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.... The unconscious mind has no interest as far as repression is concerned; in fact it wants to express everything so that it can be unburdened. The whole investment comes from the conscious mind because the conscious mind is in contact with the society, with education, with religion. It is the conscious mind which learns what is right and what is wrong. The right has to be kept in the conscious and the...

... wrong has to be thrown into the basement, underneath in the darkness of the unconscious. The conscious mind uses the unconscious mind only as a basement, and because it is dark, once things are repressed there, slowly the conscious mind tends to forget them. As time passes, the conscious mind can become completely certain that it has never repressed anything. There is no way for the unconscious to...

... release any of its repressed memory contents directly. It is closed. The only way is to bring them back to the conscious mind. But if the conscious mind remains of the same opinion as before - even through psychoanalysis you can fetch a few unconscious repressions and bring them back to the conscious mind - it is not going to help much, because the mind still remains with the same idea of what is wrong...

..., has not approached... which is absolutely pure and innocent. And this is a natural phenomenon, that the superconscious is more powerful than the conscious; and it is innocent, as innocent as the unconscious - with only one difference: the unconscious is dark, and the superconscious is alert, full of light. It can see things in its own light, it does not need any borrowed insights. So the only...

... possibility to create a new psychoanalysis is to bring the superconscious in. Then the conscious mind cannot do anything. The superconscious mind can relieve the conscious mind of its conditionings. It can allow the unconscious mind to release, through the conscious, all its repressed contents. And the miracle is that the moment the unconscious mind has released all its contents, it loses darkness, it is no...

... longer unconscious. Then you have a great energy which is conscious. Now three parts of your mind - unconscious, conscious and superconscious - are one. And the dominant factor will remain the superconscious. Now it is possible with this energy to penetrate into the collective unconscious. It will still be difficult, but it is possible. The easier way would be to enter first into the collective...

... conscious with this energy. Once the collective conscious opens its doors, the collective unconscious is very easy. Before the higher, the lower loses all power. As the master comes in, the servant immediately recognizes where he belongs. With the collective unconscious and the collective conscious also joining, you have a really great power of alertness, of awareness, that you have never felt before. You...

... can directly approach the cosmic unconscious; it is going to be difficult, but possible. My suggestion is, why unnecessarily go the hard way? That's why I say my way is the lazy man's way to enlightenment. When you can go more easily, without any conflict, then there is no need to create an unnecessary fight. Go first to the cosmic conscious; once you have reached there you have so much power that...

... the cosmic unconscious will open its doors on its own. The very weight of your consciousness now is so much, the very energy is so much, that the cosmic unconscious cannot remain closed. And all these levels have some kind of repressions. The collective unconscious also has repressions and they have gone deeper than the unconscious. When the conscious represses, it has the capacity to repress them...

... to the unconscious, but the unconscious is very close; they can surface in any relaxed moment. That's why in dreams they start floating up. But the unconscious can suppress them to the collective unconscious; then even in dreams you will not be able to find them. Then some special methods are needed to fill your dreams with the collective unconscious. Carl Gustav Jung has worked on those methods...

... the collective unconscious, for example that you should not make love to your mother. Every boy wants to do it, and every girl wants to make love to her father. Society represses it so deeply and makes it such a great sin even to think of it, even to dream of it... Ordinarily dreams are authentic and true, but as far as the contents of the collective unconscious are concerned, sometimes when you...

... have a dream it changes it in a subtle way. For example you want to make love to your father - even in a dream you will make love to your uncle, not to your father. That much... because the uncle looks like the father. The unconscious sometimes allows the collective unconscious... if something is forcing very hard to come up: for example, you should not make love to your own sister. Every society in...

... the whole world has repressed it for thousands of years; it is no longer in the unconscious. So psychoanalysis cannot free you of it. Even if it surfaces to the dream world, it will come with a mask: it will not be your sister, it may be your sister's friend - someone who looks like your sister, but not really your sister. And then there are the ultimate repressions which are part of the cosmic...

... unconscious. For example, you have been told from your very birth that this is the only life that you have. Only in the East - because there people have reached to the cosmic superconscious - have they found in the cosmic unconscious repressed contents about past lives. It is the deepest repression. Even if sometimes it comes into your dreams, you cannot recognize that it is from your past life. It is just...

... unconscious, of unconscious, and it will be distorted at every barrier. By the time it reaches to the dreaming stage you will not recognize it. Gautam Buddha told many stories about his past lives. Mahavira has done the same. Those men are pioneers in opening the doors of a tremendous phenomenon which the whole of humanity has been denied. And why is the society so interested in there being no past life and...

... not reach... But he is very close, so something reflects in his sentences, resounds in his sentences." The East has a certain contentment, because there is eternity ahead. "If I am not able to reach now, I need not be miserable; life after life will be available." To repress these things into the cosmic unconscious is to create a certain kind of tension, hurry, greed, fear. It is...

... spiritual exploitation. But if you reach to the cosmic conscious, you are capable of reaching to the cosmic unconscious, and immediately your whole being is suddenly lit with a light which is immeasurable. Kabir sings, "As if thousands of suns have arisen in me... I cannot count them, the light is so dazzling." And he is saying it exactly right. He is not the only one; many have used the same...


... pass by. You just watch and go on relaxing more and more. A moment will come that all those images are gone, and for a period of time that you have decided beforehand you will not be alert. In that gap you have entered into the unconscious. Coming out of the unconscious, you will feel immensely refreshed. So first don't repeat the images, so that you can enter into the unconscious. When you have...

... become capable of entering into the unconscious for a period of time and you simply lose track of where you have been - you cannot give any account of it... That time is simply not recorded by your memory, because the memory system is in the conscious mind. The unconscious has no memory system, and the unconscious has no idea of the calendar, the time, the day, the date - nothing. So first let that...

... happen. And when you wake up, in the first moment when you feel that you are out of the unconscious, repeat three times, "Next time when I do the experiment, I will go faster into it, deeper into it." When it becomes a small thing to you, no problem at all - you just relax and go into it - then you can do the second part. After coming out of the unconscious, the first thing you have to repeat...

... is, "Now I will remember whatever I see in the unconscious. I will not be unconscious. I will be in the unconscious but a small consciousness will be with me, so I can see what is there." That will be the second part. With that second part you can start releasing, because some part of the conscious enters into the unconscious. Then there is a way for memories that are repressed to be...

... released. Then coming out of the unconscious you will not only feel refreshed, you will feel relieved, unburdened. Those subtle feelings have to be remembered. First you will only feel refreshed, as after a good night's sleep. Second you feel unburdened. Something was on your chest; it was heavy, and now it is no longer there - or is less there. Then continue in that way, and go on repeating, "I...

... will be more and more conscious, so more and more unconscious can be released." And in the third stage you should repeat, "I should be completely conscious so that the barrier between consciousness and unconsciousness is broken." When you come out of it, then you will feel not only freshness, not only unburdened, but an absolute freedom - as if you had been chained, handcuffed, and...

... they have been removed. Self-hypnosis takes a little longer time, but it is good. You are totally your own master. But don't repeat the images, because repeating them, you will not fall into unconsciousness; just let them pass. Your whole effort right now should be how to move from the conscious to the unconscious through relaxing, through being silent, through just witnessing. And everything has to...

... be done in a very soft way - even witnessing. If you stare, that will not allow you to enter into the unconscious. Just see by the way; just as if you are sitting by the side of the road and by the way people are passing - you don't even care who is passing, whether he is a man or a woman. You just see them because you are looking that way, but no staring. So you have done everything right - just...

.... Be absent a little more, so only I can be present in you. Then you will not miss me anywhere, and you will not feel that you are not at home. Wherever you are, you will find it is your home. Question 4: BELOVED OSHO, I HEARD YOU SAY THAT THERE IS NO WAY FOR THE CONTENTS OF THE UNCONSCIOUS MIND TO BE RELEASED DIRECTLY; FIRST THEY HAVE TO COME TO THE NOTICE OF THE CONSCIOUS MIND, WHERE THEY HAVE TO...


... SHE WAS REPRESSING. BUT THERE WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ENOUGH TIME FOR THE CONSCIOUS MIND TO PROCESS IT. COULD YOU TALK TO US ABOUT THIS PLEASE? It is a totally different thing. The husband died, and the shock was such that the girl became paralyzed. There is no question of unconscious here; it is all conscious. The shock was conscious, and the paralysis was conscious. The paralysis simply happened...

... understanding that now life is meaningless, now this body is meaningless. She simply died as far as she was concerned. The body continued to breathe, and the heart continued to beat - but that's another matter. The shock was tremendous, but it was all conscious. Repression happens only when you feel that something is not right; then you throw it into the unconscious. But for her, what she was feeling was...

... older; the new shock was newer, fresher - and everybody was running. Just for a moment she forgot that first incident which had made her paralyzed. But the moment they reminded her, she immediately fell down paralyzed. But nothing has gone into the unconscious; the whole thing has remained in the conscious. Psychoanalysis cannot help her - only a new love, a new meaning, can help her. Only a new...

... find it is impossible: the hands are completely locked. And it is all conscious because there is no question of the unconscious. You will have to repeat the whole process; otherwise you cannot open them. They are locked. You will have to repeat, "I will count to seven and slowly it will be possible... I can open them." Count to seven slowly, and then without making much effort slowly open...

... with the unconscious. You try with your fingers, and whoever succeeds just tell me! Generated by PreciseInfo ™ ...
... freedom is to recognize the humiliating fact that you are a prisoner - only then does growth become possible. The first thing about this sutra that I would like to say to you is: Be completely aware that you are not conscious. This is the first step towards awareness. You are not conscious at all; you live an unconscious life. Whatsoever you are doing is a robot-like thing, mechanical. For example, you...

