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..., they secretly transferred their support from the central powers to the allies, and their headquarters from Berlin to London.6 From then on, their influence was felt more and more in political circles in Europe and America. In particular the Zionist Transfer Department, as it was called, was in a position to transmit funds and information to subversive elements in enemy countries. In this connection...

... inner actions committee, been impressed with the opportunities offered for establishing a centre there:21 since 1914, he and Chaim Weizmann had been actively working to bring its political problems to the fore in England. To this end, Weizmann had entered into intimate " relations with the house of Rothschild and done much to make this family more closely acquainted with Zionism."22 Among the non-Jews...

..., from the beginning of 1917, Sykes devoted himself heart and soul to the movement, and his house at No. 9 Buckingham Gate, " equipped with all such materials as correspondence files and telegraphic communications, became a Zionist centre."25 Collaborating with Sykes was another gentile, Georges Picot. The first official meeting of what was known as the " Political Committee " took place on February 7...

... immigration and other political matters. Subsequently the union was given the support of the B'nai B'rith,45 whose leading member had been appointed ambassador. " For thirty years ", wrote an American Zionist,46 " our ambassador at Washington was the Hon. Simon Wolf. He informed the United States government what the Jews of this country wanted and what they were opposed to. In Simon Wolf's opinion, the Jews...

... of the victorious army. " " President Wilson expressed his personal views in support of the principles laid down in the Balfour declaration. France, Italy, and Greece have formally adopted it: there is therefore an unanimity of sentiment on the part of the allied powers. " " The American Jewish committee, although its members are in the main non-Zionists, recognised the political...

..., with a ' national home-land for the Jews in Palestine'. We have seen how demoralizing a divided allegiance was to the Germans in this country. I do not pretend to know the inside political history and intricacies of policy of which you hint... I am not to be intimidated into silence by either of the threats you mention... I regard the real danger to the Jew to lie in silent acquiescence to the...

.... Balfour himself. 36. The text was drafted under Ginzberg's directions by the Jewish political committee composed of: Sokolov (chairman), Weizmann, Leopold Kessler, Cowen, Bentwich, Albert M. Hyamson, Simon Marks (secretary), Sacher, Israel Sieff, Leon Simon, Ettinger and Folkpvskii. 37. Ahad-ha-am, Essays on Judaism and Zionism, tr. by Leon Simon, p. 15. 38. Supra, ch. I. 39. " But we all know how the...
... of the Jewish spokesmen today mention the political cause, or if they come within suggestive distance of it, they limit and localize it. It is not a question of the patriotism of the Jew, though this too is very widely questioned in all the countries. You hear it in England, in France, in Germany, in Poland, in Russia, in Rumania — and, with a shock, you hear it in the United States. Books...

... from true-hearted love and allegiance, have not been able to overcome the impression made upon officers and men and civilians by those who did not. But that is not what is here meant as the political element in the Jewish Question. To understand why the Jew should think less of the nationalities of the world than do those who comprise them is not difficult. The Jew's history is one of wandering among...

... national loyalties and prejudices with the same intensity as the natives; the Jew has been for centuries a cosmopolitan. While under a flag he may be correct in the conduct required of him as a citizen or resident, inevitably he has a view of flags which can hardly be shared by the man who has known but one flag. The political element inheres in the fact that the Jews form a nation in the midst of the...

...-seeing public exponent of the philosophy of Jewish existence that modern generations have known. And he was never in doubt of the existence of the Jewish nation. Indeed, he proclaimed its existence on every occasion. He said, "We are a people — One people." He clearly saw that what he called the Jewish Question was political. In his introduction to "The Jewish State" he says...

... religious one, notwithstanding that it sometimes takes these and other forms. It is a national question, which can only be solved by making it a political world-question to be discussed and controlled by the civilized nations of the world in council." Not only did Herzl declare that the Jews formed a nation, but when questioned by Major Evans Gordon before the British Royal Commission on Alien...

... money in the family, and their sons will hasten by train and steamer to win 10 per cent in Egypt * * * The Jew by himself in Palestine will eat his head off; he will kick his stable to pieces." Undoubtedly the time for the exodus — at least the motive for the exodus — is not yet here. The political aspect of the Jewish Question which is now engaging at least three of the...
... grandest of the books of the Old Testament, 'the terror by night,' for it is, essentially, the Psalmist's concept of the forces of mental evil at which, consciously or unconsciously, Professor Nilus is aiming. In other words, that a secret international political organization exists, working unremittingly by means of its Bureau of Psychology, though the world which should be awake to it is entirely...

