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... inferiority complex. In fact, if a man does not suffer from inferiority complex he will not try to dominate anyone. The very effort to dominate is just to convince oneself that "I am not inferior, I am superior to those whom I rule, whom I dominate." It is strange that your presidents, your prime ministers are all psychologically sick people. They are full of jealousies, competitions. The commune...

..., but they don't rule it. Those who rule it are from either Britain or France or Italy or Switzerland or Sweden or Belgium or Greece; they all come from European countries. If they are really sincere, they should pack their luggage and go back home. It is a strange kind of democracy in which the people of the land, the real owners of the land have no participation at all. And the foreigners, the...

... communes arising in the country, and the politician will be in danger. I have been condemning the politicians and the priests together, because they are two sides of one coin. They are conspiring together against humanity. They have made a division: the politician will rule the body of man, and the priest will rule his soul. And they will support each other, because their interest is the same...

... - domination over humanity. My effort to make life absolutely based on freedom and to destroy all possibilities of domination by anybody, naturally brought the politicians and the Christian priests together. This persecution was not the simple persecution that every religion does against any competitive religion. This was a very unprecedented persecution. All religions, all societies, all nations were...

... an anonymous phonecall was stupid, because the jail was so secure and safe; it was perhaps the most modern jail in America. It opened only three months before I entered it. It has all the latest security equipment - doors which open only with remote control buttons; nobody can open them by hand. And there were doors beyond doors... as far as I remember, there were three doors through which they...

... camera. And you heard it rightly - seeing you trembling and your camera also trembling, I said silently within myself, "Don't control." You were trying hard to control: "I am the captain of the ship, and however drunk I may be, my ship is always going towards the ocean." I have never felt for a single moment that there is a possibility of being lost. The whole universe is ours...

.... Where can we get lost? Wherever we reach will be our home. Once you have understood that the whole universe is our home, then the possibility of getting lost simply disappears. And if you try to control, there are problems with control.... In one of the universities where I used to teach, the vice-chancellor had a disease. He was ban old man, and his hands used to tremble, so he always kept them in...

... old, but your pants are new and fresh and young. Because of your trying to control and hide, the young and fresh and new full pants are shaking like an old man." He said, "I will keep them out, but you sit down. I had never thought that you would do that to me." I said, "Just remember that I am here." When Turiya was trying to control, I remembered my old vice-chancellor...

.... The more she was trying to control, the more things were going out of control. It was good that she put the camera down and closed her eyes. You need not be afraid if you see through your camera that my eyes are becoming bigger and bigger and bigger. I keep them almost half closed, just not to make people afraid. I open them fully only when I want to make Avirbhava afraid. And the moment I open them...

... fully she shrieks, screams, tries to tell me, "Don't do this to me!" The moment I start moving towards her she starts controlling herself. There is no need to control. If you had relaxed, there would have been no need to put the camera away. But you must have been trying to be physically perfect. Perfectionists are always afraid of committing mistakes, of doing something which is not...

..., 'I am a brave man.' I have accepted that I am a coward." I said, "If you had accepted it before, this tragedy would have been avoided." Everybody is afraid. It is not that you are afraid of something, you are simply afraid. Perhaps it is a deep-down fear of death in the very depths of your unconsciousness that surfaces as fear. And you try to control your life. In this controlling...
... every country is in the same trouble - they have to keep creating more weapons than the enemy, and those weapons are consuming everything and leaving the poor poor. Secondly, India should be educated in population control. The effort was made but in a wrong way. People were educated for it forcibly, and whenever you do anything forcibly - even if it is good - the result is going to be bad. People...

... should be taught, and now better methods of birth control are available. There is no need to create dozens of children. And people should be approached in such a way that they don't feel that their independence, their freedom, is being hampered, but on the contrary that their freedom is hampered by two dozen children! They destroy their whole life. Not only that, they are destroying their two dozen...

... children's lives also: they will be beggars on the streets. We have to make our people understand that to have a small family gives you more freedom, more comfort, more education, and a better future for your children. They will not end up in Mother Teresa's orphanages and become Catholics. Of course Mother Teresa will not like the idea of birth control. Now Pope the Polack is coming to India. He should be...

... increasing the Catholic population. It has been their deepest desire for two thousand years to make the whole world Christian - and now this is a great opportunity. The poor are bound to fall into their trap. They don't want poverty to be removed, and the best way is to tell people that using birth control methods is against God. One of the bishops was talking to me, and he said, "It is against God...

