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... Talmudist Jews Select America's Ally for First World War Talmudist Jews Promote Germans Victory, Then Stab them in the Back Zionist Worldwide Boycott Against German Merchandise Creates Domestic Crisis Franklin D. Roosevelt Manipulated by Talmudic Jews Henry L. Stimson - Secretary of Defense During World War II - Makes Startling Revelation Zionist Conspirators Provoke Pearl Harbor Incident H.J. 117 a...
... Talmudic Creation - Eisenhower Steps in Line President Eisenhower Performs Fulfillment of Zionist Demands in Middle East President John Kennedy Pledges Zionists He Will Act in Their Favor Even at the Risk of War The Senior Kennedy Liquidated Politically by Franklin Roosevelt for Reporting Talmudic Conspiracy Lyndon Johnson Master-Minded Six Day War Talmudic Hidden Hand Controls the U.S. Vote in the...
... are more harmful than lies. The United States declared war against Germany on April 6, 1917. On April 2, 1917 President Wilson addressed both houses of Congress and pleaded with them to declare war against Germany. President Wilson's appeal to Congress to declare war against Germany in effect and in fact was primarily President Wilson's liquidation of his obligation to his blackmailers. The...
... President Wilson finished reading his appeal to Congress, many of his listeners were in tears but not for the reason the grass roots population of the United States today will be in tears when they finish reading this manuscript. When President Wilson asked Congress to declare war against Germany, President Wilson was in effect and in fact conspiring to pay the debt he obligated himself to pay to the...
... Zionists. Congress only declared war against Germany because President Wilson informed Congress that a German submarine had sunk the S.S. Sussex in the English Channel in violation of international law and that United States citizens aboard the S.S. Sussex had perished with the ship. After General Pershing's troops were fighting in Europe, the hoax was exposed. The alleged sinking of the S.S. Sussex was...
... used as the "pretext" to justify a declaration of war against Germany by the United States. The S.S. Sussex had not been sunk and no United States citizens had lost their lives. The United States was now at war in Europe as Great Britain's ally. That is what Great Britain and the Talmudists ("Jews") of the world conspired to achieve in their crooked diplomatic underworld. The discovery of the hoax by...
... the British Navy shocked many honorable Englishmen. A large segment of the British public were shocked to learn the S.S. Sussex had not been sunk. The S.S. Sussex was available for anyone to visit who might care to do so to see the S.S. Sussex for themselves with their own eyes. In that war the United States mobilized 4,734,991 men to serve in the armed forces, of whom 115,516 were killed and...
... 202,002 were either injured or maimed for life. The Right Honorable Francis Neilson, a member of Parliament, wrote a book in England called Makers of War (pp. 149-150). Mr. Neilson's book created such a sensation that Mr. Neilson was compelled to resign his seat in Parliament. Things became so intolerable for Mr. Neilson in Great Britain as a Result of the exposures in his book that he was compelled for...
... his personal safety to flee from his home in Great Britain and to make his home in the United States. In Mr. Neilson's book Makers of War (pp. 149-150), he discloses many unsuspected and undisclosed reasons for the outbreak of World War I in Europe in August 1914. With reference to the alleged sinking of the S.S. Sussex in the English Channel, Mr. Neilson emphasizes: "In America, Woodrow Wilson...
..., desperate to find a pretext to enter the war, found it at last in the 'sinking' of the Sussex in mid-channel. Someone invented a yarn that American lives had been lost. With thus excuse he went to Congress for a declaration of war. Afterwards, the Navy found that the Sussex had not been sunk, and that no lives had been lost." This author crossed the English Channel many times on the S.S. Sussex. The...
... sinking of the S.S. Sussex by a German submarine in the English Channel with the loss of lives of United States citizens justified the declaration of war against Germany by the United States. Relying to a great extent upon the legal opinion of Justice Brandeis, President Wilson addressed both houses of Congress on April 2, 1917. He appealed to Congress to declare war against Germany and they did on...
... April 7, 1917. After the October 1916 agreement was concluded between the British War Cabinet and the World Zionist Organization, the Talmudists throughout the world were hopeful that an international incident would soon occur to Justify a declaration of war against Germany by the United States. The declaration of war against Germany by the United States guaranteed the Talmudists throughout the world...
... that Palestine was to be turned over to them upon the defeat of Germany. The defeat of Germany was certain if the United States could be railroaded into the war in Europe as Great Britain's ally. Prior to the October 1916 London Agreement, Talmudists throughout the world were pro-German. The German Emancipation Edict of 1822 guaranteed Talmudists in Germany all civil rights enjoyed by Germans. Every...
... world about Great Britain's pledge to turn over Palestine to them as compensation for railroading the United States into the war in Europe as Great Britain s ally in their war against Germany. Talmudists enlisted in great numbers in October 1916 in Great Britain's Department of Defense. Their purpose was to facilitate transforming Talmudists throughout the world from pro-German to pro-British. After...
... the London Agreement was concluded, Great Britain left no stone unturned to impress Talmudists in London with the necessity of immediately notifymg Talmudists throughout the world about Great Britain's pledge to turn over Palestine to them for their future sovereign Zionist state. Guided by the recommendation of Justice Brandeis that the sinking of the S.S. Sussex justified a declaration of war...
... under international law against Germany by the United States, President Wilson addressed a joint session of both houses of Congress on April 2, 1917. In that address President Wilson pleaded with Congress to declare war against Germany. Congress met on April 6. 1917. and declared war against Germany without justification. On April 6, 1917, President Wilson and Justice Brandeis knew something the grass...
... roots population of the United States did not know - they knew full particulars about the October 1916 London Agreement. They also knew the declaration of war against Germany by the United States activated this agreement and that Talmudists of the world would not have to wait long for Palestine, their sovereign Zionist state, if their plan worked. On this same day, Wilson and Brandeis knew something...
... else the grass roots population of the United States did not know - they knew that the declaration of war by the United States against Germany discharged President Wilson from his obligation to his blackmailers. Wilson's declaration of war was to satisfy his commitment to his blackmailers. There was seldom any address made to Congress that stirred the people of the United States, and the world, as...
... did President Wilson's April 2, 1917, plea to Congress to declare war against Germany. Wilson was aware when he addressed Congress that Germany had not committed any act against the United States which justified a declaration of war by the United States against Germany under international law. This author at that time knew President Wilson was informed to that effect before he made his plea to...
... Congress. Prime Minister Lloyd George - A Zionist Tool David Lloyd George There were great numbers of Talmudists in the United States who questioned the reality of the October 1916 London Agreement. They found it extremely difficult to believe that Great Britain would promise to turn over Palestine to them as compensation for railroading the United States into the war in Europe as Great Britain's ally...
... succeeded was unsympathetic Toward Zionist objectives. He was replaced at that time because Zionists could not rule him. Great Britain was helpless in October 1916. It was seriously considering surrender to Germany. Germany had made several peace offers to Great Britain earlier to discontinue the war. Mr. Lloyd George considered Mr. Wedgewood's hasty trip to the United States vital to Great Britain's...
... minds of the fifty-one Talmudists present about the reality of the October 1916 London Agreement. On behalf of Mr. Lloyd George, Mr. Wedgewood further vouched for the reality of Great Britain pledge that Palestine would be turned over to Talmudists of the world by Great Britain upon the defeat of Germany as compensation for railroading the United States into the war in Europe as Great Britain's ally...
.... After concluding the October 1916 London Agreement, Talmudists in England were invited by Great Britain to take an increasingly active participation in Great Britain's Department of Defense for the duration of the war. The Talmudists who accepted the invitation were trained as experts in the use of Great Britain's codes and Great Britain's worldwide diplomatic cable facilities. The available data in...
... Great Britain's archives for World War I will dispel all existing doubt whether the information cabled to Washington from London alleging the sinking of the S.S. Sussex and the loss of United States lives was the invention of Talmudists in London in Great Britain's Department of Defense to facilitate and expediate railroading the United States into the war in Europe as Great Britain's ally. The hoax...
... international law, could provide the United States with justification to declare war against Germany. German military and naval commanders leaned over backwards in their effort not to provide the United States with that justification and they were successful. In the crisis in October 1916, Germans had reason to feel if the war in Europe continued a few more months without the entrance of the United States...
... into the war, that Great Britain would be compelled to surrender to Germany by circumstances beyond Great Britain's power to control. Germany made another peace offer to Great Britain in October 1916. Great Britain this time welcomed the offer but it was also declined like several previous peace offers. In referring to the declaration of war against Germany by the United States, Sir Winston Churchill...
... said in an interview with a prominent editor, published in Scribner's Commentator in 1936, that he "could never understand why he put us in in 1917," referring to President Wilson. In that interview Sir Winston Churchill stated further: ''America should have minded her own business and stayed out of the World War. If you hadn't entered the war the Allies would have made peace with Germany in the...
... spring of 1917. Had we made peace there would have been no collapse of Russia followed by Communism, no breakdown in Italy followed by Fascism, and Germany would not have signed the Versailles Treaty, which has enthroned Nazism in Germany. If America had stayed out of the war, all of these 'isms' wouldn't be sweeping the continent of Europe and breaking down parliamentary government, and if England...
... made peace early in 1917, it would have saved over one million British, French, American and other lives. Germany's peace offer to Great Britain asked for neither indemnities nor reparations. Germany offered to restore the territorial status and the political independence of every country with whom Great Britain was at war, as they existed in August 1914 when the war in Europe started. Germany...
... demanded no benefits. Talmudist Jews Select America's Ally for First World War Germany's October 1916 peace offer was on the table before the British War Cabinet; it needed only one signature to end the war. Great Britain would have quickly accepted Germany's peace offer if the World Zionist Organization had not Interfered. The British War Cabinet was then taking their instructions from Talmudists in...
... London. When the British War Cabinet decided to accept Germany's peace offer, the World Zionist Organization offered to railroad the United States into the war in Europe as Great Britain's ally if Great Britain promised the Talmudists of the world Palestine as compensation after Germany's defeat with the United States as an ally. Talmudist pressure in London and New York prevailed. President Wilson had...
... little choice in the matter, it seemed. He was the captive of circumstances in his early life that could not be altered. His April 2, 1917, address to Congress was about to decide the fate of the world. Congress, without hesitation, declared war against Germany for him. The Germans attributed their crushing defeat in World War I to the entry of the United States into the war in Europe as Great...
.... Samuel Landman, the secretary of the World Zionist Organization in London from 1917 to 1922, wrote in his Great Britain, the Jews and Palestine, published in London in 1936, on page six: "The fact that it was Jewish help that brought the U.S.A. into the war on the side of the Allies has rankled ever since in German - especially Nazi - minds and has contributed in no small measure to the prominence...
... States to enter the World War, accomplishing the defeat of Germany, and who later caused the inflation in Germany, Herr Richard Kunze, a leading Nazi Parliament figure, declared at a mass meeting in Magdeburg yesterday." Talmudists throughout the world made bad matters worse on August 7, 1933, when they declared their "holy war" to destroy the German nation "by destroying their export trade upon which...
... "World Jewish Economic Federation." Talmudists throughout the world had tried in vain since 1919 to silence German resentment against them for railroading the United States into the war in Europe without justification or provocation by the United States as Great Britain's ally. Talmudists were held responsible for Germany's defeat and for every disadvantage that resulted from that defeat. The New York...
... Times of August 7, 1933, published the Talmudists' declaration of their "holy war" against Germany in a three-column report of Mr. Untermeyer's address to the nation from the Columbia Broadcasting Company's studio on the night of his arrival home from Europe. Mr. Untermeyer, among other things, stated: "...holy which we are is a war which must be waged unremittingly...the Jews...
... about why they lost the war. Talmudists in Germany were finding it difficult to live that down. Germans then felt the way Sir Winston Churchill in 1936 expressed himself about the entry of the United States into World War I in 1917. Zionist Worldwide Boycott Against German Merchandise Creates Domestic Crisis Judea Declares War Against Germany The eminent Rabbi Maurice L. Perlman, head of the British...
... Section of the World Jewish Congress, stated to a Canadian audience as reported by The Toronto Evening Telegram of February 26, 1940, that: "The World Jewish Congress has been at war with Germany for seven years." Senator Wayne Morse of Oregon delivered an address on December 20, 1951, as reported in The National Jewish Post of Indianapolis of December 28, 1951, in which he stated: "One of the major...
... causes for our going to war against Hitler was the persecution of the Jews in Germany. " Dr. Donald C. Blaisdell, professor of government at the College of the City of New York, published an important document entitled American Policy for the near East in a publication called Issues published in New York, the official organ of the American Council for Judaism, in the fall issue in 1959, in which Dr...
... Roosevelt railroaded the United States into the Second World War: Germany and Poland had agreed upon a formula giving Germany access across the Danzig Corridor. President Wilson, in 1919, created the Danzig Corridor which separated Germany into two halves. In order to keep Germany weak, at the instigation of Talmudists at theVersialles Peace Conference, President Wilson cut Germany into two halves...
... negotiations with Germany. Germany did not understand the reason for Poland's sudden change of mind and decided to proceed with the terms of the arrangement agreed upon with Poland. That was the start of World War II. Great Britain knowingly deceived Poland when Great Britain actually promised military assistance to Poland if Poland were attacked by Germany. Great Britain could not come to Poland's...
... knew exactly what would take place in that event, that it would mean the beginning or World War II. The rest is history. Talmudists of the world welcomed a war against Germeny in l939 to somehow crush the Nazi government as the Talmudists of the world crushed Germany in World War I in 1917 by railroading the United States into the war in Europe as Great Britain's ally. President Roosevelt tried his...
... hardest in 1939 to railroad The United States into the war in Europe to accommodate Talmudists in the United States. Germany learned by experience in World War I that the entry of the United States into thc war in Europe in 1939 could prove equally disastrous to Germany if the United States were raiiroaded into war in Europe as Great Bntain's ally. Germany exercised extraordinary caution not to provide...
... the United States with justification under internationai law to declare war against Germany. That situation presented President Roosevelt with a problem. President Roosevelt decided if it were impossible for him to get into the war in Europe through the front door that he would railroad the United States into the war in Europe through the back door. Through the back door meant through Japan...
.... Presidcnt Roosevelt finally did railroad the United States into the war in Europe through the back door, through Japan. Henry L. Stimson - Secretary of Defense During World War II - Makes Startling Revelation Henry L. Stimson Germany and Japan had a treaty under which if either Germany or Japan were attacked by a third powcr, the country which was not attacked by the third power automatically is at war...
... with that third power. President Roosevelt planned to provoke Japan so Japan would attack the United States. Japan in December 1941 attacked Pearl Harbor. The United States immediately declared war against Japan and automatically was at war with Germany. The personal diary of the Hon. Mr. Henry L. Stimson and all his papers are in Yale University Lihrary. Mr. Stimson each day entered in his personal...
... attack on Pearl Harbor, that at a meeting with President Roosevelt and his cabinet that morning at the White House, President Roosevelt told those present that he wished to be at war against Japan but that he "did not want it to appear that the United States fired the first shot." Zionist Conspirators Provoke Pearl Harbor Incident President Roosevelt knowingly provoked Japan to attack the United States...
.... President Roosevelt advised Japan they could purchase no more steel scrap or oil from the United States. Japan was in the midst of a war against China. Without scrap steel and without oil Japan would be unable to continue that war. Japan was totally dependent upon the United States for both steel scrap and oil. Professor Charles Callan Tansill, professor of diplomatic history at Georgetown University in...
... Washington, wrote a classic work he called Back Door to War, published by Henry Regnery of Chicago in 1952. Professor Tansill spent five years after the war in the confidential files of the State Department doing research there on World War II. Professor Tansill's book has 652 pages all filled with alarming authenticated facts little known to the public during the war. In a scholarly detailed manner easily...
... understood, Professor Tansill supplies facts which are incontrovertible proof showing how President Roosevelt railroaded the United States into World War II in Europe. President Roosevelt's desire to please Talmudists among his friends, influenced his better judgment. He overlooked that he was president of all the people of the United States. President Roosevelt realized if he expected political support by...
... Talmudists in the United States to continue he must find some way to railroad the United States into the war then in progress in Europe against Germany. Surely nobody can any longer question that railroading the United States into World War II was President Roosevelts contribution to the desperate predicament in which the United States today funds itself in the Middle East. President Harry S. Truman made...
... the United States in 1948 on his own account. Mr. Clarke M. Clifford, Secretary of War under President Lyndon B. Johnson, deserves a great deal of credit for the recognition of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948, by the United States. Mr. Eliahu Epstein, the United States representative of the Jewish Agency in Washington in 1948, told the story in his three-page article in the Jewish Chronicle of...
... Eisenhower as a Civilian would make a great president. As president of the United States, General Eisenhower was faithful to these Talmudist supporters whose friendship he first cultivated in Europe during his political activities in Germany after the end of World War 11. Talmudists curried his favor after World War 11. They knew that as president of the United States, General Eisenhower in their hands...
... Congress to legalize the war in Vietnam. President Eisenhower Performs Fulfillment of Zionist Demands in Middle East President Eisenhower occupied Lebanon with fourteen thousand (14,000) United States troops and stationed the sixth Fleet off the Lebanon coast. President Eisenhower was warning the Middle East nations not to attempt to regain Palestine from the Zionists in illegal possession of Palestine...
... and abet the Zionist thieves to hold onto their stolen loot without any necessity to ask Congress to declare war. Every word President Eisenhower uttered to defend the crooks in occupation of Palestine was a lie which contributed to the desperate predicament in which the United States today finds itself in the Middle East. Talmudists in the United States were able to camouflage their illegal...
... that we will act with whatever force and speed are necessary..the risk of war..." President (Senator) Kennedy was giving Talmudists his pledge that as the president of the United States he would send sons, husbands and brothers of the grass roots population of the United States to fight in Palestine under the flag of the United States in a war in Palestine to help crooks hold onto stolen loot, to aid...
... they were consulting this author on the Middle East situation which had recently taken an ugly turn in the United Nations. President John Kennedy Pledges Zionists He Will Act in Their Favor Even at the Risk of War Ambassador Kennedy discussed the subject matter for a short while with those present. The Congressman then asked to leave as he was catching a train for Washington. This author invited the...
... Liquidated Politically by Franklin Roosevelt for Reporting Talmudic Conspiracy Neville Chamberlain and Adolf Hitler Ambassador Kennedy reported to Washington in 1938 that Neville Chamberlain told him that the United States and Talmudists throughout the world forced Great Britain into the Second World War. Chamberlain also told Ambassador Kennedy in 1938 that Great Britain had nothing with which to fight...
