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Google - The Face of Evil, Most Profound

Level 1
12:19 PM

Part 1

Note: this post was edited since its original publication and new information was added to deliver the message more effectively.

It was removed by Google for utterly inappropriate reasons in their continuing, deliberate efforts to suppress all the information addressing the most profound problems with Google search engine operation and errors or deliberate manipulation of search results and absolutely disgusting environment of harassment of webmasters on Google webmaster forums by the most arrogant and utterly incompetent bullies, that are, nevertheless, promoted to the "top contributor" levels. None of these people are, or even can be authorized by Google to represent the position of Google as to its search engine operation and mechanics, or related to "opaque business model" Google utilizes, which leaves millions of webmasters and site owners in the dark as to the exact "rules of the game", which results in all sorts of problems for all sorts of sites all over the world, and plenty of people's lives depend on these sites for a livelihood.

The original article URL can be verified here:

This post was made on Sunday, October 4, 2009 specifically, to see the extent to which Google is willing to go in its relentless campaign of destruction of evidence, related to unprecedented problems and errors related to Google search engine operation, disinformation, harassments of webmasters, defamation and slander, sponsored by Google on Google webmaster forums.

And now it is clear in no uncertain terms that Google is engaged in destruction of evidence, and of criminal grade, and in the most arrogant and offensive form conceivable.

From my understanding, the individual, known as JohnWu, the Google employee, destroyed the evidence of fact pertaining to utterly incorrect results, related to Google search engine operation that are likely to affect vast number of sites on the Internet, causing numerous damages to the livelihoods of millions of people, who feed Google, capitalizing on the results of their work.

You can see it for yourself by checking the following links to those articles:


Thread: "Google Index Drops Like a Rock thread"
(destroyed by "Top Contributor", Phil Payne)

It can still be viewed up to the very moment of destruction here:


Thread: "SERPS discrepancies"

Thread, before it was destroyed, can be viewed here:


Thread: Sites disappeared from SERPs for "Top search queries"

Thread, before it was destroyed, can be viewed here:


Thread: Dear Google, don't waste your time:


On what basis were those threads destroyed? They contain specific evidence of fact related to totally incorrect results of Google search engine operation, manipulation of search results and most outrageous insults by so called top contributors, and "bionic posters", from whatever planet they happened to have come from, WAY out of line with anything, even remotely related to any kind of help forums, operated by any decent, self-respecting business entity.

Not only that, but this individual closed the entire thread "Consider Carefully the Advice You are Given", destroying the information, pertaining to utterly incorrect statements, fabrications and accusations, made by one of the most blatant harassers in the entire history of Google webmaster forums, whose nick is Autocrat and whose favicon reads "Kiss My Wookie", with picture of some deranged monster with a two inch thick chain around his neck, his arms left in a body builder's posture demonstration position.

What an image of a "helper" at Google webmaster forums! A REAL masterpiece, in perversion that is.

Just by looking at the nick and a signature, it is clear enough what kind of individual is this and what kind of things he is likely to produce, and every bit of his activity on webmaster forums is a living evidence of it in the most graphic terms.

How could the individuals, behaving in such an outrageous manner, with mentality of a deranged monster, be allowed in the webmaster help forums, where webmasters came to discuss the issues related to their very livelihood, is way beyond comprehension.

Not only allowed, but sponsored and even recommended to others as providing "fine advice". Whooaa!

This fact alone is simply outrageous. It is nothing less than revolting. Not only this is outrageous, but the very fact of consistent, repeatable destruction of evidence and utter absence of any kind of repremental actions towards these harassers, engaged in character assassinations and other criminal grade activities, such as defamation and slander, and not only that, but sponsorship of their activity, classifying their harassments as "fine advice", puts these issues in entirely different perspective indeed.

Why would any self-respecting enterprise, especially of the Google's caliber, allow and even sponsor such a blatant, relentless and most disgusting behavior? Doesn't it sound a little strange?

Well, not really, once you understand the inner workings of this Google Zombification Machine, its purpose and its place in this horrendous New World Order scheme of global domination and a single, worldwide police state that only has two classes
of citizens, the "elite" and "slaves".

