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Found: 2264 articles, showing 880 - 890
... about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents 1. The Edenites Enter Mesopotamia 2. Cain and Abel 3. Life in Mesopotamia 4. The Violet Race 5. Death of Adam and Eve 6. Survival of Adam and Eve (847.1) 76:0.1 WHEN Adam elected to leave the first garden to the Nodites unopposed, he and his followers could not go west, for the Edenites had no boats...

... left Jerusem as permanent citizens — Sons of God; they returned as ascendant citizens — sons of man. They were immediately attached to the Urantia service on the system capital, later being assigned membership among the four and twenty counselors who constitute the present advisory-control body of Urantia. (854.1) 76:6.4 And thus ends the story of the Planetary Adam and Eve of Urantia, a story of...
..., bliss cannot be given to you, ecstasy cannot be purchased in the market. But your mind continuously thinks in terms of getting, purchasing, collecting, finding; your mind never thinks in terms of happening because you cannot control happening -- everything else you can control. I have heard: Once a man became suddenly rich. Of course, when it happened he collected all those things he had always been...

... never says it, even if he has to use it he cannot mean it. It is just a verbal thing, has to be followed because of the society and the language game. It is just a rule of the language; otherwise he has no 'I' feeling. The world of things disappears -- then what happens? When the world of things disappears, your attachment to things falls, your obsession with things falls. Things don't disappear; on...
... even parents are trying to dominate, that it is a political relationship and there is no love. Their whole effort is... in the world they may not be able to be dominating, but at home they can dominate the children. As long as the lust for domination remains, love does not appear. But to you, particularly... I would like you to remember that whatever they have done they have done almost in sleep, so...
..., because of their virtue, because of their m orality. They killed him in the name of God; they killed him very innocently. This situation has been arising again and again in history. There seems to be no possibility to change it. The only possibility is that Jesus should be so moderate that he doesn't hurt anybody. But then he is useless. He could have managed - you ask me rightly. He could have managed...

..., he could have been very moderate and liberal. He could have talked like a politician who talks much but never says anything, who says many things but is always vague. He never clearly asserts anything; you can never pinpoint what he has said. The crime of Jesus was that he was clear, certain: that whatsoever he was saying, he was not saying like a politician. He was opening his heart. He was not...

... of Jesus: "If you save your life you will lose it and if you lose it you will save it." The only way to go beyond death is to accept death. Then it disappears. The only way to be fearless is to accept fear. Then the energy is released and becomes freedom. But if you condemn it, if you suppress it, if you hide the fact that you are afraid - if you armor yourself and protect yourself and...
... full of God. There is no need for any search, there is no need for any prayer, there is no need to go to any temple, to any priest. Hence, the priest and the politician, these two are the enemies of humanity. And they are in a conspiracy, because the politician wants to rule your body and the priest wants to rule your soul. And the secret is the same: destroy love. Then a man is nothing but a...

... understand your problems a little bit more, and by understanding your problems you can control your life in a certain way, to a certain extent. Psychoanalysis can help you to become a little more normal than you are; it can reduce your heated, excited abnormality to a little calmer and cooler space - that's all. It can bring your temperature down a little, but it cannot solve. It can only help, it can...
... of God, Krishna. Arjuna said, "This war seems to be absolutely meaningless. I am going to the Himalayas to meditate. Let my cousin-brothers rule, but at least there will be life. I am not going to take this great responsibility of killing so many people for my own glory, to become Arjuna the Great." But Krishna is very clever, very cunning. He goes on arguing, convincing, persuading...

... world, they are thought to be great saints. And to create more orphans, birth control methods should not be used. Abortion should be illegal, criminal. If birth control methods are used, and abortion is legal, then from where can you get the orphans? Those orphans give business to the priests, to the pope. And those orphans are your power, because you will convert them to your religion. It is a simple...
... anybody else; all human beings are lower than them, they are a superior race. Or course, the implication is clear: they are here to rule, not to be ruled. They are here to dominate the whole world, and not to be dominated. This idea made them fanatics, and naturally, anybody claiming superiority over everybody else creates persecution. They have been persecuted down the ages; they are still being...

... go and convince the people, "I am the right person and the other is wrong." And the other is also doing the same, and the poor people in their utter confusion somehow choose somebody. I have never voted in my life, for the simple reason that all those politicians and political parties are basically the same. They want to exploit you, oppress you. And it is a good strategy that after five...
... more intelligent you are. There is no question of how to open the sense of humor; you simply remove the barriers. It is already there, it is already the case. You simply remove a few rocks which your parents, your society have put to prevent it. The society teaches you self-control, and sense of humor means relaxation. Just the other day somebody from London, a sannyasin, sent me a cutting of a...

... newspaper; he had heard my jokes about Zimbabwe's president, Reverend Canon Banana, so he sent me a small cutting: that one of Banana's cabinet ministers was traveling with Banana in an airplane and that he pissed all over the passageway. He was asked, "What is the matter?" He said, "I was trying to use self-control, and it became impossible! " Of course, in the presence of President...

... Banana you have to be a banana! He was trying to use self-control so he tried his best. If he had undergone the EST training he would have succeeded! You cannot laugh before your elders, you cannot laugh before your teachers, you cannot laugh before your priests, you cannot laugh in the churches. And the Christians say Jesus never laughed. I cannot believe that - he was not a buffalo! He was one of the...
... priests and people of religious orders do not have the same dress code. He presents this rule to the manager who is thereby forced to allow them entry. The twenty sannyasins walk into the bar on the one hundred and thirtieth floor still singing, "Drinking from your wine, Osho..." A couple of drinks later, the same sannyasin notices a fat old Texan sitting on the stool next to him. He raps him...

... is a celibate, so his wife is in the right hands, there is no fear. If he had asked me I would have said, give the control of your wife to anybody else. Anybody else will be far better than this so-called celibate. Six months later he returned and found his spouse and his guru in bed doing the very same thing he had tried to prevent. He called his wife every name in the book, and then threatened...

... transformation. I want you to be the future of humanity. And of course, you are worried about her ideal of purity. Indians have very strange ideas about purity. They have suffered much because of that. The whole country lives with such deep suppression, with such deep unnaturalness that everybody is miserable, everybody is sad and serious. Just the other day three Indians came to visit; they had come from one...
... ugliness all around it. In fact, the very question:... WHAT is THE NEXT appropriate STEP? IS because of the 'I'. The 'I' wants to control not only THIS step but the next too. It has been controlling all your past steps, it is controlling your present step, it wants to control the next step too. What do you mean by APPROPRIATE? That which fits with your ideas of right, true; that which fits with your idea...

... opportunity not to get emotional - mm? - this is foolish to jump; it is emotional, sentimental. He has to control himself not to jump and not to save this human being, because he is suffering his karmas - let him suffer so that he can be finished with it. Next life he will be born in a better life, in a better way. Now both these people are acting out of their memories. Can't you see a third possibility...

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