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Found: 1343 articles, showing 990 - 1000
... is part of the situation. Man is a part, a very small, tiny part, and the whole is vast: a drop, a very small drop, and the whole is the whole ocean. A trembling arises: "I may be lost in the whole; my identity may be lost." That is the fear of death. All fear is the fear of death. And the fear of death is the fear of annihilation. It is natural that man is afraid, trembling. If you...
..., the trap of greed, the trap of possessiveness, the trap of anger and violence. So he used to say to his disciples, "Watch out for the trap. Don't sit on the trap." By and by the parrot also learned it. So whenever the sage would say it, the parrot would also repeat it, even louder than the sage. And the parrot would say, "Watch out for the trap! Don't sit on the trap!" And...
... ultimate Beloved. And if you know God in some other way, remember, that God is your mind creation, it is not the true God. And because religions arose around untrue gods they have not been able to help humanity to become more loving. On the contrary, they have filled the whole world with hatred, with violence. The true religion can only conceive of God as the Beloved. You are on the right track. Your...
... creates struggle, fight, violence. A man who thinks that death is against life can never be non-violent. It is impossible. A man who thinks that death is the enemy can never be at ease, at home. That is impossible. How can you be at ease when the enemy is waiting for you any moment? It will jump on you and destroy you. and the shadow of death is always falling on you? It can happen any moment. How can...
... according to you. Science is effort, religion is effortlessness. Science is violence to nature. That's why scientists continually talk in terms of conflict, conquering. Even a man like Bertrand Russell, of such great intelligence, has written a book about nature being conquered by science:'The Conquest of Nature'. It is a fight, as if nature is your enemy and you have to dominate it. Science is deep...
..., POSSESSIVENESS, VIOLENCE, BUT NEVER WITH FUN, JOY, LOVE, PLAYFULNESS, FRIENDSHIP AND OTHER GREAT THINGS THAT YOU HAVE ASSOCIATED IT WITH? Sex has nothing to do with jealousy, anger, possessiveness. But man's mind has been conditioned in such a way by the vested interests that they have exploited the very source of your life energy - sex - to fulfill their own interests. For example, man is naturally polygamous...
... rewarded in this way. I call it a reward. It has enhanced the prestige of Indira Gandhi, and it has exposed Morarji Desai. It has exposed his hypocrisy, it has exposed his so-called non-violence, it has exposed his so-called mahatmahood. It has simply proved one thing: his fear, his paranoia. The small mind is always afraid of the great mind. The pigmies are always afraid of the giants, the unintelligent...
... Krishna could not reach! Jainas say Krishna has gone to the seventh hell because he created the greatest violence in the world. Now, who is good? Do you think Jesus Christ is good? Ask Hindus, ask Buddhists, ask Jainas, and they will say, "No, not at all!" because according to THEIR morality, according to THEIR philosophy one suffers only because of past life sins - and the crucifixion is a...
... call it love. And he forces himself upon the woman by sheer physical violence. He interferes with the independence of another human being and he gets nothing out of it - he gets castration, or fifty years of imprisonment. This is the orgasm that he gets. And the society is responsible for the whole thing: the court and the judge and the law - they all represent the society. This is a very cunning way...
... how to create a total destruction of humanity. And what are the problems which are causing such a drastic step? - democracy and communism. Both are beautiful ideologies - but only ideologies, not realities. Communism is dictatorship of the proletariat, government of the poor, of the poorest. Seems to be perfectly Christian: "Blessed are the poor..." just with a little difference. Jesus...

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How to Search

  • Enter a search word or a sentence (not too long).
  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
  • You can use AND [in UPPER case] between the words if you are looking for articles containing all of those words.
  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).