If slaves do what they are told and work their butts off to feed the forever enlarging bellies of this so called elite, then they are allowed to exist. Otherwise, they are recycled into bio-matter and fed to automated robots to recycle their energy.

The "Chip Society" idea by Nicolas Rockefeller bluntly and openly states the purpose of this NWO thing in no uncertain terms, open air, unceremoniously broadcasting this horrendous model of zombification of mankind to the whole world for everyone to get used to and get acquainted with "new realities", that are forthcoming, and most of which is already in place, lil did anyone suspect.

Here is an interesting statement by Dr. Hose Delgado, one of the most prominent figures in the brain research field.

"We need a program of psychosurgery and political control of our society.
The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from
the given norm can be surgically mutilated.

The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence,
but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective.

Man does not have the right to develop his own mind.

This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal.
We must electrically control the brain.
Some day armies and generals will be controlled
by electrical stimulation of the brain."

--- Dr. Jose Delgado
(MKULTRA experimenter who demonstrated a
radio-controlled bull on CNN in 1985)
Director of Neuropsychiatry, Yale University Medical School.
Congressional Record No. 26, Vol. 118, February 24, 1974

Oh, that Yale again, owned, gun, stock and barrel by the Skull and Bones secret society, the members of which provided several presidents of the United States, supreme court justices, most prominent congressmen, lawyers, oil tycoons, media barons and you name it.

It is amazing to see how it all nicely fits together and how much evidence of it exists on the record by now, and the most amazing thing is that most people do not even seem to realize that these things have to do with THEIR lives and the future they have and especially their children, is the future of a totally zombified slaved, used as brute force, while most sophisticated things are done with machines and robots, based on Artificial Suckology, they call AI.

Anyway, the "Consider Carefully the Advice You are Given" thread was closed in a very peculiar way, which gives a blunt message to anyone, who is willing to challenge this Google monstrosity:

"Either you do what you are told, or we will destroy you and whatever you have to say, and close your accounts and destroy all the evidence, and will delist you from Google so no one has a chance to see the Truth of it all, and THAT is how powerful we are, and we could care less of you are dead or alive, even if you are of a BMW caliber, whom we made crawl on their knees before us and who was forced to completely change their entire business model. Otherwise, we would simply destroy them."

Sounds familiar?

The thread was closed in such a way as to remove the response to these ugly concoctions having no basis in reality whatsoever, but leave his totally ungrounded and offensive concoctions and lies intact. So, you could not even respond to these lies and fabrications.

On the top of it, your account is blocked, so you can not even reply to these ugly lies and concoctions on a different thread!

How's THAT for "unique culture at Google". Ever heard this slogan before? Well, get used to it. You'll be seeing more and more of it on a daily basis.

There are things that are happening on the internet as a result of what Google does, that are already destroying millions of livelihoods, and this is all just peanuts. People come by truckloads to Google forums crying for their business being destroyed by new Google "rules and regulations", that are not even published for everyone to see.

And what these people get in those forums is a royal kick on their ass by the most disgraceful monsters and bullies, openly spitting into their faces, concocting the most outrageous lies and fabrications, engaging in character assassinations, defamation, slander, harassments, insults and you name it.

And the MOST shocking thing about it is that the way this scheme was set up by these most cunning perverts with criminal minds is that Google has NOTHING to do with ANY of it. Because all these things were done and ARE being done morning to night, every day of the week, not by authorized Google stuff, but by totally unrelated parties and individuals and Google has NOTHING to do with ANY of it.

Nice setup, huh?

Feel jealous yet? What a beauty of an "opaque business model" like one of the Google witches has put it.

Not only that, but, for some strange reason, Google even give these thugs authority, broad enough to even remove ANY thread they desire, once they had enough fun, humiliating, insulting and harassing anyone they please.

Not only THAT, but Google personnel even recommends these monsters as providers of "fine advice" as record shows in no uncertain terms. Nice, huh?

Pity on you. You don't really know how to do business in da "suck-cessful way".

When people are deprived of a chance to even respond to totally untrue fabrications, concoctions and outright lies, then what we are dealing with here looks like not just some innocent accident or oversight, but a deliberate and consistent behavior meant to destroy any and all evidence pertaining to numerous problems with Google search engine, going as far, as manual manipulations of search engine, the net result of which is totally distorted picture of the global information and the state of affairs on the planet Earth as such.

