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...! Kill every German -- wipe them out!" (Llya Ehrenburg, Glaser, p. 111). 010 "The millions of Jews who live in America, England and France, North and South Africa, and, not to forget those in Palestine, are determined to bring the war of annihilation against Germany to its final end." (The Jewish newspaper, Central Blad Voor Israeliten in Nederland, September 13, 1939) 011 "Germany is the enemy of...
... with men and lives. Steiner explains at length what the Bolshies want and what they have done. While he never misses a chance of insulting the churches he is very polite about the Bolshies and is careful even to say that he is not criticizing them. When explaining what they have done with their opponents he does not use the word 'murder' or even 'execution'; he says they have 'chased them away' or...
... murder, a crime against Christianity, morality, humanity, and civilization, and this applies with greatest guilt to the wholesale slaughter by one nation of the people of another who have not attacked or harmed them. After this illegal, secret plot was negotiated, Roosevelt, the Jews and the war-mongers of this country, of England and France sought to overthrow the Chamberlain government and to replace...
... Chamberlain government and remove Bonnet from the French Cabinet was because they would not agree to pay the price Stalin demanded to encircle and defeat Germany. At Roosevelt's and the Jews' insistence, England and France guaranteed the boundaries of Poland in order to encircle Germany and renew Jewish control. This guarantee of the boundaries of Poland was the direct cause of World War II, it knowingly...
... years divide us from the moment of the complete wrecking of that [Hated] Christian Religion. As to other religions, we shall have still less difficulty with them.') We may have to repeat the grim days of World War II, when we were forced to let the Hitlerite bandits sacrifice some of our people, in order that we may have adequate documentation and witnesses to legally justify our trial and execution...
... defense, is murder, a crime against Christianity, morality, humanity, and civilization, and this applies with greatest guilt to the wholesale slaughter by one nation of the people of another who have not attacked or harmed them. After this illegal, secret plot was negotiated, Roosevelt, the Jews and the war-mongers of this Country, of England and France sought to overthrow the Chamberlain government and...
... anyone else, so did Herzl foresee twenty years, before we experienced them, the revolutions brought about by the Great War, and he prepared us for that which was going to happen. "He foresaw the splitting up of Turkey, and he foresaw that England would obtain control over Palestine. 'We may expect important developments in the world.' These were the words spoken by Herzl twenty years before the Great...
... War. He added that the events would offer the Jewish people fresh opportunities." (The Judisk Tidskrift, No. 6, Aug.-Sept., 1929, written by Dr. Ehrenpreis, Chief Rabbi of Sweden). 007 "Hitler will have no war, but he will be forced into it, not this year but later... " (The Jewish Emil Ludwig, Les Annales, June, 1934) 008 "Whenever an American or a Filipino fell at Bataan or Corregidor or at any...
... other of the now historic spots where MacArthur's men put up their remarkable fight, their survivors could have said with truth: 'The real reason that boy went to his death, was because Hitler's anti-Semitic movement succeeded in Germany.'" (The American Hebrew, July 24, 1942). 009 "Kill the Germans, wherever you find them! Every German is our moral enemy. Have no mercy on women, children, or the aged...
... conviction that the aims of Communism in Europe are sinister and fatal. At the Nuremberg Trials, I, together with my Russian colleague, condemned Nazi Aggression and Terror. I believe now that Hitler and the German People did not want war. But we, {England}, declared war on Germany, intent on destroying it, in accordance with our principle of Balance of Power, and we were encouraged by the 'Americans'{Jews...
...} around Roosevelt. We ignored Hitler's pleading, not to enter into war. Now we are forced to realize that Hitler was right. He offered us the co-operation of Germany: instead, since 1945, we have been facing the immense power of the Soviet Empire. I feel ashamed and humiliated to see that the aims we accused Hitler of, are being relentless pursued now, only under a different label." (Ashamed and...
...) 014 "Judea declares War on Germany." (Daily Express, March 24, 1934) 015 "Germany must be turned into a waste land, as happened there during the 30-year War." (Das Morgenthau-Tagebuch, The Morgenthau Dairy, p. 11). 016 "The fight against Germany has now been waged for months by every Jewish community, on every conference, in all labor unions and by every single Jew in the world. There are reasons...
... for the assumption that our share in this fight is of general importance. We shall start a spiritual and material war of the whole world against Germany. Germany is striving to become once again a great nation, and to recover her lost territories as well as her colonies. But our Jewish interests call for the complete destruction of Germany... " (Valadimir Jabotinsky, in Mascha Rjetsch, January, 1934...
... the Nazi Party of all facets of German society. Juedische Rundschau was free to preach Zionism as a wholly separate political philosophy - indeed, the only separate political philosophy sanction by the Third Reich." (This shows the Jewish Zionists enjoyed a visibly protected political status in Germany, prior to World War II). 018 "... In Germany the Jews occupy the principal rìles and are...
... an appreciation of the long future before them. Let them measure all tasks, all difficulties, and all prospects by the standard of a world-wide outlook." (The Visionary on the Mountain Top). 020 "He speaks of the War throughout as a German, and gives the impression that Germany ought to have won, and it would have pleased him. He speaks at length of the violation of Belgium, but says not a word of...
... done by the proletariat. If proletariat thinking is still chaotic and wrong, it is because it is still imitating bourgeois mentality. As far back as 1880 the Anglo-American occult leaders, directing the political leaders, knew about the coming World War and prepared for it. The German leaders knew nothing, and would not take warning, that is why they lost! The physical war was easily won by England...
..., but it will be followed by a spiritual war between East and West (East - India, Russia, and German; West - Anglo-America), which will be much more dangerous for the West. For instance, India, which is half starving (according to Mrs. Besant!), will rebel and be helped by powerful spiritual forces our of her past. Germany must fulfil her mission, otherwise the European civilization will be ruined...
..., industries and commerce] hold such an important, almost preponderant part. Therefore it might easily be said that all the newly-rich and war- profiteer, is an ancient of a thousand years... The immense majority of the influentials in Austrian Socialism were and are still Jews (1921)... finally, in a certain sense the Jews oppose themselves to non-Jews, above all in the rìle they play as initiators...
..., and other oppressed nations. Like other announced goals of World War II, the Atlantic Chapter and the Four Freedoms, Stalin's program achieved only one goal, 'the destruction of the Hitlerite regime,' the only government in the world which had opposed the spread of Communist aggression with its military forces. The 'abolition of racial exclusiveness,' which has (also) been official U.S. Government...
... died violently during World War II, but the only Asiatic people to suffer serious losses were the Japanese, who were known as 'the Aryans of the East,' because of their aggressiveness and their highly developed technological abilities. Because of their well known opposition to Communism, the Japanese people were selected by Jewish strategists as the guinea pigs for the testing of the new Jewish...
... Jewish military operations, the great massacres of World War II occurred, not on the battlefield, but in peaceful neighborhood communities. This was in accordance with the dictate of the Book of Esther, which directs the Jews to massacre women and children, and to exterminate the families of those who dare to oppose them. Thus it was in Dresden, a historic German cultural center, where many thousands...
... of German women and children, refugees from Communism had gathered. They were assured by the Red Cross that they would be safe, even while the Jewish generals were preparing to murder the men. The blood-maddened Jews desired not only to murder as many White civilians as possible but also to erase from history all evidence of Western civilization, the greatest examples of White culture which had...
... Weizmann boasted, 'We will never actually have to use this atomic weapon in military operations as the mere threat of its use will persuade any opponent to surrender to us." (Eustace Mullins, Foreword, War! War! War!) 025 "Propaganda mostly in hands of Jews, who control almost 100 percent radio, film, daily and periodical press. Although this propaganda extremely coarse and presenting Germany as black as...
.... This propaganda war psychosis being artificially created. American people are told that peace in Europe only hinging bread... that in case of world War America must take active part in order defend slogans of liberty and democracy in world. President Roosevelt was first one to express hatred against Fascism. In doing so he was serving double purpose; first, he wanted to divert attention of American...
... people from difficult and intricate domestic problems, especially from... struggle between capital and labor. Second, by creating war psychosis... he wanted to induce American people to accept enormous armament program... As to point two I can only say that... Roosevelt, as clever player of politics... speedily deviated public attention from domestic situation in order to fasten it on foreign policy...
...... to procure enormous stocks for coming war for which Jews are striving fully consciously... " (Document dated January 12, 1939, from Polish Ambassador in Washington). 026 "World War II was a war to renew Jewish domination of Germany and Central Europe and for the maintenance of the power and glory of the British/Jewish Empire. The conspirators in America, England and France are responsible for the...
... it with the Jews Churchill, Eden, Hore-Belisha and Duff Cooper. They plotted to get Bonnet out of the French Cabinet and to substitute the Jews Reynaud, Blum and Mandel. The ardent but unsuccessful courtship of Stalin and Soviet Russia was insisted upon by Roosevelt, World Jewry and war-mongers of America, England and France. One of the reasons for the Roosevelt/Eden plot to overthrow the...
... necessitated it." (War! War! War!, by Cincinnatus, pp. 188-189) 027 This will be difficult for many to believe, one can hear them say, what:, England do that to this country? Why they are our greatest ally, we could not do without them. Let us look at the record and see just how much love there is for us in this pretended friendship. To begin with, when we were at war with Spain, this great Churchill...
..., "Churchill entered British Army 1895, serving with the Spanish forces and fired on the American forces. It was a little embarrassing when the Honorable William Langer of North Dadota made this announcement on the floor of the United States Senate. Mr. Churchill was in this country, because you know, we never hit a man behind his back, he was going to speak in Boston, a little more of the Churchillian...
... 1942. It is here that we find Churchill quoted: "He had always thought it a pity that it all had to be so make believe, and that the age of wars between civilized nations had come to an end forever, now he, at least had an opportunity to join civilized Spain in a war against uncivilized Cuba." Robert's account of Winston Churchill, 1928, Robert H. McBride, publishers, page 32, through Sir Henry...
... that of the world Jewish population of approximately fifteen millions, no fewer than five millions are in the United States. Twenty-five percent of the inhabitants of New York are Jews. During the Great War we bought off this huge American Jewish public by the promise of a Jewish National Home in Palestine, held by Ludendorff to be the master stroke of Allied propaganda as it enabled us not only to...
... appeal to Jews in America but to Jews in Germany as well... All over the world, and especially in the U.S.A. Jews will be active against Germany, and the Jew is a natural and energetic propagandist, though perhaps not a very far-seeing one. There are, however, cross- currents in the tide of World Jewry, the identification of Russian Jews with Communism, for example, and Palestine, another of our war...
... the 'hard-luck' story of London confidence tricksters! Secondly, the American peoples are still under the influence of much of the Great War propaganda. They are more susceptible than most people, to mass suggestion, they have been brought up on it, and since 1918 they have shut themselves off from reality. Thirdly, they are at this moment the battle-ground of an active propaganda of Labels...
...." (Propaganda in the Next War, by Sidney Rogerson, pp. 86-148; War! War! War!, by Cincinnatus, pp. 191-193). 030 "Although the Jews have appeared in the histories of other nations throughout the centuries, they were never able or willing to establish a nation of their own. They remain forever desolate in this regard. The only way the Jews got possession of Palestine was by using other people to steal it from...
... the Turks and Arabs for them. The so-called 'Israeli' state is nothing but a parasitic state, since it is occupied by parasites. The Jews get billions of dollars from Germany as 'reparations' and 'restitution payments' for its alleged 'war crimes' against Jews. They get billions more every year from the United States. It (Israel) has to steal or buy technology from Western nations as the Jews have...
... before a special meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952: "Greetings, my children; You have been called here to recapitulate the principal steps of our new program. As you know, we had hoped to have twenty years between wars to consolidate the great gains which we made from World War II, but our increasing numbers in certain vital areas is arousing...
... opposition to us, and we must now work with every means at our disposal to precipitate World War III within five years [They did not precipitate World War III but they did instigate the Korean War when on June 25, 1950 they ordered the North Korean army to launch a surprise attack on South Korea. On June 26, the U.N. Security Council condemned the invasion as aggression and ordered withdrawal of the...
... authoritarian regime, which soon grew into a full-scale war, with Jewish pressure escalating U.S. involvement]. The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its...
... rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave (Applause from the gathering). You remember the success of our propaganda campaign during the 1930's, which aroused anti-American passions in Germany at the same time we were arousing anti-German passions in America, a campaign which culminated in the Second World War. A similar propaganda campaign is now being waged intensively...
... throughout the world. A war fever is being worked up in Russia by an incessant anti-American barrage while a nation-wide anti-Communist scare is sweeping America. This campaign is forcing all the smaller nations to choose between the partnership of Russia or an alliance with the United States. Our most pressing problem at the moment is to inflame the lagging militaristic spirit of the Americans. The...
... failure of the Universal Military Training Act was a great setback to our plans, but we are assured that a suitable measure will be rushed through Congress immediately after the 1952 elections. The Russians, as well as the Asiatic peoples, are well under control and offer no objections to war, but we must wait to secure the Americans. This we hope to do with the issue of Anti-Semitism, which worked so...
... had already commenced their campaign of anti-Semitism in Czechoslovakia). Within five years, this program will achieve its objective, the Third World War, which will surpass in destruction all previous contests. Israeli, of course, will remain neutral, and when both sides are devastated and exhausted, we will arbitrate, sending our Control Commissions into all wrecked countries. This war will end...
... over a world of dark peoples. Question from the gathering: Rabbi Rabinovich, what about the various religions after the Third World War? Rabinovich: There will be no more religions. Not only would the existence of a priest class remain a constant danger to our rule, but belief in an after-life would give spiritual strength to irreconcilable elements in many countries, and enable them to resist us. We...
... of the leaders of America and Russia as war criminals, after we have dictated the peace. I am sure you will need little preparation for such a duty, for sacrifice has always been the watchword of our people, and the death of a few thousand lesser Jews in exchange for world leadership is indeed a small price to pay. To convince you of the certainty of that leadership, let me point out to you how we...
... herself in all her glorious destiny as the Light of the World." (Note: Every statement made by Rabinovich is based on agenda contained in the "Protocols of Zion.") 034 The war time Premier (Winston Churchill) said he "thought the problem of a National Jewish Home in Palestine was too big to be handled by one single nation alone. Favors joint inquiry." "I am strongly in favor of a joint inquiry by the...
... Russia almost completely eliminated. Soviet Russia if mentioned at all mentioned in friendly manner and things presented in such way as if Soviet Union co-operating with block democratic states. Thanks to clever propaganda sympathies of American public completely on side of Red Spain. This propaganda war psychosis being artificially created. American people are told that peace in Europe only hanging on...
... thread... that in case of world War America must take active part in order defend slogans of liberty and democracy in World. President Roosevelt was first one to express hatred against Fascism. In doing so he was serving double purpose; first, he wanted to divert attention of American people from difficult and intricate domestic problems, especially from... .struggle between capital and labor. Second...
..., by creating war psychosis... he wanted induce American people to accept enormous armament program... Unemployed today already number twelve million... Only huge sums running into billion which treasury expends for emergency labor projects are keeping certain amount of peace in country... As to point two I can only say that... Roosevelt, as clever player of politics... speedily deviated public...
... in mysterious manner. Roosevelt has been forcing fountain for vitalizing American foreign policy and simultaneously... to procure enormous stocks for coming war for which Jews are striving fully consciously... " (Document dated January 12, 1939, from Polish Ambassador in Washington, War! War! War!, Cincinnatus, pp. 173-174). 037 "Another World War, plotted by Roosevelt and World Jewry, the Jewish...
... controlled American press and radio, the British-Jewish Empire and the French Empire with a large proportion of their press and banks owned by the Jews, is being fought as these words are put down... This is a war to renew Jewish domination of Germany and Central Europe and for the maintenance of the power and glory of the British-Jewish Empire. The conspirators in America, England and France are...
... to replace it with the half Jew Churchill, part Jew Eden, Jew Hore-Belisha and Duff Cooper. They plotted to get Bonnet out of the French Cabinet and to substitute Reynaud, Jew Blum and Jew Mandel. The ardent but unsuccessful courtship of bloody Stalin and Soviet Russia was insisted upon by Roosevelt, World Jewry and war-mongers of America, England and France. One of the reasons for the Roosevelt...
...-Eden plot to overthrow the Chamberlain government and remove Bonnet from the French Cabinet was because they would not agree to pay the price Stalin demanded to encircle and defeat Germany. At Roosevelt's and the Jews' insistence, England and France guaranteed the boundaries of Poland in order to encircle Germany and renew Jewish control. This guarantee of the boundaries of Poland was the direct and...
... proximate cause of the World's War; in face, it knowingly necessitated it." (War! War! War!, Cincinnatus, pp. 188-189). 038 "Already the pitch has been reached in Great Britain where it is considered bigoted or reactionary to do other than praise the Jews for their industry and ability. Few papers will risk any attack on the Jews, however well-founded, for fear of appearing even distantly anti-Semitic...
...." (This is more than true in America where it is dangerous to mention any through derogatory to the Jews, and in New York it has been made a crime). (Propaganda in the Next War, Sidney Robertson, p. 92; War! War! War!, Cincinnatus, p, 192). 039 "There is no doubt that the... Jews aided the Persians with all the men they could muster, and that the help they gave was considerable. Once Jerusalem was in...
... "It has been estimated that of the world Jew population of approximately fifteen millions, no fewer than five million are in the United States. Twenty-five percent of the inhabitants of New York are Jews. During the Great War we bought off this huge American Jewish public by the promise of the Jewish National Home in Palestine, held by Ludendorff to be the master stroke of Allied propaganda as it...
... enabled us not only to appeal to Jews in America but to Jews in Germany as well." (Propaganda in the Next War, Sidney Robertson, p. 147; War! War! War!, Cincinnatus, p. 192). 045 "Meanwhile our Christian? Government unites with the British-Jewish Empire, in a plot to starve not merely German women and children (that has had our active support since the war started), but also the women and children of...
... dominant there - Ireland, China, India, the Boers, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy and now France, Holland, Belgium, Norway and Spain. England and the Jews, with our help, in the name of civilization and Christianity, have illegally made food contraband against friendly peaceable nations and call it economic warfare - viz: Jewish warfare - the Four Horsemen." (War! War! War!, Cincinnatus, p. 242). 046...
... "The story I shall unfold in these pages is the story of Germany's two faces, the one turned towards Western Europe, the other turned towards Soviet Russia... It can be said, without any exaggeration, that from 1921 till the present day Russia has been able, thanks to Germany, to equip herself with all kinds of arms, munitions, and the most up-to-date war material for an army of several millions; and...
... that, thanks to her factories manufacturing war material in Russia, Germany has been able to assure herself not only of secret supplies of war material and the training of officers and other ranks in the use of this material, but also, in the event of war, the possession of the best stocked arsenals in Russia... The firm of Krupp's of Essen, Krupp the German Cannon-King (Kanonenkoenig), deserves a...
... chapter to itself in this review of German war-industries in Russia. It deserves a separate chapter... because its activity upon Soviet territory has grown to tremendous proportions... The final consolidation of the dominating position Krupp's occupy in Russia, was the formation of a separate company 'Manych' to which the Soviet Government granted a liberal concession... Negotiations concerning these...
... collaboration with the Soviets, in spite of all the changes of political regime in Germany since the end of the war. It has made little or no difference to them whether the Reich Government has been composed of men of the Right, the Center, or the Left. They have just continued their policy uninfluenced by political change. There is no reason to suppose that they would change their course under a Hitlerist...
... regime, especially when it is remembered that most of the aims, in external policy, of the Nazi leaders, are identical with those of the Nationalists and the military leaders themselves. Furthermore, there are the great German industrialists, of Nationals color, who are amongst the principal collaborators, on the war material side, with the Reichswehr Chiefs, and who are, therefore, hand in glove with...
... the directors of the 'Abmachungen' (Agreements) plot. Many of these great industrialists are contributors on a big scale to the Nazi party funds. A hitlerist Germany would, therefore, have no qualms in continuing the collaboration with Soviet Russia... The Reichswehr chiefs who are conducting the Abmachungen delude themselves that they can use Bolshevist Russia to help them in their hoped-for war of...
... 100 Historical "Mysteries" Explained The Anti-Bolshevist Publishing Association 15 EAST 128th STREET NEW YORK. CITY 1926 Site Navigator Similar materials Notes What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Table of Contents Introduction A war is but a "legalized mass-murder" Why is Christian civilization...
.... Saved the United States (1864) The hidden hand made the civil war The Vatican was to pay the Rothschilds' risks Entire disappearance of the U.S. decided upon! Rothschilds' order to American bankers Rothschilds overpowered congress (1862) Angry Rothchilds plunder the u. s. (1864-1866) The "mystery" of the civil war The "mystery" of Lincoln's death Attempt to kill Alexander II in...
.... Mussolini in perplexity said: "Yet, the why of war, which has followed human society since its origin, never has been explained, and apparently must be put into the domain of unexplained matters". (New York American, April 3, 1925). If Mussolini were a Christian, he would not thus blunder... Because CHRIST said clearly that there is a "Satan's lust of murder and that the Jews - his sons - will do it". And...
... and this wars. 1 A WAR IS BUT A "LEGALIZED MASS-MURDER" A war is only a "legalized mass murder". Thus CHRIST pointed out those, who arrange all wars and revolutions, and that their chief cause is Satan's and his sons' "lust of murder". But "Christians" never seem to agree with CHRIST. The same with ex-Premier of France Joseph Caillaux. When asked how to save France, he wrongly answered: "The public...
...-Mongols, who are composing the World Government (the Hidden Hand), made 100 billions out of this First World War. Of course, not counting their "lust of murder", they are willing to stage a Second World War. They are preparing it against rich America. Controlling the World press, they can easily stage any war. "If Wall Street should say the word tomorrow, all the editors and preachers would be for the...
... intoxicating the masses with a poisonous "moonshine", can provoke a riot, which the agents of the Hidden Hand will transform into plunder and murder. All the 120,000 men in jails will be released, as was done in Russia and in France at every revolt. 17 THE WAR WITHOUT DECLARATION OF WAR The beginning of all may be any strike which will be fanned by the Hidden Hand into a general strike, followed by all the...
... provoking wars. They "forgot" the main: "the devil's lust of murder" of the Jews! Of course, they work in great secrecy. However, we perceive them from time to time. Thus we read in the New York American: "Geneva Protocol - a Direct Menace to America. Threatens War if We Don't Obey Super-State". - (Prof. Philip Marshall Brown, October 19, 1924). The realization of this Protocol was postponed. But the...
... order to prevent wars we ought to point out who is staging them. This was foretold by CHRIST Himself: "Ye, Jews, will do the devil's lust of murder". As war is but a "legalized mass murder", He clearly said: "Ye, Jews, will organize wars and revolts". Those who took part in the above Conference thought that they "knew better" than CHRIST, and even insulted HIM by inviting an arch-enemy of the PRINCE...
... Cambridge University, have written about the "Origin of the War". They exposed 99 causes of the war, except the main one: the "lust of murder" of the Jews. A war is a "legalized" murder. Who is the Chief Murderer? CHRIST said: "The devil (Satan) is a murderer and the Jews will do his lusts of murder and lying". Simple, but how infinitely true. And History proves this with appalling accuracy! My readers...
