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...Mind Control: The Spear in Britney's Soul...

... Mind Control: The Spear in Britney's Soul h2 { margin-top:2em; } h3 { color: #B50400; text-align: center; } .left { float: left; width: 40%; padding: 4pt 12pt; } AntiMatrix Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. Mind Control: The Spear in Britney's Soul Site Navigator Similar materials Notes What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with...

... rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents Introduction Nazi work on mind control and Operation Paperclip Monarch Programming and the MK project What are the victims used for? Mind Control is an industry that involves Sex, Drugs and Politics Breakdown of Britney Spears Some of the lyrics are explicit and blatantly sexual in nature A story about Mona Lisa Dramatic Money, Love And...

... Happiness Rebellion Over To You Now Sweet dreams are made of this Introduction Through the years, the evidence became overwhelming that Britney Spears is a victim of some kind of mind control. She is being "managed" all the time.. her contacts are limited to whatever her "Handlers" agree to.. she can't spend her own money freely without the consent of her father or fiance. Bear in mind that this is an...

... then an introduction is necessary, so you can see for yourself the hidden meanings of the song lyrics I'm going to quote later, where Britney herself tells her fans & listeners about the abuse she is going through! Nazi work on mind control and Operation Paperclip During the Nazi era, some "scientists" were working on a method to control the human Body and Mind so that an Agent/Handler would be...

... continued their studies (in Physics, Social Behaviour, Chemistry, Nuclear weapons, etc.) funded by the American government. Some of the projects were kept secret so the public wouldn't be shocked by their horrific nature.. and that included the "Meinung Kontrolle" that became MK-Ultra or Mind Control! The congress was forced once to investigate when information about the project was leaked. (The original...

... and mind, and that these masters see themselves as "monarchy" or Elite that have the Natural Right to enslave other humans!! The symbolism of the butterfly is that it's beautiful but weak.. and after a period of apparent death is transformed into something new, like the new personalities of the victims after the trauma. The main goal of the Monarch programming mind control technique is to create...

... Multiple Personalities inside the victim's mind, separated from one another, so that she will have no recollection of her actions that were done under the control of the other personalities (usually called ALTERs) It is an intentionally manufactured MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder). The techniques used to "split" the mind are based on a simple psychological fact. Under extreme pressure, and after...

... use for sex slaves is to serve the masters' dirty desires that any healthy sane woman will refuse to do. But this is a dark and disgusting subject that you may find more information on elsewhere, as I don't want to talk about it in detail. Mind Control is an industry that involves Sex, Drugs and Politics From all of the above you can see that the Mind Control is an industry that involves Sex, Drugs...

... track to the weird movie Sucker Punch. This movie is intentionally shallow on the surface, but is heavy with mind control symbolism!.. One interpretation of its meaning is that ALL the main girls in the story are simply different alters to the main character (Babydoll), and the movie depicts her struggle to accept the conditioning and trauma she suffered. Some of the alters are "killed", while the...

...:// :::Salama::: Source: See also: Illuminati Bloodlines Svali Interview Interview on Illuminati Bloodlines Illuminati In America - Svali Interview with...

... HJ Springer John Todd, the Illuminati and Witchcraft! Impending New Word Order Secret World Government The Synagogue of Satan ZioNazi Quotes Categorised Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand Timeline of the Rothschild family The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview (Explosive interview with Harold Wallace Rosenthal about Jewish world domination) ZioNazi Quotes Categorised Jewish Zertsalo - 100...
... you KNOW that anything can happen. You may even kill, murder your beloved, you may start eating her body, because then controls are removed. Suppression seems to be the easiest way to avoid all this. Suppress, or allow only as much as will not lead you into danger - just a part of it which can be controlled always. And you remain in control, you manipulate. You allow up to an extent and then you...

... HER? Question 1: BELOVED OSHO, WOULD YOU TALK TO US ABOUT THE ALTERNATIVE TO SUPPRESSING OR EXPRESSING OUR EMOTIONS? Man is the only being who can suppress his energies - or who can transform them. No other being can do either.Suppression AND transformation, they exist as two aspects of one phenomenon, which is that man can do something about himself. The trees exist, the animals exist, the birds...

... exist, but they cannot do anything about their existence - they are part of it. They cannot stand out of it. They cannot be the doers. They are so merged with their energy, they cannot separate themselves. Man can do. He can do something about himself. He can observe himself from a distance - he can look at his own energies as if they are separate from him. And then either he can suppress them, or he...

... can transform them. Suppression means only trying to hide certain energies which are there - not allowing them to have their being, not allowing them to have their manifestation. Transformation means transforming, changing energies towards a new dimension. For example, sex is there. There is something in sex which makes you feel embarrassed about it. This embarrassment is not only because society...

... don't allow. Then you close yourself and shut yourself. Suppression exists as a protection, as a safeguard, as a security measure, and religions have used this security measure. They have exploited this fear of sex and they have made you more afraid. They have created an inner trembling. They have made sex the basic sin and they say: Unless sex disappears, you will not be able to enter into the...

... Kingdom of God. They are true, in a sense, and still wrong. I also say unless sex disappears you will not be able to enter into the Kingdom of God. But sex disappears only when you have accepted it totally - not suppressed, but transformed it. Religions have exploited human fear and the human tendency to be egoistic. They have created many techniques to suppress. It is not very difficult to suppress...

..., what can be done. The fear is there because you feel that the control will be lost, and once the control is lost you cannot do anything. I teach you a new control: the control of the witnessing self, not the control of a manipulating mind, but the control of a witnessing self. And I tell you that that control is the supreme possible and that control is so natural that you never feel you are...

... controlling. The control happens spontaneously with witnessing. Move into sex but be a witness. The only thing to remember is: I must encounter the whole process, I must see through it, I must remain a witness, I should not become unconscious - that's all. Become wild, but don't become unconscious. Then there is no danger in wildness; then wildness is beautiful. Really, only a wild man can be beautiful. A...

... more there - you are transplanted into a new world. This is what Shiva goes on talking about in VIGYAN BHAIRAV TANTRA and in other tantra books. He goes on talking about this phenomenon: you are transmuted, a mutation has happened. This will happen through witnessing. If you follow suppression, you can become so-called human beings - bogus, superficial, hollow within; just dummies, not authentic, not...

... real. If you don't follow suppression but follow indulgence, you will become like an animal - beautiful, more beautiful than so-called civilized man, but just animals - not alert, not aware, not conscious of the possibility of growth, of the human potential. If you transform the energy, then you become divine. And remember, when I say divine, both things are implied in it. The wild animal with its...

... inside in the mind, is a perversion. The so-called monks are perverted beings, not because they are monks, but because they have chosen the path of suppression, which is a wrong path, which leads nowhere. Jesus, Mahavira, or Buddha, they are following the path of witnessing. Then brahmacharya happens. This word 'brahmacharya' is very beautiful. The very word means: the way the divine behaves. The way...

... continuously thinking what to do, and only now he speaks. It is not sudden. Inside there has been a current, a running current. And he says: This is not good, it is against the rules, and I will have to report it to the abbot, to the chief of the monastery, to the master. You have broken a rule, a very basic rule, that no monk should touch a woman. You have not only touched her, you have carried her on your...

... by things which are not there; you may be crushed by things which don't exist. The old monk is on the path of repression. The young monk is a symbol of an effort towards transformation - because transformation accepts the woman, the man, the other. Because transformation has to happen through the other, the other will participate in it. Suppression, repression, rejects the other, is against the...

... problem. The desire arises in you, the desire for woman - that is the problem. The girl is not at all the question. Any girl, any woman would do the same. She is just a point of reference. Seeing the girl, the desire has arisen. To be alert means to be alert to this desire, that the desire has come to me. Now, a man who is on the path of repression will suppress this desire, close his eyes towards the...
.... During her reign, Queen Elizabeth I decided that in order to wrest control of the money supply she would have to issue her own gold and silver coins. She did this through the public treasury and successfully took control of the money supply from the money changers. 1609 The money changers in the Netherlands establish the the first central bank in history, in Amsterdam. 1642 Oliver Cromwell is financed...

.... A lot of these consuls were able to be converted to Bank of England stock, which is how Rothschild took over the control of the Bank of England and therefore the British money supply. Interestingly, 100 years later, the New York Times ran a story stating that Nathan Rothschild's grandson had attempted to secure a court order to suppress a book with this, what we would call today, "insider trading...

... Bankers could only dominate the reserves of New York. Now we are able to dominate bank reserves of the entire country." So one of the aims of these conspirators was to bring these new banks under their control. Secondly the nations economy was so strong that corporations were starting to finance their own expansions out of profits instead of taking out huge loans from large banks. Indeed, in the first...

... follows, "The powers of financial capitalism had (a) far reaching (plan), nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent...

... meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank For International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland (*), a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank ...sought to dominate its government by its ability to control treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity...

... about Jewish control of the world The History of the “Money Changers” By Andrew Hitchcock, 26 Feb 2006. He also wrote the Rothschild timeline. Here is an illustrated version of this timeline. Economists continually try and sell the public the idea that recessions or depressions are a natural part of what they call the “business cycle”. This timeline below will prove that is simply not the case...

