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Found: 115 articles, showing 60 - 70
... bullion; they would help him in the difficult finances of his government". Rabbi Manasseh ben Israel from Amsterdam (who had been foretelling the advent of the Messiah and the return of the Jews to Palestine) came to London and the matter was arranged. Manasseh ben Israel's petition to Cromwell is reminiscent of the kind of argument, formally respectful and implicitly menacing, which was used in...
...; — what song today has been boosted to general acceptance on such a simple theme? The only "birds" the people are encouraged to sing about today are "flappers" and "chickens." And there were "Ben Bolt"; "Nellie Grey"; "Juanita"; "The Old Folks at Home"; "The Hazel Dell"; "When You and I Were Young, Maggie"...
... of consequence. He was of sufficient consequence, Jewishly, to have bestowed upon him a sort of honorary rabbinical degree of "Haber" which entitles him to be known as "Haber Rabbi Baruch Ben Moshe." He is the only Jew in America upon whom the title has ever been conferred. Max Warburg represents the family in its native land. Max Warburg had as much to do with the German war...
... establishment of the state of Israel, where it was proclaimed the ofacial religion. Bonn-Gurion (The document reads: "An agreement to supply arms to the Bundeswehr." "Bonn-Gurion" is an accepted Ukrainian way of referring snidely to the alleged military alliance between Israel's former Premier Ben Gurion and West Germany. The ghost of Auschwitz is trying to stay Ben Gurion's hand.) "...

... an ideology inimical to our people." (Ben Gurion shown erasing word "not" from the Commandments, "Thou shait not lie," "Thou shalt not commit murder," "Thou shalt not steal.") Jews and Money Pages 86 - 87 - "Judaism considers a person to be moral if, not working for the good of society, he devotes all of his free time to prayer and to the...

..., all the prayers, orient the believing Jews toward returning to Israel which is now the centre of Judaism ind Zionism. The Passover prayers urge the believing Jews 'May God grant that we meet in Jerusalem next year.' Invitations summon the Jews to move to Israel where they - free workers of our country - will become slaves, will become cannon-fodder for Ben-Gurion's clique and for his imperialistic...
... to cause some panics which they then used to push the Federal Reserve. And if we look at inflation since 1913 until 2007, it's exponential, and in fact a dollar is worth about two pennies of what it was worth in 1913. Former Federal Reserve Chairman doubled the money supply from 2000-2006, and then [Ben] Bernanke, the new Fed chief, came in and said he's going to double it again in the next two...

... someone else's political and historical narrative, without auditing their facts. One should also keep in mind that simply because a person makes one or several mistakes in their narrative, it would be terribly fallacious to assume that everything they say is wrong, or that the whole narrative is worthless. Finally, Alex Jones called Ben Bernanke "Edward Bernanke" - a mistake that will seem atrocious to...

... us all in retrospect, as we have all come to know the name "Ben Bernanke" by heart since he has been the subject of so many hundreds and thousands of articles and videos (usually as a villain) - but keep in mind that he was, at the time of the interview, a relatively unknown (to most of the public and even to Alex Jones) newcomer. [24] I confess that I am just not sure of the basis for this...
... were represented by Alfred S. Austrian, a Jewish lawyer, of Chicago. This second grand jury also indicted Ben and Louis Levi and their brother-in-law, D. A. Zelser, gamblers from Des Moines. Their indictment was not secured at the first grand jury investigation directed by Replogle, assistant to Hoyne, who was then acting for the state of Illinois. Between the first and second grand juries a...
... learned that a few years ago an attempt was made to repeal the Talmudic prayer, "Kol Nidre" but was voted down by Ashkenazio Jews. Ben Freedman, a jew who converted to Christianity, spent a reported $2 million dollars trying to alert the American people of the dangers the Zionist Jews are to the security of America. Referring to the 63 books of the Talmud, Mr. Freedman wrote, "From the birth of Christ...

