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...ZioNazi Quotes - Robbery, Exploitation, Parasitism...

... Robbery, Exploitation, Parasitism - ZioNazi, NWO Quotes Prev Next ZioNazi Quotes Index Home Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. ZioNazi Quotes Notes What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Robbery and Thievery Robbery and Thievery 001 "We must expropriate gently the private...

... go to them." -- Ariel Sharon Exploitation Exploitation 001 "Israel should have exploited the repression of the demonstrations in China, when world attention focused on that country, to carry out mass expulsions among the Arabs of the territories." -- Benyamin Netanyahu Parasitism I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who...

... controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply. - Nathan Rothschild Parasitism 101 All of our wealth is created from nothing Thus, we do more than God, for all of our wealth is created from nothing. You look shocked! Don't be! It's true, we actually do more than God. With this supposed capital we bring industry, management and labor into our debt...

... Court took account of the fact that the "magnitude of the offences was significant," according to the ruling posted on the Reykjavik- based court's website. Iceland court sentences bankers Parasitism 001 "There is all the difference in the world," said a young Jewish philosopher, "between an American Jew and a Jewish American. A Jewish American is a mere amateur Gentile, doomed to be a parasite...

... forever." -- "The Conquering Jew," p. 91. Parasitism 002 "The ruin of the peasants in these provinces are the Zhids ["kikes"]. They are full fledged leeches sucking up these unfortunate provinces to the point of exhaustion." (Nikolai I, Tsar of Russia from 1825 to 1855, in his diaries) Parasitism 003 "Parasites have to eat so they rob us of our nutrients, they like to take the best of our vitamins and...

... Within, p.2) Parasitism 004 "Jews have never, like other people, gone into a wilderness and built up a land of their own. In England in the 13th century, under Edward I, they did not take advantage of the offer by which Edward promised to give them the very opportunity Jews had been crying for, for centuries." After imprisoning the entire Jewish population, in his domain for criminal usury, and...

... outcry against them became greater than ever. And Edward had to expel them to avert a civil war. It is not recorded that one Jew took advantage of the right to till the soil." (Jews Must Live, Samuel Roth) Parasitism 005 "The Bolsheviks had promised to give the workers the industries, mines, etc., and to make them 'masters of the country.' In reality, never has the working class suffered such...

... in the region, are in the hands of Jews or of men faithfully devoted to Stalin, commissioned expressly from Moscow. The inhabitants of this land once fertile and flourishing suffer from almost permanent famine." (Giornale d'Italia, February 17, 1938, M. Butenko, former Soviet Charge d'Affairs at Bucharest; Free Press (London) March, 1938; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, pp. 44-45) Parasitism 006...

... becomes powerful it is destructive, extravagant and violent; it is an usurer which takes bread from innocent mouths and deprives honorable men of their substance, for votes with which to perpetuate itself." (Cicero, 54 B.C.) Parasitism 007 We can live among other nations and states only as long as we succeed in persuading them that the Jews are not a distinct people, but are the representatives of a...

... Rosenthal, a top Administrative Aide to one of this nation's ranking senators, Jacob Javits R-NY, in a tape recorded interview by Walter White, Jr., which was conducted in 1976. From the book "The Hidden Tyranny". The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview Parasitism 008 625 "From the ethical standpoint two kinds of Jews are usually distinguished; the Portuguese branch and the German [Khazar...

... always been." (Dadmi Cohen, p. 129-130; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon de Poncins, 195-195) Parasitism 009 138 "More than a century had passed since Ferdinand and Isabel had expelled the Jews from Spain. The people of the Peninsula were beginning to pay the price for that 'purging,' as it was called. It was not the price imagined by so many sentimental historians. "Spain was not...

... unconverted Jewish heart a natural human bitterness, with a thirst for revenge and a greater determination not to examine the claims of the Church." (Philip II, William Thomas Walsh, pp. 90- 91). Parasitism 010 841 ERNEST RENAN, French historian: "The Jews are not merely a different religious community, but - and this is the most important factor - ethnically an altogether different race. The European felt...

... instinctively that the Jew is a stranger, who immigrated from Asia. The so-called prejudice is natural sentiment. Civilization will overcome antipathy against the Israelite who merely professes another religion, but never against the racially different Jew... In Eastern Europe the Jew is the cancer slowly eating into the flesh of other nations. Exploitation of the people is his only aim. Selfishness and a...
..." Samuel Roth states of the Jews: "Our major vice of old, as of today, is parasitism. We are a people of vultures living on the labor and the good nature of the rest of the world... for our genius for evil leadership" Edmond de Rothschild dies 1935 Elizabeth Donnan in her book: "This shows that Jews totally dominated the trade in African slaves to America" Mao Tse Tsung: "All political power comes from...

... exploiters. Roughly speaking, the people were prevented by established authority from being victimized. Today all that is changed, and we now live in an age which will we be known, perhaps, in history as the age of the exploitation of the people.. The pages of this book will trace the threads of a conspiracy engineered by people whose main object has been to destroy utterly anything - kings, governments...

... insidious foe than money power" The article also contains the following words written by Lord Bryce, "Democracy has no more persistent and insidious foe than money power... questions regarding Bank of England, its conduct and its objects, are not allowed by the Speaker (of the House of Commons)." Samuel Roth states of the Jews: "Our major vice of old, as of today, is parasitism. We are a people of...

