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Found: 2312 articles, showing 920 - 930
... all their power disappears. And I remained like that my whole childhood - in the school, in the college - it was an everyday thing. I have enjoyed all those moments. I used to think sometimes that perhaps I am somehow different from other people because nobody gets into such trouble as I get. But all those troubles were giving me a certain strength and the strange experience that people who are...

... - meditation gives you authority, power... not over other but simply a quality of power and quality of authority that nobody can take away from you. It is yours. Public opinion can be taken away - today they are with you, tomorrow they are not with you. Today they are all appreciating you as a saint; tomorrow they are all condemning you as a sinner. It is better to be on your own - saint or sinner. Whatever...
... to get out of the web of the mind. What you know won't be knowledge, it will be imagination. Man's imagination has unlimited power and this imagination is the wall between you and the truth. If you make up your mind about God, the truth and the soul beforehand, your mind will stick to that decision and will lead you to believe that you have really known something. But as a matter of fact you have...

... their numbers. Numbers are power and guarantees of security. They are both self-protection and the capacity to attack. Sects have been like this all along. They are still like this and will continue to be the same. They haven't united man and religion, they've torn him away from it. Dharma, religion, is not a social phenomenon, it is purely and simply the most personal transformation. It has nothing...

... another person or an object can be known. The seer, the power to see, cannot be looked at like an ordinary object. Knowledge can neither be transferred nor degraded into an object. And the whole problem is because this simple fact has not been understood. People search for god as if he were an external object. How stupid this is! God is not to be searched for, he is hidden in the seeker himself. Truth...
... history of man. I have given more power to women knowingly, because my understanding is that their functioning is graceful, insightful, loving, compassionate. It is not rude. And when I have made them the pillars of my temple, certainly I cannot speak against them! So whatsoever I say about women, listen very cautiously! They are in many ways more powerful than men. Modern research says they are more...

... impossible for you. The woman is more powerful sexually. It is because of her greater power that she has been repressed; it is out of fear that man has repressed her. You are right, Toshen, I am a little afraid - knowing perfectly well that I am doing something which has never been done before. I have to move very cautiously. It is a new experiment, but great possibilities will be released out of this...

... experiment. If this experiment succeeds on a small scale it can succeed on a bigger scale too. My own vision is that the coming age will be the age of the woman. Man has tried for five thousand years and has failed. Now a chance has to be given to the woman. Now she should be given all the reins of power. She should be given an opportunity to allow her feminine energies to function. Man has utterly failed...
... offspring of the Andronover nebula, which was onetime organized as a component part of the physical power and material matter of the local universe of Nebadon. And this great nebula itself took origin in the universal force-charge of space in the superuniverse of Orvonton, long, long ago. (651.4) 57:1.2 At the time of the beginning of this recital, the Primary Master Force Organizers of Paradise had long...

... Paradise force organizers are preparing to withdraw, having made the space-energy conditions ready for the action of the power directors and physical controllers of the superuniverse of Orvonton. 2. The Primary Nebular Stage (652.4) 57:2.1 All evolutionary material creations are born of circular and gaseous nebulae, and all such primary nebulae are circular throughout the early part of their gaseous...

... assuming gigantic proportions, and additional physical controllers were dispatched to nine surrounding material creations to afford support and supply co-operation to the power centers of this new material system which was so rapidly evolving. At this distant date all of the material bequeathed to the subsequent creations was held within the confines of this gigantic space wheel, which continued ever to...
... you will have a tremendous power; you will feel it. Immediately you will feel, 'I am the master. I can shift from suffering to bliss very easily - just like changing a gear in a car.' First do it in imagination, then some day try it in reality. Some day you are feeling miserable. Feel miserable - let that be the opportunity. Go deep... sink deep into it... Let it exhaust you. Then immediately change...

... ten days, try it in reality. You can move both ways. Sometimes you are feeling very happy; shift the gear and become unhappy. And see, you can do it. Once you know that you can do it, you are free of the mind, gone beyond. Now the mind cannot control you. Now you know that the mind is a mechanism, and the gear is in your hand. You will feel a tremendous release of power within you. Then nobody can...
... sad sight when you enter and you see the poor houses, the poor shops, as if you are entering something five thousand years old. It does not show any contemporariness. When you see the poor people they are nice, they are simple, but they are suffering. But the politician wants things to remain exactly as they are; they want to maintain the status quo because that has given them power. If something...

... changes in the country it is bound to be reflected sooner or later in their power. PLEASE EXPLAIN WHAT IS YOUR TEACHING. WHY DOES IT SEEM TO APPEAL MOST TO WESTERN PEOPLE AND HOW DO YOU ENVISAGE THE DEVELOPMENT OF YOUR WORK IN THE NEXT TWENTY YEARS? It appeals to the Western people for the simple reason that I am not basing my teaching on faith, on any kind of belief. It is a purely intelligent approach...
.... You cannot say what you want to say; you cannot be what you would like to be. You have to pretend, you have to be pseudo. You have to be smiling when really you want to cry. And you have to cry when tears are not coming. This inauthentic existence becomes possible for only one single reason, and that is: we depend on others' opinions. They become important, they have power over us. And the power is...
... one has to be always aware that it can do immense good, but it can also do immense harm. The question is, in whose hands is the power? You are right that hypnosis can help children immensely in every direction: in maturity, in individuality, in freedom, in meditation, in education, in intelligence, in memory. It can help them, but it can also harm them. If the power is in the wrong hands the same...
... needs future, ambition needs tomorrows. So you may be sitting silently in meditation, but your mind is far away, searching for enlightenment. It is not different from any other ambition -- ambition for money, ambition for power, ambition for respect. It does not matter at all what the object of your ambition is; every object of your ambition takes you away from your enlightenment. Nothing can take you...

... what is your hell and hellfire?" Between hell and heaven, they have taken away the reality of your being, the existential status of where you are. Avoiding hell, you are running to catch hold of heaven. You are running, but that which you are running for is within you. If you stop running and drop all the ambitions for greed and power and prestige, and just relax into your ordinariness -- then...
... seventy divisional capitals in which the Ancients of Days reside from time to time. (210.1) 18:3.7 In power, scope of authority, and extent of jurisdiction the Ancients of Days are the most powerful and mighty of any of the direct rulers of the time-space creations. In all the vast universe of universes they alone are invested with the high powers of final executive judgment concerning the eternal...

... of the minor sectors are very largely, though not exclusively, concerned with the great physical problems of the superuniverses. The minor sector spheres are the headquarters of the Master Physical Controllers. On these worlds ascending mortals carry on studies and experiments having to do with an examination of the activities of the third order of the Supreme Power Centers and of all seven orders...

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