First of all, that "top contributor" monster, making statements on behalf of Google as to how Google works, has no authority to make such statements.

He is not a Google employee. He was not trained by Google in search engine mechanics. On the top of it, Google ought to be able to provide a qualified and authorized personnel to deal with these kinds of issues instead of using these arrogant bullies to do their work for them, and in the most offensive manner imaginable.

Not even mentioning the fact that millions of livelihoods depend on Google as sole monopoly providing references to various information sources on the net.

Since Google is a vast empire, a sole global Internet information monopoly, its workings, principles and procedures affect the entire planet Earth, and in the most profound ways, as statistics and various studies show.

Nearly everything that is happening in the world is happening via Google search engine.

It is a long time due, a set of issues related to pervasive and most drastic influence Google has on the affairs of the modern world be brought up to the international scrutiny and limits to its secrecy be placed by competent committees representing the mankind as such, and not only some limited interests, benefiting from such a pitiful state of affairs.

Too bad, the world governments, EU and United Nations are owned, gun, stock and barrel by the servants of the most profound evil ever known to mankind, and chances of it ever happening are as slim as it gets.

But it is up to you, dear mankind, how are you are going to decide your own destiny and destiny of your children, and children of your children.

Thus, the increased amount of responsibility and public scrutiny is necessary in the situations of this grand caliber to assure the mankind as such is not affected in the most perverse ways by this horrendous monopoly, the likes of which have never been seen on this planet since the times of Genghis Khan, Alexander The Great, Adolph Hitler or Joseph Stalin for that matter.

On the top of it, the poster's account was blocked for totally erroneous reasons, while the accounts of some of the most outrageous harassers and fabricators of all sorts of totally invalid concoctions, attacking people on a regular basis remain not only opened, but not even a notice made to them to comply with Google's"Positive user experience" slogan, which is a disgrace in itself.

Here is just a couple of typical examples of writings by these so called top contributors:

Note: boxed text below, like this one, is what "top contributors" wrote, pretending to be helping with the issue discussed.
Bracketed text [] is the comments from webmaster.

======= Quote Begin =========

Top Contributor
Webmaster Help Bionic Poster

[In response to "why are you upset about all this? Are you OK?]

No - I'm not okay.

[Why is that? What is YOUR investment in all this? What kind of benefit, you, as a "volunteer" helper, working your rears off, day and night here, without being paid a penny for any of it, can possibly have as a result of all this?]


But you STILL refuse to acknowledge that you have NOT GOT A F*ING CLUE!!!!!!!


You still come here and whinge, bitch, moan and behaving like an absolue * * !!!!!

When people are offensive to you - you whinge like a * child!

Your sites are garbage - complete and utter *.
They offer little in the way of novelty/functyionality.

[These sites are regularly used by the top programmers from all major software houses including Google itself and such names as, Intel, Microsoft, HP and you name it.]

They contain content you have stolen from other sites!
You have ripped off other peoples work/ideas!

[Whooo! That bites. What hole did you pull THAT one from?]

You are retarded!
You have some sort of * mental deficiency!
Yu should be * medicated and kept away from anything more potential dangerous
than a dead friggin snail incase you cause harm to someone!

Now * off and drop dead you pathetically imbellic moronic amutrish labotimised
muppet of a complete * hole.

I'm sick to death off your sheer and utter stupidity.
It's almsot like someone is spoon feeding delirium into you.
HAve you got insantiy in tablet form ther?
Are you using some sort of liquid surrealism, and having it via an IV drip?

Or is it some sort of University Degree?
Did you take a Masters Degree in utter moronicness?
Do you earn additional credits for being so absurdly stupid that it defies all
known definitions of the worl that occured before you?

Were you specially breed jsut for this sort of behaviour?
Was it specialised schooling, years of listening to taped recordings and
watching dodgy TV whislt your eyes were forced openm
Did they brainwash you and forget to put in anything worthwhile?


======= Quote End =========

All replies

Level 1
12:21 PM

This post was made on Sunday, October 4, 2009.

Part II - The Masterpieces by "Top Contributors"

Here is some examples of "contributions" by "top contributors".

Is THIS the kind of environments Google sponsors on webmaster forums?

