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Found: 2264 articles, showing 700 - 710
... would not know that there is death or sex on this planet, because we keep these two concealed. Bear in mind, sex is the originator of birth, it is the first step; and death is the last step of the manifest Brahman. The suppression of sex, the first step, begins with the fear of death, the last step. If we wish to suppress death, we will have to make ourselves forget also the process of birth, because...

... away from town we keep the graves, deaths will happen in towns and not in graveyards. We suppress sex and hide it because it is the source of birth. Our unconscious reason for keeping it suppressed and hidden is that it is the first step. If it is unveiled and brought into the open, then death will also be unveiled; it will no longer be possible to conceal death. So it is interesting to notice that...

... generation, and the exasperated mother said, "Look, can't you see there is only one answer to your question?" Then the boy exclaimed, "What! You mean that for the last seven generations there's been no sex in our family?" No, there is a great unconscious need to suppress sex. It is the first step of birth. If it is opened and made manifest then death will also be manifest. As long as...
..., because they want more numbers. Q: DO YOU ADVOCATE ENFORCED BIRTH CONTROL OR STERILIZATION? A: Certainly. Absolute birth control for twenty years... because it is not a question of small importance. If for twenty years there is absolute birth control, it will give two things to humanity. One, the population will start disappearing. I want the world to come to one-fourth of its population; only then can...

... it be a beautiful garden of life. Second, if people become accustomed to birth control for twenty years, sex will not remain a serious problem. After the pill, sex has no significance at all -- it is just fun. It has nothing profane about it and nothing sacred about it. It is just a biological game. And if two persons feel like playing tennis, let them play. Q: WHAT ABOUT DISEASES LIKE AIDS? A...
.... Gandhi drove him to become a fanatic Mohammedan, because Gandhi was a fanatic Hindu. It was Gandhi's mahatmahood that created the idea in Jinnah's mind that if India remains one, then Hindus are going to rule forever. And Mohammedans have no chance here because they will always be minority and Hindus will always be majority. And this man Gandhi is exploiting religion, and he is simply a politician. He...

... learned the whole technique. He started exploiting religion for his politics. The division came because of Gandhi. After the division, almost one million people were killed because of Gandhi. This was the repressed violence that Gandhi has been repressing for thirty years continuously that exploded, because once British government was gone there was nobody to control. Q:* WHAT DO YOU THINK NOW IS...

... country without even thinking that half of the Pakistan will be one thousand miles away. Half of the Pakistan will be on this side, in the West, half in the East. How they are going to remain one? Not long enough. And that's what happened. Soon Bangladesh became independent from Pakistan. And before you divide a country you should make it certain that under your control the population moves. The whole...

... am an utopian, an idealist, then some realist should come ahead. I have not seen any realist coming out. So it seems, whether you call me idealist or utopian, I am the only one who is giving a solution. Q:* BUT WHAT I MEANT IS THAT THE POWERS THAT HAVE CONTROL RIGHT NOW ARE IN MUCH MORE ENTRENCHED THAN SHEELA WAS, FOR INSTANCE. A:* They are all trembling inside, all those big powers. Things have...
... your love is not love. Your love even creates hell, misery; you even become destructive to your lover. Move into any family and you will feel the destruction that love has brought: wife and husband continuously fighting, quarreling, trying to dominate each other, trying to possess each other - really trying to destroy the other. The wife wants the husband just to be a thing, not a person. The husband...

... the person was fifty, then his children would be coming back from the gurukul, from the house of the master. His children would be coming back, and they would then be about twenty-five. And this was the rule: when a person had reached fifty, about fifty, and his children were back and were going into marriage, he should again become celibate - because it was thought absurd that a father should be...

... have caught two stations simultaneously and so everything is a confusion. I am talking here and you are talking within yourself, so there are two stations simultaneously. Everything is in confusion. You cannot learn and you cannot understand - you can only misunderstand. How to listen was the first thing - in ordinary teaching and in spiritual teaching also. How to listen? The first rule is: the...

... disturbed the silence and they were creating a dispute. Then it became so much that he could not control it any more, so after one year he said, "Enough. I am leaving. This is too much. You are creating an argument! We have not come here to decide whether the horse was white or black!" This is how mind functions. A small trigger and it goes on and on - it may go on for eternity if you don't...
... of it. So you have to hide the mind and suppress it. You cannot open your mind. You cannot open your mind to your deepest friend because he will judge. He will say, "This is what you think? This is what goes on in your mind?" So you have to give him only that which can be accepted - a very minute part - and all else that is in you has to be hidden completely. That hidden part creates many...