... money changers had control of Medieval England's money supply and at this time were generally known as goldsmiths. Paper money started out and this was simply a receipt you would get after depositing gold with a goldsmith, in their safe rooms or vaults. This paper started being traded as it was far more convenient than carrying round a lot of heavy gold and silver coins. Over time, to simplify the...

... goldsmith would pay interest of 6% on gold you had deposited with them, and then charge 6% interest on money, I mean fraudulent receipts, you borrowed from them. As they would lend out ten times what you had deposited with them, whilst they're paying you 6% interest, they are making 60% interest. This is on your gold. The goldsmiths also discovered that their control of this fraudulent money supply gave...

... them control over the economy and the assets of the people. They exacted their control by rowing the economy between easy money and tight money. The way they did this was to make money easy to borrow and therefore increase the amount of money in circulation, then suddenly tighten the money supply, taking it out of circulation by making loans more difficult to get or stopping offering them altogether...

..., "the business cycle," "boom and bust," "recession," and "depression," in order to confuse the population of the money changers scam. 1100 King Henry I succeeds King William II to the throne of England. During his reign he decided to take the power the money changers had over the people, and he did this by creating a completely new form of money that took the form of a stick! This stick was called, a...

... England. During his reign he relaxed the laws regarding usury, and and the money changers did not waste any time in re-asserting themselves over the population. They quickly made their gold and silver coin system plentiful again. It is interesting to note that under King Henry VIII the Church of England separated from Roman Catholicism, whose Church law prevented the charging of interest on money. 1553...

... Queen Mary I succeeds Lady Jane Grey's nine day reign to the throne in England. During her reign, Queen Mary I, a staunch Catholic, tightened the usury laws again. The money changers were not amused and in revenge they tightened the money supply by hoarding gold and silver coins and causing the economy to plummet. 1558 Queen Elizabeth I succeeds Queen Mary I, her half sister, to the throne in England...

... by the money changers for the purposes of fomenting a revolution in England, and allowing them to take control of the money system again. After much bloodshed, Cromwell finally purges the parliament, overthrows King Charles I and puts him to death in 1649. The money changers immediately consolidate their power and for the next few decades plunge Great Britain into a costly series of wars. They also...

... currency for private gain, and thus any country that would fall under the control of a private bank would amount to nothing more than a plutocracy. Soon after the Bank of England was formed it attacked the talley stick system, as it was money outside of the power of the money changers, just as King Henry I had intended it to be. 1698 Following four years of the Bank of England, their plan to control the...

..., stage one of the plan, sends it out into the economy through loans etc, than this will reduce the value of the initial £5,000,000 in circulation before the bank was formed. This is because the initial £5,000,000 is now only 25% of the economy. It will also give the bank control of 75% of the money in circulation with the £15,000,000 they sent out into the economy. This also causes...

... demands of trade and industry to make the products pass easily from the producers to the consumers. In this manner creating for ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power, and we have no interest to pay no one." As a result of Franklin's statement, the British Parliament hurriedly passed the Currency Act of 1764. This prohibited colonial officials from issuing their own money and...

... tea and other matters had it not been that England took away from the colonies their money which created unemployment and dissatisfaction. The viability of the colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of King George III and the international bankers was the prime reason for the revolutionary war." Control of America's money system will change hands 8 times since...

... France. Morris then loaned the money he needed to buy this bank from this deposit of gold that belonged to the government, or rather the American people. This Bank of North America, again deceptively named so the common people would believe it was under the control of the government, was given a monopoly over the national currency. 1785 Despite the promises of Robert Morris that his privately owned...

... Madison was opposed to a privately owned central bank after seeing the exploitation of the people by the Bank of England. Thomas Jefferson was also against it, and Jefferson later made the following statement, "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations which grow up around them will...

... people the fact that it was privately owned. The names of the investors in this bank were never revealed, although it is now widely believed that the Rothschilds were behind it. Interestingly in 1790 when Alexander Hamilton proposed this bank in Congress, Mayer Amschel Rothschild made the following statement from his bank in Frankfurt, Germany, "Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not...

... when a government is dependent on bankers for money, it is the bankers and not the government leaders that are in control. He stated, "The hand that gives is among the hand that takes. Money has no motherland, financiers are without patriotism and without decency, their sole object is gain." 1803 Now President Thomas Jefferson, President Jefferson struck a deal with Napoleon in France. The United...

... federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War by the high financial powers of Europe, these bankers were afraid that the United States if they remained as one block and as one nation, would attain economic and financial independence which would upset their financial domination over the world." Only months after these first shots in South Carolina, the Central bankers loaned, Napoleon III...

... of France (the Napoleon of the battle of Waterloo's nephew), 210 million francs to seize Mexico and then station troops along the Southern border of the United States, by taking advantage of the American Civil War to return Mexico to colonial rule. This was in violation of the, "Monroe Doctrine," which was issued by President James Monroe during his seventh annual State of the Union address to...

... Pacific Fleet to port in San Francisco. This wasn't because the Tsar was benevolent towards America, instead he was very clever. He, like Otto Von Bismarck in Germany, could clearly see what the money changers were up to, indeed he had already refused to let them set up a Central Bank in Russia. He understood if America was to come under the control of Britain or France, then America would be under the...

... control of Central Bankers once again, and such an expansion of the bankers empire, would mean they would eventually threaten Russia. 1864 President Lincoln is re-elected on November 8th and on November 21 he wrote a friend the following, "The money power preys upon the nations in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than...

... it in the United States. Within 8 years after Lincoln's assassination, silver was demonetized and the Gold Standard system set up in the United States." 1866 The European central bankers wanted the re-institution of a central bank under their control and an American currency backed by gold. They chose gold as gold has always been relatively scarce and therefore a lot easier to monopolize, than, for...

... pressure on Congress to enact legislation to place the banking system under centralized control. Eventually the Federal Reserve Act was passed on December 23rd 1913." This is how the, "Contraction Act," passed by Congress affected America (the money supply goes down purely because currency in circulation is being withdrawn): Year In circulation Approximately per capita 1866 $1,800,000,000 $50.46 1867...

... took no action. 1877 Rioting breaks out from Pittsburgh to Chicago. The bankers get together to decide what to do and they decided to hang on, as they knew that despite the violence, they were now firmly back in control. At the meeting of the American Bankers Association, they urged their membership to do everything in their power, to put down any notion of a return to Greenbacks. The American...

... withhold patronage from all applicants who are not willing to oppose the government issue of money.... ...To repeal the Act creating bank notes, or to restore to circulation issue of money will be to provide the people with money and will therefore seriously affect our individual profits as bankers and lenders. See your Congressman at once and engage him to support our interests that we may control...

... its face." This early control of the media didn't work entirely nevertheless, as on February 28th Congress passed the, "Sherman Law." This law allowed the minting of a limited number of silver dollars, ending the 5 year hiatus. However this did not mean that anyone who brought silver to the United States Mint could have it struck into silver dollars, free of charge, as in the period prior to Ernest...

... Seyd's Coinage Act, in 1873. Gold backing of the American currency also remained. However, this Sherman Law did ensure that some money began to flow into the economy again, and coupled with the fact that the bankers now realized that they were still firmly in control, they started issuing loans again and the post Civil War depression was finally over. 1881 The American people elect the Republican...

..., “Unless we have a Central Bank with adequate control of credit resources, this country is going to undergo the most severe and far reaching money panic in its history.” They put Rothschild agent, J. P. Morgan at the forefront of their charge. Interestingly J. P. Morgan's father, Julius Morgan, had been America's financial agent to the British, and after Julius' death, J. P. Morgan took on a British...

... under control of the Government, the plan called for the central bank to be run by a board of governors appointed by the President and approved by the Senate. This would not cause any undue problems for the bankers, as they knew they could use their money to buy influence over the politicians, in order to ensure the men they wanted got appointed to the board of governors. 1912 The Aldrich bill is...

... reins of government. Thirteen months later that promise was broken, and the Wilson administration, under the tutelage of those sinister Wall Street figures who stood behind Colonel House, established here in our free country the worm-eaten monarchical institution of the, 'King's Bank,' to control us from the top downward, and to shackle us from the cradle to the grave." On November 5th, Woodrow Wilson...

... just what Wall Street and the big banks for twenty-five years have been striving for - private instead of public control of currency. It (the Glass-Owen bill) does this as completely as the Aldrich bill. Both measures rob the government and the people of all effective control over the public's money, and vest in the banks exclusively the dangerous power to make money among the people scarce or plenty...

... based on a fraudulent system of fractional reserve banking and allowed them to loan out that 90% at interest. It centralized overall control of our nations money supply in the hands of and for the profits of a few men. It established a private central bank with a high degree of independence from effective political control. 1914 The start of World War I. In this war, the German Rothschilds loaned...

