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... is trying a power number, it is politics. It does not matter whether it relates to the state, the government, and matters like that.... To me, the word politics is much more comprehensive than is generally understood. Man has been trying throughout history a political strategy over women - that she is lower than him. And he has convinced the woman herself. And there were reasons that the woman was...

... that you could not even have imagined would create a fuss. Why does all this happen? This is her feminine way to sabotage your political strategy: "You think you are superior? Go on thinking you are superior, and I will show you who is superior." And every husband knows who is superior; still he goes on trying to be superior. At least outside the house he straightens up, makes his I tie...

... change the name of your subject. This is not history, it is political history. And what I am talking to you about is the history of human intelligence and ultimately the history of human enlightenment." He was simply in shock. He just told the class, "Now I am not in a position to say anything. First I have to see the principal about this boy." I said, "There is no need to see the...

... first thing they said was, "The greatest crime that you have been committing is that you are corrupting the minds of the youth." Socrates said, "That's true, but it is not a crime. And what you call corruption I call creation. You have corrupted those peoples' minds; now I have to destroy that corruption. And if you are right then why don't you open a school, an academy, just as I have...

... corrupted by me.... And what do you mean by corruption?" They said, "You teach that there is no God or gods." He said, "Yes - because there is no God, no gods. What can I do about it? It is not my responsibility. If God does not exist, are you corrupting the mind of youth or am I corrupting the mind of youth? I am simply telling the truth. Do you think truth can corrupt the minds of...

... dimensions without any bridge. In the middle, the intellectual can be of immense help. The universities, the colleges, the schools should not only teach political science - it is such a stupid idea to teach political science! Teach political science but also teach political art, because science is of no use; you have to teach practical politics. And those professors in the universities should prepare...
... The Zionist Response Confronting the Past Chapter 5 - The Laws Against Non-Jews Murder and Genocide Saving of Life Desecrating the Sabbath to Save Life Sexual Offenses Status Money and Property Gentiles in the Land of lsrael Abuse Attitudes to Christianity and Islam Chapter 6 - Political Consequences "Jewish History, Jewish Religion" may be purchased at: Foreword by Gore Vidal...

... neither Jack nor I was an antisemite (unlike his father and my grandfather) we took this to be just another funny story about Truman and the serene corruption of American politics. Unfortunately, the hurried recognition of Israel as a state has resulted in forty-five years of murderous confusion, and the destruction of what Zionist fellow travellers thought would be a pluralistic state - home to its...

... that the native Palestinians could live with them as equals. This was not meant to be. I shall not rehearse the wars and alarms of that unhappy region. But I will say that the hasty invention of Israel has poisoned the political and intellectual life of the USA, Israel's unlikely patron. Unlikely, because no other minority in American history has ever hijacked so much money from the American...
..., otherwise you will be exposed, more power needs more corruption.... Q:* WHAT PREVENTED THE SANNYASINS ON THEIR OWN FROM DEALING WITH THAT EARLIER? A:* There were many problems. First, the sannyasins here have not gathered for any political reason. They have come to me to be just in my presence, in my silence, and to learn ways how to be silent and more conscious. Q:* BUT MEANWHILE THEY ARE LIVING IN A...

... years, and I was not in contact with the day to day activities of the commune, that Sheela could get into a power trip. But that too has been of immense significance, for the whole commune to learn something -- that how people can go on becoming more and more attached to power and how power goes on corrupting them... and it is a vicious circle. Power corrupts you, then corruption needs more power...

... POLITICAL WORLD THAT CAN HARM THEM AND SO THEY MUST BECOME POLITICAL AND.... A:* No. It is better to get harmed than to become political, because that is more harmful than any other harm can be. And somebody, somewhere in the world has to take the initiative, not to be political, available to be harmed, and not ready to harm anybody. These people have not come here to harm anybody. They have just come to...

... live silently, and seek, search, whatever is their reality. So because they were all focussed on this program, it was possible for Sheela and her group to go on doing things and nobody bothered about it. If it was a political group, then there would have been conflicts, there would have been elections and there would have been fights, and she would have been thrown long ago before. But because these...