======= Quote Begin =========
Top Contributor
Webmaster Help Bionic Poster

"Sorry ...John... - I know I should be avoiding this one ... but it's the Freak-Show syndrome ... you just have to come and look at the demented little thing :D

I'll try to avoid the muppet in future - I promise .... jsut one m,ore look atthe sillylittle thing before I go (and hoards of others show up and look at the renowned imbecilic behaviour).

:Stares at the grotesquely behaving little thing:

======= Quote End =========

======= Quote Begin =========

Phil Payne
Top Contributor
Webmaster Help Bionic Poster

"Which is the biggest fruitcake - this guy or Ofume?"

======= Quote End =========

======= Quote Begin =========
Top Contributor
Webmaster Help Bionic Poster

                                      !!!!!!!!!!  G O O G L E    E S T I M A T E S  !!!!!!!!!!

                        !!!!!!!!!!  G O O G L E    G I V E S    A P P R O X I M A T I O N S  !!!!!!!!!!

     !!!!!!!!!!  G O O G L E    R E F I N E S / C O R R E C T S    A S    Y O U    G O    D E E P E R  !!!!!!!!!!

                 !!!!!!!!!!  G O O G L E    F I L T E R S    D U P L I C A T E D   C O N T E N T  !!!!!!!!!!

Do I need to type is slower for you?
Do you want me to go find some small, retarded child with a speech impediment to help you understand?
How about a labotimised dead monkey - would you be able to be taught by one of those?

Did you find this answer helpful? Sign in to vote. Report abuse

======= Quote Begin =========
Top Contributor
Webmaster Help Bionic Poster

[In response to "why are you upset about all this? Are you OK?]

No - I'm not okay.

[Why is that? What kind of investment do you have in this thing, Sire?]

You have come here and upset people.
You were rude, offensive and refused any form of help.

Then - even after careful explanations and efforts from several people - you go ON AND F*ING ON!

[First of all, Mr. Smart, people are not interested in non Google official opinion. People of your kind have no authority, WHATSOEVER to interpret the search engine operation. It is not even clear what is the purpose of you being on these forums]


But you STILL refuse to acknowledge that you have NOT GOT A F*ING CLUE!!!!!!!


You still come here and whinge, bitch, moan and behaving like an absolue * * !!!!!

When people are offensive to you - you whinge like a * child!

Your sites are garbage - complete and utter *.
They offer little in the way of novelty/functyionality.

[These sites are regularly used by the top programmers from all major software houses
worldwide including Google itself, Intel, Microsoft, HP, and all other major enterprises

They contain content you have stolen from other sites!
You have ripped off other peoples work/ideas!
[Complete lie and fabrication of outrageous grade]

You are retarded!
You have some sort of * mental deficiency!
Yu should be * medicated and kept away from anything more potential dangerous
than a dead friggin snail incase you cause harm to someone!

Now * off and drop dead you pathetically imbellic moronic amutrish labotimised
muppet of a complete * hole.

I'm sick to death off your sheer and utter stupidity.
It's almsot like someone is spoon feeding delirium into you.
HAve you got insantiy in tablet form ther?
Are you using some sort of liquid surrealism, and having it via an IV drip?

Or is it some sort of University Degree?
Did you take a Masters Degree in utter moronicness?
Do you earn additional credits for being so absurdly stupid that it defies all
known definitions of the worl that occured before you?

Were you specially breed jsut for this sort of behaviour?
Was it specialised schooling, years of listening to taped recordings and
watching dodgy TV whislt your eyes were forced openm
Did they brainwash you and forget to put in anything worthwhile?

Seriosly - up until this point - I was a fairly scientifically minded person ...
I beleived in Darwin and those that follwoed.
I honestly thought that the idea of evolution was a given.
But not know!
Oh No!
The simple fact that You exist defies any and all explanations for species refinement.
by rights, anyone as stupid as you are being must have someone there to help them * breath!

======= Quote End =========

How's THAT for "help" from "Top Contributors" on the web forums, ran by Google
to assist the webmasters worldwide, whose life depends on Google?

======= Quote Begin =========

Top Contributor
Webmaster Help Bionic Poster

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Doesn't matter who's there - why are my sites being manually removed!

