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Mind Control: The Spear in Britney's Soul



Through the years, the evidence became overwhelming that Britney Spears is a victim of some kind of mind control. She is being "managed" all the time.. her contacts are limited to whatever her "Handlers" agree to.. she can't spend her own money freely without the consent of her father or fiance. Bear in mind that this is an adult woman who earned millions in her career, but is allowed a small weekly allowance that the court approved of giving her!!

You can read more information on her "condition" on my previous post titled Robot Britney.. Stand Still And Smile!, where you will understand the dark world of MK-Ultra mind manipulation and the disgusting project that is called "Monarch Programming".

I always refer newcomers to the excellent books of author Fritz Springmeier..

the first is:

The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave.
while the second is called: Deeper Insights Into the Illuminati Formula.

These two books - if you can find them - will help you enormously to understand the bizzare lives that women like Britney are living.

But if you have never heard of such things then an introduction is necessary, so you can see for yourself the hidden meanings of the song lyrics I'm going to quote later, where Britney herself tells her fans & listeners about the abuse she is going through!

Nazi work on mind control and Operation Paperclip

During the Nazi era, some "scientists" were working on a method to control the human Body and Mind so that an Agent/Handler would be able to use the victim any way he wants, and make him or her do whatever he needs.. like puppet masters to a puppet.

That project didn't end with the Nazis.. it was transfered to America, just like what happened to many of the German scientists that the CIA brought to the USA to complete their work!

This is a well-documented operation that was called Operation Paperclip.

Many of those scientists continued their studies (in Physics, Social Behaviour, Chemistry, Nuclear weapons, etc.) funded by the American government.

Some of the projects were kept secret so the public wouldn't be shocked by their horrific nature.. and that included the "Meinung Kontrolle" that became MK-Ultra or Mind Control!

The congress was forced once to investigate when information about the project was leaked. (The original documents of this investigation is available online)

Monarch Programming and the MK project

Monarch Programming is a part of the MK project where the subjects/victims are mostly females. They are used mainly as (Sex Kittens) but are also "useful" for many other purposes.

The term Monarch of course is a kind of butterflies, and it may refer to the fact that the sex slaves are OWNED by their masters, body and mind, and that these masters see themselves as "monarchy" or Elite that have the Natural Right to enslave other humans!!

The symbolism of the butterfly is that it's beautiful but weak.. and after a period of apparent death is transformed into something new, like the new personalities of the victims after the trauma.

The main goal of the Monarch programming mind control technique is to create Multiple Personalities inside the victim's mind, separated from one another, so that she will have no recollection of her actions that were done under the control of the other personalities (usually called ALTERs)

It is an intentionally manufactured MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder).

The techniques used to "split" the mind are based on a simple psychological fact. Under extreme pressure, and after brutal physical & psychological torture, some human minds will try to defend their sanity by autumatically ERASING the horrible memories, just like bad sectors on a hard disk.

The mind will create Memory Walls around these traumatic events, so that the human being can continue to function, without these events crippling him.

The abuse of this psychological fact is the basis of monarch programming.

The handler creates the horrible memories intentionally, usually by sexually abusing the targeted victim, preferably at a young age!.. This works "best" if the abuser is one who the victim trusts, like a father or a guardian, so the shock effect will be bigger.

When the victim realizes that their is no escape from the contining abuse, then the second phase of the technique begins.. usually under the supervision of a psychiatric working with the handler.. some of them are even assigned by a court, under the impression that a "professional help" will make the abused girl heal!!

The mind of the victim then is at its weakes state, and ready to accept "suggestions" like (Forget all the pain by locking it up inside your mind) or (Let's move all the bad memories to an ater-ego that no one can see but you) etc.

The victim comes out of this PROGRAMMING worse than before, but this time she is:

  • Crazy in the eye of society, so no one will believe her if she really broke out of her mental prison and tried to expose her handlers!
  • Uncertain of her sanity.. so can easily be convinced that what she thinks is happening to her is really Hallucinations!
  • A slave to her handlers, as they now have the keys to her different personalities, and can switch them as they want.

