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... you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents 1. The Thirtieth Year (A.D. 24) 2. The Caravan Trip to the Caspian 3. The Urmia Lectures 4. Sovereignty — Divine and Human 5. Political Sovereignty 6. Law, Liberty, and Sovereignty 7. The Thirty-First Year (A.D. 25) 8. The Sojourn on Mount Hermon 9. The Time of Waiting (1483.1) 134...

... planetary government. Finally, the Melchizedek chairman of the revelatory commission appointed a commission of three of our number to prepare our view of the Master’s Urmia teachings as adapted to twentieth-century religious and political conditions on Urantia. Accordingly, we three secondary midwayers completed such an adaptation of Jesus’ teachings, restating his pronouncements as we would apply them to...

... it over his fellow teachers. There can be no lasting religious peace on Urantia until all religious groups freely surrender all their notions of divine favor, chosen people, and religious sovereignty. Only when God the Father becomes supreme will men become religious brothers and live together in religious peace on earth. 5. Political Sovereignty (1487.8) 134:5.1 [While the Master’s teaching...

... concerning the sovereignty of God is a truth — only complicated by the subsequent appearance of the religion about him among the world’s religions — his presentations concerning political sovereignty are vastly complicated by the political evolution of nation life during the last nineteen hundred years and more. In the times of Jesus there were only two great world powers — the Roman Empire in the West and...

... the Han Empire in the East — and these were widely separated by the Parthian kingdom and other intervening lands of the Caspian and Turkestan regions. We have, therefore, in the following presentation departed more widely from the substance of the Master’s teachings at Urmia concerning political sovereignty, at the same time attempting to depict the import of such teachings as they are applicable to...

... the peculiarly critical stage of the evolution of political sovereignty in the twentieth century after Christ.] (1487.9) 134:5.2 War on Urantia will never end so long as nations cling to the illusive notions of unlimited national sovereignty. There are only two levels of relative sovereignty on an inhabited world: the spiritual free will of the individual mortal and the collective sovereignty of...

... God overrides all intervening and intermediate spiritual loyalties. Someday civil rulers will learn that the Most Highs rule in the kingdoms of men. (1488.2) 134:5.4 This rule of the Most Highs in the kingdoms of men is not for the especial benefit of any especially favored group of mortals. There is no such thing as a “chosen people.” The rule of the Most Highs, the overcontrollers of political...

... evolution, is a rule designed to foster the greatest good to the greatest number of all men and for the greatest length of time. (1488.3) 134:5.5 Sovereignty is power and it grows by organization. This growth of the organization of political power is good and proper, for it tends to encompass ever-widening segments of the total of mankind. But this same growth of political organizations creates a problem...

... at every intervening stage between the initial and natural organization of political power — the family — and the final consummation of political growth — the government of all mankind, by all mankind, and for all mankind. (1488.4) 134:5.6 Starting out with parental power in the family group, political sovereignty evolves by organization as families overlap into consanguineous clans which become...

... united, for various reasons, into tribal units — superconsanguineous political groupings. And then, by trade, commerce, and conquest, tribes become unified as a nation, while nations themselves sometimes become unified by empire. (1488.5) 134:5.7 As sovereignty passes from smaller groups to larger groups, wars are lessened. That is, minor wars between smaller nations are lessened, but the potential for...

... elbows without generating conflicts and eventuating wars. (1488.6) 134:5.8 The difficulty in the evolution of political sovereignty from the family to all mankind, lies in the inertia-resistance exhibited on all intervening levels. Families have, on occasion, defied their clan, while clans and tribes have often been subversive of the sovereignty of the territorial state. Each new and forward evolution...

... of political sovereignty is (and has always been) embarrassed and hampered by the “scaffolding stages” of the previous developments in political organization. And this is true because human loyalties, once mobilized, are hard to change. The same loyalty which makes possible the evolution of the tribe, makes difficult the evolution of the supertribe — the territorial state. And the same loyalty...

... (patriotism) which makes possible the evolution of the territorial state, vastly complicates the evolutionary development of the government of all mankind. (1488.7) 134:5.9 Political sovereignty is created out of the surrender of self-determinism, first by the individual within the family and then by the families and clans in relation to the tribe and larger groupings. This progressive transfer of self...