... moment you become conscious of the listener you will become unconscious of the speaker. If you can become conscious of both, if you can have a double-arrowed consciousness - simultaneously aware of the speaker and the listener - then you are conscious. When I say you are not conscious, I don't mean that sometimes there are not moments when you are not conscious. Sometimes there are moments, but very...

.... But simultaneously, because of so much consciousness, he becomes sensitive to everything that goes on around him - he suffers for it. So it is convenient to exist as unconscious beings. We go on, we prolong, being sleepy. It is a deep somnambulism. We go on walking, doing things profoundly asleep. Nothing touches us; we are absolutely insensitive. Sensitivity depends on consciousness. The more...

... family; they are nothing. This convenience-oriented mind is to be thrown. One has to be sensitive and vulnerable to whatsoever there is; only then can you become conscious. So the first thing to be understood is why we go on remaining unconscious. There is a reason for it; it has a rationale - because it is convenient. To live a dead life is convenient, to move like a dead corpse is convenient, because...

... risks, you grow. Just like this, man is again in a womb - the womb of the unconscious. Mm? Try to understand this: the womb of the unconscious. To leave it is a second birth. In India we call the person who was born again "twice-born" - dwij. The Brahmins were called twice-born only because of this: that the first birth is the birth out of the womb of the mother, and the second is the birth...

... out of the womb of your own unconscious. And unless you are born out of your unconscious and become conscious, you are not a Brahmin. If you are not conscious, you are not a Brahmin. "Brahmin" means one who knows the Brahma, the Ultimate. If you are perfectly conscious, you come in contact with the Ultimate: you become a Brahmin. This second birth is out of your own unconscious. What is...

... this unconscious? Freud has said that a man is just like an iceberg: ninety percent under water and only ten percent above it - nine parts hidden under water and only one part, one tenth, above it. Man is an iceberg! Only one part is conscious, nine parts are unconscious, and that one part, one tenth, is impotent against the other nine. The greater part is unconscious; only a very small fraction is...

... conscious. That's why you are always pulled by the unconscious, manipulated, maneuvered. You may go on thinking that you are the deciding factor - you are not! The unconscious, hidden mind always decides. You fall in love. Is it your decision? Is it your conscious decision? Are you in love consciously? You say, "It happened." What does it mean: "It happened"? It means some unconscious...

.... I had to be angry for righteous reasons." Then you create a myth that this is your decision. You are deceiving yourself! find out whether you have rally ever decided anything. Has anything ever been your decision? The conscious part of the mind is absolutely impotent. The unconscious is so much - nine times more. Your conscious is nothing but an instrument in the hands of the unconscious. So...

... go on deciding whatsoever you like in the conscious. The unconscious is not a bit worried. Whatsoever is to be done is to be done by the unconscious, and when it needs to do it, the conscious is just impotent. But one has to dig into oneself. This unconsciousness is your womb. You have to grow out of it, transcend it. Otherwise, you are bound to be a slave, you can never be a master; and you are...

... bound to remain just an egg - a seed. You cannot be a tree which can flower. Then the flowering can never be for you. First begin to feel what this unconscious is, where it is. This is a good start - to be conscious of the unconscious, to be conscious of one's own imprisonment, of one's being a seed. Don't deceive yourself! Don't go on thinking that you are this and that. find out what you really are...

..." of what one is, is the beginning. And that is the only right beginning. So recognize first that your working is unconscious, not conscious. Your love, your hate, your anger, your friends, your foes, they are all part of your unconscious. You are not a conscious being. You have only a very minute part of consciousness. That's why this can be understood: that you are not a conscious being. If a...

... an unconscious being, this is good news. It shows that a part is conscious - a very minute part, a very small fragment. But that fragment can be used now. You can use it in two ways: either in rationalizing that you are already conscious; that's what we are doing. Or, in digging deep and realizing that we are unconscious. That minute part of consciousness, that one-tenth part of the human iceberg...

... out, because then something can be done. So you are unconscious. And this is not a theory - mm? - this is a simple fact. And this is not a theology: this is simple science. It is not concerned with religions and their hypothetical mythologies. Now it is a fact of science. That was the reason Freud was despised so much, condemned so much. They say there have been three revolutions. One was the...

... Freud, who said you are not a conscious being - you are just in the hands of unconscious forces. So Aristotle was absolutely wrong according to Freud, because he said man is a rational being. Man is not! Man is the most irrational animal. Dogs are more rational. All other animals are more rational in the sense that they are predictable. Man is unpredictable - most irrational! You cannot depend on him...

..., because reason is a mathematical thing. If a dog has behaved in a certain way you can predict he will go on behaving this way. You cannot predict man. And, moreover, he is not rational, because his whole working of the mind is unconscious. He falls in love, he fights, he goes to war, he goes on accumulating money, he goes on being worried without any rationality in it. He is the most mad animal. Only...

... is imagining is true. So now it is not simply a religious matter to say that man is unconscious. It is now founded on scientific facts. Indian psychology is very much older than the Western. In the West, psychology is just a child. Really, Freud is the father, so only this century has given birth to psychology. But with India, it is a long-standing science. Patanjali is a psychologist and Buddha is...

... not his name. His name was Gautam siddharth, but Gautam Siddharth was an unconscious being. When Gautam Siddharth became conscious, then he was called the Buddha, the awakened One. Buddha, when he became totally conscious, said - not anything about God, not anything about moksha, not anything about Nirvana - he is reported to have said, "Now I am awake. I was asleep; hitherto, I was asleep. Now...

... I am awake!" Mahavir's name is "Jin". From that word "Jin" the name of "Jain" is derived. "Jin" means "the conqueror". Mahavir said, "I was asleep. Then I was a slave of the unconscious. Now I have become a conqueror, a Jin, because now there is no unconscious to enslave me." All the sutras of Patanjali are just a technology...

..., techniques, to produce more consciousness. The whole of yoga is concerned with how to produce more consciousness in man. For the East this has been a long-standing fact, a recognized fact, that man is asleep. But now Western science recognizes the fact also. So what to do? If man is unconscious? How to make him conscious? How to make him awake? The first thing is to recognize the fact of unconsciousness in...

... yourself. It is not difficult to recognize that man is unconscious. That is not difficult, because then you are not included. Then "man" is unconscious, not you. But when I say "man is unconscious", I mean you, not humanity. There exists no humanity, only man - man A, man B, man C. There exists no humanity - only individuals. "Humanity" is just a collective name. you are...

... unconscious. Listen to this fact with a double-arrowed consciousness. I repeat: you are unconscious! Don't rationalize it and don't deceive yourself. Whatsoever you are doing, remember that this is the unconscious working. Suddenly you have become sexual; remember, this is the unconscious. Now the unconscious is forcing you towards certain acts. don't fight because the fight is also unconscious. Because the...

... society has said, "Sex is bad, evil, sin," that has gone deep into the unconscious. So the unconscious has two parts: one is biological; another is sociological. Instincts are there and social taboos. The society has put many things into your unconscious. They call it "conscience". Certain things are "bad"; certain things are "good". They have forced them into...

... your unconscious. That's why, if you teach any morality to a child before seven years of age, only then can your teaching succeed. After seven years of age you cannot succeed. That's why every religion is much concerned with children, and every religion has an establishment. Through parents, through family, they condition the mind - when the mind is totally unconscious. Not even a single part is...

... conscious, so there is no resistance. Whatsoever you say to the child, it goes deep into the unconscious. There is no resistance. Once a child is grown, then it is difficult to penetrate into the unconscious. So whatsoever one learns in the first seven years becomes the background. Then whatsoever you do in your life, even if you go against the society which has trained you and given you your conscience...

..., you will not really be able to go against it. Even in going against it, you will follow the instructions put into the unconscious. Even to rebel against a certain thing is to remain attached to it. If humanity is to be saved from so-called religious dogmas, it must be made criminal to teach them to children. Don't teach children any creeds, dogmas, fanatic beliefs - don't teach them! Let them grow...

... first. When they become adult, only then - but then it is very difficult. Then the conscious mind has come into existence. It begins to choose and think. One part is biological, hereditary; another is sociological. There is sex: become aware that the unconscious instinct is forcing your body mechanism towards a particular object, towards a particular act. But don't fight it because that fight is again...

..., from the sociological part of the unconscious which says that sex is sin. Be aware of both, be conscious of both: there is sex, and there is the concept that sex is sin. Both are coming from some place you don't know - from a deep darkness within. Be conscious - don't do anything! Just remain conscious. Try to be in an alert state. Don't fight with the sex, don't condemn it - don't go to indulge in...

... it. Simply remain conscious of the fact that something is happening inside. If you can remain conscious of the fact that something is happening inside. If you can remain with the fact without dong anything, you will feel that your consciousness is growing and penetrating the dark realm of the unconscious. Anger has come to you: don't do anything for or against it. Don't indulge in it, don't...

... total energy capacity to be just alert to the fact that the anger is there. And suddenly you will become aware that the focus of your consciousness is growing - you are penetrating into the unconscious. Your light of the conscious is going deep into darkness. And the more you penetrate into the darkness of the unconscious, the more conscious you are. This is a long effort, arduous; arduous because it...

... will create very deep inconvenience. You will feel very uneasy. Try, and you will come to know. You can do two things. either you can act out your anger - it is easy, you are relieved. whatsoever the consequence may be, for the moment you are relieved; you are relieved of an inner unconscious tension. Or you can fight with your anger. If you fight with it, then again you are relieved because in...