Some of the victims are usually implicated in criminal acts (drug dealing or worse) so they will always remain afraid of the authorities.. And to kill any remaining hope inside them, the handlers may make them witness real corrupt cops and judges so the victim will be convinced that there is no way out, and any attempt to escape or expose is futile.


The medical statistics show a massive growth in the number of MPD cases in the USA, which isn't seen anywhere else on earth. The real reason is that most of these cases aren't "natural cases" but manufactured. The modern books call the condition of these cases DID, which stands for Dissociative Identity Disorder, as the victim's mind dissociates into many Alter Personalities.

The victims also dis-associate from reality to cope with all the abuse.

What are the victims used for?

They are mainly females, so "sex slave" is the usual career.

And as they are familiar with abuse, some of them are used in the porn industry, especially the pornographic category of Abuse, Humiliation, Slapping, S&M etc.
They are cheap, and do whatever the producer tell them to do, even if it's degrading or painful.

Some of the male victims are trained to be future handlers themselves!, as they will obey orders silently and feel no remorse. It's a vicious cycle that renews its horror.

Some special cases are used as political assassins, like Sirhan Sirhan, the Christian Palestinian immigrant who allegedly shot Robert F. Kennedy in the 1960s then lost every memory of the accident. He is still in prison, and even after more than 40 years can't regain his memory.. but the investigations proved that he was suffering from some kind of "Hypnosis", beside his natural tendency to accept "mental suggestions" because of the trauma he felt while a child (during the Israeli attacks)

He also had a head injury while working as a jockey in America, so controlling his mind was very easy later.

Another occupation for MK-Ultra slaves is as drug dealers. The shocking thing here is that they work for official departments!

And the explanation of that is as follows: The CIA has too many dark projects that can't officially ask the government to fund them, because too many questions would be asked then. So they run other "operations" that can secure the funds needed. And what is more lucrative than smuggling & dealing drugs?!

What is "better" is that they use brainwashed puppets to do the dirty work and take the blame if something went wrong!

Sex Kittens are also used as political leverage, to implicate important politicians in sex scandals then use the tapes to pressure them any way the Elite wants.

Any politician who "gets out of the specified line" could be made to shut up easily that way.

Another popular use for sex slaves is to serve the masters' dirty desires that any healthy sane woman will refuse to do. But this is a dark and disgusting subject that you may find more information on elsewhere, as I don't want to talk about it in detail.

Mind Control is an industry that involves Sex, Drugs and Politics

From all of the above you can see that the Mind Control is an industry that involves Sex, Drugs and Politics.. three of the most important things in the American culture. But what about the entertainment business and the pop culture.. where do they fit here?

The main reasons that the "MPD/DID" victims are used in the entertainment business are:

  • 1 - Controlling the "Idols" that the masses love and mimic
  • 2 - Using them as special high-class escorts to the VIP who are too powerful to be satisfied with "ordinary" women!

Michael Jackson was abused as a child, then was used by the "culture creators" to serve a specific goal. They wanted - for whatever reason - to convince the public to accept a black man when he turns "white" and acts in a childish/feminine manner. Then years later they wanted the public to accept a white man when he acts and sings like a black man, so they manufactured Eminem, and so forth!

This is a part of a Social Engineering agenda that other writers have written about extensively, so look it up.

(I recommend Alan Watt as a researcher who was part of the music business for years. You can also check the writings of Henry Makow, and Ben Singleon who used to publish his thoughts of a famous blog called psudo-occult media)

The second reason as I mentioned is to use the controlled famous celebrities as one-night prostitutes. Lots of millionaires pay a lot of money (to the handler who controls the female star) in exchange for having sex with these stars. Bear in mind that theses celebs are bred from the start to be "sex symbols".

It's a very profitable "industry" indeed, and its classic example is Marilyn Monroe.

Breakdown of Britney Spears

Now that you have all this information you will be able to understand the Breakdown that Britney Spears had some years ago.

You will understand the reason that she was smiling when she went into the hairdresser's salon and asked for a complete head shave, so "no one can touch her anymore"!

She thought that making herself undesirable will stop her handlers from using her sexually.

