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Found: 2871 articles, showing 980 - 990
... slip back. Even your psychoanalyst is not normal. He goes to another psychoanalyst to keep him normal. All the psychoanalysts keep going to be analyzed by other psychoanalysts so they can remain normal. I have heard about a man, a very rich man, who was becoming abnormal and was afraid. He had appointments with the costliest psychoanalyst, but he was a rich man so he could pay any amount of money...

.... The money had to be paid according to how much time you took. The rich man had no problem... he would take two-hour, three-hour, four-hour, five-hour, six-hour sessions. Lying on the psychoanalyst's couch he would go on and on talking all kinds of nonsense. The psychoanalyst was getting afraid. Listening six hours to that man was dangerous because in the night he started repeating his thoughts in...

... his dreams. It was a clear-cut symbol that something had to be done: "This is too much. I cannot manage to keep my own normalness if this man goes on and on. And there seems to be no end; he has enough money so there is no question for him of how much time he takes." The psychoanalyst tried to manage things in such a way that he wouldn't lose the patient because he was really a treasure...

..., but he didn't want to lose his normalness either because then what would he do with the treasure? Then he would have to give all the money to other psychoanalysts to clean his mind. So he said to the rich man, "Because you need so much time, I cannot look after other patients. And you need that much time so I am not saying to cut it. I have found a way: I will put my tape recorder here so that...
... passing through Delhi and I met him. He said, "I am ready to give as much money as you want. I can give you everything that is needed if you go around the world to spread Hinduism and particularly the idea that cow slaughter should be stopped." I said, "You have called the wrong man. Why should cow slaughter be stopped? All slaughter should be stopped... that can be understood." He...

...;never drink." I said, "That's good... that's good advice from you." He said, "Yes, because it spoiled me. Now it is too late. I cannot go back. In fact my father spoiled me by giving me all that money. I didn't have to work. But a man has to do something: otherwise one becomes fidgety, tense. So just to calm me down I started drinking and I found it a great relief, and soon I was...

... everything to gain." The ordinary poor person has much to lose - Karl Marx is wrong on that point. He has his freedom, his individuality. Karl Marx had never thought about these things. He thought only about money - that the poor man has no money. But the poor man has an individuality of his own. He has freedom and freedom of expression. At least he is not a slave. He may be a beggar, but he has...
... you can do is to be receptive and available. When I knock on your doors, I should not find them closed - it is more than enough on your part. And when I take you into unknown territories you should come with me without any fear, without anything holding back. You have all the money in the world but you are poor. I don't have any money in the world but I am rich - rich in my being. That's the only...

... whether it is absolutely twenty-four carat gold or not, and then he would throw it into the Ganges. Naturally it was taking a long time, and a great crowd had gathered - what is he doing? And he was enjoying. The man reported to Ramakrishna, so he himself went and he told the man, "You seem to be very idiotic. When one collects money, naturally one has to collect it one coin by one coin. But when...

... economics. A beggar was standing on the street and he stopped a car. He asked for something because he had not eaten for three days. The man in the car had just won a lottery. And looking at the beggar, he could not believe it - his clothes, although very old, dirty, showed that he came from a good family. His face, his language, all gave indications that he was educated. He was so full of money at that...
... egos are dangerous, because you are living in something which is not. You are living for something which is not, you are sacrificing that which is for something that is not. This is the danger. A real life is being sacrificed at the altar of the nonexistential ego. You are running after money, after power, after prestige, but in fact nobody is really interested in power, money, prestige. They are...

... just ways of the ego to exist. If you have more money you can have more ego; if you have more power you can have more ego. The basic desire is to expand the ego, but the more your ego becomes strengthened, the more the darkness becomes dense, the less is the possibility of your becoming aware. And without becoming aware you are missing the whole opportunity of life, a golden opportunity, in which God...

... of the world claims that he has so much money and the religious man claims he has so much virtue. The worldly man claims he has so much power, so much prestige, and your so-called holy man claims he also has power, spiritual power. He tries to show his spiritual power. Once such a so-called spiritual man came to see Ramakrishna. Ramakrishna was sitting on the bank of the Ganges in Dakshineshwar...
... said, "That I know - there are rascals." I said, "Go back home. Don't waste your money in distributing sweets and fruits, first find out whose son has been born. Is it yours?" He said, "To meet you is always a trouble. Now you have created a suspicion in my mind. I already have a migraine. Instead of being a help, now I will look with suspicion at every person who is...

