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... sacrifice a Semitic tradition IT is incontestable that the ancient "Semites" manifested a peculiar leaning towards the practice of bloody sacrifices to their gods. Typical is the Jewish story of Abraham offering to  slay with a knife his first-born, Isaac, as an offering to Yahweh who had commanded him so to do. More typical still is the Semitic idea that his god would require such a murder to be...

... seen Raphael Levi with the boy in such places and at such times as to remove all doubt of his guilt. Levi was sentenced to death by the order of the Parliament of Metz, and was burned alive. Authority: La France Juive, by Drumont. 1698. Sandomir, Poland. Authority: The Jew Cecil Roth, in Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, p. 24. The highest tribunal in the land, that of Lublin, condemned a Jew for...

...Jewish Ritual Murder...

... Jewish Ritual Murder by Arnold Leese h2 { margin-top:2em; } h3 { text-align: center; color: #B50400; } .ref { text-align:right; font-style:italic; } AntiMatrix Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. Jewish Ritual Murder by Arnold Leese My Irrelevant Defence: Meditations Inside Gaol and Out on Picture Postcard widely circulated in Poland showing ritual...

... murder of Agnes Hruza, age 19. Jew named Hilsner was found guilty of this crime. (Date 1899, Story in Chapter 10). Missing child alert In 1999, nearly eight-hundred-thousand children went missing. Each day in this country, twenty-three hundred children are reported missing. ... Of the more than eight hundred thousand children reported missing nationally every year, only thirty-five hundred to four...

... prestige of heroism for political crime, we shall send it for trial in the category of thieving, murder, and every abominable and filthy crime. "Public opinion will then confuse in its conception this category of crime with the disgrace attaching to every other and will brand it with the same contempt." (Protocol 19 of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.) "If I am killing a rat with a stick and have him...

... in a corner, I am not indignant if he tries to bite me and squeals and gibbers with rage. My job is, not to get angry, but to keep cool, to attend to my footwork and to keep on hitting him where it will do the most good." -- A. S. Leese, speaking at Reception, 17th Feb., 1937, on his return from prison. See also: Ritual Sacrifice and Murder The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice Notes About The...

... Ritual murders By Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (Dahl) Jewish Occult Murders Jewish Ritual Murder by Hellmut Schramm A deputy chief of the CIA supplied victims for 86 Jewish ritual murders Ritual murders of children in Chicago (The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice) Jewish leaders raise the cups with blood and drink from them Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world...

... with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents Introduction Chapter 1 - Human sacrifice a Semitic tradition Chapter II - The racial urge Chapter III - Human sacrifice & the Jewish religion Chapter IV - Motive & nature of Jewish ritual murder Chapter V - A relic of the days of witchcraft and black magic Chapter VI - Couldn't happen now? Chapter VII - Jewish ritual murder...

... Chapter XIV - Cases confirmed by constituted authority Chapter XV - The attitude of the catholic church towards Jewish ritual murder Chapter XVI The attitude of the protestant church Chapter XVII Other cases worthy of credence Chapter XVIII Two queer happenings 1839 Chapter XIX What of these? Chapter XX Irrelevant meditations Bibliography of works supporting the blood accusation Introduction ON 15th...

... July, 1936, Mr. Oliver Locker-Lampson, M.P., a childhood friend of the Rothschild family, asked in the House of Commons whether the Attorney-General proposed to institute legal proceedings against the authors or publishers of The Fascist, the issue of that paper for July containing allegations against the Jews of the practice of ritual murder. The Attorney-General replied that the matter was under a...

... consideratlon. As an ultimate result of this "consideration," I was sentenced to six months' imprisonment among criminals on 21st September, 1936, the Judge in the case being a 31st Degree Mason of the Scottish Rite. But it is important to note that the conviction was obtained, not on the ritual murder issue alone, which was not relied upon by the Prosecution for the purpose of silencing me, but on the whole...

... contents of the July Fascist, and particularly on words used by me with reference to the disposal of the Jews. Under the law of libel, the truth of my statements  with reference to Ritual Murder could not be used as  an argument in my defence; it was deemed sufficient under the law that the statements had been written, and that they "rendered His Majesty's subjects of Jewish faith liable to...

... suspicion, affront and boycott" and so amounted to a Public Mischief. I came to Court very fully prepared, if the truth of my  statements was challenged, to justify the statements I had made in The Fascist, and was even ready to demand that "Rex," the prosecutor, should produce from the Public Records Office certain Close and Patent Rolls of the State wherein Jewish Ritual Murder is recorded as an...

... established fact in this country! But I was forbidden by the Judge to use this line of defence; it did not matter who else had charged the Jews with ritual murder, or how often, or what historic facts proved it, or how many convictions there had been under proper juridical authority; thus, when I asked Inspector Kitchener, the only witness who appeared against me, "When you brought this case, were you under...

... the impression that Ritual Murder was a thing of the past?" and he replied "Yes," the Judge intervened with the remark "The truth of a libel is no defense, I must point out again." Again, the Attorney-General, who was acting as Prosecuting Counsel, interrupted another question of mine to the same witness, by the remark: "In my submission, it is correctly laid down that the  defendant is in no...

...-Masonic Hidden Hand  wanted was the truth about Ritual Murder! Since I came out of prison on 6th February, 1937, I have, until recently, been too busy to write on the subject of Ritual Murder; but finding that there are, even among anti-Jewish workers, people who, never having investigated the matter for themselves, still imagine that Jewish Ritual Murder not only has not existed and does not exist...

... my readers will arrive on the matter. The subject of Ritual Murder has always been one that the Jewish Money Power, which controls this country as well as most others, has taken all possible steps to suppress. The reason is that Ritual Murder was the dynamite which finally blew the Jew out of England in 1290, out of Spain in 1492, and out of Germany in our time. The Jews know it; and I know it too...

...! But there is no British law, and no 11th Commandment, which makes Ritual Murder by Jews a forbidden topic in this country. Sir Richard Burton's book about it was published shortly after his death near the end of the last century; Strack's book, defending the Jews against the accusation, was translated and published in England in 1909; whilst the Jew, C. Roth, published his Ritual Murder Libel and...

... live together. In this aim, I keep troth with the greatest of English kings, Edward I, who expelled the Jews from these shores in 1290. The maintenance of Free Speech demands that  Jewish Ritual Murder shall be a subject for open discussion, like Suttee and Thuggee and the sacrifices of Aztec Mexico, all of which were ritual murders which, like the Jewish variety, would be practised to-day if...

... the Aryan had not interfered to prevent them. If the world thinks that I have not, in this book, proved my case, let it laugh ! I can bear it ! But can the Jews? The Jewish Chronicle (25th September, 1936) complained after my trial was over that there had been no opportunity for the Jews to refute the charge of Ritual Murder. Well, they have one now! ARNOLD LEESE 1st March, 1938 In compiling this...

... done. In Excavations at Gezer, R. A. S. Macalister tells us  that the bodies of sacrificed young children were found in all semitic strata; this work describes the remains of these victims of which pictures are given. Isaiah charges the Jews with "enflaming themselves  with idols under every green tree, slaying the children in the valleys under the clifts of the rocks" (lvii, 5). There are...

... with being hereditary murderers, which term can have no other meaning than ritual murderers. "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do; he was a murderer from the beginning." This is in the Book on which "witnesses" are sworn when they give evidence against "anti-semites" who expose the murder of Christian children by Jews! "Rabbinism was but an unfolding of Pharisaism...

... has a decided instinct towards sadism. It is, I believe, the strong Armenoid or Hither Asiatic strain which exists in the Jewish Nation upon which we have to lay the responsibility for many unpleasant Jewish traits and practices, among them Ritual Murder. The Jews are a nation without a home, not a race; they are a mixture of races, and the racial constituent which is most frequently to be found...

... so long. I am convinced that it is to the Race rather than to the Talmud or the Kabbala that we must look before we can understand the urge for Ritual Murder and the love of torture which crops up in individuals in all countries into which the Hither Asiatic or Armenoid Race has penetrated. Chapter III Human sacrifice & the Jewish religion I AM not a student of the Talmud. I have no intention...

... of becoming one. For the same reason, I shall not become a student of Occultism or of Drainage Systems. I smell the bad smells and remain aloof. Nevertheless, because the advocates of Jewry use a certain line of argument in denying that there has ever been any such thing as Ritual Murder of Christians by Jews, I am obliged to quote a few unimpeachable authorities on the subject. This "argument" is...

... that the Jewish religious law not only-does not sanction the practice of Ritual Murder, but forbids the consumption of blood altogether. It is an argument that has been used throughout the ages, and is used now, and has even been the foundation for the verdict "Not Guilty," in cases where Jews have been on trial for ritual murder! It was the argument used by the Sultan of Turkey when, for money...

... bribes, he issued a firman (1840) saying that the Ritual Murder Accusations against Jews were calumnies. (Described in later chapters in more detail). But it is known that there have always been two methods of instruction among the Jews: one Exoteric, which openly taught the Laws of Moses and the Rabbinical traditions; the other Esoteric, or mysteries confided only to certain persons bound to secrecy...

.... This latter, the Esoteric teaching, is associated with Occultism and what is known as Black Magic, and the Mystical Cabbala is its source, for certain rites and ceremonies blood is necessary; and secret rites exist which are known only to the few. Even if the written Jewish Laws do not sanction the practice it does not prove that Jews have not done Murder in accordance with some Occult Ritual. Let a...

... Ritual Murder. "To this general belief are added the suspicions, often justified, against the Jews addicted to magical practices. "Actually, in the Middle Ages, the Jew was considered by the people as the magician par excellence; one finds many formula of exorcism in the Talmud, and the Talmudic and Cabbalistic demonology is very complicated. "Now one knows the position that blood always occupies in...

... Cabbala. How ridiculous then is the "argument" that because the Mosaic Laws and the Talmud do not demand Ritual Murder, and even forbid the use of blood, Isaac Abrahams cannot be guilty of any sort of Ritual Murder! Take an analogous case. The Eighth Commandment forbids stealing. Have you ever heard that fact brought up in the defence of a Christian on trial for that crime? Can you imagine prisoner's...

..., without further investigation of the Jewish laws, that Ritual Murder is contrary to these laws. I would concede it because the point is of no importance whatever to my case against the Jew. If the point were established what difference does it make to the verdict of the Trent affair, the Damascus affair, or to the scores of cases I am going to bring before you in later chapters? Another point. Is it...

... likely that we should find clear sanction for such a crime as Ritual Murder in the Jewish Laws? Why, if such a thing were to be found, I venture to say that not a Jew would be left alive, so great would be the popular indignation against the Jewish nation. We should treat them exactly as Sir W.H. Sleeman treated the Thugs, the ritual murderers of India, when he stamped them out of existence as...

... hereditary criminals in the last century. Dr. Erich Bischoff, the chief German authority on Jewish law and religion, claims to have laid his finger on a passage authorising Ritual Murder in the Thikunne Zohar (Edition Berdiwetsch), a book of cabbalistic theosophy. The passage runs: "Furthermore, there is a commandment pertaining to the killing of strangers, who are like beasts. This killing has to be done...

... in the lawful method. Those who do not ascribe themselves to the Jewish religious law must be offered up as sacrifices to the High God." Dr. Bischoff may be right. I venture no opinion. Nevertheless, the Jewish Laws do tell us something; without any direct sanctioning of Ritual Murder, they show us without any possibility of doubt, that the Jew is normally at war spiritually with the rest of...

... mankind, and upon this argument I base my statement that Jewish Laws show ample foundation for the scientific investigator to take the view that there is nothing improbable in the reality of Jewish Ritual Murder. I am not going to take the same line as other anti-Jewish investigators have done about this matter; I am not going to quote any Mosaic Laws nor any Talmudic tenets. I am simply going to quote...

... belief is that the Ger, or stranger, in fact all  those who do not belong to their religion, are brute beasts, having no more rights than the fauna of the field." I have long known this to be the Key of International Politics; and it shows that what would be Murder to an Aryan is only Slaughter to a Talmudic Jew. Page 81. "The Talmud declares that there are two kinds of blood pleasing to the Lord...

... Gentile to take steps to remove the Jews from our midst by expulsion to a National Home of their own, and by legal means. There is good reason to think that it is the "Chassidim" sect to which most recent Jewish Ritual Murders can be traced; the Chassidim is sometimes considered to be a modern sect which arose in Poland only in the 18th century; but the Jewish Encyclopaedia (1905), Vol. IX, p. 661, says...

... that the Pharisees were originally identical with the Chassidim; the Chassidim are fanatical to a degree, and soaked in mysticism. Chapter IV Motive & nature of Jewish ritual murder THE motive of Ritual Murder of Christians by Jews is almost certainly hate. It is in fact the same motive that Disraeli admitted to be the cause of revolutionary activities against Gentile governments; to use his...

... whom is found in the Book of Esther of the Old Testament. The story, which is probably a myth, is that Xerxes, King of Persia, became enamoured of a Jewess, Esther, and made her Queen in place of his rightful wife. Haman, the King's sister, complained to him of the conduct of the Jews who, he said did not keep the laws, and obtained from the King an order to slay them. Esther pleaded with the King...

... and prevailed upon him to summon Haman to a banquet. There, Queen Esther further prevailed upon the King to spare the Jews and hang Haman on a gallows prepared for the execution of her guardian. Instead of the Jews being destroyed, their enemies were slaughtered, including Haman's ten sons, who were hanged. This feast is often celebrated by an exhibition of gluttony, intoxication, and curses on the...

... memory of Haman; and even to this day in London, the Jewish bakers make cakes in the shape of human ears which are eaten by the Jews on this day, and are called " Haman's Ears," revealing once again the inherent hate and barbarism of the Jew in our midst. The two principal feast-days associated with Ritual Murder have been (1) Purim, and (2) Passover, the latter at Easter and the former about one month...

... before it. When a Ritual Murder occurred at Purim, it was usually that of an adult Christian who was murdered for his blood; it is said that the blood was dried and the powder mixed into triangular cakes for eating; it is possible that the dried blood of a Purim murder might sometimes be used for the following Passover. When a Ritual Murder was done at Passover, it was usually that of a child under...

