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...Jewish Ritual Murder...

... Jewish Ritual Murder by Arnold Leese h2 { margin-top:2em; } h3 { text-align: center; color: #B50400; } .ref { text-align:right; font-style:italic; } AntiMatrix Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. Jewish Ritual Murder by Arnold Leese My Irrelevant Defence: Meditations Inside Gaol and Out on Picture Postcard widely circulated in Poland showing ritual...

... Ritual murders By Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (Dahl) Jewish Occult Murders Jewish Ritual Murder by Hellmut Schramm A deputy chief of the CIA supplied victims for 86 Jewish ritual murders Ritual murders of children in Chicago (The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice) Jewish leaders raise the cups with blood and drink from them Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world...

... with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents Introduction Chapter 1 - Human sacrifice a Semitic tradition Chapter II - The racial urge Chapter III - Human sacrifice & the Jewish religion Chapter IV - Motive & nature of Jewish ritual murder Chapter V - A relic of the days of witchcraft and black magic Chapter VI - Couldn't happen now? Chapter VII - Jewish ritual murder...

... Chapter XIV - Cases confirmed by constituted authority Chapter XV - The attitude of the catholic church towards Jewish ritual murder Chapter XVI The attitude of the protestant church Chapter XVII Other cases worthy of credence Chapter XVIII Two queer happenings 1839 Chapter XIX What of these? Chapter XX Irrelevant meditations Bibliography of works supporting the blood accusation Introduction ON 15th...

... July, 1936, Mr. Oliver Locker-Lampson, M.P., a childhood friend of the Rothschild family, asked in the House of Commons whether the Attorney-General proposed to institute legal proceedings against the authors or publishers of The Fascist, the issue of that paper for July containing allegations against the Jews of the practice of ritual murder. The Attorney-General replied that the matter was under a...

... consideratlon. As an ultimate result of this "consideration," I was sentenced to six months' imprisonment among criminals on 21st September, 1936, the Judge in the case being a 31st Degree Mason of the Scottish Rite. But it is important to note that the conviction was obtained, not on the ritual murder issue alone, which was not relied upon by the Prosecution for the purpose of silencing me, but on the whole...

... contents of the July Fascist, and particularly on words used by me with reference to the disposal of the Jews. Under the law of libel, the truth of my statements  with reference to Ritual Murder could not be used as  an argument in my defence; it was deemed sufficient under the law that the statements had been written, and that they "rendered His Majesty's subjects of Jewish faith liable to...

... suspicion, affront and boycott" and so amounted to a Public Mischief. I came to Court very fully prepared, if the truth of my  statements was challenged, to justify the statements I had made in The Fascist, and was even ready to demand that "Rex," the prosecutor, should produce from the Public Records Office certain Close and Patent Rolls of the State wherein Jewish Ritual Murder is recorded as an...

... established fact in this country! But I was forbidden by the Judge to use this line of defence; it did not matter who else had charged the Jews with ritual murder, or how often, or what historic facts proved it, or how many convictions there had been under proper juridical authority; thus, when I asked Inspector Kitchener, the only witness who appeared against me, "When you brought this case, were you under...

... the impression that Ritual Murder was a thing of the past?" and he replied "Yes," the Judge intervened with the remark "The truth of a libel is no defense, I must point out again." Again, the Attorney-General, who was acting as Prosecuting Counsel, interrupted another question of mine to the same witness, by the remark: "In my submission, it is correctly laid down that the  defendant is in no...

...-Masonic Hidden Hand  wanted was the truth about Ritual Murder! Since I came out of prison on 6th February, 1937, I have, until recently, been too busy to write on the subject of Ritual Murder; but finding that there are, even among anti-Jewish workers, people who, never having investigated the matter for themselves, still imagine that Jewish Ritual Murder not only has not existed and does not exist...

... my readers will arrive on the matter. The subject of Ritual Murder has always been one that the Jewish Money Power, which controls this country as well as most others, has taken all possible steps to suppress. The reason is that Ritual Murder was the dynamite which finally blew the Jew out of England in 1290, out of Spain in 1492, and out of Germany in our time. The Jews know it; and I know it too...

...! But there is no British law, and no 11th Commandment, which makes Ritual Murder by Jews a forbidden topic in this country. Sir Richard Burton's book about it was published shortly after his death near the end of the last century; Strack's book, defending the Jews against the accusation, was translated and published in England in 1909; whilst the Jew, C. Roth, published his Ritual Murder Libel and...

... live together. In this aim, I keep troth with the greatest of English kings, Edward I, who expelled the Jews from these shores in 1290. The maintenance of Free Speech demands that  Jewish Ritual Murder shall be a subject for open discussion, like Suttee and Thuggee and the sacrifices of Aztec Mexico, all of which were ritual murders which, like the Jewish variety, would be practised to-day if...

... the Aryan had not interfered to prevent them. If the world thinks that I have not, in this book, proved my case, let it laugh ! I can bear it ! But can the Jews? The Jewish Chronicle (25th September, 1936) complained after my trial was over that there had been no opportunity for the Jews to refute the charge of Ritual Murder. Well, they have one now! ARNOLD LEESE 1st March, 1938 In compiling this...

... has a decided instinct towards sadism. It is, I believe, the strong Armenoid or Hither Asiatic strain which exists in the Jewish Nation upon which we have to lay the responsibility for many unpleasant Jewish traits and practices, among them Ritual Murder. The Jews are a nation without a home, not a race; they are a mixture of races, and the racial constituent which is most frequently to be found...

... so long. I am convinced that it is to the Race rather than to the Talmud or the Kabbala that we must look before we can understand the urge for Ritual Murder and the love of torture which crops up in individuals in all countries into which the Hither Asiatic or Armenoid Race has penetrated. Chapter III Human sacrifice & the Jewish religion I AM not a student of the Talmud. I have no intention...

... of becoming one. For the same reason, I shall not become a student of Occultism or of Drainage Systems. I smell the bad smells and remain aloof. Nevertheless, because the advocates of Jewry use a certain line of argument in denying that there has ever been any such thing as Ritual Murder of Christians by Jews, I am obliged to quote a few unimpeachable authorities on the subject. This "argument" is...

... that the Jewish religious law not only-does not sanction the practice of Ritual Murder, but forbids the consumption of blood altogether. It is an argument that has been used throughout the ages, and is used now, and has even been the foundation for the verdict "Not Guilty," in cases where Jews have been on trial for ritual murder! It was the argument used by the Sultan of Turkey when, for money...

... bribes, he issued a firman (1840) saying that the Ritual Murder Accusations against Jews were calumnies. (Described in later chapters in more detail). But it is known that there have always been two methods of instruction among the Jews: one Exoteric, which openly taught the Laws of Moses and the Rabbinical traditions; the other Esoteric, or mysteries confided only to certain persons bound to secrecy...

... Ritual Murder. "To this general belief are added the suspicions, often justified, against the Jews addicted to magical practices. "Actually, in the Middle Ages, the Jew was considered by the people as the magician par excellence; one finds many formula of exorcism in the Talmud, and the Talmudic and Cabbalistic demonology is very complicated. "Now one knows the position that blood always occupies in...

... Cabbala. How ridiculous then is the "argument" that because the Mosaic Laws and the Talmud do not demand Ritual Murder, and even forbid the use of blood, Isaac Abrahams cannot be guilty of any sort of Ritual Murder! Take an analogous case. The Eighth Commandment forbids stealing. Have you ever heard that fact brought up in the defence of a Christian on trial for that crime? Can you imagine prisoner's...

..., without further investigation of the Jewish laws, that Ritual Murder is contrary to these laws. I would concede it because the point is of no importance whatever to my case against the Jew. If the point were established what difference does it make to the verdict of the Trent affair, the Damascus affair, or to the scores of cases I am going to bring before you in later chapters? Another point. Is it...

... likely that we should find clear sanction for such a crime as Ritual Murder in the Jewish Laws? Why, if such a thing were to be found, I venture to say that not a Jew would be left alive, so great would be the popular indignation against the Jewish nation. We should treat them exactly as Sir W.H. Sleeman treated the Thugs, the ritual murderers of India, when he stamped them out of existence as...

... hereditary criminals in the last century. Dr. Erich Bischoff, the chief German authority on Jewish law and religion, claims to have laid his finger on a passage authorising Ritual Murder in the Thikunne Zohar (Edition Berdiwetsch), a book of cabbalistic theosophy. The passage runs: "Furthermore, there is a commandment pertaining to the killing of strangers, who are like beasts. This killing has to be done...

... in the lawful method. Those who do not ascribe themselves to the Jewish religious law must be offered up as sacrifices to the High God." Dr. Bischoff may be right. I venture no opinion. Nevertheless, the Jewish Laws do tell us something; without any direct sanctioning of Ritual Murder, they show us without any possibility of doubt, that the Jew is normally at war spiritually with the rest of...

... mankind, and upon this argument I base my statement that Jewish Laws show ample foundation for the scientific investigator to take the view that there is nothing improbable in the reality of Jewish Ritual Murder. I am not going to take the same line as other anti-Jewish investigators have done about this matter; I am not going to quote any Mosaic Laws nor any Talmudic tenets. I am simply going to quote...

... that the Pharisees were originally identical with the Chassidim; the Chassidim are fanatical to a degree, and soaked in mysticism. Chapter IV Motive & nature of Jewish ritual murder THE motive of Ritual Murder of Christians by Jews is almost certainly hate. It is in fact the same motive that Disraeli admitted to be the cause of revolutionary activities against Gentile governments; to use his...

... memory of Haman; and even to this day in London, the Jewish bakers make cakes in the shape of human ears which are eaten by the Jews on this day, and are called " Haman's Ears," revealing once again the inherent hate and barbarism of the Jew in our midst. The two principal feast-days associated with Ritual Murder have been (1) Purim, and (2) Passover, the latter at Easter and the former about one month...

... before it. When a Ritual Murder occurred at Purim, it was usually that of an adult Christian who was murdered for his blood; it is said that the blood was dried and the powder mixed into triangular cakes for eating; it is possible that the dried blood of a Purim murder might sometimes be used for the following Passover. When a Ritual Murder was done at Passover, it was usually that of a child under...

... thought that Ritual Murder has sometimes been indulged in is Chanucah, which occurs in December, commemorating the recovery of Jerusalem under the Maccabees in B.C. 165. Examples of Purim murders are those of Damascus, Rhodes, Xanten Polna, Gladbeck and Paderborn. Although hate is the principal motive, superstitious traditions are also involved, one being the association of blood-sacrifices with the...

... the meaning of signs left symbolically by the murderers. Chapter V A relic of the days of witchcraft and black magic ON 6th May, 1912, The Times published a letter, signed by many men of authority, protesting against what they called the revival of "the hideous charge of Ritual Murder" which was being brought against a Jew at Kiev. "The Blood Accusation," they said, "is a relic of the days of...

... attempting to prejudice the course of the criminal trial of the Jew Beiliss at Kiev, a course which they would never pursue in any other cause! Let us confound the signatories of The Times letter out of the mouths of Jews themselves. The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1903, Vol. III, pp. 266-7, gives a list of Accusations of Ritual Murder made against the Jews through the centuries; 122 cases are listed in...

... chronological order, and no less than 39 of them were made in the 19th century! There were far more than double the number of Blood Accusations made in the 19th century than in any previous century, according to this authoritative Jewish list. Let us examine the list of Ritual Murder Accusations made by a converted Jew, Cesare Algranati, in 1913, and published in Cahiers Romains; here are listed 101...

... accusations, of which 28 were made in the 19th century and only 73 for all the eight preceding centuries! Even the Jew Roth gives the argument away, for he says (p. 16 of his Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, 1935), "The nineteenth century proved little less credulous than those which preceded it." "Anti-semitic" authors' lists of Blood Accusations agree in this respect with the lists made by Jews; Der...

... Sturmer, the paper of Julius Streicher, in a special Ritual Murder issue published in 1934, shows that in the 19th century 32 charges of ritual murder were made, which is ten more than in any other century in European history recorded by it. The fact that the charges increase in number as the age becomes more and more enlightened is particularly significant, because the Jewish Money Power and its...

... to open the eyes of the student and the ethnographer; it will stand on record until Elijah." Chapter VI Couldn't happen now? THIS argument, "It couldn't happen now," seems quite good enough for a lot of people when it is applied to the matter of Jewish Ritual Murder. It is, perhaps, comforting to the democratic mind to think that "Progress" ensures that such an evil practice, even if it occurred in...

