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... race is the Master Race James Rothschild III: Manifesto to all the Jews of the Universe Illumicorp - Training Module I for Initiates - This is How the Illuminati New World Order Works Our god is Lucifer Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Reactor disaster - a military attack on Japan using HAARP geophysical super-weapon HAARP: magnetometry data show that the earthquake in Japan was induced Correlation of...

... Terrorism Sabotage Assassinations Genocide The Holocaust Death Threats The Rabbis Speak Out against Zionism Quotes by Rabbis Rabbi Rabinovich's Speech on January 12 1952 The "Sacred" Star of David The Balfour Declaration - Creation of Israel Israel Lobby Political Pressure ADL American Jewish Congress American Jewish Committee Extremism Hate and Intolerance NWO - New World Order Ceasing The Power World...

... razor-sharp tool for sculpting its New World Order. And the biggest of its corpulent fabrications may be the pretense that the United States has been the world's foremost bulwark against communism. In reality, the historical record brims with hard evidence that rather than effectively opposing communism, our government has consistently nurtured communist leadership with material aid and offered...

... "The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Muslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the state of Israel) mutually destry each other." Would you like to have a fashionable tatoo? We'll make it for free. CANADA - A SECRET TESTING GROUND of coming "new world order" NWO 529 Hitler was most fond of this term - "New World Order." The ultimate goal of his was the division of the world into...

... race of masters and a race of slaves. The organizers of the coming "new world order" have the same goal, but they walk with a different walk. They do not hurry, verify each step, use the new socio-psychological, financial, technology and ultra-modern technical advances. And here in Canada (the country where you can remain the least "visible") members of this "elite club of the world", decided to...

... build a prototype of the coming "New World Order." A building of "Brookstreet-hotel" in Ottawa, where the meeting of the B-club [Bilderberg Club] took place, reminds me the shape of "the Jerusalem Temple," about the rebuilding of which world Jewry is dreaming of for two thousand years. Ts.u. received, pro-Israel puppet regime of Harper embarked on plans of priests-satanists in Tel Aviv, the...

... (AIPAC). Any criticism of the Jewish-Zionist community for promoting globalism or what some call the, "New World Order." Placing any blame on Jewish leaders and their followers for inciting the Roman crucifixion of Christ. Citing any facts that could in any way diminish the, "six million," figure of holocaust victims. Claiming that Israel is a racist state. Making any claim that there exists a...

... technology and man power will dominate those who oppose the coming New World Order. By utilizing American patriotism we have fostered in the American soldier the philosophy of peace through superior force. When the time is right, we will migrate that mentality towards the belief in a global government, who must protect all people through superior force. We have used the American military industrial complex...

... now. Your loyalty and your devotion belong only with us. Help us finish the plan. Together, we will proudly initiate the New World Order. Now that you have a basic understanding of how we work over here at Illumicorp, I would like to introduce to you one of our latest projects. THE CONTROL GRID. Since ancient times, it has been the desire of the illumined to wield control over the masses below, both...

..., Military, military industrial complex, New World Order, RFID Related Documentaries Posts related to Illumicorp - Training Module I - This is How the New World Order Works Who Controls The World? Illuminati, Jesuits The Science of Mass Manipulation Through Crisis Creation - New World Order, Tavistock, The Fabian Society The Capitalist Conspiracy: An Inside View of International Banking by G. Edward...

... Griffin 1972 - Classic One Nation Under Siege Ksmcintyre74 visit us. and Note on a term "Jew" appearing in quotes See also: Illuminati Bloodlines Svali Interview Interview on Illuminati Bloodlines Illuminati In America - Svali Interview...

... of the underlying idea. The original material might have been too long, but the essential part of the statement could be expressed in just a single sentence representing the most essential part of the message. In any case, you have to do your own research to verify the validity of any information provided here. Illumicorp - Training Module I for Initiates - This is How the Illuminati New World...

... Order Works Hello initiates and welcome to module one of the Illumicorp video training courses. I would like to officially welcome you as a member of the team. You've joined our organization at perhaps the most exciting point in our long history. Our founders shared a passionate dream. - To transform this country, and eventually the whole world to one cohesive organization. When Illumicorp finishes...
... of We'll investigate even your sex life. Your money will be easy. We'll have it all on computer The New World Order was now the System for the World People would be called on to publicly acknowledge their allegiance to the "New Authority" Your expenditures, through electronic surveillance would be pretty tightly watched Solzhenitsyn mentions that in the Gulag Archipelago death camps People would...

... on making the point about, well, old people, they're going to go by the wayside, so I presume that the emphasis for these controllers for this New World Order is really an emphasis on youth. Absolutely. Yes. Emphasis on youth. D.L.D: Absolutely. Yes. Emphasis on youth. This was stated explicitly. People beyond a certain age... they're set in their ways and you're not going to change them. They have...

...... probably of all the popular movements in the U.S. Probably the pro-life movement is the most sensitive to words. Talking about media events and access to the brain, I remember the first speech Bush gave in which he talked about the New World Order... I remember jumping halfway off my seat. That term. Here he is, the president, saying New World Order as if it was something everyone knew about. And someone...

... looking across the room said, "I heard that. What did he say"? And I said, "He said, 'New World Order'!" And they said, "What does that mean? Why is that extraordinary?" So, I think one of the weapons we have against the controllers is that if we can cut off his access to our mind then we have a shot at escaping the manipulation, if not totally - at least escape a portion of the manipulations. Remember...

... grandfathers. Those of us who have them should hold on to them. Toward the end of the tape there was a reference - at the time everything would be coming together - how this New World Order would be introduced to a population which, at this point I think they would assume would be acceptable to it.... how was this put? We're just going to wake up one morning and changes would just be there? What did he say...

... about that? The New World Order was now the System for the World D.L.D: It was presented in what must be an over-simplified fashion, so with some qualifications, here's the recollections I have... That in the winter, and there was importance to the winter - on a weekend, like on a Friday an announcement would be made that this was or about to be in place... That the New World Order was now the System...

