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Found: 1460 articles, showing 1060 - 1070
... you. They bring freedom, they bring purity, they bring innocence. But the ultimate result depends on you. The fourth question: Give and share. Renounce non-essential and be essential. To whom to give -- the poor and needy? -- In generral or relatives and friends? Beggars -- organized or individuals? Institutions -- political and religious? Purchase institutional presents -- books and other things...
... the world are in conspiracy against me. All the religions, all the political parties are in the same conspiracy: to destroy me, to destroy my ideology, to destroy my people. But they will not succeed. If even a single person loves me unconditionally, I have more protection, more love, more friends, than nuclear weapons can destroy. So you need not be sad about it. I am talking of those people who...
... world you don't see so much love and you see so much hate. You listen to too much talk about love in the world. Everybody is loving everybody else, talking about love, but it is all talk: yakketty-yakketty-yak! It goes on all over the world. Everybody is talking about love - beautiful dialogues - but in fact you see hate everywhere. Religions hate each other. Nations hate each other. Political parties...
..., a shadow phenomenon with nothing beyond it, nothing eternal, nothing that is going to remain forever. They have created a picture of human beings which creates despair in intelligent people. And because of their outright rejection, their approach is not scientific; it is as superstitious as any other fanatic religious or political person's. Science has no right to deny consciousness unless it has...
... down you are suffering from an inferiority complex. it is just a compensation. The politician feels higher than others because he has power, political power. The wealthy feels higher than others because he has power, economic power. And the so-called spiritual person also feels higher than others because he has again the same kind of thing: power - spiritual power, purity, morality. virtue. But these...
... conflict. And unless Lao Tzu is understood well, and humanity starts feeling for Lao Tzu, humanity cannot live in peace. If you are taught to be strong you are bound to fight, wars will continue. All political leaders in the world go on saying that they love peace - and they all prepare for war. They say they stand for peace - and they all go on accumulating armaments. They talk about peace - and they...
... power. It was their political game. I told Sheela again and again, that the people who have come to the commune have not come just to work; they have come here to meditate, to grow, to come to a realization of their self. But she was not interested in that at all. Her interest was only one: that she should remain on the top. But it is good that on her own she has taken all the stupid people. A few are...
... makes them afraid. And who can find more strange people than you? You are the strangest lot on the earth! I have collected all the unfits, rebels, individuals who have refused to become just a cog in the wheel of the social mechanism, who have refused to believe in religious lies, in political cunningness, hypocrisy. My people are not a society; it is a commune. And the difference between a society...
... of love, a man of truth, a man of sincerity is disqualified. If this commune becomes illegal, that means truth is disqualified, honesty is disqualified, love is disqualified. Then everything of value is illegal, and all that should be criminal becomes legal, political, approved by the state. This case is going to be of decisive importance. That man, the attorney general, does not know it, but...
..., no other synagogue. Don't go anywhere. Go inside, inward. And there is your paradise, your wisdom, your eternal life. A man who knows his wisdom and his eternal life cannot behave the way people are behaving all around the world. Every politician should be forced to participate in some school of meditation, and unless he graduates from there he cannot stand for any political post. All politicians...

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How to Search

  • Enter a search word or a sentence (not too long).
  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
  • You can use AND [in UPPER case] between the words if you are looking for articles containing all of those words.
  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).