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... significant experiences is power -- power not over others, but simply a tremendous energy arising in you from the very core of your being. It is not that you are powerful over others, it is simply that you are powerful. The power that is over others can be taken away; it is dependent on others, it is not yours. You are simply hiding your impotence. Every politician in the world is psychologically sick. His...

... sickness is a deep inferiority complex, a deep impotence. Now, there are only two ways to get out of this state of impotence: the cheapest and the simplest is to become powerful over others. But that is an illusory experience -- certainly cheap, but not real. Real power comes only with the experience of your own being. That's where politics and religion separate. Their enquiry is basically the same...

... -- the search for power -- but politics chooses the cheapest, the most plastic way of attaining power, and religion goes in search of the authentic, the real, your own. If you are independent, absolutely rooted in your own being, this experience of power can be shared. If you are close to the man of power and you are not afraid of opening up, you will immediately see a great flash, a great flow...

... entering into your being, as if a flame has jumped from one lamp to another. It has been called, in the tradition of Zen, the transmission of the lamp. It is transmission of power, and it is a very strange experience. One of the disciples of Gurdjieff -- perhaps the one who was with him the longest -- was Bennett. He had found Gurdjieff in a refugee camp in Constantinople after the Russian Revolution...

.... Bennett discovered him in the refugee camp in Constantinople. That was the first time the world came to know about Gurdjieff. Bennett was in the army; he helped Gurdjieff to reach Paris, and whenever he was able he would come and live with Gurdjieff. Bennett remembers in his autobiography something concerning power. He had come, utterly tired, to see Gurdjieff, and he was feeling for a few days as if he...

... was going to die, as if all power to resist sickness had disappeared. He was pale, weak, and he had come just to see Gurdjieff for the last time, thinking that he would not be able to see him again. When he entered Gurdjieff's room, Gurdjieff said, "What has happened to you, Bennett? It is not time for you to die." He put his hand on Bennett's head, and Bennett could not believe it: a...

... discipline that I have given you, one day you will see for yourself that everybody has an inexhaustible source of power. It was an urgent situation, an emergency, so I poured myself; otherwise you would certainly have died. But I know that it is almost like a well: you can take the water out ... if you do it quickly, the well may become empty -- but just for a few minutes, because many currents are coming...

... in and filling the well. Soon it will be full again. You needed so much that I could not give slowly, I had to pour myself totally." You all have that power. It has nothing to do with anybody else; it has something to do with your roots in existence. The more you become aware of your roots in existence, the more powerful you become. This power has no equivalent in any other source of energy...

... like a tree. As the tree has roots in the earth, which you don't see, man has roots in existence which are invisible. Once you become aware of your innermost center, at the very same time you become aware of your immense power. And this power can never do any harm to anybody. This power can be used only as a blessing. Ta Hui is talking about this power. THE SENSES ARE MANIFESTATIONS OF ONE'S OWN MIND...

.... HEAVEN AND HELL ARE NOWHERE ELSE BUT IN THE HEART OF THE PERSON. Because we are thinking of ourselves as separate from everybody else, we have created a hell. If we can start having a harmony, a deep accord with each other, this very earth is the lotus paradise. AS SOON AS YOU BECOME AWARE OF GRADUALLY CONSERVING POWER IN THE MIDST OF THE AFFLICTIONS OF DAILY ACTIVITIES -- THIS IS HOW A PERSON ACHIEVES...

... BUDDHAHOOD. And because you are continuously in conflict with others, you are losing your power. If all conflicts disappear -- that means if you understand and feel the oneness with existence -- then you will start conserving your power without any effort, because there is nobody else to fight with, there is no way to destroy your power in unnecessary fights. You will conserve so much power that even if...

... buddha -- but the reality is of the same energy, the same power, the same awareness. You can make from the same mud many, many toys of different shapes -- but the reality within them is simply one. They are all mud. This whole existence consists only of consciousness; even rocks are nothing but condensed, fast asleep, snoring buddhas. If you listen closely you may hear their snores. They are really...

... REMEMBRANCE NOR IN KNOWLEDGE OF THE DIVINE; THE POWER LIES NEITHER IN THE WORLD NOR IN THE DEVICES TO BE RID OF samsara. THE REAL POWER LIES IN HIS HANDS - WHO CREATES AND KEEPS ON WATCHING. NANAK SAYS, NO ONE IS HIGH AND NO ONE IS LOW BEFORE HIM. Before proceeding with the sutras, there are a few things we should understand. Thousands upon thousands of ways have been devised to search for God. But whenever...

... often feel healthier. Sankhya says there are five subtle elements. These subtle elements are related to five gross elements. Together they make ten. Then there are five organs of perception that are subtle, and five organs of action that are gross. The eye is your organ of action, while the capacity to see is your subtle organ of perception. If you do not have the power of seeing, you are blind in...

... spite of the eye. It sometimes happens that the eye is in perfect condition yet cannot see; this is because the power of vision has shifted away from the eyes. The ears are the gross organs of hearing; but hearing, the power to hear, is the subtle organ of perception. Therefore when Nanak tells us again and again, "Listen!" he is not referring to your ears. The external organ of hearing, the...


... POWER LIES IN HIS HANDS - WHO CREATES AND KEEPS ON WATCHING. NANAK SAYS, NO ONE IS HIGH AND NO ONE IS LOW BEFORE HIM. These are revolutionary words. If there is one thing, and one thing alone that Nanak stresses in the whole of Japji - it is remembrance of His name; yet here in these lines Nanak declares that even remembrance has not the power. This is the last, the ultimate step coming into view...

.... Nanak tries to snatch everything away from you - even remembrance. For if you have the slightest inkling that something has the power, you will protect yourself, your hold on yourself will be strengthened; all strength ultimately proves to be the strength of your ego. So Nanak says there is no power even in the utterance - that you will take his name and somehow achieve. Then, in order that people not...

