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Found: 2872 articles, showing 580 - 590
... that is only a facade. Deep down it thinks only of money, power, prestige. But it has a very ancient mask, so glued to its original face that it has almost become its second nature. I have traveled all over the country for decades and I was surprised that everybody is repeating, like parrots, things which don't mean anything to them. The person does not even know the meaning of what he is saying; but...

... simply a burden, a poison, a force destructive of your intelligence and your very soul. But the whole country lives with the idea that they are the only people in the world who are spiritual and the rest of the world is materialist; and I have never seen anybody more materialistic than the Indians. They cling to money as their very soul. They cling to everything worldly, which their saints go on...

... don't ask for clothes, and don't ask for a roof, because that is not part of meditation. Just meditate. And what is your meditation? - because you have come here to meditate, and others have come to make houses for you and bring money for your comforts. You will simply repeat your old idiotic chanting, which is not meditation at all. You cannot participate in my meditations; your inhibitions are such...

... her another chance?" Money is all. In the name of character, it is all hypocrisy. Even those you think are saints have their hidden side. The most arduous and self-torturing saints are the naked monks of the Jainas. They have renounced everything, even clothes. Just a few years ago two naked saints were found near Calcutta beating each other, so they were brought to the police station and asked...

... fighting started because the disciple was not ready to have equal shares; he had more money than the master. The Jainas of Calcutta tried to hush up the case, and it is very easy in India: they just bribed the police. The saints and the police are not different; they bribed the journalists so they wouldn't publish it. One of my friends wrote me that, just to protect their prestige, the Jainas have not...

... allowed those saints to be exposed. But those who have renounced everything are still carrying money, are still carrying the desire to have more, are still ready to fight, hit each other, be violent. It is a strange country: it has forgotten all the great teachings of the mystics, it lives following the stupid priests who know nothing as far as experience is concerned. And they are against me, because I...
...; But I said, "I don't need it. If sometimes I need... just give me your address." He said, "My address I will give to you on the condition that you accept this money." I said, "But, money I have never accepted from anybody." When I was saying this, tears started coming to the eyes of the old man. I said, "Why are you crying? You should be happy, this much money is...

... saved. I should be crying - why are you crying?" He said, "Listen, I am a rich man as far as money is concerned, but I am a very poor man as far as the heart is concerned. I don't know how to give love except by giving money. If you reject my money, you are rejecting me and my heart and I will never forgive you." He said, "You can take it and burn it - that is not my concern - but...
... in the whole world. Five thousand people were eating into one restaurant, one kitchen for all. There was no use of money in the society and that was my basic idea: to drop poverty, richness, without any dictatorship, without any enforcement. Everything that you needed was provided by the commune. Money could not be used. You can donate to the commune but you cannot purchase anything by money. Money...

..., milk products... and our people lived with such comfort and luxury that it became necessarily a target for jealousy of the neighbors. They have been working in their ranches which were better lands, for generations and they could not manage to have such luxury. And the government became aware that we don't have any power, we don't have much money, and yet we have been able to manage a society for...

... opportunity than men to compensate. And for three and half years I was in silence, in isolation, and she had all the power, so it is very human. She was from a poor family, she was just a waitress in a hotel when she had come to me. She had never seen so much money -- three hundred million dollars suddenly can make anybody mad. Q: SO IT WAS JUST TOO BIG A TEMPTATION? A: Yes, it was too big a temptation and...
... take an oath to the effect that her late husband had not given her some money or objects of value as a security for her kethubah. Since it is definitely known what objects of value had been set aside for her kethuhah there is no reason to suspect that any other objects or money also had been secretly deposited with her. If, e.g., they were lost. From the landed property of the deceased, since all of...

... which someone owes him. Although the money was not at that time in his possession and the gift was not made in the presence of the three parties concerned (v. B.B. 144a). By the unnecessary symbolic acquisition. V. infra n. 12. The donee. Not merely by virtue of the legal validity of his instructions (v. supra note 3). Hence it was difficult for Samuel to give a decision on the matter (v. B.B. Sonc...
... a difference is to be made in a case between the first instance and where it had happened? — From the following: We have learnt: A WOMAN SHOULD NOT BE ALONE WITH THEM, BECAUSE THEY ARE SUSPECTED OF LEWDNESS; now this seems to be contradicted by the following: A woman who had been imprisoned by heathens in connection with money matters, is permissible to her husband,3  but if on a...

... capital charge, she is forbidden to her husband.4  Does this not go to prove that we make a difference in a case between the first instance and where it had happened?5  — Not at all! It may indeed be that the prohibition applies even after it happened, but here the reason is that the heathen will be afraid to forfeit his money! You can indeed prove it by what is stated in the second...