..., therefore, were expelled. 28 SAVE CHRISTIAN ARYAN CIVILIZATION The First World War brought to Edw. Rothschild and to his 300 Jews, composing the "Hidden Hand", more than 100 billion dollars. Why not repeat it? They are the executors of Satan. The First World War caused 40,000,000 casualties. And the Jewish Revolution in Russia cost her some 30,000,000 lives. This only increased the "lust of murder" of the...
... Government. Poor imbeciles, or bribed by the Hidden Hand's money *. "Forgive them, for they know not what they do". Numberless authors, like J. Holland Rose of Cambridge University have written about "The Origin of the War". They exposed 99 causes of the war, except the main one which they could find in the words of CHRIST (St. John, viii, 44). War is a "legalized" murder. Who is the Chief murderer? CHRIST...
... Hidden Hand resolves to murder anyone, it always begins by pouring on the victim an ocean of muddy calumnies. This custom is unmistakable evidence that the Hidden Hand is arranging the plot. "Calumniate, and then kill", is its rule. I shall have occasion to emphasize this point later on. 82 PAUL I. SAVES CATHOLIC CHURCH - KILLED "At the solicitation of Emperor Paul, and out of regard for his mediation...
... great Monarchs read in the Talmud: "Kill the most honest of the goym" (Talmud, Abod. Zar. 26 b.) "He who sheds the blood of the goym (gentiles), is offering a sacrifice to God" (Talmud, Jalqut Simeoni). 87 HIDDEN HAND'S ATTEMPT TO KILL NAPOLEON The agent of the "Illuminati" being found incompetent to remove Napoleon, a certain Stapps was despatched to kill the Emperor in 1809, when he was in...
... Sultan's palace and to destroy the town, they compelled Turkey to join the Central powers, which caused the prolongation of the World War for many months. It was the Venizelos' "lust of murder" and his desire to upset the excellent Christian Monarch, which started the absurd Greco Turkish war. The poor King Constantin was compelled to follow Venizelos and accept the war and atone this crime of Venizelos...
...", paralyzed at once the efforts of the Rothschilds to murder the Christians, by starting a new war. These words, uttered in 1850, "saved Europe from a War", when the Prussians had invaded Hesse, according to Charles Lowe in his "Prince Bismarck", (p. 108). The Rothschilds at once mobilized their champions. Bismarck was elected as Deputy to Frankfort in 1851. Napoleon III. was made Emperor, December 2nd...
... his camp-bed covered by a soldier's cloak" *... "He made the sign of the cross, stretched out his feeble hand to his wife, and grasping lier's turned his dying eyes on the angel of his life". On March 2nd, 1855, the "Anti-War" Tsar was no more! The Jews "leeches" and "tigers" were revenged. This awful murder was the end of the first half of the Rothschilds' misrule and murder (1770-1925...
... France James was satanizing Gambetta for the war of 1870. We know how the 5 great powers had been distributed to the heirs of Amschel Mayer and these united under one of them as their head have been working to upset all tlie rulers of their respective countries and the Church, and to establish as Presidents, their own servants. The murder of A. Lincoln, of Garfield, and of McKinley, Presidents, proves...
... by Russia to organize Alaska. [But Alaska was "sold" to America for $5 million.] 167 J. ROTHSCHILD'S APPEAL TO THE JEWS (1860) The successful murder of the "Anti-War" Czar Nicholas I. and the uplifting of the H. H.'s [Hidden Hand's] agents: Disraeli in England; Napoleon III. in France; Bismarck in Germany; Mazzini in Italy, so encouraged James R. III. that he decided to try the "American coup...
... "Ye (Jews) will do the devil's lust of murder" (CHRIST). "The Jews supply 50% of the criminals" (Chief Police, Gen Bingham.) * The Jews J. Schiff and Co. compelled Roosevelt to save Japan. "Roosevelt will do exactly what I tell him" (Loeb, his Jew sec'y). The same Jews compelled America to start the First World War by declaring war on Russia in 1911, because after the war and revolt of 1905 (both...
... to attack (1904) Schiff promised a revolt in Russia. Now Baruch has assured "bolshevization" here, i. e. a Civil War! Are all the Gentiles cowards, vile, stupid and blind? Are there no Americans who would dare to prevent the disaster, staged by the Baruchs,, Kahns, Kara Kahns, Warburgs (one of whom gave $10,000,000 to Trotzky to start tumult and murder), etc. The Jews are being held responsible for...
... in deadly danger? The world government against peace My science saved five million Aryans All histories and the press are "bunk" America facing three united Mongol foes American optimism is groundless and is a danger The United States was never in greater danger Every expert foresees war or disaster The satanic forces now vs. the United States The Judeo-Chino-Japano-Soviet Mongol bloc All...
... talk about peace is preposterous War might occur at any moment My efforts to prevent an Anglo-American clash Foreign and domestic dangers unchecked "The danger is within America as well" The war without declaration of war Prevent the education of "incurable imbeciles" No other book tells the whole truth Transform politicians into statesmen Women could prevent wars Watch and expose...
... Rothschilds, the forces of evil Rothschilds recognized as monarchs Undisputed autocracy of the Rothschilds Rothschilds real "satanizers - mankillers" Rothschild could have prevented the world war The first Rothschild (1743-1812) The selling of human "gun-fodder" Amschel takes control of landgrave Lamartine and Dostoiewsky Is the "Jewish peril" surmountable? S. Gompers condemns...
... edge of the XIX. century Nathan hastens to conquer England Tsar Paul I. described by foreigners The "mystery" of Czar Paul "Mystery" of "Roma Nova" and Roma III The politics of Paul I Rothschild abolishes catholic church (1798) Paul I. saves catholic church - killed "Calumniate! something will remain" The murder of Tsar Paul Hidden hand against napoleon Napoleon challenges the...
... Jews Hidden hand's attempt to kill Napoleon Napoleon ex-communicated, loses the support of the church Napoleon Amschel's "church breaker" The "mystery" of Tsar Alexander I Amschel incites Napoleon vs. Alexander I James comes to "knock out" Napoleon The family of Amschel Rothschild, I Amschel Rothschild: Remember my children, that all the Earth must belong to us Amschel distributes the world. his...
... Bismarck's success - he was trapped "To stage a revolt - inflame passions" Disraeli exploiting old women The ritual murder of Damascus (1840) Bismarck created by the Rothschilds Napoleon III. was not a Napoleonide Napoleon III "mystery". was he a Rothschild? How the Rothschilds created an emperor The Rothschilds of vienna "Only blood and iron," Bismarck's motto The Jews of St...
.... Simon The youth of Czar Nicholas I Nicholas I. described by Englishmen as "demi-god" Romanovs distatesful to Rothschilds The "anti-war" Czar Nicholas I Rothschilds start the war in Crimea - "war of crime" Nicholas I. betrayed by his Jew minister Nicholas I. poisoned. Rothschilds' triumph The Rothschilds of the Frankfort branch The "mystery" of Mazzini revealed...
... The hidden hand plans to conquer U.S. The education of America's saviour Alexander II. The liberator and saviour J. Rothschild's appeal to the Jews (1860) James Rothschild III: Manifesto to all the Jews of the Universe Civil war started by the hidden hand England, France and Spain land troops in Mexico Czar threatens the foes of the U. S. (1863) Alexander II. Sends his fleets to America Alexander II...
..., predicted what would happen in Russia in the event of a European War and this, like his other predictions, has shown that he possesses an uncanny intuition, (the Editor of the "Daily Chronicle", the famous Mr. Robert Donald, President of the British Empire's Press, in his own "The Yorkshire Observer", on April 25th, 1919). "The accurate fulfilment of all the forecasts of Gen. Spiridovich gives to his...
... its message spread. It surely will not, if this book is trampled upon! Count Okuma, the farsighted and clever statesman o£ Japan, affirmed this war will lead to the death of Aryan civilization. Though he knows how it will be destroyed, he, as a Mongol, did not reveal it. Therefore, I shall do it. "Why did a score of the best British (among them the famous President of the British Empire's Press, Mr...
... Robert Donald) French, Slav and other editors call me " Prophetic Genius" or "Prophet" with "astounding", "marvelous", "preter-natural", "miraculous" foresight and intuition?* Because they found in my 7 pre-war books 80-odd political predictions all of which were later realized, as if prophecies. Why have I been so successful in all my predictions? Only because I most humbly agreed with the warnings of...
... History, as we shall see, daily confirms this OUR SAVIOUR'S warning which means: "Gentiles, keep far away from the Jews!" The Talmud is today preached in every synagogue! It teaches: "Thou (Jew;) shalt smite the other nations, which the Lord delivers in your (Jewish) hands"... " kill the best goym" (gentiles.) *) In the New York Times of April 17, 1907, was published my prediction about the two Balkan...
..., Clemenceaus, Woodrow Wilsons, *Bethmaim - Hollweg - Rothschilds, Aerenthals, Sazonovs, Sonninos Kemal-Pashas, Yenizelos, Masaryks, et al, to start a new world war. And all that the French nation would have earned according to Caillaux's advice, would be spent in silly mutual self-extermination of the Aryan race, or in payment of indemnity to Germany. Edouard Rothschild V-th in Paris and the 300 Judeo...
... war" (Eugene V. Debs, The Sun, May 4, 1925). One needs not to be a prophet to foresee such imminent an issue if the French follow the Caillaux way of salvation. Thus the Dictator of Italy and the presumed Dictator of France show the same serious lack of judgement. But the necessity of growing statesmen is most vital. What is a difference between a statesman and a politician? Demosthenes and Edmund...
... the Americans into war against their will. 2 WHY IS CHRISTIAN CIVILIZATION IN DEADLY DANGER? Because "Christianity" has become positively Christless! Not only do we not execute the commands of our SAVIOUR, but nearly all our Aryan so-called ruling class, and even clergy, seem to believe that HE was "wrong" and that they "are wiser". They think that they must not be as full of "racial hatred" and...
... "religious prejudice" as they imagine HE was (St. John, VIII, 44) when HE condemned the scribes, whose criminal books called the Talmud are being followed by an entire race, which is killing us! Out of each 100 gentiles 99 will surely shout: "CHRIST ordered us to love even our worst foes". Precisely; that is why we are obliged to prevent the Jews from "doing their lust of murder".* The more we love...
... somebody, the more must we endeavor to cure his criminality. "I must be cruel only to be kind", Hamlet said. Love and connivance with crimes are different matters. "Would you tell your beloved child: "Go and murder?" Love the foes of CHRIST, but check their "lust of murder". My book is not religious; but purely scientific. It is not my intention to claim any merit of discovery, for the facts themselves...
... witnessing a political earthquake in Russia, in fact on one-sixth of the surface of our globe. By the news from that country we get daily information that "numerous people convicted of counter-revolutionary activity were shot to death today". The reason why so many persons are being killed is not because of their counter-revolutionary activity, but is nothing more or less than the deliberate murder of the...
... intelligent Aryan classes in order to substitute the Asiatics. *) The murder may be moral, mental and physical. **) The Jews deceived many of us, that CHRIST has never said, that the authors of the Talmud (now followed by a whole race) are the "sons of the devil". CHRIST could not fail to warn thus, because, otherwise, the above truth is so obviously proved by the true history, that we would have the right...
... Quinn, the Dean of the University of Pennsylvania). Yes! But to solve the "problems of unrest", and thus to save the White Race, we must know that the World Unrest is caused by the "lust of murder" of the Judeo-Mongols and their firm desire to smash the Aryans and to overthrow everything Christian. This is well understood by Mr. Madison Grant, who wrote in the introduction to Mr. Lothrop Stoddard's...
... guardian of Christian civilization, is beginning in America. Few Americans paid attention to the fact that all the speakers were Asiatics*. Why are the Aryans so stupidly blind? "Whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad". And do we not see the mass-madness of the Aryans in the question of the "League of Nations",World Court, "War on War", and so forth? Indeed, millions of well-meaning persons...
... murderers than a religion, yet it is strictly followed by the so-called "Jews". Among others things the Talmud teaches: "The best Gentiles must be destroyed", and similar commands. However, many politicians have the effrontery to declare that this "religion" ought also to be "respected", while it ought to be exposed in the Courts, as inciting to murder. 4 MY SCIENCE SAVED FIVE MILLION ARYANS I said that...
... the Christian Civilization could still survive, if this book be read and its message widely spread. Why? Because it illustrates my "Science of Political Foresight", which has proved its value in such numerous cases and verifying all of my eighty and more predictions in my seven pre-war books.* Here is one of the proofs of the usefulness of my science: After a long discussion with General McDonough...
..., the Chief of the War Intelligence Department in London, and with the British Foreign Office, I submitted on September 17, 1918, a report advising the signing of peace with Bulgaria, which, as I foretold in the above report, would provoke an uprising of the Slavs in Austria and a panic in Germany and the immediate surrender of her armies. My advice was accepted and two weeks later peace with Bulgaria...
... was signed; two weeks still later the Slavs in Austria rose, and Austria was prostrated: and two weeks after the Austrian defection, Germany was thrown into a panic and surrender forced upon her. The First World War was thus ended, thanks to my advice! The self-extermination of the Aryans was stopped. Otherwise, fighting would have continued for many months more and at least some five million more...
..., Italy and Germany by much timeless and useless talk about their war-debts to America. Such optimism is futile and contrary to her best interests. The speech of the Ambassador, Mr. Alanston Houghton, demanding that Europe change her policies was considered a threat. And we read in Japanese newspapers, that she finds " the American naval manoeuvre plan too boldly provocative and a great menace to the...
... eventuality. Americans are somewhat intoxicated by the laurels of the First World War, when fate gave America fifteen months of interval and absolute security at home, between her declaration of war and her real entrance upon the battlefields, where the American troops met the Germans, worn out by four years fighting. In the Second World War which is being staged by the World Government against America, she...
... will not be given even fifteen minutes for her preparations; this war will not be declared. ... All of the above mentioned three Mongolian groups of foes of the United States were "pro-American" in 1918. They were then busy in attempting to destroy or undermine the Christian rulers of Russia, Germany, Austria, England and Italy, and bending these countries nearly to the state of bankruptcy. The World...
... Government "kept America out of war", as long as the Czar, "the traditional friend of America" (according to President Roosevelt) needed her help. It forced America into the war as soon as the Czar of Russia was overthrown. Even the Chicago Tribune of July 27, 1922, repeated the rumor, that a Judeo-Mongol, Justice Lubitz Brandeis, "ruled the White House by secret telephone", and a Jew, Bernard M. Baruch...
..., literally "spat" in the face of the Senate that he was the "most powerful man" in America. In his interesting "The Triumphant Plutocracy" ex Senator R. F. Pettigrew wrote that when the American nation elected Mr. Woodrow Wilson "because he kept America out of war", he was already preparing to declare it. The World Government threw America into it even against the will of the nation, by ordering the...
... to persuade them to realize that two main dangers exist: (1) That the World Government really does function. (2) That the Second World War is being staged. To those who, like Mrs. Wood Parks, are sure that " America is too rich and strong to be conquered", I shall point to Russia, which is not conquered, but where is a real hell on earth. What is the reason for the distress of Russia? She had...
... EVERY EXPERT FORESEES WAR OR DISASTER The final crushing of our civilization, I repeat, foretold by Okuma and others, may be attempted even today, and may begin with the Judeo-Mongol attack upon the United States first, or by a Judeo-Mongol assault upon Central Europe. Russia is at the disposal of the Judeo-Mongol Hidden Hand, and having ceased to be the Eastern vanguard of Christian civilization, has...
... become the Western vanguard of the Mongols. The Soviets arouse China! In July, 1921, I submitted a detailed report to President Harding about the World situation and the Hidden Hand's plan. The report was read in my presence by the President's Secretary, Mr. George B. Christian. Later on I published it in English and in Russian, entitling it "Let Us Prevent the Second World War, Already Prepared", and...
... feverish activity in the Far East, which means that the first assault will be against America. If my book is heeded this assault may fail also! The Generals J. J. Pershing, G. Bell, G. V. H. Mosely and Marshal Fayoile foretold a new war; as Clemenceau, ex-Ambassador H. Morgenthau and many others have done. Even France has chosen to take offensei, and Clemenceau declared: "We in France have to act as if...
... only be found here. "Europe will make every effort to get her gold back", - (Isaac Marcosson in his book "The War After the War"). "I am putting before England precisely the policy of Disraeli", confessed the late Prime Minister of Great Britain, Hon. Bonar Law, i. e., the most aggressive and faithless policy which ever existed. And Hon. Bonar Law's party is again in power... Thus we may expect that...
... Disraeli's policy will be followed again. But Disraeli was a mere tool of the Rothschilds. And according to Bismarck (La Vieille France, N-216) it was Disraeli and his patrons, the Rothschilds, who invented the plan of destroying the United States by fomenting a Civil War here, and by a foreign attack in 1863-64 by five powers. 10 THE SATANIC FORCES NOW VS. THE UNITED STATES The Civil War was started in...
... 1861 and the British, French, Spanish, Belgian and Austrian* troops were already in Mexico City, ready to profit by the Civil War, staged by the Hidden Hand! But then the Czar Alexander II. warned Napoleon III. that he would invade France if this coalition helped the Southerners to smash the North. The Czar even sent his squadrons at the disposal of President Lincoln to defend New York and San...
... of war materials for Russia"... and bombs for Sophia.** Yei Ling, a Chinese Senator, issued a letter challenging us: 'If you (the White Race) should regard them (his demands) as excessive and unreasonable, China with her 400,000,000 people will unite with the weak and small races of Asia and the suppressed peoples of Europe and Africa and meet you on the field of battle to fight out the issue...
... is Christian and is the "backbone" of the White Race. Meanwhile the Judeo-Mongols are a "yellow" race and they are aiming to "do the devil's lust of murder", as CHRIST foretold it. How can we continually forget HIS warnings when we discuss World problems? Brisbane assures: "We won't admit Asiatic masses". But that is not true, because real masses of the worst Asiatic Judeo-Mongols are pouring daily...
... absolutely useless, even harmful, because they lull America to a state of security and thus encourage her foes to attack. "No man would have war", said Senator Hiram W. Johnson. No! Except these butchers who are preparing in the United States a revolution and Civil War (Protestants vs. Catholics; Labor vs. Capital; Negroes vs. Whites); and a combined foreign attack and disaster, as I said, perhaps even in...
... millions of Americans are thinking just as Mrs. Wood Park and other optimists foolishly believe, that not enough money can be found for a combined attack. The Hidden Hand now controls 300 billion dollars and would willingly advance the needed amount for such an assault, because the Hidden Hand would gain some 100 billions, as it did from the First World War, as I proved it in my "Gentiles Review". 13 WAR...
... as they helped Germany during this war. The Hidden Hand is behind all the Socialist, Communist, Bolshevist, Anarchist, "Pacifist" and all kinds of "red" organizations everywhere. Why? Because its main aim is bloodshed at any price. "The future wars will come with increasing suddenness", wisely stated Gen. Tasker Bliss. When the general strike paralyzes everything and these clashes are started, then...
..., without declaring war, as Gen. Brancker, the ex-Chief of the British Air Forces, foretold, the enemy forces will simultaneously assail all the American ships in night attacks by torpedo boats (as in Port Arthur in 1904) submarines and airships. The voyage of the American Atlantic fleet gave the Japanese a pretext to inflame their nation and to suddenly attack every American ship at night, without...
... declaring war! What General William Mitchell is stating in 1925, I had submitted to Pres. Harding in July, 1921, adding to it the foes' plan. In this pamphlet on page 6 I explained that England "could not disobey the Hidden Hand and thus commit suicide". We read in the New York World on April 12, 1925, that Great Britain is "in a serious position", that she faces "Grave Industrial Conflicts" and is...
... Alliance". But it can be dismissed under the heavy pressure of the Hidden Hand, which, I repeat, is purposely crushing England's finances and commerce until England will accept the motto: "To go to the dogs or to assault and plunder the United States". No other way out will be left to the splendid Islanders. And an Anglo-American war will be the end of the so-called "Christian" civilization, which...
... it and warn the workers and youth. "Our people don't understand these things (awful dangers). The people do not understand the situation" (Admiral Sims, N. Y. Times, Febr. 28, 1925). Very few understand the possibility of a foreign assault. "The American Navy is prepared to lose the next war. Our fleet, as it now exists, cannot defend itself against modern naval forces" (Admiral W. F. Fullam, The...
... New York American, March 4, 1925). "We have no air forces. Without a dominating air force our armies and navies are merely organized for defeat in modern war" (Col. W. Mitchell, June 3, 1925). "Why such appalling blindness on the eve of disaster? "History (a true, not "bunk") Is the best Philosophy" (Napoleon). The absence of an "History With Conscience", as is my "Unrevealed In History" produced...
... lamentable results everywhere. "The Washington Conference may be the last failure to stave off the disasters and destruction that gathers about our race" (H. G. Wells). "Japan prepares for war, but the U. S. does not" (Admiral B. A. Fiske). "There will be a war in 1925. There will be no declaration of War. It will start by a sudden aerial attack" (Gen. Branker, ex-Chief of Air Forces). "Serious differences...
... calmly preparing industrially, politically and militarily for the coming war" (McLean in "The Coming War with America"). "The war between England and America has commenced" (Sen. P. C. Knox). The message of this book could alone avert such fratricide. 16 "THE DANGER IS WITHIN AMERICA AS WELL" Such was the warning of the immortal Abraham Lincoln, recently repeated by Secretary C. E. Hughes. The Hidden...
... American. In this war the Central Powers were financed by the Jews with money from America, and this money was used to fight against our own homeland". - (The Rev. D. J. Brouse, Pastor of the Grace Episcopal Church, The Jewish World, July 13, 1921). "If 10.000 American Jews would go to Palestine, she would be revolutionized" (ex-Minister, Sir Alfred Mond. a Jew, Jewish Chron., Nov. 9, 1924). The Jews are...
... poisoned and the Capitol and White House destroyed". Gen. W. Mitchell, the Assistant Chief of American Air Forces, rightly stated that one bomb can annihilate a whole town. "War between U. S. and Japan is quite inevitable", (Gen. Bernhardi). "Japan's foreign minister K. Mutsui speaks with an irritation which this country cannot afford to ignore". (Chicago Tribune, Feb. 9, 1924). "War between the United...
... Southern California University. Dr. Kleinmichel, Chicago D. News, July 30, 1923). *) By "The Dearborn Independent", 4 volumes, 25 cents each. 20 TRANSFORM POLITICIANS INTO STATESMEN What is the result of constantly hiding the Truth? "Never has Congress been at lower ebb than it is today", confessed Secretary of War Mr. Weeks (The Chicago Tribune of June 16, 1922). And Sen. Borah has no better opinion...
..." (Talleyrand). "If we blunder, there may be no America tomorrow" (Copeland). "League will never prevent wars" (Major A. Hamilton Gibbs in 1925). "America is in that diplomatic position where war may come to it through slogans such as 'The War to End All wars' and 'Making the World Safe for Democracy" (Gov. John J. Blaine on Oct. 20, 1923). Yes! The "sons of the devil" will invent any such slogan. "The U. S...
... pound of cure!" 21 WOMEN COULD PREVENT WARS Nine national women's organizations with a membership of about 5,000,000 women held a Conference on the Cause and Cure of War, in Washington in January, 1925. The meeting was rendered abortive before it began), because of the failure of the president to state the real causes of war. None of the members had the courage to proclaim, that, first of all, in...
