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...-murder. -- The Jewish girls Caspary and Tuchler in Konitz displayed themselves as "good citizen" dance-lesson daughters, who had the instruction to hold onto the ritual-slaughter victim Winter. -- "Good people" sent a shotgun to the little Andrei in Kiev, but forgot to give him the powder with it, so that they could lure him that way on a determined day. -- "Distinguished" Jews of Damascus were...

... with the wings nailed down and in a thousand ways before the ritual-slaughter by long needles, nails, and the like, under horrid curses. Ben-Noud says further: "If they (382) could crucify a non-Jew instead of a rooster, their joy would be all the greater...the most timid Jews display the wildest fanaticism on this occasion." [12] Antonius Margaritha, the son of the Chief Rabbi Margoles of Regensburg...

...] (Wilmersdorf, 1686, page 250b, cited by E. Bischoff): "Although the non-Jews have the same corporeal structure as the Jews, they resemble them only like an ape does a human being..." The Purim and the Pessach festivals were already considered at the beginning [of this book]. The Purim festival, which memorializes the treacherous slaughter of countless Persians committed in the kingdom of the degenerate King...

... [Christian Blood in Hebrew Rites of Modern Synagogues] in 1883 at Prato, said: "The Jews are most satisfied when they are able to kill children, for children are virginal and innocent...they ritually slaughter them in the days of Passover..." Actually, the overwhelming majority of victims, as we have been able to determine, are children! Hatred unto death -- it is that hatred, according to the Jewish idea...

... surfaces before the blood-murder, as if these had received secret instructions to be present at the performance of the ritual-slaughter as representatives of other Jewish communities. At the ritual-crime of Lincoln of the year 1255, a ramified murder-organization is already recognizable; the strands extend to London -- a generation later all the Jews of England had to be arrested due to other crimes! In...

... parents were in especial danger -- we recall the victims about whom Géza v. Ónody and Theodor Fritsch reported! The "lot" finally fell to the little Andrusha in Kiev, who in order to procure the still missing powder for the gun presented to him by Jews, ran into the clutches of his slaughterers. The ritual-slaughter act, performed according to an exactly defined rite, is supposed to occur -- as the act...

... Zaddik ("holy man") Faivel Schneerson, "at the naming of whom the accused Beilis wiped the sweat from his brow." The slaughter was in all probability carried out in the shed, which then later suddenly went up in flames during the machinery of investigation, which was put into suspiciously slow operation. Father Thomas and his servant bled to death within view of the heads-of-family who had come...

... together in Damascus for the celebration of the Purim festival. -- there were seven, but the number seven has a "holy" character for the Jews! At the horrific, in its details scarcely to be described torture and slaughter of the three-year-old Ivanov in Welish (1883), a half-hundred Polish Jews were present. At the house of the Head Rabbi Copinus in Lincoln, the executioners of the eight-year-old victim...

... formed a "Justice Court" in 1255 and gloated over the inhuman tortures. The small Andreas Oxner, "Anderl von Rinn," was likewise layed upon a sacrifice-stone and bled to death in the presence of the Jews who stood around him. In 1529 at Bösing, the Jews were "invited" to be present at the ritual-slaughter of a nine-year-old child -- "and then each one of the Jews stabbed the little child for a while...

... stood around the child, who was stretched out upon a board placed above a small container." The society of the sacrificers is supposed to consist only of reliable people, who see something sacred in the act (389) and -- can keep their mouths shut! For this reason, women, youths, and children are not supposed to be drawn into the actual act of slaughter. In the year 1452 the adolescent son of a Jewish...

... physician had been present at the slaughter of a two-year-old child and had even enjoyed some of the fruits which had been dipped in the blood of the victim: "and for him it was as if his intestines wanted to be heaved out of him..." Throughout the years this picture of horror pursued him, until he made a complete confession and converted to Christianity. [18] In Easter time of 1540 a Jewish child...

... vows to God to that he will perform [19] the same act -- daily, if he can. In most cases, as for example in Damascus (1840), the act of slaughter occurs approximately at sundown; it is the time for which (Exodus 12: 6) the slaughtering of the "Paschal lambs" is prescribed... In Kiev Faivel Schneerson surfaced, and in Polna Hilsner himself performed the slaughter in both ritual-murders after the...