...-determination from the smaller to ever larger political organizations has generally proceeded unabated in the East since the establishment of the Ming and the Mogul dynasties. In the West it obtained for more than a thousand years right on down to the end of the World War, when an unfortunate retrograde movement temporarily reversed this normal trend by re-establishing the submerged political sovereignty of...

... war into the hands of a representative government of all mankind. Political sovereignty is innate with the peoples of the world. When all the peoples of Urantia create a world government, they have the right and the power to make such a government SOVEREIGN; and when such a representative or democratic world power controls the world’s land, air, and naval forces, peace on earth and good will among...

... and for the benefit of men. Sometime the supernational sovereignty of the planetary government of mankind will be similarly created by nations for their own benefit and for the benefit of all men. (1490.2) 134:5.16 Citizens are not born for the benefit of governments; governments are organizations created and devised for the benefit of men. There can be no end to the evolution of political...

... of civilization made possible by the enforcement of LAW. (1490.5) 134:6.2 Religion makes it spiritually possible to realize the brotherhood of men, but it will require mankind government to regulate the social, economic, and political problems associated with such a goal of human happiness and efficiency. (1490.6) 134:6.3 There shall be wars and rumors of wars — nation will rise against nation...

... — just as long as the world’s political sovereignty is divided up and unjustly held by a group of nation-states. England, Scotland, and Wales were always fighting each other until they gave up their respective sovereignties, reposing them in the United Kingdom. (1490.7) 134:6.4 Another world war will teach the so-called sovereign nations to form some sort of federation, thus creating the machinery for...

...-determination will be ended. With global regulation of money and trade will come the new era of world-wide peace. Soon may a global language evolve, and there will be at least some hope of sometime having a global religion — or religions with a global viewpoint. (1491.6) 134:6.12 Collective security will never afford peace until the collectivity includes all mankind. (1491.7) 134:6.13 The political...
.... Video Available: N.A. Length: N.A. Question 1: BELOVED OSHO, WHAT ARE THE DEFECTS OF THE PRESENT POLITICAL SYSTEM IN INDIA, AND WHAT IS THE REMEDY? WHAT TYPE OF POLITICAL SYSTEM WOULD BE SUITABLE? India is in a political mess. The reason lies in its past history. Before the British government, India was never one country. It was divided into hundreds of small kingdoms. There was no political system...

... clear conception of what you are going to do after freedom. Freedom simply gives you the opportunity to do things, but you have no idea what you are going to do after freedom. And this will bring a tremendous turmoil in the whole continent." The freedom fighters were involved so much in the fight, they could not conceive a certain political system that would work after freedom. On this point I am...

... can become thirty countries any day; it has the population, it has the land, and the fight has started for that, because these thirty states speak different languages, have different civilizations, different culture. There is as much difference between them as between countries. The only hope is that the present prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi, is not a politician. He is a non- political man, and that...

... is the only hope. The politician functions for his own interest; he looks at everything through political eyes. In Rajiv Gandhi I see a great hope, because he is the prime minister but without any political ideology, without any political system in his mind. And that is one of the most necessary things in India. There is no need for it to have a particular system like America or Russia, because...

.... In India the dictum should be: even if ninety- nine innocent people have to be punished, it is okay, but not a single criminal should get out of the reaches of the law. He should be punished. Once it is clear, things will become simpler for Indian jurisprudence. Rajiv Gandhi has to introduce more and more non-political people into the central government and on the state level. You will be surprised...

... that in India there have been education ministers who have never been to any school. They could not even sign their own name. Instead of a signature they had to put a fingerprint. And they were education ministers! Now India has thousands of geniuses, great professors, academicians, but they are not political. There was no way for them to enter politics. This is the duty of Rajiv, because he himself...

... President Kennedy was a political conspiracy, for the simple reason that he was weeding out the politicians, out of their power positions, and bringing in people who were never known to have any political aspirations. It will be dangerous for Rajiv, but the challenge has to be accepted because India is falling apart, becoming poorer every day. The politician always thinks of his future election. He says...

... things which people want to hear, and he never opens his mind about what he is going to do. The politician is the hypocrite par excellence. Rajiv has to collect colleagues who are non-political, who will say only that which they are going to do and which they are capable of doing. You ask me what kind of political system India should have. In fact, no political system is perfect. The best way is to...