... feel that if utterance has not the power perhaps silence does, Nanak says that even silence has no power. He is pulling everything out of your hands, anything he feels you might cling to. You may have thought: Right! Talking is so much babble; silence is the answer! So you become silent and go into meditation. But Nanak says that even silence has no power, for there is still the you in you; it is the...

... in both cases. An evil person will contrive some fresh device to harass others even while remaining silent. Do you think merely by keeping quiet you can bring about a change in yourself or you will gain some power? What difference can there be? You were present in your words; you are present in your silence. You are still there. You will say, "I have become silent. I have entered into...

... will make you stiff with arrogance. Who is it now who says, 'I am empty'? This is the very thing that has to be dropped." THE POWER LIES NEITHER IN SPEAKING NOR IN SILENCE; THE POWER LIES NEITHER IN ASKING NOR IN GIVING. What will you give? What do you have to give? The beggar and the giver stand in the same place. One asks God for wealth, while the other distributes wealth or builds temples or...

... given their value by man. THE POWER LIES NEITHER IN ASKING NOR IN GIVING; THE POWER LIES NEITHER IN LIVING NOR IN DYING. You cannot achieve Him by living, so people think they should die. You see such people in ashrams everywhere. They don't have the courage to die in one stroke, so they do it gradually. This gradual dying is considered to be sannyas. first they run away from the world, which cuts out...

... who will die, is it not? And it is you again who will be born. You only shift positions, places; but you do not change. What Nanak is saying is very significant. THE POWER LIES NEITHER IN LIVING NOR IN DYING; THE POWER LIES NEITHER IN THE WEALTH OF KINGDOMS NOR THE RESOLVES OF THE MIND; Some people amass wealth, others collect meditation: they sit, they concentrate with great resolve, they do great...

... penance. But Nanak says, even these do not have the power to attain. And most significant of all, he says: THE POWER LIES NEITHER IN REMEMBRANCE NOR IN KNOWLEDGE OF THE DIVINE; Thoughts do not have the strength - and many people have said this - for thoughts are on the surface. Knowledge also has no strength, and many people have said it. Reading the scriptures, learning from the world or even from the...

... guru - what power can they have? For it is always you at the center of the vortex. Now this is interesting. Here all the paradox of the mystery manifests fully. All along Nanak has spoken of surati, His remembrance. And here he says: Even His remembrance has not the strength. The first step is His remembrance, and the second step is what use is mere remembrance? For it is I who will remember. That...

... be done. The fact is, you do not do it; things fall away by themselves. If you quit consciously, it means something still remains to be done. You strive and you strive and you strive, then the moment comes when you fall down exhausted. This falling is not of your own doing - you suddenly find yourself flat! Nanak refers to this when he says nothing has the strength, the power. For if there is even...

... a little bit of strength left, you are bound to go further. THE POWER LIES NEITHER IN THE WORLD NOR IN THE DEVICES TO BE RID OF SAMSARA. THE REAL POWER LIES IN HIS HANDS - WHO CREATES AND KEEPS ON WATCHING. Nanak says that none of the methods and tricks devised to be free of samsara have any strength in them either. The authentic power lies in the hands of Him who creates the world and, having...

... created, admires it. It is all in His hands. All strength, all power lies in His hands. Become weak, helpless, you will get His support. If you are strong you need no support. God is the strength of the weak and helpless. If you become helpless here, God awaits you there; but He belongs to the weak, not to the strong. The strong man does not need Him; he believes in helping himself. He denies God from...

... worth and taking shelter in the Lord's grace, you have infinite power and wealth to back you. You can move mountains provided you keep your trust in God and are fully conscious of your own insignificant strength. No sooner do you become helpless than the fountain of the supreme strength begins to flow for you. As long as you rely on your own strength and give it importance, your power is not worth a...

... penny. Therefore Nanak keeps repeating again and again: neither this has the power nor that... he is depriving you of all your strength. Therefore, I say, the sadguru snatches things away from you; he does not give. He takes away your all, he makes you helpless, he makes you weak. He leaves you in the state of a man in the middle of a desert, dying of thirst and no water anywhere. At the moment of the...
... Available: N.A. Length: N.A. Question 1: BELOVED MASTER, WHEN AND HOW DO POWER AND FORCE BECOME ONE? MASTER AND DISCIPLE DO NOT COME FROM THIS SPACE AT ALL. PLEASE COMMENT. Power and force never become one. Power is something that radiates from you. The source is within. Force is violent. Force is interference, a trespass on the freedom of others. But, ordinarily, people don't make the distinction between...

... the two words. They use them almost synonymously. Love is power, but not force. A president has force, but not power. Power never hurts anybody; it is always healing energy. It showers on you like flowers showering on you. It is a fragrance that reaches to you very silently, not even making any noise. It is for you to receive it or not to receive it. It does not force you to receive it. Power keeps...

... your dignity intact - in fact, it enhances it. It makes you more individual, it allows you more freedom. It makes no conditions on you. Force is totally the opposite of power. Force is violence against the other. But these words became synonymous; there must be some reason why. It is because in life we experience power changing into force. For example, you love someone; that is power. But then you...

... get married, you are a husband and she is a wife; it is a social contract, it is business. Now power disappears, force enters in. You will still use the same words, but they don't mean the same. You will still say, "I love you," but you know that these are only empty words. Yes, once they were alive, once they had immense content. Once there was juice in them - now everything is just dry...

.... You have to say, "I love you." It is not coming from your heart, it is coming from your head. The space has changed. You will still kiss your wife, but it will be just an exercise of the lips; behind the lips there is nobody. You may be far away, thinking of your secretary. Your wife may be far away, thinking of her boss. Now power, which was a radiance, a field of energy, has disappeared...

.... Instead there is force. Love is gone; law has entered into life. Because of these changes of power into force, the words have become synonymous - even to the linguists, who should know better. The difference is very subtle. Force is always that of the sword. The sword may grow into nuclear weapons. Power is always of love. It can grow only into deep mysteries, unknown spaces. Ultimately, it can become a...

