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... the masses. Only the name has changed. Now the capitalist is not called a capitalist in Russia or China; now the Communist Party functions instead. The people who belong to the Communist Party, the power elite, they exploit. So the question is not who exploits, the question is: unless we produce so much that the need for exploitation disappears, exploitation will continue. Names will change...

...; structures will be different. Before capitalism arrived on the scene there was feudalism, and then the kings and the queens and their prime ministers were exploiting. Capitalism started a different pattern of exploitation. Feudalism disappeared, but the exploitation continued. Communism has changed the structure again, but the exploitation continues. It is time to understand that two things are needed, and...

... the most important is that the earth should be provided with more richness than it needs. Only then will exploitation disappear; otherwise not. The educated will exploit the uneducated; how can you prevent it? In India the exploitation is there. The educated will exploit the uneducated; the brahmin will exploit the sudra, the untouchable; the politician will destroy and exploit the non-political...

.... And it can be done by science today; there is no problem about it. Science can produce as much wealth as we need or even more, so that is not a big problem. It is not really a political problem; it is changing more towards being a scientific problem: more technology, more industry, more science, and in tune with ecology. Then the earth need not in any way suffer through exploitation. This is the...
... all over India is not a demand, not a challenge. Once a country has seen people like Krishna, Buddha and Mahavir the image is exploited. To me, the exploitation shows that the authentic has existed. The false coin only shows that an authentic coin has been. The false is accepted because people have known the authentic The false can masquerade as the authentic. But the moment the authentic is lost...

... the first socialist country. It has not been so. Socialism exploits the jealousy of the poor. To me, it is the greatest exploitation that has happened on earth. Capitalism has exploited the labor of the poor and socialism has exploited their souls. It is through jealousy that socialism steps in. But through jealousy, no revelation, no transformation can be achieved. It can kill, it can destroy, but...

... has become successful not because it is a socialist society but because it has become a technological society. Poverty does not exist because of exploitation; it is because of the absence of a technology that is capable of fulfilling the needs of increasing numbers of people. Even if there is no exploitation, poverty will be there. In a primitive society, people are poor - more poor than they are...
... on the next generation. And when this unnaturalness is considered refinement and culture, no wonder if even this act of imposition takes the color of a virtuous deed. When a sin masks itself as virtue, it becomes very dangerous. That is why exploitation hides itself behind service, violence puts on the garb of nonviolence and unnaturalness wears the mask of refinement. It is not without reason that...

... puddles of contentment, and our souls have not remained rivers constantly running in search of the ocean. Who has created this rigidity? It is certainly created by our education and teachers. Through the medium of teachers the mind of man has been chained, subtly, in slaveries. This subtle exploitation is very old. Reasons for the exploitation are many - religions, priests, the governments, the vested...

... follower. That is why politicians are never in favor of thinking; they are in favor of faith. Faith is blind. If a man is blind he can be exploited. If a man is blind he can be made to harm his own interests. A man's blindness makes him a victim of all sorts of exploitation, so faith is taught and trust is taught. This is what religions have done. This is what politicians have done. Politicians are...

... afraid of people's ability to think. If thinking arises, there will be no castes and no classes. Monetary exploitation is also not possible. It is also not possible to explain away the exploitation as the result of past lives. Along with thinking will come a revolution at all levels and in all relationships, and then neither the politicians nor the boundaries of nations can survive. No wall keeping...

... equality and peace. Only a society which is free from ambition can be classless and without exploitation. Can there be no such education, which is not based on ambition? Is mathematics and music learned for the purpose of leaving other classmates behind? Is it not possible to learn mathematics for the love of mathematics, and music for the love of music? As I see it, music can be learned and its depth...
... church or a temple. This must have been discovered by the priest long, long ago. All religions are based on the exploitation of this discovery. Bertrand Russell is right when he says, "If we can destroy poverty, sickness, old age, unequality and make people happy and joyous, religions will die on their own accord." He is perfectly right in his analysis, because the joyous man has never been...