... ritual-slaughter knife had been delivered to him from outside the area; the so-called "crooked" Jew, that Galician monster who then surfaced again a year later in Konitz, would probably not have been one of the lower cult officials, such as a precentor (cantor), schächter (schochet) [ritual-slaughterer; the second term, schochet, is Hebrew], or circumciser (mohel), but rather, to judge by the fearful...

...) was poisoned. [20] In Damascus, the Rabbi Moses Abu-el-Afieh had been present at both ritual killings, and the Károlyer Rabbi was consulted for the nocturnal ritual-slaughter of Andreas Takáls in 1791. The Jews retreating through the Inn Valley in 1462 had brought along a rabbi, and the ritual slaying of Simon of Trent in 1475 and of Hugh of Lincoln in 1255 were performed in the houses of rabbis...

.... Even these few examples suffice to show that at all times the ritual act of slaughter was and is most carefully supervised. Often, the schächter of the surrounding area arrive at the place of slaughter together; in Konitz, for example, it was proven that not fewer than six outside ritual-slaughterers appeared at the time of the blood-murder of Winter; in the case of Damascus, where apparently a...

... ritual-slaughterer: a traditional creature from out of gray antiquity, with long peyes [earlocks, which Orthodox and particularly Hassidic Jews believe to be prescribed by Mosaic Law], grease-dripping kaftans, and full of the most bigoted superstition." [21] The circular cut of ritual-slaughter carves the tissues of the neck down to the cervical vertebrae and simultaneously the large neck vessels which...

... lead to the brain, exactly in the same way that the Jewish ritual-slaughterers of cattle still to this day slaughter the (392) unstunned beast. The non-Jew, too, is of course merely an animal, which receives its ritual consecration only through the fact that it is offered to Yahweh as a pleasing sacrifice! "In order to execute the act of ritual-slaughter," says the Jewish medical officer Dammann in...

... his Gutachten über das jüdische Schlachtverfahren [Expert Opinion Concerning the Jewish Procedure of Ritual-Slaughter] (Hanover, 1886), "the schächter stretches the skin of the neck with his left hand and quickly makes a cut somewhat below the larynx, through the tissues of the neck with the razor-sharp knife held in his right hand -- so deeply, that he penetrates to the vertebral bones. By the same...

..., was convinced "that was a very sharp, large instrument with which the crime must have been done," since all parts of the neck down to the cervical vertebrae had been cut through. In the Polna ritual-murder trial of 1899, according to the existing protocols, the court physician Dr. Prokes in Kuttenberg determined that the ritual-slaughter cut could have been performed only by an expert hand and only...

... the ritual-slaughter knife show themselves to be absolutely empty of blood! As we have seen, this evidence, confirmed by plentiful, strictly objective medical expert opinions in many centuries, stands unshakably firm (393) and can in no way be impaired or reduced in its significance: to the murderers, what matters is gaining the blood of their victims, without, insofar as it is possible, leaving any...

... behind. The blood flowing out is caught as carefully as possible; thus, at the scene of the slaughter of Agnes Hruza in the Brezina Woods at Polna, only the most insignificant traces of blood -- spatters -- were to be discovered, according to official findings. The traces of blood in the barn at Xanten proved to be merely traces of secondary blood from the child's body having been dragged there. The...

... of a copper bowl by means of a tin funnel (testimony of Murad-el-Fattal). The blood of the small Simon of Trent filled "one and a half pots" (unam scutellam cum dimidio). In the year 1235, on Christmas Day, Jews of Fulda collected the blood of the five (!) children of a miller in prepared pouches; in 1267 the ritual-slaughter victim, a little girl, was layed upon linen which had been folded over...

... the murder-house, determines the age of a ritual-slaughter victim as follows: " is better if the child to be slaughtered is not more than seven years old...a girl-child is only suitable for sacrifice if she is a virgin ..." The forensic medical autopsy of Agnes Hruza had yielded the fact that the victim had remained unmolested... Asked about the time of slaughter, Samuel explained: "The victim...

