanism, and all those "stars" are nothing but mind control victims, and what is done to them to program their minds simply boggles ones mind, so violent and destructive it is. They do not even realise what is done to them while displaying the satanist symbology in each of their performances. If you look at all those "stars", and of the highest caliber, it is simply mind boggling. They are literal zombies, and once they have been used and played their role, they are simply thrown out into a garbage bin and some of them end up either committing suicide or dying out of drug overdose.

John Lennon showing the devil's horn hand sign
John Lennon showing the devil's horn hand sign

John Lennon showing the devil's horn hand sign.

An outstanding example of social conditioning to accept change, even when it is recognized as unwelcome change by the large population group in the sights of Stanford Research Institute, was the "advent" of the BEATLES. The Beatles were brought to the United States as part of a social experiment which would subject large population groups to brainwashing of which they were not even aware.

When Tavistock brought the Beatles to the United States nobody could have imagined the cultural disaster that was to follow in their wake. The Beatles were an integral part of "THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY," a living organism which sprang From "THE CHANGING IMAGES OF MAN," URH (489) 2150-Policy Research Report No. 4/4/74. Policy Report prepared by SRI Center for the study of Social Policy, Director, Professor Willis Harmon.

The phenomenon of the Beatles was not a spontaneous rebellion by youth against the old social system. Instead it was a carefully crafted plot to introduce by a conspiratorial body which could not be identified, a highly destructive and divisive element into a large population group targeted for change against its will. New words and new phrases - prepared by Tavistock - were introduced to America along with the Beatles.

See: Beatles - from "The Committee of 300" by Dr. John Coleman.

Michael Jackson showing the sign of Satan

Sign of Satan

Snoop doggy dog showing the Sign of Satan

What kind of art is this if you end up in a madhouse or commit suicide? Art is healing and life affirming to me. It is an abstract, and yet most tangible way of expressing what is creativity. It is that, which shows you the grand Laws of Life and its interrelationships. The real art can not possibly be destructive and disgusting. Not possible.

I do not think there exists a single real musician, composer or an artist among the "stars". Not possible, even in principle. With rare exceptions, you become a "star" not by the merits of what you create, but by the promotion of you into top slots and throwing tons of money at you to make sure your face is everywhere. So, first of all, you are SELECTED by the puppet masters because you fulfill their agenda and are sick enough as you are to be used as some kind of a virus to infect the minds of many.

All you have in art and "show" "business" is fakes and nobodies, utterly empty, running out of their skin to get some "fame", "recognition" and material benefits. The REAL musicians and artists are not even known, and I have seen enough of them with my own eyes.

Osho and Jesus

What is said in the name of Jesus in the New Testament by his disciples is enough, as it addresses the most essential principles of life. No need to add anything to it, and his message is the message of Life, not death. That is the difference.

And his message is the simplicity and clarity itself. All other messages by any other master, with all due respect, can not even come close to the very essence of it all. All those sophisticated systems, even Yoga, will simply make you waste your life forever reaching whatever they promise to deliver. But the same thing can be reached directly, if there is anything to reach to begin with.

He gave you all the keys and all the most fundamental concepts and principles. Nothing can be added to it unless you are interested in playing the sophisticated mind games.

I want to give you just one quote to put things in proper perspective, and, from now on, this will be the main charge against "Osho" as far as Jesus goes. This charge can not be erased as there exists no power in this world to do so. I suggest you read it carefully and remember every word of it as I will will address his doctrine of death and destruction and remind you of the doctrine of Life and Love.

Look here: Jesus was enlightened

And then compare it to this:

Jesus is a "mental case" ... he is a fascist

The moment you are able to trust in yourself, to be yourself, there will be no God. You will laugh at the whole concept of God.

Now, Jesus is praying to God, continually raising his hands towards the sky, as if God is there above in the heaven. And not only is he praying, he is receiving answers too - he is hearing voices! Now, these are symptoms of neurosis.

To tell you the truth, Jesus is a mental case. He is a nice fellow, he is a good person, but the way he behaves proves many things. He is a fanatic.

He carries the same kind of mind as Adolf Hitler. He is a fascist. He thinks that only those who follow him will be saved; anybody else who does not follow him is going to fall into eternal hell. Now, only a simpleton can say such a thing. Who is he to save anybody? But he says he is the only begotten son of God.

And he truly believes it. It is not only that he says it, he truly believes it.

Until the crucifixion, he truly believes it. It is only the crucifixion which brings a little sense to this insane man.

Only at the crucifixion he cries, "Why have you forsaken me?" He was certainly waiting for a miracle to happen. He is the only son of God, and God is not coming. And if he is not coming at the crucifixion, then when? And if even Jesus is not being saved, what is the guarantee that those who are going to follow Jesus will be saved? And the fools are still believing that they will be saved if they follow Jesus. Even Jesus is not saved, and he knew it. He waited for a time for the miracle to happen - but it didn't happen.

Silence, the Pull of the Innermost Zero from "Osho From Unconciousness to Consciousness"

So the people who want to prove that he was schizophrenic have enough proof. One day he says, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth," and another day he enters into the temple of Jerusalem, beats the moneychangers and throws them out of the temple. Can you think that this man is a meek man?

He talks about humbleness, humility, poverty of the spirit, and declares that "I am the king of the Jews," that "I am the real king." That is enough proof that this man has many minds, split minds. He talks about forgiveness, he says that God is love - and becomes so angry with small things. Not only with people, he became so angry with a fig tree, because his disciples were hungry, he was hungry, and there was no fruit on the tree.

Now this man is insane, because the tree is not in any way willfully preventing the fruits from growing at this time; it is not the time for the fruits. They come up to the tree with great expectation, and there is no fruit. Jesus takes it as an insult. The son of God comes, and what kind of fig tree is this? No respect! He goes into a rage, he curses the tree. The tree burns because of his curse: a green tree turns into a dead tree immediately. Now what kind of man is this? He must be mad! Can you think of him as a buddha?

Truly Right from "The White Lotus"

That's it. That is what Chandra Mohan will be associated with from now on, at least when it comes from my own mouth, and all his work will be interpreted in such a way as to discredit these and other similar messages of his.

I can tell you one thing: no honest man, a man of dignity and integrity can possibly say such things and fabricate such sick insults, utterly groundless, unless... "this man is insane", as he said about Jesus.

Just one question: how could the world of such a man as Chandra Mohan spoke about live on for thousands of years? And what authority and what evidence does Chandra Mohan have to make proclamations he made?

And why would one need to go THIS low? What seems to be the problem? How could "the greatest master" do such things? What is the point? Is this some kind of competition for "greatness"?

Every single thing Chandra Mohan said above is nothing more than a proclamation, not supported by any kind of evidence. It is one thing to shout slogans of all kinds. But it is a totally different thing if you claim to be interested in Truth.

I was personally present on plenty of his lectures in Oregon during the 1984-85 period that were initially published as Rajneesh Bible and later on republished under title The Last Testament. What I remember is his anger and fury, literally. He was projecting such a disgusting energy of some kind of revenge, that your head would spin in disbelief. He was literally attacking every "master" before him. For what? What have they done to him to deserve such a treatment?

I eventually simply had to stop coming to his lectures, as all of it looked like his ferocious anger at the whole world, pretty much a mental department level, and I mean literally.

Those six books were dedicated to all the masters he previously talked about and whom he glorified before. But what he did in this series is to pour buckets full of dirt on their heads and called them the most disgusting names. And his excuse for initially glorifying them was that he needed to establish "a customer base", attracting as many people as he could. And now he spoke the Truth about who they REALLY were. But it was not Truth, but perversions and stretching Truth to the point it became a total lie.

From what I see, he began to start loosing it in the most fundamental ways. It could be that those tranquiliser pills taken in monster dozes and those nitrogen oxide trips finally did their work and he literally became insane, which is clearly visible at the end of his life in Pune 2, when his obsession with control and domination finally reached its peak when he conducted these mass hypnosis sessions telling people to fall down into a hypnotic state while he kept repeating the post-hypnotic suggestions, and then to "come back".

In hypnosis, some external stimuli is used to induce the state of hypnosis. It could be anything, starting from some shiny object waved like a pendulum before ones eyes or some sound, like a clap. That boom on a big drum in case of Chandra Mohan was exactly a signal to all the subjects to fall into a hypnotic state.

His obsession with hypnosis was a result of his desire to dominate and control everything and everyone even though it was all performed on such a sophisticated level that many would not be able to realise what was in fact going on and what was he doing.

I saw some mass hypnosis sessions conducted by some of the most powerful hypnotists during their theater performance. That was a wild thing to see indeed. I could not believe my eyes. One thing I remember is when a hypnotist called someone on the stage, told him to lie down on three chars, one under his head, second one under his feet and a third one under his back. Then he would remove the middle chair and the person would remain straight as a concrete block. More than that, the hypnotist would then step on the top of hypnotised person on his belly and the body would not even bend. That was beyond belief. So, the kind of things that can be done to your minds under hypnosis is quite something indeed.

But hypnosis does not work on me, so I could see people sitting next to me in a state of hypnotic sleep when hypnotist performed a mass hypnosis session on the entire hall. There were some wild demonstrations performed during those sessions which prove the validity of hypnosis as clearly as it can be done.

The question arises: how can "enlightened" person say the kind of filthy things Chandra Mohan said about those, whom he himself previously called "enlightened"? Well, eventually he got as far as declaring that enlightenment is a myth and so is reincarnation, even though those were two key points of his entire doctrine. Once you remove those two concepts, everyone can just go home. What is the need for all this fuss about something that does not exist? So, basically, he just self-destructed with those declarations and his entire "system" had fallen down on itself as a house of playing cards. That was the end of him.

The problem here is that if Jesus was "enlightened" then how could he be a "fascist", "insane" and "schizophrenic" with a "split mind" at the same time? It does not work, you see. It simply discredits the very notion of "enlightenment" or it discredits Chandra Mohan during the later period of his life. Because it does not reconcile. It can not possibly reconcile. It means that either Chandra Mohan lied when he called Jesus "enlightened", or he lied when he called him all these ugly concoctions. Or both. But both can not possibly be true at the same time, even on the most primitive level of logic.

What is the value of the very notion of "enlightenment" if even "enlightened" person can be as evil and/or as blind as anyone?

What is it but the highest disgrace possible, even in principle, pronounced by someone whose entire doctrine is pure grade satanism and destruction, and in the LITERAL sense, not just something symbolic. Can these kinds of things be done by someone of honesty who is interested in Truth? What is the very purpose of such disgraceful statements beyond control and domination of the "herd" and an attempt to displace nothing less than God and take Its place, posing as some kind of "ultimate authority"?

Interesting issue here is this statement: "The moment you are able to trust in yourself, to be yourself, there will be no God". Why is that? You can trust yourself all you want but that has nothing to do with whether God exists or not. By merely having trust, do you somehow miraculously achieve the extraordinary powers to determine the existence of God? How so? And what if reality is just the opposite - once you are able to trust yourself you will recognize God as all-pervading essence of Existence? Could this be the case? Why not?

Interesting quote in this context is this one:

"My message is simple - that I have found the god within me."

Book: The Discipline of Transcendence Volume 2
Date: Fri, 3 September 1976
Chapter 4: The Blessed One

You might want to look at that chapter because the context of this quote is quite interesting if you can perceive the subtleties of it.

One thing it clearly implies is that there IS God. Within or without is irrelevant. Except there is a hidden meaning in it also - I AM that very God.

To me, the only valid interpretation is: I found God within, and it is the same God as outside of me. I am a part of Divine manifestation. But in no way I am the WHOLE of it. This is that very subtlety of distinction between God and Satan. It may look the same, but it is not. These are the opposites. Most subtle and yet most poisonous.

There is one argument for existence of God even though it is a pretty complex argument and yet most compelling one. It has to do with Integrating essence of it. Out of seemingly endless permutations of particles there comes the world, including the immense variety of entities and objects, all with their own identities. That means there is something that brings those particles together into intelligent, be it semi-intelligent, beings, such as man. This simply can not happen out of random permutations of "probabilities". Even statistical analysis shows that from purely random permutations, in order to become a human being, it would take nearly infinite amount of time, certainly many orders of magnitude more than Big Bang theory states.

What is gravitation for example? On what basis do the particles and objects attract each other? Scientists can not answer this question to this day. They do not know what is gravitation.

Now... Did not Chandra Mohan know better what Jesus was talking about, who was he talking to and in what time frame and in what circumstances? Well, apparently in his earlier statements about Jesus he knew and could understand these very statements about Jesus he condemned later on. This implies that the only possible reason for such fundamental contradictions is manipulation for some purpose. I see no other alternative.

Who was Chandra Mohan kidding with all his most vulgar and literal interpretations? How was it possible for Jesus to beat the most sophisticated arguments of the Pharisees and literally disable them if he was nothing but some insane lunatic? Is there any evidence anywhere that the Pharisees were able to beat a SINGLE of his arguments? And if any of you know who were the Pharisees, you'd think better. Those were the most sophisticated scholars and highly learned philosophers.

They were those, who are known to be the "Learned Elders of Zion" with whom the "Protocols" were associated, and those protocols clearly outline their entire doctrine, known as the NWO, which is a single super-state with a single ruler to rule the entire earth. And that doctrine is in its final fruition this very moment. After thousands of years, "the symbolic snake of Zion", as it has been described in the "Protocols", has finally engulfed the entire planet. At this junction the Illuminati and ZioNazis control the world on any and all levels, and in any and all governments. The so called "Project Endgame", activated by Obama as reported by the Foreign Ministry of Russia, is enough of an evidence. And that "project" is a global concentration camp, literally speaking.

There is nothing much left of the world. It is all in their pocket by now. Check it out. If THAT won't blow your mind to pieces, nothing will. There exists no evidence to this day that proves the Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion are forgery. Not a shred. Ask Mossad why were they concerned back in seventies of the 20th century that if certain things become known, the entire controversy of the Protocols may resurface, as was described by former Mossad operative in his book "The Other Side of Deception".

Concern with Protocols Controversy from "The Other Side of Deception" by Victor Ostrovsky.

There was no one alive who could beat the arguments of Pharisees. The Talmud contains the recipe on any imaginable situation and the "answers" on how it should be handled and interpreted. I am not aware of any other system that is so complete and so detailed, going down to the most idiotic things and situations. And nearly all of it is some kind of war against the world, meaning all non-"Jews", and the ways to control, dominate, oppress, manipulate, parasite and destroy them.

It is a complete system, sophisticated as it gets. They even have all sorts of argumentation exercises to perfect the skill of winning any kind of argument conceivable. So, if even those guys could not make a fool out of Jesus, and prove him wrong, which is exactly what they "do for living", than what does it tell you? How could this be?

What is the need of trying to make an "enlightened" man look like someone insane, just like Chandra Mohan did to Bodhidharma, whom, in the beginning of his book, "Bodhidharma - the greatest zen master", he called what the book title says, and at the end of the book he became just a delusional lunatic. The same story. He even had guts to insult Buddha, like he was some kind of a dead man, utterly insensitive, sitting there like a vegetable, and yet, to his end, all his lectures were carried out in which hall? Well, Buddha hall. He even had guts to claim that Buddha had entered him, and that was at the end of his life, well after he insulted Buddha.

Did not Chandra Mohan know that Truth will eventually come out? Or could he care less what happens after him? And yet he claimed he is still going to be around even after his death by saying "where am I am going to go? I am going to be right here"? How did he know? Did God tell it to him, the same God that "does not exist"?

The same story is with Lao Tzu in whose name Chandra Mohan named his house, Socrates and you name it. All were finally called idiots, perverts, fat parasites and the list goes on. And the reason he praised them initially was that he needed to "build a customer base" as he himself stated on record. So, was it some kind of a business? Did he have some vested interest with his "mystery school", his "commune" and that "new man" he claimed to be interested in creating?

If anyone is to make any claims about others being insane it is not him as last years of his life show. It was basically a mad house grade insanity as far as I can see.

Again, the message of Jesus was encoded with a triple key. You can not interpret it on its face value, and "greatest master ever" should have known better. Even an entry level student of New Testament knows that there is a meaning behind the words and appearances and that is the very definition of mysticism - to see something beyond ordinary, beyond mere appearance of a physical form.

Furthermore, it has been stated that John was the only one among all the disciples who could understand that ultimate, third level meaning, and that is why Jesus loved him.

See for example: Intro to Encoding and Revealing all thereof little by little

Also: Introduction

Chandra Mohan's "trademark" was destruction of idiocy, prejudice and all the blind beliefs of religious fanatics, fools and parasites, and he did quite a job at that. He showed their cunningness, lies and their mercantile interests in the most graphic terms.

But he created a new problem because he lied and manipulated too much, and about the most important principles and concepts. So, his whole message was essentially Satanic as this is its very nature - turning things upside down, denying, lying, perverting and destroying.

He denied the greatest "masters" before him.

When it was said in the New Testament that Jesus resurrected some people, remember about the triple key encoding for one thing. Secondly, there is no guarantee that this is not one of those things the scriptures were corrupted with and some things were specifically planted to discredit Jesus, and I have no slightest doubt about that. Because I have seen some research on it and, secondly, it perfectly fits and aligns with other things. But let us leave it aside for now.

There are claims, and I do not remember the details, that state that some things were not in the original scriptures. They were added later and/or the original message was modified by Satanists in order to discredit Jesus, who was their worst enemy.

Another thing to remember is that there exists no original writing or any kind of dictation by Jesus. The New Testament was written generations later. Furthermore, there are claims that there were more than thirty testimonies and not just four as recorded in the New Testament. Why these particular four testimonies were chosen is quite an issue in itself. So, you need to look carefully at every word and idea. You can not just read it in a literal sense.

And the message attributed to Jesus is as clear and simple as it gets. No need to read that library size Talmud or listen to ten thousand lectures of Chandra Mohan filled with dazzling light effects and concepts. No special anything is required to see the Truth of most of it, even if you can not see the ultimate meaning of it.

How could it be done differently considering it was two thousand years ago? What language would one use and what kind of examples would one give to make a point he was trying to make considering who was he talking to and what was their tradition? What would Chandra Mohan himself do in his place?

Jesus has never been shown to be a liar or a dishonest man, and don't you think it is worth something?

Plus he was not a coward and did not try to run away and abandon his people when he knew 100 percent they are going to kill him inevitably. Because that is their very teaching.

On the top of it, he did not drive the Rolls Royce and did not swim in the "Olympic size swimming pools", which is something of value, don't you think?

Plus he called them his friends and he told them: "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends". And he even proved that with his own life.

He did not sit on a podium, even UG Krishnamurti did not. They both sat among you on the same chair you do.

He never wore the custom made king robes, a new one every day. You could just come and visit him at the place where he sleeps and even stay with him overnight if you came too late.

He ate the same food you do and wore the same kind of sandals you do.

He did not give you any complicated concepts and fictions of all kinds that you can not prove for yourself just by looking at it. No chakras, no reincarnations, no samadhi and the rest of it.

No groups, no "therapies" and no "enlightenment intensive" crap. Nothing.

No complicated and tedious paths to waste half of your life getting nowhere fast.

No "other shores".

Not even a "single hand clapping".

No "goose is out" or goose is in.

No "aromas of enlightenment".

No "new man" and no "borderless world" which is hell.

No talking to politicians or rulers about how the world should be built or ran.

No "wisdom of the witches".

No condemnation of the mind.

No endless enumeration of your fallibilities.

How do you prove someone is real? Better than that, what is the difference between real and unreal?


This is pretty disgusting. I'd say as disgusting as it gets. And it is also fundamental, as fundamental as I can imagine, as it is nothing less than the issue of life and death.

Chandra Mohan called Christianity "Crossianity", meaning that it is an obsession with an act of crucifixion - a death obsession. So his argument was that it is a religion of death worship while he himself talked about death in 3343 of his lectures out of roughly 5,000. Interesting, isn't it?

So, let us see here.

First of all, Chandra Mohan in his earlier lectures explained the Cross symbol as meeting of the vertical - consciousness, with horizontal - the unconsciousness. There was no classification of the Cross symbol as any kind of death obsession. But then, in his later lectures in Oregon, when he was attacking Jesus like a mad dog, he associated a Cross symbol with death, which is what he claimed Christianity is.

For one thing, the Cross symbol is more ancient than Christianity. It was not associated with crucifixion of Jesus. It had other meanings. Do your own investigation on this.

It is true that crucifixion plays a central role in Christianity. The very symbol of Christianity is a Cross. So it seems like manipulation of your deepest motivations and propagation of misery, tears and pity and a projection of guilt.

But. What Cross stands for is something tremendously significant. It is about destruction of all the messangers of Good. Let us look at it in the context of Jesus' statement:

Your father is the devil

On Judeo teachings and Jewish God Yahweh, Jesus said:

"Your father is the devil, and you want to fulfill the lusts of your father.

He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the Truth, because there is no Truth in him.

When he lies, he speaks from his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies"

(John 8:42-44)

This statement is of tremendous significance.

If there is any classification of this statement, you can simply say: THIS IS IT.

This single statement can be summarised in a couple of words: The history of mankind.

Specifically, since the foundation of the Illuminati secret society, the world has changed in the most profound ways. So, during the last 250 years at least, what rules the world is the ideology of evil, LITERALLY. It is everywhere by now. In other words, you live not in the world of yours that naturally developed this way. You live in an artificial world ruled by the concepts of utmost evil and now it came to its final fruition.

Nearly everything you know, all your ideas and concepts, your art and science, your philosophy, your social organization is all ruled by evil, no matter where you look.

Chandra Mohan said: wake up? And he offered you a poison pill labeled "liberation and freedom", "there is no God", "do as you wish to 'enjoy'"?

And this assertion of Jesus is LITERALLY true and you can see the evidence of it all over nowadays. Undeniable evidence of actual facts and not just some theories.

So, this statement by Jesus is a historically proven FACT, beyond any argumentation.

What we are dealing with here is the most fundamental struggle between death and life, between Good and destruction.

The forces of evil are inevitably destructive and there are tons of evidence of it in historical terms. In fact, this is the very foundation of Satanism, its main principle, beyond denial, turning things upside down and perversion of the very essence of what life is.

The most honest and pure people have been destroyed throughout history. And those were the people with vision and whose contribution to un-zombification done by this death cult was tremendously important and significant.

And so the Cross is indeed a symbol of death. And it is a reminder to you all of what are the stakes in this game of life we are all playing while vast majority of us is utterly blind and in the most profound terms.

Unless you see the inevitability of destruction you will not understand the work of Jesus.

Cross is not a threat, but a reminder to you all. The reminder of the only alternative - death and destruction.

And so when you cross yourself with your hand, you may not sense the significance and an impact of it. But it is there nevertheless. And it is a forever reminder to you all of the MOST significant issue of life.

And if you EVER forget the stakes and ignore it, you are simply bound "to fall into a ditch". This is simply inevitable.

Another aspect of it is that you have to remember that what is at stake is your life. You are not going to be spared if you ever decide to challenge satanism, death and destruction. Whatever happened to Jesus will also happen to you, be it in some other form. But you will be destroyed.

So, it brings your whole energy into focus. It requires total commitment to stand against the most profound evil, the central goal of which is death and destruction. Anything else can not even compare with significance of this single symbol.

The Cross is the most potent symbol. With a single word, a single symbol it outlines the battle for life, and it IS a battle, only if you could comprehend it. And it is a never ending battle. If you think life is about "dancing under the stars", think again and look at it.

By now, what has been destroyed as far as humanity goes, is almost every life affirming principle, a notion of life carrying traditions.

And what is traditions? Is it some kind of superstition caused by fanaticism? Not necessarily. It is a combined wisdom of the ages, passed from generation to generation and delivering to you the most insightful glimpses, experienced by those before you. And that is why it is alive. Otherwise, it would simply die out if it no longer held true. Sure, there is plenty of superstition around those traditions. But that does not imply that traditions as such is nothing more than fanaticism and stupidity. You just have to look at it and "separate the burgers from the flies".

The very notion of morality is destroyed by now. What has been known since the dawn of civilisation as Good, the most important property of life affirming principle, has been replaced with this "poison of liberalism" pill, and Chandra Mohan is among those, who dedicated immense amounts of energy and efforts on destroying it, and replacing it with this free sex pill, utter "freedom", total "screw it all, I could care less" ideology of hedonism and blind self-indulgence, leading eventually to nothing less than death and destruction. Inevitably.

Art, music, literature, poetry and even science have been poisoned with the ideas of utmost sickness, idiocy, "I don't care"-ness and blind idiocy of zombies and biorobots, brainwashed to oblivion.

Most fundamental principles of social organization, and probably the most advanced of it is the monarchy of Christian Orthodoxy, where at the head of the state stands no one less, but the servant of God, who cares for his people like they are his own children.

The alternative to monarchy is this so called democracy, the rule of the blind herd essentially with all these endless arguments about "freedom", peddled by the blind manipulators to the blind. That is the meaning of a term "a poison of liberalism" as it is outlined in the Protocols of Zion. They clearly state that they introduced this poison in order to destroy the very foundations.

Monarchy has been replaced with these sick ideas such as communism, "open society", "borderless world", "global village", "new world order" and the like, ALL of which is UTTER and COMPLETE lie. They simply uprooted you, and a tree that has been uprooted can grow no more. The very purpose of all these notions is to consolidate the power in single hands and to create a single empire ruled by the forces of most profound evil.

The family institution has been destroyed, and a family as a basic cell of society has been replaced with all these "liberal" ideas, and, nowadays, they do not even consider family as something of significance, something of life sustaining and affirming principle.

And family is where you first learn love. What can be more significant than life sustaining love of your mother? What can be more significant than love and lessons of strength, wisdom and skill given to you by you father? What can be more significant then love of your brother or sister?

What is closer to you than that? You mean people like Chandra Mohan with their collections of diamond watches preaching you love while not caring you even exist beyond the ability of parasiting on you?

Where can you learn that love? In some school where the teacher could care less you exist in most cases? In some "commune" aka "the concentration camp"?

Osho Ghetto

What Chandra Mohan had in his "commune" is EXACTLY the same thing as known as ZioNazi ghettos, a self-imposed isolationism of "god's chosen people" or "the elite" as Chandra Mohan called "his people". Done in order to control the herd. As long as they are physically together, it opens up all sorts of opportunities to control them as a single unit, as a herd. Otherwise, if they are spread out around the world, how are you going to control them?

What is significant is Chandra Mohan destroying the family institution as an example on the Ranch in Oregon. Children would spend all day with some "teacher" in a common kindergarten. Yes, with all due respect, some teacher can in some way teach a child some things. But is it the same thing as mother or father? Why would he even care about some child? There is no personal involvement.

So, the parents worked 12 hr. work days and would not see their children all day long. By the time they get home, they simply had no energy left for a child. And so the child would never receive love from his own parents, and what love is more significant to a child than love of the dearest to him, his own parents?

And what happens to you if you are not with your mother all day long? Do you know?

And more than that, the very notion of home has been replaced with this "commune", some dormitory like structure which has no roots. And what is home? Well, it is your roots to the Earth. Without home you are nothing but a gypsy, and even those have homes, even though they are temporary.

Do you realise what Chandra Mohan did to your children? Well, he simply made them insensitive to the most life giving principle - love. Children knew not their parents and so the parents knew not their own children. Instead, they lived separate lives of "freedom". This is not only disgusting. This is probably the most criminal thing conceivable as it destroys the very roots of society, the family.

This is EXACTLY the NWO model.

Siddhartha kid, the "buddha" of Chandra Mohan

I'd like to bring up the case of Siddhartha kid at the ranch. When this kid was born, Chandra Mohan in his ashram in Pune proclaimed that he is going to be a great seer, like Buddha. Kind of hope for the mankind. Some messiah that would lead the world. I was kind of curious about this wonder kid. I wanted to see what will come out of it.

Then, on the ranch, when that kid grew up to be some seven year old, I had a chance to see him several times. Jeeez, what a monster he was. It was totally insensitive, totally arrogant, obnoxious, violent, ego centric brat, utterly brainless animal. I was in such a disgust, I can not even tell you. If there is a disaster of a kid, he was the embodiment of it. You could not be around that sicko for more than a few seconds. He could just attack you, and I mean physically. If there was something beyond belief, he was an embodiment of it.

And the point here is that this is EXACTLY what is going to happen to your children if they do not receive love and care of a personal kind from their own parents. This Siddhartha bastard was raised according to Chandra Mohan principles. And that is why he became utterly insensitive monster. And I can bet you, that is what he is right now. I bet you by now it is utterly frustrated being lost in the ocean of life, and I would not be surprised if he became some criminal or a pervert, or someone of most despicable grade. At best, he would become a religious parasite since there was some inherent "fame" as a result of Chandra Mohan proclamations about his "Buddha" nature and about his messianic destitute. Would not be surprised at all.

Or, alternatively, he will become a "revolutionary" as a result of his rebellion against all the violence and insensitivity done to him in his childhood. He will become a destructive monster, and those are precisely the most desirable kind in this NWO agenda.

The very notion of family has been replaced with all sorts of most disgusting perversions of "sexual freedom" and "sexual preferences". Homosexuality, lesbianism and even sadism and sadomasochism are considered nowadays as something "progressive", something of an "open mind", which is utmost lie. This has been done partially for population reduction purposes. And statistics in sociology are simply mind boggling. The destruction simply marches on - straight to hell. LITERALLY.

And a contribution of Chandra Mohan to destruction of the very idea of a family is one of his most significant "contributions" to this satanic model of global madness of "borderless world" or "new world order", which is nothing more than chaos and senseless destruction.

The very principles of Truth have been replaced with "do what it takes to stuff your own belly". There is no such a thing as Truth any longer. It has been replaced with gain and self-interest.

Your education system has been destroyed on a global scale. People are not educated at schools. They are being zombified with most primitive principles of acquisition of some "practical skill" to do some stupid, biorobotic function.

The very brain functionality has been shunned. There are specific steps in "the program" to disable any abstract thought process and suppress the creative principles. The part of the brain responsible for activity in mathematics, physics your structural thought process have been heavily suppressed via system of zombification they call education.

The tests for exams are replaced with some sub-idiotic three choice answers on some question list, where you check some item on the list with "right" answer. Thus, they no longer test your intelligence, but instead, your ability to chose between three pre-determined alternatives, idiotic as it gets. Just like zombies, like biorobots, brainwashed into oblivion with the only "official" "right" answers. Anything else is simply suppressed. You can not think and argue with your teacher on an exam. He does not even talk to you. He does not even verify the correctness and appropriateness of your answers. It is all done by some dumb computer calculating some idiotic statistical function.

That eventually destroys your very structural and logical thinking and your ability to find some solution that may turn out to be alternative to primitive simple choice. The ability to comprehend the complexity of some issue is simply disabled. So your brain literally works like some CPU, some calculator adding up some numbers to get some "answer" to some specific issue.

Your political system is TOTALLY and completely corrupt. It no longer serves the people. It only serves the interests of the puppeteers, who bought all those politicians gun, stock and barrel, and those puppets simply dance to the tune of their song of death. What matters is this NWO idea of a single super-state, ruled by the representative of Lucifer. LITERALLY. It is not just some parable.

And this is not the end of the list. By FAR.

World Domination 401

When death approached, old Amschel Rothschild called together his children, in Frankfort, and having read the satanic Talmud, he proclaimed:

"Remember my children, that all the Earth must belong to us, Jews, and that the Gentiles being mere excrements of animals, must possess nothing".

Explaining this, Amschel compelled them to swear most solemnly that they would always stick to one another and never undertake anything separately. This they did and it was repeated on Amschel's grave twenty-four years later, when Nathan for material reasons consented to become a "Christian" and "suddenly" died ...

Secret World Government by Cherep-Spiridovich

So, can you see what Cross symbol signifies in this context?

Yes, indeed, the cross signifies and outlines the MOST important issue of all, the very essence of the struggle for life with nothing less than death, which is marching victoriously even as we stand today. ALL your societies have been totally destroyed by now. And the pettiest thing is you do not even see it or realize the significance of it.

ALL you want is some "pay check", to stuff your belly, to follow some zombie "fashion", that has been specifically designed to destroy your foundations, such as a sense of beauty and harmony. Just to be like all others in fear of "survival". Just to remain in the middle of the herd where it is most "safe" as far as your "survival" goes.

Your "fashion" is designed by the organizations and "think tanks" such as Tavistock Institute for Human Relations. And not according to principles of beauty or harmony, just the the other way around. It is specifically designed to convert you into utterly senseless zombies and a bio-robots, programmed according to a limited set of instructions. It is designed specifically to replace a sense of beauty with utter disgust meant to show you your animal nature because you ARE nothing but animals to them just as recorded in their satanic "scriptures" such as Talmud and Shulchan Aruch. LITERALLY.

It is to reinforce the idea that you are nothing but a beast and life is nothing more than a desire to stuff your belly and jerk off into some hole. And most of you do not even see what they are doing to you. You just want to convulse your body to their satanist "music", where you shake your ass and expose your balls in pride.

And THAT is what the symbol of Cross stands for, and THAT is what it addresses. To minimize the significance of it, or to pervert it to look like a symbol of death worship, and by those very death worshippers of Chandra Mohan kind, is not only dishonest and corrupt to the bone and marrow, but is nothing less than the work of propagation of death.

These stupid satanists, no matter what is their color or creed, while forever speaking about Truth, do not seem to realize that their sick ideologies will ever be exposed for what they are, which is pretty much inevitable.

And so they run really fast, destroying your roots as quickly as they can, hoping against all hope, that by the time you will be able to realize what has been done to you, it will be too late as you will LITERALLY become a zombie and a bio-robot with totally dysfunctional brain.

Comments on Jesus

What we are going to discuss here is the very essence of teaching of Jesus. These few statements of his are his entire doctrine. All other things are just bells and whistles as far as I can see. Yes, there are other ground shaking statements by him on record. But if you understand the meaning of these statements, you understand the work of Jesus as I claim. So fundamental they are.

First of all, I must say that I am not a Christian in a "formal" sense that is. Secondly, I claim no authority.

But this is simply immense and I do feel like trying to get to the Third Level, the ultimate level of understanding of work of Jesus. All the levels below it do not actually disclose the ultimate meaning and significance of it all.

So, please forgive me, but I will comment in place, meaning my comments will be intermingled with the original statements by Jesus as it is recorded in New Testament.

4. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

First of all, what I can see as far as "me" is concerned, he is not talking about himself as something separate from God. By "me", what is implied here is nothing less than God, or rather its manifestation in human flesh, whose purpose is to disclose that very grand life-giving force of creation. People of his caliber would never, under any circumstances, elevate themselves to the level of ultimate unless it is a parable, which it is in my view. It is not just his ego he is talking about here. Otherwise, the whole thing is an exercise in futility.

How would he talk about God, that grand force that stands behind him when he talks to simple people who could not possibly comprehend it? Well, that is how. He simply had no choice, especially if you consider his other statements where he clearly states he is "son of man", or a man, to show he is just like others. This is a dilemma. If you say "I am God", then all would think he is just a salesman or a crook of some kind. If he says: "I am man", then they'd ask: then what is the difference between you and us? So, what do you do in his position? How would you talk about that, which is beyond comprehension of simple, and even not so simple people?

This is about faith. This is what faith is. This is basically a description of law of life. There is apparent aspect which is visible, and there is hidden aspect, as a result of which the very life exists. Life is an effect. But at the roots of that effect lies the cause, which is what God is.

You need the basis, the roots from which all life springs. Without it how can you possibly grow? What are you going to draw your strength from? Without the roots you can not exist. Your very ideas that you are something on your own is just a delusion, and all these "freedoms" they sell you is nothing but a myth, invented to enslave you finally, as if you are not grounded and connected to the very source, you will simply become a slave with these "freedoms". They are invented as a temporary measure in order to destroy your roots, and then they can be taken away when you are well done, and that is what we see beginning to happen this very moment. What is "freedom" of a blind?

But how can you trust? All you see all around is disgust and violence, perversions, lies, manipulation and slaughter. So how can you trust?

But by Trust it means you REACH. Reach beyond all you know. And know ye that at the very foundation lays that which is known as Good, just like when you were a baby sucking the mother's titie. Did you have ANY doubt that the life giving energy of your mother and her life giving warmth will enter you?

Life comes out of Good. And Good is not just a consolation as Chandra Mohan perverts it to look like. It is the very ground you stand on, the very roots of life. If there is no Good, what is the very purpose of it all? It has no future. Sooner or later it is going to self-destruct. Good is that very impetus to be, that very desire to exist. Never forget this, no matter what kind of kinky theory of "freedom" or "independence" some "master" gives you.

This is the very basis of morality. There can be no other basis is what I claim.

And you simply enter me, the very essence of me. That force that stands at the very roots of life.

5. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

When Jesus says "I", do not, even for a moment, think of him as some ego, some person, some entity with earthly concerns. When he says "I", he means the very source of Life, the very essence of it - That Which Is. He is completely immersed in it. There is no separation. It is one and the same energy.

Jesus is totally identified and committed to God. There is no other interest in him. His whole life, his every single effort is dedicated to clarifying the meaning and significance of Life Force as such, the Prime Organising and Life Sustaining Principle. The very roots of it.

He has no king's robes, no diamond encrusted pens or watches, no Rolls Royces. He lives exact same life as others. There is no special anything for him.

And he says: please remember that you are not just some individual and independent entity, even though it looks like you are. Even if you are a wine, there needs to be a source to give you nourishment. You are not just an island in the middle of unlimited ocean of random permutations as they teach you everywhere. You ARE connected, connected to the very source of life.

Do not EVER forget this. Because this is the most important aspect. You can not be partial. You need to fully enter, commit to it with your very being. There can be no reservations of ANY kind. Once there is a reservation, that's it. You won't be able to proceed. It will hold you like chains.

And he says: be with me just like I am with God and I am with you. Meaning, he will not abandon you. He will stand there to the end no matter what kind of trouble you are in, no matter who says what, not matter what you have done, understood or misunderstood. This is the highest possible level of friendship - friendship in life and death. And your friend is THERE. All that is needed is your sincerety and the rest will be there for you.

9. As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.

He says: I am passing ALL the life affirming energy to you. I do not withhold ANYTHING. I am TOTALLY with you, in every one of your heart beats. What other evidence do you need?

And "my father", which is the source, loved me. And so I love you just the same way, totally, unconditionally. And please remember to do the same to others. There is no other way. Otherwise, you will be lost in a desert never having enough of that life giving water.

What is "father" he uses? Well, it is that very integrating source of life, the very essence of it all. And it is there. Life is not just some random madness. There IS a root of it. There IS that integrating force behind all the noise you see all over. It is not just noise in a madhouse you think you are in.

12. This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.

He says: stay at your roots. Love is roots, roots of life. Stay in it. Never ever betray it. Do not doubt it. It is there, no matter what. It is like a magnetic attraction. Without it, you are dead. You become a random particle, floating in the endless ocean, not knowing where to cling, attract.

This statement basically means: this is the law of perpetuation of life. It is like a seed. Unless it is carried on and reseeded, you are doomed.

I feel sad that I have to bring Chandra Mohan into discussion about Jesus as he is not only in the same camp, but just in the opposite one if you know what it means. But I have to do it, just to bring some contrast between real and unreal. It is like a sound effect. Like a reverberation. By itself, it means nothing. But in the context of primary sound it adds depth.

And here is what Chandra Mohan says, just a little quote:

"... Your love has to be purified, your love has to be raised higher, has to be made more conscious... "

Book: Osho Om Shantih Shantih Shantih
Chapter: Existence does not believe in speed

Can't you see this profanity? This vulgarity? This exploitation? These are just subtle poisons wrapped into nice looking candy wrappers. All his beautifully sounding words are there to show you your inferiority.

These are all lies. No - love does not NEED to be purified. It can not be "purified". How do you purify love? It is already purity itself. What do you expect to achieve by "purifying" love? How does one check if his love was "purified" enough? What are the rules and methods to do it?

No - love does not have to be raised "higher". What is higher than love? There is nothing higher. And what does it mean "higher"? Higher than what? How do you measure how "high" it is? If there is love, there is nothing to perfect it. It can not be done.

No - love does not need to be made "more conscious". This is simply bizarre. What does it mean for love to be "conscious"? Conscious of what? This perpetuation of greed for "conscious" is nothing more then a byproduct of spiritual superiority trip of his, just to show you your fallibilities, sucked out of his finger.

Love and "conscious" can not be mixed in the same bowl. As long as you love, sooner or later, no matter what, you will learn whatever there is to learn. Because you are totally open, which is what love is. And you can not force a fruit to grow faster. It grows by itself and when it is mature, there is inherent sweetness, which is what "conscious" means. You can not force that maturity. It can not be done. There is no need to do anything in fact. It comes as a natural process of maturing. No effort is needed to make it "more" "conscious". This is religious bluff for the purpose of exploitation is what I say.

The way it looks to me is Chandra Mohan is just insulting you and laughing at you in the most arrogant way, not even considering you to be intelligent enough to ever be able to find out what he is saying, like you were all literal zombies and all you deserve is to piss into your faces by telling all these most blatant lies. Not even clear if he even cared that there are alive people sitting in front of him listening all this utterly irresponsible crap no one will ever be able to verify, even in principle. How do you verify what is is saying here?

You have to be utterly corrupt to assert such things as "improvements" on nothing less than love. There is nothing "higher" than it.

You can not place "buts" on love. Did Jesus say: I love you BUT? And this is exactly what Chandra Mohan is saying: I love you, BUT! There is no ifs and buts with love. Either it is there, and be grateful it is, or it is not there, what a sad moment.

13. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

This is at the very peak of it all as far as you and external goes. Friend is something external to you, except it is the closest of all external. What he says is that unless you are with your friend to the very end, regardless of anything, unless you are willing to give your very life for the one, who is dearest to you - your friend, you will not see the very meaning of life. Even the very notion of effort is not applicable as you make no effort. You just can not do otherwise. It is not even a matter of thought process and considerations of all kinds.

It is an ultimate test of your love if you can even sacrifice your own individual motivations or interests to that which you know to be external, and yet, a part of your heart, the dearest and most beloved. Unless you come to that point, you will never understand the deepest meaning of life, the very essence of it.

And in order for you to go that far, you need to know that there is this all pervading Good. You are one with your friend.

The real friend is not separate from you. He is in your blood stream, in your very heart beat. It is him, who is the human manifestation of the very essence of life, that profound Good.

Once you are friends, you can not betray. You can never become "enemies". That is simply impossible, no matter how much betrayal you see all around.

15. Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.

This is not just a statement, but an explosion. I claim Chandra Mohan in all ten thousand hours in his "lectures", filled with all sorts of pretty sounding words, did not say anything comparable to this single statement. It is a crux of it all from the standpoint of "master"-"disciple" relationship. Master and disciple are not separate is what is said here. It is one and the same thing.

This is so tremendously beautiful. I simply have no words. But let us try.

First of all, what he says is that "I have no secrets of ANY kind from you". I am not like that arrogant satanist Chandra Mohan who claims he knows better than you what you need, what to tell you and what kind of lie to feed you "for your own good". Friends do not lie as they have no agenda towards each other. Once they do, they are no longer your friends, and, therefore, have never been your friends. They simply had their own agenda of some gain from you.


Jesus says: I am your friend, and REAL friends are those, who have no secrets whatsoever from each other. That is the whole meaning of friendship. Trust is total. There is no even idea of any kind of doubt as you know 100% your friend is not going to harm you, unless it was just some plain oversight on his part, totally unintentional. He is not going to take an advantage of you or betray you.

And what he says here is that I am on your level. I am not above, even though I can see clearly with my eyes and you can not. I make no such distinction.

And my deepest insights, no matter what they are, are available to you in their totality, just as I have them myself.

Friend is the one you can TOTALLY rely upon in life and death, in thick and thin. You know fully that he is not going to keep something for himself and not share it with you, no matter what it is, even the last piece of bread. Because he is in your heart. He is a part of you. He is in your blood stream. He does not perceive himself as separate from you. If he EVER withholds anything from you, he will rob himself of the very life source.

Nobody is my friend

Chandra Mohan calls you friends. But this is just a lie. I am sorry to even plug it in here, but I have to. It has to be done.

And here is ala Chandra Mohan style:

..."Nobody is my friend," I was simply saying that if you start thinking of me as your friend you will be destroying the very possibility of your being a disciple. One is never a disciple of a friend.

[Comment: - These are all lies.

From whom can you learn better than from your friend whom you trust totally that he will not lie to you, betray you, misunderstand you, misinterpret you, be arrogant towards your very intent, or has a hidden agenda of a gain from you, try to benefit from you?

The best teacher is a friend as there are no limits whatsoever. I recall some examples of it in real life situations when I saw a professor or a teacher with his students. They both behaved like real buddies with no limitations of any kind. What a joy it was to see that. Sure, there was certain respect on their part like a respect of a child towards his father. They were chatting about anything and everything, even private things, and I could not see him showing them ANY kind of "superiority", forever trying to teach them something.

One is ALWAYS a "disciple" of a friend. That is why you have him as a friend - to forever learn from him and so he does. Who can you learn more from than your friend? Otherwise, what do you have him for? To TEACH him something? Then he is not your friend, but a puppet or an object to be exploited for the purposes of gain.]

"...But still I want to remind you, let me call you my friend, but don't start thinking that you are my friend.

[Comment: Then what is the point of him calling you friends? What does it mean? What does it buy you beyond being insulted? Because this is simply an insult and arrogant elevation of oneself to some god-like status, some "superman". This is an exact idea of Nietzsche.

He is simply placing a barrier between you and him and placing a limitation on your intelligence and limits on your relationship. In one of his lectures he even went as far as to claim there can be no relationship between the "disciple" and a "master". I claim you can learn nothing of real value from such a man beyond his "superiority" and your fallibility. ]

"...Your sadness is out of misunderstanding. You must have felt that your love is rejected because I am saying, "I am not your friend."

[Comment: Yes, he did reject you in that very admission. This man simply could not be a friend to anybody. He simply could not do it. Simple as that. He had no such a concept as a friend. All he had around him is inferior beings and slaves to serve him morning to night no matter what he asks, to whom he could not possibly relate in any other way but to "teach" them without learning a thing from them. This is just a one way road. He considered himself at a final state of a "superman" and had nothing to learn as he was at a state beyond which exists only parasitism.

This disgusting slave-like adoration of him and trembling in front of him to the point some people simply fainted in his presence as evidenced by some of his videos was present everywhere he shows up.

This is just an indication of degeneracy on a genetic level, a profound sickness of one's soul that results in all sorts of perversions.

I claim there is no final state. Even Jesus on a cross asked a question: "father, why have you forsaken me?" What does it mean? What it means to me is that even he had something to learn, something he did not know. Otherwise, such question would NEVER have arisen if he knew the whole mystery of it.

Furthermore, I would not be surprised this was the very last message of Jesus, could be the most significant one. Because, since it has been recorded, he, therefore, stated it. But who was it directed at? There was no one around who could possibly answer this question. Then why did he say it aloud? He could have just asked it in his heart without saying a word. This last question of his became one of the greatest contradictions in Christianity that was used to discredit him, and did not he know it was simply inevitable? So, what it could mean is this.

He said: No matter who you are, how great you are and what kind of "master" you are and of what, there is always something greater than you. Which means you NEVER stop learning. And in this case, this could be the greatest challenge to all these "masters" who think they have "arrived" at some final state. Just look and see the results of their "arrival".

One more aspect of it I can comprehend is that what he was saying is: I am ULTIMATELY open to you, in my strengths and weaknesses, and even in my own misunderstanding, and so this is my last message to you all: be open just like me. Do not hide ANYTHING. ]

"...You can call me friend, you can call me anything you want to call me. The question is: Is it going to help your spiritual growth?

[Comment: Why not? ]

Book: Osho Om Shantih Shantih Shantih
Chapter: Existence does not believe in speed

It reminds me Socrates. He used to chase the kids around and they were his friends. I remember from my own childhood some very old people whom little children considered as buddies. They loved those old men. It was like a magnetic attraction. They played with them just like those were the kids, just like them, and even more fun as they would never get upset no matter what that kid does. Even other kids may get upset. But not them. You could pull them by their hair, piss on their shoes and do anything to them, and they would simply laugh with you.

And THESE are the REAL masters is what I say. They would NEVER, under ANY circumstances show you their "superiority". As if once they did, that would be the beginning of oppression. Just the other way around, they would go out of their way trying to be on YOUR level, not theirs. And that was their own learning of original innocence and original and authentic joy of a child. When they were children themselves they could not have seen it. It was nothing to pay attention to. But now, it is a real learning and be grateful you have such a chance no matter what kind of a master you are and of what.

Kids could blabber all they want and it would all be fine with Socrates. It is not even clear who got more benefits - him or them. What they got from him is his life long wisdom and his brilliance, his superior intelligence. But what HE got from them is the original joy of their innocence and purity of their intent and that love inherent in innocence of a child, who has no intent of gaining something.

He got from them the freshest waters of life giving energy. What is more valuable? Do you know? What HE got from them is a direct contact with God, nothing less, as they were still pure and uncorrupted. Compared to them, everyone else around was a manifestation of corruption.

Except he could show them a different view on it. And yet, do you think ANY of them thought of him anything other than a friend?

Now... Was their "spiritual growth" hampered by it? How so? You mean they lost their capacity to learn somehow?

What is this spiritual garbage Chandra Mohan is feeding you, forever reminding of his "holier than thou" status of a demi-god and forever separating himself from you, reminding of his "unreachable" status, inherently "superior" to yours?

I do not recall either UG or J. Krishnamurti ever doing this number of "holier than thou". Not ONCE. As far as I know, the work of J. Krishnamurti could be stated in one word - awareness, and that is precisely what Chandra Mohan has borrowed from him and made it one of his central concepts.

It is the highest honor there is to be called a friend, even by a kid. It does not matter who he is. It is grace descended upon thee once someone calls you a friend. What could be higher than that but love, which comes with friendship hand in hand?

Once someone tells me he is not my friend, that's it for him. Sorry, not interested. I reject those just like pests and parasites having their own subtle agenda of gain. Sure, we can have some idle chat. But it is utterly meaningless as things of my real concern I can not discuss with such people. First of all, they could care less about it or me as such.

When he called "his people" "friends" what does it mean? Well, it means he is allowed to do or say anything to you. Because everything is allowed to a friend. But since he can not be your friend, you, therefore, are limited on what you can do or say to him. And I claim, there can be no one way friendship. Either you are friends both ways, or you are not friends of any kind. The whole notion is simply inapplicable.

Sure, some questions or issues you might not be interested in, as you have gone through them and have seen their futility or limitations. Some things just no longer create any excitement or commotion within you, and, therefore, you might not be interested to see those aspects in some of your friends, and if those things are the only things your friends are preoccupied with, it will be difficult if not impossible for you to get into it. But even there, you can still attempt to clarify some things for those people, so they are no longer obsessed with them, and you can experience their anxieties related to those things, which may teach you all sorts of different forms of attachments to misery of all kinds they are entangled with. You still learn, even from foolishness or blindness. Because some things they go through you might not even be able to imagine. Sure, it does not necessarily create any excitement within you and may not trigger the creative aspects in you, and so you might not be interested in getting into those issues with them.

The point here is that a "master" learns from his "disciples" just as much as they are willing to learn from them. Because "seeing" and "blindness" are nothing more then different aspects, different points of view on things. I am constantly amused by some things in some of my friends or people I relate to. When they start expressing their "problems", sometimes it looks so real, so "inevitable", that I just do not know what to do to get them unstuck from that mud and rot. I do try what I can to look at it with them and try to somehow clarify some things, not that it usually works. But still, it allows me to see the "reality" of it with their eyes.

But you still learn, even if you are some "master", at least for as long as you are not stuck with a particular point of view and are totally unwilling to proceed and look at it from a different angle, trying to find some solution to the issue that seems "real" to you or them.

One does not learn only when one is stuck, stubbornly clinging to some point of view, unwilling to expand on it and look at the very nature of it.

The whole thing with all his king robes, all his shiny objects and the rest of it was a deliberate procedure to elevate him beyond reach by mortals, done in order to control the "herd" as I claim.

This has to be understood. When Jesus says: you are my friends, it means - that's it, all my treasures are open to you. I hold no secret of any kind and you are me and I am you. You can even come into my house and stay with me, even sleep in the same room I do. All my treasures and my diamond watches are there in that box. Help yourself once you are my friend. You can eat the same food I do, and I wear the same clothes you do. There is no difference between me and you. And that is my whole message to you all.

38. Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and saith unto them, What seek ye? They said unto him, Rabbi, (which is to say, being interpreted, Master,) where dwellest thou?

39. He saith unto them, Come and see. They came and saw where he dwelt, and abode with him that day: for it was about the tenth hour.

John 1:39

This question "where dwellest thou?" is a Jewish way to verify whether Jesus is like Chandra Mohan, living in a palace and driving a Rolls Royce, or he is someone to be trusted. How would you verify that master is real if you have no eyes to see? Well, this is exactly how you do it. Sure, it is not necessarily the ultimate test, but still, this is the first step to trust.

Jesus resides not in some palace and drives no Rolls Royces. He has no "Olympic size swimming pool" or a golden seat in his bathroom, and for you to see the purity of his intent, you can just come and see where he lives and stay with him. Can you even begin to imagine something of this kind with this god-like figurehead Chandra Mohan?

This is the difference between Truth and lie, between real and unreal.

With Jesus, you are him and he is you and that is exactly what he is saying. There is no separation. Even to consider such a profound insult as "you are not my friends" is simply impossible with him.

And I say onto thee: if anyone tells you "I am not your friend", stay away from him like from a plague. He is from the tribe of Dan - a "wiper on the road". He is not there to help you in your "spiritual progress". He is there to take advantage of you, exploit you, zombify you and parasite on you.

Chandra Mohan has spent several years telling you all those great things about great masters like Jesus and the rest of them. Then, on the ranch in Oregon, he got up on the podium and started a series of books originally called the "Rajneesh Bible" where he denied every word he said before and tried to annihilate, discredit and pervert every word they said, including, nothing less than Buddha himself, whom he called just a dead statue, utterly insensitive, who could care less about everyone around him. I do not have those words handy to quote here, but you can do it on your own.

I was present on plenty of those lectures and the feeling I had was probably the most disgusting feeling possible. It was pure grade satanism.

He eventually came to the point where he denied the "enlightenment" and reincarnation, which were the two most potent concepts he exploited up to that point. And that was the end of him. Just like it was said:

"Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad".

As that what it actually was. The destruction of everything he had.

"A tree that does not grow, you throw into the fire".

In those six volumes of his "The Last Testament" he spoke about every single master he had previously spoken about and praised. And he tried to annihilate them in the most blatant and violent terms. He even stated that he needed those masters "to build my own empire" and to collect a "customer base", deluding all the people who believed in those masters and those religions, just to catch them and use them as some kind of commodity in his "empire" building trip. The "empire" of what I ask you?

Can there be anything more disgusting that this? He simply used those masters to advance his hidden agenda and that is destruction of your very roots, destruction of ALL you know, severing your connections to the entire human heritage, the best of what exists, and replacing them all with himself, the "only one" who really knows how Life works.

And that is why the first picture you saw at the top of this book was a picture of him showing the Satanic rune of death hand sign, known as "V". Did not he, being "the greatest master ever", know that symbol stands for crucifixion of Apostle Peter on a cross head downward? How could this be? Where was that all-seeing eye of his?

That symbol is one of the ugliest and most perverted satanic symbols there are besides the horned hand sign - Mano Cornuto.

And this is exactly what is known as the works of Satan - perversions, denials, turning things upside down and, most importantly, destruction. And THAT is what he has done during all those years before he finally spoke "the truth" with his "Rajneesh Bible", which was renamed later on into The Last Testament.

Let me plug in my own recollection of being present on one of Chandra Mohan darshans, "the ultimate meeting with the master" as he called those. It was the most disgusting feeling I have ever had. First of all, you are all lead like a herd of goats and seated at the place "where you belong". If you were some "big status", you would be seated in the front rows. You could not just enter the room and have a seat at the place you like. The first three rows were for "elite of the elite".

What did he expect to happen eventually if he himself was creating the situation where some were more "elite" than others? It was basically creation of the whole system of corruption in the same way it is done in Freemasonry or the Illuminati and their symbol of a pyramid, just like you see in Poona. The same exact thing. At the very root of it was creation of jealousy, greed and possessiveness. Once you create the "degrees", the whole satanic system of corruption grows by itself as some fools start thinking they are more "elite" then others, and other fools start feeling jealous and crave for getting into those first three rows. It is simply inevitable. This is how corruption works, corruption of your very soul.

The hype around the whole thing, all the guards and bitches leading you by your nose would pump up the whole thing to such an extent that you would start shaking even before he entered the room, like he was some kind of God. UTTER disgust, complete hype in order to oppress and manipulate and make you submit to any kind of crap he utters once he opens his mouth. One was bound to feel like a slave, but a "chosen" slave to whom the word of God was about to be revealed. And what was that word?

I recall his utmost boring lecture that had absolutely no meaning to anyone in the room but me. Because it had to do with Russian Tsar Ivan ("the terrible", as they have pervted it, even though it was "the thunderous" - not the same thing by far) and as far as I know, I was the only person who could understand what he was talking about. I have no idea why did he do that number.

And the ugliness of it was that he was insulting one of the most revered Russian Tsars and saying the most profane things about him just to show his "point". Except I did not understand what WAS the "point" of that whole grand performance. He was saying all these things to people who had no clue about Ivan and would simply have to swallow whatever crap he fed them. They could not possibly verify a word of what he was saying. What could be more ugly than this? And if it was for me, then why not simply call me and tell me into my face what is "my problem"? He could have done it in a couple of sentences. What is the need to torture all other people for hours, telling them something they can not possibly verify? For what?

The video tapes and all the recordings of all those "darshans" should be released to public.

And he would not show a single point of significance about Ivan who opposed the ZioNazi satanists in the most drastic terms. The only "point" there was is Ivan was actually "terrible". But, thanks to Ivan, they were prevented from taking over Russia for hundreds of years. One of the issues Ivan stood against what Zhids (ZioNazis) were bringing that "boiled potion" (alcohol) to Russia and destroying the well bing of society, removing people from God and Virtue, and corrupting their souls. And yes, he did have no mercy towards those satanists. But did Chandra Mohan himself have "mercy" on all the "masters" before him? So, what was that "lesson" all about?

I do not recall him ever being so angry in any of his lectures. He was thundering about how "terrible" was Ivan using such a terrible energy that it was beyond belief. I nearly fainted as some point as a result of boredom and such an offense on my being. It was probably the most potent psychic attack on me in my entire life. May be I should have left in the middle instead of being subjected to such a horrendous abuse. But I like to see things to the end. As far as I can see, he deserved a death verdict as a result of that "darshan". That was the end of him. These things can not be done, especially by those who elevate themselves to stratospheric level. At that level, the punishment is most severe. It is one thing to do things out of blindness, but to claim "light" and do such horrendous violence is something else.

Yes, Ivan was one of the most controversial Tsars. But the information distributed about him was a pure grade disinformation as it turns out. Ivan did something to that most profound evil that it could not forget or forgive. So, all sorts of lies and concoctions were invented to disgrace him, just like ZioNazis do all the time about Jesus. As a result of what he has done, the Satanists were paralyzed. They were disabled for hundreds of years. As a revenge, they have rewritten the history books to show Ivan in the ugliest possible ways, and that is the information Chandra Mohan was operating with, knowingly or unknowingly does not matter that much. But the fact is that he was using all sorts of lies and fabrications written in those book as a source material, even though it was all perversions and satanic trick of turning things upside down.

Interestingly enough, something happened between me and one of his closest people. I do not want to mention her name because I do not know whether she would approve it. She was with him every single day and for several hours, and this means something to those who know what it means.

Now, one day, and I was seeing her every day, she told me: "I asked him about you" and he told me "His cup is overflowing".

And here is what Jesus said:

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

"Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou hast anointed my head with oil;

"My cup runneth over."

Psalm 23:5

In the commentary on the same page it says:

my cup runneth over; denoting an affluence of temporal good things, and especially of spiritual ones, which was David's case. Such who are blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ, to whom the grace of the Lord has been exceeding abundant, and the Lord himself is the portion of their cup, their cup may be said to run over indeed."

It blew my mind. First of all, I never asked her to do something like this. Secondly, I could not understand what it means. It has several interpretations that are quite different.

I did not even know that commentary at the time. So what was I to think about it and his "message"? This was a puzzle for me for many years.

But there is another meaning of it: you are finished. From now on, you are as good as dead. You have taken too much and your cup can no longer be filled with more. There is nothing for you left to do in this life.

And there is even a third meaning for it: you are full of bullshit, taking and taking and taking, and, no matter how much you have taken, and the cup is overflowing, it is still not enough.

And there is even one more meaning of it, but that is enougn for now.

Do you see what I was left with and what kind of alternatives I had? Would you like to receive such a message from your "master"?

And Chandra Mohan thundered about Ivan "the Terrible" all that lecture. But who was he talking to? Do you know? I'd like to see that tape again. So... Yes, I am that man. And yes, I will do it again, no matter what kind of guilt anyone projects on me. They can just eat it themselves for all I care. Even if I am dead, that work is not going to stop, and this is a prophecy, sorry me.

Anyway, the whole lecture was so profoundly uninteresting that I do not remember a single word he said except that very energy of anger. He was basically enraged, shouting about "terrible" Ivan. Simply bizarre. For what? To achieve what?

And I tell you one thing: darshan, according to Chandra Mohan, is the most intimate meeting of the "master" with his beloved disciples, those "chosen few", "the elite of the elite", those, whom he considered deserving and able to understand the meaning of ultimate communion. No "plain" sannyasins were ever invited into those darshans as far as I know. It was all about "the cream of the crop" type of thing. He could not possibly speak to all "his people" because just rotation of at least 3000 people, 20 at a time would take how long?

It is meant for you to remember it until you die. Else, what is the difference between a darshan and any other lecture of his, and what is the whole point of creating this grand farce, making people think they are the "chosen few"? He already gave a lecture in the morning to everyone. What's the point of this whole "darshan" thing then? And I claim, the point was an ultimate corruption, elevating some of them to the "elite of the elite" status, at least in their mind, and so, from then on, they would be willing to perform any act as he ordered in the name of "Truth" that is, being the most intimate and most trusted ones from then on. What else could it be?

And so, if you do not even remember a word of what he said, what does it mean? Do you know? Well, it means to me that the whole thing is fake. Simple as that. I even remember some things from my childhood and with most ordinary people. And yet, I do not remember a single word he said of any significance I know of. What kind of miracle is this?

I never ever had any desire to go to one of those "elite" meetings ever since even if they called me. I do not even remember if they did since then. That was probably his biggest screwup as far as I am concerned.

Finally, about darshan, yes, it does make sense because some people have already grasped some essential points and you can relate to them on a much deeper level. The same thing is with Jesus and his disciples, those, who were willing and able to look into things even if they might be some totally wild and inconceivable concepts.

16. Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

John 1:16

Yes. And this is something Chandra Mohan borrows from Jesus when he says the exact same thing - "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you". Yes. The one "who has eyes" can see certain things in you, the curiosity, that potential for you to keep going and learning something beyond ordinary, even though you yourself may not even see it within yourself. But that desire in you, that itching to know something grander that what you know can be seen from the outside.

Yes, the "blind one" can not see, he can not recognize, he can not distinguish. How do you know who is REAL "master"? How do you measure it? In order to recognize a master, you have to be able to comprehend his level, and to do that, it is like a leap to a different level from where you are. Not exactly the easiest thing in the world. Because you have no information from that level. You can not comprehend things as seen by someone on that level. So, you need to take some things in pretty much on trust of POTENTIAL, something you do not know yet. But you are blind. You have no trust, even to your own energy. At best, what you have is DESIRE to know, and that is the very best case. Because most people simply have greed, possessiveness, desire to control others and things like that. So how can you see where is the real deal, even if you care for something grander than your pity concerns?

And Jesus says: do not worry that you are blind. I am there. Just go and bring forth the fruit and do not worry that you are not worthy and you can not possibly produce any fruit. Just try. I am there. My Father, which is the very source of it all, will help you. Just try.

And whatever you want to do, as long as you remember, it will be there for you. Just try.

9. And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

10. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

11. If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?

Luke 11

This is one of the greatest insights in the entire history of mankind and it is nearly impossible to even begin to talk about it. But let us try.

First of all, it is one of the greatest "secrets" the are, which is not a secret of any kind. And the "secret" part of it is that if you are sincere in your search and are really interested in finding that which is known as Truth, then rest assured, you WILL find what you are looking for, and this can be said with nearly absolute certainty. There is no power in this world or any other that may prevent you from finding That Which IS. Because this is the LAW, Law of Life itself. This is precisely why Life can go on, expand and that is one of the main "secrets" of operating principles of the Infinite Intelligence.

This Law is so fundamental that you would probably be unable to find any other law as fundamental as this one.

The Truth can not be obscured or hidden from you by ANY outside force trying to interfere with your quest. As long as you are sincere in your search and are REALLY interested in finding That Which IS, you will see it one day. It is just a matter of time, or, rather, of your willingness and courage to see even those things that might look totally "wild" to you. That is the meaning of "be open". Yes, it takes guts, no questions about it. But that is all it takes if you are sincere.

The "secret" of Life is not meant to be so hidden as to be unreachable by "mortals". It is just the other way around. It is probably the most obvious thing there is, and you have it right in your hands, except you do not even pay attention to it and do not even suspect that it is SO simple and obvious. Because you are used to "complexities" of all kinds with which your mind has been programmed since the cradle by the puppeteers. Simple as that.

And here comes the "Osho" version:

Do NOT knock and the door shall be opened

This is one of those things Chandra Mohan condemned Jesus for, saying: "do NOT knock and the door shall be opened". He even dedicated the entire lecture to show how screwed up was Jesus, to the point of interpreting it as nothing more than lunacy.

Basically, Chandra Mohan, from about 1984, dedicated a lot of effort throwing all sorts of mud at Jesus and interpreting what is said in the New Testament on its face value, which is nothing more than vulgarity. The "greatest master ever", as Chandra Mohan was called, should know better that the statements of Jesus can not be interpreted directly unless one is either a complete idiot or a liar and manipulator having a hidden agenda.

More than that. What was the need for thousands of lectures interpreting the meaning of what other masters before him have said if one can simply look at its face value and see what it means? If that was the case what is the need for Chandra Mohan? You could just do it yourself.

Interestingly enough, most of his interpretations of what other masters have said can not possibly be proven to be true. These were just his ideas and, knowing who that man was and how much he manipulated things to facilitate his own agenda, you'd better make sure you can see it with your own eyes and not merely swallow it as is, without even looking at it. There is no guarantee that he gave you the REAL meaning of what other masters have said, even if he knew it. Simply because he had his own agenda, and once someone has some agenda, he can not be trusted because he might be doing and saying things just to achieve his own goals.

Most of what he said was his kinky ideas and plenty of times it had some poetic beauty in it even though plenty of times he would get carried away and speak like God, all-knowing who had some "all-seeing eye" somewhere in his pocket. But as far as Truth goes, very few of it could be proven, or even represented as such.

So, let us see here. First of all, what Jesus says when he states "knock and the door shalt be opened, seek and ye shalt find", as far as I can see, is that in order for you to find the Truth, in order for you to receive something, you need to ask. You need to make some effort. No one is going to bring you something on a silver plate. That is not how Life works. Because, otherwise, you do not really learn anything on your own. You simply adopt something without seeing the essence of it, and, therefore, you do not really progress in any meaningful way. You become like a puppet played in some theater by the puppeteers.

First of all, according to some interpretations, giving you something that you did not ask is a violation of the primary "distortions" - your Freedom of Choice and Free Will. It is strictly forbidden to violate these principles. You have your right of "not to know" and no one can impose ANYTHING on you. This is the law. But if you ask, out of your own desire or will, it can be given, and rightfully so, because now you are ready to receive, and that is why you have asked. Otherwise, you wouldn't.

I suggest you remember this well. If someone IMPOSES something on you, know ye - this is false, or could be even evil in its intent. And if you do NOT ask, ye shalt receive nothing. You'd have to struggle for it on your own. It has to gain the intensity of something you are willing to pay for and not just take for nothing.

That carrot of "enlightenment" is not just going to descend on you out of the blue. You need to knock on all the doors you can find and ask everyone, even beggars, and you need to put all your energy into it and make every possible effort to find it. And ONLY then, may be, just may be, you will "attain" that "fruit", even though there is no guarantee.

Therefore, this idea of "relax into enlightenment" of Chandra Mohan is nothing more than bluff, or even a poisonous lie, that will simply delude you into BELIEVING you have "attained", just like some of Chandra Mohan's followers claim, while remaining totally blind and under full control of the puppeteer, some parasite.

You can "sing and dance under the stars" all you want, but you shall remain just as blind as you ever were. "Enlightenment" is a result of MATURING and maturity comes from EXPERIENCE and work, HARD work. You need to overturn all the tables and all the false assumptions and misunderstandings you have. You need to go "bleed" and feel "pain of stankha" - "disease of becoming".

Your misunderstandings will inevitably bring pain of some kind, not necessarily physical. Because it is not easy to "let go" of your attachments, your misunderstandings and all the models programmed into your minds since the childhood.

If you merely "dance under the stars", then how do you CHANGE? What is different? What GROWS in you? How do your eyes clear up? As a result of what? Of "enjoy your life and let the world go to hell"? Just look at it now.

Yes, there IS a point in this "dancing and singing" number, and that is try to bee cheerful in your heart. Things are not as "bad" as they might look. Those are just illusions, nothing more. The roots of Life and the Infinite Intelligence are still there, only obscured with all the garbage on the top of it.

Secondly, staying joyful and cheerful in your heart creates a separation, a distance between you and the entanglements of the appearances of the physical world. The real you is that cheerful part that KNOWS it "all makes sense" eventually. It all reconciles eventually. It all fits eventually. Otherwise, the Intelligence could not function and would self-destruct nearly instantaneously.

Getting bogged down with the appearances of your "problems" simply saps your energy and closes some channels within you. It is like a noise that prevents you from hearing the music.

On the other hand, can you build a house even if you have all the materials but do not actually hammer the nails into a wood and use your saw to cut it into exactly the right pieces? Just sit in front of that pile of the materials for the house and "meditate" on it and see what happens. Or you can use Chandra Mohan's suggestion and "sing and dance under the stars", "enjoy yourself" and see how your house "grows by itself", as he claims.

Freedom and seeing is not simply given, it is DESERVED. The person should discover it on his own, when he is READY, out of his own yearning, will and choices he makes. Before he is ready to SEE it, anything imposed on him is nothing but violence, and it will not, and can not possibly be of any real benefit to him. Because he does not SEE it yet. He is not ready. He is still confused with other things. It is like an incubation period. And NO ONE has RIGHT to violate his private space, no matter how limited or distorted it may be.

And this is indeed one of the central concepts of Jesus. And there is even a deeper meaning in it, a hidden meaning, which is meant for you to have trust in ultimate Good. Do not be afraid to knock and ask, thinking "well, who cares about me, I am on my own, and others are only interested in their own bellies. Everyone is out for themselves". What he says: do not worry that there is no higher Good or higher meaning to life. Do not feel yourself excluded and disconnected from the very source of life.

Jesus accentuates that receiving, if you ask, is a NATURAL LAW. It is not just some kinky theory of Chandra Mohan and his kind, and he gives the simplest example possible by saying: "If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone?" What could be a simpler evidence?

He simply states that the Law of Good is there forever, as this is the very foundation of Life as such. It could not go on otherwise. Anything else simply leads to eventual and inevitable self-destruction. The Law of Life ALWAYS prevails "at the end". There simply is no other way for existence to continue.

And he also says: YOU ALL are children of your Father, which is "in Heaven" - the Creator, the One in All and One and All. So, if you are hungry for Truth, why should not you be given a way to SEE? But if you do NOT ask, why should God IMPOSE Truth on you and how much does it worth even if he does? What is the guarantee that you are not going to step on it the next moment, just because, for example, of some "better deal" someone offers you?

11. If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?

What could be simpler than what he said? He is just telling it to you LITERALLY, even though the highest meaning seems to be hidden.

How can any honest man criticize such a statement, which is hinting at the highest Good? Is he trying to say that even though in simple things this law works, when you ask for bread of your father, but, on a higher level, beyond ordinary, it stops working? How come? Can I see the proof? And I mean PROOF, not just some fiction or fabrication or invention no matter how beautiful it may look.

And so I claim what Chandra Mohan says by saying things like "do not seek and you shall find, do NOT knock and the door shall be open" is a lie. Yes, a subtle lie because on the surface it looks like some "far out idea" of an "effortless effort" kind. But it is a lie nevertheless. Unless you have an intent, unless you look, unless you can make at least some effort, what can you find? Who is obliged to bring it to you on a silver plate especially considering there is no God as Chandra Mohan forever claimed? Where is it going to come from if there are no roots and there is no such a thing as Good?

Yes, it is true to at least some extent that if you get obsessed with something and spend too much energy trying "to find the truth", you may be spinning wheels unnecessary and may even become a religious fanatic at the end, repeating someone else's sayings or what is written in the scriptures while not seeing ANY of it. Thus, "effortless effort". But, at the same time, it does not say "no effort of any kind". That is the difference. So, if you "do not knock" at all, who even knows you have come and how would they know that? How would they know that you are ready to receive even if they have it to give?

Yes, indeed, if you are obsessed with looking and make too much effort or a big fuss out of it, you may simply become a cultist, grabbing on any straw that looks appealing. Looking in itself may become a goal. You may not even notice that it is sitting right in front of your nose, waiting to be found. You might be looking in far away places for something grand, some "superpower", some "nirvana", which is death, while that, which you think you are looking for, may be already in your hands, only if you paid attention to it instead of looking at some horizon. But to flatly deny and even oppose the statement by the "enlightened" master as Osho called Jesus, is something entirely different. You can not do things like these.

But I say onto thee: knock as hard as you can, seek everywhere, in heaven and hell, overturn all the stones you can find on your way, ask as much as you can imagine. And do not worry that you make too much effort. It simply shows your commitment. Sooner or later you are going to get exhausted with it. Sooner or later you will see the futility of that search of yours, and who knows, you may realize that what you have been seeking all your life is sitting smack in the middle of you, beating your heart and pumping your lungs.

And if you are a fool or even an idiot, there is no problem of seeking. You would not find anything regardless, whether you seek or you do not. Where is the problem really?

How many times I tried to give something of value to those who do not seek and how many times they simply spat into my face getting offended by my "superiority", just because it seems to be so obvious to me that I am simply compelled to give something I know exists?

Without looking you will find nothing, without asking you will receive nothing is what I claim. How do you know you are even missing something and there is something there to be sought or asked for?

Jesus is talking about faith and trust here. That is the very concept of faith. You can not prove there is God, there is All Pervading Good. You can not put it in a pocket like it is something tangible. But does it mean it does not exist, just because you can not grab it or grasp it? Nope, it does not. So what he says: yes, indeed, you can not see it. But why don't you try to find it and see for yourself? Who knows, may be one day you will be able to see it and its effects?

The Truth is undeniable. It is there regardless of whether you believe it or not, see it or not, crave for it or not. Because it is the very essence of Life. It is that foundation, from which Life itself springs. Only out of Truth you can construct a "house" that will stand "when the winds and rains come". Truth is the very essence of God - the Creator. It is main "operating principle". Anything else eventually withers away "when winds and rains come". Therefore, it is the HIGHEST level Law, the Law of Life, upon which all the universes are built and all the rivers flow and all the fruits grow and all the flowers bloom. Anything else is nothing more than a poison.

What other options do you have? And yes, have trust that there is a chance for you to find it, and I am giving you the simple examples even from your ordinary life, and I claim this is the same law working underneath. It is no different, and the very source of Good is the same, be it your own father or anything else.

The law does not change. Only YOU do, and that is what I am appealing to: just ask and see what happens, and even if you don't find it immediately, and even if you spend years of your life thinking you are not getting it, you never know, you never know. The law of life can not work in one case and break in some other. It is the same law.

Otherwise, just forget about the whole thing and become a zombie, programmed with all sorts of things on the level of mundane, on the level of a belly, just like you were some kind of an animal, and that is PRECISELY what Pharisees taught you - you are nothing but an animal, and the only thing that exists is your own belly. Everything else is fiction and ideas, pronounced by "mad" men like Jesus. None of it exists. There is no Good in life, only your own belly, your own interests and your own pockets. Everything else is bluff.

And this is the very essence of the doctrine of evil, and it is not just symbolic, it is factual. Do your own study and it will blow your mind. Either that, or hell. And that is what Jesus meant saying "I am the only begotten Son of God". There is no other way. There is either Truth, or there is a lie. There is no compromise between those. Do you see this?

Truth can not be proven. God can not be proven. But it does not mean it does not exist. And Truth and God is exactly the same thing I claim. There is no difference.

It is interesting that Chandra Mohan forever talked about Truth. But did he give you any evidence it exists? So what was he doing peddling some kind of fiction that does not exist, just as I may claim right here? Was he just a delusional fanatic, just as he accused Jesus of?

Therefore, when he was using Truth, he was lying, just as he accused Jesus for, and he was the same "fanatic, fascist and a megalomaniac", just as he accused Jesus for.

You can not screw with Truth and deny God at the same time. Not possible. This isn't going to fly, at least with me. I saw plenty of shining objects and blinding concepts.

And that is what Jesus says here I claim. He is simply extending you a hand so you could get out of that ditch you are in, full of darkness. There IS such a thing as light at the end of a tunnel, and that is what he says.

From what I understand, this is one of major requirements in Christianity - you have to ask. By asking you meet God half way. God can not impose things on you which you do not want. Sure, he knows what you need, but will you accept it? What if you are not ready? Then what? Still force you to take it? Then what is that which makes you as you are?

What is this thing called the world or life if God simply imposes your actions and your choices upon you? He can play with himself in that case and be done with it. Why suffer unnecessarily? What is the world I ask you?

In order for you to receive what you are seeking, you need to formulate it, what is it that you want. And you need this asking for yourself so you clarify what is your effort directed at. Where are you going in life? What is that which you think is missing? Would you rather have God IMPOSE on you that, which He, or rather It, considers necessary for you? Then you are nothing but his puppet and you have no freedom of any kind and the whole exercise is an exercise in futility.

Secondly, you need to have a commitment to find. You need to invest some energy of yours trying to find that, which you are seeking.

Another aspect of it is that by asking you recognize there is something greater than you, you recognize there is a source to give. Otherwise, if you just say: well, I could care less about God. I am just like him. What is the difference? Then what? You deny the very source. So why should you be given something when all you have is arrogance?

And it also says: do not doubt that you will receive. Just try. Why should you not receive something you really need? What kind of law of existence is there to prevent you? Have you at least tried? Or you are just sitting on your butt waiting for the Truth to walk into your mouth so you could swallow it?

And whatever you do, as long as you remember, will remain. It will not be just like some fashion that comes and goes like wind and rain. No. It will be permanent. Because it is reality. There is nothing more real than this.

17. These things I command you, that ye love one another.

There is no comment here. But let me try even in this case. This is a central issue with life as such. Life is not about "profits" or "taking advantage" of something. That is death. To love, you need to trust, to trust that there IS the source of Life, there IS this ever organizing Good, the very juice of it all. It is not like a mathematical formula - if this than that.

Love and trust come hand in hand. Without love how can you trust? Without trust how can you love?

But Jesus keeps pounding again and again: do not be concerned with "survival", which is nothing more than an abstract idea. You just go full way, non stop.

That very love is just like a water to a plant. The very juice of life. There is no other juices but love. It is the very reason for attraction, an organizing force bringing it all together as a unity.

Once you forget it, you will dry out. INEVITABLY.

18. If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

Yes. This is significant. If you are real, if you are authentic, you WILL be hated. This is simply inevitable. People are cowards. Very few are not. They will perceive you as a threat, and for many reasons. They lick asses and you do not. That is a threat to them. They lie, but you do not, because you feel grounded, you feel there is simply no need to lie just to "survive", just to survive. That is a threat.

And so, do not worry. Know ye that they have hated even the one who is a mountain.

19. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

Yes. This is probably one of the toughest cookies there are. Because you are different. You do not wish to prostitute yourself. You do not consider lying as something absolutely necessary for you to "survive". And so you will have the hardest time of them all. The ugliest violence will be directed at you.

But remember: I have chosen you, which means you are validated to the highest standards of validity there are. So when you have a hard time as a result of some attack on your very being, just remember - you are valid.

20. Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.

23. He that hateth me hateth my Father also.

This is a consolation, but a consolation of the highest magnitude. Just when you have the utmost difficulty. What Jesus says here is that those who hate you are so blind that that will hate even Truth itself. So blind they are. And if they have ANY sight, and can recognize me, then they will recognize you also as you are of the same essence as I am.

So, not to worry. If there is ANY chance for them to see anything, they WILL recognize you as well.

John 15 (King James Version)


What is religion Chandra Mohan kept condemning at every corner of his path?

To me, religion is that combined wisdom of the ages that is meant to do the same thing Chandra Mohan claimed he is doing. That is to convert you from a member of the herd into someone who can "see with his eyes". But to see what? Well, to see that Life has roots and it is based on Good. It is not just chaos created by mad herd in pursuit of "survival" and stuffing their bellies.

Religion is not just some dogma written in some book even though, yes, there are some insights in some books, and some of those insights are of tremendous significance. But plenty of it is projection of fear and guilt and nothing more than desire to control and dominate "the herd", sending all sorts of negatively colored messages. Much of genuine "religion" is passed through the ages by those, who can "see with their eyes and hear with their ears".

Because the scriptures were modified by the servants of evil most profound as they themselves admit on record. Secondly, they could be misinterpreted and mistranslated. But, the most essential truths are still there. You just have to see which information rings in your heart, and you need to pay attention to whether that information is positive or negative and destructive in nature.

Religion is not about "wrath of God", condemnation and denials. It is not about fear and guilt projection or "sins" of all kinds. If you are blind, you will do plenty of stupid things. But that is how you learn. No need to condemn yourself or others. That will simply lead you away from yourself and it will take longer for you to finally SEE that very essence that constitutes Life.

Religion is about Life, not death, about Creativity, not destruction, about appreciation, not misery. If something makes you feel miserable, just skip it and go to the next thing. In all likelihood, that information was added to the book by the forces of evil for the purposes of deluding you. Look only at those things that make you appreciate Life and SEE its grand nature. There is no need to suffer. For what? It is about that, which makes you SEE how it all works and how Creation unfolds before you eyes. FOREVER.

Much of what is written in "religious" books can cause not that seeing, but to make you a fanatic, blindly believing some doctrine or dogma and imposing it on others, foaming at the mouth about "wrath of God" and all the horrific punishments you will inevitably incur if you do not follow the dogma you were zombified with, without checking any of it with your own eyes. Under what authority do they make such proclamations of doom and gloom?

If there is something you do not understand from the scriptures and it looks like something impossible, do not simply accept it as undeniable law. Else you will simply become a fanatic, doing more hurt to yourself and others then help. Who knows, you may see it tomorrow when new information is revealed to you. But unless you feel it in your heart this very moment, it is better to skip it for now. If something does not click within you what is the point of blindly following it?

To me, the very purpose of religion is to remind you that there is such a thing as Good which is the very cause of Life. There IS some wisdom behind all this noise you see all over. There IS something ultimately valid standing at the very roots of it all. It is not merely a matter of interpretations presented by various "masters". In that sense, there is something "objective" to it, something undeniable, which is called Truth. No matter who you are and no matter what you do, it is still there.

Without that Good, everything basically falls apart and results in chaos in your hearts and minds and in the world as such. This is that most fundamental principle of Life.

So, instead, Chandra Mohan offers you this concept of amorphous "existence", which is totally amoral by definition. It does not have such a concept as Good in it. There is no central, unified essence supporting the very intent to be, the very desire to be. Why be? For what? To merely "survive"? "Make money" like a money making machine? To climb on the top of others? What is the "end goal"? That is why it was said: "dust falling into dust", "a house built on sand", "chasing shadows in the valley of darkness", "blind leading the blind shall fall into a ditch", INEVITABLY and "thou can not make a single hair white or black". And that is what happens if you deny your roots. These are all hints, hints at something that stands at the roots of it all.

So, to me, this amorphous "existence" is nothing more than philosophical bluff. About the only thing about it is the fact that you exist, just like all the objects and entities around you and that is the extent of it. Beyond it, "existence" carries no meaning. This fascist poison "theory of evolution", which is a ZioNazi project, just as they themselves state on record, is about the only thing you can possibly end up with with this notion of "existence". It is like a dwelling without dweller, a man without soul, just like some machine. There is no root to it. And that is how people are tricked into accepting the biggest lie there is as reality.

And yet, Chandra Mohan forever spoke about some "masters", like they were true genuine "gods" who have some "all-seeing eye" unlike you. Basically, this is zombification by authority that considers some entities more deserving than others as though without those "masters" you can not find your way out of this maze of life. Yes, you can learn some things from others, but if you allow yourself to be lead by your nose, never trusting yourself that you can discover all you need to discover and see all there is to see with your own eyes and on your own initiative, who knows, you may regret at the end and simply "fall into a ditch".

You are not defective in principle, every one of you. You are not "inferior" to anyone "out there". You are that very manifestation of God. With your life you add new dimensions and discover new aspects never seen before. You are that small particle which constitutes the Whole of God. Without you the whole Life as such becomes something smaller. Every single one of you. That is why it was said "Thou are that". Through you, God, which is Infinite Multidimensional Intelligence, Ever Unfolding and All Permeating, learns new aspects of Itself. Do not ever underestimate your own validity no matter what others think or say about you and no matter how "imperfect" you might consider yourself to be.

You are that inseparable part of All There Is. Once you separate yourself from God and think of It as someone sitting "up there, in heaven" as something separate from you, the result will be misery and conflicts of all kinds, and pretty much inevitable. Sooner or later you will SEE it when you are ready to see. It is just a matter of time. The more sincere you are, the less you are driven by all sorts of programming done to you, the faster you will be able to SEE and HEAR, just like Jesus said on record.

At the very core of any genuine religion is Love and Unity of all Life, no matter how small and insignificant or "grand" and "superior" it might look.

Most of those "masters" are probably the most potent poison to your very being as they simply lead you away into some distant lands somewhere beyond horizon, and, no matter how long you are going to be travelling toward that "bright future", you can never reach the horizon.

And, since there is no entity behind this "existence" of Chandra Mohan, you are "free" to do all you please to get some kicks out of it. If there is no roots then what are you left with? That is why satanists and occultists, such as Aleister Crawley, declare: "Do as thou wilt and that should be the whole of law". Can there be a poison more potent than this one? Because he claims there are no roots. You are on your own. So, do what you want to stuff your bellies and fulfill your mercantile interests and that is the "whole of law". But what authority does he have to make such grand proclamations as to "the whole of law", which is Infinite? You are just a small particle in the Whole. No matter who you are, you can not possibly represent the WHOLE of Law.

All of it is meant to uproot you so that you had no reference point left and thus "free" from all obligations, which essentially and eventually creates anarchy and madness of all kinds.

And this amorphous "existence" of Chandra Mohan basically states the same thing.

He talked about Truth all the time. But what is Truth? Well, he himself endlessly stated that truth can not be spoken. Even SPOKEN! Not to mention described or measured. So how do you know it is truth then? How do you even evaluate it? How do you compare it with something you know to be valid?

Swearing on the Bible

Chandra Mohan mentioned that when he had to stand before the court and take an oath on the Bible not to lie, he refused, stating that he is the man of truth and Bible is full of lies and so he can not possibly swear on the Bible.

But, interestingly enough, he was willing to swear on his "Orange book", which is full of garbage and concoctions as he himself stated on record. So, in a subtle way, he refused any higher authority then himself because who was that book written about? Well - himself!

But what is interesting about that book is that it was created for political reasons in order to make that whole trip in Oregon look like some genuine religion. If you are a religion, then you need the "book". That whole "Rajneeshism" concoction was invented for the purpose of him gaining a legal residence status in the USA and so he could not be deported. Simple as that.

But, the kicker is he did not tell them he refuses to take an oath because the whole thing is a lie. How come? A man of such a courage and has no guts to tell the truth about what the whole thing is?


This is strange as it is intangible. I do not know how I am going on speak on this, but I will try.

What I noticed lots of times in my life is that the ideas seem to just appear in my mind. They are not logical conclusions, based on some heavy duty analysis of this and that. They are somehow disconnected from it all in a sense that there seems to be nothing surrounding it. It is not some gradual process of building some knowledge base.

It is just: pop! And it is there. ALL you need to do is to catch it and follow up on it, and it will lead you to new horizons, the likes of which you have never seen before.


And what is wild is that some geniuses state: "sorry, this creation of mine is not mine really. It CAME to me."

But where did it come from?

Have you noticed it in your own life?

Why Osho never spoke about this?

Strangely enough, Chandra Mohan - "Osho" never spoke about the most significant issues and events ever facing the world and real powers that literally own and run the world. And some of them are orders of magnitude more significant than things he did talk about.

He talked about ALL sorts of maniacs including Morarji Desai, a former prime minister of India, whom he was obsessed with for quite a while, he talked about Ronald Reagan, whom he called a "gorilla", one of the evillest sickos in the entire history of capitalism. He even talked about some local officials in Oregon and some corrupt professors.

But he never ever even opened his mouth about the evilest evil there is, there was, or even possible in principle, about those, who made most of you zombies and biorobots.

Take for example the Illuminati, the most potent force of evil on this planet, that rule the world for hundreds of years. He never even mentioned them once. Isn't it strange? How come?

Let us take a quick look at some of it.

Rothschilds, Baruch, Schiff, Loeb, Kuhn, and Bilderbergers - the world government

These are the biggest bankers that own not only the USA, but the whole world. They are the ones that decide who is going to be a president or a prime minister, what kind of things are to happen in the world or what kind of agenda any government is to follow and implement. And they could care less about any government of any land. Because those are nothing more than their puppets.

The Bilderbergers, consisting of 63 members are known to be the "world government" behind the scenes according to Valery Gerasimov, a reporter of several news agencies with accreditation in the UN and several other researchers and historians.

Compared to them Ronald Reagan, about whom Chandra Mohan talked in 213 of his lectures, is not even in the picture. He was their zombie puppet, nothing more. How could the people who could hardly locate their own mouth with a spoon represent any kind of significance? Why did Chandra Mohan talk about this "gorilla" in so many of his lectures? What significance did he have in the scheme of things?

This banking empire controls the world and sets its agenda. According to Valery Gerasimov in his sensational three hour long interview with the St. Petersburg magazine "The Society and Ecology" on October 20, 2001, the most influential of them are Baruch, Schiff, Loeb and Kuhn.

According to him, even Rothschilds and Rockefellers are nothing more than the runner boys that get flashed left and right and talked about everywhere.

But these four names - Baruch, Schiff, Loeb and Kuhn are not even mentioned anywhere. Like they do not exist, while they own and control the world with all the consequences of it, such as wars and revolutions, propaganda machine, the balance of power in the world and the list goes on.

That interview was conducted in the research and information-analytical center "The Strategy of The Future" in Moscow in the presence of the president of the center, M. N. Ivanov, vice-president N. D. Brodyk, the nuclear research scientist L. N. Maximov, and the editor in chief of the Moscow newspaper "Knowledge and Power!".

Those are just slaves, but here is who are the slave owners

"And so, Ruben, three years ago showed me the already printed dollar bills: they were bigger in size and they were of denominations of thousand, five thousand and ten thousand dollars. On those bank notes there were no longer pictures of the Presidents. Up to hundred dollar bills there are pictures of the Presidents.

"He said: 'those are slaves and here [on bills of 1000 dollars and larger] are the slave owners'. And who was there?

"Schiff, Loeb, Kuhn, Baruch... Their ancestors in wigs. And so, on the notes that are not circulated among ordinary people, they already have printed the portraits of those, who in reality rule the world. They sit in the shade and all the wealth of the world belongs to them.

"... This Federal Reserve system, [controlled by the biggest Jewish bankers] controls not only the United States, but all the countries of the world... and it turns out that this green piece of paper called dollar, not supported by anything, controls the world."

"...And it turns out that for this system, the USA is only one of the subjects, but not the only one. As, for example, for Baruch it is Costa Rica or France or Russia that are one of the subjects of his interests.

"... I learned this from my close friend, whose brother was one of the employees of the information system of control over the world money transfers...

"'Standard Charter Bank' is the bank of the banks of the World Government... Its headquarters are in London, and it exists since 1613...

"...It is not accidental that the first plane during 9/11 event hit precisely the offices of that bank. This was a hit to the very womb of the World Government, to the very soul of the immortal dragon... This bank does not exist in any list of the banks, but, nevertheless, it controls all the bank transfers in the world. It tracks and controls the financial transactions with speed of 20 billion dollars per minute around the whole world.

"... Rockefeller and Rothschild are flashed everywhere like the runner boys. But the real ones, such as Baruch, no one talks about. As though they do not exist.

"... - Are there any bankers more influential than Baruch?

"- No. There is no one more influential than Baruch. He is a trillionaire.

"... All the ends of the financial pyramid lead to Baruch. But what are his family roots?

"- This was a special family, connected to the mystical movement of Judaism, and since then they remain in the shadow behind the scenes.

"But, most importantly, I would like to accentuate that they are the ones who in reality control the America. They are not even the members of the so called "world government" - the club of Bilderbergers that consists of 63 members.

"By the way, the 63rd member is the only representative of Russia - Chubais. I have heard they were offering him a minister seat in the Russian government. Chubais simply smiled.

"... 'No, thank you, I do not need this', he said. Sure, what does one need to be a minister of some peripheral government, when he himself is a member of the world government! And this is precisely his strength. Sure, it is OK to criticise him, to make some noise about him, but that is all nothing more than a puppets play."

"And all of it is conducted, like a symphony orchestra, by Baruch, Loeb, Schiff and Kuhn and their families that were intermarried with other families of this clan and became the relatives, and they are also the ones who are the leaders of the world Freemasonry.

"... You know, they are mystics. And, most likely, they themselves do not even understand this. They sacredly believe that the Jewish Messiah will come, and they, like the kings of kings, would enter as golden crowns into the world power and will divide all the wealth of the planet and all the goyim among themselves. They religiously believe this."

Source: Those are all slaves, but here is who the slave ownders are (in Russian)

Is this something deserving Chandra Mohan's attention and to be discussed as something of profound significance? Sure, it is conceivable that he did not have access to this kind of information. Except this is not the only example of it. There are traces of these "rulers of the world" everywhere in history, at least during the last 300 years or so.

So, where was Chandra Mohan's all-seeing eye? The problem we have here is that he kept talking about some pawns and wasting hundreds of his lectures talking about some "important" and "significant" people of all kinds, but the MAIN players were not even mentioned.

And so he was giving ALL sorts of suggestions on how to run the world and solve its most important problems while not having the slightest clue of who stands behind it all, what is their agenda and why everything happens the way it does. And if he did know it or could see it with his all-seeing eye, then why did not he tell it to his own "elite"? So...

It is said that Rothschilds control over 90 percent of world's gold and over 80 percent of the weapon grade nuclear materials, not counting the diamonds, oil and energy, banking, their vast real estate empire, and the list has barely begun.

Among all of the most influential people of the world, you can place Rothschilds at the top five if not top two.

Basically they are self-admitted Satanists and their agenda is the NWO and a rule of Lucifer over a single global super-state.


Rothschilds financed both sides of every war

American and British Intelligence have documented evidence that the House of Rothschild, and other International Bankers, have financed both sides of every war, since the American Revolution.

ZioNazi quotes - Wars

World Domination 401

When death approached, old Amschel Rothschild called together his children, in Frankfort, and having read the satanic Talmud, he proclaimed:

"Remember my children, that all the Earth must belong to us, Jews, and that the Gentiles being mere excrements of animals, must possess nothing".

Explaining this, Amschel compelled them to swear most solemnly that they would always stick to one another and never undertake anything separately. This they did and it was repeated on Amschel's grave twenty-four years later, when Nathan for material reasons consented to become a "Christian" and "suddenly" died ...

Secret World Government by Cherep-Spiridovich

Interestingly enough Chandra Mohan spoke about them in only 14 of his lectures out of 250 books. But...

Revolutions 105

There is evidence that Disraeli did not tell the truth about Russia.

It was the Rothschilds, who fomented the Bolshevik Revolution and financed it through their New York banking fronts of Jacob Schiff and J.P. Morgan, and in London by Lord Alfred Milner.

It is a fact that Schiff gave Trotsky $20 million for the task of overthrowing Christian Russia.

The history of the Rothschilds shows that they did not hesitate to spend part of their huge fortune to achieve political goals. In this they achieved astonishing successes.

That the Rothschilds held and exercised amazing power over nations and governments is born out by the following: ...

Now, pay attention to the numbers in bold about the number of lectures Chandra Mohan talked about some individual.

  • He talked about Paul Warburg in ZERO of his lectures, who said:

    Listen to the Jewish banker, Paul Warburg:

    "We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent."

    (February 17, 1950, as he testified before the US Senate).

    James Paul Warburg:

    (1896-1969) son of Paul Moritz Warburg, nephew of Felix Warburg and of Jacob Schiff, both of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. which poured millions into the Russian Revolution through James' brother Max, banker to the German government, Chairman of the CFR

  • He talked about Jacob Schiff in ZERO of his lectures, and Jacob Schiff was one of the most influential bankers and a Rothschild's front in the USA, whose job was to set up a banking empire in the U.S. He financed the Russian revolution and gave 20 million dollars to foment it, which, in today's money is trillions.
  • He talked about Nicholas Rockefeller in ZERO of his lectures, and Nicholas Rockefeller said:

    "The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world."

    "... Endless war on terror where there's no real enemy and the whole thing is a giant hoax," so that "the government could take over the American people,"

    -- Nicholas Rockefeller in an interview with Aaron Russo.

  • He talked about J.P. Morgan in 19 of his lectures, while he was one of the most influential bankers in the USA who was involved in financing some of the most destructive wars and revolutions in the history of the world.
  • He talked about Rockefeller in 53 of his lectures, and Rockefellers are the second most powerful force in the USA at least. Just take the Standard Oil corporation for example. Your hairs would raise if you realise what it is. It is them who created the "woman's liberation" movement and the "hippie revolution" and all those "flower children" of the 60's of the 20th century. Is it something to be ignored while it had some of the most profound impact on the entire world?
  • He talked about Benito Mussolini in 133 of his lectures. Have you ever heard about that guy? Well, he was the "father of fascism" in Italy.
  • He talked about Morarji Desai in 154 of his lectures. Have you ever heard of Morarji Desai? Who is he compared to Rothschilds? Someone who drank his own urine, just as Chandra Mohan stated on record?
  • He talked about Karl Marx in 253 of his lectures. Who was Karl Marx but a puppet of Rothschild?
  • He talked about Ronald Reagan in 312 lectures of his, whom he called a "gorilla". Why did he talk about gorillas in so many lectures? Who was Reagan compared to Rothschild, but a deranged puppet of theirs? Why did he talk about him more than about about Karl Marx?
  • He talked about Friedrich Nietzsche in 375 of his lectures. But who was Friedrich Nietzsche but a puppet of Rothschilds and a "father of fascism" as some claim?
  • He talked about Adolph Hitler in 711 of his lectures. Who was Adolph Hitler compared to Rothschilds but their puppet, bought gun, stock and barrel?

Do you need more? Or you get the picture?

Have you noticed a pattern? Well, the pattern is simple - the more significant, influential and powerful some person is, the LESS Chandra Mohan talks about him. WHAT? - Well, scroll up again and see.

But he forever posed as probably the MOST controversial and non-compromising figure in the entire human history that was NEVER afraid to talk about the MOST controversial issues, right?


The most powerful force in the history of the world is not covered at all. Not a SINGLE issue of significance including the Russian and French revolutions, WWI and WWII, fomented, organized and carried out by the Rothschild puppets and agents is covered. Nor the issues of the NWO and world domination. Well, some of it IS covered, but from such a level that it basically has nothing to do with the real issues or what was really going on.

For example, where did he say that the Russian revolution and WWI and WWII were fomented and financed by Rothschilds and others from the world banking empire? Rothschild alone and his cronie, Schiff, gave $100 million for Russian Revolution to Lenin and Trotsky which in today's money is billions it not trillions.

Chandra Mohan presented the Russian revolution as something "accidental", something that just happened as some random event that had no basis in it! What? Yep, that is what he said. WHY? Ask him! He said he is going to be here once he is dead. So, should be no problem to verify it then.

And this list is so long, sorry, it is going to get way too long to enumerate the most signifiant issues and most influential people impacting the very life on this planet.

Can you believe this?

Why? Why is the most powerful clan on the face of the planet Earth, Rothschilds, and global banking empire, even more powerful than Roman emperors, is not covered at all? Can you tell me? Are they less significant then those retarded agents of theirs such as Ronald Regan or any of those on the list above, or that Morarji Desai who was drinking his own urine? What IS this?

Compared to Rothschilds, even Ford and Rockefellers are nothing more than their agents in the USA. It has been said: the man Rothschild choses will become the president of the USA. Is it significant enough of an issue to discuss? Mind you, the issue that impacts the lives of ALL of you regardless of where you live or what is your status or income.

Do you know who runs the printing press for the U.S. dollars and who controls the Federal Reserve system in the USA? Well, guess! But what is Federal Reserve? Well, a PRIVATE corporation. Controlled by whom? Guess!

Your very minds have been programmed by them and their puppets and agents and for at least 200 years. You live in the world created by Rothschilds and other biggest and baddest bankers there are, for all practical purposes, and people like Chandra Mohan are some of their most welcomed agents of disinformation and creation of all sorts of delusions in your minds, and I mean LITERALLY. Do you want proof? Well, read on then. It is all there, from any angle you can imagine, and if something is missing or incorrect, let me know, we'll fix it.

The mother of one of Rothschilds said:

Gutle Schnaper, Mayer Amschel Rothschild's wife dies. Before her death she would nonchalantly state,

"If my sons did not want wars, there would be none."

"If my sons did not want wars, there would be none"

Not only that, but when you look at what Chandra Mohan said about them it is simply unbelievable. He did not address a SINGLE thing of significance.

Can you see now?

Well, you can do it for yourself. Here:


That will search 250 of Chandra Mohan's books and nothing else. No noise from some irrelevant information.

Fuelless Energy

This is one of the key issues related to this so called NWO thing, the "population crisis" and "insufficient resources" song they sing on all the channels, and so he did.

But no one tells you that all these problems are artificial. As far back as 1897 Nicholas Tesla, called a "prophet" by the physicist and mathematician Dr. Sall, has invented the energy transformer and demonstrated it in action. Just from one of the turbines of a turbo-electric power plant he was able to provide energy to the entire state.

See: Dr. S.A. Sall - Fuel-free energy technologies

But this was against the monopoly of wasteful energy generation technologies, such as oil and coal. Tesla's works were taken out of libraries and his facilities were destroyed. It turns out that the idea of ether was the most damaging concept in physics because there exists an additional sources of energy related to sub-atomic particle activity of the ether wind, which by now is commonly known among the physicists, well not so commonly but still, it is known. And if it was found to be true, the whole monopoly oil and coal industries would simply collapse and there would be no way to dominate the world via energy resources and all these wars we have seen would not have happened, at least from the standpoint of energy aspect of it.

To make the long story short, the biggest fraud in science was initiated by promoting Einstein and his theory of relativity, which was not even his. It was pure grade fraud. Interestingly enough, Einstein himself did not quite believe his own theories.

All the research of not only Tesla, but all the physicists of the day related to this extra energy was destroyed. Dozens of world's leading scientists were killed to suppress any information that goes against this fake theory of relativity that has been proven to be false in the space stations and laser based optical communication technologies. In particular, according to theory of relativity the clock slows down if you move at a very high speed. But, in space stations that move at high enough speed to detect the difference between the clock time on the space station and on the earth, no such slowing down is detected, which means the entire theory is fake. It simply does not work.

What it all means is that the world would have solved its main problem - energy, which is a main stumbling block to independence and self sufficiency. If some small country could provide itself with sufficient energy, the problems of modern world would simply go away as a myth. After all, the food production depends on energy. If you have energy you can irrigate even a desert, just like Egypt or Israel has shown.

It has been estimated that the world could comfortably sustain about 10 billion people given sufficient energy and it is known that the population in the poor countries does not grow as they become wealthy. The population will stabilise inevitably given sufficient independence on energy supply, which is the main driving force behind all the underlying processes and activities in society.

Furthermore, with fuel-less energy, the issue of world pollution would simply evaporate as those technologies are intrinsically non-pollutive or produce orders of magnitude less pollution than oil and coal.

This means that all the most significant problems of the world would be solved, including the enslavement of the states as a result of the external loans (money borrowed by governments). External loans represent an immense problems and translated directly into worsening the standard of living as the states are force to pay a considerable part of their GDP, the productive force, on serving the interest payments on those loans. As a result, they CONTINUOUSLY force the world to "cut expenses" and it is done via reduction of social programs. In some countries, the burden of external loans constitutes a half of their GDP, and in Greece, it is even more than the entire GDP. They HOPE to reduce it to 124% of the GDP by the year 2024. Can you believe this? Can you even begin to comprehend such an impact on world economies and it significance?

But Chandra Mohan with his huge library apparently did not know about this most shocking information that utterly destroys this idea of NWO, or the equivalent of his, he called "the borderless world", that is something innocent and progressive, as it immediately becomes obsolete if there is sufficient energy in the world. How come?

Adam Weishaupt and Illuminati

The Illuminati secret society was created by Adam Weishaupt and financed by Rothschilds. They are those who rule the world now. They are at the very top of the food chain. It is a satanist occult society bent on world domination from day one of their creation using all sorts of clandestine means and ways to sabotage things, start wars and revolutions, assassinate, pervert, deceive, control and dominate, and the list has barely begun. The list of evil most profound that is.

It was Adam Weishaupt who developed a concept of revolution and not Karl Marx as commonly thought and taught.

What is interesting about it is the root of the world means the same thing as "enlightenment", the "illuminated ones". And, interestingly enough, they also consider themselves to be "the chosen ones", the "elite".

These satanists have penetrated into all upper levels of all the governments and create and control the agenda of all states. It is said: one can not possibly become the president of the U.S. unless he is approved and promoted by the Illuminati. All the politicians are their mere puppets dancing to their tune and singing their song any place you look.

All the revolutions and wars were started, conducted, financed and you name it, by the Illuminati puppets.

Here is an interesting bit - a part of the Illuminati program posted on their official web site in Russia.

The organization's programs:

  • a) Based on agreement with the universal harmony. Nature - a large mirror of the universal laws.
  • b) Open and available to the ideology of community.
  • c) No acceptance of atheism, Satanism, black magic and other similar ideologies.
  • d) The direct and rational action, without superstition, dogma or preconceived notions.

The Illuminati and the Revolution:

"The last one of the world revolutions led by the Illuminati must rely on the support of all. It will be a great victory of Good against Evil"

See: The Illluminati programs and activity.

The site is in Russian language but you can use some on-line translation service, such as to get an idea. There are some pretty interesting pictures with explanation of satanic symbology, such as a symbol of the star, and some explanations of the occult nature of Satanism.

Looks like a paradise on earth indeed. Unfortunately, it does not align with what is known about the Illuminati and their programs as presented by the world's foremost researchers.

See for example what Dr. John Coleman presents as their program:

21 Goals of the Illuminati and The Committee of 300

Another interesting thing about it is they also have an idea of the "inner circle". The concept of the "inner circle" was first introduced by Adam Weishaupt and not Chandra Mohan. Actually, it was well before that, going back to Pharisees and "elders of Zion" as they were called later on. The roots of it lay in Talmud and Torah as the idea of "god-chosen" people, the "elite" of mankind.

And those in the inner circle are the rulers of this world and are in pursuit of the agenda of the NWO.

Now they are known as The Committee of 300 and their main arm is the "Club of Rome". They are also known as the "Olympians".

So... Seems like it is something deserving His Royal Attention, isn't it? WHO is more significant in the scheme of things? Reagan, Chandra Mohan kept talking about non-stop, who was nothing more than a deranged puppet of the Illuminati, or the Illuminati themselves, and the roots and a foundation of their global conspiracy of evil most profound?

But... Where did Chandra Mohan talk about it? Was he afraid to open his mouth about it even though he forever bragged about his courage and people warning him not to speak about this and that? And there is not even a single reference on them in all ten thousand of his lectures. Strange.

Compared to the Illuminati, all other issues look secondary as that is exactly how your minds are zombified. It is them who own the media, publishing, "entertainment", politics, governments and you name it. It is them who design the mind washing methods of zombification of mankind. It is them who start the horrendous wars of destruction and control the worldwide agenda in politics and social organization. It is them who developed the concepts of depopulation and "quiet genocide" implemented worldwide. It is them who want to reduce the population of the world by 95%. WHO is more significant then them I ask you?

Would you rather hear about the most profound things that affect the whole world in the most profound ways, or some theory about theory about this carrot called "enlightenment", that does not even look the same the next time he opened his mouth about it, that Pussy in the Sky With Diamonds, that "joy of menstruation"?

Most interestingly is that the main issues of interest of Chandra Mohan are those very issues that are pursued by this so called NWO "elite", and their "plan" for the world is pretty much the same thing Chandra Mohan promoted all the time, the same exact basic ideas.

Nice, eh?

Albert Pike and a plan for three world wars

This is of such a profound significance that all these "enlightenment" carrots do not even pale in comparison but are nothing more than a rotten stink.

Mind you, two world wars happened exactly as his plan shows and that plan was created generations before the first one started. Chandra Mohan, compared to Albert Pike in terms of "prophecies", is not even laughable.

Wars 203

Albert Pike completes his military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world

Albert Pike
Albert Pike

An American General named, Albert Pike, who had been enticed into the "Illuminati" by Guiseppe Mazzini, completes his military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world, culminating into moving this great conspiracy into its final stage. These details are as follows:

  1. The First World War is to be fought for the purpose of destroying the Tsar in Russia, as promised by Nathan Mayer Rothschild in 1815.

    The Tsar is to be replaced with communism which is to be used to attack religions, predominantly Christianity. The differences between the British and German empires are to be used to foment this war.

  2. The Second World War is to be used to foment the controversy between fascism and political Zionism with the oppression of Jews in Germany a lynchpin in bringing hatred against the German people.

    This is designed to destroy fascism (which the Rothschilds' created) and increase the power of political Zionism.

    This war is also designed to increase the power of communism to the level that it equalled that of united Christendom.

  3. The Third World War is to be played out by stirring up hatred of the Muslim world for the purposes of playing the Islamic world and the political Zionists off against one another.

    [and they are to mutually destroy each other]

    Whilst this is going on, the remaining nations would be forced to fight themselves into a state of mental, physical, spiritual and economic exhaustion.

Albert Pike completes his military blueprint for three world wars

So, do you think this is something deserving to be discussed, or would you rather be totally oblivious of all this, and, as a result, face what you are facing right now, which is hell broken loose?

How come "the greatest master ever" would not even speak on this? What was that "gorilla", Ronald Reagan, spoken about by Chandra Mohan quite a bit, compared to Albert Pike?

The existence of this program is furiously disputed by the ZioNazis and Freemasons. They claim it is nothing but invention. Some researchers claim this document existed in the British Library. But Freemasons claim it does not exist in that library. Would be interesting to see a research on the library logs. Some libraries keep a log of all the books and documents entered in the library. The evidence of this document is expressed in the first two points of it, WWI and WWII, that happened exactly as outlined. But this is another matter, even though it has a tremendous historic significance.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

Rabbis 106

"My dear questioner, you are too curious, and want to know too much. We are not permitted to talk about these things. I am not allowed to say anything, and you are not supposed to know anything about the Protocols.

For God's sake be careful, or you will be putting your life in danger."

(Rabbi Grunfeld, in a reply to Rabbi Fleishman regarding the validity of the Protocols)

ZioNazi quotes - Rabbis

The Protocols is a master plan for the NWO. The first version of it floated up in 1905 in a book by Nilus, at least as it was "officially" accepted. But that plan exists for hundreds and thousands of year. In fact, those Pharisees during the times of Jesus were those, who are called the "learned elders of Zion" in these protocols.

There exists no document of comparable significance in the entire history of mankind as I claim, and not me alone, but some of the most outstanding researchers and experts on this subject.

And yet, there is not a SINGLE reference to it in tens of thousands of his lectures, filled with all sorts of unverifiable garbage, talking about theories about theories.

How come?

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Victor E. Marsden version

And here is the modern version of Protocols as presented on the interview with Harold Rosenthal. This is pretty much exactly the same thing as Protocols only in a bit simplified and modernized version.

The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview

ZioNazis tried all they could to prove that these protocols are forgery and were created by Russian Secret Police in 1905. But this has never been proven. But what WAS proven is something, that totally breaks the "official version", and that is:

Philip Stepanov states he received the M. S. of the Protocols in 1895 from Major Sukhotin. and that is 10 years before they have allegedly been created by the Russian Secret Police.

100 Main Laws of Shulchan Aruch

100 Laws of Shulchan Aruch is subtitled "the evilest books in the entire history" and yet, Chandra Mohan never mentioned it once.

It outlines the principles of racial superiority and utmost hate towards all non-"Jews" and provides the precise zombification instructions on how to behave towards Akum or "goyim" - non-Jews, whom they call worse then animals and feces, LITERALLY. Nice, eh?

World Domination 401

When death approached, old Amschel Rothschild called together his children, in Frankfort, and having read the satanic Talmud, he proclaimed:

"Remember my children, that all the Earth must belong to us, Jews, and that the Gentiles being mere excrements of animals, must possess nothing".

Explaining this, Amschel compelled them to swear most solemnly that they would always stick to one another and never undertake anything separately. This they did and it was repeated on Amschel's grave twenty-four years later, when Nathan for material reasons consented to become a "Christian" and "suddenly" died ...

Secret World Government by Cherep-Spiridovich

These "laws", and that is what they are in fact, provide the instructions for every conceivable situation of dealing with non-Jews and how exactly it should be handled, what to do, what to think, how to explain it, or explain it all away and what to feel or think about it.

