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Found: 2072 articles, showing 210 - 220
..., WHAT IS INSIDE ME MOVES INSIDE YOU. T.S. Elliot says in Choruses from 'The Rock': But it seems that something has happened that has never happened before: though we know not just when, or why, or how, or where. Men have left G O D not for other gods, they say, but for no god; and this has never happened before that men both deny gods and worship gods, professing first Reason, And then Money, and...

..., all that is valuable, precious. Man has never been such a beggar as he is today. And the irony is, man has never been so rich, so affluent as he is today. Both things have happened together: the inner has become poorer and poorer and the outer has become richer and richer. We have more money than any other society before, we have more medical facilities than any other society before, we have in...

... money. It can give you joy, it can give you celebration. It can give you a tremendous feeling for beauty, for music, for poetry. It can guide you into the world of love, and ultimately into the world of prayer, but those things are not commodities. You cannot grow your bank balance through the heart; and you cannot fight great wars, and you cannot make atom bombs and hydrogen bombs, and you cannot...

.... If you ask reason about music it will say it is only noise. It may be arranged in such a way that it gives you an illusion of melody, but there is no melody, only noise; it cannot see the melody. Reason is blind. Yes, it has certain qualities, but only certain qualities. The whole of existence is not available to it. And then money became God; millions of people worship money as God. And you will...

... be surprised to know that this country, India, which goes on bragging about its spirituality, which goes on bragging that it is destined to lead the whole of humanity towards spirituality, worships money more than any other country. It actually worships! There is a festival, the Festival of Lights, Diwali, when people worship money-notes, coins; they actually worship! - money is God. In other...

... power, with money, with reason, with race, with dialectics - if you cannot find anything else, then dialectical materialism, the philosophy of communism, fascism, nazism. Man cannot live without religion. Man cannot live without God. If the true God is not available man is bound to create home-made gods. "The Church disowned, the tower overthrown, the bells upturned, and what have we to do but...

... are my Master. I am living in this world because this is what you want me to do; I am simply following your orders. I am living in this world because I am just a slave of your love, I am just a shadow to you. I have no interest in the world: I am not after money, I am not after power, I am not after prestige. But if you want me to be in the marketplace then it is perfectly okay. If you want me...
... money that was donated for Rajneeshpuram was prevented in Switzerland. She feels that she will be able to remember the bank account, the bank's name and everything under hypnosis, because some government agency got hold of her, threatened her, hypnotized her and made her forget everything that she has told them. So now our hypnotists are hypnotizing him... her, and she is coming back. It is a simple...

.... This will be more rational, that those twelve pack away. And we are ready to purchase their properties, so they will not be losing anything. Q:* PEOPLE ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN PROPERTY, AND THOSE PEOPLE WOULD BE A LOT HAPPIER IN THIS COMMUNITY. AND THE AMOUNT OF MONEY INVOLVED IS NOT THAT GREAT. A:* The property is also important, because the people cannot exist without the property. People ARE...

... property is for man, but without property the man cannot live. Q:* THERE'S PROBABLY NOBODY IN OREGON WHO WANTS THAT LAND RIGHT NOW, AND THAT MEANS THOSE SANNYASINS.... A:* If they don't want, then we are going to remain there. Then all those idiots were supporting Antelope people, where all their sympathy has gone now? Q:* YOU'RE SUGGESTING THAT OREGONIANS SHOULD PUT TOGETHER THE MONEY TO BUY THAT...


... never did themselves any meditation. They were not interested in any creativity. They were not creative people. They were not interested in music because they had never played. They were not interested in anything except work. Their interest was more and more money. My interest is that you should be comfortable. That much money is enough. You should not live for money, but you should be alert that...

... enough money is always produced by the commune so you don't become poor. Q:* ARE THERE ANY ENLIGHTENED AUSTRALIAN SANNYASINS? A:* There are few. Q:* COULD YOU NAME THEM FOR US? A:* No, that....(words drowned out by audience laughter) Q:* ARE THERE ANY ON THE RANCH HERE? A:* Yes, there are. Q:* WOULD YOU BE PREPARED TO NAME ANY OF THEM? A:* They will remain anonymous, because it is dangerous. Others...