... future - and not even to the near future... to after death. Different religions have tried different strategies, but the basic thing is to divert your mind from the exploitation which is going on right now. If all kinds of consolations are dropped, you will be able to see that your problem, your suffering, your misery is being created, manufactured by man. It has nothing to do with prayer. And this is...

... are feeling ready to dance, that is the moment to meditate. Then you can ride on higher waves of dancing, music, into meditation. Meditation has to be taken out of the hands of the religions. They are using it for wrong reasons, for exploitation, and they have done it for so many centuries that it has become almost an inbuilt program in us. In China a strange experiment was done. The emperor was...

... absolutely foolish. The priest, the religions have learned the strategy perhaps from people suffering from diseases, that they are the most vulnerable sources for exploitation. Just give them hope; all that they need is consolation. This has corrupted the whole human psychology. So when you are sick you think of meditation, when you are suffering you start meditating. But when you are down and confused, to...
...-like: it is only lust, a physical phenomenon. The other is man-like: it is higher than lust, than sexuality, than sensuality. It is not only exploitation of the other as a means. The first is only an exploitation; the other is used as a means in the first. In the second the other is not used as a means, the other is equal to you. The other is as much an end unto herself or himself as you are. And...

... love is not an exploitation but a mutual sharing of your being, of your joys, of your music, of your pure poetry of life. It is sharing and mutual. The first is possessive; the second is non-possessive. The first creates a bondage; the second gives freedom. And the third dimension of love is godly, godlike: when there is no object to love, when love is not a relationship at all, when love becomes a...
... social - given by others. They have their motives to give those ideas to you. It is subtle exploitation. The real exploitation is not economic or political, the real exploitation is psychological. That's why all the revolutions up to now have been failures. Hitherto, no revolution has succeeded. The reason? Because they have not looked at the deepest exploitation which is psychological. They only go on...

... changing superficial things. A capitalist society becomes communist, but it makes no difference. A democracy becomes dictatorial, a dictatorial society becomes democratic, it makes no difference. These are just superficial changes, like a whitewash, but the structure remains deep down the same. What is the psychological exploitation? The psychological exploitation is that nobody is allowed to be himself...
.... You never encounter God as the other - no, never. God is never an object: he is revealed as your subjectivity, as your interiority. Deva Premal. Deva means divine; premal means loving - divinely loving. There are three kinds of love. One is animal love: one simply wants and wants and wants, one is not willing to give anything. It is an exploitation of the other. Then there is human love, which is...

... mutual give and take: you give but you get something in return. It is a mutual exploitation: you exploit the other, the other exploits you. But it is better than the animal. The animal simply exploits the other, the animal is not interested in giving at all. Human love has something human in it; it is a sharing. Then the third is divine love. It only knows how to give. It never thinks of getting...
... hand, people go on becoming richer; on the other hand, people go on becoming poorer. And the poor man is the producer: he toils in the field, he works in the orchards -- and he remains hungry. He weaves the clothes -- and he remains naked. He makes the beautiful mansions and palaces -- and he has no house, not even a hut to hide his head in. This exploitation was condemned by the Russian Revolution...

..., and against this exploitation a new age of a classless society was declared, where everybody would have the equal opportunity to grow. A great hope had arisen with the Russian Revolution, but it died. The revolution fell into wrong hands. Instead of bringing a new age and a new humanity, it repeated the old game under new names. The only change was of labels: where in the past there were the rich...

... and the poor, now there were the bureaucrats and the people. But the distinction was the same, and the exploitation was the same. For sixty years Russia has lived in a new kind of slavery. Nobody else in the world has known that kind of slavery. The whole country has become a concentration camp. Beautiful words sometimes prove very dangerous: instead of bringing equality to man it has taken away all...
... is their food and life. The fearlessness is the end of their life. The fear in men has been exploited a good deal, and in this exploitation religions have not been far behind; perhaps they have been foremost. With the support of fear the supernatural beings exist; with the support of fear does also the god of religions. The supernaturals, supported by fear, have merely threatened men but, even so...