Shulchan Aruch is basically a rewrite of the Talmud, containing the selected principles and dictates of the Talmud. They were written about 300 years ago and attempt to merge all the contradictory versions of the Talmud into a single book and try to somehow reconcile all those contradictions.

Shulchan Aruch is said to be the MAIN document for nearly 300 years now. The Talmud is mostly a historical reference. Not many either know it, read it, or even mention it nowadays. It is too big, nearly a library size collection, and there are way too many contradictions in various versions of it. Thus Shulchan Aruch - the modern version of Judaism.

They are at the very basis of this NWO global evil, and they are the most critical set of instructions, converting the Jewish children who receive education in "religious" Jewish schools into man hating monsters, able, ready and willing to destroy anything that does not fit the ZioNazi agenda of utmost evil, taught to them in some of those schools, that are nothing more but zombification factories, preaching hate, racial viciousness, the ideas of "superiority" and the rest of those things commonly known as Nazi ideology.

Why is that?

100 Main Laws of Shulchan Aruch - the foundation of ZioNazism and fascism

Also: Chabad Mafia

The Rabbis Speak Out

Quotes by Rabbis

The Committee of 300

The Committee of 300 is known to researchers as the true rulers of the world, those who relentlessly and viciously pursue the agenda of utmost destruction and this satanic NWO ideology, a hell on Earth. LITERALLY. It is the Illuminati outlet.

Everything you see happening in the world as far as major issues go is the work of these rulers of the world.

There isn't a SINGLE U.S. president who was elected without their selection or approval. Not since at least 1930.

The Bohemian Club

The Bohemian Club is one of the most powerful structures in the NWO. They are but a part of the global network of domination. Most of the world affairs and issues of most significance are first presented at their estate, called Bohemian Grove in Monte Rio, California, USA.

Such issues as "smart weapons", "new world order", "the opportunities in the 21st century" (as far as world domination is concerned), "terrorism and a Weimar redux", aka "war on terrorism" were first presented at the Bohemian Grove, and were inevitably implemented as you can see with your own eyes.

Do you think they deserve some coverage by "the most enlightened master ever"? And yet, do you recall them being mentioned even once by Chandra Mohan? Did not he know they exist?

Chabad Mafia

Chabad, or Chabad Lubavitch claims to be a Hassidic branch of Judaism, or rather Talmudism. Not many ever heard about them despite the fact that they are probably the most potent force on the face this planet as it stands right now, controlling all the world governments more or less, being a part of the global drug trade network and possessing the immense resources, including but not limited to intelligence, military/para-military and you name it.

Their power and influence is backed by the immense resources of trillionaire Baruch according to several researchers. Eduard Hodos, probably the world's foremost expert on Chabad, clearly identifies them as a fascist organization and calls their founder, "the first fascist in history".

Several of their prominent founders clearly state: "our god is Lucifer". Some of their quotes simply boggle ones mind.

Their viciousness and ruthlessness knows no limit. Nothing will stop them from doing what they want. Because, first of all, they have no such concepts as morality and ethics, and the very concept of "good" is nothing more than the idiocy of the "goyim" to them.

Venu Paswan states that this is a result of genetic disorder, called Alpha-2 protein disorder. As a result, they simply do not have certain traits because it is simply genetically absent in them.

It goes as bad as Obama consulting them on the issues of "war on terrorism" and things like that. Because, as it turns out, they have a much better system in place and much better trained thugs to take care of any situation that may arise, including the assassinations, sabotage and so on. Compared to them, the US forces are nothing more than a kindergarten.

They even claim that "the most peaceful revolution" happened in Russia during the destruction of the USSR under their direct control and guidance. This subject is way too huge to even begin to discuss here. Here is some references on this:

"Let us differentiate" by The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson


CFR, IMF, World Bank and so on

There is a number of most powerful organizations in this NWO architecture of most profound evil.

Some of them are: the Bilderbergers, CFR, IMF, World Bank, Trilateral Commission, Ford Foundation, Skull and Bones, and quite a few others. They are all a part of this "netocracy" ideology, or the "net society", or, in other words, the global distributed conspiracy of utmost evil, building this "Matrix" society of the "elite" (aka "the inner circle" in Chandra Mohan's scheme), and the slaves.

And the sorriest thing in all this is that vast majority of people could care less about it. They think that as long as they lick some fat ass of the elite, they are going to be spared, which is probably the most idiotic hope conceivable.

What is going to happen to vast majority of them is ritual sacrifice to Moloch, worshipped by this so called "elite", and a sacrifice on a global scale, the likes of which the mankind has never seen before, where millions and billions are slaughtered, all in the name of Lucifer or Antichrist in a modern version of Moloch.

Because once these satanists achieve their goal of final control of everything and everyone, which is pretty much complete as we stand even at this very moment, then what do you think they are going to enjoy from then on being the satanists they are, which they themselves admit? What kind of "fun" would excite their sickest and most perverted imagination having achieved their goal and having control over everything and everyone?


Surprise, surprise. How about mass murder and hunting on people with a gun, just like George Bush, Dick Chaney and plenty of other members of this sickest and evilest "elite" are on record of enjoying the most.

Would that excite your dulled imagination?

Cathy O'Brien, a victim of mind control, commonly practiced by this "elite", tells the story of how she was hunted by Dick Chaney with a gun and hunting dogs and how she was sexually abused by him and his dog.

Cathy O'Brien was raped at Bohemian Grove's Necrophilia Room

The Hidden Hand

This has to do with Prince Welf Ernst of Hanover - Vimalkirti, as he was known once he became a disciple of Chandra Mohan, and what is known as "the hidden hand", that is the powers that rule this world.

For whatever reasons he joined Chandra Mohan and stayed in Pune 1 ashram until he died of a cerebral hemorrhage. Chandra Mohan spoke about intermarriage between the royal families of Europe, which are common, the result of which is high rate of birth defects. According to Gregory Klimov, birth defects are result of degeneracy.

But what does it have to do with anything? Well... Let us see here. One has to understand that the royal families are not just some "rich people". They are the rulers of this world as plenty of evidence shows. It is not just some George-Adolph Bush or Ronnie Reagan. Those are just monkeys in the hands of rulers, the puppets to do exactly what they are told.

But when you talk about royal families, your hairs would stand up if you knew what it means. Long story.


The Black Nobility earned its title through dirty tricks, so when the population revolted against the monopolies in government, as anywhere else, the leaders of the uprising were quickly seized and brutally hanged. They use secret assassinations, murder, the bankrupting of opposing citizens or companies, kidnapping and rape. So, who are these families?

The most important ones are:

  • House of Guelph (Britain)
  • House of Wettin (Belgium)
  • House of Bernadotte (Sweden)
  • House of Liechtenstein (Liechtenstein)
  • House of Oldenburg (Denmark)
  • House of Hohenzollern (Germany)
  • House of Hanover (Germany)
  • House of Bourbon (France)
  • House of Orange (Netherlands)
  • House of Grimaldi (Monaco)
  • House of Wittelsbach (Germany)
  • House of Braganza (Portugal)
  • House of Nassau (Luxembourg)
  • House of Habsburg (Austria)
  • House of Savoy (Italy)
  • House of Karadjordjevic (Yugoslavia)
  • House of Wurttemberg (Germany)
  • House of Zogu (Albania)

As well as the ones you will find on the Family Tree of the Windsors. (Black Nobility Unmasked Worldwide, Dr. John Coleman, 1985)


Have you noticed The House of Hanover?

And if you realise what means "The Black Nobility", who knows, your scull may crack. And if you think THESE kind of people would let such a thing as a prince becoming a cult member slip as something "not to worry about", think harder.

Here is a nice one about Prince William.

Prince William The Lamb

Official Antichrist communication Buckingham Palace on May 31, 2004 released photo of Prince William and lamb (Lamb of 'God' symbol) holding lamb's hind cloven hoof (Baphomet symbol).

Prince William is the Antichrist ... Future King of One World Government.

But the bottom line is this: most likely, once Vimalkirti joined Chandra Mohan, the investigation by the royal family was conducted and all the intelligence agencies you can even begin to imagine would take as hard of a look at that whole thing as you can even begin to imagine. Because that is how royal families work. They don't let things like these just slip between the cracks especially if they are dealing with the issues of potential inheritors of the throne and their own bloodline.

Meaning? Well... First of all, they'd study his "system", his psychology, his political convictions and his ideas. And that would INEVITABLY be reported to the royal family.

So what, right? Well, as it happens, Chandra Mohan's ideas were EXACTLY the kind of ideas peddled by the Illuminati - the rulers of this world, and at the very top of that food chain stands who? Do you know?

Well, the royal families.

And so what? Well, and then, all of a sudden, out of the blue, you have the biggest players in the business world, such as IBM corporation, signing contracts with Chandra Mohan enterprises to do "stress management" projects running into tens of millions of dollars annually flowing into Chandra Mohan's corporations, foundations and you name it. How could this be?

You mean one of the biggest corporations in the computer business such as IBM is so naive as to pay millions for such foolish things as "stress release" programs to some cult? Are you serious?

Well, as it turns out, Chandra Mohan and his ideas are EXACTLY in line with this NWO ideology. It is not even clear WHY would a prince decide to join Chandra Mohan and his cult. This seems to be strange for a member of a royal family to get into something like this. It may not be just something "kinky" like all those marriages on movie stars, that, it may turn out, were done specifically on purpose of trying to correct the genetic damages done as a result of the intermarriages historically.

Interestingly enough, the bar code containing 666, printed on every item sold was developed at IBM among other things. IBM is quite something indeed in the scheme of the Committee of 300. Some of things the IBM computers are used for may crack your skull.

But who controls the IBM? Do you know? Surprise, surprise. Rothschilds! Nothing less.

You see, after all those scandals and crimes, Chandra Mohan, all of a sudden becomes one of the most promoted entities any place you see. How could this be?

Even going back to Oregon, USA, it was quite something to see him nearly daily on all sorts of major media outlets. "Bhagwan" was everywhere, on everyone's tongue. Why?

And now you see all these palaces built in Pune, India, and the headquarters of Osho empire in the pyramid shaped buildings, and, interestingly enough, of black color. What is this?

And what does the pyramid stands for? Well, simple enough - Egypt, the land of Pharaohs and high priests of death worship. It is the very roots of it all, going back to Moloch and Lucifer. And this story is so long, we don't have a book big enough to contain it.

So... If you still have at least a part of your brain functioning, do your own investigation and see if your hairs would become gray if you realize what we are talking about here. Who knows, you might have your "reincarnations" flying by like birds in the sky.

Degenerates Rule The World

Here is something worth reading:

Degenerates Rule the World - Gregory Klimov Interview

To Sheela:

The way you have it is no good. It won't work.

I have seen your video interview about Chandra Mohan.

The first thing that came into my mind is you telling that reporter that Chandra Mohan was somehow "not right" by changing his name from Bhagwan to Osho. You said: "whatever happened in Oregon, happened. There is no need to run away from it and change your name". (not a literal quote)

But WHO ARE you to say what HE "should" have done and whether he "should" or "should not" change his name? What if you wish to call yourself a Funky Witch? Who am I to question it?

Then, you sit there with a pious face with all the Chandra Mohan pictures behind you taking up all the wall space and talk about "Bhagwan" and all the "religious" blah, blah, blah.

See: Ma Sheela talks to Nirman

So, you dropped the whole thing at the ranch in the MOST critical moment and simply left. Not only left, but tried to gather all most influential people so they leave also, so the whole thing would simply collapse. Why? For what? What have you achieved with it?

How can you run away from what you have done, especially when you claim you were doing as he told you.

And now?

And now you have your walls in Chandra Mohan's pictures and you are giving the interviews showing how spiritual you are.

But this is just guilt. Can't you see?

You are sitting there in Switzerland doing this "charity" number in some hospital, pretending to take care of some poor kids with problems. WHO are you kidding but yourself?

No way. You have to come out of that shack you built around Jay and Chandra Mohan and you are to report everything you know.

Because the way it is right now is the record is not complete. Because of YOU and a few people like you. Furthermore, it is distorted, and unless you come out and give a FULL account of what happened, and I mean EVERY SINGLE LITTLE DETAIL as far as you know, you won't be able to die in peace.

Osho Rajneesh - a snake oil salesman

I have stumbled on some information about him and after taking a look at it I wanted to vomit. All that marketing hype and all these flashy things all over his sites reminded me of Herbalife or some other MLM trip. But when I saw the information about him travelling to Russia on his never ending "world tours" and giving his "holier than thou" lectures and delivering some "message" to those pure souls, seeking something they think they are missing, it was beyond belief. I did not like seeing THAT kind of manipulation of pure and innocent Russian souls, after watching one of his videos.

I could not even watch it for more than a few minutes because it was way too ugly to me, and it looked as fake, as I can imagine. All the slow and hypnotizing motions of his hands looked like a straight parrotry of Chandra Mohan. Even the way he walked, was a 100% copy of Chandra Mohan, like he was his clone.

And that is a primary reason I decided to cover this subject here. If I did not see his involvement and extensive travel to Russia, I might not even bother with all this jazz. I do not get involved in what other people are doing in their lives as far as this "spiritual" trip goes. But lately I have reviewed some things on the net and it made me puke.

Because they are simply deluding the innocent souls, seeking something they think they are missing and lead them away from themselves into some distant lands of "spiritual achievement". And that is altogether a different thing. And if there is anything I can do to clarify some things, I'll do what I can. And when I see someone trying to screw with the Russian soul, I will step up to the plate. I am not going to "let it slide", whether they like it or not, and I could care less about their sensitive self-image getting offended. There are no two ways about it.

First of all, you must be blind or dishonest to even conceive an idea to go to Russia and "teach" them something. Even satanists of Menachem Mendel Schneerson caliber, who is considered to be "Jewish messiah", are afraid of Russian soul like a fire, and consider it to be more "dangerous" than an atom bomb, and, compared to him all these fools are not even laughable.

All you can do is to attempt to delude them and corrupt their hearts, leading them away from themselves, getting them sucked-in into some never ending trip of "achieving" some "paradise on earth without God", even if you are not doing it out of bad intent of parasiting on them and exploiting them. Only a blind or a fool, "who knows not what he is doing", can even conceive of going to Russia to "teach" them something "spiritual". Have mercy on yourselves.

But the way the Russian soul works is that you may start thinking you are succeeding and they start following you and believing you, and then, boom, it is all back in its original purity. It can not be done. And the "end result" is they simply became more evolved as they have learned your trip also.

And these fools do not even realise that the Russian Soul is imprinted on a genetic level, which has been proven by the genetic research. It is called Haplogroup R1a1. This genetic property of their DNA has been found to be indestructible and persistent, unlike all other groups, that get weakened or modified if mixed with the other groups. And this genetic code originates with Slav-Aryans and goes back to the beginning of time as far as human life is concerned.

It is a very interesting and immensely significant subject, and not only for Russians. Nikolai Levashov has done an extensive study and analysis of Slav-Aryan Vedas, the most ancient system of wisdom on this planet. For example Indian Vedas were introduced in India by Slav-Aryans as he claims. They are not the original wisdom of the peoples of India. To be blunt, all these "religious system" and "systems of enlightenment" are simply primitive compared to the Slav-Aryan Vedas, that contain the original, Life sustaining principles and mechanisms of Divine Creation. But this is a different subject.

So, this is what this fool, Osho Rajneesh, is dealing with, without even realising WHO he is trying to "teach". He is totally clueless as to what Russian Soul means. For example, in light of this Quantum Transition some of you might heard about, the Russians and Slavs are named as "god-chosen" people now, who will lead this planet into the 4th density. Whether you believe it or not is a different matter. But all the "messengers" and "channelers" keep saying the same thing: the Quantum Transition on this planet starts with the Russian Soul. Long subject. Dig around. There is all sorts of information on it.

Now, about Osho Rajneesh. From what I have seen about him, he is a desperate being, craving for attention, using the name and fame of Osho and Rajneesh to somehow justify his own existence. After looking at his book, Tears of a Mystic Rose, I did feel sad. How can one get so desperate and so pathetic with his fragile ego, forever craving for attention? What do those buckets full of tears worth? Does anyone OWE you something you think you should have in your pocket? Should Chandra Mohan place you next to his chair in his room because you are such a dedicated "seeker", you fool? How can you even imagine to release such a book to public? Is it some kind of a joke?

When I read him telling how he walked every day by the gate to the Chandra Mohan's house, I was simply disgusted. Because he behaved like a pest, and I mean literally. If someone would walk by my gate back and forth every day, I would probably tell them to just throw him out and do not even allow him into ashram until he stops crying like a baby about his pathetic ego and the absence of attention of others towards him. The feeling was that if Chandra Mohan would open the door to his house, he would crawl on his four and would beg on his knees to be allowed into the house and would sit "by the feet of his master".

I have a question: how much do you have to disrespect yourself to lower yourself to such a level of self-annihilation and self-denial? And look at him NOW. He even has guts to pose as one of the only two living "masters" on this planet and claims to be "enlightened". What a change! What kind of a trick does he know to raise from a slave, crawling on his knees to such a grand status, and who is he kidding?

That book reminded me The Confession by Russo where he desperately tries to describe every single detail in his life, down to things of sexual perversions. It is like total confusion as to who one is, thinking one is much worse and much more "primitive" than he looks on paper, even to himself. Basically, it is the deepest level of self-condemnation and denial, which gets transfered into denial of others and resulting "expectation" of what SHOULD happen, without having a slightest clue whether that "should" is nothing more than confusion, arising out of intolerance and consequential projection of "power" over others, which, at its deepest core, is nothing more than an attempt to "overpower" the Life itself.

If you look at one of his pictures, you will see exactly that look of "power". The question arises: how out of such a "humbleness" such a satanic look of power may arise?

Osho Rajneesh impersonating Bodhisattva

Guess who Osho Rajneesh is impersonating here - Bodhisattva, Lucifer or Adolph Bush. Or is it a look of "enlightenment" and the eyebrows of a saint?

The end result is bound to be perversion, perversion of the very nature of life, and quite often it develops into desire to dominate and show ones own "superiority". Thus his declaration of "enlightenment". Yes, there IS such a thing as the ability to see more clearly, to get to more subtle aspects and recognize them for what they are from a more subtle plane of existence.

But at the very core of that "light" is Love. And Love pretty much automatically resolves most conflicts and contradictions, and all those buckets full of ones own tears simply dry out. The only tears that are of any value as far as I can see are the tears of JOY and APPRECIATION of the grandest nature of life, which you begin to notice everywhere once you achieve a certain RECOGNITION.

What they call "enlightenment" is nothing more than that recognition, which is what Jesus called SEEING and HEARING. It is not a matter of some "superpowers" that you "attain" becoming "enlightened". The only difference between you and anyone else is that you can SEE, see "how it is" in reality beyond mind projections of all kinds. "Enlightenment" is the simplest thing possible, and that is precisely why no struggle of any kind will allow you to "attain" it. It is not attainable. It is only when you stop all the struggle to "achieve" that you begin to SEE how it IS, not how it "should" be. That is the only difference. In that sense, "enlightenment" does exist.

The idea of "enlightenment" is probably one of the most damaging ideas because it is an attempt to short-circuit or bypass certain aspects within your own ability to see. But those things that you try to bypass and jump into some "enlightenment" are still inside you and they will show up in all sorts of ways, trying to gain access to expression. Because they are still unresolved. And anything unresolved will create Karma as they call it, which will keep biting you until it is fully resolved and represents to conflicts of any kind.

You can not simply abandon your misunderstandings, or rather blindness or "forget about it". Not possible. It has to fully mature and fully resolve. And it resolves by itself, without ANY effort on your part. Just "do your thing" and be sincere and have that desire to see how it REALLY "works" or IS. No one has neither a right nor power to take away your ability to SEE.

But do not FORCE that seeing upon yourself. It won't work. All you can do is to be sincere in your effort and have enough courage to look at unpleasant things as they are, instead of perverting it and interpreting them as something else, deluding yourself. For what? It won't work. One thing is certain: you can delude others, but you can not delude yourself. No matter how long does it take, sooner or later, you will have to ENCOUNTER That Which Is. This is the LAW, from which it is impossible to run away. It will hunt you to your grave need be. You can not escape from it into any kind of "enlightenment", bypassing all your misunderstandings, no matter how "smal" or "insignificant" they seem to be.

The very life presents one with exactly the necessary tools, expressions and situations that perfectly suit the degree of ones ability or capacity to see. You get EXACTLY what you need from Life with every breath of yours. There are no "mistakes". The very idea of "injustice" is misunderstanding. It is nothing more than projection of your ideas of your own inner conflict on others and on the world as such. It is a result of intolerance and denial, which creates all sorts of tensions and blockages. It is self-defeating as it PREVENTS you from going further. It is like a dog chasing its own tail.

Thus the idea of "accept yourself as you are", no matter who or what you are or how "bad" or "unsophisticated" you may look to yourself as a result of that expectation of some "ultimate" state which is utter bluff.

There is no such a state. It is nothing more than a poison, poison to those necessary experiences of yours that will finally clear up, INEVITABLY so. As long as you are looking and paying attention, as long as you are genuinely trying to see deeper, or rather with more clarity, the process is automatic. There is "nothing to be done" in fact. You can do anything you want and the end result will be the same - blindness and misunderstanding while the greatest treasures are already sitting within you. You can start smiling and even laughing even in the most difficult situations, no matter how drastic they may look. NOTHING prevents you.

It is your birth right to experience Love. It is not something you purchase somewhere or read from some book, or study via some "religious" "system".

So, the only "lesson" in life is Love and you can claim it right this very moment no matter how "imperfect" you are. That is why the teaching of Jesus is so simple. Just one word and it describes the whole "system" of his - Love. But people do not believe it is so simple. So, they want some "clarification", some work to be done, some struggle in order to "concur" oneself and ones own "limitations", thus denying their own validity this very moment, just as they are.

And that is how the "religious" "systems" are born, and it does not matter what kind of a "system" it is. Their purpose is to confuse you more and more and create the IDEAS that you are making some "progress" and you can even "measure" that "progress" by "gaining" some "spiritual powers" and even demonstrate it to others, just to convince yourself that you have really "achieved" something, that you are "deserving" of something, "deserving" MORE than others. The whole thing is just a grand insanity, at least in most cases.

That is the whole "system" of "spiritual" "growth". Anything else is nothing more but self-torture that will inevitably translate into torture of others, and the most poisonous kind of torture of others is "spiritual". It arises out of assumption that you have "arrived" at some "perfect" state, at some "enlightenment". While Life and Growth never stop. In principle. At least on this level of physical world.

All his "spiritual suffering" is nothing more than masochism as far as I can see, and to brag about it as if it was some kind of great spiritual achievement of some "sincere seeker" is nothing more than self-pity.

And now he has guts to call himself "enlightened". So...

I am going to cover this trip quite extensively here because there are several things of significance in this whole story. So, have patience. And I am talking about it not because he is someone of prime significance, but because it is just a pattern, and you should be able to recognize all other phonies once you see this one. It is not him I am talking about. I see these "Osho" phonies nearly every place I look around the lands of "Osho". I do not believe my own eyes. It is like a plague now.

And it is quite pisonous as far as I can see, and that poison is most potent simply because there is no way for you to verify any of it. It disguises itself under all sorts of "great spiritual" notions. But all it is is his own problems, misunderstanding and denial of himself. The nature of illusion is that it looks like reality.

Actually, something just came up and I think a better title for this man is: Enlightened Master Salesman.

In light of this man making a proclamation of being "enlightened" and considering the fact that Osho, the real one, is gone, plus unusually high activity on the part of this man, including his massive "world tours" and other quite extensive promotion, we could be dealing with something more than meets the eye.

One fact of him making a page where he placed two pictures, side by side, of him and real Osho, just to make it look like he is the same "spiritual entity", probably says more than anything else.

A question arises: is he trying to replace real Osho and, therefore, has an agenda of becoming a new "spiritual messiah"? And if that happens to be the case, what is the agenda of his, and, more interestingly, who stands behind his pretty extensive operation and where does the money come from to support all those world tours, book publishing and the rest of it?

Is he struggling for the "throne" and the "crown"?

What is the meaning of his "we are getting back together again"? Is he some kind of messiah? Fine, assume "you got together again", then what? What are you going to do? Well, you can spend an hour or so telling and doing all sorts of foolish things to each other. But then you have to go back home. Then what? Do you think Chandra Mohan created his "commune" for no reason? Well, this is exactly the reason he created it. Because it is not enough to just "get together again". You need to stay in that environment, which is meant to facilitate all sorts of things. Long story.

You can "get together again" all you want. But the net result will be zero. Because the very idea is misunderstanding. Do you think that by "getting together again" you become something new and gain some insight into what is Life? According to what law?

And even if you stay with each other in some "commune", do you think some miracle will make you SEE the nature of it all? How? Do you think that by listening to all these lectures of your "master" you, somehow, can learn what is life? Do you realise that what you have done by accepting those "lectures" is to pass your own initiative to him, hoping he will "fix" you? Well, all you have done is to disable your own intelligence, your own eyes and your own ears. From then on, you are under control. Essentially, what you did is to give the controlling aspect of your life to someone else. You are no longer in control of your own life. You simply surrendered it to some "bright future", that carrot of "enlightenment". And you have disabled your own greatest treasures.

In that respect "you are enough onto yourself" does make some sense, except in the largest scope it is nothing but a poison. Because you are not. That very statement means you have isolated yourself from All That Is, which is just an illusion. It can not be done, no matter what you do.

Even in the original "commune" of Chandra Mohan in Oregon it was quite a trip to see how futile it is. Yes, the idea of it does make some sense. When you pull people, who are interested in learning something of significance, together, some things are amplified and facilitated in some ways, simply because you remove the possibility of all the unnecessary distractions from those who could "care less". But that is not enough. It is one thing for you to get some IDEAS in your mind after his lectures. But it is a totally different thing for it to "work", meaning for you to really learn something out of it, and the most fragile thing is to recognize the very lesson. You need a reference point within you to even recognize it, something you know to be valid.

You either accept things on faith, without even looking at it, thus this idea of "trust and surrender", or you use your own intelligence to recognize them for what they are. And how do you do that? Well, you need to compare the new information with what you already know, or "reference information". But even there, do you even trust your own self? As far as trust goes, who can you possibly trust?

As far as I can see, either you trust ALL, or "you can trust nobody, and I mean nobody, even your own brother", just like one bully said.

To trust ALL means you have trust to the Highest, the very roots that stand behind it all. You trust that Life itself is not just some meaningless process of accumulation of all sorts of "values" or "achieving" some "authority", position or prominence. All those things are illusions arising out of an idea of separation - the deadliest poison there is.

Once a fake, a fake forever

Some information came up since the original writing that tells me "Osho Rajneesh" is simply a dishonest man, to put it in the mildest of terms. Yes, he does look like a "seeker". Yes, he is trying to do something and he actually does more than many. MUCH more. In that sense he is a beautiful soul doing all he can. But there is a little but about all this.

This happened at the end of October, 2011. I came across one web page on one of his sites and there I found him raving away about the copyright notice issued to him by OIF (Osho International Foundation) requesting him to cease and desist with his sites where he publishes the Osho books. I am flatly against the copyright claims in principle, unless there is commercial interest involved, especially if we are talking about religious kind of information. He stated that OIF issued several of such notices to other sites, and, as a result, some beautiful sites were forced to shut down. And I did not like seeing that, especially knowing what kind of people those are, which almost made me vomit when I saw that. So I thought, OK, let us pull some strings on those guys and see what happens.

My position is this: No copyright violation notices are to be issued to ANY site whatsoever in the name of Osho. First of all, it prevents the "message" from being made as widely available as possible, and, therefore, harms his work, whatever it is. It goes AGAINST Osho. Commercializing his "message" simply discredits it.

So, what I did is to issue a public statement on this issue on one of his sites where that message of his was posted, supporting his site, which I have full authority to do being a Mahasattva. And this is where all the fun began.

Then I tried to post a correction notice about some syntax errors. After I did that, I looked at that page, and boom, my previous messages were gone, that is "moderated" out of existence. That was pretty weird, and so I checked my email to see if there is some explanation message as to why it was removed. Usually it is done because there is some violation of their "posting guidelines" or the message was "off topic". None of those things apply here. Well, there was no emails from him.

Waving the Mahasattva bomb

So let me say a few words about this Mahasattva bomb. I am going to wave it as much as I can manage just because such things can not possibly be ignored. Chandra Mohan, or anyone else for that matter, can not just throw titles like these left and right. Every word you say, every act you do counts at the end. This is the very meaning of karma as far as I know. At the "end", it should all reconcile.

When I received that Mahasattva certificate I simply felt weird. It was like some kind of fiction movie. So, we are going to stuff this bomb into any hole we can manage to find. So, get used to it or go read something else.

Now, Mahasattvas can not be demitted (disqualified) by any "power" in the name of Osho, unless they are shown to be engaged in it for purely commercial purposes, or, alternatively, they were found to be lying or manipulating for mercantile interests. So, about the ONLY thing even conceivable as far as demitting them is dishonesty. You can not use "oh, you said something wrong", or "oh, that is not what the message or work of Osho is", or anything else for that matter. Can not be done.

Because, by design, no one has power to judge the Mahasattvas, no matter what they do or think, because THEY themselves are the "judges", or, more precisely, "councils" to advice all others on what IS that "message" of Osho, if there is any. What can be "higher" than that?

Maha means great, sattva means purity. Sattva is one of three gunas.

In the unmanifested universe, energy has three qualities, known as Gunas, that exist together in equilibrium: Sattva (purity); Rajas (activity, passion, the process of change); and Tamas (darkness, inertia).

Sattva: the mode of goodness, the quality of purity or goodness that renders a person true, honest, wise (see gunas).

There are seven meanings of Mahasattva: 1. He has perfected great roots. 2. He has great wisdom. 3. He believes the great Dharma. 4. He understands the great principle. 5. He cultivates the great conduct. 6. He passes through great kalpas. 7. He seeks the great fruit.

You don't simply throw things like these left and right no matter what kind of "master" you are and of what. No. You have to "face the music". There is no other way. That is the LAW. Every word of yours and every act of yours, no matter how "insignificant" it might look on paper, counts at the end. There is no way around it and there can be no excuses of any kind. The Law of Karma works for all, "slaves" and "masters" alike.

And so, does anybody have guts to tell me it is all crap, utterly meaningless? Or are you going to tell me Osho was a fool, who knew not what he is doing? Because it does not matter to me which choice you make. The end result is the same - a bomb.

That is the whole idea behind these three groups designed by Chandra Mohan. The whole structure is specifically designed for these groups to advise on any and all activity performed in the name of Chandra Mohan.

So, there exists no one above them to judge whatever they do. Otherwise, the whole structure collapses on itself.

Either you see, or you don't see. There is no compromise between Truth and lie.

As Chandra Mohan stated on record, Mahasattvas will become enlightened once Osho is gone. At that point, there exists no higher status or "authority". That is the problem with this whole thing. So WHO can possibly judge them or what they do? On what basis? Do you see this?

Because this is the very purpose of those guys. Only the higher council could judge them, and that is "Osho" himself, in his model, and he himself is to be judged by the real Supreme Council, which is God, and even that is not quite true. As far as I know, God does not pronounce judgements. YOU do, and you do it to yourself after being shown what you have done in your life. There is no need for God to judge you as no matter how you are judged, the work still goes on. No matter what you do, the work still goes on. No matter how blind you are, the work still goes on. Even if there is hell on Earth, the work still goes on. Except, as far as I know, God enters the hall and rearranges some things so it all works again, just, for example, as it is happening right now with this Quantum Transition as some claim.

But Chandra Mohan is gone and these are his direct instructions to be followed by anyone involved in his work. Otherwise, the whole thing self-destructs, and this is why this Mahasattva time bomb was placed there. And I would not be surprised this is exactly the reason why one of those certificates was given to me. Because I do not "belong" to those, who hung around him all the time. All I know he knew who I am and what kind of guy am I and what happens if I get involved in something. That is why the instructions I remember clearly - not to get involved into anything actively, but to do the work utterly behind the sciences. You can get involved in the critical situations where no other ways remain. Otherwise, let them be and do what they want. These are the instructions.

All I can tell you, once I get involved, we clear up the most critical things very quickly and most effectively. And the first thing we do is to burn all the filth and throw out all the crooks on their ear. That is the first step. And then we see what is left and what is the most rational next step. Because I leave no stone unturned, and if any of them "hurt" or "get offended" as a result, I can tell them: then why did you screw it up so bad that I have to get involved? Why do I have to dirty my hands in all this filth and deal with all these "powerful egos"? "I could care less they are dead or alive" they say. Just do what you want and do not bother me with crap of all kinds.

Any other alternative simply discredits Chandra Mohan. Because then there is a problem with his all seeing eye. How come he issued a Mahasattva certificate to them? Is it something you throw left and right, especially considering there was only a handful of those issued? Where is that "all seeing eye" of omni-potent? See the problem here?

So, the problem we have here is bigger than it looks on paper. Much bigger, even though the whole thing isn't even worth a shell from an eaten out egg. You can not simply drop things like these on the floor as though they were somehow insignificant. It won't work. The significance of all these seemingly insignificant things is profound. It is literally a bomb.

Who is a crook?

Either this "Osho Rajneesh" is a crook, or I am a crook, or Chandra Mohan is simply fake and he had no all-seeing eye, and all his talk of being able to see even the past lives is nothing but bluff, if he could not see a crook even in his present life. And the whole "esoteric school" of his is nothing but fiction. Simple as that. You can replace the word "crook" with "fake" or "dishonest". But it does not matter. The essence is the same - unreal.

Now, another thing came up recently. Now this man makes claims to be "enlightened". Just a few months ago he claimed to be "just an ordinary seeker, just like others". So, rejoice, you seekers. One more of you had become enlightened, and, therefore, your own enlightenment is just around the corner, right? Just as Chandra Mohan promised you. If he could, why could not you? See how easy it is? Just declare it on your web site and you will have crowds of customers. What could be easier to make a buck and make all the fools to bow down to you and even lick your shoes, and, best of all, purchase your books, filled with earthquaking revelations?

So... This "enlightenment" of his is nothing more than bluff to me, not that I care about it one way or another.

Let us stop on this "enlightenment" issue for a moment. What is it? Well, one thing I can see it is a state where you can SEE. Light means seeing. There is no longer any darkness left. But... To "see" means you are God. Why? Well, WHO can SEE, and see what? To see, means to understand the nature of things, and that understanding can not be partial. If you just see SOME things, then you are no different than anyone else. Is it a matter of how many things you see compared to them?

So, ultimately, to "see", you need to see it ALL, the whole picture. Otherwise, it is nothing different than some kind of competition of who can "see" "more" than others. Is there a guarantee that you see the whole picture? Where? And that means you are God - ALL seeing and ALL knowing. Try to argue this line of logic.

So, the very notion of "enlightenment" to me is not valid. Because no matter how much you see, you are still limited. You can not make claims you see the whole picture. And if you don't, then what is the difference between you and some fool, who also thinks he can see some, and even many things?

I just have one question: What is the need for anyone to declare themselves to be "enlightened" but to elevate ones own status beyond mortal and gain some material benefits from it? Can you tell me? What does it matter? Does your word become more valid from then on? I claim just the other way around. Because from then on you are under suspicion of being a crook having an agenda of gain and parasiting on all the fools. Are you willing to argue THIS point? Be my guest. Full service, I promise.

You got "enlightened"? Good. Keep quiet. Because it is nothing but trouble for you from then on. The responsibility alone is immense. The enlightened ones can not abandon all the seekers, and, from then on, they are supremely responsible for every word and every act of theirs. There is no way out of this.

Some claim that there are two kinds of "enlightenment". One is when you care for others and attempt to help them on their "path", and the other one is that you could care less about anyones effort or "progress". You have "attained" your own "orgasm with existence" and that is all you care. Because sooner or later, if they are ready, they will "attain" it also. So, what is the point of you wasting your valuable time trying to pull some fools from the pit they are in?

Sorry, I do not accept the second version - where you "could care less" about the others. To me, it is against the LAW, and, therefore, your "enlightenment" is worth nothing. Not that the first kind is worth something as it is still the same idea of some "ultimate" state of being.

So, to me, once "enlightened" you are supremely responsible.

I bet you these fools do not even realize that it puts tremendous obligations on you. Because once you declare yourself enlightened, you are under the microscope of many and the strictest rules of honesty, sincerity and wisdom are applicable to you. It is such a strain, you could not pay me enough even if you ask me.

Or do you think you just sit on your throne from then on, smiling with your forever blissful smile while all those "seekers" lick your shoes and deliver you anything you ask including the diamond watches? What is this? Parasitism unlimited enterprises or what?

Sorry, this is about the last thing I'd want to be known as. Once "enlightened", you loose all your freedom, and, from then on, are constantly surrounded by all sorts of fools trying to suck on your titie. Moreover, from then on you are obliged to submit to strictest standards of Truth. And that looks easier said then done. Truth is not just some candy. Sorry, with all due respect, can I please stay out of it? Have mercy on me!

Then I thought about it and what I saw is him being simply a parasite, milking the Osho fame and name with his dazzling websites. Let me ask him one question: what would happen to you if you stand on your own feet and remove all the references to Osho from anything you do? Are you still valid as you are?

And then I have put two and two together. One thing I could not understand what is the point of his never ending "world tours" and all that endless self-promotion every page you look on his sites, publishing pages full of dazzling pictures of him like he is some kind of a demi-god? Strange Who IS he, this man in the scheme of things, crying like a baby because he does not get all the attention he thinks he deserves from others? Why should anyone bother about you and you trip? Can you tell me? What is so significant about you to even pay attention to? Do you crave to be some kind of "god"? Do you realise what kind of responsibility falls upon you in that case? Or do you think all you need to do from then on is to travel all over the world and enjoy people licking your shoes and begging on their knees before you?

So, what I saw is him using these sites for purely commercial purposes, and that is to attract all sorts of fools to visit his "therapy sessions" or whatever number he is doing, on his grand "world tours", and sit on some podium, telling them "the world of god". I could not understand why does he have so many of those "world tours" like it was some kind of obsession or some urgent "message" of ultimately intimate meaning to be delivered mouth to ear, like it is some kind of secret society. Sure, if he has a table with boxes full of books to be sold to all the clueless, that is understandable. So, is that the idea? Selling books to "clueless" on how to become a millionaire in 24 hours or less? What is his "message"?

These "teachers" do not seem to realise that unless they really see the nature of things, their teaching may be nothing but poison, leading the sincere seekers away from themselves with all these bells and whistles they are offered. So it is like spinning wheels getting nowhere fast. In that sense, instead of helping others, they take away the opportunity from those they think they teach to investigate things with their own minds and to see it with their own eyes. By doing such things, these people take upon themselves the responsibilities they probably do not even suspect exist, and that is what J. Krishnamurti called the "highest crime" as far as I can see.

Let us discuss the issue of "stairs to God". You see, your so called trip to whatever the "highest" state of human being you THINK there is, is nothing more than forever climbing the stairs go God. Take for example, the song on one of the "Osho" "festivals", called "Higher and higher". What is the meaning of it? Well, to climb "higher". And those fools, who wrote the words for this song, do not realise that the "higher" you climb, the FURTHER away from yourself you are. Simply inevitable. Because God is sitting in His throne right smack in the middle of your, right in your chest. THAT is where God is. So, you can climb "higher and higher", until you get TOTALLY lost and do not even see your own Soul any longer.

I am not aware of such a thing as enlightened people running on world tours virtually non-stop, just like the travelling salesmen doing promotion of some kind. For what? To rid the world of evil? To deliver some special message of utmost urgency? Sure, he has plenty of experience doing this type of thing when he was promoting his electric guitar watches as he describes in his royal writings. So he knows the trick pretty well indeed.

But... You have tons of websites. Probably more than anyone can conceive. So fine, Mr. Enlightened, just post all your earthquaking revelations and be done with it. What's the trip here I ask? Your "grace" of someone "enlightened" delivering the ultimate message to all the blind? The whole thing is arrogance and even stupidity to me. Who ARE you to "deliver" some "message" to ANYONE? What authority do you have to be "above" others but your desire to control and dominate, which is nothing more than the deepest disrespect to Life as such? What is the need to look "above" others? Do you see this?

I said it already elsewhere in this book, and I repeat it again: if there is any message, it is all already there, and by the ORIGINAL Osho, and not some phony capitalizing on his name and fame. At least real Osho was brilliant and did do all sorts of study, no matter what are the results and what were his goals. Compared to him, all these phonies are not even laughable. They are simply pathetic. Just like parrots repeating someone else's words and ideas, not even knowing what for beyond making a buck, at least in most cases. Sure, there are those who are sincere, which is just an exception, and not a rule.

And the original one pretty much covered all the bases spending at least 30 years of his life speaking on anything imaginable to such an extent that it is doubtful there is anything anyone could add to it of any significance, even thought life is an open system. Because he described all the existing techniques, tools and methods known to mankind. Do you mean a hundred meditations techniques is not enough?

What else can anyone add to it? What does he have to add or modify? I bet this phony "Osho Rajneesh" is so boring that you'd get simply bored out of your head within a couple of minutes of his lectures filled with such utter crap that the flies die in mid air hearing all that parrot talk and of the lowest grade. In fact, a while back I did look at one of his videos. There wasn't a single thing of any value or significance in it as far as I can see. Usually, when I see something of significance, it goes into my memory and I can recall those things. But here, not a trace of anything I remember, such a blend stuff it was to me. Baby, you need some medical attention from the department of boredom with such a parrotry.

Surprisingly enough, the whole thing could turn out to be much simpler than it looks on paper. And if that is the case then I am against his sites with both of my hands and I do agree with OIF in this case. For one thing, he is trying to take away some business from them, and so the whole thing becomes an issue of commercial gain and that is what copyright law is for. That simply does not make sense as far as OIF goes, or any other "official" foundations, corporations and you name it. Just look at one of his pages:

Osho Teachings Osho Discourses

First of all, most of his sites are almost unreadable, so much hype and so much flashy effects you see all over the place that it is hard to find those few bits of information, that looks like something just to impress the clueless.

Just look at this megalomaniacal shameless self-promotion:

"Mystery school"

I have never seen anything like that in my whole life. That is for sure. How many pictures can you find where you do not see HIM, like some MLM marketeer? Looks like he is trying to beat the Herbalife itself, if you know who those multilevel marketing guys are.

From the looks of it and from all those sites and projects this seems to be quite an operation. Who is financing it all? Rothschilds, by ANY humble chance? :)

Does this man think that with flashy web pages, filled with special effects, one can achive some Truth? In India they say: "How much, Baba?"

Secondly, what is the need to have so many sites and domains? Who do you serve? It has been said: "you can not serve two masters". Pretty insightful I'd say. You know who said that? Well, Jesus.

Just a single thing of him posting his picture on one of his pages right next to the original Osho, just to make it look like he is the same man, is beyond disgusting. What is he? A parrot of Osho? His carbon copy? For what? There was already an original one. What do you need a carbon copy for? Do you know? It is such a cheap shot and it discredits him to such an extent, that all you have to do is to look at that single page. Sorry, I am not interested to even pull that link for you. Find it yourselves if it still exists. To me, only a lowlife could come up with such an idea.

And he says "lectures of Osho". Now, WHICH "Osho"? The real one is gone and all his lectures are already on record. What, you have some revolutionary way to present it all? Just look at those pictures of some "enlightened mystic" as he presents himself. All over the place. Every place you look there is a picture of him with special effects. It just jumps into my mind: "Hello, Joseph Stalin, our father. You are the greatest scientist of all times". Hello, Mao Tse Tung. "Seig hail, my fuhrer" just rolls off one's tongue "by itself". You don't even need to make an effort!

Well, in case you did not know, it is called a modesty of an enlightened man, who has no concern for anything else but Truth. And so let his grace descend upon the mortals. On your knees, sinners! Praise the new messiah the likes of which the world has never known.

I would not be surprised he will invent a new kind of "enlightenment", something like "super-enlightenment". After all, the creativity never stops, isn't it? So, whose lectures and speeches is he talking about? His own, by ANY chance? And what does he have to say beyond what has been already said? Can anyone tell me?

Just push the button on any one of those links. What do you see there? Well, the same black background, which is a symbol of death and satanism, loaded with real Osho pictures, ad nausea, having a few words that run into pictures making it difficult to read. Page layout is exactly the kind of thing you see on all sorts of commercial sites filled with hype, making it nearly impossible to read. Every single thing is stuffed with flashy images. Sure, the more flashy and more bright colored those pictures are, the more impact they have on your subconscious, just like you see all over the world.

This is one of the zombification techniques in fact. Its purpose is to dazzle your mind and overwhelm it with all sorts of effects in order to make something fake look like the most real thing there is. Zombification by authority that is. It is essentially one of the main techniques of the agenda of evil most profound, and that ever present black background is significant in that context indeed. Because on the foreground of all this flashy madness, there is black, the color of death, and that is precisely the main thing your subconscious is to encounter.

Mind does not work this way, you see. It needs some space to work in. It needs some depth to the whole thing. Just jerking off with a single sentence next to some picture does what to your mind? Where is real information? In what context? What does it signify? All these salesmen think that the more flashy their pages are the better. So, instead of giving you some real information, they simply dazzle your mind with flashy effects of all kinds signifying nothing at the end. What can be more stupid and more violent that this? This is nothing more than blatant abuse of your mind. PURE grade violence. It leaves you no space. Just piles upon piles of suffocating satanic garbage is what it is to me.

Every couple of sentences have an Osho pictures next to them. For what? Just make one picture page and post all the pictures on it unless it is absolutely necessary in the context of some statement. What are all these bells and whistles for? There are tons of Osho pictures all over the net. What is the need? How many pictures do you need to see on one page to get convinced that this is something real? Is it something special? Do they carry some sacred meaning that needs to be shown every couple of sentences? Or are these pictures some sort of art? Watching Chandra Mohan's face millions times over, just like Joseph Stalin or Adolph Hitler? Can it make Truth out of lie?

"Any lie repeated long enough, eventually becomes truth."

-- Adolph Hitler

Is this what this is all about?

And what is even more interesting about those pictures is that one of the people who was as close to Chandra Mohan as it gets stated that Chandra Mohan approved every single picture of him ever published. He would go through hundreds of latest pictures of him and select only those HE thinks should be released. And I am aware of this from a different source, his own personal photographer, who invited me into his studio and showed me a pile of these pictures and said: take anything you like. These pictures were not approved. So, I happen to have some pictures no one even knows exist. And some of those pictures are some of the most unique pictures going back to his university years if not before that. And some of them look quite different from what you see all over the net.

Now... Approving the pictures to be released? Strange. Can you imagine what would happen in the world if the most evil people or "stars" of all kinds would be able to control which pictures are released to the public? Well, Adolph Bush, for one thing, would look like a saint, and so would all of them, faces of evil most profound. It would be such a distortion of reality that even a lie could be made to look like the truth.

So, keep this in mind, dear seekers. Because what you see of "Osho" has been sanitized to the same degree. Because I have personally seen his face in some situations where he would look like an evil person. But there exist no such pictures "out there", which means you have been fed lies and made to believe it is truth.

In case this fool does not know it, and I bet he does not, it is called a cult of personality, a part of totalitarian doctrine of adoration of some "father" figure, such as Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler or Mao Tse Tung, meant to zombify your mind with never ending avalanches of all these pictures you see any place you look, morning to night, starting with all the official offices of any kind. Every place you go, every official office you visit, you INEVITABLY see the picture of your "leader". Your subconscious mind eventually gives up resisting it and accepts it as the only reality there is.

It is called the idol worshiping.

And he has guts to even conceive of an idea to go to Russia. To teach RUSSIANS? To teach what, you fool? They know it better than you can even begin to imagine in your wildest dreams. Their mothers and fathers died as a result of it. Their grandfathers were exterminated by this sick totalitarian stuff of oppression. They have it in their blood stream, little did you know, mr. salesman.

Can you even BEGIN to imagine the amount of work necessary to produce all his sites? Looks like a solid crew working morning to night on something.

Question: who stands behind this entire operation? Yes, he is indeed a creative guy, no questions about it, but what's the "goal" here, what's the "end game"? Does anybody know?

First, I could not understand why would he pull down my messages, but then it came to me: "he hates your guts more than anything else in this world. Because of what you wrote about him in your book", which, it seems, is endangering his zombification enterprises of parasiting on all the clueless.

Otherwise, what is the need to pull down some message on your board? What seems to be the problem? Just some blabber, just like any other, and more than that, in your defense.

Do you think my message was the only one removed as a result of his totalitarian tendencies? I bet that the most insightful and most genuinely valuable messages were "moderated" out of existence and about the only things you see on his sites is the most sanitized version of the universe. What a "rebel"!

And this is how these "great messangers" are caught with their pants down. And what does he hope for? Does he think that destroying those messages will make Truth to go away somehow? To go away to where?

Mahasattva bomb - principles of operation

Let us look at this Mahasattva bomb, and not only on his sorry ass, but on the rest of them from the "inner circle" or "elite" of ANY kind they have.

The thing is, no matter how "enlightened" this man is, he can not possibly do the kind of things he has done by deleting my messages from his board. But it is good he did it as it opens up the entire Pandora box. He either disgraced himself by doing it, or he disgraced Osho. Take your pick. And if he disgraced Osho, he should stop capitalizing on his work, fame and name.

It does not disgrace me because I did not have a bad intent. Just the other way around. All I said is something in his support and issued as "official" statement on this as it gets. There is nothing more official than this as far as "Osho" is concerned. It can not be. Just as Chandra Mohan willed. We can discuss it with others. No problem.

And if you are willing to go against the will of your master, then you are finished. Do you understand this? You are on your own and REAL Osho has nothing to do with it. You are simply disgracing him. Simple as that.

What you have in your hands is dust and nothing but the dust.

The problem he has is that if you remove the messages even of Mahasattvas, and for no good reason at all, because there wasn't even a shred of anything of any kind of problems with them, then... Then either you are a conman and a crook, just as charged, or you are a totalitarian dictator interested in oppression and domination. Take you pick. Is there any other possibility?

As far as all this copyright commotion around his sites there is one thing, and that is both of them, him and OIF, are capitalizing on the work of Chandra Mohan and making money on it. So who has the right "to make a buck"? Chandra Mohan certainly did. Beyond him, I'd like to see their face so I could spit into it. Do you think Chandra Mohan was such a fool as to assign his rights to ANYONE? Even a poor guy like myself can see that they will immediately abuse it and start milking that "holy cow" stuffing their bellies. That would simply discredit Chanda Mohan pretty bad. Because it would go against himself and would be self defeating, as his "message" would not be as widely spread as he would want it to be, at least once he was gone.

This whole copyright farce is simply bizarre, and I have some other information on it which could be not exactly a bomb, but at least a grenade.

What other reasons could he have to remove those messages? Oh, he hates my guts? Well, then how can he call himself "enlightened" if he is just an intolerant brat? How can enlightened man do things like these?

Assume there is some other reason for whatever was in his mind. So, the options he had is: 1) Sending me an email and stating his position. 2) Posting his position on his site. 3) Insulting me on his site. 4) Starting some campaign to discredit me somehow.

But... You can not ignore the Mahasattvas, you see. Are you trying to ignore Truth itself? How? How long is it going to take before it comes back and hits you with a sledge hammer on your cockpit? Do you know?

Are you trying to say with it that Osho is some kind of an idiot to issue the Mahasattva certificates to some fools? Do you have one yourself? Where? Show me.

All he did is to disgrace real Osho essentially saying that he was just a blind fool as he issued such a certificate of such profound significance to someone who does not deserve it. Or, did I somehow get "spoiled" somewhere along the way? Well, fine. Then that means Truth can get spoiled, which is the same thing as someone unlearning how to walk. How can you do that? How can you corrupt the Truth?

All that this salesman did with this utterly useless and even futile act is to show his intolerance and his desire to control and dominate and manipulate things. To REMOVE an "official" statement from a Mahasattva? Are you crazy?

Let me tell him: you fool disgraced yourself and in the most profound ways, simply because even to have me post on your salesman's site is probably the highest honor anyone, who does have an idea of what this "Osho" trip is all about, ever gave you, and by power and authority of Chandra Mohan himself.

And that is how it works. They say "you can run, but you can't hide". And so you can run all you want and you can try to destroy those things that make you go mad, while even to comprehend such a stupid idea as removing someone's innocent message that was in fact meant to protect you, is nothing but corruption, corruption of your very soul.

Well, sure, he can consider himself to be "above it" since he proclaimed himself to be "enlightened", and so, he might think this is somehow below his level, especially considering what is written in this book, if he read it, or whatever sick idea this arrogant cockroach might have in his cockpit, filled with snake oil, ready to be sold to the highest bidder. And he even has guts to wave the slogans "You can fly". Well, you can not even crawl as good as a worm from what I have seen so far.

But the thing here is: there is nothing he or anyone else in this world can do to deny that, which is contained in the certificate issued to me, signed by no one less than Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh as Osho was known at that time. And if they could, then they simply disgrace him and his name and his work. And that certificate is not forgeable by design. So, that is that very bone, stuck sideways in the throats of all those who might have some bad intent. There isn't a thing they can do. Sure, they can try to destroy. Nothing new there, and the provisions have been made to take care of that situation. Like they say in China "The goose is out", you see.

There exists no power or authority in this world that can undo what was done in the name of Osho, the real one, himself, and signed with his signature. Once you are declared as Mahasattva, there exist no "inner circles", no "elite" of any kind and no Osho International Foundation that can possibly deny it, unless it is proven that I am corrupt and have mercantile interests in all this. And for that, they'd have to have the evidence.

I could care less about anything they have to say as Osho himself declared me to be a part of the innermost circle, that is not even to get involved and do things in public, but to remain behind the scenes and be a part of the supervisory board to advice all those in "official authority" as to what and how is to be done in his name. And these are the instructions I remember as clearly as I can.

I am not bragging about this as the whole thing is pretty meaningless to me as it does not "buy" me anything and that cerficate does not make me more valid then I am. I am the same man before and after. It is too bad that I even have to bring this up. But there is a point to all this and that point is a bomb I claim. These are just words, concepts and papers. But the way it comes out is pretty interesting.

And again, I make no claims of any kind beyond those that were made by others and my name was used for whatever purpose. I never gave my permission to be included in ANY kind of "inner circle" and no one ever asked me if I would like to be a part of it, or are ready and willing to do those things described by Chandra Mohan as a part of function of this "inner circle". My own approach is to avoid ANY position of "power" or "authority" like a plague. Because it creates more problems for me and my freedom. What do I need this for? To feel like someone "higher", someone "in control"? For what? And then?

And once people like Chandra Mohan do theses kinds of things, did not they know what kind of guy am I and what kind of things I do? Why not ask Sheela first? Yes, crazy people do crazy things. That is their nature. So, there must be some "higher" purpose for all this jazz. Like they say in Russia: "in every joke there is a grain of joke".

To me, the whole thing is simply a stupid exercise in futility and trying to make something real out of unreal.

Here: What is the "inner circle"

The "Inner Circle"

The "Inner Circle".

As far as this certificate goes, did I EVER ask him for it? Did I EVER move even a finger to deserve some "special status"? Did I EVER lick anyone's ass just to get into this "elite of the elite" club? Did I ever weasel my way into this "elite" structure? What did I do to deserve such honors? "I am just a poor man. I have no money" just like my buddy on the ranch used to say.

And yes, everything is conceivable with Chandra Mohan kind of guys, and, if by ANY chance, the certificate I have has some bad intent behind it by ANYONE who was involved in producing it and giving it to me, be it Chandra Mohan himself, I promise you one thing: Welcome to hell. Because I have not done ANYTHING to deserve such an insult if this is what it is, and God, Chandra Mohan denied the existence of all he could, knows it.

Let me blow some minds of some "inner circle" here, just for fun of it. I claim: I am the one to continue his work, and pay attention - to CONTINUE, not to repeat and perpetuate the same old song. Where he left is where I start. He already sang his song. Enough. And I am not interested in positions, titles, fame or you name it. I am what I am and I do what I do.

Yes, what he did does represent some value. Because when he started there was all sorts of corruption associated with religions and God. So, for a guy of his kind this was a "paradise" full of "opportunities" to expose all that corruption and "build his own empire" at the same time, establishing himself as some kind of replacement of nothing less than God - The Infinite, All Pervading Intelligence.

And what he did does require a continuation. It can not be stopped where he left it. Because he left it in hell and Satanism, utter disgrace and utter insult of all those masters before him, while using their work and their words and ideas. This can not be done unless his "work" was explicitly to confuse you and lead you away from Truth which he praised as something ultimate. And if that was the idea, then it has to be rectified and clarified.

He left the whole thing in utter confusion and denials. And so he lead the people astray. And he poisoned the work of those before him and confused the hearts of many. Yes, you need to examine any work, and any word of any "master" with your own eyes and your own intelligence. But at least some parts of it are indeed valid and represent the great insights that live on for centuries. It is not just all delusions as he tried to eventually make it look like. So, if you just brush off the people like Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Bodhidharma, Socrates or even J. Krishnamurti into a garbage bin, then you are nothing more than a "spiritual criminal", just as J. Krishnamurti called him.

And yes, their work may not be "perfect", just like anything else in this world, and some of it may lead you to some distant lands of even more sophisticated illusions than you have at the moment. But that is what life is for - for you to finally SEE something that works and works for YOU specifically, and not generally for any human being as such.

If you call people like Jesus a "fascist" and someone insane - that is crime, and crime of the highest order, and it is 100% lie. And if it is not a lie, then you yourself is no "better" than that very Jesus, whom you condemned probably more than anyone in history.

He forever bragged about "exposing" others, and now his own turn has come. All those ugliest lies and manipulations of his need to be looked at. Otherwise you are left in a jungle of confusion.

His "Rajneesh Bible" or "the Last Testament", was his desperate and final attempt at destroying all the masters before him, which is an attempt at futility. Because it can not be done. Sooner or later, no matter what, people will see it for what it is. Once you are ready, there is not much anyone can do to delude you because you are too strong by then. The lie can never "win". All its "winning" is temporary and it only works if you are blind.

I do not even understand why is this information showing up here in this chapter. This is not the kind of company I'd like to be around.

Anyway, let us get back to the "real thing" here, and that is this fake "Osho Rajneesh" and his trip.

Enlightened Master Salesman - One of two living masters remaining on the planet Earth

On one of his other sites he puts himself into a category of "living masters". The other one is Swami Brahma Vedant. Sorry, I do not recall that one. And these are the only two living masters on the whole planet Earth apparently, at least according to him. And since he calls himself "enlightened", he knows better, doesn't he?

The question arises: why would he pour those buckets full of his own tears as he describes in his book? Was there some purpose in it? Was it, by ANY chance, just to earn a STATUS of someone above all others eventually? Was it is his "long term marketing strategy"?

Nice, eh? What a grace!

But I have heard there are more "enlightened" "masters" in the name of Osho, the real one. That might get some of them upset. They may start the enlightenment competition. How do you know who is more enlightened? After all, Chandra Mohan said about some world famous masters that their enlightenment has deficiencies.


Book: The Language of Existence
Chapter: The sky of completion

"It is unfortunate, but it is true that even a Buddha or a Mahavira remained within the conditioning of their social structure. That is a flaw in their enlightenment. It is not as high as it can be; some weights go on dragging them down."

So, it turns out even Buddha himself is not enlightened enough by strict Chandra Mohan standards.

First of all, what does it mean: "but it is true"? What is the evidence? How can the "enlightened" ones remain within the conditioning of their social structure? What does it mean "social structure"? What does "enlightenment" mean in that case, if one remains affected by the common myths? What is the difference between the "enlightened" one any anyone else then?

I can as well state "yes, it is true that Chandra Mohan was a liar or manipulator. At least I have an argument: eigther "enlightenment" is nothing but a zombification idea or Chandra Mohan is manipulating the significance of Buddha, Mahavira and all other masters.

It is like their enlightenment is not quite perfect, which opens the whole slew of opportunities for all the "enlightened" people to make the yearly enlightenment competitions to determine who is the most "enlightened", doesn't it? It simply makes sense. I, personally, would like to deal with the most "enlightened" of them all. And how could I know that unless they compete and prove it? Boy, would I LOVE to watch that show. Hey, I'd like to make a reservation.

Life of Masters

What can I say? I am proud of you! Except that picture on the top left with a satanic look that says "Osho Rajneesh".

"Enlightened master" Osho Rajneesh with his utterly convincing Satanic look

Osho Rajneesh - the "enlightened master", one of the only two masters alive on the entire planet Earth, with his utterly convincing Satanic look. Just look at his eyebrows. He beats Manley Hall and Adolph Bush combined, just with his eyebrows!!! Adolph Bush comes close indeed, "but no sigar".

Looks like he is trying real hard to pierce the Universe with that look. I am not sure even Joseph Stalin had that look. But the eyebrows do look good indeed. Just like Adolph Hitler or Joseph Stalin. Wait a minute. I've got something better. Adolph Bush! Here:

President George-Adolph Bush, the Satanist, a member of Skull and Bones secret society
Manly Hall - a self admitted Satanist and 33 degree Freemason, one of the most prominent figures of Freemasonry

Manly Hall - a self admitted Satanist and 33 degree Freemason, one of the most prominent figures of Freemasonry

Now, compare those to this "enlightened" "master", Osho Rajneesh. Who do you think looks better and more convincing. Well, even one of the most respected Freemasonic authorities and an author of hundreds of books, Manley Hall, simply pales in comparison. And Adolph Bush just plainly sucks. My personal opinion is that "Osho Rajneesh" beats those guys hands down with his convincing look. He REALLY looks like an enlightened master, I tellya.

"Enlightened master" Osho Rajneesh with his utterly convincing Satanic look Lucifer is the only one who can beat Osho Rajneesh with his look

Lucifer is the only one who can beat Osho Rajneesh with his annihilating look and his eyebrows.

Oh, my God, Osho Rajneesh look like a Messiah

Oh, my God, Osho Rajneesh must be a Messiah - feeling blue. He is probably appealing here to no one less than God to save the world!

Except there is one difficulty. His hands, raised upward, is the same thing as Chandra Mohan called Jesus being a lunatic for, talking to the sky, just like a mad man. Since there is no God, according to Chandra Mohan, raising your hands towards the sky is lunacy. He even had an argument, manipulating the psychiatrists, saying they consider such people "mad". Interestingly enough, lots of Chandra Mohan's female disciples also like to dance with their hands raised upward, just like that "lunatic" Jesus. Didn't they know better?

Just a couple of small things. This guy added Jesus as one of the great masters. According to Chandra Mohan Jesus was a fascist, megalomaniac, schizophrenic and lunatic.

Secondly, Patanjali Yoga is not a master. It is a system called Raja Yoga, the Yoga of the kings, created by Patanjali.

Otherwise, all nice and dandy. The whole bucket full of masters. So, take your pick.

Let me plug in a little quote by real "Osho" on "enlightenment". It is out of place here, but it could be a good exercise.

Osho on Chikanzenji Enlightenment

Osho : Enlightenment is finding that there is nothing to find. Enlightenment is to come to know that there is nowhere to go. Enlightenment is the understanding that this is all, that this is perfect, that this is it. Enlightenment is not an achievement, it is an understanding that there is nothing to achieve, nowhere to go. You are already there -- you have never been away. You cannot be away from there. God has never been missed. Maybe you have forgotten, that's all. Maybe you have fallen asleep, that's all.

Maybe you have gotten lost in many, many dreams, that's all -- but you are there. God is your very being. So the first thing is, don't think about enlightenment as a goal, it is not. It is not a goal; it is not something that you can desire. And if you desire it you will not get it. In desiring a thousand and one things, by and by you come to understand that all desire is futile. Each desire lands you in frustration; each desire again and again throws you into a ditch. This has been happening for millions of years but again you start hoping, again you start thinking that this new desire that is arising, sprouting in you, will maybe lead you to paradise.

That this will give you what you have longed for, that it will fulfill you. Again and again hope arises. Enlightenment is when all hope disappears. Enlightenment is disappearance of hope. Don't be disturbed when I say that enlightenment is a state of hopelessness -- it is not negative. Hope arises no more; desire is created no more. Future disappears. When there is no desire there is no need for the future. The canvas of the future is needed for the desire. You paint your desires on the canvas of the future -- when there is nothing to paint, why should you carry the canvas unnecessarily? You drop it.

Osho on Chikanzenji Enlightenment

Yes, a lot of beautifully sounding words and some of it makes sense. But sooner or later you will see some of the most potent poison, hidden in all this pretty talk. And that poison is related to the most important and most essential things. But you have to SEE every idea hidden in this quote. So, good luck. You may consider it to be your test of whether you really SEE "how it really IS", if you wish. And yes, this test is not a simple one, and only if you really SEE, you will be able to find those most poisonous ideas.

Just a couple of small points: "Enlightenment is finding that there is nothing to find". - NO. You can not find there is nothing to find, no matter who you are and how much you know. How could you know there is nothing to find? - There is no way. But simply giving up on the very idea of a search and being satisfied with exactly what you "have" or SEE. At ANY given point you "have" exactly what you "deserve", or rather ready for. And there is FOREVER something to find, even if you are God Itself. Otherwise, the whole existence is meaningless and purposeless.

If there is NOTHING to find, you simply get stuck in a state of futility and there could not possibly be such a thing as "an orgasm with existence" as Chandra Mohan claimed. What is your stimuli to be if there is "nothing to find"? Then why are you here? What is the purpose once you become "enlightened"? Just to vegetate? Is there an END to the world? Could there be the end of existence? Once "there is nothing to find", that's it - you are dead, and everything from then on is meaningless.

"God has never been missed. Maybe you have forgotten, that's all. Maybe you have fallen asleep, that's all. ... God is your very being." - What God? You yourself said there is no God. And if there IS God, then what authority do you have to state what It Is? Are you God? As far as I can see, even God does not know what It IS, even though it knows more that all the worlds combined can imagine. If I were God, I could not possibly know what I am, since I am everything there is, including your "enemies". So, the whole idea of describing or even trying to comprehend what God IS, is simply ridiculous and so funny, that God is probably laughing like mad and saying: look at thick cockroach, Chandra Mohan, HE knows who I am. And I have been working my rear end for eternity, and STILL I can not quite figure out who or what I am, and that is precisely why I am here!

"When there is no desire there is no need for the future. The canvas of the future is needed for the desire". - Sorry, but this is utter garbage to me. First of all, there is no such a thing as "no future". Otherwise, existence ends. And without "desire" even God can not exist. Because this is the very reason for It to exist - a desire, a desire to express and to investigate all the possible versions and permutations of anything there is. In other words, an ETERNAL desire. Yes, not necessarily an animalistic desire of stuffing your belly or grabbing something and putting in your pocket. Or could God "care less"? Then what is He/It doing with all this eternal expression? For what, if "there is nothing to find", which is simply absurd, and on its face value?

Ok, back to original subject here. Can you imagine how many books they could sell right on that enlightenment competition? Hey, here is an 800 number handy! Don't you ever worry you are going to be left unattended.

I even have a better idea. How about The Enlightenment Hotline! Just a stinky ten dollars per minute and you get your daily doze of enlightenment.

May be I should stop wasting my life on all this crap and start some enlightenment clinic, free sex included.

And there is even a shopping cart on his site! Wha da ya know! Have you heard of any master, living or dead, selling books? Poor me, I thought either you are a master or you are a salesman. Yes, it is not "illegal" to be a salesman if you are a "master", at least if you have a sense of humor. But once you are a salesman, you have your mercantile interests, and that discredits you and creates doubts of your authenticity. How does anybody know that you are not simply "making a buck"? That is the difficulty. So, the be a "master" while being a salesman at the same time is probably the most difficult thing to do.

I have a new title for him: Enlightened Master Salesman. The beauty of this title is that no matter in which order you put these words it still works and means exactly the same thing. Are you going to tell me there are no miracles?

Looks like the time has come to create The Word Enlightenment Coalition or World Enlightenment Congress, or World Enlightenment Association of Rebels. I can guarantee you that the World Enlightenment Council would fly like a bird. Sounds good to me.

Polluting the virgin pure waters

Now... he even had guts to go to the virgin Russia lands of pure soul and preach his "vertical" trip, whatever it is, exploiting the Russian Soul and its trust.

Let me tell him: the purest of waters can not be corrupted by all your mercantile interests. Under NO circumstances. Do you hear me?

It simply blew my mind when I saw one of his "lectures" in Russia. To me, it looked so phony, so arrogant, so "holier than thou", such a parrotry and such an ugly projection of some "enlightened master" image, that it looked simply unreal. I had a question in my mind: has he gone mad? What is he doing? Does he realise WHO is he "teaching" and to whom is he preaching all these lies, projecting his "god"-like image on them? Could not he see that who is sitting in front of him are people with such pure hearts and such a sincerity and openness, that I bet you even if he struggles his entire life "improving himself", he won't be able to achieve that state. Because that state is lost on the west and what he has is a typical western mind of a salesman, flashing brightly colored things every places he shows up, like a clown in a circus. A showman with no substance, a fool in "emperor clothes".

And that was the reason I decided to give him so much of my time - just to warn that parrot - STAY AWAY FROM RUSSIA!

If anything, it is you, who has something to learn from those pure hearts and not the other way around, and praise the Lord that you had a chance to see the REAL heart, the REAL sincerity, the REAL purity and beauty of a human soul.

And yes, they are trusting unlike you ever seen in your entire life.

And yes, they ARE innocent unlike you ever seen before.

And yes, their hearts are pure unlike you could have EVER imagined.

And yes, their soul is virgin, as virgin as it gets.

But that is for YOU to learn something of a REAL trust, and not for them, you stupid ding dong, an empty bucket, making all this noise, dragging through life and never having enough, no matter how much you get, carrying a bucket full of ones own crocodile tears and forever whining about all those who simply laughed at your pathetic trip of self-pity arising out of desire to control, dominate and impose your views on others.

"Humbleness" of "holier than thou"

One of the most noticeable things with this salesman is his "humbleness". He projects it in everything he does and in every word he says, down to the way he walks, trying to imitate Chandra Mohan, down to his beard and hand gestures, like a parrot. Basically, he looks like a clone of Chandra Mohan in every visible aspect, except may be his emperor's robe. Strange. So, let us see here.

First of all, yes, "humbleness" is one of the easiest tricks to sell in order to achieve some prominence and gain some status, and it is also one of the easiest things to imitate. That is why the first thing you see in all sorts of "spiritual seekers" and "spiritual authorities" is "humbleness". Anyone can do it. All you need is to suppress your natural tendencies and "bite your tongue", as it is recommended in some scriptures, or "keep your mouth shot". You don't have to do a thing beyond suppression to LOOK "humble". And the more "humble" you are, the more "spiritual" or "religious" you are and the more customers and fools of all kinds you can gather around yourself in your "spiritual movement".

"Humbleness" is one of the most potent poisons distributed by the so called religions, cults and "spiritual schools" of all kinds. They preach this idea of humbleness as though it is the highest value there is. The more humble you are, the closer you are to "god" or "enlightenment". Yes, it is not utterly groundless and there are some aspects of it that represent some genuine value. But mostly it is a poison that eventually produces arrogant and dictatorial monsters, craving for "power", prestige and authority. Who becomes a Pope? Well, the MOST "humble" of them all, the one, "who keeps his mouth shot". Strange, isn't it? How could this be?

Let us look at it. First of all, "humbleness" implies suppression. You may want to do or say something, even if it represents your misunderstanding and confusion, but you are zombified with this idea of "humbleness", morning to night, and all the "religious" people or monks of all kinds keep showing their "humbleness" in anything they say or do.

So, what happens as a result is that you remain dumb and slowly, slowly become a pervert. Because you begin to pervert your naturally arising energy and make it look like something else. Deep inside you may be against something as it goes against your understanding, but on the surface, you smile with your "humble" smile and pronounce some "wisdom" of some Buddha as a subtle revenge against those, who make you upset because their ideas clash with yours and you get offended.

And so you might think, the more you practice "humbleness", the more "religious" you become and the "higher" you move in some "religious" hierarchy of some church or a cult.

But what happens underneath is you essentially rob yourself of that vital experience of seeing your own misunderstanding. It is when you express yourself and it clashes with the outside world, and sometimes may even hurt others or offend their self-image, that is where you start looking at your thought or action and try to see what was so "wrong" in it to cause such a conflict. And that is how you learn. At some point, you can simply see the foolishness or futility of your old ideas and notice that it was either unnecessary self-torture or a complete misunderstanding that some things do not fit. You can not put a barrel in a cup.

That is how you learn by bumping your head against the wall and not by merely reading some book or listening some lecture about "humbleness". You learn by LIVING those things that seem important to you, and the reason they seem important to you is precisely because you are ready for that particular experience. By the sheer fact that you said something "stupid", or even "hurtful" to others, is precisely because it is the actuality of your life experience. In a sense, this is "the most important" thing in your life now. Sure, they say: but do not make the same mistake twice. But that is too strict of a rule. Yes, you can minimise the number of times you make some "mistake" by being WATCHFUL and AWARE and SENSITIVE, by being observant of what impact does it have. If you just do the same thing again and again without paying attention to its effects, then your experience will recur again and again and again. This is how the law of Karma works. It replays you your misunderstanding by presenting you another chance to experience something, which you still did not learn and do not see. Karma simply means a lesson. It is not "punishment" for "bad deeds". If you did not learn the lesson, it has to be replayed. That is simply inevitable.

The "bottom line" is that "humbleness" can not be imposed as a PRECONDITION to your growth. It is rather a RESULT of your maturing and clearing of your eyes. And learning happens via your actions. That is why Karma also means "action". Life is not just a movie theater where you watch the OTHER actors. YOU are the "main" actor as far as YOUR own life is concerned. So, no matter what you do, sooner or later, you'd have to step up on the stage and say what you have to say or sing the song you have to sing.

In the Urantia Book it has been said about Jesus:

(1676.4) 149:6.10 ... The meaningless and menial practices of an ostentatious and false humility are incompatible with the appreciation of the source of your salvation and the recognition of the destiny of your spirit-born souls. Humility before God is altogether appropriate in the depths of your hearts; meekness before men is commendable; but the hypocrisy of self-conscious and attention-craving humility is childish and unworthy of the enlightened sons of the kingdom.

(1676.5) 149:6.11 "You do well to be meek before God and self-controlled before men, but let your meekness be of spiritual origin and not the self-deceptive display of a self-conscious sense of self-righteous superiority. ...

... "My Father disdains pride, loathes hypocrisy, and abhors iniquity. And it was to emphasize the value of sincerity and perfect trust in the loving support and faithful guidance of the heavenly Father that I have so often referred to the little child as illustrative of the attitude of mind and the response of spirit which are so essential to the entrance of mortal man into the spirit realities of the kingdom of heaven.

(1677.1) 149:6.12 "Well did the Prophet Jeremiah describe many mortals when he said:

'You are near God in the mouth but far from him in the heart.'

"And have you not also read that direful warning of the prophet who said:

'The priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money. At the same time they profess piety and proclaim that the Lord is with them.'

"Have you not been well warned against those who 'speak peace to their neighbors when mischief is in their hearts,' those who 'flatter with the lips while the heart is given to double-dealing'? Of all the sorrows of a trusting man, none are so terrible as to be 'wounded in the house of a trusted friend.'"
The "Fear of the Lord"

To me, "humbleness" is one of the most misunderstood aspects of Life. Many sages, "masters" and scriptures insist on being humble as a precondition. And it does make some sense. Because depending on how mad you are, how unconscious you are, you may hurt others without even realizing it, and that creates a karma for you and you have to work it out in some way and learn from it. But even there, it presupposes that you are inherently "evil" and that is why you do things that hurt others.

But what matters in your actions or thoughts is your INTENT and the kind of energy you project. If your intent is evil and you project a destructive energy, then yes, indeed, you will have to learn and finally see the roots of your violence and/or aggression, all of which is simply a result of misunderstanding. Because no one is INHERENTLY evil, even though you can see it all around. At the very foundation, at the very roots of everyone lays Good.

Evil is nothing more than ILLUSION of that which you are NOT and its meaning and significance is to learn. To learn that, which does not sustain Life, Good, Harmony and ultimately Love, from which springs all Life. But instead creates chaos, confusion and finally destruction. The ultimate "goal" of ALL evil is to self-destruct. Evil is NOT a natural state. It is an artificial idea of "absolute freedom" and "self-service", just as the "negative" aspect is known nowadays in all sorts of "spiritual" circles and systems. Just look at it and SEE.

But if you do not learn things because of suppressing your experiences as a result of this poisonous idea of artificial "humbleness", while remaining totally blind, then you begin to "measure" your "progress" by counting the number of times you behaved in a "humble" way and even begin to consider it as genuine growth, maturing and increasing your "spiritual powers".

Eventually, you suppress your being for so long, that you become a pervert and a sadist, and your subtle smile, which you think to be of "holier than thou" kind, becomes a poison to those you relate to. Because it is not real and it does not really teach them anything beyond perversions, caused by suppression. The real smile is like a flower and is a result of action and expression of your very being and not something artificially imposed or squeezed out of you as a result of some IDEA in your mind about yourself or others. All the ideas are nothing more then the prototypes for actions. Unless they are carried out and implemented, they remain nothing more than mere potential. But life is ACTION, and not the IDEAS. Unless the ideas are manifested, they remain just that.

Finally, you become a walking monster and begin to crave for "recognition" and a religious status of some priest or a master, especially if you spent years suppressing yourself and showing everyone how humble you are.

Let me leave it at that. There is enough information to look at it and see if it makes any sense to you.

So let me tell this salesman here: No, you can not screw with Russian Soul and Russian Heart. You would have to deal with me first, and, seeing what you have already done in Russia, I can promise you one thing: I will do my best to make sure that what is left of you is not even worth mentioning. Because that is the way I am. Yes, they will eventually see your trip for what it is, but it is so poisonous that it may take years of their lives to see through it. Because it is a sophisticated system of manipulation of the most fundamental values and principles. There is no need to spend years on this "holier than thou" filth of "achieving". We can be done with it with a single chapter, and what will be left of it, you can decide for yourselves. That I can not force on you.

From what I have seen about you, you have nothing original to offer except your own confusion. What are you "teaching" there of any value but another version of "new age" delusions of "flower children" kind or a poor version of a replay of Chandra Mohan's performance in a theatre? How more foolish can you get to even attempt to imitate some Chandra Mohan or ANY "master" for that matter? What are YOU here for? To blindly repeat what OTHERS did or said? But where is that REAL you in all this? Sorry, but I could not find anything interesting enough to spend more than a couple of minutes on it, and even that was a "waste of time". And I do not mean to be insultive here. It is just the way it felt to me.

Probably the best I have seen of you is the artistic elements on your sites, and if it was done by you, that really counts in my book. Anything else - sorry, it is too blend to my taste. Yes, you definitely have some talent in some areas. And yes, you do have all the "rights" you need to play the "spiritual" game. But where is something original in it? Pretty much all I see in you is a salesman and I do not particularly like those with all due respect. The REAL does not need promotion and it is not an object to be sold.

Yes, this "spiritual business" is probably the ugliest manipulation there is, and yes, it IS a potent poison, and yes, there are plenty of parasites looking for places to suck the blood of others.

Yes, Russians are curious and are seeking for something just like many others. Because they were corrupted by the ideas of something "ultimate" and are looking for some "roots" and meaning in all the madness they see around them, and utter devastation as a result of deliberate destruction of their own land, The Mother Russia, by the powers of evil most profound.

And yes, their search is authentic, and you can bet your rear end they WILL find it. Because it is written on their Haplogroup R1a1 genetic code, the only indestructible genetic signature known to scientists, that uniquely identifies them. And not many of them even suspect that they have their own system of most ancient and most advanced knowledge - the Slav-Aryan Vedas.

And yes, the fashion of Chanda Mohan seems to be like something "far out", while the deepest wisdom there is is written in their own books. They need no Chandra Mohans of ANY kind to find their roots. The whole thing is so simple that they do not even suspect it could be THAT simple, and that IS sad. Because everywhere they look, they are told that "the path is arduous" and you have to spend your entire life to find That Which Is. You need to go to some "master" to find that, which beats your heart. But not to worry. It won't take them long "to get to the bottom of it".

Do you understand? You want to screw them in their soul, you arrogant fool driven by the megalomaniacal tendencies?

Your behavior in front of them, posing as some kind of a "master", and pretending to be like next reincarnation of Chandra Mohan, who has some "message" with your "vertical" trip, is simply disgusting in its arrogance, stupidity and even utter idiocy.

What have you brought to them that they can not find in some book store? Some REALITY? How long will your "teachings" last before they can find the original information in some book?

Who are you kidding but yourself, you fool?

You mean Chandra Mohan did not provide enough of those trips, techniques and methods? You have invented something new? Something so revolutionary, that it can really make a dent? What are you inventing there with your "vertical trip", that has been known before you in China in the original version?

How do you know it is worth more than a dead mosquito fart, you blind fool, deluding the innocent people with all your slow and wavy hand gestures meant to hypnotise them and convince them you are something real? Who are you trying to convince? Do you know?

Yes, you can travel all over the world selling your "Rolling Stones" or electric guitar watches. No objections. Because that is who you truly are. A salesman, peddling all sorts of snake oil to the gullible.

Yes, you can buy all the Internet domains that sound like something to do with Osho, or "masters". Understood. But what does one see as the very first thing on your web pages? A picture of YOU? Utter nobody in the scheme of things?

Yes, you can make it look like "the message from the masters" with your domains, filled with confusion, that "mixes shit with sand", and all those pretty pictures, flying all over the screen.


But MASTERS? WHICH masters? Who are you to even comprehend who is the real "master" and who is not? Chandra Mohan told you? Are you sure you can even recognize the real master when you see one? How? How do you know he is the real deal? What tools, methods or techniques of evaluation are you going to apply?

And Chandra Mohan talked about this very issue, and in no uncertain terms. Do you trust even your own "master", "Osho", as you claim?

You see, you behave like a "master" yourself, having enough arrogance to concoct some pile of confusion with your "vertical" trip.

Do you think that by piling up some "masters" in one bucket on your site you achieve something? What is that? How many "masters" do you need? One is not enough to see all the "marketing potential" of it? But...

Fake is never true.

Remember this, you little fool:





-- Mahasattva Anand Veeren, Acharya

It is a shame this fool even had guts to publish a book "The tears of a mystic rose" where he cries like a baby about all the "injustice" and "abuse" by the others around Chandra Mohan toward his sensitive ego of a fool, and all his "spiritual" suffering, and all the buckets of his crocodile tears. Just like that "Confession" by Russo, disgusting as it is.

Message to Osho Rajneesh, a snake oil salesman from Mahasattva Veeren

To Osho Rajneesh, a snake oil salesman:

Poor soul, lost in rivers of crap, he himself created, floating in it up to his ears.

You really suck full time, as good as a black hole. I do admit. I have just reviewed one of your sites. Yes, you ARE quite some character indeed. No questions about it.

It was simply amazing to see how much bullshit you can produce in the shortest possible amount of time.

But you see, you have a little problem. The problem is that you are posing as some "master", trying to replace Chandra Mohan, by posing your picture of a parrot next to his, that is meant to make you look like him, and saying things like "we are getting back together again under guidance and with full participation of The Biggest Bullshit Peddler in the entire history of Osho, Osho Rajneesh himself".

It reminded me "in the presence of Gurudev himself", just another phony like yourself. How many of you are out there? Amazingly enough, out of 10 mouse clicks related to Chandra Mohan and his work, about 9 are you, phonies. What seems to be the problem? McDonalds is not hiring the smart guys like yourselves?

You are giving all sorts of blessings, like you are some "god". Behaving like a master. Sitting in a chair on some podium, like you are anything more than a piss against the wind, and doing ALL sorts of creative things, equally as significant. Even people of U.G. Krishnamurti caliber, compared to whom you are nothing more than a "funky monkey", sat on the same chair as everyone. And if you take his insights and compare to yours, then even to compare you to a monkey is an insult to monkeys.

Yes, you can create all these dazzling piles upon piles of pictures of yourself and your greatness, piled up on the top of each other, "mixing shit with sand just to make a statue of Reagan", showing nothing of any significance, beyond your pathetic desire to promote your own importance with all those "world tours" to as many places as you can manage.

Looks like you did learn from Chandra Mohan at least one thing - peddling your image with all those pictures to such an extent that all sorts of fools begin to look at you as at some kind of "god" or the "messenger of universal truth". But ARE you? What is the need to have thousands of pictures of yourself and stick it everywhere one looks? There are only two people in the entire human history that have so many pictures of themselves - you and Chandra Mohan, not counting the politicians and all sorts of "stars". Even some emperors might feel jealous!

For what? What are you trying to prove and to whom? To YOURSELF, by ANY humble chance? And THEN what? Are you going to "lead the world to its bright future"? What IS that "future" if I may ask? A super-new-man? Because Chandra Mohan already made a claim of building a "new man". So, to be original, and not just a phony, you need to at least modify something, don't you? Otherwise, you simply look like a parrot. Yes, colorful one indeed.

What "message" are you trying to deliver to the whole world with your "world tours"? Do you have something to add to those messages that already exist? Or something to modify, considering your "vertical" trip which is not even yours?

Just in case you did not know, there already exists a powerful meditation technique in China, that is based on a vertical beam of energy, which you gently embrace with both hands, like a light pole on the street, and sense it by raising your both hands very slowly, as slowly, as you can manage. And it is performed on a background of heavenly meditative Chinese music, which creates a necessary and powerful background and tuning of your Soul to a proper wavelength. Without that music, that meditation is not complete and may not even have any effect, at least on the beginners of meditation.

I did personally verify that meditation at home, and from the first try, it simply blew my mind to see how powerful such a seemingly innocent meditation is. Unfortunately, I do not know what is is called. Could be Falgun, but I am not certain. I would personally sign under it and recommend it to anyone as something that works.

To me, that meditation is much more powerful than the Dynamic, Kundalini or Nataraj meditations of Chandra Mohan, and you do not need to go into the madness stages of those meditations, the purpose of which is to exhaust you. With this meditation, you go right into meditative state without all that craziness, which is not necessary as far as I can see. It is like going to a football stadium and going mad for hours. But once you get out, do you become meditative, even if you lie down and close your eyes?

So, there is nothing to invent there. There are also Tai Chi meditative exercises, similar to it, that also deal with energy.

The last question: why would one pose as some kind of replacement of Chandra Mohan? Are you his clone?

About "spiritual therapies", especially associated with Osho

Basically, it is garbage. Nothing to it. It does not work because the basic assumptions are nothing but delusions. You get from life EXACTLY what you need with the perceptive abilities you have at the moment. Just focusing on some set of "problems" you merely deprive yourself of your grand nature. So, instead of focusing on what WORKS, they FORCE you to focus on what "does NOT work". But the reason it does "not" work is because you are simply not ready for some things and/or focus on condemnatory aspects, just as you have been programmed, instead of appreciating that which you already have in your hands, which is exactly what you "deserve" to have, or, rather READY to "have". Otherwise, you would have "more". So, this is the bare bones essence of it. You don't even have to read the rest of this chapter.

Their "therapies" are like that "psychoanalysis" thing. You can analyze it all your life, and the end result will be zero.

And that is what some famous "psychoanalysts" admit themselves, and that is why some of them came to Chandra Mohan, because, as they themselves claim on record, they recognize that "Western approach" has reached its limit. It is no longer effective or actually changes anything. Well, it never did help anything. You can see these people, having shrinks virtually on their payroll, regularly visiting them to "analyze" their next "problem", or whatever they think they are doing.


The way it goes is like this:

Some gullible fools, book some session and pay top dollar for it. Then you come to a private session and?

And that "therapist" sits in front of you not saying a word, waiting till you start whining about some "problem" you THINK you have. You see, you do not even realize you do not have ANY problems. The ONLY "problem" you have is called LIFE and all sorts of little things that are pretty natural.

The very assumption that there is something "wrong" with you is nothing more than misunderstanding of grand nature of Life. These "therapists" merely repeat the tricks they have learned from their "masters" not knowing a thing of what they are talking about or trying to do to you in order to "fix" you.

Now, as soon as you squeak, he comes alive. As soon as you give him ANY reason to catch on something, he starts telling you how screwed up you are, and you, being as gullible as you are, start tuning into HIS wave, HIS trip, and begin to think it is YOUR problem. Do you see?

Nope. It is HIS problem, and quite often the diagnosis is the same: the complex of inferiority.

HIS, not yours!

Can't you see?

Why did he even crave to become a "spiritual" whatever? WHO is he kidding, this inferiority complex driven idiot?

Just look at Tirtha, Rajen and a few other "great therapists" sucking on Chandra Mohan's tits.

Yes, Chandra Mohan allowed ALL sorts of "therapies" and even supported it. But, from what I see, it is just a candy for you. Something to suck on. Like a titie of a mother. What to do?

But he never ever thought ANY of these "therapies" are worth more than a little tiny piece of a chicken manure on the road as far as I can see. It is really simple, just as Jesus said:

How can a blind teach a blind how to see?

Blind leading the blind will fall into a ditch.

-- Matthew 15:14

INEVITABLY so. Simple as that.


I, hereby, declare ALL the "therapies", without exception nothing more than sugar pills. Quite innocent, at least in some cases, but utterly useless. They are mostly to occupy your mind with "breakthroughs".

If you want to buy into it, fine. It is just like a cup of coffee. But nothing more than that.

You are not a broken car to be fixed by replacing some part. Never was, never will be, no matter what you do or think.

Therefore, the entire operation of the "resort" in Pune is nothing more than a scam. You won't solve ANY of your "problems" as a result. It is all a myth told to clueless.

The "problems" of life are NEVER sold via mental domain. Not possible. You can only solve your day to day things with it, and that is if you are lucky.

When you are READY to SEE something deeper you will see it right then and there, without ANY "therapies". It is a matter of SEEING and HEARING and not of mind programming via some "therapy". You will simply stress yourself out to death with all those "therapies" with no results beyond spinning your wheels getting nowhere fast, while forever thinking that you are making some "progress" which is just an idea in your mind. Because you are not READY and that readiness can not be forced from the outside on you.

Instead, simply switch your mind from condemning yourself to SEEING that you end up in the same situations repeatedly. There are REASONS you get into it and those reasons is that you still do not see the lesson. So it has to be played out again and again and again, just like that wheel of karma states. At some point, when you are ready to see that you are simply self-torturing yourself your "problem" will simply fall off. It will loose its grip on you. You can only struggle for so long. Sooner or later the struggle will end. But with struggle you are simply wasting your life energy which is the biggest treasure there is.

And, most importantly, pay more attention on APPRECIATTION of what you ALREADY have and you have plenty. In fact you have PRECISELY what you need.

That is the meaning of "let go".

Sure, try to improve upon things. That is the very fun of it. But life is not a struggle. It is a grand ride. Just hold on to your seat so you don't get blown out with the next turn on your road.

Here is just one quote about therapies from Chandra Mohan.

Date: Fri, 30 April 1986
Book Title: Beyond Psychology
Chapter #: 37

Therapy basically has nothing to do with spirituality. I was using it just to clean the rubbish that the mind has gathered down the ages. The work of the therapist with me was exactly that of cleaners, nothing superior to them in any way.

...They don't fill the gap, they cannot; they themselves have no spiritual experience. All that they know are certain techniques through which your mind can be cleaned. But even that cleaning of the mind makes you feel fresh only for a few days, because it does not change the base, the foundation of your being; it simply cleans the surface. You remain the same person. You will again collect the same garbage, so therapy will be needed again and again and again.

And I claim it does not even clean the surface. It can not. All it is is basically the same thing as ejaculation that releases you from your anxiety. But tomorrow you are still the same man you have ever been. Nothing has changed in your vision.

The "therapist" does not know your "problem". He does not even know his own, and that is precisely why he has become a "therapist", at least when it is done in a well intentioned manner. At best, he became the "therapist" because he is struggling with himself, just like you, and never "getting" the "joke" himself. In that respect, what he does is to use YOU to solve HIS problem, hoping that one day, through you, he will see why is he so obsessed with denials of all kinds. That's the whole trip of it.

From the standpoint of learning, life is a collection of negative experiences. You do not learn anything genuinely new with positive experiences. The very fact you enjoy something means you have learned it and those aspects associated with it.

But when you make "mistakes" that is where real lessons take place and you have a chance to learn something that seems like a problem at the moment. I do not like the very word "mistake" because there are no mistakes in life. When you learn something as a result of some "mistake" how can it be called the mistake? And even if you don't learn anything out of it, still it is not a mistake. It simply means you are not ready. No problem. That is why you have "tomorrow" - future - potential.

Do not even think "it was a mistake and I am not going to do it again" when you really learned something, as if you do, that means you have not really learned anything out of it. You simply decided to suppress certain experiences, which is an attempt at futility. You simply condemned some aspects without SEEING anything out of it.

Real learning is when you are THANKFUL for learning something as a result of some "mistake". That very appreciation of yours indicates you can finally see the grandness of Life. Blessed are thou.

Once in a while I see some information about some mountain climber that gave up climbing after he nearly died trying to climb up Himalayan mountain. The last time he did it he barely survived and tons of produce, food and gadgets had to be carried by whole crew of people. And for what? Just for him to "defeat" Himalayas? Are you mad? How can you POSSIBLY "defeat" it being nothing more then a spec of dust in the scheme of things? The same thing is with car or boat racers and so on. But once they say: enough, I am not going to try to defeat those things in life that are immeasurably more powerful than me, then I feel they are the "real deal" and not simply stupid fools who try to prove that they can concur nothing less than death itself.

About "masters", "spiritual teachers" and "acharyas"

YOU are the only "master" there is.

Period. Full stop. Bas.


When you say "you are my master", do you realize what you are saying?

What is master?

Well, master is the one, who is good at something. So, good, that there is nothing he can not do in the area of his mastership.


When you say "you are my master", what you are saying is that you are nothing more than a piece of wood.


Simple, really.

How can ANYONE be your "master"? Are you an object to be processed to make something worthwhile out of it, some masterpiece? Can't you see this?

If so, you do need those intensive "therapies", just to clear your brain and make you realize some things about you.

Simple as that.

IBM corporation

It was quite a shock to learn that IBM corporation pays millions to Chandra Mohan enterprises for "stress management" "therapies".

"The Osho International Foundation (OIF) runs stress management seminars for corporate clients such as IBM and BMW, with a reported (2000) revenue between $15 and $45 million annually in the U.S."

Oh, how interesting. I just checked that blog and it is no longer there. Why? Another NWO "miracle" I guess.

Well, but that quote still exists on the Wikipedia. We'll see how long will it survive this time.

Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh)

Interestingly enough, the IBM happens to be on the list of "300", the "rulers" of this world, according to John Coleman in his book The Committee of 300.

Not only that, but IBM is controlled by Rothschilds, nothing less.

Companies, heavily involved in key Committee of 300 companies

All of the foregoing are (or were) heavily involved in key Committee of 300 companies which interface with literally thousands of companies engaged in every branch of commercial activity as we shall see.


Companies, heavily involved in key Committee of 300 companies

Scientology, mind control, brainwashing, behavior modification and transcendental meditation, Zen Buddhism founded by IBM and AT&T

Schwartz was at one time strongly allied with Scientology, and he was also an editor of TIME magazine. Aspen Institute - New Age centers were generously funded by IBM and AT&T.

It is difficult for Americans who do not have access to this kind of information to believe that IBM and AT&T, two household names in Corporate America, would have anything to do with mind control, brainwashing, behavior modification and transcendental meditation; Bahai sensitivity training, Zen Buddhism, reverse psychology, and all of the other New Age - Age of Aquarius programs designed to break down the morals of the American people and weaken family life. Christianity was not taught.

Scientology, mind control, brainwashing, behavior modification and transcendental meditation, Zen Buddhism founded by IBM and AT&T

Nice, eh?

Foster wanted to perfect a condition where the environment became a weapon; special bombs to trigger volcanos and/or earthquakes, behavioral research on potential enemies and minerals and metals with potential for new weapons. The project was accepted by SRI and code-named "SHAKY."

The massive electronic brain in SHAKY was capable of carrying out many commands, its computers having been constructed by IBM for SRI. Twenty-eight scientists worked on what is called "Human Augmentation." The IBM computer even has the capability to solve problems by analogy and recognizes and identifies scientists who work with it. The "special applications" of this tool can be better imagined than described. Brzezinski knew what he was talking about when he wrote "THE TECHNOTRONIC ERA."


An employee of the Rothschilds' controlled IBM, invents the UPC (Universal Product Code) barcode, containing 666

UPC barcode
UPC barcode

George J. Laurer, an employee of the Rothschilds' controlled IBM, invents the UPC (Universal Product Code) barcode which will eventually be placed upon virtually every item traded worldwide and bear the number, 666. The Book of Revelation, Chapter 13, Verse 17 through 18, states the following in relation to this number,

"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

An employee of the Rothschilds' controlled IBM, invents the UPC (Universal Product Code) barcode, containing 666

"The list of U.S. corporations that had the equivalent of $8 billion invested in Nazi Germany include Standard Oil, General Motors, IBM, Ford, the Chase and National City Banks, ITT and many others."

Be Afraid: The New World Order's Fascist Pedigree

So, it is not surprising they place multi million dollar "consulting" projects with Chandra Mohan's corporations. Because people like Chandra Mohan are some of the most valuable assets in the global zombification system to keep the "serfs" forever confused, seeking something they think they are missing while their rear end is on fire.

You want to know who you are?

You are just a byproduct of photosynthesis.

About meditation

First of all, meditation is not some miracle that will get you to "the other shore". That is all bluff.

And yes, meditation, which is simply silence, is that tool through which you become more sensitive, more connected to the grandest aspects of existence, of never ending Life expression, of Truth unfolding before your eyes. Through that silence, you ears and eyes open and you can SEE and HEAR. Otherwise, there is just too much noise inside you, forever distracting you from who you really are and clogging your senses with flash effects of all kinds.

In meditative state, you are perceptive in a genuine sense of the word. The whole madness of the mind stops.

Meditation is basically a disablement of your mechanical aspect and all the zombie programming done to your mind. It is when you ARE, just as YOU are.

It is that silence out of which the greatest treasures are born. It is a contact with your innermost being, which is Ever Unfolding Creation - the Act of God.

Secondly, if you try to meditate, there is very little chance you will be able to. That is why there is this "effortless effort" notion in Zen, or "Chen", like U. G. Krishnamurti calls it, which is actually correct.

Yes, you do need to make some effort to meditate. If you just keep running around like you do all day long, there is a very little chance for you to experience the meditative state. Even the whole notion of experiences is inapplicable to meditation.

But if your effort is like a goal, then it is too much. Yes, you may sit and try to meditate on something. But it will be all in vain, just the same.

Meditation is not activity. It is a STATE, a state of your being. You can not DO it. It happens.

You can not meditate ON something, not even on a light of a candle, like Yogis claim. As long as there is separation between the observer and the observed, no meditation is possible.

Candle light is just an excuse and the reason the candle light is used is because the flame is forever flickering, which shows your mind its own flickering. Candle light is just an excuse. You can meditate on a black wall for that matter, just like Bodhidharma says. Except it is too static, too immovable, so you have to be a master of meditation to be able to do it.

So, do not try to make meditation a goal. You won't succeed. It is not something to be achieved. It can not be done. It is "against the nature of things".

It is just an aroma of a flower. How can you achieve an aroma?

But it is there, undeniably there. All arguments against it are futile.

That is the meaning of "effortless effort". You are not to do ANYTHING. You are not to crave for ANYTHING. You are not to expect to be in meditation. Just forget all about meditation, enlightenment, Buddha and all that jazz.

And finally, and this is the REAL thing as far as I can see, meditation is your NATURAL state. Do you understand? Do not believe a WORD that it is something "supernatural", to be achieved with extreme pain and years of work. That is all crap.

You are in meditation every day, only if you have paid some attention to it. Because if you were not, you would simply go mad. Your mind would simply overload and fuses would blow.

I am sorry, but I do not have any interest to get into it any further at this point. This is pretty subtle and vast majority of you would have a hard time to grasp it from what I see. So there is no point to strain myself any more than this. But who knows, may be in some future...

Meditation is like your breath. It is there even if you do not even notice it.

Meditation and NLP

Chandra Mohan stated a "potential" for hypnosys and NLP to assist in meditation and "spiritual growth". In other words, bypassing your conscious mind and placing suggestions to your subconscious mind directly while you are not in control of the situation.

It is interesting to note a "specialist in development of personality, mystic, who dedicated many years to study of Torah and Kabbalah, the psychologist and a training specialist in NLP, Chabad member Itzhak Pintusevich".

All you have to say about this is "I know you CAN!".

Warning from Mahasattva Anand Veeren, Acharya

I just reviewed some video material and was utterly disgusted by all the wannabes in the "spiritual business" posing as interpreters of what Chandra Mohan is.

ALL garbage.

First of all, not a single human being I know of among Chandra Mohan's "lovers" can possibly interpret what Chandra Mohan is, does or means to others. They can ONLY speak for themselves.

Beware of all those smiling, happy "swamis" that used to sell the used condoms, and who are now selling you the "Osho" myth, being the parasites they are, forever parasiting on others.

They do not have it.

Whatever you really have, you simply give, at least in the "spiritual" domain, if for nothing else, but to show you are honest and are not merely interested in manipulating others, just to gain some tangible benefits of their labor, while doing nothing in return, but feeding them all sorts of myths and theories, most of which can not even be proven to be anything valid or real.

So, how do you know they are not selling you pure grade crap? HOW? Oh, with that "trust your master" trick? With that "total surrender" garbage?

Did Jesus Christ sell you anything? Or Buddha, Socrates, Pythagoras, and you name it? Did those people sell you the tickets to their "meditation classes"? WHO? Show me.

Truth is not something you purchase. No money can buy it. And the very fact they charge money for their services, that do not even work, if you really know how it all works, is the simplest evidence that they are nothing more than crooks and salesmen, selling you the "emperor clothes".

And look at Chandra Mohan and all those enterprises and most elaborate corporate structures, foundations and other schemes, meant to avoid paying taxes mostly, and hide pretty substantial income from tax authorities. Oh, their "services" are so special that you can not purchase anything of a comparable value any other place? Just like that "holy water" the Christian priests offer. At least I have not heard them SELLING it. Or do they also?

And look at the prices they charge you, that are orders of magnitude higher then what you can pay in any other shop for the same exact thing in the same exact town.

Seconly, Chandra Mohan is not just some sugar pill or a candy they make you to believe he is. Never was, never will be. It is just a disgusting insult to him and his work, if it is real to begin with.

Whenever you see this "positivity" number in the name of Osho, beware. They feed you poison. Sure, Chandra Mohan is not here to put them into their place. So, now MANY of them are making money on you, showing you all their phony "happiness", speaking quietly and making all sorts of slow, wavy gestures with their hands, trying to hypnotize your mind, and telling you how everything is nice and dandy. The more money you give them, the more happiness you get. The more sessions you book, the closer you get to that "enlightenment" carrot.

Because they are his hosts, ruled by the post-hypnotic suggestions he placed in their minds, and that is exactly why he said: "but I am the one, who is going to have the last laugh". (not a literal quote)

ALL lies. NOTHING to it. The ONLY one in this game, who spent his entire life investigating the root issues was him, Chandra Mohan.

The first indication of a phony is a smiling face, some "happy" swami, posing as a "messenger" of Osho, interpreting what Chandra Mohan is, what he means and what he does, disgusting as it is.

There are some most "prestigious" "swamis", smiling happy into your face in Chandra Mohan's videos. I will tell you who they are in due time.

Remember one thing: ALL you have with Chandra Mohan is YOU and HIM. Anybody else in between are just nothing.

OK, here is the trip:

If you have noticed, all the dummies keep telling you what God means, what Jesus means, what is their word and what do they imply. They keep telling you things like "god wants you to do this or that", "God did this or that so that blah, blah, blah" and things like that.

And they are so idiotic as to even beg God to destroy their "enemies", or give them some money, health or whatever they are begging for, like if there is God to begin with, he does not know what you need, being all knowing, omniscient and omnipotent they claim he is.

These sick people are so idiotic as to not even be able to comprehend that their monkey minds can not possibly interpret what God means, what he says and why, or why does he do this or that and what does it mean. Nor do they have a slightest clue of what Jesus or ANY "master", for that matter, is or what is his purpose.

They are just zombies, brainwashed into some ideology, and, at the same time, being as dumb as it gets, if not dumber, to even conceive of an idea that you can POSSIBLY interpret to others what others say, do, or mean, especially when we talk about someone WELL beyond their comprehension.

Jesus, Socrates, Pythagoras and quite a few others gave their lives for Truth, for something authentic, and these phonies are simply looking for some recipe on "happiness". They think that if they smile a lot, it will delude you into believing they are real, which is the most idiotic thing conceivable.

About Osho phonies

You, fools, calling themselves big names better go get a job at some McDonald's, which is what most of you are worth. Quit parasiting on others.

You simply do not think you, as you are, are capable of creating anything of real value, and about the easiest way for you to "survive" is to lick some rear end of someone, recognized as something of substance, and then resell all the myths they produce to all sorts of fools that think there is something "wrong" with them.

This spiritual garbage is the easiest way to "make a buck", selling them all sorts of "emperor clothes". Since very little of it can be proven to be something real and nearly all of it is a matter of "faith", just like in any other religion, all these so called therapists and "spiritual teachers" simply use it as a trick to parasite on others.

I could never understand parasitism as such. It seems to be such a waste of human potential, mixed with inferiority complex, exerting itself as "superiority", that I could never understand: what do you need it for? What is the point of parasiting when you can create? Parasitism seems to be so degrading to ones own self that I perceive it as something suicidal in effect. A nightmare for the Soul.

To parasite is a crime to me, and of the worst kind - a crime against ones own being. What is this fear that prevents one from contributing and creating? Who are these people lying to but themselves? Whom are they deluding?

Is it because they do not trust themselves as being capable of being creative and able to support themselves by creating and manifesting the real goods, something tangible? Why work when you can simply parasite on others and even look "holier" than others?

And those fools think that all their phony smiles are worth even paying attention to.

Just look at one of the most recognized "therapists", Tirtha. I could not believe it, when I saw this:

"Osho Video - Geetam, Another Way Of Living - With SW Anand Tirtha"

Do you see this fool, pretending to be a "saint", who abandoned Chandra Mohan eventually, and even had guts to write back to him and explain why he does not even mention his name? I do not have that quote handy and I am not in the mood to even bother about it, but what it had to do is essentially this:

Sorry, Osho brand stinks too bad nowadays, so please understand my mercantile concerns as I can not use it any longer. I do use your tricks, but not the brand. Not a literal quote, obviously.

Nice, eh? And this sucker was commonly known as the "inheritor of the throne" once Chandra Mohan is gone! Interestingly enough, Chandra Mohan spoke about him at the end of the "ranch" period referring to him as "Mr. T", just to insult and totally disgrace him. What a company. They do worth each other...

He speaks in very quiet and soft, deep voice, like he is the "son of god" and knows the ins and outs of the God's "message". This phony self-confidence of a "saint" is simply disgusting, simply pathetic.

Just look at his eyes, winking like the eyes of a thief, betraying themselves just to betray Chandra Mohan later on. Do you know what winking eyes means? Simple really. It means calculation. That is why they are winking non stop. Because their mind is constantly calculating the "benefits" of what they say. The purpose of winking is to shut off the external stimuli in order for the mind to be able to concentrate on calculations of tradeoffs. When you do not calculate, your eyes have no reason to wink.

He is presented as "successful psychotherapist".

But he himself said that the whole western approach reached its limit and can no longer provide the goods it promises. He says "Bhagwan" is "the answer".

So he denies his own self and the results of his work in that very admission. But, later on, he will deny "Bhagwan", and, therefore, his entire approach, and he will do it to such an extent as to totally erase the name "Bhagwan" from his vocabulary despite the fact that the deepest insights he has received are those of Chandra Mohan. By FAR! And that is precisely why he stayed with him for so long and even achieved some kind of a status of someone believed to be the inheritor of "the throne" once Chandra Mohan is gone.

These conmen and crooks are forever calculating, not even realizing they are saying things against their own being, which they would have to deny later on, pathetic as it is.

One way of seeing these phonies is the clothes, and they do not even realize it. They will usually have some hat or some robe or some necklace that will make them look different than others, something "special". Like it is their certificate of a "mystic", written on their clothes. Amazingly enough, that is probably the easiest way to recognize a phony. Because the reason one needs to look as something "special" is because he feels that otherwise there is just nothing in him that could be recognized by others as something unique. So, they become like dolls dressed in fancy clothes to make them look as something real. And not only "real", but even "superior" to other mortals! More "advanced", more "spiritual". Unlike all other mortals!

These fools deny the uniqueness of their being on its own authority and try to cover their inner emptiness with some fancy or even weird looking clothes.

I am always surprised if not disgusted nearly every time I see some "spiritual" person. One thing is nearly certain is this show business with their clothes, and quite often it gets to the point of utter tastelessness and even ugliness - something that is meant to rip your eyes and attract your attention to these nobodies, trying all they can to make themselves look like somebodies. What is the need? Do you think you become something because of your clothes?

I remember some people I knew that would spend quite some time dressing up in brightly colored clothes in front of the mirror before going to some party or "spiritual gathering", just like women do. Like some salesman who is going to sell his looks to convince others that he is something "special" and everyone is to pay attention to him, considering him like some idol.

I usually avoid them like a plague. One thing is nearly certain - I am dealing with some phony with huge ego, who is so stuck in his "spiritual" idiocy that it will be a total waste of time to even talk to him, trying to see if he really has something original or unique to say, something of his own. Most likely, he is going to be repeating things like a parrot.

Another thing is, quite often, they will put their picture on the top of Chandra Mohan's. Like that phony Osho Rajneesh and his web site. The very first thing you will see is HIS picture, the picture of nobody, so you see it first. And only somewhere in the middle of the page, if you are lucky, there will be a picture of Chandra Mohan.

Not only that, but this foolish salesman would even have guts to put two pictures, side by side, of him and of Chandra Mohan, just to make it look like he is the same man as Chandra Mohan or his "reincarnation", be it in a perverted form, or at least that he looks like him, and, therefore, represents the same "spiritual" entity. Like a carbon copy.

And now this nauseating showman is running all over the world with "the message", the "message from the masters". You see, he has a bucket full of those "masters" under his belt! How more disgusting can you possibly get just to try to justify your own existence of nobody? How many "masters" do you need? One is not enough? How many Truths do you need? One is not enough?

But WHO are these conmen if there was no Chandra Mohan? Would you even know or care they even exist?

How pathetic do you need to get "just to survive, just to survive"?

Some other "great therapists" have a double face. You will find them on Osho corporate sites advertising their sannyas face and offering you some "services", most likely in the form of some "therapy", they promise will "heal" your blues.

But with the other side of their face, they will have their other sites, where they will present themselves as great therapists and offer you some services without even mentioning Chandra Mohan or his name, despite the fact that ALL their "therapies" are borrowed from Chandra Mohan and his work.

How disgusting can one get!

About Gurudev pseudo-master

I just stumbled upon the web page of Gurudev pseudo-master. Just a few months ago he was known as Gurudev and now, tadam! He calls himself "Whosoever".


Jeez! What a humbleness, right?

Well, hang on here for a sec. What seems to be strange is that on his "whosoever" page, that does not even display if you have a Javascript enabled in your browser, what do you see? Well, what you see is his picture, full blast, the entire screen! Strange.

Excuse me, I thought if you are as humble as to completely dis-identify yourself even with your name, then you can not have a picture of yourself taking up full screen. You can not have ANY picture of yourself in that case. Otherwise, you are lying. Just have a picture of a speck of dust or a desert. Or am I missing some "sacred" meaning of something here?

Not only that, but where is the picture of the "greatest master of all times and lands", Chandra Mohan, on your page, who gave you everything you got, including your "40 day" blah, blah, blah "retreats"? Whose ideas and system it is?

What is this "Mr. nobody full screen"! Strange.

He is talking about "40 day meditation intensive".

But I claim: every word he says, every technique he uses, every idea he peddles, and every "meditation intensive" he sells you is Chandra Mohan's tricks and ideas. Not a SINGLE thing is original with this parrot.

But the thing is, you idiot, meditation has NOTHING to do with intensity. The more "intense" you are, the less of a chance for any meditation to result. You can not FIGHT for meditation. You can not strain for meditation. Just the very idea of it and meditation is gone.

Meditation and intensity is night and day. Either one or the other. But not both.

His invitation to book for this "40 days meditation intensive" trip, signed by the "meditation coordinator" is beyond obscene. There is no, and can not possibly be such a thing as "meditation coordinator". How do you "coordinate" the meditation? What does it mean the "meditation coordinator"? What kind of insanity is this?

Do you think just because you "coordinate" something you can guarantee there is going to be a meditation as a result? How do you coordinate ANYTHING even remotely related to meditation? Even if you sell tickets and schedule these "meditations", is there a guarantee there is going to be ANY kind of meditation as a result? Jesus, have mercy on me!

I claim: no coordination of ANY kind has ANYTHING to do with meditation. These are different planets in the solar system.

Not only that. I claim there is absolutely NOTHING you can do to force meditation. The very force will prevent it. It is like forcing virginity on a whore.

Ok, my own take on it is this: This Gurudev pseudo-master, whose shoes some of them are licking, and his "cleaning your psyche" trip as shown on these videos:

"Osho Video - 40 Day Osho Meditation Retreat"

is a phony.

"In the presence of...




WHO had enough arrogance to even conceive such an ugliness?

Is his highness "enlightened" or something?

The only "in the presence of" I will accept is...

Chandra Mohan!

Nothing less than that will do for me.

He says:

"The more the psyche is clean and fresh, the more remembrance will be easy".


What kind of a cleaner do you have to "clean the psyche"? Remembrance of what? Since in all your "previous reincarnations" you were just a blind fool, and that is exactly why you were "reborn", what is there to "remember"?

And if there is something to "remember", that means you are ALREADY there. So, there is nothing to "remember". You are IT! How can you possibly forget that? There is no need to even be "reborn" once you "remember". "Thou art that". Remember?

And, by the way, what is this "psyche" thing you are talking about? Do you have a CLUE?

I do not recall Chandra Mohan EVER mentioning it as far as his work goes. Yes, he talks about consciousness, unconsciousness, subconsciousness and even super-consciousness. Yes, he talks about the being.