... and took over. And the whole idea was how to get power over their money, over their finances. This is absolutely ugly. We don't want any commune's finances. If they can manage themselves comfortably, we are absolutely happy. So just tell that to them. Q:* THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Generated by PreciseInfo ™ ...
... on doing. And it is not only so about the ordinary people, but the people you call very extraordinary, the geniuses; they are also as unconscious as you are, or even more so. It is said about Karl Marx, the founder of communism, that one day studying in the British Museum he for the first time came across the theory that if you drink or you smoke, or you use anything, you can save money by using it...

... more. For example, if you are smoking a cigarette of a very costly brand and you start using a cheaper cigarette, on each cigarette you will be saving money; the more cigarettes you smoke, the more money will be saved. He was thrilled. He went to the marketplace - he was a chain-smoker - he purchased the cheapest kind of cigarette, as many as he could carry to the house. His wife could not believe...

... her eyes: "So many packets he is bringing - is he going to open a shop or something?" She asked, "What is the matter?" And he was so joyous, he said, "Wait! Now there is no need to work. We can save money only by smoking more and more. You also start smoking, and don't stop children either from smoking. And whosoever comes to the home, let them smoke as much as we smoke...

... - more money will be saved. On each cigarette so much money is going to be saved!" And he closed the doors and started smoking. The wife thought, "He has gone crazy How you can save money if you go on smoking, just smoking?" She called his friend, Friedrich Engels, who tried hard to argue with him that, "You are being foolish!" It took hours for him to convince him that "...

...;This is nonsense! You will die of cancer or some dangerous disease - and money will not be saved! The theory is correct only if you smoke twelve cigarettes of a costly brand and twelve cigarettes of cheap brand; then you will be saving money. But that does not mean you go on smoking cigarettes day and night and then there is no need to work." Now people like Karl Marx, who are thought to be very...

.... Somebody is living in his head, somebody is living in his body, somebody is living somewhere else. Somebody is focused on the money, somebody on power, somebody on some other trip, some other number. But nobody is wholly, fully aware what he is doing, what he is being. "THIS IS SUCH A FINE TEMPLE," SHEN TSAN SAID, "BUT THE BUDDHA IN IT IS NOT AT ALL HOLY!" HIS OLD TEACHER TURNED ROUND...
... the three. He asked his master, an old wise man living in the forest: "I am getting old, and somebody has to succeed me and take care of the kingdom. And I am in great difficulty: can you give me some idea how to choose the right person?" And the wise man gave him some advice. The king came back, and he gave an equal amount of money to all three sons and told them -- because they all had...

... their own palaces -- that, "With this money, you have to manage to fill your palaces completely. And after seven days I will come to see: whoever succeeds in filling the house totally, better than the other two, is going to succeed me as the king of the kingdom." They were puzzled, because the money was not that great. They thought of many things, but the palaces were big -- how to fill them...

... completely? The first prince went to the municipal corporation and asked, "From today, all the trucks that throw the garbage of the town outside the city should throw it into my palace -- because with that money only this much is possible, to fill the palace completely." He filled the palace completely. The whole neighborhood was angry; even the traffic on the road stopped -- because it was...

... stinking. But they could not do anything -- he was the prince, and it was a question of a certain test. The king himself has asked. The second prince was very much worried... asked many people. But they said, "With such a small amount of money it is very difficult. What your brother has done... he has filled the house; you can do something similar. Just purchase cheap grass, fill the house." He...

...- objective world. The old man said, "You don't understand the boy." And the boy returned most of the money. He said, "This was too much. I could have filled the house in many other dimensions also. I could have brought music into the house, which has no weight. I could have brought incense into the house -- the fragrance has no weight, and it would fill the house. But I thought that would be...

... doing too much. This is enough -- and why waste your money? You take your money back; a small part of your money was enough." Ashok, when you are in love, in a way you feel as if you are disappearing into an emptiness as far as the material world is concerned. But on the other hand, you are entering a new kind of fullness -- immaterial, spiritual, not of this world. But this is not the only world...
... heard one case: In the First World War two brothers separated. The father divided all his property, because he was getting old and he was worried about the younger son - because he was a drunkard and he will destroy the whole thing, and even the eldest son will suffer because of the younger. So he divided them equally. And a miracle happened. In the First World War the value of money went so low, as...

... it always goes in wartime: things become very costly and money loses its purchasing capacity. The drunkard had one habit of collecting bottles. He finished with the whole money, he drank and he enjoyed. And the other son was so miserly that he was clinging to the money that he has got, but money was going down every day. And the miracle was this: that a moment came when the money became almost...