... Germany, that Great Britain should not risk going to war against Germany. Chamberlain complained to Ambassador Kennedy that United States Ambassador to France William C. Bullit in 1938 was urging President Roosevelt that Germany must be "faced down" in their attitude towards Poland in the Danzig Corridor matter. President Roosevelt recalled Ambassador Kennedy to silence him. Ambassador Kennedy planned...
... question. That subject was of great interest to the Senate Armed Services Committee. The occupation of Palestine by the Zionists concerned the Armed Services Committee. Lyndon Johnson Master-Minded Six Day War Senator Johnson was vice-president before the death of President Kennedy elevated him. He then became president of the United States. As president of the United States, Johnson was aware of the...
... oath of office as the president of all the people of the United States when he filled the pipe lines of the State of Israel with munitions of war paid for with the money of Christian taxpayers in the United States. President Johnson cannot plead ignorance of the facts. Though a very close mutual friend, this author kept President Johnson constantly informed on developments in the Middle East...
... Rothschild dynasty's fortune and Great Britain's authority would diminish in the Far East if Great Britain no longer controlled the Suez Canal. Looking ahead, the Rothschilds planned their future without the Suez Canal. The First World War ended in l9l8 and the Rothschilds had their plan ready. Their plan was very simple. Under the October 1916 London Agreement, Great Britain planned to turn over Palestine...
... to the Zionists after the war. The eastern European Talmudists had no money. Without money Palestine was a headache to the Zionists. The Rothschilds in London promised the Zionists unlimited financial assistance with which to develop Palestine, but on one condition - that as soon as Palestine was turned over to the Zionists, they apply for admission to the British Empire as a member. The...
... Empire would have provided once upon a time. If the sovereign Zionist state could be admitted to the United Nations, Palestine's future was assured. Rothschilds did not know what to do. Then in October 1916, the World Zionist Organization entered the picture. When Great Britain was considering surrender to Germany, the World Zionist Organization and the British War Cabinet entered into the October 1916...
... London Agreement. The Rothschild dynasty was astonished when, on April 6, 1917, the United States declared war against Germany. By July 1917 it appeared that Germany would be defeated after the entry of the United States into the war. The Rothschild dynasty sought out Mr. Chaim Weizmann and cultivated his friendship. The Rothschilds realized that the World Zionist Organization must be recognized. The...
... Britain was certain to defeat Germany. Great Britain had agreed to turn over Palestine to the Talmudists of the world for railroading the United States into the war in Europe as Great Britain's ally. The only link missing now was the existence in Palestine of an independent sovereign Zionist state. The Rothschilds financed transplanting 600,000 eastern European Talmudists into Palestine and arranged to...
... photostat reproductions of documentary evidence to support every statement made by this author. It cries out to heaven that this country and the world has been put to the expense of billions of billions of dollars to see the Rothschilds have secure and permanent access to their unlimited wealth in the Far East. If the Talmudists of the world say they are willing to see another world war fought to...
... establish "God's chosen people" in "their promised land" to rule the world from Palestine, then it is time to tell the grass roots of the United States population what all the excitement is about. This issue must be dragged into the light for the grass roots of the population of the United States to see why they are expected to die in an unnecessary war with a smile on their face. Find out more about...
... anyone else, so did Herzl foresee twenty years, before we experienced them, the revolutions brought about by the Great War, and he prepared us for that which was going to happen. "He foresaw the splitting up of Turkey, and he foresaw that England would obtain control over Palestine. 'We may expect important developments in the world.' These were the words spoken by Herzl twenty years before the Great...
... War. He added that the events would offer the Jewish people fresh opportunities." (The Judisk Tidskrift, No. 6, Aug.-Sept., 1929, written by Dr. Ehrenpreis, Chief Rabbi of Sweden). 007 "Hitler will have no war, but he will be forced into it, not this year but later... " (The Jewish Emil Ludwig, Les Annales, June, 1934) 008 "Whenever an American or a Filipino fell at Bataan or Corregidor or at any...
...! Kill every German -- wipe them out!" (Llya Ehrenburg, Glaser, p. 111). 010 "The millions of Jews who live in America, England and France, North and South Africa, and, not to forget those in Palestine, are determined to bring the war of annihilation against Germany to its final end." (The Jewish newspaper, Central Blad Voor Israeliten in Nederland, September 13, 1939) 011 "Germany is the enemy of...
... conviction that the aims of Communism in Europe are sinister and fatal. At the Nuremberg Trials, I, together with my Russian colleague, condemned Nazi Aggression and Terror. I believe now that Hitler and the German People did not want war. But we, {England}, declared war on Germany, intent on destroying it, in accordance with our principle of Balance of Power, and we were encouraged by the 'Americans'{Jews...
...} around Roosevelt. We ignored Hitler's pleading, not to enter into war. Now we are forced to realize that Hitler was right. He offered us the co-operation of Germany: instead, since 1945, we have been facing the immense power of the Soviet Empire. I feel ashamed and humiliated to see that the aims we accused Hitler of, are being relentless pursued now, only under a different label." (Ashamed and...
...) 014 "Judea declares War on Germany." (Daily Express, March 24, 1934) 015 "Germany must be turned into a waste land, as happened there during the 30-year War." (Das Morgenthau-Tagebuch, The Morgenthau Dairy, p. 11). 016 "The fight against Germany has now been waged for months by every Jewish community, on every conference, in all labor unions and by every single Jew in the world. There are reasons...
... for the assumption that our share in this fight is of general importance. We shall start a spiritual and material war of the whole world against Germany. Germany is striving to become once again a great nation, and to recover her lost territories as well as her colonies. But our Jewish interests call for the complete destruction of Germany... " (Valadimir Jabotinsky, in Mascha Rjetsch, January, 1934...
... the Nazi Party of all facets of German society. Juedische Rundschau was free to preach Zionism as a wholly separate political philosophy - indeed, the only separate political philosophy sanction by the Third Reich." (This shows the Jewish Zionists enjoyed a visibly protected political status in Germany, prior to World War II). 018 "... In Germany the Jews occupy the principal rìles and are...
... an appreciation of the long future before them. Let them measure all tasks, all difficulties, and all prospects by the standard of a world-wide outlook." (The Visionary on the Mountain Top). 020 "He speaks of the War throughout as a German, and gives the impression that Germany ought to have won, and it would have pleased him. He speaks at length of the violation of Belgium, but says not a word of...
... done by the proletariat. If proletariat thinking is still chaotic and wrong, it is because it is still imitating bourgeois mentality. As far back as 1880 the Anglo-American occult leaders, directing the political leaders, knew about the coming World War and prepared for it. The German leaders knew nothing, and would not take warning, that is why they lost! The physical war was easily won by England...
..., but it will be followed by a spiritual war between East and West (East - India, Russia, and German; West - Anglo-America), which will be much more dangerous for the West. For instance, India, which is half starving (according to Mrs. Besant!), will rebel and be helped by powerful spiritual forces our of her past. Germany must fulfil her mission, otherwise the European civilization will be ruined...
..., industries and commerce] hold such an important, almost preponderant part. Therefore it might easily be said that all the newly-rich and war- profiteer, is an ancient of a thousand years... The immense majority of the influentials in Austrian Socialism were and are still Jews (1921)... finally, in a certain sense the Jews oppose themselves to non-Jews, above all in the rìle they play as initiators...
..., and other oppressed nations. Like other announced goals of World War II, the Atlantic Chapter and the Four Freedoms, Stalin's program achieved only one goal, 'the destruction of the Hitlerite regime,' the only government in the world which had opposed the spread of Communist aggression with its military forces. The 'abolition of racial exclusiveness,' which has (also) been official U.S. Government...
... died violently during World War II, but the only Asiatic people to suffer serious losses were the Japanese, who were known as 'the Aryans of the East,' because of their aggressiveness and their highly developed technological abilities. Because of their well known opposition to Communism, the Japanese people were selected by Jewish strategists as the guinea pigs for the testing of the new Jewish...
... Jewish military operations, the great massacres of World War II occurred, not on the battlefield, but in peaceful neighborhood communities. This was in accordance with the dictate of the Book of Esther, which directs the Jews to massacre women and children, and to exterminate the families of those who dare to oppose them. Thus it was in Dresden, a historic German cultural center, where many thousands...
... Weizmann boasted, 'We will never actually have to use this atomic weapon in military operations as the mere threat of its use will persuade any opponent to surrender to us." (Eustace Mullins, Foreword, War! War! War!) 025 "Propaganda mostly in hands of Jews, who control almost 100 percent radio, film, daily and periodical press. Although this propaganda extremely coarse and presenting Germany as black as...
.... This propaganda war psychosis being artificially created. American people are told that peace in Europe only hinging bread... that in case of world War America must take active part in order defend slogans of liberty and democracy in world. President Roosevelt was first one to express hatred against Fascism. In doing so he was serving double purpose; first, he wanted to divert attention of American...
... people from difficult and intricate domestic problems, especially from... struggle between capital and labor. Second, by creating war psychosis... he wanted to induce American people to accept enormous armament program... As to point two I can only say that... Roosevelt, as clever player of politics... speedily deviated public attention from domestic situation in order to fasten it on foreign policy...
...... to procure enormous stocks for coming war for which Jews are striving fully consciously... " (Document dated January 12, 1939, from Polish Ambassador in Washington). 026 "World War II was a war to renew Jewish domination of Germany and Central Europe and for the maintenance of the power and glory of the British/Jewish Empire. The conspirators in America, England and France are responsible for the...
... murder, a crime against Christianity, morality, humanity, and civilization, and this applies with greatest guilt to the wholesale slaughter by one nation of the people of another who have not attacked or harmed them. After this illegal, secret plot was negotiated, Roosevelt, the Jews and the war-mongers of this country, of England and France sought to overthrow the Chamberlain government and to replace...
... it with the Jews Churchill, Eden, Hore-Belisha and Duff Cooper. They plotted to get Bonnet out of the French Cabinet and to substitute the Jews Reynaud, Blum and Mandel. The ardent but unsuccessful courtship of Stalin and Soviet Russia was insisted upon by Roosevelt, World Jewry and war-mongers of America, England and France. One of the reasons for the Roosevelt/Eden plot to overthrow the...
... Chamberlain government and remove Bonnet from the French Cabinet was because they would not agree to pay the price Stalin demanded to encircle and defeat Germany. At Roosevelt's and the Jews' insistence, England and France guaranteed the boundaries of Poland in order to encircle Germany and renew Jewish control. This guarantee of the boundaries of Poland was the direct cause of World War II, it knowingly...
... necessitated it." (War! War! War!, by Cincinnatus, pp. 188-189) 027 This will be difficult for many to believe, one can hear them say, what:, England do that to this country? Why they are our greatest ally, we could not do without them. Let us look at the record and see just how much love there is for us in this pretended friendship. To begin with, when we were at war with Spain, this great Churchill...
... 1942. It is here that we find Churchill quoted: "He had always thought it a pity that it all had to be so make believe, and that the age of wars between civilized nations had come to an end forever, now he, at least had an opportunity to join civilized Spain in a war against uncivilized Cuba." Robert's account of Winston Churchill, 1928, Robert H. McBride, publishers, page 32, through Sir Henry...
... that of the world Jewish population of approximately fifteen millions, no fewer than five millions are in the United States. Twenty-five percent of the inhabitants of New York are Jews. During the Great War we bought off this huge American Jewish public by the promise of a Jewish National Home in Palestine, held by Ludendorff to be the master stroke of Allied propaganda as it enabled us not only to...
... appeal to Jews in America but to Jews in Germany as well... All over the world, and especially in the U.S.A. Jews will be active against Germany, and the Jew is a natural and energetic propagandist, though perhaps not a very far-seeing one. There are, however, cross- currents in the tide of World Jewry, the identification of Russian Jews with Communism, for example, and Palestine, another of our war...
... the 'hard-luck' story of London confidence tricksters! Secondly, the American peoples are still under the influence of much of the Great War propaganda. They are more susceptible than most people, to mass suggestion, they have been brought up on it, and since 1918 they have shut themselves off from reality. Thirdly, they are at this moment the battle-ground of an active propaganda of Labels...
...." (Propaganda in the Next War, by Sidney Rogerson, pp. 86-148; War! War! War!, by Cincinnatus, pp. 191-193). 030 "Although the Jews have appeared in the histories of other nations throughout the centuries, they were never able or willing to establish a nation of their own. They remain forever desolate in this regard. The only way the Jews got possession of Palestine was by using other people to steal it from...
... the Turks and Arabs for them. The so-called 'Israeli' state is nothing but a parasitic state, since it is occupied by parasites. The Jews get billions of dollars from Germany as 'reparations' and 'restitution payments' for its alleged 'war crimes' against Jews. They get billions more every year from the United States. It (Israel) has to steal or buy technology from Western nations as the Jews have...
... before a special meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952: "Greetings, my children; You have been called here to recapitulate the principal steps of our new program. As you know, we had hoped to have twenty years between wars to consolidate the great gains which we made from World War II, but our increasing numbers in certain vital areas is arousing...
... opposition to us, and we must now work with every means at our disposal to precipitate World War III within five years [They did not precipitate World War III but they did instigate the Korean War when on June 25, 1950 they ordered the North Korean army to launch a surprise attack on South Korea. On June 26, the U.N. Security Council condemned the invasion as aggression and ordered withdrawal of the...
... authoritarian regime, which soon grew into a full-scale war, with Jewish pressure escalating U.S. involvement]. The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its...
... rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave (Applause from the gathering). You remember the success of our propaganda campaign during the 1930's, which aroused anti-American passions in Germany at the same time we were arousing anti-German passions in America, a campaign which culminated in the Second World War. A similar propaganda campaign is now being waged intensively...
... throughout the world. A war fever is being worked up in Russia by an incessant anti-American barrage while a nation-wide anti-Communist scare is sweeping America. This campaign is forcing all the smaller nations to choose between the partnership of Russia or an alliance with the United States. Our most pressing problem at the moment is to inflame the lagging militaristic spirit of the Americans. The...
... failure of the Universal Military Training Act was a great setback to our plans, but we are assured that a suitable measure will be rushed through Congress immediately after the 1952 elections. The Russians, as well as the Asiatic peoples, are well under control and offer no objections to war, but we must wait to secure the Americans. This we hope to do with the issue of Anti-Semitism, which worked so...
... had already commenced their campaign of anti-Semitism in Czechoslovakia). Within five years, this program will achieve its objective, the Third World War, which will surpass in destruction all previous contests. Israeli, of course, will remain neutral, and when both sides are devastated and exhausted, we will arbitrate, sending our Control Commissions into all wrecked countries. This war will end...
... over a world of dark peoples. Question from the gathering: Rabbi Rabinovich, what about the various religions after the Third World War? Rabinovich: There will be no more religions. Not only would the existence of a priest class remain a constant danger to our rule, but belief in an after-life would give spiritual strength to irreconcilable elements in many countries, and enable them to resist us. We...
... years divide us from the moment of the complete wrecking of that [Hated] Christian Religion. As to other religions, we shall have still less difficulty with them.') We may have to repeat the grim days of World War II, when we were forced to let the Hitlerite bandits sacrifice some of our people, in order that we may have adequate documentation and witnesses to legally justify our trial and execution...
... of the leaders of America and Russia as war criminals, after we have dictated the peace. I am sure you will need little preparation for such a duty, for sacrifice has always been the watchword of our people, and the death of a few thousand lesser Jews in exchange for world leadership is indeed a small price to pay. To convince you of the certainty of that leadership, let me point out to you how we...
... herself in all her glorious destiny as the Light of the World." (Note: Every statement made by Rabinovich is based on agenda contained in the "Protocols of Zion.") 034 The war time Premier (Winston Churchill) said he "thought the problem of a National Jewish Home in Palestine was too big to be handled by one single nation alone. Favors joint inquiry." "I am strongly in favor of a joint inquiry by the...
... Russia almost completely eliminated. Soviet Russia if mentioned at all mentioned in friendly manner and things presented in such way as if Soviet Union co-operating with block democratic states. Thanks to clever propaganda sympathies of American public completely on side of Red Spain. This propaganda war psychosis being artificially created. American people are told that peace in Europe only hanging on...
... thread... that in case of world War America must take active part in order defend slogans of liberty and democracy in World. President Roosevelt was first one to express hatred against Fascism. In doing so he was serving double purpose; first, he wanted to divert attention of American people from difficult and intricate domestic problems, especially from... .struggle between capital and labor. Second...
..., by creating war psychosis... he wanted induce American people to accept enormous armament program... Unemployed today already number twelve million... Only huge sums running into billion which treasury expends for emergency labor projects are keeping certain amount of peace in country... As to point two I can only say that... Roosevelt, as clever player of politics... speedily deviated public...
... in mysterious manner. Roosevelt has been forcing fountain for vitalizing American foreign policy and simultaneously... to procure enormous stocks for coming war for which Jews are striving fully consciously... " (Document dated January 12, 1939, from Polish Ambassador in Washington, War! War! War!, Cincinnatus, pp. 173-174). 037 "Another World War, plotted by Roosevelt and World Jewry, the Jewish...
... controlled American press and radio, the British-Jewish Empire and the French Empire with a large proportion of their press and banks owned by the Jews, is being fought as these words are put down... This is a war to renew Jewish domination of Germany and Central Europe and for the maintenance of the power and glory of the British-Jewish Empire. The conspirators in America, England and France are...
... defense, is murder, a crime against Christianity, morality, humanity, and civilization, and this applies with greatest guilt to the wholesale slaughter by one nation of the people of another who have not attacked or harmed them. After this illegal, secret plot was negotiated, Roosevelt, the Jews and the war-mongers of this Country, of England and France sought to overthrow the Chamberlain government and...
... to replace it with the half Jew Churchill, part Jew Eden, Jew Hore-Belisha and Duff Cooper. They plotted to get Bonnet out of the French Cabinet and to substitute Reynaud, Jew Blum and Jew Mandel. The ardent but unsuccessful courtship of bloody Stalin and Soviet Russia was insisted upon by Roosevelt, World Jewry and war-mongers of America, England and France. One of the reasons for the Roosevelt...
... proximate cause of the World's War; in face, it knowingly necessitated it." (War! War! War!, Cincinnatus, pp. 188-189). 038 "Already the pitch has been reached in Great Britain where it is considered bigoted or reactionary to do other than praise the Jews for their industry and ability. Few papers will risk any attack on the Jews, however well-founded, for fear of appearing even distantly anti-Semitic...
...." (This is more than true in America where it is dangerous to mention any through derogatory to the Jews, and in New York it has been made a crime). (Propaganda in the Next War, Sidney Robertson, p. 92; War! War! War!, Cincinnatus, p, 192). 039 "There is no doubt that the... Jews aided the Persians with all the men they could muster, and that the help they gave was considerable. Once Jerusalem was in...