...." I said, "Your God is omnipotent, all-powerful, omniscient; he can see past, present, future; he is omnipresent, everywhere present. Cannot he remove a small pill, or change the quality of the pill? If he can make man out of mud, cannot he change the pill into mud? Such a great god, and the pill defeats him? You are talking nonsense. If God wants children to be there, then no birth control...

... methods can succeed; and if they succeed, that proves there is no God." But we are supporting these people. Now preparations are being made to receive the Pope. These kinds of people should be expelled from India. They are not friends of this country, they are enemies of this country. Anybody who teaches people that birth control is irreligious is against our future. Birth control should be...

... accepted as an intelligent method - and intelligence is God-given. Just these two things - birth control and no more pouring of money and energy into war - and poverty will disappear. And you will make history. India has not been making history for two thousand years. For two thousand years you have been slaves. Although you had weapons and you had armies, still you have been slaves. I ask you, what is...

... been one country. It was only under Mohammedan rule that they forced the country to be one; then, too, it was not completely one. It was only under British troops that India became one - the whole credit of India's becoming one goes to British slavery. And Churchill was right when he said that the moment Britain leaves India, India will fall apart into small pieces. His prophecy is coming true...
..., and all news media. Nothing should be in the control of the government, because government has all the powers, and individuals have no powers. Who is going to fight for them, and who is going to protect them against the government? The press to me is more important than the politicians. But it is important only if it is free. For example in this country, the press has not fought that the television...

.... Whatever people demand, if they demand pornography, supply pornography because there is market. I want to change that rule. I want to reverse it. I want to say "Wherever there is supply, demand is bound to be created." Don't go on fulfilling the demand, because the demand is coming from the lowest strata of the society. Supply from the highest intelligentsia of the society, and create the...

... again?" It can. But you will have to drop these saints, Krishnadas and Mahatma Gandhi and Krishna. These are the barriers who are creating your mind. And it is your mind who is going to work. Now even the Shankaracharyas are teaching against birth control. Now these people should be behind the bars. Birth control should be a virtue, not a sin. And anybody who is talking about celibacy, Hindu...

... anything. It is time still, I started talking about birth control thirty years before. If they had listened to me at that time, they condemned me, that I am teaching immorality. If they had listened to me that time the population was forty crore; now it is eighty crore; if they had listened to me the population would have remained forty crore, or even less. But they are not going to listen even today. It...

... is very easy to control population, to bring new technology from the whole world. All that is needed is a guarantee from the government that any capital coming from outside the world should never be nationalized. Technicians are available, who can come and teach and be here. The country should be open - it is closed. In forty seven and in eighty five, no technological progress has been done for the...

... their kind, to preach against birth control. They are enemies, they should not be here. If they preach birth control, they should be kicked out. They have their own interest. Create more poor people, more orphans and more catholics. Now the pope is coming here, if the government is sensible enough, it should make a condition that he should not utter a single word against birth control, or abortion. He...
... behind perfectionism very easily. And women tend to become perfectionists, because they are not allowed any other kind of domination. For centuries, man has dominated in every other way - economically, socially, politically, religiously. Everywhere he is in domination. He has not left any way for the woman to dominate; she had to invent her own ways. Every woman becomes a moralist, a perfectionist...

... dominate the disciples, who want power. And they can have power only if they start destroying your natural flow. Destroy the natural flow of a person and he will always be in your power, under your domination; he will always be a slave to you. Pervert any person's natural being, and then he can never assert his freedom. The priest has known it, down the ages, and he has used it. It is a very ugly device...

... politicians... they are ALL trying to condition you. Nobody wants you to be a free man, everybody wants you to be a slave - because the more you are a slave, the more easily you can be exploited. The leader will need followers. From where is he going to find followers? Unless people are slaves and in constant need of somebody to dominate them, from where is he going to find followers? And stupid politicians...

... dominate millions of people. The only reason is that millions of people have been reduced to such psychological slavery that they cannot move on their own. Even if they have to follow a blind person, it is better to follow him than to be alone. They have become sheep - they are no longer people, they are no longer human beings. A humanoid is a sheep, a humanoid is a herd animal. Have you seen sheep...

.... That is her strategy, her politics, to dominate you. She will not allow you to smoke cigarettes because it is wrong; she will not allow you to drink - it is wrong. She will not allow you to eat this and that - it is wrong. She will not allow you anything! That is her way of dominating you. If women are allowed all the other possible ways to compete with men in the world, they will not be...