... homeland for Jews - a land where Jews, Moslems and Christians could live in peace and prosperity. Unfortunately, Golda Meir, David Ben Gurion and their large group of Marxist/Zionists gained control and succeeded in setting up a Communist/Socialist state which they named Israel. Unable to stop the spread of Communism/Socialism in Israel, Haviv Schieber left Israel and sought refuge in the United States...
... стремление идти в Землю Израиля, вплоть до того, что я собрался уехать от моего отца и матери и идти туда пешком. Но теперь, когда там поселились сионисты, я говорю, что поселяться там запрещено, ибо место, готовится к наказанию". Раввин Бен Сион Халберстам [Ben Zion Halberstam], Ребе Бобовера (1874-1940) רבי בן ציון הלברשטאם זצ " ל אדמו " ר מבאבוב К сожалению, возникла новая группа, которая сбрасывает с...

... всегда делать противоположное тому, что делают они. (Предисловие к Shomer Emunim Раввин Бен Сион Хазан [Ben Zion Chazan], Сефардский раввин Старого города Иерусалима רבי בן ציון חזן זצ"ל ירושלים 28 мая 1948 года, во время сионистской войны за независимость, по мере того, как битва внутри и вокруг Иерусалима бушевала, два раввина из Старого города, ашкеназский раввин Вельвел Минцберг [Velvel Mintzberg...

... сделал Рабби Йоханан бен Закаи [Yochanan ben Zakai] в то страшное время, когда фанатики [zealots] навязали свою власть над евреями силой в оппозиции к римлянам? Он приложил все усилия, которые он мог, и по согласованию с другими мудрецами он вышел к римлянам, чтобы сохранить остатки еврейского народа на Святой Земле ... Мы уже установили, что нашей святой обязанностью является объявить нашу веру...

... ученых купили одну кучу пшеницы у некоторых солдат неевреев. [Ученые] нашли в нем пачку денег и вернули ее [солдатам]. [Солдаты] сказали: «Благословен Б-г евреев». (Иерусалимский Талмуд Бава Меция [Bava Metzia] 2:5 (7а)) Однажды рабби Шимон бен Шетах [Shimon ben Shetach] купил осла у араба. Его ученики пошли и нашли драгоценный камень висящий на шее [осла]. Раввин сказал ему "Это благословение Б-га...

..., который обогащает" [Притчи 10:22]. Шимон бен Шетах сказал ему: "Я купил осла. Я не покупал драгоценного камня." Он пошел и вернул его в арабу и араб сказал: "Благословен Б-г Шимона бен Шетах". (Midrash Devarim Rabbah 3:3) Р. Шмуэль бен Сустраи [R. Shmuel ben Sustrai] отправился в Рим, когда императрица потеряла браслет, и он нашел его. В регионе был провозглашен указ, любому кто вернет его в течение 30...
..., or mice. As to these matters, note the Jewish Encyclopedia, Exhibit 273 (last of right column, "Gentiles"): "Judah ben Ilai recommends the daily recital of the benediction, 'Blessed be thou ... who hast not made me a goy.'" This also has: "who hast not made me a woman," and also "who hast made me an Israelite ... who hast not made me a slave." This is a "benediction" prescribed by the Talmud. (See...
... was to create the State of Israel. Ben Hecht (in "A Child of the Century") wrote "the Twentieth Century was cut off at its knees by World War One." Before committing suicide in 1942, Stefan Zweig ("The World of Yesterday") spoke in the same despondent tones about the demise of Western civilization. The planet has been hijacked. Our leaders are dupes, opportunists, traitors or all three. Almost...

... moved their 200-man office out of the WTC a week before and paid a hefty penalty to break the lease. Seven of the supposed Arab "hijackers" seem to be alive. If Osama bin Laden didn't exist, the United States and Britain would have created him. There is evidence that he has received money from the British MI-6 as recently as 1996. According to the French daily Le Figaro, Ben Laden met with the CIA...