... heart is capable of. It is not a question of reasoning, but of experiencing. So remember, power has some spirituality in it. Force is animal. Muhammad Ali may have force; I do not have. What connects me to you? It is not power of the same kind as that with which Muhammad Ali is connected to his fans. It is so different. You are not my fans. You are me, as if I am extended in you. In Ramakrishna's life...

... your disciples? All those throats are yours!' "And he is right, so I will be eating.... So don't be sad. There is a possibility of such an organic unity that your throat can become my throat, that your hands can become my hands. And if it does not happen, then there is no love." Love is the greatest miracle in existence. Naturally, there is no power higher than love. But love is not a force...

.... The very word "force" - the very sound of the word "force" indicates that you are interfering in somebody's being. You are destroying somebody, reducing somebody to a thing. So remember, power never becomes force. Power becomes bigger and bigger; it can become universal, but it still remains power. It is a benediction, a blessing. Force is ugly. Force is inhuman. Don't be misled...

... by the fact that in the dictionaries they mean the same. Dictionaries are not written by enlightened people; otherwise, words would have different meanings, different connotations, and language would have a purity. But unconscious people go on writing dictionaries, books on linguistics. They have never known anything like power; they have known only force. Naturally, to them the words are...

... synonymous. But to me they are contraries. Keep them separate; never become attracted towards force. Be full of power - which is yours; expand it, let others share it. And it can become so vast that you can spread yourself over the whole existence. That's what enlightenment is: when even the farthest stars move within you, when there is nothing outside you, when everything becomes your interior kingdom...

... should remain constant, and if one person dies, how he has to be replaced. I have given them all the instructions. But that is not of any use to you. When I am not here, then the people who will be running the commune will need elders for guidance. These three groups will provide all kinds of guidance. They will not have any power; they will not be holding any post, but they will be available to all...

..., persuade, and come to a unanimous decision. Then only can they advise the people who are in power to follow it. Rajneesh Academy will become your source of religio. Question 5: BELOVED MASTER, YOUR HAND RISES AND EMBRACES THE UNIVERSE. A WISP OF YOUR BEARD MOVES AS YOU WALK AWAY. AND I FALL IN LOVE AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. BELOVED MASTER, WHAT IS THE MAGIC? Baby, I don't know! Okay? Generated by...
.... Video Available: N.A. Length: N.A. Question 1: BELOVED MASTER, YOU SAID BEFORE THAT MEDITATIVE PEOPLE CANNOT BE CORRUPTED BY POWER, BUT HOW COME SHEELA AND HER GANG WERE CORRUPTED BY POWER? PLEASE SAY SOMETHING ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION OF THE MEDITATIVE PEOPLE. Meditative people cannot be corrupted - ever. If somebody is corrupted, that only means he was not meditative. And about Sheela, I can tell you...

... what she was doing. And power has a strange quality. It brings all your hidden desires to the surface. That's why power corrupts. It is not power that really corrupts, it only brings all the corrupted ideas in you to the surface, because power gives you an opportunity to give those ideas a reality. Those dreams can be transformed and materialized. And everybody is full of so many unconscious desires...

..., of which he himself is not aware. Only power will show. And it has been happening all through history. When Indira Gandhi came to power in India she was innocent, intelligent, not political at all. She had not come from the lowest political levels, fighting, struggling and reaching to the top. That way one becomes very cunning, clever, experienced. She had just got the power because she was the...

... daughter of the first prime minister of India. So she never moved through the power struggle. She had never dreamed about it, she had never thought about it. Her father had never mentioned it. But the committee, who was to decide, was in a very difficult position. There was Morarji Desai - who was strong, adamant, stubborn and a perfect idiot. Once he gets into power, he is not going even to listen to...

... love that certainly she will be chosen. And she was chosen. But once she got into power, things started changing. She became almost a dictator at one point. She imposed an emergency on the whole country. She forced all the political people into jail. She did whatever she wanted. She dissolved the parliament. She went on postponing the elections. And this was the natural result of all her dictatorial...

... methods - that she has been assassinated by her bodyguards. But nobody had any idea that a woman could turn into an Adolf Hitler. The same happened in this small commune. You were engaged in creating an oasis in the desert, I was living in isolation and silence - and she had the gap between the two. You were engaged in the work so much, and I was out of contact with you. I have never been in any power...

... position in my whole life, and I will never be, because I know something bigger than power. I know something more powerful than power. I know love. I know trust. And I love unconditionally, and I trust unconditionally. And I love and trust even those who are strangers, even those who have done things against me. Just the other day Deeksha phoned. Knowing that now Sheela is gone, she wants to come back...

... secrets. If they were not totally surrendered to Sheela, then they could be dangerous. Power has the capacity to bring out the worst in you. It has never been known in the whole history that power has brought out the best in you. Your question is significant, that meditation cannot be corrupted. Yes, it cannot be corrupted. On the contrary, if a person is meditative, loving, power can bring the best out...

... of him. And I would like that experiment to happen here. The worst has always come out of power. But meditation can change the whole situation, the whole alchemy. And now I am suggesting people for power who are meditative, intelligent, loving. And I hope that we will be able to manage something new. Use power to bring the best out of man. And anyway, nothing like Sheela is going to happen, because...

... now I am not going to stop speaking and being in direct contact with you. I don't have any power, but I have love, which is far more powerful than any power. I cannot dictate to you - but I need not dictate. Just a gesture of love is enough. Just my fingers pointing to the moon, and your eyes will turn towards the moon without any order, commandment. So don't feel afraid at all, but remember your...

... prove to themselves and to the world that they are not inferior, they are superior. But whatever power you can attain, it cannot destroy your inferiority. It has nothing to do with your inferiority; it is a projection to cover it up. Inferiority disappears only in deep meditative silence. Then you know such a uniqueness that you don't want to be anybody else other than who you are. Just to be yourself...

