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Found: 1343 articles, showing 690 - 700
... kind of lubricant that makes life move smoothly, but deep down there is nobody who is a friend. Even friends are not friends because they are comparing with each other, fighting with each other. This world has been turned into a war-camp by the education of ambition, politics. When a man turns inwards the problem arises: what will he do with his anger, enmity, aggression, violence? Now he is alone...

... ALL ways, in all kinds of situations. Be comfortable, be relaxed. There is no need to torture yourself, there is no need to create unnecessary troubles. Drop that mind of anger, violence, aggression, and then only call you move inwards - because only in a relaxed consciousness does one start floating deeper and deeper inside. In utter relaxation one reaches to one's innermost core. WHEN ONE BEGINS...
...? That is not going to destroy the stone, it will only break your skull. But Jews have been doing exactly that. The Old Testament says that God was so angry with two beautiful cities, Gomorrah and Sodom, that He destroyed them completely. What were they doing? They were enjoying sex in all its possible dimensions - that was their crime. Only Hassids have a beautiful story about the destruction of...

... those millions of others may disappear, but there is not a single cause. All the religions have been doing that, saying that there is a single cause. Christianity says that the cause is the original sin: it is just that man has to undo what Adam and Eve did and everything will be absolutely as it should be. Jainism thinks that violence is the only cause. If everybody becomes non-violent there will be...
..., because those who had thrown the statues in had died centuries before. Mohammedans came two thousand years ago, and they destroyed everything. Their god was intolerant, how can they be tolerant? Monotheism is the most ugly religious form in the world, because it is intolerant. Intolerance creates violence. Christians have crusades, Mohammedans have jihads - religious wars. India has never known any...

... monotheism: is it a necessary step? No, not at all. It is an absolutely unnecessary step, and not only unnecessary, but dangerous. It has created only violence, murder. Living people have been burned in the name of a monotheistic god. One god will not allow you to believe in another god. Polytheism is also an invention of priests, but far more liberal. Monotheism is the invention of the priests, but far...
... subtlest violence. When you say no for ordinary things, even there ego arises. A small child says to the mother, "Can I go out to play?" and she says "No Nothing much was involved, but when the mother says "No!" she feels she is someone. You go to the railway station and you ask for a ticket and the clerk simply doesn't look at you. He goes on working even if there is no work...

... subtle destruction. Never use it. Drop it as much as you can. Whenever you are alert, don't use it. Try to find a roundabout way. Even if you have to say it, say it in such a way that it has the appearance of yes. By and by you will become attuned, and you will feel such a purity coming to you through yes. Then asmita: asmita is egoless ego. No feeling of "I" against anybody. Just feeling...
... people are strong. Their strength is of tenderness. Their strength is not of fighting and violence, their strength is of the heart. If you consider these people weak you will never cry. I emphasize again and again, don't think these people are weak. Be envious of them. Look in again and ask: "What happened that I am unable to cry? A person filled with feeling is the closest to his own center. And...

... discipline is his own, it is inner. His discipline is self-discipline. And what you call organized, what you call order - what has that order given? War, violence, vice, hatred, hostility. What has it given? "An earth burns for clouds, love is born for those who writhe in pain. If a friend asks for your life, no problem; life has been given to the enemies. Sinners have always shunned me, I have sinned...
..., then everything can be involved. Q: THAT MEANS EVEN BY WAY OF ARMED RESISTANCE? A: Not from my side.... Q: BUT FROM THE SIDE OF YOUR SANNYASINS? A: No, not from my sannyasins' side either, that is my side. Q: I SEE. A: But if anybody tries to be violent in any way with us, we are not nonviolent people. We are neither violent nor nonviolent, we are simply human beings. Q: BUT IF VIOLENCE ERUPTS, YOU...

... has happened, nobody has been raped... no violence. These few arms and policemen are part of the Oregon government. Q: JUST IN CASE A CRIME WOULD HAPPEN, DO YOU HAVE THE JUDICIAL MEANS TO DEAL WITH THEM? A: We have every judicial means. We have four hundred sannyasins who are legal experts. Perhaps nowhere else will you find such a big legal firm. And these four hundred legal experts are going to...
... much cruelty, so much violence, in many, many names - religion, politics, ideology. Any nonsense will do as long as you find something to be violent about. And then see how people become sharp: their eyes look brilliant when there is war, when everyone is just freed from the taboo against killing. Then you can kill anybody. So you feel more joy when you kill some. body - you never feel joy when you...

... now she becomes possessive of her child. At least she must turn the child's love totally to herself. It must not go anywhere. She must break all the roots possible. The child must belong totally to her. This is violence, this is not love. And psychologists say that the beginning seven years are the most basic. Once something has been done, it is next to impossible to undo it again - really...
... destructive, because it is only through destruction that he can show that he is somebody. He is against ALL rules, regulations; he does not want to believe in anything. He does not want to believe in any tradition, in any religion. He wants to say 'no' to father. 'no' to mother. Not only that: he wants to say 'no' to God, 'no' to the church, 'no' to the Bible, 'no' to the Gita. He wants to say 'NO' with his...

... whole heart. The ego has come in a perfect way. This third stage gives him the feeling "I am me and nobody else!" Ego at its full peak. At this time the youth is always ready to fight, to explode. Aggression, violence, competition, ambition, revolution - all enter into his blood and bones. The fourth stage is from the twenty-eighth to the fifty-sixth year - middle age - inflated beyond the...
... Isaiah Micah and Obadiah 6. Jeremiah the Fearless 7. The Second Isaiah 8. Sacred and Profane History 9. Hebrew History Ephraim and Judah * Saul and David Solomon and taxation Israel and Judah Destruction of the Kingdom of Israel End of the Kingdom of Judah The Babylonian captivity 10. The Hebrew Religion 098. The Melchizedek Teachings in the Occident 1. The Salem Religion among the Greeks 2. Greek...

... who would be greatest among you...” “Woe upon you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!” “ the outside of the cup...” “And now I take leave of you.” 2. Status of Individual Jews 3. The Fateful Sanhedrin Meeting 4. The Situation in Jerusalem Judas’ final decision 176. Tuesday Evening on Mount Olivet 1. The Destruction of Jerusalem 2. The Master’s Second Coming The account in the Matthew...
... anybody is violence, it is interfering in his individuality, in his uniqueness, into his freedom. So my function is not that of a teacher, not that of a prophet, not that of a savior, not that of a messenger. My function simply is that of a reminder. I want just to be a mirror to you so that you can see your original face. And if you can see a buddha in me, there is no difficulty in seeing the buddha in...

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