... for the World and we all owe this New World Order our allegiance. And the reason for winter is that - and this was stated - people are less prone to travel in the winter, particularly if they live in an area where there's ice and snow. In summer it's easier to get up and go. And the reason for the weekend is, people who have questions about this, Saturday and Sunday everything's closed and they...

... would pick this up and say, "How come? What are you doing with all that food? You don't look that fat. You don't have that many people. We know you're not entertaining. What are you doing with all that food?" And these things then would alert the... R.E: I have seven people in my basement who object to the New World Order and I'm feeding them and then they said, well, one has to go. D.L.D: They don't...

... he and his child seeing people living in boxes in downtown Pittsburgh today. When the New World Order is here and you're living in a box, we can't have people littering the place, so you come around in the wagon and you pick them up. You know... he's sub-human If your frame of mind as you're growing up and formed is that, "Human value resides in being productive; you have to have a prestigious...

... recollection of words isn't precise, but the idea is what counts. And here's Huxley, writing Brave New World, saying basically the same thing before Hitler was even in power, so Huxley knew something. R.E: He came from a family that probably contributed at least in part to this New World Order. A number of the English authors... H.G. Wells... from that period and from those associations who highlighted the...

... better, quality of life will be better... so you live a few years shorter." But they both do seem to send out messages not buying the whole package... "This time we're going to do it right!" R.E: And maybe wishing some people would ask more questions. Looking back over history there are many individuals who had an idea of what a New World Order should be, certainly Hitler and Stalin did, but what was...

... lacking during these periods is that they lacked the technology to carry many a many of the things out... surveillance, constant monitoring... but in this so-called New World Order it's going to be very difficult to escape because technology will provide those means which had been lacking those totalitarian individuals from years ago. D.L.D: I can't remember on the original tapes, did I mention the...

... phrase where he said, "This time we're going to do it right!" ? R.E: No. You didn't. D.L.D: There were so many details to remember. But when he mentioned bringing in the New World Order, he said, "This time we're going to do it right". And right away, I'm wondering, "what do you mean, 'this time'?". There was no explicit explanation of that, but I think it's fairly easy to infer that previous efforts...

... day just like being on the battlefield there. There were several points made about the advances in technology and how they could spot just one little individual down in... they used the constant reference to pinpoint... "pinpoint". I imagine with the different technologies they can also pinpoint a couple of renegades in the New World Order. The technology which was applicable to a so- called 'enemy...

... the enemy. That's twenty-some years ago, so they're probably even more sophisticated now than they were then; but with this kind of surveillance it would be pretty hard for anybody to escape and say, "Well, I'm just going to go out into the mountains and be a hermit and escape the New World Order. I can shoot deer and eat berries and survive and I've got a wife who's pretty sturdy and she'll be able...

... to survive and we'll do what the Indians did before Columbus got here and we'll all survive". The New World Order will say, "No you won't because we're gonna find you". R.E: Even in Brave New World [by Aldous Huxley] they had a group of people who still lived as a family and the women breast-fed and they were called savages. But we won't have any savages. We're cultured, we'll be thin and our teeth...
... Jones - a truth-seeker, fighting for justice and - [AJ: He's charming me! He's getting me all smiling.] AJ: Aaron, when did you first start to think that something was wrong in the world? Or start to find out about the whole banking cartel and the Federal Reserve System? - the New World Order? AR: Well, that was a progression of events - I've always been a very independent person, always believed in...

... into believing that. They believe that we're in Iraq to promote democracy. The word democracy - you hear George Bush saying "democracy means freedom." No. Democracy equals new world order. Democracy equals slavery. The word democracy is not synonymous with freedom. It's the opposite of freedom. Democracy is the worst form of government you can have, because it's majority rule. And the government can...

... all part of the New World Order, and we would go after Chavez in Venezuela. And sure enough, later, 9/11 happened. And I remember how he was telling me how we were going to see soldiers looking in caves, for people in Afghanistan and Pakistan and all these places, and there's going to be this "war on terror" in which there's no real enemy and the whole thing is a giant hoax, but it's a way for the...

... have a giant sub-mass of uneducated slaves, who have no chance of ever rebelling against the tyranny, and a tiny elite in control of it all. And that is the very nature of this New World Order system. They are using big government to strangle competition, to take control of the people, to break up the family. To basically set up a global plantation or neo-feudalist state. * * * AR: Well, one of the...

... Iran's point of view, they're thinking about it from our point of view. So now we're going to send more troops into Iraq, and keep building up because they want Iraq and the Middle East to become part of the New World Order. And Saddam wanted to start using euros, instead of dollars. [AJ: "He was messing up their whole consoli-"] Iran wants to start using euros instead of dollars. [AJ: "They are, they...

... Gore, and this is publicly admitted. [32] I mean, this is how bad the scamming is getting. And we've got to wake up, we've got to say no, we've got to get angry, and get in the face of the New World Order. Again: the private off-shore bankers own America. They own both parties. But they get you in a rah-rah, Coke-versus-Pepsi, Redskins-versus-Cowboys, fight, and you get in this little political fight...

... have done this. That's all the New World Order is, is a private, corporate take-over of the nation states of the governments of the world. And then these private corporations bring in a tyrannical form of neo-feudalism that they call corporatism - or: fascism. Mussolini said that fascism should properly be called corporatism. And that's what it is, and they create the socialism to get control of the...

... American, you wouldn't buy anything from Japan, because it was cheap crap. AJ: And what does that leave us? It leaves America this military force and so the elite's giving us a deal: We'll continue to build up your military and give you Homeland Security jobs, shift your economy over to being the bulldog enforcer of the New World Order [AR: "New World Order. Exactly."] And by controlling the economy...