... joy arising in you. I want to give you the taste of enlightenment in as many ways as possible, so one day finally you say, "Okay. I am going to wake up now." Question 4: BELOVED MASTER, IS IT TRUE THAT POWER-ORIENTED PEOPLE WERE NEEDED TO CREATE THIS COMMUNE? IS IT ALSO TRUE THAT MEDITATIVE AND LOVING PEOPLE CANNOT CREATE SUCH BEAUTIFUL AND RICH COMMUNES? PLEASE COMMENT. Power-oriented...

... that he is creating is going to last for one thousand years. I want you to know, what we are creating is going to last forever. Love is immortal. Love knows no death. Meditation leads you within yourself to eternity. So don't think that I had put Sheela and her group to create the commune. They turned out to be power-oriented. Perhaps any one of you would have turned out to be the same. You all carry...
... may call this moment of tranquillity by any name. In this moment there is no future, no journey. It is a meeting with the centre of existence. This is in our hands. And it is in our hands because we have the power of understanding. If you wish, you can concentrate your flow of understanding on the subject of pain and grief. This is what is called meditation. To focus your understanding on happiness...

... be When the 'I' is annihilated, then only can the neighbour be loved as much as thyself. "AND SUCH A PERSON CAN BE ENTRUSTED WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF THE WORLD." This is a very difficult arrangement suggested by Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu says that such a man can be entrusted with the government of the world because power in his hands can never be dangerous. But such a person does not desire power...

.... Those who desire power are persons in whose hands power is most harmful. There is a famous saying of Bacon: "Power corrupts." This is only half the fact. Power corrupts, because only the corrupt seek power. If you are immoral within, your immorality cannot manifest without power. Therefore, when power is attained, the corruption that is within becomes manifest. Generally people are surprised...

... when an erstwhile servant of the people becomes a changed man on attaining power. Then they say power corrupts everyone. It is not so. He served the people while he was weak. The service was out of weakness and not because of an intrinsic quality of the man. As soon as he comes into power, the real person within him stands revealed. Therefore, the real quality of a person is only known when he wields...

... some power. Power gives him the freedom to do what he chooses; he no longer has to pretend. Thus, power does not corrupt a man. Rather, it gives freedom of action to the immoral. Lao Tzu says, "Only he can be entrusted with the government of the world whose ego is annihilated." When the ego and power join together, immorality results. If the 'I' is dissolved, power alone cannot produce...

... immorality. It is the ego alone that can become unchaste, immoral. He who loves the world as much as his self can be entrusted to look after the world. But the difficulty is that such a person will not accept power. Then what does Lao Tzu mean? Lao Tzu says, "Do not give power into the hands of those who seek power because it is dangerous. Do not revere those who seek respect, for that too, is...

... dangerous. Do not glorify one who seeks fame because it is like feeding his illness. Rather, honour one who seeks no honour and entrust power into the hands of one whose ego no longer is." A few things need to be cleared up in connection with this sutra. In the 2500 years after Lao Tzu, many revolutions took place in the world but they were all unsuccessful. All revolutions are failures. Each...

... revolution declares that power is now in the right hands, and each time those hands prove to be the hands of false men. There is something more than revolution required for the right type of government, and perhaps revolutions have no connection with it because they all turned out to be failures. No type of revolution can fulfil the conditions of Lao Tzu's sutra, because power goes to him who seeks it...

.... Some people, like Kropotkin or Bukharin (Bakunin?) were so troubled and harassed that they said, "Power should no longer be in anyone's hands. There should be anarchy." All power turns out to be too costly ultimately, and new revolutions are required each time in order to halt the powers that be. Then again, the government formed thereafter has to be overthrown by yet another revolution...

.... Those that are installed into power with so much toil and labour, and against such odds, have to be brought down the next day with as much difficulty. For 2500 years, the people of the world have been engaged in one single work. That is to raise people to power, thinking that they are the right people. When they come to power it becomes clear that the wrong men have been chosen - and so, the circle...

... continues. When I say for the last 2500 years, it is only because the history of mankind is not clear before that. Lao Tzu says this vicious circle cannot be broken by revolutions but by individuals. Whenever power falls into the hands of such a person, as Lao Tzu is talking about whatever be the direction in which he attains power - this power can never be dangerous or harmful; it can never prove too...

... costly. Perhaps that is why the power in God's hands does not prove harmful or costly on earth, because it is as if it is not. Can you feel the presence of God anywhere? His very absence is His presence. He is present in His absence. How many times have people cried and said, "If Thou art, reveal Thyself!" How many challenges have been thrown to Him? But no challenge reaches Him, because that...
... have thought about from every possible angle, and I have found it always gives some new insight. Acton says: Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I don't think so, because I don't see it happening the way Lord Acton is saying. But Lord Acton was speaking from his whole life's experience; he was a politician himself, and what he was saying was not unfounded. Still, I dare to...

... disagree with him, because my understanding is that power certainly corrupts, but it corrupts only a person who was potentially corruptible. He may not have been known as corrupted before because he had no opportunity, he had no power. But power itself cannot corrupt a man who has no potential for corruption. So it is not the power that is corrupting the man; in fact the power is simply revealing the man...

... to you. The power is making actual what was only potential; it is exposing the person to you and to himself. If you look in a mirror and you see an ugly face, are you going to say that the mirror corrupts? The poor mirror simply reflects. If you have an ugly face what can the mirror do about it? I have heard about a mad woman, who whenever she came across a mirror would immediately destroy it. She...

... herself, neither beautiful nor ugly. But she would just be the same. The change that has happened is that now she cannot see her reflection. Nothing has changed, only the reflectors have been removed. The same is true about Lord Acton's famous dictum, "Power corrupts" - it seems so. I would like to say that power mirrors. If you are potentially ready to be corrupted, power gives you the chance...

.... And if you have an absolute potential - like an Adolf Hitler, a Joseph Stalin, a Mussolini - then what can power do about it? Power is simply available to you. You can do much with it. If you are a corruptible person you will do what you always wanted to do but did not have the power to do. But if you are not potentially corruptible, then it is impossible for power to corrupt you. You will use the...