... not be political, but that they should be aware that they are not being politically cheated, that somebody does not become -- on their account -- and takes advantage. This will not happen now. I will prepare them for that too, that they should keep an eye. Decentralization of power into many peoples hands will be one of the basic things. Second, the people should be taught that they do their...

... meditations, they rejoice their life, they need not worry too much about, but they should keep an eye. It is their life and nobody should become so powerful that he starts interfering. Now this is against human freedom: to tape somebody's phone, to bug somebody's room -- this is inhuman and ugly. And that too, of people who love you, who are not against! There is no political party here. Q:* WERE YOU... BUT...

... grounds, without even looking at on what you are punishing them.... And their all cases are such, and we are going to prove on each case that they are being behaving in a stupid way. It is better for them that they should come -- we have no antagonism against them. We have no political aspirations, we have no political parties, we are not concerned at all; just leave us alone.... But they cannot leave...
... East under Communism—and often on the pretext that this is the only way in which they can save themselves from Communism. Late in 1957, the process had gone far enough to be given an official name. That name was the "policy of inter-dependence".   The nations of the West are being brought under international control at political, military and economic levels. They are rapidly in...

... цензурою. Москва, 28 сентября 1905 годл The Subtitle page from the 2nd edition (1905) with the words: Passed by the Censor Moscow. 28th of September, 1905.   NOTES I — "AGENTUR" and "The Political"   There are two words in this translation which are unusual, the words "Agentur" and "political" used as substantives. "Agentur" appears to be...

... adopted from the original text and it means the whole body of agents and agencies directed by the Elders, whether members of the tribe or their Gentile tools.   By "the Political" Mr. Marsden means, not exactly the "body politic" but the entire machinery of politics. II—The Symbolic Snake of Judaism   Protocol III opens with a reference to the Symbolic Snake of Judaism. In...

... economic crises and wholesale destruction effected everywhere, there shall have been brought about spiritual demoralization and moral corruption, chiefly with the assistance of Jewish women masquerading as French, Italians, etc. Their example is the surest method of encouraging licentiousness among the leaders of the nations.   A map of the course of the Symbolic Snake is shown as follows:—Its first...
... Marriage Created Problems Political Zionism is Born Sephardic Jews - Second Class Citizens Three Faces of Israel Israel's Economy Visitors to Israel THE HOLOCAUST MAY NOT HAVE HAPPENED - IF - Religion God's Chosen People Israel Stirs Perpetual War Israel's Attack on the U.S.S. Liberty New York/Moscow/Tel Aviv Triangle 1982 Invasion of Lebanon Weakness in Israel's Military A Warning to Mr, Mrs and Miss...

... the first 25 years of my life in the United States, the country that has given ALL Jews freedom and the opportunity to prosper — and prosper we Jews did, to the point that one portion of the Jews (the Zionists) have gained a position of political and economic dominance in the U.S. To fully understand the story I am about to tell, it is important that you understand what Zionism really is...

.... Zionist propaganda has led the American people to believe that Zionism and Judaism are one and the same and that they are religious in nature. This is a blatant lie. Judaism is a religion; but Zionism is a political movement started mainly by East European (Ashkenazi) Jews who for centuries have been the main force behind communism/socialism. The ultimate goal of the Zionists is one ONE-WORLD GOVERMENT...

... religious doctrines. The Khazars chose Judaism, but it wasn't for religious reasons. If the Khazars had chosen Islam, they would have angered the strong Christian world. If they had chosen Christianity, they would have angered the strong Islamic world. So, they played it safe — they chose Judaism. It wasn't for religious reasons the Khazars chose Judaism; it was for political reasons. Sometime...

.... Some went to Palestine; some to Central and South America; and a large number of them came to the U.S.   Political Zionism is Born In 1897, the First Zionist Congress was held in Basle, Switzerland. At this Congress, it was decided to work toward the establishment of a Jewish state and a search for land on which to build this Jewish state began. Great Britain offered the Zionists land in Africa...