She wasn't breaking down but breaking out of her handlers' prison! It didn't work of course, but at least she tried.

Now they keep her in a semi-sedated state all the time.. I guess so the real original personality won't surface on camera and expose the truth.

You can see that she is always afraid of the flashes of the cameras.. always clutching her fists and standing as an obeying soldier waiting for commands.

They used her kids to keep her "in line", and I wouldn't be surprised if they threatened to take them away if she gets out of line.

Her phone is monitored, the same as her web surfing!.. The few true friends she had were forced to get away from her by various means.

The Album she tried to use to "tell the truth" was censored and she was forbidden to release its songs.

This album was called (Original Doll) for obvious reasons. She went to radio stations behind her Label Company's back to give the listeners samples of its songs, so the world will know of its existence and it'll be hard for "them" to bury it!

Some of the songs were leaked later, maybe even by her. The most important to her was the song called Rebellion, which came at a moment in her life when she thought that she will be able to rebel on her handlers.

There is another song from her Chaotic album that was called Mona Lisa.. and it talks about her inner struggle with the alter ego, and her victory in the battle!
She even talked in the song about a "public fall" that was being prepared for her, to hurt her image and credibility. That was before the infamous breakdown incident!

Some of the lyrics are explicit and blatantly sexual in nature

Some of the lyrics are explicit and blatantly sexual in nature, and it might be referring to memories of some of the sexual acts she did while in her other personas.

And now you may be able to see the coming lyrics in a new light.

A story about Mona Lisa

This is a story, about Mona Lisa,
The Mona Lisa.

Ladies and gentlemen, I've got a little story to tell,
About Mona Lisa, and how she suddenly fell,
You see, everyone knew her, they knew her oh so well,
Now I'm taking over to release her from her spell.

She's the original
She wants you to know
She's been cloned
She's been gone

She was taken under,
Drowning in her sea,
Running like an angel,
She was crying and could not see
Now see everyone's watching as she starts to fall,
They want her to break down and be a legend of her fall

She's so unpredictable
She wants you to know
That she's home, that she's home


You used me,
Tried to abuse me

Now I'm gonna give him what he wants and more,
Do all those explicit things that I told you "No",
Places you couldn't go,
You know where I'm talking

Money, Love And Happiness

I'm about to go crazy

I know you wanna get in my head
I'd rather get in yours instead

I wanna run away to a place of Fairy land
of dreams, that is where I'll find
everything I need to have a peace of mind

All it takes is money, love and happiness


Be wary of others
The ones closest to you
The poison they feed you
And the voodoo that they do

But in rebellion
There's a sparkle of truth
Don't just stand there
Do what you got to do

You'll find it in rebellion
Your body starts breathing
They're not believing what they're seeing
'Cause you're rebellion

You'll find it so compelling
With everyone yelling
'Cause your soul, you're not selling
'Cause you're rebellion

Over To You Now

Do you like this?
This place, that I'm bringin' you to
'Cause I do
Oh my God!
I know this place
It's still a secret
And I don't think you've ever been
It's kinda hard, to find the entrance
You need some juice
But you'll love it once you get there
This special place
It's in the basement
You have to work your way around
The place is hot
And then it's pumpin'
So are you ready to go down?
And when you come
You might be stuck here

(p.s: This song clearly is about anal sex)

Another song relevant to the subject is "Sweet Dreams (are made of this)' which was recently covered by the actress Emily Browning as part of the sound track to the weird movie Sucker Punch.

This movie is intentionally shallow on the surface, but is heavy with mind control symbolism!.. One interpretation of its meaning is that ALL the main girls in the story are simply different alters to the main character (Babydoll), and the movie depicts her struggle to accept the conditioning and trauma she suffered.

Some of the alters are "killed", while the handlers allow one of them to "escape". The original personality then is erased completely with a lobotomy operation!

It is really a weird movie, but it's obvious that the writer knows the trauma-based monarch programming technique too well!

Sweet dreams are made of this

Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
Travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something

Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused

I wanna use you and abuse you
I wanna know what's inside you



What are you going to do about it?