... freeing of the whole world from the devastating scourge of war" (New York Times, Febr. 22, 1925). The above Conference proved once more, how true are the following opinions about women. "American women delude themselves when they think they are advanced politically. They are behind the women of many other countries" (Miss Alice Paul, Vice-President of the National Women's Party, Chicago Tribune, Nov. 10...
... a Christian. Satan offered CHRIST "all the kingdoms of the world". And having failed to thus destroy CHRIST, Satan inspired the Jews to kill HIM, while all the people shouted: "His blood be on us and on our children!" And 300 of the worst Jews, satanists, compose the Hidden Hand. The Invisible Judeo-Mongol World Government is headed since 1770 by the dynasty of Rothschild. I shall throw complete...
... crawling on all-fours round the room and shouting repeatedly: 'GOD save Russia and kill the Jews.' 90% of the important posts in the Soviet Government are held by Jews" (Sir Percival Phillips, Daily Mail, London). "The Jews are the cause of nearly all the ills of the World" (the Kaiser). "The benefits brougit to the Russian people by Bolshevism exist only on paper painted in glowing colours by bolshevist...
... Rothschilds, are not mentioned, are worse than useless. They are even harmful, by reason of the light which they fail to kindle. Numberless authors like Mr. Fr. Neilson in his "Low Diplomats Make War" (which is not true); Dr. P. S. Reinsch in his "Secret Diplomacy" (the diplomacy which he describes is not "secret" but he does not speak about that which is really secret); and Prof. J. Holland Rose , of...
... that have been captured - all of those have been left out-and 70% average 14 years of age or less. Only 4% up to an ordinary standard in the most self-satisfied country on earth. Only 1% go to College". "Present day young people are as ignorant of the Bible as the heathen", (Rev. Herbert L. Willett, Professor of the University of Chicago). *) Because the Jew controlled press will try to kill a...
... diplomatic relations with the Holy Father, against the will of nearly the entire French nation. The Hidden Hand is not touched by the dove talk of General Dawes and all the "pacifists". It wishes to "do the lust of murder". A Protestant-Catholic clash is the Hidden Hand's chief aim! "Do the reverse of what your foe wishes". (Napoleon, a genius). Only the reconciliation and co-operation of all the...
... Christians could prevent the, otherwise, imminent catastrophe. 26 THE CATHOLIC CHURCH AND THE JEWS Thus, the Anti Vatican move is doubly profitable to the Hidden Hand: it lowers the Church and it can also provoke a Civil War everywhere, as the brilliant General Castelnau warns us. And a fratricidal war would mean a new attack by Germany, which is again ready and again inflamed by her "sons of the devil...
... they once centuries ago lost Egypt, where they were confronted by similar alternatives. ... Europe may some day fall into their hands like ripe fruit, if they do not clutch it too eagerly". "The British Guardian" of London, rightly states: "Now this is exactly what the Jews have done, and so have saved Europe: they have been too eager. The first clutch was the Boer War which put the World's chief...
... gold supply into their hands. The Great War was their next eager clutch. The Bolshevizing of Russia followed. Then came the clutch at Hungary, under Bela Kun, which lasted 100 days, then the clutch at Bavaria, which lasted three weeks. By this time the world is beginning to awake and the fiat of the White Race has gone forth: 'The Jews must lose Europe, as centuries ago they lost Egypt.' They are on...
... trek to Zion once more. They are Zionists this time, as they were when they trekked out of Egypt".* When one has read the predictions of Dostoiewsky, of Nietsche, of the Jew J. Lemann (who 30 years before this war and Bolshevism exposed the "Plan of Hell" and foretold "The Funereal Lines"); and the recent confessions of the prominent Jews: Dr. Oscar Levy of London, and Rene Groos of Paris, how absurd...
... satanists and now they are staging a revolt in the United States, if possible a new Civil War, (inflaming Protestants, who are the employers - against the Catholics, 95% of whom are hard workers) and then cause America to be attacked by a whole Foreign Circular Coalition. My object is to explain what has really happened in history, all that will happen, if we still continue to be frightened by a band of...
... heads of humanity will be an "open secret" to my readers. Why France and Russia went to war in 1812 has been a puzzle. It was the Hidden Hand, that organized it. Disraeli-Lord Beaconsfield, wrote (1844, "Coningsby", p. 252): "The World is governed by very "different" personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes", i.e., not by Kings and Ministers. Disraeli said not "others...
... the Gentiles, who are upsetting the Christian Monarchs in order to serve the Jewish. "Beyond the Masons and unknown to them, though formed generally from them, lay the deadly secret conclave, which nevertheless used and directed them for the ruin of the world and their own selves". (Mr. George F. Dillon in his "The War of Anti-Christ with the Christian Civilization", p. 72). But who is the head and...
... the First Balkan War). 31 THE "MYSTERY" OF 5 GREAT HISTORIANS "In the Middle Ages there was the Asefah or Synod to unify Jews under Judaism. From the middle of the 16th to the middle of the 18th century, the Waad or Council of Four Lands legislated autonomously" (Israel Zangwill in his "The Problem of the Jewish Race"). What happened in the middle of the 18-th century, which made superfluous or...
.... Racial Realities in Europe. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1924. Social Classes in Post-War Europe. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1925. The Story of Youth. New York: Cosmopolitan book corporation, 1928. Luck, Your Silent Partner. New York: H. Liveright, 1929. Master of Manhattan, the life of Richard Croker. Londton: Longmans, Green and Co., 1931. Lonely America. Garden City, NY: Doubleday...
..., Doran, and Co., 1932. Clashing Tides of Color. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1935. Into the Darkness: Nazi Germany Today. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, inc., 1940. "From the end of the 18th century, revolution and war had become, in western civilization, a kind of inebriating sport, with the governing classes. Poets, philosophers, statesmen, journalists and parties exalted wars and revolts...
..., sometimes both, thanks to extraordinary (?) concourse of favorable circumstances" (G. Ferrero, Italy's historian, Chicago Herald, July 30, 1922). Why did these men drive humanity into an ocean of blood, as the Gadarene swine were driven into the sea? The explanation is that murder became the " inebriating sport", when the Jews invaded Masonry and became the "governing class". "The great revolutionary...
... "prophet", Abdul Baha, said certain "scorpions and wolves" should be kept apart. But he does not say who they are. "The limitation of armaments is not peace. The causes of war lie deeper", (Mr. Samuel Gompers, Chicago Journal, Oct. 19, 1921). And one "very limited" bomb could blow up or poison all New York or Chicago, as Gen. W. Mitchell confirmed. The Bishop of Michigan, Senator La Follette, the Bishop...
... that events following 1897 (the Zionist Congress at Bale [Bazel]) were the result of the above "Jewish fight"... "Remove the misconceptions produced by well organized propaganda, "appeals Mr. Joseph Daniels on Nov. 6, 1921. But he does not say where it is, and why is it not revealed and forbidden? "This improvement of Europe comes from below and not from above. Her rulers and her leaders are still...
... another war be avoided? If Europe is to be saved from this catastrophe, (and I believe it to be immediately imminent), some formula must be found". (F. A. Vanderlip, Chicago D. News). Yes! And I give this formula, as efficient as it is simple. It is the trial of Ed. Rothschild V. and of his "300". *) The League of Nations is entirely run by the Jews: Paul Hymans (Pres. of the Council); Sir. J. Eric...
... d'Israel chez les Anglo-Saxons", at B. Grasset, 61 rue des Saints Peres, Paris). 33 SATAN VERSUS CHRIST Satan offered "all the kingdoms of the world" to CHRIST in order to prevent HIM from spreading HIS teachings. Having failed in this, Satan readily found Jews willing to kill CHRIST and, this being insufficient, to annihilate HIS DOGMA! These efforts of the Jews which can be traced step by step from the...
.... Thus all these "mysteries" are simply explained. Since the Jews became the "governing classes", murder became the "inebriating sport". Yes! But CHRIST proclaimed this 2000 years ago. There are numberless proofs, that the Jews never sought the improvement of any nation, but that their aims were to murder and de-Christianize. The same is now true of Russia, lulled by the Jew-bolsheviki. "Lenin was the...
... chief of the most formidable sect in the world", Secretary of War, Winston Churchill, wrongly declared in the House of Commons on Nov. 5th, 1919. No! It was this "sect", which chose Lenin and sent him as a mere agent, though its ablest. Warburg: gave him $10,000,000. 'Linin, or Oulianov by adoption, originally Zederbaum, a Kalmuck Jew, married a Jewess, and whose children speak Yiddish) is no more...
... OCTOPUS STRANGLING AMERICA The Secretary of the Treasury during the war Mr. William Gibbs McAdoo pointed out on June 22, 1924, the danger of the "Invisible Government" (the Hidden Hand) which he said is located in Wall Street, (in reality rather in Pine Street) and implied that the "newspapers do not give the facts", as did also Mr. W. J. Bryan: "New York is the city of privilege. Here is the seat of...
... war, as well as civilian Sudanese workers who the Jews had captured. A total of 273 unarmed prisoners are executed and dumped into mass graves. This story is suppressed for nearly 40 years until it breaks in the August 16th, 1995, edition of the London Daily Telegraph. Mass Murder 108 600 "All the cement floor of the great garage (the execution hall of the departmental {Jewish} Cheka of Kief) was...
... soldier; he is a born sadist and murderer. (John 8:44) Mass Murder 103 "Even today I am willing to volunteer to do the dirty work for Israel, to kill as many Arabs as necessary, to deport them, to expel and burn them, to have everyone hate us, to pull the rug from underneath the feet of the Diaspora Jews, so that they will be forced to run to us crying. Even if it means blowing up one or two...
..., Israel has never even allowed any inspections of its huge stockpile of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. Israel blocked UN investigations of Israeli war crimes such as Sharon's Sabra and Chatila massacre and the mass murder at Jenin." Mass Murder 107 During a joint British, Israeli, and French invasion of the Suez Canal, in 1957, Ariel Sharon commands units which murder Egyptian prisoners of...
... 110 981 The top Communist Jewish official Zinoviev stated: "Without mercy, without sparing, we will kill our enemies in scores of hundreds. Let them be thousands; let them drown themselves in their own blood. For the blood of Lenin and Uritzky, Zinoviev and Vólodarsky, let there be floods of the blood of the bourgeoisie--more blood! As much as possible!" (Krasnaya Gazeta, Sept. 1, 1918). Mass Murder...
... similar fashion. A display of German war criminal Adolf Eichmann is to be replaced by one of Ariel Sharon detailing his atrocities, not only in Palestinian territories, but also in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila in Lebanon. <end news update> Mass Murder 011 "Remember when the Jews levelled Jenin (Palestine's Lidiche) and refused to let the UN investigate until they got rid of the evidence...
... said the claim that many of the Palestinian victims were militants "was the reply of the Nazi" and added: "I suppose the Jews fighting for their lives in the Warsaw ghetto could have been dismissed as militants." He accused the Israeli government of seeking "conquest" and added: "They are not simply war criminals, they are fools."" Mass Murder 012 "...Everywhere I found minds much inclined to...
...ZioNazi Quotes - Mass Murder and Massacre...
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... admit it, but our god is Lucifer." -- Rabbi Abe Finkelstein, in an interview about Jewish control of the world Rabbi Abe Finkelstein interview (Transcript) Mass Murder 101 "If whole branches of Jews must be destroyed, it is worth it, as long as a Jewish state in Palestine is created." -- Theodor Herzl Mass Murder 102 The history of the Jews is written in the blood of Christians "Thanks to the terrible...
... synagogues here and there, I don't care." -- Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel 2001-2006, daily Davar, 1982-12-17. Mass Murder 104 Genocidal ZioNazi degenerate Ariel Sharon Ariel Sharon declared: "I don't know something called International Principles. I vow that I'll burn every Palestinian child (that) will be born in this area. The Palestinian woman and child is more dangerous...
... than the man, because the Palestinian child's existence infers that generations will go on, but the man causes limited danger. I vow that if I was just an Israeli civilian and I met a Palestinian I would burn him and I would make him suffer before killing him. With one hit I've killed 750 Palestinians (in Rafah in 1956). I wanted to encourage my soldiers by raping Arabic girls as the Palestinian...
... women is a slave for Jews, and we do whatever we want to her and nobody tells us what we shall do but we tell others what they shall do." (Ariel Sharon, the Israeli Prime Minister, transcribed from an interview with General Ouze Merham, 1956) Genocidal ZioNazi degenerate Ariel Sharon Mass Murder 105...
... orders to kill as many students as possible in several towns. The Chekists arrested every youth wearing a school cap. They were liquidated because Lenin believed the coming Russian intellectuals would be a threat to the Soviet regime. (Vladimir Soloukhin, "In the Light of Day", Moscow 1992, p. 40.) The role of the Russian intellectuals in society was taken over by the Jews. Many students (for example...
... there would be more intellectuals among attractive people. Attractive youths were therefore killed as a danger to society. No crime as terrible as this has hitherto been described in the history of the world. The terror was co-ordinated by the [jewish] Chekist functionary Joseph Unschlicht. How did they go about the murders? The Jewish Chekists flavoured murder with various torture methods. In his...
... carried out in precise correspondence with principles of ritual murder and were in fact the occultist sacrificial ceremonies, which were to be carried out inducing the maximum amount of pain and suffering in the victims. During the inconceivable suffering the victim generates immense amounts of energy, which is consumed by the powers of evil, who exist on more subtle levels of existence - the puppet...
... the homes of pedophiles; into voids, perhaps, holes in the fabric of the universe where they will never be heard from again. Mass Murder 106 "Claim: Iraq has weapons of mass destruction "Yet, Israel has one of the largest and most deadly arsenals of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons in the world. "Claim: Iraq tried to forestall UN inspectors. "Yet...
... grave we discovered a certain quantity of arms and legs... " (Rohrberg, Commission of Enquiry, August 1919; S.P. Melgounov, La terreur rouge en Russie. Payot, 1927, p. 161; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, pp. 149-150) Mass Murder 109 755 DIO CASSIUS. Second century Roman historian. Describing the savage Jewish uprising against the Roman empire that has been...
... acknowledged as the turning point downward in the course of that great state-form: "The Jews were destroying both Greeks and Romans. They ate the flesh of their victims, made belts for themselves out of their entrails, and daubed themselves with their blood... In all, 220,000 men perished in Cyrene and 240,000 in Cyprus, and for this reason no Jew may set foot in Cyprus today." (Roman History) Mass Murder...
... 001 Martin Luther states: They are the real liars and bloodhounds, who have perverted and falsified the entire Scriptures from beginning to end without ceasing, with their interpretations ... O, how they love that book of Esther, which so nicely agrees with their revengeful people - they who imagine themselves to be the people of God, who desire to think they must murder and crush the heathen [non...
...-Judeans] ... As they at first demonstrated against us Christians and would like to do so now, if only they could ... Mass Murder 002 The Sabra and Shatilla massacre was one of the most barbarous events in recent history. Thousands of unarmed and defenseless Palestinian refugees-- old men, women, and children-- were butchered in an orgy of savage killing. On December 16, 1982, the United Nations General...
... Assembly condemned the massacre and declared it to be an act of genocide. In fact, Israel has umpteen UN resolutions outstanding against it for a pattern of persistent, racist violence which fits the definition of genocide. Mass Murder 003 "So against both the Albigenses and the Jews this pope now directed all his fury. ..The beautiful city of Beziers was razed to the ground. 'We spared neither dignity...
..., nor six nor age' writes the monk, Arnold, to his Holy Father, the pope. 'Nearly twenty thousand human beings perished by the sword. And after the massacre the town was plundered and burnt, and the revenge of God seemed to rage over it in a wonderful manner." (Rabbi Lewis Browne, Stranger than Fiction, p. 224). Mass Murder 004 In the Sunday Telegraph (London, England: Nov. 18, 1990) the question is...
...-153). Happy and joyful holiday of Purim Mass Murder 005 Another point about morality, related to the Jewish holidays. Most of them take their origin in the Torah. Take, for example, the most beloved by adults and children, happy and joyous holiday of Purim. On this day, Jew is allowed to get drunk until his nose goes blue. Over 500 years before Christ, in Persia, the Jews conducted the pogroms [mass...
... murder] of the local population, men, women and children. Just in two days, they have destroyed 75 thousand unarmed people, who could not even resist the armed attackers, the Jews. The Minister Haman and his ten sons were hanged. It was not a battle of soldiers, not a victory of the Jews in a battle, but a mass destruction of people and their children. There is no nation on Earth, that would have fun...
... Jews". Even if Ukrainian wanted to do so, he simply could not do it. Because you need to have bloodthirsty rotten insides and utter absence of love for people, your surroundings and nature. -- The Message From Warrior Mass Murder 006 Imagine the leader of a foreign terrorist organization coming to the United States with the intention of raising funds for his group. His organization has committed...
... just fine for those two. Oh, wait, you did not condemn terrorism, you merely stated that Palestinian terrorism will get them nowhere. Zionist terrorism is OK, but not Palestinian terrorism? You cannot have it both ways. Mass Murder 007 "I am gong to show that real religious persecution is uniquely Jewish... In the time of Justinian, in the sixth century, the Jews massacred Christians in Caesarea and...
... Christians perished in Jerusalem alone." (The International Jew, Henry Ford (1922), pp. 171, 173; Who is Esau-Edom? Charles A. Weisman, p. 100) Mass Murder 008 "The Jews were now free to indulge in their most fervent fantasies of mass murder of helpless victims. Christians were dragged from their beds, tortured and killed. Some were actually sliced to pieces, bit by bit, while others were branded with hot...
... Christian mother deny Christ. If she would not, he would toss the baby into the air, and another member of the mob would rush forward and catch it on the tip of his bayonet. Pregnant Christian women were chained to trees and their babies cut out of their bodies. There were many places of public execution in Russia during the days of the revolution, one of which was described by the American Rohrbach...
... Commission: 'The whole cement floor of the execution hall of the Jewish Cheka of Kiev was flooded with blood; it formed a level of several inches. It was a horrible mixture of blood, brains and pieces of skull. All the walls were bespattered with blood. Pieces of brains and of scalps were sticking to them. A gutter of 25 centimeters wide by 25 centimeters deep and about 10 meters long was along its length...
... we could locate.'" (Defender Magazine, October 1933) Mass Murder 009 Red Terror - Genocide in Russia In the Sunday Telegraph (London, England: Nov. 18, 1990) the question is asked: When we look at these gruesome personalities, who are only the tip of the Jewish iceberg that was Soviet Communism and who were responsible for the deaths of upwards of thirty million people; when we realize how little...
... actions during World War Two must be viewed in a vacuum in order for the New World Order to advance its covert objective of Jewish supremacy. When Nazi actions are placed within the context of Jewish Communism's abominable crimes against the Christian people of Russia and Eastern Europe, the public will begin to understand that Hitler and the Nazis were a reaction, however unbalanced and excessive, to...
... one of the primary ideologists in the whole revolutionary movement and his views on rerrorism, murder and assassinations are simply mind boggling. There are books of evidence, written by some of the most authoritive investigators and researchers, such as Eduard Hodos, Gregory Kilmov and plenty of others. Listen to the sermons of the Jewish communist leader, Leia Davidovich Trotsky (Bronstein) during...
... ordered the massacre of the Czar's family; women and children, in the town named after Catherine the Great, Yekaterinburg, (renamed Sverdlovsk in 1924 in honor of the murderer). Jacob Yurovsky: commander, Soviet Secret Police. Yurovsky led the death squad which carried out Sverdlov's order for the murder of the Czar's family, including the bayoneting to death of the Czar's daughters. The Ipatyev house...
... the Spanish Civil War. He supervised the massacre of Catholic priests and peasants in Spain. This Jewish wife "insurance policy" extended to Politburo members such as Andrei Andreyev and Leonoid Brezhnev. Sergei Eisenstein: director of communist propaganda films which depicted Christian peasants (kulaks) as hideous, money-grabbing parasites. The kulaks were subsequently massacred. (Cf. for example...
... on land seized from murdered Christians in Ukraine; funded by Jewish-American financier Julius Rosenwald. Ilya Ehrenburg, Minister of Soviet Propaganda and disseminator of anti-German hate material dating from the 1930s. Ehrenburg instigated the Soviet Red Army rape and murder of German civilians. Referring to German women, Ehrenburg gloated to the advancing Red Army troops, "that blonde hag is in...
... for a bad time." In a leaflet addressed to Soviet troops, Ehrenburg wrote: "...the Germans are not human beings... nothing gives us so much joy as German corpses." (Anatol Goldberg, Ilya Ehrenburg, p. 197). Goldberg concedes that Ehrenburg, "...had always disliked the Germans. that there was a war on he turned his old prejudice into an asset." (Ibid., p. 193). Another publication distributed...
... to the Red Army, this time as the soldiers approached Danzig, was described by a historian: "Millions of leaflets were air-dropped on the troops with a message composed by the propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg and signed by Stalin: 'Soldiers of the Red Army! Kill the Germans! Kill all Germans! Kill! Kill! Kill!" (Christopher Duffy, Red Storm on the Reich). The Soviet leadership acknowledged that...
... fighters in Palestine in the 1940s. In post-war Poland that nation was completely dominated by Jewish communists: the torturer Jacek Rozanski, head of the Secret Police; the Politburo commander Jacob Berman and commissars Mine, Specht (Olszewski) and Spychalski. These men murdered or deported to Kolyma and the other Arctic death camps, tens of thousands of Catholic Poles. According to Jewish researcher...
... origin occupied most of the seats on the central committee. Communism appealed to some Jews because it opposed anti-Semitism more vigorously than any other Polish party... Jewish Communists reached their apogee in the years immediately after World War Two, when the party leadership was totally in the hands of the prewar Communist leadership that abhorred anti-Semitism." (Sheldon Kirshner, The Canadian...
... Jewish News, Nov. 5, 1992, p. 16). Of course when one encounters the issue of Jews, Communists and Catholics in Poland in the Establishment media or universities today, the mass murder of the Polish Catholics at the hands of the Jewish Communists, is never raised. Instead, a minor attack on Jews by Polish peasants enraged at the role of Jews in Communist terror, which occurred in July, 1946 at Kielce...
... Brothers in the Faith" giving official recognition to an Israeli state which even many orthodox, Haredi rabbis regard as a blasphemous and abominable entity, and attacking the German people as "the image of the beast." Solomon Morel: commandant of a post-war Communist concentration camp for Germans in Poland. Stalin deliberately put Jews in charge of such camps. Morel tortured and murdered thousands of...
... Germans, sometimes with his bare hands (cf. "The Wrath of Solomon," Village Voice, March 30, 1993 and John Sack, An Eye for an Eye). Morel is comfortably ensconced in Tel Aviv. German survivors of Morel's camp have demanded he be tried as a war criminal, but for the Establishment media and the phony, partisan, "human rights" groups, bringing Morel to justice is simply a non-issue. After all, he murdered...
...." Dr. Warren H. Carroll, 70 Years of the Communist Revolution, pp. 184-185, 188-189. (Also cf. Justo Perez de Urbel, Catholic Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War [Kansas City, Missouri: The Angelus Press, 1993). Stalin's propaganda agent in Spain was New Yorker Leon Rosenthal. On Oct. 16, 1948, 50,000 Jewish communists turned out in Moscow's Red Square to welcome the first Israeli delegation to Moscow...
