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Found: 1460 articles, showing 1430 - 1440
... favour of all these things. They are still political. They are part of the same rut; they don't change a thing. They only create an illusion that change is going to come, and it has not come. For five thousand years man has been trying to change society, and society does not change. All that can be done can be done with the individual. Only the individual has the capacity to change because only the...
... shouting with their whole heart for liberty and equality. And they DON'T know they are again in the same grip: again man is persuading them. Now man wants to use them and throw them, with no responsibility attached to it. If you look deeply into the whole matter of it, you will be surprised. The male mind is a cunning mind. The woman is more innocent; she cannot be so strategic, so political, she has...
... these rules are not absolute, and you are not expected to remain confined to them - one day you must transcend them." A society is good if it teaches its members civilization AND transcendence; then the society is religious. If it never teaches transcendence then that society is simply secular and political, it has no religion in it. You have to listen to others up to an extent, and then you have...
... potential. You are filled with religious rubbish, you are filled with political rubbish, you are filled with economic rubbish, all kinds of ideas that you have borrowed. You are not having your own insights -- that rubbish prevents it, it keeps you blind, it gives you a sense of fulfillment which is false. So remember it. It will be very difficult for outsiders to understand me, almost impossible...
... extrovert journey they are sadists: they enjoy torturing others, they enjoy defeating others, they enjoy competing with others, conquering others. Their whole joy is in how to make others feel inferior to themselves. This is what your extrovert journey is. This is what politics is. This is the political mind, constantly trying to become superior to the other, legally, illegally, but there is constant...
... going to face each other again." And that was so. The war was delayed till his death; before, that war could not happen. There was no question of denying him. He had no political power, no army, but they both knew that he had eyes, and if he saw that this was going to be blissful for both, then let it be so. "We are blind. We will step back." But the birth of Buddhism and Jainism, the...
... this man has nothing against sannyasins. He has not even the guts to come here and see whether the city exists or not. He should come and see with his own eyes. He has not the guts. He has not even the guts to appear on the same television program with Sheela. Such cowards! But that's how the political mind works. The attorney general is making arrangements for the election for governor that is...
... that it was proper to want to see the social, economic, and political orders improved, but he would always add: “That is not the business of the kingdom of heaven. We must be dedicated to the doing of the Father’s will. Our business is to be ambassadors of a spiritual government on high, and we must not immediately concern ourselves with aught but the representation of the will and character of the...
.... 224). Rabbis 110 551 Rabbi Julius T. Loeb a Jewish Zionist leader in Washington was reported in "Who's Who in the Nation's Capital," 1929-1930, as referring to Jerusalem as "The Head Capital of the United States of the World." Rabbis 111 The differences between Jews and gentiles are not religious, historical, cultural or political. They are, rather, racial, genetic and scientifically unalterable...
..., you become a thing; you have lost your soul. It is difficult to find a soul in a political leader. It is difficult to find a soul in an actor. He has become an object to be seen, he lives to be an object to be seen. His whole effort is to impress people: how to look good, how to look beautiful, how to look the best. It is not an effort to be the best, but an effort to appear the best. One who...

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