... institution. Its origin and method of constitution are obscure. It consisted of 71 members, with the president, and performed the functions of a political senate. There is nothing to show whence the Sanhedrin derived its authority. It was not an elective body. It was not democratic. It was not representative. It was not responsible to the people. In these qualities, it was typically Jewish. The Sanhedrin...

... was chosen by the prince or priest, not with the purpose of safeguarding the people's interest, but to assist the ruler in the work of administration. It was thus assembled by call, or it was self-perpetuating, calling its own members. The arrangement seems to have been that well-known device by which an aristocracy can maintain itself in power whatever the political construction of the nation may...

... people. The Sanhedrin exercised authority not only over the Jews of Palestine, but wherever they were scattered throughout the world. As a senate exercising direct political authority, it ceased with the downfall of the Jewish State in the year 70, but there are indications of its continuance as an advisory body down to the fourth century. In 1806, in order to satisfy the mind of Napoleon upon some...

..., international financiers, Jewish orators of the "liberal type" who have the ear of the Gentiles, political maneuverers from all the parties represented in the world, they assemble wherever they will, and the subjects of their deliberations are made known only to the extent they will. It is not to be supposed that all of the attendants on these conventions are members of the inner circle. The list of...

... international Jew uses in all those activities which he permits the world to see in part. There are gatherings of the financial, political and intellectual chief rulers of the Jews. These gatherings are announced for one or another thing — sometimes. Sometimes there is a gathering of Jews in a world capital, with no announced purpose. They all appear in one city, confer and depart. Whether there is a...
... elected to write a new constitution (based on the Denmark's) to avoid entrapments of debt based currency foreign loans. 25 citizens are chosen - with no political affiliation - out of the 522 candidates. The only qualifications for candidacy are adulthood and the support of 30 people. The constitutional assembly started in February of 2011. It continues to present 'carta magna' from recommendations...

... responsible parties, and -a rewriting of the Iceland Constitution by its people This is significant stuff. Have we been informed about this through the main stream media? Has any political program on radio or TV commented on this? Not that I've seen. The Icelandic people have demonstrated a way to beat the international money printers and controllers of information. The last thing entrenched usurers would...

... in Washington DC when friends invited him to visit the famous American poet Ezra Pound, who was confined at St. Elizabeth's Mental Hospital and listed as a "political prisoner." A leading figure in Modern English literature, Pound was the editor and critic who introduced the world to James Joyce, W.B. Yeats and T.S. Eliot. During the Second World War, he was charged with treason for broadcasts on...

... James Garfield. Last year alone, the American people paid $360 billion in interest to the bankers. To maintain this massive fraud, the bankers enforce an iron grip on the political and cultural organs of the nation. According to Mullins, "The New York Times" is owned by the Kuhn Loeb while "The Washington Post" is owned by Lazard Freres. In Europe the Rothschilds own Reuters as well as the French and...

... population. The psychological sterilization of the human female ("feminism") is an example. The "War on Terror" is part of the banking cabal's plan to consolidate its grip on humanity in a friendly (or not so friendly) fascist "New World Order." They want to secure their political, economic and social grip on the obstreperous Muslim world, as well as build up a security apparatus in case the docile...

... of Commons, he joined the 'patriotic party.'" (All These Things, A.N. Field, pp. 56-57; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, p. 34) Banking and Finance 010 "The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This...

... J.P. Morgan, and in London by Lord Alfred Milner. It is a fact that Schiff gave Trotsky $20 million for the task of overthrowing Christian Russia. The history of the Rothschilds shows that they did not hesitate to spend part of their huge fortune to achieve political goals. In this they achieved astonishing successes. That the Rothschilds held and exercised amazing power over nations and governments...

... Europe has been pillaged only the Jewish bank will subsist." (Fedor Dostoievsky, an 18th century, citizen who invented the theorist of a purely economic conception of the world which rules nearly everywhere today. The contemporary political commercialism, business above everything, business considered as the supreme aim of human effort, comes directly from Ricardo. G. Batault, Le problem juif, p. 40...

... "Political Zionism is an agency of Big Business. It is being used by Jewish and Christian financiers in this country and Great Britain, to make Jews believe that Palestine will be ruled by a descendant of King David who will ultimately rule the world. "What seclusion! It will lead to war between Arabs and Jews and eventually to war between Moslems and non-Moslems. That will be the turning point of history...