... centuries between them! In view of that, why boggle at the idea of Jewish Ritual Murder still surviving? Why make such a fuss when Jews are charged with the practice of Ritual Murder? Other Asiatics are known to have practised it until 1850, and, if left to themselves, would doubtless have maintained the custom. In India, from 10,000 to 50,000 murders were perpetrated every year by a religious body known...

... 19th century until the British put an end to it under Sleeman. It was a long time before the British administration learned of the existence of Thuggee, so carefully was it concealed; another analogy with Jewish Ritual Murder! "It couldn't happen now." Why not? And on 13th September, 1937, a telegram was sent to The Times from Delhi reporting the sacrifice of a 17-year-old youth to propitiate the...

... anything but itself? Smothered in their self-complacency, these all-sufficient ones ask for facts. But what facts are there that fools can understand? How can the helpless superficial grasp the hopelessly profound, for are not realities reserved for the wise?" Alongside this clotted nonsense was a picture of a ritual murder, with the victim crucified, below it, a portrait of the author, an obvious Jew. I...

... take it that- "it would happen now" if this Jew had his way! Chapter VII Jewish ritual murder in England before the expulsion of 1290 THE first known case happened in 1144; after that, cases cropped up from time to time until the Jews were expelled from the realm by Edward I. The most famous of these cases was that of Little St. Hugh of Lincoln in 1255. I record these cases in chronological order...

...; and I do not deny the possibility of some of them in which details are lacking, being "trumped-up" ones, where death may have been due to causes other than ritual murder and the Jews blamed for it; but the case of St. Hugh, particularly, was juridically decided, and the Close and Patent Rolls of the Realm record definitely cases at London, Winchester and Oxford. There seems no reason to doubt that...

... many cases of ritual murder have been unsuspected and even undiscovered. 1144 - Norwich. A twelve-year-old boy was crucified and his side pierced at the Jewish Passover. His body was found in a sack hidden in a tree. A converted Jew, called Theobald of Cambridge, confessed that the Jews took blood every year from a Christian child because they thought that only by so doing could they ever obtain...

... also in the Victoria Country History of Norfolk, 1906, Vol. II, is an illustration of an old painted rood-screen depicting the Ritual Murder of St. William, the screen itself is in Loddon Church, Norfolk, unless the Power of Jewish Money has had it removed. No one denies this case as a historical event, but the Jews of course say it was not a Ritual Murder. The Jew, C. Roth, in his The Ritual Murder...

... would allow the boy's death to be celebrated as a martyrdom of a saint without having satisfied themselves that wounds on the body confirmed the crucifixion and the piercing of the side. And why the relatives should bury the boy in a sack and then dig it up and hang it in a tree would puzzle even a Jew to explain. John Foxe's Arts and Monuments of the Church records this ritual murder, as did the...

... Bollandists and other historians. The Prior, William Turbe, who afterwards became Bishop of Norwich, was the leading light in insisting that the crime was one of Jewish Ritual Murder; in the Dictionary of National Biography (edited by a Jew!) it is made clear that his career, quite apart from this Ritual Murder case, is that of a man of great strength of character and moral courage. 1160 - Gloucester. The...

... similar stories in England and elsewhere points to their origin in the fanatical hatred of the Jews of the Middle Ages and the common superstition, now wholly discredited, that ritual murder was a factor of Jewish Paschal Rites. Attempts were made as early as the 13th century by the Church to protect the Jews against the hatred of the populace and against this particular accusation." At a recent visit...

... questions the historical facts in this case; but Jews and Judaised Gentiles unite in denying the fact of Ritual Murder. Strack, in his The Jew and Human Sacrifice, written in defence of the Jews against the Blood Accusation, omits all mention of this famous case, which is the subject of the Prioress's Tale (Canterbury Tales) of Chaucer and is referred to in Marlowe's Jew of Malta. Hyamson's History of the...

... Jews in England devotes the whole of Chapter IX to "Little St. Hugh of Lincoln," showing the importance of the Ritual Murder issue in the Jewish mind today. The following Close Rolls of the Realm refer to the case of St. Hugh: Henry III, 39, m. 2,7.10 1255; 39, m. 2,14.10.1255; 40, m. 20, 24.ii.. 1255; 40,m.13,13.3.1256; 42, m. 6; 19.6.1258. And the Patent Rolls, Henry III, 40,m.20,26.11.1255; 40,m...

... Kingdom. There is, then, every reason to believe that it was the Oxford murder which proved the last straw in toleration. The reader will see (p. 20) that it was a similar ritual case which was one of the main stimulants to the King and Queen of Spain to expel professing Jews from that country in 1492. The Jews, in attempting to escape responsibility for these deaths by Ritual Murder, do not hesitate to...

... dealt with a number by putting them to death. Frederick II called together a number of converted Jews, who denied the existence of Jewish ritual murder. But Frederick's bias is evident in his own words when, in publishing his decision, he gives his objects in calling these people together, "although our conscience regarded the innocence of the aforesaid Jews adequately proved on the ground of several...

... writings." Had Frederick II lived today, he would have relied little upon religious literature in deciding whether Jewish Ritual Murder exists or not. Authority: Chron. Hirsaug., and Magd. Cent., 13, C. 24. 1247. Valreas, France. Just before Easter, a two-year-old girl's body was found in the town moat with wounds on forehead, hands and feet. Jews confessed under torture that they wanted the blood of the...

... Fourth Lateran Council in 1215. This monument was first placed in a street of the Jews' quarter as a reminder of the monstrous crime and as a punishment for the whole of Berne Jewry. Later, it was removed to its present situation. 1288. Troyes, France. Some Jews were tried for a ritual murder and 13 were executed by burning. Authority: Jewish Encyclopedia, 1906, Vol. XII, p. 267. 1286. Oberwesel, on...

... the Rhine. A boy named Werner was tortured for three days at Passover, hanged by the legs and bled white. The body was found in the river. This boy was beatified in the diocese of Treves, and his anniversary is on 19th April. A sculptured representation of this ritual murder is still to be seen in the Oberwesel Church. Authorities: Aventinus, Annals of Bavaria, 1591, 17, p. 576; Chron. Hirsaug...

... in 1937 there is no trial for a crime where the criminals have escaped! The boy has been sanctified by Pope Benedict XIV in his Bull Beatus Andreas, Venice, 1778, which says he was " cruelly assassinated by the Jews in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ." This last is admitted by Pope Clement XIV, who wrote his report on the investigation he made into the matter of Jewish Ritual Murder when, as...

... case. An engraving on wood representing the Ritual Murder still exists in the church. 1468. Sepulveda, Segovia, Spain. The Jews sacrificed a Christian child on a cross. The Bishop of Segovia investigated the crime, and ordered the culprits to Segovia, where they were executed. It is important to know that this Bishop was himself son of a converted Jew; Jean d'Avila was his name. Colmenares's History...

..., Lanzhat, had killed a child at Passover to get the blood of which they partook in wine and cakes. No one has ever dared to try and deny the historical events of this case; only the Jews invent "reasons" why it was not Ritual Murder! But there is no escape from the opposite conclusion. In 1759 in answer to a Jewish appeal from Poland, the Inquisition sent Cardinal Ganganelli (later he became Pope Clement...

... an investigation, he actually says of this Trent case (see Report of Cardinal Ganganelli, in C. Roth's The Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, 1935, p. 83): "I admit then as true the fact of the Blessed Simon, a boy three years old, killed by the Jews in Trent in the year 1475 in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ (although it is disputed by Basnage and Wagenseil); for the celebrated Flaminio Cornaro...

... stated, Clement XIV was obliged to recognise that it was a case of Jewish murder in hatred of Christianity. St. Simon's shrine is in the Church of St. Peter, Trent; relics of him are still shown, among them the sacrificial knife. In short, the Ritual Murder of St. Simon at Trent is supported by such evidence that those who doubt it are thereby condemning without reason high juridical and ecclesiastical...

... Episcopal Court of Padua 1490. Toledo. This is a most important case, the circumstances of which have been clarified for us by W. T. Walsh in his interesting book on Isabella of Spain, 1931 (Sheed & Ward), in which he devotes pp. 441 to 468 to his researches on this Ritual Murder charge. Had it not been for Mr. Walsh, I might have been influenced by the Jewish Encyclopedia's statement (1903, Vol. II1...

.... Lea, and on the Catholic side the somewhat too credulous Abbe Vacandard were better qualified to weigh the evidence after the lapse of four centuries?" Walsh is not an "anti-semite." He is a historian, and has not suggested that ritual murder is part or any official Jewish ceremony. But he says: "The historian, far from being obliged to make wholesale vindication of all Jews accused of murder, is...

... free, in fact, bound to consider each individual case upon its merits." Walsh states (p. 441) that this case of Ritual Murder was "one of the chief factors, if not the decisive one, in the decision of Fernando and Isabel" (for the expulsion of the Jews from Spain). He shows that the complete record of testimony in the trial of one of the accused has been available since it was published in 1887 in...

... practice of Ritual Murder thereby condemn some of the finest characters on the stage of European history. Finally, we must record that the murdered boy was canonised as St. Christopher on the authority of Pope Pius VII. 1494. Tyrnau, Hungary. A boy was bled white and killed. The Jew culprits were betrayed by the confession of women, who were persuaded to do so by the sight of some instruments of torture...

... was acquitted. The sentence of acquittal, dated 28th February, 1603, given in full in the Jew Roth's The Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew (p. 78), released the accused "because the Hebraic witch abhors the shedding of blood" and "various Princes held this rumour of the use of blood to be vain and false?" We hold that such absurd reasoning as all excuse for acquittal is clear proof that the Court was...

... seen Raphael Levi with the boy in such places and at such times as to remove all doubt of his guilt. Levi was sentenced to death by the order of the Parliament of Metz, and was burned alive. Authority: La France Juive, by Drumont. 1698. Sandomir, Poland. Authority: The Jew Cecil Roth, in Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, p. 24. The highest tribunal in the land, that of Lublin, condemned a Jew for...

... Ritual Murder. the local court having exculpated him. 1748. Duniagrod, Poland. Jews condemned for Ritual Murder by Episcopal Court. Mentioned by Roth. 1753. Pavalochi, Poland. Jews condemned for Ritual Murder by Episcopal Court. Mentioned by Roth. 1753. Zhytomir, Poland. In this case, a three-year-old boy was murdered; Jews were tried by the Episcopal Court of Kiev and condemned to death. A painting...

... supposed to commemorate this murder is even now visited by pilgrims to the Carthusian Monastery at Kalwarya near Cracow. Authority: The Jew Cecil Roth, in Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, p. 25. Of course, the Jew Roth denies that the cases quoted were Ritual Murders. Chapter X Well authenticated cases in the nineteenth century AMONG these are the famous cases at Damascus, 1840; Tisza Eszlar, 1882; and...

..., Austria being in need of loans from the Rothschilds. But "owing to the efforts of Count Camondo, Cremieux and Montefiore" (to quote again from the Jewish Encyclopedia) "a firman was obtained from the Sultan which declared all accusations of ritual murder null and void." The Jews were released! Now Camondo, Cremieux and Montefiore were all rich Jews. Cremieux and Montefiore figure in the Damascus case...

... best to deal with each of these matters separately: 1. The Press Agitation This was on the usual Jewish lines Ritual Murder was "a Gentile invention"; Comte Ratti-Menton, the French Consul, who had insisted on the investigation, was attacked from every angle; the Jews were being persecuted, and so on and so forth. 2. Agitation by Public Meetings. For example, in London, the gullible democracy was...

... of his subordinate's action and that the English Consul was of the same mind. 6. Bribery of Austrian Diplomats. Throughout the proceedings, the Austrian Consul supported the Jews against the charge of ritual murder. Here, from a Jewish source, is the reason, duly confessed: From The History of the Jews in Vienna, by the Jew, Max Grunwald, 1936 (Philadelphia), pp. 228-9: "Following the policy of the...

...; Rothschild's money power; the Austrian Chancellor, Metternich; the Austrian Consul at Damascus; the Consul's attitude towards the Ritual Murder charge. A continuous chain of Jewish corruption by Money. 7. Suppression of the Reports of the Trial. We have already mentioned in the second paragraph of this description of the case the record of the trial published in Achille Laurent's book. This book cannot now...

... was English Consul at Damascus 30 years after the Ritual Murder, studied the whole question of the Blood Accusation, and: eventually wrote The Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam, of which I have the edition edited by NS. H. Wilkins and published by Hutchinson in 1898. This work contains a damning indictment of the Talmud, and a list of Jewish Ritual Murders, but Wilkins in his Preface (p. x) writes: "In...