... seven years old, as perfect a specimen as possible, who was not only bled white, but crucified, sometimes circumcised and crowned with thorns, tortured, beaten, stabbed, and sometimes finished off by wounding in the side in imitation of the murder of Christ. The blood taken from the child was mixed either in the powdered state or otherwise into the Passover bread. Another festival at which it is...

... thought that Ritual Murder has sometimes been indulged in is Chanucah, which occurs in December, commemorating the recovery of Jerusalem under the Maccabees in B.C. 165. Examples of Purim murders are those of Damascus, Rhodes, Xanten Polna, Gladbeck and Paderborn. Although hate is the principal motive, superstitious traditions are also involved, one being the association of blood-sacrifices with the...

... idea of atonement; some Jews have confessed that Jewry cannot be saved or return to Zion unless every year the blood of a Christian is obtained for the purpose of ritual consumption. Political murders, such as the Jewish murder of the Tsar and his family and of other Russians, have sometimes been accompanied by features suggestive of ritual, but I do not wish to complicate this book by guessing at...

... the meaning of signs left symbolically by the murderers. Chapter V A relic of the days of witchcraft and black magic ON 6th May, 1912, The Times published a letter, signed by many men of authority, protesting against what they called the revival of "the hideous charge of Ritual Murder" which was being brought against a Jew at Kiev. "The Blood Accusation," they said, "is a relic of the days of...

... attempting to prejudice the course of the criminal trial of the Jew Beiliss at Kiev, a course which they would never pursue in any other cause! Let us confound the signatories of The Times letter out of the mouths of Jews themselves. The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1903, Vol. III, pp. 266-7, gives a list of Accusations of Ritual Murder made against the Jews through the centuries; 122 cases are listed in...

... chronological order, and no less than 39 of them were made in the 19th century! There were far more than double the number of Blood Accusations made in the 19th century than in any previous century, according to this authoritative Jewish list. Let us examine the list of Ritual Murder Accusations made by a converted Jew, Cesare Algranati, in 1913, and published in Cahiers Romains; here are listed 101...

... accusations, of which 28 were made in the 19th century and only 73 for all the eight preceding centuries! Even the Jew Roth gives the argument away, for he says (p. 16 of his Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, 1935), "The nineteenth century proved little less credulous than those which preceded it." "Anti-semitic" authors' lists of Blood Accusations agree in this respect with the lists made by Jews; Der...

... Sturmer, the paper of Julius Streicher, in a special Ritual Murder issue published in 1934, shows that in the 19th century 32 charges of ritual murder were made, which is ten more than in any other century in European history recorded by it. The fact that the charges increase in number as the age becomes more and more enlightened is particularly significant, because the Jewish Money Power and its...

... to open the eyes of the student and the ethnographer; it will stand on record until Elijah." Chapter VI Couldn't happen now? THIS argument, "It couldn't happen now," seems quite good enough for a lot of people when it is applied to the matter of Jewish Ritual Murder. It is, perhaps, comforting to the democratic mind to think that "Progress" ensures that such an evil practice, even if it occurred in...

... centuries between them! In view of that, why boggle at the idea of Jewish Ritual Murder still surviving? Why make such a fuss when Jews are charged with the practice of Ritual Murder? Other Asiatics are known to have practised it until 1850, and, if left to themselves, would doubtless have maintained the custom. In India, from 10,000 to 50,000 murders were perpetrated every year by a religious body known...

... 19th century until the British put an end to it under Sleeman. It was a long time before the British administration learned of the existence of Thuggee, so carefully was it concealed; another analogy with Jewish Ritual Murder! "It couldn't happen now." Why not? And on 13th September, 1937, a telegram was sent to The Times from Delhi reporting the sacrifice of a 17-year-old youth to propitiate the...

... anything but itself? Smothered in their self-complacency, these all-sufficient ones ask for facts. But what facts are there that fools can understand? How can the helpless superficial grasp the hopelessly profound, for are not realities reserved for the wise?" Alongside this clotted nonsense was a picture of a ritual murder, with the victim crucified, below it, a portrait of the author, an obvious Jew. I...

... take it that- "it would happen now" if this Jew had his way! Chapter VII Jewish ritual murder in England before the expulsion of 1290 THE first known case happened in 1144; after that, cases cropped up from time to time until the Jews were expelled from the realm by Edward I. The most famous of these cases was that of Little St. Hugh of Lincoln in 1255. I record these cases in chronological order...

...; and I do not deny the possibility of some of them in which details are lacking, being "trumped-up" ones, where death may have been due to causes other than ritual murder and the Jews blamed for it; but the case of St. Hugh, particularly, was juridically decided, and the Close and Patent Rolls of the Realm record definitely cases at London, Winchester and Oxford. There seems no reason to doubt that...

... many cases of ritual murder have been unsuspected and even undiscovered. 1144 - Norwich. A twelve-year-old boy was crucified and his side pierced at the Jewish Passover. His body was found in a sack hidden in a tree. A converted Jew, called Theobald of Cambridge, confessed that the Jews took blood every year from a Christian child because they thought that only by so doing could they ever obtain...

... also in the Victoria Country History of Norfolk, 1906, Vol. II, is an illustration of an old painted rood-screen depicting the Ritual Murder of St. William, the screen itself is in Loddon Church, Norfolk, unless the Power of Jewish Money has had it removed. No one denies this case as a historical event, but the Jews of course say it was not a Ritual Murder. The Jew, C. Roth, in his The Ritual Murder...

... would allow the boy's death to be celebrated as a martyrdom of a saint without having satisfied themselves that wounds on the body confirmed the crucifixion and the piercing of the side. And why the relatives should bury the boy in a sack and then dig it up and hang it in a tree would puzzle even a Jew to explain. John Foxe's Arts and Monuments of the Church records this ritual murder, as did the...

... Bollandists and other historians. The Prior, William Turbe, who afterwards became Bishop of Norwich, was the leading light in insisting that the crime was one of Jewish Ritual Murder; in the Dictionary of National Biography (edited by a Jew!) it is made clear that his career, quite apart from this Ritual Murder case, is that of a man of great strength of character and moral courage. 1160 - Gloucester. The...

... similar stories in England and elsewhere points to their origin in the fanatical hatred of the Jews of the Middle Ages and the common superstition, now wholly discredited, that ritual murder was a factor of Jewish Paschal Rites. Attempts were made as early as the 13th century by the Church to protect the Jews against the hatred of the populace and against this particular accusation." At a recent visit...

... questions the historical facts in this case; but Jews and Judaised Gentiles unite in denying the fact of Ritual Murder. Strack, in his The Jew and Human Sacrifice, written in defence of the Jews against the Blood Accusation, omits all mention of this famous case, which is the subject of the Prioress's Tale (Canterbury Tales) of Chaucer and is referred to in Marlowe's Jew of Malta. Hyamson's History of the...

... Jews in England devotes the whole of Chapter IX to "Little St. Hugh of Lincoln," showing the importance of the Ritual Murder issue in the Jewish mind today. The following Close Rolls of the Realm refer to the case of St. Hugh: Henry III, 39, m. 2,7.10 1255; 39, m. 2,14.10.1255; 40, m. 20, 24.ii.. 1255; 40,m.13,13.3.1256; 42, m. 6; 19.6.1258. And the Patent Rolls, Henry III, 40,m.20,26.11.1255; 40,m...

... drawn at horses' tails and hanged." Further authorities: Reiley, Memorials of London, p. I5; H. Desportes, Le Mystere du Sang. 1290. Oxford. The Patent Roll 18 Edward I, mem. 21, 21st June, 1290, contains an order for the gaol delivery of a Jew, Isaac de Pulet, detained for the murder of a Christian boy at Oxford. Only one month after this, King Edward issued his decree expelling the Jews from the...

... Kingdom. There is, then, every reason to believe that it was the Oxford murder which proved the last straw in toleration. The reader will see (p. 20) that it was a similar ritual case which was one of the main stimulants to the King and Queen of Spain to expel professing Jews from that country in 1492. The Jews, in attempting to escape responsibility for these deaths by Ritual Murder, do not hesitate to...

... Chapter, I record such cases between 1171 and 1510 inclusive; and I would point out to the reader the great importance of the murder of St. Simon of Trent in 1475 and of the Toledo case in 1490; in fact, should the reader be one of those who approach the subject as unbelievers, I recommend that he should read about these two cases first, and the others after. The following abbreviations are used in this...

... dealt with a number by putting them to death. Frederick II called together a number of converted Jews, who denied the existence of Jewish ritual murder. But Frederick's bias is evident in his own words when, in publishing his decision, he gives his objects in calling these people together, "although our conscience regarded the innocence of the aforesaid Jews adequately proved on the ground of several...

... writings." Had Frederick II lived today, he would have relied little upon religious literature in deciding whether Jewish Ritual Murder exists or not. Authority: Chron. Hirsaug., and Magd. Cent., 13, C. 24. 1247. Valreas, France. Just before Easter, a two-year-old girl's body was found in the town moat with wounds on forehead, hands and feet. Jews confessed under torture that they wanted the blood of the...

... Fourth Lateran Council in 1215. This monument was first placed in a street of the Jews' quarter as a reminder of the monstrous crime and as a punishment for the whole of Berne Jewry. Later, it was removed to its present situation. 1288. Troyes, France. Some Jews were tried for a ritual murder and 13 were executed by burning. Authority: Jewish Encyclopedia, 1906, Vol. XII, p. 267. 1286. Oberwesel, on...

... the Rhine. A boy named Werner was tortured for three days at Passover, hanged by the legs and bled white. The body was found in the river. This boy was beatified in the diocese of Treves, and his anniversary is on 19th April. A sculptured representation of this ritual murder is still to be seen in the Oberwesel Church. Authorities: Aventinus, Annals of Bavaria, 1591, 17, p. 576; Chron. Hirsaug...

... in 1937 there is no trial for a crime where the criminals have escaped! The boy has been sanctified by Pope Benedict XIV in his Bull Beatus Andreas, Venice, 1778, which says he was " cruelly assassinated by the Jews in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ." This last is admitted by Pope Clement XIV, who wrote his report on the investigation he made into the matter of Jewish Ritual Murder when, as...

... case. An engraving on wood representing the Ritual Murder still exists in the church. 1468. Sepulveda, Segovia, Spain. The Jews sacrificed a Christian child on a cross. The Bishop of Segovia investigated the crime, and ordered the culprits to Segovia, where they were executed. It is important to know that this Bishop was himself son of a converted Jew; Jean d'Avila was his name. Colmenares's History...

..., Lanzhat, had killed a child at Passover to get the blood of which they partook in wine and cakes. No one has ever dared to try and deny the historical events of this case; only the Jews invent "reasons" why it was not Ritual Murder! But there is no escape from the opposite conclusion. In 1759 in answer to a Jewish appeal from Poland, the Inquisition sent Cardinal Ganganelli (later he became Pope Clement...

... an investigation, he actually says of this Trent case (see Report of Cardinal Ganganelli, in C. Roth's The Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, 1935, p. 83): "I admit then as true the fact of the Blessed Simon, a boy three years old, killed by the Jews in Trent in the year 1475 in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ (although it is disputed by Basnage and Wagenseil); for the celebrated Flaminio Cornaro...

... stated, Clement XIV was obliged to recognise that it was a case of Jewish murder in hatred of Christianity. St. Simon's shrine is in the Church of St. Peter, Trent; relics of him are still shown, among them the sacrificial knife. In short, the Ritual Murder of St. Simon at Trent is supported by such evidence that those who doubt it are thereby condemning without reason high juridical and ecclesiastical...

... Episcopal Court of Padua 1490. Toledo. This is a most important case, the circumstances of which have been clarified for us by W. T. Walsh in his interesting book on Isabella of Spain, 1931 (Sheed & Ward), in which he devotes pp. 441 to 468 to his researches on this Ritual Murder charge. Had it not been for Mr. Walsh, I might have been influenced by the Jewish Encyclopedia's statement (1903, Vol. II1...

..., p. 262) that "Modern historians even deny that a child had disappeared at all" in this case! Strenuous efforts were made by Loeb and H. C. Lea to clear the Jews from guilt of this murder; as also by Abbe Vacandard. Walsh shows that on 17th October, 1490, a Jew named Yuce confessed to having been present at the crucifixion of a boy called Christopher at La Guardian near Toledo. He made this...

.... Lea, and on the Catholic side the somewhat too credulous Abbe Vacandard were better qualified to weigh the evidence after the lapse of four centuries?" Walsh is not an "anti-semite." He is a historian, and has not suggested that ritual murder is part or any official Jewish ceremony. But he says: "The historian, far from being obliged to make wholesale vindication of all Jews accused of murder, is...

... free, in fact, bound to consider each individual case upon its merits." Walsh states (p. 441) that this case of Ritual Murder was "one of the chief factors, if not the decisive one, in the decision of Fernando and Isabel" (for the expulsion of the Jews from Spain). He shows that the complete record of testimony in the trial of one of the accused has been available since it was published in 1887 in...

... practice of Ritual Murder thereby condemn some of the finest characters on the stage of European history. Finally, we must record that the murdered boy was canonised as St. Christopher on the authority of Pope Pius VII. 1494. Tyrnau, Hungary. A boy was bled white and killed. The Jew culprits were betrayed by the confession of women, who were persuaded to do so by the sight of some instruments of torture...

... was acquitted. The sentence of acquittal, dated 28th February, 1603, given in full in the Jew Roth's The Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew (p. 78), released the accused "because the Hebraic witch abhors the shedding of blood" and "various Princes held this rumour of the use of blood to be vain and false?" We hold that such absurd reasoning as all excuse for acquittal is clear proof that the Court was...

... Ritual Murder. the local court having exculpated him. 1748. Duniagrod, Poland. Jews condemned for Ritual Murder by Episcopal Court. Mentioned by Roth. 1753. Pavalochi, Poland. Jews condemned for Ritual Murder by Episcopal Court. Mentioned by Roth. 1753. Zhytomir, Poland. In this case, a three-year-old boy was murdered; Jews were tried by the Episcopal Court of Kiev and condemned to death. A painting...

... supposed to commemorate this murder is even now visited by pilgrims to the Carthusian Monastery at Kalwarya near Cracow. Authority: The Jew Cecil Roth, in Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, p. 25. Of course, the Jew Roth denies that the cases quoted were Ritual Murders. Chapter X Well authenticated cases in the nineteenth century AMONG these are the famous cases at Damascus, 1840; Tisza Eszlar, 1882; and...