... of money. He gave one rupee to the beggar. The beggar looked at it and said, "Sir, it is fake." The man said, "My God! You are blind, and you can see whether the coin is fake or authentic." He said, "To tell you the truth, this is not my place; it belongs to my friend who is blind. Today he has gone to see the matinee show. I am the other fellow who sits on the other side...

...... perhaps humanity is tired now of being small, being too mean, being too jealous, being too ugly, and has lost all hope of growing out of this muddy state, has forgotten that lotuses are born in mud... AND LONGING FOR FIRE RATHER THAN FOR WATER! It seems that people are deep-down ready to commit a global suicide; otherwise there is no reason why so much money should be wasted, and so much energy should...

... be wasted for war. All that money and all that energy and all that scientific genius can make this earth a paradise. But nobody is interested in that. Everybody is interested in finding more and more dangerous weapons. And now it is absolutely clear that nobody can be the victor, nobody can be the defeated; all will be dead. Still man goes on accumulating. Even poorer countries, like Pakistan or...
... accept what is permitted, not what is forbidden?'11  — He replied: The receiver incurs the liability when he uses it, for whoever converts money of hekdesh into hullin,12  thinks that it is hullin, yet he is involved in trespass;13  so this one too is liable for trespass. To Part b Original footnotes renumbered. See Structure of the Talmud Files The actual wording is difficult, and...

... specifying to whom, and therefore applying it to all, including himself. [Read with MS.M.: 'This loaf is hekdesh', omitting konam, v. also Shebu. 22a.] Since it is so much regarded as consecrated that by eating it one commits trespass, it is also so in respect of redemption, whereby it reverts to hullin (non-consecrated), whilst the redemption money becomes consecrated. Since it is not regarded as...
... that in the case of an Israelite it is forbidden on his return journey? Because we say that he may have been selling articles of idolatry and has thus idolatry-money with him! Should we not likewise say in the case of an idolater that he may have sold articles of idol-worship and carries idolatry-money on him? It appears therefore that in the case of an idolater we say that he may have sold such...
... THEIR PLACE.9 GEMARA. What is meant by a NE'AKAH WITH A HOTEM? — Said Rabbah b. Bar Hanah: A white [female] camel with its iron nose-ring. A LYBIAN ASS WITH A HALTER. R. Huna said: That means a Lybian ass with an iron halter.10  Levi sent money to Be Hozae11  for a Lybian ass to be bought for him. [But] they parcelled up some barley and sent it to him, to intimate to him that an ass's...

... route along the Tigris and its canals. The modern Khuzistan, a province of S.W. Persia, Obermeyer, Landschaft, pp. 204ff. I.e., barley is the proper food for asses. — Rashi: they returned the money, not wishing to send an ass so far. [I.e., the appurtenances mentioned in the Mishnah. And must certainly not be led out with it. Or, collar. It is a complete guard in itself, and there can be no...
... activities take. The Jew is primarily a money-maker for the reason that up to this time money is the only means he knows by which to gain position. The Jews who have gained position for any other reason are comparatively few. This is not a Gentile gibe; it is the position of a famous Anglo-Jewish physician, Dr. Barnard Von Oven, who wrote: "All other means of distinction are denied him; he must rise...

... delegates will show scores of persons with whom no one would associate Lord Reading and Judge Brandeis. If the modern Sanhedrin meets, and it would be the most natural thing in the world if it should, we may be sure it meets within the closed circle of those persons which the Jewish aristocracy of money, intellect and power approves. The machinery of a Jewish world government exists ready-made. The Jew is...
...') party program in Poland is to have all Jews on a separate register. The Jews thus registered are to elect a representative body of Jews, with extensive powers of legislation and taxation; e. g. it could tax for purposes of emigration. This body to be handed over by the Polish State a proportionate amount of money to spend on Jewish charitable and financial institutions. Besides this separate...

... which may be provided out of public funds under the state, municipal or other budgets for education, religious or charitable purposes." But even that is not all. The Polish State is to hand over the money, but the Jews will distribute it: "Educational committees appointed locally by the Jewish communities of Poland will, subject to the general control of the state, provide for the...

... distribution of the proportional share of the funds allocated to Jewish schools in accordance with Article 9 * * *" It is most amazing how "racial minorities" are dropped the moment money comes into view, and the definite term "Jew" is substituted. More than all this, "the United States of America, the British Empire, France, Italy, and Japan, the principal allied and...

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