... choose the best part from every political system. There are things which are beautiful in the Soviet system. There are things which are beautiful in the American system. There are things which are beautiful in the British system. India need not follow a particular system in its totality. The question is not the system, the question is how to provide people with the best. In forty years, India has been...

...; it became a parasite. Now the consequence: Britain is always in the dumps, depressed, economically going down, is uncreative. And there is no hope of making another empire again. Empires are of the past; in the future, empires cannot exist. Britain has lost its nerve, but in India, the British political system is still continuing. This is dangerous, because that system has led Britain to its dark...

... standing before you, who cares for democracy? Democracy is the luxury of a rich society. Become rich, and democracy will be yours. So India has to be eclectic in its political system. It should choose something from China, because Mao has been immensely successful in preventing population growth. It should learn something from America, because America has been able to produce more wealth than any other...

.... He has money to purchase votes. He donates to the party millions of rupees. Without him we cannot manage - and he wants to be the education minister. That is simply a political bargain." She told me, "If I even mention your name, my deputy prime minister, Morarji Desai, immediately freaks out. He says, 'Don't read that man's books and don't listen to him and his advice. And don't meet him...

... don't like the whole game." Being the son of a prime minister, grandson of another prime minister, he remained a pilot. He said, "I am perfectly happy being a pilot." It was simply out of necessity; when his mother was assassinated he had to come into politics, unwillingly. He has no political ambitions, and that is a great hope. India has maintained a policy of neutrality for forty...

... live on ideologies alone. You need first, bread. Jesus says, "You cannot live on bread alone." That is only a half statement. The other half has to be remembered: you may be able to live with only bread, but you cannot live without bread at all. India needs to be introduced to the new, contemporary world, and there is not much difficulty - just a non-political mind is needed. And I am happy...

... that Rajiv has a non-political mind, is intelligent, very active, industrious, understanding. And if India misses Rajiv, there is simply darkness ahead, because in India there is no other national leader. There are people like Morarji Desai still alive, but he has passed ninety years of age. He has been senile for thirty years; now it is risky. These people should be in mental asylums, and they are...
...ZioNazi Quotes - Political Pressure...

... Political Pressure - ZioNazi, NWO Quotes Prev Next ZioNazi Quotes Index Home Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. ZioNazi Quotes Notes What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Israel Lobby See also: Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the...

... nonbinding resolution such as H. Res. 1765 or a crucial bill funding Israel's occupation, the vast majority of members of Congress will invariably vote on the side of Israel. The reason is quite simple: a member of Congress cannot listen to pro-peace organizations as hard-line pro-Israel PACs (political action committees) fund their campaigns, no matter how sympathetic the member is to the Palestinian...

... cause." Israel Lobby 003 AIPAC, the Religious Right and American Foreign Policy News/Comment; Posted on: 2007-06-03 On Capitol Hill, 'The (Israeli) Lobby' seems to be in charge Nobody can understand what's going on politically in the United States without being aware that a political coalition of major pro-Likud groups, pro-Israel neoconservative intellectuals...

... the legislative apparatus of Congress. It is being assisted in this task by powerful allies in the two main political parties, in major corporate media and by some richly financed so-called "think-tanks", such as the American Enterprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation, or the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. AIPAC is the centerpiece of this co-ordinated system. For example, it keeps...

... voting statistics on each House representative and senator, which are then transmitted to political donors to act accordingly. AIPAC also organizes regular all-expense-paid trips to Israel and meetings with Israeli ministers and personalities for congressmen and their staffs, and for other state and local American politicians. Not receiving this imprimatur is a major handicap for any ambitious American...

.../columnists/22-08-2006/84021-AIPAC-0 Related Story: USA Admits Meddling in Russian Affairs News Source: Pravda, Moscow 2007 European Americans United. Political Pressure Political Pressure 101 On October 3rd, 2001 Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, makes the following statement to Ashkenazi Jew, Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol...

... Yisrael radio. "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that.... I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." Synagogue of Satan Political Pressure 001 "There is only...

... one Power which really counts: The Power of Political Pressure. We Jews are the most powerful people on Earth, because we have this power, and we know how to apply it." (Jewish Daily Bulletin, July 27, 1935). Political Pressure 002 "... Jabotinsky insisted that all energies be expended to force the Congress to join the boycott movement. Nothing less than a 'merciless fight' would be acceptable...