Why did the chicken cross the road?
Who cares about hte stuffing chicken - why is Google conspiring against my site!

2 Men walk into a bar...
but infact, it was only 1, the other was a duplicate

I say I say I say...
And if I keep saying - I'd almsot have as much duplciation as ...pgelqued...

What do you get if you cross a mirror, a toilet and a shredder?
About the same thing as ...pgelqued... sites

======= Quote End =========

Pretty helpful, isn't it?

======= Quote Begin =========
Top Contributor
Webmaster Help Bionic Poster

I don't think it's possible to hijack a thread of incoherent ramblings,


....did you see the size of that chicken?

======= Quote End =========

Thus spake another one of those "top contributors".

======= Quote Begin =========
Level 4

"Oh jeeez, this guy again.  I see he's at least limited his drivel to a shorter essay this time."

======= Quote End =========

And that is just a small sample of how these so called top contributors and "bionic posters" from some unknown planet contribute to Google
webmaster forums.

Considering the fact they routinely destroy the threads with their vicious orgies once that had enough of this most perverted form of "fun" with people who came to webmaster forums for help, vast majority of evidence does not exist on record. Unless the court investigation is conducted and court order is issued to investigate the contents of grand Google archives, you are definitely missing some of the best
"fun" these people regularly have on webmaster help forums.

You could easily compile a book out of what they regularly do on these forums:

Google: The Book Of Disgust.

That would probably become a best seller in no time considering what Google is, what it does, what kinds of secrets it keeps under 7 locks, and how it uses these bullies and arrogant nobodies to create a perfect image about Google.

And the real shocker is that these people are not even paid by Google. The only visible "reward" is their ability to remove any thread they wish once they had enough fun insulting, harassing and slandering some innocent webmaster, accusing him of things that are utterly normal in any semi-sane environment.

Question: with the amount of resources Google has at its disposal, wouldn't it be reasonable and quite appropriate to hire a couple people
with sufficient educational background to perform the webmaster assistance in a professional, respectful and sane manner?

Interestingly enough, one of top brass at Google, who is a billionaire, likes to state these kinds of things:

You don't work at Google for money!

Sure, another Mahatma Gandhi manifest.

Do these people think they are dealing with zombies, that have no functioning brains to see through this lowest grade propaganda?

Level 1
12:21 PM

This post was made on Sunday, October 4, 2009.

Part III - Perverse Censorship or Outright Destruction of Evidence?

And now let us see what could possibly be the reason to manually edit the thread, remove the response to all sorts of fabrications and
outright lies, and not only that, but close the thread, while leaving the offensive part by one of the worst bullies around intact,
and thus prevent any possibility of responding to it to clarify the issues.

Not only that, but blocking the account altogether.

Is THIS what constitutes the "support" provided by Google in this horrendous propaganda machine, called Google webmaster forums,
where most outrageously behaving perverts insult people left and right without any limit, without Google even making a notice of it, and not
only that, but sponsoring them by classifying their totally unauthorized statements as "fine advice"?

Finally, here is the part of "Consider Carefully the Advice You are Given" thread, removed by Google employees.

Slight editing for syntax errors and other insignificant issues was performed.

It would be interesting to see what could possibly justify the removal of this article, especially in the light of following statements,
made by so called Top Contributors:

Level 1
Oct. 3, 2009
10:30 PM

Ok, let us take this crap and address it specifically for the 7th time.

Top Contributor - The Big Mouth Award For The Clueless of the Year
Who Thinks He Runs Google Award
Webmaster Help Bionic Poster - Master Lunatic

>Regarding ...pgelqued... :

Yes, what about it?

> For those that would prefer a better understanding of this Poster,
> and understand Why such comments are made, please review this topic;

>   What kind of SERPs manipulation is this?

Actually, not a bad idea because that post exactly outlines the issues and the way you present them or understand what we are talking about.
Plus, that thread, in no uncertain terms, shows how you harass people, hijack their threads, pervert the issues to look like something entirely
different and how Google authorized representatives support you and individuals of your kind regularly harassing people, fabricating lies,
engaging in character assassinations, engaging in defamation and other criminal grade issues, and not on a single occasion you are put in your
place by Google employees, present on these very threads and able to see all the harassment you and people like you are engaged in every day.