... power, but it will not be corruption, it will be creation. It will not be destructive: It will be a blessing to people. And if you have the potential of being a blessing to people, then absolute power will be an absolute blessing in the world. But man's life has many strange things in it. Only the potentially corruptible person moves towards power. The potentially good person has no desire for power...

.... The will-to-power is the need of a corrupted being, because he knows that without power he will not be able to do what he wants to do. Adolf Hitler first wanted to be an architect, but all the schools of architecture refused him because he had no potential as an architect. He could not even draw a straight line. He wanted to become an artist - if not an architect, then an artist - but no school...

... would accept him. If the school of architecture was not going to accept him, then.... Art, particularly painting, needs an even greater caliber, and he had no talent for art. Disappointed everywhere, rejected from everywhere, he started moving towards power. Adolf Hitler's will-to-power was really strong. A man who was not able to become an architect or a painter became so powerful that the whole...

... your bedroom, in the night you would have suffered nightmares. Power brings into actuality what is hidden in you. But strangely, the good man has no need to be powerful, because good can manifest without power. There is no need for good to have power. Good has its own intrinsic power. Evil needs some outside power to support it. Kahlil Gibran has written a beautiful story. This single man has written...

... mask. Beauty had not thought about it at all; the idea had not even occurred to her that this was possible, that ugliness would steal her clothes and run away. The man who has a heart throbbing with goodness, with blessings, feels no need to be the president or the prime minister. He has no time to waste in this ugly game of power politics. He has enough energy. That, good brings with itself. He will...

... create music, he will compose poetry, he will sculpt beauty in marble; he will do something for which power is not needed. All that is needed is already provided for him. That's the beauty of good, that it is intrinsically powerful. Let it be very clearly understood: You can be certain that anything that needs power from outside is not good. It is something intrinsically impotent; it will live on...

... presence. Goodness has its own intrinsic power, and it has its own benefit, blessing. It is not somewhere else in some other life - that if you do good now, in your other life you will get paid for it. That is a strange kind of law - and that's what the law of karma is. If you are living a poor, miserable, suffering life, the law of karma says it is because in a past life you committed evil acts - this...

... is the result of them. If somebody is enjoying good health, money, power, all the joys of life, you need not be jealous of him: he has done good deeds in a past life and now he is reaping the crop. He has sown the seeds in his past life. But why so much distance between sowing the seeds and reaping the crop? Is it that always in one life you do good or bad, and in another life comes the result? To...

... everywhere. Good people will be found in every corner of the earth - poor, starving, suffering. Bad people will be successful. The cunning - who are ready to cut anybody's throat, who have cut many people's throats, who have been stepping up on people's heads towards power and riches, who have used people as if they were things - they have all that should really belong to the good people. How is the priest...

... acted like a fool, that again you have done the same stupid thing that you decided again and again not to do. You will feel a tremendous unworthiness in yourself. You will feel that you are not a man but a machine, because you don't respond, you react. A man may have done something, and you reacted. That man had the key in his hands, and you just danced according to his desire; he had power over you...

... they come the child is still inside the circle. Gurdjieff started wondering how it happened, why it happened, and soon he was able to figure out that it is just a question of your unconscious accepting the idea. Once your unconscious accepts the idea, then your body and your conscious mind have no power to go against it. In his own exercises that he developed later on when he became a Master...
... control of manifested power and circulating energy is modified by the co-ordinate acts and decisions of the Eternal Son, as well as by the united purposes of the Son and the Father executed by the Conjoint Actor. These divine beings act personally and as individuals; they also function in the persons and powers of an almost unlimited number of subordinates, each variously expressive of the eternal and...

... divine purpose in the universe of universes. But these functional and provisional modifications or transmutations of divine power in no way lessen the truth of the statement that all force-energy is under the ultimate control of a personal God resident at the center of all things. 1. Paradise Forces and Energies (467.3) 42:1.1 The foundation of the universe is material, but the essence of life is...

... and united stream of Paradise force going forth to all space. This divine energy pervades all creation. The force organizers initiate those changes and institute those modifications of space-force which eventuate in energy; the power directors transmute energy into matter; thus the material worlds are born. The Life Carriers initiate those processes in dead matter which we call life, material life...

.... The Morontia Power Supervisors likewise perform throughout the transition realms between the material and the spiritual worlds. The higher spirit Creators inaugurate similar processes in divine forms of energy, and there ensue the higher spirit forms of intelligent life. (468.3) 42:1.6 Energy proceeds from Paradise, fashioned after the divine order. Energy — pure energy — partakes of the nature of...

... force and energy — physical, mindal, or spiritual. These narratives cannot altogether follow your accepted definitions of force, energy, and power. There is such paucity of language that we must use these terms in multiple meanings. In this paper, for example, the word energy is used to denote all phases and forms of phenomenal motion, action, and potential, while force is applied to the pregravity...

..., and power to the postgravity, stages of energy. (469.2) 42:2.2 I will, however, endeavor to lessen conceptual confusion by suggesting the advisability of adopting the following classification for cosmic force, emergent energy, and universe power — physical energy: (469.3) 42:2.3 1. Space potency. This is the unquestioned free space presence of the Unqualified Absolute. The extension of this concept...

... that these same force organizers begin their initial and active operations. Primordial force is destined to pass through two distinct phases of transmutation in the realms of energy manifestation before appearing as universe power. These two levels of emerging energy are: (470.2) 42:2.11 a. Puissant energy. This is the powerful-directional, mass-movemented, mighty-tensioned, and forcible-reacting...

... response to the circular and absolute-gravity grasp of Paradise, the primary force organizers give way to the functioning of their secondary associates. (470.3) 42:2.12 b. Gravity energy. The now-appearing gravity-responding energy carries the potential of universe power and becomes the active ancestor of all universe matter. This secondary or gravity energy is the product of the energy elaboration...

... pull inherent in the soon appearing material mass of the electronic and the postelectronic stages of energy and matter. Upon the appearance of gravity response, the Associate Master Force Organizers may retire from the energy cyclones of space provided the Universe Power Directors are assignable to that field of action. (470.4) 42:2.13 We are quite uncertain regarding the exact causes of the early...