... greatest possible profits from the use of other people's money. They know in advance when to create panics to their advantage. They also know when to stop panic. Inflation and deflation work equally well for them when they control finance." 1915 J. P. Morgan became the sales agent for the, "War Materials Board," to both the British and the French engaged in World War I, and becomes the biggest consumer...

... something of worth such as gold. However, who do you think would control that gold? As Republican, Charles A. Lindbergh stated this year, "Already the Federal Reserve Banks have cornered the gold and gold certificates." 1916 President Wilson began to realize the gravity of the damage he had done to America, by unleashing the Federal Reserve on the American people. He stated, "We have come to be one of the...

... consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of super-rich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead it becomes logical, even the perfect tool of power seeking megalomaniacs. Communism, or more accurately socialism, is not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite." 1919 In January the Paris Peace Conference takes place following the end of World War I...

... President Theodore Roosevelt who died in 1919 was quoted in the March 27th edition of the New York Times with the following statement, "These International bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and the columns of these newspapers to club into submission or drive out of public office officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which...

... referred to as international bankers. This little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States Government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties, write political platforms, make cats paws of party leaders, use the leading men of private organizations, and resort to every device to place in nomination for high public office only such candidates...

... as will be amenable to the dictates of corrupt big business ...these International Bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and magazines in this country." 1923 On August 2nd, President Warren Harding died on a train in mysterious circumstances. The cause was given as either food poisoning or a stroke although no autopsy was performed. He was succeeded by...

... 1931, stated the following in relation to this, "After World War I, Germany fell into the hands of the German International Bankers. Those bankers bought her and now they own her, lock, stock, and barrel. They have purchased her industries, they have mortgages on her soil, they control her production, they control all her public utilities. The international German bankers have subsidized the present...

... from around the world. For example the former head of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, would go to the BIS headquarters in Basel, Switzerland, ten times a year for these private meetings. The BIS also has the status of a sovereign power and is immune from governmental control. A summary of this immunity is listed below: Diplomatic immunity for persons and what they carry with them (i.e...

... world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board...This evil institution has impoverished...the people of the United States...and has practically bankrupted our government. It has done this through...the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it." In his final year in office, President Herbert Hoover puts forward a plan to bail out the failing banks, he seemed to feel that...

... money into gold at $20-66 before the stock market crash and shipped it to London, could now ship it back and sell it to the United States Government for the new higher price. The money changers have a golden rule, "He who has the gold, makes the rules." President Roosevelt orders the building of a new gold bullion depository to hold the vast amount of gold the United States government had illegally...

... having been in control of the United States economy for 25 years under the pretext of promoting monetary stability, it has caused three major economic downturns including the Great Depression. As Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman put it, "The stock of money, prices and output was decidedly more unstable after the establishment of the Reserve System than before. The most dramatic period of...

... world to live in. But if you want to continue to be slaves of the banks and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit." 1944 The United States income is running at 183 billion dollars, yet 103 billion dollars is being spent on World War II. This was thirty times the spending rate during World War I. Actually, it was the American taxpayer that picked...

... established in the United States. They created a banking cartel comprising the world's privately owned central banks, which gradually assumed the power to dictate credit policies to the banks of all nations. In the same way the Federal Reserve Act authorized the creation of a new national fiat currency called, Federal Reserve Notes, the IMF has been given the authority to issue a world fiat money called...

... United Kingdom (the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England), effective control of it. 1945 The second, "League Of Nations," now renamed the, "United Nations," was approved. The bankers, World War II, had been a success this time as a result of the physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion the world had felt after yet another World War. This blueprint for world government would soon have its own...

... three step plan to centralize the economic systems of the entire world. These steps were: Central Bank domination of national economies worldwide. Centralized regional economies through super states such as the European Union, and regional trade unions such as NAFTA. Centralize the World Economy through a World Central Bank, a world money, and ending national independence through the abolition of all...

... needed for this present system of credit creating. 1987 Edmond de Rothschild creates the World Conservation Bank which is designed to transfer debts from third world countries to this bank and in return those countries would give land to this bank. This is designed so the Rothschilds can gain control of the third world which represents 30% of the land surface of the Earth. 1988: The three arms of the...

... gradually come under the control of the IMF as they struggle to pay the interest, and have to borrow more and more. The IMF will then decide which nations can borrow more and which will starve. They can also use this as leverage to take state owned assets like utilities as payment against the debt until they eventually own the nation states. 1991 At the Bilderberg Conference on June 6 to 9, in Baden-Baden...

... they do not, our monetary system will break us and the sorry legacy we are already leaving our children will be a disaster." On 6 May, only four days after Tony Blair's election as Prime Minister, his Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, announces he is going to give full independence from political control to the Bank of England. In his 1997 book, The Grand Chessboard, Zbigniew Brzezinski...

... accounts. Dismayed that they can't rape that country further, James Wolfensohn, President of the World Bank, states, "Almost all major utilities have been privatized." How do they control the unrest within the population? Let me see, an Argentinean bus driver, a thirty seven year old father of five, lost his job as a bus driver from a company that owed him 9 months pay. During a demonstration against...

... other international oil operators. He also took full control of the state oil company, PDVSA, which before was nominally owned by the government, but in actual fact was in thrall to these international oil operators. Not only that but President Chavez is also the President of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries). The main reason is, however, that President Chavez fully rejects the...

... free, such as President Lincoln's, "Greenbacks." Fortunately, the Nobel Peace Prize winning economist, Milton Friedman came up with an ingenious solution of wresting back control of the money supply from the bankers, paying off all outstanding debt, and preventing inflation or deflation whilst this process is completed. I summarize this below. Using America as the example here, Friedman suggests that...

... Illuminati Bloodlines Illuminati In America - Svali Interview with HJ Springer John Todd, the Illuminati and Witchcraft! Impending New Word Order Secret World Government The Synagogue of Satan ZioNazi Quotes Categorised Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand Timeline of the Rothschild family Explosive interview with Harold Wallace Rosenthal about Jewish world domination: The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal...
... liberated themselves after 300 years of Illuminati (East India Company) rule, they do not intend to let themselves fall under their control again. "There have been many attempts by the Illuminati to infiltrate and dominate China. They financed Chairman Mao but he then kicked them out in the 1960's (that is why China and the USSR nearly went to war then). They are now trying to create a financial crisis in...

... Rothschild family..." Amschel Rothschild: All the Earth must belong to us ADL President Abraham Foxman: speech about destruction of white race and ZioNazi world domination James Rothschild III: Manifesto to all the Jews of the Universe I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire For only one superman and only one super-nation is a color and purpose of human kind Adam...

... this is one of America's foremost military heroes." Understand, this is not coming from Alex Jones or Jesse Ventura, or from anyone else the left often dismisses with great ease. I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply...

... by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods." -- Aldous Huxley, "The Ultimate Revolution", 1959 Mayer Amschel Rothschild - ultimate goal - to rule the world Developing circumstances soon allowed the Rothschilds to formulate a plan which would guarantee them the financial control of Europe, and soon, the world. Amschel Mayer Rothschild said: "Permit me to issue...

... experts will control all propaganda and education and will teach loyalty to the world eco government, making nationalism high treason. The world government, being an oligarchy, will instill submissiveness into the majority of the population, only leaving initiative, and habit of command to its members. Population controls will be heavily regulated by the scientific government and the breeding programs...

... and guiding this man to set in place totalitarian rule in America, telling him what to say and telling him what to do." --Bob Trefz, Cherith Chronicles, June-July 2009 (p. 12) The United Nations is nothing but a trap-door to the Red World's immense concentration camp NWO 314 "The United Nations is nothing but a trap-door to the Red World's immense concentration camp. We pretty much control the U.N...

... represents the military/security complex, it represents the Israel lobby, it represents Wall Street, the oil companies, the insurance industries, the pharmaceuticals. These are the people who rule America. It's an oligarchy of powerful special interests, and they control politics with their campaign contributions. I mean look at what is going on in the gulf of Mexico. I think it is now, what, 40 DAYS that...

... represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical. What the Trilateral Commission intends is to create a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation states involved. As managers and creators of the system, they will rule the future." -- U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater in his...

... William Jenner, 1954 NWO 112 "The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements...

... strengthened and all our work undone. Our plot will be unveiled, the Gentiles will turn against us, in the spirit of revenge, and our domination over them will never be realized. Let us remember that as long as there still remain active enemies of the Christian Church, we may hope to become Master of the World... And let us remember always that the future Jewish King will never reign in the world before...

... cohesive corporation that is responsible only to Illumicorp and the needs of its global employment force. II. MILITARY & INTELLIGENCE Illumicorp control of the American military is another impressive tool in our possession. We have nurtured these institutions lavishly to serve as the prototype for our global police force. When ready, our technology and man power will dominate those who oppose the coming...

... cleansing, outlined in Illumicorp great plan. Our primary target will be Islamic nations who will never submit to our western centric domination. They also hold much of the remaining oil reserves of the planet. Illumicorp must own that precious recourse as it is crucial in maintaining our domination over the countries of the world. Through Illumicorp enormous funding of the military, we can develop new...