... consequences. If you become both, if you divide yourself in two - the good one who never becomes angry, and the bad one, the unconscious one, who gets angry - if you divide yourself in two, you can fight forever. Outwardly you will become a saint, but inwardly you are just a volcano, just a deep turmoil and nothing else - a disease inside, a constant conflict. Those who fight with sex will have to fight...

... continuously with sex; those who fight with anger will have to fight with anger continuously. It is a constant fight. There is no silence within - there cannot be. That's why we divide ourselves into two: the bad one and the good one. You have two parts within you. Remember, the bad one is the unconscious and the good one is the conscious. And once you take your unconscious as the enemy, you can never change...

... and transform it. Then there can be no mutation - because the unconscious is not the enemy. That is your energy, your source, your biological source of energy. You can never be healthy divided in yourself - you will become a disease. Don't fight, don't indulge. Both are easy. Both are easy! The only thing which is very uncomfortable and uneasy, is to remain alert. The whole mechanism of habit will...

... force you to do something: "What are you doing? Do something! Anything will do, but do something!" This habit has to be broken. So the first thing is to recognize and realize that you are unconscious. The second thing is that whenever the conscious begins to manipulate you, be aware, and remain aware and alert. A very simple, passive alertness is needed. If you are alert, two things happen...

...: the energy that was going to be used as indulgence or as suppression will become part of your alertness. Your alertness will be strengthened through that energy. That energy will move to your alertness; you will become more alert. That energy will become a fuel to your consciousness. You will be more conscious, and for the first time the unconscious will not be able to force you. For the first time...

... unconsciousness will be incapable of manipulating you. And once you know the feeling of this freedom, that the unconscious cannot manipulate you - without any fight, without any struggle, without any conflict - then your consciousness has become stronger. And, by and by, the filed of consciousness will grow and the field of unconsciousness will shrink. your human iceberg will have gained one part more: you will...

... be two parts conscious, eight parts unconscious. This is a long journey, and by and by you will become three parts conscious, seven parts unconscious. As you gain more it is just like reclaiming land from the ocean. The unconscious is a vast ocean; you have to reclaim land inch by inch. But the moment you reclaim land, the ocean shrinks back. A day comes, just like it came to a Buddha or to a Jesus...

..., when you are conscious all the ten parts and the unconscious has disappeared. You are just light inside and no darkness. This is the flowering. And for the first time you become aware of your immortality. for the first time you are not now a seed. For the first time now for you there is no becoming - you have become a being. If this expression can be allowed: You have become a being! Now you are a...

... a facade, a deception. Your compassion can again be an unconscious act. Then it is sentimental, emotional - not existential. Then you can weep, you can sympathize and you can serve. But this is going to be again an unconscious thing. The surest and most certain path is to grow in consciousness. This sutra says, "What are the flowers for the worship? - to be filled with consciousness."...

... unconscious thing in you, and the sahasrar is the most conscious. These are the two poles. We live around the sex center, move around it. Whatsoever we do is related with sex, howsoever distant it may look. Your earning money, your accumulating wealth, may not look at all related with sex, but they are related. The more wealth you have, the more sex you can have; it becomes more possible. The more power you...

... cannot go beyond it. That is the most unconscious-rooted center, the lowest, and for that reason the deepest and the most unconscious. The higher you move in consciousness, the further you go from sex. And then there is a flowering of a different type. The whole energy moves to the seventh - sahasrar. And when the whole energy comes to the seventh chakra, it becomes a flower - one-thousand-petalled. Mm...

... anew. Effort is needed, much effort is needed. And if - and this is a big IF - IF you are ready to take the first step, the last is not very far. But the IF is concerned with the first. If you have taken the first step, half the journey is completed. The first is the most difficult. To recognize that you are unconscious is very ego-destroying; it is very shattering, shocking. But if one is ready to...

..., be conscious about it. Don't act! Don't be in a hurry to act. Remain with the fact - alert. And see that this alertness works miraculously. It is a miracle. Observe the unconscious, and there is a sudden change. The quality, the very quality of the mind changes the moment you become an observer inside, a consciousness inside. The very quality of mind changes! The seed is broken asunder and the...
... has he lost? Just a blanket. What has he gained? The whole world, all that can be gained. He has gained innocence, trust, love. For this man no technique is needed. His master would say, "Just look. Be aware. Be alert." And that would do. The second question: Question 2: HOW TO DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN THE DICTATES OF THE UNCONSCIOUS MIND AND THAT OF THE INNER GUIDE? HOW CAN ONE RECOGNIZE...

... THAT THE INNER GUIDE HAS COME INTO FUNCTION? The first thing: because of Freud, much misunderstanding has arisen around the word "unconscious". Freud completely misunderstood it, misinterpreted it. And he has become the very basis of modern knowledge about mind. To Freud, unconscious meant simply the repressed conscious, the suppressed part of the conscious. So all that is evil and bad...

..., immoral, has been suppressed. Because the society cannot allow it, it has to be suppressed within. For Freud, that repressed part is the unconscious - but not for mystics. Freud is not a mystic; he has not entered his own unconscious. He has been simply observing cases of patients: ill people, abnormal people, mad, insane, pathological. He has been studying the pathological mind, and through the study...

... of the pathological mind - and that, too, from without - he concluded that just underneath the conscious there is an unconscious mind. That unconscious mind carries all that has been suppressed from the childhood, all that society has condemned. The mind has suppressed it, just to forget that it is there. But it is there - and it goes on functioning. And it is very powerful: it goes on changing the...

... to the conclusion that civilization needs the unconscious, the repressed part. But really, for Tantra and yoga this unconscious is not the unconscious, it is just between the conscious and the unconscious, a small boundary. It is subconscious. The conscious has forced something down, but the conscious knows about it. It is not really unconscious, you know about it. You may not want to recognize it...

..., you may not want to be attentive to it, because you are afraid that if you give it attention it will come up. You have forced it into darkness but you are conscious bout it. The Freudian unconscious is not really unconscious, it is only subconscious. It is not dark night, it is in the light, you can see it. Tantra talks about the real unconscious which is not suppressed by you but which is your...

... deepest being. And your conscious is just one part of it which has come into light, the one-tenth part which has seen the light, which has become conscious. Nine parts, nine-tenths, are just hidden underneath. That unconscious is really your source of life-energy, of being. Your conscious mind is one-tenth of the whole mind and this conscious mind has created its own center: that center is the ego. This...

... center is false because it doesn't belong to the whole mind, it is not the center of the whole mind. It is just a center of the conscious part, a fragment. The fragment has created its own center and that center goes on pretending it is the center of the whole being. No, your total mind has a center: that center is called the guide. That center is in the unconscious and it will be revealed only when...

... five fragments, or half of the mind, come into light. Then the center which is the guide will be revealed. It is hidden in the unconscious. So you need not be afraid of the unconscious; it is the Freudian unconscious you are afraid of. It is something to be afraid of. But this Freudian unconscious can be thrown out in catharsis. Hence my great insistence on catharsis. This Freudian unconscious can be...

... catharsis will relieve you of the Freudian unconscious. With the technique that I am teaching - if it is followed - the Freudian unconscious will simply disappear. And only when this Freudian unconscious disappears can you penetrate the real unconscious. It is just in-between, between the conscious and the unconscious. You just go on throwing your rubbish things into a room and you close it; you go on...

... accumulating a junkyard - Freudian unconscious is just a junkyard. Don't throw it in - I say, throw it out. When it moves in, you will become pathological, you can go insane. When it moves out you will become fresh, young, unburdened. For this age, catharsis is a must. No one can reach the inner guide without catharsis. And once you are in deep catharsis you need not be afraid. Then the real unconscious will...

... start revealing itself; then it will penetrate into your conscious, and then for the first time you will become aware of your vast territory. You are not such a small fragment, you have a very vast being, and this vast being has a center - that center is the inner guide. How to differentiate between the unconscious and the inner guide? How to differentiate between the Freudian unconscious and the...

... inner guide? It will be difficult if you don't go through catharsis. But you can feel a difference by and by because the Freudian unconscious is just a repressed thing. If something appears in you with a violent force, know well that this violent force is coming because you have repressed it in the first place. If something simply appears in you without any violence, just bubbles up silently, easily...

..., without any sounds, even soundlessly, then know that this is the real unconscious. From the guide something is coming to you. But you will become proficient only when you go through catharsis. Then you will know what is happening. Whenever anything comes from the Freudian unconscious you will feel disturbed, it will make you uneasy, uncomfortable; and whenever something comes from the guide you will...

... feel such serenity, you will feel so happy, so at ease, so at home, that you cannot imagine it. You will simply feel that this is the thing. Your total being is in harmony with it, there is no resistance. You know this is the right, this is the good, this is the truth - and nobody can convince you otherwise. With the Freudian unconscious you can never be serene, you can never be still and calm; you...

... will be disturbed. It is a sort of disease that has come up - and there will be a fight with it. So it is better if you pass through deep catharsis, then the Freudian unconscious will become silent, by and by. And just as bubbles come up from a riverbed, come up to the very surface of the water, you will feel bubbles coming up from the very bed of your being. They will come to your conscious mind...

.... But their very coming will give you a deep tranquility - a feeling that nothing can be more right than this. But before it happens you have to unburden yourself of the Freudian unconscious. And that can happen only if you are in a let-go, because the innermost being is so nonviolent that it will not assert itself. The Freudian unconscious will want to assert itself; every moment it is trying to...

