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Found: 1460 articles, showing 1100 - 1110
... political party, or in the hands of the government, or in the hands of rich people. The man who came first into the conflict was the ex-vice-president Rockefeller -- because he was planning that the whole of Oregon should become a federal state. The federal government owns half of the land of Oregon, and their desire was to have all of the land in Oregon to create shelters in case of a nuclear war. And...
... renounce the world. That simply means that you don't get glued with people -- that is an ugly state. You enjoy, you share, but you never depend on anybody or on anything; you never become a slave. Dropping attachments is really dropping all slavery and dependence on things and people. It brings to you a great freedom -- the only authentic freedom. Political freedoms don't mean much, economic freedoms...
... have their own reasons. Even laughter is businesslike; even laughter is economic, political. Even laughter is not just laughter. All purity is lost. You cannot even laugh in a pure way, in a simple way, childlike. And if you cannot laugh in a pure way, you are losing something tremendously valuable. You are losing your virginity, your purity, your innocence. Watch a small child; watch his laughter...
... Buddha's approach, although Gandhians go on declaring that Gandhi is the greatest nonviolent man after Gautam Buddha. He is not; he has no understanding of Buddha and his insight. He is purely and simply a politician. His politics are also very subtle - his politics are very cunning, devious. But he is not religious at all. His whole approach is political. If you practice nonviolence - and he practiced...
... unwavering, strong, staunch mind to remain attached to the goa, that you have decided upon in order not to change it, not to drop it. Even if all the circumstances change you have to go on dogmatically, blindly following it. It needs a certain willpower; it needs cunningness, cleverness, a certain quality of being political, competitive, ambitious, unscrupulous, not bothering about any moral values...
... keep your mouth shut. You are a Christian. The moment you belong to an organization, to a religion, to a political party, you have to give up your freedom of thinking, you have to become blind; you cannot see because things may be different from your dead ideology which was decided hundreds of years before. You should watch.... Just now you are listening to me. Are you aware that you are listening...
... are seeking suicide. I am not a martyr. I love life, I love all that is implied in life, and the original Hasid Masters were as much in love with life as I am. That's why I have chosen to talk about them. When I choose to talk about some path, I choose it only because it appeals to me tremendously. The Hasids were not people who wanted to become political revolutionaries. They were not reformists...
... for them, because I had brought a golden treasure for them to share. And I was not trying to convert them. They could have enjoyed my experience and gone on their way with all my blessings. Perhaps my experience somewhere on their way might have helped them. But I cannot be angry. It is their choice. I have never followed anybody. I have never been part of any religion, any political ideology, and...
... there will be political pressure on them. All the scientists are employed by governments now, and all the governments depend on religious support - it is a very complicated game. Now, the Indian government will not allow any scientist to trespass into the area which has always been that of priests, prophets, messiahs. And scientists are all government servants. Science has become so complex and so...
... priesthood, then your becoming the head of the whole government.... And the Vatican may be small but it has immense political power around the world, because six hundred million Catholics.... So the land may be small - that does not matter - but six hundred million Catholics around the world, that is his real state. It is all over the world, spread all over the world. But I wonder whether he himself...

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