... contradiction between our Mishnah and the Baraitha cited above, p. 113. The Mishnah forbids the deliberate placing of an animal with a heathen, while the Baraitha permits the use of such an animal when it had already been so placed. The heathen who has charge of her will not ill-use her for fear of losing the money involved. Keth. 26b. The former being forbidden according to the first teaching, while the...
....14 MISHNAH. IF A WOMAN WAS IMPRISONED BY HEATHENS, IF FOR THE SAKE OF MONEY, SHE IS PERMITTED TO HER HUSBAND, AND IF FOR THE PURPOSE OF [TAKING HER] LIFE,15  SHE IS FORBIDDEN TO HER HUSBAND. GEMARA. R. Samuel b. Isaac said [that] Rab said: They have taught [this] only when the hand of Israel is strong over the heathens.16  but when the hand of the heathens is strong over themselves,17...

...  even if for the sake of money, she is forbidden to her husband. Raba raised an objection: R. Jose the priest and R. Zechariah b. ha-Kazzab18  testified regarding an Israelitish woman, who was pledged19  in Ashkelon and her family20  put her away.21  and her witnesses22  testified [concerning her] that she did not hide herself [with a man] and that she was not defiled...

.... R Eliezer agrees with the Rabbis, R. Simeon b. Gamaliel with R. Nathan. And she was saved afterwards. [In which case they were afraid to force the woman, lest they should forfeit their money claim.] I.e., when the heathens are independent. [or a euphemism 'themselves', standing for Israelites.] 'Son of the Butcher'. For a debt. Who were priests. Disqualified her from marrying a priest for fear she...
.... Johanan rule thus?7  Surely R. Johanan said: The halachah is [always] as an anonymous Mishnah,8  and we learnt: As for its wheel-work, if detachable, it has no connection therewith, is not measured with it, and does not protect together with it in [the matter of] a covering over the dead, and it may not be rolled on the Sabbath if there is money upon it.9  Hence if there is no money upon...

... it, it is permitted, though it was upon it at twilight?10  — Said. R. Zera: Interpret our Mishnah as meaning11  that there was no money upon it during the whole of twilight, so as not to overthrow12  R. Johanan's words. R. Joshua b. Levi said: Rabbi once went to Diospera13  and gave a practical ruling in respect to a candelabrum as R. Simeon's view in respect to a lamp.14...
... dollars in donations into the country. "Following the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, the Zionists raised another $730-million in just two years. This year, 1970, the movement is seeking five hundred million dollars. "Gottlieb Hammar, chief Zionist money raiser, said, 'When the blood flows, the money flows.'" (Lawrence Mosher, National Observer, May 18, 1970) 503 "... the incontrovertible evidence is that Hitler...

... occupies almost everywhere the avenues of power - a double assault of Jewish revolution and Jewish finance, revolution and finance. If I were God, I'd clean this mess up and I would start with cleaning the Money Changers out of the Federal Reserve. He does say in His Word that the gold and silver will be thrown in the streets. Since they aren't using money in Heaven now, we won't need any when He gets...
..., the smallest kethubah being for no less than one maneh. Lit., 'there was'. This will be discussed in the Gemara infra. I.e., seventy-five zuz. A gold denar twenty-five silver denarii or zuz (v. B.M. 45b). The two women take equal shares in the two hundred zuz since the kethubah of either is for no less a sum and the money available is equally pledged to both. Lit., 'there was', So that the first...

..., [is the law where] an ox [was bought] for ploughing and used3  for killing? Does each partner7  [in such a case] receive a share in proportion to his capital? Then instead of stating in the final clause, 'If one man had bought [some oxen] out of his own money and the other [had bought some] out of his own money14  and the animals were mixed up, each partner7  receives a share in...

...; applies only where an ox was bought for ploughing and was used for ploughing. but where an ox was bought for ploughing and was used for slaughter' the law is the same as 'if one man had bought [some oxen] out of his own money and the other [had bought some] out of his own money, and the animals were mixed up [in which case] each party receives a share in proportion to his capital'. We learned: SIMILARLY...
... took [the two istira] as a fee.39  But is it permissible [for a judge to take money] as a fee.39  Have we not in fact learned: The legal decisions of one who takes a fee for acting as judge are null and void?40  — This40  applies only to a fee for pronouncing judgment, while Karna was only taking compensation for loss of work.41 But [is a judge] permitted to take...

...; and for this he was paid a fee.48  This is similar to the case49  of R. Huna. When a lawsuit was brought to him, he used to say to the [litigants]. 'Provide me with a man who will draw the water50  in my place51  and I will pronounce judgment for you'. Said R. Abbahu: Come and see how blind are the eyes of those who take a bribe. If a man has pain in his eyes he pays away money...

... and if I am hated they must all hate me. Our Rabbis taught: And thou shalt take no gift;23  there was no need to speak of [the prohibition of] a gift of money, but [this was meant:] Even a bribe of words24  is also forbidden, for Scripture does not write, And thou shalt take no gain.25  What is to be understood by 'a bribe of words'?24  — As the bribe offered to Samuel.26...

...] thought, 'he must be his relative' — 54 An orphans' lawsuit was then in progress55  before him; and he reflected: - To Next Folio - Original footnotes renumbered. See Structure of the Talmud Files From Palestine to Babylon. Sc. is independent of other people's help or favours. Collecting his dues. Cf Sanh. 7b. Any objects. The verb [H], here used, does not apply to money. Lit., 'we have...

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