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Found: 2872 articles, showing 340 - 350
... pay instead - give the daughter and pay enough money. The woman does not want - nobody wants - to be dependent. Nobody wants to be a slave. Nobody wants to be inferior because nobody is inferior. People are different; the question of superiority and inferiority is simply absurd. So she starts taking revenge unconsciously. She cannot love the man who owns her as property, who does not recognize her...

... given a chance to grow, to have its potential become actual. So mind is dominating everything. Mind is good where money is concerned; mind is good where war is concerned; mind is good where ambitions are concerned - but mind is absolutely useless where love is concerned. Money, war, desires, ambitions - you cannot put love in the same category. Love has a separate source in your being, where there is...

... mother and father, are waiting for him to return home. He has not done anything to you, and you are going to kill him. For what? - to get an award from the military academy? To get a promotion?" The heart will be a disturbance. It is better to make soldiers forget their hearts so they can simply go on killing like robots, without any feelings. The people who are after money don't want the heart...

... the way to do business. This is not a charity shop. You could have made so much more money - but first you tell a person the cost price! And he is not asking the cost price, he is asking the selling price." My father said, "It is impossible for me to cheat a man, to exploit him. And what are we going to do with the money? Whatever we need, we have. More money brings more troubles."...
... the system of charging interest. A society becomes richer if the money moves faster and does not remain stuck in one hand, but the money can move faster only if there is some incentive. Why should I give my money to somebody else unless I can earn something out of it? Interest is nothing but a strategy to make the money move from one hand to another hand. And the faster the money moves, the richer...

..., and they have remained poor for a single reason: that interest is thought to be a sin. No other society thinks interest is a sin. What is the sin in it? You take somebody's money, you have to pay something; otherwise why should he give his money to you? Interest is just a kind of rent. But the Mohammedan considers interest to be so unvirtuous that anybody who commits the sin loses all respect in the...
... of prime suspect - removed Money was collected for a "new home" for the prime suspect's family Farce with second arrest of the prime suspect Overwhelming evidence produced A "foreign" and "ugly" Jew Witness testimonies If they have no proof, they can't do anything to us! "That was the stupidest thing that he did, that he brought it to the barn" Three Jewish ritual-slaughterers discussing the death...

..." The prosecution played the role of the defense Press initiates the collection of money to "compensate" a "poor Jew" But Buschhoff led a comfortable untroubled existence as a retiree A half million Marks had been remitted to Buschhoff The Oberwinder Trial Reporter exposing the farce sentenced to two months' imprisonment! Bias out of fear of the power of Jewry A prosecutor forms such a favorable...

... murder scene The Jewish merchant Samuel Rosenthal - dead after his slip of tongue about the murder The father of the victim receives a letter admitting Jews did the murder and an offer a large sum of money for silence Several witnesses arrested in the most ruthless manner as per judge Zimmermann The Law Court a) The Speisiger trial The Masloff trial Attorney General Lautsch: non-Jews are suspect, Jews...

... had ordained that questions of ritual murder were not to be raised The Murderers Campaign of lies and disinformation in the media Investigations "drawing away from the tracks of the actual murderers" Jewish money and disinformation machine comes into play The Zaddiks, ("saints") of the Hassidim Schneerson, a "saint" of Hassidim comes from an old Hassidic family in Russia, from which come several...

... trifled with The Elders of Zion had already decided upon this (muder of Tsar and his entire family) Jewish paper called upon the Jews of all nations to boycott Russia Lionel Rothschild submits a petition for "merciful protection" to the Pope Invisible hand disperses money to cover up the murder Beilis - acquitted! State's Attorney Fischer arrived at the conviction Epilogue Beilis received like a king in...
... destroyed. Right now I can see that your energy is ready. So move into love, move into relationship... and unafraid, because life is only for those who are unafraid. It is not for cowards. It is only for brave people. God believes only in courageous people. So go with my blessings, but continue meditating, mm? [Another sannyasin who is leaving said he had no plans, but was concerned about money and...

... security: But I've been feeling that I really need to do something about my love... that I need to be rooted in that too.] That's the real need. If you are rooted in love, you are rooted. There is no other way to be rooted. You can have money, you can have a house, you can have security, you can have a bank balance; that will not give you rootedness. That is just a substitute, a poor substitute for love...