..., let's kick these foreign corporate criminals out of our country, and get our Constitutional Republic back. Let's stop being distracted and diverted by the liberal and conservative puppets they stick up in our faces on television. Let's look past the front-men, to the actual architects of the New World Order, and bring them to justice. There's no way these arrogant bastards can get away with this if we...

... like Aaron Russo, Ron Paul, and so many others. God bless you all, and thank you for watching this presentation. Now spread the word about the true enemy of the people. End the Fed, end the New World Order, end the hegemony of private central bankers. Footnotes [1]

... World Order is removed from power, or the world faces more wars, more tyranny, and a nightmarish police state carried out by these eugenicists. So in the memory of Aaron Russo, and every other freedom-lover out there in history, and for the future of our children, and the species - humanity itself - let's call for grand jury investigations of the private Federal Reserve. Let's arrest the bankers...

... the political parties all day, but until we go after the heart, the root, of the problem, nothing's going to get better. We have this ruling class of private bankers that issue all this fiat currency, and they have committed unbelievable crimes and have the audacity to claim that they're above the law. Ladies and gentlemen, now more than ever, we don't have a choice: it's us or them. Either the New...
... Victoires d'Israel, pp. 211-212; Freemasonry and The Anti-Christian Movement, Edward Cahill, p. 92). 146 "We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money." (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in Foreign Affairs (July/August 1995)). These quotations, and many others like them, demonstrate clearly that this words "new world order" have been in use for decades...

..., and did not originate with President George Bush in 1990. The "old world order" is one based on independent nation-states. The "new world order" involves the elimination of the sovereignty and independence of nation-states and some form of world government. This means the end of the United States of America, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights as we now know them. Most of the new world...

... various notions of the "new world order" differ as to details and scale, but agree on the basic principle and substance. 147 "But whence comes this sinister marvel (the progressive Judaic Power)? It comes from the failing of the Christian faith... from the progress of secret societies, filled with apostate Christians who desire what the Jew desires; that is to say, Judaic civilization s given to us by...

... order proposals involve the conversion of the United Nations and its agencies to a world government, complete with a world army, a world parliament, a World Court, global taxation, and numerous other agencies to control every aspect of human life (education, nutrition, health care, population, immigration, communications, transportation, commerce, agriculture, finance, the environment, etc.). The...
... the privilege of citizenship. In this new world order the Children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus...

... all capitalists, and on the other Karl Marx, the apostle of those who want to destroy the other." (Blumenthal, Judisk Tidskrift, No. 57, Sweeden, 1929) 478 "Alchemy for a New World Order" (Article by Stephen John Stedman in Foreign Affairs (May/June 1995)). 479 "I probably had more power during the war than any other man in the war; doubtless that is true." (The International Jew, Commissioned by...

..., Speech before the Jewish Institute of Religion, New York October 3, 1934) 484 The renewal of the nonproliferation treaty was described as important "for the welfare of the whole world and the new world order." (President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, in the New York Times (April 1995)). 485 "How do you account for the fact that so many young Jews may be found in the radical movements of all the lands...
... Civilization) as a model. Previously, Wellington House board members Rothmere, Northcliffe, Lippmann, and Bernays had read and proposed as a guide the writings of Correa Moylan Walsh, in particular, the book The Climax of Civilization (1917) as corresponding closely to conditions that had to be created before a New World Order in a One World Government could be ushered in. In this endeavor the members of the...

... reshaping public opinion for the second time in less than twelve years, by unanimous consent of the board, Spengler's massive book was adopted as the blueprint for a new working model to bring about the decline and fall of Western civilization necessary to create and establish a New World Order inside a One World Government. Spengler held it bound to happen that alien elements would be introduced into...

... this bastion that Spengler saw coming under increasing attack and the thinking at Tavistock ran on parallel tracks, but with a totally different goal. Tavistock saw this civilizations a stumbling block to ushering a New World Order, as did the emphasis on protection and elevation of the female sex to a place of high respect and honor. Thus the whole thrust of Tavistock was to "democratize" the West...

... Commission was the first such body of opinion-makers set up in the United States. Woodrow Wilson was the first American president to publicly proclaim himself in favor of a Socialist New World Order inside a Socialist One World Government. His remarkable acceptance of the New World Order is found in his book The New Freedom. We say "his" book, but actually, it was written by Socialist William B. Hayle...

.... The papers covered the years 1912 to 1920. I recall thinking at the time: "Isn't it amazing that the rush to the New World Order Socialist totalitarian government should be led by the United States, supposedly a bastion of freedom?" Then, as I recall, it came to me with great clarity that the Committee of 300 has its people at the highest and lowest echelons embedded in the U.S., in banking...

..., industry, trade, defense, the State Department and indeed in the very White House, not to mention the Elite Club called the U.S. Senate, which in my view is a forum for pushing the New World Order." I recall thinking that President Wilson's propaganda blast against Germany and the Kaiser (actually the product of Rothschild agents Lords Northcliffe and Rothmere, and the Wellington House propaganda factory...

... Iraq. Whereas in 1914 it was the Kaiser who was a "brute savage," a "ruthless murderer", a "monster", the "Butcher of Berlin", in 2002 it was President Hussein who was all of these things and a whole lot more, including the "Butcher of Baghdad!" Poor duped, deluded, deceived, connived, trustful, America! When will you ever learn? In 1917 the New World Order agenda was being rushed through the House...

... and Senate by Woodrow Wilson, and President Bush forced the New World Order agenda for Iraq through the House and Senate in 2002 without debate, an exercise in arbitrary power and a gross violation of the U.S. Constitution for which the American people are paying a huge price. But the American people are suffering from toxic shock induced by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and the...

... changed. The United States, harried, hounded, pushed and shoved is headed of a fast track to the New World Order, propelled along by the Radical Republicans of the War Party who have been taken over by the scientists at the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations. Just recently I was asked by a subscriber "where do we find the Tavistock Institute?" My response was: "Look around the U.S. Senate, the...