... forbidden by the Seanate on many previous occasions, and most strictly of all during my consulship. Further, that Flaccus was opposed to this barbarous Jewish superstition was proof of his strong character that he defended the Republci by frequently denying the aggressiveness of the Jewish mobs at political gatherings was an evidence of his high sense of responsibility." (Speech of Cicero, which is one of...

... Roth, Zürich Alfons Vicomte Verplaetse, Brussels Carroll Quigley Georgetown Professor and historian, Carroll Quigley, commented on the creation of this central bank in his 1975 book, Tragedy And Hope, as follows, "The powers of financial capitalism had (a) far reaching (plan), nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system...

... by the body politic - this is the key political argument against an independent central bank ... To paraphrase Clemenceau money is much too serious a matter to be left to the central bankers." Milton Friedman would also state, "I know of no severe depression, in any country or any time that was not accompanied by a sharp decline in the stock of money, and equally of no sharp decline in the stock of...
... knew Deuteronomy is the basis of the political programme of worldly dominion The Israelites were not "Jews" and had never known this "Law" "Only he who knows my secrets is my son" Religious intolerance is the basis of this "Second Law" The moral commandments have been nullified Nationalism was first presented to the Judahites in Deuteronomy The recipe for World Domination Go in to possess nations...

...-commentaries which together constitute the Judaic "law". Deuteronomy is the basis of the political programme of worldly dominion Therefore Deuteronomy is also the basis of the political programme, of worldly dominion over nations despoiled and enslaved, which has been largely realized in the West during this Twentieth Century. Deuteronomy is of direct relevancy to the events of our day, and much of...

... purpose of setting up, in the guise of a religion, the grandiose political idea of a people especially sent into the world to destroy and "possess" other peoples and to rule the earth. The idea of destruction is essential to Deuteronomy. If it be taken away no Deuteronomy, or Mosaic Law, remains. This concept of destruction as an article of faith is unique, and where it occurs in political...

... thought (for instance, in the Communist philosophy) may also derive originally from the teaching of Deuteronomy, for there is no other discoverable source. Deuteronomy is above all a complete political programme: the story of the planet, created by Jehovah for this "special people", is to be completed by their triumph and the ruination of all others. The rewards offered to the faithful are...

..., deserving of "all these curses". To minds of such extreme egotism a political outrage in which 95 Gentiles and 5 Jews lose their lives or property is simply an anti-Jewish disaster, and they are not consciously hypocritical in this. In the Twentieth Century this standard of judgment has been projected into the lives of other peoples and applied to all major events in the ordeal of the West. Thus...
... a constant barrage. I do not think I ever had as much pressure and propaganda aimed at the White House as I had in this instance. The persistence of a few of the extreme Zionist leaders - actuated by political motives and engaging in political threats - disturbed me and annoyed me. Some were even suggesting that we pressure sovereign nations into favorable votes in the General Assembly." The...

... "political threats" mentioned here obviously related to President Truman's approaching re-election campaign; this is the only reasonable interpretation of the words. Mr. Truman (according to Dr. Weizmann) promised, at the interview on November 19, "to communicate at once with the American delegation" and the United States vote was then given, on November 29, to the "...

... recognition by the United States of the provisional government of Israel. I was told that to some of the career men of the State Department this announcement came as a surprise". Mr. Truman does not in his Memoirs recall his statement of 1948 that this was "the proudest moment of my life", or explain why he felt it to be so; after many months of such "pressure" and "political...

... the Political Committee when Palestine was discussed. He never left the room for one moment; no detail escaped his attention. . . He was the only Premier on the committee and left it as soon as Palestine was dealt with . . . Time and again Peter Fraser found himself voting against the United Kingdom, but he did not care . . . He remained a friend until his last day". A man with this alien...

... promptness only by President Truman and the Soviet dictator Stalin, (who in this one question were perfectly agreed): This was, I believe, General Smuts's last political act, for he was defeated at an 455 election two days later. His son strongly warned him against recognition, holding that it would lose him votes. General Smuts brushed the advice aside (rightly, from the electioneering point of view, for...

... which he encompassed the capitulation of all political leaders of the West and left "tragedy", like a foundling, on its common doorstep. I would not know where to look for a more fascinating life and another writer might be able to depict it in heroic tones. To me it seems to have been given to a destructive purpose and Dr. Weizmann, whose years were nearly done when he reached his triumph...