... can be killed at any time, but it is more pleasing to God (Yahweh!) if this occurs shortly before Easter. [He said that] he did not learn this from the Scriptures, but heard it from Master David Springer, who had taught at Bamberg and Nuremberg..." Here the Rabbi Samuel produced an additional (400) proof for our above-mentioned exposition that the compromising ritual-slaughter prescriptions are...

... of the highest court, Stefan v. Zápolya. An old Rabbi, on being questioned as to what, then, had actually been the cause of the murdering of an innocent child, gave as a fourth reason the explanation that, according to an old, secret commandment of the religion, the Jewish community was admonished to slaughter a non-Jew every year, by a sort of casting of lots, in order to procure his blood! [31...

...] The proceedings against the Jewish ritual-murderers in Damascus, under the chairmanship of the French Consul, take place 365 years after the Trent trial, and here likewise, the evidence given to the protocol is totally congruent in content with that given over a third of a millennium before at Trent -- there is not a more conclusive historical proof for the effectiveness of Jewish ritual-slaughter...

... of Jurisprudence and Theology, Jews buying liters of blood never have actually been seen to this day -- we could, of course, repeatedly pluck these peculiar blossoms in the imaginary world of those scholars! But Moses Abu-el-Afieh spoke in Damascus of two kinds of blood that are pleasing to Yahweh, of which one is the blood of ritual-slaughter. We know with what stamina the Jews and their comrades...

... the people which stem from the essence of the other Elohim (that is, the non-Jews!). "The commandments of purity ...are derived for him (Goldberg) from this basic thought." (v. Leers). By the judgement of v. Leers, the justification for ritual-slaughter, as of ritual-murder, can be derived from the arguments which Goldberg gives... The presence of Yahweh, therefore, is conjured by black magic "in...
...ZioNazi Quotes - Mass Murder and Massacre...

... Mass murder and massacre - ZioNazi, NWO Quotes Prev Next ZioNazi Quotes Index Home Antimatrix What's New?Theme of the Day Your browser does not support iframes. ZioNazi Quotes Notes What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Mass Murder and Massacre See also: Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish...

... power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews' Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet." (Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the...

..., Israel has never even allowed any inspections of its huge stockpile of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. Israel blocked UN investigations of Israeli war crimes such as Sharon's Sabra and Chatila massacre and the mass murder at Jenin." Mass Murder 107 During a joint British, Israeli, and French invasion of the Suez Canal, in 1957, Ariel Sharon commands units which murder Egyptian prisoners of...

... ten meters long ran from the center of the garage towards a subterranean drain. This gutter along, its whole length was full to the top of blood... Usually, as soon as the massacre had taken place the bodies were conveyed out of the town in motor lorries and buried beside the grave about which we have spoken; we found in a corner of the garden another grave which was older and contained about eighty...

...-Judeans] ... As they at first demonstrated against us Christians and would like to do so now, if only they could ... Mass Murder 002 The Sabra and Shatilla massacre was one of the most barbarous events in recent history. Thousands of unarmed and defenseless Palestinian refugees-- old men, women, and children-- were butchered in an orgy of savage killing. On December 16, 1982, the United Nations General...

... Assembly condemned the massacre and declared it to be an act of genocide. In fact, Israel has umpteen UN resolutions outstanding against it for a pattern of persistent, racist violence which fits the definition of genocide. Mass Murder 003 "So against both the Albigenses and the Jews this pope now directed all his fury. ..The beautiful city of Beziers was razed to the ground. 'We spared neither dignity...

..., nor six nor age' writes the monk, Arnold, to his Holy Father, the pope. 'Nearly twenty thousand human beings perished by the sword. And after the massacre the town was plundered and burnt, and the revenge of God seemed to rage over it in a wonderful manner." (Rabbi Lewis Browne, Stranger than Fiction, p. 224). Mass Murder 004 In the Sunday Telegraph (London, England: Nov. 18, 1990) the question is...