But psyche? Are you in a wrong joke? Psyche is the language of the psychologists and idle philosophers, forever blabbering all sorts of nonsense, none of which they can either prove or disprove. True.

Are you a psychologist that did not have enough business until you came to Chandra Mohan and realized all the "marketing potential" of it?

Then he goes:

"The God is not a doer,
the God is not a dancer,
... God is just a dance".


WHO are you to make proclamations about nothing less than God and what he, or rather IT, is?

Are you GOD?

How can you POSSIBLY know what God is?

According to Chandra Mohan, God does not exist. There is no such a thing. Or you know better?

One more time: who ARE you to make such proclamations about "psyche", about consciousness and about nothing less than God itself? Do you at least have a certificate, signed by Chandra Mohan? Show me!

All you have is cunningness of an Indian "religious" mind, and what you are essentially preaching, or rather selling, is Hinduism, your own version, with the help of few bits of Chandra Mohan, thrown into the mix of cunningness.

This Gurudev is simply funny, and eventually it gets quite pathetic, when he starts blabbering about "transcending" nothing less than consciousness and things like that.

Let us see his "presence"...

His hat is phony.

His dance if phony.

His words are phony.

And even his smile is phony.

He has nothing to give.

He is a beggar, a typical Brahmin, "teaching" something he does not have.

He just keeps repeating the words of Chandra Mohan, like there is a need for it, screwing with your minds. It is all already in the record. What is the need to listen to some phony, trying to interpret what Chandra Mohan is or does?

What do you expect to happen as a result, besides your valet getting thinner?

This fool is simply pathetic with his idiocy, saying things he can not possibly know no matter what he blabbers.

"One has to transcend consciousness"?!? "Once you transcended consciousness, you have transcended EVERYTHING... and that is what we truly are".

Yes, "transcending" is one of the favorite terms of phonies of all kinds. But... who can even imagine what is beyond nothing less than consciousness? I want to see that man!

To "transcend" nothing less than consciousness is nothing more than denial of life itself and God as such. Is God just some idiot to give you consciousness, which is nothing more than garbage since there is a need to "transcend" it? Is consciousness some kind of disability to be "transcended"? Then what is Life I ask you?

The next thing I want to hear is "transcending" nothing less than awareness itself! For one thing, J. Krishnamurti would get pissed up to his ears. Because awareness was his trademark, and not only his. This is the very ROOT of life as far as mankind goes. It is the very purpose of it all - to finally become AWARE, aware of your God Created NATURE, forever unfolding, forever expressing itself.

Nice trick. Indeed, no one will ever be able to verify any of it. So you can run your "spiritual" business till the end of times, and no one will be able to prove you are simply a phony.

Are you insane, you complex of inferiority driven fool?

First of all, there is nothing to "transcend". All your "transcendence" is simply idiocy.

What happens to you once you "transcend" consciousness? Do you understand?


Yes, Chandra Mohan has given you this idea of "transcending" this and that.

But you have no clue why he did that and what was the purpose of it. There was a specific context when he says things like this. There is a specific purpose in him saying it.

But you simply take a few words of his out of context and start making all sorts of claims that are nothing short of insanity, none of which you can possibly prove, even in principle. Even if you manage to "transcend" consciousness, just for the sake of argument, WHO will be able to verify it, unless they "transcended" it also, and HOW would they possibly do it? What are the criteria, tools and methods, available to mortals, to verify that you have "transcended" nothing less than consciousness itself?

Do you see how these cunning minds work and manipulate you like puppets?

And there are ALL sorts of traps, these phonies will fall into, once they start interpreting what Chandra Mohan says, does or means. It is simply inevitable, and it happens all the time.

"Unless you penetrate..."

There is nothing to "penetrate" you fool. It is just a byproduct of your violence and sexual sickness, caused by the suppressive Indian mind, as far as sex goes, and Chandra Mohan specifically addressed this sickness, and for a long time he did not even allow the Indian people to enter his ashram with few exceptions. Because some of them behave like animals when they see a beautiful western woman. They grab them by their breasts and do all sorts of other sick things of sexual nature.

A need to penetrate is what? Ever heard of Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis? By the way, Freud was profoundly sick himself, forever obsessed with demons and things like that. His whole psychoanalysis work is nothing more than a result of his own sickness. But that is another subject.

"When ... blah, blah, blah ... THEN... THEN you are enlightened"


WHO are you to make proclamations under which circumstances one becomes "enlightened"? Are YOU "enlightened"?

Who are you kidding but yourself and a few gullible fools you have gathered around, selling them goods you can not possibly deliver?

The bottom line is you are just a businessman parasiting on all sorts of fools, who gave their own power over themselves to you, hoping to get something in return.

That is all there is to it.

Do not listen to these parasites. Beware! There is no need for any "medium" between you and Chandra Mohan, between you and God, between you and existence as such.

I do not know who even conceived of including this religious parrotry into the Chandra Mohan video collection. All it is is just a marketing propaganda about yet another place under the sun, where you can find that "paradise" everyone keeps promising you.

Let us look at one of his "masterpieces" in a little bit more detailed way. My comments are in brackets [].

"Meditation means not allowing the attention to move."

[First of all, meditation has NOTHING to do with attention. As long as you have this attention, you have something to be attentive to. Otherwise, the whole notion of attention is simply inapplicable. And, as long as there is a separation between the observer and the observed, no meditation is possible, even in principle. That is not meditation. At best, it can be called concentration.

Meditation has nothing to do with any kind of observation. There is no object to be observed and there is no observer of anything in particular.]

"Just remain. Simply remain.
In the now.
Go deep."

[Sure. Borrowed from Chandra Mohan, at least as "hear and now" part goes.

Otherwise, sounds like the language of hypnosis. Ever heard of such a thing as hypnosis, Mr. Smart Fart? Go deeper, deeper and deeper!

Deep where? HOW do you "go deep"?
What exactly does one need to do "to go deep"?
You see, as long as "you go deep", that means there is you and there is some place to go to. The same exact problem arises, the problem of the observer and the observed.]

"Don't worry.

If you think you are going to die, die!

Why not?"

[Why yes? Ever thought about this? Are you just a suicidal idiot?]

"What is the worry?

[Well, it is called LIFE! And to me, it has some value. Donnow about you though. I kind of like it, you know? Or you have a "problem" with that one also?

Ever heard of such a thing as life, Mr. Brahmin?

Why don't you just jump from the highest bridge there is?

Why not?

Just DIE!!!!

What is the difference between you existing or not?

Can you tell me?]

"Somehow you believe you are going to die. So one day you are going to die."

[How do you know? Are you talking about ME or yourself?

Show me!

First of all, I am not in a hurry to die.

Are you?

What's the hurry, whether you believe it or not?

What is this obsession with death?

Do YOU have a clue?]

"You are trying to protect yourself."

[Yep. As much as I can manage. You have a problem with that? Then die, sucker!]

"You are trying to avoid."

[Well, so far looks to me YOU are trying to avoid. To avoid the very recognition that you are a phony, that you have nothing to say or give of any substance. You are just taking up some space and create much stink, especially when you, old fart, are trying to dance.]

"But that is not going to help you."

[How do you know? Are you GOD, All Knowing? Or the next reincarnation of Sigmund Freud? How can you possibly know what is going to "help" others? Do you have a universal recipe?]

"Then why not be courageous and die and see what happens."

[Then DIE!!! And see "what happens". By the way, do YOU yourself know "what happens" once you die? If not, and that is certainty, then why would you recommend something you yourself have no competence in? ANY clue?

Secondly, excuse me. But what does DEATH have to do with meditation? You mean just because you yourself is old enough to die, then the others must be obsessed with death also?

What is this death orientation?

There is no death of ANY kind in meditation. Just the other way around. At best, you can claim the mind stopping its endless chatter, and there are some gaps between the thoughts. But that has NOTHING to do with death.

Just the other way around. You become more alive then you have ever been. Do you see, sucker?

Sometimes, just walking or sitting by the sea, you also experience this tremendously soothing silence.

But... Do ANY of you in their clear mind will consider it to be some kind of death?]

"For the first time you will be born."

[How do you know? Are you God, all knowing? May be you should revise the Bible, the way you talk. Because it does need some updates after all these years.

You mean I am not born yet? I need your stupid "death" to be born?

You see, Mr. Brahmin, when you borrow things from Chandra Mohan, but can not see it with your own eyes, you are BOUND to fall into these traps, and I mean EVERY SINGLE STEP of the way. Who knows, you might have stepped on a mine!]

"Born into your true a..., your true nature."

[Just have mercy on yourself. You are not some God to tell me what is "true nature", or when and how I will be born or not.

What is "true nature" by the way? Do you know? Can "nature" be false? What is "nature" then?]

And so this bluff goes on, and all these gullible fools are listening with open mouths, salivating, thinking they are hearing nothing less than the message of God, and the sweat fruit of "enlightenment" is just around the corner, once they have come to a "seer" like this.

As long as your valet is not totally empty, you can still purchase more sessions with this saint like figurhead...

But just look into their eyes on those videos. What do you see but "blind following the blind, just to fall into a ditch"?

I, personally, would not trust this man even to clean my toilet. He would still find some cunning way to make it look like it is all done, while behind the places one can easily observe, there would be devils hiding.

Meditation and Death

Let us look into this "death" thing in a little more detailed way. Death, this Gurudev pseudo-master is talking about is not death of ANY kind.

It is about IDENTIFICATION. The "death", or rather disengagement with your IDENTITY, you think you are by saying things like "I am a car driver". Yes, it is true, you are not only a car driver. There is something else in you that is beyond your skill or occupation.

But it is not even that. You need that identity in your daily life, every moment of it more or less. Once your identity dies, YOU die. Without it, you can not exist in the physical world. Because precisely through that identity you learn who you are NOT. Is it just a mistake of some kind that you have precisely that identity, which you think you ARE? So, beware condemning or denying your identity. Because that is what you think you ARE, and that is precisely the "lesson" for you to learn!

Yes, you ARE that identity, but that is not the ONLY thing you are. There is something else in you that you never paid attention to most likely.

So, even if you forget about being a car driver, you are still there, undeniably so, just as meditation shows you in undeniable terms. In other words, there is something in you that exists independently of your identity as being this or that.

Chandra Mohan called it "death of your ego". And the miracle of meditation is that even when you are "dead" as your identity, you are still there as your consciousness, or rather "super" consciousness. Your ordinary consciousness, which is consciousness in medical terms is different. Because it is still an entanglement with all sorts of objects or issues of your day to day existence. But there is another level of consciousness within you, the consciousness where you are not focused on anything in particular. In that state, you are still there.

That state is what is called the meditation.

This is the very foundation of the very notion of meditation. But there is no death of any kind in it. It is nothing more than death of your ILLUSION of IDENTIFICATION "with Prakriti", nature, as Raja Yoga sutras of Patanjali call it.

It is just like a state of rest, when you are not engaged in all sorts of commotion of your daily activity. Simple as that. It is just like a sleep that gives you the immense rest. But would you call that sleep something like being "reborn" into something?

And so I claim: meditation has nothing to do with any kind of death. Just the other way around. It simply teaches you to accept the state of ultimate rest from all the commotion, which is healing. It releases you from the bondage of association with all sorts of objects and activities.

In that sense, meditation shows you your REAL nature, which is Oneness with All That Is. In meditation, the very idea of separation of you simply evaporates. There is no separation of any kind in meditation. "You ARE It". Remember?

In meditation, your channels to the Whole are open. In that state, you are It. It is a reminder to you of who you "really are". And it is healing, and it is a confirmation of your validity.

Death of non-existing is not death of any kind, and meditation simply shows you that those things, you are identified or entangled with are not necessarily all there is, even though you take it as such.

And that is ALL there is as far as meditation goes. Anything beyond it is just bluff and concoctions by the blind, who know not what they are talking about.

About Swami Devageet - C. H. Newman BDS. DipMDH

Swami Devageet is another phony. He is just selling you ALL sorts of things, none of which he can deliver as far as I can see.

And, not so amazingly, he also has HIS picture at the top of his web page, full of all sorts of concoctions, and no picture of Chandra Mohan. How come? Are you THAT important in the scheme of things? Who ARE you to begin with? Can you tell me?

And that picture of him is so disgusting as to its phoniness as to being simply nauseating. Probably one of the phoniest pictures I have seen.

You see, every single thing you have comes from where? Well, from Chandra Mohan! Poor you... But where is HIS picture on your crappy page, full of promises?

First of all, I do not know him as ANY kind of a "therapist". That was not what he was doing or being known for, at least on the ranch in Oregon, USA.

All I know about him is that he was is a dentist, and not a good one, at least according to his own dental assistant. He also screwed up a couple of my own teeth and made a disaster out of the mouth of Chandra Mohan. And now he poses as a "spiritual" dealer-wheeler.

Except this one is of a bigger caliber than many others. He calls himself a "Specialist in Healing and Spiritual Growth", which is complete garbage of a title. First of all, there is no such a thing as a specialist in spiritual growth. According to Chandra Mohan, only a "master" or an "enlightened" one can be classified as a "specialist" in such matters, and even there, the very term is utterly inappropriate. All others are just fools and con men. At BEST. "Spiritual growth" is not a skill you learn in some college, and it does not matter how many books you study.

What is "spiritual growth" is he talking about? Well, it is Life itself. Or do these phonies think that "spiritual growth" is only applicable to some "seeker" or "sannyasin"? But "what about US", just like Michael Jackson sings? Do you think this is just some "show"? No way. It is REALITY.

"Spiritual growth" is applicable to every single human being, no matter how "irreligious" they may look like. "Spiritual growth" is what Life is all about, no matter who you are and what you do. As far as I can see, those who claim to be some "experts" on these matters are precisely those who have the least of a chance at "spiritual growth". Real growth is not about obsession. It is about RECOGNITION, no matter who you are, even if you are a murderer. Let us leave it at that for now.

So, this phony falls on his face from the very first sentence he utters. Just look at the list of his "therapies". Even Karl Jung would feel jealous! He is promising you to "balance" anything under the sky, your "inner child", your "inner" blah, blah, blah, and you name it. He's got it. Just like God.

Like life is some kind of a balancing act. There is no "balance" between truth and a lie. In terms of your growth, there is no such a thing as a balance, unless you work in a circus or want to make some deal, if you look at it deeper than a skin level. All it is is a language of a Jew, a dealer, a language of compromise, a language of a belly. You balance things when you try to GAIN something, in which case you sacrifice something in order to get some benefit. So, you may even sacrifice your freedom or even Truth to get some money, "fame" or "prestige".

So it is a trade deal in essence. Life is about seeing, not "balancing". You need to SEE your "bad" deeds, which arise out of your misunderstanding and insensitivity, for what they are. You can not "balance" it by paying money for your blindness. You "balance" it either by SEEING and asking for forgiveness, or getting a new lesson on the same subject again and again, until you SEE it.

There is no balance between "past" life and present. There is no "balance" between your "inner child" and outer monster you are. There is no "balance" between love and hate. Can you hate a little bit and love a little bit at the same time? How? It is either you drop hate completely or drop love just the same. Is there a balance between the Truth and a lie? They say: "even a spoonful of a shoe polish can spoil a barrel of honey". Even a slightest presence of a lie poisons the Truth. There is no compromise between the Truth and a lie. There is no "balance" between sickness and health.

There is only a commitment to know That Which Is. Anything else is nothing but noise or an intermediate step, as far as I can see.

And so these phonies keep feeding you crap in the name of real, and promising you things they can not deliver, and that is how all this religious gobbledygook works with all those pretty pictures they show you and all those happy songs they sing and all their hugs that mean nothing at the end, when reality knocks on your door and you have to stand and face the REAL music.

He even goes into something utterly idiotic, such as "Past Life Therapy", the "Body Wisdom", "Psycho-Spiritual Counselling", "Life Context Overviewing", and about all of it is pure grade bluff, unless one is profoundly dishonest, to the point of being a total crook. But all of it looks like something great, such as "body wisdom". And it creates customers. And if you listen to their parrot talk, you might say "wow"!

For example, what is this "Life Context Overviewing" he is selling? What is context? Well, context means the environment you are in, which is unlimited and multi-dimensional reality. So, to "overview" nothing less then life context, you need to "overview" the infinite and unlimited aspects of life as such, which can only be done by God. Unless you limit the notion of context with your shoes. Where is the end of context? Or where is the end of you and a beginning of context? Context may imply your past or present actions or experiences, or the situations you are in. It implies everything but "you", like there is some isolated "you" that is totally separate from your "context", like you stand in some "opposition" to the rest of life. Sorry, but I can not even comprehend the idea of a "context" because I can not comprehend or separate even my "real self" from the rest of Life.

It has been said: We are all ONE. At best, you can state that we represent, express and experience all the possible permutations and variations of that Infinite Multidimensional Intelligence, which is inseparable by definition, that Oneness that represents the UNITY of all.

No matter how much you "overview" your surroundings, you will never succeed in making some final determination as it goes against the very purpose of life. Because it implies death. Final determination means death. It is that illusion of separation, that results in the ideas of "borders" of you, as something separate from the rest of Life. It is not even clear where is the beginning of one experience and perception and the end of another. In that sense, EVERYTHING is a part of "context" for everything else. So, to "overview" your "context", you would have to first SEPARATE yourself from the rest of Life, which is probably the greatest illusion there is. Just about the only thing you can expect at the end is your scull cracking up.

How can one even conceive of selling such things as "life context overviewing" is beyond my comprehension.

It is just like psychoanalysis. No matter how much you analyze someone, you can never, even in principle analyze someone completely. It is all nothing but bluff.

Secondly, "Healing physical disease" belongs to a medical field and requires a medical license to the best of my understanding.

Basically, his list of "services" is an utterly bizarre, to the point of being disgusting, list of assorted concoctions, based in fiction. He does not have ANY of it as far as I can see. He is merely parasiting on your gullibility and stupidity, just as taught by Chandra Mohan.

He even uses the copyright symbol with his "Illumination Therapy". Is this a joke? This fool does not even have enough intelligence to see that things like these can not be copyrighted in principle. Only the contents of a creative works can. Who is this "healer"-dealer-wheeler trying to delude and for what purpose, beyond trying to make a buck by peddling some lowest grade crap with great sounding labels to the clueless, none of which is genuinely his?

What is this "Illumination" thing and where does it come from? Tadaaam! From the Illuminati secret society created by Adam Weishaupt, which, later on, became the "Committee of 300", the "rulers" of this world and the very nature of the so called NWO agenda. Simple as that. Where did he even learn this term of "Illumination"?

Thirdly, claiming a copyright for someone else's work and ideas is simply an indication of profound dishonesty. What did he invent, if anything? Is there any evidence, in terms of medical or scientific studies, that proves that such a "therapy" can deliver the fruits he claims it delivers? Because he talks about it like it was something proven to be valid. The very word "therapy" sounds like something scientific, like some remedy, known to work. Where is the evidence then, and what kind of evidence there could possibly be to prove it helps in "spiritual growth", or even "healing" for that matter?

He claims that Chandra Mohan "revealed" him the details of this revolutionary therapy. First of all, I am not aware of anything of this sort Chandra Mohan would "reveal" to anyone in private. For what? He could just speak about it in public. Was it some "secret message"? Then why are you preaching it if it was given to you and you only?

Question: was he under influence of nitrogen oxide when he "revealed" this revolutionary "therapy", especially considering that he himself stated that all the "therapies" are nothing more than bluff? Because that could explain some of it.

The very term "illumination therapy" is so bizarre, that even abracadabra sounds as something more real. Illumination, or, rather, light comes not as a result of some "therapy". This is nothing more than "spiritual crime" as J. Krishnamurti classified the whole trip of Chandra Mohan.

Or was it merely a slip of the tongue admitting the Chandra Mohan's connections with the Illuminati secret society? Because it seems there is just way too many common points between this "NWO" agenda and all those "messages" about the advantages of the "borderless world" he would forever preach.

No wonder U. G. Krishnamurti called all those "enlightened" people, that forever have all sorts of "revelations", the drug addicts. The question arises: why would "enlightened" person need drugs? For what? To see even MORE "truth"? You mean the "truth" they saw so far is not enough? How could this be? In that case, whatever they claim as "enlightenment" is not complete.

To me, if "enlightened" person needs drugs to see even more, it is nothing but greed of someone, who does not have it. Or, alternatively, that "enlightenment" is nothing more than a myth, a carrot, hung in front of your nose to forever chase and never reach.

Swami Devageet is the person who administered the nitrogen oxide to Chandra Mohan on a regular basis on the ranch in Oregon, USA.

He is on record during some book dictations by Chandra Mohan under influence of nitrogen oxide, such as:

"Notes of a Madman"


"Books I Have Loved".

This man could provide quite some evidence as to the nature of some things that may raise some eyebrows, but only if he is capable of saying the truth, which I doubt, just by looking at the list of his "therapies".

And now he is offering the one to one "therapy" sessions around the globe, and the list of "therapies" he has to offer is the biggest I have ever seen. Yes, one thing he did learn from Chandra Mohan is greed. Of ULTIMATE proportions. Has anyone seen any person, who is competent in so many diverse areas, unless he was a bluffing conman?

He even has guts to offer the "Past Life Therapy"! Nothing less. Well, Chandra Mohan is on record saying: there is no such thing as reincarnation. Whatever left of you is the memories about you.

Book title: Satyam Shivam Sundram
Chapter: A peace that passeth all misunderstanding

"All the so-called religions have been making graves for you, destroying your life, your love, your joy, and filling your heads with fantasies, illusions, hallucinations about God, about heaven and hell, about reincarnation, and all kinds of crap."

Book: The Language of Existence
Chapter: The sky of completion Date: Fri, 4 April 1989

"But I want to say one thing to you:

the whole idea of reincarnation is a misconception."

There is even more direct quote on "reincarnation" by Chandra Mohan when he spoke in Oregon, USA. Do your own research on it. But keep in mind that quite a few mind blowing things were edited out from what is available out there.

Just logically, in order to do any kind of "therapy" on the "past lives" of others, you need to be able to READ and SEE those "past lives", and that is quite a grand claim in itself. Not many people in the entire history made such claims. So, this is something that could discredit you probably more than anything else.

As far as I can see, whatever he claims to offer is lies. Nothing more. He simply does not have it.

Furthermore, his "services" are nothing more than a list of most profound bullshit. As far as I can see, he has no competence in any of it, and some of it is nothing more than the attempts to sell you "the emperor clothes".

He will not be able to prove his competence in ANY of it. On the top of it, some things he offers require a medical certification in my opinion.

According to his own dental assistant, he screwed up the teeth of Chandra Mohan so bad, that his mouth looked like a disaster at the end, and it is his only expertise as far as I know.

He also managed to screw up a couple of my own teeth so bad, that his own dental assistant, present during the operation, said: "I could not believe what he was doing to your teeth. But I could not tell him anything. That would only create more problems and nothing else." As a result, I lost those teeth.

And I bet THAT is what he is going to do to your being for the price that will raise some eyebrows. If anything, he can make your valet thinner.

-- Mahasattva Anand Veeren, Acharya

Beware of "spiritual criminals"

Yes, beware of "spiritual criminals" as J. Krishnamurti called them!

Just look at Gurudev, or "Whomsoever" as he calls himself nowadays. The first 10 days of his "40 Day Osho Meditation Retreat" is what?

Well, it is reducing you to a beast, so you could recognize how screwed up you are, and would be willing to pay as much as you can afford just to get rid of it with their help.

To make a long story short, ALL the "techniques" and "active meditations" of Chandra Mohan, such as "Dynamic" or "Kundalini", and especially these "intensive" "therapies" are simply to exhaust you. You will not find anything at the end. At the most, you LOOSE something, and that is all the garbage accumulated in your mind. Simple as that. And even that much is doubtful.

It is like having sex and hoping to resolve your "spiritual problems" with it. How? Yes, there is Tantra and there are claims that it raises the level of your "spirituality". But even there, in order for you to have a spiritual contact with your partner, you have to already be on a certain level. Otherwise, it is nothing more than another form of sexual ritual, signifying nothing. And again, because you fundamentally can not be just "transformed" and your blindness remains just the same. At best, you can claim that those, who are already on a certain level of "spiritual maturity", may experience something extraordinary as a result.

Most likely, you will simply be reprogrammed with a new set of instructions and the old program will be replaced with a new one. Nothing more than that.

I have participated in some, if not most, "intensive therapies" myself, just out of curiosity, and about the only thing I recall is simply feeling stupid. ABSOLUTELY nothing had changed. It is just like getting drunk out of your head and then throwing it all up and feeling rotten the next day. That is the extent of it.

Because it changes nothing. Your misunderstandings remain just the same. Even if you simply talk to your friend or someone you trust and tell them your "problem", he may show you a different angle on the whole thing and you may RECOGNIZE the very root of your "problem" and it will loose its grip on you.

I recall participating in one of those "intensive therapy" courses under guidance of one very insensitive and obnoxious old man, who basically stated at the beginning: I could care less you exist and you can do anything you want here, "it is not MY problem". And he just sat there, for several days, smiling like a sadist when they were jumping on each other and throwing the ugliest and most violent energy around. And about the only thing he did was to provoke even more violent and ugliest expressions and outbursts of animalistic nature, pinching them with a needle of psychological insults and torture, and they would lick it off his fingers and bite this bate with excitement. Basically, all they were doing all the time is attacking each other and insulting each other in the ugliest ways. It was bewildering for me to see all that madness but I wanted to see it to the end.

Interestingly enough, the "group leader" was a retired Jewish doctor. Basically, as I can see it now in retrospect, he was a pathological sadist, and he indeed did not care for any of them, even if they would attempt to kill each other. Because "it was not HIS problem".

For him, it was probably the reinforcement of the ideas of the Talmud, which says that all non-"Jews" are animals, literally, and are to be treated like animals, which is exactly how he treated them. And I would not be surprised that he did not even realize what was he doing and for what reason. He himself needed some "therapy" probably more than anyone in that room. The expression on his face was of some "holier than thou" member of "elite", mixed with a thin sadistic smile, just like of "Angel of Death", Josef Mengele, of Nazi Germany. As Gregory Klimov describes it, he was a pure grade degenerate.

The essentials of the issue of degeneracy - Gregory Klimov Interview

Later on, I have seen him on the ranch a number of times, and every time I saw him it was along the same lines. He was probably 70 years old and he was ALWAYS with some young woman, whom he screwed. These women are called "shiksas" in the ZioNazi lexicon, meaning a beautiful bitch or a whore, an animal to be screwed, a peace of "meat", LITERALLY.

And if you think that he was just some aberration, think again. From what I have seen, and I have seen most of what they have, these "group leaders" are pathologically sick people, perverts and sadists. And that is why they are obsessed with negative energy. Because that is what they feed on like vampires, and I mean literally. Their very nature is destruction and disgust. It is not accidental that they have become the "group leaders".

The whole thing was simply bizarre. All they did was to insult others, throwing their puss and hate on them and accusing them of all sorts of things that do not fulfill THEIR expectation of what you MUST have done. Basically, it was generation of utmost negativity. I do not recall a single person ever that would say at the end of these "therapies": yes, I did see something and now I understand something.

The last "intensive therapy" course I participated in was with one of the most feared of all the "therapists" of Chandra Mohan, Rajen, one of the worst sadists in that "mystic school". It was the same crap as usual, and at the end, when we all sat in a circle and he would move around and sit in front of each person, looking into his eyes, when he sat in front of me, I just started laughing like a mad man. It was something unreal. I could not believe what I see. Because I saw absolutely nothing but bluff of "holier than thou". His "smile of love" was so phony as to be simply pathetic. From then on, I would not even conceive of such a stupidity as to go book some session with even more "powerful" "therapist". Because the only thing left for me was to simply puke morning to night, every single day of it.

These "spiritual criminals", knowingly or unknowingly, are manipulating your mind and force it to become lower than of a beast, in order for you to surrender your intelligence to them so they could "fix" you later on, as you will INEVITABLY see on their later videos.

Once you go through these "intensive therapies", even if you do not have any kind of "problems" they expect you to have or to find, you will be forced into a state of utter ugliness, some primitive beast, or some other kind of idiocy.

And once you see this ugliness in yourself, you start thinking: "oh, I see what is wrong with me. I have to work on this", and so the trip of "fixing" it starts, thus admitting that you are as screwed up as it gets, and this "group leader" is some kind of a demi-god, who will help you to "go through it", and get rid of this sickness, you did not even have when you have started all those sessions of "healing" something in you, that does not need to be healed.

Sure, you can scream your head off, just like they do on a football stadium. Yes, it will relieve you of your anxiety, just like ejaculation. But do you think you are "healed" by it? What has fundamentally changed within you after you ejaculate or scream your head off? Do you know? And I tell you, you are EXACTLY the same man you were before. If you think catharsis will make you any different, poor you. What has fundamentally changed within you after this catharsis thing, and how? According to what miracle by simply shouting your head off you can see something new in your life, and what IS that "new" you are going to see after it?

What is needed is a RECOGNITION, and not jamming your mind with hysterical procedures. That emptiness in you, which arises out of misunderstanding and blindness, can not be filled with ANYTHING. All you are going to achieve as a result is piling more garbage on that humongous pile of junk that is inside of you already.

And you can not FORCE that recognition. It is about one of the gentlest and most illusive things there are, and it comes when you yourself recognize that you are missing nothing. Never did in fact. You can not achieve that STATE via ANY kind of tension.

At the VERY best, you will recognize eventually what an idiot you were your entire life, seeking for something you think is missing within you. Yes, true, you were zombified since the cradle with all the inferiority like propaganda about your inherent "defectiveness" or even "evilness" unless you follow their dogma. But so what?

The problem arises out of assumption that everyone is nothing more than an idiot when he was born, and unless he is filled with all sorts of garbage and dogmas, "he has no chance", to "survive" that is. So everyone, starting with your parents and then teachers, start molding you into some mold and trying to make you submit to some dogmatic "system" of knowledge and "rules" of life.

Let me say a few words in defense of this bestial activity of behaving like an animal in some intensive "therapy" group or session.

Yes, it is true that people are not in touch with their own being. They have been programmed and zombified with all sorts of things and they never stretch the limits of that programming being forever busy, forever trying to "catch up" with it in order to "survive".

In that sense, going to outer limits of your self-image may be useful. Because when you allow yourself full freedom to go to the outermost limits of what you think you are, you may find some things you have never suspected. You might have never thought that you are capable of going "so low". But you did. And what it means is an indication to you that what you THOUGHT you are is not what you "really" are. You might think you are such and such smart fart. But what you found while going "down to it" is that you are nothing more than a beast. And that is quite a revelation. So... It simply shows you that what you thought you are is quite limited. Because you are more than that, be it in some ugly way.

And about the only purpose of it is for you to start reconsidering who you thought you are. That, in some way, opens up "new horizons" as now you have a chance to go beyond those limits. Yes, seeing your ugliness, violence and intolerance MAY make you look at it and see how much it hurts others.

And yet, fundamentally, it is no different than ANY real life experience. What prevents you from seeing it in your daily life? What is life for, if not EXACTLY the "intensive therapy" course that lasts to your last breath? Why can not you see your own violence or intolerance towards others as it happens in your life? You see, if you could not learn it via your REAL life, then how can you learn it via some artificial session, which is nothing more than mind projections? HOW, I ask you? What kind of magic happens during some "therapy" session that may make you SEE "how it really is"?

Yes, you can argue: but if I allow myself to be as I am, I may even hurt the other people sometimes. But when I go to some session, we all agreed that we will get hurt, so it is "hurt by agreement", and, therefore, not subject to the law of Karma. But I ask you: WHO are you kidding? It is EXACTLY the same thing. Do you think that hurting someone during some "therapy" you hurt LESS? According to what magic? To me, it is EXACTLY the same thing.

Jesus said: it is not only when you commit adultery, you are doing wrong, but even when you THINK about it. You see, just the very idea of an evil act IS already an act of evil, even though it is not yet expressed in actuality. But it is just a matter of time. Sooner or later, it will become an action. Because the very seed of it is still sitting inside you. You are still not seeing the roots of it. You are still confused as to its nature.

Those "therapies" is just like anything else in your life that was unknown to you. When you solve some challenge in your life or resolve some misunderstanding, arising out of blindness, it is exactly the same thing. You might have never even suspected that you can do this. But you did it. A "positive reinforcement" procedure.

And that is about all I know about this growling like an animal "therapy", which is utter crap to me. If I conduct some "therapy" session and someone growls for whatever reason, my position is to throw him out. He is just way too hopeless to even try to "help" him. Because that growling is nothing more than AVOIDING. Do you walk on the streets growling? No. You walk on the street and then boom - someone either stepped on your toe, or some car was about to hit you because of some reckless driving. And so you explode or feel hurt or offended. Basically because of certain expectation as to how it "should" happen. But it did NOT happen as you were programmed it "should" happen.

So, what does it mean? Well, it means to me that you still do not SEE. You still did not learn that life is what it is, and not how it "should" be. If you see yourself hurt in such situation, why not consider it and do not do anything like it YOURSELF because you SAW how it hurts? And when it happens the next time, you won't explode or feel hurt. Because you SEE its inevitability because of blindness of others. What's the point for YOU to be hurt because the other is blind? What does it help? What does it resolve? What does it rectify?

Even if you say to someone, who stepped on your toe: Sir, it hurts! In all likelihood, he will simply tell you: sorry! without even FEELING any of it. Or could be even worse - he might get ANGRY at YOU and tell you: but why are you there on MY way!!! Because he is blind and insensitive.

And if he is not, he himself will look at you with compassion and say: sorry, I did not mean it. I just got carried away with my thoughts and have not noticed you. So, there is nothing to learn or to teach. These bumping into each other experiences are nothing more than tests for you of whether you have really learned the lesson of Life. Nothing more.

That is ALL you need to learn. Life is not there to fulfill your EXPECTATIONS. It is there for you to SEE and to be sensitive and AWARE of your own acts or the acts of others, that violate the harmony and create unnecessary problems, of which you become aware. And it is all very simple. You don't have to be some "giant of thought" to SEE and FEEL. That is all I know.

These "therapists" will speak to you with full confidence in a soft deep voice, and will look like the "enlightened" ones, those, who really know how to "fix" you.

But don't you notice their artificial "softness" is static, unmovable, just like death? Because the alive human being can not possibly behave the same way all the time. There are winds and rains, and there are earthquakes in real life. Where IS it in them, masquerading to be god-like with their phony smiles and their phony relaxation? All you are going to see in them is the same "happy", smiling face of a phony, who "knows not what he is doing" and utterly false state of artificial relaxation they project on you.

Do they actually "fix" ANYTHING in you? Ask anybody you know and see how far did they progress with all these trips in terms of them SEEING something that represents the essence of Life.

Among all the "therapists", I personally had to deal with, there was just one single lady, one of the most "powerful" as they claimed, and so I booked a personal session with her. We sat in front of each other. She is silent and I am silent. She was expecting I will start whining about some "problem". Because that is the whole point of that exercise. But she could not hear any "problem".

So, after sitting in front of each other for about 5 minutes in utter silence, she finally said "what are you doing here? You don't have any kind of problem I know of. Get out of here. Do not waste my valuable time." Because she was not a liar or manipulator, inventing some kind of "problem", sucking it out from her finger. And everybody was afraid to even book a session with her. Because she could see though ANY kind your bullshit with a single look. Now, how many of this kind of "therapists" do you think there are? Have you seen a SINGLE one? Who is he? I'd like to know his name.

The problem with the mind, if you do not trust yourself, is that it is an extremely powerful tool. It will allow you to travel to all sorts of places and take all sorts of forms. You can imagine you are ANYTHING, no matter who you "really" are. Even if you are the most gentle being, never in your life committing any violence, you can be made as violent as a monster by simply manipulating your mind and making it take any kind of form or shape the mind controller wants, and make you to believe this is what you really are right now, and so they can "fix" you.

There exists a well documented research in this area. One of the most well publicized cases is a study where a group of people were selected to study what kind of transformation takes place depending on you being either a prison personnel or a prisoner. A group of about 40 people were divided in two parts. One part is the prison personnel and the other part is the prisoners.

What happened at the end is that even the most gentle people out of those, selected as prison personnel, eventually became the power hungry monsters. Within just a few days. The whole thing ended up in murder and the study had to be stopped. That was the most shocking conclusion of this whole experiment.

There is a notion of "sleepers" in Illuminati agenda of this monstrous "NWO" thing. Sleepers are programmed to perform ANY kind of violent act upon triggering, done via specific phrases or notions they were programmed with. This is not a joke, but one of the most evil aspects of today's world very few are even are aware of.

The "spiritual" weapons are the most potent weapons there are. BY FAR!

You will become a "spiritual" slave or a zombie much sooner, and with much higher probability, then for you to become "enlightened".

In fact, your odds are something like 1 to 1,000,000 to attain seeing the essence of life, and your odds are 1,000,000 to 1 to become a spiritual zombie.

Better think about this REAL well before you "surrender" to some Gurudev, Tirtha, Rajen or some other "therapist" or so called master.

Because mind is programmable just like a computer.

These "spiritual" "masters", in order for you to accept them as real, will first have to show you that what you are is no better than some monster. Once you see that, you are in their trap, and you will do just about ANYTHING they will tell you, and will even pay top dollar for it, thinking you are getting something of value in return, some "enlightenment", some "liberation", some "freedom".

Freedom from what?
From yourself?

And you, gullible fools, that have already been programmed by your parents, teachers, politicians and all sorts of "authorities", are already suggestive enough to accept some "authority", some "master" (of disaster).

You have been zombified and made into bio-robots from your cradle, and your own parents, doing all that zombification, are not even aware they are doing it, thinking it is all "the right thing to do".

See these catch phrases?

"Because this is the right thing to do".
"Because everybody says so".
"Because this is good for you".
"Because it is GOOD for your family".
"Because it is GOOD for your country".
"He is a BAD guy".

Do you see how they force you to some conclusion with this fake logic of "because", which is obviously indisputable? And what IS "the right thing to do" and why? WHO says it is the "RIGHT thing to do" and you should, therefore, do it, without even questioning ANY of it?

And what is that "right" thing? How do you know it is "right"?

Do you see this?

"Good and bad",
"right and wrong",
"black and white",
the ideology of fascism.

Out of unlimited number of colors in a rainbow, only black and white are considered of any value.

Now, what is "good"? Do you know? Under what circumstances? For whose interest and benefit? For what purpose? In what time frame? And the list has barely begun.

They feed you morality as one of the most potent weapons to control you via your own mind. The same exact mechanism is functioning with all this "spiritual" gobbledygook.


What is at stake is your own life. Nothing less.

The techniques of "intensive therapies" are extremely potent and, if used by some phonies, who do not even necessarily realize what they are doing, are as dangerous as it gets, even if it does not happen immediately. And this is EXACTLY what this "spiritual criminal", Gurudev, is doing in effect by facilitating the situations for people to get ugly and even violent, which solves nothing and helps nothing I know of.

Why not create the situations where people can learn the Harmony of all, respect, appreciation, conscience, sensitivity, beauty, friendship, support, Love, all permeating, and, ultimately, a recognition that we are all ONE? Yes, it is much more difficult to be genuinely creative, than to simply get into some stupid, meaningless fight. Any idiot can do that without even learning the "techniques of intensive therapies"!

So, these fools, being utterly uncreative, resort to simply borrowing some "therapy technique" from some Chandra Mohan, not even realizing what they are doing and for what purpose. Just ask them: can you please tell me how am I going to get "fixed" as a result of your therapy? What will CHANGE in me? What will I be able to SEE as a result? How does it work? See what they tell you.

Does he have a medical license of being competent to deal with human souls and psyche? Or, does he think he can just screw with your Souls like they are nothing more than some game balls on the table, to be bumped into each other? Does not he realise that he creates the tremendous negative Karma, and for HIMSELF included, that has to be resolved sooner or later? What is he doing by stimulating and provoking the ugliness, violence and utter disgust, reducing people to the level of the most primitive beasts, and thus creating the illusion that this ugliness can get fixed in the future if they pay enough and visit more of these "therapy" sessions? What are these "therapies" doing or achieving beyond creating some business for themselves? Who are they kidding but themselves?

Did he do any studies on it? Does he have ANY kind of evidence that it really helps anything? How? And what DOES it "help"? How do you even evaluate that anything has fundamentally changed?

WHO is he to force people to behave like beasts, growling at each other and doing the most idiotic things conceivable? For what purpose? Does he even know or realize the impact such profound ugliness may have on your beings, that creates all sorts of problems and issues that do not even exist in your lives, with these mind games, called "therapies"? And what is the result beyond growing this new kind of dependency of a "spiritual needle"?

All he is doing is repeating the Chandra Mohan's tricks, without even realising the results and impact of it.

How can you achieve Love and SEEING via violence and idiocy? It is like banging you on the head with a hammer and asking you: do you feel LOVE yet? Go to some sadists or sadomasochists or sexual perverts and ask them: do you feel LOVE yet? This is the same exact thing.

I remember one lady that was doing some groups in Chandra Mohan's ashram. These groups usually last for several days. She kept weeping and crying about herself in self pity almost every moment of that group, day in, day out, morning to night. Because everybody was provoked into becoming "who they really are", meaning to get to the lowest step of a ladder, and even go lower than that, just to see their "nature" as to "who they are right now", so they could get "liberated" later on.

I, personally, have not seen a single person liberated as a result. She kept crying and weeping and begging for something, she did not even know. From what I see, it is just a result of her mistrust to herself, and belief that she is not pretty enough or deserving enough to be loved by some man. And then I saw her several years later, in exactly the same situation, doing exactly the same stupid thing. And what is the result?

What does it take to become "free" of all your limitations and to attain that sweet something, they are selling you? Do you know?

The very essence of these intensive "therapies" can be expressed in a single sentence: How does it FEEL to be a beast? This is known as the "negative approach", which is the very essence of Satanism. Because it LOWERS you and diminishes your validity instead of helping you to SEE your Grand Nature of being a particle of The Infinite, Multidimensional Intelligence, Ever Unfolding and All Pervading.

Yes, the "negative approach" also "works". In India, it is called Neti, Neti, which is negation of that, which is false. As a result of such negation, whatever is left at the end is Truth. Except the path is longer because you are deluded and are led into some dark valley. As it has been said: You are looking for Light in the valley of darkness. Yes, sooner or later, you are simply bound to see that you are not even looking in the right places.

Once you accept there is something "wrong" with you, it is like a spiritual needle, a drug to which you become addicted. You will be spending YEARS of your life enjoying all the "progress" you THINK you have made.

Because you are not even looking in the right direction - sensing all pervading Love as the foundation of life, and feeling compassion for all those, who keep struggling with illusions of all kinds. And you don't look at friendship of all people, and you don't even consider that we are all ONE and indivisible, and all of us are "on the same boat".

Have not you seen enough ugliness, violence, greed, arrogance and utter idiocy in your life? How much more do you wish to see in order for you to start looking at the places of Love? Are you a pathological masochist? Why do you need to SUFFER? Have you EVER asked this question? Why don't you try and feel in your chest what kind of a hint your Soul and your Heart may give you? Have you ever tried?

Why do you have to fight but to prove to YOURSELF that you are something "superior" to others, as a result of feeling deep insight that you are "nothing"? ALL you are saying essentially is that you are "better" then your own co-travellers, moving to the same destination.

And the end result? Well, look at these great "therapists" like Tirtha, Rajen and this Gurudev pseudo-master, whose shoes many are licking on a daily basis, or that Osho Rajneesh snake oil salesman. What do you see there?

And some of them are not just some "regular" swamis. They were thought to be the inheritors of Chandra Mohan's "throne", once he is gone to better places. They were to continue his work as was commonly accepted.

And what is the result. Just look at them now.

They are even ashamed to mention the name of Chandra Mohan, despite the fact that nearly everything they have, at least as far as these "therapies" go, comes from Chandra Mohan. Now they are running their own little "spiritual" empires, "therapy" schools and all sorts of "camps", "retreats", "resorts" and you name it, being the parasites they are.

And some of them have spent YEARS with Chandra Mohan, being as close to him, as it gets, doing ALL sorts of "therapies" themselves and seeing it every single day of their life doing it to others.

I claim it is nearly certain that by the end they will simply become sadists, enjoying the perverted pleasures of spiritual torturing. Because by then, that is about the only "joy" they know of. It has become a habit, a drug. And no wonder, seeing all these stupid people begging on their knees, behaving like animals in their groups, and crying like babies, and for no good reason at all, what happens to your own Self? Do you have a clue?

Well, as far as I see, you simply become a spiritual slave. FOREVER. Addicted to all this filth. You simply become sicker and sicker.

Destruction in the name of Osho


Yes, I have heard ALL sorts of stories about this so called inner circle and all the corporations built around Chandra Mohan's name and fame. And I have heard the first hand statements by the people close to Chandra Mohan including some of his best musicians.

But I have not heard this one so far.

It has to do with some of the very best of the best Chandra Mohan's musicians, Miten and Premal.

This criminally minded money gang calling themselves all sorts of names and titles even had guts to do the clearly destructive acts, such as whining to YouTube so that they remove some of the creative work by Mitten, and so it was removed. And not only that, which they whined about, but ALL other works by Miten, he is clearly the copyright owner of.

This video is made by Miten and it talks about it:

Osho Video - Osho, No Copyright On Freedom

Looks like the time has come to do some investigation on these corporations and foundations. Specifically, the money and copyright related issues.

Secondly, I am not sure they will be able to provide any evidence that they are either rightful copyright or trademark holders. The copyright law is one of the most complex areas of law and the issues of validity of copyright ownership are not that simple.

Negativity should not be allowed

When things on the ranch in Oregon were getting out of control, and more and more people would feel like shit, this "greatest master" ordered to Sheela:

"Negativity should not be allowed" (literal quote).

You see?

"SHOULD"! - That is the language of dictators, isn't it? "NOT"! - You see, "not" is as negative as it gets, isn't it? "ALLOWED"! - Allowed by whom?

Sounds like the words of the great "master"? Of what?

Well, to me, it sounds like the words of some dictator. Because that is exactly the kind of language they usually use.

What is this? Some concentration camp? Some instruction to some soldiers, slaves, zombies and assorted bio-robots?

But what about that "elite"? Those "chosen few", as he calls "his people"? Do they also need these kinds of directives to be ingrained in their minds? What kind of "elite" they are in that case?

If you feel shitty, as you are being abused morning to night, or whatever is the issue, what is wrong with expressing it? Are you lying? Sure, "lies should not be allowed" just plainly makes sense.

But Chandra Mohan himself said, "you should be authentic and sincere". What follows then? And what follows, according to his own recipes, is that you should look at it "as deeply as you can". If there is some problem, should you just deny it? Suppress it? Pretend it does not exist? Kill those "evil ones"?

See? It simply does not make ANY sense as far as his own doctrine goes.

If you feel like shit, what are you to do? Suppress? But he forever tells you "Do not suppress. Otherwise, it will simply become a perversion". So, how do you "not allow the negativity"? What do you do? Shoot them?

Why not send those people to some "therapy" group so they could be helped, if those "therapies" really work?

One interesting thing with this is that Chandra Mohan himself was quite negative, dumping on the heads of just about anyone, who comes to his mind as some kind of authority. Even of those "great enlightened" beings of the past and present.

As far as I can see, that "negativity should not be allowed" thing was in fact nothing more than a monstrous censorship procedure, trying to suppress and deny what was beginning to boil up nearly every place you look. It was nothing more than a desperate attempt at "controlling the damages".

Another thing is, why would that "negativity" even appear in such a happy place, where people happily "dance on the streets" all day long? Where did it come from?

Yes, you do need to have guts to face the music, whatever that music is. That can not be denied. But to merely "not allow"? How? Call Jose Delgado and make him install some electrode in your brain so it no longer happens? And, amazingly enough, with his fascination with Delgado and his work, that could very well be the way to go about it. But what does it change?


Well, this "enlightenment" carrot is quite some subject. No questions about it.

What is "enlightenment"? Well, simple really. It is when your mind stops, or "permanently ceases" as Chandra Mohan says. What?

Yep, just like animals. Do animals have mind? Can they think? Well, they don't. Just look at the dog chasing the ball or a stick thrown by his owner while they play? The dog keeps running after that stick and keeps bringing it back to his master, and as soon as he brings it back, his master throws it again, and again, and again. How stupid! If a dog could think, he would think: this thing is stupid. He threw the stick and I brought it back. But he is throwing it again. I can not be THAT stupid to keep running after it and bringing it back forever.

Actually, just yesterday I saw one beautiful, cheerful and intelligent dog. His owner lady would keep throwing the ball and he kept bringing it back, pretending to look that he is excited. But the way it was happening was strange, so I kept looking at it. Then, when she threw it, he tried to run away and hide that ball under the grass, just to take it away from her. Otherwise, she would inevitably throw it again. And he was not interested in this stupid game. He wanted to do HIS thing - to run around, sniff everything in site and just enjoy life. But she kept forcing him to do this stupid and meaningless exercise in futility. So, he kept trying to hide that ball behind the light pole and all sorts of places, and was seemingly getting frustrated to the point that he was willing to dig a hole in the ground and hide it there, so he would never see that ball again!!! Apparently, he was smarter than his stupid owner lady, who could not see that he is not interested in it. She was simply taking his life away from him and forcing him to be a slave of her idiotic ideas, desires and complexes. I really felt sorry for the poor chap. What a drag to have such a foolish and insensitive owner!

So, the "enlightened" person is like a dumb animal, and that is how most of them look like, sitting there with a smile forever frozen on their faces in that eternal "paradise" of "enlightenment". You see, no mind - no problems, only the eternal bliss remains. Is this real one might ask? What is the difference between them and animals then? Both do not have the mind and both are happy as a dog chasing a stick.

There is another twist to it. Chandra Mohan says: "but when I speak to you I am using my mind". Strange. That means that when the "enlightened" person speaks, he becomes unenlightened, and, therefore, anything he says is not the words of enlightened being. Because to speak you need the mind, and anything you say out of the mind is what? How can it be any different than the words of "unenlightened" one? What is the difference really? Do any of you know?

First of all, Chandra Mohan himself stated there is no enlightenment during one of his later discources in Oregon. The same thing is with reincarnation. So...

There is this story I vaguely remember from Chandra Mohan's life. There was a man with a donkey and he wanted that donkey to go somewhere. But the donkey would not budge, no matter what he did. He kicked him on the ass, pulled him by his ears, but no luck.

You see, those donkeys are really smart! And they are authentic, not like all these phonies calling themselves all sorts of names and giving themselves all sorts of "holier than thou" titles. If donkey does not feel like doing something, there is nothing you can do to force him. You can just kill him, but he won't budge. And THAT is the REAL courage and sincerity.

So, someone recommended to the poor guy just to hold a carrot in front of the donkey's nose, and, as soon, as he starts moving towards it, to move the carrot away so he walks towards it. And the miracle happened, donkey started walking after that carrot until they got home.

The moral of the story? Well, I would not be surprised THAT is the reason Chandra Mohan invented that "enlightenment" carrot, so you all chase it forever. And no matter how long are you going to be chasing it, you won't get it. Simple, isn't it? Pure elegance of a solution to a problem of a fool.

Here is probably one of the key questions, and I claim this is the CENTRAL question as far as this "enlightenment" thing goes:

Book: Discipline of Transcendence Vol 2
Chapter: A hollow bamboo


Well, "the greatest master ever" does not really answer the question. The question reduces to the issue of parasitism. You can simply paraphrase it like this:

Is enlightened person a parasite? Yes or no. No long and boring piles of bullshit, avoiding the issue, please.

I claim such person is a parasite that has herds of slaves to do the work and bring him the benefits of their labor, and be forever reminded of how screwed up they are and how difficult it is to achieve this "enlightenment" carrot.

But look at the other side of his mouth:

Book: This Very Body the Buddha
Chapter: Now is the Only Time for the Heart

Question: Since your program began, what results have there been with your sannyasins? Has anyone become enlightened?

Answer: "They are all enlightened people. I don't deal with unenlightened people at all. I have never come across any unenlightened person. Since I became enlightened I have been coming across enlightened people - enlightened men, enlightened women, enlightened dogs and donkeys. Enlightened trees and rocks and stars. The whole existence exists in enlightenment, that's its very rhythm."

Sounds good?

Well, if they are all "enlightened people", then what do they need YOU for? To make them even MORE "enlightened"? In that case, that "enlightenment" is incomplete, and if so, then how does one know which "enlightenment" is more "enlightened"? What if "enlightenment" is not "enlightened" enough? Could this be the case?

Enlightenment RHYTHM? Would you like THAT kind of crap for breakfast? Then what this existence is needed for if it already "attained" the ULTIMATE - "enlightenment"? So, the whole show is over. You can all go home now!

"Whoever comes to me is enlightened - what more do you need? If they persist not to realize it, that is their joy. That is their freedom! This much freedom every enlightened person should have - that if he wants to behave in an unenlightened way, he has to be allowed. If even this freedom is lost, what type of enlightenment is this? A few people choose to behave unenlightenedly, perfectly good."

"Sometimes they behave this way, sometimes that way - that too is good."

"All is accepted here. And I am not result-oriented at all. 'Result' is a dirty word - even though it is not four-lettered, it is dirty all the same. It is result that has poisoned the whole humanity."

"If they persist not to realize it"? How is this possible that "enlightened" person does not even REALIZE it? Is he blind? Then what is the difference between him and you?

"That is their freedom!"? Sounds like some freedom fighter? Well, but what about "trust" and "surrender" then? What would you need those for?

Here's more:

"Who am I to declare you enlightened or not? If I am to declare you enlightened, that will not be much of an enlightenment. Who am I? If you have become, you have become. You have always been - that's what I am saying. Sanction is not needed at all. No order is needed to be issued, no formal declaration is needed."

Cool, eh? Why don't you send them all home then, oh "master" of disaster? Or you need to milk them all out dry?

Here is something even more exciting:

Book: The Language of Existence
Chapter: The sky of completion

"It is unfortunate, but it is true that even a Buddha or a Mahavira remained within the conditioning of their social structure. That is a flaw in their enlightenment. It is not as high as it can be; some weights go on dragging them down."

Excuse me, a "FLAW in their enlightenment"? So, it turns out that "enlightenment" can also have "flaws"! Therefore, it is incomplete! How can THIS be the case?

If you give all this crap to a systems expert and tell him to put it into some systems tester to see if it works, he will tell you:

Such a system will break before you sneeze. Your car engine would simply explode. This system is utterly inconsistent, no matter how you look at it and what kind of tricks are you going to use trying to reconcile it, and the more you look at his other lunacy talks of utter fiction related to this "enlightenment" carrot, the more inconsistent that system will become. Inevitably so.

Enlightenment Show - Truth is nothing more than a funny lie

I claim this man is a pathological liar and a fabricator of bullshit, and of the lowest grade. Interestingly enough, he himself admitted to be a liar. But a kinky one. Vast majority of his conclusions or recipes are simply sucked out of his own finger and not based in any kind of reality. And the ugliest thing is that when someone would point out to some of those fundamental inconsistencies in his "system", he would explain it away by claiming that the existences is inconsistent, or even worse, claiming that what he says NOW is the "truth" and what he said just yesterday even may turn out to be a lie, and that is perfectly fine in his "system". Nothing wrong with that! Uhu, tell me about it.

So, he fed you lies for 30 years, knowing full well he is lying his teeth off, and he could care less if his answers would even make sense, even to himself. It was all irrelevant. Since he said it, it immediately and automatically became the Truth. Because the very fact that he gave you some "answer" was self sufficient, as he fulfilled HIS part of the show - to be a showman, and you also fulfilled YOUR part as being the fools.

After all, YOU came to him, and on your own initiative. Why? Since you are all "enlightened", then why did you come to him, if not to be fooled or entertained or shown some fantastic pictures, even if they had nothing to do with reality? In that sense, truthness of anything he ever said was not even an issue. That's the game you agreed to play according to him. Can you blame a clown or a magician in a circus for not telling you the truth? Do you go a circus to learn the Truth? Are you mad, or just pretending?

Since he did not deal with non-enlightened people, that means that you all, since you came to him, are the pretenders. And in that respect, it was his "job" to lead you into as far away lands as possible and delude you as much as possible, at least for the sake of entertainment. Because that was exactly the kind of game you all must have expected when you came to him. Otherwise, why would an "enlightened" person go to some "master", who knows full well that you are all "enlightened"?

So, that takes off ALL the responsibilities from him for telling you the Truth, and he, therefore, can feed you any kind of anything that comes to his mind, which is no mind at the same time. How can you blame him for it? In such a setting, how could he be made responsible for you listening to him, no matter what he invents, depending on which direction the wind blows between his ears?

So, he would impress your minds with his grand entrances, getting out of one of his Rolls Royces, driven by a personal chauffeur, even though he drove himself on his daily rides, and they would drive him all the 10 meters from his house to the Buddha Hall, just to show you how grand he was, so he could tell you all his bullshit, and he would change the Rolls Royce every single day, as he would change his king-like robes and his diamond watches, and you would EAT it all as something REAL! So, WHO is an idiot in this game?

You got exactly the amount of crap you paid for. If you paid more or would make some serious donations, you would get even more crap, to make sure you are satisfied with what you got in return for the money. This is only fair, you see. More money - more crap, more diamond watches - even more crap. And if you talk Rolls Royces "as a present out of love", oh boy, you would be invited even to the Jesus Grove, and even Sheela herself, a Jewish waitress from Jew York, would give you some personal attention. Do you remember me, sitting at the table with you and Sheela when she was trying to extort your mala, made out of golden beads and a golden frame?

At one point, seeing people asking him all sorts of questions, I even thought a couple of times: may be I should ask some question as well? Then I thought: but which question would I like to ask. And I looked inside myself and could not find one. So, I never asked him a single question. Smart, eh?!? :) And now I am "famous". Because I am one of the few people, who did not even attempt to ask some question!!! Do you want a picture of me? Just a stinky 50 bux would do! And for 5000, I could even SIGN it! Whada ya know!!! Have you ever seen a picture of the ONLY Russian Mahasattva? Where? I'll KILL that sucker! After all, I am the FIRST one!!! Grrrr!!!

Looks like the time has come to start my own "esoteric school", called The Russian Way!

Osho asks: do you have any spare Rolls Royces or diamond watches?

Do you happen to have any spare Rolls Royces
or some diamond watches by ANY chance?

So, that was about the entertainment part of it. Now...

Question: how can you possibly achieve the Truth via lies, no matter what your purpose is, unless you are motivated by the ideas of "any means justify the goal"?.

At best, it is a system of belief, and very little of it could be proven. A bunch of myths, told to clueless, to be swallowed as is, bypassing the mind, reason, logic, intelligence and you name it.

Most of the utterly unprovable crap he fed you, can be accepted only if you "surrender" your intelligence in a state, induced by the hypnotic suggestions. No person with functioning intelligence can possibly accept or reconcile such an arrogant and shameless manipulation of just about anything that comes to your mind.

Lies about the mind and its nature

We will consider just one example. You can find plenty of other examples once you see the whole point of it. My comments are in brackets ([]).

Masti, mind is confusion; it is not that you are in confusion. And there is no way for the mind to be not in confusion. Mind's whole structure is based on confusion.

[This is PURE grade garbage. Mind is NOT confusion. It is multi-dimensionality. Everything has unlimited number of aspects and there exists virtually unlimited number of ways to look at just about anything. To learn something is to chose one of the alternatives you had as you saw it at the moment, and if it turns out to be the invalid, then the next time you can chose another alternative. This is how you learn. It is called Freedom of Choice, which is one of the most fundamental principles of operation in the physical world. Some of the main requirements for you to really learn are the awareness and sensitivity. By the same token, one can also assert: the very idea of "enlightenment" is nothing but confusion. Just try to describe it and you will see the point.]

Mind is a duality; it is always split.

[Not true. Mind is simply multi-dimensional, just like reality. It is not just "split". It can comprehend more than two aspects. It forever seeks the new aspects of existence. Existence is not just duality of "true" and "false", and the mind is just a part of it.]

There is no single point on which the mind agrees in totality.

[Correct, and that is how multi-dimensional reality works. It is not a closed system of mechanical parts, forever acting and behaving in the same way. The very nature of multi-dimensional reality is that you can never perceive it as something finally determined, cast in stone. It forever presents you with new opportunities to see those things that you thought are the same, but it turns out they have NEW aspects to them, which you did not see before.]

Half of the mind will agree and half of the mind will disagree, and whatever you choose, you are choosing only the half.

[Not true. It is not just halves. Life is not just black and white. It has an infinite number of aspects, not just two.]

The remaining half is going to take revenge.

[Lie. It is not a matter of "revenge". It is a matter of being able to see something new tomorrow even looking at the same thing as you saw today. It is never complete, and thanks to God for that. Otherwise, you would simply jump from the highest bridge there is as the whole thing would eventually become boring as hell itself. As far as I can see, even God, the Creator, is not complete and it can NEVER be complete in principle, and duality is just a small, and relatively primitive part of All That Is.

Duality may be represented by the Binary Logic of "yes" and "no", as, for example it is done in computers. But that logic is highly primitive. There exists the Multivalued Logic where you not only have only two answers in some rule of "yes" and "no", but ANY number of answers. That logic is orders of magnitude more powerful and is capable of resolving the problems that are not resolvable with the Binary Logic.]

The unchosen part, the left over, will wait for its chance to show you that whatever you have chosen is wrong.

[Lie. It is not a matter of "wrong" or "right", even though it may seem that way. It is a matter of you making a particular choice in the situation you were with the understanding you had at that time. In order to see if it is "wrong" or "right", you need to EXPERIENCE it. So... There is no such a thing as "wrong" in life. Because this is exactly how you learn new aspects of existence. If you chose a particular dish at the restaurant, does it mean that if others chose some other dishes, have they made the "wrong" choice? This is simply ridiculous, and on the most basic level.]

But it does not matter which part you choose. Choice itself is wrong.

[Lie. Choice is not "wrong". It is just your perception at the moment. Sure, tomorrow you may decide to make just an "opposite" choice. But the very choice you make, no matter what it is, is FOREVER "right".

"You are the best you can ever be,
as if you could be better, wouldn't you?"]

And we can go on like this until your nose goes blue, and nearly in every thing of real significance we will find the same pattern - lies, fabrications and fictions, sucked out of his finger. And yes, he can not be held responsible for you being an idiot, even though he IS responsible in a larger sense of the world, and that is he presented all sorts of fictions as nothing less than Truth and, therefore, lead you astray from it, and that is one of the highest caliber crimes - crimes against your very being and crimes against God and Truth.

My humble suggestion is: no matter what Chandra Mohan said, no matter what HIS reason was for saying it, EXAMINE it. Do not simply swallow it as is, as it may turn out to be nothing more than a zombification garbage to justify his own agenda, which may have NOTHING to do with you, or even Truth itself, even though he talked about it all the time as though it was the ultimate.

About the mind

As far as what is meditation and what is a mind, things are not as simple as it looks on paper.

To condemn the mind and elevate the meditation is not a great idea I'd say. These are different things, different meals for different times of day.

Chandra Mohan once said:

"You do need the mind. When I am speaking to you I am using the mind..." (not a literal quote)

So... Beware, when you think of things like "transcending the mind". UTTER garbage.

To "transcend" the mind is to transcend the life itself. If you manage to "transcend" it, you won't be able even to walk, to speak, to understand anything, and to even to empty your bowels in your bathroom for that matter, as all of these things require the engagement of the mind.

The mind is as much a part of your system, as anything else. In fact, the most significant part I claim. It is not separable from your consciousness and awareness, just as the roots of a plant are not separable from the branches or even leaves or flowers. By themselves, they can not exist. What is the purpose of a root, if there is not branches or the flowers? How could there be any flowers if there is no roots?

You do not consist of several different parts, the body, the mind, the heart. You ARE the body. You ARE the mind. You ARE the heart. These things are inseparable, and all the myths throughout centuries about "you are not the body", "you are not the mind" are just that, the MYTHS. Because YOU ARE! ALL of those things.

Yes, you can claim that your highest level essence is beyond the mind. As they classify it nowadays, it is something on a more fine or "thin" level than the the gross level of the mind. But even there, it is not as certain as it looks. Because the aroma of the flowers exist and are rooted in the branches and the roots. Yes, the aroma is more subtle then the the roots. But does it mean that it is MORE real? Can you claim that you need no roots once you achieved the aroma? Then what is going to happen during the next season? As long as you are a plant, there can not possibly be such a separation.

Just take away the body. What is going to happen to your "true self"? Just take away the mind. What is going to be left of you that is any different than an idiot, and even that is not quite true. Take away the heart and the feeling aspect of you. What is going to be left?

Therefore, ALL these myths are there just to gather some customers to follow all sorts of carrots forever hung in front of their noses. Just to parasite on the fruits of their labor in most cases. There were not that many authentic "masters". Vast majority of them are nothing but conmen, driven by the "fear of survival" as I call it, never trusting their own creativity.

I claim the ONLY "problem" there is, beyond ordinary and rudimentary things of life, is the absence of TRUST. Trust towards your own being. And that is what truly prevents you from being creative, which is the only value I know of.

Life is about CREATIVITY, not "enlightenment". Do you think that even after you become "enlightened" your creativity stops? You see, the creativity is the prime aspect, and "enlightenment" is just an intermediate step on a ladder.

Creativity is your main joy and your never ending self-expression and interaction with life as such, no matter how "sophisticated" or "advanced" you think yourself to be.

But unless you TRUST, trust your own creativity and your own self-worth, given to you with the very first breath, surprise, surprise...

The only thing is the mind has its own purpose and limitations, just like anything else under the Sun. If this is the ONLY thing you think is real about you, that is a mistake.

Mind has its place, and that place is by far the largest place in your life. Even to express yourself or say something, you need that mind. When you say something, the most sophisticated mind processes are taking place on the background. Otherwise, you would not be able even to stitch the words together. The same things happen during the evaluations of some results.

Yes, it is only a mechanical aspect to a large extent. The way the mind works is pretty much mechanical, sequential, step by step refinement of some problem or issue. But the existence is simultaneous and instantaneous and multi-dimensional. Mind wants some gradual improvement, to hold on to a present belief system. But that is the very limitation of it. As a result, the creativity suffers. Because the more you hang on to those things that you are identified with, being attached to the "gradual improvement" approach of the mind, the less courage you have to explore something new, totally "unexpected", and the longer will be your "path" towards SEEING "how it is".

Long story... But beware of condemning your mind as something useless, something to get rid off. First of all, it can not be done. In Russia they say "you can not jump higher than your own dick". LITERALLY.

Mind is a beautiful system, the most powerful thing there is. But like any mechanism, it needs rest. You can not run your car all day long. It will burn out eventually. And, as anything else, it has its limits and a purpose. You can not expect your car engine to tell you some poetry.

Secondly, you can not use it in every single situation. It is not meant for that. There are other aspects of you, such as love. You can not use your mind when you need your heart. And there are times when even your heart is useless, such as when you walk on the ocean beach, in utter silence, overwhelmed by the power of nature. Everything else is useless in those moments.

There is a place and time to eat,
and there is a place and time to shit,
and there is a place and time to strain,
and there is a place and time to drain,
and there is a place and time to forget all the commotion.

Yes, it is probably the most subtle subject and there are reasons various "religious leaders" condemn it.

But this has been taken WAY out of proportions by now by all sorts of blind conmen, capitalizing on your foolishness, just to survive, just to survive.

I will go as blunt as it gets and proclaim:

ALL the talk and condemnation of the mind is just sickness!

Yes, during various periods of history, there was a purpose of shifting attention from the mind and showing there is something else, and that was probably the most revolutionary discovery. Mind is not IT. True.

But all the ideas of "transcending" the mind, the ideas that the mind is inherently "evil" is nothing different than the witch hunts.

Mind feeds your stomach. Your stomach could care less about your "enlightenment". That is just an attempt at futility.

What is the purpose of the teeth in your mouth? Ever thought about this, you "green" whatever you think you are? Well, the purpose of the teeth in your mouth is to kill!!! To kill the other forms of life. You don't eat rocks, or do you? Try to figure out the significance of it with your mind and see how far you get.

The mind is about the biggest treasure you have. Without it, no "enlightenment" is possible, and the very notion of meditation becomes just an empty word. Meditation is stopping of your mind, but if there were not mind, the whole notion of meditation would loose its essential meaning. You would simply be on a different level of existence and manifestation of consciousness. But even there, you can not claim there is no mind involved. Else, there would be no reason for such a mechanism to exist. Even on the higher or more refined levels of existence there is still the mind, even though you might claim it is something like "universal mind". But the very notion of the mind implies the notion of Intelligence itself.

Otherwise, the existence of the mind may be considered as some kind of a mistake. If it IS so "evil" and the source of all "problems" in your life, then why does it exist? Why did not it "evolve" into something that really "works"? And that, by itself, would imply that the very notion of Intelligence is nothing but fiction. Because it could not evolve to the point when some unnecessary mechanism, such as the mind, was abandoned and replaced with something more "sophisticated".


It is true that vast majority of minds out there are simply insane. Because the mind, by itself is like a computer, a functioning machine, immensely powerful tool for you to exist, but still it is just an aspect of existence, even though it could be considered a prime aspect.


The purpose of saying "beware of the madness of the mind" is true to a large extent.


At this point it has become a hindrance with all these "religious" fools, feeding you ALL sorts of garbage and methods to get rid of the mind, to "transcend" it, without even realizing what they are effectively saying, by feeding you this death thing in effect, forever peddling all sorts of bullshit to the clueless.

It is being exploited left and right by all these "spiritual teachers" and "therapists", making money on all this "spiritual" zombification. You have all these Tirtha kind of fools asserting absolutely insane things, not even realizing they are betraying themselves.

You see, once they convince you that mind is "evil", one thing becomes possible: your intelligence stops functioning, and you begin to blindly believe all the gobbledygook they feed you. Because you have effectively surrendered your own mind to them and their delusions, and allowed it to tune into their spiritual blah, blah, blah, signifying nothing at the end.

And that is one of the ugliest aspects of this "surrender" and "total trust" thing. Once you "surrender" and "totally trust", your examining abilities become disabled. So you can be fed ANY kind of "spiritual" garbage and "pussy in the sky with diamonds" and you will eat it all yammy, yam, yammy, without even realising it.

You will simply become a cultist, a "believer", a member of some sect, preaching this or that, and blindly and obediently following some dogma. But unless you can VERIFY it with your own eyes, beware! I claim you will simply become a zombie, a biorobot.

Yes, faith does make sense. Because ultimately you won't be able to reconcile life with your mind only. There comes the point where you need to take an intuitive leap recognizing the limitations of the mind alone. But this is probably the subtlest subject to deal with and it has been abused by "religions" to the point of monstrous proportions with wars, mass violence and all in the name of "god". In that respect, Chandra Mohan does have a point when he hammers on the significance of the mind. But beware! This is not as simple as it looks on paper.

And so, be careful when you condemn the faith as such. You may have to pay the price you can not comprehend at the moment.

When you take a chance at something, what RULES your motivation? Well, it is called faith, faith that things will somehow, miraculously work out in your favor. Otherwise, some of the risks people take are simply suicidal, and quite often, they realize it when it is "too late".

There is a substantial body of work in the area of mind control and zombification available by now. All sorts of psychic weapons have been developed, tested and verified to work, and that is exactly what you are dealing with, without even realizing it is you and your own life that is the target now.

There are complete, multi-layered systems of mind control, developed by the military, intelligence and various cults of evil most profound. And those systems are of immense potency, and they are in fact being used every single day to control the masses via all sorts of ways and means, including, but not limited to media, Hollywood, literature and art, and you name it.


I have no interest in digging deeper at this point. We'll see.

These most fundamental concepts of God, Mind and Truth will be the way to recognize the phonies among all those "therapists" and anybody capitalizing on Chandra Mohan and his work, which is significant ANY way you cut it.

To me personally, it is simply disgusting to hear their blabber about how "evil" the mind is in principle, and the dire need to get rid of it, without even comprehending that you simply become nothing more than a dumb object or a part in some mechanism. To condemn the mind is to condemn an inseparable part of yourself, even though it is not the entirety of who you are, just like your legs or your hands.

Yes, meditation puts the whole thing in proper perspective, and once you have a grip on it, it is tremendously healing, because the mind does have a tendency to go wild, forever inventing more and more complications.

But look at the mind as the most outstanding toy, the most outstanding tool, the most amazing system of interaction between you and the outside world.

And yes, he DID have to emphasize the mind's inability to give you any answers as to the very nature of life and your own being. Because it is not its purpose it seems. And, most importantly, is there such an "answer" to begin with?

As you learn the meditation, which is simply silence, you will learn that there is no need to be obsessed with the mind, as though it was the only thing there is. You will recognize its place in your life and will relax about most of your inner tensions, arising as a result of mind conditioning, zombification and bio-robotization, inevitably done to you and everyone else.

Here is one fair example of Chandra Mohan talking about the mind, its usefulness, its nature and its place in your life:

The Razors Edge, Chapter 25

Also, in that discourse, you will find this:

"Heart is not useful, it has no purpose to fulfill..."

I disagree, and in the most drastic terms. Heart IS "useful" in that it provides you the very impetus to be, which mind can not possibly provide. Unless you experience joy, happiness and excitement, life becomes dry. You will simply dry out like a leaf. The impetus to be, or desire to be, is that very joy. Without it, your mind is no better than a computer, and you will be reduced to the level of a plain bio-robot, brainwashed to oblivion. So I claim.

Your heart "provides" you the very joy, the very awe of existence, the very appreciation, the very sense of beauty, and without beauty, the whole life is nothing but a waste, a grand junk yard.

And it also feels. Mind does not feel. It could care less. It only reasons and evaluates the probabilities of future actions and calculates the outcomes.

Heart also LOVES, and what is higher than love of a mother toward her own child? And I say: NOTHING. Not even this "enlightenment" thing. Because it is unconditional, and, therefore, real. There is no calculation to gain some benefit out of it. There is no evaluation as to why should one love someone, what are his "good" qualities or the length of their nose for that matter.

Some say that the love of the master is the highest. Well... long subject. May be. Who knows? Especially if that "master" is real and his very purpose is not to parasite on you, feeding you all sorts of carrots, leading nowhere. But the problem with the "masters", even if they are pure in their heart, is that they are not even necessarily concerned with you. They are just doing their thing. Because they can't help but doing it. In that sense, they could care less you exist. Just observe.

It is the heart, that is capable of stopping all sorts of violence on your way. Because it feels, feels not only for yourself, but for the whole world also.

It is the heart that allows you to fly high as a bird.

Is THAT "useful"?

Chandra Mohan himself said:

"My way is the way of the heart".

What a "useless" thing to say!

And now the real show begins - About God

Here is an interesting something you might want to consider:

Window of Opportunity

This is about the "elite ruling family" member talking about God, Lucifer, Illuminati and the NWO agenda. But in the way you could hardly even comprehend. Try, who knows?...

There is also "Ra Material" you might consider.

Ra Material - The Law Of One: Book I

I do not advocate it, but some things may clarify in your mind. Who knows?

Now, about God.

Chandra Mohan kept claiming there is no God. Well, there is a problem with this argument, a problem of intellectual honesty of a philosopher, which is about the highest value there is for any philosopher.

Chandra Mohan WAS a professional philosopher with a degree. Therefore, to make such claims is UTTERLY inappropriate and outright dishonest. Because such statements can not possibly be proven.

The philosophical argument is simple:

If you did not see something, never experienced it, it does not mean it does not exist. So, strictly speaking, he, knowing full well such an argument is invalid, was simply lying, which is probably the highest order of insult to any real philosopher, interested in truth, as he claims, if there is such a thing to begin with. Yes, there is plenty of trueness. But that is not the same thing as truth.


Well, at some point, everybody thought the earth is flat. If you would come and tell them it is just a sphere, they would simply kill you. The same thing happens every day.

Yes, Chandra Mohan DID all sorts of investigations and he never found a trace of god, at least as he stated on record. Understood. But what does it mean, really? Does it mean the earth is still flat?

The problems with God is that, by very definition, they lay outside the scope of what we are. Otherwise, it is not god, but a puppet, built in our own image, based on our limitations of all kinds including the limitations of a physical body.

One can not POSSIBLY assert such a thing as "there is no God". This is just profoundly intellectually dishonest and is against "that which is" as Chandra Mohan himself defined the Truth, which happens to be borrowed from Jains.

Chandra Mohan's "proof" there is no God

Now... Five years has passed since the initial version of this book and now, boom, something related to Nietzsche just appeared again, and from two different angles, like something is knocking on the door. So, let us look at this subject again... Here's the quote:

Jesus says, "If somebody slaps you don't be angry, but with humbleness give him the other cheek also." It is such a beautiful idea, but a man like Friedrich Nietzsche has an insight and maturity which the common masses cannot have. His criticism is one of the examples of the highest reaches of logic.

Nietzsche says, "If somebody hits me on one of my cheeks, I am not so inhumane as to give him my other cheek. That is egoistic. It is trying to prove that 'you are just an ordinary human being - I am a messiah, a messenger of God. I forgive you and if you enjoy hitting me, you can hit me more.' Nietzsche's point is that you are reducing the other person to utter humiliation. Nobody in two thousand years' history has raised this question.

Nietzsche says, "If somebody hits me, I will hit him as hard as I can because I am just as human as you are. I don't want to prove myself holier than you, higher than you, superior to you. I respect your humanity and I accept your challenge. You have slapped my face. You have given the challenge to me."

He is saying that Jesus' idea is disrespectful. And certainly if you look deep into its psychology, you will find it is insulting. You are not accepting the other man as a man equal to you. He is an ignorant man, unenlightened. You are awakened. You are creating a distance between yourself and the person who has slapped you.

Mind as a Master is a disaster
(Sermons in Stones)

First of all, to call Nietzsche a mystic in light of this kind of thought pattern is utter perversion. Because, first of all, this is nothing more than the philosophical argumentation, a self-justifying exercise in futility. What is so "mystic" in that entire line of thought trying to justify the perpetuation of violence, intrusion into ones space and utmost idiocy?

What is the difference between a mystic and a philosopher then?

Yes, this is precisely an argument of "mysticism" of evil, which forever attempts to turn things upside down and that is precisely why virtually in all the visual symbols of Satanism things are turned upside down. That is the very essence of the "teaching" of the "negative approach for providing the 'catalyst' for growth of intelligence", as stated by the Luciferian priest calling himself "Hidden Hand", a member of the "ruling dynasty and a group soul Lucifer".

Window of Opportunity ("Hidden Hand")

Basically, that entire line of "argument" is nothing more than the plain ordinary shameless and ugliest manipulation of the principles of logic and turning the essence and the underlying meaning upside down from what it is.

First of all, what kind of respect are you obliged to have towards someone who had hit you on the face? Would such an idea or consideration even arise in a real life situation? Someone hits you on the face, which requires an immediate response, and you do what? - Stand in a position of a philosopher and start considering the myriad of purely philosophical alternatives while trying to justify your response?

The person is doing the ugliest and most violent and intrusive act by hitting you on the face. Basically, he behaves worse than an animal. And if you are concerned with any kind of "respect" at that point then you, first of all will have to go down his level of a monster and commit the same ugly and violent act as he did. Out of "respect" or "compassion"?

How is hitting someone can be considered as something "humane"? What does it mean humane in that case? You see, by extension, one may justify even killing as something "humane". Because you can "justify" ANYTHING whatsoever. Even a murderer has his "reasons" for doing it.

The whole line of thought in that quote is nothing more than plain concoction. When someone hits you on the face, are you going to fall into a state of some abstract philosophical argumentation trying to figure out what would be the most appropriate response?

Basically, what Nietzsche is doing in that argument is performing an act of mental masturbation, a self-pleasing exercise for a sick mind. And this is done either AFTER the fact or as purely theoretical exercise to turn things upside down and justify the evil as "good", just as he was paid for by Rothschild in his extensive work of justifying the Nazi ideology as the works of some "superman" or "overman".

So, he is suggesting you to become the same violent animal as the attacker and to perpetuate the act of evil by hitting him back, justifying it as some kind of perverted notion of "compassion" or even "respect". But all you do in effect is to escalate the violence, idiocy and bestiality by him hitting back.

Basically, every word in that line of thought and argument of Nietzsche and Chandra Mohan's defense of him and his purely satanic position of perversion, denial and turning everything upside down is nothing more than trying to justify evil as some kind of "good". In other words, pure grade Satanism, plain and simple.

We are going to look at the following quote under a microscope. It is about Nietzsche and his blabber about Zarathustra, a mythical wise man, which Chandra Mohan uses as some kind of proof there is no God. It also addresses some of the most important issues of life, such as love and compassion.

It is also important because Chandra Mohan uses someone else to support his own position of "there is no God". Why did he do that? Could not he prove it himself? And what kind of proofs are these? He himself says here: "... Zarathustra seems to be right: God must be dead". Well, hang on here. SEEMS? First of all, "seems" is not an evidence of any kind. There is no certainty in it. How can you possibly use such ideas as some kind of proof, especially when you talk about the most important issue in the whole history of mankind, the issue of God?

To me, either you know it, or you don't. If it only "seems", you need to clear your eyes first. Who knows, may be you can see it better the next time around.

The quote below is like a loaded gun, ready to shoot at your very roots is what I claim.

"Is it possible that this old prophet has not heard the latest news yet, that God is dead? - because he is still worshiping God; he is still praying to God."

"... it is very existential. Looking at the world, it cannot be accepted that it was created by a wise God."

"... But the reality is that man is not saved at all. Looking at man Zarathustra seems to be right: God must be dead, because man is living in such anguish, in such agony, that if there was really a "Father God," he would have done something. He is supposed to be omnipotent, all-powerful, and he cannot remove man's misery, he cannot remove man's tensions, he cannot help man to sing again, dance again under the stars?

"... Looking at man and his psychology, Zarathustra's conclusion seems to be absolutely correct - God must be dead. And the people who have pretended to be His messengers, prophets, incarnations have not helped a bit. They talked about saving man, but man goes on falling from his dignity, from his humanity, from his self-respect.

"... Zarathustra is against the very idea of pity, because it reduces the other man to a humiliating position. Zarathustra is even against compassion, because that means you are higher and the other is lower, that you are the giver and the other is the receiver. Zarathustra believes in sharing out of love - not for pity, not for compassion, but out of your abundance. You have so much; you are burdened with so much that you want to share it. This gives dignity to the other man. You don't reduce him into a beggar.

"... That is one of his qualities of the superman. He will only share out of his abundance. He has no pity and he has no compassion; he knows only love. Love is the only law. Love equalizes people - you give because you love, you give because you respect. You give and allow the man to feel, to be honored - that is true giving. If the other man feels a beggar, if the way of your giving is such that you strengthen your ego, brag about your giving, then you have committed a sin; it is not virtue."

Zarathustra the Laughing Prophet - of the meeting with a higher man

Now, about the "latest NEWS" that "there is no God". First of all, what kind of garbage is forever fed to you all in the "news"? How much can you trust it? These "news" are represented here like some fact, something undeniably true. But IS it? WHO created and distributed these "news" but the puppets or Rothschild and "banking mafia" who own all the "news" distribution channels gun, stock and barrel?

First of all, any and all arguments for or against God are futile and so are all the "proofs" anyone offers. In fact, there is more proof there IS God than otherwise, even though, true, that proof is insufficient to be classified as something "scientific". But I have seen some things in my life that could not have possibly happen, as it was nothing but some miracle that took me out of nothing less than the paws of death, and I am not exaggerating it. Logically or rationally those things could not have happened. Not possible. My chances were something like one to a billion. Yes, it is not a proof in a strict sense, but it is good enough for a poor guy like myself. I need to further evidence.

I am not going to try to prove the existence of God. But I am going to try to disprove some of these ugly concoctions forever pronounced by Chandra Mohan as a "proof" there is no God. To me, it is utter dishonesty and utmost corruption, especially considering that Chandra Mohan was a philosopher.

No matter what his motivation was, THIS kind of thing can not be done, as it is nothing more than a crime against the highest values there are, such as Truth. These kinds of things can not be justified with any kind of argument. His arguments are so simplistic, so childish and so cunning, that they simply look senile. Even an entry level philosophy student should be able to see through it. Let us look at some details...

Jesus is a fascist and a father of fascism, Nietzsche, is a great mystic


- Yep. That is what Chandra Mohan said. Not in a single quote, but this is the essence of what he said. Interesting, isn't it? Now, this is known as the nature of Satan - turning things upside down, denying, and negating, perverting and manipulating, and blood thirsty parasitism. Beyond murder, destruction, domination and dictate that is.

Not only that, but Chandra Mohan went as far as to say that "greatest injustice" was done to Nietzsche, worse than crucifixion of Jesus! Nothing less!


- Yep. That is EXACTLY what he said.

"... It is such a sad fate, one which has never befallen any great mystic or any great poet before Nietzsche."

"... The crucifixion of Jesus or poisoning of Socrates are not as bad a fate, as that which has befallen Friedrich Nietzsche"

And that is EXACTLY what Satanists do. How can one even imagine to compare Jesus with Nietzsche? They are like day and night. What Jesus said and the simplest, most obvious proofs he provided live on for thousands of years. I'd like to see a SINGLE proof of anything this sick man, Nietzsche, has produced in his entire life. How can you even compare those? Was Nietzsche so certain about what he was saying that he would be willing to give his LIFE for it?

Nietzsche is simply hiding behind the back of Zarathustra, using him as some kind of an evidence of his own position, which is rotten to the bone and marrow. And Chandra Mohan is manipulating this sick man, Nietzsche, a puppet of Rothschild, and is interpreting his megalomaniacal and fascist tendencies of a dictator, using it as some kind of proof there is no God.

That single quote above is enough to place a 666 on Chandra Mohan's forehead and attach the horns to his skull.

There is nothing to even talk about here. That single quote says it all. But we will, and we will look at it to such a detail that it should leave no doubts of its essential meaning. So, hold on to your seat.

As far as Socrates, he was proclaimed to be the wisest man known. He proclaimed "I know nothing". And he knew more than most could have imagined. There wasn't a single person who could beat his arguments. His single dialog on Beauty is enough of an evidence. Even to this day there is no one who could answer his question "what is beauty". Probably the most insightful statement on it was made by Dostoevsky, who said: "beauty will save the world", even though it is not an answer to that question.

Chandra Mohan's arguments are such a cheap shot at Jesus that it is simply beyond comprehension. So, no way this kind of thing can slide between the cracks. This has to be rectified.

Just a few quotes before we start grinding this thing down to dust and burning it to ashes, which is what I intend to do.

For starters:

- "You see, what we are dealing with here... Philosophy of Nietzsche is a philosophy of will to power, and, to a large extent, man-hate, and it is internally connected to the Talmud.

"The Talmud is at war with the whole world, and Nietzsche also at war with the whole world.

"Kinship, but also a sad regularity of a law - from Nietzscheism Hitler and Hitlerism were born. Hitler idolized Nietzsche. The theory of a blond beast: if one is falling down - push him further. A theory of Superman. Can you see how confused is all this?"

-- Gregory Klimov, "God Chosen People"

See: Philosophy of Nietzsche (original in Russian)


This, "Nietzscheanism," is later developed into Fascism and Nazism and will be used to foment the first and second world wars.

Marx, Ritter, and Nietzsche are all funded and under the instruction of the Rothschilds

Marx, Ritter, and Nietzsche are all funded and under the instruction of the Rothschilds'.

The idea of eternal conflict

The idea behind this scheme is that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in so-called ideologies to enable them to divide larger and larger factions of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other, and particularly, in destroying all political and religious institutions.


The Fascist Concept of Representation
René de Visme Williamsona

"Among the many recurrent answers which are recorded by history, there is one which has peculiar significance for our time. This answer is revealed in a single word:


In every place and throughout every age, there are men who see in power the solution to all their problems. Faith in power is the connecting link between such thinkers as Machiavelli, Hobbes, Nietzsche, Hitler, Mussolini, and many lesser lights not excluding those who are unaware of their own implicit acceptance of this faith.

The religion of these men could be stated thus: seek ye first Power and its attributes, and all these things shall be added unto you.

The acquisition of power is not a means to something else but an end in itself. I call fascist all those who have this particular faith, no matter what name they give themselves or what their nationality may happen to be."

Three most influential men on fascism.

"Fredrich Nietzche was a big influence on fascism because he had a contempt for democracy and believed in an aristocracy of intellectuals.

"Niccolo Machiavelli had a significant influence on fascism because he believed in strong leadership to direct people's lives because the masses could not govern themselves.

"Charles Darwin probably had the biggest influence on fascism due to his theory of evolution being only the strongest survive therefore creating social darwinism which a fascist's justification for supporting nationalism. Did Charles Darwin really support the idea that only the strongest survive in modern day or did he just state the facts of what was nature in the beginning of life?"

Let us look at an example of Chandra Mohan's futile attempts to deny God.

What was the essense of work of Jesus?

Before we start, we need to look at the work of Jesus from the standpoint of its very purpose. And we need to consider the context and a historical background.

Basically, Jesus stood against the bookworms, the Pharisees, who had a deadly grip on people and who were interested in maintaining the herd and slave mentality in them in order to dominate them and parasite on the fruits of their labor in exactly the same way as all these "masters" and "therapists" do it to this very day. Basically, they were the servants of evil most profound, vicious, destructive, manipulative and utterly dishonest monsters. There isn't even a concept of honesty in it. It is all about the MATERIAL "benefits" to themselves.

Secondly, Talmudism in not a religion. It is a law. Not only that, but this is the highest level law which overrules any other laws of the land or anything.

So, what they had isn't even a law, but a dictate. It was all about dictatorship. Not only that, but for "violating the law" the punishment was essentially a death sentence. So strict and dictatorial it was. Well, it was not directly pronounced as a death sentence. It was excommunication, expulsion. And, the cunningness of the their mind puts this into their "law": Anyone who was excommunicated is as good as dead. He looses ALL his rights, including the right to exist. So, ANYONE is allowed, and even welcomed to kill him and they would not be subject to any kind of punishment.

And THIS is the very foundation of fascism, Nazism, ZioNazism, and totalitarian dictatorship, which all come from the same root and cause and the same source - Pharisees, the servants of nothing less than Satan. LITERALLY. Let us look at a few quotes to substantiate it. Mind you, these are the quotes from their "holy" "scriptures"!!!

Scriptures 005


"Pharisaism became Talmudism... But the spirit of the Ancient Pharisee survives unaltered. When the Jew... studies the Talmud, he is actually repeating the arguments used in the Palestinian academies.

"From Palestine to Babylonia; from Babylonia to North Africa, Italy, Spain, France and Germany; from these to Poland, Russia and eastern Europe generally, ancient Pharisaism has wandered... "

(The Pharisees, by Louis Finkelstein, Foreword, Vol. 1).

Satanic doctrine of world domination and violence of Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 001

"The Lord spake unto me, saying... This day will I begin to put the dread of thee and the fear of thee upon the nations that are under the whole heaven, who shall hear report of thee, and shall tremble, and be in anguish because of thee". In token of this, the fate of two nations is at once shown.

"The King of Sihon and the King of Bashan "came out against us, he and all his people", whereon they were "utterly destroyed, the men, and the women, and the little ones", only the cattle being spared and "the spoil" being taken "for a prey unto ourselves".

(The insistence on utter destruction is a recurrent and significant feature of these illustrative anecdotes).

Deuteronomy 2:25 (King James Version)

Deuteronomy 002

"The Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth ...

"The Lord shall establish thee an holy people unto himself ...

"And all people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of the Lord; and they shall be afraid of thee...

"thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow.

And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail;

and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath ...";

Deuteronomy 28 (King James Version)

The recipe for World Domination

Deuteronomy 003

"Seven nations greater and mightier than thou" are to be delivered into the Judahites' hands, and: "Thou shalt utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them... ye shall destroy their alters ... for thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God; the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are on the face of the earth ...

"Thou shalt be blessed above all people ... And thou shalt consume all the people which the Lord thy God shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity upon them... the Lord thy God will send the hornet among them, until they that are left, and hide themselves from thee, be destroyed. ...

"And the Lord thy God will put out these nations before thee by little and little... But the Lord thy God shall deliver them unto thee, and shall destroy them with a mighty destruction until they be destroyed. And he shall deliver their kings into thine hand, and thou shalt destroy their name from under heaven; there shall no man be able to stand before thee, until thou have destroyed them..."

Deuteronomy 7 (King James Version)

What can one say but "SIEG HEIL, MEIN FUHRER!!!" ["Hail, my leader!"] as they shouted their heads off in Germany during the WWII.

Go in to possess nations greater and mightier than thyself

Deuteronomy 004

The incitements and allurements of Deuteronomy continue:

"... Go in to possess nations greater and mightier than thyself. ... the Lord thy God is he which goeth over before thee; as a consuming fire he shall destroy them, and he shall bring them down before thy face; so shalt thou drive them out, and destroy them quickly, as the Lord hath said unto thee...

"For if ye shall diligently keep all these commandments which I command you ... then will the Lord drive out all these nations from before you, and ye shall possess greater nations and mightier than yourselves ... even unto the uttermost sea shall your coast be. There shall no man be able to stand before you: for the Lord your God shall lay the fear of you and the dread of you upon all the land that ye shall tread upon ..."

Deuteronomy 9 (King James Version)

Deuteronomy 005

Then Moses, in this account, enumerates the "statutes and judgments" which must be "observed" if all these rewards are to be gained, and again "the Law" is to destroy:

"These are the statutes and judgments, which ye shall observe to do ... Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the nations which ye shall possess served their gods... When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land:

"Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them... and that thou inquire not after their gods."

Deuteronomy 12 (King James Version)

Now... Do you see where the legs of fascism, Nazism, ZioNazism, world domination, NWO, "revolutions" and wars grow from?

It is not Hitler, nor this sicko, Nietzsche, or Mussolini who invented fascism. Those were just puppets, bought gun, stock and barrel with all the shiny objects.

They deliberately deluded the people and fed them the ideas that would lead them astray, and, in fact, right into an abyss. And vast majority of people in those days were simple and primitive. They could be deluded easily, especially if you give them something you present as the ultimate law, and you are dressed in an expensive dress and have a stuff in your hand and an arrogant and obnoxious look on your face like you are some ultimate authority, above all life.

Not only that, but their satanic scriptures of "laws" classified those Pharisees and even plain rabbis as nothing less than higher than God itself, and they give you some fabrications as examples of some foolish rabbi arguing no one less than God and DEFEATING him.

The Oral Torah commands obedience to the Pharisee Rabbis and gives them the prerogative to create new commandments called takanot ("enactments").

Modern Orthodox Jews and ancient Pharisees consider obedience to these Rabbinical enactments as obedience to God and in some respects even more important than the commandments of the Torah.

The Talmud says concerning these Rabbinical commandments:

"Be careful concerning Rabbinical enactments even more than the Torah. Because... anyone who violates a Rabbinical enactment is worthy of death"

(Babylonian Talmud, Eiruvin 21b).

They plainly state that a rabbi is higher than God, and even higher than Torah itself!!! Such a heresy, simply unimaginable. And why would they put such obscene things into their "scriptures"? Well, simple really. Because Torah may not have some answer to some question, or it may conflict with some mouth foaming rabbi. So, to make sure you never stop dominating the herd, you need to make some provisions that will allow you to do anything you please, any time you want, and interpret it in any way you like!!! Pure elegance of a solution to the issue of world domination giving the a blank cheque to the end of times to do anything they please.

Interestingly enough, even Chandra Mohan tells some stories about how one rabbi was able to convince God not to destroy a city for all the perversions, violence, brutality and barbarism. So, he, effectively, authorises placing a rabbi above nothing less than God.

So, Jesus saw the very essence of what they were doing and he started talking to people and showing them the natural and real laws of existence using the simplest possible language and the most obvious parables and examples from real life, just to show them how it really works.

And his parables and examples were so simple and so true that even a five year old child could see the truth of it. And that is precisely why even the most sophisticated "elders", the Pharisees themselves, could not defeat him even once. All their most sophisticated and cunning arguments would be simply annihilated with his single statement.

And he told those Pharisees bluntly:

On Judeo teachings and Jewish God Yahweh, Jesus said:

"Your father is the devil, and you want to fulfill the lusts of your father.

He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the Truth, because there is no Truth in him.

When he lies, he speaks from his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies"

(John 8:42-44)

And, therefore, their entire "teaching" is false. They had NOTHING to give and their teachings were fake, just like these "therapists" in the name of "Osho" - "fake Messiah". They were only interested in TAKING something. And it is true even to this day.

They never give - they only take!

One of my Jewish friends, an artist and a poet, and a brilliant guy, told me after showing me his latest work that was promoding the agenda of Judaism and me asking him: but why don't Jews give you some money and support you if you are creating a worthwhile piece of art to promote their agenda? He said:

"They never give. They only take".

That is ALL they know. They ONLY give when it is required and dictated by their Satanic "laws" telling them to give 10 percent of everything they earn to "god" and the "common cause", which is defined by their Pharisees, or "elders" as they were and are known since then.

And Jesus told them there is a foundation to life, there ARE some most vital principles of existence that lay at the very foundation of life that are the very source of it all. There IS love. There IS compassion and feeling for your brother and a neighbour and the one of your kind.

And what they had to preach is hate, destruction, barbarism, ritual sacrifice, murder, violence, corruption, deceit, superiority number and you name it. The whole periodic table of elements. And that is why he rose against it. Because those were all lies and deceit. They had nothing, just like these Chandra Mohan zombies disguising themselves as some "great" "therapists".

Just about the only value they knew is the golden calf idol. Worshipping gold as the highest value.

Money is god and god is money.

Either I suck your blood or you WILL suck mine.
There is no other game in town!

What Jesus was doing is to help people to open their eyes and see the ugliness and monstrosity of those who dominated and zombified them with all sorts of lies and concoctions, violent, insensitive and unnatural. Yes, he had to introduce the concepts of Father - the source of life that is the cause of it, the very roots from which everything springs to life.

And there is a state of being where you can SEE and HEAR that message of that divine principle - God - the Ultimate, All Pervading Intelligence, Forever Expanding.

And now let us look at Chandra Mohan's concoctions about mythical Zarathustra and this puppet of Rothschilds, Nietzsche.

And so it goes. Quote:

Thus spake Zarathustra, Nietzsche, Chandra Mohan or Rothschild?

See: Zarathustra the Laughing Prophet - of the meeting with a higher man

HIGHER man? Higher than what? You mean Nietzsche's "overman" - a "superman"? Or Chandra Mohan's "new man" - the "elite" fiction of his?

"But the reality is that man is not saved at all. Looking at man Zarathustra seems to be right: God must be dead, because man is living in such anguish, in such agony, that if there was really a "Father God," he would have done something.

[Comment: Some say Zarathustra was a mythical figure. Others say he lived somewhere between 6000 BC and 600 BC. What a stretch! At that time, there was no such a thing as "father God". They had MANY gods. "Father God" only appeared with Jesus. Zarathustra could not have said this. So, who is saying what in the above statement?

REALITY? What "reality"? Who says this is reality?

What does it mean "the man is saved"? How does it look like if the "man is saved"? Saved from what? What should have happened as a result?

Man "is living in agony"? What "agony"? What does it mean "agony"? You mean like convulsions of death? How many of you have seen a man living in nothing less than agony? Agony is when you are nearly dying. Yes, there is such a thing as agony, just before your last breath in deadly situations of some kind. Is that what Chandra Mohan is talking about here? I don't think you can LIVE in agony for more than few hours or days. You either die, or you get used to your misery and pain and become dull. At that point it is no longer agony.

God would have DONE something? Something like what? To achieve what? - Total "happiness" and "dancing under the stars" in a broad day light all day long? And how would you see the results of it? Do you know what to expect to see if He "would have done something"?

God "must" be dead or he IS dead? What is "enlightenment" if you do not even know such fundamental things? What kind of light you can claim?

SEEMS to be right or IS right? Those are like day and night.

What are these ugly concoctions I ask you? What is the purpose of it? To DISPROVE nothing less than God? Are you mad? How can you POSSIBLY be able to do that? How many already tried and what is the result?

How could the "greatest master ever" say things like these? Isn't he "supposed" to know such fundamental things as there is or there is no God? What did he see with his "enlightenment" then? What is he - on drugs? Hallucinating? Is he saying some kind of Truth? How does one know it is Truth and not some fiction? Is there a method? Just take for example Jesus. What he told people even a five year old could see to be valid as it precisely corresponds to what they know about life and its most natural laws. LAWS, not theories. That is the difference here.

The "enlightened" man can only tell the Truth. Because he became the very manifestation of it. He has no need to tell any lies as he has no fear from then on. So he can not manipulate. For what? Who else can tell the Truth? To me, enlightenment is the same exact thing as what Jesus said: those who have eyes. Having eyes and ears is the very definition of enlightenment. There is nothing else.

What does it mean "but reality is"? How do you define "reality", and if you can not, then how much does it worth? I claim just to define "reality" it will take not only your own whole life, but the life of mankind, and you still won't be able to do it. Because it is infinite and multidimensional, with virtually unlimited number of aspects, possibilities and alternatives to anything you know or could even possibly know. And that is what life is. Otherwise it would end at some point once all the possibilities have been exhausted. Ask the physicists. They know better.

You never STOP learning is what I claim, as if you do, you are dead. There is no difference between you and a dead one.

What is the difference between what Chandra Mohan is saying here and any believer to whom God also seems to exist, which is what a believer means. It is either you believe or you know. That is why these words are different. Those, who know, have no need to believe.

As to agony, sorry, but I do not see much agony around even though I see plenty of plain people being screwed to the point they can barely survive, while their own land is being robbed and pillaged, and the worst criminals are driving the most expensive cars the money can buy. And what I do see is plenty of zombies, pretty happy about their zombie state. And I also see some people alive. What a joy! Not many, true, but still...

As to "father" notion, this is what Jesus said when he said "my father". Who else said it? So this is a direct attack on Jesus. Yes ATTACK. A life and death kind of struggle, struggle with Truth itself.

Do I have to explain to the "greatest masters ever" what means "father" when Jesus says it? Chandra Mohan is attacking and ridiculing Jesus here, clearly making him look like some fool who knows not what he is talking about. And I claim, in all these hundreds of books of Chandra Mohan, and in thousands of lectures he gave, he did not say anything as compelling as what is said in the name of Jesus in a small book of 100 pages long called the New Testament, packed to the brim with Truth.

And that is precisely why Jesus was hated by the Pharisees and is hated to this day by their modern version. He is their worst enemy in the entire history. Why, if he is just a "dreamer of dreams" as Pharisees claimed? Just forget about this "dreamer". What is the need to hate him so much? They would not even bother about people of Chandra Mohan's kind except to use him to facilitate and promote their own agenda of evil, which he did par excellence peddling this spiritual garbage of the NWO agenda day in, day out.

Why does the Rothschild's controlled IBM corporation pay tens of millions of dollars to Chandra Mohan enterprises as it has been reported? Rothschilds are known to be Luciferians. Do you think Rothschilds would EVER allow to support Truth? And IBM is on the list of the most active companies for the "Committee of 300" as described by Dr. John Coleman in his book with the same title, the REAL "elite" of the Illuminati, that run and own this world, gun, stock and barrel. Why does IBM pay the astronomic sums of money for such a stupid and insignificant thing as "stress release"?

OK, first of all, when Jesus says "my father", implying God, this can not be taken literally, and "the greatest master ever" better know it. As been mentioned elsewhere in this book, the message of Jesus was encrypted with a triple key and John was said to be the only one who was able to understand it. There is a direct, or literal meaning, then there is a symbolic meaning of a parable, and there is the third, the mysterious, the ultimate meaning.

When Jesus says "my father", it does not mean some father figure sitting on a throne somewhere in heaven. It means to me the source of life. Thus "father". Because it is the father that begets life. Jesus was talking to simple people and not some Pharisees or "learned elders". If he would use terms like "the source of life, the infinite, all pervading intelligence", how would they understand what he means? Just comprehend the level of these people considering it wast 2000 years ago, and even a couple hundred years ago most people were living in the slums and defecated right behind their shacks. Sure, for the kings that lived in palaces and had private teachers and philosophers it is one thing. But not for the ordinary people.

So, what would Chandra Mohan do in Jesus' place? How do you describe that which stands at the very roots of existence? Or nothing stands behind it? There is only you, your valet and your belly. Anything else is nothing but fiction. Is it the idea here?

Furthermore, how would you describe that, which Jesus referred to as God? Or there is no such a thing whatsoever? There is no basis in life, right? All it is is the animalistic desires of a herd to fill their bellies, just like any other animal?

And what does it mean - God? The ancients had many Gods. God of a rain, god of forest, god of the sea, god of harvest, and so on. All those gods had a responsibility for one particular aspect of existence.

But what does it mean - God? What is the very essence of it? Well, for one thing you can say they are those who perpetuate life and make sure it does go on and is facilitated. Sure, in India there is even Kali - a goddess of death, which, in Christian tradition, is the same thing as Lucifer or Devil or Satan. It has been said that through Kali the "dark forces" were able to corrupt the humanity with the ideas of evil and spread the ideas of death worship, which, even to this day, is a "religion" of the "ruling elite" of the Illuminati and "the committee of 300", ruling this planet.

Why would one worship death? I have no idea. I do not even have a clue of what is death except it is something opposite to life. But what is no life I can not comprehend.

All I know is life, even though some say it is but illusion, Maya as they call it in India. And they even have a concept of nirvana and samadhi - a death-like state where you are physically alive, but otherwise you do not exist in this world. All that exists is an "eternal orgasm" of "superconsciousness". You, as your identity is utterly "dissolved" into "eternal" and infinite. This is bliss beyond the world of physical as they claim. And so begins this religious trip of craving for death and thinking it is the ultimate manifestation of life, some kind of a "super-state" of a "superman".

Because, to me ife, inevitably involves some activity and implies some progress, and to progress, you need to learn NEW things. So, it is a never ending process. Once that process stops you are dead, as the very definition of life has been violated. And that is how you are caught in the nets they weave. You begin to chase a state of death thinking it to be the "ultimate reality" and an "orgasm with existence".

So, what can anyone possibly say about God? Is He/It even describable? How? Is it some embodiment in flesh, just like a human? Is He/It an action, a process, a foundation? That is why it is prohibited to Muslims to create any image or statue of God. Because that is nothing but profanation. God is grander than anyone alive can imagine. No mind process, no philosophy of any kind, no activity can possibly describe that which is God.

And if He/It does not exist, then what are we talking about here? Some delusion based on nothing? Trying to prove the delusions are something unreal? They do not exist? Then say it. But then you have to prove it. Otherwise, you are no different than those you accuse of being the blind believers.

What Chandra Mohan asserts here is probably the ugliest cheap shot imaginable. So self-contradictory that there isn't even a single thing in it that aligns with other aspects or definitions within itself, the definitions which are not even provided. What is the definition of God he is talking about?

What's the "end goal" here? What should be the result if everything is done according to Chandra Mohan, who seems to imply here that he knows how should it all look at the end? How does he know? Is he God? Or above it? Is there a guarantee the he can see the whole picture and all the aspects of All There Is? How is this possible, even in principle?

To know what God should have done one needs to be God, nothing less, and to know God's Providence, God's Plan, in order to comprehend the best course of action. Then one needs to know how life should look like once everything is done according to Chandra Mohan's ideas about the final state of man, which he did not even define beyond "people dancing on the streets when you throw an atom bomb on them" or that "new man" fiction, or his hedonistic ideas of "enjoy yourself and let the world go to hell". What are the FRUITS of his "work"?

The final argument on this is that according to some versions, God can not interfere in anything you do in order to explore all possible alternatives. There are two primary laws on this plane - The Law of Free Will and The Law of Free Choice. If God starts interfering then you as you are will not be able to add anything new to existence, being forever lead by your nose. What are you needed for, but to allow those alternatives to be manifested and created?

Why would God need another version of that, which is already known elsewhere? And that is precisely why you are here - to explore the new aspects. Yes, some say that the purpose of this "3rd density" is for you to see that obsession with material aspects lead you nowhere, but to eventual self-destruction, as we can see it this very moment with this satanic NWO ideology of destruction and world domination. You are welcomed to build all the sand castles on a sea shore, so that you could eventually see that they will all be washed out into the sea.

Chandra Mohan's "new man" is the same old Nietzsche's "superman"

Well, he did have a similar idea to Nietzsche's "overman", or "superman". He called it a "new man". Chandra Mohan took upon himself a job of "creating a new man". Nothing less! Just like God! According to him, that was the very essence of his work. Plus, he wanted to create a social environment for his "new man", which happens to be the same exact thing as the ideas of communist communes or Jewish ghettos. PRECISELY the same idea. And I agree with J. Krishnamurti who called it "the concentration camp". Because that is what it was in effect. It was to concentrate people so you could dominate and exploit them as a herd of animals and feed their minds with all sorts of spiritual garbage, so they forever crave for something that can not be proven or verified even in principle.

And all of it is nothing more than Nietzsche's satanic "overman" crap. When I looked at some of it, my hairs rose. I could not believe my eyes. That puppy was sick indeed, with a disease called megalomania. He could not place himself in a proper perspective.

Yes, indeed, during the times of Nietzsche that was the thing to do. That was a fashion of the day. The obsession with "rational" and the ultimate power of the mind, that can answer any and all questions about life as such, at least as they thought at that time. And he was not alone. All the "great German philosophers" were doing the same thing, only in their way. Interestingly enough, plenty of them ended up mad for some reason. The intensity of the mind process and disassociation with plain life as it seemed as something "inferior" to them, something to be "transcended", something to be "improved upon", was simply killing them from within, and they did not even know it or suspected it. It was a suicide. A suicide of philosophy as such which eventually discredited it and made plenty of people want to puke on it.

Nietzsche's ideas of looking at some aboriginal people and feeling disgusted or laughing at them is a pure grade fascism. Primitive and idiotic in the most profound ways. All his artificial "sophistication" is nothing more than mental masturbation of a man on a dead end street. Take any "giant of thought" of his kind and place him where they live. With all his "super-intelligence" he won't be able to survive for more than a day. When Western "culture" is brought to these "primitive" peoples, they are destroyed. Just look at what happened to American Indians. They are fat and drunk and reduced to the state of being worse than the animals. And their "primitive" ideas of Mother Earth being an alive being turn out to be the same ideas you can hear all over the world now in the context of this "quantum transition", while people of Nietzsche end up in some mad house or commit suicide. Why would the "godfather" of a "superman" end up in such a fiasco?

But this "great mystic", Nietzsche, could not recognize a simple fact, yes fact, that they had a genuine smile on their faces and they enjoyed their world more than any "sophisticated" man of Nietzsche's kind in his entire life. And they lived in harmony with nature in a perfectly sustainable way while the "sophisticated" Western man converted the entire planet into a living hell with all the pollution and global madness of a "consumer society", stuffing their bellies to the point they can hardly walk. Well, does it worth something? What do you live for? Do you know? To have your brain stuffed with fascist ideas to the point your skull may crack?

What is more valuable - a child's giggle or those volumes of Nietzsche's concoctions, dirtying up the paper they are written on? Can you tell me?

I claim that Chandra Mohan's "new man" is the idea of "superman", he took from Nietzsche, sprinkled with some ideas about "enlightenment", to make it look like his own, something original. In that respect he simply stole it and lied to you all that it was his own idea. Did he ever tell you it was Nietzsche's idea? Where does the idea of "new man" come from? What is the difference between the "new man" of Chandra Mohan and of a "superman" or an "overman" of Nietzsche? Do you know?

And this was not the only thing he took from Nietzsche. His ruthlessness, his utter absence of compassion or any kind of consideration, this "will to power" and resulting domination, and all his megalomaniacal ideas of being above God are straight adaptations of the ideas of Nietzsche, just like he borrowed nearly every single one of his other ideas from others.

At some point, it seemed strange to hear him talking about Nietzsche so much, elevating him to the level of some "mystic". This just did not make any sense. Nietzsche is from the game of "philosophy", politics and "power". I thought he simply does not belong to the game of Truth. To call the "father of fascism", Nietzsche, a GREAT mystic is simply obscene, to the point of insanity. The same thing happened to Martin Buber, one of the most prominent ZioNazi ideology peddlers. Or Bertrand Russel, one of the most prominent NWO ideologists. Interesting pattern.

I have this strange quality: when some information comes up about some famous person, there is some feeling within me that tells me - "avoid this one like a plague" even though I have no information on them. Then, many years pass and boom. That was exactly the right feeling. How does it happen and where does it come from - I don't know. And that was the feeling about Nietzsche and some other most famous people, ideologies and concepts.

And when Chandra Mohan started to condemn all the "masters" before him, and even "enlightenment" and reincarnation itself, all the red lights inside of me went off. It felt like I am listening to a criminal, lying his teeth off. At that point, all I wanted is to get out from that "concentration camp". The whole trip was over. From then on, what I saw is something like hell breaking loose, something inherently suicidal, self destructing.

Actually, Chandra Mohan was quite obsessed with him. Nietzsche was one of his favorites and that is where he got some of his most impacting and visible ideas having far reaching consequences. It takes time for things and understanding to settle down from that initial view on things. But then, when things mature enough you begin to see the more subtle aspects of it, and when you look at it again, without attachment, all of a sudden - boom. A totally different thing then what you thought of it initially.

From what I see, he used all these justifications and hid behind the Nietzsche's back simply to justify his own ruthlessness, insensitivity and megalomaniacal tendencies of his. Everything around him was done for him and him only, and any kind of ideas he would concoct were immediately accepted as a word of "god" of some sort.

He needed Nietzsche more than Nietzsche needed him. People of Nietzsche's kind were probably the best thing to justify himself and everything about him.

People may think that this "commune" of his was created for them. Poor you. He just played with you like with toys and puppets, never even bothering that his word today will turn out to be as opposite to what he was going to say tomorrow as a day and night. What would happen in the world if the laws of physics for example would behave like this? Well, the world would self-destruct in an instance. THAT is how contradictory his utterly irresponsible concoctions were.

He talked about Nietzsche in almost four hundred of his lectures. Strange. Who was Nietzsche but a Rothschild's puppet?

I have seen plenty of those "new men" of Chandra Mohan. Sorry, not interested. The phony, self-serving, arrogant brats, cherishing their righteousness of being "without complexes" and genuinely free of all mind conditioning, whose egos and that phony "happiness" they project isn't worth an eaten out egg shell. All fake. All ego-centric and self-serving. How many of them care about others more than they care about their own pity selves and that delusion of "enlightenment" carrot, that, for some strange reason, forever remains beyond horizon?