... the exercise of the discretion given to me, I have thought it better to hold over for the present the Appendix on the alleged rite of Human Sacrifice among the Sephardim and the murder of Padre Tomaso (Father Thomas); the only alternative was to publish it in a mutilated form." Let us follow therefore (1) the Book, (2) the Appendix on Ritual Murder. (1) The Book. This is easy. It is well nigh...

... unobtainable. (2) The Appendix on Ritual Murder. What happened to it? This is what happened to it. See D. L. Alexander versus Manners Sutton, King's Bench Division, 27th March, 1911, reported in The Times the following day. Herein D. L. Alexander, a Jew and President of the Jewish Board of Deputies was able to show that he had obtained an assignment of the manuscript from the surviving executors of Sir...

... 14-year-old Maurice, the Judge told him that his tale could not be true as Esther was alive; the boy replied that "no one could be alive after being cut on the neck like that." A number of Jews were arrested, and confessed that they had taken part in the ritual murder of Esther to get her blood for the Passover. One would think that there would be little more to report. But no! All Israel got to...

... all the evidence may be explained by giving one example: In November, 1882, a new Committee of Experts was formed to make a further examination of the body found in the river five months before, and this committee declared that the findings of the former committee had no scientific basis, that the body was Esther's and that as the throat was not cut, it could not have been a case of ritual murder...

...! So ends a dismal tale of the foulest Jewish trickery to enable a few miserable degenerates to escape from well-merited punishment. 1891. Xanten, Prussia. A five-year-old boy called Hegmann was murdered, his threat cut and the body bloodless. "The Government did all in its power to suppress the rumour" of ritual murder (Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. I, p. 645). The doctor who examined the body said...

... found, too decomposed to show the cause of death; this was the body of Maria Klima) who had disappeared 17th July, 1898. Hilsner was charged with both murders when the case came on again in November. This time, a witness stated that at the time of the first murder, Hilsner had a ritual slaughterer's knife. Dr. Baxa insisted that it was a case of Ritual Murder. The Court found the prisoner guilty...

.... A large assembly of foreign Jews visited the town the night of the murder and left next day. This case aroused the country against the Jews, and its description occupied 2 pages of the Jewish Encyclopedia. 1911-13. Kiev, Russia. This is by far the most important proved ritual murder case of the 20th century and is generally known as the Beiliss Case. In 1911, a 13-year-old boy's body was found at...

... considered that the evidence showed every sign of it being a Jewish ritual murder. Father Pranaitis said that the Zohar, the cabbalistic book of the Chassidim sect of Jews, described the ritual of murder, prescribing thirteen stabs in the right temple seven in the left one, which is exactly how the head of the murdered boy had been treated. Another expert witness was Professor Sikorski of Kiev University...

..., a medical psychologist, who also regarded the case as one of Ritual Murder. After the Jewish Bolshevik revolution, the Cheka shot the Judge, the Public Prosecutor and many of the witnesses, including Father Pranaitis, the medical expert Kozoratov, and Professor Sikorski. Professor Pawlow, who was a witness for the defence, became a leading scientist in Bolshevik Russia! The ex-General Alexandre...

... against the "revival" of the Ritual Murder charge; the "Blood Accusation" was described in this protest as "a relic of the days of witchcraft and black magic, a cruel and utterly baseless libel on Judaism." Is it not amazing that where Jewish interests are concerned, Englishmen of standing will try to influence the course of justice by thus interfering before Beiliss had even been tried? Beiliss died in...

... the Jew Bernhard Weiss. These special police did what they could to convince the Court that it was a "lust-murder," but Huszmann was acquitted. The Bochumer Abendblatt and Der Sturmer both gave their opinion that it was a Ritual Murder by Jews, and the latter paper was suppressed for a time, and its editor imprisoned. 1929. Manan, Germany. A five-year-old boy named Kessler disappeared on 17th March...

.... The body was found in a wood, with throat cut from ear to ear superficially whilst there was a deep stab in the neck cutting the main vessels. The body was bloodless and there was no blood found near it. It was just before Passover, and the local Jewish butcher had suddenly disappeared. Dr. Burgel, the Court doctor, said it was a case of Ritual Murder. The Jew Money Power got to work to influence...

... the authorities and public opinion. Before the official inquiry, the Public Prosecutor announced that it was not a case of Ritual Murder. The Judge decided the boy had met with an accidental stab from the branch of a tree or from an animal's horn, and the case was dropped. No one was ever arrested for the crime. 1932. Paderborn, Germany. Martha Kaspar was the Gentile servant in the household of a...

... body up and distributed it in various places; a doctor told the Court that some litres of blood must have been taken. Later, Kurt said he had killed the girl in a fit of temper. The Court brought in a verdict of manslaughter, and sentenced Kurt Meyer to 15 years' imprisonment. The general newspapers did not report the case; Der Sturmer said it was Ritual Murder, and was suppressed for a time. These...

... have successfully camouflaged and almost obliterated in this country the trail of historic fact concerning the practice of Ritual Murder. When the author was proceeded against in 1936 for daring to mention Jewish Ritual Murder, the trial was reported in some newspapers under the heading "Amazing Story," as though he had invented it! Let us list the Jewish "arguments" and answer them: 1. That the...

... confessions made by the accused Jews were extracted by torture. This is true of many medieval cases; it is unlikely that the Jews would confess without such aids to memory, because of the certain dire consequences that would follow the confession. But I have shown in Chapter 13 (which see) that many confessions of the practice of Ritual Murder by Jews have been made by those who have been converted to the...

... bastinado endowed the culprits with telepathic second sight? There is thus nothing in the argument. 2. That the Jewish laws not only do not sanction the practice of Ritual Murder, but forbid the use of blood. In other words, John Smith cannot be guilty of theft from William Brown because the Eighth Commandment says 'Thou shalt not steal.' There is nothing in this argument, dealt with in Chapter III. 3...

... alien as a desire to commit Ritual Murder. It is the false teaching of Equality of Race, spread by Masonry, perverted religion and democracy, that is responsible for this attitude of mind. 6. That Papal Bulls refuse credence to the charge of Ritual Murder. This matter is dealt with in Chapter XV. There are Popes who obviously wished to register their disbelief in the practice of Ritual Murder by Jews...

... support of the Blood Accusation--the unwilling witness. 8. The charges are unworthy of credence because they have been brought by anti-semites. This is an argument used by the Jew, Israel Abrahams, in his article on Ritual Murder in the 11th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, in which he writes: "The literature on the other side is entirely anti-semitic and in no instance has it survived the ordeal...

... of criticism." How strangely the Jewish mind works! How could anyone fail to be "anti-semitic" if they believed that that Jews commit ritual murder of Gentile children? If there is not a glut of literature on the subject in English, it is not any ordeal of criticism which has brought about the scarcity, but the Jewish Money Power which has been brought to bear on that literature, making it so...

...-Hitler Jew-controlled Germany in the 20th century. 4. The silencing of reference to Ritual Murder The penal laws are stretched in the Jew-run countries to secure the imprisonment of anyone daring to break the Jew-imposed silence on the subject of Ritual Murder. Herr Julius Streicher was imprisoned in 1928 for this "offence," and the author of the present work was sentenced by a 31st degree Scottish...

... Rite Masonic Judge in 1936 to six months imprisonment among criminals on a trumped-up charge of the same nature. Nevertheless there is no law in England forbidding reference to Ritual Murder. 5. Deliberate misrepresentation of the statements of athoritative people. A good example of this is described on p.p. 43-44, where the late Baron Rothschild endeavoured to use Cardinal Merry del Val's...

... cases of Kiev and of Gladbeck. 8. The production of a corpse supposed to be that of the missing victim, but actually that of someone who died from a cause other than Ritual Murder; this was done in the Tisza Eszlar case. 9. Refusal or threatened refusal of loans to governments. From Jewish sources, I give on p. 27 an instance where Rothschild influence in the matter of loans clearly governed the...

... are relevant to the issue. The book is damned because there is no mention of the case of St. Hugh of Lincoln; no mention of Benedict XIV's Bull in which that Pope beatifies St. Simon of Trent, a victim of ritual murder, whilst the Bulls of other Popes are freely quoted as an argument against the Blood Accusation; in describing the Damascus case, no mention is made that the flogging of the accused...

... Jews caused them actually to reveal where the remains of the two murdered men were to be found; and the authorities quoted by Strack with regard to the La Guardia, Toledo, ritual murder have been proved by Walsh utterly unreliable. The Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, 1935, by the Jew, Cecil Roth, is adequately dealt with on page 45, which see. Chapter XIII Evidence of converted Jews Jews who have...

... professed conversion to Christianity have sometimes denied that there is any practice of Ritual Murder of Christians among people of the Jewish faith. On the other hand, many "converts" have confessed that Jews practice Ritual Murder. When one considers that the history of the Marrano ("converted" Jew) community has conclusively shown that the conversion of these Jews was simply a ruse and as false as the...
...Jewish Ritual Murder, Schramm, Appendix 4...

... Hellmut Schramm's Jewish Ritual Murder - Appendix 4 h3 { color: #B50400; text-align: center; } .left { float: left; width: 40%; padding: 4pt 12pt; } AntiMatrix Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. Jewish Ritual Murder von Hellmut Schramm, Ph. D. 1944 a Historical Investigation a translation by R. Belser of Der jüdische Ritualmord Eine historische...

... to agitate against them. They were even ready to characterize this murder as a ritual-murder, and if I have been informed correctly, (429) the same things have also been said to arouse the populace in Xanten that had been used earlier in Corfu. The anti-Semitic press has now not only cast suspicion in a despicable manner upon the State's Attorney and the examining judge, but also upon the Minister...

... that even the Kaiser is "disturbed." "Gentlemen, I believe that the brazenness with which they have drawn the highest of all persons into this pending investigation without any grounds whatsoever, deserves the same. These gentlemen are becoming bolder day by day -- not to use another expression! Now in conclusion, gentlemen, one more main point, that is, the question of ritual-murder! This silly...

... fairy-tale of ritual-murder, which reaches back into the times of the dark Middle Ages, when the Enlightenment was not yet so far [developed], and even farther back, this question is being revived here in this manner by the most distinguished organ of the conservative party! Has this organ (Kreuzzeitung), then, no sensitivity for the fact that this foolish fairy-tale no longer suits the present day...

...? (430) Not only did Bishop Kopp in the year 1882 (Tisza-Eszlár!) declare ritual-murder to be an outrageous untruth, there were also prominent popes, the supreme shepherds of the Catholic Church, who also entered the lists against it in writing and in speech in earlier centuries when the enlightenment of the people had not advanced so far and men were not as armored against such tales as they are today...

.... I have here before me that memorable letter from Cardinal Ganganelli, who in the year 1759, when the Polish Jews were accused of ritual-murder (laughter from the Right) -- I do not know what is so funny about this to the gentlemen -- when the Polish Jews were accused, explicitly protested against it and with the weapons of his scholarship, which encompassed broad areas, proved that it was merely a...

...Jewish Ritual Murder, Schramm...
... BLOOD PASSOVER (PASQUE DI SANGUE) by ARIEL TOAFF h2 { margin-top:2em; } Home Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. BLOOD PASSOVER (PASQUE DI SANGUE) The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murder by ARIEL TOAFF COMPLETE ENGLISH TEXT Cover: Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac. Woodcut from the Ritual Responsals (Sheelot w-teshuvot) of Asher b. Yechiel, Constantinople, 1517...

... Site Navigator Similar materials Contents INTRODUCTION AT VENICE WITH HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR FRIEDRICH III (1469) Tobias da Magdeburg and cruel ritual murder of Little Simon of Trent Policy of refusing to grant permanent residence to Jews Italian and German Jews Prohibition to priests to proselytize among Jewish children The immediate removal from the city of so-called "Jews turned Christian" Italian...

... company of Jewish merchants ritually murder a child for the Christian blood Ritual murder of a two year old child for blood Professional child hunters - ritual murderers for the Christian blood A three-year old child murdered for blood FROM ENDINGEN TO REGENSBURG: RITUAL MURDERS OR GRIMMS BROTHERS' FAIRY TALES? A man and woman and two decapitated children found One of confessed participants of ritual...

... Christian child for ritual murder Ritual murder and crucifixion of a child Investigation and arrest of 18 Jews upon request of Heinrich, the bishop of Regensburg Friedrich III personally ordered the city counsel of Regensburg to free the prisoners immediately A skeleton found in the cellars of Rabbi Jossel' dwelling Collection of funds begins among Jews to pay for Frederick's intervention on their behalf...