... stages of force evolution, but we recognize the intelligent action of the Ultimate in both levels of emergent-energy manifestation. Puissant and gravity energies, when regarded collectively, are spoken of on Uversa as ULTIMATA. (470.5) 42:2.14 4. Universe power. Space-force has been changed into space-energy and thence into the energy of gravity control. Thus has physical energy been ripened to that...

... point where it can be directed into channels of power and made to serve the manifold purposes of the universe Creators. This work is carried on by the versatile directors, centers, and controllers of physical energy in the grand universe — the organized and inhabited creations. These Universe Power Directors assume the more or less complete control of twenty-one of the thirty phases of energy...

... constituting the present energy system of the seven superuniverses. This domain of power-energy-matter is the realm of the intelligent activities of the Sevenfold, functioning under the time-space overcontrol of the Supreme. (470.6) 42:2.15 On Uversa we refer to the realm of universe power as GRAVITA. (470.7) 42:2.16 5. Havona energy. In concept this narrative has been moving Paradiseward as transmuting...

... space-force has been followed, level by level, to the working level of the energy-power of the universes of time and space. Continuing Paradiseward, there is next encountered a pre-existent phase of energy which is characteristic of the central universe. Here the evolutionary cycle seems to turn back upon itself; energy-power now seems to begin to swing back towards force, but force of a nature very...

... Sevenfold and the Thought Adjusters, but we doubt that any subabsolute personality, even power directors, can comprehend the energy infinity of the First Great Source and Center. One thing is certain: If the power directors are conversant with the technique of the metamorphosis of space-force, they do not reveal the secret to the rest of us. It is my opinion that they do not fully comprehend the function...

... of the force organizers. (471.6) 42:2.22 These power directors themselves are energy catalyzers; that is, they cause energy to segment, organize, or assemble in unit formation by their presence. And all this implies that there must be something inherent in energy which causes it thus to function in the presence of these power entities. The Nebadon Melchizedeks long since denominated the phenomenon...

... of the transmutation of cosmic force into universe power as one of the seven “infinities of divinity.” And that is as far as you will advance on this point during your local universe ascension. (471.7) 42:2.23 Notwithstanding our inability fully to comprehend the origin, nature, and transmutations of cosmic force, we are fully conversant with all phases of emergent-energy behavior from the times of...

... its direct and unmistakable response to the action of Paradise gravity — about the time of the beginning of the function of the superuniverse power directors. 3. Classification of Matter (471.8) 42:3.1 Matter in all universes, excepting in the central universe, is identical. Matter in its physical properties depends on the revolutionary rates of its component members, the number and size of the...

... the almost endless changes to which physical energy may be subject. In one universe it appears as light, in another as light plus heat, in another as forms of energy unknown on Urantia; in untold millions of years it may reappear as some form of restless, surging electrical energy or magnetic power; and still later on it may again appear in a subsequent universe as some form of variable matter going...

... matter sweeps on, undergoing the transmutations of time but swinging ever true to the circle of eternity; even if long prevented from returning to its source, it is ever responsive thereto, and it ever proceeds in the path ordained by the Infinite Personality who sent it forth. (473.1) 42:4.3 The power centers and their associates are much concerned in the work of transmuting the ultimaton into the...

... circuits and revolutions of the electron. These unique beings control and compound power by their skillful manipulation of the basic units of materialized energy, the ultimatons. They are masters of energy as it circulates in this primitive state. In liaison with the physical controllers they are able to effectively control and direct energy even after it has transmuted to the electrical level, the so...

...-called electronic stage. But their range of action is enormously curtailed when electronically organized energy swings into the whirls of the atomic systems. Upon such materialization, these energies fall under the complete grasp of the drawing power of linear gravity. (473.2) 42:4.4 Gravity acts positively on the power lanes and energy channels of the power centers and the physical controllers, but...

... neither emergent energy nor organized matter were present and responding to gravity. (473.4) 42:4.6 Gravity presence and action is what prevents the appearance of the theoretical absolute zero, for interstellar space does not have the temperature of absolute zero. Throughout all organized space there are gravity-responding energy currents, power circuits, and ultimatonic activities, as well as...

...:4.10 Throughout all of this never-ending metamorphosis of energy and matter we must reckon with the influence of gravity pressure and with the antigravity behavior of the ultimatonic energies under certain conditions of temperature, velocity, and revolution. Temperature, energy currents, distance, and the presence of the living force organizers and the power directors also have a bearing on all...

... only to the circular Paradise-gravity pull. Without linear-gravity response they are thus held in the universal space drift. Ultimatons are capable of accelerating revolutionary velocity to the point of partial antigravity behavior, but they cannot, independent of force organizers or power directors, attain the critical escape velocity of deindividuation, return to the puissant-energy stage. In...

... disruptive of the atomic nucleus. (479.2) 42:8.4 As atoms are constituted, neither electric nor gravitational forces could hold the nucleus together. The integrity of the nucleus is maintained by the reciprocal cohering function of the mesotron, which is able to hold charged and uncharged particles together because of superior force-mass power and by the further function of causing protons and neutrons...

... with the Creator Son. This mind level connotes the organization of the morontia type of life vehicle, a synthesis of the material and the spiritual which is effected by the Morontia Power Supervisors of a local universe. Morontia mind functions differentially in response to the 570 levels of morontia life, disclosing increasing associative capacity with the cosmic mind on the higher levels of...

... two human bodies. The Morontia Power Supervisors sponsor, and the attending seraphim provide, the undifferentiated morontia material wherewith the morontia life can begin to work. And after the morontia life it will be found that spirit forms are equally diverse, personal, and characteristic of their respective spirit-mind indwellers. (483.12) 42:12.12 On a material world you think of a body as...

