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Found: 1858 articles, showing 330 - 340
... this!" She must have been hearing again and again that her father goes on finding reasons for every act, unconscious reasons and this and that, so now she asks, "Now tell me WHY I have done this." Life can do anything and you cannot even ask why: you have to accept it. There is nobody to answer. Hence the fear, Yogananda. You say, "I am more afraid of living than of dying."...

..., it will call it circumstances, social conditions, the economic structure, the capitalist society, the bourgeois culture, the Freudian unconscious... and now you will call it growing pains. But you are simply shifting the responsibility. The real thing is that you are suffering from your expectations. When they are not fulfilled - and they are never going to be fulfilled - frustration arises...

.... So these three things are to be remembered: drop the past, drop future expectations, and third, create a synthesis between extroversion and introversion... and all misery disappears. Deva Louis, it is not inevitable for a spiritual seeker to suffer. You suffer because you are not aware of your own responsibility. It is not because of growth that you suffer. You suffer because you are unconscious of...

... experience. And we are so unconscious that nothing seems to be our own experience. People say that Jesus is Christ, so you believe it. But the people who crucified him, they could not see anything in him; otherwise, do you think it would have been possible for them to crucify a man like Jesus? They crucified him so easily. No problem was felt; their conscience was not disturbed. They did it just as they...

... people like you. Of course, now you will think, "Those soldiers must have been utterly stupid, great sinners, unconscious, not knowing what they were doing - we could not have done it," because now you have heard for two thousand years continuous propaganda that Jesus was Christ. But Jews still don't think that he was Christ; they still think that he was a charlatan, that he was a deceiver...
.... Both are unconscious. But remember, if birth and death - the two ends - are unconscious, then that which is in between - the life - cannot be conscious. It is a long sleep from the cradle to the graveyard. Very few are fortunate enough to reach to their grave knowingly, consciously. And the moment a person reaches to his death consciously, there is no death at all. Death exists only for unconscious...
... simply become a channel for tremendous energies to enter and take possession. In fact the leader has to become a vehicle for the unconscious of the led. The led also know the clues, but the clues are deep down in the unconscious. They also know what to do but are not certain. You have to become just vehicles for their own unconscious, so that they come to know something that they know already. Then...

... they will see that you have been vocalising their own hidden understandings; that you are becoming their articulations; that whatsoever they could not say, you have said. But they will feel it is theirs - and then there is no resistance. That is the difference between the modern psychoanalyst and the old witch doctor. The witch doctor was more in tune with the unconscious. Even now in primitive...
... few people are born unconsciously, and very few people die consciously. It is a natural arrangement of anaesthesia. Before you die your whole biology releases all that makes you absolutely unconscious. It is the greatest surgery; nature has made a prearrangement for it. Only a very deep meditator, who has reached to samadhi will be able to avoid this poisoning, this oncoming cloud of unconsciousness...

... happening. Everybody knows that you have died except you. And because the death is unconscious, your being born into a womb cannot be conscious. Both the ends have to be the same: if death is conscious, then birth will be conscious. If death is unconscious, then the birth is unconscious. You don't know anything about from where you are coming because you were not conscious about your birth. You are...
... started destroying your childhood, making you civilized, making you social, teaching you manners and etiquette, sending you to school, What more do you want? teaching you language and all other worldly ways. And making every effort that you forget completely your innocent days, your days of paradise. Everybody forgets, but somewhere deep down in the unconscious, the experience of those days goes on...

... echoing. It is this echoing of those experiences that sends you in search, because you cannot accept your miserable life -- full of anxiety and tension and psychological sickness -- as the meaning of your being here. Vaguely, somewhere, you know that there have been golden moments also. You cannot exactly remember, but an undercurrent in your unconscious goes on creating a longing in you to find those...

.... What more do you want? That experience also remains with you, deep in your unconscious. And even after the birth, that experience continues for at least three to four years -- in the girls, three years; in the boys, four years. It is strange but about everything, girls are always one year ahead. They become sexually mature at the age of thirteen. Boys become sexually mature at the age of fourteen. In...

... state, just like breathing, just like heartbeats. Amiyo, you are fortunate because it rarely happens on its own. But we are so unconscious -- do you see your unconsciousness? You passed through everything -- you knew fear, you accepted fear, you experienced great relaxation, you experienced bliss, you experienced being uplifted by light -- and still you are afraid to go into the same space. What more...
... when other people were coming to their potential, coming to their source. "Deep down you felt hurt that you were so close and yet others were becoming enlightened who had come after you. You could not rejoice in their enlightenment. You could have rejoiced, you could have celebrated, but your mind was focused on your own enlightenment -- you were too much. And your unconscious continued from the...