... of the American people whose money was now free to be stolen on an unimaginable scale, making them slaves of the New World Order inside the coming One World Government. The Great Depression of the 1930s was the second major catastrophic bill the American people had to pay, the first being World War I. (See Appendix) Those who read this book as a first introduction to the New World Order inside a...

... employed to weaken national boundaries, language and culture and to discredit pride of nation and sovereignty of nation-states, in preparation for the coming of the Socialist New World Order-One World Government, that President Woodrow Wilson said America would make safe for "democracy." Those fresh-faced young American boys from Arkansas and North Carolina were sent marching off to Europe believing they...

... are called "The Olympians." No U.S. president is elected or remains in office save and except by their favor. Those who buck their control are removed. Examples are John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson. The Committee of 300 is the international Socialist One World Government that runs the New World Order from behind the scenes where it will remain, until it is ready to emerge and take...

... capability. Memberships of the Club and NATO were interchangeable. Stanford Research, the Tavistock Institute and other centers of applied social psychiatry joined it. In 1994 Tavistock signed a major contract with NASA to evaluate the effects of its space program. The Club itself was only founded in 1968 as part of the call for a New World Order inside a One World Government. What the Club became was an...

... the New World Order - One World Government would have to exhibit hereafter, a new mind - the rise of a new order with no nation-states, pride of place and pride of race, a culture of the past, destined to the dustbin of history, never to be revived. We know from experience that this work is likely to be greeted with scorn and disbelief. Some will even pity us. Terms like "off the wall" will be used...

... are now ready to descend to the level of the New World Order in a One World Government where such barbaric "treatment" will be regarded as normal and accepted without protest. The fact that medical doctors took part in the inhuman torture of fellow human being and felt no remorse would indicate just how far down the world has already fallen. This has been observed as being the basis for the military...

... the New World Order-One World Government assumes total world control. It is sadistic, inhuman and beastly, designed to break the natural pride of the victims, to break the will to resist and to reduce the prisoners to the level of beasts. During the first world government experiment in the then USSR, men were allowed to use toilets only to be interrupted in the middle of evacuating and hustled out...

... League of Nation was the "first draft" of the last-approaching New World Order inside a One World Government, and the "peace proposals" at the Paris Peace Conference, directed and controlled by Tavistock, was meant to cripple Germany and make it a permanent second-class European power, their self-respect destroyed through the social demotion to pauperism or at best proletarian status. It is hardly...

... less anachronistic than the Austria-Hungary of Franz Joseph had been. Here he was establishing a "Democratic" New World Order Socialism straight out of the model created by the Fabian Society, while the United States was a confederated constitutional Republic, the exact opposite. Neither the shift of the European locus of power and prestige from the former Central Empire Western democracies, nor the...

... situation, a contrived pre-chosen pretext, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, to reverse public opinion in favor of America's entry into the European war. Roosevelt held out that America was fighting for democracy and its very way of life, neither of which bore the slightest resemblance to the truth; the war was fought to advance the cause of International Socialism toward its goal of a New World Order...

... sleazy muck-racking "administration" man. America is not one "homeland" but 50 distinct and separate States. In any case the word "homeland" comes straight out of the Communist Manifesto. Since the ultimate goal of government is to establish a New World Order International Communist One World Government, the choice of this word to title Communist legislation, should not surprise us. The power to...

... of International Socialism and for the goals of the New World Order - International Communism, One World Government. The American people were told that Germany intended to enslave the world. This was a very good line because even the most poorly educated of people realize that slavery is one of the worst fates that mankind could be called on to suffer. By introducing the word "slavery" a...

... apathy and make them realize just how far they are on the road to becoming slaves of the Socialist New World Order inside a One World Government. Official Definitions A useful collection of terms and definitions as used by the Washington power establishment. Without exception every single one of the programs cited herein are Tavistock born and bred. Social Sciences and Political Intervention: What...

... lifestyles" should be labeled in such a way that the public will be aware of their purpose and that "the identity of sponsors should be indicated in an appropriate manner." Despite this recommendation, which imposes no mandatory restrictions on aid donors, the "communication" section of document remains a very dangerous and politically explosive part of the New World Order agenda. The Population...

... the Stimson Dairies record. Pearl Harbor opened the way to Communist control of China, and ultimately the way to a new Communist-Socialist New World Order inside a One World Government. Our only hope in a vale of despair is that this work might help to open the eyes of the American people, so that they will resolve never again to fall for propaganda, although in the wake of the 9/11 tragedy, it now...

... methods that brought Germany down, were now unleashed against the United States. The massive brainwashing of our nation was called "Long Range Penetration " and "Inner Directional Conditioning." The main purpose of this endeavor was to install Socialist programs at every level of government; ushering in the New Dark Age a New World Order inside a One World Government Communist dictatorship. Particularly...

... final onslaught to usher in a One World Government in a New World Order. The "Brain Trust" in charge of Tavistock's War on America (1946--), consisted of Bernays, Lewin, Byron, Margaret Meade, Gregory Bateson, H.V. Dicks, Lippert, Nesbit and Eric Trist. Where did the "Invisible Army" shock troops get their training? They got it from Reese at Tavistock, from where they fanned out across America to sow...

... and even more directly, extends its influence to the White House and the State Department. Tavistock has a profound influence in shaping U.S. domestic and foreign policy. Tavistock is a study center devoted to the service of the Black Nobility and those devoted to promoting the New World Order inside a One World Government. Tavistock does work for the Club of Rome, the CFR, Trilateral Commission...

... worse than the Bolshevik regime, the New World Order government of Great Britain. One has only to look over the legislation passed by the Blair regime to see that liberties have been crushed, political dissent has been crushed, the Magna Carta put to flames and in its place, a set of draconian laws that makes for ominous reading. "As goes England today, so goes the United States tomorrow" according to...