>You will notice that - though the issues of
>   Multiple interlinking sites

UTTER Garbage. "Multiple interlinking sites" have NOTHING to do with the issues discussed in that post.

That post deals with completely inconsistent behavior of Google search engine and completely wrong data Google provides as to the number of pages indexed on a site among other things, dealing with other problems on Google's end, equally as significant.

Google SPECIFICALLY recommends that you perform a query of type to determine the number of pages indexed.

That query, in any properly behaved system, should return the absolute maximum of number of pages indexed for your site.

Under no conditions whatsoever, you should ever get the number bigger than that. Yes, it IS an estimate, just like anything else with Google.

That number may and will vary to the extent of updates for your site as scheduled by Google depending on your site's ranking, number of backlinks and regularity with which you update your site.

The more often you update your site, no matter how much, the more often Google will be downloading your site map to find out if there are new pages available on your site and indexing new pages.

Under no normal conditions, that max. number of pages, as shown on the SERP for the site: type of search as estimated number of pages indexed, should vary more than 10% approx. in a 24 hr. period. That is verified with the actual statistical data available
for these sites for a period of at least 1 year. There results are usually consistent.

Similar numbers are applicable to any other site of comparable size at least.

And here is what we have in our case, ALL provable 100% with exact screen shots:

61,800 from - correct result
1,160 from - incorrect result
(off by whooping 40 times)

The same exact search, under the same exact conditions returns vastly differing results. This is not possible under any circumstances in a properly functioning system that is not manually manipulated.

Here is more results:

Search on domain, without specifying site: clause.

Results 21 - 30 of about 1,030,000 for  - correct result
Results 1 - 10 of about 3,360 for - incorrect result
(off by whooping 250 times)


Search string:

37,900 from - correct result
1,490 from - incorrect result

Off by 20 times!

Search on string: domain, without site: clause.

Results 1 - 10 of about 826,000 for - correct result
Results 1 - 10 of about 4,460 for - incorrect result

Off by 200 times!!!

All of this means it is not just a single site that has this problem. Not even a single country. These sites are in totally different parts of
the world.

This, in turn, means that the same exact problem is applicable to any site whatsoever, regardless of its size, location, its PR, etc.

Otherwise, what IS the difference?

So, the "problem" of

>   Multiple interlinking sites

is utterly and completely irrelevant.

>   Duplicated sites (3 "origianls" - each with a duplicate)

The same exact argument applies.

Furthermore, it has been explained to you at least 3 times that these are mirror sites and are exact, 100% copies of the original sites.

The purpose of having mirror sites is to increase reliability of information delivery. Google can easily determine the nature of mirror sites because they all belong to the same account.

If Google chooses to penalize the mirrors and thus decrease the reliability factor, too bad. That is THEIR problem.

>   All the content on the 6 sites being Content copied from other sites

Utter and complete garbage, that has absolutely nothing to do with the issues raised in the original post.

>   Google Filtering out Duplicates/Weak content from the SERPs

The same exact argument applies. This has NOTHING to do with the issues raised.

Furthermore, you have no right or authority whatsoever to make the statements on behalf of Google regarding how it works, how Google does indexing, what kind of filtering it applies, when, where, how and why. And not only you alone, not a SINGLE individual participating on these forums has a slightest clue as to how it all works.

Nor do you have ANY authority whatsoever to make the statements regarding what Google considers duplicate/weak content.

>   The Poster completely misunderstanding how the Search oeprators and normal search functioned


You have no authority WHATSOEVER to make ANY statements regarding how Google search engine operates and what is considered 'normal' functioning of any of it.

You can not possibly claim you know how 'normal' search functions.

First of all, you are totally and completely clueless regarding these issues.
Otherwise, you would be working for Google making cool $200k/yr.

>   The Poster making varius "vague" and possibly "incorrect" assumptions about how Google updates etc.

One more time:

You have no authority whatsoever to make the statements on behalf of Google regarding how Google does its DC (Data Center) updates. Because you simply have not a clue, and not many, even at Google do have one, and that is how it is designed to be.


Do you understand?

>were covered and explained (numerous times),

You can not possibly "explain" anything regarding how Google does what it does. Because you are just a clueless nobody, sick with megalomaniacal tendencies, shoving your lowest grade garbage into people's throats as it was the Ultimate Truth,
and insulting their intelligence in the most profound ways.