..., 1933) Political Pressure 003 1977 U.S. Foreign Policy is now based on HOW FOREIGN COUNTRIES TREAT THEIR NATIVE JEWS. Senators Moynihan and Javits of New York, two ardent Zionists, notified the Soviet Government that grain shipments from the U.S. would be cancelled if the Soviets tried Jewish trouble maker Anatoly Sheharansky. [So they sent him to the Israeli State]. (Jewish Press, November 25, 1977...

...). Political Pressure 004 1972 The Jewish Committee Against Religious Encroachment in Schools filed in Federal Court to have the Yule Pageant in Westfield, N.J. banned. The suit charged, "the pageant favor belief in religion over nonreligion and favors the Christian Religion over others [Jews]." (New York Daily News, Nov. 15, 1972). Political Pressure 005 The 14 Characteristics of Fascism by Lawrence Britt...

.... Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations. Political Pressure 006 HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT IT: IF THE JEWS GOD IS THE SAME ONE AS THE CHRISTIAN'S GOD, THEN...

... "having to listen to Christmas carols in the schools." (L.A. Times, July 20, 1960). Political Pressure 007 The End of Democracy Basically, everything is in place for the President to just come up on the stage and issue an executive order and declare the Martial Law as has been reported in the media. All the necessary laws have been already quietly passed and all the executive directives have been issued...

... sweeping and quite selective, isn't it? But even citing the FACTS has become illegal? That brings up the question: Are you required to tell the truth to the court or should you lie about facts? Political Pressure 008 "Another diplomatic source said that the resolution was partly a result of Israel's activity around the world." -- Ronny Sofer, "J'lem sources pleased with UN resolution increasing...

...", Ynetnews ,,7340,L-3380541,00.html, (24 March 2007). Political Pressure 009 "It's almost politically suicidal in the United States for a member of the Congress who wants to seek reelection to take any stand that might be interpreted as anti-policy of the conservative Israeli government, which is equated, as I've seen it myself, as anti-Semitism...

...." -- Jimmy Carter, Thirty-Ninth President of the United States of America, in an interview on, "This week with George Stephanopoulos," ABC, as quoted by Yitzhak Benhorin, "Balanced stand on ME is political suicide, says Carter",,,7340,L-3369679,00.html, (26 February 2007). Political Pressure 010 702 Boston: A Harvard Divinity School professor, John...

... largest "lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender" political organization. Transgender is an umbrella term for "people who live all or substantial portions of their lives expressing an innate sense of gender other than their birth sex," according to HRC. The transgender category includes transsexuals and cross-dressers. The hate crimes measure would violate the "principles of liberty and quality," grant...
... teaching that world rule is already in the hand of the Jew is so novel, so unrelated to Biblical sources, as to warrant careful scrutiny for possible pro-Jewish connections. But Palestine is not yet a fact, and other Bible students see in the present political movement a daring and God-defiant scheme destined to failure. Certainly there are great obstacles in the way — moral obstacles, matters of...

... Sir Herbert Samuel does not dare ride through the streets of Jerusalem without an armored car in attendance. For these reasons there is a great deal of suspicion in England that all is not well in Palestine." The most outspoken word that has yet been uttered on the political dilemma in which Zionism places the Jew, appeared in an editorial entitled, "Political Judaism" in the...

... Christian Century, of Chicago, a publication of weight and character: "Political loyalty is one. Under the present world order it does not admit of division. The citizens of any nation may maintain a Platonic admiration for the political systems of neighboring nations, but their ultimate loyalty cannot be 'Platonized.' Spiritual Judaism is one thing. A Palestinian state, or a Jewish political...

... political implications. At least he can be an acknowledged Jew in every land were religious freedom is guaranteed or practiced. And even in states where an established religion other than Jewish debars him from the fullest and highest participation in the affairs of state, he can still hold to his religion without too serious embarrassment. "But what would be the status of the Jew in any land of the...

... present world when the profession of his religion would inevitably identify him with the fortunes and aspirations and diplomacy, even with the military policies, of a political state alien to the society of his residence and citizenship? The status seems, at least to the Gentile mind, altogether impossible. A revival of anti-Semitism, and its spread to lands where heretofore it has not prevailed, is not...

... the least embarrassing of the inevitable results of such a move. How can the Jewish outlander maintain his own spiritual and mental integrity? It is not even necessary to imagine a possible precipitation of war between the new Jewish state and the land of his citizenship. War is not, let us hope, the necessary condition or even potentiality among separate political states. But it remains true, by...