... whom four recognised the ritual character of the murder. The Jewish murderers were transported to Siberia. Monniot says the facts of this case are not contested. 1840. Rhodes. On the eve of Purim a small Greek boy was missed; he had been seen entering a house in the Jewish quarter; after that he was never seen again. It is interesting to note that the time of this event was the same as in the famous...

..., Austria being in need of loans from the Rothschilds. But "owing to the efforts of Count Camondo, Cremieux and Montefiore" (to quote again from the Jewish Encyclopedia) "a firman was obtained from the Sultan which declared all accusations of ritual murder null and void." The Jews were released! Now Camondo, Cremieux and Montefiore were all rich Jews. Cremieux and Montefiore figure in the Damascus case...

... murder. We spare the reader the sickening details of the crime according to the confessions and admissions of the depraved Jewish murderers; long extracts from the trial's proceedings can be obtained in the following French book: Le Crime Ritual chez les Juifs, by A. Monniot, prefaced by the celebrated Edouard Drumont, 1914, from P. Tequi, 82 Rue Bonaparte, Paris, price 10 francs. This book shows that...

... best to deal with each of these matters separately: 1. The Press Agitation This was on the usual Jewish lines Ritual Murder was "a Gentile invention"; Comte Ratti-Menton, the French Consul, who had insisted on the investigation, was attacked from every angle; the Jews were being persecuted, and so on and so forth. 2. Agitation by Public Meetings. For example, in London, the gullible democracy was...

... of his subordinate's action and that the English Consul was of the same mind. 6. Bribery of Austrian Diplomats. Throughout the proceedings, the Austrian Consul supported the Jews against the charge of ritual murder. Here, from a Jewish source, is the reason, duly confessed: From The History of the Jews in Vienna, by the Jew, Max Grunwald, 1936 (Philadelphia), pp. 228-9: "Following the policy of the...

...; Rothschild's money power; the Austrian Chancellor, Metternich; the Austrian Consul at Damascus; the Consul's attitude towards the Ritual Murder charge. A continuous chain of Jewish corruption by Money. 7. Suppression of the Reports of the Trial. We have already mentioned in the second paragraph of this description of the case the record of the trial published in Achille Laurent's book. This book cannot now...

... was English Consul at Damascus 30 years after the Ritual Murder, studied the whole question of the Blood Accusation, and: eventually wrote The Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam, of which I have the edition edited by NS. H. Wilkins and published by Hutchinson in 1898. This work contains a damning indictment of the Talmud, and a list of Jewish Ritual Murders, but Wilkins in his Preface (p. x) writes: "In...

... the exercise of the discretion given to me, I have thought it better to hold over for the present the Appendix on the alleged rite of Human Sacrifice among the Sephardim and the murder of Padre Tomaso (Father Thomas); the only alternative was to publish it in a mutilated form." Let us follow therefore (1) the Book, (2) the Appendix on Ritual Murder. (1) The Book. This is easy. It is well nigh...

... unobtainable. (2) The Appendix on Ritual Murder. What happened to it? This is what happened to it. See D. L. Alexander versus Manners Sutton, King's Bench Division, 27th March, 1911, reported in The Times the following day. Herein D. L. Alexander, a Jew and President of the Jewish Board of Deputies was able to show that he had obtained an assignment of the manuscript from the surviving executors of Sir...

... light. This book is of over 600 pages, and is called A tiszaeszlari bunper (The Tisza Eszlar Murder Trial). These facts can also be checked from the diary of the Hungarian Minister for Justice of the period, Theodor Pauler, which diary had been kept in the Hungarian National Museum. Another son of the Jewish sexton was Maurice Scharf, aged 14. He admitted that he had seen through the keyhole of the...

... 14-year-old Maurice, the Judge told him that his tale could not be true as Esther was alive; the boy replied that "no one could be alive after being cut on the neck like that." A number of Jews were arrested, and confessed that they had taken part in the ritual murder of Esther to get her blood for the Passover. One would think that there would be little more to report. But no! All Israel got to...

... the place of the murder by looking through the keyhole. By spreading reports that Esther had run away; or had been drowned. The Examining Judge caused the river to be dragged without result. By arranging that a corpse should turn up and be "identified" as Esther's. On 18th June, a girl's body dressed in Esther's clothes, which were far too small for the purpose, was drawn out of the River Theiss by...

... all the evidence may be explained by giving one example: In November, 1882, a new Committee of Experts was formed to make a further examination of the body found in the river five months before, and this committee declared that the findings of the former committee had no scientific basis, that the body was Esther's and that as the throat was not cut, it could not have been a case of ritual murder...

...! So ends a dismal tale of the foulest Jewish trickery to enable a few miserable degenerates to escape from well-merited punishment. 1891. Xanten, Prussia. A five-year-old boy called Hegmann was murdered, his threat cut and the body bloodless. "The Government did all in its power to suppress the rumour" of ritual murder (Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. I, p. 645). The doctor who examined the body said...

... murder on the spot where the body was found. Hilsner was arrested and tried; another witness testified that he had seen the prisoner very agitated on 29th March, coming from the spot where the body was found. The Court, whilst recognising that Hilsner must have had accomplices, found him guilty and condemned him to death. He then confessed, and implicated two other Jews, but later retracted these...
...; therefore this one [the thief] must have reasoned, 'If I go there, he [the owner] will oppose me and prevent me; but if he does I will kill him.' Hence the Torah decreed, 'If he come to slay thee, forestall by slaying him'. Rab said: If one broke into a house, and stole some utensils and departed, he is free [from making restitution] — Why? Because he has purchased them with his blood.6  Raba7...

... that he is regarded as a potential murderer,8  whom even a stranger may kill [in defence of the owner]. But what need of 'that he die', — by any death wherewith you can slay him'; can this not be deduced from a murderer? For it has been taught: He that smote him shall surely be put to death; for he is a murderer.9  I only know that he may be executed with the death that is decreed for...

... thee as the sun that his intentions are not peaceable, slay him; if not, do not slay him.' Another [Baraitha] taught: If the sun be risen upon him, there shall be blood shed for him. Now, did the sun rise upon him alone? But if it is as clear to thee as the sun that his intentions are peaceable, do not slay him; otherwise, slay him. These two unnamed [Baraithas] contradict each other.21  &mdash...

... occupier of the house with impunity. I.e., if his death is punishable. I.e., if he may be killed with impunity. V. infra. Not in every circumstance was the house owner allowed to kill him. Since he risked his life, which the owner could have taken with impunity. The Rashal reads 'Rabbah'. Lit., 'Oh God!' — an oath. The reasoning is as follows: when something is stolen, it loses its first ownership...

... came out from the mouth of Rab'. Ex. XXII, 1ff. The clauses are thus coupled in this Baraitha, the Massoretic punctuation being disregarded. The first implying that in doubt thou mayest not slay him; the second, that in doubt thou mayest. Tractate List / Glossary / / Bible Reference Sanhedrin 72b the first [Baraitha] refers to a father [robbing] his son, the second to a son [robbing] his father.1 Rab...

... said: 'Any man that broke into my house, I would kill, excepting R. Hanina b. Shila.' Why? Shall we say because he is righteous [and therefore certain not to kill me]? Surely he has broken in!2  — But because I am assured that he would have pity upon me, like a father for his son. Our Rabbis taught: [If the sun be risen upon him,] there shall be blood [damim] shed for him: both on a week...

... his sake.6 Our Rabbis taught: [If a thief be found breaking up,] and be smitten, — by any man; that he die, — by any death wherewith you can slay him. Now, [the exegesis] 'And be smitten, — by any man' is rightly necessary; for I might think that only the owner may be assumed not to remain passive. Whilst his money is being stolen, but not a stranger:7  it is therefore taught...

... he not a pursuer?17  — There it is different, for she is pursued by heaven.18 Shall we say that the following supports him? [Viz.,] If a man was pursuing after his fellow to slay him, he (observer) says to him, 'See, he is an Israelite, and a son of the covenant, whilst the Torah hath said, Whosoever would shed the blood of a man, [to save] that man shall his own blood be shed,19 ...

...; meaning, save the blood of the pursued by the blood of the pursuer'!20  — That is based on the ruling of R. Jose son of R. Judah. For it has been taught; R. Jose son of R. Judah said: A haber21  need not be warned, because a warning is necessary only to distinguish between ignorance and presumption.22 Come and hear: If a man was pursuing his neighbour to slay him, the observer says to...

... of the Talmud Files A father has more compassion for his son than a son for his father. Hence, if a father robs his son, the latter must assume that he will not go to extremes if he defends his property. Consequently, he may kill him only if he is certain thereof. But if a son robs his father (and even more so, when he robs a stranger), he may assume that he is prepared to kill him, unless certain...

... that he will not. Therefore, if he has any doubt, he may take his life. Which disposes of his righteousness. Ex. XXII, 1-2. Damim is plural, teaching that this law holds good on more than one occasion and is therefore interpreted as referring to Sabbaths and week days. For this is really execution, the house owner standing in lieu of Beth din: hence, just as the latter may not execute on the Sabbath...

... is not likely to slay him, and hence his death at the hands of a stranger is not in self-defence. Lit., 'pursuer'. Num. XXXV, 21. V. p. 358, n. 2. V. supra 45b. Hence the need of a special verse here. Ex. XXII, 1. Since the writ does not state, If he be found, etc., but if the thief be found, which is superfluous, being understood from the context, it shows that if he is at all seen to be a thief...
.... This execution cannot suspend the Sabbath laws, in spite of the argument a minori. This fact too refutes the argument by which it was sought to prove that the burial of a Meth-Mizwah should abrogate the Sabbath. Ex. XXI, 14, which conflicts with this conclusion. I.e., when a priest accused of murder officiates at an offering brought by an individual. Execution therefore supersedes it. But if he is...

...  If the people had sinned, wherein had the chiefs sinned?3  — Rab Judah said in Rab's name: The Holy One, blessed be He, said unto Moses: Divide them into [many] courts.4  Why? Shall we say, because two [men] may not be tried [and sentenced] on the same day?5  But R. Hisda said: This was taught only with reference to [charges involving] two different modes of execution;6...

...; Because it is impossible, for how could it be done? Should they try him [the accused] on the eve of the Sabbath and pronounce judgment on the same day; perhaps they may find cause for condemnation, and judgment will then have to be postponed overnight.21  Or again, if they try him on the eve of the Sabbath, and pronounce judgment on the Sabbath, and execute him on that day,22  but execution...

... cannot supersede the Sabbath.23  Again, should he be executed in the evening; execution must be carried out 'in the face of the sun.'24  One the other hand, if judgment is pronounced on the Sabbath whist he is executed on the first day of the week [Sunday], they might delay the course of justice.25  If he be tried on the eve of the Sabbath, and the matter concluded on the first day of...

... righteousness. The verse is accordingly translated: She was full of justice; but now that charity is made to lodge therein, i.e., postponed overnight, they ate as murderers. I.e., only when these articles of food were distributed, on which the poor depend for breaking their fast. And pronounced on the Sabbath, which is not permissible, v. nn 6 and 7. Execution must be carried out on the same day as the...

... pronouncement of the verdict. Killing is one of the labours forbidden on the Sabbath, even when it takes the form of judicial execution. I.e., in the day time. Num XXV, 4. Since execution must be carried out on the same day as the verdict. [H] 'to afflict', when used in connection with a court verdict, means to afflict the condemned man by postponing his execution, the wait being an additional mental torment...

.... Supra 34a. I.e., the actual words. I.e., the spirit of the argument may not be recalled through the written word. [H] Lit., 'A corpse which it is a religious obligation (to bury). 'The burial of a dead person has no relatives to attend to him devolves upon anyone, even a High Priest. This query is raised here only because of a subsequent question whether execution on a Sabbath day is permissible. E.g...

... prove it [sc. the contrary]: it supersedes the Temple service,3  and yet does not set aside the Sabbath.4  But let execution itself supersede the Sabbath, arguing [likewise] a minori: If the Temple service, which supersedes the Sabbath, is itself set aside for execution, as it is written, Thou shalt take him5  from mine altar that he may die:6  then the Sabbath, which the Temple...

... service sets aside, should surely be set aside by execution! — Said Raba: A Tanna of R. Ishmael's School has already decided this, for a Tanna of the school of R. Ishmael taught: Ye shall not kindle a fire:7  What does this teach?8  'What does this teach?' [askest thou]! According to R. Jose, [it is particularized] in order to constitute it merely a prohibitory command;9  according...

... Sabbath.15  How then should I interpret, He that profaneth it shall surely be put to death?16  — As referring to other forms of work, but not judicial execution. Or perhaps that is not so, and it does indeed include execution by the Beth din; and how an I to interpret, And he be put to death? — as applying only to week-days, but not to the Sabbath!17  Or perhaps, on the...

... 'habitations' found here refers to [work entailed by a] Beth din.23  And regarding it the Divine Law states: Ye shall not kindle a fire in all your habitations.24 Abaye said: Now that you have concluded that execution does not supersede the Sabbath, it [necessarily] follows that execution does not suspend the Temple service, a minori: If the Sabbath, which is abrogated in favour of the Temple service...

..., is not set aside for execution; then the Temple service, which supersedes the Sabbath, is surely not suspended by execution! And as to the Scriptural verse, Thou shalt take him from mine altar that he may die?25  — this refers only to a private sacrifice,26  which does not suspend the Sabbath.27  Raba said:28  But execution should not suspend [attendance even upon] a...

... private sacrifice, a minori: - To Next Folio - Original footnotes renumbered. See Structure of the Talmud Files In the verse under discussion; v. n. 6. Lit., 'Murder'. If a priest is convicted of murder; he must be executed, even if he wishes to perform the Temple service. As was stated above. The murderer. Ex. XXI, 14. Ex. XXXV, 3. I.e., why was the kindling of fire specially mentioned; surely it was...

... of the soil, such as tithes etc. Deut. XXI, 22. Since, by reason of the a minori argument propounded above, execution might supersede the Sabbath. Ex. XXXI, 14. Since the argument a minori can be refuted by the fact that the burial of a Meth-Mizwah does not suspend the Sabbath laws even thought it sets aside the Temple service. I.e., execution might nevertheless supersede the Sabbath, a minori, as...

