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Found: 2312 articles, showing 2200 - 2210
... moment. How can you promise? An authentic man will never promise. How can you promise for the future? How can you say really you will be able to love tomorrow too? If love disappears what will you do? And it appeared on its own accord, you have not brought it in, so when it disappears what will-you do? It comes and goes; it happens and disappears. It is not within your power; it is bigger than you. So...
... power on earth can break it. You are in a great illusion. No big powers are needed, in fact no outside powers at all are needed; you will do the job of breaking it yourself, you alone are enough for it. Love is ephemeral. When a flower blooms in the morning, who can believe that it will fade away in a few hours? Its flowering deceives and makes one feel that it will remain so forever, but it does not...
... capacity, retain your logic." What are you going to do? And you all have been trained for logic, and nobody has been in any way trained for love. That feeling of awe is simply trying to assert something from your heart that has been repressed by the society, by the forces that are trying to control you, by the mind. Mind is nothing but society inside you: the priest, the politicians, the power-mad...
... something you don't devote your whole life to it. But if you hate totally, then it becomes a life-and-death problem. Persecuting Christians, destroying Christians, destroying their power-holds, arguing with Christians, convincing them that this was nonsense, that this man Jesus was mad, a neurotic, a pretender, a hypocrite, one day it happened, the miracle happened. He was going to persecute more...
... lost the power of speech. Those who have seen cannot say. That which has been seen cannot be painted, cannot be reduced to words. But still each one has to give a try. The world goes on becoming more and more beautiful because of these efforts. The world is beautiful because of the six thousand songs that Rabindranath tried, although he failed to sing the song that he wanted. Those six thousand...
... misery. Whether you desire money or you desire satori, whether you desire some person or you desire enlightenment, whether you desire prestige, power, respectability, or you desire dhyana, samadhi, meditation, enlightenment, desire as such is the same; the nature of desire is the same. Desire means desire, and desire brings misery. What you desire is irrelevant - you desire, that's enough to make you...
... ways of cooperating - conflict too! When you fight with the mind, you are giving energy to it. In your VERY fight you have accepted the mind, in your very fighting you have accepted the power of the mind over your being. So whether you cooperate or you conflict, in both the cases the mind becomes stronger and stronger. Just watch. Just be a witness. And, by and by, you will see gaps arising. A...
... the money, now he can no longer find in it. That dream has disappeared. Man continuously dreams for power, prestige, respectability. And whenever he gets it, there is frustration. The happiest people are those who never attain to their desires. The unhappiest people are those who have succeeded in attaining their desires - then there is frustration. The nature of desire is dreaming, and you can...
... me..." The snake is there. God never creates a man without the snake already there: it is built in, it is there. Call it sex or call it kundalini - it is the snake. Sex is the snake moving downward. Kundalini is the same snake, the same serpent-power, moving upwards. Ordinarily, when a child is born, the snake is there coiled near the sex centre - what yogis call MULADHAR - the basic, root...
... -- otherwise, never. And it is not a question to be asked. Even if I say you have become enlightened, that won't help. The very question shows that you are still desiring. Enlightenment has become your greed. You may have been desiring other things before -- money, respectability, power, prestige; now you are desiring enlightenment. The desire has moved to a different object, but it has not changed. The...

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How to Search

  • Enter a search word or a sentence (not too long).
  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
  • You can use AND [in UPPER case] between the words if you are looking for articles containing all of those words.
  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).