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Found: 1858 articles, showing 1800 - 1810
... they cannot know it. They remain unconscious. This is man's dignity and man's potential - to be in God and to be fully aware, to be in God, consciously. This brings the greatest joy, the celebration. 'Judge ye not.' And this statement of Jesus is not only concerned about others - this is the last thing I would like to remind you of. A few people start thinking, 'Okay, we will not judge others. If...
... legs just like serpents, they wriggle within you. And they are very cunning and very clever and very deceptive - like the serpent. They hide in dark holes in your unconscious and whenever they have an opportunity they jump upon you. In the night, in the dark night, they come out; in the daylight they hide. When you are a little alert those thoughts disappear; when you are not so alert they come out...
... divided against himself. Man split means misery and man integrated means bliss. Up to now, humanity has been schizophrenic - because you have been told to repress, to reject, to deny, many parts of your natural being. And by rejecting them, by denying them, you cannot destroy them - they simply go underground. They go on functioning from your unconsCious; they become really more dangerous. Man is an...
..., everything is unique and unparalleled. The mystic does not manipulate his actions according to either evil or virtue. He does not impose any system on his life. The mystic lives in a state of conscious anarchy. This point has to be understood very deeply, because you can live in anarchy without any awareness also. If you live in unconscious anarchy, anarchy but with unawareness, the result will be an evil...
... taught to see yourself as inferior to someone, as superior to someone. And you have become so unconscious of it that you are constantly judging people as inferior, as superior, as good, as bad, right, wrong. Don't judge. Everybody is just himself. Accept him as he is. But this is possible only if you accept yourself as you are, with no shame, with no feeling of worthlessness. The questioner is asking...
... only this much, then one day the witness will happen within you. When your attention is drawn outside - say a beautiful young woman passed by or a beautiful young man passed by, your awareness was caught there and now you have completely forgotten yourself, the awareness is no longer within. Now you are not conscious, now you have become unconscious because your consciousness has traveled to someone...
... sleep no sense of anything remains. No sense will remain, because there remains no sensor. The whole world becomes one. In sushupti you reach the same place which sages attain in samadhi, the supreme awakening. The only difference is that the sage is fully conscious while you are unconscious. The deep sleep state and samadhi are the same with only a slight difference, but it is a big difference. The...
... makes you available to the sky and makes the sky available to you. Or in another way you can say: at ANAHATA, in love, unconscious and superconscious meet. Or in still another way you can say: in ANAHATA, in love, sex and prayer meet. Sex is lower than love, prayer is higher than love. And love is a great mystery. Something in it is of sex, certainly, and something in it is of prayer. Hence, there is...
.... It has to be dropped: either you drop it in the beginning or you will have to drop it in the end. But the end may not come soon! So there are two ways: either make a total effort... so total that all hope is shattered and you come to realise that nothing can be achieved through effort, there is not even a single small fragment somewhere in the unconscious still lingering and saying: Do a little...
... known it was orange juice she would not have passed out. But her becoming unconscious was real, though it came from belief. In life you can find thousands of such incidents around you where belief has done something, where belief becomes actualized. "I am the body" - we have believed this for many lives, and believing it we have become the body. Believing it we have become small. Believing...

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How to Search

  • Enter a search word or a sentence (not too long).
  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
  • You can use AND [in UPPER case] between the words if you are looking for articles containing all of those words.
  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).