> the Poster refused to accept any answer/advice/information/help given.

There was not a single "answer" that had anything to do with the issues raised.


And again, you can not possibly answer anything regarding Google operation, you arrogant nobody, who behaves like he OWNS Google, or is Google's Chief Architect.

Because the internals of how Google search engine works are only known to very few people at Google, the cream of the crop, the "elite", you arrogant nothing.

Because if that knowledge is released, even to regular developers and it leaks out, a lot of things may change on the Internet, if you can even begin to comprehend this level, you lil fool, who thinks he knows ANYTHING of REAL value about Google internals, mechanics, underlying politics or the issues of the NWO grade level and clandestine nature of what is happening on the Internet, global information
distribution in general or brainwashing techniques of zombification of mankind as such used every single minute of every single day.

>The Poster was rude/offensive to multiple others

What is this ugly concoction?
Do you have to fall THAT low, you despicable nobody posing like he owns Google?
And WHO is saying this lowest grade garbage?
The most offensive person in the entire history of Google webmaster forums?
The most vicious attacker?
The sickest megalomaniac one can even hope to ever find?

You DO have guts.
In stupidity, cunningness and arrogance that is.

> who attempted to assist -

You can not POSSIBLY assist with the issues of this kind. You simply have no sufficient competence on these issues.
Secondly, you are not authorized by Google to make ANY representations on their behalf, or ARE you?

You are not even able to comprehend the issue raised. You need more active neurons in that cockpit to comprehend the simplest things there are.

>The Topic linked to above has a Best Answer provided by ...JohnMu... - touching on the main issues.
>The Poster still argued the point after receiving such information.

There was no answer from JohnMu of any kind that even remotely has anything to do with the issues of unprecedented discrepancies
in operation of Google search engine and associated statistics and errors of three orders of magnitude, unheard of in any properly functioning system.

He just blabbered something that has NOTHING to do with the issues raised, and then signed this ticket off by clicking on his own answer as "best answer", which is simply dishonest and UTTERLY immodest.

For one thing, I am the one who determines if the "answer" is "best" or worst. Because I have a question, and I could care less of what JohnMu considers to be the "best answer". Because, first of all, the answer is for me, and not for JohnMoo.

Because, secondly, he is just a customer service rep, if you know what it means to begin with. He probably does not even have an engineering degree. Ask him. And to answer my questions, you have to be a developer, and those MUST have an engineering degree, and not only some arbitrary developer, but search engine INTERNALS developer, and that is the elite level.

When I worked as top level developer for the biggest names in the industry, I did not even know where those customers service reps sit and where is their department. If you were a customer service rep, you could not talk to me, at least to extent that I have to listen to whatever you have to say. Even in a coffee room, which is your BEST bet to talk to me, slipping something in between
the words in a casual conversation.


I would simply smile at you and would say I am VERY busy with things and if you want to talk to a developer, better talk to my manager and he will decide who will talk to you, if anyone, and the chances are as slim, as it gets, as to when and how.

There is about 99.9% chance that you are going to talk to my manager and that's ito. Bas. He will give you about 30 seconds, if you are lucky, to tell you your story. And HE will give you some canned answer that is not even necessarily going to answer
whatever question you have, and if you do have to have that answer, then you have to talk to YOUR manager and he is going to call MY manager, and he will likely have to submit some WRITTEN request for some issue as customer service perceives it, and
by the time it gets processed by MY manager, it is not even clear that issue will survive the 1st review, and the chances of it getting to me are as close to 0 as it gets, unless you really have a literal disaster on your hands.

Do you understand how things work in the Silicon Valley, Mr. Smart?

> Now you havea better idea of the background - I'm sure you can re-read the post above provided by
> ...pgelqued... in a vastly different light.


Read it again.
And again.
And again.
And again.

If you read it about 300 times, the intellectual giant of your kind may even get some of his broken 3 neurons activated finally, and those eyes, usually filled with bloody red, may mellow out quite a bit, and a smile of revelation may appear on that sucky input hole, filled with crocodile teeth.

>Thank you for your time and understanding.

Sure, no problem.
Be my guest.

Anything else?

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