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Found: 2312 articles, showing 470 - 480
... yourself as far as you can. You want to forget yourself! You want to get occupied in the world of money, power, prestige. Religion is for those who are ready to go into this nothingness of their being, who DON'T think that they have to be somebody. ALL that they want is to know who they are. They don't want to be somebody. They don't project. They simply want to enter into the innermost shrine of their...

... - which is not DONE by you. It arises as fragrance arises out of flowers, as light falls from the stars. It naturally arises! And when prayer is natural, it has tremendous beauty, tremendous power. It liberates. Be courageous. And let me repeat: the greatest courage is to be non-ambitious. Religion is not a formality; it is not a kind of behavior; it is not a certain etiquette. You can learn the...

... is better than loving a house. If you love a woman, a man, a child, it is better than loving power and prestige. But if you can find a Master and fall in his love, then that is the door to the divine - because on this earth, nothing is closer to God than a Master. And the difference between you and the Master is not of quality: the difference is only of remembrance. Remember again the old lion and...

...: Nothing fails like success. When you have succeeded, then you know that you have failed. All the money that you wanted is there, and you are as poor as ever - in fact, more so. All the power that you always wanted is there, but deep inside you you are the same beggar - immature, ugly, unenlightened. You have become famous, the whole word knows you, who you are, but you yourself don't know who you are...

... mad person, and the world is not going to be at peace unless the importance of politics disappears. It has become all-important; it has become the central core of life. Religion is thrown into the margin. It seems everybody wants to be powerful. Nobody is desirous of peace. The religious person desires peace, and peace brings power. And the politician desires power, and power only brings conflict...
... against the grain, you will be defeated. They know perfectly well how they have come into power: they have come into power because Indira tried to do something really revolutionary. She was trying to impose compulsory birth control on the country. That is the only way it can be done. You cannot persuade the people, and if you persuade, it will take thousands of years to persuade them, and by that time...

.... Now, he was very much hurt. And then, the bureaucracy was angry. They all joined together, and all kinds of opportunists. All Indian political parties dropped their differences. Their differences are vast. They all dropped their differences because the real point always is how to attain to power. Who bothers about ideologies? They dropped all their ideologies; they have all gathered under the wing...

... of Morarji Desai. Now this Morarji Desai and his party have no ideology, no plan. They simply want to be in power. And if you simply want to be in power, then you have to satisfy the masses the way they want to be satisfied - although their satisfactions are going to be suicidal. But who cares? Morarji Desai can remain the Prime Minister for at least five years; that is the real thing. Who bothers...

... what is going to happen next century? That is not their business. Certainly Morarji Desai is not going to survive that long even if he goes on drinking water of life. That is not his business. His whole business is how to remain in power. He knows my attitude. I need this country to go through a great revolution. Indira is capable of it, Indira has all my blessings. That is the deep cause of why he...

... is angry. I am really happy that Indira Gandhi is trying to contest again, to enter the Parliament. Once she is in the Parliament, it will not be too long that she remains out of power. It will be good that she be back in the Parliament. She is the only ray of hope, because she has guts. She can do things; she can risk. That's what has happened: she risked all in trying to solve the problems that...

... never be afraid of darkness. Light, howsoever small, is far more powerful than darkness howsoever big, howsoever old. In fact, darkness has no power, light has power. These words are powerful words. And the way mystics speak the truth, it is almost beyond the scholars; they really cannot destroy its beauty. In fact, they cannot even touch its truth; it is impossible for them for the simple reason that...

...," Ko Hsuan says, "These words are for you." If you are only a worldly person - by "worldly" he means one who is interested in money, power, prestige - then it would be better if you don't bother about such great things; they are not for you - at least not yet. You have to become fed up with all your so-called worldly desires. First go into those desires. Unless you become...

... your whole world with you, you will bring all your desires with you. That's why people think of God, of heaven. It is not that they are interested in God and heaven, they are only interested in power, prestige. Maybe they are afraid of death and out of fear and out of greed they start praying to God. But a prayer that arises out of fear and greed is not prayer at all. A real prayer arises out of...

... are. The garb is religious, the jargon is religious, but nothing has changed; the desires are the same. People are asking for money, power, prestige. Whatsoever you are asking for you are asking for something wrong because there is nobody to give you anything. The very idea of getting by asking is absurd. Be utterly silent. Tao is not the path of prayer, it is the path of meditation. ... TAO IS...

... is transformed into consciousness unless your darkness disappears and becomes light... THE SUPREME TAO HAS NO DESIRES YET BY ITS POWER THE SUN AND MOON REVOLVE IN THEIR ORBITS. THE SUPREME TAO IS NAMELESS, YET IT EVER SUPPORTS ALL THINGS. I DO NOT KNOW ITS NAME... THESE ARE IMMENSELY VALUABLE WORDS I DO NOT KNOWN... That's how the people who know speak. The people who claim that they know are...
.... Stick to your program. Even if others are killed for your power politics, let them be killed. Make everybody a ladder, a step. Go on walking on people's heads; only then do you become a president or a prime minister. There is no other way. The ways of the world are the ways of violence and will. If you relax will, you will be thrown out; somebody will jump on you. You will be made a means. If you want...