.... Dr. Judah Magnes was in the direct line of the Israelite remonstrants of old. Born in America in 1877, like Dr. Weizmann he had given his life to Zionism, but in a different spirit. He was a religious Zionist, not a political one, and did not presume "to force God's hand". From the start he had worked for the establishment of an Arab-Jewish binational state and had attacked Zionist...

... then amassed. At that time these could only have been British or American arms, clandestinely obtained from the depots of the Allied armies operating in North Africa and the Middle East (a process at least winked at, if not officially approved, by the political leaders in London and Washington, as has been shown). General Wavell, though his 459 opinion proved correct, may at the time have...

... order, had merely passed from Nazi into Communist hands. A few weeks after President Truman's recognition of the Zionist state the New York Herald-Tribune published this report from Israel: "Russian prestige has soared enormously among all political factions . . . Through its consistent espousal of Israel's cause in the United Nations, the Soviet Union has established a goodwill reservoir with...

... supply for the Zionist' state. So much for the birth of "Israel" and the pains it caused to others. No offspring of political illegitimacy was ever ushered into the world by so many sponsors; the "recognitions" poured in and the peacemakers were everywhere discomfited. Mr. Bevin continued in office for a few years and then resigned, soon 460 to die; General Marshall and Mr...
... sunk with great loss of life. Political leaders who are ready to obtain their country's entry into war by facilitating an enemy attack on it cannot be depended on to wage it in the national interest. The American people as a whole still is unaware of the truth of Pearl Harbour, an ominous beginning which led in unbroken line to the ominous end. Eight investigations were held, seven naval or military...

... ones during wartime and one Congressional one at the war's end. Thus wartime secrecy enshrouded them all and none of them was truly public or exhaustive; moreover, all were conducted under the aegis of the political party whose man was president at the time of Pearl Harbour. The vital facts (that the president knew at the latest eight weeks earlier, from an intercepted Japanese despatch, that "a...

... strike; how and where were they to strike? At that juncture General Marshall's second great intervention determined the outcome of the war. Mr. Churchill's own account, and the narratives of all other authorities, agree that he was from first to last consistent, at all events in this major issue. He was the only man among the Western leaders with great military and political experience, and he clearly...

.... At that moment true "victory" was within reach, and it was thrown away in favour of the invasion of Southern France, a dispersion of military strength even graver in its consequences than that of British armies to Palestine in the First War. The secondary, southern invasion offered no military advantage to justify this decision which was obviously political; the document on which General...

... victorious, but not "dominating" Europe. He was overborne, and at that moment in 1943 the Second World War, by means of political decisions taken in secrecy, was politically lost to the West. This was General Marshall's most momentous intervention. Mr. Churchill, though he never criticized General Marshall, refers cryptically to him in his war memoirs, and in Triumph and Tragedy mourned the lost...

... destroyed if we had been able to shoot the works in a final offensive. Across the Adriatic was Yugoslavia . . . and beyond Yugoslavia were Vienna, Budapest and Prague. . . After the fall 370 of Rome we 'ran for the wrong goal', both from a political and a strategical standpoint. . . Save for a high level blunder that turned us away from the Balkan States and permitted them to fall under Red Army control...

..., the Mediterranean campaign might have been the most decisive of all in post-war history. . . A campaign that might have changed the whole history of the relationships between the Western World and Soviet Russia was permitted to fade away . . . The weakening of the campaign in Italy . . . was one of the outstanding political mistakes of the war". General Mark Clark (a brilliant American soldier...

...; that is now beyond doubt. The decision was political, not military, and it was made by the men who formed the group around the president. It was, in the field of military operations, the exact parallel of the decision taken in respect of Lend-Lease operations: to subordinate all other considerations to the interest of the revolutionary state. Thus the war, which could have been ended (probably in...

... into Berlin was a political decision. On the contrary, there is only one person in the world responsible for that decision. That was I. There was no one to interfere with it in the slightest way". This statement was made in reply to a question at a dinner of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York on March 3, 1949; The questioner said "the general feeling is that if our Army had...

... marched into Berlin and. . . Prague the picture in the post-war period might have been different . . . Had our political leaders . . . refrained from interfering with you in going through your regular military procedure of taking as much as our armies might take . . . don't you think the postwar picture might have been different?" General Eisenhower's statement cannot have been true, even if he...

... predetermined political plan agreed at the highest level; by the time he became president its consequences were plain to see and he might have felt "haunted" by President Roosevelt's example (as Mr. Roosevelt was always "haunted" by that of President Wilson). Mr. Churchill supplied (on May 11, 1953) the conclusive comment on this military outcome of the Second War, which was the second...