... approach that Jewish blood is the anointing oil needed for the wheels of the Jewish state is not a thing of the past. It remains operable to this very day." Other books by Jews that reiterate this theme include Edwin Black, "The Transfer Agreement;" Ben Hecht, "Perfidy," M.J. Nurenberger, "The Scared and the Damned;" Joel Brand, "Satan and the Soul;" Chaim Lazar, "Destruction and Rebellion;" and Rabbi...

... fact, Israel was given 57% of Palestine but immediately took more land and caused 700,000 Palestinians to flee in terror by slaughtering over 250 at Deir Yassin and another 250 at Lydda. The Arab radio broadcasts were a fable. Arab broadcasts encouraged the population to stay put. (Michael Prior, "Zionism and the State of Israel: A Moral Inquiry," 1999, pp.16-29, 187-205) David Ben Gurion, the first...

... Prime Minister of Israel, told TIME magazine (Aug. 16, 1948) that he envisaged a Jewish state of ten million souls. Asked if that many could be accommodated within the U.N. partition boundaries, he replied: "I doubt it." Unknown to its citizens, Israel has always been designated to colonize the Middle East and be a linchpin in the new world order. "Our policy must be the unity of the human race," Ben...

... and pillage in spite of their promise in the Balfour Declaration to uphold Palestinian rights. The UN ceded to 600,000 Jews a territory containing one million Palestinians, leaving them at the mercy of David Ben Gurion who said, "Only a state with at least 80% Jews is a viable and stable state." (Pappe, p.48) Eighty-nine percent of the cultivated land in the UN designated Jewish state belonged to...

..., there was never any chance of driving the Jews into the sea. The Palestinians were passive and underestimated their danger. They had lived under Ottoman and British rule, and somehow would manage under the Jewish regime. Many villages made "non-aggression pacts" with the Jews. In March 1948 Ben Gurion told the Jewish Agency Executive: "I believe the majority of the Palestinian masses accept the...

... partition as a fait accompli... [they] do not want to fight us." (61) The (British-controlled) Arab Legion was the only potential real opposition. It was used to repulse the Zionists when they reneged on their bargain and attacked the Old City of Jerusalem. The other Arab nations were so feeble that the Zionists occupied Southern Lebanon and expelled Arabs from there. On May 24, 1948, David Ben Gurion did...

... realization that Zionists were behind the anti-Semitism and bombings. Unknown to Giladi, two members of the Zionist Underground had been arrested and confessed that they had carried out the terrorist attacks. A book, "Venom of the Zionist Viper," by an Iraqi investigator names Zionist "emissary" Mordecai Ben-Porat as the organizer. The book was banned in Israel. Iraqi Prime Minister Said was a British pawn...

.... He met Israeli PM David Ben Gurion in Vienna in 1948 and agreed to transfer the Iraqi Jews to Israel as part of the elite geopolitical program. This and other Zionist crimes against Jews are documented in Giladi's book, "Ben Gurion's Scandals: How the Mossad and the Haganah Eliminated Jews," (1992) which has been republished by Dandelion Books. By January 1952, all but 6,000 of 125,000 Iraqi Jews...

... Jews, whose culture was not only foreign but entirely hateful to them." Their fate was typical of all 500,000 Jews from Arab countries. This belies the Zionist argument that these Jews were expelled from Muslim countries and make up for displaced Palestinians. Giladi discovered that Israel had spurned many sincere Arab peace overtures because of its expansionist plans. He met Prime Minister Ben...

... Gurion and asked him why Israel didn't have a constitution. 'If we had a constitution, we'd have to have a border, and this is not our border," Ben Gurion told him. "Where the army conquers, that will be our border.' Giladi served in the 1967 and 1973 wars. But after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, he renounced his Israeli citizenship and moved to New York City. 'TRUE BELIEVERS' Giladi's story...

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