... Council on Foreign Relations, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank. One Bank to Rule Them All: World Bank Whistle-blower Reveals Bank Conspiracy Note: This is not some wild conspiracy theory. It’s systems theory, a serious scientific discipline, used by researcher James B. Gladfelder to prove that a small group of banks essentially control the world’s finances. Gladfelder...

... explanations and vague fears of domination; we’re looking at the matter through scientific discipline and actual admissions from the power brokers themselves. The fact is we simply cannot talk about global control without talking about the World Bank… The World Bank represents 188 different countries from Albania to Zimbabwe. However, it is controlled by a small number of powerful countries, each...

... presented as food for thought from the external reference.) Site Navigator Similar materials Notes What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Secret Societies "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." -- Edmund Burke This is the REAL holocaust. Judeans, sure of their "god chosen" status, let this...

..., but the Protocols themselves. The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview "Hey, we ARE god's chosen people. Its just most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer." -- Rabbi Abe Finkelstein, in an interview about Jewish control of the world Our god is Lucifer (Rabbi Abe Finkelstein interview) "When the world looks at America, what it sees is an Israeli colony." - Paul Craig...

.... - Nathan Rothschild Our race is the Master Race Terrorist Menachem Begin "Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. "Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom...

...: Manifesto to all the Jews of the Universe ADL President Abraham Foxman: speech about destruction of white race and ZioNazi world domination Per 'The National Observer' via a document from Abe Foxman's [Jew A.D.L. president of USA] office. Anti-Defamation League President Abraham Foxman in an appearance on August 25, 1998, made the following speech: August 25, 1998, New York, NY. [ADL (Anti-Defamation...

... League) president Abraham Foxman shows the Masonic sign of aggression "lion's paw"] Gentlemen. Welcome to the Second Centennial Meeting of the Learned of Elders of Zion. We have achieved all of the objectives expressed at our first meeting 100 years ago. We control governments. We have created dissension among our enemies and made them kill each other. We have effectively silenced criticism...

... of our affairs and we are the richest race of men on this earth. Many of you are very busy men. Let us get to the crux of the matter. As masters of business, politics, law and most importantly ... media, we are ready to implement our most important and ambitious program. One that will finally and totally remove from existence the impediments of our absolute control of this earth. I speak OF THE...

... DEATH OF THE WHITE RACE. The complete removal of all means of reproduction of the so-called Aryan race. Men, we now control the destiny of this race. It is now time to make sure the White race becomes extinct through miscegenation [incest] and having a virtually zero birth rate. We have all enjoyed the vision repeated all over this world every day of THE LAST WHITE CHILDREN playing with little dark...

..., Communism, and Bolshevism ... are only links in the plan of world-embracing Judaism Judaism 202 "Socialism, Communism, and Bolshevism, in reality, are only links in the plan of world-embracing Judaism, with its final purpose of forcing the entire world under Jewish domination..." -- Ernst F. Elmhurst The World Hoax 1938, (p. 24) Judaism 038 817 H.H. BEAMISH, N.Y. speech, 1937: "Communism is Judaism. The...

... shekels, and we are the masters of the world, and all the goyim are just human cattle. Is communism Jewish? (Rabbi Abe Finkelstein interview) Lies and Deceit 005 921 "Despots throughout history have employed the Big Lie to beguile, manipulate, and control would-be vassals. The Master Conspiracy... for instance, has for over two centuries honed the technique into a razor-sharp tool for sculpting its New...

... Rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world This could be the most mind shattering thing you have ever heard of. If this won't blow your mind, nothing will, or you don't have anything to blow, just as ZioNazis openly state it about "goyim" - non-"Jews". An audio recording of an interview with Chabad Lubavich Rabbi Finkelstein outlining the doctrine of ZioNazis and their "father", Lucifer...

.... "Hey, we ARE god's chosen people. Its just most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer." -- Rabbi Abe Finkelstein, in an interview about Jewish control of the world According to Finkelstein, you are nothing but a cattle to be slaughtered and sacrificed to their "god", Lucifer, and milked by "god chosen people" for all you have as long as you last. This is an outline of what they call...

... the "NWO" nowadays - a ZioNazi Luciferian doctrine of world domination and world takeover. The authority with which rabbi Finkelstein speaks is quite something indeed. He speaks as though he knows it all in and out, down to the last dot and comma. Basically, it outlines their entire doctrine of evil most profound, world domination, parasitism unlimited, wars and revolutions, puppet governments and...

...) are being exploited and destroy each other during all the wars and revolutions staged and managed by "god chosen people". "Rabbi Finkelstein amazingly gives honest answers about world Jewry's control of banking, media and governments, their creation of communism, their founding of the Jesuits, their holocaust hoax, their human sacrifice rituals and many more jaw-dropping subjects. I find the only...

... eight hundred thousand children reported missing nationally every year, only thirty-five hundred to four thousand fall into what the Department of Justice categorizes as Non-Family Abductions, or cases which the police soon rule out: family abductions, running away, parental ejection, or the child becoming lost or injured. Of these cases, three hundred children disappear ever, year and never return...

.... However, if one is separated in all matters then the Jewish soul will triumph. Hate All Non-Jews, Skvere Rabbis Say Plots 003 Lord Acton on NWO and Zionism See the original at: WHAT IS "ZIONISM"? Lord Acton said, "The truth will come out when powerful people no longer wish to suppress it." Since Sept. 11, more and more people are turning to the "conspiratorial...

..." or "suppressed" view of history for explanations. In 1891, Cecil Rhodes started a secret society called the "Round Table" dedicated to world hegemony for the shareholders of Bank of England and their allies. These priggish aristocrats, including the Rothschilds, realized they must control the world to safeguard their monopoly on money creation) as well as global resources. The same folks control...

..., subvert Islam, and control the oilfields. For this reason Israel continues to receive blank checks. (One analyst estimates the US taxpayer has spent $1.7 trillion on Israel.) This is why the founding of Israel took precedence over the welfare of the Jewish people. Israel has little to do with the Jewish people. Zionism, Communism, Feminism, Nazism, are creations of the same satanic cabal. These 'isms...

... reign in the whole world. The eye on the pyramid is the eye of Lucifer. Supposedly the Rothschilds have personal dealings with the Devil. I have personally been in his villa and have experienced it. And I know it is true". -- John Todd, Masonic Council of Thirteen CANADA - A SECRET TESTING GROUND of coming "new world order" NWO 529 Hitler was most fond of this term - "New World Order." The ultimate...

... this nightmare-like paranoia of unprecedented totalitarian control, curfews, all the millions of spy cameras that scorned our civil liberties and privacy? Gunin: No, at the moment they do not bother explaining. Today, they are omnipotent. To overthrow the Harper regime and to conduct the re-elections is impossible. After the no confidence vote Harper dissolved Parliament, and he will do so...

... question (where the police storm the school entrance) is being pointed out as the "red flag" signifying that there was possibly a simultaneous active-shooter drill being conducted at St. Rose Pre School running in tandem with the actual mass shooting. If this is the case the implications are unfathomable. What does this mean? Mass Shootings + Dead Children = Suppression of Constitutional Freedoms (Gun...

... reducing the world's population from 7 billion people to one or less. That is the policy of the British monarchy. The British monarchy controls all of Europe from the Atlantic into central Europe, directly. They control the Euro system, control totally. They control the forces, including our stupid forces themselves, who are working under the Obama's direction under British direction for a war in the...

...? Because if they don't throw the Obama out now when we have the charges for doing so then we are condemned to this war. So we find the guts to win or we loose. And no, its not a question what people think, you know, when you have to make a command decision as a leader of nation. Or like the American Republic. The times comes when you have to make a decision on behalf of the people. Do you want? Is it...

... for gentiles, the Torah? Torah in the translation - Decrees. Unwritten Torah - top secret decrees for every day, and decrees, as you know, are more terrible than orders. "The Jews who are boasting of control of the province of WJE [World Jewish Empire] - America, are not all of the Jewish herd, but only 50 Jews. They are called by their surnames, with photos and brief biographies. Who are these...

... world under Jewish domination..." -- Ernst F. Elmhurst The World Hoax 1938, (p. 24) NWO 511 "The leaders of the Freemasons... were the Illuminati, and the Illuminati were the Rothschilds." -- Greg Hallett, How to Take Over the World (p. 92) NWO 512 230 "The real chiefs of this immense association of Freemasonry (the few within the innermost circles of initiation), who must not be confounded with the...

..., and so the strongest state should determine the rules of the game on the planet. If the less developed countries will heed the voice of reason, the military actions of NATO will become unnecessary. America should rule the world, and its role was given a new impetus following the events of September 11. Our new doctrine of global expansion implies the preemptive military strikes anywhere in the world...

... and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws". Rothschilds - One world government There seems to be little doubt that the Rothschilds continue to influence the world economy, and it is known that they are squarely behind the movement to unite all the Western European nations into a single political entity, which is just another step towards one-world government. Adam...