... religious sites, the universities, the lush orchards, the technical accomplishments, the arts, and to stir sympathy, they are taken to visit the Holocaust Museum. But, kept from the eyes of the tourists are the ghettos, the prisons where political prisoners, mostly Arabs and Sephardic Jews, are subjected to the most inhumane forms of torture. The tourists do not see the widespread crime activities and the...

... corruption and cooperation between organized crime bosses and government and police officials. The tourists do not learn of the true inner workings of Israel's Marxist/Fascist government; nor do they see Israel's Racism. I met one American Tourist who couldn't help telling me about the wonderful religious feeling she had from being in Israel — the Holy Land. I remarked to her, "Just try giving a...

... cry, "We are God's Chosen People" are the Zionist/Marxist (Ashkenazi) Jews who for political purposes chose Judaism and who don't have a drop of biblical Jewish blood in them. One Israeli religious Jew said it well, "At one time we Jews were chosen by God to be his messengers. But, long ago we forfeited that right". Anyone who has read the Bible with an open mind knows that God gave Jews of that...

... U.S. Government in Washington, D.C. stems from the Zionist/Bolsheviks centered in New York City. It is from New York that orders go out to the vast Zionist network all over the U.S. — a network that influences the economic and political affairs of not only our federal government, but nearly all, if not all, state governments, and to a great extent the governments of the larger and even medium...

... corruption of government officials and police. Israel has a highly organized crime syndicate headquartered in Bat-Yam near Tel Aviv. Many members of the crime syndicate are ex-convicts and ex-commandos from the Israeli Army and they are highly skilled in the use of weapons and explosives. The crime syndicate in Israel operates openly because of corruption in government and police circles. Some of the...

... action is taken, one thing is certain — the losers will be: The American People. The Arab people. The Sephardic Jews and that portion of the Ashkenazi Jews who are for justice and freedom. The only winners will be: The Zionist International Bankers and the Zionist/Bolshevik (communist/socialist) Jews. Based on developing military, economic and political actions in both the U.S. and Israel, the...
... upon a startled, unprepared and dismayed Romanov family. It was political warfare, low grade warfare and psychological warfare in which Tavistock had become well versed. As Winston Churchill was to remark: "They transported Lenin in a sealed truck like a plague bacillus from Switzerland into Russia," and then once established "Lenin and Trotsky seized Russia by the hair of its head." Much has been...

... Bolshevik Revolution and financed it through their New York banking fronts of Jacob Schiff and J.P. Morgan, and in London by Lord Alfred Milner. It is a fact that Schiff gave Trotsky $20 million for the task of overthrowing Christian Russia. The history of the Rothschilds shows that they did not hesitate to spend part of their huge fortune to achieve political goals. In this they achieved astonishing...

...:// ) Revolutions 011 "There was not a politcal organization in the vase Empire which was not influenced by the Jews or directed by them; the Social-Democrats, the Revolutionary Socialist Parties, the Polish Socialit Party, all counted Jews among their directors; Plehve was perhaps right whe he said that the combat for political emancipation in Russia and the Jewish question were practically...

... and their political allies amongst the civilian politicians and officials have succeeded in nursing their Eastern orientation, their underground military collaboration with the Soviets, in spite of all the changes of political regime in Germany since the end of the war. It has made little or no difference to them whether the Reich Government has been composed of men of the Right, the Center, or the...

... Left. They have just continued their policy uninfluenced by political change. There is no reason to suppose that they would change their course under a Hitlerist regime, especially when it is remembered that most of the aims, in external policy, of the Nazi leaders, are identical with those of the Nationalists and the military leaders themselves. Furthermore, there are the great German industrialists...

... Garden of Eden after Death." (Bernard Lazare, L'antisemitisme, p. 346; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, p. 47) Revolutions 039 660 "Marxism, on which Bolshevism is founded, really did not express the political side of the Russian character and the Bolsheviks were not sincere Socialists or Communists, but Jews, working for the ulterior motives of Judaism. "Lev Cherny divided these Jews into three main...

... almost total lack of organized and lasting State... Endowed with all qualities necessary to form politically a nation and a state, neither Jews nor Arabs have known how to build up a definite form of government. The whole political history of these two peoples is deeply impregnated with undiscipline. The whole of Jewish history... is filled at every step with 'popular movements' of which the material...

