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Found: 330 articles, showing 180 - 190
... about the political goals, if any, of the Illuminati?/ *A*: This article I wrote for addresses it: "/Are the Illuminati taking over the world?/" You can reprint it, or part of it, as long as you give credit to Suite 101 and/or a link back to the site. *Q*: /How do Illuminati members recognise each other?/ *A:* Since it is generational, its easy. It isn't hard to recognize one's...

... he can never hurt you or control you." Or, my mother's timeless advice given when I was 12 years old: "Never fu-- someone lower than you. They will drag you down. Always choose someone higher than yourself." She was an ambitious woman, to say the least, determined that I would do well in this very political group. I took her advice, and Athena was my lover and protected me from some...
..., non-Jewish writer's book). The victim, on account of his belief, was described by New York newspapers as "a religious extremist". 487 two great political parties, when they joined conflict, "to take the Arab-Israeli issue out of domestic politics". Both these Jewish warnings appeared in a Washington newsletter of repute but small circulation; the mass-circulation newspapers were...

... the extremes of political blackmail" (this was written many years before ex-President Truman in his memoirs confirmed the fact). "This can continue for a little while because of our peculiar electoral system. . . but New York is not the United States, and if this sort of strong-arm intervention in behalf of a foreign state keeps up, look out for an explosion". These warnings, though...

... not wait until after the 'catastrophe' because if we do, where will we take the hundreds af thousands of Jews needed to build up our State? . . . Not in the future, but right now is the time for Jews to save themselves. . ." The reader will see: the "catastrophe" is a political necessity, or an inevitability; and from these extracts he may begin to understand why the Jewish...

... themselves in a war trap. The American-Jewish brand of hysteria is entirely without roots in the realities of American-Jewish life. It is completely artificial, manufactured by the Zionist leaders, and foisted on a people who have no cause for hysteria by an army of paid propagandists as a means of advancing a policy of avowed political pressure and of stimulating fund raising. Never before has a...
... the Zionists had arms, the men to use these arms were to be smuggled through Europe from the revolutionary area by the West (as shown in the last chapter), and both major political parties in England and America were ready to applaud any act of aggression, invasion or persecution the transmigrants committed with the arms they had obtained. This was particularly evident in the case of the Socialist...

... Organization desired them to do". Ten years later an American ex-president, Mr. Truman, recalled similar visits during his presidency in similar 431 terms of innocent surprise; in 1945 the thing had been going on since 1906 without disturbing Mr. Hall's political slumbers. Soon after this he was ousted from the Colonial Office, his suitability for a peerage suddenly being realized. The Socialist...

... could not protect them, at least it did not destroy them for the Zionist taskmaster. . This achievement was the sole work of a Mr. Ernest Bevin, in my estimation the greatest man produced in British political life during this century. According to report, King George VI, the most unobtrusive of monarchs, urged the incoming Socialist prime minister, Mr. Attlee, to make his best and strongest man...

... sustained attack on the Socialist government's policy about Palestine, which meant, on Mr. Bevin. At that point Mr. Churchill, safe in opposition, demeaned himself by accusing Mr. Bevin of "anti-Jewish feelings", a shot taken from the locker of the Anti-Defamation League (which added a new epithet, "Bevinism", to its catalogue of smearwords). No such traducement of a political...

... Lord Moyne's murder: "Palestine Jewry will . . . cut out, root and branch, this evil from its midst. . . this utterly un-Jewish phenomenon". These words were addressed to Western ears and were specious; political murder was not "an utterly un-Jewish phenomenon" in the Talmudic areas of Russia where Dr. Weizmann spent his revolutionary and conspiratorial youth, as he well knew, and...

... a series of similar deeds stained the past. Indeed, when he spoke to a Zionist audience he candidly admitted that political murder was not an "utterly un-Jewish phenomenon" but the opposite: "What was the terror in Palestine but the old evil in a new and horrible guise". This "old evil", rising from its Talmudic bottle to confront Dr. Weizmann at Geneva in 1946...