... the facts about the Jewish Communist holocaust against the peasants and Christians of Russia and Eastern Europe were given massive publicity, the supposed "special evil" of the Germans would stand exposed as a racist fraud. German actions during World War Two must be viewed in a vacuum in order for the New World Order to advance its covert objective of Jewish supremacy. When Nazi actions are placed...
... victims of Jewish Communism, is regarded as "hateful" by the vain Zionists who demand for themselves the right to vomit forth a daily barrage of sewage upon the sacred memory of our grandparents and ancestors. To defend against the dishonoring of our heritage and our ancestors, is surely not hate; it is the right of self-defense against psychological warfare. Mass Murder 010 "WASHINGTON, Nov 12th, 2010...
...? Remember Rachel Corrie? Killed by Israelis when she tried to stop them from an act of ethnic cleansing when they were destroying Palestinian homes? Remember the graphic footage of that Palestinian man trying to protect his son while the Israeli's used them as target practice. An image ever bit as damning as that young female napalm victim in Vietnam? Remember the wanton attack and murder of unarmed...
... ill in bed when the Nazis came to her home town a German soldier shot her dead in her bed. "My grandmother did not die to provide cover for Israeli soldiers murdering Palestinian grandmothers in Gaza. The present Israeli government ruthlessly and cynically exploits the continuing guilt from gentiles over the slaughter of Jews in the Holocaust as justification for their murder of Palestinians." He...
... them under the ruins of their powerless armies and their decrepit monarchies. Everywhere there is enthusiasm among our people and apathy and indifference among the enemy (as we see today!). It is a certain and infallible sign of success. ..In order to kill surely the old world we have believed it necessary to stifle the Catholic and Christian germ... This brave Mazzini, whom I have met at various...
... recorded interview by Walter White, Jr., which was conducted in 1976. From the book "The Hidden Tyranny". The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview Genocide 104 During a joint British, Israeli, and French invasion of the Suez Canal, in 1957, Ariel Sharon commands units which murder Egyptian prisoners of war, as well as civilian Sudanese workers who the Jews had captured. A total of 273...
... child (that) will be born in this area. The Palestinian woman and child is more dangerous than the man, because the Palestinian child's existence infers that generations will go on, but the man causes limited danger. I vow that if I was just an Israeli civilian and I met a Palestinian I would burn him and I would make him suffer before killing him. With one hit I've killed 750 Palestinians (in Rafah...
...", led at one time by future Prime Minister Shamir) [Scott #1099, 1100]. Terrorism 003 "Neither Jewish morality nor Jewish tradition can be used to disallow terror as a means of war... We are very far from any moral hesitations when concerned with the national struggle. First and foremost, terror is for us a part of the political war appropriate for the circumstances of today..." -- Yitzhak Shamir...
... St. Petersburg University in 1912. He evolved into an anarcho-socialist, which promotes taking over rural areas and using them to launch terror against the state until it had been destabilized and destroyed, and a Zionist and called for the settling of Palestine of agricultural Jewish collective farms. He moved to Palestine and worked as a laborer when the war broke our in 1914. The Turkish...
...-sanctioned terrorism against Palestinians, who are deemed to be sub-human (Untermenschen) - not worthy of dignity, respect or legal protection under the law. "To kill a Palestinian, to destroy his livelihood, to force him and his family out of their homes - these are accepted, sanctioned forms of conduct by citizens of the Zionist Reich designed to rid Palestine of a specific group of people. "If Nazism is...
... Corrie? Killed by Israelis when she tried to stop them from an act of ethnic cleansing when they were destroying Palestinian homes? Remember the graphic footage of that Palestinian man trying to protect his son while the Israeli's used them as target practice. An image ever bit as damning as that young female napalm victim in Vietnam? Remember the wanton attack and murder of unarmed civilians on ships...
... when the Nazis came to her home town a German soldier shot her dead in her bed. "My grandmother did not die to provide cover for Israeli soldiers murdering Palestinian grandmothers in Gaza. The present Israeli government ruthlessly and cynically exploits the continuing guilt from gentiles over the slaughter of Jews in the Holocaust as justification for their murder of Palestinians." He said the claim...
... that many of the Palestinian victims were militants "was the reply of the Nazi" and added: "I suppose the Jews fighting for their lives in the Warsaw ghetto could have been dismissed as militants." He accused the Israeli government of seeking "conquest" and added: "They are not simply war criminals, they are fools." Terrorism 009 "Former ambassador to the UN John Bolton told the BBC that before any...
... Frances and Manasseh Ben Israel's Mission To Oliver Cromwell, The Jewish Intelligencers, by Lucien Wolf). Assassinations 004 "Will grant financial aid as soon as Charles removed, and Jews admitted. "Assassination too dangerous. Charles should be given an opportunity to escape. His recapture will then make a trial and execution possible. "The support will be liberal, but useless to discuss terms until...
... execution commanded by the Jew Yourowsky, assassinated by shooting or by bayoneting the Czar, Czarina, Czarevitch, the four Grand Duchesses, Dr. Botkin, the man-servant, the woman-servant, the cook and the dog. "The members of the imperial family in closest succession to the throne were assassinated in the following night. The Grand Dukes Mikhailovitch, Constantinovitch, Vladimir Paley and the Grand...
... their "agenda" since the ancient times, just as recorded in Talmud and Torah and throughout the history. Whenever you hear some "mad man" have committed a horrible murder, keep in mind the ritual murder aspect of Judaic tradition and their thirst for blood. Yes, indeed, some "mad" puppet is usually used to carry out an act of murder and to hide the hand leading him, financing him and his puppeteers...
... and things of that nature. If you think "mad" people just go out and murder someone, think again. It is just the other way around. Those people, in absolute majority of cases, are some the most innocent and non violent people there are. When you deal with murder, you are likely to be dealing with the issues of degeneracy, which is a huge subject by itself. Gregory Klimov has studied this subject for...
... recall that on July 17, 1918 at Ekaterinenburg, and on the order of the Cheka (order given by the Jew Sverdloff from Moscow) the commission of execution commanded by the Jew Yourowsky, assassinated by shooting or by bayoneting the Czar, Czarina, Czarevitch, the four Grand Duchesses, Dr. Botkin, the man-servant, the woman-servant, the cook and the dog. The members of the imperial family in closest...
... become lenient if you kill your enemies. You shall have no pity on them until we have destroyed their so-called Arab culture, on the ruins of which we shall build our own civilization." Genocide 106 "Israel is working on a biological weapon that would harm Arabs but not Jews, according to Israeli military and western intelligence sources. In developing their 'ethno-bomb', Israeli scientists are trying...
... Josef Mengele, the Nazi scientist at Auschwitz." -- Uzi Mahnaimi and Marie Colvin, The Sunday Times [London, 1998-11-15] Genocide 031 Israel's Collective Punishment of Gaza Since Israel began its war on Gaza 11 days ago, more than 560 Palestinians - about a quarter of them civilians - have been killed. Some two thousand Gazans, including hundreds of children, have been wounded. Israel's "Operation...
... Explosive (DIME), which cuts its victims to pieces and reportedly causes cancer in survivors. Gilbert, who has worked in several conflict zones, said the situation in Gaza is the worst he has ever seen. Two United Nations schools have been hit by airstrikes, killing at least 30 people. The New York Times reported on Monday that Gazan hospitals are full of civilians, not Hamas fighters. ... Israel would be...
... unable to carry out its aggressive policies in Gaza without the support of the United States, which gives Israel $3 billion in U.S. taxpayer money each year. The F-16 bombers and Apache attack helicopters Israel is using on Gaza were bought with U.S. money. The war on Gaza also violates U.S. law. The Human Rights and Security Assistance Act mandates that the United States cease all military aid to...
... called "Ground Zero at Jenin" which was ruthlessly destroyed in similar fashion. A display of German war criminal Adolf Eichmann is to be replaced by one of Ariel Sharon detailing his atrocities, not only in Palestinian territories, but also in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila in Lebanon. <end news update> Genocide 001 "The Red Terror became so wide-spread that it is impossible to give here...
... views on rerrorism, murder and assassinations are simply mind boggling. There are books of evidence, written by some of the most authoritive investigators and researchers, such as Eduard Hodos, Gregory Kilmov and plenty of others. Listen to the sermons of the Jewish communist leader, Leia Davidovich Trotsky (Bronstein) during the revolution: Genocide 002 "We have to transform Russia into a desert...
... Secret Police. Yurovsky led the death squad which carried out Sverdlov's order for the murder of the Czar's family, including the bayoneting to death of the Czar's daughters. The Ipatyev house, where, in the basement, the massacre had occurred, stood intact until 1977, when the local Communist party boss at that time, Boris Yeltsin, ordered it demolished, lest it become a shrine to anti-Jewish...
...): commander, Soviet Red Army; officer, Soviet Secret Police. Feldbin was chief of Soviet Security in the Spanish Civil War. He supervised the massacre of Catholic priests and peasants in Spain. Yona Yakir: general, Soviet Red Army, member of the Central Committee. Dimitri Shmidt: general, Soviet Red Army. Yakov ("Yankel") Kreiser: general, Soviet Red Army. Miron Vovsi: general, Soviet Red Army. David...
.... Ehrenburg instigated the Soviet Red Army rape and murder of German civilians. Referring to German women, Ehrenburg gloated to the advancing Red Army troops, "that blonde hag is in for a bad time." In a leaflet addressed to Soviet troops, Ehrenburg wrote: "...the Germans are not human beings... nothing gives us so much joy as German corpses." (Anatol Goldberg, Ilya Ehrenburg, p. 197). Goldberg concedes...
... that Ehrenburg, "...had always disliked the Germans. that there was a war on he turned his old prejudice into an asset." (Ibid., p. 193). Another publication distributed to the Red Army, this time as the soldiers approached Danzig, was described by a historian: "Millions of leaflets were air-dropped on the troops with a message composed by the propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg and signed by Stalin...
...: 'Soldiers of the Red Army! Kill the Germans! Kill all Germans! Kill! Kill! Kill!" (Christopher Duffy, Red Storm on the Reich). The Soviet leadership acknowledged that Ehrenburg sought the extermination of the entire German people (cf. Pravda, April 14, 1945. [Pravda was also published in a Yiddish edition, Einikeyt). Ehrenburg won the Order of Lenin and the Stalin Prize. He willed his papers to the...
...): commander, Yugoslav Communist People's Army. Tito's top butcher of hundreds of thousands of Croatian Christians. Pijade later served as president of the Yugoslav Communist Parliament. At least eighteen generals in the Yugoslav Communist People's Army were Jewish. The Yugoslavian communist party sent massive arms shipments to Jewish fighters in Palestine in the 1940s. In post-war Poland that nation was...
.... Communism appealed to some Jews because it opposed anti-Semitism more vigorously than any other Polish party... Jewish Communists reached their apogee in the years immediately after World War Two, when the party leadership was totally in the hands of the prewar Communist leadership that abhorred anti-Semitism." (Sheldon Kirshner, The Canadian Jewish News, Nov. 5, 1992, p. 16). Of course when one...
... encounters the issue of Jews, Communists and Catholics in Poland in the Establishment media or universities today, the mass murder of the Polish Catholics at the hands of the Jewish Communists, is never raised. Instead, a minor attack on Jews by Polish peasants enraged at the role of Jews in Communist terror, which occurred in July, 1946 at Kielce and which has come to be called the "Kielce pogrom" will be...
... many orthodox, Haredi rabbis regard as a blasphemous and abominable entity, and attacking the German people as "the image of the beast." Genocide 015 Solomon Morel: commandant of a post-war Communist concentration camp for Germans in Poland. Stalin deliberately put Jews in charge of such camps. Morel tortured and murdered thousands of Germans, sometimes with his bare hands (cf. "The Wrath of Solomon...
...," Village Voice, March 30, 1993 and John Sack, An Eye for an Eye). Morel is comfortably ensconced in Tel Aviv. German survivors of Morel's camp have demanded he be tried as a war criminal, but for the Establishment media and the phony, partisan, "human rights" groups, bringing Morel to justice is simply a non-issue. After all, he murdered helpless Germans, so what's the problem? Julius Hammer, M.D: New...
...-189. (Also cf. Justo Perez de Urbel, Catholic Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War [Kansas City, Missouri: The Angelus Press, 1993). Stalin's propaganda agent in Spain was New Yorker Leon Rosenthal. On Oct. 16, 1948, 50,000 Jewish communists turned out in Moscow's Red Square to welcome the first Israeli delegation to Moscow. Stalin supported Zionism's 1947 Palestine partition plan, gave crucial...
... peasants and Christians of Russia and Eastern Europe were given massive publicity, the supposed "special evil" of the Germans would stand exposed as a racist fraud. German actions during World War Two must be viewed in a vacuum in order for the New World Order to advance its covert objective of Jewish supremacy. When Nazi actions are placed within the context of Jewish Communism's abominable crimes...
..., in which a Czechoslovakian town was destroyed and its citizens butchered in reprisal for the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, chief of the Security Police and deputy chief of the Gestapo has also been moved out to allow for the grisly inclusion of a new exhibit to be called "Ground Zero at Jenin" which was ruthlessly destroyed in similar fashion. A display of German war criminal Adolf Eichmann...
... stop them from an act of ethnic cleansing when they were destroying Palestinian homes? Remember the graphic footage of that Palestinian man trying to protect his son while the Israeli's used them as target practice. An image ever bit as damning as that young female napalm victim in Vietnam? Remember the wanton attack and murder of unarmed civilians on ships in international waters? And of course...
... German soldier shot her dead in her bed. "My grandmother did not die to provide cover for Israeli soldiers murdering Palestinian grandmothers in Gaza. The present Israeli government ruthlessly and cynically exploits the continuing guilt from gentiles over the slaughter of Jews in the Holocaust as justification for their murder of Palestinians." He said the claim that many of the Palestinian victims...
... were militants "was the reply of the Nazi" and added: "I suppose the Jews fighting for their lives in the Warsaw ghetto could have been dismissed as militants." He accused the Israeli government of seeking "conquest" and added: "They are not simply war criminals, they are fools."" Genocide 020 "...Everywhere I found minds much inclined to exaltation. All feel that the old world is cracking, and that...
... decrepit monarchies. Everywhere there is enthusiasm among our people and apathy and indifference among the enemy (as we see today!). It is a certain and infallible sign of success. ..In order to kill surely the old world we have believed it necessary to stifle the Catholic and Christian germ... This brave Mazzini, whom I have met at various times, has always his humanitarian dream in his brain and in his...
... Himmler (1900-1945). When Adolf Eichmann (1906-1962) traveled to Budapest in March 1944, he met with Rudolf and worked out some deals after Hungary surrendered to Germany during the war. In the early days of Hitler's government, an arrangement had been worked out between Nazis and Zionists to transfer Jews to Palestine in exchange for payment to the German Government. Only a small number of Jews were...
... because the goal of the Swedish team was to transport as many Jews as possible to Sweden as soon as the war was over. This was contrary to the goals of the Zionist leadership who were implementing Herzl's plan. Any surviving Jews were to be taken to Palestine, not Sweden. Wallenburg succeeded in bringing out more Jews than Rudolf Kazstner ever did. When the Soviet army invaded Hungary in January 1945...
... to suppress and destroy any opposition Trotsky Abroad Trotsky as a Merciless Despot Trotsky's Comrades The Doom of Admiral Shchastny The Kronstadt Rebellion Trotsky as a Grey Eminence Trotsky as an Anti-Intellectual The Murder of Sergei Yesenin Stalin as Victor The Murder of Trotsky HOW THE COMMUNISTS SEIZED POWER The Background of the First World War Where did Russia's Jews Originate? The Coup in...
... Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay, had been burned at the stake in Paris on this same day in 1314. These revolts were intended as a revenge both for his execution and for the abolition of the Knights Templar two years earlier, all of which was done by the orders of Philip the Fair (1268-1314). These plans of revenge involved the murder of the Prussian King Wilhelm IV (1795-1861) in...
... all the Jews to death after the murder of Prime Minister Peter Stolypin, but the government sent a regiment of Cossacks to stop the bloodbath. ("The War by Base Law", Minsk, 1999, p. 42.) The Masonic Jews had attempted to murder Stolypin a total of ten times. Bogrov succeeded on the eleventh attempt. The "revolutionaries" were pleased. Lenin heard the news in his exile and was elated. The historian...
... report of the court published in Alfred Mousset's book "L'Attentat de Sarajevo", Paris, 1930. This information was later hushed up. It has also been kept secret that an attempt was made to murder Grigori Rasputin in Pokrovskoye in Siberia at exactly the same time. Rasputin was the magician of the Tsar's court and the Tsarina's favourite and was decidedly against Russia being drawn into a major war...
.... (Colin Wilson "The Occult", London, 1971, p. 500.) The freemason Prince Felix Yusupov managed to kill Rasputin on December 29, 1916. The Austrian freemason and Bolshevik Karl Radek (Tobiach Sobelsohn) also knew about this. He had always been well informed. Radek knew Ziganovic personally from his time in Paris. He tried to reveal the secrets about the war during the trial against him in Moscow in 1937...
.... Mussolini had been especially pleased with the murder of the Russian Prime Minister Stolypin, whom he called "the tyrant by the Neva" in an article. Volpi became minister of finance in Mussolini's government. Volpi had been in the centre of the financial circles that provoked the Balkan War in 1912-13. (The New Federalist, 11th of September 1987.) In 1916, Alexander Parvus suggested that the German...
... Sverdlov mentioned, had a steady hand and good eyesight in order not to kill Lenin but just to wound him slightly. Only the Chekist Protopopov could have done this. It would have been simple to murder Lenin in the factory yard if this had been the "assassin's" intention. There were no bodyguards there. For this reason, Russia's Ministry of Security decided to begin an investigation into the affair on the...
... campaign of terror was begun after the murder of Kirov. It became one huge grisly celebration for those Jewish criminal gangs who had come into power with German and American aid and ruled the people with their lies and unnatural doctrines. Those who were impossible to control were liquidated. Lists of such people were compiled immediately after the seizure of power but the execution machine rolled...
... that six million Jews had died as a result of famine, epidemics and holocaust. A propaganda article entitled "The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop!" was published in American Hebrew on the 31st of October 1919. Everything was later revealed to have been war propaganda. The most atrocious murder was committed on the night before the 17th of July 1918, when the Jew Yankel Yurovsky and his butcher's...
... Schinder, chief of the Cheka's execution squad in Yekaterinburg, who selected the murderers of the Tsar and his family. The man who destroyed the bodies with sulphuric acid was officially called Pinkus Voikov (actually Pinkhus Weiner). He was a 30-year-old Jewish chemist, who had also taken part in the preparations for the murder. He later stole a ruby ring from the finger of one of the corpses, wore it...
... the murders. His wife related how he was shaking all over when he came home. He never recovered from this experience. Yakov Sverdlov's end was also a terrible one. On the 16th of March l919, he visited Morozov's factory in Moscow where a worker hit him in his head with a heavy object at around four in the afternoon. (A. Paganuzzi, "The Truth About the Murder of the Tsar's Family", USA, 1981, p. 133...
... - 705 items... loan papers for 750,000 roubles were also found.".» (Sovershenno Sekretno,No. 9, 1995, p. 16.) Jacob Schiff died quite suddenly in 1920. The murderer Yankel Yurovsky, however, died after long and painful suffering from cancer. Most of those involved in the murder of the Tsar were executed during the mass terror of the 1930s (Ohtuleht, 22nd of July 1993). The rest of the execution squad...
... therefore forced to a preemptive attack. During the last weeks of the war, the Jewish journalist Ilya Ehrenburg encouraged the Soviet soldiers to rape the enemy's women in hundreds of pressreleases. "Kill them! Nobody in Germany is innocent. Neither the living nor the unborn. Heed the words of comrade Stalin and crush the Fascist beast in its cave! Break down the racial pride of the German woman! Take her...
... as your legitimate spoils of war! Kill them, you brave soldiers of the victorious Red Army!" His exhortation was followed. The Red Army, according to TV Rapport (Sweden, 8th of January 1994), raped two million German women (180,000 died as a result). Gang rapes of German women took place. 300,000 children, many of whom died from malnutrition, were born as a result. Lavrenti Beria - sexual pervert...
... revolution in Venice for the 25th of May 1937, where they were to have led the attack of 2600 terrorists and thereby provoked a civil war. Stalin suddenly decided to cancel this operation and prohibited the Roselli brothers from taking action in Italy. The Communist brothers ignored the ban, however. The NKVD then organised the murder of the two brothers with the aid of a right-wing group, according to the...
... February 1917 Similarities to the Deposition of the Shah The Return of Lenin and Trotsky Revelations in the Press Kornilov's Revolt The Take-Over of Power Astrological background of takeover The German Aid The Beginning of the Government Terror The Bolshevik Revolution was largely the product of Jewish thinking Propaganda machine Destruction of moral values THROUGH THE LABYRINTH OF MURDER "The Jewish...
... religion is not a religion at all, it is a calamity" THE BLOODTHIRSTY WOLF OF THE KREMLIN LAZAR KAGANOVICH Kaganovich as a Grey Eminence The Destruction of Russian Culture The Great Famine and Other Crimes The Great Terror Beria's Contribution The Murder of Stalin The Power Struggle After Stalin's Death AMERICAN AID TO THE SOVIET UNION The "Intervention" as a Diversion The Famine as a Weapon Deals with...
... the Bolsheviks Collectivisation as a Weapon Build-Up of the Soviet Regime Increasing American Support War Aid to Moscow Foreign Slaves in the Soviet Union Stalin's Holy War Aid During the "Cold War" The Dismantling of the Soviet Union The Phasing Out of Communism in Eastern Europe The United States Also Helped the Chinese Communists Gain Power THE COMMUNIST TAKE-OVER IN ESTONIA SUMMING UP: SOME...
... leaders did not shy away from killing nine innocent people if the tenth victim would be a true opponent. Crusaders occupied the French town Beziers in the year 1208, and their leader, Arnold Amalric, a baptised Jew, gave an order typical of that time: "Kill everyone - God will recognise his own!" When the Cheka's (political police's) chief, Felix Dzerzhinsky reported to Lenin in the summer of 1918 that...
... springing from classical pagan Greco-Roman culture. Another example is the murder of the female philosopher and mathematician Hypatia in Alexandria in A. D. 415. The communists also burned books and persecuted cultural figures. They even prohibited the conductor's profession because "the orchestras could play perfectly well without conductors". Later, seeing that their orchestras could not manage without...
... baptise it (Henry T. Laurency, "Livskunskap Fyra", Skovde, 1995, p. 185). Even today, Protestant and Catholic Christians continue to brutally terrorise and murder each other in Northern Ireland. Towards the end of their reign, under Mikhail Gorbachev, the communist leaders in Russia were prepared to ask the Russian Eastern Orthodox Church for help in order to preserve their power. However, what is...
... National Socialist (Nazi) Party was outlawed after the Second World War. Life itself forced them to repudiate their primitive and unreal dialectical materialism as an infallible dogma, to part with the "holy" book "Das Kapital", and the "prophets" - Lenin, Mao, and other mass-murderers. These worshippers of violence still have their "holy shrine" - Lenin's Mausoleum - but sooner or later they will come...
