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Found: 2072 articles, showing 580 - 590
... suddenly because knowledge is a quantity, it is not a quality. And anything quantitative can only be attained gradually; one graduates in it, slowly slowly one absorbs and digests it. To emphasize this fact, Gurdjieff used to say that knowledge is a quantity, so much so that if few people have more of it then few others will have less of it. It is just a quantity like money. It is not possible to make...

... to meditate or to become sannyasins or to renounce - just to receive the blessing. And businessmen came to him and they did much as far as money was concerned, but they remained uninvolved. They donated big lands and gardens to Buddha and for his monasteries, but they remained uninvolved. Those big lands were nothing for them, but they never gave an inch of their consciousness to him. Remember it...

...: knowledgeable people, calculative people, businesslike people, remain untouched by the Buddhas - they gather such a thick skin around themselves. A Jewish thief comes to the cashier of the movie-house, and pointing a gun at the lady says, "The movie is terrible! Give me my money back!" "This is not necessary, sir," she says. "Please put down your gun and I will give you your money...

...." "No, lady," says the Jew. "The movie is too terrible. Give me everybody's money back!" Shih-kung was accidentally passing by the cottage where Ma Tzu lived. Ma Tzu came out. The Master immediately recognizes the possibility, the potentiality. He came out of his cottage and greeted him. The Master is always in a state of welcome, particularly for those who are ready. Ma Tzu's...
.... The bus conductor was in trouble because there were thirty-one passengers and he had money only for thirty tickets. So he was asking, "Who is the fellow who has not given his money?" Nobody would speak. He said, "This is strange; now how am I going to find out?" I said to him, "Do one thing: tell the driver to stop the bus, and tell the people that unless the person who has...

... not given the money confesses, the bus will not move." He said, "That's right." The bus was stopped. Everybody looked at each other, now what to do? Nobody knew who the person was.... Finally one man stood up and said, "Forgive me, I am the person who has not given the money. Here it is." The bus conductor asked, "What is your name?" He said, "My name is...
... the money over to Judas Iscariot. (1869.1) 171:1.5 David was present in Jerusalem during the tragic last week, taking his mother back with him to Bethsaida after the crucifixion. While awaiting Jesus and the apostles, David stopped with Lazarus at Bethany and became tremendously agitated by the manner in which the Pharisees had begun to persecute and harass him since his resurrection. Andrew had...

... and count the cost of being my disciple. Which one of you would undertake to build a watchtower on your lands without first sitting down to count up the cost to see whether you had money enough to complete it? If you fail thus to reckon the cost, after you have laid the foundation, you may discover that you are unable to finish that which you have begun, and therefore will all your neighbors mock...

... you have not sown.’ Then said his lord: ‘You negligent and unfaithful servant, I will judge you out of your own mouth. You knew that I reap where I have apparently not sown; therefore you knew this reckoning would be required of you. Knowing this, you should have at least given my money to the banker that at my coming I might have had it with proper interest.’ (1876.4) 171:8.7 “And then said this...

... ruler to those who stood by: ‘Take the money from this slothful servant and give it to him who has ten pounds.’ And when they reminded the master that such a one already had ten pounds, he said: ‘To every one who has shall be given more, but from him who has not, even that which he has shall be taken away from him.’” (1876.5) 171:8.8 And then the apostles sought to know the difference between the...
... no goal! Life is its own goal. There is nothing outside life that you have to achieve. All achievement is the projection of the ego. The very idea of achievement is ambition. What you achieve does not matter - money, power, knowledge; these are not in any way going to give you life. In fact, in achieving power, in achieving money, in achieving prestige, in achieving any other ambition, you are...

... his money, land, house - everything - to charitable institutions. Nothing for the wife! That was his revenge - because a husband can take revenge only when he is dead. His whole life the woman had tortured him; now was his time! Listening to the will, she rushed to the craftsman who was making the marble grave, and she said to him, "You have to add a few words more." He said, "But...

.... Why go, waste money, and become unenlightened? And of course amongst Germans, anybody can be enlightened. If Adolf Hitler can be accepted as the reincarnation of the Old Testament prophet, Elijah, then in Germany, anything can be accepted! I received a letter - I had never imagined that in America also there is a Nazi party. And the president of the Nazi party wrote the letter to me saying, "...
... institutions, we will give money to the parents. And now it is their freedom to send their children to any school." You see the cunningness? The parent gets the money and he is free to send his children to a Catholic school. Finally the money reaches the Catholic school. He has insulted the Supreme Court. He has found a way to do what he was not able to do directly; now he will do it indirectly. It is...

... the duty of the Supreme Court to prevent this. Financial support has to be given to the institutions, not to the parents, because who knows what the parents are going to do with that financial support? There are so many Christian schools, colleges, universities... all the parents of those students will be getting support and the money will go to the religious institutions. The Supreme Court has to...
... start going to the prostitutes. The prostitutes are phony, because they don't love these people, they love only their money. They moan and groan and they scream as if the man is doing great, making the woman so satisfied. This is all phony, this is all acting; this is the attraction of the prostitutes around the world for as long as man has been in existence. The prostitute is satisfying the customer...