... "It has been estimated that of the world Jew population of approximately fifteen millions, no fewer than five million are in the United States. Twenty-five percent of the inhabitants of New York are Jews. During the Great War we bought off this huge American Jewish public by the promise of the Jewish National Home in Palestine, held by Ludendorff to be the master stroke of Allied propaganda as it...
... enabled us not only to appeal to Jews in America but to Jews in Germany as well." (Propaganda in the Next War, Sidney Robertson, p. 147; War! War! War!, Cincinnatus, p. 192). 045 "Meanwhile our Christian? Government unites with the British-Jewish Empire, in a plot to starve not merely German women and children (that has had our active support since the war started), but also the women and children of...
... dominant there - Ireland, China, India, the Boers, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy and now France, Holland, Belgium, Norway and Spain. England and the Jews, with our help, in the name of civilization and Christianity, have illegally made food contraband against friendly peaceable nations and call it economic warfare - viz: Jewish warfare - the Four Horsemen." (War! War! War!, Cincinnatus, p. 242). 046...
... "The story I shall unfold in these pages is the story of Germany's two faces, the one turned towards Western Europe, the other turned towards Soviet Russia... It can be said, without any exaggeration, that from 1921 till the present day Russia has been able, thanks to Germany, to equip herself with all kinds of arms, munitions, and the most up-to-date war material for an army of several millions; and...
... that, thanks to her factories manufacturing war material in Russia, Germany has been able to assure herself not only of secret supplies of war material and the training of officers and other ranks in the use of this material, but also, in the event of war, the possession of the best stocked arsenals in Russia... The firm of Krupp's of Essen, Krupp the German Cannon-King (Kanonenkoenig), deserves a...
... chapter to itself in this review of German war-industries in Russia. It deserves a separate chapter... because its activity upon Soviet territory has grown to tremendous proportions... The final consolidation of the dominating position Krupp's occupy in Russia, was the formation of a separate company 'Manych' to which the Soviet Government granted a liberal concession... Negotiations concerning these...
... collaboration with the Soviets, in spite of all the changes of political regime in Germany since the end of the war. It has made little or no difference to them whether the Reich Government has been composed of men of the Right, the Center, or the Left. They have just continued their policy uninfluenced by political change. There is no reason to suppose that they would change their course under a Hitlerist...
... regime, especially when it is remembered that most of the aims, in external policy, of the Nazi leaders, are identical with those of the Nationalists and the military leaders themselves. Furthermore, there are the great German industrialists, of Nationals color, who are amongst the principal collaborators, on the war material side, with the Reichswehr Chiefs, and who are, therefore, hand in glove with...
... the directors of the 'Abmachungen' (Agreements) plot. Many of these great industrialists are contributors on a big scale to the Nazi party funds. A hitlerist Germany would, therefore, have no qualms in continuing the collaboration with Soviet Russia... The Reichswehr chiefs who are conducting the Abmachungen delude themselves that they can use Bolshevist Russia to help them in their hoped-for war of...
... Controversy of Zion Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. Index The Controversy of Zion Page 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 Chapter 41 THE REVOLUTION "EXTENDS" The Second World War, much more clearly than the First, followed...
...;Fascism", "totalitarian dictatorship" and the like) were not achieved; on the contrary, the area where these conditions prevailed was greatly enlarged. Lenin, in his Collected Works, wrote: "The World War" (1914-1918) "will see the establishment of Communism in Russia; a second world war will extend its control over Europe; and a third world war will be necessary to make it...
... worldwide", The central phrase of this forecast was almost literally fulfilled by the outcome of the Second War. The revolution extended its frontiers to the middle of Europe and thus was put in a position to extend its military control over all Europe, at least at the outset of any third war. In 1956 the American General Gruenther, who then bore the rank, apparently made permanent by some...
... that war with "Russia" was inevitable, This was the consequence of the outcome of the Second War; this outcome, again, was the result of the diversion of acts of state policy and of military operations to the purposes of destroying nation-states and of general enslavement; and this diversion, in turn, was the consequence of the process described in the previous chapter as "the invasion...
... of America", The strength and wealth of America were decisive in the Second War and they were used to bring about a denouement which made a third war a permanent peril. Thus the story of America's embroilment in the Second War demonstrated the power of the "foreign group" which had come to dictate in Washington, and gave living reality to the farewell address of George Washington...
... when the presence of the conspiracy's agents in America was first realized. The published records of the Second War show that the conspiracy had obtained power to dictate major acts of American state policy, the course of 354 military operations and the movement of arms, munitions, supplies and treasure. Its conscious agents were numerous and highly-placed. Among the leading men who supported or...
... submitted to them many may have been unaware of the consequences to which their actions were bound to lead. This chapter in the republic's story occupied three and a half years, from Pearl Harbour to Yalta. A significant resemblance occurs between the manner of America's entry into war in 1898 and 1941. In both cases the provocation necessary to inflame the masses was supplied, and difficult problems of...
... convincing Congress or "public opinion" were thus eluded. In 1898 the Maine was "sunk by a Spanish mine" in Havana harbour, and war followed on the instant; many years later, when the Maine was raised, her plates were found to have been blown out by an inner explosion. In 1941 the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour "on a day that will live in infamy" enabled President Roosevelt...
... to tell his country that through a completely unexpected attack it was "at war". The later disclosures showed that the government in Washington had long been warned of the impending attack and had not alerted the Pearl Harbour defenders. In both cases the public masses remained apathetic when these revelations ensued. (They are of continuing relevance in 1956, when another American...
... president has publicly sworn that he will "never be guilty" of sending his country to war "without Congressional authority", but has added that American troops might have to undertake "local warlike acts in self-defence" without such parliamentary approval). In the First War President Wilson, re-elected on the promise to keep his country out of war, immediately after his re...
...-inauguration declared that "a state of war exists". In the Second War President Roosevelt was re-elected in 1940 on the repeated promise that "your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars". His electoral programme, however, included a five-word proviso: "We will not send our armies, navies or air forces to fight in foreign lands outside the Americas except in case of...
.... Henry L. Stimson, the Secretary for War, after a cabinet meeting on November 25, 1941, had noted in his diary: "The question was how we should manoeuvre them" (the Japanese) "into the position of firing the first shot without allowing too much danger to ourselves; it was a difficult proposition". The pre-history of this notation, again, is that on January 27, 1941 the United States...
..., gave unmistakable evidence of a coming attack on Pearl Harbour but were not transmitted to the American commanders there; that on December 1 the Head of Naval Intelligence, Far Eastern Section, drafted a despatch to the Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet saying "war between Japan and the United States is imminent", which was cancelled by superior authority; that on December 5 Colonel...
... Sadtler of the U.S. Signal Corps, on information received, drafted a despatch to commanders, "War with Japan imminent; eliminate all possibility of another Port Arthur" (an allusion to the similar "surprise attack" that began the Russo-Japanese war), which was similarly suppressed; that a Japanese reply, obviously tantamount to a declaration of war, to the Roosevelt ultimatum was...
... sunk with great loss of life. Political leaders who are ready to obtain their country's entry into war by facilitating an enemy attack on it cannot be depended on to wage it in the national interest. The American people as a whole still is unaware of the truth of Pearl Harbour, an ominous beginning which led in unbroken line to the ominous end. Eight investigations were held, seven naval or military...
... Washington who wilfully refrained from alerting our forces at Pearl Harbour should never be excused. The Commanders at Pearl Harbour Were never informed of. . . the American note delivered to the Japanese Ambassadors on November 26, 1941, which effectually ended the possibility of further negotiations and thus made the Pacific war inevitable . . . No hint of vital intercepts received, decoded and delivered...
...;. Rear Admiral Theobald, commanding destroyers of the Battle Force at Pearl Harbour, writing in 1954 says, "Dictates of patriotism requiring secrecy regarding a line of national conduct in order to preserve it for possible future repetition do not apply in this case because, in this atomic age, facilitating an enemy's surprise attack, as a method of initiating a war, is unthinkable". (The...
... information that his country would be at war in a matter of hours, and that everything pointed to a surprise attack upon his forces shortly after sunrise". Admiral Theobald quotes the later statement of Admiral Stark (who in December 1941 was Chief of Naval Operations in Washington and who refused to inform Admiral Kimmel of the Japanese declaration of war message) that all he did was done on the order...
... of higher authority, "which can only mean President Roosevelt. The most arresting thing he did, during that time, was to 357 withhold information from Admiral Kimmel". Fleet Admiral Halsey, writing in 1953, described Admiral Kimmel and General Short as "our outstanding military martyrs". They were retired to conceal from the public, amid the confusion and secrecy of war, the...
... ultimate reason for a soldier's being. What, then, was this superior plan, to which all American military effort from Pearl Harbour to Yalta and after was made to conform? It was in fact Lenin's "extension" of the revolution. The story of the three-and-a-half years only becomes explicable in that light. In the First World War, American entry coincided with the revolution in Russia, and Mr...
.... House at once instructed the president "to proffer our financial, industrial and moral support in every way possible" to the new "democracy". In the Second War Hitler's attack on his Moscovite accomplice followed quickly on Mr. Roosevel'ts second re-inauguration and before Pearl Harbour America was in the war as far as support of the "new democracy" was concerned, for...
... all that we have and are". These words reflected a presidential order earlier issued (March 7, 1942) to American war agencies (and much later made public) that preference in the supply of munitions should be given to the Soviet Union over all other Allies and over the armed forces of the United States. The Chief of the American Military Mission in Moscow, Major General John R. Deane, in a book...
... 'See footnote on page 358 358 increasing the military and industrial strength of the revolutionary state after the war. It is explicit in the above passages that Mr. Roosevelt intended to give the revolutionary state greater support than any other ally, free or captive, and implicit that he was resolved to support Poland's aggressor and was indifferent about the "liberation" of other...
... countries overrun. The high causes held out to the Western masses, until they were fully involved in the war, had in fact been abandoned, and the supra-national project of extending the revolution, destroying nation-states and advancing the world-government ambition had been put in their place. (I began to write in this sense in 1942 and my elimination from daily journalism then began; up to that time I...
... the boundless measure promised by Mr. Hopkins, was bound to enable it to "extend", in accordance with Lenin's dictum. The support given was so prodigious that it enabled Communism to "extend" over a vast area and to prepare for another war as well; the prospect of this third war, arising immediately the second one ended, was then depicted to the Western masses as the consequences...
... transfer of treasure, and a few decades earlier would have enabled several new states to set up housekeeping without fear of the future. This stream of wealth was directed by one man, described by his official biographer (Mr. Robert E. Sherwood) as "the second most important man in the United States". Mr. Harry Hopkins thus played the potentate's part, in the distribution of war materials...
..., first filled by Mr. Bernard Baruch in 1917. The original idea was Mr. Baruch's, who in 1916 insistently demanded that "one man" be appointed as the "administrator" of the all-powerful War Industries Board which, when America entered that war, grew out of an earlier "Advisory Commission" attached to the president's Cabinet "Defence Council". This pre-history of...
... Mr. Hopkins's appointment is significant, because it shows the continuing power and method of the group around the American presidents of both world wars. A Congressional Investigating Committee of 1919, headed by Mr. William J. Graham, said of the "Advisory Commission" which produced the 1918 War Industries Board, that it "served as the secret government of the United States. . . A...
... commission of seven men chosen by the president seems to have devised the entire system of purchasing war supplies, planned a press censorship, designed a system of food control. . . and in a word designed practically every war measure which the Congress subsequently enacted, and did all this behind closed doors weeks and even months before the Congress of the United States declared war against Germany...
... . . . There was not an act of the so-called war legislation afterwards enacted that had not before the actual declaration of war been discussed and settled upon by this Advisory Commission". Mr. Baruch himself, testifying before a Select Committee of Congress on the wartime activities of the "one-man" authority which he himself had caused to be set up, said, "The final determination...
... rested with me . . . whether the Army or Navy would have it. . . the railroad administration. . . or the Allies, or whether General Allenby should have locomotives, or whether they should be used in Russia or in France. . . I probably had more power than perhaps any other man did. . ." (This was the First War background to Mr. Churchill's words to Mr. Baruch in 1939, "War is coming. . . you...
... will be running the show over there". The extent of Mr. Baruch's power in the First War is further illustrated by an incident in 1919, when President Wilson was brought back to America a completely incapacitated man. Mr. Baruch then "became one of the group that made decisions during the President's illness" (Mr. Rosenbloom). This group 360 came to be known as "the Regency Council...
...", and when the ailing president's senior Cabinet officer, Mr. Robert Lansing, Secretary of State, called Cabinet meetings on his own authority the president, from his sickbed, dismissed him; though he broke also with other associates, including Mr. House, "Wilson clung to his trust in Baruch"). In the Second War President Roosevelt revived President Wilson's power to establish a "...
...;Defence Council" with an "Advisory Commission" (1940), and in 1942 this was enlarged into a "War Production Board", the counterpart of the 1918 "War Industries Board". Mr. Baruch again advised that "one man" be put in charge of this all-powerful body, but in the event he was not the one man appointed. His biographer says that he was disappointed, but the...
... evident accuracy, described himself as the most powerful man in the world in 1917-1918, his power actually to shape the events and map of the world was much less than that of any man who occupied the same place in the Second War, for the obvious reason that "the determination of what anybody could have" now extended to the revolutionary state established as a great military power with obvious...
... and vast territorial aims. Even the War Production Board became of secondary importance when the "Lend-Lease Administration" was set up, and Mr. Harry Hopkins was appointed "Administrator" and also chairman of President Roosevelt's "Soviet Protocol Committee" with power "to determine supply quotas to be dispatched to Russia". From that moment the fate and...
... Oxford conferred on him one of the most ill-fitting doctorates in its history and Mr. Churchill's fulsome references to him, in the war memoirs, are strange to read. When Mr. Hopkins took his place as chairman of President Roosevelt's Soviet Protocol Committee he found among its members some who greatly mistrusted the policy of unconditional supply to the revolutionary state. He issued to them the...
... democratic principles. . . To spread the four freedoms throughout the world we will ship aeroplanes and tanks to Communist Russia. But no country was more responsible for the present war and Germany's aggression". A violent campaign was immediately begun in the press which continued until Senator Taft's death. Today's map and state of affairs vindicate his warning, and those who today read Mr...
.... Hopkins's fiat, quoted above, may see that the outcome of the war was determined by these secret actions of 1942 and earlier. Of "aeroplanes and tanks" 15,000 and 7,000, respectively, were donated. A navy of 581 vessels was also given (over many years 127 of these were returned and in 1956 the Soviet offered to pay for 31; the remaining ships, over 300, were 362 declared to have been lost, sunk...
... or declared unseaworthy). A merchant fleet was also presented. This was only the smaller part of the total transfer of wealth in many forms. The American Government has never published the details of its deliveries. The fact that these are known, and that the greater part of them consisted of supplies obviously designed to strengthen the industrial and war-making capacity of the revolutionary state...
... after the war's end, is due to one of the accidents which assist the historian, although, in the condition of the press today, they never reach the general public mind and therefore produce no remedial result. In May 1942 a Captain George Racey Jordan reported for duty at the great Newark Airport in New Jersey. He was a First War soldier rejoined and had never forgotten the advice of a sergeant given...
... to him in Texas in 1917: "Keep your eyes and ears open, keep your big mouth shut, and keep a copy of everything". To the last five words posterity owes the most astonishing book (in my opinion) of the Second World War. Captain Jordan was instructed to report to "United Nations Depot No. 8", as he found Newark Airport to be described on his orders. The body known as the "...
.... with such defence articles, defence services and defence information as the President . . . shall authorize to be transferred or provided") but included many things that had nothing to do with "defence" and everything to do with the post-war strengthening of the Soviet. He noted, for instance, the supply of "tractors and farm machinery, aluminium manufacturing plant, railway car...
... some years after the Second War the public masses in America and England were told by their leaders that their best protection against a new war, and the most effective deterrent to "Soviet aggression", was Western possession of the atom bomb. On September 23, 1949 the Soviet Union exploded an atom bomb, to the surprise of none who carefully followed affairs. Major Jordan then could contain...
... produced; nothing effective has been done to prevent the recurrence of a similar state of affairs in another war). In 1944 Major Jordan, more worried than ever, attempted to see the Lend-Lease liaison officer at the State Department but was intercepted by a junior official who told him "Officers who are too officious are likely to find themselves on an island somewhere in the South Seas". Not...
... strengthen the Soviet Union industrially after the war, Major Jordan's records include one repair plant for precision instruments ($550,000), two factories for food products ($6,924,000), three gas generating units ($21,390,000), one petroleum refinery with machinery and equipment ($29,050,000), 17 stationary steam and three hydro-electric plants ($273,289,000). The Soviet lists reproduced by Major Jordan...
... Soviet agent) ordered the shipment to the Soviet Government of duplicates of the United States Treasury plates to be used for printing money for the use of the forces occupying Germany after the war. This meant that the money printed by the Soviet Government for the use of its troops was redeemable by the American Government as there was no distinction whatever between the paper printed. By the end of...
... some $18,000 for the plates and materials delivered to it, which had enabled it to draw $250,000,000 straight from the United States Treasury). Thus for four or five years there was an unlimited transfer of the wherewithal of war, of supplies for post-war industrial use, and of wealth in manifold forms to the revolutionary state, and "re-discussion" of this policy lay under ban at the...
... conferences issuing from these military operations. As the policy of delivering arms and wealth was so firmly, even fanatically pursued in favour of the revolutionary state, it was logical to expect that the same policy would be pursued through military operations and the conferences resulting from them. In fact, this happened, as good observers foresaw at the time and as the receding picture of the war now...
... plainly shows. It also was the inevitable result of the capture of a great measure of power behind the scenes, in the American Republic, by means of the invasion described in the last chapter. The effort to turn all military operations to the advantage of the revolutionary state, which in complicity with Hitler had started the war by the joint attack on Poland, began soon after Pearl Harbour. It failed...
... then but was entirely successful in the last stages of the war, as the outcome showed. The leading part in this process was taken by the most enigmatic figure of the Second War, General George C. Marshall, Chief of Staff of the United States Army. To him Senator Joseph McCarthy, in his oration before the Senate on June 14, 1951 (a carefully-documented indictment which is a major reference-source in...
... this matter) attributed "the planned steady retreat from victory which commenced long before World War II ended" and the fact that America, having power to tip the balance, operated between the policies advocated by Mr.Churchill and the Soviet dictator Stalin "almost invariably in support of the Russian line". In view of the vast consequences which General Marshall's interventions...
