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Found: 1460 articles, showing 550 - 560
... "The Nameless War", the conflict which has been waged from behind the political scene for centuries, which is still being waged and of which very few are aware. The publishers of "The Nameless War" believe this latest exposure will do more than any previous attempt to break the conspiracy of silence. The present work, with much additional evidence and a fuller historical background, is the outcome of...
... control our political parties, home and foreign policies, press and public life. This unholy united front must be exposed and frustrated. One step towards this objective would seem to be firstly an enactment to prevent Gentile Esaus from lending their hands for the carrying out of orders uttered by the voice of Jewish Jacobs. Another: the detachment from the Jewish United Front of Jews, who do not wish...
... oath of allegiance to them and the "New Order to come". Q: To what degree is the European royalty involved, what is their real pecking order and power structure and what is their U.S.-U.K. relationship in terms of financial/political/cult power. Is the Monarchy still running the show? A: This is hard to answer, but I'll try. The Illuminati leadership state that they are descended from royal...
... grave threat to U.S 1975 UN Resolution 3379 which condemns Zionism as racism An international network to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world 1976 Ashkenazi Jew, Harold Rosenthal: "Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer" 1977 Israeli Knesset passes the law: if non-Jewish Christian is apprehended giving a New Testament to an Israeli, he may face...

... Jewish controlled United Nations in a quandary, as whichever way they rule will go against Jewish claims. An international network to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world In his book, "Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time," published this year, Carroll Quigley states, "There does exist... an international network whose aim is to create a world...

... system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world." 1976 Ashkenazi Jew, Harold Rosenthal: "Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer" Ashkenazi Jew, Harold Rosenthal, aide to fellow Ashkenazi Jew, Senator Jacob Javits, states, "Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer." 1977 Israeli Knesset...
... infinite creativity. Nothing is divided. Everything is one -- undivided. Language is just like a political map. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh are divided on the political map, and if you ask the earth where India begins and Pakistan ends, the earth will laugh and think you mad. The earth is round, it is one; only on political maps is it not and maps are false. And politicians are madmen, madmen who have...
... ultimate freedom, which goes beyond both the negative and the positive. First learn saying no, then learn saying yes, and then just forget both, just be. The third freedom is not freedom against something, not for something, but just freedom. One is simply free -- no question of going against, no question of going for. 'Freedom from' is political, hence all political revolutions fail -- when they succeed...

.... If they don't succeed they can go on hoping, but the moment they succeed they fail, because then they don't know what to do. That happened in the French Revolution, that happened in the Russian Revolution...that happens to every revolution. A political revolution is 'freedom from'. Once the Czar is gone, then you are at a loss: What to do now? Your whole life was devoted to fighting the Czar; you...
... fallible. To make God infallible you have to make Polacks infallible, for the sheer sake of logic - it has no existential truth in it. His trip around the world is political, it is not religious. It has nothing to do with spirituality. It is an effort to convert more and more people to the Catholic church, because numbers mean power. Particularly in a world which is ruled by mobocracy, numbers are the...

... things can come only through Christianity they are - unwillingly - ready to accept it. But willingly or unwillingly, they go on increasing the number of Catholics in the world. That makes the pope more and more powerful: wherever he has the majority of Catholics, that nation is under his thumb. Its politicians have to listen to him. You cannot compare my trip around the world to a political trip of the...

... pope. In fact I am traveling around the world against the political structures. For example, in your own land, in Germany: I have never been there, and they are so afraid - of a man who has never been there, who has never even applied for any visa for any tour - that they have made a law that I cannot enter Germany. Strange world! I have not committed any crime on their land, I have not been there; I...
... like. All ways are available for them. There is no need to enforce from the very beginning that you are a Mohammedan, you are a Christian. It is ugly, it is fascist. Even for political voting you give twenty-one years for a person to be mature enough - and for religion you don't give even twenty-one days. The moment the child is born he is immediately circumcised; he becomes a Jew - without the...

..., it was found that almost ninety-eight percent is just rubbish. The priests in India were against translating the VEDAS into any other language, and you can understand why. They knew that what is written there is so stupid that there is no question of spirituality in it. Political leaders don't want people to be intelligent; hence, educational systems have been created all around the world which...

..., cardinals, popes have been repeating the same thing: "Jesus is your shepherd and you are his sheep." Nobody has the guts to say, "I am a man; I am not a sheep. Men don't need shepherds." There is absolutely no need of leaders in any field - but for that we will have to change the whole educational system, the whole religious indoctrination, the whole political structure. Right now...
... TRIED TO SAVE THE WORLD BEFORE HE HAD SAVED HIMSELF, AND THAT WE ARE HIS CHILDREN: POLITICIANS OF LOVE, SEEKING HEAVEN ON EARTH. Politician, and Christ? Politics and love are impossible to be together. Love is anti-political; politics is anti-love. I know politicians talk about love, but don't be deceived by their talk. They talk about peace and prepare for war. Never listen to what the politician...

... have to stop loving the religion. you have to stop loving your color. If you really want to love human beings you have to stop all political nonsense. But they are very tricky - diplomatic. They talk about love and they sow the seeds of hatred, they talk about nonviolence and they prepare you for violence. They say they are preparing for war because without war. peace will be impossible. And they...

... is not new. In India one of the names of Krishna is Keshava. Keshava means'long-haired'. He was the first hippy in the world. When a politician looks at a Jesus, or at me, immediately his understanding is political. He becomes afraid, he thinks a competitor has come. But Jesus is not a politician, a man who knows love cannot be a politician. Why? - because politics is ambition; love is nonambitious...
... particular meeting and I have to be there in time. And I don't like to waste people's time; I am not a political leader. A political leader is supposed to come late. Again, the same power - you have to wait. And he is not just a nobody; he is so occupied, so busy, that he is bound to be late. I know political leaders who were just sitting and gossiping, and I have told them, "We have to go to your...

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