... the very nature of the present system of political organization, that political loyalty is one and cannot be divided. Hyphenation, discriminating Americans are by this time well aware, must remain spiritual, or racial, or sentimental; it dare not become political under any circumstances. "If the proposed new Jewish state in Palestine is to be and remain a province or dominion of the British...

... Empire the way is smoothed for any Jew residing and claiming citizenship in any portion of the British Empire. But the way is decidedly roughened for the Jew elsewhere. The Briton is honored, especially in times of peace, in most regions of the world for his connection with so magnificent a political structure, but for that very reason his political loyalty is the more emphasized in his own mind and...

... scrutinized by citizens of other political units. A Jew indentified with so insignificant a power as an independent Palestinian state must forever be, would, in many lands and on many occasions, be in a far more advantageous position when a resident of an outlying nation than if he were recognized as a Briton. The anticipated dependence of a new Palestine upon British sovereignty thus fails to relieve the...
...Does This Explain Jewish Political Power?...

... Does This Explain Jewish Political Power? Does This Explain Jewish Political Power? The International Jew, by Henry Ford   Little has yet been said in this commentary on the Protocols about the political program contained in them. It is desirable that the points be taken separately in order that when our study turns to actual conditions in this country, the reader may be in a position to...

... capitalistic (not the manufacturing or managerial) control of industry; (b) by securing political control, which is easily illustrated by the condition of every civilized country today; (c) by securing control of education, a control which has been steadily won under the blinded eyes of the people; (d) by trivializing the public mind through a most complete system of allurement which has just brought us into...

...." Just what interests they aid most will give, when discovered, a strong light upon their zeal. But in all that the Protocols have to say about the political angle of the World Program, nothing is of so great interest as that which concerns the selection and control of Presidents. The whole plan is outlined in the Tenth Protocol. The fact that the President of France seems to have been in mind is...

... frankness, this distrust of the understanding and mercy of the people, they usually fall into another slavery, namely, the slavery of political or financial blackmail. "We will manipulate the election of Presidents whose past contains some undisclosed dark affair, some 'Panama,' then they will be faithful executors of our orders from fear of exposure and from the natural desire of every man who has...

... attained a position of authority to retain the privileges, emoluments and the dignity associated with the position of President." The use of the word "Panama" here refers to the various scandals which arose in French political circles over the original efforts to construct the Panama Canal. If the present form of the Protocols had been written at a later date they might have referred to...

... those in possession of the facts to make them public — not for the purpose of destroying reputations, but for the purpose of damning for all time a most cowardly practice. Politically, so the Jewish publicists tell us, Jews do not vote as a group. Because of this so we are told, they have no political influence. Moreover, we are told, they are so divided among themselves that they cannot be led...

... in one direction. It may be true that when it is a question of being for anything, the Jewish community may show a majority and minority opinion — a small minority, it is likely to be. But when it becomes a question of being against anything, the Jewish community is always a unit. These are facts to which any ward politician can testify. Any man in political life can test it for himself by...

... announcing that he will not permit himself to be dominated by Jews or anybody else. Just let him mention Jews in that manner; he will no longer have to read about Jewish solidarity; he will have felt it. Not that, in a vote, the Jewish solidarity can accomplish anything it wishes; the Jew's political strength is not in his vote, but in the "pull" of, say, seven men at the seat of government. The...

... Jews, a political minority so far as votes are concerned, were a political majority so far as influence was concerned, during the last five years. They ruled. They boast that they ruled. The mark of their rule is everywhere. The note which everyone observes in politics, as in the Press, is the fear of the Jews. This fear is such that nowhere are the Jews discussed as are, say, the Armenians, the...

... philosophy of material things leaves him free to do many things from which his neighbor draws back; but, given equal advantages, he is not a superman. The Yankee is more than his equal any time, but the Yankee has an inborn inclination to observe the rules of the game. When the people know by what means this power is gained — when they are informed how, for example, political control is seized, as it...
... your friend. Zen is so much against politics that it does not say anything about it, but it is against it. any religion, any religion worth calling a religion, is bound to be against politics because the very phenomenon of religion is non-political. What is politics? Politics is ambition, politics is ego, politics is aggression, politics is violence, politics is an ego-trip. How can a religious...