... acts was, in 1940, to ask Senator James F. Byrnes (an intimate of Mr. Bernard Baruch) to propose an amendment to an army estimates bill 367 authorizing the Chief of Staff to override seniority rules in favour of younger officers held by him to be "of unusual ability". Senator Byrnes's amendment, then adopted, provided that "in time of war or national emergency . . . any officer of the...
... outcome of the war in 1945. Immediately after Pearl Harbour and the American entry into the war in December 1941 the Soviet propagandists in Moscow and in the West began loud clamour for the Western allies to invade Europe forthwith. Mr. Churchill, when he saw President Roosevelt soon after Pearl Harbour, had obtained general agreement that an invasion before 1943, at the earliest, was a military...
... in which we could possibly lose the war" (Mr. Sherwood). General Marshall, in view of his appointment, was presumably entitled to be regarded as the best military brain in the United States. What he proposed was in fact that the only great fighting ally, at that time, should commit suicide and that the war should be lost, at all events for England. Mr. Churchill said that if such an attempt...
... President Roosevelt that the United States withdraw from the war in Europe unless the British acceded to his plan, (Secretary Stimson). General Marshall was sent again to England to see Mr. Churchill (he brusquely refused to stay at Chequers). His plan then collapsed under the weight of General Mark Clark's report from Ireland, that he could put only one untrained and under-equipped division into the...
... venture. But the proposal, and the threat, had been made, and 368 all that followed later in the war must be considered in the light of this action of the highest military officer in the United States. In the spring of 1942 the Germans still had 1,300,000 troops in France and the Low Countries, and the Western allies had no comparable force to throw against them, even if they had possessed air...
... superiority, landing craft, amphibious vehicles, and invasion-training. Mr. Roosevelt had to withdraw from General Marshall's menacing plan, and England, for the third time in that war, survived a mortal danger. The war went on through 1942 and 1943, while British, and later American armies crushed the Germans in North Africa, and then the decisive turn in the war came. The Western Allies were ready to...
... strike; how and where were they to strike? At that juncture General Marshall's second great intervention determined the outcome of the war. Mr. Churchill's own account, and the narratives of all other authorities, agree that he was from first to last consistent, at all events in this major issue. He was the only man among the Western leaders with great military and political experience, and he clearly...
... saw that the war would bring neither true victory nor peace if the revolutionary state, the aggressor at the war's start, were enabled to spread deep into Europe. He desired that military operations should be so conducted that it should not extend beyond, or far beyond its natural frontiers. In this controversy his great antagonist proved to be General Marshall more than President Roosevelt, whose...
... state of health in the last year of the war may have incapacitated him from clear thought, unless he was simply the helpless captive of the pressures around him. Mr. Churchill desired to strike from the south as well as from the north and to bring the Balkan and Central European countries under Allied occupation before they could pass merely from Hitlerist enslavement into that of the Red armies; this...
... policy would have led to true victory, have given the world a prospect of peace for the rest of the 20th Century and have largely fulfilled the original "aims" of the war, among which "liberation" was the greatest. General Marshall was resolved to concentrate on the invasion of France and to leave the whole of Eastern, Central and Balkan Europe to the armies of the revolutionary...
...-machine. . . . . with horizons unlimited"; General Clark), halting the advance 369 there, and, above all, abandoning all idea of a thrust from Italy across the Adriatic which would have carried the Allied armies to Vienna, Budapest and Prague. This would have altered the entire post-war picture to the advantage of the West and of peace; a glance at the map will make the matter plain to any reader...
.... At that moment true "victory" was within reach, and it was thrown away in favour of the invasion of Southern France, a dispersion of military strength even graver in its consequences than that of British armies to Palestine in the First War. The secondary, southern invasion offered no military advantage to justify this decision which was obviously political; the document on which General...
... Marshall based his arguments in favour of it at the Quebec Conference reveals this. It was called "Russia's Position" and was ascribed to "a very high-level United States military estimate" (Mr. Sherwood), which indicates General Marshall himself. It said, "Russia's post-war position in Europe will be a dominant one . . . Since Russia is the decisive factor in the war, she must...
... assumption as a fact, namely, that after the war "Russia's position in Europe will be dominant. . . without question she will dominate Europe". That was precisely the question which, in 1943, had yet to be decided by nearly two more years of military operations, and Mr. Churchill's policy was designed to prevent the very thing that was stated as an accomplished fact. He wished to see the Soviet...
... victorious, but not "dominating" Europe. He was overborne, and at that moment in 1943 the Second World War, by means of political decisions taken in secrecy, was politically lost to the West. This was General Marshall's most momentous intervention. Mr. Churchill, though he never criticized General Marshall, refers cryptically to him in his war memoirs, and in Triumph and Tragedy mourned the lost...
..., the Mediterranean campaign might have been the most decisive of all in post-war history. . . A campaign that might have changed the whole history of the relationships between the Western World and Soviet Russia was permitted to fade away . . . The weakening of the campaign in Italy . . . was one of the outstanding political mistakes of the war". General Mark Clark (a brilliant American soldier...
...; that is now beyond doubt. The decision was political, not military, and it was made by the men who formed the group around the president. It was, in the field of military operations, the exact parallel of the decision taken in respect of Lend-Lease operations: to subordinate all other considerations to the interest of the revolutionary state. Thus the war, which could have been ended (probably in...
... 1944) by the Allied liberation of the countries overrun by Hitler, leaving the Soviet state within the natural Russian boundaries or a little more, and Europe in balance, dragged on through 1944 into 1945; while the German armies in Italy were given respite and the wasteful invasion of Southern France lent no impetus to the main invasion of Normandy. The shape which the war took in its last ten...
... marched into Berlin and. . . Prague the picture in the post-war period might have been different . . . Had our political leaders . . . refrained from interfering with you in going through your regular military procedure of taking as much as our armies might take . . . don't you think the postwar picture might have been different?" General Eisenhower's statement cannot have been true, even if he...
... predetermined political plan agreed at the highest level; by the time he became president its consequences were plain to see and he might have felt "haunted" by President Roosevelt's example (as Mr. Roosevelt was always "haunted" by that of President Wilson). Mr. Churchill supplied (on May 11, 1953) the conclusive comment on this military outcome of the Second War, which was the second...
... occupation of enemy territories, of which the German zone is only, of course, a part. Our view was not accepted and a wide area of Germany was handed over to Soviet occupation without any general agreement between the three victorious powers". Thus the policy followed in the transfer of arms, wealth and goods and in the conduct of military operations during the Second War served to "extend"...
...; the revolution. One other way remained in which this process of extension could be advanced through the war: by the capitulation of Western state policy, at the highest political level, in the pourparlers and conferences of leaders which were held as the military picture unfolded. The feelings of readers might be needlessly harrowed if the story of all these meetings (Atlantic, Cairo, Casablanca...
... told an America not yet at war that he "looked forward to a world founded upon four essential freedoms . . . freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, freedom from fear". Then the Atlantic Charter of August l4, 1941, the joint product of Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Churchill, reproduced the phraseology with which students of the Protocols of 1905 had long been familiar (one...
... dignity to arrange the affairs of nations after a war: in comparison with the Congress of Vienna and Berlin, the Yalta conference looks somewhat like a smoking-concert in a pothouse. The Western leaders, on the refusal of the Soviet dictator to leave his domains, foregathered with him in the Crimea; in dealings with Asiatics, this is from the start a surrender. The American president and his intimate...
..., Mr. Hopkins, were dying men, and in Mr. Roosevelt's case this was apparent from the news-reel pictures which the masses saw; I recall the exclamation of shock that sprang from an audience among which I sat. Some of the leading dignitaries were accompanied by relatives, so that the affair took on the look of a family excursion, a rather pleasant escape from the burdensome trammels of war. But much...
... would recommend to Eisenhower that he had no choice but to be relieved of his command" (Mr. Sherwood). A month before the meeting at Yalta Mr. Churchill cabled to President Roosevelt, "At the present time I think the end of this war may well prove to be more disappointing than was the last". He had come a long way from the "finest hour" of 1940, during which year, on acceding...
...; (words which recall the Czech broadcast "bequeathing our sorrows to the West" after the abandonment of Czechoslovakia to Hitler in 1939). The power which the revolution had gained in the infested West was enough to prevent the publication of facts like these during the Second War, and Mr. Churchill's enquiry of his Minister of Information vanished into air. The "agony of Warsaw"...
... states in partnership had begun the Second War; it was clearly the country chiefly covered by Mr. Roosevelt's and Mr. Churchill's declaration of 1941 (the Atlantic Charter) that "sovereign rights and self-government" must be "restored to those who have been forcibly deprived of them". At the time of the Yalta Conference, when the European war had only ten weeks to run, Poland had in...
...;the President asked me to get a lawyer to consult with him over the wording of the Polish boundary statement; I called Alger Hiss". Mr. Churchill was left alone to make the last protest on behalf of the original "principles" and objects of the Second World War: "This is what we went to war against Germany for: that Poland should be free and sovereign. Everyone here knows the...
... "deserters", to be driven back to the Soviet state. All these matters read soberly on paper; the picture of their results for human beings appears in such words as those of the Rev. James B. Chuter, a British Army chaplain and one of 4,000 prisoners from a disintegrated German prisoner-of-war camp who made their way towards the advancing Allies in 1945: "Along the eastern bank of the...
... river Mulde was encamped a great multitude. . . This was the end of the journey for the tens of thousands of refugees who had passed us. The Mulde was the agreed line at which the Americans halted and to which the Russians would advance. The Americans would let none save German military 378 personnel and Allied prisoners of war cross the river. From time to time some desperate soul would fling himself...
... into the flood in a vain attempt to escape from the unknown fury of the Russian arrival. It was to avoid such incidents and to discourage them that the occasional splutter of American machine guns on the Western banks was heard . . . sounding, in that most frightening manner, a plain warning to all who thought to cross the river line". Such was the outcome of the Second World War, and the...
... statement in April 1955, "I think that to hold secret any document of the war, including my own mistakes. . . is foolish. Everything ought to be given out that helps the public of the United States to profit from past mistakes and make decisions of the moment". Mr. Barron, before his retirement, was "subjected to gruelling brain-washing sessions to secure his consent to the deletion of...
... important documents" and informed his superiors that the compilation they were preparing to issue would be "a distorted, incomplete, badly expurgated one that tends to shield the previous Administration and will mislead the American people". This history of the Yalta papers shows that, ten years after the Second World War, power was still in the hands of the essentially "foreign group...
..." which during the war had been able to divert supplies, military operations and State policy to the purpose of "extending" the revolution. They were still able to override the public undertakings of presidents and to frustrate the will of Congress; they still held the reins. This meant that the infestation of the American government and its departments by agents of the revolution...
..., which began with Mr. Roosevelt's first presidency in 1933, had not been remedied in 1955, despite many exposures; and that, as this was the case, American energies in any third war could in the same way be diverted to promote the overriding plan for a communized world-society (Lenin's third stage in the process). Once more the embroiled masses would fight to bring about results, the direct opposites...
... Department's briefing papers for the President on all questions expected to arise at Yalta. Mr. James F. Byrnes, an earlier Secretary of State who was present at Yalta in a later capacity (director of the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion) says, "So far as I could see, the President had made little preparation for the Yalta Conference. . . Not until the day before we landed at Malta did I...
... matter, and the eventual exposure, through private agency, came only in 1948. Mr. White's first decisive intervention in American State policy came in 1941. According to two unimpeachable authorities (the Harvard Professors William Langer and S. Everett Gleason in The Undeclared War) he drafted the American ultimatum of November 26, by means of which Japan was "manoeuvred into firing the first...
... shot" at Pearl Harbour (Secretary Stimson's phrase). Thus his hand may be plainly traced in the initial act of America's involvement in the Second War, as may Soviet prompting of it. Having shaped the beginning, he also shaped the end of the Second War, in the interest of the same party, his masters. He is generally credited with the drafting of the "Morgenthau Plan". In both cases...
..., therefore, American State policy was fashioned by the United States Treasury, not by the State Department or the War Department, which, under the President, are the departments constitutionally responsible for the conduct of foreign policy in time of war; and at the Treasury, 384 as has been shown, Mr. White was "fully responsible" for all matters bearing on foreign relations. The general...
... tendency in America since the Second War has been to point to Mr. White as the original author of these fateful actions. This may be token reluctance to point a finger at the responsible Cabinet officer himself, Mr. Henry Morgenthau junior. Mr. Morgenthau originally appointed Mr. White, signed both the draft ultimatum to Japan of November 1941 and the draft plan for dismembering Germany of September 1944...
... State and War at last joined Mr. Morgenthau of the Treasury. The disclosure of the Morgenthau Plan before this committee "resulted in as violent an explosion as has ever occurred in the hallowed chambers of the White House"; Mr. Hull and Mr. Stimson both violently attacked it. Nevertheless, when President Roosevelt then went to Quebec to meet Mr. Churchill Mr. Morgenthau "happened"...
...; to be with him, and Mr. Hull and Mr. Stimson were left behind. Mr. Churchill records his surprise at that, but both he and Mr. Roosevelt then signed "the Morgenthau Plan", which possibly might more accurately be called the White-Morgenthau plan. Thus President Roosevelt (against the strong protest s of his responsible Cabinet officers, the Secretaries of State and of War) and Mr...
... this Soviet agent and his associates gave to American government policy left the future of the West more troubled than it had ever been. When the war ended he was still rising in the esteem of American presidents, for he was appointed to preside over the second of the two great international planning conferences at which the future of the nation-states was to be submerged in that of an international...
..., Harry Dexter White, and their confederates in the Communist underground in Government, had power to exercise profound influence on American policy and the policies of international organizations during World War II and the years immediately thereafter; (this is the vital, and supremely dangerous "confusion-period" to which I earlier alluded; the later years of a war and the early years of...
.... Martin Dies, until he was driven out of political life), and a new epithet was coined for the delusion of the masses: "McCarthyism" (the demand for investigation and remedy) was by endless iteration made to sound to them more repugnant than "sedition". Because of this the most significant moment in American history after the Second War was one in 1954, when the Senate censured...
... agents of the conspiracy were implicitly left free to resume the burrowing process which resulted in the state of affairs represented, during the Second War, chiefly by Messrs. Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White. It is this which makes the policy of America an incalculable and dangerous explosive force in any future war. In the matter of sedition the "premier-dictators" of our time perform a...
...THE NAMELESS WAR - 1933: Jewry Declares War...
... 1933: Jewry Declares War 1933: Jewry Declares War Archibald Maule Ramsay The Nameless War The English edition of Mein Kampf was still in the process of printing and publication when Jewry declared war on the national Socialist regime, and started an intensive blockade against Germany. The International Jewish Boycott Conference was assembled in Holland in the summer of 1933 under the Presidency...
... of Mr. Samuel Untermeyer, of the U.S.A., who was elected President of the World Jewish Economic Federation formed to combat the opposition to Jews in Germany. On his return to the U.S.A., Mr. Untermeyer gave an address over Station W.A.B.C., the text of which, as printed in the New York Times of August 7th, 1933, I have before me. Mr. Untermeyer referred in the opening phrases to: "The holy war in...
... the cause of humanity in which we are embarked"; and proceeded to develop the subject at great length, describing the Jews as the aristocrats of the world. "Each of you, Jew and Gentile alike, who has not already enlisted in this sacred war should do so now and here." Those Jews who did not join in he denounced, declaring: "They are traitors to their race." In January 1934 Mr. Jabotinsky, founder of...
... Revisionist Zionism, wrote in Natcha Retch: "The fight against Germany has been carried out for months by every Jewish community, conference, trade organisation, by every Jew in the world . . . we shall let loose a spiritual and a material war of the whole world against Germany." This is perhaps the most confident assertion extant on the Jewish claim, set out in the Protocols of Zion, that they can bring...
... about war. Protocol Number 7 states: "We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by a State by war with its neighbour. If these should venture to stand collectively, by universal war." [Like the neverendingwar on "terror" today] It should be remembered here that a copy of these Protocols was filed in the British Museum in 1906. By 1938 the Jewish war was in full swing; and already...
... through their influence or pressure many Gentile persons and groups were being drawn into the vortex. Various members of the British Socialist Party were openly advocating joining in this cold war; and a vigorous and uncompromising clique was growing in all Parties under the leadership of Messrs. Churchill, Amery, Duff, Cooper and others. "Hitler will have no war, but he will be forced to it, not this...
... moment think or act as anything but Jews; and can be relied upon to guide their Gentile dupes to ruin in a plainly Jewish war; secondly, should be noted the contemptuous reference to the "swastikaed Christus," which Jewry looks forward to burying; and which reveals by its classification the Jewish hatred of Christianity. Meantime Jewish pressure was exerted to the utmost to incite clashes between...
... Sudeten, Czechs, Poles and Germans. By September of 1938 matters had reached a desperate pass. Mr. Chamberlain himself flew out to Munich and achieved the historic settlement with Hitler. It seemed as though the war mongers had been frustrated, and Europe saved. Rarely had such scenes and evidences of spontaneous delight and thankfulness been evoked as were witnessed throughout Britain and Europe at...
... that triumph. Those who knew the power of the enemy, however, knew that Mr Chamberlain's work was certain to be swiftly sabotaged. I remember remarking, on the very evening of his return from Munich, that within a week every newspaper in this country and the war mongers in Parliament, would be attacking Mr. Chamberlain for having secured peace; regardless of the fact that in so doing they were...
... contemptuously flouting the real wishes of the people. This remark was only too true, as events proved. Nowhere was the Jewish fury so obvious, of course, as in Moscow. I have before me a leaflet of my own designing put out in October 1938. It runs: "Are you aware that Mr. Chamberlain was burnt in effigy in Moscow as soon as it was known that he had secured peace; Showing very clearly Who Wanted War, and who...
... are still ceaselessly working to stir up strife all the world over." * See Appendix 4. The attempt to provoke war over Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia having failed, there remained only the detonator in the Polish Corridor, that monstrosity born of the unholy Versailles Conference, and denounced by honest men from Marshal Foch and Arthur Henderson, from that time onwards. One feature about the...
... himself loudly denounced the treaty; declaring that it contained the certain makings of another war and deprecating in particular the provision relating to Danzig and the Corridor. Arthur Henderson and many public men joined in the denunciation; but all to no avail. From the point of view of men planning another war, however, nothing could have been better than this treaty. All sorts of glaring...
... publicity services, there would have blared forth a torrent of invective against our "peace ballotters"; there is additional proof that this campaign had the support of international Jewry, as had the rearmament of Germany. But why? the simple will ask. The answer is fairly simple, if once the purpose behind the Jewish plan is understood. "Out of the last war we brought the Soviet States of Russia; out of...
