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Found: 2312 articles, showing 1680 - 1690
... claim any excellence, he will not claim any spiritual experience. He will live very ordinarily, he will live without claim. How can he claim anything? Because deep inside he has come to know that there is nobody to claim anything, it is all emptiness. He has come to see the state of FANA: he has dissolved. Who is there to claim? He cannot claim worldly power and prestige, he cannot claim spiritual...

... more ordinary and mundane. Now it has the flavor of the divine, of the sacred. THE DUMB FIND TONGUES... Those who have never spoken anything, they start saying things which are unbelievable, things which are incredible, words which are radiant, pregnant. Their gestures have a power now: if they touch you they will transform you by their touch, if they look in your eyes you will never be the same man...
.... Suddenly you feel the shower. You are close by a waterfall. You feel cool, you feel tranquil, you feel vital. You feel a kind of power and also a kind of poetry arising in you - all together. You would like to be with this man again and again. Just to be in the vicinity of this man is life-enhancing. The man of presence spreads his energy all around. He is reaching people and he has something to give. He...

... become powerful over the Master. If I am ordinary, then he is no longer powerful, then he cannot put me anywhere lower than I am. I am just on plain ground - where can he put me down to? Then he has no power. Otherwise he can come and say, 'Osho, you are so high, don't do this, don't say that.' I have been watching this. For these twenty years I have come in contact with millions of people and this has...
... with that feeling. By and by, you can laugh at others' opinions, or you can be simply indifferent. And once you become centered you become a powerful being; then nobody can prod you, then nobody can push you anywhere - simply, nobody dares. You are such a power, centered in yourself, that anybody who comes with an opinion simply forgets his opinion near you; anybody who comes to push you somewhere...

... an escape. Politicians, people who are after wealth, power - they are all mad people. You cannot stop them because if you stop they don't know what to do then; and then they are thrown into themselves, and that is too much. One of my friends was telling me once that they had to go to a certain party; and they have a very small child, a beautiful child, and of course very active as children are. So...
... possible way to give me the idea that I belonged to some royal family. He loved me so much that it was impossible for me to fall sick. Now, you have no power over sickness but you can manage not to say anything about it. He would get in such a panic: if I had just a slight headache, he would get in such a panic that he would take his horse and ride to the closest doctor and bring the doctor back. It was...

... certain relationship, a partnership. If you pursue you will find unhappiness. And the American constitution has given the idea to the whole American people: Pursue. And they are pursuing desperately - in money, in power, in religion - and they are running all over the world looking for somebody to teach them how to find happiness. And the real thing is to just come back home; forget all about it. Do...
... he should be a nothingness; but at the same time, just anyone coming and uttering Tattvamasi, 'That art thou', in his ear won't do. Anybody can utter that; even a human being is not required for it, a tape recorder can do the job of uttering it. But no, this won't do. Words have power - but that power is dependent on the speaker, it is not in the words. It all depends on from what depth the words...
... sutras capable of creating a new man out of you. But the difficulty is that nobody else can create you with a hammer and chisel. You are the sculptor, you are the stone and you are the hammer and chisel. All the three things have to be done by you. With the hammer and the chisel of your own decisions, with your own will power, you have to sculpt your own stone. You have to carve your own statue...

... actions. Then past actions are of no consequence, the renunciation has happened. THIS FALLACY THAT THE BODY IS MYSELF IS THE CAUSE OF CREATING IN THE IMAGINATION THE IDEA OF PAST ACTIONS. BUT HOW COULD SOMETHING BE TRUE THAT IS IMPOSED OR IMAGINED ABOUT A FALLACY? It is all imposed, imagined; it only appears that it is yours. There is your son - you are doing everything in your power for his upbringing...
... may not even be in search of happiness, there are even lower goals. You may be near a master to attain power, you may be near him to attain some siddhi, you may be near him to attain a more egoistic state; then you will miss him completely. There are even lower aims. And the lower the aim, the more possibility there is of missing because then you are more blind. You may be near him just for very...

... he is? - because whatsoever they say will show why they are near Jesus. You create the image of your master according to your desire. If you are near Jesus because you are ill, Jesus will be the healer. You look through your desire, you project your desire. If you are there to seek power, then Jesus is the omnipotent, the most powerful, because only when he is the most powerful can he give it to...
.... Blessed are the poor. You be contented with whatsoever you have." But then the man starts trying to become a better musician, or a better poet, or a better painter. You will not be so much against him as you were when he was very greedy for money. If he was very greedy for politics and power and this and that, everybody would have condemned him. But now if he wants to try to create a better...

.... In fact, through ambition we want to prove our ego against death, but nothing can be proved against death. The ego has to go, the ego has to die. It cannot be deathless. You can have as much money as you desire, but you will have to die. You can have as much power as possible, but you will have to die. Nothing can protect you. ... HE GLANCED DOWN HIS EYES BECAME BLURRED AND HIS HEAD BEGAN TO SPIN...
..., by the side of a tree, hiding himself in the foliage of the tree -- because the father was so mad he even could shoot him, although he had not done anything. He had not even spoken to Laila. He was standing there just to see her for the last time. It was enough for him that she was happy and healthy -- and he would wait. If his love has any power, she will come back. There was tremendous trust in...
...: Let the mind be whatever it is. Remember, you are not it. And you are going to have a great surprise. As you are less identified, the mind starts becoming less powerful, because its power comes from your identification; it sucks your blood. But when you start standing aloof and away, the mind starts shrinking. The day you are completely unidentified with the mind, even for a single moment, there is...

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