... World Government-New World Order, used exact topological psychology against those who said we should not be attacking Iraq. Bush, Baker, Haig, Rumsfeld, Rice, Powell, General Myers, Cheney and those in Congress who fawned all over them in a servile display of bootlicking-brainwashed the American people to believe that Pres. Saddam Hussein of Iraq was a monster, an evil man, a dictator, a threat to...

... discarded in favor of a New World Order. In the tenure of G.W. Bush, we see that process accelerated. My choice of candidate, not my choice CHAPTER 30 Let us look at the way in which an election is run. The American people do not vote for a president. They vote for a party candidate chosen by the elect of the party, more often than not, entirely under the control of the Committee of 300. This is not a...

... Court illegally intervened in a STATE election and awarded the prize to the loser. A stupefied (shell-shocked) electorate let the enormous violation of the U.S. Constitution go unchallenged thereby assuring their future will be lived in a New World Order - International Communist One World Government International Communists dictatorship. Reese continued to expand Tavistock's base of operations...

... forces whose sole aim and object is to pervert, twist and distort the minds of our youth, to make it all the easier for the Committee of 300 to usher in the Socialist New World Order - One World Government, in which the new Communists rule of the world. The information I have put before you should be a source of great alarm as you contemplate the future of your children and the youth of America, having...
... technique into a razor-sharp tool for sculpting its New World Order. And the biggest of its corpulent fabrications may be the pretense that the United States has been the world's foremost bulwark against communism. In reality, the historical record brims with hard evidence that rather than effectively opposing communism, our government has consistently nurtured communist leadership with material aid and...

..., manipulate, and control would-be vassals. The Master Conspiracy... for instance, has for over two centuries honed the technique into a razor-sharp tool for sculpting its New World Order. And the biggest of its corpulent fabrications may be the pretense that the United States has been the world's foremost bulwark against communism. In reality, the historical record brims with hard evidence that rather than...
... goyim are just human cattle. Is communism Jewish? (Rabbi Abe Finkelstein interview) Lies and Deceit 005 921 "Despots throughout history have employed the Big Lie to beguile, manipulate, and control would-be vassals. The Master Conspiracy... for instance, has for over two centuries honed the technique into a razor-sharp tool for sculpting its New World Order. And the biggest of its corpulent...

... TESTING GROUND of coming "new world order" NWO 529 Hitler was most fond of this term - "New World Order." The ultimate goal of his was the division of the world into race of masters and a race of slaves. The organizers of the coming "new world order" have the same goal, but they walk with a different walk. They do not hurry, verify each step, use the new socio-psychological, financial, technology and...

... ultra-modern technical advances. And here in Canada (the country where you can remain the least "visible") members of this "elite club of the world", decided to build a prototype of the coming "New World Order." A building of "Brookstreet-hotel" in Ottawa, where the meeting of the B-club [Bilderberg Club] took place, reminds me the shape of "the Jerusalem Temple," about the rebuilding of which world...

...-Zionist community for promoting globalism or what some call the, "New World Order." Placing any blame on Jewish leaders and their followers for inciting the Roman crucifixion of Christ. Citing any facts that could in any way diminish the, "six million," figure of holocaust victims. Claiming that Israel is a racist state. Making any claim that there exists a, "Zionist conspiracy." Offering proof that...

... the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this new world order, the Children of Israel, who are scattered over the world, will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition; and this will more particularly be the case if they succeed in getting the working masses under their control. The governments of the different...

... New World Order the Children of Israel... will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition... " (Karl Marx in a letter to Baruch Levy, quoted in Review de Paris, June 1, 1928, p. 574) "We are not deceived by their pretenses to piety. We have seen their kind before. They are the heirs of all the murderous ideologies of the 20th century. By sacrificing human life to serve their radical...

... and Eastern Europe were given massive publicity, the supposed "special evil" of the Germans would stand exposed as a racist fraud. German actions during World War Two must be viewed in a vacuum in order for the New World Order to advance its covert objective of Jewish supremacy. When Nazi actions are placed within the context of Jewish Communism's abominable crimes against the Christian people of...

... Domination 090 921 "Despots throughout history have employed the Big Lie to beguile, manipulate, and control would-be vassals. The Master Conspiracy... for instance, has for over two centuries honed the technique into a razor-sharp tool for sculpting its New World Order. And the biggest of its corpulent fabrications may be the pretense that the United States has been the world's foremost bulwark against...

...., England, Europe (except for Scandinavian countries, Germany and Italy; Italy kicked them out in the 1970's),Japan, Africa, Iran, Canada and Mexico. They do not control China, Russia (Putin kicked them out for the first time since 1917), India, South East Asia, South America, Cuba etc. "Their goal is to create a world government. Until 2 years ago the plan was the New World Order. That was outlined...

... planet. I have also been negotiating in secret with the Illuminati in the hopes of arranging for them to cede power without any bloodshed in exchange for a general amnesty. "I do believe we now have a real chance to end the New World Order and start the New Age. The New Age would be one where war, poverty and environmental destruction would only be found in the history books." I applaud Benjamin...

... in America. Benjamin Fulford is an inspiration and he deserves our thanks. Henry Makow Ph.D. is the inventor of the game Scruples and author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His articles exposing fe-manism and the New World Order can be found at his web site He enjoys receiving comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only.

... Illumicorp - Training Module I - This is How the New World Order Works Hello initiates and welcome to module one of the Illumicorp video training course. I would like to officially welcome you as a member of the team. You've joined our organization at perhaps the most exciting point in our long history. Our founders shared a passionate dream. To transform this country, and eventually the whole, world to...

... global police force. When ready, our technology and man power will dominate those who oppose the coming New World Order. By utilizing American patriotism we have fostered in the American soldier the philosophy of peace through superior force. When the time is right, we will migrate that mentality towards the belief in a global government, who must protect all people through superior force. We have used...