... above. Nor is the refutation stated in the last note a valid one, since the same reasoning may be used to show that the burial of a Meth-Mizwah too should be permissible on the Sabbath. I.e., in order to clarify the position. Ex. XXXV, 3. Num. XXXV, 29. With reference to the manslayer and court executions. I.e., execution. Even such fire as is involved in execution by burning, ordered by a Beth din...

... engaged in offering a public sacrifice, execution may not set it aside, by the preceding argument. Raba disagrees with Abaye, and proceeds to demonstrate the incorrectness of Abaye's view by an argument somewhat similar to a reductio ad absurdum. Tractate List / Glossary / / Bible Reference                                ...
... investigation, and then especially in the course of the trial, as Hilsner became more and more incriminated of the murder, tried by every means to influence the outcome of the proceedings, at the least not to have the suspicion of a ritual-crime arise -- the implications from earlier, similarly fashioned crimes were still too strong -- so, now, denunciations of unbelievable brazenness were staged to remove...

... the name of Christ and the Virgin Mary" to demand the release of the good, innocent Hilsner! He possessed the amazing impudence to write at the end of this effusion, word for word: Oi vei, they want to kill the poor innocent Jew just like they crucified Jesus! "If you still wish to be Christians, think of your mother Mary, whose son was also nailed to the cross! They also want to murder Leopold...

...Jewish Ritual Murder, Schramm, Polna...

... Hellmut Schramm's Jewish Ritual Murder - Polna h3 { color: #B50400; text-align: center; } .left { float: left; width: 40%; padding: 4pt 12pt; } AntiMatrix Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. Jewish Ritual Murder von Hellmut Schramm, Ph. D. a Historical Investigation 1944 a translation by R. Belser of Der jüdische Ritualmord Eine historische Untersuchung...

...-day Jury-Court Trial in Kuttenberg (12-16 September 1899) A strange "bent" Jew of creepy appearance shows up before murder A servant girl of rabbi was given wine before the Easter celebration and her blood was drawn Witness poisoned and died The work in service to God was the elimination of the witness! One third of the audience consisted of press Jews, whose rude heckling was an attempt to...

... vessel out of the residence of the Rabbi Goldberger A package with blood intercepted by the post office The defense counsel of the Jews declares that the judgement against Hilsner would be annulled The Prague professors falsely contradict the previous expert opinions The Cassations Court in Vienna annulled the Kuttenberg judgement Appalling reclassification of the murder as based on sexual perversion...

... Court rouling: Leopold Hilsner was once again condemned to death "Appeal, appeal!" Oi vei, they want to kill the poor innocent Jew just like they crucified Jesus! The disgusting campaign of lies begins Despicable piece of appalling concoction published by Jewish press all over the world An invisible power, evident everywhere The biggest Jewish-free masonic powers are brought in for appeal Hilsner...

... released from prison and enjoyed the rest of his life in luxury Marie Klima A blood-murder which remained unsolved had preceded by a few years the two ritual-murders of the years 1898/99 in the same Bohemian district of Tschaslau. In 1894 a non-Jewish servant girl, Hlawin, "disappeared" from the house of the Jew Bretter in Kolin. After approximately a month her body was found on the right bank of the...

... world. On 27 October 1898 the Herrschaftsjäger [a hunter in the forest] Chalupa found the body, which was lying with the head downwards, the arms widely outstretched, and the feet violently drawn up with the heels turned toward the back, under a brushwood hill. -- We shall see how these circumstances will be of the greatest significance in the handling of the following murder case! At the end of May...

... 1899, a farmer found a knife hidden in the moss, not far distant from the murder site, and later shreds from pieces of clothing which belonged to Marie Klima were discovered. They indicated that they'd been torn from the body of the victim. The investigations begun by a court commission ran their course without a result. On the basis of several statements by witnesses, points of suspicion were...

... increasingly thickening (268) around one of the numerous Jewish inhabitants of the place, the Jewish vagabond Leopold Hilsner, with whose person we will have to deal more closely. But, for some incomprehensible reason, the authorities in charge in Polna and Kuttenberg did not pursue the matter further, although in the meantime a new case of murder, totally similar in form, and only a few meters in distance...

... from the first murder site, had caused the greatest consternation and excitement in the populace. Leopold Hilsner This 23 year-old, already an extremely typical representative of Eastern Jewry, was viewed in the Bohemian district of Polna as a work-shy, rotten fellow, who nevertheless was always amply supplied with money, about whose origin he could give no definite account. With his brother Itzig...

... reselling them. Despite his youth, Hilsner had repeatedly come into conflict with the courts. Now and then he went on an "outing," i.e., he moved around importuning as a member of the Jewish beggar proletariat and -- as his biographer Nußbaum expresses it euphemistically -- "here and there probably accepting work." Thus, also a short time after the murder of Marie Klima, Hilsner had suddenly "gone out of...

... her!" -- She couldn't know that she had already been selected as the next ritual-murder victim. Agnes Hruza The barely 19 year-old seamstress Agnes Hruza walked daily to her place of employment in Polna from Klein-Wieschnitz, a little village separated from Polna only by fields and thickly wooded strips, the so-called Brezinawald. In this little country town in the Tschaslau district (Bohemia), more...

... from supplying terrible details, the cause of death as fatal exsanguination , although as mentioned, only insignificant traces of blood were found. Therefore the blood must have been collected in a container. In the case of Marie Klima, as well as in this murder case, the knees had been acutely bent in order to let the last drops of blood run out, according to the judgement of the experts. At the...

... trial, Dr. Michalek stated that Hruza "was as if made out of wax in the upper and the lower parts of her entire body"(stenographic report). [1] The gaping neck wound could have been produced only with a strong and long knife -- like the crime in general, it had been committed with unusual cruelty. One of the usual murder cases: sexual murder, lust murder or murder with robbery, were ruled out due to...

..., yielded the further revealing fact that Hilsner had to have committed the murder with two more foreign Jewish accomplices. This crew of killers had surfaced in Polna shortly before the crime, had found a hiding place in the nook and cranny of the Jewish school, where no regulations for reporting [i.e., as hotels and boarding houses had to do] were heeded, and had likewise disappeared again without a...

... trace. A strange "bent" Jew of creepy appearance shows up before murder Marie Pernicek, the woman in service with the Rabbi of Polna, stated before the court (Protocol 30 from 29 July 1899) that on the day after the murder of Hruza, a strange "bent" Jew of creepy appearance, with a longish face pockmarked by pox scars, and with a dark full beard -- he is described by this witness in a very detailed...

.... -- Two days before the murder, the Rabbi of Polna had said to Hilsner's mother: "Your son is still predestined for something great!" (Statement of the witness Anna Pokorna.) On the day before the crime (28 March) witnesses noticed a long and broad so-called ritual-slaughter knife in a leather case with Hilsner. On being asked what he wanted to do with it, he answered evasively. On the evening before...

... Jewish press and World Jewish finance worked feverishly The World Jewish press and World Jewish finance worked feverishly, sessions of the Landstag [regional German legislative body] were called. In order to be able to deflect the suspicion of murder from Hilsner and to be able to divert the attention of the World public from a ritual-murder even at the last minute, the Jewish defense devised the...

... following imprisonment in Kuttenberg occurred in order to convict him of the murder! But since even with the best will in the world, nothing could be done with this mentally ill person, Janda, pronounced "healthy," was immediately handed over again to the mental hospital. (From the speech of Dr. Baxa in the Bohemian Landstag at Prague of 17 May 1899.) In these goings on, the Court Chairman, President Dr...

... presentation of the evidence, after five tumultuous days at trial, which had overwhelmingly incriminated Hilsner, the private attorney of the Hruza family, the previously mentioned Dr. Baxa, (276) proved in his sensational speech, [6] which even today still can be described as fundamental and is instructive to read, that, supported by the expert medical opinion, the usual motives in murder cases were...

... excluded as the motive in this one. The murderers had also this time, as in an entire series of preceding cases, counted upon [the murder] remaining undiscovered. Agnes Hruza became a martyr. The murderer did not want the life of the girl, did not want her insignificant possessions, did not want her honor [i.e., rape], but rather the blood, which was meticulously collected. "From the hall of the...

... acceptance of a ritual-murder by referring to papal decrees which described these murders as improbable! The judgement of the Court: guilty, condemned to death by hanging The judgement of the Court of Justice of 16 September 1899 , which condemned Hilsner to death by hanging, was accepted with thunderous approval by the crowd, excitedly waiting in thousands before the circuit court at Kuttenberg , but not...

... the confession of ritual-murder, highly fatal for Jewry, from out of [the awareness of] the world and to declare Hilsner to be an honorable man. Already, during the preliminary investigation, a very dubious role had been played by the Jewish (278) examining judge Reichenbach. This Jew had managed to at first set the arrested Hilsner at liberty again, until his final securing had to occur. Witnesses...

... who had voluntarily reported in order to set down important statements and facts in the murder case, were shouted at by him and shown the door. On the other hand, he applied himself to be provokingly obliging toward the Polna Jews. One of the main prosecution witnesses, the shoemaker's helper Franz Vesely in Polna, raised the serious reproach during the jury-trial in Kuttenberg, that his statements...

... of blood; since at the scene of the crime itself there was no pool of blood, the blood had to have been collected, as is done with a slaughtered beast. But where did it go? "Bent" Jew was seen carrying a vessel out of the residence of the Rabbi Goldberger Two (female) witnesses observed on the day of the murder ( 29 March 1899), how a Jew (the so-called "bent" Jew, one of the accomplices of Hilsner...

... who remained unknown) was carrying a vessel wrapped in a waxed linen cloth out of the residence of the Polna Rabbi Goldberger in a state of extreme excitement. A package with blood intercepted by the post office About one and a half months after the murder -- therefore the middle of May -- the post office confiscated a small package mailed by the Jewish cantor Moriz Kurzweil in Goltsch-Jenikau to...

... faculty in Prague. This -- we already know all we need to know about the university expert opinions of those years, when we recall preceding trials -- had to likewise determine that the neck wound, performed with a sharp instrument, was the fatal wound, and that suicide or murder at another location was from the start excluded, since in this respect the case was so clear that a demonstration was...

... horrible cut neck had been drained of blood! The Cassations Court in Vienna annulled the Kuttenberg judgement The Cassations Court in Vienna annulled the Kuttenberg judgement of 16 September 1899 and referred the trial to the jury-court at Pisek after one year's time (25 October - 14 November 1900). Here in Pisek, now, "the assumption of a ritual-murder was excluded officially, consequently the ritual...

...-slaughter knife no longer makes any sense"... "All in all: The assumption that Hilsner could have committed a ritual-murder of Agnes Hruza, is plainly absurd. That the state's attorney admits, even if for the first time in Pisek -- before the Cassations Court no less, by the way -- explicitly and without reservation. But what motive is supposed to have impelled Hilsner to the horrible crime?" -- Nußbaum...

... adds ingenuously. [8] Even the motive of the crime seemed to have been described by the expert opinion of the faculty: [9] Appalling reclassification of the murder as based on sexual perversion "The motives could be various. The possibility must be taken into consideration that the murder and the handling (!) of the body... is the act of a person haunted by sexual perversity." The girl fell victim to...

... the "perverse-sadistic" inclinations of some sort of debauched person -- the high-school boy Winter in Konitz in the same year was also put down as the victim of perverse company! -- This "motive" was greedily grasped in the Jewish newspapers! (283) But they had miscalculated: To be sure, the acceptance of a ritual-murder was dropped, since in Pisek the earlier expert opinion of the court doctors...

... was totally ignored after the entry of the faculty expert opinion -- this Jewry could no doubt log as a success. But this court also heard the proof for the murder of Marie Klima. Court rouling: Leopold Hilsner was once again condemned to death Leopold Hilsner was once again -- and indeed, because of a proven double murder -- condemned to death by the rope! Before the circuit court at Pisek, too, on...

... himself forced to remove to Vienna with his practice! The mother of Hilsner, however, developed a new line of business for herself: with an instinct peculiar to her race, she understood the situation brought about after the sentencing of her son Leopold, who had succumbed to a "crime against justice," and conducted a flourishing begging-letter business! (This designation originates from A. Nußbaum...

... the horrible crime nor gone through the revealing court hearings, he "analyzed" the Polna murder in a brochure in order to, as it says in the foreword, to "make up for the disgrace which the Czech press has brought upon Bohemia and Austria by its acceptance of a ritual-murder" (Münchener Neueste Nachrichten [Munich Latest News], 8 November 1899, page 2). (285) He wrote further: "I admit it openly...

..., that the condemnation of Hilsner has affected me deeply. Me, I who feel a warm affinity and love for the Übervolk [Super-Folk] of the Jews, which continually distinguishes itself from other peoples by its high ethics...charges, witnesses, judges and doctors have fallen victim to the suggestion of ritual-murder. "Even if Hilsner had committed the murder, which I will never believe, this is still far...

... from being a ritual-murder , but rather an act of self-defense, the spontaneous explosion of that accumulated suffering and of that torment which have been done to the Jewish people in the cruellest manner for centuries." From this point on, he managed, as the result of his "investigations," to accuse the mother of the murdered girl, which the examining judge Reichenbach had already attempted to do...

.... Masaryk concluded: Despicable piece of appalling concoction published by Jewish press all over the world "For Hilsner, innocently condemned to death, I demand an appeal! That this appeal will come, of that I have no doubt!" "Appeal, appeal, so the whole Jewish band and their helpers, as in the Dreyfuß trial, now screamed in the murder trial of Polna. A creature of the Jews, Professor Masaryk in Prague...

... , has composed a brochure full of the most lying accounts about the ritual-murder of Polna, from which the Munich organ of the Alliance Israélite, the Neueste Nachrichten, has published an excerpt. "While this paper buried all information up till now about the trial, it dedicates the widest space to the shameful work of Masaryk, for the Jewish lies are supposed to be brought to the people!" [10] This...

... the ritual-superstition. "During my work it became clearer and clearer to me: the ritual-superstition is a charge against the Bohemian people. The Jews of Bohemia and of the Bohemian lands in general belong to the elite, not only of the Austrian [Jewry], but of Jewry in general. "-- How can one impute barbaric ritual-murder to them! And if such an educated and morally high-standing group of Jews as...