... the only way to a new society was through the total destruction of the present civilisation. Murder, rape, incest and the drinking of blood were perfectly acceptable actions and necessary rituals. Frank was one of those refractory Jews who worshipped devils. The extremist Jews were particularly fond of a devil called Sammael. (C. M. Ekbohrn, "100,000 frammande ord" / "100,000 Foreign Words...
... your innermost entrails." Most members were led to believe that the lower degrees of mystery they had reached were the highest. Few members had been informed about the true purpose of the Order. The Illuminati's codex was presented in Masonic terms and prescribed lies, treachery, violence, torture and murder in order to reach all its goals. Many members believed themselves to be working for an...
... Lanz (who worked as a priest) was hit by lightning in Regensburg and died. Weishaupt was together with him. Lanz intended to travel on to Berlin and Silesia and received his last instructions from Weishaupt before he died. He had sewn in a list of Illuminati and some compromising papers in his priest's robe. Weishaupt did not know about this and became the victim of his own conspiracy. (Countess...
... leading secret societies began a closer co-operation with the Illuminati. Thereby, Weishaupt gained no less than three million tools to work with. In time, the Illuminati were to bring death and suffering to hundreds of millions of people. At the Masonic conference in Wilhelmsbad, a decision to murder Louis XVI of France and Gustavus III of Sweden was made. (Charles de Hericault, "La Revolution", p. 104...
....) The initiative for this conference was Jewish. (A. Cowan, "The X Rays in Freemasonry", London, 1901, p. 122.) A decision to murder emperor Leopold of Austria was also made at the conference. He was poisoned on the 1st March 1792 by the Jewish freemason Martinowitz. Gustavus III of Sweden was murdered the same month. The freemasons had gathered in Lyon in 1778 to discuss the coming revolution...
... cancelled their activities. In the state of New York alone, there were 30,000 freemasons. After Morgan's book was published, the number of members decreased to 300. (William J. Whalen, "Christianity and American Freemasonry", 1987, p. 9.) Richard Howard, an English Illuminatus, was sent to America to murder Morgan. Together with four others he kidnapped Morgan and drowned him in a lake, the intention...
... military and police in America. George Washington, who had become a freemason in 1752 when he was 20 years old, also attempted to oppose the Illuminati's work in America after he was convinced in 1796 that they posed a threat to the nation. Due to this, Weishaupt had made plans to murder Washington if he became too troublesome. (Neal Wilgus, "The Illuminoids", New York, 1978, p. 33.) David Pappen...
.... The Illuminati have managed to present as negative a picture of Louis XVI and his France as possible to the post-revolutionary world. It was not the extravagance and wasteful spending of the court that caused the enormous state deficit, but rather France's support of the American Revolution. The costs of the war against England became astronomical. Louis XVI was the first head of state of the Old...
... eliminate all adversaries. The Jacobins' (Illuminati's) terrorism claimed 300,000 human lives, according to Nesta Webster ("World Revolution", London, 1921, p. 47). The historian Rene Sedillot, in his book "The Cost of the French Revolution", calculates that the "revolution", on account of the terrorism and the civil war, claimed at least 600,000 victims. Charlotte Corday murdered the powerful and...
... in their inflammatory speeches how "a war would be a blessing for the nation. The worst thing that could happen to us now would be if we did not get a war". On the 20th of April 1792, France declared war on Austria. After that, Belgium, Holland and parts of Germany were invaded. All those wars claimed two million lives. All of France's 27 million inhabitants were made to suffer from this madness...
... for just this day, as a kind of revenge for his execution. Revolts were organised to break out on the 18th of March, 1848, in several European countries. A coup was staged in Paris on this day (1871) after which the Illuminati proclaimed the Paris Commune. Thanks to the efforts of the Prussian army, the snake-pit in Mainz was liquidated only four months later - on the 23rd of July 1793. Goethe...
..., son of the holy one, rise up to heaven!" The execution of the king was celebrated every year until Napoleon's coup in Bruimare (November) 1799. (Dagens Nyheter, 25th January 1989.) Even the word "roi" (king) was abolished. Marie Antoinette was executed on the 16th of October (Yahweh's Doomsday) in 1793. The young Hungarian philosopher Ferenc Feher, Lukacs's disciple, living in New York, claimed in...
... ceased to exist." Another wrote that his band of army raiders daily managed to kill 2,000 people. A new rebellion went on during the years 1794-95. In total, 600,000 lives were extinguished in the Vendee province. In their struggle for power, some "revolutionaries" even happened to execute each other. Some leaders, above all those who wanted to limit the extent of the terrorism, were done away with...
... in Sweden. Because of this, the earlier decision to murder the king was carried out. On the 16th of March 1792, Gustavus III was fatally wounded at a masked ball by the freemason Jakob Johan Anckarstrom. The king had been warned about possible assassination attempts but had not taken these warnings seriously. A bust of Anckarstrom stands in the lodge chamber of the Grand Orient in Paris. In 1818...
..., Spain, Austria and Russia after the aforementioned conference. Mazzini had the Duke of Parma murdered in 1854, as well as the judges who sentenced the murderers. Violent anarchists raged about until the beginning of the First World War. Tens of thousands of people lost their lives. The world was to be divided into different blocks, which were to be put into violent opposition to each other. This...
... Civil War was started (the Confederacy was funded by Illuminist France). The Illuminati had worked hard to get the United States to use the same banking system as the European countries, where private banks handled the issuing of money so that governments were forced to incur debt at high interest rates. Lincoln opposed this and refused to give the Rothschild bank control over the American economy...
.... Hence, the Jewish Illuminatus John Wilkes Booth murdered him on the 15th of April 1865 in Washington, only a few days after the end of the war. Lincoln's murderer was also disposed of. Judah P. Benjamin, Rothschild's agent, lurked behind Booth. (William Guy Carr, "The Red Fog Over America", 1968, p. 194.) The Confederate general Albert Pike (born on December 19, 1809 in Boston) became, as a freemason...
... subordinate councils at strategic locations around the world. Palladianism actually became a satanic cult. This cult, or religion, worshipped Lucifer as a god. Its oath proves this: "The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine." General Pike was an exceptionally evil man. During the American Civil War, when he served under...
... the Confederate flag, his army, composed of Indian bands from different tribes, perpetrated such atrocious massacres that Great Britain threatened to enter the war "for humanitarian reasons". Consequently, the Confederate president Jefferson Davis (1809-1889) was forced to intervene against his own general and disband his troops. After the civil war, Pike was taken to trial and sentenced to prison...
... know this. Pike's plan was ingeniously simple. The inherent antagonism between different ideologies was to be stirred up and made to explode in three world wars and three revolutions. The First World War was to destroy the three European empires, at that time being the last remaining bulwarks against Illuminism. One of these (Russia) was to be made a centre of atheist totalitarianism (Communism). The...
... Second World War was to erupt from heightened tensions between the Jewish race (and its spiteful Zionism) and extreme European nationalism (Nazism and Fascism). This war would weaken Europe economically and politically and Communism would expand and become as strong as all Christendom, but not stronger, until the time was up for the final destruction of society. A third reason for the Second World War...
... was to create a Jewish state in Palestine. Gradually, it would be possible to thereby heighten the tensions between Judaism and Islam until they broke out in a war which would bring in all of the world powers. The three revolutions, which would aid this carefully planned dissolution of all human civilisations, were the Russian, the Chinese and the Indo-Chinese. The historian Domenico Margiotta...
...), the Illuminati still continue their activities as a secret organization. The Illuminati's headquarters moved to Switzerland during the First World War and to New York after the Second World War (The Harold Pratt building, 58, East 68th Street). The Rockefellers now funded the Illuminati instead of the Rothschilds. (William Guy Carr, "Pawns in the Game".) An especially useful tool of the Illuminati...
... all the people that the LORD thy god shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity upon them." The Jews have unfortunately followed these incitements to genocide from time to time. The Greek historian Dio Cassius (who was also a Roman official) described in detail how the Jews in the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire, in the year 116 A.D., during a rebellion began to murder various races they...
... right to take as their own (Deuteronomy 7:16). Yahweh gave the Israelites the right to "destroy them (other peoples) with a mighty destruction until they be destroyed" (Deuteronomy 7:23). Yahweh gave the Israelites the right to murder and plunder other races of their property (Exodus 3:20-22). Yahweh has made the Israelites a "holy" people, a master race among other races (Deuteronomy 7:6). In his...
... of the Crimean war, on the 4th of January 1856, Marx arrogantly revealed to the New York Daily Tribune that there was an organization, which was intriguing in Europe and was the real winner when England, France and Russia became weakened after losses in wars. Other Jews have also been just as open. In his novel "Coningsby", Benjamin Disraeli described how a secret Jewish organization ruled the...
... civil war. (K. Marx and F. Engels, "Works", Moscow, Volume 33, p. 772.) The result was that the Marxists established a new and complete form of propaganda by preaching fair lies to primitive and dissatisfied people. Marx recommended the industrialisation of society so that the masses would find employment. In this way they could be recruited as workers. Whether the products of industry were needed or...
... Civil War, where he became infamous for the incredible atrocities he committed. The League of Communists had 400 members by this time, according to the Soviet-Estonian Encyclopedia. Forty-odd Scandinavians also took part. "Revolutions" were started in half of Europe, mostly by Jewish Illuminati or by their henchmen. It all began when an invisible hand utilised the occasion of the poor crop harvest in...
... leaders of the Hungarian revolt were the Jew Mahmud Pascha (Freund), who organised the coup in Budapest, and the freemason Lajos Kossuth, who acted in the provinces. The intention was to celebrate the murder of the Roman Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar on the same day in 44 B.C. The Masonic lodge, the Grand Orient still praises Brutus for this murder. Riots in Naples and Paris had been planned for the same...
... 28th of September 1864 and following this, Hess, Marx, Engels and Bakunin founded the First International which continued the activity of the Communist League. The Communist League had officially ceased to exist on the 17th of November 1852. The Jewish terrorist Karl Cohen, a member of the First International and an associate of Marx, attempted to murder Prime Minister Otto von Bismarck on Unter den...
... Linden in Berlin on May 7th, 1866. The Marxists also later continued their terrorist actions. Maxim Kowalevski was present when Marx was informed about the failed attempt to murder Kaiser Wilhelm I in 1878, this time also on Unter den Linden. He claimed that Marx became infuriated and hurled anathemas at the terrorist who had failed in his terrorism. (Paul Johnson, "The Intellectuals", Stockholm, 1989...
... Soviet-Estonian Encyclopedia). As an enlightened Marxist, Lenin knew of Marx's instructions, according to which the revolutionaries were supposed to be neither "generous" nor "honest". There was no need to be fussy about the aims in order to reach their goals. Nor was there any need to worry about the danger of civil war. (Marx and Engels, "Works", Moscow, Vol. 33, p. 172.) Adam Weishaupt had written...
... this war he was merciful to the "useful idiots" (Lenin's term) only at the beginning. Dzerzhinsky (Rufin), chief of the Cheka (political police) was truthful when he said: "We need no justice." Lenin, Trotsky and Zinoviev had declared a holy war in the name of Communism on the 1st of September 1920. Zinoviev had called Dzerzhinsky "the saint of the revolution". Stalin regarded him as "the eternal...
... flame". In reality, he was a sadist and a drug-addict. Lenin declared: "Peace means, quite simply, the dominion of Communism over the entire world." (Lenin, "Theses about the Tasks of the Communist Youth".) Lenin's opponents in this war were all who had differing ideas about life and spiritual matters, for such people were physically repugnant to him. He was constantly giving orders for people to be...
... the working population of 165 million. Lenin claimed that the Party should keep no secrets from the people. But the whole apparatus of the Communist Party was surrounded with secrecy. Lenin promised peace, instead there was civil war. He promised bread but brought about a catastrophic famine. He promised to make the people happy and brought terrible calamities down upon them. It was Lenin who banned...
...", 3rd edition, Vol. 29, p. 489.) "In the class struggle, we have always backed the use of terrorism." ("Collected Works", 4th edition, Vol. 35, p. 275.) "The executions should be increased!" ("Collected Works", 5th edition, Vol. 45, p. 189.) The war historian Dmitri Volgokonov found in the KGB archives a dreadful decree, which he published in his book. In this decree, Lenin demanded that all peasants...
..., the English used the same form of collective imprisonment during the Boer war, where the name "concentration camps" was also used. 26,000 Boer women and children starved to death in the British camps; 20,000 of them were under 16 years old. Lenin incarcerated people without any sentence, despite the establishment of revolutionary tribunals, as was the case in France under the Jacobins. Lenin...
... Russian officers in the White Sea in the spring of 1920. Lenin and his accomplices did not arrest just anyone. They executed those most active in society, the independent thinkers. Lenin gave orders to kill as many students as possible in several towns. The Chekists arrested every youth wearing a school cap. They were liquidated because Lenin believed the coming Russian intellectuals would be a threat...
.... The terror was co-ordinated by the Chekist functionary Joseph Unschlicht. How did they go about the murders? The Jewish Chekists flavoured murder with various torture methods. In his documentary "The Russia We Lost", the director Stanislav Govorukhin told how the priesthood in Kherson were crucified. The archbishop Andronnikov in Perm was tortured: his eyes were poked out, his ears and nose were cut...
... off. In Kharkov the priest Dmitri was undressed. When he tried to make the sign of the cross, a Chekist cut off his right hand. [Note: The murders committed by these ZioNazi satanists were carried out in precise correspondence with principles of ritual murder and were in fact the occultist sacrificial ceremonies, which were to be carried out inducing the maximum amount of pain and suffering in the...
... of Ammon"). He "cut them with saws and with harrows of iron" and "made them pass through the brick-kiln". After the Second World War, this text was changed in most European Bibles. Now, many Bibles state that the people were put to work with the tools mentioned and were occupied with brick-making - something the inhabitants had been doing continually for several thousand years already. (This is...
... found in II Samuel, 12:31, and in I Chronicles 20:3.) The Jewish extremists' serious crimes in Russia were committed in the true spirit of the Old Testament (King James' Bible): The god of the Israelites demands the mass-murder of Gentiles (i.e. goyim = non-Jews), including women and children. (Deuteronomy, 20:16.) Yahweh wishes to spread terror among the Gentiles (Deuteronomy, 2:25). Yahweh demands...
... this Socialism and those who practised terror in its name. Vladimir Ulyanov's passion was to kill as many people as possible without thinking of the consequences. Of course, he never wondered whether it was really possible to build a state on violence and evil. Lenin showed the same kind of thoughtlessness by the Yenisei, where he had loaded his boat with so many dead rabbits with crushed heads that...
... Jew and freemason Marc Chagall, who for a time acted as Art Commissar in Vitebsk. Election campaigns were an unscientific method, thought Lenin. At the same time he gravely misjudged the political situation. Lenin said that "the world war cannot come" in Krakow in 1912. ("Collected Works", 4th edition, Vol. 16, p. 278.) However hard the "great leader" of the proletariat tried, he could never learn...
... death or forced them to emigrate, or jailed or murdered them. Thus he gave orders to murder hundreds of thousands of intellectuals. In a letter to Maxim Gorky on September 15th, 1919, he called the learned "shits". He also called the Russian intellectuals spies who intended to lead the young students to destruction. On the 21st of February 1922 he demanded the dismissal of 20-40 professors at the...
.... Soviet soldiers shot 80 demonstrators in Novocherkassk by the Black Sea in June 1962. It was Lenin who introduced the method of shooting people on the spot. He stamped Russian businessmen as enemies of the people and then gave orders for them to be shot as speculators. The Chekists used certain tricks to lure their victims to their place of execution. 2000 tsarist officers were called to a theatre in...
... Kiev for control of identity papers. All were shot without mercy. Another 2000 were shot on the spot in Stavropol. Lenin encouraged the soldiers to kill their officers, the workers to kill their engineers and directors, the peasants to kill their landowners. Towards the end of 1922 there were virtually no intelligent people left in Russia, and the few left did not have any possibility of publishing...
... organization through deception, plunder and murder. Since the Russian people refused to accept the Bolsheviks' insane system, they were forced to liquidate a third of the population, wrote the author Vladimir Soloukhin in the periodical Ogonyok in December of 1990. Vladimir Lenin took over many of the methods of the anarchist terrorist Sergei Nechayev (1847-82), who had plans to introduce barracks-Communism...
... into Russia. Lenin called his own method "war-Communism". Nechayev had worked with the Illuminatus Mikhail Bakunin. Due to the influence of Bakunin, Nechayev came to believe that everything was morally justifiable to a revolutionary. He even recommended joining robbers, who could also be said to belong to the true revolutionaries. This idea became the basis of Lenin's later tactics. Mao Zedong (China...
.... These must spy even on their comrades and report every suspicious act." In this way, Nechayev personally organised the murder of a critical member. After this, he fled abroad in 1872. The Swiss police extradited him to Russia in the same year, and he was sentenced to 20 years of hard labour. In his "Catechism of the Revolution" Nechayev stressed that a revolutionary must be merciless against all of...
... how, when Felix Dzerzhinsky (actually Rufin), chief of the Cheka, told Lenin of the execution of five hundred leading intellectuals in 1918, the great dictator, in his joy, began to neigh like a horse. He went into ecstasies and cheered out of satisfaction. In August 1990, the artist Ilya Glazunov was on Leningrad's most popular TV programme, "600 Seconds", where the host asked him: "Who do you...
... responsible for the Soviet bloodbath in Vilnius in January 1991? Alexander Solzhenitsyn has emphasized that Lenin had virtually nothing in common with the Russian culture, since he belonged to the so-called internationalists. That was why he waged a war against every form of national culture. His policy in national questions prescribed fusion of different nationalities and national cultures. The saint of...
.... Of course, Stalin was the most bloodstained tyrant in the history of humanity, but he was just following the Leninist path. Stalin was the hangman who executed Judge Lenin's sentences and carried out his plans of enslavement. Once again, it is possible to cite a corresponding order of Lenin: "Begin a merciless campaign of terror and a war against the farmers and other bourgeois elements who are...
...: Radio Yerevan was asked: "Why is there always a shortage of food in the Soviet Union?" Radio Yerevan answered: "Because the Winter Palace was so badly defended." Lenin knew that the majority of the Russian people were against his bloodthirsty party. Therefore he waged a terrible war against this people to enslave it by means of fair but meaningless slogans. His successor continued this dreadful war...
... skillful publicist who understood how perfectly the phraseology of Marxism could conceal political and war crimes. Parvus had studied the history of Russia and knew that the country would be quite helpless if the nobility and the intellectuals were eliminated. All these ideas made a great impression on Leiba Bronstein and Vladimir Ulyanov. Alexander Parvus, as a professional criminal, wanted to transform...
... periodical Aus der Weltpolitik, which he himself financed, that war would break out between Russia and Japan and that the Russian revolution would be born out of this conflict. In his series of articles "The War and the Revolution", published in 1904, he also predicted that Russia would lose the war against Japan. The international capitalists wanted to begin a "revolution" in St. Petersburg in connection...
... with Russia's defeat in the Russo-Japanese war in 1904-05. The chief organiser, Alexander Parvus, received two million pounds sterling from Japan to organise the seizure of power in Russia. (Igor Bunich, "The Party's Gold", St. Petersburg, 1992, p. 33.) The war began with a Japanese attack on Port Arthur (now Lushun) on the 9th of February 1904. It was, above all, the European banks belonging to rich...
... Jews, which financed the Russo-Japanese war. All possibility of credit was shut off to Russia while Japan had unlimited credit. The most important Jewish loan-shark, Jacob Henry Schiff in the United States of America, supported the Japanese military forces with a loan of 200 million dollars, according to Encyclopedia Judaica. The Jerusalem Post admitted on September 9, 1976 that it had been Schiff...
... who lent the money needed to construct the Japanese navy. Several British banks built railways in Japan and financed Japan's war against China. It was the same Jacob Schiff who made sure that no banks were permitted to lend money to the Russians. At the same time, he supported "revolutionary" Jewish groups in Russia. Encyclopaedia Judaica called these "Jewish self-defence groups". The Provisional...
... prisoners of war and thousands of Jewish "revolutionaries" from the United States of America had been sent to Russia. These Russian-Jewish terrorists protected themselves with American passports. The acts of terror, however, were so brutal that Russia refused these Russian Jews the right of American citizenship. B'nai B'rith, whose headquarters were in Chicago and whose pompous representation is evident...
... Uni-verselle. The official budget before 1970 was 13 million dollars. B'nai B'rith's secret service, the ADL (Anti-Defamation League), has been called the KGB of the extremist Jews. Jewish terrorists had been active in Russia already before this but in 1905 the terror assumed unprecedented proportions. The fanatics began to murder without discrimination. One of the worst terrorists was the Menshevik...
... the murder of the Minister of the Interior, Dmitri Sipyagin (1902), the attempt on the life of Obolensky, governor of Kharkov and the murder of Ufa's governor N. Bogdanovich in Bashkiria (1903). Gershuni was sentenced to death in 1904. He was pardoned by the Tsar and given life imprisonment instead. Gershuni managed to escape. He was praised as a hero throughout Europe. Gershuni's right hand was...
... managed to infiltrate the police as an agent of the Social Revolutionaries in 1892, but never revealed the murderous plans of the terrorists since he knew the intentions of the police. He was eventually forced into double-crossing both sides. In 1908, the social revolutionary central committee discovered that Azef had betrayed his own comrades who then decided to kill him, but he managed to escape...
... were finally put down on the 12th of January 1906. Parvus was among those arrested and was exiled to Siberia, but escaped before he reached his destination. 14,000 strikes in total were organised in Russia in 1905. Three million workers took part. The agitators were everywhere Jews, who skilfully exploited the defeat in the war against Japan. People soon understood this and the reaction was not slow...
... Russia from his exile, came to the same conclusion. Mass terror was needed for a victory. The "revolutionaries" dreamed of civil war. On the 11th of April 1906, Peter Rutenberg (1879-1942) hanged the priest and trade unionist Georgi Gapon who had carried the petition on Bloody Sunday. He knew too much and was killed as a traitor and police agent. The Tsar named Peter Stolypin Minister of the Interior...
... in April 1906 and soon afterwards he was appointed Prime Minister. Stolypin eventually brought an end to the terror and the "revolution". He had no choice but to enforce martial law to frighten and combat the terrorists. Only those who had committed murder were executed after being court-martialled. 600 terrorists were court-martialled and executed in 1906. Most of the "revolutionaries" (35,000...
... V. Startsev pointed out that tsarism lost its most gifted defender when Stolypin died. The social revolutionary and freemason Alexander Kerensky (actually Aaron Kiirbis) fled abroad after the murder, since he had had a close co-operation with the murderer Mordekai Bogrov. The same Kerensky became Russia's Prime Minister in July 1917. It was extremely important for the Masonic Jews to bring the...
... lived first in Vienna and later in Geneva where he occasionally discussed the prospects of Jewry with the Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann. Parvus supported both Lenin and Trotsky financially. They were even allowed to live with Parvus in Munich for a short period. Lenin also regarded Parvus as his teacher, though he eventually came to hate him. Parvus became especially rich during the Balkan War (1912...
...-13). He dealt in anything from grain to condoms. On his coal deals alone he made 32 million Danish crowns in gold. Lenin and Trotsky took part in a Masonic conference in Copenhagen in 1910, where the possibilities of socialising Europe were discussed. (Franz Weissin, "Der Weg zum Sozialismus" / "The Way to Socialism", Munich, 1930, p. 9.) In 1912, Trotsky worked as a war correspondent in the...