... Christian child killed as confirmed by rabbi Efraim of Bonn Ritual murder of a child, Hugh, in the city of Lincoln The Jew Samuel - a ritual serial killer "Child crucifixions" in France Jews cruelly kill the five sons of a miller in Fulda "Ritual cannibalism" The Jews were the heirs of the curse falling upon their ancestors, guilty of crucifying the Redeemer The torments suffered by the Jews in body and...

... Jew DISTANT PRECEDENTS AND THE SAGA OF PURIM Barbarism of the Jews, the "haters of mankind" (The Jews) carry out this (rite) every year Ritual cannibalism Indirect confirmation of the phenomenon of ritual murder That Christian Europe of the Middle Ages feared the Jews is an established fact The slave trade Jews castrated young slaves intended for sale to the Moslems of Spain Purim came to acquire...

... "gowned physician", garnished in gold and adorned with jewels On the eve of Passover the mutilated body of Simonino, a two-year old child, was found A world drenched with magical rites and exorcism The practical Caballah, black magic and necromancy PORTOBUFFOLÈ, VOLPEDO, ARENA PO, MAROSTICA, RINN Three Jews accused of ritual child murder, were executed at Venice Two Jews publicly executed for ritual...

... murder The official correspondence sent by the court Minorite Franciscan friar arrested for accepting a commission from local Jews to commit a child murder to get Christian blood for their Passover False accusation of a child cruelly crucified in a holy ceremony with the participation of all the local Jews A five-year old child, Lorenzino Sossio, was found murdered, his body horribly mutilated A...

... murder describes the details One of the confessed testifies of other children he resold to Jews to be sacrificed for blood Emperor Friedrich III tries to intervene in order to protect the Jews Blood sold at very high prices to the richest and most influential German Jews Confessions of other ritual murders Forty five Jews arrested, convicted and burnt publicly Rabbi Jossel di Kelheim purchases a a...

... RITUALS AND GESTURES ISRAEL'S FINAL DEFIANCE DOCUMENTARY APPENDIX BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX OF NAMES INDEX OF PLACES Cover Revised by the original translators, Feb. 2011 Source: See also: Ritual Sacrifice and Murder The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice Notes About The Ritual murders By Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (Dahl) Jewish Occult Murders Jewish Ritual...

... Murder by Hellmut Schramm A deputy chief of the CIA supplied victims for 86 Jewish ritual murders Ritual murders of children in Chicago (The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice) Jewish leaders raise the cups with blood and drink from them Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world The Hidden Tyranny - shocking interview with Harold Wallace Rosenthal Jewish Zertsalo...
... BLOOD PASSOVER (PASQUE DI SANGUE) by ARIEL TOAFF h2 { margin-top:2em; } Home Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. BLOOD PASSOVER (PASQUE DI SANGUE) by ARIEL TOAFF Cover: Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac. Woodcut from the Ritual Responsals (Sheelot w-teshuvot) of Asher b. Yechiel, Constantinople, 1517 BLOOD PASSOVER The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murder By...

... Ariel Toaff COMPLETE ENGLISH TEXT TRANSLATED BY GIAN MARCO LUCCHESE AND PIETRO GIANETTI 2007 Site Navigator Similar materials Notes What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents Translator Introduction INTRODUCTION AT VENICE WITH HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR FRIEDRICH III (1469) Tobias da Magdeburg and cruel ritual murder of Little...

... drenched with magical rites and exorcism The practical Caballah, black magic and necromancy PORTOBUFFOLÈ, VOLPEDO, ARENA PO, MAROSTICA, RINN Three Jews accused of ritual child murder, were executed at Venice Two Jews publicly executed for ritual murder The official correspondence sent by the court Minorite Franciscan friar arrested for accepting a commission from local Jews to commit a child murder to...

... get Christian blood for their Passover False accusation of a child cruelly crucified in a holy ceremony with the participation of all the local Jews A five-year old child, Lorenzino Sossio, was found murdered, his body horribly mutilated A company of Jewish merchants ritually murder a child for the Christian blood Ritual murder of a two year old child for blood Professional child hunters - ritual...

... murderers for the Christian blood A three-year old child murdered for blood FROM ENDINGEN TO REGENSBURG: RITUAL MURDERS OR GRIMMS BROTHERS' FAIRY TALES? A man and woman and two decapitated children found One of confessed participants of ritual murder describes the details One of the confessed testifies of other children he resold to Jews to be sacrificed for blood Emperor Friedrich III tries to intervene...

... in order to protect the Jews Blood sold at very high prices to the richest and most influential German Jews Confessions of other ritual murders Forty five Jews arrested, convicted and burnt publicly Rabbi Jossel di Kelheim purchases a a Christian child for ritual murder Ritual murder and crucifixion of a child Investigation and arrest of 18 Jews upon request of Heinrich, the bishop of Regensburg...

... of a child, William of Norwich The accused Jews obtain the protection of the King and his agents The Jews believed that, to bring redemption closer, and with it, their return to the Promised Land, they sacrificed a Christian child every year Christian child killed as confirmed by rabbi Efraim of Bonn Ritual murder of a child, Hugh, in the city of Lincoln The Jew Samuel - a ritual serial killer...

... cannibalism Indirect confirmation of the phenomenon of ritual murder That Christian Europe of the Middle Ages feared the Jews is an established fact The slave trade Jews castrated young slaves intended for sale to the Moslems of Spain Purim came to acquire openly anti-Christian connotations The celebration of Purim is said to constitute the Hebraic ritual of death and resurrection "Crucifying the figure of...

...) Jewish Occult Murders Jewish Ritual Murder by Hellmut Schramm A deputy chief of the CIA supplied victims for 86 Jewish ritual murders Ritual murders of children in Chicago (The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice) Jewish leaders raise the cups with blood and drink from them Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world The Hidden Tyranny - shocking interview with...
...: FROM NORWICH TO FULDA Ritual crucifixion of a child, William of Norwich The accused Jews obtain the protection of the King and his agents The Jews believed that, to bring redemption closer, and with it, their return to the Promised Land, they sacrificed a Christian child every year Christian child killed as confirmed by rabbi Efraim of Bonn Ritual murder of a child, Hugh, in the city of Lincoln The...

... report of the event. [1] These were the origins of what is considered by many to have been first documented case of ritual murder in the Middle Ages, while, for others, it is the source of the myth of the "blood libel" accusation. The latter consider Thomas to have been the inventor and propagator of the stereotype of ritual crucifixion, soon to be rapidly disseminated, not only in England, but in...

... entire Jewish community was said to have adhered to that choice. [4] Theobald’s confession has been considered by some to constitute the origin of the ritual murder accusation of Norwich, which was then collated, accompanied by suitable documentation, by Thomas of Monmouth. [5] The ex-Jewish monk was probably alluding to the carnival of Purim, also known as the "carnival of the lots", which, in...

... the Jewish calendar precedes Pesach, Passover, by one month, since the macabre lottery was said to have taken place every year on Purim. [6] p. 114] The reason for drawing lots to select the Jewish community to be entrusted with the duty of carrying out the annual sacrifice of a Christian child appeared later, in the confessions of the defendants of a ritual murder committed at Valréas in 1247, and...

... representatives of the Jewish communities for the annual Passover lottery held to select the location of the next ritual homicide, was in France, but belonged to the Mark of Spain. But was the case of William of Norwich truly the first ritual murder of a Christian reported during the Middle Ages? Was Thomas of Monmouth really the creator of the stereotype which became widespread, first in England and later in...

... remains to be proven that blood was a secondary element in the so-called "sacrifice of the child at Norwich". The fact that the written traditions which have come down to us do not inform us of the manner in which they intended to utilize the blood of the crucified child in this case constitutes no proof in either direction. p. 116] Be that as it may, the accusation of ritual murder or the crucifixion...

... of Christian boys spread from Norwich throughout England: from Gloucester in 1169, to Bury St. Edmunds in 1183, to Winchester in 1192, from Norwich – again -- in 1235, to London in 1244, and, finally, to Lincoln in 1255, where the martyr was sainted. [18] As we shall see, there are reports of an anomalous case of plural ritual murder again at Bristol at the end of the 13th century. The...

... it was necessary to give the role to the principal defendant, Copino, who, rather than respond to the accusations, was to confirm them. Ritual murder of a child, Hugh, in the city of Lincoln The Jew, under torture, "sang" quickly, according to the pre-established script, confessing that the Jews of the Kingdom were accustomed to crucify cruelly a Christian child in contempt of the passion of Christ...

... point the perfidious and criminal Jew is said to have killed them both as well. [23] As we see, sometimes the popular psychosis of ritual murder caused persons caught up in irrational fears to mistake one thing for another. And this regardless of the fact that perhaps these fears could have a some correspondence to actual crimes committed by individuals deranged by phobias and psychoses of a religious...

... community, suspected of killing a Christian child and then dumping the body in the waters of the Loire, were condemned to death, and thirty two of them met death at the stake after a summary trial. [26] In his memoirs, the rabbi Efraim of Bonn reconstituted that which, according to him, had been the tragic mix-up leading to the accusation of ritual murder brought against the Jews of Blois: "Towards...

... the episodes we have already dealt with, from Norwich and Blois to Trent. The waters of rivers furrowing the regions of England and France and the German territories were considered silent accomplices, suggestive of cruel infanticides for religious purposes. In 1199, the upper waterways of the Rhine, near Cologne, were the scene of a presumed ritual murder, which was immediately punished with the...

... itself to targeting the supposed madman. Another five Jews were in fact accused of complicity in the murder, which was obviously not dismissed as the mere result of the insanity of an individual. Jews cruelly kill the five sons of a miller in Fulda "Particular importance has been attributed to the ritual murder of which the Jews of Fulda were accused in Franconia at Christmas 1235. Based on the report...

... theory a few objections may be raised, which appear of little importance. Precisely in the motivation adopted upon the creation of the Annals of Marbach, it is stated that its members were called upon to investigate "whether the Jews considered the consumption of blood to be necessary during the Passover period". We now know that the presumed ritual murder at Fulda was committed during the Christmas...

... in liquid form or powder, dried or in curdles, fresh or boiled -- blood, this magical fluid with the ambiguous and mysterious fascination, made its arrogant presence known through stories of child sacrifice, in the folds of which it lay concealed, perhaps less successfully than often supposed, until then. Ritual murder accusations became more widespread: from Pforzheim in Baden in 1261, to...

... synagogue, accused by a stinking old woman of bribing her to abduct a boy for them. Another supposed ritual murder was recorded in that same Bavarian city in 1345. [39] p. 122] The use of blood by Jews for ritual purposes was explicitly mentioned in many cases, but not always in connection with Passover. The Klosterchronik of Zwettl refers, in the year 1293, to a ritual murder accusation brought against...

... the crime, which is said to have taken place among the wine kegs in the cellar of Samuele’s house on Good Friday. The child had been purchased by the Jews from a beggar, a certain Margarita Praitsschedlin, who was arrested and taken to jail; she quickly confessed. The trial was summary. Samuele, the principal defendant accused of ritual murder, was suspended from the wheel and burnt; Giuseppe...

... Norwich, 1144, London, 1964, and the important works by Langmuir and McCullogh, to which we will return later: G.L. Langmuir, Thomas of Monmouth, Detector of Ritual Murder, in "Speculum", LIX (1984), p. 820-846; Id., Toward a Definition of Anti-Semitism, Berkely-Los Angeles (Calif.) - Oxford, 1990, pp. 209-236; Id., Historiographic Crucifixion, in G. Dehan, Les Juifs en regard de l'histoire. Mélanges en...

... honneur de Bernard Blumenkranz, Paris, 1985, pp. 109-127; J.M. McCullogh, Jewish Ritual Murder, William of Norwich, Thomas of Monmouth and the Early Dissemination of the Myth, in "Speculum", LXXII (1997), pp. 109-127. "We note that it was in England, the German regions and in those Alpine regions in which the devotion of the "child martyrs" was most widespread, always presented as victims of the Jews...

... uncritically. "Ever since the of ritual murder accusation was first made against the Jews in the Middle Ages, that is, from 1150 at Norwich, to 1235, for almost a century, the Jews of England and northern France were accused of crucifying Christian children, but not of ritual cannibalism (i.e., the consumption of their blood for ritual purposes). Absolutely no accusation of ritual cannibalism was ever made...

... recent arguments set forth by N. Roth, Medieval Jewish Civilization, New York-Lond, 2003, pp. 119-121, 566-570. [11] Cfr. McCullogh, Jewish Ritual Murder, cit., p. 728. [12] Annales Herbipolenses, in "Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Scriptores", XVI Hannover, 1859, p. 3. [13] Cfr. A.M. Haberman, Sefer ghezerot Ashkenaz we-Zarft ("Book of Persucutions in Germany and France"), Jerusalem, 1971, p. 119; Id...