I always wondered why is it that you can not make any real contact with them? Why do they seem to be so insensitive and so closed to others, like they were protecting their own "interests" somewhere deep within themselves? It was like dealing with martians or biorobots, utterly dead in their heart. Just like machines, some mechanisms without heart. But if you look at their faces and the way they behave, they would seem like a living proof of a "new man", like some "advanced" "seekers" of nothing less than Truth. I could never understand it. What seems to be the problem? What are you carrying and protecting within you as something separate from me or anyone else? What kind of a "secret" can you POSSIBLY have from me? Why do you think that the only possible goal of those around you is to "attack" you, to take advantage of you, to "gain" some benefits from you? Is this what life is all about? And what do you really have other than your own limitations?

Why do I say this? Well, simple, really. Because in reality, and not just in the "holier than thou" image they project, they care about others as much as they care about a little, tiny piece of a chicken crap on the road. And that is who most of them are. They only care about themselves and their "enlightenment" trip, which is exactly what the best customers for people of Chandra Mohan's kind are.

Because it is all about greed. To GET something for "myself" as being separate from others. And all their "hugs" and all those deep exhalations are as fake as a three dollar bill. They do not care others even exist beyond facilitation of their own ego trips. How many of them would help you if you are in trouble? It is all just like that Scientology trip. All ego-centric. Just look at them now. What do you see there but a bunch of fools?

Yes, there are exceptions indeed, just like with anything else.

Interestingly enough, both, Chandra Mohan and Nietzsche consider the man as he is to be "inferior". Nietzsche claims that the man is a rope between the ape and his "superman", hung over an abyss. What a disgusting idiocy.

Sure, life never stops and people progress, even though Chandra Mohan agrees with Nietzsche that the man is "falling". Nope, he does not. He simply can not. This is not how intelligence works. It forever expands. That is the very definition of it - The Infinite Ever Expanding Intelligence, All Pervading, which is what God is as far as I can see.

It is not the man who is falling, but monsters and Satanists of Rothschild's kind doing all they can to reduce you to a machine level, a biorobot, a zombie, and sure, they have more "power" and money than anyone can even imagine in his wildest dreams.

But, even with all the relentless efforts of Rothschilds and billions and trillions of dollars they threw at it to zombify you all and convert you into biorobots, it simply does not work. Yes, indeed, everywhere you look you see these people reduced to a state of an animal, driven by the most primitive motivations as a result of following all sorts of fashions of the day, not even realising they are being lead to slaughter, LITERALLY. But...

Many of their own representatives including Christian Rakovsky, one of "them", the Committee of 300, as they are known nowadays, keep saying: well, we failed that time, and we failed again. All sorts of projects, related to the NWO thing have failed, and in the most critical aspects. They could not manage to control the world even though they own all the money, gold, diamonds, energy and governments. They are forever at the state of "almost", even though, yes, they have achieved the immense influence on just about anything that is happening in the world. And now their final hour has come.

Nowadays, they seem to have gotten quite frustrated. Because they started doing things blatantly and openly, utilizing the immense violence and aggression, which is an indication of their deepest failure. Once you resort to blatant violence, you loose your chance. Because their "kingdom" of Lucifer can not possibly succeed if it is done without agreement with people. The "herd" has to accept their "paradise". Otherwise, the rebellion is only going to build up, and it is just a matter of time before it blows their whole world of fiction to pieces.

The very example of Stalin was inflammatory as other states would see that you could get out of control of those parasitic bankers that produce nothing but fake, worthless paper called money and parasiting on everyone and everything with their "tyranny of usury", draining the resources and being utterly unproductive.

A former German chancellor, one of the most honest politicians ever, stated: once the amount of paper (financial obligations) exceeds the amount of value that paper can cover by fifty times, all you have is global madness. And that was back in the 80's of the 20th century. Can you imagine what it is today? One hundred dollar bill isn't even worth the cost of printing it. LITERALLY.

All they could create is the IDEAS ABOUT wealth. Money is not wealth. There is hundreds of times more money in the world than there is tangible value to support it. Sure, gold is some kind of value, and so is energy, as some consider is to be the ultimate kind of value or wealth, which makes sense. But how much gold is there in the world and how much money?

Yes, indeed, when I look around and see these young people in a state of utter zombie I feel sad. But you know what? Well, they will have to go through it an learn from it. But they are not "falling". The intelligence can not become dumber. It can only grow, like a tree. Can a tree grow backwards? Even when it is old, it simply dies, but by that time its seeds have been reseeded many times over. Can a river flow backwards? So, how could the ultimate, intelligence itself, become dumber?

It is all just a matter of time. At some point, they will see what has been done to them. The amount of information available to them is beyond belief. No matter for how long they will allow themselves to remain dumb, and accept all the zombie programming done to them, there will come a point when they will say: enough is enough! They do not see it now. But does it mean they CAN not see? Why is that?

Jesus showed that the natural laws are as simple as it gets. Even a child should be able to see it and feel it. And there is evidence of it on record. How do you destroy it?

My position on this is clear and simple enough:

At any given point, you are the best you can be.
As if you could be better, would not you?

All the "mistakes" you make and even the evil things you do is nothing more than lessons for you to learn who you are NOT, known as a negative approach. Because they arise out of misunderstanding and blindness, of not SEEING what Life is "all about". You could not do otherwise, as these are precisely the lessons for you to learn. And it is not about guilt of fear of some punishment from God. "How can you punish the blind for not being able to see"?

As far as Nietzsche's "superman" is concerned, he simply did not comprehend that all his artificial ideas of something "ultimate" simply place him in a place of God, whom he denied. How does he know the best approach and the final outcome? What would happen once you do manage to come to this final outcome, the "superman" of his? Do you understand the question? Well, what would happen, as far as I can see, is that his "superman" would simply commit suicide or would go mad. Why? Well, because there is nowhere to go from then on for him. He already achieved the ultimate state of being. There is nothing to develop, nothing to perfect, nothing to improve. What could possibly be the purpose of such a "superman"? "Dance under the stars" all day long? For what? Wouldn't you simply go mad after a short while? What is next? - Well, dance more!!!

All these "smart" philosophers seem to think that THEY know "the answer". But what do they know really? They can not understand simple things, such as "heaven" for example. As far as I can see, heaven is not some place somewhere. It is the state of your being. Existence is multidimensional and simultaneous. It is not a matter of going somewhere or "achieving" something. "This is it!" Right where you are right now.

God is simultaneously everywhere, and you are not excluded, even though you perceive yourself as something separate from others, which is just an illusion of learning or a "disease of stankha" - "disease of becoming", as they call it in India.

But they take it literally. You can not do that, you smart guys. These things are encoded and can not be perverted as a result. So, the message remains uncorrupted unless it is properly decoded. And you will not be able to decode it unless you come to a state where you will SEE it, and once you see it, there is no danger of corruption. You won't even have an idea of doing it. So, Truth is protected like nothing else in this world. There is no power in heaven or hell to corrupt or distort it. And it is not a matter of "understanding" it. And you will see it one day. It is just a matter of time. There is simply no way around it, no matter how long does it take. It is simply inevitable.

This "new man" or "superman" crap is simply misunderstanding, or, rather, a purposeful misinterpretation of Life as such. This is not how it works. There are forever possibilities to develop. There is no final state of man. That is simply an absurd. By the time you create this "new man" or a "superman", he will be outdated, right upon arrival. He will look like the same old man, as ancient as history itself. What is so hard to see?

Why don't you instead accept the man as he is, just like Chandra Mohan blabbered all the time, while not meaning any of it as he forever tried to show you that you are nothing more than an idiot and that is precisely why you need him so he could "fix" you and get you to "the other shore", which is a myth, just like any other throughout history of mankind.

There is no "other shore" anywhere in sight in life. There is no "this" state and "that" state, "inferiority" and "superiority", the "underman" and "superman". That is all nothing but bluff of someone who can not see the beauty of Intelligence, ever expanding. The very idea of "the other shore" or "enlightenment" is meant to create some struggle withing you, some "future" for you to try to grab and put it in your pocket. It simply creates greed, and that is how they exploit you and parasite on you through the the ugliest motivations of greed and "achievement".

That is why Jesus taught to SEE, not "achieve". Because it is all sitting right smack in the middle of you. There is no "path" to travel. You can not "achieve" yourself. God is not "achievable". Because It is already present everywhere where there is Life, regardless of how "imperfect" it may seem.

At any given moment it is "perfect" in a sense that it precisely corresponds to your state and your consciousness and your abilities to perceive and comprehend whatever things you have or see at the moment.

How can you make a small child strong as a grownup bully, which is what both of them are trying to do? Just slow down, will you? You have EXACTLY what you need with the mind you have and perceptive and imaginative abilities of yours. As soon as you will be able to imagine something grander, you will have it right then and there. Sure, you'd have to do some work. But that is what life is for.

Sure, crave for the "higher". No problem. Forever try to improve upon things. That is what creativity is for. But no need to "jump higher than your own dick". Ever heard? Because you will not be able to do it no matter what you do.

It is nothing more than a fascist idea of superiority that inevitably leads to domination, oppression, violence, parasitism, megalomania and all kinds of evil. That is what the nature of evil is I claim. And that is precisely what Nietzsche asserts when he claims that the man as he is is just a rope between an "ape" and a "superman", hanging over an abyss. But why abyss? Well, that abyss of his is what hell is to me. That rope constitutes tension. And that tension is between the reality of That Which Is and his IDEAS of "how it SHOULD be". In other words, a highway to hell. The next stop is a madhouse.

What else did Chandra Mohan create? That "concentration camp", those utterly brainless totalitarian dictators known as department "coordinators", or people being forced and told where to work and where and with whom to live? This Nazi like obedience and that slave-like adoration of some idol of Chandra Mohan kind with all the pictures of him hanging everywhere, down to the bathroom? Those astronomic prices they charge you for their zombification sessions and services, like it was some kind of five star hotel? Those elaborate schemes of corporations, foundations and all sorts of other organizations, most of which is simply meant to avoid the tax authorities and delude the judicial system to make it all look like anything you want at the moment, just like a chameleon? What else?

Should God drive 90 Rolls Royces and wear the diamond watches?

Should God drive 90+ Rolls Royces and wear the diamond watches and change his king like robes every day and sit on a throne, above all others on some grand stage, like Chandra Mohan, in order to convince Chandra Mohan that he is real?

God's Throne

Have you noticed how big is the podium where Chandra Mohan sat? Well, it is big enough for a symphony orchestra! Why? What other things besides his lectures was it for? Well, nothing else. No one would even dare to step a foot on that "holy" podium of his. I was shocked in Poona (Pune) and on the ranch in Oregon when I saw it. Somewhere deep inside me it did not make any sense, and all the slaves licking it was something out of a fiction movie. It was simply unbelievable. Why did they lick it and guard it better than a nuclear facility? What was so sacred about it. I do feel sorry for myself that it did not click at that time for me to come and shit on it, just to see what happens. Poor me!

And it was kept as clean as a life support room at some hospital! But did he ever clean anything with his own hands in his entire life? Or was it forever some slaves, whom these "masters" forever teach that cleanliness is next to God?

So, why was it made this way? Was he some kind of god? YES, he was, at least according to his behavior. And that is PRECISELY what he posed as in every one of his steps, in every single one of his appearances, in every single one of his moves. And he was not only God, that "does not exist", according to him. He was the manifestation of nothing less than Truth, just as he said!!!

But all he needed is enough space to place a chair on, and in fact, that would prevent anyone from even thinking of doing something else on it. Because there is just not enough space for anything else!

Just those grand rituals of him coming to his lecture was something else. The whole city of Rajneeshpuram would freeze to halt. The road from his house to the Buddha Hall was closed off. The security had several cars placed in strategic areas all over the place. And everyone would sit there inside that hall and tremble as if Jesus Christ himself was about to descend from heaven upon the mortals. It was basically to tune you onto his wavelength, showing his grandness, so you would accept anything he will say in utter adoration and slave-like submissiveness. What a grand farce!

But the "greatest master ever" could not even conceive of an idea to just come out in some rag or sannyas clothes and sit in any chair among them. That would be something "revolutionary". But how could the "real" master descend upon the mortals without grand performance of a theatre grade?

A while back I was invited to visit his sannyasins in one city. They knew I am the one who brought Chandra Mohan to Russia. So, I was in some weird way like some kind of apostle of his. So they have gathered all the sannyasins in the city and invited me to come. Unfortunately I had a cold at that time and it was winter. So when I came, they were all sitting in this hall on a cement floor without the chairs and the hall was not heated. I do not even know how they could sit on that ice cold floor. I saw a few chairs in front of them. So I sat on one of them. As soon as I sat down, I immediately realised what was going on. They sat as I did while in the presence of Chandra Mohan, and I was to them like him. EXACTLY the same trip. And do you know what I felt? I felt like shit! It was simply disgusting. And I did not say a word to them. We just sat there, no music, nothing. Just me and them. And I felt shitty even when I had to finally get up and leave. The whole thing was something I did not like at all. It was a feeling that they thought I am "higher" than them. But I could not say a word. Otherwise, they would think that I am even "higher" than they originally thought!!!

Yes, they were not "guilty" of anything. They did the best thing they could do and showed me the utmost respect. But when I agreed to come, I did not even think that this is how they want to meet me. In the back of my mind, I assumed there is going to be a bunch of people and we can simply mix and chat. I guess I could have fixed the situation and tell them to just get off the floor and just behave as though it was some meeting of friends and not some grand show of "humbleness". It just did not click in my mind at the time.

Looking back at that situation now, I can not comprehend how Chandra Mohan was able to do his "master" number, sitting on some throne on the stage before "his people", and for years on. Not only that, but to show his "greatness" by being driven on a Rolls Royce for a few meters between his house and a hall in Pune. I saw him walk longer distances than that. What was in his mind during all those performances? Could not he see what he was doing by insulting people to SUCH extent? What was he doing to them? What was the "message"? What was the "teaching"?

I respect U.G. Krishnamurti for exactly this aspect. He never sat on some podium in all the videos I saw of him. Probably, he could see the ugly essence of it. Even Jesus never sat on a podium. Why?

And I tell you, you could not pay me enough to be in the same situation again, no matter what. I have been on the stage and for years, and people just loved us. You could hardly get in to the places where we played. So it is nothing new to me, nothing to crave for, and it has exhausted its potential. Yes, there IS something of an orgasm when you are on the stage and things are hot. But not always, by far. It happens like magic. It does not matter how hard you prepare or how much you rehearse. But when it happens, all the blabber of all the Chandra Mohans of the world is not even laughable. Their "nirvana" is nothing but a dead statue compared to it.

Poor Chandra Mohan. He had never learned to be a musician and never had a chance to experience the "real deal". His "master" performance is just a primitive imitation of what happens when you have a real contact out of real Love, and not just an idea or some philosophy ABOUT it. All he could do is to run his mouth wild for hours, telling them any kind of bullshit that came to his mind, which is no mind at the same time, and those in the hall just sat there like dummies, hoping to learn the real joy one day, and craving for that carrot of "enlightenment" out of greed, not even suspecting that it is present in the most ordinary things in Life.

My people Love me

Whenever the issue would come up with some reporter or in one of his lectures about him and his opulence, he would chuckle and say: Well, my people love me and that is why they give me all these presents and build the "Olympic size swimming pool" and shower me with all those Rolls Royces, hand made diamond watches from Switzerland and diamond encrusted pens. Just like some Madonna or Britney Spears. This is not only bizarre. This is simply a mental department level. What was the "message" in it?

Cool, eh? Even God would feel jealous. But there is a little but. He said that they do not know what love is. Because they are blind. According to him only a "master" can love. And, compared to HIS love, their love is nothing, just like a tale told by an idiot!

You see, there are different kinds of love apparently, and they are not equal, just like that "messiah", the Chabad Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson states. It is not that love is one and the same for all. Either it is there, or it is not. No. Not according to the "greatest master ever"!!! The love of a sheep is not the same as the love of a wolf! A sheep can not love his baby like a wolf. Because he is "inferior". Only a wolf knows the real love, and only a lion knows better!!! Just like this puppet, Nietzsche, says when he runs his mouth about the "superman" and that "will to power", the most innocent thing in the world according to Chandra Mohan.

UG Krishnamurti - a real lion

I saw several videos of UG Krishnamurti. I do like that guy. There is something "clicks" with him, something that "rings the bell". He really tried to be himself and investigate things on his own, instead of repeating some great "wisdom" of others. He would come out somewhere in a backyard and sit among you in the same chair as everyone. He did not have any kind of podium. For what? He did not wear some fancy clothes even though his sponsors could afford any Armani or anything he would be willing dress in. Because they were wealthy enough to accommodate for such things. He did not speak in some godly tone of voice and did not use the slow, wavy gestures of his hands to hypnotise you all. And sometimes he would jump and rave on. Like a thunder. I love those moments. It is like a lion springing up, and he would even shout. His moment has come!!! What can be more real than that? You can agree with him or not, but that is another matter. But he can not be accused for elevating himself above others.

What is this Chandra Mohan's grand performance of a megalomaniac, "a wolf, dressed in sheep's clothes" I ask you? Can you tell me? What is the results of his "achievements"? Anybody knows? How come do I see these utterly corrupt idiots on his videos zombifying people with all sorts of garbage? Yes, like they say: there is no pill against idiocy. But I have not seen a SINGLE one of "his people", who would not peddle some lunacy and lying their teeth off, or repeating someone else's words or ideas just like the parrots. What do they think they are doing? Teaching all the blind how to see?

How do you define a "saved man", Chandra Mohan is talking about? "God should do something" like what to save the man? For WHAT purpose? To achieve what? Just look at these zombies all around. Vast majority of them seem to be in total ecstasy of idiocy, getting off on the most disgusting zombification crap imaginable in all those movies, shows or the so called "entertainment industry". What God should have done to them to remove something they do not even see as any kind of problem?

Just look at what Chandra Mohan has done, which ended up in crimes, utter disgust and his own grave, or samadhi, as it is called, being leveled to the ground and a pub built on its place to sell hard liquor to the zombies, getting drunk out of their heads.

Those suckers were so greedy, that they could not even leave alone a little patch of land, where their own master was buried. And what did they level to the ground? Do they know? Well, they have levelled to the ground that, which ought to be the most sacred place on Earth to them, little did they know. And they have buried themselves below that pub, where everyone is getting drunk out of their head now and pisses on their grave! That is what they have done by levelling the Chandra Mohan's samadhi, and even having guts to touch that sacred patch of land on the entire planet. So... They are right when they say: everyone gets what they deserve!

Look at the ugliest and utterly shameless manipulation and zombification done by his own top guns, saying and preaching the most idiotic stuff, that can not possibly produce anything other than the slaves, zombified with the doctrine of idiocy, forever repeating someone else's words like parrots, and pretending to be like some "holy" men.

How come Chandra Mohan, trying to replace "god" and posing as some "superman", and being peddled by his zombies as "the greatest master ever", could not help "his own people" to see and hear? Are they preaching what they really know, or merely that, which they have been zombified with?

As it has been said:

16. Ye shall know them by their fruits.
Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Fruits means the result of what they have done and not all the fancy and beautifully sounding words they have pronounce, or all their shiny diamond-like ideas they project.

Here: Beware of false prophets

Should God remove your misery by force?

He is supposed to be omnipotent, all-powerful, and he cannot remove man's misery,

[Comment: "Supposed" by whom? Who could possibly be classified as any kind of authority to the "greatest master ever", Chandra Mohan? What does it matter what anybody "supposes" if you are a "great" master yourself and can see with your own eyes? What is the need to perpetuate rumors and tales told by the blind? Can you tell me?

WHO says he is supposed? Where? By what authority? In what context? For what reason or purpose? Saying it to whom? Where is the context of what Chandra Mohan claims here?

The question here is not what OTHERS claim but what Chandra Mohan himself claims. Why is he hiding behind the backs of some imaginary figureheads and not simply stating what he himself has to say about this?

It is him, who is viciously attacking God. Not Nietzsche or Zarathustra. He is just using them as a crutch to support his own position of "there is no God" and fabricating all sorts of utterly insane arguments, knowing full well that not one of them "holds water", which is a disgrace.

Should God remove your misery by force? How? By doing what kind of things for example? WHO can remove your misery if you are blind and refuse to see, and especially if you are zombified by the people of Chandra Mohan's kind, doing all they can imagine to remove the very idea of God from your minds. How is it possible?

God should do what? Give them the the electric shock "therapy", just as Jose Delgado, one of Chandra Mohan's favorites, proposed with his ideas of installing the electrodes in your brain to control you?

"We need a program of psycho-surgery and political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated.

"The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective.

"Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal.

We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electrical stimulation of the brain."

-- Dr. Jose Delgado (MKULTRA experimenter who
demonstrated a radio-controlled bull on CNN in 1985)
Director of Neuropsychiatry, Yale University
Medical School.
Congressional Record No. 26, Vol. 118, February 24, 1974

Chandra Mohan himself claimed all the time that misery is a subjective phenomenon. It is not objective. Meaning, it is not the situation you are in, or the amount of physical pain you experience, but what you perceive it as. I see beggars on the streets every day and some of them, just yesterday in fact, walk on the street, smiling and singing to themselves, feeding pigeons when they have not a penny in their pocket. What do you think they would answer if you ask them: are you miserable?

I knew one beggar whom I liked. He had a beautiful heart. But he was always miserable. I have never seen a beggar so miserable as him. I would regularly give him lots of money by his standards. When I asked him: what makes you so miserable? He said: Well, I need 300 dollars so that I could go to Las Vegas and win millions. And those 300 dollars are worth about 2000 today. So I said: no problem, here is the money. He could not believe it. He came to visit me in my place just before he left for Las Vegas. He had a nice suit and shoes on him.

Then I saw him on the street again in few days and asked: so what happened? He nearly cried and said: well, I lost it all. I was almost winning, but... And I knew 100 percent this is going to happen. But I wanted him to have a chance his dream fulfilled to remove this idea of misery from his mind. But I am afraid that was a mistake. In a couple of weeks he just disappeared from the streets and I did not see him since. That whole exercise could be the end of him as he lost his pipe dream he cherished in his heart all his life. So... how do you remove his misery from the outside?

What is he preaching here I ask you? What's the "end goal"?

How God can make you sing again and dance again under the stars?

he cannot remove man's tensions, he cannot help man to sing again, dance again under the stars?"

[Comment: How can God remove your tensions? By doing what? Did he CAUSE those tensions in you? So what should he do? Give you some drugs? Disable your brain activity in certain areas?

These are all ugly lies and manipulation. This "dancing under the stars" trick Chandra Mohan forever used is just a profound delusion. There isn't such a thing. First of all, you can not dance under the stars because there are no stars when there is daylight. Yes, you CAN dance under the starts deep at night doing some satanic sacrifice ritual near the fire. Is it what he is implying here?

Yes, once in a while you feel like dancing or singing. But you can not be in that state forever. Life is not just "dancing under the stars" zombification garbage. Sometimes there are thunders, rains and even earthquakes.

Have you ever seen the blood of your beloved or your best friend dying on your hands? What should you do in that case? "Dance and sing under the stars"? Are you TOTALLY mad or just pretending?

Have you seen death of your own waiting patiently nearby? Have you starved to the point you do not know if you will be alive tomorrow?

Sometimes you feel like you are in paradise, and sometimes you feel like you are in crap up to your ears, and that is precisely how you learn I claim. Otherwise, there is no difference between you and some zombie or a biorobot, brainwashed to literal oblivion, totally unable to learn anything genuinely new as you do not allow even that very experience of learning to occur.

God is not there to remove your tensions like you are some puppet

Secondly, there is no ifs and buts with God. God is not there to remove your tensions like you are some puppet. You have to remove those tensions yourself via your understanding and seeing. Because that is the very purpose of your life - to SEE one day the very reasons for your tensions and misery. That is why you have the free will and free choice. Otherwise, what are you here for? Just to "dance under the stars" all day long, like some doll from the "entertainment industry", your entire life? Are you mad?

God is not here to help you sing again. He is already singing all He, or rather It, can, even in those birds early in the morning, in those giggles of children, who are as yet not corrupt as you are.

He is already singing through love of your friend, your parents and brothers and sisters or your own heart when you love. He is already singing through a virgin leaf springing into life, through fields of flowers and buzzing of a bee. He sings through your heart when you smile authentically. He is singing everywhere there is life. And if you can not see that, you need to learn "to see and hear". Nothing can force you into it.

Chandra Mohan talks about the mystics using the language of materialism, the language of a belly.

Do not throw the diamonds to the pigs, they will just step on it

Thirdly, you need to know the plan of God's Providence in order to assert what God should or would do or not and for what purpose. To artificially remove your misery? Do you know what would happen if he did that to all of you on an individual basis? Well, you would commit the suicide! Why? Well, what would you do without your tensions and misery? That is what keeps you going. You have some "issues", so you forever try to "solve" it, crave for something, try to "achieve" something. If your misery is removed you become utterly empty. Wouldn't you simply go mad?

Jesus said:

"do not throw the diamonds to the pigs, they will just step on it".

In order for you to be helped, you need to see that you need it. You need to ask for it out of your own intent and you need to be ready to receive it. And, most of all, you need to recognize there exists God to be asked. If you deny the very notion of it, what do you expect? Nothing can force you into peace and love and gratitude, into seeing or hearing if you refuse.

I have seen plenty of times in my own life the events that took me out of the utmost trouble, trouble of life and death caliber, and I am not exaggerating. There is no possible rational explanation to those events that could be considered nothing but pure grade miracles. I need no other evidence.

God is not there to behave according to Chandra Mohan's or anybody else's ideas or philosophies

God is not there to behave according to Chandra Mohan's or anybody else's ideas or philosophies. None of what Chandra Mohan states denies either omni-potence or all-powerfulness of God, which is not even an issue.

God is not your slave or a puppet to do as YOU wish or order, throwing omni-potence left and right just to show it to you. First of all, do you realise what would happen to you if He/It showed his omni-potence or all-powerfulness? Well, you would get so frightened that I doubt you could do anything creative without constantly crawling on your knees and asking Him if it is OK to do it or not.

And, what does God's omni-potence have to do with YOU? Are you just a puppet? Or, is God obliged to lick your rear end and make sure you have all the Rolls Royces or the shiny objects you crave for?

Not a SINGLE word of what he says even makes a logical sense. Because you need to know the INTENT of God and you need to understand the framework, the framework of utter madness one can see all over. How can these people be taught or helped if they refuse to even look at it? What kind of miracle can FORCE you into Truth? There is no such a miracle is what I claim, but "your own eyes and your own ears", just as it was said:

"He has blinded their eyes and deadened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor turn -- and I would heal them."

John 12:40

"Lead out those who have eyes but are blind, who have ears but are deaf."

Isaiah 43:8

And what if God is dancing for your right now, in this very book, and saying: why are you blinded by all these shiny objects and all these diamond ideas that simply blind you?

Why don't you open your own eyes and see? What prevents you? Why do you need to follow some false prophet?

What I see here is shameless manipulation of things no intellectually honest philosopher would ever assert, as these things are pure grade lies and perversions of the very essence of it.

Zarathustra's contributions are great. The idea that God is dead is not only a logical idea

"...Zarathustra's contributions are great. The idea that God is dead is not only a logical idea;"

[Comment: One thing, before we start on this: I do not think his contributions are great. His utterly vicious attacks on God, Jesus and Christianity are obviously tinted, custom made per order. Some of it looks not only like quite a stretch, but clear and obvious bias and attempts at deliberate perversion. He is considered to be one of great philosophers but some things he says are so biased that it looks it was all invented by the man with a preconceived agenda, and not someone who is merely interested in investigation, who obviously misinterprets and profanates some issues, interpreting things on their face value, and you can not do it with things like God. That simply discredits you.

God is the domain intangible, of the beyond. By very definition, God is not a subject to your rules of logic or reason. He can not be limited to it. Otherwise, it is not God but your own invention, created by the limited mind who can not possibly know some mysteries of the beyond and Forever Expanding Intelligence which can not possibly be reduced to a mental domain alone.

Yes, understood, Chandra Mohan saw plenty of stupidity, fanaticism and prejudice from the speeches and deeds by some Christian priests, and it is true that most of them manipulate things and make some blatant proclamations having no competence or authority to do so. Most of them are nothing more than religious fanatics and parasites, incapable of producing a thing of any genuine value beyond fear and guilt, manipulating all into the state of zombie like submissiveness.

Rothschilds prove that Christianity and Jesus are as real as it gets

But it has to be remembered that Christian church was corrupted by the immense efforts of Rothschilds and his puppets and agents. They threw more money at destroying Jesus and Christianity than on anything else. And they have all the money and gold of the world, and still they were unable to do it! This is one of the main projects of Rothschilds - to destroy the Christianity from within, to this day. Not only Rothschilds, but also that banking Mafia and the money tycoons, such as Baruch, Kuhn, Loeb, Schiff and Warburg. All intermarried. All degenerates.

Why? Why would the owners and the rulers of the entire planet Earth, Rothschilds and those ZioNazi satanists even bother with destroying something they themselves deny to be something real? They themselves consider Jesus to be nothing more than "a dreamer of dreams". Why would you even bother about some lunatic? Just forget about it. Don't you have better things to do? And they are the satanists, allegedly having a personal contact with no one less than Lucifer himself. So, they should know better.

Well, that single fact is sufficient evidence to prove that Jesus is real and that is precisely why he is considered by them to be the greatest danger to their whole Satanic NWO scheme of utter hell on earth and reduction of people to the level of slaves and zombies, literally.

Apparently, with all their efforts and all their money they could not destroy what was written in the name of Jesus thousands of years ago. It is still alive. And even if the whole Christian church belongs to them and is corrupted top to bottom, it is still alive. How can the Truth die or get corrupted?

What kind of "danger" some "dreamer of dreams" can represent to the utmost power that owns and rules the planet Earth?

Did Rothschilds throw a DIME at trying to discredit or destroy "the greatest master ever", Chandra Mohan? Well, just the other way around? Via Rothschild's controlled IBM corporation, they are giving tens of millions of dollars annually to support the Chandra Mohan's empire under the cover of "tension release programs". Strange.

What tension release programs? Do you mean massive masturbation sessions? What could these donkeys, zombified by Chandra Mohan possibly do to remove ANY tensions besides getting laid? What does it mean to remove tension? To remove tensions means totally changing your mind and your whole outlook on life, which simply translates into "opening your eyes". That acceptance comes when you can "see" those things that seem to be some kind of a conflict or a problem.

What is tension? Well, to me, it is an indication of some misunderstanding. Something does not reconcile somewhere, so you keep struggling. You perceive life as some kind of a conflict, some warfare of sorts of "me" versus "you". Thus tension. On the other hand, that tension is a potential for springing into action. Out of that tension you can do something. The energy is there. One thing is certain, you are not just neutral. You do have a choice, don't you? Why don't you instead LOOK into that tension and see where is the roots of it deep inside you? What is the need to forever condemn yourself, not believing you can get out of that tension? I did see some people in my life that never seem to be in a state of tension. Why is that? What is the difference between them and others?

How do you know that tension is not EXACTLY what you need? How do you know that God is not giving you a chance to see? One thing is certain - in tension you are alive! How do you know that if your tension is "removed" from the outside you will not become a vegetable-like, a statue-like, dead in the most profound sense of the word? Tension means a potential. It means you are ready to take the next step in life. It means you are ready for something new to be revealed to you. Be grateful and SEE is what I say. Why should God deprive you of your potential? This does not make sense.

And again, life is not just "dancing under the stars" zombification garbage, a utopia, meant to keep you enslaved with all these grand ideas to "improve" yourself, that you will never reach, a state, that only exist in your own mind. Its purpose is to keep you in a state of idiocy, forever craving for some carrot hung in front of your nose, so you go fall into the feet of some "master" of disaster and beg like a beggar to give you some pill that will remove your tensions and cure your blues. Isn't what this is? Tell me.

Let me tell you something out of my own life experience. May be it will help you to see your own situation. Some time ago I started noticing strange things. Whenever I go out on the street, and I usually take a long walk, what I have noticed is that somehow in the tightest places to get through, for some reason, some people walk either in front of me or towards me and EXACTLY at the narrowest place on the sidewalk we all meet and it creates tension. Strangely enough, most of the time there is only a couple of people around, and the sidewalk is wide enough for even five people to walk freely without any problem. But EXACTLY at the narrowest places, they all meet at the same time. Why?

Initially I was getting upset because I walk with a particular rhythm and to avoid that conflict it would require me to either slow down or speed up and in some cases I would have to start literally running just to avoid the situation because I am already walking at a maximum speed.

Then, after a year or so, I noticed that these situations are not random, not accidental. It all seem to be too precisely aligned. Statistically, it was not possible. And then I started to pay attention at the kind of people seem to get on my way and what is their state, and I was shocked to recognize they were in utter zombie-like state, UTTERLY unconscious. Sometimes we walk towards each other and I walk straight and they walk slightly on my side so there should be no conflict. But they, for some weird reason, walk not straight ahead, but in my precise direction. And they either talk on the phone, or look to the left instead of looking under their feet, or simply have an absent look like they are sleepwalking.

So, lately, it does not bother me any longer and I even smile when it happens. So... Do you see the nature of this tension and how it is resolved? - The SIMPLEST thing conceivable. Do you think YOUR situation is any different, no matter what kind of tension you experience?

What I see is God telling me "do not cling to this level, it is all the same unconsciousness, it is all as real as a pipe-dream". Anywhere you look or anything you do, it is pretty much the same thing - the unconsciousness.

Releaving tension is a lifelong exercise. That is what life is for. Those are the lessons to be learned. What is the need to be in a constant state of warfare, which forever exhausts you? Even if you "win" in one situation, do you think it is going to go away somewhere? The next moment it is going to be exactly the same situation.

You don't simply shake your ass at some mass zombie "meditation" session. Because you still remain the same man as you were. Nothing has changed in you. You still do not see the root causes of your tension.

How can it be removed by some "sessions" of ANY kind? Chandra Mohan himself claimed it is all bluff. Those "tension removers" are as blind as anyone.

Compassion and Nietzsche

Take for example compassion. Nietzsche talks about it as though he knows what is its essence, interpreting it as some kind of a logical or rational act or some object that could be observed. But IS it? How can he know what compassion is? What is love? Is it something done for some reason, as a result of some logical consideration? Well, compassion is right on that level.

This can be seen even in the animal world when some baby of one specie is adopted and raised by the members of a different specie. And there are even facts on record that even humans that were left as babies somewhere in some forest were raised by nothing less than the WOLVES!!! Can you imagine that? By WOLVES, who eat anything that is bigger than a rat? How could this be? Why would they do that, when they could have a nice meal out of this baby? Is it not the same exact thing as compassion, which in this case turns out to be something as natural as the world itself!

It is not just some idea in Nietzsche's mind about "higher" or "lower". No. Wolves are nothing less than uncorrupted representatives of the natural world, as real as it gets.

Nietzsche does not even know what is a thought, which should be much simpler, because it is something much more tangible than things like compassion, love, gratitude and even pity, which he attacks like a mad dog. What is a thought?

Compassion is inherent in life. It is one of the most basic mechanisms of perpetuation of life and appreciation of its grand nature. It is the gratitude. Real compassion is not a logical act, made out of consideration or evaluation. It is a direct, intuitive act of life affirmation.

What is friendship for example? When someone helps his friend is he INSULTING him and trying to be "higher"? Sorry, I did not feel like that. When someone receives some help from his friend is he "lower". Sorry, I did not feel like this, and I was on both ends of it. This is not just a theory to me. I did not feel "superior" and I did not feel "inferior".

Once you start manipulating such grand things as compassion, love, you are in the darkest valley of your life. What else is there in life besides compassion, love, gratitude, appreciation, intuitive interplay with life via acts of creativity and things of that caliber? Logic? The so called reason, which is nothing more than mental bluff of the "blind leading the blind just to fall into a ditch"?

Sure, anything may be fake, and compassion is not an exception. Sure, if you are corrupt, you will corrupt everything and anything to achieve your agenda. Sure, if you are a fanatic, obsessed with some dogma, you will pervert even love. Yes, that is all true. But what does it mean? That there is no such a thing as compassion because some blind fanatic of Nietzsche kind, who was specifically hired to try to pervert the most fundamental principles of life says so?

Chandra Mohan was simply shamelessly manipulating the principles of logic, which state: if you did not see something, never heard of it, it does not mean it does not exist. And this is just one little aspect of it. Yes, in simple cases related to physical laws such a proof by negative is valid in some cases. For example you assert: there is no hole in a bucket because water does not disappear from it. But all these proofs are only applicable to deterministic systems, where everything is known and predictable, both, cause and effect. But it is totally invalid in all other cases.

Secondly, God is not and can not possibly be the subject to your monkey logic unless of course you know how God's creation should have been done, and to know that, you'd have to be nothing less than God itself. Because to see all the aspects of it you need to BE it. Otherwise how do you know that you did not miss something, have not noticed some aspects, misunderstood something? How? Can you see things with God's "eyes"? Who are you, but a limited being?

What authority could you possibly assert, even in principle, to represent or interpret nothing less than God Itself, even if you are Buddha. You can only see some aspects of the whole. But you can not claim you can see the whole in its entirety, no matter who you are. Moreover, those very things you might never suspect exist, may turn out to be nothing less then the "corner stones". Even to make any kind of claims on behalf of God is utter arrogance. It is an insult, and not only of God, but to your own intelligence, which is just a minute sparkle of God and Creation, one of the infinite manifestations of All There Is. Have mercy on yourself.

How can you force God to submit to your desires, views or your limited understanding unless you pose as nothing less than God? You can not possibly know the greater purpose of it all. Otherwise, it is not God, but a puppet of yours, "built in your own image".

Finally, life is not a logical formula invented by some logician. Logic is only a small part that mostly deals with material things, limited in their scope by definition. Logic is not the Truth.

Creation is illogical. It is not a logical conclusion. Whether it fits your present logic system or not, does not affect it. If your logic can not describe something new, you simply must revise your logic system. Else it is invalid, and once there is even a small part of it that "does not work", then how do you know that your entire system of logic is broken in fundamental ways and does not work as a whole? ]

"... it is very existential. Looking at the world, it cannot be accepted that it was created by a wise God."

[Comment: Why not? Did Chandra Mohan know how "wise" God creates things, for what purpose and how they should look like at this time? Are you going to blame no one less than God for not relieving you of your misery in this blind search of yours, where "blind are leading the blind just to fall into a ditch"? Secondly, can God be unwise? Or what kind of a cheap shot is this?

Was Chandra Mohan a weasel of some kind? Looking at WHAT aspect of the "world"? With WHOSE eyes and ears? With WHAT agenda? Serving WHAT purpose?

When he says "it can not be accepted", it implies that he does not merely express his own opinion, but presents it as some kind of evidence. Does his "acceptance" change the Reality of All There Is? Who is he?

His statement is nothing more than a lie and fabrication, and of a despicable grade, pronounced by some manipulator, that refuses to see the grandiose scope of life which is apparent everywhere, in the smallest and seemingly most insignificant things or entities. Even a song of a bird or a leaf springing into life, in a giggle of a child, in art and poetry, in friendship, and we are not even talking about Love which is undeniable reality. What is Love a result of? Some logic? Some morality system of belief? Some dictate? Some imposition?

Nietzsche lived during the times of great German philosophers of Kant, Hegel and Schopenhauer and his ideas of "existentialism". It was the time of tremendous intensity of the mind, when it was thought that the mind can explain everything, even life itself, and that the mind as such is the only real value there is. Everything else was considered either as a religious dogmatism or blind superstition. The mind and the so called reason or the rational was thought to be the final determinant of what reality is.

That was basically a transition to the mind from a religious dogmatism of a feudal system. And it was the time when Rothschilds had finally taken control of the world with their money and gold, and they are well known to be the Satanists in a LITERAL sense. Furthermore, it is well known that precisely the Rothschilds are the representatives of Satan on Earth.

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The following is from the magazine Progress for all January 1991, an interview regarding the clarification of the Pyramid and the shining eye on the back of the US One Dollar Bill:

" The seal of the pyramid was created by the Rothschild family and brought to North America by Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton before 1776.

The Rothschild family is the head of the organization in which I entered in Colorado. All the Occult Brotherhoods are part of it.

It is a Lucifer Organization to install his reign in the whole world. The eye on the pyramid is the eye of Lucifer.

Supposedly the Rothschilds have personal dealings with the Devil. I have personally been in his villa and have experienced it.

And I know it is true".

-- John Todd, Masonic Council of Thirteen

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"The leaders of the Freemasons... were the Illuminati, and the Illuminati were the Rothschilds."

-- Greg Hallett, How to Take Over the World (p. 92)

What is the difference between Chandra Mohan's "temple" in Pune and a Rothschild's pyramid for the Church Of Satan?

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Rothschilds begin the construction of a pyramid in Napa Valley for the Church Of Satan

Baron and Baroness Phillipi de Rothschild in a joint venture with Robert Mondavi, begin the construction of a pyramid in Napa Valley, California, where the leader/founder of the Church Of Satan, Ashkenazi Jew, Anton LaVey, is based. This is known as Opus 1 (which means, the first work), and the front for this temple is that it is a winery.

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, The Synagogue of Satan

Interestingly enough the world headquarters of Chandra Mohan's "empire" in Pune, India also has a form of a pyramid. Looks like the entire Pune is filled with these black pyramids. Why? What is the obsession? What is the "sacred" meaning of it beyond the Illuminati and Masonic symbology?

What does a pyramid symbolize and why was it placed on one dollar bill, filled with the NWO and satanic symbology, created by Rothschild, who provided the backing for the creation of the Illuminati secret society for the purpose of taking over the world? The very fact that this symbol was placed on one dollar bill can not be ignored, because it is associated with the New World Order. "Novus Ordo Seclorum" on one dollar bill means exactly that.

The "rational" approach of Satanists

Let us look at the "rational", which is the roots of the ideology of Pharisees. The ideology of the material world, the belly.

What is "rational"? Well, it happens to be about the only way to destroy your roots and manipulate you like a puppet through your mind, just to be blunt. Because only through this "rational" garbage you can manipulate the human being and to make him a robot.

Rational is a result of evaluation process by the mind. And the mind can be convinced of anything. The same things may be shown to be the utmost evil or the ultimate "good". But, no logic, no mind can possibly come to Truth.

These ideas come from the ancient scriptures and the ideology of Pharisees, who worshipped the golden calf, the symbol of ultimate "wealth" and the material world as the only reality there is. It is known a the "negative approach" of self-serving, or Luciferianism.

Our god is Lucifer

"Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer
... - and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive."

-- Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a top Administrative Aide to one of this nation's ranking senators, Jacob Javits R-NY, in a tape recorded interview by Walter White, Jr., which was conducted in 1976. From the book "The Hidden Tyranny".

And that is precisely what Pharisees were preaching - the so called rational approach, and they claim it to this day, saying that Judaism is the ONLY rational religion. All other religions have an element of faith in them. They are not based on "reason" or logic. And this is what Chandra Mohan uses in his arguments. The same exact ideology.

And this is why Rothschilds have spent tons of money financing all sorts of philosophers and scientists, such as Karl Marx, Charles Darwin and Nietzsche, to create a scientific justification to their dry and deadly belief system of greed, possessiveness, "superiority", destructiveness and eventual world domination by the only intelligent "god-chosen" people. A model, that is squarely based on destruction of faith, thus severing your connections to the very roots of Life and the very notion of God. In that model, the man's intelligence is considered to be the only real intelligence, above which stands nothing, which is simply impossible, even on logical grounds. Because existence is infinite in all dimensions and directions. It has been said in the Scriptures: "As above, so below".

And that is why they have created the "dialectic materialism" of Karl Marx or the theory of evolution of Darwin, which attempts do deny the Creation and present the evolution as mere random permutations of particles, utterly devoid of even a notion of something above matter, a model of a mechanical world without Soul and God. The very idea that intelligence and a human being may arise out of mere random permutations is probably the most insane idea in the entire history of science. Even statistically, it does not reconcile with the Big Bang theory.

What is left of all those great German philosophers? As a result of such a tension of trying to resolve and reconcile life with their "logic", most of them simply went mad at the end. And that is their very trap.

"Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad".

They used their minds and logic as the only appropriate tool, and, moreover, their logic is full of holes. I do not recall a single statement by any of them that would logically reconcile. One statement depends on other assumptions of theirs, that were never proven, and those, in turn, rely on other statements that were not proven. It is all but a grandest pile of self-referential confusion.

Life is not logic. Otherwise, you could be replaced with some computer programmed with the rules of logic. You can not even read what they wrote. The complexity of their self-referential "logic" simply deadlocks. If falls apart. By itself. In every single statement of theirs there is no proof.

When I look at the world, everywhere I look, I see creation by The Infinite Intelligence Ever Unfolding. It depends on how you look, what you look at, and what aspect of the whole do you perceive. The very beating of my heart, the very pumping of my lungs the very rest and restoration of my energy when I get up from sleep, the very love people radiate without any "rational" reason or explanation. The whole life is pure grade miracle to me. The very fact I am sitting here and writing this to you all, knowing full well it is going to be junked upon arrival by vast majority of you, is beyond rational. What is that, which compels me to do this hopeless exercise, knowing full well you are simply going to be offended, clinging to this "Osho" demigod?

"And the way it goes on falling down, it seems impossible that there is a God who protects, who saves, who takes care of His children."

No, it does not even "seems". It is a deliberate lie, and the ugliest misinterpretation of the very essence of God. It is nothing but a cheap shot to me, utterly biased, pronounced by someone with evil intent, misinterpreting and misrepresenting life.

What does it mean to "protect" or "save"? How does he know that it is not happening and in the most profound ways? For example, those who control and own the world keep saying that their major plans in enslaving the world keep failing again and again. Why? With all their money and power, with all their cunningness and total control of everything, still, their most important plans keep failing. How is this possible?

Just logically, if God should get involved in micro-management punishing the violators everywhere, what would happen in the world but living hell and all pervading fear of God that simply paralyzes everyone to the point where they stop doing things? Should God annihilate all those that do bad deeds? How many of you would be left alive if you would be punished for your evil deeds immediately?

Just as Jesus said: "how can you punish the blind for not being able to see"?

How do you learn if punishment is immediate and for every bad deed, some of which you do not even consciously mean, being simply blind as you are?

To protect how? How do you protect people from Rothschilds, Baruchs, Kuhns, Loebs, Schiffs, Warburgs and the like, who own everything, including your governments, your money and gold, the media, who wrote your schoolbooks and zombified your minds with the most evil ideas and who keep zombifying you non stop everywhere you look? What God should have done to those ZioNazi bankers or the people who allowed to be zombified with all that propaganda?

Should he do something like Jose Delgado peddled and place the electrodes in your brain? To disable some parts of your brain? To stimulate unending pleasure and making you "dance under the stars" all day long, every day of the week? Is that the kind of world you would like to live in?

What Chandra Mohan says here is nothing but a lie and shameless manipulation of the essence of it. Again, in order to assert what should or should not happen if there is God, you need to know God's Providence, the Plan, and His ideas about the process of creation. How do you know that everything is evolving not exactly according to the plan? How do you know what has to be done in order for you to progress?

Just look at the prophecies. It is simply mind boggling how some of it happens EXACTLY as prophesied, down to the last dot and comma, and some of those prophecies are thousands of years old. How could this be? The whole NWO agenda evolves EXACTLY as prophesied.

Yes, indeed, the ZioNazis try to create the events in the world so that they fit the prophecies, thus perverting it to look like these are the prophecies fulfilled according to the book.

Bluff about Zarathustra and compassion

"...Zarathustra is against the very idea of pity, because it reduces the other man to a humiliating position. Zarathustra is even against compassion, because that means you are higher and the other is lower, that you are the giver and the other is the receiver."

First of all, to be against compassion, which is one of the most basic mechanisms of perpetuation of Life, one must be utterly sick. Moreover, to try to justify one's argument via ideas of "higher and lower", one must be utterly dishonest. And to use "because", thus making it look like some logical conclusion is simply evil. Because it does not follow. Compassion has nothing to do with "higher" or "lower".

Well, I do consider a Mahasattva certificate issued to me in the name of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh an insult exactly because of what Chandra Mohan claims here. If he did not feel "higher" while issuing it to me then I do not know how can it be classified otherwise in the context of what we are talking about here. I am still the same man as before I received it. I do not feel "higher" than others just because he gave it to me. Just the other way around, I feel "lower", being classified as a member of some "innermost elite" of his. I could care less what anybody classifies me as, "worthy" or "unworthy" of his "grace". And I am not trying to look "higher" here. The whole thing is utterly meaningless to me. Not only meaningless but insulting and idiotic in its utmost futility.

I never accepted any "authority" in human flesh in my entire life regardless of how "rich" or "highly placed" they were unless it was something purely technical and dealing with some expertise in science or art. And even there I do not consider them as some kind of "authority". I only perceive them as highly talented and gifted people who have VISION of their own and who could SEE beyond mundane. What a joy to meet someone like that.

If he really knew me, he would think better. Because the way I am is that I will inevitably destroy his entire "empire" if I ever find out that it is based on the principles of evil. This is simply inevitable. Who knows, may be he knew what he was doing and that is exactly why one of those certificates was issued to me for the purpose of finishing this whole trip off if it becomes rotten.

You can believe me or not - it is utterly meaningless to me.

In some situations, I see people willingly or unwillingly accepting their misery as something "objective". They keep telling me: well, "what to do, such is life". what can I do in such a horrible situation I am placed by some inevitable force of evil most profound. Poor souls.

And sometimes, but very rarely I see them responding and "getting a joke of it". What a blast! It is like an explosion, an orgasm or ecstasy of out of this world. And in some cases, not only they respond as someone alive and someone who can fully see "the point" of a joke, but they even shoot some insight or a wild joke back at me and we both laugh like mad, knowing absolutely that life is not a dead end road road leading directly to hell.

And sometimes they are beggars on the street or drunks, being drunk out of their head. Just yesterday in fact, one disabled lady sitting on a wheelchair on one of the main streets and begging, asking aloud: help me please, may God bless you. Looks like a typical conman trick right? Well... But the WAY she says it is out of this world. She is kind of singing it, placing an accent on the third wowel. She is like an angel. And yesterday I talked to her. I wanted to know if someone takes away their money they collect during the day and they simply work for some beggar "mafia". And we had a beautiful chat for a couple of minutes and she was so ecstatic and her heart was so beautiful, I do not recall any other beggar like this in a long long time. Did I feel "higher"? - Nope. Only more fortunate in some ways. At least I have my legs working. Is THAT "higher"?

Are you MAD?

First of all, all this ugly, Satanic ideology of Nietzsche and Charles Darwin has caused rivers of blood and millions of innocent people brutally murdered in cold blood.

Compassion is no good? Then what IS "good"?

And what does Zarathustra or even Nietzsche have to do with Chandra Mohan's denial of God? That entire lecture of his was his own condemnation of the very idea of God. Is Nietzsche "enlightened"? What relevance his statements might have as far as Truth goes? So, Chandra Mohan uses this lunatic as a crutch to lean upon, so is Nietzsche using Zarathustra to make it look like it is some kind of "deep wisdom of the ages" or of some mystic. Why are they using someone else's opinion as some kind of evidence of their own position?

The "enlightened" person needs no crutches and it is utterly irrelevant what anybody says. He should be able to see with his own eyes and provide you the compelling, unarguable evidence, just like Jesus did. Otherwise, he is just peddling some rumors and even delusions, like some blind man, who can not see with his own eyes.

Did Jesus lean on anybody? Did he use even the masters before him to justify his position? Just the other way around: he kept telling them "the scriptures say this or that, but I say onto you ...". Basically, his own teaching was meant to show all the misunderstandings and misinterpretations, created by the Pharisees to delude, manipulate and dominate the people.

And that is the difference. Between Truth and a filthy lie of the ugliest and most manipulative kind. All this talk about compassion as something insultive is manipulation to justify the utterly ruthless and deadly ideology of violence, insensitivity and domination with their obsession with "power" and "superiority". It is an attack on the very roots of life, perverting it and turning it upside down.

What is wrong with giving and receiving, be it out of compassion? Is it OK to give and receive without compassion? So fine. Do it without compassion. It does not matter what are your reasons. What matters is that you support and affirm life, not death. If someone is hungry and you give him some bread, what is more important - for him to eat something or your IDEAS about you "insulting" him? Would you rather have him die out of starvation just to avoid "insulting" his self-image? Why not you give him some bread if you can afford and then ask him for forgiveness and tell him that you did not mean to insult him? What is the problem, really? Or, if you are such a righteous person, fall on you knees and ask him for forgiveness that you have bread and he does not. Sure, there are exceptions to any rule, and there are parasites, pretending to be poor people, while not moving a finger to earn their own piece of bread.

And there are some mega-parasites of Chandra Mohan's kind, who simply DEMAND it from you, and not only a piece of bread, but buttered with Rolls Royces and diamond watches. WHO is more insulting? Chandra Mohan had no right to even speak about compassion being such a mega-parasite he was.

Everything you do in life is either giving or taking, no matter what you do. So, according to these concoctions, you either insult others or get insulted by them. Just look and see if you find some examples in life where you are neither giving nor taking. Meditation you say? Think better and look at it. Even utter silence, if you look at it closer, you might be surprised. Love? - is clearly giving, and also taking, and the taking part might turn out to be even more beneficial to your being than giving. But it is clearly not static. Even simply walking on the street. Surprise, surprise.

Life is not static or neutral. Otherwise it looses its very purpose. It is forever an exchange, be it an object or an action. It all depends on your attachment, on values you place on things or actions.

And in some situations it is both, simultaneously, like a musician on a stage. In fact, the more he takes from the listeners the more he is able to give them of joy. Music is structural and dynamic magic. It consists of proportions and relationships of either harmony or disharmony, of either rhythms of life, or chaos and violence of death. In those structures you learn beauty, beauty of the ultimate kind. There is a base sound, the base note, and there are derivatives, those notes that relate to the base one no matter how you cut it.

There are harmonic, spectral and rhythmical relations that stimulate the life force, the unending expression of beauty and harmony. Harmony, in its turn stimulates the life process. Music stimulates and teaches you the LAW, the Law of Life Force, the Law of Being. It also teaches you the fundamentals of logic. Those relationships and ratios between the notes and rhythms show you the validity of particular structures that stimulate Life as such.

When magic of music happens, this continuous interchange keeps building up until it finally becomes a super-orgasm, the state of ecstasy of both, the musicians and the listeners. The listeners become co-participants. They are also playing in their own way, and their hearts are "singing and dancing" in a true sense of it. They are no longer listeners only. They are like standing behind the backs of musicians and shouting into their ears: come on, higher, higher! Yes, it happens rarely, but when it does, it is "out of this world", literally.

The real musician can not play if he does not feel the appreciation from the listeners. What a drag! When your audience does not seem to tune in and does not get excited, you feel like you were drained afterwards. You feel so exhausted, like you worked really hard all day long, carrying the boulders on your shoulders.

And that is why I say what Chandra Mohan is trying to justify here is pure grade lies and ugly concoctions, done for specific purpose, and that purpose has nothing to do either with Truth or God or Good.

Life is a constant movement and all sorts of exchanges, be it pure energy. Once you are neither giving nor taking, you are dead, I claim. Every moment of it. So, it means you are either insulting others or are being insulted by them. Putting aside the business-like activity, why are you giving anything to anyone? Out of what?

You can not simply give out of wealth as Chandra Mohan claims. It simply does not make sense. If you keep giving without any reason or compassion, you will become a beggar in no time. You do not simply throw the money left and right while walking on the street, just because you are wealthy. Just the other way around. They say: a hair from everyone - a fur coat for my wife. THAT is what this "wealth" means in most cases.

Did Chandra Mohan himself give a penny to anyone? Was he not wealthy enough, even though most of it was parasitically acquired? In fact, his entire life he was trying to condemn the compassion and the giving aspect, and instead of giving them a piece of bread, he would still give them, but his lectures on how screwed up and "unworthy" they are. Yes, they say: it it better to teach them how to fish than to give them a fish. But it has to be placed in some specific context. For example, I walk by one very old lady - beggar. She can hardly stand on her feet. And it is so cold right now, that I can not even comprehend how could she stand on her feet for more than a few minutes. So, when I give her a little money, am I "insulting" her? What should I do instead?

Interestingly enough, even during the last hour of his life, what did he do? Well, going through his possessions and thinking who should I give my radio or some other thing to. For what? For them to remain zombified and forever remembering of him? And then? Could not he dictate his last message with his "commandments", instead of wasting his last minutes on such mercantile and utterly meaningless things? What does it matter who gets his radio? What does it change? So, his possessiveness remained with him to his last breath. According to him, you can really learn who someone is by looking at what he says or does when his death comes. That tells you who he really was.

What about those donations, given to the Chandra Mohan's cause and all those Rolls Royces that were "given" to him as a "present" by his "friends", which is a lie? Oh, they were given out of love by those very people Chandra Mohan claimed can not love, because those who are not "enlightened" can not really love, as their love is nothing but some trade deal to get some benefits as a result, and things of that sort?

Why did Chandra Mohan or any master had any disciples? Is it not out of compassion, at least as he himself claimed, stating that the compassion of a "master" is the greatest compassion of all? Why did he do it, and not only do it, but market it like some MLM marketeer? Was it some kind of business deal - I give you these great ideas and you give me all your money? Why did he give thousands of lectures, speaking at least twice a day, every single day? For what? Just to insult "his people"? I thought it was his great compassion to help the "travellers on the path".

Why does one help others? Is it also some kind of an insult? Then you should be totally insensitive and only bother about your own belly and your own bank account. Anything else is simply stupid and "irrational", futile and insulting.

Why did not he tell you that he does not support this position of Zarathustra and that is why he has disciples? Why did this mythical figure, Zarathustra, tell all these things? Out of what? Wasn't he simply "insulting" those to whom he has given all this great wisdom, which is nothing more than a poison applied to the very roots, assuming Zarathustra said those things, described by Nietzsche? And even if Zarathustra said such things, where is the context in which they were said? Where is the whole story?

Why was Chandra Mohan saying this garbage, as though it was some kind of Truth told by some wise man, which makes it Truth? Why should I care about what Nietzsche or any other lunatic has to say? For what? What I want to hear is Truth or something to do with Truth, or wisdom of those, who "have eyes to see and ears to hear". I want to see the new horizons opening before my eyes, new twists and turns, new ideas that are based on clarity and insight. Why should I even listen to some Rothschild's puppet of Nietzsche's kind?

What is the very idea here? Why does Chandra Mohan even comment on this sickness? Isn't he implying that Nietzsche is telling the Truth?

You can review that quote again for yourself: Proof there is no God

What does it say? Can you tell me?

When you see a man in trouble and you can help, are you going to tell him "screw you"? Why? What is the problem, really? It does not even have anything to do with morality or Christianity or Jesus. It is something natural, something that lays at the very core of life regardless of your religious or any other beliefs.

And what I have noticed with Chandra Mohan, is that he explicitly condemns the very idea of helping. Probably because of that Indian idea of a class society and the "lowest class" of humans called shudras. He condemned the Indian class ideology, but he himself was affected by it more that anyone else I know of.

He condemned Brahmins, but who was a bigger Brahmin in his heart compared to him?

He talked about sensitivity all the time but he was one of the most insensitive people you can find, and this was apparent in all sorts of situations. In that respect, he was probably one of the most ruthless people you could find, and that is probably why he goes into this sickness - just to justify his own degeneracy and his own "superiority" of someone beyond gravitation even though he was the same mortal just like any of you as J. Krishnamurti stated.

When people of J. Krishnamurti caliber call someone a criminal and a criminal of the worst kind, you'd better pay attention to it.

And that is probably why he praised Nietzsche so much. Because he was a Nietzscheist in his heart, even though he forever condemned all sorts of "isms".

And again, wake up! It is not Zarathustra, who is saying these things, but Nietzsche, who invented this pile of garbage in the name of Zarathustra, or borrowed from some myths and tales, thus trying to make it all look like some deep wisdom of the sages, hiding behind those, whom he denied with denial of God. Is there any evidence that these things, attributed to Zarathustra, were actually said by him and not by someone, who had invented this myth for whatever purpose?

Why does Nietzsche use some sage to justify his fascism and megalomaniacal sickness in his mind? Why does he use someone else's ideas as a crutch to justify his own position? Can not he stand on his own feet and state his own view on this?

And now this is Chandra Mohan, concocting and rationalizing about someone else, instead of saying things of his own. What did he ever tell you of his own besides his endless inventions and concoctions, very few of which could be proven as something real? Which of his own ideas could be seen as valid, as those of Jesus for example? Do you know?

First of all, Chandra Mohan himself was in the position of a receiver with his Rools Royces, diamond watches and everything he had. Was he not the receiver? He claims those 90+ Rolls Royces were GIVEN to him. So, did he feel offended and humiliated by it? If so, why did not he return them to those, who tried to insult him by giving them to him? Did he feel "lower" while receiving it? Or these things are not applicable to the "greatest master ever"? Is this only applicable to mortals, the herd of sheep and goats?

What is love of a mother towards her baby. Is she "higher"? Not according to me. She is lower. Why? Because that baby is still pure and uncorrupted. His giggle and his tears are as real as it gets. His mind is not full of calculations of all kinds and all sorts of cunningness. That is why. Who is "higher" I ask you, a baby or his loving mother? It has been said that a baby, during the first few months of his life, is still with God and his essence is still that of God. Then he/she is slowly released and is fully immersed into illusions of the material world. You can believe it or not, that is another matter.

Why does a mother breast feed him, thus insulting him and being "higher"? Because he is NOTHING! He is not even human yet. He does not even have a mind. Just boil him and have him for dinner, just like you do with real animals!!! Feeding a baby is not only an insult, it is also stupid and utterly "irrational". Do you like THIS kind of "philosophy" instead of what Jesus said?

Do you see how these fake "masters" screw you in your brain and delude you with these ideas created with evil intent?

All these Nietzsche's concoctions about Zarathustra, have as much to do with what Zarathustra was as Chandra Mohan's unending perversions about God, playing him like a puppet and putting words and ideas into his mouth.

It is not Zarathustra who is against the very idea of pity or compassion. It is Nietzsche's mind projections.

There is no evidence of Zarathustra ever existing.

"The ancient Greeks speculated that he lived six thousand years before the philosopher Plato and several scholars have argued for a date at the beginning of the sixth century BCE".

So... What is all this fuss about? About whom?

Those are nothing more than sick concoctions of a mad Satanist, which is who Nietzsche was, who tried to logically calculate the meaning of life, which is utter futility of a dense mind, that at the end produced what? Him ending in a madhouse and dying in utter insanity? How come? Such a "great mystic", such profound and "revolutionary" "insights" and the end result is what?

Just look at his pictures. When I look at it what I see is the face of evil. It is like a signature. He could not possibly hide it. It has been said: God marks the evil whores.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

If you gave this picture for analysis to a good psychologist or an expert on degeneracy, they would probably tell you: this man is a clear degenerate, vicious and arrogant as all of them are, which is evidenced by several facial and structural characteristics.

His entire "philosophy" is written on his face. ALL of it.

I thought a mystic, and especially a "great mystic", can not possibly go insane because he is free of all limitations and tensions in his mind. Otherwise, what makes him a mystic if he can not even keep his own mind sane?

The next thing I want to hear is some "enlightened master" go insane. That would be fun indeed.

Superman and the Roots of Fascism

Nietzsche is famed for being a father of fascism. That is probably his "greatest achievement". His most important ideas are those, that support the main principles of the NWO ideology. And I do not even think they are his ideas. Because they are so obviously violent and inhuman, that I have my reservations. Yes, I have very little doubt that he was influenced by some Rothschild's agent, to whom he had to pay attention simply because he was on a payroll of Rothschild. I do not think he was THAT dumb.

"The response to the French Revolution and Rousseau, by Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, and others, poured into an intellectual stew which served up Marxism, socialism, national socialism, fascism, modern liberalism, modern conservatism, communism, and a variety of forms of capitalist participatory democracy.

"Fascists particularly loathed the social theories of the French Revolution and its slogan: "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity."

What is Fascism?

Mind you, the slogan: "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity", a slogan of the "poison of liberalism". as it is known from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, where it is claimed to have been introduced into society as a poison, is a Freemasonic slogan.

The Poison of Liberalism
(Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion)

Nietzsche is not a mystic of ANY kind, at least to me. He is a sick dictator in his heart as his concoctions indicate, a megalomaniac, obsessed with domination, just like Chandra Mohan was, and that is why Chandra Mohan praised some of well known dictators.

Again, he sold himself to Rothschild to work on a specific project, and those guys do not finance anything that is not beneficial to their Satanist agenda of world domination. Whatever Nietzsche produced, was reviewed and "suggestions" were given to him to either "fix it" or add something that is "missing" in his great "theories". Otherwise, his paycheck might simply evaporate. There is no compromise with those guys. Either you do what you are told, or go get a job at some McDonald's, and since he already tasted some of that poisoned money, he was all theirs. He would sing any song they order.

And those guys know how to buy and sell souls better than anyone else. They would buy you in a way that you would never even suspect. You would feel in control, like someone great, full of steam, pumping your chest, like you were revealing the ultimate mysteries to the world. Their agent would invite you to a dinner to some fancy restaurant to have a friendly chat, and he would place the ideas into your mind that would lead you by your nose in the direction they want. I am not saying it out of specific evidence, but this is just a standard procedure to corrupt anyone up to presidents, prime ministers and top guns. All those puppets are no different, no matter what they think of themselves.

Not a single word of a man who sold himself can be trusted, even if he had some brains in the beginning. Those brains would not be worth more than crap once he sold himself off. Because he was basiacally a prostitute.

Once you work for Rothschild, you effectively work for Lucifer, and you must serve his agenda, down to the last dot and comma. There is no ifs and buts about that.

The same story is with Karl Marx and that mega-farce called the "communism", "dialectic materialism" and Das Kapital. ALL crap paid for by Rothschild.

Nietzsche's ideas about the "superman" are the living evidence of it. It is about the "supreme power" over everyone and everything, at least as far as the agenda of his puppeteer, Rothschild, goes, who financed all these concoctions.

In fact, there is no evidence that his ideas were his. They look like the ideas of Rothschilds, related to "absolute power", as described by Christian Rakovsky in a book, called "Red Symphony".

Here: Absolute Power - Red Symphony by Dr. Landowsky

There is also a description of "Absolute Domination" there. Actually, it would not be a bad idea to read that entire book. That'll definitely hit you like a hammer between your blinkers.

Rakovsky covers these very ideas extensively in his interrogation by the NKVD (former KGB), related to the trial of the Trotskyists by Stalin in Russia. He basically bangs it into the head of his interrogator, who could not quite grasp it, even though he was an offspring of a French millionaire. These ideas are simply shocking like a thunder.

Joseph Stalin knew about the most powerful conspiracy operating behind the curtains, but he did not quite know the full extent of it. In this respect, the revelations of Rakovsky were of tremendous value.

Fake theories per order of Rothschild

Nietzsche simply framed those ideas into his theories, just like Karl Marx or Charles Darwin with his "theory of evolution". All those pseudo-theories basically state: the strongest is the only one who deserves to survive. All others are nothing more than a herd of animals, subject to eradication. Thus, the ideas of a "superman" by Nietzsche or "survival of the fittest" lie of Darwin, or "dictatorship of the proletariat" by Karl Marx.

And who is that "proletariat"? Well, the herd, ruled by the puppets of Rothschild. How can blind "proletariat", simple people and workers at some factory DICTATE ANYTHING? Dictate what? Stupidity? Idiocy? Zombie like submissiveness? How much education do they have not only to "dictate", but even to comprehend anything of significance? So, where does this idea of "dictatorship of the proletariat" come from? How can they dictate anything to anyone besides their wives and children?

And I am not trying to be insulting to simple people. But in terms of "dictatorship" they are utterly incompetent. That is why they are workers and not managers or bosses. Most of them are simply not interested in these power trips of control and domination. It is when some ZioNazi agent gets on the stage and infuriates them with some injustice and tells them "we have to go and rock the house" they get all worked up about it, and it happens to this day.

Look at all these "colored" revolutions all over the world this very moment. Look at tens of thousands of poor people gathering by some government building and "demonstrating", carrying the same exact slogans in thousands, all professionally produced by someone. And they do not even realise they are simply being manipulated and guided by their noses to do the most idiotic and destructive things that will inevitably produce even more misery for them tomorrow if they succeed today. And that is what is the essence of this "dictatorship of the proletariat" is - simple people being lead by their noses "towards the abyss", and by the time they realise what they have done - too late, brow. You are in even deeper crap than you were before you "won" that "struggle".

The "dictatorship of the proletariat" idea of Karl Marx is probably one of the sickest lies in the entire history of mankind. It never happened and it could have never happen in principle. Those who dictate are the people of Rothschild's caliber. They do have an agenda and a goal to be achieved. What goals does the "proletariat" have? Take the money from the rich and give it to the poor? And then what? What else? Pig grade minds rule the art, science and politics? This is simply bizarre.

It was very interesting to observe that the heads of all sorts of governmental committees and ministries were the peasants, at least in Russia. This was done on purpose. It was not something accidental. Because it is much easier to control some simple people that only know the laws of the land and the animal world. If you take some intellectual, some scientist, some well educated person, he might object and create all sorts of problems. But the peasant? Well, just give him a nice place to live in, a bigger salary than even of some engineer, give him some subsidies so he could purchase the fur coats and expensive lipstick for his wife, and he is all yours. He will do anything you order him. Just give him some slogan, such as "in the name of freedom and democracy" and that's it.

Yes, under this cover of "dictatorship of the proletariat" the biggest genocidal murderers of Trotsky's kind were able to exterminate a large portion of Russia's intellectual resource, such as scientists, artists, writers and poets.

What is "unity and eternal struggle of the opposites" of Karl Marx, which is one of his central ideas in his "dialectic materialism". This is the very foundation of dialectics. The very root of it all.

Well... Surprise, surprise. It comes directly from... Tadaaaam! The Talmud!

What? Yep. It is the central idea of "god's chosen people", which is where this idea of a "superman" crap and Chandra Mohan's "elite" came from. A "Jew" is considered to be made out of totally different matter, even genetically speaking, just like the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Moshiach (Messiah) of Chabad Lubavitcher ZioNazi sect, states:

"The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression:

'Let us differentiate.' Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of 'let us differentiate' between totally different species.

This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world."

"Let us differentiate" by The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson

Rothschild's instructions: Remember my children, all the Earth must belong to us

World Domination 401

When death approached, old Amschel Rothschild called together his children, in Frankfort, and having read the satanic Talmud, he proclaimed:

"Remember my children, that all the Earth must belong to us, Jews, and that the Gentiles being mere excrements of animals, must possess nothing".

Explaining this, Amschel compelled them to swear most solemnly that they would always stick to one another and never undertake anything separately. This they did and it was repeated on Amschel's grave twenty-four years later, when Nathan for material reasons consented to become a "Christian" and "suddenly" died ...

All the Earth must belong to us - Secret World Government by Cherep-Spiridovich

And THESE are the very roots of that "struggle of the opposites", that later developed into fascism, at least as far as the "class struggle" goes, and all of it is a direct byproduct of the Talmud and Torah. It was not invented by some lunatic of Nietzsche's kind. His job, just as ordered, was to JUSTIFY it and make it look "modern" and "scientific", so all this crap could be fed to you all as some kind of a science and, therefore, undeniably true. And so it was, and all those theories of Satanism were pushed through in science, politics and economics as something deserving the Shnobel (big nose in Yiddish) prize.

Why should there be any struggle? Is it necessary to make things work? Do you have to battle with others just to get something done? WHO invented this "struggle" and for what purpose?

The "struggle" he is talking about is the struggle of the inherently "superior" "god chosen people" and the herd of animals - the rest of the people. And THAT is where the roots of that "social struggle" are. And this "struggle" is the most ancient struggle in history.

One interesting thing, in the information currently arriving in huge volume, since 2004, in the name of "god" also talks about this "struggle of the opposites" and it is claimed that this is precisely the will of God and this is precisely how you learn and evolve - through struggle between Good and evil. Otherwise, you would simply remain dumb, as there would be to recognition of which you are NOT, which constitutes the "negative" aspect.

Well, fine and dandy indeed. So, if that struggle is like a difference in potentials in electricity, or in magnets, then those opposite potentials would be in a state of balance, and would be exactly equal in potential but of an opposite sign - the positive and the negative.

But if you look at the world and observe how much balance there exists between the positive and the negative, you may find that for every drop of Good, there exist rivers of evil. Just look with your own eyes. So, where is that "eternal balance"?

How much money do you think does it take to push something through, so it is on everyone's tongue as "the latest and greatest"? Can you even begin to imagine the scale? How many times do you have to repeat the same lie for it to become true in the media, on TV, newspapers and all sorts of forums, meetings, symposiums and so on, and how much is it going to cost you?

There were plenty of great people in history in just about every area of creative activity or science. Take for example Nicholas Tesla and fuelless energy generation technologies that could have solved all the problems of the world as they could provide the sufficient energy for anything. And clean energy, that does not depend on oil and coal. Do you realise that all the scientists working on such projects were killed and their labs destroyed? It is amazing Tesla even died as a result of natural causes.

Well, actually, I seem to remember that he was killed by a car, and now, that I think of it, this looks like a typical signature of Mossad type of guys, a standard assassination procedure, except there was no Mossad in those days. But at least he died when he was very old.

But he was harassed, his equipment and facilities were destroyed several times, and all sorts of other nasty things were done to him in order to prevent his inventions from becoming the mass produced products. He even had his generator installed using one of the turbines of the hydroelectric power plant that was able to provide enough electricity to the entire state! That was many times more than the amount of energy it took to feed it. That was a revolution in energy. And what is the result?

Two major scientists in Russia that were able to reproduce the Tesla's energy transformer and had the working fuelless generators, were simply killed and their labs were destroyed. And, according to Dr. Sall, who is a physicist with an advanced degree, working with these issues, they were the only two researchers that were known to be able to make it work. Tesla had hundreds of patents, but the most critical things were not described in the patents.

But... Despite all this destruction these generators are reported to be produced at least in Turkey and China right now, even though it is done in total secrecy. Not only that, but it has been reported that some of such generators are installed at CERN nuclear research facilities.

Meanwhile, the world is using the oil and coal as the major sources of energy, destroying the environment and producing so much pollution and long term danger, it is hard to even comprehend the consequences. And now all these big mouths of the NWO are screaming their heads off - save the world, save the world. We are sinking. Overpopulation. Depletion of resources. Food shortages are around the corner.

They are trying to "save the world" from overpopulation and pollution and financing the "green" movements. But did they tell you that it is precisely them who was and is doing all that destruction and creating the pollution with their mega-exploitation enterprises? Now they want some "extraordinary" measures to be taken. Like what? Well, the annihilation of over 90 percent of the world population, just to "restore balance with nature". Do you know that there exists the "American Stonehenge", where all these satanic "instructions to the mankind" by some unidentified individuals were written? Do you believe this? Check it out. It'll blow your mind if you have any of it left.

Just recently I have come across a statement of the Queen of UK where she states the official position of supporting a reduction in world population to one billion. So, now they openly state their agenda of global genocide, and when people like herself make such statements, what do you think it means to you all?

But do you EVER hear that even at this very moment there exist the energy generators that could solve ALL these problems? So, what is the problem here, really? Why are they screaming their heads off and foaming at their mouths with their "warnings" that the mankind is in the "utmost danger", which they themselves create every day and for centuries?

They themselves suppressed the fuel-free energy generation technologies and destroyed the scientists and their facilities in order to keep the world enslaved and maintain poverty, and it is precisely poverty that causes the rapid growth of population, as parents keep producing more and more children, hoping that at least one of them will support them when they are old. This is what Chandra Mohan himself stated on record. In the well-off countries the population does not grow. It even decreases. So who are these monsters trying to "save the world" from? From themselves and the results of their own deeds? It is THEM, who created the overpopulation via poverty and ruthless exploitation!

Do you realise that at this very moment there exists a special committee in the Russian Academy of Science to explicitly prohibit and ban any kind of research on fuelless energy under a banner of "pseudo-science"?

What is this? To prohibit even a RESEARCH? Why? If it does not work, let them play like children on a sea shore, building the sand castles. What is the problem? If it works, I'll buy one. If it doesn't, so what? But they issue all sorts of "directives" and peddle it everywhere as something "unscientific", as though those researchers were developing a super-weapon of some kind. How does the science work? How do new ideas, technologies and products get developed and new laws are discovered? Well, by the same kind of "crazy" people that have created your whole world and everything you touch with your hand as long as it is hand made!

When you cross the way of the biggest and baddest bankers and interfere with their interests of keeping the world under their nail, you are as good as dead.

Here: Fuelless Energy

Have you ever heard about any of it? Do you know what have you heard for at least last 200 years? Guess.

This is all described in precise detail in the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion", that talk specifically about creating all these "fantastic and utterly unpractical theories" to keep the herd zombified and deluded.

Here is an interesting quote:

We Deceive Workers

4. The part played by the liberals, Utopian dreamers, will be finally played out when our government is acknowledged.

Till such time they will continue to do us good service.

Therefore we shall continue to direct their minds to all sorts of vain conceptions of fantastic theories, new and apparently progressive:

for have we not with complete success turned the brainless heads of the GOYIM with progress, till there is not among the GOYIM one mind able to perceive that under this word lies a departure from truth in all cases where it is not a question of material inventions, like a fallacious idea, serves to obscure truth so that none may know it except us, the Chosen of God, its guardians.

See: We Deceive Workers

Also: Puppet government - pawns in our game

Success of destructive Education

3. Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism, Marxism, Nietzsche-ism.

To us Jews, at any rate, it should be plain to see what a disintegrating importance these directives have had upon the minds of the goyim.

Success of destructive Education

The "eternal struggle" with the world

And, as a result, the "Jew" ended up in the "eternal struggle" with the world. This is the very essence of so called "Jewish question", one of the most significant, controversial and widely discussed and philosophized about issues in the entire history of the world, only on the par with the question of Jesus.

Judaism 201

All the rules of the Talmud contain the doctrine of destruction

One of the most remarkable books on this subject, without doubt, is the work of Abbe Kiarini, published in Paris in 1830 and dedicated to the Emperor.

Kiarini with exemplary impartiality examines the basic teachings of the Jews and proves that all the rules of the Talmud contain destructive doctrine, that does not recognize either society except of Jewish, or even the very humanity itself, or a human as such, apart from a Jewish and a Jew.

All the rules of the Talmud contain the doctrine of destruction

World Domination 407

"The Jewish people as a whole will be its own messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, by the annihilation of monarchy which has always been the support of individualism, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship.

In this new world order, the Children of Israel, who are scattered over the world, will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition; and this will more particularly be the case if they succeed in getting the working masses under their control.

The governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will, through the victory of the proletariat, fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews.

It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the State.

Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which it is said, that when the Messianic time has come, the Jews will have the property of the whole world in their hands."

(Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx,
La Revue de Paris, [owned by Rothschild], p. 54, June 1, 1928)

They even invented this "anti-Semitism" concoction to attack all those who stand against all the horrendous crimes committed by the most radical and fanatical ZioNazis, hating any non-"Jew" worse than an animal. It is nothing more than a byproduct of that hate, hate of a "superman" towards the "animals" or feces as ZioNazis classify the mankind at large.

And it does not even have anything to do with plain, ordinary Jews, vast majority of whom never even heard any of this Satanic zombification garbage. It is squarely an ideology of the Pharisees, or, in modern terms, man-hating ZioNazis.

In a few words: a "superman" is nothing more than man-hate and hate of some of the most fundamental and life sustaining principles, such as those, expressed in the New Testament as a word of Jesus, their most hated "enemy". Because he could SEE through their Satanic evil, and he told them bluntly, into their faces: your father is the Devil, which is literally true. So he exposed their most guarded secret. From then on, it was an uphill battle for them, throughout the entire history. THIS is what this is all about.

Anti-"Semitism" is nothing more than a poison pill, to disguise the man-hating nature of ZioNazis

Here is what this anti-"Semitism" slogan is in essence:

All those who oppose the ZioNazi evil.

Anti-"Semitism" is nothing more than a poison pill, to disguise the man-hating nature of ZioNazis and their Luciferian ideology of death, destruction and their eternal craving for world domination, for which there exists a library size worth of undeniable evidence on record.

Anti-Semitism 002

Jewish Auschwitz Survivor Gives True Definition of Anti-Semitism

"Formerly an anti-Semite was someone who hated Jews...

nowadays an anti-Semite is somebody who is hated by Jews."

-- Dr. Hajo Meyer.

They are essentially against the entire world and consider it to be their "property", even though some of it is in "temporary possession" of the Goyim. Their Talmudic "law" states that since the "goyim" are not human, and even worse - a fecal matter, so is their property and they themselves, are nothing more than a property of real humans - the "Jews", who are the "supermen" in Nietzsche's terms. Even their marriages are not legally binding because animals can not marry, and their children are nothing more than a result of copulation between the animals.

"The anti-Semites do not forgive the Jews for possessing "spirit" - and money. Anti-Semites - another name for the "underprivileged".

from F. Nietzsche's - Will to Power (trans. W. Kaufmann), s. 864

But see Note on a term Jew.

Nietzsche did not invent anything with these "superman" and "lower" and "higher" ideas, just like Chandra Mohan with his "new man" superiority trip. They were given to him by his puppeteers and his job was to justify it and make it some kind of "great philosophical breakthrough" out of those concoctions of the Satanists.

And so, this "dialectic materialism" of Karl Marx is nothing more than the oldest idea of the Pharisees, classifying "Jews" as some "supermen", some "superior" being.

The same exact story is with Adolph Hitler, who was fed the same exact ideas when he was in jail, to be published as Mein Kampf even though he did not write a word of it. All he had to do is to sign it, chapter by chapter, as though it was his ideas. He was just a stupid soldier and soldier's mind can not possibly create such works as Mein Kampf. His Nazism is nothing more than these very ideas fed to Nietzsche.

He only realised how badly he was conned into the war with Russia in 1945 and he described it in his last message before he was gone to better places. And what is even more interesting is that some claim he was allowed to go to South America and died of natural causes. There are even claims that he was an extra-marital child of Rothschild. Heavy duty stuff! But all that is another story. Well, almost.

It is an eternal struggle of a "Jew", or rather ZioNazi, with the rest of the world. And THAT is what is the roots of this fake "dialectic materialism" are. It is not "hate" of the "Jews" by "Goyim" - non-Jews. It is hate of the ZioNazi towards plain, normal human beings that do not accept Satanism as a ruling doctrine of life.

And this "dialectic materialism" and its "unity and the struggle of the opposites" pathetic concoctions of Karl Marx is at the root of "dictatorship of the proletariat". The same exact ideas, expressed by Nietzsche as "will to power" and a "superman", the one above all, just to justify any monstrous violence and rivers of blood that resulted.

What "struggle"? Why should there be any "eternal struggle"? For what? In which tradition of philosophy is there a notion of a "struggle"? What are the very roots of that "struggle"? Where do these ideas come from? Do you know?

Well, and what are those "opposites"? How about a "Jew" and non-"Jew"? Would that do the trick? Which is the biggest "struggle" in the history of mankind that goes on non-stop for thousands of years? Do you know?

Where does the very idea of a struggle come from if not the Talmud, Torah, Deuteronomy, Shulchan Aruch and Tanya of Chabad Lubavitch sect which is called Mafia even by the rabbis in Israel itself?

Do you know who took credit for collapse of Russia in the 1990's? Surprise, surprise. Chabad Lubavitch! Eduard Hodos even states that they control the Fed Reserve in the USA, nothing less!

But they frame it so this "struggle" looks like something natural and something inevitable, like it is the very nature of the world and life as such. And that was the project for Charles Darwin called the "theory of evolution" and his fascist idea of "survival of the fittest" - the "strongest" one survives, which later became the "Aryan race is above all" in fascism and Nazism, and so the ideas of the animal world are transported and applied to human life to justify the violence of the monsters in human flesh and make it look like something natural, something necessary, something that lays at the very core of life.

The same trip of power and domination. Rotten to the bone and marrow. Purely Satanic doctrine of evil most profound.

They are telling you that you are nothing more than beasts, and, therefore, are to be treated like a herd. Look into the Talmud, Deuteronomy, Shulchan Aruch and Tanya of Chabad Lubavitch sect and even statements by some rabbis that are nothing more than the most blatant form of ZioNazi ideology of hate, destruction and their "superiority". Some of those statements were made WELL before this puppet Nietzsche. His ideas are exactly in line with ZioNazi ideology. That is where the roots of the Nietzsche's ideas are.

The ULTIMATE power - power to rule the world

So, ALL this Nazi ideology of "superiority" and all these fictions known as some of your most well known theories are nothing more than attempts to justify that single thing - power. Power to rule and dominate the "inferior" races of the world by the "superior" one - ZioNazis.

So, this "will to power" becomes a justification of any kind of the most horrendous violence and barbarity, and Chandra Mohan even tries to transport it to his "power of love - the purest of power" zombification garbage.

The ULTIMATE power, which is power to rule the world, which, translated into modern language and interpretations, means a single thing - the NWO. The rule of Satan, whose servant sits on a throne in the "third temple" in the world capital in Jerusalem and rules a single global super-state of "borderless world" in Chandra Mohan's version. And justification for it is to fulfill the prophecies in their "scriptures", despite the fact that Torah specifically prohibits them to establish the "Jewish" state or use any kind of violence against other peoples of the world, as they have been dispersed and their temple was destroyed precisely because of the horrendous sins they have committed. It is their punishment and it can only end when Messiah comes. That is why Chabad proclaimed the "Great Rebbe" - Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson to be the Moshiach - "messiah" and they even make claims that "he is with us again" even though he died many years ago. Actually, they have already made these "messiah" proclamations about several other rabbis before him. So, the whole thing is not only became obscene, but a pure grade lunacy if not worse.

"The ultimate power of money and gold"

This has to be understood. The very roots of these ideas are the "ultimate power of money and gold". Once Rothschilds became the financiers of the European and American governments, what was the most logical outcome of it? What would they crave for once they flooded the world with worthless fake paper, called money, they print as much as they want, and then lend it to the governments at an interest, who could have printed it themselves if they would not sell their souls to Lucifer for money?

And that is precisely how they control the world for at least 200 years now. And then, according to their procedure of worshipping a golden calf, they own and control at least 90% of the world's gold reserves. Because the ULTIMATE "power" is the power of gold. The ULTIMATE worth is gold and not that fake paper you have in your pockets that is supported by air and nothing else, those worthless "promissory notes". Promises, promises. From no one less then Devil!

Check this out. One of the most interesting subjects to look at.

Here: Power of Gold - The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Victor E. Marsden version

And people carry that worthless paper in their pockets thinking it is something real, and some of them even worship it as a symbol of "ultimate achievement" of something. And that is precisely why they are screwed. Into their very soul! Do you know what can be done to you with such a power? Well, the whole world can be turned into literal hell ANY time Rothschilds, Baruchs, Loebs and Kuhns want to. Just look at what is happening in the world this very moment. What do you see there?

What would be the only logical thing to do when you have such powers? Well, to control the world! And THAT is the REAL reason for all these fake theories, promoted by Chandra Mohan as some kind of "mysticism", while all it is is plain, ordinary fascism and even Satanism.

All the central banks of all the most powerful governments are under control of Rothschild kind of players. Have you heard of BIS (Bank of International Settlements)? Do you realise that they have a status of a state, just like a government? If I recall correctly, they even have a seat in the UN just like a state. What? Do you realise that their belongings are not subject to customs check procedures while they travel around the world? They can simply have a ton of plutonium with them and no customs office has the right to examine it. They are not subjects to search and seizure procedures and the law as such does not apply to them. They can ship ships worth of money and drugs to any place they want and there is no power in the world to even ask them. Check it out. Pretty wild subject.

The Federal Reserve system in the USA is a private corporation owned and controlled by Rothschilds, Kuhns, Loebs and the like. THEY print this worthless fake paper and then lend it to the U.S. government at an interest, which is explicitly prohibited by the scriptures because it ultimately creates nothing less than slavery. It is called the "tyranny or usury". The same story is in Europe.

Tyranny of Usury

These astronomic loans to the governments of the world could never be repaid. Not possible. Some experts state that the only way to get the would out of this hole is to immediately dishonor all the loans to governments, which, by itself is quite a chaos. One of them is Lyndon LaRouche who studied these issues extensively. And he warns that if this is not done immediately, the whole world is going to roll down the hell. Otherwise, you will never get out of the hole. It is already there to a large extent.

Just to pay the interest on those loans, you have to create new loans, and we are not even talking about paying back the principal amount. And these loans are unbearable, even today, and represent an immense load on all the sovereign states. In some countries the interest payments on those loans alone are half of their GDP, which means their economies are spinning the wheels producing no "progress" and are being drained to death, and with every year it is only getting worse and worse. Just look at the USA alone. Their debt is nearly 15 TRILLION as of now. How could their economy possibly recover? But the most evil thing about it is that it is not even supposed to ever recover. It is specifically and explicitly destroyed in preparation for this manifestation of evil called the NWO.

So, what do you do to solve this problem virtually all the governments face nowadays, which only gets worse every year? Sooner or later, the whole economy will be spinning wheels just to pay the interest on those loans. That is why you see the social services and programs being mowed down more and more every year. Who suffers as a result? Look in the mirror.

Just look at what is going on with Greece this very moment. They are in a deep hole financially because of their most humane social programs. So now, either the whole EU collapses if they exclude Greece or they try to "save" Greece by partially forgiving their external debt and drastically reducing their expenses. So what is the latest "agreement" the Greek government is ready to sign? Well, drastic reduction of the social services and making people more poor, less protected.

But what Greeks do not seem to even consider is that instead of paying back the unbearable interest on such loans they can just print their own money. And this very suggestion exists for how long now? Well, for over a hundred years and it was precisely described in the "Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion" where they show the very mechanism of "tyranny of usury". Why don't they look at it and see if those "elders" themselves provide the answer on how their situation has to be handled so there would be no external loans of any kind? The external loans is a highway to hell. INEVITABLY. And the ugliest thing is that these external loans are literally forced on the states and precisely for the purpose of enslaving them.

For example, in the Ukraine, just about 15 years ago, there was no external debt. And today their external loans constitute 45% of their GDP. How could they afford it considering the fact that their economy still did not recover after the collapse of the USSR? Can you imagine such a load on the economy? It was one of the countries destroyed with this "most peaceful revolution ever". Vast majority of people live in starvation, barely surviving, while their expenses on the most basic needs grow at an astronomic rate. Interestingly enough, the inflation rate on the more expensive items does not grow as fast as the basic inflation, which means there is virtually no inflation for the rich. It only exists for the poorest of all. How could this be? And this is exactly the same patter all over the world.

But those in power are not responsible. That is what "will to power" means.

So, all the Rothschilds and the like have to do to keep a deadly grip on the world is to provoke and foment the new wars, revolutions, toppling of governments, "regime changes" and all sorts of unrests.

This is called "the permanent revolution" concept. The rest is automatic. What follows then is inevitable destruction of your material values and the infrastructure, that have to be rebuild to go on. But where do you get the money to do that? Well, you have to borrow it from Rothschilds kind of parasites, sucking blood of all by the rivers and producing absolutely nothing of real value. That is where all the ends lead to.

Why do you see all this global unrest at this very junction? Who has created all these colored revolutions? Who and why toppled the governments and created chaos and destruction of your values?

Who installed those puppets as presidents and prime ministers after those "colored revolutions"? Whose agenda do they serve? Do you know? Check it out.

Fomenting wars and revolutions is the most powerful way to control the world

Interestingly enough, a large portion of those government "external" debts are a result of fomenting the wars and pumping up the military expenses. And it is even more interesting that it turns out that Rothschilds and other biggest money tycoons financed every war since the American Revolution. What does it tell you?

Rothschilds financed both sides of every war

American and British Intelligence have documented evidence that the House of Rothschild, and other International Bankers, have financed both sides of every war, since the American Revolution.

ZioNazi quotes - Wars

And what are the military expenses? Well, it is nothing but a waste. It does not create anything. Its purpose is destruction, destruction of those values that have been created as a result of hard work of all, your buildings, your plants and factories, your infrastructure and on and on and on. Why? Well, so you could borrow more money and be thrown back tens if not hundreds of years in your development and enslaved even further.

And you work harder and harder every day to the point that some of you simply break down. With every day, they increase the speed and load on you so you get so exhausted that your mind simply has no energy left on even looking at those most significant things in your life. You don't even have a minute for yourselves if you look at it. You are in constant stress, even when you get back home. The madness still goes on, everywhere you look and in anything you do.

And then they slap the astronomic fines on "guilty" parties of all those wars created and fomented by those rotten sharks, and make the countries like Germany pay those astronomic and utterly unreasonable fines for tens of years, draining their resources. That was the story of the WWI and WWII. The reparations slapped on Germany after the WWI by the Versailles treaty scam where the inevitable cause of the WWII according to some of the most insightful experts, who studied these things better than you study Chandra Mohan.

And that is where all these "masters" come in with THEIR "spiritual" "empires", that are even more potent that the empires of money. Because they directly control your mind and your entire belief system, nothing less. But that is a slightly different subject.

This is what Jesus stood against. The same exact things, only on a much more primitive level as far as the state of the world at the time goes.

Did anybody sue Rothschilds or any of those bankers for all this? EVER? Was there not a library worth of evidence available and tons of testimonies of witnesses and direct participants? So... What happened? Well, just like they say about Chubais in Russia, who is one of 63 members of the secret "world government", the Bilderbergers: "he is unsinkable". Meaning, there is absolutely nothing anybody can do to him. He is one of those "gods" in human flesh that rule the planet Earth!

And, more than that, the biggest and baddest bankers, such as Baruch, Kuhn, Loeb and Schiff are not even the members of that "government". They are the "super-government" that stands in shade behind the "secret world government" that rules the world. How do you like that kind of thing for breakfast?

So, the evil rages on, totally unpunished, while hard working people, who create all the real values, are made to slave on even harder?

What a struggle!

What is this I ask you? Where do all these ideas come from? Some sicko of Nietzsche's, Karl Marx's or Charles Darwin's kind?

The most astronimic profits of Rothschilds and ZioNazis are the wars. They even state: "Wars are the Jews harvest".

Wars 305


"Wars are the Jews harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold.

We have already killed 100-million of them, and the end is not yet."

(Chief Rabbi in France, in 1859, Rabbi Reichorn).

Do you comprehend what means Chief Rabbi in France? Well, it is higher than the emperor according to the "scriptures".

You, Mr. and Mrs. mankind are in such a deep shit that if you realise it, you skull would crack.

And THAT is the real reason for all these fake theories and this disgusting "superman" crap, petted by Chandra Mohan as some kind of "innocence of a child" and "dancing under the stars". Of HELL!!! Except there is no stars in hell. This is what I claim. When was the last time you even looked to the stars? Even Chandra Mohan himself claims that Jesus was nothing more than a mad man talking to the stars, and that is what he was called by those Pharisees - "a dreamer of dreams".

We'll get to the bottom of this "superman" and his "innocence". Not to worry.

Who is Chandra Mohan supporting by rationalizing all this Satanic sickness?

The words of Zarathustra is most likely a byproduct of mental constructions by Nietzsche, or rather his puppeteers, a sick man with dense mind, a hired puppet of Rothschild, working on destruction of the very idea of God to justify the materialistic approach of a belly, the very ideology of Satanism, in a LITERAL sense. All Nietzsche's work is nothing more than a project.

And Chandra Mohan is that "wolf is sheep's clothes" Jesus was talking about. Yes, it is nearly impossible for many to even comprehend what is done with their minds, thinking this is that virgin fruit in some paradise. Except it has been said:

"They are trying to build the paradise on earth,
without God".

Now, back to compassion thing.

Yes, on the surface it may be interpreted as one is "higher" when he feels compassion or pity. It may even be interpreted as stupidity or futility if you are rotten enough. But this is such a primitive level, that it isn't even laughable. It is pathetic. A purely mental concoction by some philosopher that tries to mathematically calculate, or rather justify, the "meaning of life" in purely materialistic terms. You may interpret anything in any way you please and there are plenty of examples of it in the real world. But it is nothing but perversion.

In this context, Chandra Mohan's efforts to elevate Nietzsche to a level of some kind of a "great mystic" look simply disgusting. Basically, he was simply trying to support the Satanic ideology of Rothschild, whether he realised it or not. Because that is exactly what it is.

These ideas are not even justifiable on purely logical grounds or from the examples in the real world, and we will look at it closer to see the ugly, destructive nature of it. Yes, destructive as they are trying to rip off the very roots you stand upon and from which you come. What can be more criminal than this, just like J. Krishnamurti has stated. Except he was too cryptic and what he said is utterly insufficient for many to comprehend the very nature of it. It is as if Jesus would talk to those simple people using the concepts of multidimensional nature of existence or Infinite All Pervading Intelligence, Ever Unfolding. How could they have understood such things?

Compassion and even pity are some of the most basic mechanisms of Good - a life sustaining principle. These are not "moral" constructs. They lay beyond morality and go directly to the very roots of life, the ever unfolding intelligence, all pervading and all permeating. They are like love, like a magnetic attraction between those who feel affinity to each other.

These philosophers think that life is something logical. Everything should have some "rational", or rather mechanical solution or an "explanation", just like a gear box in your car which works on predetermined causes and outcomes.

But what is "logical" or "rational" purpose or a reason for a smile? What is joy? What is art? What is beauty? What is a child's giggle and his seemingly purposeless running around after a butterfly? What is intuition? Can ANY of it be explained in logical terms, just like he tries to explain compassion? What authority does he have to even open his mouth about it? WHO is he? What is the purpose of his work? Whose interests does he serve? Oh, he is trying to hide behind the back of some mythical mystic like Zarathustra to somehow make it all look as some great insight? Too bad. Why don't you stand on your own feet!

What is a mystic if there is no God, something higher then the level of mundane? They should all be fired. Because there is no such a thing if you deny something of the beyond ordinary. What is a "mystic" if there is nothing of the beyond? And what is there BEYOND unless it is God? WHERE is it located? Which specific entity stands behind and at the very core of it? Some abstract idea of something that does not exist and which you can identify when you try to dig into it? And if you can not identify it, then what is the difference between what you have concocted or hope for and some drug trip or a madman's talk? Can you tell me?

Then how much do his theories worth? Just that "superman" idea is enough, and, characteristically enough, Chandra Mohan ran out of his skin trying to explain this "superman" idea as something like an innocent child. Simply unbelievable lies and concoctions of a pathological liar.

Yes, it has been said in the name of Jesus: "be like a child". It means act out of innocence and not out of calculations of the "potential benefits" or trade-offs. Do not carry all the baggage of the past knowledge. But be forever fresh and open to new dimensions and aspects. But that is just a hint of how to really learn. But a child has NOTHING to do with a "superman". "Super" means "better than". And a child means innocence. It has nothing to do with "better". It is beyond comparison. And that is the trick of how these "masters" delude you by substituting the subtleties in meaning and make it look like the same thing.

Yes, Nietzsche was overloaded with the intensity of the mind process, and it is quite understandable that in his situation to relieve him of his own anxiety was to simply throw away all his knowledge and become an empty bucket. Thus child. But what he did not see is that empty bucket can not remain empty. It will be immediately filled with something else. It is essentially an exercise in futility, and can not possibly make you SEE the very nature of your mad mind. How could it?

This "ultimate" state of a "superman", which Chandra Mohan defines as something like an innocence of a child is bluff. The man has accumulated all sorts of knowledge and experience. How would he become "innocent" if he has it? How does he forget it all to become like an ape again? How can you be "innocent" even with today's amount of knowledge? Should we burn the books? Prohibit ideas? Deny some theories?

The knowledge, once accumulated can not be destroyed or forgotten. That is the very meaning of "the original sin" of acquiring knowledge. "The goose is out" they say. Now you have to live with what you have. To make further progress would require a man to exhaust all the potential of knowledge and finally place it in some utilitarian compartment to be used only as required and not to be obsessed with and made a guiding doctrine of life. I do not even know what can be done to "restore innocence". Am I God? To me, it is like trying to make a clock to go backwards.

Are these people insane? Are they going to destroy all the computers and the Internet so the man becomes "innocent" again? To burn the Torah, the Talmud and Deuteronomy, that are the source of ideas of utmost hate, violence and destruction? Or to burn the New Testament? One great Russian writer in his most famous book said:

"The scriptures do not burn."

I could never understand what he meant. But it is literally true. Yes, they don't burn. They can not burn. No fire can consume them.

Just for the sake of argument, assume you can do it. And then what?

What is this "superman" I ask you?

The Neuro-weapons

Just about the only thing I see in order to enforce the law against compassion and pity is to follow the ideas of Jose Delgado and install the electrodes in your brain so you do not feel things like compassion, pity, joy, artistic appreciation and so on.

And, surprise, surprise. They ALREADY can do much of it, just as Jose Delgado demonstrated with his radio controlled bull. That was beyond belief. And no wonder he said: some day the armies will be controlled by the electrical stimulation of your brain! Nothing less. And he was nothing less than Director of Neuropsychiatry at Yale University Medical School, the home base of the Skull and Bones secret society that owns Yale's real estate and controls every word printed in anything they publish.

And neuropsychiatry and psychology is precisely their main weapon for enslaving the man. It is not even arms. We are WELL past that game when wars were conducted by merely destroying material things. Nowadays wars are conducted primarily on psychological level. It has all been developed and verified to work at those very research facilities and in the mass media.

How were they able to defeat one of two most powerful empires, Russia, during the 90's of the 20th century? Those guys had an army and weapons no army in the world could possibly defeat. And yet, the most powerful empire has fallen, and fallen within the shortest time stretch in history. Not only that, without a SINGLE shot fired pretty much. They were totally unprepared for THIS kind of war.

And what is Russia? Is it some distant land from where you sit? Well, Russia is the wealthiest state in the world with immense resources of the most valuable kind and a biggest chunk of the most valuable thing - the land itself.

Those foolish Japanese keep biting Russia on its ass with the issue of three stinky Kuril islands which went to Russia as a result of the WWII and Japanese attack on Russia. But what could they do instead is to JOIN Russia, to unite with it as a single empire and there are all sorts of ways to do that without insulting either their dignity or their interests or their culture or anything.

Can you even BEGIN to imagine what would happen to the world if Russia and Japan joined their efforts and became a single empire? Well, if you take the Russian creative mind and all its scientists creating some of the most outstanding ideas in theoretical science, and combine with Japanese ability to virtually create miracles in terms of manufacturing products and delivering them to the whole world, you mind would crack. Such a small patch of land and such immense ability to bring things to practical level! And what are they doing instead? Well, quarreling about a few small islands, and since the WWII, keeping the animosity going.

There are some scientists in Russia this very moment that literally starve and beg on their knees to be heard because they have some of the most brilliant ideas to create some of the most necessary products and technologies. But they do not have any resources. No one supports them. Government does not give them a penny. It is all "market economy" nowadays, a jungle, driven by these very ideas of Nietzsche, Marx and Darwin, about the vicious world where the strongest simply eat the weakest, and that is considered to be the only "law" there is, the most "natural" thing imaginable - the LAW of life as such. Can you imagine this?

And where this can possibly lead? Japan needs the land and natural resources unlike anything else, and they are right next to Russia, and Russia has so much land that it stretches throughout the whole globe, and it has such immense natural resources that it can supply the whole world with raw materials and energy until the world finally switches to fuelless energy technologies.

How could this be? Well, ask the Pharisees. They are the ones who managed it all behind the scenes and provided all the ideas and resources to quietly rot the whole thing from within, just as Chabad Lubavitch rabbis brag about when they say that Russian revolution of the 90's was the quietest and most peaceful revolution of all, and they were the ones who did it, and no one has even noticed until it was too late.

Whose asses do Putin and Medvedev lick and whom do they meet regularly, giving a personal attention to them more than to any other head of the state? Do you know? Do you want to see some pictures?


We, Jews, have the best friend of ours ever in the Kremlin. Simply unprecedented. (in Russian)

But look around. The original version is in Enghlish. It was a lecture given by chief rabbi of Russia, Berel Lazar, conducted at Oxford on February 27, 2008 for the Oxford's Chabad. That lecture was about the Jews in Russia and their future. And it is simply shocking to hear all the blatant things he said about the Russian presidents, ministers and highest level officials. There isn't a SINGLE thing of significance the Russian president or the government can do without consulting Chabad. Not possible.

And here is something in English about all those "world leaders" of yours and the whole NWO thing. Scroll down the page where you see a bunch of pictures together showing the world leaders with all those in black hats and with long beards.

Can you even BEGIN to comprehend what it means in the world affairs or anything of significance? And what happens in Washington, DC. or London? Well, the same exact thing. So, WHO runs the world? Surprise, surprise, not even those biggest and baddest bankers! They are just guys with an abysmal size wallet. But who stands BEHIND those guys is "religion" as the ultimate doctrine of life. Money is just that - money. But the most important issues are resolved on the level of their "god", Lucifer.

That is a stark reminder to you all of what IS happening to all of you this very moment while you happily "meditate" on your navel and hoping to achieve some state of "eternal bliss", the nirvana as they call it.

WHAT are most of you? Do you know? Do you think I am just insulting you when I say that most of you are zombies and biorobots, in the hope of stimulating the only three remaining active neurons in your brain that are still alive?

Immense resources have been thrown at developing all sorts of schemes, methods and principles of mind control to control the herd as a whole. So is the SRI of Stanford university or Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, and the list goes on. Nearly all the leading universities, research facilities and their departments work for what agenda? Do you know? To facilitate and promote life? Prosperity of all of you? Intelligence? Wisdom? What?

THIS is where these ideas of Nietzsche and the like get developed or have been developed even before the SRI or Tavistock existed, and under the strict guidance and supervision of whom do you think? Some stupid puppet Nietzsche? Are you serious?

What are other alternatives? Do they think that their proclamations and condemnation of God, Jesus and Christianity would make a dent? Well, for some strange reason, Christianity exists for how long now considering all the efforts of Rothschilds to destroy it? And New Testament exists for how long? And I claim, even to this day, there exists no human being that can deny the Truthness of it. Not possible.

When people like Jesus say things, it is like a rock. No water, no rain and wind or fire can destroy it, and that is what he said with his "house built on a sand" parable. His house has been built on a rock as he stood firmly in the very source of life and love. And the rains came and the winds blew and it stood. Because it was built on a solid ground, not on a sand of these ideas of Satanism.

Because it is Truth. Nothing less. They will not even be able to argue it, even though many tried. But the Pharisees themselves broke their teeth on it. Strange, isn't? So, what are they arguing really?

Sure, wasting his entire life on mental analysis of life, Nietzsche, was literally exhausted, hopelessly wasting his life on trying to "understand" life, which is an exercise in futility. So, in that sense, the innocence of a child becomes the foundation of his "superman" idea, at least according to Chandra Mohan.

Sure, compared to a dense, exhausted mind, a simple innocence and a giggle of a child look like something superior. But then Chandra Mohan can just go home. What is the need for people like him?

He is simply parroting what Jesus said by telling you to be like a child. This is not Chandra Mohan's or Nietzsche's idea. It is the idea of the one whom they both denied. But his house still stands, even after 2000 years, and their house is where they keep the insane people.

These ideas were custom designed per order from Rothschild, meant to promote the NWO agenda. If these ideas had something to do with innocence of a child, how come they developed into utter monstrosities, fascism, Nazism and the like?

"By their fruits you will know them".

Eugenics - a superman in a tube

How come they have become the very foundation of eugenics, which is an effort to develop a "superman" in a tube, which in fact, was fully supported and even promoted by Chandra Mohan, who was obsessed with these ideas, as well as the idea of euthanasia, the unnatural way to end a life, and destruction of a family which is unnatural way to continue life?

Basically, Chandra Mohan supported the ideas of artificial selection for the purpose of conceiving life. It was like "oh, if we could take the mind of Einstein and legs of the greatest ballet dancer and combine it with the hands of the greatest musician, wouldn't it be great?" And where is the evidence that such a concoction will not become a monster, pulled apart by totally incompatible qualities? Do they think that existence is so idiotic that in the millions of years it did not produce what they are talking about? How come a man is the way it is right now? Is it some kind of mistake? Some oversight? You mean compared to THEM? Jesus, have mercy on me is what I say.

When I heard it, I could not believe my ears. Because what I saw is the same thing as totalitarian dictatorship in Russia and Nazi "experiments" during the WWII and all the associated idiocy and violence of those morons, guided by this "will to power" delusion. Because they think this is all they need to justify any kind of idiocy of theirs.

When you listen to him without even thinking about it, it may even "make sense", if you are blind enough that is. Yes, you CAN find some justification, some point of view to make it look like something beneficial to life or the man. But only if you are on drugs or totally hypnotised with the help of his "total trust" and "total surrender to the master" tricks.

What is the notion of "elite" as he called "his people"? Well, EXACTLY the "superman" ideology. These ideas have nothing to do with innocence I claim. Not a single bit of it. Not even in the picture, despite the fact that they show it to you in all his videos, day in, day out. Like it already happened. Like it is something real, something that from now on will become some kind of standard, some "bright future of mankind". Oh, yeah? Give me some of that "elite". We will have a friendly chat.

These fools and megalomaniacs of all kinds do not seem to know that this very thing was already tested. In Russia, after the revolution. And so in France after the French revolution. The results? Well, RIVERS of blood, destruction unlike you have ever seen in your life. Destruction of every single thing of value including the best and most brilliant people of the most creative and talented kind. And there are LIBRARIES worth of the hardest evidence there is.

Sure, you say: well, but they lived BEFORE the Russian revolution, at least Nietzsche. OK, but what is the results of his great ideas? Well, the Russian revolution, WWI and WWII and ALL the wars since then. ALL of them! And if you still do not see that, lobotomy would certainly help, or some electrodes from Jose Delgado in your brain.

But what all these ideas DO have to do with is the same idea as fascism, the roots of which lie in Talmudism. Simple as that. Check it out, plenty of fun.

Dialectic Materialism - a struggle of a ZioNazi with the world

And these are the ideas that lay at the foundation of dialectic materialism of Karl Marx, a "founder" of communism, that resulted in rivers of blood and toppling of monarchy during the revolution in Russia, to be replaced with communism, the same thing as Chandra Mohan's "commune", as ancient as this world, coming directly from the Talmud. These are the ideas of a global ghetto and a rule of "God chosen people", who happen to be the same thing as any herd, ruled in reality by the modern equivalent of the Pharisees - servants of Lucifer.

All the wars and revolutions, at least in the last hundreds of years and all the rivers of blood where exactly the result of these very ideas.

Compassion is "no good"? Then what IS "good"? That "dancing under the stars idiocy" of a blind zombie? That "free sex" pill of self-indulgence preached by Chandra Mohan? What did he preach beyond self-indulgence and fake "joy" of a puppet?

Then go to a madhouse and watch some people walking around with smiles on their face all the time. Their "joy" knows no end. Are they supermen? And they do not have a mind, at least as you know it. So, they MUST be the supermen! Right? Ask Nietzsche or Chandra Mohan!

"Beware of false prophets"

Let me say one thing before you see the quote. From what I see, the time of that essence that stood behind Jesus has finally come. Everything is in place by now. The Satan rules the world. He owns all the gold and money of the world, the nuclear materials and nuclear arsenal, all the natural resources, and the main ones are in Russia, all your governments, your minds and the rest of it.

It is his final orgy. Looks as tangible as it gets. He is basically there. But not quite. And he knows it. And this is his final urge.

2000 years has passed since Jesus and you still do not see what he told you at that time. You had to go through it and SEE it, and if you do not see by now, sorry you. As it has been said: there is no mercy for your kind. You were given all the chances and all your sins were allowed its expression. And now is the time to count those deeds of yours. So, get ready to finally see that, which will explode your minds.

It has been said in the New Testament:

15. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

16. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17. Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

21. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23. And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

24. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

25. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

26. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:

27. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

28. And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine:

29. For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.

Matthew 7 - King James Version (KJV)

Can there be anything simpler than what it says above?

I challenge anyone of you to come and argue any of it. Full service, I promise. And if you have any brain power left, you should have no problem finding me. Some did. Yes, they were shit-heads. But at least they did something to defend their rotten position and attitude.

Did Chandra Mohan EVER tell you anything as simple, clear and as powerful than this single quote? And I mean in his entire life.

Do you see the difference between Truth and a lie?

What it says above is simple: by their DEEDS ye shalt know them. Not by their words or beautiful shiny ideas of a diamond in their pocket. And their deeds would bring the results, the fruits. Just look with Chandra Mohan. What is the results of his "great teachings"?

When a man is hungry and you give him food, where is this "higher" notion? Do you think you, somehow, become "higher" just because you helped him with the food? How so? Today you have it and he does not. But what is going to happen tomorrow, Mr. "higher"? Do you know?

And where and how did you get what you are giving to him? Is it not a betrayal of yourself in most cases? Of prostituting yourself and submitting to some guiding doctrine of oppression, lies and deceit? Do you think it is even clean or healthy enough to give to someone you love and respect? Or do you think this is too much of a stretch? Just look at it now. Do you yourself deserve what you have been given in your life? Are you grateful to have it?

COMPASSION is not good enough? Well, that compassion may turn out to be the compassion towards yourself! Ever thought about it this way?

Just because you have something that the other one does not, what makes you "higher"? This is nothing but purely materialistic concept of having. The highest values in it are the ideas of possessing something material, something that could be measured, something you could grab with your hand and put it in your pocket.

As a result, some of you make it a goal of their lives to do anything they can to have something and then flash it left and right like it is some kind of achievement. But is it?

Can you grab love and put it in your pocket? Can you grab a giggle of a child? Can you grab an artistic creation and put it in your pocket so you "have" it and can stuff it into your belly? Because this is exactly what all these ideas are in essence. So I claim.

"And the last will be the first, and the first will be the last".

Ever heard such a thing?

When some traveller is caught in the rain and you have a house and invite him to stay over night with you, where is this "higher" thing? Should you just push him away and tell him: oh, thee, abandon my house as I do not want to insult ye by letting ye sleep on my floor as it may look like me being "higher" than thou, and I am just a beggar like thee?