... out of politics". Mr. Truman at that time had "agreed about the principle" but evinced the feeling "that not much will come of such an attempt, that political manoeuvring is inevitable, politics and our government being what they are". . In September 1947, Mr. Forrestal spurred by his misgivings, laboured tirelessly to have Palestine "taken out of politics". His...
... margin notes are Dilling's, on documents holographically reproduced in her book: Jews bring political parties to heel This exhibit is discussed in Dilling's text on pages 75 and 82. Table of All Exhibits ...
... Christians. 770 Few people know of this because they do not carefully read their Scriptures and because of the great pains which Jews have take to deceive the Christians. Care has been exerted by the Jews to hide their ECONOMIC-POLITICAL conspiracy for complete world domination UNDER high sounding words that have a "RELIGIOUS" ring in the ears of Christians. 771 The Jews use such "religious" sounding words...

... outlined in the Jewish "TALMUD" which is the "bible" of the Jews. Of the four political groups which overthrew the Christan Czar of Russia two were 100% Jewish. They were the Mensheviks and The Jewish Bund. The other two were the Socialist Revolutionary Party and the Bolsheviks. Both were headed by Jews but had some Gentile members. Today we now know that Lenin was Jewish and all of the leaders of his...

... for the proletariat a barrack regime, under which the workingmen and the working closely and intimately connected with one another, regarless not only of frontiers but of political differences as well - this Jewish world is today largely at the disposal of Marx or Rothschil. I am sure that, on the one hand, the Rothschilds appreciate the merits of Marx, and that on the other hand, women, converted...
.... Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party. Do away with all loyalty oaths. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States. Use technical decisions of the...

... violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use, "united force," to solve economic, political or social problems. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government. Internationalize the Panama Canal. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the...

... where you have to be of a particular race to emigrate to Interestingly, the Jewish owned media throughout the world will go to promote diversity or political-correctness, whilst at the same time promoting the apartheid state of Israel, the only state in the world where you have to be of a particular race to emigrate to. Yes, you have to be biologically Jewish to be able to emigrate there, and it is...

... bankers in political history is the Rothschilds' were Jewish. The Jewish members of the conspiracy have used an organisation called The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as an instrument to try and convince everyone that any mention of the Rothschilds' and their allies is an attack on all Jews. The ADL has never let the truth or logic interfere with its highly professional smear jobs In this way they have...
... the Old Testament ends with the next act of vengeance, on the Persian liberators! Western political leaders of our century, who often were flattered to be compared by Zionist visitors to good King Cyrus of Persia, the liberator of the Judahites, may not have read "The Law" with attention or have noted what then befell the Persians. Logically the Persians in their turn had to suffer for...

... plausible. On the face of it, Belshazzar and Daniel, Ahasuerus and Mordecai seem to be symbolic figures, created for the purpose of the Levitical political programme, not men who once lived. The massacre of the Czar and his family But... the massacre of the Czar and his family, in our century, was carried out according to verse 30, chapter 5 of Daniel: the hanging of the Nazi leaders followed the precept...

... Israel", or the tribe of Judah. They used the name "Jew" merely as a sign of allegiance to a political programme. The point now reached, in following the course of the destructive idea through the centuries, calls for some further description of these people (mentioned in the chapter on The Movable Government). Even at the start of the 800 years in Spain (from 711 to 1492) the Jews there...

...; they were wild folk who had not known the cautionary experience in Spain. In 1951 a New York publisher who contemplated issuing one of the present writer's books was strongly advised not to do this by the head of a Jewish political bureau, and was told, "Mr. Reed invented the Khazars". However, the Judaist authorities agree about their existence and conversion, and the historical atlases...