... Balkans during 1912. It was Parvus who had arranged this opportunity for him. During the First World War Trotsky lived in France but he eventually acted against the interests of that country. He had, among other things, published agitatory articles in the exile newspaper Nashe Slovo, which he had founded together with L. Martov (Julius Zederbaum). On the 15th of September 1916, the newspaper was...
... Canadian public (especially after 1919), since the authorities knew that they had, through releasing Trotsky, prolonged the world war for almost one year, according to MacLean. The Canadian government is therefore responsible for the unnecessary deaths and injuries of soldiers and civilians. But the truth always comes to light sooner or later. All these documents in the Canadian national archives are now...
.... Encouraged by Trotsky, the Krasnaya Gazeta revealed the primary goal of the Soviet regime on the 31st of August 1919: "Already streams of bourgeois blood flow - but more blood! As much as possible!" Even during the civil war in 1920, Trotsky began to make plans for the militarisation of the economy, to bring it into line with War Communism. He needed militarised slaves. Peasants and workers would have the...
... people's commissary for foreign affairs, following which he was named people's commissary for war. Lenin called Trotsky "without doubt the most capable member of the central committee" and spoke positively about his skill. Trotsky's co-workers were also very clever international bandits. I shall name only the most important chiefs within the military commissariat. Eighty per cent of the whole...
... the Jews. We can be calm while comrade Trotsky commands the Red Army." Comrade M. Kohan admitted that there was not one single Jewish soldier in the Red Army, but that the Jews commanded it. Documents now available confirm this. On the night before the 9th (22nd) of December 1919, during the Estonian war of liberation against the Bolsheviks, a Jewish battalion commander, Shunderev, fell in a battle...
... we have taken nearly all of its riches and gold and forced it to kneel before us. But we must be careful in keeping our secret. We must not have any compassion for our enemies. We must eliminate their best and most talented individuals, so that the subjugated Russia will be without its leaders. In this way, we shall destroy every opportunity to rebel against us. We must provoke class war and...
... dissension among the blind peasants and workers. Civil war and class struggle shall annihilate the cultural values the Christian peoples have acquired... Trotsky-Bronstein, Zinoviev-Radomyslsky, Uritsky, Kamenev-Rosenfeld, Steinberg - these and many other faithful sons of Israel hold the highest posts in the nation and rule over the enslaved Slavs. We shall defeat Russia totally. Our people play leading...
... dead Jewish battalion commander Shunderev. This was published in Russia for the first time in February 1994. Jewish "revolutionaries" knew that every state could be effectively destroyed by the aid of socialism and civil war. It was possible to control everything by simply gaining control of the production of foodstuffs, the hospitals and the energy sources. Despite the dreadful terror, more and more...
... mass murder attack that it was, according to CIA sources in Asia. Asian secret society bosses say they agree with the Pentagon on this and will go to war if necessary early next year to remove the Khazarian influence from Japan and the Korean peninsula. The Japanese underworld are also planning a revolution against the slave regime of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe this autumn, several right wing sources...
... groundswell of revulsion that is leading to major military action, Pentagon and NSA sources say. The WDS promises to hunt down and kill every last one of the child murderers. The arson attacks against one orthodox church in New York, two in Australia and three in Russia on Orthodox Easter and the systematic murder of Christians by Khazarians (ISIS) in the Middle East is a sure sign this holy war is more...
... the plans to start World War 3 and kill 90% of humanity. We can only hope that under Trudeau the Canadian military and intelligence apparatus will now help their like-minded colleagues in the US finally purge the military industrial complex of genocidal mass murderers. If Trudeau really wants to make a splash, he should march the Canadian army into New York and Washington DC and remove all the...
... been actively trying to kill them and their families with manufactured diseases, toxic chemicals, unhealthy food, multiple attempts to start World War 3 etc. meaning that fence sitting is no longer an option. Self-defense is mandatory. The anniversary this Friday of the September 11, 2001 mass murder event in New York would be a good time to take action. All it will take is for all aware members of...
... campaign, the sources said. Freeh was deeply involved in the 911 mass murder event, multiple sources agree Pope Francis is also under attack and P2 freemason sources are saying there is evidence he is being hit with a slow acting poison that causes neurological damage. The pope is being attacked because he is revoking special immunity from prosecution for war criminals like Tony Blair and George Bush Jr...
... ricin induced stroke method was used to kill several post war Japanese Prime Ministers including Keizo Obuchi, Masayoshi Ohira and Kakuei Tanaka. Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto was killed by means of a poison inserted in his anus. I personally called his constituency office and they admitted to me he died of an “unknown intestinal ailment.” The worst case of the murder of a Japanese Prime Minister...
... be hit with “Kamikaze” in Hiroshima May 9, 2016: Major movement on multiple fronts including US regime change and serious political turmoil in China May 2, 2016: Is it time for Pope Francis to confess to involvement in Argentine dirty war and resign April 26, 2016: Hybrid war continues with Japanese underground military bases hit as Khazarian mafia under attack around the planet April 18, 2016: Red...
... courts Groups Issue Warning: Pro-Corporate TPP Could Kill the Internet September 29, 2015: Blood Moon events turn out to be Vatican and Rothschild theatrics Comment: Putin Activates Shocking “Defend Israel” Atomic War Plan September 22, 2015: Will big UN love-fest just turn into attempt by cabal to look nice and keep in power September 15, 2015: Acts of God, mutual accusations, fear and hope as Zionist...
... deaths from everywhere, that is exactly what they did - the French checked ID's to decide who they would kill based upon where they were from, to get as many countries as possible to stand behind a war on Islam after losing one of their own . . . . . After reporting this, I might as well pop in a movie and wait for a drone strike. And by the way, I am feeling well and not suicidal. Anything to get...
... kept private by never being hooked up to the internet at all. AND THIS WOULD BE DONE BEFORE A WAR, SO THEY WILL KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYONE AND KNOW EXACTLY WHO TO "REMOVE" FROM SOCIETY. Impossible you say? Well, how about Intel Corevpro technology being used to ram changes onto computers via the always on cell phone connection that ALL Corevpro proccessors have? How about anything Sandy Bridge...
... nuclear war. All we can say is: Thank you very much, The Infinite Multidimensional Intelligence, that we do not look so hopeless for you to merely abandon this planet as some dead end experiment or terminate it all in a flash of Light. Time for an "all-out attack on all cabal agents and families" yet? The people at the Pentagon and the agencies, meanwhile, say that any major new terrorist mass murder...
... investors to go for US bonds as a “safe haven,” but it is not working. Instead, the plan remains to remove all final vestiges of Khazarian mob rule in the US. “Trump is ready for all out war on the [Washington] DC swamp after firing leaker and Paul Ryan ally Rence Priebus,” Pentagon sources say. There are also many other signs the swamp is being drained of the Satan worshipping Khazarians, the sources say...
... mafia,” one Pentagon source says. The WDS makes it clear there is to be no collective punishment and the only people who are being targeted are the ones who have been engaged in mass murder through biological weapons, nuclear terror, human sacrifice, illegal war etc. However, it is clear the Trump administration represents a generalized backlash against Khazarian control that could spiral out of...
... any chance start World War 3, the sources say. A more direct message would be “SURRENDER OR DIE.” The battle to remove the Khazarians from all levers of control in Washington DC is also intensifying. The fake blame everything on Russia campaign by the Khazarians is blowing up with even Khazarian owned corporate propaganda media stooges starting to expose it as completely bogus. The following twitter...
... Secretary James Mattis. First Mattis went to Israel where he told the Israelis to get out of the Golan Heights and to stop bombing Syria, Mossad sources say. He told them the US military, together with Egypt, would only help to remove Daesh mercenaries operating in the Sinai Peninsula, the sources continue. Pentagon sources say that in Saudi Arabia “Mattis called for a UN-brokered end to the Yemen war...
... guilty of provable war crimes, Pentagon, CIA and other sources agree. “Trump is toast,” was how a CIA source described the situation. Trump has been pushed by his Zionist handlers into trying to start World War 3 because these religious fanatics still think they are somehow going to start a war between “Gog” and “Magog,” kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. To this end Trump ordered an attack on...
... say that while a royal family committee has traditionally put its seal on requests to create new money, they always did so under orders from Kissinger, Rockefeller and the Khazarian mob. They are still too afraid to take independent action until they can confirm that Kissinger has been captured, the royal family sources say. That is because Kissinger has ordered the murder of many post-war Japanese...
... around the world. This, in turn would lead to war and the death of 90% of humanity and the destruction of the Northern Hemisphere. That is why there is so much at stake in the summit meeting this week between Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Pentagon sources say “Trump also had his wings clipped” prior to the summit “as his son in law Jared Kushner was forced to kill the $400 million deal...
... before the family finally gave up and announced he was no longer with us. When this writer was first informed by the Japanese authorities of a plot by the Western elite to kill 90% of humanity through disease, starvation and nuclear war, they handed me material showing that Rockefeller sat at the head of the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission and other top...
... that her family was being threatened with murder if she did not do this. So, that is why I have a personal grudge against the Dalai Lama. I have also looked into his eyes and can tell you he is deeply evil. He will soon die and so will his soul. He will never reincarnate again for all eternity. In any case, following Bill Gates’ recent veiled threat to kill “over 30 million people,” https...
... of the Western world has been engaged in mass murder. Let us not go too far back in history, let us even ignore the hundreds of millions of people killed in the 20th century and just look at events since the year 2000. Since then, we have had a regime in the US that has ignored international law and used terror and mass murder to manipulate its own citizens and those of other countries into war...
... tapes it has of war criminal and Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu calling then Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan on March 12th, 2011 and threatening mass murder on the citizens of Tokyo unless the Japanese government signed over its foreign currency holdings to the Khazarian mafia. “Abe is so scared of Netanyahu that he wants to resign rather than have to confront him,” the Japanese right...
... streets to demand her resignation. Meanwhile, NSA sources reveal Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is a drug dealer who works for the Ayala and Tan crime syndicates and that his so-called war on drugs is just an excuse to murder the competition so that his gang can monopolize the drug trade in the Philippines. In China...
...-scalia-assassination/ CIA sources are saying an avalanche of murder allegations against the Clintons is being prepared and that this crime family will be taken down along with their Bush/Rockefeller partners. The story at this link is just another of many to come, the sources say. The...
... stop the presidential election or impose martial law.” CIA sources for their part are warning there will be an attempt soon to use some sort of scalar weapon to kill thousands of people in Altanta, Georgia sometime in either August or September to try to get the November Presidential election called off. Calling of the election would be a prelude to a world war aimed at saving the Khazarian power...
..., “if someone’s dog bites you, you do not go after the dog but rather its owner.” The ball is now in your court Rothschild. Chinese say gold only through White Dragon, Japanese resistance say Obama to be hit with “Kamikaze” in Hiroshima May 16, 2016 Author: Benjamin Fulford The battle for the planet earth is raging on many fronts. The financial war remains the most important of these fronts. Here the...
... Bummer in Hiroshima.” The meaning is that a suicide bomber will try to kill US President Barack Obama when he visits Japan towards the end of this month. Another intriguing, and possibly related, happening is that Japan’s national NHK broadcasting network put out a documentary stating that in 1944 a Japanese military airplane factory was hit with a pinpoint earthquake. Following this, US B29 bombers...
... of discussion. The WDS will propose issuing an ultimatum to the dollar controllers to either accept the future planning agency and gold deal or else be hit with financial Armageddon. Of course, in order to prevent world war 3, the US armed forces and agencies will continue to be financed in such an event. However, they will be asked to clean out the criminal filth infesting Washington DC and New...
..., Russian sources say. “The G7 people about to gather in Mie are terrified,” illuminati “grandmaster Romanov” says. Romanov noted the illuminati still have one stolen Kursk nuclear weapon and will soon decide how to use it. Hybrid war continues with Japanese underground military bases hit as Khazarian mafia under attack around the planet April 26, 2016 Author: Benjamin Fulford The battle for the planet...
... writer they had identified an unusually intense build-up of military material by the Japanese government in recent months. The bases hit are all located close to the Korean Peninsula where it would be easy to move large numbers of troops to the Asian mainland for a war with China. It thus appears there was a pre-emptive strike, by forces unknown, to prevent any Japanese attempt to start World War 3...
... Bush Sr. last week openly threatened to kill US presidential candidate Donald Trump. Bush is upset because his son Jeb was forced to bow out because of ties to 911, drug trafficking, cocaine use, murder and more. However, Pentagon sources say Jeb’s withdrawal from the presidential race “will not spare the Bushes.” The successful and failed murder attempts have only...
... 90% of the world’s population. Make no mistake, despite trying to put on a relatively benign face with Obama, the Khazarian mob ruling the US has been caught red handed trying to murder billions of people. That means they are trying to kill practically everybody who is reading this plus their friends and families. The majority of the world’s citizens are peaceful and reluctant to engage in violence...
... orders to their Japanese slave politicians and fomenting war. We will be live streaming on the internet as we try to force these criminals to answer for their crimes to the world public. It is time to make it impossible for members of the Khazarian mafia to appear in public without being confronted about their crimes and lies. Campbell, Green and Armitage are all accessories to the murder of over...
... statements by Rockefeller bag man Henry Kissinger that the US should be friendly to Russia. Russia is likely to simply claim the gold as tsarist treasure being returned. As mentioned in a bulletin issued in August, a clear sign of the intensity of the ongoing financial war was seen when the Chinese Tianhe-1 super computer was hit with...
... computer for secret government work” are just a cover for more serious charges like mass murder. The outing of John McCain as a traitor and not a war hero is another part of this campaign against Khazarian mafia henchmen in Washington DC. The recent Congressional move to take citizenship away from Americans who support terrorism was passed at Pentagon request and is aimed mainly at Israeli/US double...
... innocent people and steals money from 99% of the population? The answer is clear, we need a revolution. The revolution may have already started in Greece, the cradle of democracy. We need to make sure it spreads until the heart of world darkness, Washington DC, is cleansed and the Republic of the United States of America is restored. This will remove the world’s leading cause of terrorism, war and mayhem...
... meanwhile, an African American was arrested for vandalizing an African American church and writing racist graffiti calling for the murder of African Americans. In other words, house slave Obama is following his Khazarian master’s orders and trying to start a race war. Fortunately, the multi-cultural, multi-ethnic United States is no longer fertile ground for race baiting. The P2 freemason lodge in Italy...
... are threatening to kill innocent civilians in an attempt to stop a military campaign. This is exactly the sort of tactic that led to war crimes charges being filed against so many rank and file Nazis. There was also a military mutiny against the Khazarian pseudo...
... spilled the beans on exactly how the Zionazis were orchestrating the civil war in the Ukraine. The Vanguard Corporation, a front for the Federal Reserve Board (according to MI5) has paid mercenaries to kill people on both side of the conflict there so that they would blame it on each other. They also gave money to buy weapons to both sides of the conflict. This is the same modus operandi they used to...
... Vanguard, the CIA and the State Department – Obama almost had a heart attack. Now he realizes that he is nothing more than a puppet on a string in our theater, the bloody nigger. Originally stupid Nazis had to kill many more women and children in order to drive Putin into a corner so that he was forced to intervene in the war. But all this just shows that you can teach a pig to shoot, but do not...
... such charges. The Pentagon and the agency types need to bring military justice to bear on war criminals like Bush Jr., Donald Rumsfeld etc. in a manner that does not become a generalized witch hunt. They also have the legal tools needed to remove corrupt politicians from Washington D.C. People like George Soros, who has been outed as one of the people spreading money to try to provoke race riots in...
... Benyamin Netanyahu by his own political party and the fleeing of top Nazionist ruler George Bush Sr. into a hospital to avoid arrest on charges of ordering the murder of President John F. Kennedy and war crimes, including mass murder.
... against Sony Pictures. He also publicly called for the release of a movie depicting the murder of the current ruler of a sovereign nation. Obama spent last Saturday playing golf in Hawaii with Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak. Apparently Razak failed to please Obama because while he was visiting the US, Malaysia was hit with severe floods and, as soon as he returned home, a third Malaysia airliner...
... Bush (current head of the Bush/Sherff/Pierce/Pecce clan), David S. Cohen of the Treasury Department and Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. These people have no vision for the future other than to start World War 3 and kill 90% of humanity in order to preserve their occult Satanic power. They control the creation and...
... kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest in order to “save the environment,” and create a race of supermen (themselves) to rule over the sheeple. The other group, let us call them the Warmists, wanted to use fraudulent global warming as an excuse to create a global tax and world government and use part of the tax to preserve forests and nature. The Warmists lost to the murder threats of the...
... to be in Zbigniew “it is easier to kill a million people than to convince them” Brzezinski’s shoes right now. In Asia too, there are signs of change. Japanese slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe suddenly pretended his Davos speech calling for a world war against China never happened when he talked peace at the UN last week. Also, Japan’s government has decided to postpone its...
... people during the 20th century through war, disease and starvation. However, in the 21st century a far lower number of one or two million was killed in Iraq. Also, attempts to kill 90% of the world’s population through starvation and pandemics by the post-911 US fascist Nazionist regime have failed. More recently, the failed effort to start World War 3 in the Ukraine resulted in “only”...
... going to be hit with nuclear terror. He even told them the exact location of the nuclear bomb that ended up being used in the attack. His warnings were ignored and now the Koganei, Tokyo, police are trying to destroy his mind to prevent him from testifying about their involvement in this mass murder. Leo Zagami, the other self-described illuminati agent this author has met is, for his part, being...
... return it. The Fed families lost the lawsuit and were ordered to return the gold starting on September 12, 2001. Instead the Feds gave the world the proverbial finger by blowing up the world trade center building, staging a fascist coup in the United States and declaring a never ending war on terrorism. This was followed by invasion, pillaging and mass murder in Iraq and Afghanistan. There was also an...
... attempt to kill most of the world’s population with racially specific bio-weapons such as SARS and bird flu. This was accompanied by an attempt to create mass starvation by paying Western farmers to grow fuel instead of food. So we can see the Fed families have already tried to murder most of humanity. In their own twisted minds these families thought they would be “saving nature” and...
... the military to stay in their barracks and let the people choose their leader. The situation for the cabal is not like it was back at the time of the Kennedy assassination where they had to power to remove President Sukarno and murder 500,000 Indonesians in order to prevent Indonesian gold from being used to finance development projects. These days, the cabalists are being purged on multiple levels...
...-end-Ukraines-civil-war-8030/ It also gives us a possible motive for the probable murder of Richard Rockefeller on Friday, June 13th. The Rothschilds, for their part, have made a move against the other big Russian gas export pipeline running through Iraq and Syria. The ISIS army in Iraq, run by a Saudi Prince and using US supplied weaponry, has the ability to cut off Russian gas exports running...
...-Haram-kill-over-100-in-village-massacre.html Even if the photograph shown on this newsletter last week was of a different event, it is clear the cabalists are trying to start religious wars in Africa as part of their ongoing...
...;war with a medium sized country like Japan or Brazil” as a way to revive the US economy. The earthquake that hit Christchurch New Zealand several years ago came immediately after Thad Allen of the Rand Corporation and about a dozen congressmen asked for the South Island of New Zealand to be used as a home for 1 million Satanic cabal members and were turned down. Qatar is also where the cabal...
... against the cabal over the coming days, according to Russian and Asian sources. The Russians say the latest shenanigans in the Ukraine meant the cabal had crossed a red line and that Russia was ready for war. The Asians were more secretive but nonetheless made it clear some sort of line had been crossed and that action was imminent. Meanwhile, the Bush and Rockefeller families are planning to murder...
... the end of World War 2. They were also planning to kill 90% of humanity with disease, nuclear war and starvation in order to start their 1000 year fourth Reich. Now, they have lost control of most of the men with guns in the Pentagon and the agencies. Pentagon sources are now saying, for example, that they found a network of Nazi run laboratories in some of the former Soviet Republics that were...
... Korean economy in order to remove the Kim dynasty. The official North Korean news agency article about the execution of Jang is worth reading directly: Take particular note of this sentence: “he schemed to drive the economy of the country and people’s living into an uncontrollable catastrophe.” The plot to crash the economy described in that article is typical cabal...
... Stone freelance, a genuine NSA whistleblower who has done so much to alert the world about the Fukushima mass murder and terror war crime attack. Mr. Stone, First of all, thanks for your courageous and ground breaking work on uncovering the Fukushima mass murder and terror operation. I am writing this e-mail to provide you with forensic evidence that I have gathered on what the 311 tsunami attack was...
..., former pope Benedict and P2 honcho Marco Di Mauro. Why aren’t they confessing to their role in this mass murder on public airwaves? Until these mass murderers are neutralized, the financial war will not end but intensify. Gold is just a yellow metal that you cannot eat September 23, 2013 Source: Author...
... them. They have set up a series of laboratories in central Asia for the purpose of spreading bio-weapons in the hope that their plan to kill 90% of the world’s population can still be carried out. They also still think that they have a holy mission to start a war between Islam and Christianity to pave the way for their one world religion and fascist world dictatorship. Satan has surrendered...
.... In my case, I have been poisoned twice, approached by somebody with an electronic heart attack inducing device once, approached by gun-men twice, been hit by a speeding taxi once etc. That is how desperate the gangsters who control the Western financial system are to prevent us from finding out the fact that at its very heart the Western financial system is based on fraud, murder and bribery backed...
..., meaning they must be a form of controlled opposition. The apparent “murder” of Rolling Stone journalist Michael Hastings also raises red flags because the photos of his burning Mercedes are obvious fakes (one shows it hit a lamppost another a tree) and because he was supposedly heading to an Israeli Consulate before a “missile” hit him. We also got a call from a US source who said that three (un-named...
... Jinping. The erupting trade war between Europe and China and the posse of economic hit-men trying to ruin Japan’s economy are also signs of and intensifying battle over control of the world’s financial system and thus the future of our species. The attacks on Japan’s economy are motivated by the fact the Abe government just announced $32 billion in economic assistance for Africa in a sign Japan is no...
... Falklands war. While it is almost certain that P2 lodge members were involved in the missile deal, the Catholic church at the time spent most of its considerable energy and influence stopping the Argentine fascist junta from invading their neighbour Chile and trying to save innocent Argentines from regime murder squads. The new pope these days is evading his security guards and running around in a...
... be written at this point in order not to tip off the Satanic Sabbatean cabal and give them an opportunity to sabotage efforts to remove them from world power. The news is good but please only believe it when you see it. Are Western powers trying to start war in Asia to distract attention from their Sahara land grab? Source: Are Western powers trying to start war in Asia to distract attention from...
.... They need to renounce the child murderers who have been hiding in their midst or else risk being prosecuted as accomplices to mass murder. In the tale of Ruth the Jews did not hesitate to kill Moabites, even as they forgave Ruth. This is what needs to be done. Otherwise, prepare for the pogrom to end all pogroms. Meanwhile, as far as the new financial system is concerned, there were frantic efforts...
..., multiple attempts, all stopped by the Pentagon, were made to start World War 3. There has also been a rash of murders and murder attempts. Some of the victims have been Japanese finance ministers and ambassadors as well as Dr. Van de Meer. The Van de Meer murder has been linked to David Eisenhower and the Bushes. None of these murders has caused the funds to flow. There have also been murder attempts. On...