... the next war we will bring the Soviet States of Europe. . ." had been the pronouncement at a world meeting of communist parties about 1932. To make the next war possible, therefore, the see-saw must be balanced again; German strength built up, and British strength whittled down. Then the Europeans can fight each other to the death of one and complete exhaustion of the other. A dramatic surprise is...
... in store for both sides. Neither is to be the real winner. The real winner is quite a different army. This army is the one that will receive the real attention. For 25 years it will be built up under conditions of the greatest secrecy. Its leaders will not show their strength until the conflict is well under way. Not until a critical moment in the war will the European armies be permitted to guess...
... that war, and minutely detailed in the Diaries of Major Jordan (George Racey Jordan).— Jackie] In March 1939 a British guarantee to Poland was given by Mr. Chamberlain on the strength of a false report to the effect that a 48-hour ultimatum had been delivered by Germany to the Poles. This report subsequently turned out to be quite untrue. The guarantee had been given, however, and the decision of...
... peace or war was now no longer in British hands. Jewry had the ball at its feet. Can we doubt but that Poland was encouraged to ignore the German note of March which set forth eminently reasonable suggestions for a peaceful solution of the problem of the Corridor? [Note: See Appendix 6 (we've added) for the Internet readers of this book; information from the German White Book that correlates with...
... Captain Ramsey's statements here. -j] Month after month no reply was vouchsafed by Poland to the German note. Meanwhile, insult and outrage occurred with suspicious frequency all along the German frontier, similar to the technique to which the Jews later introduced the British in Palestine. Day after day the British public was deluged with war propaganda and misrepresentation of the situation. Finally...
... their minds were closed against any further regard to the demands of justice or reason by a new slogan, "You cannot trust Hitler's word." With this lie the British public was finally stampeded into throwing all reason and judgment to the winds and accepting at their face value the war propaganda in the press. This slogan was founded upon a misrepresentation of Hitler's assurance given on more than one...
... which was foisted upon the British public in 1939; and it is the true one. Small wonder that these facts had to be withheld from the ordinary citizen. Had the British public realised the truth, that each of these demands of Hitler's rested on a foundation of reasonable fairness, the people of this island would have ruled out any question of war; and it was war, not truth or justice, upon which...
... materials Previous > Next Contents 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Notes What do you do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Table of Contents 1936 The increase in anti-Semitism in Germany: "it was Jewish help that brought USA into the War" (WWI) Louis T. McFadden, one of the staunchest critics of the Federal Reserve...
... organization and direction is in the hands of Jewish agents" Professor A. Kulisher, a Jew, calls for the genocide of all Germans to be the priority of worldwide Jewry Lord Victor Rothschild to question where he intended to live when the lease on his Piccadilly home ran out: "Nowhere probably, I just don't know. Not till after the war anyway." And the war would start in two years. How did he know about the...
... war? Rear Admiral Henry Hamilton Beamish: In 1848 the word, "anti-Semitic," was invented by the Jews to prevent the use of the word, "Jew." Now he has got you absolutely by the throat - that is your reward 1938 Nesta Webster: "England is no longer controlled by Britons. We are under the invisible Jewish dictatorship" Herschel Grynszpan assassinates Ernst vom Rath, a minor official at the German...
... world dramatically increases its production. This increased production is almost exclusively used to arm Germany for World War 2 This company is controlled by the Rothschilds' and goes on to use Jews and other disaffected peoples as slave labour in concentration camps Hitler had been doing phenomenally well in turning his country around economically by breaking with the Jewish international bankers...
... they knew that it would spell the death of their debt driven money system and so World War 2 starts This is not a war between Germany and the Allies, it is a war between Germany and the Jewish money power Anthony Crossley, Conservative MP for Oldham, on Arabs being totally not represented compared to Jews 1940 Hansjurgen Koehler about Adolf Hitler's grandmother: "A little servant girl came to Vienna...
... complete disregard for other peoples' rights... contempt for all labour not associated with high profits... are the chief characteristics of the Jewish race" 1941 President Roosevelt takes America into the Second World War by refusing to sell Japan any more steel scrap or oil knowing it would cause Japan to attack America Sir Josiah Stamp, director of the Bank of England: "The modern banking system...
... manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented" 1942 Prescott Bush had been funding Hitler from America. Interestingly the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) never criticizes any of the Bush family for this The Jewish Chronicle: "We have been at war with Hitler since the first day that he gained power" Chaim Weizmann, President of the...
... World Jewish Congress: "this war is our war and that it is waged for the liberation of Jewry" Leonard Goldenson founds the ABC television network 1943 Izaak Greenbaum: "One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Poland!" The Zionists were not interested in any Jews that didn't want to go to Palestine and ensured these Jews be placed in concentration camps, in order to frighten Jews...
... created a banking cartel comprising the world's privately owned central banks, which gradually assumed the power to dictate credit policies to the banks of all nations 1945 The first successful test of the atomic bomb occurs at the Trinity site The end of World War 2. the Rothschild controlled I.G. Farben plants were specifically not targeted in the bombing raids on Germany The tribunals held at the end...
... of the Second World War, to investigate Nazi War Crimes, censor any materials recording Western assistance to Hitler, such as that of Prescott Bush The Rothschilds' take a giant step towards their goal of world domination with creation of "United Nations" 1946 William Joyce is executed, his last words: "In death as in this life, I defy the Jews who caused this last war: and I defy the power of...
... encouraging all national governments to be destroyed to make way for a one-world government to be run by the UN President Harry S. Truman in his diary writes that Jews care not how any other people get murdered or mistreated as (post war) displaced persons as long as the Jews get special treatment 1948 The Rothschilds' bribe President Harry S. Truman with two million dollars to recognise Israel as a...
... their statements, charges are to be brought against them for making false statements 1936 The increase in anti-Semitism in Germany: "it was Jewish help that brought USA into the War" (WWI) With regard to the increase in anti-Semitism in Germany, Samuel Landman (at the time, secretary to the World Zionist Organisation), in his 1936 book, "Great Britain, The Jews, and Palestine," states the following of...
... the United States entry into World War 1, "The fact that it was Jewish help that brought USA into the War on the side of the Allies has rankled ever since in German - especially Nazi - minds, and has contributed in no small measure to the prominence which anti-Semitism occupies in the Nazi programme." Louis T. McFadden, one of the staunchest critics of the Federal Reserve and the Jewish criminal...
..., so disgusted with Britain's subservience to the Jews that he would defect to Germany just before World War 2, and broadcast a radio program from there trying to wake up the British people to the enemy in their midst, stated this year, "Britain and Germany, particularly with the assistance of Italy, can form against Bolshevism and international finance, twin Jewish manifestations, a bulwark much too...
... just don't know. Not till after the war anyway." And the war would start in two years. How did he know about the war? On April 28th in an article published in the Daily Express, twenty-seven year old Lord Victor Rothschild also demonstrates how prophetic he is when asked by reporter, W. Hickey, where he intended to live when the lease on his Piccadilly home ran out. He replied, "Nowhere probably, I...
... just don't know. Not till after the war anyway." It would be two and a half years before World War 2 would start, yet, naturally, he already knew the war was coming. Rear Admiral Henry Hamilton Beamish: In 1848 the word, "anti-Semitic," was invented by the Jews to prevent the use of the word, "Jew." Now he has got you absolutely by the throat - that is your reward On October 30th, Rear Admiral Henry...
... treated as the papers allege, was that any reason for millions in Britain to lose their lives in a war with Germany? How many minorities had been badly treated in how many countries since the war without any protest from press or politicians?... Why was it only when Jews were the people affected that we had any demand for war with the country concerned? There was only one answer. That today Jewish...
... finance controlled the press and political system of Britain. If you criticise a Jew at home then gaol threatens you. If others touch a Jew abroad - then war threatens them." Rabbi Stephen Wise, the President of both the American Jewish Congress and the World Jewish Congress: "I am not an American citizen of the Jewish faith. I am a Jew" Rabbi Stephen Wise, the President of both the American Jewish...
... calls the Jewish people a race and we are a race." 1939 I.G. Farben the leading producer of chemicals in the world dramatically increases its production. This increased production is almost exclusively used to arm Germany for World War 2 I.G. Farben the leading producer of chemicals in the world and largest German producer of steel dramatically increases its production. This increased production is...
... almost exclusively used to arm Germany for World War 2. This company is controlled by the Rothschilds' and goes on to use Jews and other disaffected peoples as slave labour in concentration camps This company is controlled by the Rothschilds' and goes on to use Jews and other disaffected peoples as slave labour in concentration camps. Interestingly, I.G. Farben also created Zyklon B gas that it will...
... released from the grip of the Jewish usurer and measures taken to ensure that it should, 'remain permanently in the possession of one family, handed down from father to son.'" The Jews could not let this continue as they knew that it would spell the death of their debt driven money system and so World War 2 starts The Jews could not let this continue as they knew that it would spell the death of their...
... debt driven money system and so World War 2 starts this year, in earnest. This is not a war between Germany and the Allies, it is a war between Germany and the Jewish money power This war is about one thing, which money system would survive. This is not a war between Germany and the Allies, it is a war between Germany and the Jewish money power who are in control of the Allied leadership and use them...
... Zionist point of view. There will not be a supporter of the Arabs who can advance their point of view." On August 15th, less than three months later, Anthony Crossley will be killed in action off the coast of Denmark, having joined the British Armed Forces soon after the outbreak of World War 2. 1940 Hansjurgen Koehler about Adolf Hitler's grandmother: "A little servant girl came to Vienna and became a...
... successes had been the emigration of Jews to Palestine, something which was also one of the Rothschilds' main aims. The Rothschilds' knew that a country without a population would be meaningless. Furthermore, the propaganda the Jews got out of the Second World War advanced the Rothschilds' program of Jewish supremacism more significantly than any other event in history. William Joyce: "a supreme contempt...
... manifest themselves in every land that the Jew inhabits." 1941 President Roosevelt takes America into the Second World War by refusing to sell Japan any more steel scrap or oil knowing it would cause Japan to attack America President Roosevelt President Roosevelt takes America into the Second World War by refusing to sell Japan any more steel scrap or oil. Japan is in the midst of a war against China and...
... without that scrap steel and oil, Japan knows they will be unable to continue that war. Roosevelt in turn knows this economic boycott would provoke the Japanese to attack America, which they subsequently did at Pearl Harbor. Interestingly, back in 1939, President Roosevelt tried his hardest to railroad The United States into the war in Europe to accommodate the Jews in the United States, and the world...
.... Interestingly the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) never criticizes any of the Bush family for this. The Jewish Chronicle: "We have been at war with Hitler since the first day that he gained power" On May 8th, the Jewish Chronicle runs an editorial in which they state boastfully, "We have been at war with Hitler since the first day that he gained power." Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Jewish Congress...
...: "this war is our war and that it is waged for the liberation of Jewry" Indeed, on December 3rd, Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Jewish Congress, makes the following statement in New York, "We are not denying and we are not afraid to confess, this war is our war and that it is waged for the liberation of Jewry... stronger than all fronts together is our front, that of Jewry. We are not only...
... giving this war our financial support on which the entire war production is based. We are not only providing our full propaganda power which is the moral energy that keeps this war going. The guarantee of victory is predominantly based on weakening the enemy forces, on destroying them within their own country, within the resistance. And we are the Trojan horse in the enemy's fortress. Thousands of...
... masterminds another successful assassination this year against the United Nations representative in the Middle East, Count Folke Bernadotte who, although he had secured the release of 21,000 prisoners from German camps during World War II, was seen by Yitzak Shamir and his terrorist collaborators as an anti-Zionist. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank are approved In Bretton Woods, New...
... creator, J. Robert Oppenheimer, a Rothschild, states in wonder, "I am become Death, the Destroyer of worlds." He is right, within the month, subsequent detonations over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, result in the deaths of 140,000 people in Hiroshima and 80,000 in Nagasaki. The end of World War 2. the Rothschild controlled I.G. Farben plants were specifically not targeted in the bombing raids on...
... Germany The end of World War 2. It is reported that the Rothschild controlled I.G. Farben plants were specifically not targeted in the bombing raids on Germany. Interestingly at the end of the war, whilst parts of Germany lay in ruins, they were found to have only sustained 15% damage. The tribunals held at the end of the Second World War, to investigate Nazi War Crimes, censor any materials recording...
... Western assistance to Hitler, such as that of Prescott Bush The tribunals held at the end of the Second World War, to investigate Nazi War Crimes, censor any materials recording Western assistance to Hitler, such as that of Prescott Bush. The Rothschilds' take a giant step towards their goal of world domination with creation of "United Nations" The Rothschilds' take a giant step towards their goal of...
... world domination when their third overt attempt at World Government, the second, "League of Nations," which is called the, "United Nations," is approved this year. 1946 William Joyce is executed, his last words: "In death as in this life, I defy the Jews who caused this last war: and I defy the power of Darkness which they represent" On January 3rd, William Joyce is executed. As he awaits his...
... execution he makes his last statement, "In death as in this life, I defy the Jews who caused this last war: and I defy the power of Darkness which they represent. I warn the British people against the aggressive Imperialism of the Soviet Union. May Britain be great once again; and, in the hour of the greatest danger to the West, may the standard of the Hakenkreuz (Swastika) be raised from the dust...
... The British who prior to world war 2 declared that there would be no more immigration of Jews to Palestine in order to protect the Palestinians from their acts of terror against both them and british soldiers, transfer control of Palestine to the United Nations. The United Nations resolve to have Palestine partitioned into two states, one Jewish and one Arab, with Jerusalem to remain as an...
... that Jews care not how any other people get murdered or mistreated as (post war) displaced persons as long as the Jews get special treatment In his diary of July 21st, President Harry S. Truman makes the following entry, "The Jews have no sense of proportion, nor do they have any judgement on world affairs. The Jews, I find, are very, very selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns...
..., Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as (post war) displaced persons as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power - physical, financial or political - neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the underdog." 1948 The Rothschilds' bribe President Harry S. Truman with two million dollars to recognise Israel as a sovereign state...
... as they are sleeping peacefully in the Arab village of Deir Yassin. In an effort to prevent outside observers discovering the brutality of their war crimes, they try to burn some of the bodies, but when that proves unsatisfactory, they stuff some in a well to hide them from the Red Cross representatives who arrive on the scene the next day and would subsequently tell the world. Indeed reports from...
... series of Jewish genocidal war crimes, the Jews now control 78% of the former Palestine as oppose to the 57% that had already been given to them illegally by the Jewish controlled United Nations. The Arabs, many of them Christians, would never be paid compensation for their homes, property and businesses stolen from them during this genocide, and as a result these people end up in slum refugee cities...
.... And if Egypt still dared to make war on us, we would bomb Port Said, Alexandria and Cairo. We should thus end the war and would have put paid to Egypt, Assyria and Chaldea on behalf of our ancestors." The Allied Commissions of Inquiry have so far established that no people were killed by poison gas in the following concentration camps On October 1st, Commander Anton Muller and his second-in-command...
..., Natzweiler, Neuengamme, Niederhagen (Wewelsburg), Ravensbruck, Sachsenhausen, Stutthof, Theresienstadt. In those cases, it has been possible to prove that confessions had been extracted by torture, and that testimonies were false. This must be taken into account when conducting investigations and interrogations with respect to war crimes. The result of this investigation should be brought to the cognizance...
... existence of the regime set up in Palestine by the Zionists Now, when United States troops appear in the Middle East to fight with the Zionists, the United States will trigger World War III The Arab nations called a meeting and there they decided to resurrect, or reactivate, the government of Palestine The Zionists and their co-religionists have complete control of our government World War I broke out in...
... the summer of 1914 Germany, while winning the war, offered England a negotiated peace on what the lawyers call a status quo ante basis The Zionists in London went to the British war cabinet and offered to bring the United States into the war if they are promised Palestine which did not belong to Britain England had no right to promise Palestine British make that promise, and the United States, while...
... being totally pro-German, enter the war because of Jewish controll of the press Massive campaign in the U.S. media against Germany begins and shortly after that, Mr. Wilson declared war on Germany The United States participated had absolutely no reason to be in that war Balfour Declaration - just as phony as a three dollar bill After the war, at the Paris Peace Conference, attended by 117 Jews, headed...
... half of one percent of Germany were Jews. And yet, they controlled all of the press, they controlled most of the economy When Germany refused to surrender to the World Conference of Jews, Jews declare a "Holy War" against Germany Jews declare a boycott against Germany In 1938, a young Jew from Poland walked into the German embassy in Paris and shot one of the officials, which was a provacation to...
... communist country What is "Jew"? In 1345, Wycliffe first translated Bible into English The word 'Jew' first appeared in the 18th century There was no such thing as Judaism 'Anti-Semitic' abracadabra. The only Semites in the world are the Arabs The premise that all the Jews are loyal to each other is wrong Attempt to abolish Kol Nidre nearly caused a civil war. Kol Nidre gives us a grip on our people The...
... their homeland [the Arab Palestinians] aggression? Introduction Willard Hotel Ladies and gentlemen, you are about to hear a very frightening speech. This speech is an explanation of the plans now being laid to throw the United States into a third world war. It was made a short time ago before a large group in the Congressional Room of the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C. Both the speech and the...
... United States troops appear in the Middle East to fight with the Zionists, the United States will trigger World War III Now, when United States troops appear in the Middle East to fight with the Zionists as their allies to prevent the return of these people who were evicted from their homes in the 1948 armed insurrection by the Zionists who were transplanted there from Eastern Europe... when that...
... happens, the United States will trigger World War III. You say, when will that take place? The answer is, as soon as the difficulty between France and Algeria has been settled, that will take place. As soon as France and Algeria have been settled, that will take place. As soon as France and Algeria have settled their difficulty, and the Arab world, or the Moslem world, has no more war on their hands...
... with France, they are going to move these people back into their homes, and when they do that and President Kennedy sends your sons to fight over there to help the crooks hold on to what they stole from innocent men, women and children, we will trigger World War III; and when that starts you can be sure we cannot emerge from that war a victor. We are going to lose that war because there is not one...
... nation in the world that will let one of their sons fight with us for such a cause. I know and speak to these ambassadors in Washington and the United Nations — and of the ninety-nine nations there, I've consulted with maybe seventy of them — and when we go to war in Palestine to help the thieves retain possession of what they have stolen from these innocent people we're not going to have a...
... what is termed the Bandung Conference Group. That includes the Soviet Union and every Soviet Union satellite. It includes Red China; it includes every independent country in Asia and Africa; or eighty percent of the world's total population. Eighty percent of the world's population. Four out of five human beings on the face of the earth will be our enemies at war with us. And not alone are they four...