... useless, almost valueless, and the younger son sold all his bottles and he had more money than the elder brother. He enjoyed the wine and he sold the bottles! And the elder was a fool - he was just clinging to the money. Life is very mysterious, and the ways of God are very strange. And God is always for the drunkards! He loves these crazy people. Hermann, if you really feel that I am an enlightened...

.... "Do you know the man who has just testified?" "How should I know him?" said the Jew. "He said you borrowed five thousand dollars from him. Did you?" "Why should I borrow money from him?" said the Jew. Visibly annoyed, the judge interrupted, "Why do you answer every question put to you with another question?" "Why not?" said the Jew. In a...
... the festivals. They wanted to, but they had given all their money to the commune. In Germany, in Switzerland, or in Holland, they had given their money to the commune - now they had no money. They wanted to come to the festival in America to be with me, but they didn't have money. And the commune had its own problems. It had four hundred people; everybody wanted to go, but they could not arrange for...

... four hundred people. Whatsoever money they had given had gone into construction and houses and instruments and everything - and they didn't have money. They were all at a loss. So there are people who used to come to Poona every year and were not able to come to me in America in four years. Every year they were trying to come - but how to come? And the communes where they started living necessarily...

... needed money, so they had given all the money to the commune. And then the commune was not able to send those people. It could send ten people, twenty people at the most per year. That meant if a four-hundred-people commune was there, it would take somebody ten years, twenty years to reach me. And he was capable of coming every year when he was alone, not living in a commune. So that was absurd. But we...

... used for my work. It becomes something integrated, that people come there to meditate - it is not something impersonal. The commune becomes impersonal. And the commune is continuously looking for people who can put in more money. That is nothing to condemn the commune for, because the commune's problem is that it is going downhill all the time. People are there, their necessities are there, and...
... pretends that his voice is God's voice. One of the most ancient scriptures in the world is the Hindu scripture, Rig Veda. Ninety-nine percent of it is sheer nonsense, not only nonsense but irreligious too - not even religious nonsense! All the prayers in the RIG VEDA are prayers for the non-essential. People are asking for money - from God! - asking for power, prestige, more cows, more horses, more land...

... businessman. So all the Jainas became business people, and their whole violence became concentrated on exploitation. Hence they are the richest people in India. Their violence turned into a subtle channel, it took a very subtle form: Suck the blood of the people, exploit, oppress. Money became their goal; through money they became powerful. They cannot be powerful directly because they cannot fight for...

... power, but in a vicarious way, by having more money, they can purchase a,L They can purchase brahmins, they can purchase sudras, they can purchase the warriors - they can purchase everybody! Their consciousness is not changed: they are as , violent as anybody else. Of course, their violence has taken a very strange turn. Have you observed the fact that hunters, who are violent people, are very good...

... his dreams; only in his dreams will you find him. And then you will be surprised: the man who has renounced all money, in his dream goes on counting money and he does nothing else. The man who has renounced the woman - the woman he loved, the woman he wanted to love - goes on dreaming about the same woman or maybe about thousands of other women. His dreams will be full of women. I have heard about a...

... much money, by conquering the world. Alexander the Great must have suffered from a greater inferiority complex than anybody else; otherwise who bothers to conquer the world? When he was coming to India - that was the last put of the world which was still not conquered by him - he met a tremendously beautiful man, Diogenes. And Diogenes asked him, "Why are you bothering to conquer the world? Why...

... you and becoming a doctor I may become very rich but I will remain poor, and I will always hanker for that which was my real longing." He was a man of tremendous understanding He meditated over it and he said, "Then it is okay. You do whatsoever you feel like doing, and you have my blessings. He could have forced me easily because he had the money. He could have forced me to go in any...

... whatsoever your achievement is. Enjoy whatsoever your vision to achieve is. "KEEP INTERESTED IN YOUR OWN CAREER, HOWEVER HUMBLE; IT IS A REAL POSSESSION IN THE CHANGING FORTUNES OF TIME." Don't be bothered that others are earning more money, that others are becoming more successful, more famous. Remain interested in the thing that you are really interested in; whether it keeps you poor, humble...
.... It has freed the cloud - now it can move more easily in any direction the wind is blowing. But no religion has ever thought about it. In fact, the religions have been concerned with the money and power that can come from rich people. They were really trying to persuade the rich to give... but in such a roundabout way. Reading a Buddhist scripture on charity, I was amazed at how cunning is the mind...