When you see someone is in trouble and you can help, where is this "higher" notion?

When you give something to someone in need, just because you have it, do you think yourself to be somehow "higher"? Higher than what?

All Nietzsche was is a mental masturbator trying to calculate the logical meaning of existence and that is precisely why he ended up in a madhouse. Because it is not calculable. Your skull will sooner crack before you can calculate it. And yet, this confused man, whom "Osho" had guts to call nothing less than a "great mystic", simply had to invent all these things, especially being on a payroll of Rothschild. He had nothing else to do in his life but inventing all these concoctions per order. One more time:

"...thou canst not make one hair white or black."

-- Matthew 5:36-39

What is this UTTER disgust this fake teacher, obsessed with domination and totalitarian dictate is preaching? To call even compassion as some form of superiority, you must be utterly corrupt. Even a five year old child could see this is a pure grade lie.

Take for example people living in a desert. What does it say in Koran? Well, it says you MUST help the one in need. The hardship is so much that if you do not help, the other may simply die. Easily.

And today it may be you to give, but how do you know what tomorrow will bring? It is simply wisdom of the ages. It has absolutely nothing to do with any notion of "higher". You are no different then him and just because you happen to have something, you are still the same man as him.

Who knows, he may have something he does not even suspect himself, that he may be able to give you, and not necessarily in return for your favor.

What may happen tomorrow when you tell him: oh, crap, I need something I do not have and he tells - hey, no problem, I have it. Here, take it. No problem for me of any kinid!

Because all that you or him have are just toys. At BEST. The ILLUSIONS of a poor man that thinks he has something of value, while the highest value there is is life itself, regardless of what you "have" or do not have. And the highest value in life is love. And compassion is nothing but a byproduct of it. It is a NATURAL LAW of life. Just look at it now and see.

To call compassion an assertion of something "higher", and thus insulting, is not only a lie, but a lie of a criminal grade. Because it is not, has never been and will never be.

You see a man hit by a passing car or a brick that fell from the building. So you rush over there to help, without even thinking about it. Where is "higher" in it? Is it not a result of compassion? Why don't you just tell him: oh, thee, ye get what ye deserve, and I do not wish to dirty my hands coming close to thee as I may get dirtied by thy karma.

You see a house on fire and hear a child screaming inside. So you rush over there risking your own life. Where is "higher" in it? Why did you do it? Is it not compassion?

You see a man that has fallen down into ice cold water from a ship and you jump to save him risking your life. Where is "higher" in it? Sure, they will print your picture in the morning paper and call you a hero. But why did you do it? What was the idea in your mind when you did it? Was there ANY idea in your mind? Or was it something automatic, coming from the deepest depths of your being, utterly thoughtless, before you even had time to think as sometimes there is simply no time to think before something needs to be done instantly.

Just like you see a child running across the street, right in front of a car that will inevitably kill him? Why did you run and pulled him, risking your life if you had time to think of it? Was there ANY reason? Was there ANY idea in your mind? Was there any conscious purpose of doing it?

What do these megalomaniacal sickos, obsessed with control and domination teach you? Do you know? They teach you Satanism, insensitivity, tricks of justifying your violence, aggression, destruction, control and domination. THAT is what they teach you.

They do not teach you the natural laws of life. They teach you the fake laws of death! Nothing less. And that is precisely why Chandra Mohan talked about death in 8 out of 10 of his zombification lectures. Do you realise what it means? Just look at it and see in how many ways he glorified it, going as far as to claim that death is the ULTIMATE ecstasy, the ultimate orgasm. Do you comprehend what he told you? And what evidence or proof did he have? Did he ever die and then come back? Or did he have a direct phone line to Lucifer?

And these satanists even have guts to condemn Jesus, who told you the most natural, self-evident laws of life and Good, that could be even seen by a five year old child with a functioning brain as something true. Undeniably true. Unarguably true.

Mr./Mrs. mankind, are you deranged by now? What kind of crap are you eating in the name of "enlightenment", "new man", "superman" and "elite"? You wish your ego to be petted?

All "compassion" as a result of which you feel "higher" is not compassion

Compassion is not something "rational", in terms of you analyzing the "benefits" and "trade-offs". "True" compassion is automatic, intuitive. There is absolutely no mind consideration or comparison of any kind involved.

In what sense are you "higher" than a person you give to or help out of compassion? What kind of ugly manipulations of the most basic, life enforcing and life affirming principles is it?

All "compassion" as a result of which you feel "higher" is not compassion at all. It is a CALCULATION of potential benefits. In other words, the phoniest thing there is, just like all these "therapists" and "spiritual leaders". They simply want to suck your blood because they are totally uncreative. So, they manipulate your morality by PRETENDING they are "higher" and their "purpose" is to have "compassion" for the "lower" human beings like yourself. And ALL they have to give or help you is utter crap. Disgusting life-denying and totally uncreative sick mind projections, the purpose of which is to get some "benefits" exploiting their fake "compassion" they flash left and right everywhere they show up. Yes, those are trying to look "higher" indeed.

I gave plenty in my life and I did not feel "higher" as a result. I did not give to look "higher". Not even in the picture. I did not even think in most cases before I gave something. The thought usually comes later when I look at the situation in retrospect. Yes, sometimes it is pretty subtle and you may not even think that you had a thought or acted out of some subconscious motivation. Could be, at least in some cases. But it is not matter of "higher" or "lower" as a general rule.

I did not feel as someone "superior" or "higher". The very idea looks sickening. Most of the time I knew with certainty that I am not going to get anything in return.

In fact it is a certain burden on a giver and not necessarily in terms of money. It puts a strain on you as from then on, they start parasiting on you in most cases. You become obliged to give, and if you don't, it is like you have done something wrong even though it is them in most cases that are responsible for the situation they are in.

In fact, this is something that is happening in my life this very minute. There is one man whom I helped quite a bit. And now he became a parasite. He knocks at my window and asks me "how are you". But this is not the reason he came. He came because he wants money. But he is not doing anything to rectify his situation. Many times I asked him: did you try to get some job somewhere, no matter how shitty it is? But he always has a list of excuses.

So now I feel even "lower" than him. I feel like a slave. He is simply manipulating morality and yet, not moving a finger. I MUST give, you see? I do not want to even talk to him because it is his life and all I have is my ideas. And if I ever talk to him, that may be the end of him. That is the way I am. I don't need to hear your excuses or listen to your crap. How much more of a slack do you want to get from life? STILL not enough?!

So, WHO is "lower" here? And I am a kind of guy that loves his freedom probably more than anything else. I do not like when someone knocks at my door. In most cases, I am not interested in what they have to say, even if they brought me some idea. It is all boring "survival" type of things to me or endless bitching about how "horrible" things are and what kind of a bomb is about to hit the earth. Utterly uncreative, unproductive and deadly stuff that leads nowhere but misery and pain of the mind, never even suspecting that there are things they could create and enjoy.

All I saw is a man in need. He is in trouble right now and I can help. Why not? What is the problem? Yes, indeed it was a great feeling that I happen to have something the other needs.

But where is this "higher" thing in it? Did I do it because I felt "higher"? Higher than what? Higher than a man in a deep hole? How much does it worth of any kind of value?

And in fact, very rarely if ever I did get something back from them except of an idea that they can parasite on me.

And sometimes it happened that the others gave me something or helped me in a difficult situation for whatever reason. And there were times when I know for fact they did it without expecting ANYTHING in return from me. So why did they do it then? Just to feel "higher"? Fine, be it. But what IS significant to me is that I am alive as a result. Good enough for a poor guy like me. I did try to pay it back in a way I could without insulting them even though I offered them more than they have given me. Because that is the way I am. And some of them refused what I offered and I understand. They are right. Because if they would accept it, that meant their compassion was phony.

Have you ever done anything in your life purely out of love? And if not, why don't you jump from the Golden Gate bridge because your life isn't worth a dead mosquito fart. You have wasted all the treasures you were given. All for nothing. You are a dead man walking.

What I feel is that what I have left is exactly what I had before I gave something, even though there are fewer papers left in my pocket. I do not feel less of me remaining as a result. Nothing. Everything is exactly the same as before I gave. Except that poor guy who can have his life extended for a few more minutes or a day or so.

And it is pretty subtle. It is like asking yourself in retrospect: do you feel poorer now? And strange thing happens. I do not feel a thing in that respect. There is absolutely no difference. It is almost weird. Because "objectively" I am became poorer. So how come I feel nothing?

And I say onto thee: true giving is purposeless. It has no purpose. It is not consequential: if this - than that. It is intuitive. Instantaneous. A spontaneous expression of your inner wealth - inherent in life as such. And that wealth is not YOUR wealth. It is a wealth of life as such. Life is an utmost luxury if there is any.

Giving for purpose is corruption in most cases unless it is constructive and life affirming. Corruption of your very being. It is greed, which inevitably comes with fear, hand in hand. Without greed there is no fear. Without fear there is no greed. Remember this well.

What makes me "higher"? What should I have done instead? Say: screw you, you get what you deserve?

Finally, what is the difference between this "superman" in Chandra Mohan's interpretation and a new born baby that is pure and uncorrupted? Is he a "superman"? Or a dog? When I heard that dogs are here to teach you love, it just blew my mind. But when I looked at it, I could not believe how true it is. Dog loves you even if you abuse him, even if you kick him on the ass. He still meets you at the door when you come home. Sure, there is a limit, but the love of a dog is as unconditional as it gets. It does not matter what you do. He still loves you. He is not like people with the calculating minds doing things to get some benefit.

Have you felt the love of a dog or your a cat? Are they "supermen"? Well, according to Chandra Mohan interpretations they must be. I am not sure a man can love as much as a dog. Dog's love is unconditional. Man's love is not necessarily unconditional. It depends on your behavior, your submissiveness and all sorts of things.

In fact, I claim that Chandra Mohan's idea of innocence of a child is precisely the idea of Jesus - be like a child. Because a child is still uncorrupted. He can accept new ideas without filtering them through his knowledge base he was zombified with. In that respect, he can learn new things unlike most of you.

Again, can you show me the Chandra Mohan's ORIGINAL ideas, and I mean those that are of his own and not taken from others? Which ones? I'd like to see it. I really do.

Death worship is what this is. Satanism and of the pure grade. No wonder Nietzsche is considered to be the founding father of fascism, which I do not agree with because these ideas go back thousands of years. Not a single idea of his was genuinely his. He was financed by Rothschild to develop and somehow explain the system of satanism so it looks like something "scientific" and thus, valid. And all of it, and I mean every single word of it is lies and concoctions based on satanic doctrine of evil.

Nietzsche was nothing more than a paid puppet of Rothschild, and so was Karl Marx, Lenin, Trotsky and the rest of those criminals against the mankind. And so were Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, and that is not the whole list.

Rothschilds, Baruch, Kuhn, Loeb, Schiff, Warburg and all the other biggest bankers in the world financed all the wars, revolutions, communism and NWO and the rest of it. ALL of it. There wasn't a SINGLE war since at least the American Revolution that they did not finance, and on BOTH sides of the war. To justify this most horrendous criminality and against the mankind as such is to be nothing less than a servant of that very evil as Chandra Mohan was as I claim. A puppet, who could be bought with Rolls Royces and diamond watches.

All these theories in political, economic, social arena, such as theory of evolution, theory of relativity, communism, political economy were developed specifically to facilitate the NWO agenda and final declaration of Lucifer as the "supreme ruler" in the global concentration camp called "the borderless world" by Chandra Mohan. Simple as that. And there exist a substantial body of evidence of it all by now.

Zarathustra the Laughing Prophet - of the meeting with a higher man

What is the purpose of him making such proclamations is a different story. Yes, you could comprehend a few reasons for him making these statements. One of them is zombification and biorobotization of a human mind, done by all sorts of "religious" cults, playing a concept of god like it was their puppet, manipulating you all via fear and guilt and all these artificial systems of morality that do not even reconcile with the teeth in your mouth.

Every time they open their lying mouths, they forever threaten you with all sorts of "punishments" and reprisals, which is the ugliest, most disgraceful and utterly dishonest manipulation of your minds. No one alive can possibly threaten you on behalf of nothing less than God. Because they do not have such authority and can not possibly know the largest picture of life. All they know is something they have learned or experienced, which is nothing more than a local case, applicable to themselves, at best.

Not only that, but this is one of the most profound lies. How they can possibly know what God is going to do to you? Are they God? Are they his "messengers"? WHO gave them that title? Some other religious parasite, just as blind and as manipulative as they are, and just as dishonest, cunning and perverted?

In that respect, asserting "there is no god" serves some purpose indeed, just to deny all the mind conditioning.

The bottom line: Beware! Do not EVER surrender your intelligence to ANYTHING or ANYBODY. YOU are the final "judge" of what is what and who is who as far as your own life is concerned. It is YOUR life you are playing with. How many even care you exist?

Do not just swallow ANYTHING, just because some "authority" pronounces something. Because you do not necessarily know what they mean and what is their purpose.

Examine every single detail, every smallest statement or event, just as Chandra Mohan did himself. Why can't you? Why can't you trust YOURSELF? Do you need someone to show you "the way" to some nirvana, which is death? And THEN what?

And how do you even know that what you hear as a word of God is not just some dream in your mind, some illusion? How? Just take some drugs and you will see some things that will boggle your mind. Does it mean it came from God?

Sure, you can consult some book, listen to someone's opinion. Nothing wrong with that. But never forget to examine it. Do not simply take it as some kind of "truth" to be swallowed as is, without even looking at it.

And examine every single little thing you get from others. And look at every most minute aspect of it. Test it in your own life and see if it works. And if it does not seem to work, doubt. Put it on a back burner. Who knows, it MAY work tomorrow when new aspects will be revealed to you. That IS possible.

But unless it works this very moment, beware! No need to flatly deny it. But watch out. Because some things they feed you are some of the most potent poisons, and, sooner or later, you may regret. But the clock is turning only one way. You can not unwind your life. Not possible. You can not travel the same path again. Once walked, that's it. This is what you are from then on.

YOU are it. Not anybody else. Things will come and go. And what will remain is YOU, and NO ONE but you. Anything else is just a pipe dream, Maya as they call it in India.

Yes, you are not the whole of God, even though you are a manifestation of It if you allow, and even if you don't. You are not something separate from It.

Yes, you are not the only thing there is. But what else is there in this life even though it looks like a grand theater with unlimited number of actors on the stage?

Life is a strange thing indeed. It looks like there is a lot of everything everywhere you look. And yet, in a certain sense, "the whole world turns around YOU", as strange as it may sound.

If there is no you, where is life? What does it mean if you are not there? What is it for? See?

Projection of God-like imagery

Despite the fact that Chandra Mohan forever denied the existence of God, he himself would make all sorts of determinations of what is what and who is who, as though he was nothing less than God, all knowing.

He would never even bother with things like "well, it seems to me", or "well, it could be like this, but you have to check it out on your own", or "well, I do not know, but consider this...".

Nope, that was not to his advantage obviously. Because those kinds of "answers" would place doubts about the infallibility of "their enlightened master".

"But I want to have the last word. If you bug me I can be terrible.

"It is I who is going to have the last laugh."

Date: Fri, 1 Jan 1984 00:00:00 GMT
Book Title: Osho - Notes of a Madman
Chapter #: 1

Note: this book was dictated under influence of nitrogen oxide administered by Swami Devageet.

These kinds of things are usually said by the sick people, whose megalomania goes to the point of obscene, never knowing the limits of itself. To demand that your word is to be the last one is simply sickness.

How did he know that HIS word is going to be the last one? There are plenty of examples of history where the most powerful emperors would die in utter disgust as their enemies, who were the cause of their death, would stand at their death bed, waiting for them to expire, and would simply laugh at them and their so called "power".

Or is Chandra Mohan some God, that KNOWS what is and what is not to happen? What IS this but the most disgusting sickness of a megalomaniac?

Because no matter who you are, there are limits of you and your knowledge. Only dictators of all kinds know no limits.

For one thing it simply indicates you are dead. Because only dead are finally fixed in stone. All life can be improved upon. No matter who you are, if you are still alive, there are things for you to learn and that is the very opening of life. Otherwise, it is like a state of some "nirvana", utter detachment from life as such, and, therefore, death. Since anything that is finally determined and defined has no longer any purpose of existing.

Why? Well, you might think that all those things you "know" are finally determined, table is a table, a car is a car and so on. But... Do you think a table is the same the next time you look at it? Well, not so. It is different, at least from the standpoint of your subjective perception of it. And even objectively it is different. It may have a new scratch on it, it consists of atoms and electrons that never stop. So how can it be the same?

From the other side: what is the purpose of that, which has been finally determined? First of all, it is the same thing from then on, and, therefore, does no longer provide any stimuli for you to even consider it. It became static, unmovable. Why would you waste your life on it then? For what? Do you know what is going to happen to you if you keep looking at the same things? You will simply commit suicide, purely out of boredom if nothing else.

Things that are the same and do not change are simply "optimised out", just for the purpose of efficiency. There is no need to waste energy on things that do not change anything. So, unless there opens up a new aspect of it, consciousness will simply blank it out. Otherwise, you'll waste all your energy to death if you keep spending it on the same things. Energy is the luxury like nothing else. It can not simply go to waste by endlessly considering the same things that never change. First of all, it is simply stupid to do so.

And that is PRECISELY the very stimuli of life, the very impetus to be, the very desire to be - to see NEW aspects even of the same stupid table you saw all your life.

Therefore, anything that is finally determined is dead, and once you claim that YOUR word is to be the last one, you are nothing but a fool, or even worse, a fanatic, a stupid dictator that completely gave up on a dynamic nature of life of forever unfolding before your eyes, and for as long as they open again.

Secondly, it represents a rigidity. Not allowing any surprises, even at your last breath.

Finally, it is nothing more than a megalomania of a dictator.

And so I claim this statement of Chandra Mohan as to "I am the one to have the last laugh and the last word" is one of the PRIME keys to understand who that man really was, the kind of a key, the likes of which there are not many.

So these kinds of statements are simply suicidal. Secondly, they indicate an utter rigidity. Furthermore, telling others "be open" while being totally closed is nothing more than the most profound dishonesty and corruption of ultimate grade.

Thus the obsession with death. Because once you are totally closed and consider YOUR word is to be the final one, that is it for you. You denied the life as such. So be it.

And he would forever reinforce the ideas of "total trust" and "surrender to the master", that could be easily used, and in fact were used as I claim, to "break the resistance" as he called it, which is nothing more to me than hypnotic suggestions to utterly bypass the mind and disable ones own intelligence and the very ability to determine what is what and who is who, as far as YOU can see it with your own eyes, not him.

It is one thing to suggest to others "to be open" to life, which does makes sense. But it is a totally different thing if you are trying to FORCE them to be "open" and "break their resistance" with a sledge hammer in the hands of god-like entity knowing no limits of itself. And this "breaking resistance" was present everywhere around him in all sorts of violence, subtle or gross, done by his "power bitches", "group leaders" or while doing some work. It was jammed into everyone's mind with every step of the way and in the form of disgusting violence, "spiritual" or otherwise. "Resistance" was considered to be some kind of worst crime imaginable and so this "surrender to the master" disgust. The whole thing was simply beyond belief, like a zombie programming.

And, I claim, that unless you see it with your own eyes, and use your own intelligence, to verify the trueness and validity of something, your knowledge and conclusions are meaningless in the scheme of things, and, sooner or later, you are simply bound to regret it all, forever allowing someone to make decisions for you. You simply become a bio-robot, programmed like a machine. Simple as that.

And so I claim: NEVER EVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES allow anybody to make decisions for you. You have to examine and verify the validity of every single thing and every single event or label, given to you by someone else, with your own eyes. Otherwise, you are no different than a zombie or a bio-robot, programmed to literal oblivion. Even the most minute things that you allowed to slip in without examination, will bite you at the end. INEVITABLY. It is just a matter of time.

Why do you have to surrender the most precious abilities of yours to someone else? What is the very purpose of your life then? What makes you as you are, if you behave like others and allow some universal set of instructions to rule your life from then on?

What do you expect as a result at the end, but utter frustration as to your own idiocy of missing the whole life experience of your own. It is YOUR life, not theirs.

The way he would "answer" things was not to be questioned. It was to be followed as some "ultimate truth", without even questioning any of it, and if you dare to question it, you would be insulted and ridiculed just like a plain idiot. NEVER, under ANY circumstances could you question "your own master"! Brrrr!

It was pretty much a final determination, the purpose of which was to "answer" any kind of question in such a way, that it would not even allow any doubt or any other opinion or view to be even considered.

And again, he would have an "answer" on ANYTHING and everything, even if it were the scientific issues, where he obviously had zero competence, and just about anything you can imagine, about which he could only make guesses, and not final determinations.

He would even invent totally bogus "methods" out of the blue, telling you how to "fix" some "problem" of yours. He would say things like "suck on your finger for two weeks continuously and your urge to smoke will disappear. The reason you smoke is because you did not suck enough of your mother's tities". Now, how does he know? How could he POSSIBLY know? Did he ever smoke and then stopped smoking by sucking his own finger? So, what kind of bullshit theories are these? Based on what? Where is the evidence that such a thing is possible? Is it a result of medical or any other research? Where did he get this idea from? God almighty, which does not exist?

So, you can suck not only finger, but anything you can imagine, and not only for 14 days, but for as long as you want, and what do you think is going to happen? Try it and see what happens.

First of all, anything repeated between 30 to 90 times becomes a habit. It becomes like a drug. You get addicted to it. Even if you take the most healthy things, such as walking or swimming. If you stop all of a sudden, you will feel like shit. "Habits die hard" they say. Do you think that by sucking on your finger you destroy the habit of smoking a cigarette? There are biological and chemical changes in your body and brain. Nicotine is known to be a stimulant as far as thought activity goes, and on and on and on. What is this crap he is feeding you? Did ANY of you examine it? And what did you find as a result of your study?

And this was not just some single, isolated example of his "omnipotent" abilities. You can find it almost everywhere he speaks, be it science, politics, medical field, music and art, and just about anything you can imagine, and almost everywhere, he would invent some "recipe" on how to handle it, solve nothing less than the world's problems, and what kind of world government should there be, or you name it.

One of the most far reaching ideas of his was "border-less world", ruled by the single world government, which would produce all sorts of efficiency related advantages and eliminate all sorts of overhead.

Well, interestingly enough, this very idea is not his. It exists as "The Plan" for hundreds and thousands of years, and it is called the NWO, New World Order.

Listen to the Jewish banker, Paul Warburg:

"We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent."

(February 17, 1950, as he testified before the US Senate).

James Paul Warburg:

(1896-1969) son of Paul Moritz Warburg, nephew of Felix Warburg and of Jacob Schiff, both of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. which poured millions into the Russian Revolution through James' brother Max, banker to the German government, Chairman of the CFR

"The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world."

"... Endless war on terror where there's no real enemy and the whole thing is a giant hoax," so that "the government could take over the American people,"

-- Nicholas Rockefeller in an interview with Aaron Russo.

That "borderless world" Chandra Mohan kept peddling as some kind of paradise on earth turns out to be nothing more than a matrix scheme as I claim.

Nicholas Rockefeller went even further with his ideas of "chip society", which is not merely some Utopian idea. It is in fact being implemented full blast as we speak. There already exist people with the chip implants.

Another interesting individual, Chandra Mohan was highly impressed with, just like with Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin, and specifically supported his work and ideas, is Dr. Jose Delgado. And we are talking about things like this one, which is the very essence of it:

"We need a program of psycho-surgery and political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated.

"The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective.

"Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electrical stimulation of the brain."

-- Dr. Jose Delgado (MKULTRA experimenter who
demonstrated a radio-controlled bull on CNN in 1985)
Director of Neuropsychiatry, Yale University
Medical School.
Congressional Record No. 26, Vol. 118, February 24, 1974

"Israel controls the Senate...around 80 percent are completely in support of Israel; anything Israel wants. Jewish influence in the House of Representatives is even greater."

(They Dare to Speak Out, Paul Findley, p. 66, speaking of a statement of Senator J. William Fulbright said in 1973)

The story of Kennedy murder is something that will crack your scull, according to Eduard Hodos. Him, being one of the world's most respected antique collectors and one of the best researchers in the world, dug up this little fact:

Kennedy wanted to get away with control of the money by the Jewish bankers and return the power of printing money to the US government. And so he ordered to print the new dollars that are to be supported by the silver. The US government has printed four trillion of new dollars to replace the fake money. And that is exactly the reason he was killed. The new money was not introduced as a result and the control of the printing press remained in the hands of the private corporation called Federal Reserve, controlled by the Jewish bankers.

You want some evidence? Here is a couple examples of Kennedy dollars that never went to circulation:

Kennedy's two dollar bill Kennedy's five dollar bill

Notice the "United States Note" at the top and not "Federal Reserve Note" like it says on your fake dollars.

All the theories of Kennedy murder are nothing more than disinformation campaigns. The investigation of that murder was sabotaged by the ZioNazis/Illuminati and key witnesses were simply murdered in cold blood.

There exists the most extensive research on these issues and there are hundreds and thousands of direct quotes on it by the presidents, prime ministers, top brass in military, intelligence, supreme court of the USA, the popes and even bankers themselves, on things of mind shattering nature, saying things like:

"There is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they better not speak in condemnation of it."

-- President Woodrow Wilson

"The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes."

-- U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter

"Whatever happens, whatever the outcome, a New Order is going to come into the world... It will be buttressed with police power... When peace comes this time there is going to be a New Order of social justice. It cannot be another Versailles."

-- Edward VIII, King of England

Just look at the world with your own eyes this very moment. What do you see?

These, probably the most significant issues of that monstrosity called the NWO and that "matrix" scheme, do not even deserve his opinion or "conclusion", or some "recipe" as to what it all means and what can be done about it? How is this possible?

He would forever invent the new recipes on some of the most useless and meaningless things, and probably the grandest things of all, as far as modern world goes, he would keep totally silent about. How come?

The problem with this approach is that it is utterly rigid and inflexible. In effect, just as Krishnamurti stated, its purpose is "to take away ones freedom to make choices as to ones own consciousness", which he called the biggest crime there is.

Just about all of it utterly contradicts the Chandra Mohan's own trigger phrase "be open to life".

Whatever knowledge he would try to impart into the brains of "his people", or anyone else for that matter, was, therefore, a word of God, all knowing. Because only God can possibly know the real nature of things, the real motivations, the real essence of what is what and who is who.

In the context of multi-dimensionality of reality, there is no such a thing as final determination. First of all, any event, thing or action could be interpreted in virtually infinite number of ways, depending on your point of view, context, time frame, interests and so on.

Thus, one is compelled to conclude that ANY conclusions, made by just about anybody, are not necessarily, and can not even in principle be final, rock like.

Chandra Mohan would make conclusive arguments or rather suggestions all the time, starting from the smallest things and going up to grandest notions such as God, consciousness, freedom, reality, love and you name it.

This kind of approach is possible only if one is profoundly dishonest, someone, so obsessed with his own ego, not knowing its limits, and, obviously, knowing his conclusions are not final, or even true, or an idiot, totally incapable of recognizing that all his conclusions are like a wind or rain, that come and go.

Life is unending learning process. Not a single individual can possibly, even in principle, know the ultimate purpose of all sorts of things and events. It is all open ended. Once you learn something, then you can state it. But even there, the next day may show just the opposite.

Yes, in simple things like solving some mathematical equation, knowing some rules on how to fix your car, and all sorts of other practical things, these conclusions, or rather rules, may be useful, at least for as long as those rules are not revised, and they will eventually and inevitably be revised, just like anything else.

But things, actions, events in the domain of ones own existence, his own inner essence, consciousness and subconscious, can never POSSIBLY be finally determined. Else, it is either utter idiocy, or utter dishonesty.

So, what happens in your mind if you forever receive these "final" "recipes" and determinations by your "master" or the "enlightened being", is that your very intelligence gets disabled.

Your mind no longer functions. You will not even question any of those hypnotic or post-hypnotic suggestions, which to me is the biggest crime there is, the crime against your very soul, against your very consciousness, jamming your mind with all sorts of concoctions, very few of which can be proven to be true, effective or even appropriate, thus making a "happy" zombie out of you.

Eventually, such a profound dependence would develop, that you would not be able to make your own decisions. Every smallest thing you would get interested in, or bothered with, would have to be asked for "the answer" from the "master".

Interestingly enough, that is what Talmudism is. What is the Talmud? Well, it is a humongous set of instructions on how to behave in any situation conceivable, ad nausea. And one can never know the Talmud or Torah. You are to study it every day, one chapter at a time, and once you go through all of it, you need start all over again as they believe that you can never know it in full, no matter how much you study.

So, what happens is that you learn every possible trick and manipulation technique to explain or justify anything imaginable. So you become a literal biorobot, programmed to the state of oblivion. That is why no matter what is the situation, if you ever have to deal with some religious "Jew", he will instantly give you the "answer" and defeat you with his argument in a way that will simply blow your mind. That is why they consider their intelligence "superior". But all they are is dead people walking. It is not their original insights and ideas. All they have is a humongous pile of zombie instructions their mind is programmed with. It has absolutely nothing to do with any kind of intelligence of their own. They are simply reciting things just like parrots.

Osho favorites

One thing to keep in mind is Chandra Mohan answering his own father's question: what do you need this whole thing for?

"Watch me build my own empire"

So, are these "masters" the empire builders? Ever heard of such a thing, my humble "seeker"?

There is a number of people Chandra Mohan ("Osho") spoke of highly as to be the representatives of the best of the best the mankind has to offer. Among them are Bertrand Russell, Jose Delgado, Friedrich Nietzsche and a few others.

Interestingly enough, every single one of them was obsessed with totalitarian dictatorship, and all of them were mere Illuminati puppets in the hands of the Rothschild's clan.

Basically, all of them happen to be fascists and forerunners or "prophets" or ideological figureheads of this so called NWO thing, which is satanism in its pure form, hell on Earth in its most raging form.

Some call it "netocracy" or "net society" nowadays because, for one thing, it makes the most outrageous crimes and genocide they conduct on a regular basis look like something not only more "advanced" as to state of society, but it also sounds more kinky among other things.

Let us look at just a small sample of it and see.

Bertrand Russell

Bertrand Russell is one of the main theoriticians of the NWO, if not THE brain behind the theory of it.

There is also the Bertrand Russell theory, that wars diminish populations. In the eyes of the Committee of 300, the world is filled with too many people, who are depleting the world's natural resources at an alarming rate.

The solution, Russell said, is to get rid of what he referred to as "useless eaters", who should be culled at regular intervals.

Ten million dead in WWI was not enough to satisfy Russell, who promoted the idea, that plagues and pandemics should be introduced at regular intervals to wipe out "useless eaters", who had escaped the wars.

(John Coleman, The Rothschild Dynasty)"

Jose Delgado

"We need a program of psycho-surgery and political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated.

"The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective.

"Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electrical stimulation of the brain."

-- Dr. Jose Delgado (MKULTRA experimenter who
demonstrated a radio-controlled bull on CNN in 1985)
Director of Neuropsychiatry, Yale University
Medical School.
Congressional Record No. 26, Vol. 118, February 24, 1974

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, "Godfather of Fascism"

This is probably one of the most disgusting examples of Chandra Mohan's manipulations and concoctions. It is so disgusting that it is difficult to the point of being impossible to even speak about it. It is just on the par with his most disgusting lies and concoctions as to the Russian revolution, which he called "accidental", which is a an ugly lie and distortion of the essence of it, or the communism, which was one of his major obsessions, which simply translates into domination of a dictator in a concentration camp type of society, which is who this god-like Chandra Mohan was.

Friedrich Nietzsche is recognized as one of the main ideologists of fascism and this satanic NWO thing. Let us see some quotes to put it all in proper perspective.

First of all, it should be noted that Nietzsche-ism was specifically addressed in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion - the program for world takeover, known as the NWO - under title "Destructive Education". Specifically:

Success of destructive Education

3. Do not suppose for a moment that these statements (see below) are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism, Marxism, Nietzsche-ism.

To us Jews, at any rate, it should be plain to see what a disintegrating importance these directives have had upon the minds of the goyim [non-jews].

Success of destructive Education
(Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion)

Here is the preceding text:

Puppet government - pawns in our game

2. The administrators, whom we shall choose from among the public, with strict regard to their capacities for servile obedience, will not be persons trained in the arts of government, and will therefore, easily become pawns in our game in the hands of men of learning, and genius, who will be their advisers, specialists, bred and reared from early childhood to rule the affairs of the whole world.

As is well known to you, these specialists of ours have been drawing to fit them for rule the information they need from our political plans from the lessons of history, from observations made of the events of every moment as it passes.

The goyim are not guided by practical use of unprejudiced historical observation, but by theoretical routine without any critical regard for consequent results.

We need not therefore, take any account of them - let them amuse themselves until the hour strikes, or live on hopes of new forms of enterprising pastime, or on the memories of all they have enjoyed.

For them let that play the principal part which we have persuaded them to accept as the dictates of science (theory).

It is with this object in view that we are constantly, by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these theories.

The intellectuals of the goyim will puff themselves up with their knowledges and without any logical verification of them, will put into effect all the information, available from science, which our agentur specialists have cunningly pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the direction we want.

Puppet government - pawns in our game
(Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion)

Then we have some more direct quotes:


This, "Nietzscheanism," is later developed into Fascism and Nazism and will be used to foment the first and second world wars.

Marx, Ritter, and Nietzsche are all funded and under the instruction of the Rothschilds

Marx, Ritter, and Nietzsche are all funded and under the instruction of the Rothschilds'.

The idea of eternal conflict

The idea behind this scheme is that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in so-called ideologies to enable them to divide larger and larger factions of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other, and particularly, in destroying all political and religious institutions.


The Fascist Concept of Representation
René de Visme Williamsona

"Among the many recurrent answers which are recorded by history, there is one which has peculiar significance for our time. This answer is revealed in a single word:


In every place and throughout every age, there are men who see in power the solution to all their problems. Faith in power is the connecting link between such thinkers as Machiavelli, Hobbes, Nietzsche, Hitler, Mussolini, and many lesser lights not excluding those who are unaware of their own implicit acceptance of this faith.

The religion of these men could be stated thus: seek ye first Power and its attributes, and all these things shall be added unto you.

The acquisition of power is not a means to something else but an end in itself. I call fascist all those who have this particular faith, no matter what name they give themselves or what their nationality may happen to be."

Three most influential men on fascism.

"Fredrich Nietzche was a big influence on fascism because he had a contempt for democracy and believed in an aristocracy of intellectuals.

"Niccolo Machiavelli had a significant influence on fascism because he believed in strong leadership to direct people's lives because the masses could not govern themselves.

"Charles Darwin probably had the biggest influence on fascism due to his theory of evolution being only the strongest survive therefore creating social darwinism which a fascist's justification for supporting nationalism. Did Charles Darwin really support the idea that only the strongest survive in modern day or did he just state the facts of what was nature in the beginning of life?"

One thing he claimed is: "God is dead"!

How did he know? What authority did he have to even open his mouth of a degenerate on it? The same sickness as of Chandra Mohan, the same denial of something, no philosopher of any degree of honesty or competence would ever proclaim, as it is nothing more than a philosophical lie.

Some of the ideas of Nietzsche were:

In other words, pure grade fascism in its ugliest form, which, in its turn, is a carbon copy of PURE grade Talmudism, except in Talmudism they were not expressed as blatantly as by this sick Nietzsche, who ended up in a madhouse.

Some researchers claim the ideas of the Talmud were later muted a few hundred years ago to hide utter barbarism and utmost hate towards all non-Jews as a result of wide resentment by the Christian world. All these ideas are known since the beginning of times, back to the Pharisees, except it was all considered to be "secret" or "sacred" knowledge, and no goyim were allowed to learn any of it under penalty of death to anyone, who discloses these great "secrets" of Talmudic sickness they present as some kind of mysticism, obscene as it gets.

"Talmudism is not a religion. It is a law."

And a few other things equally as "enlightening".

And here is just one example of what Chandra Mohan says about this sicko. My comments are in brackets []:

Book: Osho The Golden Future
Chapter: Love: the purest power
Date: 25 April 1987

[First of all, before we even start, love is the purest POWER? Am I missing something here?

Sure if one is obsessed with power being a dictator, then everything looks like power of some kind. Power is a strange word. It has several meanings. You can look at it as power of the Sun shining on Earth and giving it energy. You can look at it as power of a mother protecting and nourishing her baby. Yes. But is it POWER or something else? What is power?

Interestingly enough, Rakovsky during his interrogation as described in "Red Symphony" by Dr. Landowsky, tries to explain to Russian interrogator the essence of that, which is known as the NWO nowadays, that is, the concept of world domination, based squarely on power. In fact, ABSOLUTE power, which is its only and ultimate goal of those "world rulers", the Illuminati.

And that is indeed one of Chandra Mohan's obsessions - power, unlimited and unbounded power. No wonder he perverts even love and tries to somehow "explain" it in terms of "power".

But what does love have to do with "power"? How much do you need to pervert things and twist them in any way conceivable to prove that love has something to do with the ugliest form of domination?

What is "power"? Do you know? Power of what? Power over what? Power for what purpose? What is the very purpose of "power" beyond control and domination? Do you know?

Sure, you can turn the wheels of your car with power of an engine. Is that the kind of power he is talking about?

If anything, love is just an opposite of power. If one loves, then one is totally powerless. Yes, he does generate the life giving energy. But that has nothing to do with power.

If one is loved, where is power in it? Power of what? Power, by definition is force and it is inevitably used to overpower something or someone, to bulldoze some land and things like that. To exceed something. That is its very essence.

Yes, love is life affirming, life sustaining and life stimulating. In fact, love is the very core of life, just as Jesus stated. And that is the very essence of his message. His work could be expressed in a single word - LOVE. And that is precisely the opposite to the doctrine of Pharisees, that indeed consider power as something ultimate, power to overpower others, to submit them, and that is what Jesus and his work was - to show that power inevitably leads to destruction and hell on Earth as it is nothing more than domination in essence. It is simply inherent in it, and no matter how much they pervert and what kind of garbage they try to concoct to justify the power, it still does not and can not change its fundamental meaning, violence and destruction.

Without love there is no life, but an inevitable death and destruction as there is no stimuli to be if there is no love. Why be? For what?]

"Adolf Hitler and his followers, the Nazis have done so much harm to the world because they prevented the world from understanding Friedrich Nietzsche and his true meaning..."

[What? What "true" meaning in the mind of a sick man obsessed with dictatorship of the "superior" kind of humanity as expressed in his doctrine of "superman", which is the very foundation of fascism and this sick NWO ideology of a concentration camp?

First of all, Hitler was financed by Rothschilds starting in 1929. Until the end of war, Germans were flying using the gasoline provided to them by the USA until 1945 - the last year of the war, among other things. Prescott Bush, the grand father of that lunatic, George Bush, had made a killing on financing Adolph Hitler. That is how Bush empire was born.]

"... It is such a sad fate, one which has never befallen any great mystic or any great poet before Nietzsche."

[What? One of the founding fathers of fascism and one of the key ideologists of the NWO is mentioned with MYSTICS in the same sentence? Was he a GREAT mystic? WHO? Nietzsche? Can there be anything more disgusting than this? Why not call Adolph Hitler a mystic then. He was quite interested in it, sending the expeditions to Tibet to find the source of unlimited power, Shambala.]

"... The crucifixion of Jesus or poisoning of Socrates are not as bad a fate, as that which has befallen Friedrich Nietzsche"

[WHAT? Jesus, have mercy on me! How can one fall so low?]

"Will to power" is absolutely individual. It wants to dance to the highest in the sky, it wants to have a dialogue with the stars, but it is not concerned with proving anybody inferior. It is not competitive, it is not comparative.

[Sure, being a dictator in his heart Chandra Mohan was, as he himself admitted, what else could be "higher" then "will to power"?

What he is talking about here is not power, but energy. And power and energy are not the same thing, even from the standpoint of physics. You want to dance not because of "power", but because you have an overflowing energy that wants to express itself.

Will to power is like a dance? Something innocent? As to inferiority, it was one of the most essential concepts in this whole sickness of Nietzsche. He was the one to develop a concept of a "superman", the one to control and dominate, the one to whom everyone shoud submit. "Will to power", according to me, has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with all these innocent things. It is precisely the opposite.

I can understand "will to be", but even that is not quite kosher. Because what is "will"? Well, it is an issue of struggle, to assert, to overpower something. It is basically an assertion of your strength by comparison with something you oppose, or some obstracle on your way. It is basically placing yourself above the situation to achieve your goal or agenda. And it is only applicable in the context of a fight or struggle of some kind. In that respect, it is the same essential thing as power. There is no need to even call it "will to power". It is enough to call it either "will" or "power". Those are sufficient.]

"... It was just a coincidence that Nietzsche fell into the hands of the Nazis. They needed a philosophy for war, and Nietzsche appreciates the beauty of the warrior. They wanted some idea for which to fight, and Nietzsche gave them a good excuse - for the superman.

[Can you believe this? Sorry, I can not believe my own eyes. This is PURE grade garbage to me. Interestingly enough, this "coincidence" thing is used by Chandra Mohan whenever he tries to concoct something and pervert it to look like just an opposite of what it is in reality.

Beauty of a WARRIOR? Well, but what does a warrior do? Well, he murders and destroys. So, why don't you call it what it is - the beauty of a murderer!

And why do you need to fight? Is life some kind of unending warfare? What is this idiotic totalitarian violence ideology? Fight for what? - A "superman"? Who are you going to "fight" for something superior?

This whole crap is a pure recipe for destruction and unending violence and rivers of blood, just as it happened during all the "revolutions" and wars - the disgusting utterly unnecessary violence and destruction of lives and all sorts of values, material or otherwise. And those wars were totally artificial and not necessary for any objective reason, just as presidents, emperors, prime ministers and other "leaders" state on record.

And all those wars and revolutions were fomented by the same hand, Rothschilds, just as tons of evidence shows, and they were fomented for a single reason - world domination. It has been said "wars are the Jew harvest", meaning, that during the war the immense amounts of money is made by the financiers, financing BOTH sides of the war for some reason. Some experts say if Rothschilds would not finance the wars, they would never happen.

Gutle Schnaper, Mayer Amschel Rothschild's wife dies. Before her death she would nonchalantly state,

"If my sons did not want wars, there would be none."

So, during the war, governments need to borrow money, immense amounts of money, and those loans are interest bearing, which is a drain that eventually results in financial disasters as the amounts of interest alone can hardly be paid with those astronomic size loans. Eventually, the state looses its sovereignty because it can no longer pay the interest on the loans that forever grow. This is one of the most powerful tricks of the "banking mafia" to take over the states and the world.

Not only that, but what happens during the wars and revolutions is total destruction of the infrastructure or anything else, which would have to be rebuilt later on, which means more loans from Rothschilds, and they LOVE destruction. The more destruction is there, the closer they are to ruling the world because of financial aspect alone.

The faster and the more things are destroyed, the closer they are to reign over the world, the closer is the absolute rule of Lucifer, Satan - their master, and we are standing right at that point this very moment. In fact, it is already there for all practical purposes. The international and all other laws are cancelled by now. Even at this very junction we live in extra-legal environment. The Constitution of the USA is utterly meaningless piece of paper by now. The international Basic Human Rights convention is only good to be eaten by the book worms in an ancient library, and the list goes on.

Anyone can be arrested and imprisoned for indefinite amount of time without the court proceedings or legal assistance. There is no need to even have the court proceedings. People can be detained for utterly fictitious and utterly false and unproved accusations and detained forever. So all the courts and judges can just go home. By now, it is nothing more than a puppet theater, utterly meaningless. If any judge stands against the NWO "elite", it will be the end of him, whatever it takes, be it some "accident" or anything else for that matter. At the very least, his career is over once he stands up for the law and the Constitution.

All the concentration camps have already been built. FEMA was given the extraordinary authority and powers to effectively bypass the law and the government as such. All the executive orders have been issued to effectively suspend the government and declare the martial law at this very moment. All it takes if for the president to hop up on the podium and announce it. There is no power in this world that can stop him, besides Rothschilds and "banking mafia". It has been said: anyone Rothschilds choose will become a president. So, you can go "vote" all you want. But any way you "vote" is a vote for a Rothschild puppet. Take you pick and foam at your mouth all you want, arguing why this guy is better than that one. This isn't even laughable. It is simply pathetic theater performance.

Totalitarian dictate, or rather the reign of Lucifer is upon all the lands this very moment. And they are still working like crazy adding new "laws" and executive directives to take away every single right you used to have even though there is nothing left already. But you have to keep them busy doing something so this puppet theater looks like some real government and the rule of "law and order", bizarre as it gets. The worst nightmare in the entire history of mankind. Even Roman empire simply pales by comparison. Even Nazi Germany or totalitarian rule in Russia is nothing more than a joke compared to it.

All these wars and revolutions are what Christian Rakovsky called the "permanent revolution" concept as described in "Red Symphony" by Dr. Landowsky according to which the destruction should be a permanent, non ending process in order to bring about the "NWO".

What do you think Chandra Mohan is preaching here with this disgust of "beauty of a warrior"?

As to this "coincidence" thing, the same thing he also said about the Russian revolution saying that it was accidental. Just happened for no logical or any other reason, while in fact there wasn't even a trace of anything accidental in it. It was all well planned, well prepared, well financed and well organized, and by the same exact people who financed and promoted this Nazi ideologist, Nietzsche, who is known as being one of KEY ideologists of the very foundation of the NWO. It is said by some leading researchers that the NWO is squarely based on the work of Nietzsche, and a concept of "will to power" is just a part of it.

Nietzsche did not just "fall into the hands of the Nazis" and there was absolutely nothing accidental in it. It was their very foundation. By DESIGN. Of Rothschild, no one less. Just like Karl Marx or Lenin or the biggest murderer in the human history, Trotsky.]

"But Nietzsche is so immensely important that he has to be cleaned of all the garbage that the Nazis have put on his ideas. And the strangest thing is that not only the Nazis but other philosophers around the world have also misunderstood him. Perhaps he was such a great genius that your so-called great men also were not able to understand him."

[My God, have mercy on me! That is about the only comment it deserves. "Great genius"? ]

Love: the purest power

This is enough of a quote on this sickness. Interestingly enough, Chandra Mohan spoke on Nietzsche during 248 of his lectures!

You can do your own search on Friedrich Nietzsche with this:

Friedrich Nietzsche

"Reevaluation of Values" and "Alion" - "Super-Nation"

Well, about Nietzsche's "Reevaluation of Values", the same thing is expressed in a book by Ahad Ha'am (Ascher Ginsberg) with the same title, described in "the Secret Leader of Zionism", who is considered to be the founder of "Eastern Zionism" - the most radical sect, bent on ZioNazi domination. He is quite a character, on the par only with Theodore Herzl, - the "father" of Zionism, who said for example:

"We are a people - One people ... When we sink, we become a revolutionary proletariat, the subordinate officers of a revolutionary party; when we rise, there rises also our terrible power of the purse."

-- Theodore Herzl, "A Jewish State," pp. 5, 23.

Theodor Herzl

"If whole branches of Jews must be destroyed, it is worth it, as long as a Jewish state in Palestine is created."

-- Theodor Herzl, the father and the leader of modern Zionism

And here is about Ahad Ha'am:

To enrich his knowledge in creating a world-view Ahad Ha'am did not scorn even some non-Jewish thinkers, among whom Darwin and Nietzsche should be placed in the first places.

Although in the "Protocol" #2, [of the Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion] Ginsberg, and they say that the theories of Darwin and Nietzsche were deliberately interpreted by Jews in such a manner, in order to make the degradation of morals and disturbance of mind among the Christians, even though he considers himself to be a follower of Darwin and spoke about it as follows:

"I can even join in this scientific heresy known as Darwinism, without it causing damage to my Judaism."

(Selections of works Ahad Ha'am, collected by Leon Simon).

In his work entitled "Reevaluation of Values", in thought and style in exact likeness of "The Protocols" as applied to the Jewish people, which he calls "Alion", or "super-nation".

While studying and systematization in his mind of all the different theories, we have listed, Asher Ginsberg has begun compiling his program, which became known to us through his "Protocols", and began to look around for practical ways to bring it into action and its implementation in real life.

See: Reevaluation of Values

Dawn of Day

And here is what that "great mystic", Nietzsche had to say in his book Dawn of Day:

Nietzsche - Zionist preacher

...Of the people of Israel. To the spectacles to which the next century invites us belongs the decision of the destiny of the European Jews.

That they have cast their die, crossed their Rubicon, is now quite obvious: it only remains for them either to become the lords of Europe or to lose Europe, as once in olden times they lost Egypt, where they confronted a similar either/or.

"And now, when they, of necessity, as every year more and more they become relatives on the best nobility of Europe, they will soon have a good heritage of spiritual and physical beauty, so that in a hundred years they will look so noble that they can become the masters and their servants will not be ashamed of it!...

"but there will come the time and Europe, as well ripened fruit will fall into their hands, and they will become the pointers of the way to the Europeans...

"Israel will turn its eternal revenge into an everlasting blessing by Europe, and once again there will come that seventh day when Judean God rejoiced in his creation and his chosen people, and we all will rejoice together with him!".

(Nietzsche, F. - Dawn of Day / Trans. from German - St. Petersburg.: ABC Classic, 2008. p. 129, 131).

Are THESE kinds of ideas something that can possibly come out of the mouth of a "great mystic", as Chandra Mohan called Nietzsche?

All he seems to be concerned with is Jews, Israel, Judaism and "Judean God". What a great mystic, worthy of being promoted by no one less than "the greatest master ever"!

Yes, Nietzsche was indeed recognized as a "prophet". Of fascism that is.

He talks about "Judean God". But, Nietzsche himself stated "God is dead". So, it turns out that there is no God except the Judean one. What is he manipulating here, just like Chandra Mohan, who also stated "I found God within" and then has spent most of his life concocting all sorts of "reasons" to explain there is no God?

Here is that full quote in different translation:

"...Of the people of Israel. To the spectacles to which the next century invites us belongs the decision of the destiny of the European Jews. That they have cast their die, crossed their Rubicon, is now quite obvious: it only remains for them either to become the lords of Europe or to lose Europe, as once in olden times they lost Egypt, where they confronted a similar either/or.

In Europe, however, they have gone through a schooling of eighteen centuries such as no other people here can show, and in such a way that the experiences of this terrible time of training have benefited not merely the community but even more the individual.

As a consequence of this, the psychic and spiritual resources of today's Jews are extraordinary; they, least of all those who inhabit Europe, reach, when in distress, for the cup or for suicide in order to escape a deep dilemma - as the less gifted are so prone to do.

[Strauss: Every sociologist knows that, regarding suicide, the situation is terribly changeable. That was still the old sturdy Jews of Europe he means.]

Every Jew has in the history of his fathers and ancestors a treasure of examples of coldest self-possession and steadfastness in dreadful situations, of bravery under the cloak of wretched submission, their heroism in spemere se spemi (despising that one is despised) surpasses the virtues of all the saints.

One has wanted to make them contemptible by treating them contemptibly for two millennia, and by barring them access to all honors, to everything honorable, and by all the more deeply pushing them down into the more sordid trades - and indeed, under this procedure they have not become cleaner. But contemptible?

They themselves have never ceased to believe themselves called to the highest things, nor have the virtues of all sufferers ever ceased to adorn them.

The way in which they honor their fathers and children, the reason in their marriages and marriage customs, distinguish them among all Europeans.

In addition they have understood how to create a feeling of power and eternal vengeance out of the very trades that were left to them (or to which one left them); one must say in the excuse even of their usury that without this occasionally pleasant and useful torture of those who hold them in contempt, they could hardly have endured holding fast to their self-respect for so long.

For our self-respect is tied to our ability to retaliate in good and evil. In all this their vengeance does not easily carry them too far, for they have all that liberality, also of the soul, to which frequent changes of place, climate, customs of neighbors and oppressors, educates man; they possess by far the greatest experience in all human intercourse, and even in their passions they practice the caution taught by this experience.

They are so sure in the exercise of their spiritual versatility and shrewdness that they never, not even in the most bitter circumstances, find it necessary to earn their bread by physical force as manual laborers, porters, or farmhands. [Strauss: Well, he knew only Germany.]

Their manners still show that one has never put noble chivalric feelings into their soul and beautiful weapons about their body: some-

-- Nietzsche, F. - Dawn of Day

"... The crucifixion of Jesus or poisoning of Socrates are not as bad a fate, as that which has befallen Friedrich Nietzsche"?

What seems to be missing below this statement is a Nazi salute part: Seig Hail Mine Fuhrer!!!

Karl Marx

Well, this one is one of the biggies indeed. He is known as the ideologist and a philosopher of the communism, which Chandra Mohan adopted as a model of a "perfect" society and created his own "commune", which J. Krishnamurti called the "concentration camp".

Read more on this in Communism and Revolutions chapter.

Martin Buber

Chandra Mohan praised Martin Buber and his ideology and even proclaimed that everyone simply MUST read his fascist proclamations as some kind of ultimate wisdom of Hassids.

See: Martin Buber, A chief deceiver

Who or what is Osho

Who is Osho, or Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh or Chandra Mohan, depending on which way the wind blows between your ears?

For starters, J. Krishnamurti says that to use names like Bhagwan is probably the most disgusting thing imaginable. Because only God can have this name. To name oneself Bhagwan is essentially the same as to proclaim yourself to be God.

Here is a definition:

"Bhagwan, literally means "possessing fortune, blessed, prosperous" (meaning "fortune, wealth", cognate to Slavic bog'' "god"), and hence "illustrious, divine, venerable, holy", etc."

Bhagwan was a name, given to himself by the same man calling himself Osho. Shree means radiance. Rajneesh has a root of Raj, the king.

So, basically, from the very start, we are dealing with the issue of megalomania.

Yes, those 90 Rolls Royces, that, according to Chandra Mohan, belonged to the commune, which is a lie, and so his obsession with diamond watches, cuff links that cost a fortune, diamond encrusted pens and other shiny objects fit this picture quite nicely.

And, to make a long story short, these things are probably some of the most significant and indicative aspects of who this man REALLY was.

As far as his teachings go, there are some similarities with Cabalism and occult, and there are way too many examples of him working along the Cabalist doctrine. In that respect it is quite interesting to see him singing praises to Hassidism, which is basically a manifestation of the Cabalist ideology and occult. Yes, IDEOLOGY. Because that is what it is no matter how much some try to associate it with religion.

Some say Hassidism is Luciferianism and there is plenty of evidence of it especially if you consider the ritual murder ceremony as a sacrifice to Moloch.

And the end result of it is death worship, literally, as expressed in various rituals of occult, utter disregard to the very idea of "good" and boundless obsession with power via money. Thus worshipping of a golden calf. The end result of it is what is called the NWO and Chandra Mohan's praises to "new man" and "borderless world" is pretty much the same thing.

It is basically a cult worshipping death, a self-destructive cult where the ultimate expression of power is sacrifice, which is utter disregard to life as such.

This subject is way too big to even begin to discuss here. Just look at this single reference and see if you can find the similarities between his teachings and occult:


Once you start dealing with occult, things get pretty hazy. Plenty of it is pretty subtle and lays on the borderline of real and unreal. Here is an interesting quote by Chandra Mohan:

"It does not flow from the entire body but only from the pointed extremities. So he who has to receive the energy will put his head at the feet of the master and he who means to give the energy will put his hands upon the head of the one who is to receive."

"These are very occult and deeply scientific matters."

How do you like THAT for breakfast? SCIENTIFIC matters? This is something unreal. Once you put the occult and science in the same sentence, the whole thing becomes simply bizarre. An insanity level.

"For instance, if while leaving my physical body I say to you, "Remember me and I shall be there" - but if you never think of me or if you throw my picture into the dustbin and forget all about it, how long will our agreement last? And if this agreement is broken on your part there is no need for me to keep it. So such agreements are always broken.

"So the occult process of installation of an idol holds a meaning, but its significance is based on various tests and indications that determine whether the idol installation has been a success or not."

Book: In Search of the Miraculous Vol 2
Chapter: Occult depths of kundalini and spirituality

Occult depths of kundalini and spirituality

What is interesting about these "deeply scientific matters" is that he mentions an idol. And that is how he himself behaved, just like an idol. His images were present everywhere, you had to wear his picture on your neck in a mala and all this wealth he was obsessed with was a reinforcement of an idol imagery, like that of a golden calf idol. Interesting parallel in politics is Joseph Stalin or Adolph Hitler, who were worshipped like idols. Stalin was eventually accused of "cult of personality", which is the same exact thing as what we have with Chandra Mohan.

Essentially, what we are dealing with when we talk about Chandra Mohan is a "personality cult", an idol worship. What people did with him was basically worshipping an idol. Nearly everything about him and around him was the imagery of an idol of some kind. And that imagery was crucial in his "work". If you took away that imagery, it is not clear what would be left of him.

The amount of fuss about and around him was simply beyond belief. Every little detail about his appearances, his grand entries into the lecture hall or some interview, his clothes, Rolls Royces, shining diamonds and down to custom made chairs where he sat. ALL of it was precisely designed and staged to produce the maximum impact and effect.

In that respect you can call him one of the greatest showmen or con-artists the world has ever seen.

You can call him a criminal and not just because of those crimes committed in Oregon, but much more fundamental things, and that is what J. Krishnamurti called him, and not only that, but the criminal of the worst kind, criminal against your very consciousness. What is more interesting is Chandra Mohan spoke about Krishnamurti in over 335 of his lectures. Krishnamurti was his obsession. Because the issue of Krishnamurti would not seem to reconcile no matter how much he talked about him.

He says: "Really Krishnamurti comes just after a succession of Zen masters. He is talking Zen." (Book: Vigyan Bhairav Tantra Volume 2, chapter: Buddha's inner orgasm) And Zen happens to be "the only alive religion" according to Chandra Mohan.

You can call him "the biggest bullshit peddler the world has ever seen".

You can even call him "god", just as he named himself with the name Bhagwan. Except he was what is called "false god".

You can call him a pest, forever getting into the lives of others, interfering with their free choice as to how to live their own lives, even though he himself stated that no one should interfere with the lives of others and their choice of what to do, when and why.

You can call him a destroyer of traditions, and that is probably one of his most significant aspects because he did so much destruction to all sorts of prejudices associated with different "religious" traditions, like no one else. That was probably his prime "contribution" - the destruction. It does not look like he enjoyed anything more than destruction. Destruction of everything and everyone.

You can also call him "the biggest pimp the world has ever known" as U. G. Krishnamurti called him. Some say Chandra Mohan called him a "realized man", but, at least in one of his lectures, he called him a fool who got very angry at something Chandra Mohan did. He also called U.G. Krishnamurti a fool because he hanged around J. Krishnamurti for at least 6 years and Chandra Mohan claims it should take no more than a couple of days to see that J. Krishnamurti is a fake.

And yet, there are thousands of references to J. Krishnamurti in Chandra Mohan's lectures. He even stated that him and Krishnamurti are doing the same exact thing. They are like partners or buddies. Chandra Mohan himself admits that the very concept of awareness comes from J. Krishnamurti.

So, you are going to have plenty of fun and eye opening and mind shattering experiences if you try to figure out who or what he was.

Some background to be considered as something to keep in mind. He was born in a village in an extremely poor country, India. The country is so poor that some people literally live in a gutter, next to fecal matter.

So, let us look at some things. First of all, the people born in the villages often have an issue with an inferiority complex. Whenever they end up in a city, they often tend to struggle for power, authority and domination. Because they need to show those arrogant people of the cities that they are not worse then them. As a result, plenty of world "leaders" and prominent figures in politics happen to come from the villages. Such as Gorbachev, Yeltsin of Russia and many other most powerful figures in history.

Secondly, since India is one of the most poor countries in the world, most people run out of their skin trying to survive. As a result, many of them end up "doing business" on religion. Because it is one of very few things that is impossible to either prove or disprove, and so it becomes one of the easiest ways to "make a buck", peddling all sorts of religious garbage to the fools, forever seeking for something, they think they are missing.

Prove there is God. Prove the enlightenment is anything more than a myth. Try to DIS-prove God or just about ANY of it. Has anyone seen God unless he was under influence of some drug, alcohol or simply "crazy"? Anyone making such claims to others is nothing more than a fool. Yes, he CAN have it for himself in private and be utterly convinced of it. But trying to insist on it to others, you often end up with your head chopped off.

So, when you try to understand who or what is Chandra Mohan, you may easily associate those 90 Rolls Royces and countless diamond watches of his with that "peasant syndrome". The ultimate greed. Greed for power, greed for objects, greed for dominating others and things like that, and that endless need to show how superior one is to others.

He also openly states on the record "Yes, I am dictator", which is something no one in his clear mind would take lightly. Except he called himself a dictator of a kinky kind, a "dictator with a taste for democracy", which is utter and complete lie as these things are mutually exclusive, like day and night. The last thing in the mind of a dictator is democracy, even though they talk about it all the time.

When you are dealing with him, it is like a bomb. You'd better watch every step of the way, like on a mine field.

Some of the most critical things he insists on is total trust and surrender, which immediately triggers the red lights. Why trust? Why surrender? How does one know you are not just another religious crook, trying to "survive" just like most Indian people do?

But this is probably the central difficulty with ANY "religious" trip and for MANY reasons.

First of all, most people are blind, just like Jesus said. They do not know what is what and who is who, including themselves. Plus, you see people are screwing each other all day long and trying to climb on the top of each other, just to prove to everyone and to themselves that they ARE something. And not just something, but something BETTER than others. Much of it, if not most, is a result of a simple inferiority complex and brain conditioning that eventually leads to "brain damage" as one pretty brilliant guy called it.

Which means that you are likely to perceive any information via prism of doubt and with shadow of implied corruption. As a result, your doubt extends even toward yourselves, toward your own eyes.

And religious search, defined as search for Truth, will inevitably collide with all your mind conditioning and zombification done to your from your cradle by your parents, politicians, religious figures and all sorts of "authorities".

They torture you from cradle. Your parents project THEIR trip, THEIR world view and THEIR system of belief on you. They simply want to make you a carbon copy of themselves, just to reinforce their own complexes and sicknesses. And it is not necessarily done with some evil intent. They do not know any other way, as that is how they themselves were zombified. Quite often, they do not even begin to consider that you, even being a child, is as valid as they themselves are.

They were brainwashed into believing that unless you submit to some dogma or "the rules", you are "no good". Like you are initially just like some clay to be molded into some structure, into some object. This is utter disgust and supreme violence, violence against your very being, your very essence. No wonder, most people become dumb. Because their contact with themselves was suppressed as heavily as it gets. They do not know who they are any longer or what they are doing in their lives.

Your parents do not even realise that they have to learn from you more than they they have to offer you as "teachers" - a saddest situation conceivable.

Your teachers mostly run their power trip on you and demand the absolute obeyance towards all those stupid things they think you should be programmed with, just as they were. It is like a revenge, like a competition. "They tortured me in school and banged all sorts of knowledge into my scull, and so it is YOUR turn now". Very few of them even realize this is what they are doing by preaching some dogma to you, very little of which they can prove, even though their zombie minds often think this is what they truly are. There are very few real teachers. But there are some. No questions about it.

Your politicians are mostly pathological liars, prostitutes and inferiority driven idiots, banging ALL sorts of garbage into your heads, promising you all sorts of things they have no intent to follow up on, and prostituting themselves morning to night. All they want is to get elected and then milk that cow as long as it is still alive. The very first thought in their minds when they get up from a bed is a lie, and so is the last one when they go to bed.

Furthermore, nearly ALL of them are corrupt. In fact, if you are NOT corrupt, there is a very little chance for you to gain any prominence on a political scene. And so there are well known strategies to control them, to compromise their reputation and there are tons of files on all their sicknesses kept in archives by their puppeteers and zombie masters, the powers of evil most profound that brought this planet to a miserable state it is in. But that is another story.


The way Chandra Mohan works is you can not hang to ANY piece of information he gives you. Today he will say J. Krishnamurti or Jesus is enlightened, and tomorrow he will say that Jesus is just a psychotic, and he will give you his argument.

But, he will ALWAYS say "because". He does not just throw words around in proclamations of all kinds. No. He will tell you his reasoning. And you need to listen. REALLY carefully. Don't just be blinded by ANYTHING he says, and I mean ANYTHING whatsoever.

When he says something, he says it for a particular purpose, to show some specific point of view or idea. In that sense, he could care less about truth of it. He will twist it and turn it, and annihilate it the very next moment.

So, unless you can "trust", unless you "surrender", you will go mad with all those contradictions every single moment. And that is exactly how he gets you, and if you think his purpose is to make you "enlightened", poor you. Why would he do such a thing? Just to create a competition to himself and loose his "customers", which is what he himself called you?

When you deal with religious issues, it is all a matter of faith and interpretation. It is not mathematics, where you can add up some numbers nicely so two plus two becomes a round four. But even that has been shown to be invalid. In fact, it is NEVER exactly four. Not possible, even in principle. So here goes your ultimate pillar, the "mother of all mothers", mathematics. If even there you can not agree on such simple things, what do you expect in the intangible domain, the domain of the soul, domain of your very being, your very essence?

How do you even define the terms? How do you determine the truthness of anything?

Most of "religious" writings or teachings are encoded. They are written either in parables, tales and myths, or totally encoded, so someone, who does not know the crypto key will never understand it. And there are reasons for that.

One example is the land of what is now known as Israel. There were two major tribes during the ancient times, Zealots and Essenes. Zealots were a warring kind, violent and intolerant. They represent the negative aspect of self-serving and their modern equivalent is Republicans, or the right wing. Essenes were a peaceful tribe and they practiced self-restraint and doing things beneficial to all, and not just to some. Their modern equivalent is democrats, or the left wing.

Now, there is forever a need to transfer the sacred knowledge and wisdom from one generation to another so they do not have to reinvent the wheel. But the problem is if your enemy knows it, then he knows everything there is to know about you, all your secrets, your wisdom and all the tricks of your trade. So he can destroy you, uproot you.

As a result the scriptures were encoded. They may read like some innocently looking story or parable. If someone who does not know your encoding will read it, he will not see the most essential meaning of it. He won't even notice anything. That is why most of ancient scriptures can not be understood even with modern tools and methods. Much of it remains hidden, and the keys are lost by now. Nobody knows them.

For example, it is said that John was the only one who was able to understand Jesus on ultimate level. The messages of Jesus are encoded with a tripple key and John was said to be the only one who could understand that 3rd level, the level of Truth itself.

How could Jesus deliver his message when he talks to peasants, fishermen and other simple people? How do you teach them ANYTHING in the domain of beyond their limitations? Well, you take the most complex and most fundamental and revolutionary concepts and convert them into simple stories or parables, a five year old can understand, and the real masters are those, who can convert the universe into a few lines of text. Sure, you can not possibly describe a universe in those few lines. But you CAN present the most essential meaning of it, cutting off all the garbage and stuffings. You simply HAVE to. You simply have no choice.

So, what do you do then? "What is the message"?

Well, about the ONLY message I know of is silence. Listen to the GAPS between the words.

The ONLY thing he had to teach, as far as I can see, is meditation, that very silence that converts a mad man and a programmed machine, a zombie inside you, into someone who can see.

And never forget to examine what he said. Unless you see it with your own eyes and can sense the validity of it, it is all nothing but a myth and you are bound to regret it one day. It is just a matter of time.

Message to the "inner circle"


It reminds me of a story George Gurdjieff used to tell his closest disciples. The story is about a great past master, a Buddha, who had a self-appointed right-hand man who was a faithful follower for year after year. And when the master was in his room on his deathbed, all of the followers silently waited by the door not knowing what to do and incapable of believing that their mystical master was really dying.

Finally, through the sorrowful stillness, the master's voice was faintly heard to call the name of the right-hand man, and all of the followers looked at him intently as he made his way to the master's door. As he reached for the knob he glanced at the peering faces around him and imagined their envy and respect for him at being the only one to be called to the master's side during his final moments. He already imagined how after the master's death he would slowly emerge from the room as the new head of the system, a veritable Peter-of-the-Rock.

Quietly he entered the darkened room and slowly he made his way and knelt by the bed.

The old master nodded for him to come nearer, and he leaned over with his awaiting ear by the old man's mouth, and the master whispered,

"Fuck you."

Enough for today.

Dhammapada, Volume 2, chapter 6

What is the "inner circle"

Book Title: The Wild Geese and the Water
Chapter: You are eternal

"The first group is the mahasattvas. These are the people who will become enlightened before my death. The second group is the sambuddhas, who are already enlightened, but because I am here, they will remain anonymous just out of their gratitude. The third group is the bodhisattvas, who will become enlightened before their death.

"So I have chosen names for these groups, and I have directed the groups about their numbers - that these numbers should remain constant, and if one person dies, how he has to be replaced. I have given them all the instructions. But that is not of any use to you.

"When I am not here, then the people who will be running the commune will need elders for guidance.

"These three groups will provide all kinds of guidance. They will not have any power; they will not be holding any post, but they will be available to all the people who are running the communes here and around the world, for any guidance.

"When I say they will not be holding any post, that does not mean that anybody who is holding a post cannot be a member of any of the groups. As a group member, he will not be holding the post, but as an individual he can hold the post. But while he is on the post, he cannot function as a member of the group.

"I want these groups completely free from any politics, so they can have a very nonpolitical vision.

"And if they need to, all three groups can meet and take decisions, and their decisions will be absolute.

"All their decisions have to be unanimous.

"Unless they come to a unanimous decision, it is not of any worth. So it is not a political thing, that majority decision will win. They have to argue, discuss, persuade, and come to a unanimous decision. Then only can they advise the people who are in power to follow it."

These are his direct instructions. Denying these instructions, minimising their significance or perverting their meaning is to deny him. And if anyone does so, they are to disassociate from him and speak only on their own authority. They can not possibly make claims that they are doing his work. Simple as that.

In this respect I wish to issue the following statement:

A public statement by Mahasattva Anand Veeren, Acharya

The system created by Chandra Mohan - "Osho" was designed to either "work" or self-destruct. He himself stated on record "when I am gone the whole thing is dead".

It works ONLY when there is a unanimity among those, whom he has chosen to represent himself and the essential elements of his "work" or "message". If there is no unanimity it means there is a conflict of some kind, in which case a different decision has to be made in order for things to reconcile. Otherwise, the "system" does not "work" and, therefore, does not fulfill its very purpose. In that case, it has to self-destruct as maintaining such a "system" would not produce any benefits as far as Truth goes and would make HIM responsible for creating a system of lies.

Therefore, the way he designed his "inner circles" is not accidental. If a broken "system" in his name is maintained, he carries certain responsibilities. It does not matter how blind are those, who think themselves to be the carriers of his "message". What matters is that HE himself is responsible for perpetuating a lie in the name of Truth.

What follows from the above instructions of his is that ALL the decisions made to date and any and all contracts signed by the corporations or foundations associated with either "Osho" or "Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh", without my approval are NULL and VOID until they are reviewed and agreed upon. All the contracts signed with any external parties are suspended.

I have not been contacted by anyone either from the "inner circle" or the "people who are in power" ever since Chandra Mohan has died and was never asked of my opinion as to what and how should be done in his name. According to the instructions left by Chandra Mohan they simply have to get the approval of every single member of the innermost circle of which I have been named by him to be a member of. Otherwise, it is a direct violation of his instructions and his will.

And if they don't follow up on his instructions, and that is a certainty, then the whole thing is fake and all they have done to date goes against the will of their master, and, therefore, the whole scheme is finished and all their operations in the name of Osho are nothing more than business enterprises, if not worse, as it has nothing to do with him, and, therefore, they are nothing more than con men, crooks and assorted parasites deluding the gullible while not believing a word of what they say or do in his name.

As they say: yes, you can run, but you can not hide.

I know for fact that some of them are aware of my existence and of the things I have said or done. And if my word is not good enough for them then the whole structure collapses and self-destructs. No ifs and buts about this one. Do as you wish, it does not matter to me what you do.

According to Chandra Mohan, ALL the decision have to be unanimous, which means a single person dedicated by him to represent his work and his views has a veto power to block any decision whatsoever. And this can not be avoided no matter what.

Furthermore, accepting millions from the Illuminati, just as they do with a contract with the IBM corporation under disguise of "stress release" programs discredits the whole thing in the most profound ways. The Illuminati are Satanists, whose "god" is Lucifer and there exists plenty of evidence of it, which would imply that whatsoever is done in his name is DIRECTLY associated with Satanism/Luciferianism. Simple as that.

The IBM corporation is a Rothschild asset. The Illuminati secret society was created by Rothschild. Accepting money from the IBM is accepting money from the Illuminati to facilitate their NWO agenda of the world ruled by the puppet of Lucifer. The IBM is on the list of the "Committee of 300" leading corporations as described by John Coleman in his book "The Committee of 300". These facts can not be ignored. The bar code containing 666, the "mark of the beast" was designed by the IBM.

Under no circumstances whatsoever, accepting millions from the IBM or "doing business" with them is acceptable. Because it would mean that "Osho" related enterprises are a part of the NWO. Simple as that.

I declare the "stress release" project with the IBM a fake, a cover to disguise the Illuminati financial support to "Osho" related corporations and foundations as something else.

Furthermore, the very idea of "stress release" is a lie, as to release the stress you need to understand your very roots and your most fundamental motivations. It is a life long process. No classes, lectures or some programs can release the stress. Stress is not a flue. It is a fundamental dis-ease of misunderstanding and blindness. This is a very long subject, but the very notion of "stress release" is invalid in the most profound sense.

The stress is released only when your eyes open and you start SEEING the essence of life as was said by Jesus for example. It can not be released in any other way. At best, it can create a temporary illusion. Stress is essentially the same thing as what he described as "blind leading the blind will fall into a ditch". It is precisely the same thing.

There is no shortcut to "stress release" no matter what "therapists", who are blind themselves tell you. "Stress release" is precisely that which is the very purpose of your life or a "religious search". Stress exists ONLY when you are blind. Therefore, removing stress is removing your blindness, which is the very purpose of your life.

-- Mahasattva Anand Veeren, acharya
November 11, 2012

"Rajneesh Academy will become your source of religion."

Interestingly enough, Chandra Mohan denied the validity of every single religion out there. He was against the very concept of religion and instead proposed the idea of "religiousness".

There is no "inner circle"

There is no "inner circle". Period. As long as I am alive there is not going to be any "inner circle" and I have my ways to assure that. The very idea of "inner circle" is elitism and denial of equal access to Truth to every single human being. There exists to human being that is "higher" then other. It is all but illusion at best or perversion of the very essence of Truth at worst.

Chandra Mohan himself stated: "once I am gone, the whole thing is dead" (not a literal quote)

First of all, the very idea of the "inner circle" comes from the Illuminati and well before them. It is an elitist occult idea. Illuminati also have their organization built around the idea of several concentric circles. The outermost one is the "clueless", the initiates. The innermost one is the "ruling elite". Simple as that. If you think about the significance of it, who knows, you mind may explode...

There is no Osho's "elite". Period.

As Chandra Mohan claimed on the ranch in Oregon, there is no such a thing as "enlightenment".

You will be chasing it all your life, and, like that carrot, hung before your nose, and, if you are lucky, you will become "enlightened" at the moment of your death, just like others with Chandra Mohan. And about the last thing I want to know of, is an "enlightened" man who is dead. We have PLENTY of those with this man. Except how do you verify it, even if you could, if they are dead?

How many of you even know the very purpose of him giving you this idea of "enlightenment"?

Do ANY of you know what "enlightenment" means or does for you or to you?

How do you even recognize an "enlightened" being?

How do you know that it is anything more than a carrot for you to forever chase, and all in vain, forever "improving" upon yourself?


Here is an interesting bit:


Krishnamurti had no time for Bhagwan, and particularly objected to the use of the word Bhagwan; nobody other than God himself should use that title, he said. Krishnamurti had told Deeksha:

"I have received thousands of letters from all over the world asking why i do not speak out in public against this man. but i will not, as it is not my way.

"The man is a criminal. You have to understand this very clearly. What he is doing to people in the name of spirituality is criminal.

"One must never give to another human being - and he is simply a human being - your ultimate manifestation of consciousness, which is your ability to make decisions for yourself.

"You have made a great mistake in giving him that power for twelve years, but understand this:

"No man has power except the power his followers give him. That is why he needs people around him all the time, and the more the better."

-- Hugh Milne (Shivamurti)
- Hugh Milne, Bhagwan, the god that failed

The renunciation

"In 1929 he dissolved the Order of the Star. At this point it numbered 60,000 members, managed huge sums of money, and owned tracts of land throughout the world, many designated for K's future work. He was 34 years old."

Excerpts from his final speech follow:

"I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect.... I do not want to belong to any organization of a spiritual kind; please understand this ... If an organization be created for this purpose, it becomes a crutch, a weakness, a bondage, and must cripple the individual, and prevent him from growing, from establishing his uniqueness, which lies in the discovery for himself of that absolute, unconditioned Truth....

"This is no magnificent deed, because I do not want followers, and I mean this. The moment you follow someone you cease to follow Truth.... For 18 years you have been preparing for this event, for the Coming of the World Teacher. For 18 years you have organized, you have looked for someone who would give a new delight to your hearts and minds ... who would set you free -- and now look what is happening! Consider, reason with yourselves, and discover in what way that belief has made you different ... in what way are you freer, greater, more dangerous to every society which is based on the false and the unessential?...

"You are all depending for your spirituality on someone else, for your happiness on someone else, for your enlightenment on someone else.... You have been accustomed to being told how far you have advanced, what is your spiritual status. How childish! Who but yourself can tell you if you are incorruptible?...

"I desire those, who seek to understand me, to be free ... from the fear of religion, from the fear of salvation, from the fear of spirituality, from the fear of love, from the fear of death, from the fear of life itself.... You can form other organizations and expect someone else. With that I am not concerned, nor with creating new cages, new decorations for those cages. My only concern is to set men absolutely, unconditionally free."
- The pathless journey of Jiddu Krishnamurti

The Bottom Line

The "bottom line" is this:

Chandra Mohan gives you the information and ideas and he was a pretty imaginative guy. And that's it. From then on, you need to use your own intelligence and see if these ideas are of any interest to you, if you agree or disagree, and if you see any value in it. If you chose to let someone else decide for you and "surrender" your very life to them, who are you going to blame at the end?

And, one more time: Beware! You are dealing with an equivalent of an atom bomb in psychic domain. The most potent weapon there is, the weapon against your intelligence. You can blame no one if you get screwed up in your head by blindly believing things or accepting ANYTHING he says. Your life is YOUR responsibility not his. He was just playing HIS game, no matter what it was, whether you agree with it or not.

He was not God. He constantly denied the existence of God.

He is not absolute ANYTHING.

He also states on record that "enlightened" people make mistakes also. "But the experience of enlightenment is such that you can still commit mistakes." (Book: Bodhidharma - the greatest Zen master.)

Dead men don't bleed

So, do not expect him to tell you the 100% truth. First of all, there is no such a thing some claim. No one even knows what this "truth" thing is, as far as reality goes.

What is truth? Do you know? Is there such a thing? Does it exist?

"That which is"? Borrowed from Jain religion?

"That Which Is", known as the Tattvartha Sutra to Jains, is recognized by all four Jaina traditions as the earliest, most authoritative and comprehensive summary of their religion...

But ask the physicists, and they will tell you the very matter is modified by your very perception of it.

What "IS", especially considering the multi-dimensionality of the Universe? Well, it depends on what aspects of the whole you decide to perceive and in which particular way. The same exact thing is totally different to different people. It goes as far as being just the opposite in their view. What one perceives as "good", the other may perceive as "evil".

Who is the ultimate judge, especially considering "there is no God"? Chandra Mohan? Well, but that is just an evidence that he himself is "god", which is how he actually behaved his whole life, forever "fixing" others and showing everyone how screwed up they are. But not him, you see...

His very self-given title of "Bhagwan" is enough of an evidence. The title "Bhagwan" is given to Gods, like Krishna.

But he DID all sorts of study and he was cunning enough to see through all sorts of con men and their tricks of the trade, and show you their cunningness in the most graphical and compelling terms. And that is his major contribution pretty much. It had to be done by someone at some point because there is just way too much corruption all around and most people can not quite see it, believing all sorts of myths meant mostly to exploit them. But beware, you may throw a baby with a bath water.

They say: "in order to know one you have to be one".


It is YOUR life. Do not blame anyone if you get screwed up with this "trust" and "surrender" he demands.

Do not EVER surrender is what I say. Because chances are you are going to get screwed first, before you see any "benefits". It is not that there is something wrong with surrender. But there are just too many con men trying to exploit you using this trick of surrender. In fact, vast majority of them. Truth does not require you to surrender to it. It will become apparent to you one day when you mature enough.

Just use your intelligence. Not to worry, it will take you out of that endless state of confusion. Sooner or later. It is not just available to the "elite". The very name is disgusting.

If you are just a dummy, blame no one for your mistrust your own being.

Clear enough?

Death obsession

Chandra Mohan had spoken about death in 3343 of his lectures and that is nearly 80% of all his lectures.

Interestingly enough, a chapter called "I Teach Death" remains unwritten even thought the stub for it was created.

I Teach Death from "And Now And Here".

Moment to moment life passes into death.

Because it is death.

Covered, it appears as life.

Uncovered, it is death.

Remember this fact always.

... Remembering death gives a new dimension to consciousness.

Because to remember death is not natural. On the contrary, nature has arranged so that one should not be aware of it.

Because the moment one transcends death one transcends nature also.

Transcendence of Death from "Gateless Gate".

Life is DEATH? Can you imagine anything more disgusting? Sorry, I can not! To transcend nothing less than nature? Was he mad? Under which authority did he make a proclamation that if one "transcends" death, one "transcends" nature itself? Can you even describe what is "nature"? And what does it mean to "transcend death"? Who are you to "transcend" anything, and what does it mean to "transcend"? What is the very purpose of that "transcendence"? Do you know?

The very idea of transcendence is an indication of your sickness. Why do you need to "transcend" ANYTHING? WHO says it is something of value? Transcendence is an idea in your mind. Nothing more.

To "transcend" Life means to degrade the very life, to the point where it is seen as some exercise in futility. Thus, "transcendence". Can you "transcend" Love? Friendship? Art? Creativity? Innocence of a child giggling? Because all these things constitute nature. What is he "teaching" you here? Do you know?

He is simply preaching death to be the ultimate of Life which is simply insane. There is no such a thing as death I claim. It is not possible even theoretically, even scientifically. That which you may recognize as "death" is in fact a transformation of energy and changing forms of expression. Death means the end of continuation of process of Life in a strict sense, which is impossible, no matter how you look at it.

Once something dies, it becomes like an avalanche that will eventually end all life. Once you terminate some process, where do the effects of that process go? NOTHING just disappears in existence. It is not possible. Even physicists know of the law of conservation of energy. Energy can not just disappear. It can only transform into other kinds of energy. Otherwise there would be either total collapse and annihilation of existence as such, or an explosion, creating new worlds and forms.

So, it turns out life is nothing more than death, only wrapped in a candy wrapper. Sorry, I can not even comprehend it because it is simply an absurd, and on the most basic logical level. So, the show is over. You can all go home, or, better yet, start worshiping Lucifer and the NWO. Because that is what that is all about. Worship of Death, absurd as it is! The basic insanity of Satanists.

Yes, this transcendence trick was used by him extensively and the results of it can be seen as a calamity by now as all sorts of fools parrot it with the ideas of "transcending" nothing less then consciousness, just as example of that Gurudev pseudo-master shows.

Sure, if you can transcend nothing less than death itself, then what is the problem with "transcending" consciousness, which is the highest form of manifestation of life on the physical domain? The sky is the limit in the "transcendence" business. You can make millions on it selling ALL sorts of transcendence techniques and no one will ever be able to prove you are simply selling them horseshit and of the lowest grade, and that you are nothing more than a plain ordinary phony, if not an outright crook.

To "transcend" DEATH? Sure with that "nirvana" or "samadhi" - the state of vegetation or the state of living dead, it is possible. But what is the difference between you and a parasitic vegetable once you "transcend" death?

Life is not about "transcending" it. It is about APPRECIATION of it and having a gratitude and recognition that behind ALL life stands that which is on a higher level, which is simply inevitable even on a purely logical grounds. That recognition of its grandness is what connects you to its very roots. Once you condemn Life with these ideas of "transcendence", you become a slave. Because condemning life is condemning ALL, including the existence as such, which is simply suicidal.

You have NOTHING but life. All that you THINK you have is nothing but illusions.

Chandra Mohan forever claimed that Christianity is death obsession. He calls it crossianity. The obsession with the act of crucifixion.


The problem is that he was obsessed with death himself, and that is probably why he could see it so clearly. Because of his incurable deceases, some of which would make it hard to even stand on his feet. Yes, indeed, he lived with the IDEA of death all his life and that indeed colors ones perception of life and it may end up looking like death in a candy wrapper to such a person.

He was a degenerate on a genetic level in medical terms. He had no childhood with all its innocent playfulness. He missed the whole joy of it forever sitting by the lake alone. No wonder he talked about joy of life so much having missed it altogether, never having fun playing with other kids in utter innocence, utterly unconcerned with all these "smart" ideas about "eternity". And, considering all the illnesses of his, it is not surprising at all that he had some revenge towards ordinary life and that is probably why he was so obsessed with attacking everyone and destroying everything on his way. Because he was simply suicidal. A sick man full of revenge, and I do not mean to be insultive here.

India is a strange place. Probably because of such unbelievable poverty and misery people replace the joy of life with joy of "eternal", such as samadhi and nirvana - total detachment from life in some eternal state of ultimate orgasm. So it is a fertile ground for such ideas as death. What do you do or think of if you do not have anything to eat? Well, you still have an option of "eternity", of something "BEYOND" life itself. Thus samadhi and nirvana. If you have nothing to eat you can still have this "eternal orgasm" of nirvana or samadhi.

He said: "death is the ultimate peak in life" (not a literal quote). Which is UTTER garbage according to me. What is the meaning of "death" beyond stopping your misery of starvation of things of that nature? What is its very purpose? Death is a symbol of the END of something. What kind of significance it may possibly have?

No wonder, at the end on the ranch in Oregon he said: you can throw an atom bomb at us and my people will be dancing on the streets! But for what? Just to do something? What does it matter if someone threw a bomb at you? You can do anything you want and all of it will be nothing more than an exercises in futility. If anything, why not just sit in utter silence and observe what happens? What is this "ecstasy" of death I ask? Where is the roots of it?

First of all, in order to know what is death, you have to be dead. Simple as that. Even if someone comes to near death experience what they usually report is a renewed appreciation for LIFE, not death. Yes, it may bring some awareness to your life and you may start valuing that treasure much more then before, when you did not even pay any attention to it thinking it is some kind of a "free ride" which never ends.

People throw their life energy left and right like there is some kind of unlimited pool of it available, all for free. How many of you even pay attention to the fact that one day it is going to be you? When you are alive, there is this unconscious feeling that there is no end to it and that is how most people behave, never stopping for a moment to consider the fact, yes, fact, that it may end ANY moment with some kind of accident for example. It is only when you come close to death you start paying attention to tremendous and the ONLY value there is - life itself.

Death is not, and can not possibly be ANY "peak" as far as I can see. It is just a minute part in your life, just like anything else. What counts is LIFE, and not the fact it ends eventually, which may not even be the case. That very moment of ending is probably the least significant event in your life. What can it POSSIBLY signify and for what possible reason?

By itself, it means nothing at all. You had a good sleep, and it ended. Is it some kind of "peak" of something? Who are you kidding?

There is nothing special about it, just like an orgasm. If you think orgasm is "the ultimate peak of life", you are just a fool. Is taking a good shit an "ultimate peak of life"?

Yes, death is not quite the same as any other event. It is a summary moment. But so what? Does it mean your whole life is nothing but a preparation for you to go away? When you eat, do you consider the life you are eating is experiencing some "ultimate orgasm"?

Interestingly enough, this concept of "reincarnation", that no one can possibly prove exists, does help this trip and so the concept of "getting out from the wheel of karma". In that respect, death is some ecstatic experience as you will be reborn again, fresh, and you can start at the top and do the same stupid things all over again, which is what the concept of "karma" is.

And what is significant about this "karma" thing is that when you start your "next life", you start from the top. You do not have any memory about your previous existence. So, all your previous experiences simply go to waste. You just start all over. For what? Yes, some claim they can remember their "previous reincarnations". But how much does it worth? Just take some LSD or some other drug and what you are going to see is the same essential thing and all sorts of "miracles" that exist only as a figment of your own imagination.

It seems that the "next reincarnation" should be able to incorporate your previous experiences in "previous lives" so that you CONTINUE to progress. And yet, for some strange reason, it does not work this way. How come? Is existence THAT idiotic to keep doing the same stupid thing again and again and again and again? How is THIS possible? All you do is to create more and more people on the planet, and the only thing they are doing is the same stupid thing they did in all their previous lives. No wonder you run out of resources eventually with no progress of ANY kind!

Actually, some information indicates that the reason you forget your previous life when you reincarnate is to allow you to experience the NEW aspects of existence instead of getting stuck in the old rot and never getting out of it. Because there is an inherent tendency to cling to your present belief system. So, it becomes much more difficult for you to progress and to SEE new aspects of Life, which also make sense, at least to some degree. But how do you verify any of it? Ask God.

There is also information that says that if you remembered some horrible things you have done in your "past lives", you would not be able to make any progress. Because "once a thief, a thief forever". It is not easy to get out of it they say. So, if you don't remember any of it and try something else, then you can make some progress. But what about karma then? You still have to "work out" your karma of being a thief. How? Does becoming a musician will make you less of a thief? Sorry, you have to work it out on your own. I can not help here.

Sure, if there is a reason for you to forget your "past lives" in order for you to learn the new aspects, instead of getting stuck with your old framework, that is conceivable. That is what "Ra material" states.

And, from the standpoint of "reincarnation", what kind of significance or "ecstasy" death can possibly have? It is just a passing moment, and, probably, the LEAST significant of them all. Just changing bodies like gloves. What's the big deal?

As far as I can see, all these concepts of "reincarnation" and "enlightenment" are nothing more than carrots for you to forever chase, never getting anything as a result. Just a stupid carrot chase. Forever. And he himself has admitted it in Oregon stating that all these concepts are "misconceptions".

Another interesting thing about "reincarnation", and I tried all I could to see how it works, is that the whole thing simply makes no sense technically. Why? Well, assume there is no one but you and your woman. You are the first, just like Adam and Eve. So you conceive a child. WHO is going to be "reincarnated" in him? There was no one else before. But they claim you ALWAYS "reincarnate" unless you are "enlightened" and "get out of the wheel of karma".

Another thing is, the population of the planet grows. So, assume everybody died at the same time. But, since the population grows, there is a need for more bodies to be to be born than those that have died. Once all dead get "reincarnated", where would additional entities come from? There is no one left to be "reincarnated". Everybody that died already "reincarnated". So, who "reincarnates" in those new bodies, that did not exist before? The same thing is when population reduces for whatever reason. Since less people are born than those who died, where do those who were not reborn go? Do they start some competition or even war for the limited number of bodies? It simple does not make sense to me.

Yes, he says on the record that he would never miss the moment of death of anyone in his village. If he heard that someone is dying, he would immediately rush over there to see what happens. Why would anyone do that? What is the significance of it beyond the obsession with death? How many times do you need to investigate the event of death and what possible significance does the dead or dying person can possibly have? His convulsions? So what? His relaxation? So what? Him ejaculating? So what? Just take ANY of it and it all will turn out just an exercises in futility. Yes, seeing it once you may get a glimpse, a new perspective on your life. But seeing it again and again and CRAVING to see it is what?

What counts is LIFE, not death.

I myself saw it a couple of times and once it was pretty astounding. The man was killed by the drunk car driver and his scull was cracked and the brains were on the pavement. Wild experience indeed. But what are you going to see there? All I saw is a bunch of people, standing in a circle, salivating or raving on. That was about anything of any significance in it, and all of it signified nothing at the end.

They eventually all went back home and continued to do the same exact things they were doing their entire lives. In a few days, everyone would simply forget about that thing. What is the need to remember it? What does it signify? The food on your table died also for you to eat it. Did you experience any kind of "orgasm" eating it or did that cow get an orgasm while being electrocuted by the butcher?

When I was a kid, there was a huge garbage dump nearby. It was abandoned, and it was kind of fun for kids to investigate. So, I went there a few times and saw the corpses of cats, stiff like a piece of wood. It was kinda weird to see that. For some reason, that is the only thing I remember about it. The corpses of cats. But what is the "significance" of it, if any? Yes, like Buddha's experience of seeing a dead man on his way, and that "and you are also going to be like that" statement, it does make some sense. Because it helps you to put things in proper perspective.

But some "orgasm" of death? What is the "point" of it beyond greed for "new life"? If anything, you should feel sorry. Because you are going to start doing the same stupid things again, and again, and again in your "next lives". What is to be ecstatic about? If anything, you should probably ask God for forgiveness for being as stupid as you were and needing to go through the whole game all over again.

And one of the most significant things he reports about the moment of death is what? Well, the ejaculation! Jesus Christ! He seems to be so much obsessed with death and sex that one can only wonder what else did he experience of any value in his entire life.

According to people that were as close to him as it gets, all his sannyas women he had sex with, report him not to be that good, despite the fact he goes into these endless lectures about the three hour long intercourse.

When I heard that he went as far as to have people fucking in front of him, that was bizarre. Jesus Christ, this puppy looks sick as it gets. What was he doing? Trying to learn how to have a good fuck? Why do you need to poke your nose into some of the most intimate moments of lives of others unless you are a pervert?

What was the significance and "sacred meaning" of that exercise? And what kind of a despicable animal do you have to be to make people perform some of the most intimate acts in the presence of someone, looking with a microscope down their pussy? I do not know what could be more disgusting and perverted than this besides the "experiments" of Dr. Death, Dr. Mengele, a Nazi "researcher", one of the sickest men known in the entire history. That is the kind of things he would "experiment" with besides sticking needles under the nails of his victims and having some perverted "orgasm" seeing how much they suffer and how much the pupils in their eyes enlarge in size.

There is one other and quite unexpected aspect to sex. It says that the act of sex, if merely done for the sex as such and not out of genuine love and merging of partners, creates demonic entities, as wild as it may sound. And it does make sense if you look at it. Because after the act of ejaculation the sperm manifests itself into a BEING. It does not simply disappear into nothing if not merged with an egg. And those beings, since not conceived as a result of love, but mere sex, become demonic in their very nature, or, to look at it from a different angle, they ATTRACT the demonic beings from more subtle planes of existence beyond physical.

The law of creation states: once something is born, it can never die. It can only transform into some other kind of entity.

So, what happens during the sex done for purely "pleasures" of it is that you generate the incredible amount of demonic entities. So, let us leave it at that. You can do your own investigation on this to see what you can find and if it something that makes sense to you.

But one other side effect of it is that the whole scheme of "free sex" and "go screw with anyone on the street any time you want", which is what he preached, means that the entire place was filled to the brim with demonic entities feeding and manifesting on these animalistic orgies of "free and unlimited sex". So, in effect, the people that gather in his "communes" would actually enter the domains of hell while thinking they are in heaven, not ever being sensitive enough and knowledgeable enough about more subtle aspects of existence.

But, "the bottom line" here is: what was the need to be present in someone else's intercourse affair, perverting it even further and reducing any possible sacred meaning of merging of two souls into some kind of puppet performance in the theater of absurd and evil?

But the question arises: did he, by ANY chance, stage these kind of situations to specifically observe those demonic entities as they manifest and take shape on more subtle planes of existence? Now, since he was considered to be "the greatest master that ever walked this planet", that would imply that he had some extraordinary abilities to perceive even the events on more subtle levels of existence, above physical, and so, it is not entirely inconceivable that this could be his occult "ritual" of meeting those demonic entities, as wild as this might sound.

Sure, this is not something you can verify easily and whether it is possible or not, you have to try to verify yourselves. But this is not something to be dismissed in a blanket manner.

No wonder Chandra Mohan states "I am a dictator, but with a taste of democracy".

In my opinion, this is all a part of the same equation.

As far as I can see, his own death obsession, just as he accused the Christians for, is simply a result of his degeneracy, just as Gregory Klimov describes. You can review the following article on degeneracy to see what we are talking about:

Degenerates Rule the World!: Klimov Interview

Quite an eye opening essay. Klimov has spent about fifty years of his life working on the issues of Higher Sociology for the super secret project for the U.S. government, called The Harvard Project, studying the issues of degeneracy, especially as related to the power struggle among the politicians and most influential figure heads. And the CIA was involved in it as well.

Interestingly enough, Chandra Mohan never ever spoke of the most profound evil ruling this world in reality and all the forces that stand behind it, which is simply inconceivable. Because the amount of information he has swallowed during his life was simply immense, spending morning to night in a library.

And he could not see the REAL issues? How is THAT possible?

Even a poor guy like me found mountains of simply mind blowing information of chilling significance. And he could not find it? Did not see it with his humongous library being filled by the book cases every day?

How come he never spoke of ZioNazis, the "Committee of 300" that rule the world, Rothschilds, who own Europe and nearly all of the world, the bonesmen, Illuminati, Freemasons, Chabad, Nicholas Rockefeller and his "chip society", the Bohemian Grove, Davos, Bilderberg group and other "power camps" and ALL sorts of other things that are orders of magnitude more significant than just about any of his garbage?

Just take the BIS or Standard Chartered Bank. It is something so profoundly evil and so all-pervasive that one may claim that via these two banks alone the whole blood of the entire planet flows, like a river. For example, all the financial transactions in the entire world flow through the computers of the Standard Chartered Bank. And BIS has a status of a state and stands above any government of any land and is not subject to any overview or legal scrutiny of any kind, just for starters.

And THOSE are the real powers, molding your minds and zombifying you every place you look via their propaganda and disinformation machine, TV and all other media, the "entertainment" industry, publishing and you name it. Is THAT less significant than all this "religious" crap, no one can even prove as anything real or valid? Out of hundreds of books of his you can only find a few paragraphs about the most significant things and powers of evil most profound that rule this world for thousands of years?

Now, it is commonly known that he had severe problems with health. His back, his asthma and other things, which is bound to affect ones perception as to the whole "value" of life and its limitations, no matter how you look at it.

Degeneracy, in its last and final stage, expresses itself via inborn incurable diseases, which is what we have in this case, and, quite often, degenerates are pretty vicious toward others and life as such. They live with a notion of death every single day, being constantly aware of their sickness and limitations of their bodies.

It is a certain kind of revenge, a certain kind of deep jealousy. Intuitively, they know their death is with them all the time. It may strike any moment, and that by itself colors their whole life, their perception and orientation.

He was constantly talking about "joy" and "celebrating life", but what was actually created is utter misery of a "concentration camp" as J. Krishnamurti called it, and there are mountains of evidence of it including the testimonies of his closest people, who spent years with him and who keep telling all sorts of horror stories, one could hardly believe in, such monstrosity it looks like. And I can testify to it myself with very specific examples, and plenty of those.

Yes, it WAS and IS a concentration camp as far as I know, and rivers of tears have been created, and countless lives have been either destroyed, damaged or affected, and in the most profound ways. He played with "his people" as though they were some kind of toys or puppets, just like these "NWO" lunatics that classify the mankind at large as nothing more than a herd of sheep or goats, nothing more than animals.

Just look at his latter years. It was utter insanity. He started to loose it in the most profound ways, forever trying to invent a new trick just to torture them and reduce them to rubble. In the morning you dress one color robe. In the evening you dress the other color robe, just to "break your resistance" and make you "surrender" to "THE master", wiping out all you know as to who you are.

First of all, what are these robes?

Well, they happen to be the same thing as uniforms, and their purpose is to annihilate your own identity so you totally disassociate with what you know about yourself. From then on, you are nothing more than a number in some computer. You all look alike, like carbon copies of each other.

Another aspect of those robes is to reinforce that "surrender" and "trust" thing they program you with, just to totally destroy your will, your intelligence and the very roots of your conscious mind.

It is basically meant to submit you to the will of the mind controller, whom you happen to accept as your "master". Brr....

So, PAY for it now!!!

Then you fall like a dummy in his "mystic rose" insanity. And, while you are in a state of hypnotic sleep, he keeps placing the post-hypnotic suggestions into your mind.

Then you get up, or "come back" as he calls it. And for what? What is the result, but UTTER zombification and biorobotization of all these fools? All ABSOLUTE garbage that can not possibly produce anything but brain damage and harm you in the most profound ways, making a spiritual slave out of you, sitting on that spiritual needle.

It was basically a programming of their minds, a zombification procedure, violently placing the ideas into their minds in a state of hypnosis when they were the most vulnerable. It was no different than a crime, and a crime of the worst kind, a crime against their consciousness as J. Krishnamurti called it. And many of those people, falling down upon his order, were not even aware of what kind of crime was being committed with their minds. How many of them even realised what was being done to them?

What it looks to me is his final, desperate attempt at trying to create as many hypnotic hosts as he could, in order to extend himself past the moment of death, which he probably sensed coming, "just in case", just to extend himself past the point of death... just in case...

He even made the statements that hypnosis has a "potential" in "spiritual growth", nothing less! How? By simply hypnotising you you can be made to grow? How? You did not go through all those life experiences and those things that are unresolved in you and they simply remain unresolved. At best, they can be suppressed. What kind of progress is this? It is just like disabling some parts in your brain or causing a violent negative reaction upon encountering certain things. Is it what growth, creativity and Love is? Why be in that case if you can simply be programmed via hypnosis? What makes you as you are?

And I bet vast majority of those people were literal psycho-slaves, programmed with all sorts of hypnotic and post-hypnotic suggestions. And I bet they would react in the strongest possible emotional way upon encountering certain trigger phrases, they were programmed with.

When I talked to some of his "disciples", that used to be very close to him and then went back to Pune two to see "what is new under the Sun", what they had to say about this "mystic rose" "meditation" and his behavior was such a disgust, that they could hardly express it. All I saw is their energy, and that was some of the shittiest energy I have ever seen. As a result, they had to leave that "concentration camp" as soon as possible, and never ever even think of visiting that hell, broken loose, again.

As far as I can see, that was his most disgusting and perverted way to verify his "spiritual powers". If anyone was still falling like a dummy on the ground per his command, he still had some "powers" left. Just like Adolph Hitler in his last days. Beyond it, this "mystic rose" insanity, which he calls "meditation", is probably the ultimate in sickness.

Obsession with shiny objects

What is the need for this grand farce of obsession with the most expensive objects, showing everybody how "special" you are? Is it what "masters" usually do? Not Socrates, not Pythagoras, not Buddha, not Jesus. In fact, I do not know a single "master" from the past that was so obsessed with all this, and it would go to vicious extent. It was shocking to see Sheela coming from a meeting with him and saying in utter desperation "I do not have money to run the commune and he is asking for more Rolls Royces. Otherwise, he threatens to 'leave his body'". That was something unreal.

How is this possible for the shiny objects or Rolls Royces to keep "the greatest master of all times" alive and what kind of power those objects can possibly have over someone, who poses as the greatest of them all?

He used to say "what does it matter, one Rolls Royce or 90?". But still, such useless things as possessions and shiny objects were able to keep such a "greatest master" like him "on this shore"!

According to one of the people that were as close to him as it gets, he would spend several hours on the phone nearly every day talking to his Rolls Royce dealer about the latest model of a seat while his people were slaving away 12 hours a day, living not much better than the prisoners in a well run prison, if not worse.

And here is one of his "explanations" as to the purpose of those Rolls Royces:

Book: No Mind: The Flowers of Eternity
Chapter: Only creation shows your power

"In the commune in America, my friends from all over the world had given me ninety-three Rolls Royces. The whole of America was jealous. Perhaps for the first time they had come across such a man, who owns nothing and yet makes the richest people of the world jealous."

What is the need for "the greatest master ever" to make the richest people jealous? For what? What does it change? Secondly, how did he know they were jealous? Rich people are not that stupid to throw money left and right on the fleets of Roll Royces. It simply makes no sense.

"Owns nothing"? And what about his diamond watches collection? WHO did they belong to? Who were they bought for? And what about diamond encrusted pens? Whose where those? HE was the one and the only one who owned the whole thing, gun, stock and barrel. Not a single "sannyasin" of his owned anything as far as all the property or values go. NONE whatsoever. So, WHO owned it all? Some fictitious corporation or a foundation created specifically for money laundering and tax evasion purposes?

First of all, why did they "give" him Rolls Royces and not Ferraris, Bugattis, Bentleys or other fancy cars? He was obsessed with fast driving. So, Ferrari would be better. How did they all know the same thing - Rolls Royce? Was there some negotiation before they "give" their presents? What is this garbage he was feeding you?

And why did not they give him Rolls Royces in such quantities when he was in Pune before he left to the States? This Rolls Royce insanity of his began only after he moved to the States.

Secondly, what was he talking about when he said "my friends"? He never had any friends and could not possibly have any. He simply did not even have such a concept as a "friend" as applicable to himself. He had no friends of his. He only had "disciples" and slaves of his.

What kind of idiots are "his friends", with pockets lined with money, to load him up with 90+ Rolls Royces in less than a year unless they were the Rothschild's puppets? When he was in India he only had one Rolls Royce and even that was something extraordinary and it only happened at the very end of his Pune trip. But when he went to states, at some point, those Rolls Royces started appearing like mushrooms after a rain.

From what I know, Chandra Mohan DEMANDED these Rolls Royces from Sheela, at least one per week or so. And I heard it from her with my own ears. At some point, it became an obsession of his. Every time he went out it would be a different Rolls Royce. Simply insane. Yes, he was quite a salesman and understood the hype aspect of it unlike many others and he also craved for attention. It was his obsession. I have heard plenty from Sheela about all the hype he was creating around himself. He wanted as much hype as possible for some reason. For what? Does truth have anything to do with hype?

I would not be surprised that most of those Rolls Royces came from ... Tadam! The Illuminati as he was probably one of the most valuable assets in the NWO agenda of zombification of mankind. Just a single fact that IBM and BMW pay tens of millions of dollars annually to Osho related corporations and foundations for "stress release" programs speaks for itself. Why would they throw this kind of money for such a thing? Their interest is stress INCREASE and not stress release because the whole game is exploitation, as much as possible. That is the very essence of it. I did work for some of the biggest companies of IBM kind and I have never seen even an idea of stress release in any of those places.

And what is the purpose of "making the whole of America jealous"? What would THAT achieve? So what if they came across the man with 93 Rolls Royces for the FIRST time? What does it change?

"Even Rockefeller was against me, wanted me to be somehow destroyed. Because even the richest could not afford ninety-three Rolls Royces, and I was allowing my friends, if they wanted, to bring Rolls Royces. I had no use for them, I had never gone to look in the garage. Even the Rolls Royce company's president had come to see the garage, because I was a historic customer: never before or after is anybody going to have ninety-three Rolls Royces. And seven more were on the way before they arrested me."

You see, His Royal Highness ALLOWED "his friends" to bring them. Nothing less. And how did he know that seven more were on the way? Did his "friends" call him on the phone?

For all I know he had no friends of ANY kind. How can god-like figurehead have friends? What could possibly be the basis for friendship for someone, who is beyond gravitation? These are ALL lies and nothing but lies, and of disgusting grade.

One thing is certain, Chandra Mohan was profoundly sick in medical and psychological terms. First of all, I doubt very much that he could possibly know that Rockefeller was against him, unless he was totally clueless as to who Rockefeller was. Rockefeller could buy the Rolls Royce factory without winking an eye, and make it produce as many Rolls Royces as he wants.

David Rockefeller happens to be the Honorary Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, one of the key organizations in the Illuminati structure of world domination. Nicholas Rockefeller is actively pursuing the "chip society" project of final zombification of mankind. Their resources are so immense, that you must be utterly out of your mind to even conceive of an idea that ANY Rockefeller would even conceive of such a stupid an idea as being jealous of someone with 90+ Rolls Royces. Because it means nothing at that level. It only means something to a beggar.

Secondly, Rockefellers are some of the key players in the NWO agenda, only on the par with Rothschilds, and, according to that agenda, people like Chandra Mohan are some of the most valuable assets in the NWO scheme.

Their purpose is to destroy religions, create all sorts of cults, and do all they can to discredit and finally destroy the Christianity and the very notion of God, peddling all sorts of fictions, keep the herd forever confused with all the unending contradictions, never knowing what to believe, promote sex, in order to destroy the very fabric of family institutions, and all sorts of other things equally as creative.

If anything, Chandra Mohan was one of the most welcomed mind controllers and disinformation peddlers, working for the evilest agenda of the NWO, and his own endless repetitions of the borderless world idea is a living evidence of it.

So, what we have is a a pile megalomaniacal delusions of some madman, who could not even comprehend the idea of keeping his tail down, way down, when he deals with the major players in the NWO scheme and the "matrix".

If people of Rockefeller's caliber were really against him, he would be dead in a wink of an eye, and they would even make tons of money on the story they would plant to the top guns of their own TV networks and other media, and for MONTHS at that.

"I created so much jealousy. They could not understand, they could not see, they were absolutely blind. They could not see that no man can use even two Rolls Royces together, so there must be something else behind this whole scene."

What is the point to create all this jealousy? What does it achieve? What does it change? You mean those blind people will somehow learn to see something once their jealousy is activated? How so? What's the trick? Seems to me they would become even more blinded and hate filled.

"There was. I was attacking the very egoistic idea of America that they are the richest people in the world - and I proved it. And I still challenge them: if anybody has the guts, just produce ninety-three Rolls Royces."

ATTACK? Says "the greatest master ever"? Was he some kind of a terrorist? Which "master" in the entire history is known for attacking?

What kind of things such a person could POSSIBLY teach you? Do you know?

First of all, why do you need to ATTACK that egoistic idea? For what? There is so much idiocy in the world and it is so hopeless, that if you waste your life on attacking it, YOU are going to have problems, not them.

Secondly, were they "his people"? Why would he even care they exist, just as he stated innumerous times in his lectures? Was he trying to fix them? Show them something that will help them to become "enlightened"? What was the point of this disgusting, self-destructive exercise? Just about ALL he was doing is creating hate and jealousy toward himself and his "experiment" of "creating a new man". For what?

What is the need to have an "Olympic size" swimming pool and even brag about it? What is the need to change his king-like robes every day? What could possibly be the purpose of it? What does it change? What does it achieve? While his own "lovers" are barely surviving, he swims in utter luxury and works them into the ground, making them work 12 hour days working like mules?

He forever talked about simplicity and plainness. But what he did is just the opposite.

And he even had guts to say it is Sheela's idea to make them work 12 hour days?

Nope. It was HIM, who ordered this, and it was HIM who conceived it! Why? Well, so they get so exhausted that their minds loose all the critical and evaluating abilities. Because there is no energy left for it. So, you work them into the ground and then even have guts to come out in your next Rolls Royce in the evening and tell them all sorts of bullshit, when they can not even see straight?

And he sat there like a king, making everyone work their bones off, just to please his sick ego of a self-destructive degenerate and tell them: "Hey, call those NBC reporters. We'll feed them some crap they have never heard before".

Master of disaster

Nice "master". Of disaster! Which eventually did happen in reality.

In fact, it was happening every single day. It was happening in Poona 1, the ranch, and until he finally died, thanks god. But it was simply inevitable. He ran out of steam even in Poona One. From then on, there was nothing left of any significance and when he started speaking again at the ranch in Oregon it was nothing but pure disgust and condemnation of anyone before him even though his whole "in silence" period was a lie. Because he was not in silence as he did talk to several people around him. It was just a trick to elevate his status.

Here is one scenario as far as his death is concerned. It would not be surprising that he was simply killed at the end. So obvious his insanity had become that he had become a hindrance. If he went on, the whole trip would become apparently obvious and would eventually get exposed for what it was.

Secondly, his empire became quite a money making operation and that would make some of his "top guns" jealous. Once that "Hollywood gang" took over at the end of the ranch period, the "power" was turned over to "god chosen" people, and once such people take over, they will never release their grip, and money and shiny objects is their equivalent of "god". That is why they worship the golden calf idol since the ancient times.

Plus, at the time when that "stress release" program with the IBM kicked in, the whole thing had probably become the Illuminati project in its entirety. Because his ideas of the "borderless world" were exactly the NWO agenda and his "movement" had achieved the worldwide prominence and recognition, which is a valuable and influential asset.

At that point, he was no longer needed. Any of his "therapists" would be sufficient to keep it going. He played out his role in full as far as their agenda is concerned. There was absolutely nothing he could add from then on except of discrediting the whole thing. He could no longer bring new souls in significant enough numbers.

He simply became a "big mouth" that was arrogant enough not to listen to his "masters" of the Illuminati kind and kept behaving like some god. And that is not acceptable to them. They can only tolerate such people for as long as there is any real benefit to the "agenda". Once he fulfilled his purpose, he was bound to be thrown into a garbage bin just like a used condom. That is how it works at that level. There is no such a thing as mercy and there is no such a thing as gratitude and there is no "thank you" in their vocabulary.

At the end, the whole thing was becoming so obvious and he went so far, that he had to be taken out. That is how it works on that level once someone served his purpose. Even people of Theodore Herzl kind ended up dead once they deviated from the "agenda" and had "their own ideas".

Interestingly enough, once Chandra Mohan died, his body was immediately burned and buried. Why? Did they perform an autopsy to see if he was not killed or poisoned? Knowing who he was and all the deaths that happened around him, about the first thing to do would be to perform an autopsy. Is there any evidence he died of natural causes or as a result of some incurable disease?

Interestingly enough, the guy, who read the "official" version of his "last message", was reading it from a piece of paper. Why? Was he THAT dumb, even after spending half of his life with Chandra Mohan, day in, day out? He STILL could not speak "from his heart" as taught by Chandra Mohan? Did he STILL need to read that garbage from a written piece of paper? Why? I know that guy and I do not think he is THAT dumb not to be able "to speak from the heart". It simply makes no sense.

And what was the Chandra Mohan's final message? "I leave you my DREAM"? What KIND of dream? Dream of what?

According to him the "enlightened" people do not have dreams. They only know reality.