... person be political? He can pretend that he is religious but he cannot be religious. And how can a political person be religious? He can pretend that he is religious but he cannot be religious. These two thugs cannot go together because to be religious one has to drop ambition. And if you drop ambition politics disappears. To be religious one has to drop the ego, and when you drop the ego, politics is...

... dropped. A religious person has to be without any ego whatsoever. So religion as such is anti-political or non-political. But the religions that you see around you -- Hinduism, Mohamedanism, Christianity, Jainism, Buddhist are all political. They are no longer religious. Whenever a religion becomes too organized, whenever religion becomes all establishment, whenever religion has a vested interest in the...

... society, in this particular society, in the STATUS QUO, then it is no longer religion. A Buddha is religious, Buddhism is not religious. Jesus is religious -- that's way he was crucified by the politicians -- but Christians are not religious, they are very, very political. A large political meeting was attended by a small boy trying to sell four young puppy dogs. Finally, a man approached the boy and...

... asked jokingly, 'Are these political pups, sonny?' 'Yes, sir.' 'Well, then,' said the man, 'I'll take these two.' A week later at the same place there was a religious gathering and the same boy showed up to sell the remaining two dogs. A man walked up to him and asked, 'My little lad, what kind of puppies are these you have?' 'These are religious pups, sir.' The first man who purchased the other two...

... dogs happened to overhear this. 'Say,' he said, 'didn't you tell me that those pups that I bought from you last week were political pups?' 'Yes, sir,' said the young dog-seller, 'but these puppies ain't -- they've got their eyes open.' Politics is blind. It is a blind trip of the ego. One goes on groping to find some source of power so that one can feel, 'I am somebody.' Politics comes out of an...

... chair change you? How can the change of the chair change you? But this is the was the politician goes on be fooling himself. No. A religious person cannot be politician. A religious person, by his very religiousness, is non-political. He approaches life in a totally different way. What is the difference? What is the radical differences The radical difference is that the religious man does not...

... tell him who I saved from drowning, he's gonna kill me!' Remember, the politician is always there. Till the ego is completely thrown away it is always there. The ego is the politician. If you are egoistic, you are political. You may not stand in an election, you may not strive for any political power, but if you have the ego you will remain political in subtle ways. You may dominate your wife or your...

... husband, you may dominate your children, you may dominate your servants. You will remain cunning and you will never miss any opportunity to dominate. So when I use the word 'political' I don't just mean state affairs, no, I mean all affairs where domination is involved. If you want to have more money you are political because if you want to have more money you will have to exploit people. If you want to...

... have more power you will have to fight. If you want more prestige you will have to be competitive. Your so-called saints are all political. They have their ambitions. Each saint wants to become the greatest saint -- then he is political, then he will have to fight with other saints who are competitors. A religious person is non-competitive and that's why I insist again and again -- I am never tired...

... drop disappears into the ocean it raises the quality of the ocean. Each individual being transformed changes the society. When many, many individuals are changed, the society changes. That is the only way to change it, not the other way round. You cannot change the society. If you want to change the society directly your effort is political. Ichazo must be getting political. It happens. When you...

... Aricans are very political. Just a few months ago, Amida -- Amida was very close to Ichazo for many years -- received a letter saying that she was expelled. Expulsion is basically political. How can you expel? What do you mean by expulsion? This is monopoly. She has come to me so she is expelled from Arica. Now my books and my tapes are not allowed there. No Arican is allowed to read my books. This is...

... political. What nonsense! This is monopoly, possessiveness. This is how politics comes into being. A religious mind is an open mind. You have to see, you have to listen to everybody, you have to learn from everybody. You should not be closed. Being with a really enlightened Master you become very, very open to existence, utterly open. You with even be open to the Devil if he comes to teach you something...

... all his self-confidence. He gains all his self-confidence when he looks into your eyes and sees that you are looking towards him and you feel that he is right, he is true, he is the Master. When he sees that look in your eyes, when he sees that reflection in your eyes, he feels confident. Yes. It is so. This is a mutual deception. My approach is absolutely non-political, hence it is absolutely...