... assert itself and you are pushing it back. This is the difference. It wants to assert itself, it wants to become active, it wants to lead you somewhere, it wants to manipulate you - and you are resisting it, fighting it. The real unconscious, the guide, is not assertive. If you allow it, if you invite it, prayerfully, it will come to you just like an invited guest. You have to be in a let-go. Only then...

... will it come. When it feels you are ready, when it feels it will not be denied, rejected, when it feels it will be welcomed, then it will come to you. So, you have to do two things: catharsis for the Freudian unconscious, and training in let-go and surrender for the real guide, the real unconscious. These two things done, you will know the difference. The difference really cannot be taught to you...

...-being is. The real guide will always give you a feeling of well-being, and the Freudian unconscious will always give you a feeling of headache. It is a turmoil, it is an inner conflict, it is anguish, it is pain suppressed. So whenever it comes you will feel painful all over. Because of this Freudian unconscious, many things have become painful which are not naturally painful For example, sex. Because...

... society has repressed sex, it has become painful. One of the most blissful things in natural life is sex. But it has become painful. If you move into sex you will feel frustrated, you will feel guilty, at the end you will feel weakened. And you will decide never to have sex again. This is not because of natural sex, this is because of the unconscious. Sex has become painful. It has been so repressed...

... girl he is going to marry should be a virgin. Even playboys require that the girl should be a virgin. Women's unconscious has been repressed ore than men's, that's why only a few women achieve orgasm. And that, too, in the West - in the east not more than five per cent of women, at the most, achieve any enjoyment in sex. Ninety-five percent are simply fed up with it. That's why when sadhus and monks...

... greater repressed unconscious about sex than men. Sex will become painful. If you have suppressed it, it is a headache. Anything can become a headache - just suppress it, that is the trick. It will become a suffering. And anything can become blissful - just express it, don't suppress it. This Freudian unconscious is all that you know right now. You don't know about the real unconscious, the Tantra...

... unconscious - that's why you are afraid. And afraid, you cannot let go. Afraid, you cannot lose control. You know that if you lose control, immediately the suppressed instincts will take over. Immediately, whatsoever you have repressed will come to the mind and it will insist on being acted out. That's why you are afraid. Catharsis is needed first so the fear goes. And then you can let go. And if you let go...

... that he has given you such a beautiful body, such a beautiful organism. No, you just feel disgusted. And the religions, the so-called religions have taught you to feel condemned - this body is a bag of sins. You are carrying a burden. When the unconscious is released you will feel suddenly that you are accepted, you are not bad. Nothing is bad. The whole of life becomes deep down a blessing. You feel...

... have people falling at his feet saying he is the right leader. and he may be just neurotic, just mad. These neurotic people have condemned you and you have accepted them, you have been conditioned by them. When the unconscious flows in you, a subtle well-being will come. You will feel good: everything is good, and everything is Divine. Your body comes from the Divine, your blood also, your urine also...

.... Everything is Divine. When the unconscious flows in you, everything is Divine, everything becomes spiritual. Nothing is bd, nothing is condemned. This will be the feeling, and then you will fly. You will become so light you cannot walk. Then nothing is a burden on your head. Then you can enjoy small things in a very great way. Then every trivial things becomes a beauty. But that beauty is given by you...

... - whatsoever you touch becomes golden because deep down you are so filled with bliss. This will be the first thing that will happen to you - a goodness about yourself. And, when the unconscious starts flowing into your conscious, the second thing will be that you will become less world-oriented, less intellectual, more total. Then if you are happy you will not just simply say that you are happy - you will...

... dance. Just saying, "I am happy," is pale, meaningless. I see people who say, "I am happy" - but just look at their faces! I know people who say, "I love you," but their body is not expressing anything. Words are dead but we have substituted them for life. When the unconscious flows in you, this will be the difference: you will live with your total being. When you feel...
... meditates on it. This has happened because man has paid too much attention to the conscious mind. Mind has three dimensions. Just as matter has three dimensions, mind also has three dimensions. Only one dimension is conscious, another dimension is unconscious, and still another dimension is there which is superconscious. These three dimensions are of the mind - just like the matter, because deep down mind...

... is also matter. Or, you can say it otherwise, that matter is also mind. It has to be so, because only one exists. Mind is subtle matter; matter is gross mind. But ordinarily man lives only in one dimension, the conscious. Sleep belongs to the unconscious; dreaming belongs to the unconscious. Meditation, ecstasy, belong to the superconscious, just like waking and thinking belong to the conscious. So...

... iceberg has evaporated and has become a small cloud and hovers in the sky. It is difficult to reach to the unconscious; it is almost impossible to reach to that cloud - of course, part of the same iceberg, but evaporated. That's why meditation is so difficult, samadhi so arduous. It takes one's total energy. It demands one's total devotion. Only then does the vertical movement into the cloud-like...

... saying, judging what I am saying, right or wrong, no. No valuation - you simply listen in deep love, as if the mind has passed, and the heart listens and beats with joy. Then the unconscious is listening. Then whatsoever I say will go very deep to your roots. But the third possibility is also there, that you can listen through the superconscious. Then even love is a disturbance - very subtle, but even...

... is no more functioning, it is resting. Another dimension starts working, the unconscious. Then you cannot think, but you can dream. And the whole night there are almost eight cycles of dreaming continuously. Only for a few moments you are not dreaming, otherwise you are dreaming. Patanjali says: ALSO, MEDITATE ON KNOWLEDGE THAT COMES DURING SLEEP You simply fall into sleep as if it is a sort of...

... tiny mind, one-tenth compared to the unconscious, which is nine times bigger and greater and powerful. And if you compare it with the superconscious, comparison is not possible, because superconscious is infinite, superconscious is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient. Superconscious is what God is. Even compared to the unconscious, the conscious is very small. It gets tired, it needs rest to be...

..., you are doing it in full mindfulness. Even if I raise my hand to make a gesture to you, I am making it in full consciousness. It can be made in a robot-like way, mechanical; you are not aware of what is happening in the hand. In fact, you have not moved it at all; it has moved on its own, it is unconscious. That's why it is so difficult to penetrate your own sleep. But if one tries... The first...

... is relaxing. Not that you verbalize, you simply watch. By and by, thoughts are disappearing. You watch the gaps. By and by, the world is very, very distant. You are moving into the basement of your being, the unconscious. If you can fall down asleep with awareness, only then the continuity will be there in the night. That is what Patanjali means, "Meditate on the knowledge that sleep brings...

... not only of the change of gear, but the gap between the two, and in that gap you will have your first glimpse of the superconscious. When the conscious mind changes into unconscious, just for a very minute part of a moment, you will be able to see the superconscious. But that is a later chapter in the story; I mention just by the way. First, you will become conscious of the unconscious, and that...

... becoming thirsty? - it seems to be just a rut. There seems to be no meaning in it.' " This is how the conscious mind has been trying to dominate your whole being, because meaning belongs to conscious mind. The unconscious knows no meaning. It knows hunger, it knows thirst, it knows needs; it knows no meaning. In fact, life has no meaning. If you ask, you are asking for suicide. Life has no meaning...

... the unconscious, and that's how the second type of dream comes into existence: you go on cutting your needs, then the mind fulfills them in dream. You may not get married because you have read great books and you are poisoned by thinkers, and they have molded your mind in certain patterns. And you are no more open to existence itself; philosophies have blinded you. Then you will start cutting your...

... needs. Then those needs will bubble up, surface in the dream, because the unconscious knows no philosophies; the unconscious knows no meaning, no purpose. The unconscious knows only one thing: what is needed for your being to become fulfilled. Then the unconscious forces its own dreaming. This is the second type of dream; very meaningful to understand it and meditate on it. Because the unconscious is...

... trying to communicate to you that "Don't be a fool! You will suffer for it. And don't starve your being. Don't be suicidal, and don't go on committing a slow suicide by killing your needs." Remember: desires are of the conscious mind, need of the unconscious. And the distinction is very very meaningful, very significant to be understood. Desires are of the conscious mind. The unconscious...

... knows no desires, the unconscious is not worried about desires. What is a desire? A desire comes out of your thinking, training, conditioning. You would like to be the president of the country; the unconscious does not bother about it. The unconscious is not interested in being the president of the country, the unconscious is interested only how to be a fulfilled organic unity. But the conscious mind...

... says, "Become a president, and if in becoming the president you have to sacrifice your woman, then sacrifice. If you have to sacrifice your body - sacrifice. If you have to sacrifice rest - sacrifice. First become the president of the country." Or gather too much wealth; that is of the conscious mind. The unconscious knows no wealth. The unconscious knows only the natural. It is untouched...

... by the society. It is like animals or the birds, or like the trees. The unconscious has not been conditioned by the society, by the politicians. It remains yet pure. Listen to the second type of the dream and meditate on it, and it will communicate you what is your need. Fulfill the needs and don't bother about the desires. If you really want to be blissful, fulfill the needs and don't bother about...

... makes no difference. The river flowing to the ocean knows no desires; it knows only its needs. That's why animals look so happy - having nothing, and so happy? - and you having so many things and so miserable? Even animals surpass you in their beauty, in their bliss. What is happening? The animals don't have a conscious mind to control and manipulate the unconscious; they remain undivided. Second type...

... of dream has much to reveal to you. With the second type you start changing your consciousness, you start changing your behavior, you start changing your life pattern. Listen to your needs, whatsoever unconscious is saying. Always remember: unconscious is right, because it has the wisdom of the ages. Millions of lives you have existed. The conscious belongs to this life; it has been trained in the...