... ordered the massacre of the Czar's family; women and children, in the town named after Catherine the Great, Yekaterinburg, (renamed Sverdlovsk in 1924 in honor of the murderer). Jacob Yurovsky: commander, Soviet Secret Police. Yurovsky led the death squad which carried out Sverdlov's order for the murder of the Czar's family, including the bayoneting to death of the Czar's daughters. The Ipatyev house...

..., where, in the basement, the massacre had occurred, stood intact until 1977, when the local Communist party boss at that time, Boris Yeltsin, ordered it demolished, lest it become a shrine to anti-Jewish sentiment. Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich: chief mass murderer for Stalin. Ordered the deaths of millions and the wholesale destruction of Christian monuments and churches, including the great Cathedral...

... the Spanish Civil War. He supervised the massacre of Catholic priests and peasants in Spain. This Jewish wife "insurance policy" extended to Politburo members such as Andrei Andreyev and Leonoid Brezhnev. Sergei Eisenstein: director of communist propaganda films which depicted Christian peasants (kulaks) as hideous, money-grabbing parasites. The kulaks were subsequently massacred. (Cf. for example...

... ill in bed when the Nazis came to her home town a German soldier shot her dead in her bed. "My grandmother did not die to provide cover for Israeli soldiers murdering Palestinian grandmothers in Gaza. The present Israeli government ruthlessly and cynically exploits the continuing guilt from gentiles over the slaughter of Jews in the Holocaust as justification for their murder of Palestinians." He...
... "Persecutor", Haman, was created Apparently Haman, Mordecai and Esther were all imaginary The massacre of the Czar and his family The Nazi leaders were hanged on a Jewish feast day Conflicts between nations - Judaic triumphs and Judaic vengeances "Opportunities to flourish" were provided by Islam A conflict between two "stranger" peoples - a Judaic triumph and a Judaic vengeance Betrayal is of paramount...

...", yet to come, is to be of the house of David. The same lesson is repeatedly driven home in the books of The Law, particularly by the allegorical massacre of the Midianites which concludes Moses's narrative ( Numbers). This was the basis on which all The Law, and all history of that time and later times, was built. From the moment when Israel rejected them and they were left alone with the...

...;the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast and a good day" and (a detail of interest) "many of the people of the land became Jews; for the fear of the Jews fell upon them". Then, on the appointed day, the Jews "smote all their enemies with the stroke of the sword, and slaughter, and destruction, and did what they would unto those that hated them, slaying of their foes "seventy...

... from the wish to breathe life into the veins of the parables) says that Ahasuerus "has been identified with Xerxes". In that case he was father of the king Artaxerxes who sent soldiers with Nehemiah to Jerusalem to enforce the racial "New Covenant", and in that event, again, Artaxerxes so acted after witnessing in his own country a massacre of 75,000 Persian subjects by Jews! No...

... plausible. On the face of it, Belshazzar and Daniel, Ahasuerus and Mordecai seem to be symbolic figures, created for the purpose of the Levitical political programme, not men who once lived. The massacre of the Czar and his family But... the massacre of the Czar and his family, in our century, was carried out according to verse 30, chapter 5 of Daniel: the hanging of the Nazi leaders followed the precept...

... laid down in verses 6 and 10, chapter 7, and verses 13 and 14, chapter 9, of Esther. Whether these anecdotes were fact or fable, they have become The Law of our century. The most joyful festivals of the Jewish year commemorate the ancient legends of destruction and vengeance on which The Law is based: the slaying of "all the firstborn of Egypt", and Mordecai's massacre. Perhaps, then, it is...

.... However, when the Persians in 614 carried their war against Byzantium into Palestine, the Jews "flocked to the Persian army from all sides" and then participated, "with the fury of men bent on avenging themselves for three hundred years of oppression," in "a wholesale massacre of Christians", (again according to Dr. Kastein, to whom, as above shown, the ban on the...

... - but a typical puppet-figure of Zionist history Cromwell was another such. To the average English schoolboy he lives only as the man who beheaded a king and brought back the Jews to England. Add to that his vaunted massacre of priests at Drogheda (an event which has not its like in British history) and what remains but a typical puppet-figure of Zionist history, created merely to help fulfil The Law...
... Protocols themselves. The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview Notes What do you do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Table of Contents 1991 January 16th the United States and Britain began an aerial bombing campaign of Iraq War crime: Talmudic style ritual slaughter of 150,000 retreating Iraqi troops with fuel air bombs "Happy and...