... while you were — I don't want to wear that out — let me show what happened while WE were all asleep. I'm including myself with you. We were all asleep. What happened? World War I broke out in the summer of 1914 World War I broke out in the summer of 1914. Nineteen-hundred and fourteen was the year in which World War One broke out. There are few people here my age who remember that. Now...
... that war was waged on one side by Great Britain, France, and Russia; and on the other side by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey. What happened? Within two years Germany had won that war: not alone won it nominally, but won it actually. The German submarines, which were a surprise to the world, had swept all the convoys from the Atlantic Ocean, and Great Britain stood there without ammunition for...
... her soldiers, stood there with one week's food supply facing her — and after that, starvation. At that time, the French army had mutinied. They lost 600,000 of the flower of French youth in the defense of Verdun on the Somme. The Russian army was defecting. They were picking up their toys and going home, they didn't want to play war anymore, they didn't like the Czar. And the Italian army had...
... collapsed. Germany, while winning the war, offered England a negotiated peace on what the lawyers call a status quo ante basis Now Germany — not a shot had been fired on the German soil. Not an enemy soldier had crossed the border into Germany. And yet, here was Germany offering England peace terms. They offered England a negotiated peace on what the lawyers call a status quo ante basis. That means...
...: “Let's call the war off, and let everything be as it was before the war started. ” Well, England, in the summer of 1916 was considering that. Seriously! They had no choice. It was either accepting this negotiated peace that Germany was magnanimously offering them, or going on with the war and being totally defeated. The Zionists in London went to the British war cabinet and offered to bring...
... the United States into the war if they are promised Palestine which did not belong to Britain While that was going on, the Zionists in Germany, who represented the Zionists from Eastern Europe, went to the British War Cabinet and — I am going to be brief because this is a long story, but I have all the documents to prove any statement that I make if anyone here is curious, or doesn't believe...
... what I'm saying is at all possible — the Zionists in London went to the British war cabinet and they said: “ Look here. You can yet win this war. You don't have to give up. You don't have to accept the negotiated peace offered to you now by Germany. You can win this war if the United States will come in as your ally.” The United States was not in the war at that time. We were fresh...
...; we were young; we were rich; we were powerful. They [Zionists] told England: "We will guarantee to bring the United States into the war as your ally, to fight with you on your side, if you will promise us Palestine after you win the war." In other words, they made this deal: “We will get the United States into this war as your ally. The price you must pay us is Palestine after you have won...
... the war and defeated Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey.” England had no right to promise Palestine Now England had as much right to promise Palestine to anybody, as the United States would have to promise Japan to Ireland for any reason whatsoever. It's absolutely absurd that Great Britain — that never had any connection or any interest or any right in what is known as Palestine...
... — should offer it as coin of the realm to pay the Zionists for bringing the United States into the war. British make that promise, and the United States, while being totally pro-German, enter the war because of Jewish controll of the press However, they made that promise, in October of 1916. October, nineteen hundred and sixteen. And shortly after that — I don't know how many here remember...
... didn't like the Czar, and they didn't want Russia to win this war. So the German bankers — the German-Jews — Kuhn Loeb and the other big banking firms in the United States refused to finance France or England to the extent of one dollar. They stood aside and they said: “As long as France and England are tied up with Russia, not one cent!” But they poured money into Germany, they...
... fought with Germany against Russia, trying to lick the Czarist regime. Massive campaign in the U.S. media against Germany begins and shortly after that, Mr. Wilson declared war on Germany Now those same Jews, when they saw the possibility of getting Palestine, they went to England and they made this deal. At that time, everything changed, like the traffic light that changes from red to green. Where the...
... newspapers had been all pro-German, where they'd been telling the people of the difficulties that Germany was having fighting Great Britain commercially and in other respects, all of a sudden the Germans were no good. They were villains. They were Huns. They were shooting Red Cross nurses. They were cutting off babies' hands. And they were no good. Well, shortly after that, Mr. Wilson declared war on...
... Germany. The Zionists in London sent these cables to the United States, to Justice Brandeis: “Go to work on President Wilson. We're getting from England what we want. Now you go to work, and you go to work on President Wilson and get the United States into the war." And that did happen. That's how the United States got into the war. We had no more interest in it; we had no more right to be in it...
... than we have to be on the moon tonight instead of in this room. The United States participated had absolutely no reason to be in that war Now the war — World War One — in which the United States participated had absolutely no reason to be our war. We went in there — we were railroaded into it — if I can be vulgar, we were suckered into — that war merely so that the...
... Zionists of the world could obtain Palestine. Now, that is something that the people in the United States have never been told. They never knew why we went into World War One. Now, what happened? Balfour Declaration - just as phony as a three dollar bill After we got into the war, the Zionists went to Great Britain and they said: “Well, we performed our part of the agreement. Let's have something...
... in writing that shows that you are going to keep your bargain and give us Palestine after you win the war.” Because they didn't know whether the war would last another year or another ten years. So they started to work out a receipt. The receipt took the form of a letter, and it was worded in very cryptic language so that the world at large wouldn't know what it was all about. And that was...
... called the Balfour Declaration. The Balfour Declaration was merely Great Britain's promise to pay the Zionists what they had agreed upon as a consideration for getting the United States into the war. So this great Balfour Declaration, that you hear so much about, is just as phony as a three dollar bill. And I don't think I could make it more emphatic than that. After the war, at the Paris Peace...
... Conference, attended by 117 Jews, headed by Bernard Baruch, they present this phony Balfour Declaration Now, that is where all the trouble started. The United States went in the war. The United States crushed Germany. We went in there, and it's history. You know what happened. Now, when the war was ended, and the Germans went to Paris, to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, there were 117 Jews there, as a...
... Germans, this Balfour Declaration. So the Germans, for the first time realized, “Oh, that was the game! That's why the United States came into the war. ” And the Germans for the first time realized that they were defeated, they suffered this terrific reparation that was slapped onto them, because the Zionists wanted Palestine and they were determined to get it at any cost. Germans realized...
... question about that. Now, the Germans felt: “Well, that was quite a sellout.” It was a sellout that I can best compare — suppose the United States was at war today with the Soviet Union. And we were winning. And we told the Soviet Union: “Well, let's quit. We offer you peace terms. Let's forget the whole thing. ” And all of a sudden Red China came into the war as an ally of...
... the Soviet Union. And throwing them into the war brought about our defeat. A crushing defeat, with reparations the likes of which man's imagination cannot encompass. Imagine, then, after that defeat, if we found out that it was the Chinese in this country, our Chinese citizens, who all the time we thought they were loyal citizens working with us, were selling us out to the Soviet Union and that it...
... was through them that Red China was brought into the war against us. How would we feel, in the United States against Chinese? I don't think that one of them would dare show his face on any street. There wouldn't be lampposts enough, convenient, to take care of them. Imagine how we would feel. Well, that's how the Germans felt towards these Jews. "We've been so nice to them"; and from 1905 on, when...
... you read about in connection with Zionism today — they, in 1919, 1920, '21, '22, and '23, they wrote in all their papers — and the press was filled with their statements — that "the feeling against the Jews in Germany is due to the fact that they realized that this great defeat was brought about by our intercession and bringing the United States into the war against them." The Jews...
... shades and said “Shema' Yisrael” or “Our Father.” No one cared in Germany any more than they do in the United States. Now this feeling that developed later in Germany was due to one thing: that the Germans held the Jews responsible for their crushing defeat, for no reason at all, because World War One was started against Germany for no reason for which they [Germans] were...
... Jews in Germany took over the government for three days. In fact, when the Kaiser ended the war, he fled to Holland because he thought the Communists were going to take over Germany as they did Russia, and that he was going to meet the same fate that the Czar did in Russia. So he left and went to Holland for safety and for security. Now, at that time, when the Communist threat in Germany was quashed...
... economy, because they had come in and with cheap money — you know the way the Mark was devalued — they bought up practically everything. When Germany refused to surrender to the World Conference of Jews, Jews declare a "Holy War" against Germany Well, in 1933 when Germany refused to surrender, mind you, to the World Conference of Jews in Amsterdam, they broke up and Mr. Untermeyer came back...
... to the United States — who was the head of the American delegation and the president of the whole conference — and he went from the steamer to ABC and made a radio broadcast throughout the United States in which he said: "The Jews of the world now declare a Holy War against Germany. We are now engaged in a sacred conflict against the Germans. And we are going to starve them into...
... they were responsible: number one, for World War One; number two, for this world-wide boycott, and number three — did I say for World War One, they were responsible? For the boycott — and also for World War II, because after this thing got out of hand, it was absolutely necessary for the Jews and Germany to lock horns in a war to see which one was going to survive. Germany starts to rearm...
... dollars of your money for defense, they say. Defense against whom? Defense against 40,000 little Jews in Moscow that took over Russia, and then, in their devious ways, took over control of many other governments of the world. Now, for this country to now be on the verge of a Third World War, from which we cannot emerge a victor, is something that staggers my imagination. I know that nuclear bombs are...
... of the Soviet Union have. So, what do we face now? If we trigger a world war that may develop into a nuclear war, humanity is finished. And why will it take place? It will take place because Act III... the curtain goes up on Act III. Act I was World War I. Act II was World War II. Act III is going to be World War III. The Jews of the world, the Zionists and their co-religionists everywhere, are...
... determined that they are going to again use the United States to help them permanently retain Palestine as their foothold for their world government. Now, that is just as true as I am standing here, because not alone have I read it, but many here have read it, and it's known all over the world. Now, what are we going to do? The life you save may be your son's. Your boys may be on their way to that war...
... tonight; and you you don't know it any more than you knew that in 1916 in London the Zionists made a deal with the British War Cabinet to send your sons to war in Europe. Did you know it at that time? Not a person in the United States knew it. You weren't permitted to know it. Who knew it? President Wilson knew it. Colonel House knew it. Others knew it. Did I know it? I had a pretty good idea of what...
... they got us into World War I, while we all slept. Now, at this moment... at this moment they may be planning this World War III, in which we don't stand a chance even if they don't use nuclear bombs. How can the United States — about five percent of the world — go out and fight eighty to ninety percent of the world on their home ground? How can we do it... send our boys over there to be...
... reduce this so you don't get too confused about the history of Eastern Europe — they set up this big Khazar kingdom: 800,000 square miles. Only, there was no Russia, there were no other countries, and the Khazar kingdom was the biggest country in all Europe — so big and so powerful that when the other monarchs wanted to go to war, the Khazars would lend them 40,000 soldiers. That's how big...
... — you'd start to call black white. And nobody could blame you. Now, that is one of the great lies... that is the foundation of all the misery that has befallen the world. Because after two wars fought in Europe — World War I and World War II — if it wasn't possible for them to live in peace and harmony with the people in Europe, like their brethren are living in the United States...
... naturally bribed them, shut them up with money, stuffed their mouths with money, and now... I don't care whether you know all this or not. It doesn't make any difference to me whether you know all these facts or not, but it does make a difference to me. I've got, in my family, boys that will have to be in the next war, and I don't want them to go and fight and die... like they died in Korea. Like they...
... died in Japan. Like they've died all over the world. For what? To help crooks hold on to what they stole from innocent people who had been in peaceful possession of that land, those farms, those homes for hundreds and maybe thousands of years? Is that why the United States must go to war? Because the Democratic Party wants New York State — the electoral vote? Illinois, the electoral vote? And...
... premise that all the Jews are loyal to each other is wrong. Because, the Eastern European Jews outnumber all the rest by so many that they create the impression that they are the Jewish 'race'; that they are the Jewish nation; that they are the Jewish people... and the Christians swallow it like a cream puff. Attempt to abolish Kol Nidre nearly caused a civil war. Kol Nidre gives us a grip on our people...
... But in 1844 the German rabbis called a conference of rabbis from all over the world for the purpose of abolishing the Kol Nidre from the Day of Atonement religious ceremony. In Brunswick, Germany, where that conference was held in 1844, there was almost a terrific riot. A civil war. The Eastern Europeans said, "What the hell. We should give up Kol Nidre? That gives us our grip on our people. We give...
...THE NAMELESS WAR - President Roosevelt's Role...
... President Roosevelt's Role President Roosevelt's Role Archibald Maule Ramsay The Nameless War In my Statement to the Speaker and Members of the House of Commons concerning my detention (see Appendix 1) I summed up at the end of Part 1, the considerations which led me to inspect the secret U.S. Embassy papers at Mr. Tyler Kent's flat in the last weeks of Mr. Chamberlain's Premiership. The first...
..., though not apparent, centre of their activities. It was not until 1948 that corroborative evidence of the foregoing from unimpeachable American sources came into my hands; but when it did come, however, the authentic and fully documented character of the work left nothing to be desired. I refer to the book by Professor Charles Beard entitled President Roosevelt and the Coming of the War 1941, which was...
... published by the Yale University Press in April 1948. This book, which comes with all the authority of its eminent author, is nothing less than a tremendous indictment of President Roosevelt on three main issues. Firstly, that he got himself elected on the strength of repeated promises, to the effect that he would keep the U.S.A. out of any European war; secondly, that he incessantly and flagrantly...
... disregarded not only his promises to the American people, but all the laws of neutrality; thirdly, that at a predetermined moment he deliberately converted this cold war, which he had been conducting, into a shooting war, by sending the Japanese an ultimatum, which no one could imagine could result in anything but immediate war. From many instances given relating to the first issue, I quote one: "At Boston...
... speeches, he was treating international laws of neutrality with total disregard, and in the interests only of those who were fighting the Jews' battles. The two main forms of non-shooting intervention were the convoying of U.S. ships of ammunition and supplies for the allies, and the Lend Lease Act. Whatever be our sentiments in appreciating the help of the U.S. arsenals and navy under these two cold war...
... . . . to sell her supplies and convoy them is another thing, to have actual war is the last thing — the last thing is inevitable from the first thing!" Representative Hugh Paterson, of Georgia, said: "It is a measure of aggressive war." Representative Dewey Short, of Missouri, said: "You cannot be half-way in war, and half-way out of war . . . You can dress this measure up all you please (Lend-Lease...
...), you can sprinkle it with perfume and pour powder on it . . . but it is still foul and stinks to high heaven." Representative Philip Bennett, of Missouri, declared: "This conclusion is inescapable, that the President is reconciled to active military intervention if such intervention is needed to defeat the Axis in this war. But our boys are not going to be sent abroad, says the President. Nonsense...
..., Mr Chairman; even now their berths are being built in our transport ships. Even now the tags for identification of the dead and wounded are being printed by the firm of William C. Ballantyne and Co., of Washington." Professor Beard proves the third point at great length, showing how at the appropriate moment President Roosevelt forced the Japanese into war by an ultimatum demanding instant...
... warrant . . . first that no Japanese Cabinet 'liberal or reactionary,' could have accepted the provisions." and again later: "The Japanese agent regarded the American memorandum as a kind of ultimatum. This much at least Secretary Hull knew on November 26th." Thus was the period of maximum intervention short of a shooting war terminated, and a save-face forged for Roosevelt to ship U.S. boys overseas...
... without apparently breaking the spirit of his many promises. As the war proceeded the real policy and sympathies of the President became more and more apparent. His deception of the British and their Allies was no less flagrant than his deception of the American people. As Professor Beard points out on page 576:- "The noble principles of the Four Freedoms, and the Atlantic Charter were for practical...
... purposes discarded in the settlements, which accompanied the progress and followed the conclusion of the war. To the validity of this statement the treatment of the people of Esthonia, Lithuania, Poland, Roumania, Yugoslavia, China, Indo-China, Indonesia, Italy, Germany and other places of the earth bear witness." Some great driving force was clearly at work to induce a President of the United States so...
... to act. We have seen from a previous chapter that it was not the preservation of the British Empire, nor the French Empire, nor the Dutch, that swayed the President. On the contrary, he had advised his ardent lieutenant, Mr. Churchill, at an early stage in the cold war that these must be liquidated. It was not Europe, nor the countries of Europe, nor their liberties, nor rights under the Atlantic...
... Charter of Four Freedoms which weighed with him. We know now that the British and American armies were actually halted by General Ike Eisenhower under Mr. Roosevelt's rulings at the Yalta Conference, so that the Red Army of Jewish Bolshevism might overflow half Europe and occupy Berlin. To quote again from Professor Beard: "As a consequence of the war called necessary to overthrow Hitler's despotism...
... are under moral obligation to uphold it. For limited Government under supreme law they may substitute personal and arbitrary government — the first principle of the totalitarian system against which it has been alleged that World War II was waged-while giving lip service to the principle of constitutional government." When we reflect upon the astounding contents of Professor Beard's book, and...
... consider them in conjunction with the revelations in Colonel Roosevelt's As He Saw It, the question arises: whom, and which interests did President Roosevelt not betray. To this query I can only see one answer, namely, those people and their interests who planned from the start the use of United States arsenals and Forces to prosecute a war which would annihilate a Europe which had freed itself from...
...) financed the war of Japan against Czarist Russia Our unity today is Herzl's legacy to the Jewish people Liberating the enslaved nations, the West would inevitably deprive Jewry of the Eastern half of its world power International Workers of the World (IWW) starts promoting violence and trouble in U.S. 1905 Abortive Revolution in Russia, led by Sidney Hillman, financed by Rothschilds and Jacob H. Schiff...
... divide the world petroleum markets Schiff's firm subscribed for and floated the large Japanese war loan in 1904-1905 The Rothschilds financed ALLIANCE ISRAELITE UNIVERSELLE, published in Russia 1907 Poale Zion - was organized in the U.S. Another great crisis - a run on the banks, from which they emerged incomparably more powerful 1908 The Socialists financed by the International Banking group said they...
... Government of respective nations" and have become the subjects of a Power unseen 1911 Mr. Paul Warbur and the powerful German banking house of M. Warburg and Company Rothschilds wanted World War I delayed (They needed our Federal Reserve Act to finance World Wars.) The International Group running the Carnegie Foundation "discussed the advantages of changing our government and institutions through war" The...
... war to embitter and deliberately poison the English mind against Germany than any other agency 1913 President Wilson: "we know that something intervenes between the people of the U. S. and the control of their own affairs at Washington" The Hidden Hand put across five related items in 1913 1914 As Zionists pushed England into WWI... Paul M. Warburg: "I only decided to become a citizen after I was...
... convinced the U. S. money system would be reformed" Five men who were later to head various governments met as members of the International Socialist Bureau of the Second International! Trotsky was introduced and recommended to Kuhn, Loeb & Co Jews are capturing the principal newspapers of America At the start of World War I, Edmond Rothschild told Dr. Chaim Weizmann that "It would spread to the Middle...
