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Found: 1460 articles, showing 1440 - 1450
... public outcry to negotiate a public peace and people would willingly give up national sovereignty in order to achieve peace, and thereby this would bring in the New International Political System. This was stated and very impressive thing to hear then ... "If there were too many people in the right places who resisted this, there might be a need to use one or two - possibly more - nuclear weapons. As...

... about it? R.E: I recall that when the Chinese Communists came into power one of the first things that they taught in schools was not any thoughts about specific political ideology, but about evolution and that man was just an animal and if man was just an animal then we won't mind being herded and having masters who keep tabs on the animals and we're one big ant colony and we've got someone to direct...
... was also an indication of the failure of the efforts of all the German-origin Jewish communities from the Veneto region to avoid the tragic consequences of the Trent affair for the defendants who were still alive [63]. Salomone da Piove is said to have died shortly afterwards [64]. The leadership of this conspicuous group, committed, as always, to avoiding the political and financial effects and...
... of Jainism -- even Hindus are under the impact of Jainism -- and he was ninety percent Christian. At least three times in his life he wanted to become a Christian but was persuaded by his friends, "That would destroy our whole political fight for freedom. If you become a Christian, Hindus will not be with you, and neither will Mohammedans participate under your guidance. So please don't do...
... - all those attempts will fail. Flowers will never bloom, because you never gave water to the roots. Religion is the root of the whole morality of life. And if the state is secular then politics, political morality, will not be moral at all, it will become immoral. This is what has happened. So I will criticize politics. All buddhas have done so. All the buddhas have expressed it. Jesus would not have...
... talk. Christianity has proved that killing your enemies ... And Jesus Christ himself is responsible for it, because he says, "Who is not with me is against me." Now this is a very ugly, political statement. Do you call it religious? "Who is not with me is against me." It can be said by Adolf Hitler, by Joseph Stalin, by Benito Mussolini, but not by a religious person. Because the...
... this way. It is against your ego. It is condemnation that inflates your ego. This is why people praise very reluctantly - they do it very unwillingly, as if compelled. They do it when there is something to get by praising. This is why superficially they praise, but beneath they are taking revenge. There was a case in court. A political leader had initiated a defamation case against a man. The man, in...
... speak for those women -- but I cannot speak without bitterness for all these popes who have been nothing but murderers. More people have been killed by religions than by wars. Political wars are number two; more people have been killed by religious wars, crusades, jihads. Mohammedans killing Christians, Christians killing Mohammedans, Christians killing Jews, Hindus killing Mohammedans, Mohammedans...
... your home the moment your heart melts into the universal heart. That is where Zen is happening. In that melting into the universe you are back to the original source, fresh, eternal, timeless, spacious. The only thing needed is freedom from the self. That is the very essence of Zen. You have heard about many freedoms: political freedom, psychological freedom, economic freedom - there are many kinds...
... Political Rights of the Jews"] еще в 1789 году. Защита прав евреев безусловно считалось главным приоритетом. Луи Жозеф Маршан [Louis Joseph Marchand], друг Наполеона Бонапарта, писал в 1895 году, что Робеспьер был на самом деле евреем по имени Рубан из Эльзаса [Ruban from Alsace] («В тени Наполеона» ["In Napoleon's Shadow"], Сан-Франциско, 1998). Лозунг, который наилучшим образом подытожил цели якобинцев...

... политик Бенджамин Дизраэли (1804-1881) в Великобритании, современник Пайка и Мадзини, был, как Франкист, хорошо осведомлен о невероятной силе Иллюминатов. Он всегда делал то, что хотел Ротшильд. В своей книге "Lord George Bentinck: a Political Biography" (впервые опубликованной в 1852) он написал следующие разоблачающие слова, которые были действительны тогда, как и 146 лет спустя (Лондон, 1882, стр...

... был парализован. Факты о его сифилисе были засекречены. Лев Троцкий тем не менее, заявил, что Ленин умер от сифилиса. (Лев Троцкий, «Портреты: политические и личные» ["Portraits: Political and Personal"], Нью-Йорк, 1984, стр. 211) Согласно советской мифологической пропаганде, Ленин вел самую образцовую семейную жизнь. На ранней стадии, Виктор Чернов [Chernov], один из лидеров эсеров, раскрыл...

...) июля, другие газеты также начали публикацию телеграмм с описанием передач немецких денег большевикам в Петрограде под различными невинными предлогами. (David Shub, "Russian Political Heritage", Нью-Йорк, 1969 год.) В официальной биографии Ленина (с. 177), все эти обвинения были расценены как клевета со стороны провокаторов. Вечером 6 (19) июля в квартире Маргариты Фофановой, Ленин сказал Сталину...

... Military Order of the World Wars", The Army-Navy Club, Washington, 1973. Deutscher, Isaac, "Den ojudiske juden" / "The Un-Jewish Jew", Stockholm, 1969. Des Griffin, "Descent Into Slavery", South Pasadena, 1984. Dichev, Todor, "The Terrible Conspiracy", Moscow, 1994. Disraeli, Benjamin, "Lord George Bentinck: a Political Biography", London, 1852. Disraeli, Benjamin, "Coningsby", London, 1844. Dolgun...

... Revolution", Vol. 1, London, 1967. Trotsky, Leon, "Problems of the Development of the Soviet Union", Paris, 1936. Trotsky, "What is the Soviet Union and Where is it Going?", Paris, 1936. Trotsky, Leon, "Portraits: Political and Personal", New York, 1984. Valentinov, Nikolai, "The Lesser-Known Lenin", Paris, 1972. Vietor, Karl, "Goethe", Stockholm, 1953. Volkogonov, Dmitri, "Trotsky", Moscow, 1994. Volodin...
... and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment"]: И он действительно характеризует некоторых («недовольных») ветеранов, как специальные угрозы внутри матрицы правых экстремистов. Не поймите меня неправильно - я [стою] с Аароном Руссо и Алексом Джонсом против фальшивой войны с террором и аппарата Национальной Безопасности...

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