... schools and the universities, and the family and this society in which you are born, coincidentally born. But the unconscious carries all the experiences of all your lives. It carries the experience when you were a rock, it carries the experience when you were a tree, it carries the experience when you were animals - it carries all, the whole past. Unconscious is tremendously wise and conscious is...

... tremendously foolish - has to be so because conscious is just of this life, very small, with no experience; it is very childish. Unconscious is eternal wisdom. Listen to it. Now the whole psychoanalysis in the West is doing only this and nothing else: listening to the second type of dreaming and changing your life pattern accordingly. And psychoanalysis has helped many people. It has its own limitations, but...

... it has helped because at least this part, listening to the second type of dreaming, makes your life more relaxed, less tense. Then there is a third type of dream. This third type of dream is a communication from the superconscious. The second type of dream is a communication from the unconscious. The third type of dream is very rare, because we have lost all contact with the superconscious. But...

... of life that can suit you, that will lead you to the right discipline. That dream will become a deep guide inside. With the conscious you can find a Master, but the Master will be nothing more than a teacher. With the unconscious you can find a Master, but the Master will not be more than a lover - you will fall in love with a certain personality, with a certain type. But only the superconscious...

... they are talking so loudly - hear some words from here and there and just a hodge-podge impression is left. This is happening: while the unconscious creates dreams and tremendous activity goes in, the conscious is asleep and just hears the rumor, and in the morning says, "It is all false. It was just a dream." Right now, whenever you dream you feel it is absolutely real. Even absurd things...

... look real, illogical things look real, because the unconscious knows no logic. You are walking on a road in a dream, a horse you see coming, and suddenly the horse is no more horse, the horse has become your wife. And nothing happens to your mind, that "How it can be possible? The horse has so suddenly become my wife?" No problem arises, no doubt arises. The unconscious knows no doubt. Even...

... of the unconscious. It is going into the basement of your being. Gather more and more awareness so you can move into sleep, into dream. Start by gathering awareness in your waking hours; that will help you to move into the unconscious. Then gather more awareness into the unconscious; that will help you to move into the superconscious. Energy will be needed. Your energy right now is just like a...

... dimension has changed; it is no more horizontal, it becomes vertical; it goes upwards. First become more and more alert in waking hours. That will bring you to a certain degree of heat. It is really a certain degree of inner heat, a certain temperature of your consciousness. That will help you to move into the unconscious. Then become more and more conscious into the unconscious. More effort will be...
... conscious mind, the unconscious mind, and the collective unconscious mind. That is the Jungian division, and I am using it because it is a step further than the Freudian. The Freudian division is: conscious mind, subconscious mind, and the unconscious mind. In fact the subconscious mind is only the boundary line between the conscious and the unconscious - it is not very important, hence I am not using the...

... Freudian division. Jung's division is far more important. He is saying you have a conscious mind, through which you think, see. All those three functions of psychology happen through the conscious mind. Just underneath, nine times bigger than the conscious, is the unconscious mind, which has immense possibilities, which comes to life in your dreams, in your fantasies. It has also possibilities like...

... not hear, but if it is the person who has put you into hypnos, in hypnosis, you will hear it. If he orders you, you will follow. If he tells you to do something, you will do it. And this unconscious mind, in the state of hypnos, can do things which look like miracles. For example, you can walk on fire. There are many people around the world - Mohammedan Sufis walk on fire, Buddhist monks walk on...

... fire in Ceylon, in India, in China, in Java, in Sumatra. Every year, in many places, in many temples it happens. And thousands of people are eyewitnesses. You can also walk on fire. All that you need is, in hypnos, to be told by the person who has hypnotized you that you can walk and you will not be burned. The unconscious mind is so powerful that it transforms your very physiology. You walk in fire...

..., and you are not burned. The other way is also possible. You are in a hypnotic sleep; just a cold stone is put in your hand, and you are told that this stone is red-hot, just pure fire - and your hand will be burned. No, the stone cannot burn your hand. What has happened? Your unconscious mind is so powerful that the body simply follows it. Religions have used this capacity of the mind tremendously...

... same method. The unconscious has tremendous powers. It can communicate. It communicates sometimes even without your practicing it. For example, if a son is dying, it is possible that the mother may be thousands of miles away but she will start feeling something wrong is happening, because she has a certain connection with the son. The son is just part of her. For nine months he was part and parcel of...

... make a phone call to Allahabad." He said, "Nonsense! Why?" I said, "Don't say nonsense... because if only your father calls you Munna, and you heard it three times, and I have not heard it, that means something in your unconscious is stirring, and it must be connected with your father." He said, "Do you believe in such things?" I said, "It is not a question of...

... do with the conscious mind. But the unconscious can have a communication. In primitive societies you will find many people capable of communicating with each other, hundreds of miles away - sending messages, receiving messages as accurately or perhaps more accurately than we can manage through the conscious mind. By writing a letter you may commit a mistake; sending a message on the telephone...

... something may go wrong. The weather may not be right, you may be connected to a wrong number - anything is possible. But when one unconscious relates to another unconscious, nothing ever goes wrong. This unconscious mind has tremendous powers which are unexplored. And because they are unexplored, religions have exploited them. So many religious miracles can be reduced to the unconscious, unexplored...

... possibilities. And one day, every miracle will be able to be explained by the unconscious mind and its potentialities. All its potentialities have not been developed. But the unconscious cannot help you to know yourself. That is beyond it, that is not its power. The third part of the Jungian division is the collective unconscious, which is even deeper and more foundational than the unconscious - because the...

... unconscious was individual: it is your unconscious that you have gathered from the day you were conceived in your mother's womb. I am not saying from the day you were born. No, it starts from the moment you were conceived, because not only does your body start growing, your mind starts growing with it. So the first impact on your mind is from your mother. In those nine months, whatsoever happens to your...

... mother's psychology is bound to have an impact for your whole life. So if a scientific society ever exists in the world, then in those nine months a mother's psychology should be taken care of, because it is not only her mind - she is creating, side by side, another mind which will be a continuity. If she is angry, something of anger enters into the unconscious of the child. If she is miserable, then...

... something of miserableness enters into the child. But the collective unconscious means it is millions and millions of years old. It carries your forefathers, and their forefathers. It carries... if man has come, according to Darwin, from the monkeys, then somewhere in the collective unconscious the monkey's experiences are stored. But the monkey is not the beginning. Scientists say that man must have come...

... from the sea. The first life must have appeared in the sea, as a fish perhaps. Your collective unconscious carries all that, all those experiences. You are carrying the whole history of life on this planet, and it affects you. Without your knowing, it manipulates you, it makes you do things, think things, behave in a certain way. But even this unconscious, the collective unconscious, has no way...

... towards your being. It can lead you back to all kinds of bodies your being had. Perhaps that's what gave the idea of reincarnation. Just think of it - perhaps that is what gave the eastern people the idea of reincarnation: that they were before this life. Buddha says he was an elephant in one life. Perhaps he has entered into his collective unconscious and what he is remembering is not his individual...

... experience but the collective experience. But when you remember it, it looks like it is individual. The day we are able to go deeper, and dive deeper into the collective unconscious, that day will be very decisive. Whether lives continue individually - one is born into one body, then in another body, then in another body - or it is just the collective evolution that leaves its track in each individual, and...

... about these facts in a psychological way. Perhaps it is a remembrance of the very depth of your collective unconscious that you feel "fish." And that certainly means life incarnates as a fish. You can call it God, it doesn't matter; it simply means the same. And the idea, the very idea occurring to Hindus - and the idea is ten thousand years old, it is not a new idea - to anybody to whom...

... this idea occurred, I can say he must have dived deep into the collective unconscious and found life arising as fish. And the second idea is even more important. One incarnation of God is Narasinha, half man, half lion. Certainly if man has evolved through animals, then there must have been a time when he was half animal and half man. You cannot just jump: at ten o'clock you are a monkey and by ten...

..., monkey, and the inner half, man - or vice versa. But there seems to be so much animal in man that Darwin's hypothesis gains ground. Whether man comes from monkeys or not is not the point; the point is the idea that man grows somewhere from animals. But where will the animal go? Where does your childhood go when you become a youth? It becomes part of your unconscious. When you become old, your youth...

... becomes part of your unconscious. Nothing goes anywhere. It can't, there is nowhere to go. It simply goes on piling up within you. But what happened to life millions of years before must be somewhere within your life - of course at a depth where it is not easy to reach. The depth must be oceanic. The Atlantic or Pacific at some points are five miles deep. I think man's collective unconscious must be far...

..., far deeper; five miles won't do, because the whole life... so many changes, so many transformations.... But even from plumbing the whole depth of the collective unconscious you cannot go towards yourself. Your being still remains the one who is plumbing, the one who is trying to know. You are irreducible to an object. Let me emphasize it. You are irreducible to an object. You are always a subject...

... your ground, and I want to test you on your solid ground." So to this man I said for the first time, "Your whole psychology is missing the most important point. You are talking about the conscious, subconscious and unconscious, but you are not talking about the fourth, turiya - and the fourth is behind everything." I have shown you three doors: the Eastern, divided into waking...

... consciousness, dreaming consciousness, sleeping consciousness; the psychoanalysts', divided into conscious, unconscious, collective unconscious; the psychologists', divided into cognition, thinking, feeling. These are the only divisions man has made up to now. But only the Eastern psychology has recognized the fourth, without giving it a name. And the fourth is the door to religion. What is this fourth? You...
... THE MIND? There is no remembrance that is not of the mind, but you don't know the whole mind. When you are trying to remember, you are using only the conscious mind, and the conscious mind can go only up to the age of four. But below the conscious is the unconscious mind. Sometimes in your dreams you go deeper than the conscious mind can ever lead you. Many of your dreams are memories of your past...