... diseases. The whole psychoanalysis of Freud consists only of bringing the hidden part out. It takes years before the person is healed. But the psychoanalyst is not doing anything, he is simply bringing the suppressed part out. Just to bring it out becomes a healing force. What does it mean? It means the suppression is the illness. It is a burden, a heavy burden. You wanted to confess to someone; you...

... comes up and becomes a part of the conscious. When you cut off something, deny something, prohibit something, suppress something, you are creating a division between the conscious and the unconscious, the accepted and the rejected. This division has to be thrown. Mahavir moved into aloneness so that he could be as he was with no fear of anybody. Because he didn't have to show a face to anybody he...

... could throw away all the masks, all the faces. Then he could be alone, totally naked, as he is under the stars, by the river and in the forest. No one would judge him and no one would say, :You are not allowed to be like this. You should behave. You should be like this." Leaving society means leaving the situation where suppression has become inevitable. So nudity means to be as one is, with no...
... charismatic person is dangerous, and people are very much attracted to the charismatic person. The charismatic person is never a true Master; he becomes a slavedriver. The charismatic is more of a politician than a religious person. Adolf Hitler is charismatic, Mussolini is charismatic. Leaders are charismatic: they have to lead people, they have to make slaves people, they have to dominate and dictate. The...

... society may disappear, but the state is not going to disappear. That's what has happened in Russia, that's what is happening in China. All Marx's predictions have proved false. Through dictatorship, no society can come to a point where the state disappears: the state will become more and more powerful. And the people who will control the state, they will never like, they have never liked... who likes to...

... person cannot exist; he is not allowed. A communist world believes in the society, in the absolute domination of the society. The individual is thought to be a danger. Anybody trying to be individual is looked at as the enemy: 'One should not try to be an individual, one should follow the crowd, one should be in the crowd, one should not try one's own ways and styles' - even about ordinary things. If...
... Gandhi's name in elections, and I was the only person in the whole country who was saying, "It is time that you forget Mahatma Gandhi. Thank him for the last time for trying to gain the freedom of the country, but now it is time to be free of him. The country needs technological progress; otherwise people are going to die." Mahatma Gandhi was against birth control; I have been in absolute...

... support of birth control. If they had listened to me... I have been talking in favor of birth control for thirty years. If they had listened to me... at that time, the population was four hundred million, but they did not listen. Now it is nine hundred million. The economists, the mathematicians, have all been surprised, because they did not think the population was going to expand so much. They were...

... thinking that by the end of the century India would have one billion people. Now they have had to change it, and the change is big. Now they say that by the end of the century India will have one billion eight hundred million people. Their earth is dying, it is so exploited. They don't have any scientific development. And birth control cannot be preached; it is against the religion, and it is against...
... disappear to? What happens to this intelligence? The society is against intelligence; the society does not want intelligent people to be around. Intelligent people seem to he dangerous to the society. The society wants stupid people because stupid people are easy to manage, easy to dominate, easy to manipulate, easy to order. Stupid people are obedient -- even where obedience is sin they are obedient...

... education is needed in the world, which will make you more conscious, not more knowledgeable, which will make you more loving, not more logical. Logic is good -- if love remains the master, then logic is a good servant; but logic should not be the master, and love should not be the servant. Knowledge is good if consciousness remains in control. But if knowledge is in control, if the head is in control...
... technology. If your car has stopped and you have run out of gas, you don't just kneel down by your car and start praying, "Give us our daily gas." That will be as stupid as this prayer. You know you have to search for a gas pump! This is not the way -- it is not going to happen. But priests have been trying all along to make religion dominate your whole life -- from bread to God. They are very...

... kinds of nonsense that we are stuffed with. But this has been a strategy of the priest. He can dominate you only if you are poor, he can dominate you only if you are starving -- because when you are poor and starving and miserable, you are bound to fall at his feet because he is the mediator between God and you. You don't know any address for where God lives, what language he speaks. That is the...

... five thousand dollars." "Mr. Steinberg;' the rabbi beamed, "why didn't you tell me in the first place that the dog is Jewish?" These people have become really cunning. Their whole effort is to remain in power, and the most necessary thing to remain in power, to remain rich, to remain in domination, is to keep humanity suffering. That is a simple strategy; anybody who has eyes can...
... setting; soon it would be night. They came across a river. A young woman, a beautiful woman, was standing there on the bank hesitating whether to enter the river or not: it may be too deep, it appears very deep. The first monk - the older one - followed the Buddhist rule not to look at a woman. But that is a very strange rule: first you have to look, then only will you be able to see whether she is a...

... woman or not. You can follow the rule only by breaking it! So he must have looked - of course a stolen look - and then he must have looked down. The Buddhist rule is: Don't look more than four feet ahead. Such fear... and he must have been trembling inside. And he crossed the river. When he was crossing the river and was reaching the other shore, suddenly he remembered his younger fellow monk, who was...

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