... wrong? But these three hundred so-called religions are basically political organizations which are against each other. A very Catholic woman returned from downtown New York, disheveled and distraught. 'What happened to you?' asked a fellow Catholic woman. 'I was in the Garment District at the same time as the Protestants were holding a rally. The mobs were thick and disorderly. Suddenly two thugs...
... ministry when it has least connection with the secular institutions of society. In past ages, since social reforms were largely confined to the moral realms, religion did not have to adjust its attitude to extensive changes in economic and political systems. The chief problem of religion was the endeavor to replace evil with good within the existing social order of political and economic culture...

... industry, and in politics as individuals, not as groups, parties, or institutions. A religious group which presumes to function as such, apart from religious activities, immediately becomes a political party, an economic organization, or a social institution. Religious collectivism must confine its efforts to the furtherance of religious causes. (1087.7) 99:2.4 Religionists are of no more value in the...

...) 99:2.5 The institutionalized church may have appeared to serve society in the past by glorifying the established political and economic orders, but it must speedily cease such action if it is to survive. Its only proper attitude consists in the teaching of nonviolence, the doctrine of peaceful evolution in the place of violent revolution — peace on earth and good will among all men. (1088.1) 99:2.6...

... become an organic part of the political and social structure of Occidental civilization. (1088.3) 99:3.2 The kingdom of heaven is neither a social nor economic order; it is an exclusively spiritual brotherhood of God-knowing individuals. True, such a brotherhood is in itself a new and amazing social phenomenon attended by astounding political and economic repercussions. (1088.4) 99:3.3 The religionist...

... is not unsympathetic with social suffering, not unmindful of civil injustice, not insulated from economic thinking, neither insensible to political tyranny. Religion influences social reconstruction directly because it spiritualizes and idealizes the individual citizen. Indirectly, cultural civilization is influenced by the attitude of these individual religionists as they become active and...

... influential members of various social, moral, economic, and political groups. (1088.5) 99:3.4 The attainment of a high cultural civilization demands, first, the ideal type of citizen and, then, ideal and adequate social mechanisms wherewith such a citizenry may control the economic and political institutions of such an advanced human society. (1088.6) 99:3.5 The church, because of overmuch false sentiment...

... propaganda. Loveless zeal is always harmful to religion, while persecution diverts the activities of religion into the achievement of some sociologic or theologic drive. (1089.1) 99:3.9 Religion can be kept free from unholy secular alliances only by: (1089.2) 99:3.10 1. A critically corrective philosophy. (1089.3) 99:3.11 2. Freedom from all social, economic, and political alliances. (1089.4) 99:3.12 3...

... individual citizen, may become the outstanding leader of some social, economic, or political reconstruction movement. (1089.8) 99:3.16 It is the business of religion to create, sustain, and inspire such a cosmic loyalty in the individual citizen as will direct him to the achievement of success in the advancement of all these difficult but desirable social services. 4. Transition Difficulties (1089.9) 99...

... religious groups depends very much on intelligent leadership. In primitive society the religious group is not always very different from economic or political groups. Religion has always been a conservator of morals and a stabilizer of society. And this is still true, notwithstanding the contrary teaching of many modern socialists and humanists. (1091.1) 99:5.2 Always keep in mind: True religion is to...

... social co-ordination of human institutions. Life must continue to grow in meaningfulness; man must go on with his reformation of philosophy and his clarification of religion. (1092.6) 99:7.2 Political science must effect the reconstruction of economics and industry by the techniques it learns from the social sciences and by the insights and motives supplied by religious living. In all social...
..., to help people to experience this innermost point of their being, the center of the cyclone, upon which everything moves, but which itself remains exactly the same, eternity to eternity. As far as India is concerned, there are good signs. A new group of people have come into the Indian government. If they are people of integrity, and they can remain non-political and still in politics, then India...

... has a future. ARE THEY STILL NON-POLITICAL? It is very difficult. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, and they are human beings with all the frailties and weaknesses of everyone. People don't know what they will do when they come to power; they themselves come to know only when they have power. It is a little early to say, because the bureaucracy is the old one, which has to be...

... changed as soon as possible; otherwise it will change your non-political people who have come into politics. And the non-political people who have come to join politics have to be made aware of the fact; otherwise, unconsciously they will turn political. If you live with a madman and you talk with a madman, it is very difficult to save your own sanity. It happened in Egypt: one of the pharaohs, who was...

... strategies. So I am making that point emphatically, that a good number of people have come into the political cage who are not basically political. WHAT ABOUT RAJIV GANDHI? Even Rajiv is a non-politician. And the situation was ripe, because for forty years India has seen what the politicians have done. They have made the country worse and worse. So India is ready to accept the non-political people on their...

