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Found: 1858 articles, showing 1280 - 1290
... powers of human nature which are stored and conserved in the unconscious realms of the human mind. Prayer is a sound psychologic practice, aside from its religious implications and its spiritual significance. It is a fact of human experience that most persons, if sufficiently hard pressed, will pray in some way to some source of help. (999.8) 91:6.5 Do not be so slothful as to ask God to solve your...
... because he was wholly unconscious. Time is nonexistent to those who sleep the sleep of death. (1846.9) 168:2.10 Though many believed in Jesus as a result of this mighty work, others only hardened their hearts the more to reject him. By noon the next day this story had spread over all Jerusalem. Scores of men and women went to Bethany to look upon Lazarus and talk with him, and the alarmed and...
... these bodily inscriptions it could not go very deep, because these bodily inscriptions are very superficial. If your mind undergoes a change, then the lines on your palm will immediately change. If under hypnosis you are assured that after fifteen days you will die, and if every day for fifteen days you are made unconscious and assured in your unconscious state that after fifteen days you will die...
... moment it can become active, dynamic; although right now it is in a passive, sleeping state. That may be why we don't know what it is that lies asleep inside us. We can know only that much as becomes awake and active, only the active part of the energy will enter your consciousness, and its passive part will lie asleep in your unconscious. That is why even the greatest of men, unless they attain to...

... to flow toward you - one person. In that event all the fifty persons, being drained of their energy, will become unconscious, whereas you will become a pillar of energy, you will be bursting with energy. But this may prove to be dangerous for you too. It is possible that the energy thus released may be too much for you to bear. And the contrary can also happen. Through the same route, your current...
... master's answer can be significant only if he understands clearly why the question is asked. Remember, a person who has attained truth - a master - does not answer your question. He answers you. He doesn't bother much about what you ask, he is more concerned with why you have asked, what is behind the question, the complex hidden in the unconscious, what desire is actually hiding behind the screen of...

... never ask. Idiots don't have any idea that there are any problems in life." There is a similarity between idiots and enlightened ones. For the enlightened ones no problem remains; for idiots no problem has yet arisen. Enlightened ones have gone beyond problems; the idiots have not yet entered them. Idiots are so unconscious, how can they ask questions? Will an idiot ask, What is wisdom? Will an...
... who is listening then you will hear exactly what I am saying. And when you listen out of touch with the one who is listening then who knows what all you will hear; something neither Ashtavakra nor I have said. Then your mind will weave all sorts of webs. You are unconscious: in unconsciousness how can you understand words of consciousness? These are statements of consciousness. These are words of...

... experimentation in it. Lift the hand of an unconscious, hypnotized person and put an ordinary rock in it. Tell him it is a hot coal, and he will throw it away with a jerk, shouting, "I am burnt!" It would be okay if it only went this far, but a blister forms on his hand! You must have heard of people who walk on fire. This too is a deep state of hypnosis. If you believe you won't be burnt, the fire...
..., you become more and more alert so that you can listen to it, even though the sound is going away from you. Now you have to be more conscious to listen to it. First you were unconscious and you were listening to it; now it is getting distant so you have to be very alert, very conscious. And a moment comes when the sound disappears... you have to be perfectly conscious. You have taken a different...
... it? It is beyond you. It may come sometime, but you cannot repeat it. But by going into your past life, you can repeat; it is within your hands, it is not a dream. A hallucination needs unconsciousness, a drugged state. In meditation you are not unconscious, you are conscious -- more conscious than ever; hence your experience of past lives cannot be a hallucination. But these are your inner...
... obsessed with fear will never be able to resolve the problem. It is like wrestling with darkness -- you are bound to be exhausted sooner or later, tired and defeated. And the miracle is, defeated by something which is not there at all! And when one is defeated, one certainly feels how powerful the darkness is, how powerful the fear is, how powerful the ignorance is, how powerful the unconscious is. They...
...; even cancer is possible through it." But it makes no difference. That's why I say humanity is living in a deeply unconscious state. If you are conscious, just a little bit conscious, your life pattern will start changing. You will drop many things which you were doing, and you will start many things which you were postponing. The day you start being alert and aware, you have taken a great step...

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How to Search

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  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).