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Found: 1214 articles, showing 400 - 410
... left them open for the future. For example, Mohammed said to his disciples that they can marry four wives. But that became a guideline for the future, and now Mohammedans everywhere are insisting that this is a question of their religion. They have to marry four wives. In Mohammed's time there was so much war, murder, arson, that the population of men and women had come to that proportion -- one man...

..., four women -- because men were being killed in war. It was simply compassionate of Mohammed to say that one man should marry four wives; nothing was wrong in it. But to make it a guideline for the future, forever, is dangerous. Now the situation is different. If one man marries four wives, then three men will remain bachelors. The situation has completely reversed, but the stupid mind of followers is...

... the only guide. And all other guides are just hypocrites. We can create a world without poverty, a world without crime, a world without war, and that will be a civilized world. Man is capable of it, and we have to show it with existential proof. We have to make communes all around the world in every place, so people can see that what I am saying is not just a philosophy -- it can be done, it can be...
... ideologies, different (seems to be a gap between tape sides B & C) is one of the cleanest city in the world, but when they come to the commune they understand that they can be defeated. And our vision is absolutely clear. It is not foggy, it is not based on beliefs; it is absolutely rational, scientific, and we are all for peace and we want there should be no world war -- no war ever. The last war has...
... it in this way, they will do it in another way. We have not transformed Krishna - India is a very sophisticated land, it will not do such a thing - but we have never taken him to our heart. He is just a myth, beautiful. The Gita became more important than Bhagvad. Krishna's life is not so important for Hindus, but his message delivered on the war field is very important. Why? Because it is a...

... serious thing. A war field is nearer to death than to life. Krishna's life is very much alive, but that has become a myth and nobody bothers about it. His few words uttered on the war field have become more important than his whole life. And then there are pundits who go on explaining that his life is just symbolic, it is not real. His playing with the GOPIS is not real - GOPIS are just symbols of...
... centered. Nietzsche somewhere says that war must continue because only in war is a Self sometimes felt - a center is felt - because war is danger. And when death becomes a reality, life becomes intense. When death is just near, life becomes intense and you are centered. But in any moment when you become aware of yourself. there is a centering. But if it is situational, then when the situation is over it...
... will be good that it is gone; then only can you live easily. The noise is going to remain, it will increase more and more; unless the third world war happens it will go on increasing. The world will never be less noisy than now, it will be more noisy and more noisy. We have to learn to accept it, we have to learn to absorb it; we have to learn not to be disturbed and distracted by it. It will create...
... create hate. All the nations of the world talk about peace, and all that they do is prepare for war. See it. This is what we have become: pseudo, hypocrites. No nation prepares for peace - not even India, which is a non-violent country, the great religious country. All nations talk about peace and prepare for war. War remains the reality and peace remains just smoke around it, to hide it. Unless we see...

... is the cause of all your misery and hell. A divided person is a miserable person, and a divided person is in constant turmoil; he is in a civil war, fighting with himself. And all your politicians and priests want you to continue fighting with yourself so that they can go on exploiting you, so you don't have enough energy to fight with them. If you are fighting with yourself you can't have energy...
.... They don't allow a real civilization to happen. A false thing - that's why every ten years a great war is needed in which all etiquette, all manners, all morality are thrown away and you can run at each other's throats without any guilt. Then killing becomes the game; the more you murder, the greater you are. The more you are rude, the greater a warrior you are. And back in your country you will be...

...; individual murder and you will be in jail, that cannot be allowed. Only sometimes, when the whole society goes mad, that is war; everything is put aside, your real nature is allowed. That's why everybody feels happy when there is a war. It should be otherwise - nobody should feel happy when there is a war. But everybody feels happy because now you are allowed to be animals. You always wanted to be that...
... destroy the possibility of a third world war, because Red Indians are not going to make nuclear weapons. They are so happy dancing, singing, gambling, drinking. Who bothers about fighting and a nuclear war? With me, it is not going to be an easy case. It is me versus America. And I want them to come to a decision - any decision, yes or no. Whatever their decision is, I am going to move to the court...
... people - so many songs and so much music and so much creativity and so many people meditating. They are bound to have a second thought. On our part, we don't need bigger nuclear weapons to stop the war - that's the problem. We need something totally different. Love will provide the energy, meditation will provide you with tremendous strength. And you will not feel so insignificant, you will feel...

... their passport, but this is just a formality. Deep in your being you should not be a Hindu and you should not be an Indian, you should not be a German and you should not be a Christian. If this wave spreads - and I have every hope that it is going to spread - then you can forget all about the third world war; the second was the last. The third is possible only if there is not enough love and...
... MANKIND, YOU SAID THAT THE THIRD WORLD WAR WOULD BE A GOOD SOLUTION. SO, I MEAN, DOES THIS BRING ABOUT A CHANGE IN THE WAY YOU LOOK AT MANKIND? A: No. I was not aware about the whole mankind. I was living in this country, and I was living with my sannyasins. And I thought my sannyasins represent human beings. They certainly represent human beings, because they have dropped their masks. I had gone for a...

... world tour, to see, and I found that every human being is hiding behind a mask, is false, is bogus, is not worth saving. That's why I said there is only one hope for mankind, and that is a nuclear third world war. This rotten humanity should be finished. Nobody will be able to say this, what I am saying, because nobody has the guts to say this. Only those who have attained to consciousness from now...

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