... merit. Now that is the question: those non-political people who want to enter into power should be made fully alert that they should not change; they should remain non-political. Their approach towards problems should remain human, not political. They should promise only that which they can deliver. The politician makes great promises just to gather votes, and once he is in power he forgets all his...

... promises. The new people have to be made alert: don't promise anything that you cannot deliver. Always promise something you can deliver - in fact, you can deliver more than you promised. The signs are good. Rajiv is absolutely non-political. He never wanted to come into politics; it is just circumstances that have brought him into politics. That is a good sign that the inner being is not hankering for...

... difficult because the population goes on growing, problems go on growing. But there is still time. My suggestion is: change the bureaucracy, make our politicians absolutely non- political. If somebody is an education minister then he should come from the educational world. If somebody is a health minister he should have the best medical expertise. If somebody is the minister for agriculture then he should...

... - let them take their measures. It is not your business. It would have kept India more healthy, more sensible, because Mrs. Gandhi's assassination that you reported changed the whole political character of the country. It killed thousands of Sikhs, it killed freedom of thought. I have nothing to do with Khalistan, but I have much to do with freedom of thought. I feel that evil should not be reported...
... brainless dispensers of fortunes who are not able even now to understand that they have not the remotest conception about the matters which they undertake to discuss. Questions of the political are unattainable for any save those who have guided it already for many ages, the creators. 2. From all this you will see that in seeming the opinion of the mob we are only facilitating the working of our machinery...

... the political we are now putting forward what we allege to be new questions of the political, namely, questions of industry. In this sphere let them discuss themselves silly! The masses are agreed to remain inactive, to take a rest from what they suppose to be political only on condition of being found new employments, in which we are prescribing them something that looks like the same political...

... BY US ACCORDING TO A POLITICAL PLAN WHICH NO ONE HAS SO MUCH AS GUESSED AT IN THE COURSE OF MANY CENTURIES? [ZioNazi, Zionism, NWO, Illuminati, Freemasons, Lucifer, satan, 666] Generated by PreciseInfo ™ ...
... few measures, bringing new technology, but that will create only a super-rich class, it will not remove poverty; and this class will help them in an election with money, because they have helped with technology with this class. And the poor will remain poor; it will become even more poorer. My effort is totally non-political. That is the difficulty. They cannot allow any non-political person to show...

... them that things that you say can really be done. In my commune there was no political party. There is no need. Every person is intelligent and thinks on his own. Why he should tow the line of a political ideology in which there may be many things on which he does not agree, but because he belongs to the party he has to say "yes" - against his own conscience. I don't believe that political...

... parties are needed. They destroy people's intelligence. They destroy their thinking capacity. In my commune there were no political party. There was no question of politics. People are concerned with their food, with their clothes, with their life, with their love, with their children, with a good house, with a silent peaceful life with some spiritual growth, some serenity within. Where politics comes...

... in? I don't think anybody who is interested in politics really. Q: BUT IN DEMOCRACY YOU NEED POLITICAL PARTY. YOU CANNOT DO WITHOUT POLITICAL PARTY. A: Then do away with democracy if you cannot do without political parties. My own idea is far superior than democracy. Democracy may look good in comparison with dictatorship. But I have the idea of meritocracy - which is higher than democracy, because...

..., adamant, and once he is in power he will not care about anybody. Political parties function in such a way that the weakest person comes to the top, and those persons cannot change the fate of a country like India. Such a vast country needs geniuses. So my proposal is for a meritocracy. And what is wrong in it? We have so many great physicians, great educationists, great agriculturists - who have proved...

... their merit. Now let them come up and let them fight - if they want to fight, and let the country choose; and each individual chooses on his own, no political affiliation. And you will have the best government in the world. And these people know culture, and these people know education, and these people know how to be gentle and civilized. The politicians that you choose - I was surprised. I was a...

... parties, is bound to satisfy the lowest denominator of the society, and when you satisfy the lowest denominator how can you raise the society to the highest level of living? So I am not for democracy. I am for meritocracy, and meritocracy can exist without political parties. Q: BUT DON'T YOU THINK THIS SEPARATIST TENDENCY WILL DISINTEGRATE THE COUNTRY AND FOREIGN POWERS WILL.... A: There are so many...

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