...; the revolution. One other way remained in which this process of extension could be advanced through the war: by the capitulation of Western state policy, at the highest political level, in the pourparlers and conferences of leaders which were held as the military picture unfolded. The feelings of readers might be needlessly harrowed if the story of all these meetings (Atlantic, Cairo, Casablanca...

... Dexter White); and was accompanied by another Soviet agent, later exposed and convicted, Mr. Alger Hiss of his State Department, who at this vital moment was the president's special adviser about "political affairs". In effect, therefore, the Soviet government was represented on two sides of the three-sided table, and the outcome of the conference was the logical result. Up to the very eve of...

... came only in the Hiss trial and its numerous attendant investigations and disclosures. These showed that the revolution had its agents at the top-levels of political power, where they could direct State policy and the entire energies of nations; the two men both purveyed secret papers, but this was a small function auxiliary to their major accomplishment, which was to produce the map of and the...

.... Martin Dies, until he was driven out of political life), and a new epithet was coined for the delusion of the masses: "McCarthyism" (the demand for investigation and remedy) was by endless iteration made to sound to them more repugnant than "sedition". Because of this the most significant moment in American history after the Second War was one in 1954, when the Senate censured...

... political scene and the principle that "investigation" was pernicious was re-established. Thus the American voter found that the apparent choice between candidates, at a presidential election, gave him no true choice at all in the matter of combating sedition. With this censure motion, approved by the President of the day, all the investigations and exposures ended in sand. From that moment the...

... separate State Governments, frequently decides matters which in other parliamentary countries would be ones for the legislature, not the judiciary. Moreover, the members of this court are political (which is to say, party) appointees, not necessarily professional jurists or men of any judicial training. The danger of political control of such a body is obvious, and it was made plain by a majority...
... Russia, Denis Fahey, p. 34) 660 "Marxism, on which Bolshevism is founded, really did not express the political side of the Russian character and the Bolsheviks were not sincere Socialists or Communists, but Jews, working for the ulterior motives of Judaism. "Lev Cherny divided these Jews into three main classes, firstly, financial Jews, who dabbled in muddy international waters; secondly, Zionists...

... political prisoners in Germany, the concentration camps held tens of thousands, in this country, hundreds of thousands... The next thing... I was sitting in the Moscow State Opera. Eden, very Balliol and very well groomed, was in the ex-Imperial box. The band played 'God save the King,' and the house was packed full with men and women, boys and girls, whom, judged by western standards, I put down as...

... Trotsky trials, others are in prison. Trotsky-Bronstein is in exile. Jankel Gamarnik, the Jewish head of the political section of the army administration, is dead. Another ferocious Jew, Jagoda (Guerchol Yakouda), who was for a long time head of the G.P.U., is now in prison. The Jewish general, Jakir, is dead, and along with him a number of others sacrificed by those of his race. And if we are to judge...

... News-Agency and the whole Press of the country are controlled by the Jews... The clever system of double control, organized by the late Jankel Gamarnik, head of the political staff of the army, is still functioning, so far as we can discover. I have before me the list of these highly placed Jews, more powerful than the Bluchers and the Egonoffs, to whom the European Press so often alludes. Thus the...

... Jew, Aronchtam, whose name is never mentioned, is the Political Commissar of the Army in the Far East: the Jew Rabinovitch is the Political Commissar of the Baltic Fleet, etc. All this goes to prove that Stalin's government, in spite of all its attempts at camouflage, has never been, and will never be, a national government. Israel will always be the controlling power and driving force behind it...

... fate should lead, through scattered all over the earth, you must always consider yourselves members of a Chosen Race. If you realize that the faith of your Fathers is your only patriotism, if you recognize that, notwithstanding the nationalities you have embraced, you always remain and everywhere form one and only nation, if you believe that Jewry only is the one and only religious and political...

... pictures and encourage the unrestricted sale and general use of alcoholic beverage and drugs to weaken and corrupt the youth. Foment, precipitate and finance large scale wars to emasculate and bankrupt the nations and thereby force them into a one world government. Secretly infiltrate and control colleges, universities, labor unions, political parties, churches, patriotic organizations, and governments...

... might of our spirit, with ideas, with propaganda... Take the three principal revolutions in modern times, the French, the American and Russian. What are they but the triumph of the Jewish idea of social, political and economic justice? And the end is still a long way off. We still dominate you... Is it any wonder you resent us? We have put a clog upon your progress. We have imposed upon you an alien...