...: remembering the past lives. In hypnosis you don't hear anybody else except the person who has hypnotized you. He can talk to you, you can answer him, yet you will remain fast asleep, you will not come to the conscious mind. So only in hypnosis can your unconscious be communicated with, asked questions. This can be repeated again and again, and if the same fact comes up without exception, the same memory...

... comes up, the same story comes up, then certainly it is not imagination. Another thing... Through hypnosis the other person can reach you, but not through your conscious mind -- because in whatever the conscious mind does there is an effort and tension, and that prevents the unconscious mind from surfacing. The conscious mind has to be completely relaxed so the unconscious can surface. In hypnosis it...

... is better to begin with someone else. And it is such a simple method that anyone can do it -- it does not need any expertise. I will tell you about the method, how you can help each other. When you have become a good medium, so that you can slip very easily into the unconscious, then finally the unconscious can be told that you are able to reach your past lives. It can be given a certain symbol to...

... do the same, but it is easier for you because you are not doing anything. But once you have been able to go into deeper layers of your past life or past lives, the other person can tell the unconscious, "This is your mantra: one, two, three. And whenever I say it, you will fall into an unconscious state." But remember to tell the conscious to wake you; otherwise, who will wake you out of...

... unconsciousness? It can become a coma. The unconscious mind is nine times bigger than the conscious; it has tremendous treasures, all the memories of your past. And below the unconscious there is the collective unconscious. One can descend into the collective unconscious also -- at first with somebody's help. That used to be the work of a mystery school -- that the master will take you slowly towards the...

... unconscious and the collective unconscious. In your collective unconscious you have memories of your past lives as animals, as birds. Below the collective unconscious is the cosmic unconscious. Slowly, slowly one can go deeper and deeper, and the cosmic unconscious has memories of your being trees, rosebushes, stones. So mind is not only that which you know; there is much to be discovered in your own mind...

.... It is yours, it is there -- but not easily available. There are reasons why it is not easily available. Nature makes barriers, because it would confuse you if there were no barriers between the conscious, and the unconscious, and the collective unconscious, and the cosmic unconscious. Even this small mind -- the conscious mind -- is so confusing, so disturbing. If you knew all that you have lived...

... for millennia, from the very beginning, naturally you would get in such a mess, in such a madness. For example, you love a woman. She may have been your mother in a past life, and if you remember it then you will be in trouble. But she may have been, in your collective unconscious, your murderer; then things become even more complicated. And those realities are as authentic as the realities of your...

... past lives. And there has not been a single exception -- whenever you cross the border of the collective unconscious mind, you pass from the body of a cow, not from the body of a monkey. It is not a question of hypotheses. With Darwin it is only hypothetical, just a conjecture, and now he is being refuted, even by scientists. Now there are not many Darwinians; they are out of date. The latest...

..., because all three religions were working on the same lines -- looking into the unconscious of man -- and they all found the same results. To call the cow mother... the whole world laughs at it, but I don't think anybody understands why Hindus call the cow mother. If they are right -- the cow has the qualities of a mother, and it is far better to be connected with the cows than with the monkeys. So don't...

... there. Bring that relaxation up to your head -- and keep your eyes focused on the light. And it is easy to recognize when you have come to the point where you are on the border of conscious and unconscious: your face changes; it starts looking sleepy, it loses the quality of awakening, and at that moment the master says, "Sleep is coming... deep sleep is coming... you are falling into a sleep...

...; you will not hear anything else, anybody else. Now the only communication with the world is through me; you will be able to hear me, you will be able to answer me..." And the beauty of the unconscious is that it never lies, because it has never been part of civilization. It has never been educated, it has never been turned into a hypocrite; it is very simple, very innocent. It simply says...

... start: that means you have come to the collective unconscious. Now the master needs to put you in an even deeper unconsciousness, and that can be done in your unconscious state. The first thing was done when you were conscious; it brought you to the unconscious. The second step has to be done in the same way: "I will repeat seven times that you are falling deeper into the collective unconscious...

... both sides of the conscious there are three stages: below it is unconscious, collective unconscious and cosmic unconscious; above it is superconscious, super- superconscious, and cosmic conscious. Our mind has seven worlds. To know the past, to know our background, is to know the whole history of consciousness and its evolution until this moment. But that makes it clear that this is not the last...
... MEDITATION? Your experiences were not genuine. They were not in samadhi, they were just chemical changes. The mind can project anything it wants to project - even an unconscious desire for samadhi. Then, whatever you have known or read about samadhi will be projected through the chemical help of LSD. LSD or any other chemical drug is nothing but a help in making the mind more projective. All the hindrances...

..., all the ordinary hindrances, are withdrawn. Reason is withdrawn, the conscious mind is withdrawn; you are completely in the grip of the unconscious. But by itself the unconscious will not bring you to samadhi through the use of LSD; an experience like this is only possible if the unconscious has been fed certain preconceptions: colors, particular experiences, this and that. Everything in the...

... unconscious can be projected, but if you have not known anything about kundalini or samadhi beforehand it is impossible to feel them through LSD. A person who is suffering from a phobia will project his phobia; a person who has suppressed his fear about something will feel that the very thing he is afraid of is taking place. So LSD will bring different experiences to different people. It can only help you...

... to project what is already inside your unconscious mind in seed form. If it is love, then love will be projected; if it is hatred, then hatred will be projected. LSD is a mind-expanding drug - whatever is inside you in seed form will be expanded into a tree. You could feel kundalini, you could feel chakras, you could feel a harmony or oneness with the totality, only because these seeds were already...

... in your unconscious mind. If they had not been there then LSD would not have projected these things. This is not a genuine experience of samadhi. This samadhi comes from your unconscious longing. LSD can help anything that is unconscious to be realized physically. So what you have experienced is something that you wanted to realize projected on the psychic canvas. It is not a spiritual revelation...

... go on adding to it. The memory will become more and more beautiful and the reality will become fainter. Don't compare meditation to what happens on LSD. First of all, you cannot compare it because they are two different states of mind and the faint remembrance of one state cannot be brought to another. Secondly, when you compare what has happened retrospectively, it is the same unconscious mind...

... which has projected these experiences that is doing the comparing. You are the one who has taken LSD and you are the one who is meditating: in either case the same unconscious seeds are there. Another thing to be remembered is, don't have any preformulated, readymade concepts about meditation and don't think about what the result of it is to be. To go into meditation is to go into an uncharted sea...

...: you cannot know beforehand what is going to happen. If you already know what is going to happen it will begin to happen, but it will just be a projection. You can project in LSD and you can project in meditation because the unconscious itself is the projector. All your knowledge about kundalini, all your knowledge about chakras, all the knowledge that you have of knowing must be thrown out because...

... ignorance. You don't know, so everything will be a surprise. Everything must be a surprise. If it is not a surprise, if you say, "Yes, I have known this before, it has happened before," then you have not moved into the unknown, you have not moved into meditation. There is a great possibility of self-delusion. The mind is deceptive and the unconscious goes on playing tricks. And the deception is...

... possible not only on LSD but even in ordinary meditation, because the unconscious mind is the same. If you want to move into meditation, you must change the unconscious. It must become vacant; it must not be a "knowing" unconscious. It must be open, vulnerable, ready to face the unknown, because meditation means going into the unknown. Before meditation can happen you need first to go through a...

... purging, a cleansing: you need to be completely overhauled. The unconscious must not be burdened, it must not have seeds. Sabeej samadhi is samadhi with seed. Samadhi with seed means a samadhi with all your projections. It is not samadhi at all; it is just a name. There is another term: Nirbeej samadhi, samadhi which is seedless. Only a seedless samadhi is authentic because there is nothing being...

... something that you yourself jump into. With LSD you go nowhere; you remain just where you were and something happens to you because of the chemical change. Through a chemical agent your ordinary mind, your ordinary reasoning, is no longer functioning; the ordinary restrictions that you place on the unconscious become numb. They are turned off and the unconscious is turned on. But you are not the...

... the same time as you were before. The only thing that happened is that a dream has come to you. The dream can come in two ways: it can come through meditation or you can create it through LSD. That is why the experiences in both look similar - because you can create these experiences in either way. Only if the unconscious is not burdened, only if it is not filled with longings and suppressions that...

... are waiting to be projected is meditation possible. Another difference is that when you have taken LSD your conscious mind has gone to sleep and your unconscious mind takes charge of you and begins to work. But in meditation your conscious mind does not go to sleep; rather, your conscious mind expands until your unconscious also becomes conscious. The light of the conscious moves deeper and deeper...

... into the unconscious until a time comes when there is no separation between the conscious and the unconscious; your whole mind is one. Then meditation has happened. Question 2: DURING MY LSD EXPERIENCES I SAW A PARTICULAR SEQUENCE OF COLORS: SAFFRON, THEN YELLOW, THEN WHITE, THEN A DEEP BLUE. WHAT DO THESE COLORS MEAN? There is some meaning to it, but the order is always dif-ferent for different...

... that neither the method nor the way you are practicing it is wrong, but the unconscious longing behind the method is wrong. Then the unconscious must be changed. If you have been using a method for many years and only getting shallow results, change the method. There are so many methods of meditation that one should not cling to only one method. There may be nothing wrong with the method, but as far...
...Encountering the Unconscious...