...: "Assimilation [of Jews] is national suicide" 1915 Bernard Baruch finances soldiers to fight in a war which Baruch said he knew was 'certain' 1916 Louis D. Brandeis was confirmed as Supreme Court Justice. "Brandeis was regarded by Wilson as the man to whom he owed his career." Putting Brandeis on the Supreme Court was the price the American public paid! A revolution was being fomented in Russia by Jewish...
... Governmental privileges Jacob H. Schiff, the leader of Zionists, finances the complete rewriting of the Bible The conspirators got the United States to declare World War I on Germany Revolutionaries in Russia make it a crime for any comrade to utter a single word of reproach against the Jews Between 1917 and 1938, more than 20 million Christians were murdered by the Communistic government in Russia Since...
... 1917, Red Russia has been the land base for the conspirators 1918 A Jewish Palestine must become a war aim for America International Bankers financed Lenin and Trotsky (Bronstein) The United States Secret Service named the persons who financed the Bolsheviks in 1916 Bernard Baruch: "We are living in a highly organized state of socialism" The First World War brought to Edward Rothschild more than one...
... hundred billion dollars of profit Bolshevist revolutionaries in Russia murdered adults and children of the royal family Bernard Baruch: "I had more power than any other man in the war" 1919 The world will be governed by the Anglo-Saxon people, who in turn are swayed by their Jewish elements The great inflation of 1919 was deliberately created by the Federal Reserve Council of Foreign Relations was...
... launched by Rothschild and Rockefeller Versailles Peace Treaty made a subsequent World War inevitable Three-fourths of the Bolshevist leaders during Russian revolution are Jewish Jews have at last seized power in Russia Potent international financial interests were at work to immediately recognize the Bolshevists in Russia Among the 545 leading Bolshevik officials there were 377 Jews The German people...
... were robbed and weakened by inflation British War Cabinet lists Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and other Zionist bankers who financed Red Russian Revolution Third International was organized by Zionists It is very largely our fault that Bolshevism has spread The prime movers for the Bolshevists were Jacob Schiff, Warburg and other international financiers Trotsky was furnished large sums of money in America...
... adviser on industry and resources The U.S. was forced into WWI by Zionists and their bankers Jewish hopes for the future depend on the League of Nations and the British Government "Peace" Conference in Paris in 1919 made the resumption of war inevitable The Communist exploitation of the United States via illegal immigration "The first World War gave us Russia, while the Second World War will hand Europe...
... to us" Events That Have Confirmed the Research Summarized in the Preceding Manuscript Five million dollars worth of research by the late Henry Ford The Outline is consistent with the PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION By manipulations involving the First World War and the Second World War, the Jews were able to create the counterfeit State of Israel Ben-Gurion: "We shall make of this the...
... on his hands Note later item in 1914. Between 1900 and WWI, the U.S. was flooded by large waves of immigration from Eastern Europe Between 1900 and the outbreak of World War I (1914), the United States was flooded by large waves of immigration from Eastern Europe. 1901 President William McKinley killed by the Zionists for refusing to be a stooge for the International Bankers Because President...
... continue the work it has begun with its generous offer to the Sixth (Zionist) Congress in 1903. "And if you ask me now what has Israel to do in Uganda, then ... let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward: Herzl, the Zionist (1897) Congress, the English Uganda proposition (1903), the future World War (1914-1918), the peace conference (1919...
... international banking firm) financed the war of Japan against Czarist Russia Kuhn Loeb & Co. (a Rothschild international banking firm) financed the war of Japan against Czarist Russia. (A planned revolution in Czarist Russia followed one year later.) Our unity today is Herzl's legacy to the Jewish people Chaim Weizmann commented as follows on Theodor Herzl's JUDENSTAAT: "Four years ago world Jewry was...
... Rothschilds helped finance, they had their termites in Russia destroy and sabotage the oil wells and refineries. It took many years to offset this tremendous sabotage. It handicapped Czarist Russia some years later when "Planned World War I" started. Intercollegiate Socialist Society formed. Felix Frankfurter, a founder. A copy of THE PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION was recorded in the British Museum A copy...
... the sum of #874,341. (Nearly $4,500,000 U.S.) The Jews have undoubtedly furnished the brains and energy in the revolution throughout Russia No wonder that Mr. George von Longerke Meyer, United States Ambassador to Russia during the Russo-Japanese War, stated in an official letter dated December 30, 1905, to Mr. Elihu Root, then U. S. Secretary of State, that: "The Jews have undoubtedly to a large...
... world petroleum markets. See ROTHSCHILD' AND ROCKEFELLERS: DEDICATED MONOPOLISTS, in the AMERICAN MERCURY, November 1958, p. 100. Schiff's firm subscribed for and floated the large Japanese war loan in 1904-1905 In the JEWISH ENCYCLOPAEDIA (1906), we read: "It (Schiff's firm) subscribed for and floated the large Japanese war loan in 1904-1905." THE ALIEN MENACE, p. 112. The Rothschilds financed...
... Banking group said they would "bury the whole capitalist system." The Socialists financed by the International Banking group said they would, in the future, "bury the whole capitalist system." On advice of the Rothschilds the Belgian Government acquires the Belgian Congo. Edward Seugier is sent to Elizabethtown. War, minerals and other reasons were mentioned later. Abraham Flexner became education...
..., the AJC and Federal Council of Churches were to work closely together on many projects. 1909 Walter Rathenau, Zionist, Financial Dictator of Germany: Only 300 men, each of whom knows all the others, govern the fate of Europe Walter Rathenau, Zionist, Financial Dictator of Germany, selected by International Bankers after World War I in THE WIERNER FREE PRESSE, December 25, 1909: "Only 300 men, each...
... Switzerland, which has been internationalized in peace and war alike, it pays no taxes, and it is above and beyond all law." (ALL THESE THINGS, by A. N. Field, p. 5.) Rothschilds wanted World War I delayed (They needed our Federal Reserve Act to finance World Wars.) Correspondence of the Rothschilds to the German Kaiser reveals Rothschilds wanted World War I delayed. (They needed our Federal Reserve Act to...
... finance World Wars.) (INTERNATIONAL JEW by Henry Ford, Sr., P. 204.) "Changing our government and institutions through war" The International Group running the Carnegie Foundation trustees' meeting "discussed the advantages of changing our government and institutions through war." (Later Alger Hiss was president of this "international" outfit.) The Jews ... had captured and controlled the larger part of...
... the German press "I felt constrained to point out (to Kaiser Wilhelm II on his last visit to England in 1911) that the Jews ... had captured and controlled the larger part of the German press. He did not dissent." Herbert Henry Asquith, Prime Minister of England 1908 - 1916. (THE GENESIS OF THE WAR, New York, 1923, p. 89.) The Zionist organization sent a German geologist, Professor Blankenhorn, to...
....) The Northcliffe (Jewish-owned) press... to deliberately poison the English mind against Germany "... The Northcliffe (Jewish-owned) press did more before and during the war to embitter and deliberately poison the English mind against Germany than any other agency." (Clinton Hartley Grattan.) 1913 Colonel E. Mandell House wrote a book, PHILIP DRU, ADMINISTRATOR David-Rex-Universe, See AMERICAN...
... graduated income tax and squandered by the internationalists through "their controlled government." Planned and promoted wars followed. 1914 As Zionists pushed England into WWI... As Zionists pushed England into war, U. S. had at the critical Constantinople post (Turkey) Henry Morgenthau, Sr., as Ambassador and Louis Einstein as its special minister. Paul M. Warburg: "I only decided to become a citizen...
... York ... Henry Coston, LES FINANCIERS QUI MENENT LE MONDE, Paris, 1955, p. 114. Jews are capturing the principal newspapers of America "One by one the Jews are capturing the principal newspapers of America ...". From letter of Sir Cecil Spring-Rice (British Ambassador to U.S.) to Sir Edward Grey (British Foreign Minister), November, 1914. At the start of World War I, Edmond Rothschild told Dr. Chaim...
... Weizmann that "It would spread to the Middle East" At the start of World War I, Edmond Rothschild told Dr. Chaim Weizmann that "It would spread to the Middle East, where things of great significance to Political Zionism would occur." (FAR AND WIDE, p. 285.) "Israel had won the WWI; they had made it, thrived on it, profited by it. It was their supreme revenge on Christianity." Colonel C. Repington...
... recounts a conversation he had (April 5, 1921) with Count Mensdorff, who was Austrian Ambassador in London in 1914, as follows: "Mensdorff thought that Israel had won the War; they had made it, thrived on it, profited by it. It was their supreme revenge on Christianity." (AFTER THE WAR, p. 155, Constable, 1922.) Lloyd George, a counsel for the Zionists in England, was made premier of the English...
... Government Lloyd George, who was counsel for the Zionists in England, was made premier of the English Government and chosen to "perform" during World War I. His secretary was Sir Philip Sassoon Rothschild. (AMERICAN MERCURY - KNOW - December, 1958.) Jews and white slavery "The part which Jews all over the world play in white slavery is one of the foulest blots on our people." (JEWISH WORLD, March 18, 1914...
... University.) 1915 Bernard Baruch finances soldiers to fight in a war which Baruch said he knew was 'certain' In 1915, while the U. S. was at peace, Bernard Baruch took part of his annual income of $2,000,000 to finance the training of soldiers to fight in a war which Baruch said he knew was 'certain." (AMERICAN MERCURY, October, 1956, p. 83.) 1916 Louis D. Brandeis was confirmed as Supreme Court Justice...
.... "Brandeis was regarded by Wilson as the man to whom he owed his career." After months of terrific battle in Congress, Louis D. Brandeis was confirmed as Supreme Court Justice. He is the uncle of Felix Frankfurter, who years later dominated the Supreme Court. Christopher Sykes, son of Sir Mark Sykes, (who was the Secretary of the British War Cabinet) wrote a book TWO STUDIES IN VIRTUE, and, referring to...
... planning was suppressed. (In 1938 the enemy got our Senate Military Affairs Committee to hold a similar conference. Senator Bridges said in the NEW YORK HERALD TRIBUNE, March 2, 1939, "If the American people ever learned what was said there - the nation would be shocked and stunned." (DEMOCRACY AND WORLD DOMINION, p. 312.) President Woodrow Wilson was re-elected on the slogan "He kept us out of war." (At...
... the same time, he and his foreign advisers were secretly taking steps to involve us in this unnecessary war.) 1917 The Bolshevist Revolution was not a revolution, but actually an invasion The Bolshevist Revolution was not, as it is called, a revolution, but actually an invasion. (DEMOCRACY AND WORLD DOMINION, p. 210.) Rabbi Stephen Wise: Russian revolution - the noblest Jewish achievement "I believe...
... Louis D. Brandeis - May 10. Jacob Schiff financed the enemies of autocratic Russia "The firm of Kuhn Loeb & Company floated the largest Japanese war loan of 1904-05 thus making possible the Japanese victory over Russia" ... "Jacob Schiff financed the enemies of autocratic Russia and used his financial influence to keep Russia from the money markets of the United States." Jacob Schiff determined to...
... body - should be granted Governmental privileges. "It was agreed that the War Office and the Foreign Office would send Zionist letters and telegrams by way of Embassies, Consulates or Headquarters." Jacob H. Schiff, the leader of Zionists, finances the complete rewriting of the Bible Jacob H. Schiff, the leader of Zionists, finances the complete rewriting of the Bible provided it is done under Jewish...
... auspices. See his book p. 63, VII, also AMERICAN MERCURY, July, 1958, p. 120. The conspirators got the United States to declare World War I on Germany On Good Friday, April 6, 1917, the conspirators got the United States to foolishly declare World War I on Germany and to become an ally of the Revolutionists who had invaded and now dominate Russia. (It was also on Good Friday, April 14, 1865 that Abraham...
..., Mercury's Opinion, p. 110.) 1918 A Jewish Palestine must become a war aim for America " ... I think that a Jewish Palestine must become a war aim for America ... " Letter of Dr. Chaim Weizmann to Justice Louis D. Brandeis, Supreme Court, dated January 14. International Bankers financed Lenin and Trotsky (Bronstein) Sixty-Fifth Congress, House Document 1868, Exhibit 243, "Paper Relating to Foreign...
... suppressed. But Israel (i.e., Zionism) must not disappear.") The First World War brought to Edward Rothschild more than one hundred billion dollars of profit The First World War brought to Edward Rothschild, and his associates, more than one hundred billion dollars of profit. (THE SECRET WORLD GOVERNMENT by Major General Count Cherep-Spiridovich.) Bolshevist revolutionaries in Russia murdered adults and...
... children of the royal family Bolshevist revolutionaries in Russia murdered adults and children of the royal family, and many others, thus launching their regime, in blood. Bernard Baruch: "I had more power than any other man in the war" Bernard Baruch, testifying at a Congressional inquiry, said: "I had more power than any other man in the war." U. S. Government paid Col. E. Mandell House $60,000 for...
...." See facts in reprint WEINBERG REPLACES BARUCH. Versailles Peace Treaty made a subsequent World War inevitable If you read THE INSIDE STORY OF THE PEACE CONFERENCE (Harpers) by Dr. E. J. Dillon, you will see the characters who put across the vicious Versailles Peace Treaty. It made a subsequent World War inevitable. In the new constitution recently adopted in the USSR we have another interesting...
... robbed and weakened by inflation The German people were robbed and weakened by inflation. As a result of the international bankers' conspiracy, it took a billion-mark stamp (5 billion pre-war dollars) to send one letter in Germany. British War Cabinet lists Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and other Zionist bankers who financed Red Russian Revolution British War Cabinet issues official "White Paper" listing Kuhn...
..., p. 149. General Ludendorff was Commander-in-Chief of the German Army in World War I. Library of Congress: D 359. L 86, 1939.) The same WWI, which brought about the world-wide recognition of Zionism, also brought about the fall of three anti-Jewish powers "The collapse of these three Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia) in their old form represents a considerable gain for the carrying on of...
... a Jewish national policy, and the fact that the same war, which brought about the world-wide recognition of Zionism, also brought about the fall of three anti-Jewish powers, is a unique coincidence which may well give cause for thought." (DER JUDE, Vol. 3, p. 449, Dr. Martin Buber, Publisher, Berlin 1918-1919.) The Communist Party was set up by Jews in the U. S. on September 1, 1919 The Communist...
... only 1/7th of the population at present are Jews." (FAR AND WIDE, p. 318.) The U.S. was forced into WWI by Zionists and their bankers In the hearings before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, Sixty-Sixth Congress, Document 106, p. 536, we quote: Senator McCumber questions President Woodrow Wilson: "Do you think if Germany had committed no act of war or no act of injustice...
... against our citizens that we would have gotten into this war?" President Wilson: "I do think so." Senator McCumber: "You think we would have gotten in anyway?" President Wilson: "I do." Poisonous propaganda started to flow into the minds of United States citizens. Jewish hopes for the future depend on the League of Nations and the British Government "Jewish hopes for the future depend on two linchpins...
... ... " (as above, p. 5.) "Peace" Conference in Paris in 1919 made the resumption of war inevitable "Peace" Conference in Paris in 1919 made the resumption of war inevitable, owing to its impossible financial clauses. At this conference the chief financial adviser to the German delegation was Dr. Carl Melchior, partner of Max Warburg, whose brothers Paul and Felix were partners of Jacob Schiff, in Kuhn...
..., Loeb & Co. The chief economic adviser to the American delegation was Bernard M. Baruch, the dictator of the all-powerful War Industries Board in America during the war and an associate in business of Jacob H. Schiff. The British economic delegation was headed by Lord Cunliffe, former Governor of the Bank of England and a partner in the international Jewish banking house of Goschen (ancestral city...
... the most serious and difficult problems confronting the Immigration and Naturalization Service ... Since the end of World War II, the problem of illegal entry has increased tremendously ... There is ample evidence that there is an alarmingly large number of aliens in the United States in an illegal status. Under the alien registration act of 1940 some 5,000,000 aliens were registered." (THE...
..., were arrested and released for want of adequate provisions for deporting them. As shown in Chapter II, "persons of Khazar background or traditions had entered the United States in large numbers in the waves of immigration between 1880 and the outbreak of World War I in 1914. "The Soviet seizure of Russia took place in 1917, however, and the hey-clay for Communist-inclined immigrants from Eastern...
... Europe was the five-year period between the end of World War I (1919) and the passage of the 1924 law restricting immigration. "Recorded immigrants to this country in that brief span of time amounted to approximately 3 million and large numbers of newcomers were from Eastern Europe." (THE IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA by John Beaty, p. 45.) "The first World War gave us Russia, while the Second World War...
... will hand Europe to us" Lenin said: "The first World War gave us Russia, while the Second World War will hand Europe to us." (Note the certainty of World War II. It came, "as planned" - 2O years later.) The urging of dual loyalty by Dr. Nahum Goldman, who is president of the World Zionist Movement and also president of the World Jewish Congress makes real Americans very concerned. (See AMERICAN...
... involving the First World War and the Second World War, the Jews were able to create the counterfeit State of Israel By manipulations involving the First World War and the Second World War, the Jews were able to steal $20,000,000,000.00 (Twenty Billion dollars) worth of real estate, drive millions of helpless Arabs - both Christian and Moslem - into a desert to starve, die and suffer and establish what...
.... Alexander Powell ALL THESE THINGS by A. N. Field THE GENESIS OF THE WAR, New York, 1923 THE ALIEN MENACE by Lt. Colonel A. H. Lane, Boswell Printing & Publishing Co., Ltd., 10 Essex St. Strand, London, W. C. 1, 1932 PHILIP DRU, ADMINISTRATOR by Col. E. Mandell House FAR AND WIDE by Douglas Reed, Jonathan Cape, 30 Bedford Square, London, 1951 THE HIDDEN EMPIRE, published in London AFTER THE WAR...
...THE NAMELESS WAR - "Phoney War" Ended by Civilian Bombing...
... "Phoney War" Ended by Civilian Bombing "Phoney War" Ended by Civilian Bombing Archibald Maule Ramsay The Nameless War Though a state of war was declared to exist between Britain and Germany in September of 1939, it very soon became apparent that no war was being conducted by Germany against this country. This was no surprise to those who knew the facts of the case. Hitler had...
... again and again made it clear, that he never intended to attack or harm Great Britain or the British Empire. With the Siegfried Line strongly held, and no German intention of appearing west of it, stalemate in the west, or the "Phoney War," as it came to be called, must, in the absence of bombing of civilian populations ultimately peter out altogether. No one was quicker to perceive this than the pro...
...-Jewish war mongers; and they and their friends inside and outside the House of Commons very soon began exerting pressure for this form of bombing of Germany to be started. On 14th January, 1940, The Sunday Times gave prominence to a letter from an anonymous correspondent, who demanded to know why we were not using our air power "to increase the effect of the blockade." "Scrutator," in the same issue...
