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Found: 1214 articles, showing 610 - 620
... light - we may think of them as contradictions, opposites, polar opposites, but they exist in a deep communion. Have you ever seen any fight between darkness and light? Has there ever been any war between darkness and light? - they co-exist; they co-exist so silently. Really, there is no contradiction in existence; all contradictions are created by our minds, because we can look at a thing from a...
... prevented you. My anger is that you did not trust me. You did not say a single word and in the middle of the night you escaped. That has been hurting me. Just as you belong to a warrior race, I am also the daughter of a great warrior. We send our husbands to war with prayers, with garlands, touching their feet, not allowing even a tear to come in the eyes because that may prevent them, may be destructive...
... fighting? Fighting is not such a beautiful thing, war is just ugly, but why do soldiers feel so happy fighting? If you have once been to a war you will never be happy again in peace because the ego comes to such a peak fighting. Why, in competition, do you feel so happy? It is because something, your ego, arises; fighting, you become stronger. But fighting with another is never so ego-fulfilling because...
... line, and then another line making a cross.... and two dots underneath the first line, the cross. And he said, this means that in one house two women is a crucifixion - that cross; in one house two women is enough - a war, a constant war. But if you have to remember these kinds of pictures, it is going to take years. The alphabet makes it easier. The more modern alphabets have fewer characters; for...
..., because no ideal can create simplicity. It is the ideal which poisons you and makes you complex, divides you, makes two persons in you - the one that you are and the one that you would like to be. Now there is going to be a constant war, a civil war. And when you are fighting with yourself - the violent person trying to be non-violent, the ugly person trying to be beautiful, and so on, so forth - when...
... always separate, and the separation creates misery, the separation creates a kind of struggle in life, a fight. Life becomes a war. And life should not be a war, it should be a relaxed joy. So one has to say yes one day. You ask me, "WHAT STANDS IN THE WAY OF MY SAYING YES?" You are afraid of losing your ego. You stand in the way, your ego stands in the way. And it was good that it helped you...
... the hungry. In the Second World War a miracle happened: Japan from the East, fought with America. That was the first great encounter between East and West in war. And what happened? Now Los Angeles has moved to Japan and all Buddhist Zen centers have moved to America. This is a miracle! If you want to find Zen you will have to go to America. Don't go to Japan; people will think you are stupid: "...
... there are Hindus who go on talking about peace, but they have an ideology. There are even Jains who talk of non-violence, peace, no war, but they have an ideology - and if you have an ideology you are the cause of war. A world without wars will be a world without ideologies. A world without wars can be based only on a nonideological love. Love is not an ideology, it is not a theology, it is not a...
.... And sooner or later you become impressed. That's how all the religions have lived up to now: they go on repeating the same stupid beliefs, but those beliefs become truths to people. People are ready to die for them! Now, nobody has seen where heaven is, but millions of people have died for heaven. Mohammedans say that if you die in a religious war you will immediately go to heaven and all your sins...

... are forgiven. And Christians also say that in a religious war, in a crusade, if you die you immediately go to heaven; then everything else is forgiven. And millions of people have died and killed others, believing that this is a truth. We have seen such things happening even in this twentieth century; it doesn't seem to be very grown-up in that way. Adolf Hitler repeated for twenty years...
... a saying in India that there is nothing new under the sun. And in a way it is very significant. Only forms differ, everything is the same - the same anger, the same hatred the same war, the same violence, the same inhumanity, the same madness, the same neurosis. Nothing is new under the sun. Don't waste time about it. Just go within yourself and find out that which is eternal, find out that which...

... is your reality. These outer things have remained the same, changing a little bit here and there but basically repeating the same gestalt: the politics, the politicians, the war amongst nations, the religions and the churches and their violent struggle to survive and crush each other, the greed of man and the aggressiveness of man, and the inhumanity of man towards other human beings. The last...

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How to Search

  • Enter a search word or a sentence (not too long).
  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
  • You can use AND [in UPPER case] between the words if you are looking for articles containing all of those words.
  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).