... these of Bohemia -- if they had a ritual-murder sect in their midst -- then how barbaric would the general condition of the culture of us Christians have to be, in which such a sect could have developed and kept itself?! "The more one reflects about the ritual-superstition, the more absurd and dangerous it must appear for our people. Only an energetically conducted unbiased appeal of the trial can...

... remove the cultural, religious, medical, and judicial stain of shame from Kuttenberg.!" "Three famous scholars of the Law, the criminal law instructors Professor Dr. Franz von Liszt, Confidential Justice Councilor (Berlin), Professor Dr. G. Stoß (Vienna), and the former President of the Chief District court of Vienna, His Excellency Dr. von Krall, expressed themselves for the necessity of the appeal of...

... ritual-murder trial, which was furnished with a "foreword" by the Franz v. Liszt already named above because of the "scientific content of the account": "On the whole, one must account the Hilsner trial as the saddest aberration of the modern administration of justice. Among ritual-murder trials, among which, despite the evasive etiquette, it belongs without question, it is the most deplorable because...

... health, and supported by ample financial means. The inscription of his "tomb of honor" in the Jewish Central Cemetary in Vienna reads: "Leopold Hilsner (Heller), died 8 January 1928 in his 51st year. As the innocent victim of the ritual-murder lie he languished 19 years in jail." Xanten 1891 <<<    Table of Contents    >>> Chapter 8: Konitz  ...

...Jewish Ritual Murder, Schramm...
... The Cassations Court in Vienna annulled the Kuttenberg judgement Appalling reclassification of the murder as based on sexual perversion Court rouling: Leopold Hilsner was once again condemned to death "Appeal, appeal!" Oi vei, they want to kill the poor innocent Jew just like they crucified Jesus! The disgusting campaign of lies begins Despicable piece of appalling concoction published by Jewish...

...Jewish Ritual Murder, Schramm, Index...

... Hellmut Schramm's Jewish Ritual Murder h3 { color: #B50400; text-align: center; } .left { float: left; width: 40%; padding: 4pt 12pt; } AntiMatrix Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. J Jewish Ritual Murder von Hellmut Schramm, Ph. D. 1944 a Historical Investigation a translation by R. Belser of Site Navigator Similar materials The Murder of Simon of...

... saw the victim pulled into the Buschhoff's house The Board of the Jewish community, with the Head Rabbi suddenly visit the magistrate State's attorney Baumgardt: suspicion of ritual-murder was downright nonsense A house search at the prime suspect's wasn't even carried out State attorney lost precious time by pursuing baseless leads The criminologist Wolff from Berlin, who requested immediate arrest...

... judgement in advance Polna 1898/99 Marie Klima Leopold Hilsner Agnes Hruza The baptized Catholic Jew Reichenbach was appointed as examining judge The Five-day Jury-Court Trial in Kuttenberg (12-16 September 1899) A strange "bent" Jew of creepy appearance shows up before murder A servant girl of rabbi was given wine before the Easter celebration and her blood was drawn Witness poisoned and died The work in...

... press all over the world An invisible power, evident everywhere The biggest Jewish-free masonic powers are brought in for appeal Hilsner released from prison and enjoyed the rest of his life in luxury Konitz 1900 Murder in Konitz Warning to the parents to be careful with Jews Ernst Winter Police takes no action upon the father's complaint about disappearance of his child Police chief declines an offer...

... against innocent Hoffmann The non-Jews in Prussia are still regarded only as second-class citizens Jews spread the rumor in order to provoke unrest Case against Hoffmann dismissed by the Konitz court The Murderers Reconstruction of the murder based on eyewitness statements The Witnesses Ritual-slaughterers participated in the murder of Winter Testimony of the chief witness, Masloff, present at the...

... murder scene The Jewish merchant Samuel Rosenthal - dead after his slip of tongue about the murder The father of the victim receives a letter admitting Jews did the murder and an offer a large sum of money for silence Several witnesses arrested in the most ruthless manner as per judge Zimmermann The Law Court a) The Speisiger trial The Masloff trial Attorney General Lautsch: non-Jews are suspect, Jews...

... are credible and honorable witnesses Triumph of Jewish influence and lobbying: attention shifted to non-Jews Because at that time nothing was supposed to come of it! Big guns from government get involved Only the completely "uneducated folk" could accept the "medieval fairy-tale" of blood-murder Deditius Mayor of Konitz drags the investigation on to cover the tracks The house of the main suspect was...

... suspect were stayed The letter evidencing Jewish ritual-murder was found "Winter has been ritually sacrificed" Extensive cooperation of the officials in the cover-up In old Rome, the philosopher Seneca about ritual murders A few selected cases of ritual murder published in Hammer Kiev 1911 Andrei Yustschinsky Victim had been murdered according to every rule of ritual slaughter The Ministry of Justice...

... had ordained that questions of ritual murder were not to be raised The Murderers Campaign of lies and disinformation in the media Investigations "drawing away from the tracks of the actual murderers" Jewish money and disinformation machine comes into play The Zaddiks, ("saints") of the Hassidim Schneerson, a "saint" of Hassidim comes from an old Hassidic family in Russia, from which come several...

... ritual-slaughterers and murderers The 'Zaddik' is the Übermensch [super-man] of Hassidism Salomon Schneerson was condemned to death due to a blood-murder Witnesses eliminated Brothers and sisters of the victim, who were present, describe how it was Children witnesses - poisoned Jews bribe the mother of a victim to take the murder upon herself The Beilis 'Trial' and the 'Intelligentsia of Europe' Fake...

... trifled with The Elders of Zion had already decided upon this (muder of Tsar and his entire family) Jewish paper called upon the Jews of all nations to boycott Russia Lionel Rothschild submits a petition for "merciful protection" to the Pope Invisible hand disperses money to cover up the murder Beilis - acquitted! State's Attorney Fischer arrived at the conviction Epilogue Beilis received like a king in...

... Rickert in the Prussian House of Deputies (9 February 1892) Letter of Rohling to the Court at Cleves Excerpt from speech of the attorney Dr. Braxa at Kuttenberg Alliance for the Solution of the Konitz Murder Excerpt from speech of Deputy Liebermann von Sonnenberg, 7 February 1901 Table of Ritual-Murders established through present investigation Bibliography Index of Locations Gallery I Gallery II...

... posted April 2004 on by permission of the translator. [Added Gallery II-a] See also: Ritual Sacrifice and Murder The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice Notes About The Ritual murders By Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (Dahl) Jewish Occult Murders Jewish Ritual Murder by Arnold Leese A deputy chief of the CIA supplied victims for 86 Jewish ritual murders Ritual murders of children in Chicago...

...Jewish Ritual Murder, Schramm...
...Jewish Ritual Murder, Schramm, Konitz...

... Hellmut Schramm's Jewish Ritual Murder - Konitz h3 { color: #B50400; text-align: center; } .left { float: left; width: 40%; padding: 4pt 12pt; } AntiMatrix Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. Jewish Ritual Murder von Hellmut Schramm, Ph. D. a Historical Investigation 1944 a translation by R. Belser of Der jüdische Ritualmord Eine historische Untersuchung...

... Chapter 7: Polna <<<    Table of Contents    >>> Chapter 9: Kiev    Notes What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Konitz Detailed Table of Contents Murder in Konitz Warning to the parents to be careful with Jews Ernst Winter Police takes no action upon the father's...

... accusations suddenly sent to Danzig Inspector Braun fabricates a case against innocent Hoffmann The non-Jews in Prussia are still regarded only as second-class citizens Jews spread the rumor in order to provoke unrest Case against Hoffmann dismissed by the Konitz court The Murderers Reconstruction of the murder based on eyewitness statements The Witnesses Ritual-slaughterers participated in the murder of...

... Winter Testimony of the chief witness, Masloff, present at the murder scene The Jewish merchant Samuel Rosenthal - dead after his slip of tongue about the murder The father of the victim receives a letter admitting Jews did the murder and an offer a large sum of money for silence Several witnesses arrested in the most ruthless manner as per judge Zimmermann The Law Court a) The Speisiger trial The...

... Masloff trial Attorney General Lautsch: non-Jews are suspect, Jews are credible and honorable witnesses Triumph of Jewish influence and lobbying: attention shifted to non-Jews Because at that time nothing was supposed to come of it! Big guns from government get involved Only the completely "uneducated folk" could accept the "medieval fairy-tale" of blood-murder Deditius Mayor of Konitz drags the...

... efforts not to find the guilty The proceedings against the main suspect were stayed The letter evidencing Jewish ritual-murder was found "Winter has been ritually sacrificed" Extensive cooperation of the officials in the cover-up In old Rome, the philosopher Seneca about ritual murders A few selected cases of ritual murder published in Hammer Murder in Konitz At the end of April 1900 -- therefore still...

... in the year of the Hilsner trial -- the following public notice appeared: "Murder in Konitz. Twenty thousand Marks reward is promised by the Herr Minister of the Interior to any private person who gives crucial information for the investigation of the murderer or murderers of the upper fourth-former Ernst Winter. The decision concerning the payment of the reward is reserved to the Herr Minister...

.... -- Marienwerder, 27 April 1900. The President of the government." Since the murderers were Jews, the Herr Minister did not need to worry about the paying out of this prize! In midsummer of the same year, one Jewish-liberal paper wrote that the Chinese disorder was very inconvenient for the anti-Semites, because the Konitz murder story would be pushed into the background by it and gradually would fall into...

... "forgetfulness." At any rate, a fading away of the public discussion had to be very much opportune for Jewry. Since the investigation process had degenerated into a public scandal, at the end of November 1900 an "Alliance for the clearing up of the Konitz murder" was formed in Konitz, subscribed to by the Catholic and Evangelical [i.e., Lutheran] clergy and the city councilors of the region, as well as several...

... Landstag and Reichstag deputies. [1] In an appeal by this alliance, it says that it "appears ever more possible that the mysterious murder will find a solution and punishment." -- For the time being self-help was asked for: "...and since it is feared that for now the bureaucracy in Germany will be filled increasingly with Jewish and Jewish-legal viewpoints and ideas, thus self-help must be recommended...

.... "The Konitz murder puts anxiety for the well-being of our children first and foremost in our hearts. Are Christian children still safe from the slaughter? "Where the power (292) of the state fails, help must be formed from out of the womb of the family. We also turn to the clergy, the teachers, and the father of the family." The following advice was given in connection with this: Warning to the...

... the environs of Konitz, cases have still occurred in the last decades, where serving girls who were in service with Jewish families suddenly vanished without a trace. At the close of business, when entering Jewish houses is unavoidable, a man should take a companion with him..." "Should a murder similar to those in Konitz and Xanten happen, the Christian inhabitants of the place should immediately...

... Justice, and the Kaiser. The conscience of the German people should not be permitted to have peace until the Konitz blood-murder was atoned for! Ernst Winter The murdered boy, the eighteen year-old high school student Ernst Winter (born on 27 September 1881 in the Church city of Prechlau near Konitz, west Prussia) was attending the gymnasium [= high school] at Konitz since 1894 and lived here as a...

..., according to plan, [as he went about] his daily routines. On Sunday, 11 March 1900, the day of the murder, Winter attended church in the morning. From there, he made his way to the cigar store of Fischer; (294) for some time he chatted with the proprietor, then he strolled along the market toward his apartment at the house of the master baker Lange for lunch. For about an hour he went to his room, which...

... days had passed! They even fished both of the lower parts of the upper body from out of the lake. The body parts were (295) delivered to the city hospital. Police chief declines an offer of help to find the body parts with search dogs On Thursday, 15 March -- therefore four days after the murder -- the right arm was discovered on the gate of the Evangelical churchyard. Some private individuals...

.... Witnesses questioned for months in an effort to convict non-Jews He questioned witnesses for months, in order to be able to convict a non-Jewish resident of the murder. The case dismissed on false grounds Witnesses who said anything against Jews were badly treated without exception -- one need recall only Xanten and Skurz -- were rudely spoken to, and cross-examined until Wehn believed that they had been...

... only possible perpetrators -- In spite of these practices, he didn't get anywhere; Wehn wanted to achieve something positive -- for the exoneration of the Konitz Jews. Thus he suddenly came around to the opinion that only homosexuals could have committed the murder. Cunningly, the Jews knew how to steer suspicion onto a young master tailor whose father, having died a year previously, had been the...

... for the anti-Semites. Here the suspicion is legitimate that the murder was planned in advance and was performed with the intention of putting the blame for it on the Jews. "The entire behavior of the anti-Semitic spokesmen and of the (297) anti-Semitic press compels [us] to accept this... anti-Semitism and criminality are identical concepts, insofar as there may well be criminals who are not anti...

... with several gentlemen on the day of the murder until the nighttime. By his proposal, all these witnesses were questioned under oath by the investigating magistrate of the district court at Konitz, and he was left in peace from further defamation. The burial of Winter was described by the Jews as an "animal show" The burial of the murdered gymnasium student took place during the period of activity of...

... course from [considering] as the motive, the blood-accusation of ritual-murder, raised during the investigations by fanatics or the ignorant, which shames all of Christendom -- since such [an accusation] can originate only from malice or dark superstition." Inspector Braun fabricates a case against innocent people including a girl! -- In line with this principle, he conducted his activities, which...

... Hoffmann Inspector Braun declared that he would very soon bring the master butcher Hoffmann and his daughter to confess the murder, and there began the shameful doings against an old established and respected citizen and councilor of Konitz, which evoked the greatest outrage in all of Germany. In his defense statement, [3] Hoffmann described in detail how the Jews and their helpers wanted to stamp him as...

... Winter's, a gymnasium professor, stated that on the evening of the 11th of March, thus on the day of the murder, he had heard the frightful scream of a human being from the synagogue toward half past seven. From this Braun drew the following astute conclusions: Next to the synagogue was located the wagon shed of Hoffmann; in this shed, between seven and eight o'clock in the evening, Winter and the...

... , after they had previously carried out a very thorough house search at my [home], brought me and my fourteen year-old daughter to the police office and charged us both with having committed the murder of the gymnasium student Winter. Both the Commissars thereby put forth the claim that I had, on 11 March, (300) toward seven o'clock in the evening, missed my daughter, had searched for her, and came upon...

... butcher Hoffmann. The grounds for the decision of cessation laid down by the Konitz court should be rendered in their essential points due to their importance: Case against Hoffmann dismissed by the Konitz court "According to the medical expert opinion of the district physician Dr. Müller and of the general practitioner Dr. Bleske of 29 June 1900, the murder of the gymnasium student Winter occurred...