... Osho The Ultimate Alchemy Volume 1: Encountering the Unconscious Main Books Headers Help Your browser does not support iframes. < Prev  Osho The Ultimate Alchemy Volume 1   Next > Encountering the Unconscious From: Osho Date: Fri, 20 February 1972 00:00:00 GMT Book Title: Osho - Upanishads - The Ultimate Alchemy, Vol 1 Chapter #: 6 Location: pm in Bombay, India Archive Code...

...: N.A. Short Title: N.A. Audio Available: N.A. Video Available: N.A. Length: N.A. Question 1: CONSIDERING THE EXAMPLE OF SENSUAL INSTINCT, KINDLY EXPLAIN WHAT ARE THE PRACTICAL WAYS TO ENCOUNTER THE UNCONSCIOUS MIND, AND HOW CAN ONE KNOW THAT ONE HAS BECOME FREE FROM IT? THE UNCONSCIOUS is not really unconscious. Rather, it is only less conscious. So the difference between conscious and unconscious is...

... not of polar opposites, but of degrees. Unconscious and conscious are related, joined; they are not two. But our ways of thinking are based on a particular false system of logic which divides everything into polar opposites. Reality is never divided like that; only logic is divided. Our logic says either yes or no; our logic says either light or darkness - and there is nothing in between as far as...

... not a compulsion." De Bono has derived this word from words like hyPOthesis or POtentiality. This "po" is a neutral word, not loaded with any judgment, condemnation or appreciation. Just use the word "po" and you will feel the difference. You are not taking any standpoint in the polar opposites. So when I say "conscious" and "unconscious", I don't mean...

... the Freudian opposition. For Freud, conscious is conscious and unconscious is unconscious. The difference is that of white and black, yes and no, life and death. When I say "unconscious" I mean "less conscious". When I say "conscious" I mean "less unconscious". They overlap each other. So what to do to encounter the unconscious? As far as Freud is concerned...

... the encounter is impossible. Because it is unconscious, how can you encounter it? The question means the same as if someone says, "How to see in darkness?" Mm? The question is irrelevant, meaningless. If you put it in this way, "How to see in darkness?" and if I say, "With light," then the question has not been answered at all because you ask, "How to see in...

... unconscious, he will say, "It is nonsense; you cannot encounter it. If you encounter it, it will become conscious, because encountering is a conscious phenomenon." But if you ask me how to encounter the unconscious, I will say, "Yes, there are ways to encounter it" - because for me, the first thing to be noted is that "unconscious" means simply "less conscious". So if...

... you grow more conscious, you can encounter it - so it depends. Secondly, unconscious and conscious are not fixed boundaries. They change every moment - just like the retina of the eye. It is changing constantly. If there is more light, it is narrowed down. If there is less light, then it widens. It is constantly making an equilibrium with the light outside. So your eye is not really a fixed thing...

...; it is constantly changing. Just like that is your consciousness. Really, to understand the phenomenon of consciousness by the analogy of the eye is very relevant, because consciousness is the inner eye, the eye of the soul. So just like your eye, your consciousness is constantly expanding or shrinking. It depends. For example, if you are angry, you become more unconscious. The unconscious is now...

... more spread, and only a very minor part of you remains conscious. Sometimes even that part is not there either - you become completely unconscious. But in a sudden accident: you are on the road and suddenly you feel that an accident is going to be there and you are on the verge of death - you suddenly become conscious and there is no unconscious at all. The whole mind is conscious. And this change is...

... continuously taking place. So when I say conscious and unconscious, I don't mean any fixed boundaries. There are none, there are no fixed boundaries. It is a fluctuating phenomenon. It depends on you to be less conscious or more conscious. You can create consciousness; you can train and discipline yourself for more consciousness or for less consciousness. If you train yourself for less consciousness you will...

... never be able to encounter the unconscious. Really, you will even become incapable of encountering the conscious. When someone has taken some intoxicant, he is training his mind to be totally unconscious. When you go into sleep, or if you can be hypnotized, or if you can autohypnotize yourself, then you lose consciousness. There are many tricks, and many of those tricks which help you to be more...

... unconscious are even known as religious practices. If you do any monotonous, repetitive thing - for example, if you go on continuously saying "Ram-Ram-Ram-ram", in a very monotonous tone, you will become less conscious. And this constant repetition of "Ram-Ram-Ram", in a monotonous tone, will be just auto-hypnotic. You will go to sleep: it is good for sleep. If you can create monotony...

... consciousness that you are raising the hand - now the hand is raised; now you are dropping it again. No movement should be allowed unconsciously. You are whirling around, dancing vigorously; no movement is to be made unconsciously. Every movement must be done consciously, with full alertness. Then suddenly the unconscious drops, and with three months of dancing continuously, for hours, you encounter the...

... unconscious. You penetrate deep, deep, deep, and suddenly you become aware of everything that is inside. That is what I mean by encountering the unconscious. Nothing remains which is not in clear vision. Your totality, all your instincts, all your suppressions, your whole biological structure, everything - not only of this life, but of all lives - suddenly is revealed. You are thrown into a new world which...

... was hidden or, rather, to which you were not alert. It was there, but you were asleep - or your consciousness was so narrowed down that it escaped. Your consciousness is just like a torch - narrowed. You enter darkness with a torch; you have a light, but it is a narrow, focused light. You can see something, but all else remains in darkness. When I say that nothing unconscious remains, I mean...

... unconscious. You will be able to know something very definitely at the cost of not knowing many things. That's why experts, by and by, become just ignorant - ignorant of the whole world: because they have narrowed down their minds to a particular thing in order to know more about it. So it has been said that an expert is a person who knows more and more about less and less. In the end, only a point remains...

... focused which he knows at the cost of ignoring everything else. This is how concentration works. So through concentration you can never encounter the unconscious. You can encounter the unconscious only with meditation - and this is the difference between concentration and meditation. Meditation means your mind working not as a torch but like a flame: everything is enlightened around it - everything. It...

... is not narrowed down, the light is diffused. It is not moving in one direction - it is moving in all directions simultaneously so the whole is enlightened. How to do it? I said Sufis use dance as an active meditation and then they can encounter the unconscious. Zen monks in Japan use absurd problems to encounter it. You face some problem which cannot be solved - which cannot be solved at all...

... cannot sleep; sleep is not allowed at all. You have to be constantly awake. So a Zen teacher is a hard taskmaster. You have to meditate before him, and he will not allow you to drop into sleep - because the moment when you are dropping into sleep is the moment to encounter the unconscious. If you can remain out of sleep, then the unconscious will be revealed - because that is the line. The very line...

... from where you drop into sleep is the line where you can enter into the unconscious. You can try this. You have been sleeping every day, but you have not encountered sleep yet. You have not seen it - what it is, how it comes, how you drop into it. You have not known anything about it. You have been dropping into it daily, coming out of it, but you have not felt the moment when sleep comes on the mind...

... coming and, "I am not to allow it without knowing. I must be aware when sleep enters. I must go on feeling how sleep takes over, what it is." And one day, suddenly, sleep is there and you are still awake. That very moment you become aware of your unconscious also. And once you become aware of your unconscious you will never be asleep again in the old way. Sleep will be there, but you will be...

... look difficult, so I suggest to you a more simple exercise to encounter the unconscious. Close the doors of your room and put a big mirror just in front of you. The room must be dark. And then put a small flame by the side of the mirror in such a way that it is not directly reflected in it. Just your face is reflected in the mirror, not the flame. Then constantly stare into your own eyes in the...

... face in the mirror. The mirror is vacant, you are staring into emptiness. There is no face at all. This is the moment: close your eyes, and encounter the unconscious. When there is no face in the mirror, just close the eyes - this is the most significant moment - close the eyes, look inside, and you will face the unconscious. You will be naked - completely naked, as you are. All deceptions will fall...

... with another false face. A thief can become a monk, a criminal can become a saint. It is very easy to change, to replace the masks, the faces. These are not transformations at all. Transformation means becoming that which you really are. So the moment you face the unconscious, encounter the unconscious, you are face to face with your reality, with your authentic being. The false societal being is not...

... group where others can help you. Really, ashrams were created for these sudden methods because they cannot be practised alone. A group is needed, adepts are needed, and a constant vigilance is needed, because sometimes you may drop unconscious for months continuously. Then if there is no one who knows what to do, you may be taken for dead. You may be buried or burnt. Many times Ramakrishna happened to...

... go into deep Samadhi. For six days or for two weeks continuously he had to be forcefully spoon-fed because he was just as if unconscious. A group is needed for sudden methods, and a teacher becomes an absolute necessity. Sudden methods dropped from Indian practices because of Buddha, Mahavir and Shankaracharya because they insisted that monks should travel continuously. They didn't allow monks to...

... encounter the unconscious and the moment of will has come, and you can become a creator - your whole existence begins to vibrate "AHAM BRAHMASMI." And the moment your existence begins to vibrate "AHAM BRAHMASMI," you become a Brahma - you become! Whatsoever you can feel, you become. This should not be known as metaphysics - it is not! It is an experience. So you can know it only...

..., true, then you cannot ever be true for other, deeper layers. How can you be? If you cannot face even your body's nakedness, how can you face your naked consciousness. This clothing is not just clothing. It has a philosophy and a very insane one. Then the body is divided, then the mind is divided. then the conscious, unconscious, subconscious - and divisions go on growing. In the beginning a child is...

... suppressed. That suppressed part will become the unconscious. The forces, the thoughts, the moralistic preachings which will suppress it, will become the subconscious. A very small portion of the mind which is conscious will remain in your hands. It is useful only for the day-today routine, not for anything more. At least it is not useful to live deeply. You can exist, that's all. You can vegetate, you can...