... to succeed in the ways of the world, never listen to people like Patanjali; then it is better to read Machiavelli, Chanakya -- cunning, most cunning people of the world. They give you advice how to exploit everybody and not allow anybody to exploit you, how to be ruthless, without any compassion, just violent. Then, only, can you reach to power, prestige, money, things of the world. But if you want...

... finished with it; then come to me." Relaxation is a totally different dimension, just the contrary. You move in the world with will. Nietzsche has written a book, THE WILL TO POWER. That is the right scripture to read: THE WILL TO POWER. Patanjali is not "will to power"; it is surrender to the whole. The first thing: prayatna shaithilya -- effortlessness. You should simply feel comfortable...

... greatest book's name is THE PRINCE. He must have been taught all the ways of the world; he was to tackle with people in the world. He has to cling to his power. And then he left. But it is easy to leave the palace; it is easy to leave the kingdom. It is difficult to leave the training of the mind. For six years he tried through the will to attain to God. He did whatsoever is humanly possible -- even...

... itself to be comfortable, to settle in a deep rest, your mind should be focused on the unlimited. The mind is very clever with the limited. If you think about money, mind is clever; if you think about power, politics, mind is clever; if you think about words, philosophies, systems, beliefs, mind is clever -- these are all limited. If you think about God, suddenly a vacuum.... What can you think about...
... is hypnotized through wealth, somebody is hypnotized through power - but everybody is hypnotized. And nobody has done this to you - you have been doing this yourself, it is your work. But you have been doing it so long that you have completely forgotten that you are both the magician and the sheep. Once a man realizes, "I am the magician and I am the sheep," then things start changing...

... thought, and then he said triumphantly, "He was so sick he couldn't tell me!" The mind, if it is drunk, may find excuses but all those excuses are false, just like this one: "The friend was so sick that he couldn't tell me." For sex you will find excuses, for smoking you will find excuses, for your lust for power you will find excuses, but all excuses are lame. The real fact is that...

... nobody could kiss her if he was in his senses! You have all been kissing the ugliest things possible. That is possible only because you are drunk and asleep. Have you ever thought about things that obsess you? How ugly! Can you find anything more ugly than power? Can you find a more ugly man than Hitler, Napoleon, Alexander? But that's your ambition also; deep down you would like to be like Napoleon...

..., Alexander, Hitler - successful in the world, powerful in the world. But can you find anything more ugly than them? Power is the ugliest thing, but everybody wants power, to dominate. Have you seen the ugliness of wealth? It has to be ugly, it cannot be beautiful, because it depends on exploitation. Blood is there, death is there, and many have been deprived of their lives... only then does your bank...

... there are many types of drugs: physical, chemical, mental; wealth, power, politics - everything is a drug. Look at a politician: he is drugged, he is drunk with power; he does not walk on the earth. Look at a man of wealth: you think he walks on the earth? No, his feet never touch the earth, he is very high, he has wealth. Only poor men walk on the earth, only beggars; a rich man flies in the sky...
..., nobody is free. If you shudder, if you hesitate, then the word 'god' has immense power over you, negative of course - but it has great power, as much power as it has on the people who go to the churches and the temples. You are conditioned in the negative way, they are conditioned in the positive way. But conditioning is conditioning; whether negative or positive it does not make you free. Be free! And...

... to know about chronological time you have to ask a physicist; that is not my concern. Psychological time is my basic concern. That's my whole work here: to help you get out of psychological time. The third question: Question 3: WHAT IS GREED? Sandesh, GREED is an effort to stuff yourself with something - it may be sex, it may be food, it may be money, it may be power. Greed is the fear of inner...

...? We are carrying an idea given to us by others that emptiness is death. It is not! It is a false notion perpetuated by the society. Society has a deep investment in the idea, because if people are not greedy THIS society cannot exist. If people are not greedy then who is going to be mad after money, after power? Then the whole structure of this power-oriented society will collapse. If people are not...

... saying see the stupidity of greed. In that very seeing it disappears, and your energy is free. Your consciousness is no longer entangled, entrapped, by things - money, power, prestige. Your consciousness is free. And the freedom of consciousness is the greatest rejoicing. The fourth question: Question 4: WHY DON'T I FEEL THAT I AM MYSELF? Gayatri, BECAUSE you are not yet. Your feeling is indicative of...
... fact it is weakness that wants to be strong. Try to understand it; it is a little bit complex but let us go into it. It is weakness that wants to be strong, it is inferiority that wants to be superior, it is ignorance that wants to be knowledgeable - so that it can hide in knowledge, so that you can hide your weakness in your so-called power. Out of inferiority comes the desire to be superior. That...

... is the whole substratum of politics in the world, power-politics. It is only inferior people who become politicians: they have a power urge, because they know they are inferior. If they don't become the president of a country or the prime minister of a country, they cannot prove themselves to others. In themselves they feel weak; they drive themselves to power. But how, by becoming a president, can...