... integrum annum enutriverunt, ut adventante Paschate cruci affigerent, qui tanti criminis convicti meritas dederunt poenas". [17] Cfr. McCullogh, Jewish Ritual Murder, cit., pp. 702-703. [18] Cfr. Strack, The Jew and Human Sacrifice, cit., p. 177; J. Trachtenberg, The Devil and the Jews, Philadelphia (Pa.), 1961, pp. 123-130, 143-144; Langmuir, Historiographic Crucifixion, cit., pp. 113-114; André Vauchez...

... mentions the popular devotion for Herbert of Huntington, presumed victim of the Jews at about 1180 (cfr. Vauchez, La santità nel Medioevo, cit., p. 99). On ritual murders in England in general, see C. Holmes, The Ritual Murder Accusation in Britain, in "Ethnic and Ritual Studies", IV (1981), pp. 265-288. [19] Johannes Brompton, Chronicon, in Historiae Anglicanae Scriptores, London, Jacob Flescher, 1652...

..., Oeuvres de Rigord et Guillaume le Breton, Paris, 1882, vol. V, p. 15. [26] For an extensive bibliography on the ritual murder of Blois, see, among others, Sh. Spiegel, "In monte Dominus videbitur". The Martyrs of Blois and the Early Accusation of Ritual Murder, in Mordecai K. Kaplan Jubilee Volume, by M. Davis, New York, 1953, pp. 267-287 (in Hebrew]; Marcus, The Jew in the Medieval World, cit., pp. 127...

... Judaeos omnes unanimiter fuisse confessos et effatos, quomodo dictam infantem die Parsceves anno praefato enecassent et martyrio affecissent (in cella vinaria)". [43] See note above. On this document and the 18th century reports of ritual murder of Lienz, see [Benedetto Bonelli], Dissertazione apologetica sul martirio del beato Simone da Trento nell'anno MCCCCLXXV dagli ebrei ucciso, Trent, Gianbattista...

..., 1871, p. 29. For the more older sources relating to this ritual murder, cfr. Strack, The Jew and Human Sacrifice, cit., pp. 186-188. [49] Cfr. Johann Rudolf von Waldkirch, Gründliche Einleitung zu der Eydgenössischen Bunds- und Staats-Historie, Basel, Thurneysen, 1721, vol. I, p. 135; J. Lauffer, Beschreibung helvetischer Geschichte, Zurich, Conrad Orell, 1706, vol. III. P. 108. [50] Cfr. "Monumenta...
...Jewish Ritual Murder, Schramm, Appendix 9...

... Hellmut Schramm's Jewish Ritual Murder - Appendix 9 h3 { color: #B50400; text-align: center; } .left { float: left; width: 40%; padding: 4pt 12pt; } AntiMatrix Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. Jewish Ritual Murder von Hellmut Schramm, Ph. D. a Historical Investigation 1944 a translation by R. Belser of Der jüdische Ritualmord Eine historische...

... Vilna Ossyp Perowicz (child) 1827 Easter Warsaw child 1827 Easter Antioch two boys 1829 Hamath (Asia Minor) young Turkish woman 1831 St. Petersburg girl 1834 Tripoli old man 1840 February (Purim) Damascus Father Thomas; Ibrahim Amara (446) 1840 Easter Triande (Rhodes) twelve-year-old boy (ritual-murder greatest probability) 1843 Rhodes and Corfu several children 1852 December Saratov (Russsia...

...) Schestobitov (boy) 1853 January Saratov (Russia) Maßlov (boy) 1875 September (Yom Kippur) Zboró (Hungary) ritual-murder attack upon a sixteen-year-old girl, with death ensuing afterward 1877 June Szalacs (Hungary) Therese Szabó (six-year-old); Emerich Szabó (nin-year-old) 1878 before Jewish festival Steinamanger (Hungary) girl 1879 Tállya (Hungary) child 1879 October Piros (Hungary) Lidi Sipos (fifteen-year...

...-year-old) 1894 Kolin (Bohemia) girl 1895 September (Yom Kippur festival) Kis-Sallo (Hungary) Juliska Balars (five-year-old) 1898 July Polna (Bohemia) Maria Klima (twenty-three-year old) 1899 Easter Polna (Bohemia) Agnes Hruza (nineteen-year-old) 1900 Easter Konitz (West Prussia) Ernst Winter (eighteen-year-old) (447) 1910 December Nassenheide (Stettin) Helenne Brix (strong suspicion of ritual-murder...

...) 1911 March Kiev Andrei Yustinschy (thriteen-year-old) 1911 September (Yom Kippur) Schönlanke Olga Hagel 1912 Pentecost Posen Stanislaus Musial (sixteen-year-old) 1913 Eastern Lobsens (Wirsitz) Agnes Kador (six-year-old) 1913 July Ludwigshafen Elma Kelchner (twelve-year-old) (strong suspicion of ritual-murder) Appendix 8 <<<    Table of Contents    >>>...

...Jewish Ritual Murder, Schramm...
...Jewish Ritual Murder, Schramm, Corfu notes...

... Hellmut Schramm's Jewish Ritual Murder - Corfu: footnotes h3 { color: #B50400; text-align: center; } .left { float: left; width: 40%; padding: 4pt 12pt; } AntiMatrix Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. Jewish Ritual Murder von Hellmut Schramm, Ph. D. 1944 a Historical Investigation a translation by R. Belser of Der jüdische Ritualmord Eine historische...

... Untersuchung Corfu: footnotes The red dotted lines indicate transition to another (html) page. Links at the bottom of each page's footnotes will return the reader to that respective page. [1] Nr. 245 of the Neue Preußische Zeitung (Berlin, 30 May 1891). [2] Compare this with the ritual-murder case in Polna, see p. 267 and p. 270. [3] Kreuzzeitung, Nr. 224. [4] It is interesting that the author of the report...

... from Athens (Kreuzzeitung Nr. 230, 1891) had reached the conviction that a whole Jewish "System" was being employed. [5] For example, at the time this report was written, on the Greek island of Zante, a folk song was still sung which had a ritual-murder from the end of the 18th century as its subject! [6] Report from Athens of 30 April 1891 (Kreuzzeitung, Nr. 197). [7] Österr. Wochenschrift [Austrian...

...Jewish Ritual Murder, Schramm...
... Jewish control of the world Contents The blood rite Hundreds of example of ritual murder by the Jews are cited Jews are known to have practiced drinking blood since they made their first appearance in history Jewish Murder Plan Against White Christians Exposed Ritual Murder Court jury finds: "The Talmud and Schulchan aruch are not religious books" The history of the Jews is written in the blood of...

... the children being burned alive The Jews in Cyrene slew the Romans and Greeks, and Devoured [ate] their bodies, drank their blood, clothed themselves in the flayed skins, and sawed many in half from the head downwards Jewish Ritual Murder Jewish Human Sacrifice Historical Record of Ritual Sacrifice The Torture and Death of Feodor Jemeljanov In the USA, Jews practice ritual murder of gentile children...

..., only one people, that has never progressed beyond the Stone Age, has continued to practice the blood rite and ritual murder. This people are know to the world as Jews. Arnold Toynbee, a noted scholar, has called the Jews "a fossil people." In so doing, he must have been aware of the fact that they still practice ritual murder and the drinking of human blood (especially Christian blood). Hundreds of...

... example of ritual murder by the Jews are cited As a scholar, he could not have failed to note the many attested incidents of this practice of the Jews, for hundreds of example of ritual murder by the Jews are cited in official Catholic books, in every European literature, and in the court records of all the European nations. It is the official historian of the Jews, (Josef Kastein, in his History of the...

... victims, especially the children; and during this torture they shout threats, curses, and cast spells against non-Jews. This systematic murder has a special name, it is called, Ritual Murder The knowledge of Jewish ritual murder is thousands of years old. It is as old as the Jews themselves. Non-Jews have passed the knowledge of it from generation to generation, and it has been passed down to us...

... thorough writings. It is known of throughout the nation. Knowledge of ritual murder can be found in even the most secluded rural villages. The grand-father told his grand children, who passed it on to his children, and his children's children, until we have inherited the knowledge today from them. It is also befalling other nations. The accusation is loudly raised immediately, anywhere in te world, where...

... a body is found which bears the marks of ritual murder. This accusation is raised only against the Jews. Hundreds and hundreds of nations, tribes, and races live on this earth, but no one ever thought to accuse them of the planned murdering of children, or to call them murderers. All nations have hurled this accusation only against the Jews. And many great men have raised such an accusation...

... screamed the accusation of ritual murder into the Jewish face, was Der Sturmer. For more than ten yeas Der Sturmer led a gigantic battle against Judaism. Which caused Der Sturmer to be under constant attack by the Jews. Dozens of times it has been confiscated and prohibited. Its workers, most of all its editor Julius Streicher, were dragged into court hundreds of times. They were convicted, punished and...

... hesitating, use brutal methods to overcome you. Mainly the Jew tries to destroy his enemy in the mental area, by which he takes his material gain away, and undermines his civil existence. The vilest of all forms of retaliation, the boycott, is characteristically Jewish." The Der Sturmer was not stopped for several years. Just in Nuremberg alone there have been fought dozens of Talmudic and ritual murder...

... Laws of The Talmud: If one wishes to learn and understand why the Jews can commit such insane crimes as ritual murder, they must know the Jewish secrets. They must know the teachings of the Torah (The Talmud), and the Schulchan aruch. These laws and teachings are proof that the Jews feel themselves superior to all nations, that it has declared war on all other races, and that it is the sworn enemy of...

... Ritual Murder. The Jews' Bloody History: The Jew is not only the murderer of the Christians in theory. His history proves that he practices what he preaches. The history of the Jewish people is an unbroken chain of mass murders and blood-baths. It started before Christ and has continued with Linen, Trotsky, Sinowjeff, Stalin and etc., up to today: 1). The extreme to which the Jews will go was shown in...

... with Christian blood. Their history proves that the Jew is extremely cruel and at the same time a coward. The Jew is not a born soldier; he is a born sadist and murderer. (John 8:44) The Law of Human Sacrifice: For a long time the newspaper Der Sturmer endeavored to find the actual law of ritual murder, the law of human sacrifice. It finally succeeded in doing so. In a trial in which Julius Streicher...

... the question of ritual murder. It comes from the book of Sohar. This book is considered to be holy by the Jews. "You are right! This reproach of yours, which I feel for certain is at the bottom of your anti-Semitism, is only too well justified; upon this common ground I am quite willing to shake hands with you and defend you against any accusation of promoting Race Hatred... We [Jews] have erred, my...

... all the day long we are counted as sheep for the slaughter." (Thikunne Sohar, edition Berdiwetsch 88b) Dr. Erich Bischoff declared himself ready to offer an opinion on this expressed law of ritual murder Dr. Erich Bischoff declared himself ready to offer an opinion on this expressed law of ritual murder. However he was rejected. He was not admitted by the court for "fear of bias." The Catholic...

... be sacrificed in the same way as animals This means that Christians are to be sacrificed in the same way as animals. They are to be sacrificed to the Jewish God Baal (Lucifer, Devil, Satan) They are to be sacrificed to the Jewish God Baal (Lucifer, Devil, Satan). Therefore, we are dealing with a law which doesn't only permit the practice of Ritual Murder. But commands it. Jewish Confessions: A...

... further and irrefutable proof of the existence of Jewish Ritual Murder are the numerous Jewish confessions. They come from trials, voluntary statements and from confessions by former rabbis. The confessions were made in two court cases. One of them took place in Trent in 1475, and the other one in Damascus in the years 1840 - 1842. The voluntary statement was made by the young Jewess Ben Noud who made...

... it to the French Count Durfort-Civrac. The confessions were made by the following rabbis who truly converted to Christianity: Drach and Goschler, Fra Sifto of Siena, Paolo Medici, Giovanni da Feltre and by the former chief rabbi Neofito, who later changed his name to Teofito and became a monk. These men more or less confirmed the existence of Ritual Murder. In 1803 the former rabbi Neofito...

... initiated into the knowledge of Ritual Murder. And how the Jews for thousands of years have concealed it from the Christian and non-Jewish world. Teofito writes: Conservators of the mystery of blood! "This secret of the blood is not known to all the Jews, but only to the Chakam (doctors) or the rabbis and the scholars, who therefore carry the title 'Conservatori del mistero del sangue' (Conservators of...