...;Don't be worried; it is going to happen. I was watching continuously. I was myself puzzled why it was not happening to you. You want it too much." And these are the problems: wanting enlightenment too much, and you will miss it; holding the desire anywhere in your unconscious to achieve it, you will not achieve it. Relaxing, forgetting all about enlightenment, forgetting all about the future...

... well. You ask me, "Osho, what is happening?" Nothing is happening, and that's what is needed. This constant desire that something should happen keeps one unconscious: running after shadows, throwing parties, going from here to there, to this person, to that person, for something to happen. But just watch your whole past -- has anything ever happened? One only deludes oneself that things are...

... unconscious. And it is good that it is happening in your premenstrual emotional turmoil -- that will clean your body and your mind, both together. Just wait.... Some stranger is bound to knock on your doors. Never be afraid of strangers, because everybody is a stranger. However long you have lived with a person, you remain strangers. And being with a stranger has a freshness. Never hold him, and never allow...
... master. Without a living master, everything goes poisonous, dangerous. I have developed meditations. If you are doing them on your own, they can be dangerous, because you don't know your unconscious mind, your collective unconscious mind, your cosmic unconscious mind. You have so much darkness inside, you can stir sleeping dangers in you. Only with a master is it possible not to fall into the darkness...

... of the unconscious but to rise into the superconscious, into the collective superconscious, into the cosmic superconscious. But the way is always very narrow, a razor's edge. You need someone who knows the way not only intellectually, but existentially. Question 2: BELOVED OSHO, YESTERDAY I SAW YOU AGAIN AFTER SO MANY MONTHS - ALL MY QUESTIONS DISAPPEARED BY SEEING AND HEARING YOU. TELL ME WHAT IS...
... have concluded that the desire and search for liberation, heaven or salvation is due to an unconscious memory of the experience of the inactive state of life in the mother's womb. The child has known supreme silence in the womb. This memory is hidden deep down in the unconscious. That nine-months' experience in the mother's womb was very blissful, because then there was nothing to be done. There was...

... not been previously known? In the unconscious mind, there is a ray of experience, there is a seed hidden. You have known some bliss, some heaven that was lived, some music that was heard. No matter how much you may have forgotten it, its unquenched thirst pervades your entire existence. Knowledge of its existence lies hidden within. Only for that are we in search. Psychologists say that the search...

... very pleasurable to sleep while you are lecturing." Sleeping was more or less a sort of meditation for me. I slept as long as I could. It is interesting to note that if you sleep in excess of your requirements, you remain awake and aware even during sleep. If you sleep less than your requirements, then during sleep you become unconscious. You cannot sleep more than your requirements. If you...
... minds but that is a state of consciousness. There is a similarity between the world of the animals and the world of the buddhas, and dissimilarity. There is a similarity as far as mind is concerned: animals are pre-mind, buddhas are post-mind. But there is a dissimilarity too: animals are unconscious - they don't know who they are; buddhas know who they are. So in buddhas there is that simplicity of...

..., receding. You have left the circumference the body completely - you are at the centre. Just a small light, at the centre, and all is dead. And in that state fall asleep. This feeling that comes to you is not anything wrong; it is just a natural indication from your unconscious that you have to meditate on death now. The unconscious is sending you a message of tremendous importance - that if you can learn...
... when we are working like slaves we are the masters: even being the slave is our choice. So just watch: it is very unconscious - this getting hot, getting feverish. Mm? somebody says something, you start boiling and you are not even aware of it. By the time it comes to the very surface you are hot all over. You become alert - but then it has done the harm already; something inside has burnt. There is...

... more valid.... You have looked all around, you have thought in every possible way. Yes, there are pros and there are cons but you have looked into them. Now nothing is left, nothing new can disturb you. And something very essential is going to happen to you through sannyas. Because it is going to happen, the idea has been haunting you from the very moment you came. Your unconscious has felt something...

.... The conscious takes time. The unconscious is intuitive - it jumps without a process, so it concludes immediately; but the conscious mind follows a little bit slowly. It has to be more cautious... and it is good. Raise your hands and close your eyes and just feel as if you are a tree in the wind. Let the wind blow, let the wind sway you. Don't hold yourself: just become like a small, small, innocent...

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