... of Zion," the master program laid down in the "Protocols." "WE SHALL": Seduce and demoralize the youth with false doctrines. Destroy the family life. Dominate humanity by Preying upon their lower instincts and vices. Debase and vulgarize Art, and introduce filth in Literature. Destroy respect for religions; undermine the reputation of the clergy through scandalous stories and back up the so called...

... more especially the Christian religion, with the one exception, their own creation mentioned above. (4) Control of each and every person through means of mind control and what Brzezinski call "technotronics" which would create human-like robots and a system of terror beside which Felix Dzerzinski's Red Terror will look like children at play. (5) An end to all industrialization and the production...

... Committee is presently seeking to reinstate the Pol Pot butchers in Cambodia. (8) Suppression of all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Committee. Especially targeted is nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Particularly hated are the fusion experiments presently being scorned and ridiculed by the Committee and its jackals of the press. Development of the fusion torch would...

... downfall of the Somoza family rule in Nicaragua and which is today destroying EI Salvador, now 25 years into a "civil war," Costa Rica and Honduras. One very active entity engaged in so-called liberation theology is the Communist oriented Mary Knoll Mission. This accounts for the extensive media attention to the murder of four of Mary Knoll's so-called nuns in EI Salvador a few years ago. The four...

... played a leading role in bringing Communism to Rhodesia, Mozambique, Angola and South Africa. (16) To cause a total collapse of the world's economies and engender total political chaos. (17) To take control of all Foreign and domestic policies of the United States. (18) To give the fullest support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations (UN), the International Monetary Fund (IMF...

... of" in the manner in which Kissinger dealt with Aldo Moro, Ali Bhutto and General Zia ul Haq. (21) Take control of education in America with the intent and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it. Much of these goals, which I first enumerated in 1969, have since been achieved or are well on their way to being achieved. Of special interest in the Committee of 300 program is the core of their...

... and sterilization to be carried out Pornography shall be promoted and be compulsory showing in every theater of cinema, including homosexual and lesbian pornography. The use of "recreational" drugs shall be compulsory, with each person allotted drug quotas which can be purchased at One World Government stores throughout the world. Mind control drugs will be expanded and usage become compulsory. Such...

... mind control drugs shall be given in food and/or water supplies without the knowledge and/or consent of the people. Drug bars shall be set up, run by One World Government employees, where the slave-class shall be able to spend their free time. In this manner the non-elite masses will be reduced to the level and behavior of controlled animals with no will of their own and easily regimented and...

... their very existence depends on the goodwill of the Committee of 300. After the destruction of housing, auto, steel and heavy goods industries, there shall he limited housing, and industries of any kind allowed to remain shall be under the direction of NATO's Club of Rome as shall all scientific and space exploration development, limited to the elite under the control of the Committee of 300...

... groups of people with ethnic and religious differences live, such as the Sikhs, Moslem Pakistanis and the Hindu Indians. Ethnic and religious differences shall be magnified and exacerbated and violent conflict as a means of "settling" their differences shall be encouraged and fostered. All information services and print media shall be under the control of the One World Government. Regular brainwashing...

... control measures shall be passed off as "entertainment" in the manner in which it was practiced and became a fine art in the United States. Youths removed from "disloyal parents," shall receive special education designed to brutalize them. Youth of both sexes shall receive training to qualify as prison guards for the One World labor camp system. Like George Orwell's 1984

...: CABALIST BLACK MAGIC The Illuminati control the mass media and use it to induct us into their Cabalist nightmare. We become what we contemplate: violence, greed, lust (pornography,) homosexuality, and the occult. Art and entertainment are designed to remove us from historical reality. Does anyone believe the Oscar nominated Lincoln, written and directed by Illuminati Jews, tells us the true story? The...

... real story, mankind's possession by a satanic secret society, is never told. Mass media-control allows them to perform their Black Magic: Conjure wars, demolish iconic skyscrapers or murder children. Jews need to disown the Satanists in their ranks or take the blame for them. (This applies to all groups). The days when Jews can pretend anti-Semitism is an irrational sickness are over. Like my past...

... borrow. And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath ..."; Deuteronomy 28 (King James Version) The recipe for World Domination "Seven nations greater and mightier than thou" are to be delivered into the Judahites' hands, and: "Thou shalt utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them... ye...

... them, and he shall bring them down before thy face; so shalt thou drive them out, and destroy them quickly, as the Lord hath said unto thee... "For if ye shall diligently keep all these commandments which I command you ... then will the Lord drive out all these nations from before you, and ye shall possess greater nations and mightier than yourselves ... even unto the uttermost sea shall your coast...

... occurred, stood intact until 1977, when the local Communist party boss at that time, Boris Yeltsin, ordered it demolished, lest it become a shrine to anti-Jewish sentiment. The Rothschilds' order the execution by the Jewish Bolsheviks they control, of Tsar Nicholas II and his entire family in Russia, even though the Tsar had already abdicated on March 2nd. This is to get control of the country and an act...

... by the Jews to the rest of the world. The Rothschilds' order the execution by the Jewish Bolsheviks they control, of Tsar Nicholas II and his entire family The attempts by Rothschilds to assassinate all the Tsars of Romanov's bloodline continued non-stop until the entire Romanov bloodline was destroyed. Barak Obama and Zbignev Brzezinski - the NWO puppets of Rothschilds From: Texe Marrs...

... national independence of the United States. A second clique of international members of the CFR comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents. Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power that ends up in control of global government." -- Rear Admiral Chester Ward, former CFR member 16 years NWO 417 Kissinger makes a shocking prediction on current geo-politics...

..., Europe will have to be one whole cohesive state. Their urgency tells me that they know full well that the big showdown is upon us. O how I have dreamed of this delightful moment." "Control oil and you control nations;control food and you control the people." Mr Kissinger then added: "If you are an ordinary person, then you can prepare yourself for war by moving to the countryside and building a farm...

... some horrific plans for the future. "The plebiscite that survive the coming anarchy and destruction will be very few and to their honour they will be rewarded by the elite scientific experts for their Darwinian sturdiness," Keith Wallace, a key researcher and expert at the Institute of Population Control in Hampstead, London, wrote in the most recent research paper. H3N2v Excerpts from the report say...

..., nanotechnology and genetic engineering, the world government will create a flawless society of governors and workers and thus enable the scientific dictatorship to flourish. Politicians today of all parties realise that the populations are becoming harder to control. This is because many are slowly waking up and becoming more aware of how they are being controlled. This form of awareness is supremely dangerous...

..., Unrest - Welcome to the Next Thirty Years The End of America: Presidential Executive Orders NWO 419 The End of America Presidential Executive Orders and Legislation Executive Order 10990 Allows the government to take over all modes of transportation of highways and seaports. That has been reaffirmed under PDD 51. Executive Order 10995 Allows the government to seize and control the communication media...

.... Executive Order 10997 Allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals. Executive Order 10998 Allows the government to seize all means of transportation, including personal cars, trucks or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports and waterways. Executive Order 10999 Allows the government to take over all food resources and farms...

... the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic and financial crisis. Executive Order 11310 Grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens to...

... operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advice and assist the President. Executive Order 11049 Assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issues over fifteen year period. Executive Order 11921 Allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production...

... new form of global government." -- David de Rothschild, Nov. 7, 2008 NWO 309 "The Jewish people as a whole will be its own messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, by the annihilation of monarchy which has always been the support of individualism, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise...

... the privilege of citizenship. In this new world order, the Children of Israel, who are scattered over the world, will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition; and this will more particularly be the case if they succeed in getting the working masses under their control. The governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will, through the victory of the proletariat...

... Revue de Paris, [owned by Rothschild], p. 54, June 1, 1928) NWO 309b 544 "The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races... and by the establishment of a world republic in which everywhere the Jews will exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the Children of Israel... will furnish all the leaders without...

... Wallace Rosenthal about Jewish world domination: NWO 311 "Communism is the modern form of the Jewish collective state." -- Eustace Mullins, New History of Jews (p. 97) NWO 312 "The ideals of Bolshevism are consonant with finest ideas of Judaism." -- The Jewish Chronicle, April 4, 1919 NWO 313 "Obama is truly a dark, shadowy character from the Marxist-Mafia underworld... Secret societies are protecting...

...." When asked why the Communist destroy the middle class or educated and their entire families when they invade a country Mr. Rosenthal replied: "It is an established rule to destroy all members of pre-existing government, their families and relatives, but never Jews. They destroy all members of the police, state police, army officers and their families but never Jews. You see, we know when a government...

... begins to search for the Communists within its borders they are really attempting to uncover Jews in their area. We're not fooled! The invisible rulers in the Communist countries have a world control over the propaganda and the governments in free countries. We control every media of expression including newspapers, magazines, radio and television. Even your music! We censor the songs released for...

... publication long before they reach the publishers. Before long we will have complete control of your thinking." -- Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a top Administrative Aide to one of this nation's ranking senators, Jacob Javits R-NY, in a tape recorded interview by Walter White, Jr., which was conducted in 1976. From the book "The Hidden Tyranny" Explosive interview with Harold Wallace Rosenthal about Jewish...