..., class and religion. You are a member of the Illumined now. Your loyalty and your devotion belong only with us. Help us finish the plan. Together, we will proudly initiate the New World Order. Now that you have a basic understanding of how we work over here at Illumicorp, I would like to introduce to you one of our latest projects. THE CONTROL GRID. Since ancient times, it has been the desire of the...

..., globalism, human databasing, Military, military industrial complex, New World Order, RFID Related Documentaries Posts related to Illumicorp - Training Module I - This is How the New World Order Works Who Controls The World? Illuminati, Jesuits The Science of Mass Manipulation Through Crisis Creation - New World Order, Tavistock, The Fabian Society The Capitalist Conspiracy: An Inside View of International...

... Banking by G. Edward Griffin 1972 - Classic One Nation Under Siege Ksmcintyre74 visit us. and What are you going to do about it? Your browser does not support iframes. var sc_project=10522331; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security="bd867308...
...: Technologies of population reduction The cult of death worship - the basis of a New World Order World Bank as a body of world government Biomedical NATO "Your friend - condom" Ford Foundation Who created AIDS? Paul Ehrlich's Genocide The Club of Rome Bohemian Club Ritual sacrifice to Moloch War as a means of genocide Network of interconnected organizations The "Family Security" (FS) organization (FSM) offers...

... REUTERS. Netocracy, that is the power of the network, is considered in the context of preparations for a new world order. Here is a quote from the doctrinal document: "The transition from old to new paradigm is implemented in phases. At the first stage of destruction of the state it leads to an increasing number of subcultures, "tribes" with a narrower identity and loyalty. At the second stage, the...

... may be float up. Apparently, the leads and contacts of British police and British intelligence services are not that good. Kesbolt expresses another very interesting idea: "Most of the units of the intelligence services regard themselves as supra-national", that is serving the interests and under the control of the architects of the new world order, criminal in its nature, that uses crime for its...

..., opposes it, wants to destroy it, including the fact that it allows the criminal, antisocial, anti-state business that undermines the foundation of the state. Market is a powerful weapon in the fight against the statehood Market is a powerful weapon in the fight against the statehood. On the open market (and precisely its creation is a goal for the architects of the new world order), where there is no...

... Caucasus. The U.S. use drugs to achieve their goals Thus, the U.S. drug use to achieve their goals: the establishment of a new world order and creation of the global anti-state. The following chain is built, mostly of interest to dealers of drugs and politics: to build the anti-state, you need to destroy the traditional state and strong independent states as such (the weak will surrender by themselves...

... new world order through war, and ruling circles in their ilk. In short, the entire Narcotic NATO as a whole. And then, when the deed was done, and the war unleashed, the military and NATO steps in to help, justifying the mind boggling drug trade in Afghanistan, and officially and cynically states, that people need something to live on. NATO thus protects that regime and provides the function of a...

..., and who also possess significant resources, wanted to be taken over by the forces of global anti-state. As Daniel Estulin writes in his article on the new world order, "one world empire", the U.S. government supports the well-known Afghan warlords engaged in drug smuggling. Chaos that is happening now over there, which is the result of American aggression, is good for criminal business. Large-scale...

... source of their income, which pays for everything." Andrew Winkler has the data and facts, and knows what he is writing about not from hearsay. Knowing all the dangers, he still stepped on this arduous path of struggle against the global elite and its project called "New World Order." In one of his interviews, to a question what he could advise those who are just embarking on this path, and what kind...

... important. To denounce the evil, the works of the Antichrist, as is well known from the Apocalypse by St. John the Prophet, before the end times the prophets Elijah and Enoch shalt come. "This Elijah and second coming of Christ with Enoch shalt disclose the falsity of the Antichrist and serve as consolation of the faithful." But the new world order, which is being built by global elite using the criminal...

... money from drug trafficking, is also the work of the Antichrist. Winkler believes that the fight against drug trafficking is one of the most effective ways to disrupt the plans for the construction of the new world order by global elite. "600 billion dollars from the illicit drug trade collected by the global ruling elite is its Achilles heel." The struggle with this source is perhaps the most...

... effective way to fight against the new world order. Matrix of Evil For the global elite in this criminal business work the intelligence, the armed forces, large number of professional killers, ready to destroy those who pose any danger to the global elite. This business also utilizes bribes, shady payments and benefits in order to corrupt the politicians, judges, public figures, scholars, journalists...

... - Dissemination of information leaflets informing about drugs and the role they play in creating a new world order. Control - Implementation of the detectives that police refused to do: monitoring of places of distribution of drugs such as bars, clubs, cafes, etc. photographing the drug traffickers with the date, time and place, collection of other data such as vehicles plate numbers, forwarding of the...

... against the new world order, where, unlike in other areas, no one can argue against. Yet those at the grassroots level involved in the sale or purchase of drugs may not realize that by doing so they support the enslavement of mankind. But they should know that the biggest estates and the most heinous crimes are related to drugs. The fact that many drug traffickers sell them to children and young people...

..., so weakened, are no longer able to defend their country, their faith and are no longer aware of the need for such protection. I emphasize that the deepest meaning of modern war is the confrontation of forces committed to life and forces committed to death, forces of vitocracy (power of life) and forces of thanatocracy (power of death). The cult of death worship - the basis of a New World Order The...

... cult of death worship and its distribution is the foundation of the New World Order, for creation of which the global clique is conducting a global war, using all possible ways and means, sowing death to the body, soul and consciousness of man, nations, and humanity. Earlier we noted that the use of drugs as a weapon to achieve the goals of modern warfare has a narcotic dimension. In connection with...

... main problems of the defense of the XXI century". Among the speakers was a former Minister of Health, Education and Welfare Joseph Califano, his theme was "The American Revolution in Health - who will live, who shall die and who will pay." And finally, the former U.S. Attorney General with no less interesting, I suppose, a lecture titled "Defining the new world order." Bohemian Club is closely...