... is a necessary evil. But evil it is. So it is better to choose a politician who at least has a flexible mind, scientific attitudes - one who at least has a contemporary mind. Morarji Desai is just out of date. He does not belong to this century, to this time. All that he goes on saying is sheer superstitious nonsense. He is at least one thousand years back. But once you are in power, whatsoever you...

..., bleeding and crying, the father said to him, "That will teach you: never trust a politician, even if it is your own father." I don't trust politicians. Something is basically wrong in the being of a politician. A politician is suffering from a pathology, he suffers from an inferiority complex. Now this is a well-established fact: that people who search for power are the people who suffer from...

... an inferiority complex. And the people who suffer from an inferiority complex, once they are in power, are bound to prove dangerous to the people. Morarji Desai has been suffering from an inferiority complex his whole life. His whole life has been devoted to a single aim: to become the prime minister of this country. And now he has become the prime minister. And these past twenty months have proved...

... that you cannot find a more incompetent man than him. These twenty months have proved that he has attained his goal and now he does not know what to do with it. The politician is skillful in coming to power, but then what to do with that power? He has been after it his whole life; that was his only desire. Now it is fulfilled. He is spent. Now he does not know what to do, except to cling to the chair...

.... He is clinging hard. And the country is going down and down every day - becoming poorer and poorer, becoming more and more chaotic, becoming more and more violent, destructive. People are butchered, killed, murdered, their properties destroyed, whole villages burnt, women are being raped. There is no order, no law. And Morarji Desai is only interested in one thing: how to go on remaining in power...

.... This is a very very retarded mind. If a young person is interested in power, he can be forgiven. But at the age of eighty-three or eighty-four, if one is interested in power, he cannot be forgiven. Bertha was so concerned about her son that she sought advice from a family psychologist and counselor. "Sir," she said desperately, "I am worried about my son. He has strange ways of amusing...

...;Perfectly normal - he's just releasing some hostility." "He skates on roller skates from room to room in the house so he can get to the dinner table more quickly." "Your son sounds very amusing," laughed the psychologist. "How old is your boy?" "Thirty-nine." Somebody clinging to power at the age of eighty-three: it looks really pitiable. And doing nothing with...

... that power - doing only one thing: trying to cling to it, trying to keep it, trying to maintain it. Such an unproductive man, such an uncreative man, should not be there. The country needs a younger person with more brains, with more vision of the future; only then can this country be saved. The country needs a scientific approach towards life - not out-of-date sermons and puritanical, moralistic...

... Krishna Prem,'If it was in y power I would have demolished Acharya Rajneesh's work, his ashram, everything." You see the mind? It is the mind of a dictator. And why does he say that if it was in his power...? It is in his power, and he is doing whatsoever he can do. Just the other day, from very reliable sources, it became known that he has informed the authorities that somehow, in any way, we have...

... is pressure from New Delhi. The chief minister of Maharashtra was willing to help. Just the other day, he said to a friend, "I was willing to help at least as far as the land is concerned, I was going to help the commune. But now the pressure from Delhi is too much. Now it is beyond my capacity; I cannot help." Why does Morarji Desai say that it is beyond his power? He is doing everything...

... when I criticize him I am not criticizing him personally, remember always, I have no personal grudge against him; there is no question of any personal grudge. He is just a symbol of something very rotten. And when I criticize him, in fact I am simply talking about the facts. If the facts are against him, what can I do? Now, the twenty months that he has been in power are writ large. His incompetence...

... corn and peas." "And what does that give you?" "Peas on the cob - my answer to senior citizens with false teeth." "Jan, may I give you some candid advice? Why don't you cultivate some brains?" But I cannot give that advice to Morarji Desai, it is too late; the river has already reached the end. And the more he remains in power, the more time is wasted. Not only is...

... ALL THE SPIRITUAL POWER AT YOUR COMMAND. WHAT IS THE BACKGROUND? DO YOU WISH TO REPLACE MR. DESAI WITH MRS. GANDHI? Yes. Absolutely yes. Again I would like to remind you that I have no personal attachment to Indira Gandhi. But she represents something far better than Morarji Desai represents. She has more progressive policies, a better vision of the future, and more understanding of the present. She...

... all. We were sitting on the same sofa, very close, touching each other's body - but far far away, millions of miles' distance. There was no communication possible - centuries of difference. He was not capable of understanding what I was saying to him. I have met Indira Gandhi. She was so open; it is very rare to meet a person who is so open. And more difficult to find a person who is in power and...

... yet so open. Power blinds people, power closes people, power makes people dogmatic. She was at the zenith of her power, but she was utterly humble. She was drinking in every single word that I was saying to her, and she understood immediately. She said, "I would like to do what you are saying, but I am surrounded by such people that it is almost impossible to do anything." Morarji Desai...

... am not a politician; that is not my choice. I have far better things to do. I am not interested in political power, because to me, power is never there outside. Power is something inside you, power is your inner reality. And to be powerful over others is ugly, violent. Be a master of your own self. That is true power. And a power that never destroys is intrinsically creative, and a power out of...

...;This toy is dangerous, don't play with it. This toy can harm you; don't play with it - throw it away." This much I can say. And that's what I am doing. When I say Morarji Desai is a wrong person to be in power, I am simply saying that there are better possibilities, and it will be good if the country chooses a better person. But this is not my interest. So I don't become a politician just...

... 'sageness' is just cultivated. The Master was so happy, he laughed. He pulled Yoka close to him, he blessed him and said 'Very good indeed!' This is a strange dialogue. What do you feel in this unique dialogue? What is its uniqueness? It is unique because here are two men of infinite power facing each other without any competition; two men of truth facing each other without any argument. This only happens...

... when the power is real. Only real power is capable of accepting the truth of the other. When the power is not real you are always defending: you are afraid you may be exposed. When the power is not real you move cautiously; you cannot say the other is right because then you are wrong. When the power is unreal it is always ego power. The real power is not yours; the real power is of the whole, of the...