... world domination: NWO 315 BUSH'S DOING SATANIC WORSHIP The USA "Shadow Government with in the Government" (the following submitted by Stew Webb) NEWS RELEASE December 21, 2001 WINTER SOLSTICE - KNIGHT'S TEMPLARS BUSH'S DOING SATANIC WORSHIP "TIFFANY LAMP MEETINGS" SEDALIA, COLORADO 12-21-2001 - 12-22-2001 KIMBALL CASTLE, SEDALIA, COLORADO The Tiffany Lamp Meetings - Human Sacrifice in Sedalia Colorado...

... the USA "Shadow Government within the Government". Leaders who dictate USA World Policy, that are known Satanists. During these meetings a Human Infant is abducted from usually a hospital in the surrounding area. And sacrificed to Satan (Baphomet) as part of these sick psychos' rituals. A report of these events was given to the FBI-Denver Field Office on November 20th, 2001, stating the above and...

... Tyranny" Explosive interview with Harold Wallace Rosenthal about Jewish world domination: NWO 207 Declaring Zionism a Form of Racism: UN Resolution 3379 (1975) Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination Resolution Passsed, 72-35, on November 10, 1975 The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 1904 (XVIII) of 20 November 1963, proclaiming the United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of...

... organizations of Jewry in Russia. In extenso it ran as follows: --] SECRET. -- To the representatives of all the branches of the Israelite International League. "Sons of Israel! The hour of our ultimate victory is near. We stand on the threshold to the command of the world. That which we could only dream of before us is about to be realized. Only quite recently feeble and powerless, we can now, thanks to the...

... flags of all the peoples of all the world... '" "The principal end, which is Jewish world-domination, is not yet reached. But it will be reached and it is already closer than masses of the so-called Christian States imagine. "Russian Czarism, the German Empire and militarism are overthrown, all peoples are being pushed towards ruin. This is the moment in which the true domination of Jewry has its...

... German Jewish paper Judisch Rundschu, No. 83, 1921) Ascher Ginsberg is stated to have rewritten the "Protocols of Zion," in "Waters Flowing Eastward," page 38. NWO 212 679 Following Law of the Jews, as laid out by the Jewish Sanhedrin or the Learned Elders of Zion to bring about World Domination by the Jews for they have decreed, "The Law must be fulfilled!". That law is the establishment of the...

... universal domination ... No such calamity has ever yet afflicted the world ... " -- Marquis de Luchet, 1789 Henry Kissinger on NAFTA "[NAFTA] will represent the most creative step towards a New World Order... and the first step toward the even larger version of a free trade zone for the entire Western Hemisphere." -- Henry Kissinger former US Secretary of State NWO 102 "The Technocratic Age is slowly...

... designing an every day more controlled society. The society will be dominated by an elite of persons free from traditional values (!) who will have no doubt in fulfilling their objectives by means of purged techniques with which they will influence the behavior of people and will control and watch the society in all details". "... it will become possible to exert a practically permanent watch on each...

... the New York money market....The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank." -- Curtis Dall, FDR's son-in-law as quoted in his book, My Exploited Father-in-Law NWO 109 "The case for government by elites is irrefutable" -- Senator William Fulbright...

..., Former chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, stated at a 1963 symposium entitled: The Elite and the Electorate - Is Government by the People Possible? NWO 110 "The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission...

..., arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds' central banks which were themselves private corporations. The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers...

... capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent." -- Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets NWO 115 "The planning of UN can be traced to the 'secret steering...

... Legislatures of North Carolina (1941), New Jersey (1942), Pennsylvania (1943), and possibly other states. "New World Order Needed for Peace: State Sovereignty Must Go, Declares Notre Dame Professor" Title of article in The Tablet (Brooklyn) (March 1942) NWO 124 "Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles tonight called for the early creation of an international organization of anti-Axis nations to control the...

... think was to evict China from Libya, which is what is happening. The Chinese had 30,000 people there and they've had to evacuate 29,000 of them. It's also payback to Gaddafi for refusing to join the US Africa Command (AfriComm). It became operative in 2008 and was the American response to China's penetration of Africa; we created a military response to that and Gaddafi refused to participate -- he...

... reckless and dangerous way. Once you start this and Russian and China come to the conclusion that the Americans simply cannot be dealt with in any rational way and are determined to somehow subdue them and do them damage, all kinds of escalations can result. This is the real danger and we're risking a major war. Press TV: (Italy is heavily reliant on Libyan oil) What about the role of Italy (as part of...

... "There is, however, no real evidence that the Soviet Government has changed its policy of communism under control of the Bolsheviks, or has loosened its control of communism in other countries, or has ceased to be under Jew control. Unwanted tools certainly have been 'liquidated' in Russia by Stalin in his determination to be the supreme head, and it is not unnatural that some Jews, WHEN ALL THE...

... nought, it is conceivable that SOME FORM OF WORLD GOVERNMENT in the hands of a few men could emerge, which would not be communism. It would be the domination of barbarous tyrants over the world of slaves, and communism would have been used as the means to an end." (The Patriot (London) November 9, 1939; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, pp. 23-24) NWO 003 "The Daily Telegraph reported on April 9, 1937...

... financed the activities of the Round Table group known as the Council on Foreign Relations. ...By controlling government through the CFR, the power brokers are able to control America's economy, politics, law, education, and day-to-day subsistence. The CFR is an extension of the old-world imperialistic British oligarchy." -- Dr. James W. Wardener, author of the book The Planned Destruction of America NWO...

... want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the U.S. A second clique of international bankers in the CFR... comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents. Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in the control of global government." -- Chester Ward, Rear Admiral (U.S. Navy, retired; former CFR member...

... unalterably through every change of ministries (administrations) plainly PROVES a deliberate systematic plan of reducing us to slavery." "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the...

... Marxism) - Intermixing of all races in which everyone will supposedly have respect for one another and universal justice will prevail - Destroying nationalism by destroying the very concept of a nation-state (this is part of Trotskyism) Of course such goals amount to silly utopianism and can NEVER be realized. However, in working towards such goals, anti-fascists do much of the "trenchwork" towards...

... unemployment benefits and medicate benefits [laughs]. "So, I think is that what we can say is that the United States government does not represent the American people. It represents the military security complex, it represents the Israel lobby, it represents the Wall Street, the oil companies, the insurance industry, the pharmaceuticals. These are the people who rule America. Its oligarchy of powerful...

... special interests, and they control politics with their campaign contributions. Look, I mean what is going on in the Gulf of Mexico. I think its now, what 40 days that the enormous amounts of oil pouring out in one of the most important ecological areas of the world. Its probably permanently destroying the Gulf of Mexico, and oil is still pouring out, and why is this? Because, first of all, the British...

... government they believe to be divine will be the British Empire [under the control of the Jews]. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all- seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry [Lucifer - as Albert Pike disclosed in Morals and Dogma].' And indeed George Washington was a Mason, and he gave back through a...

... false religion what he had won with his army." Cornwallis well knew that his military defeat was only the beginning of World Catastrophe that would be universal and that unrest would continue until mind control could be accomplished through a false religion. WHAT HE PREDICTED HAS COME TO PASS!!! Of that, there isno longer any doubt. A brief study of American religious history will show that Masonry...

..., which is Democracy. The inadequacy of Democracy, rule by the majority, is undeniable - for it demands adopting ideas because they are popular, rather than because they are wise. This means that any man chosen to act as an agent of the people is placed in an invidious position: if he commits folly because it is popular, then he will be held responsible for the inevitable result. If he refuses to commit...

... to become the first permanent president of America, and end the civil chaos caused by the continually squabbling Congress and the out-of-control Supreme Court. President Bush can fail in his duty to himself, his country, and his God, by becoming "ex-president" Bush or he can become "President-for-Life". Bush: the conqueror of Iraq, who brings sense to the Congress and sanity to the Supreme Court...
... Babylonian Talmud: Nedarim 28         Previous Folio / Nedarim Directory / Tractate List / Navigate Site Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Nedarim Folio 28a EXCEPTING THAT SUSTAINED BY AN OATH;1  BUT BETH HILLEL MAINTAIN: EVEN SUCH ARE PERMISSIBLE.2  BETH SHAMMAI RULE: HE MUST NOT VOLUNTEER TO VOW;3  BETH HILLEL RULE: HE MAY DO SO. BETH SHAMMAI SAY: [HE MAY VOW] ONLY...


..., 'May all the fruits of the world be forbidden me, if this does not belong to the royal house.' But if he said, 'may they be forbidden,' all the fruits of the world are forbidden to him.6  — He adds, to-day. But if so, the publican will not accept it! — He mentally stipulates 'to-day,' but makes no explicit reservation; and though we [normally] rule that an unexpressed stipulation is...