... 798 WORLD FAMOUS MEN of the past accused the Jews of founding Communism. This charge is well founded. The Communist philosopy was drawn up by Karl Marx who descended from a long line of Rabbis. His ideology of anti-Christian and Socialist thought is outlined in the Jewish "TALMUD" which is the "bible" of the Jews. Of the four political groups which overthrew the Christan Czar of Russia two were 100...

... Jewish head of the political section of the army administration, is dead. Another ferocious Jew, Jagoda (Guerchol Yakouda), who was for a long time head of the G.P.U., is now in prison. The Jewish general, Jakir, is dead, and along with him a number of others sacrificed by those of his race. And if we are to judge by the fragmentary and sometimes even contradictory lists which reach us from the Soviet...

... system of double control, organized by the late Jankel Gamarnik, head of the political staff of the army, is still functioning, so far as we can discover. I have before me the list of these highly placed Jews, more powerful than the Bluchers and the Egonoffs, to whom the European Press so often alludes. Thus the Jew, Aronchtam, whose name is never mentioned, is the Political Commissar of the Army in...

... the Far East: the Jew Rabinovitch is the Political Commissar of the Baltic Fleet, etc. All this goes to prove that Stalin's government, in spite of all its attempts at camouflage, has never been, and will never be, a national government. Israel will always be the controlling power and driving force behind it. Those who do not see that the Soviet Union is not Russian must be blind." (Contre...

..., Stalin's recruiting conduit for funding money, supplies and political influence for Soviet Russia from world Jewry as well as the dissemination of gas chamber atrocity propaganda (cf. The Black Book). Nikolai Bukharin: Lenin's chief theorist. Samuel Agursky: commissar. Karl Radek: member, Central Committee. Mikhail Gruzenberg (Borodin) commissar. A.A. Yoffe: commissar. David Ryazanov: advisor to Lenin...

... the political economy of the Israeli state. "National and racial chauvinism is a vestige of the misanthropic customs characteristic of the period of cannibalism. Anti-Semitism, as an extreme form of racial chauvinism, is the most dangerous vestige of cannibalism... under USSR law active anti-Semites are liable to the death penalty." (Stalin, Collected Works, vol. 13, p. 30). The African National...

... partisan of the movement. The principle laid down by Collot d'Herbois still holds good: 'Tout est permis pour quiconque agit dans le sens de la revolution.' All this was unknown to me when I first embarked on my work. I knew that French writers of the past had distorted facts to suit their own political views, that conspiracy of history is still directed by certain influences in the Masonic lodges and...

... there are many nonJews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers in the population is astonishing. ("Zionism versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People." ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY HERALD, London, February 8, 1920.) Revolutions 063 819 ADRIEN ARCAND, Canadian political leader in New York Speech, October 30...

...: every one of them was a millionaire. There could be no doubts that not a single among them was a physically and psychologically normal individual: they all were degenerates with clearly expressed marks of degeneracy. They should have been in mental institutions instead of roaming streets -- they were all distinguished by the unbridled corruption and sadistic urges, staying in the permanently exalted...

... common occurrence. [This is what the neighborhood watch is all about. Setting in place those who will turn in their neighbors for the slightest violation so the powers that be can execute any dissidents before they get powerful]. People were apprehended in the streets, political police burst into their houses any time of day or night dragging them scared to insanity from their beds into the basements...

... interrogator and the interrogation began. After the regular questioning about personality, occupation and place of residence they began to question political convictions, membership in the Party, attitude to the Soviet Power, to the program the Party carries out and so on. Then, under the threat of the execution, they demanded addresses of the close and blood relatives and friends. Then followed the whole...

... alter the order itself. They may care less if a thousand people were killed without guilt but they care very much if that was an expression of somebody's independent will. When top says that they fight with corruption they in reality fight for preservation of their own power. On another hand corruption at the bottom is very important for stability of the power too for it allows them to squeeze the...

... bottom level executives between themselves and the indignant people. Executioners should have no place to go but to serve their masters bound not only by the pay check but also by the hatred of their victims. In common language it is called "to be bound by innocent blood". From here follows necessity for a fine balance between freedom for corruption and blind obedience to the superiors. Passive...