... perfectionists any more. That's what is happening in the West: the women have started smoking themselves. They had never done it before; they were always against the husband smoking. Now they are smoking themselves. What has happened? That was the only possible way for them to be in control. And remember, that may be the reason why you are afraid - because she is a perfectionist. She may be creating great...

... guilt in you that you are not worthy of her. That is her strategy: beware of it. That is a very subtle trick to dominate and possess. Two young men were discussing the usual subject: girls. "I'm looking for a girl," said one, "who does not drink, smoke or have any bad habits." And when you find her," asked the other guy, "what in the hell are you going to do with her...

.... to be naked in the cold - to do ANYTHING! - if you give them respect, if you fulfill their egos. This is very cunning politics. And because women have no other way to dominate, they dominate through perfectionism. But the basic thing is that you have not loved the woman yet, and you have not allowed the woman to love you either. The relationship is of fear. And you also must be making her afraid...

... three hundred years had passed. In these three hundred years the light has disappeared completely. Now the only way to dominate people is to create life-negative religion. The priest can dominate only by creating a life-negative religion. Tell people this is wrong, that is wrong - and the more DON'TS you say, the more you make them afraid, guilty. And whenever somebody is guilty it is easy to dominate...

... is a totally different kind of person - his whole desire is to dominate. He is a politician in disguise. This can happen here too, Geetam - unless my sannyasins are very alert, very aware. Unless you go on persisting in being life-affirmative. It was more possible with Jesus because whatsoever he said was only aurally remembered - to change it was easy. Whatsoever I am saying will not be remembered...
... control it? These are the two attitudes. The non-religious attitude is somehow to control, somehow to manipulate, somehow to dominate, somehow to boss. The religious attitude is understanding - seeing the fact that the total is so vast and you are so tiny that even to say tiny seems to be too big... almost a non-being. Buddha has called the innermost core non-being, because he said that to call it...

... in terms of being free for. And the difference is vast, tremendously vast. Don't think in terms of from - think for. Be free for God, be free for truth, but don't think that you want to be free from the crowd, free from the church, free from this and that. You may be able to go far away one day, but you will never be free, never. It is going to be some sort of suppression. Why are you so afraid of...

... is his credo absurdum. 'I believe in God because God is unbelievable.' Tremendously beautiful... that's what a lover says. I found that the aggressiveness I've had before in the form of intense energy, seems to be a cover-up for life. When it's not there I feel a lot of fear. I feel fear sometimes when I see that I have no control over anything at all.] But what is the need to control? And how can...

... one control? Life is so vast that we can only be controlled; we cannot be the controllers. The fear arises because you ask the impossible. The fear arises because you ask something which is not possible at all, which is not in harmony with the real. How can you control things? Just think of the immensity, the tremendous vastness of existence, and of how everything is so interconnected. How can you...

... 'being' is too much; it is almost as if not. Even a drop is bigger. If you compare a drop with the ocean, and you compare a man with the totality, the drop is tremendously bigger than man - proportionately, relatively. Man is not even a drop in this totality. Just think of a drop of water trying to control the ocean. And we are not even that! So fear arises. But you are creating the fear - it is your...

... christians think, with a crown on his head, on a golden throne with foolish angels all around (laughter). That 'thy' is this totality. There is no throne and no crown, no monarch, no king - nothing: no king and no kingdom. That 'thy' is this vastness, this immenseness of existence ... this isness that surrounds you out and in, within and without. How can you try to control it? What are you asking? Fear...

... every day for one hour, sit and enjoy and get into it... let the feeling possess you. [Another group member said that he had unpleasant sensations and wanted to control his breathing. Osho said it was that need to control that created the unpleasant sensations of fear... ] ... because whenever you are controlling something which has to be natural - and in Vipassana particularly, it has to be natural...
.... Being against birth control, being against abortion, being against the pill, they are creating poverty, more population than the earth is capable to support. This is the service to the poor? You create the poor and then you serve the poor. In the first place, why create the poor? There is no need for poverty in the world. If the church drops its stupidity against birth control methods, the poverty can...

... years, total birth control -- no children. That will be true service. Thirdly, the poor are in the grip of the priests of different religions. They may give them different explanations. For example, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, they say, "You are poor because in your past life you committed grave crimes. This is the result of it. The theory of karma. You have to suffer it. It is better to be...