... volunteer even with an oath. Now, in the view of Beth Shammai, only with an oath may he not volunteer, but he may volunteer a vow. But we learnt: BETH SHAMMAI RULE: THE OWNER MUST NOT VOLUNTEER TO VOW. Moreover, he may merely not volunteer an oath, but he may vow with an oath [if requested]; but we learnt, BETH SHAMMAI MAINTAIN: ONE MAY MAKE ANY FORM OF VOW, EXCEPTING THAT SUSTAINED BY AN OATH? &mdash...
... showed his power. It is said that whenever Tito wants to know that he is still in control, he kills stag and bear. Whenever people want to show that they are powerful, they kill. Adolf Hitler had to kill to show his power. And killing goes on on many levels. Knowledge is also a subtle way of killing a thing. Zen people are not interested in knowledge because they are not interested in power. They are...

... SIMPLY BLOWS NOT. ONCE SEEN, this inner nothingness, a person becomes a suchness. This word 'suchness' is of infinite value in Buddha's experience, on Buddha's path - TATHATA or suchness. When there is nobody, then what happens? A few things happen.... First, if there is nobody, there is nobody to control your life, there is nobody to manipulate, there is nobody to discipline. All control, all...

... discipline, all manipulation dis-appears. That's what freedom is - that's what MOKSHA IS. Not something far away in the skies, but something deep inside you right now. When you are not there, how can you control your life? All control disappears - and with control disappear all kinds of tensions, with control disappears all uptightness, with control disappear all anxieties. You become an open flow, so open...

... that WHEN IT BLOWS, THE MOUNTAIN WIND IS BOISTEROUS, BUT WHEN IT BLOWS NOT, IT SIMPLY BLOWS NOT. Then whatsoever happens happens. A man of Zen is totally different from the man of Yoga, and the distinction has to be understood. The man of Yoga is in tremendous control. The whole methodology of Yoga is how to control yourself, how to control absolutely. The man of Yoga cannot be disturbed because he...

... is in such utter control. The man of Zen cannot be disturbed because there is no control. But the difference is great. The man of Yoga is not absolutely in control, nobody can be. There are possibilities when he will lose his control. You just have to bring about those possibilities - he will lose control, because all control is relative, it is only up to a certain extent. Watch your control: if...

... certain limit to all control; beyond that you will fall. Nobody- call be in absolute control, because control is an unnatural thing and nothing unnatural can ever be absolute. Only nature can be absolute. Unnature has to be maintained; it takes energy, conflict, struggle, And when you are controlling yourself, there is somebody inside you who is against it - otherwise what is the point of controlling...

...? Control always splits you: the one who controls and the one who is being controlled, the top-dog and the bottom-dog. And the bottom-dog waits for its own opportunities. There is constant barking and they go on fighting inside you. And you know it! There are moments when you can control your anger, and there are moments when you cannot. There are moments when you can control anything, and there are...

... moments you cannot control. Sometimes the top-dog is powerful and sometimes the bottom-dog is powerful. And the conflict continues and the victory is never absolute. Nobody ever wins it because the other remains there, maybe tired, resting, waiting for its time. And whenever one is in control, the other is gaining power by resting. And the one who is in control is losing power by control-ling? because...

... controlling means energy is being lost, dis-sipated. Sooner or later, the controller becomes weak and the controlled becomes powerful. And this goes on, this is a wheel. The man of Yoga seems to be in great control, but cannot be in absolute control. He has repressed. All that he has repressed is waiting there underneath him like a volcano - it will erupt. And when it erupts, he will be thrown in fragments...

.... The man of Zen cannot be disturbed - but the reason is totally different. Not that he is in absolute control: he cannot be disturbed because he is not. And then one thing more has to be understood: because he is not, there is no division. He is just a natural man. But you carry the idea of control from the man of Yoga, and that's why the natural man has always been misunderstood. For example: A...

... happen, it doesn't happen. There have been Zen masters who talked their whole lives, and there have been Zen masters who never talked. Sometimes it happens that the song is sung in words, and sometimes it happens that the song is sung in silence. But there is nobody to do something. Whatsoever is happening is happening. This is what is called freedom by Buddha: nobody to control and manipulate, all...

... control disappears - freedom i born. Freedom from the self, the true freedom, Freedom for the self is the pseudo freedom. Yoga tries freedom for the self, and Zen is nothing but freedom from the self? Then one becomes like a tree, like an animal, like a child. The sage is like a child, not like a yogi, not like a mahatma. The mahatma is trying to control himself continuously, day in, day out - curbing...
... anyway.? Suppression is not allowing spontaneous feelings to grow in the inner being and not allowing their expression; it is forcibly bringing up and expressing what is not really there. But where will what we suppress go? Will we be free of it? How can we achieve freedom by suppression? The suppressed feelings will continue to be there within us, but they will now have to find deeper, darker and more...

... hypocrisy. it is not the path of indulgence, suppression or role-playing, it is the way of real life and of knowledge. It bears the fruit of good conduct and it eliminates the animal in man; it does not suppress unconscious passions but frees man from their grip; it does not lead to the pretense of good conduct but to real living. It is not merely assuming a mask or any outward behavior, it is the...

... being moral. Mere good behavior does not make a man moral. That transformation requires an inner purification. Without transforming your inner being you cannot change your conduct. To try to change the periphery without changing the center is a pipe dream. The effort is not only futile, it is harmful. It is suicidal. It is nothing but forcing affliction on oneself. No doubt this suppression satisfies...

... will cutting the branches help? If you really want to bring about a revolution in life you must go to the roots. The roots of man's behavior are in his inner being. Behavior follows the inner being. The inner being does not follow one's behavior. Therefore any effort to change behavior inevitably takes the form of suppression. And can suppression bring about any transformation? What is suppression...

... unconscious recesses in which to live. They will enter still deeper regions. They will hide themselves where even our awareness of suppression will not be able to locate them. But the roots that have gone deep will continue to sprout, the branches will blossom and bear fruit, and then there will be such a conflict between our conscious and unconscious minds that the ultimate result will be madness. Madness...

... occur in society - violence, rape, immorality, brutality - are all the results of suppression. A man cannot lead a moral and natural life because of suppressions and one day he simply succumbs to the tension. No doubt those who resort to hypocrisy save themselves from this inner conflict. They pretend to be what they are not. They are free from any inner conflict because they are always acting out...

... some role. Hypocrisy too is born out of morality based on suppression. It is a means of keeping oneself free of inner conflict. As I have already said, in our so-called moral lives we do not allow spontaneous feelings to grow and to be expressed but we express feelings that are not really there. The first of the two processes leads to suppression; the second, to hypocrisy. Ultimately, the first...

..., the inner being. Morality is the periphery; religion, the center. Morality is personality; religion, the soul. Religion does not follow on the tail of morality but morality invariably follows religion. Morality cannot even succeed in making a man moral, so how then can it make him religious? Morality begins with suppression, with piling things on oneself, whereas religion starts with knowledge. In...

... constant observation of oneself, of the mind's unconscious tendencies, awakens the consciousness and allows it to penetrate into the unconscious mind. The unconscious enters the conscious through the door of stupor, ignorance, intoxication and carelessness, and is able to dominate it. We have seen that animalistic tendencies develop out of attachment. Anger and lust grab hold of us only when we are...

.... Thinking is the action of the conscious within the conscious, while observation is the penetration of the unconscious by the conscious. As soon as thinking comes in, one begins to make a distinction between good and evil, and suppression starts in a subtle way. The unconscious then closes its doors and the knowledge of its mysteries is hidden from us. The unconscious reveals its secrets not to thought...

... but to observation, because in the absence of suppression the impulses and tendencies of the unconscious rise up naturally, spontaneously, in their total nakedness and reality, and it is then no longer necessary to hide those impulses, tendencies and passions. The unconscious stands before us in its nakedness, completely uncovered. And what terror it causes! How frightened a man is when he sees the...
... countries like Poland and Rumania. No law against Jews owning land in those countries has ever been effective in preventing their control of whole provinces. Not that the Jews demanded the right to farm the land, their choice was to farm the farmers. By devious methods and the use of "Gentile fronts" they could always secure control of the land, and thus dominating the peasants they could create...

... almost any condition they wished. That is what they actually did. That is the Jewish Question in those parts of the world. Not for farming purposes, it must be understood, but for the purpose of controlling the main source of wealth in agricultural countries and for taking the control of people away from their natural Gentile leaders. These two things always go together in countries where there is...

... intellectual or landed aristocracy to which the people look for leadership: the Jewish program is to destroy that leadership by gaining control of the land. It is profitable, of course, but when you survey the outworking of the plan you always see something other than profits involved. The consummate perfection of the Jewish plan for World Control is that it does not involve sacrifice as have other plans, it...

... is immensely profitable at every stage, and the greater the profitableness the more surely the purpose is being achieved. In America there was no aristocracy to be cut under by the gaining of land control. Jewish activity in the United States until recently has confined itself to the control of land products after they have been produced: that is, so to say, Jewish interests do not engage in...

... trapping, but they control the fur trade. Speaking of furs, it is very funny to see how some affairs turn out. During the war there was a great to-do made about the German control of the American fur trade. It was true that the fur trade was controlled from Germany, but not by Germans — by Jews! And then a great to-do was made about seizing, confiscating and absolutely selling out that "German...