... addition to that, a major move is being made by the North American oligarchs to try to get Asian countries to switch from using Middle-Eastern oil to North American oil. This would help reduce the overall North American trade deficit with the region and provide hard cash to continue funding US government international operations. It would also help remove cash flow to the war-mongering factions. The...
... with "Jesuit Liberation Theology" which brought about the downfall of the Somoza family rule in Nicaragua and which is today destroying EI Salvador, now 25 years into a "civil war," Costa Rica and Honduras. One very active entity engaged in so-called liberation theology is the Communist oriented Mary Knoll Mission. This accounts for the extensive media attention to the murder of four of Mary Knoll...
... War Two, the term meant "burnt offering" as in sacrifice. (p.199) He quotes Bruno Bettleheim who says "calling the most callous, most brutal, most horrid. most heinous mass murder a 'burnt offering' is a sacrilege, a profanation of God and man." (205) Whose sacrifice was it? For what purpose? Obviously, it has something to do with the Sabbateans' occult practice. Every time we use that word, we...
... national rights Protocol 2.2: Puppet government - pawns in our game Protocol 3 - Methods of Conquest Benjamin Fulford Reports Fair Use Notice: Watch out for disinformation! Responsibilities of a reporter Information warfare: paid disinformation agents HAVE YOU GOTTEN ENOUGH OF THE PSYOPS? Is "banking mafia" "negotiating the surrender" or are they getting stronger? The War On Cash Is Advancing On All...
.... President Donald Trump becomes Obump with Zionist Meltdown at UN September 18, 2017: Donald Trump to go on November begathon to Asia September 11, 2017: High level and high stakes Mexican stand off continues despite 911 weather warfare attack on US September 4, 2017: Chances of new financial system announcement and US civil war both skyrocketing August 28, 2017: High level weirdness in US as Khazarian...
...: Khazarian mafia attempts to start World War 3 stopped in Syria and in North Korea April 10, 2017: Khazarian Satanists fatally expose themselves by turning Trump into a zombie slave April 3, 2017: US and Japan are close to civil war as Rockefeller death leaves power vacuum March 27, 2017: Immortality and exponential expansion into the universe will come after final cabal defeat March 20, 2017: Rothschilds...
... all it takes to free humanity now February 13, 2017: US and China are both busy with internal power struggles so the world will have to wait February 6, 2017: The long awaited arrests of cabailsts are supposed to start this week January 30, 2017: Boys will be boys as the Year of the Cock starts and war looms on the horizon January 23, 2017: Now that Trump is president the real horse trading begins...
... January 16, 2017: Will it be World War or World Government as Trump Presidency Approaches January 9, 2017: Countdown to the new age begins as final cabal underground bases subdued January 2, 2017: Khazarian mafia chickens coming home to roost in the Year of the Rooster December 26, 2016: Trump’s chain will be jerked if he tries to stop the takedown of war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu December 19, 2016...
... US presidential farce October 31, 2016: The message for the Khazarian mafia is trick or treat surrender or die October 24, 2016: Mass arrests and extrajudicial killings going on as part of cabal takedown October 17, 2016: Hillary Clinton goes into hiding as cabal takedown continues despite empty threats of nuclear war October 10, 2016: US elections to be cancelled and war crimes tribunals to be...
... of the world’s TV cameras September 6, 2016: Khazarian mafia bosses offer to return Tsarist gold to Russia in exchange for shelter August 29, 2016: Germany makes game changing move, prepares for war to defeat khazarian mafia August 22, 2016: The main factions in the battle for the planet earth and their current status August 15, 2016: Economic and demographic data make it clear it is game over for...
... the Khazarian mafia August 9, 2016: Khazarian mafia offer ASEAN, Japan and Korea to China August 1, 2016: Israel, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, France, Italy and Germany next on list of countries to be freed from Khazarian mafia July 26, 2016: Rothschild game plan was to reverse the results of World War I July 19, 2016: Chaos everywhere as current world order continues to collapse while new age begins...
... and Green Asian secret societies under new leadership promise to “make the earth tremble April 12, 2016: Federal Reserve Board and US dollar will be hit by financial Armageddon if Asian gold offer refused April 4, 2016: Khazarian mafia unfolding in Poland, Turkey, Washington DC, Japan and elsewhere March 28, 2016: 20160328 Khazarian Satan worshippers now exposed for all to see March 22, 2016...
... nightmare collapses Comment: Russian troops are on Israel’s doorstep? September 7, 2015: Chaos in cabal controlled financial system creates opportunity for revolution Comment: But who is going to do the arrests? - Pentagon? Who do the "good guys" from Pentagon work for? September 1, 2015: A small scale military operation would be enough to remove the Khazarian cabal from power Comment: About meritocracy...
..., 2015: More arrests needed as Western megabanks are now stealing depositors’ money August 4, 2015: Khazarian terror plots thwarted, rumours of August 8th arrests run rampant. July 27, 2015: Russian Pentagon alliance putting final end to Khazarian Mafia rule. July 20, 2015: The cabal is being systematically dismantled so “Just watch as it unfolds,” Pentagon says. July 13, 2015: Full scale cyber war...
..., 2015: Nukes in the Ukraine, lockdown at CIA, blockade of US West coast and more as takedown of cabal continues February 9, 2015: Zionazi defeat now inevitable, Pentagon to turn blind eye as Russia, Iran and Turkey take-out Saudi Arabia February 7, 2015: The War in Ukraine was originated by Zionists of the State Department and Vanguard Group in order to create new Khazaria, and start WW III by forcing...
... Russia to bring military forces to Donbass: February 7, 2015: Breaking news from my Russian sources: February 3, 2015: The West in de facto civil war as cabal rule continues to collapse February 1, 2015: Why a future planning agency January 26, 2015: The Greeks end debt slavery, a bad king dies, the Russians attack, central banks panic and the Davos elite fiddle while the world burns January 19, 2015...
...: Financial war coming to a head, Swiss join Pentagon/UK/BRICS alliance January 12, 2015: The fake Paris incident is aimed at taking down the house of Saud January 6, 2015: The US dollar is now backed by gold but the war criminals remain free December 30, 2014: Cabal suffers huge defeats in 2014 so the 2015 year of the sheep can also be the year of the sheeple December 24, 2014: US regime under...
..., 2014: Pentagon ready to take action as US Nazionist rogue regime now totally isolated November 17, 2014: G20 meeting was a total defeat for the cabal, Bush and Cohen crime families on the run November 11, 2014: Signs of cabal defeat are now obvious but, expect one last big push for war November 3, 2014: Desperate cabal loots Japanese pension funds to buy time October 28, 2014: The battle for the...
... against Nazionists begins despite continuing cabal threats of mass murder August 18, 2014: The Benjamin Fulford X files August 11, 2014: Long term scenarios for the planet earth negotiated between the various secret societies August 4, 2014: It is time to briefly summarize the recent history of the ongoing battle for the planet earth July 28, 2014: Updated background briefing on thee Yatagarasu or Three...
... threatens mayhem after failing to cash forged bonds during Asian trip April 22, 2014: Cabal split, unable to act despite deadline April 14, 2014: "Surrender Or Die," That Is The Choice the US cabal government now faces April 8, 2014: Lots of high level threats and murder taking place as cabalists turn on each other Mar 31, 2014: Monotheism in crisis as high level insiders claim the Qu’ran and the New...
... called after an exchange of nuclear threats Feb 25, 2014: War in the Ukraine and more banker murders as cabal end-game begins Feb 17, 2014: Secretary of Skull and Bones Kerry’s begging bowl half-filled after China pays, Indonesia nays Feb 11, 2014: The countdown begins, Secretary of Skull and Bones Kerry goes on begging mission Feb 3, 2014: Expect the fireworks to begin after the Lunar New Year’s...
... using "shock therapy" June 4, 2013: Financial war escalates with riots in Turkey, a blockade of European Central Bank, assassinations and arrests amid clouds of disinformation The only birth document Obama has ever publicly presented is a fraud May 28, 2013: The Tide Has Definitely Turned Against The Cabal The Japanese Financial System Is Beginning To Spin Wildly Out Of Control May 20, 2013: Signs of...
... end game in Washington D.C. proliferate, end of cold war in North East Asia also coming May 6, 2013: Netanyahu summoned to China, cabal purge begins in UK April 30, 2013: Desperate Sabbatean mafia tries to bribe Putin with offers of world power: gnostic illuminati April 23, 2013: Three more major terrorist incidents threatened after Boston and Texas April 15, 2013: North Korean nukes, Syrian...
..., the Pope and the Rothschilds are still standing January 28, 2013: The Sabbatean mafia and Vatican P2 lodge are on what will be their final offensive January 21, 2013: Are Western powers trying to start war in Asia to distract attention from their Sahara land grab? January 14, 2013: Signs of cabal defeat are proliferating January 8, 2013: The holiday lull is over, the fascist’s days are numbered...
... become psychopaths, hunting after millions of us..." By their fruits ye shall know them We never give but only take "Brussels - a city of evil in a world controlled by the Illuminati" Henry Kissinger: "If You Can't Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf"! "... humanity isn’t able to rescue itself." "... God has other plans with humanity. He creates the balance between good and evil" The "negative...
... propaganda journalists precisely the PROBLEM?! Fulford is an Old World Order agent of DISINFORMATION, trying to confuse you about who is good and who is bad. ALL INTERNATIONAL FINANCIERS ARE BAD. FULL STOP. ALL WAR MONGERS IN THE MILITARY ARE BAD. ALL INTELLIGENCE SERVICES ARE CORRUPT. ALL OWO JOURNALISTS ARE LIARS. Fulford is making himself rich selling you lies. The world will be free only when we are...
... themselves of the points to cover, but not just read it all literally as a text of their speeches. Because if one opens his mouth, then he needs to have enough intelligence to speak of his own and to show his own abilities to solve things. Otherwise, why did he even open his mouth to speak? His pre-constructed blabber, written by someone else could be simply played by the speech synthesizer, just to remove...
... of assuring the "survival" need to be totally revised, just to remove any possibility of corruption and self-interest, which is easier said than done. In the world of money and "survival" you can not trust even in purely creative areas, such as music, arts and even science, just like with Benya. Because in order to "make more money" or to "survive", they will be exaggerating the meaning and...
..., is nothing but a lie, and a DELIBERATE lie, just to remove the very possibility of some "higher" states of CONSCIOUSNESS and to convert the existence and Intelligence into a conglomeration and interaction of some primitive, mechanistic objects, that are, nevertheless, considered to be "the only thing that is real". And that is precisely why you see these robots everywhere nowadays, presented as...
..., this war is not a war of violence and destruction or some grandiose images of ego gratification. One thing we know with certainty is that PLENTY of people would prefer to get Benya's reports "as soon as they come out of the oven", without any strings attached and without being identified. So, why is he trying to twist their arms and submit to his "rules"? What "rules"? Is he some kind of a king or...
.... Because the evidence of it is in nearly every single news report out there. Yes, they do not report the REAL issues, and instead propose all sorts of scheme to "contain the problem", which is impossible unless you remove the very underlying reason, which is terror throughout not only Africa, but in other regions as well. Because this is a worldwide campain now. Did this great Benya mention it? Or are we...
... to do is to look carefully at what is going on in and around Ukraine and Russia and SEE how you can "connect the dots" in all these piles of disinformation of literally insane grade. They go as far as accusing Russia in what is happening in Ukraine and make it look like some Russian military aggression while the real aggressors and even the war criminals of the worst kind conceivable is themselves...
... occasions ("Incalculable harm has been done to the Zionist cause. . . ") and then resumed their daily denunciations of any who pleaded the Arab case as "anti-Semites". The Times of London even blamed Count Bernadotte for his own murder; it said the proposal to internationalize Jerusalem "undoubtedly incited certain Jews to kill Count Bernadotte", and in the common...
...; miracles of secret organization must have been performed, in a few decades, to ensure the obedience, at the decisive moment, of the "top-line politicians" in Canada, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand. These countries were remote from Palestine; they had no interest in implanting the fuse of new world war in the Middle East; their Jewish populations were tiny. Yet submission was...
... relates that when he was captured in the Western Desert in 1941 he was brought before Field Marshal Rommel, who asked, "Why are you New Zealanders fighting? This is a European war, not yours! Are you here for the sport?" Brigadier Clifton was perplexed to explain something which to him was as natural as life itself: "Realizing he was quite serious and really meant this, and never having...
... ambition in his heart certainly thought quite differently from Brigadier Clifton and his kind, and had he known how his Prime Minister felt Brigadier Clifton might have been much more puzzled to know how to reply to Field Marshal Rommel. Being so much preoccupied with Zionism Mr. Fraser could not be expected to be wholehearted in his country's interest and New Zealand went into the Second War all unready...
... determining deed of terrorism, the assassination of Count Bernadotte, which occurred in September 1948. Obviously Dr. Weizmann quailed. He had identified himself with both massacre and murder by accepting and retaining the presidency of the new state. For that reason his earlier warnings are of the greatest significance; he could have deleted them before publication. For instance, he charged "the...
... part in its violent acquisition). The invaders, therefore, were the Eastern Jews of Tartar-Mongol stock, but force of numbers alone would not have ensured their success. They needed arms for that. During the war General Wavell had informed Mr. Churchill that the Jews, if allowed to, could "beat the Arabs", and he evidently based this judgment on the arms which, as he knew, the Zionists had...
... purchases. Certain Czech arms shipments which reached Israel during critical junctures of the war played a vital role . . . When Jewish troops marched in review down Tel Aviv's Allenby Street last week, new Czechoslovak rifles appeared on the shoulders of infantry soldiers" (August 5, 1948). At that time the Zionist and Zionist-controlled press throughout the West began explicitly to identify "...
... "peace" and appealed to Count Folke Bernadotte of Sweden to go to Palestine and mediate between the parties. Count Bernadotte had always given himself to the mitigation of human suffering, particularly to the relief and rescue of Jewish victims during the Second War. He worked in the sign of the Cross (the red one) and was killed at the very place where the Cross first became a symbol of...
... faith and hope. No deed can be more atrocious than the murder of an accepted peacemaker and mediator by one of the combatant parties, and within four months of its creation the Zionist state added this second symbolic act to its calendar. Count Bernadotte (like Mr. Forrestal) kept a diary, published after his death. This records that, after accepting the mission of peace, he passed through London and...
...". They have this power in 1956, and will continue to have it. They can at any time precipitate the world into new war, for they have been placed in the most inflammable spot in the world, rightly described as "the powder keg" by an American Secretary of State, a British Foreign Secretary and the Zionist Premier himself. Up to the time when Dr. Nahum Goldman made the above-quoted...
... set up a Zionist state based on coercion. After this King Farouk told Count Bernadotte that if the war continued (it has not yet ended) it would develop into a third world war; Count Bernadotte agreed and said he had for that reason accepted the task of Mediator. He also mentioned that in the war he had had "the privilege of rescuing about 20,000 persons, many of them Jews; I myself had been in...
... landing men and arms. Count Bernadotte and his observers "were unable to judge the number of Irgun men landed or the quantity of war material unloaded" because the Zionist government refused to allow them near the spot. In the first week of July "the Jewish press made very violent attacks on me". The defamationist method (used against Mr. Forrestal) was now employed and Count...
... Bernadotte's efforts to rescue Jewish victims during the war were turned against him; the insinuation was made that his negotiations with the Nazi Gestapo chief, Heinrich Himmler, towards the war's end about the liberation of Jews had been of dubious character. "It was unjust to cast aspersions on me", (the innuendo was that Count Bernadotte was "a Nazi") "my work having been the...
... detail. Their accounts show its efficient preparation and execution and plainly point to the identity of the chief organizer. The actual murderers escaped without hindrance, two in the jeep and one across country. None was arrested or charged (report, probably credible, says that a waiting aeroplane removed the murderers to communized Czechoslovakia). The subsequent Israeli enquiry stated that: "...
...;The murder as it was actually carried out and all the preparations that went with it are predicated on the following points: (a) a clear decision to assassinate Count Bernadotte and the elaboration of a detailed plan for its carrying out; (b) a complex spy network capable of keeping track of the Count's movements during the time of his stay in Jerusalem so as to enable those responsible for the...
... operation to fix its place and time; (c) men experienced in this kind of activities or who had received in good time training for it; (d) appropriate arms and methods of communication as well as safe refuge after the murder; (e) a commander well experienced and responsible for the actual perpetration" . For such men the new state had declared itself "fully responsible". Three days later a...
... the strongest pressure exerted behind the scenes. It has (or then had; none can say what wondrous transformation the future might bring) no morality of its own; it was an oracle, worked by a hidden mechanism, and it did not trouble itself about the murder of its Mediator any more than the Washington and London governments had troubled about the persecution of Mr. Forrestal and the murder of Lord...
... understanding the word "incite" imputes blame. In Israel four months later two Stern Group leaders named Yellin and Shmuelevitz were sentenced to eight and five years imprisonment in this connection by a special court, the president of which, in reading the judgment, said there was "no proof that the order to kill Count Bernadotte had been given by the leadership". The two men (according...
... "United Nations" had their headquarters, a strong reason offered why no "accounting" for Count Bernadotte's murder should be demanded. When it happened the American presidential election was close at hand. The campaign was at full heat and both candidates (Mr. Truman and Mr. Thomas Dewey) held the Zionist vote to be indispensable to success. They were vying for it and Palestine was...
... a long way from New York. Mr. Truman was the better-qualified aspirant, for he had recognized the new state and proclaimed the act "the proudest" of his life. On another occasion he said it was one guided by "the highest humanitarian purpose". A few weeks after the murder on the road to Jerusalem he was elected president; at the year's end he gave White House employees a...
... and ninety percent) go to the gambling syndicate and the residue goes in small windfalls to John Doe. The "rigging" of the American electoral system is the determining factor in the events of the 20th Century. A mechanism originally designed to enable John Doe * Begin Calls For War: Jerusalem. Attack the Arabs smash one weak spot after another, crush one front after another until victory...
... American involvement in an explosive situation in the Levant, artificially created and pregnant with the danger of world war. When 1948 ended, thirty-one years after the first triumph of the dual conspiracy (the Balfour Declaration and the Bolshevik revolution) the Zionist state had been set up. Mr. Truman, the pacemaker in "recognition", had been advised by his responsible officers that the...
... partition forcibly effected at Deir Yasin would lead to a third world war; all leading Western politicians had received the same counsel from their responsible advisers. None of the "top-line politicians" concerned can have been in doubt about the shape which their support of Zionism would give to the future, and their public utterances about it cannot have expressed their private knowledge or...
... realized by the American and British masses (though the now apparent danger of a new world war beginning in and spreading outward from Zionised Palestine is for the first time disquietening them). In the rest of the world it has long been understood. As long ago as the 1920's for instance, the Maharajah of Kashmir asked Sir Arthur Lothian (as that British diplomat relates), "why the British...
... a time, between elections' ". This control of American state policy, through control of the election machine, led in 1952 to a culminating act of the Talmudic vengeance, wreaked this time on the half of Germany which had been left "free" by the bisection. This half of Germany was forced to pay tribute to the Zionist state, set up three years after Germany's defeat in the Second War...
...! After the First War the Western victor powers tried to exact tribute ("reparations") but failed; what was received was merely by book-entry, for it was cancelled out by American and British loans. After the Second War the revolution exacted tribute from captive East Germany by simply helping itself. The Western victor powers made no demand for "reparations" on their own account...
..., but extorted it for Zion. As the years passed the alarm of responsible men in the Middle East again made itself felt in the State Department. It was constantly reminded by its advisers on the spot that the seven Arab States had never accepted the deed of 467 1948, that they held themselves still to be in a state of war with the interloping state, and held the United States to be paying for arms to...
... be used against themselves. Thus the idea was born, several years after the war's end, of making the "free" half of Germany pay "reparations" to a state which had not even existed during the Second War; the continued propping-up of the new state was to be ensured and the true source of its support obscured. The idea was long bruited behind the scenes and (like the judgment of...
... the cost of the new state's armaments and development; therewith the likelihood of another great war was brought nearer and the out look for the Arabs was made much worse. The Zionist 469 state was at length propped up and the consequences at once began to flow. The exertion of "pressure" on the West German government in this matter was about the last major act of American state policy...
... while. Otherwise the herd gets too big. If the herd gets too big, they eat up all the resources. So, you got to thin out the herd once in a while. We call that theater of war, because it is amusing to us that our two biggest enemies, the white race and the Arab race, to, to see that the women, it's, it's amusing to us to see them kill each other and we make a lot of money off it. Believe me, I got a...
... and India, and we'll just let America sink into the desert We know how to get the word out to every Jew in the world within 45 minutes We want the world of our own, and there's nothing any of the goyim cattle are gonna do to stop us Where do the blacks fit in? We're making a lot of money selling the drugs We had control since the civil war. Rothschild, he backed both sides of the civil war All we...
... We did a pretty good job with the public school system God made gentiles because somebody has to pay retail You are eating your children in sausages and hamburgers And, even when we say this outright and tell you, people, you don't believe it Missing child alert References about Jewish ritual murder We infiltrate the church and we attack them first Plan "B" - we formed the Jesuits to infiltrate all...
..., NareBLA, ACLU, ADL, NAACP, SLPC. We are the MSM, Hollywood, tabloid journalism and pornography. We are the corrupt judicial system that frees the guilty and imprisons the innocent. We will defraud your country without conscience or consequence We are your last, your current and your next war. We are anti-gun. We are open borders. We are eminent domain. We are the military industrial complex. We are an...
... unregulated nuclear state. We are an international terrorist. We are the re-writer of history to my advantage. We are "war by way of deception". We are the aggressor, yet always the victim. We are the eternal radical. Who are we? "It's the JEWS, stupid"!!! Introductory note: How could this be? Due to the absolutely shocking material presented in this interview, the question arises - how is it possible that...
... such a explosive and anti-Semitic information was provided by none other than a rabbi, and a senior one, who knows subtleties and details that are not available even to ordinary Jews? Does he have some problems with his head to say such things, for which Zio-Nazis kill, especially when you consider that this rabbi is not just any ordinary rabbi, but a rabbi of Chabad? What is Chabad? Chabad Mafia...
... will make persecution a reality. Dr. Hutschnecker said that all a person need do to see Jewish paranoia in action is to ride on the New York subway. Nine times out of ten, he said, the one who pushes you out of the way will be a Jew. "The Jew hopes you will retaliate in kind and when you do he can tell himself you are anti-Semitic." During World War II, Dr. Hutschnecker said, Jewish leaders in...
... the afflicted person mutilates himself. He said that those who mutilate themselves do so because they want sympathy for themselves. But, he added, such persons reveal their insanity by disfiguring themselves in such a way as to arouse revulsion rather than sympathy. Dr. Hutschnecker noted that the incidence of mental illness has increased in the United States in direct proportion to the increase in...
... Elders of Zion. We have achieved all of the objectives expressed at our first meeting 100 years ago. We control governments. We have created dissension among our enemies and made them kill each other. We have effectively silenced criticism of our affairs and we are the richest race of men on this earth. Many of you are very busy men. Let us get to the crux of the matter. As masters of business...
..., politics, law and most importantly ... media, we are ready to implement our most important and ambitious program. One that will finally and totally remove from existence the impediments of our absolute control of this earth. I speak OF THE DEATH OF THE WHITE RACE. The complete removal of all means of reproduction of the so-called Aryan race. Men, we now control the destiny of this race. It is now time to...