... began an aerial bombing campaign of targets within Iraq. On 24th February the ground campaign commences which lasts 100 hours until on February 28th when a horrendous war crime occurs. War crime: Talmudic style ritual slaughter of 150,000 retreating Iraqi troops with fuel air bombs This crime is the slaughter of 150,000 Iraqi troops with fuel air bombs. These Iraqis are fleeing on a crowded highway...

... from Kuwait to Basra. President George Herbert Walker Bush orders United States military aircraft and ground units to kill these surrendering troops, who are then bulldozed into mass unmarked graves in the desert, some of whom are still alive. President Bush then orders a cessation of hostilities. What was the significance of this slaughter and President Bush declaring the war over on this day...

..., blessed be the memory of the righteous and holy man, may the Lord avenge his blood, who devoted his soul to the Jews, Jewish religion and Jewish land. His hands are innocent and his heart is pure. He was killed as a martyr of God on the 14th of Adar, Purim, in the year 5754." Rabbi Yaacov Perrin: "One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail" Only two days after Goldstein's massacre, Rabbi Yaacov...

... Perrin, states, "One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail." Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg: "taking revenge on non-Jews, extermination of the non-Jews who are from the seed of Amalek" Another Jewish spiritual leader, Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg , who is also the head of the Kever Yossev Yeshiva Talmudic school in Nablus, also sings the praises of the Goldstein massacre, which he calls, "a fulfillment of...

... war crimes, which they always seem to have excuses for. Major-General Stanislaw Wozniak of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) clearly sees it this way, as revealed in his response to Israeli excuses in which he firmly states of the Qana massacre, "Simply, you do not attack civilians. You do not attack UN positions." Amschel Rothschild, 41, is strangled with the heavy cord Jacques...
... invented by the Levites "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin" - King Belshazzar is slain "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin" - The murder of the Russian Czar and a massacre of his family King Nebuchadnezzar had no son called Belshazzar Apparently mythical Daniel is the most popular prophet of all with the fervent Zionists Through Persian king Levites found the secret of infesting The racial Law was to be...

... the end of the First Twentieth Century war, quoted this precedent in a couplet "written on the wall" of the room where the massacre occurred; the Nazi leaders, at the end of the Second Twentieth Century war, were hanged on the Jewish Day of Atonement. Thus the two World Wars of this century have conformed, in their outcomes, to the pattern of the Babylonian-Persian war of antiquity as...

... of a Jehovan retribution and Jewish vengeance. What matter if Daniel and King Belshazzar never existed: by its inclusion in the Levitical scriptures this anecdote gained the status of a legal precedent! "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin" - The murder of the Russian Czar and a massacre of his family When the murder of the Russian Czar, his wife, daughters and son in 1918, again, was related directly to...
...; Jehovah are left intact. The others are buried beneath a great mound of "statutes and judgments" (regulations issued under a governing Law, as it were) which in effect cancel them. Thus the moral commandments against murder, stealing, adultery, coveting, bad neighbourliness, and the like are vitiated by a mass of "statutes" expressly enjoining the massacre of other peoples, the...

... exclusively material: slaughter, slaves, women, booty, territory, empire. The only condition laid down for these rewards is observance of "the statutes and judgments", which primarily command the destruction of others. The only guilt defined lies is non-observance of these laws. Intolerance is specified as observance; tolerance as non-observance, and therefore as guilt. The punishments prescribed...

...; follows the Commandments, the moral validity of which is at once destroyed by a promise of tribal massacre: The recipe for World Domination "Seven nations greater and mightier than thou" are to be delivered into the Judahites' hands, and: "Thou shalt utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them... ye shall destroy their alters ... for thou art an...