... of all these idiots: bishops, cardinals, priests, popes.... For thirty years I have been talking about birth control. It has brought me only condemnation. Stones have been thrown at me, poison has been given to me, knives has been thrown at me, efforts to kill me has been made. That was my reward because I was talking about birth control and the priests became alerted. In thirty years time India...

... something immoral, that if people start using birth control methods then there is a possibility of immorality spreading. I had encountered Hindu priests, Jaina priests, Buddhist priests, and I asked them, "Then your moral people are not very moral. Then it is just the fear that if they make love to some other woman than their own wife and she becomes pregnant, they will be caught. They will be in...

... trouble. So it is only the fear that is keeping them moral. This is not morality. If they are really moral, birth control methods cannot make them immoral. There is no reason." And they had no answer to it. They were using the name of God, that God is giving birth to children. And I am teaching people to prevent children. That means I am against God. I had an encounter with one of the...

... your argument against me, that I am telling people to do something against God. "The other quality of God is that he knows everything. So whether the person is going to use birth control methods or not, he knows from eternity -- before this person was even born. He knows that he will use birth control methods. It is not out of his knowledge. "And if he wanted, he could have prevented the...

... scientist who created the pill. It is such a small thing. Just before he was going to create it, his heart would have stopped -- and there would have been no pill and no problem. "If God has allowed the pill to happen, birth control methods to be manufactured, it is according to his will. You are talking against God, I am not talking against God." But the problem is poor illiterate, uneducated...
... going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents The Attributes of God 1. God’s Everywhereness 2. God’s Infinite Power 3. God’s Universal Knowledge 4. God’s Limitlessness 5. The Father’s Supreme Rule 6. The Father’s Primacy The Attributes of God (44.1) 3:0.1 GOD is everywhere present; the Universal Father rules the circle of eternity...

...-drawn-out evolutionary processes of peoples, planets, and universes are under the perfect control of the universe creators and administrators and unfold in accordance with the eternal purpose of the Universal Father, proceeding in harmony and order and in keeping with the all-wise plan of God. There is only one lawgiver. He upholds the worlds in space and swings the universes around the endless circle...

... circuits of all energy. He has decreed the time and manner of the manifestation of all forms of energy-matter. And all these things are held forever in his everlasting grasp — in the gravitational control centering on nether Paradise. The light and energy of the eternal God thus swing on forever around his majestic circuit, the endless but orderly procession of the starry hosts composing the universe of...

... creation should continue indefinitely, eternally, even to infinity, so that eventually the material creation would exist without limitations, still the power of control and co-ordination reposing in the Isle of Paradise would be found equal to, and adequate for, the mastery, control, and co-ordination of such an infinite universe. And subsequent to this bestowal of limitless force and power upon a...

... sociology, the Creator-creature relationship — the Father-child affection. 5. The Father’s Supreme Rule (50.6) 3:5.1 In his contact with the post-Havona creations, the Universal Father does not exercise his infinite power and final authority by direct transmittal but rather through his Sons and their subordinate personalities. And God does all this of his own free will. Any and all powers delegated, if...

... occasion should arise, if it should become the choice of the divine mind, could be exercised direct; but, as a rule, such action only takes place as a result of the failure of the delegated personality to fulfill the divine trust. At such times and in the face of such default and within the limits of the reservation of divine power and potential, the Father does act independently and in accordance with...

...: “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” “He removes kings and sets up kings.” “The Most Highs rule in the kingdoms of men.” (51.2) 3:5.3 In the affairs of men’s hearts the Universal Father may not always have his way; but in the conduct and destiny of a planet the divine plan prevails; the eternal purpose of wisdom and love triumphs. (51.3) 3:5.4 Said Jesus: “My Father, who gave them to...

... to divinity; by potential evil — remoteness from divinity. (53.1) 3:6.3 All religious philosophy, sooner or later, arrives at the concept of unified universe rule, of one God. Universe causes cannot be lower than universe effects. The source of the streams of universe life and of the cosmic mind must be above the levels of their manifestation. The human mind cannot be consistently explained in...
... innermost godliness? Nature is the steps of the temple. If you don't climb the steps, then how will you enter into the inner sanctum of the temple? If you can understand what I am saying then don't suppress any more. Now quietly accept it. What this existence shows to you will be good. Existence is presenting it, so it must be good. Neither control, nor become the one who decides, nor stand back saying...