.... His explanations to public of why he made a certain decision expresses his opinion which is not a justification. By passing his opinion for justification he turns his judicial interpretation into evidence thus creating evidence at will and corruption of law loses its meaning for it becomes institutionalized. An American judge is a local kingpin vested with an absolute power and no responsibilities...

... a political criminal - a Zionist... During the years of Trotsky's second emigration H.G. Rakovskiy recruited him into Austrian Intelligence. There he served as a secrete agent from 1911 through 1917 but from 1917 through 1918 he was also known as a German agent. He became a member of Masonic and Zionists organizations of Europe (Lodge of "Misraim-Memphis") and of the USA (B'Nai Brit" on January...

... accused in the 1930s trials was made conspicuous for all to see". (L. Trotsky, The Social and Political Thought of Leon Trotsky, p 549, 1978). Obviously he thought that he caught Russians red-handed. All press of the world followed the suit and accused Stalin in crimes committed by Trotsky and his company. Zinovieff, while President of the Executive Committee of the Comintern, in showing his hatred of...
... to be pushed backward forever and ever. The country is facing grave dangers. Those who have a worldwide view say that by 1978 a great famine will visit India in which two hundred million people may die. When I talked about it with a great political leader in Delhi, he said. "1978 is very far. What really matters for us are the 1972 elections. We will see when the famine comes and two hundred...

... moral character. I would like to discuss this issue in some detail, because it is very important to us. We have received a few questions on this matter also. The whole country is being told that because characterlessness is rampant, character has to be rebuilt first, and unless we do it we cannot be wealthy and prosperous. Wherever the question of corruption and destructiveness arises they immediately...

.... But how can a poor man have character? Life closes in on him from all sides and suffocates him so that he is compelled to say good-bye to character. Nevertheless, the politicians go on saying that poverty cannot be eradicated unless corruption is eradicated. This is putting the cart before the horse. So I say let us drop the talk of character and characterlessness for the present and put all our...

... energy towards eradicating poverty. And when poverty disappears, corruption will disappear on its own. Poverty has to go first. It will not go with the departure of characterlessness, just because the latter is simply not going to disappear. But with the departure of poverty and degradation, the level of character will begin to rise. A magistrate visited me the other day. By the way, he told me that he...

... poor man. And poverty breeds corruption, characterlessness. Every kind of corruption arises from poverty. And since there are many forms of poverty, the forms of corruption are also many. Similarly, there are many kinds of richness too. There is a richness of wealth -- and it is difficult to bribe a wealthy person. Then there is a richness of knowledge -- you cannot buy a really knowing person with...
... realize this, so that a few dozen white administrators govern 660,000 Basuto in mutual esteem. The British in Palestine, for the first time in their nation' s history, were required to repress the people they had come to "protect" and to protect others who were in fact invaders from Russia. The corruption of "the civil power" in England, from Mr. Balfour's time on, achieved this...

... and the destruction of the basis of civilization. The powers which stand looking on without taking any measures to prevent the crime will one day be visited by severe punishment". Hitler's persecution of men was ignored in these private, fateful, interviews in political antechambers; the plight of one "community" alone was advanced as the argument for war. The Zionists, as events have...

... disentangle England from its imbroglio in another small country far away where it had found only tribulation bequeathed to it by Mr. Balfour. What he did incurred the bitter enmity of those who were powerful behind the political scenes, and in my opinion the true source of his overthrow may have been the same as that of Mr. Asquith in 1916. 1938, when the word "partition" rang out, was the...

... limited to 75,000 annually for five years and the irrevocable land-purchases were to be restricted. This plan, if carried out, meant peace in Palestine at last, but no separate Jewish state. At that moment the figure of Mr. Winston Churchill advanced to the forefront of British affairs. He had for ten years been in political eclipse and the future student may be interested to know what contemporaries...

... have already forgotten: that during this period he was a highly unpopular man, not because of any specific acts or quality, but because he was consistently given that "bad press" which is the strongest weapon in the hands of those who control political advancement. This organized hostility was made particularly plain during the abdication crisis of 1937, when his pleas for time received...