.... It may increase your anxiety even more because once you have physical securities, money, a social status, you become more and more afraid that these things may be taken from you, or you become more and more worried about having more and more of these things, because discontent knows no limit, and your basic need was of being rooted. Love is the earth where one needs to be rooted. Just as trees are...

... rooted in the earth, man is rooted in love. Man's roots are invisible, so anything visible is not going to help. Money is very visible, a house is very visible, social status is very visible. Man's roots are invisible. Man is a tree with invisible roots. You will have to find some invisible earth - call it love, call it God, prayer - but it is going to be something like that... invisible, intangible...

..., elusive, mysterious. You cannot catch hold of it. On the contrary, you will have to allow it to catch hold of you. You cannot have any grip on it. On money you can have your grip; you can catch it in your hands - but then it cannot become your earth. That which you can possess will never become your earth. Only that which possesses you can become your earth. Love possesses you. That is the attraction...
... who effected the sale. And so have a claim to another maneh. Tractate List / Glossary / / Bible Reference Kethuboth 98b Rabbi1  has taught here2  that all [profits3  belong] to the owner of the money.4  As it was taught,5  'If one unit6  was added to [the purchases made by an agent] all [the profit belongs] to the agent'; so R. Judah, but R. Jose ruled, '[The profit] is...

... to be divided',7  [and, in reply to the objection,] But, surely, it was taught that R. Jose ruled, All [profit belongs] to the owner of the money! Rami b. Hama replied: This is no difficulty for the former refers to an object that has a fixed value8  while the latter refers to one that has no fixed9  value.10 R. Papa stated: The law is that11  [the profit made by the agent on...

...] an object that had a fixed value must be divided,7  but if on an object that had no fixed value all [profit belongs] to the owner of the money. What does he12  teach us?13  — That the reply that was given14  is the proper one.15 The question was raised: What [is the law where a man] said to his agent,16  'Sell for me a lethek'17  and the latter presumed18 ...

.... Dem, VIII. And, since it is not certain in whose favour the additional unit was given away by the seller, its value must be equally divided between the agent and the owner of the money. So that the additional unit cannot be regarded as a gift, but as a part of the purchase, payment for which was made with the money of the owner. Hence it is the latter only who is entitled to the added unit. Thus it...
... harvesting season he was worth a sela' [he] is permitted [to have the benefit]? Is not this [difference] a reward7  for advancing the money?8  Raba replied: What a logical argument! Has it ever been forbidden to reduce one's hire to the lowest level?9  Wherein [then, lies the reason for] the difference between the first, and the last clause?10  — [In] the first clause, since work...

... does not begin11  at once,12  [the difference between the two rates of wage] appears as a reward for advancing the money;13  [in] the last clause, where work begins at once, [the difference] does not appear as a reward for advancing the money. AND IT IF WAS ATTACHED TO THE GROUND AND HE PLUCKED [OF IT] ANY QUANTITY, HE HAS ACQUIRED OWNERSHIP. Does he acquire ownership [of all the flax...

... and that at the earlier days. I.e., usury. Lit., 'reward for waiting for me'. A labourer may. so far as the Biblical prohibition of usury is concerned, agree to take any wage, however low, even if his work is not to begin until the harvesting season, and his wages may be paid in advance. Lowering one's wage is not the same as paying usury for advancing money as a loan or on a purchase. Since one may...

... until the bottle has been returned to its owner, not merely to the child. R. Judah, who absolves the shopkeeper, disagreeing with Samuel. And the child was given money by his father to pay for the bottle in which the oil was to be carried. He absolved the shopkeeper from responsibility for the oil and the isar, because he maintains that the child was sent to bring the things with him. For the same...
... Original footnotes renumbered. See Structure of the Talmud Files With the firstborn. I.e., when he himself owes money to his father. He takes one half, and the others take the other half. The portion of the birthright is, in this case, of 'doubtful ownership'. If the loan in question were to be regarded as an ordinary debt, the firstborn would have had no claim at all to the double portion of the...

... to a double portion in the wine? Lit., 'to give him the value (money) of the damage of his grapes'. The firstborn receives a double portion. not in the wine, but in value of the grapes that were lost or damaged in the process of the manufacturing of the wine. The heirs, who made the change in disregard of his protest, must hear the loss. Lit.,'where'. Lit., 'said'. Despite the protest of the...