... you be powerful? Deep down you will know that your weakness is there. In fact it will be felt more, even more than before, because now there will be a contrast. On the outside there will be power, and in the inside there will be weakness - more clear, like a silver lining in a black cloud. That's what happens: inside you feel poor and you start grabbing, you become greedy, you start possessing...

... drinking, and suddenly he looked into the eyes of the woman and there was immense power. Maybe the alcohol, the drinking, the music, the aloneness of these two persons, the loving atmosphere, triggered something. He saw immense power in the eyes of the woman, and he got caught in those eyes, almost magnetized, hypnotized. And he started looking, and when he started looking the woman started swaying...
... weapons third world war has become almost an impossibility. They will go on talking about it, because that keeps them in power. People are afraid. People don't know the whole information, what is going on. The Americans are afraid of Russians. Russians are absolutely in darkness, and they think Americans are monsters or something. The Soviet clique that rules can rule only if it can maintain the idea...

... just like his mother. What he is doing to the country is simply inconceivable. And what you are going to do by creating a nuclear plant? You can never become a great nuclear power. It will take three hundred years for India to become a power like America or Russia. And for three hundred years, if you are going to create nuclear weapons, not a single Indian will be alive. This is simple madhouse. So I...

... beyond the mundane things. The poor man -- I feel sorry for him, but I cannot think that I should go to Ethiopia and teach meditation there. They will kill me. And I am not suicidal. The world has enough technology now. If its old prejudices and stupidities can be dropped, we can make the whole world a paradise. Nothing is lacking. If we can reach to the moon, if we can create so much destructive power...

..., why we cannot create creative power. The same power can be transferred into creativity, because power is always neutral. You can burn your cigar by the lighter, you can burn your house too. Cigar does not... your lighter does not give you any instructions what to do. Science has made available all the energies. You are using them in the service of death. Use them in the service of life. It seems all...
... is impotent; it has no power of its own. Power belongs to the soul. The source of power is different. Therefore the ego has to be nursed twenty-four hours a day. It needs support. It has no legs to stand on. We have to prop it up with wealth or position - if nothing works we support it with sin!. You can visit the prison. Men who are shut up in jail tell stories about crimes they never committed. A...

... attachments, attains occult powers but is devoid of any self-knowledge. No matter how great his attainment is - he may raise the dead, he may cure illnesses, he may turn water into wine - but this has nothing to do with self-knowledge. In fact, the truth is that the more power he acquires, the further he drifts away from self-realization, because as the ego becomes larger and larger, the soul becomes more...

... about me?" Just recently he was at the height of his power, and suddenly he was thrown deep into oblivion. He is the same man before. The only difference is: he was at the peak of his ego's glory, now he is thrown into the ditch but the soul remains untouched. If he could remember that which has neither peak nor valley; for which there is no victory or defeat, which is not bothered whether people...

... obstacle. Therefore the so-called siddhas, those who possess the powers, never reached God. They acquire many powers but they miss the real power. Self-realization is the genuine power. Why do they miss? Because occult powers are also oriented towards the other. Would you crave these powers if there would be nobody is the existence, if you would be all alone? Would you like to turn water into medicine...
... dogs happened to overhear this. 'Say,' he said, 'didn't you tell me that those pups that I bought from you last week were political pups?' 'Yes, sir,' said the young dog-seller, 'but these puppies ain't -- they've got their eyes open.' Politics is blind. It is a blind trip of the ego. One goes on groping to find some source of power so that one can feel, 'I am somebody.' Politics comes out of an...

.... Your interpretation is wrong. That inner nothingness has nothing to do with inferiority complex, it is your interpretation that creates the inferiority complex. And out of the inferiority complex you start to become superior -- you become a prime minister, you become a president or something. This inner nothingness drives you somewhere -- it may be to money, it may to power, it may be prestige, it...

... tell him who I saved from drowning, he's gonna kill me!' Remember, the politician is always there. Till the ego is completely thrown away it is always there. The ego is the politician. If you are egoistic, you are political. You may not stand in an election, you may not strive for any political power, but if you have the ego you will remain political in subtle ways. You may dominate your wife or your...

... have more power you will have to fight. If you want more prestige you will have to be competitive. Your so-called saints are all political. They have their ambitions. Each saint wants to become the greatest saint -- then he is political, then he will have to fight with other saints who are competitors. A religious person is non-competitive and that's why I insist again and again -- I am never tired...

... of this insistence -- on you being meditative, because meditation is the only joy which is non-competitive, the only joy that you attain but nobody loses because you attain. Nobody is a loser. If you have more money somebody will have less money; if you have more power somebody will have less power; if Morarji becomes the prime minister, Indira is no longer a prime minister. Somebody loses...

.... Somebody's gain is going to be somebody else's loss. But a religious person will not like to do anything in which somebody becomes a loser. This is violent, this is ugly, this is inhuman. Then what is left for the religious person? He can celebrate his being. He can meditate. In meditation you gain and nobody loses. Only God is infinite, everything else is finite. Money is finite, power is finite... if you...

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