... the service of Baal. The New World Order, which they are building now on human blood, is the order of death, and the regime which they are implementing is the real thanatocracy [death worship]. Network of interconnected organizations On the example of PC ("Population Connection"), which is connected to many influential political and economic structures, we saw that medical-biological warfare, as...

... New World Order and can not protect our people and our country. This is one of the bloodiest components of a battle for statehood, which, using the medical and biological weapons, can lead to total collapse, and which is utilized by the collective aggressor. It is no accident that in the May 1996 issue of the collection entitled "Special operations", published by the Centre and the school of special...

... with the intensification created by global architects of the new world order, craving to implement it as soon as possible. Every four years, a fundamental strategic document is introduced in the United States, which is a comprehensive report on the condition of the U.S. defense. So in the 2006 report, which has been adopted up to 2010, Rumsfeld emphasizes what he labeled as a "road map to changes in...

... the New World Order by force. At present, Blackwater operates under contracts with the three key agencies - the Pentagon, CIA and State Department. These contracts, as the investigative reporting by Ken Silverstein, published in the Harpers magazine shows, are focused mainly on three countries - Afghanistan, Iraq and Azerbaijan. From 1996 to 2006, the company trained 50,000 troops to fulfill its...

..., on the one hand, support for regimes, controlled by global elite through the armed forces under its control, trained by the PMCs, and, on the other, suppression of any resistance to the puppet rulers. This makes the private military companies not only global forces, leading an all-out war against the statehood, but also the global police force to destroy those who oppose the new world order and...

... project "European Reich" (it was written about in the book "Myths of patriots") and stand under the banner of the current global war for a new world order, for creation of global anti-state. But who was the first to start this war? Which forces were the first to ignite this thirst for revenge? Who were those that initially perceived a "project" of Sacred Russian statehood as a threat to their plans to...

... the political, economic and social system, which the Nazis wanted to establish in the form of absolute global hegemony. It was the first attempt to create a global anti-state. On the eve of the election in 1932 Adolf Hitler in his address to the people of Germany said: "If you elect me as a leader of this nation, I will create a new world order that will last a thousand years." With this program, he...

... went to the polls, and it is precisely this program of achieving world domination was financed and supported the Zionist bankers. Let us recall that those 27 million dollars, and then another $7 million to finance the Nazi movement were obtained by Hitler from the Warburg precisely in 1932. The money was given not just to finance a concept of a new world order, but for war, because a new world order...

... world order, the empire is essentially understood as what we call a global anti-state, new Khazaria, the kingdom of the Antichrist. The authors write that the head of the empire, created by New World Order will be primarily a spiritual ruler, that is an analogue of the Khazar Bek. Here's how they describe this procedure: "The New World Order assumes that the new ethical and legal standards of good and...

... the war. Here is what Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri write about it, in their book "Multitude": The war has become a "form of governing" and "main matrix for all the attitudes of government and methods of dominance." "The war now is the first and main element, the foundation of politics." The U.S. war for democracy is a war for the New World Order through "democratic use of force", and...

... introduce them in Russia, it is a tool of separation, dismemberment, fragmentation and destruction of the state, society and individuality. War is a means of fragmentation. War as a means to decay is thus a tool, a tool that arms the network. The network brings the war. And now, just as Hitler did, the U.S. leaders talk about the New World Order. For the first time since Hitler, Bush began to speak about...

... it in his address to the nation in 1991. He then said: "We are involved in a great battle in the skies, the seas and sands. What is at stake is more than one small country. This is a great idea, the New World Order." The foundation of this idea is also chosenness, a Messianic idea. Only now it is not only racial purity, but democratic purity. "We are the most democratic in the world." And if "you...

... financed by the same persons - the descendants of the Khazars, and pursued the same set of spiritual goals established by such persons - building the new world order, the order of the Antichrist. Anti-Semitism is needed so Jews would flee from persecution and go to Israel It does not stop at nothing. The above begs for conclusion that war, suffering and death of ordinary Jews and anti-Semitism were...

... new world order, disarm us, deprive us in this way of our ability to defend our state, turning us into their mercenaries, fighting for its destruction. Exploiting stolen ethnicity, cultivating it and provoking anti-Semitism, they want to present themselves as victims and get a pretext for punishing the perpetrators of Gog and Magog and create an atmosphere of fear around themselves. And fear is the...

... Third Temple is planned as the spiritual center of the New World Order - a global empire - this is how invisible geopolitical project of Khazaria, it is designed to materialize. "Israeli Empire" "Construction of the Temple is naturally associated with the execution of other commandments. For example, the Torah dictates that Israel's borders should be, according to the Pentateuch, "from the brook of...

... slaves by selling them. Her goal is the fight against traditional statehood and pushing the world back into pre-state tribal network of antiquity. The invisible Khazaria has its armed forces, the core of which consists of mercenaries from private military companies, which together with the armies of the vassal peoples fight for her political materialization - establishment of new world order. Invisible...

... homeland." Is it not the slogan of the globalists? Zionism and Marxism are two constituent parts of a single anti-system ideology of global Khazaria, which form the ideological foundation of the new world order. "Jewish Communal Register" defined Zionism as a Marxist movement "Jewish Communal Register" clearly defined Zionism as a Marxist movement. The French newspaper Peuple Juif («The Jewish people...

... original meaning in the Soviet version. Now we face a paradoxical thing. They blaspheme the idea of Soviet communism and praise the idea of the Khazar Marxism. Marxism turns out to be fantastically popular among the architects of the new world order in the form of global anti-state. We talked about the fact that Marxism as a political and economic agenda of invisible Khazaria was a task for the near...

... political and economic alliances that lays the foundations of the global anti-state. Currently, the ideologists of global Khazaria began to actively praise Marxism. As it turns out, this is what they need at this point. One of the main ideologists of the new world order - Jacques Attali, appointed by President Nicolas Sarkozy of France as an adviser, has been actively praising Marx as a "prophet of era of...