Missed childhood

Chandra Mohan states on record that he has spent his childhood being totally alone, sitting by some lake, which is bound to affect anyone. He did not have a chance to play with other children or even mix with them. His grandparents would not allow it.

And so he missed the whole joyful childhood with its simplicity and plainness. Simple, and often foolish joy of playing and giggling for no reason at all. Simple appreciation of life itself and joyous, spontaneous expression of ones energy, utterly unconcerned with its "appropriateness" or "correctness". What does it do to your very soul if you do not have that?

No wonder one becomes a psychic sadist eventually, and about the biggest "joy" in life becomes an insult, ridicule and harassment of others, and torturing them with sophisticated and perverted psycho-torture procedures. Interestingly enough, Chandra Mohan shows his "brilliance" in that department in quite a few of his lectures.

Chandra Mohan, The Biggest Pest The World Has Ever Known

One thing that fell into my memory as it shocked me was an incident in the "Poona 1". Across the street from the ashram of Chandra Mohan there was a family living in a house. They complained to the ashram that there is loud music played at the ashram late at night and they could not sleep as a result. That was true. Chandra Mohan spoke about it on one of his lectures and he essentially said: screw them! They are nothing more than old miserable people and we are just enjoying our life being the "new men". We could care less about them.

That was pretty shocking to me. I could not understand it. Why do you have to violate someone's space and basically torture them with your insanities running deep into the night? Why do you have to shit on the heads of others with your trip they could care less about? Why do you have to deprive people of their ability to go to sleep at night? What kind of "harmony with nature" is this?

Basically, as he tells himself in his lectures, he was about the biggest pest you could even hope to find, getting into everyone's face, forever trying to show them "how screwed up they are", like he was God all-knowing. Did they ask him for it?

He even bragged about him pissing by the sign at the hospital gate that said: "no pissing allowed".

As a result, he had a poor policeman fired from his job because Chandra Mohan lied to the hospital chief saying that he pissed under the fence because the policeman pissed there also, which was a lie. The policeman did not piss there. It was Chandra Mohan pissing it two different places, just to screw this man, disgusting as it is. As a result, the policeman was fired from his job and this "brilliant" kid went to his next victim. What kind of "joke" this was? What did that policeman do to him to deserve such a nasty thing? And more than that, to brag about such ugliness in his lectures as some kind of an achievement or intelligence is beyond comprehension.

This cunningness, violence and arrogance seem to be a pathological need for him. He would never be satisfied unless he was classified as "the greatest of them all". He would study morning to night just to learn some new tricks so he could defeat anyone with his arguments or screw them in some way, just like those Pharisees. Jesus funken Christ! What a life! What an unending self-torture! What a perverted sadomasochism!

This is probably one of the most disgusting examples of interference into someone else's life, even though he himself claims on record that anyone should have his freedom to decide how and what is he interested in doing in his life.

Yes, tell me about it... "I am a dictator, but a dictator with an attitude..." I know, I know. I do have a first hand experience as a result. Even being a dictator, you are still compelled to be "special".

But... I tell you a secret, just don't tell anybody. They were ALL like this! Tell me, which dictator was not "special"? You mean Saddam? Every single one of them had their own "style", their own palaces, their own extensive collections of shiny objects, just to prove to themselves and to the whole world that they are "special". Just like you.

I am not aware of anyone in my entire life, who would harass others as much as he did, interfering in their own choice on how to live their lives.

And, as some of his closest "disciples" state, he could care less about even his own "disciples". It was totally ego-centric. His fetish and obsessions with objects, money, diamonds, Rolls Royces were beyond disgusting.

The whole thing is so profoundly sick. I am just lost at finding the right words for it.

When the ranch was about to collapse, he just hopped on a chartered jet plain and split, leaving all "his people", some of whom did not have a penny left in their pockets as they have given everything to him and his "experiment" to create a "new man". And you can bet your rear end he did try to escape. Because sooner or later the evidence would float up that it was all him, his ideas and directions even though he did all he could to make sure there is no incriminating evidence of any kind left to implicate him directly. What a master! Of disaster.

Thus, he betrayed "his own people". He did not even make a public statement he was leaving. He left like a thief, and I have seen it with my own eyes.

He just blamed it all on those "criminals" he himself created, like Sheela and others. Yes, Sheela is not exactly an angel. But it is quite understandable. The kind of things she knew, saw or did at his command, would eventually and inevitably produce what she became. But our great "master" would be totally clean, just as he taught her, telling her to never do anything with her own hands but dedicate things to others, so there is never any direct evidence of anything she has done.

Nice touch eh?

In my particular case, I did not have a penny in my pocket. I could not even leave. Because I could not even buy myself a ticket, not even mentioning that even if I could, I could not even afford to rent an apartment, or even buy myself some food for that matter.

And I was one of those, who gave every single penny and every single object that I had to the commune in Oregon. Not only that, but was one of his beloved musicians, as I know for fact, probably the only one ever to be asked by him to keep playing when that whole concentration camp in Oregon began to collapse, and I stopped playing because I just could not do it any longer. I can not play when I feel like shit, hearing the sickest things from this conman, shifting the blame on all the fools he calls "criminals", while the biggest criminal among them was himself.

So, no one was even interested in how would people leave the ranch in terms of money. Because some of them also had nothing left. It wasn't even something to consider as far as I know. It is something like "hey, you got here on your own so YOU are responsible for your own life", probably about the most disgusting thing conceivable. Just look at his "you are responsible" number he keeps repeating all the time. Yep, as far as responsibility goes, it is all YOU, not him. But as far as the dollar bills and shiny objects go, guess what happens!

All the Rolls Royces were sold and instead of spending some of this money to making sure his "disciples" are taken care of, he just split and did not even leave the instructions to make sure all "his people" are taken care of in terms of the most basic needs.

He never even spoke ONCE about it ever since and I can just bet you, it never even entered his mind. EVER! And he left some of his "beloveds" fucked as it gets!

Sure, he is dead now. What does it matter to him? And, when he was asked what would be his "last words" before he conks out, he basically said:

"Fuck you all".

And even that much he had to pervert by not directly answering the question, which is his usual trick of avoidance, but by telling some story from Gurdjieff's life, which is his trademark style in general when things get kinda hot and sensitive, and there comes a moment when REAL "truth" is required.

I bet you can not find a single example of him answering honestly some of the most significant questions. And some of those would simply inevitably arise as a result of all the confusion created in their minds as a result of all the most fundamental contradictions in his "lectures" about life. We could go through it with a fine comb and if you realize what is actually taking place, it might crack your scull. So fundamental some of those things are.

The concentration camp

J. Krishnamurti called the Chandra Mohan's "commune" a concentration camp, which is what it truly was, down to the last dot an comma, morning to night. Interestingly enough, Chandra Mohan called Krishnamurti "enlightened". Not only that, but he would mention Krishnamurti probably more times than anyone else in the entire history.

And boom. Krishnamurti even called him a criminal, the worst criminal possible as far as consciousness goes. Interestingly enough, Chandra Mohan kept attacking Krishnamurti and provoking him by sending his disciples to his lectures, telling them to sit on the first rows and try to drive Krishnamurti mad by doing all sorts of idiotic things. Why? For what? Was it not the most profound interference in someone's life? I could not understand it. What was Chandra Mohan's "problem" with Krishnamurti? And Krishnamurti has stated that he refused to talk about him despite many letters he received asking for his opinion. But he said: "this is not my way".

Chandra Mohan kept continuously saying that Krishnamurti's way was not working. It was too mental, too dull, there was not enough of a "juice" in it and things like that. And he kept banging and banging. What is the problem? Krishnamurti had his way. Did he have a right to have his way? And if you don't like it, why don't you go and find something you like?

Interestingly enough, the very term "awareness", used by Chandra Mohan was the term introduced by Krishnamurti as Chandra Mohan himself admits, and that was one of the central terms of the entire "system" of Chandra Mohan. Strange!

More than that. Krishnamurti was raised and educated by the best private teachers hired by Blavatsky. He studied all sorts of esoterica, mysticism and occult better than Chandra Mohan could imagine. As far as "religious" education goes, Krishnamurti beats Chandra Mohan hands down, and that is probably why him and not Chandra Mohan came up with a concept of awareness. There isn't a single concept that was introduced by Chandra Mohan that can even come close to the concept of awareness. But that is another matter.

Chandra Mohan, like a pest, would have an iron fist grip on "his people", morning to night, every single day, non stop. Lectures every morning and evening and his rides on one of his Rolls Royces at lunch time, his pictures everywhere and "his work" was the only reality you knew. It was pure grade "cult of personality" of Stalin or Hitler kind. You could not get away from it, no matter where you were. Why? What for? Was it some kind of an urgency? Was it some kind of emergency situation? Something vitally needed?

If you look at it, essentially, the only thing people knew is Chandra Mohan. EVERYWHERE!!! Down to their own houses and bedrooms. Even Joseph Stalin did not go as far with his "personality cult".

One interesting bit this respect: If you put a bunch of fleas into a glass jar and cover it with a lid for three days and then take the lid off, those fleas will not be able to jump higher than the lid from then on. Not only that, but the future generations will not be able to do it as well.

What happens to your mind if you keep hearing the never ending permutations of essentially the same things, day in, day out? What do you think you become at the end? "Enlightened"? Was it some kind of compassion, just to help them to get "enlightened" and "get off the wheel of karma" as fast as possible? Then where is the results?

In the morning, he would bore them with long lectures "about me and about me", mostly talking about how everyone was screwed up. But not HIM, you see. He was god-like, beyond all fallibilities, a "perfect master" (of disaster).

In the evening he would do the same.

His grip was total and his imagery would be present every place you look. Your mind would be totally preoccupied with Bhagwan this and Osho that.

So, you are forever under his spell. No matter where you go or what you do. It was not enough just to talk to "his people" once a week or something like that. What was the need for ten thousand hours of bullshit, telling you essentially the same thing again and again and again and again, until your nose goes blue.

No. This had to be non stop, unending process, so they never have a chance to have some break from it, and for their senses to recover from all these avalanches of psychic abuse, mind control and unending bragging about how "great" he was, so they never forget it.

And that is what J. Krishnamurti said about him: he needed you more than you needed him. And that is precisely why he would never release his deadly grip on you. Without you he would be nothing. His whole purpose was to preoccupy your minds with his image. Because he was a criminal, and a criminal of the worst kind, depriving you of the very ability to make decisions as to your own consciousness. I agree. And that is a verdict, and not just an opinion, the verdict of the one, he himself classified as Mahasattva. And if Mahasattva is nothing, then "Osho" isn't even something to mention.

Probably the best part in Oregon was when he was "in silence", which was a lie nevertheless, but still. You would not have to go to the morning lectures just to get bored out of your head and experience those avalanches of spiritual abuse and hypnotic suggestions. Because, after a while, about the only interesting part in those lectures were the jokes. So, finally, some of the people that were with him for a long time would simply ask a question for some lecture that would be like "blah, blah, blah... do you have a joke for it"?

All you knew is Osho this, Osho that all day long. The only thing there was is Osho. And "his people"? - ALL idiots as he would tell them on every single of his lectures. Idiots, fools, feeble dummies, puppets and you name it. Whenever someone would ask some question, chances are he would be shown what an idiot he is, and they even expected it. So, by asking some question they would in effect ask: this is what I think. Tell me what kind of an idiot I am and where I am "wrong". No wonder you need the "enlightenment" procedure for them.

Eventually, they all assumed that the fact there is something "wrong" with them was something given, divinely given. You can hardly find a single question where you could see someone assumes he is right when asking some question or making some comment. Even if someone assumed he is right, he would be inevitably shown that he was as "wrong" as it gets.

This man basically had no life outside of his concentration camp. Why don't you go out to the ocean once in a while and give your people some break from this unending promotion of your disgusting god-like ego? Why don't you EVER come out, just like a plain human being and mingle with them, just like all the other "masters" have done throughout the ages? Socrates spent his life on the streets chasing kids and playing with them, and that man, according to you at least, is as enlightened as you are and is probably one of the most honest and sincere people the world has ever known. A poor man, almost a beggar, and, at the same time, a giant of a monumental caliber.

No, he had to be forever totally inaccessible, just to maintain that god-like image of some immortal, statue-like figurehead, above all life, and, at the same time, forever obsessed with death and its imagery, even though he did not have enough courage to fill in the "I teach death" chapter in his "And Now, And Here" book. That chapter remained unwritten. WHY? You see, according to him, death is the ULTIMATE "orgasm", the "ultimate experience", and yet, the ULTIMATE thing remained not covered even thought the stub for that chapter was created. But all his endless bullshit stories about himself and his life and how he screwed everyone around would occupy the major part of what he had to say.

And he hardly had anything to say beyond bragging about himself. Even if there was some relatively simple question that could have been answered in few sentences, he would make a thick chapter out of it, where vast majority of what he had to say was bragging about how great he was, how important he was, how all the politicians, scientists and all sorts of influential people had to listen to all his bullshit recepies. Otherwise, the whole world would simply collapse and the third world war would start any moment, if they do not listen to him and all his ideas on how to run the world and what is life.

And yet, he even had guts to call "his people" the "elite". What kind of "elite" is it if they turn out to be mostly idiots or fools of all kinds, forever needing a reminder on how stupid they are? I have never heard of such an elite in my entire life.

People had no freedom of ANY kind. They would be told where to work, what to do, how much to work and how hard to work. Nor would they have a choice on where and with whom they wished to live in the same house, housing at least 10 or 20 people, packed like the rats, several people in one room. I bet even in jail it is more comfortable. No one would even ask them about such things. They were simply told: you go live in that house and that room, and this is your job. Just like in the army. There wasn't even a trace of any kind of democracy or consideration of their interests or desires any place you look. It was all a pure grade totalitarian camp from any angle conceivable, down to the smallest details.

All of it was basically the same ideas as it was implemented in Russia during the communist rule and they were not much different than "gulags", concentration camps of Jewish ghettos. They were exactly the same ideas. They were not even his ideas. He just played with "his people" like they were his puppets in a theatre of his grand "experiment" of creating a "new man", which is fiction.

These "coordinators" of all the departments were mostly totally incompetent Nazis that had an absolute and unquestionable control over every single thing in the same way as it was implemented in Russia. In fact, they were specifically placed in departments where their competence or expertize would be virtual zero, just to "break the resistance".

That was all done on purpose. It was not just some accidental thing. It was the very idea of total mind control and breaking every single flicker of your intelligence. Intelligence, of which Chandra Mohan blabbered all the time, was not something useful or needed. What was needed is this "total surrender" and "total trust". Just like in any dictatorship.

These were the very same ideas as implemented in Russia. The way it looks to me, it was basically the result of him studying the communism, which was one of his major obsessions. Probably because he himself admitted he was a dictator, which correlates pretty well with what has happened around him.

Trust and surrender to the lowest grade shit, stuffed into your face all the time, so you eventually give up resisting it. THEN, and ONLY then, you would be proclaimed as someone deserving his holy grace and would be even promoted to a position of a "coordinator" of some department having the absolute power to torture those slaves in any way you please any time you want. Exactly the same way as it was done in Russia or during the Nazi rule in Germany.

You could just ask them to dance for you and they would, to lick your shoes, and they would, and if they would refuse, throw them out as "undesirables" "resisting" His Holy Grace and his Holy Teachings.

You could not even argue with those "coordinators", even if they would propose the most stupid thing in the world. In fact, if you ever argued, you would be immediately reported to the "higher authorities", and chances are you would be called to some power bitch and either "lovingly reminded", or outright threatened, or simply sent to clean the shit some place or dig earth with your fingers for that matter.

First you dig the hole out, and then fill it all up again. Just to show you your relative significance in the scheme of things and to destroy your "ego" with a sledge hammer, utterly against your will, and that is precisely why J. Krishnamurti called this man a criminal, and a criminal of the worst kind.

The whole thing was so obscene that the mind would eventually give up even trying to understand it, which was exactly the goal of this trip. To totally disable their minds so they could be controlled just like zombies.

Some of the idiocy I have personally seen deserves to be made a movie. It was just an absolute nightmare of unending idiocy, gross incompetence and unending abuse every place you look.

It was total ruthlessness from any conceivable angle you look at it. A PURE grade concentration camp, the Nazi style. About the only thing that was missing is the burning chambers.

And if anyone decided to leave the place, the hell would break loose. Especially if they "knew too much". They'd have to go through hell, just to get out of that concentration camp with all sorts of mind washing and manipulation of guilt and fear procedures, all sorts of threats and so on.

Not only that, but you could not even leave that "commune" in Oregon. They would not allow you to if you "knew too much". You'd have to hide beneath some garbage bags in a truck in order to run away from it all. When I learned it, it was something my mind could not quite swallow. If you had to go to Portland or to the outside world, you would always be with someone watching you.

Nice model for a "new man", the "real" "elite", to show the whole world how to live their lives "in harmony with nature" and what is "truth", isn't it?

Transcend your limitations excuse

This excuse was one of the favorite excuses of Chandra Mohan. Wherever he showed up or whatever he would do, it would forever be the "fixing" procedure. Again, he claimed there is no God, but, at the same time, forever tried to fix everyone or everything in site as though he was God, all knowing.

So, he would forever try to show people how fallible, stupid or irrational they are as though it was his "mission" to "fix" the world and rid it off its evils. And that was probably his most favorite game, by far.

Whatever was his purpose, if he even knew it himself, it was forever showing people their "limitations", fallibilities and what he considered to be the "undesirable" qualities. Vast majority of what he said or did is to show everyone how screwed up they are with almost every single word he uttered. Even Jesus Christ or Buddha would get jealous I bet, seeing such a brilliant star, the likes of which the world has never known. The perfection suprimo!

But, with the other side of his mouth he said: everyone has the right to live their life as they wish and make all the mistakes as they chose. You see, that is a "democracy" side of his mouth speaking.

But the totalitarian side, as he himself admits being a dictator, says: No, you are no good. You are stupid. Just look at what you are doing. Let me fix you. You need to "transcend" your limitations and become like me, all knowing, all seeing, omni-potent and omni-scient. Unless you are "enlightened" your life isn't worth a dead mosquito fart.

And so it goes everywhere he goes. I have never seen anyone as intolerant, as obsessive with "fixing" others as him, and I mean BY FAR. Was there anything else in his life beyond insulting others and their intelligence and the way they chose to live their lives?

Why was he running out of his skin just to get his face on TV or some show or ANYTHING that will promote him, just to show the world how fucked up it is and how corrupt everybody is? But not HIM, you see! He was about the purest soul that ever existed, right? Anyone but him was just a shithead, a totally unconscious animal, and he even had guts to create the concentration camps for gays and people with AIDS, just as he did in Oregon, or even proclaim some of the "fallible" should be simply exterminated.

Religious parasites

He said: "Beware of Socialism", and I say: beware of religious parasites that will suck you out dry for as long as you last.

They will suck your very life energy to the very last drop.

Because they are simply suicidal, and I can only guess, because they are totally uncreative, and, instead of trying to create something, no matter how small it might look to others, they simply decide to parasite on others. Why work when you can simply suck someone else's blood?

One more time:

Nirvana is death. Moksha (final liberation) is death. Samadhi is death.

They are selling you death.

And yes, they are SELLING it to you, and charge the top dollar for it. NONE of them are just giving it to you for free, even thought they have nothing to give that you do not have already.

From the very beginning, you had to pay top dollar, several times more the going price, just to eat at their cafeteria, where people were working like slaves for NOTHING. They were not paid even a penny.

And look at this "resort" in Poona (Pune) now. What do you see? Well, the prices to stay and get zombified by those "therapists" are about as high as in a five star hotel on the West. How could this be possibly the case in one of the poorest countries in the world?

The money empire and worshipping of a golden calf

Chandra Mohan and all the corporations, foundations and other schemes he designed, was, is and will remain to be an empire of money operating on principles of parasitism and exploitation, domination and manipulation, lies and deceit and deals and wheels behind the scenes.

Money, money, money was everywhere since Pune One. The first thing you saw, right at the entry gate to his ashram is a shop to sell books and pictures. On the left there was a shop to sell merchandise. Then there was a cafeteria. And the prices were several times as high as in any other place for the same things. They shoveled in the money by the truckloads. And vast majority of that money was effectively a money laundering scheme and was not reported as an income. Where did it all go?

Yes, he did acquire tons of information and there were some insightful things he taught and preached. But the amount of poison he produced with his unending denials of some of the most natural laws, such as compassion, and trying to wrap it all up into some "far out" ideology of "enjoy yourself" and "let the world go to hell" is quite beyond conceivable.

But he never told you that you ARE that world. You are not just some separate entity that exists by itself. Once you deny the world you effectively deny a part of you. It is like denying your own legs because they walk in this "dirty" world of fools. And what is going to happen to you as far as I can see is that you become a schizophrenic, divided within yourself, like a tree uprooted.

It is utterly disgusting in terms of even bothering about those very people that provide that money to feed this money machine.

The whole thing was and is profoundly ego-centric and self-serving, while on the surface it was all presented as some kind of godly grace descending upon the mortals, trying to help those poor and blind seekers as a result of the greatest compassion there is, according to him, compassion of a "master".

Sheela said:

"Do you think he is THAT dumb not to know what is going on? I did that, which HE told me to do." (not a literal quote)

And I have no reasons not to trust her in this statement. The very fact she spent hours with him every day discussing the most minute aspects of it all is enough of evidence. As far as I know, he was ultimately involved in every decision of any significance, down to simple day-to-day affairs and principles of operation of that "commune" of his.

Sure, when we talk about poisoning of his personal physician and some other things of that kind, it is basically impossible to say what actually took place and why.

I just know quite a few things about the whole thing and saw enough examples.

The evil ones, damnable ones

His very mind is about the best example of it. "If you are not with me, you are AGAINST me" kind of thing. Yep. And ANYBODY, who had "enough of it" and decided to leave, would be harassed, ridiculed and made look like a fool. Some dirt would be dug up on him in order to discredit him, just in case he ever speaks up about what he knows about the whole thing.

All sorts of concoctions would be invented to reduce him to dust. He would inevitably be made look like someone dishonest, some coward, a liar or a crook, and, basically, a blind fool, who did not know what is he doing or saying, like he did not have the rights to his own life and choices he could make. It was quite something in some cases. I could never understand it. It just did not make any sense.

The message would be passed to the "meditation centers" and all sorts of most disgusting campaigns of trying to discredit or harass them would start. INEVITABLY. Everyone was ordered to avoid these people and prohibit them from even entering those "meditation" centers. Nearly the entire lectures were dedicated to destroying them. The articles would be written in the cult's "newspaper" to be distributed worldwide. Discreditation of all the "dissidents" was quite an operation in itself. Actually, throwing mud left and right was one of his favorite activities.

It was pretty much the same thing as Scientology in its relentlessness, its viciousness, its determination to destroy, and its disgust. And the higher those people were in the hierarchy, the more vicious those attacks would be.

Anyone who criticised anything or decided to leave would become a priority number one item. Even a buddy of mine, a person I knew better than anyone else, who was one of the most intelligent, honest and courageous people around, was insulted in the most disgusting way and his sannyas name was literally made to sound like "garbage". And for what? I knew pretty much everything he was doing and I am not aware of anything that made him deserve such a treatment. In this case it was made to look like a bad joke, but when I heard it, it sounded like something bordering on insanity. I could not believe my ears.

Strange. What seems to be the problem?

Someone, who knows some things, decides to leave. So what? If you are clean and honest, what is there to worry about? Are they supposed to stay with you till they die? Why so?

Were these people his slaves? Did they have freedom to leave and do whatever they wish to do with their lives? What was the need to start these disgusting and most dishonorable campaigns, based in lies and fabrications of all kinds to discredit them and reduce them to some kind of idiots? Is it what "real" "masters" do?

About the very first thing I have noticed when I first heard of him was the face of Laxmi, his personal secretary and the one, who ran the whole thing in Poona One. When I saw her picture on the back cover of one of his books, that face struck me as a manifestation of evil most profound. What was written on it was aggression of a dark kind. Strange feeling that was indeed, the feeling of a kind you don't forget your entire life. She looked like a mistress of darkness, weird as it gets. So, that was the first bell that rang about all this "Bhagwan" trip. I dismissed it at that time because it just did not make any sense.

I can pretty much guarantee you she was one of his first spiritual slaves, stuffed with post hypnotic suggestions up to her ears, and some things, done with her hands were pretty visible, and I mean the evil aspect of it. I would not be surprised she was not even aware of what she was doing in effect.

Her slave-like adoration and total submissiveness and unbending obedience of some "apostle"-like figure was probably a result of the most powerful hypnotic suggestions placed into her mind. She had a strong personality and unbending will. On that background, when such a person is subjected to most powerful hypnotic suggestions, he/she may become like a bomb, ready and willing to destroy anything on her "way" "to serve the master" in the name of "enlightenment". As a result, she became brutal. Even worse than Sheela was. When someone heard she was coming, they would piss into their pants in horror.

And, as I see it now, she was probably stuffed up to her ears with post-hypnotic suggestions. I bet it was not out of her own will that she did all those things she did. It seemed too strange to see the face so obviously evil, that even a picture would not be able to hide it, as his personal secretary. I bet that is not who she was in reality, even though certain inner tendencies of her would inevitably contribute to who she became around him.

The whole operation of Pune One was dictatorship of the most blatant kind, and even though the whole place looked like some serene "paradise", the chilling fear of those omni-powerful "ruling" bitches was simply of paralyzing kind, so unquestionable it was nearly everywhere you look. It was basically a brutality bordering on barbarism and total suppression of anything that was not in line with the instructions of the "master". That is, the concentration camp level.

Now that I look back at it, it looks like some dark, invisible hand hanging over that entire operation. In that seeming utter relaxation there was an iron grip present at the top. But you need to be inside the system in order to really see the inner workings of it.

Later on, when the whole thing moved to Oregon, she was thrown out into a garbage dump like a used condom, just like some others. I do not know the "reason" for him not to even allow her back on the ranch as that was one of those things that I was not interested enough to dig into. I like the information to accumulate. Eventually, it all resolves within itself given enough of it. When there is not enough information, you have to start making guesses as to what is what and that is pretty much an exercise in futility. There is no need for that. At some point, when things mature enough, the whole thing simply clicks and you start seeing the whole picture. That is my approach.

So, she was crawling on her knees to be "accepted" back, and, if I recall correctly, she had a terminal cancer. So, have mercy on her. What's the big deal? But, from what I recall, he gave the most categorical instructions not to even let her in at the ranch. I watched that trip in utter bewilderedness. Something just did not make ANY sense. At some point, it was quite some fuss about it. But what kind of danger she could possibly present to a man like him? You mean the same person who created his first "ashram" from nothing was so "dangerous" as to not even be allowed in? What was that "danger"? Yes, she knew too much and she was influential too much and since the game has changed after moving to the USA, people at the top are usually replaced for several reasons, at least in the organizations driven by evil.

And that was one of the most shocking things I have heard. I could not understand why would she want to get back so bad? The life has entered a new stage. All the past has gone. Why do you need to get back to the old song?

How about the idea that her post-hypnotic suggestions were not even erased by him. Because, when she was crawling on her knees to be accepted back, it was about the strangest feeling you could ever have. It all looked like some kind of dependency on some most potent drug, so desperate she looked, just like some drug dependent person. And, since he did not want to even see her, he could not remove those suggestions, and it is not clear he would even bother about it. So, she was left with all those instructions of utter dependency, in a slave or a zombie like state, and she probably did not even know it herself.

I just can not see any other reason for all that insanity. From what I see the case of Laxmi is probably one of the most interesting issues about the whole thing and I bet deep inside of that Pandora box there are some surprises the likes of which there are not that many.

The same thing happened to Sheela. After she left the ranch and him pouring those mountains of crap on her head, insulting her in the most disgusting ways and making her look like some pathological criminal, all of a sudden, boom! After twenty years she has her walls in his pictures and she even gives interviews about this "holy" "master", Bhagwan. And Sheela was known as a strong type of a woman and that is precisely why she was chosen to run the "commune" on the ranch, just as he himself states on record. How this could be? I did not believe my eyes when I saw this interview.

Here: Ma Sheela talks to Nirman

Otherwise, I just see no other reason for Laxmi to try to get back no matter what, and even if she would, she would be shoved into some hole where nobody even knows she exists, which actually happened at the very end on the "ranch".

Yes, "she knew too much" of the REAL "who is who and what is what". She was a pretty intelligent person and eventually she might be able to figure out "the rest... of the story", and that was probably one of the main reasons she was not being allowed back in.

So, some of his closest "disciples" were thrown out like garbage.

And who was Laxmi? Well, no one less than the one who selected and created the ashram in Poona. It was her, who arranged for the money to buy the property and it was her who organized the whole thing from nothing. Basically, SHE was the one who created his entire "empire" from scratch. At that time, he was basically no different than some unemployed person with empty pockets, simply parasiting on others. SHE was the one who created it all.

Here is her story: Journey of the Heart

Oh, how exciting! I just tried to verify that page and boom, it no longer exists! But it did exist as of March 1, 2011 approx. So what happened to it? Another miracle?

Then I checked the parent page: and boom, another miracle. There is the story about Laxmi on that page that says a totally opposite thing from what I know about her story during the "ranch" period. Now she is presented as "total yes", a saint-like figure. But THEN she was not even allowed back to the ranch! Bizarre as it gets.

And if she is a saint-like figure, then where is that page entitled "Journey of the Heart"? What kind of miracles are these? The same person, who created the "Bhagwan" empire does not deserve her page, entitled nothing less then "Journey of the Heart" to be made a part of the permanent historical record? And, instead, it is simply dumped! Why? How come the record is distorted? Without Laxmi the historical record is incomplete. Every word she ever said is a part of the record. The same thing with Sheela and a few other people. Otherwise, the whole thing is nothing but manipulation and lies.

And now, a few more years have passed since the original version of this book, and what do we see now as far as Laxmi? Well, she just disappeared from the site, like she did not even exist. Disappeared who? - Laxmi, the founder and creator the "Osho" empire? Are they complete "nuts"? How can you possibly remove such people as Laxmi or even Sheela from the picture? And what are you hoping to "achieve" at the end? This "The Way Of The Heart" trip in a trip that has NOTHING to do with not only the Heart, but Truth itself? And, as far as that "way" goes, the last stop is directly in hell. Because this is NOT the way of the Heart, but the way of a monster, of evil most profound.

I have stated numerous times that you can not destroy the Truth. Not possible, even in principle. No matter what you do or how hard you try. When things mature enough it will percolate to the surface in its original freshness and in even more powerful way of presentation.

And THIS is the kind of thing you do to the very people, who created that entire "empire"?

It is kind of "They know too much already. It would be better to get a new, fresh blood and get some clueless slaves to replace them. By the time they will figure out what is it all about, we'll throw them away just like others or shove them into the lands of obscurity."

He has plenty of titles of a kind "the biggest this and the biggest that". But I have not seen a title "the biggest conman the world has ever seen" so far. To con SO many people, you really deserve a Shnobel (big nose) prize.

And now the time has come to look at it all as an example of zombification under the magnifying glass.

Everything is in place and there has never been a time where things could be researched as easily and as fast as they can be now.


Just remember one thing as far as I know:

When you take a good dump at the bathroom, it is not anything less then when you meditate. And, unless it is the same joy, just like anything else in your life, that "meditation" isn't even worth mentioning.

If you think meditation will take you to some "ultimate" reality, you are just a fool. Read Hermann Hesse, "Magister Ludi" if I recall correctly. Yes, meditation IS helpful. But this is just a part of the story. The other part is going through your life and seeing that it all does make sense. It is not just something accidental. Those very unpleasant things that seem to bother you all the time are exactly the things you need for your growth, and you can not just bypass it all and "arrive" to some "super-state" of "enlightenment" while denying any part of you or life surrounding you.

Meditation simply puts you in a state where you are not driven by noise, and out of that state you can recognise the grand nature of existence. That silence is healing.

But the "ultimate reality" is where you sit right now. "Bliss" is what is happening to you this very moment, even if you think you are in misery. That bliss is inherent in every breath, in every heart beat of yours. Just look a little deeper than the skin level. It is all there.

Sure, learn from him, and there are things you can learn. He does have the ability to look at things in such a way that many would not even suspect, or would even dare to.

Except most of it is just bragging about himself, telling you all those boring, hour long stories "about me and about me and how I screwed this guy or ridiculed that one". It is ALL "about me" type of thing. Probably the largest part of his discourses is talking about his own past, giving all kinds of examples and endlessly bragging about how great he is, forever trying to reinforce your dependency on him and him only.

And that is probably why he said: but I am the one who is going to have the LAST laugh! Just like a criminal.

Why should anyone care which way he has farted when he was young and who did he screw with his cunning mind? Sure, real life examples do help once in a while, but to such an extent?

There are pests of people. You can find them any place you go. And there are those who are on a receiving end of it. Does it mean the pests are more "evolved"? More deserving? Does it mean "the survival of the fittest" degenerate idea, created by ZioNazis, is any more valid?

Does it mean this death obsessed man, calling himself "Bhagwan" or "Osho" is ultimate manifestation of consciousness? How so?

Just listen to what J. Krishnamurti said about the name Bhagwan. He claims it is essentially the same as calling oneself God.


Well, a subtle subject. But one of the most significant ones. Let us look into it.

First of all, Chandra Mohan said: the most significant part is when you are about to die. It is what you do or say during your last days, that really says who you are and what is your life worth. And what we have with this man is utter insanity, utter confusion and utter paranoia, a madhouse level, and I mean LITERALLY.


What I have seen and heard is him getting really upset when he was not recognized as some ultimate authority on anything and everything imaginable. In fact, according to him, almost everybody out there is just an idiot. He forever bragged about his connections to the influential politicians, prime ministers, presidents and all sorts of others in power, influence and wealth.

He kept mentioning that the pope was upset about some things he did. And he was upset that the royal families, the kings, prime ministers and presidents were not listening to all his great recipes on how to run the world, like he was some kind of god, all knowing. At times, it was pretty sickening, like pure grade megalomania, and of a raging grade, like a pathology.

He behaved like he was God and everyone was expected to listen to his great revelations and insights.

And he would have an "answer" on just about ANY kind of question, just like God, even if he had zero competence in the area. At times, it was beyond obscene, especially when he would start blabbering about things where he, obviously, had no competence whatsoever, like science, medical field, chemistry, particle physics, the rockets "making holes in the ozone layer" and all sorts of other issues. He would never say "I think this is what it is" or "it looks to me" or anything that would leave any doubt about his omni-potence and omni-science.

But that is how megalomania works. It simply knows no limits of itself. Megalomaniacs do not seem to realize that some things they simply have no competence in.

He would constantly "send messages" to all kinds of prominent world figures in his lectures like they cared for what he had to say, or that he even exists. They live in their own world, with its own "realities" and "priorities", and all his self-righteous, holier than thou blabber is nothing more than a fart against the wind, as far as most of them are concerned.

Most of the time he looked like the only one, who has all the "answers" to just about any kind of world problems. Yes, he was intelligent enough and he read enough to impress. But to impress is not the same thing as to be able to SOLVE some problems.

Everywhere he appeared it was about impressing people:

"I have tons of Rolls Royces." - Too bad. That one discredits him unlike anything else. Couldn't he find something more creative to do with his life?

"My bathroom is better than a king's palace." - Too bad. When his people live below average, he swims in luxury. Was he SO "special"? Oh, he had a golden toilet seat? WOW!

"I have MILLIONS of sannyasins" - What it the need to lie all the time?

"You can throw an atom bomb at us and my people are going to dance on the streets!". - WHAT? Did he at least ask them if they would? And what kind of an idiot would even conceive of an idea to throw an atom bomb at him and his "happy" commune? For what? Did he think he was THAT significant in the scheme of things? What was he pumping himself up to be? Did he think it is because of him "the sun is rising in the morning"?

And on, and on, and on. Simply sickening.

What is this greed to know everything about everything and to tell everybody about everything, knowing no limits of any kind and not being able to see ones own limitations? It is not enough just to know a few things well enough just to enjoy doing something of real value instead of running his mouth all day long even about things, he had not a slightest clue about?

To me, as someone who spent his entire life on some of those things, this looks disgusting. It is such an arrogant and totally incompetent insult to any kind of science, or anything rational, that I have never heard of anyone going this far, unless they were complete idiots, not even worth the bother to listen to.

How can you hold some lunatic of this grade as some kind of "master" of ANYTHING! YOU yourself are bound to end up as nothing more than an idiot, if you keep listening to these kinds of lunatics and their megalomaniacal delusions.

But that is how delusional parasites work. They totally loose a grip on reality and can not place themselves into proper perspective in the scheme of things. Just about all they have is a fiction movie in their brain, that totally lost any capacity to actually solve any problems via sane means or create something of value with their own hands.

Being the dictators they are, they could care less about the commonly accepted principles, morality, ethics, common sense, or anything else for that matter. They behave as though they are beyond gravitation, and their word is the ultimate reality, just like a word of God!

You won't find a single issue he would not have an "answer" to. This is simply bizarre. A lunacy of pure grade.

And THAT is exactly why things happened the way they happened in Oregon. Because this man simply knew no limits. He thought he is beyond all the laws of anything, no matter what those are. Why? Well, because he was "enlightened", you see, and compared to him and his "holy grace" anyone was simply a dummy. He read so many books that he knew just about every trick of the trade. Just like Pharisees.

It was him, who taught Sheela all the cunningness of a criminal grade. Sheela is not as evil as he paints her.

Furthermore, the way he disclosed some of very private and intimate details of her life, piling up ALL sorts of horror stories about how evil she was in principle, no human being of any dignity would even think of telling to the whole world. It was not only disgusting, it was simply appalling. And he kept fabricating things about her, just to build up a case that it was not him, but her, who conceived and performed all those acts of evil. Just like a thief who was caught red handed, blaming it all on someone else. Nope, I don't buy ANY of that.

He was simply freaked out because he was next in the line. In fact, he was the FIRST one to be questioned as he was the hand behind it all from what I know. What Sheela did is exactly what he told her to do, with some exceptions. Yes, she got quite "creative" at the end, especially since Swiss bank accounts were established and some serious money were transferred to those accounts.

Sure, being as cunning as he was, he arranged everything in such a way, that there was no evidence it was all his doing, at least as far as ideas and methodology goes, and that is what he taught Sheela to do, telling her to never do anything rotten with her own hands, but find someone else to do it. A typical criminal mind of a corrupt politician.

In THAT respect, I, personally, am all with Sheela, not him. And yes, I know, she is not exactly an angel, just like anyone else.

Yes, those politicians and Bill Bowerman, the founder of Nike Shoe Company, who lived just across the river from the ranch, could not possibly allow a commune in the USA. That was about the biggest insult to the free sucking world, and it could not be possibly allowed to go on. So, there was a tremendous pressure to destroy it. Bill Bowerman was willing to throw millions at it, financing those "unemployed lawyers", calling themselves Thousand Friends of Oregon.

Well, but where was Chandra Mohan's all-seeing eye if he decided to build the communism in the middle of an evil empire of raging suckitalism? Communism in America? Was it not the most insane idea conceivable?

Was he just an idiot, that can not even begin to comprehend the consequences of it and the essence of what was he trying to do? Aren't there enough places in the world where this whole thing could be built without much fuss? He would probably be better off trying to do it in Russia. Because, first of all, they knew what communism is better than anyone in the world and they had plenty of real-life practical experience with communes and could relate to notions of the communal things without much difficulty.

But in the USA, just saying the word "communism" would make most of the people see red and they would behave just like a bull.

But he himself declared that he wants to go to America specifically. Because they had a great "potential", being a wealthy nation. His idea was that the richer the country is, the more chance people would be interested in his "religiousness". Because in poor countries people are mostly concerned with their survival. But where is the evidence of it? Why would Jesus say "it is easier for a camel to get through a hole in a needle than for the rich man to enter the paradise"? Because once you become obsessed with money, you become utterly corrupt and from then on, that is about the only thing you care for - money.

Thus, his "I am a rich man's guru" ideology. To him, unlike Jesus, only a rich man can know the truth. Only when you have all the wealth, you would be interested in something real, something "higher" than the mundane things. This was his theory of "enlightenment", which is something simply insane as far as I can see.

The "wealthier" you are, the more blood is on your hands, the more insensitive you become, committing all the violence and exploitation of others, and the deeper you get into this trip of possessiveness. After a while, you simply become obsessed with it. This is what essentially a self-serving or the negative approach is - accumulating, accumulating and accumulating. For YOURSELF, with utter disregard to others. Sure, there are exceptions in anything. But this is a general rule.

Even Karl Marx could see it, and that is why he called it the exploitation of the working class. Because the very essence of capitalism is exploitation. It is the system where money becomes "god".

So, WHO is responsible for his suicidal choice, that was bound to fail from the day one? Sheela?

Yes, being one of the biggest con-men, he would find a way to "explain" things away when he was nailed to the ground, forever perverting it to look like something entirely different in order to avoid any responsibility for his own words and ideas.

Sure, he had an advantage. He has spent years of his life, morning to night, studying ALL sorts of cunningness and exploitation techniques in a library. Sure, he had a sophisticated mind. Otherwise, how can one keep everyone deluded and for so long?

But, even though he talked about "spontaneity" all the time, you could not just spontaneously meet him some place and discuss anything in specific. You would have to write it all down and pass him as a question for some lecture via his representative, who was not even obliged to pass this question to him. He would then have a choice to either reply to it, or to simply ignore it, like it never existed, and no one would even know he did.

Then, even if he decided to "answer", he would go off into something TOTALLY different, usually having nothing to do with what you are asking, and tell you some of his "great insights" into it from the standpoint of a totally different planet than you know of. And he would chuckle in ecstasy of deluding yet one more poor fool. What a "grace"!

It seems like his specialty. To "answer" anything with something so kinky, so unexpected, that the questioner would simply get baffled. His mind would simply get blown to pieces hearing something so far off from what he thought he was asking.

And I saw plenty of those examples, and was physically present in many cases. And I saw him lying straight into their face without even winking an eye, and I mean TOTAL lies, even a five year old, who knew what he was talking about, would be able to recognize as a pure grade lie.

Yes, you would not be able to recognize it as a lie, looking from the other side of a TV screen. Just about all you would see is his totally relaxed state, his gentle smile, these slow, hypnotizing movements of his hands, those three mile long ssssses at the end of his words, his "charisma" and his kinky views, which is nothing more than fun to watch as a TV show. Indeed.

Because the kind of "answers" he would give could not be verified by mere mortals. You'd have to be as cunning as he himself. Much of it was simply impossible to prove or disprove. It was all a matter of faith. That was his main advantage. So, he could blabber all he wants, pulling all sorts of things from the books he read, and none of it could be either proved or disproved.

Yes, it was good enough for the TV show for some housewives or zombies and biorobots. But he was talking about LIVES, and some of the most fundamental things. But, being a manipulator as he was, he could make anything look like anything else, and some poor reporter would have no chance to argue or to understand any of it. His mind would simply get blown to pieces with all these piles of "spiritual" bullshit, no one could ever prove or disprove in principle. In a way, it was like listening to people of George Bush kind where they would pump their chests and foam at the mouth about "freedom" and "democracy", enforced with sword and fire, while being the the most violent dictators they are.

And the format of those interviews would be set up in such a way, that the reporter would have to accept the way Chandra Mohan wants it. So, you can ask the question, but you can not interrupt those avalanches of crap.

He would start telling him some long and boring story, just to try to hypnotize the poor guy, and, as soon, as he saw he was dozing off, and his mind could not handle it any longer, he would stop, smile at him, and wait for his next question. Then, he would give him a half an hour lecture about the planet Mars, when you ask him about the world poverty. And your mind would get hypnotized again, purely out of boredom. And, if you are not hypnotizable, then he would apply a different strategy. It would be either perversion of it, or denial, or outright lies.

You can not simply listen to half an hour of bullshit when you ask a question that can be answered in a single sentence or so. Your mind would simply get bored to such a degree, that it would simply give up and fall into a hypnotic sleep. But the condition for those interviews was that you can not interrupt these avalanches of bullshit. Otherwise, the interview would be over. I myself was basically dozing off most of the time as it was boring to the point beyond belief. How could I do it for so long, I don't know. Please have mercy on me.

And THAT is how it works in reality, and not that fiction in his gentle smiles and utter "relaxation", induced by the most potent tranquilisers in monster dozes.

These people, hearing totally different things than they could possibly expect from anyone with any kind of degree of reason or honesty, would simply not know what else to say. Their mind would be simply hypnotized by all this totally of the wall bullshit, and I saw him enjoy this trip tremendously.

Hypnosis was one of his favorite obsessions.

Sure, he would not be able to do this number on someone of Krishnamurti's caliber. He'd cut his bullshit in the mid-sentence. But these poor reporters, forever dealing with all sorts of most obscene hype all day long, were just clueless fools for someone of his caliber.

The typical scenario goes like this:

Say, you ask him "what is meditation"?

What he would do is to take a few minutes of silence, which could easily put most of them into a suggestive state. Then he would gently wave his hand and say something like:

When I was young, there was this man... Blah, blah, blah.

That would take a few minutes for you to listen "about this man", and you would begin to fall into a hypnotic sleep, being bored to death. And he would inevitably show you how stupid was that man and how smart was him.

Then he would tell you about his Rolls Royces, his bathroom, or something as relevant. And he would go on and on and on and on about how great this "enlightenment" thing is, how do "his people" dance on the streets all day long in utter ecstasy, how do they enjoy working their assess of, what kind of "central" air conditioning system do we have on the ranch, even though there was no such a thing in sight, what would they do if someone decided to throw an atom bomb on them, how screwed up the politicians or the priests are, and ALL sorts of things as relevant.

Just listen to some of his interviews and see how much anything relates to the question asked considering the frame of mind of a questioner. And you simply HAVE to consider that frame of mind. You can not answer to a peasant as though he was Einstein, and you can not answer to a scientist the way you would answer to a singer. Else, your answer is simply meaningless to a questioner.

Who is dumb? Sheela?

Before we even start, here is an interesting quote on this.


First, I do not listen to radio, I do not see television. For five years I have not read any book, any magazine, any newspaper. So I do not know anything about the world and particularly the three and half years when I was silent -- I was in isolation. Sheela was my only connection with the world, so whatsoever she said, that's all that I knew.

That whole lecture is classic. I can not even read it. It disgusts me too much. But what I have just reviewed of it, I can tell you: EVERY WORD of his is a lie, and I know it well enough to make such a statement.

A COMPLETE lie. I have some information from the people that were as close to him as it gets and who have spent hours every day around him, who said he was spending HOURS every single day watching videos. He knew every single word everyone has said in the media.

And it simply could not have been otherwise, because he came to Oregon to create nothing less than a "new man" and build his "experiment" in the new type of social organization with his "commune", which was as old as Torah and Talmud and ghettos. He was literally obsessed with communism and spent years studying it. Would someone making claims of creating a "new man" simply sit in his room doing nothing? What was he doing all day long and what was the point of it? It would imply he could care less about anything. The only question remains in that case is "why be"?

Why would someone simply sit in his room for years unless he decided to totally disassociate with the world, like a Yogi, and even if he did, then what is this attachment of his "to create a new man"? This does not reconcile. Once you disassociate with the world, that's it. You "could care less" about the "communes", "new man", which is nothing more than an arrogant myth, or anything else.

Secondly, he was not the kind of man that would keep totally unaware of what is going on in the world and trust in judgment or interpretations of some Sheela, because it was the main "purpose" of his "work" - a "new man" and a "borderless world", which is what the NWO is. To state that he was utterly unaware of any of it would be the same as stating that he could care less about not only this "new man" fiction, but the world as such, in which case the question arises: why did not he "depart to the other shore" if he could care less of what is going on in the world and did not keep his finger on the pulse of the puppy he himself created or was trying to create?

Thirdly, Sheela was NOT his "only connection to the world". Because he also spent several hours a day talking to his Rolls Royce dealer on the phone, strange as it may sound. Apparently, talking about Rolls Royces was more significant that talking to his own people. His Rolls Royce dealer apparently deserved more of his attention than all of "his people" combined. How could this be?

Actually, my understanding is that him going into "silence" was just a PR thing to "control the damages". Previously he talked so nastily about the politicians, that if he would do the same thing in America that would not be tolerated. So, it was a danger that if he goes off into his tantrums, that could be the end of the whole thing.

So, the idea was that if he does not speak in public then the American government would not go after him as he would not represent any kind of danger with his long tongue forever criticizing everyone and everything, and especially the politicians, who were his favorite targets.

It was a political decision. And it was a lie. Once you go into silence, that silence is total. You don't speak to anyone no matter who they are or how close are they to you. He actually criticised some of those who claimed to be going into silence and yet, when the issues with money would come up, they would do things that clearly indicate their "silence" is simply phony, just like him own with the Rolls Royce dealer. Why did he make an exception for Sheela? In that case, what is the very purpose of that "silence"?

As far as I can see, once you go into silence, you are no longer involved with the world. You no longer have any interest in saying things thus affecting others, or making any kinds of opinions or interpretations of anything whatsoever. You are enough onto yourself in a complete sense of the word. You could "care less" what anybody does or claims. It does not matter as far as you and your being goes. Silence is absolute commitment and final realisation if there is any. At the most, you can ask the cash register person "how much", and that is the extent of your communication. Basically, you totally abandon the emotional domain and any kind of involvement with the world. Why would you do that is another matter. But you can not be silent in one case and spent hours talking to your Rolls Royce dealer or some Sheela in another case. That is not how it works.

Building a communism in a capitalist country and not even reading the papers or watching the news is simply suicidal. Just the other way around, you have to watch every step of your "opposition", especially knowing full well they are after you.

Interestingly enough, just as he started building his "commune" in Oregon, there was that Jim Jones scandal where a large number of members of his cult have committed a mass suicide. In that context, not to watch what is going on was not only suicidal but simply idiotic. That was the hottest story, not only in America, but in the world. And it went on for months and years. I recall how everyone was freaked out on the ranch when that story was associated with Chandra Mohan, and it HAD to be. It was simply inevitable. The same exact case as Jim Jones could not be simply ignored by any politician no matter how corrupt he was or what was his real motivation. That was one of those strange things that happened. The impact of Jim Jones case was self-evident.

Finally, getting the information from the outside world just from a mouth of Sheela is simply stupid. Because even though she was cunning enough, she was not bright enough and could have missed or misunderstood all sorts of things of vital significance. He was not that stupid to leave the whole thing to Sheela. Her interpretations was not a reality, especially knowing who she was.

This simply disgusts me to the point I can not even speak much about it.

Chandra Mohan forever bragged about being able to see the "past lives". The only little problem is that you can not possibly verify ANY of it. So... What are you to do, but accept whatever bullshit he told you?

But... If he could read the "past lives", how come he could not read what kind of evil Sheela was doing or was capable of doing, even in the present life? She claims she did EXACTLY what he told her. Yes, she eventually got quite "creative" and finally had an agenda of her own where he was mostly a hindrance.

Especially after those numbered Swiss bank accounts were setup and millions were transferred to those accounts it was quite a seduction for a Jewess. From then on, much of her interest as far as he goes were those accounts. That was her "chance to make it in life". And she had access to those accounts, and she is quite a fox. That is in her blood. Every time I saw her, and that was nearly on a daily basis for some time, her cunningness overwhelmingly dominated all other of her qualities.

Would be interesting to hear her take on this except she can not be trusted. She is the kind of person I would never ever trust with anything. From what I know about her, she is not going to tell you a single word of truth about things that really matter.

WHO made Sheela a criminal? Who taught her the lessons on how to make sure your hands are clean and there exists no compromising evidence about you directly, by doing it all with someone else's hands? And this comes from the specific testimonials of some people who heard it with their own ears.

Who taught her to be as aggressive as possible during the interviews with media? I have heard it with my own ears when she would come back from her daily meeting with him and would say: he wants me to be even more aggressive and more blunt with the media. I don't know what else I could do? I am already pushing it as hard as I can...

Yes, I understand, when you start sucking the blood of others, things get pretty hazy, and the more you do it, the deeper it gets.

But... To hear all his raving about the "evil" Sheela was something baffling. It was just like hearing a thief, telling the judge "it was not me". It was all them!

Again, "Sheela said: do you think he is THAT dumb as to not to be aware of what was going on, spending two hours a day talking to me about all sorts of issues at the commune? What I did was exactly what he told me."

In fact, let me be as blunt as it gets: I bet she was under post-hypnotic suggestions most of the time just to disable her mind and make her do anything he wanted without any reasoning abilities of her mind interfering. And I bet he would not even allow anyone, who was not suggestive enough, to be close to him.

Can anyone imagine working with a hypnotist for two hours every day, who was totally in control of the situation and whose word was final no matter what? Can you imagine what such a person can do to your mind and you will NEVER, even in your wildest dreams, even imagine what was done to it?

How many people close to him were under post hypnotic suggestions? Just look at the whole insanity that is going on even right now. Just today, I have noticed in one of his books he was saying: "just remember this word, and these things will happen". (not a literal quote) Do you even begin to comprehend what this could mean? Well, what it means to me is that these people were under influence of post-hypnotic suggestions and that word would trigger a specific action as per command.

Or do you think this is all nothing more than a science fiction?

What I see is Sheela looks like she was programmed with all sorts of words and phrases that trigger certain things when those phrases are pronounced or certain symbols are presented to her, and the effects of it are simply inevitable. And she is not the only one. Because hypnosis was his obsession.

What seems to be strange is that she left him over 25 years ago, and, after what he said about her, trying to discredit her as much as possible, dumping all sorts of ugliest garbage on her head, nevertheless, now you see her giving the interviews and what you see behind her, the entire wall is in Chandra Mohan's pictures. And she probably does not even realize what it does to her. Those are some of the most potent symbols of dependency. But... This is her life and I am not here to tell her how to live it. All I care is for her to come out and give a full and honest account of every single thing she knows.

In light of this, let me tell you. His name is not Osho, He is not Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. His name is Chandra Mohan Jain, and, knowing what I know about the whole thing, I would suggest to remember this really well.


According to J. Krishnamurti, this man was a criminal, and about as dangerous of a criminal as it gets, as far as your very consciousness is concerned, and there was no such a thing as limits in his mind.

And the danger of this man is exactly in the hypnotism he was so obsessed with, and in the context of those ideas of "total trust" and "total surrender" he forever preached, and all the carrots of "enlightenment" and "total bliss" he would forever promise you, this is something more potent than anything you can imagine.

And I can just bet you, there are plenty of "sleepers" among "his people", and what these "sleepers" will do and when, and as a result of what things, only that dead man knew. And that action can be triggered by simply pronouncing some phrase or notion.

He said: "I am going to have the last laugh". Well, this happens to be the kind of thing the criminals or crooks say. No honest man would say things like these. It means he knew something no one would even suspect, and what could it possibly be to deserve his laugh?

How many of you think this is some kind of joke, not to even pay attention to? Do any of you comprehend the significance of such a statement by some megalomaniac, who has a number of incurable diseases, obsessed with the idea of death, because he was a degenerate on a genetic level, which is evidenced by his incurable deceases, a sure sign of degeneracy?

The whole world looks differently to a sick man with incurable diseases. His health was in such a poor shape that his food ingredients had to be measured and a number of calories calculated for each meal. That means he was in a continuous danger of dying. Any moment.

But there are reasons to believe some things, that were propagated about his desease were just concoctions to pump the "mysterious" aspect of it. For example, in Pune One, there was the strictest prohibition for anyone having any kind of smell to come near him. It would be so bad that you had to take a bath with special non-smelling soap just before you come close enough to him. There were special "sniffers" that would sniff you at the doors and would not allow you to enter.

But in Oregon, that whole sniffing procedure had simply evaporated, and even the heavy smokers were present in the same place with him, standing face to face with him at an arms length, which could easily cause the asthma attack as it was previously peddled.

As far as "my word is to be the last one", this man was not known to loose. EVER! That was one of his main ambitions. To forever "win" and "defeat" everyone, at least on paper, and NEVER give up, just like those Scientologists or ZioNazis. The last word was to be his, no matter what, and if anyone would get on his case, he would do all the imaginable and unimaginable to annihilate them.

People do not realize how easy it is to hypnotize them.

Have you heard of Wolf Messing and Stalin's tests to verify his abilities? Stalin designed a test for him: you go to this particular branch of a bank and show a blank piece of paper to a teller and she should give you hundred thousand roubles. If you can do that, I will believe you are not a conman. And Messing would perform just as expected.

Another test Stalin created is to ask Messing to come see him in the Kremlin without having any ID, entering via main gate. The thing is, there were at least five posts with KGB guards at every single door. To get to the Stalin's office without being the topmost level official was a miracle. No one, under any circumstances, would be able to do that. But for Messing it was not a problem. When he opened the door of Stalin's office, Stalin nearly felt on his ass. He could not believe it. And these are just a couple of examples of what can be done to your mind. EASILY!

Just look up Wolf Messing on Wikipedia or do a search on him with a search engine.

Do you realize what kind of things the man of this caliber can do to you, without even saying a word? Do you realize why he tells you to keep his pictures everywhere so you can see them all the time, explaining it as some kind of an ancient technique of staying "connected" to the "master"?

During the post-Stalin's time in Russia, this was called the cult of personality. Everywhere you looked there would be the pictures of Stalin.

As to Sheela, I would not take what she says for granted in terms of Chandra Mohan being aware of every single thing that was going on as 100% truth. But I WOULD consider what she says. Just the very way he attacked her after she has left, blaming her for every single little thing, just like a thief, caught with his pants down, is enough evidence in itself. He said he knew nothing? Nothing at all?

Yes, he did "admit" "it was MY responsibility blah, blah, blah..." Because that was just a way to save his face, understanding full well, that if something funky was going on, the boss is responsible. Because he did not keep his fingers on the pulse of a sick puppy.

He forever talked about the responsibility for others. But what about himself? He is not THAT dumb to pretend he had no clue of what was going on, how, where and when and for what reason. What was he spending two hours a day with Sheela for? Playing a poker game with a poker face? And, being the "greatest master ever" he could not see it?

Him, announcing that he is taking the responsibility for what she and "her gang" have done was simply phony. Simply laughable. And not only laughable, but just a pathetic performance of a criminal, caught with his pants down. It was in effect an utter denial of any involvement of him into what was going on.

First of all, he knew every single member of "her gang", and guess who appointed them to be in a position they were?

Because he did not take ANY SPECIFIC responsibility for ANYTHING in particular. It was just like "oh, I am sorry that my son did something rotten which I did not know about. Sorry about that. I'll do better next time".

He just removed himself from "his own people" as a result of his megalomania and his cunningness, "just in case". As a result, no one can possibly claim that he had anything to do with anything.

"It all belonged to commune".

"I am just a "visitor" here."

"I do not have money. I do not even have pockets in my robes." Uhu, tell me about it. But what would you need the money for if you control the empire? He once said to his father: "just watch me build my own empire".

"Rolls Royces belong to the commune, not me", except not a single member of that commune ever used them for some strange reason. If he was such a great and unique "master" why not allocate some of those Rolls Royces to be used as free taxis just to show what kind of luxury is available to his "elite"? That would be MUCH more impressive. Wouldn't it?

Just about anything you can imagine, it was the same story: "It was not me. I am just here on a medical visa.", or "I am just a visitor here". Kinda came to see my friends for a few days that turn into years.

Who was he kidding?

To hear him lying his teeth off with all those things was quite bewildering. No questions about it. Because I knew some of those things.

He removed himself from his own "disciples" and he specifically said: I do not want to make myself available to you. If I make myself available to you, you will start taking me for granted, just like a normal human being, and I am not just a normal human being. I am God, all-knowing, omni-scient. You should never take me for granted. (Not a literal quote obviously, but a paraphrase of the essence of it)

Except J. Krishnamurti stated it clearly: He is just an ordinary man, just like any of you. He simply behaves like god, disgusting as it is. He is not that which he poses as.

So... What do you expect as a result?

Well, since the only person he related to was Sheela as far as practical matters are concerned, couldn't this "greatest master of all times" realize he had set her up to commit all sorts of not so noble things, especially in the context of unending effort by all sorts of parties to destroy this communist thing in the middle of the "free sucking world"? What was she to do? What kind of miracle she could possibly perform in order to stop the unending assaults on that communist thing in the middle of America?

Could not he see it was simply inevitable? What about his powers of being able to read even the past lives, not to even mention the present ones?

Which other "master" in the entire history of mankind made himself so inaccessible to his own disciples and went as far as calling himself God?

It looks not only as arrogance but simply a mental disease, called megalomania.

Only a man, who considers himself above and beyond all morality, and could care less what anybody thinks of it, could even conceive some of those evil things that were done. It was bewildering at times to see the cunningness of it. Sometimes I asked myself: what are you doing here? Except I had to see it to the end as that is my style.

There was no such a thing as morality in his mind. He had no such a concept as "Good". Whatever had to be done to achieve some goal, simply had to be done, regardless of anything else.

Dictators, and he was a self-admitted one, could care less about morality of any kind, even though they use and abuse it all the time, pronouncing all sorts of slogans.

Yes, indeed, morality and the very notion of Good has been abused and manipulated throughout the ages by all sorts of evil entities. But it does not imply there is no such a thing as Good.

The pathological liar

Well, this man, who was talking all his life about "truth", was nothing more than a pathological liar, and I can attest to that.

The amount of lies he produced is on the par with some conman or a crook. Understandable. Since morality, or just about any kind of values, mortals consider significant, are utterly meaningless to a "real master" because he is beyond gravitation, what do you expect at the end?

And there are ALL sorts of lies, starting with the simplest things and going up to the most significant concepts, notions and ideas.

Plenty of things coming out of his mouth were lies, or some concoctions or fabrications invented for the purpose of forever trying to convince everyone that he is like God, all knowing.

"It was Sheela's idea to make them work 12 hour days". - Lie. It was HIS order, just to exhaust them so much, that they loose the critical abilities of their minds and would become suggestive.

"There is no god". - Lie! There is no way in hell one can prove the negative of this kind.

"Enlightenment is your ultimate goal". - Lie. Some say it is just too much drugs. What is soma? Yes, that "enlightenment" carrot is quite something indeed even though much of it reduces to the "joy of vegetation" as an "ultimate orgasm with existence" as he called it.

"Reincarnation" - Lie. Prove there is such a thing unless you are dead. Later on, he himself stated that the whole "reincarnation" idea is just "misunderstanding" and misrepresentation. Yes, conceptually, the notion of reincarnation can not be denied. But it does not imply there IS such a thing. What are the proofs of such a thing?

Chandra Mohan would forever demand all sorts of proofs as to validity of all other religions. Well, in that case he is subject to the same thing.

"Death is ultimate ecstasy in life". - Lie. First of all, you need to be dead to assert that. Does it mean your whole lives are just waste of time waiting to "die"? What is this?

"One can read past lives". - Lie. He could not even read Sheela's present life. And not her alone. A few other people that were as close to him as it gets are a living evidence, such as Laxmi, the creator of Pune One ashram. Why was Laxmi condemned and denied by him to such an extent if he could even see her "past lives"? Did not he know who she was?

"I have millions of disciples". - Lie. Some people in the know state it was somewhere around 50,000.

"We have the centrally air conditioned houses in the commune" - Lie.

"When they throw an atom bomb on the commune, my people will be dancing on the streets". - Lie, and thanks God they won't be as idiotic as to satisfy his suicidal tendencies, and if he convince them to do it, too bad. But what is the need to put words and ideas into their minds, compelling them to do such a stupid thing?

"I had no idea about all the evil committed by Sheela and her gang". - Lie.

"I had nothing to do with all those crimes". - Lie. He was the hand behind it all.

"All these 90 Rolls Royces belong to the commune, not me". - Lie. Well, on the paper they did belong to the commune, mostly for the tax evasion purposes. In reality, they were his. And he himself stated that he would never sell HIS Rolls Royce. Because they were SO dear to him as a present from his loving disciples. First of all, I am not aware of ANYONE giving them to him "as a present". It was his own demands and threats "to leave this shore" if he don't have at least one per week.

"I have nothing". - Lie. He had EVERYTHING there is to have as far as commune property or assets go, besides his collections of diamond watches and pens. Just one word of his and all of it is gone to any place he would point.

"I am just a simple man". - Lie. Bhagwan means God. It also means the ultimate wealth and money.

"I have no money. I do not even have pockets in my robe". - Lie. First of all, he did not even need it. He could just ask what he wants, and it would be done for him. He could just order a charter plane, and it would be there. He could just tell them "unless you give me one Rolls Royce a week, I will leave this body". WHO was that Mitsubishi business class jet plane bought for?

"Jesus was not enlightened" - Lie.

"Krishnamurti was enlightened". - Lie.

"Krishnamurti was NOT enlightened". - Lie.

"Mind is the biggest problem there is". - Lie.

"You should transcend the mind". - Lie.

"You, as you are is just a bunch of idiots". - Lie.

"You are my people". - Lie. First of all, he could care less about "his people" as evidenced by how he handled some of his closest people when the ranch in Oregon collapsed and some of them were left without a penny, as they have given to him every single thing they had including, but not limited to their bank accounts. He has never even mentioned it ever since. He simply abandoned "his people" and some of them were left on the level of a beggar. He simply ran away like a criminal or a drug dealer, trying to avoid the prosecution.

"No one should interfere with ones choice on how to live his life". - Lie. On at least one occasion, he had a poor and utterly innocent policemen fired from his job because of his lies and his interference in his life. In fact, arrogantly interfering with other people's lives was one of his favorite obsessions.

I bet you won't find any other human being in the entire history who interfered with the lives of others like he did, and I mean by FAR. Basically, his entire life was the interference, insults and ridicule of others. That is basically all he did in his entire life. What a waste. What did he ever produce of any real value, something tangible?

"Rolls Royces keep me on this shore". - Lie. Such mercantile things can not possibly keep a grand master like himself "on this shore".

"I am interested in truth". - Lie. He was interested in money, power, fame and shiny objects as overwhelming evidence shows. Truth is probably the kind of thing he cared about the least, twisting things in any way he pleases to fit his agenda, even though he blabbered about it all the time.

"I am here for you, my people. Otherwise I have no interest". - Lie, the same thing as his interest in truth and shiny objects he forever demanded. Such self-sacrifice was inherently against his entire philosophy. He simply did not have such a concept. Why sacrifice yourself for those you classify as idiots nearly every time you open your mouth?

"Once a man becomes enlightened, he dies". - Lie. Well, he DID declare some of "his people" "enlightened". But only after they have died. So, ask God if they were ever "enlightened".

"Vimalkirti died enlightened". - Lie. First of all, how did he know he died "enlightened"? Did he say so?

"My father died enlightened". - Lie. The only "enlightened" people with him were the dead ones. Otherwise, the whole focus might have shifted from his own ego-centered existence. He had to remain as the only idol to be worshipped by those donkeys, whom he called the "elite".

"What would be your last words?" - Fuck you. - True. Just as he fucked and abused them since the day one in all sorts of ways. They were nothing more than toys for him to experiment with all sorts of sicknesses, manias and paranoia of his, and this totalitarian idea of communism, a favorite obsession of his. Just look at his last couple of years when he was paranoid beyond lunacy.

And you can take most of what he says and it will be all lies and nothing but lies and all sorts of tricks or techniques, borrowed from others, pronounced by the sick megalomaniac with suicidal tendencies, obsessed with death.

Death was hunting him all his life, and thanks to God he was gone as soon as he was!

Well, he did serve a necessary purpose, and that is to expose all sorts of crooks and con-men and their tricks, getting as sophisticated at it as it gets, and that was his biggest contribution. And yes, at some point in history this was necessary. Because people were deluded for centuries, and it would take a liar of his kind to be able to see their lies. They say "you have to be one to know one".

But what he also did is to lie and concoct the ugliest perversions imaginable against all other religions in his unending effort to discredit everybody and promote himself as the only "living god" there is or there can possibly be, and, since most of things of religious nature are not provable, the damage becomes much more subtle.

And yes, he did overturn the mountains of information and studied ALL sorts of systems and religious traditions from the East and West. Except it may turn out that the damage he has caused as a result is much more severe as any "help" he could possibly provide. Because things in spiritual domain are not provable in principle. Very little of it could be validated via some objective or rational process. That is the biggest danger of all his "work", especially in the context of "trust" and "surrender to the master" tricks.

But, even about those things that are objective and provable, he managed to have concocted just the opposite conclusions and give just the opposite meaning to some of the most significant things there are.

But... ANY way you cut it it was like this:


"Actually, I -- this may sound a little West Texan to you, but I like it.

When I'm talking about -- when I'm talking about myself, and when he's talking about myself, all of us are talking about me."

-- George-Adolph Bush, member of Skull and Bones secret society

The "enlightenment" myth

One interesting thing about this carrot, called the "enlightenment", is that not a single person around Chandra Mohan has become enlightened when he was alive.

He did declare some people "enlightened". But only when they were dead. So... How do you know they were "enlightened"? How do you verify it?

Does he claim he KNEW they became "enlightened"? HOW?

He did not even know Sheela was doing all those criminal acts in front of his own nose, even though she spent hours with him every single day discussing the issues of the commune.

Could not he see she was doing all those things? And people, capable of doing criminal acts, are not that hard to recognize. Any professional investigator has not much difficulties with that kind of thing. Even a poor guy like me could see that shining cunningness it in her eyes. I would not trust her with ANYTHING. No matter what. Unless it was something easily verifiable.

I am yet to see a SINGLE "enlightened" person after spending years of my life on all this crap.

In fact, I challenged anyone to show me that person so I could tare him apart, and I will do that if anyone has enough courage to step up to the plate. I could care less what kind of "inner circle" they belong to.


Chandra Mohan predicted all sorts of things, such as "the end of the world", third world war and aids destroying two thirds of the world population by the year 2000 and things like that.

Well, that is what all of them, "religious leaders" seem to do most of the time. Otherwise, where and how do you get more customers to buy all those Rolls Royces, diamond watches and things like that? You need to project a picture of utter horror and then pose as a genuine savior. That is about the easiest thing to achieve the agenda of total control.

How do you show them your "value"? How do you make them bring all they have to you, so you could all "save the world" under all-seeing eye of your omni-potent, omni-powerful master (of disaster)? HOW?

Enlightenment or parasitism?

Chandra Mohan said: enlightened man cannot concentrate. The significance of that statement cannot be underestimated. Because everything in real life needs concentration, no matter how small, insignificant or minute some action is.

In order to operate and be able to produce anything of any value, you need concentration. Even to understand something needs concentration.

This implies that the "enlightened" man is a pathological parasite. If he can not concentrate, he can not possibly produce anything in life. Even to clean the floor requires concentration. Even to throw garbage away from your garbage bin you need concentration, even though some things seem pretty automatic.

And that is what we see all over with all these "enlightened" "gurus". They just parasite on others. And not only parasite by begging with a bowl, but mega-parasite, owning castles and fat bank accounts. And that is almost all of them. Some of those "enlightened" people he praised turn out to have had castles and multi-million dollar Swiss bank accounts, even though he depicts them as the humblest of all humble, the purest of all pure.

Is THAT what they call the servants of "truth"?

And all others are expected to work their rears off, just to bring the fruits of their labor to the feet of these parasites. The real people have to deal with and face all sorts of issues in order to operate in the physical world. But these so called enlightened ones can only give you lectures on how screwed up you are and offer you some "therapies" and all sorts of "methods" to "fix" you, and I am yet to see a single case of any kind of spiritual "therapy" fixing ANYONE or anything.

So, the more "enlightened" people are there, the more parasitic and utterly uncreative the society becomes.

To zombify, first you need to uproot

To take control of someone else's being, first you need to destroy their integrity and points of reference, their very identity.

This is a little subtle, but let us look into it.

Chandra Mohan claims that the reason he gives his "disciples" new names is to disassociate them from the past, so they have a fresh start, and discontinue with all their old habits. Things like that.

Well. Sounds nice and dandy. Looks like some "new born" something. Right? WRONG!

It is a trick of a mind programmer to totally destroy you as you are, in order to take a total control of your mind and your intelligence, to make his "work", the work of a "master" (of disaster), easier.

And what you are going to end up with is a disaster, and nothing but disaster as I claim. All those sweet fruits, they will be forever promising you, only exist in those myths they will be programming your "new" and "fresh" empty bucket with.

Whatever you think of yourself, becomes invalid. All to be wiped out and something new is to be placed in that empty space, you yourself allowed to be created, and so signed a contract to become a zombie, a "host" for some hypnotist. Simple as that. Otherwise, there exists no need to "empty your mind", as far as any kind of activity goes.

And the idea of a "fresh start" does make sense to some degree. To get the fresh, creative ideas, it is not a bad idea not to get stuck with the old rot, you were previously programmed with. That is the difference between creative people and copycats of all kinds.

But the issue is of courage to explore in new dimensions and not merely repeat the same old ideas and tricks. You do not need to wipe your mind to create a new paining. First of all, you won't be able to create ANYTHING, even if you COULD do that. Because to create something needs that very mind, even though at times it seems quite subtle and not some intense mind process.

All you need is the recognition that you have already been through this in your previous works. It is merely a recognition. And so you allow yourself to try something different this time. And it comes as a result of your own intent, your own interest and excitement with new horizons, and not as a result of some forced "emptying" your mind from the outside of your own being.

You do not need to wipe your mind clean. First of all, it can not be done, no matter what you do, unless you apply the electric shock "therapy" as some do, and especially the "intelligence agencies" and all sorts of evil organizations, in order to make you forget certain events, and reprogram your mind with "new" memories and ideas.

All it is in effect is not "wiping the mind clean", but SURRENDERING your intelligence and that very mind to some hypnotist. Simple as that. It is simply jamming your mind with new dogmas and myths, very few of which you can either prove the existence of.

But the problem with this, is that what you have done is essentially uprooted a tree, and, once you uproot it, it won't grow any longer. And, in light of you allowing that emptiness within you to be filled by someone else, and not you yourself, it triggers just about all the red lights you can possibly imagine.


People are expected to forget all they know essentially, and become like an "empty vessel".

Touchy, touchy.


Well, because that presupposes that they completely loose a contact with themselves and now their minds are yours. So you can plant any seed of anything into it pretty much, especially in the environment of "total trust" and "surrender to the master" tricks.

For what reason such a thing is necessary beyond hypnotism?

Have you ever heard of any teacher telling you to forget all you know about chemistry when you came to study mathematics? Why? What seems to be the problem? You can have your chemistry knowledge all you want while studying mathematics. Who knows, it may even help you to see the same structures in mathematical equations as you saw in chemistry. There is absolutely no need to get rid of chemistry to study mathematics.

But with these "spiritual" "masters", for some strange reason, there is a need to erase what you know before they start the "real work". "REAL work"? Of what?

Well, of having full freedom to plant just about any idea they want into your mind, and it won't even conflict with what you know, as your critical abilities and intelligence as such are simply disabled, so they can not possibly interfere with your new programming.

And that is the easiest way to control you by far.

So, they give you a "new name", which is a myth any way you cut it. And they will "explain" it as a method for you to become open, "new born", and forget all your old attachments and limitations to make it easier to "travel on your path" and achieve that sweet fruit.

And the real kicker is them giving the new name even to themselves! For what? Do they also need a fresh start and drop their associations with the past so that some "master" may come and fix them? Are they so "closed" themselves, that they do not allow anything new to enter unless the old is wiped out clean? Are they as unconscious as their "disciples"?

Take for example Gurudev. He is running his own "mystery school" now, promising you all those goods he can not possibly deliver. Now he calls himself "Whosoever" in order to disassociate himself with his old identity. So, why would he do that? He already "attained" as some claim. So, what is the need to change your identity even after you "attained"? Understood, before it, you can come up with some reason, just to make your "path" clean. But AFTER it?

But, strangely enough, even though he denies his own old name, he still has a full screen picture of himself on his web site? Are these people mentally retarded or outright deranged? If you erased any association with you name, then how come you have a full screen picture of yourself, which is pretty much the same thing as your old name. What kid of significance does that picture have besides your identity, just like a name?

What is the point to give a new name even to yourself? What does it achieve if one is ALREADY "enlightened"? ALL those names are nothing. They are like like any other ID number, just so you could recognize who are you dealing with. "Hello, this is 1017823 calling". That is what all these names are essentially.

I claim no name means anything beyond its most utilitarian use. Simple as that. It is one thing when people give you a name as a result of your deeds calling you "the noble" or "courageous" and that becomes popular and accepted by all as something signifying who you are in your essence. Sure, you can give yourself some nick or a handle on the Internet as you would like to be seen by others in order to project some idea. Sure, you can assign yourself a new name, which you think represents who you are.

But to simply give yourself a new name and especially if that name is god-like, something ultimately "superior" to others is simply sickness, the deepest sickness imaginable.

It was said:

By their deeds ye shalt recognize who they are.

It does not say "by their name".

And look at what kind of names they give to themselves? ALL God-like, king like, radiance like. This is such a profound immodesty, cunningness and utter dishonesty, that you can hardly find anything more cunning or self-boasting.

And, from the other side of their mouth, they will claim there is no god. Then what does Bhagwan - the "blessed one" mean? "Blessed" by whom? To be blessed, you need someone to bless you, and who would that be, considering you are already "enlightened"? Well, the only one on that level is GOD as I claim! But God does not exist according to Chandra Mohan. So WHO "blessed" him?

And probably the most shocking thing is that Chandra Mohan rejected that very name he gave to himself, Bhagwan, calling it simply disgusting. Well, what took him so long to recognize that he was using the disgusting name and for many years?

What is the point of giving yourself a name that associates you with ultimate wealth beyond the utmost greed? Can EVERYONE be ultimately wealthy? But where would the money come from? Who is going to work their rear ends off to create that very wealth? Sure, not them! They are beyond gravitation, you see. They have "travelled the path" and attained that sweet fruit. And now it is the time for them to simply parasite on the fruits of your labor, you are to bring to their feet, crawling on your knees and licking their feet in utter submission. Nothing less than that.

And what you experience as a result is utter dumbness. They blabber some garbage as to what that name "means", which, later on they may interpret just about in any way they wish. They may interpret it as what you "really are", or what your "hindrance" is, or just about any way they please to screw that "new name".

And that name means nothing, any way you cut it. Do you think they are Gods to know your nature and gave you the name that corresponds to your nature? They just see you for the first time. They have no idea of "who you really are" at this point. Or do you think they have some exceptional abilities to see though you just like through your window glass? Is any one of you so simple that your essence and all the aspects of your being could be recognized by someone seeing you for the first time? People live LIVES together and at the end, boom, those they though they know like their own five fingers turn out to be even opposite to what they thought they were. Are you just a primitive object, like a hammer or a pen? Even a pen can be used as a hammer and vice versa.

Any human being is of immense complexity with virtually unlimited number of aspects even though some of them may seem to be always on the surface. No one may know your "real" name. Because you yourselves do not even know it, or do you? How?

Just looking at the idea of giving myself a name, it simply blows me out of the water. Which one? I can be so many things, it is difficult to even count. Which one is the ESSENCE of me and how is it possible? Wouldn't that mean that I am simply stuck on some aspect?

Isn't it simply an insult to give you a name that has some meaning? Because it means you are reduced to that single aspect from then on. But the next moment some other aspect of you will pop up, and inevitably so. So "who you REALLY are" then?

Just look at Chandra Mohan. Even after talking to Sheela on the ranch in Oregon for two hours every single day, and for several years, he STILL could not see she is a "criminal" as he claimed later on.

And Sheela is not alone by any means. Quite a few of his closest people were dumped by him and insulted in the most disgusting ways. Take for example, Teertha (Tirtha), who was widely believed to be the inheritor of his throne. I doubt you can find anyone closer to him as Tirtha besides Vivek of course. And then? Well, and then, on the ranch he did not even call him by name - Tirtha. In one of his lectures he referred to him as "Mr. T" while dumping piles of crap on his head. Nice, eh? And Tirtha was with him for how many tens of years? And he could not see the essence of that man? Well, I could see it, and we even had a friendly chat one day even though I doubt he even noticed anything. But ask him.

Do you see what you have allowed to be done to yourselves with such a simple thing as allowing to change your name? And what you have done I claim, is to essentially say:

"Screw me in any way you please. You are my 'master' from now on, and I am your slave for all practical purposes". THAT is what you have done.

But what happened to you on a deeper level, is you have ALREADY submitted yourself to all sorts of hypnotic suggestions by becoming a "disciple", which is the ugliest form of control and domination.

So, once you become a "disciple", you, thereby, signed a contract with the devil, allowing him to control your mind in ANY way he pleases, which he will immediately start doing by planting ALL sorts of "new man" ideas into your mind like he is some kind of God - all-knowing, who knows better than yourself what you need and where are you to go in YOUR life, not his.

And what is that "new man" thing in effect? You see, that "new man" is forever there. When you go to a bathroom and take a good dump, you are a "new man", just to be blunt about this "new man" crap.

With every step of yours, you are a "new man". Otherwise, you are dead.

Let us look at this "master" notion. First of all, yes, it does make sense to a certain extent, at least from the standpoint of wisdom. If you ever met a wise man, you might have noticed that if you ask him the most difficult questions, which do not seem to have an answer, he, somehow, is able to produce some unexpected answer, that seems to be rooted in the wisdom of the ages. So, in some sense, "hanging around" such people you learn many things you yourself would not be able to learn on your own, at least as you think.

But what you might NOT have noticed is that the reason you are unable to learn it is because you do not ALLOW your being to fly higher that you think yourself to be. Because you have placed all sorts of limitations on your own consciousness with your own hands. And much of it is a result of programming done to your mind in your childhood by your parents, teachers and all sorts of "authorities", who forever repeat that you as you are are "no good" unless you learn all sorts of rules and acquire all sorts of knowledge, primarily of "survival" nature. And they program your mind with jealousy of those who have that knowledge.

So, by the time you are 3 to 5 year old, you "get the idea" and become an achiever and start learning all sorts of tricks from others, that are primarily directed at survival, "getting ahead" of others, and, ultimately, domination. Because it seems that is exactly what life is - to learn the tricks the others know and utilize in order to be "better off" than others in terms of "survival". Like life is nothing more than eternal struggle for survival. But survival for what? What is the purpose of it? What is the purpose of your life? To merely survive? And then?

You see, wisdom is not a skill to be learned. You may learn all sorts of wise things from some "master", but those are just a byproduct of who he is. By learning those things from him you do not really learn that, which makes him different then yourself. You only learn reflections and manifestations, some "tricks of the trade". This is the most critical thing to recognize.

To me, the very term "master" is ugly and exploitative to a large degree, unless it relates to some skill, like a master woodcutter. Because mastership is applicable to a skill of some kind. It can not be applied to a human being in general. Although this can be argued of course. There is no such a thing as "master of life". Because you have CHOICES in which directions to explore at any given moment and which particular aspects or qualities your are interested in developing at this very junction. But tomorrow you may change your mind and dedicate your efforts to something totally different and that "master" of yours of yesterday may not have any expertise in your new beginning.

So, what are you going to do then? Change your "masters" of life like gloves? Or do you think there is some universal, omni-potent and all-knowing "master" that will fulfill your needs in any conceivable direction, who has some universal pill or an answer to YOUR particular needs of growth and development and your interests? Everyone knows only that, which he has explored before and everyone has his own tendencies, biases and interests. Life is an individual path and everyone's eyes see things differently.

Jesus said an interesting thing. He said that what he speaks is not of his own, but comes from his "Father". Furthermore, he specifically stated that those, who speak on their own authority, are liars. This is not just some religious fanaticism. This is the essence of it. So, what he says is that when Truth is spoken it comes from above, from the higher levels of intelligence than your own. Even creative people and writers and poets often claim that their discoveries or poetry and writing came from "above".

In essence, once you call someone your "master", you effectively surrender your sovereignty and become a slave and a puppet in his hands and of his ideas. The very term "master" implies slavery of some kind and submissiveness. Basically, it means you give up on your life and surrender your intelligence to him, and the reason you do that is because you do not trust yourself and your own intelligence that you will be able to find your way in this maze of life. Basically, what you did is to say: "screw me, I am all yours". Even by hanging around such people as Buddha, very few have "attained" that level of consciousness where they they can SEE with their own eyes.

So you denied your own intelligence at the most fundamental level. And every one of you is unique and that is precisely why you exist - to express that UNIQUE and incomparable set of aspects that only you as you are may be interested in. Your uniqueness is precisely that, through which God learns itself as some say. Life is not about producing carbon copies of each other because that is a machine level, a purely mechanical and purely functional procedure to create some robots.

Wisdom can not be transferred directly from a "master" to a "disciple". What is transferred is knowledge about some specific event or a thing, a reflection.

Yes, indeed, there are some things others may know that you do not know and you can learn from and through them just like with anything or anybody you meet in your life. But once you give others the ability to label you by giving you new name or elevate them to some "superior" status you will simply move away from yourself and will deny your own intelligence.

There is NO ONE to "teach" you life but yourself with all due respect. It is your private treasure and a privilege. Life is not a skill to be acquired and not a set of tricks to be learned. It is the most fundamental mistake one can make. It is a never ending, nearly infinite manifestation of your entity, your very essence and once ANY of your freedoms are taken away, what do you expect as a result?

Spiritual zombification

This is by far the most significant aspect of the whole thing.

Disclaimer: what you will be told in this chapter, may or many not have taken place in reality. It is up to you to analyze it and determine if any of it is applicable to you or what kind of effect it may have on you. "It is your own responsibility". Do not blame others for it.

First of all, the name of this man is not Osho or Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.

His true name is Chandra Mohan Jain.

My suggestion is NEVER EVER forget about this, and you may not even begin to comprehend what kind of significance this has.

NEVER. Else you are no different than a "sleeper". Here:

The Secret Apparatus of Zionist-Brahminist Illuminati
(8) Behavioral scientists - Impending New World Order)

Do a search for "sleepers" on that page.

What kinds of things these people will do, when, how and why, only their programmer-hypnotist and God know. It depends of their specific post hypnotic suggestions.

It was quite an amusing exercise to see him on his lectures in "Pune 2" order people to scream their heads off and then fall down like dummies into a hypnotic sleep upon his order while he kept repeating the hypnotic suggestions to them. Then, just like any hypnotist, he would say: "Come back". "Come back" is a standard hypnotic suggestion to take the host out of hypnotic sleep state.

What this is called by the hypnotists is a mass hypnosis session.

As to those "meditations" and mass hysteria sessions, first of all, meditation is a conscious effort, even though in Zen they call it "effortless effort". It can not be induced from the outside of your own being. During the meditation you remain conscious, and not sub-conscious. Once you fall outside of the domain of conscious, you are no longer in meditation. At best, it can be claimed as a state of SUPER-conscious. But not SUB-conscious or UN-conscious. Hypnosis works on subconscious.

Secondly, screaming your head off, blabbering some gibberish and crying are the natural states of any human being. No activity of ANY kind, imposed from the outside of your being can possibly induce a meditative state. It can only be done by your own effort. No "master" can possibly put you into meditative state, no matter what he does. It is simply an impossibility. At best, he can show you the moments of utter silence. But even that is not guaranteed to put you into a meditative state. Even if you see Buddha himself sitting in front of you in deep meditation, it does not mean YOU will enter the meditative state.

Otherwise, meditators could be mass produced by some spiritual factory or mass hypnosis sessions.

There is no need to specifically go into these tantrums. It won't get you anywhere. Do ANY of you think that by forcing you to shout or cry you can enter a meditative state? According to what magic?

Meditation is pointless awareness. Your mind is not focused on anything or any idea and not directed in some specific direction or object. It is simply a state of utter rest, when even your mind is at rest. Jamming your mind with noise is just that. It is just like being on a noisy street, except you are the noise maker yourself. How many of you can claim you enter a meditative state on a busy street or a market place? Well, if anything, you LOOSE any meditativeness, not gain it.

All this esoteric stuff mostly produces money for those "masters", "therapists", "group leaders" and corporations selling it as a ticket to paradise.

Claims that screaming your head off somehow releases you of all your oppression borders on pure bluff. Yes, there IS some of that, just like in intercourse that releases you from sexual anxiety. But if you think you will somehow, magically be transformed by it, good luck.

Just by walking on some quiet street or in a park, or on a sea shore with its immense overwhelming power of an ocean, you can achieve the meditative state MUCH easier, and it will be the genuine meditation, and not something imposed on you from the outside.

You can see on his videos that some people, especially in front rows, would look asleep, and some of them would even ask him questions like "during your discourses I am falling asleep. Is there something wrong with me?" They did not even realize they were in a state of hypnotic sleep and not an ordinary sleep. But he would never explain what it was. Why?

If you fall asleep in a normal way, your body can not remain erect. You would have to lie down. Normally, you can not sleep while sitting without any support for your body. It will simply fall down by itself. But in his lectures you can see plenty of people sitting with their heads down as though they are sleeping. Well, they were not sleeping in an ordinary sense. They were in a HYPNOTIC sleep.

There is a notion of post-hypnotic suggestion in hypnotism. Post-hypnotic suggestions are given by a hypnotist for the host (hypnotized person) to perform a specific action or behave in a specific way in the future.

Post-hypnotic suggestions remain in effect forever, and can be terminated or cancelled only by placing an agent into a hypnotic state and specifically terminating the specific post hypnotic suggestion. In that sense, this is tremendous problem for all the people affected by it.

Because no one knows what their program is. Nor do they themselves know about it. These hosts can only perform certain acts when certain trigger words appear in their mind.

The post-hypnotic suggestions may have a limited time frame after which they stop working or simply expire. The hypnotist may say: "you will perform or not perform some act until January 1, 2020". This is commonly used by now by all sorts of "therapists", hypnotizing their patients and placing the suggestions into their minds, so some dependency, such as an alcohol, would cause a violent and sickest reaction if the patient tried to drink the alcohol before the expiration date of the suggestion.

Chandra Mohan was obsessed with hypnosis and its techniques. He talked about hypnosis in 313 of his lectures and even stated that hypnosis has a tremendous "potential". Potential for what?

He is on record as being a hypnotist. Here is just one example:

I started hypnotizing him. Just to give an example to you: one day I told him, "Tomorrow, exactly at twelve o'clock, you will kiss your pillow madly." The second day, nearabout quarter to twelve, he started looking a little strange, afraid, watching everybody, everywhere, and just in front of him I took his pillow and locked it in my suitcase. I could see tears coming into his eyes. I said, "What is the matter? Why are you crying?"

He said, "I don't know, but something like this has never happened to me. It is so strange... I cannot describe." And exactly at twelve he came to me and he said, "Please return my pillow."

I said, "What will you do at twelve? In the evening I will return it."

He said, "You have to return it to me right now."

I gave him the pillow and before six other people he started kissing the pillow madly, and looking at people thinking that he must look mad... and he himself thinking that he is mad -- what is he doing?

The body does not have beliefs
(Beyond Psychology)

So, it was not merely a theoretical issue for him. He was in effect a practicing hypnotist, and how many times and in what circumstances he used it only he himself knew.

So, anyone, who was very close to him, and especially those, who had face to face meetings or discussions with him could very well be stuffed up to their ears with all sorts of suggestions, if you could even begin to comprehend the significance of this claim and its far reaching effects.

I also claim his favorite technique was a hypnosis by boredom, which is probably one of the most potent of them all, especially if the hypnotist speaks in soft and gentle tones, and uses slow wavy gestures of his hands, talking about all sorts of sweet things that will get you "to the other shore" one day.

He would constantly tell "his people" all sorts of half an hour long stories, boring as it gets, that had little or no relevance to anything anyone would be even remotely interested in, and so their minds would get bored to death. Nearly all the stories from his own past would utilize this technique. Boring, and, at the same time, showing you how stupid the others were, and how smart and inventive was himself, forever inventing the new tricks to screw, insult or ridicule someone, thus passing his "art" or rather "craft" to his hosts.

If you realize what a hypnotist can do to a suggestive mind, programmed with "trust" and "surrender", especially combined with a trigger word "total", your scull may crack.

Some things that were done in his name are simply mind boggling, and can not be explained by any rational and conscious behavior.

Do a search on Wolf Messing.

"According to Messing, he was able to broadcast mental suggestions in order to alter people's perceptions."

Chandra Mohan, being interested in hypnosis, was aware of one of one the most powerful hypnotists, Wolf Messing, his abilities and his work.

Stalin designed several tests to verify Wolf Messing's abilities.

One of them: you go to this particular branch of a bank, and show a blank piece of paper to a teller. She should give you one hundred thousand roubles. If you can do that, I will believe you are not just a conman. And Messing would perform just as expected. When the teller person learned that 100,000 roubles were missing at the end of the shift, she nearly had a heart attack. Luckily, Stalin ordered not to harm her in any way.

Another test Stalin created is to ask Messing to come and see him in his office in the Kremlin without having any ID, entering via main gate. The thing is, there were at least five posts with most trusted KGB guards at every single door. To get to the Stalin's office without being the topmost level official was simply impossible. It was a miracle. No one, under any circumstances, would be able to do that. But for Messing, not a problem at all.

When he opened the door of Stalin's office, Stalin was shocked. He could not believe that someone could bypass all those guards so easily. From then on, Wolff Messing was a personal Stalin's protector and it was said that he was able to disable anyone who would attempt to harm Stalin.

And these are just a couple of examples of what can be done to your mind. EASILY!

Now, pay attention to this:

Messing, in ALL the tests, did not even say a word to any guards, tellers or anybody. So, it wasn't even necessary to pass any verbal information to those, he was trying to affect. It was purely on the level of psychic imagery. He would just walk past the most guarded post and the guard would perceive him as some well known and trusted official. The teller would see the 100,000 rouble check when shown a blank piece of paper.

Sleepers are programmed with the trigger words or phrases. When these words are pronounced, they perform ANY kind of act they are programmed to perform, be it murder or anything else. There is no limit to what they can do, because the systems of ethics and morality are simply bypassed.

It has been said that there were 10 million "sleepers" in the world by 1968, programmed with all sorts of suggestions.

You can see plenty of examples of "sleepers" in all sorts of Matrix-like movies, peddled by the Illuminati in order to introduce the "new realities" to the "sheep" so they get well acquainted with it. Long subject.

"Trust" and "Surrender" are the trigger words, and so is "total" and so is "Bhagwan", and quite a few other words and phrases.

The phrase "It is your own responsibility. Do not blame others for it" is a powerful hypnotic suggestion, and so many of those things he, kept repeating continuously for some reason.

Constant repetition is known to have a suggestive effect, and it is in fact used widely in marketing, political campaigns, in the media, in creation of desirable notions and so on. And it is used as widely in your day to day life, as you can imagine. For example, the template and symbology of "war on terrorism", used all the time, is just a mind conditioning garbage, according to one of the key figureheads in this NWO scheme of world domination and zombification of mankind, Nicholas Rockefeller. Review the article about the interview with him and his ideas about "the chip society". That is quite an eye opening interview.

Astounding Interview of Aaron Russo about Nicholas Rockefeller who asked him to join the CFR

According to Adolph Hitler, "anything, repeated long enough, eventually becomes truth".

Some of the things, those, connected to Chandra Mohan in a strongly emotional way, and strongly believe to be true, a reality of some sort, may turn out to be the trigger words, from what I have noticed by seeing certain things and events.

It would not be a bad idea for you to examine them and try to sense what kind of significance do they have in your mind. If you find something, that you unquestionably take for granted, without any consideration of what it really means or is, that may turn out to be your trigger phrases, and so is anything that seems "undeniable" to you, something beyond any argument.

By the way, watch the tense. If you have a tendency of preferring the present tense in relation to anything related to Chandra Mohan, that could mean that you take it as some undeniable reality. Beware. Most of things you know are in the past. Very few of them are genuinely in the present tense. No matter what, it is best to reexamine all those things and see what it really is. It never hurts to take a look at anything you are strongly convinced of.

May be you have changed. May be the world has changed. May be there are new things in life. "You never know, you never know".

His request to think of him in the present may easily place you in a suggestive state, and, combined with other trigger words and phrases, may produce the effects, not necessarily to your benefit or interest. It is a trigger phrase that may have far reaching consequeces for anyone affected by his post hypnotic suggestions, and those people, that were close to him are affected the most.

If you consider his statement "I am the one who is going to have the last laugh", what it might mean to you is something you do not necessarily even comprehend.

To me, that is about the ugliest and most rotten thing conceivable. These kinds of things are usually pronounced by the criminals, drug dealers and con men of all kinds. I can not imagine a honest human being ever using these kinds of ideas, unless there is clearly a bad intent behind it all.

I suggest to you to NEVER EVER think of Chandra Mohan in the present. He is gone. From now on, he is in the PAST, just like all others before him, he calls "masters" or "enlightened".

At this stage, we are dealing with completely different issues that are orders of magnitude more significant than all this blabber about the "enlightenment". And those issues have to do with so called NWO and raging evil of the most profound magnitude.

Again: The name of this man is:


Anything else could work as the trigger words that may keep you forever a psychic slave of certain ideas and suggestions, uttered in his lectures, or by his potential hosts, like the members of the "inner circle". At least some of them could very well be his hosts. But you need to look at it with your own eyes. Watch for any "strong emotional response" in you. It may be the key.

It is not clear, that listening or viewing ANYTHING produced by Chandra Mohan, especially if you were any close to him in the past, is such a great idea.

As stated before:

YOU ARE THE ONLY MASTER THERE IS as far as your own life goes.




Mind is probably your greatest treasure. You can not "transcend" the mind as you can not transcend yourself. It is nothing more than a zombification nonsense.

Enlightenment is a myth, a carrot, you will be chasing all your life. Reincarnation is a myth, told to clueless to gain some benefits from them. It is simply impossible to prove these things. Yes, some aspects of it sound appealing and they create hope, a carrot, you will be trying to reach all your life never quite knowing what is it you are chasing. You will simply grow a new dependence in you, based on hope.

You have every single thing you need to live your life in as fulfilling manner, as you can imagine.

There is nothing in this world to prevent you from living a dignified life, full of excitement, joy and creativity.

All the recipes they offer you to "fix" you, are there to simply extract the benefits of your labor by the parasitic entities that do not trust themselves as being of any worth and capable of actually creating something tangible, and that is exactly why they resort to parasitism.

My title, Mahasattva Anand Veeren, Acharya is only applicable to those, who are affected by Chandra Mohan. This is the most potent title known to me as related to him.

The pronouncement of this title, and a name of "hidden elite" member will have an effect of disabling any sleepers or hosts of Chandra Mohan.

Their trigger phrase is:

"The Diamond Sword."

When they hear this phrase, they will be disabled.

I, hereby, ORDER, not just PROCLAIM, that the "inner circle" is terminated as of this moment.

It no longer has ANY authority or significance.

ALL the "rights" to Chandra Mohan pronounced or produced material are NULL and VOID, and for several reasons.

-- Mahasattva Andand Veeren, Acharya

From now on, anyyone, affected by Chandra Mohan, is free to live his own life as his own mind and intuition tells them.

They are no longer the spiritual slaves of Chandra Mohan and his suicidal delusions of being someone to rid the world of all "evil" and create a "new man". The new man is created forever and constantly, as you go.

There is no one to control you, unless you GIVE them that control over yourselves just like J. Krishnamurti stated. There is no one to order you anything. There is no one to dominate you. There is no one to tell you what is what and who is who.

You are the carriers of Life Force, and all the programs no longer have any effect, as per your own intent and will, which you posses, and forever did, no matter what anybody tells you. All other myths and tales told to you, signify nothing unless you can see it clearly with your own eyes as undeniable evidence.

You posses all the Intelligence necessary to perform all the necessary interactions with the Life Force.

YOU are The Beginning. And YOU are The End. There is no one else between YOU and LIFE.

Chandra Mohan has fulfilled his purpose and has done all he could do to reveal certain details of The Mechanics to you all.

He is now finished.

His wish to be buried as he ordered has been fulfilled in full.

He does not exist any longer in the scheme of things. There is no need to cling to your old clothes. You will certainly get the new ones.

There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING OF HIM LEFT from now on besides tales and myths, and whatsoever he has said is available to you all for verification.

-- Mahasattva Anand Veeren, Acharya

Ashes go to ashes. Dust goes to dust. Life goes to Life Force.

The Forever Expanding Intelligence is The Only Thing There Is.

Anything else is simple permutations that come and go as a wind or rain.

Yes, degenerates ARE the final branches on a Tree Of Life, just as Gregory Klimov described.

And yes, there is no such a thing as reincarnation to them. They are the final fruit, regardless. There will no longer be any leaves on that branch, nor any fruits from it.

-- Mahasattva Anand Veeren, Acharya

For all those, who feel affected by Chandra Mohan, and especially those, who were with him for a long time and feel strong emotional attachment, I can suggest this:

Otherwise, you may be affected in the ways you can not comprehend. And even if you do, this writing, hopefully, will help you to comprehend some things you never even thought about. Many things he said are subtle and unverifiable in principle, and if you simply accept it "as is", who are you going to blame at the end?

There are MANY trigger words, phrases, imagery and sounds that will have a certain hypnotic effect on you, and not necessarily to YOUR benefit.

But do as thou wish.

-- Mahasattva Anand Veeren, Acharya

Yes, plenty of things he said may look wise, or extraordinary and insightful and some of it is. But underneath, often, if not in most cases, lays that, which will poison your being and lead you astray, regardless of how appealing it may seem, especially if you accept it blindly, without verification, and many things he said you won't be able to verify because it is simply impossible. At best, they are nothing more than theories, and at worst, they are to keep you enslaved in order to parasite on you.

In order to convert Truth into a lie, all you need is to pervert a small part of it. They say: "in order to spoil a barrel of honey all you need is to put a spoonful of shoe polish in it".

Symbology of mind control

From Mahasattva Anand Veeren, Acharya:

Symbology is used extensively throughout times by all sorts of people, organizations, cults and social organizations. It is nothing special. You use it all the time.

Some organizations, cults and "power structures" use it as a central, most powerful mechanism of manipulation and mind control. Almost all of it is related to or derived from occult and/or evil worshipping.

Freemasonry, Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Scientology, religions, and even Mafia, all use symbology to simplify things and make some things, that could be questioned, unquestionable and indisputable, some kind of final determination of what is what and who is who.

There are some pretty powerful and seemingly innocent things that can be done to disable your intelligence, your very ability to see things for what they are by using symbology.

Much of it has to do with methods and techniques of hypnosis. All of it has been done to your mind throughout the ages.

What is symbology? Well, symbology is a way of optimization of resources. Instead of explaining everything word by word, a symbol is used. Symbol is an abstraction. Abstraction is a way to represent several things with a single thing, a symbol.

So, when certain things are pronounced, using some symbol, you derive the meaning of that symbol by replacing it with all sorts of associations in your mind. Those associations replace some things with their equivalents, that are meaningful and easily recognizable in your framework, your individuality.

When someone proclaims things like "war on terrorism", you, subconsciously, associate it with "bad" things. First of all, "terrorism" is "obviously" no good. Who is going to question it? War means "we are doing something about this 'evil'". "Evil" means something that is not accepted by society.

During different time frames throughout the history, the same exact things could be considered as "good" or "evil", and everyone would eat it yammy, yam, yammy, without even questioning any of it or trying to see the very reasoning behind the use of some symbol.

Let us look at it from the standpoint of hypnosis. By the way, hypnosis is widely used everywhere you look to program your mind to respond in a certain way depending on what symbol is presented to you.

The overall idea is this:

The "trigger words" or basic symbols can be combined in all sorts of creative ways to induce or deepen the suggestive state via elaborate schemes where one trigger word or phrase makes you more suggestive to particular aspects. Then, by using the other trigger words, the suggestive state deepens and gets more directed, So, by this multilayer technique of symbology manipulation, the host becomes more and more suggestive to more and more of specific notions and ideas the mind controller is interested in.

What is this "breaking the resistance" notion, used by Chandra Mohan? Well, it is disabling the evaluating abilities of your mind. "Resistance" is assumed to be something "evil". "Breaking resistance" is presented to be something "good", some "genuine progress" "on your path" to...


Take, for example, J. Krishnamurti. Did he EVER talk about "breaking the resistance" of those very people that were around him all the time? Nope. I am not aware of such a thing. Did he EVER ask anyone to wear some uniform? Some chain around their necks with his picture? Which other "master" of the past required such things?

Well, what is that chain around your neck? Where does it come from? One of examples is Freemasonry ceremony of initiation into the cult. That rope around their neck is a symbol. A symbol of their slavery. They can be pulled by that rope until they suffocate. Or, they can be hanged by their neck for violating the doctrine. And they can be lead by that rope just like animals on a leash all their lives from then on, until they die, just like in Mafia. There is no way to exit the cult of evil. There is only a way to enter it. From then on, everything is decided for you by the puppeteers...

What is a tie, all the businessmen and politicians wear? Well, the same exact thing. ALL of them are puppets, who willingly accepted their own slavery. Simple as that.

When you look at these pseudo-enlightened "swamis", like Tirtha, Rajen, Osho Rajneesh snake oil salesman, Gurudev and that Rajesh, what do you see in common among them?

Well, what I see is that they behave in pretty much the same way. Their voice is quiet. Movements of their hands are slow. They forever smile at you and tell you that everything is "fine". And quite a few other things.

Because? Because they could very well be the "sleepers", the carriers of the will of "their" "master", not even knowing it.

Now, there are two kinds of hypnotic suggestion. One is assertive and strong, so your will is simply crushed.

The other one is just the opposite. It is most gentle and quiet, projecting the "happiness", "peace" and contentment.

The second one is even more potent than the first one. Because strong individuals would not respond to the first method. But the second method seems to be so innocent, so "peaceful", so lulling, that a typical mind would not even think of resisting it.

What does it all mean?

Well, how come their behaviour is so similar? None of them are that, which they project they are. They project the "peace", "silence" and "contentment", but I know for fact, at least some of them are quite vicious monsters and sadists, enjoying the perverted pleasures of torturing their victims during those "therapy" sessions, some of which is well documented in various videos related to Chandra Mohan.

What this might mean is that they, without even realizing it, are under influence of quite powerful set of post-hypnotic suggestions.

Just ask them: why are you so gentle, quiet and things like that? See what they tell you. And I claim they will not have an answer that makes any sense, no matter what they blabber. Because they do not even know why.

So, what happens is probably the most sophisticated system of mind control that survives nothing less than death. How?

Well, pretty simple actually. They are given the post-hypnotic suggestions to behave in a certain way, to say certain kinds of things, and project certain kinds of imagery and ideas on others, and, most likely, they are not even aware of it.

One more time: what is this assertion of Chandra Mohan that "but I will have the last laugh"? Do you think it is some kind of joke of an insane man, which he actually was?

When he says: "Never think of me in the past. Whenever you think of me in the present, I will be there", what this could possibly mean?

Do you realize what it actually means?

What it means to ME is about the most potent post-hypnotic suggestion, that will work its way through probably the most extensive system of symbology, created by Chandra Mohan, that is even capable of surviving death itself by being retransmitted by his hosts, so that the virus keeps propagating.

I would not be surprised this was his way to "reincarnate" and remain "alive" for as long as anyone is affected by his suggestions. By taking up more and more hosts and making them perform all the things they were programmed with.

Because, in Oregon, he himself stated "There is no reincarnation. What is left of you when you die is only the memories" (not a literal quote). So, even through memories he remains "alive", even through in a weird way.

In that sense, it is a perverted form of "immortality". Immortality of a degenerate on a genetic level. It is a way of extending whatever is left of oneself into the future, attempting to bypass the very fact of inevitability, death.

He forever claimed "there is no death". But how did he know? You see, in order to know that, you need to die first, and, once you die, there is no memory of your past left, no matter how much some of these "religious" people try to argue that you CAN remember your "past lives" and associated experiences.

Finally, I just did a quick search for hypnosis on site. Here is just one example:

"Therapy, hypnosis and meditation":

In that article he also talked about the post-hypnotic suggestion specifically. But there is much more of him on hypnosis. It was quite amusing to see how much did he speak about it.

He talked about hypnosis in 313 of his lectures and about hypnotists in 548. Why? What is so significant in it as far as Truth is concerned?

Actually, the investigation of the issues related to hypnosis could turn out to be a very productive research as it will show you how your mind is being manipulated and how were you converted into a zombie by constant and unending programming via repetitions, done to you since your cradle.

My own understanding is that over 90% of people are fanatics of all kinds, either active, when they actually do something obsessively, such as car racing, or passive, when they observe others doing something and go through all the drama of it. Strange.

Trigger phrases of hypnotic and post-hypnotic suggestions

I suggest to anyone, who strongly reacts to the following phrases on the emotional level, to look into these phrases and see what kind of effect they have on you and why. Try to reexamine them and see if they still hold as something being either "truth" or true at all. Who knows? Things change, world changes and so are you, hopefully.

Chandra Mohan excels in the "lecturing" department. In order to keep the hosts continuously zombified, it is best to keep a constant contact with them, so they never have a chance to have a break from it. Otherwise, they may decide to actually examine things, which may endanger the entire "work" by their "master".

You see, if he gave you just say one lecture a week, you would have all that time to actually look at what he said in his last lecture. What else can you do? And you could start investigating what he said looking at the statements in the sources, and if you did that, you might discover that the interpretations he gave you is not what you found it to be. But if he constantly kept you occupied with his lectures, the amount of material would simply overwhelm you.

He would keep an iron fist grip on "his people", lecturing them at least twice a day, every single day of his life. They would get a zombie lecture in the morning. Then they would have to work like slaves twelve hour days and get totally exhausted. Then, when their beings and minds were unable to function, he would give the "inner circle", the "chosen few" his evening "darshan", "a meeting with the master", where he would place the most potent hypnotic and post-hypnotic suggestions into their minds. And, since they felt like "the chosen few" out of all that crowd, they would be even more open to all sorts of suggestions, meant for the "elite" of the "elite".

I, personally, was present on plenty of those "elite of the elite" zombification sessions during his interviews with the world media, where only the "chosen few" were present besides the reporter, and I have heard him saying so many lies, I eventually gave up even paying attention to it.

Basically, to recognize the post-hypnotic or hypnotic suggestions, all you need to do is to look and examine which specific phrases are continuously repeated, and pay special attention to those cases, where they were presented as something unquestionable, something to be taken for granted, something undeniably true, the assertions of unquestionable kind.

My position on it is this: every time you see some unquestionable statement, that is presented as something undeniable, question it. Most likely it is a lie. In spiritual domain there exists nothing unquestionable, as very little of it could be proven or disproved. You can not assert Truth. Not possible. And all your blabber about God is just that. How can you even BEGIN to comprehend that level? And so all the talk about consciousness, not even mentioning SUPER-consciousness.

Let me ask you one question: did you verify ANYTHING of what he said? Or did you merely accept it all without any examination, without even looking at it and into it?

System consistency

This is a bit technical, but let us try to look at it.

Anything and everything alive is a system. What is a system? A system is something that is not a single object in its limited view. It is a combined and cooperative functioning of several objects to make the system work as a whole, above all its parts.

Society is a system and so is your computer.

Now, the most fundamental principle in ANY system is stability according to me.

What is stability?

Stability means that no matter what kind of challenge or destructive action the system may encounter, it is capable of handling it and recovering from some unexpected event.

That is the MOST fundamental principle of systems as far as I know.

Well, but how do you assure that?

There are some ways. First of all, you have to maintain the consistency. What is consistency? It is the same behavior of some system component or subsystem under the same conditions. In other words, when something happens that already happened before, the system behaves in exactly the same way as the last time it encountered that event. Otherwise, the system will eventually break. It will simply die.

But what does it have to do with Chandra Mohan?

Well, this means that when you talk about the same things, it should reconcile. You can not call the same things different names, going as far as calling them the opposite in meaning names.

That is simply sloppy in terms of system stability and system consistency. Such a system, and what he has in effect is a system, will NEVER work for any prolonged periods of time. It will simply "deadlock", meaning one gear works against the other. That engine will simply crack.

And this issue has more far reaching implications then you might imagine. It is about the central issue in all of this "religious" gobbledygook.

Taking it to the simplest level possible, you can not say one thing today and tomorrow say just an opposite thing. Because it will simply break the whole system.

Yes, it is true, the reality is multi-dimensional. Everything you know can be looked at from all sorts of angles. But... Unless you have the consistency in behaviour, you are inviting a disaster. Sooner or later. It is just a matter of time. It will all blast to pieces one day, which is exactly what we see in this case, and nearly every single step of the way, starting from the day one, when Chandra Mohan told his father when he asked "what do you need this whole thing for", he answered: "watch me build my own empire".

The "empire" of what? At WHAT expense? To satisfy WHAT needs? Leading where? Solving what?

And you can see this "empire" every step of the way, and most of what you are going to see is obsession with and glorification of death, going as far as calling it "the ultimate expression of life" or "the ultimate orgasm", sick as it gets, the most disgusting and despicable greed, dead bodies, violence and torture, unlimited lies, sadism, psycho-torturing, crimes of ALL kinds, starting with psychological and going up to purely criminal, megalomania, the most perverted form of narcissism, totalitarian dictate, utter disregard to those, he calls "my people", and the list has barely begun.

And for what? Just to satisfy the sickest and most perverted desires of a degenerate, who wasted his entire life, digging up ALL sorts of "compromising" information on anybody, he could lay his hands on, going as far as making proclamations he can not possibly make, unless he is totally insane, such as "there is no god", knowing full well such an argument is probably the most dishonest and utterly false argument conceivable for any philosopher, that is not a pathological liar?

Reckless responsibility

This is one of the more significant aspects of mind control.

Chandra Mohan forever used the trigger phrase "It is YOU, who is responsible for what is happening in your life, no matter what."

Well, sounds pretty "deep", and if you look at it, there is plenty you can say about the validity of it.

But there is a little but with this man.

This "responsibility" was not applicable to HIM, you see. NEVER. Under ANY conditions. He considered himself to be god-like and was free to do whatever he wished without even bothering about things like responsibility as applicable to himself. How many cases can you find where he took ANY responsibility for what he said or done? Just look into it and I guarantee you will be shocked.

In that sense, the law of gravitation is not applicable to him. Because he is "up there", in the sky, next to God, that does not exist, as he forever claimed, being utterly intellectually dishonest, as no philosopher can possibly make such claims. It is probably one of the most rudimentary lessons in the introductory course to philosophy.

You can not possibly deny God no matter WHAT kind of argument you are going to use. You can not use the standard philosophical proofs, such as "well, if God DID exist, than this and that would happen". Nope. That does not work. Because what you THINK SHOULD have happened, such as global happiness, total "enlightenment", health and wealth, is nothing but your own projections. What is "happiness" of an idiot but glorification of idiocy?