... France and America. If we were not, we did not know our own interests. The Republican revolutions of the 18th Century freed us of our age-long political and social disabilities. They benefited us... You go on rattling of Jewish conspiracies and cite as instances the Great War and the Russian Revolution! Can you wonder that we Jews have always taken your anti-Semites rather lightly, as long as they did...
... James Balfour Fall of Dr. Herzl and rise of Dr. Weizmann British Government would procure Palestine for the Zionists in Russia Rise of Winston Churchill on a political scene Stirring passions about "Chinese slavery" Mr. Balfour prepared something worse than slavery for the Arabs of Palestine The proposition to add Turkey to England's enemies Zionist argument in favor of "homeland" in...

... been perfected. Rabbi Elmer Berger says of that time, "that group of Jews which committed itself to Zionism ... entered a peripatetic kind of diplomacy which took it into many chancelleries and parliaments, exploring the labyrinthine and devious ways of international politics in a part of the world where political intrigue and secret deals were a byword. Jews began to play the game of 'practical...

... of nine Manchester seats were lost to it. He then faded temporarily from office. Rise of Winston Churchill on a political scene At that moment another personage entered the present narrative. Among the triumphant Liberal candidates was a rising young man with a keen nose for political winds, a Mr. Winston Churchill. He also sought election in Manchester and commended himself to the Zionist...

... scientifically, is reactionary in its political implications ... "The Jewish question is: assimilation or separateness? And the idea of a Jewish people is manifestly reactionary ". And in 1913 Stalin reaffirmed this dictum. The destiny of the Jews, he said, was assimilation (in a Communist world, of course, in this opinion). [2] An instance of the difficulty of eliciting facts in this matter: Mrs. Dugdale...
... same instant in 1945. Today an impartial historian could hardly compute which reign produced the greater sum of human suffering. At the start the two men who appeared on the central scene were both hailed as Messiahs. In America a Rabbi Rosenblum described President Roosevelt as "a Godlike messenger, the darling of destiny, the Messiah of America's tomorrow"; there spoke a political...

... Lubin and Leo Pasvolsky. These leading names, from the personal entourage of the president, represent only the pinnacle of an edifice that was set around all American political life. This sudden growth of Jewish influence, behind the scenes of power, obviously was not a spontaneous natural phenomenon. The selection was discriminatory; anti-Zionist, anti-revolutionary and anti-world-government Jews...

... the civil and political rights areas than that of some other groups, especially Negroes. But so long as a successful threat is made to the enjoyment of rights by Negroes, the rights of Jews are riskfully in balance. Accordingly, a large proportion of our work has been directed towards securing greater equalization of opportunities for such other groups, rather than for ourselves . . . An example of...

... this is our relationship with the N.A.A.C.P., which comes to us for assistance in certain matters where we have a special competence. . . A fruitful weapon is court action. . . We participate directly in litigation . . . We have filed briefs attacking segregation. . . and have prepared briefs challenging discrimination against Negroes". The Supreme Court is composed of political appointees, not...

... of professional jurists; this is an important factor in what might develop into a grave situation. 319 skill: lavish spending and lavish promises. He did this in an ingenious way (he was possibly trickier than even Mr. Roosevelt). Mr. Long, with his "Share the Wealth" and "Every Man a King" programme, controlled the political machine in Louisiana. When the Roosevelt money began...

... the money was spent to enhance his, not Mr. Roosevelt's voting strength. He did with public money what Mr. Roosevelt was doing, but for his own political account. In 1935 Mr. Roosevelt's second election campaign loomed ahead. Suddenly his advisers became aware that Mr. Long was popular far beyond his native Louisiana; he was a national figure. The Democratic National Committee "was astonished...

... ruling few suddenly beheld a disturber of their regime. However, as Mr. Flynn says, "Fate had gone Democratic and remained so"; on September 8, 1935 Mr. Long was shot in the Louisiana State Capitol by a young Jew, Dr. Carl Austin Weiss. The motive will never be known because Dr. Weiss, who might have explained it, was shot by Mr. Long's tardy bodyguard.* The political effect was clear; Mr...

.... Roosevelt's re-election was ensured. The usual suggestion of "a madman" was conveyed to the public mind and various other motives, not entailing insanity, also were suggested. No public investigation was made, as in the cases of other political assassinations of the last hundred years, in respect of which investigation was denied or curtailed. Such investigations as have been made (for instance...

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