... before thee, until thou have destroyed them..." By the Twentieth Century AD the peoples of the West, as a whole, had ceased to attach any present meaning to these incitements, but the peoples directly concerned thought differently. For instance, the Arab population of Palestine fled en masse from its native land after the massacre at Deir Yasin in 1948 because this event meant for them (as its...

... the "utter destruction" of the Arab peoples. They knew that the leaders of the West had supported and would continue to support the invaders and thus they had no hope of even bare survival, save by flight. This massacre of 1948 AD relates directly to the "statute and judgment" laid down in chapter 7 of the book of The Law which the Levites completed and read in 621 BC. Go in to...
..., 33 degree, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry (p. 78) And, even when we say this outright... you don't believe it. So, that's, that's your problem. And the bodies, eh, we are not cannibals. So, what we do is we take those 'cause we can make some shekels, and we give them to the slaughter houses, and there's a pounds and pounds and pounds of meat that we grind up in a sausage and a hamburger and that's...

... Slaughter in Palestine and Iraq Federal Reserve - taking over the money machine in the U.S.A. The goyim [non-Jews] are the schleppers - to do all the work The holocaust survivors scam The America has served its purpose Our god is Lucifer We like the goyim do the work and we have a party Destroying the U.S.A. Women like the diamonds, so we give it to them and screw them About 9/11 The only conscience you...

... England and the United States knew about the terrible massacre of the Jews by the Nazis. But, he stated, when State Department officials wanted to speak out against the massacre, they were silenced by organized Jewry. Organized Jewry, he said, wanted the massacre to continue in order to arouse the world's sympathy. Dr. Hutschnecker likened the Jewish need to be persecuted to the kind of insanity where...

... Wallace Rosenthal Why would a rabbi say such outrageous things as we see in this interview unless it was the standard ZioNazi provocation, the purpose of which is to provoke carnage and chaos, as you can see at the moment all over the world with all these "colored" "revolutions" and the economic and political "crisis"? Let future generations turn away from us in horror "Let future generations turn away...

... fallen down? Pogroms and massacre? So, what do we have here? Weren't these laws passed in order to shut your mouths so well, that you could not even squick when they start skinning you alive? There is one interesting fact related to this interview. There was an agreement between the host of the show and rabbi Finkelstein about payment of the expenses for this interview. They agreed that the costs will...

... are being cut off? But who cares about all your shouting? Do you know? The thing is that what this Rabbi says in this interview, is probably done in order to provoke a widespread discontent, riots, destruction and carnage while they rub their bloody hands and acquire enormous profits financing both sides of violence. The times of wars, revolutions and chaos are the most favorite times for the...

... performed with infliction of maximum amount of pain and suffering, it was considered to be insufficient, and, therefore, ineffective.] The Ideological Background of the Terror Compare the crimes mentioned in the previous chapter with the Old Testament account of King David's massacre of the entire civilian population of an enemy ("thus did he unto all the cities of the children of Ammon"). He "cut them...

..., and he tells him what to do, and he does it like a good goyim. Slaughter in Palestine and Iraq Q: Would you agree that a, when the Balfour Declaration was signed in England, and the Jews were take to Palestine, the land of Palestine, would you agree or disagree that there is actually more killing, and there's been as much slaughter in Palestine by the Jews slaughtering and killing the Palestinians...

... ah, you know, if I mean [unintelligible], we have a lot of fun around passover when we steal their children. And ah, you know we are, I know you know, cause I've got it on your show before, I mean we steal a hundred to three hundred thousand children a year just in this country. And we drain the blood and we mix it with a Passover bread, and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that...

... can make some shekels, and we give them to the slaughter houses, and there's a pounds and pounds and pounds of meat that we grind up in a sausage and a hamburger and that's why we make those the most popular things - sausage for breakfast and a hamburger for lunch, and so all the goyim out there are eating their children. And, even when we say this outright and tell you, people, you don't believe it...