... it and you will be in it. You will be running the show over there, but I will be on the sidelines over here". Very soon after he wrote this Mr. Churchill's political fortunes took a sudden turn for the better and (as in the case of Mr. Lloyd George in 1916) his attitude towards Zionism appears to have had much to do with this, to judge from what has been published. His record in this matter...

... of elected members", and this would have meant, not only holding those elections which Dr. Weizmann to the end forbade, but allowing the native Arabs of Palestine to govern their own country! Thus Mr. Churchill's ten years in the political wilderness, 1929-1939, were also ones during which he was in disfavour with the Zionists and Dr. Weizmann's narrative never mentions him until the eve of...
...The sweet taste of corruption...

... Osho From Darkness to Light: The sweet taste of corruption Main Books Headers Help Your browser does not support iframes. < Prev  Osho From Darkness to Light   Next > The sweet taste of corruption From: Osho Date: Fri, 15 March 1985 00:00:00 GMT Book Title: Osho - From Darkness to Light Chapter #: 15 Location: pm in Lao Tzu Grove Archive Code: N.A. Short Title: N.A. Audio...

... search, they travel thousands of miles just to be corrupted. There must be something in this corruption! That old, agitated, upset man should come here and have a little taste of corruption. It is really delicious, there is nothing that tastes so good as corruption; otherwise I don't see why people should come here. And I have been escaping from people - you can just see - from one city to another city...

... to another city, in such a small life! I have been escaping from people, and I came to Oregon thinking that nobody would come here. But once you have tasted corruption, it does not matter where I go - even if I go to hell, the young people are going to come there to be corrupted because only the young mind can understand that this is not corruption, this is purification. They come here already...

... corrupted, and for the first time they see that one can live without any corruption, without any belief, without any faith, without any God, without any religion. One can live with tremendous joy, with a song in one's heart, a dance in one's whole being. There are a few children, there are a few old people, there are many young people, but as far as I am concerned consciousness is always young. There are...

... to corrupt people. And my people are going to spread all over the world the same corruption. I am not going to be poisoned as easily as Socrates. In these twenty-five centuries people like me have learned much. I am not going to be crucified as easily as Jesus. They told him to carry his cross, and the poor man carried it. My cross will go on my Rolls Royce. And one hundred Rolls Royces will follow...

.... What were you doing here? - being corrupted! And nobody could even say to me, "You are corrupting them," because I was silent. I would have remained in Athens, but in silence, and still the corruption would have continued, because my corruption is not confined only to words. It is existential. It is infectious. You can infect anybody with your disease, even in silence. Corruption is just...

... have to allow me to corrupt as long as I want to corrupt, and as long as people want to be corrupted by me. But make it clear to these people, say, "To you it looks like corruption; to us it is a purification of the soul. It is a bath, we are rejuvenated by it. And if you have any doubts, come to our place; don't be afraid." They are so afraid of even listening to the truth, what to say of...
... political situation has changed, and now anybody who wants to make his political status solid can cash in on us. All the politicians are doing that. We are doing such a great favor for them; they should be obliged to us for it. Any politician wanting to win an election has only to do one thing: he has to talk nonsense against us - that's enough, and he is going to win. And all the politicians are doing...

... that. Now his political situation is not so solid - shaky. We can help him, there is no problem in it. He can condemn us, he can make the threat that we should be thrown out; he can do anything if it will make his position solid. We will be happy. We supported one drowning man, we saved his drowning status. He may not be thankful to us, but we don't wait for anybody's thankfulness, we simply do...

... about you? The man who had promised you was powerless. This is a totally different man; he is powerful. Lord Acton's saying I have been quoting again and again in my life: "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." And Lord Acton is saying it through his own experience; he is not just philosophizing. He has known power, he has known its corruption, and because of its...

... weakness, his crimes against the society, his exploitation of others, his corruption... and yet on the outside he would go on keeping a pure white Gandhian face. She was collecting a file - she showed me the file - against every leader, and that was her power. When Jawaharlal died all these politicians were afraid of Indira because she had the key. She could expose anybody before the public, before the...

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