..." fur business to Americans, and the "Americans" who bought it were — Jews! The actual control has never changed; the profits still find their way to the "International" purse. But furs is just an example. Jewish interests do not engage in raising grain, but control the grain that others produce. The need of the United States is a "Who's Who of Jewish Financiers...

... States has been to seize the commodity at just that point in its passage from the producer to the consumer where the heaviest weight of profit can be extracted from it — at the neck of the bottle, so to speak — and control it there. It is not service that the people pay for; they pay for seizure. But a new movement has begun in the United States. Jewish millions are now being used to secure...

... immense tracts of American lands. Formerly it was enough to control the cotton, as the bread was controlled, but now the movement is toward controlling the cotton lands. The operations are carefully guarded; "Gentile fronts" are used almost exclusively; but follow the trail through all the "blinds" and "false agents," and you come at last to the International Jew, whose...

... throne is set up in London. Many Jews have written THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT saying that they do not know about these racial plans for world control. It may well be believed that they do not. One purpose of these articles is to tell them about it. But this every Jew rejoices in — the movement of his people toward power. And it is this sentiment that the International Jew implicitly trusts, and...

... know exactly what is being printed here week by week. The Jew has been deceived by his leaders long enough. The fact is, then, that there is a definite and already well forwarded movement toward the control of the cotton lands of the United States. The first step was to depreciate the market value of these lands as much as possible. Pressure was brought through certain banks to limit the cotton...

..., representing it as the protector and benefactor of all who voluntarily submit to us. "The aristocracy of the Gentiles as a political force has passed away. We need not take them into consideration. But, as owners of the land, they are harmful to us in that they are independent in their sources of livelihood. Therefore, at all costs, we must deprive them of their land. "The best means to attain this...

... Jewish financiers should seek control of the land in order to prevent widespread Agricultural Independence which, as Protocol Six says, would be "harmful to us." That reason is perfectly clear. But there is another. It is found in the Twelfth Protocol. It contemplates nothing less than the playing of City against Country in the great game now being exposed. Complete control over the City by...

...; profits which he doesn't get. One big dent in this Program of World Control could be made if the Citizen and the Farmer could learn each other's mind, not through self-appointed spokesmen, but directly from each other. City and Farm are drifting apart because of misrepresentation of outsiders, and in the widening rift the sinister shadow of the World Program appears. Let the Farmers look past the "...
... of Jewish control. The Jew is the only and original international capitalist, but as a rule he prefers not to emblazon that fact upon the skies; he prefers to use Gentile banks and trust companies as his agents and instruments. The suggestive term "Gentile front" often appears in connection with this practice. The invention of the stock exchange is also credited to Jewish financial talent...

.... Scattered abroad without country or government, he yet presents a unity of race continuity which no other people has achieved. Living under legal disabilities in almost every land, he has become the power behind many a throne. There are ancient prophecies to the effect that the Jew will return to his own land and from that center rule the world, though not until he has undergone an assault by the united...

... nations of mankind. The single description which will include a larger percentage of Jews than members of any other race is this: he is in business. It may be only gathering rags and selling them, but he is in business. From the sale of old clothes to the control of international trade and finance, the Jew is supremely gifted for business. More than any other race he exhibits a decided aversion to...

... number of wage toilers. In America alone most of the big business, the trusts and the banks, the natural resources and the chief agricultural products, especially tobacco, cotton and sugar, are in the control of Jewish financiers or their agents. Jewish journalists are a large and powerful group here. "Large numbers of department stores are held by Jewish firms," says the Jewish Encyclopedia...

..., and many if not most of them are run under Gentile names. Jews are the largest and most numerous landlords of residence property in the country. They are supreme in the theatrical world. They absolutely control the circulation of publications throughout the country. Fewer than any race whose presence among us is noticeable, they receive daily an amount of favorable publicity which would be...

... of fifty or a hundred years hence as a land inhabited only by Slavs, Negroes and Jews, wherein the Jews will naturally occupy the position of economic leadership." Sombart is a pro-Jewish writer. The question is, If the Jew is in control, how did it happen? This is a free country. The Jew comprises only about three per cent of the population; to every Jew there are 97 Gentiles; to the...

... 3,000,000 Jews in the United States there are 97,000,000 Gentiles. If the Jew is in control, is it because of his superior ability, or is it because of the inferiority and don't-care attitude of the Gentiles? It would be very simple to answer that the Jews came to America, took their chances like other people and proved more successful in the competitive struggle. But that would not include all the facts...

... in that way, too, with no dependence but themselves, but it would not be true to say that the massive control of affairs which is exercised by Jewish wealth was won by individual initiative; it was rather the extension of financial control across the sea. That, indeed, is where any explanation of Jewish control must begin. Here is a race whose entire period of national history saw them peasants on...

... of hardness into business, inasmuch as it was goods which were being dealt in rather than men being dealt with, and this hardness remains. Another tendency which survives and which is of advantage in veiling the very large control which Jews have attained, is of the same origin as "bearer" bills; it permits a business dominated by Jewish capital to appear under a name that gives no hint...

.... In Berlin, Paris, London, Frankfort, and Hamburg, Jews were in control of the first stock exchanges, while Venice and Genoa were openly referred to in the talk of the day as "Jew cities" where great trading and banking facilities might be found. The Bank of England was established upon the counsel and assistance of Jewish emigrants from Holland. The Bank of Amsterdam and the Bank of...

... it is traced around the world discloses at every link a Jewish capitalist, financial family, or a Jewish-controlled banking system. Many have professed to see in this circumstance a conscious organization of Jewish power for Gentile control, while others have attributed the circumstance to Jewish racial sympathies, to the continuity of their family affairs down the line of descent, and to the...

... car ride; but perhaps the main purpose being that, by the control of the power house the price of current could be increased to the car company, and by the control of the car company the cost of a ride could be increased to the public, the controllers thus receiving an additional profit all down the line. There is much of this going on in the world today, and in the United States particularly. The...

... portion of the business immediately next to the ultimate consumer explains that its costs have risen, but it does not explain that the costs were increased by the owners and not by outsiders who were forced to do so by economic pressure. There is apparently in the world today a central financial force which is playing a vast and closely organized game, with the world for its table and universal control...

... plan, control numerous banking houses and trust companies, and one is used for this while another is used for that, but there is no disharmony between them, no correction of each other's methods, no competition in the interests of the business world. There is as much unity of policy between the principal banking houses of every country as there is between the various branches of the United States...

... cotton market, have seized upon stricken Germany to be the sweatshop of the world. Certain groups control the cotton, lend it to Germany to be manufactured, leave a pittance of it there in payment for the labor that was used, and then profiteer the length and breadth of the world on the lie that "cotton is scarce." And when, tracing all these anti-social and colossally unfair methods to their...

... within their power to remedy at all, unless they find a way to wrest world control from that group of international financiers who create and control both these conditions. There is a super-capitalism which is supported wholly by the fiction that gold is wealth. There is a super-government which is allied to no government, which is free from them all, and yet which has its hand in them all. There is a...

... all this matter of an international super-capitalistic government is settled. "To the victor belongs the spoils" is an old saying. And in a sense it is true that if all this power of control has been gained and held by a few men of a long-despised race, then either they are super-men whom it is powerless to resist, or they are ordinary men whom the rest of the world has permitted to obtain...
... Secret apparatus - ZioNazi, NWO Quotes Prev Next ZioNazi Quotes Index Home Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. ZioNazi Quotes Notes What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world The Secret Apparatus of Zionist-Brahminist Illuminati Secret Apparatus 001 Illuminati aims to rule the...

... world by Zionist-Manuist doctrine. The Illuminati have quietly and covertly accomplished infiltration of: The media The banking system The educational system The government, both local and federal The sciences The churches. Some jobs in the illuminati are: Media personnel: Controlling the media is to control the thinking of the masses. Media men write books and articles sympathetic to the Illuministic...

... to traumatize the selected trainee into total compliance and submission. Canadian government had to compensate victims of Monarch and MK-ULTRA. Mind control projects. It paid $7 million for experiments in Montreal, Canada. Al Bielek, under mind control, was involved in many areas of the secret Montauk Project. After slowly recovering his memories he came to realize that there were at least 250,000...

.... Most members of American congress are under control of blackmail, threats of life or security, etc.. Same for the Supreme Court. "We need a program of psychosurgery and political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated. The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but...

... this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electrical stimulation of the brain." -- Dr. Jose Delgado (MKULTRA experimenter who demonstrated a radio-controlled bull on CNN in...

... sex slaves were called "million dollar babies" as the large amount of money each slave brings from a very early age. Breeders: They usually are generational mind controlled slaves chosen to have and breed children to be specialized in specific tasks through mind control programming. The breeder is told that any child born to her was "sacrificed" in satanic ritual to prevent breeder parent looking...

... performance. Cutters: They are also known as the "slicers and dicers" of the cult. They are trained from early childhood on to dissect animal and do human sacrifices quickly, emotionlessly, and efficiently. They play an important role in traumatizing the children in mind control experiments of illuminati. Trackers: These people will track down and keep an eye on members who attempt to leave their local...

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