... charities. There is no wealth without exploitation. There is wealth from the opposite of religion and there is religion from wealth. He exploited others, the good men and the saints exploited him; and the exploiters have always been good friends. But he always pitied his younger brother. He was no good at collecting money and consequently was getting unable to collect religion either. His behaviour, full...

... is nothing surprising in it because faith has always been fruitful for the crooks. Religion is not faith; it is discretion. It is not blindness; it is a treatment of the 'I.' But for exploitation, discretion is an obstacle; and, therefore the poison of faith is administered. Thinking is revolt; and because exploitation of a revolutionary is impossible, education of 'faith' is given. Thinking makes...

... a man free; makes him a man. But for exploitation you want sheep. You require weak minded followers. Therefore, thinking is murdered and faith is nurtured. Man is helpless; and therefore, in his helplessness, in his loneliness, he accepts faith. Life is pain; and, therefore, to run away from it, one goes in the lap of any faith or belief. This state definitely offers a Golden opportunity for the...

... wonder that people have stopped going in the direction of god. Indifference to religion is ultimately indifference towards the fears and blind faiths spread by those so-called saints. Indifference to religion is indifference to exploitation. hypocrisy and foolishness which comes in the garb of religion. Indifference to religion is indifference to the false complements of sects, and to hate jealousies...

... giving, it is essential to have something. What is service? Is love itself not service? And love is born only in that consciousness where 'I' has been buried. In the death of 'I', is the birth and life of love. From the funeral pyre of 'I', the seed of love germinates. Those who are full of 'I', are empty of love. 'I' is the centre of exploitation. Its service is also exploitation? Even in that, the...

.... Their power has been active only in breaking up and dividing men. Surely, this has not been done without reason. In fact, without dividing man against man, neither can there be unions nor can there be exploitation. If manhood is similar and one, the main basis; of exploitation is finished; for exploitation inequality is unavoidable. Sects and castes are essential. For the same reason, religions in...

... many forms have been supporters of inequality, sects and castes. A sectless and casteless society is automatically opposed to exploitation. To accept equality of men is to discard exploitation. Then, without creating differences between man and man there can be no unions and religious sects. Division creates fear, jealousy and hatred and finally enmity. Enmity gives birth to religious sects; they are...

... born of enmity and not friendship; not love, but hatred is their foundation stone. Unions are formed out of fear of enmity. Unions provide power. Power becomes strength for exploitation and also realization of the thirst for authority. On expansion, the same develops into a desire for monarchies. In the same way, religions secretly become politics. Religion moves in front and politics follows it...

..., priests and their profession. God has also been converted into a profession. Several interests have got connected even with him. What can be more unseemly and irreligious than that? But the power of propaganda is unlimited and by constant propaganda even absolute untruths become truths. Then what wonder if the worshippers and priests who are themselves victims of exploitation should be supporters of the...

... scheme of exploitation? Religions have served as strong pillars for the scheme of social exploitation. Having woven a net of imaginary principles, they have proved the exploiters as religious people and the exploited as the sinners. The exploited ones have been told that their suffering is the result of their bad deeds. Truly, religions have given lot of opium to the people. An old untouchable asked me...

... are many; and, therefore, temples are many. For the same reason, to reach God temples become not the doors but the walls. He who has not found the temple of God in love, can find God in no other temple. What is love? Is it an attachment to God? Attachment is not love. Where there is attach- ment there is exploitation. In attachment, someone else is the object; subject is the self; and in love, in...
... the poor. Relief for the poor is not charity; it is not love. Why, in the first place, should poverty exist? It exists because there are a few people who are too greedy. Poverty is a by-product of greed. One part of society goes on accumulating; naturally, the other part of society becomes poor. And man has lived for centuries under this exploitation. This exploitation can be completely destroyed...

.... Whatever the society produces belongs to all. And the most surprising thing is that the poor are the people who produce, and the rich are the people who do not produce. Those who produce are hungry and starving and dying. Just to give them relief is a very cunning idea: it protects the exploitation; it protects the capitalists. It protects those who are the criminals, and it also protects the poor so...

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