... rabbi certifies that the blood is genuine pure Christian blood. 7). The Ritual Murder and the Blood Mystery are acknowledge by all Talmudic Jews, and practiced whenever possible. The Jew believes that he will be "atoned" by it. The Hurons, the Canadians and the Iroquois were philosophers of humanitarianism in comparison to the jews. The same blood rite is practiced throughout the world These are seven...

... did many similar things, also in Cyprus, led by one of them named Artemion; and there another 240,000 were slain." Following is an expose on Jewish Ritual Murder which is currently being conducted just as it has for centuries. Jewish Ritual Murder On May 1, 1989, the Oprah Winfrey show had as its guest a person who, as a young girl, was forced to participate in a ritual in which a Christian infant...

... reason for this is the fact that the practice of ritual murder is fraught with danger for the entire Jewish Community. Most uprisings against the Jews during the past two thousand years have stemmed from the discovery of this practice, and the resulting attempts of the non-Jews to punish the Jews for murdering non-Jewish children. The principal reason that this crime is so often discovered, is that the...

... officials and newspapermen is always the first step in this campaign. In the United States, since many of these are Jews, no bribery is necessary, as every Jew knows that it is his first duty to conceal the evidence of ritual murder. It is also customary for the Jews to pay off the murdered child's parents with a large sum of money, which in many cases means that they will not prosecute. Could Jewish...

... Ritual Murder Still Exist? At one time or another the Jews have been expelled from every country in Europe. And in almost every case it was over the charge of Ritual Murder. The most objective book on this subject available is "Jewish Ritual Murder" by Arnold Leese is available from The Truth At Last, P.O. Box 1211, Marietta, Georgia 30061, for $3.50 per copy. I know well that they deny everything, but...

... it all agrees with the judgment of Christ, that they are poisonous, bitter, vengeful, spiteful serpents, assassins, and devil's children, who secretly stab and do injury because they are not able to do it publicly Purim Murder: The ritual murder at Purim is committed against adult Christians. Fresh strong men and women are preferred. The Purim festival is celebrated annually by the jews in February...

..., if there is any truth in the accusations, to a connection of the human sacrifice with the Passover, which falls in this week, rather than with Purim, which falls a month earlier. Indeed it has often been made a part of the accusation that the blood of the youthful victims was intended to be used at the Passover. If all the charges of ritual murder which have been brought against the Jews in modern...

... seed of falsehood, Enflaming yourselves with idols under every green tree, slaying the children in the valleys under the clefts of the rocks?" By the phrase, "ye sons of the sorceress," Isaiah calls attention to the fact that Jewish ritual murder is a black magic rite. It is customary for the rabbi, as he drinks blood, to invoke the presence of Satan, who will then presumably carry out the wishes of...

... of this mutilation-murder, and the impartial view put forth in these case productions convinces, without doubt, the truth of their validity." One expose of the subject of Ritual Murder was written in great detail by Arnold S. Leese, entitled My Irrelevant Defense on Jewish Ritual Murder, London, 1938. Addressing the issue of sacrifices, Mr. Leese states: "Let a Jew speak for us here: 'Bernard...

... Lazare, a Jew who was stated (Jewish Encyclopedia, 1904, Vol. VII, p. 650) to be 'without any religious convictions.' wrote what he himself described as 'an impartial study of the history and sociology of the Jews.' calling his book L'Antisemitisme; in the 1904 edition of this, Vol. II, p. 215, he writes, after mentioning the accusations against the Jews of Ritual Murder: 'To this general belief are...

... it had a very great importance... Now, it is very probable, even certain that Jewish magicians sacrificed children; hence the origin of the legend of ritual sacrifice.'" Thus Lazare tries to absolve the Jews of the ritual murder charge by saying that they were guilty, but that it was done from motives of sorcery, rather than as a key element in the practice of the Jewish religion. He apparently has...

... not read the Bible, or noted Isaiah's denunciations of the Jews as sorcerers and murderers of children. Of course the Jews killed children during their rites of sorcery, as Lazare admits, but these horrors were committed as essential rites of the Jewish religion. Dr. Eric Bischoff, a famous German Jewish scholar, has found the explicit authorization of the practice of Jewish ritual murder in the...

... even if a few of the gentiles are alerted to the nature of this people, as Christ talked against them, the Jews will always win out by murdering the critic. Consequently, many critics of the Jews are slain in these terrible ceremonies. In the United States, perhaps the most famous victim of Jewish ritual murder was the son of Charles Lindbergh, on March 1, 1932, during the time of the annual Jewish...

...-sacrifices with the idea of atonement; some Jews have confessed that Jewry cannot be saved unless every year the blood of a Christian is obtained for the purpose of ritual consumption. The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1903, Vol. III, pp. 266-267, gives a list of Accusations of Ritual Murder (Sacrifices) made against the Jews through the centuries; 122 cases are listed in chronological order, and no less than 39 of...

... them were made in the 19th century! There were far more than double the number of Blood Accusations made in the 19th century than in any previous century, according to this authoritative Jewish list. The list of Ritual Murder Accusations made by a converted Jew, Cesare Algranati, in 1913, and published in Cahiers Romains; there are listed 101 accusations, or which 28 were made in the 19th century and...

... only 73 for all the eight preceding centuries! Even the Jew Roth gives the argument away, for he says: "The nineteenth century proved little less credulous than those which proceeded it." (Ritual Murder Libel and The Jew, 1935) The fact that the charges increase in number as the age becomes more and more enlightened is particularly significant, because the Jewish Money Power and its silencing...

... rood-screen depicting the Ritual Murder and Sacrifice of St. William; the screen itself is in Loddon Church, Norfolk, unless the Power of the Jewish Money has had it removed. No one denies this case as a historical event, but the Jews of course say it was not a Ritual Sacrifice. ( J.C. Cox's Norfolk Churches, Vol. II, p. 47; Victoria County History of Norfolk, 1906, Vol. II) The Jew, C. Roth stated...

..., in reference to this case: "Modern enquirers, after careful examination of the facts, have concluded that the child probably lost consciousness in consequence of a cataleptic fit, and was buried prematurely by his relatives." (The Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew (1935), C. Roth) How these so-called enquirers arrived at a conclusion like that after all those years, Mr. Roth does not say; nor is it a...

... incidents in the story which tend to throw doubt upon it, and the existence of similar stores in England and elsewhere points to their origin in the fanatical hatred of the Jews of the Middle Ages and in the common superstition, now wholly discredited, and that ritual murder was a factor of Jewish Paschal Rites. Attempts were made as early as the 13th century by the Church to protect the Jews against the...

... Christians stormed out of their church and killed all the Jews. 1410. In Thuringa the Jews were driven out because of a Ritual Murder that was discovered. (Boll. Ii, April 838. Baronius 31) 1429. At Ravensburg in Wurttemberg, Ludwig van Bruck, a Christian boy from Switzerland who was studying in the town and living among the Jews, was martyred by 3 Jews amid numerous tortures and sexual violations. This...

... in the Martyrology." During this ceremony, the Jews identify Christ as the God of the Christians; they do not claim Him as a Jew, as do so many of our so-called Christian religious leaders. Also, they could not conceal the body and hide their crime, for the Talmud forbids the burial of a gentile "beast." As in many such cases of ritual murder, a Jewish physician obtained the gentile victim, because...

... its blood. (Acta sancta II. Bd. d. April p. 839) 1525. A Ritual Murder in Budapest caused a widespread anti-Jewish movement among the population. In this year the Jews were expelled from Hungary. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere Du sang 81) 1540. At Sappenfeld in Bavaria, 4 year old Michael Pisenharter was kidnaped from his father before Easter and taken to Titting (North of Ingolstadt), where he...

... the land, that of Lublin, condemned a Jew for Ritual Sacrifice, the local court having exculpated him(Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, p. 24, Cecil Roth); P. Zausmer and Kaidan. (UJE) 1748. Duniagrod, Poland: Jews condemned for Ritual Murder by Episcopal Court. (Cecil Roth, Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew) 1753. Pavalochi, Poland: Jews condemned for Ritual Murder by Episcopal Court. (Ritual Murder...

... Libel and the Jew, Cecil Roth) 1753. Zhytomir, Poland: In this case, a three-year-old Christian boy was murdered; Jews were tried by the Episcopal Court of Kiev and condemned to death. (Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, p. 25, Cecil Roth) 1753. On Good Friday, the 20th of April, in a village near Kiev (Russia), the 3? year old son of the nobleman Studzinski was kidnaped by the Jews, hidden in a tavern...

... from the Rothschilds. But "owing to the efforts of Count Camondo, Cremieux and Montefiore" (to quote from the Jewish Encyclopedia) "a firman was obtained from the Sultan which declared all accusations of ritual murder null and void." The Jews were released. Now Camondo, Cremieux and Montefiore were all rich Jews. Cremieux and Montefiore also figured in the Damascus case. Count Camondo "exercised so...

... to their large population, we order that the Jewish prisoners be set free." Upon the gravestone, in arabic and Italian, was inscribed: "Here lie the remains of Father Thomas of Sardinia, Capuchin missionary, assassinated by the Jews, February 5, 1840." This trial proves conclusively that Jewry acknowledges and tolerates Ritual Murder. That it conceals Ritual Murder from the public and protects its...

... declared the mother of the kidnaped and murdered child to be mentally deranged. 1883. Once more a ritual murder in Galata. The police, bribed with Jewish money, prevented an investigation. The newspaper "Der Stamboul," which strongly spoke out against the guilty ones, was suppressed. This suppression cost the jews 140,000 francs. 1884. At Sturz (West Prussia) the dismembered body of a 14 year-old...

... Ritual Murder. On July 17th, 1898 he had butchered Marie Klima, a Christian girl, in the same way. Leopold Hilsner was tried for this murder. The jury in Piseck confirmed the Kuttenberg death penalty. However, Jews have a powerful and strong arm. It reached out to protect the endangered racial comrade. The government (Kaiser Franz Josef) commuted this Ritual Murderer's sentence to life in prison. This...

... Austria at the "Central Israelite Cemetery." In this case, which was proven beyond a doubt, the Jews proved themselves to be in support of Ritual Murder. Yes, besides that it honored the criminal. Once again Jewry proved itself to be nothing but a gang of organized criminals. 1900. Konitz, West Prussia: A 19-year-old Christian youth, Ernst Witnter, was bestially murdered in March. Two days later pieces...

... the morning. At five o'clock his parents found him lying dead in the street in front of his house. His throat had been cut down to his spine and his genitals had been removed. There was almost no blood found. The hands of the unfortunate youth were hacked to pieces and his abdomen showed several knife wounds. There was no doubt that this was a case of Ritual Murder. The experts stated in court that...

... the throat wound was an artistically performed cut that went in a circular form from ear to ear. It is very possible that Helmuth Daube was circumcised before the butchering. Since the circumcision would have proven that Ritual Murder had been committed, the genitals of the victim were completely removed. The Jewish press distracted the public's attention from this Purim murder and wrote that it was...

... not find a Ritual Murder, but found that it was a sex murder. When the trial came up, the Jewish press from all over Germany appeared. The trial proceeded under their control. The public prosecutor Rosenbaum made himself and the entire court look ridiculous with his charge against Huzsmann. One exposure fallowed the other, but he maintained the accusation regardless. An acquittal naturally followed...

.... The fact was: Due to the numerous Jewish editors present, no one dared to speak of Ritual Murder. Only the Bochumer Abendblatt in its edition No. 251 noted the similarities between this case with the Ritual Murder of the schoolboy Winter in Konitz. Der Sturmer wrote about this Ritual Murder and explained that from this point of view the case was completely understandable. This issue was confiscated...

... Sturmer both gave their opinion that it was a Ritual Murder by Jews, and the latter paper was suppressed for a time, and its editor imprisoned. Y. Petrovo Selo and N.Y. Massena. (UJE) 1929. G. Manau, Bamberg, Memel, Vilna and Greece. Salonika, Kovno. Lithuania. and others. The Ritual Murder of Manau: In Lower Franconia, near Hofheim, lies the village of Manau amid lovely countryside. Here is where the...

... wounds were found. Also a light incision had been made across the throat from ear to ear. It looked exactly like a ritual cut except that it was only skin deep. The murderer had committed Ritual Murder symbolically, then, like a Ritual Murder, caused the victim to bleed to death by slicing the throat artery. Technically it was a ritual slaughter in the "lawfully manner" prescribed by the Jewish law of...

... victim of a Ritual Murder. Also the killing occurred just before Passover. It was suspicious that the day after the murder a Jewish butcher from Hofheim disappeared forever. The body of Karl Kessler was examined by the coroner, Dr. Burgel of Bamber. After noting the characteristic marks he stated: "We are dealing here with a Ritual Murder." The entire populace was of the same opinion. "A child murdered...

