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Found: 1460 articles, showing 1420 - 1430
... only when you are thinking of an arranged marriage - then you think about the family, and the parents of the girl, and the money, and the dowry, and the future possibilities, political relationships, and everything you think about. But when you fall in love, you fall in love - it happens so suddenly, there is no time gap. And it is the same with religion. You fall in love with a man who is religious...
... and more political-minded and the reason is, nothing attracts the human mind as much as politics. Many people who commit murder, have confessed that they killed only so that their names may appear in the newspapers - in big prints! His only ambition is that his name may be printed in red, that his picture may be printed in papers, that all the world may see him, hear of him! What pleasure does this...
... is fourteen sex enters into life. Another great change. Now he will have a different outlook, different desires. At twenty-one ambition enters into life. He becomes more political, rebellious, protesting, fighting -- ready to fight with anybody. He becomes a revolutionary. At twenty-eight he starts settling, he becomes more interested in comfort, a bank balance, a good salary, a good home, a wife...
... is utterly cleansed. He started crying, and those tears cleansed his heart. A TORRENT OF TEARS CLEANSED THE FACE OF THE BROTHER WHO HAD STOLEN, AND ALL DESIRE TO STEAL HAD VANISHED. This is the miracle of the presence of a master. And the story does not say anything about what happened to all those political people. This is the mystery of life. Never feel righteous, and never pretend that you are...
... becomes great - even a dog is a god then. Buddha is reported to have said: "When I became enlightened, the whole existence became enlightened. Everything became enlightened the same moment!" That is the vision of a really great man. The really great man sees only gods and goddesses around. Everywhere existence is great for him. So there are two types of greatness: one type, the political type...
.... Mind is the technique to go out. That's why you are trained in your universities and colleges and schools for mind. Mind is the technique to go out, to have many more things - to have bigger houses, to have much property, to have political power, to have money. Mind is the way to go out and conquer the world. Meditation is just the reverse process. It is nothing but no-mind. That is what Zen is. You...
... society, or that the expulsion of the Palestinians is impracticable under present political conditions, or that Israeli acts of terror against the Palestinians tend to isolate Israel internationally. In principle, however, virtually all zionists - and in particular 'left' zionists - share the deep anti-Gentile attitudes which Orthodox Judaism keenly promotes. Attitudes to Christianity and Islam IN THE...
... in order to achieve equality in society it would, in the first place, be necessary to suppress political freedom, destroy individual liberty and establish a dictatorship. And he thought that after the achievement of equality, freedom would be restored to the people. But do you think people with such enormous power in their hands that they can equalize everyone will ever give you back your freedom...
... mankind deeply involved in meditation, there is little hope for man's survival on this earth any longer; he will simply disappear from the earth. There is already so much neurosis and insanity in the world, there is so much political madness all around, that the hope for mankind remaining alive grows dimmer and dimmer with the passing of each day. And the sands of time are running out fast. So it is...
... her on a high pedestal and then he tortures her. He becomes powerful. How the ego goes on playing tricks! You have to watch. On the surface it looks just the opposite - that he is such a humble man, and he puts his woman in such a high place that she is a goddess. You will think he is very humble. He is not. He is very tricky; he is being very political. And he may not be consciously doing it; it...

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How to Search

  • Enter a search word or a sentence (not too long).
  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
  • You can use AND [in UPPER case] between the words if you are looking for articles containing all of those words.
  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).