... Buddhist monk, but he gives a definition which is applicable only to a Buddhist monk. And the same is true about Hindus and about Mohammedans and about Christians. But none of them has really thought about the charity of receiving, because they were not concerned about themselves; they were concerned about the money - how to get it, how to allure people to donate, how to convince them that whatever they...

... are giving is a good business, because they will be receiving much more in the other life. Here, Almustafa rises to the highest consciousness possible. AND WHO ARE YOU THAT MEN SHOULD REND THEIR BOSOM AND UNVEIL THEIR PRIDE, THAT YOU MAY SEE THEIR WORTH NAKED AND THEIR PRIDE UNABASHED? Who are you? You are giving something mundane - money, bread, clothes, shelter for the night. It happened once that...

... to pay their fare, their hard-earned money? They earned money just to come to see me and be here for a few weeks and they are thrown back. I would like to tell Mr. Rajiv Gandhi that your government owes that money to my sannyasins. That money should be given back. On what grounds are you turning them back from the airport? They have never committed a crime in your country, they are not coming here...

... to commit crimes. They can commit crimes anywhere in their own countries. And if they are coming here to sit silently and listen to me, or just sit silently in my presence, to share my love - who are you to throw them out from the airport? And who is going to give them back their hard-earned money? The Indian government should be aware of the fact that if you don't stop all this nonsense, I am...

... paying government and public money to people to worship in their homes at the time when they should be in the office? Rajiv Gandhi should start doing something to change his bureaucracy. A small file takes years to move; an ordinary thing which can be decided within minutes, takes lifetimes. The file goes on moving from one table to another and it moves only when you bribe the person. Then it moves to...
..., they will pull it out. They will not wear shoes, they will walk barefoot, because shoes are a luxury. Naked, without any possessions, they impress people very much. Extremists are always very impressive. You are greedy, you are after money, after power, prestige; they have renounced all. Certainly, a great respect arises in your heart for them because you know you cannot do this; it is too cold to be...

... naked. And to live without money.... The Jaina monk cannot touch money; he is not allowed to touch it, he is not even allowed to SEE money. How can you live without money? A great respect arises in you. You live on one extreme and you respect the other extreme. Sooner or later, when you will become fed up with your extreme, you will start moving to the other extreme. But no basic change happens. The...

... man who is afraid of touching money is still in a state of ignorance, unawareness. Buddha says: Stop in the middle. There is no need to be indulgent, there is no need to renounce either. Just be in the middle, exactly in the middle. He has a great point there: if you remain exactly in the middle, that is the point from where transcendence happens. It is like the pendulum of a clock. It goes from the...

... to the insurance company and said, "Can I get the money for which my husband has been insured?" The man in the office said, "But he is still alive. He is not dead. You will get the money only when he is dead." She said, "I know that he is not dead, but no life is left in him either." That's the situation: people are not dead and yet not alive either. They are somehow...

... wants to have money, it wants to have God too. It wants to have power; it wants to have liberation, moksha, truth, nirvana. It wants to have everything. Buddha saw it and in that seeing he dropped that mad effort and he dropped the very source of ambition. It was a full-moon night. He laughed at himself, at the whole stupidity of six years. He relaxed, he sat under a tree. For the first time after six...
... can allow me to live here but no foreigners should be allowed to live around me, and no commune should be allowed to be made. You think you are independent. You think that you are free but in this world where you have to beg and you already have loaned so much money from the world and every day you need more and more loans, you cannot deny America a small favor which costs you nothing. Even America...

... type of professional within the commune, why we should bother to go out? And these people certainly looked after the commune with more love, because money was no more the question. In the commune we has dissolved the money completely and this point you have to remember. Just by stopping that you cannot use money in the commune we destroyed the division between the poor and the rich, there was no need...

... for a dictatorship of the proletariat. In seventy years in Russia they have not been able to bring a classless society. We brought it in four years and without harassing anybody, without taking anybody's money -- just stopping that in the commune money is a dirty word and we will not be using money. If you need anything you can get from the commune. You may have millions of dollars, I may not have a...

... perspective. Just somebody becomes a prime minister and he starts thinking that he has all the wisdom of the world. This is sheer nonsense. But I have the vision, I have the people to materialize it and we will make the last effort to create a society to show to the whole world. That without a government a commune can exist, that without money people can exist and not in poverty but with great inner...

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