... leaders to "blood sacrifice" refers to the practice of human sacrifice. Apparently energy is released when people are slaughtered. Recently U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage said the Hezbollah owes the U.S. a "blood debt.") Our rulers design wars as offerings to Lucifer. They find slaughter and mayhem exhilarating, as long as it is someone else who is sacrificed. Lord Acton on NWO...
... of the massacre and transforming it into authentic history. "When God smote the Pharaoh with the illness, the latter turned to his magicians and wise men so that they might cure him. The latter, so that he might be cured, prescribed that the sores be covered with the blood of children. At this point, the Pharaoh, heeding their counsel, sent his functionaries to the land of Goshen so that they might...

...] The grisly legend of the massacre of the Jewish children sacrificed to restore health to the monarch of Egypt, while it remained almost ignored by Iberian, Italian and Oriental Judaism, met with predictable success and a warm reception among Jews of the Franco-German territories and the Ashkenazi communities of northern Italy. As early as the 11th century, the famous French exegetist Rashi (R...

... desperate mother, with her breasts exposed, attempts hopelessly to flee, carrying her unhappy infants with her. [12] The butchery of the preceding edition is further confirmed with an abundance of detail. I believe there can be little doubt that this image is modeled after the Massacre of the Innocents during King Herod’s reign in Palestine (Matthew 2:16), as depicted in a woodcut of the Ultraquist...

... medieval German ritualist, Asher b. Yechiel, published in 1517. [29] Here, Abraham, with a grim expression and a dark, stiff-brimmed hat pressed down on his head, like a brigand, and wearing a cloak with long fluttering hems, brandishes a huge butcher's knife and looms over poor Isaac, prepared to slaughter his son for the love of God. The boy, nude on an enormous stack of wood, appears anything but...
... Jewish military operations, the great massacres of World War II occurred, not on the battlefield, but in peaceful neighborhood communities. This was in accordance with the dictate of the Book of Esther, which directs the Jews to massacre women and children, and to exterminate the families of those who dare to oppose them. Thus it was in Dresden, a historic German cultural center, where many thousands...

... been gathered in Dresden, the irreplaceable procelian, the priceless paintings, the baroque furniture, and the rococo mansions with their poetry carved in stone. All was laid waste in a mass bombing attack in which some 300,000 German civilians died in a city which was not even a military target! The responsibility for this horrible slaughter, in which helpless non-combatants died horribly by flame...

... murder, a crime against Christianity, morality, humanity, and civilization, and this applies with greatest guilt to the wholesale slaughter by one nation of the people of another who have not attacked or harmed them. After this illegal, secret plot was negotiated, Roosevelt, the Jews and the war-mongers of this country, of England and France sought to overthrow the Chamberlain government and to replace...

... ... The carnage caused by allied airmen in German towns has been kept very quiet, but two instances will be enough to show its quality. In June, 1916, British and French pilots bombed Karlsruhe during the Corpus Christi procession, killing and wounding 26 women and 124 children. In a second raid in September they caused 103 casualties inthe same city... Already the pitch has been reached in Great...

... defense, is murder, a crime against Christianity, morality, humanity, and civilization, and this applies with greatest guilt to the wholesale slaughter by one nation of the people of another who have not attacked or harmed them. After this illegal, secret plot was negotiated, Roosevelt, the Jews and the war-mongers of this Country, of England and France sought to overthrow the Chamberlain government and...

... Persian hands a terrible massacre of Christians took place, and the Jews are accused of having taken the lead in this massacre." (A History of Palestine from 135 A.D. to Modern Times, James Parkes, p. 81; The Iron Curtain Over America, John Beaty, p. 194). 040 "We have the Israelis coming to us for equipment. We can say we can't possibly get the Congress to support a program like this. And they say...
... protecting Illuminati wealth. The "war on terror" is about establishing this authoritarian control. What are they planning that requires it? Another Great Depression? Another "terrorist" attack? Sept. 11 demonstrates they will slaughter innocent Americans without compunction. Under the Satanic dispensation, everyone is duped. Zionists sacrifice their lives for Israel, Communists for...

... social justice, Feminists for "equality", and Americans for Iraqi oil. We are all duped to turn away from God, to think religion and morality are "old-fashioned." Universal moral laws do exist and must be observed for our own good. God simply is Reality. We are spoiled, distracted, unsexed and frivolous. Like Freemasons, we are lambs led to slaughter. See Letter from a Former...
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