... the spirit, if not the actual words of the pledges given from both sides at the beginning of the war." The above quotation is taken from a book entitled Bombing Vindicated, which was published in 1944 by Mr. J. M. Spaight, C.B., C.B.E., who was the principal assistant secretary at the Air Ministry during the war. As its title suggests, this book is an attempt to justify the indiscriminate use of...
... bombers against the civil population. In it Mr. Spaight boasts that this form of bombing "saved civilisation": and reveals the startling fact that it was Britain that started this ruthless form of war on the very evening of the day on which Mr. Churchill became Prime Minister, May 11th, 1940. On page 64 of his book, Mr. Spaight gives a further piece of information, which renders this sudden change of...
... word," Sir Duff Cooper's verbiage about "a kind of unwritten truce," seems to me gravely obscurantist, if honest. Inside the House of Commons, the pro-Jewish war mongers were now becoming more and more intransigent; and more and more set on sabotaging the chances of turning the "phoney war" into a negotiated peace. This in spite of the fact that Britain had nothing to gain by further and total war...
... course of that answer I said that whatever be the length to which others may go, H.M. Government will never resort to the deliberate attack on women and children, and other civilians, for purposes of mere terrorism. I have nothing to add to that answer." Both this question and the reply were evidently distasteful in the extreme to the war mongers, so I resolved to carry the matter a stage further. On...
... 21st February I put down another question on the subject: Captain Ramsay asked the Prime Minister: "Whether he is aware that the Soviet aeroplanes are carrying on a campaign of bombing civil populations, and whether H.M. Government have dispatched protests on the subject similar to those dispatched during the Civil War in Spain in similar circumstances?" Mr. Butler replied for the Prime Minister...
...: "Yes, Sir. The Soviet Air Forces have pursued a policy of indiscriminate bombing, which cannot be too strongly condemned. H.M. Government have not, however, lodged any protest, since there are unfortunately no grounds for supposing that such action would achieve the result desired." There can be little doubt but that these two downright answers crystallised the resolves of the war mongers to get rid...
... of a Prime Minister whose adherence to an upright and humane policy must inevitably frustrate their plans, seeing that Hitler wished no war with Britain, and would therefore never start civilian bombing himself. The machinery of intrigue and rebellion against Mr. Chamberlain was set in motion. Ultimately he was saddled with the blame for the Norway blunder; and this pretext was used by the...
... the Cattegat and Skaggerack it could not possibly succeed) it should have been the Minister responsible. He however was not only unbroken, he was acclaimed Prime Minister. The man who would tear up the British pledge of September 2nd, 1939, and start bombing the civilians of Germany was the man for the war mongers who now ruled the roost. And so civilian bombing [by England] started on the evening...
... Controversy of Zion - THE DECISIVE BATTLE Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. Index The Controversy of Zion Chapter 30 THE DECISIVE BATTLE Notes What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Chapter contents Resistance to the plan would be met by "universal war" Initial...
... failure of support for WWI in the USA A new Saviour when Palestine returns to Jews WWI - procuring Palestine for the Zionists Death of "Liberalism" in England The Zionists wanted Russia's destruction War propaganda begins Only the Judaized Khazars of Russia wanted possession of Palestine Jewish Homeland in Palestine and the organization of the world The "world federation" and the...
... League of Nations Zionism had its foot in every department of government State policy and of military operations in war deflected Give us Jerusalem as a Christmas box The 1914-1918 war was the first war of nations, as distinct from armies; the hands that directed it reached into every home in most European, and many non-European countries, This was a new thing in the world, but it was foretold by the...
... conspirators of Communism and Zionism. Resistance to the plan would be met by "universal war" The Protocols of 1905 said that resistance to the plan therein unfolded would be met by "universal war" ; Max Nordau in 1903 said that the Zionist ambition in Palestine would be achieved through "the coming world war". If such words were to be fulfilled, and thus to acquire the status...
... "design" in the early stages of the First World War; he fulfilled his function later. At its start the main objective was to gain control of the British Government. The struggle to do this lasted two years and ended in victory for the intriguers, whose activities were unknown to the public masses. This battle, fought in the "labyrinth" of " international politics", was...
... the decisive battle of the First World War. That is to say (as no decision is ever final, and can always be modified by a later decision), it produced the greatest and most enduring effects on the further course of the 20th Century; these effects continued to dominate events between the wars and during the Second World War, and in 1956 may be seen to form the most probable cause of any third "...
...;universal war". No clash of arms during the 1914-1918 war produced an effect on the future comparable with that brought about by the capture of the British Government in 1916. This process was hidden from the embroiled masses. From start to finish Britons believed that they had only to do with an impetuous Teutonic warlord, and Americans, that the incorrigible quarrelsomeness of European peoples was...
... the root cause of the upheaval. Initial failure of support for WWI in the USA In England in 1914 the situation brought about in America by the secret captivity of President Wilson did not prevail. The leading political and military posts were held by men who put every proposal for the political and military conduct of the war to one test: would it help win the war and was it in their country's...
... interest. By that test Zionism failed. The story of the first two years of the four-year war is that of the struggle behind the scenes to dislodge these obstructive men and to supplant them by other, submissive men. Before 1914 the conspiracy had penetrated-only into antechambers (apart from the Balfour Government's fateful step in 1903). After 1914 a widening circle of leading men associated themselves...
... Protestantism, vigorous or otherwise, readers may judge for themselves. None will contend that it is a sound basis for the conduct of State policy or military operations in war. Also, of course, it expresses the same impious idea that moved the Prophet Monk and all such men: that God has forgotten his duty and, having defaulted, must have it done for him. WWI - procuring Palestine for the Zionists Anyway, a...
... group had formed and we may as well use for it the name which this man gave it: the Vigorous Protestants. The First World War began, with these Vigorous Protestants ambitious to attain power so that they might divert military operations in Europe to the cause of procuring Palestine for the Zionists. Dr. Weizmann, who had not been idle since we last saw him closeted with Mr. Balfour at Manchester in...
... saving the British and French armies in the west by attacking from the east) and at once took him to breakfast with Mr. Lloyd George, then Chancellor of the Exchequer. Mr. Lloyd George (whom Dr. Weizmann found " extraordinarily flippant" about the war in Europe) was "warm and encouraging" about Zionism and suggested another meeting with Mr. Balfour. This ensued on December 14, 1914...
...". This was the meeting at which Mr. Balfour gratuitously said that "when the guns stop firing you may get your Jerusalem"). Dr. Weizmann did not grasp eagerly at Mr. Balfour's " quite nonchalant" offer for a good reason. The Zionist headquarters at that moment was in Berlin and Dr. Weizmann's colleagues there were convinced that Germany would win the war. Before they put any...
... England win the war". As on the earlier occasion, when he alluded to the anti-Zionist convictions of British Jews, he seems to have had no true intention to remonstrate, and concluded, "It is a great cause you are working for; you must come again and again". Mr. Lloyd George also warned Dr. Weizmann that " there would undoubtedly be strong opposition from certain Jewish quarters"...
... developed from another source. In the highest places still stood men who thought only of national duty and winning the war. They would not condone "hatred" of a military ally or espouse a wasteful "sideshow" in Palestine. These men were Mr. Herbert Asquith (Prime Minister), Lord Kitchener (Secretary for War), Sir Douglas Haig (who became Commander-in-Chief in France), and Sir William...
... office, the object of the intrigue. As long as he could he kept his country out of the Palestinian adventure; he accepted the opinion of the military leaders, that the war could only be won (if at all) on the main battlefield, in Europe. The Zionists wanted Russia's destruction Lord Kitchener, who held this view, was of immense authority and public popularity. The paramount military objective at that...
... stage, he held, was to keep Russia in the war (the Zionists wanted Russia's destruction and so informed the Vigorous Protestants). Lord Kitchener was sent to Russia by Mr. Asquith in June 1916. The cruiser Hampshire, and Lord Kitchener in it, vanished. Good authorities concur that he was the one man who might have sustained Russia. A formidable obstacle, both to the world-revolution there and to the...
... Zionist enterprise, disappeared. Probably Zionism could not have been foisted on the West, had he lived. I remember that the soldiers on the Western Front, when they heard the news, felt that they had lost a major battle. Their intuition was truer than they knew. After that only Asquith, Robertson, Haig and the Jews of England stood between Zionism and its goal. The circle of intrigue widened. War...
... enemy of the Allies, the Turk. Mr. Philip Kerr (Later Lord Lothian, at that time Mr. Lloyd George's amanuensis) decided that "a Jewish Palestine " must come out of the chastisement of "the mad dog in Berlin" (as the Kaiser was depicted to " the mob"). Sir Mark Sykes, Chief Secretary of the War Cabinet, was "one of our greatest finds" (Dr. Weizmann), and...
... Cecils. Zionism had strange power to produce aberrations in wise men. Mr. Balfour (a half Cecil) had a Cecilian wisdom in other matters; he produced a paper on the reorganization of Europe after the war which stands today as a model of prudent statesmanship, whereas in the question of Zionism he was as a man drugged. Lord Cecil's case is similarly unaccountable. I remember a lecture he gave in Berlin...
... aware of the perils of world-despotism and at that very period he wrote to Mr. House in America: "That we ought to make some real effort to establish a peace machinery when this war is over, I have no doubt... One danger seems to me to be that too much will be aimed at ... Nothing did more harm to the cause of peace than the breakdown of the efforts after Waterloo in this direction. "It is now...
... world-government flotations that have followed, in which the intention of powerful groups to set up " a league to uphold tyranny" in the world has been plainly revealed. Thus, as the second twelvemonth of the First World War ended, the Vigorous Protestants, who looked toward Palestine, not Europe, were a numerous band of brothers, husking the Russian-Zionist core. Messrs. Leopold Amery...
..., Ormsby-Gore and Ronald Graham joined the "friends" above named. Zionism had its foot in every department of government Zionism had its foot in every department of government save the War Office. Whatever the original nature of their enthusiasm for Zionism, material rewards at this stage undeniably beckoned; the intrigue was aimed at dislodging men from office and taking their places. The...
... obstructive prime minister, Mr. Asquith, was removed at the end of 1916. The pages of yesterday now reveal the way this was done, and the passage of time enables the results to be judged. The motive offered to the public masses was that Mr. Asquith was ineffective in prosecuting the war. The sincerity of the contention may be tested by what followed; the first act of his successors was to divert forces to...
... Palestine and in the sequence to that Mr. Lloyd George nearly lost the war entirely. On November 25, 1916 Mr. Lloyd George recommended that his chief retire from the chairmanship of the War Council in favour of Mr. Lloyd George. Normally such a demand would have been suicidal, but this was a coalition government and the Liberal Mr. Lloyd George was supported in his demand by the Conservative leaders, Mr...
... Liberal prime minister indignantly refused either to surrender the War Council or to dismiss Mr. Balfour (December 4). He then received Mr. Balfour's resignation, whereon he at once sent Mr. Balfour a copy of his own letter refusing to dismiss Mr. Balfour. Thereon Mr. Balfour, though kept indoors by a bad cold, found strength to send another letter in which he insisted on resigning, as Mr. Lloyd George...
... proposals exclusively in their military bearing on the war and victory; if it would help win the war, motive was to him indifferent; if it would not, he opposed it without regard for any other consideration. On that basis he decided that the Zionist proposal was for a dangerous "sideshow" which could only delay and imperil victory. He never discussed and may not even have suspected any political...
... which all plans and proposals must be tested is their bearing on the object of the war". Peoples engaged in war, are fortunate if their leaders reason like this, and unfortunate if they deviate from this reasoning. By that conclusive logic the Palestinian enterprise (a political one) was out. State policy and of military operations in war deflected When Mr. Lloyd George became prime minister he...
... at once bent all his efforts on diverting strength to a major campaign in Palestine: "When I formed my government I at once raised with the War Office the question of a further campaign into Palestine. Sir William Robertson, who was most anxious to avert the danger of any troops being sent from France to Palestine... strongly opposed this and for the time being won his point" . Sir...
... not obtain after the premiership changed hands... The fundamental difference of opinion was particularly obtrusive in the case of Palestine... The new War Cabinet had been in existence only a few days when it directed the General Staff to examine the possibility of extending the operations in Palestine... The General Staff put the requirements at three additional divisions and these could only be...
... obtained from the armies on the Western Front... The General Staff said the project would prove a great source of embarrassment and injure our prospects of success in France... These conclusions were disappointing to Ministers, ... who wished to see Palestine occupied at once, but they could not be refuted ... In February the War Cabinet again approached the Chief of the General Staff, asking what...
... progress was being made with the preparation of an autumn campaign in Palestine". These passages show how the course of State policy and of military operations in war may be "deflected " by political pressure behind the scenes. In this case, the issue of the battle between the politicians and the soldier affects the lives of nations at the present time, the 1950's. Mr. Lloyd George then...
... reinforced himself by a move which once more shows the long thought that must have gone into the preparation of this enterprise, and the careful selection of "administrators", to support it, that must have gone before. He proposed that the War Cabinet "take the Dominions into counsel in a much larger measure than hitherto in the prosecution of the war". Put in that way, the idea...
... war". However, "the diplomat's word" (and his intention) differed greatly from his deed; Mr. Lloyd George's proposal was merely a "cover" for bringing to London General Smuts from South Africa, who was regarded by the Zionists as their most valuable "friend" outside Europe and America, and General Smuts was brought across to propose the conquest of Palestine! The...
..., where "M'Bongo", the Praisemaker, stalks before the chief, proclaiming him "Great Elephant, Earth Shaker, Stabber of Heaven" and the like. General Smuts was presented to the Imperial War Cabinet as "one of the most brilliant generals of the war " (Mr. Lloyd George). General Smuts had in fact conducted a small colonial campaign in South West Africa, and when he was...
...") . By that time, the better to seclude themselves from "the generals" (other than General Smuts) Mr. Lloyd George and his small war-waging committee had taken a private house "where they sit twice a day and occupy their whole time with military policy, which is my job; a little body of politicians, quite ignorant of war and all its needs, are trying to run the war themselves"...
...; (Sir William Robertson). To this cloistered body, in April 1917, General Smuts by invitation presented his recommendations for winning the war. It was couched in this form: "The Palestine campaign presents very interesting military and even political possibilities ... There remains for consideration the far more important and complicated question of the Western Front. I have always looked on it...
... East Africa) which he needed, and he at once had the War Cabinet order the military commander in Egypt to attack towards Jerusalem. General Murray objected that his forces were insufficient and was removed. Thereon the command was offered to General Smuts, whom Mr. Lloyd George considered " likely to prosecute a campaign in that quarter with great determination". Sir William Robertson then...
... won his greatest victory of the war. He had a talk with General Smuts. His visitor's qualities as a general can never be estimated because he never had an opportunity to test them, in the small campaigns in which he served. His qualities as a politician, however, are beyond all doubt; he was the wariest of men, and strongly averse to exchanging the triumphs of London for the risk of a fiasco in the...
... the full penalties of this decision. The war could not be won in Palestine; it still could be lost in France, and the danger was grave. But Mr. Lloyd George, failed even by General Smuts, had found military support at last, for at this moment another figure, crying "mud-months", advanced from the wings of the central stage. This was one Sir Henry Wilson, who thus portrays himself during a...
...). Sir Henry earlier had agreed with all other military leaders about the paramountcy of the main front and the madness of wasteful "sideshows" and excelled others in the vigour with which he stated this principle: "The way to end this war is to kill Germans, not Turks... The place where we can kill most Germans is here "(France) "and therefore every pound of ammunition we have...
... in the world ought to come here. All history shows that operations in a secondary and ineffectual theatre have no bearing on major operations except to weaken the forces there engaged " (1915). No staff graduate, or any fighting private, would dispute that. Sir Henry cannot by 1917 have discovered any military reason to abandon this basic principle of war for its opposite. The explanation of...
... badgering Sir William Robertson to "give us Jerusalem as a Christmas box" (the phrase appears to reveal again the "extraordinary flippancy" about the war which Dr. Weizmann earlier attributed to Mr. Lloyd George). In Palestine General Allenby, under similar pressure, made a probing advance, found to his surprise that the Turks offered little opposition, and without much difficulty...
... marched into Jerusalem. The prize was of no military value, in the total sum of the war, but Mr. Lloyd George thenceforward was not to be restrained. Troops were diverted from France without regard to what impended there. On January 6, 1918 Sir Douglas Haig complained of the weakening of his armies in France on the eve of the greatest battle; he was "114,000 infantry down" . On January 10,1918...
... the War Office was forced to issue orders to reduce all divisions from 12 to 9 battalions of infantry. A free press might at that period have given Sir William Robertson the backing he needed, in public opinion, to avert all this. He was denied that, too, for at that stage the state of affairs foretold by the Protocols of 1905 was being brought about: "We must compel the governments ... to take...
.... Colonel Repington, of The Times, was the best-known military writer of that day; his reputation in this field was the highest in the world. He noted in his diary, "This is terrible and will mean the reduction of our infantry in France by a quarter and confusion in all our infantry at the moment of coming crisis. "I have never felt so miserable since the war began... I can say very little because...
... the editor of The Times often manipulates my criticisms or does not publish them ... "If The Times does not return to its independent line and act as watchdog of the public I shall wash my hands of it". When the fulfilment of his warnings was at hand, Sir William Robertson was removed. Mr. Lloyd George, resolved to obtain authority for his Palestinian adventure, put his plan to the Supreme War...
... no effect on him. He wrote, "We are feeding over a million men into the sideshow theatres of war and are letting down our strengths in France at a moment when all the Boche forces from Russia may come against us... I am unable to get the support from the editor of The Times that I must have to rouse the country and I do not think I will be able to go on with him much longer". (I...
... discovered Colonel Repington's diaries through my work on this book and then realized that his experience was identical with mine, just twenty years later, with the same editor). A month later he wrote, "In a stormy interview I told Mr. Geoffrey Dawson that his subservience to the War Cabinet during this year was largely the cause of the dangerous position of our army ... "I would have nothing more to...
... continuing hopeful augury to men of goodwill today. By keeping on a straight course he had saved enough for the line to hold, at breaking point, until the Americans began to arrive in strength. Therewith the war was virtually at an end. Clearly, if Russia had been sustained, the Palestinian excursion avoided, and strength concentrated in France it could have been concluded earlier, and probably without the...
... independent papers left". Before the Second War came it 'was " destroyed", as already related. After that only one weekly publication survived in England which, in my opinion, for many years sought to uphold the principle of impartial and independent reporting, but in 1953 Truth too, was by a change of ownership brought into line. Previous · Home · Next http...
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