... their political parties, and send delegates from one official to the next. The government (Bavarian National Party) was threatened by the Jews. It promptly took action. The police, the court, and the public prosecution all received similar instructions. The public prosecutor's office was forced to issue a statement saying that the case was not one of Ritual Murder, even though the proceedings were...

... still pending and the facts were not all clear. Teachers were given orders to instruct their children that Ritual Murder did not exist and belonged in the realm of fantasy. The affair came up in the diet. The Culture Minister Goldenberger (Bavarian National Party) intervened on behalf of his "Jewish national comrades" with suspicious fervor. In Wurzburg the "Central Organization of German Socialists...

... bought to run "declarations." One of them ran: "Public Declaration, The loathsome crime of the child murder at Manau is again giving unprincipled instigators the welcomed opportunity to spread among the populace the tale of Ritual Murder, branded countess times as a lie. "This infamous charge was raised equally unjustified against the Christians in the first centuries of Christianity, just as it is now...

.... Solomon, Bayreuth; Rabbi Dr. Wohlgemuth, Kitzingen; and District Rabbi Dr. Ephraim, Burgpreppach." Der Sturmer replied to this declaration. It was confiscated and banned. The laughable adore of the Jewish government of that time and certain bureaucratic creatures went so far, that a high court judge explained to the press: "The acceptance of a Ritual Murder is absurd and ridiculous. The boy most likely...

... rage." The court accepted this second "confession" with gratitude. They were noticeably relived that the question of Ritual Murder had not arisen. The state prosecutor pleaded "murder," and the court accepted "manslaughter." Kurt Meyer was sentenced to 15 years in prison. "It is incomprehensible to me why these murderous snorting beasts were not exterminated long ago. Would not wild animals who eat...

... that a Ritual Murder had taken place. The consequences of this action was: confiscation and banning of Der Sturmer, and the start of legal action against its editors. The Jew Kurt Meyer accepted the judgment of the Paderborn jury with obvious enjoyment and gratitude. He did not appeal. The Supreme court, for its part, did the same. It approved the verdict at Paderborn and with that there was one more...

... Ritual Murder which went unrecognized and unpunished. Ritual Murder At Passover: Ritual Murder at the time of the Passover is similar in certain respects to the Purim feast. The Purim feast commemorates the day of the Persian murders, while the Passover commemorates the day when Christ was murdered. At the Purim feast the Jews murder an adult Christian as a replacement for Haman, while at the Passover...

... sacrifice, however, of a human being on Passover has existed, not only since the murdering of Christ; but is as old as the Jewish people themselves. For centuries it was their custom to sacrifice a lamb, a cock, or a monkey at this festival in place of a Christian human. The lamb is used as a substitute for an innocent Christian child. Typical examples of Ritual Murder at Passover are: The Confession of...

... Jew Emanuel of Genoa: As early as the year 1600 there were people who defended the Jews. They took the Jews under their protection and wrote books in their favor. Dr. Eck, a contemporary of Martin Luther, wrote in reply to these defenders of the Jews. The latter wrote a treatise in which he maintained that there was no such thing as Ritual Murder, and that a grave injustice was being done to the...

... And Death of The Boy of Langendentzlingen: In the 2nd chapter, Dr. Eck writes: "So that the believing reader will not be hindered by further discussion, and the defenders of the Jews will not be able to say that Dr. Eck has no proof for what he says; I would like to report an account of Ritual Murder. I did not learn of this from hearsay, but from having seen the victim with my own eyes. In the year...

... the Citadel of St. Angelo and were then transferred to the Vatican, where they are now available for examination. They were disclosed by Pope Benedict XIV; Pope Clement XIV as legal counselor for the Holy Office, before he became Pope, verified the murders of both St. Somon and St. Andreas of Rinn as cases of Ritual Murder almost 300 years later, in 1770. The boy who was tortured to death at Trent...

... writer Charles A. Weisman's Book "Who is Esau-Edom?": "During the Middle Ages Jews were found guilty of ritual murder of Christians in England; at Norwich in 1146, and Lincoln in 1225; in France at Blois in 1171; and in northern Italy at Trent in 1475. The Jewish Encyclopedia lists 121 Ritual Murder cases from 1146 to 1900, which were tried in courts. Many of the listings show convictions and the mode...

... in which guilty Jews were executed." Continuing from "Who is Esau-Edom?": "From 1900 to 1939's there have been about another twenty cases of ritual murder by Jews. Even to this day there are reports of ritual murder of {Christian} children by certain extremist Hasidic Orthodox Jewish sects." Continuing from "Who is Esau-Edom?": "Abortion has become an overt means of child sacrifice which Jews have...

... Jacob/Israel!!! And if it were the same God -- the manner in which the Jews worship is administered is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord our God. According to Leese there are two specific periods of time for Ritual Murders by the Jews. "The two principal feast days associated with Ritual Murder have been (1) Purim, and (2) Passover, the latter at Easter and the former about one month before it...

.... When a Ritual Murder occurred at Purim, it was usually that of an adult Christian who was murdered for his blood... the blood was dried and the powder mixed into triangular cakes for eating; it is possible that the dried blood of a Purim murder might sometimes be used for the following Passover. When a Ritual Murder was done at Passover, it was usually that of a [Christian] child under seven years...

... them to their own ghettoes where they could not mix their blood with those of our Adamic people or killed them outright. In the USA, Jews practice ritual murder of gentile children with impunity Following is quoted from "Mullins' New History of the Jews." In the United States, Jews have been able to practice ritual murder of gentile children with impunity, because they control the press, and because...

... they hold so many high public offices. It has been estimated by a leading police official that four thousand children disappear in the United States each year. There is no question that the majority of them are victims of Jewish ritual murder. So prevalent has the custom become in this country that Jews are able to ship large quantities of the children's blood to Israel for use in their ceremonies...

... new scandal of Jewish ritual murder. The path to the Governor's mansion, the Senate, and the White House has been magically eased when the candidate proves that he is willing to cover up for the Jews in their murders of gentile children. The director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover, annually conducts a scare campaign warning children in the United States never to talk to...

... strangers, or to get into a strange car. It is not generally known that Hoover has to do this because of the prevalence of Jewish ritual murder. Hoover's campaign is ostensibly directed at molesters of children, although only a dozen such cases are reported annually in the entire country. The real reason behind Hoover's campaign is that Jewish leaders fear the recklessness of some of the lesser Jews, who...

...-Jews who know the truth about Jews may lie in Liebstein's hold over him. Ritual murders of children in Chicago Because the city of Chicago is a center of Jewish financial power, and is completely controlled by the Jews, some of the most flagrant cases of ritual murder of Christian children have occurred there in recent years. Chicago is said to have become one of the world centers of the supply of...

... children's blood used in Jewish rites. The Chief of Police admitted that three hundred children disappear each month in Chicago, but he claims that they are all "runaways." it is odd that these runaways never turn up, either in Chicago or anywhere else. In October, 1955, the rash of ritual murder cases was at a height when the bodies of two Schuessler boys, a Peterson boy, and the two Grimes girls were...

... no blood in their bodies, when they were found. A copy of Arnold Leese's definitive work, Jewish Ritual Murder, was sent to Arnold Schuessler, father of the murdered boys. He read it, and began to ask questions of the police. The Jewish Sheriff of Chicago, Lohman, had assigned a Jewish deputy, Horwitz, to stay with the Schuesslers night and day in case they raised the question of ritual murder...

... have our money and goods and are lords in our land where they are supposed to be in exile! Steinfeld received $2000 fee for each of these cases. After the war, Steinfeld opened his sanatarium in Des Plaines, which became the production center for Jewish ritual murder in the Midwest. It was ironic that Mr. Schuessler, supposedly being protected by the police, was murdered in the same place his boys...

... were killed, and his murder, like that of his sons, went unavenged, except for one later development. Several patriots went to Des Plaines the next afternoon and distributed five hundred copies of a pamphlet charging Dr. Steinfeld with the murder of Mr. Schuessler, and accusing him of operating a Jewish ritual murder center. One of the pamphlets was handed to the chief of police, yet nothing was done...

... been a reluctant one. Strangely enough, no Chicago newspaper carried the notice of this well known local figure's death. A few weeks later, Arnold Leese, who had been preparing a book about the Schuessler case as a classic example of Jewish ritual murder, died suddenly. He had been airmailed copies of all newspaper accounts of the case during the long investigation, some one hundred pages of...

... us. A deputy chief of the CIA supplied victims for 86 Jewish ritual murders Another horrible involvement of an official American agency in the wide-spread practice of Jewish ritual murder was hushed up recently. A deputy chief of the Central Intelligence Agency committed suicide in Washington. The verdict was "over-work," thereby concealing a terrible tragedy. This official had been off from work...

... conscience, one more wouldn't hurt him. He could not believe that the gentile did not know that every one of the boys had been used as a victim of a Jewish ritual murder, and he described for him the entire ceremony. The Jew ended up by threatening him, saying that if the gentle did not get him a boy for a ceremony planned for the approaching Passover holiday, he would be exposed. The gentile went home...

... abuses, says that last year some 10,000 pre-teen American children were involved in crimes which included sacrificing animals and other demonic cult activities. The center says last year there were 200 Ritual Murder in the U.S. Says Sandi: "'Just look at my case files. Wizards, witches, Satanist, sorcerers and voodooists have come out of the closet and are on the march.'" An Associated Press release...

... the United States disappear and later are found murdered (with their blood drained, in an apparent Ritual Murder case). While the abduction and murder of a child is a senseless, psychotic act, many children are used for much more calculated reasons. Says Ken Wooden. 'Kids are constantly being sought for the lucrative child-prostitution business. Most police departments and public officials aren't...

... disappeared from a Sears store in Hollywood, Florida on July 27, 1981; two weeks later his severed head was found in a canal 100 miles away. May 5, 1982: Two-and-a-half-year-old Russel Mort disappeared on May 5, 1982, some time between 12:20 p.m., when his mother sent him to play outside their trailer in a Wheatfild, N.Y., mobile-homes court. Ritual Murder is still going on today. There is no doubt about it...

... hysteria. 'while this kind of incident is every parent's worst nightmare, like most nightmares it's not likely to happen,' says Steven Nagler (of course he would say something like this, because he is a Jew and damn well knows what is happening to most of the murdered children - that they are being used in a Jewish Ritual Murder orgy) of the Yale Child Studies Center. Adds Ernie Allen, president of the...

... act to stop these terrible crimes. However, most non-Jews who aid the Jews in committing ritual murders, covering up for them in police departments, on newspapers and in government offices, are not so squeamish. It has been estimated that at least one-third of all officeholders in the United States are well aware of the prevalence of Jewish ritual murder of children, and that their continuing to...

... hold office depends on aiding and abetting the Jews in the practice of these crimes. During a conversation with Father Bulger in 1956, he related that he had been working all his life on a book which was to be the definitive work on Jewish ritual murder. Father Bulger furnished much of the information contained herein. However his superiors had forbidden him to have his own book published. In former...

... years, most of the information about this type of crime had been published in Catholic encyclopedias and official parochial works, but further writings on the subject of Jewish ritual murder had been banned because of Jewish pressure on the Vatican. Father Bulger said that according to his estimates, six million gentile children had been done to death in the ritual manner by Jews since the crucifixion...

... combined in this horrible ceremony." Not only have millions innocent souls been done to death in ritual murder by the Jews, but each of us must ask himself, What kind of Christian, what kind of human being, am I, if I do nothing to protect children from such horrible sacrifice in a supposedly Christian and modern society? Allusions To Blood Libel Made By Prominent Italian Newspaper: Rome, June 20 (JTA...

... two ritual murder cases in 15th-century Italy. The article theorized that Simone's murderer was a mentally unbalanced person who, knowing the ritual murder stories, may have committed a sort of copycat crime. But, as Tullia Zevi, the president of the Italian Union of Jewish Communities, pointed out in a June 8 letter to the editor of Il Messaggero, the article's conclusions were so ambiguous that...

... they could be "potentially dangerous." The Messaggero article was headlined: "From History, Chilling Similarities with the Murder of Simone." A subhead read: "Monster of Foligno, the Hypothesis of Ritual Murder." The article mentioned the 15th-century cases of Simon of Trent, in northern Italy, and Antonuccio of Bevagna, a town near Foligno, in Umbria. "The first (victim), later beatified, was...

