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Found: 1460 articles, showing 920 - 930
... listen to? -- all the three persons are great teachers, great masters. But what they are saying, although it seems to be reasonable, is still hypothetical. Somebody may come and may talk about seven thousand, and you cannot refute them and you cannot prove them. Once you ask for an explanation for everything, your religions will start withering away. Your political ideologies will be found to be based...
... killing Mohammedans. Political ideologies, religious ideologies, philosophical ideologies are just facades for murder -- to murder in a justified way. And all these religions were promising the people, "If you die in a religious war, your heaven is absolutely certain. Killing in war is not sin; being killed in war is a great virtue." This is sheer stupidity! But ten thousand years of...
... them. But there is no question of using them in any political sense. Then all that you have learned, karate or whatsoever, you share with everybody. It can be helpful. Technology in itself is not bad, but it should not become the goal. It should be kept in its place. Man remains the highest goal, an end in itself. Nothing is higher than man. Man is the ultimate goal. When you look at man with this...
... educational system is similar, the upbringing of people is similar, their superstitions are similar, their political ideologies are similar, their food is similar. All these things together - not only the clothes; that is only one of the similarities - give people of one certain period a sameness. Society does not like unique people; it wants everybody to be part of the herd. Hence, hair should be cut in a...
... unlearned. This episode also demonstrates that Jesus did not look with approval upon the refusal to employ force to protect the majority of any given human group against the unfair and enslaving practices of unjust minorities who may be able to entrench themselves behind political, financial, or ecclesiastical power. Shrewd, wicked, and designing men are not to be permitted to organize themselves for the...
... these groups completely free from any politics, so they can have a very nonpolitical vision. And if they need to, all three groups can meet and take decisions, and their decisions will be absolute. All their decisions have to be unanimous. Unless they come to a unanimous decision, it is not of any worth. So it is not a political thing, that majority decision will win. They have to argue, discuss...
... heart? Have you ever thought about the heart? Is the heart also American, Indian, Russian? The heart knows no boundaries, but it has been put into a state of nonfunctioning. Your whole energy has been diverted by the educational system, by religious teaching, by political ideologies. It has been forced to go directly to the head and bypass the heart. Slowly slowly you start living without the heart...
... love object. Somehow they have managed to move their whole life energy towards money. Now you want them even to drop money; again they will be in trouble. Politics becomes their love object. Rising higher and higher in the political bureaucracy becomes their love object. The politician looks towards the presidentship, the prime ministership, with the same lust as a lover looks to his or her beloved...
..., rejoice in the being of the other; be in tune with each other, dance in harmony. The question of surrender is political, it is not a question of love. And relationship is not love at all; it means love has ended and relationship has begun. It begins very soon after the honeymoon - mostly in the middle of the honeymoon. It is not easy to live with another person whose life-style is different, whose...
... just political, unjust." I asked him, "Would you help me a little?" He said, "I will help you all the way. What do you want me to do?" I said, "I would like a press conference in the jail." He said, "It has never happened in history - a press conference in jail by a prisoner." I said, "Then let it happen, let it be a precedent! And if you feel it was...

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How to Search

  • Enter a search word or a sentence (not too long).
  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
  • You can use AND [in UPPER case] between the words if you are looking for articles containing all of those words.
  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).