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Found: 1214 articles, showing 970 - 980
.... The method in the past has been war, killing people. Thousands of people have been killed just to take possession of their properties, or they have been forced to become Catholics. A single Catholic emperor, Constantine, killed ten thousand people in a single day. He just called an assembly of all those who were not Catholics in a great auditorium in Rome, and ordered the army to shoot everybody...
... enemies, they are fighting. For the mind everything is a conflict, it is a war. And if you choose then you remain part of the game. And how not to choose is the whole art of religion, how to drop into a choicelessness. But remember, don't choose choicelessness! Otherwise, listening to me or to Sosan or Krishnamurti you will become enchanted by the word 'choicelessness.' Your mind will say, "This is...
... doing all ugly things. On one layer you say everyone is divine and on the other you remain the I, the ego, fighting, violent, aggressive. And aggression is not only in war, it is not that when you kill a person then it is aggression. Aggression is so subtle, in your gestures it is there. You look, and if you are divided with I and thou, your look is violent. I have heard once it happened: A prisoner...
... are carrying an electrode inside your brain, because within your skull there is no sensitivity. If a stone is inserted inside your skull you will not feel that there is a stone. There are no sensitive nerves in the brain. A person carried a bullet in his brain for nine years, absolutely unaware. By accident, through X-ray, it was discovered that in the First World War he had got hit by a bullet, and...
... interplay of polar opposites - thesis and antithesis. When opposites collide with each other it results in conflict, hostility and war, and when they embrace each other there is love and friendship. Without the meeting of the two, creation is impossible. So we have to go into the significance of Krishna's raas in this context. It is not all that we see when Krishna dances with the gopis, the milkmaids...
... robots - everything is systematic. In fact, when everything is too systematic you are imprisoned, freedom is crushed. Freedom needs chaos. A strange thing has been observed by psychologists. The strange thing is that in the army people are taught to be very systematic and their goal is to create war, their goal is to create chaos, their goal is death, to kill and to be killed. Their goal is to destroy...
... certain pattern. They would like him to become a clerk, then it is useful for the society. Or they would like the child to become a soldier, then it is useful for the society. Or they would like the child to become an atomic physicist, then it is useful for the society. Create war, it is useful. Exploit people, it is useful Destroy people, it is useful. Your parents must love you, that's why they are...
... LIFE? The first thing to remember is that you cannot get it from somebody else. You have to earn it. There is a story in Mahavir's life. A great king came to visit him. The king was a great conqueror, he had almost become the ruler of the whole country. He knew only one language: the language of war, the language of conquering. He had conquered everything that was worth conquering; he had become the...
... yet, you may not have been able to decode it yet. One who decodes it understands. Jesus decoded it. He understood the message - why he had been sent. The first thing to realize very deeply is that you have not come - you have been sent. Small words make a lot of difference. I have heard about a warrior in Japan. In the First World War, he was a samurai, a great warrior. One arm was hurt very much...
... fact, nothing is beautiful and nothing is ugly. If the mind disappears, then what will be beautiful and what will be ugly? Likes and dislikes all belong to the mind. You just think of the world. Man has disappeared, the third world war has happened and man has disappeared. The earth will remain the same. The flowers will flower, but will they be beautiful? They will be simply themselves, not...

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How to Search

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  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).