...',22  HIS INSTRUCTIONS ARE VALID.23 GEMARA. [Must] it be said [that] our Mishnah24  is not in accordance with R. Judah? For, if [it be suggested that it is in accordance with] R. Judah. surely he said, [it may be asked]. [that] in money matters one's stipulation is valid'.25  For it was taught: If a man said to a woman, 'Behold thou art consecrated unto me26  on condition that...

... thou shalt have no [claim] upon me [for] food, raiment and conjugal rights' she is consecrated27  but the stipulation is null;28  these are the words of R. Meir. R. Judah said: In respect of the money matters his stipulation is valid!29  [Our Mishnah] may be said [to be in agreement] even [with the view of] R. Judah; [only] there,30  she knew [his conditions] and renounced her...

... inheritance'. that may have been used with it, does not affect the validity of the testator's instructions. Which forbids any stipulation that is contrary to a law of the Torah. Even if it is contrary to a law of the Torah Since our Mishnah deals with money matters and yet it is stated that one's stipulation that is contrary to the Torah, is invalid, it obviously cannot agree with R. Judah's view. The...
... liability according to the view of the Rabbis (v. infra p. 357), and by his act he caused the owner of the corn the loss of all claim to compensation. I.e., to obtain money really not due to him. Which he obtained by false pretenses and by the evidence of the false witnesses whom he hired. I.e. to pay him money not due to him, and it so happened that the neighbour to whom the money was paid could not be...

... made to give back the money he obtained by the false evidence. Why then state it here? Lev. V, 1. Whose evidence would merely entail the imposition of an oath upon the defendant, v. Shebu 40a. Thus disqualifying it from being used for the purpose of purification, Par. IV, 4. Git. 53a, and infra 98a. Supra 47b. Infra 59b. Infra 91a. Supra 28b. R. Joshua. But not to cause you the loss of compensation...

.... Expressed in the Divine Law. I.e. mortal man. Surely the word of the former. The witnesses should therefore be exclusively responsible, as they should not have followed the advice of a man in contradiction to the words of the Law. The law of agency could on this account not apply in matters of transgression; cf. Kid. 42b and supra p. 294. Since one witness could not make the defendant liable for money...
... / / Bible Reference Baba Kamma 65b The Sages, however, say: [Scripture says] In its principal and the fifth part thereof,1  [implying that it is only] where money is paid as principal that a fifth has to be added, but where the money is not paid as principal2  no fifth will be added.3  R. Simeon b. Yohai says: No fifth or trespass offering is paid in a case where there is double payment.4...

..., and as the Torah says 'and its fifths',7  the Torah has thus assigned many fifths to one principal.8 The Master stated: 'The Sages however say: [Scripture says] In its principal and the fifth part thereof [implying that it is only] where money is paid as principal that a fifth has to be added, but where the money is not paid as principal, no fifth will be added.' The trespass offering will...

... rejoin that as it was impossible for Scripture not to insert 'eth' so as to make a distinction between a chattel due to Heaven14  and money due to ordinary men,15  it was therefore necessary to add the 'waw' so as to combine the verses. R. Elai said: If a thief misappropriates a lamb and it grows into a ram,16  or a calf and it grows into an ox,16  as the article has undergone a...
... sheath of a Scroll together with the Scroll, though it also contains money,3  shall we not handle the skin on account of the flesh? How compare! There it [the sheath] became a stand for something that is forbidden (the money] and something that is permitted [the Scroll]; whereas here the whole has become a stand for that which is forbidden? — Rather they say thus to him: If a sheath...

... containing money may be brought from elsewhere to save a Scroll of the Law with it, shall we not handle the skin in virtue of the flesh? And how do we know that itself? Shall we say, since one need not throw them [the coins] out when it contains them,4  he may bring it [the sheath] too? How compare! There, in the meanwhile the fire may alight [upon the Scroll];5  but here, let them be thrown out...

... sacrifice was killed the whole animal was mukzeh. Which by itself may not be handled. V. Mishnah. If one should first have to empty the sheath of its money. Whilst carrying the sheath to the Scroll it can be emptied of its money without loss of time. Hence the flaying is unintentional, as far as the skin is concerned.-On this explanation they differ only in respect of skinning the animal, as was first...

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