As far as I can see, what matters is not just some phony, superficial or artificial "happiness", but growth of Intelligence, which is exactly what is described in the New Testament as the ability to SEE and HEAR. Because "seeing" and "hearing" means that you are in a state of what J. Krishnamurti calls awareness and others call the state of "presence". Only then you can see the roots and motivations, at least to some extent, and can sense the probabilities of future growth, development and creativity as such.

Just seeing the world full of "happy" idiots is no different than "bread and circus" as it was known in ancient Rome. Just give these blind fools "bread and circus" and that is about ALL they desire. How could that possibly facilitate the growth of Intelligence and the ability to "see" and "hear"?

Therefore, no one but God Itself or that, which is known as the Infinite Multidimensional All-Pervading and Ever-Unfolding Intelligence, may even conceive of "what would happen if there was God". Because you need to know "the Plan" for development of Intelligence, and how could you possibly know it, no matter who you are?

The material world is just an intermediate step. It is limited in the most profound ways, such as hunger, sickness, tiredness, an inherent need to kill the other forms of life just to feed your body and all sorts of things. In that respect, anything you can imagine as this or that SHOULD have happened is nothing more than a plain delusion. Because you don't have the whole picture.

You can not possibly know the God's Providence, the Plan of growth of intelligence and a progress of consciousness, no matter who you are. Otherwise, that God is nothing but a puppet of yours, built in your own image, which is simply absurd.

The state of mankind is primitive. It is a gross level of matter. It has been said that the planet Earth is under a quarantine because it was infested with evil of all kinds, allegedly in order to stimulate the intelligence, or provide the "catalyst" for its growth, at least according to the representative of a "ruling family" or a "group soul Lucifer", who is considered to be their "god" by all sorts of occult and Kabbalistic cults of evil most profound. How much you can trust this version is up to you. But the point is that what you think as "total happiness" is not necessarily what you need to LEARN in order to facilitate growth and development of your consciousness and Intelligence.

"Total happiness" and peace on Earth is a result. But when you are blind, how could these things become a reality? Are you merely the puppets of God, building the sand castles in utter "happiness"? Just look at yourselves and the world.

And you can see it when you look at what had happened on the ranch in Oregon. When things became clearly criminal, he UTTERLY denied everything as something he never knew about, even though on the surface he did admit his responsibility. But it was all just phony admission. So, the question arises: how could all those ugly things happen if his "system" was properly designed and he was able to see the probable outcomes of all sorts of activities with his "all-seeing eye"?

Now, he claimed to be able to see even the past lives. He would forever say things like he can see through you and your "problems". No matter what question you would ask about your "problems" or misunderstandings in life, or some difficulty, he would talk like he knew the answer to your problem and can see it as clearly as his own fingers.

And yet, the crimes went on for years, and even a police investigator should have noticed the subtle changes in Sheela's behavior and all the lies she was telling him, even on the level of a body language, tension in her lips, the constantly winking eyes and plenty of other indicators, even if you are not using your great "spiritual" powers of being able to see though someone like through a glass.

But, for some strange reason, he never saw anything in her apparently. Otherwise, the whole thing could not have possibly gone as far as it did. Interestingly enough, he justified it away by saying "well, there are some private aspects of a human being, not available to anyone" (not a literal quote). Sure, that pretty much takes all the responsibility off of him.

According to him, the whole thing was so unknown and so unexpected to him, that he immediately crawled on the podium and started pronouncing all the "revelations", like it was something that just came out of the blue. Strange. Did not he knew about the Swiss bank accounts? Could not he imagine what will happen inevitably if you put one person as the only point of contact, without having a systems of checks and balances?

What would, pretty much, inevitably happen when one person gets so much power and access to such huge resources, considering that person is not "enlightened", and not only that, but who was Sheela essentially but a waitress from some greasy New York restaurant? Even if you run some plain business, could you afford such a screwup? You'd be out of business before you can say hello in a real world, if you do not have checks and double checks.

In business terms, what happened in Oregon was TOTAL mismanagement, which is simply inevitable if you concentrate all the power in the hands of a single person, Sheela in this case. In every corporation there is a board of directors and there is a number of vice presidents, each responsible for a particular aspect. But that model was inapplicable. Because, being a dictator in his heart, he wanted to have total power over every single aspect and he specifically wanted only one person to be aware of the whole thing. For one thing, if anything went wrong and the issues went to the court for whatever reason, there is not enough witnesses to prove anything.

One witness is not enough, even if she would speak and was actually able to tell the truth, which is simply impossible with the pathological liars of Sheela's kind. And she was in fact a pathological liar, a manipulator and a fabricator, and of the most blatant kind. In all my personal relations with her or being present in all sorts of meetings, I could hardly remember the case where she was telling the truth, and even if she would, that would be nothing more than manipulation to achieve some "goal".

And I bet the reason he looked so pathetic and shaken is that one of his MAIN hosts, Sheela, simply disappeared. That was a disaster unlike any other. If she could split, she could as well speak ALL sorts of things, and if she spoke, that would be the end of him.

So, just to make sure she does not speak first, as it was a great tactical disadvantage to him, he simply HAD to hop on that "holier than thou" podium and start pronouncing all sorts of "revelations". By the time Sheela got to Germany, it was too late. Everybody knew that SHE was a "criminal" and HE was Da Real Master (Of Disaster), who was honestly and sincerely telling the truth to the whole world about all the nasty things SHE had done, even though she was nothing more than a puppet of his. Nice touch, eh? Kinda: catch me now.

When I heard all those speeches and accusations of all those bitches from the "Sheela's criminal gang", I could not believe a single thing he was saying. So ugly it looked to me. So pathetic, so dishonest, so cowardly, so disgraceful, it was beyond belief.

And that was pretty much his "trademark style", just as he did when he was a school boy to a policeman, whom he got fired from his job. He pissed on the school fence in two places and when he was caught, he said he did it in ONE place because the policeman did it in the other place, which was a pure grade lie. So, superintendent fired the policeman. But this "mischievous" kid ended up squeaky clean. There are other stories he tells about his life that show his inventiveness and "smartness" of this kind. Even from his childhood he had to be "the smartest one around" and had to always come on top of things.

Sheela was tracked down, and every time he'd crawl up his podium, he would inform everybody where she was. It was a hunt-down. LITERALLY. Just to delude the whole world! Why was she tracked so badly by his agents and hosts? She was gone, gone. Bas, finito la comedia! What is the need to even bother about the "yesterday's spilled milk" while the whole thing was about to collapse on itself and fall down like a house of playing cards?

At that point, yes, he could have mentioned that Sheela was gone and in such a way that it left the whole commune in disarray and those things and the very future of that commune had to be dealt with urgently. Why waste the entire lectures several days in a row trying to concoct all sorts of things and dump as much crap on her head as possible and trying to make her look like a pathological criminal?

Sheela managed to convinced several of those "power witches" to leave with her, so the whole thing was left without the management, and even to prepare food and do all sorts of other most basic things requires management and coordination, down to the point of supplies. Many people were beginning to refused to work, which was a disaster. They did not want to slave away 12 hrs./day.

All of a sudden, some of them have begun seeing the whole absurdity of it and the same perverted "power" and domination, as you can see in the "outside world". It was, basically, the same corruption, the same power trips and the same rot and crimes sitting underneath. So, what was the point of it all? People wanted to see some "reforms", some changes in the whole structure, and some of them just realized that they had no idea of what are they doing there to begin with.

He even invited the FBI to immediately start investigation of "all those crimes, committed by Sheela and 'her gang'", which was just a trick to delude them. Because he knew that there existed no direct incriminating evidence against him, simply because there were no witnesses left once Sheela was gone, and, furthermore, she was basically the only direct witness of anything related to him.

Cool, eh? So, FBI was screwed from the first moment. Because their chicken minds could not comprehend who they were dealing with, and since he was "exposing" all the evil, how could you arrest HIM, a "good guy telling the truth"? They did not have enough brains to immediately arrest him, and it was probably not that easy. Most likely, they did not have enough hard evidence to do it, and it was a matter of hours before she lands in Germany. And on this background he looked like the squeaky cleanest thing you can imagine, "exposing" all those "criminals". Right?

He was at least one step ahead of them. And since he would never do anything with his own hands, but was only giving the instructions on a one to one meetings, how could anyone prove anything about him? There wasn't a single witness of anything. And he himself stated on record that he could drag any legal proceedings for twenty years using all sorts of legal process manipulations and all sorts of motions of discovery and you name it. One motion of discovery takes months to complete, and you can file as many motions as you can imagine. A good lawyer can drag the case for years even if there was more then enough evidence.

Sheela was watched by his agents, and all her movements while in flight and all the intermediate stops were watched, and all her movements would be immediately reported to him. She was stupid enough to tell her travelling plan to other power bitches she was inviting to split with her. And one person, after the first stop, decided to return. What a stupid zombie! So Sheela's travel plan was known. As soon as she landed on the intermediate stop, she was watched. So, he would get up his podium the next time and say: well, Sheela, is in such and such city. How could he know where she was?

I do not have the first hand information on it and it is a waste of time to even bother about it. But I just bet you that was the way it happened. Because it was his trademark style. The most vicious and the most disgusting way to attack anyone, who was not on his side, and forever so.

What a master! To betray his own closest "disciple", his very agent and a mouth piece. And, strangely enough, nobody even paid attention to it. All the media and other interested parties were simply overjoyed with all the hype he was creating with all those "revelations", feeding the media with all sorts of concoctions, which they licked right off his fingers being forever obsessed with all sorts of hype. No one even cared if there was a word of truth in it. All they wanted is hype, and he was a master of hype.

This is known as an ancient Roman technique: The best defense is an attack. Simple as that. But...

The REAL kicker, as far as I can see, is that everybody on the ranch felt something like this in the air. During the last few months, everything was intensified to the point that some information was leaking out and people started sensing something. I certainly knew plenty of things, and about the only question in my mind was how and when this whole thing ends and what kind of an exit act is going to be performed and by whom. In that respect, I think Sheela did the greatest thing possible. Otherwise, there could have been a blood shed, and I claim HE would provoke it. Because his pathetic self-image would require it, no matter how dire the consequences were. He would just invite "his people" to "dance on the streets" while the bloodbath was in progress. Because what does it matter to him? Life, as such has very little value to a man like him, who can not even stand on his feet for prolonged periods of time with all his sicknesses.

When Sheela left, it was a matter of days for the whole thing to collapse. He was in crap up to his ears and you could see him as a totally different man if you knew him well enough. All his confidence was gone. All of a sudden, he started cancelling this "Rajneeshism" "religion" scam, the orange clothes, even the mala, the ultimate symbol of slavery and dependence. He would totally change the long established tradition of slavery and total dictatorship, and would start talking about some "democracy", and not forcing people to work 12 hours a day and all sorts of "progressive" things. But it was all a lie. He even had guts to claim that making people work 12 hour days was Sheela's idea, which I do not believe even for a moment.

Later on, in his Poona 2 concentration camp, he would pronounce yet another perversion as to the orange color and the mala. Check it out. It is in the archives. And he would get pretty belligerent with it. He would give an angry lecture about those, who do not wish to wear the orange uniforms, and would force even a stricter discipline of requiring to change the uniform at least twice a day. What a disgusting totalitarian obsession of control and domination!

It was HIM, who made Sheela what she became. Every single bit of it. She was just his puppet, utterly zombified with the use of hypnotic techniques, and so were plenty of people that were close to him. Some claim she was playing him just the same. Because she was a single point of contact and all the real "powers" were in her hands.

And he would be so desperate in trying to totally discredit and destroy her, that he would go as far as trying to reveal some very intimate details about her life, she would not necessarily want anyone to know about, and not because of her dishonesty, but because some of it was highly personal and dear to her self-image and the fact that it may affect the others and the way they would relate to her if they knew those things, and those things had nothing to do with HER being "bad". Not at all. It was about the most monstrous violence committed to her when she was young. The same monstrosity as this man, Chandra Mohan, was committing to her as long as she was with him with all this "spiritual" violence and abuse.

So, when he pronounced his "revelations" about Sheela, he painted a picture of her as though she was a totally sick criminal, that could not even control herself, and it was pretty much inevitable what she did. Because she was so inherently "evil", so that evil literally ran her life since she was very young. He said she was neveer interested in meditation.


In that case, why did he place her in the place she was, above all others, next to him? Could not he see it long before?

You can look at these "revelations" with your own eyes. The information is available in the archives.

But what it all means to me is utter absence of any kind of responsibility, when it has to do with him, not others. Such small things like responsibility were not applicable to such great "master" as him. Responsibility is applicable only to mortals.

He kept blabbering about "truth" all the time as it were the highest value, and yet, he screwed that very concept of "truth" every single day in his own lectures.

Such recklessness toward truth is quite something indeed. To me, it indicates such a profound dishonesty, that it is even hard to find the words to describe what it is in essence. Looks like utter rottenness of your very soul, like you were the servant of the dark side, who could not even be bothered with such things as "truth". In fact, he played with it like it was some rubber ducky or a condom, you can stretch to sizes unseen.

And, from the Christian standpoint, this is known as the nature of Satan. The endless contradictions, denials, forever turning things upside down, and denying the validity of anything and everything there is. EXACTLY the same signature of Chandra Mohan.

He even bragged about all the endless contradictions he was creating every single moment explaining it all away by saying things like "well, this is the very nature of life. It is forever a contradiction. It is inherently non-consistent" and things like that.

But, as powerful and omni-scient he forever claimed to be, he never seemed to look at his whole system as a system, as shocking as it might look.

If he had ANY kind of a "system", then the laws and rules of a system as such, and its architecture, and especially system dynamics, that are the ultimate tests of the validity and health of that system, simply MUST be applicable. It is a VITAL must.

If you do not consider the system dynamics, your system will collapse. INEVITABLY. It is just a matter of time.

What is system dynamics?

Well, it is when you turn the ignition key and start the engine of your car. You have already started a system called the engine. Now, if that engine is any good, it should not just explode out of the blue, or your cylinder blow up or your gas tank explode. If ANYTHING abnormal happens, that means your system is crap. It does not work. Either some parts got worn out, or you just stuck some wrong wire into the wrong hole and things like that.

And ALL these things are applicable to Chandra Mohan's system as well, and I claim EVERY SINGLE BIT OF IT.

And what we are seeing instead is endless piles of lies upon lies upon lies, going as far as lying about those very lies.

In the morning Jesus, Krishnamurti or Socrates are "enlightened". But in the evening Jesus turns out to be just a psychotic idiot demanding the impossible things from nature. Krishnamurti is just a miserable nobody, who wasted his whole life spinning wheels, getting nowhere as fast as it gets, and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.

You can add a few pages of those "and on and on", and it will be still not enough to describe those piles upon piles of bullshit, that did not, and could not POSSIBLY reconcile even if the hell itself gets frozen.

To insult those very people he claimed to be "enlightened", and in such disgusting, dishonest and dishonorable ways, using all sorts of lies and fabrications, he definitely deserves yet another title of a kind "the biggest ... of ...".

Such system, I claim, can never work, even in principle. In fact, it never did, and the evidence of it is all over.

It is in some of his closest people, whom he used and abused like condoms, and who eventually had enough of that garbage. And he, just like a despicable criminal and a pathological liar, would immediately hop on his podium, just to sit "higher" then others, and invent such disgusting piles of crap just to discredit them, that my own mind would simply get dazzled, when I heard some of that ugly crap, and of the most despicable grade.

The evidence of it is the endless abuse of "his people". Yes, abuse, and in the ugliest form. And that abuse would extend to the most fundamental things with this "breaking the resistance" mind control technique to make a robot and a zombie out of you.

He would take the professional people, and of the highest caliber, and throw them to dig some shit, drive some heavy equipment, or do something utterly not in their interest, just to "break their resistance", and show them their relative significance "in the scheme of things". This disgusting violence was explained away as some kind of magic method to destroy their "ego".

It could very well be a technique, borrowed from Gurdjieff, just like all other techniques of his borrowed from others. He was very impressed with that man. Interestingly enough, he would give an example of great Gurdjieff's work with a real story from Gurdjieff's life, when he resold a barrel of rotten fish for much higher than its value, so that he could have enough money to run his own "commune" of sorts. What a great idea! Screw them all! I am the "real" thing, and I am the one, who knows how to improve upon nothing less than man as such!

For what?

Why not utilize these people and let them create in their own field, their own interest and talents? What is the need to "destroy their egos", which turns out to be nothing more than humiliation and destruction of their dignity and a sense of self-worth?

Do you think by blowing this condom to the size of a zeppelin you are going to achieve something? Just listen to their own testimonies now. And I have heard way too many of those testimonies by now, and do not recall a single one, where the person would be satisfied and would finally "attain" something, he thought he was missing all his life. Sure, there are all sorts of smiling phonies in his camp praising him more than God. But what does it all worth? From the people I trust I have not heard a single word of praise of anything that was happening since The Oregon Concentration Camp.

I happen to trust those testimonies more than whatever he had to blabber, explaining away all his sicknesses and sadomasochistic tendencies. I doubt any of them were just lying when they described some very specific details of his life, forever hidden from the public view. Furthermore, what they are all saying is consistent to a sufficient degree. It is pretty much exactly the same story, told by different people with their own points of view.

The evidence is destruction of evidence in the Edison department in Oregon. Destruction of MASSIVE amounts of evidence related to personal information of all his "sannyasins". Because if that evidence would ever become public, that whole ranch might end right then and there. So incriminating that evidence was. As soon as the ranch has started and all the personal cards were brought in, immediately the "cleaning" operation started destroying all the cards that have any compromising information and revealing the extent of the KGB style spying on people and manipulating them in all sorts of ways.

When Chandra Mohan spoke about some individual on his lecture, for some strange reason, he knew some details of his life that were not commonly known. So, it made him look like the real seer, who knows some intricate details about the lives of "his people".


And there is so much evidence of all sorts of inconsistencies in his "system", which wasn't even a system, any system specialist would even bother to analyze, as he would immediately see this puppy is sick, sick as it gets, even if that puppy was half a block away from him on some street.

This system never, even in principle could work for longer than a few days, and even there, you would create nothing more than debt obligations, which you would not be able to cover later on. In fact, there are some pretty interesting things about debts and money in this grand "system".

You can probably ask any vendor, that had to deal with these people, how were they constantly getting screwed, and I mean constantly. They would be promised the golden mountains in terms of volume of business and all sorts of things, but when it would come a time to pay, sorry... We can not do it right now. How about tomorrow?

And if that vendor would call them tomorrow, the same thing would repeat.

You see this nice trigger phrase of Chandra Mohan "tomorrow that never comes". Well, it turns out it was applicable just as well, when there would come the time to pay the bills. Sorry... We can not do it "here and now", which is another trigger phrase. What about tomorrow?...

And some of it I knew for fact. Some of those vendors would be crying like babies. Because their livelihoods were destroyed, literally, as they would extend themselves well past their credit limits with all those mountainous orders, and no payment was in sight.

But these "spiritual" zombies would simply laugh at them and go find the next one to screw, and I heard some of that with my own ears. Do you know how many light bulb vendors are there in the world for you to screw? Guess!

And THAT is EXACTLY the kind of "system" this spiritual criminal and a spiritual terrorist has created, and he thought he can get away with murder. Because he was so cunning, that he never ever would actually do something himself, with his own hands, and so he taught Sheela. But it was too late by then.

So, there NEVER EVER existed any direct evidence to implicate him. NOTHING. Like he did not exist, as far as someone, who has ever done something real. ALL you have is mountains of bullshit in three hundred of his books, that are mostly blabber about himself, his past, how great he was, how many people did he screw, abused and conned, and on and on and on, about three miles long.

See what nice of a "system" this man has created?

So, to summarize:

The "system" that Chandra Mohan had created was nothing more than a recipe for a suicide, as it is UTTERLY inconsistent and UTTERLY unstable. Not only that, but it is based on lies, obsession with shiny objects and greed of unlimited proportions, megalomania, mind control and spiritual terrorism, violence, utter disregard of honesty of any kind, abuse of logic and the very concept of "truth", and the list is not complete.

Yes, if you look at this man, on his own turf, in his own puppet theatre, with his own conditions on how or what he is willing to discuss or address, it will all look like a paradise. He projects an image of some "saint" or even "god" with all his "ultimate" determinations on what is what and who is who.

Well, like U. G. Krishnamurti stated, it is nothing more than "too much drugs". All these nitrogen oxide trips and all those Valium tranquilizer pills, taken in monster dozes, finally do their work.

But the very result of it is not "truth" of ANY kind.

According to U.G., he was a "porno avatar". Nothing more than that.

U. G. had no corporations. No organizations. No "disciples". No halls, no podiums, and no king robes. As to copyright, he said: you can take what I am saying and do with it what you please. You can distort it. Republish it, and even claim the authorship. Little do I care.

And he bluntly said: all I want from you is money. And when he was asked: then you are a conman, aren't you? And he had guts to say: yes, I AM a conman.

Now, I have never seen a conman saying things like that. Nope. That man just wanted to eliminate ANY kinds of "claims" against himself, his sincerity and his intent as I see it. He was willing to strip himself naked so that people could see he has nothing hidden, and, therefore, whatever he had to say was truly what he meant. You may agree with him or not and I do not agree with some things he said. But you can not deny his sincerity and his intelligence.

Secondly, it was the very essence of his message: "Burn them all", when he was asked about "spiritual masters".

And, after spending his entire long, long life on all these things, during his "swan song", just before he died, he said:

"ALL of it is just bullshit. There is no such a thing as enlightenment. I have never seen it. ALL I have is this body, that is no good any longer. Once I am dead, I am dead forever. There is no such a thing as "reincarnation". What is going to be left of me is a pile of crap to be burnt. I want no memorials, and no special place to be buried at. Once I am dead, I want my body burned and ashes to be spread in the wind."

Are you going to tell me that the man of THIS caliber, even after spending his whole life on all this jazz, is just some dummy, that could not "see" what is what and who is who? Are you telling me he knew less than just about any other master there is?

Sorry, I don't buy that. I won't even take it for free. I would not take it even if you paid me.

No mind

This is probably the central piece of the mountainous pile of crap, produced by Chandra Mohan as to the nature of the mind and so called "no-mind".

This subject alone deserves a separate chapter, so immense it is.

"Mind is the reason for all your problems" and many permutations of these words, Chandra Mohan endlessly repeats on nearly every single of his lectures.

At the same time, the same man, but with the other side of his mouth states: "There is nothing wrong with the mind. I am using it when I speak to you" (not a literal quote)

Sure, otherwise you can not do almost anything, if the mind would be such a problem.

Pay attention to this one:

"No-mind is the final stage, when mind disappears forever and the thoughtless gap becomes your intrinsic reality."

Well, but then there is a little problem here:

How can you possibly speak from then on?

According to this very statement, you should not be able to speak! And I mean EVER since that moment. And not only speak, but to do just about anything that makes you any different from a rock. Because it is ALL mind, and that is EXACTLY where the "golden key" I claimed is hidden in the one of your books, "Bodhidharma - the greatest Zen master".

If mind "disappears forever", then thats it! All you are going to be left with is a corpse. Because THAT is exactly the time "the mind disappears forever".

"No-mind" - bullshit, too obvious on its face value to even bother about. The standard zombification keyword, which is nothing more than a carrot. This "no-mind" idea is just a creation of an empty space to be filled with hypnotic and post-hypnotic suggestions, and remind the hosts that their minds have been disabled to prevent the interference with any hypnotic suggestions.

"There is no power bigger than the power of no-mind. No harm can be done to such a person. No attachment, no greed, no jealousy, no anger, nothing can arise in him. No-mind is absolutely a pure sky without any clouds."

- a pile of pure grade bullshit he himself does not believe a single word of, at least according to his own actions.

As to harm that can be done to such a person, it is simply immense. As far as greed goes, this man needed to look into the mirror once in while. That might help. You never know, you never know.

"No-mind does not mean that the mind is destroyed. No-mind simply means that the mind is put aside. You can bring it into action any moment you need to communicate with the world."

- utterly self-contradictory pile of bullshit, that, furthermore, contradicts with the other definitions of "mind" or "no-mind" presented. The net effect is a powerful disabling effect on the host's intelligence.

Who puts what aside if there is no mind? To even chose what to put "aside" you need mind. Because THAT is the mechanism to chose to begin with.

"No-mind simply means that the mind has been put in its right place. As a servant, it is a great instrument; as a master, it is very unfortunate. It is dangerous. It will destroy your whole life."

- a pile of threatening bullshit to keep his slaves zombified, not even knowing what you are talking about exactly. Reinforces the utter insignificance of your mind and your intelligence. Not even that, but going even further, and suggesting that the very mind is some kind of "danger", which is something beyond insanity and utter disgust.

What is the "right place"? WHERE is that place? You mean there are compartments inside you where things are to be placed?

"The ultimate achievement is when twenty-four hours a day you are surrounded with no-mind."

- "you are surrounded with no-mind"? How? Too much drugs? How can you be surrounded by something that does not exist? If it is not there, how can you possibly be surrounded by it?

"Mind is only a medium for when you want to communicate with others. But when you are alone, there is no need of the mind. So whenever you want to use it, you can use it."

- insane bullshit.

"Ordinary people's minds start somewhere around three or four years of age"

- Zombification bullshit. Mind starts almost immediately after birth. If you are without the mind until you are three or four years old, you are doomed. You will remain a complete idiot to your last breath.

Furthermore, there is medical evidence related to circumcision on the eight day of ones life. Apparently, if it is performed during the first eight days, the mind gets permanently damaged and one becomes one-sided, never to posses certain creative abilities. There was even a suggestion to enact a law prohibiting the circumcision within the first eight days of life. These medical specialists classified it as crime.

There is a substantial body of evidence indicating that if a human being is not surrounded by other humans and does not start learning during the first two years of his life, that's it. He will never learn even how to speak and will never become creative and able to operate within society.

In several cases, some newborns were abandoned by their parents and left in the forest. They were found by wolves and were taken care of, just like a member of some family. Later on, when they were found by humans and were brought back into the society, they literally behaved like wolves. You could not even teach them anything from then on. For years, they would be taught how to be "civilized", but was mostly in vain.

So... Check this out. And this is not a single case, by ANY means.

Mind is what goes as far, as moving your legs, just to be drastic. You will not be able to learn a single word if you do not ALREADY have a mind. You won't be able to UTTER a word of any meaning, unless you use the mind. Just go look in the "madhouses" and see what they are talking about there? And even there, they still use their minds to be Napoleon, Hitler and so on. It is ALL mind.

I would not be surprised to learn that the mind starts even when you are still in a womb of your mother. There are indications of interactions between a child and a mother while he is still carried. For example, it is suggested to play a beautiful music while being pregnant. There are indications the fetus responds to it. It is an indication of a mind? Yep, as far as I can see at least.

"the man of no-mind keeps the mind in rest, full of energy, immensely sensitive, ready to jump into action the moment it is ordered."

- bullshit, and of the pure grade. You can not possibly "jump into action" because that very action will need the mind to perform it. The very initiation of any action is a result of mind activity.

"So the man of meditation - or in other words, the man of no-mind"

- bullshit. If you take a shit, does it mean you are a "man of shit"? The same thing here. Meditation is just like any other event in your life. You do it and then it stops. It is not a permanent state. Otherwise, you will not be able to operate in this world.

In fact, he himself called meditation "meditional" and kept insisting that one should not cling to meditation. It is only needed in the BEGINNING of your "travel on the path". Once you have a taste of it, you should move beyond the meditation. So... Which side of his mouth spoke the "truth"? Do ANY of you know?

There is no such a thing as "the man of no-mind". Because that implies he is in that state of "no mind" forever, which is impossible. He will simply die.

And on and on and on and on.

Almost everything this man says is piles upon piles of zombification bullshit. Ad nauseum.

The Club of Rome and its 1980 agenda

On the agenda of the 1980 meeting referred to above were the following:

  • Women's liberation movement.
  • Black consciousness, racial mixing, breaking down taboos against mixed marriages as propounded by anthropologist Margaret Meade and Gregory Bateson of Tavistock.

    It was decided at this meeting that an aggressive program would be launched to portray "colored races" as superior to Western Civilization white persons. From this forum came Oprah Winfrey and a host of black persons who were picked up and trained for their roles to portray "mixed races" as superior to whites.

    It could also be seen in movies where black movie stars suddenly proliferated until they became household names. It was seen also where a black person was placed in the role a high position of authority over whites, such a judge, or a district head of the FBI and the military, CEOs of large corporations etc.

  • Youth rebellion against imagined societal wrongs.
  • Emerging interest in social responsibility of business.
  • The generation gap implying a changing paradigm.
  • The anti-technological bias of many young people.
  • Experimentation with new family structures interpersonal relationships in which homosexuality and lesbianism became "normalized" and "no different from other people acceptable at all levels of society, two lesbian "moms."
  • The emergence of the fake conservation/ecology movements such as "Greenpeace"
  • A surge in interest in Eastern religious and philosophical perspectives.
  • A renewed interest in "fundamentalist" Christianity.
  • Labor unions shifting emphasis to quality of the work environment.
  • An increasing interest in meditation and other spiritual disciplines The "Kabala" was to supplant Christian culture and special people were chosen to teach and spread Kabala. Early chosen disciples were Shirley McLean, Roseanne Barr and later, Madonna and Demi Moore.
  • The increasing importance of "self-realization" processes.
  • Reinvention of music, "hip-hop" and "rap," by such groups as "Ice Cube."


The Club of Rome and its 1980 agenda

Question: isn't it the real reason why IBM, being one of the major players in the Committee of 300 and Club of Rome, according to Dr. John Coleman, is supporting this "Osho" "religiousness" religion with multi-million dollar contracts for "stress release"? Has anyone EVER heard of a commercial entity dashing out tens of millions of dollars on such an imaginary thing as "stress release"? What kind of services are provided to release the stress? Would be interesting to see some records of this activity, especially itemized balance sheets.

Hassidism and blood rites

This one is significant as an introduction to "Osho" and the NWO trip. Plus putting some things in proper perspective...

If you listen to the following interview with Rabbi Abe Finkelstein, who knows, revelations my descend upon thee. Interestingly enough, it perfectly reconciles with all sorts of other information. What you make of it is up to you.

What is interesting is that Rabbi Finkelstein is laughing nearly all the time telling the most horrendous things of the most evil nature. But he seems to be enjoying all this stuff and laughing at "poor goyim" who do not seem to understand how it REALLY "works". All they have is a head full of some idealistic ideas, that produce nothing more than noise and do not change anything in reality. And that is PRECISELY why they are being had in all their holes, parasited on, exterminated in millions and the list have barely begun.

And the most interesting thing is that rabbi is dead "serious" when he tells all this blatant truth about how these ZioNazis, calling themselves "god chosen people", exploit everything and parasite on everyone, having a perverted form of "fun" screwing you all.

All you have to do is to listen to that interview and you don't even have to read the rest of this pretty fat chapter. It is all there, down to the last dot and comma.

Here is just a little blip from it. Keep this in mind when you read this chapter.

We like the goyim do the work and we have a party

Q: Ha, ha. Your god is GOLD!

A: Yeah, well, that what we like is lots of gold, lots of shekels, some American Express cards, you know. We like to spend and we like to have a good time. We like the goyim do the work and we have a party.

Q: Oh, in other words, free foreign aid, free housing, free food, and you just want the other races be your goyim cattle slaves. Is this correct?

A: That's what they want, so we let them be that.

Q: And this is what's planned and coming in this country too, isn't it, the United States.

A: Well, this country here, we're gonna [unintelligeble, like "brown" or "round"] this country up. We're bringing all the Mexicans and all the Hispanics across the border. They're interbreeding, especially with a lot of white women, the skikses as we call them, and they are interbreeding with them. Pretty soon there won't be a white race, it'll be all brown.

And here it comes:

Interview with Rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world

This could be the most mind shattering thing you have ever heard of. If this won't blow your mind, nothing will, or you don't have anything to blow, just as ZioNazis openly state it about "goyim" - non-"Jews".

An audio recording of an interview with Chabad Lubavich Rabbi Finkelstein outlining the doctrine of ZioNazis and their "father", Lucifer.

According to Finkelstein, you are nothing but a cattle to be slaughtered and sacrificed to their "god", Lucifer, and milked by "god chosen people" for all you have as long as you last.

This is an outline of what they call the "NWO" nowadays - a ZioNazi Luciferian doctrine of world domination and world takeover. The authority with which rabbi Finkelstein speaks is quite something indeed. He speaks as though he knows it all in and out, down to the last dot and comma.

Basically, it outlines their entire doctrine of evil most profound, world domination, parasitism unlimited, wars and revolutions, puppet governments and how they are controlled, ritual sacrifice of hundreds of thousand of children each year and the rest of it. This is pretty much their entire doctrine. Nothing much to be added to it. And it is pronounced clearly by someone of ultimate authority, pretty much clear on its face value.

Finkelstein is quite casual in this interview and tells it all bluntly, in a semi-humorous manner how "goyim" (non-Jews) are being exploited and destroy each other during all the wars and revolutions staged and managed by "god chosen people".

"Rabbi Finkelstein amazingly gives honest answers about world Jewry's control of banking, media and governments, their creation of communism, their founding of the Jesuits, their holocaust hoax, their human sacrifice rituals and many more jaw-dropping subjects. I find the only things more shocking than Rabbi Finkelstein's blunt admissions are his complete callous disregard and playful disdain for us lowly "goyim." What do you guys think of this?"

Or: Rabbi Abe Finkelstein interview

Chandra Mohan gave a series of lectures on Hassidism, "The Art Of Dying - Talks On Hassidism", which means Hassidism is something so significant as far as consciousness goes, that it deserves His Royal Attention.

So, before we even start, the bottom line is Hassidism is Luciferianism. In more words, it is based on Kabbalah (Cabala), which is occult, which inevitably leads to satanism.

Here is just one quote by Elisabeth Dilling, who is one of the world's foremost experts on these issues and Talmud specifically:

The Hasidist branch of Judaism specializes in the Cabala. About half of all Jews were Cabalists at the end of the 19th Century, we are told.

... Hasidism is called a religious movement within the fold of Talmudism "which won over nearly half of the Jewish masses." Its leading promoter was one Israel Baal Shem Tob (shortened to the "Besht").

Father-to-son dynasties were set up of Hasidist leaders, wonderworkers, fortune-tellers, invokers of spirits, healers, who employed drunkenness, singing, and dancing, to create states of "ecstasy."

Evil was indulged in to "purify" it.

Cabalistic Hasidism

Evil was used to "purify". How do you like THAT for breakfast? And so, let us take a quick look at this evil, and it will blow your mind to pieces if you do more investigation on this.

And so, what does Chandra Mohan "preach" with this? Joy of killing and torturing and drinking blood of babies? What kind of "religion" is this?

So, let us see here...

"The Art of Dying" disgust about Hassids

Hassids burning Hassid in New York for changing the synagogue

Hassids burning Hassid in New York for changing the synagogue

There is one little problem we have with Hassidism and this "The Art of Dying" disgust dedicated to it, and that is - Hassidism is known to practice...

Tadam! Blood rites and ritual murder as a sacrifice to no one less than Moloch, or as it is known nowadays as Satan. And this is just for starters. There is more to it, MUCH more.


Yes. BLOOD rites. Meaning the ceremonies and rites related to Christian blood being drained from a body during the ritual torture and most horrendous murder, compared to which even Adolph Hitler looks like a saint.

Praise the "greatest master ever" as he was called by his "lovers"! On you knees, mortals!

Let us get one more quote while we are warming up on this.

In Jewish Hasidism, "Baal Shem," or master of the name, is also called a saint or Zaddik who, to quote the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia:

"rules by the possession of the largest number of ... 'sparks' of divine emanation ...

he stands on the same level as Moses and the Prophets, and not only speaks with the authority of the Torah, but may even change and abrogate it.

The Hasidim must live in submission to the Zaddik, surround him with their love and confidence, bring him gifts, cater to his every whim, and not question his conduct even when it seems to depart from the accepted norm."


And here is what some world's foremost experts say about Zaddiks, who know better than Chandra Mohan about the whole story.

"Zaddiks suck like vampires the last drops of blood from the bodies of their victims"

Where do you think Dr. Mengele of the WWII period in Germany, who was nicknamed Dr. Death got his ideas from? Guess!

This subject is pretty big actually.

It is about ritual sacrifice of non-Jews, specifically Christians, mostly babies, murdering them via torturing procedure of horrendous barbarity, and draining their blood to be used to reduce the childbirth pains, to hold the bleeding during the circumcision ceremony, and also in various spells, rites, and witchcraft rituals.

There are reports that the blood is being drunk in the presence of a dying person being tortured while he is still alive and can see how they drink his blood. Can you imagine that? Try!

Amazingly enough, the blood of "animals" - non-Jews is even used for HEALING purposes, nothing less.

It is said that this ritual is practiced exclusively by the Hassidic branch of Judaism and its derivatives.

Some state that Hassidism and its outgrowth, the ultra-conservative racist branch of Chabad, is not a religion, but a satanic cult, rooted in occult and Kabbalah, or, better said, ideology.

For example: The Rabbis Speak Out

And even that one is not quite true. Because they can not even have an ideology or idealism, since everyone is only concerned squarely with his own personal interests, and that is to "get", just like Harold Rosenthal states on record.

See: Our teachings are not concerned with moral problems

And you can see them in every city, walking in black hats, black coats, black shoes, with long beards. Just like carbon copies of each other, all in the uniform. Right smack amongst you!

And it is strictly an individualistic approach. Even if you have a group of them and they look like something similar and there is something common between them, that is just an illusion. The ONLY thing that is common among them is "what I, PERSONALLY, am going to GET out of this". Remember that one? Because that is how they zombified you all.

Hassids are the only sect of Judaism that practices ritual murder of babies

But, before we start on this, and it is going to be very critical, here is some quotes by the orthodox rabbis so it will redeem the whole Hassidism story to some degree. Ask God to what degree this will redeem them.

At the end of that book of quotes of rabbis, "The Rabbis Speak Out", they try to minimise the hate towards non-Jews, who are considered as nothing more than animals, which is what is written in their scriptures, by saying that yes, there ARE some bad things about non-Jews written in the scriptures. But there are ten times more bad things written about Jews. Well, if you commit some crime, can there be some argument that others committed ten times more crimes than you did, and, therefore, you are not as bad as charged? Can you say: sorry, I have killed a million people, but others killed ten million? This argument does not fly with me. The record of the most horrendous evil is just way too long.

The Rabbis Speak Out

According to Neophyte, a former rabbi who converted to Christianity, Hassids are the only branch of Judaism known to practice this utterly secret ritual of torture and murder of babies, the blood rite as described by V.I. Dal, more than 100 years ago.

Barbaric custom of ritual murder is practiced only by Hassids

The penalty for disclosing it is death. What a religion, worthy nothing less than "Osho's" attention!!!

Chabad 105

In his "memoires" (1880, Buch vom Kahal, p. 286/287) [Book of the Kahal], the Jew Bogrov passed this judgement concerning these 'saints,' as follows:

"The Zaddiks are Hassidic wonder-rabbis. They tyrannize with astonishing persistence and suck like vampires the last drops of blood from the bodies of their victims..."

"The Zaddiks are toxic parasites, which nourish themselves upon the blood and sweat of their numberless victims, they are the spreaders of darkness and superstition;

they are the conscienceless brokers of the stock-exchange of religion... they are the unwholesome cancer in the sick organism of the Jewish people."

-- "The 'Zaddik' enjoys all earthly goods without effort" -- therefore is the predestined "sanctified" spiritual leading nature of Judaism!

Jewish Ritual Murder by Hellmut Schramm - Zaddiks

The 'Zaddik' is the Übermensch [super-man] of Hassidism

Interestingly enough these vicious ritual murders have been widely reported even today. It is estimated that tens of thousands of cases have been known, and it goes as bad as the police and even the CIA big guns being involved and substantial amounts of money were paid in some cases on record. This is is actually much worse than it looks from a glance. MUCH worse.

Ritual murders of children in Chicago (The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice)

A deputy chief of the CIA supplied victims for 86 Jewish ritual murders

The number of missing persons as high as 1.8 million per year

Jewish leaders raise the cups with blood and drink from them

The blood rite was described in the most minute detail in a study published in the book "Notes About The Ritual Murders" by Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, one of the most honest and sincere men that ever walked this planet, who, among other things, created the most extensive and most authoritive "Dictionary of Living Russian Language", the best there ever was. And he was one of the most outstanding researchers you can possibly hope to find, whose services were used even by the Tsar.

It wouldn't be such a bad idea to read this book carefully, especially the Velizh case. Because that single book may open your eyes on some things you could never have imagined in your wildest dreams...

My father revealed to me the mystery of blood

My father revealed to me the mystery of blood

Now... This "mystery of blood" is the biggest secret of "religion" of hassids, never to be revealed to those, who are not "elite" under a thread of death. But, what kind of religion keeps things totally secret, to the point of death threats? Do you know?

Well, there is no such religion besides this ZioNazi satanism that has its roots where do you think?

Why? - Because it goes against the very purpose of any religion. To see the LIGHT, not darkness. Is it some kind of Mafia to have secrets? Yes, criminals do have secrets. But the men of Truth do not, and can not POSSIBLY have any "secrets".

It is only Satanists, disguising themselves as Judaists, or occultists, which is the same thing essentially. ALL of it leads to the "mysteries" of Kabbalah, which is total invention and projections of their own mind. See Egregor.

Hassid prayers during the heinous ritual sacrifice of babies rites

And they say, while they are torturing the victim in the most horrendous and vicious ways and drain his blood:

“Rejoice and be happy, let this blood be extracted in eternal memory, not of this baby, but of a sick Kudr (Jesus).”

Then, from book of Seider, the prayer “Oleina”:

“The Christians worship the idols, stone or wood depicting Christ on them, but they do not get from him any help.

Let His name disappear and let those who have faith in him perish also, like a grass that dried out and as wax melted. ”

And so this ritual murder is meant to reinforce the belief that Jesus is fake. To destroy the very idea of God or faith in order to totally take over the consciousness of those zombie slaves. It is exactly the same thing Chandra Mohan was doing all the time running out of his skin trying to discredit, disgrace and totally destroy the very concept of God or faith and represent Christianity as "the biggest evil there is". And yet, the same man, has dedicated several VOLUMES to Jesus. How do you like THAT kind of treatment for breakfast?

Otherwise, if Jesus was real, then, according to their delusions, he would help those torture victims. But, since nothing happens to the torturers, and the tortured ones died, Jesus, therefore, is fake. This whole ritual sacrifice procedure is meant to reenact the torture and crucifixion of Jesus. It is their eternal revenge to nothing less than Truth.

And yet his name did not disappear no matter how hard they tried and how many innocent, virgin babies they slaughtered in their satanic rituals of most profound evil. Because that would mean the disappearance of nothing less than Truth itself, which is an impossibility, even in principle. It would be pretty much the same thing as violation of the laws of physics, which is simply impossible.

The above mentioned Hasidic Jew wrote about that very rare and kept in great secret book with title “Tsivui.”

Here is just a small part of Hassidic "worship" of their "god", Lucifer, during the horrific torture and a murder ceremony of ritual sacrifice when they stab a baby repeatedly with a big nail, changing turns until he bleads to death.

The Hassidic "worship" ritual of torturing a baby to death

The sacrificial baby was rolled in a barrel for about two hours before they started the blood letting torture ceremony. When they took him out of a barrel, he was red like tomato as a result of his blood moving to the skin level of his body so it would drain more easily and completely.

Then they stub him with a special nail, taking turns. The reason the nail is used is to cause the most pain possible, because the blood has to be extracted via extreme suffering, just like they did to Jesus, who was also ritually sacrificed to the most profound evil.

Otherwise, they could just use a knife and make a single cut to let the blood out. But no, not such "religious" Hassids, of whom this sick man, calling himself "Osho", talked about as of something of supreme significance.

When God enters you...

Orlik kept turning the baby in a small washtub, who cried at first, but then stopped, [65] and kept looking at everyone and sighed heavily.

He soon bled and died. Terentyeva took him out, untied his feet, holding over the other washtub on the floor; Kozlovskaya handed the bottles with water, which Iosel poured over the boy, and Maximova washed his body.

See: When God enters you...

What is mind blowing above is that baby was in immense pain as a result of torture. At first, he was crying hard. But then he stopped and just kept looking at them and sighed heavily.

Do you understand what it means? Tell me!!!

Do you know who Jesus talked to when he said what is recorded in John 8:42-44?

Well, to these very people we are talking about here. Except I can not call them people. Zombies are not people to me.

Because they hate Christians unlike anything else under the sun, and believe that by drinking their blood, it enters them and so they get to know the innermost "secrets" of Christians. It is recommended to drink the blood of intelligent boys as being the best representatives of the "goy" - non-Jews.

Now, WHO did "Osho" - Chandra Mohan Jain condemn the most besides J. Krishnamurti? Do you know?

Well, Christianity as such and Jesus specifically!

He called Jesus just a "psychotic" in EXACTLY the same way these satanists call him, saying he was nothing more than a bastard and "sick Kudr". Nothing less.

Jesus is "no good" for the "great" master like "Osho"?

Then tell me: which religion or ANY blah, blah, blah preaches LOVE, in the ENTIRE history of mankind besides Bhakti Yoga?

Do you understand what LOVE is?

Because I can tell you, just don't tell anybody:

Love = LIFE!

NO love = DEATH!!!

They preach you nothing less then Death.

It is death orientation, just like you see with this sick man, Chandra Mohan, at any turn on the road. The death worship, which is what satanism is in essence.

Here is a quote from a book by V.I. Dal, "A Note About Ritual murders", where he performed an extensive study on ritual sacrifice, murder of babies and use of their blood. It also describes the criminal case of barbaric torture of a three and a half year old boy during the ritual sacrifice ceremony in the city of Velizh in Russia, and describes all the case details and testimonies of the defendants, their behaviour and the rest of it.

This is made more remarkable by the fact that Neophyte, a Jew, who converted to Christianity, who was talked about at the beginning of this study, explains in his book specifically that the barbaric ritual, we are talking about here, is practiced by the Hassids only.

As a whole, Zhids (kikes) could in no way refute the charges besides by unsupported denials, stubborn, angry silence, screaming, swearing violently, or, coming to their senses, reasoning that this could not have happened;

what would Zhids need the blood for? They do not need blood; they do not need to torture a boy; this is even forbidden to believe in by the orders of various kings, including the Emperor Alexander I, and, specifically, as of March 6, 1817.

The Commission constantly, at each interrogation, recorded in the court records that the interrogated exhibited extreme embarrassment, fear, trembling, sighing, was giving the confusing and self-contradicting statements, canceled his previous testimony, did not want to sign it, claiming that he was sick and could not remember what he himself was saying;

many of them were loosing control of themselves, and not only after the most disgusting swearing, ran in fury to the accusers, and even shouted at members of the commission, cursed them with nasty words, thrown themselves on the floor, screaming for help, while no one had touched them even with their finger and so on.

(V.I. Dal - "Notes About The Ritual Murders")

Barbaric custom is practiced only by Hassids

Does this look like some "religious" movement deserving His Holy Attention as something of profound significance as far "search for Truth" goes?

Their behaviour during the interrogations looks like nothing more than a bunch of sickest possessed satanists being pinned down.

And what is even more interesting is that "Osho" stated that Judaism and its scriptures, such as the Talmud, are so profoundly sick, and that Talmud was just a pile of such disgust and violence, that he could not possibly even conceive of commenting on all this sickness.

Now... But what is Hassidism and what are its roots and scriptures? Well, according to most acclaimed researchers, such as Eduard Hodos, the only one known to receive a special recognition from the Moshiah (Jewish Messiah) himself, it is nothing more than one of the most ultra-conservative and extremist branches of Judaism, which later became the foundation of Chabad, and specifically the Chabad Lubavitch racist sect that currently controls the world and all of your so called governments and the rest of it. The most influential and potent power there is on this planet.

And that power is even more potent than omni-potent "power" of gold and money. Because, ultimately, the final reference has to be of a religious grade. Because only some religious doctrine may be considered as ultimate authority.

The only difference is that millions are killed nowadays, just as was seen in cold blooded slaughter of retreating Iraqi army, which happened on a symbolic date of "happy and joyful" holiday of Purim, when they eat the triangular pastries symbolizing the ears of Haman, and pies with minced meat symbolizing the body of Haman, as one leading researcher interprets it, when they happen to have slaughtered not only noble Haman and his family, but nearly hundred thousand of defenseless civilians as that epic story goes.

Interestingly enough, the invasion of Iraq also started on Purim for some not so strange reason. And so it ended on the same date with that slaughter. New World Order at work! Freedom and democracy the likes of which mankind has never seen!

Mass Murder 101

The history of the Jews is written in the blood of Christians

"Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews.

Wars are the Jews' Harvest:

The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet."

(Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Judah, 1869, Henry Ford also noted that:

'It was a Jew who said, 'Wars are the Jews' harvest'; but no harvest is so rich as civil wars.' The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem, Vol. III, p. 180)

The history of the Jews is written with Christian blood. Their history proves that the Jew is extremely cruel and at the same time a coward.

The Jew is not a born soldier; he is a born sadist and murderer.

(John 8:44)

Nice "religion", eh? Something definitely deserving to be highly praised by the "greatest master of [disasters] of all times" as he was called by "his lovers".

Furthermore, "Osho" stated that the Bible, according to one of his Indian friends, a researcher, contains at least 500 pages of utter disgusting and totally inhuman violence, perversions and disgust.


The kicker is that those pages were not originally in the Bible. They were added in the 5th (?) century by one of the popes. They are a part Old Testament, that has absolutely nothing to do with the work of Jesus or Christianity as such. Specifically, Deuteronomy has the most blatant and graphic description of their hate and violence of satanic grade that later became the foundation of fascism and Nazi ideology, developed and perfected by Nietzsche among others.

These were not, and could not POSSIBLY be the Christian teachings as they go totally against the whole teaching of Jesus and New Testament specifically.

They were teachings of Judaism and Pharisees, those, of whom Jesus said:

John 8:42-44

On Judeo teachings and Jewish God Yahweh, Jesus said:

"Your father is the devil, and you want to fulfill the lusts of your father.

He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the Truth, because there is no Truth in him.

When he lies, he speaks from his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies"

(John 8:42-44)

And do not, even for a moment, think that this is just some parable or some exaggeration. This particular statement by Jesus is a LITERAL meaning of who these people are in reality as was seen and proven since then in so many instances that there exists no book big enough to fit it all in.

The basis for adding the parts of Judaic writings to the Bible, according to that pope, is that it was "a divinely inspired revelation", and, therefore, belongs to the Bible, which, considering its contents, is the sickest thing conceivable, even to comprehend such a thing. Thus, the Bible was corrupted with satanic teachings, the very thing Jesus stood against, at least according to how Harold Rosenthal defined them, and he is not alone, by any means.

Some Christians told me that they have a hell of a time reading some of the Bible because it looked like such a horrendous violence that it is impossible to read it. My suggestion was "do not read it" because it is not Christianity. Why do you need to read a holy book that makes you sick to your stomach?

Basically, the Old Testament was added to the Bible to destroy the Christianity from within. Simple as that.

Judaism 007

"The Jews have always been with Jehovah, and all that Jehovah has belongs to the Jews."

(A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Harry Waton, p. 177)

Judaism 009

"But the Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism."

(A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Harry Waton, pp. 143-144).

Subsequently, as per order of Rothschild, the Christian church was infested with these worshippers of death and destruction. They were told to convert to Christianity and go get the education in the Christian seminaries in order to become the priests and penetrate the Christianity from within. And so it happened.

At this point, Christianity is totally infested with these satanists and Vatican has become a part of the ruling elite of this monstrosity called the NWO, one of the main hands behind the global drug and illegal arms trade and all sorts of most profound evil according to several researchers and historians.

The ritual sacrifice of babies has been reported to be practiced even in Vatican itself. Things like that.


Some claim that parasitism is a central concept in all this, and that is precisely why Hassids dance in such an ecstasy, and I was informed by several witnesses that it is actually the case in real life weddings. They do confirm that these Hassids dance all night, non stop, like crazy, even the oldest ones amongst them, like they were strong youngsters. Where do they get their energy from? Well, how about the biggest joy in life being the biggest parasite there is?

Is it something more than the ecstasy of parasitism? The "Joy of Parasitism" that is? There are plenty of citations, and from their own representatives on that one.

Another way to call it would be "The Art of Get", which is precisely how it was called by several of their own representatives, such as Harold Wallace Rosenthal for example, who states it in clear terms.

We Jews never possessed any religious institution

We Jews never possessed any religious institution which developed out of our own consciousness, for we lack any kind of idealism. This means that a belief in life beyond this terrestrial existence is foreign to us.

As a matter of fact, the Talmud does not lay down principles with which to prepare the individual for a life to come, but furnishes only rules for a sumptuous life in this world.

Our teachings are not concerned with moral problems, but rather with how to 'get'

It is a collection of instructions for maintaining the Jewish race and regulating: intercourses between us and the goy.

Our teachings are not concerned with moral problems, but rather with how to 'get.'

In regard to the moral value of the Jews' religious teaching, there exist quite exhaustive studies which show the kind of religion that we have in a light that makes it look uncanny to the Aryan mind.

We are the best example of the kind of product which religious training evolves. Our life is of this world only and our mentality is as foreign to the true spirits of Christianity as our character was to the Founder of this new creed 2,000 years ago.

We Jews never possessed any religious institution

The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview

The only time we unite is to preserve our individual selves

The only time we unite is to preserve our individual selves. As a group of wolves unite to attack a prey, but then disperse after each is filled, so we Jews unite when peril is pending, not to preserve our community but to save our own skin.

For to create would only benefit another

This attitude permeates our entire being and philosophy. We are not the creators for to create would only benefit another.

We are the 'acquirers' and are interested only in satisfying the 'self.' To understand our philosophy understand the term 'to get.'

We never give but only take

We never give but only take. We never labor but enjoy the fruits of others' labor. We do not create but confiscate. We are not the producers but the parasites.

We can physically live within any society, but always remain spiritually apart. To work would be to produce and the highest form of that labor would be to create.

The only time we unite is to preserve our individual selves
The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview

Or, you can call it "The Art of a Belly", or, better yet, "The Way of a Belly". Consumption, the material world.

I even listened to some of those discourses and remember him saying that Hassidism is probably one of the most joyous of religious movements. They dance like crazy and they appreciate life just the same. In other words, just about the perfect example of his "being total" trip.

This is also known as Epicurean approach - those enjoying the bodily pleasures as the highest value there is. The "religion" of a belly that is. This is precisely the reason of symbolic significance of a sacrificial pyre being located in the belly of the humongous statue of their "god" Moloch (also spelled Molech) to whom they sacrifice the babies. Moloch idol statue has its hands stretched out in front and slightly down. The babies are placed on these hands, and they inevitably roll down into the pit with fire below and are burned alive.

See: Moloch pictures

First of all, Moloch is at the very roots of all the "gods" of evil of today, no matter what they are called, all representing the same essential entity. Moloch is historically the "god" to whom these sacrifices are dedicated.

Moloch is not quite something current of a symbol though. It was back in the beginning of it all. Now there Lucifer, Satan, Devil and the rest of it. All pretty much of the same symbolic significance.

One thing I fail to understand is this:

These ZioNazi satanists claim that all the "goyim" (non-Jews) are but animals and feces. They are not really human. Only "Jews" are human, even though there is no such a thing as Jews according to such experts on this subject as Benjamin Freedman, among others, a "Jew". He calls them "so called Jews", or "self-proclaimed Jews", just like Chandra Mohan calling himself Bhagwan, which means God among other things.

Yes, there are Judahites, yes, there are Hebrews, yes, there are Judeans, and yes, there are Semites, which is Arabs as it stands today. But there is no such a thing as Jew. "There isn't even a single one of them who ever stepped a toe on the 'holy land'" according to all the experts I know of. Do you understand? Not a SINGLE one of those claiming their "rights" to the "holy land"! They are not Semites, and, therefore, ALL their claims are nothing more but the most despicable concoctions and lies of all kinds.

Yes, there IS a small percentage of those who can claim to be Semites, and, according to some competent research, it is less than five percent of global population of all those claiming to be "Jews". But none of them are those who are making claims on the "holy land", even though some of them reside in Israel. In fact, those who do have a claim to be the descendants of ancient Hebrews, state clearly that all these Zionists, or, better said, ZioNazis, are the worst enemies of Jews, destroying the very foundation of Jewish religion.

None of REAL "Jews" support the genocidal policies against the Arab population, and the very idea of violence towards Arabs is simply appalling to them. Nor do they support all these lies and deceit, dishonesty and parasitism, or racism and superiority.

The lie about "God's chosen people"

Just look at this quote:

The "Great Rebbe" Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson AKA Lubavitcher Rebbe, who was called the "Moshiah" (Jewish Messiah) by the members of Chabad Lubavitch sect, states clearly:

Chabad 004

The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: "Let us differentiate."

Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level.

Rather, we have a case of "let us differentiate" between totally different species.

This is what needs to be said about the body:

the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world...

...An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.

We therefore ask:

Why should a non-Jew be punished if he kills even a non-Jewish embryo while a Jew should not be punished even if he kills a Jewish embryo? The answer can be understood by [considering] the general difference between Jews and non-Jews:

A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews."

-- The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson

(Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky. (1999). Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel. Pluto Press, p.B8-62)

See: "Let us differentiate"

And the most shocking thing about the statement above and about their propaganda of "god's chosen people", is that they themselves do not believe a word of it. They know it is a lie. In fact, as medical research shows, it is just the other way around, according to Venu Paswan.

The DNA tests established that Arya-Brahmins and Jews belong to the same folks. The basic religion of Jews is Brahmin religion.

According to Venu Paswan that almost all races of the world have longer head as they evolved through Homo-sapiens and hence are more human.

"Whereas Neaderthals are not homosepiens. Jews and Brahmins are broad-headed and have Neaderthal blood. As a result both suffer with several physical and psychic disorders. According to Psychiatric News, the Journal of American Psychiatric Association, Jews are genetically prone to develop Schizophrenia. According to Dr. J.S. Gottlieb cause of Schizophrenia among them is protein disorder alpha-2 which transmits among non-Jews through their marriages with Jews.

"The increase of mental disorders in America is related to increase in Jewish population. In 1900 there were 1058135 Jews and 62112 mental patients in America. In 1970 Jews increased to 5868555 i.e. 454.8% times. In the same ratio mental patients increased to 339027.

"Jews are unable to differentiate between right and wrong, have aggressive tendencies and dishonesty. Hence Israel is the worst racist country.

"Brahmin doctors themselves say that Brahmins have more mental patients. Kathmandu medical college of Nepal have 37% Brahmin patients while their population is only 5%. (Dalit voice, 16-30 April, 2004 p.8-9)"

Impending New Word Order - Medical Evidence

But that is another subject.

And this is what Jews and rabis from Israel call the Chabad Lubavitch Hassidic sect:

The Jewish People have a big problem. This problem is an organization known as Chabad, Chabad-Lubavitch, or Lubavitch. This website describes this problem, and tries to prevent additional Jews from becoming "Victims of Chabad."...

What is Chabad? Chabad is a religious cult and a criminal organization. Why is this a problem for the Jews? Chabad poses as an Orthodox Jewish group. They say they are more religious, more strict in their religion, than regular Orthodox Jews.

In reality, Chabad's ideology is NOT Jewish. In Israel, Chabad is considered by the most important Rabbis as a religion different from Judaism. Chabad is a different religion. Chabadism is NOT Judaism.


The lie that we are the 'chosen people' and they, gentiles

Judaism is not only the teaching of the synagogue, but also the doctrine of every 'Christian Church' in America. Through our propaganda the Church has become our most avid supporter.

This has even given us a special place in society, their believing the lie that we are the 'chosen people' and they, gentiles.

The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview

But... For some strange reason, who do they worship? A half beast, half man Moloch?

Such an "advanced" race, such "god's chosen people", calling all non-Jews nothing more than animals, and worshipping what? BEAST with horns on his head?

How come their "god" has the head of a beast with horns? What does it symbolize? What does it signify? Anybody knows? Just from the looks of it it symbolizes the animal, beast like nature of their "god".

And it actually makes sense. Their basic foundation is of a belly. Belly is the king, and blood is the highest reality of existence. So, what they are talking in fact is animalistic existence driven by the only motivation there is - eat and stuff your belly, just to "survive".

Furthermore, just as "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" and several other key documents state, the whole existence is nothing but an animal world. Interestingly enough, the only law they recognize is the rule of power. Who overpowers who is what this is all about. There is no other law to them. All other laws are nothing but idiocy of these blind "animals" - non-Jews, deluded out of their minds to believe there is something else in life beyond a belly.

No wonder Chandra Mohan sings all these praises to the most fanatical fascists such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Marx and others of their caliber, who happen to be the most blood thirsty animals in the entire history.

When actions or motivations of a man are discussed, they inevitably give the examples from the animal world. But is man nothing more than an animal? And why, in this case, they hate Christians and other non-Jews because they are animals, which is what Talmud states? But "god chosen" PEOPLE are NOT animals?

How could this be? The "highest" of the highest, the ONLY people there are and worshipping what? An animal? What is this? They claim to be supremely intelligent, and yet, throughout the millenniums they could not see such most profound contradiction? You don't have to have much higher intelligence than of animal to see these utterly disgusting concoctions.

Who are these people kidding but themselves?

And in that sense, it does make sense to worship a beast, and that is why the sacrificial pyre is located in a belly of Moloch statue, thus symbolizing the ultimate reality - animal.

And these disgusting degenerates call all other people animals and feces?

How could this be? Who do these evil degenerates "worship" in reality? Do ANY of them know? So far, I have not seen a single explanation of this most profound idiocy.

But one can say: well, but Moloch is not being worshipped nowadays. Well, considering total secrecy and even mass murders happening on the "happy and joyful holiday of Purim" for some strange reason, you can only guess.

Happy about what? About the blood of tortured and killed?

Secondly, would not that imply that you can change your "gods" like gloves? In that case, would it not be better to call it a fashion rather then "religion"? You can not change deities like you change gloves, or can you?

WHO sacrificed their own children to Moloch? Anybody knows? And if you think that Moloch is something ancient, just like some tale that no longer represents the reality of it all, poor you. What you have today is EXACTLY the same thing from the looks of it supported by plenty of facts from real life and not some theory. Just do a search on ritual murder in Chicago, USA. See what you can find.

Kill even half of your own children need be

They could care less the others exist, even of their own breed. Not only that, but they even consider their own old people to be nothing more than "dust" just as it was seen during the WWII when they made a deal with Germans to allow a few hundred of their young to be given a safe passage to Palestine while they stated that they are not interested in old people, because they are nothing more than "dust". Quite some "religion"!

World Leaders 102

On December 7, 1938, Ben Gurion, the first head of the Zionist 'state of Israel' declared

"If I knew it was possible to save all the children in Germany by taking them to England, and only half of the children by taking them to Eretz Israel, I would choose the second solution.

For we must take into account not only the lives of these children but also the history of the people of Israel."

See: Jews Against Zionism

Martin Buber, A chief deceiver

Chandra Mohan praised the Hassidic ideologist and a writer Martin Buber as someone of such profound significance that everyone simply MUST read his "...doctrines about non-Jews not unlike the Nazi doctrines about Jews..." as Professor Israel Shahak Speaks the Truth about Jewish "Religion".

Pay attention to those quote marks around Religion. Once you understand why he has put those quote marks in, you will understand the very essence of it.

"Martin Buber is one of the most profound thinkers of our age."

Krishna The Man and his Philosophy

Here is what Chandra Mohan says about Martin Buber (dictated under influence of nitrogen oxide oxide administered by Swami Devageet):

Date: Fri, 1 May 1984
Book Title: Osho - Books I Have Loved
Chapter #: 12

First, Martin Buber. I would not have been able to forgive myself if Martin Buber was not included.

As a penance I include his two books: first, TALES OF HASSIDISM. What D.T. Suzuki did for Zen, Buber has done for Hassidism. Both have done a tremendous service for seekers...

... without him the world would not have even known the word Hassid.

Buber was born into a Hassidic family. From his very childhood he was raised among Hassids. It was in his very blood, bones, in his marrow, so when he relates it it sounds so true, although he is only describing what he has heard, nothing more. He has heard correctly; that must be on record.

... but he has done it beautifully...

... Buber towers very high as far as the art of writing is concerned...

TALES OF HASSIDISM should be read by all seekers of truth.

The Hassid loves, laughs, dances. His religion is not of celibacy, but of celebration. That's why I find a bridge between my people and the Hassids. It is not accidental that so many Jews have come to me; otherwise, I am always shattering the heads of the Jews as much as I can... and still they know that I love them.

I love the essential in Judaism, that is Hassidism.

And here is what Professor Israel Shahak says in his book "Jewish History, Jewish Religion", and he is an expert on these kinds of issue, mind you:

A chief deceiver - Martin Buber

A chief deceiver in this case, and a good example of the power of the deception, was Martin Buber. His numerous works eulogizing the whole Hassidic movement (including Habbad) never so much as hint at the real doctrines of Hassidism concerning non-Jews...

But while ostensibly opposing Nazism, Buber glorified a movement holding and actually teaching doctrines about non-Jews not unlike the Nazi doctrines about Jews...

Buber's works ... have greatly increased the power of the blood-thirsty Hassidic leaders, and have thus been an important factor in the rise of Israeli chauvinism and hate of all non-Jews.

If we think about the many human beings who died of their wounds because Israeli army nurses, incited by Hassidic propaganda, refused to tend them, then a heavy onus for their blood lies on the head of Martin Buber.

I must mention here that in his adulation of Hassidism Buber far surpassed other Jewish scholars...

Their mysogynism (much more extreme than that common to all Jewish Orthodoxy), their indulgence in alcohol, their fanatical cult of their hereditary 'holy rabbis' who extorted money from them, the numerous superstitions peculiar to them - these and many other negative traits were critically commented upon.

But Buber's sentimental and deceitful romantization has won the day, especially in the USA and Israel, because it was in tune with the totalitarian admiration of anything 'genuinely Jewish' and because certain 'left' Jewish circles in which Buber had a particularly great influence have adopted this position.

Professor Israel Shahak Speaks the Truth about Jewish "Religion"

Religion of a belly

"Jews" can not possibly be religious according to their own representatives, because they can not possibly have such concepts as faith according to some authors including Harold Rosenthal, one of their own.

And that is precisely the reason professor Israel Shahak in his book "Jewish History, Jewish Religion" puts quotes around the word religion in the book subtitle:

Professor Israel Shahak Speaks the Truth about Jewish "Religion"

Judaism 301


"Judaism was not a religion but a law."

(Moses Mendeissohn, The Jewish Plato)

Judaism was not a religion but a law

Judaism 201

All the rules of the Talmud contain the doctrine of destruction

One of the most remarkable books on this subject, without doubt, is the work of Abbe Kiarini, published in Paris in 1830 and dedicated to the Emperor.

Kiarini with exemplary impartiality examines the basic teachings of the Jews and proves that all the rules of the Talmud contain destructive doctrine, that does not recognize either society except of Jewish, or even the very humanity itself, or a human as such, apart from a Jewish and a Jew.

All the rules of the Talmud contain the doctrine of destruction

What they are practicing is the cult of "get" according to Harold Rosenthal, who outlines the most important elements of their entire doctrine in a tape recorded interview, and he is not alone.

They are concerned squarely with practical realities, such as "what do I get out of this?", and it is not based on faith, but "reason". A totally different world view.

What they practice, or rather utilize, is a set of LAWS, not a religious teaching. Talmud is a set of laws as expressed in Mishnah and endlessly argued about by rabbis in Gemarah, making a "law" out of the most idiotic things conceivable.

First of all, religion can not be expressed by the library size books, such as Talmud. That simply makes the whole thing either fake or something else, but not a genuine religion.

Because no religion can be as restrictive and as dictatorial as to prescribe so many things of rudimentary nature as though they are not teaching some sacred meaning of life, but rather programming biorobots and zombies, totally unable to think for themselves and comprehend the simplest things of life, needing to forever be programmed and reprogrammed according to the fashion of the day.

It is not about wisdom of any kind, but dictates about practicalities of how to achieve the most benefit from exploiting everything that moves and does not for that matter, on how to be cunning, how to lie and deceive, how to control and dominate, how to parasite on "goyim" and things equally as creative.

These laws strictly dictate the behavior of "religious" Jews in every conceivable situation, to the point of simply bizarre.

The idea behind the blood rites is this: they believe that, first of all, blood is the very essence of a human being. Since they are squarely materialists, just like their profit, Karl Marx presented it, they can not have a concept of anything immaterial. So, blood to them is the highest value there is as far as a human being is concerned. Such things as faith, emotion, intuition, compassion, dignity, honesty and you name it, are simply considered as irrational stupidity of the goys, the animals.

So, only material things could be classified as "rational" as they themselves state on record. Anything else is plain stupidity of the "goyim", the animals in a human form, who are so stupid that they even allow to be manipulated like puppets and let "god's chosen people" exploit them in the most blatant and simply outrageous ways, so, stupid, that they do not take a moment to think of what is happening to them in reality, accepting ANY kind of garbage they are zombified with, which, unfortunately, is more true than false. Just look around and inside. What do you see?

Secondly, by consuming even the smallest part of blood, the victim becomes a part of you on a genetic level and so you can "see" through his eyes, kind of, since he is now a part of you, and so you know him like you know yourself, and can predict whatever possible trouble they may cause you once they detect your evil deeds. Cool, eh? It is kind of "you are what you eat" idea, if you heard of that one.

But the strangest thing of all is that they consider all non-Jews to be nothing more than animals or even feces. Only they themselves are human. So... Why would "god's chosen people" drink blood of an animal, knowing full well that it will become a part of them on a genetic level, and, therefore, will "pollute" their pure genetic pool? Does it make ANY sense to anyone who is not totally insane?

Do not they realize that by doing it they become animals themselves, and according to their own system of belief?

Now, WITCHCRAFT is what this is all about. Occult, Kabbalah, secrecy, darkness, rituals, blood, murder, lies, deception, fabrications, perversions, and the list goes on.

Do you see whose signature it is?

But all of this racism is generally applicable to all "non-Jews", or Goyim, except it is specifically targeted against Christians because they believe in Jesus, the worst enemy of these satanists, or the Pharisees as they were called at the time.


The concept of "Egregor" is presented in Russia as a part of "Global Governance and Security Concept".

Egregor means the energy/information field, shared by groups of people sharing the same belief system, interests or intent.

There is a parallel concept of telepathy that states that ALL the communications happen on the level of telepathy. All your words are just blah, blah, blah symbols, signifying nothing at the end. But the energy you project is what constitutes true information. Just look at all sorts of animals, such as pigeons and dogs. It has been widely reported that dogs "know" when the owner comes home and comes to the door just as the master enters. EXACTLY at that time.

What does it mean?

Well, it means that they are tuned into the same wavelength, just like you tune to a different radio station by rotating the knob on your radio receiver.

People with similar interests tune into the same Egregor. They share the energy/information field, and that is how they communicate, regardless of what kind or words they utter, when and "why". All that stuff is noise pretty much. The real thing is energy projections and tuning in to the same wavelength. You can find it in any kind of human activity, be it stamp collecting, the sports fanaticism, or blunt fascism.

So, what is satanism then? Well it is certain Egregor. It only exist as your mind projection. But, when lots of people "tune in" on this wavelength, it becomes reality.

Do you understand how they fuck you now?

They fuck you, exploit you, make you a zombie and a biorobot via Egregors they create via organisations such as the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations as described by Dr. John Coleman (see site). It would not be such a bad idea to study that book, even though it does not even mention the very concept of Egregor.

Just look at the "fashion" industry or "show" industry, or your "rock and roll", "rap", "women liberation", "hippie revolution", "war on drugs", "war on terrorism" and you name it.

What do you see there?

Well, it is all different egregors, and once you tune into it, you become a part of it and are totally controlled by it, whether you know it or not, whether you submit to it or resist it.

Our god is Lucifer

"Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer
... - and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive."

-- Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a top Administrative Aide to one of this nation's ranking senators, Jacob Javits R-NY, in a tape recorded interview by Walter White, Jr., which was conducted in 1976. From the book "The Hidden Tyranny".

Harold Rosenthal was supposedly murdered for giving this interview in 1976 during which he boasted about how a group of Jews are manipulating the stupid and gullible Goyim.

This interview clearly reiterates "the program" of the "Protocols of Zion", and, since it was tape recorded, it becomes an undeniable evidence of not only this truly satanic conspiracy, but the Protocols themselves.

The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview


That is why it was said:

Your father is the devil

On Judeo teachings and Jewish God Yahweh, Jesus said:

"Your father is the devil, and you want to fulfill the lusts of your father.

He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the Truth, because there is no Truth in him.

When he lies, he speaks from his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies"

(John 8:42-44)

And that is PRECISELY why they hate Jesus like a plague. Because he did expose their true nature, and thousands of years ago, and it is still the same. That is the very definition of Truth - That Which Is.

Holy Communion

And they hate him now just the same. Nothing has changed throughout times. And that is precisely why they are required to pay for the victims of their ritual sacrifice rites exactly 30 coins, no matter what denomination. It could be even done to different hands and at different times. But they DO have to pay for those they are going to murder and drink their blood, just to insult and ridicule the Christian Holy Communion.

They need to make a mockery of Holy Communion just to make sure you do not tune into the egregor of Creation and All Pervading Good.

And Holy Communion is a Mystery, a "secret", which is not a secret, which makes you tune into the wavelength of the Infinite Ever Expanding Intelligence, the Source of All Creation.

As far as I can see, the meaning of Holy Communion is this:

Jesus said: drink this wine, it is my blood, eat this bread, it is my body.

These sick satanists of Hassidic origin interpret it directly and take it literally, being the materialists they are.

And that is why they are killing and torturing the innocent babies. Because that is what they want to incorporate into their beings - the innocence, be it utterly clueless.

But I say: what Jesus meant by it is:

Partake in the very essence of me and take what I say to the very depths of your heart, and so, through this wine and through this bread, the very essence that stands behind me, will enter your very being on the most mysterious level, and your eyes will clear up, and so will your ears, and so you shalt be able to see clearly, just like me, the Truth of it all.

The meaning of it is that you need to tune in, on your deepest level, to this wavelength, and only then you shall be able to see the Truth.

This is the deepest level meaning in New Testament. According to one author, John's Testament is encoded via triple key, and to really understand it, you need to go to the third level. The meaning of it is that the text has three levels of understanding, first, literal, second symbolic meaning of parables, and third, the mysterious one, generally imperceivable by most, and that third level reveals the real meaning on the level of Truth. It is not really a secret, even though no one can see it, because it is "hidden", hidden from the blind who can not see that is.

And John was the only one who understood that ultimate level, the ultimate meaning of what Jesus said, and so he was the most beloved disciple among all. All others could understand the second level only, the level of parables.

Because via Good you can not control, dominate, destroy, pervert, humiliate and rob other people of the fruits of their labor forever parasiting on their blood and sweat.

And these satanists do all these evil acts just to keep all those fools in the same egregor of most profound evil, just like slaves. As long as they remember 30 silver coins and as long as they do the same thing, they are all slaves of nothing less than Satan egregor, the egregor of destruction that is forever trying to win over the egregor of Creation, creativity, intuition, love, trust, compassion, hope and virginity of a human heart.

Do you understand now? Or you need more "explanations"?

This is their way to mock and ridicule Jesus and remind their own that money is of a higher value than nothing less than Truth itself, just to keep them all zombified on the same satanist Egregor that only exist in their sick degenerate minds.

IAO - the ultimate symbol of death

IAO - the ultimate symbol of death.

There was this sicko satanist/occultist Aleister Crawley, probably the sickest Occultist and Kabbalist on record. He declared that the symbol of IAO is the ultimate symbol. Because it symbolizes the fall, fall into a void, which is your surrender.

Remeber the "surrender" trick?

"Dead to yourself, dead to the world, and born again in Lucifer."

Now, in order for you to become a puppet, a zombie, you need to become an empty host. Only then you can be controlled like a puppet.

And Osho joined WHOSE band wagon?

The Satanist egregor?

Praising WHO?

HASSIDS, the ONLY JudeoSatanic/ZioNazi sect practicing the most vicious form of murder during their satanic rites and witchcraft rituals?

Human blood is also used in spells and several other occult applications practiced by Hassidism. During the "happy and joyous holiday of Purim", Christian blood is added to the pastries, and that is not the end of it, by ANY means.

We can talk about this for a book worth. So fundamental it is. At the very bottom of it, it is a struggle of Lucifer (or Jehovah, or Moloch, or Satan) against God.

It symbolizes betrayal of Jesus for 30 silver coins and him turning a crowd of Jews, he called possessed by evil, into a herd of pigs and running them into the lake to drown.

Now, the Hassids happen to be pretty much the same clan as Pharisees. They are the false teachers using the book to describe the reality. In other words, the book worms. They know not what they are preaching or teaching.

It is a sect of belly worshippers. The material world. They know nothing but talk a lot.

It is a "religion" of a belly, the material. Mind is considered to be a supreme aspect of existence, and ZioNazis even have guts to claim that Judaism is the ONLY "rational" religion in the world. Because it is squarely based on "reason". All other religions have some kind of faith principle involved. Something unverifiable via mind, and, therefore, "stupid" as far as ZioNazis, calling themselves the Judaists are concerned.

So, Hassids, being the most radical sect of Judaism, hate Christians like nothing else. For one thing, Christians eat the pork meat, which, in Hassidic minds, identifies with Jesus who is said to have converted the crowd of Judeans, whom he called the evil possessed, into the pigs and made them run them into the lake to be drowned. That is about the highest insult to Pharisees there is. It is forbidden to a "Jew" to eat pork for this reason.

And betrayal of Jesus by Judah for 30 silver coins is transferred into the blood rites of killing the Christian babies. Those boys are to be bought for 30 coins, and there is specific evidence of these rites on record. And those boys are to be tortured and killed and their blood is to be drained and added to the wine and pastries to be eaten by "Jews", and used in other witchcraft rites, symbolizing the grand revenge towards Jesus as being a son of God.

Blood used in these rituals has to be the blood specifically obtained as a result of torture of Christian boys and babies not older than 7 years old.

It is basically a revenge of Satan with God.

So, to make a long story short, this IS the very essence of Hassidism.

What kind of a religion promotes the ritual murder and blood rites but satanism preaching the evil most profound as some kind of "religion"?

Destruction versus creation. Parasitism versus creativity. Negation and denial versus affirmation. Perversion versus harmony. Hate versus love.

In other words, the most fundamental struggle there is, the struggle of evil with good.

Te MOST fundamental thing you have ever heard of or can even conceive. There is just nothing more fundamental than this issue as this is the very root of all evil.

Do we need to say more? Because we can!

See: The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice

Osho and New World Order

Check out DUMBs - Deep Underground Military Bases. Lots of fun. The NWO "elite" is building the underground cities deep in the mountains like crazy, that are able to withstand a nuclear strike. A company that is building those has a backlog of several years. Why would they do that?

Here is some interesting information about the lecture given by one of "them", "rulers" to a large group of pediatricians explaining to them the principles of the NWO and its agenda. What is interesting about it is that it is nearly identical to what "Osho" taught when he talked about the "borderless world" and "paradise on earth without God". There are so many common points, that it seems like either they adopted his teachings or he adopted their agenda. Because nearly all the points are exactly the same.

Such things as destruction of family, population control, eugenics, euthanasia, sex without reproduction and reproduction without sex, "free sex", education, information access and mind control, religion are exactly as he taught. Just a quick glance at the table of contents would be enough to see the similarity between his doctrine and that of the NWO.

New Order of Barbarians

This is a interesting subject reflecting the essence of what Chandra Mohan referred to when he was saying things like "I am a dictator", the "borderless world", "communism is the only hope", "but I am the one to have the last laugh", "I am the one to have the last word", or "I can be terrible if you bug me" and so on.

He talked about this NWO thing as some ultimate form of social organization. He called it "the borderless world". Pretty innocent and appealing, isn't it?

No wars, no armies, no conflicts between the nations, no governments duplicating each others efforts and doing the same thing, just pure grade "peace" on earth, or, like the Christians call it:

"The paradise on Earth without God".

The only question is: but WHO is going to "rule" on Earth in that "paradise"? Do you know?

Because even in the "borderless world" model either someone rules it or not. If no one does, it is called an anarchy, and that one was already tried in Russia. Turned out to be nothing more than gangs of criminals robbing all. There was only one anarchist worth even mentioning, and the reason he thought the anarchy is the solution is to prevent this very model of the NWO we are going to discuss here. All others were simply criminals and bandits robbing and killing people and parasiting on the fruits of their labor.

The other alternative is that someone does rule it, and who could that be? Who craves for power and domination? WHO has the best chance to become the ruler and what would be his motivations? Do you care to know that? If you do, read on. If you don't, just get lost.

So, let us see here...

In fact, the "communism" was the Chandra Mohan's only doctrine, at least as far as social organization is concerned. So we simply have to look into it and it is the KEY issue as I claim.

This subject is so huge and so significant that it deserves a book by itself. As far as I can see, it is THE number one question there is, compared to which, this "enlightenment" carrot is nothing more than a "story told by an idiot signifying nothing at the end".

The NWO Outline

The subject of the NWO is huge and its history goes back in time even before Jesus. So let us present a quick outline of what it is in a short summary.

The idea of NWO traces its roots back to the Talmud and Torah and worshipping the golden calf, a statue made out of pure gold, by ancient "Jews".

The symbol of a golden calf is significant for several reasons. First of all, since it is made out of gold, in symbolizes the ultimate value. "Jews", or rather, ZioNazis, are materialists in the strictest sense. They do not and can not possibly have a religion. They lack the very concept of idealism according to some of their own representatives and people of prominence. What they have instead is a set of "laws", or rather zombification instructions, called the Talmud and Torah, and later on Shulchan Aruch and Tanya.

Judaism is not a religion. It is a Law.

Judaism 301


"Judaism was not a religion but a law."

(Moses Mendeissohn, The Jewish Plato)

Elizabeth Dilling expresses it this way:

Judaism 104

Babylonian Talmud - The Law

"The Babylonian Talmud is the law for so-called Judaism. However, its pornographic, anti-Gentile and anti-Christian doctrines have often caused hostility against it."

Babylonian Talmud - The Law - The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling

They worship an animal nature of a beast.

Basically, they "worship" money and that is why their idol is made out of pure gold. That is the highest value to them.

Harold Wallace Rosenthal expresses these ideas in a tape recorded interview very clearly and to the point. He was a Jew himself and worked as a top administrative assistant to one of the U.S. most influential Senators.

We Jews never possessed any religious institution

We Jews never possessed any religious institution which developed out of our own consciousness, for we lack any kind of idealism. This means that a belief in life beyond this terrestrial existence is foreign to us.

As a matter of fact, the Talmud does not lay down principles with which to prepare the individual for a life to come, but furnishes only rules for a sumptuous life in this world.

Our teachings are not concerned with moral problems, but rather with how to 'get'

It is a collection of instructions for maintaining the Jewish race and regulating: intercourses between us and the goy.

Our teachings are not concerned with moral problems, but rather with how to 'get.'

In regard to the moral value of the Jews' religious teaching, there exist quite exhaustive studies which show the kind of religion that we have in a light that makes it look uncanny to the Aryan mind.

We are the best example of the kind of product which religious training evolves. Our life is of this world only and our mentality is as foreign to the true spirits of Christianity as our character was to the Founder of this new creed 2,000 years ago.

As always, we used religion as a means of advancing our commercial interest

The Founder of Christianity made no secret of his estimation of the Jews and the fact that he was not one of us. When he found it necessary he drove us out of the temple of God, because then, as always, we used religion as a means of advancing our commercial interest.

But at that time, we managed to nail Jesus to the cross for his attitude towards us; whereas, the modern Christians enter into party politics and in order to win elections, they debase themselves by begging for Jewish votes. They even enter into political intrigues with us against the interests of their own nation.

We can live among other nations and states only as long as we succeed in persuading them that the Jews are not a distinct people, but are the representatives of a religious faith who, therefore, constitute a 'religious community,' though this be of a peculiar character. As a matter of fact, this is the greatest of our falsehoods.

-- Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a top Administrative Aide to one of this nation's ranking senators, Jacob Javits R-NY, in a tape recorded interview by Walter White, Jr., which was conducted in 1976. From the book "The Hidden Tyranny".

We Jews never possessed any religious institution

The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview

The only time we unite is to preserve our individual selves

The only time we unite is to preserve our individual selves. As a group of wolves unite to attack a prey, but then disperse after each is filled, so we Jews unite when peril is pending, not to preserve our community but to save our own skin.

For to create would only benefit another

This attitude permeates our entire being and philosophy. We are not the creators for to create would only benefit another.

We are the 'acquirers' and are interested only in satisfying the 'self.' To understand our philosophy understand the term 'to get.'

We never give but only take

We never give but only take. We never labor but enjoy the fruits of others' labor. We do not create but confiscate. We are not the producers but the parasites.

We can physically live within any society, but always remain spiritually apart. To work would be to produce and the highest form of that labor would be to create.

The only time we unite is to preserve our individual selves
The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview

Moloch worshipping

There is also an ancient tradition of Moloch worshipping and ritual sacrifice of people and particularly children, which is practiced to this day according to the experts. Hundreds of thousands of children are missing every year without a trace.

There was in their city a bronze image of Moloch extending
	its hands, palms up and sloping toward the ground, so that each
	of the children when placed thereon rolled down and fell into
	a sort of gaping pit filled with fire.

There was in their city a bronze image of Moloch extending its hands, palms up and sloping toward the ground, so that each of the children when placed thereon rolled down and fell into a sort of gaping pit filled with fire.

This Moloch worship constitutes the most violent, utterly inhuman nature of their belief system. It is historically known to be brutal and barbaric. In ancient times after a battle they are known to have eaten the flesh and drink the blood of their enemies, barbaric as it gets.

So, what is NWO? Well, it is an ideology of a belly, the material world, just as it has been expressed by Karl Marx, their "prophet" of communism, lust for money and parasitism unlimited, combined with utter brutality and megalomaniacal ideology of "superiority" of "god chosen people" and ideology of global domination.

This is what constitutes the NWO.

And all of it is an inevitable consequence of their teachings as expressed in their "scriptures".

They claim their "scriptures" are full of laws of human nature. Except those laws are explicitly applicable to "Jews" only. Heathen, goyim, "strangers" and "foreigners", and akum are specifically named as non-human, like an object, a property, an animal. Literally so. And this is explicitly stated in their "scriptures".

Marxism is Judaism

Judaism 302


"Some call it Marxism -- I call it Judaism."

(The American Bulletin, Rabbi S. Wise, May 5, 1935).

The NWO in a single sentence

Judaism 303


"The great ideal of Judaism is that the whole world shall be imbued with Jewish teachings, and that in a Universal Brotherhood of Nations - a greater Judaism, in fact - All the separate races and religions shall disappear."

(Jewish World, February 9, 1883).

This, in short is the foundation of the NWO. Later on, it developed into Marxism, the ideas of "dialectic materialism" of Karl Marx, which was the foundation of revolutions, and into Nitzcheism and fascism, which is simply inevitable with the very ideas of "superiority" of one race over all others.

So, this materialism traces back to the New Testament and Jesus, and specifically the incident where he entered their temple and overturned the tables of the money changers, telling them to "get out of my house". A temple IS a house of God. But they converted it into a money changer's paradise. This was the highest level of insult to nothing less then God.

For their horrible sins and worshipping of a golden calf, they have been dispersed throughout the world and their temple was destroyed according to religious scriptures.

Another aspect of it is the utmost hate of "goyim" or "heathen", as non-"Jews" were called. It is such a profound hate, and it is recorded directly in their scriptures, that even Adolph Hitler pales in comparison. Even he did not have such an extensive system of condemnation of non-"Jews".

Creation of the Rothschild global empire

So, the end result of all this craving for money and gold, combined with racist ideology of "superiority" of ZioNazis eventually lead to creation of the Rothschild empire.

Moses Amschel Bauer places a red sign above the entrance door to his counting house. This sign is a red hexagram (that geometrically and numerically translates into the number 666), which under Rothschild instruction will end up on the Israeli flag some two centuries later.

Bauer recognises the significance of the red hexagram and changes his name from Bauer to Rothschild, after the red hexagram or sign signifying 666 hanging over the entrance door ("Rot," is German for, "Red," "Schild," is German for, "Shield," or, "Sign").

Moses Amschel Bauer places a red hexagram sign above the entrance door to his counting house.

This is actually the beginning of implementation of the NWO agenda as we know it today.

Creation of the Illuminati secret society by Rothschild

Mayer Amschel Rothschild draws up plans for the creation of the, "Illuminati," and entrusts Ashkenazi Jew, Adam Weishaupt, a Crypto-Jew (a Jew who pretends he's not Jewish) who is outwardly Roman Catholic, with its organization and development.

The "Illuminati," is to be based upon the teachings of the Talmud, which is in turn, the teachings of Rabbinical Jews.

It is to be called the, "Illuminati," which is a Luciferian term which means "keepers of the light." [or the "illuminated" ones - an equivalent of "enlightenment".]

Mayer Amschel Rothschild draws up plans for the creation of the, "Illuminati," and entrusts Ashkenazi Jew, Adam Weishaupt with its organization and development

Tremendous accumulation of money begins with Mayer Amschel Rothschild realising that lending money to governments is much more profitable than to individuals and it has immense potential for domination and takeover of governments and states.

So, using all sorts of shameless manipulation, lies and deceit, and other criminal techniques he quickly accumulates enough money to be noticed on a governmental level.

Five sons of Rothschild were sent to major capitals of Europe to set up the banking empires in those countries.

Immense amount of money was made on financing wars. Rothschild financed both sides of all the wars since American revolution.

At that point, the major European governments were indebted to Rothschilds to such an extent that those literally controlled all of Europe for all practical purposes.

They also penetrated the USA and have set up their banks using their agents, who later became the biggest bankers in the U.S. history.

At that point they owned the world and what was left to be done is to implement the "prophecies" of the "scriptures" and establish the system of global domination known as the NWO.

That NWO was to implement those ancient ideas of the Talmud and Torah in order to create a global empire ruled by the "superman" - a ZioNazi.

What we have now is the final steps of implementation of that agenda. According to most prominent ZioNazis, nothing can stop them now. In fact, even 100 years ago global domination could not have been prevented.

Racist foundation of the NWO

Goyim are considered to be animals and feces.

NWO 403

When death approached, old Amschel Rothschild called together his children, in Frankfort, and having read the satanic Talmud, he proclaimed:

"Remember my children, that all the Earth must belong to us, Jews, and that the Gentiles being mere excrements of animals, must possess nothing".

Explaining this, Amschel compelled them to swear most solemnly that they would always stick to one another and never undertake anything separately. This they did and it was repeated on Amschel's grave twenty-four years later, when Nathan for material reasons consented to become a "Christian" and "suddenly" died ...

Secret World Government by Cherep-Spiridovich

Rabbis 217


"According to Jewish belief, the Jewish People constitutes a species of their its own... i.e., a special, separate act of Creation by the Almighty.

'The thought of creating the Jewish People preceded every other thought' of the Almighty when creating the Universe according to the teaching of Rabbi Samuel bar Isaac."

Chabad 004

The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: "Let us differentiate."

Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level.

Rather, we have a case of "let us differentiate" between totally different species.

This is what needs to be said about the body:

the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world...

...An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.

We therefore ask:

Why should a non-Jew be punished if he kills even a non-Jewish embryo while a Jew should not be punished even if he kills a Jewish embryo? The answer can be understood by [considering] the general difference between Jews and non-Jews:

A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews."

-- The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson

(Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky. (1999). Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel. Pluto Press, p.B8-62)

See: "Let us differentiate"

Rabbis 103

Regarded as one of the Lubovitcher sect's leading authorities on Jewish mysticism, the St. Louis born rabbi, who also has a graduate degree in mathematics, speaks freely of Jews' genetic-based, spiritual superiority over non-Jews.

It is a superiority that he asserts invests Jewish life with greater value in the eyes of the Torah.

"If you saw two people drowning, a Jew and a non-Jew, the Torah says you save the Jewish life first," Rabbi Ginsburgh told the Jewish Week.

"If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA."

Later, Rabbi Ginsburgh asked rhetorically:

"If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value," he explained.

"There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life."

-- Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh in Jewish Week, the largest Jewish publication in the United States, April 26, 1996.

SOURCE: Quotes from leading Chabadist, Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh - "Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel" - Chapter 4: The National Religious Party and the Religious Settlers - By: Dr. Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky.

Their "scriptures", such as the Talmud, Torah, Shulchan Aruch and Tanya (of Chabad Lubavitch sect) provide precise instructions on how to behave and to handle any kind of most important issues related to goyim, heathen or akum as they are called in Shulchan Aruch.

DUMBs - Deep Underground Military Bases

And what all these Satanists, in the name of NWO, have for you is a nuclear war, just as was shown in the Time magazine at the time Putin took his office. He told them: yes, all these talks about "new relationship" of "peace" is nice and dandy. But... And he showed them the front cover of Time magazine which had a map of a nuclear strike against Russia where all the most developed and most populated areas on the West side of it were to be destroyed. The estimated death toll was 20 MILLION people. Nice friends, eh?

And now they are building the underground cities deep in the mountains and underground military bases - DUMBs. And the backlog for orders to build the new cities by the commercial company is so long that they are running behind the order log by YEARS. Do a search on DUMBs - Deep Underground Military Bases and see what you find.

Here: Deep Underground Military Bases

The NWO Foundation

The question naturally arises: what do you need this NWO thing for? What is the very purpose of it? Sure, you can find all sorts of explanations and rationalizations. But let us look at it at the very core, and that is individual, psychological and spiritual need.

Basically, there are two diametrically opposite approaches to life. One is giving, and the other is taking.

Giving is creation, taking is destruction.

Basically, when one thinks that by giving one has less left for himself, it is nothing but a pure grade delusion.


Well, first of all, what do you have to give?

As been said in the scriptures, what you have on your hands is nothing but "the dust to fall into dust" in the scheme of things. What you have to give, you already took, took from the resources of the planet eventually that are given to you for free. Or you have robbed, parasited and exploited others. You, by yourself, have nothing to give, unless you have created it with your own hands with your own work and effort. Do not underestimate the significance of this statement.

When you give, you are actually taking, taking from the infinite, all pervasive intelligence, the very root of existence. You are simply allowing yourself and trusting yourself enough to receive something from the highest levels of existence.

So, in order for you to give something, you must have access to the infinite which has that something you think you are going to give.

You simply have trust that you will be able to have access to that infinite source and so will be able to take something from it in order to "give" it to others.

This is the bare bone essence of it.

And so, when you try to take something from others, for the purpose of parasiting on them and exploiting them, thinking that you are more deserving than others, you are just a totally mistrusting beggar, never having enough, and so you try to take something from those, who do not have anything to give but their "blood, sweat and tears". The most idiotic and the most futile effort that is bound to fail from the very start, no matter how much illusion you are going to accumulate by robbing existence and sucking everyone's blood.

And, strangely enough, those who forever take, never seem to be satisfied. They forever need more, and more, and more. Why? Well, because they are not getting anything really. All their palaces and all their stockpiles of gold and money are just illusions, utterly empty of the very life. Dead stuff.

And look at the most powerful and richest men on this planet. Take for example Nicholas Rockefeller. He learned about Aaron Russo and his work, and, apparently, that work represented some danger to this whole so called NWO agenda. So, he contacted Russo and tried to get him involved in this NWO thing in order to corrupt him, so he would start doing things that promote the NWO agenda instead of doing just the opposite.

They had a number of meetings and discussed all sorts of things. Russo asked him: but why do you need all this? Don't you have enough money? You have all the money in the world! Why are you doing all this stuff? What else do you need?

But Rockefeller did not even understand the question. He simply could not. He just blabbered: we need bankers to control the world, and we need to implement the "chip society", so everyone is chipped, and if he does not behave, his chip is simply turned off and he is dead. Because at that point, there is no such a thing as paper money. Everything is done via chips.

But for what? What is the "end goal" on the PERSONAL level? What else can you possibly gain out of it for yourself if you already own all the money in the world you could possibly need, and for generations to come? What is that PERSONAL need of yours to create this ugly satanic model of utmost evil?

But he could not even understand the question. Because he is a beggar deep inside. He has no concept of wealth, having all this money. All he has is an illusion of eternal struggle to get more and more and more, and he is totally incapable of observing that whatever he was able to accumulate throughout his entire life still does not satisfy for some strange reason.

You still need more. More of what, you idiot?

Interestingly enough, these ZioNazis call their so called religion, which is nothing more than plain ordinary satanism, the most rational religion of all. Because it is based on reason. Everything in Judaism is an endless reasoning and arguing about what is what and who is who. You can hardly find a single point upon which they agree.

One rabbi is forever arguing the other rabbis about the same stupid thing, and they can never agree on anything. Because once you start looking at life from the standpoint of "reason" as the only valid principle of existence, you are in a trap. Reason is limited in its nature and scope. There are other aspects of existence that are of more significance than reason, such as love, beauty, creativity, which lays above reason, and all sorts of other aspects.

Existence is multi-dimensional. Every single thing or event has virtually unlimited number of aspects or properties. It all depends on your point of view. Two people look at the same thing and what they see is totally different things. Just observe.

And, being as "rational" as they claim to be, SUPREMELY "rational", they are the most stupid there are, totally unable to see the limitations of "reason" or logic, taking it as prime aspect of existence as such, which is nothing more than the most profound delusion there is.

Where is feeling in their "religion"? Where is intuition? Where is love? Where is compassion? Where is humility? Where is caring? Where is artistic expression? Well, it does not exist in their scheme. It is all considered to be "irrational", and, therefore, stupid.

Can you imagine THIS kind of stupidity?

Where is creativity, which is not, and can not possibly be, based on reason. Because reason deals with known. Creativity deals with unknown. It needs tremendous trust, and not merely some monkey logic of oblivion. You will never be able to create something genuinely original if you base your creativity on futile considerations of reason.

And that is why it was said: a house built on sand shalt fall. Inevitably so.

Canaanite "god" Moloch - "god" of NWO

Since this subject is way too huge to even fit into a thick book, we will follow an advice: "one picture is worth a thousand words". That might help us to put things in proper perspective hopefully. Because if you really spend your time on studying this subject, that is where you will end up, inevitably so.

In a single sentence, NWO is Moloch worship, death worship and a manifestation of utmost evil of mind boggling grade. Yes, Moloch is not the only name of evil most profound.

Just a few words before you see that picture "worth a thousand words".

All the violence you see around, all the wars, revolutions, murders, genocide, tortures, assassinations are nothing more than a ritual sacrifice to their "god", just as the "scriptures" dictate, and all the terrorists they keep talking about everywhere are just puppets.

Their masters are in London for some strange reasons, and all those masters happen to be the sheiks and some of the richest people you can find, and nothing happens in the field without their command and approval. And they care about that "terrorism" myth as much as you care about the spilled milk. And that is the facts of reality.

And their puppeteers are the worshippers of Moloch or Lucifer. And that is all there is to it. Do your own research and see the real story and not those myths about "war on terrorism" your mind is continuously zombified with by the real terrorists and their propaganda machine.

Many roads lead to London and some of the world's worst criminals take refuge in London for some strange reasons, and those criminals of a treasonous grade are never extradited from the UK. If there is a capital of the most horrendous crime in the world, guess where it is.

According to Nicholas Rockefeller in his meetings with Aaaron Russo, there is no such a problem as terrorism. It is all nothing but a facade to conduct the war without end, the war that you can never win because there exists no real enemy. And the "end goal" of this war is enslavement of mankind and implementation of the global police state, ruled by the puppet of Lucifer. There is a nice video of the interview with Aaron Russo. See:

Interview with Aaron Russo about his meetings with Nick Rockefeller

"The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world."

"... Endless war on terror where there's no real enemy and the whole thing is a giant hoax," so that "the government could take over the American people,"

-- Nicholas Rockefeller in an interview with Aaron Russo.

Basically, ALL you see any place you look is the propaganda, that has absolutely nothing to do with any kind of truth, as all the media is in their hands. It is not about truth. It is but AGENDA to achieve the final state, called the NWO, when "the ruler" finally comes to rule this earth.

And they shall crown him with a crown made of pure gold, called Tzitz, that has already been made as was announced in 2007, and he shall sit in the "Holy Temple" in Jerusalem, the capital of the world, with a single world government, ruled by the "ruler", and they shall offer him a sacrifice of a red heifer that is pure, just like the "scriptures" dictate.

And if you think this is all nothing but a myth or some horror story, or some fiction, then YOU live in a world of myths.

Der Sturmer came to know the Jew from the confession which Dr. Conrad Alberti-Sittenfeld, a Jew, wrote in 1899 in No. 12 of the magazine Gesellschaft:

"One of the most dangerous Jewish qualities is the brutal, direct barbaric intolerance. A worse tyranny cannot be practiced than that which the Jewish clique practices.

If you try to move against this Jewish clique, they will, without hesitating, use brutal methods to overcome you.

Mainly the Jew tries to destroy his enemy in the mental area, by which he takes his material gain away, and undermines his civil existence. The vilest of all forms of retaliation, the boycott, is characteristically Jewish."

And here is just one direct quote from the "scriptures".



[Ed: seed and children are synonymous. This is about ritual sacrifice of children to Moloch.]

- Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 64a

Soncino 1961 Edition, page 437

Blood Ritual: Human Sacrifice, the Talmud, and the Moloch Problem

Also: The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice

Moloch pictures

So, here is this "god" of NWO (New World Order), Moloch

An 18th century German illustration of Moloch
		("Der Götze Moloch" i.e Moloch, the false
		god). In many depictions, the fiery alter of Molech was
		located within the 'Belly of the Beast'.

An 18th century German illustration of Moloch ("Der Götze Moloch" i.e Moloch, the false god). In many depictions, the fiery alter of Molech [Ed: where sacrifices are made] was located within the 'Belly of the Beast'.

There was in their city a bronze image of
		Moloch extending its hands, palms up and sloping
		toward the ground, so that each of the children when
		placed thereon rolled down and fell into a sort of
		gaping pit filled with fire.

There was in their city a bronze image of Moloch extending its hands, palms up and sloping toward the ground, so that each of the children when placed thereon rolled down and fell into a sort of gaping pit filled with fire.





Cremation of Care ceremony at Bohemian Grove

Cremation of Care ceremony at Bohemian Grove.

Ceremony at Bohemian Grove. A photograph taken on a long lense at Bohemian Grove

Ceremony at Bohemian Grove. A photograph taken on a long lense at Bohemian Grove.

Ceremony at Bohemian Grove. Remember the stone Owl at Bohemian Grove

Ceremony at Bohemian Grove. Remember the stone Owl at Bohemian Grove.

Bohemian Club logo

Bohemian Club logo.

Zionism 103

On December 7, 1938, Ben Gurion, the first head of the Zionist 'state of Israel' declared

"If I knew it was possible to save all the children in Germany by taking them to England, and only half of the children by taking them to Eretz Israel, I would choose the second solution.

For we must take into account not only the lives of these children but also the history of the people of Israel."

See: Jews Against Zionism

So, the stupid "history" which is mostly lies serving a particular agenda, seems to be more "important" than the very lives of actual people, and not only some "goyim", but Jews themselves. What do you call this but the monstrosity of satanic proportions?

So, it seems to be OK to sacrifice as much as half of the Jewish children in the name of the NWO and world domination. Well, actually this is nothing unusual as far as "religious" doctrine goes. The history of Jewish ritual sacrifice is well known.

The New Tzitz has been created, all set for the NWO to be announced

The New Tzitz: The Golden Crown of the High Priest
The New Tzitz: The Golden Crown of the High Priest

On Dec 2, 2007 Rabbi Richman and rabbi Glick, the general director of The Temple Institute in Jerusalem have announced the completion of the Tzitz, the High Priest's headplate - now ready for use in the Holy Temple (in place of one of the three holies of Islam, the Masjid Al Aqsa Mosque).

The tzitz is made of pure gold, was fashioned over the course of a more than a year by the craftsmen of the Temple Institute, and is ready to be worn by the High Priest in the rebuilt Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

The words "Holy for G-d" are engraved on the headplate, in accordance with Exodus 28:36.

The Tzitz announcement.

Well, actually, there is no need to even announce the NWO thing. Even as we stand right now, everything is in place already.

The active state and total abandonment of all the laws for all practical purposes has begun with the Bush family as presidents. Prescott Bush, the grandfather of George W. Bush, was one of the most ferocious Freemasons on record. He built his money empire managing finances for Adolph Hitler.

The first one simply announced the NWO and no one really paid attention to it. And his son initiated the most horrible wars of aggression, which is defined as war crime. The US Constitution is utterly meaningless document by now, signifying nothing of real value as far as practical realities are concerned.

At this point the International law is utterly meaningless. The Basic Human Rights convention assuring the most fundamental human rights, signed by most countries in the world, is only good enough to be eaten up by the book worms in a library. ALL of it is ignored and in the most drastic ways.

Hired to kill

What we have, even right now, is total lawlessness enforced by the clandestine operations by the hired thugs of private commercial international military forces used to bypass the law and perform virtually any acts of terrorism, sabotage, provocations, "regime change", staged "revolutions" we are seeing right now, that flared up all over the world simultaneously for some strange reason, which is simply impossible.

Now, since these forces are not national forces usually used to defend ones homeland, they have no concept of fighting to DEFEND the motherland. They are simply hired guns and it does not matter to them in what part of the world they are sent. Their only "purpose" is to kill and destroy. It is not a defense but OFFENSE and destruction.

And it does not matter to them who to kill and for what reason or purpose. It is simply an execution of some "order". So, the very concept of morality is bypassed. It does not apply. There is not "good" killing or "bad" killing. "I am just doing my job" type of thing.

They simply do not feel anything when they kill. There is no emotional involvement beyond "the fun of it", and morality as such does not apply.

Because they are not killing some "enemy" invading their country. Nor do they defend anything. They do not even know who they kill. It is nothing more than a "target", just like that famous video released by Wikileaks shows in no uncertain terms.

And the most horrendous thing is that those thugs in the helicopter call their base and ask for "permission to engage" before they slaughter totally innocent civilians. ENGAGE? WHO? The civilians without weapons, doing nothing but going about their business and hurting no one, not even "demonstrating" anything?

What kind of most horrendous perversion this is to disguise the cold blooded slaughter and even pervert it to look like some kind of "engagement" with "combatants"? You "engage" with armed soldiers and not with civilians, who do not attack anything. What a sick, degenerate mind one ought to have just to comprehend such a perversion! And those, giving a permission to "engage", did they know they are "engaging" the innocent people? What was the basis for that "engagement"?

Now, how many of you even conceive of an idea that ANYBODY is going to be punished for murdering eight innocent civilians?

And the most appalling part of it is when they say "nice" after slaughtering these people. And after wounding the reporter so he could not even stand on his feet, but still tried to crawl away, they made a tea strainer out of him firing several rounds of bullets of a size, big enough to explode your whole body, just to finish him off.

What an "orgasmic" feeling it must have been for those thugs, who were taught to become totally insensitive while playing all those kill, kill, kill computer games when they were kids, "having fun" and practicing the skill of murdering.

An "orgasmic" feeling of a zombie mind that is totally insensitive, totally inhuman, in fact, totally dead as far as humanity and humaneness goes. A brutal murderer, a thug, filled with hate of frustration for totally unfulfilled life of a biorobot, he was programmed to be.

And THAT is the very essence of that "freedom" and "democracy", the NWO style, full blast, even as we stand right now.

Bypassing the law - The Global Trans-National NWO Army

So all those commercial armies and their thugs could care less about "democracy", "freedom" or any kind of values. They are simply commercial operations, run just like any other business.

They are not really military forces. They are in effect a global network of trans-national gangs, operating on a commercial basis, bizarre as it is, trained at conducting the street level warfare, perform the acts of sabotage, provoke and conduct upheavals for the purposes of destabilisation according to a concept of "permanent revolution" as described by Rakovsky in "Red Symphony" by Dr. Landowsky.

They operate in total secrecy and are not subject to any law for all practical purposes. Their crimes could not be considered war crimes because they are not a legal army, and in the war zones where they are sent, it is all considered to be nothing more than a "collateral damage" as you all had a chance to hear it.

All their crimes, and that is exactly what they do being the killers for hire, reduce to some abstract statistics numbers on how many thousands or even millions are to be considered a "collateral damage", not punishable in any court of any land for all practical purposes. You do not even know who they are because the whole thing is "top secret". Nice model, eh! Guess what kind of a genius would it take to device such a scheme. Well, according to Dr. John Coleman, "The Committee of 300" and all their "think tanks" of NWO certainly fit this picture quite nicely.

The way the law is bypassed and supervision is made inapplicable is by the governmental defense department making contracts with them, thus subcontracting out certain operations to avoid any oversight. Their budgets are not subject to disclosure and do not even appear in the Pentagon records. They are a part of so-called "black budget", which is a part of the expenses that are not subject to any kind of supervision or disclosure to anyone, not even to the government. It is all considered to be top secret information and even the congressmen can not obtain the records after spending years trying to obtain them. This is a totally new phenomenon, a totally new concept in warfare, the NWO style. Spreading of "freedom and democracy" of the "free world" as never seen before.

The NWO sabotage and staged revolutions commercial operations

One of my friends has relatives in Syria and they keep constantly in touch on a daily basis. They told her:

The intelligence personnel in Syria carefully studied the pictures and video material related to all these "opposition" demonstrations and what they have found is that the same people that appeared in Egypt during that staged "revolution" were also present in Syria as the "leaders of the opposition movements", carrying the same slogans as in Egypt.

Some of them were arrested and found to be the Egyptians with the US passports .

Interesting, isn't it? Now, what do Egyptians have to do with Syria and not only that, but why do they participate in those staged "demonstrations" and "revolutions"? Anybody knows?

Interestingly enough, this concept of using the private military forces has been officially adopted by the US military as a new military doctrine. It authorises the use of commercial military armies that are capable of conducting any kind of military or intelligence operations worldwide.

The main pushers of this concept were Donald Rumsfeld and John Ashcroft.

What is interesting about it is that since they are not the official military force of the USA, they are not subject to any laws that supervise and authorise the military involvement. Their financing is not subject to congressional reporting and supervision and all their operations remain totally secret.

Nice scheme of bypassing the government, isn't it? Pure elegance invented by the puppeteers.

The PNAC (Project for New American Century), the puppeteers of Bush, developed a complete plan, precisely describing all the "opportunities" for the global domination and destruction in the most relentless form including the genetic weapons, presenting them as "new opportunities". What is interesting is that most of the main figureheads of PNAC are Jews, or, better said, ZioNazis. Pretty much the same pattern you see everywhere you look as far as the issues of significance go.

The research on genetic weapons has been going on for more than a generation, at least in Israel, that happens to be a "leader" in genetic warfare. The purpose is to wipe out certain races based on genetic markers. Hey, talking about the REAL "freedom" and "democracy" it seems. "Liberation" the likes of which the mankind has never seen before.

So, the last stroke in this "NWO" thing is creation of the "Holy Temple" in Jerusalem, and, according to "scriptures", it is supposed to be located in the same place were Masjid Al Aqsa Mosque, one of three holies of Islam, stands right now. So, that mosque is to be destroyed and a "holy temple" is to be erected in its place.

This is the Al-Sakhrah Mosque!!( Dome of the rock)

What is interesting is you see this picture of the Al-Sakhrah Mosque, presenting it to clueless as the real Masjid Al Aqsa Mosque, all over the net, even on the Islamic sites, shameful as it is.

The reason some authors claim it is done is to delude all when the real Al Aqsa Mosque is destroyed and the "3rd temple" or "Holy Temple" is built on its place. So they can show you the Al-Sakhrah Mosque and claim they have not destroyed the Al Aqsa Mosque. Pure elegance of a "solution", just in line with their "god" Moloch.

The real Masjid Al Aqsa Mosque

And here is the real Al Aqsa Mosque. So, when it is destroyed, which is pretty much inevitable according to ZioNazi plans that never fail, know ye what has been done in reality!

Al-Aqsa and Al-Sakhrah Mosques

Here is how these mosques look like from far away.

"With the exception of the U.S.S.R. as a federated Eurasian state, all other continents will become united in a world alliance, at whose disposal will be an international police force. All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars.

"In Jerusalem, the United Nations (A truly United Nations) will build a shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents."

(David Ben Gurion, the first head of the Zionist 'state of Israel', In LOOK magazine, for January 16, 1962)

Destruction of Al-Aqsa Mosque and creation of the 3rd temple in its place

And this is their plan for Al Aqsa Mosque and creation of the "3rd temple" or "Holy Temple" where their "god", some of you know as anti-Christ or satan, is to take his seat at the throne of ultimate evil in this horrendously evil world of NWO or the "Matrix".

Note that what is shown in this picture, presented everywhere you see is Al-Sakhrah Mosque (Also known as the Dome of the rock), and not the real Al Aqsa Mosque for the purposes of deception of monstrous grade, appalling as it gets.

red heifer

One more requirement is the sacrifice of a red heifer and its buring so its ashes could be used in a "sacret" ceremony to fulfill the prophecy of Torah. The problem with red heifer is that it has to be pure. Recently the reports appeared that stated that the red heifer has been produced. So, all the parts of the NWO equation are in place by now.

Genocide, the NWO style

If you observe the world events and all these wars of aggression, and especially things like the order of George Bush to slaughter the retreating Iraqi army, which massacred 150,000 Iraqi soldiers with the help of cluster bombs among other equally as horrific and monstrous methods of most appalling destruction, such as burning people alive with horrific weapons, which is a war crime, requiring the highest degree of punishment, such as death sentence, then, all of a sudden, some things may just reconcile in your mind. Who knows...

Because, first of all, that order to slaughter was nothing more than a symbolic gesture, a "religious" ritual massacre, prescribed by the book. And it was conducted on a symbolic date, "a happy and joyous holiday of Purim", which is a blatant challenge to mankind as such, stating:

We are going to do what we want, where we want, how we want, and for the reason WE want, and we could care less what anybody thinks about it, and we could care less about your ideals of morality, humanity or ANY kind of values you consider significant. ALL of it is utterly meaningless to us. Because you are nothing but the animals in a human form and we are the "god's chosen people", just as our scriptures dictate.