... for this reason not come into consideration as the perpetrator ..." The Hoffmann episode in the Winter murder tragedy had reached its end. The actual victors here were also the Jews: if they did not succeed, as in the year 1884 in Skurz, in bringing a likewise innocent, non-Jewish butcher to the dock, they could still say: the judicial investigation due to the murder of Winter was not opened against...

... thoroughly erase the traces of a blood-murder! The Murderers The court decision of 19 July 1900 assumed [the existence of] several murderers -- which doubtless was correct. In order to tie up and gag the young, exceptionally powerful Winter in such a manner, in order to be able to cut through the throat of his living body, a larger number of men was required. The murderers had to have found a suitable...

... field at the other side of the city. Reconstruction of the murder based on eyewitness statements On the basis of eyewitness statements, which will be yet more closely dealt with in a special section, the murder of Winter can be reconstructed in the following manner: On the days of the 14th, 15th, 20th and 21st of April 1900, the Jews had their Easter festival, for which non-Jewish blood was needed...

... noticed in Tisza-Eszlár! -- The murderers themselves, in the course of the night and of the following day, again departed from Konitz in all directions with their booty, the blood of Winter. The conformity of Winter's murder with the ritual-murder of the boy Cybulla in Skurz which occurred in the year 1884 is striking: at both murders the disarticulation of the thighs was performed with the greatest...

.... replied: "The blood is costly this year, it's costing us a half million Marks"; [6] 2. the merchant S. in Zempelburg; Moritz Levy visited the young merchant S., from whom the Levys had purchased a bicycle, conspicuously often in the weeks before the murder. At every opportunity, the Jew asked whether S. also was in the best of health, forced himself in close proximity to him for the alleged purpose of...

... comparing the size of their bodies, and urgently requested him several times to come to Konitz, in order to get the money for the bicycle. -- Downright creepy seemed 3. the case of the worker Laskowski of Frankenhagen; Eight days before the murder of Winter, Moritz Levy had purchased a cow from the farmer Grabowicz in Frankenhagen and thereupon demanded especially forcefully, that a young and strapping...

... farmhand, Tucchinski , should deliver the cow in Konitz on the Sunday, 11 March. On (306) the forenoon of the day of the murder, the 11th of March , when Winter still had not been lured into the trap, both young Levys drove to farmer Grabowicz and heard that not Tucchinski, but rather the worker Laskowski was given the task of getting the cow to Konitz. The Levys then made the utmost effort to bring...

... slaughtered some months later, and that Eisenstädt, on the day of the slaughter, the 11th of March 1900, himself appeared in Konitz and returned to Prechlau just on the Monday. He was bringing along a little box with very nasty-smelling contents, a box which disappeared immediately when strangers began to take notice of it! Ritual-slaughterers participated in the murder of Winter On the basis of sworn...

... statements by witnesses, it was further determined that, besides Eisenstädt of Prechlau, the following foreign ritual-slaughterers participated in the murder of Winter: 1. the brother of the Prechlau Eisenstädt, the Schlochau Eisenstädt, left the Catholic hospital (Borromäus-Stift) at Konitz on the evening of 11 March, and remained away the entire night, from the 11th to the 12th of March, as could be...

... the place as on the day of the murder! On Monday, the 12th of March, witnesses noticed how the Konitz Rabbi Kellermann and the Konitz schächter, who a short time later fled to America, both with top hats on their heads, were inspecting a piece of meat (liver?) in the Rabbi's room, made incisions in it with a knife, and were making microscopic examinations of it. It must have been a type of religious...

... conversation between Rabbi Kellermann and another , probably foreign, Jew who was unknown to her. She clearly heard the following sentences: "Have you kept something in mind?" -- "That so many devils are crawling around here?" -- "That nothing gets out [about the murder]!" In addition, the conversations of other Jews were heard, which allowed the conclusion to be made [that there was] far-reaching complicity...

... and knowledge [of the crime]! As already mentioned, the right arm of the murder victim was discovered on 15 March at the Evangelical churchyard, and the head on 15 April in the meadow at the city woods. Now the Jewish merchant Israelski was seen: as, on the morning of 15 March, toward six fifteen, he was walking to the said churchyard with a sack in which there was a longish object after the manner...

.... Israelski was charged due to the latter occurrence, but was acquitted by the five judges of the criminal court, among whom the Jewish district judge Bohm was to be found! -- The wife of Israelski said to the bailiff: "The Russian Jews are gone and my husband is now supposed to be the scapegoat!" Testimony of the chief witness, Masloff, present at the murder scene But the chief witness, the worker Masloff...

..., found himself located at the hour of the crime at the murder-cellar, and was able to observe the actions of the murderers outside of the cellar from his own vantage point. His incriminating statements given on 8 June 1900 before the examining judge at the district court in Konitz, Dr. Zimmermann, should be reproduced exactly. Masloff stated the following to the record: "On Sunday, the 11th of March...

... after his slip of tongue about the murder The Jewish merchant Samuel Rosenthal from Kamin, a little town in the direct vicinity of Konitz, said shortly after the murder of Winter, in the presence of non-Jewish witnesses: "I'm going to Konitz, then I'll tell [the names of] all who were there at the slaughtering of Winter." (311) -- On the following day, Rosenthal allegedly committed suicide... In...

... Polzin (Pomerania) lived a relative of the Konitz Levys. As was proved, he was present in Konitz with them on 11 March. On his return, he brought along a little flask of blood. He was not arrested! The father of the victim receives a letter admitting Jews did the murder and an offer a large sum of money for silence In Prechlau, on 11 June 1900, the father of the victim received a letter whose...

... handwriting pointed to a "leading" Konitz Jew -- but this Jew, too, was not bothered [by the authorities]! The letter, whose photocopy is still preserved, has the following text (after removal of numerous mistakes in spelling): "To Herr Winter in Prechlau. Since the proceedings against H. (Hoffmann is meant!) have begun, we ask that you remain silent, we assure you that nothing will come of the murder. This...

... represent only a fraction of the events mostly already investigated in the court documents, the father of the murdered boy made application at the State Attorney's office at Konitz in November 1900 to initiate criminal proceedings against the Jewish schächter Levy and his son Moritz for aiding and abetting at the murder of his son. The Law Court The procedure of the examining judge, Dr. Zimmermann...

... "Winter murder case." Since all tracks clearly pointed, totally independently from one another, at the house of the Jewish schächter Adolf Levy, the judicial investigation, with every [attempt for the] sparing of Jewry, had to finally concern itself with the Levy family. Several witnesses arrested in the most ruthless manner as per judge Zimmermann To the greatest shock of town and country, the...

...-Jewish accused took place from 26 October till 9 November 1900 before the Konitz jury court. The attempt was made by the defense to bring forward a portion of the evidentiary material which gave indication of the Jewish culpability at the murder of Winter, and with surprising success; for both the jurors as well as the audience became convinced that the murder only could have been committed by Jews for...

...? Triumph of Jewish influence and lobbying: attention shifted to non-Jews It did not succeed in saddling a non-Jew with the bestial crime, although the infamous tactics of the entire Jewish-inspired proceedings aimed at doing so -- but also, a preliminary investigation against no Jew whatsoever for the murder of Winter was opened, (315) and that was the decisive thing, the actual triumph of Jewish...

... "uneducated folk" could accept the "medieval fairy-tale" of blood-murder Deditius, Wehn, Braun, Zimmermann, and Settegast -- to wit, that only the completely "uneducated folk" could accept the "medieval fairy-tale" of blood-murder as their opinion, while legal people were freeing themselves of this prejudice, which, again, means that they had rejected in advance a Jewish perpetration [of the murder]! That...

... desired stage had been thereby approached, which a Jewish organ dressed in the following words: "By every appearance, the investigation in the matter of the Konitz murder affair is coming (316) to a conclusion. According to every probability, a criminal case (!) will result as the outcome, which claims a certain interest merely by the method of the murderer and the speculations and debates attached to...

... his person...," therefore a criminal case, which merely claimed "a certain interest," was to remain of this blood-murder to the end! Deditius It's necessary in this connection to bring closer attention to the person and behavior of the Mayor of Konitz, in order to uncover his unwholesome influence, also, on the course of the proceedings. Deditius, earlier Mayor of the Silesian city of Strehlen, had...

..., especially for finding the body parts of the murder victim: Deditius declined with the suggestion that the gentlemen could go in the houses themselves and search with their dogs, if they absolutely wanted to do that! -- one was supposed to believe that the decisions about domestic law were still currently the mayor's! Deditius personally beat with a whip young people But the same Deditius personally beat...

... portrait the case of a witness interrogation should still be briefly touched upon, which can be described as typical. The man who voiced his observation as to presence of Jewish ritual slaughterers was ruined economically -- A respected and honorable Konitz citizen made very important observations on the day of the murder and on the day after, which related to the presence of Polish Jews, ritual...

... markedly dampened after these bad experiences, and finally waned entirely. However, some brave German men, like the anti-Semitic Reichstag Deputy Liebermann von Sonnenberg, mentioned in the beginning, still remained, who possessed the courage to bring up the Konitz blood-murder, even in the Reichtag (which should not be forgotten about him) [9] -- though without result -- and that (to be sure) still...

...) -- The Germania wrote: "Soon a quarter-year will have elapsed since the trunk of the murdered Winter was discovered in the Mönchsee [Monk Lake], and the murderer has still not been found, and it has the well-justified appearance, as if he won't be found, too. The present highly unusual circumstances give us reason to subject the story of the murder to a closer examination. The fear and the worry for...

...; (320) conspicuous the obligingness toward foreign emissaries, who, in the interest of the accused Jews are seeking to give another twist to the case. Now the case has taken the turn that the universally respected Christian butcher Hoffman is charged with the murder by the assumption of absurd motives. Conspicuous are the even more energetic proceedings against Hoffmann, and conspicuous the...

... result of the entire case is, up to now, unfortunately, objectively an undermining in the people of the consciousness of Law and the security of the Law, just as of the belief in the impartiality of Justice! Let them not allow themselves to hope that the case can die away, that the people of Konitz will be satisfied with a settlement on the order of Skurz. Murder must be atoned for. And if the...

... buried there: It is the faith of the people in Right and Law." The Liberté, the leading paper of the French-speaking part of Switzerland, wrote at the beginning of January 1901: "The infamous murder of Konitz is still not atoned for. If it remains without atonement, so will the belief of the German people in the Hebraic blood-ritual be strengthened in the same measure as the trust in justice is...

... diminished..." Theodor Fritsch: authorities have plainly made desperate efforts not to find the guilty And Theodor Fritsch made this judgement in 1911 in the Hammer: [10] "The murder has remained unsolved up until the present day... The events at the trial were of such an unusual kind, that one must say: the authorities have plainly made desperate efforts, in order not to find the guilty parties." The...

... murder case, many Jews abandoned the city. -- That is correct, for up till the year 1903, not fewer than 130 Jews emigrated from Konitz... But a Jewess had better knowledge of the fate of Winter (322) than those "in charge of" the "Konitz case": Under the headline "Ritual murder solved after 38 years," the Dresden Freiheitskampf [Freedom Struggle] reported in its Nr. 349 issue of 1938: The letter...

... evidencing Jewish ritual-murder was found "Dirschau, 18 December 1938. -- The murder of the high school student Ernst Winter in Konitz, which aroused enormous excitement and set loose a wave of outrage in Germany and in the entire world around the turn of the century due to the mysterious circumstances which accompanied the crime, has now, after 38 years, been surprisingly cleared up. At the clearing out...

... of the ground level of a house which was in Jewish possession since 1900, the letter of an accessory to the crime was discovered, from which it emerges without a doubt that Ernst Winter fell victim to a Jewish ritual-murder." -- The Jew Hartwig had bought this property in Konitz around the turn of the century. The letter, which was found by a fortunate accident when the ground floor of the house...

... was being cleared out, reads: "Winter has been ritually sacrificed" "Ernst Winter has been sacrificed in Konitz , and woe unto Israel, three times woe, if it does not abandon the blood-sacrifice. We will remain pariahs as long as it remains. It is indeed murder!... A Jewess and accessory, but an unhappy one. M 1900." In 1884, Skurz, 1891, Xanten, 1898 and 1899: Polna, 1900, Konitz -- five ritual...

... Deputy Liebermann von Sonnenberg became the advocate for the German cause. In December 1900, he wrote: "The conscience of the German people is not permitted to find peace!" (325) On 7 February 1901, he broached the subject of the Konitz blood-murder in the Reichstag. [13] The "Vereinigung zur Aufklärung des Konitzer Mordes" [14] [Union for the Solution of the Konitz Murder] was created in Konitz by...

... Staatsbürgerzeitung [Citizen Times]; its publisher Bruhn and the editor Böttger were sentenced to imprisonment due to "offensive articles" which appeared in connection with the "Winter murder case" -- but both nonetheless entered the Reichstag in 1903 and worked against Jewish interests. Willi Buch, in his notes which have already been cited above, gives the following vivid picture out of the times around the turn...

... of the century: "The ritual-murder of Konitz had caused fierce reactions... The anti-Semitic movement had become a genuine people's movement, with all its merits and weaknesses. The Jewish Question was the subject of conversations and kept emotions stirred up. There was no meeting which wasn't filled up, even to the last seat... Things were very lively, for the most part, due to the almost never...

... absent opponents..." And in another passage: "It is very much typical that there was no reform movement since around 1900, which didn't have some sort of relationship to anti-Semitism." -- It was the time when Edouard Drumont's Verjudetes Frankreich [Judaized France] appeared in the 142nd edition, after the attempt was made in vain to remove the author in a duel, and Henri Desportes published his...

... never was undertaken. From the notes of the Hammer , we shall select only those which at least allow the strong suspicion of a ritual crime to arise. A few selected cases of ritual murder published in Hammer 1910 On December 29, Helene Brix, who was in service with the Jewish riding equipment proprietor Salomons in Nassenheide near Stettin, vanished without a trace on the day before the final day of...

... populace, after decades-long experiences, had their own opinions about this, in that they proceeded to the most effective means of struggle, the boycott of Jewish businesses. This latent anti-Semitism had, in the (329) course of two generations, continually received new impetus due to a whole chain of extremely suspicious murder cases which remained unsolved, so that the Jewish segment of the population...

