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Found: 1214 articles, showing 670 - 680
... whole life, because deep down he felt he was responsible for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He had written the letter... and the politicians immediately jumped on the discovery. And once the power reached into the politicians' hands, they didn't care; then they would not listen to Albert Einstein. Then who cares? - - now the power is in their hands. And do you know, in fact, those who specialize in war...

... matters say that Nagasaki and Hiroshima were not needed at all. Japan was going to surrender within a week; it was only a question of one week more. And if you had tolerated the war for years, what was the hurry? But America wanted to show its power to the world. Politicians are very juvenile, childish. In fact, if a person is not juvenile and childish he will not be a politician in the first place...
... aggressive, which will make you less violent. And if you listen to them totally you will become absolutely non-violent. Naturally Nietzsche cannot like it. He says that the most beautiful thing in the world is the soldier and the greatest music is war music. He says, 'In my whole life's experience the moment that I remember again and again, the moment I call the most beautiful moment, was when a group of...

... love and politics means hate, hatred. Politicians may smile but hidden behind that smile is a horrible face. They may show a beautiful face but behind it they are preparing for hell. They may talk about peace but they prepare for war. Their whole life depends on destruction. Love is creation; hate is destruction. Naturally the king was not interested in any kind of morality. He said, What pleases me...
.... Somewhere, some part of the things you eat is releasing some consciousness, some mind quality to you. Otherwise from where do you get your mind? They say if you don't breathe for six minutes, and oxygen does not reach the brain, the brain starts deteriorating. Its cells are so delicate that at the most they can survive without oxygen only six minutes. It happened in the second world war that a few people...

... begotten son of God; you are just an ordinary human being, and when everybody is dying what are you doing here? Just the shock may stop your breathing. They revived many people like this in Russia in the second world war. If the person was revived after six minutes had passed, he became alive, but he never became conscious. He remained in a coma because already the brain had broken, but the whole body...
.... With whomsoever you fight you will have to remain with that person, with that state, with that space. But if you are playful, then it is a totally different thing. If you are on the war front you cannot say to the soldiers on the other side, "Now I am feeling tired; we will go home now and start tomorrow." You cannot say that. If you turn your back that fellow is going to shoot you then and...

... for you - because I feel ashamed, everybody laughs at me." They destroyed his poetry. I asked my father, "Why are all you people against my poor uncle? He is not doing any harm. Poetry is not harmful, it is not violent. He is not writing war songs or anything like that; he writes beautiful love poetry. Why are you against him?" They said, "We are not against him; all that we want...
... created great philosophers like Kant, Hegel, Feuerbach, Karl Marx -- is afraid of me. And this is the country of Adolf Hitler, who killed six million Jews in Germany in his gas chambers, and who killed in the second world war thirty million people. And they think they are civilized, they think they are cultured, they have a religion. But if this Dalit organization wants, it can come to the office and...

... war, a professor in Germany, a professor of philosophy, was enrolled forcibly into the army. He resisted, he said, "You don't understand. I am a philosopher. I cannot kill people without any reason." But nobody listened to him. They said, "We will teach him. Just let him come to the army quarters. Under a loaded gun he will come to his senses." But they had no idea of the man...
... beautiful!" Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev are scowling at each other across the conference table in Geneva. They are perched on the brink of nuclear war, in a dispute over who has control of the small oil-producing country, Abu Dhabi. "Look here, Reagan," says Mr. Gorbachev. "Why should we destroy the whole world just because of a small piece of real estate?" "You are...

... right," replies Reagan. "But how can we settle this argument without a war?" "Simple," says Gorbachev. "You and I can have a contest of courage right now - man to man." "Great!" says the senile president of America. "What shall we do?" "Well, in Russia," says Gorbachev, "we settle things like this: we just stand in front of each...
... wall, which is the same - vertical or horizontal, it is the same. In war it seems to be perfectly right, but somehow the same war is going on continuously between every individual in the society. So a certain culture develops it as a gesture of tremendous respect. It is not a gesture of respect, it is a gesture of humiliation, that "I humiliate myself completely. I am at your disposal. If you...
... enmity towards sex has destroyed the possibility of love. And so, coal is incapable of becoming a diamond. Because of basic misconceptions, no one feels the necessity of going through the stages of acknowledging sex and of developing it and of going through the process of transforming it. How can we transform him whose enemy we are, whom we oppose, with whom we are at continuous war? A quarrel between...

... the transformed expressions of sex - bubbling with energy, acknowledging sex. Throughout one's whole life all acts of love, all attitudes and urges of love, are flowerings of primary sex energy. Religion and culture pour poison against sex into the mind of man. They create conflict, war; they engage man in battle against his own primary energy - and so man has become weak, gross, coarse, devoid of...
... someone spits on the national flag it will cause a fight, it will result in bloodshed, it can cause a war. "He spit on the national flag!" But have you ever thought that the national flag is a symbol of the nation and you spit on the nation every day, but nobody starts fighting. Nobody starts a fight if you spit on the earth. Whenever you spit you are spitting on the nation - wherever you spit...

.... Nobody starts a fight if you spit on the nation. The symbol of the nation, merely an indication, just an ordinary piece of cloth - but if someone spits on it then even war can happen. Man gives great importance to symbols - more importance than they have. In his blindness man lives in symbols. When Krishna uses the word 'I' it is only practical. He has to speak so he uses it. He wants to communicate so...
.... He is continuously at war, never at peace. How can he be simple? He is more complex than the ordinary people are. His complexity is, of course, very subtle and invisible - he cannot even sleep peacefully. Mahatma Gandhi was very much afraid of sleep for the simple reason that it was only while he was awake that he was able to repress his sexual desire. He believed in celibacy. He believed that...

... is needed for your survival and sex is needed for the survival of the race. Both are basically needed for survival. If everybody fasts and everybody becomes a celibate, there will be no need for atom bombs! There will be no third world war - people will die of their own accord. Sex and food are deeply joined: food keeps the individual alive and sex keeps the race alive. That is their similarity...

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