... by concluding free trade agreements. The economic component of the new world order is extremely important to this theorist. In an interview with Time in September 1991, Attali said: "In the coming struggle for world supremacy the economic power will be critically important. Military power can not last long if it is not based on strong economic foundations. In the past, the Powers, whose grounds...

... objectives of ensuring the interests of the global elite. With regard to America's role in creating a new world order, spoke the founder of the American geopolitical school Robert Strausz-Hupe, who was the teacher of Henry Kissinger and other famous politicians, and was listened to by Nixon and Reagan. It was he who was behind the formation of NATO and influenced the policy in the Middle East. In his...

... all the attempts to sabotage the new world order." According to the theory of globalization, economic power is designed to support the military power that is capable to carry out these violent armed actions under the Initiative of global peacekeeping operations. But the global thanatocracy is not only an economic regime, but also political and spiritual. Marx proceeds from these principles. And...

... Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz, global crash which will be accompanied by a complete devaluation of the dollar, will clear the way for a unified North American currency. Moreover, amid the economic chaos this measure will be accepted by a majority not only simply as necessary, but as desirable. After all, many will consider the new world order as something clearly preferable to the global chaos. And for...

... electronic payment system. 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Revelation 13:16, 17) Known are the words of Greek elder Paisius Athos on the situation in the new world order: "As a result...

... his version of "House of the new world order will be built from the bottom rather than from the top. It will look like a rapidly spreading mad confusion, madness ... Deceptive maneuver around national sovereignty, little by little eating it away, will be much more efficient than the old-fashioned frontal attack." Well, yes, a mad desire of many nations to make sure they get into the WTO, even...

... the sacrifices must be made. But in all this euphoria, no one notices that the victims is something human. The Marxist principle of econo-centrism is based on money as the measure of everything. The main thing is Mammon, and Baal. He is to subordinate the new world order. And all these global sacrifices are in his name. Everyone considers the loss in armed clashes, but no one counts the losses in...

... Policy, which is a militant organization that advocates the new world order. It is their well-known and extremely popular and influential preacher Pat Robinson says that God's will is that the Israelis were killing Palestinians. It is they, the religious Zionists, who preach hatred and war, and fill their sermons with militaristic, aggressive vocabulary. It is they who are at the head of private...

... world order and forms the global anti-state. Narcotic NATO This alliance is strong enough to provoke and fight wars and to organize the revolutions. Drug NATO is much stronger and more dangerous than military NATO, because the former has at its disposal immeasurably more power and resources and is not limited by any boundaries of the laws, acting in secret, and therefore virtually unnoticed on the...

..., these people were not more than a gigantic robbery victims, that is racketeering. (Publicist H. Makow, who calls himself a representative of the "silent majority of simple Jews", writes: "War on Terror is an extortion. Aggressor is the world's financial elite ... It is a tool of Zionism, especially the Mossad and its American allies ... Its goal is to create a world police state called the "new world...

..., the alliance includes the multinational energy companies, such as, for example, Halliburton, which with the help of war and violence destroy the competing states. This alliance is directed and its activities coordinated by political, and, in fact, global shadow elite in power in several countries, such as USA, which, by means of war and violence destroys the traditional statehood, imposes a new...

... order." In other words, global anti-state - Global Khazaria. "To take over the world, we must possess Russia" Khazaria was very belligerent and was in a constant state of war. It fought against Russia, the Arab Caliphate (ie the Arab world), and Iran. Remember, who is now the enemies of Israel, and we see that the parallel is absolute. The founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl wrote: "To take over the...

.... He became not only political, but above all a spiritual leader. After that Khazaria fell. But with arrival of the Antichrist everything will be the same. He will rule the anti-system as a collective kaganate. It is the same scenario, the same matrix of Khazaria. In 2000, Harvard University Press published a book called "Empire" by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. In this work, devoted to the new...
... so called New World Order. What is backlinks? Well, nothing more than the biggest delusion there is. The opinion of the herd. The more donkeys talk about something, the more "value" that something must have. If everybody talks about some delusion, then, by some magic power, that delusion becomes reality. In fact, the only reality there is, for all practical purposes. Never mind that the...

... only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent." (February 17, 1950, as he testified before the US Senate). Can you imagine THIS kind of arrogance? To say things like this even before the "Senate"? December 31, 1999 -- Washington Monument sprays colored light into the black night sky, symbolizing the birth of the New World Order. 1996 -- The United...

...; upcoming, presentations by the most influential members of government, the presidents, the supreme court justices, the congressmen, an other top brass worldwide, regarding the newly developed strategies and world events to unfold in the nearest future. Basically, all major world events including the issues of Iraq, the Middle East, "New World Order", "War on terrorism", world energy...

..., Nixon & Reagan Administrations Subject: "Defining a New World Order" John Lehman, Secretary of the Navy, Reagan Administration Subject: "Smart Weapons" So, this "terrorism" thing was already being planned back in at least 1997 in the Illuminati and Freemason circles in their Bohemian Grove estate. "The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."...

... Francisco." Chicago Tribune - November 7, 1999 NIXON ON TAPE EXPOUNDS ON WELFARE AND HOMOSEXUALITY by James Warren Anybody has a clue as to what is the most favoured part of those "presentations"? War on terrorism, that was discussed at least 3 years before Iraq scam? - Nah. Smart weapons? - Bo o ring! Defining the New World Order, for...

.... Recently, there has been a story on this subject. Check it out on the Internet. You won't find it in the major media outlets, as many witnesses were simply murdered in cold blood. One of the senators that was willing to expose this issue was simply murdered. Did you get that? Did you see those plans for "war on terrorism", "smart weapons" and that "Defining a New World Order"...

... despite the fact that the government sites have probably the largest number of backlinks on the net. Because they do not simply represent some enterprise in some country. They represent the ENTIRE COUNTRY. What could be possibly bigger than that, unless you talk about that satanic agenda of global domination, called the NWO (New World Order)? This is a well known fact. Most site owners can only dream of...
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