... converted the Talmud was complete, and after the collapse of their kingdom (in about 1000 AD) they remained the political subjects of the Talmudic government, all their resistance to Russia being governed by the Talmudic, anti-Christian Law. Thereafter they moved about in Russia, particularly to Kieff (the traditional "holy city" of Russian Christianity), elsewhere in the Ukraine, and to Poland...
... timely moment to sum up the impact of Talmudic Zionism on human affairs, for just fifty years, or one-half of "the Jewish century", then had passed from the day when it first broke the political surface, after submergence for some 1800 years.* (The British Uganda offer, in 1903, was the first public revelation that Western politicians were privily negotiating with "the Jewish power"...

... chain of the Darwinian theory by its appearance, as did the discovery, a little later, that the Piltdown skull was a fake). The emergence of Levitical Zionism, when it broke the political surface of the 20th Century, was a somewhat similar surprise from the deep. 493 West. They come from Palestine, where the Zionists from Russia were installed by the West, and from Eastern Europe, where the Talmudic...

... appealed to the strong American aversion to the deed of 1945 by pledging to repudiate the Yalta agreements (the political charter of his own military order halting the Allied advance west of Berlin and thus abandoning Eastern Europe to Communism) in these explicit words: "The Government of the United States, under Republican leadership, will repudiate all commitments contained in secret...

... chief terrorists; the restoration of their faith through the release of the head of their church (who in both cases was imprisoned); the release of their political system from the one-party thrall through the return of contending parties and elections. Thus the issue at stake was completely plain: through a little nation on its eastern borders "the West" rose against Asiatic despotism; here...

... Kun, Matyas Rakosi, Tibor Szamuely and Erno Geroe, none of whom could be called Hungarians and all of whom were trained for their task in Moscow. After the Second War free elections, for some reason of political expediency, were permitted in Hungary (Nov. 1945). These produced the natural result: a huge majority for the Smallholders Party; the Communists, despite the presence of the Red Army, made a...
... on the taxes of England for interest on their loans. The right to print money transferred from the Crown to this "Bank of England". 1707  —  Economic and political union forced upon Scotland against the vote of every country and borough; the national debt foisted upon Scotland, and the royal mint in Edinburgh suppressed. Previous · Contents · Next ...
... The CFR also needed to get control of radio, television and the motion picture industry All the large Hollywood companies, with the exception of United Artists, were founded and controlled by Jews Finally the CFR needed to control what was being taught in the schools, and that task was given to the Carnegies In Germany, Jacob Klatzkin, a Jewish political Zionist ideologist in Germany, tries to scare...

... Quigley: "The powers of financial capitalism had (a) far reaching (plan), nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole" A handful of United States Senators led by Henry Cabot Lodge would fight to keep the United States out of the Bank for International Settlements 1931 In...

... trade in African slaves to America" Mao Tse Tsung: "All political power comes from the barrel of a gun" Dr. Solomon Freehof: "We want a world in which nationalism shall definitely diminish" 1936 The increase in anti-Semitism in Germany: "it was Jewish help that brought USA into the War" (WWI) Louis T. McFadden, one of the staunchest critics of the Federal Reserve and the Jewish criminal cabal behind...

... allegation that the Jews are being persecuted in Germany: "today Jewish finance controlled the press and political system of Britain" Rabbi Stephen Wise, the President of both the American Jewish Congress and the World Jewish Congress: "I am not an American citizen of the Jewish faith. I am a Jew" 1939 I.G. Farben the leading producer of chemicals in the world dramatically increases its production. This...

... classified 200-page NSC study which falsely claims that population growth in the so-called Lesser Developed Countries is a grave threat to U.S 1975 UN Resolution 3379 which condemns Zionism as racism An international network to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world 1976 Ashkenazi Jew, Harold Rosenthal: "Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer" 1977...

... Afghanistan is that Taliban leader, Mullah Omar had banned opium production Ariel Sharon: "don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it" American Friends of Lubavitch dinner is attended by hundreds of Washington political bigwigs, Capitol Hill staffers and Washington money people Stephen Steinlight explains how the Jews control America...

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