... small. And the natural tendency of the mind is to protect it, not to share it. But whatever is the natural tendency of the mind is not necessarily the logic of existence. If you don't share it, you will kill it. Only by sharing will it grow. You have to understand a totally different economics. One is the economics that if you share, your money will be less and less and less. One day a man was stopped...

... in his car by a beggar. He was in good spirits because he had won a huge amount of money in a lottery, just a few minutes before. He took a ten-dollar bill and gave it to the beggar. And when he was giving it to the beggar he saw that the beggar's clothes, although old and rotten, must have been very costly in the beginning. His face also looked that of a cultured, sophisticated ... The way he...

... full height. So don't get into this trap of the mind. Mind knows nothing about higher economics, higher mathematics, it knows only the much lower world of money, of things, and naturally its experience prevents it from sharing. You are asking, Yogishwar, "Is it okay just to take care of her, to enjoy her presence just by myself?" No. It is not okay. It is exactly the wrong thing to do. Your...
... was my chief attorney, because he was my sannyasin and all the other attorneys were chosen by him; he was the coordinator. The others were paid, only he was working for love. You cannot depend on the paid people because their interest is in money; they don't care what is true and what is not true. Secondly, you can never be sure of their own prejudices - which I became aware of sitting silently for...

... attorney or a judge, it doesn't matter; he is still a human being with the whole unconscious conditioning. Even they - being Christians, being Americans - could not accept my approach towards life's problems. And moreover I was a non-American, a non-white, against whom they have deep prejudices. Because they were paid so much money, they were ready - but they were simply paid people, servants, and I...

... prejudices of Christians." Niren did a beautiful job. And he brought in Peter Schey in a roundabout way in his witnessing. "Peter Schey told me..."and then he repeated the whole thing that was supposed to be told by Peter Schey. I was sitting by the side of Peter Schey and I could see his head down, afraid that this man was bringing him in. I could see their split personality: For money...

..., they could not deny, but just for money they could not go against their prejudices either. It was a strange experience. One of our attorneys, Jack Ransom, told this to Niren. Niren informed me, "We are fighting a losing battle, because the people we depend on like Jack Ransom" - a topmost attorney - "told me that 'we cannot fight as totally as we could have fought for any American...
.... Whether you are stealing money, taking it out from somebody's safe or from your own, existence does not and cannot make the difference. You are taking out the money from the safe -- that is a fact -- but to whom the safe belongs, that is absolutely of no concern to existence. Once George Bernard Shaw was asked, "Can a man live his life so lazily, just keeping his hands in his pockets and enjoying...

... single-handedly. He was so enraged that he turned their tables and he threw them out of the temple of the Jews. What authority did he have? And what happened to the love? His authority was only his imagination saying, "I am the son of God and you are spoiling the place of my father by making business here." And those people were really helpful. Poor people could get money on interest from the...

... temple, and the temple was taking less interest than any other moneylenders outside. It was really to protect the poor from the moneylenders. And the temple needed some money to run. It was a big temple, hundreds of rabbis; it was the very center of their Jewish life. Throwing those people out of the temple just on the idea, on the assumption, for which he has no proof, that he is the son of God. And...
... oppression, no possibility of enslaving the human soul. And all the politicians need slaves, and the priests need slaves. They don't want humanity to blossom and to release its fragrance to the winds, to the sun, to the moon. They want you just to produce more money for them, more power for them, more slaves for them, more population for them. Hence, Veeresh, your concern about my health is not just an...

... giving me bail. Secondly, I have thousands of friends - the second reason for not granting bail. These are my crimes - that I have intelligence, that I have friends. The third was that the people who love me have immense resources of money, so any amount of money is not enough for my bail because the money will be provided. This is so strange. This means no rich person can be allowed bail, no...
... slip back. Even your psychoanalyst is not normal. He goes to another psychoanalyst to keep him normal. All the psychoanalysts keep going to be analyzed by other psychoanalysts so they can remain normal. I have heard about a man, a very rich man, who was becoming abnormal and was afraid. He had appointments with the costliest psychoanalyst, but he was a rich man so he could pay any amount of money...

.... The money had to be paid according to how much time you took. The rich man had no problem... he would take two-hour, three-hour, four-hour, five-hour, six-hour sessions. Lying on the psychoanalyst's couch he would go on and on talking all kinds of nonsense. The psychoanalyst was getting afraid. Listening six hours to that man was dangerous because in the night he started repeating his thoughts in...

... his dreams. It was a clear-cut symbol that something had to be done: "This is too much. I cannot manage to keep my own normalness if this man goes on and on. And there seems to be no end; he has enough money so there is no question for him of how much time he takes." The psychoanalyst tried to manage things in such a way that he wouldn't lose the patient because he was really a treasure...

..., but he didn't want to lose his normalness either because then what would he do with the treasure? Then he would have to give all the money to other psychoanalysts to clean his mind. So he said to the rich man, "Because you need so much time, I cannot look after other patients. And you need that much time so I am not saying to cut it. I have found a way: I will put my tape recorder here so that...

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