..., so undividedly one, that he can transcend anything. Whatsoever becomes a disease, he can just throw it. Whatsoever becomes just an obsession, he can just throw it. He is forceful, one. A great energy is undividedly his - he can change anything! But a divided child cannot do anything. Really, in a divided child the conscious mind is a minor part, and the unconscious is the major. For his whole life...
... discovered, where it is - because that will help you to understand the emptiness, the spaciousness of the no-mind. Sigmund Freud was the first man in the West who came to discover the unconscious mind. In the East it has been known for centuries, so it was not a discovery - Sigmund Freud was just not aware that it had been discovered long before. He is not really the founder. It was discovered so long ago...

... that we don't even know the name of the person who discovered the unconscious mind. Freud came to the unconscious mind via dreams. He found that people say things when they are awake which are not true: they say things which they are supposed to say, they behave the way they are expected to behave. They are not sincere, they are not authentic. Their whole conscious mind is hypocritical - because for...

... contain tremendous treasures to help to understand the real man, to take away his mask and to see something real. But there is a difficulty with dreams - they are pictorial. The conscious mind is linguistic. The conscious mind is educated, cultured, civilized; the unconscious mind, in sleep, is primitive. Civilization has not touched it at all. And who cares what you dream? You may murder somebody, you...

..., when they are awake, even to accept what they did in their dreams. So Freud discovered a layer within and below the conscious mind - he called it the unconscious mind, because you are not aware of it. And his whole life's work was concerned with how to sort out dreams and how to make those dreams conscious. It is one of the great findings of Freud that once a dream becomes conscious it loses its grip...

... evaporate, your unconscious becomes clean, without garbage; and that gives you a tremendous feeling of well-being. You are not carrying something against yourself. You are not creating a division between your conscious mind and the unconscious mind; you are no longer split. When there is no dream left - which Sigmund Freud did not succeed in doing.... He helped people to lessen the quantity of dreams, but...

... unconscious mind there is another mind which goes on supplying more and more dreams. You go on analyzing, dispersing, but something keeps welling up and the unconscious is never clear, never clean; hence he came to the idea of the collective unconscious. The idea of the collective unconscious is very important. It means that there is a point in your mind where you are connected with all the minds around you...

.... This mind is collective, it is not just your own. And there is constant traffic within the collective mind: so you may get rid of dreams in your unconscious mind, but the collective mind goes on supplying more and more junk. And the collective mind is like a continent. Everybody else is involved in it; not only the present people, but centuries that have passed and the people who have lived - all...

... have left impressions on the collective unconscious. There is a possibility Jung never explored - that perhaps the collective unconscious has something to do with Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. Perhaps you are carrying the collective unconscious mind of many lives... since the first life was born in the ocean as a fish and then developed through many forms up to the ape, and from ape to man...

... his past lives in which he was different animals. Perhaps all three - Carl Gustav Jung, Charles Darwin, and the Eastern idea of rebirth - are significant as far as the collective mind, the collective unconscious, is concerned. And it is so full: from so many dimensions so many rivers are filling it; it is oceanic. And unless it is cleaned, you can never have a clean unconscious mind because this...

... collective mind will go on supplying new stuff. Jung stopped at the collective unconscious. The East has not stopped there. The East has these ideas - the unconscious mind, the collective unconscious mind - and it has one more mind, the deepest, the very base: it can be called the cosmic collective unconscious. It is not only concerned with life, it is concerned with existence itself. There, the whole...

... existence is supporting you. The whole existence is giving energy to the collective unconscious, which is a smaller thing; and the collective unconscious is giving to the unconscious, which is smaller still. But this is all in darkness. Western psychology has gone only into the darker part of the mind, and in that too it has not reached yet to the cosmic unconscious. This is going below, into the basement...

.... The Eastern psychology has a similar pattern above the conscious mind. Just as there is an unconscious mind below the conscious mind, above the conscious mind there is a superconscious mind. Western psychology has not even dreamed about it. Above the superconscious mind there is the collective superconscious mind, and above that there is the cosmic superconscious mind. It seems very logical, and...

... themselves. Just as through dreams Freud reached to the unconscious mind, through meditation man can reach to the superconscious mind. And as meditation deepens he can reach to the collective superconscious mind - which joins us again, but on a conscious level. At the highest point of meditation you reach to the cosmic superconscious. That joins you with the whole cosmos. But as you are going higher you...
... life becomes alive. If you are a man, then your conscious is masculine and your unconscious is feminine. If you are a woman your conscious is feminine and your unconscious is masculine. Your conscious and unconscious must meet so that a new birth becomes possible. What to do for their meeting to happen? Bring them nearer. You have created a separation; you have created all types of barriers. You do...

... not allow them to meet. You try to exist with the conscious and you go on suppressing the unconscious. You do not allow it. If a man starts weeping and crying, someone is bound to say immediately, "What are you doing? You are doing something womanish, feminine." The man stops immediately. The masculine is not expected to weep and cry. But you have the possibility; the unconscious is there...

.... You have moments of feminineness, you have moments of masculineness; everyone does. A woman can become ferocious, a male, in some moods, in some moments. But then she will suppress. She will say, "This is not womanlike." We go on creating a separation, a distance. That distance has to be thrown away; your conscious and unconscious must come nearer. Only then can they meet, only then can...

... creation, out of that meeting comes the whole play, out of that meeting all that exists is born. Here, in this meditation camp, we will be trying to bring your unconscious and conscious nearer, your feminine and your masculine nearer. You will have to help me, to cooperate with me. In the meditation techniques you have to destroy all the barriers between your conscious mind and the unconscious. And you...

... have to be free, as totally free as possible because suppression has created the barriers. So do not suppress. If you feel like screaming, scream. The very scream will bring your conscious and unconscious nearer. If you feel like dancing, dance. The very dance will bring your conscious and unconscious nearer. Really, dance can be very helpful, because in dance your body and your mind are in a deep...

.... Nothing is denied. You cry and you weep and you laugh and you dance, and you sit in silence. You do all the things that your inner being happens to do; you do not force it to do anything. You do not say, "This is not good; I should not do it." You allow a spontaneous flow. Then the unconscious will come nearer and nearer to the conscious. We have created the gap through suppression: "...

...;Don't do this, don't do that," and we go on suppressing. Then the unconscious is suppressed. It becomes dark. It becomes a part where we never move in our own house. Then we are divided. And, remember, then there are perversions. If you allow your unconscious to come nearer to your conscious, too much sex-obsession will disappear. If you are a man and you deny your unconscious, you are denying...

... disappears. When your own unconscious is nearer to you, you need not substitute it with someone else outside. And then a miracle happens. If your unconscious is so near, then whenever you love someone, a woman or a man, that love is not pathological. If your unconscious is so near, that love is not pathological. It is not possessive, it is not mad. It is very silent, tranquil, calm, cool. Then the other is...

... not a substitute and you are not dependent on the other. Rather, the other becomes just a mirror. Remember the difference: the other is not now a substitute, something which you have denied. The other becomes a mirror of your inner part, of your unconscious. Your wife, your beloved, becomes just a mirror. In that mirror you see your unconscious. Your lover, your husband, your friend, becomes a...

... mirror. And in that mirror you can see your unconscious clearly mirrored, projected outside. Then wife and husband can help each other to bring their unconscious more and more near. And a moment comes, and it must come if life has been a really successful effort, when wife and husband are no more wife and husband: they have become companions on the eternal journey. They help each other; they have...

... become mirrors to each other. They reveal the unconscious of the other and each helps the other to know himself or herself. Now there is no pathology, no dependence. Remember one thing more: if you deny your unconscious, if you hate your unconscious, if you suppress your woman or man within, then you can go on saying that you love the outer woman but deep down you will hate her also. If you deny your...

... own woman, you will hate the woman you love. If you deny your own man, you will hate the man you love. Your love will just be on the surface. Deep down it will be a hatred. It is bound to be so, it has to be so, because you will not allow the other to become the mirror of your unconscious. And you will be afraid also. Man is afraid of woman. Go and ask your so-called saints. They are so afraid of...

... women. Why? They are afraid of the unconscious, and the woman becomes a mirror. Whatsoever they have hidden, she reveals. If you have suppressed something, then the other polar opposite can reveal it immediately. If you have been suppressing sex and you are sitting in meditation in a lonely place and a beautiful woman passes by, suddenly your unconscious will assert itself. That which has been hidden...

... will be revealed in the woman passing and you will be against that woman. You are foolish - because that woman is not doing anything at all, she is just passing there. She may not even know that you are there; she is not doing anything to you. She is a mirror, but the mirror is passing and in that mirror your unconscious is reflected. The whole so-called spirituality is based on fear. What is the...

... fear? The fear is that the other can reveal the unconscious and you do not want to know anything about it. But not knowing will not help, suppression will not help. It will remain there. It will become a cancer and by and by it will assert itself more and more, and ultimately you will come to feel that you have been a failure and that whatsoever you have suppressed has become victorious and you are...

... defeated. My whole effort is to bring your unconscious nearer to your conscious. You become so much acquainted with it so that it is not unknown. You become friendly to it, then the fear disappears - the fear of the polar opposite. And then the hatred also disappears because then the other is just a mirror, helpful. You feel gratitude. Lovers will be grateful to each other if the unconscious is not...

... suppressed and they will be hateful to each other if the unconscious is suppressed. Allow your whole being to come into function. Your emotions are imprisoned, encapsulated. Your body movements are imprisoned. Your body, your heart, have become just as if they are not part of you. You simply carry them along like a burden. Allow your emotions full play. In the meditations we will be doing, allow your...

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