... present, in the state of greatest excitement, spoke openly of a new blood-murder. On the day of the kidnapping, numerous foreign, mostly Polish-speaking Jews had been noticed in the near vicinity of the place. The newspapers were cautious in their suggestions, any traces for the presumption of a crime were lacking... They explained that there could be no question of a blood-murder, since no serious...

... when four masked men made an attempt to steal the body of Schiefelbein, in order, perhaps, to remove the traces of the crime. Also in this case nothing became known about the further results of the investigation! Furthermore, on the first day of the Pentecost holiday 1913 in Berlin, the dismembered body of the twelve-and-a-half-year-old boy Klähn was discovered. The servant Josef Ritter, who had been...

... separated from the trunk, the legs from the body; the body itself was totally cut up, so that heart, lungs and liver were visible. The parts of the body had been skillfully cut apart, so that it had the appearance as if an operating surgeon had been at work. The victim had to have been dismembered in a closed space. Traces of blood were totally absent. The murder victim was later identified as the twelve...

... its own secret laws and in this officially recognized exceptional position understood how to evade the workings of universal law; consciousness of law and State were thereby certainly afflicted in their vital nerves! But once all accompanying circumstances were so positioned that the Jewish murder pestilence absolutely had to be understood in order to avoid people taking steps for self-help, then...

... all those machinations repeated themselves in concentrated form, as we have gotten to know them in the preceding ritual-murder trials. On Russian soil a drama unrolled for the last time before the outbreak of the World War, which, as a bloody, fateful sign still in the final hour, had been able to open the eyes of the statesmen responsible for its people to a enormous threatening peril; they wanted...

...Jewish Ritual Murder, Schramm...
... itself? — It is common sense. Even as one who came before Raba27  and said to him, 'The governor of my town has ordered me, "Go and kill so and so; if not, I will slay thee"'. He answered him, 'Let him rather slay you than that you should commit murder; who knows that your blood is redder? Perhaps his blood is redder.'28 When R. Dimi came,29  he said: This was taught only if there is no...

... consequently liable to the fine. Ex. XXI. 22ff. I.e., he who injured the woman was striving to kill his opponent. Ibid. The extreme penalty, though the murder of the woman is unintentional, is explicable only on the above assumption. V. p. 490, n, 1. I.e., he is liable to be slain because he seeks to slay his combatant; but the monetary liability arises through his injury to the woman. Where, however, these...

... with R. Jonathan b. Saul. For it has been taught: If one was pursuing his fellow to slay him, and he could have been saved3  by maiming a limb [of the pursuer] but did not thus save himself [killing him instead], he is executed on his account.4 What is R. Jonathan b. Saul's reason? — Because it is written, if men strive [and hurt a woman …] he shall be surely punished ...

...;… and pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life.5  Whereon R. Eleazar said: The verse refers to attempted murder,6  for it is written, And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life7  and yet the Divine Law states, If no mischief follows, he shall surely be punished. Now this is correct if you say that where the...

... of another?9  — That makes no difference. For Raba10  said: If a man was pursuing after his fellow [to slay him]. and broke some utensils, whether of the pursued or of some other person. he is free from liability. Why so? Because he is liable to be killed. If the pursued broke some articles: if they belonged to the pursuer, he is not liable for them; if to someone else, he is. 'If...

...: 'Transgress and suffer not death' he may transgress and not suffer death, excepting idolatry, incest, [which includes adultery] and murder.19  Now may not idolatry be practised [in these circumstances]? Has it not been taught: R. Ishmael said: whence do we know that if a man was bidden, 'Engage in idolatry and save your life', that he should do so, and not be slain? From the verse, [Ye shall therefore...

... and murder [may not be practised to save one's life], — even as Rabbi's dictum. For it has been taught: Rabbi said, For as when a man riseth against his neighbour, and slayeth him, even so is this matter.26  But what do we learn from this analogy of a murderer? Thus, this comes to throw light and is itself illumined. The murderer is compared to a betrothed maiden: just as a betrothed...

... maiden must be saved [from dishonour] at the cost of his [the ravisher's] life, so in the case of a murderer, he [the victim] must be saved at the cost of his [the attacker's] life. Conversely, a betrothed maiden is compared to a murderer: just as one must rather be slain than commit murder, so also must the betrothed maiden rather be slain than allow her violation. And how do we know this of murder...

... doing so he causes damage for which he will have to pay. Hence reverting to the subject under discussion, in the case of one man striving to kill another and injuring a woman, it must be assumed that he was not liable to be slain, and this is only possible if his opponent could be saved by a limb of the murderer, which proves R. Jonathan b. Saul's assertion. Viz., that of a betrothed maiden. Idolatry...

...) in His service. This proves that one must incur a martyr's death rather than practice idolatry, for 'and thou shalt love the Lord thy God' means that we must not worship any other in His place. Deut. XXII, 26. Var. lec., Rabbah. I.e., you have no right to murder him to save yourself: his life is no less valuable than your own. V. p. 390 n. 1. Forbidding the practice of Judaism, the action being by...

... different;9  so here too [in Esther's case].10  This [answer] concurs with Raba's view expressed elsewhere. For Raba said: If a Gentile said to a Jew. 'Cut grass on the Sabbath for the cattle, and if not I will slay thee', he must rather be killed than cut it; 'Cut it and throw it into the river, he should rather be slain than cut it. Why so? — Because his intention is to force him to...
... Christian child killed as confirmed by rabbi Efraim of Bonn Ritual murder of a child, Hugh, in the city of Lincoln The Jew Samuel - a ritual serial killer "Child crucifixions" in France Jews cruelly kill the five sons of a miller in Fulda "Ritual cannibalism" The Jews were the heirs of the curse falling upon their ancestors, guilty of crucifying the Redeemer The torments suffered by the Jews in body and...

... BLOOD PASSOVER (PASQUE DI SANGUE) by ARIEL TOAFF h2 { margin-top:2em; } Home Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. BLOOD PASSOVER (PASQUE DI SANGUE) The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murder by ARIEL TOAFF COMPLETE ENGLISH TEXT Cover: Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac. Woodcut from the Ritual Responsals (Sheelot w-teshuvot) of Asher b. Yechiel, Constantinople, 1517...

... Site Navigator Similar materials Contents INTRODUCTION AT VENICE WITH HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR FRIEDRICH III (1469) Tobias da Magdeburg and cruel ritual murder of Little Simon of Trent Policy of refusing to grant permanent residence to Jews Italian and German Jews Prohibition to priests to proselytize among Jewish children The immediate removal from the city of so-called "Jews turned Christian" Italian...

... Candia repeated this contemptuous ritual every year on the very holy day of Holy Friday Girolamo Lambardo was arrested and sentenced for selling his vote to the Jews Murder of first-born - a ritual sacrifice perscribed by the "scriptures" Jews, in their Passover ceremonies, solemnly swore on the Torah scrolls to cause serious injury and harm to those faithful in Christ Blasphemous shamelessness of...

... "gowned physician", garnished in gold and adorned with jewels On the eve of Passover the mutilated body of Simonino, a two-year old child, was found A world drenched with magical rites and exorcism The practical Caballah, black magic and necromancy PORTOBUFFOLÈ, VOLPEDO, ARENA PO, MAROSTICA, RINN Three Jews accused of ritual child murder, were executed at Venice Two Jews publicly executed for ritual...

... murder The official correspondence sent by the court Minorite Franciscan friar arrested for accepting a commission from local Jews to commit a child murder to get Christian blood for their Passover False accusation of a child cruelly crucified in a holy ceremony with the participation of all the local Jews A five-year old child, Lorenzino Sossio, was found murdered, his body horribly mutilated A...

... company of Jewish merchants ritually murder a child for the Christian blood Ritual murder of a two year old child for blood Professional child hunters - ritual murderers for the Christian blood A three-year old child murdered for blood FROM ENDINGEN TO REGENSBURG: RITUAL MURDERS OR GRIMMS BROTHERS' FAIRY TALES? A man and woman and two decapitated children found One of confessed participants of ritual...

... murder describes the details One of the confessed testifies of other children he resold to Jews to be sacrificed for blood Emperor Friedrich III tries to intervene in order to protect the Jews Blood sold at very high prices to the richest and most influential German Jews Confessions of other ritual murders Forty five Jews arrested, convicted and burnt publicly Rabbi Jossel di Kelheim purchases a a...

... Christian child for ritual murder Ritual murder and crucifixion of a child Investigation and arrest of 18 Jews upon request of Heinrich, the bishop of Regensburg Friedrich III personally ordered the city counsel of Regensburg to free the prisoners immediately A skeleton found in the cellars of Rabbi Jossel' dwelling Collection of funds begins among Jews to pay for Frederick's intervention on their behalf...

... Jew DISTANT PRECEDENTS AND THE SAGA OF PURIM Barbarism of the Jews, the "haters of mankind" (The Jews) carry out this (rite) every year Ritual cannibalism Indirect confirmation of the phenomenon of ritual murder That Christian Europe of the Middle Ages feared the Jews is an established fact The slave trade Jews castrated young slaves intended for sale to the Moslems of Spain Purim came to acquire...

... and the blood of circumcision" Cabalistic meaning of the blood of the circumcision The blood, intended to be drunk and sprinkled onto the table as a sign of vengeance and as a symbol of the curses directed at the enemies of Israel BLOOD, LEPROSY AND CHILD MURDER IN THE HAGGADAH (with graphics) "Memorial of blood" becomes the basis of the ritual of Pesach Hate as a basis for "religious" beliefs Why...

... Ashkenazi Judaism should have chosen precisely this legend, out of so many? "Pour out your wrath against the peoples who do not recognize you" Turning the blood accusation around and blaming the victims to be the perpetrators The circumcision of Jesus THE DINNER AND INVECTIVE: THE SEDER AND THE CURSES THE MEMORIAL OF THE PASSION TO DIE AND KILL FOR THE LOVE OF GOD (with graphics) "DOING THE FIG": OBSCENE...

... RITUALS AND GESTURES ISRAEL'S FINAL DEFIANCE DOCUMENTARY APPENDIX BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX OF NAMES INDEX OF PLACES Cover Revised by the original translators, Feb. 2011 Source: See also: Ritual Sacrifice and Murder The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice Notes About The Ritual murders By Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (Dahl) Jewish Occult Murders Jewish Ritual...

... Murder by Hellmut Schramm A deputy chief of the CIA supplied victims for 86 Jewish ritual murders Ritual murders of children in Chicago (The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice) Jewish leaders raise the cups with blood and drink from them Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world The Hidden Tyranny - shocking interview with Harold Wallace Rosenthal Jewish Zertsalo...
... BLOOD PASSOVER (PASQUE DI SANGUE) by ARIEL TOAFF h2 { margin-top:2em; } Home Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. BLOOD PASSOVER (PASQUE DI SANGUE) by ARIEL TOAFF Cover: Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac. Woodcut from the Ritual Responsals (Sheelot w-teshuvot) of Asher b. Yechiel, Constantinople, 1517 BLOOD PASSOVER The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murder By...

... Ariel Toaff COMPLETE ENGLISH TEXT TRANSLATED BY GIAN MARCO LUCCHESE AND PIETRO GIANETTI 2007 Site Navigator Similar materials Notes What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents Translator Introduction INTRODUCTION AT VENICE WITH HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR FRIEDRICH III (1469) Tobias da Magdeburg and cruel ritual murder of Little...

... Jews Murder of first-born - a ritual sacrifice perscribed by the "scriptures" Jews, in their Passover ceremonies, solemnly swore on the Torah scrolls to cause serious injury and harm to those faithful in Christ Blasphemous shamelessness of "gowned physician", garnished in gold and adorned with jewels On the eve of Passover the mutilated body of Simonino, a two-year old child, was found A world...

... drenched with magical rites and exorcism The practical Caballah, black magic and necromancy PORTOBUFFOLÈ, VOLPEDO, ARENA PO, MAROSTICA, RINN Three Jews accused of ritual child murder, were executed at Venice Two Jews publicly executed for ritual murder The official correspondence sent by the court Minorite Franciscan friar arrested for accepting a commission from local Jews to commit a child murder to...

... get Christian blood for their Passover False accusation of a child cruelly crucified in a holy ceremony with the participation of all the local Jews A five-year old child, Lorenzino Sossio, was found murdered, his body horribly mutilated A company of Jewish merchants ritually murder a child for the Christian blood Ritual murder of a two year old child for blood Professional child hunters - ritual...

... murderers for the Christian blood A three-year old child murdered for blood FROM ENDINGEN TO REGENSBURG: RITUAL MURDERS OR GRIMMS BROTHERS' FAIRY TALES? A man and woman and two decapitated children found One of confessed participants of ritual murder describes the details One of the confessed testifies of other children he resold to Jews to be sacrificed for blood Emperor Friedrich III tries to intervene...

... in order to protect the Jews Blood sold at very high prices to the richest and most influential German Jews Confessions of other ritual murders Forty five Jews arrested, convicted and burnt publicly Rabbi Jossel di Kelheim purchases a a Christian child for ritual murder Ritual murder and crucifixion of a child Investigation and arrest of 18 Jews upon request of Heinrich, the bishop of Regensburg...

... of a child, William of Norwich The accused Jews obtain the protection of the King and his agents The Jews believed that, to bring redemption closer, and with it, their return to the Promised Land, they sacrificed a Christian child every year Christian child killed as confirmed by rabbi Efraim of Bonn Ritual murder of a child, Hugh, in the city of Lincoln The Jew Samuel - a ritual serial killer...

... "Child crucifixions" in France Jews cruelly kill the five sons of a miller in Fulda "Ritual cannibalism" The Jews were the heirs of the curse falling upon their ancestors, guilty of crucifying the Redeemer The torments suffered by the Jews in body and soul could find certain remedy only through to the beneficial ingestion of Christian blood The martyred body of a three-year-old girl named Orsa found...

... cannibalism Indirect confirmation of the phenomenon of ritual murder That Christian Europe of the Middle Ages feared the Jews is an established fact The slave trade Jews castrated young slaves intended for sale to the Moslems of Spain Purim came to acquire openly anti-Christian connotations The celebration of Purim is said to constitute the Hebraic ritual of death and resurrection "Crucifying the figure of...