... silence is deepening. the reign of silence is deepening, the fire is burning itself out. In this state a burst of flame will flare up at any moment. Such a blaze is flaring up in you. Observe it. Do not suppress it, otherwise it will move into you again. You are very close to getting free of it, don't suppress it, otherwise the bondage will start again. What has been suppressed will flare up again and...

... suppress it thinking, "What madness is this, I am growling like a lion? What is this roaring? People will think I am mad!" So naturally the idea will come to suppress it, to hide it - don't let anyone know. What will they say? Don't worry. Don't bother about what anyone says. If people say you are mad, then go mad! Has anyone become enlightened without going mad? Give your attention to your...

....' If you are insistent upon this 'how,' then Patanjali will be your path. He will tell you to do outer discipline, inner discipline, control, breath control, turning inwards, concentration, meditation, samadhi. He will make it so extensive that even you will say: "O Maharaj, make it a little less. Tell me some easy method. This is too long, it will take many lives." Most yogis are only...

... bring it under control, remain a witness of it too. Just as you are a witness of everything else, remain a witness of sex too. It is difficult, because you have been taught for centuries that sex is sin. That concept of sin has been fixed in your mind. Sin does not exist in this universe - there is only godliness. Drop that idea. In this universe there is only one - it pervades all - it is godliness...

... difficult to remain a witness - either you will become unconscious or you will control. To be a witness is neither to go unconscious nor to control - it is to stand firm between these two. On this side you fall in a ditch, on the other you fall in the well - remain in between, master this, then samadhi. Both are easy: it is perfectly easy to go unconscious in sex, to completely forget what is going on, to...

... get intoxicated is easy. To control sex, to force it to stop, to prevent yourself is also easy. But in both you miss. The one who indulges misses, the celibate misses too. The real brahmacharya happens when you stand in the middle between these two, then you are only watching. Then you will find that sex arises in the body and reverberates in the body; in the mind a shadow briefly falls and departs...

.... You remain standing far away. How can sexual desire be in you? How can any desire be in you? You are nothing but the observer. And it usually happens that when meditation starts going well, sexual desire becomes stronger. Understand this because it happens to most people. When meditation is going well, when you start relaxing into the rhythm of your life, tension is less, then the suppression you...

... have been forcing on sex for many lives will be gone. Then the repressed desire will arise like a volcano. Hence if sexual desire increases with meditation, don't worry, it is a good sign, indicating that meditation is progressing well. Meditation is doing good work. Meditation is getting rid of your tensions, removing your control, getting rid of your repressions. Meditation is taking you towards...

... this is good and that is bad - I want to do this and don't want to do that. You simply observe. A life is descending like the sun, the candle of desires too is melting down, slowly slowly the fire is burning itself out. Longings are settling down, the floods are ebbing to a stop, passion is ebbing to a stop, the reign of silence is deepening, the fire is burning itself out. It is going well. But...

... descending like the sun, the candle of desires too is melting down... ... the lamp of desires is melting, life is going out. ... slowly slowly the fire is burning itself out. Longings are cooling down, the floods are ebbing to a stop... - the flow of life is stopping. ... passion is ebbing to a stop, the reign of silence is deepening... - the juiciness of meditation is increasing. - the juiciness of...
... whatsoever you have earned. There is no injustice in existence; it is absolutely just. [A group participant said that he was always in control even when doing dynamic meditation or making love to his girlfriend.] Doing won't help, because it will be under your control but something not like doing is needed; something totally different - like being possessed. Next time you make love do humming together, or...

... out of... the mind cannot understand what is happening. The mind is incapable of dealing with anything new. It will say this is foolish and what stupid things you are doing. Don't listen to the mind - because this mind is in control. You have to do something that is diametrically opposite to it. Start making faces, and tell your lady to close her eyes, (a chuckle) she may get scared! While making...

... love breathe as deeply as possible... because if you want to control yourself, the basic control is the breath, and through breath, sex is controlled. Breathe deeply like an animal - shriek, utter sounds, go wild - and the control will be lost. Once the control is lost you are in a totally different dimension. A totally different world suddenly opens its doors, is available to you. If it happens in...

... something, you hate it too. You will find excuses as to why you hate, but they are not relevant, mm? For every love we have to pay. If you love it, you have to continue in the morning... And never let your hate decide anything. Knowing well there is hate, always let love decide. I'm not saying suppress, no; but never let it decide. Let it be there, let it have a secondary place. Accept it, but never let...

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