... total. This only happens when the power is real. Real power means pure power, not over others. This distinction has to be understood. There are two kinds of power in the world: one is power over others, that's what political power is. Kings have it, and the politicians and the dictators, but it is impotent; deep down it is poor. They are hiding something - their impotence - in the clamour of power...

.... They are just creating the power around themselves so that they need not face their impotence. The religious power, the spiritual power, is not power over others; it is simply power, it is just pure power. It has no reference to the other, that's why it can be so humble, so innocent. The pure power is that which the sages have pre-eminently and the politicians and the dictators are most lacking in...

.... That's why I say again and again that politics and religion are diametrically opposite. A politician cannot be religious; it is intrinsically impossible. A religious person cannot be a politician; that too is intrinsically impossible. They move into different kinds of power. One is power over others, the other is simply emptiness inside and the power is God's. It descends in you; because you are empty...

..., you become full of it. The power over others is destructive. The pure power is pure creativity. Before we enter the sutras there are a few things to be noted. Hubert Benoit calls Zen 'the doctrine abrupt' as opposed to all others which he names 'progressive doctrines'. For the first, for Zen, he uses the singular, and for the others the plural - because the doctrine abrupt can only be one. But there...


... the back. Turn about! A one-hundred-and- eighty-degree turn is needed. And the sun that used to rise in the morning starts rising in the evening. 'I answer "The power of MAHAPRAGYA, the great wisdom."' And what is the great wisdom? HEAVEN CANNOT MAKE HEAD OR TAIL OF IT. ... because it is spontaneity. The ordinary wise man has ready-made answers. He is a robot, he is a computer. You ask the...

... END OF THE WAY. ALL THAT HE HAD TO DO, HE HAS DONE. AND NOW HE IS ONE. These are the last golden sutras of THE DHAMMAPADA: POSSESSING NOTHING, WANTING NOTHING. HE IS FULL OF POWER. Why does man want to possess? It is one of the most fundamental things to be understood. Unless you understand why there is a constant hankering to possess more and more things, money, power, you will not be able to get...

... imitating others. Children are imitators; the only way they learn things is by imitating their parents and the people who surround them. They are all running after money, after power, prestige, respectability. Naturally the child thinks these are the things that have to be attained, achieved. "Whatsoever the cost, I have to risk all. And life is short; hence I have to focus my energies in a...

.... You have to prove yourself, that you are somebody, that your life was not in vain. The child learns all this in a very unconscious way from the atmosphere into which he is born. And whatsoever the society is, the game is the same. Somewhere it is money that is more important. If you are born in America, money is more important; that brings power. If you are born in Soviet Russia, then money is not...

... so important; then political power is real money, real gold. You have to be high in the hierarchy of the Communist Party, but the game is the same. If you are born in a so-called religious country like India, then you have to become a great saint, you have to defeat all the other saints. It is the same game now played in the name of religion. You have to be the greatest ascetic, the most famous...

... you keep yourself occupied with money, with power, with religion, with politics. These are all escapes. You can find any escape - there are many alternatives available - but you keep yourself occupied so that there is no need to become so conscious of your inner trembling. Whenever you have time, whenever you are unoccupied, suddenly the inner hollowness starts opening up and you become afraid. It...

.... Beethoven went home and again the inspiration was back, again the sources were flowing. The master cannot do anything directly, but he can push you, pull you in indirect ways, to help you to see the point. Once seen it becomes yours and unless it becomes yours it is of no use, it is of no meaning, it has no validity. You are so unaware of yourself. That's why you are running after money, power, prestige...

... gossiping over the back fence as they hung out the wash. "My husband, ah, such a faithful man!" boasted Mrs. Silver. "He never even looks at another woman." "The same with my husband," said Mrs. Gold. "He never chases after women either. He is too fine, too decent - too old!" Buddha says: POSSESSING NOTHING, WANTING NOTHING.... HE IS FULL OF POWER. When you try to...

... possess, your power becomes invested in meaningless things. When you desire, your power becomes desires and desires are infinite. Each desire becomes a leakage of your power. When all possessiveness and all desires have been understood as futile, and dropped, you become a reservoir of power. And to be a reservoir of power is the only experience that gives you the feeling that God is - because God is...

... power. When you also experience power within yourself, overflowing, abundant power, you know God is. If you are empty, with no power, tired, wasted in your desires, no proof that God exists can help. All those proofs are for impotent people. The real person needs no proof for God. He comes to know God from the experience of inner power, from his own inner glow. FEARLESS, WISE, EXALTED. HE HAS...

... VANQUISHED ALL THINGS. HE SEES BY VIRTUE OF HIS PURITY. And when you are full of power, death disappears. Death appears only because you are so powerless. Death appears only because your desires are exploiting your power, they are sucking your power. Desires are suckers, parasites; they leave you empty. When you are overflowing with energy there is no death. That experience of overflowing power makes you...

... absolutely certain without any doubt that you cannot die. The body will go, the mind will go, but this power that you have felt is going to remain. It is going to expand; there is no way to destroy it. If you yourself don't waste it in desires, death cannot take it away from you. And when there is no death there is no fear. All fear is death-oriented, all fear is the shadow of death. When you don't possess...

... anything you are fearless, when you don't desire anything you are fearless. Nobody can take anything away from you because you don't possess anything. Nobody can hinder you because you don't have any desire. Nobody can obstruct your path, nobody is your enemy. The whole of existence suddenly becomes friendly. And when there is power, fearlessness, wisdom arises. Wisdom means your capacity to see the...

... you are full of power you become receptive. God can connect with you only when you have power. Right now you are powerless; there is no possibility of any communion between you and God. Power can only be connected with power. Powerlessness cannot be connected with power. Only the same can meet the same. You have to be something of the divine in your own right; then only do you earn, do you deserve...

... and she thinks the morning is cloudy. Your window panes are dusty, but when they are so close to your eyes you become unaware of them; they are colored, hence the whole world looks colored. Buddha says: When you are full of power and all desires and all possessiveness have disappeared from you, that means your mind has died, ceased to exist. Now you can see things as they are. HE SEES BY VIRTUE OF...

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