... vultures living on the labor and the good nature of the rest of the world... for our genius for evil leadership" In his book, "Jews Must Live," published this year, Jewish writer, Samuel Roth states of the Jews: "Our major vice of old, as of today, is parasitism. We are a people of vultures living on the labor and the good nature of the rest of the world. But, despite our faults, we would never have done...

... so much damage to the world if it had not been for our genius for evil leadership. Granted our parasitism!" Edmond de Rothschild dies Edmond de Rothschild dies. 1935 Elizabeth Donnan in her book: "This shows that Jews totally dominated the trade in African slaves to America" Between 1930 and 1935, Elizabeth Donnan publishes her 4 volume set, "Documents Illustrative of the History of the Slave Trade...
... adviser on industry and resources The U.S. was forced into WWI by Zionists and their bankers Jewish hopes for the future depend on the League of Nations and the British Government "Peace" Conference in Paris in 1919 made the resumption of war inevitable The Communist exploitation of the United States via illegal immigration "The first World War gave us Russia, while the Second World War will hand Europe...

... of Leipzig, Germany). In connection with this conference, Lloyd George wrote in his memoirs: "They (the international bankers) swept statesmen, politicians, jurists and journalists all on one side and issued their orders with an imperiousness of absolute monarchs who knew that there was no appeal from their ruthless decrees." (DEADLIER THAN THE H BOMB, p. 47.) The Communist exploitation of the...

... United States via illegal immigration The second reason for large scale Communist exploitation of the United States was our traditional lack of any laws prohibiting or regulating immigration into the United states and our negligence or politics in enforcing immigration laws when they had been passed (Chapter II, IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA.) "The illegal entry of aliens into the United States is one of...

... IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SYSTEMS OF THE UNITED STATES, pp. 629, 630.) The third principal reason for the Communist exploitation of the United States was the absence of any effective policy regarding resident foreigners even when their activities are directed toward the overthrow of the government. Thus in 1950 several hundreds of thousands of foreigners, among the millions illegally in this country...
..., Mother of Jesus Christ as "Balaam" The 18 Benedictions The Talmud — Five Deaths to Jesus 12 IV. Judaism — Anti-Gentilism and Exploitation of Non-Jews Articles Lost By Gentiles Wine Touched By Gentiles Gentiles Cast in a Pit Non-Jews — "The People Who Are Like An Ass" Always Make Money Gentiles Are "Beasts" Non-Jews — No Property Rights Gentiles Must Not Rest, Even on Mondays...
... interpreter, a phenomenon which has been duplicated in every system of jurisprudence." (From Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser's book The Wisdom of the Talmud) 924 929)."Our major vice of old, as of today, is parasitism. We are a people of vultures living on the labor and the good nature of the rest of the world... What a sorry spectacle the Jew makes on this continent which he pretends to have enriched! Not only does...

... no less tragic to the neighboring nations who have suffered them. Our major vice of old, as of today, is parasitism. We are a people of vultures living on the labor (of the host nation) and the good nature of the rest of the world... We come to the nations pretending to escape persecution, we the most deadly persecutors in all the wretched annals of man." (Jews Must Live, Samuel Roth) 943 "Thanks...
... Dilling: IV. Exploitation of Non-Jews AntiMatrix Antimatrix Your browser does not support iframes. from THE JEWISH RELIGION: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling IV. JUDAISM - ANTI-GENTILISM AND EXPLOITATION OF NON-JEWS Chapter Summary Text Version (Printer Friendly) [page 16] Contents Articles Lost By Gentiles Wine Touched by Gentiles Gentiles Cast in a Pit Non-Jews - The People Who are...
..., Theosophy, Mysticism 020 108 136 139 140 141 144 145 149 150 151 152 155 156 157 186 194 230 235 237 244 247 250 252 253 266 285 286 301 307 311 313 314 315 319 321 323 324 422 579 580 581 582 584 593 598 612 614 696 704 705 706 929 952 954 955 970 988 Perversions, Distortions, Concoctions 155 308 312 460 661 663 690 715 788 988 Parasitism 030 162 204 337 354 452 586 647 800 845 861 872 924 942 943 Murder...
... asleep when they have drunk enough blood; it is then easy to shackle them." The Protocols are sometimes criticized as containing nothing that had not been said previously by philosophers or statesmen; but even if that were true, it would detract little from their interest. For their importance does not lie in the aim, world domination, nor in the theory by which it is attained, exploitation of man's...
... something indeed. He speaks as though he knows it all in and out, down to the last dot and comma. Basically, it outlines their entire doctrine of evil most profound, world domination, parasitism unlimited, wars and revolutions, puppet governments and how they are controlled, ritual sacrifice of hundreds of thousand of children each year and the rest of it. This is pretty much their entire doctrine...
... thus is assured of the victory over any single gentile. The teaching in the synagogue incited its following to a thorough exploitation of their gentile neighbours, care only being taken not to excite hostility to the extent of endangering the whole community. This doctrine, popular from the start, was eventually embodied in its most concrete form in a book of the Talmud, called the Shulchan Aruk. A...
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