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Found: 1858 articles, showing 1100 - 1110
... will reach God. I have disappeared, I am no more in between. Touching my feet will not be touching my feet: you will be touching God's feet." How can you be neutral to truth? Either you can be for or you can be against. There is no possibility of a third way. And it is good, Kortenhorst, that the idea has arisen in you. The very idea shows a longing - maybe yet unconscious in you - to be with me...

... to happen next. I cannot guarantee you anything: truth cannot be guaranteed. Truth cannot be insured. And Kortenhorst is a great banker, so security, insurance, guarantee, must be deep down in his unconscious. And one thinks before one takes a leap. But this is not a leap which can be thought about - this is a leap of love. You cannot decide beforehand whether it is right to go into it or not right...
..., the source of fresh waters. And the greatest joy in life is to find it. "Buried in the deepest stratum of his unconscious, at the wellspring of man's existence, lies an immense psychological force. In pure form, it is experienced as a longing, the object of which is constantly receding from him as the horizons of his world widen throughout his growth. It begins perhaps with the infant's amazing...

... felt a stirring somewhere deep down in your unconscious, of which you yourself may not be aware. A star is born! And that has guided you and has brought you here. It is not a logical process; it is a very intuitive process. The star was not born in the outer sky but the inner sky. They intuitively felt that something of tremendous importance had happened. And whenever there is born a man like Jesus...
... because they questioned. Christ enters back into the Garden because he surrenders, trusts. At the last moment on the cross he did hesitate a little bit; it is very human. I love Christ for that - it shows his humanity. For a moment, the questioning has come back - with great force, with great vengeance. Maybe the last layer of questioning was there hiding somewhere in his unconscious. He asked God...

.... And let thoughts be watched, become a witness to your thoughts. Slowly slowly, the more you become a witness, the more they slow down. This is a simple process. The more you are unconscious, the greater is the speed of thoughts; the more you are conscious, the more everything slows down. And when everything slows down, you can start seeing the truth - that there is no ego, that it was a fire circle...
... reason for their materialization is that when a person can invest great power in the things he says, his words enter directly into the unconscious of the listener - the arrow flies straight to the other's heart. And when anything reaches to the heart it starts taking effect. Suppose you say to someone, "Tomorrow morning you will fall sick," and suppose, in saying this, it is the only thing in...

... being half dead, but how can anyone be half dead? It is a linguistic error. How can anyone be half alive? Even if a man is lying completely unconscious in a coma, he is still alive, totally alive, one hundred percent alive. We cannot call him half dead, any more than we can say that someone who is dead is half alive. If a man is dead, he is completely dead; if he is alive, he is completely alive...
... possible that he may be unable to smell that fragrance; his nose may be used to stink. A man fell unconscious on the street. It was a hot day and he got sunstroke. A crowd of people gathered around him, trying to revive him. Someone took his shoe off and put it to the man's nose in the hope that this would bring him round, but to no avail. The place was a perfume-sellers' market and a nearby shopkeeper...

...;Don't kill him! I know the man, and I know what he needs." The unconscious man was a fisherman and his empty fish basket was lying beside him. This man picked it up. "There are no fish in it now," he said, "but just sprinkle some water into it and the basket will be the perfect thing for him to smell. This fishy smell is perfume to him." Sure enough, as soon as the fish basket...
... be poisoned. The decision had to be taken immediately, because even a few moments delay and it would be too late. The Pakhtoon himself was unconscious, in a coma. His family was somewhere in Pakhtoonistan and difficult to find, because Pakhtoonistan still has no postal system, no telegraph, no telegrams, no telephones, no roads. Only one road passes from Pakistan to Afghanistan, and even to pass...

... not a ghost, so I followed him. And because I was always running he could not escape me. When he saw me coming behind him, he simply fell down, unconscious. And I was trying to tell him.... By that time the man who lived at the corner came and said, "Look, this is what used to happen to me. And if he fell from his bicycle, what business was it of yours to follow him?" I said, "I was...
... mind. It won't get to your unconscious, and it is the unconscious which brings hypnos. So repeating a certain word.... Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was visiting Jabalpur when I was a professor there. I sent one of my students to take initiation from him, and I said, "Tell him that you are an atheist, that you don't believe in God, because I want to see what mantra he gives to you." Generally no...
... are unconscious, asleep; the more aware you become, the world becomes more and more unreal. Even this so-called world becomes unreal, so what to say about your ideas? You project God, you project this and that - heaven and hell - they are all projections. You give them reality by becoming unconscious. So a man who thinks of God as his surrounding, as being everywhere, has started a wrong journey...
... to dream, to be aware means to drop this unconscious sleep in which we live ordinarily. We are somnambulists, sleep- walkers. We go on living, but our living is very superficial. Deep down there are dreams and dreams and dreams. An undercurrent of dreaming goes on - and that undercurrent goes on corrupting our vision. That undercurrent of dreaming goes on making our eyes cloudy. That undercurrent...

... psychedelic and colourful. Of course, you will fight with it, but by fighting you can force the desire deep into your unconscious - you cannot uproot it. By fighting nobody is ever changed. Only by awareness is a person changed. Awareness is not a fight. What is awareness? Awareness is neither accepting nor rejecting. There is a famous saying of Tilopa: "Truly, because of our accepting and rejecting...
..., because of the noise, they were both awakened. And the old woman said, "My child, what are you doing here? You may catch cold. Come inside." And the daughter said, "But what are you doing here? You were not feeling well and this is a cold night. Come, mother. Come to the bed." The first thing that was happening was coming from the unconscious. Now they are again pretending; they have...

... become awakened. Now the unconscious has gone back, the conscious has come in. Now they are hypocrites. Your conscious is hypocrisy. To be truly honest with one's own memories one will have to really pass through arduous effort. And you have to be true, whatsoever. You have to be nakedly true, you have to know what really you think about your father, about your mother, about your brother, about your...

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  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
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  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).