..., appeared to have been linked to attempts at the time to close down the Jewish bank. The case was dismissed. "Surely they do not have any precise analogy to the murder of Simone Allegretti," Scalabrini wrote. "But 'a sick mind" could have read them and codified them in order to commit a ritual murder. "The blood of Simone, in fact, was never found, even though he lost about 3 liters," the reporter wrote...

.... Kielce's pogrom: The last blood libel in Poland: Today marks the 50th anniversary of the infamous pogrom in the Polish city of Kielce. The pogrom, in which thousands of ordinary people took to the streets and massacred their neighbors on the charge that the latter were guilty of ritual murder, was a result of a blood-libel accusation against the Jews. The pogrom's anniversary is by and large ignored in...

... Poland. Ritual murder charges against Jews are a frequent occurrence in Polish history. The first anti-Jewish pogrom caused by ritual murder accusations after Poland's liberation from the Nazis occurred in August 1945. Leaflets on the streets of Cracow proclaimed: "The Jews are our eternal enemies. They kill our children in their synagogues." Responding to such propaganda, a Polish mob attacked the...

... the accusations of ritual murder. It was only in 1981 that an article in Tygodnik Solidarnosci by Prof. Krystyna Kersten broke the silence on the Kielce pogrom. Further investigation to find out who was behind the pogrom was undertaken by Jerzy Slawomir in 1986. In 1990, Gazeta Wyborcza a leading Warsaw daily published an extensive analysis of the events in Kielce entitled "Kill a Jew." Since then...

... accusation. Also no sect or ?tribe' of any kind, as maintained in anti-Jewish statements, has ever advocated such an hideous doctrine or been guilty of such a deed. "This solemn declaration is fully endorsed by the fundamental works of the most important Christian scholars, of the Catholic priest Dr. Frank of Konigshofen, and the Protestant Professor and Privy Councillor Strack of Berlin. "The Ritual...

... Murder lie is a product of dark hatred, a defamation of our faith which we repudiate with the deepest indignation. We are prepared to prove the truth of this declaration against all defamers before every court.' "The Governing Committee of the Bavarian Rabbinical Conference Rabbi Dr. Fruedenthal, Nuremberg; Rabbi Dr. Stein, Schweinfurt; Rabbi Dr. Baerwald, Munich; Rabbi Dr. Hanover, Wurzbburg; Rabbi Dr...
... Jews accused of ritual child murder, were executed at Venice Two Jews publicly executed for ritual murder The official correspondence sent by the court Minorite Franciscan friar arrested for accepting a commission from local Jews to commit a child murder to get Christian blood for their Passover False accusation of a child cruelly crucified in a holy ceremony with the participation of all the local...

... Jews A five-year old child, Lorenzino Sossio, was found murdered, his body horribly mutilated A company of Jewish merchants ritually murder a child for the Christian blood Ritual murder of a two year old child for blood Professional child hunters - ritual murderers for the Christian blood A three-year old child murdered for blood p. 61] PORTOBUFFOLÈ, VOLPEDO, ARENA PO, MAROSTICA, RINN Three Jews...

... interpreted the Psalm with a new meaning, imparted by the person reciting it: "The bitter pains which I suffer, will fall on the wicked". [5] Thus history and hagiography became confused, while the authenticity and memory of the child’s true martyrdom ricocheted back and forth between Christians and Jews. Two Jews publicly executed for ritual murder Milan, summer of 1482. A brother of the Order of the...

... convinced that the Jews would be open-minded and well disposed to accede to the paradoxical statement that, "for so little money, I am certain the Jews will not prove themselves too unwilling". [14] p. 66] The facts of the Arena case led the representatives of the Jewish communities of Lombardy to appeal to Gian Galeazzo Maria Sforza, so that he might defend them from the ritual murder accusations which...

... of the State of Your Illustrious Lordship". [16] After stating the classical motives, which should have deprived the ritual murder accusation of all credibility, particularly, in light of the Biblical prohibition against killing and against the consumption of blood, the p. 67] representatives of the Jewish communities of Lombardy added another motive, which to our minds appears seems odd. In the...

... but also to their person". [17] The argument could just as easily have been turned around. Even the most inveterate anti-Semites knew in fact that the accusations of ritual murder and profanation of the Host were confined to relatively small geographical areas, which included all Jewish communities of the German-language regions, as well as all the Ashkenazi regions in Italy, at the foot of the Alps...

... and Saxony, as well as in Poland and Hungary". [19] The lands of the Great Turk were obviously excluded. A five-year old child, Lorenzino Sossio, was found murdered, his body horribly mutilated Not many years had passed since the incidents at Arena, Portobuffolè and Volpedo, when a new ritual murder case came to light, upsetting the lives of the Jewish communities of northern Italy. During Holy Week...

... authorities and populace that the killers had committed the horrendous crime by mutilating p. 68] poor Lorenzino in the foreskin, [21] "inflicting upon him by force of repeated punctures and wounds in the blood vessels", finally stoning the body and covering it with stones. The news was immediately disseminated that the persons responsible for the ritual murder were Jews, from Bassano, "having come to the...

... of Verona, one of the principle defendants in the trial for the death of Simonino. In 1460, Isacco attended the lower courses of a Talmudic school at Worms, in the territory of the Rhineland, and it was there that he participated in a ritual murder, a little before Passover. Ritual murder of a two year old child for blood A Jew by the name of Hozelpocher is said to have purchased a two-year old...

... numerous local Jews. The blood was gathered in a silver chalice, while the children’s bodies were buried at night in a terrain owned by Mohar, outside the city. [32] Mosè of Ansbach, the young teacher of Maestro Tobias’s children, for his part, informed the judges that, in 1472, while he was working at Nuremberg, he had learned that a ritual murder had been committed approximately eight years...

...] Israel of Brandenburg, the strange young painter, later baptized under the name of Wolfgang, knew how to be loquacious when he had to be, and had heaps of picturesque ritual murder tales to tell, tales which had reached his ears more or less directly, with which to regale his avid and powerful interlocutors. He had allegedly gathered this information for several months, moving from the Rhineland to the...

... are, of course, no objective records of these ritual murder stories, eventful and cruel, with their horrible and repulsive connotations. The defendants were capable of inventing accusations out of whole cloth to placate their jailers; to make them more believable, these stories might have caused the names of relatives or even distant acquaintances to emerge jumbled up from the mists of the past...

.... Saggi sul ebraismo italiano in memoria de Yehuda Nello Pavoncello, Rome, 2001, p. 188). [2] On the ritual murder at Portobuffolè, see, in particular, S.G. Radzik's documented monograph, Portobuffolè, Florence, 1984. In this regard, see the important compendium of texts in [Benedetto Bonelli], Dissertazione apologetica sul martirio del beato Simone da Trento nell'anno MCCCCLXXV dagli ebrei ucciso...

..., and in Simonsohn, The Jews in the Duchy of Milan, cit. vol. II, pp. 788- 789. [16] Cfr. Guidetti, Pro Judaeis, cit. pp. 289-290; Zaviziano, Un raggio di luce, cit., p. 174. [17] Cfr. Guidetti, Pro Judaeis, p. 291; Zaviziano, Un raggio di luce, cit. p. 176. [18] Cfr. R. Po-Chia Hsia, Trent 1475. A Ritual Murder Trial, New Haven (Conn.), 1992, pp. 92-93; "If we construct a cultural geography of blood...

... libel in the region, the location of ritual murder trials coincided with the boundary of German settlements in the Alpine Highlands". Concerning himself with the geography of trials for desecration of the host, Rubin (Gentile Tales. The Narrative Assault on the Late Medieval Jews, New Haven, Conn., 1999, pp. 190-195) reaches the same conclusions, stating that "our story deals with German-speaking...

... apologetica, cit. pp. 65-66. [20] On the child murder of Lorenzino Sossio, later beatified, attributed to the Jews on the grounds of ritual murder, see, among others, Francesco Barbarano, Historia ecclestica della citta, territori e diocesei di Vicenza, Cristoforo Rosio, 1652, pp. 172-177; I. Scotton, Compendio della vita, martirio e miracoli del Beato Lorenzino da Valrovina, Venice, 1863; G. Chiuppani, Gli...

... dell'omicidio rituale di Andrea Oxner di Rinn, in "Materiali di lavori", 1988, nn. 1-4, pp. 143-149; B. Freschacher, Anderl von Rinn; Ritualmordkult und Neuorientierung in Judenstein 1945-1995; Innsbruck, 1996; G.R. Schroubek, The Question of the Historicity of Andreas of Rinn, in Buttaroni e Musial, Ritual Murder, cit., pp. 159-180. [28] Cfr. [Bonelli], Dissertazione apologetica, cit., pp. 235-242. [29] Cfr...

.... Zaviziano, Un raggio di luce, cit., pp. 115-157 (doc. XIV); C. Roth, The Ritual Murder Liber and the Jews. The Report by Cardinal Lorenzo Gangarelli on Ritual Murder, in S. Buttaroni and S. Musial, Ritual Murder Legend in European History, Cracow-Nuremberg- Frankfurt, 2003, pp. 211-223. Cardinal Ganganelli's report has now been republished by M. Introvigne, Cattolici, antisemitismo e sangue. Il mito...

... expressed the desire to convert to Christianity with her children (cfr. Simonsohn, The Jews in the Duchy of Milan, cit., vol. I, p. 270, no 579). [39] On this ritual murder, which is said to have been committed at Trent two or three years before that of Simon, see, in particular, Divina, Storia del beato Simone da Trento, cit., vol. II, pp. 47-53. Cfr. moreover Po-Chia Hsia, Trent 1475, cit., p. 112. [40...
...Jewish Ritual Murder, Schramm, Introduction...

... Hellmut Schramm's Jewish Ritual Murder - Introduction h3 { color: #B50400; text-align: center; } .left { float: left; width: 40%; padding: 4pt 12pt; } AntiMatrix Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. Jewish Ritual Murder von Hellmut Schramm, Ph. D. Introduction a translation by R. Belser of Der jüdische Ritualmord Eine historische Untersuchung In the war...

... disciplines. When the Jew Beilis was standing trial in Kiev because of a ritual-murder committed against a 13-year-old schoolboy, a Werner Sombart wrote thusly in 1912 in his Zukunft der Juden [Future of the Jews] (Leipzig, 1912, page 57): "It is the Jewish people who, since the time of the Prophets, have brought the great ethical tone into the Concert of Humanity and continue to bring it through their best...

... first free masonic lodge was already founded in London -- and of World Jewry -- as the infamous Jewish governess of Europe, naturally gave protection and help to Jewish ritual-murderers! That is shown very noticeably by the omission of the otherwise usual diplomatic "caution" in the ritual-murder trial of Damascus (1840) and Tisza-Eszlár (1882) just as during the events on Corfu (1891). "Thrice...

..., the Jewish Berliner "counselor," Arthur Nußbaum (Der Polnaer Ritualmord-prozeß -- Eine kriminal- psychologische Untersuchung, Berlin 1906)[The Polna Ritual-Murder Trial -- A Criminal-Psychological Examination] took over this role seven years after it and six (!) years after the the Konitz crime, supported by the Berlin University Professor of the Law, Dr. Franz v. Liszt, privy-councilor; already, in...

... 1911, the ritual-murder of little Andrei Yustschinsky in Kiev followed, after an entire series of "puzzling" murders which remained unsolved had also occurred on German soil. Those "uneducated" persons, however, who did not tire of calling attention to this monstrous Jewish peril despite these Jewish tactics of muddying the waters -- Theodor Fritsch, Liebermann von Sonnenberg, Otto Glagau, Dr. Ernst...

... rural population" and concerning it, that it is noteworthy "that all modern 'ritual-murder cases' have occurred in villages or small cities...," while for the theological faculty of the University of Leiden ("Christian witnesses against the blood-accusation against the Jews, etc.") it is merely a matter of "a superstition of deeply ignorant and disregardable people"! The opposition to the Jews as such...

... this indirect confession of the World-guilt of Judah. As the Hungarian magnate Géza von Ónody wrote in his well-known publication about the ritual-murder of Tisza-Eszlár in 1882: "It is likewise an undeniable fact that the whole of Israel identified itself with the accused schächter [German has two words for those who butcher animals: der Schlächter and der Schächter; the former has the same meaning...

.... Certainly for this reason it is totally absurd when historians, (XXV) though they have recognized the existence of ritual murder, wish to ascribe it merely to a special "sect," Hassidim, to some sort of "blood-alliance," to a secret organization, or to the "Odists" ("Haters") in the sense of Siegfried Passarges. Every Jew knows all about these matters and is, as the investigations to come show, even...

...Jewish Ritual Murder, Schramm...
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