... in the spring of 1920. Lenin and his accomplices did not arrest just anyone. They executed those most active in society, the independent thinkers. Lenin gave orders to kill as many students as possible in several towns. The Chekists arrested every youth wearing a school cap. They were liquidated because Lenin believed the coming Russian intellectuals would be a threat to the Soviet regime...
... [jewish] Chekist functionary Joseph Unschlicht. How did they go about the murders? The Jewish Chekists flavoured murder with various torture methods. In his documentary "The Russia We Lost", the director Stanislav Govorukhin told how the priesthood in Kherson were crucified. The archbishop Andronnikov in Perm was tortured: his eyes were poked out, his ears and nose were cut off. In Kharkov the priest...
... Dmitri was undressed. When he tried to make the sign of the cross, a Chekist cut off his right hand. [Note: The murders committed by these ZioNazi satanists were carried out in precise correspondence with principles of ritual murder and were in fact the occultist sacrificial ceremonies, which were to be carried out inducing the maximum amount of pain and suffering in the victims. During the...
... with saws and with harrows of iron" and "made them pass through the brick-kiln". After the Second World War, this text was changed in most European Bibles. Now, many Bibles state that the people were put to work with the tools mentioned and were occupied with brick-making - something the inhabitants had been doing continually for several thousand years already. (This is found in II Samuel, 12:31, and...
... in I Chronicles 20:3.) The Jewish extremists' serious crimes in Russia were committed in the true spirit of the Old Testament (King James' Bible): The god of the Israelites demands the mass-murder of Gentiles (i.e. goyim = non-Jews), including women and children. (Deuteronomy, 20:16.) Yahweh wishes to spread terror among the Gentiles (Deuteronomy, 2:25). Yahweh demands the destruction of other...
... practised terror in its name. Vladimir Ulyanov's passion was to kill as many people as possible without thinking of the consequences. Of course, he never wondered whether it was really possible to build a state on violence and evil. Lenin showed the same kind of thoughtlessness by the Yenisei, where he had loaded his boat with so many dead rabbits with crushed heads that it sank under the weight. In...
... sure you are aware of this, right? A: Eeeh, this is your own problem. Holocaust of six million Jews Q: You see, there is a big topic that's going around on this six million holocaust that took place during World War Two of the Jews at Buchenwald, Auschwitz and different places. A lot of information has come in out here a Rabbi Finkelstein, that, that its all myth and it's all conjecture. Could I have...
... private Jewish bank. Is this true? A: Aaah, well yes and no. Q: Well, what part is yes? A: Well, it is banking institution, that's for sure. Q: You see, the thing that I don't like about this is that the Jew never knew what hard word was and they never had, and, besides, you know, this is a nice part about it: you, Jews, are just Christ murderers anyway. A: Well, that's, that's true. We did murder, but...
... not gonna make any shekels, but she can try. About 9/11 Q: Let me ask you this. This is very interesting. This war in Iraq that took place after the alleged towers of 2001, September of 2001, this alleged war, it got very interesting, there were no Jews in them towers. Can you explain that? A: Well, spiritually there was a lot of Jews in the towers. Q: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. A: A lot of Jews died in...
... [unintelligible] was a good friend of mine. They have Larry. He got a two for, he got a two for one there, and he doubled the insurance, magically, just three months before it happened, and he got a two hit [?] on it, so he made like four times his money. I should have been on a deal. He asked me, but I said: oh, I have to think about it. It took a little too long for me to think about it, and they pulled the...
... plug and pulled it as they say, and so the buildings came down. But, at least I've got in on a market, and I got, I shorted, I was short American Airlines, I was short United Airlines, I was short Lloyd's of London insurance company because they took a big hit, Alliance [?] insurance company, I was short them. So, I made a few shekels. Q: Well, let me ask you this. There is a lot of speculation here...
... make the money. We've made about 300 billion on Iraq Q: I was gonna ask you, ah, this war in Iraq, there is a lot of Jew money invested in this war, isn't there? A: Well, we have all the ammunition companies, we own all the aircraft companies, all the gun manufacturers, all the supplies. Ah, we're making a lot of money, and George Bush - he's a good goyim. He borrows it right from the Federal Reserve...
... this war is gonna go on for another 30 years, as George said. We told him to keep it quiet, and, and, shut up and don't act like a, like a big shot. But he kept talking, and so. But this war is gonna go on for another 30 years. We're going to go into may be 60 countries or so. We're going to be dropping all the goyim here soon. The men, the women. The women don't want to sit home and have families...
... you might as well start with taking over the biggest country in the world, which was Russia, and we got the help to murder the Tsar from his cousins, the Kaiser and the king and queen of England, and, so they helped us and they gave us all the inside information that we needed to take the country over. But we drained that country pretty well. There's not a lot left, and so we looked for greener...
... to Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his Eleanore, his first cousin, who was also a Jewess [interrupted on the background with - "they are both Jews"], yes, they were both Jews, and its very interesting, until they've got in office, the Jews had control of the money, but they, but they didn't have control or a good foothold in Washington, DC, did they? We had control since the civil war. Rothschild, he...
... backed both sides of the civil war A: No, we had control since the civil war. That, Rothschild, he backed both sides of the civil war, and when the smoke cleared, he was getting shekels from both of them, lots of it since they're never going to be able to pay back the war debt. We're really controlling them. Basically, what we've been doing is consolidating. I'll tell you something about that Eleanore...
... other Jews, the orthodox Jews and the other Jews. I mean, is there a lot of in-fighting for the money out there in New York. I've heard there is a big inner war going on now with Jewry. A: Well, we fight a little bit and we argue a little bit. Of course, that the two most important things we do is complain and get the guilt, and so what we do is we're not really fighting among ourselves cause we both...
...:// References about Jewish ritual murder See also: Ritual Sacrifice and Murder The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice Jewish Occult Murders
.../Matt_Hale/Jewish_Occult_Murders/Jewish_Occult_Murder.html Jewish Ritual Murder by Arnold Leese Jewish Ritual Murder by Hellmut Schramm Some recent cases: Ritual murders of children in Chicago (The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice) A...
... get you declared heretics, so that they would crucify you and kill you. Plan "B" - we formed the Jesuits to infiltrate all the protestant churches But there was too many of you, and the West was opening up, when the Jews opened up New York and Rio and everybody started going West, to the Americas, and so we had to come up with the plan "B", and plan "B" we formed the Jesuits. He was a nice boy that...
..., which should be soon cause she does not look like she is in too good health. Q: Rabbi Finkelstein, we're coming down on time here. But I wanted to get into this because you know, YOU and I are at war. The war actually is between the children of white race, the children of Seth, and the children of Kain, which you are, and we know that this has been written in Aramaic and in all the ancient texts, you...
... know this as well as I, that only one races is gonna survive on the face of this Earth, and you KNOW it's the white race. A: Well, that's what your book says. Our book, the Talmud, says we're gonna rule and we're gonna have a world of our own, and we're gonna go out into space, and we're gonna have a war with your father, and we're gonna win this time. Who borrows is a slave to the lender Q: Well...
.... Furthermore, the world of a rabbi even stands about the Talmud itself! A rabbi is even capable of changing God's mind, as the story goes, in which the rabbi was able to convince God not to destroy the city, where perversions, sadomasochism, brutal violence and murder ruled. Thus, for genuinely religious Jews the word of a rabbi is the LAW. The very Talmud, which is in essence the collection of laws...
... Goy" (Shabes Goy) - non-Jew to do any work that needs to be done.] When the light went out in their kerosene lamp, the Jews would call Abbad, and he knew what to do; no one had to tell him. After the Sabbath they would give him a small loaf of challah bread as a gift of appreciation. One Sabbath in 1929, the Zionist settlers attacked Abbad's house. They knocked on his door, planning to murder him...
... Revolution took place and the Balfour Declaration promised Palestine to the Jews. The Round Table group planned three world wars to degrade, demoralize and destroy mankind, rendering it defenceless. The Third World War, now beginning, pits the Zionists against the Muslims. The purpose of Zionism is to help colonize the Middle East, subvert Islam, and control the...
... Laden, Bush Serve the Same Master Osama Bin Laden made more than 260 phone calls to England between 1996-1998. The aim is to contrive a "war of civilizations" as an excuse to grind down both Muslim states and the West to create a global police state. What I have been calling "compulsory suicide" is satanic "culling." The constant reference by Zionist and other...
... emigrant from Russia, the former Commissioner of Civil War, writes: "The Rothschild empire, which includes Britain and France, has long dreamed of taking over the innumerable natural resources of Russia. The democratic government of Kerensky, which was supported by Rothschild, created favorable conditions for the predominance of the Zionists ... It is precisely the Rothschild group of Zionists who...
... overthrew the Tsar in 1917 ...". "If the Civil War was the result of political struggle between the political parties, it would have ended quickly. Both, the "whites" and the "reds" would have quickly exhausted. What happened in reality, it was a war between the Rothschild's mafia and the mafia of Schiff, which is constantly stimulated the war by finances. This explains why the civil war lasted so long...
.... This explains why the Civil War was much more brutal, than the World War I that just ended. This was because in fact, it was not a war but purposeful extermination of peoples in order to maximize depopulation and destruction of humaneness [converting people into animals] in Russia. Maximum depopulation opened the way for the kings of the finance to profit from the natural resources of Russia". By the...
... they will crush us". The war, funded by the Rothschilds, called the "World revolution" of Trotsky continued into the World War of Hitler. Hitler was also financed by Rothschilds. They have committed crimes against their people and sacrificed the lives of many Jews in order to use it as an excuse for creation of state of Israel. Much of the historical evidence suggests that all the coups and wars...
... since the late 18th century, were inspired by Rothschilds. World government of an invisible Khazaria is led precisely by them - the Rothschild dynasty. They carry a dominant Khazar feature of the - thirst to fight and kill. Кристиан Раковский (Хаим Рейковер), бывший кровавый диктатор Советской Украины, личный друг Троцкого (Святая Русь против Хазарии - Т.В. Грачева) Высший состав Советской власти...
... Cairo Edmond de Rothschild founds Compagnie Financiere, Paris 1956 Menachem Begin, a genocidal terrorist states: You Israelis shall have no pity on them until we have destroyed their so-called Arab culture Telephone taps are found in the residence of the United States military attaché in Tel Aviv 1957 Ariel Sharon commands units which murder Egyptian prisoners of war James de Rothschild dies and...
... of the United States military attaché in Tel Aviv. 1957 Ariel Sharon commands units which murder Egyptian prisoners of war During a joint British, Israeli, and French invasion of the Suez Canal, Ariel Sharon commands units which murder Egyptian prisoners of war, as well as civilian Sudanese workers who the Jews had captured. A total of 273 unarmed prisoners are executed and dumped into mass graves...
... Republic of China Mao Tse Tsung is funded by Rothschild Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion: Jerusalem aspires to become the spiritual center of the world 1950 As planned by the Rothschilds', every nation involved in World War 2 greatly multiplied their debt, bringing them further and further under Jewish control James Paul Warburg: "We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it" The...
... nuclear state The Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz: The murder of American President John F. Kennedy abruptly stopped the U.S. pressure on Israel as to its nuclear agenda Kennedy's wife, Jackie Kennedy, was Jewish Edmond de Rothschild establishes La Compagnie Financière Edmond de Rothschild (LCF) The 45 goals of the Communist Manifesto are stated in the United States Congress 1965 Israel illegally obtains...
... enriched uranium from NUMEC Due to friction between different races in Britain, the Race Relations Act of 1965 is introduced into parliament Introduction of different races into countries is the Jews' most effective form of warfare yet against the Western World, and is known as the, "Silent War" The apartheid state of Israel, the only state in the world where you have to be of a particular race to...
... emigrate to 1967 Egypt, Jordan and Syria are suddenly attacked by Israel Israelis launch an attack on the U.S.S. Liberty with Israeli aircraft and motor torpedo boats, in an effort to blame it on Egypt, to bring America into the war on their side The Israelis' also machine gun the lifeboats the Americans deploy in order to prevent them escaping, yet another war crime A naval tribunal is set up to...
... planned by the Rothschilds', every nation involved in World War 2 greatly multiplied their debt, bringing them further and further under Jewish control Figures reveal that as planned by the Rothschilds', every nation involved in World War 2 greatly multiplied their debt, bringing them further and further under Jewish control. Between 1940 and 1950, United States Federal Debt went from 43 billion dollars...
..., which will go on to terrorize the world, is formed. The Mossad soon takes control of its' American arm, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The motto of the Mossad is probably the most disturbing secret service motto in the world. It is, "By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War." 1952 David Ben-Gurion oversees a project of genocide of Sephardic Jews via massive radiation overdose of their children...
... carry out terrorist attacks that they then blame on the Arabs, and is an example of how their secret service motto, "By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War," works in practice. A hidden microphone planted by the Israelis is discovered in the Office of the United States Ambassador in Tel Aviv A hidden microphone planted by the Israelis is discovered in the Office of the United States Ambassador in Tel...
... Tel Aviv conference: "You Israelis, you should never become lenient if you kill your enemies. You shall have no pity on them until we have destroyed their so-called Arab culture, on the ruins of which we shall build our own civilization." Telephone taps are found in the residence of the United States military attaché in Tel Aviv Telephone taps are found connected to two telephones in the residence...
... benefit of a money grabbing war mongering foreign elite. This Executive Order 11110 is actually rescinded by President Lyndon Baines Johnson, an alleged Crypto-Jew, in one of his first acts as President This Executive Order 11110, is actually rescinded by President Lyndon Baines Johnson, an alleged Crypto-Jew (the 36th President of the United States 1963 to 1969), in one of the first acts he carries out...
... state. The Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz: The murder of American President John F. Kennedy abruptly stopped the U.S. pressure on Israel as to its nuclear agenda The Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz on February 5, 1999, in a review of, Avner Cohen's book, "Israel and the Bomb," states the following on this subject, "The murder of American President John F. Kennedy brought to an abrupt end the massive pressure...
... Congressional Record of that day. Below is that list, which is important to study today to help you understand whether you live in a, "democracy," a, "republic," or under "Communism," which is of course, the control of the masses by Jewish interests. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war. Develop the...
... illusion that total disarmament (by) the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination. Grant recognition of Red China...
... Due to friction between different races in Britain, the Race Relations Act of 1965 is introduced into parliament by the then Attorney General, Russian Jew, Frank Soskice. This act makes racial discrimination unlawful in public places. Introduction of different races into countries is the Jews' most effective form of warfare yet against the Western World, and is known as the, "Silent War...
..." Introduction of different races into countries is the Jews' most effective form of warfare yet against the Western World, and is known as the, "Silent War," which has taken place at various times this century, primarily in the United States and the United Kingdom. This is generally done under the pretext of needing other races to fill a gap in the labour market in that country (although of course in America...
... the Jordan River stolen from Jordan. Israelis launch an attack on the U.S.S. Liberty with Israeli aircraft and motor torpedo boats, in an effort to blame it on Egypt, to bring America into the war on their side As a result of this, on June 8th, the Israelis launch an attack on the U.S.S. Liberty with Israeli aircraft and motor torpedo boats, in an effort to blame it on Egypt, to bring America into...
... the war on their side, and of course follow to the letter, their Mossad motto, "By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War." As a result of their attack, 34 American servicemen are killed and 174 wounded. Israel lies as usual, claiming it mistook this warship that was flying a large United States flag, for an ancient out-of-service Egyptian horse carrier El Quseir, that is incidentally 180 feet shorter...
.... They also claim the ship was in the war zone, when it was actually in international waters, far from any fighting. The Israelis' attack on this warship lasts for seventy-five minutes during which time they shoot up one of the United States flags, resulting in the sailors desperately raising another one. The Israelis' also machine gun the lifeboats the Americans deploy in order to prevent them...
... escaping, yet another war crime The Israelis' also machine gun the lifeboats the Americans deploy in order to prevent them escaping, yet another war crime. In the aftermath of this attack, the American sailors who survived are warned by the United States military not to discuss the matter with anyone due to, "national security," a term which when translated into plain English, means, "Jewish Security." A...
... goes on to provide Israel with one third of its fresh water. Israeli General Matityahu Peled , is quoted in Ha'aretz (March 19th 1972) with the following statement, "The thesis that the danger of genocide was hanging over us in June 1967 and that Israel was fighting for its physical existence is only bluff, which was born and developed after the war." de Rothschild Frères is renamed Banque Rothschild...
... States forces stationed both in Germany and in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, on alert, that they may be sent to Israel to assist Israeli forces in this war. The Israeli forces emerge victorious following the massive infusion of military aid already given to them by American taxpayer This proves not to be necessary, as the Israeli forces emerge victorious following the massive infusion of military aid...
... from Kuwait to Basra. President George Herbert Walker Bush orders United States military aircraft and ground units to kill these surrendering troops, who are then bulldozed into mass unmarked graves in the desert, some of whom are still alive. President Bush then orders a cessation of hostilities. What was the significance of this slaughter and President Bush declaring the war over on this day...
... Protocols themselves. The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview Notes What do you do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Table of Contents 1991 January 16th the United States and Britain began an aerial bombing campaign of Iraq War crime: Talmudic style ritual slaughter of 150,000 retreating Iraqi troops with fuel air bombs "Happy and...
... joyful" holiday of Purim is when the most horrendous murders occur, just as prescribed by the Jewish "scriptures" Gulf War Syndrome Isratex Company supplied the defective chemical and biological protective suits The real reason for this war in Iraq as per Victor Ostrovsky Under pressure from Chabad Lubavitch sect, the Congress passes the law to "educate" the public to the seven Noahide Laws from the...
... Congressman, Paul Findley, publishes "Deliberate Deceptions: Facing the Facts About the U. S. Israeli Relationship" 65 United Nations Member Resolutions against Israel Mossad motto, "By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War" Two weeks after Israel's attack on the USS Liberty, Israeli Foreign Minister states: if UN votes to return to pre June 1967 borders, Israel would refuse to comply Anti-Defamation League...
..., appears on a Canadian breakfast television show Ostrovsky decides to sue Yosef Lapid for inciting his murder Harper Collins (owned by Jew, Rupert Murdoch) to Ostrovsky: "Sue Us!" Ostrovsky's daughter is denied a job she had been offered Ostrovsky's Canadian publisher cancels the publication of his new book and some time after that, his home is burnt to the ground The Rothschilds' now control 80% of the...
... began an aerial bombing campaign of targets within Iraq. On 24th February the ground campaign commences which lasts 100 hours until on February 28th when a horrendous war crime occurs. War crime: Talmudic style ritual slaughter of 150,000 retreating Iraqi troops with fuel air bombs This crime is the slaughter of 150,000 Iraqi troops with fuel air bombs. These Iraqis are fleeing on a crowded highway...
... all non-Jews. Gulf War Syndrome Gulf War Syndrome Of approximately the 697,000 American servicemen and women deployed to the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm, some 40,000 end up dead and a further 400,000 end up suffering from various maladies associated with what has become known as Gulf War Syndrome. Isratex Company supplied the defective chemical and biological protective suits It is...
... subsequently discovered that the military obtained 800,000 chemical and biological protective suits from the Isratex Company of Rainelle, W.V., which were defective, and contained holes and tears, that can allow in sufficient biological or chemical material to kill the person wearing it. Isratex, which netted $44 million in defence contracts in the late 1980's and early 1990's to make these protective suits...
... airport), receives six months plus one day in jail, two years supervised release and a $40,000 fine. Zvi Rosenthal, formerly the company's production manager, has to serve six months home detention, three months probation and receives a $20,000 fine. The real reason for this war in Iraq as per Victor Ostrovsky The real reason for this war in Iraq is revealed in Victor Ostrovsky's book, "The Other Side...
... Of Deception," in which he states on page 315, "What the Mossad really feared was that Iraq's gigantic army, which had survived the Iran-Iraq war and was being supplied by the West and financed by Saudi Arabia, would fall into the hands of a leader who might be more palatable to the West and still be a threat to Israel. The first step was taken in November 1988, when the Mossad told the Israeli...
... gruesome photos of dead Kurdish mothers clutching their dead babies after a gas attack by Saddam's army were real, and the acts were horrendous. But the Kurds were entangled in an all-out guerrilla war with the regime in Baghdad and had been supported for years by the Mossad, who sent arms and advisers to the mountain camps of the Barazany family; this attack by the Iraqis could hardly be called an...
..., but not his own. They wanted the Americans to do the work of destroying that gigantic army in the Iraqi desert so that Israel would not have to face it one day on its own border. That in itself was a noble cause for an Israeli, but to endanger the world with the possibility of global war and the deaths of thousands of Americans was sheer madness." The Other Side of Deception Under pressure from...
... false gods. Shefichat damim - Do not murder. Gezel - Do not steal (or kidnap). Gilui arayot - Do not be sexually immoral (forbidden sexual acts are traditionally interpreted to include incest, bestiality, male homosexual sex acts and adultery.) Birkat Hashem - Do not, "bless God," euphemistically referring to blasphemy. Ever min ha-chai - Do not eat any flesh that was torn from the body of a living...
..., Thou Shalt Do War" Not that Israel care too much about the views of the United Nations when you consider that less than two weeks after Israel's attack on the USS Liberty (an attack designed to sink the Liberty and blame it on Egypt prompting the United States into a war with Egypt on behalf of Israeli lies, remember the Mossad motto, "By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War"), the Israeli Foreign...
... extradition of Jew, Solomon Morel from Israel, for, "Crimes Against Humanity." Morel was a commandant of a concentration camp at Swietochlowice, in Poland, after World War 2. This concentration camp housed Polish men, women and children who were of German descent, and had subsequently had their property seized by the Jewish Communist authorities. Among the charges that Morel is accused of are: That he...
... journalist Yosef Lapid, the former head of Israeli television, also on the program via satellite link. The Other Side of Deception by Victor Ostrovsky Lapid had already called for the Mossad to seek Ostrovsky out in Canada and kill him for writing his revealing books. However this time, Lapid states live on the show that as Israel's Mossad could not kill Ostrovsky in Canada without causing diplomatic...
... incident, "I hope that there would be a decent Jew in Canada who would do the job for us." Ostrovsky decides to sue Yosef Lapid for inciting his murder Ostrovsky decides to sue in a Canadian court Yosef Lapid for inciting his murder and, "Canada AM," for airing his incitement to the public. However, Ostrovsky is unable to find any lawyer in Canada who will take the case. Harper Collins (owned by Jew...
... Lebanese civilians who had only taken refuge there on the understanding that it was an agreed non-combat area, between the fighting forces of Hezbollah and Israel. Stanislaw Wozniak Israel makes excuses as usual, claiming it was a "mistake," but unfortunately history has by now proven that they are never able to enter into any sort of combat without committing some sort of war crime, or rather series of...
... war crimes, which they always seem to have excuses for. Major-General Stanislaw Wozniak of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) clearly sees it this way, as revealed in his response to Israeli excuses in which he firmly states of the Qana massacre, "Simply, you do not attack civilians. You do not attack UN positions." Amschel Rothschild, 41, is strangled with the heavy cord Jacques...
... the World War 2, which subsequently discovers that only 200 accounts, containing a total of approximately ten million dollars, less than one percent of the one and a half billion dollars extorted by Bronfman, could be traced back to alleged holocaust victims. Bronfman has given almost nothing to the alleged holocaust victims he claimed the money was for Does Bronfman give the Swiss back the other 99...
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