... as a sign of vengeance and as a symbol of the curses directed at the enemies of Israel BLOOD, LEPROSY AND CHILD MURDER IN THE HAGGADAH (with graphics) "Memorial of blood" becomes the basis of the ritual of Pesach Hate as a basis for "religious" beliefs Why Ashkenazi Judaism should have chosen precisely this legend, out of so many? "Pour out your wrath against the peoples who do not recognize you...


... translators, Feb. 2011 Source: Key Words: Pasque di Sangue Blood Passover Bloody Passover Easters of Blood Bloody Easter Pasque di Sangue Translation Revised by the original translators, Feb. 2011 Enter Blood Passover See also: Ritual Sacrifice and Murder The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice Notes About The Ritual murders By Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (Dahl...

...) Jewish Occult Murders Jewish Ritual Murder by Hellmut Schramm A deputy chief of the CIA supplied victims for 86 Jewish ritual murders Ritual murders of children in Chicago (The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice) Jewish leaders raise the cups with blood and drink from them Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world The Hidden Tyranny - shocking interview with...
... soldier; he is a born sadist and murderer. (John 8:44) Mass Murder 103 "Even today I am willing to volunteer to do the dirty work for Israel, to kill as many Arabs as necessary, to deport them, to expel and burn them, to have everyone hate us, to pull the rug from underneath the feet of the Diaspora Jews, so that they will be forced to run to us crying. Even if it means blowing up one or two...

... war, as well as civilian Sudanese workers who the Jews had captured. A total of 273 unarmed prisoners are executed and dumped into mass graves. This story is suppressed for nearly 40 years until it breaks in the August 16th, 1995, edition of the London Daily Telegraph. Mass Murder 108 600 "All the cement floor of the great garage (the execution hall of the departmental {Jewish} Cheka of Kief) was...

... 110 981 The top Communist Jewish official Zinoviev stated: "Without mercy, without sparing, we will kill our enemies in scores of hundreds. Let them be thousands; let them drown themselves in their own blood. For the blood of Lenin and Uritzky, Zinoviev and Vólodarsky, let there be floods of the blood of the bourgeoisie--more blood! As much as possible!" (Krasnaya Gazeta, Sept. 1, 1918). Mass Murder...

...ZioNazi Quotes - Mass Murder and Massacre...

... Mass murder and massacre - ZioNazi, NWO Quotes Prev Next ZioNazi Quotes Index Home Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. ZioNazi Quotes Notes What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Mass Murder and Massacre See also: Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish...

... admit it, but our god is Lucifer." -- Rabbi Abe Finkelstein, in an interview about Jewish control of the world Rabbi Abe Finkelstein interview (Transcript) Mass Murder 101 "If whole branches of Jews must be destroyed, it is worth it, as long as a Jewish state in Palestine is created." -- Theodor Herzl Mass Murder 102 The history of the Jews is written in the blood of Christians "Thanks to the terrible...

... synagogues here and there, I don't care." -- Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel 2001-2006,    daily Davar, 1982-12-17. Mass Murder 104 Genocidal ZioNazi degenerate Ariel Sharon Ariel Sharon declared: "I don't know something called International Principles. I vow that I'll burn every Palestinian child (that) will be born in this area. The Palestinian woman and child is more dangerous...

... than the man, because the Palestinian child's existence infers that generations will go on, but the man causes limited danger. I vow that if I was just an Israeli civilian and I met a Palestinian I would burn him and I would make him suffer before killing him. With one hit I've killed 750 Palestinians (in Rafah in 1956). I wanted to encourage my soldiers by raping Arabic girls as the Palestinian...

... women is a slave for Jews, and we do whatever we want to her and nobody tells us what we shall do but we tell others what they shall do." (Ariel Sharon, the Israeli Prime Minister, transcribed from an interview with General Ouze Merham, 1956) Genocidal ZioNazi degenerate Ariel Sharon Mass Murder 105...

... orders to kill as many students as possible in several towns. The Chekists arrested every youth wearing a school cap. They were liquidated because Lenin believed the coming Russian intellectuals would be a threat to the Soviet regime. (Vladimir Soloukhin, "In the Light of Day", Moscow 1992, p. 40.) The role of the Russian intellectuals in society was taken over by the Jews. Many students (for example...

... there would be more intellectuals among attractive people. Attractive youths were therefore killed as a danger to society. No crime as terrible as this has hitherto been described in the history of the world. The terror was co-ordinated by the [jewish] Chekist functionary Joseph Unschlicht. How did they go about the murders? The Jewish Chekists flavoured murder with various torture methods. In his...

... carried out in precise correspondence with principles of ritual murder and were in fact the occultist sacrificial ceremonies, which were to be carried out inducing the maximum amount of pain and suffering in the victims. During the inconceivable suffering the victim generates immense amounts of energy, which is consumed by the powers of evil, who exist on more subtle levels of existence - the puppet...

... the homes of pedophiles; into voids, perhaps, holes in the fabric of the universe where they will never be heard from again. Mass Murder 106 "Claim: Iraq has weapons of mass destruction "Yet, Israel has one of the largest and most deadly arsenals of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons in the world. "Claim: Iraq tried to forestall UN inspectors. "Yet...

..., Israel has never even allowed any inspections of its huge stockpile of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. Israel blocked UN investigations of Israeli war crimes such as Sharon's Sabra and Chatila massacre and the mass murder at Jenin." Mass Murder 107 During a joint British, Israeli, and French invasion of the Suez Canal, in 1957, Ariel Sharon commands units which murder Egyptian prisoners of...

... grave we discovered a certain quantity of arms and legs... " (Rohrberg, Commission of Enquiry, August 1919; S.P. Melgounov, La terreur rouge en Russie. Payot, 1927, p. 161; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, pp. 149-150) Mass Murder 109 755 DIO CASSIUS. Second century Roman historian. Describing the savage Jewish uprising against the Roman empire that has been...

... acknowledged as the turning point downward in the course of that great state-form: "The Jews were destroying both Greeks and Romans. They ate the flesh of their victims, made belts for themselves out of their entrails, and daubed themselves with their blood... In all, 220,000 men perished in Cyrene and 240,000 in Cyprus, and for this reason no Jew may set foot in Cyprus today." (Roman History) Mass Murder...

... 001 Martin Luther states: They are the real liars and bloodhounds, who have perverted and falsified the entire Scriptures from beginning to end without ceasing, with their interpretations ... O, how they love that book of Esther, which so nicely agrees with their revengeful people - they who imagine themselves to be the people of God, who desire to think they must murder and crush the heathen [non...

...-Judeans] ... As they at first demonstrated against us Christians and would like to do so now, if only they could ... Mass Murder 002 The Sabra and Shatilla massacre was one of the most barbarous events in recent history. Thousands of unarmed and defenseless Palestinian refugees-- old men, women, and children-- were butchered in an orgy of savage killing. On December 16, 1982, the United Nations General...

... Assembly condemned the massacre and declared it to be an act of genocide. In fact, Israel has umpteen UN resolutions outstanding against it for a pattern of persistent, racist violence which fits the definition of genocide. Mass Murder 003 "So against both the Albigenses and the Jews this pope now directed all his fury. ..The beautiful city of Beziers was razed to the ground. 'We spared neither dignity...

..., nor six nor age' writes the monk, Arnold, to his Holy Father, the pope. 'Nearly twenty thousand human beings perished by the sword. And after the massacre the town was plundered and burnt, and the revenge of God seemed to rage over it in a wonderful manner." (Rabbi Lewis Browne, Stranger than Fiction, p. 224). Mass Murder 004 In the Sunday Telegraph (London, England: Nov. 18, 1990) the question is...

...-153). Happy and joyful holiday of Purim Mass Murder 005 Another point about morality, related to the Jewish holidays. Most of them take their origin in the Torah. Take, for example, the most beloved by adults and children, happy and joyous holiday of Purim. On this day, Jew is allowed to get drunk until his nose goes blue. Over 500 years before Christ, in Persia, the Jews conducted the pogroms [mass...

... murder] of the local population, men, women and children. Just in two days, they have destroyed 75 thousand unarmed people, who could not even resist the armed attackers, the Jews. The Minister Haman and his ten sons were hanged. It was not a battle of soldiers, not a victory of the Jews in a battle, but a mass destruction of people and their children. There is no nation on Earth, that would have fun...

... Jews". Even if Ukrainian wanted to do so, he simply could not do it. Because you need to have bloodthirsty rotten insides and utter absence of love for people, your surroundings and nature. -- The Message From Warrior Mass Murder 006 Imagine the leader of a foreign terrorist organization coming to the United States with the intention of raising funds for his group. His organization has committed...

... just fine for those two. Oh, wait, you did not condemn terrorism, you merely stated that Palestinian terrorism will get them nowhere. Zionist terrorism is OK, but not Palestinian terrorism? You cannot have it both ways. Mass Murder 007 "I am gong to show that real religious persecution is uniquely Jewish... In the time of Justinian, in the sixth century, the Jews massacred Christians in Caesarea and...

... Christians perished in Jerusalem alone." (The International Jew, Henry Ford (1922), pp. 171, 173; Who is Esau-Edom? Charles A. Weisman, p. 100) Mass Murder 008 "The Jews were now free to indulge in their most fervent fantasies of mass murder of helpless victims. Christians were dragged from their beds, tortured and killed. Some were actually sliced to pieces, bit by bit, while others were branded with hot...

... Christian mother deny Christ. If she would not, he would toss the baby into the air, and another member of the mob would rush forward and catch it on the tip of his bayonet. Pregnant Christian women were chained to trees and their babies cut out of their bodies. There were many places of public execution in Russia during the days of the revolution, one of which was described by the American Rohrbach...

... Commission: 'The whole cement floor of the execution hall of the Jewish Cheka of Kiev was flooded with blood; it formed a level of several inches. It was a horrible mixture of blood, brains and pieces of skull. All the walls were bespattered with blood. Pieces of brains and of scalps were sticking to them. A gutter of 25 centimeters wide by 25 centimeters deep and about 10 meters long was along its length...

... we could locate.'" (Defender Magazine, October 1933) Mass Murder 009 Red Terror - Genocide in Russia In the Sunday Telegraph (London, England: Nov. 18, 1990) the question is asked: When we look at these gruesome personalities, who are only the tip of the Jewish iceberg that was Soviet Communism and who were responsible for the deaths of upwards of thirty million people; when we realize how little...

... one of the primary ideologists in the whole revolutionary movement and his views on rerrorism, murder and assassinations are simply mind boggling. There are books of evidence, written by some of the most authoritive investigators and researchers, such as Eduard Hodos, Gregory Kilmov and plenty of others. Listen to the sermons of the Jewish communist leader, Leia Davidovich Trotsky (Bronstein) during...

... ordered the massacre of the Czar's family; women and children, in the town named after Catherine the Great, Yekaterinburg, (renamed Sverdlovsk in 1924 in honor of the murderer). Jacob Yurovsky: commander, Soviet Secret Police. Yurovsky led the death squad which carried out Sverdlov's order for the murder of the Czar's family, including the bayoneting to death of the Czar's daughters. The Ipatyev house...

... on land seized from murdered Christians in Ukraine; funded by Jewish-American financier Julius Rosenwald. Ilya Ehrenburg, Minister of Soviet Propaganda and disseminator of anti-German hate material dating from the 1930s. Ehrenburg instigated the Soviet Red Army rape and murder of German civilians. Referring to German women, Ehrenburg gloated to the advancing Red Army troops, "that blonde hag is in...

... to the Red Army, this time as the soldiers approached Danzig, was described by a historian: "Millions of leaflets were air-dropped on the troops with a message composed by the propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg and signed by Stalin: 'Soldiers of the Red Army! Kill the Germans! Kill all Germans! Kill! Kill! Kill!" (Christopher Duffy, Red Storm on the Reich). The Soviet leadership acknowledged that...

... Jewish News, Nov. 5, 1992, p. 16). Of course when one encounters the issue of Jews, Communists and Catholics in Poland in the Establishment media or universities today, the mass murder of the Polish Catholics at the hands of the Jewish Communists, is never raised. Instead, a minor attack on Jews by Polish peasants enraged at the role of Jews in Communist terror, which occurred in July, 1946 at Kielce...

... victims of Jewish Communism, is regarded as "hateful" by the vain Zionists who demand for themselves the right to vomit forth a daily barrage of sewage upon the sacred memory of our grandparents and ancestors. To defend against the dishonoring of our heritage and our ancestors, is surely not hate; it is the right of self-defense against psychological warfare. Mass Murder 010 "WASHINGTON, Nov 12th, 2010...

... similar fashion. A display of German war criminal Adolf Eichmann is to be replaced by one of Ariel Sharon detailing his atrocities, not only in Palestinian territories, but also in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila in Lebanon. <end news update> Mass Murder 011 "Remember when the Jews levelled Jenin (Palestine's Lidiche) and refused to let the UN investigate until they got rid of the evidence...

...? Remember Rachel Corrie? Killed by Israelis when she tried to stop them from an act of ethnic cleansing when they were destroying Palestinian homes? Remember the graphic footage of that Palestinian man trying to protect his son while the Israeli's used them as target practice. An image ever bit as damning as that young female napalm victim in Vietnam? Remember the wanton attack and murder of unarmed...

... ill in bed when the Nazis came to her home town a German soldier shot her dead in her bed. "My grandmother did not die to provide cover for Israeli soldiers murdering Palestinian grandmothers in Gaza. The present Israeli government ruthlessly and cynically exploits the continuing guilt from gentiles over the slaughter of Jews in the Holocaust as justification for their murder of Palestinians." He...

... said the claim that many of the Palestinian victims were militants "was the reply of the Nazi" and added: "I suppose the Jews fighting for their lives in the Warsaw ghetto could have been dismissed as militants." He accused the Israeli government of seeking "conquest" and added: "They are not simply war criminals, they are fools."" Mass Murder 012 "...Everywhere I found minds much inclined to...

... them under the ruins of their powerless armies and their decrepit monarchies. Everywhere there is enthusiasm among our people and apathy and indifference among the enemy (as we see today!). It is a certain and infallible sign of success. ..In order to kill surely the old world we have believed it necessary to stifle the Catholic and Christian germ... This brave Mazzini, whom I have met at various...

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