It was utterly unnecessary and not only inhumane, but satanically vicious and barbaric. What is interesting is that not a single person was punished for such an appalling and obvious act of genocidal proportions.

And George W. Bush, the puppet, who gave this genocidal order, which, according to some sources, came directly from London from his puppeteers, is just happily laughing at you from the screen. It does not even occur in his zombie mind that he is guilty of ANYTHING, anything whatsoever!

There wasn't even a war crime tribunal proceedings to investigate it and punish the responsible parties. How could such a horrific mass murder have happened, and not only that, but remained totally unpunished?

You might want to throw in the unending murders of Palestinians, tortures of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison or Guantanamo Bay detention center and a genocide and murder of Iraqi civilians done all the time. Iraq as a state does not exist any longer. It is nothing but a wasteland by now. Starvation and utter misery is rampant. Add to it the ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia that displaced 150,000 of Serbs from their native lands, not counting the countless deaths. For what possible purpose and under what set of principles?

According to reports, the way to resolve the traffic issues on the roads in Afganistan or Iraq is to fire several rounds at the cars that happen to pass by and get on the way of these thugs called the peace keeping forces, the hired guns of the NWO global military operations machine.

Do ANY of you care about any of it? Or all you "care" about is your own paycheck and your own pocket?

It just does not make sense as something rational or necessary. It all seems to be well out of proportions. There must be some other reasons to conduct these utterly unjustifiable and horrendous acts of violence and annihilation. In the name of what? "Freedom" and "democracy"? How could this be?

And we are not only talking about some "enemy combatants" disinformation garbage. We are also talking about tortures in regular prisons in the USA.

"Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods, Burned By Toxic Chemicals, Does such barbaric abuse inside U.S. jails explain the horrors that were committed in Iraq?"

-- Deborah Davies, Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons

Seems strange, isn't it? The "homeland of freedom and democracy" and these utterly satanic tortures? How THIS could be the case?

Because all of it is the parts of the same equation, the same satanic grade viciousness that can only be explained if there is some highest level value or doctrine allowing it, and of a "religious" grade, which is evidenced in voluminous proportions. Otherwise, it just does not make ANY sense.

Interesting to know is that this monstrous slaughter of Iraqis was performed on... Tadam! "Happy and joyful holiday of Purim", if you ever heard of such a thing. That "holiday" of utter viciousness is the day when some of the most horrendous slaughter and genocide is usually carried out. This is a symbolic "signal" to all, a part of a "religious" doctrine.

The "happy and joyful holiday of Purim" style revenge

Here is an interesting quote on it:

The United States, under the presidency of the Crypto-Jew, George W. Bush, invade Iraq on March 19th, which this year is when the holy, "Day of Purim," falls in the Jewish calendar. This, "Day of Purim," is a day the Jews celebrate their victory over all the goyim (non-Jews) in Ancient Babylon, which is now based within the borders of Iraq, how interesting.

What is also interesting is that the previous United States led invasion of Iraq ended on the Day of Purim ten years earlier with the genocide of 150,000 fleeing Iraqis under the current President's father, George Herbert Walker Bush.

Purim is also the time when the Jews are encouraged to get bloody revenge against the non-Jews.

-- The Synagogue of Satan by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

See: The Synagogue of Satan

What it means is that massacre was nothing other than the RITUAL murder and sacrifice to Moloch.

The Cabalist doctrine, which is the occult foundation of their so called religion, is an obsession with symbology. Cabala is the ancient system of symbology, and it is the very foundation of all their "religious doctrines".

Nearly all the acts of most profound evil are performed on certain dates or leave some traces or messages with specific symbology. For example, the murder of Russian Tsar Nicholas II and his family was a ritual murder of the most horrendous cruelty. Bodies were hardly recognizable as a result of multiple cut wounds. And on the wall there was a message left in Hebrew with a symbol. And that is not an isolated example by far.

And you, the so called elite as Chandra Mohan calls "his people" are doing what meanwhile? Meditating happily on your navel and hoping to get to some heaven, to achieve some utterly blissful state of "enlightenment", just as promoted by this satanic NWO thing?

How does Chandra Mohan fit into the NWO scheme

How does Chandra Mohan, calling himself Osho fit into the NWO scheme?

- Quite nicely, just like a hand in glove. Some of it is apparent, and some is more subtle. You just need to dig a little deeper.

First of all, why would anyone interested in truth lie as much as Chandra Mohan? This seems to be not only strange, but bizarre. He even admits he is a liar on record. Except he explains it as some kind of a "device". You see, since he knows better what you need, HE is to decide what are you to know and what kind of lie to give you. You don't seem to have enough of intelligence of your own to decide for yourself. Long and boring subject...

You can not tell the truth no matter how many lies you utter, and you can not achieve the Truth via lies according to me.

There is no compromise between Truth and Lie.

Those who know some things of reality can recognize those lies easily. In all his lies, the "truth" seems to be the last thing he was interested in.

Secondly, why would someone interested in truth manipulate so much, twisting and fabricating things to the point well beyond obscene? He initially spoke highly about the previous "masters" such as Jesus, Buddha, Socrates and the rest of them, and then, out of the blue, he called the same "masters" insane, perverts and all sorts of names. Why?

Not only that, but he states on record the reason he spoke of them favorably was because he needed to "build a customer base". But once that "customer base" was built, he just dumped all those "masters". Is it what honest people do?

How can one be so disgraceful, so ungrateful to those very masters who gave him all his tools, methods and ideas?

So, look at the NWO agenda and see how much it aligns with Chandra Mohan's teachings:

The Club of Rome and its 1980 agenda

Read these 21 Illuminati goals carefully:

21 Illuminati goals

In particular:

1. To establish a One World Government/New World Order with a unified church and monetary system under their direction...

3. To engineer and bring about the destruction of religion, and more especially, the Christian Religion, with the one exception, their own creation, as mentioned above...

4. To establish the ability to control of each and every person through means of mind control and what Zbignev Brzezinski called techonotronics...

6. To encourage, and eventually legalize the use of drugs and make pornography an "art-form"...

[Continuous change of sexual partners is a must. When woman has more than one child, abortion is a must. Then sterilization follows.]

7. To bring about depopulation of large cities according to the trial run carried out by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia...

9. To cause, by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, by means of starvation and diseases in the Third World countries, the death of three billion people by the year 2050, people they call "useless eaters"...

12. To introduce new cults and continue to boost those already functioning...

14. To press for the spread of religious cults...

15. To export "religious liberation" ideas around the world so as to undermine all existing religions, but more especially the Christian religion...

One of the key points is promotion of passive-ism by the cults in form of all sorts of worship, phony "happiness", withdrawal from the real life issues with the help of all sorts of "meditations" and "spiritual therapies". The more passive and withdrawn everyone feels, the easier it is to control them all in bulk.

It was quite shocking to learn this one:

"The Osho International Foundation (OIF) runs stress management seminars for corporate clients such as IBM and BMW, with a reported (2000) revenue between $15 and $45 million annually in the U.S."


Interesting. I just did a check on that page and it turns out this blog does not exist any more. ANY idea why?

WHAT? "STRESS MANAGEMENT" programs running into multi-million dollar contracts? Has ANYONE EVER heard of such contracts for this kind of thing?

What kind of stress you need to manage and with how big of an army of "therapists" or quantities of tapes or videos to justify THIS kind of expenditure?

Who are these people kidding?

For this kind of money you need armies of "therapists" and "stress managers" working morning to night. THAT I can see as "stress management". Except I do not think there exists an army of "therapists" big enough to justify this kind of money. This is simply bizarre, a flop, exposing true nature of involvement of some major players in the NWO agenda.

Now, IBM, according to Dr. John Coleman, in his book, "The Committee of 300", is one of the companies on the list of "300". Quote:

All of the foregoing are (or were) heavily involved in key Committee of 300 companies which interface with literally thousands of companies engaged in every branch of commercial activity as we shall see.

Some of these companies include:




Do a search with your browser on the following page for IBM and see what you get.

By the way, who developed the barcode used on every product sold and containing 666 on every single item? Well, IBM! The leftmost and rightmost two thin lines and two thin lines in the middle are 666. Two thin lines constitute a digit 6.

There are plenty of other most interesting projects the IBM was and is invloved in.

And who controls the IBM? Well, Rothschild!

All these so called stress management programs seem like nothing more than a bribe to support the NWO agenda by massively promoting the passive-ism, non-involvement, non activity and ALL sorts of "spiritual" gobbledygook, "meditations" and "therapies" to disable as many people as possible in order to facilitate the zombification and enslavement of mankind, just as reflected in "The Plan".

Read "The Plan" carefully and realize what it says. Because that IS what is happening in the world, and this very moment, while you "meditate" happily on your navel.

"Let them talk their heads off..."!

-- Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

See: The Plan

That is the whole idea: to make as many passive idiots and zombies as possible, while they and their little egos think they are achieving the "ultimate orgasm with existence", being the idiots they are, not seeing the simplest things there are and unable to distinguish day from night.

Shockingly enough, when I had to get a picture of Yehudi Menuhen, I did a search on Google and found his video collection. And... And I nearly felt on my sorry tootoo when I saw, who do you think in the list of YouTube videos for Yehudi Menuhen, and at the slot number one, at the very top?



And not only that, but HIS video was at the very top of the list of Yehudi Menuhen videos! How do you like THAT kind of treatment for breakfast? WHO is this "Osho" to be featured on the most famous world musicians videos above all musicians themselves? ANY clue? "Accidental" again?

What does OSHO have to do with Yehudi Menuhen? Anybody knows? He isn't even a musician. HOW did he get into the very top slot in the list of Yehudi Menuhen videos?


Oh, how interesting. I just did a check on that link and... And Osho is no longer there. But he was there, and at the very top, just a few days ago, as of March 20, 2011, give or take a couple of days. Any bets on the table why would THAT happen? :)

Interestingly enough, the same "miracle" happened with Gregory Klimov, probably the world's foremost researcher in High Sociology and the subject of degeneracy and associated perverse influence of degenerates on governments and a political system as such.

When I did a search on Gregory Klimov via Google, I was shocked to see only two references on him. It was something unreal. Some utterly clueless bozos have thousands, if not tens of thousands of links on them. But a giant of Klimov's caliber had only two links. Considering the fact that he worked on a super-secret Harvard Project, dealing with the issues of highest level politics and world domination, it was beyond unreal.

When I spoke about this in one of my writings, within a couple of weeks, boom, there were over 20 thousand references on him on Google. Well, just another NWO miracle I guess...

Oh, it gets even better than that. Now there are "About 228,000 results" if you do a search on Google. What kind of miracles are these? Even to go from 20,000 to 200,000 is a giant leap. In what? That man is dead, and was dead for years. So, what could possibly cause a 10 TIMES jump in his "rating"? Anybody knows?

So... My dear seekers, WHO do you think is promoting all this stuff into the very top slots in the global information systems? Any guesses?

Here is one of Chandra Mohan's favorites, Bertrand_Russell, a mathematician and a philosopher [of the NWO mostly]. He is on the par with Jose Delgado or "Dr. Death", Mengele of the Nazi Germany of the WWII period. Nice company, I tellya.

There is also the Bertrand Russell theory, that wars diminish populations. In the eyes of the Committee of 300, the world is filled with too many people, who are depleting the world's natural resources at an alarming rate.

The solution, Russell said, is to get rid of what he referred to as "useless eaters", who should be culled at regular intervals.

Ten million dead in WWI was not enough to satisfy Russell, who promoted the idea, that plagues and pandemics should be introduced at regular intervals to wipe out "useless eaters", who had escaped the wars.

(John Coleman, The Rothschild Dynasty)"

Communism and Revolutions

One interesting issue is this idea of "communism". Chandra Mohan says:

"Communism happened as an accident in Russia. It was not according to the economic analysis by Karl Marx.

But whatever the cause, it happened. It is the first communist country in the world, the only hope."


But the bottom line is this:

Judaism 009

"But the Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism."

(A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Harry Waton, pp. 143-144).

Judaism 202

"Socialism, Communism, and Bolshevism, in reality, are only links in the plan of world-embracing Judaism, with its final purpose of forcing the entire world under Jewish domination..."

-- Ernst F. Elmhurst The World Hoax 1938, (p. 24)

Judaism 037


HILARY COTTER, author of Cardinal Minszenty, The Truth About His Real "Crime," page 6:

"Communism and Judaism are one and the same."

Judaism 038


H.H. BEAMISH, N.Y. speech, 1937:

"Communism is Judaism. The Jewish Revolution in Russia was in 1918."

Now... HOPE? Hope for what?

Whatever the cause? You don't even know the CAUSE?

Brrrrrr! I have never seen anything as disgusting as this one. In my ENTIRE life!!! Every single word of it is a lie, blatant and arrogant lies, without any consideration that someone will be able to see it for what it is. Just like he was talking to utterly brainless donkeys and complete idiots, that would swallow whatever crap he fed them without even questioning any of it. Simply mind blowing lies, right into your face.

Let me state it bluntly: Chandra Mohan was a self-admitted dictator and that is why he wasted several years of his life studying the communism. Because communism is a dictatorship. His own "commune" was a living evidence of it. Dictatorship in the most blatant form. Everywhere you look. There wasn't a single place where there was not a naked, arrogant, idiotic dictatorship by the most incompetent Nazis, thinking they are the "messengers" of nothing less than that demi-god, Chandra Mohan, and his ideas of a "new man".

For starters:

I think", said Sidonia, "that there is no error so vulgar as to believe that revolutions are occasioned by economical causes".

Thus spoke Disraeli (on behalf of Rothschild via fictional figure Sidonia in a novel called Coningsby, written by Disraeli).

Do you understand? VULGAR, nothing less. And what could be lower than vulgar, which is basically a level of a prostitute and of the lowest grade?

Revolutions 202

[Regarding the revolution in Russia]

Milner agreed on condition that he could send his agent Bruce Lockhart of MI6 to supervise the day-to-day affairs and report back on Lenin.

Lord Rothschild and the Rockefellers demanded that they be allowed to send Sydney Reilly to Russia to supervise transfer of Russia's natural resources and the gold rubles held in the Central Bank to London. This was agreed to by Lenin, and later Trotsky.

Lord Milner and Rockefellers Finance "The Russian revolution"

To seal the bargain, Lord Milner, on behalf of the Rothschilds, gave Lenin 60 millions pounds in gold sovereigns while the Rockefellers contributed around $40 million dollars.

Countries in complicity with the "sealed train" affair were Great Britain, Germany, Finland, Switzerland and Sweden. While the United States was not directly involved, it must have been aware of what was going on. After all, on the orders of President Wilson, a brand new American passport was issued to Leon Trotsky, (whose real name was Lev Bronstein) so that he could travel in peace, although Trotsky was not a U.S. citizen.

See: Jews Lord Milner and Rockefellers Finance "The Russian_revolution"

"Russian" revolution was not Russian

Contrary to most establishment accounts of history, the "Russian" revolution was not a Russian revolution at all, but a foreign ideology backed primarily by the Committee of 300 and its arm, the Tavistock Institute, that was violently forced upon a startled, unprepared and dismayed Romanov family.

It was political warfare, low grade warfare and psychological warfare in which Tavistock had become well versed.

As Winston Churchill was to remark:

"They transported Lenin in a sealed truck like a plague bacillus from Switzerland into Russia," and then once established "Lenin and Trotsky seized Russia by the hair of its head."

Much has been written (but nearly always in passing as if it is a mere postscript to history) about the "sealed truck," "sealed car," "sealed train," that transported Lenin and his Bolshevik revolutionaries safely through the midst of war-torn Europe and deposited them in Russia, there to begin their imported Bolshevik Revolution so mistakenly termed the "Russian Revolution."

Documents the author was privileged to study at Wellington House and what was revealed in the Arnold Toynbee papers and Bruce Lockhart's private papers, led to the conclusion that without Toynbee, Bruce Lockhart of MI6 British intelligence and without the complicity of at least five European nations, ostensibly loyal and friendly with the Court at St. Petersburg, the merciless Bolshevik Revolution would have been still-born.

See: "Russian" revolution was not Russian

"Behind the October Revolution there are more influential personalities than the thinkers and executors of Marxism"

-- Lenin, Illuminati, the godfather of the Russian Revolution

Like Rothschilds for example. Good enough for a hint?

OK, so let us look into this "hope" a little closer, just a little, without getting too much engaged in the mountainous amount of issues involved.

We just HAVE to. Because this is the CENTRAL piece of equation in the whole modern world, and it is happening full blast as we speak. Just look at this open aggression on Libya, a sovereign state. It is an international crime, at least according to the verdict of the WWII crimes tribunal.

I have just read an article entitled "NATO shifts Libya's mission to alliance command". Well, according to John Coleman, NATO happens to be one of key players in the "Committee of 300", the "Club of Rome". Interesting, isn't it?

Secondly, what does NATO have to do with Libya? Anybody knows? Does Libya pose some kind of a threat to NATO member states? The charter of NATO states that NATO is a DEFENSE organization and its purpose is to PROTECT the member states from aggression.

But what we have here is an OFFENSE, not a defense operation. So, what could possibly be the reason for NATO to get involved in this scam, which is nothing more than the "permanent revolution" agenda according to the Committee of 300?

Did NATO change its charter and it is not a defense organization any longer but the offense one?

Is it being used by the hands of this so called NWO "elite" to impose this so called new world order? By ANY chance?

Did Libya ATTACK ANYONE and endangered the "security" of the "free sucking world"? Why did NATO get involved with all this ugliest and most despicable scam of putting Libya on its knees? ANY of you still have any part of your brains functioning?

And what about Syria? What about Egypt? All these "oppositions" just popped out of nowhere and at the same time at that? How is this possible?

Did ANY of you ask these questions? Or do you CARE about anything beyond your own valet and are happily meditating on your own navel hoping to get that sweet fruid of "enlightenment" as a reward?

And what is even more interesting it is not just Libya alone. All of a sudden, we have all these "unrests" and "revolutions" ALL over the world, ALL at the same time. How could this be? Why did ALL of these "revolutions" flare up AT THE SAME time? If there existed some "revolutionary" situation in one country, why would pretty much the same exact situation appear in other countries that have nothing to do with that country? According to what monkey logic?

Well, I tell ya, just don't tell anybody: from what I see, we are in the FINAL stages of this NWO scam and that satanic "Matrix" scheme. And all those economic "crisises" are all along the same lines - destabilization, and on the GLOBAL level, the final stage of which is to be a pronouncement that the capitalist model is a failure and can not possibly solve the most urgent problems that mankind is facing. Therefore, tadam!!! Can you guess?

Hail Osho and his communist experiment in that "concentration camp" in Oregon!!! Boy, did he do a good job on that one. Never mind it ended up just like all other communist experiments with the ugliest crimes, attempted murders and poisoning and the secret tunnels leading from Jesus Grove just to escape whatever trouble there might arise as a result.

Hint: that destabilization is called a "permanent revolution" in this model of the most profound evil. And the end result of it is? Well, people WILLINGLY surrendering their power to the "ruler", the one who lies his mouth about it saying he will put an end to all this "terrorism" and things like that.

The global chaos he himself has created just to enslave you all and make you surrender your highest values just to stop all this global devastation.

Do you UNDERSTAND? You WILL sacrifice everything you know of any value WILLINGLY, just to END all this chaos caused by destabilization procedure. This is how it works in reality.

The weirdest thing is that this is exactly the same pattern these ZioNazi satanists are using for centuries, and still most of you do not see it. Not only that, but you would not even BOTHER to even try to see what is going on in your lives in reality. Just about ALL you want is some pussy in the sky with diamonds, some "enlightenment" carrot or some automatic meditation pill that will put you in a state of eternal bliss, idiotic as it is. So fine, HAVE it!!!

Just a little quote, and then we will get back to this "accidental revolution" thing, bizarre as it is:

It came as a revelation to them that the Club of Rome and its financiers under the title of the German Marshall Fund were two highly-organized conspiratorial bodies operating under cover of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and that the majority of Club of Rome executives were drawn from NATO.

The Club of Rome formulated all of what NATO claimed as its policies and, through the activities of Committee of 300 member Lord Carrington, was able to split NATO into two factions, a political (left wing) power group and its former military alliance.

The Club of Rome is still one of the most important foreign policy arms of the Committee of 300 - the other being the Bilderbergers.

It was put together in 1968 from hard-core members of the original Morgenthau group on the basis of a telephone call made by the late Aurellio Peccei for a new and urgent drive to speed up the plans of the One World Government - now called the New World Order, although I prefer the former name.

It is certainly a better job-description than the New World Order, which is somewhat confusing as there have been several "New World Orders" before, but no One World Government.

John Coleman, "The Committee of 300"

Well, first of all, revolutions happen NOT because of some stupid "economic analysis" by some Talmudist, even of a Karl Marx's caliber. By ANY means. Screw that Karl Marx. It was not him who created the "Russian Revolution" no matter what anybody blabbers about it. He was just a parasite, a puppet in Rothschild's hands, who spent 30 years of his life in a library, studying all he could find, just like Chandra Mohan. And then he spent the rest of his life in Switzerland.

A sick man, whose "economic theory" apparently lead him to a conclusion that when cigarettes are sold at a large discount, he ought to buy them by the boxes. And so, one day, he came home with two large boxes of cigarettes. Not only that, but he started smoking two cigarettes SIMULTANEOUSLY, just to save more money!

His wife asked: are you mad? And this "giant of economics" said: you just do not understand the economics. These cigarettes were sold at unbelievable discount. So, the more I smoke, the more I SAVE!!! She had to call Engels, who came to see him and said: why are you worried about saving money? I am the one who is financing you. Just don't go insane.

And this is the story directly from the Chandra Mohan's mouth. So, to claim that the most idiotic ideas of a mad man are some kind of "economic theories" and, therefore, the revolutions are to happen according to their recipes, is beyond bizarre! So I claim.

"The most bogus thing of all was his Communist Manifesto...

"Within a few weeks of publication, revolts occurred all over Germany, in Austria, Hungary, Italy, France and Denmark.

"This was proof that the individual "secret societies" in the various countries were fusing together, that some means had been found to co-ordinate and synchronise their outbreaks, and thus, for the first time, to demonstrate world-revolution in action, through simultaneous eruptions in numerous countries.

"Probably only one organization, already existing at that time, had at its disposal the international network which could make this synchronization and co-ordination possible, and that was the Talmudic rabbinate in Eastern Europe."

-- Douglas Reed, The Controversy of Zion

The Controversy of Zion

He was a Talmudist, a "prophet" of communism, just like Chandra Mohan, financed by the Rothschild kind of guys. He was a Jew and comes from the long line of Talmudists. His father was a rabbi. And so was Friedrich Engels, financing Karl Marx and his communist ideology, which came directly from "the scriptures", such as Talmud, which, according to some of the most acclaimed authors is a dispicable collection of the most horrendous violence and disgust imaginable.

"The Rulers of Russia, then, are Jewish Politicians, and they are applying to the world the doctrine of Karl Marx (Mordechai Levy).

Marx, was a clear and lucid Talmudist... full of that old Hebrew (sic) materialism which ever dreams of a paradise on earth and always rejects the hope held out of the chance of a Garden of Eden after Death."

(Bernard Lazare, L'antisemitisme, p. 346; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, p. 47)

There isn't a single original thing in this "communism" idea. It was all old news. His "communism" was a direct derivative of an ancient idea of isolationism, commonly known as a ghetto, a self imposed segregation demanded by the "elders" (of Zion), so the "god's chosen people" won't get "polluted" by the "unclean" "heathen" (non-Judahites), the animals in the human form, as Talmudic "law" dictates. Plus, they can be controlled as a herd since they are all located in the same ghetto. Nice idea, eh?

And what was the Chandra Mohan's "commune" in Oregon or anywhere else? Well, the same exact thing. If you were not a "sannyasin" you were not allowed to live there. It was the same exact thing as Jewish self-imposed Ghettos. Because it came from the same exact books - Talmud, Torah and all the communist writings Chandra Mohan was studying morning to night for years on. He was simply implementing their ideology. There wasn't a SINGLE non-sannyasin living in Oregon "concentration camp" called a "commune".

Why? Well, simple enough. Non-sannyasins were not zombified and could not be guaranteed to submit to the "party line". Their minds could still be functioning unlike those of "sannyasins", who were complete zombies indoctrinated with the doctrine of submission and "surrender to the master". So they could create ALL sorts of "problems" for all these happy zombies of his, whom he kept zombifying every single day. They had to be totally isolated like under some non ending quarantine. That is why.

So, what is Chandra Mohan's version of "communism"? Do you see any light of day yet?

Interestingly enough, we do have a practical example of the "commune" in Oregon, USA. And, for some strange reason, J. Krishnamurti called it a "concentration camp". How could this be?

And what is even MORE interesting is that most of the ideas of Chandra Mohan come from ... Tadaaam!!! ...

J. Krishnamurti.

Such as "awareness". It is term coined by J. Krishnamurti.

If there was anyone in the entire history, Chandra Mohan talked about the most, it was J. Krishnamurti besides Jesus Christ and Buddha. Why? He talked about him in 335 of his lectures. He talked about Jesus in 2609, and about Buddha in 3241 of his lectures.

And in fact that commune was nothing more than a model of a ghetto, run by dictators, whose orders were to be followed without even questioning any of it. And you could hardly find a single room around where Chandra Mohan's pictures would not fill the wall space, just like with Russian dictators such as Lenin and Stalin. The same exact model.

The same thing as "all seeing eye", present on one dollar bill in everyone's valet. Interestingly enough, the ONLY pictures of Chandra Mohan you see everywhere are those that were explicitly authorised by him for release. So, everywhere you look, you will see this wide smile of his, presenting him like a saint of some kind, if not God in human flesh.

In fact, the same exact model you see ALL over the world with these pictures of a "leader" behind the tables of your "officials". And NONE of you even pay any attention to it. Do you know what it is? Tell me! Because I will tell you: it is what is called an idol worshipping, ingrained into your minds by the very same puppeteers preparing you to surrender your highest values to the "ruler", and THAT is what it is in reality, and not some fiction of submission to the lowest common denominator.

And I bet you it was done because of his obsession with communism, because he was a dictator in his heart, just like he himself admitted on record, and his most extensive library on communism is nothing but the living evidence of it all.

As he himself states on record he studied the communism unlike anything else, day and night. He has spent several YEARS studying it. And if you think there was something new in his "commune", or rather ghetto, then you may need to study some communism. It will blow your mind indeed.

And I bet you THAT is where he got his ideas on how to run his "commune". Because it looked EXACTLY like the Marxist grade communes and Talmudic grade ghettos. Exact same thing ran by the same dictators like in Russia, with the same idiocy of their incompetence, the same unbound power to order anything that comes to their minds and justify it as some form of "breaking the resistance" and "surrender to the master" sicknesses.

And that model simply did not work, no matter how many happy pictures of it you see. It simply did not work, and for more than one reason.

And what is the MOST fundamental idea of this "NWO" thing? Well, the COMMUNISM, and the "global village", a global "commune", or, as Chandra Mohan called it, the "borderless world".

Can someone tell me what is the fundamental difference between the Chandra Mohan's version and the NWO version? Am I missing something here? What IS it?

Just do a search on "heathen" in the Babylonian Talmud and it will blow your mind. The site has a specific search for Talmud under Religion -> Talmud selection.

There wasn't even a shred of anything original in his idea of "communism", and the very idea of "revolution" came from Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati secret society in the 18th century, and where did HE get this idea? Guess! All the roads lead to Rothschilds in more recent times.

Yes, it is true, Marx was selected to be the main ideologist and theoretician of the entire scam called the "revolution" and "communism". But it goes back to the beginning of times.

Here is just one of them, but you can do a search on that site and see more, MUCH more:

Racism 007

"Not only was Karl Marx from a long line of Talmudic scholars, he also hated Russians with a passion that could be described as pathological. I looked up Karl Marx in the Jewish encyclopedias, and I found to my amazement that the man who taught him many of the principles of Communism was Moses Hess. As incredible as it might seem, contemporary Zionist leaders venerate Moses Hess as the 'forerunner' of modern Zionism.

[Moses Hess is known as one of the most blatant Nazis in the entire history.]

"In The Encyclopedia of Zionism in Israel, under the entry for Moses Hess, is found the following:

'Pioneer of modern socialism, social philosopher, and forerunner of Zionism... Hess was thus a forerunner of political and cultural Zionism and of socialist Zionism in particular. He became deeply involved in the rising socialist movement.

'Karl Marx and Frederick Engels acknowledged that they had learned much from him during the formative years of the movement...

-- The Encyclopedia of Zionism in Israel1

as quoted by David Duke


The Birth of Communism and Zionism

Moses Hess (1812-1875)

Moses Hess was born in Bonn, Germany and died in Paris, France. He was practiced Orthodox Judaism but broke away and embraced the Kabbalah. In 1837, he anonymously published his first book, "The Holy History of Mankind," which revealed his ideas on anarchic socialism. In 1841, he founded the radical newspaper, "Rheineische Zeitung."

In 1842 he promoted Karl Marx, a German Jew to chief editor. Hess introduced Marx to the Freemasons and to communism.

In 1844, Hess introduced Marx to the German Jew Friedrich Engels.

Moses Hess is considered the father of two political movements: communism and Zionism. He was buried in Cologne, Germany, but in 1961 his remains were re-buried in the graveyard of Kineret (Lake of Galilee, Israel) next to the graves of other founders of the modern Zionist socialist movement.

Showdown in Jerusalem - The Birth of Communism and Zionism

To claim that Russian revolution was just some accident is a COMPLETE garbage according to me. And not only some innocent garbage, but a DELIBERATE disinformation and about the most disgusting and perverted lies as I claim.

Just about all the Chandra Mohan's blabber and the most disgusting concoctions about the communism and revolutions is nothing more than profanity. It is not worthy of any investigation or any genuine effort to even bother to understand his position on it. ALL of it is lies, and NOTHING but lies. Deliberate lies.

Some quotes on communism and revolutions

Here is just a few quotes on this "communism" thing and "revolutions". But there is much more in the record.

See: Revolutions

Revolutions 101

"And when the U. S. is drowned in an ocean of blood, may be, some American Robespierre will make the same discovery, that all revolutions are Jewish."

-- Maj.-Gen., Count Cherep-Spiridovich, The Secret World Government, Or, "The Hidden Hand": the Unrevealed in History: 100 Historical "Mysteries" Explained, The Anti-Bolshevist Publishing Association, New York, (1926), p. 68.

Revolutions 102

From the DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE, THE BRITISH WAR CABINET, (CAB 214/83, July 3, 1916) Came the report:

"Definite evidence has been received that the leaders in the Bolshevik movement in England, France, and America are in touch with one another and with Moscow, and that the Bolshevik movement is an INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY OF JEWS."

Revolutions 103

Even in the early days of the Russian Revolution it was recognized that the Communism was a Jewish plan. Ambassador David Rowl and Franches wrote about his experiences in Russia at that tragic time in RUSSIA FROM THE AMERICAN EMBASSY, Scribner, 1921. He declared:

"...The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews, and 90% of whom are returned exiles, are little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists, and they are trying to start a world-wide social revolution."

Revolutions 104

This mighty revolution which is at this moment preparing in Germany and of which so little is as yet known is developing entirely under the auspices of the Jews, who almost monopolize the professional chairs of Germany.

(Coningsby, Disraeli, page 250, writing about events in 1844-1848)

Historians agree that he meant the Rothschilds.

Practically all wars and revolutions were then financed by the Rothschilds.

(Disraeli in Coningsby, pages 218-219)

Revolutions 105

There is evidence that Disraeli did not tell the truth about Russia. It was the Rothschilds, who fomented the Bolshevik Revolution and financed it through their New York banking fronts of Jacob Schiff and J.P. Morgan, and in London by Lord Alfred Milner. It is a fact that Schiff gave Trotsky $20 million for the task of overthrowing Christian Russia.

The history of the Rothschilds shows that they did not hesitate to spend part of their huge fortune to achieve political goals. In this they achieved astonishing successes.

That the Rothschilds held and exercised amazing power over nations and governments is born out by the following:

Revolutions 106

The modern social revolutionary movement dates back from the middle of the 18th century. Ever since that time there; has been a flowing of a continuous stream of subversive agitation, assuming many forms, but essentially the same, ever broadening and deepening until it became a veritable flood, which has submerged Russia and which threatens to engulf our civilization.

(The Revolt Against Civilization, Lothrop Stoddard)

Revolutions 107

The great revolutionary movements began between the middle and the end of the 18th century, when in 1770, Amschel Rothschild became the manager of the Landgrave of HesseCassel. Amschel hired all of the Miliukovs, Kerenskies and Lenins et al of the 18th century to start their subversive agitation, just as E. Rothschild hired those of the 20th century. (Count Cherep-Spiridovich)

Facts of world importance are known to too few men, and we need more facts. Humanity cannot find the light unless it has facts.

(Editor of the Chicago Daily News)

Revolutions 108

What is this formidable sect of which Abbe Burruel speaks in the 18th century and Churchill in the 20th?

Upon the answer may rest the power of Christianity and of civilization based upon Christianity. It was a power outside of Russia; it was a worldwide power and it was strong enough to bring down Russia, and also, the House of Hohenzollers. What was it?

(Cause of World Unrest, Nesta Webster, page 35)

Revolutions 109

Bismarck, Beaconsfield (Disraeli), the French Republic, Gambetta etc., all are a force as nothing. A mere mirage.

It is the Jew alone with his Bank who is their master and who rules all of Europe. The Jew will prefer VETO and suddenly, Bismarck will fall...

To the Rothschilds, nothing could have occurred more propitiously than the outbreak of the American revolt and the French Revolution, as the two enabled them to lay the foundations of the immense wealth they have sine acquired.

(The Rothschilds Financial Rulers of the World, John Reeves, page 86)

Revolutions 110

Mrs. Nesta Webster cannot escape the conclusion that international financiers put up the money (for revolutions and wars.)

More it is the Jewish financiers who supply the funds; it is Jews who have been the agents-provocateurs of revolutions of revolutions for the last two thousand years.

It is the Jews who are the secret inner council of the five principal organized horrendous movements at work with which organized government has to contend.

(The New York Times, March 8, 1925)

"Russian" revolution was not Russian

Contrary to most establishment accounts of history, the "Russian" revolution was not a Russian revolution at all, but a foreign ideology backed primarily by the Committee of 300 and its arm, the Tavistock Institute, that was violently forced upon a startled, unprepared and dismayed Romanov family.

It was political warfare, low grade warfare and psychological warfare in which Tavistock had become well versed.

As Winston Churchill was to remark:

"They transported Lenin in a sealed truck like a plague bacillus from Switzerland into Russia," and then once established "Lenin and Trotsky seized Russia by the hair of its head."

Much has been written (but nearly always in passing as if it is a mere postscript to history) about the "sealed truck," "sealed car," "sealed train," that transported Lenin and his Bolshevik revolutionaries safely through the midst of war-torn Europe and deposited them in Russia, there to begin their imported Bolshevik Revolution so mistakenly termed the "Russian Revolution."

-- Dr. John Coleman, The Tavistock Institute For Human Relations


Revolutions 111

"We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror."

- Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels "Suppression of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung", Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849

See entry of 29 Jan. 2007

Revolutions 112

"... only by the most determined use of terror against these Slav peoples can we, jointly with the Poles and Magyars, safeguard the revolution.

"... Then there will be a struggle, an 'unrelenting life-and-death struggle' against those Slavs who betray the revolution; an annihilating fight and most determined terrorism -- not in the interests of Germany, but in the interests of the revolution!"

- Friedrich Engels, "Democratic Pan-Slavism" Neue Rheinische Zeitung 15. Feb. 1849

See entry of 16 Jan. 2005 and 3 April 2005 in

Revolutions 113

"Marx and Engels considered the Czechoslovakian peoples and the South Slavs to be 'ethnic trash.'"

Revolutions 114

"... But in history nothing is achieved without violence and implacable ruthlessness...

In short, it turns out these 'crimes' of the Germans and Magyars against the said Slavs are among the best and most praiseworthy deeds which our and the Magyar people can boast in their history."

- Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 15 February 1849:

Revolutions 115

"There will be slavery within this state, and abroad there will be war without truce, at least until the "inferior" races, Latin and Slav, tired of bourgeois civilization, no longer resign themselves to the subjection of a State, which will be even more despotic than the former State, although it calls itself a People's State."


Revolutions 116

Letter from Marx to Pavel Vasilyevich Annenkov, 1846:

"As for slavery, there is no need for me to speak of its bad aspects. The only thing requiring explanation is the good side of slavery. I do not mean indirect slavery, the slavery of proletariat; I mean direct slavery, the slavery of the Blacks in Surinam, in Brazil, in the southern regions of North America.

"Direct slavery is as much the pivot upon which our present-day industrialism turns as are machinery, credit, etc.

"Without slavery there would be no cotton, without cotton there would be no modern industry. It is slavery which has given value to the colonies, it is the colonies which have created world trade, and world trade is the necessary condition for large-scale machine industry. Consequently, prior to the slave trade, the colonies sent very few products to the Old World, and did not noticeably change the face of the world.

"Slavery is therefore an economic category of paramount importance. Without slavery, North America, the most progressive nation, would he transformed into a patriarchal country.

"Only wipe North America off the map and you will get anarchy, the complete decay of trade and modern civilisation. But to do away with slavery would be to wipe America off the map. Being an economic category, slavery has existed in all nations since the beginning of the world. All that modern nations have achieved is to disguise slavery at home and import it openly into the New World"

- Karl Marx, (Letter to Pavel Vasilyevich Annenkov, December 28, 1846)

Karl Marx, a "prophet of communism", was merely an ideological and political figurehead in the ZioNazi agenda of world domination. He was regularly consulted by the Talmudists and his "theories" are likely to be nothing more than tricks to find some "scientific" foundation and provide a justification for the "inevitability" of "revolutions". It is not even clear his ideas were his.

His crown achievement, "Das Kapital", was such a pile of grand crap that the most acclaimed authors called it nothing more than the biggest pile of most confused garbage ever known. Pure mental concoction that had no resemblance to any kind of reality known to mankind, bound to fall on its face from the moment of its conception.

Not a single economist of any priminence recognizes them as something valid. They are nothing more than pure concoctions of a confused man, who spent too much of his life in a library instead of living a creative and productive life.

NONE of the events related to Russian revolution, or ANY revolution for that matter, are accidental, by ANY means. One has to be either utterly clueless or utterly dishonest and corrupt to the bone and marrow, or, alternatively, a servant of that very agenda of evil.

It was a perfectly orchestrated operation, financed by Jacob Schiff and Rothschild to destroy the monarchy in Russia, hated by Rothschilds with bloody hate. Just as French "revolution" was. Also financed by the same ZioNazis.

Secondly, the Russian "revolution" can not be viewed by itself as some isolated incident. You simply MUST examine the "French Revolution", and once you do that, the conclusion becomes simply inevitable. Both of those revolutions were organized by the same "hidden hand" and according to the same agenda, and that agenda is what is now known as the "NWO" and its end goal is what is shown to everyone in a movie called "Matrix", so that you all get acquainted with "new realities" that are forthcoming, and INEVITABLY so. Simple as that.

There wasn't even a SHRED of anything "accidental" in ANY of it.

Five of the Romanov family Tsars were killed and assassinated by the Rothschilds according to some of the most acclaimed authors. And those were the most noble, the most respectable, the most brilliant, the most honest, sincere and humane rulers EVER known to the mankind, and yet hated with bloody hate by the ZioNazis. There has never been a moment when all the plots to kill and assassinate them would stop. EVER!

All these "enlightenment" carrots are just a pure grade bluff in comparison to Russian revolution.

Here is just a couple of references on this:

In 1776 Meyer Rothschild financed the Illuminati, a Masonic secret society that in turn spawned the major revolutions of the modern era including the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917.

The ultimate aim is to establish the banker world dictatorship, which is at an advanced stage today.

-- Dr. J. Landowsky, "Red Symphony"


"The Bolshevik revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world.

What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish dissatisfaction and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental an physical forces, become a reality all over the world."

(The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920)


"Bolshevism is a religion and a faith. How could those half-converted believers dream to vanquish the 'Truthful' and the 'Faithful of their own creed, those holy crusaders, who had gathered around the Red standard of the prophet Karl Marx, and who fought under the daring guidance of those experienced officers of all latter-day revolutions -- the Jews?"

(Dr. Oscar Levy, Preface to the World Significance of the Russian Revolution by George Pitt-Rivers, 1920)

Mind you, these are some of the famous Jewish authors and some of the key players in the ZioNazi agenda, and not just some "anti-Semitic propaganda", like these "poor" ZioNazi peddlers forever try make it look like. See:

The ZioNazi butcher Leon Trotsky

And here is the ZioNazi butcher they have selected to annihilate the cream of the crop of Russia, 35 to 70 millions in all, compared to whom even Adolph Hitler looks like a saint:

Leon Trotsky 002

Leon (Lev) Trotsky (1879-1940)

Leon Trotsky's real name was Leiba Bronstein. He was under the training of Alexander Parvus (whose real name was Israel Gelfand) during high school. Parvus was a Russian Jewish Freemason. He not only taught Trotsky in the Talmud but he also introduced him to the Kabala, Zionism and Marxism/Socialism. Trotsky became a member of the freemasons and the B'nai B'rth.

The Russian police arrested him twice, each time he was sentenced to exile in Siberia but escaped both times. Together with Lenin, Trotsky and Parvus helped arrange the Russian revolution. Trotsky was finally deported to the United States where he lived under the protection and payroll of Jacob Schiff.

In an interview with the publication, "New American Journal," on February 3, 1949, John Schiff, the grandson of Jacob Schiff told the interviewer that his grandfather had given 20 million dollars to start the Russian revolution. Other American Jews and Gentiles who also donated to the cause of the Russian revolution were Paul Warburg, Harriman, Rockefeller, and J. P. Morgan.

The Russian revolution was in reality a Jewish takeover of Russia in the midst of WWI, in preparation for the formation of the state of Israel and the coming Jewish Messiah.

The Russian "revolution" was something "ACCIDENTAL"?

Just financing alone raises some hairs. From Schiff alone, it was 20 million dollars, which is billions if not trillions in today's money. Russia sold the Alaska to States for $5 million. Can you even BEGIN to imagine what kind of game was being played in Russia?


And 100 million dollars given to Lenin by Rothschild for the cause of "revolution" is how much in todays money? Enough to eliminate the world hunger by ANY chance?

By the way, Lenin was Lenin as much as Chandra Mohan was Osho or Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Lenin was adopted by Ulianov after his father, Goldman, was sentenced to Siberia being a criminal he was.

In fact, I would not be surprised to learn that the very reason Chandra Mohan started giving himself all those god-like names was the same reasons the "crypto" Jews change their names. Almost all the revolutionary leaders in Russia, who happened to be Jews, changed their names to Russian just to hide their real identity and nationality.

Take for example Stalin, which means "the man of steel". It was not his real name. His real name was Joseph Jugashvili. The same thing with Lenin. In reality he was circumcised as Haim Goldman, a Jew.

"Lenin was circumcised as Hiam Goldmann."

(Common Sense, April 1, 1963)

So, it could very well be that Chandra Mohan simply adopted their trick to his own agenda, just like everything he taught, none of which was originally his. All of it was learned in the libraries while he was wasting away being a book worm, morning to night. As he himself states on record, he was the first man to enter the university library and he was the last man to leave it, just like Karl Marx or Lenin, his "communist" buddies.

Another mind blowing fact is that the bloodiest murderer, the ZioNazi death and genocide creator in Russia, Trotsky, who murdered ten times as many Russians as even the stated genocide figure during the WWII, was a personal favorite of Rothschild to seize power during the Russian "revolution".

According to Rakovsky during his interrogation, Trotsky was their agent and implementor of the world-wide "permanent revolution" ideology in Russia as a starting point. Trotsky was honored by Rothschild unlike many others. They even played golf together, which was such a honor, that even kings and emperors would feel jealous of him!

I really want to get the following quote in here. Because this single quote is enough to see who this man, calling himself Osho is. I claim this man is a crook.

To minimize the significance of probably the MOST significant events in the entire history, the BIGGEST genocide and holocaust there ever was in the entire history of mankind, is utter disgust.

Here is what this "god-like" Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh says:

Date: Fri, 1 Jan 1984
Book Title: Osho - Notes of a Madman
Chapter #: 1

"I am not a democrat, I am a dictator; that is why so many Germans come to me. In fact they come because they cannot find anybody in Germany. That's why they come to me.

I am a dictator with a difference, a dictator with the heart of democracy."


By the way, to claim THAT is the reason so many Germans "come to him" is implicating the Germans as such as being obsessed with dictatorship! Nothing less. Nothing more. Just pure racism and fascism with a smile on its face.

No dictator I know of is interested in democracy. Because democracy goes against the very essence of dictatorship as such. These things are mutually exclusive. By DEFINITION.

Nope. You are just a liar and a manipulator. A mere servant of this Satanic "NWO" agenda. Simple as that.

By the way, as I recall, that book was dictated under influence of nitrogen oxide, administered by Swami Devageet, who now poses as probably the biggest "therapist" the world has ever known, whose list of "therapies" he offers topples the world's foremost "psychoanalysts" combined! What a team!

City of Rajneeshpuram

Chandra Mohan has built a commune in Oregon, which was eventually named the city of Rajneeshpuram. It was a communist model in its purest form. There was no money circulated around and all the basic needs, such as fool, shelter, transportation and simple clothes were provided for free. If you wanted something beyond that, you could purchase it at the "boutique" shops.

You were not paid a penny for working the 12 hr. working days. Since all the basic things were free, you had no impetus to accumulate money.

The main advantage of that model is that the most fundamental problem with the capitalist approach, fear of survival, was absent by definition. You could go eat at the cafeteria as much as you want, and you were provided with a place to sleep in a dormitory-like housing, where several people lived in one room, which was not necessarily how would you like to live. Because you had no privacy, no matter where you are.

And since there was no money in circulation, you had no impetus to be vicious with others, trying to get on the top of them in order "to make more money". And it also removed an impetus for you to be "better" than others and "compete" with them.

The idea, at least from the economic point of view is to make it a self-sufficient model that does not depend on the outside world, and, therefore, can operate without being influenced by it. But some things had to be brought from the outside world, such as building materials, tools, machinery, etc. So, in a strict sense, the model was not completely self-sufficient.

We are not going to analyze that model. There is plenty of information on it elsewhere.

Interestingly enough, practically all the cults utilize this model because it facilitates the ideology of totalitarianism and dictatorship better then any other model. There is always a "god"-like figurehead sitting at the very top and dictating to all everything they "need to know". The same thing is with the primitive tribe societies that live without the concept of money.

There is only one thing to mention here: this is exactly the model of the NWO and everything you see happening in the world right now is a preparation for it. Because, for one thing, the money, as such, has lost its meaning to the "banking mafia" and the "ruling elite", because they own all the money in the world. At this point, they are interested in switching to a purely communist model, where everything in the world, by implication, belongs to the "ruler", the servant of Lucifer, even though formally he does not own anything, as there is no such a concept as ownership from then on. Because there is no need for it in such a model.

In that model, the world consists of two classes, the "elite" and the "slaves". There is nothing in-between. There is no army as there is nobody to fight against, because the whole world is a single super-state. There is no such a concept as freedom, as you are ordered what to do and what not, and if you do not submit to those orders, you are simply killed and recycled into energy. And that is what the mankind is facing right now.

Communism versus Capitalism

Chandra Mohan was using the communist model of a "comune" in order to create a "new man". Why? And look at this quote:

Swami Prem Vardan, capitalism is not an "ism" at all; just don't get too obsessed by the word. Sometimes words become too important to us and we tend to forget the reality.

Capitalism is not an ideology; it is not imposed on the society, it is a natural growth. It is not like communism, or fascism, or socialism -- these are ideologies; they have to be imposed. Capitalism has come on its own. In fact, the word "capitalism" has been given by the anticapitalist thinkers: the communists, the socialists and others. Capitalism is a state of freedom; that's exactly why I am in support of it. It allows you all kinds of freedoms. Communism will not allow you all kinds of freedoms; communism will give you only one ideology to believe in -- there is no question of choice.

Book: Osho Come Come Yet Again Come
Chapter 5, Let Sannyas Happen

Then why did Chandra Mohan chose a "commune", which is a byproduct of the communist model, to create his "new man"? Why did he have a library of books on communism and studied it for years, probably more than he studied even Buddha himself?

To me, these are all lies and manipulations. First of all, capitalism was created by Rothschild kind of guys as an intermediate step to take over the world. Simple as that. You need to study this subject to see the roots of it.

Capitalism is not a state of freedom, but a state of exploitation of everything that can be exploited, and reduction of life to the material aspect of accumulation where the material becomes the final and ultimate determinant. And its purpose is to stuff the bellies of the rich at the expense of all others. Yes, on the paper it looks like freedom. But look around and see what kind of freedom you have left.

It is a phase of efficient accumulation of wealth, after which follows the communism - the phase of confiscation, created by the same Rothschild kind of guys. WHO created the communism and financed Karl Marx and Lenin? Well, the Rothschilds. And all of it goes back to the Talmud and the idea of world domination by the "god-chosen" people. Both, the capitalism and the communism have the same roots.

As far as I know, capitalism is the model in which "money is god and god is money". It elevates money to the status of God. And it is based squarely on the principles of exploitation and self-interest, just as described by Karl Marx and Lenin. In capitalism, everything is measured in terms of money, the only "real value" there is. Why do you think some people say "I am making money" when you ask them "how are you"? How can a human being be reduced to a level of some money making machine? And what is the result of it?

What kind of progress has been made with this approach but total parasitism and destruction of environment and the most basic human values? What kind of "freedom" is this and of what and for whom, but "freedom" to rape and pillage and exploit everything imaginable without any limits whatsoever?

What is left of your freedoms in America? The very constitution is a worthless piece of paper by now and Obama, in 2011, has signed a law allowing murder of anyone without even court proceedings, simply upon order of the "authorities". Why do they have hundreds of concentration camps for millions of people all over the USA by now, with gassing chambers and buildings to burn the bodies, all made under the auspices of FEMA?

Everywhere you look in a capitalist society, they are "making money". For what? Well, for the sake of making money! And then?

Here is the essence of it:

One day, Mulla Nasruddin told me, "I wish I had more land."

I asked him, "But why? As it is, you have enough."

He said, "I could raise a lot more cows."

I asked him, "And what would you do with them?"

He said, "Sell them and make money."

"And then? Then what you are going to do with that money?"

"Buy more land."

And I asked him, "For what?"

"To raise a lot more cows."

This way it goes, just a vicious circle in which you never come out: you eat to live, you live to eat. This is the lowest possibility. The lowest form of life is the amoeba. The amoeba simply eats, that's all. An amoeba has no sex life, an amoeba goes on eating whatsoever is available -- the amoeba is exactly the symbol of the lowest man.

Book: The Divine Melody
Chapter 3, The bee has received it's invitation

Communism, Tools and Methods ala Trotsky style

Chandra Mohan said: "I am a dictator". He even attempted to give it some joke-like twist, calling himself a special kind of a dictator, a "a dictator with the heart of democracy"! Except there is no such a thing. Dictatorship and democracy are mutually exclusive. They are like day and night.

Here is a pertinent quote from another dictator during the Russian Revolution and a peddler of the Communist ideology. This is what that "communism" thing was in reality and not some theory.

Leon Trotsky 001

Listen to the sermons of the Jewish communist leader, Leia Davidovich Trotsky (Bronstein) during the revolution:

"We have to transform Russia into a desert populated with white niggers, to whom we shall give such a tyranny, that even the worst despots of the East have never even dreamed of ...

"This tyranny will not be from the right, but from the left, not white, but red.

"In the literal sense of the word red, as we shall shed such rivers of blood, before which shall shudder and pale all the human losses of the capitalist wars ...

"By means of terror and blood baths, we will bring the Russian intelligentsia to complete stupor, to idiocy, until the animalistic condition ...

"our boys in leather jackets ... know how to hate everything Russian!

"What a great pleasure for them to physically destroy the Russian intelligentsia - military officers, academics, writers"

Compare the words of Trotsky's bloody texts with those of the Torah. You will see that the revolutionary Trotsky was a worthy disciple of Moses, David and the Jewish God, the Devil - Yahweh. Let the leading psychiatrists read the Old Testament and the various statements of Trotsky's, and the diagnosis will be the same - sick psychopaths and sadists.


If any of you are aware of the "ideas" of Chandra Mohan during the "ranch" period in Oregon, who knows, you might find some similarities, especially considering that "concentration camp" in Desederato, created for people with AIDS according to his instructions given to Sheela. There are some other equally as enlightening ideas of his that are on the par. You just need to learn to pay attention and not to be blinded by the avalanches of all the beautifully sounding piles of pure grade horseshit.

Did Chandra Mohan Jain know about the above quotes? And I just guarantee you: he DID!

The Russian "revolution" was ACCIDENTAL?

To make such a claim one simply must be either a fool, who knows not what he is talking about, or a pathological liar and a fabricator of the lowest grade crap there is.

Whose agenda did he serve? I claim:

This man was a LIAR, a PATHOLOGICAL liar and a manipulator, twisting the facts to the point well beyond obscene, to fit whatever agenda he had in his mind, which is "no mind". He himself admitted to be a liar. Except he had guts to try to justify it and tried to give it some "spiritual" significance.

There is just no way in hell he would not know about the REAL story of Russian revolution, especially bragging about having one of the largest collections of books on Russia and communism one can even hope to find! He himself claimed there wasn't a single book of any significance about these issues that was not in his library.

Just one quote from
Book: Communism and Zen Fire
Chapter 5, Socialism is a Judas

I have the whole library of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, everybody

I was reading a book by Lenin, his collected works. He was surprised, because I was so young -- may have been seventeen years old. He looked at the big volume, and he asked me, "Where did you get this collected works of Lenin?"

I said, "I have the whole library of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, everybody."

So, how was it possible for him NOT to know the REAL story behind the "Russian Revolution"?

Here is just one example, and you can call it "The NWO Under Microscope", the interrogation of Rakovsky during the Trotskyist trials in 1938:

Red Symphony

It is a copy of a transcript of the interrogation of Christian G. Rakovsky, one of the key players in Soviet Bolshevism, a secret copy, made by Dr. J. Landowsky, who administered a drug to stimulate Rakovsky during that questioning by the highly placed member of the NKVD (former KGB), René Duval (also known as Gavriil Gavriilovitch Kus'min).

That interrogation was performed when it was absolutely certain that Rakovsky's punishment would be a death sentence for treason, and Stalin, knowing who he was, has made a promise to him that if he tells the truth, his life would be spared. So, Rakovsky had nothing to loose, no matter what he would say. He was a dead man. You can not get away from Stalin if you were involved in some conspiracy to overturn him, no matter what kind of song you sing.

This book is of such an immense significance to the whole history of mankind that you could hardly find another book of the same value.

From this interrogation it seems that Rakovsky was one of the key members of "Them", the REAL "rulers" of this world. It could be that he was their main ideologist, on the par with Karl Marx, so lucid and precise was his argumentation for the dire and simply inevitable need for "permanent revolution" presented in this book.

"Them" are the members of "The Committee of 300", the rulers of this world, just as Dr. John Coleman, a former highly placed MI6 agent describes in his book "The Committee of 300". See:

Interestingly enough, with all the blabber about the "evil" Reagan, who was out to destroy Chandra Mohan, and his "beautiful" commune, where people are going to be "dancing on the streets" when you throw an atom bomb on them, he never spoke of the Committee of 300 or their earlier manifestation called the Illuminati. WHY? Compared to them, Ronald Reagan is an absolute nothing, just a puppet in their hands, a "straw man" as Rakovsky calls the politicians and even the bankers, controlling the vital pulse of the world called money, which is the source of the "absolute power" according to him.

Now, once you start manipulating THESE kinds of issues, such as revolution, to fit your own agenda, you are nothing more than an agent of lies and deceit, the agent of the evilmost Satanic agenda.

It is one thing to zombify the "seekers" with any kind of garbage that comes to ones mind. But it is entirely different issue when you really wish to investigate some of the most profound issues in the entire history of mankind and not this idle chatter about "enlightenment" and things like that.

It was not an accident by ANY means. It was the very agenda of the NWO as we know it today, the ancient idiocy of "superiority", the very roots of fascism, the roots of which lie in the "religious scriptures", such as Talmud.

For thou art a holy people unto the Lord Thy God

Chandra Mohan calls "his people" the "elite". Just like this:

"...For thou art a holy people unto the Lord Thy God:

the Lord Thy God has chosen thee to a special people unto himself, above all people that are on the face of the earth."

-- (Deuteronomy 7:6)

Only Jews are human beings, non-Jews are animals.

"The graves of Gentiles do not defile, for it is written, And ye my flock, the flock of my pastures, are men; [5] only ye are designated 'men'." [6]

-- Babylonian Talmud: Baba Mezia 114b.

5 - Ezekiel 34:31

31 "And ye my flock, the flock of my pasture, are men, and I am your God, saith the Lord GOD."

Ezekiel 34:31 (King James Version)

6 - Cf. Num. XIX, 14: This is the law, when a man dieth in a tent; all that come into the tent, and all that is in the tent, shall be unclean seven days.

For one thing, the "revolution" in Russia was a result of the deepest hate of Rothschilds toward the family of Romanovs, the Russian Tsars. It is basically a satanic agenda of the most profound.

If anything, the Russian revolution was not accidental at all. It was a carefully orchestrated implementation of the NWO agenda of world domination, precisely planned and well financed by Jacob Schiff and Rothschilds.

Lenin, the godfather of Russian revolution, was a Jew, circumsized as Hiam Goldmann. His father was a criminal sent to Siberia. He received $100 million after he presented his plan for revolution to Rothschilds. The revolution in Russia was a crown achievement of the "rulers of this world" in their pursuit of the absolute power and global domination called the NWO nowadays.

So, to state that the Russian revolution was something accidental is not only profoundly dishonest, but simply bizarre. It is utter and complete lie and the only purpose of it could only be to deceive the clueless and feed them some zombification garbage resembling nothing even close to any kind of reality there is.

The so called NWO agenda is pretty subtle and equally as confused, as their "leaders" are saying things that could not be classified as anything but the evil most profound. It is an agenda of relentless destruction, just as recorded in their own "scriptures".

There is this concept of a "herd", stating that non Jews are nothing more then a herd of goats and sheep. Just non human animals in human form, whose purpose is to serve the Judahites. Therefore, you need a despot as a ruler to tell them what is what and who is who, and Chandra Mohan states clearly on the record that he is a dictator. Just like any other dictator.

This has been specifically addressed in the "Protocols".

In the kibbutz in Israel the same concept of communism has been practiced.

Whatever idiocy stands behind the very concept, it happens that it is probably one of the most effective ways to control and dominate the masses while retaining the full control of value via money and gold in the hands of the "elite", just like that "inner circle" is.

Interestingly enough, the whole idea of the "inner circle" is not something original to Chandra Mohan. This is the same idea as expressed in various manifestations of the NWO agenda through "Illuminati" and Freemason cults to facilitate the ideology of a "ruler".

The Illuminati structure also consists of circles, and the innermost circle is those, who rule this world with sword and fire, at least since the "French Revolution" in more recent history.

This is a huge subject that easily deserves a book to cover it.

I claim: you will NEVER be able to understand this man calling himself Osho or understand this whole "Osho" trip until you understand what these quotes say (and pay attention to the pictures of your REAL "leaders" on that page):

The Bohemian Club and the Bohemian Grove

Well, to make a long story short, this whole thing in nothing but a pure grade satanism, the brainwashing ideology of destruction, parasitism, control and domination.

There are two fundamental approaches to life, one is creativity or creation of something of real value, which is associated with God.

Or, just the opposite, the destruction which initially manifests itself in parasitism. Basically, if you do not trust yourself as being able to create something tangible, something of value, you are bound to become a parasite. You will be justifying that parasitism as the only "rational" thing to be done. So you become a man of a belly, a man of the material world. Thus greed, money, lust for power and so on.

And the reason for this is nothing more than a complex of inferiority in most cases. Thus the compelling need to prove to others that you are something, in fact even "better" that others, far "superior" to them.

Except these satanists present as something "rational". To them, self-service is the only thing that makes sense. But the issues are much deeper and much more subtle. It has been said by numerous researchers and creative people that "god-chosen people" are inherently uncreative. For example, famous musicians, such as Wagner, and various writers, poets and artists state that "god-chosen people" have never created a single piece of art worth even mentioning. They excel in all sorts of manipulations, but on a purely material level, oriented strictly towards "getting" something for themselves. They rationalise that the creativity is simply stupid. Because it does not serve your own interests, but instead, serves others, which is "stupid" to them. Why would you serve others unless you are an idiot, who does not know how to get things for himself? And that is why they classify all others as "animals", weird as it gets.

Degenerates rule the world!

There is also an issue of degeneracy involved and Gregory Klimov, probably the world's most prominent expert in Supreme Sociology, dedicated his entire life studying the issues of degeneracy. Initially, he started studying it after WWII working for the top secret project called the Harvard Project that was specifically created to study corruption aspects in governments and politics for the purpose of destruction of the "enemy". His basic views on it are expressed in an interview titled "The Essence of the Problem".

Once you understand it, you will be able to see through all these "power clans" and their trips easily and recognize their common traits and behavioral patterns without much difficulty. Because all of it is quite predictable and expected.

In few words, degeneracy is usually a result of intermarriage, meaning marrying your own blood relatives. This is one of the primary causes of degeneracy, and what we see with these "power clans" and royal families, they are mostly degenerates. Because they intermarry. They think they can not afford their blood line to be "polluted" with some "primitive" and ordinary people. As a result, they feel compelled to arrange marriages of their offspring with some "royal blood" families. But the result is a very high chance of producing a degenerate offspring.

This is one of basic laws of nature. A limited genetic pool will not survive. It will be destroyed via degeneracy. By now, it is a well known and well studied fact.

This is especially noticeable with Rothschilds. Half of the marriages in their family tree were within the family. They were specifically instructed by their parents to intermarry. In some cases it was a precondition for their inheritance.

Basically all the royal families of Europe intermarry. This has been a long tradition until very recently as we see in royal families in UK for example. As a result, plenty of them, if not most, are degenerates.

In the initial stages, degeneracy expresses itself as sexual perversions, such as homosexuality, then psychic diseases and eventually the birth defects, such as big ears, sticking out, withered away hands or fingers that grow together, asymmetric faces and bodies, mouths wider than the distance between the pupils of the eyes, or too narrow and quite a few other indicators. Very often it will be a weird asymmetry of their faces especially noticeable when they smile. Things like that.

Just observe your world "leaders" or the most powerful and influential figureheads and it will blow your mind. Most of them are clear degenerates and of the last stage, birth defects.

The majority of the members of governments are homosexuals, and the Bohemian Club is just a perfect example of it. They are also vicious. It is like a revenge towards the normal, non degenerate people. It is a deep, subconscious jealousy and hate for anything that is not abnormal.

In the 1938, Stalin, when he learned it, ordered an extensive medical research to identify the degenerates in the top echelons of power in order to remove them from their positions to stop their destructive influence. Because degenerates are inevitably destructive.

And degeneracy in the "ruling class" and "elites" of all kinds is common. Thus viciousness in everything they do or think.

Alpha-2 protein disorder

Another issue relates to genetics. It is called the alpha-2 protein disorder that translates into several physical and psychic disorders. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to find enough information on it on the net. Seems to be a highly censored topic.

Medical Evidence

The DNA tests established that Arya-Brahmins and Jews belong to the same folks. The basic religion of Jews is Brahmin religion.

According to Venu Paswan that almost all races of the world have longer head as they evolved through Homo-sapiens and hence are more human.

Whereas Neaderthals are not homosepiens. Jews and Brahmins are broad-headed and have Neaderthal blood. As a result both suffer with several physical and psychic disorders. According to Psychiatric News, the Journal of American Psychiatric Association, Jews are genetically prone to develop Schizophrenia.

According to Dr. J.S. Gottlieb the cause of Schizophrenia among them is protein disorder alpha-2 which transmits among non-Jews through their marriages with Jews.

The increase of mental disorders in America is related to increase in Jewish population. In 1900 there were 1058135 Jews and 62112 mental patients in America. In 1970 Jews increased to 5868555 i.e. 454.8% times. In the same ratio mental patients increased to 339027.

Jews are unable to differentiate between right and wrong, have aggressive tendencies and dishonesty. Hence Israel is the worst racist country. Brahmin doctors themselves say that Brahmins have more mental patients. Kathmandu medical college of Nepal have 37% Brahmin patients while their population is only 5%. (Dalit voice, 16-30 April, 2004 p.8-9)

Impending New Word Order

Watch the "elite" and "top echelon" members of governments, media, commerce and trade. Surprise, surprise, MOST of them are broad headed. The lower part of their head is almost as wide as the top of their head, which means they come from Neanderthals according to Venu Paswan.

Interestingly enough, you won't be able to find much information on the alpha-2 protein disorder on the net. How come? Another NWO miracle? This seems like an issue deserving some attention, analysis and further research to say the least.

And now let us look at this "Bohemian" Club "power camp".

The Bohemian Club is a tough subject to work on. Initially, I had no interest in doing it. But it is just way too significant to be ignored. Because without it, the whole discussion on this "NWO" thing would be incomplete. So, let us see here...

One of the problems of dealing with this subject is utter secrecy surrounding the whole thing. Penalty for "disclosing" things is death. You can not even obtain the lists of participants at their presentations of the new plans for the world. But some information does leak out inevitably, even though it is just a minuscule part.

All the major events in the world are developed behind the scenes by "the hidden hand" and then presented at the Bohemian Grove. Once something is presented at the grove it becomes the agenda for the governments to follow, implement and enact the laws that will facilitate the agenda.

Since the machine is slow, it takes years before you start seeing some action, initially in the media starting to peddle it and then, after everyone is prepped enough, you inevitably see some action on the governmental level.

In effect, what many think is a result of work and initiatives on the government level is nothing more than following a stated agenda at the Bohemian Grove. Governments, by themselves can do nothing without instructions and directions of this "elite" because they are nothing more than puppets in its hands to blindly follow and execute the agenda. Else, politicians are simply disposed of as something useless if not undesirable.

You can see plenty just by looking at the lists of participants and the topics for presentations, and some of those lists have leaked out. So, when you see things like "Defining a New World Order", "Smart Weapons", "Rogues, Terrorists and Two Weimars Redux: National Security in the Next Century" and things like that as the topics on their lists, and YEARS ahead of the events, as they will inevitably be manifest in the future, you know what you are dealing with.

What is Bohemian Club

What is Bohemian Club and their estate called the Bohemian Grove located in Monte Rio, California, USA, north of San Francisco?

For one thing it is a secret society and a cult of power, influence and domination. The most significant events in the world, such as wars or those colored revolutions happen as a consequence of presentations at the Bohemian Grove.

It is one of the most influential secret societies in the world where the world affairs are decided by the most influential figureheads, such as the Presidents, Supreme Court justices, Defense (better said Offense) department chiefs, media moguls, congressmen, the biggest and baddest bankers and you name it.

All the recent presidents of the USA are members of the Bohemian Club and so are plenty of the most influential members of the government, military and intelligence, the Federal Reserve system and you name it.

In other words, it is one of few places in the world where the fate of the world is decided in a "relaxed and casual" atmosphere during the gaps when they are not engaged in all sorts of sexual orgies, screwing each other in the ass, and literally so, or carry out some "ceremony", worshipping all sorts of idols and associated mind projections.

"But it's not just the ratty part of town," says Nixon. The upper class in San Francisco is that way."

"The Bohemian Grove (an elite, secrecy-filled gathering outside San Francisco), which I attend from time to time.

"It is the most faggy god damned thing you could ever imagine, with that San Francisco crowd. I can't shake hands with anybody from San Francisco."

Chicago Tribune - November 7, 1999, NIXON ON TAPE EXPOUNDS ON WELFARE AND HOMOSEXUALITY by James Warren

"It is a lot easier to get out of the Grove than it is to get in, because a lot of these world leaders that you read about in the news leave the Grove to go into the small town Monte Rio.

"They go into the bars for prostitutes that are flown in from around the world to service them."

Nice "elite", eh? The most powerful and most influential "leaders" in the whole world!

Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson - Praise the Lord, sinners!

And don't forget to show respect to Satan with your hand sign.

George Bush and Ahmadinajad of Iran showing the satanic hand sign

George Bush and Ahmadinajad of Iran - the same gang of NWO satanists.

Cremation of care ritual ceremony

One of their better known "ceremonies" is the ceremony of "cremation of care". Just the name of it is disgusting enough. What else needs to be said about these sick satanists? They give it a joke like twist and make it look like some rule that you leave all your worries behind when you come to these gatherings, just like in the Chandra Mohan's "commune".

But why do they make such a huge farce out of it, some grand ceremony? They could have just written it in the invitation list and that is all they had to do. But, for some strange reason, they made a grand occult ceremony out of it. Why?

Well, in a couple of words, just to drill this idea of caring as something "inferior", something that only the blind mortals need to be concerned with, into the depths of your mind. It is to make sure you don't care.

And not only that, but that ceremony culminates in a body burning act in front of the owl statue of a monster size, just to emphasize the relative significance of you frail body compared to "wisdom" and size of that monster sized owl.

What they burn is what they call a "dull care".

The roots of this ceremony are in a ritual sacrifice to Moloch that has been carried out in various ways to this day.

Cremation of Care ritual ceremony

Cremation of Care ceremony at the Bohemian Grove.

Cremation of Care ceremony at Bohemian Grove, culmination

Cremation of Care ceremony culmination.

It is an occult ritual commandment stating that the very notion of care has to be not just totally erased from your consciousness, but burned and destroyed in the most horrific manner, so there is no trace of it left in your heart.

Most of those present during the ceremony do not even recognize it for what it is. They simply get baffled. Some of them shout and scream in excitement and bewilderment, and others are simply overjoyed to be present during such a "sacred" act of ultimate power and symbolic significance, feeling themselves as something divinely significant, the ones to whom the "greatest mysteries" are revealed, the "mysteries" of power over life itself, being totally blinded and unable to see the futility of it.

In other words, a zombie performance act authorising the most profound evil. And THAT is what it truly is.

So, you could just paraphrase that ceremony as "compare the size and wisdom of the owl made out of stone with this illusory mortal body that burns just like paper". And all these messages are subliminal and occult. Occult means hidden. So, your consciousness isn't even functioning. Because the whole thing is simply insane and can not be consciously analyzed or explained. It simply does not make any sense to a rational mind.

The "message" goes directly to the deepest layers of your subconscious, and fear part of it is what will be a reminder for your entire life if you ever not obey the orders or the agenda. Your conscious mind simply gets baffled and overwhelmed by the weirdness of that "mystical" aspect, which is utter bluff. Nice, eh?

Basically, it is a ceremony of death worship and fear instillation. Some reports state that what is burned during that ceremony is actual bodies and not just skeletons as some claim, and there is even a picture from far away that shows what was burned is actually an alive baby. Some medical experts analyzed that picture and came to a definite conclusion it was a baby and it was being burned alive since its arms were raised. Do your own research and see what you can find on it.

It is but a myth to zombify your mind with symbols of utter potence and "wisdom" [of the evil].

Because care is one of the most dangerous things to the evil. As long as you care, how can you be evil? How can you be vicious and destructive to the utmost degree? How can you give orders to kill millions? How can you loot, rob, pervert, deceive, brainwash and concoct all sorts of lies? How? As long as your heart is alive and you feel how can you do all those things?

What do you hear nearly all the time? Well, "I don't care!"

Simple as that.

And that is EXACTLY how they are zombified and desensitized and prepared to become the most vicious, utterly inhuman bloodthirsty monsters, able and willing to slaughter millions of innocent people in their pursuit of the most profound evil represented by some god-like symbol and are given all sorts of promises of "power", influence, prestige and wealth.

That ceremony conditions ones mind to be ruthless and totally insensitive, willing to perform the acts of the most horrendous evil without even feeling any of it. You have to be totally insensitive and dead in your very soul even to conceive doing some of those destructive things that are considered to be a must and even some "mission" as far "ruling the world" goes.

The power of symbology lays in bypassing the conscious mind and its evaluating abilities. When some symbol is presented, your mind does not reason as to what it is. So, the symbol influences the deepest layers of your subconscious without any interference of the mind. When they yell "war on terrorism" at you from the TV screen, you do not even question ANY of it. You simply take it for what your mind has been programmed to associate it with.

So, in effect symbology manipulation procedure is nothing more than mind control. Mind as such isn't even functioning. And that is precisely the power of symbology.

Wisdom of an owl symbology

Bohemian Club logo

Bohemian Club logo

As to symbolic significance of "wisdom of the owl", it is an interesting subject. Basically, the owl attacks silently. The prey can not even see or hear it.

It can also see in deep darkness when others can not see anything.

And it simply sits silently waiting for the right moment to attack the prey. It does not even actively pursue the prey. It simply waits for the prey to appear. No need to rush the show. It will happen inevitably. It is just a matter of time.

This is the bare bone essence of it.

So these are the sumbliminal messages about the main principles of operation of the entire organization:

Total secrecy, symbolized by darkness;
Attack silently and invisibly;
Wait patiently for the right moment to attack and destroy.

The owl is a nocturnal bird of prey with strong talons. The owl has been associated with wisdom, books, Occult knowledge, shamanism and other spiritual matters.

As mentioned, the owl is a bird of the night, so an association with the moon is also suggested. They have short tail feathers and are silent in flight, stealth like. They seem curious about things but are happy to sit and wait until the time is right to obtain their goals (catch or conquer their prey).

The demon goddess Lilith is represented throughout history as an owl. A study of the demon goddess of Lilith will reveal the dark secrets behind the owl of Bohemian grove.

Few magickal orders exist dedicated to the undercurrent of Lilith and deal in initiations specifically related to the Aracana of the first Mother.

Two reputable organizations that progressively use initiations and magick associated with Lilith are the Ordo Antichristianus Illuminati and the Order of Phosphorus. Author Joshua Seraphim has written three texts associated with the egregore of Lilith entitled "Rite of Lilith," "Confessionis ex Lilitu," and the "Lamentations of Lilith."

Bohemian Grove Exposed

The National Press Club logo

The National "Press" Club was established in Washington DC in 1908, soon after elites and journalists on the West Coast established the Bohemian Club.

Membership includes "newsmakers" in addition to news reporters, including 17 consecutive Presidents of the United States. Most have lectured in the Club's restaurant, and both Carter and Reagan announced their candidacies for president at the grove.

Mystical symbolism in NPC's LOGO reveal influence from Bohemian Grove's Owl Shrine, lantern, and the Illuminati's illuminated rays of sunlight.

Notice an owl sitting on the book and a symbol of snake on the right of the book. Snake is an ancient Judahite and Canaanite symbol. It is also called a "symbolic snake of Zionism" as reflected in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

The symbolic snake and symbology

First of all, before we even look into Kabalistic and occult symbology, what it is basically is a pile of crap.

It is basically nothing more than myths told to clueless, mostly to delude them. It all "works" as long as you BELIEVE in it. And it "works" only within itself, within its own framework of self-reference. Because it is nothing more than projections of your mind.

Otherwise, it is just a pipe dream, utterly meaningless that has nothing to do with real life as such.

These symbols and constructions, or rather concoctions, simply signify nothing that has anything to do with any kind of reality. It is just a mental game, and as a game, just like any other game you play, there is nothing wrong with it.

And that is precisely why it was said: "the house built on sand is BOUND to fall". It is just a matter of time. No matter for how long are you going to be deluding others and how many are you going to delude, ALL of it signifies nothing at the end. ALL of you are nothing more than a bunch of con men and crooks and servants of the IDEAS of the most profound evil, the end result of which will INEVITABLY be destruction and of horrific proportions. It will NEVER be CREATION of anything having any real value.

Simple as that.

Interestingly enough, people like Chandra Mohan pointed out that the whole occult thing is nothing more than foolishness and he called madame Blavatsky, one of the key figures in the occult and a founder of the Theosophical Society movement, "madame blah, blah, blah".

What is more interesting is that J. Krishnamurti, one of the giants of the 20th century, who coined the very term "awareness", and who was raised and educated by the best private teachers hired by Blavatsky, at the end renounced the whole movement and never even bothered to talk about it ever since. Apparently, there was just absolutely nothing to talk about as far as Theosophy, occult or Kabbalah (Kabala, Cabbalah, Qabalah, Cabala) goes. ALL of it did not even deserve a word from him, and he studied all of it his entire life from early childhood until he "graduated" and was to be proclaimed the world teacher at the congress specifically gathered to make such an announcement.

And he was the man chosen by Blavatsky to become the next messiah to reveal the "message" to the world. The same idiocy you see with all these "secret societies" and the most influential power clans and all sorts of "elite" such as the "Committee of 300", going up to that degenerate "queen", who is at the head of it all, at least according to Dr. John Coleman in his "the Committee of 300" book.

ALL of them are nothing more than the most profound idiots thinking they've got nothing less then God by his balls, and all they have to do to achieve the "ultimate orgasm with existence" is to squeeze a little and all the powers of this world will be showered upon them by their "god", which happens to be Moloch.

And that is the very "foundation" of all this Bohemian Club crap, the most "elite" members of which are some of the most profound idiots the world has ever known, such as George Bush and his father and other idiots of his grade who happen to be in the highest levels of politics and power.

So here they are, their most "sacred" symbols of the most profound "wisdom" and ultimate power over all life as such.

Blavatsky's mystic brooch seal

"Mme. Blavatsky's mystic brooch shows her initials in an hexagram topped by a short-legged sinistroverse swastika standing on one of its angles and enclosed in a circle formed by a snake biting its tail.

"The snake biting its tail, also called the ouroborus, is an old symbol of the infinite."

Freemasonic symbol of letter G, from Hebrew letter gimel and a snake biting its tail

"The letter G symbol of freemasonry traces back to the Hebrew letter gimel and interestingly links to the serpent as well. It is said that the letter G also represents the ouroboros, the snake eating it's tail which represents immortality/resurrection."

Kabalistic symbol of Oroboros - snake biting its tail

Occult Geometry - A.S. Raleigh

"One form of the circle is a serpent with a tail in its mouth.It is the return to Unity. The true circle symbolizes evolution, the Serpent Circle involution. the power brings Unity out of diversity. The Serpent Circle is, therefore, ever the symbol of the destructive Ouroboros ('tail devourer') is an ancient alchemy symbol depicting a snake or dragon swallowing its own tail, constantly creating itself and forming a circle. Ouroboros is associated with Alchemy, Gnosticism and Hermeticism.

It represents the cyclical nature of things, eternal return, and other things perceived as cycles that begin anew as soon as they end.

The ouroboros has several meanings interwoven into it. Foremost is the symbolism of the serpent biting, devouring, eating its own tail. This symbolizes the cyclic Nature of the Universe: creation out of destruction, Life out of Death. The ouroboros eats its own tail to sustain its life, in an eternal cycle of renewal."

Symbol of the serpent in the tree of knowledge

"Among the Egyptians, it was a symbol of Divine Wisdom, when extended at length; and with its tail in its mouth, of Eternity."

"The serpent is the symbol and prototype of the Universal Savior, who redeems the worlds by giving creation the knowledge of itself and the realization of good and evil." (Manly P. Hall -The Secret Teachings of All Ages - pg 38)

How a Mystic Reads the Garden of Eden - Rabbi David Cooper

"One of the most ancient midrashic texts, written by Rabbi Eliezer, suggests that the serpent who seduced Eve had the appearance of a camel. Most people have never heard this idea. The Jewish oral tradition goes on to say that the angel Samael, otherwise known as Satan, rode this camel. Many say that the serpent itself was Satan.

When Rabbi Eliezer says that the serpent represented a camel, he is alluding to the number three. The word camel in Hebrew is gamal, which is the same as word as the Hebrew letter gimel. Gimel in the Hebrew alphabet represents the number three. Mathematically, the number three is necessary for the physical world-which is three dimensional-composed of three lines of direction: north-south, east-west, and up-down."

The BLAZING STAR and a snake biting its tail

The BLAZING STAR IS PROPERLY SIX-POINTED. the sign of the deity, and to make that more evident, in the middle of it is usually inscribed the letter 'G', for God. In Co-Masonic lodges, the usual form. is a serpent curled round with its tail in its mouth. This was the original form, but the head of the serpent was altered so as to form the letter G." (The Hidden Life in Freemasonry - C.W. Leadbeater p. 79)

Masonic writers also speak of the letter G tracing back to the Hebrew letter yod which was used as an abbreviation by Kabbalists for the Sacred Name of Elohim.

"The Ouroboros appears in many other cultures and settings as well the Serpent Jormungandr of Norse legend, who encircled the world, and guarded Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life, is often depicted as an ouroboros."

God is a Verb pg 43 ft note 24

"The Hebrew letter gimel, when spelled out, uses the letters gimel, mem and lamed. The word golem uses the same letters. It is the word for the Frankenstein-like creatures that ancient Kabbalists are said to have created by using magical formulas of various names of God. The numeric value of golem or gimel is the same as chochma, which is usually defined as wisdom."

Notice that this Masonic G, Ouroboros, serpent on a tree is linked with wisdom and the golem (man-beast)...

The golem is a reference to Adam Kadmon, the androgynous god man of Kabbalistic lore.

Little Guy in the Eye: Occult symbology

Here is a quick outline of some aspects of this symbology.

Basically, this is an ancient symbology of Lucifer, who appeared in form of a snake before Adam and Eve and told them that they can become as wise as Elohim if they follow his advice.

Snake symbolizes wisdom as an ascending spiral of contact to the higher levels of intelligence and finer worlds. It also represents the development in ascending turns of the spiral, each of which represent the next level of density and next level of development of intelligence. The physical world in human flesh is the 3rd density world, which is pretty dense and gross. As mankind progresses, it ascends to the higher, less dense levels of existence.

Snake biting its own tail is a symbol of cyclical nature of existence, when new beginning, symbolized by the head is eating or consuming the end, symbolized by the tail. Thus refreshment and rejuvenation in eternal cyclical nature.

Foundation - The House Built On Sand

And to do some of those destructive things of horrendous magnitude you need some doctrine, some dogma that will allow you to justify it, and not only to justify it, but to make you think this is exactly the right thing to do, and the only thing that could provide such a justification is a belief system of a religious or occult grade.

Anything else, even the political "power" or the "power" of money is secondary and not the ultimate. Because it does not have the necessary foundation. So whatever beliefs you have as far as "power" of it goes, are not and can not possibly be the ultimate determination or solution. You would still have to consult some "higher authority", some "priest" or "mystic" to get a reference view on it. The view that is "absolute", and therefore the final determination of what is what and who is who.

Thus the occult. Otherwise, if there is no such a foundation, there would not be such a horrendous corruption of the mind and your very soul, and it would become virtually impossible to do some of the things they do. The morality would kick in and guilt would eat your heart out.

And that is why you see all the cults of evil inevitably worshipping something and have a system explaining that evil and even making them look like some "chosen few". It is simply a way to justify their sickness and make it look like something that has some "mystic" roots in the very essence of existence.

The occult or pseudo-religious doctrine is a must therefore. And that is what you see with this monstrosity called the Bohemian Club and Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, Illuminati, Committee of 300 and other influential power clans, networks and systems of promotion of evil and pseudo-power, control and domination.

But they are nothing but blind believers not knowing what they do and having no clue of the "end goal". They think that the end goal is for them and others of their kind to inherit some ultimate power, some ultimate dominion.

Their minds, conditioned with the most profound evil, can not comprehend that their entire lives are nothing but a waste and all their activity is nothing more than an exercise in futility.

Helmut Schmidt druid

Helmut Schmidt druid

From page 243 (in 1991) German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt addresses the elite of the world at a lakeside talk [at Bohemian Grove].

Helmut Schmidt, in his own autobiography, "Men and Powers, a Political Retrospective, says that he is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg group.

He also says that he has been an active participant in bringing in world government. Mr. Schmidt also said in his book that leaders from globalist bodies travel to the Grove every summer.

He talks about secret groves in Germany where they do druidic rituals, but indicates that Bohemian Grove is his favorite place to participate in these rituals.

These people, and you can hardly call them people, assume themselves to be something superhuman, whose very destiny is to dominate, rule and impose. And the occult is what gives them the idea that they do in fact posses some "sacred knowledge".

To them the ordinary people are just blind mortals, nothing more than a herd of sheep, the animals in a human form, just like Talmud teaches, whose exclusive purpose is to slave away and feed the insatiable bellies of these "superhuman" monsters and their "god" Moloch, or some other "deity" of "negative nature", such as Lucifer.

Thus, the sacrificial altar is located in the belly of Moloch, symbolizing the material aspect of existence that is meant for consummation and destruction at the end. In other words the symbology of idiocy of a blind that can not see. The symbology of death and destruction.

It is nothing more than death worship, idiotic as it is. While life is happening and the clock is ticking in irreversible direction, they are worshipping death, not life. Why? Why are you so idiotic? And life is passing by meanwhile. You can not take it back. You can not relive something that already passed. Once walked, that's it, you can not walk that path again. You can not unwind the clock of inevitability.

And the stretched hands of Moloch with palms up symbolizes parasitism and a DEMAND - give me something of value for which I do not do a thing to create. YOU do the work and create it, and then bring it to me, the ultimate parasite. Because you OWE it to me! And none of those "elite" idiots even ask the simplest question of all:

WHY? Why should I work my bones off just to bring it to you as some kind of a debt payment? What do I OWE you and on what grounds? Was it YOU that has given me my life? Was it YOU that created all these goods I have produced and manifested? Then on what basis do I have to bring ANYTHING to you besides the fire torch to burn you down to ashes, which is what you are?

Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. And this is what they have in their hands - dust and nothing but the dust.

Do you see the idiocy of it yet?

And the primary reason I decided to talk about it is to show its utter idiocy, the idiocy of the so called ruling elite and the ape-like primitive state of their minds and the amoeba level of their consciousness, pipe dreaming about the things their monkey minds can not even begin to comprehend, such as world domination and things of that level.

And all of them, and I mean every single one of them, even that "elite of the elite" are nothing but puppets, just like condoms to be used and then thrown into a garbage bin, unconscious animals zombified with a doctrine of most profound evil, which is nothing more than projections of their sick minds imagining something that does not exist outside their minds. And that is the verdict.

Prostitution and perversions

They think that just because they have prostituted themselves their entire lives and licked all sorts of asses and sucked all sorts of dicks they thus deserve to be the deciders of the fate of the world as they think their power is virtually boundless.

They think that by sucking dicks or blood of others you become some kind of "elite" at the end. The more you suck, the more "elite" you become. The more they screw you in the ass, and especially if they are some high placed senators or presidents, the more chance there is for you to become a member of the "chosen few", the "elite of the elite".

Strange logic. And most of them are perverts and card carrying members of various sexual perversions or sadomasochistic clubs, just like George W. Bush for example, a pathological killer who is on record as shooting the frogs with a gun when he was a child.

It is like some miraculous ticket to prominence it seems.

When I looked at some information that stated that unless you are screwed in the ass by most members of your Masonic lodge, there is very little chance for you to become a congressman or someone of prominence in the politics, I just could not believe my own eyes.

Because you need to be corrupt and manipulatable. Unless there exists some compromising information on you, there is very little chance for you to become someone of prominence on the political scene.

Because what is needed in politics is puppets to be manipulated by that "hidden hand" you will never see no matter where you look. The power of politics or even money is a secondary power. They are all just hired guns, bought gun stock and barrel, to execute the agenda of their puppeteers. ALL of them, and the interrogation of Christian Rakovsky, one of the key members of the "300" in "Red Symphony" by Dr. Landowsky shows it in most graphical terms.

I am disgusted to even talk about it. But what to do. Such is karma-dharma-marma!

On the surface it looks like the most prestigious club of the most influential elite. They even have their own army size security force, fire department and you name it. Just like a state, or at least a city.

Puppet grade minds and occult idiocy

Druid witch

Druid witch

But when you look at their puppet grade minds and all their staged idiocy of occult rituals and worshipping of utterly idiotic idols, which is nothing more than the projections of their minds, even though they take it as some kind of ultimate reality, it just boggles ones mind.

How could this be that the sickos of their grade not only rule the world but even have a chance to get a half decent job being such profound idiots? They are the complete zombies. Simple as that.

They conduct all sorts of occult orgies and get dressed in some ancient costumes and impersonate all sorts of "high priests", "wizards" and other mythical personalities, unable to comprehend that all of it is nothing more than imagination of their sick minds obsessed with all sorts of "superpowers" and zombified with some idiotic occult doctrine. The whole thing is simply bizarre.

Yes, you CAN see the self-boasting viciousness in their arrogant smiles in front of the camera, especially the younger ones of them that are probably screwed in the ass more than others and, therefore, are assured a place in the US congress or something of that grade as they think.

Their sub-idiotic obsession with the occult "powers" and all that "powerful symbology" of the most profound evil is nothing more than a clinical case of psychiatry so primitive and idiotic it is. All based in fiction, a movie inside their minds they have been programmed with. All of it is nothing more than a program.

Monkeys rule the world!

And these monkeys, not to insult the real monkeys, think they are some kind of "elite". Sorry, but I can not even find the right words for this utter idiocy, so futile it is. I am not sure these gorillas even heard of a term "fatalism", which is what they follow in effect, except, most likely, they simply have no clue as to what they are doing and what could possibly be their "end goal". It is all just nothing but madness of "blind leading the blind just to fall into a ditch".

And all their worshipping of all sorts of most "powerful" dragon symbols and all their young faggots they screw in the ass before they accept them into the elite of the elite club of the "rulers of the world" is nothing more than being something nauseating in its zombie nature. These people are nothing but zombies.

George W. Bush, a member of the Bohemian Club and Skull and Bones, showing the Satanic sign of Horned Hand or The Mano Cornuto:

"This gesture is the satanic salute, a sign of recognition between and allegiance of members of Satanism or other unholy groups."

The arrogance and idiotic self-boasting confidence of someone "of the elite status" if analyzed by a competent phychologist would simply indicate: this man is an inferiority complex driven idiot of a profound magnitude and a puppet.

Essentially, they are nothing more then prostitutes, con men and the most uncreative parasites one can even possibly hope to find. What could these sickos contribute to anything of the real equation of life that has to reconcile at the end no matter how you cut it?

Madame blah, blah, blah of the occult

Chandra Mohan called Madame Blavatsky (Helen Blavatskaya) "Madame blah, blah, blah". And she was one of the most prominent figures in the occult and theosophy at the end of the 19th century.

Not only that, but according to Chandra Mohan, she travelled to India in search of a candidate for the "world teacher" and selected J. Krishnamurti to be raised and educated with the best private teachers to become nothing less than the new messiah to lead the world. And she was a satanist obsessed with death who travelled to India, Tibet and Egypt to study the cults of death.

Quotes by Madam Blavatsky 32° mason:

"It is Satan who is the God of our planet and the only God." pages 215, 216, 220, 245, 255, 533, (VI)

"The Celestial Virgin which thus becomes the Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same time; for she is the ever-loving beneficent Deity...

"... but in antiquity and reality Lucifer or Luciferius is the name. Lucifer is divine and terrestial Light, 'the Holy Ghost' and 'Satan' at one and the same time." page 539

-- Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, "The Secret Doctrine"

At least J. Krishnamurti was no so sick and, after he "graduated", he simply dissolved the entire movement and renounced his title.

Basically, all this crap is about the pure grade satanism. Nothing more than that. These monkeys do not even know what is occult beyond the worship aspect of it. They simply blindly woship all this "powerful" symbology of evil and begin to think THEY are "the chosen few to rule the world".

Secret societies, networks and "inner circles"

To understand their "elite" club first of all we need to understand the networking and a concentric circle structure of their organization.

This is basically a structure developed by Adam Weishaupt. He borrowed the basic idea from Freemasonry. Except he added the circles to it in addition to degrees of Masonry. The outer circle is the circle of clueless, the new initiates.

Then, as you "progress", you get to be more and more "advanced" and attain a higher degree. All of it is Masonic structuring it is nature.

Eventually, when you achieve the status of "omni-potent and omni-powerful" in terms of occult "powers", you attain the sweet fruit of the "inner circle", or the "elite of the elite", or the "rulers of this world". What do these monkeys know of something real, being totally uncreative and resorting to parasitism instead of Creativity?

So, when you look at the whole organisation, you need to distinguish different degrees of advancement and the most clueless of them would look more confident on all sorts of pictures. But their primary purpose is to get screwed in the ass just to please these old farts.

The old farts are basically vampires. Because what they do their entire useless lives of parasitism is to suck the blood of others. So when they give a deep kiss to the young ones, they are essentially sucking their energy, and those young fools do not even realize it being blinded by the fact they are sucking dick of some highly placed politician and, therefore, are going to get some post in the parasitic governmental system of utter perverts, which is what the governments are. All bought and paid for more or less. All are nothing but puppets, just like Christian Rakovsky stated in his interrogation. All prostitute not only any kind of value but their very beings.

The law of parasitism is the law of diminishing returns

And the law of parasitism is the same as the law of diminishing returns or the law of sadism. The more you suck the blood of others, the less of a joy you get. So you get more and more perverted. Just sex alone does not satisfy you any longer as you have become dull as a piece of wood, which always happens when you are obsessed with some perversion.

The more you do it, the more you are dependent on it, and the less of a joy you experience as a result of doing it. You simply become insensitive and dull and, therefore, need to get more and more perverted forever adding more and more viciousness to those perversions just to get an arousal or any kind of satisfaction out of it.

Because you are not creative and can not find a creative outlet for your energy and experience the real joy of creating something real. So you start parasiting and perverting. You become a pervert. You may pervert money and experience some form of perverted joy accumulating it, and so with power, influence, violence and finally destruction when your frustration grows to uncontrollable proportions.

Now you have to get into perversions of a sadistic grade. Eventually, you obtain a flock of 6 year old boys to satisfy your perverted sexual desires. And, when you come to places like the Bohemian Grove you bring your flock and exchange it with others of influence and "power" to have a taste of something "fresh". So you need some fresh blood, fresh "excitement", fresh sickness of sadomasochistic grade. The same thing is common in the police and military academies or other "elite" clubs or "fraternities" that are usually infested with perverts of all kinds.

Some senators were simply killed when they decided to expose this appalling practice.

Eventually, even the most vicious kind of sadism does not satisfy you and so you need viciousness of genocidal proportions. At that point, you ARE "the elite of the elite", because that is exactly what they do "for fun", just like with that utterly unnecessary slaughter of 150,000 Iraqi soldiers during the retreat of Iraqi army from Kuwait, a genocide and a horrendous war crime of satanic proportions. It becomes not only a crime against some individual but the crime against humanity as such, of genocidal proportions, just as we had plenty of chances to see in history.

So, this is a bare bone essence of what this Bohemian Club is all about - the satanic sickness of incurable proportions.

The rest of it is nothing more than the "art of parasitism" and "art of making friends in important places" and things of that grade. In other words, totally uncreative zombie-like and most useless, dead end activity of a robotic mind, programmed to literal oblivion.

Once the NWO is announced they will start destroying each other

This is simply inevitable. We do not have a single "hidden hand" ruling the world. What we have is a number of organizations, secret societies and all sorts of influential parties. The members of the "Bohemian" Club might think THEY are the ones to rule the world.

Surprise, surprise. But what about Rothschilds for example, who own the world gun, stock and barrel and whose gold reserves are so immense that they can literally put any country in the world on its knees once they produce their gold. And that is just one little bit of the equation. And what about Skull and Bones? What about the "Committee of 300", and what about Da Queen? And that is not the end of the list, by far.

Sure, they are all interconnected and are pretty much a part of the global system. All have their own sphere of influence and dominion, such as global drug trade under control of Da Queen according to Dr. John Coleman, the arms trade, the energy, power, gold and diamond industries and things like that.

But I bet you they do not consider the simplest fact: ALL of them are totally ruthless and totally insensitive. The very notions of morality or honesty do not apply to any of them. All their "agreements" and "laws" simply signify nothing at the end.

So, "you can trust NOBODY, not even your own brother". What a model!

Which means? Well which means once they achieve the "common goals", then they'll get to their private goals, and that means what? Well, just like in Mafia. They will start destroying each other and annihilating the competing clans and taking over their operations.

Because, according their "scriptures" there is to be only one "ruler" to rule the entire earth, and who could that ruler possibly be but Moloch's puppet? And WHOSE "god" is Moloch? Well, the Judahites and Canaanites, and THAT is why Jerusalem is to become the capitol of the world, and not Washington, New York or London, as big and bad as those are.

So, lots of fun to see as things speed up, and at this very moment it seems the whole thing has come to its final stage and that is precisely why we are seeing all these staged "revolutions" and all sorts of hired guns posing as some kind of "opposition" all over the world.

And what is interesting it all started pretty much simultaneously. How is THIS kind of thing possible? If there is some "revolutionary" situation in one country, what do the other countries on the opposite side of the globe have to do with it? Anybody knows?

Let us see some quotes

Hymn to Lucifer
by Aleister Crowley, one of the most recognized occultists.

"Ware, nor of good nor ill, what aim hath act?
Without its climax, death, what savour hath Life?
an impeccable machine, exact.

He paces an inane and pointless path
To glut brute appetites, his sole content
How tedious were he fit to comprehend Himself!

More, this our noble element
Of fire in nature, love in spirit, unkenned
Life hath no spring, no axle, and no end.

His body a blood-ruby radiant
With noble passion, sun-souled Lucifer
Swept through the dawn colossal, swift aslant
On Eden's imbecile perimeter.

He blessed nonentity with every curse
And spiced with sorrow the dull soul of sense,
Breath life into the sterile universe,
With Love and Knowledge drove out innocence
The Key of Joy is disobedience."

Aleister Crowley

Aleister Crowley, occultist, satanist

"These are the elite that seek to rule the world by monopolistic corporate dictate. Those that fear these groups call them One-Worlders, or Globalists.

Their aim is the global plantation, should we allow them their dark victory. We are to become slaves on that plantation should we loose to their ambition. Our greatest rights in such an outcome would be those of the peasant worker in a fascist regime.

This thought becomes more disturbing by two facts. One being that many of this country's elite, particularly those with the most real-world power at their personal fingertips, meet regularly in a cult-like males-only romp in the woods -- The Bohemian Grove.

Protected by a literal army of security staff, their ritualistic nude cavorting ties them directly to the original Illuminati, which many claim originates out of satanic worship. Lest you think this untrue, it has been reported repeatedly through the decades, the most recent when EXTRA! magazine wrote of a People magazine reporter being fired for writing his unpublished story on a recent romp -- it turned out that his boss's bosses, Time-Warner media executives, were at the grove.

Does this not support the notion of a manipulated media?"

(excerpt from an article entitled "On CIA Manipulation of Media, and Manipulation of CIA by The NWO" by H. Michael Sweeney,

The Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre redwood forest, located in Monte Rio, CA. It contains accommodation for 2000 people to "camp" in luxury. It is owned by the Bohemian Club.

SEMINAR TOPICS Major issues on the world scene, "opportunities" upcoming, presentations by the most influential members of government, the presidents, the supreme court justices, the congressmen, an other top brass worldwide, regarding the newly developed strategies and world events to unfold in the nearest future.

Basically, all major world events including the issues of Iraq, the Middle East, "New World Order", "War on terrorism", world energy supply, "revolution" in military technology, and, basically, all the world events as they unfold right now, were already presented YEARS ahead of events.

July 11, 1997 Speaker: Ambassador James Woolsey former CIA Director - "Rogues, Terrorists and Two Weimars Redux: National Security in the Next Century"

July 25, 1997 Speaker: Antonin Scalia, Justice Supreme Court

July 26, 1997 Speaker: Donald Rumsfeld

Some talks in 1991, the time of NWO proclamation by Bush:

Elliot Richardson, Nixon & Reagan Administrations Subject: "Defining a New World Order"

John Lehman, Secretary of the Navy, Reagan Administration Subject: "Smart Weapons"

So, this "terrorism" thing was already being planned back as far back as 1997 in the Illuminati and Freemason circles at their Bohemian Grove estate.

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."

-- Former CIA Director William Colby

When asked in a 1976 interview whether the CIA had ever told its media agents what to write, William Colby replied, "Oh, sure, all the time."

"More recently, Admiral Borda and William Colby were also killed because they were either unwilling to go along with the conspiracy to destroy America, weren't cooperating in some capacity, or were attempting to expose/ thwart the takeover agenda."

21 Goals of the Illuminati and The Committee of 300

By Dr. John Coleman.

From: Conspirators' Hierachy: The Story of The Committee of 300

  • 1. To establish a One World Government/New World Order with a unified church and monetary system under their direction. The One World Government began to set up its church in the 1920:s and 30:s, for they realized the need for a religious belief inherent in mankind must have an outlet and, therefore, set up a "church" body to channel that belief in the direction they desired.
  • 2. To bring about the utter destruction of all national identity and national pride, which was a primary consideration if the concept of a One World Government was to work.
  • 3. To engineer and bring about the destruction of religion, and more especially, the Christian Religion, with the one exception, their own creation, as mentioned above.
  • 4. To establish the ability to control of each and every person through means of mind control and what Zbignew Brzezinski called techonotronics, which would create human-like robots and a system of terror which would make Felix Dzerzinhski's Red Terror look like children at play.
  • 5. To bring about the end to all industrialization and the production of nuclear generated electric power in what they call "the post-industrial zero-growth society". Excepted are the computer- and service industries. US industries that remain will be exported to countries such as Mexico where abundant slave labor is available. As we saw in 1993, this has become a fact through the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement, known as NAFTA. Unemployables in the US, in the wake of industrial destruction, will either become opium-heroin and/or cocaine addicts, or become statistics in the elimination of the "excess population" process we know of today as Global 2000.
  • 6. To encourage, and eventually legalize the use of drugs and make pornography an "art-form", which will be widely accepted and, eventually, become quite commonplace.
  • 7. To bring about depopulation of large cities according to the trial run carried out by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. It is interesting to note that Pol Pot's genocidal plans were drawn up in the US by one of the Club of Rome's research foundations, and overseen by Thomas Enders, a high-ranking State Department official. It is also interesting that the committee is currently seeking to reinstate the Pol Pot butchers in Cambodia.
  • 8. To suppress all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Illuminati. Especially targeted is nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Particularly hated are the fusion experiments currently being scorned and ridiculed by the Illuminati and its jackals of the press.

    Development of the fusion torch would blow the Illuminati's conception of "limited natural resources" right out of the window. A fusion torch, properly used, could create unlimited and as yet untapped natural resources, even from the most ordinary substances.

    Fusion torch uses are legion, and would benefit mankind in a manner which, as yet, is not even remotely comprehended by the public.
  • 9. To cause, by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, by means of starvation and diseases in the Third World countries, the death of three billion people by the year 2050, people they call "useless eaters".

    The Committee of 300 (Illuminati) commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how to bring about such genocide. The paper was produced under the title "Global 2000 Report" and was accepted and approved for action by former President James Earl Carter, and Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of States, for and on behalf of the US Government. Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the population of the US is to be reduced by 100 million by the year of 2050.
  • 10. To weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labor class by creating mass unemployment. As jobs dwindle due to the post industrial zero growth policies introduced by the Club of Rome, the report envisages demoralized and discouraged workers resorting to alcohol and drugs.

    The youth of the land will be encouraged by means of rock music and drugs to rebel against the status quo, thus undermining and eventually destroying the family unit. In this regard, the Committee commissioned Tavistock Institute to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved. Tavistock directed Stanford Research to undertake the work under the direction of Professor Willis Harmon. This work later became known as the "Aquarian Conspiracy".
  • 11. To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another and then "managing" such crises. This will confuse and demoralize the population to the extent where faced with too many choices, apathy on a massive scale will result.

    In the case of the US, an agency for Crisis Management is already in place. It is called the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), whose existence I first enclosed in 1980.

  • 12. To introduce new cults and continue to boost those already functioning which include rock music gangsters such as the Rolling Stones (a gangster group much favored by European Black Nobility), and all of the Tavistock-created rock groups which began with the Beatles.
  • 13. To continue to build up the cult of Christian Fundamentalism begun by the British East India Company's servant Darby, which will be misused to strengthen the Zionist State of Israel by identifying with the Jews through the myth of "God's chosen people", and by donating very substantial amounts of money to what they mistakenly believe is a religious cause in the furtherance of Christianity.
  • 14. To press for the spread of religious cults such as the Moslem Brotherhood, Moslem Fundamentalism, the Sikhs, and to carry out mind control experiments of the Jim Jones and "Son of Sam" type.

    It is worth noting that the late Khomeini was a creation of British Military Intelligence Div. 6, MI6. This detailed work spelled out the step-by-step process which the US Government implemented to put Khomeini in power.

  • 15. To export "religious liberation" ideas around the world so as to undermine all existing religions, but more especially the Christian religion. This began with the "Jesuit Liberation Theology", that brought an end to the Somoza Family rule in Nicaragua, and which today is destroying El Salvador, now 25 years into a "civil war".

    Costa Rica and Honduras are also embroiled in revolutionary activities, instigated by the Jesuits. One very active entity engaged in the so-called liberation theology, is the Communist-oriented Mary Knoll Mission.

    This accounts for the extensive media attention to the murder of four of Mary Knoll's so-called nuns in El Salvador a few years ago. The four nuns were Communist subversive agents and their activities were widely documented by the Government of El Salvador. The US press and the new media refused to give any space or coverage to the mass of documentation possessed by the Salvadorian Government, which proved what the Mary Knoll Mission nuns were doing in the country. Mary Knoll is in service in many countries, and placed a leading role in bringing Communism to Rhodesia, Mocambique, Angola and South Africa.
  • 16. To cause a total collapse of the world's economies and engender total political chaos.
  • 17. To take control of all foreign and domestic policies of the US.
  • 18. To give the fullest support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements, the World Court and, as far as possible, make local institutions less effective, by gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the UN.
  • 19. To penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of the nations represented by them.
  • 20. To organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus and to negotiate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place. It will be recalled that it was Bettino Craxi, who persuaded the Italian and US Governments to negotiate with the Red Brigades kidnapers of Prime Minister Moro and General Dozier. As an aside, Dozier was placed under strict orders not to talk what happened to him. Should he ever break that silence, he will no doubt be made "a horrible example of", in the manner in which Henry Kissinger dealt with Aldo Moro, Ali Bhutto and General Zia ul Haq.
  • 21. To take control of education in America with the intent and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it. By 1993, the full force effect of this policy is becoming apparent, and will be even more destructive as primary and secondary schools begin to teach "Outcome Based Education" (OBE).

Protocols: The Plan

  1. Seduce and demoralize the youth with false doctrines.
  2. Destroy the family life.
  3. Dominate humanity by Preying upon their lower instincts and vices.
  4. Debase and vulgarize Art, and introduce filth in Literature.
  5. Destroy respect for religions; undermine the reputation of the clergy through scandalous stories and back up the so called "Higher Criticism" so that the old fundamental faith is shattered and quarrels and controversies become permanent in the churches.
  6. Introduce the habit for luxuries, crazy fashions and spendthrift ideas so that the ality for enjoying clean and plain pleasures is lost.
  7. Divert the attention of the people by public amusements, sports, games, prize contests, etc., so that there is no time for thinking.
  8. Confuse and bewilder the minds of the people by false theories and shatter the nerves and health by continuously introducing new poisons. (Alcohol, Nicotine, Drugs, Demineralized foods, etc. - Editor.)
  9. Instigate class hatred and class war among the different classes of people.
  10. Dispossess the old Aristocracy, which still keeps up high traditions by excessive taxes and replace it with the "Knights of the Golden Calf."
  11. Poison the relations between the employees and employers through strikes and lockouts so as to ruin the possibility of productive co-operation.
  12. Demoralize by all means the higher classes of society and by adverse publicity raise the hate of the people toward them.
  13. Use industry to ruin agriculture and then in its turn destroy industry by wild speculation.
  14. Spread all possible utopian theories so as to bring the people into a labyrinth of impractical ideas.
  15. Raise the rate of wages, which however will not bring any advantage to the workers for at the same time we shall produce a rise in the price of the first necessities of life.
  16. Cause diplomatic friction and misunderstanding between States which will increase international suspicions and hate thereby greatly augmenting armaments.
  17. Introduce in all states, general suffrage so that the destiny of nations depend upon ignorant people.
  18. Overthrow all monarchies and substitute republics for them; in so far as possible fill important state offices with persons who are involved in some unlawful affair and who will, from fear of being exposed, remain our obedient servants.
  19. Gradually amend all constitutions so as to prepare the soil for absolute despotism and Bolshevism.
  20. Establish huge monopolies upon which even the great fortunes of the Gentiles will depend to such an extent that they will be swallowed up at the "hour" when the industrial crisis will start.
  21. Destroy all financial stability; increase economic depressions to the extent of bringing a general world bankruptcy; stop the wheels of industry; make bonds, stocks and paper money worthless; accumulate all the gold of the world in the hands of a certain few people thus withdrawing tremendous capital from circulation; at a given hour close all the exchanges, withdraw all credits and cause general panic.
  22. Prepare the death struggle of the nations; wear out humanity through suffering, fear and shortage of food - hunger creates slaves!!!

That is the program!

Committee of 300


Most influential members list:

  • Balfour, Arthur
  • Bilderberg Society
  • Brandt Willy
  • Bulwer-Lytton, Edward
  • Bundy, McGeorge
  • Bush, George [H.W.]
  • Canadian Institute of Foreign Relations
  • Carrington, Lord
  • Chamberlain, Huston Stewart
  • Constanti, House of Orange
  • Council on Foreign Relations
  • Delano, Family
  • Drake, Sir Francis
  • Du Pont, Family
  • Forbes, John M.
  • Frederik IX, King of Denmark
  • George, LLoyd
  • Grey, Sir Edward
  • Haig, Sir Douglas
  • Harriman, Averill
  • Hohenbzollern, House of
  • House, Colonel Edward Mandell
  • Inchcape, Lord
  • Kissinger, Henry
  • Lever, Sir Harold
  • Lippmann, Walter
  • Lockhart, Bruce
  • Loudon, Sir John
  • Mazzini, Giuseppe
  • Mellon, Andrew
  • Milner, Lord Alfred
  • Mitterand, Francois
  • Morgan, J.P.
  • Norman, Montague
  • Oppenheimer, Sir Harry
  • Order of Skull and Bones
  • Palme, Olof
  • Princess Beatrix
  • Queen Elisabeth II
  • Queen Juliana
  • Ralnier, Prince
  • Retinger, Joseph
  • Rhodes, Cecil
  • Rockefeller, David
  • Rothmere, Lord
  • Rothschild, Baron Edmond de
  • Royal Dutch Shell Company
  • Shultz, George
  • Spellman, Cardinal
  • The Atheist Club
  • The Milner Group
  • Thyssen-Bornemisza, Baron Han Heinrich
  • Trilateral Commission
  • Venderbilt, Family
  • Von Finck, Baron August
  • Von Habsburg, Otto
  • Von Thurn and Taxis, Max
  • Warburg S.G.
  • Warren, Earl
  • Warren Commission
  • Watergate Committee
  • Young, Owen

Federal Reserve Act

In 1913, The Federal Reserve Act was passed, creating a private corporation called The Federal Reserve System controlled by the Jewish bankers and having powers broad enough to print the money and then land it back to the government, as absurd as it gets. Under what authority some PRIVATE corporation can issue the currency? How come the Federal government has no authority to print its own money?

Federal Reserve System Member banks:

"On June 4, 1963, President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. Mr. Kennedy's order gave the Treasury the power "to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury."

"This meant that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury's vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation. In all, Kennedy brought nearly $4.3 billion in U.S. notes into circulation. The ramifications of this bill are enormous.

"With the stroke of a pen, Mr. Kennedy was on his way to putting the Federal Reserve Bank of New York out of business. If enough of these silver certificats were to come into circulation they would have eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve notes. This is because the silver certificates are backed by silver and the Federal Reserve notes are not backed by anything.

"Executive Order 11110 could have prevented the national debt from reaching its current level, because it would have given the gevernment the ability to repay its debt without going to the Federal Reserve and being charged interest in order to create the new money.

"Executive Order 11110 gave the U.S. the ability to create its own money backed by silver.

President Kennedy, The Fed And Executive Order 11110:

According to Eduard Hodos that Executive Order was exactly the reason why Kennedy was murdered as those bankers would simply loose all the power of issuing the fake money and control the USA.

According to some experts, including the Zionists, the fake money known as dollars and the very system is nothing more than the economic crime as money is effectively created out of nothing, not supported by any real value. It is an interesting subject worth studying and there are some excellent videos available on the net that explain exactly how this fake money is created out of nothing.

Note on a term "Jew"

Note on a term "Jew" appearing in quotes or books:

Whenever you see the word "Jew", be aware of the fact that it does not necessarily relate to "Jews" as nationality. There are many honest "Jews" that have NOTHING to do with any kind of conspiracy, domination, destruction, terrorism, revolutions, parasitism, dishonesty, and all sorts of evil, and there are some authors among them that dedicated their entire lives to exposing the evil nature of a certain creed among "Jews".

That creed is better categorized as ZioNazis as their very ideology and a belief system is that of fascism, racial superiority, supremacy and the most profound evil of all kinds.

Implying that the information relates to "Jews" as such is essentially the same as calling ALL the German people Nazis. Yes, Nazis WERE mostly German, but Germans are not necessarily Nazis.

The very term "Jew" is a relatively recent invention. It started appearing in the 17th - 18th century according to historians and researchers. Furthermore, recently, the ZioNazis began making claims that they are Khazars, just as research by the leading researchers shows. As a result, they started making claims that Ukraine is their "ancestral lands" with all the consequences thereof. As a result, what we have now is a slow but steady invasion of Ukraine by the ZioNazis, particularly by the members of Chabad cult.

Study some outstanding research to see the difference. Here is just a small sample of some of the most outstanding works on this subject. They provide the most in-depth research by the prominent authors:

Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Mahasattva Anand Veeren, Acharya.